------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlazBlue Calamity Trigger Score Attack Mode Begginer's Survival Guide by xxcalvaxx Ver 1.1 // 07/15/09 Version History Ver 0.5 ---- Initial version. Ver 0.8 ---- Grammar fixes and new tips for Basics, Litchi, Ragna and new sites where the guide can be found. Ver 1.0 ---- Minor fixes, new tip for Hakumen, added Secret technique of the ancient dragon scroll bearing panda. Ver 1.1 ---- New tip for Ragna, Warning and minor fixes. \\Index A-Introduction B-Basics C-Fights C1.-Bang Shishigami[BAN] C2.-Taokaka[TAO] C3.-Iron Tager[TAG] C4.-Carl Clover[CAR] C5.-Noel Vermillion[NOE] C6.-Arakune[ARA] C7.-Litchi Faye-Ling[LIT] C8.-Jin Kisaragi[KIS] C9.-Unlimited Rachel[RAC] C10.-Unlimited Hakumen[HAK] C11.-Unlimited v-13[V13] C12.-Unlimited Ragna[RAG] C13.-Secret technique of the ancient dragon scroll bearing panda. c14.-Warning! Warning! D-Final words and Contact info. A// INTRODUCTION This is a very simple and short guide for those in desperate need to finish the Score Attack Mode, which is without a doubt the hardest AI challenge BlazBlue can offer. Ps3 users might have noticed the trophy awarded for finishing Score Attack is is a GOLD one, it might look easy at first but you'll find the hard way it is one of the hardest trophy/achievement in BlazBlue. This guide will provide strategies fighter by fighter so the pain you will feel is equal to giving birth instead of being burned in the fiery lakes of hell. B//BASICS Here is a brief list of things you need to know/do before starting Score Attack 1.- Score attack is not an easy "look how high I scored!" mode, it's PAIN. 2.- The dificulty for this mode is WAY WAY WAY higher than Hell difficulty. 3.- Changing the dificulty in the options menu DOES NOT affect Score Attack. 4.- Remember the hard setting in Mortal Kombat 2?, where you had to use Subzero and trick the AI into the same technique over and over so you had a chance to win?, this is HARDER, no technique will "lock" the AI. 5.- Try to have a soft surface near to throw the controller if going berserk. 6.- Choose Jin Kisaragi. This guide will use Jin, he has projectile attacks which are really useful and the tools that will allow us to defeat everyone else, Musou Senshouzan, known as Crystal strike too, is one quarter circle backwards + C and Sekkajin known as Snow Flower Storm, which is done by taping C like a madman. Jin's distortion drive Touga Hyoujin is also critical, it will save your ass many, many times, do it with easy specials, LEFT on right stick. Counter-Assault, press forward + A + B while blocking, this move uses 50% heat but allows you to break a combo and start one yourself, advanced move which will make the last 2 fights a tad easier. Finally, Barrier Burst, press A,B,C,D at the same time, LEARN this move, it's the most important move to master if you want to survive the last fights. I know many of you can beat Score attack with other characters but Jin is by far the easiest one for new and/or frustrated players, believe me. I'll explain along the way, it's the best way to learn, let's begin. D// FIGHTS BAN C1- vs BANG SHISHIGAMI This smelly ninja(said by many characters in the game, not me) is a bastard. His Burning Heat drive can and will counter most close quarters attacks but he can't counter all of Sekkajin strikes, very easy to defeat while being careful. * Spam Senshouzan whenever you can, he will almost always get hit, dumb ninja. * After Senshouzan, Sekkajin right away until the attack finishes by itself, even if he blocks or counters, he will get hit at the end. * Don't try to hit him with any other moves while close, he will likely use Burning Heat to counter, deal major damage AND gain a seal for Fu Rin Ka Zan all of which are bad news. * If he runs towards you, quickly guard down as he will most likely use his Opportunity! attack and throw you to the floor where he will do more damage. * Try not to jump too much towards him, instead, tease him with projectiles (quarter circle forward + A, you can use B or C but A is the fastest) if he dodges it,jump towards him and hit him with a C slash followed by Senshouzan. * If he uses Steel Rain (the umbrella distortion drive) quickly Senshouzan towards him for a free hit that will also interrupt the drive * Use Touga distortion drive from medium range, it will connect and stun him, if you are not very far away, QUICKLY Senshouzan him for more damage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAO C2- vs TAOKAKA Tao likes to bounce all over the screen like the mad cat she is. She only stops by the floor once in a while, it gets so annoying after a while that you just wish she received bad news, had a heart attack and droped dead, medium hard to hard depending on your skill. * Try not to use Senshouzan while she is very far and in the air, chances are it won't hit and will let you open to her cheap, spamming claws. * If caught in said claws, use barrier burst ONLY if you are below 50% health. Barrier burst is your last defense and many times will be the difference between starting Score Attack all over so don't waste it too early. * Use a ground Senshouzan while as far away from Tao as posible, this time it will work as she most likely be intercetepd while traveling * As always, Sekkajin away after a Senshouzan (blocked or not), ground Senshouzan attacks will hit most of the time if Tao is not jumping * Try freezing her with your drive after she does a diagonal dash. * If you see the chance and Tao is jumping from very far away towards you, use Hiyoku Getsumei (ice arrows or "absolute zero") distortion drive, it will connect, deal a lot of damage and sent the cat away, ready for a Senshouzan. * Finally, when available and in medium range (not too close so that Tao interrupts it) use Touga distortion drive to seal the deal. * When you have 25% heat, use an air Hishouken, version D, this should hit her since she is all over the screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAG C3.-IRON TAGER This guy is a beast, get close to him and you are done for. Very easy when dealt appropiately. So.... * Rule #1.- You don't get close to Tager unless Tager forcefully gets close to you first. * Spam Hishouken (ice sword projectile), for some reason Tager always gets hit. * Sporadicaly use Hishouken in air, use the C version which is the one that travels straight, since Tager is so tall it will hit him most of the time. * If you see Tager do a slow move and you are far away, Senshouzan him and dash away from him quickly, Sekkajin him if you have lots of HP only. * Tager's "piledriver" is avoidable like a throw, if you're skilled at throw escapes, ignore rule #1 and Senshouzan him but be very, very careful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAR C4.-CARL CLOVER Carl's a pushover, you would have to play really bad to lose to him. Walk in the park. * Senshouzan him right away, Nirvana (his puppet) most likely take the hit, keep hitting both with Sekkajin afterwards, rinse and repeat * Both Carl and Nirvana take a lot of damage from Sekkajin, when Nirvana is broken, hit Carl with everything you got, he should have very low hp by then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOE C5.-NOEL VERMILLION Cute gunslinger Noel is pretty easy too, just stay away from her and use your ranged attacks to finish her quickly. * Stay away from Noel most of the time, use sporadic Senshouzan and Sekkajin combos, try not to spam Senshouzan this time, wait a little between them. * After a Sekkajin always dash away from her. * Her revolver combos deal HUGE damage, use barrier burst if below 50% health, try not losing any rounds, the mere preasure it puts on you is enough to hinder your skills. * Hishouken her from far away and she will most likely jump with bad timing, jump and freeze her, then Senshouzan and after she recovers use Touga distortion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARA C6.-ARAKUNE With Arakune, there is so much crap going on screen that it's hard to remain calm, do not attack randomly and you should be okay. Medium-Very hard. * Air is Arakune's domain, don't jump, it's not necessary and it will place you in harms way. * Spam Hishouken but this time use the C version, this slow projectile will avoid Arakune's many "dissapearing" dashes and make contact. * Spam Senshouzan when far away, Sekkajin after. * If you get hit (you will) with Aracune's Zero Vector curse, remain calm, pressing buttons a la Taokaka to try to hit Arakune won't work most the time. * If cursed and near, use Sekkajin or a single C slash, other choices include a sweep with C or a quick Hishouken. * If cursed and far away, guard when the first insect arrives, Senshouzan inmediately and try jumping towards him with a C slash, this will hit him most of the time, * If cursed and you have the heat, Touga distortion to get rid of the curse and deal damage to Arakune. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIT C7.-LITCHI FAYE LING One of the hardest fights in Score attack, if you're not careful Litchi will sweep the floor with you, ending a good Score Attack attempt in the wink of an eye. Very hard-Hell * Never Senshouzan Litchi WHILE SHE HAS HER ROD, she will counter with her Tsubame Gaeshi, which is a move that stops you cold, deals good damage and leaves you close enough to her so she can take all of your hp with chaotic Three Dragon attacks served with a dish of unavoidable rod attacks. * Wait until Litchi drops her rod and if you are in mid range, Senshouzan away followed by the classic, Sekkajin. * Never try to Senshouzan Litchi from far, she will always counter your move with her air throw which has crazy priority. * As soon as you have 50 heat, dash away from her and use Touga distortion only if she is the ground and not too far away, if she calls her rod and jumps towards you, use the ice arrows distortion, timing is required but the reward is huge. * Try to guard down most of the time, most of her Three Dragon combos begin with a weak low attack that is pretty fast, so try to be ahead of her. * Hishouken only advisable from very far and use the A version. * NEVER let Litchi corner you, you're as good as dead if that happens, she will use her rod attacks to hit you from behind while you're recovering, barrier burst right away when she corners you, if you already used barrier burst, use counter-assault, if not available, use Fubuuki ( anti-air attack, done by pressing forward, forward-down, forward) with A version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KIS C8.-JIN KISARAGI Too bad he isn't a spammer, otherwise this fight would be more hard, Jin has 2 main "patterns" (not really) that can be countered for and easy fight Easy-Normal * Jin's first pattern is when he counters most of your Senshouzan with Fubuuki, an anti air attack that has a couple frames of invincibility allowing him to avoid the attack and counter, does medium damage. * When you see Jin use this pattern stop Senshouzan and spam Hishouken, after a few, Jin will not longer use Fubuki, Senshouzan again, this time for big damage. * Jin's second pattern is when he goes Hishouken crazy on you, he will use it many times, different speeds with a mix of air and ground Hishoukens. * Don't Senshouzan, you will only receive free damage if you do,since they do little chip damage, block a few then jump, dash and then freeze him or hit him with a C slah followed by Sekkajinm, rinse and repeat. * If timed right, you can Senshouzan over Jin's Hishouken and still reach his head, this deals counter damage, which is higher, making the fight easier but requieres good timing skills. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAC C9.-UNLIMITED RACHEL This version of Rachel is either really easy or incredibly hard, depends on how well you've mastered the past fights and your timing skills. Easy-Hell * Inmeadiately after the round starts, Senshouzan away, if you don't she will throw a lighting rod proyectile, effectively reducing your fighting space. It doesn't matter if you get hit, the important thing is to keep her ocuppied from throwing Tiny Lobelias (the name of the projectile). * Spam Senshouzan and Sekkajin, if she blocks all of Sekkajin strikes, do a low C slash, this will always hit but use it only a few times, it carries the risk of getting shocked by Rachel's cat-chair and is followed by a ton of lighting attacks. * If Rachel uses her George XIII attack, it becomes way harder, Unlimited Rachel's George doesn't receive damage from normal attacks, you must use a Touga Distortion as soon as possible to get rid of the damn frog, otherwise you'll be needing to dodge lighting, frogs, lobelias, hovering pumpkins all that while avoiding Rachel's attacks and Sylpheed pushes. * If Rachels hits you with more than 3 lightings use barrier burst, the damage is incredibly high but leaves her vulnerable to combos while casting the lighting. * NEVER WALK through Rachel's lighting rods, instead Senshouzan to get past them quickly, if she activates lighting you should be safe from damage, freezing-Senshouzan-Sekkajin-ing her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAK C10.-Unlimited Hakumen Hakumen.., hits incredibly hard, his 4 or 5 hit combos deal >50% damage, his attacks stun longer, he has an absurd long reach and is a damage sponge, the worst part?, he is a puppy compared to the last two bosses. Hell-Hakumen * Do NOT use Sekkajin before Hakumen's health is 30% or less, Hakumen will more often than not counter and deal high damage in return. * When Hakumen's health is 30%, you can use Sekkajin as the reward is greater than the risk. * Spam air Hishouken, B version, Hakumen just loves to jump and get hit by it, you can also spam ground Hishouken version A. * Never Senshouzan Hakumen when he has 4 of more megatamas, he will counter with his Distortion move, dealing tons of damage. * If Hakumen uses Judgement: Squall, use barrier (if available) and DO NOT let go of the guard yet, Hakumen always follows with a dash and the Lotus kicks attack, after the squall, this combo can take 100% of your hp so careful. * Hakumen can be thrown easily, don't doubt trying it when in close quarters. * Try dealing individual slashes, combos don't work that well on him due to his counter drive. * Whenever Hakumen hits you with Lotus, BARRIER BURST A.S.A.P, this combo will take AT LEAST half of your hp, so it must be stopped. * Your best shot, whenever you have 25% heat, use an air Hishouken, version D this one launches 3 ice swords that deal good damage and freeze longer,hope that Hakumen throws himself at one and continue with your attacks. * Run around the screen for briefs intervals, Hakumen will follow you around wasting magatamas while doing his moves trying to reach you, if Hakumen has no megatams he's useless. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V13 C11.-UNLIMITED V-13 ******************************************************************************* *RANT COMING, PLEASE EXCUSE ME WHILE I RELEASE SOME STEAM* *After all I played Socre Attack so many times to get this guide* *You can skip this and scroll lower to the guide* *Thanks for your understanding* Where to begin, how about V-13 has all the flaws that made japanese videogame developement so obsolete over the last few years, thus making western development rise to the top position?. The thing is, japanese designers ARE AFRAID OF CHANGE, they have been making the same type of games for almost 30 years and people finally got tired of it. JRPGS?, most of them are seen now as relics of the past, Square, the once king of RPGS has been forced to milking Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XI being played by less than 150,000 players while World of Warcraft has 14+ million, The Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean 4, all rpgs from square failed miserably, the highest rated is Star Ocean 4 with a mediocre 7.2, thing is, people got tired of clichè skinny spikey hair pansies with swords bigger than them and without any social skills or interest in women (Squall, Cloud.) That's why the new rpgs from Bethesda and Bioware are graded so high, I'll take Fallout 3 over any and all square rpgs after Final Fantasy X. Japanese fighting games, oh crap, they ALWAYS have to have the cheapest bosses around, bosses that can't be beaten with skills but with repetition of certain moves and the japanese still haven't learned the lesson, Seth, every single boss in KOF, Rugal, Goenitz, Orochi, Zero, Original Zero, etc. Every single japanese fighting boss has to have the following: 1.-A friggin attack that travels and covers the whole screen forcing you to block taking chip damage and making any movemente useless. 2.-Multi hit attacks, not only do they do huge damage, they have to hit a ton of times to irritate the player, angry players don't perform well. 3.-They have to be CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, dodge an attack?, here comes another, you need to spam a single technique to beat them, your skills are worth crap here, it's about finding an AI hole and exploiting it. Sadly, v-13 probably is the only flaw in the great game that is BlazBlue ******************************************************************************* Well v-13 is the hardest of all the characters, she is incredibly cheap, her attacks are hard to dodge, her distortion moves have almost no recovery time, allowing her to continue hiting you for a LONG time, such distortion drives cover the whole screen, they hit from above while she throws projectiles that hit low so you're gonna get hit anyway, deals tons of damage and she can hit you from anywhere in the screen with minimum effort. HARD AS FRIGGIN ****ING HELL * Spam Senshouzan, hopefully you will hit her more than she hits you. * If she hits you with his sword drive, stop doing whatever you were doing and block for as long as she keeps at it. * Whenever she uses her distortion drive block high using barrier, when she throws the low projectile, take it like a man, there is a small chance that if v-13 slows a bit you can jump backwards while blocking, thus blocking the swords and jumping the projectile, however the chance is slim to none. * Stay as close as you can to her, so her summoned swords can't reach you, however, you're a sitting duck in front of her so be careful. * Another way to take the least damage when v-13 uses her sword distortion drive is to wait until the last moment and use barrier burst, however you are now defenseles to her combos so choose wisely. * If low on health try to stay at mid range until your heat meater reaches 50, then Touga distortion from far away and hope she doesn't interrupt it with summoned swords. * If able, use air Hishouken version D when heat is 25, follow up with Senshouzan. * Good luck, you'll need it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAG C12.-UNLIMITED RAGNA While not as hard as v-13, Ragna is still as hard they get without being CHEAP. HARD AS FRIGGIN HELL. * Stay as far as you can from Ragna, time your Hishoukens, version A, so they hit him while he comes at you with Gauntlet Hades or Inferno Divider. * Time your freezing ability to hit him while he is on his way down from an Inferno Divider, follow up with a throw and then Senshouzan. * Never try to jump over him without a using a high jump, Ragna will just use his drive and hit you for medium damage, the factor here is the amount Ragna heals, since he is always in Blood Kain mode. * At all costs, avoid his drive attacks, it's double damage, your hp goes down and his goes up, your succes deppends on avoiding said attacks. * Try to hold out as long as you can, use distortion drives from far when Ragna comes at you, be patient, this will be a long, hard fight. * Never Senshouzan when Ragna has 50 or more heat, he will counter with Carnage Scissors dealing a ton of damage to you and healing himself for almost the same ton, one Carnage Scissors is enough to seal the battle. * If Ragna is at 50 or more heat, stick to air and ground Hishoukens, don't lose the timing, one mistake can cost you the round. * Use Sekkajin only when Ragna is recovering from an attack. * Barrier Burst if he is using any combo that uses his drive when your health is 75% or lower or Ragnas health is below 20%, don't miss the chance to finish him if he has low health, take the risk, go all out, fortune favors the brave. * Try to save your heat for distortion drives. * Play defensively, never attack until he attacks first, except for Hishoukens. * If enough heat is available, use counter-assault on Ragna's attacks, before his drive attacks occur, however, saving heat for distortion drives is top priority. * Never use attacks at random, Ragna will punish every single one of them. * Even more good luck. * This technique is brought to us by Joe Dyer, GT: And Josh, al credit goes to them: "Do a C version of the icecar(Senshouzan) and hit, Ragna will fall down and instantly get up. If timed right you can do an icecar, take a step forward, and then repeat, I was able to this about 5 times in a row until he broke a grab, at which point I just icecared again." This technique works wonders and while Ragna certainly will break it eventually, the damage/input return is HUGE, you might want to spam this technique at the beginning of each round. --------------------------------------------------------------------- c13.- Secret technique of the ancient dragon scroll bearing panda. While i was busy finding strategies to beat the AI with honor i completely forgot about how useless that is and how cheating rocks. All credit goes to Herum656 for the tip, which should be pretty obvious by now. 1.-Go to options and set VS rounds needed to win to 1. 2.-Fire up a second controller. 3.-Just before you're about to lose on score attack press start on the second controller, this will take you against the new challenger 4.-Since it's only 1 round shouldn't take long, use this round to increase your rapid cancel and counter-assault count towards their respective thophies. 5.-After you win you will continue where you left on score attack, thus making game over a thing of the past, just be sure to press start before losing, don't get too relaxed just yet. This trick actually turns things around, making the fight with v-13 rely on you being patient rather than really lucky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c13.-********************* WARNING, WARNING WARNING**************************** I've received a few emails in which people tell me that they're not receiving the Leonidas Gold trophy after beating score mode, I asked a few questions and found the reason: RAGE, GAMER RAGE. Every single person(all 6 of them hehe) that emailed me with this inquiry had TURNED OFF THE CONSOLE IN ANGER when they didn't get the trophy when the credits rolled. The trophy is awarded AFTER THE CREDITS, WHEN YOU UPLOAD YOUR SCORE TO PSN/XBL DO NOT TURN OFF THE CONSOLE OR THROW YOURSELF AT THE WALL BEFORE THAT. Thanks for your attention. Department of World of Warcraft Rage Control, Blazeblue Divition. ******************************************************************************* //D-FINAL WORDS AND CONTACT INFO. I want to thank Arksys games for making such a kick ass game, keeping 2D as the king of fighting games and giving Street Fighter 4 a worthy contender. Any sugestions, tips, corrections or strategies are welcome, you can reach me at calvaalberto@hotmail.com This guide can be found only in the following sites: gamefaqs.com supercheats.com gamesradar.com cheatplanet.com neoseeker.com Please let me know if you see it in another place. Copyright 2009 Alberto Calva.