YS IV: Mask of the Sun -A New Theory- Playstation 2 What, no ASCII art? -------- CONTENTS -------- 1: Version History 2: Intro 3: Game Basics 4: Walkthrough 4a) The Boat 4b) Promalock 4c) Mine 4d) Kasnan 4e) Komodo 4f) Crater 4g) Highland 4h) Ice Cave 4i) Backtracking 4j) Selrei 4k) Fire Cave 4l) Selrei 2 4m) Komodo 2 4n) Crater 2 4o) Bactracking 2 4p) Komodo 3 4q) Light Temple 4r) Stuff to Do 4s) Earth Temple 4t) More Stuff 4u) Rescue 4v) A New Sword 4w) Round and Round 4x) Sun Temple 4y) The Final Dungeon 4z) The Final Battle 5: Item list 6: FAQ 7. Legal ------------------ 1: Version History ------------------ [12/06/05] 0.9 - Walkthrough finished. A bunch of item names changed. Thanks to misada over at the Ancient Land of Ys forum. Link being http://seldane.proboards23.com/index.cgi for those interested. This guide won't be updated anymore, unless I find those last few items I'm missing. Have fun! [11/06/05] 0.7 - Walkthrough completed to the start of 4v). Version number increased by 0.4. Item list updated with a load of rubbish I either can't translate, or don't know what to use for. Edited a typo. Bit more magic info added, with a note on combos too. [07/06/05] 0.2 - Walkthrough completed up to the end of the Fire Cave. A few items added to the list, and a few other minor changes to the walkthrough. [05/06/05] 0.1 - Intro, Game Basics, and the Walkthrough written up to 4i). [04/06/05] 0.00001 - I wrote the title in Notepad and saved it. -------- 2. Intro -------- I've never written an FAQ before, and nor do I know any Japanese. That's why I figured that an RPG entirely in Japanese would make a great first FAQ! I'm a moron, it seems. Again, since I don't know Japanese, any plot related shenanigans is going to be made up. Any spoilers as a result are purely coincidental until such time as I do actually pull my finger out and learn Japanese. Hopefully at some point before the release of Final Fantasy XII! Most names used, if any, are also made up, or literal translations of the Katakana. But hey, it'll still get you to the end of the game! (If I can.) This FAQ will have about as much structure as... Something really unstructured. I am the metaphor king. -------------- 3. Game Basics -------------- -AND YOU ARE?- You're Adol Christin. He has red hair and saves the world a lot. He stays in the center of the screen pretty much all the time, distinguishing him from other characters. -SAVING- Saving your game is a good idea. You may die. Where would you be then without a fairly recent save? On the way to angryville is where. The game cannot be saved in dungeons. -BASIC CONTROLS- The , or the if you prefer, moves you. opens that there menu, where you can save/load, equip your snazzy new stuff, and adjust the games settings. The menu is all in English, and self explanatory. is the action button. It confirms actions in menus. As you would expect. Use it to talk to people and examine stuff in the field or in towns. is also used in battle, along with and , to perform a multitude of slashing attacks. is a powerful, yet slow attack. is quick, yet fairly weak. is the best of both. Hammer it. uses the currently equipped item. and switch between the three swords that you can have equipped at a time. and affect the display at the bottom of the screen, press them, it's fairly obvious what they're doing. displays stats. displays the currently equipped item. -COMBOS- Attacking twice with , twice with , and once with , all in quick succession, unleashes a stronger attack. The effects are different, depending on the sword used. -HEALING- Stand in the same place for a while and you'll heal yourself. This is most useful, and don't go forgetting it. It can't be used in certain dungeons at certain times. I'm unsure how this is countered... It may be that you need the right sword/crest/fragment for the dungeon you're in. Experiment. -LEVELLING UP- Kill enough enemies and you'll go up a level. When you level up your health is restored as well as the standard increases in HP/Att/Def. You'll get less and less experience from enemies depending on how strong you currently are. -ITEMS- Items can be equipped in the menu. You can only hold one of each item at any time. An item needs to be equipped in order to use it by pressing . -EQUIPPING STUFF- Press to access the menu, and select equip. Press . You can equip three swords, a shield, some armor, and an item. Select the space you want to equip something in, and then select the item you want to equip in that space. Any stat changes are displayed in the bar at the top. -ICE MAGIC- Upon reaching a certain point in the game, magic can be used. Holding down any of the attack buttons whilst having the relevent Sword charges the gauge, and when you release the button you will release a small... Thing. This can then be fired at enemies using . This can also be used to smash certain stuff. An obstruction can be created with . It can be turned into something that looks like a shield with . This enables you to run much quicker. When I find more purpose for these attacks, I will update this. -FIRE MAGIC- As above, really. The main difference being that everything is red this time! and do the same thing, this time causes the things to look like a shield again, but it raises your attack rather than make you run quicker. -LIGHTNING MAGIC- can be used in various places to light up darkened areas. just fires, can't smash anything with this ol' thing. causes the orbs to spin around you, approach an enemy and they do the attacking for you! -EARTH MAGIC- smashes the orb to the floor, this is used to press down the odd switch or two. can be used to attack, or smash through those rocky yellow barriers about the place. spins the orbs. Not sure what they do, though... -DARK MAGIC- does little. fires it as per usual. When fired at those black pillars that are dotted around the world it sends you to a room to warp to previously visited villages. opens the spinny things again, causing your HP to go down. I can't work out what the plus side is. -HOLY MAGIC- and do nothing special. causes your health to be restored at a phenomonal rate. If it didn't take so long to charge, it'd be fantastic. -------------- 4. Walkthrough -------------- 4a) The Boat You start on a boat, talking to Freya. He asks you a bunch of questions, the details of which elude me. You're given a choice between yes (the top answer) and no (the bottom one) for each question. I answered yes every time, and it didn't seem to do any harm. Heaven knows what I was agreeing to though... Press to make your choices, and to skip the following text. When he's done talking, exit the room and head left and up the stairs. When you get on deck, walk towards the bottom of the screen, and head left. Adol will notice a bottle in the water, and will be talked to by one of the crew. Cue title. And some sinister looking characters in a cut-scene. 4b) Promalock Head past the bar, and into town. You'll be stopped by a yellow haired man who probably offers you a drink, as you end up in the bar with him. He says something which a blue haired man (or possibly woman) at the bar finds terribly shocking. Then there's some shock/confusion all round until Blue gets beckoned away. Back in town head the way you were going before you were stopped before. Past that point, go up the stairs by the weapons store, and into the inn where you find Freya. He takes you to your room which you should promptly leave. You ungrateful swine. Back outside once more, go down the stairs and you'll notice a bunch of people led by Freya. Talk to the man talking to Freya and he'll generously donate you 300G to use to get some equipment. You'll now need to go shopping! You need a shield, some armor, and a sword. All conveniently available for 100G each at various shops in the town. When you enter a shop and talk to the guy, the top option you're given will allow you to browse the merchandise, the second will say byebye. At the armory you can get armor (the top one) and a shield (the bottom one). When you say you want to buy, the yes and no are in the same order as before. You really should know them by now, though! After you're done and you have a sword too, equip them all, and go back and talk to the generous man who gave you all that money that you've spent. He'll ask if you're fully equipped (I would guess), tell him you are, and you're outta there. 4c) Mine Head south, and you'll be stopped by the man there. To the north some red hatted bad guys approach and swiftly retreat. Talk again to the generous guy and you'll run off to battle. Your first taste of fighting! There's nothing especially tough here, and you shouldn't have any problems so long as you have fingers. Follow the red capped ones onto the next screen. There's only one route through this next screen, so follow it killing all in your path. Save before entering the next screen. On the next screen, enter the mine. You'll think that you're about to be involved in some Alundra style mine-cart riding. Think again. The first right turn will take you to the sleeping quarters. Nowt there. Take the first left and you'll find two chests containing a herb and 200G between them. Go back and continue along the straight path in the middle. Take the next right and you'll net yourself 50G from a chest. Go back and head to the end of the mine, and up the wooden ramp. Who's there?! You'll be asked something. Regardless of your response, you'll be thrown in a jail cell. Those villains, eh? After a short dialogue, Freya will come and see you, and you'll somehow end up fighting a boss through some holes in the wall. How it happens is anyone's guess! -BOSS 1- HP: 57-70 This boss has three main attacks. He'll come out of one of the holes about half way, and shoot daggers a couple of times. The damage you take from this is negligible. When he takes damage, he'll poke his claw out and wave it around a bit. Standing in either of the back corners renders this attack useless. The other attack is the important one, yet it's just as easy to avoid. He'll poke his claw out of a hole all the way, and leave it there for a few seconds. When he does this, hit it for zero damage. After you've done that, he'll poke an eye out of the hole the claw just came from. Hit that, and it's damage city. Rinse and repeat. -BOSS 1 END- 4d) Kasnan When it's dead, you'll find yourself in a tent, with newly restored health. Open the chests to get 500G, a herb, and a Middle Shield. Since you can only carry one of any item, you'll most likely find the herb gets put back. Oh well. Leave the room with Freya in, to find yourself in a room with Freya. Leave this room too for another cutscene. Go outside to find yourself in the town you were just imprisoned in. Forgiven, it would seem. Heading south out of town takes you back to the previous town. No real need for that at the moment though. Shop, buy anything you need/can afford. The item shop sells herbs, is all. You'll get one soon anyway so unless you're really bad at this game, leave it. Buy whatever you want from the armory and the weapons store, and then leave town at the north exit. Head right on this screen, and then up. Go up the stairs, and follow the rest of this area round up two more flights of stairs. When you reach the rope bridge, head south past the statue for a herb. Head back, going over the bridge this time. Go into the temple to find Carna, shocked by your entrance it seems. After a brief dialogue and cut-scene, follow her. 4e) Komodo Head left for a bit until you reach a crossroads. Take the south path here, and head straight, ignoring the next south, to reach a treasure chest containing a herb. Go back and take the south path you just skipped. Follow this round, and step into the elavator to find yourself in a town of treehouses. This is Komodo. Follow the bridge around to find Carna once more. Follow her through the doorway to the village proper. An item shop is full of just herbs, yet again! The other shops also contain nothing you can't have already bought at this point. So it's on with the story! Whatever the story is! Head up the ramp, and then another, to get to the third level. Aww, puppy! After the conversation, you'll find yourself with a party of two! Though Carna does absolutely nothing to help. Just hangs around in you. How terribly lazy. In the building in which Carna joins you, you'll see a very stealthy staircase leading down to a chest with 2000G in it. Head back to the entrance of the village and take the left (ours, not Adol's) path this time, down the elevator. Which thinking about it, is incredible technology for a bunch of people who built their houses in trees with wood. Onwards. At the bottom Carna emerges, says something that is probably really important, and then joins you again. Head south a bit until you reach a crossroads, then stop with the south and go left. Follow this path around for a while until you leave the screen. This next area is a dungeon, so save before entering if you're safety conscious. 4f) Crater Enter the big hole. Head southeast until you can head southwest, and then do that instead. You'll appear out the other side. Head left across the rock face, being VERY careful not to fall. Actually, don't worry, you can't fall really. I'm just worrying you unnecessarily! Re-enter the crater at far hole, ignore the one in the middle. This next passage doesn't have any turn-offs, so you can just follow out all the way and out of the crater the other side, where Carna pops out for another muse about something or other. Outside, follow the path left all the way, then head up the muddy ramp. Keep heading right at the top until you come to a turn-off. South is a treasure chest with a herb. Go back and continue right. The path turns muddy again, and follow it around the corner once more. Keep on it past the next turn-off, as there's nothing there. Before too much longer, you'll be off the screen... ... And into another that looks the same! Until you move. Head over the rope bridge. Turn and head right up the mountain. Then turn once more and start heading left. Before much longer you'll see another turning point. Take it to find a treasure chest containing Scale Armor. Go back to the trail and carry on up the mountain. You'll exit the screen shortly. 4g) Highland Up the short ramp on this screen, and you'll find yourself in the village. The shops here, again, have the same stuff you've got already by now. More herbs? Mmm, yes please. Talk to some people, and it turns out almost everyone in the village is mute. I sense a quest! Unless it's just that they hate you. Head right to the back of the village, up another ramp, and go into the building by the statue. Heeeeeere's Riesa! She doesn't shut up. After about 14 hours she leaves. Only to go talk to somebody else. Eventually, she finishes, and Carna wanders off. Leave the village by the north exit, close to the building you went into earlier. To the right as you enter the next screen is a chest with a herb, again. After collecting that, should you need to, head around the screen the only way it lets you, and move onto the next screen. Where it starts to rain. At the crossroads head straight on, follow the path to another screen. After some more path following, you'll come to a junction, and I'll wonder if GameFAQs would accept a guide that just said; 10 follow the path 20 goto 10 I decide no, and carry on. Take the path to the left (ours) and head north for a chest containing 500G. Head back to the path, and follow it the rest of the way. Follow the path. Think about donating to my thesaurus fund. 4h) Ice Cave On the next screen, the rain turns to snow. Follow the path, as if you didn't know. When you reach the junction, take the corner, and then head south for a chest with 300G. Back to the path with you, and carry on. The next screen houses a wrecked up mansion. Inside of which is a chest. It's hidden behind the statue, so look carefully. Inside the chest is some kind of stone with a picture of a snowflake on it. I have no idea what it is or is for. Hopefully, it'll become clear before too long. Nothing else to see here, so go back outside, and around the right side of the building, and leave the screen to see some nutbar going mad. Take the left road on this screen, then follow the next all the way around and enter the doorway. It's getting colder here. Next screen, and it's another one-router. Screen the next. Head south, and then east when you can. You now have 3 different ways to go. Luckily, two of them lead to the same place. Go either north, or carry on straight and head around the corner to find a chest containing an ice shield. Head back and take the south path. Keep going, and you'll make it outside. Head all the way to the right for a chest with 1000G. Go back a bit, and to the north you'll see a path leading upwards. Up you go. Head around this now very familiar looking room for ages, until you get to a crossroads. Heading south here will net you an Ice armor (nice, geddit?) from the chest right by the big dripping stalagmite. Head back and take the right path this time, and go outside. Go north, and through the doorway. At the next turning point, head straight on and toward the suspicious looking doorway. It may be a good idea to level up before you go through. The fact that it asks whether or not you're ready to go in, combined with the fact that you haven't saved for a long time, would suggest that going in with 22 HP isn't a good plan. Standing still to heal isn't an option, with the enmies firing at you from off screen. So levelling up to restore health is the way to go. But, it's your game so do as you please. I level up. I go through the door. I was wise. -BOSS 2- HP: Around 600 It's the nutbar from before! Attacks. Those small stalagmites you see around the place, he can raise them from the floor and fire them at you, doesn't do a great deal of damage. He can also fire icicles from his body. This attack is a little more deadly, not much so. He throws a small bomb occasionally, this is no worse than the icicle attack. To win, I just charged him and hammered . -BOSS 2 END- When the boss is dead, Adol runs toward a stone tablet. A scene ensues with a guy, heaven knows how he made it to this place alive. When he's done talking, go and examine the door he's standing in front of for a bit more dialogue. Ensure that you have that stone from earlier on, the one with the snowflake, equipped, as it turns out that's the key to the door. The door opens, and in you go. Before too long you'll find yourself holding the ice sword. The old guy also gives you a book. Why he does this, and what it is, I am unsure. Porn, probably. 4i) Backtracking When all is said and done, go all the way back to Highland. (I'm not sure if that's the actual name of the place to be honest, it's just what my save file said when I saved it there!) You'll be stopped by Riesa who talks to you, in depth, about life, the universe, and everything. Then she takes to meet some dude with wings. Afterwards, it's time to shop! Doubtless you'll have bucketloads of money, and the armory has been stocked with some new stuff. Go see, and buy, my friends. When you're happy that you're strong enough, go all the way back to Komodo. As for in depth instructions as to how to get there, use this simple system: Follow the path. Just before you get to Komodo, you'll reach the elavator. From here, go south, sticking to the trees on the right. Follow this off the screen, to be re-united with Carna for about 7 seconds. From where you start in this area, head west for a chested herb. Though I still haven't needed to use one of those yet. After that, head back east, and when you get to the pyramid, head south to find your way off the screen. Follow the forest around for miles, taking the (our) right path at the turning. Soon, you'll find the exit of the screen. Walk along this area for a bit, and you'll soon see some big ol' gates down a small path to Adol's right. Or our left, if one prefers. There is a chest with 800G in it if you skip past the town and continue on the path, either get it now, if you're short, or leave it for later, we'll be back. 4j) Selrei There's a new sword for sale. Make haste. After this, head to the right side of town, and you can exit onto a wooden walkway, go into the house at the end of this to meet some guy I've seen before but can't remember where. Talk to him with that tatty old book you just got, equipped. He reads a load of that book at you for a while, then goes a bit mad. I assume someone ripped out the last page. Adol tells him the Butler did it. Leave via the front door, like you have a choice. Then, making sure that you have the ice sword and crest equipped, head to the blacksmiths. He has a big hammer above his door, can't miss it. He says some stuff and knocks you up a nice new... Pile of rocks! Whoa, some blacksmith he is. As far as I can work out, this is what you need to use magic. It doesn't need equipping or anything. Just ignore them! Exit to see Mr Nutbar, staying true to his name. Then everything gets a bit smokey. From the blacksmiths, head (Adols) right and walk straight into the house you'll come to. The one which it actually two round houses joined together. The woman in there says something, possibly about dinner, and leaves. Follow her out, then go into the other building that's joined to the one you just left. Go down the stairs. Skip the next screen, and you'll hear a man screaming. I imagine he's being attacked by some form of mutant squid. We shall see. Turns out he isn't, he's just standing there screaming. There's nothing else you can do here for now. Leave town, and head along the path you were travelling to get here. Past the waterfall is that chest with 800G if you didn't get it before, aside from that, enter the cave behind the waterfall. 4k) Fire Cave Be aware that for some reason, my health did not restore when I was standing still in this cave. For why, I am unsure. It's also pretty huge, and easy to get lost. Combined with the fact that there are some very strong enemies in here, make sure you go in prepared. Assume east to be the direction that you're heading to begin with. This is also a very wide area, so you may have to jink left to right to make sure you're not missing anything. On we go. Walk straight ahead, and you'll see three choices. A path leads north, another leads south, and a middle path leads straight on. Head south for now. Since there's sod all north and east. Make sure your Ice Sword is equipped, it being the one that shoots ice. When you reach the southern wall, head east along it, and keep your eyes open for a barrier that appears to be oozing fire. My descriptions: Awesome. It's flanked by big rocks, which makes it a little harder to miss. Face it and hold down either of the attack buttons to charge the magic gauge, and then release when it's full. You'll get a snazzy little ice thing. Again, description, awesome. Press to fire it, and it'll smash through the barrier. Go through and head south, then west to get to the herb. From here, head east, keeping along the bottom edge until you get to the next fire barrier and smash through that too. Head south, then west. Follow the west path all the way around, smashing through a couple more barriers to reach a dead end. When you get here, hang around for a second wondering why the hell I made you go there. Then have a look behind the big column, and Adol's speech bubble thing will appear! There's a Flame Shield in the chest. Follow the path all the way back to the turn, and this time head straight past it. Bust through a few more barriers, to come to a door. If you're ready, head through. -BOSS 3- HP: Around 800 The big dragon from before! Like you didn't know it was gonna be that. His first attack is a tail swipe, standing at the back prevents that from doing any damage. His fire breath can damage you anywhere, so don't bother trying to avoid that. It's not too powerful though. It was damaging me for 4HP at level 24. After a while, the levels of the floors change. This gives him a chance to unleash a few stronger attacks. His fire breath becomes much stronger at this height, it does a bit more damage and hits you a couple of times each. He glows red before unleashing it, so run off crying and hide. Then go back for more! Hit him with your sword and soon enough he'll sink and begone. -END BOSS 3- After the fight, you'll run up to the stone tablet, and be given the fire stone. Equip this, and go through the door, as in the ice temple. Shiny new sword! Leave the fire cave completely. After you've left the bosses room, head North, west, north, west, north, west, north, west. All directions are for the first junction you encounter. 4l) Selrei 2 Head back to Selrei and go speak to the guy at the end of the pier. Equip the fire stone and speak to the blacksmith who'll offer to allow you to use fire magic for 12500G. Say yes. This sequence of events feels terribly familiar! Talk to the woman in the northern of the two adjoining houses again. Then head off to the sewers where the screaming guy was before. Adol walks right up to him. Me, I'd be terrified. But not our hero! After a brief conversation examine the door. You'll realise you need the Thunder, or possibly Wind crest to open the door. Leave the sewer. Back in town go speak to the guy at the end of the pier again, and the woman in one of the two houses, then leave town. 4m) Komodo 2 Head north, and on the next screen head north again. You'll get to a crossroads, but just keep heading north. On the next screen, head north and east, until you can leave the screen. You'll be back in the forest outside Komodo, that being the place we want to go. So go! When you enter Komodo, the puppy runs past you and you greet a much happier looking Carna. You'll follow her through the doorway. Once through, head to the top of the ramps again and into the building there. When they're done talking, everyone runs off and the old guy gives Adol a new Armor. Equip. Leave Komodo, back to the forest you'd just come from. 4n) Crater 2 When you enter, Carna, Freya and some other guy will be looking at a firey barrier. HA! That's nothing! Do your stuff, and as you try to walk through, they'll run through first. Head south, west, north, west, south. Those directions all occuring at the first junction you get to. In theory, you should come to another red barrier. Unless you got it wrong. Or I did. Bust it! This path is pretty much a straight route to the outside. Hop on over to the other hole, and go inside. Asifyouhadachoice. Smash through the barrier here, and head straight on until you get to a chest containing a herb, of course. Head south from here, and through the next barrier. This path leads you outside once more, and to a really big ominous looking hole. In you go, and naturally... -BOSS 4- HP: Around 1250 The sod! Look what he did to that poor innocent puppy! Oh, and Carna too. Time for action. As for attacks, there's the swipe obviously, he uses this to throw boulders from the convenient pile next to him. He also attacks by hammering the ground, which releases a small shockwave and makes a load of boulders fall from the ceiling, onto you, natch. He'll cry, lean forward, and just slump onto you. Whoa, scary. As for strategy, dodge his attacks then charge him and stab him a bit. Stay away when he cries, as this is when he'll fall forward onto you. -END BOSS 4- When the boss is dead, you'll be back in Komodo. When you're done talking, you'll be outside Komodo, with an all new crest. I can't work out what it's for yet. 4o) Backtracking 2 From the lift, head east, and onto the next screen, which is the temple that relates to the crest you just got! Unfortunately, while you can open the door, you can't yet progress, so you'll have to leave via the other exit. Follow the next screen all the way down and go into town, to be greeted by a soldier guy. Leave town via the south exit for a cutscene. Then head all the way back to the first dungeon in the game, the mine! Ah, the memories. To get there follow the huge 'U' road around, north through the next screen, east straight out of the next, and then follow the winding path. In the mine, head straight to the ramp at the end, and go up. Stand with your back to the chair as close as you can get, facing the fireplace. As you've been doing to smash barriers, use that big red sword of yours to light the fire. Ooo, switchy. Go through. In the small hut on the next screen, you'll find yet another of those crests. Coming out of your ears, they are. Exit all the way back to the town with all the soldiers. Only you'll notice that pretty much all the soldiers have gone! 4p) Komodo 3 Look at the title for this section. Guess where you have to go? Yep, right! On your way you go. Predictably enough, when you get there it's crawling with metal guys. -BOSS 5- HP: Around 750 He's not too tough to kill really. He has a pretty strong attack whereby a bunch of arrows fly from the sky and hit you, but you can see it coming a mile off and if you run around it's pretty easy to avoid. He also calls hoardes of soldiers to fight with him. Ignore them. Just charge the man in black, hit him with the strongest sword you've got, and he'll go down before too long, taking all his buddies with him. -END BOSS 5- After the fight you'll be in the top room of Komodo again. Speak to the guys and leave the house. This'll switch you all the way over to the route to Highland, where Carna is. She seems pretty annoyed. 4q) Light Temple You're at the entrance to Highland. Go speak with Riesa. But wait! You can't yet, because you're stopped by a blue bandana'd man. Back down the slope, go in a straight line, and into the house of the old guy you were talking to before. Have a chat. He gives you the thunder crest. Head outside for some cutscenes. Carna in trouble yet again. Roll the eyes. Oh look, Riesa too! Head up to the building we couldn't get in before, due to cappy, time for us to go a-rescuing. Through the back door. Head up the path until you're surrounded. You back off into a corner but luckily, Dogi to the rescue! You'll find yourself in a huge hall. Some pretty strong enemies await you here, come prepared. Lots of nice easy to navigate square rooms, equals lots of easy to get lost in square rooms. Assume north to be your initial facing. Head north into the room with the button in the floor. Ignore it. Head east, then south and outside. In the chest is a Tall Armor. Equip. Go into the other door. Head north, and then west, and then follow the next bunch of rooms in a big line to the end, only turning once to start heading east. If you stick to the north edge when heading along the east way - you'll find a chest with a shield in. At the end, equip the thunder stone, and joy of joys, we get a new sword when you waltz through the door! The lightning one! Equip. Leave the way you came. For the short of memory that's south, south, east, east, east, south, south, past the chest and into the next doorway, west, south, south. Simple! 4r) Stuff to do At this point, I become stuck. So it's time to go do a ton of stuff while I find my way! -Dark Sword, and some new magic- Leave Highland via the south. Stick to these paths on the next few screens, all the way to the bottom when you reach the crater. Head through the first part, there are no turnoffs. When you're back outside skip the centre hole, and go into the far one. Follow this path too, again there are no turnoffs, and then go outside into the forest. When you reach the first junction, ignore the path that leads to the black column, and go the other way. At the next junction, head south to get onto the next screen. On this one, head south, and slightly west. Leave the screen via the southern exit. To get through the next forest, just head west at the turning. From here, find your way to town, and go down into the sewers, where you've been before, and from here go to the big door. You know what's coming, equip the right stone, and go grab that new sword! Exit here, and go to the blacksmith to buy any magic you've not got yet. To get him to sell you it, just equip the crests and talk to him. Note that you have to have the corresponding sword before he'll offer to sell you this. It'll cost you 12500G at a time, too. You now have the most convenient magic in the game! Firing the dark magic at those black columns you've seen all over the world sends you to a warp tower, where you can go to any village in the game. AT LAST! -Some seeds- Use the warp point just outside the village to warp to the busted up ice mansion. The column at about 10 o'clock, assuming the room to be a clock. Go onto the next screen, toward the ice temple. Take the left road on this screen, then follow the next all the way around and enter the doorway. Next screen, follow all the way. On the next screen head south, and then east when you can. At the next turn, go south and follow the twisty path until you end up outside again. Once out, head east and when you get to the ramp, head upwards. Head around this screen for a while, until you come to a crossroads, where you should head south. You'll walk and walk and soon come to a firey barrier. You know the drill. On the next screen, grab yourself some seeds, and then warp back to the second village you came to in the game. (3 o'clock.) I have no idea what these seeds do. 4s) Earth Temple Head north out of the village, and through the next screen. Over the bridge and into the temple. Open the door with the relevent crest, and go in. If you try to walk inside, Adol complains, probably about the dark, and walks back. Where he walks to is a small puddle on the floor. Use your lightning magic, and the press circle to thump it into the floor. Big flash, and on we can go. This is another pretty big dungeon. Assume entry to be east, and south to be the direction you're running in after lighting the place up. I advise using the dark sword in this dungeon, the enemies appear to have a weakness to it. Keep heading south. Do you want a herb? If so, follow the next paragraph. If you don't, skip to the one after. Keep heading south past the first junction, and then again past the second. At this point you'll see some big tree/branch things. It's not hard to work out how to solve this'un. But if you're a bit stupid, I'll explain. Shoot fire at it. Got that? Through you go. At the next junction, head east, and then south at the next. There may be a barrier here, I forget. You'll go down a bit and have to head east. Keep heading east for ages until you reach a yellow looking barrier. Can't bust through that just yet. If you head back a bit, and go north, you'll get the aforementioned herb from a chest! Though the chances are you've lost eight thousand HP in the attempt. Ho hum. Head back south to the main path. Then go west, north, west, and back north. Through the destroyed barrier, and north. Past the first cross roads, and then stop at the second. All that for a herb? Man! From where you are, head east. The first junction you reach, head south. Keep heading south past the next west path, and at the next one head east. Don't head east for long, go north at the first opportunity. Smash through a barrier here using the fire magic, and stay heading north. Past all the turnings. Eventually, you'll have to go west. Then you'll have to go north and then east. You'll have to bust through a couple of more barriers in the east part, and the enemies get slightly stronger too. When heading south, skip the first turn, skip the second, and go through the barrier. After that, take the next turn east. Take the next south, and the east after that. Through one more barrier is a doorway. Prepare to fight a boss. And then get through the door and realise there isn't one! You'll be on your way to the sword, so go grab it, and now you can use some earth power! Well, after a trip to the smithys. Back out of the room, head through the broken barrier, and then head north and east. Use the warp point to get yo' ass back to the blacksmith. (11 o'clock.) 4t) More Stuff Go to the Blacksmith, ensuring you have the earth crest equipped. He'll offer you a bit more magic for a mere 12500G. Since you need it, you're gonna have to say yes. Exit his house, and go to the guy who lives on the pier. Have words with him about something or other, and then leave town. Now it's time to get another item I have no idea what to do with. A funny looking thing, so it is. Outside town, head south and around to the fire cave. Inside there, head east to the first junction where you need to turn south. Then go back to heading east at the next. Keep going this way until you reach a dead end. Almost dead. You can use your new earth magic to smash the barrier, and then get the item in the chest. Want a new shield and some armor? Sure ya do. Warp to 3 o'clock. When you get there, head out of the village to the north, and make your way back to the earth temple once more. When you reach the first crossroads, head west. Follow the path round and through the barriers. Breaking the branches with your fire and the yellow rocks with your earth sword. Head west at the end, to get a chest with the Gaia shield. Head back to the crossroads at the start again. Head south this time, past another crossroads, and east past the barrier. Head south at the next turning, and then just go straight, smashing all in your path until you reach the next yellow barrier. I don't mean stop smashing, I mean stop heading straight. At the next turn after the yellow barrier, head north for some snazzy Gaia Armor. After this use the warp point to the south and east, and head to 8 o'clock. Highland. 4u) Rescue Back in Highland, head to the top and back into the place where you saw Carna get screwed up before. This time we can get some switch action going on! Head in a straight line through all the rooms until you come to a big grate. Obviously we can't get through there. Yet. Go back into the middle of the room and note the big switch. The plan is to fire off some earth magic, and smash it with so it falls onto the floor and pushes the switch down. When you've done that, you can run through the now open doorway. Run through the next screen too, making sure you don't have only 3HP or something. -BOSS 6- HP: Around 1800 First attack. He'll turn his shield into a bunch of flying things that don't look unlike cockroaches. They'll fly around for a bit and come down onto the floor. They do minimal damage, but what they do do is slow you right down for a few seconds. Something you'll want to avoid. Aside from that he has a couple of beam attacks. One just shoots some beam things at you, the other shoots a beam right out, and then spins around. If you just run in the direction of the beam, you can outrun it pretty easily. Tactics? Charge at him and hammer , of course! -END BOSS 6- After the fight, he goes psycho, and you speak to Carna. She says something which could be especially poignant, and then you all head back to the guys house in Selrei. I mean all. Most of the people you've met thus far are packed into his house! After the dialogue, you'll receive a new item. If I could work out what it was I'd tell you... There's new stuff in the shops. It's expensive, and it doesn't give you stats any better than what you should have already. Completists only as far as armor and a shield goes! The sword comes recommended. 4v) A New Sword Leave town and head north. In this forest, head north at the turning to get on your way to the next screen. This next screen contains the big temple. Head directly north to get to it. You'll have to head east a little to actually get inside. Now you lose all your pretty swords. Examine each of the five small stones. Into each one is placed a sword when you select yes. Now you have to get back to the other temple! Here's what I did. I figured hey, there's a warp point outside Selrei, I can just head there, and warp to the village right by the other temple! So off I go, then I get to the warp point and realise crap, I don't have the freakin' dark sword anymore. Eejit! Here's what you should do. Go east from the entrance to this temple, and off the screen. In the forest, stick to the very south of the screen, and head into Komodo. Straight through and down the other side. In this forest, same story as before, head along sticking to the very south. You should come out at the temple. Head outside using the other door, over the bridge, and south to the statue. Examine the sword, and all hell breaks loose. Careful using this sword, as it heals most enemies in the game. That being the reason I went and called it the Holy Sword. 4w) Round and Round We need to go back to the other temple again. So it's north and into the temple, then out the other side. Stick to the south along both the forest sections, and through Komodo in the middle. On the screen with the temple, head east, and slightly south. Enter the temple, and get all your swords back by examining them. Head up the stairs in here, and through the door. First things first, go up a bit, head right, and you can see a chest. Have a look inside for a new shield. This whole area, and the next few screens, all are on a big circle. As such, there's only one route you can get through them. After getting the shield on the first screen, head to the second. You can grab a herb up some stairs to the north. Next screen, you can grab some armor if you ascend some more stairs. Next screen you'll find a pillar of light. Step onto it and press and you'll warp. On this next screen, prepare for a boss. Head along for a while to get to it. -BOSS 7- HP: Around 1000 Make sure you have the holy sword equipped. Anything else and you'll heal him. He can fire those rocks around the arena at you. He can unleash a shockwave around him, this covers a pretty big range and it's not easy to avoid. Luckily it's not particularly strong. Charge and smash. After you deal him a bunch of damage, he'll transform into his second form... HP: Around 3000 Much stronger now. He can send out some whirlwinds for mid-range damage. He also has something similar to a machine gun. The damage from this isn't that great so feel free to keep attacking when he uses it. What you've gotta watch out for is his charge attack. He'll crouch down and glow red for a second when he's about to unleash it. When you notice him doing this, run away from him. The further you get, the longer you have to dodge to either side to get out of the way. After that, just hit him more times! Note that the Holy sword is once more useless in this battle. Go back to the dark sword. -END BOSS 7- After the fight you'll be with Carna. Our mate will go and disappear again. After a brief dialogue, you'll be back by the warp point. Head south, and onto the next screen On these next two screens, we need to head south again. But on the first of them stick to the north wall to find some new armor behind a big fallen pillar. On the second stick to the south wall to get a chest behind a building, containing a new shield. After this, continue on the path to enter a big golden temple. Sunny. When you enter, Adol will examine the stone tablet. In the next room you'll meet that angel guy. Who I still can't work out is working for. Is he good? Is he bad? Well, he attacks you so I'm going out on a limb and assuming bad. -BOSS 8- HP: ??? A tough one, this. He is very quick, getting attacks in is tough, as he often just runs from where you are. He has a terribly strong beam attack too. Maybe. I didn't notice whether it took away 37 or 137 of my HP. Either way you really don't want to get in the way. Aside from that, his other attacks are none too weak either. He can surround himself with a fire/lightning field for a second, which'll hurt you. And he can make the screen flash white while he shoots a bunch of bullets all around hisself. These, being white, usually hit you before you see them as the screen takes a second or so to return to normal. I manageed to hit him for about 750 damage, before the battle ended. However the battle ended a few seconds after I'd hit him. It may be that you can just run around avoiding his attacks without needing to hit him, the battle being on a timer. I can't confirm this though, so considering you've got nothing better to do, just get as close to him as you can and hit him with your sword. Careful of his close proximity attacks, though. -END BOSS 8- At the end of the fight, he'll push you out of the window. He seems to be rescuing you, which is great. Just when I'd assumed he was bad. You'll meet Riesa on your way down. What are the chances of that, eh? He gives you the final crest and you fall down into the forest. 4x) Sun Temple Head south straight off the screen, and go into Selrei. Equip the holy sword, and the final crest. Go to the house on the wooden walkway, and have words. When you leave, Freya will be with you. Go see the blacksmith to get some new magic. It takes ages to charge up, this one. But heals you very well. When you leave you'll be stopped by some guy. After the chat, we need to head back to the golden temple you were in a while ago. Leave town and head north. In the forest, head north at the turning. On the next screen, head... Yeah, you guessed it, north. And east a little too. When you reach the temple, head back up the stairs and through the door. You'll reach the circular paths once more. Follow them all around and enter the temple after saving outside. After the conversation with Freya and Carna, head into the temple proper. I recommend the toughest non-magic sword you have, in this place. This temple is a sod, be warned. The enemies aren't too tough. Well, they are, but at the HP you should be at by now they shouldn't come close to beating you and there's plenty of time for you to heal. It's just a fairly long area, with a tough boss at the end. You have been warned. For your reference, compass points are going to look like this, in this dungeon. N E X W S Let's go! -FIRST FLOOR- More square rooms here. But some very tough enemies. Go through the first room, and you'll find yourself trapped in the second. The enemies in here appear, fire at you, then warp away again. Your task is to kill them. It's not easy at first with 5 different balls of fire coming at you from 5 different directions. Luckily, as you kill them it gets easier. Hang around towards the center of the room avoiding everything as best you can. When you see a black spot appear on the floor close by, ready your sword and attack it before it gets a chance to shoot at you. Do so a few more times and the grates will open. Leave the room to the north. East through the next room, and then north to get to the stairs. Go up them, and onto the next floor. -SECOND FLOOR- Go north in the first room, to find yourself locked in once more. Ha! One single slime awaits you. Kill it. Then find yourself faced with a whole load more slimes. Not good. Just go at them one at a time and hit a lot. They'll get one attack in on you, so make sure you have enough HP to endure it. Luckily with them being so slow, you can stand far away from them and heal should you need to. When the doors re-open head east to the next room. There's a herb in a chest if you need one. Head south, and then south out of the next room. Up the stairs. -THIRD FLOOR- I wonder what enemies await us in the locked room on this floor! From the start head east through the first door to be faced with... A puzzle! The aim here is to fire a beam of light from the one small pillar (with a mirror on) to the other pillar, that looks all busted up. So from the pillar, push one of the big purple stones so it is to the east (northeast on a compass that isn't isometric) of the working pillar. Push another to the north of that one. Then push a third to the west of that one. So that when the beam travels through it, it passes the mirror before hitting the stone. Push a fourth stone to the west so that it's in line with both the third stone, and the broken pillar. Stand between the pillars and shoot off some lightning magic at the pillar with the mirror. The beam should travel through all the pillars, changing through 90 degrees each time. If need be, make any slight adjustments and go again. When the door opens, head north through it. West in the next room, and then north to get to the stairs. -FOURTH FLOOR- From where you start, head south into the second room. You'll see two switches. The plan is to have both of them pressed down at once. Not difficult. Use your earth magic and to press one down, and just step on the other. Head east into the next room, where you'll see a whole ton of switches. Simply use your earth magic on the middle one, and then as quickly as you can, run around and press all the others down. When all are pressed at once, the doors will open. If you don't want any new armor, head south. If you do, head north and grab the chest to the west of the room. Head south, and south again, and run up the stairs. -FIFTH FLOOR- This is terribly annoying if you don't know where to go! If you go through the wrong door, you'll be warped back to the start again. Make sure you know how my directions are working, then head east, north, west, then south. You'll be off the floor. If you get stuck, look at the floor. Each doorway has a symbol closeby, and the correct door has a different symbol to all of the others. Easy when you know how, eh? If you do go wrong, you'll hear a noise that'll make it pretty clear that you were wrong. -SIXTH FLOOR- On this floor, you'll need to have your holy sword equipped, as the enemies have the ability to absorb anything else. Keep this sword equipped afterwards as it's pretty much the only sword worth using between here and the finish. Head north in the first room, then west in the second. Another lock in. This time you have to fight a whole bunch of you's! They have good attack, and pretty high HP. So just try and take out a few at a time, as quickly as possible. Dying in this room is a very real possibility. When you're done, for a shield head west and up the stairs. Back in the room with the Adols, head south and then west to go up to the top of the tower. And it's dialogue city. -BOSS 9- The first part of this fight is terribly easy. Ensure you have your holy sword equipped in order to kill the enemies she summons. What you need to do is position one of the purple pillars to the south of her, another one to the left of it, and a third one so that it is lined up with both the second one you pushed, and the boss. If you then stand below the first stone when she glows purple, her beam will come back and hit her. Hit her three times to go to the second stage. If you get hit by the beam, you'll turn into a slime. Though this isn't much of a problem really. This is probably the second easiest fight so far in the game! Are you ready for the next part? The difficulty ramps up! HP: Around 2000 A huge spider. Lovely. And she has a ton of attacks. You need to spend most of your time dodging these attacks. Really. The web attack especially, as it slows you right down for ages, as well as damaging you. And then when you are in the web, she decides to come jab you a couple times. Right. She won't stay in one place, this is the initial problem. When you can get close enough to hit her, try and hit her from the side. So, other attacks. She hangs around in the air, and can shoot purple stuff at you. If she's offscreen, run around like a headless chicken, and you should avoid this. If you're webbed up though, you're screwed. She can jump on the floor and cause rocks to fall down all over the place. Finally, she can shoot stuff. Great, huh? She's also very fast. This is not an easy fight at all. As I've said, try and hit her from the side if you can, and just spend a lot of time avoiding everything. -END BOSS 9- Congratulations. You've beat the hardest boss in the game! After the fight, she goes a bit mad... -EIGHTH FLOOR- Ah, back to this again. In the first room, use the warp point, save your game, and then warp back. Sneaky, eh? If you didn't get the chest earlier on, there's a herb very closeby to where you warp to. Go into the second room, and use the warp point there. 4y) The Final Dungeon So here we are, the final dungeon in the game. Then enemies are damn strong here. Level up a few times. Go on, I dare ya. Go forward a couple of rooms to see a room with 9 switches in it. A tenth switch up the stairs resets the first 9. So what do we do? The plan is to have all of the switches pressed down at once. Wheneve you stand on a switch, all of the adjacent switches change too. Press the center one first, then press all of the corner, travelling clockwise. The doors open as if by magic. Take the south door, and follow these few rooms around to find yourself some new armor, the strongest in the game! Go back to the room with the switches, and take the north door this time. Follow these rooms the only way you can, until you come to a big white glowing door. Go through. The other side of the door is the same, just with tougher enemies! Go through the first door to your north to be faced with a choice between north again and east. Go north, and head through a few rooms to get the best shield in the game at the end of it. Head back to the junction, and head east instead. You'll be locked in again. Storm down the stairs full speed for another switch puzzle and then run off crying when you get your ass kicked by two massive dragons! There's nothing you can do to avoid their attacks, so just run up to them and hit them, to hell with the consequences. After they die, head east once more. North, east, north, west, north, east, and east through the next glowy door. 4z) The Final Battle So, here we are. The final battle. And it's mostly pretty simple stuff! The first part pits you against the black haired guy who's been causing havoc all along. His attacks are pitifully weak, the only danger is if you get hit about 700 times. He fires loads and loads of orbs. That's it. They all do very little damage. He can also teleport, so you'll only get a few hits in at a time before he's outta there. Just follow him around the ring hitting him when you can. You can pretty much ignore your HP. After around 1200HP damage, he'll lose. And you'll be teleported to the next part... You'll be on a small platform. You are surrounded by a bunch of diamond shaped things. Equip the dark sword, concentrate on any one of the orbs surrounding you, and just pummel it. It'll have around 2200HP. You'll be there a while. While all this is going on, there's a laser show going on all around you. These things are pretty much impossible to avoid successfully, and you'll be safer just ignoring them for the most part, and smashing the big diamond thing as fast as you can. When you've destroyed one of the orbs, you'll move to yet another platform. The laser show continues here. Again, it's very difficult to avoid the attacks, and you'll probably take more damage attempting it. This part of the boss takes place on a few different levels. Once you destroy the orb here, you'll have to take a path off the left of the platform, and do it again. Each orb can only be destroyed using the corresponding sword. It's pretty obvious which is which, but to make it easier, it goes in this order - Earth - Ice - Lightning - Fire - and when the fire is gone, that's it! Now, again, don't bother trying to avoid the attacks. Just keep getting in as many blows as possible, unless the attack is really easy to avoid. The only exception is a huge beam attack. You'll know it when you see it. Run the hell away, as it can deal over 100HP damage. After the final orb is destroyed, you'll be back with the black haired man. Prepare to fight him, and then realise you don't have to. Congratulations, you've just finished the game! ------------ 5. Item list ------------ Items are listed in the order which they appear in the selection screen. Going from left to right. Obviously. I may give the items different names in the walkthrough, so check this list and you'll see what I'm on about, in theory. Since they're in order, and that. -WEAPONS- Short Sword -- The sword you get first. ATT+10 Middle Sword - On sale in for 1000G. ATT+15 Tarwarl ------ On sale in for 5000G. ATT+20 Fascination -- The Ice sword. In ice cave. ATT+20 Long Sword --- On sale for 10000G. ATT+25 Valentia ----- The Fire Sword Found in the fire cave. ATT+25 Confiansa ---- Earth sword. In the earth temple. ATT+30 Broad Sword -- On sale for 60000G. ATT+35 Inhenio ------ The lightning sword. In the temple behind Highland. ATT+40 Eternal ------ The dark sword. Got in the sewers in Selrei. ATT+45 Fustishia ---- Sun sword. Pulled out of the statue, King Arthur sytle. ATT+45 -SHIELDS- Leather Shield - The shield you get first. DEF+4 Middle Shield -- A silver shield. In a chest after defeating the first boss. Also on sale. DEF+6 Kite Shield ---- On sale for 5450G. DEF+8 Ice Shield ----- In ice cave. DEF+10 Large Shield --- On sale for 10500G. DEF+12 Flame Shield --- In Fire Cave. DEF+16 Gaia Shield ---- Found in the Earth temple. DEF+24 Plate Shield --- Bought for 57800G. DEF+22 Tall Shield ---- Found in the temple behind Highland. DEF+20 Chrono Shield -- On the way to the Sun Temple. DEF+28 Unknown (?) ---- On the way to the Sun Temple. DEF+32 Reflector ------ In the Sun Temple. DEF+35 Tuckler -------- After Sun Temple. DEF+40 -ARMOR- Leather Mail - The armor you get first. DEF+6 Chain Mail --- On sale for 1400G. DEF+10 Scale Armor -- On sale for 5850G. DEF+12 Ice Armor ---- In ice cave. DEF+16 Breast Armor - On sale for 12800G. DEF+20 Flame Armor -- Given to you in Komodo, second time through. DEF+24 Gaia Armor --- In earth temple. DEF+36 Plate Armor -- On sale for 58000G. DEF+32 Tall Armor --- It's in the temple over at the back of Highland. DEF+28 Chrono Armor - On the way to the Sun Temple. DEF+40 Unknown (?) -- On the way to the Sun Temple. DEF+44 Defenser ----- In Sun Temple. DEF+48 Halfsrider --- After Sun Temple. DEF+55 -ITEMS- Herb - Restores half of your max HP. Wing - Looks like a gun made out of a lightbulb. What? Roda Charm - Looks like some sewing related shenanigans. ???? Ancient Text - No idea what this does. ???? ???? Selceta Seeds - Plant them in the soil to go see the giant. OK, that's made up. Ice crest - Opens the door in the ice temple. Fire crest - Ditto for the fire temple. Earth crest - Again. Light crest - Again. Dark crest - Again Sun crest - Opens the final temple. Blue fragment - Allow you to use ice magic. (I think!) Red fragment - Ditto but for fire magic. Yellow fragment - Again. Purple fragment - Again. Black fragment - Again. White fragment - Healy magic. ------ 6. FAQ ------ This guide is pretty rubbish so far. Any questions, feel free to email me. Please feel free also to email me with any major omissions, of which I'm sure there will be a few. Translations of item and place names would be most helpful. Anything with a (?) next to it is just my completely literal translation, and sounds ridiculous currently. My email address can be found on www.inthegame.co.uk as the less places I post it online, the better for my spam! -------- 7. Legal -------- If you want to use any part of this guide for any reason other than to complete this game, please email me beforehand. This guide shall be hosted on www.gamefaqs.com solely, as at the most recent update. Thankyou!