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Thanks and take care. ***************************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Credits----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+- Konami(www.konami.com) For one of the best Playstation games ever created, thanks a lot Konami! -+- ZKeene(www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/1484.html) For making an excellent FAQ and helping me with A LOT of pointers in my FAQ, check his out first before you check mines! -+- CJayc(www.gamefaqs.com) For his hard work and dedication to the site and also for posting up this FAQ as well. -+- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton21@hotmail.com) For typing up this FAQ (^__^) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.00: Initial release. (4/17/00) Version Last: No more updates will be made towards this guide. (10/20/00) ============================================================================= =================================Copyright=================================== ============================================================================= This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. Any violation of this code will result in strict penalty---and high fines susceptible by law. If this legal document is portrayed in any commercial use, you are therefor stricten under the code of law----and will be---punished. In full contrast, this document portrayed in the website found (www.gamefaqs.com) is to be used and only used by the public itself and cannot be sold. Revisions of this FAQ are only to be done with notice of the author before hand and may be done so as long as the name of the author of the document appears in due credit. You may juxatpose this---document with other---documents as well without notice of the author but it must not be used for sales and broadcasting or commercial use. This FAQ may not be---included in a promotional CD, magazine, or any other use of monetary product. This FAQ may not be used in a password protected area nor---in a high security area. This FAQ is solely used and ONLY used for public---use only and may not be used in a promotional ad that sponsors any type of monetary use. This FAQ is to be used "just like a book" meaning that it can be read over and over again by anybody who wishes to do so. Just like a book it can be moved around from one person to another, but unlike a book the document can be viewed by more than one person at---once. This FAQ is in no way possible to be plagerized, doing so not only damages the person you had intentionally forged, but it also damages yourself in terms of self guilt or in terms of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law. To put it at best, DON'T DO ANYTHING WITH THIS OR ANYTHING INVOLVING THIS FAQ WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! The characters Alucard, Dracula, Richter Belmont, and Maria are all copyright of Konami. Any other material found in this FAQ is copyright Dingo Jellybean, any material found relating to CV:SotN is copyright Konami (C) 1997. This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 2000 ============================================================================= ==============================End of Copyright=============================== ============================================================================= Welcome to my FAQ! Sorry for the crappy text art but its just so darn hard to carefully manipulate the characters on the logo. Anyways, I just wanted to congratulate you on purchasing, stealing, borrowing, or trading for one of the best Playstation games of all time! Come on Konami, make a new one just like this for the same system! I'll certainly go for it! Table of Contents 1. Background Information 2. Movelists 3. Walkthrough 4. Richter Belmont Tips 5. FAQ 6. Monster Listing/Weapons Listing/Armor Listings 7. Credits ============================================================================= ============================================================================= --------- Movelists --------- NOTE: For ALL moves listed for both characters, it is assumed that you DID NOT change your control configurations. Richter Belmont: Super Attack: | Triangle(must have a special weapon) Dash: | F,F(hold second forward, release to stop) Slide Attack: | D+X 360 Whip: | Hold Square, then move directional arrow Spear Thrust: | D,U+X(can be used infinitely and super jump) Somersault Backflip: | X,X(quickly) Menacing Whip: | U,UB,B,DB,D,DF,F+X/U,UF,F,DF,D,DB,B+X Alucard's spells: NOTE: All motions are in accordance to Alucard facing left or right, you DO NOT change the motion when facing either way. B = Left F = Right Dark Metamorphesis: | B,UB,U,UF,F+Square or Triangle Hellfire: | U,D,DF,F+Square or Triange Summon Spirit: | B,F,D,U+Square or Triangle Tetra Spirit: | U(charge for 2 sec.),UF,F,DF,D+Square Soul Steal: | B,F,DF,D,DB,B,F+Square or Triangle *Wolf Charge: | D,DF,F+Square **Sword Brothers: | D,DF,F,UF,U(charge for 2 sec.),D+Square ***Wing Smash: | Hold X,U,UB,B,DB,D,DF,F+Release X *Must be in wolf form. **Must have sword card turned on. ***Must be in bat form. NOTE: Once you have 50 MP, you can do these motions at anytime, actually you can use any certain spell in the beginning of the game, once you perform the spell it will be there in your menu("Spell") to remind you how to do the motion for later reference. Adrian Tepes Farenheit(Alucard): Use special weapon: | U+Attack Dash: | Triangle Super Jump: | D,U+X Double Jump: | X,X(must have Leap Stone) Spear Kick: | X, D/DF/DB+X Wolf change: | R2(must have Soul of Wolf) Bat change: | R1(must have Soul of Bat) Mist change: | L1(must have Soul of Mist) ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ----------- Walkthrough ----------- You start off as Richter Belmont as you travel back to Transylvania in 1792. Basically play through this scenario like normal, don't worry though, you can't lose. Everytime you lose your vitality Maria will come in and pray for you and you will refill your vitality. BUT, do as well as you can because it will effect Alucard's stats later in the game. And try not to use the "Triangle Move" which will also effect Alucard's stats later in the game. Afterwards you will get a small prologue to the beginning of the game. It tells of the story of how Richter Belmont successfully defeated Dracula and it tells what happened as Richter misteriously disappeared from the face of the earth. Dracula's Castle has now reappeared without any warning or clues as Maria wanders into the castle to search for her brother. ============================================================================= THE BEGINNING Alucard's level: 1 Items: Life Max, Sunglasses, Leather Shield, Hide Cuirass, Cube of Zoe, Short Sword, Resist Thunder, Cloth Cape, Knife, Basilard Monsters: Bat, Zombie, Merman, Warg, Bone Scimitar ============================================================================= Once you begin you will see Alucard run towards the castle gate before it closes. Inside, continue to go forward as you will encounter a few monsters on the way, destroy them for easy points to gain your levels. In the next room, ignore the path at the top, you can hit the giant boulder to the right to get a Pot Roast to recovery any lost HP you might have endured. Take this time to go to the bottom of the room and just kill the Sahagins for some more easy expierience, but DO NOT enter the water, water is very harmful for Draculas, and considering that Alucard is half human and half dracula, its best that you avoid doing so. You can earn a level or two, but afterwards continue to the top right of the room. In this room, keep going towards the right, in this room you will meet Death. This conversation holds that Death does not want Alucard to enter further into the castle, as Alucard refuses Death takes away ALL of his weapons and armors and relics, and basically everything that he was wearing. Don't worry, just keep going to the next room and just climb up and continue towards the left and hit the next skeleton you see until he dies. Pick up the SHORT SWORD and equip it in your inventory. To the top of the room you will find the CUBE OF ZOE, which will allow you to obtain items from the various candles around the place. Next continue onto the top left and through the room to the Alchemy Labratory. Go to the far left and destroy the skeletons and hit the switch on the platform the skeleton was standing on and step on it. Then hit the golden globe and it will drop the HIDE CUIRASS. Next go up and to the left and destroy the alchemy flaming vase and pick up and equip the LEATHER SHIELD and continue towards the top left through the doorway. In this room you will find a Knife(which is your special weapon), then continue to the top left. In this room destroy the skeleton and pick up the RESIST THUNDER by destroying the vase. Continue on and in this next room, hit the switches that removes the spikes on the floor(hit both switches). Now move the box to the RIGHT set of spikes that you removed, now hit the RIGHT spike switch again and it will create a path that will allow you to go to the top right and lead to the CLOTH CAPE. Now go back to the box and spike room and go to the left. In this room head down and to the left to the save room, press up over the hexigonal figure to save your game. Head back out to the room and go towards the top right, you can pick up the Axe if you want, but its not neccessary to defeat the upcoming boss, but it will make it a bit easier. Here at the top left room and a boss fight will start as you approach the bottom right of the room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Slorga and Gaibon HP: 200 each EXP: 200 each ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is pretty easy, stay to the bottom right and stay under the ledge, just as long as Slorga can't reach you. Wait for Slorga to drop and then hit him which will make Gaibon pick him back up. Repeat this until Slorga is gone. Gaibon will be a bit tougher. Wait until he lands and then throw him, press the "O" button to put out your shield and you can block his fireballs, but you can also destroy them as well. Watch for Gaibon to turn red, he will start to throw out giant fireballs. When he lands on the ground get near him and duck and keep slashing as he fires the giant fireballs and run around to avoid his fireballs when he fires them in the air. Afterwards you will have gained two levels for defeating these two cronies. After the battle you can pick up a LIFE MAX item which is dropped and it will not only refill your HP but it will raise your maximum HP up another level. Now continue towards the right and in this room destroy the monsters and enter the middle room in the vertical path to save your game, then go to the bottom and enter that room and make your way downwards through the lift and it will stop to allow you to go to the middle room to pick up the SUNGLASSES. Then head back out and go down and to the left, destroy the cannon to open up the path back to the beginning of the game and pick up the BASILARD. Now return to the room with the lift and go back up the lift all the way to the room after the boos fight and head to the UPPER MOST room. In this room go down or up, but you can go the downpath and pick up the POTION. Now head towards the right room and towards the Marble Gallery. ============================================================================= MARBLE GALLERY Alucard's level: 6 Items: Spirit Orb Monsters: Gaibon, Slorga, Bloody Zombie, Axe Knight, Bone Scimitar, Skeleton, Spittle Bone, Ghost, Skelerang, Marionette, Diplocephalus, Flea Man, Ctulhu, Medusa Head, Ghost, Ouija Table, Axe Knight, Slinger, Plate Lord ============================================================================= In here just destroy the Axe Knights and continue onwards to the right. Now go down and continue to make your way downwards until you start to see stained glass windows and, you will see a doorway to the bottom right, however, go to the left and pick up the SPIRIT ORB, which will allow you to see enemy damage. Which isn't neccessarily a useful relic in this game. Now head towards the right doorway. Here just make it down through the vertical path and you will see a giant Ball and Chain knight, he's pretty easy to destroy and is A LOT WEAKER than he looks. Destroy him and continue on through, you will also see a room that has ghosts popping out everywhere. These suckers are easy to destroy, so destroy them to get a lot of expierience points towards your next level. Continue on dowards, you will find a giant flying beast, its VERY POWERFUL, use your special weapon and attack it with your weapon as well. Now continue onwards towards the room and step on the switch in which the rock will drop itself and the wall will rise up. I know I know, that's all you came all this way here to do. But this will help you out later in the game, mainly shortcuts. Now head back to the room to the right and go back to the stop of the Marble Gallery. You should head back to the place where you saw a giant staircase on the right, basically go back to the beginning of the Marble Gallery where you had first entered. It shouldn't be hard because its not a maze. You will later find a room with a lot of clocks, keep going until you reach the giant clock on the wall. You will first meet with Maria, they introduce and she leaves. Don't worry about the moving statue to the top left, you can't do anything with that right now. For now, head towards the right. Keep going pass the clock room and continue your way upwards and to the next room. Keep going towards the right and in this next room you will have four ways to choose from. Take the bottom right and keep going towards the right and you will find a VERY LONG gold and stone colored hallway. You will notice a giant eye staring at your from the background, don't worry about it though, you will NEVER even encounter the giant eyeball. However, its just funny to watch it move around though. Continue through to reach the Outer Wall. ============================================================================= THE OUTER WALL Alucard's level: 9 Items: Gladius, Life Max Monsters: Skeleton Ape, Armor Lord, Sword Lord, Spear Guard, Medusa Head Doppleganger10 ============================================================================= Now when you reach here, go up and take the top left path. Keep going and keep going to the left and save your game. Now take the top right path and a boss battle will ensue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Doppleganger10 HP: 120 EXP: 500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle will be tough, but you must be patient and don't go into a fury trying to attack yourself. You should jump over his little swords that he throws at you. When he jumps at you, don't run but attack back and just swipe at him. HE reacts like you, so your attack will bounce him back as well. You axes will help out A LOT here, throw them so that it lands at him, which makes it a lot easier to win this battle because it keeps him away and it keeps him from throwing out his weapons at you. Other than that just be patient and attack him if he jumps and avoid him when he turns into a bat. After the battle you will get another LIFE MAX item which will increase your maximum HP and refill your entire loss HP. In this next room pick up the GLADIUS and equip the sword on. Now continue upwards towards the right and into the next door(you can ignore the lift, mainly because you can't ride it just yet) and to the long Library. ============================================================================= THE LONG LIBRARY Alucard's level: 10 Items: Bronze Cuirass, Uncurse(unlimited), Jewel of Open(buy), Faerie Scroll Monsters: Thornweed, Corpseweed(evolve after Thronweed), Lesser Demon, Duhron, Ectoplasm, Flea Man, Spell Book, Magic Tome, Flea Armor ============================================================================= In here continue and take the left path and keep going and keep destroying the monsters until you reach the room with the BRONZE CUIRASS. Equip it on and make your way back to the beginning of the Long Library and go up. You will encounter these flying balls of flesh, don't touch them or you'll be cursed. Luckily there is an UNCURSE in the room, equip the UNCURSE and use it like a weapon to uncurse yourself, you can keep re-entering this room and get unlimited UNCURSEs. Now continue upwards and in this room, keep going to the bottom left. You will eventually meet up with the Librarian and you can now use all those money bags you've gotten for some valuable goodies. FIRST YOU MUST BUY THE JEWEL OF OPEN, which is the valuable relic and it will allow you to open the doors with the blue seal around them(like the one you probably saw at the Marble Gallery). You can also sel any gems you might have picked up, but you can NEVER sell back any items. Now return back and take the top right portion of the hallway and you will find the FAERIE SCROLL, which will display your opponent's name. Now just exit the Long Library and come back later and back to the Outer Wall. ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE OUTER WALL Alucard's Level: 12 Items: Soul of Wolf Monsters: Skeleton Ape, Armor Lord, Sword Lord, Spear Guard, Medusa Head ============================================================================= Now go to the top of the Outer Wall and you will see a switch at the top left, keep hitting it until the Elevator is activated. Now go back to the lift you saw when you came in and ride it, then pick up the SOUL OF WOLF, which will transform you into a wolf for later in the game. Now go all the way to the top of the Outer Wall and save your game. Now enter the next area in the door RIGHT BELOW THE SAVE ROOM and you will now be at the Clock Tower. BUT, you should go back to the Marble Gallery and make your way back to the room with where you saw for stiarcases in an X shape, you took the lower right path remember? Now take the upper right path and you will see a blue door, hit that switch inside the blue door and you will open up the pink platforms you saw earlier. No go to the left after hitting the switch and go down through the now open pink barricades and into the Underground Caverns. ============================================================================= UNDERGROUND CAVERNS Alucard's Level: 13 Items: Heart Max, Bandana, Life Max, Merman Statue, Shitake Monsters: Fish Head, Bloody Zombie, Frozen Shade, Scylla, Killer Fish, Bone Archer, Bat, Toad, Frog, Skeleton Ape, Scylla Wyrm ============================================================================= Now continue down and watch for the Spear Guards, destroy them and take the next available left that you see and inside is another HEART MAX, break the wall to the left and then pick up the BANDANA and equip it on. Now go back to the room you came in(the vertical Underground Caverns room), then go to the right and save your game. Now drop straight down deeper into the caverns. There is a save room to the right, now take the left. In here take the NEXT AVAILABLE left that you see and it will lead to a LIFE MAX, enter back into the vertical room and go down(if you go up, you'll just end back where you went to get the HEART MAX and BANDANA) back into the the deeper parts of the Caverns and to the left. When you see a box in front of you, push it to the left wall, not only that but will will drown the Spear Guards! You should watch their reaction, its just funny. Now keep going to the left, and above all(no pun intended), STAY ABOVE THE WATER! Its very harmful to Alucard as it will steadily drain his HP away. Keep moving towards the left(ignore the board bridge for now) and you will see a giant waterfall, avoid the water and keep moving towards the bottom left. You will notice that its colder in here since there the water has turned into ice. Keep going to the left and you will eventually see an opening at the top, head there and pick up the SHITAKE and continue onto the left, in this door will lead to a LIFE MAX and hit the switch to open up the gate. Now GO BACK TO THE UNDERGROUND CAVERNs and continue that path to the left and take a ride with the Ferryman. It will lead you to the MERMAN STATUE relic, which will allow you to summon the oarsman. Now head back and take the top path you took earlier(where you took the SHITAKE) and you will be where you had started at the beginning of the game. Keep going through and pass where you met Death until you see a room with a Bloody Zombie, now take the bottom left room and enter through and enter the key hole. Now you will be back at the Outer Wall. ============================================================================= RE-RETURN TO THE OUTER WALL Alucard's Level: 15 Items: None Monsters: Skeleton Ape, Armor Lord, Sword Lord, Spear Guard, Medusa Head ============================================================================= Return back to the Marble Gallery(go to the bottom of the Outer Wall). ============================================================================= REVISIT TO UNDERGROUND CAVERNS VIA MARBLE GALLERY Alucard's level: 15 Items: Library Card, Attack Potion Monsters: *check monsters for Outer Wall and Marbel Gallery* ============================================================================= Upon returning, you will see another pink barricade open to you. Go down to pick up the LIBRARY CARD and the ATTACK POTION. Now continue and go take the upper left and into the next pink barricade and enter through to the Underground Caverns again. ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE UNDERGROUND CAVERNS Alucard's Level: 15 ============================================================================= Now take the straight path down, ALL THE WAY DOWN until you see the deeper parts of the Underground Caverns. Drop straight down until you see a portion of the structure that is partially turned ice. Hit the lower left part of that structure until it crumbles and continue your down until you see the Ferryman. He will take you across and make sure to pick up the HOLY SYMBOL, which will allow you to walk through water without incurring any damage. Now continue through and go to the bottom of the water and pick up the ELIXIR, LIFE MAX, and KNUCKLE DUSTER in ther waters in this room. Now head back to the left and up and take the doorway to the right, and this will ensue a boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Scylla Wyrm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is rediculously easy. Even easier than the first boss that you had fought earlier. Stay away from the wyrm in the corner and keep slashing and hacking and running away. Repeat and its mince meat. After the battle continue on through to the the right. Keep going to the right and pick up a SCMITAR and equip it and pick up the RESIST ICE in the water as well. Now continue onwards to the top and to the right and destroy the vase to pick up the POT ROAST and continue on back to the left. As the music stops you know a boss is coming up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Scylla Wyrm(3)/Scylla ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is easier than it looks. Attack the Wyrms first, you can also destroy the projectiles before they come flying at you. After destroying the Wyrms attack Scylla, you can stay in the floor that its standing on (the tentacles CAN'T harm you) and just jump up and keep attacking it. NOTE: This isn't really anythign important, but did you notice that the Scylla Wyrm had came down on the room that you were previously in? When you fought the Scylla Wyrm, Scylla was right on top of you! After the battle pick up the LIFE MAX and continue onwards to the left and pick up the CRYSTAL CLOAK. Now go back and save your game. Now take the left and then go up and make your way back to the Marble Gallery(where you came in earlier). Now when you reach the Marble Gallery, keep going up until you can reach no farther left. Now go down the the bottom left(the right left leads to a save room) and continue onward(like you did before) until you reach the room where you had to step on the lever to move the wall. Now in this room, take the bottom left room and enter through the key hole and you should enter the Outer Wall(look at the symbol on top of the key hole, it should look like a snake or a catipillar, sorry but its really hard to tell exactly what it is). Now when your at the Outer Wall, GO ALL THE WAY DOWN until you see Sword Knight, destroy him and enter the room behind him, then hit the wall on the left which will reveal a POT ROAST. NOW THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Wait here for 20 seconds and sooner or later a lift will bring you down to the bottom room below, make sure to stay in the middle of the broken stone, DO NOT STAY ON THE EDGES AND DO NOT TOUCH THE WALL. Afterwards you will be at a room down below which contains JEWEL KNUCKLES and the MIRROR CUIRASS, you can equip the JEWEL KNUCKLES if you want, the attack power is eight points higher but the range is drastically decreased from your SCIMITAR. Equip the MIRROR CUIRASS, now head back up, if you did not get the LIFE MAX earlier, then get it, which is to the far right on the ledge from the Doppleganger10 bossroom, be careful though, make a small jump because a high jump will cause you to fall down below. Now go back to the keyhole room and enter through to the key hole near the Alchemy lab. When you reach the key hole, head out and take the top left and to the Alchemy Lab and make it to the room JUST BEFORE THE ROOM YOU FOUGHT Gaibon and Slorga. In this room just before the room where you had fought Slorga and Gaibon, go around the top and land and take the doorway just above the save room. Continue on past the blue door and you will meet up with Maria again. This time Maria saids the castle isn't familiar to her, but Alucard tells her that the castle takes on a lot of reincarnations. She says her goodbyes and leaves where you came, now go and continue towards the left and into the Royal Chapel. ============================================================================= ROYAL CHAPEL Alucard's Level: 15 Items: Knight Shield, Aquamarine, Silver Plate, Life Max, Potion, Cutlass Monsters: Vandal Sword, Hunting Girl, Bone Halbred, Black Crow, Winged Guard, Corner Guard, Bone Pillar, Blue Raven, Skelerang, Bat, Spectral Sword ============================================================================= There is a save room to the left, then after saving, make your way to the top and destroy the vase to the left for the AQUAMARINE gem in which you can sell it for some money. Now make your way to the right via the long golden staircase, note that it will be a little tough destroying the enemies on the staircase and watch how you destroy the enemies, hit the top one first because the head will fall down at you. And when you encounter the giant Spike, DO NOT TRY TO DESTROY IT, it will give you about 4000 EXP at this point in the game but it has a lot of HP and will probably knock you out with a hit or two. Jump over the falling Spike and continue onwards to the right, at the end you can pick up a KNIGHT SHIELD, but other than that you won't get far, be careful when fighting the Spectral Sword though, it gives away a lot of expierience but can cause a lot of damage if you are not careful. Not take the top right doorway and ignore the door to the right when you enter the next room, its a confession room and if you sit on either side of the chairs, the spirits of the dead will probably make confessions or something, I don't think there is a significance to this portion of the game(maybe it'll come back to me later) but if there is I'll remind you later. Now continue to make your way up and you should begin to see a portion of one of the belltower, and at some point you will find at the left side of the Belltower is a room full of spikes, you can't enter through though. Continue to make your way to the top of the tower and collect a LIFE MAX and and SILVER PLATE. Equip it and then head on to the right and pass the hallyway to the second belltower and at the top is a ZIRCON gem. Afterwards continue to the right and past the long hallway to the portrait room, you should hear the music stop as you enter in here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Hippogryph ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle will be very easy, this boss will be pretty easy to defeat. Attack him normally, when it hatches its eggs destroy them before they have a chance to hatch and just basically stay at either side of the room and keep attacking. When it veers back and you see blue flames blowing out of its head, its about ready to let loose its fire breath, which does a small portion of damage but nothing to serious. After the battle Maria will come in and congratulate you. However she asks if you have seen Richter, apparently neither of you has seen him before, so she leaves. Now continue to the right pass the hallway and continue to the right until you see a save room, save your game and continue on to the top of the third bell tower. At the top pick up the POTION and the CUTLASS sword and equip the CUTLASS sword and continue on. Now continue to the right pass the door. ============================================================================= CASTLE KEEP Alucard's level: 16 Items: Tyrfing Sword, Turquoise, Leap Stone Monsters: Flea Rider, Axe Knight ============================================================================= When you enter here you will now enter the Castle Keep, but you will not see the name appear like it usually does until you reach the far right. The door in this room(the room with the two brown platforms going up and down) leads to the key hole, just go to the keyhole but don't enter it, then go back to the room with the lifts. In here take the top right to pick up the TYRFING sword, don't bother equipping it though, just stick with your CUTLASS. Now make your way to the left and continue going to the left and pick up the LEAP STONE which lets you double jump and pick up the TURQUOISE gem. Now HEAD BACK TO THE ROOM WITH THE BROWN LIFTS that you were in earlier. Head back to the key hole room and take the room to the Outer Wall(the symbol IS NOT A HORSE, its a catipillar or snake type of symbol). And go up and to the room just before the save room at the very top and enter through to the left and to the Clock Tower. ============================================================================= THE CLOCK TOWER Alucard's Level: 17 Items: Star Flail, Steel Helmet, Gold Plate, Life Max(2), Healing Mail, Bwaka Knife, TNT, Shuriken, Heart Max Monsters: Medusa Head, Phantom Skull, Skull Lord, Karasuman, Cloaked Knight, Flail Guard, Spectral Sword, Harpy, Sword Lord ============================================================================= Now take the top route and make your way to the left. BE CAREFUL in this part, expect a few structures to crumble, jump up CONSTANTLY until you reach the end, but you only need to watch for three crumbling structures. HOWEVER, if you fall down you can reset the structure by GOING BACK TO THE OUTER WALL AND RE-ENTERING. Here's a tip: You can use your Wolf after the first collapse and then use the Wolf to make the jump to avoid fallin on the second collpase, andyou can use the Wolf for the jump just prior to the third collapse, but make sure you try to get as much running start as you can before going and NOTE, THERE ARE TWO CONSECUTIVE BRIDGE COLLAPSES after the first two bridge collapses, use the Wolf and time your jumps so you can reach the other side, but to make things really easy you can use the double jump. When you finally reach the Clock Tower, there will be a point where you need to double jump, do so and continue to the left, the right leads back outside but even if you have the double jump you can't get the items on top of the posts you saw earlier. When you get to the next room, you will see flying angels of some sort, destroy them and look for two gears on the side of the wall that you can hit, hit the gears until you hear a click, then stop hitting them. Continue to the bottom left and in this next room do the same in the next room. There should be on in the water to the left and one at the top right. Hit both those switches and the bottom left path should open. In here pick up a STEEL HELM, GOLD PLATE, and the STAR FLAIL. Equip all of them and continue back outside and to the TOP RIGHT of this room(where you had hit the last two gears) and destroy the wall at the top right. It will lead to another room which will eventually lead to a LIFE MAX and a HEART MAX. Now make your way to the left and watch out when you destroy the Sword Lords, a Vandal Sword will come after you, both are prtty easy to kill. Make sure to knock the walls in this room too(even those on the staircases), you will eventually find something of value, ala the HEALING MAIL. In the next room you will find TNT, BWAKA KNIFE, and SHURIKEN. Now in this next room you will have to face a boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Karasuman ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is one of the toughest battles you have fought yet. However, it is a pretty easy battle. When you start just keep attacking him, watch for him when he lands, he will start to gather birds and then take to the skies and then release a whole bunch of birds. Get to the otherside of him when he does this and then jump up and attack him. Just keep jumping and attacking him and he will bounce away everytime until he is in the corner, then just keep attacking and jumping attacking while he is in the corner and the battle should be over. After the battle you will recieve a LIFE MAX, now head to the left door which leads back to the CASTLE KEEP. ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE CASTLE KEEP Alucard's level: 21 Items: Magicmissile, TNT, Boomerang, Shuriken, Flachion Sword Monsters: Flea Rider, Axe Knight ============================================================================= In here just step on the platform and the room will light up, wait for the platform to lift you and then head towards the top right room to save your game. Now go up and then to the right is a FALCHION sword, which is less powerful than your STAR FLAIL but it has more reach and is a quicker weapon, its up to you basically. You can take the left but you'll never reach the platform, so your only way is downwards. You can now head back to the Chapel to the bottom left and then go back past the bell towers and then you can collect those other treasures in the long staircase going down, you have to double jump to reach some of them, they are at the ledges above the staircase. You can pick up a BOOMERRANG, TNT, SHURIKEN, and the MAGICMISSILE. You may notice that there are two vases that you can't reach, don't worry about them, the items really won't have a serious impact on your game anyways. Now head down and move across back to the Alchemy Lab, then go up and through your first boss room and continue to make your way back to the Marble Gallery. ============================================================================= A NEW JOURNEY LIES IN THE MARBLE GALLERY Alucard's level: 22 Items: Heart Max, Alucart Mail, Alucart Shield, Alucart Sword Monsters: Gaibon, Slorga, Bloody Zombie, Axe Knight, Bone Scimitar, Skeleton, Spittle Bone, Ghost, Skelerang, Marionette, Diplocephalus, Flea Man, Ctulhu, Medusa Head, Ghost, Ouija Table, Axe Knight, Slinger, Plate Lord ============================================================================= Continue to the right and you should make your way to the Giant Clock where you had first met with Maria, use your Stop Watch(its a special weapon, if you don't have it there is a Stop Watch to the far right, you can obtain it by hitting candles, its in the fourth room past the Giant clock to the right, and hit the second candle from the right of that fourth room and you should recieve a Stop Watch). Now return back to the room with the Giant Clock and use your Stop Watch. A statue at the top right should move out of the way allowing you to get through. You can pick up the ALUCART SHIELD and a HEART MAX. The ALUCART shield is just a cheap rip off of the ALUCARD SHIELD you had earlier in the game. Don't bother equipping it as it is an obvious fake(just like the Excalipur to the Excalibur in FF5, you Final Fantasy fans should know this). In the next room you will find the ALUCART SWORD and ALUCART MAIL, they are obvious fakes as well. Now when you get back down, the statue to the left should be open as well. Make your way to that area and continue onward and you should find a LIFE MAX. Make your way to the door on the left. ============================================================================= ORLOX'S QUARTERS Alucard's level: 22 Items: Cheese, Onix, Broadsword Monsters: Poltergeist ============================================================================= This place will be pretty tough, just keep an eye out for things and you don't have to destroy every monster, but then again they do give you a lofty amount of expierience points. Now continue to make you way up until you are in a room with the POLTERGEIST in the middle. On the bottom right of this room, destroy the wall and continue through to pick up the ONIX gem, CHEESE, and the BROADSWORD. You should still stick with the stronger weapon(STAR FLAIL) but this sword does provide more reach though. Now continue your way through to the top right(watch out in this next room though, there are some rather tough enemies). Keep going to the right and make your way until you see the key hole room with the goat symbol on top of the key hole. Now leave and go back to the POLTERGEIST room and enter the door on the left. ============================================================================= COLLOSEUM Alucard's level: 23 Items: Soul of a Mist, Life Max, Green Tea, Shield Rod, Library Card, Blood Cloak, $1000 money bag Monsters: Hunting Girl, Gravekeeper, Werewolf, Minotaurus, Blade Master, Armor Lord, Bone Scimitar, Blade Soldier, Plate Lord, Axe Knight, Owl Knight, Paranthropus, Bone Musket, Owl ============================================================================= You will now be at the Colloseum(boy don't you love that uptempo beat that this stage has? Sounds a bit 80's like but I like it!). Now continue going to the left until you stop at a wall that only a MIST can pass through, go upwards and you should see a large colleseum room. You will see several Blade Masters(watch out they are tricky), in the middle of this room you will find a hidden roof, you can destroy with the axe(it should be around both the podium structures). Now continue to make your way to the left and then drop down. You will see a path below you and to the left, take the bottom right path to a boss. You will also pick up the LIBRARY CARD just prior to stopping there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Werewolf and Minotaurus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OH NO! Its Richter Belmont, has the Vampire Slayer turned evil? From the looks of things he has. He sends two of his fiends after you, watch out though, this can be your toughest battle yet. Attack the Werewolf first and then watch for him to zoom towards you, jump when you anticipate it. Watch for the Minotaur to use his giant flame attack, he will execute it after he lands from jumping to the ceiling. Also watch for the Werewolf to spin at you from the ceiling as well, you can double jump to avoid it and then attack when he lands. You will have to do a lot of hit and run in this battle though, so stay alert and attack when you have the chance. After the battle Alucard knows for certain that was a Belmont and why is Richter Belmont lord of the castle? After the battle pick up the LIFE MAX and continue towards the right, go to the right and pick up the SOUL OF A MIST relic, which will allow you to turn into a mist. Now step on the switch to release open the path below and drop down until you stop at the red cage lift and head to the right until you reach a save room. Save your game and then head out and drop to the bottom and head to the right and pick up a HEART MAX, note that there are four different special weapons in this room. You can come back here to switch any special weapons that you may want while you are in this stage. Now make your way to the far left and pick up the BLOOD CLOAK, its pretty useful but it comes at the expense of your defense, you can decide whether or not your extra hearts is worth your declining defense. Now make your way back to the red cage lift, move to the left(BE CAREFUL in this room, its quite tough to get by and you will have to take a few hits) and destroy the monsters in here as quickly as possible. Now continue towards the left until you reach a save room. Now is the time to save your game, you can go to the top and hit the switch to the left(which will open the path back to the Royal Chapel). After that head directly downwards and to the bottom left, in here there are a lot of enemies(even the Musket Bone, which are pretty annoying) in here, but the prizes are well worth it. You can pick up the SHIELD ROD and a $1000 bag at the end of this room. When you acquire you SHIELD ROD, equip a shield(if you didn't already have one) and press the "Circle" and "Square" button at the same time, this will create a special effect for Alucard which can give him special attributes for a limited amount of time, this does take up MP though(but your MP refills gradually on its own anyways) but if you combine it with the right shield, the effects can be devastating, that is for your opponent. Now continue towards the fight and destroy the monsters, there is an Owl Knight who is pretty tough but if you destroy the eagle you can attack him as he looks over his fallen owl(Awwww! How cute! Oh well, his loss). This makes killing the Owl Knight MUCH easier to kill. Now continue towards the right side and you will find a room with a Grave Keeper. Kill him and pick up the GREEN TEA. Now head back to the left and go up(you can save your game if you wish) back to the Royal Chapel. ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE ROYAL CHAPEL Alucard's level: 23 Items: None Monsters: *See monsters for Royal Chapel* ============================================================================= If you go back to the confession room and sit on the chair, the people will cover the themselves and try to attack you, the damage isn't anything to worry about, but its just optional if you want to see it. Now make your way up through the bell towers and back to the Castle Keep. ============================================================================= CASTLE KEEP RE-VISITED Alucard's level: 23 Items: None Monsters: *Check monsters for Castle Keep* ============================================================================= Now in here, keep going to the right until you reach the key hole room. In here head to the Outer Wall(the symbol should look like a snake or catipillar) and then head back to the Long Library. It should be below from the door you came from(hit select and check your map). ============================================================================= NEW DISCOVERIES LIE UNBOUND IN THE LONG LIBRARY Alucard's level: 23 Items: Holy Rod, Stone Mask, Topaz Circlet, Frankfurter, Takemitsu, Onyx, Faerie Card, Antivenom, Potion, Life Max Monsters: *look up monsters for Long Library* ============================================================================= Now head back up and go the same route you did when you went to the old Librarian(go up then upleft) but instead of going to the old Librarian, use your not so newly acquired double jump to reach the other platforms above the old Librarian route, well actually you can only reach the middle route, and when you reach here. Save your game and continue to the left. Make your way past this room and continue onto the next room, which is pretty large. When you enter here, destroy the enemies and then you reach farther up, double jump and then use the Mist transformation to give yourself a slight boost to reach the top. Now go to the top right and inside pick up the STONE MASK and equip it if you like. Now keep going to the right and push the library shelf and pick up the TOPAZ CIRCLET and the HOLY ROD. The HOLY ROD is weaker than the SHIELD ROD, but it can attack MUCH quicker. The choice is up to you, now head back outside and before you head to the bottom try to cover all the missing squares in this room(look on your map, you should see white lines marked around the blue box). When you reach down here, you will encounter a tough boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Lesser Demon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle shouldn't be tough actually, it will be tough if you allow it to let out too many monsters. Just jump up and keep attacking the lesser demon, he will create a portal which will release a monster of any kind, but basically jump up and keep attacking the Lesser Demon. Attack him until he's gone. After the battle pick up the LIFE MAX and continue onwards to the left. When you destroy the statue heads pick up the TAKEMITSU, ONYX gem, and the FRANKFURTER. Now use your Mist to get through the gate and pick up the SOUL OF BAT, and now head out and save your game. Now head out to the right and then head to the top via the SOUL OF BAT and into the next room, and pick up the ANITVENOM, POTION, and the FAERIE CARD relic. You should turn on the FAERIE CARD, then head back to the OUTER WALL. ============================================================================= RETURN TO ORLOX'S QUARTER'S VIA THE OUTER WALL Alucard's Level: 24 Items: Iron Ball, Estoc, Resist Fire, Luck Potion, Manna Prism, Life Max, Echo of Bat, Heart Max, Garnett Gem, Sword Card Monsters: Spectral Sword, Poltergeist, Hammer, Blade, Orlox, Armor Lord, Bloody Zombie ============================================================================= Head up and go back to the room with the key hole(you can check your map, its the yellow dot). Reach Orlox Quarters using the keyhole, the symbol should be a goat at the top. Go left and then head upwards using your bat to reach the LONG VERTICAL passage. Along the way you can pick up the MANNA PRISM, RESIST FIRE, and LUCK POTION. When you reach this room, keep going left, you will also notice prison guards that come up and want out, but this has no effect on the game whatsoever. When you reach the end, destroy the vase to pick up the ESTOC sword. This sword will boost your attack by 14(on both hands) but will decrease your defense down by 5. Its up two you, personally I would keep what you have right now. Then continue onwards down. In here you will be in Orlox's courtyard(as I would like to call it) and continue onwards to the left until you reach a small room with an IRON BALL. And also, you must use your Wolf or your bat you get through. When you reach upon this room, a boss fight will start. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Orlox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orlox will be sitting on the chair, take this time to get a few cheap shots in(hehehe). This battle shouldn't be tough, keep attacking him and attack the little enemies he tries to throw at you(you can get some EXP by destroying them). After you damage him enough he will turn into a bigger and badder Orlox. He doesn't even do much damage in this form, you can EASILY trade hits with him and still end up winning with enough life leftover for another Orlox. He does have a lot of HP though, but other than that, he should be pretty easy to destroy. After the battle pick up the LIFE MAX and use your bat to fly to the top left and then pick up the ECHO OF BAT to the left. Then head back to the Courtyard. Now head to the middle right of the courtyard(you will need your bat) and go through to the right path, you should find a GARNETT gem. Then head to the left path in the courtyard. Keep going to the left to pick up the HEART MAX and then continue on, now when you reach the stone bridge, hit the ceiling that is to the far left of the stone bridge. In here is the SWORD CARD, just switch to the Sword familiar(it will help in a big way later on) and then continue back down and to the left. ============================================================================= RE-VISIT A LA THE ROYAL CHAPEL Alucard's level: 25 Items: Morningstar, Mystic Pendant, Ankh of Life Monsters: *check monsters for Royal Chapel* ============================================================================= When you reach here, destroy the little golden statue to let you through. Now head back to the long golden stairway and use your double jump to reach the top and pick up the MORNINGSTAR. In the long stairway there were to vases that you wouldn't reach, now you can with your bat. The first vase contains nothing while the second vase contains an ANKH OF LIFE, equip it and the third vase contains a MYSTIC PENDANT, equip that as well and you can save your game if you like. Then go back to the Alchmey Lab. ============================================================================= RETURN ONCE AGAIN TO THE ALCHEMY LAB Alucard's level: 25 Items: Heart Max, Skill of Wolf Monsters: *check monsters for Alchemy Lab* ============================================================================= Now when you reach here, go back to your first boss room(head past the blue door and then go to the upper right) and use your bat to fly across and pick up the BAT CARD relic. Its up to you if you want the BAT over the SWORD familiar, using the bat more often is more beneficial when you become a bat, but the SWORD can be used as a weapon later on. Now go back to the vertical hallway(the 3rd hallway before the large boss room) and break the wall to the left and pick up the HEART MAX, then head to the right. In here you will notice the path that you couldn't reach earlier, use your bat to fly up and then go to the right and pick up the SKILL OF WOLF. Then head back to the begining of the game(The Entry Hall). ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE ENTRY HALL Alucard's level: 25 Items: Life Max(2), Power of Wolf, Pot Roast, Heart Max, Holy Mail Monsters: *check monsters for Entry Hall* ============================================================================= When you reach the room with the Bloody Zombies, go to the far right and use your bat to reach the middle path and collect the LIFE MAX. Then head back to the place where you had met Death(you can just drop down), then to the left is a room where you can pick up a HEART MAX. Now go back to the near beginning of the game in the room where all the Mermans jump up, there is a stone wall that you broke earlier to collect the POT ROAST, go through the left side as a Bat until you reach the end, and then transform into a Wolf and go back to the other end. The path to the bottom left will open up for you, go inside the room and collect the items and then head out and from the water and use that bat to move up to the left opening in the ceiling. Now continue through to the left(watch out though, there are some tough enemies here) until you reach a save point. Save your game and then continue on through. At the top you can pick up the HOLY MAIL and return to the entrance gate. Use your bat to fly up to the top and pick up the LIFE MAX and the POWER OF WOLF. Now return back to the place where there were Mermans jumping through the water, go take the bottom right and back to the Underground Caverns. ============================================================================= RE-RE-RETURN TO THE UNDERGROUND CAVERNS Alucard's level: 25 Items: Herald Shield, Shitake, Life Max(2), Toadstool, Secret Boots, Heart Max Monsters: *check monsters for Underground Caverns* ============================================================================= In here head back to the waterfall(to the right of the Ferryman) and head to the right past the flow of the waterfall and destroy the Frozen Shade and pick up the LIFE MAX. Now head back to the waterfall and pick up the SHITAKE and the TOADSTOOL and use your bat to go to the upper left. In this room hit the switch to the left and an Ape Skeleton will throw the dynamite barrel and cause the bridge to explode and a message will say: "SOMETHING WILL APPEAR NEAR THE WOODEN BRIDGE" so pick up the HERALD SHIELD and go back to the right over the waterfall(you should remember a bridge that you were standing on when you had first got here) and also in the waterfall, I forgot to tell you, behind the waterfall are SECRET BOOTs, but the only thing they do is increase your height! Seriously! Now head to the top right and past the wooden bridge, then re-enter that room (because you destroyed the Ape Skeleton earlier when you came in here) and then move towards the left destroying all frogs until you see the Ape Skeleton FROM A DISTANCE. don't let him throw that barrel at you until he reaches the wooden bridge, then let him throw the barrel at the wooden bridge and pick up the LIFE MAX and the HEART MAX and then enter the Catacombs. ============================================================================= JOURNEY THROUGH THE ABANDONED MINES Alucard's level: 25 Items: Life Max, Demon Card, Peanuts, Barley Tea, Karma Coin, Power of Sire, Combat Knife, Ring of Ares Monsters: Thornweed, Corpseweed, Venus Weed, Salem Witch, Cerberos, Gremlin ============================================================================= Now when you reach here head all the way down and then save your game. And then head upwards through that giant opening mouth and continue through and expect a boss battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Cerberos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle will be pretty easy. If you have the Holy Water in your possession, you can just keep throwing them at Cerberos from the ledge and call it a day. You can also you your HERALD SHIELD and SHIELD ROD in this battle(Square and Circle at the same time) to protect yourself from fire damage. Your Bat or Sword familiars will help out as well, this battle is just simply too easy to win, just keep attacking and use the platforms or ledges to avoid its fire attack. After the battle pick up the LIFE MAX and continue onwards to the right. Now drop down and take the left to pick up the DEMON CARD relic, now TURN ON THE DEMON CARD relic and return back to the top of the vertical shaft in which you came through. You noticed that there was a switch that you couldn't get through, at the top right of the vertical shaft the Demon will press the switch and open the blocaded door and you can travel through. Keep going to the right but watch for a Venus Weed, its tough to kill and you will have to be careful. After destroying her, continue to the right. In this next room pick up the RING OF ARES, this ring will increase your strength by 24 and your attack power by 24, however it drops your already low defense by 24, I'd just stick with what you have right now. Now hit the wall to the left and it will break apart and enter through and pick up four PEANUTS, BARLEY TEA, and the POWER OF SIRE. Then head out and then back up and back to the long vertical shaft. Then drop down to the next level, you will see three passages to the right, left, and down, take the down path and continue to drop down below the vertical shaft. In here pick up two SHITAKE mushrooms, when you reach the bottom of this shaft, take the left path and pick up the KARMA COIN and the COMBAT KNIFE and head back out and to the right. Continue through down to the next area. ============================================================================= CATACOMBS Alucard's level: 26 Items: Monster Vial, Bloodstone, Cat-Eye Circlet, Heart Max, Life Max(2), Ballroom Mask, Walk Mail, Morgemail, Ice Brand, Spikebreaker armor, Karma Coin(2), Cross Shuriken(2) Monsters: Granfaloon, Hellfire Beast, Discus Lord, Slime, Thornweed, Wereskeleton, Large Slime, Bone Ark, Gravekeeper ============================================================================= Now when you reach down here, save your game at the left door. Then continue to the right and pick up the BLOODSTONE, THEN HIT THE WALL TO the left. It will reveal a CAT-EYE CIRCL.(full name: CAT-EYE Circlet, boy real hard to figure out (^_^)) this circlet is one of the rarest items in the game and people have a hard time finding this? Now continue past the save room and to the right and then in the next room go downward to the left. In here you will see a lot of old caskets, 3 of the contain a MONSTER VIAL while the other three contain Blood Skeletons. Keep going to the left and pick up a HEART MAX and a LIFE MAX and continue onward. You will encounter a few tough enemies so be prepared. Eventually you will start to see a Lava Pit of some sorts, in the room when you see a Discus Lord, destroy him by getting close and ducking under his weapon. Then head upwards suing your bat and destroy the vases to pick up a BALLROOM MASK, and a HEART MAX, then go to the left and destroy the wall and pick up the ICE BRAND sword. Now head back down and to the left until you get out of the lava pits. In this room destroy the Gremlins, the room to the left contains nothing, but you should enter it anyways to add to your percentage. Now head out and take the top right into a save room and save your game and continue to the right and pick up the WALK MAIL, if you had followed this walkthrough, the WALK MAIL should give you stronger defense. If not then follow the rest of the first half of this walkthrough and go back and see what you have missed. Now head out of the save room and keep going left and you will eventually encounter a boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Granfaloon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Man this is one fugly monster(yes I meant fugly, combined the four letter word with ugly and that's what you get). It will rise out of the middle of the room so watch out. This battle WILL BE TOUGH, call out your Bat or Sword familiar to help you out in the fight. Keep attacking the Granfaloon and destroy its little monsters that it drops, and he usually drops about 20 at a time(your Bat will WORK VERY EFFECTIVELY AND WONDERFULLY IN TAKING OUT THESE LITTLE MONSTERS). You will have to attack 8 parts of Granfaloon, keep attacking one portion until it gets destroyed. Also watch out for the tentacles when you destroy the parts of Granfaloon, it will fire a rather powerful beam at you. Your Axe or your Bible works GREAT in this battle. You don't have to destroy all the parts to Granfaloon, when the middle tentacles open up, attack the center constantly and when it dies, the rest should fall with it. After the battle pick up a LIFE MAX and then continue to the bottom left. In here go up and to the top right and inside pick up the MORMEGIL sword. The go back down and go past the boss room and back past the lava pits. Now when you get pass the old caskets room, keep going to the right until you see a room with Slimes and Large Slimes(they can only be harmed by the Bible or the ICE BRAND sword. Now head top right and you will see a dark room ahead, DO NOT ADVANCE FURTHER YET. First initiate your Bat transform, and then press "Triangle" to create a light beacon to see your way across. After you have made your way through step on the platform to finally hit the switch to reveal the light in this room. Now continue onwards to the right until you see four vases, they contain 2 CROSS SHURIKENs and two KARMA COINs. Then drop down below and continue towards the left into the next room. In this room pick up the SPIKE BREAKER armor and then head back out and into the spike room, if you were your SPIKE BREAKER armor in this room, you can break the spikes but the SPIKE BREAKER drops your overall defense down, use the SPIKE BREAKER to get through this room without any hassle and continue onward pass the room with the Slimes. In the next romm take the upper left and then head out of the Catacombs. ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE ABANDONED MINES Alucard's level: 28 Items: None Monsters: *look for monsters in Abandoned Mine area* ============================================================================= When you return here, go up past the vertical shaft. Then continue to go up and back to the Underground Caverns. ============================================================================= REDUNDANT PATH TO THE UNDERGROUND CAVERNS Alucard's level: 28 Items: Meal Ticket, Claymore, Moonstone, Gold Ring Monsters: *check Underground Cavern for monsters* ============================================================================= Now from here head up and continue to go to the right until you see the long vertical shaft(you know the shaft you dropped from when you had first came here). When you reach here, use your bat and reach the top right, you will see a path that you couldn't reach to earlier. In here, continue to the right until you reach the vase, destroy it and it will reveal a CLAYMORE sword. Then continue on downwards and go through the bottom right. In here 4 vases will contain a MEAL TICKET and the last vase will contain a MOONSTONE. Now go to the left and then save your game, afterwards, head to the right and continue through until you see a purple and black colored save icon. Press up on it and it will bring you to another location, this is the Nightmare stage, and you cannot see it on the map. Here Alucard meets with his mother, Lisa. She is tied to a cross and she will gladly surrender her life for the saving of others, before she dies she wants Alucard to remember her last words, she wants Alucard to despise humans, but after overdoing it, Alucard finally figures out that her mother is not on that cross. Then enter Succubus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Succubus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is pretty easy, just jump up and keep attacking her. You can easily avoid her attack. Even if it does connect it does pathetic damage anyways. After the battle Succubus finally figures out that he is the son of Dracula. However, Alucard leaves her to her fate, he then is transported back out of his own Nightmare and to the side of him is a GOLD RING. Pick it up and then head out of this small secluded area and then head downwards and then continue to the left. Keep going left until you reach the area where you see the Ferryman, in this area take the upwards opening and then continue back to the Entry Hall. ============================================================================= RE-REVISIT TO THE ENTRY HALL Alucard's level: 28 Items: None Monsters: *check Entry Hall section* ============================================================================= When you reach here, take the upper left, pass the room you met Death in and you should be in a room where you see a Bloody Zombie, take the top left path back to the Alchemy Lab. ============================================================================= RE-RE-REVISIT TO THE ALCHEMY LAB Alucard's level: 28 Items: None Monsters: *check Alchemy Lab section* ============================================================================= When your in here, keep going to the left until you reach the blue door which leads to the Royal Chapel. ============================================================================= THE SILVER RING LIES IN THE ROYAL CHAPEL Alucard's level: 28 Items: Silver Ring Monsters: *check Royal Chapel section* ============================================================================= Now when you enter here you can use your Wolf to dash through(F,F, hold F the second time) this long stairway. Keep going until you reach the room with the Spectral Sword, then take the top right and keep going until you reach the bell tower. When you reach the bell tower go all the way up and into the room you saw earlier with all the spikes. Put on your Spike Buster Armor and then continue onwards. You will eventually meet up with Maria(one question for Konami, how the **** did she get in here?), you found a Belmont but he's the lord of this castle, she can't believe what your saying and then leaves. Behind her lays the SILVER RING, pick it up and then continue onwards out of here. Continue to the right and keep going to the right until you reach the Castle Keep. ============================================================================= REVISIT TO THE CASTLE KEEP Alucard's Level: 28 Items: None Monsters: *check Castle Keep section* ============================================================================= In here just basically keep going right until you reach the key hole room. When you reach the key hole, keep going until you reach the Outer Wall (once again its the one with the snake or catapillar symbol). ============================================================================= REVISIT TO THE OUTER WALL Alucard's Level: 28 Items: Garnet Gem Monsters: *check Outer Wall section* ============================================================================= Go downwards. Here you can pick up the gold vase you missed earlier, in it contains the GARNET gem. Along the way here you can stop by the Long Library and exchange all your gems for some money. Then keep going down until you reach the Marble Gallery. ============================================================================= REVISIT TO THE MARBLE GALLERY Alucard's level: 28 Items: None Monsters: *check Marble Gallery* ============================================================================= You can use your Wolf to get through that long and annoying hallway. Keep going left until you reach the Giant Clock(where you had first met Maria). In here WEAR YOUR GOLD AND SILVER RINGs, they will open up the bottom path. First take the upper path and go upwards using your bat. When you reach up here to the right is the GRAVITY BOOTS relic, which will allow you to perform those super jumps like Richter can. To the left is a POTION, HAMMER, and a LIFE APPLE for your fairy to use whenever she needs it. Now just drop back straight down, you will land on the black lift, to the right is a LIFE MAX and a HEART MAX, and to the left is a save room. It isn't neccessary to save though. Then when your done head down via the black lift. Meet up with Maria(once again, how did she get here? Is she some kind of genie?), she will have found out the Richter has joined forces with the enemy and tells you not to harm Richter. She gives you the HOLY GLASSES, they will help see through evil illusions. Also notice how the room she's in is upside down, hmmmm... how odd. Oh well, head out of here and back up to the right and continue back to the Outer Wall. ============================================================================= REVISIT TO THE OUTER WALL Alucard's level: 28 Items: None Monsters: *Refer to Outer Wall section atop* ============================================================================= Now from here, go back to the key hole and back to the Castle Keep. You should only have to enter the key hole once to get there. ============================================================================= THE BATTLE WITH RICHTER AWAITS Alucard's level: 28 Items: Ghost Card, Life Max(2), Heart Max(2), Resist Dark, Resist Holy, Pot Roast, Turkey, Sirloin, Resist Stone, Frankfurter, Platinum Mail Monsters: Flea Rider, Axe Knight, Richter, Shaft ============================================================================= When you reach here use your super jump(D,U+X) and make your way outside and when you reach outside, use your bat or your super jump to reach the upper right room. Inside this room contains 2 LIFE MAXs, and 2 HEART MAXs, and to the bottom right contains a GHOST CARD relic, its your last familiar that you find. Then head back outside and reach the left side and keep going left until you reach that other portion of the red staircase. Also when you reach here, look upwards and enter the staircase at the top(you will have to switch the switch to the right of the staircase, you will have to break the small wall), then pick up the following: FRANKFURTER, POT ROAST, TURKEY, SIRLOIN, RESIST STONE, RESIST DARK, RESIST HOLY, and PLATINUM MAIL. Keep going and you will eventually find Richter Belmont, whom you will have to defeat. It appears that he wants the battle between the Belmonts and Dracula to last for an eternity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Richter/Shaft(w/HOLY GLASSES) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle will be tough, he will use his "supers" often, the Holy Cross super YOU MUST WATCH OUT FOR and stay as far away from him as you can. But FIRST, put on your Holy Glasses(however you can leave them off and kill Richter to see one of two endings) and attack that moving green sphere. And notice that the music sounds a little familiar(its a remix of the first stage tune from Castlevania: Dracula X). Keep attack Richter and use your Sword familiar for help, stay away from him when he powers up and then attack him. After the battle: You destroyed Shaft: Shaft brings himself together and brings another castle out of the sky and leaves for that castle. Afterwards, you will notice(or hear) that Alucard was the one who fought alongside Trevor Belmont(remember Castlevania II for the NES?). However, Alucard tells Maria to take Richter out of here as we will settle this alone. You destroyed Richter: You will see one of two endings, depending on your overall percentage. And you will hear one of the best songs ever: "I am the Wind." When you destroy Shaft, you should have these relics: ------------------------------------- | Soul of Bat | (blank) | | Echo of Bat | (blank) | | Soul of Wolf | Power of Wolf | | Skill of Wolf | Form of Mist | | (blank) | (blank) | | Cube of Zoe | Spirit Orb | | Gravity Boots | Leap Stone | | Holy Symbol | Faerie Scroll | | Jewel of Open | Merman Statue | | Bat Card | Ghost Card | | Faerie Card | Demon Card | | Sword Card | (blank) | | (blank) | (blank) | | (blank) | (blank) | ------------------------------------- However, if you are missing a relic, its really not important. Mainly you don't need the SWORD CARD, FAERIE CARD, GHOST CARD, DEMON CARD, BAT CARD, GRAVITY BOOTS, and the HOLY SYMBOL. Other than that you should be fine. Now embark your journey to the Inverted Castle. NOTE: You can enter the regular castle at anytime, you just have to press up over the portal in the Reverse/Castle keep. Or you can use your LIBRARY CARD, which will transport you over directly to the old Librarian. ============================================================================= ------------------- [ Beginning of the Inverted Castle ] -------------------- ============================================================================= Alucard's level should still be at 28 or 29, anything around that level. Now when you arrive at the Inverted Castle(and yes, it is a separate castle and note that even though its the exact same design as before, it still is A LOT more different than you had expected). Now continue towards the left and keep going and then go back to the staircase that you went to just prior to defeating Shaft, down here grab the HEART MAX, LIFE MAX, HEART MAX, ROYAL CLOAK, LIFE MAX, HEART MAX, LIFE MAX, and yes BASTARD SWORD. Then head back up and keep going to the left and into the room you got the GHOST CARD in, in here pick up the RESIST FIRE, HIGH POTION, RESIST ICE, RESIST STONE, and RESIST THUNDER. Now head outside to the Reverse Keep area and go around the middle to the right(using your bat or super jump) and knock down the wall on the right and pick up the IRON BALL that is behind the wall. Then head to the left and take the bottom doorway which leads to the brown lifts. In here go to the left and drop down and go to the left and pick up the LIBRARY CARD. Then go back up and take the next available left to save your game. After you have saved your game, go upwards to the door on the left and enter through, you will reach the Clock Tower. ============================================================================= REVERSE TOWER Alucard's Level: 28 Items: TNT, Bwaka Knife, TNT, Life Max, Heart Max, Moon Rod, Shuriken, Ring of Vlad, Diamond Gem, Sunstone, Life Apple, Karma Coin, Luminus Sword, Smart Potion, Strength Potion, Dragon Helmet, MagicMissile Monsters: Darkwing Bat, Medusa Head, Cloaked Knight, Vahalla Knight, Bomb Knight ============================================================================= IMMEDIATELY when you reach here, you are attacked by a boss so be prepared and arm yourself! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Darkwing Bat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be careful in this battle. Get a few cheap shots in before it starts to attack. When it attacks, it will blow a gust with its wings, to avoid this stay directly below him and keep and if you have an Axe you can use it against him while you are under him. Then when he stops the gust, go towards him and jump and slash, then repeat. After the battle you will recieve the RING OF VLAD relic and then continue onwards to the left. Now in here destroy the walls and pick up a SHURIKEN, BWAKA KNIFE, and TNT. Now head to the next room and take the top right and destroy the wall, in here is a MOON ROD and then go back outside and keep going to the left. You will eventually reach the Clock Tower, hack the wall on the right and make your way through to the bottom and pick up a HEART MAX and a LIFE MAX. Note that in this room, each time you move a new Cloaked Knight will appear. Now head back outside and remember those gears you had to keep on hitting? Well do it again, but this time it will be MUCH HARDER to do that before since you have to jump higher and a lot more interference comes your way. Then take the top left and hit the gears in that rooms again, once again you should hear a click. Once you hear a click DON'T HIT THE GEAR ANYMORE. Once all four gears are hit, go back to the right and the room should be open at the upper right part of the room. Inside is a DIAMOND gem(most valuable), LIFE APPLE, and the SUNSTONE. Equip the SUNSTONE and move on to the left and continue on until you see the Clock Tower courtyard with the Vahalla Knights. Now keep going to the left until you reach the room with the DRAGON HELM. In this very courtyard there is also a KARMA COIN and a MAGIC MISSILE at the top middle of this area, in the middle of the Clock Tower courtyard there is a STRENGTH POTION, LUMINUS sword and a SMART POTION. Now keep going left until you see a doorway, enter through and take the door on the left which will lead to the Reverse Wall. ============================================================================= REVERSE WALL Alucard's level: 29 Items: None Monsters: Stone Skull, Paranthropus, Jack O' Bones, Nova Skeleton, The Creature ============================================================================= In here go down and save your game, then head out and keep going upwards. The door above the Clock Tower door leads to a key hole, enter it and then come back out to the Reverse Wall. Keep going up until you see the next door, which will lead to the Reverse Library. ============================================================================= Reverse Library Alucard's Level: 29 Items: Turquoise Gem, Opal Gem, Library Card, Resist Fire, Resist Ice, Staurolite, Guantlet, Resist Stone, Neutron Bomb, Resist Fire, Resist Ice, Badelaire Monsters: Lion, Tin Man, Schoo, Scarecrow ============================================================================= The lightning in this place has changed and so has the enemies, but I really like the music though(its the same as the Reverse Chapel). Keep going to the right until you reach the book shelf. You will also notice that the Librarian is gone, but destroy the statues and pick up the LIBRARY CARD, OPAL gem, and TURQUOISE gem. Now keep going to the left until you see the main Library hall, from here go down and take the right path which will lead to a save room. Then after saving your game, you should then keep going to the right. From here going right and drop down and go to the bottom left and pick up a NEUTRON BOMB and move the library shelf and pick up the BADELAIRE. Then continue and go upwards, but the enemies are strong here though, and keep going and pick up the STAUROLITE. Now return back outside past the save room and when you reach the main Library Hall, go down and then pick up a RESIST FIRE, RESIST ICE, and RESIST STONE. Then keep going to the left, although there isn't anything to the left, it still can help out your overall percentage a bit. Now take the top left path and keep going upwards. NOTE: The Lion may sometimes drop a GAUNTLET, it all depends on your overall luck. Now keep going until you exit out of the Reverse Library and into the Reverse Wall again. ============================================================================= REVISTED REVERSE WALL Alucard's level: 31 Items: None Monsters: *refer to Reverse Wall* ============================================================================= Okay I admit it, there wasn't much to do in there besides add to your percentage, but you must admit that it was worth it since you did gain a few levels rather quickly. Now keep going upwards, you will eventually find a path along the right side. Now enter through here and get ready for a boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: The Creature ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woh! Call Bill Nye because his son is missing! Okay okay, enough with the dumb jokes. In this battle just basically keep hitting him, and then attack him as he rolls over to a corner, jump over him each time he does his rolling attack. And attack him when he stops at the corners, then repeat and wham, your done. After the battle pick up the TOOTH OF VLAD relic and then continue onwards to the right and at the top right, go ahead and save your game. Now head out to the left and keep going to the left and then go upwards. You will see a vase upwards to the left, destroy it for a LIFE MAX(there was also a LUCK POTION on the vase below). Now keep going upwards, just ignore the door for now, and then take the next available right path into the small room, hit the top right wall for a DIM SUM SET. Now head out and then use your bat to reach the top right gate and then into a mist. In this room there is a SHOTEL and a MAGIC HAMMER, now head out and explore the rest of the Outer Wall(to fill up your %) and pick up a HEART MAX along the way. After that head back down and take the next brown door on the right, which will lead to the Marble Gallery. ============================================================================= REVERSE MARBLE GALLERY Alucard's level: 34 Items: None Monsters: Stone Skull, Gorgon, Nova Skeleton, Blade, Medusa Head, Jack O' Bones, Blade, Gurkha, Guardian, Corpseweed ============================================================================= Your level should be this high, destroying the Nova Skeletons you saw earlier gave you about 500 EXP a piece! Its going to be pretty easy gaining levels here in the Inverted Castle. Now keep going to the right past the long hallway(notice that the eyeball does not follow you), and when you reach the Reverse Gallery, WATCH THE FLOOR BELOW! The weren't in the regular castle but they are in this one, those little rolling spikes, they come out pretty fast and are at basically every gap in here. Now keep going to the right and then take the bottom right path. Keep going to the bottom right path and then when you see an opening at the top(which will lead to the Reverse Caverns), enter through and continue on. ============================================================================= REVERSE CAVERN Alucard's level: 35 Items: Opal Gem, Heart Max, Life Max, Diamond Gem, Meal Ticket(5), Force of Echo, Peanut, Dark Blade Monsters: Imp, Doppleganger(40), Blue Venus Weed, Cave Troll, Nova Skeleton, Rock Knight, Killer Fish, Dark Octopus ============================================================================= When you reach here, go to the top left to save your game, and then head out and go straight to the right until you reach a LIFE MAX. And like before, destroy the wall to the right and enter the next room to pick up a DIAMOND gem. Now head back out and then take the upper path that you saw earlier, in here head straight up. But try to avoid destroying the Balloon Pods, it will release its spores when you do and if you touch those spores it will poison you. Then take the next available right into an area which will lead to an OPAL gem. Now head out and keep going out, you should eventually reach the Caverns, now head to the left and then drop straight down and head to the room to the left(its basically the Reverse Nightmare room) until you reach a vase which contains a HEART MAX. Keep going upwards and watch for the Balloon Pods, then in this next room to the top left there are 5 vases. ALL OF THEM CONTAIN MEAL TICKETs, and then head to the Nightmare save room to the top left, inside contains PEANUTs and outside to the right is a save room. Now head out of this Nightmare area and then go straight up the vertical shaft and take the next available left, which will lead to a save point. Now head out and go straight up until you see the ice platform, destroy the top wall to the top right and it should break apart and lead to the next room. In this room go up and keep going to the left(watch out for the Cave Trolls and the Blue Venus Weed) until you get the relic FORCE OF ECHO. Now head out of here and back into the unfrozen Caverns and take the next left. Also when you reach here you will have another boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Doppleganger40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This boss battle will be tougher, try to avoid his weapon at all costs, it will poison you. This battle is still pretty easy, jump and attack him. Also when you use your Holy Cross(assuming you have it), he will turn into a mist, and he will avoid all damage until the last hit. You should jump and hit him, and jump back and then jump at him. You should either duck or jump when he turns into a bat, otherwise it can take away a good portion of your life if you get hit. After the battle pick up the HEART MAX and continue onwards to the left. Now when you reach here, drop to the bottom AS A BAT, otherwise you will have a swarm of Dark Octopus to deal with. Take the right path until you pick up a DARK BLADE, now head out of here past your last boss room and onto the save point that you had saw last. Save your game and then head to the right, watch for the Rock Knight and Blue Venus weed though you may want to use your Wolf to help you get across. Keep going to the left and once you past the first Blue Venus Weed room, take the top route to the Underground Mines. ============================================================================= REVERSE MINES Alucard's level: 38 Items: Eye of Vlad, Alucard Sword, Power of Sire(2), Life Apple, Green Tea Monsters: Bat, Slorga, Gaibon, Thornweed, Death ============================================================================= In here take the path upwards and save your game at the very top left of this room. You will also meet a familiar foe, in the name of Gaibon. At the top left you should save your game, and then head towards the giant opening mouth and you will see Slorga again, in the next room you will meet Death. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Death ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle isn't too hard, watch for the sickles that come out of nowhere, but they are pretty easy to avoid. Keep jumping up and attacking him, after you destroy his first form his second form will appear. Attack him and avoid the giant sickles that he throws, this time he doesn't have nearly as much HP. Keep attacking him and avoid the sickles and that should be it. After the battle pick up the EYE OF VLAD relic. Now before you head into the next room, turn on your DEMON CARD relic. In the next room the Demon will press the switch and open up the way for you. Take the left and keep going to the left. Eventually you will meet a room with Gaibons, destroy them and at the top right destroy the wall for a GREEN TEA and destroy it even more for the POWER OF SIRE and a LIFE APPLE. Now head out of here and to the vertical room, from here keep going upwards and into the next area. Now take the top left and pick up the ALUCARD SWORD, which is the real deal and you should equip it. After that head to the straight left until you reach the key hole room, just enter the room but don't enter the key hole yet. Now head back to the Reverse Mines and then go upwards to the next area. In here take the top right to collect the POWER OF SIRE and then take the left to the Reverse Catacombs. ============================================================================= REVERSE CATACOMBS Alucard's level: 40 Items: MagicMissile, Diamond Gem, Necklace of J, Ruby Circlet, Gas Cloud Relic, Life Max(2), Heart Max, Karma Coin(2), Resist Thunder, Resist Fire, Elixir Monsters: Blood Skeleton, Bat, Skeleton, Galamoth, Salome, Salem Witch ============================================================================= When you reach here, take the top right into the save room, save your game and then keep going to the right until you reach the MAGIC MISSILE. Then head back out past the save room and to the left past the witches. When you reach this room go upwards to the right and then keep going to the right. You will eventually reach the ice pits, which was once the Lava pits in the last castle. Keep going until you can drop down, when you drop down pick up the NECKLACE OF J. Now return outside back up to the ice pits and keep going to the right. Watch out when you destroy the Frozen Half its nothing major but it really causes a lot of slowdown(^_^). Now just keep going to the right until you reach a room with $1. Then head out of that room and drop down and take the left which will lead to a DIAMOND gem and a save room, SAVE YOUR GAME now. Afterwards keep going to the right until you reach, quite possibly the toughest opponent in the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Galamoth HP: 9999 EXP: 9999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DANG! This mother is huge! He fills up two screens! Don't let his size fool you, because the bigger they are the harder they fall(hopefully). This is true because it will be HARD to make him fall. If you so happen to have the ALUCARD SHIELD and the SHIELD ROD do that special power up(Square+Circle) and extend your shield and just touch him, it will drain away all of his HP in a matter of seconds giving you an easy victory. However, if you did follow this walkthrough, then you don't have the ALUCARD SHIELD and thus the battle will be made tougher. Attack him constantly and stay away from the lighting balls that he throws at you. HOWEVER, I have a FLAWLESS tip that will score you a long, but very easy victory. Equip your ALUCARD SWORD if you had not already done so, then do the mirror slash (D,DF,F+Attack button) CONSTANTLY. If you can maintain a rythmn you WILL NOT BE HARMED AT ALL. When you run out of MPs(yes he does have this much HP), head to the top left platform and just avoid his attacks as your MPs start to regain themselves. Then repeat, its very important that you stay on the left side of the room don't try to get around him. After the battle pick up the LIFE MAX, then take the upper right and pick up the LIFE MAX and HEART MAX. Then continue on and go to the bottom and pick up the RUBY CIRCLET and GAS CLOUD relic. Then head out and back past the boss room and save your game. Then head out and go back up to the top left and keep going left until you reach the room with a bunch of bats. From here take the upper left and keep going until you reach the room with the Frozen Half and Salome. Then take the bottom left which leads to the familiar spike room, equip your SPIKE BREAKER and continue onwards. In this next room keep going left and destroy the vases and pick up two KARMA COINs, a RESIST FIRE, and a RESIST THUNDER. Then go to the upper right until the end and pick up an ELIXIR. Now for fun, turn into a wolf and keep running left, it will knock out all those Blood Skeletons. Now head down and head out of the Reverse Catacombs and back to the Reverse Caverns. ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE REVERSE CAVERNS VIA REVERSE MINES Alucard's level: 45 Items: Osafune Katana, Alucard Shield Monsters: *refer to Reverse Caverns atop* ============================================================================= When you reach here just keep going to the long vertical shaft and then drop down and head back to the Reverse Caverns. When you reach here, drop down and keep going to the right and pick up the item at the end and then fly up the waterfall to the top left and inside pick up the OSAFUNE KATANA. Then head out and continue to the right and pick up the ALUCARD SHIELD. Now continue back to the left until the next opening in the floor. Then go to the right and this will lead to the Reverse Entry Hall. ============================================================================= REVERSE ENTRY HALL Alucard's level: 45 Items: Antivenom, Hammer, Fire Boomerang, Zircon, Beryl Circlet, Opal Gem Life Max, Talisman, Heart Max Monsters: Dodo Bird, Jack O' Bones, Nova Skeleton, Dragon Rider, Blue Venus Weed, Fire Warg, Warg Rider ============================================================================= When you reach here go forward to the right. Go to the top and then destroy the blocks at the top. Now go through as a Bat on right side and then when you reach the end transform into a Wolf and go back to the other end. Now the path to the top right will be open, inside this room contains a ZIRCON gem, OPAL gem, and BERYL CIRCLET. Now drop down to the bottom right and continue to the right until you reach a save room. Save your game and then continue to the bottom right doorway and pick up the FIRE BOOMERANG. Now head back up and to the left and out of this small area and return to the room where you had to transform. In this room take the right path that leads to the reverse begining of the game. When you see a giant bone snake, kill the Flea Man that is riding it and the Ouroboros will be on your side, just like a regular familiar. However it can be used for one room and one room only(which sucks, but its pretty awesome having two Ouroboros and a Sword familar helping you out). Now head to the right and drop to the bottom and pick up an ANTIVENOM and a HAMMER. Now head back to the main room(where you had to turn into a wolf and bat) and take the bottom left path. Now keep going left until you reach the reverse room of where you had met Death earlier. Drop down to the bottom and to the right there is a room which contains a LIFE MAX. Then head outside and take the bottom right and continue through to the next room. In here drop to the left into a room which contains a TALISMAN. Now head to the middle right room on the right to save your game. Then head out and take the top right room and enter the key hole room but don't enter it, then head back to the room and then at the bottom pick up the HEART MAX, after that head to the bottom right and into the Reverse Alchemy Lab. ============================================================================= NECROMANCY LAB Alucard's level: 46 Items: Life Max, Ring of Arcana Monsters: Cluthu, Beezlebub, Imp, Fire Demon, Salem Witch, Lesser Demon, Bitterfly, Gremlin ============================================================================= In here head down to the next room, then take the bottom left portion of the area. Here drop down and destroy those little Imps and in the middle room contains a GODDESS SHIELD. Then head to the bottom and to the right. Keep going right until you reach a small vertical room. Drop down to the next left and save your game. Then head up to the right and prepare for a boss battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Beezlebub(a.k.a Lord of the Flies) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle will be so friggin easy its not even funny. Use your SHIELD ROD and your ALUCARD SHIELD and then do that shield magic(Square+Circle) and after that, hold out your shield to Beezlebub, you can jump up and just hold your shield out and zap its life away in a flurry. However, you can use your Holy Cross and call it a day(like I did (^_^)). Not to hard, but watch for the little bugs on the floor, you can barely see them, as they will poison you. After the battle pick up the LIFE MAX and head to the left and into the room that includes the RING OF ARCANA. Now head to the bottom right, in here go to the second room from the bottom on the right to save your game. Now head out and to the bottom right doorway, which will lead to the Anti Chapel. ============================================================================= ANTI-CHAPEL Alucard's level: 47 Items: Heart Max Monsters: Balloon Pod, Imp, Medusa, Black Panther, Archer, Sniper of Goth, Spectral Sword ============================================================================= Once you reach here, pick up the HEART MAX and drop down. When you reach the reverse long stairway, its important to destroy every vase, you can pick up useful items like the HEART MAX. Now continue through and to the left, and when yo reach the room with the Spectral Sword, take the top left door which leads to the Reverse Colloseum. ============================================================================= REVERSE COLLOSEUM Alucard's level: 47 Items: $1000 bag, Buffalo Star, Heart Max(2), Life Max(2), Zircon, Aquamarine, Gram Sword, Fury Plate Monsters: Werewolf, Minotaur, White Dragon, Fake Grant, Fake Sylph, Fake Trevor, Azaghal ============================================================================= When you reach here defeat the Minotaurs(one of the regular castles' bosses, now a joke). Then keep heading to the left and take the top left to another boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Fake Sylph, Fake Grant, Fake Trevor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle won't be easy, but you should be able to win. Don't focus on one target, there are too many distractions. Hit all targets and duck under the flying sharp object from Trevor and attack him. Hit Grant off of the ceiling, then hit him continuously and he should die, then attack Trevor continously as you back him into the corner, he should die, then attack the Fake Sylph from the air and she should die. After the battle pick up the LIFE MAX and continue to the left. Now head straight up and to the next available right, in here you will fight off against a lot of Minotaurs and Werewolves, you may have to take a few hits, but you should be able to destroy them. After that keep going right until you reach a save room. From here, head to the top and to the right, pick up the ZIRCON gem and the $1000 bag and head out. Now take the top left path, but watch for the Skull Dragon. Keep heading to the left until you reach a room with the BUFFALO STAR. Then head back to the first vertical drop and take the next bottom left, you will have to encounter Minotaurs and Werewolves again. Keep heading to the left and don't drop down or go up. As you keep going to the left you should find 2 HEART MAXs and one LIFE MAX. Then keep heading to the left, destroy the Skull Dragon, until you reach a save room. Save your game if you want, then head upwards to the top left and enter that room to pick up an AQUAMARINE gem, now keep going to the right without dropping downwards. Keep going to the right until you reach the room with the GRAM sword. Now drop down to the bottom, (all the way down to the bottom) now head right into the second Colloseum. In here there is a hidden floor that can be destroyed right before the first broken podium. Down below here is the FURY PLATE, then after that go up and head left and go up and head left again and keep going to the left until you reach a door which leads to the Death Wing's Lair. ============================================================================= DEATH WING'S LAIR Alucard's level: 45 Items: Opal Gem, Sword of Hador, High Potion, Luck Potion, Shield Potion, Manna Prism, Aquamarine Gem, Shuriken, Rib of Vlad, Heart Max, Life Max, Alucard's Mail, Heart Refresh Monsters: Medusa Head, Ctulhu, Malachi, Akmodan II, Azaghal, Ghost Dancer, Flying Zombie, Karasuman ============================================================================= From here head all the way to the left and destroy the wall to the left, in this room there is a HIGH POTION, SWORD OF HADOR, and an OPAL gem. Now head out to the room with the Azaghal. Then take the left bottom doorway and then keep going to the left until you see a long drop and a door in front of you, take the door to the keyhole but do not enter it. Now head back out to the room with the long drop and take that long drop down, but keep to the right side of the wall to collect the SHIELD POTION, LUCK POTION, and MANNA PRISM. Then continue on downwards and equip your SPIKE BREAKER armor and walk through to the end and destroy the vase for an AQUAMARINE gem. Then head upwards and continue onwards to the right, you can destroy the Karaman if you like(the Clock Tower boss) but it really slows the screen down if you destroy him. Keep going right, eventually you will find a SHURIKEN and a boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Akmodan II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is this legal? This boss is even easier than the first boss of the game! Just get near him and slash constantly, watch out for his gas cloud, it will poison you. Basically your Sword familiar will easily defeat it on its own, but you can help as well. After the battle pick up the RIB OF VLAD relic and then continue onwards to the right. Pick up the HEART MAX and return to the Reverse Wing Lair Courtyard and take the upper left to an open doorway, it should lead to ALUCARD'S MAIL. Now head out back to the courtyard and take the upper right and continue through, eventually you will find a LIFE MAX. Now keep going until you reach the stone bridge, hit the floor(formerly ceiling) on the bottom right and it should collapse, then pick up the HEART REFRESH item and head back up and continue going to the right. ============================================================================= REVISIT TO THE ANTI-CHAPEL Alucard's level: 47 Items: Twilight Cloak, Life Max, Smart Potion, Talwar Sword, Manna Prism, Heart of Vlad, Bwaka Knife, Magic Missile ============================================================================= Now hen you reach here, go down to the door on the right, you should find the spike room. Wear your SPIKE BREAKER armor and then continue on. You will eventually find the TWILIGHT CLOAK. Now head out and go to the bottom of the bell tower and destroy the vases to pick up a LIFE MAX, and a SMART POTION. At the bottom is a MANNA PRISM, after that continue onwards and to the left. When you reach the second bell tower there is a TALWAR sowrd at the bottom, pick that up and continue to the left. Now keep going until you encounter a boss fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Medusa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is easy, get close to her and duck and keep slashing. That's it. After the battle pick up the HEART OF VLAD and continue towards the left. When you reach the 3rd Bell Tower, pick up the BWAKA KNIFE at the bottom as well as the MAGIC MISSILE from the vase, then continue to the left. ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE REVERSE KEEP Alucard's level: 47 Items: None Monsters: *refer to Reverse Keep* ============================================================================= When you reach here, use your Wolf to dash through, and then go to the left until you reach a keyhole. You should return to the Reverse Wall, the symbol should still be catipillar like shape. ============================================================================= RETURN TO THE REVERSE OUTER WALL Alucard's level: 47 Items: None Monsters: *refer to Reverse Outer Wall* ============================================================================= In here keep going up and return to the Black Marble Gallery. ============================================================================= RE-RETURN TO THE BLACK MARBLE GALLERY Alucard's level: 47 Items: Resist Holy, Resist Dark, Heart Max, Resist Fire, Heart Refresh Monsters: Shaft, Count Dracula ============================================================================= When you reach here keep going to the right, watch for the moving spikes on the floor. Keep going until you reach the Giant Clock room. You will meet a Guardian, who is the toughest non-boss character in the game. Destroy him now and you can get about 4000 EXP! But save that for later and enter through to the Giant Clock. Once you reach here the clock will move around and open up the stone blocks at the top. However, go down and acquire all the goodies first, down here are all the special weapons that you can choose, to the right is a LIFE MAX and to the left is a HEART MAX. If you had not already done so, break the container holding the stop watch and head up back to the giant clock and use it, it will move the statue at the lower left, just like it did before. Enter through and pick up the RESIST FIRE, RESIST THUNDER, RESIST HOLY, and the RESIST DARK potion. Now head back to the giant clock and go upwards, then to the right to save your game and to the left is a HEART REFRESH. Now go upwards to your final bout with Shaft and Dracula, BUT if you do not like the stop watch(it won't work against either boss) you can acquire another one down below the long drop. Then when your ready go upwards through the black cage lift. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS BATTLE: Shaft ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle should be tough, your Sword Familiar will do 90% of the work. Jump and attack and avoid its projectiles. Not too much to do actually. After the battle your final battle with Count Dracula awaits. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL BATTLE: Count Dracula ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle will be easy. Use your SHIELD ROD and your ALUCARD SHIELD, then use the shield super(Square+Cirlce) and extend your shield and touch Dracula. The battle will be over before it even started. ENJOY THE ENDING(s)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: There are 4 endings in this game, the first two involve you killing Richter. The higher your percentage determines which ending you recieve. The last two endings determine your percentage, if you have 170+% then you will see the ending where Maria decides not to go with him. Anything less Maria will go with him(Alucard). I don't know about how to acquire the 5th ending though. There is a rumor of it(since you can find the 5th ending by using an XA extractor), the problem is actually seeing it. Oh well, can anybody say Gameshark? ============================================================================= ----------------------------- [ Richter Tips ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================= Well when you play as Richter follow these tips: -- You can't visit everywhere like Alucard can, don't waste your time. The highest percentage I ever got with Richter was 180.2% -- Collect ALL Life Maxs. Why? Because it will improve Richter's defense and allow him to take more hits. -- Use your super jump often, you can go almost anywhere fromt he beginning of the game. -- Richter can head directly to the Inverted Castle. -- Richter WILL NOT fight Dracula. ============================================================================= --------------------------------- [ F A Q ] --------------------------------- ============================================================================= 1Q. What is the maximum percentage in this game? 1A. 200.6% 2Q. How do I play as Richter? 2A. Beat the game with 170% or more and enter a begin a new file and name your character Richter. 3Q. How come you don't include a Richter Blemont walkthrough? 3A. Well the main reason is because Richter can go anywhere he wants ahead of time. There are a few spots that Richter can't advance through though. 4Q. How come your walkthrough is different from the other walkthroughs? 4A. This game a truely unique, I like it a lot and it reminds me so much of Super Metroid. The reason why this walkthrough is different than others is because it all depends how you get through the game, its not like your regular RPG where you keep going to one direction throughout the game. This game provides you many options, its the same as getting to D.C. from Tampa Bay, not everybody will take a plane there, you can take a car or even take the Atlantic. This is because the options are given to you, there is no direct or supposed way to go through the game. You can have over 200 FAQs on this game and yet every walkthrough would be different. There are some many different combinations to go about this game, it all depends how you play through the game and what you do. That's why its important that you start this FAQ out and go along as I go along. If you were to go through the game by yourself and get stuck halfway you would probably refer to a walkthrough or a guide. Say you pick ZKeene's guide for example, you can't follow his guide because you've only done some of the things he's done. Then you look at my guide, you noticed that my FAQ is more confusing because you went through the game differently. That's why its good to play the game on yourself and see what is ahead of you. Its really difficult to write a definite guide on this game. Basically this is a variable game and every thing you do counts. 5Q. How long is this game for the first time? 5A. I'd say about 12-20 hours. Its a large estimate but that should sum it up. Even expert Castlevania goers like me took pretty long on this game. 6Q. How would you rate the difficult of this game? 6A. Its pretty easy. 7Q. What is the percentage needed to clear a game? 7A. 170.0% 7Q. Can you do anything after you have cleared the game? 7A. Yes, you can play as Richter(see #2), go to the Librarian and get to listen to all the music in the game and take a look at the Monster Listings. 8Q. Is there really a 5th ending? 8A. I don't want to get into that because I haven't seen it myself. Look at ZKeene's excellent guide at www.gamefaqs.com and he has some very good info about it. 9Q. How come you have to finish at 200% instead of 100%? 9A. Well the point of the game is to fool you into believing that you have completed the game. If you defeated the first castle at 50%, the player will get curious and wonder what he didn't do in the game. However, if it was 100%, the player would stop and not play the game anymore. This makes the inverted castle so secret without a guide. You think you've completed the game, but there's more to it. 10Q. What do you think of the inverted castle? 10A. Its the same thing, but its often more difficult to carefully plot out similarities between two alike castles than two different castles. The inverted castle IS a different castle, its pretty ingenious of Konami. 11Q. What is the highest percentage in the game? 11A. 200.6%, however with the Sword Brother's trick you can acquire 212.2%. 12Q. What is the sword brother's spell? 12A. B,DB,D,DF,F+Square+Circle. 13Q. So how do you get this "212.2%?" 13A. In BOTH the inverted castle and regular castle, from the first belltower before the room with the Spectral sword(across from the Confession room) go to the bottom of the room but DO NOT ENTER anywhere yet. Do your Sword brother's spell and then quickly turn into a bat and fly to the left. You should now be outside the castle, feel free to fill up the areas now. They will be white squares on your map. 14Q. How do you get a higher percentage? 14A. Well this is very important, you must fill in every little blue square. Even if you've been in that room before, you probably didn't fill up all of it. 15Q. Can you reccomend an equally impressive game? 15Q. *Points to Super Nintendo and Super Metroid.* ============================================================================= --------------------------- [ Monster Listings ] ---------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ A ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Akmodan II HP: | 1200 Level: | 40 EXP: | 2500 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy, Fire Immune Vs. | Stone, Poison, Cure Absorb | Dark Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Ancient Egyptian mummy. Number: | #127 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Archer HP: | 300 Level: | 34 EXP: | 140 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Heart Refresh, Vorpal Blade Comment: | Fiendishly accurate archer. Number: | #107 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Armor Lord HP: | 84 Level: | 12 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | Cut Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Rapier, Bronze Cuirass Comment: | Heavily armored undead warrior. Number: | #45 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Axe Knight HP: | 32 Level: | 4 EXP: | 10 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Hit(?) Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Axe, Bronze Cuirass Comment: | Low level axe knight. Number: | #12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Axe Knight(blue) HP: | 42 Level: | 9 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Axe, Magic Missile Comment: | Well armored axe knight. Number: | #30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Azaghal HP: | 330 Level: | 700 EXP: | 45 Strong Vs. | Dark, Hit Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Covenant Stone, ?????? Comment: | Executioner of Hell. Number: | #137 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ B ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Balloom pod HP: | 3 Level: | 29 EXP: | 88 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Holds countless poison seeds. Number: | #101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bat HP: | 1 Level: | 1 EXP: | 10 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Potion, Monster Vial 2 Comment: | Vampire Bats. Feared as servants of evil. Number: | #3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Beezlebub HP: | 2000 Level: | 44 EXP: | 4444 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Dark Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Beezlebub Lord of Flies. Number: | #136 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bitterfly HP: | 4 Level: | 33 EXP: | 128 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Luck potion, Mystic pendant Comment: | Mutated insect. Visible only yo magicians. Number: | #105 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Black Crow HP: | 15 Level: | 13 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | Thunder Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Aquamarine, ???????? Comment: | Flesh-eating raven. Number: | #52 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Black Pantehr HP: | 35 Level: | 35 EXP: | 600 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Meal Ticket, Resist Dark Comment: | Liquid creature. Takes black panther shape. Number: | #109 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Blade HP: | 380 Level: | 21 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Hunter sword, Gold plate Comment: | Eldest Giant brother. Wields two huge daggers. Number: | #83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Blade Master HP: | 65 Level: | 17 EXP: | 80 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Shotel, ???????? Comment: | Master of twin-bladed combat. Number: | #69 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Blade Soldier HP: | 16 Level: | 8 EXP: | 20 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | $400, Mamakura Comment: | Novice of twin-bladed combat. Number: | #25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Blood Skeleton HP: | 9 Level: | 0 EXP: | 0 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Revives due to blood soaked bones. Number: | #2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bloody Zombie HP: | 24 Level: | 4 EXP: | 15 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy, Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Cloth Tunic, Basilard Comment: | Eastern Church soldiers dispatched 300 years ago. Number: | #13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Blue Raven HP: | 15 Level: | 13 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | Thunder Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Zircon, ???????? Comment: | Spirit of long-dead blue raven. Number: | #53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Blue Venus Weed HP: | 100 Level: | 40 EXP: | 1000 Strong Vs. | Hit Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Zwei hander, ??????? Comment: | Advanced Venus Weed. Fed with demon blood. Number: | #128 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bone Archer HP: | 10 Level: | 10 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | $400, Magic Missile Comment: | Skeleton archer equipped with bow. Number: | #32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bone Ark HP: | 250 Level: | 19 EXP: | 40 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy, Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Monster vial 3, Skull shield Comment: | Portable skull shrine carried by skeleton priests. Number: | #76 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bone Halberd HP: | 30 Level: | 14 EXP: | 40 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Javelin, Ham and eggs Comment: | Naginata-wielding skeleton. Number: | #58 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bone Knight HP: | 46 Level: | 30 EXP: | 140 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | TNT, $100 Comment: | Bomb-tossing armored knight. Number: | #103 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bone Musket HP: | 24 Level: | 8 EXP: | 20 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Magic Missile, $50 Comment: | Skeletons equipped with rifles. Number: | #26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bone Pillar HP: | 64 Level: | 10 EXP: | 30 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Antivenom, Ballroom mask Comment: | Cannon built of white dragon skulls. Number: | #33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bone Scimitar HP: | 18 Level: | 3 EXP: | 15 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Short Sword, Red Rust Comment: | Ferocious skeleton swordsman. Number: | #9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ C ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Cave Troll HP: | 88 Level: | 38 EXP: | 333 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Neutron bomb, Nauglamir Comment: | Pre-intelligent bloodsucker with long tongue for sucking. Number: | #122 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Cerberos HP: | 800 Level: | 24 EXP: | 1500 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Ice Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Fire Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Watchdog from Hell. Number: | #90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Cloaked Knight HP: | 65 Level: | 20 EXP: | 80 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Flamberge, Heaven sword Comment: | Mysterious cloaked swordsman. Number: | #78 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Corner Guard HP: | 48 Level: | 12 EXP: | 30 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Cutlass, ???????? Comment: | Armored guard. Strong in perilous areas. Number: | #46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Corpseweed HP: | 18 Level: | 13 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | Hit Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Antivenom, ???????? Comment: | Plant with razor-sharp leaves. Number: | 54 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ctulhu HP: | 200 Level: | 9 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Pentagram, Bat Pentagram Comment: | Fire and ice demon. Seems reluctant to fight. Number: | #31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ D ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Dark Octopus HP: | 280 Level: | 38 EXP: | 120 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Fire, Thunder Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Sushi, Green Tea Comment: | Evil mutated octopus. Number: | #123 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Darkwing Bat HP: | 600 Level: | 35 EXP: | 1200 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Giant vampire bat. Number: | #110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Death HP: | 888 Level: | 66 EXP: | 4444 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Dark Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Dracula's clothest friend. Number: | #144 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Dhuron HP: | 32 Level: | 12 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Rapier, Hide Cuirass Comment: | Headless skeleton. Wields a rapier. Number: | #47 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Diplocephalus HP: | 80 Level: | 7 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Holy, Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Pentagram, $50 Comment: | Nauseating two-headed beast. Which is the head? Number: | #22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Discus Lord HP: | 450 Level: | 22 EXP: | 140 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Chakram, Jewel Sword Comment: | Discus-wielding armored knight. Number: | #86 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Dodo Bird HP: | 2 Level: | 49 EXP: | 111 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Heart broach, ????????? Comment: | Rare bird. Runs when sees people. Number: | #141 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Doppleganger10 HP: | 120 Level: | 10 EXP: | 500 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Shape-shifting demon. Number: | #34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Doppleganger40 HP: | 777 Level: | 40 EXP: | 2001 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Shape-shifting demon. Number: | #129 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Dracula HP: | 600 Level: | ?? EXP: | 0 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Destroyed by Richter in 1792(5 years ago) Number: | #1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Dracula(Count) HP: | 9999 Level: | 98 EXP: | 0 Strong Vs. | Fire, Thunder Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | Poison Absorb | Dark Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Lord of Wallachia. Father of Alucard. Number: | #146 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Dragon Rider HP: | 120 Level: | 35 EXP: | None. Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | White dragon ridden by Flea Man. Number: | #111 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ E ] ----------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ectoplasm HP: | 18 Level: | 11 EXP: | 70 Strong Vs. | Cut Weak Vs. | Holy, Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Uncurse, ??????? Comment: | Physical manifestations of bodliess tormented souls. Number: | #42 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ F ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fake Grant HP: | 800 Level: | 41 EXP: | 1200 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Zombie impersonating Grant. Number: | #132 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fake Sypha HP: | 1000 Level: | 42 EXP: | 1500 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Zombie impersonating Sypha. Number: | #135 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fake Trevor HP: | 1200 Level: | 41 EXP: | 1000 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Zombie impersonating Trevor. Number: | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fire Demon HP: | 320 Level: | 38 EXP: | 666 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | Fire Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Fire Shield Comment: | Flame demon. Number: | #124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fire Warg HP: | 200 Level: | 36 EXP: | 160 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Ice Immune Vs. | Fire Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Turquoise, Flamebrand Comment: | Fireball-spittng wolf. Number: | #116 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fishhead HP: | 70 Level: | 20 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | Fire Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Resist Ice, Icebrand Comment: | Fish head guardian. Number: | #79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Flail Guard HP: | 36 Level: | 13 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Morningstar, Star Flail Comment: | Skeleton equipped with spiked iron flail. Number: | #55 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Flea Armor HP: | 18 Level: | 16 EXP: | 40 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | High potion, ???????? Comment: | Flea Man armed with axe and shield. Number: | #65 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Flea Man HP: | 11 Level: | 7 EXP: | 17 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Takemitsu, Cheese Comment: | Strange human-like creature. Number: | #23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Flea Rider HP: | 17 Level: | 13 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Turkey, Ham and eggs Comment: | Flea Man riding on speciall trained war-goose. Number: | #56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Flying Zombie(both parts) HP: | 190 Level: | 32 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy, Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Shuriken, Frankfurter Comment: | Zombies which attack even when cut in half. Number: | #104 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Frog HP: | 2 Level: | 12 EXP: | 20 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Fire, Thunder Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Knuckle Duster, $25 Comment: | Cave-dwelling frog. Number: | #48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Frozen Half HP: | 45 Level: | 118 EXP: | 600 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Ice Drop Items: | Necklace of J, Opal circlet Comment: | New-half ice spirit. Servant of Galamoth. Number: | #138 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Frozen Shade HP: | 16 Level: | 12 EXP: | 40 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | Water Absorb | Ice Drop Items: | Ice mail, ?????? Comment: | Ice-wielding female spirit. Number: | #49 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ G ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Gaibon HP: | 200 Level: | 6 EXP: | 200 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Fire-breathing flying demon. Number: | #18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Galamoth HP: | 5555 Level: | 50 EXP: | 9999 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | MAgical being with plan to rule the netherworld. Number: | #142 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ghost HP: | 11 Level: | 6 EXP: | 10 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | $400, ???????? Comment: | Low level flaming ghosts. Number: | #19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ghost Dancer HP: | 30 Level: | 37 EXP: | 160 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Buffalo star, Stone mask Comment: | Skeleton with leaping attack. Number: | #120 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Gorgon HP: | 240 Level: | 38 EXP: | 555 Strong Vs. | Fire, Stone, Cut, Hit Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Hammer, ???????? Comment: | Armor plated war-beast. Number: | #125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Granfaloon HP: | 400 Level: | 28 EXP: | 3000 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Nightmarish creature. Composed of many. Number: | #98 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Granfaloon parts HP: | 250 Level: | ?? EXP: | 0 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Portion of Granfaloon. Drops many undead. Number: | -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Grave Keeper HP: | 123 Level: | 18 EXP: | 60 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Fire, Thunder, Ice Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Miso soup, ???????? Comment: | Grave Keeper. Master of unarmed combat. Number: | #71 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Gremlin HP: | 100 Level: | 18 EXP: | 60 Strong Vs. | Fire Weak Vs. | Ice Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Resist Fire, ??????? Comment: | Pyromaniacal gremlin. Number: | #72 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Guardian HP: | 500 Level: | 60 EXP: | 1500 Strong Vs. | Cut Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | Fire, Thunder, Ice Absorb | Dark Drop Items: | Great Sword, God'sGBarb Comment: | High level Armor Lord. Number: | #143 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Gurkha HP: | 420 Level: | 21 EXP: | 120 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Combat knife, ????????? Comment: | Giant brother. Wields a gurkha knife. Number: | #84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ H ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Hammer HP: | 250 Level: | 21 EXP: | 110 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Hammer, Bronze Cuirass Comment: | Giant brother. Uses huge steel hammer. Number: | #85 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Harpy HP: | 26 Level: | 18 EXP: | 70 Strong Vs. | Thunder Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Apple, Magic Missile Comment: | Creature with head of woman and body of bird. Number: | #73 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Hellfire Beast HP: | 380 Level: | 23 EXP: | 150 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Lightning mail, ????????? Comment: | Thunder-wielding demon. Called the "Musician from Hell." Number: | #89 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Hippogryph HP: | 800 Level: | 16 EXP: | 800 Strong Vs. | Thunder Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Part horse, lion and eagle. Number: | #66 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Hunting Girl HP: | 88 Level: | 15 EXP: | 70 Strong Vs. | Holy, Hit Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Were Bane, Cheesecake Comment: | Invisible huntress spirit. Number: | #60 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ I ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Imp HP: | 43 Level: | 41 EXP: | 66 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Luck Potion, King's stone Comment: | Mischievous little demon. Number: | #134. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ J ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Jack O'Bones HP: | 20 Level: | 33 EXP: | 150 Strong Vs. | Holy Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Shuriken, Flame star Comment: | Expert at throwing weapons. Number: | #106 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ K ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Karasuman HP: | 500 Level: | 22 EXP: | 1000 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Resist Dark, ???????? Comment: | Demon Lord of Ravens. Number: | #87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Killer Fish HP: | 120 Level: | 25 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | Fire, Water Weak Vs. | Thunder Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Aquamarine, Opal Comment: | Master Fish-head. Number: | #91 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ L ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Large Slime HP: | 64 Level: | 22 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | Cut Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Monster created from slimy gel substance. Number: | #88 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Lesser Demon HP: | 400 Level: | 20 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | Dark Absorb | None Drop Items: | Obsidian sword, Holbein daggar Comment: | Short magic-wielding demon. Summons demonic allies. Number: | #80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Lion HP: | 150 Level: | 27 EXP: | 1000 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Guanlet, Steel Cuirass Comment: | The cowardly lion. Number: | #96 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Lossoth HP: | 99 Level: | 20 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Sirloin, Fire Boomerang Comment: | Seaches among graves and knows much wise lore. Number: | #81 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ M ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Magic Tome HP: | 22 Level: | 12 EXP: | 35 Strong Vs. | Hit Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | $2000, ???????? Comment: | Book of ancient weapons. Number: | #50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Malachi HP: | 450 Level: | 39 EXP: | 666 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Dark Drop Items: | Dark shield, Dark armor Comment: | Gruesome Demon from Hell. Number: | #126 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Marionette HP: | 20 Level: | 6 EXP: | 30 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Smart potion, Circlet Comment: | Demonic puppet from Hell. Number: | #20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Medusa HP: | 1100 Level: | 40 EXP: | 2500 Strong Vs. | Hit Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Stone Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Snake-headed demoness with gaze of stone. Number: | #130 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Medusa Head HP: | 12 Level: | 7 EXP: | 20 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | Stone Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Resist Stone, $25 Comment: | From Medusa's hair. Number: | #24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Medusa Head(gold) HP: | 12 Level: | 8 EXP: | 30 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Stone Drop Items: | Resist Shield, Medusa Shield Comment: | From Medusa's hair. Can pretrify. Number: | #27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Merman HP: | 10 Level: | 2 EXP: | 12 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Fire, Thunder Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Zircon, $25 Comment: | Legendary "creature." Attacks all invaders. Number: | #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Merman(fire spitting one) HP: | 10 Level: | 3 EXP: | 12 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Fire, Thunder Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Zicon, $25 Comment: | Fireball-spitting Merman. Largest of merman kind. Number: | #10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Minotaur HP: | 320 Level: | 35 EXP: | 250 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Sirloin, Axe Comment: | Half-man, half-bull. Number: | #112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Minotaurus HP: | 300 Level: | 18 EXP: | 400 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Bull-headed monster. Number: | #74 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Mudman HP: | 15 Level: | 15 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Animated mud golem. Number: | #61 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ N ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Nova Skeleton HP: | 20 Level: | 35 EXP: | 444 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Monster vial 3, Terminus Est Comment: | Wields fearsome beam weapon. Number: | #113 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ O ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Olrox HP: | 666 Level: | 25 EXP: | 500 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Magic-wielding vampire. Rules upper part of castle. Number: | #92 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Orobourous HP: | 200 Level: | 35 EXP: | 150 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Karma Coin, ??????? Comment: | Wyrm controlled by Flea Man. Number: | #114 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ouija Table HP: | 20 Level: | 5 EXP: | 20 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Barley Tea, $25 Comment: | Possessed Ouija Table Number: | #15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Owl HP: | 26 Level: | 10 EXP: | 30 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Local barnyard owl Mutated by castle's influence. Number: | #35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Owl Knight HP: | 180 Level: | 15 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | Cut Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Cutlass, ??????? Comment: | Heavily armored knight Attacks with trained owl. Number: | #62 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ P ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Paranthropus HP: | 100 Level: | 16 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | Holy Absorb | None Drop Items: | Guanlet, ????????? Comment: | Giant skeleton. Number: | #67 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Phantom Skull HP: | 15 Level: | 10 EXP: | 306 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Flet Hat, Resist Dark Comment: | Executed soldier's head. Hunting for vengeance. Number: | #36 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Plate Lord HP: | 90 Level: | 8 EXP: | 90 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Iron Ball, ???????? Comment: | Heavily armored knight with iron ball. Number: | #28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ Q ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= There are no enemy listings for the letter "Q." ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ R ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Richter Belmont HP: | 400 Level: | 48 EXP: | 0 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Dark Immune Vs. | Holy, Stone Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Master Vampire hunter. Number: | #140 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Rock Knight HP: | 160 Level: | 36 EXP: | 250 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Jewel Knuckles, Platinum mail Comment: | Rock-tossing armored knight. Number: | #117 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ S ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Salem Witch HP: | 180 Level: | 20 EXP: | 80 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Gold circlet, ?????? Comment: | Ghost witches from Salem. Number: | #82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Salome HP: | 210 Level: | 45 EXP: | None. Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Wizard Hat, Cat's Eye Circlet Comment: | Young female witch. Number: | #139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Scarecrow HP: | 120 Level: | 27 EXP: | 1000 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Javelin, ???????? Comment: | Impaled man looking for brain. Number: | #97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Schmoo HP: | 50 Level: | 28 EXP: | 1000 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy, Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Ramen, ???????? Comment: | Monster nicknamed "schmoo." Number: | #99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Scylla HP: | 200 Level: | 14 EXP: | 500 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Thunder Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Water Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Mythological sea monster. Number: | #59 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Scylla wyrm HP: | 130 Level: | 10 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Thunder Immune Vs. | Water Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Snake living off Scylla. Number: | #37. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Shaft HP: | 1300 Level: | 88 EXP: | 0 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | Poison Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Dark Priest of Dracula. Number: | #145 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Skelerang HP: | 18 Level: | 5 EXP: | 15 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Boomerang, $50 Comment: | Boomerang wielding skeleton. Number: | #16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Skeleton HP: | 9 Level: | 2 EXP: | 10 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Shield Potion, Monster Vial 3 Comment: | Magically animated skeleton. Number: | #7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Skeleton Ape HP: | 10 Level: | 10 EXP: | 30 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Banana, $50 Comment: | Animated ape skeleton. Hurls wooden barrels. Number: | #38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Skull Lord HP: | 80 Level: | 12 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Scimitar, ???????? Comment: | Giant skull spirit. Number: | #51 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Slime HP: | 32 Level: | 16 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Fire, Ice Immune Vs. | Cut Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Monster from gel. Number: | #68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Slinger HP: | 12 Level: | 4 EXP: | 10 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Leather Shield, $25 Comment: | Bone-hurling skeleton. Number: | #14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Slorga HP: | 200 Level: | 6 EXP: | 200 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | 200 Number: | #21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Sniper of Goth HP: | 50 Level: | 36 EXP: | 200 Strong Vs. | Holy Weak Vs. | Dark Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Magic Missile, Brilliant mail Comment: | Angel archer. Slew Amalaric of the Goths. Number: | #118 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Spear Guard HP: | 20 Level: | 10 EXP: | 70 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Javelin, Iron Cuirass Comment: | Armored warrior with naginata. Number: | #39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Spectral Sword(Royal Chapel) HP: | 90 Level: | 13 EXP: | 80 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Broadsword, Knight Shield Comment: | Evil demon-sword. Causes poltergeist phenomena. Number: | #57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Spectral Sword(Orlox's Room) HP: | 100 Level: | 15 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Broadsword, Knight Shield Comment: | Evil demon-sword. Causes poltergeist phenomena. Number: | #63 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Spectral Sword HP: | 540 Level: | 36 EXP: | 400 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Gurthang, Mablung Sword Comment: | Evil demon-sword. Causes poltergeist phenomena. Number: | #119 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Spellbook HP: | 26 Level: | 10 EXP: | 30 Strong Vs. | Hit Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | $1000, ????????? Comment: | Book of beginner's spells. Number: | #40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Spittle Bone HP: | 18 Level: | 3 EXP: | 20 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | 4-legged skeleton. Drips poison. Number: | #11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Stone Rose HP: | 60 Level: | 8 EXP: | 60 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Cut Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | Dark Drop Items: | Leather Shield, $75 Comment: | Mutated plant. Seeds petrify. Number: | #29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Stone Skull(the golden one and the cow skull) HP: | ???? Level: | 1 EXP: | 0 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Indestructible spinning skull. Number: | #4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Succubus HP: | 666 Level: | 25 EXP: | 2000 Strong Vs. | Dark Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Female demon. Invades men's dreams. Number: | #93 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Sword Lord HP: | 61 Level: | 11 EXP: | 80 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Cutlass, Greatsword Comment: | Knight armed with Greatsword. Number: | #43 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ T ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | The Creature HP: | 1100 Level: | 40 EXP: | 2500 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | Thunder Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Made from body parts of powerful warriors. Number: | #131 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Thornweed HP: | 12 Level: | 5 EXP: | 20 Strong Vs. | Hit Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Grapes, Strawberry Comment: | Plant with razor-sharp leaves. Number: | #17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Tin man HP: | 48 Level: | 28 EXP: | 1000 Strong Vs. | Cut Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Lunch A, Mojo mail Comment: | Heartless tin man. Number: | #100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Toad HP: | 10 Level: | 11 EXP: | 20 Strong Vs. | Water Weak Vs. | Fire, Thunder Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Blue Knuckles, $50 Comment: | Toad magically enlarged by demonic baptism. Number: | #44 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Tombstone HP: | 5 Level: | 25 EXP: | 88 Strong Vs. | Cut Weak Vs. | Hit Immune Vs. | Stone Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Katana, ???????? Comment: | Gravestones possessed by evil spirits of dead. Number: | #94 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ U ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= There are no monsters for the letter "Q." ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ V ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Vahalla Knight HP: | 161 Level: | 19 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Estoc, Knigt Shield Comment: | Bloodthirsty undead knight who eternally seeks combat. Number: | #77 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Vandal Sword HP: | 120 Level: | 15 EXP: | 100 Strong Vs. | Hit Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Holy Sword, Grapes Comment: | Sword Lord wields sword even banished. Number: | #64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Venus Weed HP: | 100 Level: | 25 EXP: | 150 Strong Vs. | Hit Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Coral Circlet, Opal Comment: | Watered with human blood. Number: | #95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ W ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Warg HP: | 32 Level: | 2 EXP: | 10 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Fire Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Wolves which guard castle entrance. Number: | #8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Warg Rider HP: | 120 Level: | 37 EXP: | 160 Strong Vs. | Cut Weak Vs. | Ice Immune Vs. | Fire Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Skeleton mounted on Warg. Number: | #121 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Wereskeleton HP: | 33 Level: | 17 EXP: | 50 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Strength Potion, Resist Dark Comment: | Were panther skeleton. Number: | #70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Werewolf HP: | 260 Level: | 18 EXP: | 300 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Shape-shifting lycanthrope. Number: | #75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Werewolf(Inverted Castle) HP: | 280 Level: | 34 EXP: | 200 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Iron Fist, Yasutsuna Comment: | Half-man, half-wolf. Number: | #108 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | White Dragon HP: | 260 Level: | 35 EXP: | 150 Strong Vs. | Fire Weak Vs. | Holy Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | None. Comment: | Animated skeleton of huge dragon. Number: | #115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Winged Guard HP: | 15 Level: | 10 EXP: | 30 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Iron Shield, Javelin Comment: | Slow-flying skeleton warrior. Number: | #41 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ X ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= There are no monsters for the letter "X." ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ Y ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Yorick HP: | 10 Level: | 29 EXP: | 300 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | None. Immune Vs. | None. Absorb | None. Drop Items: | Monster Vial 3, ??????? Comment: | Skeleton eternally chasing his own skull. Number: | #102 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------- [ Z ]------------------------------------ ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Zombie HP: | 1 Level: | 1 EXP: | 5 Strong Vs. | None. Weak Vs. | Holy, Fire Immune Vs. | None Absorb | None. Drop Items: | $100, Cloth Tunic Comment: | Fresh corpses. Magically animated. Number: | #5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ---------------------------- [ Weapon Listings ] ---------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Alucard sword Attack Power: | 42 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Mirror Attack(D,DF,F+Attack). Comment: | Mother's family heirloom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Alucart Sword Attack Power: | 2 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Resembles family sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Badelaire Attack Power: | 15-27 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | The more you play(time) the more damage this does. Comment: | Power increases with game play. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Basilard Attack Power: | 1 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Basic short sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bastard sword Attack Power: | 20 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Standard sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bekatowa Attack Power: | 14 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Plain, easy-to-use war sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Broadsword Attack Power: | 12 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Simple mercenary's sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Claymore Attack Power: | 26 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | Scotch two-handed sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Combat knife Attack Power: | 24 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Flat combat daggar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Cutlass Attack Power: | 7 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Sword of the English Navy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Dark Blade Attack Power: | 35 Defense Power: | 2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Sword forged by elves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Estoc Attack Power: | 39 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | German thrust sword [2 hand]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Falchion Attack Power: | 10 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Norman curved sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Gladius Attack Power: | 3 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Sword of ancient Rome. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Gram Attack Power: | 30 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | The sword named Gram. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Great Sword Attack Power: | 65 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | Greatsword of Aubec [2]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Heaven sword Attack Power: | 21 Defense Power: | -2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Put one in each hand and press Circle+Square at same time. Comment: | Enchanted floating sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Holbein daggar Attack Power: | 6 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Swift upper diagonal attack(?). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Holy rod Attack Power: | 12 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Anointed rod. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Holy sword Attack Power: | 26 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Powerful against skeletons. Comment: | Cross hilt - strong vs. undead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Hunter sword Attack Power: | 20 Defense Power: | -1 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Ivory handled hunting sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Icebrand Attack Power: | 25 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Ice Shot(D,DF,F+Attack) Comment: | Ice sword of Mim. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Iron Fist Attack Power: | 26 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Owned by Karate master. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Jewel knuckles Attack Power: | 21 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Jewel reinforced knuckles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Jewel Sword Attack Power: | 15 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Unlimited money(D,DF,F+Attack). Comment: | Transforms enemies into jewels(gems). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Katana Attack Power: | 32 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | Unsigned katana [2 hand]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Knuckle duster Attack Power: | 1 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Iron studded brass knuckles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Luminus Attack Power: | 26 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Sword forged by elves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Moon rod Attack Power: | 17 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Rod with lunar markings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Mormegil Attack Power: | 25 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | A dark sword that is powerful against Holy spirits. Comment: | Black sword - strong vs. holy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Morningstar Attack Power: | 11 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Spiked iron club. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Namakura Attack Power: | -5 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | Poorly made sword [2 hand]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Nunchaku Attack Power: | 10 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Strikes enemy twice [2 hand]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Osafune Katana Attack Power: | 50 Defense Power: | -9 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | Osafune-made katana [2 hand]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Rapier Attack Power: | 7 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Multiple Rapier(D,DF,F+Attack). Comment: | Long bladed sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Red Rust Attack Power: | -2 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Rusty red sword [2 hand]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Scimitar Attack Power: | 5 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Single edged curved sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Shield rod Attack Power: | 11 Defense Power: | 2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Press Circle+Square at the same time, must have shield. Comment: | Extra effective with shield. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Short sword Attack Power: | 2 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Common short sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Shotel Attack Power: | 20 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Abyssinian curved sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Star flail Attack Power: | 15 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Flail with spiked balls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Sword Familiar Attack Power: | 50-99 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Strongest sword in the game. Comment: | Sentient sword familiar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Sword of Dawn Attack Power: | 27 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Dawn Warriors Unlimited(D,DF,F+Attack). Comment: | Summons Dawn Warriors [2]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Sword of Hador Attack Power: | 24 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | House of Hador heirloom. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Takemitsu Attack Power: | 1 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | Bamboo sword [2 hand]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Talwar Attack Power: | 22 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Curved Indian sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Terminus Est Attack Power: | 32 Defense Power: | 2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Can poison if successfully hit. Comment: | Poisoned executioner's sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Tyrfing Attack Power: | -30 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Can affect you with a negative status. Comment: | Cursed dark sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Vorpal Blade Attack Power: | 25 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | EXTREMELY fast blade, can slice 6 times per second. Comment: | Slices cleany through enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Yasutsuna Attack Power: | 60 Defense Power: | -9 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | Yasutsuna-made katana [2 hand]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Zwei hander Attack Power: | 38 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Needs two hands to equip. Comment: | German two-handed sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ------------------------ [ Protective Gear Listings ] ----------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Alucard mail Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 20 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Cuts down all element based attacks by 85%. Comment: | Resists fire, lightning, ice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Alucard shield Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 5 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Cuts all element based attacks down by 85%. Comment: | Strong vs. all attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Alucart Shield Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Resembles family shield. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Axe Lord armor Attack Power: | 2(also increases weapon damage by 2) Defense Power: | 15 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Become an Axe Lord! Comment: | Wearer becomes an Axe Knight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Beryl circlet Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 10 Luck: | 0 Special: | Absorbs all lightning based attacks. Comment: | Heals HP by lightning damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Blood cloak Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Takes enemy damage and allows you to collect hearts. Comment: | Converts damage to hearts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Cloth cape Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 1 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 1 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Well-made but shabby looking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Crystal cloak Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 6 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Enchanted semi-invisible cape. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Dragon helm Attack Power: | 4(also increases weapon attack power by 4) Defense Power: | 3 Strength: | 4 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Frightens enemy, lowers DEF. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fire mail Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 4 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Cuts down all fire based attacks by 80%. Comment: | Strong vs. fire-based attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fury plate Attack Power: | 1(also increases weapon power by 1) Defense Power: | 13 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | The more damage you take, the higher the defense. Comment: | DEF goes up when damage taken. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | God's Garb Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 24 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 2 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Strongest of all armor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Goggles Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 1 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 4 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Comfortable eye protection. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Gold plate Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 8 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Gold breastplate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Herald shield Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 4 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Shield with heart crest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Holy glasses Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 1 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 5 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Allows you to attack Shaft. Given to you by Maria. Comment: | Sees beyond magical curses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Iron shield Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Hard iron shield. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Joseph's cloak Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 3 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 9 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Allows wearer to make the cloak any color he wishes! Comment: | Select color [System Menu]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Knight shield Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Armored knight's shield. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Leather Shield Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 1 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Leather shield - low DEF. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Lightning mail Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 8 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Cuts damage on all lightning based attacks by 80%. Comment: | Strong vs. lightning attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Medusa shield Attack Power: | 13 Defense Power: | 1 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Can turn opponent to stone when touched. Comment: | Gorgon headed shield. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Mojo mail Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 15 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 1 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Increases magic attack power. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Opal Circlet Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 4 Luck: | 0 Special: | Absorb all ice based attacks. Comment: | Restores HP by ice damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Reverse cloak Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 1 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 3 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Dual colored reversible cape. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Royal cloak Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 1 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 3 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Gorgeous blue cape. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ruby Circlet Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 4 Luck: | 0 Special: | Absorbs all fire based attacks. Comment: | Restores HP by fire damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Shaman shield Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 4 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Shield used in magic ritual. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Skull shield Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 4 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Shield with Knight's crest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Spike Breaker Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 12 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Allows wearer to move freely on spikes. Comment: | Spike-breaking armor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Steel helm Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 1 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Standard adventurer's helm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Stone mask Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 2 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 4 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Ancient ceremonial stone mask. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Twilight cloak Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 3 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 10 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Black cape for vampires. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Walk armor Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 1-34 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | -5 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | DEF increases with match coverage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Wizard hat Attack Power: | 5(also increases weapon attack power by 1) Defense Power: | 6 Strength: | 1 Con(Defense): | 10 Intelligence: | 7 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Wide-brimmed for protection. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= -------------------------- [ Misscelaneous Items ] -------------------------- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Boomerang Attack Power: | 30 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Anti-aerial weapon [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Buffalo star Attack Power: | 50 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Razor-sharp master star [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Bwaka knife Attack Power: | 30 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Bwaka throwing knife [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Covenant stone Attack Power: | 15 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 15 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Gemstone buckle STR+15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Cross shuriken Attack Power: | 80 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Powerful throwing star [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Fire boomerang Attack Power: | 50 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Flaming boomerang [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Flame Star Attack Power: | 60 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Flaming throwing star [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Gold Ring Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | 1/2 of entrance to Clock Tower. Comment: | Inscription "Wear...Clock..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Guantlet Attack Power: | 5 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | ATT+5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Iron Ball Attack Power: | 60 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Plate Lord's iron ball [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Javelin Attack Power: | 50 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Thrwoing spear [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | King's stone Attack Power: | 10 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 10 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Gemstone buckle STR+10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Magic Missile Attack Power: | 30 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Shoots a magic arrow [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Monster Vial 2 Attack Power: | 15 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | One use only. Comment: | Summons bat ally [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Monster Vial 3 Attack Power: | 30 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | One use only. Comment: | Summons skeleton ally [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Moonstone Attack Power: | 0/5 Defense Power: | 0/5 Strength: | 0/5 Con(Defense): | 0/5 Intelligence: | 0/5 Luck: | 0/5 Special: | 0 in regular castle, +5 in inverted castle Comment: | Improves status after sunset. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Mystic Pendant Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Allows faster restoration of MP. Comment: | Increases MP restoration rate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Nauglamir Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 15 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | Dwarven necklace DEF+15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Necklace of J Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 5 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | None. Comment: | DEF+5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ring of Arcana Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Allows for higher ratio of item appearance. Comment: | Increases rare item appearance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ring of Ares Attack Power: | 24 Defense Power: | -24 Strength: | 24 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Special ring of Ares. Comment: | Confers strength of 24 men. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Ring of Pales Attack Power: | 1 Defense Power: | 1 Strength: | 1 Con(Defense): | 1 Intelligence: | 1 Luck: | 1 Special: | Protects against holy enemies. Comment: | Ring with holy powers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Secret boots Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Makes Alucard taller. Comment: | Discreetly increases height! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Shuriken Attack Power: | 50 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Throw, one use only. Comment: | Japanese throwing star [use]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Silver Ring Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | 1/2 of the entrance to Clock Tower. Comment: | Inscription "...in...Tower" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Staurolite Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Makes Holy Cross attack stronger. Comment: | Strengthens power of cross. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Sunstone Attack Power: | 0/5 Defense Power: | 0/5 Strength: | 0/5 Con(Defense): | 0/5 Intelligence: | 0/5 Luck: | 0/5 Special: | +5 in regular castle, 0 in inverted castle. Comment: | Improves status after sunrise. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: | Talisman Attack Power: | 0 Defense Power: | 0 Strength: | 0 Con(Defense): | 0 Intelligence: | 0 Luck: | 0 Special: | Can lessen impact of attack. Comment: | May absorb damage taken. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Food Items ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================= |-------MEAL-------|---------------|Effect/Restoration amount|--------------- | Banana | Restores 7 HP | Barley Tea | Restores 15 HP | Cheesecake | Restores 9 HP |Cheesecake w/Chips| Restores 14 HP | Curry Rice | Restores 28 HP |Dim Sum Set(lunch)| Restores 30 HP | Frankfurter | Restores 19 HP | Ham and Eggs | Restores 22 HP | Grapes | Restores 5 HP | Green Tea | Restores 10 HP | Lunch A | Restores 25 HP | Lunch B | Restores 26 HP | Meal Tickets | Throws out any random food. | Peanuts | Restores 3 HP, hard to catch! | Pot Roast | Restores 50 HP | Shitake | Restores 30 HP | Strawberry | Restores 10 HP | Toadstool | Poisonous mushroom, DO NOT EAT. | Turkey | Restores 100 HP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Credits----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+- Konami(www.konami.com) For one of the best Playstation games ever created, thanks a lot Konami! -+- ZKeene(www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/1484.html) For making an excellent FAQ and helping me with A LOT of pointers in my FAQ, check his out first before you check mines! -+- CJayc(www.gamefaqs.com) For his hard work and dedication to the site and also for posting up this FAQ as well. -+- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton21@hotmail.com) For typing up this FAQ (^__^) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Dingo Jellybean (C) 2000 Time of completion: 28 hours, 21 minutes, 44 seconds