ver 1.2 ============================= ~Breath Of Fire~ ============================= |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| |XXX| ============================= ~Game script~ ============================= ~By bmecoli and DavidK5~ (Thanks Cless. If anyone still wants to contribute ascii for this guide, you are welcome to email them to either me or Davidk) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of contents: I. Changelog/TODO II. Intro III. How to read the script IV. The Script 1. Introduction 2. New Game Setup 3. Dauna Mine: The Beginning 4. Cedar Woods 5. McNeil Village, The Farm, And Yraall Road 6. Bunyan's House 7. Mt. Glaus 8. Spring At McNeil 9. McNeil Manor 10. Cedar Woods and McNeil: The Separation 11. Mt. Myrneg 12. Wyndia Castle 13. Eygnock Road 14. Genmel and the Maekyss Gorge 15. Mt. Boumore 16. Momo's Tower 17. Coffee Shop 18. The Plant and the Dump 19. The Contest of Champions 20. Maekyss Gorge: The Showdown 21. Wyndia Castle: Honey's Escape 22. Eastern Checkpoint 23. Rhapala and the Wharf 24. Training Beyd 25. The Lighthouse 26. Faerie Village: Fighting the Dolphin 27. Mt. Zublo 28. Urkan Tapa 29. Angel Tower 30. Dauna Mine: Years Later 31. Ogre Road 32. McNeil and Cedar Woods: The Reunion 33. Syn City and the Northwest Checkpoint 34. The Plant: Investigation 35. The Underground Laboratory 36. Wyndia Castle: The Escape 37. Angel Tower: Finding God 38. Cliff 39. Freeing Deis 40. Junk Town and the Dock 41. Steel Beach 42. Rhapala and the Middle Sea 43. Parch 44. Making Shisu 45. Middle Sea: Finding the Legendary Mariner 46. The Black Ship 47. Kombinat 48. The Colony 49. Relay Point A 50. Dragnier 51. Factory 52. Desert of Death 53. Oasis 54. Caer Xhan and the Worker's Area 55. Myria Station Laboratory 56. Eden and Ryu's Dream 57. Myria Station Library: The Final Area 58. The End: Give Up Your Power 59. The End: Choose Your Own Path V. Camping Text VI. Master Text VII. Faerie Mini-game Text VIII. Hidden Text IX. FAQ X. Special Thanks XI. Legal Section/Contact ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Changelog/TODO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ver. 1.2 7/19/2007 - Added Faerie Village minigame text (DavidK) - Added desert camping text. That should be everything... (DavidK) - Added new hidden text (bmecoli) - Moved hidden text down a few sections, I like it better there (bmecoli) - Minor fixes (bmecoli) - Added question and revised another in the FAQ (bmecoli) - Added a hidden text commentary that I missed, whoops. (bmecoli) Ver. 1.1 10/26/2005 - Added staff roll (DavidK) - Added master text (DavidK) - Added camping event tags (DavidK) - Various errors (DavidK & bmecoli) - New logo (cless) - New suggestion (Deberk) - Updated thanks section (bmecoli) Ver. 1.0 1/27/2005 - Initial release - 100% script dumped (bmecoli) - Arrangement, event tags, basic guide formatting (including ToC) (DavidK) - Thanks secion and other misc sections (including lame logo) (bmecoli) TODO: - revise master text for clarity (add descriptions) - revise desert camping text a bit more - rearrage main script so that it has better flow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Intro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, and welcome to the BoF3 Script. I'm bmecoli and I'm the one that dumped all of the text. DavidK5 (whom I'm sure you've used his guide) arranged all of the text you see. This is my first submission, so it might look a bit sloppy, so don't expect a clean looking format. Anyway, on with the script. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. How to read the script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the game script, which contains all of the game's story-related dialogue and text. Naturally, it goes in chronological order, but the major sections are divided up by area. Each area is divided into scenes, which may be comprised of character dialogue, relevant in-game text, or both. At the end of each area, there is a "Extra Text and Dialogue" section, which lists virtually all of the extra dialogue and in-game text that can be found in the area, but is not directly intwined with the flow of the story. The script is also formatted with the following key punctuation: Anything within is author-composed comments and descriptions of the action that accompanies the in-game text and dialogue. Anything within "quotes" is choice text. Example: "Yes" or "No" type choices that you face in the game will be in "quotes". And that's all you need to know to properly read this script! To quickly jump to the section you want to see, just highlight the number and name of the section from the table of contents, hit Ctrl+F, and hit Find Next. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. The Script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***Note: The Introduction plays if you wait at the "Press Start" screen after turning on the game. ------- Scene 1 ------- Dauna Mine Mogu: A dragon...? I don't know about this... Gary: C'mon...It's really high-quality stuff. When magical beings die, their bodies slowly transform into the ore known as chrysm. Mogu: The dragons tried to destroy the world... Gary: Yep... Fought a huge war... THE war... Mogu: I sure wouldn't want to meet a dragon... Gary: Yeah... But they're extinct now... Even the legendary dragons, whose might shook the world... have in death become a source of energy in the form of chrysm. Gary: Well, even the baddest beast... Mogu: ...dies in the end like everyone else No one knows how or why the mighty dragons became extinct... This tale is dedicated to the dragons. ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. NEW GAME SETUP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- Breath of Fire 3 Logo Screen ---------------------------- "PRESS START BUTTON" ----------- Next Screen ----------- "NEW GAME" "LOAD GAME" --------------------- Character Name Screen --------------------- Please choose a name. Default name: Ryu. ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ abcdefghij klmnopqrst uvwxyz 0123456789 - , ! ? "Next" "Back" "Quit" "Start" --------------------------- Option Configuration Screen --------------------------- "Quit" (Close Config) "Init" (Restore to defaults) Msg Speed "Fast" "Med" "Slow" Window Clr "1" "2" "3" "4" Background "1" "2" "3" "4" Sound "Stereo" "Mono" Autorun "Off" "On" Controller ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. DAUNA MINE: THE BEGINNING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Mogu: OK, explosives are set! Gary: What is this? An egg or something? Mogu: You see ones like this every so often... Gary: Well I'll be... Mogu: C'mon, let's get to work already... Gary: ......What the...?? I...It's still alive!! Mogu: Wh... W H O A !! ------- Scene 2 ------- Miner:Gulp! Miner: A d...dragon!? A... alive!? Are you really a dragon? "Yes" "No" Miner: D-D-D-D-D-DRAGON!!! ------- Scene 3 ------- Ha! I'm not afraid! Let's get it! ------- Scene 4 ------- Miner: Wh..What's that!? Miner:Somebody... Somebody help!! Worker: What's this about a dragon? Hmm? Worker: Well, well, well... Let's take it alive! N O ! DON'T! Operator: Take that!! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- What was that? Dragon!? We'd better get out of here! Run! Smells burnt... Looks like he's dead... Whoa! What are you? Some kind of ghost? "Yes" "No" It's a monster!! He's not moving... He's dead... It's here!! D... Don't hurt me... We're cursed! We're doomed! I knew we shouldn't be digging up dead bodies! We're cursed! We're doomed!... D-don't eat me! D-don't breathe fire on me! Oh no! It found me!! It's over! I'm done for! Mommy! I-I-I-I-I-I-I think, I think I wet my pants You don't want to eat me! I don't taste good! Sure is noisy out there... Wonder what's going on? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. CEDAR WOODS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Cedar Woods Rei: Darn it! I don't get many chances like that any more! Rei: No! Almost had it! Oh, come on, what's making that racket. Rei: Oh, brother... this is just what I needed. Rei: That'll teach you to scare off my dinner! Rei: You too! Rei: Who might you be? An orphan? Rei: You're lucky those currs didn't chew you to pieces... Rei: I don't have enough food to feed you anyway... Rei: Even if I did take you home... Ryu: ...m...mommy...? Rei: All right, all right already... Rei: Uncle Rei'll take you home... You better appreciate this... ------- Scene 2 ------- Rei: I wonder... What were you doing out there by yourself, hm? Rei: And without a strip of clothing? Teepo: .........Where's Rei? Teepo: I'm hungry... Teepo: He's home! Teepo: Hi, Rei! Welcome home! Is that dinner? Rei: Boy, you'll eat anything, won't you, Teepo? Teepo: Who is that, anyway? Rei: Don't ask me... Let's get him into your bed, OK? Teepo: So who is he? Rei: I told you-- I don't know--I found him in the woods Teepo: Really...? Sounds like what happened with me... Rei: An orphan... Not surprising--It's been a lean year... Rei: Well, why don't we let him sleep while we go to the village... If we don't get some food soon... Teepo: Somebody abandoned him ...just like me... ???: Don't you see, Ryu? ???: You're the same as me--You must understand... ???: They're weak! Pitiful and pathetic... ????: Ryu......... ????: My... Ryu ????: Ryu Ryu: Mmm... Mmmmmm... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- You see a diary... Do you want to make a record of your journey so far? "Yes" "No" Oh! Don't be afraid! I won't hurt you! I'm an 'Eye Goo' I'll tell you all about how to fight... Come back when you've got some equipment... Oh! Don't be afraid! I won't hurt you! I'm an 'Eye Goo' I know this is out of the blue, but let me show you something... Tell me about: (1)"Examine" (2)"Skills" (3)"EX Turn" (4)"Thanks for now" (1) When you fight monsters, they use all kinds of abilities against you. You can learn those abilities yourself with the 'Examine' command. If you don't get it the first time, keep trying. Tell me about: (2) One thing to remember: many monsters have an ability they won't use except in certain situations...Like when they're wounded... Tell me about: (3) Sometimes when fighting a monster, if you're a lot faster than they are, you can get an extra attack in. Keeping your equipment light so your Agility stays high is one strategy you can try. Tell me about: (4) All right then... Be careful! Even though I look like this, I know a thing or two about camps... Come back later with your friends and I'll tell you everything I know, OK? Don't be afraid! I just want to tell you about camps... Tell me about: (1)"Healing" (2)"Skill Notes" (3)"The Master List" (4)"No thanks" (1) You know that when you become unconscious and leave a battle, your Maximum HP drops, right? Well, maybe you didn't know that you can't heal those HP back in camp. So, when you want to heal, the best thing to do is use an inn. Anything else? Tell me about: (2) This is your record of abilities learned using 'Examine'... You can use it to teach someone else the ability. But to do so, you need 'Skill Ink'. Tell me about: (3) Here and there around the world are people called Masters... You can look up info on masters you've met in camp... If you apprentice yourself to a master, your abilities and statistics will change according to who your master is when you gain a level... So be sure you check before going up a level! Anything else? Tell me about: (4) All right then... be careful out there! Hey, kid! Wander around like that, you're liable to get eaten up by dogs or somethin'. There's an old man named Bunyan who lives here in the woods... He's kind of strange-- why else would he want to live by himself in the woods like that? We haven't been able to find much to eat in the forest either What are we going to do? Bunyan's a really good hunter, but I wonder if even he can find anything to eat at a time like this? That monster from Mt. Glaus came down to the forest and ate all the animals! What are we going to do? People will look the other way for a thief only when they've got enough for themselves. In a lean year like this, there's no one who'll be your friend. Don't litter! Protect our forests! Don't kick, punch, bite or hurt the trees! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. MCNEIL VILLAGE, THE FARM, AND YRAALL ROAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Woman: Out of my house, you punks! Teepo: Ha ha ha! You'll never catch me!! Teepo: It's no use, Rei. Everyone's watching out for us... Rei: Nobody's got much food, what with the poor harvest and all... Hey, Teepo, look at this... Teepo: Hey! You finally woke up, huh? Rei: Doesn't this beat all! Now we've got another mouth to feed... Teepo: What if we get him to help us, Rei? Rei: Good idea... But I think we need to get him out of his pajamas first. Teepo: C'mon! We'll get you fixed up with some equipment! Teepo: You just wait, Ryu. Rei'll get you set up with something in no time! Teepo: Huh??...Did I just say Ryu? ......Is that your name? Teepo: did I know that? Maybe I dreamed it...? Rei: Uh-oh! Scram!! ------- Scene 2 ------- Teepo: That was close, wasn't it, Rei? Rei: Sure was... But we were able to get him something to wear Teepo: Hurry up, Ryu Don't be a slowpoke! Rei: Not used to wearing armor yet, eh....? Well, it's better than pajamas, I suppose... Teepo: What do we do now, Rei? Rei: Well... Everyone in town's in a bad mood over the poor harvest... I know! Let's hit the road! We can do some work there! Teepo: There's a road up ahead called the Yraall Road... We go there sometimes and, well, mug people Rei: It's not like we hurt people or anything... Just steal from 'em... I'm not into hurting people, you know... Teepo: That's right! Even a beginner like you can do it! C'mon, don't worry... Let's go! ------- Scene 3 ------- Teepo: This is where we work. The Yraall Road... Teepo: This road goes all the way to Wyndia... Teepo: Someday, we're gonna blow this place and head out to a big city like Wyndia... right, Rei? Rei: Well... instead of worrying about that, let's think about getting something to eat today, OK? Rei: We should go hide and wait for someone to come by... Behind that tree up there looks good to me... Rei: All right, let's wait here... Rei: When someone comes by, we jump out... Teepo: Like this! Teepo: What's up, Ryu? Don't get all soft on us now... Rei: Don't worry... We're just some poor kids trying to get some food... Whoever it is will forgive us...right? Teepo: Hey! Here comes somebody! Rei: He's alone... OK, Ryu, show us what you're made of...Go get him! Teepo: Just run into him, like this! Bunyan: What are you trying to do, little one? Mug me, hmm? Bunyan: We've got enough trouble around here already with those rascals Teepo and Rei... Bunyan: Listen to me... If you run into them tell them that if I catch them... they'll be sorry! Rei: Whoops... Figures it would be Bunyan... Teepo: Who does he think he is, anyway? Rei: Hey...wait a minute! If old man Bunyan's out here, that means there's no one at his house, right? Teepo: You're right! Let's go and grab some of his food! That'll show 'im! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- We may not have been able to steal any food... But I think we can scrounge up some armor and weapons. Teepo: Where do you think you're going? Get on over here! North..McNeil Village East...To Wyndia West...To Dauna Mine The bridge is out You won't be able to get through... Teepo: Where are you going? We can't go to Wyndia yet...Let's wait until we've really made a name for ourselves first...right? Oh! And where did you come from, my little friend? It's been a pretty bad year for the crops... I don't really feel like working much so I jus' sit here all day. Hey, did you know that you can see around corners and into other places like this by pressing the View button and hitting the Directional button. Did you know the lord of this village is named McNeil? That's why it's named McNeil Village--simple, no? Welco...Huh? Oh, just a kid... If you're not going to buy anything, scram! Get outta here! Shoo! Eeek! Oh, you gave me quite a scare! I thought Teepo had come a-stealin' again... Sometimes those brats from the Cedar Woods come around and filch from me...Can't even take a nap... Grrrrr You little punks...Come looking for trouble again? Even though I'm sitting here goofing off like this... I don't go around stealing things like you... Sorry--ain't got nothing for you... There's nothing left here! It's you, is it...? Well, there's nothing here, you hear me? Nothing for little thieves like you, so get on! Shoo! What do you want? There's nothing here for you to steal... What's that? You say you want to stay at the inn? Hmmm...? Mt. Glaus? Why do you want to know, hmmm? What're you up to now? Getting hungry... Maybe I should do a little work after all... Mt. Glaus? That's past the woods and to the east... Eh? Which way's north? I think it's up and to the left... Hey! Instead of running around all day getting into trouble why don't you give people a hand sometime? Eeeeeeeek! You came back! Whew! Don't scare me like that! So you want to stay at the inn, do ya? Who do you think you are, you little punks... mooo! On top of the bad harvest, now our cows are being stolen! Mayor McNeil's in a bad mood, let me tell you! There's a monster living up on Mt. Glaus. It comes down and steals our cattle... Between that and the bad harvest, we might not be able to make it through winter... Man o' man... If I had all this... Just about all of it belongs to Mayor McNeil... We live off what we grow and what we catch in the forest... Haven't been able to get much this year, though... Whew! I'm beat! Beat I tell ya! Very thorough! Even talking to a scarecrow! Keep it up...You never know what you can learn talking to people and things you meet... least, that's what you think it's saying... No reply... It's just a scarecrow woof moo Hey, you punks! You're not thinking about stealing the master's cattle, are you...? ... ...I didn't think so...You're not like the Mt. Glaus monster--you wouldn't go that far... You want food...? Any other time I'd let you take some, but we don't have enough for ourselves this year... What? Who does this belong to, you say? This belongs to the master, Mayor McNeil-- It's all his! Mayor McNeil... Even in a lean year like this, he still takes the same amount of taxes... Which means less for us... You've got it easy... Don't work, just live off others... It's rough on everyone when there's a poor harvest... But scarecrows don't have to eat! That's right, scarecrows don't eat! least, that's what you think it's saying... woof! mooooooooo! You say you'll get rid of the Mt. Glaus monster? Let me tell you, that'd be great, but are you up to it? If we at least had a good crop year... I mean, the monster's eaten all the animals in the forest... Haven't seen Bunyan come down to sell his catches lately... If you've got nothing better to do, how about giving a hand? If I see you stealing now, when there's no food, I'll get angry for real...understand? I mean it!! At times like this, people don't take kindly to thieves... least, that's what you think it's saying... sniff sniff I work and work, and McNeil takes it all... Isn't there some way I can take it easy and still get what I want...? This way to Yraall Road. This here's the manor of Lord McNeil. We's guarding the manor, yup. This part of the wall collapsed...I'm fixin' it. Mr. McNeil's afraid of thieves, so he's always shouting at me to hurry up... I tell you... rich folks jus' don't understand. Just between you and me...McNeil's a greedy tightwad... He takes all he can from us and gives nothing back. It's my job to guard the McNeil manor from punks like you. But to tell the truth, Mr. McNeil's pretty stingy... It's not worth it for what we get... This new wall is like a vatallion... It can't be broken! Hey...what is a vatallion anyway? It's inconceivable that anyone could get through this new wall! Why? Because we're PRO-FESS-ION-ALS!! We always do a perfect job!! You steal from us, McNeil takes what's left in taxes... You just can't win! If it wasn't for my job here, I'd go up to Mt. Glaus myself, and get that monster! Just kidding...I'm not quite that brave! I bet if we could get rid of that monster we wouldn't have to worry so much about food... No matter how hard the repairs, it's all a piece o' pie! I wonder who first thought of that expression? Don't you? Hey, if you ever need your wall fixed, give us a call, eh? You know, if he's got so many soldiers, why doesn't that McNeil send some up to get that monster? Eh? No stealing the cows! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. BUNYAN'S HOUSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Rei picked the lock! Rei: Just as I thought-- Nobody's home... Teepo: Keep your eyes open, Ryu... Someone might hear us if we make too much noise... Rei: OK, let's split up and check the place out...quietly! Rei: There's gotta be some food around here... Rei: Ryu! Shhhhhhhhh!! Teepo: Just relax! Calm down, Ryu! Rei: Find something? Teepo: Hey! There's food here! Teepo: All right!! C'mon! Let's get outta here! Rei: Uh-oh... Old man Bunyan's come home... gulp! Rei: ... ...We might be in trouble... I'll go check it out. Rei: If something happens, I'll distract him, and you guys get away...OK? Teepo: ...Hey, everything's OK... There's no way Rei would get... Teepo: ... ...Um, I guess I'd better go and see what's happening Teepo: Don't worry... We can get out of here, right? ------- Scene 2 ------- Bunyan: I knew you were up to no good... But I didn't think you had sunk this low! Bunyan: At a time like this, when everyone's suffering... Don't you know that if you don't work, you can't eat? Teepo: Shut up! We were working! Bunyan: You just don't get it, do you? Robbing people isn't honest work! I've half the mind to run you out of the woods...but... Bunyan: If you say you'll mend your ways... I could forgive and forget... Rei: What do you want us to do? Bunyan: Rei, you're a strong lad, aren't you? I've got a job for you... Bunyan: You've heard of Mt. Glaus, haven't you? The big mountain north of the forest...? Bunyan: You'll know it when you see it. I want you to go there... Understand? Rei: Just me...? What about them? Bunyan: Don't worry... I've got something else in mind for them... Rei: You're keeping them as hostages so I'll do what you want, right? Rei: All right...I'll do it I don't know what you're up to, but I'll go to Mt. Glaus... Teepo, you keep an eye on Ryu... Teepo: Hey! Old man! What're we supposed to do!? Bunyan: Work, Teepo. If you want to eat, you have to work... Understand? Bunyan: What I want you to do is chop firewood... It's really simple... Teepo sets the log and Ryu cuts it... You know how to use your sword, don't you? It's the button. If you cut too fast, you'll hit Teepo... If you cut too slow, you'll miss the log... Cut as many logs as you can until I tell you to stop... Understand? "Yep" "Nope" Teepo: Hey, no problem! We can do it in our sleep! Teepo: C'mon, Ryu! Let's get this over with! Bunyan: All right, then.........Begin! Bunyan: Stop! Bunyan: Humph! Only ...? I'm afraid you haven't learned your lesson yet... Bunyan: Try again! Ready.........Go! Bunyan: Hmmm... logs... Not bad... Teepo: There! We worked, didn't we? Now you won't complain if we steal, right? Bunyan: If you keep that up, one of these days you'll be sorry... Don't you see that? Teepo: Ha! Who cares? One day, real soon, we're gettin' out of here... I ain't afraid of nothing! Teepo: C'mon, Ryu... Let's go after Rei! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- ..locked! Rei might be able to pick the lock.... Food, food... Where's the food? Watch your step, Ryu... Teepo: Hey! We can't take off yet, Ryu! What's the old saying...? 'Cat doesn't know the stove's hot 'till it gets burnt...' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. MT. GLAUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Teepo: Hey, it's getting dark... Teepo: Let's call it a day... Teepo: Maybe Rei's staying here too... Teepo: Rei! Rei: ...Teepo!? What are you doing here? Teepo: Heh! We took care of what old man Bunyan told us to do in no time and came after you! I was worried about you being out here all alone... Rei: ...You know what, Teepo... I think the reason Bunyan sent me here alone is...Well, because he was worried about you... Teepo: Wh... what do you mean 'worried about us'!? I mean, he said he was keeping us as hostages, right? Rei: You've heard the rumors, haven't you? That the monster that's been attacking the village is here, in the mountains... Bunyan meant for me to kill it. Teepo: Why does he want YOU to kill the monster? I mean, it's real big and strong, right? Rei: It is... But I'm stronger... If I were alone... Rei: But now that you're here... I won't be able to use...Oh, never mind... Boy, doesn't this just beat all... Rei: Well, no use worrying about that now... Let's get some rest-- It'd be dangerous to go out at night... Teepo: ...Wake up, Ryu! Rei: It's him... He's close by... Rei: Oh, boy, here we go I guess we have no choice...Let's go out there and get him. Teepo: .........He's up early, isn't he? Rei: Come on! After him! ------- Scene 2 ------- A trail of blood... It must be the monster's blood... ..The blood trail stops here.... Teepo: Hey! I think I figured it out! Teepo: He must have jumped into the water to get away... Yeah... That's it. Rei: ...You're probably right... So, how do we go after him? Teepo: ... ... ...I dunno. Teepo: OK, OK, this time I really got it! Teepo: We dive in from here! And then we float down to that spot we saw before... Yeah... That's it. Rei: Hmmmm. What do you think, Ryu? Is Teepo right? (1)"Yes" (2)"No" (1) Rei: OK, Ryu You go first (2) Teepo: Geronimo!! The current is running strong... Do you want to dive in? "Yes" "No" ------- Scene 3 ------- Teepo: Heh heh... See, I told you so! Rei: Uh-huh... But what would we have done if we kept on going? Rei: I guess it worked out OK, so let's go! Rei: It's the monster!! Teepo: He looks pretty worn out... This should be easy, right, Rei? Rei: I hope so... ------- Scene 4 ------- Rei: .........It's dead It died on its feet... like it was trying to protect the cave behind it... They're...they're cubs But it looks like they've been dead for a long time... That Nue must not have realized they were dead and kept on bringing food back for them... Teepo: Boy, it wasn't too bright, was it? I mean, its cubs were already dead... Rei: Boy, if this doesn't beat all... Sheesh... It looks like if you jump in, the current will carry you out... Do you want to jump? "Yes" "No" Bunyan: So...How does it feel to do some real work for a change, mmm? Bunyan: When spring comes... The animals will return, and life will get a little easier... You all did a good job...congratulations! Rei: Wait a minute...... You knew the Nue was only hunting for food for her cubs... And you still had us kill her!? Bunyan: If you had known she had cubs.... would you have let her live...? ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- The bed looks nice and comfortable... Do you want to rest? "Yes" "No" A shrine for travelers to pray for a safe journey... Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. SPRING AT MCNEIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- And so, spring came at last. Spring came to the mountain, and to woods, and to their inhabitants. And the virtue of the young boys who saved the village from the ferocious Nue Chimera... Earned them a place in the villagers' hearts... Teepo: I'm home! Teepo: I went to the west woods, looking for animals and berries... and look what I found! Teepo: Now we won't have to worry about food anymore, right Rei? It's a good thing we got rid of that monster, huh? Rei: ...I suppose so Teepo: Hey! Why don't we go down to the village and show 'em who did it? Tell 'em who got rid of the monster! Rei: Hmmm... ... ... I don't know... Isn't it better if we don't brag about it? Teepo: W.. Why's that? Rei: But... ... ... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go see what they're saying about us, would it? Teepo: Then we can go!? Teepo: Come on, come on! ------- Scene 2 ------- Teepo: That's one's here... I told everyone that we'd be coming into town today... Rei: What? I knew you were bragging! I knew it! Teepo: Heh heh... Rei: Hey, Teepo... What's going on? Man: Hey, Rei Old man: Is it true what they say...? That you three killed the Nue? Rei: Well... um yeah Man: So what Bunyan was saying is true then... Old woman: So you mean you risked your lives ...for us? Rei: I guess you could say that... Village elder: Well done!! Village elder: Looks like we misjudged you boys... We're sorry... and we're grateful... Old woman: We certainly are! If we'd known what you were really like before, well then... Man: You won't need to steal anything ever again! We'll give you food whenever you need it--just ask! Rei: Doesn't that just beat all... What do you think of that--we're heroes!? Teepo: I don't know about you... but I feel pretty important... ------- Scene 3 ------- Loki: Heh heh... You guys are something I'm really impressed... No, I mean it...I am. Me? My name is Loki I guess you guys are heroes, eh? Saved the village, yeah? Yep, you three are certainly heroes... yep, yes indeed Yep, you're really something...I mean, you killed that Nue, something no one else was able to do... ......That's why, seeing as you're so strong... I wanted to ask for your help... "Sure" "Sorry" Oh! You'll help me? I just knew you would! Down the road, there's a farm with a little hut on the roadside... I'll meet you there later...OK? Then we have a deal. ------- Scene 4 ------- Rei: So, what do you want? Loki: Well, I'm sure you've heard the stories too. You know, the ones about Mr. McNeil? Teepo: That he's cheap and greedy? Rei: There's lots of people like that... Loki: Yes, but... well, don't you think... that McNeil is a little, well, too greedy? Hmmm? Rei: So you're saying... You want us heroes to steal everything back, is that it? Loki: Um...well... If you stole the tax money and gave it back to the villagers... Teepo: It'll make us even more popular, right? Loki: So you'll do it, then? Loki: Oh, thank you so much! There's no time to waste! You should go tonight! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Huh? What? What do you mean? I thought heroes were supposed to help people in need... Looks like we'll have a good crop this year. But I guess it doesn't make much of a difference, 'cause the taxes stay the same, good year or bad... But I guess they'll just end up being taken by McNeil for taxes in the end... What a life... We're lucky that the monster's not around anymore to take our food and crops... You got rid of the monster, right, Rei? Thanks to you, things are a little better. Thanks! I suppose that since you got rid of the Mt. Glaus monster... I can look the other way if you want to steal something... The cattle aren't being stolen anymore. The crops are doing well... The mayor must be in a really good mood. woof woof! moo moo? Mooo! mooo What're you doing sneaking around here? You should go to the village-- everyone there's waiting to see you. Not bad, not bad... Now you won't have to hide your faces around the village. Ah...spring... It looks like it'll be a good crop this year... That means we can take it easy this year! Not only do we have to worry about bad crops... In the country, we've got taxes to worry about too... I wish I could move to a real city... like Wyndia. I guess y'all aren't as bad as I thought... Good job! I know, I know... Since you helped us out, I'll give you a special rate. I didn't think you boys could pull it off... I suppose I'll have to treat you like real customers now, eh? Eh? You want some weapons? What're you gonna go after next? Even in spring, it's nice to sit by the fire, you know I'm not loafing... I'm sleeping... zzzzzzzzzzz.... (sigh)... I wonder if Mr. McNeil couldn't lower taxes just a little...? What? Take a trip up to Wyndia? We wouldn't be able to afford that! I guess if you're a sharecropper and stuck here, you're always gonna be poor... Sheesh... I bet Mr. McNeil's got a lot o money piled up... Me? Me, I ain't got nothin' Hmph! The crops are getting better, and there's lots of game! This is wonderful! Just great! No matter how much game there might be... When you're as bad a hunter as my husband, well... That repairman... He says he can work cheap... But the mayor's pretty tightfisted, so I don't think he'll be able to keep it cheap enough... You're the ones who slew the monster, eh? If you're that strong, what're you doing going around robbing people like that, eh? The mayor's saying he'll only pay if he can be sure no thieves can come in through the fixed wall. Wait...does that mean we won't get paid until someone does break in, then? Huh? I meant, if someone breaks in we don't get paid? This means we'll never get paid at all then, doesn't it? Thanks for getting rid of that monster for us... I thought you were just a bunch of troublemakers, but you guys are really something, y'know? What are you doing here, hmmm? You didn't come here thinking to steal from Mayor McNeil, did you? McNeil's not paying us what we're worth... Even after we've done such a good job of fixing his wall... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. MCNEIL MANOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- That night... Loki: It's night, everybody! Let's go, let's go! Loki: They just finished repairing the wall, so it might be hard to find a way in, but... I'm sure people as resourceful as you can find a way, right? Teepo: All right, let's go! Ryu! Rei! Rei: OK, there's the manor up ahead... Let's split up and look for a way in Rei: Be careful... Rei: What's up? Find something? Rei: Hey... isn't that the wall they were working on before...? Rei: Hmmm... I wonder... Teepo: ...Rei! Teepo: Are you OK? Rei: Don't this just beat all... So much for the perfect repair job... Rei: This isn't exactly how I planned it... But I'll take any break I can get... Rei: OK, let's go ------- Scene 2 ------- Guard: Who goes there!? Guard: Oh, it's just Rei... Guard: Hey, if you beat that Nue... then I don't stand a chance against you, right? Rei: You're a pretty smart fellow... We're going in, OK? Guard: .........50 zenny "OK" "No way" Guard: Heh heh...thanks. Our salary's not that great, you know? Guard: Go right ahead... I didn't see anything I'm trying to break in here... So don't tell the guards you saw me, OK? The man gives you 50 zenny!! What's a wallet doing here...? You found the wallet! Guard: Hey! That's my wallet! I've been looking for it everywhere! I really shouldn't do this, but seeing as you found my wallet... I'll let you through, OK? Guard: Hey! Quitting time... Guard: I don't know... I mean, if I let you through here... it'll look like I wasn't doing my job, right? Guard: I hate to ask you this, but... Do you think you could go over to the gate and get rid of the dog that's there? Guard: See, that way... It'll look like the dog's fault, not mine, right? Please? Rei: Don't that just beat all? They're all a bunch of goof-offs! Teepo: Ha ha ha It doesn't seem right, picking on a little dog like this, Rei. Rei: Would you say the same thing if he'd bitten your butt while you were climbing over the wall, Teepo? Rei: Rather this than another Nue... Let's do it! Man: M-M -Mina... W-w-would you like to s-s-spend some time with me? Mina: I don't know... Guard: I wonder what Mina's doing now... what? Guard: You say Mina's here! With another man!? That's terrible! I can't believe it! Rei: A chicken coop... Teepo: Since we can't get in the house 'cause of all the guards, why don't we just steal some eggs and go home! Rei: Um...I don't think so... Aren't you setting your sights a little low there, Teepo? Teepo: Whoa! Rei! Teepo: M -maybe I should put them back, huh, Rei? Rei: I don't think that'll make him happy... ------- Scene 3 ------- Guard's voice: Whoa! What's happening!? Mina's voice: eeeeeeeeeeek! Guard's voice: The chickens! They're escaping! Guard's voice: Close the gates! Everyone after the chickens! Guard's voice: Rocky's been acting up again... Teepo: Boy, that worked better than we could have hoped for...We should be able to sneak into the house real easy now! Teepo: What should we do, Rei? Rei: I'll go check it out... Rei: They're all guarding the door... Teepo: Should we give up? Rei: ...No... Let's force our way in... Teepo: Force... You mean... fight the guards? Rei: No... I'll act as a decoy... And while they're after me, you two sneak in... I'll climb up to the roof and meet you there, OK? Teepo: Don't worry... It'll be OK... Rei's really good at running... Teepo: Let's go, Ryu! Rei: ...Here goes nothing... ------- Scene 4 ------- Teepo: ...Ryu... Teepo: Do you feel like we're being watched? Teepo: Doesn't look like there's any guards... Teepo: I've got a pretty funny feeling... Teepo: I g-guess it's just my imagination... ------- Scene 5 ------- No one is allowed to trespass in the ancient home of the McNeils! Teepo: What's that!? Who's there? Show yourself! Torast: I am...Torast... The spirit of the fifth McNeil... Teepo: Are we supposed to be afraid of you? Ha! We killed the Nue! We're not afraid of you! Torast: Ha! Fools! You think we McNeils are the same as some animal like that? You can ponder the error of your ways in the grave! Torast: W-who are you!? Forgive me, my brethren...I have failed you... gack! Teepo: ...Was that...a ghost? I hope not...I hate ghosts...they give me the creeps... ------- Scene 6 ------- Teepo: There's somebody out here... McNeil: Welcome, my little friends... I'm McNeil--the owner of this mansion. Teepo: Really? Well, that makes things simple, then! You're the villain we've been looking for! McNeil: Ho ho ho ho! Villain? Me? Why am I a villain? Because I collect taxes from my people? What's wrong with that? Teepo: What's wrong, Ryu? Teepo: What! He's an impostor!? McNeil: Ho ho ho ho! Imposter? Me? No...I am McNeil... Kassen McNeil, the spirit of the third McNeil! Kassen: Did you think you'd be able to just take that which we have handed down through the generations? Kassen: Ohhhhh!! Impossible! You defeated me!! But I'm not the last-- You haven't seen the last of the McNeils! Teepo: Nobody told us this place was haunted! Hey, Ryu, how come you're such a crybaby but you're not afraid of ghosts? ------- Scene 7 ------- Galtel: That's as far as you go!! Galtel: You deserve praise for getting this far...But! Teepo: All the ghosts here sure talk a lot, huh? Galtel: You will go no further I, Galtel, the 12th McNeil, will see to that! Your thieving days are over! Teepo: You know... I always thought ghosts were really creepy, you know? Teepo: But if they're all like the ones here... They're not really scary at all, are they? ------- Scene 8 ------- Doksen: Stop right there! Don't think you'll leave alive! I, the 8th... Teepo: We know, we know! You're a McNeil, right? C'mon, let's get it over with! Teepo: You think maybe... I should have let him tell us his name? Teepo: Well, let's not worry about it... C'mon, Ryu. Galtel: You were beaten too, great-grandfather? Doksen: Humph. They got me before I said my name Torast: We have to do something...soon Kassen: Our only hope is the living McNeil-the 13th Kanzei: Mmm...but I don't think he's up to it ------- Scene 9 ------- Do you want to ride the elevator? "Yes" "No" What's a bed doing here? Do you want to rest? "Yes" "No" Teepo: Good thing no ghosts came out while we were asleep, huh? -------- Scene 10 -------- Teepo: We made it to the roof... I wonder if Rei got away OK? Teepo: Look! Over there, on the other roof! Rei: There's smoke coming out of the chimney! That must be where McNeil is! Teepo: How're we supposed to get over there? The doors are all locked... Let's look around-- there's got to be a way. It's a grappling hook... You should be able to use it to get to the other roof. -------- Scene 11 -------- Teepo: Ryu... you know that we can't get over there by ourselves. Teepo: What's a grappling hook doing up here? Rei: Teepo! Ryu! Teepo: Rei! Rei: Looks like everything went according to plan. How was it inside? Any trouble? Rei: Well...I would have gone in to help you but I had to find something first... Teepo: It was pretty scary-- there were a lot of ghosts and stuff... But it went pretty OK...for one of your plans, I guess. Rei: Thanks...I think... So now we need to get over there But before we do, I need you to help me find something. Teepo: You mean this? Rei: Hey! That's my rope! Teepo: That's what I figured... Kind of a funny thing to be left on a roof like that... Rei: Don't you worry... With this, we'll be over there in no time! Teepo: Rei!? Rei: That was close... I'll just act like I did it on purpose... Yeah, that's it... Teepo: That was real swift, Rei... And here I thought you were letting us do all the hard work... Fighting ghosts and everything by ourselves... While you were just taking it easy on the roof, and having a good time by yourself... Rei: Hey, when the going gets tough... I'm there, yeah? Teepo: And then, jumping across the roof like that! Be careful you don't hurt yourself working too hard now, Rei! Rei: OK, OK, I'm sorry, Teepo... I didn't know you'd have to fight ghosts all by yourself. There-- I said I'm sorry, so will you cheer up a little? -------- Scene 12 -------- A woman's scream!? Woman: Oh my! What are you doing, Mr. McNeil? McNeil: Come back here, you vixen... Hee hee hee hee Tee hee Rei: Oh, brother... Doesn't this just beat all. McNeil: W..w..Who are you! Teepo: Who cares who we are? We're here to take back all the money you've stolen! Woman: Eeeeek! I don't have anything to do with this! Leave me out of it! McNeil: T- take back!? W-w- what do you mean? I just... I just... Rei: Oh come on now, Mr. McNeil You've been cheating the people of the village out of their money so you can have your... fun, haven't you! ..Enough. You are a disgrace to the McNeils.... Teepo: That's them, Rei! These are the ghosts I killed...The ghosts of the old McNeils! Hmph! You may have surprised us before... But that was then.. Now you must face us, not this excuse for a McNeil! Feel our wrath! McNeil: Waaaaaaaaaaah W-w-w-what's going on!? I-I-I-I-I was ...just I never did... yikes Rei: Take it easy, old man... Those were your ancestors... We're just here to take your money, OK? Teepo: You're pretty dumb, aren't you? Hurry up and show us where the money is! McNeil: T-the m-money's over t-there... P-p-p-please don't k-k-kill me... Oh, p-p-p-please... Teepo: Hey, Ryu! Come take a look at all this dough! Woman: You wimp! What a jerk. Those robbers are a lot more manly than you are! McNeil: ......Ha ha ha ha ha...waaaaaah! Just you wait... We'll see who has the last laugh... little brats. McNeil: I'll show you who's the real power here... Little did the Heroes of the Cedar Woods know... the real trouble wouldn't begin until the next day... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Guard: OK, then...I'll sound the alarm! Guard: You mean you don't have any money? OK, if you bring me some, I'll let you through... Guard: you want to give me the 50 zenny? "OK, OK" "No!" Guard: I'm sorry, but I'll need another 50 zenny If I get caught, I'm in big trouble, you know... "OK" "No" Guard: Hey you!! What're you doing!? You were kicked out... Why don't you just knock on the front door and say... We're here to give back to everyone all the money you stole! Are you afraid? He's just a rich old man...Nothing like the Nue... This is no problem for me... But I wonder if Ryu would be able to handle it? Hey, we're the ones who killed the Nue, right? That old man McNeil will be shaking in his boots at us! Huh? The fixed wall? I think it's to the north...But you won't be able to get in that way...the repair- men did a perfect job, see? This isn't the way to the manor... I won't give you any more. If you hit it with something you should be able to ring it I lost my wallet while on patrol... I don't want to do anything until I find it... You know what I mean? Guard: Take care of the dog...OK? See, this way, the dog'll get all the blame, not me... I'm off the hook, yeah? Don't even think about trying to get in through the front... Unlike me, all the guards there take their jobs seriously. I wish I could be with Mina... Instead of being stuck in this corner! Wait! What's Mina doing over there!? I'd better go make sure she's all right! The McNeils...1 The struggles of the first McNeil are written in the book. The McNeils...2 This book talks about the exploits of the second McNeil. The McNeils...3 This one has all the moralizing of the third McNeil. The McNeils...4 Some interesting stories about the fourth McNeil. The McNeils...5 This one tells of the adventures of the fifth McNeil. The McNeils...6 Nothing much about the sixth McNeil... It's all very boring. The McNeil Family. It's a beautiful book, but there's not much in the way of content. A note showing the flow of money in and out of the manor. For all the taxes he collects, it seems like McNeil himself doesn't have much money... I don't know...Something about this house gives me the creeps... I can never sleep... If you want to use the bed, go ahead. "OK" "No" The door is nailed shut... There's no way to get this open... A stern face... Do you want to ride the elevator? "Yes" "No" Not only is the mayor a tightwad... He's also a worrywart. He's so afraid of robbers he's nailed all the doors shut! Even though I work here, I really hate this house... It's too big...The layout's weird...It's just spooky. Sometimes at night... Even though there's no one there... I hear voices coming from that room... Look at this, would you? Even the doors to the kitchen are all boarded up! I don't know if he's afraid of thieves or what, but it's just not normal, I tell ya! There used to be a lot of servants here, but since the mayor's too cheap they all quit.. Do you want to go outside? "Yes" "No" Rei: Let's get this over with and go home and get some sleep, OK? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. CEDAR WOODS AND MCNEIL: THE SEPARATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Teepo: That was a lot of fun, wasn't it, Rei? That McNeil looked so silly! There's no one who can beat us! We're the best!! Rei: I don't know if I would go that far... But I'd say things went pretty well last night, eh? Teepo: I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see what we've done! Rei: Yep...Even the people in the village'll start treating us with respect now... Teepo: You bet they will! We haven't stolen anything lately... We got rid of that Nue...C'mon! Let's go down to the village! I want to hear everyone tell us how grateful they are! ------- Scene 2 ------- Loki: H-hello, Rei. N-nice weather, eh? Rei: Hey, Loki! We did just like you said--we gave McNeil's money to everyone... Loki: SHHHHHH! Don't say that so loudly! People'll hear you... If McNeil finds out he'll kill me... Teepo: What are you so afraid of, anyway? You said McNeil was the bad guy... Loki: SHHHHHHH! All right, all right... Just don't talk about that here! We can talk about it in the hut. You go on ahead, OK? Teepo: ...Rei... Something's wrong... Rei: We'll get that Loki fellow to explain what's going on... Teepo: B-B -Bunyan!? Bunyan: I was hired to take care of the cows... So whatever I say is going to be to the cows... Rei: What's going on!? We're waiting for Loki... Bunyan: Hey, cow... Did you hear that that fellow Loki thought he could have an easy life if he got ahold of McNeil's money, but he didn't know that McNeil was working for a big gang of crooks that doesn't like being stolen from... Sounds pretty dangerous, doesn't it, cow? Teepo: What does he mean, Rei? Rei: It means... We shouldn't be hanging around here too long... I think we should be getting back home--quick! ------- Scene 3 ------- Rei: What's going on? What's happened!? Teepo: Rei!! Sunder: Hmmm...I was wondering what our thieves might look like... They's just a bunch o' kids, ain't they, bro? Balio: No worries, eh Sunder? Time for school... A lesson in the school of life, eh? Teepo: You mean... you... Balio: That's right... You're a little too big for your britches, my boy... Now it's time for your spanking, so get on over here! Sunder: Hey, check it out, bro... They're gonna try and fight! Balio: Kids... They just don't wanna do what they're told, do they...? ------- Scene 4 ------- Bunyan: ... ...All I found... was you...Alone and wounded in the woods... Bunyan: I always told you you'd get in trouble one day... But I never thought something like this would happen...! Bunyan: I'm afraid that Teepo and Rei are... Bunyan: Where do you think you're going? Looking for them? Bunyan: Wyndia!? Did you say you were going to Wyndia? Bunyan: ... ...I see... You watch yourself, hear me? Just follow the road east... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Loki's taken off-- he was just using you. I'd hide until all this blows over if I were you... To get to Wyndia, you have to cross Mt. Myrneg to the east. If you're having trouble gettin' over, come back here... Maybe I can give you a hand, eh? The best way to get people to like you isn't with some clever scheme... But to live simple and do your job... Just like everyone else! When I woke up, there was this bag of money in front o' the house. I was so surprised! Oh, I returned it to the mayor as soon as I could... It was the only thing I could do--I don't want Mr. McNeil angry with me--he'd kick me out of the village! You boys did it, didn't you, Rei!? Everyone complains about the taxes, but we would never dream of taking it back like that! You're in for it now... Stealing the mayor's stuff like that... Hey, you punks!! You've got a lot of nerve, showing your faces around here! Loki? I think he went to the farm You break into Mr. McNeil's house and take his money... and then scatter it all over town... What were you thinking? I wake up, there's money sitting on the porch... Then one of the mayor's men comes running from the manor in a hurry... It was one of your pranks, wasn't it? Sorry--nothin' for sale for you. Me? I didn't take anything... If you mean that money on the porch, I gave it back to Mr. McNeil. Thanks a lot! Thanks to you, now McNeil thinks we're thieves too! Looks like they got a little carried away with themselves, yeah? I still think Mr. McNeil went a little too far... I mean, burning their house like that... I'm sure Rei thought it was funny... Still, they shouldn't have gone after Lord McNeil like that... Loki? I don't know... Haven't seen him around lately... Sure, we all complain about the taxes and all... But we know what'll happen if we try something, too! Sure, they were a bunch of rambunctious kids, but... You mean they were driven out...? Sure, I'll sell you weapons, but you be careful with them now. I sell tools and items...That's my job. Now I don't have to worry about my profits getting stolen... Now quit hanging out around here, you hear? I suppose I wasn't really fair to Rei and the others... I mean, they probably didn't know what they were getting into... Did you hear the rumor that they were killed? Rei and the others have disappeared... Word is McNeil's after 'em... That McNeil... I thought he was just tightfisted... But he's pretty mean if you cross him, ain't he? You may lose your money to taxes when leading a simple life but at least you won't lose your life! If only those boys had been honest workers, like us... There's a rumor going around that one of us let those thieves inside...Wonder if it's true? The mayor's really angry about being made a fool of by those robbers... The villagers were all conscientious enough to return what was stolen, but it'll take a lot more than that to heal the mayor's pride... Someone broke into the manor! This means I won't get my money! I'm ruined! It's true that taxes are high... But it's better than getting McNeil angry and not being able to work at all... Just between you and me... I've heard rumors that McNeil is connected to some pretty shady characters, if you know what I mean... I can't believe that anyone could break through this perfect wall! Don't steal the cows! I'd better do a good job from now on... If I screw up, who knows what the boss'll do to me? I wonder who the mayor hired to take care of Rei and the others, anyway? Up to your old tricks again, eh? Watch yourselves or you'll get into hot water... Going to the village? Behave yourselves for a change... There were some strange-looking fellas here a minute ago... I sure didn't like the look of them... This morning there was a stack of money in front of the house... When Mom saw it, she got all pale and took it off somewhere... I wonder what that was all about...? Did you see that fire? They say Rei and the other two are missing! Did you hear about how last night someone came and left money all over the village? Now who would do a crazy thing like that? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. MT. MYRNEG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Sunder: W, wait, I said... Sunder: Whew......... Sunder: OK, bro, let's go... hm...? Sunder: You're not my brother!! W -who're you? Wait...You're supposed to be dead! Sunder: G-G-GH-GHOST!! Help me! Balio: Ghost!? What're you talking about? Sunder: Help! Help me, bro! Come quick! Sunder: Lo-look! He's dead! I mean, I mean... Sunder: He's alive! It's a zombieeeee!! Balio: This is a surprise. Is he really alive? Sunder: I'm scared! He's a vampirrrrre!! Balio: Maybe we didn't finish him off...? Balio: No...No, he's dead... you dummy! Balio: Is he dead? Sunder: Oh...I'm not afraid of a dead zombie! Balio: Did we get him this time...? Sunder: We killed him! We're the strongest!! Sunder: Wha...!? Balio: In... inconceivable!? Sunder: Hey, bro...! Wh wha's happening!? Balio: ...He's not human... Is he invulnerable? Sunder: Yikes! C'mon, bro... Let's get outta here! Balio: Wait! Hold on, bro! I have an idea...we may have just found our golden egg... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Heeheeheehee I'm not going to hurt you...My name's Tallman. If you're interested, I can tell you all about different creatures' weak points? "Yes" "No" Heeheehee Well, for example, take the Eye Goo... Their weak spots are their eyes, so if you hit them with Blind maybe something will happen...Think about it... What would happen to the Nut people if you hit them with fire? I did you a favor by telling you that, so do me a favor, OK? Don't use frost magic on us, please? Hey, wait up, OK? It takes me a while to finish, ya know... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. WYNDIA CASTLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Castle Wyndia King: And it be in truth a dragon? Balio: It certainly is... Your Highness. Sunder: It's for real! A real dragon! King: Hmmm...If what you say is true... It is a most serious Balio: Indeed--they tried to destroy the world... Sunder: Hey, bro--I think it's gonna work... Balio: Your Highness, I give you... the dragon! Sunder: Uh, bro... King: What's this... ? Balio: Oh no! He's gone back to being a kid! Sunder: Let's try hitting him again!! Balio: Hey! Kid! C'mon! Why don't you change? Huh! King: Enough!! Explain yourselves, charlatans! King: Arrest these con men and their 'dragon'!! ------- Scene 2 ------- Sunder: Shut up! Stop yer crying, you brat! Sunder: It's all your fault! If only you'd turned into a dragon, we wouldn't be down here! Sunder: We're gonna miss the Contest, man... Nina: Hello there, I'm Nina Nina: I felt sorry for you being treated like that... so I thought I'd let you go... Sunder: T... Thank you!? Hear that, bro? She says she'll let us go! Nina: Not you... If I let you go, you'll just pick on him again, won't you? Balio: We wouldn't do that, Princess Nina... Balio: I swear, we won't pick on him again So.........if you could please open the door... Nina: .........Really? Nina: All right then... Balio: Thank you, Princess Nina: And you won't pick on him again, right? Balio: Oh, no... We won't do anything to that kid again... Sunder: Way to go, bro! Balio: Besides... who needs that freak... when we have a princess? She's worth more money anyway! Sunder: Time to hit the road, eh? Balio: Yep... You carry her... Imagine the fat ransom she'll fetch! ..They're gone. The door's locked. What do you do? (1)"Yell for the guard" (2)"Try to break the door" (1) Guard: Huh? What? .........Having a nightmare, eh? Go back to sleep... yawn.... ..No luck. (2) ..Ouch. The door doesn't even budge. If you don't do something, they'll get away with the princess... What do you do? (1)"Scream Help!" (2)"Hit the door again" (1) Guard: Hmmm.........? 'Help...', huh? Yeah, whatever... No good... he won't help! (2) ..It opened!. Nina: Let me go! Let me go, I said! Sunder: Sorry, princess... No can do! We've got to get our ransom money first! Balio: You again! Sunder: Oh no, not him again! Balio: I've had it about up to here with him! Balio: Me too! Enough is enough! This time we kill him for sure! Sunder: But...Bro... What if he turns into a dragon again...? Balio: We've got the Princess! He won't try anything stupid while she's with us! Nina: Did you beat them? Nina: Really! Wow! Nina: That's good... I thought they were going to kidnap me... Nina: Thank you so much for helping me... Um, what's your name? Nina: ...Ryu? Thank you, Ryu Nina: Come on, let's get out of here. We should be able to get to the city this way. Nina joined the party Nina: Are you all right? Nina: That's good... The medicine worked Nina: While you were fighting with them... I was able to find a place to hide Nina: Because of your bravery... Because you fought them, I was able to get away... Thank you, um, what's your name? Nina: ...Ryu? Thank you, Ryu Nina: Come on, let's get out of here. We should be able to get to the city this way. Nina joined the party ------- Scene 3 ------- It says: Look at the graves to find their secrets. Look and secrets are raised and look like they could be pushed. Do you want to push them? "Push look" "Push secrets" "Don't push either" It says: This will open Not that. This and that are raised and look like they could be pushed. Do you want to push them? "Push this" "Push that" "Don't push either" It says: After climbing the tall grave, you will fall outside. climbing and outside are raised and look like they could be pushed. Do you want to push them? "Push climbing" "Push outside" "Don't push either" It says: Whether you go above or beneath is up to you. Above and beneath are raised and look like they could be pushed. Do you want to push them? "Push above" "Push beneath" "Don't push either" It says: I remember... You don't know... I and you are raised and look like they could be pushed. Do you want to push them? "Push I" "Push you" "Don't push either" It says: What is the meaning of green and red? Green and red are raised and look like they could be pushed. Do you want to push them? "Push green" "Push red" "Don't push either" It says: It is a high place... But not here. Is and not are raised and look like they could be pushed Do you want to push them? "Push is" "Push not" "Don't push either" There are lots of words carved into the stone... Remember the red words, not the green... The words are actually switches. What word do you want to push? "Push red" "Push words" "Push green" "Don't push anything" You were right in climbing up...from here you fall... What word do you want to push? "Push climbing" "Push wrong" "Push fall" "Don't push anything" I will show you the right path... What word do you want to push? "Push I" "Push right" "Push you" "Don't push anything" You need not fear-- the exit is there What word do you want to push? "Push fear" "Push not" "Push is" "Don't push anything" Do not be lost-- look for the hidden trap. What word do you want to push? "Push lost" "Push look" "Push hidden" "Don't push anything" Now, what is beneath you will lead to what is above you... What word do you want to push? "Push now" "Push beneath" "Push above" "Don't push anything" Do not choose that one--this is what you seek... Do you want to push them? "Push that" "Push this" "Push choose" "Don't push anything" A treasure to he who pushes the 7 words... The path opens to he who learns the 7 words... 7 is sticking out and looks like it can be pushed... Do you want to push it? "Yes" "No" Nina: Well, we made it. Now all we have to do is get far away before they find us. Nina: You're looking for someone? In Wyndia? Nina: Rei and Teepo? I'm sorry--I've never heard of them... But I'll help you look for them! Nina: No, it's all right... As a member of the royal family, it's my job to help people in trouble... Let's go, Ryu. ------- Scene 4 ------- Kid: Looking for someone? Hmmmmm I know what that is! Kid: You're playing Hide-and-Seek, right? OK, you're it!! You have to try and find us! Ready! Nina: ...Let's go look for them Nina: You're looking for Teepo, right, Ryu? And he's a kid too, right? So maybe these kids will know something about him, right? Ulp! How'd you find me? I didn't wanna be found...Now I have to be it! Wahhhh... Whoops! Ha ha ha! You got me! I never thought anyone could find me here... Kid: You found everyone? Wow, you're pretty good at this game. Nina: Thanks...Now maybe you can help us... We're looking for some friends of ours... Have you seen them? Kid: Hmmm... Well, a little while ago, a robber broke into that house over there. And that robber was a kid about your size... Nina: And... what happened to that kid? Kid: What happened? He got beat up by the owner of the house and took off... I think maybe he went down the road. Nina: What do you think, Ryu? Could it be Teepo? Nina: ...Thanks--we'll try looking there... Come on, Ryu! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Sunder: Bro! The Princess...!! Balio: Leave her! First we get rid of him! You can't do that now! The Princess might get hurt! Sunder: Uh, Bro... I don't think this is how it was supposed to work... Balio: We don't have the time for this now! We've got more important things to worry about! C'mon we're getting out of here! Sunder: Wait for me, bro! A lot of people come and visit Wyndia which means we get to make a lot of money. We'll both save a lot of money if we share a room, right? Uh-huh...And next, you'll be saying we should share the bed, right? Huh? Looking for someone? Uh-huh--I bet you're here just to steal my stuff, ain'tcha? Kids today, I tell ya--ya just can't trust 'em! It's one thing to come all the way to Wyndia... But it's another thing to bring your accent with you. Looking for someone? Hmmm...A lot of people come to the cafe, you know, so... We don't usually get that many kids in the cafe... There's a lot of kids playing downstairs though. Boy, am I tired! We don't get any days off here--except when it rains. I tell you, there's just too many people coming up here from the country--it's getting to be a big problem! There are so many problems here these days... Wyndia just doesn't feel safe any more. Nobody's coming to take my order! Guess they figure they don't have to wait on a country bumpkin like me! Humph! Hey, I'm not goofing off, OK? I'm patrolling this here sandwich, see? Looking for someone? Teepo? Rei? Never heard of 'em. I thought maybe I could find work or something in a big city like this, but... Our job is to keep suspicious-looking characters out. But I suppose we'd let you in if you're a little suspicious. It's too much trouble keeping everyone out, y'know? bow-wow This here uses chrysm to shine like that-- pretty nifty, huh? Ha-ha-ha-ha! I'll get you! Ha ha ha ha ha Nothin' to do... Ouch, ouch, ouch! Got beat up by a robber the other day, I did... But I taught him a thing or two before he got away! That robber sounded like some little good- for-nothing kid from the country. Yes, yes, come in So, what're you looking for? Lots of people come here... It's real easy to get supplies, eh? Welcome to Toshihiro's General Store... The only shop in the world that sells the: Midas Stone! Hi there! Want a shot? The road's out down south of the city. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. EYGNOCK ROAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Nina: This is the entrance to the road Nina: There's a small hut over there... Let's go and see what the owner has to say... Nina: Ryu!! Balio: Don't try anything, my little lizard friend... Balio: Good move--you see, there's no use resisting, punk... Balio: We don't really care about you anyway... Balio: But things would get messy if you ratted on us, see? We can't chance that. Balio: But it'd be even messier if we try to kill you here and you turned into a dragon again... Balio: Don't worry... We've got it all figured out, see? Enough talk! Say good night! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Nina: It wouldn't be a good idea to move... Not without knowing which way they went... Oh, my! Hohohohohoho. Hey, granny... Another little visitor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. GENMEL AND THE MAEKYSS GORGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Genmel The pub Fahl's Balio: OK, Fahl, they're all yours... Fahl: I just gotta keep an eye on 'em, right? Balio: Yeah, just keep your eyes on them... and your hands off the bottle, OK? We've got better things to do than worry about a couple of kids... Balio: Thanks a lot, Fahl. OK, brats... You'll get yours once the Contest is over... For now just stay here and behave yourselves, OK? Sunder: You'd better take it easy too, Garr... The Contest's coming up, you know. Nina: Ryu... Are you all right? Nina: .........If only we could get out of these ropes... Nina: Chew through them? I don't think so... They're too thick Nina: Wow! How did you do that!! Nina: You bit all the way through them! That's amazing, Ryu! Now maybe we can get out of here! Nina: Looks like they're gone... That guy named Fahl's here, but it looks like he's had too much to drink...If we're quiet, he might not notice us. Nina: We'll be OK as long as we're careful... Let's go! Fahl: Hey! Where d'you think you're going? Nina: Uhhh.... Nowhere! We're not going anywhere! Fahl: Nowhere... hic! Nina: That's right... ... We'll be seeing you. Nina: .........We made it, Ryu! Nina: I knew we could do it! Nina: OK... Let's get out of here before he wakes up! ------- Scene 2 ------- Sorry... M'cargo's fallen off y'see... Won't be able to get through here 'till help comes... If you're headed to Wyndia... Well, 'tis a long way 'round, but... you could always try goin' 'round Mt. Boumore. You won't be able to move this by yourself... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Nina: We'd better not go in here... I'm not goofing off--I'm handing out You got a Flier! Show that flier at the shop and they'll give you a discount! This place'll be hopping soon with the Contest coming up. I saved up working in the mines to come here... Just to see the Contest of Champions! Wonder what kinda fights they'll have this year... Genmel's famous for the Contest... We get people from all over who come here to fight! I came here hoping to have a go with Fahl... But he's drunk as usual! There are people who come here hoping to have Fahl show 'em how to fight... If I was them, though, I'd study under a thief... Why? 'Cause you learn how to move real quick and how to steal stuff, right? The Arena's closed right now. The Contest will be starting soon! They always hold the Contest here... Once every year, the biggest Contest in the world! I'm the manager of the Arena here... But the Contest is run by some other folks, see, So that's why I'm here selling tickets. It's the thrill of the fight, see? That's why I'm excited! Yeah, right... Doesn't matter what it is--as long as it involves gambling, you're excited! Show tent, huh? Wonder if they got big women in there, know what I mean? The Contest is run by these two guys named Balio and Sunder --OK, so they're a couple of gangsters, but as long as it makes money and people are happy, who cares? Balio and Sunder? They won't be here for a while--they're busy getting ready for the Contest... Why? You need to see them about something? It's really hard to predict the odds for the Contest... Everyone in it's such a good fighter, you know. Whatever...It's not like any of your predictions're right! You kids here for the Contest? Didn't know kids liked this kind of thing. There's a lot of unmentionable types around here... But I guess they're all here for the Contest. They say you get whatever you want if you win... I'd go for it, but I wouldn't stand a chance... I'm not strong enough to enter the Contest, so I get my action by betting on it! Weapons? Hey! You've got a flier! You get a discount for that! If you're looking for an item, we got it You've got a flier? Then you get a discount! Charging extra for the Contest? What makes you think I would do something like that? Who do you think I am? Balio? Can't say much for the clientele, but these shops have got everything. I bet you're trying to charge extra 'cause of all the people! Humph! I've been cheated! I thought there was gonna be big girls, but all there was was little girls! It looks like he didn't appreciate our star attraction... She's usually one of everyone's favorites... They told me I would be a star... But I don't sing or dance...I just stand here all day... Is this what being a star is like? Whew! Contest? I don't care about that--get me water! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. MT. BOUMORE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- What're you kids doing up here in the mountains like this? ... ...Well, it's getting dark, so come on inside... Nina: ... ... ...So, we're trying to get away from the bad men chasing us... Mason: Hmmm... Who exactly is it that's chasing you now, little girl? Nina: Ummm... ... ... Someone named...Balio and...Sunder, yeah, that's it. Nina: Do you know them? Mason: I wouldn't worry about them... Whoever they are, they won't come this far, now will they? Mason: Tomorrow... We'll use the lift and take you where you'll be safe... You should get some sleep now... You can use the room over there. Nina: Thank you very much, Mr. Mason... Nina: We're lucky we found some nice people, huh Ryu? Nina: OK then, let's get some sleep. ------- Scene 2 ------- Nina: Are you awake? It's locked Nina: That's funny... I wonder what's going on... Nina: Mr. Mason... Please open the door. .. ... ...I got them.. Nina: Mr. Mason...? Sunder: You got them? Nina: Oh, no! Ryu! The bad men who are after us are here! Nina: We've got to get out of here! We've got to get the lift to work! The lift panel... It looks like it uses chrysm energy for power... Nina: I think we can get it to work...... Ryu. Get in the lift! Nina: Hurry!! Don't worry! It'll be alright... ...I think... Sunder: where are they? Sunder: Heh heh heh... You'll live a long happy life... Mason: Forgive me, children. I just don't want any trouble... Nina: Chrysm energy is like magic... So if I hit this with my magic... Nina: When it starts to move, I'll jump in! Sunder: There you are, you pipsqueaks! Sunder: Ah, princess, there you are... You're first... Sunder: Ouuuuuucchhhhhh!! Nina: It has to move... It'll move... M O V E ! Sunder: You little... Now I'm really angry...! Sunder: Uh-oh! It's moving! If I can just get the princess... Sunder: I can't believe it! Not again! Nina: Haa...haa...haa. Looks like we got away, huh, Ryu... Nina: Whew... See? I told you it would work... right? Nina: Were you worried about me? Nina: I, I'm sorry... But... I know that even if something went wrong... Nina: You'd do something to protect me, Ryu! Nina: I don't know exactly where we are... But we should be OK once we get off the mountain... ------- Scene 3 ------- Nina: ...It's no use... We can't get down either way Sunder: Bingo! Sunder: Give it up! There's nowhere left to run! Sunder: Forget it, boy... I've got my men blocking all the trails down... There's no way out! Sunder: You can try and run but we always get our way in the end... Face it, kids, that's life--get used to it! Nina: Oh, yeah? That's what you think! Nina: Come on, Ryu... Let's jump Sunder: W, what!? Sunder: Oh, no you don't!! If the princess dies, my brother'll kill me! Sunder: Whaddyou think you're doing!?! Nina: Mmmm... mmmm.... Nina: Ryu! Nina: ...Ryu? What should I do...? If it meant being caught again, I would rather jump... But now look what's happened to Ryu ... Nina: Ryu...? Nina: Ryu... Are you all right!? Nina: Thank goodness... I thought... I thought you'd... Nina: Me...? I'm OK, thanks... Because you turned into a dragon and broke my fall... Nina: Thank you, Ryu. I don't know how, but someday I'll repay you... Nina: Let's go! We don't want them to catch us again now that we've gotten this far... right? ----------------------- Extra Text abd Dialogue ----------------------- We quarry the stones here, and use the cable care to take them to the other mountain... Mason's right...Don't you worry about a thing... Just get some rest now... Good night. You should get some sleep now... You can use the room over there. Mason: Where do you think you're going? That's not the bedroom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. MOMO'S TOWER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Nina: It's a pretty big house, isn't it... Nina: Maybe we can stay here? We need to ask someone how to get back to Wyndia too, right? ------- Scene 2 ------- Nina: What... what was that!? Momo: Hmmm... I guess the key lies in somehow stabilizing the pure chrysm... Momo: That's it! If the gassification pressure is kept down... Huh? Momo: What!? Momo: You!? You're friends of Honey? Nice to meet you! I'm Momo Nina: Ah, um... yes, it's nice to meet you too... Um, but you see... Momo: What? Nina: I was trying to say...that we're not really friends, we're trying to find the road to Wyndia... Momo: What? I'm sorry. My ears are ringing after that explosion... Nina: Hello! Can you please show us the road to Wyndia? Momo: What? Momo: I'm sorry... My ears are better now. So, you want to go to Wyndia? Momo: No problem! I'll take you to Wyndia myself! Nina: Thank you. I'll be sure to make it up to you when we get to the castle... Momo: .........Castle? Momo: Wait a minute! When you say Nina... Do you mean... Princess Nina!? Momo: Y-y-y-your highness! Please forgive me! I had no idea... Nina:'s all right... You're helping us, after all... Please call me Nina. Momo: Oh, really? OK, Nina, shall we get going? Momo: I have to get some things ready, so why don't you rest here while I get them? Momo: C'mon, Honey... We're going now. Momo: Thanks for waiting... Say... You two aren't being followed by some scruffy-looking guys, are you? Momo: That's funny... When I went outside to buy something from the merchant... I saw these real rough-looking characters there... Scruffy man: Hey, you there... We're in a hurry... Did you see a couple of kids 'round here? Merchant: Hmmmm... Y'see, I be a humble merchant, yes? So if ye be wantin' to knows about the kids... It'll be costing ye, see? Momo: Hey... there's no need to be afraid... I mean, inside this tower... Momo: I've been doing experiments... on chrysm... Momo: So there's lots of monsters here... Momo: Not to mention chrysm machine soldiers... Momo: Traps to protect me from them... Momo: And all sorts of other things! Don't worry--they won't get up here so easily! Nina: .........But... Momo... We were able to get this far... Momo: Oh! I guess you're right! How did you get up here, anyway? Nina: Let's not worry about that now! We have to get out of here! Momo: R... right............Since we can't get out by going down... Let's go up! Momo: Don't worry! There's a way out! C'mon let's go! Momo has joined the party! Do you want to save now? "Yes" "No" ------- Scene 3 ------- Momo: This room is where my father used to work... Nina: There's a hidden exit in here...? Cool... Momo: You bet! My dad was really something! He was the greatest engineer in the whole world! Momo: And before he died, he told me he'd made an escape device... and had hidden it in the tower! It feels like there's a switch under the desk... Do you push it? "Yes" "No" What's happening? What's that noise!? Momo: Wow! Only my dad could've made something like this...! Nina: ...But why did he build something to get away like this? Momo: Just because, I guess... My dad loved machines. Come on, let's take a look at it! Momo: Let's see, we ignite it here... I wonder what it does...Gee, I'm so excited! Oh boy! Momo: OK everyone ready? Here we go... 3... 2... 1... Go! ------- Scene 4 ------- Momo: Ah... ...ah... ...ouch Momo: ...looks like the landings... need a little work... ...What's this? Momo: It's the instruction manual...Let's see......... Momo: Whoops! It says there's only supposed to be one passenger! Momo: It also says... make sure to open the roof hatch before take-off... Momo: Well, aside from that it worked, didn't it? I mean, it worked... pretty good, right? Momo: All right... Come on! If we stand around like this they'll catch up with us! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Nina: I wonder... I think we should take a look at that room, don't you? Nina: Don't you wonder what's in there? There be a lot of junk 'round here... I was thinking I might be able to sell some and make some cash... Anyhow, you be wanting anything? If you're gonna go looking around the tower, you'll be needing some supplies, eh? There's a strange woman living here... A bookworm, yeah? And she's got all sorts of traps laid all over... When the 4 crystals connected to the large one are filled with magical energy, you will be presented with one of three fates... If you seek a new destiny, return here. Hummmm... Dangerous not. Name Workbot is... How to fight I explain... (1)"Mechanical enemies" (2)"Breath attacks" (3)"Magic-using enemies" (4)"Inoculations" (5)"Escaping" (6)"No more" (1) Machines like Workbot enemies there are... Go crazy machines there are... Armored 'bot hard is. Destroy armor must or defeat not. More is telling... (2) User's strength change breath attack does... No fear breath if strength low is... More is telling... (3) Ignore enemies' Defense does magic attack... Many spellcasters fighting, removing armor is best... Faster speed, EX turn, more damage... More is telling... (4) Many enemies using fire, is best getting inoculation first... Until resting is effect of inoculation lasting... More is telling... (5) If cannot win are you are thinking, best is to be escaping... Use new skill later to again try... Knowing you are escape command is R1 button, yes? More is telling... (6) Many things trying is best... Weak point everything has somewhere. Danger! High-grade chrysm! There are a lot of monsters that have come looking for it! Enter at your own risk! Momo. Chrysm Beam When chrysm ore is subjected to high pressure, it emits a highly charged beam of light... This is called a 'chrysm beam', and has many useful applications. Eldritch Floater Channeling chrysm or magical energy into the crystals will activate it. Momo: If we go this way... We'll run into those guys! You should be able to rest on the bed... Do you want to rest? "Yes" "No" There's a diary... Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" Notes: Honey (3) ...Momo She seemed to develop an attraction to me when I gave her chrysm. She's so cute! Notes: Honey (4) ...Momo I can't figure out how she works...She's too complicated. Panel Key. Stepping on the floor panels triggers a switch. Stepping off the panels resets the puzzle. The door will open when all panels have been set to grey. Do you want to try? "Yes" "No" Notes: Honey (1) ...Momo A little machine soldier has come lured by the chrysm here... I think I'll call it Honey. Notes: Honey (2) ...Momo Unlike the other machine soldiers, Honey seems to have no offensive capabilities... On Chrysm and Monsters. Certain kinds of monsters seem to react strongly to chrysm... They synchronize them-selves with the energy pattern of the chrysm. Magical Ore. The source of chrysm's power comes from the magical energy that certain creatures have before they die... At this time, the fossilization process that produces chrysm remains a mystery... Chrysm Machines. Almost all the chrysm machines that have been found are of incredibly high sophistication--too high to be reproduced. Machines and Their Uses. Machines have many practical applications. However, since their internal workings are unknown, it is very difficult to repair them. Finding Machines. Most machines are inoperative when found. They can be made operative by repairing them and infusing them with a fresh supply of chrysm. Machine Soldiers. On occasion, self-activating machines have been found. As they respond to movement with aggressive action, they are called machine soldiers. It looks like a switch...Do you want to press it? "Yes" "No" The switch has already been pushed... You can't ride this panel... 4 rotating cubes... If you can find the matching pair... You see a collection of 'adult' books... You see a bunch of dirty magazines... You really shouldn't be looking at this Not for sale to minors... XXX: for age 21 and above only! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. COFFEE SHOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Nina: Look...there's a coffee shop... Why don't we stop for a drink? Waitress: Hello! Are you stuck in town too? Waitress: No? I asked because there's some strange fellows checking everyone on the Road and no one can get through to Wyndia. Waitress: 'Course, that means we get more customers Momo: It must be the men who are after you... Man: Excuse me, but... are you Momo? Long time no see! It's me...Palet! Momo: Yes, I'm Momo... But I don't know who you are! Palet: It... it's me... I'm the director of the plant your father built... Momo: It may have been my father who came up with the idea of using chrysm ore to breed stronger crops... But he died before the plant was finished being built... Palet: Yes, exactly! Ever since your father Repsol passed away, we've been having nothing but trouble with the machines at the plant... Momo: I'll bet! Only my father would be able to make and use a machine like that, one that uses chrysm to make crops grow faster! Palet: I won't... I can't deny that... That's why I wonder if you, Momo, could help us? You're familiar with all your father's work, aren't you? Momo: I'd be glad to help... So...I can have access to the machines then? Palet: Yes, of course! Oh, thank you so much, Momo! I'll see you at the plant, then. Nina: Excuse me, Momo? I'm not sure if I understood all of that... Momo: Well, you see... There's this plant where they use chrysm to grow plants, see... And my father helped build it... Momo: And since they're my father's machines, well, I thought maybe I'd help them out a little bit... I mean, it's not like we'll be getting anywhere on the road for a while, right? ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- This well is full of vinegar! It's just right as a flavoring for curry! I'm the wellkeeper here... But the pulley's broke --I can't get any water out of the well. Cafe d'Ton Why don't you buy an item for a souvenir? Nobody can leave 'cause the road's blocked off... But we've still got a few beds open. We'll match our cooking against anyone else's! One mild vegetable croquette curry, coming up! I love curry -- can't get enough of it! Plant? Oh, you mean that building to the west? Isn't that the place where they grow the weird plants with that chrysm stuff? I'm trying to get to Wyndia, but the road's blocked... What do they think they're doing, stopping up the road like that? I wonder if they grew these potatoes at the plant? The plant...that place west of the mountains... where they do those weird experiments? I came this far thinking I'd get across the bridge... But those punks won't let me through... After I went to all that trouble to get a passport... Many customers enjoy afternoon tea as well as the great view we have from here... But don't forget our specialty is curry! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. THE PLANT AND THE DUMP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Palet: We've been expecting you! I tell you, it was pure luck to have met you there, Momo! Palet: As you know, I worked as your father's assistant when he built these reactors. Momo:, which machine needs fixing? Palet: Heh heh heh... Well, I've been meaning to tell you... We managed to fix the machines ourselves. What I want your help with is... Palet: Well, take a look at that... Momo: How cute...What is it? Palet: C-c-c-cute!? How can you say that? Palet: We can't sell things like that, so we take them to the disposal area... Palet: But several days ago... As we were collecting the crops to be processed and disposed of at the dump, well, um, how should I say it... Momo: You found a mutant like that one? Palet: Exactly! A huge mutant... Everyone's afraid of it and won't go near the dump anymore. Momo: It got mixed in with the chrysm ore? Palet: Yes... so... We have no idea what we should do with it... Momo: All right... We'll take care of it. I mean, this wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for my father's reactors, right? Palet: Thank you so much, Momo! The disposal area is inside the mountain to the west of here... I'll make arrangements for your visit. ------- Scene 2 ------- Momo: Wow! Look at that! moving! Momo: Who would have believed it... that chrysm energy could mutate a lifeform like this! If my father were here to see this, what would he say? Momo: Too bad you never met him... Momo: It's a shame to get rid of it, but...I guess we should chop it up... and throw it into the magma. Mutant: .........Who's there? Momo: It talks? That mutant plant can talk!? Mutant: Mutant plant? Am I a mutant? Momo: No!, actually, some might call you that, but I think you're wonderful! It would be a shame to dispose of a specimen like you... Mutant: 'Dispose'... You mean you're going to kill me? Please...don't... please...stop... Mutant: I'm sorry... I couldn't stop myself from... attacking... you... My body just moved... on its own... Momo: No worries! Besides a mutant that can talk and move around-- what an amazing discovery! If only my father could see this... Mutant: .........Discovery? No...You cannot tell them about me Mutant: I have something to ask of you... ------- Scene 3 ------- Momo: Do we really have to do this? It's such a waste... Mutant: You came here to 'dispose' of the 'mutant', didn't you? Momo: Well, yes, we did... But we didn't know you were alive... Mutant: No...I should be destroyed I was never meant to be... Mutant: I should never have been born... Please, turn the conveyor on... Mutant: Thank you...and farewell. Momo: Wait! You don't have to do this! I promise I won't tell anyone about you... Just let me study you! Mutant: The desire to know is not necessarily wrong, but......... Mutant: Remember that if you're...not... mistake ...and you'll create monsters...far worse than I... pukyukyuuuuu! Momo: What? Momo: It's the cute little... Nina: ...onion pukkyupkkyuuuu! (It looks like he's angry about something) Momo: W... wait, Ryu! The mutant entrusted us! Momo: I think I understand... He left you to us as a reminder never to make another like him! pukyu, kyu... (He seems sad...) Nina: He can't talk, can he, Momo? Momo: Looks that way Momo: But...I'd bet anything That the mutant wanted us to take him with us--don't you think? Nina: Why don't we call him... Peco? I mean, he does look like an onion, right? Peco joined the party. Please choose 3 party members ------- Scene 4 ------- Palet: Momo! So good to see you again! Did you take care of our little problem? Momo: Yeah... But I wouldn't call it little! Palet: How can we ever thank you, Momo? Momo: Don't worry about it. See you later, Palet Palet: W-w-w -wait! Momo! Where are you going? Palet: The road is still blocked! Why don't you stay here with us for a while? Momo: But... We have to get to Wyndia! Palet: Wyndia!? No problem--leave it to me! I'll get you there! Palet: Please... don't worry--I have a plan Palet: All right then! We'll have everything ready tomorrow, so why don't you rest here at the inn tonight? Thanks for helping out... Why don't you rest? The room's on us. Palet: This cart is headed for Wyndia... If you hide inside, you should be able to get by unnoticed. Nina: What do you think, Momo? Momo: Won't they check the goods on the cart? Palet: Heh heh heh heh... don't worry... Just make sure you hide really well. Momo: All right then... Let's try it. It's our best bet Palet: Heh heh... Whew... I was lucky that the people Balio and Sunder are after turned out to be Momo and her friends. Palet: Those two will take care of them for me... And no one need ever learn about the mutant plant! heh heh heh heh ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- I feel a lot better now that you're helping us, Momo... Let me know if you need anything heh heh heh heh The crops get too big if you give them too much chrysm energy... Mondue 8's been acting up again lately... Oh, Mondue 8 is the name of this reactor. Lately I've been doing nothing but working on Mondue 8 But I don't feel like working right now so I'm resting. Maybe it's because I'm getting old... We burn our garbage in this furnace here and use it to heat up the greenhouses I work in the disposal area to the west... I've seen some pretty weird-looking stuff out there... Big mutated crops that look like monsters or something! Dangerous? The enhanced crops? No! Well, sometimes they get a little too big. They look a little creepy then... I used to think it was wrong to use chrysm on crops like this...But they sell pretty good, so... These crops grow bigger and faster than other crops, But their taste leaves something to be desired... We better get that reactor fixed soon, or we're in trouble. Where's the director when you need him? I wonder if these enhanced crops are really safe? I haven't felt like eating the food here since I saw that... Did you see that? Where could something like that come from? It's just not natural! You want to know where the director is? How would I know? Thank you for everything... I don't know how to show my thanks, but... I'll do my best to get you to Wyndia! Stop your kidding, Mac! I wonder where Momo is... You must be a buyer to come all the way out here. Care for any enhanced crops? We grow them right here. I came here to get some of those onions and potatoes they grow. They're selling real well in some parts. Through the carefully applied use of chrysm energy, we are able to grow crops faster and larger... That's what we call 'crop enhancement' They use conveyors to keep monsters away from the chrysm here. I suppose it'd have to be a clever monster to use a conveyor! Welcome to the Research Plant! Sightseeing? Please be careful not to touch the chrysm reactors. This is a Repsol-style chrysm reactor. It supplies the soil with chrysm energy. Huh? Momo!? You're Momo, Repsol's daughter, right?'s a giant onion? It's impossible for a mondue to make a mutant like that-- it simply doesn't have enough power. I've had enough of this! I don't want to touch this chrysm ore anymore! That big onion? We burned it I've seen a big mutant before... But I've never heard of one that could talk before. A living mutant, One that moves and talks!? Inconceivable! We don't get that many mutants that have to go to the disposal area... Most of our guests are the buyers who come here Welcome to the Research Plant... What? Experiments to make a living plant? We don't do anything like that here! You have to be careful handling the chrysm ore, you know. You can get burnt It was Repsol, Momo's father, who came up with the idea of infusing crops with chrysm ore like this. We'll take you to Wyndia tomorrow, so why don't you rest in the inn tonight? Mutant: Where are you going? The switch is over here Flip the switch... And pray that something like me is never born again Mutant: Hey! Wrong way! Danger! For safety reasons, please do not engage conveyor while people are on the belt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. THE CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Here they come! Get your heads down!! Sunder: Hoooold it... What's that? a shipment from the plant to Wyndia... Sunder: Shipment, huh? OK...I'll take it from scram! Sunder: Don't worry! I'll take good care of it! Ha ha ha ha ha!! Sunder: You're in for it now, you little squirt! Sunder: You won't be getting away this time! Sunder: Stupid kids! I've had it up to here with them! The Contest of Champions Balio: I hope this has shown you how the world works Sunder: In the end... It's people like us who get what they want, right bro? Balio: The strong get what they want... And the weak can't do anything about it... Just like in the Contest of Champions. Nina: So...if we enter the Contest and win... we'll be strong, too, and we can get what we want-- to be set free! Sunder: What!? You want to enter the Contest!? Sunder: We've been nice to you so far 'cause you're worth a lot o' money to us, but there's a limit to how far we can be pushed! Sunder: Just give up and stop struggling... We're gonna take care of everyone else, but don't worry, Princess--we won't touch you. Nina: No way! Let us all go! I won't let you hurt anyone! Let us enter the Contest! Sunder: Uh-oh...They're all getting uppity, bro We should get rid of 'em now. Balio: .........Wait a minute, Sunder... It might not be a bad idea after all... Sunder: But...if they enter, there ain't no one who'll think they can win... Huh? Wait a sec... Balio: Exactly, bro... No one will bet on them...which means that if they do win, we'll make that much more money... Balio: All right, Princess, we'll let you enter. I'll even let you loose until the Contest starts. You can train, or buy weapons, or whatever you want. Balio: But don't even think about running away... We've got the road guarded tight... And we'll keep one of you here as a hostage. Sunder: Boy, you sure are clever, bro... I never would've thought of that... OK, so if we have Ryu and the Princess enter the Contest, who stays behind as a hostage? "Momo" "Peco" Balio: All right, then, it's decided... Balio: All right, Ryu We're counting on you to put up a good fight for us. After all, you gave us enough trouble. Balio: If you lose, it's the end for you... And you won't get away from us again--got it? ------- Scene 2 ------- You're Ryu's team, right? Do you know the rules for the Hall of Fire? (1)"No" (2)"Yes" (1) Here, single team members fight in a knockout tournament. The order you fight in is the same as your battle order. You win by either defeating all three members of the opposite team, or by knocking down the other team's platform. The Dodai holding up the platforms have a set number of HP-- One strategy is to concentrate all your attacks on the Dodai. (2) Are you ready? (1)"Yes" (2)"No" (1) Understood... All right then, I'm off! (2) All right, then, come back when you're ready, OK? OK, Ryu! Go get 'em! All right, Miss Nina Good luck! You're next, Ms. Momo! Step right up, Peco! Can he even understand what I'm saying? It's Ryu's turn... Nina: Here goes... Don't worry...I've been practicing too... I'll be OK! Momo: ... My turn, huh! Momo: Well, I'm off then... But don't get your hopes up too high Nina: ............ Peco: Puk kyuuu! Looks like Peco is ready to fight... Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Claw VS Ryu! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Claw VS Nina! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Claw VS Momo! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Claw VS Peco! Take your places please! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Cawer VS Ryu! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Cawer VS Nina! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Cawer VS Momo! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Cawer VS Peco! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Patrio VS Ryu! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Patrio VS Nina! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Patrio VS Momo! Ladies & gentlemen! In this round... Patrio VS Peco! Congratulations! And the winner of the first match is... Ryu and his team! Nina: I'm so glad that we won... Ring girl: Fer sure... I was, like, totally surprised, y'know? Like, who would've thought that some kids like Ryu and Nina would win, y'know? Ring girl: OK, your next match is, like, in the Null Magic Hall see? And you'll be, like, fighting Emitai's team y'know? So, like, good luck, OK? Nina: Let's do it! Then we can get out of here... ------- Scene 3 ------- You're Ryu, right? Your second match will be with Emitai's team here... Do you want me to explain the rules? (1)"Yes" (2)"No" (1) Here in the Null Magic Hall, you fight in 3-on-3 teams... When choosing who from your team will fight, you should remember that magic can't be used at be careful. (2) Are you ready? (1)"Yes" (2)"No" (1) Understood... All right then, I'm off! (2) All right, then, come back when you're ready, OK? Man's voice: Excuse me... May I come in? Nina: You're... Emitai, aren't you? Emitai: That's right. I know we don't have much time, but I have to talk to you... Nina: They're getting ready to start, Mr. Emitai. Emitai: As you may know, my daughter's really sick. If I don't win this contest and get the prize money... She won't be able to have the operation she needs... Nina: ...I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Emitai... Are you trying to ask us to lose to you on purpose, then? Emitai: I know it's a hard thing to ask you... But if you don't, my daughter will die! Emitai: I know I can win the final match! My magic hasn't been beaten yet! But in the Null Magic Hall, I'm just like anybody else... All I have to depend on are my two boys here... Golem: Give Emitai win! Please, please! Nina: I'm sorry, Mr. Emitai, but one of our friends is being held hostage, you see... We have to win too. Emitai: Oh... I didn't know. I guess that's that then... Oh, Lyla, I'm so sorry...Please forgive your poor father... Emitai: Life's never easy... is it? I didn't want to use this until the finals, but I've no choice... OK, boys, let's go! Announcer: I wonder what's happened to Emitai? Mr. Emitai! Please come to the ring! Emitai: Here I am! Emitai: Just like I said, I can't do anything I'll just have to let my boys do my fighting for me. Announcer: B... boys!? Well... we're out of time, so... Ladies and gentlemen In this match... Team Emitai VS Team Ryu! Fight! Emitai: Uhhhhh......... Emitai: Ohhh... Lyla... Con... congratulations! The winner of the second match is... Team Ryu! Nina: ......... Nina: All of a sudden I don't feel so good. Nina: Emitai...I'm sorry... Sunder: Hey, brats! Pretty impressive! You actually made it all the way to the finals! Nina: We don't need your compliments! We just want you to keep your promise! Sunder: Heh heh heh...Oh, yeah, our promise. That depends on whether or not Ryu here can beat Garr in the finals, see? Sunder: Why you looking so glum? Cheer up! Gotta please your fans, you know. Sunder: Oh, by the way... Emitai and his family are still in the other room... I'd stay clear of 'em if I were you... Sunder: What's up, bro? Balio: Maybe it was the fight with Emitai... But they're getting really popular... Sunder: Maybe, but when I went to check on them...They looked kinda depressed... Sunder: I guess they know they won't win the next one, eh? Balio: That's right... How could they, knowing they have to fight Garr next? I feel a little sorry for the people betting on them, but we're gonna make a lot o' money on this one. Sunder: Besides, once the Contest's over... We can do whatever we want with them, right, bro? Guardman: Um... it's not really my place to say, but shouldn't you stop worrying and get ready for the next match? ------- Scene 4 ------- Are you ready? "Yes" "No" Welcome to the finals, a one-on-one match between team leaders! Please wait here until your name is called. Balio: What is it, Garr? Sunder: What would you do if someone caught on to us, huh? Garr: That kid I'm going to be fighting... Where did he come from? How did he get so strong? Balio:'s like this... He looks like any other kid... but he's really a dragon. Sunder: Hey, he's nothing for you to worry about, right? I mean...he's just a kid, yeah? Sunder: Hey bro... D'you think maybe Garr here's... scared? Sunder: Whoa! H-hold on! It was just a joke! Balio: Now, now, Garr Balio: We's just telling you to be careful, see? Garr: A dragon...? Are you serious? Balio: Yeah... But like we said... Balio: Nothing for you to worry about, right? Announcer: Ladies & gentlemen! The moment you've all been waiting for... Today's BIG event! The world-famous Contest of Champions... Final Match! Announcer: First, here's our challenger! Believe it or not, our challenger today is a child! Ladies & gentlemen, please welcome our: superboy... Ryu!!! Announcer: ............And in this corner...! The one and only... Announcer: The Wings of Death! The master of the blade! The champion of champions! Mister Dynamite-- Garr!! Garr: Ryu...Let me tell you one thing... Don't hold back. If you don't fight with all you've got, I'll kill you. Announcer: Did you hear that, ladies & gentlemen? The champion gives no quarter, even against a mere child! This is going to be a show-stopper of a fight, folks! Without further ado, allow me to present to you... The final match of the Contest of Champions! Readyyyyyy.... FIGHT! Announcer: And so the mighty battle waged by these mighty warriors comes to a finish! Announcer: And the victor is... our champion! The undefeated! The champion of champions! Misterrrr Dynamite! Garr!!! Announcer: Congratulations, champion! And now, Mr. Garr... We're going to ask you what you want as your prize! Announcer: And to present the prize... Here's our MC... Misterrrr Balioooooo! Garr: I can ask for anything I want, right? Then I want Ryu and his friends...OK? Balio: W... what? Are you crazy? That's not what we agreed on!? Garr: Was I mistaken? I thought the winner of the Contest of Champions was awarded whatever he If that's the case, maybe I could take ..your life, yes?. Announcer: To the champion Garr... We award...Ryu and his friends!? ...I guess... Nina: ...Ryu! You're awake! Garr: I held back on purpose... Garr: I'm glad he's all right... So, now I'm going to take care of you, understand? Garr: Hmmm... That's right... There's one more hostage, isn't there? Nina: We should go too, don't you think? ------- Scene 5 ------- Garr: These kids are mine now, right? I'm taking them with me. Garr: I can do whatever I want with something that's mine, right? All right, kids... you can all go now. Garr: So that's that. Sunder: Hey, bro... What's going on? Balio: Beats me! I don't know what Garr is up to... Sunder: Do you think Garr has turned on us? Balio: If so...Things could get a little messy Balio: We can't just let them go... Not after all they put us through... Nina: Why did you help us, Mr. Garr? Garr: Humph... Because... there's an ancient race that possesses an indomitable power, called the Brood... I helped you because Ryu... Garr: Brood... Garr: Ryu... I won't ask for anything in return... But if you want to know more about your kind, the Brood... Garr: There's a place east of here called Angel Tower...Go there--I'll be waiting for you. ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- ***Warning: LONG Section*** Sunder: You want to change hostages? Sunder: OK, who stays? "Momo" "Peco" Are you ready? "Yes" "Not yet" What? You want to change hostages? Can't you make up your mind? Momo: Don't worry about me... You can go on without me... Even though they said they'll do XX and then XX to me, and after that they'll XXX me...I don't think they'll kill me. But what does XX and XXX mean, anyway? Peco: pukyu? It's kind of odd to think of an onion as a hostage... Who do you want to leave as a hostage? "Nina" "Momo" Who stays as a hostage, then? "Nina" "Peco" Sunder: Are you happy now!? Balio: Hurry up... You never know when we might change our minds Balio: All right, then... Ryu, Nina, and Momo are going to fight, right? "Right" "Wrong" Balio: All right, then... Ryu, Nina, and Peco are going to fight, right? "Right" "Wrong" Balio: OK, go tell Sunder you want to change hostages, then... Just remember that Ryu and Nina have to enter, OK? Balio: No good! The Princess has to be in the Contest! Go tell Sunder you want to change hostages. Let me know when you're ready... I'll get you into the first match "Ready" "Thanks" Show us what you're made of... little dragon No one else believed a bunch of kids like you'd win, so thanks to you, I made out pretty good... hee hee hee. Keep up the good work, eh? Balio: You're the one who said you wanted to enter the Contest, now aren't you, Princess? Does this mean you're ready to face the music? The Contest has started...But it doesn't matter to me-- I'm broke! I knew it! I should have gotten a reserved ticket! Now I'll never be able to get in! I bet last year's Champion, Garr, will do well this year too! The winner gets anything they want, huh? Maybe I should give it a try, too... The owner of the pub, Fahl, is quite a strong fighter... But he's got a few problems, if you know what I mean. Garr's gonna win this year again for sure! You've got no imagination! That's your problem. It's more exciting to pull for an underdog! The show tent or the Contest...Which to see? I bet Balio's gonna make a lot of money off of this! What? You're gonna be in the Contest!? What is Balio thinking!? You're going to be in the Contest? You're kidding, right? That last-minute entry was you fellows!? Well I'll be... You're entering the Contest? Wow... What're you gonna ask for if you win? You've got to be the youngest entrants ever Special sale for the Contest! Cheap at twice the price! I heard there are some stores under the Arena as well You call that service!? Guess I have to go look for another star... The Contest's over-- but nothing's changed for me... So much for the Contest 'til next year... Hm? Wyndia? You should head west until you cross the Maekyss I wonder what Garr got this year? See? I told you! I told you Garr would win! Shaddap! Your blathering kept me from seeing the Contest! The show tent and the Contest have both shut down... You were trying to get away from Balio so you entered the Contest? Pretty impressive for a bunch of kids... Only really strong people enter the Contest... People like Garr I still don't believe you actually entered the Contest The Contest may be over... but the Arena still has to be cleaned up! I'll be back next year Maybe now things will finally quiet down... Now that I think about it, aren't you supposed to get a discount here if you show them a flier? OK, so I let a couple of kids run away... So what? Huh? hic! I hear the Champ, Garr, comes here a lot... We're closed... See you next year! It's always a chore cleaning up after the Contest It's really hard to predict the odds for the Contest... Everyone in it's such a good fighter, you know. Whatever...It's not like any of your predictions're right! You kids here for the Contest? Didn't know kids liked this kind of thing There's a lot of unmentionable types around here... But I guess they're all here for the Contest. They say you get whatever you want if you win... I'd go for it, but I wouldn't stand a chance... I'm not strong enough to enter the Contest, so I get my action by betting on it! I can't believe I lost! What am I going to do now? I guess I'm on a losing streak... That's how I ended up like this... Garr is using this room next. You need to go to the Null Magic Hall. I dunno...I like holdin' people up in da lava like dat... D'ya think dat's weird? Am I OK in the lava like dat? Sure, you bet...I'm used to it! No worries! We's called da Dodai. It's our job to hold people up in da Hall of Fire. You's going in dere? Well, den, wish us both luck, yeah? I only started workin' here a lil while ago, but... If you asks me, it's a real man's job, yes sir, a real man's job! Make sure you pick out a good weapon before you fight Welcome! Anything I can get for you? They say the best offense is a good defense, right? This way to the: Hall of Fire This is the entrance to the Hall of Kings ... The hall to my left connects to the: Null Magic Hall. ........He must be really confident...look at the way he's smiling.. OK, Muchi, your first match is a one-on-one vs Emitai's team... Can you hear me? Fights in this hall are one-on-one only, so I'm on my own... Wish me luck! Go Emitai! Fight, fight, Emitai! ..If Ryu and his friends win their first match... They'll be paired up with. either Emitai or Muchi... mumblemuttermumble muttermumblemutter mumblemutter... Hey, Kenichi! Hurry up, will ya? It's always like this... Always off meditatin' or something! I am called Galypaw. I look forward to meeting you in the final match. Good luck! I hear that Kenichi fellow's really scary! We're gonna win... Boy, those ring girls are really nice, huh? Our Mind Trap attack is unbeatable! Hey, those ring girls are really cute, aren't they? No one stands a chance against us! We'll crush them! Say, those ring girls are really something, eh? I really don't like the way they all stare at me... Don't you worry, Lyla...Daddy's gonna win for you... Mommy, Daddy's gonna win, won't he? cough Did you win? Who knows which way Lady Luck will smile? You was small so you was easy to hold up Oh, man... I'm supposed to hold up Garr... He be strong, but he be real heavy, too! That fool Kenichi! He never puts his money where his mouth is! Well, it's just a good thing Galypaw and I can fight! I hear Garr fights alone! Even entire teams can't defeat him! There's something funny about that Kenichi's eyes... If I were you, I'd watch out for him. This team seems pretty strong... Maybe they'll even be able to beat Garr... Muchi's team didn't say one word the whole time! They accepted their loss very gracefully. Did you see Emitai's fight? It was amazing! I mean, ZAP! One shot with this big spell, and POW! Yeah, but Emitai's in for a rough time this time... I mean, he can't use his magic in the Null Magic Hall, right? You lucked out, eh? Emitai can't use his powerful magic against you! Emitai's kid is really sick... I hear she won't live long without an operation. That's why Emitai's fighting...He must love her a lot. You must be tired... This isn't where you're fighting... You kids are really something, fighting all those tough guys. Hm? You're just kids --You'd better quit while you still can... Our first match's just some kids--an easy win... We won't waste any energy before we fight Garr. The one to watch out for this year is Garr... We Dodai are strong. We don't worry about much... But even we have to watch out for Garr. Boy, that Garr sure is strong! It was over so fast I didn't even notice he was there at all! He was really something, wasn't he! The champ really showed his stuff this year, didn't he? You shouldda seen it! He took all 3 of them down in a second! Oh well! Should've concentrated harder! I guess there's always next year! mumblemuttermumble mumblemuttermumble mumblemuttermumble I, I bet on Muchi...I wonder if I'll win...? Hmmm...I bet on Emitai... Win a few, lose a few, eh? That's gambling! This is the Arena of Kings... Where team leaders fight in a one- on-one battle-- No tricks, no help, no teammates, just man-to-man action! If you win here... You're the Ultimate Champion! Have you seen the Dodai that work here? I wouldn't be able to get in the lava like that! I wonder how many people'll get burned this year... hee hee hee hee Fighters in the Hall of Fire can attack their opponent's platform... If a fighter loses his platform, then he loses the fight! This is the Hall of Fire! Here fighters from each team fight in a dynamic, one-on-one single elimination battle! See, in this place, you fight on these platforms held up by people called the Dodai little folks like you might have an advantage... Garr's the top seed again this year...natch! I heard this year there's some kids entering the Contest. I can't believe it! The Contest should be for men only! Man versus man, skill versus skill, that's what it's about. You're going to fight here? Then make sure you get a good Dodai The Hall of Fire has the best fights and the best finishes! I mean, if you fall, you're in the lava, right? Unlike the other arenas, there are no special rules here. The team leaders go at it one-on-one-- that's a real fight! Competitors don't get to choose the arena they fight in... So sometimes even magic-users have to fight in the Null Magic Hall... This is the ready room for the Null Magic Hall. 'Course, they're connected in the middle Maybe I'll take a chance and bet on that Ryu fellow... Deathmask versus Kenichi? I don't know... Maybe I'll bet on a different match... I put all my money on Patrio's team!! Gooooo Patrioooooo! Gooooo!! There's no way a bunch of kids'll win! I'm putting 1000 zenny on Patrio! They wouldn't let just any kids enter! There's gotta be something behind it! Your first fight is in the Hall of Fire, versus the Patrio Team--good luck! I, I won! I hit the jackpot! Kenichi's team looks pretty strong, but they won't be able to beat Garr I lost! arggggggggggghhhhhhhh! Luck! They were lucky! Won't happen again! I'm betting on Emitai! I should've bet on the kids! But next they're up against Emitai... Hmmm...That'll be a tough fight. Ah, Ryu! Your second fight is against the Emitai Team, in the Null Magic Hall I'm betting on Ryu again! Even if Emitai couldn't use his magic, it's still amazing he was defeated! Maybe those kids're for real...? How can a kid make it to the finals!? It's rigged I tell you! Rigged! Stop yelling so much! Why don't you bet on Ryu next? The Final Match will take place in the Hall of Kings! Did you see the way Garr fought? It was amazing! I can't believe how strong Garr is-- taking on three people like that! I'm glad I bet on Garr! Did you see what happened to Kenichi and his team? Kenichi didn't even have time to go after Garr's platform This way to the ready room for the Hall of Kings... Contestants only, please Contestants for the Hall of Fire this way please... What, are you fighting? Deathmask versus Kenichi...? Neither of 'em will be able to beat Garr... Emitai's a wizard, right? What's he gonna do in the Null Magic Hall? You guys lucked out, eh? Getting to fight a wizard in the Null Magic Hall! Garr entered all by himself, even though it's a team-based tournament! That's the Champ for ya! Too bad... Even all three of you together couldn't beat Garr... Your next match is in the Hall of Kings. Well, you had a good run until now... This is the Null Magic Hall! Where real men fight-- no magic allowed!! Of course Deathmask is gonna win! How could he lose against someone like Kenichi!? Humph! Who's this Deathmask character? Kenichi's got Chomoi and Galypaw to back him up! There aren't many people here now, but once the battles start, it'll fill up real quick! Let's see...The winners of the first match will be... Patrio's Team, Emitai's Team, and Kenichi's Team! Ticket holders this way please... I'm sorry, but there are no tickets on sale today. Reserved seating only I'm actually the manager here... But Balio and Sunder took over, and they have me working the ticket lines... Would you like a pamphlet? Ha ha ha ha ha Emitai won... Ha ha ha ha ha I can't stop laughing! I lost... I lost all my money... Kenichi not worth anything! How's he gonna win against Garr!? So much for Deathmask! Ha! Let's see... The next match's winners will be... Garr, and Emitai! No mistake! You're pretty strong, aren't you? I didn't think you'd actually win Garr's next, huh? I bet he knocks his opponent straight into the lava! I bet it was easy for the Dodai to hold kids like you up I bet Garr won't have any trouble with Kenichi! I feel sorry for the Dodai... How do they hold someone as big as Garr up like that? Hear you have to fight Garr in the Finals... Well, good luck! I'm betting on you for the next match! So please win, please You mean they weren't able to beat Garr even three-on-one!? That's the Kenichi team for you! Can't be helped-- look who they were fighting! The winner of the Final will be...Ryu! Definitely! No doubt about it! I'm impressed you didn't fall for my act... You weren't convincing enough! I told you so! Can I stop coughing now? Emitai had me fooled! I bet he used the same trick against Muchi's team, too! Emitai's specialty isn't's conning people! Good luck to ya. There's a lot of people rooting for you now! Hmmm... So you made it to the finals, eh? Pure luck could never have taken you this far... You're in the finals!? I feel sorry for you... Why? 'Cause you've got to fight that big scary guy! The only thing I'm good at is magic... In the Null Magic Hall I'll have to let these two fight for me... Me Pantson! Me Fire! Daddy...Are you OK? You gonna win wifout your magic? cough cough Don't worry, honey Your daddy's the best magician in the world. He won't lose... This hall is closed. Well, that's it for this year! That's it for another year... The final match was really something! I'll never forget it! I think it was brave of you to fight Garr at all! Boy, that Kenichi was pretty creepy, huh? I thought the Mac brothers were pretty weird... Finally over? Has everyone left then? arggggggggggggg! I can't wait until next year! The Contest of Champions is over! Thanks for coming! Garr won! No mistake about it! 'Course I'm sure-- it's over This way to the exit Thank you... Please come again Time to get back to my real job... Of course, we'll be cleaning up for a while though... You guys were pretty good, you know! Good luck next year! You may have lost but you put up a good fight! The arena's going to be shut down for a while Is it true that Garr picked you as his prize? What does he want with a bunch of kids, anyway? If I won, I'd ask for a lot of money... I mean, it's a lot harder to make money than kids, right? It's probably not worth it to go in there... That's not the right way! Balio: Fah! Get out of here! Get lost! Sunder: Go away! Ya bother me, kid! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. MAEKYSS GORGE: THE SHOWDOWN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Balio: ...Ryu I've got to hand it to you... You're one heck of a kid Sunder: I never would've thought you'd give us so much trouble... Balio: We've called in all our men from around here... Sunder: You won't get away this time! Get him!! Balio: These Brood are really something, eh, Sunder? Sunder: But he can't keep it up forever... We still have plenty of men behind you... Garr: ...humph! Garr: .........Them? They were in my way... Sunder: Wh... WHAT!? Balio: Hey, Garr... What do you think you're doing? Why would you betray us to help these kids!? Garr: That's my business... Anyway... I thought I told you to leave them alone? Garr: Looks like you betrayed me first, no? Garr joined the party. Please choose 3 party members Balio: Garr... The boss isn't going to let you get away with this... Garr: So? I don't care about your boss or what he thinks Balio: I see... All right then... we'll settle this here and now. Balio: It looks like the time has come... to show them our true power, my brother. Sunder: What!? You mean we're gonna...? Sunder: You're all dead! Balio and Sunder: uuuuurrrrraaaaa Stallion: Stallion Metamorphosis! No one has seen us in this form and lived to tell the tale!! ------- Scene 2 ------- Nina: Thank you, Garr... Garr: Think nothing of it... I was planning on breaking off from them anyway. More importantly... Garr: Once we've taken the princess back to Wyndia, you must come with me to Angel Tower, Ryu... Nina: Wait a minute! Ryu's looking for some missing friends of his, named Teepo and Rei... Garr: Something tells me... You won't find them alive... Nina: Garr! How can you say that! Garr: You know who you're dealing with... don't you? They're the kind of people who'll kill anyone... The only reason Ryu was all right was because of his power, or am I wrong? Garr: First, we should go to Wyndia... We need to get permission to cross the bridge, anyway. ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Welcome! I am the painter Ecarl, you see? Please be remembering my wife's name, Kimiko, yes? Very noisy here of late, no? I picked this place for my studio because it is quiet here, you see? meow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. WYNDIA CASTLE: HONEY'S ESCAPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Ohhhh!? Princess Nina...!? You're safe! Nina: I'm sorry to have worried everyone Wyndian guard: The King will be so glad to know that you've returned safely, Princess Nina. Wyndian guard: Hey! What happened to those crooks!? The ones who used that kid to get us to drop our guard! Nina: Ah, um, yes, well I'll explain... But first, shouldn't you tell Daddy... I mean, the King that I'm back? Wyndian guard: Ah! Yes, of course! Immediately! Nina: I have a feeling I'm going to have a hard time explaining that Ryu's not a criminal... King: My, that sounds like quite an adventure Nina: I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't been for Ryu and everybody... King: I see... Forgive me, Master Ryu, for doubting you and thinking you were one of those charlatans... On behalf of the Queen, I offer you thanks once more. Knight: But, Your Majesty... I find it hard to believe-- Could a mere child have performed such deeds? Nina: But Ryu isn't just an ordinary child! Father, Ryu is a drag... Garr: Ahem! erm...cough, cough! By the way, Your Highness... We were thinking of traveling to the eastern lands... King: Yes, yes! You need a passport, yes? Since you are in a hurry, I'll see to it that you get it immediately! Nina: Wait!... You mean... You're leaving already? Momo: Nina... Princess... We'll meet again. King: Indeed. If your travels bring you here again, we would welcome your presence at Castle Wyndia. ------- Scene 2 ------- Nina: .........Why'd they have to leave so soon? Nina: Oh, well... If I went with them, I'd only get in the way... They don't need a princess along causing trouble... Nina: What's that!? Some... something hit my foot and startled me... And I dropped the plate... No, it wasn't a rat... It was something... more... Eeek! There it is again! Nina: Hey! That looked like Honey! Nina: Honey... I knew it was you! Nina: Wait! Nina: Oh no... If the cooks see her, they'll think she's a rat and try to kill her! Nina: Honey! Wait! Nina: It's me, Honey... It's Nina. Nina: Honey, you're going to fall!! Nina: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Nina: What's happening...? We... We're flying!? Nina: Did you... did you do that, Honey? Nina: Honey! What's the matter? Honey!? Nina: .........She's not moving... Nina: What should I do...? I can't fix her myself--I need Momo's help... ------- Scene 3 ------- Momo: Hey...Has anyone seen Honey? Momo: Where's she gotten off to now? Momo: Honeeeeey, wheeerre aaaaareeee yooouuu? Nina: ....Ryu? Garr? Momo: Nina, what is it? Nina: Momo! It's Honey... She...She's... Momo: Hmmmm.... Looks like she ran out of chrysm... Why don't you bring her inside the tent? Garr: Let Momo handle this.. She knows what's best for Honey... Garr: Besides... There's something I have to tell you Garr: When we get to the the eastern lands... you'll learn all about the Brood... Garr: But... there is a possibility that you may die soon afterwards... Nina: Die... you mean Ryu might die...!? Nina: Why would you say such a thing!? He's just going to learn about the dragons, isn't he? Garr: You have to understand... When you're dealing with something that has enough power to destroy the world... Garr: have to be ready for anything Nina: Ryu's not a big bad dragon like that... Ryu always uses his power to protect me-- he's a good dragon! Nina: I... I'm going too! Nina: I don't want Ryu to die by himself somewhere... somewhere without me! Ryu's not a bad dragon! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- meeeeooooow This is Castle Wyndia Why is the castle built on such a high place? They said that it dates back to the days when our ancestors could fly. You say you're looking for someone? I haven't heard any news of travelers coming recently... Goods and travelers come from all around to Wyndia... Isn't a big city exciting? Ahhh.... That's a nice breeze, isn't it? This here is the trendy area of Wyndia... And the downtown area is downstairs. Looking out like this makes you want to travel, doesn't it? But you need the King's permission to cross the bridge... How about going to play with your friends instead of hanging around this old man? No! I wanna play with Grandpa! woof? coo coo When you look at them real close, pigeons are kind of scary... I mean, like the way their eyes are so vacant... Fresh-baked bread for sale! It's delicious! We Wyndians aren't afraid of high places... Probably because our ancestors were able to fly, I guess. This is an oven for baking bread. We use the windmills for power to break the bread. Don't be touching everything with your dirty hands now... We're making food here! Oui...I always come 'ere to get zee fresh croissants What with the bad harvest and all, we've had a hard time getting good flour for the bread... We're able to make all the bread because we have the cats to catch the mice for us. We use wheat from McNeil Village to make the bread here. That doesn't mean it's especially good or anything, but... The head baker here is pretty famous... They say people come from all over just for his bread. Fresh-baked bread, right here! Step right up! I'm sorry, I don't work here... I came up from the cafe to buy something Kids are lucky... Get to run around playing all day... Our ancestors were able to fly, you know... I wonder how the world looked to them...? I wouldn't repeat this to just anyone, but I hear that the latest rumor in the castle is that Princess Nina has disappeared... I heard a rumor that the princess was taken in by a con man... Can you believe it? And this used to be such a safe town... I'm sure the princess wanted to run away... I bet living in the castle's not as great as we think it is. Better keep an eye on my grandkid... And make sure she isn't kidnapped like Nina was! I wanna play with you today too, Grandpa! I wonder what it feels like to have wings? I hope the poor princess has enough to eat... Oui...It is more fashionable to call it a bakery, not zee bread shop, non? Enhanced crops, eh? That mean there's enhanced flour too? Enhanced crops... That's the stuff they use chrysm on, right? I don't see what's wrong with the plain old stuff... The head baker here is famous for his jelly pastries too Why did they kidnap the princess? For ransom? Make more money that way than working, I guess... I heard voices from the hall... I wonder what's happened? Princess Nina! Please don't come to close--it's dangerous I've gotta work hard to get better and get promoted! Say...that reminds me... Did that soldier who went out looking for Princess Nina ever come back? If you study under this master, your stamina improves... But I'm the thinking type, so I'd rather have someone who can teach me magic... Have you heard about the masters? If you study with them your abilities change based on the master's specialty... There are lots of masters like me around the world... Teaching people all sorts of different skills and abilities The kitchen is down this way Looks like something startled her while she was cleaning... and she broke a dish. Don't touch--it's sharp. That girl's so clumsy... It was probably just a rat or something anyway... Oh, Princess Nina! You have no idea how worried I was! I'm so relieved you've come back safely! That boy...Ryu... He's really something, isn't he? Protecting Princess Nina all by himself like that... Princess...Where do you think you're going? You can't just leave by yourself. I feel so ashamed that I wasn't able to protect the Princess...Next time I won't fail! Of course, there probably won't be a next time, but... The King and Queen's rooms are up these stairs The maids' and servants' rooms are this way Nina... I'm so glad you're safe... Queen Sheila will be sure to get better now that Princess Nina has returned safely. The Queen was so worried about you, Princess, that she collapsed... Please, don't worry her like that again! Ah! Princess Nina! If you're looking for the King, he's here with the Knight Vincent. Perhaps Nina just wants to play, like any other child... At any rate, we must keep a closer eye on her... We cannot have the Princess acting so rashly. Those bandits planned on holding the Princess for ransom, didn't they? While they might have saved the princess, those visitors were a rude and uncouth bunch! Especially that Garr fellow... Since we kept the fact that you were gone a secret, we can't have a big celebration now that you're back. Princess Nina... Someday, you'll have to tell me how you managed to escape from those awful bandits! What!? You were missing, Princess Nina!? I had no idea...! We use this machine to observe the motion of the wind... And try to learn about how the world works from it. The Dragon War: 1 In their attempt to take over the world, the dragons started a tremendous war... The Book of Flight-1 Once upon a time, we Wyndians possessed the power of flight. The Dragon War: 2 The accursed dragons were then destroyed by the combined might of the world they had sought to dominate. The Book of Flight-2 But as the ages passed, our powers weakened, and we eventually lost our ability to fly. The Book of Flight-3 But ours was not the only race to lose something... Many different peoples lost their special powers over time. Guard: P-p-p-princess!! You can't leave! The King will kill me if I let you leave...! Nina: Yes, mother I'm sorry to have made you worry Sheila: ...You...are my treasure... Wyndia's treasure... Remember that always, and try not to do anything that would bring us grief... Nina: Yes, mother... I'm sorry... Nina ...Please, don't go away again... Princess, what is that? Is it alive!? What? Something unusual? No, I haven't seen anything come this way... Well, I thought I saw something tiny run that way... I could have sworn I just saw something go running by... Something really small just went running past here! I wonder what it was, eh, Princess? What was that just now? A rat? That wasn't a rat. It looked like some kind of tiny machine. I wonder what it was? I just saw something go running up into your room, Princess! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. EASTERN CHECKPOINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Garr: Once we're through here... we'll be in the eastern lands... Garr: I don't think we'll have a problem with our passports, but... Garr: We might have a problem with our companion, the runaway Princess... Guard: Passport, please... Guard: Everything looks to be in order Guard: Hm...? Princess Nina? Guard: Excuse me...but who is this young lady? Garr: She's my daughter. Is there something wrong? Guard: D-d-d-daughter!? Guard: You mean...I mean... By daughter, you mean she's your child, right? Garr: Is there another meaning I don't know? Guard: Uh...Well, now that you mention it... I suppose she does take after her fath... I mean her mother! Yes, indeed, very attractive! Um, sorry to have bothered you. Please, go on through! ------- Scene 2 ------- Nina: Whew...that was close. Thank you, Garr, for covering for me like that... Garr: Mmmm... I've heard that Ryu has saved you several times... Garr: So I thought that you might be necessary to get Ryu to use his power... Garr: After all, if he isn't able to use his power, we're only wasting time, you know... Nina: You mean you only use your powers because of me? Only to protect me? Nina: If that's true, then I want to be stronger! I want to learn how to fight too! Nina: That way... you won't have to use your powers... and you won't get into trouble for using them anymore... right? ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- We cannot allow you to cross the bridge without authorization from the King. I don't have time for that! I'm busy see? He's asking, Have you seen these kids come through here? What happened? What does Balio want with a couple of kids? No one's seen us... But we'd better lay low for now Oh brother... Who are these guys? What do they want? Hmmm...Don't like the looks of them'd I put that passport? (Chew, chew) I don't know... The person they're after must have done something really bad There's a mean-looking bunch over on the west road, too... Wonder what's going on? Things are a little noisy, but maybe you'd like to rest? Stop your eating and listen! Have you seen these kids? Looks like one of Balio's men...How'd he get out here!? Soldier: Whoops! Sorry! No one without a passport gets through... If you cross this bridge there's a town with a port... Don't know where the boat goes from there though... There were some mean-looking fellows around here a while ago... I wonder what they were here for? I hear there's a place with lots o' machines over there. Oh no! I lost my passport! (chew chew) Better get going soon (chew chew) Really? I wish I could've been there to see it... On my way home from the Contest of Champions... I go to see it every year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. RHAPALA AND THE WHARF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Sinkar: Huh? You want to use the ship? Hmmm...My daughter's in charge of that-- you'll have to talk to her about it. Shadis: Humph! Iggy: Besides, Sinkar has already given Zig his seal of approval! Beyd: That may be true... But as the person in charge of the Guild finances.... Zig: Don't you worry, Beyd! Between Shadis and me, the Guild'll be in good hands! Zig: Right, Shadis? Zig: Ha ha ha ha ha Don't be shy, Shadis! We'll make a great team, you and me! Zig: So, that's that. See ya, Beyd Beyd: I'm sorry about that... I'm Beyd, the Guild bookkeeper...How can I help you? Beyd: If you want to know about the ship, you'll need to talk to Miss Shadis there. Shadis: People keep asking me about the ship... But the ship's not coming back! Understand? Oh, it gives me such a headache! Beyd: Shadis... Beyd: Just because you're not feeling good doesn't mean you can act like that in front of customers! Shadis: Not feeling good? And whose fault do you think that is? You, you...doofus! Shadis: You probably don't care if I get married to someone like Zig anyway, do you? Beyd: I'm so sorry... She seems a little upset right now... Anyway, as she said, the ship's not back yet, so we can't sell you a ride right now... Beyd: I'm sorry for the inconvenience... Is there anything else I can do for you? (1)"No" (2)"Who's Shadis?" (3)"Who's Zig?" (4)"What about Sinkar?" (5)"Who're you?" (6)"What's the Guild?" (1) I see... Well then, you'll have to talk to Shadis again after the ship has returned. (2) She's the only daughter of the Guildmaster... And she's been put in charge of the ship by him... Anything else I can tell you? (3) Zig is the best sailor around these parts... The Guildmaster's pretty taken with him, and he's planning on marrying Shadis... Anything else I can tell you? (4) The Guildmaster wants Shadis to follow in his footsteps, but it's hard for her to get the men to respect her, being a woman and all... It looks like he wants to marry her off soon... Anything else I can tell you? (5) I've been a, uh, a friend of Shadis' since we were kids. Now I work as the Guild bookkeeper. Anything else I can tell you? (6) The Guild controls all the shipping around here, as well as the sea lanes and the roads. Mostly, we move machines around. Anything else I can tell you? Shadis: Sorry about that back there... Shadis: I was just a little frustrated... So many things happening at once... I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anything about the ship now...If you're in a hurry, you could go ask my father if he'll let you use the road. Shadis: Not much we can do without the ship... Anything else I can do for you? Tell us about: (1)"Nothing" (2)"Beyd" (3)"Zig" (4)"Your father" (5)"You" (6)"When's the ship coming" (1) All right then... My father should be in the pub in the inn (2) Beyd? We've been friends since we were kids... I don't want to talk about that bonehead now, OK? Anything else I can do for you? Tell us about: (3) That bozo? Well, my father seems to like him... He is a pretty good sailor, but that's about it... Anything else I can do for you? Tell us about: (4) My father...wants me to marry a sailor. He says the Guild work's too rough for a woman... Anything else I can do for you? Tell us about: (5) Me? I like working for the Guild... I just wish there was someone I could rely on to give me a hand sometimes, you know? Anything else I can do for you? Tell us about: (6) Who knows? I don't. This is the first time the ship's been gone this long... If we could only fix the lighthouse maybe we could figure out why... Anything else I can do for you? Tell us about: Sinkar: What? You want to use the road instead of the ship? Hmmm....there's a problem with that, too... Sinkar: You know that volcano Mt. Zublo? It erupted a little while ago, and the lava's blocked off the road. Sinkar: So, if you want to go east, there's no choice. You'll have to wait until the ship comes back. I won't stop you if you want to go see the volcano, but you won't be able to get past it. ------- Scene 2 ------- Momo: You mean after we came all this way, there's no boat!? Garr: We can't use the road, either... I guess we're stuck here then Momo: Maybe if we fixed the lighthouse... the boat would be able to get here. Garr: I don't think the guild'll let anyone near it no matter how good they may be with machines... Momo: Well, then, I guess we're stuck here! Nina: Say... Do you think Shadis likes Beyd? Momo: Well... maybe she does... But what does that have to do with anything? Nina: And Beyd's in love with Shadis, right? Nina: But he's too shy to tell her... Nina: I know! I'll go talk to Beyd and tell him what he needs to tell her! I mean, if he doesn't do anything, it's not fair to Shadis, is it? ------- Scene 3 ------- Nina: I'm going to go talk to Beyd and tell him what he needs to do... Nina: Say, Beyd... You're in love with Shadis, aren't you? Beyd: Wh-wh-wh-what, what What are you talking about!? Nina: Don't be so embarrassed-- I'm sure Shadis likes you too! Beyd: Wait... wait just a minute... Why don't we talk about this somewhere else... Beyd: What're you talking about? Of course I like Shadis...she's my friend, but... Beyd: What!? P-p-p-p-p -propose!? Beyd: I c-c-can't do that! I mean, I'm nothing! She needs someone strong and, and... reliable to help her run the Guild! Nina: So then all you need to do is get strong! Beyd: I don't know... I think that's easier said than done--look at me... Nina: No problem! We'll help train you! Beyd: T-train!? Nina: That's right. It looks like we won't be going anywhere until the boat comes, so we'll help you get stronger! Beyd: No... I don't think it'll work... Nina: You won't know unless you try! Beyd: I'm going... back to work Nina: Did I say something wrong, maybe? Momo: No... It may take him some time to face the truth... Zig: Bwah ha ha ha ha! Nina: What's all that noise about? Nina: Beyd...What's the matter? Beyd: Zig's going to go fix the lighthouse Beyd: If Zig manages to defeat the monsters and repair the lighthouse, there'll be no denying he's the strongest man around and the best choice for Guildmaster. Nina: And that means... Zig will marry Shadis, right? Beyd: Please... I want you to train me Beyd: I can't just give up... Not without trying! Beyd: Please train me... Make me strong so I can go fix the lighthouse before Zig! Beyd: I've never used a sword before... You'll have to get me some equipment. I'll give you 1000 zenny, so please get me some armor and a sword...And please get some that aren't too heavy. You got 1000 zenny! Please get me some equipment. I can use anything Ryu can... (1)"Not ready yet" (2)"Got it!" (1) All right then... Remember, I'm not strong at all so please get the lightest stuff you can find. (2) All right then... Are you ready to start training? (1)"Not yet" (2)"Ready!" (1) I work during the day, so I'd like to train at night When you're ready, let me know. (2) OK! I'll come when I've finished work, so please wait for me in the town square! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Welcome to Rhapala! Home of the Porter's Guild! meow! I want to go east, right? So I thought I could hitch a ride on a boat here... But they told me I'd have to go around the volcano! What's this place? This is the town square...I think. Either that or a fountain without any water... I hear there's been no boat here for a while... That's OK--I can wait. If you've business with the Guild, they're over there zzz... I've seen you somewhere before... I know! Didn't I meet you at the Contest of Champions? I ain't got nothin' to do... Maybe I'll try fishing too... I get sardines and give 'em to my cat... I may not look it, but I love cats! prrrrrrrrr Ever catch a puffer? Pretty weird name for a fish, ain't it? Wonder who made it up... We cross the sea here and go to Junk Town... and bring back the machines they got there 'Cept lately the boat hasn't come back... I can hear the sea calling me scuttle scuttle The boat hasn't come back... Heard it's 'cause the lighthouse don't work... The shipyard's up this way... No ship there now, though... What? I don't care what you say, I won't do it Usually I can get a ride east on the ship, but... Maybe I should try going 'round the volcano down south... I thought I'd be able to get some work when the ship came back, so I came to meet the Guildmaster, Sinkar All these bums come looking for work and just stay here... Haven't they got anything better to do? Looking for the Guildmaster? Sinkar's here having lunch Rum's the only drink that's fit for a sailor... Man, I love this smell! That fellow there... He doesn't have any money so he keeps ordering water A rundown pub in a port town... A man sitting alone in the corner nursing his drink... Am I hip, or what? I came all this way thinking I could buy some machines... It's just my luck the boat's not coming back! Sinkar's the Guildmaster, see? But lately he's been letting his daughter do most of the work. The Guildmaster Sinkar's in charge of all the traffic coming and going around this area. squeak? Oh well... Guess I'm stuck here until the ship comes back... Welcome to Hotel Sinkar! purrrrrrrrr Care for a shot before you get on the boat? We take transport orders here... If you're looking for passage on the ship, you'll have to talk to Guildmaster Sinkar first. They say the reason there's a lot of cats here is because the Guild symbol is a cat, see? meow? My daughter Shadis should be out at the shipyard... If you want to know about the ship, she's the one to talk to. I heard Zig say he's gonna go to the lighthouse... There's supposed to be lots of monsters there, but I bet Zig'll be able to handle 'em! Zig's gonna repair the lighthouse? If he can do that, then he'll end up taking over for the Guildmaster for sure! Once the lighthouse's fixed and the ship comes back... I wonder if Sinkar'll marry off his daughter to Zig? Zig's offered to go fix the lighthouse... If he can pull that off, I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to let him marry Shadis, either. Repairing a lighthouse taken over by monsters... That Zig sure is brave, isn't he? I wonder if a guy like me can get a job... It's been pretty noisy at night around here lately... It's probably just a cat or dog making a ruckus Is it true the boat will come back once the lighthouse's fixed? Hey, you... Are you the ones who've been making all that noise at night? I haven't been able to catch a thing... Cat must be hungry... zzzzzz Blowfish is a pretty weird name for a fish too. Ports are for women, and ships are for men. This here is the shipyard... 'cept right now we don't have a ship. There's monsters in the lighthouse... The boat's missing... What's the world coming to!? Shadis sure doesn't have it easy, what with the ship not coming back and Zig chasing after her all the time... Huh? Fishing for sardines to give to cats? Are you kidding? They're for my dinner! woof The one in charge here is the Guildmaster's daughter Shadis...Oh, yeah, if you want to know about the small details, ask Beyd, the bookkeeper. Did you know that the Porter's Guild carries machines from here in Rhapala all around the world? Machines left out near the ocean get rusty real quick... So you gotta take good care of 'em! They say a bunch of monsters showed up at the lighthouse and turned off the light, and that's why the ship hasn't come back. Turn the light in the lighthouse back on? I'd love to, but what about the monsters? The channels 'round here are pretty complicated... That's why we use the lighthouse and buoys to guide ships. I wonder what's up with the ship...When will it come back? Here's how it works, see? Shadis needs someone who can get things done, like me! Understand, Beyd? When people talk about real men, they mean people like Zig here, see!? But Zig... No one's decided anything yet... scuttle scuttle I'm a sea louse The lighthouse is up this way, but only Guild personnel can go past here. Besides, you wouldn't want to go anyway, with all the monsters. You just wait and see, Iggy! Before long, I'll have it all--the Guild, Shadis... How can they resist a first-rate guy like me? Ha ha ha! You said it, Zig! You're as first-rate as they come! If I were a woman, I know I wouldn't be able to resist you! All right, all right! Now leave me alone! Ha ha ha! Hey Shadis! You can start getting your wedding dress fitted now! I'll go get that lighthouse fixed up faster than you can say, I do! Zig has said he'll fix the lighthouse... If he does it, Sinkar will name him his successor for sure... Before I even have a chance to try what Nina said... If you fix that lighthouse up, you'll be a hero, Zig! You'll be head of the Guild in no time! Zig's gonna go fix the lighthouse! If he pulls that off, Shadis won't be able to say no anymore! So once he marries Shadis, Zig'll be Guildmaster, huh? He's strong for sure, but he's not too bright, you know... Oh, well, I guess as long as Beyd's around... Zig's going to the lighthouse? Hmmmm... Now maybe the ship'll come back I hear there's some pretty bad monsters in the lighthouse... I wonder if even someone as strong as Zig'll be OK... It'll be nice if the ship comes back once the monsters're gone and the lighthouse's fixed. Shadis liked Beyd better in the first place, so all's well that ends well, eh? Lighthouse? Who cares about that? My sardines are more important! So Beyd'll be the new Guildmaster now... I never really thought he was that strong... But if he can beat Zig, he's OK in my book! So now it's Beyd who's going to the lighthouse? I don't care who goes as long as it gets fixed! Zig, Beyd... Whoever's going, I just hope they're careful! I'm happy for Shadis... Now all we need is for the ship to come back... Thank you... I have a feeling Beyd and I will get along great together How could I lose with a body like this!? Oh well...I'm a man--I can take it! Zig! You're so tough. You tell 'em! I guess we can't expect the ship to come back so soon, even though the lighthouse's been fixed, eh? Thank you for fixing the lighthouse Everyone's happy now that the lighthouse's been fixed, but I won't be celebrating until the ship comes back So it was you who went to the lighthouse in the end? Well, as long as it's been fixed... Good thing the monsters didn't get you... Now all we have to do is wait for the ship to come back The ship should be able to get back now Thank you everybody! We should only have to wait a little longer for the ship You turned the lighthouse back on, eh? We're lucky to have folks like you around... I heard there was this big eye there! It's good you didn't go, huh, Zig? Wow! You actually killed all the monsters? Thank you! Once the ship's back, we'll take you anywhere you want to go! The boat's still not coming back... And there's no fish biting... Yep, the ship's not back yet... Bet Beyd's job's not gettin' any easier... How are we supposed to ship things around without a ship? I bet the ship's had an accident somewhere... So if it's still not back, that means it had nothing to do with the lighthouse... I wonder if something has happened to them? They should be able to find their way with the lighthouse fixed... Maybe something happened? If they're having some kind of trouble... They might not be back for a while. We don't know when the ship will be back, so go to the pub and talk to Sinkar, and get him to let you use the road. There's no use for a sailor like me if there's no ship around! Don't worry, Zig. Even if there's no ship for you to be on, you're still the best sailor in the world! I'm sorry we can't help you... I heard that Beyd fellow beat Zig... Can't judge a book by it's cover, eh? I bet his beating Zig will make the guildsmen look up to Beyd now. He didn't get much respect before, you know... I heard that Beyd the bookkeeper beat Zig and is going to go repair the lighthouse! I guess I won't get any work unless I'm strong like that... If that ship doesn't come back soon... We're gonna run out of food! They say the Guild- master's having Beyd fix the lighthouse How come they can fix everything but the ship? Since he's been put in charge of repairing the lighthouse... I guess Beyd's gonna become the next Guildmaster... You need more than just a good head to run the Guild... But Beyd's proven what he's made of by beating Zig. We've got only the best weapons Need any items? The lighthouse's been repaired? Then I guess the ship'll be along in no time, right? Huh? You fixed the lighthouse? Boy, you guys've been real busy, eh? It's all over... My cat doesn't love me anymore! yawn! Ylikov? No, I don't know of a fish by that name... Well, there's a road that goes around the volcano... But to carry the machines, we need the ship... Please accept the thanks of this old traveler You say you went and fixed the lighthouse? Wow... Don't think I'll give you any of my meat, though! Well, if the lighthouse's been repaired... We might as well wait for the ship! I guess you're right... Going round the volcano's risky... You went out to the lighthouse? If you're that strong, you'll be able to get work anywhere. I bet the Guildmaster will be glad to see the ship come back I've had enough water... I'll have to go get a job and get some money for the real thing. I wish everyone would get back to work... I don't want to stay like this forever... Thanks much! Now that the lighthouse's been fixed, I'm back in business. You should ask the Guildmaster for a reward... If you've got the Guild helping you, it'll be a big help when you travel. Now the ship might finally come back... Thanks It's a little embarrassing to have someone from outside help the Guild like this, but if Beyd said it was OK, then it must be all right. I hope the ship comes back soon... I'll get out of shape if I'm not working The ship's still not back, even though the lighthouse's fixed... Oh brother... Maybe it sank... I guess we're stuck here for a while longer... The Guild must be having a rough time too... I mean, if they lost their boat, they'll need a new one, right? Figures--we go to all the trouble to fix the lighthouse, and the boat still doesn't come back! When they don't bite, sometimes I feel like hitting them on the head with the lure and catching them that way, you know? It'd be easy for you to make it east if the boat would return! It won't be easy to get around the volcano... I mean, it's never easy, right? But now with the road out... What? You're headed east? I thought you were going to join the Guild! I thought I could get some time off when the ship returned... I wonder if the ship sank... It could happen... Boat's not coming back, eh? Maybe I should just leave... Monsters in the lighthouse... Missing ships... The Guildmaster's got it pretty rough... Maybe I should just walk there myself... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24. TRAINING BEYD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- That night Beyd: Thanks for waiting. No one should bother us here... Beyd: Let's get started... Could you please give me the equipment you have for me? Beyd: OK, everything looks all right... Once you're ready to begin, let me know. Are you ready? (1)"Not yet" (2)"How do we do this?" (3)"Let's go!" (4)"Change Beyd's equip" (5)"Member change" (6)"Quit training" (1) OK, I'll wait... Whenever you're ready (2) All right, then, I'll explain how this works "OK" "Later" Beyd: Here's how it works. First of all, to raise my Defense ... Beyd: Attack me when I'm this Beyd: My Defense will go up according to the number of times I'm attacked... Since I don't have that many HP to begin with, I'll be defending a lot, so be sure to go after me then, OK? Beyd: If I attack and hit, my Power will go up. How much it goes up depends on how much damage I do... I'll always go after the person with the lowest Defense, OK? Beyd: Based on how much damage I take... my Maximum HP will go up... Beyd: I can heal during a fight, so try to make the fight last as long as possible-- that's the best way to make me stronger faster. Beyd: The training session will end when the remaining turns meter on the screen reaches '0', or... Beyd: .........All of you or I are knocked out Beyd: So...Did you follow all of that? Let me know when you're ready to start (3) Come and get me! (4) You want to give me different equipment? (5) You want to change my training partner, right? (6) What! Quit training!? W-w- why!? We haven't even begun! Are you sure you want to quit? "Yes" "No" Oh... all right then... I guess that's all for tonight, then... I'll see you again tomorrow night. Beyd: That's all for tonight, then... Tonight's results are... Beyd: I've got to get stronger... So I can get to the lighthouse and repair it before Zig... I'll see you again tomorrow night! ------- Scene 2 ------- All right, everyone... Let's start! "Wait" "Start training" "To the lighthouse!" Beyd: The lighthouse!? I don't think I'm ready for that yet... Zig: What!? What do you mean you're going to the lighthouse, Beyd? Iggy: It's Zig here who's going, see? So just butt out, Beyd! Zig: That's right! I'm the strongest, so it's me who's going to the lighthouse! You got a problem with that, you'll have to fight me! Iggy: If you want to go, you'll have to beat Zig, see? Iggy: We're here to decide who goes to the lighthouse to fix it: Beyd, or the boss? Iggy: Listen up! This is a duel, see? Don't you be trying nothing, OK? Just stay there and watch! Well, we can probably get away with helping Beyd in secret, right? Iggy: Get ready... 3...2...1... Fight! Iggy: Stop! The winner is...Zig! I knew you'd win, boss! Beyd lost... We'll have to do more training and try again... Beyd: I... I won... Iggy: Oh no! Boss! I don't believe it! How could big old Zig here lose to Beyd? Shadis: Beyd... Are you all right? Look at're all beat up... Beyd: If it hadn't been for... all your help, I wouldn't have been able to beat Zig Beyd: If you hadn't convinced me to fight Zig, , then... Beyd: I guess... I would have stayed the same old Beyd... a 98-pound weakling... Beyd: Shadis... I want to help you. Let's take care of the guild...together Iggy: Boss! Boss! Did you hear that!? Boss!...Boss! Wake up, Boss! Beyd: Thank you...Thank you so very much... I don't know what'll happen next, but... Shadis and I will work everything out somehow...together! ------- Scene 3 ------- Oh, hello! Thank you so much for everything... Beyd: These injuries? Well, I'm not used to fighting, see, so... ouch! Beyd: So, I won't be going to the lighthouse for a while, I suppose Beyd: But if you're really in a hurry... I really shouldn't do this--you're not Guild members, but... Beyd: I was wondering... would you help us fix the lighthouse? Here, take this... You got a Guild badge! Beyd: With that, you can get to the lighthouse Beyd: I don't know for sure if the ship will come back once the lighthouse has been fixed, but... It can't hurt to try, right? Guardman: Wait a minute please! Only Guild members are allowed past this point... ? Guardman: You have a badge? Oh, you're associates of the Guild!? All right, but the lighthouse is full of monsters. Guardman: Be careful... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Beyd: Um... I can't train without equipment... I can use anything Ryu can... Once you've got some equipment for me, let me know... Can I have some equipment please? We can change my equipment as we train, but we can't begin unless I have a sword and armor. "Equip Beyd" "Nothing to equip!" Beyd: What...? I thought I gave you 1000 zenny? Oh, well... All right, here's another 1000 zenny... Please get me some equipment by tomorrow night, OK? You got 1000 zenny! Beyd: W-w-w-w- what! I don't have any more money! Can't you get me anything with the 2000 zenny I gave you? Iggy: You really mean to go, huh? Fine! But you'll never beat Zig... Iggy: Hey! What did I tell you! No butting in! Now we gotta start over... sheesh! Whoops! That was a little too obvious... We'll have to wait until Zig's looking the other way... Oh, the equipment I used is over there... It's not much, but I put a little something extra in. Please, go ahead ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25. THE LIGHTHOUSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Lighthouse employees, please read the following: (1)"1. Chrysm" (2)"2. The boiler" (3)"3. The main valve" (4)"4. Switch valve" (5)"5. Miscellaneous" "Stop reading" (1) There's extra chrysm ore stored outside the lighthouse. (2) The boiler in the basement can be fired up by placing chrysm ore in it. (3) Wait for the pressure to stabilize, then open the main valve. Vaporized chrysm will begin to flow through the ducts. (4) Which ducts the chrysm flows through can be regulated with the switch valves. (5) If there's no more chrysm, get some from the shop in Rhapala that sells chrysm ore. Opening the main valve. 1. Wait for the curve on the pressure graph to stabilize. 2. When the pressure hits the apogee of the center of the graph, pull the lever. 3. If there's not enough pressure, or if it's not stabilized, the boiler will stop. Place another chunk of ore in and start over. put the chrysm ore into the boiler. Hatch used for putting chrysm ore in the boiler Looks like where the ore's supposed to go. Do you want to put some ore in? "Yes" "No" The boiler is active... It's the switch for the main valve The main valve is open! ...Whoops! The boiler stopped. Looks like the switch for the lighthouse bulb... But it won't work until the main valve is opened... ------- Scene 2 ------- There's something here...... Nina: W what's that? There's something weird up there... Momo: What is that? It's so cuuuute!! Garr: What's that? What is it? It looks alive, but it's not moving... Momo: Well, whatever it is... It doesn't look harmful, does it? Nina: I... I don't like it... Let's leave it alone and get going, OK? Garr: It doesn't look like a monster... Garr: Did I just say... it didn't look like a monster...? Nina: This is weird... Something's wrong... Momo: Now that I think about it... it's not cute at all... ------- Scene 2 ------- With this switch, the lighthouse bulb can be turned on... Faerie: Noooooo! Faerie: Turn the lighthouse off!! Faerie: I said, turn it off! Faerie: Oh, noooo! Now what are we supposed to do!? Faerie: After we went to all the trouble to get Gazer to guard it... Now we can't turn it off!! I hate you! Faerie: Dummies! It's all your fault! You'd better make up for it! Here--take this! You got a Faerie Tiara Faerie: If you use this in the flower rings out in the country, you can come to our world... You'll be in big trouble if you don't, understand? Nina: .........Did we do something wrong? Momo: What was that all about...? Garr: ......? The switch is stuck There's no way to turn it off... ------- Scene 3 ------- Sinkar: You fixed the lighthouse? Sinkar: Thank you very much... Of course, we'll compensate you for your trouble... Once the ship comes back, we'll take you wherever it is you're going right away... And if there's anything else the Guild can do for you, just let us know, OK? ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26. FAERIE VILLAGE: FIGHTING THE DOLPHIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Momo: Hmmm... So this is the other side of the lighthouse, then? Cadis: That's right, dummy! That's why I told you not to turn it on! Mayfly: What are we going to do now that the light's on, El? Elkhair: 'What're we going to do'? You know what's going to happen, May? That monster's going to come after us again. Mayfly: I know that! That's why I'm asking what are we going to do, you dummy! Elkhair: I'm not a dummy! Only dummies call people dummies! Mayfly: Are you calling me a dummy, El? Cadis: STOP IT! Cadis: So, that's our problem. What are you gonna do about it? Momo: Well...I suppose we could kill that monster for you...? Cadis: Good idea! It comes out of the sea at night, so you should wait down at the beach... Momo: I'm not really sure what's going on... But why don't we help them? It doesn't look like the boat's coming anytime soon... This looks like the beach...Do you wait for nightfall? "Yes" "No" ------- Scene 2 ------- Momo: I wonder if we'll see anything? Momo: Hey! What's that!? Momo: Here it comes... Let's get it when it sticks its head out of the water, OK? Nina: This... is the monster? Momo: It's a dolphin... Dolphin: Ouch.... What was that for? Momo: Sorry... It's just that we were told there was a monster coming, and we thought that you were...well... Dolphin: Everyone makes a mistake now and then-- no worries... Why don't you tell me about this monster? Nina: He's a nice dolphin, isn't he? I wonder if he's what the faeries are afraid of? Momo: Let's go ask them. Dolphin: Oi! What's got your goat, laying into me like that? Dolphin: No worries, mate, but it's your lookout... I was just minding the sheilas, but if you want to take it outside... Dolphin: What's with the lighthouse, anyway? Bloody nuisance, can't get a wink wit' it shining away all night. Get rid o' it, apples it ain't. Else we might have a bit o' a barney happening... For those players who don't speak Australian we have provided an English translation of the previous scene. Do you want to replay the scene? "Yes" "No" Dolphin: Hey! What do you think you're doing, hitting me like that! Dolphin: All right... I was just being nice 'cause the chicks were here... If it's just you, I won't hold back, see? Dolphin: What's up with the lighthouse, anyway? When it's on, the light gets in my eyes and I can't sleep. Turn it off already, would ya? If you don't, I might have to get rough with ya, see? Cadis: That's him! Momo: the monster? Mayfly: He told us that if we didn't turn off the lighthouse... That he would eat us! Can you believe it!? Dolphin: Hey, the light's too bright, you know? I can't sleep, yeah? So, you think you could, like, turn it off for me, huh? Elkhair: If you want it turned off, do it yourself, dummy! Mayfly: That's right, you dummy! Why do you have to bully us about it anyway! Cadis: Leave us alone, you big dumb dolphin! Dolphin: Shaddap! Runts! I should just fry you in oil and have you for a midnight snack! Dolphin: I've had it! You're dead! You're all dead! ------- Scene 3 ------- Thank you for saving us from him. Since it's so late, why don't you just rest here? Mayfly: Here's a kiss for you! Smooooooch! Thank you sooooo much! Cadis: Thank you for getting rid of that nasty dolphin for us Momo: It's OK to leave the lighthouse on now, right? Cadis: Right! We weren't able to make any new friends with him around... Mayfly: But now that he's gone, we can have all sorts of friends over! Cadis: We'll make this place something really special... Please come back and visit us every once in a while! ------- Scene 4 ------- Beyd: I'm sorry... It looks like the ship won't be back for a while longer Beyd: And after you went to all the trouble to fix the lighthouse...I don't know what to say... Beyd: We'll figure out a way for you to go east... Go talk to the Guildmaster, Sinkar. I'm sure he'll let you use the road. Sinkar: Hmmm... It looks like the ship may have run into trouble somewhere and can't make it back... Sinkar: In a situation like this, the only way east is to go around Mt. Zublo, but... as you know, the road there is out. Sinkar: But we owe you for your help with the lighthouse...So I will allow you to use our secret shortcut! Yes, we have a secret shortcut! It goes through the volcano! We are the Porter's Guild, after all! Sinkar: Here, take this letter... It'll let you use the Guild shortcut through the volcano. You got the Guildmaster's Letter! Sinkar: A long time ago... Before there was a road, we used a road that cuts through the mountain. It may not be an easy trip, but it'll get you to the east. Sinkar: Thank you again and godspeed! You can find the mountain to the east of town... Come back and see us sometime! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Come back again soon We hatch from cocoons just as you saw... What? Before that? We're just little worms--pretty icky, huh? There aren't a lot of animals here like there were in the forest... But there's a lot of fish for us to eat! Hee hee hee The beach is right below this house. Kill that nasty monster for us...pretty please? We used to live in the forest... But when the mine was started up, the forest was destroyed. Things were OK for a while after we came here... But then it came out of the ocean and started bullying us! It looks like some kind of cocoon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27. MT. ZUBLO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Old man: Hee hee hee. So you've followed me this far, have you...? Momo: What do you mean? We're just going to the place called Angel Tower... Nina: What is it, sir? We need to get to Angel Tower... Garr: Hmmm...? We're trying to get to Angel Tower, that's all... Old man: Hee hee...I know... I owe it to all who sleep in the tower... I can't let it end here like this, hee hee. Old man: Ah! I can hear them! The angry voices of the dead...They call out to me... Old man: Ha ha ha ha... You can't get me!! I'll avenge them all!! Hee hee hee...Ha ha ha! Old man: Heed me, Scyllaaaaa! Heed me, Charybdisss! Old man: Hee hee hee hee!! Die! Die! Dieeee! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Sorry, you can't use this road... The lava from the recent eruption's gone 'n blocked it. If you want to get east, you should get passage on a freighter from the harbor...The volcano just erupted, and the lava's still blocking the road, you see. We're members of the Porter's Guild of Rhapala. The guild controls all the roads and trade routes 'round here. This here cave's a shrine for some kind of god or somethin'. All I know is we found it here when we was makin' the road. Eh? Letter from the Guildmaster? You mean you want to use the secret guild route? Fine by me, but just watch out for the lava, eh? If you're going to use the passage, be careful of the lava. There's supposed to be some kind of monster in the passage that feeds off fire, and legend says that whoever defeats it will gain great power. You can't decipher what the characters mean... But you have the strange feeling you've seen them somewhere before... The characters are too difficult for to understand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28. URKAN TAPA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Sudama: .........Is that you, Garr? Sudama: Welcome back... So, have you made up your mind to join your comrades? Garr: Something like that, I guess... Sudama: So it's true, then... There is no more evil in the world Sudama: I guess your intuition was wrong... So this means the time has come for you to enter your long sleep, then, Guardian Garr. Sudama: Very well... Go to the Tower... I'll tell the watchmen you are coming. Sudama: Farewell...Garr ------- Scene 2 ------- Garr: I may look different, But I'm one of them... I too am an Urkan Garr: A Guardian is what people like me... What Urkan warriors are called... We protect our people from evil and harm. Nina: Ryu, Garr... Are you still up? Garr: About what I told you... That you might die... Garr: Oh, never mind... You'll understand once we get there... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Welcome travelers, to Tapa, the village of the Urkan people. Welcome home, great Guardian. This is the Hall of Prayer. We gather here once a day to offer our prayers to God. Have you met with the Patriarch yet, Guardian? Rest and be at peace, travelers Well, if it isn't the Guardian! We are honored by your presence Huh? Angel Tower? Why, it's to the east of the village It's one of our holy sites. May God walk with you, Guardian... That tower to the east of the village... They say it's a ruin from when they fought some enemy years ago. You're one of the one who fight the enemy, aren'tcha? woof woof woof The Patriarch of our people, Sudama, lives above here The Patriarch awaits you above, Guardian Garr The Patriarch is meditating... No one is allowed to enter The Patriarch is in meditation... But I'm sure he'd be willing to see you, Guardian. They say the reason this village is built like this is to make it harder for enemies to attack. Please keep us safe, mighty Guardian You came through the volcano? I've heard stories about a crazy old man living there... Did you see him? You've returned... How is the outer world? A long time ago, a malevolent power tried to destroy the world... And an angel appeared to guide the Urkan in their struggle against that power... I know! I know! That angel was a Guardian, right? Teacher...what does 'malevolent' mean? We're learning history! As I sit here meditating, I can feel my heart being purified...It's a way of cleaning the heart and mind. Looking at you, Guardian, makes me feel the power and glory of God... I remember hearing those stories about God and evil as a kid... I always liked the parts about the fighting myself. Why don't you say something to the children? I'm sure they'd love to hear something from a real angel. We Urkans are always prepared to take up the fight should evil ever spread throughout the land again. Did you find any evil, Guardian? Isn't it nice the way the floor gets clean when you sweep it? I know it's obvious, but I still like it. Guardian! Is something wrong? Why have you returned to Tapa? On a clear day, you can see the Tower from here... Oh, Guardian Garr... Are you going to the Tower? Have you met with the Patriarch yet? Don't worry... If that happens, all the Guardians will come to help us again. What'll we do if evil returns? Oh mighty God... Give us strength, and deliver us from evil... I guess since the world's at peace now, we don't need to pray that hard, right? The Patriarch lives above here Have you met with the Patriarch yet, Guardian? It is forbidden for us to say aloud the name of our God and our enemy... We must not forget our prayers to God, even now when the world is free of evil. After defeating the evil, almost all the angels entered a deep, long sleep. Our weapons have been blessed by God. Are you in need of anything? You can use the spring here to refresh yourself... Like at an inn in the outer world. Welcome...We may not have the power of God, but we can give you another kind of power-- need a shot? I'm not going to war or anything, so I don't need a shot. I've been made a guard for the Tower, so I came to get a shot--just in case. I suppose if we were all as strong as Guardians... We wouldn't need any shots, would we? It looks a lot like Garr... Garr: ......... This place is for those who serve God to purify themselves. It looks heavy, but Garr could probably move it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29. ANGEL TOWER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Garr: I'm sorry... Please allow Ryu and I to go on ahead alone. Guardian Gaist: 234 Guardian Gaw: 198 Guardian Gatz: 201 Guardian Garr: 299 Garr: Recorded on these stone tablets are the names of us Guardians... otherwise known as Dragon-Slayers! Garr: The number below my name is the number of dragons I killed in the war... Garr: ...Ryu, let me tell you what happened to your people. What happened to the Brood... Garr: Nearly 400 years ago, The savage and malevolent Brood attempted to conquer the world, igniting a fierce war... Garr: The Brood were strong and awesome... We, the people of Urkan, beseeched our God for protection from their great evil Garr: Our God bestowed upon us Guardians. Her holy might in order to fight the Brood... After a mighty struggle, the last of the Brood were defeated and their bones laid here... Garr: Ryu... You are the last of the Brood Garr: Once you are dealt with... my purpose shall be complete... Prepare yourself, Ryu! Garr: Ugh......... Just as I suspected... We were no match for the true power of the Brood...But why...? Garr: What...? Why don't you finish me off...? N O He is not your enemy Garr: Kaiser... Dragon...? ???: Why do you run? ???: We're not like them... We're not supposed to be with them... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- This is Angel Tower... The holiest of holy sites of the Urkan people... Only those who are inhabitants of Tapa may enter... Or those who have been granted permission by the Patriarch. Forgive me...but you cannot enter without permission from the Patriarch of Tapa Village. Welcome home, great Guardian... Have you met with the Patriarch yet? We welcome your return, Guardian Garr... Have you visited Tapa Village yet? The Patriarch has may enter Only Urkans are permitted to enter this holy ground... But as you are friends of Garr, we can give you a discompensation. Forgive me, but this is Urkan holy ground. We cannot allow you to enter without special permission. You're friends of Garr, yes? I'm supposed to be patrolling, but... What if I hurt myself when I jump? There's a woman lying beyond the veil of light... Garr: We still have some important business to take care of... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30. DAUNA MINE: YEARS LATER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Garr: Tsk! Garr: ... ... Ryu? Do you recognize me? Garr: I've been looking for you for years... Ever since you vanished from Angel Tower... Garr: Then, I heard stories of a dragon appearing in an old mine... Ryu......... Garr: This is your......... Garr: Ryu... Can you forgive me? "..." "Yes" Garr: I've killed many of your people... Many dragons... I thought that was my purpose... But... Garr: Anyway... Let's get you out of here first, eh? Garr: Here's your gear... If you want to hear what I have to say, come with me. I shouldn't stay here very long... Garr: If you want to kill me... You have the power and probably the right to do so... Garr: But you didn't kill me, even... Even after I tried to kill you... Just like the dragons 400 years ago... Garr: If the Brood had fought back... It would be us instead of them that turned into chrysm like this Garr: Why did they let us kill them??? Why did God have us kill the Brood!? Garr: I may not have the right to say this... But I want to know the truth... Garr: That's why I ask you... I ask you to let me live until then... Garr: Thank you... Now, let's get out of this mine ------- Scene 2 ------- Garr: So... This must be where you were born... Garr: The strong Brood aura must have called out to you, eh, Ryu? That's right... I called out to him... ------- Scene 3 ------- Garr: We should be able to get through now... What do you think you're doing... Guardian! ........Ryu.... Garr: How do you know Ryu's name? ..Ryu... Why do you let him live...? Why do you let our enemy live!?. Garr: A dragon...? Can you hear it, Guardian? Can you hear our spilt blood crying out for vengeance!? Dragon zombie: Guardian... It's been...what? 400 years? You, who tried to exterminate us... Where are you taking Ryu? Garr: I...I'm taking Ryu to meet our God... Dragon zombie: Why? To make a sacrificial offering of the last dragon? Garr: To learn the truth... To learn if the war we fought 400 years ago was right... Dragon zombie: Ha! Ryu...Kill him! Avenge our people's memories!! They destroyed us! The Guardians killed us all! Dragon zombie: No!? Why not!? Don't you despise him? Don't you hate him? You must not hate Dragon zombie: Silence! You have no right! Dragon zombie: Reviled one! Why must you always interfere? Dragon zombie: Why do you always restrain us!? A malefic power flows through Ryu! ......You discovered the power of the Shadow Gene! That was not a dragon Garr: Are you of the Brood...? A true dragon... A feeling of warmth and love flows into Ryu! ......You discovered the power of the Fusion Gene! Garr: Ryu...What was that...? Garr: A true dragon... That's what it said, right? What does that mean? Garr: Hmmm... You don't know either, eh? ------- Scene 4 ------- Chief: Well now, well now, Mr. Garr... Were you able to get rid of that dragon for us... Huh? Chief: Who might that young fella be? Garr: Don't worry about that... I took care of the dragon for you... It's gone Chief: Really? That's good news! Chief: That dragon... He ran around spitting fire on people... killed some of my men... Destroyed our machines and made a pretty bad mess o' things here... Chief: Something wrong? Garr: He's all right... Just tired Chief: ...? Anyway, thanks a lot Come on down to the office and get your payment from the boss. Garr: This may not help... but don't judge yourself too harshly. You're not quite in control of yourself in dragon form. Just try not to think about it... ------- Scene 5 ------- Foreman: Thank you so much! What do you say, Mr. Garr? Why don't you stay here... Just in case any more dragons show up? Garr: No, thanks... Besides, I don't think you'll be seeing any more dragons Foreman: If you say so... I'd really feel a lot better if you were around, though. Garr: We must be going... Thank you for the reward. Foreman: Oh! Mr. Garr! If you're really heading down the mountain, be careful on Ogre Road! Foreman: We've heard stories about a really ferocious monster on the road attacking people... If you want to know more, you should go west to Syn City. Foreman: I guess he's not afraid, though... I mean, he killed a dragon after all. ------- Scene 6 ------- Garr: Can't sleep, eh? Garr: I have to apologize to you, Ryu... Garr: Not only for trying to kill you, but... I don't know if it's right to take you... Garr: To take you like this with me... as I search for God... Garr: But...Why did God see it fit to try to destroy the Brood... that's a question whose answer you have a right to know. Garr: After leaving the mountain, we'll head east to Wyndia, and then to the eastern lands To Angel Tower... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Do you want to ride the lift? "Go to B1" "Go to B2" "Go to B3" "Quit" It looks like you can rest here... Do you want to rest? "Yes" "No" There's a diary... Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" You won't be able to get through here until you take care of this Maybe Garr would be able to push it... It looks like there are explosives piled on it... You feel strong and refreshed after resting! Now we can get back to work again! Thank you very, very much! I hear the chrysm mined here gets sent all around the world. I don't know the details...I just fix things, see? You got the dragon? That means we'll be able to start working again real soon... We weren't able to get any work done 'cause o' the dragon. It's been so long I've forgotten how to do my job! Now that you mention it, I remember... There was another dragon here a long, long time ago... I can't remember what happened to him, though. Sorry we couldn't help you get rid of the dragon... I helped get rid of the one that was here a long time ago... But this time he was just too much for us! If you're looking for the boss, I think he's in the office... Got nothing better to do, so I'm digging! Once that dragon's gone I'll go back to mining! I know I'll never find anything here... But I still keep working at it Maybe if we get rid of that big dragon chrysm in the mine, we won't have to worry about any more dragons. Those dragons are really tough, eh? I mean, I thought they was supposed to be extinct, right? One of my friends said he saw a dragon once in some contest in some arena some- where...I guess maybe they're still around? We haven't used it for so long, it's rusted. What's a dragon doing running around here, anyway? Why doesn't he just become chrysm like all the rest? We weren't able to get any work done here for a long time all because of that little dragon... Why'd he have to show up at this mine? All the miners tell me they got no money an' can't buy nothin' How 'bout you? You want somethin'? You're the ones who came to get the dragon, right? It must have been hard work with all the other monsters around. bow wow! bow wow! Thanks to you, we can get back to work If there's anything I can do for you, let me know... If you want to rest, you can use this room anytime. I suppose getting killed by a dragon's a lot like any other accident...Still, I hope I never meet another dragon! Machines run on the chrysm you feed 'em... And the men here run on the food I feeds 'em! .. ... ... ...mmmm. Another dragon showed up here years ago... That fellow there was attacked by it. I eat a lot... But I also works a lot Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" Do you want to rest? "Yes" "No" Garr: Wait...We should take the reward... We've got a long journey ahead of us It wouldn't hurt to have some money... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31. OGRE ROAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Garr: Is this the monster? The tiger...? ----------------------- Extra Text And Dialogue ----------------------- You smell a pungent aroma, like of a spice used for cooking... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32. MCNEIL AND CEDAR WOODS: THE REUNION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- I'm sorry, sirs... We'll have to ask that you wait here for the time being... We're investigating rumors that someone from McNeil Village has been smuggling foodstuffs onto the black market... No one will be allowed to enter or leave until our investigation is finished... Garr: I guess we're stuck here for a while... Let's go see what's happening in the village, hm? ------- Scene 2 ------- Garr: Hmm...It would be nice to sleep in a bed for a change... Is there an inn? Old woman: Welcome! Looking for a room for the night? Old woman: McNeil village has problems... there's a wild tiger on the loose, and the mayor's under investigation for wrong-doing... But we're still open for business--gotta make a living, eh? Garr: A tiger, huh? I wonder if it's the same one that got away from us on Ogre Road? Old woman: Got away!? You mean you didn't kill it!? Garr: Should we have...? Old woman: A few days ago, that tiger showed up, wounded...It ran up into the Cedar Woods, up north of here! Old woman: I'm not blaming you or anything... But you should stay away from the forest! There's nothing worse than hunting a wounded animal! Garr: Perhaps we are not to blame...... But would you like us to take care of the tiger for you? Old woman: Would you? Oh, that would be wonderful! I'll give you a special rate on the room as thanks! Old woman: Good luck! ------- Scene 3 ------- Rei: Teepo... Ryu...? mmmmm... ...uuuuu... Noooooooooooo!.... Garr: You want to go alone? Garr: Hmmm... It's my guess you know something about that tiger... In that case, I'll wait for you here. Rei: ... ...Ryu? Is that you? Rei: Was that you... on Ogre Road? Rei: Ha... ha ha ha ha! So that was you!? ha ha ha ha ha ha! Rei: Doesn't that beat all. I never imagined I'd get beat by you, Ryu! I wasn't holding back at all! Rei: Still...I mean... It's nice to know you're OK, Ryu I mean, I thought... Rei: On the far end of Ogre Road, there's a black market. The guys who tried to kill us--the ones working with McNeil-- came from there... Rei: It took me a while, but I finally tracked them down... I kept an eye on who went in and out of the black market from the road. Rei: I kept on attacking them... I thought I would avenge you and Teepo, but look how I ended up... Rei: I feel a little better now... knowing that at least you're alive and well... Rei: But I can't stop! Not until I teach those guys not to mess with me... or my family! Garr: What happened to the man-eating tiger? Garr: To the village...? ------- Scene 4 ------- Garr: I think I understand now... Garr: Why Rei hates these people so much... Garr: The mayor's behind all this, right? Garr: This may not be for me to say, but... Aren't you interested in getting revenge, Ryu? Like Rei? Garr: I see... I suppose things would get out of hand if you used your power... Nina: Mr. McNeil, you have been found guilty of smuggling... Nina: In the name of the King of Wyndia, I hereby arrest you McNeil: N-n-n-o! You've got it all wrong! It wasn't me! Really! Nina: We know a thing or two about your friends Balio and Sunder ...the ones who work for the organization you told us about... but they... Garr: ...are dead... yes? Nina: Garr? And...Ryu!? Garr: Long time no see... This is the infamous mayor, eh? Garr: We might be able to tell you a little something about that organization, but first... I think you should send him off to Wyndia without delay Nina: All right, Garr Nina: Return to the castle and take Mr. McNeil with you Nina: Now... please tell me what's going on? Garr: ... ... And that's what happened Nina: Hmmm... the power of the Brood... Nina: Ryu... Nina: I don't know what to say... It's all so big... Garr: I only just realized that while I have fought the dragons for almost 500 years, I still know almost nothing about them... Garr: Of course, Ryu himself is the one who must be really curious about them... right, Ryu? Nina: I see... Let's concentrate on more urgent matters now, OK? Nina: Don't give me that look! What if Syn City is the headquarters of that gang? We should go check it out! Nina: No matter how hard we think about it... We're not going to figure anything out about the Brood just standing here! So we should take care of the business at hand-- the investigation! Nina: So let's get going! You know how to get to Syn City, right? Nina: Oh, and by the way-- don't worry about McNeil...No matter how strong that tiger is, he won't be able to break into the castle! ---------------------- Extra Text an Dialogue ---------------------- I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait here... We've been assigned here from Wyndia Castle... The King has ordered us to seal off the area. You won't be able to pass here... We can't allow anyone through until McNeil reaches the castle. Your patience please... We have orders from the King to continue guarding the village We're keeping our eyes open, Princess! Are you planning on continuing the investigation, your Highness? Please be careful. Are you going to investigate Syn City? Good luck! Loki? Oh, you mean the guy who finagled Rei? There's no need to get in a fuss about it... It's McNeil who's in the wrong, not us... What should I tell them if they start asking me questions? Well, yes, the taxes were always a little high... but I never thought... So the taxes were always collected... whether it was a good year or a bad year for the crops, right? Now that you mention it, I remember seeing some rough-looking fellows going up to visit Mr. McNeil... So you're saying he had disreputable acquaintances, then... We've heard stories from all the farmers around here that the mayor was selling crops illegally... From what everyone's saying, it sounds like the mayor was quite a greedy little spendthrift... I'd be lying if I said I'd never believe Mr. McNeil was involved in some kind of bad business. I'm not goofing off! I can't work while they're investigating, right? moooo... Pretty good, aren't I? It must be pretty serious for the princess herself to come all the way from Wyndia... Boy, was I nervous when they said they wanted to question me! I've heard that the gang McNeil was hooked up to has its headquarters out west in Syn City I'm so worried about what's going to happen next, I can't work I've had it with the country... Maybe I'll head off to Wyndia... But won't you have to work just as hard there as here? I wonder what's gonna to happen to McNeil... An' I wonder what's gonna happen to us. (sigh)... Well, back to work, I guess... (snore) zzz.... Looks like a big crop this year Ahhhh... Nothin' like a smoke after a hard day's work, eh? Life will be a lot easier now that taxes are cheaper Cows sure have an easy job... All they have to do is just sit there and eat grass... Yes, yes, we're open! Don't you be thinking you'll get a discount forever, though! Heh heh heh...That's right, sir... Mayor McNeil has been up to no good for a long time...Yes, sir! It looks like this one has a grudge against McNeil for some reason Ouch! Ouch!... It hurts! I can't believe it! Right in front of our eyes! Someone came running up and knocked this man down... And then ran off towards the manor! I wonder if that wasn't Rei just now Oh no! He must have come back to take revenge on us... I guess this man must have made someone angry for some reason Wonder what I should have for dinner tonight? Now that I think about it... The only ones who ever wanted any weapons were those little punks... Lemme tell you... The things you see if you live long enough... The mayor here, McNeil? Well, he's a little scary... When I grow up, I wanna be a soldier and fight bad guys! I've heard rumors that Mr. McNeil has some...connections... if you know what I mean. Looks like Loki ran off somewhere again... This time he got beat up so bad maybe he won't come back. Maybe things'll be a little easier from now on... I wonder...If we get a new mayor, will the town name change too? Don't you come in here like that when I'm cleaning! I wouldn't mind paying high taxes... If Princess Nina were our mayor... This is the village that used to be called McNeil Village In the end, I guess it doesn't matter who the mayor is... We'll still live here and we'll still do our work here, right? I came to see what was going on, but it's all over now... sigh... I guess it's just our lot in life to keep on farming... I was worried about what would happen if the mayor was gone... But I suppose nothing has really changed Nice weather we're having, yeah? Things are a lot better now that we've got an official from Wyndia in the village Looks like there'll be a good crop this year... I can't wait til the harvest The spring sun sure feels good, doesn't it? We use only the best quality mattresses, so you're sure to get a good night's sleep. Hello! We've got everything from tackle to medicine in stock Weapons make the man Make sure you have only the best Just between you and me... It looks like those rumors about the mayor's connections were true... We're investigating the house ahead on suspicion of illegal agricultural sales... And what did these suspicious-looking men look like? Well, you see... It's like this... Those Wyndian guards are really neat, aren't they? Maybe I'll quit working here... and go to Wyndia and join the guard... I wish I could be a guard for the mayor... That'd be the life... The castle's too small and dull. Really!? Your stipend is that low? Even the castle's better than that... The mayor's a real tightwad with money... I've been working here 4 years without even one raise! You know all those people come from Wyndia? Their leader's one really cute guy! I wish I could go to Wyndia... All those cute guys... Just between you and me... I always knew something like this would happen, yup McNeil's in league with some pretty bad fellows. I'm keeping my eyes open, yessir! The investigation is over The Wyndian guards were pretty sharp! And McNeil sure looked pretty pathetic as they took him away! Now that we've gotten rid of McNeil... I wonder if taxes will get any lower? I wonder what's going to happen next...? If there's no more manor, they won't need any guardmen, right? Now that McNeil's gone... Who's gonna pay the rest of my salary? I wonder if it wasn't Loki who blew the whistle on McNeil? He's into some shady stuff himself, you know... Probably got jealous of McNeil... You know, I thought this was a little out-of-the-way village But there's a lot of interesting stuff going on here! They say Wyndia's going to manage the manor from now on... Does that mean I get to be a Wyndian guard? I don't think you'll have any problem, but watch yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33. SYN CITY AND THE NORTHWEST CHECKPOINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Nina: Something's not... right Garr: That smell... it's blood Uh...a tiger came and attacked us... Said he wanted the boss... The boss took off a long time ago... He probably ran off to the checkpoint up north... Nina: A has to be Rei! He must have given up on McNeil and come here... Garr: He's still trying to make it up to himself. For that time long ago when he couldn't protect Ryu. Nina: But... What's the point in doing that now? Besides, if he kills the boss, how will we be able to interrogate him? ------- Scene 2 ------- Mikba: It's a tiger! Mikba: Aargh! What do you think you're doing!? Do you know who I am? Rei: I know who you are... You're the don of Syn City--the high and mighty Mikba, right? Mikba: .........Well, then-- You know what'll happen to you if you mess with me, right? I'll ignore what you've done to Syn City... Just as long as you stop your little game now, OK? Rei: That's what your men said years ago... when they came to kill us--that our game had gone too far... Rei: But unfortunately, I'm still a kid at heart, you see... I just don't know when to quit... Rei: ...Ryu...I thought you might show up. If I'd been as strong then as I am now... Maybe I could have saved Teepo... Rei: But I never wanted to hurt anyone... That's why I just kept goofing off, playing robber I was afraid of my own strength... Choose the party members to help protect Rei Mikba: Afraid to hurt people? You, a man-eating tiger!? Our power's been given to us by God to use as we see fit! Use it to make your life better--like me! Mikba: Ryu, huh? You're the punk who killed Balio and the others, aren't you? Good! I can tie up all the loose ends at once! Mikba: Happy now, you freak tiger? This is what your power's for... to get rid of those who get in your way. Mikba: .........Too bad, but it looks like the people you're looking for...Balio and Sunder... have already been killed by that kid there... Mikba: (cough)(cough)uhhhhhh ------- Scene 3 ------- Rei: The Power of the Brood...? Rei: You're saying... you used it on them to avenge us... Is that right, Ryu? Rei: What have I been doing then? Does it mean anything, Ryu? Even now, without your help, I probably wouldn't have won... Rei: What do you say? Why don't you and I go get them... Go get those fools in McNeil Village who let them do that to us! Rei: With your power... We'd kill 'em all in no time, eh!? Nina: Hold it! In the name of Wyndia, I won't allow you to get away with that! Rei: I was just kidding... Ever since Ryu beat me on Ogre Road... I realized I wouldn't be able to even the score... Rei: I thought that if I used my power... changed into a tiger, I'd be stronger than anything else... Rei: But in the end... I wasn't even able to control my own power. All I did was just run around attacking things... Garr: But hurting people is not true power, is it? Garr: If that's all the power of the Brood was based upon... Garr: I would have had no hesitation in exterminating them Rei: The Brood fought a war... and almost destroyed the world...Isn't that the power Mikba was talking about? Garr: Probably... The same power of death and destruction, only on a scale completely beyond yours or his... Nina: How many times do I have to say it? Ryu's not going to destroy the world or anything! Rei: Why is there such power... Such dangerous power in the world? Garr: Now that the Brood have been destroyed... The only one who can answer that is our God... Rei: So that's why you want to go meet God? You don't joke around, do you? Rei: I've got a few questions of my own! Like why do people like Mikba and me have our powers? Rei joined the party! Please choose 3 party members ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- This place's called Syn City... You can find whatever you're looking for here... for a price. Most people 'round here can't advertise what they do... if you know what I mean... So make sure you keep quiet too, eh? Since we're dealing with illegal stuff here, we've always got to be on the watch out for the king's guards... Hey, you're not one of them are you? I'm watching... What am I watching? Oh, this and that... Everyone here's got something to sell... Me? I sell what's not on the menu... if you catch my meaning, handsome The ah...organization that runs this place is pretty huge... I hear they're even involved in that big contest that they have over in Genmel. I ain't got nothing But if you could spare me some coins, I can tell you a thing or two... What do you say, only 20 zenny? "OK" "No" Heh heh, thank you kindly, sirrah... What do you wants to know about? (1)"Syn City" (2)"The organization" (3)"The Ogre Road monster" (4)"What that woman sells" (5)"Nothing" (1) Well, as you can probably guess by the name, in Syn City, anything's most famous for the black market here... For example, in years with a poor harvest, if you come here, you can get food...for a price, naturally... 'Cause someone smuggles it here... Like that time a few years ago, when we had that bad harvest, we had food smuggled in from McNeil village. (2) I don't know anything 'bout that. Hold on, don't get upset like that... I weren't be asking about that too much if I was you... Not good for ya health, know what I mean? Les' just say they gots thieves, and murderers... and that's jus' the beginning! (3) So ye've heard about that, eh? I don't knows much, but I heard that people on Ogre Road down south o' here is gettin' attacked by some kinda monster Say it's some kinda tiger or something... (4) Hee hee hee hee Can't ye tell by looking? She's in the oldest business there is, if ya knows what I mean. (5) Heh heh, I ain't givin' it back! Wha's that? Ya don't even have 20 zenny to give an old man? There goes Kenichi, arguing with a customer again... One of these days, his dad's gonna have to teach him a lesson. woof woof I'll teach you not to sell me junk like this! I'm gonna tell your boss about this!! mumblemumblemumble... Don't tell anyone this, but... I've got some chrysm for sale...I gotta watch out, though-- chrysm smuggling's a pretty serious crime an' if I get caught... Huh! You say you'll give me 1000 zenny if I let you through!? Hmmm...I don't know... What? You didn't say that...!? Oh, well... Only the boss and his men are allowed through here! Hey, I got everything from diapers to tombstones! What do you need? Weapons, name it, I got it! Ye'll be sorry if ya doesn't listen Sorry, but there are no more stores this way... These weapons, sirs, contain the power of the mighty Ashura, warrior god, and are hand-made by yours truly, the magnificent Sekine! Now they can be yours--for a limited time only! uuhhh... t...tiger... It hurts it hurts! A man-eating tiger! That wasn't supposed to be on the menu! A tiger came in... and surprised us... owwww... mumble...mumble... No! I'll stop! I'll stop smuggling chrysm! I promise! Just don't hurt me! bark! bark! This tiger came in and attacked us... Kept growling and asking us where the boss is.. uhhhh...mmmm.... No answer... He's dead... I told them they'd get in trouble if they didn't stop... Ohhhh I'm hurt bad... I'll give you all my money... if you'll give me some healing herbs... "Sure" "No" Thank you! sold a healing herb for 10 zenny! Please...I'm begging you...I need help... "OK" "No!" What? You don't even have any healing herbs? Thank you... Fine, I see You don't care about what happens to anybody else! Uh...a tiger came and attacked us... Said he wanted the boss... was horrible! A monster! This kind of work's a lot safer than going after some weretiger any day... Have you ever heard about Coupons? It's an item that will let you buy anything in the world cheaper. Me? I'm still selling whatever you want me to, big boy. The gang that was running this place... They got beat up by that weretiger pretty badly... Looks like they'll be behaving themselves for a while. Well, I guess with all the bad stuff we were up to... We'd make an enemy or two along the way... What do you think you're doing, selling me junk like this!! Am I going to have to make this personal!? Someone caught me selling chrysm... Oh, boy, I'm in deep water now... There's a lot of complicated-looking controls! No news is good news, they say. My friend's got nothing better to do, so he says stuff like that. It's so boring here! Nothing ever happens! I wonder if anything exciting will ever happen... Like a fight or some big criminal trying to break through... It's locked... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34. THE PLANT: INVESTIGATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Nina: You need to use the eastern bridge, right? Nina: But this time... I don't think Daddy ...the King will let me go... He thinks it's your fault I ran away the first time, Ryu... Nina: But I have an idea! Nina: Ryu, you broke up the black market mafia, right? All you need is one more feather in your cap, and even he will have to admit you are a real hero! Nina: Remember the plant? Where they grow the vegetables using chrysm energy...? Nina: It looks like there's something funny going on there lately...I've been thinking we need to check it out so... Nina: ...Why don't you help me? I'm sure the king will forgive you... if you help me solve this problem... right? Nina: Really!? Great! Nina: Let's go then! The plant's down the road to the east! ------- Scene 2 ------- Momo: This reactor doesn't have enough pressure. If we don't get the valve tuned up soon... Momo: Right, Honey? What do you think? Momo: Huh? Oh, the parts I asked for...Just put them down over there... Momo: Whoops, not the parts. Sorry... Momo: What is it, Honey! I can't play with you right now... Momo: Who are those people? Friends of yours? .........What? Ryu!? Momo: Ryu...Is it really Ryu? It's been so long! Momo: Hold on just a minute... I've got to finish this first Momo: You've sure gotten big, haven't you? Boy, how many years has it been since you died at Angel Tower...............Huh? Momo: Hmmmm.... Garr tried to kill Ryu because he thought he was an evil dragon... But actually, you don't know if the Brood are evil or not, so you're going to meet God to ask...? Momo: I don't really know anything about the Brood... All I really understand are machines... Sorry Nina: Um, Momo...? What about the plant? What's wrong with it? Momo: Oh, yeah! Listen! The director, Palet, is missing... and the plant's falling apart... Bad crops are the least of our problems! Momo: If we don't do something soon... something awful could happen... Nina: Something awful...? Like the mutant? Momo: Mutants appearing... A chrysm reactor overload... Just about anything could happen... The only one who knows what's really going on is Palet. Nina: Well, then... We have to find him and ask him what to do! Momo: I guess... He sometimes disappears for a while... But I've heard he never goes too far... Nina: You mean... you might know where he is? Let's go look for him then, Momo. Momo: OK, Honey... Momo joined the party! Nina: So what were you doing here, Momo? Momo: Well, after we all broke up at the tower, I thought I would study Peco some more, so I returned to Wyndia with him. Momo: But I wasn't able to handle it by myself, so I came here thinking I could ask Director Palet to help me... Nina: Peco!? Peco is here? Momo: Yeah... Over to the east there's a place where there's a tree called Yggdrasil. Momo: Lately, Peco has been spending all his time there... He's always over there playing by that tree. Momo: I mean, he can't talk or anything... But if you want to bring him along, the tree is east of the plant... Nina: Peco was born here, so maybe he knows something!? ------- Scene 3 ------- Yggdrasil A legendary tree said to be the embodiment of an ancient sage who taught the world the meaning of true wisdom. Enshrouded in green, awing all who view its majesty... It has been a symbol of faith to all as the holy guardian of the forest for untold ages... Momo: This is the place. This is where Peco likes to hang out Nina: .........Peco? That's funny...I thought I heard someone talking... Peco: pukyu Momo: Did you just say something? Peco: pukyu? Momo: I can understand him about as much as I understand a tree or a flower... And they don't talk! Momo: Anyway... come on, Peco! We're going to go check out the plant where you were born! Peco joined the party! ------- Scene 4 ------- Something's wrong... Peco: pukyuu? Now what!? That color... Chrysm gas!? Something's wrong with the furnace! Peco: pukuuuuu... It's rusty and loose... Momo could probably shoot it off... Momo: Let's take a look inside... Momo: Hey, there's a ladder here! Let's go down and see what's down there ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- There's been so much trouble lately... On top of that, the crops aren't doing good either... I tried using chrysm to make those enhanced crops... But they just taste too bad! Can't make the crops grow like you want even with chrysm... Should've known better in the first place. More! Raise the chrysm pressure! We can't! The machines aren't tuned sufficiently! The mechanic who worked here... Said he didn't get along with the director, and ran off. And we still don't know where the director is... No wonder we're having so much trouble. Since you need someone to take care of the crops... and someone to take care of the machines, maybe making these enhanced crops is more trouble than it's worth. I tell you... The only reason these stupid reactors even work without blowing up is thanks to Momo looking after them all the time. This reactor used to be able to make nice big crops... But now it's all but completely broken down... People have been complaining about the enhanced crops... and the prices are falling... I can understand why the director would want to disappear. Just between you and me... I heard the mechanic who used to work here died of chrysm poisoning...I wonder if Momo is OK... The mechanic working on the reactors now is the daughter of the man who built this plant. That woman working on the machines... She sure is pretty, but all she thinks about are machines... I bet she wouldn't be interested in a guy like me... Oh, Momo... I used to buy the enhanced crops because they were cheap... But now I'm being more careful about what I buy... I don't want to eat anything that might be dangerous. I wonder where the director has gotten off to...? It's not fair of him to take off when we're so busy! The director's never around when trouble starts... He wasn't here when we had that problem with that mutant, either. The reactors have stopped...And there's chrysm gas leaking out from underground. Everyone got afraid and ran off... It's still safe here, I guess... But all the other greenhouses are filled with chrysm gas... The greenhouses are filled with gas... The reactors are all dead... What's happening? I guess this is the end... The director's not here, and the reactors aren't working... There's gas everywhere...This place is finished! We've got to get the gas out of the greenhouses... But if we open the doors, the gas'll get whoever opened them. I don't want to die of chrysm poisoning... I guess it was a bad idea... trying to use chrysm to make better crops. I thought that breaking the roof would be a good way to get the gas out, so I gathered up these stones... But I don't have enough strength left to throw them. What should I do? "We'll help you" "You need more exercise" You'll help me! Thank you! You know what to do, right? "Tell us" "Right" I know I should exercise more, but how is that going to help us now? All you have to do is throw a rock onto the roof of the greenhouses, aiming for the big glass panels... If you run up to it and hit it real hard, the stone will travel far enough... I've marked the places where you should throw the stones from... Good luck! I thought we'd never get any more customers!? What's happening!? Somebody do something! With all this gas coming out everywhere, I don't think anyone cares about the crops anymore! Ouch! That's hot! That's probably the end of the enhanced crops... Maybe this is a good time to leave. I wonder why the greenhouses filled with gas like that... Maybe it was the same gas as came out of the furnace? Maybe the director knew what was going to happen, and that's why he took off? I'm getting out of here too! I hear you got rid of the gas... Thanks Well, getting rid of the gas was one thing... But the reactors still aren't working. I guess the director's abandoned us... I guess we shouldn't ship the remaining enhanced crops, huh? Underground equipment? Maybe that's what caused all the problems here... 'Course, this place is done for, so it doesn't matter anymore. So much for the enhanced crops... They were good while they lasted... Time to find a new job, I guess. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35. THE UNDERGROUND LABORATORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Momo: Would you look at this place!! Momo: Hey, Ryu. What do you think this place is for? Momo: Is it part of the plant...? Is it the secret research lab of the director...? But then this machine... Hmmm... Momo: Verrry impressive... I wonder if the director built it all himself.. Or if there was another engineer... Momo: Engineer...!? Momo: Wait a minute! Mmmm......... Oh, never mind... Come on, let's look around a little... Momo: Ah! I know what this is! This is a relic from the Techno Age! And this number... Momo: the same as was on the door, right?! Momo: In other words, this is a key...A key from the Techno Age! Momo: If we input the password here... The doors with the same number will open! Momo: Does anyone want to try and guess the password? Momo: Without the password... We'll never be able to get those doors open Momo: But usually people use something like... a friend's name or whatever for their password... Momo: Like... P e l e t or something Momo: Maybe that's a little too obvious...? Momo: I don't believe it... It opened! Momo: Well, now we're getting somewhere! Come on, let's go! ------- Scene 2 ------- The room is flooded with chrysm radiation! Too much exposure is dangerous... You can't spend too much time here... Any more exposure would be dangerous and everyone left the room... It says: Experimental sample: Repsol seed. Maybe it's a password? Momo: Let's see... Password... R e p s o l ... Momo: It opened! I knew it... Momo: Repsol was... That was my father's name... Momo: I guess that means he had something to do with this place. Maybe he was working on some kind of experiment...? Momo: When I saw the machines here, I knew my father must have been involved somehow... but I never heard anything about this place... Momo: Could my father have done things here he was ashamed to tell me about? ------- Scene 3 ------- There's a memo on the floor... It says: '...gave the sample life. If used with Project AA ... Maybe it's a password? Momo: Let's see... Enter password A A ... Momo: There! Now there's only one left Momo: I wonder... What does 'The AA Project' mean? Something to do with enhancing life...? Like the enhanced crops? Momo: Or does it have to do with mutants...? What was my father trying to do? Momo: At any rate, we'd better find Director Palet... He's the only one who can answer our questions. ------- Scene 4 ------- Chrysm gas is leaking out of the room... Could something be happening inside? There's something about that room... Let's check it out first... Momo: Oh my! It's mutating!!! Nina: A...mutant!? Rei: So this... is a mutant? Nina: A mutant...? Could it be this plant is being used to make mutants in some kind of experiment...? Could Momo's father be involved somehow? Repair Notes: Unit 3 out of order. Adjust pressure counter by 10 Main Valve: Off. Chrysm Pressure: 0 Chrysm Chamber Supplying Units 1-5 Unit 1: Chrysm Pressure: 21 Unit 2: Chrysm Pressure: 39 Unit 3: Chrysm Pressure: 18 Unit 4: Chrysm Pressure: 55 Unit 5: Chrysm Pressure: 42 It says... The chrysm chamber pressure counter... It's all too complicated to understand... Maybe the pressure counter is this machine here? It is essential to line up the counters in order from the one with the lowest pressure up... Look at the counters and arrange them in order from lowest to highest...!? Could this be a hint for the last password? Please enter password: "1-2-3-4-5" "1-2-3-5-4" "1-2-4-3-5" "1-3-2-4-5" "2-1-3-4-5" "Other" Please enter password: "2-1-3-5-4" "2-1-4-5-3" "1-3-2-5-4" "3-1-2-4-5" "3-1-2-5-4" "Other" Momo: That's the last door Momo: We should be able to find Palet now... I have a lot of questions for him to answer! Momo: Let's get a move on... If we don't, the door will close again! ------- Scene 5 ------- Palet: Hee hee hee... Soon, mother, soon... I'll be able to revive you soon... Palet: With this elixir I made using the mixture of chrysm ore and Yggdrasil sap...I'll be able to bring you back to life! Palet: I tried hundreds of experiments to perfect this process! After all, we can't have you come back as some nasty mutant, now can we? Palet: Hee hee hee Don't worry, mother... I'll make sure you don't look like some ugly onion or anything like that! Palet: What!? Who are you!? ...Momo!? Momo: We finally found you, Mr. Director... So, you want to tell us what's going on here? What is this place? Why did you abandon the plant like that? Palet: Wh, what do you mean, Momo? I... I've been working on a new strain of enhanced crops... Momo: Liar! We heard you...heard you talking about bringing your mother back from the dead! Palet: Wh...wh..what? I...I...I'm just... My m-m-m-mother... Momo: Your experiments... where you used the chrysm...they're responsible for the mutants, aren't they? Your experiments to bring your dead mother back to life! Palet: Shut up! What do you know! Why is it all right to use chrysm to create new life with the enhanced crops... but not to give new life to my mother!? Palet: Besides... It was your father, Repsol, who put this machinery together in the first place! Palet: Your father... He was the one who went to Yggdrasil and got the sap... and put it in the machine... hoping to bring his dead wife back to life! Momo: What...!? Palet: It was a great discovery! We were able to use the essence of that good-for-nothing tree Yggdrasil with the chrysm to give life! Palet: And yet...and yet that fool Repsol... He said it was against the laws of nature... that it was wrong... and stopped the experiments! Palet: Why? What's wrong with it? Everyone who's lost a loved one wished they could come back! Palet: I won't quit now! I can't! Who cares what the tree says! Unnatural!? What's unnatural about using the resources we've been given! Palet: Hee hee hee... You see this? This is what we extracted from Yggdrasil... The essence of consciousness itself! Palet: I'll now transform... I'll be able to protect my mother from anyone who'd harm you! bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! ------- Scene 6 ------- Momo: So many times, I've asked myself... What would it have been like if my father had lived...? Momo: That's why... Momo: But... I don't know... Somehow I feel relieved just hearing that he wasn't able to continue the experiments... Momo: You know... I bet Palet's mother can't be happy, being hooked up to machines like this... Momo: Right...? Let's go... If this is turned off, the supply of chrysm will stop... and Palet's mother will finally be able to rest in peace... "Cut the switch" "Leave it as is" You feel like you've forgotten about something... ------- Scene 7 ------- Nina: ...Momo? Momo: Huh? What? Nina: Thank you for your help, Momo... Thanks to you, we were able to take care of the problem at the plant. Momo: Oh, that? Well, it looks like my father was involved with the plant, so I would have had to do something about it sooner or later... Momo: My father... He repaired that machine...and was going to use it to try and bring back my dead mother, but he quit and started working on developing the enhanced crops. Nina: I wonder... Why did your father quit his experiments? Momo: I think it's because he realized... there's nothing more unnatural, more wrong than trying to bring the dead back to life. Momo: He loved machines... And he may not have known a lot about anything else... But he wasn't stupid! Nina: Well...anyway, thank you. Now Ryu can receive the king's forgiveness and travel to the eastern lands... Momo: I've been thinking... I'll probably go east with Ryu and the others... Momo: There's no point in staying at the plant And I'd still like to see what kind of ship they have in Rhapala. ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- It looks really complicated... Too complicated for to understand It's not turned on... It's no good like this We should be able to open the doors with the same number now We don't know the password yet... We should be able to find a hint somewhere The door is locked electronically There's a bed here Do you want to rest? "Yes" "No" Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" It's locked with an electronic lock! You'll need to enter the password again... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36. WYNDIA CASTLE: THE ESCAPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Nina: Well now... We made it to Wyndia... Nina: Rei, you come with me to the castle Rei: Huh!? What do you mean, princess!? Nina: I think I told you before... Everyone thinks Ryu kidnapped me from the castle before... Nina: So... It's probably better if you come along with me, Rei , because no one knows your face, right? Nina: We'll get the king's permission... Just wait for us out here, OK, Ryu? Rei: All right then, princess... Shall we go? Gatekeeper: Princess Nina! Welcome home! Gatekeeper: I've heard that you've been to the plant...The King is waiting for your report...This way! ------- Scene 2 ------- King: .........And what of the plant? Nina: Well......... King: Hmmm... So, you believe the enhanced crops are dangerous, then... Perhaps we'll have to shut the plant down... King: Thank you, Nina. Excellent job! Nina: I didn't do it by myself... Nina: I was only able to complete my mission with the help of Rei... King: Rise, Master Rei... Thank you for your assistance King: If what I heard is correct, you wish to travel to the eastern lands, yes? King: We will have a passport prepared... In the meantime, please enjoy our hospitality! Nina: Master Rei, this way please... I'll give you a tour of the castle. ------- Scene 3 ------- Sheila: Nina... You've come back Nina: Yes... ... ... I'm home Sheila: I've heard about how well you've done... It pleases me greatly But... Sheila: You belong to Wyndia... And you belong to me... Nina: Mother... Sheila: I'm saying this for your own good. I won't tolerate any more foolish, rash behavior... Understand? Nina: This is the basement of the castle... The kitchen is that way... Nina: And the dungeon's that way... Nina: Speaking of the dungeon... Ryu was put in there once, when he was little. Rei: Hey...what's this? Someone's followed us Nina: Honey!? Did you follow us again? Nina: Honey followed me here once before... Nina: She tried running away from me... And we ended up falling off a balcony! Rei: Well, I guess even she's got things she's afraid of, right? Like balconies, maybe? Nina: Maybe... I'll grab her this time to make sure she doesn't go off somewhere again. ------- Scene 4 ------- Nina: I wonder if everything's ready...? Here is your passport You got a passport! King: My apologies for the delay, Master Rei. Now that that's been taken care of, please, relax and enjoy yourself. Nina: Father, have you forgotten? Master Rei is on pressing business and has no time. It would be wrong of us to keep him from his business. Nina: I will escort Rei to the gate. Rei: Thank you, uh, Your Tall, uh, Highness... I'll be taking off... uh, taking my leave of you now... King: Very well then... Have a safe journey, Master Rei! Rei: What's the hurry? I never pass up a free meal! Nina: You'd better hurry Before everyone finds out about Ryu and the others! Nina: I don't think I can go with you this time, but please tell Ryu that... I know he's not a bad dragon, OK? Sheila: Stop! Sheila: Rei...or whoever you are... You're one of that villain Ryu's friends, are you not!? King: What!? Is this true!? Guard: There can be no doubt! I saw him talking with the same people who were here all those years ago! Nina: Father, I can explain! I'm sorry I didn't tell you everything right away... But Ryu isn't a bad person! Sheila: You are being tricked...Lied to! By these con men! These hoodlums! Nina: Ryu is not a hoodlum or a con man! He's a strong, noble man with a purpose... Sheila: You know nothing! I don't know or care what they are! They are not people you should be calling friends! Nina: It's you who doesn't understand, Mother! About the Brood! About the criminals in Syn City! About the remnants of the Techno Age! Do you have any idea what's outside your castle, Mother? Rei: Hey, take it easy... Rei: All baby birds leave the nest someday... Am I wrong? Sheila: How... dare you!? Rei: Look... I'm just like you said...a crook, a thief... But Ryu is different. Rei: Ryu is the kind of guy who can... No, will change the world. I'm not surprised that you're worried about him... King: What are you doing! Arrest him! Rei: Time to leave...! Nina: Rei! Follow Honey! Nina: I followed Honey before... Nina: and she led me out of the castle! ------- Scene 5 ------- Rei: What's she gonna do? Jump off the balcony again!? Nina: It was OK then, and we're underground now. Nina: Come on, let's go after her! Rei: It's a dead-end, isn't it? Nina: It looks that way, but... Nina: Something tells me we'll find a way out. Soldier: Wh whoa! What the heck is this!? Nina: It... it's not anything dangerous... Don't be alarmed... Nina: Rei, hurry! Open this door! Honey: 1001 0101 01110 10 00001 011.. Navigator Code accepted. Activating Portal Drive Rei: .........She disappeared! Are we supposed to get away with this contraption? Rei: Nina! I think we can make it... Uh-oh! Nina: Mother, I'm sorry... But I have to... Sheila: Don't talk to me like that, young lady! You are the princess and heir to the throne. Do you think you can just disobey your duty and your family like this? Nina: I love you, mother. I understand how important I am and that I'm a princess... Nina: But I'm not just a princess! I'm also Nina! And I have to do what I think is right! Soldier: Huhhhhhhhh? ------- Scene 6 ------- Nina: Wh...where are we? Rei: Hey, Honey... What the heck have you done? Nina: Let's get out of here and take a look around... Nina: We're all the way outside the castle! Rei: No time to waste, then... We'd better catch up with Ryu and the others! ------- Scene 7 ------- Nina: And so that's what happened Rei: Well...I guess that means we can't be counting on any help from the King of Wyndia anytime soon... Nina: I'm sorry... I don't know what I was thinking... Garr: You shouldn't worry about it... More importantly, we should get to the bridge before the King's men do... Choose your party members ------- Scene 8 ------- Soldier: Excuse me... passport please Soldier: Everything looks OK. You're free to go ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Gatekeeper: Princess Nina! We've heard of your exploits in McNeil Village! Gatekeeper: I guess you'll be wanting to report to the King immediately Nina: Not yet...Before I do that... I was thinking of checking out the plant as well... Gatekeeper: I see! Well, then, good luck, princess! I'd just like to say how impressed we all are with your work! Welcome! Hear about the smuggling in McNeil Village? You have!? Well, have you heard that officials from Wyndia are going to take over the management of the village? Welcome Enjoy This is Wyndia It's our job to keep suspicious folks out Those enhanced crops just don't taste the same lately... 'Course, they never tasted that good anyway. They're having a big Clean Town movement now... Which means they only let me sleep in out-of-sight places... What a cruel world we live in! I always thought it was pretty creepy anyway... Using chrysm on the crops like that... I remember how we used to play here when we were kids... I remember how we used to play Hide-and-Seek all the time. Looking for a place to stay? zzz zzz... That dog out front is the son of the one we used to have. Takes after his father, sleeping all day long like that! I've been traveling all over the world... I don't know, but somehow it seems so small... Maybe I should get a boat and try going out into the Outer Sea... We've got everything you're needing! You know that town Genmel, down south of here? They stopped holding that Contest of Champions there... Have you heard about what Princess Nina has been doing? I heard she's the one who arrested that McNeil fellow... This is my secret base--you can't come in without permission! If you keep talking like that, I'm going to throw you in the river, so you better behave! I wanna juice! I wanna piece of cake! I came here to see for myself why this cafe's so popular... And steal their techniques for my own shop! Another girl, fallen victim to my charms! Didn't they say they found a dragon at Dauna Mine a few years back? I thought dragons were extinct, anyway. I saw that guy McNeil... He didn't look so big and important to me Yummm...Yep, shisu's the best! What? You've never heard of shisu? It's a Maekyss specialty! Hi there! Come on in! Take your time, look around There's a lot of people in Wyndia... But there's also a lot of shops, which means lots of competition for me! We sell so many Midas Stones, we can't keep them in stock! As you can see, this is Castle Wyndia. When she was a kid, she used to play with me everyday... But now all she cares about is her boyfriend. If only I had wings... I could go visit my boyfriend anytime! coo coo Yay! Ha ha ha! I want to go to the All-You-Can-Eat Bread Festival... But I just know I'll get fat... What should I do? Fresh-baked bread! Warm, soft, delicious! All you can eat! I heard the mayor of McNeil Village got into some trouble... We've got no problems like that here! Deeeeeeeeeeeelicious!! I'm not just sitting here staring at the bread for nothing... I'm checking to make sure there's no bad loaves. Makes no difference if our flour supplier got himself in trouble. We just make the bread, see? You know, when it's your job to bake bread all day long... You end up hating the know? This is bread made using flour from those enhanced crops... I don't know...It came out kind of bad... Guess I'll mark it down or use it at the All-You-Can-Eat... I tried baking bread using flour from those enhanced crops. It just doesn't turn out right... Here in Wyndia, bread is one of our staple foods. Lately, the stuff we've been getting from the plant hasn't been too good. We've been having lots of problems with it... I always wanted to visit someplace outside Wyndia... but now I guess I'm too old... Such lovely weather today! On days like this, it's so nice to take lunch outside at the cafe. Hmm? Princess Nina? No...It can't be... I mean, how many times can the princess run away, anyway? I'm aware that the Princess Nina has left the castle... But I am of the firm belief she has a good reason for it! Nina: We should go to the castle first... You don't have a passport yet! Thank you for helping Nina.... Please enjoy the hospitality of the castle while we prepare your passport. I'm pleased that you're taking on greater duties as you mature, but... you should also remember to attend to your mother on occasion, yes? Tell us about your adventures in McNeil Village and fighting the underground organization at Syn City. Your efforts are an inspiration to us all, Princess... If I work hard enough...maybe one day I'll be a knight We're all impressed by your work, Princess... But be careful not to overdo things. We heard rumors here about a ferocious monster like a tiger. Did you two defeat that as well? McNeil is in the dungeons below... I had no idea the enhanced crops were dangerous like that... I just thought they tasted bad, that's all... Syn City is that place to the west, isn't it? I heard you took care of the crime gang there as well I wonder if they use enhanced crops in the food here? Thank you for helping Princess Nina! Thank you so much! Oh, Princess Nina! We're so glad to have you back safe! I'm so happy to see you again! I suppose the Princess prefers life outside the castle to life inside... If you do so much work all at once like that, you'll run out of excuses to leave the castle! You're truly amazing, Princess... Solving all those problems by yourself! We better be careful or we'll be out of a job! The maids' and servants' rooms are this way. Your room is up these stairs, Princess Nina. Welcome home, Princess Nina This way to the kitchen Have you found any of the other masters? Our training hasn't gotten any easier! We'll try hard to follow your example, Princess! We're still working on making the passport... The passport will be ready soon... Maybe I should leave the castle and try finding a handsome man like you did, Princess. That fellow you brought back with you was pretty good-looking, Princess You're back, eh, Princess? I wonder exactly how big the world is? I hear you helped Princess Nina... Thank you for your trouble I'm so glad you've returned safely... Ever since that time those ruffians stole Princess Nina away from us, I made up my mind to never trust outsiders! Don't be taken in by him, Princess Nina! Let's get him his passport and get rid of him! The Queen is always thinking of you, Princess Nina... You should leave the police duty to the soldiers, and take care of your mother, Princess Nina... Nina: Just what do you think you're doing? Going through a lady's things like that! Especially right in front of her! Rei: Oh! Excuse me! You have to remember, I spent most of my life as a thief... Nina: What are you doing? Hurry up! There she goes--that way! They were just using me! Balio...Sunder... Mikba--they were in charge! According to our investigation, they're all dead... You should be happy we arrested you, Mr. McNeil. Seeing the mayor all tied up like that kind of makes me feel sorry for him... We're currently questioning Mr. McNeil I'm not really a bad guy! Honest! I was tricked! Duped! Suckered! I make my living conning people and taking their money! This food stinks! But it's OK... I'll eat it anyway. I'll eat anything. Let's see... We have a mayor who was smuggling... A small-time con man, and the Mac brothers. Nobody special. Have you come to see the mayor you arrested, Princess? I thought I saw you with a small machine-like thing...? cluck cluck I've been stuck here on guard duty ever since that day all those years ago that Princess Nina ran away... Are you eating right? You'll have no energy unless you eat right! No one knows how to carve like the boss Hachio... If you have the time, you should get him to teach you... crunch crunch If you don't eat up and work hard... Princess Nina's gonna take all your work, soldier! Where did all the birds go? I wonder if someone's not eating them? cluck cluck cock-a-doodle-doo! Did you see that little machine soldier run by? It was pretty amazing! Now's not the time to be playing with the chickens! What, Princess Nina? Running away from home again? Be careful, and make sure you eat right. If you want to learn how to cook from Hachio, come back anytime, OK? crunch...Huh? Oh, Princess Nina Leaving home again? Don't worry, Princess. We're on your side. I saw something small go running down that way... What's happened to my my money...? It's not your village anymore, Mr. McNeil... This is what you get for making deals with people like that That's the mayor who was arrested for smuggling... This is the way to the dungeon I had no idea there was a machine like that below the castle. They're just a big mystery, aren't they-- machines... cluck One day...I'll be a great cook, just like Hachio! That's why I've got to practice, practice, practice! We all know that Princess Nina left home... And we all understand why she wants to go outside... That's why we all look the other way... I hope the Princess eats right when she's gone... Everyone in the castle is on Princess Nina's side... Except the Queen... cluck cluck cluck It might cause a big ruckus if you go up there... This is Nina's dresser... Why do you need the king's permission to cross the bridge...? Now that you mention it, I don't really know... The king's permission is needed for security reasons...That way, criminals and so on can't just come and go as they please. I'm on a trip, walking all over the world... I even visited that old mine where they had that accident... I'm headed to Junk Town to buy some machines. I wonder if the boat outta Rhapala's running? Welcome! Looking for a room? We don't sell passports, but we've got everything else! I've been on a trip over to the Urkan region. I saw the old ruins they call Angel Tower there... It's nice to travel, but you've got to watch out for monsters Like man-eating tigers and stuff... I'm the Traveling Gourmet... I travel all over the world eating local specialties... The best I've ever had was in Wyndia Something called shisu...It was really something! Please, go ahead One moment please... ...This is in order. Please go ahead Soldier: Excuse me... but I need to see your passport Soldier: This passport has expired... I'm sorry but we can't let you through. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37. ANGEL TOWER: FINDING GOD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Watchman: Are you going to the Tower, Guardian Garr? Garr: Yes... The time has come to return to God what God has given me... Watchman: Dust to dust... Guardian! Do you mean...? Watchman: We thank you... Thank you for your protection all these many years... Rest well, Guardian Garr...Go with God! Garr: After the war... After defeating the Brood, their mission complete, the Guardians. Garr: Offered up to God their victory here. And God appeared before the prostrate Guardians To reward each and every one of them for their sacrifices and victory over evil... Garr: When our mission has been completed... Garr: We are allowed to meet our God... Garr: After meeting with God, most Guardians return their power to God and fall into a deep sleep... Garr: The Sleep of Stone. Deprived of the power granted to him by God, a Guardian's body turns to stone... Garr: Before I enter the Sleep of Stone I swear, Ryu, that I will take you to meet God... Garr: And together... We will learn the truth about God's intentions! Guardian... God... will not come... here... God will... not come... Garr: Who are you? If you want to meet God...You must release me... Garr: ...Deis? The key... You must seek... Guardian Gaist... Garr: Deis, wait! Gaist is...!! Nina: Did you meet God, Garr? Momo: Well, what happened? Did you see God? Rei: Are you OK? What happened with God? Peco: pukakyuru? Garr: .........God is... No, before that... Garr: Before we meet with God, we have to find someone...His name is Gaist... Like me, he is a... Guardian. Nina: A Guardian? You mean just like you, Garr? Momo: You mean there are other Guardians? Rei: Another Guardian? What for? Peco: puroppuu? Garr: I don't know exactly what we should do, but we should be able to find out something about Gaist if we ask at Urkan Tapa... Watchman: What happened? Guardian, I thought you were going to enter the Stone Sleep? Watchman: I see... Well, come back whenever you're ready, then... ------- Scene 2 ------- Garr: ......... Sudama: ...Garr? Sudama: What is it? Your mission is over Garr: Venerable Patriarch, God did not appear in the Tower... Sudama: That's because you still have doubt in your heart! You must free yourself from your doubts! Unless you wish to become like Gaist... Garr: Oh Venerable One... Do you know where Gaist is? Garr: Please tell me, Oh Patriarch... I must meet with Gaist before I can be free of my doubts! Sudama: Beyond the cave by the sea to the west... I've heard there lives a Guardian who has given up fighting... Sudama: But Garr... You cannot allow yourself to become like Gaist... Keep your faith! Do not doubt the wisdom of God! ------- Scene 3 ------- If you wait and time it right, you can get in and out before the tide The tide's out! Now's your chance! The ebb of the tide has changed the sea level... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Welcome to Urkan Tapa, the home of the Urkan people. This is the Hall of Prayer...and above it lives the Patriarch Did you hear that the Guardian is still with us...? You mean the one who fled the war? Or Guardian Garr? Angel Tower protects us from evil... An evil we fought against in the past lies trapped in Angel Tower... What? What evil, you ask? We are not allowed to speak of it. At times, our god appears to us at Angel Tower... Although lately, no one has seen anything there... There is also a Guardian who disappeared during the Great War... I know, I know! It was Guardian Gaist, right teacher? We're studying history Hmmm...I see... That's interesting to know I'm meditating I'm in the middle of making rope... I'm loafing I hear there's a village on the cliff to the west of here Apparently, the road can only be passed when the tides are right Thank you... God be with you If evil should return... I'll become a Guardian and protect you! sweep sweep sweep! It's amazing how people here never tire of their stories about God and evil and all... 'Course, I can't really say that too loud, but... woof tweet tweet twitter This is where our Patriarch Sudama lives zzz.... The Patriarch may look like he's sleeping... But I'm sure he's contemplating the world around him. This is where those who serve God come to purify themselves. It looks like Garr. This world exists because the Guardians saved it from evil. We must remember to offer them our prayers of thanks like this. Looking for weapons? Ours have been blessed by God! Need any items? We must always be vigilant that the evil trapped in Angel Tower never revives. I don't care about evil, as long as I'm happy... There aren't as many people praying as there used to be. I guess that's just the way things go. Tired? We can pep you up! meow? Do you wish to refresh yourselves? Please, come in? Guardian! You're still with us? Hello, Guardian. Do you wish to see the Patriarch? Ah, Guardian... We were just talking about you Guardian...You are not returning to Angel Tower, then? Guardian Garr! We were just talking about the coward Guardian Guardian Garr, I've heard you live in the western cliffs? That's what the rumors say... May God be with you, Guardian If evil should appear again, I'll become a Guardian too! Everyone keeps talking about God and evil... It's all just a bunch of legends! Why doesn't the Guardian just go back to the Tower? Welcome home, Guardian Garr Go west... There you will find Gaist Free yourself from your doubts, Garr What? Guardian Gaist? I've heard stories... He was a mighty Guardian... I believe he disappeared without a trace...! The woman sealed in the crypt to the south of the tower is Deis. A witch who allied herself with evil during the Great War. Watchman: Guardian Garr, are you ready to enter your sleep now? It's really not allowed, but you've been here so many times already... Please, go inside. You're friends of Garr, yes? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38. CLIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Gaist: Who's there? Garr: .........Guardian Gaist... Gaist: ...Garr? Gaist: A progeny of the Brood? .........Is that him!? Garr: At God's command, we killed the Brood... I want to know if that was a mistake, and he's the key to that mystery... Gaist: Are you still talking that nonsense? Gaist: If you doubt the word of God... You should just run away... Run away like I did... Gaist: What were you thinking, anyway? Bringing him here like this!? Gaist: You want to help him avenge the Brood? He's only one little boy! What do you think he can do all alone? Garr: I...just want to know the truth... Why did the Brood have to die? Gaist: Bah! You haven't changed, have you? Asking those stupid questions... Gaist: Anyway...So... What does the high-and-mighty Garr want with me, eh? Garr: ...We need you to free Deis... Garr: So we can meet with God... We need Deis' help... Gaist: Deis, eh...? I suppose I'm the right one to talk to about that... Gaist: All right... I'll help you. Gaist: But before I do... I want to have a little chat with our dragon friend here......alone. Gaist: I'm sure you've heard from Garr... About how we Guardians fought the Brood... Gaist: We killed countless Brood... Something I feel really bad about now... But... It's all over and done with... Unless you want to dig up all those skeletons of the past... Gaist: That's what I thought... That's the way the Brood always were... Even though they had such power, they didn't fight back... Gaist: The world thinks... that it was the Brood that started the war... But they didn't... We hunted them down and killed them. Gaist: Eventually... I couldn't take it any longer...So I ran away... Garr kept his faith in God and fought to the end, but... I bet somewhere deep in his heart he had his doubts... Gaist: So you see... It's not that I don't understand what he's feeling... but. Gaist: I was never as serious as he is... I don't care about God or the truth... It's too much trouble for me to bother with, you know? Gaist: That's why I want you to think this over...Talk about it with Garr outside there... Gaist: And if you're really serious... If you really want to do this... Come back here alone, all right? Gaist: All right... now get on outta here Take as much time as you need--I'll be here... Remember, once you've made up your mind, come here alone, OK? ------- Scene 2 ------- Garr: What happened? Garr: Hmmm...Gaist said that, eh? I think maybe he wants to test you, Ryu... Garr: As long as I've known him, Gaist doesn't do anything until he's convinced himself it's what has to be done. He probably wants to know how serious you are about this whole business--just how far you mean to take it. Garr: What do you think, Ryu? Your strength... The blood in your veins... Your desire to know the truth... Garr: The truth about God... Is it enough to convince Gaist? (1)"I must know the truth" (2)"Is it that important?" (1) Garr: Then you have nothing to worry about... Once you've prepared yourself, you should go meet Gaist... (2) Garr: What!? mean you no longer want to meet God!? (1)"No, I want the truth" (2)"Yeah...who cares?" (1) Garr: If that's how you feel then... You need to convince Gaist of it... Without him, we can't go any further... Once you're ready, you should go see him... (2) Garr: W... wait a minute... I still think it's something we need to learn, don't you? Garr: And besides...If we stop here... I won't have been able to make it up to you for the time I tried to kill you, right, Ryu...? Garr: It gladdens me to hear you say that. As the only survivor of the Brood, you need to know the truth more than any of us... ------- Scene 3 ------- Gaist: Well, then...Have you made up your mind? "I want the truth" "Not yet..." Gaist: Oh, really? Well, take your time then... Gaist: Heh... I thought you'd say that... Gaist: I had you figured as the serious type... Well, then, shall we begin? Gaist: Go over there... Stand between the two braziers Gaist: That's fine Gaist: All right now... This may seem old-fashioned to you... But it's the only thing I know how to do, OK? Gaist: I need you to fight me, little dragon! Gaist: Uhh... so...this is a dragon's true strength! Gaist: You see...The seal that keeps Deis trapped...couldn't be released... as long as I was this was the only way... Gaist: Don't feel bad... I died the day I became a Guardian... Gaist: Besides, during the war... I killed so many seems only fair... that I in turn have my life taken by the Brood Gaist: Uhhhh... I wonder... Is this power... what God feared...? Garr: Gaist...!? Gaist: Or is the real power of the Brood the ability to make allies out of enemies...? Gaist: It's too bad it had to be this way... I would've liked to go with you... Garr...It's up to you now... Garr: Gaist understood... Garr: .........With this, Deis should be free. Let's go... Let's go to meet God... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Are you fellas on the lam too? You sure don't look like it... This here's Cliff... It's a place for the homeless and jobless and other dropouts. This is where all them folks that don't fits in somewhere else comes to be... Like me! hee hee hee! I got into trouble back home...And I took off for here. Nobody'd come after me here, I figured. Haven't I seen you somewhere before? Whadda you want, eh? Lookin' for someone? Gaist? At the end o' the village... heh heh heh. Rest here? What d'ya want? I was experimenting with shapechanging and got stuck like this. They say my people used to be able to change shape whenever they wanted, though... Visitors? That's som'thin' you don't see everyday... Ain't nothing here, but make yourselves at home, yeah? Hey, if it ain't Garr... Give up fighting at the arena? If you're looking for Gaist, he's dead hee hee hee Gaist was able to change shapes... But I'm still stuck like this... Between the two braziers there... Gaist: Where do you think you're going? Between the braziers, I said! Sand... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39. FREEING DEIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Garr: .........Deis Deis: Guardian...... come closer... Deis: You big oaf! You bone-headed Guardian! What did you think you were doing, entombing me in this temple for 500 years! I've half a mind to blast you into orbit! Deis: So... I guess the fact that you've released me shows that you're finally willing to listen to what I have to say? Deis: It's too late, idiot! Deis: Well, maybe not completely hopeless... Deis: What have you done!! Deis: What do you think you're doing! You buffoon!! Idiot!! Garr: But...Our God has told us that they are wicked and evil... Deis: And you never thought she might be wrong, you imbicile!? Deis: I'll take you to meet your fool God! Gaist: Deis...! Show more respect for our God--or else... Deis: If each and every last member of the Brood had indeed been killed, all would have been lost... Deis: But there's still one of the Brood left! Garr: And what of...God? Deis: First things first, Guardian! The spirits of the dead dragons are too strong here... We need to go someplace else. Deis: There should be a cave at the base of the volcano to the west of here...I'll meet you there. Deis: The volcano to the west... Got it, my little dragon? Garr: The volcano to the west... She must mean Mt. Zublo... Nina: Wait just a minute! Why do you have such a goofy look on your face, Ryu!? Rei: Don't this just beat all... ------- Scene 2 ------- Garr: I think this is the place Deis meant... Nina: The one she told us to come to? Rei: But there's nobody here, is there? Momo: This is the cave in the volcano, right? Peco: ...... Did you really think Peco would say something? Deis: There you are, my little dragon... Deis: Don't be frightened This is what I really look like... Were you expecting me to show up naked again? Deis: In that form... The one I was imprisoned in... I'm not able to fully utilize my powers, see... (1)"That's too bad" (2)"I like you this way" (1) Deis: Well, it can't be helped... To do what needs to be done, I need my powers, right? (2) Deis: Well! Thanks! You certainly know what to say to a lady, don't you! Deis: that you're all here... Garr: Is this...where we'll meet God? Deis: No, silly... I'm going to tell you how to get there from here! Deis: Before I was imprisoned... I would have been able to take you there myself, but I don't have enough strength left to do it now. Deis: All right, my little Ryu... I'm going to open your eye so you'll be able to see the way yourself. Deis: It might hurt a little... But you'll just have to grin and bear it My... Ryu... Deis: That, Ryu, is called prana. The Eye of God... If you follow that'll find the god who used the Guardians to destroy your people... Garr: ...north? Deis: Far, far away to the north... Across the sea... Deis: How you get there is up to you... I can't do it for you...This is all I can do now... Deis: It's up to you now Ryu... Good luck! Deis: Garr, I want you to look out for him... Make sure nothing happens to him, understand? Garr: I swear by the lives of all the Brood I stole...He will not come to harm while I draw breath. Deis: Whew! I must be getting old if something like this knocks the wind outta me! Deis: You must be feeling your age as well... Sister... Nina: Ryu! Garr! Nina: First Ryu... then you, Garr, just disappeared like that! I was so frightened! What happened? Did you see Deis? Did you meet God? Garr: God is...very far away... across the sea... Garr: Looks like we'll be needing a boat. ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40. JUNK TOWN AND THE DOCK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Beyd: My name is Beyd... Rhapala Guildmaster. I've come to get our boat back... Watchman: What!? Yes, of course. Good to see you again Watchman: The dock is to the west...Go on in ------- Scene 2 ------- Beyd: You mean the repairs aren't finished yet!? Mechanic: Well, you see, sir... We didn't know y'd be coming so soon, y'see? We haven't found the parts we be needing yet, y'see? Beyd: Hmmm...I see... But what should I do now...? I told everyone I'd be back soon... Mechanic: S... sorry, sir. We didn't know it'd be takin' so long to find the parts y'see... Sailor: Excuse me, sir... Guildmaster sir... But you don't be planning on having us be looking for parts now, do you? I mean, we're sailors, right? Beyd: Wait a minute...!'re Ryu, aren't you!? Nina: Long time no see, Beyd... Momo: It's been a while, hasn't it? Garr: Hmmm... Beyd, isn't it Beyd: It's so good to see all of you again! I'll never forget what you did for me all those years ago... But what are you doing here...? Beyd: You need a ship!? Well, I'd like to say I can help you with that... but... Beyd: It looks like the repairs are going to take longer than we're going to have to wait again, just like before... I'm sorry... Momo: Anything I can do to help? Beyd: That's right! You're an engineer, aren't you, Momo! Engineer: If that's the case, think you could give us a hand? This way, please... Engineer: the engine room Momo: OK...and this is what needs fixing? Momo: Gotcha! I can fix this, no problem! Momo: Ryu, think you can find these parts? You got the Memo! Momo: I don't think you'll be able to find all those parts in one place...You'll have to look around, OK? Beyd: You were able to fix the lighthouse... I'm sure you'll be able to fix the ship faster than anyone else could as well! Engineer: If you can find those parts for us, we'll have the ship moving in no time! Ask the guildmen where the best places to look for parts are Watchman: What? You're going to be looking for the parts? Watchman: I... I don't know if that's OK... I mean, that's supposed to be our job and all............You should probably go back to town and talk it over with the Guildmaster... ------- Scene 3 ------- Chief: You want to look for parts!? Nope, no can do... Only guildmembers have permission to do that. Chief: But to be honest, I don't care if you do. The more hands, the faster the job'll be done, anyway. Chief: You should go down to Steel Beach. That's the best place to look for spare parts, see? ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Parts! Parts! This here's the Machine Guild village. People call it Junk Town... I wonder if there's nothing here I can use... Even though we're called the Machine Guild, we don't actually make machines, see... We just looks for parts we can use an' repairs 'em Sometimes, when you're rootin' around like this, you finds a machine dat's alive and acts up on ya... You know, dose chrysm machine soldiers. How do the machines work? Darned if I know. What difference does it make as long as they work, right? There used to be nothing but a big mountain of junk here, but people realized it's a good place to get parts, so they just settled down. Did you know there's also a kind of boat called a junk? Y'know, I wonder sometimes... Who made all these machines in the first place? It's a machine soldier...But it looks harmless... That there's a machine soldier! Pretty neat, huh? The weapons array on this one's broken, so he's safe... One o' these days, I figure I'll fix 'im up and use 'im for somethin'... Restricted! Only Guild members permitted! The ship's engine broke down and we can't get back home... (sigh)...I miss the ocean! We're sailors from Rhapala...Only our engine's broke down... I bet everyone back home's worried about us... You must have something really important to say to come all the way back here just to talk to me, eh? sniff sniff... whinnnnne We don't get many visitors 'round here. As you can see, nothin' here but junk... On the other side of the village over there there's a road that leads out to a beach facing the Outer Sea. Lots of machines wash up over there. Come on in--we got hard beds and clean sheets! You folks must really like machines to come all the way out here I came here from Rhapala, but the ship's engine broke down... I hear they're having the Machine Guild repair it... They say our ancestors made these machines long ago... They were a lot smarter than we are, weren't they? That man over there is the head of the Machine Guild... Everyone calls him Chief... Looking for weapons? Need some armor? Hmmmmm... What if the machines weren't made to use chrysm as energy... But they're using chrysm as a substitute for something else? I don't know how they works, but as long as they works... This junk mountain used to be a lot bigger, you know... But it's gotten smaller as people take bits and pieces away. If you're worn out from looking for junk, we can pep you up in no time! Do you have business with the Machine Guild?...No? I guess not...Nothing here but a pile of junk, anyway... Welcome to the home of the Machine Guild, Junk Town! Not exactly a name to be proud of, is it? I bet I can use this... I bet you think this is nothing but junk, don't you? Since we don't know how to build machines ourselves, finding parts and stuff like this is the best we can do. Have you heard about the chrysm-powered machine soldiers? Don't find many of 'em here anymore, but I hear there's still lots down on Steel Beach. We assemble the machines we find lying about, and the Porter's Guild takes them wherever they're needed. Travelers? If you're into sightseeing, not much 'round here... 'cept for the big mountain of junk over there... woof If all the junk gets taken away... What'll we call the town then? vooooooooooooooooom That machine soldier has been with me since I was a kid... He's a good fellow. When we were kids, machine hunting was men's work, but now... The Porter's Guild ship had some trouble... So someone from that guild's gonna be coming here. It's hard enough to find and repair these machines! I have a lot of respect for the people who originally built them! sniff sniff sniff O'er to the west o' the village's the dock for the ship an' Steel Beach... S'pose don't mean much to a non-Guild man Come on in--we got hard beds and clean sheets! I'm a sailor from Rhapala... 'cept our ship's engine broke down. What do mean I've already told you that!? .........Well... maybe I did... Maybe it's deja vu? I'm the Traveling Gourmet...I came here to eat their specialty Spare ribs fried in oil sauce! You should try it--it's good! Another accident!? Those blokes in the Porter's Guild have gotta learn to treat machines with more respect! It's not like that... You see, there was this big ship, and... We have the folks from Rhapala take our machines away... But I heard they went and wrecked their ship again... We got stuff you'll only find here in Junk Town! We've got more for sale than just junk! Chrysm energy's a lot like magical energy, see? So I bet there was a lot of magic in the days when they built the machines. Hmmmm...but there are still a lot of people around using magic, you know? It's hard work, looking for parts like this Just one shot'll make you stronger! Well, lately, the Guild's been working on, um, well... You see, the Porter's Guild ship's broke down again, so... we actually don't have a lot to do right now... So that's the Rhapala Guildmaster, eh? The ship from Rhapala broke down and is tied up at the dock out west... That's where we're gonna fix it. The Guildmaster from Rhapala just showed up... Seems pretty sharp for his age, he does... They told me to let anyone from the Porter's Guild in... But I wasn't expecting the Guildmaster himself to show up! I never thought the Porter's Guild people would go looking for parts themselves! Sorry to make you come all this way for nothing... We'll get the ship repaired as soon as we can. Wynn: Whoops! You found me! Boy, you scared me! I'll see you back in Wyndia! The Porter's Guild has ordered a new steamship... Things're gonna get busy! With all these machines washing up here... I wonder if the other side of the ocean's nothing but machines? I think I'll take a break once I get this one outta here Gotta look for parts to build the new ship We're gonna be busy for a while-- the Porter's Guild's asked us to make them a new ship What exactly is Steel Beach, anyway? The Porter's Guild must be making a lot of money to be able to order a new ship. That Guildmaster's quite the whiz kid, ain't he? Ships... I've build 'em, but never been on 'em once... You've been to the freighter down on Steel Beach? Hmmm...You guys ever think about working for the Guild? Porter's Guild's asked us to make 'em a new ship... We'll give 'em a ship like they've never seen before! You're using the old Porter's Guild ship? Take care of it, eh? Someday, I'd like to make my own machine, y'know? Not just repair 'em--something original! But first, we must learn more about the Techno Age... Gotta look for parts to use in the engine The Guild has received an order from the Porter's Guild to build them a new steamship. This is the Machine Guild's dock... This is where we send the machines out on ships. Let's see...ship parts, ship parts... I guess you're gonna have to go down to Steel Beach for those. How do they get big machines like this on the ship? I dunno...I'm just a repairman... That ship from Rhapala's always breaking down... I remember you were looking for parts to fix the ship... Did you find any? Was that the Rhapala Guildmaster who was here just now? If we'd known such a bigshot was coming, we would've worked faster... Romeo... Juliet... scuttle scuttle Thanks to you, it looks like we'll be able to get the ship fixed sooner than we thought... Thank you! Momo: What's the matter? If you're having trouble finding parts, ask the guildmen where to look Momo: Good luck finding all the parts! If you have the master's permission, you can look for parts down on Steel Beach They say the ship won't be coming back. Probably went out into the Outer Sea... Waves there are real strong, see? You come looking for machines too? This here's Machine Guild territory... If you've no business here, scram! This is the Machine Guild's dock... Hey! I bet I can use this screw! If you wanna make a ship... Well, I bet you'll be needing a lot of parts, huh? You got a ship? I wish I had one... Just once, I'd like to try fishing out on the ocean... Take a ship on the Outer Sea!? Hmmm.... If you find out where the machines come from, be sure to let us know, eh? Aren't the waves on the Outer Sea really rough? I don't think any ship we can make can handle them. What? You're going to look for the parts for us? First the lighthouse, now this...How can we ever thank you? This is the bridge of the ship... We'll take care of things once the ship is working again Zig: Oh, you're back! But...but how'd you get here!? Zig: I can't make any sense outta it... But so what? We're done with repairs, so you can use the ship anytime! Do you want to board the ship? "Yes" "No" OK, here we go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41. STEEL BEACH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Watchman: I said you can't go in there! This area belongs to the... huh? Watchman: You got the Master's permission? Oh...OK, then... Go on in... Watchman: Wait! You can't go in here! Even if the Guildmaster said OK, it's too dangerous... Watchman: If you really want in, you should ask the Foreman--if he says it's OK, you can go in, all right? Foreman: Looking for parts, eh? You could probably find a lot in that freighter... Foreman: But only the best fighters from the Guild are allowed to go in there... Foreman: Still, you look pretty buff... Mind if I see for myself how tough you are? ------- Scene 2 ------- Foreman: We're going to put you to work on salvage. You and I will work together to pull the rope... and drag up the machines on the ocean floor! Lemme tell you how it works... Foreman: When that fellow there... raises the white flag, I'll pull on the rope... Foreman: When he drops the flag, I stop... The number there's how much rope's left... Foreman: When he raises the red flag , you pull, OK? To pull the rope, hit the X button as fast as you can! Pull on the rope by hitting the X button Foreman: Remember to pull when the flag goes up! If you're goofing off or not hitting the X button... Or if you hit the button when the flag's not up... the rope'll break and that's it! Foreman: And remember to keep an eye on how much rope is left...If we get a difference of more than 2 meters... it'll throw off our balance and the rope will slip... And that's it! Foreman: Basically, all you have to do is... Look at how much rope you got and how much I got... and adjust the speed of how often you hit the button, see? Well, that about covers it...Ready? "Ready!" "Wait!" Foreman: OK...If you can do it you'll have proven yourself to us! Here we go...... start! Foreman: You want to hear how it works again? "Yes" "No" You failed... Foreman: Little too hard for ya? Watch the flags, and don't get 'em mixed up--that's the key. Well, if you feel like trying again, come back anytime... Wanna give it another shot, big fella? Foreman: Ooff.. Boy, this one's heavy... Don't get many like this...Can you see what it is yet? B-Boss... It don't look like no machine...? W-w-what is it!? R-r-run!! Rei: Don't that just beat all... Aren't you happy now, big fella? You proved yourself to them? Momo: Garr wouldn't have had to prove himself to me...I already know what he can do! Nina: Quite a catch, eh Garr? Peco: pukkipuuu! ------- Scene 3 ------- Foreman: Thanks a lot... I never would've guessed we'd pull something like that up... Garr: Think nothing of it... More importantly... Foreman: Oh yeah, of course! If you can kill something like that, you can sure go in the freighter! No problem, no sir! Take whatever you need, as much as you want! ------- Scene 4 ------- Momo: Welcome back! Did you find everything? Momo: Hmmm...we're still missing some... Do you have any more parts? "Yes" "No" Momo: OK, well, keep looking then... I'll clean up the parts you've found so far... Momo: That's it! You got all of them! Momo: OK, here we go! Beyd: All right then, Ryu, Why don't we go to the bridge? Beyd: Just a little while longer, Ryu Momo: This is the engine room... Start the engine! Starting engine! Beyd: Ease 'er out slowly! Left full rudder! Aye-aye, sir! Beyd: Engine steady... Set course for Rhapala! Aye, sir! Beyd: Before I can give you the boat, we need to return to Rhapala Beyd: Until then...Well, it's a small boat, but please make yourselves comfortable. Nina: It feels good to be on the ocean, doesn't it, Ryu? Beyd: Now that I think about it... No one told me how the boat was damaged this time...? Sailor: Uh, well, uh,... You see... You know about the Black Ship, sir? Nina: Maybe if we go all the way across the sea... We can learn everything about the Brood... and about you, Ryu... Beyd: Black Ship...You mean that large ship you can sometimes see off in the distance? Sailor: You may not believe this, sir, but... The Black Ship was here, in the Middle Sea, sir! Nina: Huh? What's that...? Nina: Looks like it's coming this way.........A ship? Sailor: It came out of nowhere... Right in front of us...We couldn't avoid it... Beyd: Impossible... The Black Ship has only been seen on the Outer Sea... It can't navigate the shallow waters of the Middle Sea! Nina: It's gone... I wonder what it was...? Sailor: It's drifting, sir, she is... Doesn't look like there's anyone on board, either... Beyd: If that's true, we should check it out It could be a threat to our shipping lanes... Sailor: Sir, we're home... It's Rhapala ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Watchman: Hey! You can't just go in there! This beach belongs to the Machine Guild. You want to go inside the freighter to look for parts? .........Hmmmm I don't look kind of scrawny... Don't you have anyone big like me to help you? That big fella looks pretty strong... I betcha he could be one of us! We'll be able to see the Rhapala lighthouse soon... Don't worry--we won't hit anything By the way, what do you need a boat for...? Never mind--tell me after we get to Rhapala... The Guildmaster's become quite the sailor... Master Beyd used to be a bookkeeper, so it took him a while to get his sea legs I don't know if we can make it across the sea in this boat What do you think? Do I know how to make repairs or what? It shakes a lot, doesn't it? pukyuuusuuuuu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42. RHAPALA AND THE MIDDLE SEA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Beyd: We've arrived in Rhapala... Beyd: It took us a while, but we can finally let you use the ship now... Beyd: These two sailors will take you anywhere you ask them to Nina: Thank you, Beyd We're planning on going over the Waaaaaiiiiit! Zig: Let me handle this! Let me pilot the ship for them, Beyd--I mean, Guildmaster! Beyd: Um...Sure, OK, Zig... Zig: Beyd may have beaten me out for the lighthouse...and Shadis... Zig: But I'll show you that no one handles a boat better than me! Zig: OK then, I'll be on the bridge. Let me know when you're ready to shove off! Beyd: Zig's like that... But he's right about one thing: he's our best sailor! You're in good hands. Beyd: All right then, be careful and good luck! You can bring the boat back anytime! ------- Scene 2 ------- Ready? "Ready" "Not yet" Zig: This is it! My big chance! Zig: Here we go! Zig: So, where do you want to go? Zig: The Outer Sea!? Are you sure about that? Why don't you go talk it over with everyone, and let me know when you've come to a decision. I think you should talk it over with everyone first... Let me know when you're ready to shove off! Nina: The wind feels good, doesn't it, Ryu. I wonder what it's like on the other side of the ocean... We'll be the first to see it, won't we? Garr: Cross the sea to meet with God... Even the Urkan would never have dreamed such a thing possible. Rei: Something tells me that crossing the sea isn't going to be easy. There's a reason why no one's done it before, right? Momo: I don't know how far it is to the other side... But the engine's running fine, so don't worry about that. Peco: supuuuuu So...ready? "Yes" "No" Zig: OK, so which way are we heading? Zig: Across...the ocean!? Uh-huh...Figures... I thought you might say something like that... Zig: I suppose I should tell you... No one who's been out there has ever returned alive... Zig: Are you sure you still want to go? .........OK! Zig: Well, then, you're in good hands! Ol' Zig here's the best captain in Rhapala... No, in the world! If anyone can get you across the sea, I can! Zig: Who else would be crazy enough to try!? Zig: We're almost there... You all better get back inside the boat... Zig: It's too much! She'll break up! We better go back! Zig: .........I'd heard stories, but... I never imagined it'd be that bad! Zig: I know I told ya... If anyone could get ya there, I could... But I don't know if we can do it in this boat... Nina: Hold on a minute... Are you trying to say that we should give up trying to get across!? Nina: If the best sailor in Rhapala can't do it... what're we supposed to do then? Zig: Sorry... I guess I just don't have what it takes... to be like the: Legendary Mariner... Nina: Legendary Mariner...? Could he take us across the ocean? Zig: It's not quite like that... We sailors have a legend about a sailor living here in the Inner Sea who came here from the other side of the ocean... But it's just a legend! A story! Nina: Even if it is only a legend... There has to be some truth behind it! Tell us about him! Zig: Well, you see... I don't really know much about him... There's a little town north of Rhapala called Parch ... The mayor there might know something... maybe... Nina: ...Parch it is, then! Let's go! Zig: Yessir! Let me know when you're ready to go! Ready to go? "Yes" "No" ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Welcome to Rhapala! Home of the Porter's Guild! Just because we're the Porter's Guild doesn't mean the only thing we do is move goods around... We make a lot of money laying roads and selling passage on our ship. That's the Guild office there--they've got information on shipping schedules and other stuff. rawr? They say the current Guildmaster used to train here, and after he got strong enough proposed to his wife. Do you want to train too? I wonder if it's safe to get on that boat... I mean, it's always breaking down, right? scuttle scuttle Fishing? meow? I've been wondering for a long time... What exactly is this? Just between you and me... I hear the Guild ship is missing again... We travel all around the world 'Course, even though we say the world, our ship just goes around the Middle Sea... I don't want to go around the mountains, so I'm taking the ship! Now the crane's broken! Why do machines always break down like this!? Me? The Traveling Gourmet? You've got the wrong person Ah...This is good tea You know, I never thought about it till I started travelling, but the world's a lot smaller than we think. I always wanted to be a sailor...Maybe I'll join the Guild I came over from Junk Town in the east on the ship... Boats are interesting, aren't they? Welcome! Care to try our Seafood Omelette? The Guild business has been pretty good lately... So we haven't been getting as many customers. You can get to the east by going around Mt. Zublo now, but everyone still wants to ride the ship-- guess it's more fun. We've been making a lot of money ever since Beyd became Guildmaster...pretty soon we'll be getting more ships and expanding our operation... Hi there! If you're looking for Beyd, he's at the shipyard... I used to be out there doing business too... Cleaning lady!? I am a ROOM KEEPER! I'm gonna work when the next ship comes in--honest! rawr? If you're looking for a seat on the ship... You'll have to wait for a cancellation. squeak woof! woof! They say the ship's broken down and it's stuck in Junk Town again... Is the ship back? You fixed it? Wow... I heard that Beyd went over to Junk Town to get the ship I heard you fixed the ship for us... Beyd's sure lucky to have friends like you! What!? Ship broke down again? Are you serious!? The ship's back!? we can get back to work... What? You're going to take it? You're kidding!? As you may have already heard... The ship's engine broke down so we're closed. There's no urgent business until the new ship's ready, so the Guild's on holiday. They lent out the ship...? I guess it's all right seeing how the Guild's making a new one... I wonder if I would be important too if I fixed something mean you're not going to try? You're taking the ship!? I see...You're working hard too, ain'tcha? I hear there's a village up north you can only get to by boat called Parch... I wonder what kind of fish you can catch there...? Something about this bothers me... Probably means nothing to you. I'd like to ride on a boat again someday... I don't care, I'm riding on that new boat when it's ready! Be careful--don't wreck the ship Maybe I'll try the Seafood Pasta next... Mmmm mmmm good! Bet the world looks a lot bigger out on the Outer Sea... I wonder where I'd go if I had a boat... I hear the Outer Sea's pretty scary... Maybe I'd just hang around the Middle Sea. Looks like the Porter's Guild is going to have a new ship made... The Machine Guild's gonna be busy too! Want a Seafood Omelette? It's a Rhapala specialty! If you're going to use the ship...that means the sailors won't be busy... Which means we will be! So you're going to use our ship... You're having Zig pilot it? Then you're in good hands. So, we're finally getting more ships! That means we'll be able to get more work! This is the Rhapala shipyard... Only sometimes our ship doesn't come back... Looking for Master Beyd? He's gone to visit the Machine Guild in the east... Figures the ship would break down... Heard the ship broke down again and is being repaired by the Machine Guild... We had the same problem years ago: boat didn't come back. Then, we thought it was 'cause of the lighthouse... But I heard it was 'cause the ship broke down Machines may look like they're tough, but they break pretty easily...We don't know how to make new ones, either... We don't make machines... We just find the parts and put them together When's my merchandise gonna get here! The Guildmaster's taking care of that right now... This is the lighthouse. Ships use is to guide their way through the channels, but it's not much use if the ship's broke down... Just have to wait some more, I guess Hey! She's walking! It'd be good if Shadis' kids turned out big and strong like me...But they'll probably take after Beyd. This way, this way! kya ha ha ha scratch scratch skittle skittle Shadis: It's Ryu, isn't it!? Shadis: How are you? We haven't seen you for a long time! Shadis: Beyd? He went to Junk Town to get back our ship... Shadis: I'm sure he'll be coming back soon, so if you don't mind waiting... Shadis: I'm sorry... I don't have much to do with Guild business anymore... You'll have to wait until he comes back If you need something you'll have to talk to Beyd... This baby? She's my daughter, Shayd. Shadis: I'm sorry... I haven't done any Guild work since I had the baby... Shadis: If it's Guild business, you'll have to talk to Beyd This baby? She's my daughter, Shayd Beyd? He went to Junk Town to get back our ship... Guildmaster's got it tough, don't 'e? Ship's gone missing again! The ship's getting so old anyway... It probably needs a serious overhaul The boat's missing again... Maybe this time it sank for real? It better not have sunk with all my merchandise on it! I'm sorry... We're looking into it right now... This way to the lighthouse... But you already knew that, don't you? When you're ready to go, board the ship, and talk to Zig on the bridge Helping you out is probably Zig's way of saying thanks for all you've done for us. Zig may act funny sometimes, but he's the best sailor in Rhapala...You can trust him! Be careful! We'll be getting new boats, so use this one as much as you want! This is the Rhapala shipyard. We'll have lots of ships here before you know it! The Guildmaster must have a busy life! Guess we should get more ships The ship's finally come back...I guess they fixed it? I heard that the reason the Guildmaster went to Junk Town was to order new ships for the Guild. What? They gave away the ship we just fixed? Yep...but it's to those folks that have helped the Guild out so much The Guildmaster finally got the ship back... So now I don't have to get yelled at by customers anymore. The ship's back... I guess that means more work... I heard Zig's gonna pilot the boat for you... I'll stay here and help Shayd learn to walk! Ships are important to our business as a Guild... But you helped us so much before, Beyd couldn't refuse... kya ha! Parch...I don't think you can get there without a boat Urp!......... If the whole trip's gonna be like that, up and down, back and forth... You can count me out! pekyuuuu Everything with the engine checks out OK...But I don't think it's got enough power to get us across the ocean... Looks like we've a long hard road ahead of us, hmmm? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43. PARCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Mayor: Eh? Legendary Mariner? If I tell the story again, you're just gonna give me more of that nasty fish to eat, aren't you!? Mayor: If all they've got for me to eat's fish, well, I'll just sit here and starve to death, I will! When I'm dead, put my ashes in the Maekyss River! Isn't there anything that can be done to cheer him up? ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Dis 'ere be called Parch...Jus' a teeny lil' town... We all's fishermen 'ere, and dat's all we all's eats. You be Porter's Guild people? You's newuns, ain'cha? Da Guild people, they buy da fish 'ere... And bring us bread and other things we be needin'. Da ship! Da ship! One day, I'm gonna go out onna Outer Sea... Jus' like the Legendary Mariner! But is there a ship that can go out to the Outer Sea? What's on the other side of the Outer Sea? Who knows? All we care about is where we can catch fish. zzz zzz woof! bark! meow squee squee squee scratch scratch If they'd just stay here in the Inner Sea, there'd be no trouble...Why is that men always want to go out to the Outer Sea? Daddy went out to sea... Lately, the mayor won't eat any fish. I'm worried--he keeps getting weaker and weaker... Fah! Fish're cat's food, I say! Not for people to be eating! squeak squeak I'm happy with the way things are, but... If I had a chance, I'd like to go to the big city... and work hard, make things easier for my mum... squeak! Even in a place like this, we've got an inn! Welcome, sir! Need fishing gear? We got it! We may be by the sea, but these weapons won't rust--guaranteed! The owner of this inn looks like he's got some of our blood in 'im... Either that or he ate too much fish and ended up like that! The legendary mariner? He's the only man to have ever explored the Outer Sea and lived to tell the tale! Our mayor knows all the stories about him... This one here heard the story of the legendary mariner... And got it into his head to go off to the Outer Sea... But everyone knows that an Inner Sea boat can't go out there to the Outer Sea... Hm? The legendary mariner? There's not a sailor in the world who doesn't know the story. I remember the mayor seemed to know a lot about him... You folks want to cross the Outer Sea? Why would you want to do such a dangerous thing? The mayor originally came from Central Wyndia ...Maybe he's homesick for some Wyndian cooking...? I suppose it's better to want to go off to the big city than the Outer Sea... I can sympathize with the mayor--stuck in this tiny town eating fish every day... Me? I'm gonna go to the city and get all the bread I can eat! Our staple food's fish, you know, but the mayor, he doesn't like fish ever since he got sick... Now he hardly speaks to anyone. But is shisu really that good? Hmmm... The mayor told you about the Legendary Mariner? Good, good You mean the Legendary Mariner really exists!? I wouldn't mind meeting him myself. I can't believe the mayor's eating fish when he said he hated it so much...What's in that shisu anyway? I'm so glad the mayor's recovered... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44. MAKING SHISU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Shisu is a rare delicacy to those outside Maekyss, but we enjoy it often... It's prepared by kneading together the seeds of the shaly tree with vinegar into a small ball... Then, you add a dash of horseradish and finally, it's topped off with a succulent, fresh slice of mackerel. What do you want to know how to make shisu for? You want to get someone who hates fish to eat fish!? Then shisu is the best choice! It's really good! You don't even know you're eating fish! OK, let me show you how to make it. First of all... You put the mackerel on top of shaly seeds that've been put in vinegar and put on a little horseradish and then squeeze it together... (1)"What's mackerel?" (2)"Shaly seeds?" (3)"Vinegar?" (4)"Horseradish?" (5)"Squeeze it together?" (6)"Thanks" (1) Mackerel is a kind of fish that can only be caught here in the Maekyss River-- if you want to try and catch it, there's a fishing spot just to the west of here... Anything else you want to know? (2) Shaly is a type of tree that grows close to water... Its seeds are really soft and white, and go well with all sorts of food... There's shaly trees around here--if you shake them, you should be able to get some seeds... Anything else you want to know? (3) Vinegar is a liquid that has a bit of a sour taste to it... If you mix it in with shaly seeds, it tastes exquisite with fish! I always use the vinegar I get at the coffee house over in the east... Anything else you want to know? (4) Horseradish has a unique taste that helps block out that unpleasant smell fish has...It's like a mustard... I've heard you can get it in the forest near the Dauna Mine, but that's a long ways away west of here... Anything else you want to know? (5) Well, it's more like kneading than squeezing... I'll tell you what-- why don't you come back here after you get all the ingredients, and I'll show you how? I don't want you to get confused if I tell you everything at once... Anything else you want to know? (6) You're welcome... Come back once you've got everything... I'll help you put it all together! ------- Scene 2 ------- Wellkeeper: Say, fella! You look pretty strong there! Wellkeeper: Think you could help me for a minute? I need to get some water out of the well here. Wellkeeper: OK, I'll tell you how it works... So listen carefully, OK? Wellkeeper: First, you lower the rope by hitting the button... Wellkeeper: When the bucket at the end of the rope hits water, you'll hear a splash sound When you do, stop lowering the rope! Also, make sure you remember how many times you pushed the button, OK? Wellkeeper: Then, use the Directional button to move the bucket back and forth to get it into the water... Keep moving it until you hear the bucket filling up. Wellkeeper: When you're done filling the bucket, pull the bucket up by pressing the X button! You have to press the X button the same number of times as you pressed the button, OK? Wellkeeper: And that's how we draw water, see? If you press the button too slowly, or you don't listen carefully to the sounds... you'll mess up, so be careful... Got it? Want me to explain it one more time? "No" "Yes" Wellkeeper: OK, here we go... Ready, set, Go! You failed... Wellkeeper: Didn't quite get it, eh? Well, let me know if you want to try again. Think that big strong fellow'd want to try? You're going to help me!? Thanks!? Wellkeeper: Good luck! You don't need me to explain how it works, do you? "No" "Yes" Wellkeeper: You did it! Wellkeeper: Thanks so much! Thanks to you, I was finally able to get the water out! I know it's not much, but here...have some vinegar. You got vinegar! Wellkeeper: Come back if you ever need more water! ------- Scene 3 ------- You've got everything, right? All right, then, I'll tell you how to make shisu! (1)"Slicing the mackerel" (2)"How many shaly seeds" (3)"How much vinegar" (4)"How much horseradish" (5)"Kneading the shisu" (6)"Thanks for everything" (1) The mackerel slices will be larger or smaller depending on how big a fish you catch...The bigger the fish, the larger the slices will be Anything else you want to know? (2) The more shaly seeds you use, the bigger the ball will be. I know that's obvious, but just because you can make something big doesn't mean you should! The trick is to make sure the size of the ball matches the size of the mackerel slices -- that's really important... Anything else you want to know? (3) As a general rule, you should keep the ratio of vinegar to shaly seeds at about 1-4 or so. Anything else you want to know? (4) You'll have to balance the amount of horseradish with the amount of shaly seeds and mackerel you've used... If you've used a lot of mackerel, then use a lot, and if you have more shaly than mackerel, not so much... Anything else you need to know? (5) The most important thing you have to remember is that as you knead it, the shaly will shrink... One good knead means you'll lose about 1 shaly seed... My mother taught me that you shouldn't knead it more than twice... Anything else you want to know? (6) Are you sure? Do you want to hear my recipe then? "Yes" "No" Well, the bigger the shisu, the better... But more important than size is balance. If we say the mackerel is 10, then we'd want the shaly to be 8, the vinegar to be 2 and the horseradish to be 4. Got it? It might be hard to understand from this explanation, but you'll get the hang of it once you try it! ------- Scene 4 ------- The mayor is so stubborn! Is there no way to get through to him...? Uh-huh, uh-huh... What!? Feed him fish!? .........the mayor!? Shisu? Hmmm...But would it work? We won't know unless we try, I guess... Let's try it then! Select ingredient Knead the shisu Stop preparing shisu You don't need that! No ingredients! You need the shaly seeds first! You need the mackerel first! Put the shaly & mackerel together! Hmmm... Didn't go as well as we planned, eh? Don't give up! Keep trying! You failed! Your attempt to get on the mayor's good side didn't work! Do you want to try again? "Yes" "No" Good luck then!! Really...? I have a feeling that if you could just get him to eat fish, you could get on his good side... Mayor: ......... Peh! The mayor doesn't seem to be impressed... Ryu decides to try the shisu he made... Ugh...awful! No wonder it didn't work! Looks like it didn't work... We'll just have to keep trying! Mayor: ...What's this!? Mayor: This...this is shisu! Mayor: ......Whew! ...That horseradish's got a good kick to it! Mayor: Well... Since you went to all the trouble to make me shisu... I guess I'll have to return the favor, won't I? Ha ha! Ryu's shisu plan worked! The mayor's in high spirits again! ------- Scene 5 ------- Mayor: Hmm...The Outer Sea, eh? Mayor: And you want me to tell you about the Legendary Mariner? Mayor: Normally... I'd tell you to get such foolish notions out of your head, but... Mayor: I owe you for the shisu, don't I? Mayor: Here...take this... You got the Sea Charts! Mayor: That shows all the currents in the sea around here...If you follow it, you should be able to get through the crags to the east of here. Mayor: That's where you'll find him... the Legendary Mariner Mayor: East of the village. You'll have to do some searching! Thanks to you, the mayor has recovered his vigor... Thank you so much... Please accept this as a token of our gratitude... You got ! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Hm? Want to try drawing water again? "Yes" "No" Anytime you need some more vinegar, come on by! You got vinegar! ..You're already carrying too much!. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45. MIDDLE SEA: FINDING THE LEGENDARY MARINER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- The tides are too strong to move ahead! You might be able to make some headway if you could read the currents better. The charts say that the tides only allow passage through these shallow waters for a limited time. You'll need to hurry to beat the tides! There's a small hut standing above the water... ------- Scene 2 ------- I know, Duan, I know We've got guests... That's a guild ship, ain't it? What would the guild want with me...? Anyways, welcome. Come inside, have some coffee or something... Nina: .........And so, we hoped to ask the Legendary Mariner how to cross the sea. Legendary Mariner... Are they still calling me that? My name is Kukuys... I'm not a sailor... I haven't explored the reaches of the Outer Sea... Momo: Whaaaaat? Then you don't have a boat we could use? Kukuys: Well, I did come from the other side of the Sea, but as a castaway... Nina: Then you do know how to cross the Sea! Please tell us...We have to cross it! Kukuys: Impossible... No Middle Sea boat could make the trip... Besides......... Kukuys: There's nothing worth mentioning out there. Momo: Yeah, right! Then where do all those machines come from? Nina: If you got here... Then there must be a way for us to get there! Please, Kukuys, tell us how! Kukuys: ......... If you're that determined, then maybe there's a way... Kukuys: You must find a certain ship... Momo: ...The...Black... Ship? Kukuys: Yes, you know it as the Black Ship... Kukuys: It's a large ocean-going transport... Kukuys: If you could get aboard it somehow... Momo: I only said it MIGHT work! Momo: I doubt this will work... But here goes... Momo: See! I don't think we can stop it that way... Garr: Hey! Something's moving! Nina: Zig! Get us out of here! Quick! ------- Scene 3 ------- Rei: Tell me...what were you thinking? Momo: What? Are you saying it's my fault? Nina: Whew! That was close... I guess it attacks anything that gets close to it... Nina: We need a new plan of some sort... What should we do, Ryu? Zig: Good question... What are we going to do, Mr. Ryu? You're the captain now... Zig: I just does what the captain says, eh? Zig: You should probably talk it over with your friends before making up your mind, yeah? You're the captain, and it's your decision, but you should talk it over with your friends first... Nina: It looks like the only way we'll be able to get across the ocean is on that ship... There's got to be something we can do, right Ryu? Rei: If that dummy hadn't attacked it like that, it wouldn't have gotten angry and come after us, you know... Momo: Don't look at me like that... It's not my fault, OK...? Garr: I don't think we'd have any trouble if we could just get aboard it...And that's the problem, isn't it? Peco: pefuuuuuu (After all that, he's still sound asleep... How does he do it?) Momo: Don't look at me like that... It's not my fault, OK...? Momo: Oh, it's you, Ryu... What are you going to do? Are we going to give up? Momo: OK then...So... Now all we need to do is figure out a way to get on board that ship...What if we rammed it? If you're going to try ramming it... I think hitting it from behind would be best. That way, we'd be able to avoid being attacked... Made up your mind? Zig: What!?... Ram it!? Zig: All right! That's what I hoped you'd say! Leave it to me!! Zig: There's only one man for this kind of job An' that's ME! Zig: OK, captain sir, you just watch... I'll have you on that ship in no time... Or my name's not Zig!! Ramming the Black Ship. Use the Controller to maneuver your boat. Build up speed with Run button and ram the Black Ship from directly behind. Be careful not to overheat your engine. ------- Scene 4 ------- Zig: We did it! Nina: That was pretty rough... I wonder if everyone's OK...? Zig: Well, we rammed 'er at full speed... Maybe you should go check on ev'ryone... Zig: Heh heh...Told ya I was good for sumthin', eh? Nina: That was really something, wasn't it? BOOM! Rei: That was a pretty big bump, eh Ryu? Peco fell right off where he was sitting! Garr: Looks like our plan worked, eh? Peco: kyuuuuu-kyuuuu-kyu! (Peco looks a little dizzy, but otherwise unhurt...) Honey: Oy vey... Momo: Mmmm ...mmm ... Momo: Whew! That woke me up! Peco fell right on top of me! Momo looks all right as well... Kukuys: Usually... the black ships are completely automated... Kukuys: So, if you get on that ship, then it'll take you back where it came from--the other side. Momo: So, I think... If we get to the bridge, we should be able to figure out how the automated systems work Nina: We'll have to look for the bridge... which might take a while...But we can always come back here to rest, right? Please choose 3 party members. ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Ramming the ship... It sounds scary, but it's exciting at the same time, isn't it? Ram it...? Sounds like something a certain engineer would think of... Heh...don't this just beat all... The will to keep going...No matter what the cost... That is our greatest strength... puwheee... He won't fall and roll around and get hurt when we ram the other ship... will he? You're going to ram it, right? Then you'll want to go from behind, as fast as you can! There's a diary... But now's not the time for that... Now's not the time to be resting... You'll be able to board the Black Ship from here... But first you should check on everyone else... zzzzz kyuuuu zzzz I never thought I'd end up on the other side of the ocean...! Hopefully this means we're getting a little bit closer to God... One step at a time... So if this is like the Black Ship then that means...Hmmm... Welcome 'home'. How did it go? What do you want to do? "Rest" "Save" "Change party members" "Look at Skill Notes" "Look at Master List" "Nothing" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46. THE BLACK SHIP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- You see an ID card stuck in a slot... Do you take it? "Yes" "No" You found an ID card! Nothing! Platform movement program L R F B U Up D Down "P1 RRLFBL" "P2 LFFRBBL" "P3 FRRBL" "P4 RFFLDUBBR" "P5 FRRFFUDBBBL" "P6 FRRRFBLLLB" Program activated. Please board the platform. Error in platform program No.3... Crane Main Switch "ON" "OFF" Crane operations panel "Operate without guide" "Operate with guide" "Quit" Crane Main Switch "ON" "OFF" Crane operations panel. Main switch is off Please activate main switch before using crane. Pressing and holding the X button moves the crane Releasing the X button halts the crane Pressing and holding the X button again moves the crane Releasing the X button makes the crane grab a container. The crane returns after releasing the container. This container can't be moved... Warning: Someone's on the catwalk! For safety reasons, do not activate the walk when someone's on it. ID check required to use elevator. Perform ID check? "Yes" "No" ID....244..12..56..33..85..664....OK! ID check........ERROR! It says... Boost Counter It looks like a control mechanism for the ship... But it's too complicated for to understand... ------- Scene 2 ------- Momo: Hmmmm...Looks like... This is used to set the ship's heading Momo: If we restart this, it'll do just what Kukuys said... It looks like it's set up to go back across the Sea. Momo: But to get this to work... We need to figure out what the Boost Counter is... Momo: I think I saw something like that on the deck below... Momo: I need you to go check the number on the Boost Counter and come back and tell me, OK? Momo: I'll get the boost started here. I need you to run down to the monitor room and tell me when the counter reaches 100, all right? Momo: I think you know this, but... The counter'll be running while you're going to and coming back from the monitor room... Don't wait for it to hit 100--you need to be back here in time to tell me--so you need to time it just right ...OK? Momo: OK, here goes! Ready? "Ready" "Wait!" Momo: ......When I say start, you go to the monitor room... and check the number on the Boost Counter. I need to know when it reaches 100... But since the counter will still be running while you come back, you'll need to calculate how fast the counter runs... Got it? OK, here we go "Got it" "Wait" Momo: Boost start! You should check the Boost Counter first Boost Counter Momo: Activating system... now! It didn't work... The counter was off Momo: Whoops... Momo: No problem! We'll just have to try again, OK? Momo: We did it! ------- Scene 3 ------- Zig: Hey! It looks like the Black Ship's starting to move! Nina: Time for us to go... Thanks for everything, Zig... Garr: Time for us to go... Zig: Sure! Be careful, eh? I'm gonna take this boat back to the Machine Guild Momo: Everybody! This way! Come up to the bridge! Nina: What was that!? Garr: The road to God... To the God that I... that Ryu must meet Garr: It looks like this ship intends to take us there... Momo: Well... I don't know about any 'road to God', but... This ship's underway, and we can't stop her now... Momo: Since we don't know how long it's going to take... We might as well sit back and relax... ------- Scene 4 ------- Rei: ......You ask why I came along!? This is a fine time to ask, now that we can't go back! Rei: It's like Mikba said... Even if my power and the Brood's aren't quite the same level, they're like one and the same, yeah? Rei: So, if we go meet God or whoever... I can find out why such power exists! Garr: Sounds like something happened... Let's go check it out... Nina: ...Ryu! Something's happened! We'd better get to the bridge and talk to Momo! Nina: Momo, what happened? Momo: It looks like there's something wrong with the ship Rei: Yeah, and it's probably 'cause of something you did... Momo: Nooo! Look at this... Momo: There's a problem on the upper deck... Near the front of the ship...Maybe we hit something? Nina: We should probably check it out... How can we get there, Momo? Momo: Let's see... Momo: On the other side of our rooms... it looks like there's a hall that runs to the prow of the ship. Momo: I opened the door in the hall for you... Rei: So...Who's going to go? Choose who to investigate the problem with... ------- Scene 5 ------- Looks like something's hit the bow ... Rei: Doesn't this just beat all... You mean we've gotta fight up here? We can't even stand up straight! Momo: Wh...whoa! I don't think we're going to be able to fight like this!! Nina: Wh... what happens if we slip and fall? We'll drown, you know! Garr: Hmmm... We should back up until we can get a solid footing... Let's fall back until we reach the middle of the deck... It should be easier to fight there... Use the right Directional button to step back. Watch the monsters: if they begin to move, stop and wait for the next opening... Here they come! The ship has engaged its self-defense program! Finally, after several days' travel, the ship completed its crossing of the Ocean... ..and brought them to a place heretofore unknown to them.... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- These beds are for the women You can use the bed to rest. Do you want to rest? "Yes" "No" These beds are for the men You could use these beds to rest, but it's not the time for that! It looks like we're not sinking or anything like that... But, if we did hit something, we'd better be careful... Too many collisions and we could be in real trouble... Doesn't it just beat all... Who knows what's out here in the Sea? We can't see anything from here... We'll have to get closer... Pukirapuuuuu? The prow's up that way, isn't it? Hopefully there's nothing there, but... There's a diary. What do you want to do? "Save "Change party members" "View Skill Notes" "View Master List" "Nothing" ID check required to use elevator Perform ID check? "Yes" "No" ID........OK! ID check......ERROR! You should probably go to the bridge first... pukipukkipukikiii! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47. KOMBINAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Nina: We finally made it... Momo: Doesn't look too much different from our side, does it? Rei: Who knows...? Maybe there's monsters here the size of the Black Ship? Garr: At any rate...We're in a new world now... We'd all best keep on our toes... Please choose 3 party members. ------- Scene 2 ------- Rei: All the people over on this side... They're like zombies or spunk in 'em at all. Momo: They're like machines. Rei: Doesn't this just beat all... Who knows what'll happen next, huh? Scared? Rei: Who, me? Ha! I'm here 'cause I want to be! Rei: I could've just stayed on the other side, you know... I was happy just being a highwayman, yeah? Rei: OK, so... maybe I'm a little nervous... Rei: Who'd ever think we'd go off somewhere where no one has gone before, looking for... for God!! Sheesh! And what's up with this Brood stuff, anyway? Nina: This is so unbelievable... We're the first people from our side to be over here, aren't we? Nina: The extinct Brood... The god of the Urkans. We're searching for an answer to a mystery that could change the world... Nina: If I'd stayed in Wyndia... I would never have experienced any of this... Nina: But...I bet everyone back home at the castle, especially my mother... they must all be worried about me... But being here is better than just being a princess, isn't it? Nina: Maybe... I'm just being selfish What's most important for you is what you want for yourself! Momo: Think about how amazing it is that we may be able to figure out where all the machines we use come from... Garr: Mmmmm... Momo: I wonder what my Dad would say if he were here...? Momo: Every engineer dreams about solving the mystery of the machines! Momo: And I'm going to do my best to see that it's me who finally solves the puzzle!! Nina: We don't have much to go on... But I'm sure that the power Deis gave us will show us the way again... Nina: Tomorrow's another big day, eh Ryu? ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- You're not from around here, are you? This is where we get our machine scrap... Where does it come from? I don't know... We call this town Kombinat. I hear there's nothing but scrap and desert around us... Looks like the automated ship's back. Did you come here on it? I'm a robot It's a mechanical soldier... But it doesn't look threatening... Bubu...bubububu Viguadeviubidebuvau Debuiaviuvuvvaguguu Oubideauivvuii? "Viguadebibide" "Viubidebuudevu" "Vuguguuoubidea" "Vuvuvuvuuii" "Aviubuuvvugu" "Buiavivuuuvvugu" Vuvuvuvu... Vuvuvuvuvuvuvu Vivi The robot gave you a Homing Bomb You want to rest? Go ahead You need weapons? Looking for something? You came looking for God? I wouldn't know anything about that... We just use the machines here to load scrap onto the ship... Don't know anything more than that. Looks like a machine soldier... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48. THE COLONY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Momo: What's that? Nina: I wonder what that is...? Garr: Hm? What is that? Rei: Something's spinning around here...? Momo: Maybe if we take a closer look, we can figure it out...? Nina: Maybe Momo could figure it out? Garr: ...If Momo were here, she'd know what to do Rei: This kind of thing's Momo's specialty, isn't it? ------- Scene 2 ------- It looks like the same device that was in the basement of Wyndia Castle... Nina: So you mean... With this... We can go anywhere in the world? Momo: So, if we use this, it looks like we can go anywhere we want Garr: Can we use this to get to God? Rei: In other words, We're not exactly at a dead-end then, right? ------- Scene 3 ------- Momo: Hmmm....uh-huh... Activating Portal Drive...? Hmmm...hmmmm... Activation Key ... Momo: I'm not really sure... But it looks like we need some kind of key. We can't do anything without it, so let's look for that first... Insert Key? "Yes" "No" Momo: There we go... It's working... Now... Momo: Let's see... To activate the Portal. Align the reflectors to aim the laser into the fuse... Momo: OK... That must be where the laser comes out... Momo: Then, we use these reflectors, which are like mirrors... To reflect the beam... Momo: So it hits that fuse thing there... Got it? Momo: It's my guess that this Portal Drive referred to here... Momo: the machine we found that's similar to the one in the castle... Momo: But judging by the output, this Portal looks like it has a lot larger range than that one! Momo: Let's give it a try! The switch to align each reflector is on the stands there... Momo: Once we've got them lined up, we flip this switch... And the laser fires! Got it? Momo: Let's get to work! ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Change the angle of each reflector using their switches... And then activate the laser with this switch It's locked... It looks like it could be opened from the other side... Restoring Power: Use the mirrors to amplify the lasers' energy and focus it on the fuse. Detailed instructions are written below. Laser...right switch. Mirrors..switches on each stand It looks like some kind of machine... Maybe it has something to do with the room below? There's a lot of complicated writing... Maybe Momo would be able to understand it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 49. RELAY POINT A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Momo: Oh, Honey... Where are you going now...!? Nina: Hey! What's up with Honey? Rei: Now what's going on? Garr: Hmmm...What's the matter, I wonder...? Momo: Honey, wait! Momo: Honey, where do you think you're going...? Nina: Wait a minute... Isn't this...!? Nina: Hold it...If this is where I think it is... Nina: This is Steel Beach! You know, in Urkan...!? Nina: Just as I thought! The Machine Guildsmen were surprised to see me... They wanted to know how we got in. Rei: Doesn't this just beat all? After all that trouble to get across the outer sea, we end up right back where we started! Rei: We'll never find God at this rate! Garr: Hmmm... Yes, it looks like we're back to square one... What should we do now? Nina: Amazing! With that portal machine, we traveled all the way back here in the blink of an eye! Maybe the world's not as big as we think it is? Momo: That's it! Momo: Portals are relics from ancient times-- from God's time! Think about it--the world must be pretty small to God! Momo: God... Or the people who made the machines, rather... must have used these portals to travel around the world! Nina: In other words... You're saying that God and the machines are connected somehow? Momo: Well... I don't know for sure but... Garr: Hmmm... Perhaps the machines are a gift... from God? Momo: Yeah, yeah, that's it. You took the words right out of my mouth! Momo: So maybe by using the portals... We could travel right to wherever God is! Momo: First, let's check out the portal where we just arrived! Come on! Please choose 3 party members. ------- Scene 2 ------- It reads 'Jack Instruction Manual' Do you want to read it? "Yes" "No" Each of the 4 switches can be pulled once. More than one jack can be linked to a single switch. Press this button to initialize all jack positions. Do you want to reset? "Yes" "No" Warning: Someone's on the catwalk! For safety reasons, do not activate the walk when someone's on it. There's a small diagram... West switch: East...DN West...UP South..-- North..DN There's a small diagram... East switch: East...UP West...DN South..-- North..DN There's a small diagram... South switch: East...-- West...UP South..UP North..DN There's a small diagram... North switch: East...-- West...-- South..-- North..UP The door switch is on the terminal in the center of the room. Use the 3 moving platforms to access it. ------- Scene 3 ------- It reads: Aligning the Portal Antenna. Do you want to keep reading? "Yes" "No" Change the facing of the antenna with the Directional button. Look for the angle with the least amount of noise. When you find it, press the X button to end alignment. Do you want to align the antenna? "Yes" "No" Antenna alignment complete... Portal Driver Interactive Mode engaged ------- Scene 4 ------- Portal Drive Activated. Current Location: Relay Point A. Enter destination: "Colony" "Dragnier" "Container yard" "Relay Point B" "Quit" Target: Dragnier. Destination locked ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- It might be a good idea to go after Honey first... Relay Point A. Due to antenna error, this station is locked in auto-receive mode. Please check antenna before initiating transfer. ........Nothing happened... That doesn't appear to be the right angle.... The antenna's working properly... The portal should be operational now... Target: Colony. Destination locked Target: Dragnier. Destination locked Target: Container yard. Destination locked Target: Relay point B. Destination locked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50. DRAGNIER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Hey, you... did you just leave that building? What's this...? Everyone! We must celebrate! Please, be at ease I am Griol, the patriarch of this village Griol: All of us here... are the same as you. We are all Brood... Master Ryu. Griol: Do not be alarmed, Guardian... We gave up our powers and fled here during the Great War. Garr: So as not to be found by us Guardians? Old woman: Hee hee hee--Exactly! All in preparation for this moment! Nina: This moment...? What do you mean? Griol: You will know... soon enough Griol: But for now, please rest and be at ease, Oh Dragon Prince, and noble companions... Old woman: Please, eat this... This meat will restore the strength sapped by the desert's heat. ------- Scene 2 ------- We have been awaiting your coming, Ryu, Prince of Dragons... It has been foretold for many generations. After our defeat by our enemies, they tried to wipe us from the face of the earth...To survive our people either had to give up their power like we here have, or bury themselves deep, deep underground... Our brethren who hid underground... Many of them entered a deep sleep after conceiving a child. They slept, to await the time when one day, the Brood might walk the earth again. And now, that day has arrived! The Prince is soon to awaken! Ryu...You have come here... To the forgotten city of the Brood, Dragnier... Call it destiny if you will... We can tell you where to find what it is you are seeking... Where to find your foe, the goddess Myria. Ryu... You must awaken to your true power... And then... you must face the goddess... Ryu... Are you awake? Old woman: Ryu... You fell asleep after the banquet... If you're looking for your companions, they are all outside... ------- Scene 3 ------- Rei: Look who's awake... Rei: The Brood are pretty amazing... Who would've thought they were still alive, living in a forsaken place like this... Rei: I wonder how Garr feels right about now? Rei: I mean, being in a city, surrounded by people who used to be his enemies... Rei: He's over there, looking depressed... Let's go try to cheer him up... Garr: .........Even if they have forgotten the War... I am still the sworn enemy of every person in this village... Garr: All the people here... They're suspicious of the fact that you, Ryu, have brought me here with you... Garr: I've come with you on this trip because I have lost my faith, and have come to doubt my own actions of so long ago... Garr: But I know that is not a good enough reason for all the men and women of this village to trust me. Garr: The War has not ended in the hearts and minds of these people. Rei: Well, maybe so, Garr... But what are you getting all gloomy about? Rei: OK, so maybe... the people here want Ryu to take his power, and go teach your God a thing or two... Rei: And maybe it's not so realistic to think we can drop in on God and ask about the truth... Rei: But still... You're the one who told us to tag along if we wanted answers to our questions... Rei: You know what? You just plain think too much, you know? Rei: Anyway... it doesn't matter what the villagers here think... What's important is what Ryu thinks! Am I wrong? Griol: Ryu... The Elder wishes to meet with you... Griol: He is the eldest of us all... Of all the Brood, only he remembers the Great War... Griol: Go to the well in the village center. The Elder awaits you inside, underground. ------- Scene 4 ------- You've come... Welcome, Ryu... I am the Elder, Jono... Don't let my looks fool you--I'm a nice guy. Jono: Come here, my son... Jono: My son... Did you see the mural as you came in? Jono: That... is the history of our people's struggle Our peoples' history stretches back into the distant past... before even the Great War... It is the history of a struggle against a great, recurring evil With each age, a warrior appears among the Brood...With his allies, he carries on the struggle... Against the evil that appears as a mortal, sometimes as a devil-- the evil that is named Myria... Jono: Myria... The god of the Urkans --the god you are seeking... Jono: Of course, it seems the Urkans never refer to their god or their enemy, the Brood, by name... Jono: Speaking of the Urkans... I want to talk to your friend the Guardian... Bring him here. Jono: Guardian... I have to hand it to you Urkans... and to Myria... When you decided to get rid of the Brood, you didn't hold back at all, did you? Jono: But you must realize one truth... As long as you refuse to speak your god's name, or the name of your enemy, no one will ever know what became of us, or why... Garr: Oh, Honorable Elder One... Do you hate us? Jono: Hate...? There are maybe some among us who do... But I do not, Guardian... Jono: One cannot allow himself to be blinded by hatred, or spill blood for a petty reason... What happened between the Urkan and the Brood...was fate... Garr: Fate...Honorable Elder One? Garr: What do you mean, Honorable Elder One? Please, tell me! Jono: Stop calling me Elder One!! You're every bit as old as I am!! Jono: I've had enough of talking to you! From now on, the only thing I want to see is a pretty girl! Understand? I made up my mind--I'm only going to talk to the women! Jono: That's better... Now listen up, little lady...I'm going to tell you about the fate of the Brood and the goddess Myria. Nina: I'm listening, Grandpa Jono: That's more like it...Good girl. Now listen close... Jono: The Brood and Myria have always fought... Down through the ages, and all across the world... Nina: Is it because she was trying to destroy the world, and the Brood were trying to protect it? Jono: It's not exactly that simple, child... Think about it--that would mean the world wouldn't be here after we lost the great war, now would it? Jono: Besides...the real danger to the world might be us Brood... Jono: Our power is such that we could destroy the world...And the goddess Myria feared that strength... And decided to destroy us... Nina: But... so... does that mean... Ryu is an evil dragon? Jono: No, no, child... Don't get ahead of yourself... We lost the war because we didn't use our power... Jono: If we had fought back with all our power...We might have indeed destroyed the world... Nina: So, you mean... The Brood were concerned with the fate of the world? They're not evil? Jono: Well, that's not exactly right either. I want to tell you something important, so I want you to come up next to me here...Will you do that? Nina: Like this? Jono: That's it... Now, kneel down... Jono: ...and give me a kiss Nina: What!? Ryu... What should I do? (1)"Why do you ask me?" (2)"Do whatever you want" (1) Nina: Um, well...I don't know... (2) Nina: Right...OK... Jono: Ho ho ho ho ho! Well, I got my kiss, so now I've no regrets! Jono: It's time for me to do what I must... Ryu...Come here Jono: Ryu... You may have guessed this, but I must now face my end... and you, your fate... Are you ready for what comes next? "Yes" "Wait" Jono: All right then, I'll wait... Once you're ready to face me, come back here. Jono: The Brood...we...have waited... Waited to bequeath the true power of the Brood to the one we knew would one day come... Jono: That's why we gave up our power and came to this lonely barren place... To hide that power from the prying eyes of the goddess... Jono: To fool Myria into thinking she had succeeded in eradicating the Brood... Jono: I don't know if our ruse worked... But we have guarded the essence of the Brood all these years. Here, in me... Jono: I'm ready now to give you that power Jono: Ryu... Blood of my blood... You must take the power from me... But... Jono: In order to guard against discovery by the goddess, we placed special magic wards around this room... Jono: In other words... Here, you will be unable to use your Brood powers Jono: I will use the true power of the Brood... But you, Ryu--you must depend only on yourself to defeat me... ------- Scene 5 ------- Jono: Very good Ryu... You have proven yourself to me... Jono: Very well, Ryu I will bequeath to you...the true power of the Brood. Come here... Jono: I give unto you... The very essence of the Brood...The power that can shake the very foundations of the world... The power of Infinity... Jono: With this power, the world is in your hands... Jono: Listen to me, Ryu. This is the power which the goddess rightly fears... Jono: It is in your hands now... Yours, and your friends'... Jono: Always, the warrior of the Brood... Has fought with his allies, his friends... And together, they have defeated the goddess... Jono: But... you needn't follow that path... If you so... choose Jono: The power is yours, Ryu... Do with it... what you will! Jono: Farewell, Ryu... Blood of my blood! A mighty power flows into Ryu... ...awakening his latent power! You found the Infinity gene! ------- Scene 6 ------- Griol: It looks like you have discovered the power of Infinity... Griol: Very well then... I will tell you where you can find the goddess... Griol: You must leave here and travel far to the the Desert of Death! Griol: Horis there will tell you more... Nina: So, before we leave, we should talk to that man Horis, right? Garr: Thank you... So, before we leave, we should talk to Master Horis, yes? Rei: So we gotta talk to him before leaving? Gotcha Momo: We have to talk to him, right? Griol: That's right... Horis will guide you Griol: We have all waited for this day... For the day our savior would come and avenge us! .........Good luck, Ryu...We have placed our trust in you. Horis: Take this rakda with you... Horis: You're ready to leave, then? I'll go with you as far as the desert... "Let's go" "Wait" ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Coming this far must have been a difficult journey. We no longer have any powers like yours, oh prince... We gave up our power that you might one day find your way here and fulfill your destiny We have been taught that the Guardians are our ancient enemies...But now you claim one as a friend. Are you sure he can be trusted? Look, Ryu... Isn't it cute? It's called a rakda The ancient legends tell us that our saviors will come to us walking on a path of light... And now, you have come... moof moof moof moooof puu puu... Looks like we can use these beds to rest... But now's not the time for that. Prince of Dragons... They must have been waiting for you to come and restore the Brood to their former power... They sure are patient, aren't they? Are you in need of anything? We should probably check on Garr before leaving... The Elder, the living history of our race, awaits you... The Elder is waiting for you below... Enter whenever you are ready... The Guardian chose the wrong god to believe in... These rakdas are really useful for travelling in the desert...they'll carry anything you put on 'em... Did the Elder tell you of our tragic history? "Yes" "No" I imagine so... It is the destiny of the Brood warrior to battle the goddess. What!? He said that you do not need to fight the goddess!? You must be joking! The Desert of Death is past the place called the Factory to the north... Horis will tell you the rest... You should be able to rest here... Do you want to sleep? "Yes" "No" Once it was revered as Ladon, the Dragon God... But now, it is known as the god of travelers. Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" Jono: Hey! I thought I told you to bring the Guardian! What, you think I'm going to live forever? Hurry up! Jono: Nope, nope! I don't want to look at your ugly faces! Where're the women? Jono: No no no no! I said pretty girls! I want the young plump ones! Momo: Well excuuuse me. What an old crank! What do you mean, I'm not good enough!? Jono: What I have to say can only be said to another Brood... Jono: I don't need another kiss, little girl... I have to talk to Ryu... Jono: Ryu...Come here You sense an incredible power... Only one of the Brood would be able to touch it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51. FACTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Warning: Someone's on the block! For safety reasons, do not activate the block when someone's on it. Workbot Remote Control Panel Workbot Control Panel "Instructions" "Activate" "Quit" The workbot moves by tracing the movement of its Controller on the dais. Once the workbot is near a switch, press the Action button. When you want to quit, leave the dais or activate the panel. The workbot cannot track large people's movements End session A sign above the door reads Emergency Exit. It has an electronic lock that can't be picked... Emergency Door Handle. In an emergency, break panel and turn handle to open Emergency Door It's broken... The emergency door should be usable now ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52. DESERT OF DEATH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Horis: Anyone can come this far... Now comes the hard part: The Desert of Death... Horis: A land of ever-changing sands... Where nothing lives, and from which no one returns... Nina: That's what everyone said about crossing the ocean... Rei: I get the feeling that God wants to be left alone... Horis: I don't know anything about that... But I do know the goddess lives beyond the desert. Horis: You must cross the desert... I'll tell you how to survive long enough to get there. Horis: Ask me anything What do you want to know about? (1)"Walking in the desert" (2)"Water" (3)"Camping in the desert" (4)"The rakda" (5)"The goddess Myria" (6)"Nothing" (1) This is very important...Listen carefully. (1a)"About time" (1b)"About directions" (1c)"Leaving the desert" "That's enough for now" (1a) Naturally, as you move through the desert, time passes. One day is 24 hours, a 12-hour day and a 12-hour night... You can keep track of time by counting your steps... You'll walk about 40 steps in an hour... Since you'll only waste energy moving during the day, you should move at night, when it's cooler... Anything else you want to know? (1b) You can find your way in the desert by looking at the stars Horis: This is the North Star... It always appears in the north and never moves... If you follow it, you're headed due north... Horis: This one's the False North Star ... It sometimes appears at different heights depending on the day. It can fool you... Be careful not to mix it up with the real North Star... Horis: And this one... is the Evening Star. It always appears in the west, but not always at the same height and in the same place... If you're in the center of the desert, it'll be due west... Horis: If you lose track of where you are in the desert, you're done for... Make sure you keep your eyes on the stars... Horis: One thing you need to be careful about is after breaking camp or a battle, make sure you check what direction you're facing... If you forget, you could end up in a lot of trouble... Anything else you want to know? (1c) Here's how to get out of the desert... First, follow the North Star to the north ... Then, when you can see the Evening Star directly to the west, head east... Keep going east until you can no longer see the Evening Star... and then head north again...After walking north for three nights or so, you should be able to see the oasis. I'll write this down for you, so you can look it up later... Anything else you want to know? (2) As you walk in the desert, your body will slowly lose water, and your throat will become dry every so often... If you don't drink any water and keep walking longer than 30 minutes when this happens, you run the risk of permanently damaging your body... Just so you know, 30 minutes is about... 20 steps or so... Anything else you want to know about? (3) You should spend about 12 hours or so camping... So if you camp at daybreak, it'll be night when you start walking again... If you camp at dusk, when you break camp it'll be morning... Anything else you want to know about? (4) Go ahead, take this rakda with you... If you get lost in the desert, use the rakda... It'll bring you back here without fail... Anything else you want to know about? (5) The people of Dragnier believe that you're going to strike down the goddess... put an end to her madness... Me? I don't care what happens...I've harbor no hatred for anyone. Do whatever you think is best... Anything else you want to know about? (6) All right then... I'll be waiting here. If you get in trouble, come back any time. The water jug's full of water... Make sure you take some with you-- you'll need it. "About water" "Get water" "OK" Use the water jug here to fill your canteen... Your canteen can hold 16 helpings of water. One helping is enough for each member of the party to drink. Remember to drink before it's too late! If you don't, your MAX HP will go down permanently! fills up the canteen... You now have 16 servings of water What do you want to do? "Rest" "Save" "Change party members" "Look at Skill Notes" "Look at Master List" "Nothing" The rakda is your best friend in the desert... If you get lost, you can use him to get back here. If you kill him now, you won't be able to go into the desert! Horis: Are you leaving already? "Go into desert" "Go back" "Do nothing" Then you should wait for night and leave then... Good luck Still got something to take care of? OK, I'll be waiting here until you're ready... ------- Scene 2 ------- Your throat's getting dry...You should have some water... The sun has risen... Walking during the day only wastes energy... Time to make camp... The sun has gone down. Use the star to guide your steps at night... It tells how to get to the oasis... Do you want to read it? "Yes" "No" First, follow the North Star to the north ... Then, when you can see the Evening Star directly to the west, head west... Keep going west until you can no longer see the Evening Star... and then head north again...After walking north for three nights or so, you should be able to see the oasis. Do you want to break camp? "Break after resting" "Break camp now" "Don't break camp" We don't need any rest now...Let's go! Return to base camp? "Yes" "No" Return to the oasis? "Yes" "No" Using its homing instinct, the rakda returns to base camp Horis: So, you're back, are you... Horis: Well, there's no need to hurry... Take your time and get used to the desert... Don't forget to fill up your canteen before you go. ------- Scene 3 ------- Momo: It should be around here, shouldn't it? Nina: Shouldn't we be able to see the oasis by now...? Rei: Are we there yet? Garr: It should be around here, yes? Garr: Maybe we can see something if we climb that hill... Rei: Maybe we can see better from the top of that hill, huh? Nina: I wonder if we could see better from the top of that hill...? Momo: I bet we can get our bearings better from that hill... ------- Scene 4 ------- Garr: The heat must have been too much for her... Momo: Who can blame her? Having to fight that monster after walking for so many days... Nina: I'm sorry, Ryu... We're so close... Garr: We won't be able to go any further with her in that condition Garr: What should we do, Ryu? Rei: How bad is she, the princess? Rei: Right... And we were so close, too...! Rei: I suppose... we could just use the rakda and start over-- I mean, we know the way by now, right? You won't be able to move until you take care of Nina Rakdas... Strong, sturdy, and able to live in the desert, they can take anyone lost back to base camp... But rakdas have another talent as well... The meat of a rakda has water and other nutrients that can resuscitate a person suffering from heat stroke... You got the rakda meat Rei: So...You killed the rakda, huh? Rei: We won't be able to get back now... I'm impressed, Ryu. I didn't think you had it in you... Rei: Well, hurry up and get that meat to the princess Rei: Don't worry...We'll make it. We're not gonna die in a place like this... not as long as you're around, at least... With the sacrifice of the rakda's life, Ryu is able to save Nina's... Helping the weakened Nina, the party makes their way to the oasis... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- We can't move Nina while she's in such bad condition... Is Nina OK? I'm not exactly in great shape myself either, but... puuuuuuuuu (He looks worried) uuuu... mmmmm... I'm sorry...I don't want to slow you down like this... It ain't her fault... Maybe we're just not supposed to make it... ........As I watched you kill the rakda... For some reason, I thought of. that time we fought the Nue together... Funny, huh? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53. OASIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Daddy, come quick! There's some people who need help!! Fa'ah: Be at calm. Your lady friend is caring for by my wife Fa'ah: Please... Until you are being fully rested... We want you to stay and having our good hospitality! ------- Scene 2 ------- Momo: Are you sure you should be up? Nina: It's all right, I'm fine now... I'm sorry I worried everyone so much Nina: What is Ryu and everyone else doing? Momo: They're over there, talking to the chief, Fa'ah... About where we're headed... Fa'ah: ...God? Fa'ah: I am regrettable, but I know not of this that you seek... Garr: Honorable Fa'ah... Do you know of any ruins or something similar nearby? Fa'ah: Ruins it is you are looking for? Then we are having! Fa'ah: To the north, over the hill... There is being a place very old that we are calling Caer Xhan. It is the ruins of very, very olden city. Garr: We should go check it out, hm? Rei: You've done so much for us... Thank you for everything... It's all right... Since the desert gives us so little, we share what we have with each other. Momo: Nina's up and awake --she says she's fine Fa'ah: Ah! So this is meaning you are leaving then, yes? Momo: Thank you so much for all you've done for us, Fa'ah Fa'ah: It is being no bother... I am hoping that you find soon that what you are seeking! Please choose 3 party members ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Do you need any water before going into the desert? "Yes" "No" Feel free to take one of my rakdas with you when you head out... That's the desert out there...Sure you got everything you need? If you climb that hill, you can see the Caer Xhan The Ruins? There's nothing there anyway. Why don't you stay here and play with us? Baaaaah! Bwrack! Maaaaaah! If you're tired, we've got an empty room! If you need anything, let me know, eh? May you be finding for what you are looking Who says nothing can live in the desert! Look at us--we're alive, aren't we? I don't think there's anything that could kill my wife! You got all the water you can carry from the water jug! I see... We share everything here, so please, take whatever you need Once, long ago, I went out into the desert on a trip... Let me tell you about what happened when... (1)"I got lost" (2)"I went the wrong way" (3)"Not interested, thanks" (1) I left the oasis headed for a place called the Factory... I walked south for about a night and got lost... I ended up heading west ... After about 4 nights I realized my mistake... Around that time I lost something really important ... (2) When I was coming back here from the Factory... I got turned around and went west when I should've gone east... I turned back after about 3 nights ... I bet the nice outfit I lost is buried under the sands by now... (3) When I was a lot younger, I remember I wanted to see what the edge of the desert looked like... So I headed out, to the east and to the west... I remember there were 3 stars in a row right above my head when I realized that I would never find the end of the desert. Do you want to wait for night before going into the desert? "Yes" "No" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54. CAER XHAN AND THE WORKER'S AREA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Attention... Lift for Myria station now at Platform 1... Momo: Myria, Myria... I keep hearing that name... Is that supposed to be God? Garr: I keep hearing our God's name... But what does 'station' mean? Nina: That name we keep hearing...Myria... That's God's name... right? Rei: Myria, Myria, Myria... Is that supposed to be God or something? Rei: I guess we'll find out soon enough, eh? Nina: I suppose this means we're getting close, to God, I mean... Garr: Hmmm... It looks like we're getting closer, that's for sure Momo: All right, then, let's go! Attention... Lift for Myria now leaving Platform 1... At ancient Caer Xhan, the long-abandoned home of the gods... Ryu and his companions board the huge machine, which is unlike anything they have ever seen before... The machine carries them high into the sky... to a place that shares the name of a god... ------- Scene 2 ------- Last stop: Orbital Station Myria arrivals platform. Insufficient power. Please perform a breaker check Please enter your destination "Worker's Area" "Maintenance Deck" "Quit" Please enter your destination "Arrival Platform" "Maintenance Deck" "Quit" Please enter your destination "Arrival Platform" "Worker's Area" "Quit" Please enter your destination "Maintenance Deck" "Quit" Please enter your destination "Worker's Area" "Quit" Main entrance is currently locked. Please use the worker's area entrance. ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- Platform 1 Currently running in emergency lockout mode. Please contact the station control room. Station Ground Control Currently running in emergency lockout mode. Deactivate emergency mode? "Yes" "No" For Orbital Station Myria Please use Platform 1 "OK" "Wait" Normal mode engaged. Unlocking ground control station... Emergeny mode active Passengers bound for Orbital station Myria. Please use the automated lift. Platform 1 Gates opening... Security active. Please use the switch to select a mode: ON Normal mode. OFF Test mode Pi-gaga-rulll? Gugu-gagagga? It looks just like Honey! It's locked with an electronic lock! Even Rei wouldn't be able to pick it Laboratory entrance lock has been released. Main entrance lock has been released. Card key is required for access. Security LEVEL-A. Please initiate card key ID check. "OK" "Wait" ID check in progress......OK! Door lock released ID check in progress......NG! What do you want to do? "Change party members" "Look at Skill Notes" "Look at Master List" "Save" "Nothing" There's a bed! You should be able to rest here What do you want to do? "Rest" "Nothing" Security LEVEL-A. Please initiate card key ID check. "OK" "Wait" Security LEVEL-B. Please initiate card key ID check. "OK" "Wait" Autolock system active. Release main entrance lock? "Yes" "No" Laser lock system active--entry into laboratory prohibited. Release lock? "Yes" "No" It looks just like Honey! Would you like a navigator? "What's a navigator?" "Please" "No thanks" Those are navigators lined up over there... They're guides to the Myria orbital station. They contain numerous safety features as well as keys, called navigator codes. I see you already have a navigator... Understood... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 55. MYRIA STATION LABORATORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- A horrible monster is asleep on the other side of the glass... Nina: Looks like it's sound asleep... Why don't we leave it that way...? Rei: Be a shame to wake it up, eh? Let's leave it alone... Garr: No reason to wake it up and fight it, hmm? Momo: It's cute, isn't it? Especially the fact that it's sleeping... Momo: Um, there's a card in there... I wonder if it's not one of the keys we need...? Garr: That card there... Maybe it's a key for something? Rei: Uh-oh...That card there... Isn't that a key? Nina: Oh no... That card is probably a key we need, I just know it! Nina: We probably won't be able to get any further without it... Rei: Doesn't that beat all. We'd better go get it, or... Garr: Hmmm... It looks like we have no choice but to go and get it... Momo: We probably need that card, don't we? Momo: Well, we've got no choice, right? First we have to figure out how to stop that gas... Garr: We have no choice, then... We'll have to stop that gas first... Rei: Hmph! I guess we're stuck, aren't we? Let's stop that gas and go in there and get it, eh? Nina: Let's go... We have to stop the gas and get in there... Terminating sleep gas... ------- Scene 2 ------- It's asleep... Maybe the gas is still working... Nina: Let's get the card...quietly! Momo: We should be able to get the card without waking it... Garr: Looks like we can avoid fighting it... Rei: Heh heh... Now's our chance... Let's go get that card! Rei: ...or maybe not... Garr: Best laid plans... Momo: ...then again, maybe not... Nina: I knew this would happen! ------- Scene 3 ------- Let's get the card first... It's a cheap-looking card that says Key Card B It doesn't look very impressive or important at all... Rei: Doesn't this just beat all? All that work, for this! Momo: Who said it was an important key!? Nina: It doesn't look that important... But...I'm sure it's good for something! Garr: Hmmm...Doesn't look like much... These things happen... You found HE Shells. Momo can use them to destroy plant life ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- It's locked... Maybe Rei would be able to pick it... It's the switch for the lift... Do you press it? "Yes" "No" Please board the lift. Gas Experiment. Experiment with sleep gas underway. Stop gas before entering room. The floor is flashing with sparks and looks dangerous... Do you go in? "Yes" "No" Shock Panel Settings Monitor. Set which panel has a current by aligning the pluses and minuses. Shock Experiment Area. Use the 3 monitors to set which panels carry a current. Danger: don't enter area while panels are active! Your wounds are healed and you feel completely refreshed... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56. EDEN AND RYU'S DREAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Your wounds are healed and you feel completely refreshed... was attacked and wounded by a bizarre plant!! The plant is blocking the entrance--you can't get in! It's completely overgrown...Even a sword is no use... There's a diary... Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" It's locked... Maybe Rei could pick it... Please choose a destination "Eden" "Quit" ------- Scene 2 ------- Nina: Woah!? Garr: Mmmmmm!? Momo: Wowwww! Rei: What the heck is this!? Rei: It looks like we're outside... But it's just another room... Momo: We're surrounded by a desert... But everything's green in here... Wow... Garr: All this... inside a building... Nina: It looks just like we're outside... ???: They can't tell that they're inside a room, and when they try to fly they only end hurting themselves... ???: Do you understand... Ryu? ???: I suppose I should have known you'd come here eventually. You are Brood, after all... Rei: Who...? Teepo!? Is it really you, Teepo!? Teepo: It's me, Rei... Rei: Teepo! You're alive! I...I thought... Teepo: Be silent! I must... talk with Ryu... Teepo: Welcome, Ryu... Unfortunately, your journey ends here... Teepo: I can answer all of your questions... Teepo: And explain... why our race had to be destroyed... Teepo: Soon after we were separated, so many years ago, I learned that I too was of the Brood... Teepo: .........m mmm Rei...? Ryu...? Teepo: Why... why did they do this to us? Teepo: Rei... Ryu... Teepo: Huh? What's happened to me...!? Teepo: My's...! Teepo: I'm no different from you, Ryu... Not since then... Teepo: Much blood has been shed to reach this point... Teepo: The blood of strangers... Teepo: Your own blood... Teepo: Blood of both the good...and the bad... Teepo: Nothing but hardship awaits us wherever we go... Teepo: Violence, pain, blood... Teepo: That is the Brood... That is what we are! Teepo: The Brood... pose too great a danger to the world... Teepo: Our power... Our very existence threatens it... We cause war and chaos wherever we go... Rei: So... Mr. Teepo... The goddess put it into your head to wait here... Wait here to kill Ryu, eh? Teepo: NO! She would never harm anyone, nor allow anyone to be harmed! Teepo: She simply fears... Fears for the world should the power of the Brood be left uncontrolled... Teepo: ...Ryu... We're different from them... We can't be with them... Teepo: That's why you need to stay here with me. With me and the goddess Myria... Teepo: You still don't understand, do you...? Teepo: That's all right... Take your time... Look deep within yourself! ------- Scene 3 ------- Teepo: What do you think, Ryu... This is your mind... Your heart given shape... Teepo: Here, you can enter not only your own heart... But those of your so-called friends as well... Teepo: And then you'll learn That I... That Holy Myria is right... Teepo: Go now...Ryu Nina: Whenever I decided to do something, my mother would always ask me... Nina: Is that what the princess of Wyndia should do...? Nina: I would always answer yes... Nina: When I left the castle with Ryu and my other friends... For the first time, I wasn't my mother's daughter... Or the Princess of Wyndia... I was able to just be ...Nina... Nina: You're just being selfish, you know! Nina: I thought it was very important... That we learn about Ryu and the Brood... Nina: I don't know anymore... Maybe I left the castle just because I was tired of being controlled by my mother... You must go back. There's nothing for you here... Rei: The power of the Brood... Rei: Look at me... I have a power I was so frightened of I swore never to use it, but compared to the power of the Brood... my power is insignificant... Rei: Doesn't that just beat all... Rei: How can anyone handle that kind of power? If it were me, I know what I would do with it... Rei: No... I know better... I wouldn't be able to handle that kind of power responsibly... I'm just no good... Bow down and pray before me... I will show you the path when your heart and mind are as one. Go, my child... Let your steps take you where they will Momo: My father used to tell me lots of stories about the Techno Age... Momo: It was his life's dream to learn all he could about that time and all the machines that were built then... Momo: Father... I'm almost there... It's right in front of me... Momo: The Brood... God... I don't know anything about them... The fate of the world? It's too big for me... Momo: All I know is... By getting closer to God, I'm getting closer to that age. The Age of Machines.. ------- Scene 4 ------- Garr: I believed that by hunting the Brood, by obeying God... I was saving the world... Garr: But now I wonder... Was I...? If they had wanted to, the Brood could have stopped us at any time Garr: What should I have done...? Peco: I've been watching you for a long time, Ryu... Peco: You need to do what you, and only you, think is right... Peco: The power of the Brood is something to be respected and feared... But it's not enough to save or destroy the world... Ryu: Have you come to a decision? Ryu: You're one of the Brood... You can't afford to think only of yourself like the others, right? Ryu: Think of what you could do with your power... Think of your people, those who gave you this power... Ryu: If you have the power to change the world... You have to take responsibility for the world, don't you? Ryu: There's only one person who can take that kind of responsibility... The goddess Myria! Ryu: Rise... Rise and give yourself to the goddess... Become one with the world! Ryu: Who are you!? Teepo: Well, well, well... You count Yggdrasil among your companions! That's a surprise... Still... Teepo: You understand, don't you, Ryu? Teepo: We share the same blood.. I know you...You must understand... Teepo: All the others... they're weak and frail! They think only of themselves! Teepo: What if our power were to be used by them... for their small, selfish ends!? Teepo: We can only entrust our power to someone who understands... Someone who sees and thinks of the world as a whole... Teepo: Someone like Myria, Ryu... Teepo: If that's your choice then... If you won't listen to me... Teepo: I'm afraid... I can't let you leave... Teepo: I'm sorry, Ryu... But I have no choice but to leave you here in this dream... ------- Scene 5 ------- Teepo: So, Ryu, you've come back... Teepo: Why did you fight it? All that would have happened is that you would have lost the power of the Brood... You wouldn't have had to die! Teepo: If you won't give up your power... If you won't submit to the wisdom of Myria... Teepo: Then I have no choice... Teepo: No choice...but to kill you... Choose who will fight against Teepo ------- Scene 6 ------- Teepo: ......Ryu... Myria... is... right... Teepo: Look at us... The Brood...all we know how to do is... fight and kill each this... ...but......... Teepo: I...didn't ask... to be Brood... I didn't ask for be the power... Teepo: I ...just wanted to be Rei, and you, Ryu... family... Rei: Ha ha ha... Doesn't this just beat all... Rei: Hey, Ryu... Maybe you Brood really are cursed... Rei: I hope not... I really do, Ryu... It says Card Key A. It looks important... ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- You feel unbridled strength coming from deep within you... Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" Answer truthfully... Do you want what's in the box? "Yes" "No" Hmmmm.... Hmmmm.... Do what your heart tells you... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57. MYRIA STATION LIBRARY: THE FINAL AREA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Momo: I think we all know by now that whenever she runs off like that it always means trouble...! Nina: There goes Honey again...!? Rei: She sure is a busy little thing, isn't she? Garr: I suppose she wants us to go after her, hmmm? Like before... Momo: You're an amazing machine, do you know that, Honey? Nina: I wonder what else she can do? Rei: How can she be so small and open such a huge door like that? Garr: Hmmm... I wonder how this works...? .....Attention. Navigator Code for highest level functions accepted.... Access to library mode...granted. ------- Scene 2 ------- Welcome... We serve the almighty goddess... Before you meet with the holy Myria, please hear our words. The grieving Myria used all her divine power... To divide the world into two halves. One half being where you are now, the Desert of Death, and the other... The world you came from...overflowing with life... The two worlds are separated by the vast and violent ocean you call the Outer Sea... Which protects your world from the desert... It is Myria's desire to protect life... To protect your world... Even a monster's life is sacred to Myria... In order to protect the life she so loved, Myria instituted many forms of safeguards and controls... Foremost among these is the control of technology... Myria makes certain that no dangerous machines, like weapons, are developed... Myria allows the use and repair of only existing machines, and keeps the study of machines from leading to potentially destructive ends... ------- Scene 3 ------- ..Rei. ..Nina... Momo. Guardian Garr And... Ryu My brave, strong children... Who have crossed the violent ocean and the burning desert... I... am Myria Garr: Oh great and mighty Goddess... We have journeyed far seeking you, that we might know the truth. Garr: Oh Goddess... Tell us... Why did the Brood have to be destroyed? Myria: Is there anyone who wishes the destruction of life? I certainly do not...However... Myria: The power of the Brood was too great... Too great for my small, small world... Myria: As you know... This side of the world is almost entirely buried by sand... Myria: ...making it almost impossible for anything to survive... Myria: Life has been driven nearly to extinction Myria: I have to preserve what little is left... Myria: I had to save the rest of the world... from the danger called the Brood... Rei: So what you're saying is... We should just sit back and let you take care of us, like we were your babies or something, right? Myria: Exactly, Rei... Myria: If I did not hold it back using the Outer Sea as a shield, the desert would slowly, inevitably spread across the entire world... Myria: If I did not continue to create the machines that are repaired and used worldwide, civilization as we know it would surely perish... Momo: But... While we don't have the means now, someday we might be able to build our own machines... Myria: If the world were covered by sand, your lives would be consumed with the struggle to survive --you would not be able to build anything... Myria: Even if you succeeded in creating the machines you needed... Can you say with certainty that you would not also build a weapon with which you might also destroy yourselves, Momo? Myria: In the past, this world was large... Larger than you can imagine... Many people once lived here in Caer Xhan... Myria: But the people fought and quarreled... And the city was swallowed by the desert... Myria: I...was unable to protect them... Myria: I will not make the same mistake again! I will protect you and all the life that is left! Nina: I understand what you're trying to say. We are weak, and maybe we do need help and protection... Nina: And the power of the Brood may be similar to the power that destroyed this city so long ago... Nina: But... what are you saying we should we do? Are you saying that Ryu must die? Nina: Or that he has to spend the rest of his life locked up in some little room, in an artificial world? Like Teepo!? Rei: No kidding... Rei: I don't like the fact that this is all being controlled by you-- that you're pulling all the strings! Rei: I'm just like a little kid, see? If you tell me to sit still, it just makes me want to run around more, yeah? Garr: Oh Goddess... We have no desire to give Ryu up to you... Nor do we wish to see him killed. Garr: Having traveled with him I can say that I do not believe that the power of the Brood is as fearsome and dangerous as you claim it to be. Nina: I'm shocked... that nearly the entire world is covered by sand...but... with Ryu's...with our power, working together... then maybe, just maybe... Myria: .........Enough, my children... Myria: I admire your bravery and courage...Rei Myria: There is no need to worry... I will erase your memories of this place, and simply return you to where you belong, Momo. Myria: My strength is admittedly small... But it is all you have to live with. Do you understand, Nina? Myria: Thank you for bringing Ryu here... Guardian Garr...your mission is now complete. Peco: What about me, Myria? You didn't call my name... Peco: Don't you know who I am? Myria:'re Yggdrasil? Peco: You won't be able to get away with this. Not while I'm around Myria: All I'm doing is... leading my children by the hand... giving them a world they can live in... Peco: Myria... these so-called children crossed the entire world to get here, and overcame the myriad barriers that you set before them! All for the sake of helping their friend, Ryu, find his destiny... Myria: ...Ryu? Myria: ............Very well... We will let Ryu decide... Myria: What do you want to do? Myria: If you give up your power... The world will continue to live under my protection, as it has until now... Myria: Your power, which has brought you here, is too big for the world Myria: Like the other Brood once did... Myria: Accept your fate My ...Ryu... ------- Scene 4 ------- Peco: puki, Ryu... You have to believe in yourself, and in those who believe in you...puu Nina: To tell the truth, I'm really frightened. We're not strong at all... Nina: If you go against fate... Something awful might happen to the world, but... Nina: I've always believed you weren't a bad dragon... I'll always believe that, no matter what happens! Momo: I only know how to fix machines, y'know Momo: But we can dig up those machines... even if they're buried under a desert, and learn from them! Momo: Even if the world is covered in sand, we'd still be able to do something, as long as we don't give up! Right? Garr: Hmmm...I brought you here simply because I wanted to know the truth about my own actions... Garr: It may have been a selfish reason, but... I've learned one thing from all this-- Now, more than Myria, I trust you, Ryu... Rei: It's because of all that nonsense she's going on about that Teepo ended up the way he did... Rei: She messed with my brother... That's the one thing I can't forgive... A decision on which the fate of a world hangs in the balance Give up the power of the Brood and live in a peaceful world watched over by the goddess...or believe in the power of the Brood and travel into the empty desert where unknown dangers await... Ryu decides to... "Give up his power" "Choose his own path" ----------------------- Extra Text and Dialogue ----------------------- The holy Myria awaits you ahead... Before the coming of Myria, the world was dying... The wounded earth was being covered by sand... And the very life was being sucked out of its inhabitants. The majority of life that escaped death... Was taken like yourselves to the other world... A second control is achieved through the energy of chrysm ore You see, chrysm ore is no more than one of the ways Myria provides the world with her magical energy... Myria waits with her eyes closed for Ryu's decision... But Ryu cannot make up his mind... Not without asking his friends first... We'll be all right... I have a feeling it'll all work out... To tell the truth... All this talk about the end of the world or the desert... It's all just too big--I can't get a handle on it... You'll have to decide for yourself, Ryu. I know it won't make up for all the Brood I killed, but... I'm glad I brought you here... I don't care what you decide to do... I'm going to fight her. I don't know if I can win or not, but I gotta try! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 58. THE END: GIVE UP YOUR POWER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- ........Carrying the fate of the world was too much for Ryu. If giving up the power of the Brood will allow the world to stay the same... then that's best choice... Myria: .........You have made the right choice Myria: Ryu... that is true strength... Myria: Giving up your horrible power... to protect the world...I'm proud of you, Ryu... Myria: Let us go... My... Ryu... Ryu chose of his own free will to give up the power of the Brood and stay with the goddess Myria... And so time passes... unchanging... Fin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 59. THE END: CHOOSE YOUR OWN PATH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Scene 1 ------- Ryu realized he couldn't give up his power... Of course he thought of his people, and his destiny, and Teepo... But more importantly-- He felt that if he gave up his power... He would no longer be himself... Myria: Do you realize what it is you are trying to do? Do you? Myria: By making me your enemy... You realize you are making the whole world your enemy, don't you? Myria: I have faith that you... that the Brood are not so foolish... Come, lower your weapon... Ryu realized it was foolish to challenge a god... But he held his ground... Myria: .........My poor Ryu... Myria: Your great power has driven you mad Myria: What of those who do not have such power like the Brood? They cannot live without my protection. Myria: By not giving up your power... You threaten their very existence! Myria: Just as I always believed... The Brood truly are a danger, a threat to the world... Peco: Not true, Myria... It just means that Life is no longer content to live in the little cage you have made for it... Myria: Yggdrasil... No matter what you say... I will protect this world... For the sake of all life on it... Peco: Myria... Life in your world has been protected from the desert, and death...but that's not the same as living... Myria: ............Ryu...Son of the accursed Brood... The time for talk has ended... If you will not change your mind... It grieves me to harm you, but I have no choice... For the good of the world, you must die... Choose 3 party members to fight against the goddess Myria: It pains me... It grieves me, my children... That I must take up arms against you, against the very life I have sworn to protect... Myria: But you must understand, Ryu... I can't let you... your power roam free in the world. Myria: To protect the lives of my other children I must become unto a Fury... Myria: Farewell, my children... ------- Scene 2 ------- Garr: It's over... No-- For you, it's just the beginning... Garr: It was a long, hard journey... But we did the right thing... didn't we, Ryu? Nina: Garr!? Garr: As a Guardian, my life must end here, with the goddess'... die... Garr: Go... From now on, you must walk on your own... ------- Scene 3 ------- Myria: My world...... I tried, but it wasn't enough... I fear the world will be destroyed again... Myria: What should I have done...? What could I have done...? Myria: If there is a God, answer me! What should I have done with the Brood? Myria: Sister...? Deis: It's for the best, Myria... Deis: You went too far in your attempt to wipe out the Brood... Deis: You've protected this world until now... Deis: In the end, that was something your children had to overcome, to go beyond... Deis: In order to walk on their own... Deis: Don't worry... They can take care of themselves better than you think... Deis: They-- and the world-- are stronger than we think... Deis: ... I'm sure of it... ------- Scene 4 ------- Breath of Fire III -STAFF- Director MAKOTO IKEHARA Main Programer TATSUYA KITABAYASHI Main Graphics TORU YAMASHITA Main BG Graphics ERIKO BANDO Character Design TATSUYA YOSHIKAWA Engine Design YUKIO ANDO YUGO TOGAWA Assistant Director JUNKO NONDA Engine Programming YOSHIHARU NAKAO TATSUYA KITABAYASHI Sound Programming ATSUSHI MANOBE Shop & Menu Programming MOYOKO Battle Design YUKIO ANDO Battle Programming TATSUYA KITABAYASHI Magic Effects TADASHI SANZEN TATSUYA KITABAYASHI Map Design YUGO TOGAWA MAKOTO IKEHARA ICHIRO TANAKA Map Scrolling Programming HISANORI OHTSUKI Model Programming TOSHIMITSU AOKI Scenario & Event Design MAKOTO IKEHARA Special Event Programming TOSHIMITSU AOKI ATSUSHI MANOBE Special Event Effects MOYOKO HISANORI OHTSUKI Mini-Game Design YUKIO ANDO Fishing Game Design YUGO TOGAWA Mini-Game Programming YOSHIHARU NAKAO Player Graphics TORU YAMASHITA TATSUYA YOSHIKAWA HIROKAZU HIKITA YASUYO KONDO MASAYA SUZUKI MIEKO KUWAYAMA Special Event Character Graphics AKIRA HIRAI RIKA YAMADA Monster Graphics TETSUYA ENOMOTO MAKOTO FUKUI HIDETOSHI KAI HIROSHI TERADA KEIJI UEDA Map & Model Creator SCROLL SPIRIT Map Texture Design ERIKO BANDO SCROLL SPIRIT YUKO NAKADAI YUKIKO NORITAKE NAOMI GOTO YOSHIMI MURATA TAKANORI ARAI MITSURU KUWAHATA World Map Design TAKANORI ARAI Packaging & Manuals MASAKO HONMA JUNKO NONDA MIZUHO JIWA Splashscreen Design SATOSHI UKAI Music Composition AKARI KAIDA YOSHINO AOKI Sound Design NARIYUKI NOBUYAMA -ENDING THEME- "Pure Again" All Instruments & Words AKARI KAIDA Vo. & Background Vocals YOSHINO AOKI AKARI KAIDA Additional Guitar KEIICHI TAKAHASHI -Voice Acting- TOMOKO TAKAI KAPPEI YAMAGUCHI KYOKO HIKAMI YOKO MATSUI SYUSUKE SADA KAORI SAITO AI KAMIMURA YUKIHIRO FUJIMOTO TOSHIMITSU AOKI -Localization Staff- BOWNE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS PATRICK RILEY RON FOSTER MARTIN HERLIHY BRIAN WATSON KIYOMI ITAKURA DAVID LOW -SPECIAL THANKS- Technical Support AKIRA KAZAOKA JUN MATSUMOTO KEISUKE OKAMOTO HIROYASU ANDO TAKASHI HASHIMOTO Publicity YOKOHAMA CARP YOSHIHIRO SUDO DEVY-CHU Sales KUNIO FUNAHARA KOUHEI KUBOTA TATSUROU NAKAMURA Marketing SHINICHI SATO TOSHIAKI MATSUDA KOBABOO TERIMOTIPEI KUWANYAN Cooperation CHARACTER LAND EZAKI PRODUCTION GEKIDAN 21SEIKI FOX Testing HIROYASU ANDO TATSUJI YATAKA MASAKAZU MOCHIZUKI MASAYUKI HARADA Assistants K.IWAO S.MURATA M.SUZUKI C.KAJIHARA T.FUJIKAWA AND ALL CAPCOM STAFF MEMBERS Breath of Fire Series Director YOSHINORI KAWANO General Producer NORITAKA FUNAMIZU Executive Producer YOSHIKI OKAMOTO Producer BAMBOO PETCHA Presented by CAPCOM Fin ------- Scene 5 ------- Thank you for playing: Breath of Fire 3. You can save your game here, and try to fight the goddess again. Do you want to save? "Yes" "No" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Camping Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Camping Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We don't need to rest now...Let's go What do you want to do? "Rest" "Save" "Change party members" "Look at Skill Notes" "Look at Master List" "Nothing" Honey: (His snoring must be keeping her up...) Honey: (It's clean enough already...) Honey: (Looks like she's in pain...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Childhood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teepo: Hey, did you know about what you can do in camp? You can rest and heal HP, or make a record of your journey... If you want to know more, take a look at the book in the tent. Rei: When you're on the road and there's no inn around or when you're poor, you can always camp out, right? Teepo: C'mon, let's go after Rei! Mt. Glaus is north of the Cedar Woods Teepo: Aw, I ain't afraid of that Nue! I bet he gets one look at us and turns tail! Rei: There's nothing fiercer than a wounded animal in a corner... We should probably make sure we're rested up before going on... Teepo: I wonder what everyone in the village thinks of us now? I mean, we beat the Nue when nobody else could! Rei: I wonder... Did Bunyan do that for us on purpose? To give us a chance to get the respect of the villagers? Nah... It's probably just a coincidence... Teepo: Did you see the way they talked about us? heh heh heh... Rei: I suppose a little fame never hurt anyone... Teepo: Do you think the villagers will be happy if we rob McNeil? Rei: McNeil's mansion is to the north of the farm... do we get in? Teepo: I wonder what the villagers will say to us now? Rei: Somehow I get the feeling Loki's just using us... But... the villagers'll get their money back, so they should be happy, right? Teepo: What's going on? After we went to all that trouble to get that money back, why's everyone giving it back to McNeil? Rei: I don't know... I do know that we'd better find Loki! Teepo: I'm beginning to think that robbing McNeil might have been a bad idea... Rei: Well, let's go back to the farm and see what Loki has to say Teepo: Did you hear what he said? Rei: We should probably go back home... And lie low until all this blows over... Nina: I've never slept outside like this before in my life! It's kind of fun............But I suppose I shouldn't be enjoying myself until we find the others... Nina: Whew! That was pretty scary, wasn't it, Ryu? But now we've got lots of stories to tell everyone back in Wyndia! .........I'm sorry...I shouldn't be so happy when we still haven't found the others... Nina: I bet when everyone hears that you're a dragon, they get frightened, don't they? Don't worry, Ryu... I'm not afraid of you. I mean, you saved me so many times, how could I be afraid of you? Nina: I guess this means we can get back to Wyndia... When we do, let's try looking for your friends again, OK? Momo: Just because you're travelling with a princess doesn't make you a prince, does it, Ryu? Sorry, that was a silly thing to say, I guess... Nina: I didn't think they'd be watching the road... What should we do? Momo: It was my father who discovered that you could use chrysm on plants...And it was my father who built the first machines that took advantage of that Nina: They say that chrysm energy's like magic... But who would ever have believed that it could create something like him? Momo: I'd never have thought a mutant could move around and talk like that... Peco: (He looks so weird! In any case, he doesn't seem to be harmful) Nina: Don't worry-- everything'll be all right... You know, Ryu, when I'm around you, I feel like no matter what happens, it'll all work out in the end...Funny, huh? Momo: Oh, by the way... When you're fighting as often as we are now, it's probably a good idea to make a diary entry as often as you can. Peco: pukirururururu (He looks happy...) Nina: So much has happened to me that I never would have dreamed about if I'd stayed at home in the castle! Of course, my mother's probably worried about me, but... Momo: Wyndia should be over the Maekyss River and to the north... But we'd better keep quiet about what almost happened to the princess, eh? Peco: puripuropuri! (Is he ever unhappy?) Nina: I know they're alive out there somewhere... I can feel it... You should probably go with Garr to the eastern lands to look for them. Momo: The eastern lands... My father used to go there often to get machines and parts... It wouldn't hurt to go take a look myself... Peco: kurukurupukipuki... (What'll Peco do after we get to Wyndia?) Garr: You've heard about the ancient war of the dragons, right? Well, Angel Tower played a big part in that war... Nina: Well, I've done it away from home... How can I ever make it up to my mother? Momo: There's a steam boat at Rhapala, isn't there? I wonder what kind of engine it uses? I can't wait to see it! Peco: Pui? (He's acting like he belongs with us...) Garr: To get to Angel Tower, we'll need a boat... We can get one at Rhapala... Nina: What good is it to be in love with someone if you can't at least tell them you love them? Momo: Nina's right, you know... Even if she is sticking her nose where it doesn't belong... Peco: pusururururu Garr: Can't do much until the boat comes back anyway... Nina: Did you see how happy Shadis looked? Aren't you glad we helped now? Garr: Now, if the ship'll just come back... Momo: Hmm...All's well that ends well, as they say... It'll be easier to get the Guild's help now, too... Peco: pukisurururu (I wonder if he would end up like an onion ring if he got burnt?) Nina: Besides, if we're not doing anything anyway, we might as well go fix the lighthouse, right? Momo: The lighthouse is also run using chrysm energy... Did you know that I'm also carrying Flame Chrysm? Peco: pususususususu (I wish I could sleep like that...) Garr: I just hope the ship will come back after we do the repairs... Nina: That was a...faerie, wasn't it? Momo: A pretty rude faerie, at that...Takes all kinds, I guess... I just hope the ship comes back now that the light's fixed... Peco: pukyururuyuu... Garr: 'Use the Faerie Tiara where there are flowers...' We just want to go east... Why do we have to take the long way around? Nina: I'm a little worried about the faeries... We should probably go back again and check up on them Momo: I wonder if the ship's come back yet... Maybe we should check down at the dock? Peco: pukyurunde (Maybe he's got the right idea--just sleep until the ship comes) Garr: Our travel has been delayed, but... Don't forget about our plans to visit: Angel Tower Nina: Must be pretty dangerous inside a volcano... what with the magma and gas and all... Momo: I was really looking forward to seeing the ship, too... Peco: pusubpusun Garr: The Urkan Region-- and Angel Tower--are on the other side of the volcano... Nina: First there was the crazy old man in the volcano... Then Garr gets all quiet on us... I have a bad feeling about this... Momo: I've seen lots of ruins from the Techno Age... But Angel Tower looks different somehow... It looks like it could date as far back as the days of the Dragon War... Peco: gygakyurururu (Wish I could be as calm as he is at a time like this...) Garr: ......... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adulthood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Garr: Do you remember Balio and Sunder? They were connected to that organization in Syn City Garr: That monster...that tiger...It was like he was watching the road. What does he want? Is it connected with Syn City somehow? Garr: I see... So that tiger... was really Rei, who you've been looking for all this time. Garr: Since he wasn't able to protect you then, Rei decided to take out his anger on Balio, Sunder, and the organization they belonged to... Nina: Garr wouldn't tell us what happened at Angel Tower... But I somehow knew that somewhere, you were alive, Ryu... Garr: I'm sure that even Rei realizes that destroying the organization means nothing at this point... Nina: I understand how he feels about what happened in the past, but killing the don of the organization won't bring Teepo back to life... Garr: If we want to learn about the Brood, we should head east... to Angel Tower. Nina: Have you forgotten that to get across the bridge to the eastern lands, we need the king's permission? Rei: For years, I kept investigating the organization... But I never heard nothing about Teepo... I guess...I guess that means... Garr: We'll need Nina's help if we want to get a passport... Nina: Tee hee hee...I don't mean to twist your arm like that, but if you help me with the plant, I'll talk to my father about the passport, OK? Rei: The princess certainly has a way with people... Garr: We'll need Nina's help if we want to get a passport... Nina: Momo hasn't changed, has she? I wonder about Peco? Did I mention he's in the forest to the east of the plant? Rei: Momo... and Peco? Let you out of my sight for a while, and you make all sorts of friends, don't you, Ryu? Momo: Since Director Palet isn't around, I've been taking care of the machines...I like making repairs and all, but when they get that bad, it's a real chore! Garr: It's funny, isn't it... How we all ended up together again... Nina: With everyone helping me like this... I'll be finished in no time! Rei: What's an onion doing walking around like that!? M... mutant!? What's that? Momo: I wonder where Director Palet went, though... Leaving the plant like this... Peco: pui pui? (It looked like he was talking...Must have been my imagination...) Garr: It's said that the machines have come down to us from an older time...I don't really know for sure, but I guess it was a mistake to use them on the crops like that... Nina: We've got more to worry about than just the crops! We've got to do something before there's a chrysm reaction! Rei: I don't know much, but... What's wrong with plain old food? Momo: What can they be doing that they need so much gas...? Peco: pukya? (Maybe it has something to do with how Peco was created) Garr: Now we can finally get a passport... Nina: In the end, we had nothing but trouble with the enhanced crops...I wonder if there are some things we're not meant to tamper with? Rei: Wyndia... It was Teepo's dream to go there some day... Momo: I wonder if Peco and the other mutants weren't failures, made when the director was performing his experiments to see if he could bring his dead mother back to life... Peco: pufuuu (Result of a failed experiment or not, Peco is alive...) Garr: At any rate, we should go to Angel Tower... Do you remember it? The place where I tried to kill you...? Nina: I may have upset my mother...But now I realize... this is what I wanted to do--to travel again with my friends! Rei: So what if Nina ran away from home? Just 'cause she's the princess doesn't mean she has to stay cooped up in the castle all day every day, right? Momo: I wonder how that machine underneath the castle works? I'd love to get to play with it! Peco: kyurururururu Garr: Once upon a time, Gaist fought along-side me... But he eventually wearied of the fighting... And ran off somewhere... Nina: I don't know whether I should be happy or disappointed that we didn't get to meet God... I have this feeling that if we did, Ryu would go away again... Rei: If it weren't for the power of the Brood, we wouldn't have had to go on this long trip to find God, either... Momo: I wonder if I asked, would God tell me about the Techno Age? Peco: pukisuuuu Garr: Gaist was a great Guardian... In other words, he was very good at killing dragons... Nina: I think it must have been Gaist... Who realized that maybe the dragons weren't evil... Rei: The same race as Garr? You mean there's more like him? Momo: Let's see...Follow the coast from Urkan Tapa to the west... Peco: pusu pusu Garr: Gaist was always that way... He would never do something until he'd convinced himself he was doing the right thing... Nina: I'm sure Gaist will see how important this all is to you, Ryu--I just know he'll help you! Rei: All that talk... what he really means is that he can't be bothered to help us, right? Momo: Now that I think about it... There don't seem to be any machines at Cliff, do there? Peco: kupupupupupu... (Looking at his innocent little sleeping face... Somehow gives me the courage to go see Gaist...) Garr: With this, Deis should be freed... Let's get back to the tower... Gaist would... Oh, never mind... Nina: The power of the Brood...God... Ryu's into some pretty serious stuff! Rei: 'I was dead the day I became a Guardian' huh? Doesn't that just beat all? Are the Guardians nothing more than pawns to God? Momo: Whenever we get into trouble and I see the power of the Brood, I think to myself how frightening it is... Not that you frighten me or anything, Ryu... Peco: pupunu... (This was probably for the best...right?) Garr: The cave at Mt. Zublo. I had no idea it was a shrine to the Dragon God... Nina: Wasn't Deis the name of the sorceress who fought for evil? I mean, wasn't she on the dragons' side in the war? Rei: I tell you, Ryu... I'm getting really tired Running here, there, all over! Momo: I haven't been able to play with any machines for a while... Seeing God's all well and good, but I want my machines! Peco: pushuuuu Garr: A boat... We should be able to get one in Rhapala Nina: I've never heard of anyone making it over the ocean... I wonder if it's even possible? Rei: Cross the ocean!? I don't know about God or naked girls... But I do know that getting over the ocean ain't gonna be easy... Momo: All the machines come drifting down from the northern sea... Maybe they have something to do with God? Peco: (He looks fast asleep...) Garr: I thought surely we would be able to get a ship in Rhapala Nina: But Beyd is in Junk Town...? Rei: Sounds like the ship breaks down a lot... Momo: Junk Town... I can hardly wait! That's where almost all the machines in the world come from! Peco: puuuun (Lately, I can't relax unless I see Peco sleeping...) Garr: Will such a small and fragile boat even hold up on the Outer Sea...? Nina: Looks like Beyd's settled into the job all right... Rei: They're not trying to crash the boat on purpose, are they? Momo: Let me do the repairs! I want to do the repairs! Peco: puuun (Lately, I can't relax unless I see Peco sleeping...) Garr: Parts, eh? Should be able to find some at Steel Beach... Nina: The machines wash up here... Makes you wonder what's on the other side of the ocean Rei: I wonder what's so fun about tinkering with things like machines, eh? Peco: pussu pussu Garr: I don't know how far we can get using that boat, but... I guess all we can do is go in the direction Deis told us. Nina: If I'd stayed in the castle, I never would have dreamed that one day, I'd be going across the sea, where no one's ever been... Rei: The ocean... I'm not afraid, you know? It's just that the boat, well... Momo: I can't believe what Rei said about the boat! Especially when it's got such a beautiful engine! Peco: pukkiikikikii (Asleep with a big smile on his face... Is he happy to be going across the ocean, maybe?) Garr: God does not reveal herself to us... And the sea acts as a barrier, turning us always back... Is this God's will? Nina: If we don't find out about the Legendary Mariner from the mayor of Parch... Rei: I'm glad I found a place to stand that doesn't rock... Momo: I wonder if the engine can't be tuned to get more power...? Peco: (Sound asleep...) Garr: Hmmm... I guess things don't always go as planned, eh? Nina: I bet the mayor wants to eat something from his hometown... I'll bet if we got something from Maekyss... Rei: Doesn't this just beat all? You mean we gotta feed this old fart fish? Momo: How can anyone not like fish!? It's good for you! Everyone knows eating fish'll make you smart! Peco: pisupuu (Peco would probably eat anything...) Garr: The legendary mariner who came from across the sea... Maybe he can tell us something about God? Nina: I wonder what kind of ship the Legendary Mariner used to cross the sea? Rei: I hope he's not some grumpy old man who came across the sea in a rowboat or something ridiculous like that... Momo: If the engine overheats, we'll be dead in the water until it cools down, so be careful! Peco: pusuu Garr: The will to keep going...No matter what the cost... That is our greatest strength... Nina: Ram the other ship... I'm a little scared, but it'll be OK, right? Rei: Ram it...? I can tell that idea came from Momo! She should learn to look before she leaps... Great! This just beats all! Momo: You're going to ram it, right? If I were you, I'd charge right up from behind it! Peco: pusuu...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adulthood: Lost Continent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Garr: All we can do for now is hope we've come to the right place... Nina: I just know we're getting closer, Ryu Rei: Would you take a look at this place! It's practically a ghost town! I don't know about you, but God must have some interesting tastes to want to live in a place like this! Momo: So they put the machines on the Black Ship, and send them over the sea? So who makes the machines in the first place? Peco: pukisuuu (He's the only green thing around here...) Garr: Doesn't look like there's many people around here... Nina: There's nothing but ruins here, are there? Rei: It looks like it maybe once was a town of some kind... But it looks like nobody's lived here for a long time Momo: These machines are on a completely different level from the ones I've been repairing and using Peco: puuuuuu (Looks like he just realized that there's no one here but us) Garr: Quite an impressive machine... Nina: It's just like the one that was under Castle Wyndia... Hey...maybe they're connected somehow? Rei: When we were in Wyndia, Honey started it up for us... I guess we'll have to do it ourselves this time... Momo: I guess it's what people in the Techno Age used to move around...All I know is it's a machine more complicated than any I've ever seen Peco: puusuu Garr: Instantaneous movement between two points, no matter how far apart they are...Certainly sounds like something a god would be capable of, doesn't it? Nina: We worked so hard to get there, and then we're back in a flash...It's amazing, but it also makes me feel pretty silly... Rei: All this stuff just lying around...and we know nothing about it! That don't make me feel good... Momo: I guess we're only using a tiny part of all these machines' capabilities, then... Peco: pukibon Garr: When I think about how many generations of the Brood have lived and died in that barren, desolate land, I... I... Nina: The Brood... They don't seem like an evil race that must be destroyed... Rei: So, the Brood managed to survive only by giving up their powers and fleeing here from their enemies... So maybe the power of the Brood is for killing and destruction after all? Momo: The fact that there's a portal here means that this village has been here since the Techno Age... So the Brood must have come here around the time of the Wars... Peco: pushu (No matter what the elder thinks... Ryu has to meet him and learn the history of the Brood...) Garr: So the Brood and God have always been fighting... Is it destiny...? Nina: I don't know who's right, or what evil is...All I know is I believe in you, Ryu Rei: There may have been some Brood who hated the Urkans... And came seeking revenge... Momo: The fact that there's a portal here means that this village has been here since the Techno Age... So the Brood must have come here around the time of the Wars... Peco: pusususuuuu Garr: An impassable ocean. A death-filled desert. What manner of world do we live on? Nina: If you get thirsty, use the canteen... Remember to walk at night Rei: Now we have to cross the desert? Why do I get the feeling this God doesn't want to meet us? Momo: I wonder if that's what happened to the advanced Techno Age civilization...If they were swallowed up by the desert...and disappeared... Peco: pukyun Horis: The desert continues endlessly to the north... No matter how far you go, you won't see any signs of life... The Brood say that the goddess Myria lives beyond the desert... Rakda: mooof! Garr: Caer Xhan... Could it be where God once dwelt? Nina: Everyone said it couldn't be done, but we did it! We crossed the ocean, and we crossed the desert! I knew we'd make it! Rei: I always thought that nothing could survive in a desert... But the people at the oasis seem to be doing pretty well... Momo: I guess with a little luck, you might even be able to live out here in the desert... Peco: pussuu pussuu Garr: So this is the home of the gods... Nina: It's totally different from every other town I've ever seen...Look at all the machines lying around... Rei: Deserts, machines... It's like we haven't seen anything alive since we got here! Momo: Look at all these machines! It's obvious now that this is where all the machines we use come from! Peco: pikuu pukyy Garr: A place with God's name...And what is a station? Is it like a temple? Nina: It looks so cold and bleak inside there... Like after the end of the world... Rei: I've got a bad feeling about this... Can't quite put my finger on it, though Momo: I don't know what to say! Look at all these machines! I could be here 100 years and still not figure them all out! Peco: pukiii Garr: I'm sorry...That's all I can say now... Nina: Ryu... Rei: ............I... would have been happy just being...a thief, but I guess... ...darn... Teepo... Momo: I'll stay with you to the end... After all, I came this far, right? Peco: boge! boge! (I know what you want to do! At least, that's what he seems to be saying) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Desert Camping Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notice: This section is only semi-complete. To be honest, I'm not completely satisfied with the way it's currently organized, and I have yet to find a way to organize it that I would be happy with. The desert camping scenes are unique in the way that lines get replaced, reused, etc, and aren't as "hard coded" as the rest of the text in the game, so it's rather hard to organize. This is what DavidK came up with. I'm putting this here for now, but I'm probably going to have it revised in the future. Garr: You'll just waste energy walking in the day, you know Nina: If we camp at night and walk during the day, we won't be able to see the stars and we'll get lost! Momo: It's a little better at night... No way you're getting me out there in the daytime! Garr: Our water won't last if we walk during the day... Garr: We're just wasting our energy if we walk around during the day, you know... Hey, why don't we rest during the day and walk at night? Nina: We're supposed to head north, right? As long as we can see the stars, we should be all right... Rei: Don't this just beat all? Everywhere you look, sand! How're you supposed to know which way you're going in this? Garr: It's a long trip ahead... Better conserve water as much as possible... Momo: Whew! It's so hot I'm panting like a dog! Peco: pusuuuu Nina: Whew...No wonder they call it the Desert of Death! Rei: I wonder what all these monsters here in the desert eat... Probably people like us, out for a walk in the desert, eh? Garr: Don't forget to check the direction of the stars when you break camp... Momo: I wonder just how big this desert is? Peco: pusuuuu Nina: I'm all right... I think we're going to make it, Ryu! Rei: I'm holding up OK...But I think our little engineer might be having a rough time of it... Garr: Is God testing us...? Momo: Me? I'm fine! You should be worried about what's-his-name, the one wearing the fur coat! Peco: pisupisu... pisu (He looks like he's having trouble sleeping... Maybe the heat's bothering him?) Nina: Ryu, shouldn't we wait until daylight to make camp? Rei: We'd better not walk during the day, Ryu... Garr: Is this God's way of saying... that we are not supposed to meet with a god? Momo: Whew...let me rest for just a minute... Peco: pisupisu... pisu (He looks like he's having trouble sleeping... Maybe the heat's bothering him?) Nina: Are you sure we're walking the right way? .........Sorry... We're OK, I'm sure we're doing OK Rei: Garr and I are fine! Don't worry-- leave the fighting to us! Garr: Is this God's way of saying... that we are not supposed to meet with a god? Momo: Whew...let me rest for just a minute... Peco: pisupisu... pisu (He looks like he's having trouble sleeping... Maybe the heat's bothering him?) Nina: We're almost there, right? Aren't we? Rei: Doesn't this beat all... Garr: Why would God wish to create such a place as this!? Momo: Why...why do we have to go through all this? Peco: upupu? Nina: I can't walk during the day! It's just too hot! Rei: Doesn't this beat all... Garr: Why would God wish to create such a place as this!? Momo: Why...why do we have to go through all this? Peco: upupu? Nina: Can you see the oasis yet? Rei: We're out of water... We'll be in trouble if we don't get there soon... Garr: How much more does God want to test us? Momo: How come we're not there yet? Shouldn't we be there by now? Peco: pu... ki ... (Looks like he needs water too) Nina: Something's wrong! We're lost! We must be lost! Rei: I'm getting sick of sand Garr: Hmmm... Momo: I've had enough of this... Peco: upupu? Nina: I'm OK...Let's keep going, Ryu Rei: Are you sure all this'll be worth it? Garr: I wonder if we'll be able to keep this pace up... Momo: This is too much... I feel like I'm dying... Peco: pukuku, kuku... (He's sound asleep... He should be OK for a while longer...) Nina: I'm sorry, Ryu... I might not be able to make it... Rei: What should we do, Ryu? We're not gonna make it at this rate Garr: Maybe we should turn back and try again... Momo: Let's go hoooome!... Peco: pukiriri!? (Whatever he's saying, Ryu needs to make a decision...soon...) Nina: I'll be fine... It's going to work out, right, Ryu? Rei: All we do is hope the desert gives out before we do... Garr: I wonder if we'll be able to make it...? Momo: Whew... Peco: pukiriririrri! (Whatever he's saying, it sounds like he's encouraging Ryu...) Nina: I... don't know how much longer we can go on... Rei: This just beats all, doesn't it? Garr: Is it ends for us...? Momo: .........Daddy... Peco: ............ Nina: First, we go north. We'll make it this time, Ryu Rei: It's real easy to get lost here, so let's be careful, OK? Garr: We'll be OK this time...won't we? Momo: We're fine... As long as we don't make a wrong turn, we can make it out! Nina: It's just too big... So try not to get lost, OK? Rei: We're doing good... We'll make it for sure this time Garr: I'm fine... How's everybody else? Momo: If it is your destiny to meet with God, Ryu, we will succeed Nina: I've been counting... We've got about 5-6 days until we're out of the desert... Rei: How're the engineer and princess holding up? You'd better keep an eye on them... Garr: The road to truth is always a long one, eh Ryu? Momo: We should be able to see the oasis to the north... If you see it anywhere else, it's just a mirage, so be careful Nina: Just a little bit, more, right Ryu? Rei: I'm beginning to think the whole world is made of sand! Garr: Just think...if the world ends... this is probably what it would become... Momo: I've come this far! No way I'm giving up now! Nina: Did you see the oasis? The real one, not a mirage? Rei: I'm hungry...Think we could eat that rakda? But then we wouldn't be able to get home, would we...? Garr: God...give us strength... Momo: Maybe we should give up... Nina: Did you take the wrong direction again? Rei: I've had enough of this sand... Garr: Hmmmmm Momo: Something's wrong! It shouldn't be taking this long! Nina: I think I'm still all right... We'll make it this time for sure! Rei: Don't tell me you want to quit and start over again!? Garr: I don't think we'll be able to keep this pace up... Momo: I can't make it. I can't make it... Peco: kupuu, kupuu Nina: We're not going to make it, are we? Rei: Let's use the rakda and get outta here Garr: We should return before things get too out of hand Momo: I'm done for... finished... Nina: Maybe the desert can't be crossed at all.. Rei: Think we can still make it, Ryu? Garr: I don't know if we can make it... Momo: I can't make it. I can't walk another step... Nina: Leave me alone... Rei: Sheesh... Rakda: (If you kill him now, you won't be able to keep going...) Nina: We'll use up all our strength if we try to walk during the day... Garr: We need to save as much water as we can... No point in using it until we need it... Rei: I've had enough of the desert... Momo: I hate hot! Peco: pishuuuuu Nina: Where, exactly, are we headed? Garr: How's the water holding out? Rei: It's a lot bigger than I imagined... Momo: Isn't there anything but sand here? Peco: pupukiiii Nina: Um...I don't want to say this...But are we lost? Garr: ...... Rei: There's nothing here...We should turn back... Momo: I'm beat! Peco: pipiusuuu Nina: I think we should head back... Garr: We've gone as far as we can go... Rei: Let's use the rakda and get back, eh? Momo: I wanna go home... Peco: pupupuuuun Nina: uuuhhhh... Garr: We should give up and head back... Rei: We're out of water, aren't we? Momo: Let's go back... Peco: pusun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Master Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Menu Text --------- Who shall apprentice? Who wants to quit? Is this OK? "Yes" "No" Do you want to quit? "Yes" "No" ---- Bais ---- Bais: I never guessed you'd find everybody! From now on, you're all part of the gang! If you listen to what I tell you, your Power will go up! I bet you want me to show you all my tricks, right? "Yes" "No" I thought so... There's hope for you. Follow me! Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me Bais: You want to play Hide-and-Seek again? Huh? You don't? I get it... One of you wants to copy my tricks, right? "Yes" "No" OK, , you're one of the gang now Anyone else who wants to be my apprentice? "Yes" "No" Hey! You're all already my apprentices you know! You're kidding... You saying you don't need me anymore!? "Yes" "No" OK, , you're not part of the gang anymore Anyone else who wants to quit being my apprentice? "Yes" "No" Hold it...There's nobody whose my apprentice here You've really been practicing, haven't you? OK, , it's time to show you the secret form of our gang! learned Chain Form! ------ Bunyan ------ ..Hmph! So, are you ready to try working for a living? ...I've learned that. young folks like you need the advice of their elders...You can use our experience to help keep you on the straight and narrow, see? want to hear my advice? "Yes" "No" .. ... Hmph I guess you're sincere enough... Listen up: you need to be strong. and tough...You can't get through life otherwise...Got it? I make you, , my pupil... While you're my pupil, your Power, Defense, and Strength will go up faster... But your AP and Intelligence won't go up as quickly... ...Go now, and come back when you've increased your level. Oh, you're back... You been working hard? Is there anyone else who wants to learn from me? "Yes" "No" You mean you've learned enough from me? "Yes" "No" .. ...No one's bothering to learn anything from me!. Anyone else? "Yes" "No" .. ...What? I've already taught you all I know...!. All right, .. You need to walk your own path.... .. ... . ! You've made a lot of progress! I think you're ready for a new lesson... learned ! ---- Deis ---- You can use this to travel to where Deis resides... Do you want to see Deis? "Yes" "No" You can use this to travel to where Deis resides... But she must be tired now and needs rest You're finally going to meet God... You'll have to decide what to do when you meet God, Ryu... Just a little more... Don't give up now! My, my, Ryu... You've become quite the man, haven't you? You should have no problem with the desert, eh? You made it across the ocean, eh? That's the spirit! Keep it up! Look at how beat I am! Don't you be slacking off now, hear? Well, well...What are you doing here? Did you miss me that much? You mean there's someone who wants to learn from me? OK, but only on one condition: you have to call me Ma'am "Yes, ma'am" "Yes, mighty mistress!" Ho ho ho ho ho! All right then, , I'll let you be my disciple! You should know, though--I'm a harsh mistress! Hohohohoho! Is there anyone else who wants to be my disciple? "Yes" "No" Come back and see me again sometime... Good luck! ..Wait a minute! You're all already my disciples!. Are you making a joke? Are you saying you've nothing to learn from me? "Yes" "No" Fine! Quit! You must think you're really special, huh? I don't suppose there's anyone else who thinks they want to quit, is there? "Yes" "No" So, where's my disciple, eh? Hmmmm... You've been making progress... I suppose I should give you some kind of reward Very well, I give you this! learned the spell !! ------- D'lonzo ------- D'lonzo: You look like you've got some potential... What do you say? Want to become my apprentice? "Yes" "No" Today, my days as a lone wolf are over... If you listen to what I say, we'll hone your body like a knife... All right, then, , from today you're my apprentice! Anyone else want to become my apprentice? "Yes" "No" Sorry--if you want to be my apprentice, you have to always be carrying at least 15 kinds of weapons. I don't need any wimps getting in my way... See you later D'lonzo: You're back again! Anyone who wants to become my apprentice? "Yes" "No" Hey, you're all already my apprentices! Don't tell me you want to quit being my apprentice? "Yes" "No" All right, then, , I don't know you anymore Is there anyone else who wants to quit? "Yes" "No" Huh! Not one of you's my apprentice! I see you've been practicing what I showed you. OK, here's a new move for you! You learned ! -------- Durandal -------- Durandal: What do you want? Me? I don't know anything...nope, not a thing... I'm just a little guy in a little town... If you really want, I suppose I can teach you some of the useless tricks I know. Do you want me to? "Yes" "No" Looks like you're serious, then... I don't have much to teach, but I'll give it my best shot Very well then! From this moment, I Durandal, make you, , my apprentice! Is there anyone else who wants to apprentice with me? "Yes" "No" Until we meet again... Durandal: Long time no see! I've been working too and I think I'm getting the hang of it. If I can have just a little more time... Is there anyone else who wants to apprentice with me? "Yes" "No" Huh? That's everybody, isn't it? I know, I'm no good so you want to quit, right? "Right!" "No!" Very well, , I release you from my service. I told you I was no good... Is there anyone else who wants to quit? "Yes" "No" Huh? There's no one apprenticing with me now, is there! Hmmm...I think is ready for a new lesson... Let me show you this trick...It's not much, but it's all I have... learned ! ------ Emitai ------ Once upon a time... In the Contest of Champions... I was known as the Mighty Emitai... But I've been down on my luck... Ever since I threw a match to some kids whose friends were being held hostage... Now I don't have any money to pay off the mortgage on this wonderful house and the prime real estate it's on... I'd like to make a deal: if you give me 10000 zenny, I'll teach you all my magic...What do you say? "Pay 10000 zenny" "Um, no thanks" Wow! It really is 10000 zenny...! I never thought I'd really get...ahem! All right then: a deal is a deal--I'll teach you everything I know! All right, then, I name as my pupil! Is there anyone else who'd like to study under me? "Yes" "No" .....I'm sorry, but there's not enough here... Maybe some other time, then?. Long time no see! Is there someone else who'd like to learn some magic? "Yes" "No" Hmmm? It looks like you're all studying already! You mean... You want to quit your studies with me? "Yes" "No" Well then, I guess will have to study all alone... Is there anyone else who wants to quit? "Yes" "No" It doesn't look like there's anyone here studying with me... It looks like has gained a deeper understanding of my magic...As a reward, I give you this: ! ---- Fahl ---- hic!! What? I feel like I've seen you somewhere before...... Anyway, what do you want? You want me to teach you how to fight too? "Yes" "No" ........You look like you've been working out, yeah? I like the looks of. you! Whaddya say-- I'll make you my apprentice! We'll get you toned up in no time! OK, , you're my apprentice now! Anyone else want to be my apprentice? "Yes" "No" ........Huh? Hmmmm...If you want to be my apprentice, you'll have to win. about 30 or so fights without taking a rest--understand? Only tough guys need apply, see? Come back anytime-- I'll be here ahhhh hic!! Huh? You again!? Whaddya want? Is there someone who wants to be my apprentice? "Yes" "No" Huh? You're all already my apprentices aren't you? So what you're saying is you want to quit? "Yes" "No" All right then! , you're not my apprentice any more! You're not anything so git outta here! Anyone else wanna quit? "Yes" "No" Huh? Not one of you's my apprentice! Oh! Don't see you for a while and you go out and get all buff on me! All right then--you should be able to handle this! learned ! ------ Giotto ------ The seas art a distant echo of my pale existence... Mine ancestors, they that birthed me, be the fish therein I wouldst enquire of thee: dost thou hold in esteem the life thou holdest in hand, feeling it snared on thy wicked barb? Dost thou believe sport with fish to be the ultimate game? "...Yes" "Come again?" Thou wouldst be well given to calleth me rever'd and take after my ways... Thy journey will be made all the better if thou but doth remember to hold true to the sport! So be it! Thou art truly well met as my apprentice! Be there any other who wouldst call me master? "Yea" "Nay" Heed thee well my utterances and those of mine ancestors. Thou must give flight to the wicked barb... Thou must fish Fare thee well... Remember thee to forget not my ancestors Mine eyes would mistake thee! Thou hast changed greatly since last our paths did cross... How dost the waters find thee today? Be among thee those that wouldst call me master? "Yea" "Nay" Rejoice and be merry! For are not all of thee already my devotees? I put to thee again: dost thou desire to leave my service? "Yea" "Nay" Thou wishest to leave my service? Oh, thy words doth strike sharp as daggers! Be there others that wouldst leave my service? "Yea" "Nay" Unless mine eyes be befogged... There be not one of you that calleth me master! , I wouldst bequeath upon thee this! learned ! ------ Hachio ------ Hachio: Oh! Let me guess... You've heard about me and have come to study, to be cooks, yes? "Yes" "No" Oh! How wonderful! You have all the ingredients I asked for!! All right, then, I make you my apprentice! I'll make you into a first-rate cook in no time! So then I make my apprentice Is there anyone else? "Yes" "No" Hmmmm... But I won't do it for free... I'll think about it if you bring me all the ingredients I ask for...OK? I want Beef Jerky, and Swallow Eye And also an Angler, and a Martian Squid. Bring me these four ingredients, yes? Come again Hachio: Hello again! How are you doing? Does anyone want to become my apprentice, yes? "Yes" "No" What? You are all already my apprentice Do any of my apprentices wish to leave my tutelage? "Yes" "No" Very well, has failed. Young people these days, no conviction No good, I say Does anyone else want to quit? "Yes" "No" Hm? There is not one one of you who is my apprentice , I see you are trying very hard. I'm very happy, so I will teach you my special technique! learned !! ------- Hondara ------- Our God teaches us that we must fight evil wherever we find it... Even now, when there is no evil to be found in the world, we must keep ourselves prepared and strong. If you wish, traveler, you can learn from us what God teaches "Yes" "No" Hondara: I see you are wise and prudent... Very well then, go forth and train that you might be able to partake of God's wisdom! , from here on you are, like me, a disciple of God! Are there any others who wish to follow God's teachings? "Yes" "No" Hondara: This is wrong... You are too eager for the death of your enemies... I have heard that somewhere in the world, there is a style of fighting that allows the warrior to fight without killing his enemies... Even as you fight evil in the name of God, you must remember to respect and protect life at all times. Until we meet again...May God be with you God is always with us. What can I help you with today? Is there someone who wishes to train here? "Yes" "No" But you are all following the teaching of God! You say you wish to abandon the teachings of God, then? "Yes" "No" It is regrettable, but has turned from the light... Are there any others who wish to abandon God's teachings? "Yes" "No" But there is not one of you following the teachings of God In honor of your continuing training and faith in God, I reward you with this gift! learned ! ----- Ladon ----- Ladon: Hmmm......? Who awakens me from my rest? You... you're Ryu! So, the time has finally come... I am the ancient dragon god, Ladon. I know what it is that you must do... Do you seek my assistance? "Yes" "No" .....Very well, then I see that you have awoken the power that lies within. you... You are ready to receive what I can give you Then I present with a portion of my power! Is there anyone else who seeks my power? "Yes" "No" .....You are not yet ready... You have not realized your true power... You. will know when you have--return here then. Farewell...for now Ladon: Well met, Ryu. My child...Our hope Is there anyone else who seeks my aid? "Yes" "No" It appears you are all benefiting from my power... Do you feel you no longer need my power? "Yes" "No" Very well then... I take back my power from Is there any other who no longer wants my power? "Yes" "No" It appears none of you are benefiting from my power... You have come far, , and proven your ability... Therefore, I will grant you yet another of my powers learned ! ---- Lang ---- Lang: You found me...I give up... I know when I'm beat... You might not know it from looking at me, but I'm pretty strong...I might be able to help you out if you want me to try-- what do you say? "Yes" "No" Are you sure? You won't regret it later? OK, if you really mean it, I'll try my best All right then... , you're now my apprentice, OK? Anyone else want to be my apprentice? "Yes" "No" OK, let me know if you ever change your mind Lang: Hey! Thanks for coming all the way to see me! Is there anyone who wants to become my apprentice? "Yes" "No" Huh? You're all already my apprentice I know... You don't want to be my apprentice any more, right? "Right" "Wrong" Well, if wants to quit, there's nothing I can do... Anyone else want to quit being my apprentice? "Yes" "No" That's funny... Not one of you is my apprentice... I see you've learned my secret, ... Just take life easy, one day at a time... Here, I got something for you... got a Cupid's Lyre! --- Lee --- Lee: I love playing Hide-and-Seek... It's like a drama, you know...First you part ways... Only to meet each other again...How wonderful it is! Thanks for playing with me... I can teach you a few things in return. Want to become my apprentice? "Yes" "No" I'm glad I can help you... Good luck All right then... , I make you my apprentice Does anyone else want to become my apprentice? "Yes" "No" OK... See you later then Lee: Oh, hi there... I just can't tear myself away from Hide-and-Seek... So, do any of you want to become my apprentice? "Yes" "No"'re all already my apprentice Oh...You want to quit being my apprentice? "Yes" "No" That's too bad... You're no longer my apprentice, I wonder if anyone else wants to quit being my apprentice? "Yes" "No" I'm sorry...did one of you become my apprentice? Thank you for trusting in me all this time I have a present for you... learned the Magic Form! -------- Meryleep -------- Meryleep: Boy was I scared! I thought I was going to die! You'll have to make amends for that! I know... ...I want you to get back my Flower Jewel, which was stolen from me by a nasty crow! If you do I'll give you a reward, OK? What? You've already got the Flower Jewel? Then give it to me! "OK" "No" Meryleep: I was waiting for you, Ryu. I was so bored I thought I would die! Have you found the Flower Jewel yet? "Yes" "No" Yaaaaaaay! Thank you, Ryu. I'll tell you all our secrets now... Heh heh If you apprentice under us, your Agility will go up! All right, we'll show our secrets Anyone else want to know our secrets? "Yes" "No" Thhhpt! Don't lie... You don't have it! Bye-bye! Meryleep: We were waiting for you to come! There are so many things we can show you! "Show us" "Later" Huh? It looks like you're all already finding out our secrets...? Eh? You mean you're not interested in our secrets anymore? "Nope" "We are" Sorry! doesn't need to know our secrets! Too bad! Anyone else think they don't need our secrets anymore? "Yes" "No" You mean no one's interested in our secrets!? How rude! It looks like is learning lots of our secrets... Here's another one: learned ! ----- Mygas ----- I am the great wizard Mygas... As you can see, well, I'm on a journey... And, well, I've used all my money and I can't find any food... I've found myself in a bit of a spot here... So, that's why I want to make you an offer... In exchange for all your money, I'll teach you my most powerful magics... In other words, I'll be your Master, and you'll be my apprentice... The more you train, the more spells you'll be able to use... What do you say? "Yes" "No" Oh! I can see you're one who's going places! If you become my apprentice, your AP and Intelligence will go up faster... 'Course, your Power and Defense won't go up as fast... So, who wants to be my apprentice? I hereby recognize as my apprentice! Is there anyone else who wants to study with me? "Yes" "No" W-w-w-w-w-w-what? You want to quit? Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me Farewell... Come back after you've gotten stronger. If you're ready, I'll teach you some of my spells! Mygas: Welcome back, my students! Is there anyone else who wants to study under me? "Yes" "No" Oh! You'll all my students already, aren't you? I can scarcely imagine it would be so, but... Do you want to quit? "Yes" "No" Very well, then... I regretfully release from my service I still can't believe it, but... Is there anyone else who wants to quit? "Yes" "No" What? Not one of you is a student of mine! , you deserve a reward! Therefore I give you this! learned ! ---- Wynn ---- Wynn: Whoa! You frightened me! Reminded me of that time you found me when we were kids. As a way of saying thanks for playing with me then, I'd like to help you out! Why don't you become my apprentice? "Yes" "No" OK, , from today, you're my apprentice! Is there anyone else who wants to be my apprentice? "Yes" "No" All right then, good luck! OK, then... See you around Wynn: How are you? You know, there's a lot of people who make fun of Hide-and-Seek, but we had a good time, didn't we? Say, there wouldn't be one of you who wants to be my apprentice, would there? "Yes" "No" Huh? You're all already my apprentice OK, you want to quit being my apprentice, right? "Yes" "No" OK, , you want to quit being my apprentice, right? See you later Anyone else want to quit being my apprentice? "Yes" 'No" Hey! Not one of you is my apprentice! I just love hard-working people like you! As a reward for all your hard work, I'll show you this! learned the Refuge Form! --------- Yggdrasil --------- You hear a voice inside your mind... Could it be Yggdrasil? Can you hear me? Do you understand me? .........Uhhhh... My head is fuzzy... I can't think straight. Do you have...anything that me? "Yes" "No" You have...a Wisdom Fruit!? Thank you......... Finally...I can see things clearly again! Now, I can share with you part of my wisdom! Uhhhh......... You don't have... anything... Very well...then... Farewell... I hereby give my wisdom! Is there anyone else who wants to learn from my wisdom? "Yes" "No" Are you telling me you no longer need my wisdom? "Yes" "No" Very well, then... From now on, you must depend on your own strength, ... Is there anyone else who feels they no longer need my wisdom? "Yes" "No" It looks like you're putting my wisdom to good use! Very well! Let me teach you something else useful! learned ! You've come back... So, the time has come for me to share my wisdom, eh? "Yes" "No" But I've already told all of you my wisdom! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII. Faerie Village Minigame Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is all the text for the Faerie Village Minigame. I should apologize in advance for not having this in the beginning. It was overlooked by both me and David while making the guide. How this flew over our heads is beyond me. Anyway, this section is pretty self explanitory, so on with the section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============ Opening Text ============ Cadis: There you are! Dummy dummy dummy! What have you been doing until now? Cadis: You're just a big meanie! Don't you know if you leave us alone, we'll die! Don't ever leave us alone that long again, dummy! Cadis: Hey! You think I'm a dummy, don't you? This isn't like the forest--we can't take care of ourselves like we did there! Cadis: Please please pretty please! You've got to tell us what to do! You don't need me to tell you what you have to do, right? (1)"Right" (2)"Wrong" (1) OK, it's up to you now! (2) What do you want to know? (1)"What do we do?" (2)"How do we help?" (3)"Determining abilities" (4)"Hints" (5)"Nothing" (1) Basically, we want you to tell us what work we should do... There's all kinds of different work...For example, if no one's hunting, then we can't get food and we'll die Without any scholars, we can't think of new jobs... We want you to tell us how many faeries should be working on each job! (2) You can assign us to a job by moving us to the appropriate square on the assignment page! You can make one of us change jobs by moving the cursor to that faerie and pressing the button! (3) Just like people, we faeries have things we're good at, and things we're not so good at... When you move the cursor on top of a faerie, you'll see four bars of different colors, which show what that faerie's abilities are! Red is the hunting color... The longer the bar, the better that faerie is at hunting Green shows how strong that faerie is A big bar means that faerie would make a good builder... Blue is for business The bigger the bar, the better the faerie is at selling things... Finally, the sky blue bar shows how smart the faerie is... A big bar here means that faerie would make a good scholar! (4) One house can hold at most three faeries And the more faeries, the better... Since faeries who are hunting, clearing, or building don't need a house, it's good to send excess faeries to do those jobs... To make sure we don't starve, we need about a third or so of the whole population hunting at any time (5) OK, it's up to you now! Help us! Help us! Tell us what we should be doing to build our village! You already know what to do, right? "Yes" "No" ============= Message Board ============= ...Nothing new on the message board... Topics Population change Birth Death Due to food shortage Expedition failure got new merchandise made a new song finished exploring has finished copying Increased village size Made a new room Discovered new work Culture level rose =========== Faerie Menu =========== Assign a faerie: Procure food Do you accept? Yes No Hunting Tend to crops Tending crops Build house Building house Sell products Move where? Emphasize what? What course do you want? Selling products Develop new jobs and culture What do you want to develop? Developing (jobs) Developing (culture) Explore and search for items Send expedition where? Exploring Runs an inn and...? Running the inn Make a copy of an item Copying item Play various games Playing games Will buy unusual items Second-hand shop Gives away items Gift shop Predicts the future Fortune teller Play music Playing music Wait Waiting ======================= Roaming Faerie Dialogue ======================= Hee hee hee I'm keeping the grounds in shape It's really hard work! Boy, this dirt sure is hard! I'm working! I really am! Careful! Watch it! Don't walk there! You've gotta keep tilling and tilling it like this Whew! I'm beat! I'm going to take a break! I'm not sure exactly how you make a house-- I'm really excited! I'm building a house! I don't really know how to, though... I'll work really hard--I promise! I...I'm not goofing off! I'm working, I really am! Whoo... I'm all worn out What should I do? I've got nothing to do so I'm just hanging around here... Well, hi there Me? I've got nothing to do...I'm so bored! I'm sooooo bored Isn't there anything to do? Nothing to do, so I'm taking it easy If I don't do something soon, I'm gonna get fat! Hmmmm...We've run out of room to build new houses! What should we do? There's no more room for houses! ======== Job Text ======== ------- Scholar ------- I'm thinking up new jobs to do! I'm trying to think of how we can grow faster! I can't think of any more new jobs! ---- Shop ---- Welcome! I've got nothing but the best! Hmmmmm What should I make? The more people working, the faster we get new stuff! --- Inn --- Hi there! Why don't you come stay with me? Long time no see! We've been finding out all sorts of interesting things Did you know... You've been in this world for hours and minutes? And that you've run into monsters times? And that you've made zenny? What do you think? Do we know how to snoop or what? Hi there! I've been studying you a lot too So far, you've looked in people's drawers (naughty boy!), and found treasures, and gone fishing times! And...and... That's all I'm going to tell you today! ------- Antique ------- Hi! I'll buy any old or unusual stuff you have for better prices than any other store anywhere! I think there are 12 different kinds of antiques out there somewhere in the world... Just once in my life, I'd like to see a Dragon Tear ... ------- Fortune ------- The spirits say... The damage caused by a breath attack changes based on remaining HP I sense a great power from above us... In the sky... I hear a voice... Use healing magics to damage the undead... I've got it! Your name in your previous life was Bob! "Yes" "Um, no" I knew it! I knew it! Just as I thought No, no, I knew that wasn't it! Just as I thought I've got it! Your name in your previous life was Guido! "Yes" "Um, no" There's a traitor in your midst! Be careful! You'd better not leave this room... There's... That's it! I see... That you will be fighting fire very soon... I can see your future It''s...Oh, no! Not that! Horrible! It's too frightening! I can't say any more! I see it... What you're looking for is to the west Using the Sands of Time stops time, you know What if you hit someone who's asleep? You should take it easy today--no dashing around, OK? Y... you... ...! Using a certain item increases the amount of zenny and EXP you get from enemies Have you heard of the Spanner ? Did you know that whales really aren't fish? Have you seen the Quicksilver? I've heard legends about a powerful weapon called the Dragon Blade somewhere in the world... Garr seems to have a natural immunity to flame Momo seems a little scatterbrained, doesn't she? The stronger your flame magic gets... You'll meet monsters with more and more EXP! There are 17 masters in all If you don't want to run into monsters, maybe you should try walking instead of running Hmmm this is no good I can't do anything about it... I just love thinking up nicknames for people! Do you want to help me think of new ones? "Yes" "No" Do you want to give us or you new nicknames? "You" "Us" OK, pick who'll get a new nickname! Who will get a new nickname: Is this acceptable? "Yes" "No" Is it OK if I think of a new nickname for this person? "Yes" "No" OK...this person is ! "OK" "No" Do you really like it? "Yes" "No" OK, so from now on, be sure to call , alright? Shall we keep making nicknames? "Yes" "No" OK, bye-bye See you later! ---- Copy ---- Hi there! If you give me one of your items, I'll make a copy of it! Well, sometimes I make a mistake, but who doesn't, right? So, do you want to give me an item? "Yes" "No" OK, pick an item then Oh, OK. See you later! Do you want a ? "Yes" "No" I'll get to work now so come back later If you close down the copy shop or switch who's working, you'll loose the item, so don't do something silly like that, OK? Do you want to choose something else? "Yes" "No" Sorry, it's not ready yet! Ta-da! I did it! I did it! Here you go! You got your item X2! Ta-da! I did it! I did it! Here you go! Whoops! You've got too much stuff already! Come back again later!, well, I couldn't make a copy...Sorry You got your item back:, well, I messed up... Look what happened to it! You got a Um...You see...I, uh, messed up Whoops--you've got too many items...Come back later, OK? Um...You see...I, uh, messed up And look what happened! Whoops--you've got too many items...Come back later, OK? ---- Gift ---- I don't have anything right now. Come back later Hi there! Here's your present! You got a ! Whoops! You've got too much stuff! Come back later when you've got some more room, OK? -------- Explorer -------- Where do you want me to go next? I found a on this expedition! Here--you can have it! Whoops! You got too many things already! You'll have to come back and get it later I'm sorry...I wasn't able to find anything ----- Music ----- Thanks for coming! Want to hear me play some songs? "Yes" "No" How about this? It's called NEW TITLE Country Living These Little Things Take It And Run Healing Life's A Beach Even The Sun's Happy Walking Straight 30 Crowing in the Night Plenty of Money My Favorite Trick War Tiger Technology Fried Onions Peach Engine In the Morning Fighting Man Guild Ago Neverending Game Thief Walking the Road Eden That Old House Windy City Island The Champion Turning Point Don't Say It Steam Locomotion Heavy Echo Cadaver Missing Dangerous Feeling Of Gods and Dragons Flight The Poor Marcher Dead Dragon Stone For the Dragons -- Main Theme -- Castle in the Sky PURE AGAIN PURE AGAIN INSTRUMENTAL Thanks! Come back sometime, OK? D'you want to hear me sing? "Sing Pure Again" "Pure Again (karaoke)" "No thanks" See you later! What kind of song should I make next? I could make new songs faster if I had people helping me! ------ Casino ------ Thanks for coming! I know some fun games we could play together... Do you want to play with me? "Yes" "No" That's too bad... See you later! Which game do you want to play? By the way, if you want to play the number guessing game, you'll need at least 500 zenny! "High&Low" "Numbers" You already know the rules, don't you? "Yes" "No" OK, I'll tell you the rules then There are 9 unique cards, each with a number from 1-9 I'll lay them out in a row on the table, and turn the first one over... then, you guess if the next card in the series is higher or lower than the card before it...If you want, you can guess up to 8 cards ahead, but if you do, it gets that much harder, see? If you guess any single card wrong, then you lose If you guess right then your pot goes up based on the number of guess you made, and you can keep playing with the pot from the previous game...Every once in a while, you'll get lucky and something special will happen! Whew! Now, do you understand the rules? "Yes" "No" How much money do you want to bet? (Choose from 1-100) Awww...You don't want to play? OK, see you later then! Here we go! Choose whether it's high or low! That's too bad... You missed! Do you want to play again? "Yes" "No" Yay! You won! Do you want to keep playing? "Yes" "No" You want to quit? OK, here! That's the spirit! OK, here we go! Eh? I can't pay that much...sorry Really? That's too bad...See you later! Whoops! You don't have enough money! Come back later! Do you need me to tell you the rules? "No" "Yes" In this game you have to guess a three digit number The number's digits are between 1 and 9, and each digit appears only once in the number You have eight guesses If a number you pick matches both the number and the row, I'll tell you that you got a hit ... If the number appears in the three digit number, but is in the wrong row, I'll tell you that you got a blow The faster you guess the number, the bigger and better of a prize you'll get If you can't guess it in 8 tries, you lose your 500 zenny! Understand? "Yes" "No" OK, here we go! Tell me a number Hits: Blows: Congratulations!! You got it! You solved it in guesses, and you win a prize! You got: ! You've got too much stuff! You'll have to get rid of something Do you want to give up? "Yes" "No" Buzzt! That's it! Here's the answer Want to play again? "Yes" "No" I was waiting for you to come back! C'mon, let's play a game! "OK" "Not now" Aw, too bad Come back soon! Do you remember the rules? "Yes" "No" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII. Hidden Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's pretty much all of the significant hidden text. DavidK5 and I have put in our own commentary on what the text means. If you have your own theory on what some of the text means, by all means email me and I'll consider adding it and giving you credit (given it's good and hasn't been said before). The number next to each area is the area number of the EMI file found on the CD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ryu lies naked and collapsed One year ago... David: This is one of the stranger pieces of missing text. It really doesn't make sense that Rei would find Ryu next to his cage a whole year after the mine incident, which is what this implies. Brad: Hmm... yeah, the more I look at it, the more it doesn't make sense to me. I mean, was it planned that Rei finds him one year ago and he's in a coma at the hut (or perhaps they raise him for a year?) This one is very puzzling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rei: .........Hmmmm So you don't remember how you got where I found you then? Rei: Doesn't that beat all... Just what I needed-- more trouble Teepo: What? Were you talking about me? Rei: Um, no, nothing at all... Teepo: Hmph... ... ... Oh, well... Teepo: Anyway, Rei did you know that there's absolutely no thing left to eat? Rei: You're kidding!... ... Haven't had much luck robbing people on the road lately... What should we do? Teepo: Our bellies aren't gonna get any fuller sitting around here... Let's go look for some food, Rei Rei: You're right... Hey, why don't we go check out old man Bunyan's? Rei: OK, Teepo You help Ryu there get equipped Rei: You won't get far walking in your pajamas! Here, I'll give you some of my old stuff! Rei: Hey! Perfect fit! Rei: OK, let's hit the road for Bunyan's Teepo: Bunyan lives in the middle of the woods. He's a really good hunter, so he's probably got some food lying around... Rei: I mean... I know stealing's not right, but we need food too, right? Teepo: Right! OK, Ryu, let's go! David: This was an enirely scrapped scene that most likely would have taken place at your house in Cedar Woods. My guess is, they originally were going to skip going to McNeil and Yraall Road entirely, and go straight to Bunyan's house after Ryu wakes up. Brad: I see it more as an alternate scene. At time of production, they were, like you said, probably going to skip straight to Bunyun's, but for some reason they decided on stealing something from Mcneil village which shows early on that they're thieves... or something Teepo: But... I guess I'm still worried Teepo: I wonder if Rei is OK my himself... Teepo: Hmmmm... Teepo: I mean, Rei's strong, but... I'm worried, Ryu Teepo: Right, Ryu! Teepo: I can't let him go all by himself... C'mon! Let's go after him! Teepo: Ha ha! That's what I thought you were thinking! Teepo: I can't let him do it all by himself... Ryu! Let's go after him! David: Another scrapped chunk of dialogue, obviously meant to proceed your escape from Bunyan. I don't see why they cut it out, though. Brad: Oops! Translhextion made an error, those two lines were supposed to be Teepo and not Rei. I agree on what you said. At some point they are talking in the area where Rei first finds Ryu (judging from the area file... I could be wrong) why they would be in that area I don't know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rei: Blast... Teepo: It's McNeil! I know it is! He did this to get back at us! Rei: ......... Teepo: I'll kill him! Just you see... I'll get him... I swear I'll get him Rei: Teepo! Rei: ... ... ...Ryu I'm sorry... I... I never thought... I never knew... Teepo: Rei! There's a bunch of people blocking the road! Teepo: We're trapped... Rei I'm... scared... What should we do... Rei: Ha ha... ... ... That's it... Teepo: What's gonna happen to us? Rei: ...Don't worry Whatever happens, I'll make sure you're all right... I promise! Balio: Here they come... Sunder: W, wait up, bro! Rei: Wha... what the...!? Sunder: That McNeil's really a wimp, though. Needing us to take care of sum'thing like this for Balio: Hmph!... ...Still... We could've used a couple of kids like Sunder: Yeah, you're right! I guess it's kind of a waste, huh? Balio: We didn't have a choice... Even though they didn't know better, they still tried to steal our money... Sunder: .........Yeah, you're right... So what should we do with this? Balio: ...Just ditch it David: Just looks like some extra lines they took out from the Balio and Sunder scene. Brad: Bah! Why did they have to cut this out!! It's golden! I honestly don't see why they would cut this out. Too dramatic perhaps? I'd be dramatic too if MY house was being burned to the ground, and it fits Teepo perfectly! It's a real shame. As for Balio and Sunder, them saying that they could've used a couple of kids like this when they pretty much owned them doesn't make much sense to me. Perhaps early on during development they weren't as hard, but still impossible to beat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wait, wait, WAIT! Who gave you permission to use this road!? Teepo: Hey Rei... Maybe we should call it a day...? Teepo: C'mon Ryu... Let's go home... Rei: Hold it! Hold it! His name's Ryu? How did you know that, Teepo? I...I dunno! I just felt like that's what his name was... Rei: Say, is your name really Ryu? Rei: Hmmmm... Stranger things have happened, I guess... What do you think you're doing? Robbery? Forget it! No one with money's ever gonna come down this road! David: Another cut scene. Teepo Says Ryu's name on Yraall Road instead of at McNeil. I guess there were originally going to be a few random people along the road too. Brad: Well, since at one point they were going to go straight to Bunyan's instead of Mcneil village, they needed another cutscene showing that Teepo knew Ryu's name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Garr: What is it...? Merchant: Excuse me, sirs! Merchant: This is your first time here, isn't it? You're not yet members of the Circle, are you? Merchant: See, we'd get in a lot of trouble if some official found out about us, so we only sell Circle members the good stuff...You don't need to pay anything to join, so here, take this! You got a Member's Card ! Merchant: So... if you want some...merchandise... Come see me and I can get you whatever you need... Garr: Forget about it. These people are the same as Balio and Sunder... I'd steer clear of them if I were you... Merchant: Oh... well... If that's the case... See you David: This is pretty interesting. Maybe they were originally going to have a special shop in Syn City that you could only access with the Member's Card. Kind of like the Black Pass in Wild Arms. Brad: What makes me wonder is what kind of equipment they were going to sell and if the equipment was good. I doubt it though. They would have probably sold it at a high price and with false stats, but in reality the pwr/def would be really low. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rei: It's getting dark... Why don't we rest for the night in this cabin... Teepo: Hey, it's getting dark... Teepo: Let's call it a day... Teepo: Maybe Rei's staying here too... Teepo: Uh-oh... It's pitch dark... Teepo: I wonder if there's a light somewhere? Teepo: Some... Something's coming! Teepo: WHOAAAA! Ryu! ZZZZ...Z Ryu? Teepo: Hey! That voice... It's Rei!? Rei: .........What are you doing here!? Rei: Don't scare me like that! I thought you were a monster or something... Teepo: I'm the one who was surprised! Boy, was I scared! I mean, you're the one going GRRRRR and growling like that... Rei: Hey ...Sorry, OK, Ryu? Let's get some rest, all right? Teepo: Good idea--I feel really beat... Rei: It's getting pretty late... let's worry about the monster tomorrow Teepo: Good idea... I'm beat! David: Some pretty weird lines that never made it to the final product. Some of it suggests that Teepo and Ryu almost saw Rei in Weretiger form, which would have been interesting. Brad: ...until the dev team at Capcom decided later on that they wanted to keep Rei's Weretiger form a complete secret so that the player is surprized later on that the tiger at Ogre road is actually Rei. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rei: It's a chicken coop... We won't be able to get in from here, either... Teepo: Are you OK, Rei? Rei: Let the chicken... ...go free? Teepo: Hey, good idea, Ryu! If the boss's chickens get loose in the night... Rei: ...then all the guards will be busy running around trying to catch them!...... Let's try it! Rei: OK, Ryu! You scare the chickens! Rei: That was cute... But would you scare the chickens......... ...please? Teepo: Jab 'em with your sword! Teepo: Say... these guys look pretty tasty... Rei: Be careful... If you're too close, your sword'll get stuck Rei: Enough already! Get over here-- hurry up! David: Apparently Ryu was originally supposed to rile-up the chickens with his sword instead of fighting Rocky. Brad: Sounds like it would have been fun too. It's a shame they didn't use it. :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recruit: Sorry sorry sorry I may just be a recruit, but I've been given orders to make sure no one suspicious gets by, so that's what I'm doing! Recruit: And since I don't know if you're suspicious or not... You need to ask me if you can pass and go into the black market... OK? Recruit: Oh! You have a member's card! That means you're not suspicious, then I can let you in without getting yelled at... Recruit: Please, go through, but watch out for monsters! Monsters? Like the man-eating tiger. Lately, it's been attacking travelers on the road... David: Perhaps originally there was going to be a guard on the road who wouldn't let you by without the Member's Card, which would force you to visit Syn City first. Brad: Agreed. I have no clue why they scrapped it though. Perhaps it was a bit hard to do given the fact that Ogre road is a bit wide?(I think?) Garr: ...Somehow I don't think so... Let's get back on the road before we meet the real tiger... David: There was another tiger? o_O Brad: Beats me. Perhaps someone will Email us with some insight. Whoa! You mean you weren't eaten by the tiger? T... thank goodness Recruit: Hey, Mr. Tiger... I mean, Rei... Are you all right? Rei: Darn it!! Block off Yraall Road! Don't let them get away!! Rei: I... I won't fail again... David: It doesn't make sense that the guard would be a lacky for Rei, but this is what these lines seem to imply. Brad: It doesn't make sense at all to me ;/ Deberk: On ogre Road, I see a possible scene that was never put in because it was kinda pointless. They might have tried to do a little more back story on Rei. There might have been another Weretiger who was/is Rei's father or another family member, but has lost control over their weretiger form. And you have to put the other weretiger down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hahahahahahaha You're finished! You're nothing without flame or frost to back you up! David: Beats me :P Brad: Probably used if you talk to the tarman, but say no to his advice, or if you have no magic skills at all. Balio: ...Hold it! Hold on! Wait a second! Balio: We don't want to fight... Balio: How can we say we're sorry, your magnificent excellent dragoness!? Balio: If we'd know it was you... We...we... Balio: .........Since it has come to this, the only way we can make amends is with our lives!! Balio: Please, your excellency! Our lives are yours!! Sunder: Hahahah...Dummy! Balio: See? Even the mighty Brood doesn't stand a chance against us! Sunder: Hey, bro! We're pretty strong, ain't we? Balio: You bet, bro! We're stronger than anyone or anything! Balio & Sunder: Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! David: Looks like they were going to trick Ryu with flattery... Brad: hehe, yeah. This was sorta stupid though. I'm glad they scrapped it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Momo: That's the mutant? It's a little too mutated... Something like this can't be created with what they're using... Nina: Come on, Momo Let's go after it! Nina: That's the mutant? It''s almost cute... pukyu....... Momo: Don't you think it's a little strange? If it were this weak, they didn't really need our help... Nina: Are you OK, Ryu? Nina: Thank goodness! Momo: Something about this doesn't feel right... Oh well, let's go on a little further, OK? David: Maybe they intended to have a mutant-like sub-boss somewhere in the middle of the dungeon. Brad: Sounds like it. It might also be something you had to chase around and catch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System is down. Please use system disk Installing program... Setting area data. . . . . installation complete! David: You can take this one ;) Brad: Sure. At some point during development, Momo didn't have Honey. In order to use the portal, you would need to find a system disk of some sort and that would turn the portal on. Once they thought up of Honey, they decided to use her instead of a system disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lee: You're too late! I got tired of waiting. Still, I knew you'd find me eventually... I'll see you back in Wyndia! David: I guess they thought of sticking Lee in Parch at some point *Shrugs* Brad: Or maybe they decided on moving her if you took too long to find her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OK, let me show you to play... This is a number guessing game, OK? Each time, we'll randomly pick five numbers from 1-9 and you have to guess what those numbers are... But you don't always have to pick five! You can pick only one if you want, but the more numbers you guess, the more you win! So it's good to pick lots! 'Cause that way, you win lots! Get it? "Yes" "No" How much money do you want to bet? (1-100 zenny) You don't want to play? Oh, well, too bad...Bye-bye! Here we go! Pick a number Yay! Congratulations! is right! That gives you X! Too guessed wrong... Want to try again? "Yes" "No" David: I think it's another casino game that was an alternative to the number guessing game. Brad: I'm guessing that they scrapped it because they had 2 number guessing games already and a third one would have been "too much." Although, I would say that Capcom should have replaced it with a completely different casino like game altogether instead of just scrapping it (something like slots maybe??) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk used for starting the portal David: Description for the System Disk THE MOCHI Cures petrification David: Another missing item. Brad: weird name though, and why is it all in caps?? Hairband Def2 Wgt0 David: Found it in the helmet list. Probably just a weak helmet for Nina and Momo that they decided to leave out. Brad: Maybe it was weaker than their initial equipment? (too lazy to check) Let's get some sleep David: I can't figure out where it goes Brad: My only guess is that you would have said it right after choosing "rest" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IX. FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. So whose idea was it anyway and why? A. All mine (bmecoli). I thought that since some other RPGs has scripts I thought that BoF3 deserved one. And since it was so easy to dump the text, I started the text dump project. I asked DavidK5 to arrange the text, and now it's here :) Q. Did you go through the game and type it all yourself? A. Hehe, no. I went through the CD files and dumped the text out of each world file and then formatted it so that it's a bit more readable Q. How did you find the text? I mean a CD holds 650MB of data! A. Actually I found it by accident. I was looking for graphic data in a hex editor and I noticed the text in plain ascii. Also the game stores each area in a seperate file, so it wasn't like I was combing through one large disk image like file (like most square-enix games) Q. What tools did you use to dump the script? A. Translhextion. Great hex editing/viewing program specially designed for rom hacking. Oh yeah and metapad for editing. Q. I have a hex editor and when I look at the text in the file there's no character names or numbers and the punctuation is messed up. What gives? A. you will need a table file and a hex editor that supports table files in order to view the text correctly Q. Can you give me one? A. Q. Hey, could you do for me? A. It depends on: 1. If I've played it 2. If I will ever play it 3. If it can be easily done. If it's an RPG I'ved already played, then maybe. If it's an RPG I haven't gotten to yet, then no. Also if I can't figure out where/how the text is stored, then you're on your own. ;/ Q. Could you teach me how to dump text from A. I would, but there are so many text hacking docs out there right now I'd be wasting my time. Check, they have planty of resources to grab. Q. Hey! there's here in the script! A. And? Please note I changed nothing in the script (except for added punctuation for readability). As of now I regret this decision as it isn't a 100% copy of the game. Not only that, but I stopped doing it halfway through, which makes it inconsistent. This will probably go unfixed, as I would have to redump everything and start from scratch, which isn't going to happen. Knowing what I know now, I would have done things differently, oh well. Other than the added punctuation, any other errors would be found in game (depending on the version, see below). Go ahead, look! :) Q. Your guide says this, while in the game it says that, why? A. It appears as there are 2 or more versions of the game floating around, the later versions correcting minor errors in the dialog. When dumping the script originally I used a newer version of Breath of Fire 3, but just recently I realized that some of the text that I had to redump for the Faerie Village text was from an early release copy of the game (dubbed the "vodka shot" version). That aside, if you see any discrepencies between what our guide says and what the game itself says, you are playing the other version. :) Q. Hey! there's somewhere else! A. Alrighty, we'll fix it in the next release and we'll mention you in credits. Q. So, how many times does Rei say "doesn't it just beat all?" A. 19 times (Plus 6 from camping makes 25 times total) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X. Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DavidK5: He was the one that arranged all of the script text here... without him, this would look like unorganized garbage. Many props to you man. Also he made one of the best BoF3 guides I've ever read... thanks for that too :) Brian Bennewitz: For making Translhextion which I used to dump the text. Everyone who posted in my GameFAQS thread and offering suggestions. Capcom: For making this killer game. Cless: for the logo Deberk: for the Ogre road suggestion And you, the reader: For taking the time to read the scrpipt that David and I worked so hard on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XI. Disclaimer/contact ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All script text is copyright 1998 Capcom Co. Ltd. All other text copyright 2005 Bmecoli and DavidK5. This script is for reference only. Do not publish on another website without approval from the Author(s). Do not add any of the script in any sort of game (unless you want Capcom to come after you) you can contact me at you can contact DavidK5 at EOF