___________________________________________________________________________ ..|'''.| || .|' ' ... .. ... .. .. .. .... ... .. ... || ||' '' || || || || ||. ' .| '|. || || '|. . || || || || || . '|.. || || || || ''|....' .||. .||. .|| || ||. |'..|' '|..|' .||. ||. ..|'''.| .|'''.| .|' ' .... .. .. .. ||.. ' .... ... . .... || .... .|...|| || || || ''|||. '' .|| || || '' .|| '|. || || || || || . '|| .|' || |'' .|' || ''|...'| '|...' .|| || ||. |'....|' '|..'|' '||||. '|..'|' .|....' ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- SPOILER FREE ------------------------------ -------------------------- FAQ/ WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ########################################################################### Author: Ryne Quillen (rquillen@email.itt-tech.edu) Date: September 9, 2009 Date Started: August 8, 2009 Version: 1.61 *************************************************************************** Table of Contents *************************************************************************** I. Version History...............................[VH#] Next Update Goals II. Game Overview.................................[GO#] Preface Characters III. Game Mechanics................................[GM#] Map Navigation Battle Mechanics Statistic Overview Skill Chart Explanation Status Ailment List IV. Frequently Asked Questions....................[FAQ] V. Walkthrough...................................[WT#] Prologue...................................[WT#] Chapter 1..................................[CH1] Chapter 2..................................[CH2] Chapter 3..................................[CH3] Chapter 4..................................[CH4] VI. Side Quests...................................[SQ#] Galorin Hunting Monastery's Backyard Brownie Trouble 30,000 Sword VII. Skill List....................................[SL#] (COMPLETE) Unique Skills Passive Skills Recovery Skills Support Skills Magic Attacks Darkness Skills Combination Skills VIII. Weapon List...................................[WL#] IX. Armor List....................................[AL#] X. Accessory and Amulet List.....................[AAL] Accessories Amulets XI. Item List.....................................[IL#] Useable Items Equipment Upgrade Items Quest Items XII. Copyright and Credits.........................[CC#] ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### I. Version History [VH#] ########################################################################### 1.00- Wrote basic info for the game (Sections I-IV) Wrote copyright info Wrote Walkthrough throughout Prologue Began Sidequest Section Began Weapon, Armor, and Accessory Sections Began Item List Section Began Skill List Section + Submitted on 08/15/09 1.20- Changed format in various places Updated Weapon/Armor/Accessory/Amulet/Item Lists Updated Walkthrough to include Chapter 1 Updated Skill List Updated Section II to notify players of censoring Added a Status Ailment List to Section III + Submitted on 08/18/09 1.40- Added two Authorized Sites (Neoseeker, Supercheats) Updated Weapon/Armor/Accessory/Amulet Lists Revamped List Layouts Updated Walkthrough to include Chapter 2 Updated Sidequest Section Removed a mis-informed note about Fire Elementals in Chapter 2 Other minor layout changes throughout walkthrough + Submitted on 08/23/09 1.45- Wrote walkthrough up to Lauritzen dungeon of chapter 3 Updated some lists + Submitted on 08/25/09 1.50- Wrote walkthrough up to Arfhar's Castle of chapter 3 + Submitted on 08/31/09 1.60- Wrote walkthrough up to Chapter 4 Updated ALL lists Added one authorized site (mypsp.com.au) + Submitted on 09/03/09 1.61- *Completed* Skill List Added Acelora's info! + Submitted on 09/09/09 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Next Update Goals % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Write walkthrough up through the LAST CHAPTER, OH MY! -Flesh out the multiple lists with new info acquired during Chapter 4 -Update FAQs section if needed -More maps! ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### II. Game Overview [GO#] ########################################################################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright Info % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Crimson Gem Saga(TM) (C) 2009 IronNos/ SK Telecom Licensed to and published by Atlus USA, Inc. %%%%%%%%%%%%% % Preface % %%%%%%%%%%%%% Welcome to Crimson Gem Saga! Some of you may have seen this title before as "Astonishia Story 2" in its original release, or as "Garnet Chronicle" in Japan. While being dubbed "2", this game is not actually a sequel but an independent installment of the franchise. So don't worry, you don't need to have played "Astonishia Story" in order to follow the story of Crimson Gem Saga. Critic-wise, the game is somewhat of a controversial release. It receives praise for its playability and storyline, however it is also sometimes dubbed as "uninspired" since the gameplay employs common elements already seen before in many RPG classics. Many people (including myself) don't mind this, because a fresh RPG that uses the classic-style formula has been very long-awaited. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this game as much as I do, and I also hope you enjoy using this guide. I've written it in a very straightforward manner so as avoid both confusion and spoilers. You won't find any little quips or comments by me (which I usually find distracting in faqs), but only a step-by-step walkthrough that gets you through the game while telling you exactly what all you can do or find while doing so. NOTE: This is my first FAQ ever, so if you like it (or even hate it), then please let me know so I know how I'm doing! Also, I like providing graphic representations of maps and such, but I suck at ASCII art. Please follow the links provided for the maps! Note: Due to plot twists, I will be censoring some boss names. So just know that if you see "****" in a name then know it's not a typo. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Characters % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTE: In order to avoid spoilers, I will only be commenting on each character's strengths and weakness in battle, rather than their function in the storyline. -Killian / Chevalier The protagonist of the story, Killian is your basic melee character who is characterized by his high HP and powerful attack skills. He also has decent speed and can learn healing magic, but his MP is rather low. Most useful skill: Cross Slash- Once powered up via medallions, it offers a very powerful attack to all enemies at half the MP cost of Blade of Fury. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill chart available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ KillanSkillChart.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Spinel / Thiefmage Your basic thief. Her damage is low, but specializing in high speed and multiple attacks skills give her the potential for a multitude of critical hits. She also has decent MP and most of her skills will inflict various Status Effects on enemies. Most useful skill: Smokescreen- A skill version of the Smoke Bomb item, it will allow escape from a battle instantly. Since the normal escape command is hard to use and can spell disaster for a party in trouble, Smokescreen is vital. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill chart available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ SpinelSkillChart.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Henson / Mage Your basic mage. Not only does he get an insane amount of MP, but he also regenerates MP each turn. He is absolutely essential for getting through dungeons safely with his spells, however most bosses kill him in one attack due to his low defense and HP. Luckily, you can switch characters anytime you want. Most useful skill: Wizard Aura- This is the passive skill that gives him free MP each turn. Since his physical attack is almost non-existant, this skill is his saving grace. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill chart available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ HensonSkillChart.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Gelts / Cleric Your basic healer. His decent HP/MP and prolific healing skills make up for his weak attack strength. He can also immunize the party from different status effects, however, these skills aren't very useful in the beginning of the game when you can kill monsters in one or two attacks. Most useful skill: War Blessing- For a moderate MP cost, all your allies will be supercharged. Handy in a tight spot and for bosses, you will be using this quite a bit when Gelts is in the party. Panacea is another useful one. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill chart available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ GeltsSkillChart.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Lahduk / Monk Your basic assassin. With several ways to boost his Crit chance and also a high attack strength, Lahduk specializes in killing enemies in one hit. His HP and MP are both only moderate, yet his speed is even higher than Spinel's. Most useful skill: Way of the Dragon- Any monster or boss hit by this will be in for a serious beating, especially if you take the time to boost his Crit chance and attack before unleashing this deadly assault. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill chart available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ LahdukSkillChart.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Acelora / Crusader Your basic warrior. With high attack and defense, you'll rely heavily on her physical attacks. When things get tough she can inflict several status ailments on enemies, and can instantly kill any monster with a her various skills. Most useful skill: Final Judgement- Similar to Gelts' Doom Hammer, this attack will rain down swords on all enemies for massive damage. However, Acelora has much higher STR and ATK than Gelts... making this move infinitely more powerful. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill chart available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ AceloraSkillChart.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### III. Game Mechanics [GM#] ########################################################################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Map Navigation % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Like most classic-style RPG's, Crimson Gem Saga relies on the tried and tested turn-based battle system. So, while you're navigating the world trying to fulfill quest qualifications as Killian, you will sometimes run into enemies and bosses. One unique aspect the game has employed is that there are no random encounters. Enemies walk around just like you do, and if they see you, an exclamation point will pop up over their heads. During the time that this icon is visible, you have about 3 seconds to engage them or they will start chasing you. If you're near an exit of the area, you can run there to avoid the encounter. Otherwise, you can't outrun them until you purchase a special item that will let your character move faster. Now, should a monster start chasing and catch you, then you will be ambushed... which means that before any normal battle turns are taken, all members of the enemy party will unleash a combined attack on your party. This is not good obviously, and is usually pretty devastating. Try to avoid this at all costs. The flip side of the coin, however, is that you are also able to ambush enemies by sneaking up on them. The only way to do this is to approach them from behind and bump into them before they see you (before the exclamation point icon appears). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Battle Mechanics % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Once actually in battle, after any ambush attacks have been executed, both your party and the monster party will begin battle. The turn order is based on each participant's AGI rating. Once one of your character's turns are available, there are five options you can choose from. 1. Attack- Using this command will make your character execute a physical attack. *See note about critical hits* 2. Defend- Your character will brace for an oncoming attack, greatly reducing any damage dealt. Your character also won't use a full turn when taking this action, so his or her turn will come much sooner than had they attacked or used an item. 3. Skill- Displays all the skills your character can currently use. When it comes to combination attacks, all characters involved in the skill must have consecutive turns, and all characters must have sufficient MP equal to the cost of the skill. Only the character that initiates the combination skill will use his or her turn, any other characters involved will retain their turn. 4. Item- Use any items in your inventory such as attack items like bombs or healing potions. 5. Run- Rather than having a random chance of escaping from a battle like most RPG's, this command will bring up a 6-slot roulette wheel. A random number of gems will fill those slots, then the wheel will begin spinning and a five second timer will begin counting down. You can then either press (X) to stop the wheel or let the timer count down and it will stop on its own. If the wheel stops on a gem, then the party will escape successfully. However, if it lands on an empty slot, then the party won't escape and that character's turn will end immediately. NOTE: Sometimes when a character lands a critical hit with an attack (NOT skills), a small (X) icon will appear just above the character data at the bottom of the screen. You may not even notice it, as it only appears for a fraction of a second. If you manage to press (X) when this happens, the character will execute a follow-up attack sequence. During his or her follow-up attack, the (X) icon will sometimes appear again if another critical hit is landed. If you manage to press (X) in time again, then the screen will flash with an image of the character and they will execute a final series of attacks. Mastering this system is not essential to gameplay, but it definitely makes battles (especially boss battles) much easier. I usually find it good practice to press (X) just after the character lands his or her attack on the monster every time they attack, regardless of whether or not they score a critical hit. I can't stress enough how small the time frame is to press (X). After the battle, you'll get experience (for levelling up), some Gelders (the game's currency), and some Skill Points. I'm pretty sure that whenever you fight a group of monsters, the rewards are reduced. I say this because if you fight a single Hwal Galorin, you will gain [5 SP] and [30 Gelders]. However, if you fight two Hwal Galorin(s?), you won't receive double those amounts as you would normally expect. You will only get [6 SP] and [50 Gelders] instead. Exp values are still the same. I will update this if I can find out exactly how it works. You should notice that once you get back to the normal screen, your character will be blinking for a few seconds. During these seconds, your character will be invisible to enemy eyes. There are two ways to use this invisibility session to your advantage. 1. You can "stand on" the nearest monster in order to almost guarantee that you will ambush them. 2. You can run for the exit and bypass any other monsters that would normally stand in your way. I recommend the former option, as levelling up is never a bad thing and ambushing enemies is the most efficient way to train. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Statistic Overview % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HP: Short for Hit Points, this stat is a representation of your character's life force. If this reaches zero, your character will be knocked out. MP: Short for Magic Points, this stat is a representation of your character's energy. It is used to execute skills and magic attacks. EXP: Short for Experience Points, this stat will make your character stronger once it reaches a certain point. It is formatted as "AA"/ "BB". AA is the value of your current experience, BB is the value that your current experience must reach in order to level up. Also, the character that deals the most damage in battle will gain about 25% more Exp than the other characters. STR: The higher this stat is, the more damage your character will deal with both skills and regular attacks. VIT: The higher this stat is, the less physical damage your character will receive from physical attacks and skills. INT: The higher this stat is, the more damage your character will deal with magic attacks (and Darkness skills?). WIL: The higher this stat is, the less magical damage your character will receive from magic attacks and magic-based skills. AGI: This stat determines turn order in battle. The character with the highest value will go first. This stat is also used in determining critical hit ratio. FIWLHD: You will see this at the bottom of the screen, and each letter will also have a value. The letters correspond with elemental properties: Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Dark, and Holy. Fire is weak to Ice and vice versa, the same for Wind/Lightning and Holy/Dark. There is also a neutral element known as Physical. NOTE:I'm pretty sure the values for elements are a percentage, though I haven't been able to fully corroborate this yet. Positive values are displayed on-screen as YELLOW Negative values are displayed on-screen as RED These values only apply to elemental defense, not attack. Example: If an ice-based monster attacks Killian, who has an Ice value of positive 2, then Killian will take 20% less damage than normal. However, if he has a value of negative 2, he will take 20% more damage. As for increasing damage via elemental properties, you must use "Gems" to change the attribute of your weapon. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Skill Chart Explanation % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is a completely unique feature that the game employs, or at least I've never seen anything like it before. If you open the menu and select "Skill", then press triangle, the screen will show the character's Skill Chart. Most characters will join the party with the first couple of skills already revealed or learned. After that it's up to the player to manually select which, if any, skills the character will reveal or learn by expending SP. In order to progress through the chart, you must first reveal the skill by inserting SP. Once revealed, you will be able to continue down any branches of the chart that are connected to that skill. While you are not forced to learn the revealed skill, you must expend more SP to learn it before your character can use it. If you didn't read the character section above, here are the links to each character's skill charts again, so you'll know which skills are located where, in order to avoid unnecessarily wasting points to reveal skills you don't want to learn. If you don't know what a skill does, then check the Skill List section by pressing Ctrl+F and searching for [SL#] Killian: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ KillanSkillChart.png Spinel: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ SpinelSkillChart.png Henson: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ HensonSkillChart.png Gelts: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ GeltsSkillChart.png Lahduk: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ LahdukSkillChart.png Acelora: Under Construction! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Status Ailment List % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Some bosses and monsters attack you indirectly by using status ailments. There are several ways to combat this including: recovery skills, support skills, items, etc. They never clear up on their own during a battle, but after the battle, any ailments will disappear. Poison- Afflicted character will lose about 10% of their HP each turn they take. Confusion- Afflicted character will be uncontrollable and will attack allies instead of enemies. Plague- Afflicted character will be KO'ed after 3 turns unless cured. Silence- Afflicted character will be unable to use skills. Sleep- Afflicted character will be unable to take a turn. ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### IV. Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] ########################################################################### - What's the secret of the 30,000 Sword? The "30,000" damage that it shows is only a mask. There's no way to see how much you're actually dealing, but it IS stronger than any of the other weapons you can obtain at that point. It also DOES do critical hits/critical combos, so don't miss your chance by being distracted by the large number. - Since this is a "spoiler-free" walkthrough, are you going to be listing all the items you can get? Yes. And subquests, info lists, hidden items, etc. Almost anything you can think of. The only thing that's different than other faq's is that I will say things like "After the scene" instead of telling you what happened and boss names will be censored. This is so you can read ahead freely without me ruining the story for you. (and in fact, I have found MORE items than the other faqs for you) =) ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### V. Walkthrough [WT#] ########################################################################### ################################## # # # Prologue # # # ################################## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Shern Village % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ ShernVillageMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: ============================= = Shern Village Tool Shop = ============================= Name: Price: -----------------------------. Biscuit | 30G | -----------------------------| Light Healing Potion | 100G | -----------------------------| Tent | 2000G | -----------------------------' =============================== = Shern Village Weapon Shop = =============================== Name: Price: Stats: --------------------------------------------------------------. Wooden Sword | 100G|Atk: 4| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | --------------------------------------------------------------| Broadsword | 400G|Atk:12| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | --------------------------------------------------------------| Cloth Armor | 50G|Def: 4| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| --------------------------------------------------------------| Leather Boots| 120G|Def: 5| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| --------------------------------------------------------------' _____________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - 100 Gelders - Biscuit x5 | - Biscuit x5 - Caffeine | - 70 Gelders - 20,000 Gelders | - Leather Armor - Soothing Water | - Tent - Small Bomb | _____________________________________| Watch the intro and you will awaken as Killian. After some text, you will automatically accept your first quest. After more text, go back into the Inn. Check the nightstand between the beds to collect [100 Gelders], then head outside. On this screen, head east and check the green mailbox for [Biscuit x5], then head into the adjacent house. There's a chest that contains [Biscuit x5] and also check the clock to receive a [Caffeine]. Back outside, exit via the northeast set of stairs. NOTE: If you don't know yet, you can press "R" to bring up a mini-map. In this screen, run up and check the nearby mailbox for [70 Gelders], then head southeast, around the right side of the Tool Shop. Follow the invisible path behind the shop all the way north to find a monk who will hand over [20,000 Gelders] once you talk to him a few times. After taking the monk's charity, go back to the Weapon Shop. It's a good idea to pick up a Broadsword and some Leather Boots for Killian, but regardless, head upstairs and check the painting by the bed for some [Leather Armor]. Make sure to equip Killian well. Back outside, head left around the Weapon Shop and check the Well to find some [Soothing Water]. Next, hit up the adjacent Library and open the chest upstairs to get a [Tent]. Leave the Library, then exit top-left. At the far southwestern corner of this screen, cross the bridge and pick up a [Small Bomb]. Now you can exit north to -Green Hill Academy-. ======================== = Green Hill Academy = ======================== _______________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Quest Item: Letter of Recommendation | _______________________________________| After the scenes, your first quest is completed. You will then automatically accept another quest after receiving the [Letter of Recommendation]. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sidequest: Galorin Hunting + + Reward: Bronze Medallion x3 + + + + If you want to begin this optional sidequest, + + talk to NPC Englehyde before you leave. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Once you're free, go back to -Shern Village- and head to the southern part of town to exit to -Shern Entrance-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Shern Entrance/ Shern Forest % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map Available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MultiMap1.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _______________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Light Mana Potion x2 - 600 Gelders | - Biscuit x10 - Ginseng | _______________________________________| First off, head down to the little cornstalk area. There are five stalks that all SOMETIMES hold [Ginseng]. You will know you've found the correct spot if you either receive the item or if it says "Could not find anything" I'm not sure if this is affected by time elapsed in game or if they randomly produce the item when you change screens (If anyone can clarify this then please let me know). Next, go right and get the [Light Mana Potion x2] that's hanging out in a chest, then just head south until you get to the next screen. Here, monsters will start appearing. Head southeast a little bit until you get to the fork. The southwestern fork contains a chest with [600 Gelders] and the southeastern fork continues on to the next screen. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sidequest Update: Galorin Hunting + + + + Every monster in this area drops the [Galorin Horn] + + needed to complete the quest. So, if you accepted + + the quest, then find five of them and check back + + with Englehyde to collect your reward. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: Medallions are items used to increase the Rank (a.k.a. Damage or healing power) of characters' skills. You also find them sometimes as battle spoils. There is no limit to how many you can obtain, so don't hesitate to use them. Once you get to the next screen, follow the bend around and take the southwestern fork to find [Biscuit x10], then head east and to the next screen to enter -Vardenhoff Field-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Vardenhoff Field % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Same Map: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MultiMap1.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___________________ Item Checklist: | | - None | ___________________| Note: While no freestanding items are available, it should be noted that Mosquito monsters sometimes drop Insect Cards, which you can use to upgrade your equips for WIL. Unless you want to train a bit, as this is a good area to do so, just hug the bottom of the screen and run until you hit the next screen. Here, there is another fork. Take the north one and some scenes will ensue. Once they're finished, continue to the east and exit to -Vardenhoff Bridge- (the northern exit is blocked at this time). NOTE: Make SURE you have learned Killian's Cross Slash skill, as it will make the upcoming boss battle ten times easier (and of course fill your HP/MP and save). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Vardenhoff Bridge % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Same Map: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MultiMap1.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____________________ Item Checklist: | | - None | ____________________| Just head over to the bridge and choose "Examine the commotion" if you're ready. Some scenes will play, then it's time for your first boss battle. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #1 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,---------------------------------------. | Wi****** | 3| 90| Physical | Fire | | We**** | 3| 50| Physical | Fire | | J****** | 5| 150| Physical | Fire | |---------------------------------------| | Spoils: 92 Exp, 580 Gelders, 30 SP | | Bronze Medallion | | Joker Card (Rare) | '---------------------------------------' As your first boss battle of the game, you should expect this to be fairly easy. In fact, I just used Cross Slash(Rank 2) once and it killed all three of them. Just make sure you get the Joker Card. *************************************************************************** TIP: Save before you use a Joker Card. That way, if you don't get the particular stat that you wanted, then you can just reload your data and try again. After the scene, continue east to -Vardenhoff-. (the northern exit is blocked at this time) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Vardenhoff % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map Available: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ VardenhoffMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: ============================ = Vardenhoff Weapon Shop = ============================ Name: Price: Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------------. Broadsword | 80G|Atk:12| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ---------------------------------------------------------------| Baselard |1200G|Atk:28| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Lightning | ---------------------------------------------------------------| Dagger | 80G|Atk: 3| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ---------------------------------------------------------------| Stiletto | 330G|Atk:10| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L: 0| H:-1| D:+1| |------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ---------------------------------------------------------------| Ballock | 780G|Atk:22| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:-2| D:+2| |------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Darkness | ---------------------------------------------------------------| Cloth Armor | 50G|Def: 4| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------| Leather Armor | 150G|Def: 7| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------| Leather Boots | 120G|Def: 5| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------' ========================== = Vardenhoff Tool Shop = ========================== Name: Price: Name: Price: ----------------------------------------------------------. Light Healing Potion | 100G| Angel Feather |1000G| ----------------------------|-----------------------------| Medium Healing Potion | 300G| Tent |2000G| ----------------------------|-----------------------------| Antidote | 100G| Smoke Bomb |1500G| ----------------------------|-----------------------------' Small Bomb | 500G| ----------------------------' _______________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Small Bomb - Acetylsalicyclic Acid | - Cayenne Powder x3 - 850 Gelders | - 670 Gelders - Golden Eel x3 | - Milk x3 - Riding Boots | - Red Bean Bun x7 - Caffeine | - 1850 Gelders - Small Bomb x5 | - Soothing Water x4 - Golden Eel x3 | - Milk x2 - Red Bean Bun x5 | - Smoke Bomb x3 - Liger Balm | - Fish Cake x2 - Hamburger | - Spicy Rice Cake x3 - Spectacles | _______________________________________________| NOTE: The Spectacles are in the Windmill, and you cannot open the Windmill on your first playthrough of the game. I only even list this because the Windmill seems to cause alot of confusion for first-time players. Head south first and check the trough behind the guy that's shoveling hay for a [Small Bomb]. In the adjacent house, you can find [Acetylsalicyclic Acid] in the flowerpot upstairs. The nearby chest holds [Cayenne Powder x3]. A little bit east of the house is the Tool Shop. I recommend buying a few Angel Feathers and some Antidotes as well if you want to be well prepared for an upcoming dungeon. Upon exiting the Tool Shop, head northeast and check the barrel just outside the Weapon Shop door for a cool [850 Gelders]. Head inside and buy a Baselard for Killian. When finished, head out of the shop and eastward to the next screen. By the right side of the Bar, check the crate to earn [670 Gelders]. Southeast from here, there's a chest beside the Outhouse that contains [Golden Eel x3]. At the south end of the Inn, a barrel holds [Milk x3]. Let's pay a visit to that Inn. First, check the crate that's just inside to your left to find the [Riding Boots]. Go ahead and equip these. On the right side of this floor, the right nightstand holds [Red Bean Bun x7]. Head upstairs and the dresser by the door will dispense a [Caffeine]. Check the chests between the beds to find [1850 Gelders] and [Small Bomb x5], respectively. You're done looting this treasure trove, so head outside and exit south to the next screen. This map contains the Headquarters of the Excelsior Force, but before you head inside, check the area of the pond between the broken fence posts to get [Soothing Water x4]. You can also steal [Golden Eel x3] from the horses' trough. Go ahead and enter the headquarters now and watch the scene. Back outside, exit left. On this screen, there's a chest all the way to the left that holds [Red Bean Bun x5] and [Smoke Bomb x3]. Inside the adjacent house, the cupboard downstairs holds a [Liger Balm]. Upstairs, there's a cabinet with barrels on top of it that will give you [Fish Cake x2]. Check the dressers thrice on the other end of the room for [Milk x2] [Hamburger] and [Spicy Rice Cake x3]. CHECKING A FOURTH TIME WILL CAUSE YOU TO LOSE ALL OF THESE ITEMS. When done, leave the house and exit north. Leave Vardenhoff, and now the path leading up the stone stairway is open. Follow it. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Vardenhoff Field % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Previous Map: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MultiMap1.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - 700 Gelders - Red Bean Bun x5 | ____________________________________ Just follow the twisty path 'til you get to the next screen. On this screen you can either go left at the top, or take some stone stairs. Take the stairs, where you'll find a chest on your left that contains [700 Gelders] and [Red Bean Bun x5]. Head back to where you came from, and take the left path this time. Continue northwestward to the next screen, where a few scenes will play and the quest you've been working on will be completed. ######################### # Prologue: Complete! # ######################### ___________________________________________________________________________ ######################### # # # Chapter 1 # # [CH1] # # # ######################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Vardenhoff/ Dead Man's Spire Entrance % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Previous maps: Vardenhoff: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ VardenhoffMap.png Vardenhoff Bridge/ Path to Dead Man's Spire: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MultiMap1.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Angel Feather x2 | | - Quest Item: Master Cane | ___________________________| After the scene, you will automatically accept a new quest. Exit right to -Vardenhoff-. Visit the weapon shop and upgrade your current team, also buying an extra Leather Armor and Leather Boots for an upcoming ally if you don't have spares already. Head inside the Bar and down the staircase located in the lower right corner to watch another scene. Now we need to take that same twisty path back up to Dead Man's Spire. When you enter the area with the Spire, a scene will play and a new path will open up to the northwest. Before we enter, check the northeast corner for the chest with [Angel Feather x2]. Head inside. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Dead Man's Spire (1f) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ DeadMansSpireMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - 1200 Gelders - Angel Feather x2 | - Riding Boots - Sapphire Staff | ____________________________________| NOTE: If you happen to get a (Rare) Snail Card drop from the Alpha Snails, save it. You'll be getting brand new equips soon, and all the better to upgrade. Same with Gel Cards from Gelatinous Blobs and Scorpion Cards from Redclaws. Follow the straighforward path to the next screen. STOP at the end of this screen, because there's a boss battle on the next one. While easy, you'll want to SAVE in case you don't get the rare drop. When ready, proceed. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #2 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,--------------------------------------------. | Gelatinous Blob | 15| 210| Physical | Fire | | Cal Galorin | 22| 110| Physical | Fire | | Cal Galorin | 22| 110| Physical | Fire | |--------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 30 EXP, 580 Gelders, 60 SP | | Platinum Medallion (Rare) | '--------------------------------------------' Ok, so, you've already seen these monsters. Oh well, it's still a boss battle. I recommend saving MP (except for Fire magic). *************************************************************************** After the battle, update your party's equipment with the concept of "Lowest HP gets highest DEF". The backrow is also a good place for low-Def characters, as it seems to reduce the amount of damage that enemies' physical attacks deal... however, there is speculation over this. Circle back east a bit then head southeast to the next screen. You'll find [1200 Gelders] and [Angel Feather x2] in a chest. At the previous screen, take the southwestern path this time. Follow the path to the next screen, and to the next. A boss battle awaits at the third screen, but don't bother prepping for it, as it's unwinnable for the average player and you won't get a game over for losing. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #3 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,---------------------------------------------. | Undead Knight | 99| 22,000| Darkness | Holy | |---------------------------------------------| | Spoils- | | | | Lose: Nothing | | | | Win: 2000 Exp, 600 Gelders, 70 SP | | Bronze Medallion | '---------------------------------------------' Again, unwinnable for non-cheaters (realistically). Just lose and the story will continue. Note: The story does not change if you win. *************************************************************************** After the scene, exit northwest. You'll come to a fork, so take the north- eastern path. Here, there's a chest that's holding [Riding Boots] and [Sapphire Staff]. Back at the previous screen, take the southwestern path that winds its way around and exits at -Mirage Village-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Mirage Village % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MirageVillageMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: ================================ = Mirage Village Weapon Shop = ================================ Name: Price: Stats: -----------------------------------------------------------------. Baselard | 1440G|Atk:28| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Lightning | -----------------------------------------------------------------| Claymore | 3600G|Atk:50| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |Def: 5| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | -----------------------------------------------------------------| Stiletto | 396G|Atk:10| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L: 0| H:-1| D:+1| |-------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | -----------------------------------------------------------------| Ballock | 936G|Atk:22| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:-2| D:+2| |-------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Darkness | -----------------------------------------------------------------| Blade of Glory | 2640G|Atk:40| F:+1| I:-1| W: 0| L: 0| H:+2| D:-2| |-------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Holy | -----------------------------------------------------------------| Wooden Staff | 144G|Atk: 1| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | -----------------------------------------------------------------| Sapphire Staff | 540G|Atk: 3| F:+1| I: 0| W:+1| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | -----------------------------------------------------------------| Gambeson | 480G|Def:15| F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| -----------------------------------------------------------------| Brigandine | 1200G|Def:25| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| -----------------------------------------------------------------| Leather Boots | 144G|Def: 5| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| -----------------------------------------------------------------| Riding Boots | 420G|Def:12| F: 0| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| -----------------------------------------------------------------' ============================== = Mirage Village Tool Shop = ============================== Name: Price: Name: Price: ------------------------------------------------------------. Light Healing Potion | 120G| Medium Healing Potion | 360G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Strong Healing Potion | 720G| Antidote | 120G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Alarm Clock | 120G| Acetylsalicylic Acid | 120G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Mighty Medicine | 120G| Soothing Water | 120G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Angel Feather | 1200G| Tent | 2400G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Smoke Bomb | 1800G| Small Bomb | 600G| ------------------------------------------------------------' ______________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - 5000 Gelders - Strong Healing Potion x5 | - 2000 Gelders - Smoke Bomb x2 | - Gas Mask x2 - Milk x10 | - Fish Cake x3 - Spicy Rice Cake x2 | - Spicy Squid x2 | | - Quest Item: Message Fragment x4 | - Quest Item: Message from Aneris | - Quest Item: Saint Hammer | ______________________________________________| After the scene, you'll be free to explore. Before crossing the bridge, head northwest to the house beside the inn. Inside is a chest with [5000 Gelders]. Back outside, there's a chest on the left side of the same house that contains [Strong Healing Potion x5]. Now you are free to cross the bridge. In this screen head southwest and visit the Weapon/Tool Shops. Note: The Inn is close to the entrance, giving us a nice situation for easy training. Go ahead and train now if you wish, as this exit will be blocked once you advance the story. Also, don't forget to use your Cards on your new equips. Give Henson any HP or VIT boosts, and Killian any MP upgrades. Once you're decked out in new gear, head back outside. A bit to the southwest, you'll see an odd-shaped patch of grass. Check it to find [2000 Gelders], then go straight north and cross the bridge. Here, head northeast to find a chest containing [Smoke Bomb x2] and [Gas Mask x2] by the hedges. In the adjacent house there's a chest upstairs that yields [Milk x10]. Now you can go back across the bridge you came from (as the western exit is blocked right now) then go southwest a little bit to get to the next screen. You'll see the Bar immediately, but first go into the house just below it to find a chest with [Fish Cake x3] [Spicy Rice Cake x2] and [Spicy Squid x3]. Now head to the Bar to proceed with the story. During the scene, you may or may not have noticed the girl in the purple dress run away as soon as Killian saw her. Follow her to the next screen. Now you need to talk to her, she's standing just below the Clocktower. After the scene, the objective is to find the four pieces of the note. They are found as follows: 1. A little northeast of you, on the eastern side of the Clocktower. 2. Between the house and the Inn on the first screen. 3. Below the house on the same screen as the Bar. 4. Beside the house in the screen with the Angel Statue. After the scene, SAVE, then search the nearby statue. Another scene... then a boss battle. NOTE: If you didn't read the Overview section, I will be censoring some bosses' names like I have this next one. I felt seeing the name would be a spoiler to people that read the boss strategy beforehand. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #4 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,-----------------------------------------. | Zombie | 2| 100| Physical | Fire | | Zombie | 2| 100| Physical | Fire | | Zombie ***** | 14| 200| Physical | Fire | |-----------------------------------------| | Spoils: 90 EXP, 580 Gelders, 80 SP | | Bronze Medallion | | Joker Card (Rare) | '-----------------------------------------' Another crap battle really, as a Cross Slash can finish all of them. Just be sure that you get the Joker Card. *************************************************************************** After the battle, another scene plays, and we're at our new destination. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Ghost Village % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ GhostVillageMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: =============================== = Ghost Village Weapon Shop = =============================== Name: Price: Stats: -------------------------------------------------------------------. Claymore | 3600G| Atk: 50| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | | Def: 5| | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Blade of Glory | 2640G| Atk: 40| F:+1| I:-1| W: 0| L: 0| H:+2| D:-2| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Holy | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Emerald Staff | 1320G| Atk: 6| F: 0| I:+1| W: 0| L:+2| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Smith Hammer | 1920G| Atk: 30| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Iron Hammer | 4800G| Atk: 55| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Gambeson | 480G| Def: 15| F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------| Brigandine | 1200G| Def: 25| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------| Leather Boots | 144G| Def: 5| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------| Riding Boots | 420G| Def: 12| F: 0| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------| Health Amulet | 3600G| HP +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------| Mana Amulet | 3600G| MP + 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------| Might Bracelet | 6000G|Atk + 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------| Aegis Bracelet | 6000G|Def + 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| -------------------------------------------------------------------' ============================= = Ghost Village Tool Shop = ============================= Name: Price: Name: Price: ------------------------------------------------------------. Light Healing Potion | 120G| Medium Healing Potion | 360G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Strong Healing Potion | 720G| Antidote | 120G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Alarm Clock | 120G| Acetylsalicylic Acid | 120G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Mighty Medicine | 120G| Soothing Water | 120G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Angel Feather | 1200G| Tent | 2400G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Smoke Bomb | 1800G| Small Bomb | 600G| ------------------------------------------------------------' ________________________________ Item Checklist: | - Hobnail Boots - Antidote x2 | - Tent x3 | ________________________________| First off, find the small path beside the Angel Statue and circle around to get the chest with the [Hobnail Boots]. Give these to a character that needs Atk. Head to the main square, where you'll find [Antidote x2] in a spiderweb near the Clocktower. There are some new items at the Weapon Shop if you didn't notice, so gear up. Be sure to have an extra set of boots, an Iron Hammer, and a Brigandine for someone later. When finished, grab the [Tent x3] in a chest by the Inn. Head back to the area with the Angel Statue. SAVE, then take the southwestern exit. A scene will play, then time for a boss battle. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #5 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,-------------------------------------. | ***** | 17| 600| Physical | Fire | |-------------------------------------| | Spoils: 76 EXP, 800 Gelders, 100 SP | | Bronze Medallion | | Joker Card (Rare) | '-------------------------------------' Another weakling boss?! Just throw a couple of Justice Blades at him. He might heal but he won't be doing significant damage. Again, just be sure to get the Joker Card. *************************************************************************** Another scene after the battle, and we're free to climb the tower. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Dead Man's Spire % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Previous Map: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ DeadMansSpireMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Small Bomb x5 - Medium Mana Potion x3 | - Claymore - Brigandine | __________________________________________| Notes: Guh Mi (spiders) are weak to Ice, everything else is weak to Fire. They drop Bronze Medallions and Spider Cards sometimes if you want to get that extra boost of power. If you couldn't guess, Spiky Skunks will drop Skunk Cards. It's a good idea to learn Poison Barrier if you can, as a boss battle coming up relies heavily on poisoning your characters. Learning Cleanse or stocking up on antidotes is another way of combatting this, however those only cure one ally at a time. Panacea would work too, but it takes 200 more SP to unlock and learn, plus one cast of Barrier will last a few turns. Try to teach Henson Inspire, as both upcoming bosses can kill a character in one or two hits if you don't have it. Another skill to work for is First Aid, which heals the whole party. If you have the prior skills mentioned, though, you won't need First Aid so much. The path is fairly straightforward. Make your way up to the fourth floor, where a scene will play. Head through the doorway and continue climbing, making sure to open the chest on Floor 4 to get [Small Bomb x5] and [Medium Mana Potion x3]. Floor 7 is home to a chest that holds a [Claymore] and a [Brigandine]. Be sure to SAVE when you get to the top and you no longer see stairs. Our first REAL boss battle awaits. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #6 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: Resist: ,---------------------------------------------------. | L****** M****** | 20| 2000| Darkness | Holy | Ice | |---------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 555 EXP, 1000 Gelders, 150 SP | | Bronze Medallion | | Dark Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | '---------------------------------------------------' Use what buff skills you have, and unleash your fury. This battle's nowhere NEAR as hard as the last encounter, and should be over within a few turns. Hopefully, everyone will level up to get their HP/MP restored. *************************************************************************** Another scene, then a consecutive boss battle. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #7 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,-----------------------------------------------------------. | Spider Servant | 12| 720| Lightning | Fire | | | Spider Servant | 12| 720| Lightning | Fire | | | N******* | 22| 2600| Darkness | Holy | Resist: Ice | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 666 EXP, 2000 Gelders, 250 SP | | Silver Medallion | | Ice Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | '-----------------------------------------------------------' This one can be really troublesome. First priorities are buffing and using Poison Barrier unless you got Panacea. Save MP on Gelts for healing and/or use him for restoring MP to other allies who run out. It may take a few turns, but as long as you manage the Poison and take out the spiders first, then you should do well. *************************************************************************** After the scene, you'll be back at -Vardenhoff Bridge-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Vardenhoff Bridge/ Vardenhoff % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Might Ring - Tent x4 | ________________________| Did you notice the chest that magically appeared during the scene? Backtrack one screen and take the now open Shortcut to get to it. It holds a [Tent x4] and [Might Ring]. Remember that locked chest in Granny's House back in Shern Village? Her kid came back and unlocked it while we were busy in the Spire. It holds an item that doubles all your stats, the [Joker Amulet]. !!!SPOILER!!! JUST KIDDING about that amulet. Stop being so serious :) Anyway. Head back to Vardenhoff and into the Bar for a scene. ########################## # Chapter 1: Complete! # ########################## ___________________________________________________________________________ ####################### # # # Chapter 2 # # [CH2] # # # ####################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Habsburg % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map Available: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ HabsburgMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: ========================== = Habsburg Weapon Shop = ========================== Name: Price: Stats: ---------------------------------------------------------------------. Flamberge | 10400G|Atk: 88| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:-1| D:+1| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Quayle Dagger | 6500G|Atk: 70| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-2| D:-2| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Wizardry Staff | 5590G|Atk: 11| F:+2| I:-1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-1| D:-1| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Sledgehammer | 13000G|Atk: 75| F:-1| I:-1| W:-1| L:-1| H:-1| D:-1| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Holy | ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Glove | 2600G|Atk: 15| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Cestus | 5850G|Atk: 40| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Brigandine | 1300G|Def: 25| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Ring Mail | 4160G|Def: 42| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Thief Robe | 3899G|Def: 35| F:-1| I:+1| W:+1| L:-1| H:-1| D:+1| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Apprentice Cloak | 2699G|Def: 30| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Hooded Cloak | 5850G|Def: 43| F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Linen Armor | 5200G|Def: 40| F:+2| I:-2| W:+1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Leather Belt | 2600G|Def: 10| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Riding Boots | 454G|Def: 12| F: 0| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| Hobnail Boots | 1430G|Def: 15| F:+1| I:-1| W:+1| L:-1| H:-1| D:+1| | |Atk: 12| | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------' ====================== = Habsburg Jeweler = ====================== Name: Price: Stats: ------------------------------------------------------------------------. Health Amulet | 4500G| HP +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Mana Amulet | 4500G| MP + 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Strength Amulet | 7500G|STR +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Intelligence Amulet | 7500G|INT +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Vitality Amulet | 7500G|VIT +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Will Amulet | 7500G|WIL +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Might Bracelet | 7500G|Atk + 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Aegis Bracelet | 7500G|Def + 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Lava Bracelet | 9000G| N/A | F:+1| I:-1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Snow Bracelet | 9000G| N/A | F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Gale Bracelet | 9000G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------| Volt Bracelet | 9000G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------' Name: Price: Name: Price: ----------------------------------------------------------. Fire Gem | 7500G| Lightning Gem | 7500G| ----------------------------------------------------------| Ice Gem | 7500G| Dark Gem | 7500G| ----------------------------------------------------------| Wind Gem | 7500G| Holy Gem | 7500G| ----------------------------------------------------------' ======================== = Habsburg Tool Shop = ======================== Name: Price: Name: Price: ------------------------------------------------------------------. Medium Healing Potion | 390G | Angel Feather | 1300G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Strong Healing Potion | 780G | Elixir | 3899G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Miracle Potion | 1949G | Tent | 2600G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Antidote | 130G | Immortality Scroll | 19500G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Alarm Clock | 130G | Small Bomb | 650G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Acetylsalicylic Acid | 130G | Medium Bomb | 1949G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Mighty Medicine | 130G | Monster Compendium | 7799G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Soothing Water | 130G | Golden Eel | 195G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Holy Arrow | 650G | Royal Bento | 325G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------| Cayenne Powder | 260G | Milk | 65G | --------------------------------|---------------------------------' Liger Balm | 260G | --------------------------------' NOTE: When it comes to Immortality Scrolls... really think before you buy. They sound all cool, but I find them a waste of money. They're too expensive, and since it's used automatically, the character that's raised may be attacked and die again right away before you have a chance to heal him or her. ____________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Milk x5 - Takoyaki x4 | - 2140 Gelders - Medium Bomb x3 | - Gas Mask - Takoyaki x8 | - Hamburger x10 - Emergency Potion x50 | - Medium Bomb x4 - Mailbox Chicken | - Throat Lozenge x3 - 7000 Gelders | - Alarm Clock - 2110 Gelders | ____________________________________________| After the scenes, we're free to loot Habsburg. Head southwest following the paved road and into the Library on your right. A chest in here has [Milk x4] and [Takoyaki x4]. Back outside, head southeast again and check the round, green bush on your left for [2140 Gelders]. In the nearby warehouse to the southeast, another chest holds [Medium Bomb x3]. Head northeast again and to the next screen. Here, go a little north and check the planter in front of the Bar for a [Gas Mask]. Directly behind the Bar is a house where you'll find [Takoyaki x8] in the fireplace on the first floor, and a chest with [Hamburger x10] on the second floor. Once collected, exit and head around the left side of the same house to find a chest with [Emergency Potion x50] ... or so you think. Now head into the park to the south, and you find [Medium Bomb x4] hanging out beside a lamppost. Go back north a ways then exit left to the next screen. In this screen, check around the left side of the Inn for a mailbox with the [Mailbox Chicken] *wink*. Down the road and to the left, check the last flowerpot on the left side of the path for the [Throat Lozenge x3]. Enter the mansion. The first floor houses a chest with [7000 Gelders], and check the grandfather clock on the second floor for an [Alarm Clock]. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sidequest: Monastery's Backyard + + Reward : Huge Bomb x10 + + + + If you want to begin this optional + + sidequest then talk to Englehyde + + while you're here. + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now you can exit the mansion. Enter the Tool/Jeweler's shop that's located to the southeast. Purchase a Monster Compendium at least, and any other items you might need. NOTE: If you plan on doing the sidequest or at least pillaging the dungeon, then it's wise to purchase a couple of Holy Gems for your attackers. All of the monsters will be weak to Holy. Across the street is the Mirrormaker's House. If you're strapped for cash, do this next sidequest. If not, skip it and head to the Weapon Shop. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sidequest: Brownie Trouble Reward: 20,000 Gelders Save your game if you want to make sure you get the Joker Card. Enter the Mirrormaker's House and check the northwest corner, which is a door to the basement. Accept the quest when prompted and watch the scene, then you'll be pitted into a "boss" battle. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #8 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,--------------------------------------------. | Brownie Captain | 12| 600| Physical | Fire | | Brownie | 12| 600| Physical | Fire | | Brownie Captain | 12| 600| Physical | Fire | | Brownie | 12| 600| Physical | Fire | |--------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 35 EXP, 580 Gelders, 150 SP | | Neutrality Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | '--------------------------------------------' As they all only have 600 HP, just throw a Cross Slash and/or a Blaze or two to mow them down. Alot of people believe there's something more to this quest, since it seems kind of random and is such an easy battle, but noone's found out anything. I tried letting them defeat me (it was hard, too!) to see if the outcome of the quest would be any different, but no, just got a game over. *************************************************************************** After the battle, pick any of the skills to use, you'll still get the same reward. Just talk to Thomas to claim it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now that you should have a full wallet, go across the street to the Weapon Shop and upgrade your gear. When done, exit -Habsburg- to the southwest. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Habsburg Entrance [HE#] % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MultiMap2.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _______________________ Item Checklist: | | - None | _______________________| The first thing you'll see is the nearby Teleporter. For 1000G, she will send you to a place known as -Ziggurat Tower-. In this tower there are three zones, each ten floors. You can go there and complete the first zone, however Killian's Gold Scale Mail is the only item available in it that we haven't seen yet. It's a good place to train for EXP and SP, but the monetary amounts the mobs drop are pitifully low... and with the prices skyrocketing for high end items, you'll probably need Gelders before you need EXP. If you want to check it out though, search for [ZT#]. (ctrl+F) There are no items to find here, but I must mention the house located in the southwestern section of this screen. Not necessarily the house, but the well that's right beside it. If you jump into the well, it will teleport you to -Latein Bridge-, which is the entrance to -Mt. Bloodyhorn-. While you won't be able to progress the story here yet, there IS a merchant who sells some awesome items. Mercury Boots (30000G), only when equipped on Killian, will let you outrun enemies and speed up your exploring in general. I don't recommend avoiding enemies, but these shoes make it 10x easier to ambush mobs and to avoid being ambushed yourself. I also recommend the Amulet of Restoration (33000G), which regenerates MP for a character every turn (it's not much, but it's still a source of free MP for long dungeons). If you want to check out the full list of her wares, then search [LP#]. !!!TIP!!! If you DO get the Mercury Boots, training will be a breeze, especially in large areas like the desert. First, just run around the map and get all the enemies to chase you. Then when you get into a battle, all the ones that chased you will still be sitting there afterwards! Just stand on them until you stop blinking for a guaranteed ambush. When your back at Habsburg and ready, let's continue to the adjacent map: -Habsburg Plain-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Habsburg Plain/ Latein Desert % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Same Map: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MultiMap2.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (What good game doesn't have a desert to get lost in?) ______________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Tent x5 - Elixir x2 | - 1200 Gelders | ______________________________| Just head northwest until you reach the next screen. Keep heading west, ignoring the northern path for now and into the next screen. At the far northwestern corner, there is a chest with [1200 Gelders] and [Elixir x2]. Exit left, into -Latein Desert-. TIP: If you run into the south "wall", even though there's technically no exit there, you will re-emerge at the northern end of the desert. Similarly, the west "wall" will place you back at the eastern end. Either run north to the next screen, or use the "wall trick" mentioned above to get there. Here, either run west to the next screen or use the same trick by running into the eastern "wall" of the desert. On this screen, run north and grab the chest with [Tent x5], then run into the north "wall" of the desert and exit south. Head southwest a bit then up the small path to exit to -St. Gergeous Monastery-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % St. Gergeous Monastery/ Monastery's Backyard % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map Available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ StGergeousMonasteryMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _______________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - 10000 Gelders - 1900 Gelders | - Tent x5 - Medium Healing Potion x10 | - 5500 Gelders - Tent x5 | - Holy Arrow x5 | | Quest Item: Golden Biscuit | _______________________________________________| Whether you chose to do the sidequest or not, you'll probably want to at least loot -Monastery's Backyard-. It's not hard to find, all you do is walk along the northeastern edge of the screen until you kind of fall into it. NOTE: Everything in here is weak to Holy, so if you bought those Holy Gems that I suggested earlier, now's the time to use them on your party. Mobs here have pretty decent EXP and Gelders, not to mention Zombies drop Silver Medallions. Use Henson/Gelts' Purify for 1000+ damage to all, and watch out for the Confusion status. Once inside, the dungeon is fairly straightforward. It may look a bit confusing since the paths seem to be leading in different directions, however both paths will lead to the same place. The first room we come to has the chest with [10000 Gelders], so grab it and head through the door to the northeast. Continue along the path until you get to the next screen. Ignore the first room you see and continue down the path. The room on your right will contain the chest with [1900 Gelders] and a [Tent x5]. Keep going down the path to the next screen. Here, the first room on your left will have the chest with [Medium Healing Potion x10]. Grab it and head to the next screen. In this screen, the first room on your right will have a chest with [5500 Gelders], then you can just ignore the rest of the rooms and head to the final screen. The first chest will have the [Golden Biscuit], and along the north wall will be a second chest with a [Tent x5]. Now that you've looted the place, head back out and into the monastery proper. A simple enough place to navigate, just head into the door at the top right edge of the screen. Check the chest by the stairs for the [Holy Arrow x5], then continue up the stairs and follow the path until you get to a room. Talk to the guy in the green cassock for a scene. Afterwards, head back outside to the entrance of the monastery. Talk to the "Crazy Monk", then you can head for -Ganellon Village-. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sidequest update: Monastery's Backyard + + + + Now's as good a time as any to visit + + Englehyde again in Habsburg and finish + + the quest. Or we'll be visiting the + + city again soon if you want to just + + wait. + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Ganellon Village % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: ================================ = Ganellon Village Tool Shop = ================================ --------------------------------------------------------------. Medium Healing Potion | 360G| Cayenne Powder | 240G| -----------------------------|--------------------------------| Strong Healing Potion | 720G| Liger Balm | 240G| -----------------------------|--------------------------------| Miracle Potion | 1800G| Habanero Pepper | 600G| -----------------------------|--------------------------------| Antidote | 120G| Dragon Dust | 600G| -----------------------------|--------------------------------| Alarm Clock | 120G| Angel Feather | 1200G| -----------------------------|--------------------------------| Acetylesalicylic Acid | 120G| Elixir | 3600G| -----------------------------|--------------------------------| Mighty Medicine | 120G| Tent | 2400G| -----------------------------|--------------------------------| Soothing Water | 120G| Immortality Scroll |18000G| -----------------------------|--------------------------------| Holy Arrow | 600G| Smoke Bomb | 1800G| --------------------------------------------------------------' __________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Medium Bomb x3 - Antidote x2 | __________________________________| Since it's such a small place, I didn't bother with a map. The first big house you see with the green door has a chest upstairs that holds [Medium Bomb x3]. Directly beside the chest on the shelf is the [Antidote x2]. To the northwest of the house, in a hidden path through the trees is a fruit tree that will restore your HP/MP for free! Makes training a breeze. When you're ready, just go into the small house on the upper right side of the village and talk to Domingo for scene. Head to the Inn and talk to girl that is now there for a scene. Now we need to head out of the village and back south to Habsburg Plain. Go east one screen then take the northern path that we ignored earlier. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Ganensher Swamp/ Ganensher Entrance % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ GanensherDungeonMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (Lol, doesn't this music remind you of a cheap porno flick?) _____________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Cayenne Powder x5 - Elixir x3 | - Smoke Bomb x5 - Intelligence Amulet | - Will Amulet - Safety Boots | - 2200 Gelders - Aura Mask x3 | | -Quest Item: Water of Life | _____________________________________________| NOTE: The majority of monsters in here are weak to Fire. If you've got some spare Gelders, then buying some Fire Gems from Habsburg will make things alot easier in here. Also, make sure Henson has learned Blaze. Just head up a screen. On the next screen, straight north from where you come in, you'll see a chest among the roots that holds [Cayenne Powder x5]. Adjacent to that is a somewhat masked path between the trees that's the entrance to the dungeon. Head inside. From the entrance, head southwest, then southeast across the bridges. At the third platform, there are two paths, take the southeast one. Follow the path until you go down some stairs. Here, go southwest to the next platform. There are two paths again, take the southern one and grab the [Elixir x3] and [Smoke Bomb x5] from the chest, then go back across to the northern pass and to the next screen. Here, take the soutwestern path and get the Intelligence Amulet from the chest. Back on the previous screen, head northwest until you get to the next screen. Flip the lever here, then backtrack all the way to the map at the entrance. Take the southwestern path this time until you find some stairs leading down. There are two paths again, take the northern one and follow it until you find the [Safety Boots] in a chest. Go back and take the southern path now up some stairs and flip the lever. Backtrack to the Entrance map again. Take the southeastern path again to the next screen. On the second platform, you should notice a new path heading southwest has opened up. Take it. Cross the couple of platforms and you'll see a tree branch leading off to the right. At the end of this you'll find the chest with [2200 Gelders] and [Aura Mask x3]. Backtrack to the platform and you'll find a stairway that you need to head down. Across another couple of platforms is a second door/stairway that leads to the next screen. Cross the platforms, and on the next screen take the southwestern path first. Get the [Will Amulet] from the chest and head back and take the southeastern path this time. Just follow the path until you head around and finally arrive at the spring, where you can collect the [Water of Life]. I'm not gonna guide you back out of the dungeon, find your way back out on your own. *wink* Head back to -Ganellon Village- and to the Inn. After the scene, leave and re-enter the Inn and yes, you have to pay to stay until night. Once you regain control, head back over to the house. After the scene, go back to Habsburg and to the Mirrormaker's House for yet another scene. NOTE: Before continuing, it's a REALLY GOOD IDEA to buy at least three Holy Gems. You go to a place where you can't return to town soon, and the boss you find there is resistant to any attacks unless they are Holy-based. You should also have learned Wave Strike on Killian AND Spinel. Furthermore, you need to have it at Rank THREE on both of them. Silver Medallions are dropped by Zombies. Afterwards, exit -Habsburg- and step into the well at the bottom of the entrance screen to warp to -Mt. Bloodyhorn-, or you can just walk there. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Latein Bridge % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTE: If you warped here and can't progress in the story yet, then exit RIGHT and backtrack to -Habsburg-. Search [HE#] to get back to that section of the guide. Shops: ============================= = Liche the Peddler [LP#] = ============================= ----------------------------------------------------------------. Strong Healing Potion | 900G| Throat Lozenge | 300G| --------------------------------|-------------------------------| Emergency Potion | 7500G| Safe Haven | 3300G| --------------------------------|-------------------------------| Gas Mask | 300G| Ambrosia | 30000G| --------------------------------|-------------------------------| Caffeine | 300G| Soul Stone | 30000G| --------------------------------|-------------------------------| Paracetamol | 300G| Monster Compendium | 9000G| --------------------------------|-------------------------------' Vaccination | 300G| --------------------------------' --------------------------------------------------------------------------. Amulet of Healing |33000G| N/A |F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | |Slowly restores HP every turn | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Amulet of Restoration |33000G| N/A |F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | |Slowly restores MP every turn | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Mercury Shoes |30000G| N/A |F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | |Allows Killian to outrun monsters | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Might Ring |30000G|ATK +10%| F:-1| I:-1| W:-1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Aegis Ring |30000G|DEF +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:-1| D:-1| --------------------------------------------------------------------------' Just cross the bridge to the next screen. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Mt. Bloodyhorn % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MtBloodyhorn-MoonlightDungeonMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Alarm clock x2 - Medium Mana Potion x3 | ____________________________________________| On the first screen, head left then southwest a little to the next screen. You'll be presented with a fork after heading up a bit, take the north- eastern path. On the next screen just go up and east a bit, then up the ledge to the northeast to find the chest with [Alarm Clock x2] and the [Medium Mana Potion x3]. Head back to the previously mentioned fork. Head west this time to the next screen. Go across the bridge and up the stairs and just keep following the path northeast until you hit the next screen. Here, you can take either of the paths, they ultimately lead to the same place. STOP at the top and SAVE YOUR GAME. Read the boss section before you continue. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #9 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: Resist: ,-----------------------------------------------------. | Pitak | 90| 23000| Darkness | Holy | All but Holy | |-----------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: | | | | -Lose: Nothing | | | | - Win: 1600 EXP, 3000 Gelders, 70 SP | | Silver Medallion | | Neutrality Gem | | | '-----------------------------------------------------' There are two options here. You can win, or you can lose. It's completely up to you. If you win, you get to completely skip an entire dungeon! However, if you lose, you get to traverse said dungeon and pick up some cool weapons for Spinel and Lahduk. It's a win/win situation, really. If you plan on losing, then go ahead and do so (don't worry if you have any Immortality Scrolls, they are disabled for this fight), and go right ahead reading the -Moonlight Dungeon- section. If you plan on winning, there are a couple of things we need to do first. 1. Find enough Silver Medallions to get BOTH Spinel AND Killian's Wave Strike skill to Rank 3. Zombies drop these the most often I've found. Also get Killian's Justice Blade to Rank 3 if you haven't already. 2. You will need two or four Holy Gems depending on which strategy below that you choose. THESE ARE NOT OPTIONAL. You will only do 1 damage if you don't use them. 3. You will need to upgrade your equipment with Zombie cards (found from Zombies obviously, in Monastery's Backyard). These will take away HP somewhat, but will give you an ample amount of MP. With that said, choose your strategy. (I used Safe Guard, and was around level 45 on all characters) [ SAFE GUARD ] This will require that you learn Grace of God on Killian, Spinel, Lahduk, and Henson. Henson will also need Shout and Focus. Spinel will need Illusion Assault. Use a Holy Gem on Killan and Spinel. Basically the run-down of the battle will go like this: - Lahduk will use Grace of God (if you don't use it every turn, someone will die right after it expires, and you will never be able to use it again) - Spinel will use Wave Strike for three turns. The first should deal about 5700 damage, and get about 1500 weaker each turn. Then she will switch to Illusion Assault. - Killian will use Justice Blade unless someone is running low on MP. - Henson will buff Killian unless someone is low on MP. [ RECKLESS ASSAULT ] This will require that you have learned Way of the Dragon on Lahduk, Illusion Assault on Spinel, and Doom Hammer on Gelts. You will need to use Holy Gems on all characters as well. You will need LOTS of Angel Feathers OR 4-5 Soul Stones (Ziggurat Merchant- 32000G each). The basic rule is this: Have Spinel use Wave Strike whenever possible, and everyone else use their most powerful skills. - If you got tons of Angel Feathers: Have Killian revive whomever died each turn. If he's the one that died then let Gelts revive him. - If you got the Soul Stones: Have everyone attack each turn until three characters are dead. Then have whomever's left alive use a Soul Stone. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After the battle and the scene, you'll be in -Moonlight Dungeon-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Moonlight Dungeon % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Same map: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ MtBloodyhorn-MoonlightDungeonMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ______________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Elixir x2 - Twin Baselards | - Ogre Slayer - Key A | - Key B - 55 Gelders | - Might Ring | | - Quest Item: Key A | - Quest Item: Key B | - Quest Item: Moonlight Stone | - Quest Item: Mirror of Moonlight (Habsburg) | ______________________________________________| After the scene, you should immediately see the spring. It will replenish your HP/MP for free, so use this to your advantage and train a bit. When ready, head southeast to the next screen. Around the corner, take the left path at the fork, then head north at the next fork. Flip the switch here and head back to the previous screen. Go back northeast a bit and take the southeastern path of the fork and follow it straight to the next screen, past another fork. Almost immediately at this screen is another fork. Take the northeastern path to the next screen to find a chest with [Elixir x2] and [Twin Baselards] for Spinel. Also flip the switch here, then head back to the previous screen. Continue down the southeastern path, then head southwest at the next fork that you come to. Follow the path and flip the switch at the end. You should get a short scene, then head back to the previous screen. Follow the path all the way to the northeast to the next screen. SAVE YOUR GAME, then go to the end of the path. Time for a boss battle. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #10 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,-------------------------------------------. | N******* M*** | 30| 2300| Physical | Fire | |-------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 95 EXP, 500 Gelders, 30 SP | | Silver Medallion | | Holy Elemental | | Joker Card (Rare) | '-------------------------------------------' Fairly simple, keep Lahduk's HP up and use what skills you've learned on him thus far. It shouldn't take more than a couple of turns. Be careful, he gets Critical Hits fairly often, and can do double/triple attacks just like your own characters can. *************************************************************************** After the battle, watch the scene and head back to the previous screen. Take the northwestern path when you get to the fork and follow it to the next screen. Here, take the southwestern path at the first fork you come to and follow it to the next screen. The gate that was here should be gone, so continue to the next screen. Follow the spiral-ish stairs up to the top, ignoring the red chest for now. At the next screen, take the southeastern path when you get to the fork and follow it to the next screen. Head southwest at this fork to find [Key A], then go back to fork and head northeast to find the chest with the [Might Ring] and [55 Gelders]. Head back to the fork and to the previous screen. When you get to the fork again, go back southwest and open the red chest that we ignored earlier to find [Key B]. Go back a screen and take the northwestern path this time. Walk up to the Gate and unlock it, then SAVE YOUR GAME. Time for a rematch... to the death this time. NOTE: You should now make everyone's attack type Holy. The only one that will really be able to damage Pitak will be Lahduk if you don't. Lahduk should have been taught Inspire by now, and Henson should have Rally and Battle Cry. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #11 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: Resist: ,---------------------------------------------------. | Pitak | 40| 7400| Darkness | Holy | All but Holy | |---------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 700 EXP, 3000 Gelders, 70 SP | | Holy Elemental | | Silver Medallion | | Joker Card (Rare) | '---------------------------------------------------' This time his HP and Attack have been halved. He can still pretty much kill one of your characters each turn with his multi-hit combo, however. - Lahduk should cast Inspire to start with. Then he should use Tiger Fist, or even better, Way of the Dragon. - Spinel should start by casting Wave Strike, which should do about two- thousand damage. The rest of her turns are better spent using Shadow Strike or even better, Illusion Assault. - Have Killian stick with Justice Blade or have him heal. - Henson should start with Battle Cry, then cast Rally, then heal if needed. Using your characters like this, the battle won't last three turns, and my party was only level 37. Holy Gems are really the key, and it's also kind of based on luck in hoping he won't attack the same person twice. *************************************************************************** After the battle/scene, make your way back to -Habsburg- and to the Mirrormaker's House for another scene. Now it's time to go back to -Ganellon Village-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Ganellon Village- Revisited % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TIP: Buy a few Antidotes if you're low. Stay the night at the Inn again, then SAVE YOUR GAME. Head over to Domingo's house and watch the scene. Time for yet another boss battle. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #12 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,---------------------------------------. | Nightmare | 33| 2000| Ice | Fire | | Nightmare | 33| 2000| Ice | Fire | | Nightmare | 33| 2000| Ice | Fire | |---------------------------------------| | Spoils: 500 EXP, 3000 Gelders, 50 SP | | Joker Card | | Silver Medallion | | Lightning Gem | '---------------------------------------' These guys are pretty lame. A few attacks and they go down. The only thing to watch out for is the fact that they use Poison. *************************************************************************** After the battle, Domingo tells all and spoils the surprise for everyone. Oh well. Time to head back to -St. Gergeous Monastery-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % St. Gergeous Monastery- Revisited % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ StGergeousDungeonMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _______________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - 2200 Gelders - Elixir x3 | - Immortality Scroll x2 | | - Quest Item: Holy Water | _______________________________________| Head upstairs to the Abbot's Office again, then follow him. I hope you still have everyone's attack type set to Holy, because these monsters aren't easy otherwise. Watch out for Confusion again. This dungeon might seem like a maze with all the interconnected rooms and TONS of monsters, but it's fairly simple to navigate. To start, just head southwest until you get to the next screen. Here, you wanna go southwest again (hug the walls if you want to avoid battles... like I said, they're tough), then head southeast when you see the path. Follow it to the next screen. In the southeast corner of this room, you will find a forked path. Take the path leading north first to the next screen. Here, there will be a room straight ahead that has the chest with [2000 Gelders] and [Elixir x3]. The path off to the northwest will lead to a room with four coffins in it. Examine the shiny spot for the [Holy Water], then head back to the previous screen. Take the southwestern path at the small fork this time, down the stairs. In this room, you'll find a surprise along the western wall. After the scene, go south a bit to find the path and follow it to the next screen. Here, just find the path in the southeastern corner of the room and follow it. This is the last room. In the southwestern corner you'll find the chest between some coffins that holds [Immortality Scroll x2]. On the north- eastern wall is the path you're looking for. Ignore the left path at the fork, and continue to the next fork. Take the left path first to find some coffins. Read the inscription there then go back to the right path of the fork to find two chalices at the end. Examine them, and the holy water will fill the cups. Now, SAVE YOUR GAME and backtrack a bit to that first path that went off to the left. Fill your HP/MP, then continue through the now open door. Time for a boss battle after the scene. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #13 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: Resist: ,--------------------------------------------------. | I******* A**** | 40| 6000| Physical | Holy | Ice | |--------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 500 EXP, 2000 Gelders, 100 SP | | Gold Medallion | | Dark Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | '--------------------------------------------------' Don't waste your MP. There's a consecutive battle ahead. This guy likes to cast Blaze alot, so you might have to heal a bit, but he'll go down fairly quickly. *************************************************************************** After the scene, the second battle begins. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #14 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: Resist: Null: ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------. | E********* | 45| 11900| Darkness | Holy | Ice, Fire | Lightning, Wind | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 1200 EXP, 5000 Gelders, 100 SP | | Gold Medallion | | Dark Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------' His physical attack does about 300 damage, so have Lahduk or Henson cast Inspire. Start the battle with Wave Strike, which should do about 3000 damage, then pummel him with your most powerful attacks. Henson should just keep buffing the party, or healing if needed. The only thing to watch out for is his skill that puts the whole party to sleep. Other than that, it really shouldn't be too hard of a battle. *************************************************************************** After the battle, there will be a rather long scene, and we'll be back in -Habsburg-. Nothing has changed in the city, but note that Tents are 400G cheaper than they are in the upcoming town. So pick up a few if you wish, then march inside the Order of Light for a scene. ########################## # Chapter 2: Complete! # ########################## ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################## # # # Chapter 3 # # [CH3] # # # ########################## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Fharenthor % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: ============================ = Fharenthor Weapon Shop = ============================ ----------------------------------------------------------------------. Rune Blade | 28000G|Atk:120| F:-2| I:+2| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Ice | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Jagged Edge | 64400G|Atk:198| F:+1| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |Def: -2| | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Fire | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Twin Baselards | 16800G|Atk:110| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Lightning | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Mithril Dagger | 46200G|Atk:160| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Black Staff | 13860G|Atk: 20| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-3| D:-3| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Darkness | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Mystic Staff | 35000G|Atk: 34| F:+1| I:+2| W:+3| L:+1| H:-2| D:-2| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Wind | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Warhammer | 32200G|Atk:125| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Ice | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Obsidian Hammer | 72800G|Atk:180| F:+5| I:-5| W:+1| L:+1| H:+1| D:-1| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Fire | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Divine Gauntlet | 28000G|Atk:120| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:+3| D:+3| |---------------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Chain Mail | 11900G|Def: 55| F:+1| I:-1| W: 0| L: 0| H:+1| D:-1| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Gold Scale Mail | 28000G|Def: 71| F:+1| I:+1| W:-1| L:-1| H:+1| D:+1| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Body Suit | 11900G|Def: 48| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Assassin Suit | 36400G|Def: 56| F:-1| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H:-2| D:+2| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Scale Mail | 12600G|Def: 56| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L:-1| H:+1| D: 0| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Lorica Segmentata | 35000G|Def: 71| F: 0| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H:+1| D:-1| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Military Fatigues | 7000G|Def: 21| F:-2| I:+2| W:+2| L:-2| H: 0| D: 0| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Practice Gi | 42000G|Def: 35| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-1| D:-1| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Safety Boots | 6300G|Def: 28| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Sheepskin Boots | 7000G|Def: 25| F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H:-1| D:-1| |---------------------------------------------------| |Female only; Increases EXP | ----------------------------------------------------------------------' ========================== = Fharenthor Tool Shop = ========================== ------------------------------------------------------------. Medium Healing Potion | 420G| Soothing Water | 140G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Strong Healing Potion | 840G| Tent | 2800G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Miracle Potion | 2100G| Smoke Bomb | 2100G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Emergency Potion | 7000G| Small Bomb | 700G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Antidote | 140G| Medium Bomb | 2100G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Alarm Clock | 140G| Rice Ball | 210G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Acetylsalicylic Acid | 140G| Hamburger | 210G| -----------------------------|------------------------------' Mighty Medicine | 140G| -----------------------------' _________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - 10000 Gelders - Takoyaki x8 | - Spicy Squid x8 - Medium Bomb x5 | - 8000 Gelders - Mighty Medicine x5 | - Golden Eel x7 - Obsidian Hammer | - Safe Haven x2 | _________________________________________| After the scenes, we're free to explore the town. Stay away from the Inn for now, as going there will advance the story. Off to the northwest of the exit is a house with a blue-grayish tin roof. Enter to find the first chest with [10000 Gelders] and [Takoyaki x5]. Then head down the stairs and north to the next screen. Head up the stairs here. To your right will be the Bar, which doesn't have any items but you may want to check the poster that's hanging on the wall. Directly north of the stairs, back by the fence is a chest with [8000 Gelders] and [Mighty Medicine x5]. Nearly adjacent to this is a house with a chest inside that contains [Spicy Squid x8] and [Medium Bomb x5]. Head outside, back down the stairs and west to the next screen. Up the stairs to your left, you will find a warehouse. Sitting behind it, on the left side is a chest that holds [Golden Eel x7] and [Safe Haven x2]. Inside on the second floor, there's a room to the left that has a weapon rack inside it. Check it to receive an [Obsidian Hammer]. Exit the warehouse, go back down the stairs and exit left back to the first screen. Stock up on items if you wish, and purchase some new gear for the team if you can afford it. When you're ready just head to the Inn for a scene, then we can exit the town. NOTE: Regarding the shop, you'll be getting a Mithril Dagger in the upcoming dungeon. So don't buy one unless you're loaded. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Fharenthor Entrance [FE#] % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _________________ Item Checklist: | | - None | _________________| Just like when we left -Habsburg-, the Ziggurat Teleporter will be just outside of town. You can now traverse the tower up through Zone 2. You should probably go ahead and do this, especially if you couldn't afford to buy Killian any new armor. As said before, you'll need to traverse this tower later as part of the main storyline anyway, so you might as well go ahead and unlock Zone 2. Just don't try to go up to Zone 3 yet, because the only new item Zone 2 holds is a Molten Ring, which is a crap item. Search [ZT#] if you want to go to that section of the guide. When you're back at -Fharenthor Entrance- and ready, follow the path to the southeast to the next screen, -Fharenthor Jungle-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Fharenthor Jungle % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _____________________ Item Checklist: | | - Miracle Potion x5 | _____________________| Head around the bend to the next screen. Head south a bit and you'll come to a fork in the road. The western path will lead to -Graystone Bridge-, while the eastern path will lead to -Lauritzen Dungeon-. We'll come back to the dungeon later, so head west for now. Just head southwest until you hit the next screen. Here, head directly west and cross the lilypads to the next screen, stopping to open the chest with the [Miracle Potion x5]. There will be a scene, then you'll need to head back towards -Fharenthor-. On the screen just past the swamp, SAVE YOUR GAME, because there's a boss battle back at the fork. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #15 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: ,----------------------------------------. | W******* | 30| 2100| Physical | Wind | | W***** | 30| 2100| Physical | Wind | | J****** | 40| 2900| Physical | Wind | |----------------------------------------| | Spoils: 1000 EXP, 1000 Gelders, 100 SP | | Gold Medallion | | Neutrality Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | '----------------------------------------' Pretty easy. Using Wave Strike (R:4) at the start of the battle will shear off a total of about 2200 damage from them. Spinel's Gale Force will make quick work of all of them, or you can just stick with regular attacks and they should go down in no time. *************************************************************************** After the battle, there will be a short scene. You can now continue east to -Lauritzen Dungeon-. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sidequest: 30,000 Sword + + Reward: 30000 Sword + + + + Englehyde will be sitting just outside + + of the dungeon, so talk to him if you + + want to accept this sidequest. + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Lauritzen Dungeon % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ LauritzenDungeonMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ________________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Miracle Potion x6 - Medium Bomb x5 | - Huge Bomb x3 - Holy Elixir x3 | - Aegis Ring - Immortality Scroll x2 | - Mithril Dagger - Huge Bomb x5 | - Aura Mask x5 - Holy Arrow x2 | - 2000 Gelders - Medium Mana Potion x10 | - Immortality Scroll | | - Quest Item: Rusty Sword | - Quest Item: Metatron Cannon | ________________________________________________| NOTE: Runaway from Spectres! They have an attack that can either Confuse, Sleep, or Instantly Kill your whole party at once. You can try to kill them, but it's very risky. ============== = Floor B1 = ============== From the entrance, there will be two doors straight ahead. Enter the one to the right and you'll find the [Miracle Potion x6], the door here will be locked at first. Go back to the entrance screen and enter the left door now. In the middle of this room, there will be a chest with the [Medium Bomb x5] and [Huge Bomb x3]. All the doors will transport you to the opposite end of this room except the one that's directly adjacent to where you came in. Enter it to proceed to the next screen. Here, there will be a fork just ahead. Take the southwestern path first and follow the corridor until you get to a large room. In the lower southwest corner, you should notice a candlestick that's different than the rest. Check it in order to open a doorway in the northeastern wall of the room (if you get into a battle, the switch will be reset and you'll have to flip it again). In the next room, just go to the end of the corridor and check another candlestick for a second switch (this one doesn't reset). Head back to where we first came in and a passage will now be open in the northeastern path of the fork, so enter. Follow the corridor around to the next screen and check the red chest for the key. Exit northwest and you'll be back in the very first room of the dungeon. Go back through the door on the right this time and use the key we obtained to unlock the door. Follow the somewhat linear path until you get to the stairs that will take us to Floor B2. Remember to SAVE. ============== = Floor B2 = ============== This floor is kind of like a big maze, so I'll try to be concise in order to keep you from getting lost. Start by heading southeast to the next room, then northeast to the next room. There are exits both northwest and southeast here, take the southeast one to the next room. Here, there are exits both northeast and southwest. Take the southwest one first to a room with the chest that contains [Holy Elixir x3] and the [Aegis Ring]. Go back and exit northeast this time. Here, there's only one exit to the northwest, so take it to the next room. This room has an exit both northwest and northeast, take the northeast one. Head northeast again to the next room. This room has exits both southeast and northwest. The southeast one will lead through a room and on to a second room that contains the chest with [Immortality Scroll x2] and the [Mithril Dagger]. Once you're back, take the northwestern exit this time. Now the path should be linear, with only one exit in each room. Follow it until you get to the last room with the stairs leading down to Floor B3. Remember to SAVE. ============== = Floor B3 = ============== This floor can be really annoying. If you take the wrong path, you will be sent back to the entrance of the floor. Most of the rooms look exactly the same, so I'm going to do a sort of list for you with landmarks and such. That way, if you get into a battle, you should be able to figure out where you are. --------. Room 1 | --------' Entrance (Screen will flash), exit northeast. --------. Room 2 | --------' Northwestern exit (two green jars, one on fire) --------. Room 3 | --------' Northeastern exit (two candlesticks, both lit) --------. Room 4 | --------' Get the chest with [Huge Bomb x5], then exit southeast. --------. Room 5 | --------' Exit northeast (two red candlesticks, both unlit) --------. Room 6 | --------' Exit northwest (six green jars, two on fire) --------. Room 7 | --------' Exit northwest (four candlesticks, three are lit) --------. Room 8 | --------' Exit northeast to find the room with the chest that contains the [Aura Mask x5] (two white candlesticks, both unlit) then return to the previous room (southwest exit) Exit northwest (two candlesticks, both are lit) --------. Room 9 | --------' The five green jars here will (infinitely) yield either a Strong Mana Potion, a Strong Healing Potion, or a monster encounter. Exit northwest (two candlesticks, both are lit) ---------. Room 10 | ---------' Exit southwest (two candlesticks, both unlit) ---------. Room 11 | ---------' Exit southeast (two candlesticks, both are lit) ---------. Room 12 | ---------' Exit southwest (single unlit candlestick) ---------. Room 13 | ---------' Exit northwest (two candlesticks, both are lit) ---------. Room 14 | ---------' Exit southwest (two candlesticks, both unlit) ---------. Room 15 | ---------' Exit northwest (single green jar in the southeastern corner) ---------. Room 16 | ---------' Exit northwest to find a room with the chest that contains [Holy Arrow x2] and [Medium Mana Potion x10], then return. (southeast exit) Exit northeast (four green jars along this wall) ---------. Room 17 | ---------' Yay, no more faulty exits. Just save your game and continue through to the next screen. Pick up the chest that contains [2000 Gelders] and the [Immortality Scroll], then head to the last room. If you're using Jagged Edge or the Obsidian Hammer BE SURE TO CHANGE ITS ELEMENT before continuing. The upcoming boss is resistant to Fire (and possibly ALL elements except Holy, however I unfortunately forgot to test this). *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #16 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: Resist: ,-------------------------------------------------------. | S******** | 54| 17,000| Lightning | Holy | Wind, Fire | |-------------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 4500 EXP, 20000 Gelders, 200 SP | | Gold Medallion | | Fire Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | '-------------------------------------------------------' All he really does is attack your peeps with physical attacks, so the hardest part of this battle is just knocking down his insane HP. Have Spinel use Wave Strike for about three turns, Killian should stick with Justice Blade, Lahduk should use Way of the Dragon, and Gelts should mostly heal (use Doom Hammer when he's not healing). Having Lahduk cast Inspire would help too. *************************************************************************** After the scene, we'll be back in -Fharenthor-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Fharenthor/ Fharenthor Sewers/ Fharenthor Jungle/ Riverton Jungle % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Miracle Potion x4 - Tent x5 | - Dragon Dust x5 | | - Quest Item: Letter from Hannibal | ____________________________________| After the scene, head downstairs and though the door on the left for yet another scene. The sewers are relatively easy to navigate, just keep heading southeast. At the end, there will be two paths, one north and one south. The northern one will lead to the chest with the [Miracle Potion x6] and the southern one will lead to the ladder that will take you back to -Fharenthor Jungle-. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sidequest Update: 30,000 Sword + + + + You can know return and traverse Lauritzen + + dungeon once again to get to the room that + + Stormghor opened up when he busted through + + the wall. Yes, you must start from the + + beginning and no, there's no shortcut. + + It's a small room with a chest that holds + + the Rusty Sword, which you need to take + + back to Englehyde to claim your reward. + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Whenever you're ready, head back west to -Graystone Gate- After the scene, make your way to the next screen. There's a fork here, take the left one a bit to find the chest that contains [Tent x5] and [Dragon Dust x5]. Now you can backtrack a bit and head south, or just keep going because the path loops in a circle anyway. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Riverton % %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: ========================== = Riverton Weapon Shop = ========================== Name: Price: Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------------------. Jagged Edge | 64400G|Atk:198| F:+1| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |Def: -2| | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Fire | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Swordbreaker |126000G|Atk:240| F: 0| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Neutral | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Mithril Dagger | 46200G|Atk:160| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Neutral | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Platinum Dagger | 98000G|Atk:210| F:-1| I:-1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-1| D:-1| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Neutral | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Mystic Staff | 35000G|Atk: 34| F:+1| I:+2| W:+3| L:+1| H:-2| D:-2| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Wind | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Diamond Staff | 84000G|Atk: 50| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:+1| D:+1| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Neutral | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Obsidian Hammer | 72800G|Atk:180| F:+5| I:-5| W:+1| L:+1| H:+1| D:-1| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Fire | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Cyclops Hammer |154000G|Atk:230| F: 0| I: 0| W:+3| L:-1| H:+1| D:+1| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Wind | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Divine Gauntlet | 28000G|Atk:120| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:+3| D:+3| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Neutral | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Beast Claw | 67200G|Atk:190| F:+2| I:-2| W:+2| L:-2| H:+2| D:-2| |---------------------------------------------------| | Original Affinity: Fire | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Plate Armor | 74200G|Def: 88| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:+1| D:+1| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Assassin Suit | 36400G|Def: 56| F:-1| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H:-2| D:+2| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Lorica Segmentata | 35000G|Def: 71| F: 0| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H:+1| D:-1| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Practice Gi | 42000G|Def: 35| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-1| D:-1| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Safety Boots | 6300G|Def: 28| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Sheepskin Boots | 7000G|Def: 25| F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H:-1| D:-1| |---------------------------------------------------| | Female Only, EXP is increased | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Elemental Boots | 7000G|Def: 8| F:+2| I:+2| W:+2| L:+2| H:+2| D:+2| ----------------------------------------------------------------------' ======================== = Riverton Tool Shop = ======================== Name: Price: Name: Price: --------------------------------------------------------------. Strong Healing Potion | 840G| Caffeine | 280G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Super Healing Potion | 2100G| Paracetamol | 280G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Miracle Potion | 2100G| Vaccination | 280G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Antidote | 140G| Throat Lozenge | 280G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Alarm Clock | 140G| Cayenne Powder | 280G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Acetylsalicylic Acid | 140G| Liger Balm | 280G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Mighty Medicine | 140G| Habanero Pepper | 700G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Soothing Water | 140G| Dragon Dust | 700G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Holy Arrow | 700G| Holy Elixir | 8400G| ------------------------------|-------------------------------| Gas Mask | 280G| Soul Stone | 28000G| --------------------------------------------------------------' ========================= = Riverton Restaurant = ========================= Name: Price: --------------------. Golden Eel | 210G | --------------------| Spicy Squid | 210G | --------------------| Fried Shrimp | 350G | --------------------| Sushi | 350G | --------------------| Takoyaki | 210G | --------------------| Hamburger | 210G | --------------------' __________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Aura Mask x5 - Hamburger x5 | - 10000 Gelders | __________________________________| Just south of the entrance is a house. On the second floor there is a chest that contains [Aura Mask x5] and [Hamburger x5]. Back outside, head south again and to the east to the next screen for a scene. Afterwards, head into the warehouse to find the chest with [10000 Gelders]. NOTE: The upcoming boss is resistant to all elements except Holy, so neutralize any affinity your weapons might have, except Holy. After visiting the shops and SAVING your game, head to the Inn and spend the night. Afterward, down the adjacent dock for some scenes, then there will be a boss battle. NOTE: You won't be able to return to town after you get on the boat. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #17 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: Resist: ,--------------------------------------------------. | L******** | 57| 23000| Ice | Holy | All but Holy | |--------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 7500 EXP, 20000 Gelders, 200 SP | | Gold Medallion | | Ice Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | | | '--------------------------------------------------' Same as the last boss really. Only, having Lahduk cast Inspire is a must. Start with a few Wave Strikes, and use what skills you have to whittle down his massive hit points. Gelts' War Blessing would be put to good use here as well, especially if you didn't neutralize your weapons. *************************************************************************** After the scenes, you'll be at -Arfhar's Castle-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Arfhar's Castle % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ ArfharsCastleMap.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shops: ====================== = Trader Ling Ling = ====================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------. Guardian Amulet |80000G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | | Effect: Status ailment immunity | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Amulet of Protection |80000G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | | Effect: Increased Magic Defense | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Amulet of Healing |35200G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | | Effect: Slowly restores HP each turn | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Amulet of Restoration |35200G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | | Effect: Slowly restores MP each turn | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Seal of Courage |96000G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | | Effect: Doubles Attack at low HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Seal of Fortitude |96000G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | | Effect: Doubles Defense at low HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Mercury Shoes |32000G|Def: 15| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| | |--------------------------------------------| | | Effect: Allows player to outrun monsters | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Might Ring |32000G|Atk:+10%| F:-1| I:-1| W:-1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Aegis Ring |32000G|Def:+10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:-1| D:-1| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Molten Ring |12800G| N/A | F:+5| I:-2| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Frozen Ring |12800G| N/A | F:-2| I:+5| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Tempest Ring |12800G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W:+5| L:-2| H: 0| D: 0| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| Thunder Ring |12800G| N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W:-2| L:+2| H: 0| D: 0| --------------------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------. Safe Haven | 3520G| Immortality Scroll |24000G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Ambrosia |32000G| Indomitable Scroll |40000G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Soul Stone |32000G| Huge Bomb | 8000G| ------------------------------------------------------------' ___________________________________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Dragon Dust x5 OR Habanero Pepper x6 | - Super Healing Potion x5 OR Super Mana Potion x5 | - Immortality Scroll OR Huge Bomb x3 OR Ambrosia | | - 60000 Gelders - Holy Elixir x2 | - Ambrosia - Vitality Amulet | ___________________________________________________________________| ============= = Floor 1 = ============= Upon entering, head southeast to the next screen. Here, there are two doors in the hallway. Enter the first to find a room full of chests, but beware, some will explode when you open others. In CLOCKWISE order, number them 1-7 starting with the northwestern chest. 1. Dragon Dust x5............(Chest #6 will explode) 2. Ambrosia..................(Chests #4 & #7 will explode) 3. Super Healing Potion x5...(Chest #5 will explode) 4. Immortality Scroll........(Chests #2 & #7 will explode) 5. Super Mana Potion x5......(Chest #3 will explode) 6. Habanero Pepper x5........(Chest #1 will explode) 7. Huge Bomb x3..............(Chests #2 & #4 will explode) So, you can essentially only pick three chests. Choose wisely. When done, exit the room and continue to the second door. Again, there's a hallway with two doors. Skip the first door and continue to the second, where you'll find another room full of chests. They all contain various amounts of Gelders, so obviously we want the one with the most. It's the one nearest the southwestern corner of the room, so check it and get your [60000 Gelders], then leave. Head back to the first door of the corridor and up some stairs and you'll be on Floor 2. ============= = Floor 2 = ============= You should notice some statues here, these have only two faces on them. One face is Angry, the other is Sad. On the northwestern wall, enter any of the three doors, as they lead to the same room. Turn the statue so that the Angry face is pointing southeast, then go back to the main room. On the southeastern wall, enter any of the three doors, as they lead to the same room. Turn the statue so that the Angry face is pointing southeast, then open the chest that contains the [Holy Elixir x2]. Now head back to the main room. On the northeastern wall, enter the leftmost door and again turn the statue so that the angry face is pointing southeast. There should be a small scene then head back to the main room. The door/stairs on the northeastern wall should now be open, so enter and you'll find yourself on Floor 3. ====================== = Floors 3, 4, & 5 = ====================== The first things you should notice are the stairs on the left. Bypass the first set of stairs, grab the chest beside them that contains [Ambrosia], then enter the second stairwell. From here, the path is linear, with only one entrance and exit to each room. Just keep going until you emerge into an extraordinarily large room, where there will be a red chest in the center. Grab the key from it and exit through the northern door. You'll be back at the beginning of the third floor, where you should notice the empty chest you looted earlier. Take the first set of stairs this time, through one room and up to a second room. Check the chest here to find a [Vitality Amulet], then SAVE YOUR GAME. Also make sure you don't have any Fire or Lightning type weapons equipped. When ready, unlock the door and enter. After the rather unexpectedly hilarious scene, there will be a boss battle. *************************************************************************** Boss Battle #18 *************************************************************************** Boss: Lv: HP: Type: Weak: Resist: ,------------------------------------------------------------. | R****** C******* | 55| 11000| Fire | Ice | Lightning, Fire | | R****** C******* | 55| 11000| Fire | Ice | Lightning, Fire | |------------------------------------------------------------| | Spoils: 5000 EXP, 10000 Gelders, 150 SP | | Gold Medallion | | Holy Gem | | Joker Card (Rare) | '------------------------------------------------------------' This one can be kind of tricky. These guys aren't uber powerful per se, but they can inflict EVERY status. Having Panacea learned is a must. They can also instantly kill a character, so be sure to have some reviving abilities on hand. Other than dealing with that, have Lahduk cast Inspire and beat them down, focusing on one at a time. *************************************************************************** After the battle there will be a plethora of scenes, and we're done with the chapter! ######################### # Chapter 3: Complete # ######################### ___________________________________________________________________________ ######################### # # # Chapter 4 # # [CH4] # # # ######################### Woohoo! Time for chapter 4! What'll happen this time? We'll find out... .....right after this commercial break. Kehehe. See you next week. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Ziggurat Tower [ZT#] % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Shop: ====================== = Ozma the Peddler = (Lol, Ozma. Final Fantasy IX nostalgia...) ====================== ------------------------------------------------------------. Light Healing Potion | 160G| Dragon Dust | 800G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Medium Healing Potion | 480G| Angel Feather | 1600G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Strong Healing Potion | 960G| Elixir | 4800G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Antidote | 160G| Holy Elixir | 9600G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Alarm Clock | 160G| Soul Stone |32000G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Acetylsalicylic Acid | 160G| Tent | 3200G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Mighty Medicine | 160G| Immortality Scroll |24000G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Soothing Water | 160G| Indomitable Seal |40000G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Cayenne Powder | 160G| Smoke Bomb | 2400G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Liger Balm | 320G| Small Bomb | 800G| -----------------------------|------------------------------| Habanero Pepper | 800G| Monster Compendium | 9600G| ------------------------------------------------------------' NOTE: If you just left Habsburg for the first time before coming here and want to go back to the story, then search [HE#]. If you just left Fharenthor for the first time before coming here and want to go back to the story, then search [FE#] Welcome to the largest dungeon in the game. A few things to note before you head inside: - This dungeon is split up into three zones, and there is a warp pad at the end of each zone that will bring you to back to the entrance. - The second and third zones are only unlocked after you progress through certain points of the main storyline. - Even if you get to the end of a zone, but haven't unlocked the next zone yet, you will NOT be able to continue at that point in the dungeon once you leave... You must traverse from the very beginning again. If you DO have the next zone unlocked and enter it, then you will continue at that zone if you return at a future time. The previous zone will no longer be available. - Since you are required to reach the top of the dungeon to proceed with the story at a certain point anyway, there's no real reason to come here early except for training purposes or items. Beware though, the mobs in this dungeon drop miniscule amounts of Gelders, so it will be hard to keep yourself stocked up on healing items except what items the monsters themselves drop. - SAVE AFTER EVERY FLOOR. The monsters get progressively harder on each floor, and you never know when they could get the upper hand. Since fleeing is never reliable, and you'll probably be too low on MP to be able to use Smokescreen, it's relatively easy to get a Game Over. Keep a good supply of SMOKE BOMBS if you forget to save often. With that said... let's start exploring! %%%%%%%%%%%% % ZONE 1 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ ZigguratTowerZone1.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - 2250 Gelders - Antidote x5 | - Tent x2 - Biscuit x25 | - 1590 Gelders - Holy Arrow | - Will Amulet | | - Gold Scale Mail OR 22000 Gelders | ____________________________________| Floor 1: Follow the pathway on the right all the way around, where you'll emerge into a large room. The stairs are straight across from where you come in. Floor 2: The path is straight across from where you entered the room. Follow it until you come to a fork. The right path leads to a room with a chest that contains [2250 Gelders] and [Antidote x5]. Head back and take the left fork this time. When you reach the next fork, take the right path again and you will emerge in another large room where the stairway is directly across. Floor 3: A little bit from where you come in, there will be a fork. Take the left path to come to a room with a stairway. The stairway leads to a room with a single chest in it, I'll let you guess what it is *wink*. Go back down and continue to the right path of the fork. Around the corner is a second fork. Take the right path, which leads to a room with a chest that holds [Tent x2]. Head back and take the northwestern path at the fork. Continue a bit and you'll come to a third fork. The northeastern path is a dead end, so take the southwestern path. You'll find the stairs on the northern wall. Floor 4: All you'll find that's useful here is a warp pad. Continue up the next set of stairs. Floor 5: By the entrance you should notice a chest, it'll give you [Biscuit x25]. Find the single path out of the room and head down it. After you go around the corner, keep going southeast as the southwest path at the fork leads to a double dead-end. Around another corner, you'll find the room with stairs. Floor 6: Find the path at the western end of the room and follow it a bit. When you come to the fork, continue west to find a dead-end with a chest that holds [1590 Gelders] and a [Holy Arrow]. Backtrack to the fork, and take the path south to find a room with stairs at the northern end. Floor 7: You'll find the path on the left side of the room. At the fork, take the left path. At this fork, the southeastern path leads to a room with a warp point, while the southeastern path continues to a room with stairs at the northern end. Floor 8: Take the path on the left side of the room, which leads to another room. The stairs are on the northeastern wall. Floor 9: Continue straight at the fork and around to the dead-end with a chest that holds a Will Amulet. Retrace your steps to the fork and take the northwest path. At this second fork, turn left. Around the corner, you'll emerge at yet another fork. Continue straight until you get to the room with two chest. YOU CAN ONLY OPEN ONE CHEST. The other will explode after you make your choice. The left one contains [Gold Scale Mail], the right one holds [22,000 Gelders]. The Gold Scale Mail costs 28000 Gelders to buy later, so choose wisely. Backtrack to the most recent fork and take the southwestern path this time which has the stairs at the end. Floor 10: Congratulations! This is the end of Zone 1. If you've progressed through the main storyline sufficiently, then you can continue. If you haven't, either work your way back down or use the warp pad here to get back to the entrance. NOTE: Search [HE#] to return to the story if you can't pass yet. %%%%%%%%%%%% % Zone 2 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Map available at: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d186/rquillen/Crimson%20Gem%20Saga/ ZigguratTowerZone2.png %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __________________________________________________ Item Checklist: | | - Medium Healing Potion x5 - 2700 Gelders | - Medium Bomb x3 - Immortality Scroll | - Angel Feather x2 - Aegis Ring | - Molten Ring | __________________________________________________| Floor 11: Head up and around the corner to the next screen. At the fork, take the northeastern path first and head up the stairs. Find the exit of the room in the southeastern corner. Here, take the first left you see to find a chest with [Medium Healing Potion x5]. Now backtrack to the fork back on the previous floor. Take the northwestern path this time, and you'll come to a room. The stairs will be on the opposite wall at the southern end. Floor 12: Head to the northeastern corner of the room to find the exit, then take the northeastern path at the fork and head up the stairs. Floor 13: Find the exit of the room at the center of the eastern wall, and you'll emerge in another room. Again, the exit will be at the center of the eastern wall which leads to a third room. Here, the stairs will be at the northern end of the room. Floor 14: There's a warp pad at the southern end of the room if you want to exit. If not, head into the door that's adjacent to where you emerged to find a second room. At the far end, there's a chest that will contain [2700 Gelders] and [Angel Feather x2]. Head to the southwestern corner of the room to find the exit (adjacent to where you came in). There's nothing to find in the third room, so again head into the adjacent door to find yet a fourth room. Nothing to find here either, so head up the adjacent stairs. Floor 15: Head southwest, and you'll find an exit at both ends of the room. They both lead to paths that connect to the same room, so take one of them. In the next room, you'll find the stairs on the southwestern wall. Floor 16: Head directly northeast until you find the exit, and follow the path to the next room. Here, the stairs will be on the northeaster wall. Floor 17: Take the exit on the eastern wall first. Around the corner, you'll come to a room with a chest containing [Medium Bomb x3] and an [Immortality Scroll]. Head back to the big room, and take the exit that's on the western wall this time. Around the corner, you'll come to a room with the stairs at the center of the southwestern wall. Floor 18: You'll find the exit in the southwestern corner of the room. Follow the path southeast, ignoring the first door you come to and entering the second door. Take the stairs that are on the northeastern wall. Floor 19: As soon as you emerge you should see the chest with the [Aegis Ring]. In the same room, on the southern side of the pyramid will be another chest with the [Molten Ring]. Find the exit on the southeastern wall and follow the path directly southeast until you run into some stairs (the path that leads northeast is a dead end). Floor 20: Congratulations! You've reached the end of Zone 2. If you've progressed enough through the main storyline, then you can continue into Zone 3. If not, you'll need to use the warp pad here to get out. NOTE: Search [FE#] to return to the story if you can't pass yet. %%%%%%%%%%%% % Zone 3 % %%%%%%%%%%%% Under Construction! ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### VI. Side Quests [SQ#] ########################################################################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Galorin Hunting % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reward: Bronze Medallion x3 Start: Accept the quest from NPC Englehyde at -Green Hill Academy-. Objective: Collect 5 [Galorin Horn] from Galorin-type monsters. These are located at -Shern Forest-. Finish: Return to NPC Englehyde at -Green Hill Academy-. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Monastery's Backyard % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reward: Huge Bomb x10 Start: Accept the quest from NPC Englehyde at -Habsburg- (Mansion 2F) Objective: Travel to -St. Gergeous Monastery- and find the entrance to the hidden dungeon along the northeastern edge of the first map. Travel to the end of the dungeon and collect the quest item [Golden Biscuit] Finish: Return to NPC Englehyde at -Habsburg- (Mansion 2F) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Brownie Trouble % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reward: 20,000 Gelders Start: Enter the basement of the Mirrormaker's House via the northwest corner of the house. Objective: Win the battle and choose any of the four skills when prompted. Finish: Talk to Thomas (the Mirrormaker) after the scene. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 30,000 Sword % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reward: 30000 Sword Start: Accept the quest from NPC Englehyde at -Lauritzen Entrance- Objective: After defeating Stormghor, return to the room where he was fought. Enter the hole in the wall and find the Rusty Sword in the chest there. Finish: Return to NPC Englehyde at -Lauritzen Entrance- ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### VII. Skill List [SL#] ########################################################################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Unique Skills % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% =Killian= Skill Name: (MP) Description: (SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justice Blade |(15) Light physical attack to an enemy ( 0/ 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Slash |(45) Medium physical attack to all enemies ( 0/ 50) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Armor |(30) Increase one ally's Defense ( 50/ 50) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blade of Fury |(80) Massive physical attack to all enemies ( 90/200) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Spinel= Skill Name: (MP) Description: (SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Strike |( 20) Light physical attack ( 0/ 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadly Attraction |( 30) Medium physical attack, with confusion ( 70/ 60) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toxic Needles |( 35) Medium physical attack, with poison ( 70/ 80) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eviscerate |( 55) Instantly kill an enemy (low chance) ( 80/110) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Illusion Assault |(100) Massive attack to an enemy (150/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Henson= Skill Name: (MP) Description: (SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Channel |(5) Convert HP into MP ( 0/ 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Gelts= Skill Name: Description: (SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gelts Crush |(25) Medium attack to an enemy ( 0/ 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incantation |(35) Reduce Crit Chance for all enemies ( 0/ 80) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- War Blessing |(55) Increase attack for all allies (100/100) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doom Hammer |(80) Strong physical attack to all enemies (120/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Lahduk= Skill Name: (MP) Description: (SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiger Fist |(20) Light physical attack to an enemy ( 0/ 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meditation |(25) Increase your Crit Chance ( 0/100) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lion's Roar |(45) Reduce Defense for all enemies ( 80/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Way of the Dragon |(70) Massive physical attack to an enemy (300/300) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Acelora= Skill Name: Description: (SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smite |( 40) Medium physical attack to an enemy ( 0/ 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Judgement |(110) Massive physical attack to all enemies ( 0/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Passive Skills % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Character: Skill Name: Description: (SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killian | Guardian Aura |All Allies: Increase Defense by 5% (100/100) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spinel | Valkyrie Aura |Self: Increase Agility by 3 (100/100) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Henson | Wizard Aura |Self: Recover some MP each turn (100/100) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gelts | Cleric Aura |All Allies: Boost HP recovery skills (100/100) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lahduk | Assassin Aura |Self: Increase Crit Chance (100/100) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acelora | Divine Aura |Self: Dark immunity (100/100) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Recovery Skills % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill Name: MP: Description: Who can learn:(SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Fix | 10| Light healing to one ally | | Killian:( 0/ 30) Gelts:( 0/ 60) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal | 20| Medium healing to one ally | | Killian:( 40/ 50) Gelts:( 70/ 80) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revitalize | 50| Massive healing to one ally | | Killian:(100/120) Gelts:(100/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Aid | 20| Light healing to all allies | | Killian:( 60/ 80) Gelts:( 70/ 80) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restoration | 40| Medium healing to all allies | | Killian:(100/160) Gelts:(100/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rejuvenation | 90| Massive healing to all allies | | Killian:(200/250) Gelts:(150/200) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stabilize | 40| Revive one ally with 50% HP | | Killian:(200/250) Gelts:(180/220) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healing Touch | 70| Revive one ally with 100% HP | | Gelts:(220/350) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cleanse | 15| Cure Poison from one ally | | Killian:( 50/ 70) Gelts:( 0/ 60) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nostrum | 15| Cure Plague from one ally | | Killian:( 70/100) Gelts:( 70/ 80) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awaken | 15| Cure Sleep from one ally | | Killian:( 50/ 70) Gelts:( 0/ 60) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clarity | 15| Cure Confusion from one ally | | Killian:( 70/100) Gelts:( 70/ 80) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vox Donare | 15| Cure Silence from one ally | | Killian:( 70/100) Gelts:(100/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panacea | 55| Cure all status ailments from all allies | | Gelts:(150/220) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Support Skills % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill Name: MP: Description: Who can learn:(SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shout | 20| Increase Attack for one ally | | Henson:( 50/120) Lahduk:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Cry | 40| Increase Attack for all allies | | Henson:( 80/200) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortify | 20| Increase Defense for one ally | | Henson:( 50/120) Lahduk:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspire | 40| Increase Defense for all allies | | Henson:( 80/200) Lahduk:(150/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Focus | 20| Increase Crit Chance for one ally | | Henson:( 50/120) Lahduk:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rally | 40| Increase Crit Chance for all allies | | Henson:( 80/200) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tempt Fate | 25| Either Full Heal, Full Cure, or lose 50% HP | | Spinel:(170/150) Henson:(170/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smokescreen | 35| Guaranteed Escape from normal battles | | Spinel:(150/120) Henson:(150/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Shield | 25| Poison immunity for one ally | | Gelts:( 90/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Barrier | 50| Poison immunity for all allies | | Gelts:(150/200) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disease Shield | 25| Plague immunity for one ally | | Gelts:(100/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disease Barrier| 50| Plague immunity for all allies | | Gelts:(150/220 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep Shield | 25| Sleep immunity for one ally | | Gelts:( 90/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep Barrier | 50| Sleep immunity for all allies | | Gelts:(150/200) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muddle Shield | 25| Confusion immunity for one ally | | Gelts:(100/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muddle Barrier | 50| Confusion immunity for all allies | | Gelts:(150/220) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence Shield | 25| Silence immunity for one ally | | Gelts:(100/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence Barrier| 50| Silence immunity for all allies | | Gelts:(150/220) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status Shield | 40| Status ailment immunity for one ally | | Gelts:(200/300) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status Barrier | 80| Status ailment immunity for all allies | | Gelts:(300/450) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Magic Attacks % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill Name: MP: Description: Who can learn:(SP to Reveal/SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Char | 10| Light Fire attack to an enemy | | Killian:( 70/100) Henson:( 0/ 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorch | 20| Medium Fire attack to an enemy | | Killian:(120/150) Henson:( 0/100) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immolate | 40| Strong Fire attack to an enemy | | Killian:(200/200) Henson:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blaze | 22| Light Fire attack to all enemies | | Henson:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conflagration | 44| Medium Fire attack to all enemies | | Henson:(150/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferno | 88| Massive Fire attack to all enemies | | Henson:(200/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire & Brimstone | 120| Ultimate Fire attack, confusion to all enemies | | Henson:(300/450) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Shard | 7| Light Ice attack to an enemy | | Killian:( 70/100) Henson:( 0/ 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystalline Crush| 14| Medium Ice attack to an enemy | | Killian:(120/150) Henson:( 0/100) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Icicle Strike | 30| Strong Ice attack to an enemy | | Killian:(200/200) Henson:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frostbite | 15| Light Ice attack to all enemies | | Henson:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arctic Assault | 30| Medium Ice attack to all enemies | | Henson:(150/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Freeze | 60| Massive Ice attack to all enemies | | Henson:(200/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Age | 100| Ultimate Ice attack, sleep to all enemies | | Henson:(300/450) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whirlwind | 14| Light Wind attack to all enemies | | Spinel:(100/170) Henson:( 0/100) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gale Force | 28| Medium Wind attack to all enemies | | Spinel:(150/250) Henson:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aerial Vortex | 56| Strong Wind attack to all enemies | | Henson:(150/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyclone | 110| Massive Wind attack to all enemies | | Henson:(300/400) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spark | 8| Light Lightning attack to an enemy | | Spinel:(120/200) Henson:( 0/100) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electrocute | 16| Medium Lightning attack to an enemy | | Spinel:(170/280) Henson:(100/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Strike | 32| Strong Lightning attack to an enemy | | Henson:(150/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mjolnir's Might | 70| Massive Lightning attack to an enemy | | Henson:(300/400) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Darkness Skills % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill Name: MP: Description: Who can learn: (SP to Reveal, SP to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venom | 25| Poison an enemy | | Spinel:( 80/100) Acelora:( 0/ 70) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toxic Cloud | 50| Poison all enemies | | Spinel:(120/160) Acelora:( 80/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mute | 25| Silence an enemy | | Spinel:(110/100) Acelora:( 70/ 90) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tranquility | 50| Silence all enemies | | Spinel:(180/200) Acelora:( 80/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infect | 25| Give an enemy Plague | | Spinel:(110/100) Acelora:( 70/ 90) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pestilence | 50| Give all enemies Plague | | Spinel:(180/200) Acelora:( 80/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep | 25| Put an enemy to Sleep | | Spinel:(110/100) Acelora:( 0/ 70) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somnambulator | 50| Put all enemies to Sleep | | Spinel:(150/180) Acelora:( 80/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bewilder | 25| Confuse an enemy | | Spinel:(120/150) Acelora:( 70/ 90) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hysteria | 50| Confuse all enemies | | Spinel:(175/200) Acelora:( 80/150) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wheel of Fate | 80| Give all enemies random status ailments | | Spinel:(200/350) Acelora:(150/250) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deathscythe | 20| Low % instant kill on an enemy | | Acelora:(100/120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slaughter | 40| Low % instant kill on all enemies | | Acelora:(120/200) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reaping | 40| Medium % instant kill on an enemy | | Acelora:(120/200) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Massacre | 80| Medium % instant kill on all enemies | | Acelora:(150/350) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deathstrike | 80| High % instant kill on an enemy | | Acelora:(150/300) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annihilate | 150| High % instant kill on all enemies | | Henson:(200/450) Acelora:(200/400) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Combination Skills % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Skill Name: MP: Description: (SP to Reveal/Sp to Learn) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wave Strike | 30| Killian/Spinel Combination ( 50/ 80) |R:1| All enemies lose 15% of their current HP |R:2| " " 20% " " |R:3| " " 25% " " |R:4| " " 30% " " |R:5| " " 35% " " --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel's Blessing| 40| Killian/Gelts Combination (100/120) |R:1| All allies recover 70% of their HP |R:2| " " 75% " " |R:3| " " 80% " " |R:4| " " 85% " " |R:5| " " 90% " " --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sanctuary | 80| Killian/Gelts/Acelora Combination (250/330) | | Full heal, cure, and immunity for all allies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ladies' Night | 55| Spinel/Acelora Combination (150/250) | | Reduce ATK, DEF, and Crit for all enemies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purify | 50| Henson/Gelts Combination (200/250) | | Massive Holy damage to all enemies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Rage | 60| Henson/Lahduk Combination (220/240) | | Massive Lightning damage to all enemies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ragnarok | 85| Lahduk/Acelora Combination (200/500) | | Special dark damage to an enemy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrath of God |100| Full-Party Combination (150/300) | | Holy damage to all enemies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grace of God |120| Full-Party Combination (300/500) | | Invincibility for 8 turns, for all allies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################## VIII. Weapon List [WL#] ########################################################################## ================================== = Swords [Equipped by: Killian] = ================================== ---------------------------------------------------------. Wooden Sword |Atk: 4| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Shern Village Weapon Shop | ---------------------------------------------------------| Broadsword |Atk: 12| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Shern Village Weapon Shop | | Vardenhoff Weapon Shop | ---------------------------------------------------------| Baselard |Atk: 28| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Lightning | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Vardenhoff Weapon Shop | | Mirage Village Weapon Shop | ---------------------------------------------------------| Claymore |Atk: 50| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |Def: 5| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Mirage Village Weapon Shop | | Ghost Village Weapon Shop | | Dead Man's Spire (Chest- 7F) | |-------------------------------------------| |Dropped by: Spiky Skunk (Dead Man's Spire) | ---------------------------------------------------------| Flamberge |Atk: 88| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:-1| D:+1| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | ---------------------------------------------------------| Rune Blade |Atk:120| F:-2| I:+2| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Ice | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | ---------------------------------------------------------| Jagged Edge |Atk:198| F:+1| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Fire | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | ---------------------------------------------------------| Swordbreaker |Atk:240| F: 0| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Riverton Weapon Shop | ---------------------------------------------------------| 30000 Sword |Atk:300| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:+1| D:+1| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Note: Damage displayed is not actual | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Sidequest (30,000 Sword) | ---------------------------------------------------------' =================================== = Daggers [Equipped by: Spinel] = =================================== -------------------------------------------------------------. Dagger |Atk: 3| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Vardenhoff Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Stiletto |Atk: 10| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L: 0| H:-1| D:+1| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Vardenhoff Weapon Shop | | Mirage Village Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Ballock |Atk: 22| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:-2| D:+2| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Darkness | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Vardenhoff Weapon Shop | | Mirage Village Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Blade of Glory |Atk: 40| F:+1| I:-1| W: 0| L: 0| H:-2| D:+2| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Holy | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Mirage Village Weapon Shop | | Ghost Village Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Quayle Dagger |Atk: 70| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-2| D:-2| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Twin Baselards |Atk: 110| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Lightning | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Moonlight Dungeon | | Fharenthor Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Mithril Dagger |Atk: 160| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Lauritzen Dungeon (Chest- F:B2) | | Riverton Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Platinum Dagger |Atk: 210| F:-1| I:-1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-1| D:-1| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Riverton Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------' ================================== = Staves [Equipped by: Henson] = ================================== ------------------------------------------------------------. Wooden Staff |Atk: 3| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Initial Equip | ------------------------------------------------------------| Sapphire Staff |Atk: 3| F:+1| I: 0| W:+1| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Dead Man's Spire (Chest- 1F) | | Mirage Village Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Emerald Staff |Atk: 6| F: 0| I:+1| W: 0| L:+2| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Ghost Village Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Wizardry Staff |Atk: 11| F:+2| I:-1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-1| D:-1| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Black Staff |Atk: 20| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-3| D:+3| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Darkness | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Mystic Staff |Atk: 34| F:+1| I:+2| W:+3| L:+1| H:-2| D:-2| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Wind | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Diamond Staff |Atk: 50| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:+1| D:+1| |-------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Riverton Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------' =================================== = Hammers [Equipped by: Gelts] = =================================== -------------------------------------------------------------. Wooden Mallet |Atk: 12| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Initial Equip | -------------------------------------------------------------| Smith Hammer |Atk: 30| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Ghost Village Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Iron Hammer |Atk: 55| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Ghost Village Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Sledgehammer |Atk: 75| F:-1| I:-1| W:-1| L:-1| H:-1| D:-1| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Holy | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Warhammer |Atk: 125| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Ice | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Obsidian Hammer |Atk: 180| F:+5| I:-5| W:+1| L:+1| H:+1| D:-1| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Fire | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor (Warehouse- 2F) | | Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Cyclops Hammer |Atk: 230| F: 0| I: 0| W:+3| L:-1| H:+1| D:+1| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Wind | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Riverton Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------' ================================== = Gloves [Equipped by: Lahduk] = ================================== -------------------------------------------------------------. Glove |Atk: 15| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Cestus |Atk: 40| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Ogre Slayer |Atk: 75| F:+2| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:+2| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Holy | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Moonlight Dungeon | -------------------------------------------------------------| Divine Gauntlet |Atk: 120| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:+3| D:+3| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Neutral | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Beast Claw |Atk: 190| F:+2| I:-2| W:+2| L:-2| H:+2| D:-2| |--------------------------------------------| |Original Affinity: Fire | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Riverton Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------' ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### IX. Armor List [AL#] ########################################################################### ================= = Light Armor = ================= ----------------------------------------------------------. Cloth Armor |Def: 4| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Equipped by: All Characters | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Shern Village Weapon Shop | | Vardenhoff Weapon Shop | ----------------------------------------------------------| Leather Armor |Def: 7| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Equipped by: All but Lahduk | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Shern Village (Weapon Shop- 2F) | | Vardenhoff Weapon Shop | ----------------------------------------------------------| Gambeson |Def: 15| F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Equipped by: All but Lahduk | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Mirage Village Weapon Shop | | Ghost Village Weapon Shop | ----------------------------------------------------------| Brigandine |Def: 25| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Equipped by: Killian, Spinel, Gelts | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Mirage Village Weapon Shop | | Ghost Village Weapon Shop | | Dead Man's Spire (Chest- 7F) | | Habsburg Weapon Shop | ----------------------------------------------------------' =========================================== = Chevalier Mail [Equipped by: Killian] = =========================================== ------------------------------------------------------------. Ring Mail |Def: 42| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Chain Mail |Def: 55| F:+1| I:-1| W: 0| L: 0| H:+1| D:-1| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Gold Scale Mail |Def: 71| F:+1| I:+1| W:-1| L:-1| H:+1| D:+1| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Ziggurat Tower (Chest- 9F) | | Fharenthor Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Plate Armor |Def: 88| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:+1| D:+1| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Riverton Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------' ====================================== = Thief Gear [Equipped by: Spinel] = ====================================== ----------------------------------------------------------. Thief Robe |Def: 35| F:-1| I:+1| W:+1| L:-1| H:-1| D:+1| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | ----------------------------------------------------------| Body Suit |Def: 48| F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | ----------------------------------------------------------| Assassin Suit |Def: 56| F:-1| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H:-2| D:+2| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | ----------------------------------------------------------' ======================================= = Mage Cloaks [Equipped by: Henson] = ======================================= -------------------------------------------------------------. Apprentice Cloak |Def: 30| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------| Hooded Cloak |Def: 43| F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | -------------------------------------------------------------' ======================================== = Cleric Armor [Equipped by: Gelts] = ======================================== --------------------------------------------------------------. Linen Armor |Def: 40| F:+2| I:-2| W:+1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | --------------------------------------------------------------| Scale Mail |Def: 56| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L:-1| H:+1| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | --------------------------------------------------------------| Lorica Segmentata |Def: 71| F: 0| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H:+1| D:-1| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | --------------------------------------------------------------' ======================================== = Martial Gear [Equipped by: Lahduk] = ======================================== ------------------[-------------------------------------------. Leather Belt |Def: 10| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Weapon Shop | --------------------------------------------------------------| Military Fatigues |Def: 21| F:-2| I:+2| W:+2| L:-2| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | --------------------------------------------------------------| Practice Gi |Def: 35| F:+1| I:+1| W:+1| L:+1| H:-1| D:-1| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | --------------------------------------------------------------' ========================================= = Shoes [Equipped by: All Characters] = ========================================= ------------------------------------------------------------. Leather Boots |Def: 5| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Shern Village Weapon Shop | | Vardenhoff Weapon Shop | | Mirage Village Weapon Shop | | Ghost Village Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Riding Boots |Def: 12| F: 0| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Vardenhoff (Inn- 1F) | | Dead Man's Spire (Chest- 1F) | | Mirage Village Weapon Shop | | Ghost Village Weapon Shop | | Habsburg Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Hobnail Boots |Def: 15| F:+1| I:-1| W:+1| L:-1| H:-1| D:+1| |Atk: 12| | | | | | | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Ghost Village (Chest- Near Statue) | | Habsburg Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Safety Boots |Def: 28| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Ganensher Dungeon (Chest- 2F) | | Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Mercury Shoes |Def: 15| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |-------------------------------------------| |Effect: Movement speed up | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Liche the Peddler (Latein Bridge) | | Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | ------------------------------------------------------------| Sheepskin Boots |Def: 25| F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H:-1| D:-1| |-------------------------------------------| |Effect: Female Only, Increases EXP | |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Fharenthor Weapon Shop | | Riverton Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Elemental Boots |Def: 8| F:+2| I:+2| W:+2| L:+2| H:+2| D:+2| |-------------------------------------------| |Found: Riverton Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------' ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### X. Accessory and Amulet List [AAL] ########################################################################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Accessory List % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Name: Stats: ------------------------------------------------------------. Might Bracelet |Atk:+ 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Ghost Village Weapon Shop | | Habsburg Weapon Shop | ------------------------------------------------------------| Aegis Bracelet |Def:+ 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Ghost Village Weapon Shop | | Habsburg Jeweler | | Liche the Peddler (Latein Bridge) | ------------------------------------------------------------| Might Ring |Atk:+10%| F:-1| I:-1| W:-1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Dead Man's Spire Entrance (Chest) | | Liche the Peddler (Latein Bridge) | | Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | ------------------------------------------------------------| Aegis Ring |Def:+10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H:-1| D:-1| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Liche the Peddler (Latein Bridge) | | Ziggurat Tower (Chest- 19F) | | Lauritzen Dungeon (Chest- F:B2) | | Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle | ------------------------------------------------------------| Molten Ring | N/A | F:+5| I:-2| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Ziggurat Tower (Chest- 19F) | | Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | ------------------------------------------------------------| Frozen Ring | N/A | F:-2| I:+5| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | ------------------------------------------------------------| Tempest Ring | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W:+5| L:-2| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | ------------------------------------------------------------| Thunder Ring | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W:-2| L:+2| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | ------------------------------------------------------------| Lava Bracelet | N/A | F:+1| I:-1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Jeweler | ------------------------------------------------------------| Snow Bracelet | N/A | F:-1| I:+1| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Jeweler | ------------------------------------------------------------| Gale Bracelet | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W:+1| L:-1| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Jeweler | ------------------------------------------------------------| Volt Bracelet | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W:-1| L:+1| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Jeweler | ------------------------------------------------------------' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Amulet List % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Name: Stats: -------------------------------------------------------------------. Health Amulet | HP +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Ghost Village Weapon Shop | | Habsburg Jeweler | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Mana Amulet | MP + 5%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Ghost Village Weapon Shop | | Habsburg Jeweler | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Strength Amulet |STR +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Jeweler | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Intelligence Amulet |INT +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Jeweler | | Ganensher Dungeon (Chest- 2F) | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Vitality Amulet |VIT +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Jeweler | | Arfhar's Castle (Chest- 5F) | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Will Amulet |WIL +10%| F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Habsburg Jeweler | | Ganensher Dungeon (Chest- 3F) | | Ziggurat Tower (Chest- 9F) | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Amulet of Restoration | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Effect: Slowly restores MP during battle | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Liche the Peddler (Latein Bridge) | | Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Amulet of Healing | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Effect: Slowly restores HP during battle | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Liche the Peddler (Latein Bridge) | | Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Guardian Amulet | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Effect: Status ailment immunity | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Amulet of Protection | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Effect: Increased Magic Defense | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Seal of Courage | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Effect: Doubles Attack at low HP | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | -------------------------------------------------------------------| Seal of Fortitude | N/A | F: 0| I: 0| W: 0| L: 0| H: 0| D: 0| |--------------------------------------------| |Effect: Doubles Defense at low HP | |--------------------------------------------| |Found: Trader Ling Ling (Arfhar's Castle) | -------------------------------------------------------------------' ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### XI. Item List [IL#] ########################################################################### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Useable items % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acetylsalicylic Acid | Cure Confusion for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alarm Clock | Cure Sleep for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ambrosia | Full heal, cure, and MP recovery for all allies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Relic | Ancient relic that is forbidden to use | Note: Lets you ambush the next enemy 100% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Feather | Revive one ally with 1 HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antidote | Cure Poison for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aura Mask | Avoid enemies for a limited time --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biscuit | Minimal healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bronze Medallion | Raise a skill from Rank 1 to Rank 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caffeine | Sleep immunity for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cayenne Powder | Temporary increase to Attack for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Dust | Temporary major increase to Defense for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elixir | Revive one ally with 50% HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emergency Potion | Medium healing and MP recovery for all allies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fish Cake | Light MP recovery for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fried Shrimp | Strong healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gas Mask | Poison immunity for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginseng | Full MP recovery for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Medallion | Raise a skill from Rank 3 to Rank 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Eel | Medium healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Habanero Pepper | Temporary major increase to Attack for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hamburger | Medium healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Arrow | Cure all status ailments for all allies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Elixir | Revive one ally with 100% HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Huge Bomb | Special physical damage to all enemies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immortality Scroll | Automatically revive one ally with 25% HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indomitable Scroll | Automatically revive one ally with full HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitsune Udon | Strong healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liger Balm | Temporary Increase to Defense for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Healing Potion | Light healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Mana Potion | Light MP recovery for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mandate of Heaven | Automatically revive all allies with full HP and MP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medium Bomb | Strong physical damage to all enemies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medium Healing Potion| Medium healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medium Mana Potion | Medium MP recovery for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mighty Medicine | Cure Plague for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milk | Light MP recovery for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miracle Potion | Strong healing and MP recovery for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster Compendium | A pop-up lexicon on bestial typology and behavior --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paracelamol | Confusion immunity for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platinum Medallion | Raise a skill from Rank 4 to Rank 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Bean Bun | Light healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rice Ball | Medium healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal Bento | Strong healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sacred Stone | Revive all allies with full HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safe Haven | Status Ailment immunity for all allies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Medallion | Raise a skill from Rank 2 to Rank 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Bomb | Light physical damage to all enemies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smoke Bomb | Guaranteed escape from standard encounters --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soothing Water | Cure silence for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Stone | Revive all allies with 50% HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectacles | A legendary item that lets you ambush enemies 100% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spicy Rice Cake | Medium healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spicy Squid | Medium healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strong Healing Potion| Strong healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strong Mana Potion | Strong MP recovery for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Healing Potion | Ultimate healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Mana Potion | Ultimate healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sushi | Strong healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Takoyaki | Medium healing for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tent | Full heal and MP recovery for all allies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throat Lozenge | Silence immunity for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vaccination | Plague immunity for one ally --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Equipment Uprade Items % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandit Card | Upgrade equipment: Max MP +7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bat Card | Upgrade equipment: INT +5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Elemental | Upgrade equipment: Dark element +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Gem | Convert a weapon's attack type to Dark --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demon Card | Upgrade equipment: Max HP +150, Max MP -50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcon Card | Upgrade equipment: Max MP +20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Elemental | Upgrade equipment: Fire element +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Gem | Convert a weapon's attack type to Fire --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galorin Card | Upgrade equipment: max HP +12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gel Card | Upgrade equipment: VIT +10, WIL -3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harpy Card | Upgrade equipment: AGI +7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Elemental | Upgrade equipment: Holy element +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Gem | Convert a weapon's attack type to Holy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Elemental | Upgrade equipment: Ice element +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Gem | Convert a weapon's attack type to Ice --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imp Card | Upgrade equipment: INT +10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insect Card | Upgrade equipment: WIL +5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joker Card | Upgrade equipment: +20 to STR, INT, VIT, or WIL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lantern Card | Upgrade equipment: WIL +10, INT -3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lich Card | Upgrade equipment: Max HP +100, Max MP -10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Elemental | Upgrade equipment: Lightning element +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Gem | Convert a weapon's attack type to Lightning --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merman Card | Upgrade equipment: STR +8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neutrality Gem | Convert a weapon's attack type to Physical --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rafflesia Card | Upgrade equipment: Max HP +30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratman Card | Upgrade equipment: AGI +4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorpion Card | Upgrade equipment: Max HP +30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Card | Upgrade equipment: INT +10, STR -3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skunk Card | Upgrade equipment: VIT +5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snail Card | Upgrade equipment: Max MP +25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectre Card | Upgrade equipment: Max MP +45 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spider Card | Upgrade equipment: STR +10, VIT -3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Succubus Card | Upgrade equipment: Max HP +110 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Treant Card | Upgrade equipment: Max HP + 50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Elemental | Upgrade equipment: Wind element +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Gem | Convert a weapon's attack type to Wind --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolf Card | Upgrade equipment: Max HP +35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeti Card | Upgrade equipment: STR +15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zombie Card | Upgrade equipment: Max MP +60, Max HP -20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ ########################################################################### XII. Copyright and Credits [CC#] ########################################################################### The purpose of this guide is for educational purposes only, and should not be reproduced except for personal, private use. Use of this guide on any other website or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, except where explicit written permission is issued from its author. In less legal terms: Please don't copy my work, as it is VERY time- consuming to produce. I made this to help you, and taking it as your own would only bereave me. On a lighter note: Thanks for reading this! Please send any questions, comments, or corrections to: rquillen@email.itt-tech.edu Hope you enjoyed both the game and this guide. Sources: The info for my guide comes directly from the game except for some places, which are noted below. - Pulled some info from www.wikipedia.org in writing section II - Pulled some info from www.atlus.com/cgs in writing section II and III This FAQ is mainly updated and primarily posted on www.GameFAQs.com Other Authorized Sites: - www.supercheats.com - www.neoseeker.com - www.mypsp.com.au (<3 Australia) This guide brought to you by: '||''''| |''||''| '||' '||' | '||''|. '||''''| '|. '|' || . || || || ||| || || || . |'| | ||''| || ||''''|| | || ||''|' ||''| | '|. | || || || || .''''|. || |. || | ||| .||.....| .||. .||. .||. .|. .||. .||. '|' .||.....| .|. '| (rquillen@email.itt-tech.edu)