----- STREET FIGHTER II - The World Warriors -- Quicksheet Version 1.2 -------- 7 8 9 j jump P Punch (any) Ps short Punch Pm medium Punch Pf fierce Punch 4 5 6 c close K Kick (any) Ks short Kick Km medium Kick Kf fierce Kick 1 2 3 . charge .. repeatedly x+y press simultaniously [x|y] choose one | If you get to press any Punch or Kick Button, then short/medium/fierce | | usually determines the speed, length, height or duration of that action | RYU_______________________________________________________________________JAPAN 236P Ha Dou Ken (Fireball) 214K Tatsu Maki Sen Puu Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) 623P Shou Ryu Ken (Dragon Punch) c6[Pm|Pf|Km|Kf] Shoulder Slam | Back Roll (Throws) KEN_________________________________________________________________________USA 236P Ha Dou Ken (Fireball) 214K Tatsu Maki Sen Puu Kyaku (Hurricane Kick) 623P Shou Ryu Ken (Dragon Punch) c6[Pm|Pf|Km|Kf] Shoulder Slam | Back Roll (Throws) CHUN LI___________________________________________________________________CHINA 2.8K Spinning Bird Kick [Ks|Km].. Lightning Leg j2Km Heel Stomp {bounces away from Enemy} c6[Pm|Pf] One Arm Slam (Throw) jc6[Pm|Pf] Air One Arm Slam (Air Throw) E.HONDA___________________________________________________________________JAPAN 4.6P Dos Koi (Sumo Torpedo) [Ps|Pm].. Hyaku Retsu Harite (Hundred Hand Slap) c6Pm Body Toss (Throw) c6[Pf|Kf] Bear Hug | Knee Bash (Grabs) BLANKA___________________________________________________________________BRAZIL 4.6P Rolling Attack [Ps|Pm].. Electric Thunder c[4|6]Pm Double Head Butt c[4|6]Km Double Knee Kick c6Pf Blanka Bite (Grab) ZANGIEF____________________________________________________________________USSR Ps+Pm+Pf Spinning Clothesline c632147P Spinning Pile Driver c6[Pm|Pf|Km|Kf] Piledriver | Back Drop | Backwards Drop | Body Slam c2Pf Back Toss (Throw) c2Pm Stomache Grib (Grab) {stand 1 step from enemy} c6[Pm|Pf] Face Grab | Head Chomp (Grabs) {1 step from enemy} GUILE_______________________________________________________________________USA 4.6P Sonic Boom 2.8K Flash Kick c6[Pm|Pf] Body Toss (Throw) jc6[Pm|Pf|Km|Kf] Throw Down | Air-to-Ground Drop (Air Throws) DHALSIM___________________________________________________________________INDIA 236P Yoga Fire 41236P Yoga Flame j[Pf|Kf] Drill Kick | Yoga Mummy {on apex of jump} 2K Slide c6Pf Body Toss (Throw) c6Pm Yoga Noogie (Grab) Created by Bmuig on 07/12/2004. Copyright 2004