Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Bosses 1. Legal 2. Intro 3. Bosses 4. Challenge Mode 1. This boss walkhrough is (C) to me. Do not copy and sell this guide for any ammount of money. Only GameFAQS me host this guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Hello and welcome to the R&C: SM boss guide! Not much to say really, exept that I was bored, and noticed the FAQ section for this great game is not getting much attention at all. So I decided to make it look a bit more lively with this! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Boss 1: Mungo Not all that hard really. Use the Lacerator. Don't get too close to him, or he'll try to hit you with his arms. For the first part of the fight he basically just jumps around, lands near you and tries to physically hit you. Just stay on constant move to avoid and keep him under fire with your Lacerator. After taking some damage, he will stop in a corner of the room next to a bunch of flying pod things and start throwing them at you. Just run around to dodge them, and when he runs out of them, start firing at him until more of them appear, then just repeat. Once you've taken him down to about a quarter health, he breaks off one of the pipes in the room and starts using it like a club. Just run away and jump when he swings is at you, he'll miss. Also keep an eye on him when he uses the monkey bars on the ceiling to cross from one end of the room to the other. Be patient and he'll die before long. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss 2: Technomite Dreadnaught(Clank Space Challenge) Really easy. If you have any cluster missles left, fire those at the start. The TD will stay around the center of the screen and constantly fire off missles, and also rapid-fire purple energy bullets. All of this can be avoided simply by flying circles around the screen. There is often a brief stop in it's attacks for about 3 seconds, and this is the best time to fly into the middle of the screen and fire off some shots at it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss 3: Smasher Bot(Clank Challenge) Easy. He can only attack from the front. If you get smashed by both of his hammers, you'll take a lot of damage, and you'll still take a lot even from 1 hammer. How do you remedy this? Just stay behind him and unload on his back. He won't stand a chance. If you do get hit, just break the energy crate and heal up. It regenerates, so this battle can't be lost unless you try to lose, or you're just foolish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss 4: Smasher Bot[Again] (Clank Challenge) Same as before, only this time Smasher Bot has 3 gladiators with him. They arn't anything you haven't faced before, so take them out first and then go for the boss himself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss 5: Technomite Dreadnaught[2] (Clank Space Challenge) Same as before, only this one constantly releases swarms of fighters. That actually makes this fight easier, since you can just destroy them for health and gain cluster missles. Also I think it can take a bit more damage then the other one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss 6: Dropship Another simple boss. For the first half of the battle, it just moves from left to right firing a constant energy beam. Jump to avoid it and fire at it with Lacerators and Electro Rockets. Ignore the Shock Troopers that are constantly appearing on the sides of the battle fields, they always get killed by the dropship's beam. After taking half it's health, it'll stop firing a constant beam, and instead fire it in short bursts every few seconds. This too can be jumped easily. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss 7: Smasher Bot[This guy is getting old] (Clank Challenge) Smasher Bot AGAIN. Just like the first battle, only there are bales of hay everywhere and no energy crate. Just get behind him and spear him to death, problem solved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss 8: Luna There are several parts to this fight. Part 1: You will be running through a field toward the camera(You run auto- matically). Every few seconds, Luna will fly at you in a plane and fire at you. Just run to the left or right to dodge her. After several rounds, it will become night and Luna brings out a big harvester. Do NOT get caught by that thing, or it's all over. Just keep running, jumping rocks and dodging the mutant sheep, and eventually you will fall onto a platform and get a scene. Part 2: Luna blasted the cliff and it's all coming down, so just run around dodging falling rocks. Just run from the shadows and you'll do just fine. After around 20 seconds of dodging, Luna comes down to battle you. Part 3: She's pretty easy. Keep an eye on the harvester, when you see spots on it glow bright with electricity, jump to avoid the shots that are fired out. After she shoots at you 2 or 3 times, she will fly at you and try to run you over with the harverster, just jump to the left or right to avoid this. After taking some damage, she starts firing out poison gas bombs. Just watch the targets on the ground to know where they'll land, and don't run into the gas clouds that linger for a few seconds. After firing off a few, she flies at you with the harvester(She basically does that after each round of attacks) As she gets near defeat, she'll fire electricity at you by 1 shot, then 3 shots, and then 5 shots at a time, and she'll also fire the gas bombs far quicker. Recommended weapons are the Duel Lacerators and Electro Rockets. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Boss: Emperor Otto This fight, too, is devided into several parts. Part 1: For the first part of the fight, you are battling a bumch of Ratchet Clones. The big bulky ones carry Concussion Cannons, the normal ones carry Lacerators and Wrenches, and the little scrawny ones have Incinerators. You don't even have to kill one, as the battle ends after around 3 minutes, but if you can kill at least 70, you'll get a Skill Point. Part 2: Just run. Otto chases after you with the size-changing ray. Just keep running, don't let him get too close or he'll stomp you. He fires rays at the ornaments on the ceiling, causing them to grow and fall. He also fires at the floor, causing a panel to shrink and fall into the lava. Just run, jump and dodge until you are at the end. Part 3: You'll now be controlling Giant Clank. Basically, all Otto does is fire missles at you. Sometimes targets appear all over the ground, and he'll fire a cluster. Don't bother punching him, just fire off your own missles, as they cause much more damage, and are the only thing that can hit him when he flies. He'll go down quick. Part 4: The last part of the battle. Otto fires off waves at you, crouch to avoid high ones and jump to avoid low ones. He also causes two psychic hands to appear to both sides of you, jump to avoid them when they try to slam in on you. Use a weaker weapon to break his barrier, then when he falls and starts running around like an idiot, hit him with your strongest weapons. Once you deplete about 40% of his health, his barrier will disappear forever and he will just launch constant attacks at you. He also gains a new attack where he tries to punch you with a psychic fist. Just jump to the left or right to avoid this. When he's beat, you have completed Ratchet&Clank's first PSP adventure! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.On a last note, after finishing the game, you can replay in Challenge Mode. All the bosses are much, much harder in this mode. You can make short work of them if you buy the Ryno, but if you cant get it yet(It's 9,999,900 bolts) then just buy the Titan versions of your weapons(They become available when you complete the game and get your current weapons to their V4(Ultimate) modes) If you level these Titans up to V4, they'll serve you well. [END]