_______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__Ratchet and clank __--__--__--__--__--__--__--_ __--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__Size Matters--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__- \---------------------------- -----By Alek Kettenburg------------------------ / \---------------------------------Start Date:6/30/10----------------------- / \-------------------------------end Date:07/21/10------------------------ / \------------------------------Type: General Walkthrough/ Faq-----------/ \-----------------------------Version 1.00--------------------------- / \----------------------------As of 00/00/00------------------------ / \---------------------------------------------------------------- / \-------------------------------------------------------------- / \_____________________________________________________________/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Table Of Contents------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ To use the table of contents find the part of the guide that you want to see and press CTRL F then copy and paste the code next to the name and press next. 1. Table of Contents-----------------------------------------Your looking at it 2. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------[IO01] 3. Controls--------------------------------------------------------------[CS02] -------------------------------------------------------Ratchet on Land--- [Rl1] -------------------------------------------------Ratchet on Hoverboard--- [RH2] -------------------------------------------------------Clank on Ground--- [LG3] --------------------------------------------------------Clank in Space--- [CS4] ------------------------------------------------Gadgebot Toss Minigame--- [GM5] --------------------------------------------Destruction Derby Minigame--- [DM6] --------------------------------------------Gadgebot Survival Minigame--- [GM7] 4. Gadgets---------------------------------------------------------------[CS03] 5. Weapons---------------------------------------------------------------[WS04] 6. Items-----------------------------------------------------------------[IS05] 7. Crates----------------------------------------------------------------[CS06] 8. Tips and Advice-------------------------------------------------------[TA07] 9. Walkthrough-----------------------------------------------------------[WH08] 10. Jowai Resort, Pokitaru-----------------------------------------------[JP09] 11. Vegeta Jungle, Ryllus------------------------------------------------[VR10] 12. Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon-------------------------------------------[MF11] 13. Junkyard LXIV, Metalis-----------------------------------------------[JY12] 14. Surgical Factory, Medical Outpost Omega------------------------------[SF13] 15. Technomite City, Challax---------------------------------------------[TC14] 16. Farming Cooperative, Dayni Moon--------------------------------------[DM15] 17. Clone Factory, Quadrona----------------------------------------------[CF16] 18. Skill points---------------------------------------------------------[Sk17] 19. Titanium bolts-------------------------------------------------------[TB18] 20. Unlockable stuff-----------------------------------------------------[US19] 21. Legal crap-----------------------------------------------------------[LC20] 22. My other guides------------------------------------------------------[MO21] 23. End credits----------------------------------------------------------[EC22] _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Introduction [IO01]--------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Hello and welcome to my forth guide (as of 6/30/10). I am not very good at spelling so there are bound to be some spelling errors. So if you find any spelling errors or something about the game that I missed, contact me at Ratlips24@aol.com and make sure to include Ratchet and clank in the subject. Seriously tell me if I did something wrong. I enjoy the feedback and I will give you full credit. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the guide. _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Controls [CS02]------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Well this part is for you people who are to lazy to read the game manual or you lost it or something. There many different modes and mini games in this game so this is going to be a long section. _________________________ / \ ---Ratchet on Land [Rl1]--- \_________________________/ ---PSP--- Start: Pause Menu X: Jump Square: equip the wrench, press again to use Circle: Use weapon/gadget currently equipped Triangle: quick select L: Rotate Camera Left R: Rotate Camera Right L+R: crouch L+R+Square: Comet Strike X+Square: Hyper Strike L+R+X while running: Long Jump L+R+X: High jump Select: Turn to first Person Double tap X: Double Jump D-Pad: Strafe\Run ___________________________ / \ ---Ratchet on Skyboard [RH2] \___________________________/ X: Jump Square: Use Boost Analog Stick: Move _________________________ / \ ---Clank on Ground [LG3]--- \_________________________/ X: Jump Square: Punch R: Rotate Camera Right L: Rotate Camera Left Start: Pause Menu Select: First Person Triangle: Gadgebot Quick select _________________________ / \ ---Clank in Space [CS4]---- \_________________________/ Analog Stick: Move X/ Circle: Shoot Square: Fire Rockets Start: Pause _____________________________ / \ ---Gadgebot Toss Minigame [GM5] \_____________________________/ Analog Stick: Move X/Circle: Pick up Gadgebot/ Bomb X/Circle: Throw a Gadgebot/ Bomb (Only while holding a Bomb/ Gadgebot) Square: Punch Start: Pause _________________________________ / \ ---Destruction Derby Minigame [DM6] \_________________________________/ Analog Stick: Move I Really hope you know what this does by now Circle: Use special power X: Primary Attack Start: Pause _________________________________ / \ ---Gadgebot Survival Minigame [GM7] \_________________________________/ Analog Stick: Switch Between Gadgebots Triangle: Give orders to the bots _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Gadgets [CS03]-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Not only are there plenty of guns there are many gadgets to. They don't kill enemies but they are just as necessary to defeat evil. Hypershot Game Description: The HYPERSHOT fires out an energy cable that can be used to swing and grapple on to special "Swing targets". This Gadget has been in every Ratchet and Clank game. This device allows you to swing across large gaps by shooting a green line at floating green orbs in the air. _______________________________________________________________________________ Sprout-O-Matic Game Description: The Sprout-O-Matic nourishes Sprouts that grow in electro-Soil Just spray them liberally with water and watch them follow you wherever you need to plant them. This is a all new Gadget. All through out the game you will find small little plants in the soil. Once you water them they will jump out of the ground and follow you wherever you go. Once you come by a patch of dirt you can plant it again but this time it will grow much larger than it once was. There are several different types of plants. One throw bombs. Another will fling you across large gaps. _______________________________________________________________________________ Polarizer Game Description: This Black Market Device will amplify modulate and modulate the harmonic Frequency of any electromagnetic resonator it targets. That is, it can change a magnet from push to pull or back again if you target it and press circle. Well that's a whole lot of mumbo jumbo to just say that it makes magnets push instead of pull and pull instead of push. You can only use it on certain points in the game so don't try to magnetize a enemy robot _______________________________________________________________________________ PDA Game Description: The Gadgetron PDA allows access to remote ammo anywhere in the galaxy equip and activate for all of your impulse buys A shipping and Handling will apply to all purchases. Only Gadgetron products are available This little device is a must have. This will be extremely useful during just about all of the boss fights. You cannot by new guns all you can buy is ammo. The only down side is that the costs of the ammo is multiplied by 5. ______________________________________________________________________________ Shrink Ray Game Description: A remnant of Tecnomite society the Shrink Ray can shrink and grow objects to preposterous Proportions. More Practically, Ratchet can use it to enter locks and unlock them using his wrench and grind boots. You can use it to unlock locks. And No, you cannot shrink enemies (Even though that would be fun). _______________________________________________________________________________ Bolt Grabber This nifty little device doubles the range in witch bolts will start coming to you so you don't need to walk over to every single bolt to pick it up. You do not need to equip this to make it work. _______________________________________________________________________________ Box Breaker This device breaks all of the near by crates when you use a hyper strike (jump and press X). _______________________________________________________________________________ Map-O-Matic This device reveals secret areas and titanium bolts on the map. Very useful if you don't want to look randomly all over the map. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Weapons [WS04]------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Lacerator Available: At the beginning Price: Free (really gotta love free stuff). This is your primary weapon. It does good damage and is very east to upgrade. The ammo is very cheap and it is affective against just about every enemy in the game. When you upgrade it you can get 2 of them and this will allow you to target 2 targets at the same time. (very useful when fighting a mob.)1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acid Bomb Glove Available at the beginning Price: Free (gotta love free stuff) This little glove is very usefull. When thrown it explodes making a large puddle of acid and whenever a enemie walks over it they will flinch and take damage strangley enough even the ones that float will take damage. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concussion Gun Available: at the beginning Price: 10,000 Bolts This is the shotgun of the game. Extremely powerful at close range and at higher levels you can charge each shot and making it even more powerful. Although its not very good at medium to long range. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agents Of Doom Available: at Ryllus Price:25,000 Bolts Another returning weapon from previous Ratchet and clank games. These little guys pack a big punch. One you first get them they will only be able to bite your opponent. Butt at level 2 and 3 they get cannons. And finally when you fully upgrade them they will not only shoot they will float around you and shoot. Very useful because you could hide behind a corner and throw these out. So you will not be at risk at all and the enemies will still be dead. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorcher Available: Kalidon Price:20,000 Bolts Low range high powerful. This is a very powerful weapon in the smaller enemies and its OK on the larger enemies. Also it upgrades really fast. Seriously it only took me like 15 minutes to upgrade this weapon. I mean how many people dislike setting things on fire. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suck Cannon Available: Dreamtime Price: 30,000 bolts This is my least favorite gun. Not saying its a bad gun its just that I really don't like it. Its a very interesting gun since you don't actually buy ammo, you "find it". As you probaly guessed you suck up your ammo. This gun sucks 2 things crates and small enemies. So you suck up a bunch of small enemies then shoot them out at the larger enemies. The only down side is that it doesn't deal a whole lot of damage per shot. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bee Mine Glove Available: Surgical Facility, Medical Outpost Omega Price: 50,000 bolts similar to the Agents of doom except this on does not follow you. Instead when you throw one of the hives out little bees come out and hit any enemy in a 5 foot radius (just taking a round guess). For me personally it took a while to upgrade but for some other people said it was easy to upgrade so I am not sure. Later mods makes the mechanical bees poisonous. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Mine Available: Challax Price: 50,000 Bolts low ammo but very high damage. Every good game needs a sniper rifle (the last sentence is probably Debatable). This gun is great for taking out enemies before they even see you. The only draw back, like I said earlier, is the fact that it only has 8 shots. But again it makes up for it by being able to kill a enemy in 1-2 hits (depends on there size). It also works pretty well without the scope at close range. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shock Rocket Available: Dayni Moon Price: 55,000 Bolts This gun is totally awesome!!!!! This gun is very powerful has some good ammo and zaps your targets (Though I personally prefer a boom) so it can damage several targets in one shot. Ask just about anyone they will say that you should get this gun. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mootatoor Available: Dayni Moon Price: Its earned In order to obtain this gun you must beat all of the clank challenges on Dayni Moon and you will get it for free. Every Ratchet and clank game has had some sort of weapon that turns your enemies into farm animals. There has been sheep, chicken, and ducks. But, no farm setting can be complete was the cow. This weapon has infinite ammo. The way the gun works is as you blast your enemy with the ray a bar fills on the right side of your screen. When the bar fills the enemy will be transformed into a cow. The rate in witch the bar fills is determined by the size of your opponent. Example: A crab will take about 2 seconds since its small and weak. but a Juggernaut will take about 6-7 seconds because its much bigger and a whole lot stronger than a crab. Lastly you cannot turn a boss into a cow. (Trust me I have tried). _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Barrier Available: Inside clank Price: 65,0000 Bolts (it is totally worth every penny). This is the shield of the game. When you activate this it you will be in orb that will shield you till it takes to much damage. This thing is awesome when used with the Mootatoor and the laser tracer. At later levels it can actually damage your enemies so its a defensive and a offensive weapon. Speaking of upgrading, to upgrade the static barrier it needs to be hit while you have it on. There are 2 down sides to weapon. The first one is that you cannot use the PDA to buy ammo for this (my best guess is that is to balance the it so you don't have a shield up during EVERY fight.) The second down side is only in challenge mode. The bolt multiplier will return to x1 when you are hit even if you have the shield (again this was most likely for balancing the game.) _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laser Tracer Available: Quadrona Price: 85,000 Bolts This gun wields threw enemies like butter. This gun should out a high powered laser out to cut threw your enemies. This gun is effective against almost all enemies and all bosses (including the final boss). Now we will have yo go to the down side to all of this power. The only real downside that I can think of, is that you MUST stay swill while firing this gun. But another upside is that while you fire a shield is created at the front of your gun that will block most long range attack (you are still exposed at the back so don't thing that you are invincible). This gun is worth the BIG price tag. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RYNO Available: The beginning of challenge mode prize: 9,999,000 (this not only hurts your enemies it hurts your wallet). Every ratchet and clank game has had a RYNO or a related gun like Ratchet and clank Deadlock. This gun takes forever to raise the money for and also takes for ever to upgrade but it is SO worth it. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Items [IS05] --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Bolts: these things are the currency of the galaxy. Kinda strange since most of the people in the game are robots. At least you can sell Clank if you run out of money (I'm Just kidding). Titanium Bolts: They are extremely large and are very shiny. You will find these in hidden places all throughout the game. You use them to buy new costumes. Vending Machines: Large orange squares with a sphere over it. Here you can by new guns, ammo, and upgrades. _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Crates [CS06] -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ There are 4 different types of crates in this game. They are red crates, Clear crates with, Crates that look like metal boxes and plane old wood crates. The wood crates contain bolts that allow you to buy new guns and ammo. The red crates will explode if you shoot it, hit it, or touch it. Just make sure you aren't that close to it or else you will take some damage. The clear crates contain health. The metallic looking crates contain ammo. The crates should only contain ammo for guns that you own. _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Tips and Advice [TA07] ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ 1. Try to upgrade your guns ass much as possible before moving into the next planet. It makes enemies much easier to beat later on in the game. 2. PDA is for boss fights only. Unless you are lazy and can't just walk to a vending machine. 3. Try not to just use one gun or else you may end up with one powerful gun and a bunch of weak guns. 4. The wrench is not a very good weapon for a lot of the larger enemies later in the game. 5. There are many different points in the game where you can jump onto a platform to avoid enemies attacks. So try to look for platforms that are indestructible. _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Walkthrough [WH08]---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Well this is probably what you are reading this for so here it is. There are a couple of things that I should say before I start. First of all there are many ways for you to defeat a boss or go through a level so I just wrote about how I got throough the game. Also I will not tell you to destroy the crates every time. SO just assume that if there are crates\ bolts that you should pick them up or brake them. Whenever a new weapon comes available I will almost always buy it when I get to the planet or right before I leave the planet. One last thing. I will try to explain how to get MOST of the skill points but I am bound to miss some and some are hard to get your first time through the game. Well I better stop boring you and get onto the guide. _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Jowai Resort, Pokitaru [JP09]----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ (Note: This guide is meant to be used while playing normal mode not challenge mode since the enemies are much harder.) Once you become in control follow the little girl and take out your lacerator and start killing the 2 crabs. Jump onto the ledge and kill 5 or 6 more crabs. jump up the steps and then hold L and R and pres X to get over the high wall. Once over some robots will come at you. Use your acid bomb glove then press and hold Square by the large bolt and in the ground and turn counter clockwise to open the door. Go threw and keep running and hold L and R and press X to do a long jump over the gap. If you fall you won't die you just need to jump up the steps and try again. Once across press select and look up at the top of the door and shoot the target to open the door. keep going and some more crabs will come out from under the water fall. Once you kill them you can go threw the waterfall to get some more crates. Afterwards jump up onto the platform and before jump across the gap onto the platform with the robots on it, press select and throw a acid bomb in the center of them. jump across the gap then slide down the mud slide. Once at the bottom there will be 12 more robot people After there gone the door will open and 3 more robot people will come threw the door. Keep going along the beach and keep killing those stupid crabs. Before walking onto the wooden area with all of the robot people on it you can shoot them all and they won't even come at you along you don't go onto the wooden area. Another thing you should know is DO not stay in the water for more than a few seconds or you will get eaten by a shark. (Anyone else find it weird that anyone would want to go to a beach resort with shark infested water.) Anyways jump to the platform to the north and turn the crank to create a bridge. Grab the Wildfire body armor and continue forward to trigger a cutscene. Qwark that poor obese stalker, will he ever get a life? Well anyways, restock on ammo at the vending machine then destroy the green robot. (Note: sometimes when you destroy one of those green robots they will turn into spider robots. Continue onto the wooden platform and 3 more crabs will attack. Once they are gone continue up the path and destroy 3 more spider robots and 2 green robots. Walk up the grey wall using your gravity boots (Note: you do not need to equip it or press any buttons or anything like that.) Once up the wall kill 4 more green robots. Before going down the zip line go to the left of the zipline and stand near the wall and jump around the corner of the wall onto a small platform with a titanium bolts on it. Afterwards go down zip line (stand under it and jump). Once down you will be on another wooden platform. Kill 8 or 9 more spider robots then go to the right of the platform and enter the blue cave. Kill 4 more green robots then replenish your ammo at the vending machine. kill 4 more crabs that come out of the water then jump onto the raft at the end of the wooden dock. Skill Point "Don't Rock The Boat" If you don't take damage while on the boat. Once the raft starts moving 2 more green robots will start shooting at you, shoot them then the raft will stop at a island. Again you can shoot them before getting off of the raft and they won't attack you at all. Once they are all dead go to the opposite side of the island and get onto another raft. After a few seconds on the raft you will pass a island with 4 green robots on it. Shoot them then jump off of the raft (the raft won't leave you behind) and replenish your ammo then jump back onto the raft. Again you will pass yet another island with 4 more robots. After there dead go onto the island and go to the far left side of the island and grab the titanium bolt behind the hut. Jump back onto the raft and it will stop at a series of the wooden platforms. Jump up all of the platforms and kill all of the crabs. Once on the highest platform kill 2 more crabs. (Note: if you were able to be avoid being hit while on the rafts you will get the skill point "Don't Rock The Boat". Continue along the platform and kill 4 more green robots. Keep moving and you will and jump onto the yellow platform to trigger a cutscene. After the Cutscene you will be automatically transported to the planet Rylus So far I have 8 Health Lacerator V.2 Acid Bomb Glove v.1 9710 bolts 1 skill point. _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Vegeta Jungle, Ryllus [VR10]------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Skill point: Lights, camera, Action! This is a really easy skill point to get. All through the level cameras will float and follow you around. To get this skill point all you need to do is destroy 10 cameras. They will never stop spawning. So just press select and shoot those stupid things down. Back to the game. Once you become in control jump down the steps and kill a couple of weird yellow ninja guys. Once you kill a bunch of them a door will open and 4 more will come threw. For another titanium bolt go to the left of the stairs that you came down from and you should find another set of stairs. Go up and you will find another titanium bolt. Go down the stairs and go threw the newly revealed door way and you will face a spike cats (I know I'm not very creative with names). Avoid his spikes while shooting him. After you kill it a Cutscene will be triggered. After the cutscene continue down the path and a very large plant will start shooting at you. (I'll just call them mud throwers). After you kill the plant jump onto one of the concrete blocks and kill the spike cats. While you are standing on the concrete blocks they can't damage you at all. Once they are dead turn the crank to open the door. 8 more ninjas will come through the door hit them with one or two acid bomb glove to finish them all off very quickly. Continue forward to trigger a cutscene and you will obtain the Sprout-O-Matic. So equip it and water the small plant sprout then water the square of dirt and like magic the plant will grow. This particular plant creates bomb that when you hit it with your wrench will send it flying and can destroy damaged walls. So stand behind it and hit and the bomb will destroy the cracked portion of the wall. Jump through the hole in the wall and kill 2 more mud throwers. GO into a room to the left and use the Sprout-O-Matic (From now on to be referred to as S-O-M) on the small plant and plant him right between where the 2 mud throwers were. Climb up the ladder then continue down the path. IF you continue down the path 4 spike cats and a bunch of ninjas will attack along with a mud throw at the end of the hallway. Keep jumping around and firing your acid glove and your Lacerator and you will be able to kill them really easily. Once the path is clear water the plant by the entrance and plant it at the end of the path. This one happens to be the launcher plant. When you hit him with your wrench it throw across large gaps. Once you finally land refill your ammo. Skill Point: Bury the Pygmies: Get Bury Blossoms to eat 4 Pygmy Tribesmen Mud Throwers Ninjas To get this all you need to do is use the hypershot to go across the gap but once the ninjas start coming out use the hypershot again but this time just keep swinging back and forth and all you need to do is wait for the plants to eat all of the ninjas. Now just swing across and kill the rest of the ninjas and the 2 plants then go to the right platform. On this platform there are 4 spike cats. Go to the left platform and kill3 mud throwers. Now water the plant on the left platform and plant it in the center platform and hit the bomb at the wall. Now get the plant on the right platform and get it to throw you threw the hole in the wall. On the other side of the wall grab the Wildfire Helm then face the wall and grab the titanium bolt. GO back towards the opposite wall and skip the teleporter for now. Now you will be in control of clank. Walk forward and press the button to activate the elevator. Go through the right doorway and kill the guard and free the Gadgebots. Go backwards and go through the left path this time. Tell the Gadgebots to wait on the button then you go farther down the hallway and press the button on the ground and then order your bots to follow you. Continue down the path and once you reach a room with a bunch of guards order your bots to attack. If any of them got destroyed all you need to do is go back to where you found them by the elevator. Continue down the path and kill 3 more guards. Continue down the path and you will come by a room with a botflinger in the middle. Go up to it and press triangle. Move the cursor over one of your bots and press circle and throw them onto the ledge. Keep going down the path and you will come by another bot flinger just pick up a bot and throw it at both of the targets on the wall across the gap in the ground. Once you hit both of the targets a bridge will come up. Go across and some darts will start firing at the wall. You getting across is pretty easy the hard part is getting your bots across since there aren't very smart. Just wait for a dart to fire directly in front of you then make a run for it. I used this strategy and I was able to do it successfully every time. Keep going down the path and you will find more enemies (you know the drill). Enter the Bot flinger and throw all 3 bots onto the platform to open the door. Once the door opens go threw and release 3 more bots. Now wait for a boulder to come down then run as fast you can then hide in the hole in the wall at the bottom of the ramp then wait for another boulder to pass then go again then just repeat till your at the bottom. Once at the bottom get into the bot flinger and throw 3 bots onto each platform then go threw the wall behind the bot flinger. Go down the path and press the button to trigger a cutscene. After the Cutscene use the teleporter (the round metal thing in the ground) to return to your ship. Next stop Kalidon. So far I have: 13 health Lacerator V.3 Acid Bomb Glove v.2 Concussion gun v.2 19763 bolts 3 skill points _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon [MF11] ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ To start go to the left wing of your ship and jump off of the cliff and you should land on a ledge. The Titanium bolt will be in a small crater. From your ship go down the stairs and go to the left and talk to the weird cat guy with the purple hair to trigger a cutscene. You can now join skyboard races with them. On this planet there are 4 races. the last 3 are optional but you have to do the first one to continue on with the story. I really hate these races. I'm not very good at them. Skill point: Be a cool Skyboarder Win a Skyboard race without using boost. This one is really easy to get. All you need to do is do a entire race without pressing square. (Just do the first race since its really easy). 1. Learner's Permit: This race is very simple and straight forward. A couple of mines and not very many traps so this one should be very easy. Prize: 1000 bolts and 1 Shrink way (You can only get this one once). 2. Speeding Ticket: This one is a whole lot harder than the other race. There are a lot more mines, rings, and speed boosts. Try not to crash anything or else you will die and you will fall way behind. Prize: 2500 3. Tricky Air: Lots of air vents that will send you into the air. The ground is filled with pads the will slow you down, mines, and acid so try to stay in the air as much as possible or else you will fall behind. Prize: 3500 4. Master's Challenge: I hate this challenge so much. There are mines, Large rotating blades and pads that will make you slower and much more that will make you so much more annoyed. I could never beat this one. (I had to get my friend to do it for me.) Prize Sludge mk.9 Gloves. Super Lombax: Kill 25 enemies in a row without getting hit. This is kind of hard to get in normal mode but it is possible. Just keep strafing. Once you have obtained the shrink ray go down the path and take a right. Also you can buy some upgrades at the cylinder with the eyes. Go down the path and destroy 3 spider robots then use the hypershot to go across the gap. Destroy 2 more green robots then go up the stairs and enter the grind lock. In the grind lock make sure to hit the red rectangle right before the shield and avoid the mines. Once inside follow the path and Once you come to a large room with the conveyer belt and destroy 3 more green robots then go down the hallway. Before going onto the large grey part of the room, refill your ammo and brake all of the crates. Once your done try to go across to the other side of the room and the floor will turn into a elevator. They should come in this order. 1. 3 drones 2. 4 drones 3. 2 green robots These guys should be really easy. Once they are all gone bombs will start to fall but they are really easy to dodge. Once the bombs stop falling a another wave will come. 4. 3 green robots 5. 4 drones Then some more bombs will fall again they should be really easy to dodge. 6. 4 green robots (When will these guys learn that they can't win). 7. 2 drones and 2 green robots Once you defeat the final wave of robots the walls will disappear and you will be able to jump off. Make sure to do so quickly or else you will die. Once you are off of the elevator activate the console. This will cause green acid to start flowing up from where the elevator used to be. Quickly jump onto the platform then all you need to do is quickly jump around on the platforms till you get to the top. I'm not going to write about all of the platforms since Its really straight forward and shouldn't be very hard for you to do. Once you are out of the shaft you can back across the gap and refill your ammo then grab the Wildfire boots directly in front of the doors. Next go up the stair and dispatch of 3 more drones. Then use your hypershot to swig across the the acid. (Watch out for the robots repairing the robots since they can hurt you.) Once across go up the stairs and get your gun ready because when you enter the room the robots in the glass cases will brake out. One or 2 acid bombs will take care of these guys very easily. Now go threw the door and go down the elevator. Once at the bottom turn the crank then start swinging across starting at the right side of the platform that you are currently on. Don't stay on a platform for to long or else you the platform will fall. Once you get to the other side Enter the room and 6 or 7 drones will fall from the roof. Blow them away with your concussion gun then 2 green robots will fall. Kill them then some more drones will fall from the roof. (Aren't these guys annoying.) Then, for the last time, 3 green robots will fall. After there gone enter the grind lock. Inside the grind lock. Once you enter quickly hit the first switch. Further down the grindlock go on the right most rail and hit the switch then go back on the middle rail then go on the left rail and hit the switch there. If by any chance you miss either of the switches you can just go around on the rail again since the rail is just a large circle. Once you hit both switches go down the middle rail to get out of the grid rail. Before entering the next room press select and shoot all of the robots before you enter the room. Once the robots are gone turn left and walk onto the grey path. Then hit the mines as they come at you with your wrench or some other gun. To get threw this area all you need to do is go left then right, then right then right then you guessed it left. I know this directions may not be so accurate if you are upside down but try your best and you will make it threw alive. Once you finally get out of that crazy place go onto the conveyer belt and start shooting the robots on both sides or you will take some damage. Once the crates start dropping long jump to the vending machine. Refill your ammo and prepare for a hard fight. (not really). _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Boss Fight------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Mungo----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attacks: Arm swipe: he swipes his arms at you. Easy to dodge and he will only do it at close range. Drone Toss: He will throw drones at you. They are very easy to dodge and while he is throwing he is will stand completely still giving you a change to deplete his health with your agents of doom or any other gun really. Arm swipe while holding a pipe: again easy to dodge just jump. Shockwave: he hits the ground a bunch of times and a wave of fire will come in all directions. All you need to do is jump over the fire. For the first forth of the battle he will just chase you around trying to hit you with his arm. Just keep jumping around while shooting him. Once he is down to about 3 fourths of his health he will start throwing drones. Again just strafing and throwing agents of dread or the lacerator. Once he is down to about one forth of his health he will grab a pipe and start swinging it around. Its just as easy to avoid as it would be him swinging his arm around. Once he is down to 1 eighth of his health he will drop his pipe and start using his shock wave attack and it will be just like the beginning of the battle. Once he is dead grab the armor at the bridge and go into the room to trigger a cutscene. So far I have _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Junkyard LXIV, Metalis [JY12] -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Well you will now find yourself as clank and alone in a battlefield in a junkyard. While on this planet you can do a series of different clank challenges. They are all optional except for the first one. Once you regain control you will be in a clank challenge called Buzzsaw Blitz in this battle you will be in a vehicle. Just avoid the vents in the ground because they will freeze you. You can pick up weapons in from the crate. You will not be able to attack if the bar in the upper left corner is not completely full. It takes about 8-10 attacks to defeat one of the other vehicles. After you are done killing them all you can stay and win some bolts or continue with the story. Here are all of the challenges. Buzzsaw Blitz Prize: 1,000 bolts bolts how to beat this is right above this thing. _______________________________________________________________________________ Skill Point: Shutout: Win a Gadgebot Toss Challenge without letting anyone else score. Look below to find out how to get this skill point. Little League Prize: 1,000 bolts Gadgebot Toss Goals to Win: 5 Goals: 1 Gadgebots: 1 bombs: 1 opponents: 1 This one should be really easy. Grab the bot then just throw it into the goal then go back and grab another. If your opponent gets the bot either throw a bomb or go and punch him. Repeat to win. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Varsity Bracket Prize: 2000 Bolts Gadgebot Toss Goals to Win: 6 Goals: 1 Gadgebots: 1 bombs: 2 opponents: 1 This is the same one as last time but you now you can only throw a bot on the green side of the goal. Just watch out, your opponent can get really annoying and just spam the bombs at you. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collegiate Division Prize: 3000 Bolts Gadgebot Toss Goals to Win: 8 Goals: 1 Gadgebots: 1 Bombs: 3 opponents: 2 This one is only slightly more difficult than the other challenges. Now you have to face 2 other robots. Just pick up a bot then throw it then repeat. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professional Level Prize: 4000 bolts Gadgebot toss Goals to Win 9 Goals: 1 Gadgebots: 1 Bombs: 2 Opponents: 3 Just do what you did with all of the other matches. Also you can throw over the wall and still make it into the goal. So you do not have to go around. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Uber Finals Prize: Crystallix Gloves Gadgebot Toss Goals to Win: 10 Goals: 2 Gadgebots: 2 Opponents: 3 Bombs: 2 This one is still pretty easy to do. Avoid all of the fans in the middle of the field and just do the usual go in a circle and punch or blow up anyone that gets near the goals. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charge Prize: 2000 Bolts Destruction Derby Vehicle: Ram Torso HP Crates: 1 Weapon crates: 1 opponents: 3 In this fight you will be in the Ram Torso. The bar recharges much slower, but when you use it, it will do lots of damage. A enemy will die in about 5-6 hits. Again avoid the mist coming from the ground and refill your health when you can. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electric Boogaloo Prize: 3000 Bolts Destruction Derby Vehicle: Electro-Torso HP Crates: 1 Weapon Crates: 1 Opponents: 3 The electro torso fires a bolt of electricity. Unfortunately it has a very short range and recharge. The good thing about ot is it can go through multiple enemies. Also their are saws coming out of the ground. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOWDOWN!!! Prize: 4000 Destruction Derby Vehicle: Ram Torso HP Crates: 1 Weapon Crates: 1 Opponents: 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Boss Fight---------------------------------------- ----------------------------Smasher Bot---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guy is pretty easy to beat. But a head on attack is not going to work. Smasher Bot has only 1 attack. He smashes his hammers on the ground in front of him or his side. Its attack will do 4 damage, but a HP crate will appear as it would in any other battle. Their are 2 strategy I have found to be effective. 1. is to just grab missiles and mines from the crates and hit him at long range. A slightly more risky way is to grab a shield and hit him from the side. It is a very easy fight since The Bot is very slow. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smasherbot's Revenge Prize: Crystallix Helmet Destruction Derby Vehicle: Saw Torso Hp Crates: 1 Weapon Crate: 1 Opponents: 3 This is a bit harder than the last battle. Your facing 3 more Enemies. Take out the other enemies first then smasher. What ever you do do not let them pin you in a corner. Also refill your health on a regular basis. Another nice thing is the other enemies will damage Smasher Bot. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Two for the team Prize: 1000 Bolts Gadgebot Survival Gadgebots: 5 Need to make it: 3 Once you get in control wait till the first bot get to the wall and tell it to Detonate (Triangle and Left). Tell the second bot to do the same while on the second platform. And just let the rest go down all of the holes to finish this challenge. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bridge the gap Prize: 2000 Bolts Gadgebot Survival Gadgebots: 9 Need to make it: 5 Another simple one. Tell the first 2 bots to create a bridge. For the rest of them all you need to do is to tell them to electrify (this will cause them to teleport) And you will finish the challenge. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Trapeze and Teleporters Prize: 3000 Gadgebot Survival Gadgebots: 8 Need to make it: 4 Tell all of your bots to swing. Tell the first one to fall onto the second platform to detonate. Next tell all of the rest to electrify (After they make it across the gap). _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brain trip Prize: 4000 Gadgebot Survival Gadgebot: 5 Need to make it: 3 Tell all of the bots to swing across. But tell the First bot to fall down to the second floor to detonate BEFORE it reaches the pad with the arrows on it. the rest should fall all the way down to the bottom. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nigh Impossible Prize: Sludge Mk.9 gloves Gadgebot Survival Gadgebot:9 Need to make it: 4 Tell all of the bots to swing. Tell the first one across to explode after passing the wall on the second floor. Once the rest get past the gap tell them to electrify. Next tell the first bot to teleport down to explode directly above the pad with the arrows. _______________________________________________________________________________ Once you are done winning money go onto the platform behind the console. Once the platform stops moving, get off and go forward the right to the shiny platform. If you have ever played another ratchet and clank game you would know that this shiny pad makes clank grow into a giant. Unlike the other games you will not be walking around on the ground. Instead you will be flying in space. While in space clank will automatically go on the correct path all you need to do is shoot. You will have 2 weapons while in space. Your mane gun and rockets the maine gun will never run out of ammo, so its safe to just to hold the button down. The rockets on the other hand should be conserved for large swarms of ships and the boss ship. That is pretty much it. The rest is self explanatory. I'm not going to write about how to go through this part since it would be really hard to explain but I will write about how to defeat the boss ship. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Boss Fight------------------------------------ -----------------------------Technomite Dreadnaught---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only smart way to do this is to go in circles all around the screen and unload all of your missiles on it and then keep going in circles. I know this is boring and will take forever but it the only way you won't get blasted out of the sky (the only way i know at least if you have a different strategy feel free to tell me.) 5 missiles can take out about half of the ships health bar. The rest should only take about another 5 minutes or so. (without missiles it will take like 15 minutes.) _______________________________________________________________________________ After you beat him you will get the Electroshock gloves and you will be playing as Ratchet once more. (I could not stand being clank for more than 5 minutes). _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Dreamtime [DE13] ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Yes you read it correctly you are now in Ratchets dreams (don't get how you can get bolts if your in his dreams). And no Ratchet is not on Meth like my Friend Matt Fatman is (He won't admit it but I know he is on something). Back to the game. Once you become in control jump across the rocks and some bats will break threw a hole in the sky. Shoot them down then go threw the hole that they created. Go down the path and refill your health then jump across the umbrella. Kill some more bats then use the S-O-M on the plant and plant it where the bats came from. What the, is that Quarks Freakin head growing from that plant? Hit the head then use your hypershot to go across the gap. Continue down the path and try your best to avoid the rays coming out from the giant eyeball (And by the way what is up with the eyeball. I mean who dreams about giant eyeballs). Once across use the S-O-M and plant both of the plants to get more of quarks heads. Hit them to create some more hypershot targets. Jump back across the umbrellas and swing across the newly created hypershot targets. Kill some more bats you will encounter yes you are awake that is Quark with a Chainsaw. A Chainsaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean what the heck. kill him then jump across some moving umbrellas the avoid some more giant eyes. O look your ship. Jump onto the platform and poof your ship is gone and replaced with Chainsaws , of coarse. The platform will start to separate. Go onto one of the pieces and try your best and try not to get hit by a Chainsaw or fall. Next jump onto the platform with the giant luna on it. Just like everything else in this cray dream it will dissapier. Once the platform stops moving, Hypershot across the gap to the next platform. Now for this next part you will need to avoid several of these stupid eyeball things. Wait for the eyes to point outward then make a run for it. Once across hypershot across to continue down the path and you will be standing right in front of a Ratchets place. go inside and a bunch of bats will come out of the mirror. Kill them keep going and hypershot across yet another gap and then a swarm of bats will come out of the waterfall. Blow them away like the scum they are then use the wall jump to go up the wall (the game will explain how.) Once on top go onto the platform and it will start moving. As it is moving 2 more platforms will spawn close to yours. But these will have Quarks on them. Once the platform stops you will be at Clanks place and there will another one of those awesome mirrors (NOt!). 1 shot should take out all of the bats. Exit the building and go onto a large round platform. The platform will flip upside down and some waves of bats will come. After the platform stops you will be on a platform with large clank head son it. 5 more Quarks will spawn along with some more bats. Once you vaporize them hypershot across using the newly available hypershot targets. Once across, refill your ammo then go into the scary little dark vortex of death. Your first stop will be another platform with a large wave of bats. Your second stop will take you to another platform with 2 quarks. another vortex and another platform with some more bats. Next platform more quarks. Next platform Bats. Next platform Quarks. Thank God no more platforms. But instead of platforms you get BOSS FIGHT!!! sort of. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------KIND OF BOSS FIGHT------------------------------- ---------------------------------GIANT CLANK----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serously Ratchet, Seriously a giant clank that shoots out BUTTERFLIES. Well anyways the reason that I said kind of a boss fight is because since all your guns and your wrench are temporally gone. All you really need to do is dodge all of his attacks. SKill Point: Friends don't Hurt Friends. To get this point all you need to do is finish the battle without taking a hit. 1. His first attack is if you just touch him. 2. Butterfly shockwave. He jumps and stomps the ground creating a shock wave of butterflies. 3. Butterfly shot: he shoots some butterflies at you. 4. Butterfly wave: fires a line of Butterflies at you. Attack number 1 all you need to do is run away. Attack number 2 all you need to do is jump. Attack number 3 all you need to do is get away from the large red target on the ground. Attack number 4 step a few feet to the left. After a minute or so the battle will end and after a short cutscene you will be playing as ratchet once more. (And you will be back in the real world). _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------Surgical Factory, Medical Outpost Omega [SF13]----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ After another cutscene brake all of the crates in the room then grab your Lacerator at the door. Next go through the door and eliminate the 8 spider robots in the room then kill a doctor bot and go threw the door. Make sure to jump over the red pads or else turret will pop up from the ground. If you do touch the pad the gun is really easy to beat since it turns VERY slowly. Afterwards pick up your Concussion Gun (if you bought it) then shoot some more spider robots in the next room and watch out for the nurse robots that are on different sides of the room. Once you kill all of them the door will open and a Juggernaut will come through the doors. There missiles can do about 8-10 damage to you so make sure to keep strafing. Once he is dead enter the hallway. Inside the hallway you can either just long jump over the red pads or you can do a very funny trick that my friend told me about. If you jump over the first 2 pads then touch the last pad this will cause the 2 turrets to pop up. Now if you run directly between them, they will keep turning and start shooting each other! enter the next room and tell clank to enter the suit. OK this next part I find really annoying. You have to protect Ratchet as he tries to open the door. Unfortunately you can only freeze the spider robots. They won't die till you freeze them 3 times and you can not keep shooting them while they are frozen and they will stay frozen for about 5 seconds. Once your done go through the newly open doors and and you can the trick to get the turrets to shoot each other on the second set red pads. On the other side of the hallway grab your Acid bomb glove. Kill some more 2 more doctor robots and some spider robots. This is really easy because the doctor robots lasers will end up kill many of the spider robots. After they are dead some spiders will some out of a door and another Juggernaut. Once there gone you can go into the room that they came out of and grab the rest of your weapons from the large purple object. This will cause alarm to go of and 2 juggernauts and 2 doctor bots will come threw. Take out the doctor bots first because they shield the juggernauts. Once they are gone go threw the newly opened doors and you will have to use the clank turret again. This time it is quite a bit harder. Just do your best and once your done go threw the door. Now the doctor bots will now shield the turrets. AFter there dead go up the ladder. Now just stay up there and press select and just shoo the robots before you jump down. Jump down and enter the small room to trigger a cutscene. You will now have 4 minutes to escape. First grab the crystallix boots then jump down the tunnel. (you should now have all of the crystallix armor now.) now enter the clank turret for the last time. This one is slightly easier because ratchet moves really fast. Continue along the path and enter the grind lock. This lock is just one rail and make sure to jump over all the mines that are 3 or more. Once you unlock the door and enter the hanger threw the doors. inside kill some more juggernauts and kill some more doctor bots then enter your ship. You will be now in the ruins of the medical facility. Now go forward from the right wing and once you reach the edge go behind the crane looking object directly by the bed to find it. You can now enter some more hover board races if you go to the left of your ship. I'm not going to list all of them since I have only been able to beat 2 of them. You will have to beat the first race since it gives you a very important gadget that you must get. Interior Decorating: This one is not very hard. There aren't many things to crash into the real danger is falling. One very good strategy that I found is right when you enter the asteroid area with all of the giant rocks turn to the right while you have a full bar and just fly to the finish line. I now have: 28 Health Dual Lacerators Acid Detonator Concussion Gun V.3 Agents of doom v.2 Scorcher V.2 Suck Cannon (I really don't use this gun at all so don't expect it to get upgraded.) 8 skill points (sorry I forget to list some of them earlier in the guide.) 130000 bolts _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Technomite City, Challax [TC14]--------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Now before going over to the tiny little hover car you can go over to another one of those shiny platforms so you can do another fight in space as clank. This one is not required but will net you some extra bolts. This one a bit more challenging than the last one because there are a lot more ships and a lot more things to run into. Note: you don't have to save rockets like last time). If by some chance you make it through (Just kidding its not that hard to do). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------BOSS FIGHT------------------------------------- ----------------------------Technomite Dreadnought----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ Exactly the same as last time, Except now he will spawn little red ships. This may make it sound like it is harder but it really isn't the little ships, in a way, will help you. The reason why is you can destroy them to get health and get more rockets that you can use to destroy the ship. SO like last time go in large circle around the screen but this time hit the small ships as you go around. Your reward for your troubles will be the electroshock armor. _______________________________________________________________________________ Now go over to the little hovercar and press Triangle and ratchet will automatically shrink himself and drive the car to the city. Skill point: Take Them Down a Shock: Kill 23 shock troopers without dyeing. All you need to do is go through the level without dieing and you should encounter 23 shock troopers (I call them Electro Technomites). Once you get to the very tiny city refill your ammo and buy a new weapon if you need to then enter the grind lock. I would try to explain how to go threw the grind lock but its very complicated and involves jump side to side several times. Go threw the door and press the button to activate the elevator. Once at the bottom use the polarizer on the magnet to turn off the force field. go threw and enter the next room. In here if you wait long enough a titanium bolt will show up on the conveyer belt. Use the polarizer on ther magnet by the door to open it. A small Technomite will attack. kill him then go threw the door. You can buy some more upgrade at the vender if you want. (I got the dual double barrel Lacerator.) Once you are done upgrading go threw the door and kill some more small technomites and a electro technomite (I know I am no good at names). Take out the electro one first because it has a long range attack (A few shots with the concussion cannon will do the trick). The little guys are just pathetic. Next turn the crank next to the magnet then use the polarizer to blow your way threw the door. Go threw the Newly "opened" door and about 5 more technomites will come at you. It should only take 2-3 acids bombs to vaporize them. I personally choice to burn them to die with the scorcher. Water the plant next the statue with the S-O-M and this will cause some more little technomites to come. They will most likely just kill your plant. So burn them to death yet again and your plant should be back where it was. Plant it by the wall and this will cause the plant to turn into the ladder. Climb up the ladder and break all of the crates then get the plant on the wall and put it into the ground. It will be yet another bomb plant. First throw the bomb at the wall that you found the plant. The wall should break and you will find a titanium bolt. Now the hit the bomb at the statue. This will cause the statue to fall. Jump back down go up the fallen statue and then enter the grind lock. This one is really easy since there are barley any mines just look ahead a little bit so you don't end up falling. Go threw the door and stand on the elevator. Wave number 1: 4 small Technomites. These guys should be really easy by now. Just walk backward while you shoot there brains out. Wave number 2: 2 Electro Technomites, 2 small Technomites. Let it rain acid. The acid bomb is really effective because when the electro technomites use there main attack they stand completely still making them stand in the acid for a while. You can also use your Agents of doom. The elevator should now stop. Get out of the elevator and vaporize/burn/blow up 2 more electro Technomites (don't you just love how this game gives you so many options on how to kill your enemy.) Go down the zipline. Now you can teleport back to your ship. Start jumping on the platforms. And then a Friggin gunship will start shooting at you. Keep moving and avoid the red targets. Its a completely linear path so I am not going to explain how to go through this part. Just keep moving, Stay away from little red targets, and avoid falling pillars (in other word use some common sense). That last comment was manly targeted at my stupid friend Matt. Eventually you will make your way to a platform with a vending machine and a zipline on it. Now would be a good time to buy that nifty little object called a PDA. Once you restock all of your ammo go down the zipline. ______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------BOSS FIGHT----------------------------------- -----------------------------------DROPSHIP------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You guessed it we will have to shoot down a dropship. Luckily he only has 2 real attacks. For the first have of the battle he will go back and forth left and right while shooting lasers at you. All through ou the battle electro Technomites will spawn. So toss out some agents of doom or bee hive mines to take out the technomites. While they handle his lackeys you will be hammering the ship with your lacerators which should be the dual lacerators by now. Keep shooting him and it shouldn't take more than 150 shots form your Lacerator to take that ship down. One he down to about half of his health he will start shooting the laser in small bursts that are aimed directly at you. _______________________________________________________________________________ Once you defeat it. Go across the newly revealed bridge and grab the electroshock Helm and enter the door. After a short cutscene you will be taken to the Dayni Moon. I Currently have 45000 Bolts Dual Lacerators Acid Detonator Concussion Cannon Agents of Doom v.3 Incinerator Bee mine glove Suck Cannon sniper mine _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Farming Cooperative, Dayni Moon [DM15]-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ While you are on this moon day and night will change on a regular basis. The creators of this game must have been high when they made this level because for some insane reason the sheep turn in insane rabid monsters that will try to eat you during night time. So to be just on the safe side you should kill all of the sheep during day time or you might regret it. If you need some extra money to get that cool rocket launcher go over to the teleporter near your ship to teleport to a console that will let you do some more clank challenges. Skill point: Ultimate Gladiator: Beat all of the Clank Challenges. I really hope I don't have to explain how to do this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Dayni Destruction Derby Reward: 1000 bolts enemies: 2 vehicles, 1 farmer bot. Vehicle: Ram torso This battle should be really easy. Just ram your way threw them. Also there are almost no traps and only a few obstacles. On a stranger note I some how got the shield 5 times in a row in this match. _______________________________________________________________________________ Round Up! Destruction Derby Reward: 2000 bolts Enemies: 3 Sheep (serously i'm not kidding you have to fight sheep) Vehicle: Spear Torso This battle is a joke. The sheep are extremely weak and rarley ever attack you. The torso is very powerful because the bar in the upper left corner fills very quickly so you will be able to attack repeatedly. _______________________________________________________________________________ Variety is Shocking Destruction Derby reward: 3000 bolts Enemies: 2 vehicles, Farmer, Sheep Vehicle: Electro Torso Take out the Ram torso first then the the buzzsaw torso then the farmer then the sheep. This one is slightly harder. Just make sure they don't pin you in a corner or else you will be screwed. _______________________________________________________________________________ Tom Sawyer Destruction Derby reward: 4000 bolts Enemies: 2 Farmers, 2 Sheep Vehicle: Saw Torso This one is actually a whole lot harder then you might think. One of the mane problems is that the battle field is filled with traps. So it makes it a bit more challenging to go around the arena while trying not to get burned, frozen, or impaled by a pitch fork. _______________________________________________________________________________ Smasherbot Returns Destruction Derby reward: 5000 bolts Enemies: Smasherbot Vehicle: Spear torso _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------BOSS FIGHT------------------------------------- --------------------------------SMASHER BOT------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next part may be slightly confusing since I just got off of a 9 hour drive from southern California to Glendale, Utah so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. (Another thing, During the beginning of the battle it would be a good idea to go around and destroy all of the bunches of hay because the last thing you wanna do is get stuck on hay. Well Smasherbot is exactly the same. You may ask what makes it so difficult. Well there are NO health or weapon crates what so ever. Each time he hits you it will do 3 damage so you can take 7 hits. There is a very easy way to beat him. Its kind of slow and takes bit of practice but it works. All you need to do is get a large distance away from him and face him. (Make sure there are no bunches of hay in your way). Start to move towards him and a little while before you hit smasher bot turn a little bit to the left or right and spear him right in the side. If you did this correctly he should do his attack directly in front of himself and you should have hit him in the side and got away safely. Repeat and he should die in know time at all. _______________________________________________________________________________ That is all for the Destruction derbies now its time for the Gadgebot toss. Hay-re We Are! Prize: 1000 Bolts Gadgebot Toss Goals to Win: 5 Goals: 1 Gadgebots: 1 Bombs: 2 opponents: 2 There aren't any special things about this battle. Other than the hay there aren't any traps so this one should be real easy. _______________________________________________________________________________ Tri-Bomb Tournament (someone has been watching to much hairy potter) Prize: 2000 Bolts Gadgebot Toss Goals to WIn: 8 Goals: 2 Gadgebots: 1 Bombs: 2 Opponents: 2 Pretty simple just like all of the others. Again like always go into a kind of circle. Grab the bot then toss it into the goal then go back grab a bomb (optional) then toss the bomb if your opponent has the bot then repeat. _______________________________________________________________________________ A-Rooooouuund the Bend Prize: 3000 Bolts Gadgebot Toss Goals to Win: 5 Goals: 1 Gadgebots: 2 Bombs: 4 Opponents: 3 This one is a bit harder. You can only toss bots into the goal threw one side. Only one bot will be actual competition. Out of the 3 times I played this challenge 2 times only one other opponent actually scored. Again avoid the traps and hope that all of your competition will kill each other over one bot. _______________________________________________________________________________ The Thin Bouncy Line Prize: 4000 Gadgebot Toss Goals to win: 6 Goals: 2 Gadgebots: 2 Bombs: 3 Opponents: 3 The line of bouncy spheres is really nothing to worry about since there is plenty of room between the spheres. Just go back and forth between the goal and where the bots spawn. Since there are 2 goals you will only have to worry about 1 or 2 bots trying to block you. _______________________________________________________________________________ The Ultimate Showdown Prize: Mega-Bomb Glove Gadgebot Toss Goals to Win: 8 Goals: 3 Gadgebots: 2, 1 Spawn point Bombs: 4 Opponents: 3 The bot spawn point is surrounded by multiple fans but there is a lot of space in between them. luckily most of the time your opponents will all focus on 1 goal giving you a chance to get to a goal while not being bothered. As usuall go back and forth between the goal and the spawn point and you should win pretty easily. This is all for the Gadgebot toss Challenges time for the survival Challenges. _______________________________________________________________________________ Two's a Croud Prize: 1000 bolts Gadgebot Toss Gadgebots: 8 Need to make it: 6 Tell the first Bot to detonate while over the second platform. Tell your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th bots to electrify. And the rest will go on there own to the houses. _______________________________________________________________________________ Reverse into Victory Prize: 2000 bolts Gadgebot Survival Gadgebots: 8 Need to make it: 6 Tell the first bot to detonate once he reaches the wall. Tell your second and third bots to electrify. Tell your forth and fifth bot to electrify AFTER they go on the pad with the arrows. You don't have to do anything for the last 2 bots. _______________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Bridge Prize: 3000 bolts Gadgebot Survival Gadgebots: 9 Need to Make it: 6 This one is pretty easy. Remember wait till they teleport then give them the next command. Tell ALL of your bots to electrify. After the first 3 teleport you do not need to do any other things for them. Tell the next 2 to form a bridge AFTER they teleport. Next tell the rest to swing After they teleport. _______________________________________________________________________________ Leap of faith Prize: 4000 Gadgebot Survival Gadgebots: 9 Need to Make it: 5 Again another easy one. Tell your first 2 to swing. Once there across tell them to form a bridge after they fall off of the platform with the arrows. Next let the rest of your bots fall onto the second platform and tell the first one to make it to the wall to detonate. The rest should fall on the bridge you just created and make it to safety. _______________________________________________________________________________ Gadgebots Survival Reward: Mega-Bomb Boots Gadgebot Survival Gadgebots: 6 Need to Make it: 1 This is the trickiest challenge of them all. Its still not that hard. I will try to explain how to do this. Tell the first bot to explode on the second platform while he is on the edge. Tell the second bot to create a bridge on the third platform. Tell the forth to create a bridge once he is on the lowest floor. Tell the fifth bot to teleport. Once he comes back on the second side tell him to create a bridge while on the second floor. Tell the sixth bot to swing across. That should be all. (Odds are I missed somthing if I did please E-Mail me. _______________________________________________________________________________ If you finished all of the challenges not only you will get a skill point you will get the awesome and all powerful Mootator. _______________________________________________________________________________ Now its time to get back to the mane game. Skill point: Wool Protest: GO through the entire level without killing a Start by going down the path and killing all of the sheep before night time. Continue along sniper the juggernaut with the sniper mine. Enter the shed. Once inside it will automatically turn to night time and all the sheep will become engraged. If you want to get the skill point just stand on the hay till day comes and then kill them while they are useless Sheep. Another way to do this is to use the mootator. Once you finish all of them off the door should open. Get the plants from where you entered and plant them on the other side of the shed. The smaller one should be closer to the shed. Skill point Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy: High jump on a bouncy plant 10 times in a row. To do a high jump just go onto the bouncy plant and press X right when you land on the plant. Do this 10 times to get the skill point. Well jump up onto the cliff using the plant and once you land up there the little brat Luna will release some more crazy sheep. Turn them into cows then go threw the barn. Continue along the path and eventually you will come by a patch of ground with some more hay. But this time Crazy sheep will burst out of the hay and attack you. about 6 or7 will attack in all. Just keep strafing and running till the night ends. If you don't want the skill point a couple of acid bombs since they tend to clump up. Afterwards plant the plant in the ground and hit it. This will cause it to throw you to another bouncy plant. Jump from there to another bouncy plant. Then from there go to the next area. AS you slowly descend on the platform you can take out your lacerators and shoot the 2 juggernauts that will some out of hiding. Kill them then go around the cylinder and enter the grind lock. Now go to the Left side of the building and grab the plant and plant it inside the building using the S-O-M. Now jump onto the plant and face the door now high jump on the plant you will find a platform with a titanium bolt on it. Now replant the smaller plant near the door and the larger one in the other spot. Jump up onto the cliff and grab the Mega Bomb Helmet. Now you will have to go threw a trap infested barn. I realy can't help that much hear all I can say is timing is everything. Once threw stock up on ammo and then approach the cliff. This will Trigger a cutscene and a BOSS FIGHT!!!!!!!! _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------BOSS FIGHT------------------------------------- -----------------------------------LUNA---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGE: 1. The first stage is fairly easy. All you have to do is run along the corn field while avoiding the gun fire from her plane. STAGE: 2. Luna's plane will go from a plane to a tractor. ALl you need to do is keep moving. Avoid all of the sheep you encounter and jump over the rocks as fast as you can. STAGE: 3. Here is the first real part of the fight. Once you land on the platform Luna will blast the cliff causing the rocks to fall on you!!! Keep walking around in a circle and avoid the shadows (Again pretty obvious). Avoid the rocks stop falling a cutscene will be triggered. Now her tractor thing will come down and try to squash you. Just jump over it and continue to shoot with everything you have. After she is down to about a forth of her health she will switch between firing gas bombs at you and ramming you with the tractor. Just avoid the targets on the ground to avoid the bombs and make sure not to accidentally run into a cloud of gas. If you run out of ammo use your trusty PDA and continue to shoot. It take about 270 Lacerator shots to kill her. (technically you can't kill her since she was never dead). ______________________________________________________________________________ After a you kill Luna a short cutscene will be triggered and afterwards you will be transported to the weirdest place imaginable, CLANKS HEAD. I'm dead serious, for whatever weird reason the creators of this game decided it would be fun to send you into clanks head. Well anyway, refill your ammo at the vending machine and if you have the sniper mine you can take it out and snipe the 4 Electro technomites at the bottom. Head down the zipline and if you didn't kill them with the sniper you can blast them to death (it really doesn't matter). Go threw the dark hallway and on the other side kill 3 small Technomites then go threw the blue door. As you go down this hallway small technomites will comeout of the sides. They should be really easy by now Just about any weapon will work heck the wrench will work well. (Note: I liked using the sniper mine at close range without the scope, actually works.) Once you get to the end of the hallway some Electro Technomites attack. Again they should be easy just like the rest of them. Once you defeat all of them go through the door at the end of the hallway and get ready for yet another big fight. (Not really big just kind of annoying). While you fight 3 small technomites and 2 Electro Technomites YOu will have to avoid small patches of electrical pannels. Since I needed to upgrade my agents of dread I just threw them will running around. This is probably not the smartest way to do this do you should probably just hit them with shock rockets. Once they are all decimated go threw the door and refill your ammo at the vender. Go threw the door and the elevator will come down with a couple of technomites. If you can get there early enough you can get a few shots off with the sniper mine before they get to the bottom and start attacking Or you can throw a acid bomb while they are clumped together Afterwards jump onto the elevator to go up. Continue along the path and Once you reach a room with a giant fan o to the middle of it and jump onto the button. This will cause the fan to start and you will be floating in mid air. Fly on over to the ledge. Start walking around and killing small Technomites till you reach a doorway. Go threw the door and in this next room a bunch of Technomites will come threw the door all around the room. By now you should be experts at killing these guys. Again take out the bigger guys first then small and annoying ones. (Note: the Static Barrier really helps during this battle. Next go threw the doors and enter the grind lock at the end of the hallway. (Note: the only advice I can give on the grind lock is to look for 2 switches for some of the gates). Before entering the next room take out your sniper mine and shoot all of the technomites. Now turn on your static Barrier (if you have it. Witch you should). and take out your polarizer. Now you will have to drag the broken pieces from the ground on to the large structure. I will try to explain how to finish this. 1. Take the piece on the far left side and put it in the third hole. 2. Put the next one on the left in the second hole. 3. Put the next one on the left and put it in the forth hole. 4. Lastly put the last peice in the First hole. Go threw the newly opened door to trigger a cutscene. _______________________________________________________________________________ Now go forward and refill your ammo at the vendor. Now get your sniper mine and shoot the drones. Afterwards try to avoid the lasers then avoid the fan and then kill some more lasers. (The drones should be really easy to beat. Now step on the platform with the large magnet and use the polarizer on it. you should now be walking on the roof. Cross the lasers and then use the polarizer again on the other side to go back to being on the floor. Now Avoid the spark on the ground and jump across the platform and go up the grey metal. Avoid the laser traps and try not to fall and then go back on the ground. Take out 3 more drones and refill your ammo. Go onto the platform and again watch out for the spark on the ground and then use the polarizer on it. Now go down the path and avoid the lasers and then use the polarizer again to get back on the ground. Now hypershot across the gap amf once you land kill a couple more drones. (they should be easy, the wrench will work well 2. Avoid all of the sparks and then just turn on your static barrier then walk threw the lasers. If you don't have the barrier you can just jump on the things causing the lasers. Go on the platform then just hypershot across the gap. Go and stand on the magnet platform and take out your polarizer and aim it at the platform across from you. This will cause the platform that you are on will be pulled towards the other platform. Once you are on the other side destroy 4 more drones and then jump over the sparks and enter go threw the tunnels right next to it. On the other side of the tunnel use the polarizer and use it on the magnets witch are very easy to find. Make sure you have your static barrier or else you will get vaporized by the lasers. Once you get across grab the Mega-Bomb armor and exit Clank threw the tunnel. Now you can go back into clank anytime you want by simply combing back to this area. Now teleport back to your ship and fly to Quadrona. I now have: 44 health 61363 bolts Dual Lacerators Acid Detonator Concussion gun Agents of Dread Incinerator shock rocket v.2 Mootator v.2 Sniper Mine V.3 Suck Cannon Bee Mine Glove Static Barrier (this takes so long to upgrade. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Clone Factory, Quadrona [CF16]---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Here we are the final battle. This one is bound to be big. Start by upgrading all of your weapons as much as you can at the vender and then finally buy the static barrier. Now activate your static barrier and take out the biggest gun that you have and go threw the door. All there are is a couple of turret and a CLONE OF RATCHET!! wow. Well he is not very hard but takes a couple of hits to kill. Once you have killed that cheap knock off and enter the grind lock. Go threw the door and kill some more nurse bots and some more Clones. Wait for them to clump up then throw a few acid bombs or a electro shock rocket. Once your done go threw the door and hypershot across the lava and the platforms. Go threw th doors. As you go threw clones will break threw the walls all over place. Luckily they all either have Lacerators or just a Wrench. Make sure to keep jumping and shooting and DON'T stand still. In all about 13 clones will come out. Once your done showing these punks what Duel Lacerators with double barrels can do, go threw the door and you will learn why this level is so annoying. Now jump up on the platform and wait for the pillar to pass then do a wall jump. Keep doing this till you get to the top. Once on top go threw the door and get your sniper mine out. Now start to shoot all of the clones possible before jumping down or else you will have to endure a big fight. Another way of doing it is you can throw a couple of acid detonators down. Jump down and enter the grind lock. Once you unlock the door go threw and a big group of clones will come threw. Once you kill them another group will come threw. Blow them all away with your concussion cannon or try to hit them with the sniper mine without the scope. (It really does work since they are so close together.) The next room is kind of challenging if it is your first time playing this game. In the room there are crates all of the room that contimue more clones in them that will come out if you come near them. So turn on your shield then enter the room and make a charge for the back of the room. Once you get there do a hyper strike on the red button then head to the middle of the room and enter the large gateway there. You could fight all of the clones in that room if your guns are powerful enough and you are good at dodging. Now refill your ammo at the vender and enter the room to trigger a cutscene. Now you will have to endure multiple waves of clones for a few minutes. Since I can't tell you exactly when they are going to come out so I will just tell you some tips instead. 1. You can just run from the first clones for 3 minutes and you won't have to do any real fighting. 2.If you do chose to fight for bolts or a challenge or somthing here are some tips. 3. Keep moving. 4. Keep jumping. 5. Keep shooting and focus on the big guys. That is pretty much it really simple and really easy. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------BOSS FIGHT------------------------------------ ----------------------------EMPEROR OTTO DESTRUCT------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGE: 1 The first stage is just you running from a giant Otto. Just keep moving and watch for shrinking platforms and falling lamps. Needless to say if you fall you die. Also he will only shrink the red tiles so make sure not to go on those. And last you need to long jump over the last tiles that he shrinks. Stage: 2 Now Otto is Huge and Clank is huge. Now your main guns do not have unlimited ammo. Some of the buildings contain ammo and health. so just blast him a little bit then when he goes into the air walk away while he shoots missiles at you. And of coarse, STAY OUT OF THE YELLOW SLASH RED MARKERS. Keep doing this till you deplete his health bar. Stage: 3 He starts with 3 attacks. He claps large hands on you (just jump over it). He fires a high shock wave at (Just crouch to avoid it). He fires a low shockwave (Double jump to avoid). Here we are the final showdown. Now you will have to destroy his shield while he is floating in the air. Once you take out his shield he will start running while he tries to get another shield. So use the laser tracer or the Lacerator to take out his shields and then hit him with your shock rocket while he is on the ground running like the little coward he is. Remember to keep your static barrier on, keep your agents of dread out and STAY ALERT. Once you get him down to half of his health and he will get really pissed at you. Now he will no longer have his shield on but he will attack much faster. Now he while fire multiple shock waves at you and he will fires small bombs at you. A easy way to do this is to strafe around the edge of the arena and fire everything that you have got and make sure not to fall of the edge. Congratulations you have beaten the game. After you beat him with the very interesting cutscene then you will be given a choice of teleporting to before you fought Otto or going into challenge. I recommend you go into challenge mode because you will get better armor, better guns, and more bolts. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Skill Points [SK17]--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Skill points are optional tasks that you can complete threw out the game. Skill points are used to unlock cheats. (I will least all of the cheats later in the guide under "unlockable Stuff"). Obviously there are a bunch of different ways to complete each skill point. I will list the way I got them so there may be a easier way out there to get them. Also skill points can only be obtained on certain planets. (many skill points you will not be able to obtain your first time threw.) One last thing whenever you complete a objective a small box will appear and say that you obtained a skill point. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Train Faster Planet Pokitaru How to get: Complete the training portion of Pokitaru in less than 1:32. The training part of the level is between when you first become in control and when Luna gets taken. Obviously this is much easier if you already have played a ratchet and clank game before. So take powerful gun a start running as fast as possible. Ignore all enemies if possible and you should be able to this one pretty easily. This one may take a little of practice though. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Don't Rock the Boat Planet Pokitaru How to get: Complete the boat challenge on Pokitaru without taking a hit. This part starts from when you first get on the boat till when you get to your ship. so either get your sniper mine or electro rocket out and blast away the robots before they get a chance to shoot back. (Having the gun fully upgraded helps a ton). The crabs should be no problem at all. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Do cows get crabby Planet Pokitaru How to get: Turn 26 crabs into cows using the mootator/Armoogeddon. Just go threw the entire level and turn all of the crabs into cows. Since they are the first enemy of the game it only takes about half a second for them to turn into cows. (Note: Make sure that cows that explode don't kill the crabs or else it will not count. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Bury the Pygmy Tribesman Planet Ryllus How to get: Get Bury Blossoms to eat 4 pygmy Tribesman. To get this all you need to do is use the hypershot to go across the gap but once the ninjas start coming out use the hypershot again but this time just keep swinging back and forth and all you need to do is wait for the plants to eat all of the ninjas. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Lights, camera, Action Planet Ryllus How to Get: Destroy 4 floating cameras. This is a returning skill point from another Ratchet and clank game. The cameras will follow you all threw the level and they never stop spawning. This is probably the easiest skill point to get. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Ship It Planet Ryllus How to get: Break all crates on the level If you have the box braker you can just go around the level and do a hyper strike every 10 feet. If you don't have the box breaker you will have to find every single crate in the level. Also you must destroy all of the crates in clanks part of the level in order to get the skill point. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: explosive Ordnance Disposal Planet: Kalidon How to get: Clear all the remote bombs in the gravity boot sphere. This one is actually pretty easy to do. Just stand at the entrance and take out your sniper mine and start shooting all of the mines in the room. Since there are about 20 mines you will have to buy more using your PDA. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKill point: Super lombax Planet: Kalidon How to get: kill 25 enemies in a row without getting hit. This one is a lot easier to do than you might think. Just put up you shield and your sniper mine and just keep jumping around and shooting. You realy don't even need the shield. I was able to this one on my first time threw without noticing it. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Be a Cool Skyboarder Planet Kalidon How to get: Win a skyboarding race without using boost. This one is a bit tricky. Choose the first race since there are barley any traps and a bunch of red pads. All you need to do is go threw the level without pressing circle at all. So just skip all of the boosts and get on every red pad you can see. One thing is for sure, the race will be close. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Shutout Planet Metalis How to get: Win a Gadgebot Toss chalenge without letting anyone else score. Just do the first challenge and just punch your opponent if they ever get the bot. Also don't forget about the bombs since they have a much farther range then your punch does. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Terror of the Skies Planet Metalis How to get: Get over 600 points in the giant clank space challenge. 950 in challenge mode. Instead of saving up your rockets for the boss ship save them for a large swarm of ships. Weirdly it is easier to get this one in challenge mode since there are more enemies. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Ultimate Gladiator Planet Metalis How to get: Complete all clank arena challenges. This one is soooooo easy!! If by some weird chance you are having touble completing one of the challenges just look for it in the sections above. Agian this is another one you will probably get without even knowing it. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Friends Don't hurt friends Planet Dreamtime How to get: Get through the giant clank fight without taking a hit. This is really easy to do. Just keep running away from clank and jump from just about all of his attacks. Also make sure to not fall over the edge of the platform. (this some how actually happened to me once. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Night Terrors How to get: Defeat the waves of enemies on the last island in under 45 seconds. Planet: Dreamtime This one is pretty challenging to do. The "final island is the one directly after you go across 2 hypershots and you go threw the dark portals. So refill your ammo at the vender and jump into the portal. Now take out your most powerful gun that you have got and start shooting. Once there all dead jump into the portal as quickly as you can and repeat this process. Good guns are the electro rockets, the Ryhno, The Lacerators, and the suck cannon (for the bats). _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Be an awesome Skyboarder Planet Medical Outpost Omega How to get: Beat the master challenge in under 3:25 This one I have yet to get. All I can say is use boost when possible and avoid the walls and traps. One good strategy I found is when you get to the point where the track turns into a asteroid belt go to the right and start flying to the finish line. This should shave about 10 seconds off of your time. That is the only advice that I can give you. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Take them down a shock Planet: Challax How to get: kill 23 shock troopers without dying. This one is reall simple. Just go threw the level with your best gun and kill all enemies in sight. The shock trooper are the tall Technomites with the electric sticks. This is also another one you will probably get without even knowing it. All together a easy skill point. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: High tech Weapons Master Planet: Challax How to get: Beat the segment without using the Lacerator, Acid Bomb Glove, Concussion Gun, Shock Rocket, Laser Tracer, Sniper Mine or the RYNO. So you are aloud to use the Mootator, agents of doom, suck cannon, and the static barrier (there are 1 or 2 more I can't think of right now). So put up your static barrier and start turning all of those stupid little Technomites into cows. Since it has unlimited ammo you won't to worry about having to go back and get more ammo at the vender. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: No More Varmits! Planet: Challax How to get: Get over 1535 points in the giant clank challenge (2000 for challenge mode). This one is pretty simple. Just blast everything to pieces and use the rockets only on large swarms of enemy ships. You will need 19oo by the time you make it to the boss since the boss gives 100 points. (Note: the small ships that spawn during the boss fight do not give any points what so ever. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKill point: Ultimate Gladiator Planet: Dayni Moon How to get: Win all of the clank challenges. Self explanatory. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Wool protest Planet: Dayni Moon How to get: Complete level 8 without killing any angry rams. The sheep are only angry rams during night time when they attack you. So you can kill all of the sheep during day time and not have to worry about not killing the rams. You will get this skill point directly before your fight with Luna., _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy Planet: Dayni Moon How to get: High-jump on a bouncy plant 10 times in a row Just go onto one of the bouncy plants and when you come down onto it press x and then repeat 10 times till you get the skill point. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Not the shock of me now Planet: Iside Clank How to get: Don't get hit at all while inside clanks head. The part while you are clanks head starts after the second cutscene with the robot inside clank. It really helps to have the shield on this one. It would be a good idea to skip all of the enemies and just run for your life. THe only really hard part is when you have to avoid the lasers while on the magnetic platform. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Ratchet... Just Ratchet Planet: Inside Clanks head How to get: Beat the enemy segment using only the wrench. This part isn't as hard as it looks. Put a armor that increase melee damage and has good protection and then just go threw it till you get to clanks heart. All you need do is jump around like a maniac and do a hyper strike every ten seconds. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Elite Annihilation Planet: Quodrona How to get: Defeat over 70 Elite clones during the Elite clone fight. The RYNO will help a whole lot during this fight But is not totally necessary. So put on your shield and take out your lacerators and start shooting. Keep moving and shoot every thing that moves. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill point: Storm the front Planet: Quodrona How to get: Complete the enemy portion of level 10 in less than 1:45 Just go threw the level guns blazing and you should get it pretty easily. the only part you may have some difficulty with is the wall jump and the pillars and even then its not that hard. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that is all for the skill points, Now its time for the titanium bolts. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Titanium Bolts [TB18]------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ Titanium bolt are Large bolts that you will find in hidden locations on every planet. The bolts can be traded for skins (costumes). There are 20 bolts in all but in the psp version you can only spend 16 of them. Jowai Resort, Pokitaru 1. After Luna is kidnapped go up the magnetic wall and turn by the zipline and turn to your left. Now go over to the side of the cliff and look around the corner. You should see a platform hanging out of the cliff. On the platform there should be a titanium bolt. 2. After first go on the raft it will take you to a island with a whole lot of crabs on it. Go to the other side and go on the second raft. Now skip the first island it stops at but get off at the second one. Now get off of the raft and go around the side of the left hut. Here you should find the bolt. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vegeta jungle, Ryllus 1. Once you get out of your ship go to the right wing and jump off of the cliff. You should have fallen onto a platform with a titanium bolt on it. 2. Directly after you are throw threw a hole in a wall by a plant turn around and you should see a titanium bolt. This is the area right before you get to play as clank. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Junkyard LXIV, Metalis 1. You can only get this titanium bolt while you are ratchet. You must also have the Polarizer for this to work. No get out of your ship and go the right wing of your ship and you should see a door. Take out your polarizer and use it on the door. Now go threw the door follow the conveyer belt and avoid the crusher things. After you jump 2 gaps you will come to a Vender. Refill your ammo and then take out the 3 robots behind the flames. Continue along the path and kill a bunch more robots hypershot across a huge gap and you will eventually reach a platform with a titanium bolt surronded by like 30 crates wich are all filled with bolts. Now you can teleport back here whenever you want if you want some more bolts and don't want to go threw the course again. _______________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dreamtime 1. Once you get to the part where you have to jump across 3 moving umbrellas (Directly after you face quark for the first time) take out your hypershot and face the building and press circle. The hypershot should have connected to a target at the top of the structure. There you should find a titanium bolt. 2. Once you reach a kind of gar age with a mirror inside it go to the left side of it and should see a titanium bolt behind a tree. Just jump around a tree to get it. 3. you need to be on the giant bolt where there is a vender before you entered the portals. Take out your Lacerators and shoot the giant blue crab that is floating around the bolt. A should see a giant flash and you will transported to another area. You should now be standing on a row of crates and across from you should be a titanium bolt. So slowly jump over to the bolt and make sure not to fall or touch one of the red crates or else they will all explode. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surgical Factory, Medical Outpost Omega You can still get this bolt even after the medical outpost has blown up. 1. After you get out of your ship head to the table that allows you to enter dreamtime again (should be directly across from the skyboarder) and go behind the large object next to it and you should find the bolt. This is where it is located after the station is destroyed. You can get it before its destroyed but I have yet to find it. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technomite City, Challax 1. After you land your ship go around the island till you find a ramp. Go down it and you will find a titanium bolt. 2. After you use the polarizer to get threw the first gate continue to the next room and turn left. You will see a conveyer belt moving with a bunch of objects on it. Wait a minute or two and a titanium bolt will come around. Jump on it and grab the bolt. 3. Once you plant the plant that turns into a ladder go up the ladder then plant the bomb plant up there. Instead of hitting the bomb towards the statue of Otto go around to the other side and hit it against the wall that you found the bomb plant. The wall should get knocked down and behind it there will be a Titanium bolt. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farming Cooperative, Dayni Moon 1. This bolt is located on a ledge of the first building that you enter. GO to the other side then plant the bouncy plant and use it to jump up onto the ledge. 2. This next one is located in the large tower after you are jumping across the large gap. Once you open the tower using the grind lock get the smaller bouncy plant and plant it inside the tower. Next high jump up to a ledge inside the tower using the plant. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside Clank 1. Instead of going down the zipline jump off of the edge. Now turn around and face the ladder. Now jump around the ladder any you will find a small platform with a Titanium bolt on it. 2. After you go down the zipline and kill all of the Technomites go down the hallway and wall jump to the top and you will reach another platform with a titanium bolt on it. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clone Factory, Quadrona I have not found this one yet. If you know where it is please e-mail me. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Unlockable Stuff [US19------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------Skins-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- skins are costumes that you can buy for titanium bolts. In the psp version there are only 3. 1. Tropical Vaction--------------------------------------------4 Titanium bolts 2. Plundering Pirate Captain-----------------------------------6 Titanium bolts 3. Ratchetzilla------------------------------------------------6 Titanium bolts _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Cheats----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You unlock cheats by getting skill points. They can be activated in the "special" part of the mane menu. Name of cheat. Skill points required _______________________________________________________________________________ Big headed Giant clank--------------------------------------------1 skill point Giant Clanks head will become huge _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big headed clank-------------------------------------------------3 Skill points Clanks head becomes huge. Very funny. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big headed Ratchet-----------------------------------------------5 skill points Ratchets head will become huge. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She's on Fire----------------------------------------------------7 Skill points Luna will be on fire while on the first level of the game along with Dayni, moon. It is really funny even if its only on 2 planets. It would be better if she was on fire during the cutscenes. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Cowbell-----------------------------------------------------9 skill points _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirrored level--------------------------------------------------10 Skill points Levels ar now flipped over as if you were looking in a mirror. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Bloom-----------------------------------------------------12 Skill points Everything glows now _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big headed enemies----------------------------------------------14 Skill points You can probably figure out what this one does. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Switching------------------------------------------------16 Skill points Your guns will change every 5 seconds _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bolt Confusion--------------------------------------------------20 SKill points Controls are different now _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Old Timey-------------------------------------------------------24 Skill points The game looks like a ancient movie _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moooo!----------------------------------------------------------24 Skill points All enemies sound like cows _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardcore Mode---------------------------------------------------24 SKill points you will not be able to save your game _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb the Tree House--------------------------------------------25 Skill points You will be taken to the tree House _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Legal Crap [LC20]---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ I know nobody will actually read this but it is neccasary. Read this before you think about stealing from me. I own a 357 Magnum, Just think about that before you steal. This guide may not be reproduced or changed in any way whatsoever except for personal or private usage. It should not be placed on any website without my written permission Copyright 2010 Alek Kettenburg _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------My other Guides [MO21]---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ So far I have 3 other guides. They are all here on gmaefaqs.com and possibly neoseeker.com in the near future. 1. God of War chains of Olympas (PSP) 2. Dark mirror (PSP/PS2) 3. X-men Origins Wolverine (PSP) _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------End Credits [EC22]------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_____________________________________________________________________________/ 1. Gamefaqs.com For making such a great Site. 2. My Mom for buying this game for me. 3. The makers of this game for making such a good game. 4. My brother for always being my Battle Buddy. 5. My friend Chris for helping me with many parts of the game. Some of these include: Helping me win the skyboard races. Helping me find Several of the Titanium bolts. And helping me with several of the Skill points. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------Thanks for reading--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------