DAXTER, FOR PSP ====================================== Version: 1.05 Contact: Not Available (PM me using my Gamespot Account) Generall info, Release Date: March 14th 2006 Memory Card Space: 160 KB Players: 1-2 Players Devolpers: ReadyatDawn ^All the stuff I could think of ====================================== INTRODUCTION Daxter, created by ReadyatDawn, takes place between Jak and Daxter 1 and Jak 2. It tells of how Daxter saved Jak from Prison. Pretty simple story-line. Im not planning on adding anything beside a walkthrough for the story missions, but I "Might" in future update add a orbs guide and Daxters Dream mini game, but right now, im only planning on doing the walkthrough. ====================================== Table of Contents ====================================== 1.VH Version History 2.C Controlls Walkthrough -Haven City Streets (3.HCS) -Westside Hotel (3.WS) -Construction Site 1 (3.CS1) -Breezy Valley 1 (3.BV1) -Brewery (3.B) -Transit System (3.TS) -Strip Mine 1 (3.SM1) -Breezy Valley 2 (3.BV2) -Prison Zoomer Chase (3.PZC) -Tanker 1 (3.T1) -Distillery (3.D) -Fish Cannery (3.FC) -Emerald Isle 1 (3.EI1) -Construction Site 2 (3.CS2) -Strip Mine 2 (3.SM2) -Lumber Mill (3.LM) -Emerald Isle 2 (3.EI2) -Tanker 2 (3.T2) -Baron's Palace (3.BP) -Prison (3.P) 4.LS Legal Stuff 5.CC Conclusion ---------------------------------------------> NOTE: To search for something easier, copy the code next to the level and press Ctrl+F to pop up a search box. Now right click and select paste. Now press the "Find Next" Button and It'll take you right to the level. ---------------------------------------------> ====================================== Version History ====================================== Version 0.01, June 18th 2006. Started Guide. Version 0.40, June 19th 2006. File Size: 26.3 KB Finished about half the guide, up to The Tanker Level. Version 0.60, June 20th 2006. File Size: 36.4 KB Finished a few level. Past half way done with the guide. Version 0.70, June 21st 2006. File Size: 40.4 KB Small update, finished two more levels, fixed up some grammer errors, and fixed some other typos in the guide. Version 1.00, June 22nd 2006. File Size: 59.4 KB Finished the guide. Also fixed up a few errors in the walkthrough. Version 1.05, June 25th 2006. File Size: 60.0 KB Minor update. Fixed a couple grammer errors in the guide, also added more stuff in the walkthrough. ====================================== 2.C Controlls ====================================== X Button: Jump; Select Circle Button: Bug Spray; Cancel Square Button: Bug Swatter Triangle Button: Sneak Mode D-Pad ^: First Person mode D-Pad V: Cancele First Person mode D-Pas >: Change Bug Spray D-Pad <: Change Bug Spray Select: Nothing Start: Pause Menu L Button: Scrolls Camra R Button: Scrolls Camra ====================================== (3.HCS) ====================================== After several cutscenes, run towards the light outside the shop with the red arrow over the top. Go inside the shop to start another scene. After the scene press the "X" button to talk to Osmo. After the scene head back outside the shop and turn left. Up ahead you should see another bright light. Run towards it and pick up the precurser orb. After picking up the orb, head stright ahead towards another the bright light. Pick up the Health Pack and turn right. Go towards the platform and do a double jump (X+X). Once you picked up the gold gem, go to the light straight ahead. Once the doors to the left of the light open, go into the elevartor. ====================================== (3.WS) ====================================== Once inside the Hotel, turn right towards the light and talk to the guy at the counter. Watch the scene, then turn around. Go to the right to where the bright light is and pick up the key. Go to the right side of the water fountain and turn right again down the hall into the elevator. You will now have to bring back 25 gold gems to the Concierge. Once out of the elevator, run down the path. You will encounter your first enemies, termites. Use your Bug swatter (Square Button) to kill them. Use Square+Square to defeat them more quickly. Thats the basic way to kill all the enemies in the game. Turn right form the previous enemies towards the bridge. There is a plant that will attack you if you dont sneak by it, so press the "Triangle" button to sneak past the flower. Once past the flower go to the bridge. Parts of the bridge is missing so use the "X" button to jump across the gaps. Once on the other side of the bridge there is another flower, and more termites. Sneak past the flower and use your bug swatter to kill the termites. Go around the corner to meat a new enemy, Metal Heads. Use same tactics as before (Square+Square) to take care of him. ---------------------------------------------> NOTE: There are several types of metal heads. The main ones you'll be fighting in this level, are a smaller type of them. They kind of look like Ticks. Others you see in the game look like giant spiders. They all can be defeated the same way, but the only difference is the difficutly of them. They'll become easy to kill once to get the Flame thrower later in the game. ---------------------------------------------> Ahead form the metal head, jump up on the ladder and climb up. Ahead there is a path with more metal bugs. Jump down and kill the two metal bugs. Go to the right and jump across the lilly pads. Once on the other platform kill the two metal bugs and jump on the platform to the right. Kill the single metal bug and jump to the platform underneather the water fall to the right. Head toward the two wall oposite of each other and kill the two metal bugs beside it. Climb up the wall on the left. Once you reach the spot where you get stuck and jump across to the other wall. On the top of the other wall, jump back across to the platform on the left. On the other side turn right and drop down to the right till you reach a stone path. Ahead there are two killer flowers that you should sneak by. Once past the flowers, kill the termites ahead and jump on the hill to the right. At the top jump across the two platforms. Turn right and then jump across two more platforms. Once across the two moving platforms, kill the single metal bug and jump down the slide straight ahead. At the end of the slide, run up the hill to the left. By now, you should have about 9 gold gems. At the top of the hill, kill the 2 metal bugs. Press the Triangle button to go into sneak mode, and craw unerneath the door straight ahead. In the room, kill all the Termites and jump on the bed. It will launch you straight up towards the platform at the top of the room. Craw through the vent on the right of the platform. At the end of the vent, jump down to the table below. Go to the end of the room, around the table killing any metal bugs, or termite you see, and go through the door at the end. Inside, there will be Termites, and a Killer Flower gaurding the door. Kill the Termites, and sneak past the the flower into a large circular room. There will be several Metal bug coming into the room through the vent. Kill all the metal bugs that come out of the vent, then go through the door on the left. In the room, kill the jumping termites then sneak past the flowers, and exit out of the room on the far right side of the room. Again, in this is another circular room with metal bugs coming out of the vents. Kill all the metal bugs and pick up all the gold gems they drop. After you kill them all, you should have more then 25 gold gems. Jump on the platform in the center of the room to be launched to the chandelier at the top of the room. Once up there, jump from chandelier to chandelier untill your right outside a vent. Jump towards the vent and craw through the vent. At the end of the vent, pick up the Health Pack and jump down the slide to the right. This slide is a little more difficult then the last as you'll have to dodge stuff along the way. Just use the joystick to slide from left to right and the "X" to jump over the stuff in the path. This shouldn't be to hard. At the end of the slide, turn right and go down the elevator. After the elevator ride, you'll be back inside the Hotel loby. Run toward the light beacon outside of the counter. Press the "X" button to talk to the Concierge. After the scene, head back outside the hotel. ====================================== (3.CS1) ====================================== Follow the Icon on your radar to the Construction Site. Run up the stairs at the Construction site. At the top of the stairs, enter through the doors. Run forward and turn right. Run down the end of the path and enter the door on the left. Turn left again and ride down the elevator. At the end of the elevator, turn left and ride down the zip- line. At the end of the zip-line kill the metal bug right in front of you. Head around the corner to the left and kill the two metal bugs and termites. Keep head up the hill untill your reach a new type of metal bug. They look like bee's and can be annoying to kill, but a few hits with your bug swatter should take care of him. Form the metal head, look left. You should be a platform. Jump up on it then jump on the trampoline to the left to be launched up on the other platform above. Kill the two metal bugs and climb the ladder to the left. At the top, jump across the platform and kill the metal head. Jump up on the overhanging platform and craw along trying to dodge the recking ball. At the end, jump down onto the moving platform. Jump across to the vent and craw in. After the cutscene, you'll now have the bug spray. Press the "Circle" button to use it. Also jump and hold the circle button to hover. Run ahead and kill the termites and metal bug. Also a new type of metal bug. They come up out of the ground and shoot some purple stuff out at you. To defeat them, use your bug spray then hit them a few time to defeat them. Once all the metal heads in the area are gone, Taryn will drop a crane down for you. Jump up and grab it. Ride on it until it stops, then jump down. On the first platform Taryn drops you on there are some termites, and one metal bug. Once they're easily defeated, jump back up on the crane and Taryn will drop you on another platform. This time, its ALLOT harder, there are 4 metal heads, and two of them are the new kind. Take out the Tick like ones first, then use the bug spray+Square button to take the last two down. Now jump back up on the crane for the final platform. On the last platform, there are termites, two tick like metal heads, and the new type. Take the termites out first then work on the ticks. After all the bugs are dead, jump back on the crane. Once your droped down from the crane, kill the tick, and bee metal bug, then craw into the vent to the left. Once through the vent jump on the pipe. At the end of the first pipe, jump across to the second pipe. Once across, jump on the platform with the termites on it. Turn right and craw along the pipe. At the end of the next pipe craw through the vent. Once through the vent, climb the ladder to the left. On the top, use the trampoline below to reach the platform on the other side. Jump on the pipe on the other side. Once on the other platform in front of the pipe, kill the bee metal bug. Jump on the platform to the left on the bee. Jump up to the zipline. At the bottom, inter the elevator to the right. Once up the elevator, climb the ladder on the left. At the top, jump on the zipline. At the end of the zipline, you'll be back at haven city Streeats. Head to Osmos shop. After the scene, drive forward into, ====================================== (3.BV1) ====================================== For this level, you'll have 120 seconds to eliminate all the bugs in the area. Use the "R" button to release the bugspray down on the bugs. When you run out of spray, run over the green spouts to refill. You have to clear out 25 flowers. This can be hard as you dont have that much time. You'll have to go all over the area killing the bugs. When the time gets to 60 seconds, a light beacon will appear over the bugs so you can find them easier. After you eliminate all the bugs the next part of the level will start. In this part smash into the bulbs around the giant flower. This parts is easy as you have more then enough time. After you hit all the bulbs around the flower the giant queen bee will fly out of the hole near the flower. For the boss, you dont have a time limit. All you have to do is hit the queen bee. This is very easy. The best way to defeat it, is when its turning around a corner, just ram into it. It'll take three hit to bring down the queen bee. Once you've beat the queen bee, drive back to the portal back to Osmos shop, and watch the cutscene. ====================================== ---------------------------------------------> NOTE: Sence your at Osmos shop, try out one of the dream mini games to learn a new move. Also check back to the shop when you unlock different mini games, as it'll increase you health and you'll learn new moves. ---------------------------------------------> After the dream mini game head back to the intrance of Osmos shop. Press "X" to talk to Osmo. Run back outside and jump on your new scooter and follow the icon on your radar to you next location. ====================================== (3.B) ====================================== Run down the strairs into the Brewery. Run towards the counter to start a cutscene. Your next objective is to, "Explore the Brewery and Restore Pressure to the Taps". Run around the left side of the counter and go through the door. Run down the stairs into a room with 2 metal bugs. Use your bug swatter to kill them. Run forward and jump in the hole in the wall. There will be a new type of metal head. They look like spiders but their easily defeated with the bug swatter. Turn left and kill the other metal bug, then use you bug spray near the flame source to ignite it and flame the spider web. In the next room, hover with your bug spray to the platform directly in front of you. Once on the platform tilt the camra to the right then hover to the platform on the other side of the room. Kill the metal head and craw through the vent. Once on the other side of the vent, jump down from the platform and run past the metal bugs towards the flame igniter. Ignite your bug spray and torch the three metal heads, then the spider web. Jump through the hole where the spider web was then jump across the platforms. Once in the next room jump up to where the metal bugs are and defeat the easily with your bug swatter. Run through the steam and pick up the green spray orb. Torch the Spider web then hover down to the platform on the other side of the room from the spider web. Hover over another gap and kill the 4 metal bugs. Once you've killed the metal bugs, hover over to the next platform. Run over the bridge and jump down. Kill three more metal bugs then turn right through two rooms. In the last room, torch the spider web. In the next room, you'll meet a new metal head. Their HARD to kill, so stun them with you bug spay then get as manny hit as you can with the bug swatter. After the metal bugs dead, run past the steam. Climb up the ladder fight off metal bugs till you reach the top. Ahead theres another hard-to-kill metal bug. Use the same strategy as before to defeat him. Run up the ramp to the right of the metal bug and go to the other side avioding the steam. On the other side, turn left up another ramp. Only, about half way through half the ramp will cave in. Use your bug spray to hover across. Once across kill the metal head. Hover across the next broke ramp to the left avoiding the steam. On the other side, turn right and jump over the steam. Go around the corner and you'll see two metal heads, and a flame igniter. Run right past the metal heads and ignite you bug spray. Torch the two metal heads and run past the steam with your bug spray still ignited and torch the spider web. In the next room, hover to the other platform on the farside of the room. Once across, defeat the metal bug and run through the door straight ahead. Once inside hover to the other side and kill the two metal bugs. Press Triangle and craw under neath the door to the right. Run down the stairs, again, hover with you bug spray to the other side. On the other side, use you bug swatter to kill the metal head, then torch the spider web. Jump across to the platform to the left and time your jump and enter the next doorway avoiding the steam. Ignite you bug spray and torch the spider web and the metal head in the next room. After you've killed the metal head, jump to the platform to the left and hover from platform to platform. At the top platform, craw through the vent. On the other side of the vent, jump down from platform to platform. At the bottom, craw through another vent. At the end of the vent, jump down and run towards the gears at the end of the room. Its time for your first Mini- game. Press "X" button to start. Use the D-Pad plus the Square, X, Circle, and triangle buttons for this mini-game. When one of the gear light up next to the button, immediately press that buttons. This could take a few trys as its pretty hard. Once you win, go through the newly opened door to the right. Climb up the stairs, then around the corner and climb up the ladder to the left. At the top, talk to the person at the counter. After the scene, head out of the brewery. Get on you scooter and follow the icon on you map to, ====================================== (3.TS) ====================================== After the elevator ride, run forward and kill the termites. Go to the right and craw under the broken door way. Jump over the gap, and continue following the path killing all the metal heads. Once you get to a area when a train goes by, you'll meet the final metal head. their like scorpions, and pretty difficult to kill. You can kill them the same as the other metal heads. Bug Spray+Bug Swatter, or just keep press the Square button untill their dead. Once their gone, continue down the path. Down the hill, kill the three metal bugs and hover across the platform ahead. Kill the termites, then make your way down yet another hill. At the bottom, kill the two metal bugs then hover across the gap. Try avoiding the train while you try and get across. Once across kill the metal bug and craw underneath the door. Once through, kill the two scropion like metal heads, then jump on the zipline. At the end of the zipline, you'll be on a train. As the trains moving, avoid the obstacles and try to get to the front of the moving train. Once you come to a opening, jump across the the other train on the left side of the train your on. Run to the very back of the train your on now and ride it, avioding obstacles untill your at another opening. Once another train shows up to the right, JUMP ON IT. You dont have much time because the train shows up late. Once on the other train Jump to yet another train on the left. Again avoide the obtacles until you again in another opening. Jump to the train on the right, then on the still train. Jump down from the still train and kill the metal bug. Now jump on the crates untill your on the platforms above. Craw through the vent. Jump down and kill all the scropion metal heads. After their dead, go through the door straight ahead. Ride down the elevator. Kill the single metal bug and go up the tunnel straight ahead, till you come to a huge pillar with red lasers going down, to up. Once the laser goes up quickly jump on and find a safe pocket on the side to wait untill the laser goes up again. Continue doing that till your on the top of the pillar. At the top, kill the bug and go down the tunnel. When you get to the vent craw through. On the other side of the vent kill the scorpion metal bug. Go to the other side and craw through the vent. On the other side, turn left and kill the metal bug, and get on the elevator. At the bottom, kill the two scorpion metal head, then the spider like metal heads. After their dead, turn left and get on the zipline. At the bottom, ride the train and avoid the obstacles. Once the tarin stops go through the doors, and hover across the path avoiding the the two trains. On the other side, go through the doors and get on the hover bike. You'll now have to race a train. Hit all the speed boost you can, and try to avoid all the obstacles in the path and you should easily beat the train. After the crash enter the door on the left. Follow the path and jump down towards the hive quee. Hit the Hive queen with your bug swatter to begin the boss battle. -------------------------------------------- BOSS: Hive Queen 1 -------------------------------------------- As soon as you hit the hive queen, she'll start launching tick like metal bugs. Defeat them, then hit the queen again. She'll then start sending more bugs at you. defeat them, then hit the queen again. Afterwords, part 2 of the battle will begin. The queen will raise out of the ground. She'll start pounsing on the ground. When she bends her head to the ground, hover over and spray her with your bug spray. After that, run behind the queen and hit her in the back. Do the exact same thing two more times then part 3 will begin. This time, she'll jump and hit the ground sending shock waves. Right when the queen is in the air, jump and hover untill the shock waves pass. While her back is turned, hit her in the back again. Do that 2 more times and then the queen will go back to repeating the other two parts. Just use the same strategy, and you'll beat the boss. -------------------------------------------- When the queen is defeated, run around her and go through the door on the other side. Once inside, go inside the elevator. At the top run and get on your scooter. Follow the Icon to the Strip Mine. ====================================== (3.SM1) ====================================== Once in the power station, go to the portal at the end. Select "Strip Mine". In this level, you'll have to find 8 cyrstals. Crystal 1: Starting from the Miner, run down the path, and there will be a huge Pillar type in the middle of the area. Run towards it and climb up. At the top, go to the very end and jump up on the platform to reach it. Crystal 2: From the last crystal, go to straight till you see an opening overlooking a ramp. Jump down on the ramp. Go around the ramp till you get the a swich. Hit it with your bug swatter to activate it. Now drop down and get the Crystal. Crystal 3: Go back to where you got crystal 1. Now from facing where you got crystal 1, go to the tunnel on the right. As soon as you in the tunnel, the platforms will be moving around the tunnel. Jump across them to get to the other side. Once across, the crystal will be on the platform directly in front of you. Crystal 4: From Crystal 3, go to the two platform right in front of where crystal 3 was. Now hover to the far platform to the right of where the seond platform is. Make sure to get a running start. Once across, kill the 2 bee type metal heads. Once their killed, keep going around the path and kill another metal head. Straight ahead you'll see crystal 4. Crystal 5: Go back to crystal 3 and enter the tunnel to the right of the platform crystal 3 was on. Once inside, Hover across the gap. Turn right and hover to the other platform. Take the elevator down. This next part is like a side scroller. Run forward form the elevator. Climb the walls, jumping back and forth. Once on the top, kill the two bee metal heads. Go ahead and jump to the wall on the left. Climb down and jump to the platform below. Continue running right on the platform and jump on the wall avioding the spikes and jump on the next platform on the right. Go up the to wall oposite of each other to get to the top. At the top, get the crystal. Crystal 6. Right from crystal 5, hover allong the green eco trail. Take the elevator down. At the bottom, Hover straight ahead towards the ground straight ahead of Daxter. Once you land, run ahead and kill the two metal heads. Turn left, and the crystal is straight ahead on the platform. Crystal 7: Go back to the Miner. From the Miner head forward and turn right. Ahead you should see a tunnel with the 7th Crystal. Crystal 8: Head back to where crystal 1 was. This time go to the tunnel on the left. Use the same way to get across the turning platform and get the final crystal. Ride the zipline back to the Miner. Exit back out of the power station. Get on your scooter and head back to Osmos shop. Go to the back of the shop and head back to Breezy Valley. ====================================== (3.BV2) ====================================== The bugs are infected and you have to spray them. This is about the same as before, only this time the targets are moving. You also have the 120 second time limit. Just use the same strategy as before to find them all. Also there are only 8 you need to find so this is easier then the last time. If you haven't found them all, when you have 60 seconds left, light beasons will apear over them. Once you've found all the infected buugs, three hive queens will apear. Just ram them to defeat them. You dont have a time limit so it should be easy. Once the mission is complete, head back to Osmos Shop. Head back outside Osmos Shop. ====================================== (3.PZC) ====================================== You'll now have to follow the Prison Zoomer. At the beging he'll launch bombs out at you, try and dodge the bombs, while staying close to the zoomer. After awhile, he'll throw Mines out at you. Avoid them while staying close to the Prison Zoomer. There isn't much you can do but try and stay alive. After the chase, watch the scene, and you automatically be taken to, ====================================== (3.T1) ====================================== Jump across the moving platforms, and go through the vent on the other side. Once through the vent, kill all the metal bugs in the area and collect the gold gems they drop. I think you need to get 30 gems for this level. Once all the metal bugs in the area are gone, go back to the vent and go right and jump on the red plat- form. Once the platform stops, jump off. Jump down from the ledge and take out any metal bugs in the area. When all the bugs are gone, climb the ladder to the right. At the top, turn left, and jump down from the barrels. At the bottom, kill the four metal bugs, and climb the ladder to the left. At the top, quickly jump over the two platforms and wait for the red moving platform to come. When it does, jump on and it'll take you to the next area. Jump off the platform, then craw across the pipe onto the net. Kill the two metal bugs, and continue crawing across the several pipes. At the end of the pipes, jump on the trampoline on the left. Once you land, climb up the ladder right in front of you. Turn right and run past the barrel up another ladder. At the top, kill the metal head. Turn left and jump on the moving crate. From the crate, jump to the platform on the other side. Run around the crates and go right, and jump on the trampoline on the left. Run forward avioding the mechanical arms till your on the other side. Once you get to mechanical arms that are still, craw underneath. Once through, kill the metal head. Run straight ahead and climb up the ladder. At the top, kill the two metal bugs, and run through the run through the rotating gear. On the other side, wait till the platforms are half way risen out of the dark eco, and jump across. On the other side, run through another rotating gear. On the other side, kill the two metal bugs. By now, you should have about 25 gold gems. Jump on the platform moving around the next room, and go through the door on the right. Now just run down this tunnel kill all the metal bugs and jump across the gaps around the corner. Around the corner, jump on the falling platform till you reach the other side. Continue around the corner, kill the tick metal bug, and jump to the other platform with another metal head. Jump across the several falling platforms to the other side. On the other side kill the three metal bugs, and climb the ladder on the left. At the top of the ladder run through the rotating gear, then, if you want, kill the metal head. Run through the mechanical arms in the hall on the left. Dodge the arms and jump across to the platform. Once across, time your jump through the arms onto the next moving platform. Once the moving platform stops, jump off and go to the room on the right. Jump on the trampoline on the right. Run towards the light beacon and watch the scene. Now press the "X" button for another mini game. Use all your buttons, and wait for one of them to enter the blue arrow. This could be tough, but you'll eventually get it. After the mini game, run through the doors and watch the scene. You now have the flame thrower! The game becomes a little easier now as it kills enemies quick and without trouble. Also, it gives you a boost while hovering. Now get on your scooter and follow the icon on your map to, ====================================== (3.D) ====================================== Run inside the Distillery, and ride the elevator down. Run through the door. You objective in this level is to collect 40 gold gems. Run towards the door, and 5 medal heads will drop down. A good time to try out your new flame thrower. Hit the lever and inter the door. Kill all the tick metal bugs with your bug swatter and proceed down the tunnel, untill you get to a brightly lit room with a green orb in the door way. Start running in the room, then jump and hover across the room with the flamethrower. At the end, torch the spider web and kill the two metal bugs in the room. Craw under the pipe and kill the tick metal bug. Use your flame thrower onto the the crate to the left. Jump and hover to the next crate to the left of the one your on. Now jump and hover to the next platform. Inter the door on the left and burn the spider web. Burn the 2 metal bugs in the room and go down the hall on the right. Kill the metal bug that drops down in the hall. proceed forward and torch the two bugs that drop down. Burn the web on the right and jump down. Kill the tick bugs and hit the lever to open the door. Run through the door and kill the metal head that drops down. In the next room burn the three metal head that drop down, and enter the room. Now kill the bug, hit the lever, and jump on the overhanging platform. When you reach the platform jump down and run to the other side. Ignore the tcik metal bugs and jump back up on the overhanging platform. Drop down on the other platform, and enter the door on the left. Enter the door way and kill all the metal bugs in the room. Enter the round door. You will now have to hover around the room on the platforms while the dark eco rises. Use your flamethrower to make it around. After awhile, you'll eventually make it to the other side. Hover across to the other side with the lever and two scorpion metal heads. Kill the metal heads, and hit the lever. Now enter the door on the left. Climb up the stairs and burn the web. Now go left down the hall killing the tick metal bugs. At the end of the hall, turn left and kill the metal heads in the next room. Now quickly run and jump and hover through the next room landing on the ladder. Craw across the ladder, and jump to the platform on the other side. Turn left and hover across to the other side. Continue down the hall and turn left up some stairs. In the room, kill the bugs, and burn the web. Kill the two tick bugs, then hover to the door on the other side of the room. Climb up the stairs and run around the corner through the door. Get on the elevator and ride up. Run out and get on your scooter and drive to the next location. ====================================== (3.FC) ====================================== Once inside the fish cannery, craw underneath the spikes. Torch the metal bug ahead. Jump down, and craw under the spikes to the right. When you craw through, jump down to the platform on the left. Burn the metal head up ahead. Again, jump down left and craw underneath the spikes. In the room with all the fish, jump down to the right and enter the door. Inside hit the lever. Use your flame thrower to melt the ice to where you can jump up on. Jump on the ice then jump on the platform, and hit the lever on the left of the ice cube. Use you flamethrower to push the ice at the end. Now jump on the ice. Now time your jump and jump to the cage right in front of you. On the cage, look right and use you flamethrower to reach the cage on the right. Jump to the cage after that, then to the cage on the right. Now hover over to the platform. When you land, pick up the green orbs and turn left down the hall. Kill the metal bugs. Enter the doors and ride down the elevator. At the bottom run forward past the metal head into a room with a bunch of computers. Turn left and enter the elevator. At the bottom, kill the three tick metal bugs and jump down the hole. Watch the scene, then use you flame thrower to push the ice to end of the room. Turn right and enter a room with a purple egg sack and some tick metal bugs. Use you flamethrower to burn the enemies. Run into the tunnel with the green orbs. Jump on the ice cube and turn right. This next part is hard because of the sharks. Wait for the first shark to pass then jump on the other platform. The next one has two sharks, so time your jump to make it. Jump past the last shark to make it across. On the other side, inter the tunnel on the left. Drop down and turn right. Hit the lever and jump across the water. Use your flamethrower to push the ice cube forward. Jump on the ice cube, then craw through the vent. In the room, burn the purple egg sack and kill the rest of the bugs. Jump up on the platform to the right. Hit the lever and push the ice cube with the flame thrower to the left. Once its at the end past the spikes, quickly jump on the ice while its going up. Jump up to the platform and torch the purple egg sack and the bugs in the area. Now turn right and hover past the shark. From there turn left and head to the platform on the far other side. Again, burn the purple egg sack and the bugs around the area. Now go left and hover to the other side. Kill the five tick bugs and go up the elevator to the right. Now run to where the metal bug is shooting at you and dodge the shark to make it the the moving platform. Do that till your on the other side of the area. On the other side go in the elevator. At the end of the elevator, hit the lever. Push the ice cube forward, then melt it to where you can jump up on it. On jump on the two platforms. From there, look left and hover to the other side. Once there, run forward to the second lever and push the ice cube all the way forward. Melt it a little bit, then jump on. Now, get a running jump and hover to the cages ahead. You should make it if you got enough of a jump. On the other side, enter the elevator. You'll be outside. Turn left and go to where the frozen fish. Melt it, then wait for the big fish to eat it. Now QUICKLY hover to the other side of the lake. Once across, inter the elevator. Once off the elevator, go around the corner and craw uner the spikes. Jump on the other platform on the left and kill the metal bugs. Continue crawing under the spikes. Jump up on another platform, kill the metal bugs, and craw under more spikes. Drop down and enter the tunnel on the platform. Now, exit out the way you began the level, by crawling under the spikes. Now get on your scooter and follow the icon on your radar to your next location. ====================================== (3.EI1) ====================================== Once through the portal, go through the door on the left. Turn right and watch the seen. Get in the hover bike thing. Drive out of the tunnel. As soon as you exit the tunnel, the boss will begen. In this battle, you'll have to press the "R" button to launch a bomb at the flying bug. You'll have to get close to the flying bug for the bomb to hit him. Eventually, he will go under water, stay close to him, or you'll loose the battle. Hit him with a bomb 8 times to win. Just stay close to him and make sure he doesn't get to far ahead and you'll easily win. ====================================== (3.CS2) ====================================== Head back to the other side of the city, back to the Construction Site. Once through the door, turn left and go up the elevator. At the end of the elevator run ahead and hover across to the other platform. Look left and jump over to the next platform. Now from that platform jump down to the next one on the right. Now jump and climb up the ladder right in front of you. At the top, hover across the path of green orbs to the trampoline around the corner. Once you land, enter through the door on the left. Run forward. Your next objective is to find and destroy the termite mounds. Kill the two scropions on the left. Now jump across all the moving platforms, timing your jumps, till your on the other side. On the other side, climb the ladder on the right. At the top, kill the 3 metal heads and turn right hovering to the trampoline. Once you land, hover over to another trampoline. Turn left and kill the metal bug. Now, Jump on the spring, and flame the bee metal head. Now jump and hover while over the spring so it will turn to the left. Now you should be able to run along it and jump and hover over to the next spring. Again, torch the bee bug and then flame the spring two time to make it to the spring on the right. Now flame the next spring one time, and hover to the trampoline. The trampoline will luanch you to a ladder, so climb up. Turn right once on top on the ladder and hover down to the two platforms below. Now hover right to the next platform. Kill the metal bug and jump over to the trampoline. It'll launch you to the top of the ladder on the other side. At the top, run into the elevator. At the bottom, run forward and destroy the first termite mound. Use your flamethrower to destroy it. Now run forward a little and jump over to the platform on the right. On top, turn around and jump on the crate with the two green orbs on top. Now jump up to the box right in front of you. Climb the ladder then jump on the over hanging platform and go to the other side. Now craw through the vent. On the other side, torch the termite hill and kill the metal heads. Craw back through the vent and look right. You should see the termite mound on the other side. Hover over and flame it. Now jump down two platforms to the right of the termite mound. Now hover to the platform on the right and hover across the green orbs trail to a ladder. At the top of the ladder torch the bugs and the final termite mound. Now head to the elevator next to where the 3rd termite mound was. At the top of the elevator, jump to the platform with the green orb on it. Jump on the trampolines then climb the ladder. At the top, kill the two scropion metal heads. Now look right, and wait for the crate to come by. Now hover over to it. At the end, jump on the wooden platform and jump on the trampoline. climb up the ladder and kill the three scorpions and craw through the vent. Once through, jump on the zipline to be back to the Haven City streets. Jump down and get on your scooter. Time to head back to the power station. ====================================== (3.SM2) ====================================== Enter through the portal in the power station, and select Strip Mine 2. Watch the cutscene and get your final bug spray attachment, The Ultra Sonic Attachment. Just launch it at a enemy to take them out in one or two shots. But it depletes your bug spray ammo more quickly. Run towards the Miner to figure out your objective for this level. You'll have to destroy 30 hives to make the hive queen come out. Jump and hover across from the right of the Miner across the Dark eco. Once across, jump on the platform to the left with the metal bugs on it. Kill them, then hover over to the platform on the right. Look left and you'll see a wall with crystals on it, use your Ultra Sonic to break through the wall. Once through the wall, you'll see your first hive. Use your flamethrower to destroy it. Now break the other crystal wall right in front of where the hive was. Once through, jump on the platform with the two metal heads on it. Use your Ultra Sonic on the metal heads then hover from the platform onto the elevator. At the bottom, there will be a platform moving right to left, and three metal heads hovering over it. Kill the metal bugs with you Ultra Sonic, then hover onto the platform. Once on, hover to the next plat- form right in front of you. Then hover up to the next one. At the last platform, hover up towards the metal bugs. Kill the bugs, then jump up two more platforms killing the metal heads. From the last one, hover straight across to another platform with a few metal bugs on it. Hover to the right from there torwards the wall with the crystals on it. Break through the wall then run through the tunnel destroying the walls until you get a room with three bee metal bugs, and another hive. Turn left and hover over the turning spikes and hover left to the hive with two bees and the hive. Next hover to the clear other side of the room past the turning spikes. Break through the crystal walls untill you get to a room with 12 hives! Burn through all the hives and exit back out of the room back to the turning spikes. Exit out of the room and head back to the room with the turning spikes. Exit the room of spikes to the right. Turn to the platform on the right right past the metal turning spike. Enter the door on the right. Once in the room, kill all the bee metal bugs and jump on the crate exiting the room on the left. Immediately jump and hover to the right on another set of moving spikes on the conveyer belt. Run past the spikes into the room on the left. Once inside the room, jump from conveyer belt to conveyer belt to the left towards the hive. Use the flamethrower to destroy the hive. Now hover clear to the other side past the Conveyer belts and break through another wall of crystals. Continue down the tunnel braking the walls untill your in a room with about 10 hives. Head back to the conveyer belt and exit out to the right of the room. Torch the hive and metal heads, and exit the room straight ahead. Now jump across the two platforms with metal bugs on them. once you jump of the last platform, break the crystal wall. Go through the hall doing the same thing untill your in a room with a single hive and a few metal heads. Use your flame thrower on them. You should now only have 1 hive left. Break through the crystal wall on the left. Inside, hover across to the other platform. Hover over towards another Conveyer belt. Jump through the doorway on the left and hover to the conveyer belt on the right. On the conveyer belt hover left through another doorway. Jump down and break through the wall on the left. Once through the two walls continue around the path over to where you began the level. This time, instead of going right from the Miner, go straight, behind him. Hover up to the top platform and break through the wall. Once through the several walls, burn the last hive. Now, head back and talk to the miner. Turn left from the miner and go through the door on the other side. Take the elevator up to the boss battle. -------------------------------------------- BOSS: Hive Queen 2 -------------------------------------------- Jump down torwards the boss. Hit her with you bug swatter to begin. She'll start by luanching out several metal bugs at you. Use your Ultra Sonic to defeat them and do the same thing 2 more times, then the queen will jump down. She'll slam down on the ground and try to hit you with a laser. Hover to aviod this. Once she comes up from the ground try and hit her a few times. Repeat the same thing a few times. After awhile she'll fly over to the wall, hit her with the Ultra Sonic and she'll fly down giving you enough time to hit her again. Do that a few more time then she go back to repeating part 2, only this time she'll drop out termites. Do the same thing you did in part 2 only taking out the termites. She'll then repeat all part again. Do the same thing each time and you'll easily win. -------------------------------------------- Enter the tunnel behind the queen once you beat her. Talk to the Miner then exit out of the portal. Reenter the portal and enter the Lumber Mill. ---------------------------------------------> NOTE: Sorry if the walkthrough for this level was hard to understand. It was a little hard to write. ---------------------------------------------> ====================================== (3.LM) ====================================== Run forward and talk to the lumber worker. After the scene you now have to kill 7 flying bugs. Turn around and hover to the platform right where the lumber worker is facing. Now jump and hover around the path of green orbs till you get to a log with a zipline. Ride down the zipline to be at the first flying bug zapper. Kill the bugs then step on the swich to kill the flying bug. After you kill the flying bug, jump on the platfrom to the right. On top hover straight up. Now dodge the saw and run ahead and kill the termites. Jump over another saw on the left. Now jump down form the wood platform. Again, step on the switch to kill the bug, then run over to the peir. Go, now jump across the lilly pads dodge the sharks till you reach the next switch. Once the flying bug is dead, ride the zipline back to the peir. As soon as you land, you'll see a lilly pad, two logs, and a door on the other side. Jump on the lilly pad, craw across the logs to the door, and drop down. Once you drop down, you'll be overlooking a lake with a set of logs going by every few second. Jump on the logs jump between them dodging obstackles till you reach the next switch. Activate the switch, kill the bug, and ride the zipline back to the platform were you were overlooking the area. Jump back up to were you entered the area, then continue to jump across lilly pads and logs to the left. On the other side, enter the log tunnel to the right avioding the saws to get to the other side of the tunnel. Once through, drop down straight ahead and follow the path on the left. Once you battled your way through termites and metal heads you'll reach the next switch. On this switch, you can kill two flying bugs. Now head back to the log tunnel and got to the left of the tunnel through yet another tunnel. Go through the tunnel avioding the saws. Once through, turn left and kill the termites. Jump over the saw and hit the switch to kill the 7th flying bug. Now run and jump over the saw in front of you, and turn right through another saw. You'll now be at the entrance of another tunnel. Run through it and aviode the saws. Now run across the log bridge and jump down the log chute. At the end of the log chute, jump up the logs and exit out the portal. Exit the power station, and head to the other side of the city back to Emeralde Isle ====================================== (3.EI2) ====================================== Run forward torward Ximon and watch the secen. After the scene, Get into ther Hover bike, and drive out of the tunnel to begin the battle. This battle is allot different then the others. You will be useing the gunner turret trying to shoot down the the flying bug. After you hit him acouple time he'll shoot out smaller flying bugs to try and damage you. Simply shoot them down and continue shooting at the bug. Also, make sure the gun doesn't over heat. dont let the guage in the left hand corner of the screen fill up. If your good at shooter type games, then this will shouldn't be hard at all. Once you beat the bug, leave Emerald Isle and head back to the tanker. ====================================== (3.T2) ====================================== Once inside the Tanker, run straight ahead in the door way and hover left across the pool of dark eco. Once on the other side, go through the door and get on the elevator. At the top, hover across the platforms till your at the middle of the area. Kill the three tick like metal bugs, and jump across the platforms to the left. Once you make it completly across the pool of dark eco, craw through the vent on the right. Drop down once through the vent and use your flame throwers on stuck valves to lower the dark eco to the right. Once lowered, hover to the other side. On the other side torch the stuck valve to lower the dark eco. Now drop down and jump on the trampoline. Once you land, jump on the platform to ride to the other side jumping over the obstackles and killing the metal heads. On the other side, torch the hive and metal heads, and climb the ladder to the left. At the top, flame the stuck valve and run through. You now have 120 second to escape the tanker. Jump on the zipline avioding the obstackles till you land on the other side. Run past the hive and jump on the trampoline. Once you land quickly hover across the dark eco. Once across hover to the stuck valve and lower the dark eco. Now turn around and enter the door facing the valve. Run to the end of the room and drop down the hole to complete the very short level. Watch the cutscene and you'll automaticly be taken to Barons Palace. ====================================== (3.BP) ====================================== Run forward killing the scrorpion metal heads around the corner to the right. Ride up the elevator and run forward. An alarm will go off and the flowers will start shooting at you. Just launch and Ultra Sonic shot at them to take care of them. Now, run around the spikes and hover over the lasers till your on the other side of the room. Enter the door behind the statue at the end of the room. In the room launch an Ultra Sonic shot at the flower and go through the door at the far left side of the room. In the room, a set of lasers will appear and two scropions behind it. Hover over to the end of the room torching the scropions. Turn right at the end and hover over the spikes to the right. You'll now be in a area with tons of lasers. All you have to do in the next area is hover through the lasers, craw under the lasers, and kill the medal heads. Do that till you get to a room will a huge moving pillar with lasers moving around. Simply hover around the pillar to the door on the other side and continue through the lasers. After several sets of lasers you'll come to a a huge pillar with fire on the platforms around it. Run around the pillar and hover over the spikes. Land on the table and hover over the lasers to the left. Turn right and kill the metal bugs that pop out of the ground. Now jump through the lasers to the left and kill the single bug in the hall. Hover around the corner to the left around the lasers. Now turn right and wait for the laser to go up and run through. Run to the left and hover around the pillar with lasers moving around. Kill the metal head on the other side of the pillar and go around the corner to the left. Burn the three metal bugs and run around the corner trying to avoid all the metal heads and hover across the spikes. Kill the metal head and run through the lasers. In the open area, launch a sonic shot at the flower. Run along the path launching Ultra Sonic shots at the flowers. Run down the hill into the gold room. Jump up on the platform to the left and hover across the platforms moving around the room till you land in the second gold room. Once you land off the platform, jump on the crate that has the green eco on it. Now, while facing the stack of crates jump to the next crate on the right. Now look right and hover across the gap to the next crate on the right. Now, turn around, then hover across the left up on the next crate. From there hover across the crates till you see a scene with a crate breaking through the floor. Jump down into the hole. Watch the scene then run around the corner and burn the tick metal bugs. Run to the end of the room past the crates into a locker room. Watch the scene then enter the door on the left. Turn right from the bugs into a room with more crates. Jump up the crates and craw through the vent. Watch the scenes and the final level in the game will start. Also, the next level in the game is the deffinately the hardest. ====================================== (3.P) ====================================== Go forward and peek around the corner on the left. Wait for the guard to have his back turned then run like crazy around the corner on the right. Jump in the hover bike and drive forward to begin the chase. The guard you just snuck past you will be chasing you. This is very similar to the train chase just hit the white arrows to get a boost and avoide the obstacles till the guard chrashes. After the crash, jump up the hole and stand beside the platform to next guard. Wait for the guard to pass, then jump up and run across the platform and make a left. drop down and get the key and follow the guard and enter the door on the left. Craw through the vent under the bed. On the other side, kill the scropions and climb the ladder right in front of you. At the top, use your Ultra Sonic devise on the scropion and jump down below. Take the elevator up. This next part is tough. Its like another side scroller. Stand by the platform and wait for the guard to exit out the room and follow behind him and climb the ladder and wait for him to pass. Now quickly run past the room he was in and take the elevator up. Hover across the platform and flame the scropions. Run forward and ride up the elevator. At the top hover again across the gap. Run for- ward past the bugs and craw through the vent. While still in the vent wait for the guard to pass and craw out. Turn right around the corner and then climb up the ladder and hover to the right towards the next platform. Once you cross the gap run forward a little and drop down a follow the guard staying really close to him so the other guard in the room dont see you. Grab the key then enter the door on the right, and craw under the bed through the vent in the room. On the other side ride down the elevator. Again, this is another side scroller. Jump and hover across the gaps and moving platforms. Once across, jump up and over another platform and torch all the metal bugs. Jump and hover across another gap and torch the two scropions. Again hover across the platforms. Now follow close to the guard and climb the ladder till he passes. Once he passes jump down and run forward through the vent. Watch the scene and craw out of the vent. Now jump and hover to the platform the scropion is on. Now jump up to the ledge on the right, and climb up. At the end of the path, jump down and use your Ultra Sonic shots to kill the scropions. Now jump and hover to the plat- form on the other side. Climb up the ladder and kill the bug. Now here comes the hardest part in the game. Wait for the guard on the platform below to go inside and a room and wait till the guard on the far other side to turn around then hover as fast as you can and turn around the corner on the left. Now jump on the platform and kill the bug below. Now hover across and climb up the ladder. At the top hover across the green eco into a large room with a giant gear in the middle. Jump across and go into the center. Jump and hover with your flamethrower to turn the gear to the other platform. At the end, kill the bugs and get a good running jump and hover across the green orbs. At the other side, there will be a huge room with more turning gears. Do the exact same thing jumping from plat- form to platform till your on the other side. Once you land on the other side, run forward. Jump up on the platform to the right and run forward. Watch the cutscene then play the hardest mini game in the game. Something you can do if the mini game becomes to hard, is to puase the game, get your finger on the buttons that you need to press, then unpause the game. Now quickly press the buttons to clear the screen. After you beat it, run forward, watch the scene and begin the last boss battle in the game. -------------------------------------------- BOSS: Kaedan -------------------------------------------- As soon as the battle begins, start hovering and aviod the fire balls he sends out at you. Continue to dodge the fire balls untill purple stuff comes up from the sides of the platforms. He'll fly over to one, and land, leaving you with a perfect opportunity to hit him with a Ultra Sonic Shot to damage him. Next, he'll start send out electric mines at you. A little hard to dodge so just stay hovering from plat- form to platform avioding the mines untill more purple stuff shoots out of the sides of the platform. He will land next to it so hit him with an Ultra Sonic shot to damage him. He'll repeat that two more times untill the second part of the battle begins. After the cutscene, jump and hover avioding more eletric mines untill you see a scene with him preparing to attack. Now quickly jump and hover to the lever straight ahead. Jump and hover with your flame thrower to turn the gear. Now jump and hover back to the caged plat- forms and repeat it one more time. Watch the scene to begen the last part of the battle. As soon as the battle begins, he jumps on one of the pillars and shoots an electric mine at you. While hes preparing his next attack, hit him with an Ultra Sonic shot. He will fall over and you'll have enough time to jump across the platforms and hit him in the FACE with your Ultra Sonic devise to damage him. Remember to hit him exactly in the face, cause if you dont, it'll go through him and you'll lose the battle. Now repeat that 3 more times to beat him. -------------------------------------------- Now run through the door and turn right towards the bug to start the ending cutscene. Congrats. You beat Daxter. Now watch the final scene and you'll be taken back to Osmos. You can now finish up finding the orbs, finding all the combat bugs, and finishing the dream mini-games. ---------------------------------------------> NOTE: To get back to Barons palace, or prison, go to secret menu and select Level Select. You can there choose any level in the game that you want to go to. Also, If you missed a scene in the game, you can also rewatch any cutscene from the secret menue. ---------------------------------------------> ====================================== 4.LS Legal Stuff ====================================== This walkthrough can only be used at GameFAQ.com, unless you PM me using my Gamespot account asking if you can use it on your site. I won't be putting up my E-mail address, so PM me from Gamespot is the only way of contacting me. Also you can PM me using my Gamespot account, if I missed something in the guide or what ever. ====================================== 5.CC Conclusion ====================================== Well, thats it. I hope the guide helped you out through the game. The only time I might update is if I find a error in the guide, or I deside to add another section. ...Copyright 2006 CounterShock