Extreme G-3 Walkthrough Playstation 2 By: Orca782 Copyright 2002 (www.gamefaqs.com) Version 1.1 ***************** This FAQ is meant to be used to guide you through the extremely speedy levels of Extreme G-3, the latest installment in the Extreme G community. It is rumored to be better than the last 2, but I only played the first one on a one night rental, and never the second, so I can't compare. This one is really fun, but really hard to master. The weapons systems are a bit off, but the speed of the game more than makes up for it. It also has fun multiplayer co-op or battle modes. I'll try to explain everything in full, so email me any questions or concerns you may have. My email is vejiitassj4@hotmail.com. Do not email me questions that are in the guide, as I am more than fed up with answering questions that are right here. ***************** Legal: This is my FAQ, and I don't want anyone taking it or posting it anywhere without my consent. Email me at vejiitassj4@hotmail.com if you desire to post it on your site, and I'll think about it. If you don't ask, I will eventually find you, and there will be hell to pay. ***************** Contents: 1. DRIVING 2. TEAMS 3. SPEED CLASSES 4. WEAPONS/EQUIPMENT 5. STRATEGY 6. LEVELS (walkthrough) 7. CONCLUSION ***************** DRIVING Besides always holding down the acceleration, there are a few things you need to know in this game. And that is certainly one of them. The side air brakes compensate more than enough for the bikes speed, so always keep the acceleration floored. You don't want to slow down to turn, because this game is nowhere as realistic as Gran Tourismo, etc. The air breaks should be used only when a tight turn is coming, because they cause the bike to strafe, rather than turn. This causes extreme grinding if you get up against a wall. Try to use the analog stick to turn most of the time, because it will keep you facing the right direction. If you go into one of the above grinds, you want to let go of acceleration and boost, if you have it on, for a split second. This will dislodge you. Then jam the acceleration again. For some reason you are drawn to walls if you are going fast enough. The boost is a special tool used to up your speed, but it will drop your shields fairly fast. Use this at straightaways, or to pass other bikes. You can look behind you, but don't do it often, as the tracks move so fast. Only is this recommended when trying to kill a pursuing enemy. Also, try to switch your weapons at the beginning of the race, as changing them mid race is quite a hassle. The sound barrier can be broken at 750 mph, and the screen will almost ripple, the sound will go off into a breeze like pattern for a margin of 5 seconds or so, before returning to the techno music. Whether or not you slowed down past the 750 mph speed, the music will come back. At 1000 mph, the meter goes wild, and won't read your speed. ======================= (scientific section, skip to next section if you want to just learn to learn about the game) This game requires a bit of knowledge to begin, and by knowledge I don't mean practical knowledge. There are a few things you have to know to drive efficiently. First off, this is not real. At these speeds, the riders would most likely die, and secondly the tracks would be moving faster than you could see. Now that that's out of the way, lets have some fun. The one thing I can relate to physics in this game is the cycles. There isn't always a round track when you are upside down, so you have to wonder why you aren't falling off. Simple. The bikes are shaped like an aerodynamic upside down airplane wing. This causes the air molecules rushing by the bike to keep it pressed firmly against the road, whereas a right side up plain wing would cause it to fly. This may sound strange, but planes travel at 500 miles per hour, which translates into about 225 meters per second. Now, the speed of sound, which these bikes routinely break, is 333 meters per second. If a 747 jet, which weighs several tons, can keep airborne at 225 meters per second, a bike going faster than that can certainly keep against the ground, and with some force at that. I won't go into the lesser details, but at the speeds these bikes are going, there's no chance they'll fall off the road. The sound barrier translates to 744 miles per hour, but I think for the games purposes they made it 750. ****************** TEAMS Though none of the team choices really matter, this section will outline the team descriptions. ============ PALUS Welcome to Palus. It has been over 20 years since Palus' visionary Gabriel Artimus, conceived and designed the Graviton Drive. Since that day, many have imitated but none have surpassed the elegance and fluidity achieved by Palus's manufacturing. Our technology can be found in most household products, from the early Sentivacuum cleaning models through to the luxurious Graviton 8000 ground cruiser. Palus is proud to be a sponsor and participant in the Extreme-G Racing Tournaments. Palus: let the mind improve the soul. ============= PHASE ONE "What drives a man to risk everything in search of glory?" This was the question posed to Phase One's team manager ten years ago by the head of Lunar Industries. Lunar was looking to raise their corporate profile, at any cost. AS a result, Phase One graduated from the lower racing leagues to the premier level of racing -Extreme-G. We pride ourselves in being the most prominent, exciting and controversial racing team on the circuit. We risk everything in search of glory. Phase One is a subsidiary of Lunar Industries. ============= TERRANOVA Speed. Glamour. Excitement. These three words encapsulate Extreme-G racing. And these three words describe perfectly the ethos here at TerraNova. We deliver the racing experience that everyone adores - high production values, mass media coverage, incredible exhilaration. These are the things that make TerraNova the number one choice for racing fans. Be a part of that team - live the dream. ============= TALON Privately funded by three high-profile CEOs, Talon is, and will always be, the most profitable racing group on the Extreme-G circuit (XG financial report, 2230). We have no boundaries when it comes to victory. We have no boundaries when it comes to design. We have no boundaries when it comes to engineering. We will use the best drivers and we will push the rules to their limit. We require nothing but complete dedication from our workforce. This is why we win. Talon: there are no boundaries. ============= VIXEN Formed in 2218, Vixen is proud to be the only XG team fully staffed by women. Psychological tests have proven the female mind to be not only more capable of digesting information than the male, but also a small percentage faster. AS such, we believe our drivers have an edge over the competition. Elegant and sophisticated is our motto - join the team that has evolved. Vixen is an equal opportunity employer. ============= STARCOM Thank you for showing an interest in Starcom. A privately funded team, Starcom shies from the hype and publicity surrounding the Extreme-G Racing League. Nevertheless, in the interests of the group we are seeking new talent to join our world class racing team. We seek only experienced drivers looking for a new adventure. With Starcom, you will see the world like you've never seen it before. Note: You can unlock this team by beating the game once in career mode. ****************** SPEED CLASSES There are several speed classes in EG-3, and you need to know them in order to change strategies. 250 CLASS The 250 class is the beginning class, and you'll travel at relatively slow speeds as this game goes. You have much more opportunity to blast your opponents to oblivion in this mode, as they travel slower, allowing more targeting time. There's no hope of breaking the sound barrier in this mode, so don't waste your boost. 500 CLASS This class is much faster than the last class, in fact it should be double. Unfortunately, it's not. There's still a good opportunity to kill other racers, but it's not as wide a margin of time. There is the possibility of breaking the sound barrier if you get boosters full on a flat track area. Try to get used to the increasing speed, as this is only the beginning. 750 CLASS Here we are almost at the top. 750 lets you break the sound barrier fairly frequently if you try, and it's very hard to get a bead on anyone at these speeds. You're better off relying on weapons like EMP and the Mines. These don't require aiming skill. You'll definitely have a harder time turning at these speeds, so work on that too in practice mode. 1000 CLASS Finally, made it! Whew. This is the fastest of the fast. You can break the sound barrier without breaking a sweat in this mode. The bikes are even faster though, and you have to watch for your opponents, because they'll come out of nowhere. Also watch out for those seemingly harmless jumps, or drops in the track, as they now become fatal if you make a wrong turn. ****************** WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT These are the multiple weapons and upgrades you can purchase for your bike. Some are more useful than others, and that will be stated. Weapons will receive a power and a duration level in the form of stars (*). ============== MINI GUN Power: * Duration: *** Cost: Pre-Equipped (Free) Description: Garvel-Lyon MA-680 Rapid fire projectile weapon; capable of firing up to 5,000 rounds per minute. Built by the Garvel Lyon Corporation of Mars, Alpha Centauri and New York, this compact three-barreled mini gun is powered directly from the bike's on board energy source. Ammunition generally consists of titanium tipped solid Uranium shells for maximum entry point damage. Strategy: This gun can NOT fire 5000 rounds per minute, I'd actually be amazed if it fired 60. This is extremely weak, and I only recommend using it if you have nothing better, and if you are on a straightaway. Otherwise, don't bother. Low level computers will do their best to shoot you with it after you pass them, but overall they should only get a hit or so off on you. This is the least favorable weapon in the game, hence it being free. ============== ROCKET Power: ** Duration: * Cost: 13000 Description: Armsell type GP97 micro missile. Rocket propelled high explosive detonates on impact. Re-developed from the old GP90 tank destroyer missile, the GP97 has traded its destructive capabilities for much improved versatility. Its size and speed make it ideal for Extreme G where a normal rocket would be overtaken by the super sonic bikes. Powered by a solid propellant rocket motor, this is an unguided, or 'blind fire' missile designed to be fired in salvos from shoulder mounted launchers. Strategy: This is better than the machine gun, but not by much. For an explosive, you'd think it would do more damage, like, say, total a bike in one hit. Well, it doesn't. It takes 2 or 3 from my experience. It works fairly well on straightaways, so take advantage of it then. Also note that near the beginning of the race is when your opponent has least life, and the track is usually flat, so use it then. Weapon energy only allows a few of these to be fired before you are depleted, and once again the game has overrated it's speed, as these do NOT fire in salvos. ============== REAR BLASTERS Power: * Duration: *** Cost: 14000 Description: Kazagi Mjima RF72A High powered plasma stream thrusters, temporarily increase velocity. Also used as a short range rear facing weapon. Although slightly larger than the conventional engine the Rear Blasters use an improved 'Classiante' Ion filter resulting in a marked improvement in drive when activated. The Blaster received this nickname due to the alarming increase in use of the system as a rearward weapon. In full burn, with the cowling open the afterburner cone extends far enough back to cause heat damage to bikes following directly behind. Strategy: I love this weapon, but not as a weapon. When combined with boost, this makes you go insanely fast. It also looks cool. However, if you are lucky enough to have an opponent directly behind you, let fly. I don't recommend driving in rear view while trying to get someone to strafe through this line of fire, as it won't be worth it. Simply use it as a speed boost. ============== EMP Power: N/A Duration: *** Cost: 18000 Description: Sorenson series MM834 Weapon disabling pulse rifle; temporarily disrupts all weapons systems on targeted bike. The Pulse rifle utilizes the latest in on board energy suspension technology. Drawing a relatively low charge from the bike's battery, a dynamo fly wheel is rotated at high speed, charging a single cell with enough power to deliver one shot from the Electro Pulse. The process can then be repeated. The rifle itself, once prepped to fire, lays down a tightly focused electromagnetic lattice forward of the emitter cowling, allowing the pulse to be effectively aimed. This replaces the old generic field pulse that could easily have affected teammates as well as opponents. The Electro Pulse takes several seconds to recharge between shots. Strategy: I'm not sure what they mean when they say it can be aimed. As far as I know, this huge blue energy field hits anyone in its field except you. It probably doesn't hit team mates, but I have never had a partner close when I fired. Use this weapon when someone is really on you with something like the machine gun, or you know a friend is coming up with the railgun prepped. This also stops those speed demon Rear Burning fools who always try to pass you. Overall, I don't use this weapon a lot. ============== HEAT SEEKERS Power: ** Duration: * Cost: 31000 Description: Kulatii BBTMS 'SunStrike' Rocket propelled guided explosive, detonates on impact. The SunStrike heat seeking missile is less powerful than the GP97 standard rocket, but has the ability to follow its target, overcoming the need for careful aiming. At launch the missile is 'cold fired' by a compressed gas system, ignited a moment later at a safe distance from the bike. As the solid fuel rocket motor ignites, the steering fins on the missil deploy. The fins allow for swift and tight maneuvering as the missile tracks the targets emission signature. Strategy: This weapon is just about as powerful as the normal missile, so disregard what Acclaim says. It may take one more than the others. It cannot maneuver that tightly either, as the simplest of turns will often throw it into an explosion on the wall. The time it takes to lock onto an enemy bike is also insane. Generally, try to get a lock on in the straightaways. This makes it only slightly better than the normal missiles, as you have to be on a straightaway to use it. Overall, try to pick a different weapon to use. The cost of these is also insane. ============== MICRO MINES Power: ** Duration: *** Cost: 15000 Description: PROBELLAN MILITARY SYSTEMS (Venus) Short fuse proximity mines; detonate when hit by other bikes. An extension of the old type 9A, the new Type 22 'Bouncing Benny' is now widely being used by XG riders throughout the league. Stowed flat, in a stack, the mines are deployed from a hopper at the rear of the bike. Upon launching, the arms on either side of the main body of the mine unfold, from which a ridge of sensors extend forming a dispersed sphere. The mines are allowed to bounce and roll, detonating upon contact with an opponent bike, or after a limited time period. Strategy: This are some of the most effective weapons in the game... against you. Computers will drop these things like candy, hoping that you will fall upon them. They drop them most frequently when you are right behind them, and they always seem to hit too. Use them if you have someone following you, or if you have nothing better to do. They are less damaging than missiles, but more damaging than the machine gun, thus the rating of 2. I'm not a big fan of these. ============== LEECH Power: * Duration: *** Cost: 20000 Description: Mazaki/Suzayama 'Leech' System Energy draining homing missile; drains from the enemy bikes to boost your energy levels. Initially designed as a remote refueling system, the leech was soon adopted by XG riders as an energy drain to be used against the opposition. Fired as a single, guided unit, the Leech is linked to the bike's computer and sensors suite. Tarted lock and tracking data is passed to the Leech's on board guidance system prior to launch. The Leech adopts a two stage deployment system. The rocket section, powered by a "Vienne' Micro fusion motor, propels and guides itself towards the target. Once within a pre-calculated distance, the rocket section falls away as a sabot jacked and the actual 'Leech' system itself is left to accelerate towards the target. Once locked, magnetic clamps deploy to secure the device and the gyro-electric feeder system initiates. Energy is drained from the victim and received by an 'energy scoop' on the firer's bike. Strategy: I only wish these weapons were as good as they are made to sound. This weapon is fairly weak, but it stays on an opponent if you can keep it there, draining energy. This makes for a speedier race after you disconnect, as you now have additional shields. However, keeping this thing on a target gets to be pretty tough as the races advance in speed. They also aren't going to sit there and take it, they're going to fight back. All and all, use this weapon in short bursts, and try to surprise opponents. ============= DESTABILIZER Power: N/A Duration: *** Cost: 29000 Description: Sorenson series MM378 Deflection field generator; disables handling systems of all enemy bikes within field area. First used in the late 22nd century as a deflection shielding system on aircraft to reduce collisions in overcrowded skies. The MM 378 is far more compact than the original, designed specifically for Extreme-G Racing, producing a smaller but more ferocious disruption field. Once activated the MM 378 generates a low frequency electro-magnetic field around the user bike that oscillates erratically producing conflicting spatial information and disrupting the gyrostabilizers of opponents. Strategy: This is a powerful weapon if you use it correctly. It's not an explosion or anything like that, it's a field around the bike. So use it as you are about to pass an opponent, and their speed drops to their minimum for a short period of time. The field will remain around you for a good 10 seconds or so, so use it well. I highly recommend this weapon for races of higher speeds, and against human opponents. ============== FLASH MORTAR Power: N/A Duration: *** Cost: 19000 Description: Ryland GPFM 989B Quick burst extreme light emitting flare; blinds all riders who see it for a few seconds. Blind fired from the bike, the Flash Mortar reaches optimum height before deploying a series of twelve, coaxially mounted submunitions that detonate at a preset distance from the parent munition. This causes a 'flash-cloud' of thorium magnesium flares that cause mass visual distortion. Strategy: This is a good weapon only against other human players. If you use it against a CPU, it will do little to nothing. The artificial intelligence (AI) that runs CP bikes does not rely on vision, thus this wave effect won't bother them. However, against friends, it's a lot of fun. It will mess them up for a short period, but it's not done with light. These aren't a good weapon, but they are a fun one. ============== REAR TURRET Power: * Duration: *** Cost: 21750 Description: Rear Facing rapid fire projectile weapon; capable of firing up to 1,000 rounds per minute. With its own onboard tracking system, the rear turret is an articulated twin barreled chain gun system. The rounds are 7.62 concave tipped, solid titanium projectiles intermixed with tracer rounds for visual acquisition. The self aim functionality allows riders to remain focused on their racing, avoiding unnecessary distraction. Strategy: For once, the game understates a weapon. These fire much faster than the so called 5,000 round per minute Mini Gun. They are also auto aimed, so you can keep driving while laying down cover fire behind you. I find this extemely useful if you can keep an opponent behind you. It also doesn't use up weapons energy as fast as most other weapons do, so it's nice an cheap. ============== RAIL GUN Power: *** Duration: * Cost: 36500 Description: Kraft and Wentner model-57 heavy assault system. High powered thermal blaster; causes terrific damage to all in its path. A devastating weapon designed to penetrate even the toughest armor. First used in Extreme-G by the TerraNova team in 2227, the XGA were rendered powerless to take disciplinary action due to the public adulation of such a weapon. Following the first Rail Gun related fatality in early 2228 the XGA forced the teams to adopt the less powerful model 57 in place of the mighty 63 series. The rail gun takes a moment to charge up, accelerating an electrodynamic flywheel, to generate a high frequency laser that is fired from the gun barrel to superheat the air in the projectile's path. Simultaneously, the 5mm solid xenon core in the round chamber is superheated to white hot plasma. The solid xenon round is contained in a shell of silicon carbide infused alloy, which rapidly vaporized on firing, releasing the superheated Xenon plasma. The plasma has little time to dissipate before it hits its target, causing maximum devastation. Strategy: Yes, this is it, the best weapon in the game. Or should I say the most damaging. You have to be right behind an opponent to hit them with it, so it's similar to the rockets. But it is extremely damaging, and can be charged so you can fire at a moment's notice. This will take out opponents in 1-2 hits, so use it well. It will take down your weapon energy drastically as well. Use it sparingly. ============== SHIELD BOOST Cost: 30400 Increase shield strength. Working in tandem with the shield generators, this is an aggressive gravity pulse generator, capable of backing up the existing shield with a secondary layer in the 40 megawatt range. ============== AMMO BANK Cost: 20700 Increased ammunition storage capacity. Enabling extra storage space for onboard ammunition this device is constructed from two parallel, double stacked corkscrew drums that alternately feed in to an overhead hopper ready for use by the assigned weapon. The dual feed system means that both drums empty at a consistent rate thus maintaining the balance. ============== SHIELD SCOOP Cost: 30400 Improved shield recovery system for greater repair rate when in pit lane. As shields are powered by a power cell separated from the bike's main power unit they can be severely drained in the course of a race, particularly if under heavy assault. As shields are formed from a gravity repulsion field, any damage sustained causes a massive drain on the power source and a shorting out across the surface, causing minor wear to the bike's projector plate arrays. The power cell can be recharged on the fly using the Shield Scoop a remote energy gathering divide that works in tandem with a shield energy transmitter in the pits to gather energy and recharge the shield cell. ============== WEAPON SCOOP Cost: 29400 Improved ammo collection system for faster ammunition acquisition at power up points. A device that operates similarly to the Shield Scoop, this draws in energy that can recharge weapons on the bike. First invented in 2176, the energy to matter converters equipped on all Powerbikes enable weaponry to be sourced by one supply. As weapons are fired this supply eventually becomes exhausted, preventing any further aggressive action. The Weapon Scoop is an additional means of ammunition energy collection used by riders considered "trigger-happy." While expensive to buy, the benefits offered by increased ammunition restoration have often meant the difference between victory and failure. ******************* STRATEGY This section will cover strategies in the game, that you should observe, and that you should watch out for. First off, when you begin, you start with only 2 additional properties besides the normal ones. The machine gun, and the booster. Now, get to know to use both, as you should try to use the booster only when you have a flat straight area, and the gun only on flat areas. But the computers will always use this pattern if you pass them. First, they will attempt to kill you, or hit you with the machine gun. Being hit with any weapon will slow you down, so try not to get hit. After that, if that doesn't work, they will boost past you. To stop them from doing this, boost past them for some distance, so they can't boost past you. Or you can try to kill them before you pass them. Passing them at a normal speed is generally not a good idea. As the weapons get stronger, computers will use the better ones. Primarily, they love the mines. They will drop tons of these little suckers on the track to get you. Even if they don't damage you much, they will slow you down a lot, and slightly decrease your boost potential. Try to not get hit, and boost past computers if possible. The weapons I recommend using are the rear burners, the rear turret and the rail gun. The leech is a good mid level weapon, but not towards the end. Use the rear burners for speed, the turret to hit enemies behind you, and the rail gun to waste people in front of you. Overall, speed is a better ally than the weapons. If you can speed by an opponent before they can get a shot off on you, you're golden. The weapons systems in this game are below par, but the speed is great. At all costs, up your engines before your weapons. ******************* LEVELS This section will give a short description of each level, and some basic strategies to be observed. =============== LITHIUM LEAGUE =============== MUON HARBOR 7.8Km Welcome to the twin cities of Muon. Although one of the first XG tracks to be constructed, it remains the most popular with XG initiates due to the elegant oval design conducive to extreme speeds. The early evening race offers a beautiful vista across the harbor. Music by: Vitae Strategy: This area has only one refueling station of each type, and it has no jumps. Basically, as the description stated, go as fast as possible on this track, as turning isn't a problem. =============== VERDEGRAND 13.4Km Starting from the Verdegrand suspension bridge, the circuit provides spectacular racing between the wind turbines and through the valley wall. Although relatively gentle, Verdegrand has hosted some of the most compelling XG races in recent years. Music by: Muzzi Kalmyth Strategy: There are 2 weapon refill areas, and only one shield refill. Try to speed up on the straight up section that goes up into the sky. Also you can feel free to put on the boost at the red tunnel area, but watch out for the corkscrew at the end of it. =============== CRYSTALARIA 12.3Km The disused research station of Crystalaria provided a perfect base to the XG architects in 2202 when they began construction of this, the most remote of the XG circuits. The track cuts gently through ice caverns, and across the glacier plains with track routes and splits close to the mountain edge. Music by: Nukamol Strategy: You can speed up with boost after exiting the first cave, and put on the boost after you exit the split section. The faster side is the left one to start off with, as it drops you less, and puts you slightly ahead. There are 2 weapon refills, and 1 shield refill. =============== RUBIDIUM LEAGUE =============== ATRADAITOSHI 10.3Km Constructed high above the city streets and between the city's skyscrapers, the circuit has breathtaking drops and jumps that push the most skilled riders to the max. Busy city traffic continues despite the extreme racing taking place among the clouds. Music by: C90 Strategy: This is a really fun course, with the most jumps of any of them. There are 2 purple refill areas, both located along the dropping stairs section. At high speeds watch out for this section, as you can easily go off the side. At a high enough speed, you can even skip one entire stair platform. Speed up at the stairs section, and at the beginning area, as well as in the red area. Only one shield refill. =============== SIRIS CANYON 15.0Km At 15km, Siris hosts the longest of the XG races and arguably one of the most breathtaking. Rising from the depths of the canyon floor, the track climbs up over 200 meters, through a 360 degree vertical loop, before cutting back into the valley and between the canyon walls. Music by: DJ Butterface This race is wierd in that depending upon the track you take, you either get speed or refills. There are 2 of each refill if you take the slower, left path. There's only the normal 1 of each if you take the faster, right split. At high speeds watch out for the drop from the faster path, as it could send you to your demise. =============== OCEANIA 11.0Km 2138 saw the construction of Earth's first ocean based city: Oceania. And where better to host an XG race with its jaw dropping loops and twists, and gut-wrenching plummet deep into the ocean. The central tower offers XG race fans amazing views of the circuit as the bikes reach their supersonic speeds. Music by: System 7 Strategy: There are only one of each refill in this race, so use them well. The split in the track is primarily equal, so I can't tell you to take either one. Speed up on the long downward arc section, and try to maintain speed, as this track has fewer turns than most. =============== CAESIUM LEAGUE =============== TUNDARIA 10.3Km The military base and tracking station of Tundaria provides the setting of the opening race to the Caesium League. Its coastal location hosts a complex circuit that twists between rock faces and rises high above the hills before diving under the sea into the Tundarian bay. Music by: Nick Arundel Strategy: There is 1 weapon refill, and only one shield refill. The track is pretty self explanatory, try to steer better while on that huge hill, as it gets thinner there. The resulting drop however is easy to navigate and shoot enemies in. =============== MEGALOPIS 7 13.2Km The Earth's largest city, Megalopis 7, hosts the most technical racing circuit. Snaking between the buildings and structiones, and deep towards the city streets, the circuit gives one of the most challenging race experiences and is amongst the greatest entertainment for XG race fans. Music by: Kamaya Painters Strategy: There are 2 weapon refills, so you can use your weapons more often. Not that you'd want to in this winding track, so I'd recommend rear turrets or rear burners primarily. Watch out for the ramps on the side of the track, right after the huge circular corkscrew, for those are a big shortcut across the dip. If you are going fast enough you can hop the entire plate leading over the dip. Also beware the second jump, as it comes after a turn, and it kills me often. =============== PASIPHAE 6 10.4Km The number 6 dam on the river Pasiphae provides one of the most complex yet peaceful settings of XG racing. Running adjacent to the dam wall the circuit plunges towards the river before sweeping through the trees of the nearby forest. Although the location is remote - the setting has proven to be popular with XG race fans through their regular attendance at the event. Music by: The Cone Ranger There are 2 weapon refills, and one sheild refill, as usual. Stay on one path after you choose it, don't go zigzagging between the two. The splits are equal in length, so try to stay at a high speed during the forest section. =============== PION 6 10.3Km This desert circuit is reserved only for entrants into the faster speed classes. The Egyptian pyramids and desert temples play host to this, the only race of the Francium League. The challenge is intense with a double spiral bend and inter-twining track split across the sand dunes, starting from within the Pion temple. Music by: Luzon Strategy: This track is overrated on the whole, it's just really long and boring. Sure, the track splits a bunch of times, but I'm pretty sure that the distance is equal each way. The numerous full circles just left me sleeping at the end of the race, as opposed to other cooler races like Megalopis 7. Note: This race is only available in the 1000 engine category. ************************ CONCLUSION So there you have it. You have beaten the game, hopefully, and I hope my walkthrough helped. If you have any suggestions or comments, please email me at vejiitassj4@hotmail.com. I'll try to respond to all the emails I get. Overall, this game was a lot of fun, and I hope they make a sequel. Until my next project, this is Orca782. ************************ Credits: www.gamefaqs.com/CjayC: For an awesome site. Gilmorne: For aid in this faq. Acclaim: For their concise and imaginitave instruction booklet, and a cool game.