******************************************************************************* BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Haku-Men Character Guide Copyright Alex Labins Gamertag: "Ctrlaltwtf" v1.5 ******************************************************************************* CONTENTS: [A_00]...Guide Description [A_01]...Legal [A_02]...Glossary [A_03]...Suggestions/Advice [A_04]...Input Notation [A_05]...Update History [0_00]...Character Description [1_00]...Advantages/Disadvantages [1_01]...Advantages [1_02]...Disadvantages [2_00]...Basic Moves [2_01]...Descriptions [3_00]...Special Moves [3_01]...Advanced Uses [3_02]...21478 Moves [4_00]...Zanshin [God Slash] [5_00]...Distortion Drives [5_01]...Kokuujin: Shippu [Judgement: Squall] [5_02]...Kokuujin: Yukikaze [Judgement: Snowstorm/Blizzard] [5_02_01]...Perfect Yukikaze [5_03]...Kokuujin Ougi: Mugen [Heavenly Judgement: Infinity] [6_00]...Combos - Linking Instructions [6_01]...Ground Combos [6_02]...Air Combos [6_03]...Grip Combos [6_04]...Wall Combos [6_05]...Rapid Cancels [6_06]...Infinity Combos [7_00]...Astral Heat: Kokuujin Ougi: Akumetsu [Heavenly Judgement: Perish Evil] [7_01]...Input [7_02]...Ideal Situations [XX_XX]...SPOILER CHARACTER DESCRIPTION ******************************************************************************* [A_00] Guide Description ******************************************************************************* Hello and welcome, I am Alex and this is my first GameFAQs guide. This guide is for people who want to learn to play "Haku-Men" in AKSYS Games newest addition (at time of writing), BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger. You'll find your way around this guide using the Find function like other guides. When you search in Find, you should type the opening and ending brackets [ ] as well, I use the numerals as a referral device sometimes so if you just search for "9_02" you might find my referral, instead of the actual section. So search with "[9_02]", not just "9_02". The instructions in this guide assume that all players involved have already mastered their characters. If I tell you watch out for a certain character's move, it's because I'm talking from experience fighting experts, and I expect all enemies to be able to pull them off easily. There is no commandant that says "Thou Shalt Always Obey This Guide." Guides are intended to give *GOOD* advice on how to play a character. The choice is ultimately up to you, the player. Don't be afraid to try different combinations of tactics other than the ones in this guide. This guide is very comprehensive, if I say I'm going to show you how to get off a certain move, I'm going to show you a LOT of ways to do it. ******************************************************************************* [A_01] Legal ******************************************************************************* This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This guide is in no-way intended to be used for profit or commercial use. This guide may in no way be copied onto sites other than GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Gamespot. This guide is open for suggestion, but all edits and decisions are ultimately decided by me, the writer. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, Haku-Men, and all other characters, images, backgrounds, and gameplay elements are copyrighted Aksys Games and ARC SYSTEM WORKS Co. Ltd. ******************************************************************************* [A_02] Glossary ******************************************************************************* There are a lot of things to talk about in this game, and I'm going to use a lot of terms I made up myself, so I've included this Glossary to let you know what I mean. If you ever find a word I use and think "Huh?" simply refer here to see what I meant. This Glossary also includes some common BlazBlue terms. _____________________________________________________________________________ | WORD MEANING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Counter Hitting an enemy while they were trying to hit you/perform another action, this will make them freeze longer, allowing combos not previously possible. Weak Hit A hit performed by a relatively wimpy attack, these hardly freeze the enemy at all. The easiest example is to simply hit someone with 5A. Observe the graphic. Heavy Hit A hit performed by a stronger attack, these freeze the enemy even when they're not counters. Most 5B and 5C moves count as a heavy hit. Notice the difference in graphic and sound between Weak and Heavy. Delay Pretty self-explanatory, but I'll still spell it out. Delay is any pausing during a combo, rather than performing all your moves as soon as possible. Delay is something that must be mastered to use Haku-Men's truly powerful combos. #Zanshin Zanshin is Haku-Men's Drive, and it does nothing by itself. It is the only true "Counter" move in this game Bang's Burning Heart is really an attack with countering properties. Zanshin is just a Counter move, it does not attack if it doesn't counter anything. The numeral that precedes it is which direction I'm telling you to use it with. An entire section of this guide is dedicated to using Zanshin. Follow-Up I use this to mean that there are multiple options after a certain move. So if I say 6A, follow-up. That means there's far too many options to list that you could do after 6A. Immunity This means that a move has complete invulnerability to the indicated direction, the enemy's attack will be completely ignored. Evasion This means that a move has evasive properties against the indicated direction, it does NOT however, provide immunity. I abbreviate it with "Eva" usually, such as "LowEva" or "HighEva" Full Hold I use this term to indicate that you should hold the button down for as long as the game lets you. Unblockable Pretty straightforward, the attack can't be blocked. You block it, it still hits you, kapeesh? Unstoppable This means that an attack cannot be interrupted until it goes off. This does NOT mean unblockable. Ragna's AH is a prime example. Warm Up This means the time it takes between when a move is started, and when it actually hits. Super Jump Performed by pushing 2 before a jump. i.e. 27, 28, and 29. The super jump jumps far higher than a normal jump and manipulates many combos. ******************************************************************************* [A_03] Suggestions/Advice ******************************************************************************* This is my first guide, so I am very open to suggestions and improvements. I thoroughly test every strategy and combo I suggest but there's no guarantee I may have missed something. Those wishing to make suggestions on improving the guide, such as new strategies or typo/formatting errors should send their e-mails to rated_d_for_dumb@yahoo.com with the subject line "[guide] Improvement", in this case that would mean "BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - Haku-Men Character Guide Improvement" ******************************************************************************* [A_04] Input Notation ******************************************************************************* The way I input things is something that I learned first from Soulcalibur IV. I prefer this method because it outlines the exact directions that need to be inputted. The numbers I will use to represent directions are in relation the numbers on your numpad on your keyboard. (Unless you're on a tiny laptop of course, in which case I suggest you google a picture of a numpad..) A numpad is laid out like so: 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 So, for all direction inputs I give: 8 is up 2 is down 6 is right 4 is left 5 is neutral 9 is up-right 7 is up-left 1 is down-left 3 is down-right So for a basic example, doing a quarter-circle backwards then pushing the C button would be "214C" I use this method because there are some inputs that aren't included in the more standard abbreviated method "qcb" "qcf" etc. For instance, 21478 moves (3_02) are ways I use Tsubaki/Hotaru instantly from the ground. As always in fighting game notation, the input assumes the character is on the left side of the screen. ******************************************************************************* [A_05] Update History ******************************************************************************* May 30th, 2010 - v1.5 -Added Haku-men's life total to character description. -More Ground Combos and Grip combos. -Added 2C to the basic move chart, can't believe I completely forgot it. -Typos. -Additional information about Renka. January 31st, 2010 - v1.4 -Changed "9-Tailed Fox" to "9-Tailed Wolf." Look at Haku-men's Coat-of-Arms, you'll see what I mean. -Typos/phrase fixes. November 18th, 2009 - v1.3 -Added "Sticky Fingers" to the Grip Combos section. 9116 damage, 4 magatama. November 16th, 2009 - v1.2 -More typo fixing. -Fixed some "walls of text" -Added a few more lines to some moves' descriptions. -Reduced some of my OVERZEALOUS emphasization because I only now realized how ANNOYING it could BE. -Fixed the description for Kishuu, as it does not provide exactly 100% projectile immunity. -Added a guide describing how I notate input directions in reponse to numerous emails. It's A_04 now. October 30th, 2009 - v1.1 -Added High Evasion to 6C, 2A, and 2B. -*IMPROVED* Barrier Burster, has less hits, more damage, and is slightly easier. (6_06) -Changed a few combos to include 21478 moves. -Fixed a few typos. -Added "21478 Moves" (3_02) October 4th, 2009 - v1.0 -Guide up. ******************************************************************************* [0_00] Character Description ******************************************************************************* #Non-Spoiler#: Haku-Men is an incredibly powerful cyborg with wolf-like characteristics, mainly his claws, "tail" (his hair), and the ear-like features on his mask. He has a strong sense of justice and mercilessly puts down anyone who enters his forbidden domain. When left idle during a match, Haku-Men lets out an eery vacuum-like noise (granted he's not fighting Ragna). We can only assume this is his version of "breathing". Haku-Men has 12,000 life, 2,000 above the "average" life total and 500 below the highest life total in the game, Tager's. This is my own uneducated guess about what his name means: "Haku" can mean to affix a weapon to oneself, to arm oneself or something (i.e. stringing a bow). "Men" can refer to a mask, a face-guard etc. I believe the two combined are supposed to suggest "An armed masked one." So, for example "Masked Swordsman". Haku-Men goes into battle with incredibly powerful attacks and ferocious special attacks that consume "Magatama" from his heat gauge to use. His voice actor is (opinions incoming..) awesome in Japanese and really terrible in English. #Spoiler description at the bottom of this Guide.# ******************************************************************************* [1_00] Advantages/Disadvantages ******************************************************************************* Haku-Men is an extreme character, he is not all-around in the slightest. Below are the most notable advantages and disadvantages he has over other characters. ******************************************************************************* [1_01] Advantages/Disadvantages - Advantages ******************************************************************************* Power. His damage output is through the roof, there's even an achievement for finishing a 10,000+ damage combo without using his Astral Heat (in case you are wondering, most characters have around 9.5k~ life.) His C attacks have incredible stopping power and range, and a single 6C does 1640 damage, 1940 if charged. That's more damage than some characters do in an entire combo. Tager is the second runner-up but his damage comes from painful combos and crazy powerful throws. Haku-Men can do massive amounts of pain in just *one* swing. Haku-Men has an excellent jump and air-dash, and will prove to be your main method of movement. However be advised that relying on jumps too much makes him very vulnerable to anti-air attacks. Hakum-men's C attacks are his trademark bread-and-butter. They all usually have very long range and massive damage output. Almost all of your C attacks can be used to start a combo on someone on/off counter. Counter is still preferable. This is where Haku-Men's uniqueness starts, and this is his style of play: ALMOST** all of Haku-Men's moves can be interrupted by his Special Moves, and all Special Moves can be interrupted by other Special Moves once per combo. Remember that all Special Moves consume Magatama. **THE EXCEPTION to this is 6C and 3C. 6C does not allow any special move to interrupt it EXCEPT Distortion Drives. Astral Heat is NOT allowed. 3C does not allow anything at all. ******************************************************************************* [1_02] Advantages/Disadvantages - Disadvantages ******************************************************************************* Haku-Men pays dearly for this immense power with also being very punishable. Pretty much every single move he has besides 5A, 2A, 5B, and 6B are punishable. Haku-Men is not a character for people who always want a sure-fire method for defeating the enemy, his slow moves simply do not allow for one strategy alone. You must adapt to whatever enemy you're fighting. Haku-Men has the worst ground mobility in the game. Most people would argue that Tager takes that (dis)award, but I'm putting Haku-Men higher on the list for one very specific reason: Haku-Men's backstep does NOT grant invulnerability, unlike other characters in the game and especially unlike Tager, who has the best backstep. Many people accuse Haku-Men of "C spamming", and while I can easily see where they get this impression, it's mainly poor sportsmanship in response to Haku-Men using his range to his advantage. Put bluntly, Haku-Men frequently uses C instead because his A or B moves simply can't cut it in the given situation. In exchange for excellent C moves, his A and B Moves are very situational and not suited for general combat. **REMEMBER**: Haku-Men's C moves are one of the(the most?) punishable moves in this entire game. ******************************************************************************* [2_00] Basic Moves ******************************************************************************* Key ____________________________________________________________________________ |.| Term |.| Meaning | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | MID Mid-hit, blockable by either stance. | | LOW Low-hit, blockable only when crouching. | | HIGH High-hit, blockable only when standing. | | All Usually vertical attacks, blocked in either stance. Cannot be | | avoided by evasion. | | | | MIDL Mid-low hit, blockable in either stance but can be avoided by | | low-evasive moves. | | | | MIDH Mid-high hit, blockable in either stance but can be avoided | | by crouching. | | | | LEva Has low evasion. | | | | HEva Has high evasion. | | | | LHEva Has both high and low evasion. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________ |.| POSITION |.| INPUT |.| HIT |.| DMG |.| IMMUNE? |.| SPEED | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |.| GROUND |.| 5_A |.| MIDH |.| 180 |.| NONE |.| Fast | |.| GROUND |.| 2_A |.| MIDL |.| 160 |.| NONE |.| Fast | |.| GROUND |.| 6_A |.| ALL |.| 620 |.| HIGH |.| Medium | |.| MIDAIR |.| A |.| HIGH |.| 220 |.| NONE |.| Fast | |.| GROUND |.| 5_B |.| MIDH |.| 620 |.| LHEva |.| Fast | |.| GROUND |.| 6_B |.| LOW |.| 930 |.| LOW |.| Medium | |.| GROUND |.| 2_B |.| LOW |.| 600 |.| HEva |.| Fast | |.| MIDAIR |.| B |.| HIGH |.| 590 |.| HEva |.| Fast | |.| GROUND |.| 5_C |.| All |.| 1110 |.| NONE |.| Medium | |.| GROUND |.| 2_C |.| All |.| 1030 |.| None |.| Medium | |.| GROUND |.| 6_C |.| All |.| 1640 |.| HEva |.| Slow | |.| GROUND |.| 6_[C] |.| All |.| 1940 |.| HEva |.| Very Slow | |.| GROUND |.| 3_C |.| Low |.| 1200 |.| HEva |.| Fast | |.| MIDAIR |.| 5_C* |.| HIGH |.| 1070 |.| None |.| Fast | |.| MIDAIR |.| 2_C |.| HIGH |.| 980 |.| None |.| Fast | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Midair 5_C is really any direction besides 2. ******************************************************************************* [2_01] Basic Moves - Descriptions ******************************************************************************* A moves being the most common moves in the game, I will take the opportunity to explain the unique way that Haku-Men's A attacks work. For most other characters, mashing A as fast as you can will make them attack as fast as you can. With Haku-Men, this is not the case. All his A moves are more effective if you precisely push A at the right moment. This can easily make the difference between a combo starter and an embarassing failure. A good way to see this in action is to make sure the training dummy is set to escape everything as fast as possible in training, force counter hits, then do 3C 6A 6A. If you are spamming, there's a very high chance it won't combo. Precisely timing it however, will produce a combo (This is a very extreme example, don't worry, his normal A moves aren't nearly this difficult). Mastering the timing to all his A moves is key to starting combos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT DESCRIPTION Rating (1-5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5A - This is your straight-forward slapper. Very fast but people who are ** crouching won't be hit by it and can punish you if they have good reflexes or you accidentally use it too many times. 6A - Anti-air, hands down. Large high-immunity and has a huge stun on **** hit. If you manage to get this off on the ground, you better not waste the combo opportunity. Oddly enough, this attack also hits anyone crouching and it even hits people who are downed. And it re-launches downed people. Can begin almost any combo with or without counter due to stun. 2A - This move is a tiny bit faster than 5A, and combos on itself easier. **** More importantly, it cannot be avoided by crouching, It is not, however, a "low" move. This is one of the best moves to use on landing to prevent people punishing you, use it immediately when you touch the ground and there's a good chance you'll score a counter or at least force them to block, preventing punish. Also has a bit of high evasion. Midair A - Standard super-quick midair poke. Not useful for much as Haku-Men ** except stopping pesky midair spam. You can use Hotaru or Tsubaki off of it, however they will be scaled. 5B - A very quick kick to the head-area. This move is very unique in that *** it has both High Evasion AND Low Evasion, more so Low. A perfectly timed 5B can stop a midair assailant in his tracks, as well dodge most low hits. However, as it hits MidHigh, crouching enemies will dodge it. Most low hits also make the enemy crouch, so if you dodge a low hit with this move, there's a good chance you WON'T score a counter. Block or use 2A to prevent punish if you dodge a low with this and miss. 6B - A move so epic it even has a T-Shirt made in its honor ******** (http://www.aksysgames.com/wp-content/gallery/merch/bb_6b_shirt.jpg) And yes, I do happily own that T-Shirt. Anyways, this move is extremely Low-Immune. The immunity covers everything the game has to offer in the form of low attacks and on top of that you will always score a combo off of it. Counter or not. The way Haku-Men will yell "OSOI!!" ("SLOW!!") and stomp on their head is extremely satisfying too. (Again, see the T-shirt). 2B - This is a good little low poke that combos on counter hits. You are *** high-evasive during this attack. The real thing worthy of not is that this move is not punishable, something very rare for Haku-Men. It's a little slow to actually hit though. This relaunches downed enemies. Haku-Men ducks very low during this, very high evasive. Midair B - A surprisingly good kick in midair. I've used this frequently **** instead of Midair A to take priority against fast air spammers. This move can be used on itself twice in midair via jumps. (Jump B Jump B) It also opens up an air combo off of Kishuu Enma. I also believe this move has some High-Evasion, something VERY rare for a midair attack. This means that if an enemy uses a hit on you from the ground, you can avoid it and hit them instead with this move on landing. I believe this is because the attack's hit box comes before YOUR hit box. (Very similar to Ragna's "Hell's Fang") Don't think that means it will do squat against High-Immune moves though. That's not its job. 5C - A standard slash downward vertically. This is the standard variation **** of Haku-Men's infamous C moves. It boasts 1110 damage and has great anti-air properties as well. On counter this move starts just about any combo you have. This move shoves enemies into the ground when you intercept someone in midair with it, making them downed but unable to recover for a split second, allowing combos. 2C - This is the exact opposite of 5C, this one slashes upward vertically **** The focus is more on anti-air this time instead of anti-ground. A job that this move performs excellently. A lot of Air Combos come out of this move, and will be discussed more in-depth in the Combos section. This move seems to be a tiny bit faster then neutral C, as well, but with less damage. Relaunches downed enemies. 6C - This move is what symbolizes Haku-Men in every way. Very slow, but ***** so absurdly powerful. Just one of these will do 1640 damage, and it can be held down to do 1740-1940 damage, depending on how long you hold it, this increases its delay. This is very frequently your last-hitter that end a ground combo on for a nice chunk of damage. It is also a very good long-range deterrent and can be very irritating if spammed at range. Keep in mind that enemies that have quick ground approach (i.e. Hell's Fang) can punish this move so easily it's almost not funny. Despite the fact that it does not allow special moves to interrupt it apart from Distortion (that excludes Astral Heat!), this move actually combos on counter only, with Gurren right after it. Something else worth mention is that if you immediately do this after you do it once, some people will try to jump out of the way, and get hit again. The damage adds up amazingly fast. This move has high evasion only after he enters the final stage of his swing. During the beginning he has no evasion. 3C - For a C move, this move is amazingly fast. It swipes low very **** quickly and combos on counter hits. The combos can be difficult however, more in-depth in the Combos section. If you don't feel like being risky, simply use this move twice on counter hit. All people aspiring to play as Haku-Men must know that this move does not allow ANYTHING to interrupt it! It doesn't even allow Astral Heat! Midair C - Probably the most infamous move in Haku-Men's arsenal, Midair C **** takes priority over most of the other midair moves out there and has great range. Timing is everything, make sure to use it quick enough that you will use its range to your advantage, but not so quick that the hit box disappears. This move is punishable if you miss, so make sure to time it right. High-immune moves will ignore it, so know your opponent. Also, 2C is a different move, be aware. I do not believe you are allowed to act after using this in midair if you miss, similar to 5Zanshin. You can only jump/combo if you land a hit on your opponent. This may really be due to the fact that it is incredibly slow to return to the idle though. Midair 2C- This is what I like to call "The Pogo-stick". Haku-Men will smack **** his opponent squarely in the face and send them flying away from him He also bounces off them backwards and upwards a little bit when he does this. Midair 2C is used for his air combo, but better used for his crazy wall-rape combo. I explain it in more detail in the Combos section, but all you really need to know is that he can get this move off five times when wall-raping. Boing! Boing! ******************************************************************************* [3_00] Special Moves ******************************************************************************* Unlike all other characters, Haku-Men's special moves are very unique. Every single special move can interrupt almost anything he does, and they can even interrupt each other. However, each special move may only be used once per combo. They are very few special exceptions to this rule, mostly dealing with Kokuujin: Shippu and Kishuu Enma. To start you off though, just assume you can only use each move once. All Special Moves require Magatama, Haku-Men's equivalent of Heat. Unlike everyone else though (you'll hear that phrase a lot) Haku-Men's "heat" always gradually charges over time. Comboing with Haku-Men is borderline impossible without using Special Moves. The most you will ever get off is 3 or so crappy hits. While other characters use a lot of basic moves, and finish with a powerful special move, Haku-Men is constantly expending Heat and using Special Moves to BUILD his combos, rather than finish them. All of his special moves have a name and ranking that you can hear when he uses them (much better in Japanese). This can really make you feel like some martial arts badass when you pull off a huge combo. He alternately says the moves' name or ranking depending on which character he is fighting, I personally prefer when he says the names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME INPUT Magatama Damage DESCRIPTION Rating Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurren 236A 1 560 A rapid straight-forward dash that rams (Crimson) the enemy with Haku-Men's sword hilt. *** This is used to start a lot of combos as it counts as a Heavy-Hit. Kishuu 623A 1 0 Haku-Men dashes forward rapidly, he (Demon Leg) becomes high-immune and 95% projectile ***** immune during this. Can be continued with Enma for another 1 Magatama. This move is invaluable for Haku-Men. That other 5% of none-projectile immunity is, annoyingly enough, V-13. Projectiles that are really low to the ground hit him as well. I've tested this with Spark Bolt and can confirm that it works however. Enma A 1 860 Performed by pushing A immediately after (Hades) using Kishuu. It is so fast it's best to ***** consider them one move with an input of 623AA. Renka 214B 2 1573 An incredibly fast low hit followed (Lotus) immediately by a kick to the gut. It ***** also has an awesome ink graphic for it's attack Renka is very special due to its ability to negate combo scaling. Attacks performed after Renka will be less reduced by combo scaling. This is an extremely good move to use before Shippu. Zantetsu 41236C 3 2865 This is the powerhouse move. It delivers (Rending Steel) a high-only hit followed immediately by **** a low-only hit. Both hits do immense damage. The only way you're going to get it off without combo is by surprise, it is very slow. Hotaru MA 214B 2 1250 A sudden kick diagonally upwards in (Firefly) midair. You are invulnerable during this ***** attack! This has been my final hit in many matches when the enemy is acting skiddish. It also has the awesome ink graphic. Tsubaki MA 214C 3 2200 A sudden slash downwards in midair. You (Camellia) are not exactly invulnerable during this ***** but it has very high priority over other attacks. It is an excellent last hitter. ******************************************************************************* [3_01] Special Moves - Advanced Uses ******************************************************************************* While Haku-Men's Special Movelist is easily one of the best in the game, bear in mind they all require heat. That means you certainly aren't going to be able to just go in gung-ho and spam the crap out of them. Listed below are some more tactful uses of these special moves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tactic Name INPUT(S) Magatama DESCRIPTION Rating (1-5) Cost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Low-High Zantetsu Mix" 2B 3/5 This involves badgering the enemy *** 3C with low-attacks frequently 214B throughout the game, get them 41236C used to blocking low. Surprise them with a sudden Zantetsu which starts with a high-only hit. Renka can be used for immediate pressure, but that's 2 magatama for no damage. It's hardly the fastest mix-up out there however, and will probably only catch inexperienced players off-guard. "214 Floating" Midair 2/3 You may have noticed when you **** 214B first used either Hotaru or 214C Tsubaki, but they compeletely stop your "falling" animation. This can be used to avoid enemy land-camping. The most common thing I use this for is to deny Tager's Distortion grip that does 5500'ish damage. "Kishuu Grip" 623A 1 I have used this many times to **** B+C great effect. However, for it to follow-up work right, you need to first get the enemy used to the entire "Kisshu->Enma" combination. Once they see that a few times, they will probably start blocking the moment you use Kishuu. So instead of finishing with Enma let Kishuu carry you right next to them, and grip. If they are the type of player who Barrier Blocks a lot, they probably won't react in time "Kishuu Quickstep" 623A varies This is simply using Kishuu over ***** Repeat and over. It covers ground very quickly, but the real reason for doing this is projectile immunity I have turned a match completely on its head by using this against Rachel/V-13- and other projectile spammers. Haku-Men simply runs through them all and closes in. It can be hard on your magatama though. "Gurren Grip-Bounce" B+C 1 This is something you must know. ****** 236A It's even featured on the DVD. follow-up This involves following ground grip up with Gurren immediately. This will bounce them off the wall. The most common follow up for this is simply 6C. However, you can also use Kokuujin: Shippu after it immediately. The nice thing is, you can hold Shippu the entire time. The enemy will likely try to block immediately on recovery. Unfortunately for them, a fully charged Shippu is unblockable. It also does a whopping 5500 damage. Ouch! "Hotaru Third Jump" 9 2 This is a neat little trick I **** 9 discovered only recently, Hotaru 214B actually enables you to use a 9 midair jump after using it, even follow-up if you've already jumped twice. Note that you have to hit the enemy with it (hitting a block still counts). You can air-grip after this or follow it up with C->Tsubaki. "Renka Cancel" 214B 2 We know that Renka is 2 hits ****** one hit right? Well that second hit follow-up inconveniently sends your enemy flying out of range. So instead, interrupt Renka immediately after it's first hit with either Shippu or Zantetsu. This also massively reduces damage scaling, resulting in a lot more bang out of your Magatama. "Shippu Intimidation" 63216C 4 The way this one works is if you ***** vary manage to get a fully-charged holding Shippu on an opponent. They will likely be very pissed that it's unblockable, and have made a personal vow never to fall for it again. So, this time around, let's hold Shippu for only a LITTLE bit, then let go. They will likely immediately try to jump backwards or backstep this time...Eating our quick-release Shippu in the meantime. As you become more skilled, you may even be able to watch your opponent for signs of letting their guard down, and releasing Shippu precisely. "Yukikaze Save" 63216C 8 This is a desperate tactic that ***** blocked usually yields very good results, 236236D especially when in Infinity. If you happen to release Shippu and the enemy blocks it, and they're relatively close to you, I can guarantee they will want to punish you. So, instead, the moment you realize Shippu was blocked, use Yukikaze. Remember: Haku-Men can interupt special moves with others. Shippu is no exception. ******************************************************************************* [3_02] Special Moves - 21478 Moves ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21478 is used when you want to perform Tsubaki or Hotaru instantly. You are actually inputting the 214 part of the move before the jump. Hotaru is tricky, as it will default to "Renka" instead unless you give it a tiny smidge of delay before inputting B. Tsubaki does not have this issue as there is no 214C equivalent on the ground. In case you didn't realize, 21478 is a vertical semi-circle on the left side of the D-pad. Just remember, 21478C for an instant Tsubaki. 21478(delay)B for an instant Hotaru. It is extremely effective for dealing with Tager's backsteps. ******************************************************************************* [4_00] Zanshin ******************************************************************************* You may have noticed that I didn't include any D attacks in Haku-Men's Basic or Special moves. This is because Haku-Men's Drive does absolutely nothing by itself. Haku-Men summons a protective circle in front of him that blocks anything except grips. If a hit is blocked by Zanshin, and the enemy is within range, Haku-Men will counter with a heavily damaging throw, which can also be followed up. I'm not going to beat around the bush here, Zanshin's counter-box is tiny. It is also easily punishable. Basically, the moment the circle reaches it's peak opacity (brightness), the counter box ends. Even though you can still seet he circle fade away, the counter-box has long since disappeared. You are punishable the entire time it takes to return to idle. If you need a more visual example, go into training and push D, then hold Barrier Block and see how long it takes for it to actually appear. I am in no way telling you that shouldn't bother with Zanshin, it is EASILY Haku-Men's #1 most powerful asset. I am simply telling you to make sure you really have the timing down before trying to use it in real battle. Once a Haku-Men player masters Zanshin, crap-tactics like spamming the icicle on Jin can be completely reversed and turned against them. I even have a replay of me winning vs Jin with nothing but D counters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key Things to Remember: | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. There are 4 variations: 5D, 6D, 2D, and Midair D. Technically, 236236D (Yukikaze) and 720degrees D (Astral heat) are also forms of Zanshin, though. 2. Zanshin never counters grips. The exception is your Astral Heat, which counters everything in the game except projectiles. 3. 5D has around 2x the counter box then that of 6D or 2D. And deals the most damage. 4. 6D Works only on people who are on the ground. And it does ZERO damage! Why use it? Because instead it makes your enemy vulnerable to any combo. 5. 2D Counters lows and mids, but doesn't counter highs. As I said before though, 2D/6D's counter boxes are even smaller! 6. Midair D has no follow-up. It has around the same time-frame as 5D but there is nothing you can do after it, so don't worry about it. It's great damage anyway. 7. All of your ground Ds can be followed up! 6C or Shippu work very well. You can even get 6C->Shippu off with good timing! 8. All your counters negate projectiles. If the enemy is near you when you block the projectile, he will still grab them! 9. Basic Zanshin never counters anything that is unblockable. Yukikaze counters basic unblockables, but not distortion drive/AHs. Astral Heat doesn't care. 10. And finally, Zanshin can counter Barrier Burst! If you manage to miraculously counter Barrier Burst, and have 4 magatama, 6C->Shippu does a whopping 7465 damage! That's more than likely to 1-shot them if they were in a situation where they wanted to Barrier Burst. Don't rely on this tactic at all! It's only ever going to happen by chance but you should act immediately if it works! The only way you'll ever get this off on purpose is extremely risky. You must stop doing a combo right before you think they will barrier burst, and use Zanshin instead. This is very unlikely to work because Barrier Burst's explode-delay varies greatly depending on the situation. Sometimes it's instantaneous. Sometimes it has an entire second of delay. ******************************************************************************* [5_00] Distortion Drives ******************************************************************************* Haku-Men's distortion drives are extremely difficult to use compared to others. Shippu is incredibly slow. Yukikaze has a very small hit-box and doesn't get grips or lows. Infinity is tricky to get off without being punished if you don't first use a combo to delay the enemy. Any aspiring Haku-Men must know when and where to use these moves properly. It's extremely frustrating to use Infinity and then immediately get punished and KO'd. ******************************************************************************* [5_01] Kokuujin: Shippu - [Judgment: Squall] ******************************************************************************* NOTE: *Judgement can also be translated as "Retribution". Either way, the Japanese always means "To make one atone for past sins." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input: 632146C This is actually Haku-Men's only direct-damage distortion drive, the other is a counter and the last is Infinity. If you want damage, you're doing Shippu. Haku-Men raises his mighty Zanbato directly above his head, covering the entire vertical space of the screen. He then brings it down in a mighty arc, dealing 4000 damage at melee range and sending out a shockwave that travels on the ground. Enemies only take 1500 if only the shockwave hits them. The most important aspect to remember about Shippu is that it can be held down. Also, if you delay it for the entire time allowed, around 3 seconds, the *sword* attack becomes completely unblockable and deals 5500 damage instead. Even if you hold it fully, the shockwave does not become unblockable, and still does its normal 1500 damage. ******************************************************************************* [5_02] Kokuujin: Yukikaze - [Judgement: Snowstorm/Blizzard] ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input: 236236D Summons a powerful warding circle. When an unlucky enemy strikes this circle, Haku-Men reacts so fast that they aren't even able to respond. Haku-Men performs an powerful 3800 damage running slash through his enemy, completely unblockable. He cannot be interrupted or countered in any way once he gets this off. When Yukikaze counters a melee hit performed by an enemy character, they will be entirely frozen, unable to do ANYTHING, not even Barrier Burst, until it hits them. If Haku-Men counters a projectile with this, he will still perform it, even if the enemy is on the other side of the field, unlike Zanshin If Yukikaze counters a projectile, or any other attack not performed specifically by your enemy (i.e. Carl's Nirvana), the enemy will NOT be frozen! This allows them the chance to dodge Yukikaze. Yukikaze hits the entire horizontal field of the screen. It also hits fairly high vertically but not so high that it cannot be jumped over. Think of this as nothing more than an insanely powerful, long-range 5Zanshin. It counters everything 5Zanshin will counter. Specifically, highs, mids, and projectiles. Lows and throws are no good. The timing is very close to 5Zanshin, although slightly smaller. Remember that Distortion Drives will freeze the game for a split second, so as long as you input the move and get it off, you cannot be stopped from using it. You can still be countered though. Yukikaze cannot counter unblockable *distortion drives*. The best example is Haku-Men's full-charge Shippu or Jin's Astral Heat. It *does* counter non-distortion unblockable attacks, however. The best example is Jin's 623D hold move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Best Use | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's the #1 without-a-doubt BEST use of Yukikaze? That's easily answered, and the answer is particularly evil at that: Countering other people's Distortion Drives and Astral Heats. Bear in mind that some of those moves are unblockable, therefore not counterable. When an enemy performs a DD or AH, the screen freezes. Use this moment's pause to immediately perform Yukikaze. Some DD's require more specific timing depending on distance (i.e. Carnage Scissors) or warm-up (most Astral Heats). Also, this doesn't counter Grip DDs/AHs such as Tager's or Nu's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Worst (But Still Plausible) Use | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Countering projectiles or attacks performed by something other than the enemy character. When you counter one of the aforementioned attacks, Yukikaze does not freeze the enemy. This allows them to jump over it with some specific timing. They can also time Barrier Burst at the precise moment to avoid it. This can still work sometimes in a pinch if your enemy gets themselves stuck in delay, or they panic and mess up their dodge. But if they do dodge it, you're very punishable. Use it only when you're annihilating your enemy or they're owning you and you're desperate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honing Your Reflexes | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One way to train yourself to react properly with Yukikaze is to mute your television set, now select someone with a really quick Distortion Drive (Jin's 632146C is excellent). Now push the Memory hotkey for the training dummy, once you see that it's recording, close your eyes. (Trust your feelings, Luke!) At a completely random time, use his Distortion, make sure you didn't get to see what the number on the recording was. Don't take too long though, the maximum is 1000 frames. Unmute your TV, now go stand right next to Jin, tell Jin to replay, try to block his attack with Yukikaze and nothing else. Do this over and over and increasingly random times. Try not to think about when you performed Jin's attack, otherwise you'll unconciously try to remember the timing. *If you want to try on an even harder level, use Tager's spark bolt instead. ******************************************************************************* [5_02_01] Perfect Yukikaze ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input: 236236D (just frame) This is my nickname for inputting Yukikaze with almost same-frame perfect timing. Usually, when you score Yukikaze, Haku-Men has a big delay between when he starts his animation and when he actually hits his enemy, this opens up the opportunity to dodge it at a distance. When you score a Perfect Yukikaze, however, he has almost zero delay between when he counters and when he attacks, the enemy is also frozen for a tiny little bit at the start of the move (on projectiles/non-enemy attacks), making it (basically) impossible to dodge, no matter what range. It still does the same 3800 damage. For an example, make a Training Dummy Jin use his 632146C move over and over. Counter it with Yukikaze til you get perfect timing, you'll see what I mean. When I performed usual Yukikaze, he returned to idle and sat there a bit before I hit them. With a perfect Yukikaze, he didn't even have time to sheathe his sword fully. The best indicator that you got it is the visual cues. If you perform a standard one, the blast from his attack will seem to pass right through you. On a perfect one, it seems to be frozen "on" you for a split second, then you attack. Don't even think about trying to do this on purpose, it'll happen by accident sometimes though. When it does, it's awesome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's "Actually Happening" | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The enemy is actually getting frozen here due to you using Yukikaze. The default "Distortion Drives freeze game" game mechanic is making it impossible to dodge Yukikaze because your enemy is frozen a tiny bit while you're performing it. This only happens if you get Yukikaze off on like, the same exact frame that the attack hit you give or take 1 or 2 frames. ******************************************************************************* [5_03] Kokuujin Ougi: Mugen - [Heavenly Judgement: Infinity] ******************************************************************************* NOTE: "Ougi" is used in Japanese to indicate a hidden power of sort. A mysterious technique. It's often used to represent the secret techniques of a martial arts style. I personally think "Heavenly Judgement" fits best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input: 214214B Drawing from the power of the 9-Tailed Wolf, Haku-Men enters a state of pure concentration, allowing him access to his most powerful techniques. It's go time. That pretty much sums up Infinity. This move requires all 8 magatama. Once activated, your heat gauge will begin to drain rapidly back down from 8. During this time, you may use all your special moves without using any magatama. Also, the rule of "only use each special move once each combo" gets bent a little bit now. Remember the key factors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key Factors | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Special Moves should just be considered moves now, don't even care how much they cost. 2. It's usually a good idea to never let your 2-hit moves hit two times. There are some combos that use two hits, though. 3. Kishuu lets you use Shippu again. Shippu -> Kishuu -> Shippu is possible. 4. Unless your enemy is a newbie, they're going to Barrier Burst the moment you get a combo on them in Infinity, provided they are able. 5. If your enemy is in DANGER, and you score a hit in Infinity, the round is usually over. If you can't end it, it's a failure on your part. 6. Infinity wall rape = instant death from max HP (provided your not playing Unlimited) for most characters. They have to Barrier Burst or die. 7. Tsubaki can be used over and over and over as many times as you can stay in the air. This does not apply to Hotaru. 8. Tsubaki now has a "smash" effect that delays the enemy greatly when they hit the ground. Allows combos. 9. Standard ground combo always begins with a hit with Renka or a comboable move followed by Renka. 10. Standard ground combo continuation is almost always: Renka (one hit) -> Zantetsu (one hit) -> Kishuu Enma -> Continuation. (Discussed more in-depth in "Infinity Combos") 11. The enemy can ALWAYS escape anything EXCEPT Renka or Gurren after a two-hit Zantetsu during Infinity. 12. Gurren is a good way to crapify your damage. 13. Infinity takes forever to return to idle, you are very punishable the moment you use it. A good tactic is to do a grip then do it. 14. One extremely finicky way to get this off, is 6A -> Infinity -> Gurren or Renka. It does indeed combo them right into Infinity but the timing is very picky and the Infinity needs to come out as fast as you can possibly input it. ******************************************************************************* [6_00] Combos - Linking Instructions ******************************************************************************* The thing you really came to this guide for, Combos. Haku-Men basically requires Magatama (which is technically Heat) to perform combos. His basic attacks aren't even allowed to interrupt each, so they don't even link together in a standard ABC. It's all about Special Moves and tieing them together in-between basic attacks to continue combos. So, now that we've learned all our moves, let's figure out how we can slap 'em together. Bear in mind that Haku-Men has an absurb number of possibilities when put next to other characters, therefore I'm not going to waste my time listing EVERY tiny little variation. Instead, I'm going to tell you what links off of what, as well as list some of my favorite combos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LINKING - What Special Moves can successfully link off of what | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gurren - Basic Moves: -Independant: Any basic move ground hit besides 3C and 6C. -Counter Only: 6C - Grips: Either ground throw, 4B+C must be canceled for a hit. Carl Clover does not get hit by this! - Special Moves: -Independant: Zantetsu, Renka(1 hit)*, Yukikaze. -Counter Only: Shippu (counter, Shippu is first hit of combo) NOTES: Renka works with 2 hits but requires some very specific timing. Good chance it will miss some small characters (namely, Carl). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kishuu Enma - Basic Moves: -Independant: 6A, 5B, 6B, 5C, and 2C. -Counter Only: Any ground hit besides 6C, 3C, and 2A. - Grips: 4B+C, must be canceled for a hit. B+C works but follow-up is a bit tricky. - Special Moves: -Independant: Gurren, Renka, Zantetsu (only 1 hit during Infinity), Shippu, Yukikaze (both require super-jump to continue combo). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Renka - Basic Moves: -Indepedant: Any ground hit besides 3C and 6C. -Counter Only: 6C and 3C, both require close range - Special Moves: -Independant: Gurren, Zantetsu (only 1 hit during Infinity) -Counter Only: Shippu (counter, Shippu is first hit of combo). NOTES: Some moves require specific delay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zantetsu - Basic Moves: -Independant: 6A, 6B. -Counter Only: 5B, 5C, 2C. - Special Moves: -Independant: Gurren, Renka (1 hit), Kishuu Enma (delay after) Yukikaze (fast input, requires medium+ range for both hits to land) -Counter Only: 5C, 2C NOTES: Works off Shippu, but only one hit lands so it's a waste. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotaru - Basic Moves: -Independant: Any midair hit. -Counter Only: None. - Grips: Midair grip -> C -> Hotaru. You must be at a decent height to do this, but not too high. - Special Moves: -Independant: Kishuu Enma. -Counter Only: None. NOTES: Tsubaki can be linked off of this, but not the reverse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tsubaki - Basic Moves: -Independant: Any midair hit. -Counter Only: None. - Grips: Midair grip -> C -> Tsubaki. You must be at a decent height to do this, but not too high. - Special Moves: -Independant: Hotaru and Kishuu Enma. -Counter Only: None. NOTES: Tsubaki misses Carl a LOT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kokuujin: - Basic Moves: Shippu -Independant: 6A, 6B, 6C -Counter Only: 5B, 5C, 2C - Grips: B+C -> Gurren -> Shippu. 4+BC is the same except it must be canceled. - Special Moves: -Independant: Gurren, Kishuu Enma, Renka (1 hit), Zantetsu (2 hits. Does not work during Infinity), Yukikaze -Counter Only: Zantetsu (1 hit. Only 1 hit during Infinity.) NOTES: Renka is actually possible with both hits you do it with fastest input. However, it does less damage, so why would you want to? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* [6_01] Combos - Ground Combos ******************************************************************************* These are the ground combos. Note that some combos also performed on the ground won't be listed here. For instance they may be combos I deem to be "wall rape" or "grip" style combos. Make sure to read the other combo sections too. Unless I put "(counter)" in the input, assume all these combos work regardless of counters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arranged Top to Bottom: Lowest Magatama Cost to Highest | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 6B(counter), 6[C] full hold 2. 3C(counter), 6A, (delay)236A, 6C 3. 2A, 214B 4. 2A, 214B, (delay)236A, 6C 5. 6C, 632146C 6. 214B(one hit), 41236C "Sudden End" 7. 214678C, 214B, 9, (delay)5C, (land)2C, 29, 2C, 665C *Does not work on Carl, Jin, Rachel, "Standard Stopper" 8. 6C(counter), 5C, 214B(one hit), 623146C *This is an amazing combo, stupid easy to use and does huge damage. *To top it all off, only uses 6 magatama. 9. 6C(counter), (delay)236A, 214B(one hit), 41236C, 623AA, 9, B, 9, C 10. 6A(counter), 214214B, (delay)214B, ????* *See Infinity Combos for more info. Damage Hits Magatama Cost Difficulty Rating ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1923 2 0 * ***** 2. 2223 4 1 ***** ***** 3. 1232 3 2 * *** 4. 2278 5 3 ** **** 5. 4684 2 4 ** **** 6. 3653 3 5 *** *** 7. 4673 6 5 **** ***** 8. 6143~6444 4 6 ** ***** 9. 6445 8 8 **** *** 10. ????* ?* 8 ***** ***** *See Infinity Combos for more info. ******************************************************************************* [6_02] Combos - Air Combos ******************************************************************************* Air combos are what I describe as combos that take their main "oomf" from midair attacks. They can still start on the ground however. Unless I put "(counter)" in the input, assume all these combos work regardless of counters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arranged Top to Bottom: Lowest Magatama Cost to Highest | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 5C, 623AA, 9, B, 9, C 2. 5C, 623AA, 9, (delay)5C, 2C, 29, 2C, 66, 5C 3. (midair)2C, 66, 5C, 214C 4. (midair)5C, 214B, 9, 5C, 214C 5. 5C, 623AA, 9, (delay)5C, 2C, 29, 2C, 66, 5C, 214B, 9, C, 214C 6. 5C, 623AA, (delay)29, B, 9, C, 214B, 9, C, 214C *See Wall Combos for more info. Damage Hits Magatama Cost Difficulty Rating ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2422 4 2 ** *** 2. 3333 6 2 ***** ***** 3. 2411 3 3 ** *** 4. 3432 4 5 *** **** 5. 4345 9 7 ***** **** 6. 4010 7 7 **** *** ******************************************************************************* [6_03] Combos - Grip Combos ******************************************************************************* A grip combo is a combo that always includes a grip at some point. This means they are ALWAYS breakable and not guaranteed. However, grips are not affected by damage scaling at all, and Haku-Men's air grip especially deals a LOT of damage. A major downside to grip combos is that double-pink grips are usually useless against a skilled player. They can totally decimate noobies though. Unless I put "(counter)" in the input, assume all these combos work regardless of counters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arranged Top to Bottom: Lowest Magatama Cost to Highest | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. B+C, 236A, 6C 2. 5C(counter), 623A, B+C, 236A, 6C 3. 5C, 623AA, 9, B+C, 5C, 2C, 29, B+C, 5C, 214B, 9, 5C 4. 5C, 623AA, (delay), 29, B, 9, 5C, 214B, 9, B+C "Bass Ackwards" 5. B+C, 214B(one hit), 623AA, 7, 2C, 44, 2C, 5C* *Does not work on Carl, Taokaka, Rachel, Ragna, or V-13. **Tager requires a delay on 623AA due to his hugeness. "Bass Forwards - (Bass Ackwards Alternative, Higher Damage/Difficulty)" 6. B+C, 214B(one hit), (delay)623AA, 9, (delay)5C, (land)2C, 29, 2C, 66, 2C (5C***) *Does not work on Carl or Rachel **Has very very specific delays on it. ***This combo often makes you end up against a wall, 5C is only possible when stuck next to a wall. 7. "Sticky Fingers" B+C, 623AA, 9, (delay), 66, B+C, 5C, 2C, 29, B+C, 5C, 214B, 9, B+C, 5C 8. 4B+C (cancel), 236A, 623A, 5C, 41236C, 3C 9. B+C, 236A, 623A, 5C, 41236C, 3C 10. B+C, 236A, 623A, 5C, 214B(one hit), 41236C, 236A, 6C Damage Hits Magatama Cost Difficulty Rating ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 3068 3 1 * **** 2. 4178 5 2 ** **** 3. 6435 13 4 **** **** 4. 4919 8 4 **** **** 5. 4125 7 4 **** **** 6. 4589~811 9~10 4 ***** ***** 7. 9116 17 4 **** ***** 8. 3335 7 5 *** *** 9. 4245 7 5 ** **** 10. 5339 9 8 *** *** ******************************************************************************* [6_04] Combos - Wall Combos ******************************************************************************* Wall combos are only possible when you are shoved in a corner with your opponent, with your opponent's back to the wall. They are usually very damaging and repetitive, and gave rise to the term "wall rape." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arranged Top to Bottom: Lowest Magatama Cost to Highest | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 5C, 623AA, 9, (delay)5C, 2C, 29, 2C, 2C, 66, 2C, 2C, 5C 2. 5C, 214B(one hit), 41236C, 623AA, 9, (delay)5C, 2C, 29, 2C, 2C, 66, 2C, 2C, 2C See "Infinity Combos" for more info. Damage Hits Magatama Cost Difficulty Rating ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 3812 9 2 ***** ***** 2. 6412 5 7, refunds 1 ***** ***** ******************************************************************************* [6_05] Combos - Rapid Cancels ******************************************************************************* Ok I'm gonna be straight with you: I haven't found a single real use for Rapid Cancels on Haku-Men. Just about every single time I could use a RC to do something, that 4 Magatama could've been used for SOOO much more. You are not allowed to Rapid Cancel during Infinity either. (Or that'd be broken) Haku-Men basically "rapid cancels" every time he uses a special move to interrupt another. Some say you can use RC to deny punshing on Haku-Men, but if you can rapid cancel, you can Yukikaze, which does almost the same exact thing... ******************************************************************************* [6_06] Combos - Infinity Combos ******************************************************************************* Heheheh, here we are at last. The Infinity Combos, or as I like to call them, "The Game Enders." Be sure to know all the Key Factors about Infinity before you try to attempt these. It's in the Infinity section under Distortion Drives. When I type "Magatama Cost" in this section, I really just mean it uses that much magatama, even though isn't technically any cost at all. A "type" column is now added that specifies what sub-type of combo it is, all these combos of course require Infinity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arranged Top to Bottom: Lowest Magatama Cost to Highest | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "Racket Ball" B+C, 236A, 236A, 236A, etc. etc. when close enough 623A, 5c* 2. "Standard Ground" 5C, 214B(one hit), 41236C(both hits), 236A, (delay) 623AA, 632146C** 3. "Standard Air" 5C, 214B(one hit), 41236C(both hits), 236A, (delay) 623AA, 29, B, 9, C, 9, 214B, 9, C, 214C 4. "Frostbite" 236236D(success), 41236C(both hits), 236A, 632146C(delay release) 5. "2A Spammer's Demise" 21478C, on landing 214B(one hit), 41236C(two hits), 326A, 623A, 5C, 214B(one hit), 41236C(one hit), 632146C. 6. "Barrier Burster" 6C, 632146C, 623A, 214B(one hit), 41236C(one hit), 632146C, 623A, 5C, 214B(one hit), 41236C(one hit), 632146C *Use this to move people next to the wall to set them up for Barrier Burster. Or you can use it if it'll kill them and you feel like being funny. They will likely Barrier Burst right after the 2nd or 3rd Gurren. Damage Hits Magatama Difficulty Rating Type Cost ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ???? ?? ? * *** Mover 2. 6205 7 12 *** **** Ground 3. 6439 11 15 **** ***** Air 4. 7002 5 12 *** ***** Counter 5. 8937 10 21 ***** ***** Air 6. 10661 9 24 ***** ***** Wall ******************************************************************************* [7_00]...Astral Heat: Kokuujin Ougi: Akumetsu Heavenly Judgement: Perish Evil ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haku-Men's ultimate Zanshin technique. Haku-Men taps into the power of the Nine-Tails to produce a Zanshin powerful enough to counter any attack in the game apart from projectiles. Should an enemy trigger this counter, Haku-Men's Astral Heat triggers and he slashes his enemy many times at a speed beyond perception, ending the game. ******************************************************************************* [7_01]...Astral Heat: Kokuujin Ougi: Akumetsu - Input ******************************************************************************* Input: Final Round of the Match, Enemy is Below 20% HP, 720 degree rotation D. As I'm sure you've noticed, Akumetsu's input is a little bit tricky. 720 degree moves will make your character jump twice if you simply perform them, and this AH cannot be performed in midair. The trick is to use a different move, and input 720 degrees while that move is animating. Below are the best moves I use to delay my character while I input 720 degrees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delay-Moves for Astral Heat: Sorted Quickest to Slowest | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. 5B - Very quick, only experts will be able to get the AH off in time without jumping. 2. 6A - Little bit slower, the one I use most often. 3. 5C - Getting a little too slow now, really easy. 4. 8B - 9B or 7B work too, this makes you jump once, you perform AH on landing, by performing an attack, it makes it so you don't double-jump. You can use this to jump near the opponent too, baiting them to hit you. Be aware that if you accidentally hit them with this he'll double-jump. 5. 5D - This is the slowest, however, it works very well because your enemy usually goes "I can punish him now!" just in time for you to AH. ******************************************************************************* [7_02]...Astral Heat: Kokuujin Ougi: Akumetsu - Ideal Situations ******************************************************************************* These are the ideal times to use your Astral Heat, sorted from best to worst: 1. Your enemy just performed a none-projectile DD or AH that is going to hit you, perform Akumetsu during the screen freeze. 2. When you and your enemy are both landing near each other, use the AH the moment you hit the ground. 3. An enemy is running towards you after knocking you down, roll away from them in the direction that they're running and perform your AH during the roll. This is especially effective against people who are using dash-cancel combos. ******************************************************************************* [XX_XX]...SPOILER CHARACTER DESCRIPTION ******************************************************************************* ############################################################################### SPOILER WARNING! SPOILER WARNING! SPOILER WARNING! SPOILER WARNING! ############################################################################### Spoiler Description: The main spoiler regarding Haku-Men is his origin, I've listed all the hints I gathered in my travels as I encountered them within the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HINTS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits Roll: Jin Kisaragi and Haku-Men have the same voice actor. Battle: Haku-Men never says anything when he's fighting Jin Kisaragi. During the beginning intro, Jin will say something like "Who the hell are you?!" and Haku-Men will simply assume his battle stance. During a victory for Haku-Men when he fought Jin he will also say nothing. Jin's Story: There's a scene where the three girls are talking to Jin, he then walks away, and Noel seems slightly distracted by something. As he his walking away, we see a back-view of Haku-Men walking away flash briefly before disappearing, and Noel mutters "A white soldier..." On one of the endings, Jin fails to save Ragna from V-13, and is teleported away by Rachel. He is dismayed and seems on the edge of hopelessness. Then Rachel appears to him and says "Don't you wish to become a true hero?" Haku-Men's Story: There are plenty of scenes where Haku-Men says "When I used to be human" or something of the sort. While trying to re-establish himself in reality, he has to defeat apparitions of his mind. As he begins his last fight, he says something akin to "If I am to become justice, then I must relentlessly strike down all who oppose it, without bias. My past incarnation is no exception!!" He then finishes his story arc fighting Jin Kisaragi. After this fight, he takes off his mask in front of the Ragna-apparition he had previously defeated (of course, his face is not shown in the illustration). The incarnation of Ragna says "Hehh...so the cry-baby's acting all grown up." The conclusion? Haku-Men IS Jin Kisaragi, or rather, he was. It is revealed that Haku-Men is fully aware that he used to be human, and that he used to be Jin Kisaragi. However, he does not seem to inherit too many of Jin Kisaragi's traits, and seems to regard him as more as a "past incarnation" rather than himself in his entirety. Rachel transported Jin back in time using the Boundary through unknown means. He was then merged with a SUSANO'O unit. (Incidentally, Haku-Men's theme song). It's a little similar to the process of how V-13 merging with Ragna becomes the Black Beast. Susano'o is a term sometimes used in mythology to refer to a snake god or snake demon of some sort. This can help shed light on the many reptilic snake-like eyes seen on Haku-Men's suit. When Haku-Men is electrified by Rachel, you can see his X-Ray by pausing the game. This is by no means to be taken as fact, but from the way I see it, it looks as though Haku-Men possess a jaw much like a wolf, and has four eyes. (his Coat of Arms shows a wolf with four eyes as well). He seems to still possess some organic muscle as well as veins. Interestingly, we see 2 circle-like devices on his chest and near his midriff, both of them look akin to a Crescent Moon. They are both opposites of each other.