Translation FAQ for Carnage Heart Portable (Japan) for PSP by JVGFanatic Right now I consider this document about 94 percent complete though it includes translations for nearly everything you need to program your OKEs and play the game using your own programming skills. I still have a few translations and clarifications to make before I consider it a complete baseline translation. Once that is done I'll provide walkthroughs for at the very least the prologue. That will get you started. I'd appreciate any suggestions and in particular any programming tricks you've found useful. I will include them with all credit to you in upcoming versions of this document. Send any ideas to jvgfanatic AT hotmail DOT com with the subject "Carnage Heart FAQ". Any less indentifiable subject will cause the email to go unread. Currently I place this faq's version at .94 To Do: List Premium Battle Teams Finish listing OKE types (2L done) Thanks for looking and hope it helps. Isn't it wonderful that ArtDink brought us another CH game? I think so! ====================== What is Carnage Heart? ====================== Carnage Heart is a mech (known in the game as OKE or Over Kill Engine) simulator of which the primary focus is the programming of the AIs that control the OKEs. This differs from the PSP version of Armored Core in that Armored Core's primary focus was on equipment. Armored Core did allow you to specify AI parameters but the AI portion of Carnage Heart is MUCH more extensive allowing you to program the AI in minute detail. Carnage Heart first appeared on the Playstation console in 1995 in Japan. The game was localized for the US and EU Markets in 1997. A sequel, Carnage Heart Eazy Zapping was released in Japan in 1997. A third edition, Zeus: Carnage Heart Second (a genuine sequel, Easy Zapping was more like an upgrade) was released in Japan in 1998. Zeus also had a sequel called Zeus II. Some fans of the series that worked for Genki apparently convinced ArtDink (a pretty cool company, as game companies go) to make this edition for the PSP: Carnage Heart Portable. Another game that I remember as a child which allowed you to program Robot AIs was called Robot Odyssey on the Apple II. I spent a ton of time with that game so I was overjoyed when I first heard of Carnage Heart. Another game I remember playing that is similar to CH is ChipWits for the original Macintosh computer. Anyway, I digress, let's get back to the game at hand. ================= MENU TRANSLATIONS ================= Main Menu (Game Menu) --------------------- Prologue Game Scenario Game (after finishing main Prologue Game) Battle Game (after finishing main Prologue Game Option Top Menu (Prologue) ------------------- Objectives Overview OKE Configuration Team Selection & Deployment Begin Battle System Top Menu (Battle Mode) ---------------------- OKE Configuration Team Setup Match Maker Battle Challenge Battle Premium Battle Data Transfer Battle Progress Chart System System Menu ----------- Save Game Load Game Option Return to Title Option Menu ----------- Replay Data Viewer Volume BGM Setting (only in battle mode after beating premium with all golds) OKE Configuration Menu ---------------------- OKE Selection Hardware Setup Software Setup Simulation OKE Information Setup OKE Information Setup Menu -------------------------- OKE Name Input OKE Code Input OKE Info Privacy (Release, Secret) OKE Information Setup Menu (2) ------------------------------ OKE Name Input OKE Code Input Copy Info To... OKE Info Privacy (Release, Secret) Team Setup Menu (in Battle Game) -------------------------------- Team Selection OKE Selection (for current Team) Formation Edit Team Name Setting Team Emblem Match Maker Battle Menu ----------------------- Regulations Arena Size Team Entry Standings Begin Battle Regulations Menu(s) ------------------- Regulation Battle Beginner Class Standard Class Maximum Class Custom Class Custom Settings Permissable Fuselage Permissable Weapons Team Size CPU Restriction No Restriction Medium Size and Smaller Small Size and Smaller Chip Restrictions No Restrictions Advanced and lesser Normal Chips only Battle Time Arena Size Stage Select Barricade On Off Challenge Battle Menu(s) ------------------------ Challenge Mode Destruction Mode Survival Mode Grapple Mode Team or Single Menu Single OKE Selection Team Selection Rankings Begin Challenge Battle Premium Battle Menu ------------------- Choose Enemy Team Player Team Selection Begin Battle Battle Transfer Menu -------------------- Save Data Transfer AdHoc Data Transfer Premium Battle Data Transfer Import/Export Hardware Setup Menu ------------------- Body CPU Core Armament Armor Option Slots Tuning (not avail. until unlocked by beating Premium Battle ladder) - Energy - Engine Color/Design Emblem Software Setup Menu ------------------- Edit Position Start Place Macro Copy Software to... Clear Chip Finish Software Setup Pressing Triangle during Software Programming allows you to select an area then press O (Circle) for the following menu: Programming Edit Menu --------------------- Move Selection Copy Selection Delete Selection Define Macro (allows you to enter a name) Simulation Menu --------------- Simulation Teams Set Formation of Teams (Enemy, Friend) Field Selection Time Setting (Seconds) Begin Simulation Field Selection Menu -------------------- Select Field Playable Area Setting Barricade Settings (Count) ==================== PROLOGUE WALKTHROUGH ==================== Note: I've used the system found in the two CH for PSX faqs to notate programs. Arrows without lines are GREEN. Arrows with lines are RED: \ /\ / \==/\==/ | | < > Chip with < > Chip with all green | | all red / \/ \ arrows /==\/==\ arrows A "green" arrow pointing to an edge (nothing) is just that. It works the same as a chip (that gets automatically placed at the end of a row of chips. -------------------------------------------- Prologue Mission 1 - NoOp and Grapple Attack -------------------------------------------- The first prologue teaches you how to use the NoOp chip and the Grapple Attack chip. Both are very basic, you can find descriptions in the Chip List below. Possible solution: GRAP: Grapple RET : Return START + \/ + | GRAP | | | | AUTO | + \/ + | | | RET | | | +======+ ----------------------------------------- Prologue Mission 2 - Scanning and Turning ----------------------------------------- SCAN E : Scan for Enemy GRAP : Grapple TURN : Turn Possible solution: START + \/ + /\ + |SCAN E| GRAP | | 100m > | | 0 90 | AUTO | + \/ +======+ TURN | < | RGHT | +======+ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Mission 3 - Moving, Checking Arena Boundary, and Random ---------------------------------------------------------------- The same program you used in the last mission will work here just fine. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Mission 4 - Moving, Checking Arena Boundary, and Random ---------------------------------------------------------------- If memory serves, you can continue using the same program here... ------------------------- END OF PROLOGUE BRIEFINGS ------------------------- ------------------ SCENARIO MODE OKEs ------------------ You have to program these OKEs effectively, not at the same time and not necessarily in this order. Incidentally, you usually have to defeat these OKEs before they become usable. Rusty Nail ---------- 185mm Cannon x 80 Hornet x 12 Armor 80mm 1. ECM 2. Repair 3. Coolant 4. Running Shot Maria Arena x 2 --------------- Argon Beam x 100 Hornet x 12 Flying Decoy x 6 Armor 10mm ? Coating 1. Shield 2. Repair 3. Acceleration Eggnog x 2 ---------- Tungsten x 120 Napalm Rain x 40 Hornet x 8 Armor 50mm 1. Coolant 2. ECM 3. Acceleration Jeira ----- F8 Shotgun x 120 Black Panther x 12 Armor 50mm 1. ECM 2. Coolant 3. Running Shot Tripod x 2 ---------- Argon Beam Gun x 100 Muramase x 6 Valkyrie x 8 Armor 20mm 1. ECM 2. Coolant 3. Shield Chickenhawk ----------- Argon Beam x 150 Desusu Fire x 8 Behemoth x 8 Armor 30mm 1. ECM 2. Coolant 3. Running Shot Chaika ------ Argon Beam x 120 M4 Napalm x 60 Helbad x 6 Spectre x 6 Armor 10mm 1. ECM 2. Coolant Flied ----- Argon Beam x 100 Blue Screen x 50 Myoruniru x 24 Armor 10mm 1. ECM 2. Running Shot Lotus ----- Tungsten x 110 Armor 10mm 1. ECM Arcana x 2 ---------- F10 Shot Gun x 100 Muramase x 6 Uiskaankuru x 3 Armor 80mm Beam Coating 1. Coolant 2. ECM 3. Running Shot 4. Shield Grasshopper ----------- Tungsten x 250 Avalance x 16 Armor 70mm Beam Coating 1. Coolant 2. Coolant 3. Shield Roken x 2 --------- Argon Beam x 300 F12 Shotgun x 120 Valkyrie x 12 Armor 90mm 1. Coolant 2. Coolant 3. ECM 4. Shield Angurif ------- Bluescreen x 150 F12 Shotgun x 100 Rojya x 12 Armor 80mm Bomb Coating 1. Coolant 2. Repair 3. ECM 4. Shield Noranda x 3 ----------- Lightning Stunner x 30 Jamming Rod x 4 Jamming Rod x 4 Armor 90mm ? Coating 1. Radar 2. Shield 3. Self Destruct Nekroni x 3 ----------- Lightning Stunner x 50 Blue Cat x 4 Hornet x 8 Armor 20mm Anti Stun Coating 1. Gravity Deflector 2. ECM 3. Acceleration Nekroni x 3 ----------- Kurasta Hammer x 40 Spectre x 4 Hornet x 8 Armor 10mm Beam Coating 1. Gravity Deflector 2. ECM 3. Acceleration Hades x 1 --------- Rail Gun Beam Gun Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher Air and Ground Mine Dispenser Armor 150mm Projectile Coating 1. ECM 2. Coolant 3. Shield 4. Coolant =========== PROGRAMMING =========== How to Program -------------- This is FAR from a tutorial on OKE programming. I'll organize these notes later but hopefully this start will help you with your initial forays into the "art." OKEs are programmed by arranging a series of square chips that contain various functions in a grid. Each chip has at least one output which points to either another chip OR returns to the start of the program. The Start is the entry point on the edge of the grid at which a program starts (and returns after completing a cycle). Some chips have two outputs: red and green. These are "decision" or "branch" chips. The RED output is followed if the condition of the branch is TRUE. The GREEN output is followed if the condition of the branch is FALSE. This might seem a bit confusing at first however if you imagine green to be the "normal" program flow while "red" is the alternative flow then that makes it easy to remember. Almost all chips have various parameters, for example: a chip that scans for OKEs allows you to set the range and shape of the scan area while a chip that moves the OKE allows you to specify a direction of movement. The following list of chips is a translation of all of the chip names as well as their various parameters. Note the last command on all chip settings is "set" and is the command you choose to exit the chip setting menu. Also note: with most numeric entries (rounds, etc...) You can press TRIANGLE for an easier way to enter higher numbers. =============================== CHIP PARAMETERS AND DEFINITIONS =============================== Process Chips (olive) --------------------- NoOp (Norm) Stop (Norm) - Time (30th/s) Wait (Norm) Subroutine (Norm) - Subprogram Set Counter (Exp) - To Parameter - Friend - Enemy - Time into Fight - Random (?) - My X Position - My Y Position - My Z Position - My Direction - Target Number - Target Azimuth - Target Elevation - Target X Position - Target Y Position - Target Z Position - Target Direction - Target Bodycode - Target Action Code - Target Distance - Target Distance XY Counter Calculator (Exp) - Numeric Parameter - Counter to change - Counter Parameter - Operation - Replace - Add - Subtract - Multiply - Int - Mod - Abs - Max - Min - Sqr Send Counter to Channel (Exp) - Counter - Channel Receive Counter from Channel (Exp) - Counter - Channel ----------------------------------- Conditional Branch Chips (burgundy) ----------------------------------- Weapon/Option Quantity Branch (Norm) - Weapon/Option to measure - Quantity - Higher than, Lower than quantity Battle Area Branch (Norm) - Area Search Pattern Nearby OKE Branch (Norm) - Search Pattern/Area - OKE Alliance - Enemy - Ally - None Specified - OKE Type - 2 Legged - Treaded - Hopper - Wheeled - Air - None Specified - OKE Count - Higher or Lower than Count Nearby Objects Branch (Norm) - Search Pattern/Area - Sweep Search - Square Search - Object Size - Greater than or Less than Size Missle/Weapon/Warhead Detection Branch (Norm) - Search Area - Weapon Type - Bullet - Beam - Pulse - Napalm - Grenade - Bomb - Rocket - Missile - Land Mine - Aerial Mine - Projectile - Any Type - Count - Higher or Lower than Count OKE Condition Branch (Norm) - Stat - HP - Energy - Heat - Percentage - Greater than/Less than Percentage OKE Status Branch (Norm) - Status - Wait - Moving - Turning - Jumping - Firing - Fighting - Defense - Special - Stumble Random Branch (Norm) - Percentage Time Branch (Norm) - Time from Beginning/Time til End - Amount of time (in Seconds) - Greater than/Less Than Amount of Time Target Position Branch(Adv) - Range Notes: If the target is in the specified range the branch condition is true (red). If not then the branch condition is false (green). Position From Target Branch(Adv) - Range Notes: If our OKE is within the specified range from the target's position then the branch is true (red), if we are outside of the specified range from the target's perspective then the branch is false (green) Target Operation Branch (Adv) - Operation Type - Waiting - Moving - Turning - Jumping - Firing - Fighting - Defending - Special Operation - Stumbling - Unlocking Target OKE Code Branch (Adv) - OKE Code - 0 - Non Target Lock - 20 - Anubis - 1 - Blockhead - 21 - Bad Dream - 2 - Necroni - 22 - Rockin - 3 - Jeira - 23 - Basilisk - 4 - Eggnog - 24 - Hoi Recon - 5 - Twill Shadow - 25 - Angurif - 6 - Rusty Nail - 26 - Fried - 7 - Noranda - 27 - Lotus - 8 - Torinka - 28 - Priest - 9 - Moon Shadow - 29 - Mokin Bad - 10 - Cemetary Keeper - 30 - Chaika - 11 - Park Dog - 31 - Target Drone - 12 - Grasshopper - 32 - Focus - 13 - Arakune - 33 - Bipods - 14 - Dark Boundary - 34 - Multi Legged - 15 - Hades - 35 - Hover - 16 - Chickenhawk - 36 - Vehicle - 17 - Tripod - 37 - Flying - 18 - Dark Coffin - 19 - Mariaerene Lock Detection Branch (Adv) - Lock Count Notes: Branches if Lock Count or more locks have been acquired on our OKE. Target Weapon Branch (Adv) - Armament Slot (1-5) - Armament Type - No Weapon - Assault Gun - Beam Gun - Pulse Gun - Napalm Gun - Explosives Gun - Shot Gun - Rail Gun - Hand Grenade - Aerial Bomb - Rocket Launcher - Missile Launcher - Land Mine Dispenser - Aerial Mine Dispenser Target Line of Sight Branch (Adv) Notes: Does NOT take into account objects on the battlefield. Counter Branch (Exp) - Numeric Parameter - Counter - Counter Parameter - Comparitor (Greater than, Less than, Equal) ------------------- Action Chips (blue) ------------------- Stop Operation Movement (Norm) - Direction (Left, Right, Forward, Backward) Turn (Norm) - Direction (Left, Right) Jump (Norm) - Direction (Left, Right, Forwad, Backward, In Place) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Dash (Norm) - Direction (Left, Right, Forward, Backward) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Spin (180) (Norm) - Direction (Left, Right) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Grapple Attack (Norm) - Grapple Operation (Low, High, Long Range, Auto) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Defense (Norm) - Defensive Operation (Guard, Duck) - Time of Operation (30th/s) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Special Action (Norm) - Which Action (particular to the OKE body type) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Weapon Attack (Norm) - Range - Weapon - Number of Rounds - Shot Mode (Normal Shot, Random Shot, Sniping) (Normak, Quick, Careful?) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Indirect Attack (Norm) - Direction Setting - Angle Setting - Weapon Selection - Number of Rounds - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Target Shot (Adv) - Weapon Selection - Number of Rounds - Shot Mode (Normal Shot, Random Shot, Sniping) (Normal, Quick, Careful?) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Notes: You shoot at the locked on target's fuselage. If no target is locked on then nothing happens. Spin Jump (Adv) - Direction (Left, Right, Forwad, Backward) - Spin Direction (Left, Right) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Spin Movement (Adv) - Direction (Left, Right, Forwad, Backward) - Spin Direction (Left, Right) - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Moving Shot (Adv) - Direction (Left, Right, Forwad, Backward) - Weapon Selection - Number of Rounds - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Jump Shot (Adv) - Direction (Left, Right, Forwad, Backward) - Weapon Selection - Number of Rounds - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) Indirect Attack Counter (Expert) - Direction Counter - Angle Counter - Weapon - Rounds - Processing Mode (Halt, Passthrough) ------------------ Order Chips (teal) ------------------ Set Altitude (Norm) - Altitude Setting (in Meters) Engage Option (Norm) - Option Selection Target Lock (Adv) - Range - To Lock (Enemy, Ally, None Specified) - To Lock OKE Type Auto-rotate Fuselage Toward Target (Adv) - Range - Auto Operate Rotation (Cancel, Operate) Note: Operate is turned on until Cancel is set (i.e. two instances of this chip). Set Targetting to Specific OKE Part (OKE) - Part (Body, Weapon 1, Weapon 2, ...) Target Lock Counter Setting (Exp) - Counter ------------------------------------------------ ================ EQUIPMENT CHARTS ================ --------- FUSELAGES (in progress) --------- Type Durab Weight MaxWt Capacity Wpn Energy Blockhead 2L 640 2920 6800 1200 2 2100 Necroni 2L 720 3880 10100 1600 3 2400 Geira 2L 900 5320 13200 2000 2 2600 Eggnog 2L 840 4380 12400 1800 3 2400 Twill Shadow 2L 860 4920 13200 2000 3 2600 Rusty Nail 2L 980 5800 17600 2200 3 3000 Noranda 2L 820 4160 11400 1600 3 2800 Torinka 2L 800 4880 13400 2200 3 2400 Moon Shadow 2L 700 4440 11800 1500 3 2200 ---- CPUs ---- Capacity is how many chips Speed is how many chips processed per second Weight is in kilograms Capacity Speed Weight TP-16 16c 10c/s 16kg SP-36L 36c 30c/s 70kg SP-36H 36c 60c/s 90kg MP-100L 100c 60c/s 140kg MP-100H 100c 90c/s 160kg LP-323L 323c 90c/s 260kg LP-323M 323c 120c/s 280kg LP-323H 323c 150c/s 300kg -------- Armament -------- Dest is Destructive Power Heat is Heat Generated By Weapon THeat is Heat Generated in Target by a hit Ammo is MAX Ammo capacity (defaults are often significantly lower) Weight is the Weight in Kilograms *when Ammo is Maxxed* Range is max effective range as judged by my tests Dest Heat THeat Ammo Weight Range ASSAULT GUNS Tungsten AG 76 62 40 990 9390kg 200m Waranume AG 78 66 100 990 10429kg 200m Noberiume AG 82 72 80 990 12480kg 200m BEAM GUNS Argon Beam Gun 50 88 140 990 3320kg Plasma Beam Gun 52 92 200 990 4360kg Guriumu Beam Gun 56 100 160 990 4400kg PULSE GUNS Four Getter 44 64 40 990 10300kg Blue Screen 36 64 40 990 10350kg NAPALM GUNS M4 Napalm Gun 40 92 180 990 12300kg M6 Napalm Gun 48 100 180 990 16320kg EXPLOSIVES GUNS Particle Gun 44x10 84 80 990 24480kg Corpuscle Gun 46x10 86 100 990 28540kg Molecule Gun 48x10 86 80 990 32660kg HAND GRENADES Napalm Rain 40x4 0 200 100 5800kg Crasta Hammer 68x4 0 60 100 6400kg Lightning Stunner 80 0 60 100 4200kg SHOTGUNS F8 Shot Shell 44x8 86 50 990 20480kg F10 Shot Shell 46x10 88 50 990 24520kg F12 Shot Shell 48x12 94 50 990 32520kg CANON 185mm 162 145 220 990 52760kg 215mm 188 168 240 990 64880kg ROCKETS Black Panther(sm) 72x8 66 220 12 970kg Centipede(sm) 72x10 80 200 12 1210kg Centaur(sm) 78x8 56 120 12 1450kg Hellbad(m) 76x14 92 220 6 1040kg Blue Cat(m) 76x18 118 200 6 1280kg Hellhound(m) 80x14 124 160 6 1520kg Albatross(lg) 80x24 132 280 3 1100kg Ifrit(lg) 80x32 156 200 3 1340kg Ragnarok(lg) 80x24 164 180 3 1580kg MISSILES Hornet (sm) 100 68 240 8 730kg Viper (sm) 110 80 320 8 890kg Raptor (sm) 120 86 220 8 1050kg Spectre (m) 160 68 400 4 800kg Wipan (m) 170 106 480 4 960kg Muramase (m) 36x6 132 120 4 1120kg Uisukaaankuru (lg) 250 132 500 2 860kg Typhoon (lg) 280 144 700 2 1020kg Odin (lg) 38x10 156 140 2 1180kg LAND MINE DISPENSERS Karakara 62x10 32 120 4 980kg DesusuFire 200 32 320 4 1020kg Behemoth 38x8 32 100 4 980kg Rojya 60x12 32 120 4 940kg Vulcan 40x12 32 120 4 1020kg AERIAL MINE DISPENSERS Avalanch 64x12 32 120 4 940kg Kraken 200 32 320 4 1020kg Whisper 38x8 32 100 4 980kg Forest Fire 80x18 32 240 4 860kg Valkyrie 34x8 32 120 4 1020kg GRENADE LAUNCHER Sonic Blaster 20 32 60 8 672kg Jamming Fog 30 32 100 4 512kg Earthquake 20x8 68 100 4 1120kg Porabea 20x8 68 100 4 1120kg Flying Decoy 20 32 200 4 432kg BOMBS Lucifer 40x16 0 200 24 1296kg Myoruniru 220 0 240 24 1392kg Belzebub 68x16 0 60 24 1584kg ----- ARMOR ----- Def - Defensive Strength HeatD - Heat Dissipation Efficiency SWght - Material weight TWght - Overall weight Def HeatD SWght TWght 10mm 5 5 10kg 250kg 20mm 8 5 20kg 500kg 30mm 11 5 30kg 750kg 40mm 14 5 40kg 1000kg 50mm 16 5 50kg 1250kg 60mm 18 5 60kg 1500kg 70mm 20 4 70kg 1750kg 80mm 22 4 80kg 2000kg 90mm 24 4 100kg 2500kg 100mm 27 4 120kg 3000kg 120mm 30 3 160kg 4000kg 150mm 35 3 200kg 5000kg -------------- ARMOR COATINGS -------------- Anti-Armorpiercing Armor - Protects against assault guns and shotguns Anti-Explosion Armor - Protects against missiles and rockets Anti-Beam Armor - Protects against beam guns Anti-Thermal Armor - Protects against heat damage of weapons Anti-Stun Armor - Reduces chances of being stunned Lightning Armor - When grappled, stuns the enemy Energy Formation Armor - Weak energy regeneration ------- OPTIONS ------- *explanations coming soon, quoted options are literal translations Inteference Device (ECM) Fuselage Repair Device Fuselage Cooling System Destruct System Backup Energy Tank Acceleration System Radar Enhancement "Running Fire" Device Shield Generator Gravity Deflector - Gravity field deflects incoming warheads. ========================= MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ========================= ------------- Related Links ------------- Is a wiki mini site devoted to Carnage Heart Portable. It has empty links for other CH games but there is a lot of information about CHP here. Both Carnage Heart and Carnage Heart EZ are covered at this site. There doesn't seem to be any info here from later CH games. Well, okay, so there is some Zeus 2 information up here as well. Cheeky! Takes a while to load but someone with too much time on their hands talks about Carnage Heart programming. If you're having trouble beating that last battle in Scenario Mode (there's no reward except story, btw) then you can use this guy's CHPs. I've not tried them myself but he claims that this team beat the last boss for him. A page devoted to Zeus. Genki's CHP uploader/Downloader. The official webpage for Carnage Heart Portable. ---------------------------- Controlling the Target Drone ---------------------------- You can control the target drone OKE (to the left of your OKE list). Press START while in-battle to see a list of controls. As of yet I know of no way to control other OKEs. ------------- Weapon Ranges ------------- Translated from a Japanese CHP site. Assault Beam and Pulse: 150~200 Napalm and Explosion bullet: 100~150 Shotgun: 80~120 Cannon: 200~250 Rail: 200~300 Small Rocket: 100~150 Medium Rocket: 150~200 Large Rocket: 200~250 Small Missile: 150~200 Medium Missile: 300~400 Large Missile: 450~500 Karakara: It explodes within 25m DesusuFire: Pursues within 40m Valkyrie: Snipes within 40m ------------------------------- Maximum Elevation of Armament 1 ------------------------------- I have not verified this data which was translated from a Japanese CHP site. OKEs with (*) are measured given Armament 2. Blockhead: 80 degrees Necroni: 25 degrees (*) Jeira: 60 degrees Eggnog: 40 degrees Twill Shadow: 70 degrees Rusty Nail: 90 degrees Noranda: 30 degrees (*) Torinka: 70 degrees Moon Shadow: 85 degrees Multi legs Cemetary Keeper: 30 degrees Park Dog: 30 degrees Grasshopper: 80 degrees Arakune: 45 degrees Dark Boundary: 45 degrees Hades: 35 degrees Hover Chickenhawk: 40 degrees Tripod: 90 degrees Dark Coffin: 30 degrees Mariaerene: 45 degrees Anubis: 30 degrees Vehicle Bad Dream: 20 degrees Rockin: 60 degrees Basilisk: 25 degrees Hoi Recon: 25 degrees Angurif: 70 degrees Flight Fried: - Degree of 40~25 Lotus: - Degree of 85~10 Priest: - Degree of 85~45 Mokin Bad: - Degree of 20~30 Chaika: - Degree of 60~30 Target drone: - Degree of 60~60 EOF