_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ / /| _ _|| \ | | / _ \ | _ _ | /\ | _ _ | /\ \ \ / / | | | \ | | / / \ \ | | _ _ / \ | | / \ \ \/ / | |_ _ | \ \ | |/ / \ \|_ _ | / /\ \ | | _ _ / /\ \ / /\ \ | _ _|| | \ \| |\ \ / / | | / /__\ \ | ||_ | / /__\ \ / / \ \ | |_ _ | | \ | \ \_ / / _ _ | | / /_ _\ \ | |__| | / /_ _\ \ /_/ \_\|_ _ _||_| \__| \_ _ / |_ _ _ |/_/ \_\|_ _ _ |/_/ \_\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _|| _ ||_ _ _ _|| _ _ | / _ \ | _ \ | _ _| | | | |_| | | | | |_ _ / / \ \ | | \ || | | |_ _ | _ _| | | |_ _ |/ / \ \| | | || |_ _ | _ _|| | | | | |\ \ / /| | | || _ _| | |_ _ | | _ _| |_ _ _ _| | \ \_/ / | |_/ || |_ _ |_ _ _||_ | |_ _ _ _ _||_ _ _ | \_ _/ |_ _ / |_ _ _| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _ _| |_ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _| |_ _ |_ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _| |_ _ _ _ _| O=======================================================O | Guide: Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra | | Author: Marc Charbonneau AKA beefybuffalo | | E-mail: beefybuffalo (at) live (dot) com | |Version: 1.1 | O=======================================================O +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Legal |LE02 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Copyright 2007 Marc Charbonneau This guide is copyright to me, Marc Charbonneau and may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide is only available on: Gamefaqs.com Cheathappens.com Neoseeker.com Honestgamers.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legal |LE02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About Me |AM04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basics of the Game |BA05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle Tips |BT06 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Status Effects |SE07 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walkthrough |WT00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 1 | S-Line Division |WT01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 2 | Pedia Island |WT02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 3 | Space Outside The Floating Landmass |WT03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 4 | Orbital Tower |WT04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 5 | Fifth Jerusalem |WT05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 6 | CAT Testing Grounds |WT06 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 7 | Floating Landmass |WT07 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 8 | Renne-Le-Chateau |WT08 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 9 | Unknown Forest |WT09 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 10 | Dabrye Mine |WT10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 11 | Elsa |WT11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 12 | Miltia Free Roam |WT12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 13 | ANT Facility |WT13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 14 | Elsa |WT14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 15 | Labyrinthos |WT15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 16 | Elsa |WT16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 17 | Labyrinthos Revisited |WT17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 18 | Miltia City Revisited |WT18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 19 | ANT Facility Revisited |WT19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 20 | Elsa/U.M.N. Side quests |WT20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 21 | Tactical Warship Merkabah |WT21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 22 | Durandal Invasion |WT22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 23 | Abel's Ark |WT23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Sphere |AR01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orange Sphere |AR02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Sphere |AR03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green Sphere |AR04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 24 | Core of the Ark |WT24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 25 | Elsa/Side Quests |WT25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 26 | Michtam |WT26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 27 | Archon Cathedral |WT27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 28 | Isolated Research Facility |WT28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon 29 | Underground Ruins |WT29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extra Bosses |ET00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Omega ID |ET01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Erde Kaiser Sigma |ET02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Final Weapons |FW12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Segment Address |SA13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tech Attacks |TH16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ethers |EH17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Attacks |SP18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemy Database |ED00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Enemies |ED01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E.S. Enemies |ED02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contacting Me |CM24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updates |UD25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits |CD26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ About Me and the Guide |AM04 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi, my name is Marc Charbonneau AKA beefybuffalo. I wrote this FAQ because I am a huge fan of the Xenosaga Series and at the time I wrote it there were no complete FAQ's for this game on GameFaqs. This is my second guide and I feel it was better managed and put together better than my Ep.II guide. If you have any suggestions of how to make my guide more user friendly feel free to drop me an e-mail with your idea and if I like it and it helps a great deal I will use it and credit it to you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Basics of the Game |BA05 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Field is when you are moving one character through out the area maps and are able to talk to other non-playable characters. Field controls: Direction Keys: Walk Left Analog Stick: Run Circle: Search or Advance messages Cross: Cancel Triangle: Open Main Menu Square: Destroy Target/ Listen to in-depth conversations/Set traps with R2 L1: Change Target R1: Change Target L2: Walk with the Analog Stick R2: Position Traps Start: Pause/Un Pause Select: Change Lead Character The Main Menu is where you set up the characters and advance there growth as well as check to see your current items and configuration. Menu Controls: Direction Keys: Move Cursor Left Analog Stick: Move Cursor Circle: Select/Confirm Cross: Cancel/Back Triangle: Close Menu Square: Switch to special items/Link Phrase/Skill Lines L1: Switch Character R1: Switch Character L2: Change Menu/Show Summary R2: Change Menu/Show Summary Start: Nothing Select: Nothing The battle screen is where you fight enemies. These are just the basic controls. Basic Battle Controls: Direction Keys: Move Cursor Left Analog Stick: Move Cursor Circle: Select/Action Cross: Cancel/Back L1: Display Status R1: Bring up the boost menu L2: Display Status R2: Bring up the boost menu Event Mode is where you watch events play out. In this game they are in two forms; one is a cut scene and the other is voiced dialogue. Event Controls: Circle: Advance Dialogue Cross: Advance Dialogue Triangle: Skip scene when paused Start: Pause/Un-Pause Select: Turn on/off auto-mode for voiced dialogue (goes automatically) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Battle Tips |BT06 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Order of Turns: Pay Attention to the order of turns, if you have the option of destroying any enemy on the field, attack the one that has the next turn. This will help reduce damage to the party and may allow another character attack the remaining enemy to finish the battle. Aim to break the enemy: Always have at least one person on your team that can break enemies. Enemies in the break state are a lot easier to dispatch than normal enemies. Ziggy and chaos are great breakers as well as Shion for human type enemies. Guard: Know there's a powerful attack coming? Guarding against it reduces the damage you take. In the earlier parts of the game your characters will be equipped with shock absorbers which reduces the reduced guard damage by half again (25% of normal damage). Special attacks are nothing more than flashy techniques when you guard against them. Boosting: With the boost gauge also in charge of powering specials it can be a big decision whether or not to boost or wait and hope you can use a special attack (say if a character is almost dead and there are two enemies that go before them). If it comes down to a character might die and you won't have enough time to heal them and who ever is still left in the party use your boost to help quicken the healing process. If you only have one character left on the field make sure to use as many boosts as you need to recover all of your party or at least bring them out of KO. Anima Gauges: Unless you know there is a boss within two mech battles I suggest you always use your Anima Gauges as soon as you fill them up, especially when you only have the one. The worst thing is that if you keep them by a battle and maybe another you could have filled it again already so only save them if you have an immediate boss fight ahead. Don't spend all your money: Never buy weapons and armor for characters you don't use. It costs lots of money to keep unused characters in fighting condition and will land you broke near the middle to end of the game. It might help to keep your spare E.S. upgraded but only with the old armor you are having replaced on your fighting E.S.'s. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Status Effects |SE07 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Status effects can change the flow of a battle significantly, whether for good or bad. This is a list of Status effects and what they do during battle. Status Alignments: Fist Down |Lowers Physical Attack power Soul Down |Lowers Ether Attack power Skin Down |Lowers Physical Defense Mind Down |Lowers Ether Defense Balance Down |Lowers Accuracy and Evasion F Mine |Explodes causing moderate damage after four turns Heat |Causes all enemies to target spell caster Hilbert |Induces All five down effects to type-m and g enemies Break |Target Immobilized with a higher chance of a critical hit Poison |Reduces HP by 20% each turn Slow |Reduces speed by 25% Seal Boost |Blocks the target from using boost. Doesn't affect specials Seal Tech |Blocks the character from using tech attacks Seal Ether |Blocks the target from using ether abilities Crystallize |Causes a character to vanquish in three turns Reflect Damage |Shoots the same damage done to the enemy back at the attacker Status Enhancements: Offensive |Increases Physical Attack and Ether Attack power Defensive |Increases Physical Defense and Ether Defense power Balance |Increases Accuracy and Evasion Quick |Increases Speed by 25% HP Recover |Recover small amounts of HP each turn EP Recover |Recover small amounts of EP each turn Break Recover |Recover small amounts of Break damage each turn Safety |Auto-Revive and Recover 50% HP (1-Time) Best Ally |Auto-Revive and Recover all HP (1-Time) Boost Up |Increases the rate the boost gauge charges at Break Up |Increase the rate the enemy's break gauge will fill up at Absolute Critical |Always will hit with a critical hit Null Physical |All physical damage is reduced to 0 Null Break |All break damage is reduced to 0 Attack Up |Significant increase in Physical and Ether attack power Defense Up |Significant increase in Physical and Ether defense Absolute Counter |Will always evade an attack and counter it Absolute Revenge |Will always use their revenge attack after being struck Absolute Evasion |Will always evade an attack Absolute Defense |Will always reduce the attack damage by 50% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walkthrough |WT00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Select "New Game" from the menu to start a new game. If you have Episode II clear data you should load it to unlock Shion's extra outfit, her old Episode I vector outfit. Set up your options the way you like them and continue on in the game. Watch the first four cut scenes and get ready to play. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Prologue +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S-Line Division |WT01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: V.M.P. Elf, V.M.P. Sechs Start by running to the gold spinning plate to learn it is a save point. Use it to save your game and to recover HP and EP of all your characters and E.S. If you have the Vector Uniform equip it to gain more break limit points. Once you are done head forward and you will be taught how to destroy things, so go ahead and destroy the gate in front of you. Then destroy the pillars on the sides of the ramp to open the gate. Head forward up the ramp and to the next area. Destroy the two objects in front of you and continue. For the next puzzle you need to destroy the block in the middle first, then hit the blue one on the top, then finally the red one on the bottom. Go through the door you just opened and destroy all the blocks in this area. Collect the 50G from one of the blocks and continue along through the door. You will be stopped to show you what a segment address is. You can't open it for now but if you examine it with the circle button you will register it so you know where it is. Keep going right and look out for the little stairs going down on the right side of the screen before the big yellow door. Go down and follow the path to the end and destroy the large block. Collect the Analyze Ball and destroy the block next to you to take out the rest of them. Go through the new door and follow the path all the way to the next set of blocks. Collect the 100G, 300G, and Nano Repair M. then run to the end and attack the block to blow off the door and you will be back in front of the yellow door. Go through and watch the colours on the floor, then destroy the Zohar plates in the order they came up on the floor. The platforms will level out so go on the sides and collect both the Antidote and the Analyze Ball. Head to the warp pad at the top of the room and use it to move up to level two. Save your game and head left. Keep going left at the fork and collect the Med Kit S from the block. Then go back to the fork and head north into the enemy to trigger a battle. The game will take you through some of the battle functions for character battles. If you don't understand them check the database under "Tutorial" for some more help. Then head north and turn right. Collect the Med Kit M from the south path and a Remover from the north path. Then go back up the stairs and go north into another battle. This one will explain some more things to you about the game. Continue left up the stairs and then left down the stairs. Destroy the glass and collect 300G and the Nano Repair M from the area past the glass. Then go back up the stairs and go north into another battle with some more tutorials. Continue along the path and head up the stairs. Fight the enemy here for experience. Then head through the door and use the warp pad to go up to the third level of the S-Line Division. Use the path to the southwest and follow it to the crate, then turn right and push the little button to create more hexagons. Follow them north and collect Update File 01. This will update your database with a few more terms that are not discussed throughout the game. On the other side of the wall is an enemy. Continue east and destroy the first block to the south to have an enemy pop out at you. Yes they even hide inside objects as well as on the field. Destroy the other block to obtain 100G. Then go back to the platform with the wall and use the green hexagons to go back towards the button and this time take the left path of blue hexagons south. Destroy the block and fight the enemy, then continue up to the next button. Press it and head back to the first button and keep going left and down until you hit the orange hexagons. Take the blue path off the orange path to collect the Antidote from the block. Keep going south on the orange blocks and follow the path all the way around to another block destroy it and continue to another block and destroy it. From this fork take the left path and press the button on the purple platform. Go back to the fork and take the south path all the way back to the orange platform and go south off the path right before they platform. Destroy the block for an enemy and go left to collect the Revive M. Now go south and press the switch and go on the new path created and turn right for a shortcut back to the purple fork. This time take the right path all the way to the warp pad and use it to go to the fourth floor. Head forward and the gate will close behind you. The game will take over and give you ten traps, one of which will be used in the battle ahead. Once you win the gates will open so go forward to a little circle with flying enemies going around it. Fight all of these enemies, and then fight the one in the middle of the circle. Use the traps if you want. Collect the Ether Pack S and go around the circle and use the warp pad at the end to go to the fifth floor. Use the save point here. Go forward and use the warp pad on the far left to move over a gap. Press the button here to disengage secondary security A. Now go back and do the same on the right side to disengage secondary security B. Go back and press the switch in the middle at the top of the screen to disengage primary security. Then go back, save and use the last button to transport to the center of the S-Line Division. Press the button to trigger a cut scene and a boss fight! O=============================================================================O Sigrdrifa HP=3000 EP=140 Break Limit=120 Type=Gnosis Target=??? Experience=380 Skill Points=10 Credit=100 Normal=None Rare=Ether Packs S Steal=Revive M Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Strong Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison Scratch ~60 Single/Physical Delay Wing ~105 Single/Physical Ectoplasm ~85 All Using Miyuki's Lightning Blast will help break the boss a lot easier. Use Shion's Break Bash if you have enough boost before the first break. Use Shion's lunar blade if you don't have enough boost. Cannan's Jackal Attack is very strong but his EP is low so don't run out of it to fast, save some for when the boss is in the break status. Once he loses about half his HP he will begin using Ectoplasm, which deals moderate damage to the party so watch your HP here. When his HP gets really low use analyze to keep in check with it. When it gets below 200 use Break Bash to gain a Finish Strike. You always want to get a finish strike on a Boss. O=============================================================================O Watch the cut scenes that occur after. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pedia Island |WT02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Go down the path to the next area. Head into the water and stay as far south as you can. When you see a tall rock on another one destroy the tall rock to reveal Decoder 8. There isn't a whole lot to do here yet so just make a U-turn to the south and go down the next path. Go forward and Shion will tell you there is incoming mail. Go to the computer and open the mail for a lot of cut scenes. Once they finish you will be given the option of saving the game. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter One +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Space Outside the Floating Landmass |WT03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Cera 6F, Cera 7F A few cut scenes will open up the chapter. Once they are all done. You will fight a few mechs in E.S. battles. There will be some tutorials in these battles so pay attention. Once they are done another cut scene will occur followed by a boss battle! O=============================================================================O E.S. Levi HP=45000 Info=Machine Target=Random Experience=450 Skill Points=10 Credit=380 Item=Half Repair Rare=Nano Repair DX Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Acala's Moon ~1000 Single/Physical Acala's Moon II ~1500 Single/Physical Acala's Moon III ~2000 Single/Physical Bodhisattvas Moon ~700 Single/Physical Bodhisattvas Moon II ~800 Single/Physical Ok since you don't have the ability to chain your attacks you should always be using your weapon with the highest EN consumption. These attacks will build up your Anima gauge and when it's full you should save it until half way through the battle. The E.S. Levi has a few good attacks that slowly chip away at your E.S.'s health. If your HP passes half use the charge command to regain some health and half the damage you take. After a while he will use Anima Awakening and combo two of his attacks in a row on the same character. This will take off a good amount of HP so have the target character charge the next turn. Once his HP bar is around half to a quarter left use you Anima command and let loose with Special attacks. This should net you a Finish Strike. O=============================================================================O Cut scenes will occur. Then you will be asked to save the game. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orbital Tower |WT04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None A few more cut scenes will occur. Once they are all done and have control of Shion go left all the way to the end of the room and use the elevator to go down to the city level of Fifth Jerusalem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fifth Jerusalem |WT05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Shop: ----------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Revive M |600 |Item | Antidote |20 |Item | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Trap |200 |Item | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon | Denim Jacket |110 |Armor | Snake Eye |100 |Necklace | Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet | Red Oasis |150 |Ring | ----------------------------------- A few cut scenes will occur. Once they are done you will have control of Shion once again. This time go right across the bridge and through the big double doors. Now you will be on the city map. From here go south until you see a large red arrow, run into it and enter the area. Save your game here and head north and make a left. Follow this way to the north sector. Head north and destroy the boxes. Theodore will thank you and give you a Segment Address File. This will keep track of all the Segment Addresses and Decoders you have collected and when you open a door what rare item you got from it. Once you're done with him go into the hotel. Destroy the two pillars at the entrance of the hotel to collect 50G. Go forward up the stairs to meet Allen. A cut scene will occur. Go use the button on the elevator to take you up to your room. Go down the stairs and another cut scene will occur. She will take a nap. When she wakes up save your game and check out the computer for a message from chaos. When its over, head down stairs and leave the hotel. Go back to the south section. Enter the Cafe' Stream for a cut scene. When she wakes up again save and go down to the lobby. Once you have control of Shion, leave the hotel and turn left for a shortcut out of the city. Once on the city map go east until you see another red arrow and enter it. Enter the CAT Testing Grounds. Head forward down the conveyer belt and go up to the black car on the right side. Use the car to take you to the demonstration section. Go right and up the conveyer belt. Turn right and north and inside the double doors for a few cut scenes. Once you are done leave the area. Go south a bit and a cut scene will occur. Once it finishes go to the far right side and collect Decoder 4 leave the room and go north through the big doors the guards were guarding earlier. Head up the stairs and go right all the way and go south at the end. Go through the door and continue south down the conveyer belt. Get in the black car currently docked. When you get out go around the path and a cut scene will occur. Keep going right to the next area. Stay going right until the next area. Go inside the big tower and use the elevator at the back of the room to go down. Head into the vector lab for a few cut scenes. After they are done head back to the hotel in the north first business district. Go inside to the lobby and smash up all the pillars to get a Med Kit S. Then go up to your room. A few cut scenes will occur. When you wake up save your game and use the elevator. Another few cut scenes will occur. Save your game and head all the way back to the top of the orbital tower (Where you docked the E.S. Dinah). Go inside the hall to the right of the E.S. Dinah's hall. A few cut scenes will occur. After they finish head back to the hotel. In the lobby of the hotel Allen will stop you and teach you about using the Skill Line and skill points. After the tutorial Allen will give you 20 of his skill points to use. Then talk to Allen again and use the square button to trigger the infiltration. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAT Testing Grounds |WT06 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Federation Soldier A(1), Federation Soldier B(1), V.G.S. Eins, V.G.S. Zwei, Yuriev Soldier A(1), Yuriev Soldier B (1), Shop: ----------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Revive M |600 |Item | Antidote |20 |Item | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Trap |200 |Item | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon | Denim Jacket |110 |Armor | Snake Eye |100 |Necklace | Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet | Red Oasis |150 |Ring | ----------------------------------- Once everyone is ready you will automatically be taken to the site via a cut scene. Once the scene is over, head down the stairs to the save point and save your game. Here enter the menu and select a party of three characters. Also if you want you can teach Shion a new skill or two using the skill points Allen gave you. The other characters can't learn skills yet because there skill points are too low. My party for this walkthrough is chaos, Jr. and Shion at the moment, however I don't really like Shion much so that might change later on in the game. Feel free to use any party you like but keep in mind two things: Miyuki is only a temporary character and will be switched out for another character halfway through the dungeon, and don't use all three women because there attacks are weak and HP and Vit are low as well so you will die hard and fast. Once you are done all that board the Mono-Carrier to the next area. Head north and make a left. Fight the enemies here and continue left and go north. Use the lift to go down and move the block over. Go back up the lift and go south to the end. Head down the stairs and go north to the end, fighting the guards along the way. Move the platform at the end and go across the bridge. Fight the guard and register Segment Address #10. Now go back up the stairs and right all the way across the newly formed bridge. Turn the corner and fight the guard, then open up the boxes for an Analyze Ball. Continue north and fight the last guard, then enter the big doors. Go up and through the door to the right and go south until you see a black transporter. Enter it to go to the next area. Go up the conveyer belts and past the guards in the hall. Keep going north and use the door at the top. Run to the end of the spectator area and use the door to the south. Continue south past the guards and down the conveyer belt. Swing a right and go all the way to the end to find a save point. Use it to recover your Hp and EP, and to save your game. Then run back and take the middle car. When you get out turn right and destroy those boxes for 50G. Then go left and a cut scene will occur. Keep going left and use the small elevator to go down. From here go through the door on the left and cross the bridge to the other side. Go through this door and go south, fighting enemies along the way. Go up the stairs and destroy the boxes on the left for a Remover. Then fight the guard and go through the door to the north. Get past the guard here and press the button. Don't mind the cut scene yet. Go back through the door and use the lift to go down. In this puzzle you must turn the bridge so that all four sides are facing up. To do that you must attack each side to make it move. The trick here is that when you attack a part of the bridge the other parts beside it will move as well. Once you figure it out (it's not hard at all) cross the bridge and go up the lift. Go through the door closest to you and fight the guard. Press the button and go back. Now go right and destroy the four cylinders to obtain an Anti-Crystal. Then go up the stairs and fight the mechs. Keep going and use the door at the end of the hall. Here just run along the bridge you created to the other side and use the elevator. Get out and go right. Keep going and eventually a cut scene about a gnosis escaping will occur. Use the save point and go through the door right by you. Use the lift to go to the next area. Go north and fight your way through the two A.G.W.S. units. You may want to head back to the save point to heal after both fights are done. Anyway when you are ready go through the big doors to the north. Destroy the four boxes and open Segment Address #4. Collect the KWP-XI and turn right, then press the button to open the elevator shaft. Use the south door to go down and collect Garuda Bangle from the chest and go back up. Use the door on the right. Go south and fight the guards all the way down the hall. When you get to the big area of the room destroy all the boxes in the room for an enemy, 100G and a Med Kit M. Next use the switch where you just blew away boxes to move the gate, run around and waste the guard, then press that switch to unlock a chest. Open it to obtain G-Legle/42, an E.S. Generator. Then go back to the big area and use the stairs going up to the next area. Climb the ladder and run around to the stairs and head down. Press the switch and use the door to the left. Use the save point and use the elevator. It will take you to an underground floor. Here Abel will approach you, as if wanting you to follow him. So do that, follow Abel through the doors and rooms. Something cool I found was in the monitor room (the one with all the computers) if you go through the north door you will find the room Abel was in at the end of Ep.II. Nothing really to do there but I thought it was interesting. Anyway if you keep following Abel you will end up in a junkyard. Follow the path around here to find KOS-MOS. After a few cut scenes continue along the path to the end of this area, fighting the mech that pops out of the rubble. Note that KOS-MOS has joined the party and that Miyuki will not be in the party for the rest of the game. Grab the Ether Pack S and the Anti-Crystal from the rubble in this room and advance to the large lift. A cut scene will occur. Once it's over use the lift to go up. Save your game here. Now head forward slowly and when the background starts to change (the walls will rise), run back to the save point. This is a little trick I learned to fight all these A.G.W.S. because you want to fight all of them and get A Finish Strike on all of them as well. While you don't have to fight them they do reward you fairly good for this point in the game. If you really cant do this it is possible to outrun them to the end of the road. The trick is to stand in the save point and when they attack you, you will have full health. When the battle ends step out and back into the save point to recover all HP and EP while your character flashes. Once you defeat they all start running along the path and eventually a boss will attack you! O=============================================================================O Aludra Calf HP=4500 EP=200 Break Limit=270 Type=Gnosis Target=??? Experience=885 Skill Points=10 Credit=260 Normal=Decoder 09 Rare=None Steal=White Fragment Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Weak Null Status: Poison Attacks: Double Impact ~250 Single/Physical/Two hits Double Impact II ~300 Single/Physical/Two Hits Punish Tail ~200 All/Physical/Two hits Fire Bolt I ~130 Single/Fire Inferno I ~90 All/Fire Defensive -Increases Defense and Ether Defense Start by using a Special attack if you have one. If not work one up and use it. Then keep attacking it until you have the boss down to around half HP, then unleash another special. From here on save any boost you have, when the battle gets crazy you will need it to help heal your party. After his health hits somewhere between 40-25% left (I hit a critical special so I can't be exact) he will use Defensive. This is your "hint" that things are getting harder. The boss will start using Punish Tail, which hit the whole party for moderate damage, and Double Impact II, which does more damage than before. From here on out focus on attacking and healing when characters that have less than 50% health remaining. When there is a sliver of health remaining, use a special attack. Note if you are using chaos use his special to absorb the soul. O=============================================================================O A cut scene will occur and end the chapter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shop on the Elsa: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Lace Tank Top |120 |Armor | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Metal Corset |120 |Armor | Revive M |600 |Item | Speed II Vest |110 |Armor | Antidote |20 |Item | KAP-BEG |150 |Armor | Remover |50 |Item | Fiber Vest |120 |Armor | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Granite Mantle |120 |Armor | G Vaccine |500 |Item | Leather Choker |150 |Necklace | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Snake Eye |100 |Necklace | Trap |200 |Item | Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet | Nano Repair M |400 |Item | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet | Down Repair |50 |Item | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon | Red Oasis |150 |Ring | Blue Lady |300 |Weapon | Red Star |300 |Ring | Hinoka Sanju |200 |Weapon | G-Rox/43 |480 |Generator | Qi Yan |300 |Weapon | C-US2 |100 |CPU | Delta Edge I |180 |Weapon | D-Sensor |50 |Disk | Zero Crusher |210 |Weapon | D-Guard |200 |Disk | KWAP-PII |300 |Weapon |------------------------------------- Force Hand |190 |Weapon | Desert Eagle |190 |Weapon | ----------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Floating Landmass |WT07 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: T190 Dens, T183 Oculus, Goblin, Gremlin, Manticore Shop: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Lace Tank Top |120 |Armor | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Metal Corset |120 |Armor | Revive M |600 |Item | Speed II Vest |110 |Armor | Antidote |20 |Item | KAP-BEG |150 |Armor | Remover |50 |Item | Fiber Vest |120 |Armor | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Granite Mantle |120 |Armor | G Vaccine |500 |Item | Leather Choker |150 |Necklace | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Snake Eye |100 |Necklace | Trap |200 |Item | Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet | Nano Repair M |400 |Item | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet | Down Repair |50 |Item | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon | Red Oasis |150 |Ring | Blue Lady |300 |Weapon | Red Star |300 |Ring | Hinoka Sanju |200 |Weapon |------------------------------------- Qi Yan |300 |Weapon | Delta Edge I |180 |Weapon | Zero Crusher |210 |Weapon | KWAP-PII |300 |Weapon | Force Hand |190 |Weapon | Desert Eagle |190 |Weapon | ----------------------------------- After a few cut scenes you will start at the bridge of the Elsa. Leave using the door to the left to the main hall. Here you will find three spinning plates. Save your game (yellow), buy items (blue), and a new green one, which will take you back to area's you've cleared so far (also called the Encephalon). Once you are done with all this stuff go head down the ramp and Bunnie will stop you and give you G-Rox/43. Unfortunately if you already bought three this is pretty much useless. Keep going down the ramp and go to the back of the Elsa and use the Mobile Weapons Boarding Elevator to launch the E.S. into the Floating Landmass. Start by going left in your E.S. down the path. Continue going left until you encounter an enemy. Then go north after defeating it. Destroy the wall with three attacks and go through, defeating all the enemies in the tunnel. When you exit the tunnel head north and a scene will occur about Geocrystals. When it ends go down the ramp first and destroy the enemy here. Remember this room and go back up the ramp and turn left. Go up the ramp and attack the Geocrystals hanging a little off the edge. This will destroy the Geocrystal at the bottom, meaning you need to attack a Geocrystals with another one to destroy it. Continue fighting your way up the ramp. When you get to the top another Geocrystal will block you. Save your game and take the open path to the north. Inside go to the far go to the far left and take this path all the way to the top. Go to the very end and collect the DF-V2 frame form the chest. Now go back down to the room with all the paths and take the nest one to the right of the one you just took. Take this one all the way to the top and go outside. Attack this Geocrystal to destroy the one in the room just down the ramp (the one you need to remember). Head back down the ramp and take the next path to the right and head down the ramp and take the path on the right, then turn to the ramp to the north and go up it. When you get to a split in the road go south and fight the enemies. Then go back and keep going left up the ramp. At the next split go north and fight through the enemy mechs. Go all the way to the top of this ramp and attack the Geocrystal to destroy the one blocking your path. The game will bring you back to the save point. Save again and go back to the room down the ramp with one enemy. Collect the Rough Geocrystal and register Segment Address #12 by getting out of your E.S. Once that's done get back in your E.S. and get back to the save point. Save again if you want and take the newly opened path to the left. Collect the Half Repair from the shattered Geocrystal and continue along up the ramp to the next area. A boss will attacks you. O=============================================================================O E.S. Naphtali HP=85000 Info=Machine Target=??? Exp=1900 Skill Points=10 Credit=580 Normal=D-Counter Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Attacks 35mm Gatling Shell ~1000 Single/Physical/Ten hits Smokescreen ~1200 All/Physical/Two Hits Smokescreen II ~ All/Physical/Two Hits Nimbus Laser ~2000 All/Beam/Two hits Nimbus Laser II ~4000 All/Beam/Two Hits Buster Launcher ~10000 Single/Beam The battle will start with the Vessels of Anima resonating, meaning that they will automatically increase or decrease each turn. Start by using all your special attacks on the boss (1 from each mech). Hopefully this will drop his HP to about 50000. Then start normally attacking him until his HP is close to half, and then have either Asher or Dinah attack and have the other two mechs guard. This is because when he uses Anima Awakening (Yes he can do that to!), his Buster Launcher will do 10,000 or so damage, and neither Zebulun nor Reuben can handle that. Heal the E.S. attacked by that ASAP. After his Anima Awakening he will start to combo attacks every now and then so be careful of your HP. Continue your assault until all three of your E.S. can use specials and the boss has less than 30,000 HP left. Then unload your specials on him. The only thing that can go wrong is if your Anima gauge is dropped back when you are in the middle of this assault, he might use another Anima Awakening and blast you with another Buster Launcher, which will probably knock off one of your E.S. unless Asher or Dinah had full health. This assault should net you a finish strike. O=============================================================================O After the battle a few cut scenes will occur. Once they are over you will be continuing the dungeon on foot. Start by running through the open doors to the north. Inside you will find a save point and a shop plate. Then continue north through the door. Use the platform to move up to the top level and head forward. Fight the gnosis. Take note of three things about Gnosis: 1) If a gnosis uses a short-range attack there is a high chance that you may be crystallized. This means that in three turns your character will shatter and become unplayable for the rest of the battle (Reviving is not possible). The only way to stop this is to use an Anti-Crystal, which cost twice as much as a G Vaccine. 2) chaos has a 100% immunity to this virus naturally, while you can increase the resistance for other characters by using G Vaccine. Each G Vaccine increases the resistance of one character by 5%. 3) Both Jr. And chaos' Special attacks will Absorb G-type enemies to power up their other specials, however unlike Jr., chaos doesn't absorb B-type enemies (which are far more common anyways) so if you are like me and using both chaos and Jr. in your party have chaos absorb the souls and Jr. absorb B-type enemies. Once the battle is over turn left and destroy the block for an Anti-Crystal. Run along the square and fight the other Gnosis. Then destroy the block to the right and collect Med Kit S. Then go down the north path to the lift and use it. Run all the way to the right and press the button. Now go on the new path and turn right when the opportunity arises. Collect the Anti-Crystal from the crystal and go back and north again. From here continue north and turn right at the four-way. Collect the Med Kit S from the Crystal and go north up the stairs. Turn left and fight the gnosis. Keep going left until you see another pedestal. Keep going left and fight the other gnosis. Follow the path to the end and collect Blue Oasis from the chest. Go back to the pedestal and place a hand on it to make another new path. Go down the path and turn left at the four-way. Destroy the crystal to obtain an Ether Pack S. Go back and take the right path to the lift and use it. Run past the pedestal and turn right to obtain Anti-Crystal from the crystal. Then go left and press the pedestal to create a new path. Go to the far end and fight the gnosis. Then use this pedestal to move some more blocks around on the level below. Go back to it and pick up Decoder 1. Then head back to the top level. This time press the pedestal at the beginning and go left, up ,left and fight all three gnosis here. Once you defeat all them collect Med Kit M, Revive M, 100G and Update File 14. Next go back and press the pedestal again and go to the very back part of the path. Take the first left this time and go all the way around. Use the pedestal here and continue right and down the stairs. Collect the Skill Upgrade A from the Crystal and use this pedestal to finish the path. Go back up the stairs, fight the gnosis and use the lift to go up. Go right and fight the gnosis. Continue all the way up these stairs and fight through all the gnosis in the area. Use the lift at the end. Continue up the stairs and defeat all these gnosis too. Use the save point at the top of the stairs. Go inside the large hole on the right, go to the end and destroy the large block in the way. Go up the stairs and a cut scene will occur. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Renne-Le-Chateau |WT08 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Start by going northeast and destroying the series of rocks there. Follow the path and destroy the tombstone to reveal a stairwell. Go down. Head forward a little and a cut scene will occur. Once it finishes continue forward for another scene. Go behind the cross and destroy the wall. Go through and obtain the Arcadian Resource from the coffin. Head back out past the coffin for a cut scene and a fight! O=============================================================================O T-elos HP=7500 EP=250 Break Limit=360 Info=Machine/Human Target=??? Experience=2800 Skill Points=10 Credit=720 Normal=Med Kit L Rare=Revive M Steal=Green Oasis Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Weak Beam=Strong Null Status: Poison Attacks L-Blade ~275 Single/Physical L-Blade II ~375 Single/Physical Satellite I ~210 All/Beam Magdalene 16 ~220 Single/Beam/Six hits/Balance Down T-SKYELLA ~1250 Single/Physical/Three Hits Overtaker -Increases boost charge rate Mystic -All/Seal Ether Start the battle off by building your boost gauge to three. If your characters have break attacks I suggest using them at this point. Once she is in the break state use a special that has multiple hits and have the other characters use their strongest techs against her. Hopefully you were able to bring her HP down to half without much trouble. Once she is past 50% she will use Overtaker, which will cause her boost gauge to fill up faster than usual. She will also use a special attack on her next turn if she has at least one boost. Heal all your characters before this and heal the character that was attacked by this as well. Unfortunately for me she did this twice in a row so hope your fate isn't as bad as mine. She will also start boosting after her Overtaker ends so watch both your break limits and your health. For the rest of the battle just dwindle her HP down to around 500 or so and have a character use a special to obtain a finish strike. (Note for whatever reason she launched a T-SKYELLA on me without warning. Weather this is normal or I did something wrong I don't know but watch out for it just in case). (Also something I noticed battling her is her special was not reduced by guarding so don't bother guarding when she uses Overtaker). O=============================================================================O A rather lengthy cut scene will occur. End of chapter Three. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Four +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unknown Forest |WT09 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: U-tic Soldier A, U-tic Soldier B, Asterion, 0-78 Grizzly 1, Combat Realian A, Combat Realian B, Shop: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Lace Tank Top |120 |Armor | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Metal Corset |120 |Armor | Revive M |600 |Item | Speed II Vest |110 |Armor | Seven Moons |300 |Item | KAP-BEG |150 |Armor | Antidote |20 |Item | Fiber Vest |120 |Armor | Remover |50 |Item | Granite Mantle |120 |Armor | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Leather Choker |150 |Necklace | G-Vaccine |500 |Item | Snake Eye |100 |Necklace | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet | Trap |200 |Item | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon| Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet | Blue Lady |300 |Weapon| Red Oasis |150 |Ring | Hinoka Sanju |200 |Weapon| Red Star |300 |Ring | Qi Yan |300 |Weapon|------------------------------------------- Delta Edge I |180 |Weapon| Zero Crusher |210 |Weapon| KWAP-PII |300 |Weapon| Force Hand |190 |Weapon| Desert Eagle |190 |Weapon| ------------------------------------ After a few cut scenes occur you will wake up in an unknown forest. To the left there is a save point and a shop. If you need it go left, if not go right a screen and Jr. will jump you thinking you were an enemy. Continue going right all the way to the next screen. Head forward and destroy the rock on the left to obtain Med Kit S. Keep going straight and fight the guard. Follow the path to a hard right turn and destroy the rock on the left for a Med Kit M. Go right and make a u-turn. Fight the mech and destroy the rock to the right side (bottom of the screen) and follow this path to the end. Fight the guard and open the chest to obtain Hero's Bracelet. Now go back to the rock and go north, fighting the guard along the way. Continue north in the next screen and go to the top of the hill. Fight the guards along the way and after the second or third guard destroy a rock on the left side to reveal a chest containing Revive L. Keep going and defeat the mech. Then turn right and destroy the rock. Open this chest to reveal Rejuvenator M. Keep going up the spiral hill to the top and destroy the rock in the wall to reveal a new path to take. Take it and when you pop out a cut scene will occur. Once it ends head right to the next screen. Run along the path and at the waterfall and a bunch of doggish enemies will jump out and block your path. Fight through them and continue along the log. Save your game at the save point and take the south path. This will take you into the waterfall where a chest is. Open it to obtain EX-Skill Key I. Use this from the item menu to have each character gain four new skill sets (you still have to learn them though). Then head back to the save point. Go right and you will hear gunshots. Keep going right and you will see another cut scene with a normal fight after. Another cut scene will occur once you win. Continue taking the path on the right. Open the chest along the way to obtain Update File 06. Destroy the rock after to obtain a Med Kit S. Run to the next screen. Go forward and another cut scene will occur. Continue going right and destroy the rocks for an Anti-Crystal. You should arrive at a church. A few cut scenes will occur. Once they are over leave the church and take the western most path away from the church. This should take you to the Miltia city map. Follow the path on the right all the way to a red marker and enter the mine. (Update!! When you get to the large log you must cross with the dogs to get the chest you must go onto the branch before it and attack the trees from there. When a target pops up it will be on the branch supporting the chest and if you attack this branch it will drop the chest into the stream below so be careful when doing this. Your Reward is the Warrior's Bracelet.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dabrye Mine |WT10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Byproduct #A156, Byproduct #A283, U-tic Soldier A, U-tic Soldier B, Shop: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Blue Lady |300 |Weapon | Revive M |600 |Item | Hinoka Sanju |200 |Weapon | Seven Moons |300 |Item | Qi Yan |300 |Weapon | Antidote |20 |Item | Delta Edge I |180 |Weapon | Remover |50 |Item | Zero Crusher |210 |Weapon | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | KWAP-PII |300 |Weapon | G-Vaccine |500 |Item | Force Hand |190 |Weapon | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Desert Eagle |190 |Weapon | Trap |200 |Item | Leather Choker |150 |Necklace| Lace Tank Top |120 |Armor| Snake Eye |100 |Necklace| Metal Corset |120 |Armor| Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet| Speed II Vest |110 |Armor| Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet| KAP-BEG |150 |Armor| Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet| Fiber Vest |120 |Armor| Red Oasis |150 |Ring | Granite Mantle |120 |Armor| Red Star |300 |Ring | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head north up to the crane and a cut scene will occur. Once it is over use the save point and destroy the boxes inside the little shacks to obtain 200G and a Skill Upgrade A. Then go activate the crane and pick up the Med Kit M that comes flying out of the boxes. Leave the area and come back and do the same thing a few times to obtain a few more items and Now head up to the gates and blast the rocks away. Enter the mine. Follow the path around and ignore the two U-tic soldiers you see, they don't want to fight. Turn right and fight the enemies here. Take note they are immune to some elements. Turn north and go up the little loop. Attack the wall here (in the center), then when it breaks attack the ice at the bottom and open the chest to obtain G-Legle/56. GO back up the loop and continue following the path. Fight the guard and enter the next area. Here you need to go to the bottom of the waterfall area, so start going down. Be sure to fight all the enemies along the way to keep up with the levels. On the way down be sure to collect the 500G, 1000G, 1000G, and the Ether Pack M from the chest behind the enemy. The money is hidden in the icicles on the way down. About half way (after the first enemy around a rock) there will be a path leading towards the wall. Destroy the wall and head through. Follow it to the end and fight the enemy. Destroy the wall north of the enemy to reveal Segment Address 1. Open it and collect Witch's eye. Now go back to the main path and head to the bottom of the waterfall. Then use the exit on the left. Save your game here and use the Wild Roller Coaster to get to the other side. A cut scene will occur. Go through the door ahead of you. Run out all the way to the surface and a few cut scenes will appear, and a battle! O=============================================================================O Mai HP=6000 EP=70 Break Limit=300 Info=Bio/Human Target=??? Experience=3500 Skill Points=15 Credit=620 Normal=Decoder 11 Rare=None Steal=Kajic Neck Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Strong Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison, Heat Leupold HP=6000 EP=0 Break Limit=480 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=3500 Skill Points=15 Credit=550 Normal=Rejuvenator M Rare=Rejuvenator L Steal=Ether Packs M Physical=Normal Fire=Strong Ice=Weak Thunder=Weak Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison Mai's Attacks Blast Hammer ~190 Single/Physical Offensive -Increase attack power of all allies Leupold's Attacks Drill Machine Gun ~350 Single/Physical/Three hits/Slow Drill Machine Gun II ~350 Single/Physical/Three hits/Slow Dynamite Missile ~220 All/Physical Crush Hook ~375 Single/Physical Crush Hook II ~440 Single/Physical This is your first multiple boss battle so two things come to mind. 1) Attack one target at a time. Reason being that if one target dies that means only one is attacking you afterwards. Also once enemies pass a certain point in their health there attacks get stronger, so if both get stronger at the same time your in a lot of trouble. 2) Watch your Health AND the order of turns that are coming. If a character is in the yellow and the enemies are attacking one after the other there is a good chance your HP will drop really close to or on 0, which you don't want. Now for the bosses themselves, start by attacking Mai. Use human only break attacks on her if you have any and break her relatively fast. Use a break special if you have any. Once she is in the break state unload any specials you have and have one character use offensive if you have it. Then attack her until she recovers break or is close to dying. After this onslaught she will use offensive to increase the damage you will take from either of their attacks. If you are using Jr. you can use Dead Fist to counter this increase. She will also boost Leupold on her turn and have it attack with Dynamite Missile. Once she has less than 500 HP use a special to Finish Strike her off. Now for Leupold, trying to break it isn't the best idea because it takes a long time. Instead try using moves like Decaying Sun/Moon or Dead Fist to lower it's stats and make the battle that much easier. Also take note he is weak against ether attacks, so if you reduce his ether defense and use bolt attacks you can drop his HP really fast. As usual finish him off with a Special. O=============================================================================O Cut scenes will occur after the battle. Once they finish you will be in the limestone cave. Collect Update File 7 and enter the Elsa. Some cut scenes will occur. End of Chapter 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elsa |WT11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Once the cut scenes end leave your cabin and go down the elevator to B1. Run south a little and another cut scene will occur. Once they are all finished leave limestone cave and take the shortcut to the left to go to the Miltia city map. Once on the map follow the road into the city and you will be stopped at some point along the way. A cut scene will occur. Once it finishes continue into the city. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miltia City Free Roam |WT12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None A cut scene will open up this area. Once it finishes head north and go inside the building to the right to get Update File 08. At the top is a boy that wants you to get his balloon. Do it if you want, then go down and left to the next area. Go left and go up the stairs to a little square. Look in the garbage next to the Vending Machine and collect Federal Report 06. Then destroy the vending machine to the south to obtain Nano Repair M. Go down and continue west, destroying the pillars to obtain a Nano Repair DX. ON the next screen continue left and when you reach the street go south down the stairs. Blast open the U- tic door and go through. Collect the Federal Report 01 at the end and head back to the door. Go up the stairs to the left and collect the Rejuvenator M. Then head all the way north to the next screen. Run north and turn east. Run down the ramp and destroy the generator things at the end to obtain both Federal Report 02 and C-US3G. Then go back and down the west ramp to the end and leave the city. On the city map go to the next red arrow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANT Facility |WT13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Run to the doors and a cut scene will occur. Go inside and head forward a little for a cut scene. Save your game and destroy everything in this room to obtain an Ether Pack M and a Skill Upgrade B. Then go to the right end of the room and use the elevator to go up to the fourth floor (Take note although you don't need them you can't use traps in this building). On the fourth floor go north to the hall and run right. Enter the second door and a cut scene will occur. Once it finishes leave the room and go left for a few cut scenes. After that go back to Mizrahi and he will tell you to go to the fifth floor to deliver data. Go back to the elevator and go up to the fifth floor. Destroy the plant hanging from the roof to get a Ether Pack M. Then try to go through the large door. A scene will occur and the door will open. Go through and keep going to the second door. Go inside and download the information on Tethlla Magus for later use. Leave and go to the last door in the hall and go inside for a cut scene. Once they are done leave the ANT facility. After the scene leave the ANT front yard to the Miltia Map. A cut scene will occur and little Shion will take you down a shortcut to the Church. More cut scenes will occur. After they all finish up (and there are a lot of them) you will be asked to save. End of Chapter 5. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 6 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elsa |WT14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Shop: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Blue Lady |300 |Weapon | Revive M |600 |Item | Red Cancer |600 |Weapon | Nullifier |1000 |Item | Hinoka Sanju |200 |Weapon | Seven Moons |300 |Item | Qi Yan |300 |Weapon | Antidote |20 |Item | VB-Rain |670 |Weapon | Remover |50 |Item | Delta Edge I |180 |Weapon | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Compound VII |580 |Weapon | G-Vaccine |500 |Item | Zero Crusher |210 |Weapon | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Ranger Hunt |610 |Weapon | Trap |200 |Item | KWAP-PII |300 |Weapon | Lace Tank Top |120 |Armor| KWP-XII |700 |Weapon | Metal Corset |120 |Armor| Force Hand |190 |Weapon | Grampus Pannier |370 |Armor| Psycho Driver |590 |Weapon | Bolero Cape |370 |Armor| Desert Eagle |190 |Weapon | Granite Mantle |120 |Armor| Legacy of Zara |590 |Weapon | Haze Robe |400 |Armor| Bullet Neck |600 |Necklace| Speed II Vest |110 |Armor| Leather Choker |150 |Necklace| Speed III Vest |380 |Armor| Cylinder Neck |300 |Necklace| KAP-BEG |150 |Armor| Open Heart |450 |Necklace| KAP-CLE |450 |Armor| Red Crytal |300 |Necklace| Fiber Vest |120 |Armor| Snake Eye |100 |Necklace| Techtron Cloth |380 |Armor| Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet| Neo Protector |380 |Armor| Fire Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Red Star |300 |Ring | Thunder Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Velvet Ring |600 |Ring | Ice Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Crimson Ring |300 |Ring | Beam Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Yellow Ring |300 |Ring | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet| Cobalt Ring |300 |Ring | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet| Silver Ring |300 |Ring |---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ More cut scenes will occur. Once you have control of Shion go to the save point and save, then update your equipment. Once you are complete go to the lounge at the end of the main hallway. Walk up to the game machine and log in. Do the beginner level to obtain Decoder 2 (which you need). You can do more if you want to, as the rewards are usually Skill Upgrades till Messed Up. Afterwards a cut scene and a boss fight will commence! O=============================================================================O Voyager HP=10000 EP=500 Break Limit=600 Info=Bio Target=??? (low HP) Experience=3700 Skill Points=15 Credit=1300 Normal=Ether Pack M Rare=Ether Pack L Steal=Venom Ring Physical=Normal Fire=Weak Ice=Strong Thunder=Null Beam=Strong Null Status: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect Damage Attacks Evil Claw ~550 Single/Physical/Slow Lightning II ~350 All/Thunder Devil's Reception ~1400 Single/Physical/Five hits Karma Miasma ~350 All/Physical?/Poison Abyss Walker -Immune to physicals Disengage -Disable enemy party's status effects With 10,000 HP expect a rather difficult fight, however if KOS-MOS was a member of your party you will be pleased to know that she has returned. He may start smiling at a character; this means he is targeting characters with low HP (probably to take them out quicker). As far as attacking for now use normal attacks or techs with low EP (Full throttle, Lunar Blade Etc.) and don't go out of your way to break him just yet. With such a large break limit you will want to use it when he is trying to take you out with specials. Also if you are using Jr. he should know Fire Bolt II, which can do some pretty decent damage (If you took MOMO or chaos down the spell attacker path they might know it as well). Keep nailing him with normal attacks until he uses a special that blocks break damage. Also pay attention to his target and have them guard on their next turn. When he gets his turn he will use Devil's Reception, which will knock off a lot of health and most probably break the character. Afterwards he will use Karma Miasma, which will attempt to poison the party. If this should happen use refresh if a character knows it. If you must use an Antidote (should have plenty) however this takes a whole turn and if more than one character got poisoned it can cause you to lose some turns. You should start using specials in combination with offensive on him now as well as attempting to break him now. Once his HP drops to around 25% he will use Abyss walker to gain immunity to physical attacks. He will also attack with devil's reception again, this time without warning as to whom he is attacking. Then break him and use a special attack to Finish strike him off. O=============================================================================O A few cut scenes will occur. Once you have control of Shion go up to the first floor and save your game. Leave the Elsa and leave Limestone Cave. Get to the Miltia world map and go to the ANT facility. Head inside the doors and a cut scene will occur followed by a fight with a few guards. Use the elevator to go to Labyrinthos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Labyrinthos |WT15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Shop: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Blue Lady |300 |Weapon | Revive M |600 |Item | Red Cancer |600 |Weapon | Nullifier |1000 |Item | Hinoka Sanju |200 |Weapon | Seven Moons |300 |Item | Qi Yan |300 |Weapon | Antidote |20 |Item | VB-Rain |670 |Weapon | Remover |50 |Item | Delta Edge I |180 |Weapon | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Compound VII |580 |Weapon | G-Vaccine |500 |Item | Zero Crusher |210 |Weapon | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Ranger Hunt |610 |Weapon | Trap |200 |Item | KWAP-PII |300 |Weapon | Lace Tank Top |120 |Armor| KWP-XII |700 |Weapon | Metal Corset |120 |Armor| Force Hand |190 |Weapon | Grampus Pannier |370 |Armor| Psycho Driver |590 |Weapon | Bolero Cape |370 |Armor| Desert Eagle |190 |Weapon | Granite Mantle |120 |Armor| Legacy of Zara |590 |Weapon | Haze Robe |400 |Armor| Bullet Neck |600 |Necklace| Speed II Vest |110 |Armor| Leather Choker |150 |Necklace| Speed III Vest |380 |Armor| Cylinder Neck |300 |Necklace| KAP-BEG |150 |Armor| Open Heart |450 |Necklace| KAP-CLE |450 |Armor| Red Crytal |300 |Necklace| Fiber Vest |120 |Armor| Snake Eye |100 |Necklace| Techtron Cloth |380 |Armor| Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet| Neo Protector |380 |Armor| Fire Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Red Star |300 |Ring | Thunder Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Velvet Ring |600 |Ring | Ice Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Crimson Ring |300 |Ring | Beam Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Yellow Ring |300 |Ring | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet| Cobalt Ring |300 |Ring | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet| Silver Ring |300 |Ring |---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Go north and turn right when you can. Go to the end of this hall, fighting the guards along the way. Destroy the blocks at the end to reveal Segment Address 15. Then go back to the center doors and enter them. Head to the gate and destroy the blocks to the left to obtain a Med Kit M. Then go right and destroy those ones to create a new path. Follow it into the vent and pop out through a wall. Use the door in this door and head north. A cut scene will occur. Continue north through the door. Make your way around the floor of this room to the door. Cross the bridge and save your game. Restock on items if you need to. Open the brown door and go in. Destroy the brown boxes for a Med Kit S. Fight the mech and turn the corner. Fight the guard in front of the door and go inside. Collect Jin's Swimsuit and Update File 10. Then go back outside and continue along the path, past the next guard, to the elevator. Go down and enter the door to the north right after the elevator. Fight the guard and open the chest to obtain D-Frame I. Go out the west door and go backwards. The guard here is a sleep, so go inside and blow everything up to wake him into a battle. Then collect the Med Kit M, Nano Repair M, 500G, Ether Pack M and Nullifier. Now go back to the hallway and go north and fight the mech in the way. Turn right and go through the door at the end. Go south and open the chest to find a Revive L. Then head north and go through the door at the end. In this room blocks will move in the direction of an explosion. This is a quick diagram of the room. G 1G 2 3 4 5 67 8 -R-R- G=Goal #=Block Number R=Ramp This is how to do this puzzle. Destroy the blocks in this order: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 6, 2, and 7. After the gates are opened go in the one on the left to collect D- Nullify Guard from the chest. Then go up the ramp and collect the 50000G that fell from the sky. Then destroy all the floater things to the south and pick up 200G. Now go through the right goal and enter the door to the north. Go forward a bit for a few cut scenes once it finishes leave the room and turn right down the hall and through the door. Go through the next door. Fight the guard and go up the stairs. Destroy the blocks to find a Revive M. Fight the guard to the south and a cut scene will occur. You will end up in a room when it ends. Collect the glowy thing on the desk. Now go back to where the elevator to the lower level was. Use the door Kevin and Suou used in the scene as a major shortcut. Save before you use the key. Use the key and go down. Go north and destroy the boxes on the left to collect a cleanser. Then use the linear train. Get off the train and destroy the other four boxes to obtain an Ether Pack S. Then use the south exit to go to the next area. Defeat all the enemies in this room and destroy the boxes on the left path to collect a Cleanser and Med Kit L. Then use the elevator at the south end to go down. Go through the door and down the ramp. Then use the left door and cross the bridge to the Zohar Isolation Area. Press the switch to open the door and go through. Run forward and a cut scene will occur. Continue forward and turn right. Use the save point here and use the elevator. A few cut scenes will occur. You will now have your E.S. back, and another level of Anima Awakening will become available. Use the elevator to go up. A scene will occur. Go north and through the door to the left. Fight all the Mechs here and destroy all the blocks to obtain a Med Kit L. Continue along. Fight all these enemies and collect a Nano Repair DX form a crate. Go through the next door and Save your game. Use the blue plate to buy a whole bunch of new E.S. Items. Labyrinthos (E.S. Section) Shop: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Auto Macer |200 |Weapon | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Blue Lady |300 |Weapon | Revive M |600 |Item | Red Cancer |600 |Weapon | Nullifier |1000 |Item | Hinoka Sanju |200 |Weapon | Seven Moons |300 |Item | Qi Yan |300 |Weapon | Antidote |20 |Item | VB-Rain |670 |Weapon | Remover |50 |Item | Delta Edge I |180 |Weapon | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Compound VII |580 |Weapon | G-Vaccine |500 |Item | Zero Crusher |210 |Weapon | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | Ranger Hunt |610 |Weapon | Trap |200 |Item | KWAP-PII |300 |Weapon | Lace Tank Top |120 |Armor| KWP-XII |700 |Weapon | Metal Corset |120 |Armor| Force Hand |190 |Weapon | Grampus Pannier |370 |Armor| Psycho Driver |590 |Weapon | Bolero Cape |370 |Armor| Desert Eagle |190 |Weapon | Granite Mantle |120 |Armor| Legacy of Zara |590 |Weapon | Haze Robe |400 |Armor| Bullet Neck |600 |Necklace| Speed II Vest |110 |Armor| Leather Choker |150 |Necklace| Speed III Vest |380 |Armor| Cylinder Neck |300 |Necklace| KAP-BEG |150 |Armor| Open Heart |450 |Necklace| KAP-CLE |450 |Armor| Red Crytal |300 |Necklace| Fiber Vest |120 |Armor| Snake Eye |100 |Necklace| Techtron Cloth |380 |Armor| Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet| Neo Protector |380 |Armor| Fire Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Red Star |300 |Ring | Thunder Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Velvet Ring |600 |Ring | Ice Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Crimson Ring |300 |Ring | Beam Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Yellow Ring |300 |Ring | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet| Cobalt Ring |300 |Ring | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet| Silver Ring |300 |Ring |---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sting Ray II |300 |Right Weapon | G90 Assault |300 |Left Weapon| ST Swift HG |300 |Right Weapon | SG-M20 |400 |Left Weapon| Type II- Gale |600 |Right Weapon | Lindwurm |300 |Left Weapon| Dawning Moon |1000 |Right Weapon | EM Faden |400 |Left Weapon| AF-Hunter |460 |Frame | Volans G |300 |Left Weapon| ZF-Upara |460 |Frame | ARF-R5 |350 |Left Weapon| DF-V2 R |460 |Frame | G Phalanx |320 |Left Weapon| RF-Flame |460 |Frame | G-Rox/43 |480 |Generator | RF-Shadow |800 |Frame | G-Rox/56 |1200 |Generator | D-Sensor |50 |Disk | C-US2 |100 |CPU | D-Gurad |200 |Disk | C-US3 |150 |CPU | D-Kill C |300 |Disk |-------------------------------------- D-Kill R |300 |Disk | D-Treasure I |500 |Disk | D-Frame I |750 |Disk | ----------------------------------------- Destroy the huge generator next to the save point for a Half Repair and fight all the enemies here. Save again and start going up the ramp. Start in the right path and collect the revive M at the end. Now go back to the beginning and go up the center path. Turn left after the battle and continue forward. Fight the mech and collect the all repair at the end. Then go back to the center path and head forward to the next battle. Turn right and go forward until you get attacked by a boss. O=============================================================================O Omega Universitas HP=200000 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=4900 Skill Points=15 Credit=2600 Normal=D-EN I Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Attacks: Ether Wave ~1200 All/Beam?/Mind Down Martial Flight ~2000 Single/Physical/Two hits Martial Flight II ~4000 Single/Physical/Two hits Super Martial Ring ~7200 Single/Physical/Seven hits Super Martial Ring II ~12500 Single/Physical/Seven hits Black Wave -Increase Physical Attack Power First thing to know is this boss will abuse counter and revenge attacks, so if you bought nullifying items for each you are going to have a considerably easier battle than those that don't have this equipped. Also Reuben will do around 5000 damage with the pole sword so equip that as well. He will start the battle with a few Ether Waves. After a while he will increase his attack power. This means he will begin attacking physically. He also gains a weakness to Beam attacks so use that to your advantage. The only real threat this guy will give you is when he uses Super Martial Ring II since it combos of off Martial Flight II for extra damage, and he only begins doing this when his is really low on HP (less than 25%). Be sure to use a special to finish him off. O=============================================================================O A few cut scenes will occur. End of Chapter 6. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 7 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elsa |WT16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: U-Tic Soldier A(2), U-Tic Soldier B(2), DOMO-A, DOMO-B, The chapter opens up with a lot of cut scenes. You will begin on the bridge of the Elsa. Leave the Cave and go to the beginning of the mine and talk to Mai. If you downloaded the info on her father she will give you Decoder 15. Now go enter the city sector. Make your way out of the city to the ANT Facility. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Labyrinthos Revisited |WT17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Carnicos II, PSS-C, PSS-P2, After the cut scenes enter the ANT Facility. Use the save point and enter Labyrinthos. Head forward and enter the room in front of you. Go left down the stairs and fight the guards here. Then collect the Rosario of Grief. Then go back to the main hallway. Follow it all the way to the Segment Address and open it to collect Hinoka Kagura, a weapon for Jin. Head back and use the double doors. From here head forward and turn right back into the shaft. Pop out in the next room and use the door to the north. This will lead you to Door 13, your target. Go inside. Go past the door to the north (nothing useful) and turn south. Fight the guard and the mech. After destroy the two blocks to reveal a gold Segment Address 5. These Segment Addresses have Erde Kaiser Devices, which when earned allows your party to use Erde Kaiser abilities. Unfortunately you don't have the decoder yet, so destroy the other blocks for an Ether Pack S. Use the door on the left to save the game, then go back and use the conveyer belt. Turn left and fight the mech. Destroy the blocks at the end before you turn and go inside the room. Collect the Rejuvenator M and head back. Now go south down this ramp to the next area. Here go right to the first path and turn south. Fight the guard and enter the room on the left and collect the Rejuvenator M and Ether Pack S. Then go in the room on the right to collect a Med Kit DX. Then go to the third path and fight this guard. Then enter the room on the left for a Med Kit L and Decoder 13. Then go in the right room for a Revive M. Now go to the top of these paths and turn right. Go to the end and go up the stairs. Go south and keep going until a cut scene occurs. Go south and fight the guard. Turn left and keep going to the end. Fight the mech and turn north. Defeat the guard and go up to the gate. Press the button by it and save your game. Now go back south and turn right at the second path. Destroy the blocks at the end to obtain a Med Kit DX and the Staff Room Access Key. Now go open the room next to the save point. Go inside and take the item on the console to obtain Suou Uzuki's PDA. Now save again and take the first right this time. Fight the mech and enter the doors at the end for a boss battle! O=============================================================================O Pellegri HP=12000 EP=400 Break Limit=300 Info=Bio/Human Target=??? Experience=5400 Skill Points=15 Credit=2900 Normal=Grand Design Rare=None Steal=Double Vestment Physical=Normal Fire=Strong Ice=Weak Thunder=Strong Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison 2x Pellegri's Soldier HP=4000 EP=44 BL=60 Info=Bio/Human Target=Recovery Killer Experience=250 Skill Points=15 Credit=120 Normal=Skill upgrade A Rare=None Steal=None Physical=Normal Fire=Weak Ice=Strong Thunder=Weak Beam=Normal Null Status: None Pellegri's Attacks Brionac ~475 Single/Physical Brionac II ~1000 Single/Physical Impulsion ~250 All/Fire/Soul Down Impulsion II ~500 All/Fire/Soul Down Thunder Bolt III ~700 Single/Thunder Lightning III ~420 All/Thunder Medigro Rossium ~1800 Single/Physical/Three hits Overtaker -Increase boost gauge fill rate Pellegri's Soldier's Attacks 5.56 U-tic Shell ~270 Single/Physical Grip Attack ~175 Single/Physical Start by using the most powerful all attacks you have. Your goal is to take out both soldiers before Pellegri herself, don't forget to finish strike them. Once they are dead Pellegri should have around 10000 HP left, now use single techs on her as well as Ice Bolt II if you know it. As usual with bosses when her HP gets past half she will use Overtaker and charge for a special attack. This is a very strong attack that will most likely break your character or fill it up a lot at least. When she assumes a consecutive attack stance, attack her on your next turn to break the stance. If it goes through she will use all her boosts and attack you non-stop and you don't want her unleashing everything on you. Afterwards she will increase her strength and agility and prepare for another special attack. Afterwards her attacks will be doing a lot more damage and if she does get to use her consecutive stance attacks you will be in a lot of trouble. Whittle her HP down to 600-800 and Finish Strike her off! O=============================================================================O After the cut scenes finish you will be in front of the ANT Facility. Leave this area and go back to the city. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miltia City Revisited |WT18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: U-tic Soldier A(3), U-Tic Soldier B(3), Federation Soldier A(2), Federation Soldier B(2), E2 Hauser, DOMO-A, DOMO-B, Berserk Realian A, Berserk Realian B, Standard URTV, Zolfo RG, Zolfo RS, Mercurio GM Head up the ramp and a cut scene will occur. Go south and fight the soldiers, then leave. Take the left path at the intersection. Go down to the base of the ramp and go past the turn down the stairs and destroy a block for Federal Report 4. Now go back and turn right into the street. Then head south and destroy a car to obtain a Skill Upgrade B. Now go all the way north up the street and destroy another car and open the chest for an All Repair. Now leave the street level by using the right side of the intersection. Fight the mech and run to the right to the next sector. Continue along the path and a U-tic car will appear. Fight the guards and destroy the car to obtain Federal Report 3. Now from the car run left a little and go up the stairs to the patio thing and destroy the object in the middle to obtain Half Coat. Now continue right to the next area and a cut scene will occur. Head right and fight the soldier. Then turn south for a little and right. Destroy the car and talk to the man here to obtain Federal Report 5. Now go left and south and fight the guard and the mech. Take the right path first after the mech. Update your weapons and SAVE YOUR GAME. Shop: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Red Cancer |600 |Weapon | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Tall Bunker |1800 |Weapon | Revive M |600 |Item | VB-Rain |670 |Weapon | Nullifier |1000 |Item | VB-Fall |2000 |Weapon | Seven Moons |300 |Item | Compound VII |580 |Weapon | Antidote |20 |Item | Delta Edge II |1600 |Weapon | Remover |50 |Item | Ranger Hunt |610 |Weapon | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Rock Star |2000 |Weapon | G-Vaccine |500 |Item | KWP-XII |700 |Weapon | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | KWP-XIII |2100 |Weapon | Trap |200 |Item | Psycho Driver |590 |Weapon | Grampus Pannier |370 |Armor | Medes Driver |1700 |Weapon | Bolero Cape |370 |Armor | Legacy of Zara |590 |Weapon | Platinum Bustier |1000 |Armor | Phantom Silver |1800 |Weapon | Kajic Cape |1000 |Armor | Bullet Neck |600 |Necklace| Haze Robe |400 |Armor | Leather Choker |150 |Necklace| Moonlight Robe |1200 |Armor | Cylinder Neck |300 |Necklace| Speed Vest III |380 |Armor | Dog Tag |600 |Necklace| Gustav Vest |1000 |Armor | Open Heart |450 |Necklace| Gustav Armor |1300 |Armor | Red Crytal |300 |Necklace| KAP-CLE |450 |Armor | Snake Eye |100 |Necklace| KAP-COS |1300 |Armor | Panther Eye |1200 |Necklace| Techtron Cloth |380 |Armor | Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet| Neo Protector |380 |Armor | Fire Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Double Riders |1050 |Armor | Thunder Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Brigand |1050 |Armor | Ice Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Red Star |300 |Ring | Beam Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Velvet Ring |600 |Ring | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet| Crimson Ring |300 |Ring | Queen Jack |700 |Bracelet| Yellow Ring |300 |Ring | King Jack |700 |Bracelet| Cobalt Ring |300 |Ring | Van Brace |700 |Bracelet| Silver Ring |300 |Ring | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet| Flame Avatar |900 |Ring | Ice Avatar |900 |Ring | Lightning Avatar |900 |Ring | Beam Avatar |900 |Ring | -------------------------------------------------------------------- You can check your coupons if you bought any. Now go back to the fork and take the left path. You will be taken to the church. Cut scenes will appear. Head to the church. You will battle a few realians. Then some cut scenes, then a boss. O=============================================================================O Virgil HP=14500 EP=700 Break Limit=600 Info=Bio Target=??? Experience=11500 Skill Points=20 Credit=3000 Normal=Gustav Ring Rare=None Steal=Union Neck Physical=Normal Fire=Weak Ice=Strong Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison, Seal Ether, and Seal Boost Virgil's Attacks: Blizzard II ~325 All/Ice Grudge Claw ~500 Single/Physical Vengeance Breath ~750 Single/Physical/Two hits Victim's Hail ~1800 All/Ice Overtaker -Increase in boost rate Offensive -Increase Attack and Ether Attack power Start the battle off with some normal attacks. Watch out because this boos like to revenge with Grudge Claw. Attempt to break him early by using small break attacks. Always keep your healer with at least 22MP at any given time to use Medica M All. After a few hits Virgil will use Offensive to increase the power of Grudge Claw so try to stay away from short attacks for a bit. Try using Fire Bolt II or III if you have it to deal around 500 damage. If the whole party's HP is in the yellow use a Med Kit DX to fully recover (you should have two). If you manage to break him before 50% HP unload all your strongest Ethers and Techs. You can drop his HP down to around 25% or so with a few lucky critical hits with Fire Bolt II. However once his HP is past 50% he will begin to use his special Victim's Hail, which hits everyone for massive damage. The best thing to do is guard and hope that all three of your characters aren't in the break state once he is done. Be sure to heal everybody afterwards. Then cast Offensive and attempt to finish him off. If you don't succeed he might launch another Victim's Hail, but this only happened once with me. Don't forget to Finish Strike him when you beat him. O=============================================================================O A few cut scenes will occur afterwards. Once you have control of Shion head south and a cut scene will take you to the beginning of the forest where you will fight a few realians. Another cut scene will follow. Once it is done head back a little and save your game. Then go in the old transport gate. Head north all the way to the red button. Press the button and destroy the box next to it for a Skill Upgrade A. Now run back to the end of the conveyer belt and destroy the box for a Cleanser. Then use the north exit to go to the next area. Fight the first two guards and press the red button. Then run north some more and press the next red button. Then fight both URTV's and collect a Skill Upgrade A from the box in-between them. Then destroy the crate you moved along the belt and collect the Assault Vest. Then go north outside the tunnel. Destroy the gate and head forward. Fight the enemy and head right. Look for the fallen crosswalk and go up it. Fight the guard and use the other path to go north. Turn left at the end and fight the guard here. Keep going left to the end and pick up the shiny thing under the rubble to obtain Federal Report 7. Then go back and take the right path to the end and turn south. Go left through the rubble and the railing. Destroy all the objects along this path and collect both the D-Type G from the left end and Federal Report 8 from the right end. Then go back to the railing and take the right path. Go all the way right to get to the city map. Enter the ANT facility. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANT Facility Revisited |WT19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: U-Tic Soldier A(3), U-Tic Soldier B(3), Berserk Realian A, Berserk Realian B, Asterion Revised, Standard URTV, Mercurio GS, Byproduct #B156, Byproduct #283 Fight the guards and go inside. Save your game and go to the right. Try using the elevator and some realians will ambush you. Then open the chest to obtain Yasoma Sanju. Now go back to the first room and destroy the door to the emergency exit. Go in and head up the stairs. Destroy the pipes to put out the fire and continue to the second floor. Run forward and attack the chest hanging from the roof to have a few realians drop in on you. Open the chest to obtain an Ether Pack L. Now go right and enter the first room and let the woman copy the data from all eight of your federal reports she will give you Decoder 7. Then leave and destroy the hanging wall to reveal Segment Address 7 and open it to obtain the Ring of Coercion. Run right a little and your character will point out that if you destroy the barricade first they will swarm you, and believe me they will. Instead destroy the box in the middle to paralyse them. This will have the same effect as a trap so take advantage of it. Get back attacks on them as well if you can. Fight all of them, then enter the last door along the path to help out the guy being attacked. You can replay the opening footage from Ep.II on the console next to him if you want. Then use the south path to get to the other emergency stairwell. Head up to the fourth floor. A guy will ask for help but we'll get to him later. Head north and fight the byproduct, then go in the door. Destroy all the containers and fight the realians. One will give you a Med Kit L. Run around the corner and destroy all those containers for a few more battles. You will get 2000G, HP Upgrade, and a Rejuvenator L from the chest. Then leave the room and fight the Realian. Go down the path he was guarding and enter the room. Place your foot on the red area to open the door and fight the Realian attacking the man. He will give you an EP upgrade. Open the chest for Decoder 5. Collect the Skill Upgrade B from the crate and go back out to the hall. Head left and enter the second door you come across to obtain the Business District Gate Entrance Password (5150). Then leave and continue left. Turn south and press the button near the elevator to activate the sprinklers. Talk to the closest Realian to obtain Ether Pack S. Then use the exit. After a cut scene head down the third floor to collect the C-US5G from the chest. Then head to the fifth floor and save your game. Go into the hall and make your way to the security gate. Push the button and some enemies will ambush you as you leave. Go through the gate and enter the first door on the left. Destroy the box to drop the crate and take the Rejuvenator DX inside. You will get ambushed by a dog (never knew they could open doors). Fight him and go back into the hall. Enter the next room for Update File 9. Leave and go to Shion's mothers' room. A cut scene will occur before you get there and will result in a boss fight. O=============================================================================O 3x 27-Series Asura HP=4000 EP=199 Break Limit=90 Info=Bio Target=??? Experience=4200 Skill Points=20 Credit=1200 Normal=Med Kit L Rare=Med Kit DX Steal=Skill Upgrade A Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Weak Null Status: Poison Brancion ~300 Single/Physical EP Vamp ~20 Single/EP Drain HP Vamp ~180 Single/HP Drain Balance- Increase in Dexterity and Evasion There are two ways of doing this battle; 1) Attack one at a time and hope they don't gang up on you or 2) Attack all of them at once and use an all attack special to Finish Strike them off. They like to break you...a lot. There only attacks will do massive break damage to you and you will be in the break state a lot. Break them first to avoid wasted turns waiting and healing. In all honesty this isn't much of a boss battle and can be easily won with simple attacks. O=============================================================================O A lot of cut scenes will occur. End of chapter 7 and disc one. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 8 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elsa/U.M.N. (Floating Landmass) |WT20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Shop: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Toll Bunker |1800 |Weapon | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Viper Bunker |3400 |Weapon | Revive M |600 |Item | VB-Fall |2000 |Weapon | Nullifier |1000 |Item | VB-Flame |3500 |Weapon | Cleanser |1000 |Item | Delta Edge II |1600 |Weapon | Antidote |20 |Item | Adona Shooter |3200 |Weapon | Remover |50 |Item | Rock Star |2000 |Weapon | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Break Knuckle |3200 |Weapon | G-Vaccine |500 |Item | KWP-XIII |2100 |Weapon | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | KWP-XIV |3800 |Weapon | Trap |200 |Item | Medes Driver |1700 |Weapon | Nano Repair M |400 |Item | Timaeus |3200 |Weapon | Half Repair |1000 |Item | Phantom Silver |1800 |Weapon | Down Repair |3800 |Item | Blood M40 |3300 |Weapon | Platinum Bustier|1000 |Armor| Bullet Neck |600 |Necklace| Kajic Cape |1000 |Armor| Cylinder Neck |300 |Necklace| Velvet Bolero |2000 |Armor| Dog Tag |600 |Necklace| Butterfly Suit |2000 |Armor| Open Heart |450 |Necklace| Moonlight Robe |1200 |Armor| Cross Choker |1600 |Necklace| Raptor Robe |2100 |Armor| Red Crystal |300 |Necklace| Gustav Vest |1000 |Armor| Sun Cry |1800 |Necklace| Gustav Armor |1300 |Armor| Snake Eye |100 |Necklace| Protect Gear |2100 |Armor| Panther Eye |1200 |Necklace| KAP-COS |1300 |Armor| Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet| KAP-GLA |2300 |Armor| Fire Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Double Riders |1050 |Armor| Thunder Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Brigand |1050 |Armor| Ice Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Rigid Leather |2200 |Armor| Beam Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Green Star |2600 |Ring | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet| Velvet Ring |600 |Ring | Queen Jack |700 |Bracelet| Crimson Ring |300 |Ring | King Jack |700 |Bracelet| Yellow Ring |300 |Ring | God Circle |1700 |Bracelet| Cobalt Ring |300 |Ring | Imperial |1700 |Bracelet| Silver Ring |300 |Ring | Soul Collector |1700 |Bracelet| Flame Avatar |900 |Ring | Van Brace |700 |Bracelet| Lightning Avatar|900 |Ring | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet| Ice Avatar |900 |Ring | Unknown Bracelet|1400 |Bracelet| Beam Avatar |900 |Ring | Revenge Ring |1800 |Ring | Counter Ring |1800 |Ring | Ruthless Ring |1800 |Ring | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E.S. Shop: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sting Ray II |300 |Right Weapon| G90 Assault |300 |Left Weapon| St Swift HG |300 |Right Weapon| SG-M20 |400 |Left Weapon| AIRD-E |3000 |Right Weapon| SG-M30P |1600 |Left Weapon| Type II-Gale |600 |Right Weapon| Tempest |2200 |Left Weapon| Dawning Moon |1000 |Right Weapon| Lindwurm |300 |Left Weapon| Shiranui |2200 |Right Weapon| EM Faden |400 |Left Weapon| Misty Moon |3400 |Right Weapon| Lindwurm M2 |1600 |Left Weapon| AF-Hunter |460 |Frame | Schwalbe F |1800 |Left Weapon| AF-Commando |2500 |Frame | EM Faden R |2100 |Left Weapon| ZF-Upara |460 |Frame | Volans G |300 |Left Weapon| ZF-Garnet |2500 |Frame | ARF-R5 |350 |Left Weapon| DF-V2 R |460 |Frame | G Phalanx |320 |Left Weapon| DF-V3 |2500 |Frame | ARF-R7 |2000 |Left Weapon| RF-Flame |460 |Frame | G Phalanx II |1800 |Left Weapon| RF-Shadow |800 |Frame | SR Shaula A |2200 |Left Weapon| RF-Tiger |2500 |Frame | C-US3 |1500 |CPU | G-Rox/56 |1200 |Generator | C-US4 |1000 |CPU | G-Rox/63 |2000 |Generator | C-US5 |1500 |CPU | D-Sensor |50 |Disk | D-Gurad |200 |Disk | D-Kill C |300 |Disk | D-Kill R |300 |Disk | D-Treasure I |500 |Disk | D-Frame I |750 |Disk | D-Half A |800 |Disk | D-Half D |800 |Disk | D-Half DEA |800 |Disk | D-Revenge |1200 |Disk | D-Frame II |2500 |Disk |--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- This chapter starts off with quite a few cut scenes. Once they all finish you will be on the Elsa. Go to the main hall and upgrade your characters and E.S.'s. Then head down to the basement floor and talk to the professor to initiate a side quest later on in the game. Then go up the stairs and look next to the panels for federal reports to destroy a block to Reveal Segment Address 9. Open it for an EK Device, which will teach each character the ether skill Erde Kaiser. If you haven't already look over your Federal Reports to get Update File 3. Then go into the E.S. hanger and go to the very back. Destroy the block to Reveal Segment Address 14. Now head back to the top and save your game. Then use the U.M.N. to go to Labyrinthos and open Segment Address 5 for another EK device, this time to teach you Erde Kaiser Fury. Next go back to Miltia if you haven't already and open the old transport gate to obtain the Prayer Beads, a key item to obtain Jin's strongest weapon later in the game. Grab Jr.'s swimsuit if you haven't already (note both are found on the Miltia City Map and not inside a sector). Then go out of the U.M.N. and back in, this time go to the floating landmass. If you can make it to the end you will earn chaos' swimsuit and a few other item's. I'm not doing a step-by-step for this simply because I spent an hour going back and forth in my first game and found the prizes quite not worth it. It's up to you though, the entrance to the side quest is when you get out of the E.S.'s and use it on the stone with the dots on it. When your done, or decide to skip it save your game and go talk to Matthews ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tactical Warship Merkabah |WT21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: VRA-3500, VRA-2100, Yuriev Soldier A(2), Yuriev Soldier B (2), AG-03, VX-7000 M After the cut scene you will be launched into the Merkabah. Head into the door. Fight all three guards in the room and open the chest on the far left side of the room to obtain EX Skill Key II, which will open four more EX skill groups. Then go in the door to the north. Head forward and go left around the circle and enter the first door you come across. Here go up the first conveyer belt and turn right to fight a mech and collect a D-Clean. then go up the next belt and turn right to fight another mech and collect the down repair from the big block. Then go up the next belt, turn right and follow the path to the next floor. Go around the circle and press the red button to turn on the shaft elevator. Now take the northeast door to back down to the first floor. Once back on the first floor go to the center pillar and disembark the E.S. Save your game and go up the elevator. Start by going north and turn left at the first gap to collect Decoder 10. Continue north and fight the guard that pops out from behind a wall. Keep going and destroy the four blocks on this wall. Now go all the way to the south end. Navigate around the blocks and destroy all four locks here. Now make your way back to your E.S.'s and board them. Go back to the fifth floor and go back up to red button. Press it to stop the spinning thing. Then use the newly opened shortcut to go straight down to the first floor. Disembark the E.S. and head up into the tunnel. Use the door to the north to go to the next area. Press the button to unlock the last two seals on the fifth floor. Go up to the fifth floor and use the south-western most door to enter the room. Fight the mech and destroy the blocks for 1000G. Then use the elevator and destroy the blocks on this floor to collect a Nano Repair DX and a Down Repair. Go through the door and follow the circle around to the northern tip and enter the door. Destroy all the beams in this room and collect the Med Kit L and Med Kit M. Then leave using the south exit and go around the circle to the southeast door and enter it. Destroy the block at the end to collect a Nano Repair M and use the elevator. Fight the mech and use the next elevator. Collect the Skill Upgrade C and use the elevator to go back up to the fifth floor. Then go down to the first floor and get out of your E.S. Go back to the room with the hives and the button you pushed earlier. Destroy the block in the middle of the room. Now I will list in order the paths to take, so destroy the blocks while you're in there cause I am not repeating myself that many times. West, Northwest, southeast, northeast, north, north, southwest (collect 1000G and Decoder 12) north, north, southeast, southeast, north, north, southwest, southeast, southeast, southeast. You should be back in the main room. Now go east, northeast (collect the Med Kit DX, then back to the main room. Now go northeast, northeast, northwest, east, southeast, (open Segment Address 11 and collect Sweet Pain), northwest, northwest(collect Med Kit L), southeast, west, northwest, all destroyed!. You should be in a blue room with a newly opened door. Go through all the way to the end and go through the door for a cut scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Durandal Invasion |WT22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Talk to Matthews to go to the Durandal. After the cut scene you will be in the dock area of the Durandal. Go up to the loop line and start by going to the Bridge. Fight the enemies and collect Update File 12 from the chest. Go back to the loop line and go to the Park. Fight the enemies here and enter the park. Fight the enemies and look for a door in the top-left side of the screen. Go destroy it and register Segment Address 6. Go back to the loop line and go to the Third Residential Area. Save your game and head up the ramp. Follow this path and turn left to the next area. In this area there are many paths you can take. Like the hive chambers from the Merkabah I will list each direction to take in each room. So go west, north, east, north up the ramp (collect a Med Kit L from the plants), west ,and west past the stairs, west and press the button to open all the doors. Collect the Rejuvenator L from the crate to the left of the guard. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to an anonymous source for pointing out that you can retrieve a Blue Star and a Rejuvenator L is you search all the room here. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the button go east, south, east and open this door, east, south, south, east. You should be in a squared off area. Go down the ramp in the middle and enter this room for a fight and a cut scene. Then leave and go up the ramp and out the door to the right. Now go east, east again and fight the mech. Collect the Med Kit DX from the pillars at the end of the hall and enter this room. Fight the guard and a cut scene will occur. Now go back to the loop line. Save you game and head to the Isolation Area. Head down the ramp here and go through the tunnels until a cut scene occurs. You will then have to fight a boss! O=============================================================================O Citrine HP=29000 EP=220 Break Limit=400 Info=Bio/Human Target=??? Experience=13000 Skill Points=20 Credit=10000 Normal=Weapon Development Area Key Rare=None Steal=Crescent Moon Physical=Normal Fire=Strong Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Weak Null Status: Poison Citrine's Attack's: Mystic -Seal Ether Refresh -Removes Status Effects DY 7.62 ~620 Single/Physical Eclair Rod ~550 Single/Thunder/Two hits/Balance Down Citriniatas Wave ~420 All/Fist Down Seal of 666 -Brings party's HP down to 666 Red Dragon Killer -666 Damage Citrine will begin the battle with a few basic attacks as well as Mystic to block your ether skills. She can double attacks up, Revenge and counter attacks so be careful when using close range attacks. Watch out for Eclair Rob because it has a very high break rate. After a while her mental waves begin to surge, this means that she will use Citrinitas wave, which like her other attacks is fairly high break damage. After her HP gets down to 25% she will use seal of 666. HEAL AFTER THIS ATTACK, it will be followed up by Red Dragon Killer, which does 666 damage. When her mental waves surge abnormally high she will use the Seal again, which will be followed up by Red Dragon Killer again. After this heal and attack like mad. If you know safety use it here because she can and will use the seal and then boost to get the next turn, killing all three characters. Keep a close eye on your HP and keep a strong offence going and this battle shouldn't be to hard. Use a special as usual. O=============================================================================O A lot of cut scenes will happen after this fight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abel's Ark |WT23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Ashmed Bapuz, VRA-3500 ST, VRA-2100 ST Go to the shop and upgrade your characters and E.S.'s because you will be using both for the next dungeon. You now have access to a side quest to fight Omega ID. However I suggest that you wait until you finish at least the next dungeon before you do that. Also the final level of Hakox is available and if you beat it you can unlock Jr.'s strongest weapon. Once you are ready talk to Matthews and head out to the Ark. After the scenes launch the E.S. to Abel's Ark. Start by heading east and attacking the crystal. Each crystal will transport you to a different area in the level. Head north and attack that crystal. Go east and turn north at the fork after you fight the Gnosis and hit the crystal. Go south and collect the Ether Pack L. Now go back to the fork and go east. Hit the crystal and fight the mech here. Keep going west and hit that crystal. Collect the D-Beam from here and go back to the fork and go south. Head south and fight the Gnosis. At this fork head east first and collect the EX Skill Key III from this path. Use it to unlock the final four skill sets for each character. Go back to the fork and this time go west and hit the crystal. Follow this path from crystal to crystal until you end up in a new area ,remember to fight the enemies as your skill points will rise quite quickly in this area. Sadly the Durandal was completely destroyed by Dmitri. Anyways head north and fight the mechs and gnosis along the way. Hit the crystal at the end to be transported to the core of the Ark. Save your game and buy any items you may need. Shop: -------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Viper Bunker |3400 |Weapon | Med Kit M |500 |Item | Combat Lady |5300 |Weapon | Revive M |600 |Item | VB-Flame |3500 |Weapon | Nullifier |1000 |Item | Shen Yan |5600 |Weapon | Cleanser |1000 |Item | Adona Shooter |3200 |Weapon | Antidote |20 |Item | Compound VIII |5200 |Weapon | Remover |50 |Item | Break Knuckle |3200 |Weapon | Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Blue Nail |5000 |Weapon | G-Vaccine |500 |Item | KWP-XIV |3800 |Weapon | Analyze Ball |4 |Item | KWP-XV |5800 |Weapon | Trap |200 |Item | Timaeus |3200 |Weapon | Nano Repair M |400 |Item | Kritias |5200 |Weapon | Half Repair |1000 |Item | Blood M40 |3300 |Weapon | Down Repair |3800 |Item | Black Relic |5400 |Weapon | Velvet Bolero |2000 |Armor| Bullet Neck |600 |Necklace| Butterfly Suit |2000 |Armor| Rosario of Love |6000 |Necklace| Dragon Bustier |3400 |Armor| Cylinder Neck |300 |Necklace| Gorgon Coat |3400 |Armor| Dog Tag |600 |Necklace| Raptor Robe |2100 |Armor| Open Heart |450 |Necklace| Heaven's Robe |3500 |Armor| Cross Choker |1600 |Necklace| Warlord's Mantle|3500 |Armor| Red Crytal |300 |Necklace| Protect Gear |2100 |Armor| Sun Cry |1800 |Necklace| ZIG-Muscle |3700 |Armor| Snake Eye |100 |Necklace| ZIG-Skeletal |3700 |Armor| Panther Eye |1200 |Necklace| KAP-GLA |2300 |Armor| Eagle Eye |4500 |Necklace| KAP-SAL |3800 |Armor| Steel Bangle |300000|Bracelet| Rigid Leather |2200 |Armor| Titanium Bangle|300000|Bracelet| Vector Cross |3500 |Armor| Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet| Green Star |2600 |Ring | Fire Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Velvet Ring |600 |Ring | Thunder Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Crimson Ring |300 |Ring | Ice Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Yellow Ring |300 |Ring | Beam Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Cobalt Ring |300 |Ring | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet| Silver Ring |300 |Ring | Queen Jack |700 |Bracelet| Flame Avatar |900 |Ring | King Jack |700 |Bracelet| Lightning Avatar|900 |Ring | God Circle |1700 |Bracelet| Ice Avatar |900 |Ring | Imperial |1700 |Bracelet| Beam Avatar |900 |Ring | Soul Collector |1700 |Bracelet| Counter Ring |1800 |Ring | Van Brance |700 |Bracelet| Revenge Ring |1800 |Ring | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet| Ruthless Ring |1800 |Ring | Unknown Bracelet|1400 |Bracelet| Acala's Pulse |3000 |Ring | Grass Soul |3000 |Bracelet| Hammurabi Spell |3000 |Ring | Drangon Head |3000 |Bracelet| Lost Kingdom |3000 |Ring |--------------------------------- ----------------------------- E.S. Shop: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V18 Assault II |3900 |Right Weapon| SG-M30P |1600 |Left Weapon| AIRD-E |3000 |Right Weapon| SG-M Wolf |2200 |Left Weapon| ST2-Swift |2400 |Right Weapon| Tempest |2200 |Left Weapon| AIRD-E+ |4000 |Right Weapon| Tempest GP |2400 |Left Weapon| AIRD-C II |4200 |Right Weapon| Drache |4100 |Left Weapon| S Sife FX |2400 |Right Weapon| Lindwurm M2 |1600 |Left Weapon| Shiranui |2200 |Right Weapon| Schwalbe F |1800 |Left Weapon| Misty Moon |3400 |Right Weapon| EM Faden R |2100 |Left Weapon| Four Heaven's |4400 |Right Weapon| ARF-R7 |2000 |Left Weapon| New Moon |5000 |Right Weapon| G Phalanx II |1800 |Left Weapon| AF-Commando |2500 |Frame | SR Shaula A |2200 |Left Weapon| AF-Commando T |3700 |Frame | SR Shaula R2 |2500 |Left Weapon| ZF-Garnet |2500 |Frame | Dorade RK-3 |4200 |Left Weapon| ZF-Turmali |3700 |Frame | G-Rox/63 |2000 |Generator | ZF-Topaz |4500 |Frame | G-Rox/80 |3000 |Generator | DF-V3 |2500 |Frame | C-US4 |1000 |CPU | DF-V4 |3700 |Frame | C-US5 |1500 |CPU | RF-Tiger |2500 |Frame | C-US6 |2000 |CPU | RF-Xuan Wu |3700 |Frame | C-US7 |2500 |CPU | D-Sensor |50 |Disk | D-Gurad |200 |Disk | D-Kill C |300 |Disk | D-Kill R |300 |Disk | D-Treasure I |500 |Disk | D-Frame I |750 |Disk | D-Half A |800 |Disk | D-Half D |800 |Disk | D-Half DEA |800 |Disk | D-Fire |1000 |Disk | D-Lightning |1000 |Disk | D-Ice |1000 |Disk | D-Beam |1000 |Disk | D-Revenge |1200 |Disk | D-Clean |1200 |Disk | D-Frame II |2500 |Disk | D-EN I |2800 |Disk | D-Charge |3000 |Disk | D-Revenge+ |3000 |Disk |------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ From here you will need to enter each sphere and clear three areas and fight a boss at the end of each sphere to destroy the emulators. You may do them in any order you like, but I'm starting with the blue one. Run up and get in its way as it comes around to get absorbed by it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Sphere |AR01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Ai Apaec, Deion, Aiakos, Kazfa Jina, The first part is a tilting platform. Start by running forward and waiting after the first narrow part. When the platform begins to tilt the other way run along the narrow path, running against the tilt to the next long area. Do this all the way across and hit the crystal to go to the next area. Note if you do fall of you will start again at the beginning. Next up we have invisible floors. Go north all the way to the gnosis and fight it. Then turn right and go fight the next gnosis. Then head north and hit the crystal to go to the next area. This time it's the same thing but not as straight forward as the last. Head forward three squares and turn left two. Head north another three and right one, fight the gnosis. Then go north one, right one, and north four and fight the gnosis on both sides of you. Then from here go left three, north one, left one, north one, left three, south three, left two and open the chest to obtain Coat Hardy. Now go back to the split and go right three, south one, right one, south one, right three, north two and right two, then hit the crystal. This will take you to an area with Segment Address 13. Fight the gnosis and open the door to obtain Dragon's Eye. Now head back to the last room. Go back to the split and head straight forward three, right one, north one, right one, north three, left two and north two. Tear through the gnosis along the way and hit the crystal. Back in your E.S.'s now save your game and head forward for a boss fight! O=============================================================================O Natus Lumen HP=225000 Info=Gnosis Target=??? Experience=13250 Skill Points=30 Credit=8000 Normal=RF-Acala Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Strong Null Status: None Attacks: Pluvia Lumen ~8000 All/Beam/Four hits Pluvia Lumen II ~10000 All/Beam/Four hits Fulmen ~1500 Single/Beam Fulmen II ~3000 Single/Beam Sniper Mode -Absolute Critical Tnitros ~10000 Single/Beam/Four hits Tnitros II ~15000 Single/Beam/Four hits Nameless Attack -Quick and Balance effects Start this battle off by using regular attacks against it. It will attack you with beam attacks so if you equipped D-Beam it would really help here. After a little hp is lost it will use Sniper Mode, which will make all hits critical hits. Completely heal the party and charge to reduce damage. Having one mech attacks (Reuben or Asher) and the other two guard is a good idea to keep the damage going. Once it loses a fair bit of health it will drop Sniper Mode and attacks will be regular for a while. However once it drops Sniper Mode it will begin using Tnitros attack, which does rather high damage. Sadly after a little more of a health drop it will use Sniper Mode again, this time if it is coupled with Tnitros your mech will most likely run out of health or just barely hang on, so guard and heal the party. When damaged even more it will increase its speed and balance so try not to use as many low accuracy moves. Once it's health is low start using specials but make sure that either the last one will kill it or if your not sure have the last mech guard just in case and use it after another normal attack from another mech. Also don't have Zebulun or Dinah have the last special since they are both beam elemented. (Note that some attack damage values were estimated due to the fact the boss was in Absolute Critical most of the time). O=============================================================================O After the scene hit the crystal in the center to return to the core. Equip the new Frame and save your game. Next head to the orange sphere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orange Sphere |AR02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Ai Apaec, Deion, Aiakos, Kazfa Jina, Ashmed Bapuz, VRA-3500 ST, VRA-2100 ST Head forward and destroy the object ahead to obtain a Nano Repair M. Take on the mech in this area and go to the other side and fight the gnosis. Destroy the block there and pick up a Med Kit DX. Now head north-ish along the path and fight the next mech. Turn left after the battle and go to the end of this path. Collect an Ether Pack S from the branch and open the chest for C-US9G. Go back and continue north, fighting the two other gnosis. At the end turn right and collect 1000G from the branch and hit the crystal at the end to go to the next area. Go north and destroy the wall. Fight the mech and turn left and hit the crystal. This will take you to another area of the same composition (It will look the same) but this time with your characters. Fight the gnosis and destroy the wall you couldn't destroy with your characters. Then head north and hit the next crystal to go back to the E.S. Destroy the next wall and fight the mech. Then destroy the next wall to the north and follow the path forward and left to another sphere. As characters head right and go back south a little and turn left when you get the chance destroy the wall there and go back north and destroy this wall. Then head north and a little to the left and destroy another purple wall. Then go back and hit a crystal. As E.S.'s go back to the wall you first destroyed with your characters (last round) and collect D-EN I. Now go back to the large area and destroy the final wall. Fight the gnosis and use a crystal to change to characters. Collect the Yasoma Kagura from the wall you just destroyed and change back to E.S.'s. Use the crystal to the northwest to leave this area. Save your game and head forward for another boss fight. O=============================================================================O Natus Tellus HP=250000 Info=Gnosis Target=??? Experience=13250 Skill Points=30 Credit=8000 Normal=DF-XX Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Strong Beam=Normal Null Status: None Attacks: Procella ~5500 Single/Physical/Five hits Procella II ~13000 Single/Physical/Five hits Nimbus ~7000 All/Thunder/Balance Down Nimbus II ~12000 All/Thunder/Balance Down Tornado ~25000 Single/Physical/Ten hits/Skin Down Tempestras ~30000 Single/Physical/Fifteen hits Protect -Increases physical resistance Start the battle off by using any specials you have saved up. Make sure that all your close range attackers have D-Kill R equipped or they will be in for a smacking. After a decent loss of health it will begin using Tornado and a Procella-Tempestras combo. This will most likely kill off any mech it hits unless you have new armor for it. Once it uses protect you will have to back off of physical attacks unless you have no choice. As long as revenge isn't hitting you this battle should be a breeze. Be sure to use a non-thunder or physical special to finish him off. O=============================================================================O Once the battle finishes head to the middle of the room and hit the crystal. Once you are back in the core area go into the red sphere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Sphere |AR03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Ashmed Bapuz, VRA-2100 ST, and VRA3500 ST Go to the other side and hit the crystal. Then go to the other side of this area. Each of these four crystals will take you to different areas. Start with the white crystal and destroy the branch to obtain a Nullifier. Then collect Update File 13 from the chest at the end and head back to the four crystals. Next hit the green crystal. Fight the mech and collect the ZF-Smarakata. Equip it and head back. Next hit the purple crystal. Fight the gnosis and hit the block on the left into place. Go back and hit the yellow crystal. Head right and cross the block you moved. Follow the path and fight the mech. Turn north and destroy the branch here for a Nano Repair DX. Keep going and hit the block at the end. Now go back to the four crystals and hit the purple one. Follow the path to the new bridge and destroy the branch before it to obtain Ether Pack M. Then cross the bridge and fight the gnosis. Hit the crystal at the end. Now we have four more crystals. Start by hitting the green crystal. Head forward, fight the mech and collect the Cleanser from the branch. Then hit the block at the end and return to the four crystals. This time hit the yellow crystal and collect the Nano Repair DX from the branch. Then fight the mech and hit the block at the end. Then go back. Next hit the white one and hit the block at the end of this one. Finally hit the purple one and fight the gnosis. Collect the nullifier from the branch and fight the next gnosis. Then go on the bridge and turn left. Collect the G-Legle/85 and go back to the bridge and head north. Fight this gnosis and hit the crystal at the end. Go to the other side and hit that crystal to teleport to the boss area. Save and head forward. O=============================================================================O Natus Flamma HP=230000 Info=Gnosis Target=??? Experience=13250 Skill Points=30 Credit=8000 Normal=ZF-Rybeus Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Strong Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Attacks: Flucticulus ~7500 All/Physical/Two hits/F Mine Flucticulus II ~10000 All/Physical/Two hits/F Mine Unda Duo ~1500 Single/Physical/Two hits/Soul Down Unda Duo II ~2200 Single/Physical/Two hits/Soul Down Unda Spetum ~8000 Single/Fire/Seven hits Unda Spetum II ~13000 Single/Fire/Seven hits Chaos Eye -Soul Down reaction Charge -34500 HP Recovery In all honesty this battle was almost too easy. I equipped two-handed weapons to all my mechs so I don't know if he revenges or counters but that doesn't matter. If he uses Flucteus use Down Repairs on all your mech affected with F Mine. I don't know what happens when the count down hits zero so heal just in case. Build up to two anima gauges and use your level one special. Then use normal attacks with the EN down a little to add in an extra attack and hope for an ambush. My combos were doing upwards of 30000 each. If you got enough hits in an ambush his health should be really low by now. If he recovers HP don't worry about it cause it isn't all that much. Just attack him with the remaining anima level and he should go down really easily. (Note he never used "Unda Spectum" but he used "Unda Spectum II", so I assumed there was a first one.) O=============================================================================O Hit the crystal in the middle and save your game at the core. Enter the final sphere, the green one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green Sphere |AR04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Yuriev Soldier A(3), Yuriev Soldier B(3), VX-9000 K, AG-03 SPX Go right and you will see a huge tower. You need to hit the crystal so it goes all the way to the top and then run down and hit the crystal at the bottom to warp to the next area. Be careful of the guards on the way down. In this area there are two pillars. Go up the first one and hit the crystal to the top. Then start running down and eventually you will end up on the other side. Then hit the second crystal to the top and head all the way down to the bottom. When you can take either side to the crystals take the crystal on the right first. In this room open Segment Address 2 if you took the time to play the first level of Hakox. If not register it and come back later. G-Ignis III is the reward and quite a good one at that. Go back and wait for the crystal on the left to fall in range and hit it. Save and head to the center. O=============================================================================O Natus Glacies HP=250000 Info=Gnosis Target=??? Experience=13250 Skill Points=30 Credit=8000 Normal=AF-Stealth II Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Strong Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Attacks: Impetus Venti ~2000 Single/Physical/Two hits Impetus Venti II ~3000 Two/Physical/Two hits Congelatio ~12000 Single/Physical/Six/Slow Congelatio II ~20000 Single/Physical/Six/Slow Absolute Serpoi ~2000 All/Ice Ventus Nivelus ~7000 All/Ice Circle of Water -Preparing to counter against ether attacks Circle of Iron -Preparing to counter against physical attacks Inferno -Increase attack power These battles just keep getting easier and easier. Start by building up your Anima gauge to two. Then continue to attack until it uses circle of water. Then unleash all of your strongest specials and reduced normal attacks. Its HP should be below 25% now. When it uses Circle of Iron try to avoid Physical attacks as they are weakened and can be countered. Have one mech get another anima level or two and drop its health with in range of a finish strike. Nothing to it. (Note I probably spelt all the attack names wrong and I apologize for that. If anyone want to correct me they are more than welcome.) O=============================================================================O Hit the crystal in the middle and return to the core. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Core of the Ark |WT24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Save your game and buy any items you may need. You also will notice you have been awarded Anima Level three and a new special attack. Equip all the frames you obtained from the bosses and your strongest weapons. You've got two boss battles in a row coming up, one with characters and the other in E.S.'s so prepare yourself and head up to the center of the core. A few cut scenes will appear. O=============================================================================O Dmitri Yuriev HP=46000 EP=770 Break Limit=700 Info=Bio/Human Target=??? Experience=15000 Skill Points=30 Credit=10000 Normal=God's Experience Rare=None Steal=General's bracelet Physical=Normal Fire=Strong Ice=Strong Thunder=Strong Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect Damage Attacks: Mind Wave ~700 Single/Physical Telekinetic Wave ~600 All/? Infinitum ~1600 All/Beam/Five hits Mystic -Seal Ether Rasp all -Seal tech Curse -Reflect Damage When the battle starts build your boost to the max (hopefully five if you got the two items equipped). Then attempt to break him, which might take a while. He seems to like using Telekinetic Wave, which does insane break damage to all characters. Once you break him use any specials that don't carry elements with them (aside from beam) and make sure to use your strongest techs. Once his hp falls to below half he will use his special Infinitum, which does insane damage against the whole party. If your characters know safety or Best Ally I suggest using them before Omega attacks. Guarding also helps a lot if your not at full health. After a while he unloaded all his specials that he could on me (three in a row) so hopefully you have a little more luck. From here keep one person healing and the other two attacking trying to break him again. After a while he started sealing my abilities so be sure to have a refresher or a few cleansers ready in your inventory. After his health is really low he will increase his wave power so his attacks will do more damage. As long as you can stay away from being broken every three or so turns you should do fine. Don't forget to Finish Strike him. O=============================================================================O After some cut scenes another boss fight. Transfer E.S.! O=============================================================================O Omega Metempsychosis HP=450000 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=20000 Skill Points=30 Credit=20000 Normal=D-Anima Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Attacks: Seal Program -triggers Prodigium Visc ~5000 Single/Thunder/Slow Sancito ~4500 Single/?/Six hits Prodigium ~14000 All/Beam/Six hits EX Natio ~30000 All/Beam/Three hits His hp is massive so this might take a while. Start by getting all you anima to level three. Be sure to heal all chances you get, especially when your health is at half. I don't know why but it suddenly gained a weakness to physical attacks a little ways into the battle so make use of that, especially with Asher/Reuben combos. Watch out for Prodigium as it can easily take of half your HP in a snap. Once all three mechs have their anima gauge at level three use the special attacks for TWO of them (Asher and Reuben if you use them both). Note that they are "massive" attacks so damage will be in the 60000's. After that have them use normal attacks with reduced EN and hope that they get ambushes with them. they will stay in Anima for three turns instead of two so use normal attacks again. When the boss uses anima awakening he will be preparing to use EX Natio, which does massive damage to all three of your mechs, and could potentially knock them out if you're not healed. Use analyze balls to see when his HP drops below 60000 and use the third special to Finish Strike him. Note at some point his weakness will switch from Physical to all the other four elements so use that to your advantage. O=============================================================================O A few cut scenes will occur after the battle. End of Chapter 8. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 9 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elsa/Extra Stuff to do |WT25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None Shop: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Kit S |100 |Item | Combat Lady |5300 |Weapon| Med Kit M |500 |Item | Night Bunker |8000 |Weapon| Revive M |600 |Item | Shen Yan |5600 |Weapon| Nullifier |1000 |Item | VB-Crimson |8500 |Weapon| Cleanser |1000 |Item | Compound VIII |5200 |Weapon| Antidote |20 |Item | Barbit Shooter |7900 |Weapon| Remover |50 |Item | Marki Shooter |8600 |Weapon| Anti-Crystal |1000 |Item | Blue Nail |5000 |Weapon| G-Vaccine |500 |Item | Barbelo Knuckle|8600 |Weapon| Analyze Ball |4 |Item | KWP-XV |5800 |Weapon| Trap |200 |Item | KWP-XX |300000 |Weapon| Nano Repair M |400 |Item | Kritias |5200 |Weapon| Nano Repair DX |1000 |Item | Chaos Lord |7800 |Weapon| Half Repair |1000 |Item | Black Relic |5400 |Weapon| All Repair |3800 |Item | VI-SHOT |8200 |Weapon| Down Repair |3800 |Item | Dragon Bustier |3400 |Armor | Bullet Neck |600 |Necklace| Gorgon Coat |3400 |Armor | Rosario of Love|6000 |Necklace| Velvet Pannier |5300 |Armor | Cylinder Neck |300 |Necklace| Kajic Blouse |5300 |Armor | Dog Tag |600 |Necklace| Heaven's Robe |3500 |Armor | Open Heart |450 |Necklace| Warlords Mantle|3500 |Armor | Cross Choker |1600 |Necklace| True Jade |5300 |Armor | Red Crystal |300 |Necklace| ZIG-Muscle |3700 |Armor | Sun Cry |1800 |Necklace| ZIG-Skeletal |3700 |Armor | Snake Eye |100 |Necklace| Top Secret Skeletal|5300 |Armor | Panther Eye |1200 |Necklace| KAP-SAL |3800 |Armor | Eagle Eye |4500 |Necklace| KAP-SAN |5900 |Armor | Steel Bangle |300000 |Bracelet| KAP-VEN |5900 |Armor | Titanium Bangle|300000 |Bracelet| D Unit V1 |50000 |Armor | Platinum Bangle|300000 |Bracelet| Vector Cross |3500 |Armor | Shock Absorber |100 |Bracelet| Nano Care Coat |3500 |Armor | Fire Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Union Leather |5300 |Armor | Resist Fire |600000 |Bracelet| Long Horn |5300 |Armor | Thunder Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Green Star |2600 |Ring | Resist Thunder |600000 |Bracelet| Velvet Ring |600 |Ring | Ice Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Crimson Ring |300 |Ring | Resist Ice |600000 |Bracelet| Yellow Ring |300 |Ring | Beam Wall |1000 |Bracelet| Cobalt Ring |300 |Ring | Resist Beam |600000 |Bracelet| Silver Ring |300 |Ring | Rosencrantz |7000 |Bracelet| Flame Avatar |900 |Ring | Double Dealer |7000 |Bracelet| Lightning Avatar|900 |Ring | Cobra Bangle |100 |Bracelet| Ice Avatar |900 |Ring | Queen Jack |700 |Bracelet| Beam Avatar |900 |Ring | King Jack |700 |Bracelet| Counter Ring |1800 |Ring | God Circle |1700 |Bracelet| Revenge Ring |1800 |Ring | Imperial |1700 |Bracelet| Ruthless Ring |1800 |Ring | Soul Collector |1700 |Bracelet| Pierce Ring |12000 |Ring | Van Brance |700 |Bracelet| Bind Ring |15000 |Ring | Tempest Beads |5600 |Bracelet| Acala's Pulse |3000 |Ring | Rare Brace |300 |Bracelet| Hammurabi Spell|3000 |Ring | Unknown Bracelet|1400 |Bracelet| Lost Kingdom |3000 |Ring | Grass Soul |3000 |Bracelet|---------------------------------- Drangon Head |3000 |Bracelet| Ra's Beads |100000 |Bracelet| Wiseman's Beads|450000 |Bracelet| ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V18 Assault II |3900 |Right Weapon | SG-M Wolf |2200 |Left Weapon| Sting Ray V |4400 |Right Weapon | Tempest GP |2400 |Left Weapon| V2 Assault II |7500 |Right Weapon | Drache |4100 |Left Weapon| ST2-Swift |2400 |Right Weapon | BZ Avenger |4600 |Left Weapon| AIRD-E+ |4000 |Right Weapon | Drache-RR |5300 |Left Weapon| AIRD-C II |4200 |Right Weapon | SC Lindwurm |5000 |Left Weapon| Sentir A-L |8000 |Right Weapon | Schwalbe SW |5400 |Left Weapon| AIRD-C V |9000 |Right Weapon | SR Shaula R2 |2500 |Left Weapon| S Sife FX |2400 |Right Weapon | Doradew RK-3 |4200 |Left Weapon| Four Heaven's |4400 |Right Weapon | Volans SV |4500 |Left Weapon| New Moon |5000 |Right Weapon | Dorade RK-5 |5000 |Left Weapon| Full Moon |9000 |Right Weapon | ARF Rastaban |4700 |Left Weapon| AF-Commando T |3700 |Armor | Phalanx XX |4600 |Left Weapon| AF-Stealth |8000 |Armor | G-Rox/80 |3000 |Generator | AF-Ghost |15000 |Armor | G-Rox/90 |5200 |Generator | ZF-Turmali |3700 |Armor | C-US6 |2000 |CPU | ZF-Topaz |4500 |Armor | C-US7 |2500 |CPU | ZF-Adamas |10000 |Armor | C-US8 |3000 |CPU | DF-V4 |3700 |Armor | C-US9 |3500 |CPU | DF-X |8000 |Armor | D-Sensor |50 |Disk | DF-Orb |12000 |Armor | D-Gurad |200 |Disk | RF-Xuan Wu |3700 |Armor | D-Kill C |300 |Disk | RF-Vajra |8000 |Armor | D-Kill R |300 |Disk | RF-Huang Long |14000 |Armor | D-Treasure I |500 |Disk | D-Block A |2200 |Disk | D-Frame I |750 |Disk | D-Block D |2200 |Disk | D-Half A |800 |Disk | D-Block DEA |2200 |Disk | D-Half D |800 |Disk | D-Frame II |2500 |Disk | D-Half DEA |800 |Disk | D-EN I |2800 |Disk | D-Fire |1000 |Disk | D-Nullify Effect|3000 |Disk | D-Lightning |1000 |Disk | D-Charge |3000 |Disk | D-Ice |1000 |Disk | D-Revenge+ |3000 |Disk | D-Beam |1000 |Disk | D-Counter+ |4000 |Disk | D-Revenge |1200 |Disk | D-EN II |5000 |Disk | D-Clean |1200 |Disk | D-Frame III |5600 |Disk |--------------------------------------- D-Counter |8000 |Disk | D-Treasure II |8000 |Disk | ---------------------------------------- Cut scenes open up this chapter. Once they all finish go save the game. There are a lot of things you can do at this point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michtam |WT26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Cera 6 S, Cera 7 S, Leviat, Leviat Officer, Launch your E.S. and watch the scene. Then head forward and take the left path. A couple of Familiar voices will confront you. Boss Fight! O=============================================================================O E.S. Gad HP=280000 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=15000 Skill Points=40 Credit=4500 Normal=D-Nullify Evade Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Weak Beam=Normal Null Status: None E.S. Joseph HP=350000 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=15000 Skill Points=40 Credit=4500 Normal=D-Half Physical Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Weak Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Gad's Attacks: Selene Multus ~5000 All/Beam/Four hits Selene Multus II ~10000 All/Beam/Four hits Naglfar ~50000 Single/Beam/Four hits Lesath Alberio ~5000 Single/Physical/Five hits/Balance Down Lesath Alberio II ~9000 Single/Physical/Five hits Joseph's Attacks: Fine Ray ~4000 Single/Beam Fine ray II ~5000 Single/Beam Sentenza ~8000 Single/Physical (thunder?) Sentenza II ~12000 Single/Physical (thunder?) Lactis Orbus ~7000 All/Thunder Lactis Orbus II ~10000 All/Thunder Charge -Recover 52500 HP Anima Gift -Gives his Anima to Gad Defense Increased -Uses Defensive Remember these guys from Ep.II? Well there back...again, this time in E.S.'s. First off Asher's best left hand weapon and Reuben's best weapon are fire based, perfect to hit Joseph with. Why attack him first? cause the best way to deal with these guys is to use normal attacks (hopefully fire elemented) against Joseph to damage him and bring down his HP and to build Anima. When two characters have full anima launch there level three attacks against GAD to drop his HP down real fast. Cerberus will do lots of damage here. That's the attack plan. As for the bosses you will be seeing a lot of Anima Awakenings from Gad, using Naglfar a lot. When Joseph uses Anima Gift this is a huge clue as to when to heal. If you get hit without full health you won't survive. You can, if you are already in Anima Awakening, try to get an ambush on him to stop the attack but unless you are really sure it will ambush you should just stick to healing and guarding. When Joseph uses Anima Awakening he won't use a special but instead combo two of his attacks together. When each of their HP drops below half they will start using there "II" attacks respectively. Also Joseph can recover 52500 HP by using stock when he is low so watch out. Once you take out one of the mechs the other will follow shortly as this battle was as hard as any other battle but split in two, so it gets easier as it draws out. Get Finish Strikes on both to get a lot of Experience and 120 skill points. O=============================================================================O A scene will occur after the battle. Head north and turn left. Keep going north and turn right and a cut scene will occur. After it ends go up the ramp by you and fight the mech up here. Destroy the block at the end to collect the Night Moon. Go down and turn right. Fight the mech and go south. Destroy the block and disembark the E.S. Run to the end of this path and destroy the block to obtain Rejuvenator DX. Now go back and get in your E.S.'s. Now go back to where you fought the last mech and turn right. Collect the 1000G form the debris and head north from the battle. Destroy the gate to the right and collect the Down Repair from the debris. Go back down and continue north. At the end turn right and destroy this gate. Go up and collect the 5000G from the debris. Then go down and head left. Fight the mech and blow up all the doors. Collect the D-EXP I from behind door number four and go through door number three. Save your game here. Head forward for a cut scene after keep going and another scene will occur, followed by a boss. O=============================================================================O E.S. Issachar HP=500000 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=17000 Skill Points=40 Credit=10000 Normal=C-US10 Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Attacks: Vicious Crimson ~8500 Single/Physical Fallen Rose ~7000 All/Fire Fallen Rose II ~12000 All/Fire Merciless Lance ~15000 Single/Physical/Three hits/Balance Down Merciless Lance II ~18000 Single/Physical/Three hits/Balance Down Anima breaker ~10000 Single/Physical/Destroy Anima Mal'ach Laser ~45000 All/Beam/Three Hits Magic Sword -Will use Anima Breaker next turn Hysteric Anima -If hit with special it's Anima Gauge will increase E.S. Issachar has an astounding Evasion rate so low accuracy attacks might not be the wisest thing to do. Also she has attacks that induce Balance Down so be careful. Start by using normal attacks to build your Anima Gauge to three. She has no weakness so use any attacks you want. If she uses Magic Sword be sure to use all your special attacks because there is a chance her next attack, Anima Breaker, will destroy your anima gauge. Then try to get Ambushes on her. After she loses 40% of her health she will use Anima Awakening so guard till her attack is done. Afterwards she will use Magic Sword and Hysteric Anima so if she gets hit with a special her Anima gauge will increase. Attack her anyways with specials just so you don't lose them. When her health gets really low she might recover some HP. After a while it seemed every second attack was Mal'ach Laser so you should try and finish her off fairly quickly. Use a special to finish her for the extra stuff. O=============================================================================O Head south and follow the path to the end. Select yes, you want to go to the Archon Cathedral. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Archon Cathedral |WT27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Cera 6 S, Cera 7 S, Leviat, Leviat Officer, Head forward along the path and attack the statue you come across three times and open the chest to obtain Update File 4. Then continue right and fight the mech. Destroy the blocks and collect the Half Repair. Then go back to the statue and head north. Fight the mechs and go on to the next area. Save your game and head left, then north to the open side of the church. Once inside head to the middle of the room for a few cut scenes. O=============================================================================O E.S. Dan HP=800000 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=23000 Skill Points=40 Credit=12000 Normal=D-EN III Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None E.S. Dan's Attacks: Devil's Shell ~15000 All/Physical/Three hits Devil's Shell II ~25000 All/Physical/Three hits Malicious Charge ~10000 Single/Physical/Fist Down Malicious Charge II ~20000 Single/Physical/Fist Down Wicked Laser ~25000 Single/Beam/Three hits/Mind Down Wicked Laser II ~30000 Single/Beam/Three hits/Mind Down Phantom Armor -Changes elemental strengths and weaknesses Disrupter ~45000 All/Beam/Four hits When the battle starts out, be sure to build your Anima Gauges to three and hold them there until later in the battle. Use normal attacks against Dan and be sure to have any close range attacker equipped with D-Kill R and perhaps D- Kill C if you want. Dan has a fairly high evasion rate and can dodge low accuracy attacks fairly easily. After losing about 15% of his health he will use Phantom Armor, which will change his weakness and immunities at the end of each of his turns. This is both good for us and bad for us. If you have D- Sensor equipped (and you should if you were paying attention) you will know when to attack and when to heal/charge. If he has a weakness to your mechs level three Anima attack USE IT. Damage will be in the 100,000's. If your attacks wont hurt it at all (immune), then either heal the party or charge if they have good health left. When he uses his Anima Awakening have all the party guard and heal the mech that got attacked with the combo. His special, Disrupter, does massive damage and can easily bring your mechs within an inch of the lives. Then next time he uses Anima Awakening he will most probably take out one of your mechs with his combo attack. Just keep using your level three anima attacks when he is weak against them and the battle shouldn't be too hard from here. Watch out near the end because if you lose two of your mechs like I did he seems to take turns a lot more often and healing can be a little difficult to keep up with. O=============================================================================O Cut scenes will occur after the battle. Go back and use the save point. Head back to the boss battle and go north, then turn right. Fight the mech in here and collect the Skill Upgrade D from the chest. Then go all the way to the left in your E.S.'s and disembark. Run up to the button and turn the power on. Get back in your E.S. and take the elevator down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isolated Research Facility |WT28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Leviat, Leviat Officer, Anathema, Anathema Officer, Maranatha, Yacud Cannon Revised, Crustata, Serraninae, Gadreel, Perun, Stribog, Go south a little, fight the mech here and destroy the boxes for a Nano Repair DX. You will notice five numbered lifts. Start by taking the fifth lift and defeating the mech down there. Then attack both the objects twice to destroy them. Disembark your E.S. and head up the stairs and through the door. Go across the conveyer belt and press the button to open Gate A-1. Head back to the top of the numbered lifts and take the first lift. Collect the all repair and head back up. Now take the fourth lift and fight the mech. Head to the end of this area and use the door. Now go south, fight the mech and disembark on the stairs. Go south on the conveyer belt and then east after. Keep going east for the next one (the north one doesn't work anyways). Now go back and pay attention to the north end of the belt. Blast the panel when you go by it to fix the other belts. From here go north on the next belt and hit the switch to open the A-2 gate. Now go east on that belt, then south on the next corner. From here keep going east and then take the next east. Finish north, then west and collect the D-SP I from the chest at the end. Then go back east, south, and west to the wall. Then north and get back on your E.S.'s. Head south, then turn right and turn north after. Fight the mech and collect the Delta Edge III from the chest (this will be useless if you've been following my guide closely). Now head east and turn north. Save your game and stock up on items if need be. Then disembark your E.S. and head up the stairs. Head north past the big door and get on the conveyer belt heading north. Then turn west and hit the red button to open the door. Then go back to your E.S. and board them. Head inside the door you just opened and fight all the mechs along the path to the Zohar door. Try to build up as much Anima levels as you can for the next boss. Go to the far end when you reach the Zohar door and attack the bridge above to bring it down a level. Then go to the other side and disembark the E.S. and head up the stairs. Head south on the belts, west, west, south, run south here because the belts are not working, south on the belt, east, then north to collect the Life Leech. Then go back to your E.S. (follow the path forward) and head up to the Zohar door. What you will notice is that there is a symbol above the door with both yellow and green squares filled in. Y G Y Y G G Y G Y Y G Y G Y Y=Yellow G=Green What you need to do is destroy the little "pallets" on the left and right to make each area looks the opposite as the middle picture. If you see a yellow in a spot, destroy the yellow pallet in that spot. If you screw up try to enter the door and it will allow you to reset the pallets. Once the door is unlocked go back and SAVE YOUR GAME! Equip any close range attackers with D-Kill R and D-Kill C. Make sure two mechs have D-Sensor equipped as well. Then after the game is saved enter the room. Head forward and a cut scene will occur, followed by a boss fight. O=============================================================================O E.S. Levi HP=900000 Type=Machine Target=??? Experience=28000 Skill Points=40 Credit=14000 Normal=D-Type M Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None E.S. Levi Attacks: Acala's Moon ~22000 Single/Physical Acala's Moon II ~31000 Single/Physical Bodhisattvas Moon ~15000 Single/Physical/Three hits/F Mine Bodhisattvas Moon II~29000 Single/Physical/Three hits/F Mine Indra's Moon ~19000 All/Physical/Skin Down Indra's Moon II ~25000 All/Physical/Skin Down Blazing Judgement ~65000 Single/Physical (fire)/Three hits Vajra Armor -Changes all elements to strong This is the hardest E.S. battle in the game, and you'll see why later. Start by using regular attacks even though you should have full Anima levels. Take note that Levi has a high evasion rate so expect to miss a lot if your using low accuracy weapons. He also has the ability to counter and revenge attacks so watch yourself when your health is below 30000. He will use the three basic attacks listed (no number) until his hp drops below 750000, and you should drop it that low with normal attacks because the specials play a big part in the battle after. If you are affected with F mine cure it with the weakest mech in your party. Once his HP is below 750000, he will use Vajra Armor, which will make him temporarily strong to all elements. To make him weak to elements, you must attack him with a special to "crack" the armor. Every special attack you use (whether its level one or three) will change one element from strong to weak. So this is what we are going to do: first guard because he will use his Anima Awakening and hit you with a combo that could kill you if you're not careful. Then after that and his special attack, Blazing Judgement, we will have either Dinah or Zebulun attack with a level one special. This will make one element become weak, and if it is an element with a level three special that you can use (either beam or lightning) use it right away. This will cause another crack to appear. If you can use another level three attack go for it, if not wait until the mech that used the level one attack can use it again and do so. Hopefully you will have an element you can use that he is weak against (beam for Zebulun or Dinah and Fire for Reuben and Asher) and attack him normally with this element. Once you have three elements he is weak against don?t use another attack unless it?s a level three Anima attack after the third level one attack. One you use four he will renew his shield and we don't want that. Try to use the weaknesses to rebuild your Anima gauges. When he loses a little over half his health he will recast Vajra Armor and use a combo followed by another Blazing Judgement, so guard all the way through to the end. Afterwards he will stock and become faster and more evasive, so be careful with your attacks. You are going to have to do the same thing here as you did the last time he had armor. He will also at this time begin using his level two attacks (have the II beside them). Keep using level three specials when he is weak against him and it shouldn't be to hard. Finish him with a special for some good experience) O=============================================================================O Watch the cut scenes. Grab the shinning thing on the ground to collect Margulis's sword. This will teach Jin his third special attack, Lightning Waltz. Then exit through the door that just opened and go back and save the game. Note if you want to go back to the Elsa you can turn the power on in the room you fought E.S. Levi and use the elevator in there to take you to the top of the Archon Cathedral. Anyways go north and disembark at the end. Head through the door up here and you will find a data room. Attack all the yellow screens to change them to blue. When all the screens are blue data can be read, so read it. After all nine have been read a new room will appear. Enter it and download the data to obtain Update File 05. Now go back to the save point and disembark your E.S. there. Go through the large double doors on foot by the save point. Use the elevator to go down. Run around the path and fight the enemy. Destroy the two boxes to collect a Ether Pack M and take the east path at the split. Head up the stairs and fight the enemy, then go in the room to the left. Press the button and go back to the split. Take the north path now and cross the bridge. Follow the path past the two enemies here and destroy the barrels at the split for a Med Kit L. Go left and fight the enemy. Go through the door at the end and a scene will occur. Destroy the two blocks and collect 5000G. Then go back to the split and take the right path. Fight the enemy at the next split and destroy the barrels for an Ether Pack L. Take the right path here and fight the enemy. Collect the Skill Upgrade C from the blocks at the end of the path and return to the split. This time take the left path and go through the door. Save your game and restock on any items you may need. Then go use the ropeway car to go down to the other end. Go west down the ramp and fight all the enemies on this path. When you get to the end head into the glowing portal to warp to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Underground Ruins |WT29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Gadreel, Svarazic, Stribog, Perun, Iblis, Azazel, Armaras Head forward to the glowing circle on the floor. When you step on this floor the wall in front of you will change position. This is the hardest puzzle in the game because it is so easy to get lost. Because I too got lost, I wrote the directions as a set of instructions: Note: Floor means run on the glowing part to switch the walls direction. Note: Fight the enemy at "enemy". Start-east-enemy-floor-west-south-west-enemy-east-north-east-Sarasvati's Robe. From the robe go: Robe-West-Floor-West-Gustav Neck-East-South-West-Floor-South-East-North-Floor- West-North-Enemy-East-South-East-Floor-South-West-Floor-West-North-Floor-East- Floor-East-North-West-Done. *** Thanks to Cathryn Miller for fixing up one of the directions*** Head to the door and go through. Head north along the path and fight all the enemies along the way. When you get to a four-way break take the east path and fight the enemy. Collect the long horn from the chest at the end and take the west path to find a save point. Save your game and take the north path. Fight the enemy and enter the warp hole at the end of the path. Run forward in this room until a cut scene occurs. A few of them will run and you will end up back on Renne-Le-Chateau. Head down to where the tombs are and another cut scene will occur. Once they all end a boss fight will commence! O=============================================================================O T-elos HP=56000 EP=530 Break Limit=720 Info=Machine/Human Target=??? Experience=32000 Skill Points=40 Credit=16000 Normal=KAP-VEL Rare=None Steal=Life Demon Physical=Normal Fire=Strong Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison T-elos's Attacks: Satellite III ~500 All/Beam L-Blade ~700 Single/Physical/ ECHINDA ~1300 Single/Physical/Two hits MAGDELENE 16 ~900 Single/Physical/Six Hits U-TENERITAS ~4000 Single/Fire/Five Hits Heaven's Tracker -Critical Hits Guaranteed Break Heal M -Recovers half of break gauge Start this battle by switching out any characters you don't use with characters you do use. If you have Erde Kaiser Sigma it can kill her in two hits. I'm more focused on not doing it the cheap way. Start by building your boost gauge up to its max (mine at this point was seven). Use any characters that can break the enemy (Shion's throws will be great here). Keep attacking with break attacks or she might use Break Heal M to recover half her bar. Once she is in the break state unleash all the specials you can and recover your health. She should use a special attack, U-TENERITAS, after your onslaught. From here just keep attacking with your strongest techs and eventually she will fall. Use a special to get a lot of experience and skill points. O=============================================================================O After the battle a few cut scenes will play through. Afterwards KOS-MOS will learn her final special D-TENERITAS. Run forward into the open door and you will be warped to the next area. Follow this path and fight the gnosis along the way. If you want to get Ziggy's Ultimate Weapon here is were you do it because the two gnosis here (Azazel and Armaras) are the only enemies in the game that drop Sephiratic Cane. Also collect the Revive L from the crystal. At the split take the north path and save your game. Go back and take the left path and when you get to another split go right and fight the gnosis. Collect the Skill Upgrade B from the crystal and continue forward into another gnosis. Destroy the next crystal and open the chest for the VI Emperor. Again it is useless if you've collected the Miyuki Special. Anyways merge with the other path and head north. Destroy the purple crystal to reveal a new path, so head up to the next area. Head forward along the path and fight the gnosis along the way. Collect the Med Kit DX and fight the gnosis at the split. Take the left path here and open the chest to collect the Five Stones accessory. Continue along the path and fight the gnosis. Keep going and destroy the crystal to receive a Skill Upgrade C. Fight the gnosis ahead and turn around when the paths merge. Go down the path you didn't come from and fight the gnosis. Keep going south and collect the Rejuvenator M. Now head all the way north and attack the purple crystal to create a new bridge. Go up the bridge to the next area. SAVE YOUR GAME, this is the last save point in the game. Make sure your ready and head forward for a lot of cut scenes and a boss fight or two... O=============================================================================O Kevin HP=12000 EP=355 Break Limit=150 Info=Bio Target=??? Experience=5000 Skill Points=40 Credit=0 Normal=Union Ring Rare=None Steal=White Shirt Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison, Heat Shion HP=9000 EP=256 Break Limit=80 Info=Bio/Human Target=??? Experience=5000 Skill Points=40 Credit=0 Normal=Rejuvenator DX Rare=None Steal=Research Uniform Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison, Heat Kevin's Attacks: Purity Wave ~700 Single/Physical Lightning of Abyss ~500 All/Lightning Shion's Attacks: Balance -Increases Accuracy and Evasion Break Bash ~300 Single/Physical This battle is just a storyline battle therefore it is ridiculously easy. If you like extra outfits for your characters (namely Shion) steal from both bosses and then dispose of them however you like. Just don't use up to much EP cause there is another boss fight right after this one. Erde Kaiser Sigma will end the battle in one turn, but it uses up 99ep so only use it if you have heaven's door equipped. If you kill them with a special you can net 120 skill points. O=============================================================================O A few cut scenes will occur, followed by another boss. O=============================================================================O Kevin HP=52000 EP=999 Break Limit=780 Info=Bio Target=??? Experience=40000 Skill Points=40 Credit=18000 Normal=Kajic Ring Rare=None Steal=Velvet Pannier Physical=Normal Fire=Absorb Ice=Strong Thunder=Strong Beam=Normal Null Status: Poison, Heat, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect Damage Kevin's Attack's: Grief of Despair ~500 Single/Physical/Seal Ether Prayer of Revenge ~300 Single/Physical Dark Dignity ~1200 Single/Physical/Two Hits Forgotten Mercy ~600 Single/Fire/Seal Boost Lightning III ~1000 All/Lightning Spark of Cold Flame ~1700 Single/Ice Destructive Impulse ~2200 All/Fire Immortal Meridian ~5000 Single/Fire (Physical maybe?) Curse -Single/Reflect Damage Overtaker -Increase in boost charge rate Heaven's Tracker -Critical Hits Guaranteed Abyss Walker -Nullifies Physical Attacks Great, now he's mad. Start this battle by casting either Best Ally or Safety on everyone in your party. Then begin attacking him with your strongest techs and ethers. If you want, you could use Erde Kaiser Sigma, but that?s the cheap way of doing things. Keep attacking him until he says he will use a special attack, then heal your party to max HP. Use either Medica L All or a Med Kit DX for that. After he attacks he will start using a bunch of Master Skills to tip the battle into his favour. The one to be really careful of is Heaven's Tracker, because if he uses Destructive Impulse, depending on who you are using it could wipe out your whole party. Also when he uses Abyss Walker you will need to use Beam Attacks or really strong Ice or Lightning attacks because Physicals do nothing for five turns and he absorbs fire attacks. Also if you use chaos don't bother with Babylon Seeker because he has a double attack, Prayer of Revenge that cancels the revenge attack and adds another attack to whatever he just used. Keep attacking him and using specials when your boost gauge is full (not fire ones though) and don't empty your whole boost gauge when doing specials, keep at least two or three left for future use. Finish him with a special for a lot of experience and skill points. O=============================================================================O A lot of cut scenes will play after the battle. Once they finish go back and save your game then head into the north room. Run to the large Compass of Order and a series of cut scenes will occur. After they finish you will fight the final boss of the game! (That was one hell of a Karate Chop!) O=============================================================================O Zarathustra HP=70000 EP=999 Break Limit=999 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=0 Skill Points=0 Credit=0 Normal=None Rare=None Steal=None Physical=Normal Fire=Strong Ice=Strong Thunder=Strong Beam=Strong Null Status: Poison, Heat, Seal Ether, Seal Boost, Reflect Damage Zarathustra's Attacks: Embryon ~800 All/Physical Col Passio ~1700 Single/Lightning/ Fire Bolt III ~2200 Single/Fire Ice Bolt III ~2200 Single/Ice Trans Volans ~3000 All/Physical/Three Hits Lumen Nebulae ~5000 Single/Fire Misty -Seal Ether Rasp -Seal Tech Grantia -Regenerate Arms Computer Tip -Changes Elemental Defences Recurrence -Recovers HP to 35000, Becomes weak to all elements (Might have spelled that wrong I only saw a few letters in the name so I guessed) Start by using your best Master Skills, and attacking with only the best techs you have. Don't bother trying to break this boss; it's easier to just take it out. When it begins to gather energy at the central core heal all your characters because the next attack will break any character with a break limit lower than 400. When it says his defence element shifted he will become Immune to Physical, Ice and Lightning attacks, but Fire and Beam will be normal. You can use Dark Erde Kaiser if you want. Once it's HP is down to around half it's arms will regenerate. The next time it uses computer tip (should be after the arms regenerate) it will become Immune to Fire and Beam and the other three elements will be normal. When a tear in space-time begins to form (in words, not literally) a countdown will begin. When it hits zero it will bring its HP back up to 35000 and become weak to every element. If this happens you can easily take him down from here. It seems it takes away all status changes as well, including Best Ally if you had it on still. As it is the last battle use any and all items available to you to win, you wont need them later anyways. He also seems to like abusing Lumen Nebulae after so watch out for that. Keep pummelling away at him and this battle should end rather quickly. If you want you could use Erde Kaiser Sigma twice or Heaven's tracker and the Erde Kaiser Sigma, but as stated three times before, that is the cheap way of doing things. O=============================================================================O Watch the ending cut scenes. Congratulations, you've beaten Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra. Save your clear game save file. If you load the cleared save file you can continue to do any side quests you have not finished and will be able to fight the last series of bosses again (Kevin and Zarathustra I think). Unfortunately unlike Episode II there are no new dungeons or quests to do. You do unlock swimsuit mode for the movie viewer as well as Allen's Swimsuit and Flawless for chaos. I hope you enjoyed both the game and my guide. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Extra Bosses |ET00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Extra bosses are the bosses that you are not required to fight during the main game and usually have to go out of your way to fight them. There are two in this game and I suggest you do them in the order listed so that you get the Dark Erde Kaiser to help you with the second extra boss. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Omega ID |ET01 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dive into the CAT testing grounds and make your way to the second set of transporters where a save point used to be. Take the last transporter and it will take you to the Special Weapons Hanger. Use the Key you got from Citrine to open the door and ready your E.S.'s. Note that I am doing this after Abel's Ark though it can be done after the Durandal. It may be a little (or a lot) easier if you wait for the last set of E.S. Upgrades as well as the third Anima Level though. Press circle to trigger a battle between you and Omega Universitas. O=============================================================================O Omega Universitas HP=70000 Info=Machine Target=Random Experience=0 Skill Points=0 Credit=0 Normal=None Rare=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Normal Null Status: None Attacks: Martial Flight ~1200 Single/Physical/Two hits Super Martial Ring ~2500 Single/Physical/Five Hits Ether Wave ~800 All/Beam/Mind Down Ether Wave II ~1000 All/Beam/Mind Down Nameless attack- Increases Speed, Accuracy and Evasion Just use normal attacks and SAVE YOUR SPECIALS, this is not the real boss, but a lead in (hence the low HP). Build your Anima gauges and stick to normal attacks. When the battle ends...it just begins O=============================================================================O A small cut scene occurs. O=============================================================================O Omega ID HP=999999 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=38000 Skill Points=120 Credit=16000 Normal=Decoder 6 Rare=None Attributes change with every turn Null Status: None Attacks: Dark Fist ~10000 Single/Physical/Four Hits Destruction Wave ~20000 All/Beam/Soul Down Waves of the Berserker -Will use Demon Lord on the next turn Demon Lord ~40000 Single/Physical/Nine hits/Slow Having at least two crafts with D-Sensor is mandatory because of all the constant changes in his attribute effectiveness. Also you're going to want each craft equipped with at least two different weapon attributes, you don't want only one cause then your attacks won't work. Also a lot of items for E.S.'s would help dearly here. He will use Dark Fist for a while, usually two in a row. He can both Revenge and counter your attacks so stay on your toes at all times. If a Mech can't make a move (attacks are immune) have them either heal or guard. After a chunk of his HP is gone he will begin using Destruction Wave to hit all your mechs. Watch for counters because his Evasion is quite high for such a large mech. You are going to want to build up to level three Anima for all your crafts and hold them for a bit. After he uses his first destruction wave Use your specials when he is weak against them. When he uses Waves of the Berserker have all you crafts guard to reduce the damage you will take. After he loses half of his health he will use two consecutive Demon Lord's after a Waves of the Berserker, which if not guarded against with high levels of health will take down a mech. After he loses a lot of health his attacks seemed to get a lot stronger and his evasion seemed to go up as well. Weather this is actual or not I'm not sure but he wasn't dodging this many attacks in a row before. Just keep guarding and using level three anima attacks when they will do more damage and you should do just fine here. Definitely use a special here to net you a lot of skill points and experience as well. (Note that if you do lose the battle you won't get a game over, instead you will reappear in front of the panel to challenge him again. O=============================================================================O For defeating him you get Decoder 6, Emperor's Bracelet and a Database Update. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Erde Kaiser Sigma |ET02 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go to Pedia Island. Go across the shallow area and destroy a rock on the land to reveal a door. Go through it. Coconut Monkey will approach you and talk to you. When he finishes follow him to the next room. After he finishes again read the letter on the D panel. Once that is over talk to the monkey to trigger a battle with Erde Kaiser Sigma. O=============================================================================O Erde Kaiser Sigma HP=100000 EP=999 Break Limit=999 Info=Machine Target=??? Experience=60000 Skill Points=1000 Credit=20000 Normal=Gustav Wrist Rare=None Steal=None Physical=Normal Fire=Normal Ice=Normal Thunder=Normal Beam=Weak (Changes) Null Status: Poison, Seal Boost, Seal Ether, Reflect damage Attacks: Kaiser Burst II ~5000 Single/Physical/Five hits Kaiser Flame ~ All/Fire/ Ice Bolt III ~5000 Single/Ice Fire Bolt III ~5000 Single/Fire Kaiser Victory Spark ~6000 All/Thunder (Beam?)/Three Hits Overtaker -Increase in boost rate Heaven's Tracker -Critical Hits guaranteed Kaiser Shield -Null Physical/Fire/Ice/Beam Kaiser Shield II -Null Physical/Fire/Thunder/Beam Kaiser Shield III -Null Physical/Ice/Thunder/Beam When starting this battle build up your boost gauge to the max (hopefully above four). He will spend his first few turns talking and whatnot. If you use a lot of close-range attacks you should have an accessory to kill revenge or you will be in big trouble here. After a few hits he will begin using Kaiser Shields. Kaiser Shield I will be broken with the Erde Kaiser, Kaiser Shield II can be broken with Erde Kaiser Fury and Kaiser Shield III can be broken with Dark Erde Kaiser. After he goes through all three he will "get more serious", and by this it means start attacking. He will also become weak against all attack types except physical, so use this to your advantage. Dark Erde Kaiser can be really effective here if you can spare or recover the EP lost. The best strategy for this fight is that if you can break him at this point start casting Dark Erde Kaiser and boosting another character ahead to cast if again. Each hit is about 5000 and critical hits can be anywhere from 8000-10000. Hopefully you were able to get his hp down to 25000. Now you can keep using Dark Erde Kaiser on him for a while more or use strong normal attacks. Then things get hard, because he will begin using Overtaker and Heaven's Tracker. Be sure to guard until the constant critical effect wears off. If he gets three boost, and he has a maximum of six, he will use Kaiser Victory Spark. This is a massive attack/large break attack so if you don't guard of have best ally on everyone you will most probably die. From here just keep guarding with two people and attacking with the other one. The attacker should have safety or Best Ally cast on them, as well as at least one of the guarders. Finish him off with a special for a whopping 1500 skill points! O=============================================================================O After defeating him you get 1500 skill points (from the battle if you got Finish Strike), Gustav Wrist, and Decoder 3 if you pick it up after the scene. Now go back inside the lab and go to the far side. Run by the seat and it will move into an arrow pointing down. Use it to go down and head east. Pick up Update File 2 and head to the far west. Open Segment Address 3 to obtain EK Sigma device, which will teach all your characters the Erde Kaiser Sigma ability. That marks the end of this side quest. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Final Weapons |FW12 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shion-Miyuki Special After Abel's Ark Miyuki will contact you and tell you that you need to get her a Geocrystal to replace the one she took from Vector. If you already got the Rough Geocrystal from the Floating Landmass she will give you a Brisingamen. Then go find Bunnie Bob in the girl's cabin to refine your rough Geocrystal into a normal Geocrystal. Then go back to in front of the save area and talk to her again to receive the Miyuki Special. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jr-Vaquero You need to beat the Extreme level of Hakox. If you do you will be awarded the Vaquero. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOMO-Moon Bridge Talk to the droid in the girls cabin and he will tell you that Ably, Jr's dog transported itself to the Durandal. Dive there in the U.M.N. and follow the dog to the park. Talk to it outside the park, then go in. It's on the far right side. It will give you Heaven's Door and go with you. Dive out and talk to the droid again to obtain the Moon Bridge. If you take the Heaven's Door to the Droid in the E.S. hanger and have defeated the "secret machine"(don't know if it is Erde Kaiser or Omega ID) he will transform it to the item Heaven's Door, Reducing Ep cost to one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jin-VB-Dawn First you need to buy ONE VB-Crimson and collect the prayer beads. The VB- Crimson can be bought in chapter 9 and the prayer beads can be found on the Miltia City map past the Old Transport Gate, with the code from the Memo. Then take them to the droid in the men's cabin's washroom/shower and ask him to make the Legendary Sword. He will give you the VB-Dawn as well as the Nine Stones bracelet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chaos-God Breath After Abel's Ark, talk to Adonis in the restaurant in the Elsa to obtain the Grief stone from him. Then go back to Abel's Ark and enter the boss rooms of each of the four spheres to have it react with the stone. After that head to the center of the core to obtain The Universe and chaos' God Breath. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KOS-MOS-KWP-XX Buy it from the store in the Elsa in chapter 9 for 300,000G. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ziggy-Gnosis Nail You must collect 99 Sephiratic Cane from Azazel and Armaras in the Underground Ruins. They aren't rare but it will take a long time. Once you have 99 take them to the droid in the Elsa by the E.S. launch elevator and she will give you the Gnosis Nail. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Segment Addresses |SA13 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The only returning side quest of the past two games is the Segment Address hunt. Segment Addresses are hidden locked doors that need a decoder to open. Once you have the decoder you can open the door and collect rare treasures that are normally inaccessible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #1 Door Location -Dabyre Mine (Secret Path) Decoder Location -Floating Landmass (2nd Puzzle room) Reward -Witches Eye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #2 Door Location -Abel's Ark (Green Sphere) Decoder Location -Beat World one of Hakox Reward -G-Ignis III ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #3 Door Location -Pedia Island (Dark's Base) Decoder Location -Defeat Erde Kaiser Sigma Reward -EK Sigma Device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #4 Door Location -CAT Testing Grounds Decoder Location -CAT Testing Grounds Reward -KWP-XI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #5 Door Location -Labyrinthos Decoder Location -ANT Facility 4F Reward -EK Fury Device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #6 Door Location -Durandal (Park) Decoder Location -Defeat Omega ID Reward -EK Dark Device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #7 Door Location -ANT Facility 2F Decoder Location -Loria (4F) (Find All Hidden Reports then go talk to her) Reward -Ring of Coercion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #8 Door Location -S-Line Division Decoder Location -Pedia Island (Inside a rock in the water) Reward -Tears River ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #9 Door Location -Elsa Decoder Location -Defeat Aludra Calf Reward -EK Device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #10 Door Location -CAT Testing Grounds Decoder Location -Merkabah Reward -KAP-NAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #11 Door Location -Merkabah (Hive Rooms) Decoder Location -Defeat Mai Reward -Sweet Pain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #12 Door Location -Floating Landmass Decoder Location -Merkabah (Hive Rooms) Reward -Guardian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #13 Door Location -Abel's Ark (Blue Sphere) Decoder Location -Labyrinthos (Room before Shion's holding area) Reward -Dragon Eye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #14 Door Location -Elsa (E.S. Hanger) Decoder Location -Abel's Ark (Blue Sphere) (Tilting room) Reward -Iron Maiden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment Address #15 Door Location -Labyrinthos Decoder Location -Talk to Mai after downloading data of her dad off U-tic panel Reward -Hinoka Kaugra ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tech Attacks |TH16 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tech attacks are more powerful than normal attacks but require EP to use. The format for tech attacks is as follows: Name |Target |Range |EP |Number of Hits Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Double Shot I |Single |Long |10 |Two Hits Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Shot II |Single |Long |12 |Two Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lunar Blade I |Single |Short |4 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lunar Blade II |Single |Short |6 |Single Hit Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break Blow I |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Small Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break Blow II |Single |Short |10 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow Edge |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Small Attack + Slow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallen Eagle I |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Small Break Attack (Human Only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallen Eagle II |Single |Short |10 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack (Human Only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallen Eagle III |Single |Short |12 |Single Hit Heavy Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twin Hands I |Single |Long |10 |Six Hits Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Hands II |Single |Long |12 |Six Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead Fist |Single |Long |8 |Single Hit Small Attack + Fist Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead Soul |Single |Long |8 |Single Hit Small Attack + Soul Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locked and Ready |Single |Long |8 |Single Hit Small Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rodeo Spike I |All |Long |10 |Three Hits Small Physical Attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rodeo Spike II |All |Long |14 |Three Hits Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rodeo Spike III |All |Long |18 |Three Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Throttle I |Single |Short |4 |Six Hits Small Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Throttle II |Single |Short |6 |Six Hits Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Throttle III |Single |Short |8 |Six Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chaos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decaying Sun |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Small Attack + Skin Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decaying Moon |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Small Attack + Mind Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Impact I |Single |Short |10 |Two Hits Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Impact II |Single |Short |12 |Two Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit Strike I |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Small Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit Strike II |Single |Short |10 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit Strike III |Single |Short |12 |Single Hit Heavy Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Wings I |Single |Short |4 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Wings II |Single |Short |6 |Single Hit Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angelic Wave I |All |Long |10 |Single Hit Small Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angelic Wave II |All |Long |14 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallen Leaves I |All |Long |10 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallen Leaves II |All |Long |14 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOMO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Double Shot I |Single |Long |10 |Two Hits Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Shot II |Single |Long |12 |Two Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Head Shot |Two |Short |6 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break Arrow I |Single |Long |8 |Single Hit Small Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break Attack II |Single |Long |10 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Arrow |All |Long |10 |Three Hits Small Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Fish |Single |Short |18 |Single Hit Heavy Physical Attack + Heavy Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skeletal Slash |Single |Short |6 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack + Effective On Type-B Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor Pierce |Single |Short |6 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack + Effective On Type-M Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale Blade I |Single |Short |10 |Two Hits Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale Blade II |Single |Short |12 |Two Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale Strike |Single |Short |12 |Two Hits Heavy Physical Attack + Higher Critical Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raging Sea I |All |Long |10 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raging Sea II |All |Long |14 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raging Sea III |All |Long |18 |Single Hit Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Dragon I |Two |Short |6 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Dragon II |Two |Short |12 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow-Through |Self |Short |8 |No Hits Increase in own Physical Attack and Ether Attack Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assaulting Blade |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack + Higher Critical Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Night |All |All |20 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack + Balance Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KOS-MOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B-Buster |Single |Short |6 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack + Effective on Type-B Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M-Buster |Single |Short |6 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack + Effective on Type-M Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G-Buster |Single |Short |6 |Single Hit Small Physical Attack + Effective on Type-G Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W-Blade |Single |Short |10 |Two Hits Medium Physical Attack +Higher Critical Rate to Type-G Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W-Fang |Single |Short |12 |Two Hits Heavy Physical Attack + Heavy Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannon I |Single |Long |4 |Single Hit Medium Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannon II |Single |Long |6 |Single Hit Heavy Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-Burst I |All |Long |10 |Single Hit Small Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A-Burst II |All |Long |14 |Single Hit Medium Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K-Axe |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack + Higher Critical to Type-G Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K-Pike |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack + Higher Critical to Type-B Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nemesis |Single |Short |16 |Three Hits Massive Fire Attack + Higher Critical Rate to Type-G Enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valkyrie |Single |Short |16 |Three Hits Massive Fire Attack + Medium Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-Bind |Single |Short |8 |Two Hits Medium Physical Attack + Small Chance of Sealing Boost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-Spike |Single |Short |8 |Two Hits Medium Physical Attack + Small Chance of Reflecting Damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ziggy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pain Killer I |Single |Short |4 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pain Killer II |Single |Short |6 |Single Hit Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Edge |Single |Short |10 |Two Hits Medium Physical Attack + Higher Critical Rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Rush |Single |Short |12 |Two Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Tackle I |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Small Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Tackle II |Single |Short |10 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Tackle III |Single |Short |12 |Single Hit Heavy Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Road Rage I |All |Long |10 |Single Hit Small Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Road Rage II |All |Long |12 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Fish |Single |Back |6 |Single Hit Small Chance of Executing Sword Fish from Behind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Tackle |Single |Back |6 |Single Hit Small Chance of Executing Heavy Tackle from Behind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Choke |Single |Back |8 |Single Hit Small Chance of Executing Choke from Behind (Human Only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choke |Single |Short |12 |Single Hit Heavy Break Attack (Human Only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devil Break |Single |Short |8 |Single Hit Medium Break Attack + Lower Accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Road Storm |All |Long |20 |Single Hit Medium Physical Attack + Decrease in Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canaan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jackal |Single |Short |6 |Two Hits Heavy Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miyuki ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lightning Blast |Single |Short |6 | Six Hits Small Lightning attack + medium break attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ethers |EH17 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normal Ethers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |EP |Target |Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyze | 1|One Enemy |Analyze enemy data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance | 22|All Enemies |Increase Accuracy and Evasion of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance Down | 22|All Enemies |Decrease Accuracy and Evasion of Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beam Bolt I | 6|One Enemy |Small Beam Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beam Bolt II | 10|One Enemy |Medium Beam Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beam Bolt III | 16|One Enemy |Heavy Beam Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Ally | 60|One Ally |Auto Revive with Full HP (Once) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard I | 12|All Enemies |Small Ice Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard II | 24|All Enemies |Medium Ice Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard III | 36|All Enemies |Heavy Ice Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break Heal L | 10One Ally |Recover Large amount of Break Damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break Heal M | 6|One Ally |Recover Medium amount of Break Damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Break Heal S | 4|One Ally |Recover Small amount of Break Damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curse | 32|One Enemy |Reflect inflicted damage to an enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Erde Kaiser | 80|All Enemies |Heavy Fire Ether Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defensive | 22|All Enemies |Increase Defense and Ether Defense ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disengage | 10|All Enemies |Disengage status support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EP Vamp | 1|One Enemy |Steal a small amount of EP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erde Kaiser | 40|All Enemies |Small Lightning Ether Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erde Kaiser Fury | 60|All Enemies |Medium Ice Ether Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erde Kaiser Sigma | 99|All Enemies |Massive Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Bolt I | 6|One Enemy |Small Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Bolt II | 10|One Enemy |Medium Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Bolt III | 16|One Enemy |Heavy Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fist Down | 22|All Enemies |Decrease Attack of All Allies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heat | 8|One Enemy |Set the target for All Enemies to self ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hilbert Effect | 38|All Enemies |Decrease all abilities of all Type-M and G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP Vamp | 10|One Enemy |Steal a small amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Bolt I | 6|One Enemy |Small Ice Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Bolt II | 10|One Enemy |Medium Ice Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Bolt III | 16|One Enemy |Heavy Ice Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferno I | 12|All Enemies |Small Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferno II | 24|All Enemies |Medium Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferno III | 36|All Enemies |Heavy Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning I | 12|All Enemies |Small Lightning Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning II | 24|All Enemies |Medium Lightning Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning III | 36|All Enemies |Heavy Lightning Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lock | 26|One Enemy |Seal Boost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medica L | 18|One Ally |Recover Large amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medica L All | 32|All Allies |Recover Large amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medica M | 10|One Ally |Recover Medium amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medica M All | 22|All Allies |Recover Medium amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medica Rest | 42|All Allies |Recover Substantial amounts of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medica S | 4|One Ally |Recover Small amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medica S All | 12|All Allies |Recover Small amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind Down | 22|All Enemies |Increase Ether Attack of All Allies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misty | 26|One Enemy |Seal Ether ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Offensive | 22|All Enemies |Increase Attack of All Allies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison | 4|One Enemy |Poison Damage to a single enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick | 18|All Allies |Increase Speed of All Allies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rare Hunter | 14|One Enemy |High Chance of Stealing an item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rare Steal | 8|One Enemy |Medium Chance of Stealing an Item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recover Break | 10|One Ally |Recover Small amounts of BL with each turn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recover EP | 18|One Ally |Recover Small amounts of EP with each turn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recover HP | 12|One Ally |Recover Small amounts of HP with each turn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refresh | 10|All Allies |Recover status effects (Negative) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revert L | 32|One Ally |Revive and Recover Large amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revert M | 20|One Ally |Revive and Recover Medium amount of HP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safety | 40|One Ally |Auto Revive with 50% of HP (Once) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Satellite I | 12|All Enemies |Small Beam Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Satellite II | 24|All Enemies |Medium Beam Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Satellite III | 36|All Enemies |Heavy Beam Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skin Down | 22|All Enemies |Decrease Defense of All Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow | 18|All Enemies |Decrease Speed of All Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Down | 22|All Enemies |Decrease Ether Defense of All Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Bolt I | 6|One Enemy |Small Lightning Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Bolt II | 10|One Enemy |Medium Lightning Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Bolt III | 16|One Enemy |Heavy Lightning Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Master Ethers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Master Skills are skills earned at the end of a skill line that have a "stronger" affect to them than most of the skills you would learn normally. Each character can only learn two and they usually reflect what the skill line was attempting to teach your character Ex. A fast character will learn Phantom Fly. A few of these are character exclusive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abyss Walker | 99|Self |Nullify Physical attack damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Babylon Seeker | 99|Self |Always Execute Revenge Attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood Dancer | 99|Self |Increase Attack and Ether Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghost Driver | 99|Self |Always Execute Counter Attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart Breaker | 99|Self |Large Increase in Break Attack power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heaven's Tracker | 99|Self |Always Execute Critical Attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overtaker | 99|Self |Large Increase in Boost rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phantom Fly | 99|Self |Always Execute Evasion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platinum Singer | 99|Self |Increase Defense and Ether Defense ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal Guard | 99|Self |Always Execute Guard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stand Keeper | 99|Self |Nullify Break Damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Special Attacks |SP18 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Special Attacks are with a few exceptions the strongest moves a character has in his or her arsenal. Special attacks require a certain amount of boost to use and when they are used to defeat an enemy a finish strike will occur. Finish strike gives you 50% more experience, skill points, and credit at the end of battle for the enemy you defeated (not all of them, just the one you defeated). Really useful in boss fights to help your characters grow faster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |Bst|Target |How to learn Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: The name of the Special BST: Boost required to use the Special Target: Whom it is attacking How to learn: What to do to acquire this special Effect: What it does in battle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Break Bash | 2 |Single |Initial Heavy Break Attack + Higher Critical to Type-B Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lock Shot | 2 |All |Level 26 Medium Beam Ether Attack + Seal Boost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MS2 | 3 |Single |Level 41 Large Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chaos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phoenix Strike | 2 |Single |Initial Large Break Attack + Absorb Type-G Souls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imperial Judgement | 2 |All |Level 34 Medium Ice Attack + Souls to Increase Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beloved Gospel | 3 |Party | Level 50 Auto-Revive All Allies with Maximum HP (One Time) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requiem | 2 |Single |Initial Large Physical Attack + Absorb Souls of Type-B and G enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storm Waltz | 2 |All |Level 30 Medium Physical Attack + Large Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Dragon | 3 |All |Level 43 Large Fire Ether Attack + Souls to Increase Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOMO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Freeze Shock | 2 |Single |Initial Large Ice Ether Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guilty Rain | 2 |All |Level 24 Medium Lightning Ether Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Crown | 2 |Party |Level 48 Increase Abilities of All Allies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spark Waltz | 2 |Single |Initial Large Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Dance | 3 |Single |Level 23 Large Lightning Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Waltz | 4 |Single |Collect Margulis's Sword after E.S. Levi(2) Massive Lightning Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KOS-MOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G-SHOT | 2 |Single |Initial Large Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-BUSTER | 2 |All |Level 31 Medium Beam Ether Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-TENERITAS | 4 |Single |Defeat T-elos(2) Massive Fire Ether Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ziggy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penetrate | 2 |Single |Initial Large Physical Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hind | 2 |All |Level 26 Medium Fire Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intruder | 4 |Single |Level 41 Massive Fire Attack + Medium Break Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Enemy Database |ED00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Battles |ED01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O=============================================================================O |Name: 0-78 Grizzly 1 |HP: 900 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 135 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 25 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Scrap Iron | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: 0-78 Grizzly 2 |HP: 900 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 160 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 25 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Scrap Iron | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: 27-Series Asura |HP: 4000 |Ether points: 199 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 4200 |Skill Points: 20 | Credit: 1200 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit L |Rare Item: Med Kit DX | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Skill Upgrade A | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: AG-01 |HP: 750 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 100 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 80 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Ether Core | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: AG-02 |HP: 3800 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 260 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 1000 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade B | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: AG-03 |HP: 3200 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 250 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 800 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade B | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Ai Apaec |HP: 2600 |Ether points: 121 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 235 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 420 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: White Fragment |Rare Item: Unknown Bracelet | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Anti-Crystal | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Aiakas |HP: 1800 |Ether points: 291 |Break Limit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 220 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 450 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: White Fragment |Rare Item: Soul Collector | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Anti-Crystal | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Aludra Calf |HP: 4500 |Ether points: 200 |Break Limit: 270| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 885 |Skill Points: 10 | Credit: 260 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Decoder 9 |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: White Fragment | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Armaros |HP: 7900 |Ether points: 388 |Break Limit: 188| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 450 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 2000 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Sephiratic Cane |Rare Item: Power Leech | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Crystal of Spite | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Strong |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Asterion |HP: 315 |Ether points: 86 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 90 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 20 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Asterion Revised |HP: 560 |Ether points: 145 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 198 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 50 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Antidote |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Azazel |HP: 8100 |Ether points: 478 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 450 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 2000 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Sephiratic Cane |Rare Item: Evangelist | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Crystal of Spite | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Berserk Realian A |HP: 680 |Ether points: 47 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 180 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 42 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: Dog Tag | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Berserk Realian B |HP: 590 |Ether points: 42 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 180 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 42 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: Dog Tag | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Byproduct #A156 |HP: 820 |Ether points: 78 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: Random |Battle Type: Cahracter | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 120 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 28 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Antidote |Rare Item: EVA Upgrade | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Antidote | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Null |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Byproduct #A283 |HP: 620 |Ether points: 91 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 118 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 28 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Remover |Rare Item: DEX Upgrade | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Remover | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Null |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Byproduct #B156 |HP: 1580 |Ether points: 156 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 197 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 50 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Antidote |Rare Item: Nullifier | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Antidote | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Null |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Byproduct #B283 |HP: 1300 |Ether points: 182 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 202 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Remover |Rare Item: Cleanser | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Remover | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Null |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Carnicos I |HP: 800 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 150 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 22 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Scrap Iron | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Carnicos II |HP: 1100 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 170 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 35 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Scrap Iron | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Citrine |HP: 29000 |Ether points: 220 |Break Limit: 400| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 13000 |Skill Points: 20 | Credit: 10000 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Weapon Development Area Key |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Crescent Moon | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Combat Realian A |HP: 1000 |Ether points: 17 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 118 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 36 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Fire Wall | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Combat Realian B |HP: 760 |Ether points: 14 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 115 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 36 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Thunder Wall | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Crustata |HP: 4100 |Ether points: 166 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 223 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 330 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit M |Rare Item: Nullifier | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Null |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Deion |HP: 3000 |Ether points: 170 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 230 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 400 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: White Fragment |Rare Item: Imperial | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Anti-Crystal | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Null |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Dmitri Yuriev |HP: 46000 |Ether points: 770 |Break Limit: 700| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 15000 |Skill Points: 30 | Credit: 10000 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: God's Experience |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: General's Bracelet | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: DOMO-A |HP: 880 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 142 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 18 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Ether Pack S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: DOMO-B |HP: 1100 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 143 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 20 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Ether Pack S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: E2 Hauser |HP: 2500 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 120| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 210 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 120 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Federation Soldier A |HP: 230 |Ether points: 7 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 40 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 20 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Federation Soldier A2 |HP: 600 |Ether points: 38 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 163 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Federation Soldier A3 |HP: 1500 |Ether points: 56 |Break Limit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 173 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 220 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: HP Upgrade | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Federation Soldier B |HP: 150 |Ether points: 4 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 40 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 20 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Federation Soldier B2 |HP: 700 |Ether points: 46 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 165 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 65 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Federation Soldier B3 |HP: 1000 |Ether points: 45 |Break Limit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 174 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 250 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: STR Upgrade | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Gadreel |HP: 4900 |Ether points: 234 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 250 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 550 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Crystal of Spite |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade C | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Null | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Goblin |HP: 850 |Ether points: 66 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 84 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 50 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Salt Pillar |Rare Item: Anti-Crystal | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Salt Pillar | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Gremlin |HP: 600 |Ether points: 198 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 88 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Salt Pillar |Rare Item: Anti-Crystal | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Salt Pillar | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Iblis |HP: 5300 |Ether points: 263 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 260 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 550 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Crystal of Spite |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade C | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Null | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Kazfa Jina |HP: 4000 |Ether points: 97 |Break Limit: 120| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 256 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 880 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: White Fragment |Rare Item: Coral Stone | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Anti-Crystal | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Null |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Kevin |HP: 12000 |Ether points: 355 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 5000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 0 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Union Ring |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: White Shirt | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Kevin (2) |HP: 52000 |Ether points: 999 |Break Limit: 780| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 40000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 18000 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Kajic Ring |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Velvet Pannier | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Null |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Leupold |HP: 6000 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 480| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 3500 |Skill Points: 15 | Credit: 550 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rejuvenator M |Rare Item: Rejuvenator L | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Ether Pack M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Mai |HP: 6000 |Ether points: |Break Limit: | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 3500 |Skill Points: 15 | Credit: 620 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Decoder 11 |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Kajic Neck | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Manticore |HP: 250 |Ether points: 99 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 79 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 40 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Salt Pillar |Rare Item: Ether Pack S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Salt Pillar | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Mercurio GS |HP: 2700 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 240 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 380 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Ether Core | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Pellegri |HP: 12000 |Ether points: 400 |Break Limit: 300| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 5400 |Skill Points: 15 | Credit: 2900 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Grand Design |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Double Vestment | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Pellegri's Soldier |HP: 4000 |Ether points: 44 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 250 |Skill Points: 15 | Credit: 120 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Skill Upgrade A |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Perun |HP: 6500 |Ether points: 294 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 276 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 1200 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Pack S |Rare Item: Velvet Breath | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Crystal of Spite | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Null |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: PSS-A |HP: 700 |Ether points: 25 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 140 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 50 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rank Badge |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade B | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Norma |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: PSS-B |HP: 450 |Ether points: 17 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 130 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade A | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: PSS-C |HP: 680 |Ether points: 27 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 154 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rank Badge |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade B | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: PSS-F |HP: 1000 |Ether points: 32 |Break Limit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 154 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 48 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rank Badge |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade B | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: PSS-P |HP: 520 |Ether points: 23 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 128 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 42 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade A | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: PSS-P2 |HP: 590 |Ether points: 20 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 135 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 42 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade A | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Serraninae |HP: 3700 |Ether points: 108 |Break Limit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 220 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 320 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit M |Rare Item: Cleanser | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Shion |HP: 9000 |Ether points: 256 |Break Limit: 80 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 5000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 0 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rejuvenator DX |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Research Uniform | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Sigrdrifa |HP: 3000 |Ether points: 140 |Break Limit: 120| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 380 |Skill Points: 10 | Credit: 100 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: None |Rare Item: Ether Pack S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Revive M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Standard URTV |HP: 670 |Ether points: 90 |Break Limit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 158 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 40 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: Ether Pack S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: God Circle | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Stribog |HP: 6400 |Ether points: 381 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 276 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 1200 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Revive M |Rare Item: Union Wrist | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Crystal of Spite | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Null |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Svarazic |HP: 6600 |Ether points: 322 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Gnosis |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 276 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 1200 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit L |Rare Item: Kajic Wrist | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Crystal of Spite | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Null |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: T-elos |HP: 7500 |Ether points: 250 |Break Limit: 360| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: MachineHuman |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 2800 |Skill Points: 10 | Credit: 720 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit L |Rare Item: Revive M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Green Oasis | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: T-elos (2) |HP: 56000 |Ether points: 530 |Break Limit: 720| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: MachineHuman |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 32000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 16000 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: KAP-VEL |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Life Demon | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: U-tic Soldier A |HP: 365 |Ether points: 14 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 80 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Remover | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: U-tic Soldier A(2) |HP: 430 |Ether points: 22 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: HP Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 95 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 36 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Remover | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: U-tic Soldier A(3) |HP: 690 |Ether points: 29 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 140 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 52 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: Med Kit L | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: U-tic Soldier B |HP: 290 |Ether points: 11 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 82 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: Antidote | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: U-Tic Soldier B (2) |HP: 380 |Ether points: 19 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 98 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 36 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Med Kit S |Rare Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Antidote | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: U-Tic Soldier B (2) |HP: 600 |Ether points: 22 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 142 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 56 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ID Plate |Rare Item: Med Kit L | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: V.G.S. Eins |HP: 300 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 45 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 10 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: V.G.S. Eins R |HP: 2300 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 120| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 220 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 300 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: V.G.S. Zewi |HP: 380 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 45 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 12 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: V.G.S. Zewi R |HP: 2800 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 120| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 221 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 350 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: V.M.P. Elf |HP: 85 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 43 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 12 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: V.M.P. Sechs |HP: 80 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 38 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 10 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit S | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Virgil |HP: 14500 |Ether points: 700 |Break Limit: 600| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 11500 |Skill Points: 20 | Credit: 3000 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Gustav Ring |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Union Neck | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Voyager |HP: 10000 |Ether points: 500 |Break Limit: 600| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Biological |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 3700 |Skill Points: 15 | Credit: 1300 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Pack M |Rare Item: Ether Pack L | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Venom Ring | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Null |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: VX-7000 |HP: 850 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 100 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 90 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Ether Core | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: VX-7000 M |HP: 3700 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 225 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 900 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Skill Upgrade B | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: VX-9000 K |HP: 5700 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 290 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 750 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Green Star | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Yuriev Soldier A |HP: 260 |Ether points: 10 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 43 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 25 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Antidote |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Yuriev Soldier A (2) |HP: 1600 |Ether points: 63 |Break Limit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 170 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 180 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rank Badge |Rare Item: Antidote | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Yuriev Soldier A (3) |HP: 2300 |Ether points: 64 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 190 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 220 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rank Badge |Rare Item: EATK Upgrade | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit L | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Yuriev Soldier B |HP: 200 |Ether points: 7 |Break Limit: 30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 43 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 25 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Remover |Rare Item: Med Kit M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: ID Plate | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Yuriev Soldier B (2) |HP: 1100 |Ether points: 52 |Break Limit: 45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 172 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 220 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rank Badge |Rare Item: Andivari | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Antidote | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Yuriev Soldier B (3) |HP: 1700 |Ether points: 51 |Break Limit: 60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: BiologicalHuman |Target: Break Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 192 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 240 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Rank Badge |Rare Item: Shock Absorbent Shirt | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: Med Kit L | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Zarathustra |HP: 70000 |Ether points: 999 |Break Limit: 999| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: ??? |Battle Type: Character Boss | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 0 |Skill Points: 0 | Credit: 0 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: None |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Zolfo RG |HP: 2900 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Recovery Killer |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 244 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 400 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Ether Core | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Zolfo RS |HP: 2400 |Ether points: 0 |Break Limit: 150| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Info: Machine |Target: Random |Battle Type: Character | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 242 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 400 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Ether Core | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Steal Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Weak |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E.S. Battles |ED02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O=============================================================================O |Name: Anathema |HP: 7300 |Info: Machine |Target: HP Killer | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 265 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 340 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Nano Repair DX | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Anathema Officer |HP: 12000 |Info: Machine |Target: HP Killer | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 282 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 600 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: D-Exp II | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Ashmed Bapuz |HP: 7500 |Info: Gnosis |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 235 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 320 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: White Fragment |Rare Item: Crystal of Spite | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Strong |Fire: Strong |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Cera 6 F |HP: 1000 |Info: Machine |Target: HP Killer | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 40 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 25 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Nano Repair M |Rare Item: Half Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Cera 6 S |HP: 6000 |Info: Machine |Target: HP Killer | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 250 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 320 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Nano Repair M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Cera 7 F |HP: 1000 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 40 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 20 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Nano Repair M |Rare Item: Half Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Cera 7 S |HP: 5000 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 250 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 310 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Down Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: E.S. Dan |HP: 800000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 23000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 12000 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: D-EN III |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: E.S. Gad |HP: 280000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 15000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 4500 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: D-Nullify Evade |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: E.S. Issachar |HP: 500000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 17000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 10000 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: |Rare Item: | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: E.S. Joseph |HP: 350000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 15000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 4500 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: D-Half Physical |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: E.S. Levi |HP: 45000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 450 |Skill Points: 10 | Credit: 380 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Half Repair |Rare Item: Nano Repair DX | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: E.S. Levi (2) |HP: 900000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 28000 |Skill Points: 40 | Credit: 14000 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: D-Type M |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: E.S. Naphtali |HP: 85000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 1900 |Skill Points: 10 | Credit: 580 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: D-Counter |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Leviat |HP: 5800 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 265 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 300 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Half Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Leviat Officer |HP: 9500 |Info: Machine |Target: HP Killer | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 280 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 550 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: D-SP II | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Maranatha |HP: 7500 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 265 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 320 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: All Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Natus Flamma |HP: 230000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 13250 |Skill Points: 30 | Credit: 8000 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: ZF-Rybues |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Natus Glacies |HP: 250000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 13250 |Skill Points: 30 | Credit: 8000 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: AF-Stealth |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Strong |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Natus Lumen |HP: 225000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 13250 |Skill Points: 30 | Credit: 8000 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: RF-Acala |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Natus Tellus |HP: 250000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 13250 |Skill Points: 30 | Credit: 8000 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: DF-XX |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Strong |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Omega Metempsychosis |HP: 450000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 20000 |Skill Points: 30 | Credit: 200000| Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: D-Anima |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Omega Universitas |HP: 200000 |Info: Machine |Target: ??? | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 4900 |Skill Points: 15 | Credit: 2600 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: D-EN I |Rare Item: None | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Stole Arma |HP: 3000 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 140 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 34 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Half Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Stole Marine |HP: 3000 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 140 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 32 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Half Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: T183 Oculus |HP: 900 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 63 |Skill Points: 1 | Credit: 30 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Down Repair |Rare Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: T190 Dens |HP: 1200 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: |Skill Points: | Credit: | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Down Repair |Rare Item: Junked Circuit | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: VRA-2100 |HP: 4800 |Info: Machine |Target: HP Killer | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 180 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 350 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: All Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: VRA-2100 ST |HP: 8000 |Info: Machine |Target: HP Killer | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 225 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 280 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: All Repair | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Strong |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Weak |Beam: Weak | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: VRA-3500 |HP: 4000 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 180 |Skill Points: 3 | Credit: 300 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Nano Repair DX | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: VRA-3500 ST |HP: 5000 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 220 |Skill Points: 4 | Credit: 270 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Ether Core |Rare Item: Nano Repair DX | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Weak |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Strong | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Yacud Cannon |HP: 1000 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 120 |Skill Points: 2 | Credit: 38 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Scrap Iron |Rare Item: Nano Repair M | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O O=============================================================================O |Name: Yacud Cannon Revised |HP: 2500 |Info: Machine |Target: Random | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Experience: 243 |Skill Points: 5 | Credit: 250 | Battle Type: E.S. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Normal Item: Junked Circuit |Rare Item: Ether Core | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Physical: Normal |Fire: Normal |Ice: Normal |Thunder: Normal |Beam: Normal | O=============================================================================O +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contacting Me |CM24 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you would like to contact me please title your E-mail as either Xenosaga Ep.III or Xenosaga 3 and send it to beefybuffalo (at) live (dot) com. If you are submitting an error you caught please include a name I can credit you by, as I will not list any E-mail addresses on my guide apart from mine. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Updates |UD25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version 1.00 - May 26, 2007 -Finished all major sections and submitted my guide to Gamefaqs.com Version 1.01 - July 14, 2007 -Updated the Underground Ruins puzzle with help from Cathryn Miller. Edited a few minor errors. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Credits |CD26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I must thank the following because they helped in the creation of this guide. GameFaqs for hosting my guide Cathryn Miller for fixing the puzzle directions in the Underground Ruins Maelael Vaedal for catching an error in Jin?s Tech Section Neochaz410 for his tip and error catch in Omega ID?s section The many people who pointed out I wrote Stigma instead of Sigma Monolith Soft for creating one of the best series in video games And you for reading this guide