APE ESCAPE (PSP) (EU) Ape Escape P (US) Ape Escape: On the Loose! ENEMY BOOK GUIDE by Chippyri =============================================================================== [VR] VERSION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== 1.1 - Zooka Edition No errors reported nor contributions made. Added Neoseeker and Super Cheats to authorized websites (a new section). Corrected some minor grammatical errors. Gave the "rights" section a textual make-over. 1.0 - Natsun Edition Guide completed. There might be errors, so please report them to me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [BT] ABOUT \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== This FAQ is intended for the completionist in you. I will be listing all the enemies found in the Enemy Book (which is a new addition in the PSP version) and their descriptions. Additionally I will be listing on which levels the enemies can be found, and if they're especially hidden - where they are. I've completed the game 100%, unlocked the extras in the mini-games, finished all time attacks with gold and found all enemies. I've also found all the trees and maxed them with energy chips, and have collected all of Casi's documents. Mostly all this was done thanks to guides here at GameFAQs and YouTube videos with speedruns. So! I decided to give some help back by making this guide. Ready to get whacking some enemies for your book? Well, then, let's start! (Oh, and before you start, please read the "Note" section below!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [NT] NOTE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== Descriptions of all monsters are cited straight from the game. Appearances are written by me to describe the enemies visually and perhaps help you remember if you've seen one before. There might be some lingual differences between the US and Europe releases of the game. I wrote this guide based on the European release. Enemy book entries will not count towards the percentage completion, you only collect these for fun/completion. The names of the enemies, depending on how often they appear, are usually written in multiples. I decided to keep it this way, as the game's Enemy Book write them in this way. Enemies you can't kill aren't in the Enemy Book. The enemies in this list are ordered the same way as they are in the Enemy Book. So if you find an empty space in your book, check in this list, it should be here! There are some lame puns in this guide. You might need to kill an enemy several times before it'll appear in the book, hang in there! This guide is only for the Enemy Book entries, nothing more. If you're looking for something else, have a look at other guides! There's guides in the PSX areas for Ape Escape as well. Corrections, suggestions and additional information welcome! You will be credited. Feel free to e-mail me if you have questions, I will add the question to the FAQ area of this guide and respond to you to the best in my ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [OV] OVERVIEW \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== [VR] Version [BT] About [NT] Note [OV] Overview [EB] Enemy Book Entries [TLL] The Lost Land [TLL1] Natsuns [TLL2] Zookas [MSA] Mysterious Age [MSA1] Bee-beez [MSA2] Gabresias [MSA3] Snorters [MSA4] Tree-mendous [MSA5] Snatchers [MSA6] Onions [MSA7] Splitters [MSA8] Rock Monkeys [MSA9] Sparkplugs [MSA10] Chimpotiki Pole [MSA11] Hotties [MSA12] Nuttcases [MSA13] Creepers [OCN] Oceana [OCN1] Crabsters [OCN2] Tooters [OCN3] Tebran & Paracybo [NFR] New Freezeland [NFR1] Freezers [NFR2] Snowmen [NFR3] Dozookas [MDM] Medieval Mayhem [MDM1] Enos [MDM2] Hanzos [MDM3] Chaipus [MDM4] Nutty Knights [MDM5] Parkies [MDM6] Walloon Knight [MDM7] Spec-a-lizer [PDY] Present Day [PDY1] Megaton Chimpanoid [PDY2] Mecha-Nuttcases [PDY3] Patrollers [PDY4] Ape Cannon [PDY5] Robochimp [PDY6] Killer Coils [PDY7] Kattens [PDY8] Battle Cruiser [MOM] Monkey Madness [MOM1] Bomballoons [MOM2] Tubby [MOM3] Whispermeres [MOM4] Eleles [MOM5] Jake-mobile [MOM6] Rocket Chimpanoid [MOM7] Hyper Chimpanoid [MOM8] Goliath Armour (Top) [MOM9] Goliath Armour (Body) [FQ] Frequently Asked Questions [CR] Credits [RI] Rights [AW] Authorized Websites =============================================================================== To quickly get to the part you are looking for in this guide, cover the whole tag in the overview ex. "[TAG]" for the item with the mouse and press CTRL + F and ENTER. (Firefox) =============================================================================== =============================================================================== [EBE] ENEMY BOOK ENTRIES \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== [TLL] THE LOST LAND =============================================================================== [TLL1] NATSUNS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Once you've been seen they'll be on you in a flash. They might look cute at first glance, but will deliver a nasty bite if you get too close to their sharp jaws." FOUND IN: - The Lost Land > Fossil Field > Primordial Ooze - Medieval Mayhem > Crumbling Castle APPEARANCE: Small orange blob with spiky hair, angry eyes and two feet. Big jaw. (Author's note: Sounds like an Angry Bird to me...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [TLL2] ZOOKAS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "They burst up out of the ground if you get close and will lob rocks at you. You'll get whacked quickly if you're slacking, but they only launch one at a time. Dodge and fight back!" FOUND IN: - The Lost Land > Primordial Ooze > Molten Lava - Oceana > Coral Cave > Dexter's Island APPEARANCE: Green head with two pink cheeks and a mouth it uses to lob rocks at you. (Author's note: Yoshi, Birdo and Diglett after a horrible accident.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [MSA] MYSTERIOUS AGE =============================================================================== [MSA1] BEE-BEEZ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Monsters that look much like bees. Their small bodies make them elusive targets. If they sting you, they'll die too." FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Thick Jungle - Present Day > City Park APPEARANCE: B:s. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA2] GABRESIAS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Scary beasts that sneak up on you if you get near them. Be alert, or else they'll make a nice meal of you. If they're about to munch you, try to wriggle free!" FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Thick Jungle APPEARANCE: A flat plant with an open jaw and sharp teeth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA3] SNORTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Goggle-eyed bouncing pigs. Watch out: there's a lot of bacon packed into those small bodies. You'll be squashed flat if they land on you." FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Thick Jungle APPEARANCE: Round, pink, goggle-eyed pigs with arms. (Author's note: If you remove the arms and colour it green, then it's a bad piggie.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA4] TREE-MENDOUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "What was once a giant tree in the jungle has been turned into a fearsome monster by Specter. Will come after you, swinging its gangly arms to keep you from getting close. However, those arms are vulnerable. Attack both of them, and as they recoil you should aim for the massive tree trunk to bring it down." FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Thick Jungle APPEARANCE: A giant tree trunk with two green hands. It has two black eyes and a mouth covered with web. (Author's note: Sudowoodo on steroids.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA5] SNATCHERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "They'll be flapping around without a care in the world, but will suddenly turn their attention to you and dive in for a Spikeburger. Time your attack to fight them off when they swoop down!" FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Dark Ruins - Oceana > Coral Cave > Dexter's Island APPEARANCE: Green spheres with eyes, two little feet, a yellow jaw and wings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA6] ONIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Bizarre monsters that look just like onions. If they think you're making a sneaky attack, they'll get angry and head after you. Those horns on their head are seriously sharp." FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Dark Ruins - Medieval Mayhem > Crumbling Castle APPEARANCE: Onions with feet, arms and a "seriously sharp" horn on their heads. Creepy expression. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA7] SPLITTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Bouncing beasts that harmlessly approach you. If you attack one, ... voila! It splits in two. Then the two split into four. And so on, and so on, and so on..." FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Dark Ruins - Present Day > City Park APPEARANCE: Purple slimes with kitty ears and a confused face. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA8] ROCK MONKEYS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "You'll think these creatures are just statues amidst the ruins, but they'll spring to life if you approach. Beware of rocks with twinkling eyes!" FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Dark Ruins APPEARANCE: Rock monkey statues with red twinkling eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA9] SPARKPLUGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Fiery fiends whose bodies are totally engulfed in flames. They get a lot more agitated when you get near them. Will explode when attacked, so watch out!" FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Dark Ruins APPEARANCE: Red fiery spheres with angry eyes and two arms. (Author's note: Geodude covered in lava.) NOTE: To find Sparkplugs, enter the "Dark Ruins" level. Travel forward until you get to the fence and turn left. Go forward and enter the building in front of you. Go forward, ignore the Splitter, when you get to the pit falls, jump over both of them and continue forward over the greenery and enter through the door. When outside, walk over to the block on the left and push it down. Enter the hole that appeared and walk through the door. You're now in the room with Sparkplugs! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA10] CHIMPOTIKI POLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "This relic moves around using mysterious powers, and whirls around while fire shoots from its mouth. Attack while doing your best to dodge the flames!" FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Dark Ruins APPEARANCE: A pole consisting of rock monkeys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA10] HOTTIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Evil beasts who are constantly watching your every move. You'll be fried if you get close. They are not very mobile, so use your Catapult to destroy them from a distance." FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Cryptic Relics APPEARANCE: Red version of Snatcher. (Author's note: Also known as the evil twin.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA11] NUTTCASES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Stay holed up in their shells when you're far away, but dart out spinning when you're near. They'll eventually stop spinning, so you'll just have to back off until they do, and take aim!" FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Cryptic Relics APPEARANCE: A purple oval with legs, split in two with two evil eyes in the split and two sharp horns on the top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MSA12] CREEPERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "These little tykes drop down on you when you least expect it. Be wary of certain places above you. Picking them off before they fall on you will make your life a lot easier." FOUND IN: - Mysterious Age > Cryptic Relics - Oceana > Coral Cave - Medieval Mayhem > Crumbling Castle APPEARANCE: A spinning orb with two eyes and legs that look like cookies. (Author's note: Cookie monster's dream. Not your ordinary Creeper.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [OCN] OCEANA =============================================================================== [OCN1] CRABSTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "These are jittery, hard-to-kill little creatures. Their hard shells will withstand your onslaughts. However, you can flip them over and attack their soft underside to kill them!" FOUND IN: - Oceana > Crabby Beach > Coral Cave APPEARANCE: Crab. (Author's note: You know what a crab looks like, right?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [OCN2] TOOTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "They make strange noises when heading for you. Watch out: they're usually grouped together in one area. You best bet is to blast through them using your Dash Hoop." FOUND IN: - Oceana > Dexter's Island APPEARANCE: Irisdecent polygon orb with a pink/orange orb on the inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [OCN3] TEBRAN & PARACYBO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Bizarre life forms within the goblin's body. Kept locked up by the apes as they are too dangerous. If you kill Tebran, Paracybo will come down after you. Once you kill it, you can go after those apes!" FOUND IN: - Oceana > Dexter's Island APPEARANCE: 4 spiky tentacles with eyes(?). On the center is a static tentacle. (Author's note: Too bizarre to describe. Looks similar to something from Zelda: The Wind Waker. Also, I thought that the creature who opens their mouth was a dinosaur, not a goblin.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [NFR] NEW FREEZELAND =============================================================================== [NFR1] FREEZERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Looks like Snatchers, but since they're really made of solid ice, they might not be brought down with one shot. Be sure to finish them off before they attack you!" FOUND IN: - New Freezeland > Snowy Mammoth > Frosty Retreat > Hot Springs APPEARANCE: Blue Snatcher. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NFR2] SNOWMEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Their hard, bucket-shaped parts are indestructible, and the main part comes out to attack you if you get close. Track their movements before killing them so their jumping won't throw you off!" FOUND IN: - New Freezeland > Snowy Mammoth > Hot Springs APPEARANCE: Evil snowmen with kettles on their heads. Icy hands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NFR3] DOZOOKAS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "If you get close to them they'll escape into a hole to avoid being killed. Do your best to destroy them with the Catapult whilst dodging the mighty rocks flying from their mouths." FOUND IN: - New Freezeland > Frosty Retreat > Hot Springs APPEARANCE: Blue Zookas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [MDM] MEDIEVAL MAYHEM =============================================================================== [MDM1] ENOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Once these monsters start to charge you, they're unstoppable. They're very similar to wild boards. Try not to get trampled!" FOUND IN: - Medieval Mayhem > Wabi Sabi Temple APPEARANCE: Wild boar with slightly larger tusks. NOTE: To find this enemy, enter the "Wabi Sabi Temple" level, run up the stairs and wait in front of the temple. An Eno should come running at you from below the stairs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MDM2] HANZOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "They'll appear from thing air and fling shurikens after you as you run away. If attacked, they'll use mystical powers to disappear, but can't avoid you indefinitely if you keep up your attack." FOUND IN: - Medieval Mayhem > Wabi Sabi Temple APPEARANCE: Short and pudgy evil ninjas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MDM3] CHAIPUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Relentlessly chases once you've been spotted, and are hard to kill since they float in mid-air. Shoot them from the Sky Flyer before they can fire bombs at you from their gaping mouths!" FOUND IN: - Medieval Mayhem > Tiki Tiki Wall APPEARANCE: Yellow lanterns with propellers and a face with red lips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MDM4] NUTTY KNIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "They're just normal Nuttcases, only they wear helmets from the castle. The way they move and the way you kill them are the same as with their unhelmeted cousins." FOUND IN: - Medieval Mayhem > Crumbling Castle APPEARANCE: See description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MDM5] PARKIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "They get agitated by the sound of ringing bells and other noises. It's pretty annoying to have them flapping around in front of you." FOUND IN: - Medieval Mayhem > Crumbling Castle APPEARANCE: Bats. (Author's hint: Not baseball bats.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MDM6] WALLOON KNIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "A suit of armour on display that Specter brought to life with his powers. It can wield a sword like a master, and will use it to parry your attacks. Aim well when its sword has been lowered!" FOUND IN: - Medieval Mayhem > Crumbling Castle APPEARANCE: A stereotypical knight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MDM7] SPEC-A-LIZER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Fearsome armoured gigantor under Specter's control. You're the one who's in for a nasty shock if you attack when it's charged up and moving around. The electrical charge gets used up when it swings its giant axe down. The moment to attack is right before the power comes back on!" FOUND IN: - Medieval Mayhem > Crumbling Castle APPEARANCE: A pink stereotypical knight with big axe and shield. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [PDY] PRESENT DAY =============================================================================== [PDY1] MEGATON CHIMPANOID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Emits magnetic rays from its right hand to attract you, and tries to crush you with a hammer in its left hand. Make your attack from areas beyond the reach of the beams! Watch out: if you don't back off quickly after you strike, you'll end up being pulverised by its spinning attacks." FOUND IN: - Present Day > City Park APPEARANCE: Yellow giant robot with two legs, and two arms. One of them is a hammer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PDY2] MECHA-NUTTCASES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Nuttcase mechanoids that have been mass-produced in the factory. That's why you'll see them all over the place. However, they move and otherwise behave like normal Nuttcases." FOUND IN: - Present Day > Specter's Factory APPEARANCE: Mechanized Nuttcases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PDY3] PATROLLERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Type of mechanoid produced in the factory. Their jets allow them to zoom over and intercept any intruders they detect." FOUND IN: - Present Day > Specter's Factory - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: Tiny space ships. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PDY4] APE CANNON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Looks like a massive UFO base, but what's that huge cannon inside it...? Normal weapons won't dent its hardened armour. Use the tank the Professor gave you and blast the armour with all your might!" FOUND IN: - Present Day > Specter's Factory APPEARANCE: Green UFO attached to the ground with a huge cannon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PDY5] ROBOCHIMP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Here's how far the technical abilities of the apes have evolved: they've managed to figure out how to drive a robot. This one's equipped with hardened armour and can attack you in various ways. It might seem futile to resist, but its rear tank is vulnerable. Figure out how to hit the tank while evading attack!" FOUND IN: - Present Day > Specter's Factory APPEARANCE: A green robot with a jet-pack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PDY6] KILLER COILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "These guard-like mechanoids are always watching designated areas. If the alarm goes off, watch out. Once they've targeted you with their beams, you'd better split." FOUND IN: - Present Day > TV Tower APPEARANCE: A flying ship with two antennae. (Author's note: Like something out of Star Wars.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PDY7] KATTENS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "These monsters are covered by a hard exterior that your weapons are useless against. So jump in the tank, and let 'er rip!" FOUND IN: - Present Day > TV Tower APPEARANCE: A big red shell with white dots, four feet and two eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PDY8] BATTLE CRUISER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Powerful airborne mechanoid piloted by Specter. It flies around, raining one attack after another upon you. It does let up occasionally so fight back between salvos!" FOUND IN: - Present Day > TV Tower APPEARANCE: Blue space UFO with a cannon and two jets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [MOM] MONKEY MADNESS =============================================================================== [MOM1] BOMBALLOONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "When these evil balloons spot you, their fuses ignite and they'll try to take you out when they explode. They seem to be the handiwork of the circus master." FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: A balloon with the face and hat of a clown. Creepy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOM2] TUBBY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Circus master who's a ball specialist. The ones he throws quickly morph into Bomballoons. He can also balance on them, but don't be surprised if he goes rolling after you himself." FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: A clown, juggling balls while balancing on one. He has a key winder on his back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOM3] WHISPERMERES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "These ghosts will appear out of thin air, and float around you." FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: A purple ball of gas with a creepy face. (Author's note: Gastly.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOM4] ELELES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "These ghosts come out of pots, and attack you with two large hands. Attacks go right through ghosts, but you can kill these ones by destroying the pots where their main body resides." FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: A ghost and a pot. (Author's note: This ghost ain't as nice as Casper.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOM5] JAKE-MOBILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Combat mechanoid driven by Jake when he's under Specter's control. This is a formidable machine equipped with mini-mortars and missiles and will come right at you to attack. It's vulnerable from the rear, so evade its advances as best as you can, and then come at it from behind!" FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: A colourful car equipped with gadgets. (Author's note: Heh, Batmobile and Speed Racer!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOM6] ROCKET CHIMPANOID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "Advanced rocket engines power this mechanoid through the air. Its hands fire powerful beams at you. Use the Catapult to hit the mechanoid just as it changes course!" FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: Red flying robot with two guns, similar to Megaton Chimpanoid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOM7] HYPER CHIMPANOID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "This uber-mechanoid uses missiles, a machine gun, and flamethrower. It's your last challenge before you face Specter. Figure out how to evade all of its attacks and find a way to kill it!" FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: A green Megaton/Rocket Chimpanoid, with more weapons. NOTE: Enter the level "Specter Land". I'm assuming you have beaten the level already. Run to the very top part of the park and enter. You should arrive at white/blue path which leads to a crater. Jump down, press the button in front of the teleporter and enter it. Get over the chasm and enter the center door of the base. Run forward towards the picture of Specter and go up the stairs at the left. Turn left and enter the green door. Place a car on any of the buttons, and stand on one yourself. Equip the Dash Hoop and run through the door before it closes. Run in to the monkey's mouth. In the room run forward and then right, and walk up the stairs to the monkey face. Break the red light glass on the monkey's head by shooting it. It takes about two shots. Jump on to the helmet with your Sky Flyer, and go forward. In the room, walk to the left and hit the button. Go back to the room where you entered the monkey's mouth. Now, walk up the stairs on the left and enter the door. Get up to the door in the room you enter. You'll then get to an area where you can see the earth and space. At the -very- top the Hyper Chimpanoid will be waiting for you. Best of luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOM8] GOLIATH ARMOUR (TOP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "This is just the head portion, but it'll still attack you with deadly accuracy. It's best to use hit-and-fade tactics while you evade the onslaught!" FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: A robotic head. (Author's note: *coughoptimusprimecough*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MOM9] GOLIATH ARMOUR (BODY) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: "The body portion, which fits together with the head portion that Specter sits in, will go all out to destroy you. Be patient, so you can pick the best positions from which to attack!" FOUND IN: - Monkey Madness > Specter Land APPEARANCE: A robot, torso and up. (Author's note: *coughoptimuswheezeprimecough* or should I say *coughoptimuswheezeprimatecough*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [FQ] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== None yet! Have a question? Mail me, e-mail is at the very top of this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [CR] CREDITS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== Me for writing this guide. My hands for withstanding this. SCE Japan Studio for making Ape Escape. Have a look at the guides made by LUGIA46 (FAQ) for 100% completion (PSP) and mystery's Time Attack Guide (PSX)! These were my main inspirations! Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [RI] RIGHTS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== The description texts for the enemies and their names are owned by Sony. I have written the appearance texts and notes, and other text not present in the game. If future text is contributed by somebody else, they have written it, not I, and they will be credited for their contribution. I do not own Ape Escape, Sony nor any other trademarked or copyrighted terms in this guide. They are used only for educational/humoristic purposes, but if you believe that mentioning your company name/IP is infriging your rights, I will remove it. Just send me a mail! :) Referring, citing and linking to the guide is perfectly fine! Feel free to print the guide out if you wish. (But it's pretty long, so watch your ink!) I recommend having this guide as a file though, as you'll be able to find the information you are looking for faster with the [TAG]s. Want to have this guide hosted on your site? Please contact me first! Thanks, and have a nice day! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== [AW] AUTHORIZED WEBSITES \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =============================================================================== These sites are authorized to host this guide (and my future guides/updates): GameFAQs Neoseeker Super Cheats Stay awesome! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEA YEAH! /Chippyri -------------------------------------------------------------------------------