========================================================= Brave Story New Travler ========================================================= This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Written by: Daniel Acaba GameFAQS ID: Misfit119 Contact me at: eternalmisery718@yahoo.com System: PlayStation Portable (PSP) Version 3.0 - 10/13/2007 This FAQ Copyright 2007 Daniel Acaba List of Sites that may host this FAQ: www.ign.com www.gamefaqs.com www.gamerstemple.com www.cheatcc.com ========================================================= Index ========================================================= 1 - Update History 2 - About this FAQ 3 - Controls 4 - Stats 5 - Characters 6 - Walkthrough 7 - Demonkin Wormholes 8 - Bravesouls 9 - Unity Skills 10 - Book of Quests 11 - Monster Album 12 - Book of Accessories 13 - About the Author ========================================================= 1. Update History ========================================================= 9/07/2007 - v. 1.0 - FAQ completed, Need to add the Quest section and full enter the beastiary, as well as accessory information. 9/08/2007 - v. 1.5 - Fixed some errors and started work on Quest log. 9/10/2007 - v. 2.0 - Quest log almost finished, beastiary and accesory log to be done next. 9/29/2007 - V. 2.5 - Beastiary complete, next up is the acessory log. 10/13/2007 - V. 3.0 - Accessory log mostly completed. The things that have not been filled in are due to my lack of experience with them in my current run through the game since my previous data was lost with my memory stick. ========================================================= 2. About this FAQ ========================================================= Brave Story New Traveler is a new, and quirky, RPG for the PlayStation Portable handheld. The game almost seems to be designed with younger children players in mind but at the same time it has everything that old-school JRPG players will appreciate in a game. Initially this started as me simply keeping notes on my playthrough to assist me in the future but I decided to expand this into a full fledged walkthrough. ========================================================= 3. Controls ========================================================= Analog Stick / D-Pad: Select Items, Move Character Square Button: Quit Birdcatching, Exit Bird Brawl Triangle Button: Display Menu Screen X (Cross) Button: Select Item, Scroll Message, Examine, Converse Circle Button: Cancel Selection, Quickly Scroll Through Conversation, Run R Button: Confirm Current Quest L Button: On World Map Screen Displays Map of Vision Start Button: Pauses the Action ========================================================= 4. Stats ========================================================= Level - Shows the characters overall power level. HP - Hit Points. This hows how much damage a character can take. When a characters HP drops to zero they will be unable to continue to battle. BP - Brave Power. Used when using Bravura skills or performing Unity attacks. Strength - Physical strength. Related to the "Attack" parameter. Constitution - Shows how much damage a character can absorb. Related to the "Defense" parameter. Agility - This parameter determines how quickly the character will perform an action in battle. Wisdom - This parameter determines not only the strength of the characters magic, but also their resistance to an enemy's magic attack. Attack - Determines how much damage a character can inflict while performing a weapon-based attack. Defense - Determines how much damage an enemy will inflict on the player. EXP - Current number of experience points earned by the character. For Next Level - How many experience points needed to advance to the next level ========================================================= 5. Characters ========================================================= Hero - Your main character. A young boy who travels to Vision in order to help his best friend, who is suffering from a mysterious illness. You can change the characters name during the games opening. ------------------------- -- The hero is the most effective character in the group. He is pretty strong, has a fair defense and pretty powerful spells. Unlike some other games, having him in your party at all times should really never become an imposition since he only gets more useful as he gets a hold of more Gemstones. He also tends to be the second fastest party member (especially if given the fruits). ============================== Yuno - Yuno is a high-spirited, slightly overbearing half kitkin, half ankhakin girl with an insatiable curiousity. She joins the hero on his quest so that she can fulfill her dream of seeing the world. She is extremely proficient with a bow and healing magics. ------------------------- -- Yuno will act as your healer for the early part of the game and I found few reasons to get rid of her as time went on. While she isnt the strongest party member she is fast, has some good Bravura skills and will gain several useful healing spells. She also happens to have some awesome Unity skills that she can use with the hero. I consider her the best party member. ============================== Meladee - The head of the Highlander's branch in the town of Vahadina and a capable warrior in her own right. Fighting with a sword in each hand, she inflicts damage with lightning quick strikes of her blades. ------------------------- -- Meladee, for all intents and purposes, is mostly useless. She is fast but not fast enough to guarantee going first (like Yuno does most of the time) and she deals damage but not enough to make keeping her around worthwhile. The only way to make her really useful is to use her as a healer. This is something she excels at... except her low speed is a liability since the party member will often be dead before she gets to heal them. Her Unity skills with the Hero are good but not as good as Yunos. ============================== Sogreth - A warrior of the waterkin who is trying his best to raise his young son. With the strength to cut through even the toughest hides with his axe, he is the ultimate example of raw power. ------------------------- -- Sogreth is your party tank. He is incredibly powerful early on and it never goes away. So while he might not be a one shot kill later on he will still be doing a lot of damage and he can act as a tank, taking lots of damage.It doesnt get much slower than him though so never figure him in to be a healer (even as a back up with items). His Bravura skills can do immense damage but he has a serious problem with low BP not letting him use the skills too much. All around he is my second favorite party member. ============================== Ropple - A super short, super intelligent boy of bankin descent. He was charged with by his master to investigate abnormalities in the magical world. He is able to use many different types of magic. ------------------------- -- Ropple is a spellcaster through and through, meaning low HP and melee damage ability. However he does excel with spells, allowing him to exploit an enemies elemental weakness fairly easily. The problem with this is that there is no way to learn an enemies weakness except through trial and error, so its really hard to exploit it without burning energy. He is useful against bosses but I didnt find him much use against the rank and file enemies. ============================== Leynart - The Commander of the Knights of Stengel. A serious minded beastkin who wields a lance in battle. ------------------------- -- I was so upset with getting Leynart, he looks so cool but is such a wuss. He is, essentially, a toned down Sogreth. Hes a bit faster but his defense and offense are a bit lower and he can use his Bravura skills a bit more often. The problem with this is that with how slow him and Sogreth are offense and defense are of the prime importance. Thus he falls to the wayside to Sogreth. ----------------- Other Characters ----------------- Leading Lady - The main female character. She is your best friend and is the reason for you entering Vision. After chasing her dog Kratos(?!) she falls into a coma due to a mysterious illness. You can choose her name during the games opening sequence. ============================== Wataru - Another Traveler in Vision, he travels with the kitkin Meena. He seems to be a cheerful and friendly young fellow, always ready to help others. ============================== Meena - A young kitkin who uses a dagger as her weapon, Meena is friends with Wataru and seems to be helping him on his travels. ============================== Kee Keema - A close friend of Sogreth, he looks to his fellow waterkin like family. He is willing to go to any end to assist him. ============================== Traveler Rei - A dark looking young man who seems to not care who he hurts. No one knows exactly what it is that he is seeking. ========================================================= 6. Walkthrough ========================================================= General Tips ============= - Dont forget to run while you are in the fields. It will help you move around a heck of a lot faster and it eliminates some of the tedium associated with most RPGs. - You gain experience and levels during fights in this game. So if you are close to a level, go after weaker enemies so that you level up. The bonus in power can make a difference on those extra attacks that will follow. ============= Prologue ============= Basically you get to sit through this and make a few selections on conversation topics. Otherwise youre just sitting through an opening cutscene. It is rather pretty though, with some nice music. ============= Chapter 1 ============= Wayfinder Laus' Cabin ---------------------- Once you wake up head over to the white pot with the green bird on it. Once it talks to you and disappears examine the pot. Once youve got the item head on inside of the cabin and pick up the Map of Vision. Now head on back out and exit the cabin area. ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- Get your bearings, check out the Map of Vision and just generally get used to the game. Now you can make your way to the north and enter the Cave of Trials. Unlike in some other games you have to press the X button to go into the cave. ---------------------- Cave of Trials ---------------------- Once you get into the cave listen to what the birds say and then move forward. What follows next is where you select your profession. Im not totally sure how all of this works but I would guess that each of your answers adds bonuses to certain character traits as well as giving you a character boon. After that is done move forward into the next area to meet Wayfinder Lau. Talk to him, save your game, check out the Healing Glim and then move on into the next room. In here you can get repeated what the birds said in the entrance, it is as follows: If a trial you would take, guard your life. Flap toward the door. The Wayfinder's yawning. Flip the bird if it's sunlight you seek. Never will you solve it-- not in a thousand years. Theres nothing to this, all you need to do is to go into each of the six doors in this area and turn the birds so that they all face the door you came into the room through. Once they are all facing that way the doors at the very back of the room will open up for you. You may get attacked by a Rablin in one of the rooms, so take it out and continue on. Enter the room in the back and examine the statue. The bird statue will send you back to the Wayfinders Cabin. Listen to what he has to say, take the nap he offers and then listen some more. After giving you some items and talking yet more he will send you on your way. ============= Chapter 2 ============= Lanka Forest ---------------------- You will wake up near a save point and a healing glim. Save your game and then move on. You will hear a girl yelling at some sort of animal, ignore it and head to the north-east to get a glistenstone and jerky. Now head to the south and investigate. You will meet a girl being attacked by three Gimblewolves, so help her out and get rid of them. When the fight starts you and the girl, now named Yuno, will have to take these little buggers out. They arent that hard and dont do too much damage but they will constantly be calling in reinforcements with their howl. So simply keep on attacking them to wear them down. Eventually the fight will shift into a cut- scene and Wayfinder Lau will help you chase off the wolves. After some talking you and Yuno will start heading towards her home town, Lanka. This area is pretty straightforward, head to the south-east through the small path there and then to the north-east to find the exit. If you continue to make your way to the north-east past the exit you will find a treasure chest. Get the Sniper's Bow out of it and equip it to Yuna. Now head for the exit. None of the enemies should trouble you that much and, if you need to, Yuno can heal you with her Bravura skill. Once you exit this area you will find yourself in Lanka Forest, South. Most of the other paths you could use are blocked off so simply make your way to the north-east and follow the path. You will find a healing glim and a save point, so save the game again. Now you have a straight shot to the exit. ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- Make your way south to the town of Lanka. You really cant miss it to be honest. However the enemies outside the forest can be a bit tough, especially the bird type enemies. ---------------------- Town of Lanka ---------------------- Head into the town and go to the Inn to meet Yuno's family. Take note of the name of their dog (Sotark is Kratos spelling backwards). Yuno will eventually take you out to see the town, so go to each of the buildings and she will explain its function and how to tell what a building is by the sign outside. Bed = Lodge (inn) Firewyrm = Highlander's branch Sword and shield = Armory Money bag = General Store Keg = Tavern Sign Wagon = Darbara Post There are also four different pots to find stuff in, one mako berry, one glistenstone, one brave formation 1 and one gimblewolf meat. Once all that is done head over to near the inn where a woman should be standing. Now you have your first real quest. Back to the Forest of Lanka! ---------------------- Lanka Forest ---------------------- Use the healing glim and the save point before continuing into the forest. The areas are the same as before, except now if you go to where the fallen trees were blocking the path you will find a fire shard in a chest. The enemies and the stage are exactly the same so make your way back to the entrance to the northern part of the forest. As a note, you and Yuno will likely get the Partners in Crime unity skill. This is a great skill to use here over and over. You can steal lots of items from the enemies, so you can farm for experience and items to sell here if you keep going back to the healing glims. Just have both characters use the unity skill as their action and even if you fail to steal from the enemies, you will very likely take them out anyways. Make your way to Lanka Forest, North. Head directly to the north-west of where you appear. This tree is gone as well so head into the path (or if you choose to XP farm here, head to the healing glim in this area). Once you head onto the path you will find Maree's lost ring on the ground. Dont leave the forest so soon. Head south and you will find a sleeping bag in a treasure chest. Now head to the north and open the chest there to gain 30 tems. Now you can make your way back to the northern part of the forest and out of that to get back to Lanka. ---------------------- Town of Lanka ---------------------- Go to Maree and give her back the lost ring. She will give you some items that will get you started with crafting accessories and then direct you to her boy- friend in the general store who will explain how to dismantle them. Once all of this is done you can then start crafting your own accessories. Sell any of the glistenstones that you have and buy whatever armor you can afford. Now back to the inn and then sit through the cutscene. Once that is all said and done, have the conversation with Yuno, answer her however you like and then move on to the next chapter. ============= Chapter 3 ============= ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- Start making your way to the west, heading for the Grandera River Crossing. You will likely get into a few fights but the only ones worth worrying about during the walk is the bee type enemies. Their mortal sting attack can be pretty painful if you arent staying fully healed at all times (it does about 8 damage which can be fatal if your health is low). Enter the Grandera River Crossing when you get there, it looks like a shack. ---------------------- Grandera River Crossing ---------------------- There are four white jugs here with two really good items in them; one being a fruit that will increase your max HP and a Sorcery Diagram 1. Then talk to the man and pay the 10 tems for the passage across the river. Once you get to the other side the ferryman will give you a net and birdcage allowing you to start playing the birdcatching mini-game. His friend Ben will come up and actually instruct you on how to play the game itself. Take note of the white jugs in the background here, you are going to want to come back and examine them. You are going to get actual instruction on the mini-game itself with Ben here in what appears to be your first visit to one of the many Goalfinch Habitats. After you finish with that, run around until you get yourself into an encounter with the birds. The basics of the bird-catching mini-game will be listed in the frequently asked questions section soon. Once you do a round of it go ahead and talk to Ben again. He will take you back to the Grandera River Crossing. Listen to Vortus and Ben converse and you will be forced to go back to Lanka Forest for a little birdbrawling. This little forced detour is actually really annoying but regardless its useful to learn. Your bird is going to get whupped on but it doesnt really matter. Simply finish up here, get the goalfinch feather from Kee Hama and then you will be brought back to the Grander River Crossing yet again. This time youre allowed to explore once the two men are done talking to you. Now explore the four jugs, get the fruit of bravery and recovery diagram 1 and then leave. ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- You are supposed to be heading to Lyris, but I always love a good distraction from the main quest, so lets head to Sakawa first. Its pretty much a straight trip to the north. If you are interested in ignoring it then skip the next section and head to the south straight to Lyris. ---------------------- Sakawa ---------------------- After your rather... un-gentle introduction to the city, search far and wide to find the four white jugs. Then buy and sell whatever you need to before making your way back to the lodge (inn). Yuno will finally get her fish fix and you will meet Sogreth and his son. After you do this theres nothing else to do in the town so head on out after completing whatever extra business you have to do in there (buying weapons and potions). On a whim I decided to head to the seaside caves mentioned in the town. They are located to the west, along the beach line. Going inside I found alot of experience to be had but was also getting beaten senseless by the creatures in there. Do not enter here now, come back later. Instead leave the world map and make your way to Lyris. ---------------------- Lyris ---------------------- Once you enter the city you are greeted with a cutscene. Now head for the city entrance to trigger a second one. With that out of the way, explore the city for whatever white jugs you can find and sell your glistenstones. Once that is done, head to the south-eastern part of the city and leave the downtown part of Lyris. Once in the uptown find the armory and get some better armor. Once that is done leave and head to Sakawa again. ---------------------- Sakawa ---------------------- Once you are in Sakawa again head to the elders house, denoted by the purple curtains hanging in the doorway. Once Kee Keema joins you its time to leave and go back to that abominable Seaside Cave. You cannot actually change Keemas equipment around due to him only being a guest but he is quite useful to have. Leave the city and head west to the Seaside Caves. ---------------------- Seaside Caves ---------------------- This area is very straightforward, simply follow the path that is in front of you and you will eventually reach a save point and a healing glim. Make sure to use them before continuing on. There are two treasure chests in the area that you should be able to find, nothing too important in them but grab them in either case. As a note, you should get the Swish, Filet unity attack with the Hero and Kee Keema pretty quickly. This is phenomenal at killing off any of the giant fish enemies who you come across and is more than capable of wiping out an entire group of them in one go. It does do a heck of a lot of damage so it is very possible to wipe out all enemies of any type with one use of it, its just that powerful (especially if your Hero is more of a fighter). After you save your game and use the health recharger, head on into the next area of the Caves, Seaside Caves, Inner Reaches. Once in there head forward until you see the next cutscene. You will control the Hero, Kee Keema and Sogreth in a fight against the Boogaboo Crab. This fight really isnt all that hard. Your best choice here is to use the Swish, Filet unity attack with both the Hero and Kee Keema and to use Sogreths Focused Strike bravura power. When your BPs get low simply start attacking the crab until you have enough power to start using the unity attacks again. Once this is over watch the cutscene and Kee Keema will leave the party. You will see another cutscene play (a kind of cool one too) and then you will have the chance to leave with the party. Sogreth will assist you in this endeavor. Also do take note that you can now use Bravura Skills... and your sword looks incredibly cool now. The tide is going to roll in when you near the save point, so use the healing grlim and save point. You will now have to take the longer route since the paths that are available will have changed. So you cannot just head to the east this time you have to head north and go around. Grab the Bronze guards and keep on moving until you get back to the familiar path that you used to get this deep into the area. Eventually you will get a pretty cool little cutscene, once it ends take the new path that is opened up. Approach the strange design on the floor and watch the cutscene. Once that is over continue forward until you reach the exit. Head on out and return to Sakawa. ---------------------- Sakawa ---------------------- As soon as you enter Sakawa you are dragged into a cutscene with Sogreth. You will take a nap and then have a meeting with the elusive Elder. Sogreth will join you as an actual party member now. You will also be given the Book of Quests as an item you can record quest details in. When you go to leave the chapter will end. ============= Chapter 4 ============= ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- You will appear outside of Sakawa. You are going to need to head to Lyris to take the Highlander tests now that you are a group of three. However you can go back into Sakawa, sell items and buy items you may need. In either case, on to Lyris city! ---------------------- Lyris ---------------------- Once you get into Lyris city, make your way to the lodge and save your game. Go to the guy in the back of the room, named Toni Fanlon and get the two quests from him (Toni's Inspiration 1 & 2). Now head to the Highlander branch. Once you go inside you will get to watch another cutscene before you are given your first part of your test to join the Highlanders; you need to head back to the Seaside Cave and gather up several girahna spleens. Trick is that they will only drop this when they are crazed, so you need to let them get worked up. Yeah... this sounds like fun. Back to the cave. ---------------------- Seaside Caves ---------------------- This really isnt all that hard. Simply go into the cave and walk around until you get into a fight with some girahna. Simply kill one off and injure a second and they will likely get crazed. After this you can simply farm them until you have the three required spleens. Once you have them head back to the city. ---------------------- Lyris ---------------------- Once you get back to Lyris, head to the Highlander branch and go on in. Once you go inside you will get to watch another cutscene. Sogreth is a pretty funny fellow, I like him. Save your game, rest in the lodge, restock equipment if needed and then head to Triankha Hospital ruins to the northwest of the city. ---------------------- Triankha Hospital ---------------------- Watch the intro cutscene and then head straight ahead. Dont bother with going to the northeast or southwest, theres nothing there. The Paper Treants in here are kind of annoying, they have a fair amount of health and they can summon help in the form of Treebee's. Head to the northwest to proceed, you can take the left when there is a path and go to the farthest door and enter. There is a sleeping bag in this room, nothing in the other. Follow your initial path, taking another detour to the right. There are four doors here, 2 on the upper wall and 2 on the lower. In the first upper door there is an antiplegic and in the far lower door there is another craft item, Absorption Diagram 1 to be had. Once again start following your initial path and you will turn a corner. You cannot go upstairs so head down the stairs instead. Start heading down the path and enter the first door you come across. There are 235 tems in a chest here. When you continue forward you will see a door among the north and south walls; if you enter the north one you will find a fruit of agility in that chest. Keep moving to the dead end and you will see two doors; there is a tenderloin in the northern door and nothing in the southern one. In the northern door there is an exit at the back of the room. Use that and then, when you appear in the other hallway, enter the door straight across from you. A cutscene will play when you enter, pay attention as it hints a bit as to what is actually going on. Once that is over head for the far door and go on through it. There is a healing glim and a save point inside. Head for the northern door and get the sharpened horn from inside. Big guy isnt it? This is the Illuyanbulg and he is a pain in the butt. He isnt really all that hard although his attacks do pack a punch (15 - 25 damage or so per hit). Your best bet is to use the Unity ability Vision's Toughest (Hero and Sogreth) and then start using Lightspark, Sniper's Eye and either of Sogreth's two attacks over and over until it does. Simple as that, he is done with. Watch the cutscenes that follow and the chapter ends. ============= Chapter 5 ============= ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- You will start this chapter outside of Lyris city. Your destination is the city of Vahadina. It isnt immediately apparent where you need to go so click the L button and bring the map up. You will be able to see where you need to go which is to the south, past the Bog-Sasaya Border. While heading that way take note that by heading to the south-west of the Triankha Hospital ruins you will find a Goalfinch Bird sanctuary (Goalfinch Grove). ---------------------- Bog-Sasaya Border ---------------------- Make your way to the Bog-Sasaya Border and head on inside, going to the doors and enter it. Once inside head to the man nearest you and talk to him. Once done with that use the healing glim and the save point. Move forward towards the border gate itself and watch the cutscenes that follow. This place is just full of Travelers aint it? Regardless his party is a mirror of yours and you, him and Wataru are going to have to go free Yuno and Sogreth. Wonderful. Start out by talking to all the people in the area and examining the three jugs near the border wall itself. Save your game and then leave the area to the north. If you go south Wataru just reminds you that you need to rescue your two friends, so lets not go that way. A note about the new guest members: Wataru is actually pretty useful in any fights you may find yourself getting into while moving around the map, especially with his Drill Blade Bravura. It does alot of damage and ignores defense, so its incredibly effective. Batting Practice is an okay skill but it doesnt do enough damage to be that useful. Meena really just seems to be a less powerful version of Yuno but she does still have a healing ability, so thats a guide use for her. Although she does look really cool when she gets her extra attack. ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- Once you are on the world map, start walking to the east and eventually you will see a cutscene. The bandits will start heading to the east so its time to follow them and continue heading that way. I would suggest that you get into a few extra fights until the Hero and Wataru get the "We're the Heroes?" unity skill as well as you and Meena getting the "Triple Axel" skill. We're the Heroes? increases their attack power but Triple Axel is the killer skill. It hits all the enemies, does a decent amount of damage and causes enemies to lose their actions for the round. It doesnt always cause them to lose their turns but it is still awesome. In either case, keep moving to the east and you will see a dirt path. Start to follow the dirt path and it will start curving to the south. Eventually you will see the Bandit Hideout. Head on in! ---------------------- Bandit Hideout ---------------------- Now that you are inside the bandit hideout things get a bit tougher. These bandits can do some serious damage in combat if you havent spent some time to level up your party. The Hideout itself is actually fairly hard to describe moving through it. The paths are incredibly windy and hard to follow. There are numerous dead-ends and spots where the paths run into themselves. However you can find two items of worth here: a Fortune Diagram 1 and Enhancer Ring, both craft schematics. If you dont feel like exploring, then simply follow along the outside edge and you will find the exit to another area, Bandit Hideout Mountainside. Once you enter the new area, head to the north-east and through the path until you come across a pile of leaves in the path. Examine it to find a fruit of strength. Now leave this path as there is nothing else on it; the other pile of leaves drops you into a pit. Head back to the outside path and follow it until you reach a healing glim and a save point. If you head all the way east from the save point along the paths you will find panic powder near a leaf covered pit, there is nothing along the other path. Head northwest along the outside path to continue forward. Do not take the exit that is along the mountains edge though, it leads to a dead end. The path right next to this one is the way that you need to go to proceed. It leads to an area with four leaf patches on the ground. The left and right ones are pits while the upper and lower ones have items hidden in them; a tenderloin in the upper one and an antivenom in the lower. If you keep moving to the east after exploring those you will find 933 tems in a chest near another leaf patch that has a sleeping bag in it. Head back a bit and then go north to find a healing glim and a save point. The exit near the save will take you a new area. Watch the cutscene that plays when you enter and then its time to fight the two bandits, kitkin Mari and waterkin Dusty. They arent really all that hard, just have the Hero and Wataru use the "We're the Heroes?" unity skill as well as one application of the three man unity skill "Half-Pint Express." After that simply have the Hero use his Lightspark, Wataru should use Drill Blade and Meena should use Spectacle Spin or act as your healer. Dusty can do some serious damage and Mari uses Sniper's Eye fairly often as well as herbs. Overall, this shouldnt take very long. Yet another cutscene will play and now its time to fight waterkin Lucky and kitkin Cait. These two fight exactly like the last two, so its basically just a repeated fight. Use the same strategy if you like and they will be done with soon enough. Another little talking will go on and then one more time! However by this point you are likely going to be worn down a bit from the other two fights, so you may find yourself having to use some items here (I had to use two solvents to weaken them). Once they have been defeated the Knights of Stengel led by Leynart will come out and stop any more fighting from breaking out. Now that all of that is said and done the game will ever so graciously offer you a save point. So save now and get ready to say goodbye to Meena and Wataru. They are going to go on their way after this point with Kee Keema and you will get back Sogreth and Yuno. After this Leynart will give you a reward and one of the gems will turn out to be one of the ones youre looking for. But you have a choice here, depending on what gem you pick you will get different Bravura powers. The red gem has fire abilities, the blue has ice/water, the purple is electricity and the green one is air based. It is the Gem of Spirits. Whatever gem you pick will align your sword to that element and grant you resistance to it. It will also change your swords shape again. I chose the fire gem. The other three will become regular precious gems. Another cutscene will play and the chapter ends. Two gems down, three to go! ============= Chapter 6 ============= World Map ---------------------- You will start this chapter on the other side of the Bog-Sasaya Border and none too far away from the city of Vahadina. I prefer to head into the border and save the game again, just to be safe. Vahadina is just a bit to the west and south around the hills. You should see it easily, its hard to miss. ---------------------- Vahadina ---------------------- As soon as you enter the city you will get greeted with some more talking between your party members. This is just a quick way to remind you that you need to go see Meladee in the Highlanders branch. Search the city to find a Speed Diagram 2, Immunity Diagram 7, camping set, wakewater and a smokescreen. If you pass near the tavern you will be stopped by an old man named Mamanmu, Chairman of SNOB. He will give you a beefed-up net, upgrading the size of your net and making it easier for you to catch more birds. This is actually a quest but it doesnt require anything of you to complete it. Weird. Anyways, head on over to the Highlander branch after getting the items. Nobodies home... weird yet again. Take the neighbors advice and make your way over to the Darbaba post and talk to Cecilia. Get any items, weapons and armor you think you might want or need and then talk to her again to head on out into the desert. When you get onto the world map you will be riding in a Darbaba carriage, this lets your HP recover and you can move faster than normal. Make your way to the east like Cecilia said. Now, as fair warning, you do want to be careful of the enemies in this part of the desert. They can do a lot of damage really fast and I found myself getting beaten down rather unexpectedly. My Hero was level 15, Yuno and Sogret were 12, so you might have an easier time if you level them up a bit. Continue east until you get a cutscene. Interesting turn of events... Once you all wake up you will find yourself in some underground ruins. Continue moving forward until you reach an area where you can go up or straight ahead. If you keep moving straight you will find Meladee being accosted by three Emmet which are bug warriors. If you want to moake your life easier make sure to wipe out the Emmet Shooter as fast as you can. After some talking Meladee will join your party. You can now swap out her for the other characters. I personally prefer her over Sogreth since I prefer speed over raw power but its up to your individual taste really. Your inactive party members seem to get around 70% of the XP that your active ones get, so its not that big a deal. Continue forward until you reach an area where you can go south-east or keep going straight. Head south to find an Immunity Diagram 9. Now go back to the intersection and keep heading forward. Funny cutscene ensues... yeesh I could kick Yuno. Meet Mitsuru, yet ANOTHER traveler and he isnt as friendly as Wataru or totally uncaring like Rei. Hes actually a pretty good character though, with fairly strong spells and able to hit many enemies at once. Theres a merchant ever so conveniently located here so use him if you need anything. Now head to down the passage near the merchant and take the left as soon as you can to find some heartglue. Now double back to the area you came into and go to the left. Use the healing glim and the save point before doing anything else, it is very easy to get killed here. Continue along the path since it is basically a straight line. When you reach the first intersection keep following the path south, ignore going to the left since there is a dead end there. Keep on moving until the path branches again. Head to the left when it does and keep heading that way until you find the Life Diagram 2. Now head back to the main path and follow it until you reach yet another branch, this one going northeast and to the south. South is a dead end so head northeast and keep following that path. You will come across a treasure chest with Aquamite in it, grab that and then head to the northwest. The path will branch yet again; head up the northwest path and a cutscene will play. Do NOT recite the proper incantation, pick the third one to make sure you get it wrong. You will be dropped in a pit, its kind of funny to watch. Search down in this area to find a tenderloin and antivenom in chests. There is also a healing glim down here which is very useful. When done with that head upstairs and grab the item from the chest northeast of the stairs. Then head back to the room with the two pedestals, pick the proper incantation: Agara bela nem. Sunder the stone that blocks our path and set us free. Watch the little cutscne and then say goodbye to Mitsuru. It doesnt really matter much because your party is going to rejoin you after this. Once they do so head backwards to the northeast and use the healing glim and the save point. Now pick your party and give out any eqipment you may have bought. If you move around the halls here you will find a few treasure chests but to proceed ahead you will want to move south and through the paths until you see dirt walls. Use the exit in that tunnel to move to the new area. Once you appear in this area there will be an exit to the west and a path to the east. As a warning, in this area and the ones that follow you will have to fight Emmet Lords. These metal clad warriors are nearly impossible to hurt so long as there are other Emmet in the fight with them. Kill the other ones as fast as possible and then attack the lord. If you search this area you will see a second exit that you cannot get through and a chest with 894 tems in it. You will also find two exits side by side. Take the lower, right exit ad when you come out into the new tunnels go straight ahead, ignore the branch off as it is a dead end. If you move forward you will find a save point and a healing glim, use them and then take the exit nearest them. In this new area continue straight ahead and use the right path when you reach the intersection. This triggers a cutscene and a fight to happen soon after. Before the fight begins you are given time to heal, change your party and talk to the other three. Make sure to talk to them as each will give you an item that isnt the most useful, but are free nonetheless. Then go talk to the big thing to start the boss fight. Emmestine is pretty big and scary looking, reminds me of the Queen from the very end of Aliens. Use Sniper's Eye, Light Spark and Highlander's Spirit if you are using the same party as me (otherwise use Vision's Toughest instead of, or in addition to, Highlander's Spirit). Then begin to lay on the attack abilities. Dont worry about BP, simply use your most powerful attack skills as often as you can. The major threat from her comes in the fact that her attack power gets stronger every round so by the fifth or sixth round she can throw down some mean damage, especially against Yuno. If youre worried about that, make sure you use the Barrier Tonic on her. You are probably best off using the Hero, Sogreth and Meladee for the fight. Dont bother using any items or attack/ defese boost skills, just use Lightspark, either of Sogreths attacks and have Meladee use her Ex Heal to keep you healthy. Simple as that. After the fight ends, everyone goes a bit loopy. Watch the ensuing cutscnes and then the chapter will change. You will now have the Gem of the Sages. This one allows you to use magic, giving you immediate access to the Heal and Exit spells. Exit is really nice because its an immediate exit from a dungeon which saves you having to find the entrance again. When you gain a level you will likely learn the Return spell which teleports you to the last visited town. Exit and Return are two of my favorite spells. ============= Chapter 7 ============= ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- You will appear right outside of the desert ruins so make your way back to Vahadina to sell off items, restock on equipment and go check out the local branch to find out about the ability to collect bounties on monsters. It is very useful and a great source of income. While you are in Vahadina go back to Manmanmu and get the Bird Diagram 1 from him. Also, you will have free use of the Darbaba carriage now which is really awesome. Since it heals your HP and BP between fights it really eliminates the need to use up as many healing items during your explorations. Once youre done with that, start making your way west in the direction of the city of Gasara. When you reach an area where the forest meets the desert, you will enter a strange wooded area, the Foresta Morgana. ---------------------- Foresta Morgana ---------------------- Read what your party says carefully, it will matter in a few minutes. In either case use the healig glim and save point before doing anything else. Take note that when you try to exit the forest you will end up all the way away from where you came in. Weird. The enemies in here are fairly tough, so you may want to hover around the healing glim and level your characters up a bit. Head to the northwest and follow that path. You will see a small cutscene play with a strange rock in the background. Before using the exit head to the right and you will find a chest with an Immunity Diagram in it. Head on through the exit into the next area. There will be a treasure chest right in front of you with a double axe and a chest further down the path with 700 tems in it. Move further in and you will find a few more of those big enchanted rocks. To get past them you will have to have the appropriate spellrock. You cannot go any further this way but make note of the Scythe and Tentacle spellrock. Go back to the entrance to this area and leave. When you appear in the entrance area go to the northwest and you will see a chest and a glowing spellrock. Grab the item from the chest and use the Bandit spellrock to get past this rock. Head on into the newly opened area and head forward. You will find a Guard Caustic in a chest. That seems to be about all there is to do in this area at this time. Leave the forest and you will end up south of Vahadina. Start making your way to the east again going past the Desert ruins and into the area near Gasara. Make your way to the city. ---------------------- Gasara ---------------------- Once you enter you get to watch another little cutscene. Meladee is going to leave the party and let you guys wander the town a bit. Move around the town and search out the white jugs, there should be about three of them. Check out the town but avoid going to the northwest part of it (a fenced area) until you are ready to move on. Once you go inside you will sit through a few cutscenes that end with you being ready to head on out and investigate a monster problem. You will have Ropple, the obnoxious Pankin with you as well as Kutz, the local Highlander branch leader. Before you go anywhere talk to Trone and Yuno will ask to speak to him alone. This will get Yuno the Double Strike Bravesoul. Bravesoul's are kind of like permanent boosts to the character. In this case it will let Yuno shoot at two targets with a normal attack. This is good for killing off weak enemies and gaining BP back. You might also want to grab your bounty from the Highlanders branch and buy some better equipment and restock on items before leaving. Also you can go back to the outdoor cafe where you met Ropple and pick up a quest from the weird old lady there. She wants Mystinaga liver which you can only get by Crazing them... of course. Well to craze them you want to hit them with Bravura skills so don't forget it (or just reference this). Thats all there is to the city so head on out and check your map. Your want to head to the Chapel Ruins to the southeast to get to the lake they were talking about. With your six man team this shouldnt be that big of a deal. ---------------------- Chapel Ruins ---------------------- Seems like they throw you straight into the underground river area when you get here. That saves you some time. Head straight until you reach the fork in the road. You will likely fight some Mystinaga along hte way so make sure that you use a Bravura skill to complete this quest. Be careful with them though, they do an obscene amount of damage when they are crazed and they can wipe you out if you arent very careful (or high leveled). If you take the western path then you will find a chest with a Fruit of Wisdom in it. Double back to the intersection and take the southern path. You will reach another fork in the road, one path to the east and one that keeps going to the south. Head south to grab the Immunity Diagram 4 from the chest there and double back. Once you head east a bit you will be at yet one more intersection. Take the east path and you will find a chest with 298 tems in it. There is absolutely nothing to the north, so ignore that. Head to the south and you will see paths to the east and west. East is nothing so start heading to the west and you will see an exit to a new area. Start heading to the southwest until you see a path to the east and west. Go to the west and you will reach a chest that has scalepeelers in it. Head on back to the intersection and you will reach yet another intersection. Make your way to the northeast and you will pass a statue and reach a healing glim and a save point. Go out through the exit in this area. Head forward and you will see a chest with a crystal water in it. Make your way to the west until you reach a chest with a tenderloin. Then head take the west- most path until you find a chest with tears in it. Make your way back to the chest with the tenderloin in it and then head to the northeast. Once you reach the intersection from there and head to the west. Yoink the item from the chest here (I cannot remember what is in there) and head back to the intersection and head to the east. You will reach yet another healing glim and a save point. Take the exit over here and you will get a cutscene. You will fight two giant octopus type creatures called Nero's. I very much suggest you bring the Hero, Yuno and Sogreth into this fight. Start it off with the Vision's Toughest Unity skill and then begin attacking. Have Yuno act as healer, Sogreth use his Nutcracker attack and the Hero use Megaspark. Focus completely on the left one at first and after beating on him for a few rounds he will lose a tentacle. Im pretty sure this stops him from using the Deca Strike skill which is a good thing because that skill is pretty serious. If you can keep cutting off their tentacles you will end up forcing them to lose a round regenerating their lost limbs. Keep up the pressure, healing when you need to and you will eliminate the first Nero. The fight gets immensely easier once the first one is dead and you might even get a level up from killing one. It will still fight pretty much the same as before. Sogreth has probably started to run low on BP so you might need to let him recover some before unleashing more Nutcrackers. Once you kill this second Nero then you get another cutscene. Watch your party act like weirdos and then another cutscene before the chapter ends. ============= Chapter 8 ============= ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- You start this chapter right outside of Gasara. If you have things that you are looking to sell head on back into the city, sell items, pick up your bounty and then buy whatever you need to from the weapon shop. The walk to Paulta is a long one so stock up. If you want an optional quest you can head to the Highlanders branch and you will get a quest to wipe out a giant crab down by the underground lake. Also, if you got the liver for the old lady you can go to her and give it to her to complete that quest. Talk to her again and she will ask for a Zfore claw from a creature called the Grand Zfore. All she tells you is that they hide in caves and they get crazed when you kill their companions. Once you are fully done with Gasara head to the northeast, following the dirt road, and you will eventually reach the border station from Gasara to Arikita. ---------------------- Nacht/Arikita Border ---------------------- When you get inside of the border wall you are greeted with a cutscene where it is explained that you cannot pass this way due to landslide. You will have to take a cave pass to get ot the other side of the border. Search the three jugs near the wall and leave. Now you have another destination so exit back to the world map and head to the south, following along the mountains to your eastern side. Eventually you will be able to head to the east until you are near the coastline. Keep making your way north until you reach the Border Caverns. ---------------------- Border Caverns ---------------------- Once you are inside the area, head straight to the north and get the Immunity Diagram 6 from the chest. You will likely come across the Grand Zfore creature as you are going around and fighting the enemies. Ignore the southern passage as it is a dead end and head to the east and then south to get the Speed Diagram 3 out of the chest. Then head to the north and the east. Make your way to the north until you see a woman whom you can birdbrawl with and a chest. Now head back to the south and head more to the east. At the next intersection head to the south and follow that path. You will eventually reach a chest with 1,500 tems in it. Now make your way back to the birdbrawler and head to the northwest of her to find the exit to the next area. If you are confused by these directions then I am sorry but this place was quite confusing to be going through as it is. Imagine how hard it is trying to do this and write a FAQ at the same time. I was stuck in here for well over the fourty minute mark. Once you leave that area you will get a cutscene. Once it ends head to the southeast exit. You can now take the southwestern route and keep following it if you want to find a Silver Longbow. Head to the southeast to continue down the path you need to use. If you keep going southeast you will find a healing glim and a save point right next to an exit, so head on out to the sunlight. Once you are outside of the caves start making your way to the northwest until you reach the Cragtown of Paulta. Head on in. ---------------------- Cragtown of Paulta ---------------------- Weird town isnt it? Go around and talk to a few people before heading into the lodge / inn. I advise you save simply to not have to make that walk again. Once that is done head to the north and enter the Highlander branch to initiate a cutscene. New quest! Head on out and get ready to head to Tearhaven. Do make a note to grab the items from the four white jugs in town first. Tearhaven is to the northeast so get moving. ---------------------- Tearhaven ---------------------- Once you make your way to Tearhaven I suggest you save your game and go around retrieving the items from the white jugs. Avoid the Firewyrm branch for now as that is where you get into a cutscene. Once you are done with the city head in there and you will be told that there is no way to get the Tears you are after, but a figure in a swamp to the south might be the culprit of this. Of course... Well time to head that way. You have to head southeast of the city, around the moutains to find the Swamp of Grief. This is your ultimate target. ---------------------- Swamp of Grief ---------------------- As soon as you enter the swamp follow the path in front of you. You will see a purple patch on the ground, those are bad. If you step on one your entire group will be poisoned at the same time. Once you reach the crossroads you want to head to the south (east is a dead-end) and then east at the next intersection. This will lead you to an exit so go on through. The next screen head to the east and then north. You will have to pass over a patch of poison and use the exit to reach a treasure chest (fruit of strength). Go back and take the path you were on southwards. There is another treasure chest beyond a patch of poison, it has Protective Faulds in it (its definitely better armor than you can buy for Meladee). Head south a bit more and carefully grab the Sage's Staff from the chest before going south yet more and heading for the exit. Go around the poison patch and head to the north if you want to grab 2,700 tems out of a chest. However do take heed that the chest is actually a monster called a Trickster Chest, so you might want to avoid it as the creature is very strong. It throws out around 90 - 100 damage per hit, so you will need someone acting as a healer if you choose to fight it. Head south once youre done and follow that path until you reach another exit, heading through. Start moving forward until you reach the intersection. Head to the west to get a Strength Diagram 3 out of the chest. Go back and head north and you will find a healing glim and a save point. Use them and then head northwest to find yet another chest, this one with a horn of bravery in it. Now head back to the save and use the exit to the northeast. Time for some cutscenage! Boss fight time, so select your party that suits you the best and prepare for a brawl. Leynart will be of some help here, as will Ropple, since they both can cast wind magics. This just so happens to be Alchemons weakness, so it will make the fight a bit easier. If you happened to select the wind gem back yonder your regular attacks will also be his weakness. Alchemon is fairly powerful and a mean threat to your party. He can hit the lot of you with an electricity attack, seriously hurt an individual with an energy attack called shockwave, steal your BP and do a pretty wicked melee strike. You will need at least one bruiser, be it Sogreth or Leynart in addition to a healer (Meladee or Yuno) if you want to make this fight as simple as possible. Depending on who you precisely use, your battle strategy will be altered. The best bet is to have your Hero and other fighter spam their most damaging skills while you have your healer heal. Suggestions: Hero = Triple Thrust (Good for throwing out criticals) Yuno = Either healing or using Sniper's Eye (healing is smarter) Meladee - Healing or Swallowtail Slash Leynart = Mach Stinger or either wind spell Ropple = Any Wind attack spell Sogreth = Nutcracker He will go down eventually but not without causing some serious damage and item use from your group. Once he does fall you get some more cutscenes to watch. If Ropple doesnt make you snicker here, you have no soul. :D Unfortunately Leynart will leave the party after all this but you will have the Liquid Lament. ---------------------- Tearhaven ---------------------- Once you regain control of your party, I heavily suggest you rest at the inn, save your game, pick up your bounty and restock on equipment and supplies. Then you must head to the center of town. As you do so you will see a cutscene of Leynart entering a house, of course the nosy people of your group are going to investigate him. After that sad story Leynart will join up with you. Head back to Paulta. Along the way you may see a building called the Observation hut. This is where you can pick up a side quest. Get the quest, pillage the white jug and then continue on your way. ---------------------- Cragtown of Paulta ---------------------- I suggest you save your game before doing anything else. Now head to the local Highlander branch to proceed with the games story. You must leave town and head to the north to the mines to continue. You can buy supplies in the town now that everyone has been freed from whatever spell they were under. ---------------------- Paulta Mines ---------------------- I will preface this section by saying that you are going to see dead bodies in this place (well more like piles of bones). Do NOT examine them as they will get up and attack you. Another dungeon in the chapter, isnt that the greatest?! Not really. Sarcasm aside head straight ahead as soon as you enter the dungeon. When you reach the area where the tracks head off in different directions, head north to get 736 tems out of a chest. Going to the east will take you to another chest, this one with recall juice in it (cures oblivion). The path to the next area is to the southwest. In this area head south to reach another Trickster chest (paralyze power). Now double back and head northwest and then take the eastern path to find yet one more chest, this one with tears in it. Now proceed along the west path and follow it (it will go north, west more and then south). Just keep following it until it takes you to another area. Follow the path in front of you (its a straight line) until you reach a healing glim and save point. You could probably do for the healing at this point anyway so use them. Head north and then northwest to find a chest with Gildergold in it (theres nothing on the northeast path). The southwest path has a Defense Diagram 3 in it. The southeast path is the one that will take you into yet one more new area. Urg... four ways to go, really tough random encounters... this place is not fun at this point. Head straight for the southern-most passage (south, southwest) and follow it, grabbing the crystal light from the chest there and continue to move on until you reach the healing glim and save point. Head to the north of here to get a cutscene. After that, use the exit. Chamber of Imprisonment... that sounds wonderful. Proceed in, following the trail of dead bodies until you reach yet another cutscene. I would really love to know exactly why Rei is so uber-powerful when he only has one gemstone more than you do. Regardless, its time to fight his minions. I suggest coming into this fight with Sogreth and Yuno at your side. As soon as the fight starts, use the Unity Skill Quit Staring! twice. This will eliminate the Dark Seductress and the Swordmaster and have Sogreth use the Nutcracker attack on the Kashin Kogi. Once the two weak ones are dead, start to spam the Triple Thrust (or Megaspark) skills, Yuno should be your designated healer and Sogreth should keep using the Nutcracker. Eventually he will cast a spell to nullify physical damage. If you do not have Ropple or Leynart to cast spells, now is the time to defend and heal up. It will wear off after about two or three turns. As soon as it wears off start to assault him again until he puts it back up. He may summon in a monster to help him fight you but he usually does it while he is immune to damage so use that monster to help restore your BP. He isnt really all that hard to beat, he is more time consuming than anything else. Eventually he will give up the ghost and you will get a lot of XP and a Wizard Spellrock. Watch the cutscene that follows and then use the healing glim and save point that appear. Now go over to Volgh and climb on. More cutscenes will follow and then you will finally get the fourth gemstone. Your sword looks really goofy once you put that gem in... More cutscenes follow and then... Time to face Traveler Rei one on one. This shouldnt be too hard, you basically just have to survive around four rounds before the fight ends on its own. Just use the Triple Thrust attack repeatedly until it ends (heal if you need to but you probably wont). Yet more cutscenes (although you do get your Bravesoul, Indominatable Soul). ============= Chapter 9 ============= ---------------------- World Map ---------------------- Oh thank god! I thought that the last chapter and the cutscenes would never freaking end. As fair warning, this is the point in the game where most of the quests and side quests become more of a chore and less of a fun diversion so if a quest seems too hard for you dont even bother struggling through, leave and come back after gaining 5 or so levels. As soon as you appear on the map head back into the Firewyrm village. Find the two white jugs and get the items from then and then talk to the Wyrmking. This will get Meladee her Bravesoul, Just Rewards (a small blessing considering how weak she is). Now that you have wings you can fly to Doctor Baskans home in the mountains. But why bother with that just yet, now you can fly around the world map, collecting all sorts of quests from people with great ease. A small list of quests you can get to now: Lanka - Kukuwa in the Tavern (if you didnt get it before) Sakawa - Wastus (standing near the Inn), Wasil (near Darbaba post) Lyris (Downtown) - Toni Fanlon (inside the Inn) Lyris (Uptown) - Vincent (inside tavern) Vahadina - Warth (Highlander Branch), Ernace (Tavern) - You can get Leynarts Bravesoul here if you go to the northmost part of town. A cutscene will ensue and he will get the skill. Paulta - Tet (Highlander Branch) - Dont bother with this mission until you are in the mid to late 40's as these bosses are retardedly cheesy. Craftsmans Cabin - Tofu (to get there you need to go to the northwest of the Paulta Mines, easiest done on Vyne) You can skip to the bottom part of this FAQ if you want to see a full run down of all the side quests in the game. Once you are fully done with gathering up and completing quests head to the Luskan observatory. ---------------------- Luskan Observatory ---------------------- Once you head inside you need to head up the stairs. Talk to the people if you like and grab the items from the jugs as you go. There is a quest you can get from a lady on the second floor to retrieve 5 n'bara tails from the bandit hideout you visited previously. Do it if you like but head up to the 3rd floor once you are ready to move forward. Not for nothing but this conversation was about as groan inducing as it comes. Yes my friends, you who has tried to help people and the mass murderer Rei are one and the same he is merely misunderstood. Wonderful... check please! In the end he simply points you towards the town of Lyris. You are going into trouble so have money and be ready for fights. ---------------------- Lyris ---------------------- Isnt it nice to know that for a military organization, the Highlanders get the crud kicked out of them by everything that comes their way? Regardless, head on into the town (I suggest you save the game). Now head to the uptown section of town and go into the armor shop. They will have some new equipment so I suggest that you restock. Once you are done head into the chapel and use the stairs behind the statue in the rear. ---------------------- Cistina Chapel ---------------------- Watch the cutscene and then head to the left as told. Watch Yuno (god she is so cute) and then its time to fight. Follow the path straight ahead until you find the place where it branches. The southeast passage contains a chest with a mind caustic in it but you need to head down the western passage to go deeper. You are going to be following this path for quite a ways. Eventually it will open up into a larger room. This room has an exit to the north and west. Through the north door is a room with nothing in it, so dont even bother going there. To the west is another large room with an entrance to the north and west. Take the west door to find a treasure chest with a fruit of constitution in it. Now go north into a large chamber with a stone slab in it. Theres nothing in here but through a door to the west is a chest with a Strength Diagram 4. Now go back into the room with the stone slab... desk looking thing and head through the eastern door to find two more doors and a healing glim and save point. Use them as necessary and then take the northwest exit. Two doors to the east is a chest with a Forget powder in it. Go back to the healing glim and head through the exit near it. There is an exit to your immediate northeast and a doorway to your northwest. If you take the northwest passage to its end you will find a chest with some Gildergold in it. Grab that and head through the northeastern door. In the new area head to the northeast, southeast and then use the exit to the southwest to spare yourself some trouble. Head on into the new area and use the healing glim and save point. Use the stairs nearby once you are done with that and prepare for a cutscene. Now you will fight the Dragon Alchemon. This boss is pretty easy and he isnt much to worry about. He has a few attacks that do about 60 - 80 damage depending on the defense of his target and one attack that will confuse you when it hits (Bug call) but he isnt all that hard. Simply keep using your most powerful hits and have one character act as healer. So long as you keep your health above 60% of your max you should be fine. Once he dies there is an exit to the northeast, take it. More tunnels, yay! Follow the path until you reach a north /south intersection. If you take the south path you will find a Bravery Diagram 4 and a Silvervold in seperate chests. Once thats done head north until you pass the birdbrawler (fight him if you want to) and you will be in the entrance. Head upstairs to get out of this place. Now that youre free, restock and buy what you can. If you feel like it you can get a quest from the Highlander Branch but now is the time to head to those lovely Triankha ruins. ---------------------- Triankha Ruins ---------------------- You can make your life easier in here if you cast the stealth spell that the Hero should have learned awhile ago. This will keep the weak enemies from even bothering you as you head on through. This is the same place it was last time, so dont bother going treasure hunting right now. Head north as much as you can and then west, taking the stairs down. Follow the path at the bottom of the steps until you reach the intersection. Head north along that path and take the north door at the end of the path. Go through the next room and use the healing glim and save point. Take the north- west door and you will see a staircase down in here. This area is new... Go through the door in front of you and then follow the path. At the intersection head southwest. At the following intersection head to the northwest and take the door along the east wall to get a nebula shield. The west room has a Sorcery Diagram 4 in it. Further down the corridor ignore the east door and take the west one. Examine the mirror for an interesting turn of events. Time to fight that emo little Rei and his pet zombie, Volgh. Rei isnt really all that dangerous while Volgh is alive, you need to eliminate that annoying dragon while you can. Use your most powerful moves to keep pounding on Volg and have someone keep healing the party. You may want to use any team attacks you have in the first round since Volgh will isolate your whole party. Occasionally Rei will cast a Ferricide spell, if this and Volgh hit the same person they will die if they arent really high on health so keep them full. When you do actually manage to kill off Volgh he is going to use an attack called Last Word which really sucks. It does about 150 damage a person in your party. As soon as the big lummox dies you can start to attack Rei. He does some pretty damaging spells although nothing as powerful as what Volgh was hurling at you. Once you lose the isolation you can really do some damage with team attacks. Honestly the hard part here is keeping your BP and HP up without losing out on attacking Rei too often. I love it when you kill a boss but he lives long enough to do what he was doing anyways... and your party just kind of stands there like theyre mentally unable to process what hes doing. After Rei has his Dragonball Z moment you will have to fight him again. This is basically the exact same fight as you had just a few moments ago. He will spam the Ferricide attack repeatedly. After a few rounds he will cast a Rivalbinder spell. This essentially gives him a free round of attacking you while you cant fight back or do anything really. Once youre free heal yourself and continue to beat on him. Keep up on him and he will go down soon enough. Grandwizard Rei my eye. He was a chump both times. But he did lead you to a pretty awesome little cutscene. Sure it bodes ill for Vision but it looks cool. Im pretty sure the choice you make here effects what ending you recieve. ============= Chapter 10 ============= ---------------------- Swamp of Grief ---------------------- Its the apocalypse, yay! Finish up the talking, use the healing glim and save your game. You can head through the demon wormhole now and grab the nightmare shield from inside, there are no enemies there. These portals will have opened up all over Vision at this point, mostly in dungeons that you have visited in the past. Consult the chart at the bottom of this FAQ to see where they are located and the rewards that await. As a fair warning, most of the enemies on the world map will be replaced with some new, stronger enemies. This can be a problem if you are unprepared. Once you are all done with that, fly to the border cavern and enter through the south side. From here its a quick run to the north to get to the doors. As you likely will expect by now a cutscene awaits and then a fight. If you are using Ropple, him and the Hero have a unity skill called Holy Swipe. This will come in quite useful from here on in. There are three waves of enemies before you can make your way inside. None of them are all that hard to defeat, at least not more than any other enemies. You will obtain an item called the Map of the Dark. This is essentially the world map of Vision but for the demon realm. Pass through the portal as soon as you have healed up and readied yourself for this. Once you enter the Dark you will be able to use your map to see where you are heading; the Demonkins Haunt. The enemies on this map arent hard per se but they can start to wear you down after enough fighting. Keep making your way towards your destination and enter. ---------------------- Demonkins Haunt ---------------------- As soon as you enter there is a healing glim and a save point straight ahead. Go straight ahead and take the turn to the southwest and take the first turn to the southeast. This will lead you to a room with an odd rock in the floor. Go to it and it will open a gate. Now head back and continue to the southwest. Take the northwest passage and go through it until you get the lightwater from the treasure chest. Head back south and go to the southwest. Follow that road for a bit and go to the northwest, grabbing the crystal evil from the chest. Leave and continue going to the southwest. Eventually you will reach a room with a chest with Onycite in it. Now double back to the beginning and save. Head straight ahead until you reach a corner and follow that path until you reach an exit, use that. Now take the southwest passage until you get the tourmand from the chest. Head back and go to the southeast. Eventually you will reach an intersection, head to the south since the north is a dead-end. Go through the northwestern passage and follow it to its end (if you detour you can get a zirqouise from a chest) and hit the switch. Now double back and continue going southwest. Ignore the first northwest branch off as it leads to a dead-end. Take the second one, do not go to the southeastern exit just yet. Grab the wakewater from the chest and then use the southeast passage exit. Head south and use the healing glim and the save point. From here take the northeast passage and grab the wakewater from the chest. Now head down the southeastern passage, the chest has 2355 tems in it. Take the southwestern path and follow it until you reach an intersection. Southeast is the exit so ignore that for now, go southwest and you will find three treasure chests lined up. Grab the fruit of agility, fruit of wisdom and fruit of strength. Once you take all the items the chests will all come to life and attack you by surprise. The three of them as a group are fairly tough, so use as many team attacks as you can to pound the hell out of them. They will die soon enough so long as you dont get yourself killed first. Now double back and use the exit. When you enter the new room you will see three statues along one wall blocking a door and an exit. Push the middle statue into the groove in the wall, this opens the gate back in the previous area near the save point. Head back there and go on through. Watch the cutscene and get ready for a fight. Its time to fight your bad self, this can be tough. As soon as the fight starts I suggest raising up your defense if you have any skills to do so with. Now start to pound him with your strongest attacks. I came into this with the Hero, Yuno and Ropple so I was able to increase their defense via Ropple while using the triple thrust attacks. This left Yuno to act as healer. It doesnt seem as if he gets the elemental attacks that you got from the second gemstone so you cannot exploit that. You have you to watch out for his Dark Novaspark attack. This move does some serious damage to your entire party. He can do an attack called Loners Call as a free action that lets him isolate one party member. This is pretty bad but not the worst, simply heal it and keep attacking. If you are using Ropple like I was, then you should be able to spam the Holy Blade unity skill to pound on the Shadow. He will go down after enough damage but dont expect it to be easy. Awesome! The final gemstone, that was a pleasant surprise. You now have the ultimate sword and skill Demonthrall, both fairly useful. Head on through the exit to the northwest. Prepare for things to get ugly. Literally. Do not use the Demonthrall ability on him, it does nothing regardless of what it is called. Demon King Avira has a variety of attacks that can do some mean damage to you but it is more of a battle of attrition than anything else. You should be able to survive his attacks and keep up the attack on him as well. If you have Ropple keep up the defense boosts to the entire party. The biggest problem is that sometimes Avira will go first before you get the chance to do anything, namely healing wounded party members. Lukcily he only seems to do this with the water attack (unsure of the name) but its still problematic if he happens to hit your weakened members. After you have done a fair amount of damage to him he will start to randomly use an ability called Tremor (or Counter Tremor). These attacks hit your entire party, does a fair amount of damage and it forces you to lose your actions for the round. Its fairly hard to tell when he is going to actually Counter Tremor or use the Tremor attack but they can cause some serious problems for you. The biggest problem for this fight is that you will likely start to run low on BP as the fight drags on. If you can keep your health up while keeping up the attacks on him you will prevail. Take the outer path along the eastern side and grab the fruit of vitality out of the chest before heading along the western side. Use the healing glim and the save point before going up the stairs. You will reappear on world map for the Dark. Head back to the gate to Vision. As soon as you click to go through, the chapter is over. ============= Chapter 11 ============= ---------------------- Border Cave ---------------------- Kinda messed up, no? Get out of the cave ASAP and its time to head to Dela Rubesi. You can head out and get peoples Bravesouls now, gather up equipment, restock your supplies and head on out whenever youre ready. You have entered the final stretch of the game so spare no expense. Once you are all done here its time to head to Dela Rubesi for the end game. ---------------------- Dela Rubesi ---------------------- Head on inside, grab the item from the white jug and then head up the stairs. On the new screen head towards the northeast and you will see a cutscene. Once that is done examine the tombstone looking thing for another cutscene. On to the Goddesses tower! ---------------------- Crystal Sanctuary ---------------------- This place sure is purty. Hit the save point and healing glim to the northwest. Now head to the northwest but beware of the enemies. Theyre fairly tough at this point (as they should be) so dont mess around. Take each fight as serious as if it was a boss battle and keep yourself healed, now isnt the time to die. When you reach the three paths that go to the northeast, go to the bottom one. You will be in the Right chapel. Head to the east as far as you can and get the Tears from the chest. Now head back to the northwest a bit and take the first path you come across. Now continue to the east and then northeast before going to the northwest. Press the panel and now double back taking the next path to the northeast you see as you head back to the start. Grab the Dragonblazers out of the chest (a good replacement for the demon tainted items) and keep moving. Keep on making your way to the northeast and then head southeast along the path (to the north is a blocked door). At the next intersection head north again and hit the panel. Now you can double back to the door and go through. Follow this path (it goes on for quite some time) and grab the crystal frog from the chest. You can leave now. This time you need to take the northern passage instead of the southern. You will be in the Left Chapel. Take the northwestern passage and grab the Barrier Tonic from the chest before heading to the southwest. Head to the northwest and use the panel on the floor. Continue going that way and grab the Recovery Diagram 3 from the chest and then double back before going southeast. If you step on the next panel to the northeast monsters will pop out, so do it at your discretion. Continue heading that way to grab a Lightwater from a chest. Beware that this chest is going to attack you so you might just want to ignore this path entirely and spare yourself the fights. Double back and keep going to the southeast. Take the next northeast branch and hit that panel, dunno what effect this has though. The next northeast branch has more monsters when you step on the panel but if you keep going northeast and then northwest you will find a Goddesses Rain in a chest. To the southwest of that chest is the door, but you cant go through it yet. Ignore it for now and double back before continuing southeast. Hit the panel here before you go back and pass through the door and hit that path. Keep along that path until you reach the end. When you reach the I shaped intersection you have several chests you can go for; southweast nets you a Horn of Bravery, northwest gets you the Bracer of the Sun and southwest gets you the Crystal Bird you need. You can get out of here now. Alright, now you can take the middle path. Hit the save point and healing glim to the northwest of the door and then place the Crystal Frog and Bird. This is going to open the door. Now head out to the northeast. Say hi to what seems to be the bodyguard of the Goddess, Fashtalha. This is actually a fairly straightforward fight for the most part. He is going to do oodles of damage with each hit and he can do between two to four hits any time he attacks you. These hits will likely kill off Yuno, Ropple, Meladee or possibly even Leyart. Only you and Sogreth can really weather this. His only real weakness is frost attacks. I heavily suggest you have Yuno and Ropple in the group with you. Have the Hero spam Triple Thrust attacks, Yuno act as your healer and Ropple should use Zed Protection and Ex Frost. You should have a few Goddesses Rains items to help you heal up should anyone die. It sounds a lot simpler than it is in all reality. He is tough, does oodles of damage and he can kill you before youre even aware of whats happening. Amusingly enough his least threatening attack is his Zed Frost attack (especially if youre using Ropple with his Bravesoul). Run back, save your game and heal yourself up. Head to the northeast to find yourself on the Road to Destiny, its pretty isnt it? Follow the path until you get to another cutscene. This is Onba, your final boss for the game. Kind of unimpressive if you ask me, but ehn whatever. Onba is fond of using Tadpole Flood an attack that does about 70 damage per character so you will need a dedicated healer for this fight. I brought Yuno to heal and Ropple to increase my defense and attack the enemy with magic. Onba can also physically attack you for around 80 damage or so and cast a Zed Frost spell that doesnt do all that much damage if you are using Ropple. Even better about that party setup is the ability to use Therapeutic Song and Cosmic Rainbow to heal your party per turn and remove status ailments. Offensively you should rely on Triple Thrust from the Hero, Wild Volley from Yuno and any Ex spell from Ropple (Onba doesnt seem to have a eakness to any specific element). After she takes enough damage you will get an insane little cutscene and the fight will continue. The first thing she is going to do is remove your status buffs so get them back up ASAP if you want them. If not its time to press on in the fight. The same sort of attacks will work for you here but her attacks are all new. Resentful Wail does about 70 damage and will confuse you, she has a wicked cold beam from her mouth that does about 170 damage and she can cast Negative Blessing, an attack that does about 60 damage and de-buffs almost all of your stats (attack, defense, agility and wisdom). She can also use an ability called Dark Sigh that damages everyone and can toss down status ailment effects on your whole party. You have to be very careful because she can, at will, take two actions per round; a Zed Frost and any other attack. This can wipe out your whole party seemingly at random so keep your health up as high as you can. The most obnoxious part of this fight is that she can go first at the absolute worst of times, so you have to be very careful. This fight is more frustrating than it is hard and you may find yourself having to use Yuno for attacks and Ropple for healing depending on how long hte fight drags on and the damage she begins to deal on you. Keep on trying, using all of your BP and items as you need to and she will eventually go down. Congratulations, you have completed the game. Enjoy the ending cutscene and get ready to save your game. You can start from this area and explore the game again with free access to all the Guest NPC Party Members as well as the ability to explore a new dungeon. ========================================================= 7. Demonkin Wormholes ========================================================= At the beginning of chapter 10 these portals will be released and they hide weapons of great power. Traditionally you will find related items near where you acquired a party member (ie. Leynart in the Swamp of Grief, Yuno in Lanka Forest). You can find weapons for most characters as well as armor for all of them, they are quite good and should be acquired ASAP. Some of them have negative traits (like slowing down characters) which arent a problem for some of your party members but it can be a pain for others (like Yuno). Weigh the pros and cons carefully. =============================================================================== Location (Area) || Reward || Where to Locate =============================================================================== Swamp of Grief || Nightmare Shield || You should appear right next to this || (Leynart) || portal when chapter 10 starts. =============================================================================== Lanka Forest || Demonkin Bracer || In the initial entrance area it lies || (Yuno) || along the southeast part of the map =============================================================================== Seaside Cave || Demonkin Spaulders || This is located in the deepest part || (Sogreth) || of the cave where you saved Minos. =============================================================================== Desert Ruins || Shadow Faulds || From the entrance head as far south || (Meladee) || as possible and enter the doorway. =============================================================================== Chapel Ruins || Deathgaze Hat || All the way down to the underground || (Ropple) || lake where you fought the bosses. =============================================================================== Cave of Trials || Dark Guards || Head into the room with six doors || (Hero) || and take the middle right door. =============================================================================== Paulta Mines || Destroyer Darkaxe || Go to the 4th strata level and head || (Sogreth) || to your east. Really cant miss it. =============================================================================== Bandit Hideout || Shadowbry Darklance|| Run straight for the middle path and || (Leynart) || make your way north to find this. =============================================================================== Triankha Hospital ||Soulbinder Darkstaff|| Lowest level of the hospital. Head || (Ropple) || for the northeastern most room. =============================================================================== Emmet Colony || Vamplord Darkbow || In the deepest part of the colony || (Yuno) ||where you fight the boss & Helldegard =============================================================================== Border Cave || Diablada Darkblades|| Enter from the south and head to the || (Meladee) || southeast. Another hard to miss. =============================================================================== Cistina Chapel || Movement Diagram 2 || Enter the dungeon and use the north- || || eastern door toward the birdbrawler. =============================================================================== ========================================================= 8. Bravesouls ========================================================= Bravesouls are something like a characters ultimate skill. They are passive (as in they are always active) and they are quite useful. This tells you where to acquire them and what they do. I have mentioned several in the walkthrough where it is applicable but this is a complete, easy to use, list. ========================================================= Hero - Taught by the Wyrmking at the end of Chapter 8. -- Indomitable Spirit - Revives you occasionally after you are KO'd and restores half your HP. ========================================================= Yuno - Speak with Trone at the Highlanders branch in Gasara. -- Double Strike - Allows Yuno to choose two targets for standard attacks. ========================================================= Sogreth - In Chapter 11, talk to Minos in Sakawa. -- Thick Skin - Significantly boosts defense when HP is critical. ========================================================= Meladee - Talk to the Wyrmking at his throne during chapter 9. -- Just Rewards - Allows Meladee to return the favor now and then after being attacked. ========================================================= Ropple - Talk to Dr. Luskan during Chapter 11. -- Varia - Raises a barrier that diminshes damage from magical attacks. ========================================================= Leynart - With Leynart go to Vahadina and head to the northeast. -- Minds Eye - Increases the likelihood of critical hits. ========================================================= 9. Unity Skills ========================================================= Unity skills are acquired by spending enough time in the party with your other members. It cannot be gained from leveling up but only from fighting enough fights with a set group. There are a number of these for most two man combos and there are several for five man unity attacks. =============== Hero & Yuno =============== Partners in Crime - 5 Bp - Steals from and damages an enemy Major Nuisance - 20 Bp - Burst a poison bag which poisons and damages all foes. Quit Staring - 30 Bp - Charms all enemies, then attacks, ignoring defense. Fireworks Fallout - 40 Bp - Using fireworks deal a critical hit to all enemies. Thousand Knocks - 50 Bp - Hurl rocks at enemies, causes Oblivion and damage. =============== Hero & Sogreth =============== Visions Toughest - 10 Bp - Raises both allies defense. Bug Strike - 20 Bp - Damages all foes. Good on bug type enemies. Waterkins Hunt - 20 Bp - A slime that hampers movement and lowers agility. Travelers Luck - 20 Bp - Spreads a protective aura that weakens opposing magic. Cross Pendulum - 60 Bp - Hits all enemies. Guaranteed critical hit. =============== Hero & Meladee =============== Highlander Spirit - 10 Bp - Raises both allies attacks. Bane of the Beast - 20 Bp - Attacks all enemies. Good on birds and beasts. Achilles Cutter - 30 Bp - Attack the muscles of all foes lowering attack power. Lifetaker - 30 Bp - Absorbs the HP of one target. Desert Rose - 40 Bp - Cancels all foes actions. =============== Hero & Ropple =============== Magical Providence - 10 Bp - Magic attack target. Protects hero from ailments. Holy Blade - 20 Bp - A sacred hit to all foes. Good on demonkin enemies. Weal and Woe - 30 Bp - Attacks all enemies and cures all status ailments. Dark Nebula - 40 Bp - Generates a void of darkness, removes enemy stat boosts. Cosmic Rainbow - 60 Bp - Revives, restores Hp, cures all status ailments. =============== Hero & Leynart =============== Knightly Lore - 10 Bp - Raises both allies attack and defense. Lance vs. Sword - 20 Bp - Attacks the enemies and raises both allies agility. Shattershot - 20 Bp - A well-aimed shot at one enemy. Sometimes auto-kills. Armor Crush - 30 Bp - A fierce attack that smashes enemy armor. Lowers defense. Phantom Slicer - 60 Bp - A swipe that hits all foes. Good on ghosts. =============== Triple Unity =============== Hero, Yuno, Sogreth -------------------- Gone Fishin 50 Bp - Traps all foes in a rushing flood. Water damage to all. -------------------- Hero, Yuno, Ropple -------------------- Therapeutic Song 30 Bp Restores each ally's HP with each turn -------------------- Hero, Yuno, Meladee -------------------- Girl Trouble 50 Bp Bewitches enemies then wipes them out. Inflicts confusion. -------------------- Hero, Yuno, Leynart -------------------- Dance Macabre 50 Bp A death dance to trap foes. Sometimes kills instantly. -------------------- Hero, Sogreth Ropple -------------------- Ice Crusher 50 Bp Smashes all foes after freezing them. Inflicts paralysis. -------------------- Hero, Sogreth, Leynart -------------------- Iron Men Three 50 Bp A three man charge that raises each ally's defense. -------------------- Hero, Sogreth, Meladee -------------------- Sands of the Goddess 50 Bp A destructive vortex of sand. Deals wind damage to all foes. -------------------- Hero, Meladee, Leynart -------------------- Flanked by Justice 30 Bp Calls on Visions guardians to raise each ally's attack. -------------------- Hero, Meladee, Ropple -------------------- Blazing Blades 50 Bp Flames fanned by swords. Deals fire damage to all foes. -------------------- Hero, Ropple, Leynart -------------------- Lightning Storm 50 Bp Charges weapon with thunder. Lightning damage to all foes. -------------------- Hero, Kee Keema, Yuno -------------------- Melting Pot 10 Bp A rag tag bunch of all shapes and sizes. Damages one target. -------------------- Hero, Wataru, Meena -------------------- Half-Pint Express 20 Bp Size doesnt matter to these three. Guaranteed critical hit. -------------------- Hero, Meladee, Kutz -------------------- Dragon Assault 50 Bp Boosts attack power and launches an assault on all foes. ========================================================= 10. Book of Quests ========================================================= This is the complete list of all the quests in the game as well as the rewards, triggers and tips on how to complete them. A very general tip for making your life easier when completing quests is to use the Stealth spell once you get it. It makes going back to areas and exploring them for items and such quite a bit less time consuming although its obviously not much help when youre looking for particular monsters to fight... ================================================ Page 1 ================================================ 1. Merchants Request 1 Summary: Hunt down a peculiar scale in the Seaside Cave for Kukawa. Location: Lanka Trigger: Speak to Kukawa in Lanka Reward: Strange Diagram 1 Tips: Simply head to the west from the entrance and a bit north. You will see a cutscene and be attacked by a powerful Girahna looking monster. He shouldnt provide much of a threat so long as youre fairly well leveled. Once you kill the creature head back to Sakawa and give it to the man. -------- 2. Highlander Mission 5 Summary: Defeat the Blue Dragon in Lanka Forest. Location: Lanka (Highlander branch) Trigger: Enter the branch in Lanka. Reward: Firewyrm Diagram 5 Tips: Head to Lanka Forest, the dragon is located in the second area (South). You will need to make your way to the northwestern-most area to find the beast. Defeating it can be a bit tough due to the power of some of its moves so this is definitely a fight to bring your highest level party to (unity skills can help out as well). He is about as tough as the Dragon Zombie that was fighting alongside Rei, but he is a Demonkin so keep that in mind. Once hes done head back to the Highlander branch in Lanka and get your reward. -------- 3. Accessory From the Sky Summary: Get the Goddess's Armlet from Maree. Location: Lanka (Outside of Inn) Trigger: Speak to Maree in Lanka after youve completed quest #57 Reward: Goddess' Armlet Tips: After you have gotten the five accessories from the Cave of Trials (see quests 53-57) come back and talk to Maree. She will give you the Goddess's Armlet which is the same as the other five accessories but for the Hero. -------- 4. Traveler Immortalized Summary: Obtain five pieces of crystal metal from metal rabbies to provide material to fix a statue of a legendary traveler. Location: Lanka Trigger: Speak to Isshin in Lanka after completing the game (in the new area). Reward: N/A Tips: You can get crystal metal from the rabbies on the Forbidden Isle, which is located to the northeastern-most part of the map. Theres nothing else on the island (unless you completed the game). This might take awhile since they dont seem to appear too often, it isnt easy to steal from them and they have a very annoying tendency to run from the fights. Keep at it until you get five and then return to Isshin to finish this quest. It took me a little over an hour to actually get the five required items. -------- 5. Merchants Request 2 Summary: Obtain choice honey from a gaia vespid in Lanka Forest. Location: Sakawa Trigger: Speak to Wastus in Sakawa (outside the inn) Reward: Strange Diagram 2 Tips: Simply go to the Lanka Forest and keep fighting until you fight a Gaia Vespid. Theyre rare monsters so you might be at this for some time. It doesnt need to be crazed or anything, so simply kill it and return to Sakawa. -------- 6. Save the Sick Darbaba! Summary: Hasils darbaba has fallen ill! Cecilia in Vahadina should know what to do. Location: Sakawa Trigger: Speak to Hasil in Sakawa (simply approach him). Reward: Spirit Diagram 2 Tips: Once you get the quest, simply head to the Darbaba post in Vahadina and a conversation will occur. You will be given the Rainbow Baqua to heal the sick Darbaba with. Now return to Hasil to complete it. -------- 7. Traveler or Gofer Summary: Deliver the package to Nelson in Lyris. Location: Sakawa Trigger: Speak to Phu Phten in Sakawa (house with blue drape). Reward: Spirit Diagram 1 Tips: Once you have the quest, head to Lyris and go to the uptown section. Nelson is located in the lodge here so simply enter it to talk to him. He gives you the reward for the quest. -------- 8. Like Father, Like Son Summary: Learn Sogreths Bravesoul. Location: Sakawa Trigger: Speak to Minos in Sakawa Reward: Sogreths Bravesoul, Tough Skin Tips: I believe this can only be done after the Demonkin are released in Chapter 10 but it might be required to wait until later. Minos is found in the house with the green flap. -------- 9. The Finicky Painter Summary: Obtain red powder from a Zfore Location: Lyris (Uptown inn) Trigger: Speak to Vincent in Lyris Reward: Fruit of Vitality Tips: Head to Triankha Hospital with Yuno in your party. Use the Unity Skill 'Partners in Crime' to steal the Red Powder from the Zfores when you encounter them, this is the only way to get it. Once you have it head back to Vincent to recieve your reward. You can now get the Finicky Painter 2 quest by leaving and re-entering the tavern. -------- 10. The Finicky Painter 2 Summary: Obtain a blue petal from an alba nepenthes. Location: Lyris (Uptown inn) Trigger: Speak to Vincent in Lyris after youve completed quest #9 (uptown). Reward: Fruit of Bravery Tips: The alba nepenthes is a little harder to find than the Zfore was. They can be found in the Northern Arikita area. The best way to find them is to head to the Northeast from the Craftsmans Cabin (which is itself northwest of the Paulta Mines) until you reach the small coast area. You will be just east of the large forest area on the map. You can find them around here, simply keep fighting and stealing with Yuno and the Hero until you get it. Now return to Lyris and give it to Vincent to get your reward. ================================================ Page 2 ================================================ 11. The Finicky Painter 3 Summary: Obtain a jet black feather from a Balbylone. Location: Lyris (Uptown inn) Trigger: Speak to Vincent in Lyris after youve completed quest #10. Reward: Composite Diagram 1 Tips: This one is going to take a bit to pull off. The Balbylone is located in the Demonkin Haunt in The Dark. In the least you will have to wait until you get to chapter 10 to even attempt this one, which is good because otherwise the demons would eat you alive. Head on in through the Border Caves entrance and steal the jet black feather from the creature when you fight it. You can then return to Vincent for your reward. -------- 12. Toni's Inspiration 1 Summary: Find materials that will excite Toni's creativity. Location: Lyris (Downtown lodge) Trigger: Speak to Toni Fanlon in Lyris. Reward: Tips: Head on to talk with Toni again after completing the Traveling Salesman 2 quest (#18). You can then give him the Luckmagnet and he will turn it into the Heaven Ring. If this is the second quest you have completed (both Toni's Inspiration quests) he will give you a Spirit Diagram 3 and you can now talk to him for another quest. -------- 13. Toni's Inspiration 2 Summary: Find materials that will excite Toni's creativity. Location: Lyris (Downtown lodge) Trigger: Speak to Toni Fanlon in Lyris. Reward: Heavens Braclet Tips: You will have to wait until chapter 11 to complete this one. You must give Toni the Firewyrm soul that you will have retrieved from beating the Demon King Avira. He will turn it into the Heavens Bracelet. If this is the second quest you have completed (both Toni's Inspiration quests) he will give you a Spirit Diagram 3 and you can now talk to him for another quest. -------- 14. The Legendary Craftsman Summary: Tonis craftmaster is apparently in the craftmans cabin. Location: Lyris Trigger: Speak to Toni Fanlon in lyris after youve completed quests #12 and #13 Reward: Hell Amulet Tips: The Craftmans cabin is located ot the northwest of the Paulta Mines. If you have picked up the Famished Flyer quest you will have to complete that one first before you can finish this quest. Head inside of the cabin and talk to the old man inside. After some talking he will craft the Hell Amulet for you. -------- 15. Highlander Mission 4 Summary: Defeat the Illustress in the Cistina Cathedral. Location: Lyris Trigger: Enter the Branch in Lyris. Reward: Firewyrm Diagram 4 Tips: Its time to bust up a mage. Head back to the room where you fought the Dragon Alchemon and prepare for a fight. Even though she is technically a boss monster you can still fairly easily hit her with status ailments so take advantage of this by rendering her oblivious through any means possible. Once that is done she will not be able to attack you. My preferred method of doing this is by using the Hero and Yuno's unity skill, Thousand Knocks twice per round until I manage to toss the ailment on her. Barring that she shouldnt be all that powerful if you are at least level 45. At that point you should easily be able to simply powerhouse her into the ground with whatever your preferred party might be. Once shes dead go back to the Highlander branch for a reward. -------- 16. The Net of Doom! Summary: Obtain the ultimate birdnet at the Triankha Hospital. Location: Lyris (Uptown) Trigger: Speak to Memenmo in Lyris after youve completed quest #22. Reward: Faerie Net Muramasa Tips: This guy is actually somewhat hard to find. Head to the uptown area and head southeast past the weapon and item shops to find him. Talk to him, get the quest and head to Triankha Hospital (yeah, hes suspicious, I know). Head on in the hospital and go all the way to the stairs at the back and head up. Follow the straight path, heading into the first room to grab a rainbow rod if you like, the second has an antiplegic and the third has the faerie net upgrade in it. Open the chest and you will get the faerie net Muramasa. You can leave now if you like but going southeast into a room will net you a wind stone and there is a fruit of vitality if you go to the northwest in the very first room. There is nothing else up here so head on out. If you want a little chuckle go ahead and go back to Memenmo and talk to him. -------- 17. Traveling Salesman 1 Summary: Find the luckmagnet in the bandit hideout. Location: Bog-Sasaya Border Trigger: Speak to Trison at the Bog-Sasaya border. Reward: Strange Diagram 3 Tips: After you talk to the old man (hes located just next to the two guards by the way) head to the bandit camp. Head all the way back up into it to the summit area where you fought the bandits and a cutscene will play. Now simply bring it back to him and get your reward. -------- 18. Traveling Salesman 2 Summary: Find the pot of luck in the bandit hideout. Location: Bog-Sasaya Border Trigger: Speak to Trison at the Bog-Sasaya border after youve completed quest #17. Reward: Tips: Talk about your irony, all the "lucky" items this guy gets his hands on and he gets nothing but robbed. Head back to the bandit hideout. Start heading back for the summit yet again and you will have a cutscene play part of the way there. A fight will ensue but he isnt much of a threat. If he poses a problem try to paralyze him and then pound on him. Once hes dead continue towards the summit area. Soon enough a second fight will occur, this time with two Rablins. Seeing a theme in their names? The next fight should be interesting. Clean their clocks like you did to the last one, they arent too hard although the Queen can use some minor magic. Continue on just a bit more and you will run right into the three Rablins. Depending on your level this fight will either be frustrating or fairly easy, group attacks are a good idea as are unity skils. Hit them as hard as you can and get rid of them. Once theyre dead Yuno proves that shes truly a blonde (joking!) and gets into trouble. Return to Trison for your reward. You can now completed quest 12 so you might wanna head that way. -------- 19. The Klutzy Starseer Summary: Obtain five n'bara tails from n'baras. Location:Lourdes Observatory Trigger: Speak to Romy at Lourdes Observatory Reward: Corporeal Diagram 1 Tips: To get these tails you need to head north of the Bog-Sasaya border and head a bit to the east (above the bandit hideout). If you walk around here you will fight the creatures and you have to steal the n'bara tail from them. Its not easy since they dont have a whole lot of health and seem very resistant to having you steal from them but if you keep at it you will get them eventually. Now return to Romy on the second level of the Observatory to get your reward. -------- 20. The Sarcastic Starseer Summary: Obtain a scarlet fin from a blood girahna. Location: Lourdes Observatory Trigger: Speak to Maruo at Lourdes Observatory Reward: Corporeal Diagram 3 Tips: God this guy is so obnoxious. Well you need to head into The Dark to get this pain in the rear what he wants. These guys are located in the Demonkin Haunt so you need to head in there to find them. You will need to use the Unity skill 'Partners in Crime' to steal it from them as they dont drop it. It might take you a bit but you only need one so that at least makes this easier than some of the other quests. Simply return to him once you have the scarlet fin to obtain your reward. ================================================ Page 3 ================================================ 21. The Pankin Prodigy Summary: Learn Ropples Bravesoul Location: Lourdes Observatory Trigger: Enter the third floor of Lourdes Observatory. Reward: Ropple's Bravesoul, Varia. Tips: All you need to do is talk to Dr. Baska at the beginning of Chapter 11 and you will get this. Easy as that. -------- 22. Breed All You Can Breed! Summary: Get the beefed-up net from Mamanmu. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Mamanmu in Vahadina. Reward: Beefed-up net Tips: This is super simple. Just go talk to him and he will give you the net. -------- 23. An Eye for Birds 1 Summary: Get the Bird Diagram 1 from Mamanmu. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Mamanmu in Vahadina after youve completed quest #22. Reward: Bird Diagram 1 Tips: After you have gotten the Beefed-Up Net from Mamanmu leave Vahadina and come back to talk to him. He will give you the diagram. -------- 24. An Eye for Birds 2 Summary: Get the Bird Diagram 2 from Mamanmu. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Mamanmu in Vahadina after youve won 5 birdbrawls. Reward: Bird Diagram 2 Tips: After you have gotten at least 5 goalfinch feathers return to Mamanmu and he will give you the diagram. -------- 25. An Eye for Birds 3 Summary: Get the Bird Diagram 3 from Mamanmu. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Mamanmu in Vahadina after youve won 10 birdbrawls. Reward: Bird Diagram 3 Tips: After you have gotten at least 10 goalfinch feathers return to Mamanmu and he will give you the diagram. -------- 26. An Eye for Birds 4 Summary: Get the Bird Diagram 4 from Mamanmu. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Mamanmu in Vahadina after youve won 15 birdbrawls. Reward: Bird Diagram 4 Tips: After you have gotten at least 15 goalfinch feathers return to Mamanmu and he will give you the diagram. -------- 27. Get the Hell Out! Summary: Defeat Helldegard in the emmet colony. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Enter the branch in Vahadina. Reward: Strange Diagram 4 Tips: This one is fairly straight and easy. Enter the branch in Vahadina to get the quest and then head to the Emmet Colony entrance. Now make your way down to the area where you fought the Emmet Queen earlier. The Helldegard is located in the western part of this area. He is a fairly straight up fight for a good half of it. Use your most powerful attacks until he stops taking damage from your melee strikes. He will now be immune to melee attacks thanks to his barrier so you are going to have to use bow attacks or magic skills to hurt him. Whenever he summons in an Emmet kill it immediately or he will restore his health via eating it. It shouldnt take you too long to kill him off just be careful while you are doing this. -------- 28. The "Proficiency Exam" Summary: Create an Invaders Ring. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Ernace in Vahadina. Reward: Tactician Diagram 1 Tips: Simply enough you are going to have to craft this ring. You will have to find the items necessary to make the ring before you can craft it. - Heavy-Duty Carapace are dropped by (or stolen from) Emmet Lords in the Emmet Colony. You need three of them. - Mire Molt is dropped by (or stolen from) the Mire Anguis which you can find on the world map just south of the Bog-Sasaya border (still on the grass before Vahadina). You need three of these. - Aquamite is dropped by (or stolen from) the Seductress which can be found in the Desert Ruins. You need three of these as well. You dont actually get a reward for this one, your reward was the diagram he gave you for your exam. -------- 29. The "Masters Exam" Summary: Create a gale armlet. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Ernace in Vahadina after youve completed quest #28. Reward: Tactician Diagram 3 Tips: Simply enough you are going to have to craft this armlet. You will have to find the items necessary to make the armlet before you can craft it. - Piece of Eight are dropped by (or stolen from) the Perilous Pirates which you can find in Northern Arikita (near Paulta). You need three of them. - Crystal Wind is dropped by (or stolen from) the Rhinorc Archers which you can find in the Border Caverns. You need five of these. - Crimson Skin is dropped by (or stolen from) the Crimson Grogg which are found in the Hospital Ruins, Underground Lake. You need three of these as well. You dont actually get a reward for this one, your reward was the diagram he gave you for your exam. -------- 30. Love Cannot Be Forgotten Summary: Learn Leynarts Bravesoul. Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Helha in Vahadina. Reward: Leynarts Bravesoul, Minds Eye. Tips: I mentioned this in the above walkthrough but it is a simple enough affair to get it. Simply go to the northern-most part of Vahadina with Leynart in your party. He will speak to Sashas mother and get his bravesoul. ================================================ Page 4 ================================================ 31. Prince of all Bugdom Summary: Cecilias being pressed to marry the prince of the bug kingdom who lives in the Foresta Morgana. Help her! Location: Vahadina Trigger: Speak to Cecilia in Vahadina after youve completed quest #6 and #27. (She is inside the Darbaba post). Reward: Goalfinch Passport Tips: Sogreth wants to squish this buggy so get yourself to the Foresta Morgana and get this punk. Head into the area that you opened with the Claw Stone in the forest and meet this punk. Its nice to know that these wackos you call a party solve all their problems with violence. He isnt really all that much of a problem to beat on, simply use all of your strongest attacks with your chosen party and keep healing yourself. If you need to use Unity attacks then they will cut down on his health faster than regular moves. He does lots of damage with his attacks, and he can drain your BP, but he doesnt actually do anything you havent seen before. You will probably want to be in the late-40's or early 50's before you even attempt this fight. Return to Cecilia once he is gone and you will get your reward. -------- 32. Grandma Yunas Menu 1 Summary: Obtain a naga liver from a mystinaga. Location: Gasara Trigger: Speak to Grandma Yuna in Gasara. Reward: Mind Diagram 1 Tips: Yuna will have explained to you that you need to find Mystinagas and get them crazed to get these items off them. To get them crazed you have to hit them with Bravura skills but it doesnt happen all the time (50% chance). You can find them in the Underground Lake area. Get the liver and head on back to Yuna to get your reward. -------- 33. Grandma Yunas Menu 2 Summary: Obtain a zfore claw from a grand zfore. Location: Gasara Trigger: Speak to Grandma Yuna in Gasara after youve completed quest #32. Reward: Composite Diagram 4 Tips: Now you need to get her the claw from a Grand Zfore. These guys will be found in the Border Cave so you really cant miss them. To craze them you need to kill one of the other zfores but theres only a 10% chance of them crazing so it will take a bit. Kill them, get the claw and return for your reward. -------- 34. Grandma Yunas Menu 3 Summary: Obtain a piece of strange cartilage from an Angry Sharkroak. Location: Gasara Trigger: Speak to Grandma Yuna in Gasara after youve completed quest #33. Reward: Fruit of Strength, Fruit of Agility, Fruit of Vitality Tips: Okay, so now she wants the strange cartilage from an Angry Sharkroak and these can only be found in The Dark. To craze them you need to hit them with a water element attack. Your two choices for this are to use Ropple or to use the water stones. The stones are a better idea since they do less damage and this allows you to do it a few times without worrying about killing them (50% chance to craze them). Once you have it return to Grandma Yuna for your reward. -------- 35. A Dependable Highlander Summary: Learn Yunos Bravesoul. Location: Gasara Trigger: Speak to Trone in Gasara. Reward: Yunos Bravesoul, Double Strike. Tips: All you need to do is go and speak to Trone and he will have a little conversation with Yuno. She gets this skill which is pretty freaking good. -------- 36. Highlander Mission 1 Summary: Defeat the giant enemy crab by the Underground Lake. Location: Gasara Trigger: Enter the branch in Gasara after youve completed quest #35. Reward: Firewyrm Diagram 1 Tips: All you need to do is head back to the chapel ruins and head to the innermost area of the Underground Lake. This guy isnt much harder than the first crab you fought, although this guy has a pretty unoriginal name (Giant Enemy Crab indeed). He isnt much of a threat until he retreats into his shell. This will make him a fair sight stronger defense wise and he will unleash a pretty devastating Quake attack every so often. This can wipe out your party right quick so make sure you have someone to heal in your party (be it you, Yuno, Meladee or Ropple). Once he goes down head back to the branc to get your reward. -------- 37. Demonkin Takedown Summary: Defeat the Red Gorbioth in the Demonkins Haunt. Location: Nacht-Arikita Border Trigger: Speak to Rumando at the Nacht-Arikita border. Reward: Mind Diagram 3 Tips: Alright, now this is another quest that is going to send you into The Dark, so you might want to gather up a few of these and do them all at once. Head back in through the Border Caverns and make your way into the deepest part of the Demonkins Haunt, he will be located where you fought Demon King Avira before. Do take note of the fact that you cannot get there from the first way you entered the Demonkins Haunt, you will need to take the southern one you went out through after killing the Demon King Avira. Inside is Gorbioth. His name is misspelled when you talk to him (Gorbichop) but once you fight him it is corrected. Once you get into the fight he isnt much of a threat except for one attack, his Stun Scratch. Barring that he is just a pretty powerful member of the demonkin meaning he is vulnerable to the Holy Blade unity skill. If you find him doing far too much damage to you with his abilities and spells then simply bring Ropple into the fight after getting his Bravesoul. Gorbioth dies easily enough and then you can return to Rumando and get your reward. Yeah... that guy is creepy much. Too much talk about his sisters rump... -------- 38. The Lost Little Girl Summary: Kanons took off to the Swamp of Grief. Bring her back! Location: Tearshaven Trigger: Enter the branch in Tearshaven. Reward: Spirit Diagram 4 Tips: Remember the cute little girl waiting for her father to come back? Well it seems shes run off to a certain death in the Swamp of Grief in search of her father. Time to rescue her. Head south to the next area and then head to the southwest. You will find her passed out on the ground and will bring her back to Tearshaven and get your reward. Quest done with. You may want to simply re- enter the branch now to get the next quest. -------- 39. Highlander Mission 2 Summary: Defeat the Lizaraptor Rex in the Swamp of Grief. Location: Tearshaven Trigger: Enter the branch in Tearshaven after youve completed quest #38. Reward: Firewyrm Diagram 2 Tips: Back into the swamp! He is going to be located in the part where you fought the boss before (Alchemon). Be ready for a fight when you get there but it isnt going to be all that hard. He only has about 2000 Hp or so and he takes a fair amount of damage with each attack so he will go down pretty quickly. Go on back to Tearshaven and get your reward. -------- 40. A Ladys Worth Summary: Get rid of Tress-Tress in the Swamp of Grief. Location: Tearshaven Trigger: Speak to Ketcha in Tearshaven after youve completed quests #38 and #39 Reward: Composite Diagram 2 Tips: Ketcha is standing in the eastern part of Tearshaven amidst a bunch of flowers. The witch they want knocked off is located in the same place you beat the Lizaraptor. Well now... its not every day you get a close up like THAT in a video game (unless its Dead or Alive). If you can hit this chick with the Oblivious status ailment she is basically defenseless. Otherwise she isnt all that hard, just keep pounding on her with your most damaging attacks and she is going to die soon enough (she is weak to wind magics if you have Ropple). Well that was worth a good laugh. Head back to Ketcha to get your reward. ================================================ Page 5 ================================================ 41. Loom Gloom Summary: Obtain five metal spines from metal snayles. Location: Tearshaven Trigger: Speak to Yazuri in Tearshaven. Reward: Corporeal Diagram 2 Tips: You can find Yazuri in the building in the eastmost part of the city. Talk to her and get the quest. You can find Metal Snayles in the northern parts of Arikita. You will need to use Yuno and the Hero's unity skill 'Partners in Crime' to steal it from them as they dont drop it. Get five and return to her for your reward. -------- 42. Give Me Courage! Summary: Create an accessory that will give Urana the courage to apologize. Location: Tearshaven Trigger: Speak to Urana in Tearshaven. Reward: Composite Diagram 3 Tips: After you have gotten Leynart in your party you can get this quest from the man standing just outside of Sashas house. All you need to do is craft any of your items from the "Bravery" diagrams (ring, bracelet, etc) and then talk to him. You will show it to him and he will give you the Composite Diagram 3. -------- 43. Xin Sunxis Request Summary: Obtain five metal shards from metal snayles. Location: Observation Hut Trigger: Speak to Xin Sunxi at the observation hut. Reward: Mind Diagram 2 Tips: When you enter the observation hut you can snatch up the item from the jug and then watch the guy flip out. After that you need to head to the north- most part of Arikita and kill the Metal Snayles to get the five required metal shards and then return to Xin Sunxi. He will thank you and give you the Mind Diagram 2 as a reward. -------- 44. The Jewelers Request 1 Summary: Create a defenders necklace. Location: Paulta Trigger: Speak to Dennen at the Cragtown of Paulta Reward: 100 tems Tips: You can start this one after completing the Paulta Mines dungeon. He will want you to craft the Tactician Diagram 2 he gives you. To find the pieces you need: - Core are dropped by Golems which are found in Paulta Mines. - Tangret are dropped by (or stolen from) Dark Seductress in Paulta Mines - Shriek Weed are dropped by Plantasmagora on the world map which can be found in Arikita south of Paulta. Once you complete this talk to him and he will give you 105 tems. -------- 45. The Jewelers Request 2 Summary: Create a Ingenuity Crest. Location: Paulta Trigger: Speak to Dennen at the Cragtown of Paulta after youve complted quest #44. Reward: 105 tems Tips: After youve completed the previous quest, he will now want you to craft the Tactician Diagram 4 he gives you. To find the pieces you need: - Lapis Azuli are dropped by Fernobirds on the plateu area located just outside of Dela Rubesi. - Shegonite are dropped by Hobrablin Fighters on the world map in Southern Arikita located south of Paulta. - Hardened Plesiohorn are dropped by Plesiolance on the world map in Northern Arikita located in the area near Tearshaven. Once you complete this talk to him and he will give you 150 tems. -------- 46. The Jewelers Request 3 Summary: Create a Brutes Armlet. Location: Paulta Trigger: Speak to Dennen at the Cragtown of Paulta after youve complted quest #45. Reward: 150 tems Tips: After youve completed the previous quest, he will now want you to craft the Composite Diagram 5 he gives you. To find the pieces you need: - Hardened Carpace - Dropped by Archemmet Basher on Forbidden Island - Crystal Darkness - Dropped by Succubus in Earthrift - Spineral - Dropped by Vulcano on Forbidden Island Once you complete this talk to him and he will give you 100 tems. -------- 47. Highlander Mission 3 Summary: Defeat Murasme in the Paulta Mines Location: Paulta Trigger: Enter the branch in Paulta. Reward: Firewyrm Diagram 3 Tips: You need to head down to where Rei got his gem from Volgh to find this sociopath. When you can first get the quest Murasme will probably be a bit too tough for you to take but if you come back after gaining 5 levels you should be fine. Murasme is actually two ninjas that can do some pretty impressive damage with their melee strikes. The most agitating part of the fight is his ability to, at random, take two actions per round. The first of these actions is always a group attack that does a wind spell to your whole group which will then be followed up by melee strikes. The only real way to do anything about this is to simply keep your health up while you hit him with your strongest attacks. Once he is dead head back to the branch for your reward. -------- 48. Adult Discipline Summary: Learn Meladees Bravesoul Location: Firewyrm Village Trigger: Speak to the Wyrmking in Firewyrm Village. Reward: Meladees Bravesoul, Just Rewards Tips: All you need to do is to talk to the Wyrmking as soon as you can and you will get this skill. Easy as that and its a useful one. -------- 49. The Famished Flyer Summary: Bring five pieces of gimblewolf meat to Tofu at the Craftsmans cabin. Location: Craftsmans Cabin Trigger: Enter the Craftsmans Cabin in northern Arikita Reward: Silvervold Tips: If you have been saving the Gimblewolf meat you find instead of selling it then you will likely simply be able to hand it over. Otherwise you need to get back to the Desert of No Return (south of Vahadina) and fight random encounters until you finally manage to get five pieces of this meat. The wolves dont drop it all the time and its usually one at a time so any items that you have that increase drops will come in handy. Head back and give him the meat to get your reward. -------- 50. Legendary Work 1 Summary: Have Steel Will craft the Hell Amulet. Location: Craftsmans Cabin Trigger: Speak to Steel Will at the Craftsmans Cabin after you have completed quests #14 and #49. Reward: Hell Amulet Tips: This actually goes hand in hand with the Legendary Craftsman quest (#14) so you cant miss it. It will be completed when that one is. ================================================ Page 6 ================================================ 51. Legendary Work 2 Summary: Have Steel Will craft the Hell Crest. Location: Craftmans Cabin Trigger: Speak to Steel Will at the Craftsmans Cabin after you have completed quests #50 and #63. Reward: Hell Crest Tips: You will need to go deep down into the Earthrift and kill Metatron. Once you have the Chaotic Soul that he will drop, Steel Will can turn that into the Hell Crest. Quest complete. -------- 52. Legendary Work 3 Summary: Have Steel Will craft the Hell Choker. Location: Craftsmans Cabin Trigger: Speak to Steel Will at the Craftsmans Cabin after you have completed the game and quest #50. Reward: Hell Choker Tips: You have to complete the game before you can do this quest. Bring the Captive Soul, the item you got from Onba, to Steel Will and he will make the Hell Choker. This thing is pretty powerful, me love long time. -------- 53. The Dawn Token Summary: Obtain the Garland of the Dawn in the Cave of Trials. Location: Cave of Trials Trigger: Examine the Dawn Guardian statue in the Cave of Trials after obtaining the Lance of the Dawn. Reward: Tips: You need to make your way into the Earthrift and find the item, Lance of the Dawn. It is found on the first floor so explore until you find it. You will fight some monsters when you open the chest (was three War-Rablins for me) and you will get the Lance after the fight. Now return to the Cave of Trials and show the Lance to the Dawn Guardian Statue to get the reward. Both the Lance and the Garland are meant to be used by Leynart. -------- 54. The Dusk Token Summary: Obtain the Armlet of the Dusk in the Cave of Trials. Location: Cave of Trials Trigger: Examine the Dusk Guardian statue in the Cave of Trials after obtaining the Scepter of the Dusk. Reward: Tips: You need to make your way into the Earthrift and find the item, Scepter of the Dusk. It is found on the second floor so explore until you find the chest containing it, located in the southeast side of the floor. You will have to fight some monsters when you open the chest and you will get the Scepter after the fight. Now return to the Cave of Trials and show the Scepter to the Dusk Guardian Statue to get the reward. Both the Scepter and Armlet are meant to be used by Ropple. -------- 55. The Snow Token Summary: Obtain the Necklace of the Snow in the Cave of Trials. Location: Cave of Trials Trigger: Examine the Snow Guardian statue in the Cave of Trials after obtaining the Axe of the Snow. Reward: Tips: You need to make your way into the Earthrift and find the item, Axe of the Snow. It is found on the second floor so explore until you find a bird statue in front of a sealed door. When you examine the statue you will be tasked to answer several questions to get past the door: Whats the name of Yuno's Pet? -- Sotark Whats the name of Sogreths Son? -- Minos Whats the name of Leynarts Wife? -- Sasha Whats the name of Ropples Teacher? -- Dr. Baskan Name of the Dragon from the Mines? -- Volgh What is the Highlanders Mark? -- A band The Gemstone was the Dragons... -- Left Eye What Weapon Does Kutz Wield? -- A Whip Name One of Meladees Men -- Pramm Whats the Demonkin King Named? -- Avira Now that you have made your way through the doors, open the chest. You will fight some monsters when you open the chest (two war-rablins and rhinorc titan) and you will get the Axe after the fight. Now return to the Cave of Trials and show the Axe to the Snow Guardian Statue to get the reward. Both the Axe and the Neckclace are meant to be used by Sogreth. -------- 56. The Sun Token Summary: Obtain the Ring of the Sun in the Cave of Trials. Location: Cave of Trials Trigger: Examine the Sun Guardian statue in the Cave of Trials after obtaining the Bow of the Sun. Reward: Tips: You need to make your way into the Earthrift and find the item, Bow of the Sun. It is found on the first floor so explore until you find it. You will fight some monsters when you open the chest (was three War-Rablins for me) and you will get the Bow after the fight. Now return to the Cave of Trials and show the Bow to the Sun Guardian Statue to get the reward. Both the Ring and Bow are meant to be used by Yuno and are pretty powerful. -------- 57. The Four Tokens Summary: Obtain the Goddess's Diadem in the Cave of Trials. Location: Cave of Trials Trigger: Complete quests #53, #54, #55, and #56. Reward: Goddess's Diadem Tips: You will complete this quest, and get the reward, as soon as you complete the fourth of the above quests. The Diadem is meant to be used by Meladee and it has the same effect as the other four items (HP regeneration per turn). You can now go do quest #3. -------- 58. Message from the Stars Summary: Find someone who knows how to get through the forest door in the desert ruins. Location: Desert Ruins Trigger: Examine the cloud door in the desert ruins. Reward: Defense Diagram 2 Tips: You can get this quest after completing the desert ruins. Once you enter them from the map, explore the 1st floor. You will find a sand, foest and cloud doors that you cannot get past. Head all the way back to Lanka and go talk to Lyvan who is standing between the Highlander branch and the tavern. He will give you the forest passphrase by deciphering an ancient text. Now go back to the ruins and open that door. Inside is your reward. -------- 59. Lore of the Water City Summary: Find someone who knows how to get through the cloud door in the desert ruins. Location: Desert Ruins Trigger: Examine the cloud door in the desert ruins. Reward: Immunity Diagram 11 Tips: You can get this quest after completing the desert ruins. Once you enter them from the map, explore the 1st floor. You will find a sand, foest and cloud doors that you cannot get past. Head back to the city of Lyris and speak to the man in blue outside of the shops in the downtown area. He will use the phrase you tell him to decipher an ancient text and give you the passphrase to get through the door. Open the chest inside the room to retrieve your reward. -------- 60. Riddle from the Past Summary: Find someone who knows how to get through the sand door in the desert ruins. Location: Desert Ruins Trigger: Examine the sand door in the desert ruins. Reward: Beefed-up Birdcage Tips: You can get this quest after completing the desert ruins. Once you enter them from the map, explore the 1st floor. You will find a sand, forest and cloud doors that you cannot get past. Return to Vahadina and head towards the tavern. You should see a small building entrance just to the east of it, go inside. Talk to the Starseer in here and he will decipher an ancient text and give you the passphrase to get past the door. In the room your birdcage will be upgraded. ================================================ Page 7 ================================================ 61. The Phantom Goalfinches Summary: Found the secret birdcatching ground! Location: The Earthrift Trigger: Speak to K'moo in the Earthrift after completing quest #31. Reward: N/A Tips: All you need to do is find K'moo in the entrance area of the Earthrift after you have completed the Prince of Bugdom quest. The Goalfinch Passport you got for completing that one will, when shown to K'moo, provide you entrance to the secret Goalfinch Grove. -------- 62. The Recluse's Test Summary: Defeat Sheng in the Earthrift Location: The Earthrift Trigger: Speak to Sheng in the Earthrift Reward: N/A Tips: Sheng is located in the middle of the 2nd floor in the Earthrift. You need to get past him to fight the strongest enemy in the game but he isnt going to let you past without fighting him first. He is one of the strongest enemies that you will fight in this game. Your party needs to be in their early 70's to even have a chance of beating this obnoxious old man. The best party for fighting him seems to be the Hero, Meladee and Sogreth. The Hero has some of the most damaging skills, Meladee has the ability to cast full heal and ressurect magics and Sogreth has the defense to actually survive some attacks without dying. Sheng has several attacks that can put some serious hurt down on your party. Most notably is his Qing Cannon attack that does over 350 damage to his target, almost certainly being a one shot kill to its target. His other attacks are less threatening than that but two of them can hit your party and do about 100 damage to each party member. Unfortunately there is no easy way to go about this fight. He doesnt have any real weaknesses to exploit nor can you seal off his ability to use the Qing Cannon attack. This is essentially going to be a knock down, drag out fight that will take a lot of HP and even more BP use. If you have a Horn of Bravery or two then that will make this fight easier. Otherwise stock up on healing items and revival items and get ready for a long drawn out fight. When you beat him he will let you pass on to the second hardest fight in this game. Amusingly enough Sheng is harder than the true final boss. -------- 63. Vision's Ultimate Weapon Summary: Location: The Earthrift Trigger: Speak to Metatron in the Earthrift. Reward: N/A Tips: N/A - I beat Sheng once, forgot to see what this quest was and now I cannot do it again. If I manage to beat him I will add this quest in. ========================================================= 11. Monster Album ========================================================= Page 1 ================================================ 1. Rablin Something like a cross between a rat and a goblin. Habitat: Cave of Trials, etc. Spoils: Fire Shard, Glistenstone Steal: Throwing Stone Crazed: Crystal Fire Crazed Trigger: A Firewyrm is Summoned Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 2. Rablin Warrior Rablin with a sword. A bit stronger than the usual rablins. Habitat: Western Bog, etc. Spoils: Pretty White Stone, Throwing Stone Steal: Pretty White Stone Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: A Firewyrm is summoned. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 3. Rablin Rogue A rablin archer. This coward only attacks from afar. Habitat: Lanka Forest, etc. Spoils: Lightning Shard, Glistenstone Steal: Throwing Stone Crazed: Crystal Lightning Crazed Trigger: A Firewyrm is summoned. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 4. Rablin Mage A rablin that can use magic. Actually has some smarts. Habitat: Western Bog, etc. Spoils: Pretty Black Stone, Glistenstone Steal: Pretty Black Stone Crazed: Wisdom Tonic Crazed Trigger: A Firewyrm is summoned. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 5. Hobrablin Like a deluxe version of the rablin. Habitat: Foresta Morgana, etc. Spoils: Ametrine, Light Shard Steal: Ametrine Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased (stats). Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 6. Hobrablin Fighter A sword-wielding hobrablin. Habitat: Southern Arikita, etc. Spoils: Shegonite, Crystal Light Steal: Shegonite Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased (stats). Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 7. Hobrablin Rogue A hobrablin that attacks with a bow and arrows. Habitat: Foresta Morgana, etc. Spoils: Amberyl, Fire Shard Steal: Amberyl Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased (stats). Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 8. Hobrablin Mage A magic-using hobrablin. Habitat: Southern Arikita, etc. Spoils: Jettite, Crystal Darkness Steal: Jettite Crazed: Wisdom Tonic Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased (stats). Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 9. Rhinorc Cross an orc with a rhinoceros and this is what you get. Habitat: Border Cavern, etc. Spoils: Amethyx, Crystal Fire Steal: Amethyx Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Third turn begins. Crazed Rate: 5% ********************************************************* 10. Rhinorc Archer Rhinorc, archer edition. Habitat: Border Caverns, etc. Spoils: Crystal Wind, Gleamstone Steal: Cystal Wind Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Third turn begins. Crazed Rate: 5% ================================================ Page 2 ================================================ 11. High Rhinorc A powered-up version of a rhinorc. Habitat: Triankha Hospital, etc. Spoils: Crystal Fire, Sleeping Bag Steal: Amethyx Crazed: Wakewater Crazed Trigger: Third turn begins Crazed Rate: 5% ********************************************************* 12. High Rhinorc Archer A higher rhinorc that uses a bow and arrow to attack. Habitat: Triankha Hospital, etc. Spoils: Crystal Water, Tenderloin Steal: Crystal Water Crazed: Camping Set Crazed Trigger: Third turn begins. Crazed Rate: 5% ********************************************************* 13. Gimblewolf A mutantwolf whose jaws open in a kind of spiral. Habitat: Desert of No Return, etc. Spoils: Screwy Fang, Gimblewolf Meat Steal: Light Shard Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: Players HP drops below 20% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 14. White Gimblewolf A gimblewolf that prefers colder climates. Habitat: Dela Rubesi area, etc. Spoils: White Fang, Crystal Light Steal: White Fang Crazed: Gimblewolf Meat Crazed Trigger: Players HP drops below 20% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 15. Vile Gimblewolf A hideous gimblewolf with incredibly foul breath. It reeks! Habitat: Central Arikita, etc. Spoils: Jagged Fang, Crystal Darkness Steal: Gimblewolf Meat Crazed: Great Claw Crazed Trigger: Players HP drops below 20% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 16. N'bara Kinda looks like an armadillo. Normally pretty tame. Habitat: Near the Bog-Sasaya Border, etc. Spoils: N'bara Shell, Gleamstone Steal: N'bara Tail Crazed: Barrier Tonic Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 17. Rabby Resembles a rabbit. Better not lay a hand on that carrot! Habitat: Lanka Forest, etc. Spoils: Rabby Pelt, Wind Shard Steal: Rabby Pelt Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased. (Stats) Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 18. Snow Rabby A rabby that lives in colder regions. Theyre cute... Habitat: Dela Rubesi area, etc. Spoils: White Rabby Hide, Crystal Water Steal: White Rabby Hide Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Carrot Nibble is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 19. Desert Rabby A desert-dwelling rabby. Has a nasty roundhouse kick. Habitat: Desert of No Return, etc. Spoils: Rabby Hide, Gleamstone Steal: Rabby Hide Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Carrot Nibble is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 20. Darbaba Looks like a cow. The wild ones seem quite ferocious. Habitat: Nacht, etc. Spoils: Darbaba Pelt, Light Shard Steal: Darbaba Pelt Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a standard close-range attack. Crazed Rate: 10% ================================================ Page 3 ================================================ 21. Naumanni Like an elephant except its snout is actually a mouth. Habitat: Dela Rubesi area, etc. Spoils: Naumanni Pelt, Crystal Lightning Steal: Naumanni Pelt Crazed: Large Fang Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a standard close-range attack. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 22. Plesiospear Resembles a giraffe. Hates magic, but loves eating leaves. Habitat: Bandit Hideout, etc. Spoils: Plesiohorn, Water Shard Steal: Plesiohorn Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Leaf munch is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 23. Plesiopike Stronger than the plesiospear. Its sneeze is nasty. Habitat: Southern Arikita, etc. Spoils: Plesiobone, Crystal Lightning Steal: Plesiobone Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Leaf munch is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 24. Plesiolance ----------------- Habitat: Northern Arikita, etc. Spoils: Hardened Plesiohorn, Crystal Wind Steal: Hardened Plesiohorn Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Leaf Munch is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 25. Flintbird Bird with a flaming head. Close friends with the rabbies. Habitat: Eastern Bog, etc. Spoils: Fire Shard, Mako Berry Steal: Glistenstone Crazed: Dash Tonic Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a fire-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 26. Flamebird A little stronger than the flintbird. Looked... hot. Habitat: Desert of No Return, etc. Spoils: Peridotour, Fire Shard Steal: Gleamstone Crazed: Dash Tonic Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a fire-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 27. Fernobird The strongest of the flintbirds. Burnin' up like an inferno! Habitat: Dela Rubesi area, etc. Spoils: Lapis Azuli, Crystal Fire Steal: Lapis Azuli Crazed: Dash Tonic Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a fire-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 28. Albastross A gargantuan bird with a brutal beak. Habitat: Central Arikita, etc. Spoils: Toblaz, Crystal Lightning Steal: Toblaz Crazed: Tears Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a wind-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 29. Vulcano A massive bird that can heal itself, like a phoenix. Habitat: Forbidden Isle, etc. Spoils: Spineral, Crystal Light Steal: Spineral Crazed: Lightwater Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a wind-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 30. War-Rablin Rablin tribe, Fighter class. The rablin elite guard. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Prime Rib, Lightwater Steal: Poison Powder Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ================================================ Page 4 ================================================ 31. Rablin Jack A rablin commando. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Throwing Stone, Glistenstone Steal: Barrier Tonic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 32. Rablin Queen The self-proclaimed queen of the rablins. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Lightning Stone, Fire Stone Steal: Dash Tonic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 33. Rablin King The self-proclaimed king of the rablins. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Wind Stone, Water Stone Steal: Wisdom Tonic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 34. Rhinorc Titan A colossal rhinorc. Could have been a sumo wrestler. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Wakewater, Horn of Bravery Steal: Paralyze Powder Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 35. Stray Gimblewolf A gimblewolf that mistakenly wandered out of the desert. Habitat: Lanka Forest Spoils: N/A Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 36. Metal Rabby So shiny and smooth! This guy lives fast and dies hard. Habitat: Forbidden Isle Spoils: Metal Shard, Crystal Light Steal: Crystal Metal Crazed: Crystal Metal Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased. (Stats) Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 37. Grogg Looks a lot like a frog. Love those bubbles! Habitat: Triankha Hospital, etc. Spoils: Tender Skin, Gleamstone Steal: Tender Skin Crazed: Corrosive Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 38. Bullgrogg Looks like a frog that grew a horn. Thats gotta hurt... Habitat: Cistina Cathedral, etc. Spoils: Toughened Skin, Crystal Water Steal: Toughened Skin Crazed: Corrosive Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 39. Poison Grogg A venomous grogg. Note to self: steer clear of its tongue! Habitat: Swamp of Grief, etc. Spoils: Poison Skin, Crystal Water Steal: Poison Skin Crazed: Corrosive Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 40. Crimson Grogg A red grogg. Youre in for a shock if it manages to lick you. Habitat: Underground Lake, etc. Spoils: Crimson Skin, Panic Powder Steal: Crimson Skin Crazed: Corrosive Crazed Trigger: Second turn begins. Crazed Rate: 20% ================================================ Page 5 ================================================ 41. Lizaraptor Resembles a lizard. What an amazing jaw... Habitat: Seaside Cave, etc. Spoils: Sharpened Horn, Light Shard Steal: Sharpened Horn Crazed: Guard Caustic Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased. (Stats) Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 42. Poison Lizaraptor A lizaraptor that spits poison. Be careful with these! Habitat: Swamp of Grief, etc. Spoils: Ametrine, Crystal Light Steal: Ametrine Crazed: Antivenom Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 43. Anguis Similar to a snake, but with a ton of creepy little legs. Habitat: Seaside Cave, etc. Spoils: Fire Shard, Glistenstone Steal: Fire Stone Crazed: Guard Caustic Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased. Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 44. Mire Anguis A poisonous anguis. Has scary eyes. Habitat: Near the Bog-Sasaya Border, etc. Spoils: Mire Molt, Antivenom Steal: Mire Molt Crazed: Guard Caustic Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 10% Crazed Rate: 25% ********************************************************* 45. White Anguis An anguis thats as white as snow. Its bite will paralyze. Habitat: Triankha Hospital, etc. Spoils: Water Shard, Crystal Light Steal: Water Shard Crazed: Guard Caustic Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 10% Crazed Rate: 25% ********************************************************* 46. Snayle Not your average snail. Those spines look painful. Habitat: Cave of Trials, etc. Spoils: Green Snayleshell, Water Shard Steal: Green Snayleshell Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: A firewyrm is summoned. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 47. Roll Snayle A bit stronger than a snailbiter, but not by much. Habitat: Eastern Bog, etc. Spoils: Red Snayleshell, Glistenstone Steal: Red Snayleshell Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a water-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 48. Testudo An enormous turtle. Generally tame. Habitat: Central Arikita, etc. Spoils: Sturdy Shell, Crystal Water Steal: Sturdy Shell Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Emerge is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 49. Testudo King A burly testudo. Looks pretty heavy. Habitat: Demonkins Haunt, etc. Spoils: Sturdy Kingshell, Crystal Water Steal: Sturdy Kingshell Crazed: Prime Rib Crazed Trigger: Emerge is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 50. Girahna A fish on land in search of food. Packs a mean punch. Habitat: Seaside Cave, etc. Spoils: Water Shard, Glistenstone Steal: Water Shard Crazed: Girahna Spleen Crazed Trigger: A girahna is defeated. Crazed Rate: 50% ================================================ Page 6 ================================================ 51. Blood Girahna A vicious type of giranha, but sort of timid, though. Habitat: Demonkin's Haunt, etc. Spoils: Crystal Fire, Prime Rib Steal: Scarlet Fin Crazed: Crystal Fire Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 10% Crazed Rate: 25% ********************************************************* 52. Aronaga Your typical fish... man. Reminds me of an arowana fish. Habitat: Underground Lake, etc. Spoils: Water Shard, Tenderloin Steal: Water Shard Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 20% Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 53. Mystinaga A fish man that knows how to use magic. Habitat: Underground Lake, etc. Spoils: Gleaming Scale, Darkness Shard Steal: Gleaming Scale Crazed: Naga Liver Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a skill. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 54. Sharkroak Hes come ashore in search of food, and hes not happy. Habitat: Underground Lake, etc. Spoils: Sharkroak Fin, Water Shard Steal: Sharkroak Fin Crazed: Antiplegic Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a water-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 55. Angry Sharkroak A Sharkroak with a bad temper. Habitat: Demonkins Haunt, etc. Spoils: Crystal Light, Prime Rib Steal: Crystal Light Crazed: Strange Cartilage Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a water-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 56. Nero Sort of like a squid. Also capable of spraying ink. Habitat: Underground Lake Spoils: Tentacle, Tentacle Spellrock Steal: Corrosive Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 57. Boogaboo Crab A hermit crab beast. The stone on its back looks heavy. Habitat: Seaside Cave Spoils: Great Claw, Claw Spellrock Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 58. Voldanha An immensely powerful girahna. Habitat: Seaside Cave Spoils: Water Shard, Silvervold Steal: Gleamstone Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 59. Metal Snayle A snayle that wont sit still for long. Habitat: Northern Arikita Spoils: Metal Shard, Crystal Light Steal: Metal Spine Crazed: Metal Spine Crazed Trigger: A firewyrm is summoned. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 60. Lizaraptor Rex A huge, red lizaraptor. Habitat: Swamp of Grief Spoils: Crystal Chaos, Might Tonic Steal: Prime Rib Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ================================================ Page 7 ================================================ 61. Giant Enemy Crab Huge monstrous crab. Probably wouldnt taste very good. Habitat: Underground Lake Spoils: Crystal Chaos, Barrier Tonic Steal: Prime Rib Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 62. Treebee A wasp that lives in trees. Grows angry when disturbed. Habitat: Triankha Hospital, etc. Spoils: Darkness Shard, Mako Berry Steal: Darkness Shard Crazed: Speed Caustic Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 10% Crazed Rate: 25% ********************************************************* 63. Vespid A big bee. Four of them together could mean trouble. Habitat: Western Bog, etc. Spoils: Vespid Stinger, Darkness Shard Steal: Vespid Stinger Crazed: Speed Caustic Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased. (Stats) Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 64. Giga Vespid A more powerful vespid. Loves the nectar of flowers. Habitat: Foresta Morgana, etc. Spoils: Darkness Shard, Antiplegic Steal: Darkness Shard Crazed: Speed Caustic Crazed Trigger: Nectar is used. Crazed Rate: 25% ********************************************************* 65. Black Vespid A black vespid. Its stinger makes you feel isolated. Habitat: Northern Arikita, etc. Spoils: Black Stinger, Crystal Darkenss Steal: Black Stinger Crazed: Speed Caustic Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 10% Crazed Rate: 25% ********************************************************* 66. Pixie Moth Heartthrob of the insect world? Watch out for her kick. Habitat: Foresta Morgana, etc. Spoils: Silky Antenna, Lightning Shard Steal: Silky Antenna Crazed: Paralyze Powder Crazed Trigger: Third turn begins. Crazed Rate: 5% ********************************************************* 67. Poison Pixie She may be cute to some, but shes poisonous! Habitat: Triankha Hospital, etc. Spoils: Silky Antenna, Crystal Wind Steal: Silky Antenna Crazed: Paralyze Powder Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 68. Prince Prinsect Prince of the bug kingdom. A real lady-killer. Habitat: Foresta Morgana, etc. Spoils: Horn of Bravery, Tears Steal: Swig of Sanity Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 69. Emmet Your basic soldier ant? Gives me the creeps. Has a spear. Habitat: Desert of No Return, etc. Spoils: Recall Juice, Gleamstone Steal: Wind Shard Crazed: Emmet Carapace Crazed Trigger: Inflicted wtih a status ailment. Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 70. Emmet Shooter A soldier ant armed with a bow. Has a long-ish head. Habitat: Desert Ruins, etc. Spoils: Heartglue, Water Shard Steal: Gleamstone Crazed: Emmet Carapace Crazed Trigger: Inflicted with a status ailment. Crazed Rate: 30% ================================================ Page 8 ================================================ 71. Emmet Basher A soldier ant wielding a hammer. Habitat: Desert Ruins, etc. Spoils: Emmet Carapace, Lightning Shard Steal: Emmet Carapace Crazed: Gleamstone Crazed Trigger: Inflicted with a status ailment. Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 72. Archemmet A diabolical soldier ant. Truly hideous. These guys bite too. Habitat: Forbidden Isle, etc. Spoils: Crystal Lightning, Crystal Fire Steal: Crystal Lightning Crazed: Cryptic Pelt Crazed Trigger: Players HP drops below 20% Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 73. Archemmet Shooter An archemmet with a bow. Their bite is pain personified. Habitat: Forbidden Isle, etc. Spoils: Crystal Water, Dash Tonic Steal: Crystal Water Crazed: Force Caustic Crazed Trigger: Players HP drops below 20% Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 74. Archemmet Basher An archemmet that swings a hammer. Habitat: Forbidden Isle, etc. Spoils: Hardened Carapace, Gildergold Steal: Hardened Carapace Crazed: Force Caustic Crazed Trigger: Players HP drops below 20% Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 75. Emmet Lord An officer in the ant army? This guy actually looks cool. Habitat: Emmet Colony, etc. Spoils: Heavy-Duty Carapace, Gleamstone Steal: Heavy-Duty Carapace Crazed: Barrier Tonic Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 76. Emmet Tyrant The toughest ant on the block. Defense is second to none. Habitat: The Earthrift, etc. Spoils: Crystal Light, Crystal Light Steal: Heavy-Duty Carapace Crazed: Barrier Tonic Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 77. Wronglegs A spider with spindly legs. Its claws are poisonous. Habitat: Bandit Hideout, etc. Spoils: Cobweave, Lightning Shard Steal: Cobweave Crazed: Antivenom Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 78. Mommy Wronglegs A burly spider. Watch out for its spider web attack. Habitat: Swamp of Grief, etc. Spoils: Poison Cobweave, Crystal Lightning Steal: Poison Cobweave Crazed: Antiplegic Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 79. Daddy Wronglegs King of the arachnids. Habitat: Cistine Cathedral, etc. Spoils: Crystal Wind, Antivenom Steal: Crystal Wind Crazed: Poison Powder Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 80. Helldegard A monstrous antlion with creepy pincers. Loves to eat emmets. Habitat: Emmet Colony Spoils: Large Fang, Lightwater Steal: Guard Caustic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ================================================ Page 9 ================================================ 81. Emmestine The ruler of the emmets. She sure put up a fight. Habitat: Emmet Colony Spoils: Cryptic Pelt Steal: Emmet Spellrock Crazed: Force Caustic Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 82. Gaia Vespid A particularly tenacious vespid. Habitat: Lanka Forest Spoils: Choice Honey, Gleamstone Steal: Mako Berry Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 83. Warrior An evil warrior. Always showing off for the ladies. Habitat: Desert Ruins, etc. Spoils: Zirquoise, Gleamstone Steal: Fire Shard Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: A female ally is defeated. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 84. Swordmaster An evil swordsman. Possesses the air of a samurai. Habitat: Paulta Mines, etc. Spoils: Tourmand, Crystal Lightning Steal: Tourmand Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: A female ally is defeated. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 85. Black Knight An evil knight. A well-rounded warrior that can use magic. Habitat: Cistina Cathedral, etc. Spoils: Shegonite, Crystal Fire Steal: Shegonite Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: A female ally is defeated. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 86. Black Stengel A former stengel warrior who followed the path of evil. Habitat: Crystal Sanctuary, etc. Spoils: Crystal Grace, Horn of Bravery Steal: Crystal Grace Crazed: Barrier Tonic Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 87. Dark Stengel A former stengel warrior who followed the path of evil. Habitat: Crystal Sanctuary, etc. Spoils: Crystal Grace, Fruit of Strength Steal: Crystal Grace Crazed: Barrier Tonic Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 88. Evil Stengel A former stengel warrior who followed the path of evil. Habitat: Crystal Sanctuary, etc. Spoils: Crystal Grace, Fruit of Bravery Steal: Crystal Grace Crazed: Barrier Tonic Crazed Trigger: Fourth turn begins. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 89. Seductress A wicked sorceress. If she charges up, her magic is deadly. Habitat: Desert Ruins, etc. Spoils: Aguamite, Darkness Shard Steal: Darkness Shard Crazed: Wisdom Tonic Crazed Trigger: Focus is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 90. Dark Seductress A dark enchantress. She may be cute, but shes bad news. Habitat: Paulta Mines, etc. Spoils: Tangret, Crystal Lightning Steal: Tangret Crazed: Maiden Tears Crazed Trigger: A swordmaster is defeated. Crazed Rate: 15% ================================================ Page 10 ================================================ 91. Perilous Bandit A bandit wreaking havoc in Vision. Has lots of friends. Habitat: Bandit Hideout, etc. Spoils: Toblaz, Gleamstone Steal: Toblaz Crazed: Gleamstone Crazed Trigger: A Perilous Sniper is defeated. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 92. Perilous Sniper A bandit armed with a bow. Heals his friends with herbs. Habitat: Bandit Hideout, etc. Spoils: Onycite, Antivenom Steal: Onycite Crazed: Gleamstone Crazed Trigger: A Perilous Bandit is defeated. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 93. Perilous Pirate --- Habitat: Northern Arikita Spoils: Piece of Eight, Crystal Water Steal: Piece of Eight Crazed: Camping Set Crazed Trigger: Players BP is below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 94. Dusty The eldest of the three waterkin bandits. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Jerky, Tenderloin Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 95. Lucky The middle sibling of the three waterkin bandits. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Jerky, Tenderloin Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 96. Ned The youngest of the three waterkin bandits. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Jerky, Tenderloin Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 97. Mari The eldest of the three kitkin bandits. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Jerky, Tenderloin Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 98. Cait The middle sibling of the three kitkin bandits. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Jerky, Tenderloin Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 99. Ashlee The youngest of the three kitkin bandits. Habitat: Bandit Hideout Spoils: Bandit Spellrock, Tenderloin Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 100. Kashin Kogi A wizard of the highest order, but evil to the core. Habitat: Paulta Mines Spoils: Wizard Spellrock, Wisdom Tonic Steal: Mind Caustic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ================================================ Page 11 ================================================ 101. Traveler Rei A fellow traveler. Seems like a mage. High-school aged. Habitat: Hospital Room Spoils: N/A Steal: N/A Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 102. Sorcerer Rei He summoned the firewyrm, Volgh. It was a tough fight. Habitat: Triankha Hospital Spoils: Crystal Evil, Wakewater Steal: Crystal Evil Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 103. Grandwizard Rei Rei with the Gem of Darkness. He was terribly powerful. Habitat: Triankha Hospital Spoils: Crystal Evil, Wisdom Steal: Crystal Evil Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 104. Murasame A real life ninja! Awesome! Habitat: Paulta Mines Spoils: Crystal Chaos, Force Caustic Steal: Prime Rib Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 105. Tress-Tress A witch who lives for her hair... Habitat: Swamp of Grief Spoils: Maiden Tears, Tears Steal: Prime Rib Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 106. The Illustress A hot sorceress who leads men downt he path of destruction. Habitat: Cistina Cathedral Spoils: Crystal Chaos, Guard Caustic Steal: Prime Rib Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 107. Sheng --- Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Goddess's Rain, Horn of Bravery Steal: Goddess's Rain Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 108. Gorbioth A many demon. Watch out for the mouth in its chest. Habitat: Crystal Sanctuary Spoils: Crystal Lightning, Paralyze Powder Steal: Crystal Lightning Crazed: Paralyze Powder Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a lightning-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 109. Vile Gorbioth A more powerful type of gorbioth. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Dark Demonwing, Crystal Lightning Steal: Dark Demonwing Crazed: Paralyze Powder Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a lightning-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 110. Ajheed A pudgy demonkin. Has a booming voice. Habitat: The Dark Spoils: Quopal, Crystal Fire Steal: Quopal Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: Inflicted with a status ailment. Crazed Rate: 30% ================================================ Page 12 ================================================ 111. Stygian Ajheed Stronger than the ajheed. Quite agile despite its size. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Crystal Water, Fruit of Vitality Steal: Crystal Water Crazed: Might Tonic Crazed Trigger: Inflicted with a status ailment. Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 112. Vampiress A sexy she-devil. Dont fall prey to her temptation! Habitat: The Dark Spoils: Crystal Wind, Panic Powder Steal: Crystal Wind Crazed: Panic Powder Crazed Trigger: HP Drain is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 113. Succubus An even sexier devil. Those long claws look painful. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Crystal Darkness, Fruit of Wisdom Steal: Crystal Darkness Crazed: Panic Powder Crazed Trigger: HP Drain is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 114. Illuyanka Multi-headed, fire-breathing demonkin with unnerving eyes. Habitat: Crystal Sanctuary Spoils: Rupee, Crystal Fire Steal: Rupee Crazed: Force Caustic Crazed Trigger: A firewyrm is summoned. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 115. Balbylone This demon sucks the life from its prey. Summoned by Mitsuru. Habitat: Demonkins Haunt Spoils: Crystal Darkness, Wisdom Tonic Steal: Jet Black Feather Crazed: Panic Powder Crazed Trigger: Players BP is below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 116. Demon King Avira The half-whale, half-man lord of the demonkin. Huge. Habitat: Demonkins Haunt Spoils: Demon Kings Soul, Demonkin Spellrock Steal: Speed Caustic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 117. Volgh The firewyrm, Volgh. Im sorry we had to fight him. Habitat: Triankha Hospital Spoils: Firewyrm Soul, Horn of Bravery Steal: Might Tonic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 118. Onba This villainess lured travelers to destroy the Goddess. Habitat: Tower of Fortune Spoils: Captive Soul, Goddess's Rain Steal: Goddess's Rain Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 119. Metatron --- Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Chaotic Soul, Fruit of Vitality Steal: Fruit of Strength Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 120. Shadow The wickedness in my own heart, brought to life. Habitat: Demonkins Haunt Spoils: Crystal Darkness, Crystal Darkness Steal: Crystal Darkness Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ================================================ Page 13 ================================================ 121. Illuyanbulg A many-headed beast. This is the fiend that killed Kyte. Habitat: Triankha Hospital Spoils: Fire Shard, Tenderloin Steal: Speed Caustic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 122. Red Gorbioth A red gorbioth. Not as threatening as I expected. Habitat: Demonkins Haunt Spoils: Red Animus, Crystal Evil Steal: Wakewater Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 123. Blue Dragon A demonkin in the form of a dragon. Habitat: Lanka Forest Spoils: Crystal Chaos, Crystal Evil Steal: Lightwater Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 124. Zfore A mobile mushroom with deadly spores. Not safe to eat. Habitat: Triankha Hospital, etc. Spoils: Spore Sac, Antiplegic Steal: Red Powder Crazed: Antiplegic Crazed Trigger: A zfore is defeated. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 125. Grand Zfore A foul mushroom. Sure knows how to dance, though. Habitat: Border Cavern Spoils: Greatspore Sac, Crystal Light Steal: Greatspore Sac Crazed: Zfore Claw Crazed Trigger: A zfore is defeated. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 126. Paper Treant A monstrous tree. A bee lives in its "head." Habitat: Triankha Hospital, etc. Spoils: Lighting Shard, Glistenstone Steal: Lightning Shard Crazed: Guard Caustic Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 127. Blighted Treant A monstrous tree bearing ripe-but-poisonous fruit. Habitat: Swamp of Grief Spoils: Hardened Sap, Crystal Fire Steal: Hardened Sap Crazed: Guard Caustic Crazed Trigger: Hp drops below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 128. Plantasmagora Resembles a mandrake root. Dangerous when angered. Habitat: Southern Arikita Spoils: Shriek Weed, Crystal Light Steal: Shriek Weed Crazed: Dash Tonic Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 129. Nepenthes A demon plant that contains a sweet nectar. Habitat: Foresta Morgana Spoils: Spirit Grass, Wind Shard Steal: Spirit Grass Crazed: Spirit Grass Crazed Trigger: Tentacle Drain is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 130. Alba Nepenthes A nepenthes on a bad day. Has a powerful seed cannon. Habitat: Northern Arikita Spoils: Crystal Lightning, Corrosive Steal: Blue Petal Crazed: Tentacle Crazed Trigger: Tentacle Drain is used. Crazed Rate: 10% ================================================ Page 14 ================================================ 131. Golem A monster made of stone. Its slap will knock you senseless. Habitat: Paulta Mines Spoils: Core, Crystal Darkness Steal: Core Crazed: Recall Juice Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 132. Ice Golem A golem made of ice. Beware its arctic breath. Habitat: Dela Rubesi area Spoils: Blue Core, Crystal Darkness Steal: Blue Core Crazed: Recall Juice Crazed Trigger: Attacked with a water-elemental attack. Crazed Rate: 50% ********************************************************* 133. Shadow Golem A mysteriously black golem. Its dark breath oozes gloom. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Crystal Darkness, Fruit of Constitution Steal: Crystal Darkness Crazed: Recall Juice Crazed Trigger: HP drops below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 134. Wannabe Chest A monster posing as a treasure chest. It sure fooled me! Habitat: Inside a Chest Spoils: Glistenstone, Glistenstone Steal: Glistenstone Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 135. Trickster Chest A more dangerous version of the wannabe chest. Habitat: Inside a chest Spoils: Gleamstone, Gleamstone Steal: Gleamstone Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 136. Assault Chest The deadliest of the fake treasure chests. Habitat: Inside a chest Spoils: Silvervold, Silvervold Steal: Silvervold Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 137. Fashtalha A moving crystal statue! A galazy is hidden in its face. Habitat: Crystal Sanctuary Spoils: Crystal Spellrock, Barrier Tonic Steal: Might Tonic Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 138. Dogra Shagara A living skeleton. I guess it wouldnt be an RPG without one. Habitat: Crystal Sanctuary Spoils: Crystal Wind, Heartglue Steal: Crystal Wind Crazed: Forget Powder Crazed Trigger: Bravery count reaches 5. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 139. Stranger Shagara A skeleton swordsman. He has a sword and everything. Habitat: Crystal Sanctum Spoils: Crystal Water, Recall Juice Steal: Crystal Water Crazed: Forget Powder Crazed Trigger: Bravery count reaches 7. Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 140. Pike Shagara A skeleton cavalier. Hes even got a lance. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Crystal Evil, Horn of Bravery Steal: Crystal Evil Crazed: Forget Powder Crazed Trigger: Bravery count reaches 7. Crazed Rate: 20% ================================================ Page 15 ================================================ 141. Chaos Shagara A strongers tranger shagara. These guys refuse to stay dead. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Shagara Bone, Crystal Evil Steal: Shagara Bone Crazed: Force Caustic Crazed Trigger: Bravery count reaches 7. Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 142. Necro Shagara A stronger pike shagara. Consumed by hate for the living. Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Crystal Evil, Heartglue Steal: Crystal Evil Crazed: Force Caustic Crazed Trigger: Bravery count reaches 7. Crazed Rate: 20% ********************************************************* 143. Wraith Clown Your average spirit. I aint afraid of no ghost! Habitat: The Dark Spoils: Crystal Lightning, Lightwater Steal: Crystal Lightning Crazed: Tears Crazed Trigger: Players BP is below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 144. Screamer Clown A vengeful spirit. Whats behind the mask...? *shudder* Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Fluoryre, Crystal Fire Steal: Fluoryre Crazed: Tears Crazed Trigger: Players BP is below 30% Crazed Rate: 10% ********************************************************* 145. Sapphire Papyrus A possessed book. The creature in the book is a mystery. Habitat: The Dark Spoils: Spellbook Page, Crystal Water Steal: Spellbook Page Crazed: Wisdom Tonic Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased. (Stats) Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 146. Ruby Papyrus --- Habitat: The Earthrift Spoils: Censored Page, Crystal Wind Steal: Censored Page Crazed: Wisdom Tonic Crazed Trigger: Players parameters have been increased. (Stats) Crazed Rate: 30% ********************************************************* 147. Alchemon A kind of spirit. Surounded by a fog of mystery. Habitat: Swamp of Grief Spoils: Scythe Spellrock, Tears Steal: Swig of Sanity Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ********************************************************* 148. Dragon Alchemon Alchemon came to seek revenge, and he brought a dragon. Habitat: Cistina Cathedral Spoils: Dragon Spellrock, Smokescreen Steal: Swig of Sanity Crazed: N/A Crazed Trigger: N/A Crazed Rate: N/A ========================================================= 12. Book of Accessories ========================================================= Page 1 ================================================ 1. Life Ring Diagram: Life Diagram 1 Components: Green Snayleshell x1 Fire Shard x2 ********************************************************* 2. Might Ring Diagram: Strength Diagram 1 Components: Pretty White Stone x1 Water Shard x2 ********************************************************* 3. Barrier Ring Diagram: Defense Diagram 1 Components: N'bara Shell x1 Wind Shard x2 ********************************************************* 4. Dash Ring Diagram: Speed Diagram 1 Components: Lightning Shard x2 Vespid Stinger x1 ********************************************************* 5. Sorcery Ring Diagram: Sorcery Diagram 1 Components: Light Shard x2 Pretty Black Stone x1 ********************************************************* 6. Bravery Ring Diagram: Bravery Diagram 1 Components: Darkness Shard x2 Red Snayleshell x1 ********************************************************* 7. Enhancer Ring Diagram: Recovery Diagram 1 Components: Fire Shard x2 Rabby Pelt x1 ********************************************************* 8. Deterrant Ring Diagram: Movement Diagram 1 Components: Crystal Darkness x3 Heavy-Duty Carapace x3 Rupee x3 ********************************************************* 9. Bale's Bidding Diagram: Movement Diagram 2 Components: Censored Page x3 Fluoryre x3 Light Shard x3 ********************************************************* 10. Memory Ring Diagram: Experience Diagram 1 Components: Amerbyl x3 Light Shard x5 Spirit Grass x3 ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 2 ================================================ 11. Leech Ring Diagram: Absorption Diagram 1 Components: Fire Shard x2 Sharpened Horn x1 ********************************************************* 12. Bandit's Ring Diagram: Fortune Diagram 1 Components: Lightning Shard x2 Toblaz x1 ********************************************************* 13. Claw Ring Diagram: Strange Diagram 1 Components: Great Claw x1 Wind Shard x2 ********************************************************* 14. Ring of the Sun Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 15. Heaven Ring Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 16. Ankha Prayer Diagram: Prayer Diagram 1 Components: Crystal Grace x5 ********************************************************* 17. Kitkin Prayer Diagram: Prayer Diagram 2 Components: Crystal Grace x5 ********************************************************* 18. Waterkin Prayer Diagram: Prayer Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Evil x2 Crystal Grace x3 ********************************************************* 19. Pankin Prayer Diagram: Prayer Diagram 4 Components: Crystal Evil x5 ********************************************************* 20. Beastkin Prayer Diagram: Prayer Diagram 5 Components: Crystal Evil x5 ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 3 ================================================ 21. Resistance Ring Diagram: Corporeal Diagram 1 Components: Light Shard x5 N'bara Tail x1 Red Powder x1 ********************************************************* 22. Mind Ring Diagram: Mind Diagram 1 Components: Naga Liver x1 Sharkroak Fin x2 Water Shard x5 ********************************************************* 23. Invader's Ring Diagram: Tactician Diagram 1 Components: Aquamite x3 Heavy-Duty Carapace x3 Mire Molt x3 ********************************************************* 24. Sage's Ring Diagram: Composite Diagram 4 Components: Amethyx x3 Crystal Light x3 Zfore Claw x3 ********************************************************* 25. Life Armlet Diagram: Life Diagram 3 Components: Amethyx x1 Crystal Fire x2 Darbaba Pelt x1 ********************************************************* 26. Might Armlet Diagram: Strength Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Water x2 Hardened Sap x1 Sharkroak Fin x1 ********************************************************* 27. Barrier Armlet Diagram: Defense Diagram 3 Components: Core x1 Crystal Wind x2 Sturdy Shell x1 ********************************************************* 28. Dash Armlet Diagram: Speed Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Lightning x2 Peridotour x1 Toblaz x1 ********************************************************* 29. Sorcery Armlet Diagram: Sorcery Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Light x2 Jettite x1 Tangret x1 ********************************************************* 30. Bravery Armlet Diagram: Bravery Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Darkness x2 Darbaba Pelt x1 Zirquoise x1 ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 4 ================================================ 31. Poisonproof Armlet Diagram: Immunity Diagram 2 Components: Ametrine x1 Crystal Wind x5 Poison Skin x1 ********************************************************* 32. Stunproof Armlet Diagram: Immunity Diagram 4 Components: Crimson Skin x1 Crystal Wind x5 Sharkroak Fin x1 ********************************************************* 33. Muddleproof Armlet Diagram: Immunity Diagram 6 Components: Crystal Light x5 Greatspore Sac x1 Silky Antenna x1 ********************************************************* 34. Blankproof Armlet Diagram: Immunity Diagram 8 Components: Crystal Light x5 Emmet Carapace x1 Tangret x1 ********************************************************* 35. Doubtproof Armlet Diagram: Immunity Diagram 10 Components: Aquamite x1 Black Stinger x1 Crystal Wind x5 ********************************************************* 36. Enhancer Armlet Diagram: Recovery Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Fire x3 Hardened Plesiohorn x3 White Rabby Hide x3 ********************************************************* 37. Quickstrike Armlet Diagram: Strategy Diagram 1 Components: Hardened Carapace x5 Shriek Weed x5 White Fang x5 ********************************************************* 38. Warning Armlet Diagram: Strategy Diagram 2 Components: Aquamite x5 Gleaming Scale x5 Onycite x5 ********************************************************* 39. Vampire Armlet Diagram: Absorption Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Darkness x5 Crystal Fire x5 ********************************************************* 40. Pirate's Armlet Diagram: Fortune Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Lightning x5 Piece of Eight x5 Onycite x5 ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 5 ================================================ 41. Emmetrinket Diagram: Strange Diagram 2 Components: Cryptic Pelt x1 Water Shard x5 ********************************************************* 42. Armlet of the Dusk Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 43. Goddess's Armlet Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 44. Heaven Bracelet Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 45. Resistance Armlet Diagram: Corporeal Diagram 3 Components: Rupee x5 Scarlet Fin x1 Sturdy Kingshell x5 ********************************************************* 46. Mind Armlet Diagram: Mind Diagram 3 Components: Red Animus x1 Rupee x5 Strange Cartilage x5 ********************************************************* 47. Gale Armlet Diagram: Tactician Diagram 3 Components: Crimson Skin x3 Crystal Wind x5 Piece of Eight x3 ********************************************************* 48. Giant's Armlet Diagram: Composite Diagram 3 Components: Blue Core x3 Core x3 Quopal x3 ********************************************************* 49. Brute's Armlet Diagram: Composite Diagram 5 Components: Crystal Darkness x3 Hardened Carapace x3 Spineral x3 ********************************************************* 50. Life Necklace Diagram: Life Diagram 2 Components: Fire Shard x5 Screw Fang x1 ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 6 ================================================ 51. Might Necklace Diagram: Strength Diagram 2 Components: Emmet Carapace x1 Water Shard x5 ********************************************************* 52. Barrier Necklace Diagram: Defense Diagram 2 Components: Heavy-Duty Carapace x1 Wind Shard x5 ********************************************************* 53. Dash Necklace Diagram: Speed Diagram Components: Lightning Shard x5 Peridotour x1 ********************************************************* 54. Sorcery Necklace Diagram: Sorcery Diagram 2 Components: Light Shard x5 Tender Skin x1 ********************************************************* 55. Bravery Necklace Diagram: Bravery Diagram 2 Components: Darkness Shard x5 Plesiohorn x1 ********************************************************* 56. Poisonward Necklace Diagram: Immunity Diagram 1 Components: Mire Molt x1 Wind Shard x2 ********************************************************* 57. Stunward Necklace Diagram: Immunity Diagram 3 Components: Spore Sac x1 Wind Shard x2 ********************************************************* 58. Muddleward Necklace Diagram: Immunity Diagram 5 Components: Light Shard x2 Silky Antenna x1 ********************************************************* 59. Blankward Necklace Diagram: Immunity Diagram 7 Components: Emmet Carapace x1 Light Shard x2 ********************************************************* 60. Doubtward Necklace Diagram: Immunity Diagram 9 Components: Aquamite x1 Wind Shard x2 ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 7 ================================================ 61. Enhancer Necklace Diagram: Recovery Diagram 2 Components: Crystal Fire x3 Olesiobone x3 Rabby Hide x3 ********************************************************* 62. Memory Necklace Diagram: Experience Diagram 2 Components: Crystal Light x5 Hardened Sap x5 Sturdy Shell x5 ********************************************************* 63. Bat Necklace Diagram: Absorption Diagram 2 Components: Crystal Fire x3 Spirit Grass x3 ********************************************************* 64. Thief's Necklace Diagram: Fortune Diagram 2 Components: Amethyx x3 Crystal Lightning x3 Onycite x3 ********************************************************* 65. Joyful Soul Diagram: Spirit Diagram 1 Components: Great Claw x1 Lightning Shard x2 ********************************************************* 66. Strange Soul Diagram: Spirit Diagram 2 Components: Cryptic Pelt x1 Fire Shard x2 ********************************************************* 67. Tortured Soul Diagram: Spirit Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Water x5 Large Fang x1 ********************************************************* 68. Peaceful Soul Diagram: Spirit Diagram 4 Components: Crystal Light x5 Tentacle x1 ********************************************************* 69. Helldegard's Thirst Diagram: Strange Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Fire x2 Large Fang x1 ********************************************************* 70. Necklace of the Snow Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 8 ================================================ 71. Hell Choker Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 72. Resistance Necklace Diagram: Corporeal Diagram 2 Components: Core x3 Crystal Darkness x5 Metal Spine x1 ********************************************************* 73. Mind Necklace Diagram: Mind Diagram 2 Components: Hardened Sap x3 Greatsopore Sac x3 Metal Shard x1 ********************************************************* 74. Defender's Necklace Diagram: Tactician Diagram 2 Components: Core x3 Shriek Weed x3 Tangret x3 ********************************************************* 75. Hunter's Necklace Diagram: Composite Diagram 2 Components: Crystal Wind x3 Maiden Tears x1 Toblaz x3 ********************************************************* 76. Life Crest Diagram: Life Diagram 4 Components: Crystal Fire x5 Hardened Plesiohorn x1 Naumanni Pelt x1 ********************************************************* 77. Might Crest Diagram: Strength Diagram 4 Components: Blue Core x1 Crystal Water x5 Toughened Skin x1 ********************************************************* 78. Barrier Crest Diagram: Defense Diagram 4 Components: Blue Core x1 Crystal Wind x5 Sturdy Kingshell x1 ********************************************************* 79. Dash Crest Diagram: Speed Diagram 4 Components: Crystal Lightning x5 Lapis Azuli x1 Spineral x1 ********************************************************* 80. Sorcery Crest Diagram: Sorcery Diagram 4 Components: Crystal Light x5 Spellbook Page x1 Tangret x1 ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 9 ================================================ 81. Bravery Crest Diagram: Bravery Diagram 4 Components: Crystal Darkness x5 Shegonite x1 Tourmand x1 ********************************************************* 82. Ribbon Diagram: Immunity Diagram 11 Components: Aquamite x3 Cobweave x3 Silky Antenna x3 ********************************************************* 83. Magical Ribbon Diagram: Immunity Diagram 12 Components: Black Stinger x3 Jagged Fang x3 Poison Cobweave x3 ********************************************************* 84. Butterfly Ribbon Diagram: Immunity Diagram 13 Components: Dark Demonwing x5 Quopal x5 Shagra Bone x5 ********************************************************* 85. SNOB Novice Badge Diagram: Bird Diagram 1 Components: Darkness Shard x2 Goalfinch Feather x2 ********************************************************* 86. SNOB Brawler Badge Diagram: Bird Diagram 2 Components: Darkness Shard x5 Goalfinch Feather x5 ********************************************************* 87. SNOB Master Badge Diagram: Bird Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Darkness x2 Goalfinch Feather x10 ********************************************************* 88. SNOB Champion Badge Diagram: Bird Diagram 4 Components: Crystal Darkness x5 Goalfinch Feather x15 ********************************************************* 89. Garland of the Dawn Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 90. Goddess's Diadem Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* ================================================ Page 10 ================================================ 91. Hell Crest Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 92. Hell Amulet Diagram: N/A Components: N/A ********************************************************* 93. Ingenuity Crest Diagram: Tactician Diagram 4 Components: Hardened Plesiohorn x3 Lapis Azuli x3 Shegonite x3 ********************************************************* 94. Knight's Crest Diagram: Composite Diagram 1 Components: Blue Petal x3 Crystal Light x3 Jet Black Feather x3 ********************************************************* 95. Firewyrm Crest Diagram: Firewyrm Diagram 1 Components: Crystal Chaos x5 Crystal Metal x5 ********************************************************* 96. Seawyrm Crest Diagram: Firewyrm Diagram 2 Components: Crystal Chaos x5 Crystal Metal x5 ********************************************************* 97. Wingwyrm Crest Diagram: Firewyrm Diagram 3 Components: Crystal Chaos x5 Crystal Metal x5 ********************************************************* 98. Whitewyrm Crest Diagram: Firewyrm Diagram 4 Components: Crystal Chaos x5 Crystal Metal x5 ********************************************************* 99. Bluewyrm Crest Diagram: Firewyrm Diagram 5 Components: Crystal Chaos x5 Crystal Metal x5 ********************************************************* ========================================================= 13. About the Author ========================================================= My name is Daniel Acaba, I live in Groton, Connecticut, USA and I am 24 years old. Im a huge video game fan, although I dont have the time to play as much anymore. I love writing reviews, but Im going to start trying to do more FAQs as well. ================== Thanks go out to: This FAQ couldnt have been written without Ned Jordan, webmaster of the great website www.gamerstemple.com. If I hadnt been given this game to review I could not have written a FAQ for this great game. My girlfriend Naomi for helping me out with this FAQ. snkupo for his FAQ that helped me find some of the last few quests. ================== So far Ive written the following FAQs: Genji: Days of the Blade - PS3 Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom - PS3 Bloodrayne 2 - PS2/X-Box Sims 2 Career FAQ - PC Resistance: Fall of Man - PS3 Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony - PSP Brave Story New Traveler - PSP Ninja Gaiden Sigma - PS3 Super Star Soldier - TG-16/Wii Lair - PS3 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulles Army - PS2 Working on: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - PS2 Shin Megami Tensei (Translated) - SNES / Super Famicom