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If you wish to use anything from this FAQ please contact me and tell me. I will ONLY post my guides and stuff at GameFAQS and on my own personal homepages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED 24/11/2004: This is the last update of this FAQ/Mini-guide. Or at least I think it's the last, I have corrected some of the misspellings and changed the stuff that was wrong. So I am pleased with this FAQ now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction II. Xeno-Comi III. Xeno-Pittan IV. Encyclopedia V. Xenosaga II -trail version- VI. Voice Actors VII. F.A.Q VIII. Thanks and Credits ____________________ | \_____________ | I. Introduction | |_________________________________| I made this Mini-FAQ for those who has the game and for those who doesn't have it. Well you see I really want people to import this game and enjoy it. So if they can read a little about it, perhaps some of the Xenosaga fans out there might just get there on copy of Xenosaga Freaks. Perhaps it is a long shot, but hey! What have I got to lose? Well to those who has the game but can't find anything in the menus, then this Mini-FAQ will be just perfect! Hopefully you will be sure to find what you are looking for with my help. So I guess that about it, oh! But there is a third reason... Some friends of my have asked me what Xenosaga Freaks is, and so I decided to do this instead of answering their questions over and over. So I hope you'll find some use of this. And of course as always enjoy, and remember you will find this Mini-FAQ on and on my homepage. ____________________ | \_____________ | II. Xeno-Comi | |_________________________________| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW GAME | Start the game from the beginning. CONTINUE | Load a saved game. CG VIEWER | Watch the CG pictures that have appeared in Xeno-Comi. OPTION | You can change the settings. RETURN TO MENU | End Xeno-Comi and return to the Main Menu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an adventure type of game seen trough the eyes of one of six of the Xenosaga characters. If you have played a Japanese dating game before you can compare it to that, minus the dating part that is. And the characters are, Shion, KOS-MOS, Ziggy, MOMO, Jr., chaos. And what game would be complete without a secret character? The seventh character you can play with is Allen, but I think you have to finish the game with the other six befor you can play as him. Once you have selected a character you will be dragged into a pretty normal day for them... Or at least it starts normal. You will see KOS-MOS chasing a cat around, Elsa, Durandal and the Kukai Foundation, and she destroys a lot of things in while she is chasing this cat. Why, I really don't know but it seems like she has got a bug or something. And you will only know how she got the bug if you play as KOS-MOS. So by playing with all characters you will get a picture of the whole story, from the perspective of all characters. When you play with the characters you will also sometimes see a flashback, where they remeber things, like when playing with Ziggy and he has been KO:e by KOS-MOS he remembers something about a church and he screams his sons name, so I guess what happened in this scen is the reason to why Ziggy did as he did when he was human... When playing with Jr. you will see him remebering the time he spent with Sakura Mizrahi fourthen years ago, befor he and the other U.R.T.V.s had to try and stop U-DO. And you will hear the Durandal crew call him Chibi-sama. It sound so cute in Japanese. Hehe, or at least funnier than little master. ;) Once you have completed a game with a character you will unlock something new in the Encyclopedia. So it is worth completing the game with all characters. And each time you finish the game with a character you will get some of the special GG pictures to look at in the GC viewer, there are 30 pictures to get. The biggets let down here is that my Japanese is too limited. I whish i knew more, because this seems like suchs a fun game, and it would be a lot funnier if you could understand it but what the hell! Someday I will understand it!! I hope... ____________________ | \_____________ | III. Xeno-Pittan | |_________________________________| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 PLAYER | Play alone on 20 original stages. 2 PLAYERS | Face your friends in two different play mode. HOW TO PLAY | Learn how the game works RETURN TO MENU | End Xeno-Pittan and return to the Main Menu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xeno-Pittan is a pussle game, that is based on the game called Moji-Pittan. You can say that this game is a Japanese version of scramble. The original Moji-Pittan game is made by Namco, and to which company does Monolith Soft belong to? ;) Well the game is simple, you get letters and combine them to get words. The better the word the better points you get. (Duh!) And good points means that you will get a good ranking. ^^ Hehe, and I am correct you will get loads of points when you get a word that has something to do with Xenosaga. Like a word like Shion, X-buster, Elsa or something like that. ^^ And one of the best thing in this mini-game has to be the music. Its cute its catchy and I just love it! And did I say I just love it! :) It just goes straight to the brain and stays there, I have been whistling on some of the songs without even thinking of it. Ehmm... Back to business. Well on some stages in this mini-game you will hear music that is sung by three of the Xenosaga characters. The name of the songs are Estrelitta which is preformed by Maeda Ai (Shion), [AI] by Suzuki Mariko (KOS-MOS) and the last song is called Paradox and is preformed by Shishido Rumi (MOMO). And then there is a special song in the game in which all the characters preform a song together and that song is called Hutari no XenoPittan. Because this is in Japanese I have a very hard time with this mini-game. But someday I hope I can finish it. But even if the language is hard I won't let that stop me, this game is actually very fun. And perhaps someday there will be an English version of this game... Well at least I can still dream, can't I? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________ | \_____________ | IV. Encyclopedia | |_________________________________| Now I really wish I could Japanese, because here are a lot of stuff that I would like to read. But sadly I don't understand one single thing, I just recognise some of the letters. And that's too few to translate. =/ You know the database in Xenosaga Episode I? Well this is something like that only much more bigger and with pictures and sound. I think everyone will get the picture with that explanation. Here you will find Xenosaga related material, like character information. Information about the ships, locations, items and other important stuff in the Xenosaga world. When you look at the character profile in the Encyclopedia, you can see their artwork, see a movie clip or on some characters even get a little taste of their voice. Usually you can only hear the main characters voice but hey! Its better than nothing, right? Hopefully you can unlock the movie and voice choices by completing the mini-games by 100%. Well at least each time you finish Xeno-Comi with a character you will unlock something new here in the encyclopedia. ____________________ | \_____________ | V. Xenosaga II -trial version- | |_________________________________| This demo was the thing that made me buy Xenosaga Freaks. I wanted to try Xenosaga II so badly but I didn't want to buy the complete Japanese game. (well if I had the money I would buy the premium packed) If you have read anything in this Mini-FAQ you will know by now that my Japanese is not very good. And I didn't want to spoil any major things for myself before I can play the English version. So getting the demo sounded like the best idéa. So I wonder if this is even worth writing this, but I'll do it anyway. Well the demo did a great job! It made me want the game even more! The little I could hear of the music sounded great! Too bad that Yasunori Mitsuda is not doing the music for this game to but you can't have everything. I really like Yuki Kajuras music in Episode II but, I think Mitsudas music is a bit better. But I do like miss Kajuras music, it is nice and a bit diffrent to what I am used to hear in games. The battles are much better and fighting with the mechs are way more fun in this game than in the first game. Oh, I can't wait until February 2005 when I finally can play the English version, and to hear more of the music. And of course I want to kick some major ass with E.S Dina. >=) ____________________ | \_____________ | VI. Voice Actors | |_________________________________| I was thinking of a way to make this Mini-FAQ more complete so I thought I would add a list of the Japanese voice Actors. Just for fun and they are in Xenosaga Freaks, someone might enjoy this. Remember I will only add the voice actors who are in Xenosaga Freaks not all that are in Xenosaga Episode I and II. So enjoy! And just to make things see a bit more right to me, I will even have the names of the English voice actors. Thanks to Don "Gamera" Chan The Japanese people usually writes their lastname first and peronal name after. But I had writen their personalnames first and lastname last. Just as we have it, but I corected it know. CHARACTER JAPANESE ENGLISH Shion Uzuki: Maeda Ai | Lia Sargent KOS-MOS: Suzuki Mariko | Ruby Marlowe chaos: Hoshi Souichiro | Steven Chester Prince Ziggy: Ebara Masashi | Richard Epcar MOMO: Shishido Rumi | Sherry Lynn Jr.: Kawasaki Erika | Brianne Siddall Mary Godwin: Kugimiya Rie | Wendee Lee Shelley Godwin: Takada Yumi | Dorothy Melendrez Matthew: Ishizuka Unsho | Kirk Thornton Hammer: Matsuno Taiki | Michael Lindsay Tony: Koyasu Takehito | Tony Oliver Allen Ridgeley: Hirata Hiroaki | Dave Wittenberger Professor: Aono Takeshi | None Scott: Nakai Kazuya | None ____________________ | \_____________ | VII. F.A.Q | |_________________________________| Q: Why did you make this Mini-FAQ? A: Just look at introduction at the beginning and you'll understand Q: So what kind of game is this? A: Well I don't really know if you can call this a game. It's more like a huge Xenosaga Encyclopedia with two bonus games and a demo of Xenosaga II Jenzites Von Gute und Bose. Q: So when will it come to the USA? A: Well, my guess is never. =/ I don't think Namco ever will translate this to English, but I sure hope they do. You'll just have to stay updated. Just like me! One of the biggest Swedish Xenosaga fans. Q: So you're a Swedish Xenosaga fan? A: Yes, that is correct. I am in the middle of making a Swedish homepage where there will be Xenosaga info and hopefully a walktrought in Swedish. And perhaps other goodies too. ^^ Q: What do you get out of making that? A: Nothing, I just wanna show my love for the Xeno-series. That is also one reason for making this Mini-FAQ. Q: Sorry, for talking about other none Xenosaga Freaks related stuff. A: Don't worry! It was Xenosaga related, that is all that matters. Q: The last question. Why haven't Xenosaga been released here in Europe? A: Jikes! You saved the trickiest question for last I see... Well I wish I could answer you but I can't, because I don't now. Perhaps its because Namco doesn't believe in the European market, or perhaps they think we wouldn't like this kind of game... It's sad but, at least you can import it. ______________________ | \____________ | VIII. Thanks and Credits | |__________________________________| I would like to thank Namco and Monolith Soft for making the Xenosaga games, and filling my life with some happiness. And hopefully I will have many fun hours with the English version of Xenosaga II once it is released and once I have it at home. I just can't wait! ^^ I would like to thank Don "Gamera" Chan for giving me a link to a site which had the list of all voice actors that are in Xenosaga Freaks, too bad I can't read it. -_- But I got a hold of all the names trough Xenosaga Comi's ending. And he told me about a lite mistake that I hade done. The Japanese people usually writes their lastname first and peronal name after. But I had writen their personalnames first and lastname last. Just as we have it, but I corected it know. But hey Namco if you are seeing this, release Xenosaga in Europe or at least translate Xenosaga Freaks into English! Please!! We/I want an English version of Xenosaga Freaks!! All Xenosaga related stuff, and characters are trademarks and copyrighted material from Namco.