Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days Walkthrough/New Changes FAQ Created by: Dark_Cecil (greenzsaber@gmail.com) Version 2.61 Please DO NOT e-mail me with questions that this guide already answers. Feedback, giving suggestions, or pointing out errors is welcome though. ========================================================================= INTRODUCTION: Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days is a port of Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories with improved features and additions. This FAQ will guide you through the game's main story and the new Axel Mode and attempts to explain most, if not all of the new changes in the port. ========================================================================= Table of Contents - Terms (TRMZ) - Useful Controls (INTRCTRL) - Changes summary (CHANGEZ-0) - Tips and Tricks (TIPZ) - Axel Mode Walkthrough (AXMMODE-0) *Chapter 1 (AXMMODE-1) *Chapter 2 (AXMMODE-2) *Chapter 3 (AXMMODE-3) *Chapter 4 (AXMMODE-4) - Adell Mode Walkthrough (Main Story) (ADLMODE-0) *Chapter 1 (ADLMODE-1) *Chapter 2 (ADLMODE-2) *Chapter 3 (ADLMODE-3) *Chapter 4 (ADLMODE-4) *Chapter 5 (ADLMODE-5) *Chapter 6 (ADLMODE-6) *Chapter 7 (ADLMODE-7) *Chapter 8 (ADLMODE-8) *Chapter 9 (ADLMODE-9) *Chapter 10 (ADLMODE-10) *Chapter 11 (ADLMODE-11) *Chapter 12 (ADLMODE-12) *Chapter 13 (ADLMODE-13) - Dark World Stuff (DAXMMODE-0) *Axel Chapter 1 (DAXMMODE-1) *Axel Chapter 2 (DAXMMODE-2) *Axel Chapter 3 (DAXMMODE-3) *Axel Chapter 4 (DAXMMODE-4) *Summary of Adell's Dark World map requirements (ADLDK) *Adell Chapter 1 (DADLMODE-1) *Adell Chapter 2 (DADLMODE-2) *Adell Chapter 3 (DADLMODE-3) *Adell Chapter 4 (DADLMODE-4) *Adell Chapter 5 (DADLMODE-5) *Adell Chapter 6 (DADLMODE-6) *Adell Chapter 7 (DADLMODE-7) *Adell Chapter 8 (DADLMODE-8) *Adell Chapter 9 (DADLMODE-9) *Adell Chapter 10 (DADLMODE-10) *Adell Chapter 11 (DADLMODE-11) *Adell Chapter 12 (DADLMODE-12) *Adell Chapter 13 (DADLMODE-13) - Post game (PSG) - Special non-story maps (OLDMAPS) *Rozalin (EVILAWAKES) *Cave of Ordeals 1 (ORDEAL1) *Cave of Ordeals 2 (ORDEAL2) *Cave of Ordeals 3 (ORDEAL3) *Cave of Ordeals 4 (ORDEAL4) *Cave of Ordeals 5 (ORDEAL5) *Defender of Earth 1 (DFNDR1) *Defender of Earth 2 (DFNDR2) *Priere (LAPUCELLE) *Marjoly (RHAPSODY) *Laharl B and Flonne (LHRLXFLNN) *Laharl C (LHRLC) *Laharl D (LHRLD) *Prism Rangers (RAINBOW) *Mid-Boss (BEAUTIFULLIFE) *Asagi (ASAGIRI) *Zetta (MAKAIKINGDOM) *Baal (LORDOFTERROR) *Prinny Baal (LORDOFTERROR2) - New maps, bosses exclusive to DHD (NEWM-0) *Mr. Champloo (NEWM-CHAMP) *Raspberyl (NEWM-RASP) *Mao (NEWM-MAO) *Pringer X (NEWM-PRING) *Pringer X Revisited (NEWM-UPRING) *Unsealed Pringer X (NEWM-UPRINGF) - Magichange (MCHANG-0) - New units data (NEWDOOD) *Lady Samurai (LADYSAM) *Kurtis Robot (KURTBOT) *Deathsaber (BADKITTY) *Entei (NOTAPOKEMON) *Celestial Host (NOWINGEDANGEL) *Mid-Boss (STOMACHCRAMPS) *Priere (STPAPRIKA) *Marjoly (GAOMYAO) *Prism Red (SENTAIRED) *Mr. Champloo (COOKINGFIGHTER) *Raspberyl (GOODISBAD) *Mao (DISSECTOR) *Zetta (BADASSBOOK) *Gordon (IMAMONSTERNOW) *Monster Asagi (ASAMON) *Human Asagi (ASAMAN) *Pink (POWERPINK) *Actress (BLUEDRAGON) *Main Hero B (CROSSDRESSER) - Item World changes (ITEMWRLD) *New leveling methods (NEWITEMBOOST) *New Mystery Gate residents (MYSTERYNEWCOMER) *Dark Court and Felonies (DRKFELON) -Regular bills (REGASM) -Senator Adell only bills (ADELLASM) - Other stuff *Specialists (RESIDENTITEM) *Notable maps (REPEATTHISMAP) *Dark Assembly stuff (.ASM) *Special character Recruitment (SPECIALDOOD) *Dark Record Entries (DRKRCRD) *Reincarnation (AKAITSUKI) *Perfecting an Item (ITEMPERF) *Quick Stored Levels (PWRLVL-0) *Capturing Uber monsters (UBERMONS) *Unleashed Land of Carnage (LOCPOWERUP) *Toss and Pass (TPASS) *Where to find the BGMs (SCVBGM) - FAQs (RQAS) - Version History (VRSN-0) - Credits, Copyright (CRDTSCPY) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Terminology (TRMZ) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Throughout this FAQ I will use several terms, which new players may not be familiar with. They're listed here for convenience. HL - Pronounced "Hell". Currency used in game. The max is 9999999999999 in case you were wondering (that's 13 9's). Mana - A character gets this whenever he/she kills an enemy. You earn Mana equal to the level of the defeated enemy. The Manager specialist and certain field effects can increase the amount of Mana earned. The Mana Potion item also bestows a set amount of mana when used. Base Panel - Your base of operations. You send out units from here, and can capture monsters by throwing them in here. It can be destroyed under certain conditions, and if it does you can no longer send out any more units. Enemies cannot pass over this, but you can. Cycle - New Game+. All items, character levels, and equipment will carry over. Some maps and unique characters will have to be reacquired, but they keep whatever stats and equips they had on the previous cycle. Humanoid - A character who can equip weapons such as guns, swords, and axes, can lift and throw other units, and has weapon masteries, as well as gain weapon levels. Monster - A character who can toss characters thrown on them, can Magichange with humanoids to become a living weapon, and equip monster-only weapons. Some humanoid-looking characters count as monsters. They can't lift or throw any unit. Lift - Humanoids can do this. Carries a unit, friend or foe, regardless of what size they are. When lifting an enemy, the lifter will receive damage equal to 1/2 the enemy's max HP. The enemy cannot act while lifted. Very useful for immobilizing bosses or increasing a unit's effective movement range. Geo Symbol - A pyramid-shaped unit that may appear in battle. They add a random effect to certain tiles on the map, they also vary in color. Some symbols may have a small rabbit-like creature under them. If they do, they will randomly move when you end your turn, otherwise they will not move at all. Geo Panel - A colored tile found on almost every map. When a Geo Symbol is on one of these, its effect applies to all panels of the same color. Geo Chain - To create one, destroy a geo symbol (A), which will turn any geo panels of the same color that A was on into the color of A. If any geo symbol (B) was on a panel whose color was altered, B gets automatically destroyed, and any panels that are the same color as the one B was on will turn into the color of B, and so on until the chain stops. When the geo panels change color they create a small pop that hurts any unit standing on it. The damage increases when more chains are done. Useful for boosting the Bonus Gauge. Dark Assembly - A court of corrupt senators who you have to go through before doing mostly anything significant. These range from recruiting characters to accessing new areas. They start off hating your guts pretty much and have to be repeatedly bribed if you want to get anywhere with them. Dark World - An alternate version of a story map much harder than the original map. Can be accessed by performing a certain action in the regular map. On some maps you will enter the Dark World immediately after fulfilling the requirement, but for others it gives you the option to enter it. Must have beaten the Dark World NPC to gain access to this world. Dark Sun - An entity that is present in every Dark World map. After every one of your turns it uses an effect on the map, which can affect either you or the enemies. What actions it does on what turn can be found in the Dark Sun Report. Most of these actions put you at a disadvantage but there are times where it benefits you, though these are rare. It can be destroyed using the Dark World exclusive Ascend command on a character without any Displayed Felonies. This sacrifices the character to destroy the Dark Sun, although it may fail. Generally the higher stats a character has, the better chance he/she has of destroying the Dark Sun. Aptitude - Listed as percentages, every character has this for every stat. The higher that percentage, the more stats a character gets from equipping an item. Example is when a character has a 120% aptitude in ATK and 70% in INT, equipping something that gives 1000 ATK and INT will give 1200 ATK and 700 INT to that character. Weapon Mastery - Listed as letters, they state how fast a character gets weapon experience from certain weapon types. They range from E, D, C, B, A, S in ascending order. Weapon mastery can be changed by equipping scrolls, although they only change it to A. Monsters do not have weapon masteries. Weapon levels - Gained as a character uses a weapon, whether it be swinging it or using a skill that uses the weapon. Maximum weapon level is 255. The higher the weapon level the more stats you gain from equipping a weapon of the same type. Weapon experience can be boosted using the Armsmaster specialist. Rarity - Numbers unique to an item that range from 0 to 255. They determine whether the item will be common, rare, or legendary. Getting the same rarity on a character's equipment boosts the character's stats by 10%, with a maximum of 30% (when you match rarities on all equipment) Land of Carnage (LoC) - An alternate dimension unlocked by gaining 16 Treasure Maps. All story and Dark World maps have an LoC version. In the LoC all enemies will have higher levels, stats and have the prefix Uber before their title. Some features can only be accessed while in here. Pirate - An enemy unit that randomly appears in the Item World. You will know when they appear when a siren starts sounding. They tend to make a dramatic entrance and usually appear in ships. There are 16 main pirates that each hold a Treasure Map, which can be gotten by stealing it, or killing the pirate directly (no death by statuses or geo symbol effects). Equipping a map on any unit increases the chances of finding one of these. Felony - These boost the experience a unit receives, with the max effect at 300. Acquired by getting a subpoena item from an NPC and going to the floor that is listed by the bailiff specialist's name. It is recommended to move the bailiff to an item worth leveling before doing so, as leveling a subpoena is pointless. How many felonies a unit has gathered can be found in their status screen under "Gross Criminal Records". Displayed Felony - A stamp that appears over a character's portrait when they receive a felony that says "XX FELONY" XX can be anywhere from 1 to 99. They allow access to certain bills that unlocks new maps, improve the Dark Assembly's attitude towards that character, reduce prices from vendors and increase the HL gotten when selling an item. Having 99 of these on Adell is also required for an ending. In the Dark World, sending a unit with these to attack the Dark Sun will increase the enemies' levels instead. These can be removed using the option "Reincarnate into Prinny" for generics or "Reincarnate to Atone for Sins" for unique characters. Bonus Gauge - A bonus consisting of random items/money/exp that can be gotten by simply clearing a stage. The gauge goes from 0 to 9, and can be filled up by killing enemies, performing actions, or creating geo chains. The bill "Bonus Gauge Boost" or the "Ripoff Bar" Mystery Gate NPC will boost the gauge on the next map by a random amount, which can go as high as 4. You will always get whatever's in the 0th slot when you are eligible to receive the bonus prizes. Furthermore, the Geomancer's Geo Change skill can randomly shuffle the gauge prizes, but only in the Item World. Bonus Rank - The higher the rank, the better quality prizes you get from the Bonus Gauge. The maximum is 65, and is usually reserved for the hardest maps. Item Rank - It's basically a ranking system that determines how powerful an item is compared to another item of the same type. The highest rank is 40, which are generally considered the best equipment in the game. There are other items that are considered rank 40 by the game and are not as powerful, but most of these are items that are in their own category. You can find out what rank items usually are by looking at your Item Collection in the Dark Record. Dark Record - An NPC that shows you stats throughout the game, such as play time, highest damage, and bosses killed. Also allows you to view an Item Collection, which lists all the items you've gotten at least once. Reincarnation - Starts a unit over from level 1. Any levels the unit had before reincarnating are remembered by the game and are used in assigning bonus points that go towards improving their stats, and are referred to as stored levels. The maximum bonus points a unit can acquire by reincarnating repeatedly is 220, which can be gotten by storing 186000 levels. Generic character - A character that can be created at the Dark Assembly. You can have multiple of the same character (4 Ninjas, 5 Magic Knights, etc). Can reincarnate into another generic character (Male Warrior can sex change into a Female Warrior, into a Prinny, and so on) Unique character - A character with a unique class, and there is no other unit like them. Uniques usually come with skills exclusive to them, and they can only reincarnate into themselves. Tier - Every generic class has 6 of these. Tiers are mainly palette swapped versions of the same class, but have better base stats, aptitudes, and masteries the further up you go. The next tier is unlocked by leveling a character of the previous tier high enough. Unlocked classes and tiers stay unlocked on new cycles. Specialist - Residents in an item. Can be found in the lower right section of the item's status screen. Bestows additional bonuses on the item, depending on the specialist's name. - - ^^ face by the specialist name indicates unsubdued specialists while :) face indicates subdued specialists. Unsubdued specialist - Can be randomly found in an item world floor. Defeating it turns it into a subdued specialist. Cannot be moved to another item. Subdued specialist - When you defeat a specialist in the Item World you subdue it. This changes the icon by the name of the specialist and among other things, doubles its unsubdued level and allows it to be moved to another item by talking to the item world guide. Bailiffs and Collectors come subdued. Item World - A world inside an item that consists of randomly generated maps. Going through these maps strengthens the item. Every item has an Item World. Mr. Gency Exit - An item that allows you to escape from the Item World any time. Gotten by clearing every 10th floor in the Item World. Pun on "Emergency Exit". Innocent Town - A hangout for subdued specialists, and some NPCs called Drifters that may ask you to play tag with them or spit out funny lines. You may be sent here after going through the x0th floor of an Item World. Here you can choose to proceed further or return to the overworld. You can also find the Item World chicken NPC here, though it's not guaranteed. Item World chicken - A Roc-class NPC that may appear in Innocent Town. It allows you to access a special Item-World only Dark Assembly that allows you to change the name of the item you're currently in and improve the item's stats. If you want to change the item's name do it before passing a bill because you cannot access the assembly after doing so. The chicken only appears once in normal items, twice in rare items, and three items in legendary items. After that, you will not see it again in that item. Very important for perfecting items. Poser - Created by the Clone geo effect, which creates a clone of one character out of all the characters standing on the same colored Geo Panel, be it friend or foe. Once created, they will have the title "Poser" and will have the same exact stats and equipment that the original had. They are all hostile and will only attack you, regardless of which unit was cloned. You cannot steal anything from a Poser. Rare Item - Item with flashing green name. Has 1.25x the stats of a common item and a 3/32 chance of spawning. Rarity values range from 8 to 31. Legendary Item - Item with flashing gold name. Has 1.5x the stats of a common item and a 1/32 chance of spawning. Rarity values range from 0 to 7. Mystery Gate - a yellow portal that may appear on a floor in the Item World. Houses random NPCs which allow you to do different things. Crucial for getting Magichange 2 and perfecting items. Has a chance of appearing on every floor after going through 3 floors after encountering one of these. SEB - Stronger Enemy Bill. Passed in the Dark Assembly to increase all enemy levels. Conversely, there is a bill called Weaker enemies that has the opposite effect. DM - The game's way of measuring height. Each tile has its own DM, and it affects whether you can move to the next tile or not. The JMP stat also plays a role in this, and you can only move to an adjacent tile if JMP>= DM of adjacent tile - DM of current tile Stationary Bonus - When a unit makes a move, they accumulate a stationary bonus of 10% to their damage which increases by 10% every time they make a move without moving. The bonus is kept when the unit is moved around by throwing or other skills, and disappears when they are sent to the Base Panel and recalled. Very useful if you have that one enemy you can't easily damage. ------------------------------------------------------ Menu/Map controls that can make your life easier (INTRCTRL) ------------------------------------------------------ There's a lot of stuff the game doesn't tell you, and if you're wondering whether certain things can be done or not that can make your life easier, here are all the ones I'm aware of. -You can change the order of a unit's skills by going to the status screen and going to where the skills are. From there you can move the skills around just like moving items in the Item Bag or Warehouse. If you use certain skills a lot this is a good thing to know. -To assign more than one bonus point when assigning bonus points when creating/reincarnating a character, hold Square and press left or right. Very useful if you reincarnate a lot. -To rotate the camera, press the shoulder buttons (L or R). To change the camera view, hold Square then press L. This can be done in battles or when you are in free roam mode. -To change the direction a unit is facing while in battle, move the cursor over it, hold Square and press the directional button you want the unit to face. This is useful when using Toss and Pass tactics. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____ ____ ____ ____ | | | /\ |\ | | | | | | | | / \ | | | |--- |___ | |--| /--- \ | \ | | - | | |____ | | / \ | \| |___| |___ ____| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (CHANGEZ-0) Dark Hero Days differs from Cursed Memories in the following ways: -New unique characters can be recruited. Some characters can bought via PSN. -New Item World changes. It is now easier to level an item to 200. -Ability to Magichange (feature from Disgaea 3) -New mode featuring Axel. -New classes can be created. -New maps and bosses in Adell mode, featuring some of the hardest enemies the game has to offer. -Altered capturing mechanics. You cannot capture a monster whose level is higher than the main character's (Axel or Adell) -New interface changes like turning off animations, increasing speed at which everything moves, and changing order of character skills. -Music shop allows you to choose a track from the game to play in the Item World. -New bills and felonies, along with a few new items supporting Magichange. -Some new skills are added. The highest elemental magic is now Peta as opposed to Tera in the original, which requires around level 200-300 to unlock. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____ ____ _____ | | | | | | | |---- |____ | | | | | | | _____| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (TIPZ) - For most of this walkthrough, I will repeatedly mention Thieves. This is because in Disgaea 2 Thieves have several status inflicting skills, and status effects are pretty much broken for most of story mode, especially poison and sleep. In other words, if you get stuck with some tough enemies, resorting to a sleep+poison combo will work almost every time, except against some bosses. Poison takes away 20% of the inflicted's HP each turn, provided they are not lifted, and sleep renders a target immobile. Did I mention that status effects have a 100% chance to hit (provided their equipment does not have any status protecting specialists), REGARDLESS OF LEVEL, and that Thieves get to inflict the two deadliest ailments, poison and sleep at ONLY LEVEL 10. This allows you to do some pretty remarkable stuff once you get a level 10 Thief. Not to mention they have a better chance of stealing stuff and you can make them from the very beginning. If you think the Thief is great from reading all this, wait till you create a Kunoichi... but those have to be unlocked first. -The No Entry Geo panels normally prevent one from passing through them, but as long as the panels are one square, you can bypass them. To do this, Lift a character and make sure the thrower can throw past the panel. You will want to alternate your cursor between the panel and the square past the panel you want to bypass, while repeatedly pressing X. It may take a few tries, but eventually you'll throw the character past the No Entry Geo panel. -Lift is your friend. If you find yourself facing a tough enemy you can't one shot, lift it to make its turn useless. The Lifter will most likely get squashed, but it's better than letting it kill 2 or more of your main forces. -You can lift a unit that is lifting another unit, and so on until you have a nice stack of characters. This very useful for getting around maps and gathering felonies. Anytime this strategy is used it will be referred to as a throw tower. -You can extend a unit's movement range by throwing a character who has yet to move. You can also have another character lift a character who is lifting another character, and so on, which greatly extends your movement range. Keep this in mind when venturing through the Item World. -The monsters with the best all-around stats are captured. If you choose to use monsters early on, reincarnate them into humanoids later, because a reincarnated monster cannot have the most total stats that a captured monster can. For more information about capturing the best monsters, ctrl + F UBERMONS. -Learn to make use of the Base Panel. Normally stat boosts will decrease when your next turn comes, but if you keep the boosted unit in the Base Panel, the stats will not decrease. A similar thing works with Magichanged weapons. The Magichange counter will not go down when you have the Magichanged unit in the Base Panel, which means you could have a Magichanged weapon stay for an entire battle, just like enemies do! -You can take off your equipment and reequip provided you haven't executed an action. This is nice when you need to move a few more spaces. You can simply equip 3 Accelerators, move to the intended destination, then reequip your original gear before attacking. -If you move a unit to the Base Panel, then bring them out again, they can move again. You cannot bring them back to the position they were before moving without spending their turn to move though. -To get felonies on more than one unit from a single Court Gate, simply create a tower of 10 units and throw them into the portal. By doing this you can get up to 9 units in there, and they will all receive the same amount of felonies. -Press Triangle to skip cutscenes. Doing this in scenes where you receive an item guarantees the rarity to be 0. This makes rarity matching easier. The items you can do this to include: *Felicitation (after Priere) *Makai Wars (after Baal) *Sexy Panties (after Marjoly) *Postcard (after Asagi) *Accelerator (after Rescue the Defender 1) *DoE ID Card (after Rescue the Defender 2) *Usagi's Journal (after clearing the last Dark World map in Adell Mode) -On future playthroughs you may need to lose a map to continue with the story. If you are too overpowered, an easy way to lose is to send a weak humanoid unit, lift an enemy humanoid and toss him/her into the base panel. The base panel will be destroyed and the next turn the enemy will kill your weak unit. -You can teach characters spells by having them create pupils. The way it works is the pupil stands beside the master, who now has access to all the spells the pupil knows. The master should then use the spell until its skill level is at least 1, then the master will know the spell without needing the pupil. This doesn't work for all spells though, and is restricted to healer or mage/skull units only. The following skills can be passed on to the master: *Fire up to Peta Fire *Ice up to Peta Ice *Wind up to Peta Wind *Star up to Peta Star *All spells that increase stats (Braveheart, Magic Boost, etc) *Heal up to Omega Heal *Espoir *All spells that lower stats (Enfeeble, etc) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ __ __ __ /\ \ / | | |\ /| | | |\ | /--\ / |-- | | \/ | | | | | |-- / \ / \ |__ |__ | | |__| |/ |__ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (AXMMODE-0) For the most part, this walkthrough assumes you want to play Axel mode from the beginning, without starting Adell Mode first. You can choose to play Axel Mode after beating Adell mode, but the enemies will have more levels. The strategies should not be that much different though. Note that 5-6 Kunoichis with MinMinMin and Shinikaze will allow you to dominate New Game+ Axel Mode. When starting this mode after Adell Mode, the enemies' levels will be increased using the following formula. (Base Level x5) +60 where base levels are the levels mentioned in this walkthrough. In other words, without any SEB's, the highest level story character you'll face is 250 if you choose to start this mode after Adell's. Dark World levels do NOT follow this formula, and the enemy levels are the same whether you're playing Axel mode from the start or from a new cycle. To start a fresh file in Axel Mode, at the title screen, place your cursor over New Game and press Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, then X. If you did it correctly you should hear "Showtime!". ###################################################################### CHAPTER 1: THE EVIL RANGERS (AXMMODE-1) ###################################################################### You start off with just Axel at lvl 3 with 20 mana. (If you're doing a NG+ from Adell Mode, he starts at level 100) Explore the area if you want. Grab the chests for some HL and items. You can also find and activate the mysterious buttons around here if you wish. Mysterious buttons can be found in the following places: 1. The part of the house that is in front of the balancing structure 2. Antenna on the orange portion of Axel's house 3. Edge of the map behind the Property Owner NPC 4. By the end of the house opposite of where Axel's mom is, by the porch 5. The crate near Axel's mom An eerie shadow will lurk over Axel's home, and you can find Maber MK II above Axel's house. She won't do anything at this time, so let's move onward. Talk to the Ghost to learn about the Item World and receive a free Mr. Gency Exit. You can try the Item World if you want, but it's going to be hard alone. You can also create characters if you want to (Talk to the Wood Golem.) I suggest making 2-3 mages, a healer, a thief, and about 7 Male/Female Warriors for throwing. You will not actually use the warriors to fight, so don't bother equipping them. Also don't choose anything other than good-for-nothing for now, since mana is in short supply. When you're done, preparing, talk to the director to proceed to the first map. ==========BATTLE 1-1: REHEARSAL============ Dark World criteria: Automatically unlocked Enemies lvl 1 Evil Ranger x5 -Paw Glove Battle Strategy: There's not really much to say here... Axel's stats are much better than all 5 Evil Rangers. He can solo this map alone. You probably don't even need to heal. After this battle Evil Pink joins your party at lvl 3, even though she was level 1 when we fought her. Hmmm... On a NG+ she joins at level 65, the level which you normally fight her. The Evil Rangers will be replaced by their regular monster counterparts once the map is clear. They will all be at lvl 1. You can capture them if you so choose (Throw them in the base panel and make sure you have some characters in there.) ==========BATTLE 1-1.5: PRACTICE MAP========= Pink teaches you toss and pass and Magichange basics in this map. Enemies lvl 3 Green Ranger Battle Strategy: Have Axel Magichange with Pink and attack. Axel's counters should finish him off. This map cannot be played again once finished. ==========BATTLE 1-2: MEETING THE FANS========= Dark World criteria: Do 2500+ damage. That means you don't have to do 2500+ damage in one attack, but instead make that TOTAL DAMAGE counter go over 2500. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World once fulfilled. NG+ Note: This DW stage has a high bonus rank, good for getting high rank items. Enemies lvl 1 Wraith lvl 1 Boggart lvl 1 Ghost lvl 1 Spectre lvl 2 Blue Mage x2 lvl 2 Red Skull x2 lvl 2 Star Mage x2 lvl 2 Green Skull x2 All Mages and Skulls have Training Staff equipped Geo Effects Disperse Damage in all enemy area. Battle Strategy: you're supposed to smack the Ghosts and let the Disperse Damage effect take care of the mages. The mages have very low HP, so any damage above 40 to one Ghost should finish the job. Axel's Shocking Soul does a good job of hitting 2 Ghosts at a time, and doing high enough damage. Two Shocking Souls should end this battle if the Ghosts don't paralyze him with Tie Down. If you do not have Shocking Soul (learned at lvl 5) Triple Strike should do the needed damage. You may wish to repeat this battle a few times for money. No more than two times, since there are much better maps coming up in a short while. Buy whatever weapons and armor you can afford. If you happen to get a hospital prize from getting beat up too much, use the following trick if you wish: HOSPITAL TRICK: When you see you have a prize, Press X to view it. If the prize is not rare, press O to cancel, then press X again. Keep pressing X and O until the prize is rare, then take the rare prize. Don't bother trying to reset for legendaries. They simply won't appear. There's also an extended Hospital trick to get even more hospital items. EXTENDED HOSPITAL TRICK: Say you got a Muscle Brawn from the hospital. Equip it onto somebody, preferably with a high HP aptitude. Their max HP will increase but they will not be automatically healed. Go heal that person at the hospital, then take off the Muscle and reequip it onto that person, then heal them again. Repeat until you get the next hospital prize. You can also do this for SP raising items like the orbs or emblems. Of course, you'll need some cash to do all this so you may want to hold off until you find a map where the HL clear prize is decent. ==========BATTLE 1-3: NEVER-STARTING SHOW======== Dark World criteria: Create a tower of 5 characters. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World after the condition is met. Enemies lvl 3 Staff (Warrior) x4 lvl 4 Manager (Majin) (Tunic Equipped) lvl 3 Cu Sith x2 lvl 3 Petite Orc x2 lvl 4 Dragon Geo Effects Def +50% No Lifting Battle Strategy: After the first turn, the monsters will Magichange with the nearest staff member, which is why I didn't list any weapons. The Staff will rush towards you the next turn, so beat them all up with Axel and your mages, healing if necessary. I don't suggest Magichanging with Pink, as you may need an extra body to take a few hits. Finally, the Manager is left. His movement is pathetic, so if he gets in your area, have a Thief use Health to poison him then have Axel throw him. The poison should weaken him enough for your remaining characters to finish him off. Don't bother using Fire magic on him, as he Magichanged with a Dragon, who is immune to fire. The Staff and Manager will be removed on future visits to this map. ==========BATTLE 1-4: AN UNWELCOME GUEST======== Dark World criteria: Combine all enemies into one enemy. You will be instantly sent to the Dark World once this is done. Enemies lvl 6 Black Dog x4 -Goblin Claw lvl 8 Garm -Wolf's Fang Geo Effects Enemy boost +100% Def +50% Battle Strategy: Do NOT take the fight to the enemy area, as the enemy boost will prove troublesome. On the first turn, move to the very back, and stand on the Def +50% panels. Some of the enemies should move towards you the next turn. Spam Shocking Soul with Axel while the mages finish off their remaining HP. If you can, steal the Wolf's Fang, as it's a decent weapon for Pink early on. After this battle, the Enemy boost will be replaced by Exp +100% panels, making this a good grinding map till about lvl 10. Beating this map nets you about 1100 HL. You may want to do this map a few times and get a Thief to level 10 ASAP. This will pay off in the long run if you want to gain access to a huge level boosting opportunity that will come in the next chapter. END CHAPTER 1 ###################################################################### CHAPTER 2: MAKAI WARS (AXMMODE-2) ###################################################################### There are new chests that spawn in random places. Open them for money and items. Talk to everyone for some new dialog, then talk to the Director to advance the story. *****************SIDE QUEST: DARK WORLD ACCESS**************************** If you want, you can now fight Maber MK II to gain access to the Dark World maps. They are alternate versions of stages that are accessed by fulfilling some condition (No damage, do over 1000 damage, making a throw tower, etc). They are just there to challenge you and you gain nothing for beating them all. (In Adell Mode, you do, though there are MUCH more maps) I'LL REPEAT: BEATING ALL DARK SUN MAPS IN AXEL MODE NETS YOU NOTHING! It does allow you to access the Dark World when you play Adell Mode though. To start the fight, talk to her multiple times until she says something other than "...." then say "Of course!" MABER MK II/Dark Guide lvl 100 -Dark Bow -Binoculars -Plastic Nose -Nerd Glasses Battle Strategy: Yikes, lvl 100! How the heck are we supposed to beat THIS?!? Well it turns out, the fight is beatable at any level. Simply bring someone out of the base panel and wait 2 turns. Maber should walk towards you, eager to crush your helpless character. Next bring out a Thief and use Consciousness on her, followed by Health. Alternate between the two until she falls. If your Thief does not have Consciousness use Health on Maber and have someone Lift the Thief to protect her from Maber's assault. Do this every turn until Health's effect runs out. When it does, use Health on her again and continue the Lifting process. She should die in two castings of Health so just wait for the poison to finish her off. Congratulations! You have unlocked the Dark World! Note that lvl 100 is way beyond the levels of anything that you'll face in Axel Mode. P.S. You may want to reset until you get a decent weapon in the Bonus Gauge. It will make grinding in 1-4 a lot easier, and will allow you to get to the leveling game breaker described below much quicker. *******************END SIDE QUEST***************************************** ____________________________________________________________________________ |LEVELING NOTE: If you have unlocked the Dark World, I HIGHLY suggest | |unlocking Dark World 1-4 (ctrl +F DWGRIND for strategy) and reseting until | |you get a +Exp bonus. This bonus is VERY HUGE and will boost most of your | |units to lvl 40+. Adell Mode does not have this luxury so abuse this to | |your heart's content. The possible bonus items are also very good so you | |may want to do this map a few times for items as well as experience. | |___________________________________________________________________________| ==========BATTLE 2-1: DESERT BALLAD======== Dark World criteria: Complete the stage a second time Enemies lvl 8 Ghoul x4 -Wolf's Fang -Buckler lvl 10 Corpse -Slime Juice -Buckler Geo Effects Clone Move -2 Battle Strategy: First thing's first: GET RID OF THAT CLONE SYMBOL! This can be done by making a throw tower of three Warrior throwers. Throw ignores the Move -2, so this is quite effective. Once you're on the other side, you can either lift the Clone symbol to remove it from the geo panels, or destroy it if you think you can. Do note that destroying it will create a geo chain that will bring the bonus gauge up to about 6 (And will produce a big enough chain to unlock the "Create a Strange Old Man" bill, which unlocks the Geomancer class). After that, the rest of the battle should be easy. If you beat the last Chapter 1 map without any problems, you shouldn't have any problems with this battle. Do watch out for the poison effects that the zombies' attacks may inflict. ==========BATTLE 2-2: TWO IN DIRE RUBICON======== Dark World criteria: Combine all enemies and capture the result. Enemies lvl 8 Vodianoi x2 -The Dead lvl 13 Rogue -Bear Claw -Imperial Seal -Leather Jacket lvl 9 Hell Hound x2 -Wolf's Fang lvl 9 Nemophilia x2 -Goblin Claw Geo Effects Exp +50%, Attack +50% (Small bridge area) No Lifting, Enemy Boost +50% (everything else) Battle Strategy: Before entering this battle, make sure you can outlast a 200+ attack enemy with around 700 HP, with Enemy Boost +50% on top of all that. Fighting them head on is practically suicide, so stand near the bridge and wait for the enemies to come to you. Beat them up with Axel and your mages If your healer has learned Braveheart, use it to boost Axel's attack, while keeping an eye on her SP. Keep isolating the enemies like this to decrease their numbers. The Nemophilias may be a bit stubborn since they have range attacks, but they have low HP so one strong attack from Axel should finish them off. If you are worried about him dying the next turn, send a weak character to lift him as protection. For the Rogue isolate her on the bridge and beat up on her with Axel, while making sure to keep your other units a safe distance from her, since she has a ranged area of effect attack. After this battle, the Rogue reveals herself to be the leading Actress, and joins at lvl 10 (lvl 125 on a NG+). You also get the ability to create Enteis (Great Wyrms from Disgaea 1). On future visits the Rogue will no longer be there. ==========BATTLE 2-3: DANCING SWORD======== Dark World criteria: Let 20 turns pass. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World once this condition is met. Enemies lvl 11 Archer x2, lvl 12 Archer x2, lvl 13 Hunter x3 -Long Bow -Plastic Nose lvl 14 Shooter -Wooden Bow -Tunic -Opera Glasses Geo Effects Heal 20% Evade Enemy Boost +50% Clone No Lifting No Close Combat Battle Strategy: Quite a nasty map this is. The Archers are standing on geo panels that hold all the mentioned effects. The geo symbols are on an island. Now how do we do this map? There are a few strategies to use here. You can either: 1) Kill the archers with ranged attacks then send a unit to where they were standing to prevent Clone from taking effect. Of course, since Evade means a 50% chance to hit them, you better have a gun or bow user or you'll run out of SP quick. 2) Use a throw tower to throw a mage to the Geo Symbols where he can wipe out most of the bad effects. I prefer #2. 3 throwers should do fine. The Symbols only have around 30-40 HP so one shotting them should be easy. Just hope that Evade doesn't screw you over too much. Make sure to remove the Clone and No Lifting at the very least if the mage cannot survive the archer's assault next turn. Once you have those two symbols destroyed, you've basically won. Do whatever you want to those archers. I should also bring up the fact that stealing their bows renders them helpless, and makes killing them much easier, since they won't move and will only attack with a weak fist attack. I'd also like to note that this map is nice for level gaining if you don't want to mess with the Dark World. see below for details. ============================================================================== |LEVELING NOTE: The sum of the archers' levels total 99, which is a magic | |number for leveling. Level 99 enemies give about as much exp as a lvl 323, | |which is a lot for the main storyline. | | | |Destroy the Clone and No Lifting symbols, steal an archer's bow, and throw | |her onto an archer of the same level. The result is a higher level archer | |without a bow. Do this until all archers have been combined into a lvl 99 | |weaponless archer. You may want to use the thief's Health to bring the lvl | |99's HP down to a reasonable amount. After that, take out all characters you| |wish to level, lift them all in a manner so that they are near but not next | |to the archer, then have them all Tower attack her until she's dead. Just to| |give an idea of what the experience is like, I had 4 characters tower attack| |her, 3 of which were below level 10. After she died, their levels went up to| |29, which should last you most of chapter 3. Killing her with just one | |character would probably boost his/her levels up to the 50s, which is more | |than anything you'll face in Axel mode. | ============================================================================== NOTE: Dark World 1-4 is MUCH faster than this method, but it is there if you don't want to accidentally trigger the Dark World in a story map. ==========BATTLE 2-4: A HERO ARRIVES======== Dark World criteria: Stand on the rock that is behind a Sniper. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World once done. Enemies lvl 11 Corpse x3 lvl 12 Ghast lvl 11 Tree Folk x2 lvl 13 Jounin x2 -Double Slap -Leather Jacket lvl 13 Sniper -Steam Gun -Leather Jacket lvl 13 Black Dog -Wolf's Fang -Cross-Trainers lvl 15 Main Character? (Asagi) -.44 Magnum -Light Armor -Ninja Tabi Geo Effects -No Range Attack Battle Strategy: Oddly enough, the Geo effect actually helps you this time. Start off by doing as much damage to the Ninjas. When the enemy's turn comes, they will Magichange with the monsters next to them. After that, stay as far away from the cliff as possible. This will cause Asagi and the gunners to jump down the cliff into your area that's filled with No Range Attack. This makes them a lot easier to handle. Axel's Shocking Soul and the + formation attack of the mage spells should be used with great effect here. Overall, this battle is a lot easier than the previous two. Asagi will not be present on future visits to this map. End Chapter 2 ###################################################################### Chapter 3: Dinner Theater (AXMMODE-3) ###################################################################### Again new chests have spawned. Open them for more money and items. Everybody has something new to say again, so speak to them if you wish. If you're not at least level 20 with your main forces, then I suggest paying Dark World 1-4 a visit. The strategy I have outlined should be foolproof and will net huge level gains (for story mode anyways) in no time at all. ==========BATTLE 3-1: LIVE MEAT APPETIZER======== Dark World criteria: Beat the stage using Tower Attacks only. Enemies lvl 15 Empusa x2, Warslug x2, Specter x2 -The Sacrifice lvl 15 Marionette x2, Ghoul x2, Petite Orc x2 -Wolf's Fang Neutral units lvl 15 Pvt. Prinny -Power Weight lvl 15 Angel Masochist (Main Hero B) Geo Effects (On tables) -Exp +200% -Def -100% Battle Strategy: On the enemies' first turn, they will "devour" the Prinnies. Use this turn to sneak your allies to a table. Beat up the nearby monsters with whatever you have the next turn. Repeat the process of going to a table and beating up the diners there. The enemies aren't aggressive, so as long as you take it one table at a time you should have no problems with this battle. On future visits the Prinnies will be gone and the enemies will be standing on Exp+200% panels. ==========BATTLE 3-2: DEMON SASHIMI======== Dark World criteria: Beat the stage using regular attacks. Enemies lvl 16 Pvt Prinny x4 -Goblin Claw lvl 18 Fighter x3 -Dragon Blade lvl 18 Lady Fight x3 -Rapier lvl 20 Samurai -Shamshir Neutral units lvl 15 Angel Masochist (Main Hero B) Geo Effects (Red Area) Silence Clone Non Active Geo Symbols Attack+1 Atk+50% Battle Strategy: You start being surrounded, and the active geo symbols are on the other end of the map. Our first objective is to get rid of that Clone symbol. Have a throw tower of 2 Warriors or more ready and throw someone towards the symbols. It doesn't matter if they don't reach the symbol first turn, as the enemies will kill Main Hero B when their turn comes. Ignore this and head towards the Clone symbol. You can stand on the tables to avoid the possibility of getting cloned. Once the symbol is out of the way, most of the enemy forces should be away from the base panel, so you can now go on the offensive. You can throw the Prinnies to get rid of them and soften some enemies up. If your Thief learned Consciousness, use it, as it will lower the number of units that attack you each turn, giving you some breathing room. Don't bother trying to use the Attack+1 or Atk+50% symbols, as enemies can make use of them too and it may end up hurting you in the long run. After this battle, Main Hero B joins you at lvl 23 (lvl 135 on NG+). You also get access to the Celestial Host class. Create some if you want, as they have an innate hovering ability which allows them to ignore obstacles and enemy units when moving. ==========BATTLE 3-3: MID-MEAL SNACK======== Dark World criteria: Use at most 3 characters Enemies lvl 23 Red, Green, Blue, Star Skull -Pixie Wand -Psycho Orb lvl 23 Red, Green, Blue, Star Mage -Magician Wand -Psycho Orb lvl 23 Dark Knight -Battle Axe lvl 27 Rune Knight -Viking Axe Geo Effects No Entry x4 Atk+50% No Range Attack Disperse Damage Battle Strategy: The mage and skull duos are protected by a No Entry barrier, and there's a No Range Attack in the main area where you start, so make a throw tower of 3 Warriors and Axel and toss him to where the Magic Knights are. Axel should be able to take them out with a few Shocking Souls. Once they're gone, destroy the No Range Attack and Disperse Damage symbols, then bring out your own mages and kill the enemy mages. You can also have Axel destroy the No Entry symbols and take them head on. ==========BATTLE 3-4: DISSECTION SHOW======== Dark World criteria: Let one of your characters die. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World once the condition is met. NG+ Note: This DW stage has a high bonus rank, good for getting high rank items and allows you to kill a possible lvl 9999 enemy for some levels and HL. Enemies lvl 28 Tiamat, Dark Dragon, Terra Dragon, Ambriel -Slime Juice -Traveler Mantle lvl 30 MC (Gunner) -Steam Gun -Light Armor -Opera Glasses Geo Effects Enemy Boost x3 Warp Ally Damage 20% No Entry Battle Strategy: You start out surrounded by 4 strong monsters, and the surrounding area is filled with undesirable effects. First turn you should send out a character you don't care about. He/She will most definitely die the next turn, but that doesn't matter. Depending on how the monsters warped, you'll want to lift the nearest monster and toss it onto the big table away from the enemy boost x3 effect. Then you'll want to use the Thief's Consciousness, then Health on it. This should kill the monster in a few turns. Repeat the process of Lifting, Tossing, Sleeping, and Poisoning until all monsters are dead. Now you can either destroy the No Entry symbol and take the MC head on, or just snipe the MC with a mage. Either way it's easier since you aren't pressured by any big threats and the big No Entry barrier prevents the MC from attacking you whenever he pleases. On future visits the MC will no longer be present. End Chapter 3 ###################################################################### Chapter 4: The Dark Hero! (AXMMODE-4) ###################################################################### Again new chests and dialog, so plunder whatever you can and let's finish this story! ==========BATTLE 4-1: CHILD'S PLAY======== Dark World criteria: Destroy a geo symbol Enemies lvl 25 Petite Orc, Dragon, White Dragon, Marionette, Cockatrice, Baciel -Crab Claw -Round Shield lvl 25 Kid (Warslug) -The Heretic -China Dress lvl 25 Kid (Wood Golem) -Crab Claw -China Dress Geo Effects Enemy Boost +100% (red) Battle Strategy: This is similar to the last battle, except the monsters aren't as strong, but there's no place to get them off the enemy boost this time except for tossing them into the base panel, and we don't want it destroyed. Take on the monsters one at a time, putting them to sleep if necessary. After a few turns, more enemies will start coming towards you so you need to either cripple or defeat the ones you're dealing with quickly otherwise they will become too much to handle. On future visits the Kids will no longer be present. ==========BATTLE 4-2: PRINCIPAL MATTERS======== Dark World criteria: Beat the stage and take no damage Enemies lvl 25 Werecat, Assassin Doll, Saint Dragon, Peryton, Head Orc, Adnachiel, Pharbitis, Succubus -Crab Claw -Light Armor lvl 30 Principal -The Heretic -Jijo Outfit -Dark Orb Geo Effects Enemy Boost+50% Attack+1 (mobile) No Range Attack (mobile) No Entry Invincibility Battle Strategy: Much easier than it looks. Note that the Attack+1 and No Range effect will be randomly shuffled between red and blue every turn. Just take your stand on top of the slide, and wait for the enemies to come to you, then beat them up as they come. The Principal won't move, so you'll need to go to her, but do so after beating up everyone else. On future visits the Principal will be absent. ==========BATTLE 4-3: LAND BROKERS ARRIVE======== Dark World criteria: Beat the stage and move a total of no less than 10 spaces. Cannot be unlocked the first time playing the map. Enemies lvl 27 Mothman x6 -Slime Juice -Ninja Tabi lvl 27 Black Dog x4 -Wolf's Fang -Falcon Shoes lvl 28 Goon (Dragon) -Slime Juice -Falcon Shoes lvl 30 Boss (Zombie Dragon) -Crab Claw -Protector Geo Effects No Lifting Encroach Invincibility Game over Battle Strategy: The evil Game Over effect makes its appearance here. In case you didn't know, ANY unit, friend or foe, standing on a Game Over panel means, you guess it, Game Over! Encroach only makes this worse as it allows the panels to grow every turn. Basically, you're on a time limit to defeat everything. Start with the Mothmen. They will move towards the panels after two turns, so make them count. Use mages' area of effect spells to hit them, taking note of their elemental affinities before doing so. Have Axel do Shocking Soul to wipe out two Mothmen below the Base Panel. You can send out some throwers and toss them to prevent them from getting to the Game Over panels sooner. They only have around 250 HP so if you can do more than that you'll be fine. Note that they have good speed aptitudes so your attacks may miss more often than you'd like. If you successfully wiped out the Mothmen, deal with the Black Dogs next, as they will start moving after 4 turns. Put them to sleep or throw them away from the panels and have Axel Shocking Soul them to oblivion. Remember that they're immune to wind so have your wind mages attack the dragons if they're close enough. Once they're gone the battle becomes much easier as there are only 3 enemies to worry about. They may be stronger than the others, but Health will take out a good chunk of their HP. If they attempt to get near the Game Over panels, throw them back and wait for the poison to do its job. On future visits to this map the Boss and Goons will be absent. ==========FINAL BATTLE: THE DARK HERO! (Poser battle)======== Does not have a Dark World map Enemies lvl 33 Posers x4 lvl 35 Boss lvl 38 Posers x2 Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: I won't spoil this battle, even though I'm pretty sure that you just fight a bunch of posers. If you got through the last map, this battle isn't that difficult. If you find yourself having trouble, know that poison and sleep will work on every enemy here. Lift can also buy you some time if you need it. Note: If you intend on starting Adell Mode after this, remove all equipment from Axel, Pink, Actress, and Main Hero B before delivering the final blow. It will be a LONG time before you get these characters back in Adell Mode. ------------------------------- ____ | | |\ | |--- | | \ | | | | \| ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ __ __ /\ |\ | | | |\ /| | | |\ | /--\ | ||-- | | | \/ | | | | | |-- / \ |/ |__ |__ |__ | | |__| |/ |__ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ADLMODE-0) I know the PS2 guides probably cover this section fairly well already, but I'm adding it for the sake of completion. That and it's inconvenient to have to browse through two different FAQs just to find everything, and this was long overdue anyways. Story: The world of Veldime has been corrupted by Overlord Zenon, who has placed a curse on its inhabitants. Once peaceful humans living there are slowly turning into demons. Enter Holt Village, the main base for this story, where our hero, Adell, and his parents are trying to summon Zenon so Adell can defeat him and break the curse. However, the summoning ritual goes awry and they summon Zenon's daughter Rozalin instead. Now this unlikely duo must venture the outside world and find him, where they will meet several weirdos in the process. Note: All levels given will be the base levels without any stronger enemy bills passed ###################################################################### CHAPTER 1: The Overlord's Daughter (ADLMODE-1) ###################################################################### Your starting party consists of Adell, Rozalin, a Fighter, Red Skull, and Healer all at level 1 Watch the scenes unfold, and when you finally get to control Adell, wander around town for a bit and look out for any random chests scattered around town. Open them if you do find any. You can talk to any npcs and see what they say, it's usually something humorous. There are also invisible switches hidden somewhere in town that unlock something once all are opened. They are found: 1. Behind the Postman, Dark Assembly, and Music NPCs, there are two pillars. Go behind the fallen one and examine the small area behind it. 2. Behind Adell's house. Check the window beside the door. 3. By the NPC Zommie III there is a house. On the back of the house is a switch. 4. Near one of the corners of the area there are two trees. In the center of the corner area is the switch. 5. Look for the NPC Mario Boy. Behind him there is a stone pathway. Jump on the wall area that is partially crumbled and examine it for the final switch. Once the final switch is opened, head to one of the trees near where switch #4 is, and there you will find a shadowy npc called Friday Mk II. She doesn't do anything at the moment, so let's move on. Talk to the Dimension Guide (the NPC with an arrow over her head) to proceed. ==========BATTLE 0-1: TUTORIAL 1========== Enemies lvl 1 Pvt Prinny x3 If you are new to the Disgaea series, I recommend sitting through this tutorial otherwise you can just skip it. The tutorial is very straightforward and so is the battle so I shouldn't have to explain much. This tutorial will not appear again for subsequent playthroughs. Shops open after this battle so if you want have a look at those. Buy some stuff if you want, and move on to the next map. ==========BATTLE 0-2: TUTORIAL 2========== Enemies lvl 1 Pvt Prinny x3 Here we are introduced to one of the most crucial commands in the game, Lift and Throw. If you don't know how this works, be sure to sit through this one. Again the battle is pretty much the same as the last one so finish it however you want to. If you want, have a unit stay in the center of the map, then after a turn the Prinnies should approach it. Throw one Prinny to the other two to end this. v==========BATTLE 0-3: TUTORIAL 3========== Enemies lvl 1 Pvt Prinny x3 Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% Exp +50% This tutorial map introduces us to Geo Symbols and Panels. These things will show up on most maps so it's important to know how they work. Battle is also very simple, even with the Enemy Boost +50%. ==========BATTLE 0-4: TUTORIAL 4========== Enemies lvl 1 Pvt Prinny x3 Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% Exp +50% Silence The final tutorial shows you how to transfer geo effects and what happens when you destroy a geo symbol on a set of geo panels of a different color. Just finish the map however you want... After the set of tutorials, several things are unlocked. The Dark Assembly, which allows you to create new characters, and the best of them all: Friday MkII is now ready for battle! But first, a few preparations. Head to the Dark Assembly and create at least two Thieves and about 5 Fighters/Lady Fighters. You can create a few mages if you want as well. If you have a Disgaea 1: Afternoon of Darkness save on your PSP you automatically unlock the Lady Samurai class, so create one of those if you want to. Once we have all the needed units, let's fight Friday Mk II! Of course, this battle is fully optional but I still recommend doing it. *******************SIDE QUEST BOSS***************************************** Firday MK II/Dark Guide lvl 100 -Dark Bow -Binoculars -Plastic Nose -Nerd Glasses Battle Strategy: Yikes, lvl 100! How the heck are we supposed to beat THIS?!? Well it turns out, the fight is beatable at any level. Simply bring someone out of the base panel and wait a few turns. In the meantime have Adell running around beating up all the NPCs that are scattered around the map. Friday will move towards your character eager to destroy them. When she is in range, bring out one Thief and use Health on her. Bring out one character each turn to be used as a sacrificial lamb. After 3 turns the poison will wear off so bring out another Thief and use Health on her again. She will die in another 2-3 turns. Before she dies, make sure to have defeated as many NPCs as possible. I say this because the more NPCs you kill the higher you fill the Bonus Gauge, which means more prizes in the end. The prizes are around 10000HL and 3750 exp which a hell of a lot more exp than the first couple of chapters will give you. Weapons are also fairly decent and will probably last you until Chapter 4 if you can get some. Note that the NPCs you kill will be replaced by gravestones. To bring them back, simply save and reload your file. Congratulations! You have unlocked the Dark World! You'll get a wordy tutorial on how the Dark World works, and Friday Mk II will now be an NPC. Don't go to any Dark World maps yet unless you want a Game Over. *******************END SIDE QUEST***************************************** From here on out all maps that have a Dark World counterpart will have a description of how to unlock the map. Do try to fulfill these requirements the first time through because you will never get sent to the Dark World the first time playing a map in Adell mode. ==========BATTLE 1-1: BEGINNER'S FIELD========== Note: This battle is entirely optional Dark World criteria: Automatically unlocked Enemies lvl 1 Petite Orc x3 lvl 1 Ghost x2 Geo Effects Heal +20% Battle Strategy: Not much strategy here. Just brute force your way through the map and use the Heal+20% if you need it. ==========BATTLE 1-2: REFLECTION POND========== Dark World Criteria: Complete without taking damage. Enemies lvl 1 Pvt Prinny x4 lvl 2 Pvt Prinny -Paw Glove Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% Battle Strategy: Even with the Enemy Boost they're still pushovers, so beat them up accordingly. Or you can just pick up a Prinny and toss it towards the others for an easy clear. ==========BATTLE 1-3: PSYCHO'S HIDEOUT========== Dark World criteria: Take damage Enemies lvl 2 Petite Orc x4 lvl 2 Mothman -Paw Glove Geo Effects Exp +50% Battle Strategy: Not much to this map either. Toss the Exp+50% on the blue panels if you want and smash everything, be sure to take some damage to unlock the Dark World map, as it is a decent place to grind early on. After this battle, you can take on an opportunity to seriously upgrade your roster. Heal up in the hospital, and head to the Dark World for this map and follow the instructions for that map to clear it. Do try to get a weapon as the Bonus Gauge prize because it can sell for over 100000 HL. Once you do get one, sell it and spend as much as possible to increase your customer rank. If you have someone with over 10 mana head to the Dark Assembly and pass the bill "More expensive items". Once passed, check the stores and buy the most expensive weapons and armor they have, and also buy anything that says "New" if you want that 100% completion. Equip the most expensive weapons and armor on your characters and head to the final map for this chapter. ==========BATTLE 1-4: DEAD TREE FIELD========== Dark World criteria: Kill a green mage Enemies lvl 2 Fighter x2 -Lazy Sword lvl 2 Fighter -Worn Glove lvl 3 Lady fighter -Replica Spear lvl 3 Healer -Training Staff -Common Orb lvl 4 Dark Hero -Double Slap Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: If you didn't head to the Dark World and upgrade your stuff, take this battle slowly, luring out each unit and pounding them one by one. If you did, you have nothing to fear from the enemies here. You can also toss enemies onto the healer as she lacks any form of offense and can be beaten up for a few more experience. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 2: Rozalin the Liar (ADLMODE-2) ###################################################################### ==========BATTLE 2-1: BANQUET ROOM========== Dark World criteria: Complete the stage in 2 turns or less Enemies lvl 4 Marionette x4 lvl 5 Ghost x2 -The Weak -Common Orb Geo Effects Def +50% Battle Strategy: Take your stand on the Def +50% panels and take out the enemies from there. ==========BATTLE 2-2: SANCTION ROOM========== Dark World criteria: Complete the stage in 1 turn. Can only be unlocked the second time. Enemies lvl 5 Dirty Frog -Wolf's Fang -Leather Jacket Geo Effects Warp Enemy Boost +50% Battle Strategy: Use the Warp Geo effect to your advantage and position units away from Tink until you get warped close to the Enemy Boost Geo Symbol, then destroy it. From there, beating Tink up is easy. After this battle Tink joins the group at level 5 with the equipment he had when you fought him. ==========BATTLE 2-3: ROOM OF DESPAIR========== Dark World criteria: Move no more than 8 spaces Enemies lvl 4 Thief x4 -Handgun lvl 5 Lady Fighter x3 -Iron Axe lvl 4 Thief x3 -Wooden Bow Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: Take out the Thiefs with Handguns first before focusing on the other units. They aren't aggressive so after dispatching the gunners, take your time to heal everyone. Try to lure each unit out one at a time to make things easier. ==========BATTLE 2-4: SEALED ROOM========== Dark World criteria: Lift somebody Enemies lvl 5 Lady Fighter x2 -Broadsword lvl 5 Red Skull x2 -Wooden Staff -Common Orb lvl 5 Green Skull -Wooden Staff -Common Orb lvl 5 Blue Skull -Wooden Staff -Common Orb lvl 5 Warrior -Broadsword -Brawny Muscle lvl 6 Dark Hero -Knuckles -Imperial Seal Geo Effects Def +50% Enemy Boost +50% Move -1 Battle Strategy: The enemies here are fairly aggressive so you'll have to beat them quickly. Start with the mages since they have low HP. If possible, try to steal the weapons of the Warrior/Lady Fighters so they can't use their weapon skills. Axel automatically goes on the offensive after a few turns so if he ends up giving you trouble you can use the Thief's Health to whittle down his HP. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 3: Rise of the Beauty Queen (ADLMODE-3) ###################################################################### Again talk to all the NPCs for some new dialog and scour the town for any new chests. Before we move on, there's another nice opportunity to strengthen your troops. Head to Dark World 2-4 and reset until you get an Exp +20000 or a weapon/armor as the first Bonus Gauge prize. Beat the map and make sure to have all the characters you want to level present if you did get the Exp +20000. This will shoot everybody's levels up to around 18-20 which is more than enough to deal with the next chapter. ==========BATTLE 3-1: POISONOUS SWAMP========== Dark World criteria: Wait 11 turns Enemies lvl 6 Zombies x7 Geo Effects Encroach Ally Damage 20% Battle Strategy: Use a Fighter to throw a unit to the spot where the Ally Damage 20% symbol is and destroy it. From there the map is a piece of cake, especially since the zombies aren't aggressive at all. ==========BATTLE 3-2: DANGEROUS REFUGE========== Dark World criteria: Destroy a Geo Symbol Enemies lvl 6 Messenger x2 lvl 6 Messenger x4 -Pointy Bone lvl 6 Messenger x2 -Goblin Claw Geo Effects HL +50% Exp +50% Mana +50% Battle Strategy: Savor the good Geo Effects and beat up on the really weak enemies here. Their low HP means they die in 1-2 hits. They do have a skill that inflicts paralysis so have a healer on standby to cure it if that happens. ==========BATTLE 3-3: CORPSE GARDEN========== Dark World criteria: Make a tower of 5 units Enemies lvl 9 Warslug x3 -The Weak lvl 10 Warslug x3 -The Rotten lvl 12 Vodianoi -The Dead -Common Orb -Dark Rosary Battle Strategy: Simple map, just take each slug out one by one and heal if necessary. Don't forget to stack 5 characters to unlock the Dark World. *******************ROAD BUMP: GET A FELONY!*********************************** A barrier will prevent Adell from proceeding to the next map, and the only way to get through is to gather a Felony. The game now takes its time to explain Felonies and Subpoenas to you, and hands Tink a Felony for existing. Your task is to enter this Subpoena's Item World and gather a Felony. You cannot sell the Subpoena nor can you move the Bailiff, so don't bother. Before heading out, make sure you fill up all but one space of your inventory with Stealing Hands, then head to the Item World. There will be some further explanation on how to get the Felony once you entered and you get a free Mr. Gency Exit, a useful item that lets you exit the Item World whenever you want, so after that, look for a glowing red portal on each floor and enter it. Make sure to survey any enemies' equipment while you're there and steal any rare/legendary equipment you find. Once you reach floor 4, there will be some further explanation of the Court Gate. After that, head to the Court Gate with any unit, doesn't matter who, to receive your Felony. Once that's done, you can choose to use the Mr. Gency Exit, or proceed to floor 10, it's your choice. Once you're out of the Item World, you can now enter the final map of this chapter. Also, if Axel Mode was your first cycle, you'll still have to do this, even if you have felonies on your characters. Fortunately once you go through this once, you won't have to repeat it again on future cycles. *******************END ROAD BUMP********************************************** ==========BATTLE 3-4: TRAGEDYLAND========== Dark World criteria: Beat the stage without lifting or throwing. Cannot be unlocked the first time through. Enemies lvl 22 Pvt. Prinny x10 -Goblin claw lvl 1000 Beauty Queen -Elder Spear -Testament -Brigandine -Falcon Shoes Battle Strategy: You're supposed to lose this fight, so just toss a unit over to where Etna is and have that unit toss Etna to your base panel to destroy it and end the battle quickly, It's possible to beat her at low levels, but that only nets you an ending and you have to redo everything up to this point again. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 4: Axel's Scheme (ADLMODE-4) ###################################################################### After getting owned by Etna, Adell goes emo for a while, but snaps out of it when he hears that Axel has abducted his siblings. Now we have to go on a rescue operation! Check the town for chests and new dialog. A new leveling map has opened up in the form of Dark World 3-3, so clear that map a few times if you want and when you're satisfied move on with the story. ==========BATTLE 4-1: BLOODY VALLEY========== Dark World criteria: Destroy all Geo PANELS. That means toss the Exp +50% symbol on a red Geo Panel and destroy it. Enemies lvl 8 Petite Orc x4 lvl 9 Orc Captain x2 lvl 8 Ghost x2 lvl 10 Alraune x2 Geo Effects No Range Attack Exp +50% Battle Strategy: No Range Attack will limit your offense here, so if you rely heavily on mages throw a unit over to where the Geo Symbols are and have them remove the No Range Attack symbol by either destroying it or lifting it away from the panels. The Alraunes are going to be annoying because they can attack your units when they're on the bridge but the other units are not a big threat. Just take them on one by one away from the Alraune's range and you'll be fine. ==========BATTLE 4-2: BLOODY VALLEY========== Dark World criteria: Toss 5 enemies onto another enemy. Enemies lvl 9 Cockatrice x2 lvl 10 Cockatrice x2 lvl 10 Petite Orc x2 lvl 11 Petite Orc x3 lvl 10 Beast Tamer -Dragon Blade -Leather Jacket lvl 10 Beast Tamer -Silver Bow -Leather Jacket lvl 11 Beast Tamer -Dragon Blade -Leather Jacket lvl 12 Beast Tamer -Primitive Axe -Leather Jacket Geo Effects Atk +50% Battle Strategy: The symbol will move every turn, randomizing which panels are affected by Atk +50%. Just take this one slowly and lure each enemy one by one, which is really easy to do with the cramped spaces. ==========BATTLE 4-3: RED WATERFALL========== Dark World criteria: Combine all enemies into one enemy Enemies lvl 10 Nekomata -Goblin Claw lvl 12 Beast Tamer -Naginata Geo Effects Enemy Level up +10% Battle Strategy: Destroy the Geo Symbol, then lure the enemies to the bridge one by one and kill them off. In the PS2 version this stage is used to capture high level Nekomatas, but since the criteria for capturing a monster has been changed for this game, you can no longer capture Nekomatas that have levels higher than Adell. That means THE NEKOMATA TRICK DOES NOT WORK IN THIS VERSION! ==========BATTLE 4-4: DRAGON'S MOUTH========== Dark World criteria: Allow 30 turns to pass Enemies lvl 10 Thief x2 -Rapier lvl 12 Rogue x2 -Long Bow -Glasses lvl 12 Heavy Knight x2 -Pike lvl 12 Togabito x2 -Double Slap lvl 12 Rogue x2 -Silver Bow -Glasses lvl 14 Dark Hero -Beat Down -Imperial Seal Geo Effects Invincibility No Entry No Lifting Atk -50% Def -50% Def +50% Battle Strategy: Throw some units to the island with the No Entry Geo Symbol and be prepared to deal with those Thieves and their status effects. Once they're gone, destroy the No Entry Symbol and advance carefully, picking off the units one at a time. When it's down to just Axel and his flunkies, lure them all out and try to get a unit on the Invincibility field. Once you've done that, you've pretty much won. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 5: The Promise (ADLMODE-5) ###################################################################### Taro, being the Tardo that he is, falls into the river and gets swept away. Of course, Adell and the group have to go save him. Check your character roster. Looks like we have a newcomer. Hanako joins the group at level 12. If you want to use her, go ahead and upgrade her equipment before doing so. Even though it's a life or death situation here, you can surely take a few minutes and grab some treasure chests and converse with the townsfolk for a bit, I'm sure Taro will be just fine. Once you're done, head to the Cavern of Evil and start the next map. ==========BATTLE 5-1: GLUTTON'S HIDEOUT========== Dark World criteria: Let one of your units die. Enemies lvl 13 Orc Captain x4 -Goblin Claw lvl 13 Boggart x4 -The Sacrifice lvl 13 Petite Orc x4 lvl 14 Alraune x2 -The Sacrifice lvl 14 Empusa x3 -The Sacrifice lvl 16 Head Orc -Wolf's Fang -Brawny Muscle -Light Armor Geo Effects Heal 20% Enemy Boost +50% Encroach Battle Strategy: Again we're dealing with non-aggressive enemies here, so approach this battle slowly. Those Boggarts have an annoying skill called Tie Down which can paralyze you, so have your healer, hopefully with Espoir, to cure it. The Enemy Boost +50% should not be an issue if you've upgraded your equipment thoroughly. At this point everyone was doing 0 damage to my Adell who had about 800 DEF at that time. ==========BATTLE 5-2: ETERNAL OBLIVION========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage using 5 or less characters. Cannot be unlocked the first time around. Enemies lvl 14 Orc Captain x3 -Goblin Claw lvl 14 Orc Captain x3 -Wolf's Fang lvl 14 Petite Orc x3 -Pointy Bone lvl 14 Petite Orc x3 -Paw Glove Geo Effects ATK +50% DEF +50% Battle Strategy: Send a couple of units to the Geo Symbols, have them throw the Symbols on the purple panels, then park your strongest units on the purple panels surrounding your base. Pretty easy. The enemies are even nice enough to stand idle for a few turns before they go on the offensive. After this battle, go buy a few of the Stealing Hand/Plunder Hand items from the store if you don't have some already. The next battle has a few goodies to steal. ==========BATTLE 5-3: SHRIEK OF DEATH========== Dark World Criteria: Make a tower of 8 units Enemies lvl 18 Cu Sith x4 -Slime Juice "Allies" lvl 20 Dark Hero -Playful Punch -Leather Jacket -Devil Ring Geo Effects No Entry Invincibility Silence No Lifting Battle Strategy: Axel's an ally for this battle, and the enemies start out barricaded. Hopefully you've got a level 20+ Thief with you, because you will want to steal Axel's equipment, particularly that Devil Ring he's got. At this point in the game it's a very nice accessory to have. Once you've stripped him dry, feel free to boost your units with Braveheart/Magic Boost if you have them, then destroy the No Entry symbol. This will release the enemies, but with powered up units, they shouldn't stand a chance. ==========BATTLE 5-4: DARK RUINS========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage using only tower attacks Enemies lvl 16 Petite Orc x4 lvl 16 Petite Orc x2 -Goblin Claw lvl 16 Boggart x2 -The Dead lvl 16 Alraune x4 -The Dead lvl 18 Cu Sith x2 -Wolf's Fang lvl 20 Cu Sith -Wolf's Fang lvl 18 Orc Captain -Wolf's Fang Geo Effects No Entry Battle Strategy: Again the enemies are not aggressive, so take them down one at a time, preferably with mage spells. Boggarts are here again and still have Tie Down so get ready to cure paralysis if anyone is inflicted with it. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 6: Colosseum (ADLMODE-6) ###################################################################### After rescuing Taro, the group wonders where to go from here. They then happen across a girl ninja who is looking for the Colloseum, and also reveals that the winner gets to meet Zenon. Naturally, the gang jumps at this opportunity. Oh, and Taro joins the party at level 16. Does anyone find it weird that when you get both of Adell's siblings, they're stronger than when he first starts his journey (level 1)? Wonder where they've been training before they joined... Before you start the next story maps, if you don't have any characters around level 20 or above, do a few of the Dark World maps for experience and money. You won't be able to get this opportunity for a few chapters, so take advantage of it while you still can! Go around town for chests and new dialog. Make sure to grab some Stealing Hands! In fact, fill your inventory with them! Once that's done, head to the next map. ==========BATTLE 6-1: FIRST BATTLE========== Dark World criteria: Make a 10 unit tower. That's right, you have to use ALL the units that you can have in the field! Enemies lvl 16 Lady Warrior -.44 Magnum -Jijo Outfit -Psycho Orb lvl 16 Lady Warrior -Cardinal Staff -Jijo Outfit -Psycho Orb lvl 16 Rogue -Naginata -Binoculars -Binoculars -Binoculars lvl 16 Rogue -Playful Punch -Jijo Outfit -Binoculars lvl 16 Blue Mage -Playful Punch -Jijo Outfit -Psycho Orb lvl 16 Red Skull -Elven Bow -Jijo Outfit -Psycho Orb lvl 16 Acolyte -Battle Axe -Kung-Fu Muscle -Kung-Fu Muscle -Kung-Fu Muscle lvl 18 Invincible Hero -Supremacy*** -Almighty Armor*** -Maxi Sandals*** *** The "boss" of the group, Undefeatedable, has three unique pieces of "invincible" equipment, which cannot be found anywhere else in the game. Steal these for completion purposes, and you may want to reset the map until one of the equipment turns up rare or legendary. They are terrible pieces of equipment statwise, but they come with subdued Collector specialists, and their once a cycle availability means they're worth getting. Battle Strategy: The battle itself is very easy as long as you lure the enemies out one at a time and don't step into the middle of the pack and fight everybody at once. As mentioned earlier, steal the leader's equipment and any other equipment you might find useful. After the battle, you're thrust into a new hub area, not Holt Village. All the important NPCs are present except for the Dark World guide, which is why I recommended stocking up on cash/levels in the Dark World earlier. Grab some of the chests lying around, and speak to the combatants around the waiting room if you want. After that, talk to the Dimension Guide (Bontina here) and start the next round. ==========BATTLE 6-2: SECOND BATTLE========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage using 7 of less characters. Cannot be unlocked the first time through. Enemies lvl 18 Killer Puppet x7 -Wolf's Fang lvl 24 Geo Master -Cardinal Staff -Traveler Mantle -Psycho Orb Geo Effects No Entry Invincibility Silence No Close Combat No Range Attack No Lifting Ally Damage 20% Battle Strategy: If you paid attention to the scene before this battle, you would know that you need to target the red Geo Symbol. Destroying any other symbol will spell disaster. If you have mage that can one-shot the symbol, bring them out and nuke the symbol, then go to town on the enemies, otherwise you'll have to go around some No Entry panels while Old Man Geo assaults you. If you do, try to stay away from his range and end your turn on the Invincibility panels as much as possible. ==========BATTLE 6-3: THIRD BATTLE========== Dark World Criteria: Combine all but one enemy Enemies lvl 20 Cait Sith x2 lvl 20 Lilim x3 lvl 22 Nemophilia x2 lvl 24 Prophet -The Puppet -Jijo Outfit -Psycho Orb -Dark Rosary Geo Effects Ally Damage 20% Def +50% Silence Evade Atk +50% Warp Battle Strategy: It's just a matter of luring the enemies one by one and killing them off, taking advantage of the Geo Effects whenever possible. It helps that most of them don't have any equipment. ==========BATTLE 6-4: FOURTH BATTLE (Bowling)========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage in one turn by "bowling". Can only be unlocked the second time around. Enemies lvl 22 12-Pounder Prinny lvl 22 Pvt Prinny x10 Geo Effects Enemy Boost x3 Enemy Strategy: Simply send a unit with a THW stat of at least 3 to the 12-Pounder's back, lift him, and throw him at the nearest Pvt. Prinny. Watch the fireworks ensue! ###################################################################### CHAPTER 7: Battle Tournament (ADLMODE-7) ###################################################################### As usual, there are new chests and dialog to be had. Open the chests and update your characters' stuff, then look around for a familiar figure in the vicinity... it's Etna! Talk to her to trigger a scene. After that you get attacked! ==========BATTLE 7-0: VS YUKIMARU?========== Dark World Criteria: None Enemies lvl 28 Kunoichi -Katana -Black Outfit -Cross-Trainers Geo Effects Evade No Lifting Disperse Damage Battle Strategy: It's a 10 vs 1 battle, but that Disperse Damage effect, which shares the damage taken by one unit to his/her allies, can even those odds. Even more annoying is that Evade effect on the whole field, which gives all attacks a 50% accuracy. Yes, that goes for our opponent too. The best way to win this battle is to throw Yukimaru? in your Base Panel and surround her. The panel will be destroyed, but at least you don't have to worry about that annoying Evade effect anymore. ==========BATTLE 7-1: FIFTH BATTLE========== Dark World Criteria: Destroy all Geo Panels. That means a big explosion at the end. First destroy all the red symbols then destroy the white symbol at the very back of the map. Enemies lvl 20 Super Hero (Yellow) -Crab Claw -Kung-Fu Muscle lvl 20 Super Hero (Blue) -Crab Claw -Slippers lvl 20 Super Hero (Purple) -The Slave -Psycho Orb lvl 20 Super Hero (Green) -The Slave -Binoculars lvl 22 Super Hero (Red) -Crab Claw -Traveler Mantle Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% Def +50% Evade Atk +50% Ally damage 20% Battle Strategy: Anthem of Braves plays during this battle! Anyways, the Prism Rangers are separated, and individually are pretty weak and not aggressive, so once again, just beat them one at a time and take advantage of the Geo Effects and you'll be fine. ==========BATTLE 7-2: SEMI-FINAL========== Dark World Criteria: Clear the map without taking damage Enemies lvl 25 Kunoichi -Katana -Black Outfit -Cross-Trainers lvl 22 Hanakage x3 -Katana lvl 22 Hanakage x3 -Cardinal Staff lvl 22 Genin x3 -Katana lvl 22 Genin x3 -Playful Punch Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: This fight is much tougher than the previous ones. For one thing, the enemies are aggressive and will come after a few turns have passed. Another thing is those female ninjas. They come with a nasty set of skills, namely Kagenui, which paralyzes, and MinMinMin, which sleeps. Did I mention that they affect MULTIPLE UNITS? Your top priority therefore should be focusing on eliminating the Hanakages as soon as possible. Stay as far as possible from them and keep your units spread out. You do not want your units to get statused at all. Once the 6 Hanakages are gone, the battle should go a lot smoother. The Genin are a minor nuisance at best so focus your attention on Yukimaru. Once she's once, the Genin are easy pickings. After the battle, Yukimaru joins at level 25. ==========BATTLE 7-3: FINAL BATTLE========== Dark World Criteria: Lift an enemy. Now have somebody else lift another enemy and throw it on the unit carrying another enemy. Enemies lvl 24 Heavy Knight x4 -Beckdograban -Light Armor lvl 22 Archer x4 -Elven Bow lvl 22 Gunner x4 -Steam Gun lvl 24 Magic Knight -Spatha -Jijo Outfit lvl 28 Dark Hero -Finger Snap -Light Armor -Devil Ring Geo Effects No Entry Battle Strategy: Ranged units will have a field day here, so I hope you've got some nice mages trained up. Pick off each unit one at a time as usual. If the Magic Knights approach you, get rid of time quickly, they hit HARD. Keep up the spells and all the generics should be gone. Axel shouldn't pose that much of a threat. Steal his stuff to make whittling him down more manageable. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 8: Zenon Appears! (ADLMODE-8) ###################################################################### Watch the scenes afterwards. You're thrown into a battle immediately after with no time to prepare! Whatever shall we do! ==========BATTLE 8-1: SUNKEN ALTAR========== Dark World Criteria: Lift an enemy. Now have somebody else lift another enemy and throw it on the unit carrying another enemy. Enemies lvl 26 Ghoul -Slime Juice lvl 30 Dragon -Odd Mandible -Round Shield -Kung-Fu Muscle Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: Not much to say here. Enemies are not aggressive once again. Pick them off each group one at a time. If your mage has the 7th spell formation, then those zombies will fall fast. The formation looks like this: x x x x x x x We have to escape Zenon's clutches before we all die! Actually despite this situation our heroes have found themselves in you can take your sweet time in preparing for the next map. This chapter has a few restrictions in that you can't visit previous story maps or the Dark World. Grab the lone chest that is lying around and once preparations are done let's get out of this place. ==========BATTLE 8-2: HADES CORRIDOR========== Dark World Criteria: Create at least one geo chain Enemies lvl 28 Dragon x4 -Odd Mandible -Round Shield -Kung-Fu Muscle lvl 30 Beast Leader x2 -Yggdrasil Bow -Round Shield -Exertion Belt Geo Effects No Entry No Lifting Stage Clear (!) Battle Strategy: If you think you can handle it, brute force the enemies here, if not... there's that Stage Clear Geo Effect at the very back of the map. Tear those Geo Symbols down and make a run for it! ==========BATTLE 8-3: LOSER'S GALLOWS========== Dark World Criteria: Destroy the No Entry Geo symbol Enemies lvl 25 Red Skull lvl 25 Blue Mage lvl 25 Green Skull lvl 25 Star Mage All have Crystal Rod equipped Geo Effects Evade No Entry Battle Strategy: The No Entry barrier alternates between green and aqua every turn, so advance your units accordingly. When you get to the mages, throw them off the Evade panels and wail on them. Most of the time they will just cast debuffing spells but occasionally they will throw out a Giga spell so be careful and heal any damage taken. Repeat for the second group of mages. ==========BATTLE 8-4: CONFESSION ROOM========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage using regular attacks Enemies lvl 15 Togabito x10 -Boxing Gloves Geo Effects Silence Enemy Level Up +10% Battle Strategy: Really easy battle, even with the level up effect. Just send in your best fighters and watch as they one-shot these guys. ==========BATTLE 8-5: SURVIVOR'S END========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage without taking any damage. Enemies lvl 30 Red Skull -Crystal Rod -Traveler Mantle -Psycho Orb lvl 30 Blue Mage -Crystal Rod -Jijo Outfit -Psycho Orb lvl 30 Specter x2 -The Demon -Psycho Orb lvl 32 Dragon x2 -Odd Mandible Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: Very straightforward. Beat up each unit one at a time, heal when necessary. Rinse and repeat. If you use mostly physical attacks you have to lift the two mages off the pedestals before striking. ==========BATTLE 8-6: PUTRID COURTROOM========== Dark World Criteria: Get the Bonus Gauge to at least 4. Enemies lvl 30 Archer x6 -Jewelled Bow -Binoculars lvl 30 Heavy Knight x4 -Shogun Spear lvl 30 Acolyte -Crystal Rod -Psycho Orb Geo Effects Heal 20% Attack +1 Battle Strategy: NONE of the enemies move at all! This makes things really easy. Take out one group of archers, then stand on where they were to recover any damage suffered. Do the same to the other group. While you're doing that, the healers are busy boosting the knights. In a few turns, they will run out of SP and you can wait for the boosts to wear off. Once that's done, throw the knights off the Healing and Attack +1 panels or kill them with spells, then beat up the archers once the knights are out of the way. Then go for the healers and the knights of they are still around. If you can steal the Archers' bows to make them helpless. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 9: Summoned Overlord (ADLMODE-9) ###################################################################### Yay, we're finally back at Holt Village! That means we can revisit old maps and more importantly: the Dark World again! The road to Zenon is only going to get harder from here, so let's upgrade our equipment! Hopefully you have bought enough from the shops to raise the customer rank. If you haven't already, pass the "More Expensive Stuff" bills until the shops are at least rank 7 or 8. Check the shops to find that the HL prices are in the hundred thousands range! Not to worry. Remember 3-3, or Corpse Garden? Let's do the Dark World for that repeatedly. As a reminder, make sure to pass the "Bonus Gauge Boost" bill before doing this map, it's well worth it! Also don't forget to check the bonuses and if there is an experience bonus BRING OUT ALL THE UNITS YOU WANT TO LEVEL BEFORE THE ZOMBIE DIES. Just to give you an idea of how good this method is, after 6 clears of this stage I got a bunch of single digit level units all the way up to the mid 40s, which should last a while. In addition, keep an eye out for weapons and armor as prizes. Selling them will net a lot more HL than the measly 300000 HL prizes that commonly pop up. Once you amass enough funds, upgrade your weapons and armor. Get at least the ones that sell for about 200000. ==========BATTLE 9-1 DEAD METROPOLIS========== Dark World Criteria: Get a unit to a spot that has a height of 64 DM Enemies lvl 32 Genin x4 -Boxing Gloves lvl 30 Killer Puppet x7 lvl 32 Hanakage -Katana -Protector lvl 32 Yukikage -Katana -Black Outfit Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% Battle Strategy: Hopefully you took my advice and gained some levels and improved equipment. There's not really much you can do to avoid the enemy boost effect in the beginning, so having around 1000+ HP and 1000+ DEF will really save your units here. As usual the kunoichis are annoying with their statuses so take them out first. The other units fall easily once they're gone. ==========BATTLE 9-2 GRAVE OF ALCHEMY========== Dark World Criteria: Finish the stage and move no more than 11 spaces. Finishing the stage without moving at all will unlock it for sure (use mages) Enemies lvl 32 Magic Knight x4 -Bastard Sword lvl 34 Star Mage x2 -Crystal Rod lvl 34 Star Skull x2 -Crystal Rod Geo Effects Exp +50% Battle Strategy: This is one of those maps intended for grinding, as the Geo Effect indicates. The enemies are not too tough as long as you take them all out at once. At the base level, I wouldn't recommend this map for grinding. Stick to Dark World 3-3 for now, as you can get multiple units experience and money at the same time. ==========BATTLE 9-3 ALTERED TOWN========== Dark World Criteria: Get the Bonus Gauge to at least 2 Enemies lvl 34 Ghoul x4 lvl 36 Watcher -The Delusion lvl 32 Mystic -Crystal Rod -Dark Orb lvl 34 Hell Hound -Viper Bite -Spirit Muscle Geo Effects Disperse Damage Battle Strategy: First thing you must do is lure the nearby enemies on the purple panels, then proceed to beat them up. This will eliminate the mystics on the roof, which gets rid of the biggest annoyance in this map. From there beating up everything is straightforward. ==========BATTLE 9-4 SNARLING CAPITAL========== Dark World Criteria: There's a big pillar at the center of the map. Get a unit to stand on its "eye". Enemies lvl 36 Pvt. Prinny x12 Geo Effects Clone Enemy Boost +50% Battle Strategy: Lift and Throw, lift and throw, lift and throw! And don't stand on a clone panel or you'll regret it. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 10: The Two Ninjas (ADLMODE-10) ###################################################################### After a lengthy scene with some fourth wall breaking, you gain a new member, a level ONE Etna! If you want to use her go for it, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you don't mind redoing a few maps for extra levels. There's the usual stuff in town to do. When you're ready, head over to the Dimension Guide and to the next map: the Carcassed Lands. ==========BATTLE 10-1 ROTTEN FIELDS========== Dark World Criteria: Combine 5 enemies Enemies lvl 38 Basilicrow x9 Geo Effects No Entry Battle Strategy: Here we have the Roc, one of the better monsters in the game. Its ability lowers the stats of any adjacent foes. That means fighters are at a disadvantage against them, so use mages to blast them from afar. You'll need some units to throw them around the map so they can lay waste to any nearby Rocs. Head for the Geo Symbol once most of the Rocs are gone, then beat them any remaining enemies once the No Entry barrier is gone. ==========BATTLE 10-2 LURING NIGHTMARE========== Dark World Criteria: Destroy the Geo Symbol. Can only be unlocked the second time around. Enemies lvl 40 Pvt Prinny x12 Geo Effects Evade Warp Deathblow Battle Strategy: Prinnies, so throw them! Send any two humanoids to grab the two nearby Prinnies and throw them to the nearest Prinny. That's 4 down already! Send out as many units as you can and don't get close to a Prinny. End your turn and wait for the Warp effect to kick in. Once it does, most of your units should be within range of grabbing a Prinny so do so. They should be all gone by the 3rd turn. Also, if that Deathblow effect is annoying you throw a Prinny towards the Geo Symbol to destroy it. ==========BATTLE 10-3 REBELLING SPIRIT========== Dark World Criteria: Do 500+ damage. Enemies lvl 40 Pvt Prinny x10 Geo Effects No Lifting Fusion Battle Strategy: There's a pretty evil trick you can use here. To do this, you must have your own Prinny unit. Do nothing for 9 turns. All the Prinnies should have fused into a level 400 Prinny. Now lure it to your Base Panel. Once it's close enough, send a humanoid beside the Base Panel, take out your Prinny, lift it (despite the No Lifting all over the place, it can't stop you from lifting a unit from the Base Panel) and throw it at the high level Prinny. Mission complete! ==========BATTLE 10-4 DEAD BREATH========== Dark World Criteria: Get the Bonus Gauge to 3 or higher. Enemies lvl 42 Ronin x6 -Katana lvl 45 Ninja Master -Niflheim*** -Bushido Suit -Bloody Orb Geo Effects Atk +50% Warp *** The Niflheim is another unique weapon that can only be found twice in one game cycle. This is one of them, so make sure to steal it! The weapon itself is nothing special though. Battle Strategy: This battle can be tricky, if only because the Ronins have an ability that gives them a chance to deliver instant death to a foe when they get low on health. To get around this, either have them attack your units first to weaken them with counterattacks, or keep away from them and hurt them with spells. Fubuki's ability allows him to drain SP when he attacks, so feel free to unload all your skills on him before he drains all your SP. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 11: Awakening (ADLMODE-11) ###################################################################### Zenon appears and seriously wounds Fubuki. Even though he tried to kill them earlier, the group heads to Shinra Tower to find a cure. Standard start of chapter procedures apply. No need to visit any previous maps if you're around level 50. ==========BATTLE 11-1 GEO CHALLENGER========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage without taking any damage. Enemies lvl 38 Black Dog x2 -Bull Horn lvl 41 Sea Monk -The Nightmare lvl 44 Werecat -Bull Horn lvl 47 Peryton -Bull Horn lvl 50 Priest -Sorcery Rod -Dark Rosary -Dark Orb Geo Effects No Entry Invincibility Battle Strategy: Take on the two monsters in reach, then destroy the nearby Geo Symbol, then take out the next two monsters and destroy the next Symbol. Rinse and repeat until only the Priest is left. She will be casting buffs while you are attacking and will likely run out of SP by the time it's down to just her, making her easy pickings. ==========BATTLE 11-2 WITTY CONTEST========== Dark World Criteria: Don't destroy any Geo Symbols Enemies lvl 44 Blue Skull -Fancy Rod lvl 46 Blue Mage -Fancy Rod -Magical Vest lvl 44 Red Skull -Fancy Rod lvl 46 Red Mage -Fancy Rod -Magical Vest lvl 44 Green Skull -Fancy Rod lvl 46 Green Mage -Fancy Rod -Magical Vest Geo Effects Silence Fire Element +50% Wind Element +50% Water Element +50% Attack +1 No Entry Invincibility Battle Strategy: Check your units' elemental affinities and send those with high water affinity to the blue mages, high fire affinity to the red mages, etc. The x Element Up +50% is not to be underestimated. If you can survive the mages initial attacks, you should be able to defeat them easily. ==========BATTLE 11-3 DEATH TO COWARDS========== Dark World Criteria: Do 1000+ damage Enemies lvl 48 Sage x8 -Druid Staff Other lvl 35 Chest x4 Geo Effects Reverse Damage Mana +100% Battle Strategy: A grinding map, but for Healers! If your Healer can't reach the enemies with her healing spells have someone throw her to where they are. Start healing them to death when she's there. A single Giga Heal does over 1000 damage, enough to one-shot them and subsequently unlocks the Dark World map! You may also want to throw one of your best units to where your Healer is so they can attack her to heal. This is crucial because the enemies also know some healing spells! If your Healer isn't level 50 yet, you may want to do this map over and over until she is, that way, she gets access to the best healing spell: Omega Heal, which will make life a lot easier, though it has a hefty SP cost at over 100 SP per cast. ==========BATTLE 11-4 DEFILER AMBITION========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage using 4 or less characters. Enemies lvl 46 Shooter x7 -Golden Bow lvl 50 Star Mage -Fancy Rod -Black Outfit -Dark Orb lvl 50 Star Skull -Fancy Rod -Black Outfit -Dark Orb lvl 50 Sage -Fancy Rod -Black Outfit -Dark Orb Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% No Entry Battle Strategy: This map can be a pain with the high terrain and ranged enemies. You'll want to clear the archers in the lowest elevation then once that area is clear throw your main forces to the higher areas. Watch out for the mage units, since they could kill somebody with that 50% boost. As you might expect, your own ranged units will be very effective here. Use buffing spells, attack spells and status effects to beat this map effectively. ==========BATTLE 11-5 EVIL TEMPTATION========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage using regular attacks Enemies lvl 50 Dragon -Spikey Shell lvl 50 Fafnir -Spikey Shell lvl 50 Ahzi Dahaka -Spikey Shell lvl 50 Nidhogg -Spikey Shell Geo Effects Def +50% Warp Atk +50% Enemy Boost +50% Ally Damage 20% Battle Strategy: A fairly easy map. The only issues you might face are the randomly moving Geo Symbols, which means the panel your unit may be standing on next turn might be something undesirable like Ally Damage 20%. Just pound on the Dragons and heal when necessary. Remember that they also take 0 damage from fire. ==========BATTLE 11-6 WARPED KNOWLEDGE========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage without taking damage. Enemies lvl 52 Black Dog -Bull Horn -Fur Jacket -Beastly Belt -Spirit Muscle lvl 52 Fafnir -Bull Horn -Fur Jacket -Beastly Belt -Spirit Muscle lvl 52 Sea Monk -The Nightmare -Fur Jacket -Bloody Orb -Spirit Muscle lvl 52 White Dragon -The Nightmare -Fur Jacket -Bloody Orb -Spirit Muscle lvl 50 Red Mage -Prinny Staff -Black Outfit -Dark Orb lvl 50 Green Mage -Prinny Staff -Black Outfit -Dark Orb lvl 50 Blue Mage -Prinny Staff -Black Outfit -Dark Orb lvl 50 Star Mage -Prinny Staff -Black Outfit -Dark Orb Geo Effects No Entry Warp Invincibility Battle Strategy: A rather annoying battle. First get rid of the Holy Dragon and Black Dog. Next you have to deal with those pesky mages. You can either steal their weapons to lower their spell range or you can have a unit with high HP and your Healer stand by the Base Panel and absorb whatever punishment they dish out until they run out of SP. With two units, they will use multi- target spells which take up more SP, and sometimes even an Omega, which eats up about 100 SP. They should be all out of SP by about 20 turns. Once the mages are neutralized, you can target the No Entry symbol, but make sure you deal with the Fafnir and Sea Monk accordingly. Without the support of those mages, they're pushovers. Once the No Entry symbol is gone, beat those mages up. They're helpless without any spells. ==========BATTLE 11-7 HOLY TOWER========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage using tower attacks only. Can only be unlocked after beating the map once. Enemies lvl 1200 Overlord -Laser Blade -Majin Armor -Testament -Orion's Belt Geo Effects Heal 20% Enemy Boost x3 Ally Damage 20% Battle Strategy: Err... yeah... lvl 1200 is a sign that you're supposed to lose. Don't go down without a fight though! Gather all your Thieves and try to steal the boss's armor before he kills everybody. It's only a measly 1% chance, but if you're successful, you could be set of the rest of story mode equipment wise! If you don't get anything, don't worry about it. Also don't go for the Laser Blade since it can be easily gotten by doing Dark World 3-3. After getting destroyed by our Overlord friend, one of your party members unleashes their inner power. And so we have to have a rematch! ==========BATTLE 11-7.5 HOLY TOWER========== Dark World Criteria: None Enemies lvl 1200 Overlord -Laser Blade -Majin Armor -Testament -Orion's Belt Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: It's almost impossible to lose. I've tried getting killed by doing nothing several times and still ended up winning in the end. Sadly, you get no money for winning. Understandable because the reward would probably have been several million HL. ###################################################################### CHAPTER 12: Castle Raid (ADLMODE-12) ###################################################################### The gang finds out where Zenon's castle is, and off they go. They will face some major resistance along the way though. Usual new chapter stuff applies. You won't really need to grind for this chapter if your main forces are at least level 50-60. ==========BATTLE 12-1 OVERLORD'S SIGN========== Dark World Criteria: Combine all enemies Enemies lvl 52 Iron Knight x3 -Bone Spear lvl 52 Valkyrie x3 -Skeleton Bow lvl 52 Destroyer x2 -Bekatwa lvl 52 Destroyer -Heavy Axe Geo Effects Def +50% No Lifting Ally Damage 20% Heal 20% Enemy Boost +50% (inactive) Exp +50% x2 (inactive) Battle Strategy: Lift one of the nearby Exp+50% Geo Symbols and toss it on one of the red panels, then destroy the symbol. The resulting Geo Chain will wipe out all those nasty effects and severely weaken all the enemies. Next, grab the other Exp +50% symbol and toss it one of the now yellow panels for a decent experience boost, then beat everyone up. They should take 1-2 hits to kill due to their weakened state. ==========BATTLE 12-2 CRYSTALLINE MAZE========== Dark World Criteria: Don't destroy any Geo Symbols Enemies lvl 60 Skeletal Dragon -Poison Needle -Battle Vest -Fight Muscle lvl 52 Succubus -The Accursed lvl 52 White Dragon -The Accursed -Bloody Orb Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% Enemy Boost x3 Battle Strategy: Pick off each enemy in the red area one by one, then once they're all gone send a unit to the area where the Enemy Boost x3 symbol is. You can either destroy the symbol or toss it away. If you do destroy it, you'll want to destroy the second symbol too, since the whole area will now be Enemy Boost +50%. Once the Geo Effects are gone, the skeleton dragon is easy pickings. ==========BATTLE 12-3 Mysterious Trap========== Dark World Criteria: Create a tower of 9 units. Enemies lvl 50 Watcher x2 lvl 50 Assassin Doll x3 lvl 50 Corpse x3 lvl 50 Head Orc x3 lvl 50 Specter x2 Geo Effects No Lifting Enemy Boost x3 Battle Strategy: Compared to the last map, the enemies here are wimps. You should have no problems beating this map if you take on each group one at a time. After a few turns, the field will be mostly Enemy Boost x3, but the map layout makes taking on no more than two enemies at once really easy. ==========BATTLE 12-4 DANCING FOOLS========== Dark World Criteria: Make a tower of 3 units Enemies lvl 56 Werecat x2 -Bear Claw -Fur Jacket lvl 56 Priest -Sorcery Rod -Magical Vest lvl 56 Succubus -The Accursed -Magical Vest lvl 56 Pharbitis -The Accursed -Bloody Orb lvl 56 Valkyrie -Benkei's Glaive -Fur Jacket lvl 56 Scout -Sledgehammer -Opera Glasses lvl 56 Shooter -Crystal Bow -Opera Glasses lvl 56 Hoshikage -Hoodlum Fist -Ninja Tabi lvl 56 Rune Knight -Evil Buster -Bloody Orb lvl 60 Prism Mage -Druid Staff -Fur Jacket -Ace Muscle -Ace Muscle lvl 60 Beast Lord -Heavy Axe -Fur Jacket Geo Effects No Entry Evade No Lifting Invincibility Battle Strategy: As with most battles, approach this one slowly, taking out everything one by one. Stay out of the Prism Mage's range until every other enemy is gone. When it's just her left, get someone with high HP and your Healer to soak up all her spells and drain all her SP. Once that's done, get the Warp Geo Symbol, toss it on one of the green panels, then when she warps near the Base Panel, destroy the symbol and have everyone beat her up. ==========BATTLE 12-5 AGITO THE REAPER========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage using one character only. Enemies lvl 54 Destroyer -Heavy Axe lvl 56 Bujin -Katzbalger lvl 56 Jounin -Krishmald lvl 56 Ashura -Iron Punch lvl 56 Sage x2 -Fancy Rod -Fur Jacket -Bloody Orb lvl 56 Outlaw x2 -Flamethrower -Chain Mail -Plastic Nose lvl 56 Red Skull -Sorcery Rod -Fur Jacket -Bloody Orb lvl 56 Blue Skull -Sorcery Rod -Fur Jacket -Bloody Orb lvl 56 Green Skull -Sorcery Rod -Fur Jacket -Bloody Orb lvl 56 Blue Skull -Sorcery Rod -Fur Jacket -Bloody Orb Geo Effects Warp No Entry Enemy Boost +50% Silence Ally Damage 20% No Range Attack Battle Strategy: Advance slowly, and head to the nearest warp. Fortunately, that's where the Ally Damage 20% is, which you should destroy immediately. Now that that's done, beat the warriors up and take out the other two symbols and enemies that guard them. The way to the ranged units open, use as many area of effect skills and spells to take out the mages, who should die quickly due to their low HP. If you can take beat 4 of the spell users, you should be fine. ==========BATTLE 12-6 CASTLE GATES========== Dark World Criteria: Do 2000+ total damage. That means you don't have to do 2000+ damage in one attack, but instead make that TOTAL DAMAGE counter go over 2000. Enemies lvl 60 White Dragon x2 -The Dream lvl 60 Dragon King -The Dream lvl 60 Skeletal Dragon x2 -Poison Needle lvl 60 Death Dragon -Poison Needle lvl 62 Shooter x2 -Skeleton Bow -Fur Jacket lvl 65 Priest x2 -Druid Staff -Magical Vest -Bloody Orb lvl 70 Demon General -Rose Whip -Scale Mail -Aura Belt lvl 70 Dark Priest -The Dismal -Wizard Robe -Bloody Orb Geo Effects Enemy Boost x3 No Lifting Battle Strategy: Advance slowly and dispose of the Skeleton/Holy Dragon group while keeping your HP up. The archer/healer group will be deadlier, due to the Enemy Boost x3 effect, so advance with extreme caution. You may want to dispose of them with spells or crush them all by ganging up on them, at least enough to kill one if you think you can't kill both. The two bosses have abilities that make one of them immune to magic and the other immune to physical attacks, including skills. They are not immune to status effects however, so feel free to unload your Thieves on them. ###################################################################### (FINAL) CHAPTER 13: The Truth (ADLMODE-13) ###################################################################### Alright, the final battle is closing in. Before we assault Zenon's castle, there are a few things I would recommend doing first. 1. If nobody has a Staff Mastery of 5 or higher, get it now. Easy to do by having your Healer heal a lot or having your mage solo one of the earlier maps. 2. Get a Fist Mastery of 5 or higher on somebody. If you were using Adell for most of the game, you probably left him as a fist user, and thus already have this done. 3. Go pass the bill "Make a Kunoichi" The bill appears when 1 and 2 have been met. 4. Make about 6-7 Kunoichis. If you already have one I'd still recommend making more until you have at least 6. 5. Pass the bill "Shoes Inventory" which allows you to buy shoes from the armor shop. 6. Pass the Bonus Gauge Boost bill and do Dark World Corpse Garden (3-3) until you get at least one Experience bonus. Send out all your Kunoichis when the zombie is about to die. This will level all of them to at least 28. More if you got multiple experience bonuses. 7. Buy as many Slippers (shoes) or better as you can. Recommend about 20. 8. Equip your Kunoichis with at least 2 shoes. An orb or item that boosts SP is recommended on the last armor slot, but shoes can work too. Weapon doesn't matter unless it boosts SP. ==========BATTLE 13-1: THE LORDS' PARTY========== Dark World Criteria: Beat the stage without taking any damage Enemies lvl 60 Yukikage x2 -Iron Nails lvl 60 Yukikage x2 -Kunoichi Blade lvl 60 Chunin x2 -Iron Nails lvl 60 Chunin x2 -Ninja Blade Geo Effects Evade No Lifting Battle Strategy: You start surrounded by 4 Yukikages. Get rid of them ASAP. Their status effects are really annoying to deal with. Fortunately they have low HP compared to the other enemies and fall in 1-2 hits. Just make sure to get them off the Evade panels to make life easier. Once they're gone lure out the other enemies one by one as usual and park your units on the Evade panels. Having a 50% chance of your foes hitting you is good to have. Take advantage of those panels and you should beat the map easily. ==========BATTLE 13-2: TIME OF TRIAL========== Dark World Criteria: Deal over 2500 total damage. That means you don't have to do 3000+ damage in one attack, but instead make that TOTAL DAMAGE counter go over 3000. Enemies lvl 64 Red Mage -Sorcery Rod -Plastic Nose -Bloody Orb lvl 64 Green Mage -Sorcery Rod -Plastic Nose -Bloody Orb lvl 64 Blue Mage -Sorcery Rod -Plastic Nose -Bloody Orb lvl 60 Cait Sith x5 -Rose Whip lvl 70 Wood Giant -Golem Punch -Breastplate lvl 64 Belladonna x3 -Lust Geo Effects Enemy Boost x3 No Lifting No Entry Battle Strategy: This is a huge jump in difficulty compared to the previous stages. The entire field is littered with Enemy Boost x3, which means most enemies will be hitting very hard, as much as 1000+ damage. If you took my advice in the beginning of the chapter and got several Kunoichis, you stand a much better chance. Beat up the Red Mage first then have a unit with high HP (our tank unit) lure the Cait Siths one by one and have the Healer back him/her up. Make sure the tank does not have a lot of counters because the Cait Siths have an ability that deals high counterattack damage. Once they are lured have the Kunoichis use their sleeping and poison skills to disable them and eventually kill them. Things might get tricky when you get to the last few Cait Siths because a Belladonna will usually come after you in addition to the Cait Sith. As long as the tank can survive an attack from those two, the Kunoichis should be able to disable them from far away. When it comes down to just 5 units on the Enemy Boost x3 panels, have your Kunoichis rush towards everybody and put them all to sleep. Poison everybody but the Wood Golem the following turn. Poison is useless against the Wood Golem because it heals 20% of its HP and the end of its turn. Now that the troublesome units are disabled, have a mage destroy the dreaded Enemy Boost x3 symbol to get rid of the biggest threat on the map. Once that's gone, you should be able to beat everybody with ease, even the Wood Golem and its healing powers. ==========BATTLE 13-3: KILLERS' HALL========== Dark World Criteria: Destroy the Geo Symbol Enemies lvl 44 Destroyer x2 -Giant Axe lvl 44 Outlaw x2 -Sledgehammer -Plastic Nose lvl 46 Steel Knight -Benten lvl 44 Ashura -Hoodlum Fist lvl 46 Bujin -Katzbalger lvl 46 Scout x2 -Sledgehammer lvl 48 Shooter -Demon Bow lvl 46 Beast Lord x2 -Berserker lvl 44 Sage x2 -Sorcery Rod -Bloody Orb lvl 50 Wood Giant -Golem Punch -Ace Muscle "Allies" lvl 74 Ninja Master -Niflheim*** -Bushido Suit -Bloody Orb -Ninja Tabi Geo Effects Enemy Level Up +10% *** Fubuki joins the battle as an ally this time. You can steal another Niflheim from him if you want, or if you already have one from the earlier battle with him, reset until you get a rare or legendary one. At this point it's a terrible weapon but you can worry less about completing your Item collection this way. If you can't steal from him don't worry about it. Get the missing entries next cycle. Battle Strategy: Remember the shoes I told you to buy? Turns out they'll prove useful for this battle. Equip them on your strongest member with the highest MOV and have them rush to the Geo symbol. Have someone throw them to increase the distance they can cover. You should make it in time to the symbol and destroy it in 3 turns or less. Unlike most maps, the enemies here ARE aggressive and will rush towards you as more turns pass. Get your Kunoichis ready and rain down sleep on them. The Wood Golem is the strongest unit on the map, so save him for last. The other units should be around mid 50s which means they die quickly at this point in the game. ==========BATTLE 13-4: FINAL DECISION========== NOTE: The stage after this is the final battle! Dark World Criteria: Do 3000+ total damage. That means you don't have to do 3000+ damage in one attack, but instead make that TOTAL DAMAGE counter go over 3000. Enemies lvl 70 Garm x2 -Mystic Horn lvl 70 Death Dragon x2 -Tiger Fang lvl 70 Nidhogg x2 -Tiger Fang lvl 70 Saint Dragon x2 -Confusion lvl 70 Tree Folk x2 -Golem Punch lvl 80 Baciel -Organic Power -Large Shield -Victory Muscle Geo Effects No Entry x2 Ally damage 20% x4 Battle Strategy: Here's the deal. You have about 10 turns before the Ally Damage 20% symbols start moving on the purple panels, slowly turning most of the field into a death trap. Our ninja friends get to shine once again. Take out your Kunoichis and sleep and poison the two Garms, then bring out your strongest unit. Have the Kunoichis slowly move up and sleep one of the Saint Dragons, then have another put the Nidhogg and Death Dragon on the same side to sleep, while staying out of the Tree Folk's range. Throw your unit to the No Entry symbol that's guarded by sleeping beauties and destroy it. Do the same for the other symbol, remembering to sleep all the guards on that side, and refresh any sleep status that's worn off. Also poison as many units as you can if you get that chance. Once the symbols are gone, have someone move up to one of the Tree Folk and toss him next to the other Tree Folk. Put both of them to sleep. Have a Kunoichi head towards the Baciel and sleep him too. Steal the Victory Muscle item if you can. Move your attackers towards the Ally Damage symbols and proceed to destroy them. Once all the symbols are gone, the only thing left standing should be the Tree Folks. When everyone is ready to attack them, poison them to cancel out their healing and unload on them. If they survived they should have woken up. Put them to sleep them and repeat until they finally die. Also, try to unlock this map's Dark World by doing 3000+ damage in one turn of attacks to the two Tree Folk. There are a lot of goodies to be had in that Dark World! After this battle, speak with Adell's parents. Dad will give you Burning Rage, a fist for Adell, and Mom will give you Noble Rose, a gun for Rozalin. These weapons are probably more powerful than anything you have right now so make sure to equip them! DISCLAIMER: If you want to try some of the post game content out, do NOT do the final battle or you will be forced to start a new cycle! Here are a few things I recommend doing first before ending the current cycle: 1. Defender of Earth mission part 1 for the Accelerator 2. Dark World 13-4 ==========BATTLE 13-5: VIEWING ROOM (FINAL BATTLE)========== Dark World Criteria: None Enemies lvl 90 Overlord -Envy -Large Shield -World Muscle -Royal Ring Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: It's just your army vs one foe, no cheap tricks or gimmicks. Simply boost everyone with Braveheart/Magic Boost and unload everything on Zenon, it's that simple. The only catch is he has around 20000 HP, more than any other foe in story mode, so it will take a while before he bites the dust. Even with that high HP, he doesn't really hit that hard. Having over 1500-2000 HP on you main units is more than enough to take whatever he can dish out. One thing to note about this battle is that Zenon first starts out with the ability Aura, which reduces damage from elemental attacks, but as his HP drops to 50%, some of his parts disappear and his old ability gets replaced by one that increases his ATK when his HP drops to about 20-25%. He also gets a new skill called Dark Howl, which has a huge range and typically hits for about 800-high 900 damage. If you managed to defeat Zenon, and have a 99 Felony stamp on Adell and have killed over 100 Allies, including Rozalin, you will be treated to a very special battle. Skip to (EVILAWAKES) for info on the battle. Congratulations, you've beaten Adell's story with barely any grinding! For the record, upon finishing the story, my highest level was Adell at lvl 90, and the second highest was a Red Mage at 64. No Item World trips were taken other than the subpoena one and the only "grinding" done was at Dark World 3-3, with a total of 13 clears. Now, naturally, you would ask, what next? Don't worry, the fun is just beginning! I suggest starting Axel's story now and finishing it to unlock all the extra goodies, making sure to grab some rank 39 items before going back to Adell's story and starting the postgame. Once in Axel mode, you may notice a large jump in enemy levels, but that's okay! If you want the easy way out, simply create 5-6 Kunoichis and use a stage with a high Bonus Rank to level them up enough so that they learn the skills MinMinMin and Shinikaze. Once they have those skills, you should be able to tear through Axel Mode by putting everything to sleep. Easy stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ ___ ____ ____ |\ | | | | | / | | | | | | | |\ | \ | | | | | / | | | | | | | | \ | | |---| |---| |-/ | /\ | | | |---| | | | | / | | | \ | \ | / \ | | | | \ | | / |/ | | | \ | \ \/ \/ |___| | \ |___ |/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (DAXMMODE-0) On any map where the Dark World is unlocked in the middle of playing, you will get sent to the Dark World immediately even when playing the map for the first time. Only applies to Axel Mode. ==========Axel Dark World 1-1: REHEARSAL======== (DAXMMODE-1) Dark World criteria: Automatically unlocked Bonus Rank: 45 Enemies lvl 100 Devon Rex, Bahamut, Assassin Doll -Lionheart lvl 100 Dagon, Phantom -Confusion Dark Sun Report Enemy Unit Up every turn (Creates new enemies with the same class and level as the enemies currently on the map. Equipment spawned is random, so they're not exactly clones) Battle Strategy: Yeah... don't even try this map unless you can hit for over 2000 damage. The constant stream of reinforcements are just too much to keep up with. This place might be good for filling up your Dark Record though, as enemies keep on coming and with random equipment at that. If you really want to beat this map keep clearing Dark World 1-4 until you amass enough levels/artillery to kill them before they kill you. ==========Axel Dark World 1-2: MEETING THE FANS======== Dark World criteria: Deal 2500 damage to an enemy. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World after the condition is met. Bonus Rank: 65 Enemies lvl 500 Blade Master -Sesshoumaru -Dandy Gown -Bravery Belt -Falcon Shoes lvl 500 Fenrir Geo Effects No Entry Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel after first turn Battle Strategy: Ah, this stage is where a lot of people tend to complain because they get sent here and have to face this battle with characters less than twice the level of the enemies here. Worry not, because this battle is not impossible at low levels. This map basically forces you into a one-on-one duel with a female Samurai, whose ability increases when attacking single targets. The turn sequence tends to be like this for most people First Turn -Send out unit Enemy Turn 1 -Base Panel Crushed -Samurai Magichanges with Fenrir -Geo Symbol moves away, eliminating the No Entry Field Rest of the turns -Get annihilated If your levels are insufficient, and you want to prevent this scenario from happening to you, do the following. 1. Get a Thief 2. Use Tower Attack on the first map to level them to 10 Naturally, if you already have a lvl 10+ Thief, you can skip these steps. Now you're all set, replace "Rest of the turns" above with the following Turn 2 -Do nothing Enemy turn 2 -Samurai moves towards your Thief Turn 3 -Consciousness on Samurai Enemy turn 3 -Does nothing Turn 4 -Health on Samurai Repeat the actions from turn 3 and 4 onwards until you've won. There, that wasn't so hard! You can also use a Kunoichi for this, but it takes more levels for them to learn the skills that make this work (MinMinMin and Shinikaze). If you have those skills, by all means use her. If on a second cycle, I recommend using this map to farm rank 39 items. ==========Axel Dark World 1-3: NEVER-BEGINNING SHOW======== ^Not a typo, that is the name of the stage when selected through Maber MK II. Dark World criteria: Create a tower of 5 characters. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World after the condition is met. Bonus Rank: 46 Enemies lvl 5 Gaia Titan -Bear Claw -Fur Jacket -Devil ring lvl 90 Alraune lvl 80 Mothman lvl 80 Warslug lvl 70 Prinny lvl 70 Dragon lvl 70 Petite Orc lvl 60 Nekomata lvl 60 Empusa lvl 60 Zombie lvl 60 Ghost Geo Effects Fusion (Yellow) No Range Attack (Yellow) No Entry (Green) Invincibility (Green) Dark Sun Report Random effects Battle Strategy: In front of the Base Panel is a lvl 5 Gaia Titan, while the other high leveled enemies are surrounded by a No Entry/Invincibility barrier (Geo symbols are at the very end of the map). Beat up the Gaia Titan first. He only has around 450 HP. Now the problem is what to do about those other high level enemies? Given enough turns, they will fuse into a lvl 700 foe. To beat this map at low levels, you will need a lot of luck. You need to wait until all the enemies fuse into a lvl 700 Prinny. If the Prinny gets lost in the fusion, restart, you're not beating it. It may take a few tries to get it, seeing as how there are 10 possible final enemies. Once you have a lvl 700 Prinny, simply toss a character over the No Entry Barrier, (using the trick that allows you to do so, see the Tips section (Ctrl+F TIPZ) for more details) Lift and throw the Prinny to win the battle. ==========Axel Dark World 1-4: AN UNWELCOME GUEST======== (DWGRIND) Dark World criteria: Combine all enemies into one enemy. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World after the condition is met. Bonus Rank: 60 Enemies lvl 500 Flamberg x2 -Dragon Anger -Dragon Mail -Falcon Shoes -Sophia's Mirror lvl 600 Slust -Dragon Anger -Dragon Mail -Falcon Shoes -Sophia's Mirror Geo Effects No Range Attack Fire Element -100% Disperse Damage No Entry Invincibility Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel turn 1 Minimum requirements: lvl 10 Thief Battle Strategy: Only LOOKS intimidating, but this battle is easy and can be beaten as long as you have Consciousness on your Thief. The area surrounding your base panel is No Entry, and you can send 7 characters in a line before you meet the Slust. By following this strategy, you will win every time as long as you have a Thief that can use Consciousness and around 60 SP. The first thing you should immediately do is bring out your Thief and use Consciousness on the Slust. Then send three humanoids in front of the base panel so it looks like this. BCCC B=Base Panel C=Character Send a humanoid out of the base panel and have the C beside B Lift him/her, then all the other characters should make a tower and throw B next to a Flamberg. Lift the Flamberg and throw him onto the Slust. Bring out another two humans and position them like this BHHC B=Base Panel C=Character who threw H=Humans who haven't acted Bring out yet another humanoid, and have the two H's throw him/her as close to the other Flamberg as possible. Lift the Flamberg and throw it onto the Slust. You now have a level 1600 Slust, who's asleep... From then on, you may wish to bring out any units you want to level, since the Base Panel will be crushed the next turn. The reason I recommended the above two formations is so you have enough space to bring out the last two units you may wish to level. Next turn, use Health. If the Slust wakes up or is cured of poison, use the appropriate skill. Repeat this until it falls. Do NOT let it wake up and get a move otherwise it's Game Over for you. (lvl 1600 vs low levels + Disperse Damage field) I STRONGLY recommend doing this map. Why? The Bonus Rank is 60, which means the prizes are VERY good for where you are at now. Just to give you an idea, you can get over 1 million HL, Infernal Armors, Cosmos Muscles, Orion's Belts, and other Rank 35+ items from the Bonus Gauge prizes alone, and the minimum Exp bonus is +275000, which is enough to boost a lvl 1 Warrior all the way to 45, more than the highest leveled foe in Axel's Story mode! It is highly recommended you pass the Bonus Gauge boost bill before attempting this stage, as it allows you to reap the maximum benefits from doing this map, and possibly gain more good-quality items in a single clear. If you're on a second cycle, you'll probably want to try either Dark World 1-2 or Dark World 3-4 instead, due to the higher Bonus Rank. ==========Axel Dark World 2-1: DESERT BALLAD======== (DAXMMODE-2) Dark World criteria: Complete the stage a second time Bonus Rank: 51 Enemies lvl 150 Green Giant x8 -Golem Punch -Magical Vest Geo Effects Damage 20% No Range Attack No Entry Battle Strategy: The Wood Golems don't move and occupy the No Entry symbols, so you're supposed to go confront them head on, while the Damage 20% eats away at your health. You can use the fact that the Base Panel is not affected by geo effects and have a staff user plug away at the golems. You can hit 6 of them with a maximum staff range, so you only have to worry about Damage 20% for two golems. The golems have around 11000 health so make sure you can do around half of that or you probably won't win due to their regeneration ability. You can also Lift a golem to negate their healing ability and take off 20% of their health (they heal first then take damage from the geo effect, which means they always have at least 80% at the end of their turn). Keep in mind they WILL move if you do this, but having them not heal makes them more manageable, and you can always take the fight to the Base Panel. ==========Axel Dark World 2-2: TWO IN DIRE RUBICON======== Dark World criteria: Combine all enemies and capture the result. Bonus Rank: 65 Enemies lvl 1 Pvt. Prinny Dark Sun Report Game Over 2nd turn Geo Effects No Entry (Purple) No Lifting (Red) No Lifting (Aqua) No Range Attack (Aqua) Atk +50% (Yellow) Attack+1 (Yellow) Battle Strategy: Get to the Red Panel and smash the Prinny. You will need to cover 36 spaces in two turns in order to do this without destroying the Dark Sun. Oh, and make sure you send a Ranged unit to the Red Square, as the Prinny is on an island. ==========Axel Dark World 2-3: DANCING SWORD======== Dark World criteria: Let 20 turns pass. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World once this condition is met. Bonus Rank: 64 Enemies lvl 75 Belladonna x9 (Each has a counter from 1-9) -Scorpion Tail lvl 150 Omega Sentinel -Giant Axe -Falcon Shoes x3 Dark Sun Report Enemy Revive for 9 turns Game Over 10th turn Geo Effects Whole field Silence Enemy Boost x3 No Lifting Ally Damage 20% one Square No Entry Invincibility Battle Strategy: Either you destroy the Dark Sun, or have a lot of high MOV units that can end this battle in one turn, without any skills on top of that. The Dark Sun effects are just too annoying here, and with a 10-turn limit to win, and constantly resurrecting units, there just isn't any other alternative other than brute forcing this battle with high movement units if you can't destroy it. ==========Axel Dark World 2-4: A HERO ARRIVES======== Dark World criteria: Stand on the rock that is behind a Sniper. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World once done. Bonus Rank: 46 Enemies lvl 300 Malchidael x4 -Dark Aura -Battle Vest -Falcon Shoes Geo Effects Evade (Yellow) No Lifting (Yellow) No Range Attack (Yellow) No Entry (Blue) Invincibility (Blue) Dark Sun Report Ally Female Dark Bomb (1) Ally Female Dark Cannon (2) Nothing (3) Nothing (4) Ally Male Changed (5) Enemies Boost (6) Nothing (7) Ally All Recover HP (8) Ally All Recover HP (9) Nothing (10) Battle Strategy: Don't destroy the Geo Symbols on the yellow panels otherwise the whole field save the Base Panel will turn into No Entry. The enemies don't move so you have to have a unit with at least 30 JMP reach them. Since they don't move, boost your units before attack and all will go smoothly. The Enemy boost effect doubles their stats but it wears off after a few turns, so don't worry about that. ==========Axel Dark World 3-1: LIVE MEAT APPETIZER======== (DAXMMODE-3) Dark World criteria: Beat the stage using Tower Attacks only. Bonus Rank: 53 Enemies lvl 400 Desperado -Ion Blaster -Halfplate -Nightvision Geo Effects Invincibility (Red) Move +1 (Red) Game Over (Red, mobile) No Entry (Green) Invincibility (Green) Clone (Yellow) No Lifting (Yellow) Battle Strategy: You will need a move a total of 37 spaces to reach the enemy. 33 if you use a ranged unit. While you advance towards the Gunner the Game Over symbol is also advancing, and you will have around 5 turns to get the Gunner out of the way before the space he stands on becomes Game Over, all the while dealing with pesky Posers. The best way to do this is to get a unit with the highest MOV and Lift the Gunner away from the panel he's standing on. Make sure to send a sizable army to deal with any Posers you face, before they become too numerous. ==========Axel Dark World 3-2: DEMON SASHIMI======== Dark World criteria: Beat the stage using regular attacks Bonus Rank: 44 Enemies lvl 60 Togabito -Berserker -Battle Vest lvl 80 Yasha -Shovsri -Battle Vest lvl 100 Ashura -Angel Bow -Battle Vest lvl 120 Rasetsu -Godfather -Battle Vest lvl 140 Bushin -Savage Axe -Battle Vest lvl 160 Rasetsu -Pata -Battle Vest Geo Effects No Entry (Red) Invincibility (Red) Warp (Green) Dark Sun Report Enemy revive every other turn Battle Strategy: Kill the Togabito, then Lift the Warp Symbol. Don't toss it into the red panels, whatever you do. You won't be able to finish the stage if you tossed them outside an edge. Have a character stand on a green panel and toss the Symbol to him/her. The next turn they should warp to the next table while holding the symbol. Toss the Symbol to a square with no Geo Panel the next turn, kill the Sinner unit, then Lift the Symbol while standing on a different colored panel to warp to the next table. Repeat until you've won the battle. If you want to send multiple units to the tables (and you probably will) use a throw tower. ==========Axel Dark World 3-3: MID-MEAL SNACK======== Dark World criteria: Use at most 3 characters Bonus Rank: 41 Enemies lvl 130 Killer Puppet, lvl 100 Malchidael, lvl 50 Lilim, lvl 250 Watcher, lvl 300 Ghost -Cross Trainers -Cross Trainers -Cross Trainers Dark Sun Report Enemies Recover HP for two turns Game Over 3rd turn Geo effects Silence (Blue) Invincibility (Blue) No Range Attack (Blue) No Entry (Green) No Lifting (Green) Invincibility (Green) No Range Attack (Purple) Reverse Damage (Purple) Battle Strategy: A rather odd map. You can't damage anything due to the geo effects so the only reasonable option is to toss all the monsters on the purple panels and let the Recover HP effect do the rest, but you need units with at least 15 MOV if you want to reach the furthest two enemies in time. Keep in mind that the enemies are not aggressive here, but move randomly to mess up your throwing attempt. Make sure you get them all on the purple panels in one turn, or the Dark Sun will not be able to kill any enemies that didn't end up in a purple panel. Another strategy is to capture all the monsters or use the Base Panel to weaken them and let it get destroyed since it becomes an empty square where the enemies can actually be damaged now. If the base panel is destroyed you better hope you can actually beat the enemies in 3 turns otherwise it's Game Over. If you can destroy the Dark sun, do so, but if you can, you can probably capture all the monsters anyways, and if you can't create one of them, you can't capture them all so combine them all before letting them destroy the panel and attack it to kill it. ==========Axel Dark World 3-4: DISSECTION SHOW======== Dark World criteria: Let one of your characters die. Will be automatically sent to the Dark World once the condition is met. Bonus Rank: 65 Enemies lvl 2000 Freischutz -Evil Hunter -Spirit Mantle -Foresight -Royal Ring Geo Effects No Entry No Lifting Enemy Level Up 10% Deathblow Dark Sun Report Random status ailments Battle Strategy: The addition of status ailments makes this map a bit more complicated. Fortunately Crush Base Panel is no longer on the Dark Sun Report. However, the level up panel adds another complication. You see, every time the level up effect activates, it will remove the sleep status, which means sleep will not be of much use here. Poison does stick though, which is good, as all you have to do is send a lvl 1 Thief to Poison her every turn until she dies. Note: As with 1-4, this is a good place to get good-quality items, but not experience since the archer's effectively immune to sleep, meaning you have to sacrifice a unit each turn, and so you can't get 10 units to receive the big exp bonus unless you're overlevelled, in which case there are better ways of getting experience. If you're on a second cycle, you can try throwing a character past the No Entry symbols and throwing the Deathblow symbol on the blue panels, which should allow you to defeat the archer in one hit for some decent level gains. Magichange with a Rifle Demon to ensure your attack hits. If you can't destroy the Dark Sun, you'll need to send a male and female unit with Espoir to reach the symbol due to the random statuses. ==========Axel Dark World 4-1: CHILD'S PLAY======== (DAXMMODE-4) Dark World criteria: Destroy a geo symbol Bonus Rank: 60 Enemies lvl 230 Dark Dragon x4 -Chimera DNA -Pravda Pendant lvl 270 Hell Dragon -Pegasus Hoof -Pravda Pendant Geo Effects No Lifting (Green) No Entry (Red) Invincibility (Red) Invincibility (Blue) Game Over (Blue, mobile) Battle Strategy: You have about 5 turns to beat the enemies before the playing field gets turned into a sea of Game Over panels. The Dark Sun will occasionally be boosting the enemies, so act quick. Just use whatever you have in your arsenal to crush them. There's really not that much strategy involved. Each enemy has around 20000 HP. ==========Axel Dark World 4-2: PRINCIPAL MATTERS======== Dark World criteria: Beat the stage and take no damage Bonus Rank: 54 Enemies lvl 250 Kengou x9 -Old Glory -Chain Mail -Ninja Tabi -Speed Weight 2 lvl 250 Verchiel x9 Geo Effects Attack +2 (Blue) Silence (Blue) No Lifting (Blue) No Entry (Green) No Lifting (Green) Invincibility (Green) Battle Strategy: On the first turn the monsters will Magichange with the Samurai. Nothing you can do about it, so let them. Next turn they will rush towards your characters and attempt to use the geo effects to get their ability (chance to kill an enemy when health is low, hence the weights) to activate. Those weights may activate their ability, but it also lowers their HP to no less than 3000. If you're worried about getting Deathblowed, send a sacrificial unit to the middle of the field to lure some samurai out of the invincibility panels, then send out any mages or long range attackers (mages should cast spells on the base panel, due to silence) and try to finish them off. Just kill them before they kill you pretty much. ==========Axel Dark World 4-3: LAND BROKERS ARRIVE======== Dark World criteria: Beat the stage and move a total of no less than 10 spaces. Cannot be unlocked the first time playing the map. Bonus Rank 65 Enemies lvl 100 Hells Crown lvl 100 Mad Jester lvl 300 Wight lvl 300 Corpse lvl 300 Zombie King Geo Effects No Range Attack (Purple) No Entry (Green) Invincibility (Green) No Range Attack (Red) Disperse Damage (Red) No Range Attack (Blue) Disperse Damage (Blue) No Range Attack (Yellow) Disperse Damage (Yellow) Dark Sun Report Enemy Revive every other turn Battle Strategy: Wait until the Zombies move, then check what color panels they're on. If at least two are on the same panel, you may attack the clown that is on the same colored panel. The zombies have around 20000 HP so you will need to do at least 40000 damage to the clowns to clear this map. If two zombies end up on a yellow square simply throw a clown on a yellow square and attack it. The enemy revive effect should be a non-issue since it basically gives you a retry if you mess up, and the clowns won't attack anyways unless you get next to them. ------------------------------------------------------------- END AXEL MODE DARK WORLD ------------------------------------------------------------- *********ADELL MODE DARK WORLD (ADLDK)*********** The Hidden switch locations in Adell's Mode 1. Behind the Postman, Dark Assembly, and Music NPCs, there are two pillars. Go behind the fallen one and examine the small area behind it. 2. Behind Adell's house. Check the window beside the door. 3. By the NPC Zommie III there is a house. On the back of the house is a switch. 4. Near one of the corners of the area there are two trees. In the center of the corner area is the switch. 5. Look for the NPC Mario Boy. Behind him there is a stone pathway. Jump on the wall area that that is partially crumbled and examine it for the final switch. Friday Mk II will appear beside one of the trees near switch #4. Mostly for reference. Here are the requirements to unlock the 58 Dark World maps in Adell's Mode. Beating it nets you the second best INT-accessory, the Usagi's Journal. The good thing about this is you can get one every cycle, provided you have the patience to unlock beat all 58 maps again. By the map name I will have some letters indicating a certain property of the Dark World map, they are (C) - Cannot be unlocked the first time through (M) - Unlocked in the middle of playing the map. A notice pops up that it is unlocked, but you do not get sent to the Dark World on the first time playing. On later visits, you will get sent immediately. (E) - Unlocked at the end of the map. Gives you the option to enter the Dark World. (I) - Immediately sent to the Dark World once condition is met, even when you're playing the map for the first time. TOWN FIELDS 1-1 Beginner's Field Automatically unlocked 1-2 Reflection Pond (C) (E) Complete without taking damage 1-3 Psycho's Hideout (M) Take damage 1-4 Dead Tree Field (M) Kill a green skull, even your own (one replaces Axel if you do this map a 2nd time) ZENON'S PALACE 2-1 Banquet Room (C) (E) Complete in 2 turns 2-2 Sanction Room (C) (E) Complete in 1 turn 2-3 Room of Despair (C) (E) Complete and move no more than 8 spaces 2-4 Sealed Room Lift a unit (M) MURDERER'S VAULT 3-1 Poisonous Swamp (M) Wait 11 turns (when the whole field is "poisoned") 3-2 Dangerous Refuge (M) Destroy a Geo Symbol 3-3 Corpse Garden (M) Make a tower of 5 units 3-4 Tragedyland (C) (E) Beat the stage without Lifting/Throwing DALLOS RIVER 4-1 Bloody Valley (M) Destroy all Geo Panels (NOT Symbols, use the Null Symbol to do this) 4-2 Life Exchange (M) Toss 5 enemies into another enemy 4-3 Red Waterfall (M) Combine all enemies 4-4 Dragon's Mouth (M) Wait 30 turns CAVERN OF EVIL 5-1 Glutton's Hideout (M) Let one of your units die 5-2 Eternal Oblivion (C) (E) Beat the stage using 5 or less characters 5-3 Shriek of Death (M) Make a tower of 8 units 5-4 Dark Ruins (C) (E) Beat the stage using tower attacks only BATTLE ARENA 6-1 First Battle (M) Make a tower of 10 units 6-2 Second Battle (C) (E) Beat the stage using 7 or less characters 6-3 Third Battle (M) Combine all but one enemy 6-4 Fourth Battle (C) (E) Beat the stage in one turn (destroy No Lifting symbol, bowl prinnies) 7-1 Fifth Battle (M) Destroy all Geo Symbols 7-2 Semi-Final (C) (E) Take no damage (Poison does not count) 7-3 Final Battle (M) Throw an enemy into a unit holding another enemy COLOSSEUM DEPTHS 8-1 Hades Corridor (I) Create a geo chain (Do not have to destroy all Geo Symbols/Panels) 8-2 Loser's Gallows (I) Destroy the No Entry Geo Symbol 8-3 Confession Room (E) Beat the stage using regular attacks 8-4 Survivor's End (E) Beat the stage without taking damage 8-5 Putrid Courtroom (M) Get Bonus Gauge to at least 4 (Use the bonus gauge bill!) 8-6 Sunken Altar (M) Throw an enemy into a unit holding another enemy ALCHE CITY 9-1 Dead Metropolis (M) Get a unit to a space that is 64 DM 9-2 Grave of Alchemy (C) (E) Beat the stage and move no less than 11 spaces 9-3 Altered Town (M) Get Bonus Gauge to at least 2 (Use the bonus gauge bill!) 9-4 Snarling Capital (M) See that big pillar at the center of the map? Get a unit to stand on the serpent's eye (82 DM) CARCASSED LANDS 10-1 Rotten Fields (M) Throw 5 enemies into another enemy. 10-2 Luring Nightmare (C) (M) Destroy the Geo Symbol 10-3 Rebelling Spirit (M) Do 500+ damage 10-4 Dead Breath (M) Get Bonus Gauge to at least 3 (Use the bonus gauge bill!) SHINRA TOWER 11-1 Geo Challenger (C) (E) Beat the stage and take no damage 11-2 Witty Contest (C) (E) Don't destroy any Geo Symbols 11-3 Death to Cowards (M) Do 1000+ damage 11-4 Defiler Ambition (E) Beat the stage using 4 or less characters 11-5 Evil Temptation (E) Beat the stage using regular attacks 11-6 Warped Knowledge (E) Beat the stage and take no damage 11-7 Holy Tower (C) (E)* Beat the stage using only tower attacks TO ZENON'S CASTLE 12-1 Overlord's Sign (M) Combine all enemies 12-2 Crystalline Maze (C) (E) Don't destroy any Geo Symbols 12-3 Mysterious Trap (M) Make a tower of 9 units 12-4 Dancing Fools (M) Make a tower of 3 units 12-5 Agito the Reaper (C) (E) Beat the stage using one character 12-6 Castle Gates (M) Do 2000+ damage ZENON'S CASTLE 13-1 The Lord's Party (C) (E) Beat the stage and take no damage 13-2 Time of Trial (M) Do 2500+ damage 13-3 Killers' Hall (M) Destroy the Geo Symbol 13-4 Final Decision (M) Do 3000+ damage For this Dark World walkthrough I will assume that you are just finishing up the main story and don't have anybody over level 100, if possible. If a map has certain level or damage requirements, I'll say so. Once you clear all the Dark World stages, you will get a message "Adell has conquered the Dark World!" and a cutscene follows where you are congratulated on this awesome feat, ending in you receiving the second best INT boosting item in the game, Usagi's Journal. If you want a guaranteed rarity 0 Usagi's Journal, make sure to press the triangle button during the cutscene to skip it. This makes it easier to rarity match them should you want to use multiple of them. Speaking of multiples, you can get another Usagi's Journal every new cycle, as opposed to other special items like the Postcard and Sexy Panties, which you can only have one of. ==========Dark World 1-1: BEGINNER'S FIELD======== (DADLMODE-1) Bonus Rank 26 Enemies lvl 80 Observer x3 -Poison Needle Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report Revive all enemies every other turn Battle Strategy: Sleep and poison all enemies and wait for them to die all at once. Or just kill them all in one ambush if you have to stats ==========Dark World 1-2: REFLECTION POND======== Bonus Rank 27 Enemies lvl 81 Orc Master x4 -Poison Needle -Protector lvl 82 Orc Master -Rose Whip -Fur Jacket Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% Dark Sun Report Game Over turn 3 Battle Strategy: Need to be able to do around 2000 damage to clear this easily. For the most part, just brute force it. ==========Dark World 1-3: PSYCHO'S HIDEOUT======== Bonus Rank 28 Enemies lvl 85 Garm x3 -Poison Needle Geo Effects Enemy Boost x3 Dark Sun Report Random status effects Battle Strategy: If you're doing this level when starting out you'll need at least 2 Thieves and 10 characters for safety. First send out a sacrificial unit out in the open and end your turn. The enemies should approach it and kill it. Next send out whatever units you have and combine the 3 enemies, then poison it and have a unit lift the remaining enemy. Once that turn is over, send everyone but one character back to the base panel. At this point you'll be losing one character a turn but you have enough units to outlast this. If poison wears off just poison the Garm again and keep sending out one unit every turn and the Garm will expire before you run out of units. If you have a lvl 10 Thief put the combined enemy to sleep to prevent any deaths and maximize the benefits of the Bonus Gauge should it award you with +EXP. ==========Dark World 1-4: DEAD TREE FIELD======== Bonus Rank 29 Enemies lvl 80 Red SKull x4 -Sorcery Rod -Astral Orb lvl 80 Red Mage x4 -Jewel Scepter -Astral Orb Geo Effects No Lifting Reverse Damage Dark Sun Report Ally Changed every turn Battle Strategy: Grinding map for healers. Particularly effective for those with Omega Heal, as that does around 4000 damage at the level 50s. At early levels, like sure to bring some SP restoring items to keep up with Omega Heal's SP cost. Pass some SEBs until the enemies' HP is around 3500 so you get more experience and Omega Heal can still one-shot them. ==========Dark World 2-1: BANqUET ROOM======== (DADLMODE-2) Bonus Rank 30 Enemies lvl 85 Death Coppelia x8 Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report Ally Male Dark Bomb turn 1 Enemies Boost turn 2 Revive all enemies turn 3 Ally Female Changed turn 4 Enemy HP recovered turn 6 NO ATK turn 7 Ally Male Dark Cannon turn 8 Ally Male depraved turn 9 Enemy HP recovered turn 10 Battle Strategy: You'll probably want around 10000 damage for this battle. A marionette will sacrifice itself every turn to level up the others. Kill as many as you can to prevent them from getting too many level ups. If you can do at least 10000, the enemy revive is not an issue for they will be revived at lvl 85 and are easily OHKO'd ==========Dark World 2-2: SANCTION ROOM======== Bonus Rank 31 Enemies lvl 90 Wraith x6 -The Dismal Geo Effects No Entry Warp Dark Sun Report Game Over turn 6 Battle Strategy: Warp your strongest units over and beat the Wraiths up. There's 6 of them so use skills to hit multiple enemies at once. ==========Dark World 2-3: ROOM OF DESPAIR======== Bonus Rank 32 Enemies lvl 90 Bow Master x12 -crystal Bow Geo Effects No Entry Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel turn 1 Battle Strategy: Send out everyone and beat the Archers up. You may want to put several to sleep to make things easier. ==========Dark World 2-4: SEALED ROOM======== Bonus Rank 33 Enemies lvl 90 Steel Knight x5 -Shovsri -Ace Muscle Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report Positive effects for YOU Battle Strategy: Fairly easy battle, considering the Dark Sun isn't against you this time. As usual, status effects work well here. ==========Dark World 3-1: POISONOUS SWAMP======== (DADLMODE-3) Bonus Rank 34 Enemies lvl 110 Ghast Geo Effects Silence No Lifting Clone Enemy Level Up +30% Dark Sun Report Ally Change every turn Battle Strategy: You'll need a really weak unit with at least 10 MOV. Send them to where the zombie is and toss him out of the purple panels. Beating him up is trivial from there. ==========Dark World 3-2: DANGEROUS REFUGE======== Bonus Rank 32 Enemies lvl 100 Bandit x8 -Love Spankin Geo Effects No Lifting Invincibility Game Over Dark Sun Report Ally All Sleep turns 3,7, 10 Battle Strategy: The Bandits don't attack, but their goal is to rush to the lone Game Over panel, so send units to block their path and you should easily win. Also due to the fists they wield, they will counterattack if you hit them up close, so stick to skills and spells for damage. ==========Dark World 3-3: CORPSE GARDEN======== Bonus Rank 40 Enemies lvl 500 Zombie -Dark Aura -Falcon Shoes -Falcon Shoes -Falcon Shoes Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report All allies poisoned every few turns Battle Strategy: Get a weak unit to lure the zombie close to the Base Panel, then sleep and poison him to death. ==========Dark World 3-4: TRAGEDYLAND======== Bonus Rank 34 Enemies lvl 100 Aqua fighter x6 -Gluttony lvl 120 Charybdis x3 -Confusion -Lunar Orb lvl 150 Dagon -Paranoia -Lunar Orb Geo Effects Fire Element -50% Wind Element -50% Dark Sun Report Enemy Revive every 5 turns Battle Strategy: Sleep all enemies then poison them all at the same time. They should all die at the same time and the Enemy Revive effect will not kick in. ==========Dark World 4-1: BLOODY VALLEY======== (DADLMODE-4) Bonus Rank 35 Enemies lvl 110 Malphas x12 -Lionheart Geo Effects Enemy Boost +200% Heal 80% Dark Sun Report Random effects Battle Strategy: The Rocs are lined up perfectly for the Kunoichi's skills. Inflict sleep and poison on the first 6 enemies, then do the same for the other 6. You may want to resort to throwing your Kunoichis when you approach the other 6 so as not to trigger them attacking anybody. ==========Dark World 4-2: LIFE EXCHANGE======== Bonus Rank 38 Enemies lvl 110 Tailring x9 -Golem Punch Geo Effects No Entry Attack +1 No Lifting No Range Attack Dark Sun Report Random effects Battle Strategy: You'll want around 2000 damage for this. You can one-shot each Tailring that way. Just have enough HP that they don't do the same to you. Probably around 5000-6000 HP is fine. ==========Dark World 4-3: RED WATERFALL======== Bonus Rank 35 Enemies lvl 110 Belladonna x3 -Greed -Lunar Orb lvl 120 Belladonna x3 -Sloth -Royal Orb lvl 115 Tree Folk x2 -Golem Punch -Spirit Belt Geo Effects Invincibility No Entry Dark Sun Report Random status effects Battle Strategy: Status the first group of 3 Belladonnas, destroy the first No Entry symbol, then take out the Tree Folk, destroy the other No Entry symbol, then camp out in the Invincibility field and beat up the last enemies. The hardest part will be taking out the Tree Folk, which you'll need at least 2000 to 2500 damage to keep up with their healing. ==========Dark World 4-4: DRAGON'S MOUTH======== Bonus Rank 36 Enemies lvl 115 Prophet x8 -Moonlight Staff -Holy Dress lvl 130 Chaos Soldier -Knuckle Bomber -Dandy Gown Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel turn 1 Battle Strategy: Send out all your forces, put as many enemies to sleep as possible, and unload on them. Mages will be useful here because some Prophets are out of reach. ==========Dark World 5-1: GLUTTON'S HIDEOUT======== (DADLMODE-5) Bonus Rank 36 Enemies lvl 120 Wight x16 -Mystic Attack Geo Effects Atk +50% Attack +1 Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel turn 1 Battle Strategy: A group of tightly packed enemies means Kunoichis will once again shine here. Put everyone to sleep and poison them. You'll need at least 5 to put everybody to sleep. ==========Dark World 5-2: ETERNAL OBLIVION======== Bonus Rank 35 Enemies lvl 125 Carmilla x6 Geo Effects Clone Enemy Level up +30% Fusion Dark Sun Report Random status effects Battle Strategy: Destroy the Clone symbol ASAP. Put everybody to sleep. When there's only one enemy left from Fusioning, poison that to end it. ==========Dark World 5-3: SHRIEK OF DEATH======== Bonus Rank 35 Enemies lvl 130 Bow Master -Prinny Staff -Iron Dress lvl 125 Orc Master x3 -Poor Orphan -Victory Muscle lvl 125 Wraith x3 -The Arcane -Lunar Orb lvl 125 Gladiator x3 -Demon Smasher -Victory Muscle lvl 125 Kengou x3 -Demon spear -Bravery Belt Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report Ally Changed every turn Battle Strategy: Standard stuff. Status effects can annihilate this group in no time. ==========Dark World 5-4: DARK RUINS======== Bonus Rank 38 Enemies lvl 300 Malchidael -Demon Fang -Victory Muscle Geo Effects Disperse Damage No Entry Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel turn 1 Battle Strategy: Just sleep and poison it and you'll win. ==========Dark World 6-1: FIRST BATTLE======== (DADLMODE-6) Bonus Rank 50 Enemies lvl 400 Death Avenger Geo Effects No Entry Invincibility Heal 100% Silence No Lifting Dark Sun Report Game Over turn 10 Battle Strategy: There's pretty much no way around it. You have to deal around 25000 damage with normal attacks in one turn otherwise you can't win. ==========Dark World 6-2: SECOND BATTLE======== Bonus Rank 37 Enemies lvl 140 Galaxy Mage -Lovely Rod -Holy Orb -Holy Orb -Holy Orb Geo Effects No Entry Dark Sun Report Recover YOUR HP and heal YOUR status ailments Battle Strategy: High MOV units will be good to have here. Use the trick to bypass No Entry panels and throw a unit to where the mage is, then throw her out of the invincibility field. She's pretty easy as long as you have a unit in the invincibility field and the mage doesn't get too many level ups. ==========Dark World 6-3: THIRD BATTLE======== Bonus Rank 42 Enemies lvl 130 Trickster x8 -Peace Maker -Crosshair Geo Effects Game Over (!) No Entry Invincibility Dark Sun Report Random bad effects Battle Strategy: The dreaded Game Over symbol makes its appearance here. What's worse is that it's mobile, meaning what panels will be Game Over are random every turn. You will want to eliminate it as fast as possible, so stack a tower of as many units as you can, with a powerful spellcaster as the last unit, and throw them towards the symbol. Hopefully they can kill it in one hit. Once that's done the Tricksters are not a problem and fall to status effects easily. ==========Dark World 6-4: FOURTH BATTLE======== Bonus Rank 38 Enemies lvl 130 Galaxy Skull x4 -Chief's Staff -Lunar Orb lvl 130 Bow Master x4 -Beast Killer -Nightvision lvl 130 Hitman x4 -Peace Maker -Nightvision Geo Effects No Entry Invincibility Dark Sun Report Random bad effects Battle Strategy: Every turn the panels with No Entry will change, meaning use ranged units here. As usual, status effects will disable most units. ==========Dark World 7-1: FIFTH BATTLE======== (DADLMODE-7) Bonus Rank 26 Enemies lvl 200 Cpt. Prinny lvl 1000 Green Giant Geo Effects Invincibility No Entry No Lifting Clone Fusion Dark Sun Report Game Over turn 10 Battle Strategy: Toss the Clone and Fusion symbols on the Aqua Panels. Wait until you have Prinnies whose HP is greater than half of the Green Giant's. Once that requirement is met, tear down the green No Entry symbol and throw all the Prinnies at the Green Giant, ending its life. ==========Dark World 7-2: SEMI-FINAL======== Bonus Rank 34 Enemies lvl 500 Death Avenger -Rasetsu =Falcon Shoes Geo Effects Stage Clear Dark Sun Report Random status effects Battle Strategy: There's a stage clear, but you don't need it. Status that guy until he dies. ==========Dark World 7-3: FINAL BATTLE======== Bonus Rank 38 Enemies lvl 140 Bullseye x4 -Ion Blaster -Battle Armor lvl 140 Cupid x4 -Heavenly Bow -Spirit Mantle lvl 140 Adamant Knight x2 -Bloody Cross -Tower Shield lvl 140 Adamant Knight x2 -Bloody Cross -Round Shield lvl 140 Galaxy Skull -Demon Staff -Holy Orb lvl 140 Galaxy Mage -Demon Staff -Holy Orb lvl 160 Violator -Cross Counter -Battle Armor -World Muscle Geo Effects Enemy Boost x3 Enemy Level Up +10% No Entry Dark Sun Report Random bad effects Battle Strategy: This is pretty much a harder version of the regular map. Make sure to status any unit on the Enemy Boost x3 panels or they will make life miserable. Other than that, pretty much the same tactics apply to this map as the story mode version. ==========Dark World 8-1: HADES CORRIDOR======== (DADLMODE-8) Bonus Rank 40 Enemies lvl 150 Tiamat x2 -Dragon Anger -Fullplate lvl 140 Charybdis x2 -The Fallen -Royal Orb lvl 140 Foolfool -Chimera DNA -Nightvision Geo Effects No Entry Warp Invincibility No Range Attack Dark Sun Report Random good and bad effects Battle Strategy: Warp to one area, status the enemies there, warp to another area, status the enemies there, repeat until all enemies are gone. ==========Dark World 8-2: LOSER'S GALLOWS======== Bonus Rank 34 Enemies lvl 140 Tsukikage x8 -Soul Eater Geo Effects No Entry Invincibility Atk +1 No Lifting Stage clear Dark Sun Report Random bad effects Battle Strategy: You can't kill the enemies here nor can you status them, so you have to take their attacks and rush to the symbol as fast as possible, and send it to the aqua panels and have a unit stand on it for the victory. ==========Dark World 8-3: CONFESSION ROOM======== Bonus Rank 39 Enemies lvl 1 Skeletal Dragon x9 lvl 500 Mad Jester Geo Effects ATK +100% DEF -100% Disperse Damage Dark Sun Report Enemy revive every turn Battle Strategy: Kill the jester and every other enemy dies. Braveheart and Magic Boost will make taking it down a lot easier. ==========Dark World 8-4: SURVIVOR'S END======== Bonus Rank 38 Enemies lvl 120 Beast Queen x8 -Valkyrie Spear lvl 180 Adnachiel -Dark Aura -Aura Belt Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report Random good and bad effects Battle Strategy: All the enemies are grouped together making statusing them easy. ==========Dark World 8-5: PUTRID COURTROOM======== Bonus Rank 38 Enemies lvl 140 Spy x10 -Chimera DNA Geo Effects No Lifting Invincibility Game Over Dark Sun Report Enemy Revive every 3 turns Battle Strategy: The enemies will try to head to the Game Over area. To prevent this sleep or paralyze them and do whatever you want with them. ==========Dark World 8-6: SUNKEN ALTAR======== Bonus Rank 38 Enemies lvl 130 Orc Master x6 -Mad Parasite -Knight Shield lvl 140 Orc King x2 -Dark Aura -Dandy Gown lvl 160 Shadow Orc -Demon Cry -Fullplate Geo Effects Enemy Boost x3 Dark Sun Report Ally Changed every turn Battle Strategy: Status works wonders here once again. The Ally Change effect should be of no consequence in this battle since you somehow keep your status skills even when changed. ==========Dark World 9-1: DEAD METROPOLIS======== (DADLMODE-9) Bonus Rank 39 Enemies lvl 140 Bullseye x7 -Crisis -Nightvision Geo Effects Ally Damage 100% Silence Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel turn 2 Battle Strategy: Your best bet is to use archers or gunners, and slowly work your way towards the Silence or Ally Damage symbols. Once those are gone the map should be a piece of cake. ==========Dark World 9-2: GRAVE OF ALCHEMY======== Bonus Rank 28 Enemies lvl 150 Trickster x2 -Poison Hand lvl 50 Chests x6 Geo Effects No Lifting Invincibility Dark Sun Report Random status effects Battle Strategy: The enemies will spend most of their time attacking the chests, so let them while you advance your units. They can be taken out easily by status effects once you reach them. ==========Dark World 9-3: ALTERED TOWN======== Bonus Rank 28 Enemies lvl 150 Adamant Knight x2 -Triton Lance -Fullplate Geo Effects No Entry Stage Clear No Lifting Clone Invincibility Dark Sun Report Random status effects Battle Strategy: Send all but a couple weak units on the Clone panels. This will increase the odds of a weak and manageable unit being cloned instead of one of your stronger units. Have your strong units advance (wearing shoes helps) towards the knights. When you get to them, lift both of them out of the way and stay on the Stage Clear panel for the victory. ==========Dark World 9-4: SNARLING CAPITAL======== Bonus Rank 56 Enemies lvl 200 Prinny King lvl 100 Gen. Prinny Geo Effects Disperse Damage No Entry Dark Sun Report Random bad and good effects Battle Strategy: You must have someone capable of doing at least 10000 damage. Have the unit stand behind the Disperse Damage panel. The Gen. Prinny should attack you and stand on it. Kill him with one attack and if the attack did over 10000 damage the other Prinny should die too. ==========Dark World 10-1: ROTTEN FIELDS======== (DADLMODE-10) Bonus Rank 44 Enemies lvl 150 Bullseye x8 -Noble Rose -Crosshair Geo Effects No Entry Invincibility Game Over (!) Dark Sun Report Random bad and good effects Battle Strategy: The field is one giant "checkerboard of death". You'll want to disable or kill all the enemies turn 1 because they could potentially end up on a Game Over panel when their turn is finished. Do whatever it takes to thin their numbers, even if it means combining them. You may want to do this map after you have a few Accelerators to make things easier, probably about 6-9. ==========Dark World 10-2: LURING NIGHTMARE======== Bonus Rank 32 Enemies lvl 120 Heaven Dragon x3 -Royal Orb lvl 130 Hecate -Royal Orb lvl 140 Photinia -Royal Orb Geo Effects Reverse Damage No Entry Invincibility No Lifting Dark Sun Report Recovers your HP (bad in this case) Battle Strategy: There may be reverse damage all over, but it doesn't stop status effects from working. Poison also does damage instead of healing. Status every enemy you see and if your units' HP gets low attack them to heal. ==========Dark World 10-3: REBELLING SPIRIT======== Bonus Rank 40 Enemies lvl 150 Pvt Prinny x10 Geo Effects No Lifting Ally Damage 20% Invincibility Dark Sun Report Ally changed every 3rd turn Battle Strategy: Unfortunately Ally damage 20% works through Invincibility, so you'll want to finish the map fast. Send a unit with high MOV and decent HP to the area where there are no Geo Panels, then proceed to throw all the Prinnies to death. Also make sure that unit can heal themselves, as the Ally Damage can take its toll. ==========Dark World 10-4: DEAD BREATH======== Bonus Rank 36 Enemies lvl 150 Orc King x16 -Titan Fist lvl 160 Cupid -Illusion Bow -Iron Dress Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report Random bad and good effects Battle Strategy: Wait one turn. The archers will sacrifice themselves. Then sleep all the Orcs and poison them. ==========Dark World 11-1: GEO CHALLENGER======== (DADLMODE-11) Bonus Rank 52 Enemies lvl 500 Death Avenger -Simurgh -Kamikaze Suit -World Muscle Geo Effects No Range Attack Invincibility Dark Sun Report Enemies recover all SP every turn Battle Strategy: Throw a Thief/Kunoichi to where the Majin is. The standard sleep/poison combo will take him out in no time. ==========Dark World 11-2: WITTY CONTEST======== Bonus Rank 40 Enemies lvl 160 Cupid x12 -Salamander Geo Effects Enemy Boost x12 Encroach** Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel on Turn 3 Battle Strategy: Your best bet is to lure the Archers away from the Enemy Boost x12 effect and sleep them before the Enemy Boost x12 covers the whole field. **Note: The Encroach symbol on the left has something very... interesting about it. Look at it and you'll see what I mean. ==========Dark World 11-3: DEATH TO COWARDS======== Bonus Rank 42 Enemies lvl 180 Cardinal x4 -Mystery Staff lvl 180 Cupid x3 -Evil Hunter lvl 180 Photinia x3 -The Conundrum lvl 180 Galaxy Mage x3 -Spirit Staff lvl 180 Hecate x3 -The Conundrum Geo Effects Enemy Boost +50% No Lifting Dark Sun Report Random good and bad effects Battle Strategy: Ranged spells will see a lot of use here. Boost your units with Magic Boost and unload on the enemies. Particularly effective is the level 7 spell formation, which allows you to hit up to 3 enemies at once. ==========Dark World 11-4: DEFILER AMBITION======== Bonus Rank 28 Enemies lvl 600 Gaia Titan x2 -Asura Arm -Tower Shield Geo Effects Damage 120% No Lifting Invincibility Dark Sun Report Game Over turn 6 Battle Strategy: Throw the Gaia Titans to the Damage 120% area to kill them instantly. It's easier said than done though, so make sure you put them to sleep before doing this. ==========Dark World 11-5: EVIL TEMPTATION======== Bonus Rank 46 Enemies lvl 200 Red Skull -Doom Wand -Spirit Mantle -Chaos Orb lvl 200 Blue Skull -Doom Wand -Spirit Mantle -Chaos Orb lvl 200 Green Skull -Doom Wand -Spirit Mantle -Chaos Orb lvl 200 Star Skull -Doom Wand -Spirit Mantle -Chaos Orb Geo Effects No Lifting Invincibility Damage 20% Dark Sun Report Crush Base Panel turn 1 Battle Strategy: Sneak past the mages and to the nearest Damage 20% symbol. Throw it to one of the panels a mage is standing on. Repeat for the other Damage 20% symbols lying around. Make sure to use one symbol per mage otherwise there won't be enough. ==========Dark World 11-6: WARPED KNOWLEDGE======== Bonus Rank 36 Enemies lvl 300 Prinny God x4 -Furious Scale -Dream Muscle -Dream Muscle Geo Effects No Lifting Dark Sun Report Random status effects Battle Strategy: The "Throw a Prinny from the base panel" trick doesn't work here for some reason, so you'll need to resort to destroying the 4 No Lifting symbols if you can't beat them head on. If you do want to beat them without throwing, you'll need to do around 25000 damage to kill them in one hit. ==========Dark World 11-7: HOLY TOWER======== Bonus Rank 50 Enemies lvl 220 Geo Master -Sun Staff -Spirit Mantle -Chaos Orb Geo Effects Ally Damage 40% Invincibility No Entry No Lifting Dark Sun Report Game Over in 10 turns Battle Strategy: A rather annoying map, until you figure out what to do. Make sure you have the fist skill Tiger Charge, then use it on the yellow Invincibility symbol, then on the No Lifting symbol. This will cause a geo chain destroying all Geo Symbols in the vicinity. The Geo Master should fall easily after that. ==========Dark World 12-1: OVERLORD'S SIGN======== (DADLMODE-12) Bonus Rank 48 Enemies lvl 200 Abraxas x4 -Death Wing lvl 200 Beast Savior x4 -Raijin Bow -Spirit Mantle Geo Effects Enemy Boost x3 Dark Sun Report Random bad effects Battle Strategy: Send out your strongest unit to take on all the foes. If you have recuited Laharl his Meteor Impact will damage all of them at once. ==========Dark World 12-2: CRYSTALLINE MAZE======== Bonus Rank 28 Enemies lvl 1 Pvt. Prinny Geo Effects No Entry Stage Clear No Lifting No Range Attack Dark Sun Report Game Over turn 6 Battle Strategy: There are essentially no enemies here, so your goal is to head to the Stage Clear panel. To bypass the No Entry barrier, use either Asteroid Drop (Spear skill) or Tink's Sonic Roll and attack one of your own units, which will bypass the No entry and let your unit reach the other side. ==========Dark World 12-3: MYSTERIOUS TRAP======== Bonus Rank 48 Enemies lvl 250 Dark Dragon x6 -Devil Matrix Geo Effects Invincibility Game Over Dark Sun Report Random status effects Battle Strategy: The dragons are harmless and will opt to rush to the Game Over area instead. Block their path and they'll sit there harmlessly. Once their paths are blocked, feel free to beat up on all of them. ==========Dark World 12-4: DANCING FOOLS======== Bonus Rank 49 Enemies lvl 260 Gaia titan x4 -Insanity Eye -World Muscle lvl 280 Dreadnaught -Immortal Body -World Muscle Geo Effects Heal 20% Reverse Damage Dark Sun Report Recovers your HP each turn Battle Strategy: Since there's a Heal 20% effect in place, the enemies here will take damage from poison, so sleep and poison your way to victory, while attacking your own units if they are low on HP. ==========Dark World 12-5: AGITO THE REAPER======== Bonus Rank 49 Enemies lvl 250 Touryou x4 -Bushin Blade -Metal Suit Geo Effects Clone Warp Dark Sun Report Random good and bad effects Battle Strategy: Beat the first Ninja up then send a unit to the Warp Panel. You may want to take off all their equipment first. When the unit gets warped close to the Clone symbol, requip their stuff and have them destroy it. The rest of the enemies should fall easily from there. ==========Dark World 12-6: CASTLE GATES======== Bonus Rank 55 Enemies lvl 400 Death Army x4 -Death Scythe Geo Effects Move -1 Dark Sun Report Random good and bad effects Battle Strategy: Sleep and poison will win this battle easily. ==========Dark World 13-1: THE LORDS' PARTY======== (DADLMODE-13) Bonus Rank 54 Enemies lvl 260 Verchiel x18 -Insanity Eye Geo Effects Heal 20% ATK +50% DEF +50% Attack +1 Dark Sun Report Enemy revive every 2 turns Battle Strategy: Sleep all enemies, then poison them all at once to prevent the revive effect from working ==========Dark World 13-2: TIME OF TRIAL======== Bonus Rank 56 Enemies Geo Effects No Entry No Lifting Invincibility Silence Heal 40% Damage 20% Dark Sun Report Random good and bad effects Battle Strategy: You're supposed to beat this map by throwing all the Damage 20% symbols to the yellow panels that aren't blocked by No Entry barriers, but an easier way is to use the trick to bypass the No Entry panels and toss a unit to the area where the Heal 20% symbols are, then toss them to the blue area. Head to where the Damage 20% symbols are and toss one to the area blocked by a No Entry barrier. Now all the enemies will die and you don't have to put all 3 symbols on yellow panels. ==========Dark World 13-3: KILLERS' HALL======== Bonus Rank 60 Enemies lvl 500 Shadow Orc -Beastial Mark -Hero Mantle lvl 500 Hells Crown -Insanity Eye -Hero Mantle lvl 500 Unknown -Beastial Mark -Hero Mantle lvl 500 Zombie King -Insanity Eye -Reflex lvl 500 Phantom -fortune -Hero Mantle -Chaos Orb lvl 500 Abraxas -Beastial Mark -Reflex lvl 500 Divine Dragon -Dante's Inferno -Reflex -Chaos Orb lvl 500 Hell Dragon -Immortal Body -Metal Suit lvl 500 Malchidael -Immortal Body -Shield of Aegis lvl 500 Dreadnaught -Immortal Body -Metal Suit lvl 500 Bastet -Beastial Mark -Goddess Dress lvl 500 Lilith -Dante's Inferno -Goddess Dress -Chaos Orb lvl 500 Parthenocissus -Chaos -Goddess Dress -Chaos Orb lvl 500 Tiamat -Insanity Eye -Metal Suit lvl 500 Dagon -Chaos -Reflex -Chaos Orb lvl 500 Fenrir -Beastial Mark -Hero Mantle Geo Effects Heal 20% ATK +50% ATK -50% DEF -50% DEF +50% Silence Attack +1 Dark Sun Report Random good and bad effects Battle Strategy: This map is special because it contains nearly all the highest tiers of monsters in the game, ripe for capturing. You will most likely want to come back here at some point to capture uber monsters. Note that the Tiamat is not the highest tier dragon you can find, and the tier 6 is available only in the Item World. As for the battle itself, you'll need to be doing around 40000 damage to beat this map. Status effects can work, but they will fail against the Hells Crown, whose ability prevents status. ==========Dark World 13-4: FINAL DECISION======== Bonus Rank 65 Enemies lvl 1000 Last Battalion -Diabolic Axe -Majin Armor lvl 1000 Last Battalion -100 Fists -Majin Armor lvl 1000 Last Battalion -Diabolic Bow -Majin Armor lvl 1000 Last Battalion -Rolling Thunder -Majin Armor lvl 1000 Last Battalion -Infernal Spear -Majin Armor lvl 1000 Last Battalion -Muramasa -Majin Armor Geo Effects None Dark Sun Report Game Over on turn 10 Battle Strategy: Kunoichis, Kunoichis, Kunoichis, need I say more? Advance everybody towards the 6 Majins. You will probably lose somebody to the gun wielder, but on the second turn, you should be able to sleep everybody. Get everybody poisoned by the third turn and you should win the battle before the instant Game Over kicks in. This map is notable because it is the earliest bonus rank 65 map accessible in Adell mode. That means high quality rewards. You will get no less than rank 38 (third best) items here, and if you're lucky rank 39 items. If you want to start on post-game content this map would be a good place to start if you haven't already gotten some rank 39 items from Axel mode's maps. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Post-game (PSG) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I recommend doing both Axel and Adell Mode first before doing the things mentioned here. If you started with Axel Mode first, get to the last battle in Adell Mode. If you started with Adell Mode first, beat Axel Mode and start a new cycle on Adell Mode. If you've been following the walkthrough for both modes, then you should have beaten both modes with very minimal grinding and not have touched the Item World except for the forced felony event. That means your play time is probably well less than 40 hours. We're going to need 40 hours of play time to unlock the next step to brokenness. We'll also pay a lot of visits to the Item World from here on out. So what do we do to pass the time? We need go through a checklist of things first -Make 10 Heavy Knight characters. We'll be using them a lot soon. -Make an Angel. I recommend at least 2, but one is fine. -Have at least one person with a skill that can move enemies. Some of the Fist skills like Triple Strike and Tiger Fist do this. -Grab some subpoenas from the subpoena NPC. Check section (DRKFELON) to see which crimes give more felonies. Get at least one for every 10 floors up to 60+. Make sure they have the highest amounts of felonies you can get for every 10th floor. -Bribe as many senators as possible. If you haven't done any bribing yet, bribe the mothmen and wood golems first, then have Adell pass the corresponding bills that increase their voice. Get at least the mothmen and golems on your side. -Get as many rank 39 items as you can. If you can get a legendary one, all the better. Items to look out for include: *Infernal Armor *Exodus *Satan's Motor *Excalibur *God's Hand *Orion's Belt *Cosmos Muscle *Infernal Staff *Magiddo Cannon *Artemis *Holy Longinus *The King Out of all these, everything but the Orion's Belt, Exodus, and Cosmos Muscle will get you a Rank 40 item if you reach the 100th floor of a legendary version in the Land of Carnage, so if you have legendary versions level them up to floor 99 and exit the item if you haven't unlocked the Land of Carnage yet. -Get some low-level legendary items. At least one weapon and 3 accessories. If you for some reason don't have some, go to a stage with lots of items and steal any that turn up legendary. -Buy shoe accessories. Enough to outfit every Heavy Knight and Angel in your party, as well as 3 extras in case one of your other units need it. Once you've done all this, we can get started working towards the post game. I'll provide some recommendations on what to do from here. You don't have to do them all, but it will make things a lot easier in the long run. 1. Equip the low level legendary weapon and accessories on your Thief. Now head to 1-2 Reflection Pond and beat that stage over and over until Lovers have spawned on the Thief's equipment. Make sure the Thief is out when the map is cleared or it won't count. You can also try to spawn Lovers on your other units' stuff if you want, might as well, though it will take longer. 2. Now that we have Lovers spawned, let's extract them. But first, take one of the subpoenas with a Bailiff with ranges from 1-10 and move it to the Lover-spawned item. 3. Dive into the item and go through the floors keeping an eye out for specialists that appear. If any spawn, subdue them. The Heavy Knights will see a lot of use here with their huge throwing rang, and will allow you to blitz through the Item World floors in no time at all. Sometimes an annoying enemy called the Gatekeeper will be on the same space as the portal to the next floor. That's where you bust out your Fist user and use one of the Fist skills to move the Gatekeeper out of the way. 4. Make sure to enter any Mystery Gates that appear. You might run into some goodies there. When you get to the floor with the Court Gate, don't forget you can get up to 9 characters felonies by throwing a stack of characters in the Court Gate. 5. When you get to the 10th floor, you may want to clear it for a guaranteed Mr Gency's Exit. You'll need as many as possible. If you land on Innocent Town and the Dark Assembly chicken is there, pass the higher MOV bills. If you haven't subdued the Lover at this point, exit the Item World, place a Bailiff of level 11-20 in the Item and go through another 10 floors, repeat until it's subdued. 6. Repeat for the other 3 legendaries until all Lovers are subdued. You should have 24 total Thief Lovers after all is said and done. Have the Item World NPC combine them all and place it in an item for your Thief. This will make stealing items a lot easier, and you will be stealing a lot of them. At this point, you can continue going through the legendary items to grab more felonies and hunt for treasure. If you do, make sure that you exit the item and place a new bailiff every 10 floors. Before doing so, I suggest taking out your normal rank 39 items and going through 30 floors to max them out. Cosmos Muscles, Infernal Armors, and Excaliburs are good candidates. An Infernal Sword will do if you don't have an Excalibur on hand. Make sure to place bailiffs in the items every 10 floors to rack up the felonies. Also, since you're entering high rank items, the enemies here might be difficult to kill but they also might have high rank items as well, so steal them if it's possible. If you can't kill them, just avoid any confrontation by using Heavy Knights and lots of throwing to rush to the warp gate. Don't forget fist skills like Triple Strike can move those pesky gatekeepers. Once your equipment is upgraded, we can now take on what is probably the longest side-quest in the game: Pirate hunting. You may already have run into some of these guys while Lover farming earlier and may have even gotten some of their loot. Basically, there are 16 different Pirates you must find, all of whom carry a different Treasure Map. In order to unlock the Land of Carnage, we'll need all 16 maps. You can get them by either stealing them or outright killing the pirate. Killing the pirate through poison or another enemy's attack will not give you a map, so don't do it, especially if the pirate is a rare one. Pirates can usually appear around the 2nd or 3rd turn, after that the odds of them appearing are a lot lower. To increase pirate appearances equip any Treasure maps you have an any character. Some pirates are more common in certain items. The relevant pirates are said to be found more easily in the following items: Dancing - Bow, any floor Orc - Weights, any floor Monk - Staff, floor 21+ Hunter - Armor, floor 21+ Gate - Spear, floor 21+ Animal - Monster Weapon, floor 21+ Jolly - Muscle, floor 21+ Prism - Sword, floor 41+ Red - Shoe, floor 41+ Wealthy - Legendary, any floor At this point, you should just go through the Item World of several items, collecting felonies, specialists, while keeping an eye out for Pirates. Mentors, Armsmasters, and Professionals are good Specialists to farm if you wish to hunt for specialists. If you do have a legendary rank 39 Item, and decide to level it, do not go past floor 99 until you have unlocked the Land of Carnage, otherwise you will just get another rank 39 item at the end instead of the superior rank 40 item in the Land of Carnage. Once you have 40 hours of play time, we can start getting huge upgrades to our roster. The first of the Laharl battles will be unlocked, so pass the new bill that appears and beat that map. See (LHRLXFLNN) for the strategy. After you beat the first battle, unlock the second battle and beat that. This will give you access to a level 1000 Laharl! He should provide you with enough firepower to take on later Item World floors. But before that, we need him for something else. If you haven't unlocked the requirements for the Zetta battle yet, do so now. Give Laharl your leveled equipment and use him to beat Zetta. Once that's done, recruit him. Getting Zetta will make leveling a lot easier, but he needs one more thing before that can happen. Level some items in the Item World, and keep an eye out for Mystery Gates. You want the one with Blacksmith Mao. Once you get him, have him fix up Zetta and unlock Magichange 2. Now you can really start racking up those levels. The great thing about this is you only have to do this once. Magichange 2 allows a human character access to Zetta Beeeeam, a very important skill because it can target all the dolls in Cave of Ordeals 4 from the Base Panel, meaning you don't even have to move at all. Try it out sometime. Leveling a Thief now would be good because higher level = higher odds of stealing successfully. Now that you have mostly everything to powerlevel efficiently, (well, except maybe Priere, but you'd have to do the Laharl and Zetta battles to unlock them again since she only appears in chapters 1-9) it's just a matter of leveling accessories in the Item World, equipping them to the characters you want to level, then leveling the CoO4 enemies with SEBs high enough that you can still kill them in one Zetta Beeeam, then using your leveled characters to do more Item Worlding, all the while looking out for all the pirates and their maps. Expect to spend about 30-40 hours unlocking the Land of Carnage, depending on whether or not you're focusing only on looking for the pirates and how lucky you are in getting the last pirates you need. Once you finally unlock it, rejoice. There are many wonders to behold in this new dimension, namely access to the most powerful items in the game and increased experience from all enemies. To summarize, here are the things I recommend doing in order Farm Rank 39 Items --> Item World until 40+ hours of playtime ---> Recruit Flonne ---> Recruit Laharl ---> Recruit Zetta ---> Level in CoO4 --> Pirate hunting/Felony farming/Item leveling/Specialist gathering/Legendary rank 39 hunting Once the Land of Carnage is unlocked, what you do is entirely up to you. If you didn't get Priere this cycle, I recommend starting a new cycle and grabbing her after getting another Accelerator, then grab a Super Robo Suit from floor 100 in a legendary Infernal Armor in the Land of Carnage, then perfect it for ATK, stealing another Robo Suit in the process, then repeating the process until you have 3 maxed SRS's. Once you have those, you can go wild in the upgraded CoO4. Of course, make sure the character you are leveling has 300 felonies, otherwise it will take a lot longer to level up. Some things you can do to get ready for the last boss maps: - Fill the Item Collection - Recruit all characters - Gather specialists - Gather 300 felonies on all human characters - Get all rank 40 items - Perfect items - Stock up on Mr Gency Exits and Defender of Earth/Prism Ranger cellphones - Get 186000 stored levels on your characters and have them reach their final reincarnation - Capture uber Prinny Baal Pirate boosted monsters - Bribe all bribable senators until they all love you - Get Magichange 2 on all your monster characters - Hunt for a legendary M-Change Scroll - Use pupils to teach your characters healing, attack, buffing and debuffing spells. Note that only the spells the healers/mages/skulls learn can be passed through the master/pupil system, not the thief/kunoichi status skills or the monster specific skills. - Farm Lovers - Clear all Dark World maps - Unlock all tiers for all the generic characters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ | | || | | | | | | \ / | | | | | | |___ |___||____ | | |___| | | \/ | |___| |___| |___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___| | |____ |___ ____ | | |____ | | | | | ___| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (OLDMAPS) This section outlines non-story maps that were present in Cursed Memories. They usually have to be unlocked and offer some prize after completion. =======(Story) VIEWING ROOM, PART 2! (EVILAWAKES)======= How to unlock: Adell must have a 99 felony stamp and you must have killed 100 of your own allies, including Rozalin. This battle will come immediately after beating the regular final boss. Enemies lvl 2000 Zenon's Child Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: If you managed to get 99 Felonies on Adell to begin with, that means you've been farming felonies and have been leveling up some. Comparatively speaking, she doesn't have that much offense (only about 30K in ATK and INT), but her HP is well over a million, so it will take some time to beat her. Use Braveheart and Magic Boost and if you have any Magic Knights use the Anti-element spells to make her more susceptible to elemental attacks. As mentioned before, if you managed to get the requirements for this battle, you can probably beat her. It will just take a while to do so. Prize: You get treated to one of the more disturbing endings in the game and have Rozalin's entry added to your Dark Record. ==========CAVE OF ORDEALS 1 (ORDEAL1)======= How to unlock: Have at least 700 mana on a character Bonus Rank 24 Enemies lvl 60 Bow Master x8 -Crystal Bow Geo Effects Heal 20% Exp +50% x2 Attack +1 ATK +50% DEF +50% Battle Strategy: Destroy one of the Geo Symbols with positive effects, which will severely weaken all the enemies. After that, place the Exp +50% symbols on the Geo Panels and beat up the enemies for a decent experience boost. Prize: Unlocks Cave of Ordeals 2 ==========CAVE OF ORDEALS 2 (ORDEAL2)======= Bonus Rank 26 Enemies lvl 80 Specter x3 -The Dismal -Lunar Orb lvl 80 Sea Monk x2 -Gluttony -Lunar Orb lvl 80 Shooter x2 -Sylphid -Nightvision lvl 82 Saint Dragon -Paranoia -Lunar Orb lvl 80 Assassin Doll x3 -Mystic Horn -Battle Vest lvl 80 Werecat x2 -Golem Punch -Aura Belt lvl 80 Ashura x2 -Flick -Battle Vest lvl 82 Curse Dragon -Poor Orphan -Ace Muscle Geo Effects No Entry No Lifting No Range Attack No Close Combat Battle Strategy: Grab your Kunoichis and take the path with No Close Combat. Status everything there. Once that half is gone destroy one of the Geo Symbols and take out the other half with ranged attacks. Prize: Unlocks Cave of Ordeals 3 ==========CAVE OF ORDEALS 3 (ORDEAL3)======= Bonus Rank 38 Enemies lvl 150 Malphas x9 -Demon Cry lvl 160 Foolfool -Death Wing -Dream Muscle -Feather Token Geo Effects Warp No Lifting Battle Strategy: The Malphas will be warping all the place. If they get to the area with the Base Panel, unload some sleep on them. If any sleepers pass by again, poison them. Once all 9 Malphas are gone go for the Foolfool, which can also be felled by a sleep/poison combo. Prize: Unlocks Cave of Ordeals 4 ==========CAVE OF ORDEALS 4 (ORDEAL4)======= Bonus Rank 50 Enemies lvl 250 Mad Jester x8 Geo Effects Exp +100% Mana +100% Battle Strategy: Welcome to the best grinding map in the game. You'll want to get to the point where you can OHKO these guys consistently, which means lots of ATK or INT. The only reliable way to kill all the enemies in one move without touching them is by using Zetta Beeeam, which of course requires Zetta. Prize: Unlocks Cave of Ordeals 5 ==========CAVE OF ORDEALS 5 (ORDEAL5)======= Bonus Rank 60 Enemies lvl 350 Rasetsu x8 -Macho Fist -Black Belt lvl 400 Bushin x2 -100 Fists -Ubermensch lvl 500 Aragami -Star Shatter -Orion's Belt lvl 1000 Zombie King -Arcadia** Geo Effects Invincibility No Entry **NOTE: The Arcadia is the best emblem and can only be stolen here. If you can't steal it now you can always come back and it'll still be on the Zombie. You can only steal it once per cycle. Battle Strategy: You have about 3 turns to get to the other side of the map before the No Entry Geo Symbol reaches a Geo Panel and makes the map unwinnable. To do this, you will need at least 8 Heavy Knights and a unit who can take on the lvl 1000 Zombie at the end. Stack your Heavy Knights and Zombie killer and throw the stack as far as possible, up to the lion-snake head, then once the stack reaches the head split it up. You should have 4 Knights and the Zombie killer. Next turn stack everyone and get ready to throw them on the lone pillars. Make sure the Zombie killer is on top of the stack, or you will not be able to make it to the other side. Once the Zombie killer and a Heavy Knight are at their destination concentrate on those Sinner units, which can be disposed of with status effects. On the other side, get rid of the No Entry symbol, and have the Heavy Knight on that side toss the Zombie Killer to where the Zombie is, and proceed to take him out. Prize: Nothing for clearing it, but the Arcadia should be good enough, right? ==========DEFEND A DEFENDER! (DFNDR1)======== How to unlock: Use 3 Cell Phones that summon Defender of Earth, then have Adell enter a Dark Assembly as a senator. There should be a bill that asks to rescue a defender. Pass it and this map is unlocked. Enemies lvl 50 Fake Defender -Tentacle -Fur Jacket -Ace Muscle -Sophia's Mirror Allies lvl 40 Defender -Rose Whip -Traveler Mantle Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: Status effects won't work here, so boost your units and pound the fake into the ground. If you think your ally isn't being useful throw him to take off about 15% of the fake's health. Prize: Accelerator, the best shoe accessory in the game. Skip the cutscene that follows after the battle to make it a have a rarity of 0 guaranteed. ==========ROBOTS ATTACK! (DFNDR2)======== How to unlock: After beating the first Defender of Earth mission, use another 3 Cell Phones that summon Defender of Earth, then have Adell enter a Dark Assembly as a senator. There should be a bill that asks to rescue a defender again. Pass it and this map is unlocked. Enemies lvl 60 Fake Defender x8 -Poison Needle lvl 80 Fake Defender x4 -Mystic Horn -Fur Jacket lvl 100 Fake Defender -Tiger Fang -Battle Vest -Victory Muscle -Pravda Pendant Allies lvl 80 Defender x2 -Lionheart -Fur Jacket Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: The enemies here are immune to status effects, so you'll have to rely on brute force and buffing spells. Your two allies can probably take out 5 of the level 60 enemies by themselves before they bite the dust, so keep them healthy if you think you'll need their help. Prize: Lots! The cutscene prize is a DoE ID Card, a one-of-a-kind item that provides decent boosts to HP, ATK and SPD. Skip the cutscene for a rarity 0 version. In addition, the Kurtis robot monster class will be unlocked, and there will be a new bill that Adell can access in senator mode, which allows Gordon to join the group. ==========FALLEN MAIDEN! (LAPUCELLE)======== How to unlock: Have 66 felonies on one character, and have not gotten Etna yet. Pass the bill "Unleash the Fallen Maiden!" to unlock the stage. Enemies lvl 450 Lilith -The Convict -Holy Orb lvl 450 Bastet -Titan Fist -Black Belt lvl 450 Photinia -Twilight -Holy Orb lvl 500 Overlord -Death Wing -Chaos Orb -Royal Ring Battle Strategy: All the minions can be disabled by sleeping them; Priere cannot. She has about 90000 HP so doing around 10000 damage is good enough. Lift her to prevent her from attacking if she gives you any trouble. Prize: You get the Felicitation, the second best ATK accessory in the game, and its icon looks suspiciously like a certain item from the first game... Skip the cutscene after the battle for a guaranteed rarity 0, and you can only have one of it at any time. Priere can also be recruited after this battle by successfully passing a bill that appears when Adell is a senator. ==========WORST WITCH EVER (RHAPSODY)======== How to unlock: Have 99 felonies on one character and pass the bill "Break the Mysterious Seal" to unlock the stage. Enemies lvl 800 Red Skull -Prinny Stick -Angel's Sandals -Holy Orb -Destiny Lens lvl 800 Green Skull -Prinny Stick -Angel's Sandals -Holy Orb -Destiny Lens lvl 800 Blue Skull -Prinny Stick -Angel's Sandals -Holy Orb -Destiny Lens lvl 800 Star Skull -Prinny Stick -Angel's Sandals -Holy Orb -Destiny Lens lvl 800 Prism Skull -Prinny Stick -Angel's Sandals -Holy Orb -Destiny Lens lvl 800 Galaxy Skull -Prinny Stick -Angel's Sandals -Holy Orb -Destiny Lens lvl 1000 Legendary Witch -The King -Gao's Spirit** (replaced with Goddess Dress if stolen) -Crowdia's Charm** (replaced with Chaos Orb if stolen) -Kitty's Ears** (replaced with Exodus if stolen) Geo Effects None ** The 3 accessories Marjoly is equipped can only be found here, and you should steal them if you can. Battle Strategy: The boss has about 200000 HP so if you can do about 30000 damage, you should be fine. The skull minions can be statused if you find them annoying. Lift Marjoly to prevent her from attacking and just pound away. Prize: The unique items Marjoly is carrying if you can steal them, plus after the battle you are rewarded with the Sexy Panties accessory, which can be forced to rarity 0 by skipping the cutscene where it is obtained. There will also be a new bill when Adell enters a Dark Assembly that allows you to recruit Marjoly. I don't remember if she comes with her unique equipment upon recruiting her the first time and you didn't steal them. If someone can verify, let me know. ==========IN HOLT VILLAGE PART 1 (LHRLXFLNN)======== How to unlock: Have at least 40 hours of game time and be on chapter 12 or higher. Pass the bill "I want to fight an Overlord" to unlock the stage. Enemies lvl 500 Zombie King -Insanity Eye -Battle Armor lvl 500 Bahamut -Beastial Mark -Dragon Mail lvl 500 Fallen Angel -Prinny Stick -Goddess Dress -Holy Orb lvl 600 Overlord -Laser Blade -Majin Armor -Orion's Belt -Testament Battle Strategy: You'll need a mage with maximum spell range for this, and a few SP healing items. About lvl 200 should be enough to do some damage to the enemies here. What you want to do is position your mages just enough so the spell attack with two squares can hit the enemies. Start with the enemies on the left and right sides then work your way to the middle. You shouldn't get attacked at all doing this. If it's taking too long to defeat Laharl and Flonne, use Magic Boost and build up a nice stationary bonus. Move your mage by throwing to keep the stationary bonus. Prize: You get an anime cutscene ending in Flonne joining the group ==========IN HOLT VILLAGE PART 2 (LHRLC)======== How to unlock: After getting Flonne, get Senator Adell to check the bills. There should be one that asks to summon Laharl. Pass it and the stage is unlocked. Enemies lvl 800 Master Kunoichi -Paradise Blow -Kamikaze Suit lvl 800 Space Knight -Laser Blade -Reflex lvl 800 Saint -Yggdrasil Stick -Spirit Mantle -Chaos Orb lvl 1000 Overlord -Sunrise Sword -Majin Armor -Orion's Belt -Testament Battle Strategy: Again, the same strategy as the first Laharl battle will work here. Just make sure to start from the left and right sides and work your way towards the middle and you'll be fine. Due to the higher levels, you'll find it takes longer to kill the enemies here, so use Flonne if your damage output is not cutting it. Prize: Laharl joins the group at last. ==========TRAGEDY AT HOLT (LHRLD)======== How to Unlock: Be in chapter 1 and pass the bill "Pick a fight with an Overlord" Enemies lvl 900 Malchidael x4 -Satan's Motor -Dragon Mail lvl 1100 Overlord -Infernal Sword -Infernal Armor -Exodus -Orion's Belt Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: As with most Laharl battles, you can win this one by using a staff user and chipping away at the enemies' health with spells. They shouldn't attack you if you're positioned correctly. Prize: You get an ending and have to restart the current cycle. It's useful if you plan on farming Accelerators. Laharl D entry is also registered in your Dark Record. ==========RANGERS' RETURN (RAINBOW)======== How to unlock: After chapter 11, there will be a bill called "Return of the Prism Rangers" that appears in the Dark Assembly. Pass it to unlock this map. Enemies: lvl 50 Super Hero (Indigo) -Odd Mandible -Feather Token lvl 50 Super Hero (Purple) -The Slave -Dark Orb lvl 50 Super Hero (Orange) -Odd Mandible -Energy Belt lvl 50 Super Hero (Green) -The Heretic -Binoculars lvl 50 Super Hero (Yellow) -Odd Mandible -Kung-Fu Muscle lvl 50 Super Hero (Blue) -Odd Mandible -Slippers lvl 50 Super Hero (Red) -Odd Mandible -Traveler Mantle Geo Effects: None Battle Strategy: Even with 7 rangers, they're just as easy as they were the first time around. Just attack them head on and kill them quick so their abilities don't trigger. Prize: Adell's title changes to "Prism Black". A worthless reward, but doing this battle is also required to recruit Prism Red, though you will need 5 Prism Ranger cell phones to do so. ==========DARKLY ADONIC (BEAUTIFULLIFE)======== How to unlock: Have at least 20 hours of play time and not have gotten Etna yet. Pass the bill "I want to see the ending" to unlock the stage. Enemies lvl 60 Alraune x6 -Sloth -Magical Vest -Bloody Orb lvl 60 Acolyte -Jewel Scepter -Wizard Robe -Bloody Orb lvl 80 Dark Adonis -Mad Parasite -Battle Vest Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: By the time you can unlock this map, you should be able to beat it easily. Everything but Mid-boss can be inflicted with status ailments if it helps. Prize: The game ends and the song "What a Beautiful Life of Mine" can be bought from the Music NPC in the Item World. Upon starting a new cycle, Mid-boss can now be recruiting by passing the bill that unlocks his stage first, then having Adell enter a Dark Assembly and passing the new bill there. ==========TRAGIC HEROINE (ASAGIRI)======== How to unlock: Have at least 33 Felonies on somebody and be on at least a second cycle. Enemies lvl 50 Cu Sith x8 -Bull Horn lvl 50 Main Character? -Tentacle -Spirit Mantle -Crosshair -Pravda Pendant Geo Effects: None Battle Strategy: Like most Asagi appearances, if you managed to unlock this battle in the first place, you shouldn't have any trouble with it. Prize: After the scene, you will get a Postcard. Like most prizes given this way, you can force it to rarity 0 by skipping the cutscene after the battle. There will also be a new bill when Adell goes to the Dark Assembly as a senator that allows you to recruit Asagi. ==========SUPREME OVERLORD (MAKAIKINGDOM)======== How to unlock: Clear at least 10 Dark World maps. Enemies lvl 2000 Badass Overlord -Satan's Motor -Cosmos Muscle -Exodus -Infernal Armor Geo Effects Warp No Range Attack No Entry No Close Combat No Lifting Battle Strategy: If you have Laharl, you should be able to damage him. There are a couple of approaches to this battle. You can either destroy the No Lifting symbol, which allows you to lift Zetta and place him on one of the No Ranged Attack or No Close Combat panels, or you can attack Zetta with a ranged attack then get out of his range by having someone lift them out of the way. Prize: Adell's title changes to Badass Overlord, and you can recruit Zetta by having Adell attend a Dark Assembly and passing the new bill that appears. ==========VIEWING ROOM Part 1 (LORDOFTERROR)======== How to unlock: Beat 25 Dark world maps, then pass the bill "Meet Baal the Tyrant" Enemies lvl 4000 Tyrant -Satan's Motor -Infernal Armor -Orion's Belt -Exodus Geo Effects None Battle Strategy: You must rely on brute force to win this battle. You can prevent the boss from attacking by having a character lift him. The lifter will naturally die, but it's better than losing your main damage dealers to his attacks. He has about 4 million HP, so hopefully you can deal around 500K damage. Make use of Braveheart if using warrior units, and Magic Boost and the Anti-element spells if using mage units for an easier time. Prize: You get Makai Wars, the best offense-based accessory in the game. Skip the cutscene for a guaranteed rarity 0 as usual. Unfortunately, you can only have one in your inventory at any time. ==========VIEWING ROOM Part 2 (LORDOFTERROR2)======== How to unlock: Beat the first Baal battle, and return to the map where you first fought him. Enemies lvl 4000 Tyrant x4 -Satan's Motor -Infernal Armor -Orion's Belt -Exodus lvl 8000 Tyrant (Prinny) -Satan's Motor -Prinny Suit** (replaced with Infernal Armor if stolen) -Orion's Belt -Exodus Geo Effects None ** The Prinny Suit is a unique steal from Prinny Baal. You can only have one in your inventory so if you don't like the rarity that you got or you messed up when leveling it, sell it and fight this battle again and Prinny Baal will have another one for you to steal. Battle Strategy: You really need to have stats in the hundred thousands to stand a chance. Half a million on all stats is a nice number to aim for. The enemies here have a lot of HP so you'll need to deal damage in the millions or have high enough stats to live through their attacks. Do not kill Prinny Baal last because all of his stats will double if he's the last one standing, making for a much harder fight. Prize: Prinny suit if you can steal it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _____ ____ _____ |\ | | | | |\ /| /\ | \ / | \ | | | | | \ / | / \ | | | | \ | |--- | /\ | | \/ | /----\ |---/ \____ | \ | | | / \ | | | / \ | \ | \| |____ |/ \| | | / \ | _____/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (NEWM-0) All the new maps that were not in Cursed Memories can be found in this section. As usual, the levels given are when the map is accessed from Holt without any SEBs passed. ==========A Real Man Arrives (Mr. Champloo)========= (NEWM-CHAMP) How to unlock: Pass the bill Hardcore Inst. Champloo. The bill appears when you have cleared Axel Mode and have at least 50 hours play time and enough mana to pass the bill (9999). Bonus Rank: 25 Enemies lvl 360 Togabito x3 -Karate Chop -Battle Vest -Ninja Tabi lvl 360 Lady Warrior x3 -Bloodlust -Battle Vest -Devil Ring lvl 370 Basilicrow x2 -Tentacle -Scale Mail -Fight Muscle lvl 400 Cait Sith x2 -Tentacle -Bushido Suit -Beastly Belt lvl 450 Caracal -Tentacle -Large Shield -Ninja Tabi lvl 530 Home Ec Teacher -Gank -Battle Armor -Ninja Tabi -Feather Token Geo Symbols -No Lifting -No Range Attack Battle Notes: The battle is fought in a dock area, with a lower level and an upper level that includes a bridge with the above geo effects. Note that Champloo has around 120000 HP, so make sure you're ready to deplete around that much. You will first have to go through the Togabitos and Lady Warriors. Fortunately as with most story battles they only move if you get within their attack range, so a good mage will wipe the floor with them. Kunoichi are also good here as their status effects will render most of them helpless. The upper area holds the rest of the enemies, with Champloo at the end of the bridge. If you want to make the battle easier, take you time to use stat ups on your main fighters before taking this group on Rozalin's Kneel Before Me is a good choice to boost 3 stats at once. You can take out the enemies on the bridge area with a mage before they get to move if you've boosted your stats enough. Once they're taken care of, all that's left is Champloo. Be careful not to engage in too much close combat with him, as his ability increases the damage of his counterattacks whenever he takes damage. Keep in mind that status effects won't work on him. You can also try and steal his Ninja Tabi to lower his movement range, and use Heavy Knights to throw him away from your mages, all the while having them wail on him with boosted spells. ===========This is Taboo Love (Raspberyl)=========== (NEWM-RASP) How to unlock: Pass the bill Hardcore Inst.: Raspberyl. The bill is unlocked after beating Mr. Champloo and clearing 30 Dark Sun maps Enemies lvl 200 Head Orc -Viper Bite -Protector -Energy Belt lvl 200 Werecat -Viper Bite -Protector -Energy Belt lvl 200 Corpse -Viper Bite -Protector -Energy Belt lvl 200 Succubus -The Evil Eye -Protector -Dark Orb lvl 200 Boggart -The Evil Eye -Protector -Dark Orb lvl 400 Assassin Doll -Spiked Shell -Magical Vest -Aura Belt lvl 400 Black Dog -Spiked Shell -Magical Vest -Cross-Trainers lvl 400 Pharbitis -Spiked Shell -Magical Vest -Bloody Orb lvl 400 Sea Monk -The Accursed -Magical Vest -Bloody Orb lvl 400 Watcher -Spiked Shell -Magical Vest -Aura Belt lvl 600 Saint Dragon -Poison Needle -Chain Mail -Spirit Belt lvl 600 Mystic Dragon -Poison Needle -Chain Mail -Spirit Belt lvl 600 Verchiel -Poison Needle -Chain Mail -Spirit Belt lvl 600 Forest Guardian -Poison Needle -Chain Mail -Spirit Belt lvl 600 Nidhogg -Poison Needle -Chain Mail -Spirit Belt lvl 800 Ocelot -Mystic Horn -Battle Vest -Bravery Belt lvl 800 Master Kunoichi -Cross Counter -Battle Vest -Falcon Shoes -Feather Token lvl 800 Peryton -Mystic Horn -Battle Vest -Ace Muscle lvl 800 Blade Master -Nine Blades -Battle Vest -Bravery Belt -Feather Token lvl 800 Flamberg -Mystic Horn -Battle Vest -Bravery Belt lvl 1000 No. 1 Delinquent -The Awakening -Spirit Mantle -Astral orb -Sophia's Mirror Geo Symbols (mobile) -No Lifting -No Entry -Invincibility Battle Notes: You fight this battle in a classroom. The Geo Symbols act as a gate of sorts. They separate the lvl 200s, 400s and so on until Raspberyl. After two turns the symbols will move to the next colored geo squares, opening the gates for the lvl 200 enemies to attack you. Every turn after that they will move forward, unlocking the lvl 400s, 600s, and so on. Unlike most story battles, the enemies here are quite aggressive, and will rush to you the first chance they get. You can get a head start though, as Dimension Slash can bypass the No Entry and hurt two enemies from the first set of seats, and the level 7 spell formation can hurt 3 enemies. Use skills such as these and you should be fine against those sheer numbers. The Geo Symbols move towards the end of the map every turn, so keep that in mind if you want to use them. As for Raspberyl, she has around 27000 Int, and 200000 HP. If she proves too much for you, one method to beat her is to take the Invincibility Geo Symbol, and put it on a geo panel, then surround it so it doesn't move every turn. After that attack Raspberyl then lift her. Make sure the lifter is on the Invincibility geo panel at the end of the turn. Next turn throw her into a non invincibility geo panel, attack her, then have someone else throw her to the character on the invincibility panel. Repeat until she's beaten. ===========Final Departure (Mao)==================== (NEWM-MAO) How to unlock: Pass the bill Hardcore Inst.: Mao. The bill is unlocked by beating Champloo and Raspberyl, and having access to the Land of Carnage. Enemies lvl 2500 Copy Robot -Furious Scale -Kamikaze Suit -Crosshair -Falcon Shoes lvl 2600 Android -Devil Matrix -Kamikaze Suit -Crosshair -Falcon Shoes lvl 2700 Cyborg -Insanity Eye -Kamikaze Suit -Spirit Belt -Falcon Shoes lvl 2800 Homunculus -Beastial Mark -Kamikaze Suit -Spirit Belt -Falcon Shoes lvl 2900 Bioroid -Immortal Body -Kamikaze Suit -Pravda Pendant -Falcon Shoes lvl 3000 Gene Lich -Phoenix Feather -Kamikaze Suit -Pravda Pendant -Falcon Shoes lvl 3200 Principal -Star Shatter -Reflex -Astral Orb -Royal Ring Battle Notes: Mao seems to have stolen some things from the EDF prior to this fight, as he is accompanied by every single Kurtis bot tier. First thing I should tell you: Do NOT move your guys towards the enemies. The Kurtis bots are quite aggressive, and will come to you instead, so let them while you boost your damage dealers. After turn 1, Mao will Magichange with the Gene Lich, which is good if you're not trying to capture it. Take out the robots with whatever you've got. It's more of a kill them before they kill you scenario. A Kunoichi's status skills can be of great help if they're giving you trouble. After the bots are eliminated, you're basically done with the battle. Mao will never move unless you get in his attack range. This means you're free to smack him with a mage while he just stands there. Mao has around 1.2 million HP, so it could take a while, but you can speed it up by using Magic Boost and Anti-element magic. Special Note: If you are capable of capturing uber monsters, save this map for later. It's the only way to capture an uber Gene Lich. Make sure to move it away from Mao first turn, otherwise it will Magichange with him and be lost. If you're crazy enough to reset for max stats, here is the max stats of a PBP boosted uber Gene Lich WITHOUT equipment HP: 6105600 SP: 508800 Atk: 1017600 Def: 848000 Int: 932800 Res: 848000 Hit: 848000 Spd: 848000 ===========Neo Final Showdown (Pringer X Go!)======= (NEWM-PRING) How to unlock: Defeat Prinny Baal Pirate (PBP) in the Item World. Pass the bill "Face the Final Battle" that appears after. This map is only available in the Land of Carnage. Note that PBP only appears in floor 90+ of a Rank 40 item in the Land of Carnage. Pringer X is a superweapon created by several of the unlockable characters in hopes of creating the ultimate weapon. Unfortunately, it became too powerful to control, and turned against its masters. Now it's up to you to show it who's boss. Enemies lvl 9999 Uber Lord -Satan's Motor -Infernal Armor -Exodus -Orion's Belt Has around 60 million HP, and 1 million for the other stats. Requirements -Bravehearters and Magic Boosters -Lifters -Do at least 2000K worth of damage Battle Notes: The first thing you need to be aware of is Pringer X Go!'s ability, which turns all damage from any skill that has already been used against it to 0. This means that if you use a Dimension Slash and it does 2000K to it the first time, any further uses of Dimension Slash against it will be 0, regardless of which character is attacking it. Magic works the same way against it, but you can use the different levels of magic like Peta and Tera Fire and still hurt it. The second thing is that this ability only works for damaging skills. You can use repeated debuff spells such as Anti-Ice and Mind Break and they will work against it to full effect. Finally, regular physical attacks will always do damage to it, assuming the attack stat is high enough, as it is not a skill. The battle does not have any geo effects, and only consists of the Base Panel, Pringer X Go!, and a large arena with nothing else. Pringer X has a move of 4, and access to all Prinny Skills. Prinny Barrage is the only ranged skill in its arsenal, and furthermore, it does not move unless you move into its attack range. Use these facts to your advantage and bring out all your attackers and move them all opposite of Pringer X, then use as many Bravehearts and Magic Boosts as you can. A nifty trick to stop the stat boosts from decreasing each turn is to send the boosted units back to the base panel. They will keep all their boosts the following turn, and you can just keep boosting and returning your units until the stat boosts no longer work. Once you have enough boosted units, send them out against Pringer X. Anti-element spells from Magic Knights can bring his resistances to -99% after two casts, which can help in whittling down its 60 million HP. If Pringer X lives after all the attacks are done, send a weak character to lift him to prevent Pringer Beam from wasting your characters the next turn. Repeat this process of attacking and lifting until it is sent to the scrap heap. Defeating it unlocks the "Unleash the Land of Carnage" bill, which unlocks the toughest fight in the game. ===========Neo Final Showdown MK II======= (NEWM-UPRING) How to unlock: Simply reenter the map you fought Pringer X Go! after beating it. Enemies lvl 9999 Uber Lord x8 -Satan's Motor -Infernal Armor -Exodus -Orion's Belt Battle Notes: You cannot combine the enemies in this map. Before we get on to the strategy, It would be clearer if I showed you what the battlefield looks like 1 P 8 [X] 2 P [ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] P [A][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 7 P[C][S][ ][ ][ ] B [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]P 3 [ ][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [B][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] P [ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] P 6 [X] 4 P 5 P = Pringer X Go! B = Base Panel [ ] = Empty Square 8 Pringers, all surrounding the Base Panel. What's worse is that if you use a damaging skill on one Pringer, the damage of that same skill against ANY Pringer will be 0 when used again. Fortunately for us, the Pringers are rather stupid, and will sit there until you come to their attack range (The Base Panel IS within their attack range FYI) For this battle I recommend having a couple of Accelerators in the bag. Gather all your main attacking force and buffing/debuffing units and 3 throwers. move all your forces in the area to the left of the spots marked A and B. Move the throwers to the spots marked A, B, and C. If any of your troops cannot make it to that area have them equip the Accelerators, move there, and take them off after they've moved. Once everyone's in place have the throwers pick up Pringers 6, 7, 8 and throw them in such a manner that your main attacking skills will hit all 3. Once that's done, apply the buffs/debuffs as needed, and attack with everything you have. Hopefully you managed to kill off all 3. If you didn't, have any idle units Lift any living Pringer to deny them a turn. Repeat until all 3 Pringers have fallen. From there, it gets easier. Simply boost all your forces until the boosting spells start missing, meaning it cannot boost any more. Remember to send the boosted units back in the Base Panel to prevent stat drops each turn. All the while the other 5 Pringers just sit there ignoring your every move. Once everyone is all maxed out and happy, it's time to attack The other Pringers. Have your attacker enter the base panel, then have several units throw the other 5 Pringers by the base panel, making sure they can be hit by your attacker's skill, and that they are to the right of the spots marked X. Then send out the attacking unit, and hit the Pringers, then have him/her move to the spot marked S if any Pringers live. This is done so that Prinny Barrage cannot be performed next turn, because a Pringer will have to be on the base panel's spot to do it. Simply repeat this method for attacking from the base panel and moving to the S spot until the Pringers have been defeated. You may wish to practice this map a few times, in preparation for the true final battle of the game. ===========Neo Final Showdown MK Omega (AKA The Final Final Showdown)======= (NEWM-UPRINGF) How to unlock: Pass the bill "Unleash the Land of Carnage" and enter the Pringer X map. Enemies *lvl 9999 Uber Lord x8 -Satan's Motor -Infernal Armor -Exodus -Orion's Belt *WARNING: All the enemies have over 160 MILLION HP and have 40 MILLION in EVERY STAT (which is the maximum cap for stats other than HP). It is advised to practice Neo Final Showdown MK II before trying this battle. If you haven't seen a unit do 100M damage now is the chance to do so. Due to a display bug, when you see 100M pop up it may actually be anywhere from 100 million to 199 million, so check the Dark Record if you want the exact numbers. One thing you need to be aware of is that positioning is important in this fight because of the enemies' high stats. This means you will need to attack them from behind if you want any chance of hitting them (and even then, it will only be at 80%). Otherwise, your accuracy against them can be as low as 4%. The easiest way I know of is to use the following unit Space Knight -Omniscient Rod -Usagi's Journal/Super Robo Suit -Usagi's Journal/Super Robo Suit -Usagi's Journal/Super Robo Suit lvl 255 Staff skill level, all equipment is lvl 200 perfected for INT. Make sure she has 99 elemental affinity for at least 1 element (using Aeronaut, Cryophile, or Firefighter specialists), 25 lovers and 100 Professionals. All equipment must have matching rarity. By skipping the cutscene where you receive the Usagi's Journal it will always be rarity 0, meaning all you need is a rarity 0 Omni Rod to get a full match. If you do not like going through all the Adell Dark World stages to get an Usagi's Journal you can replace them with Super Robo Suits and they will work just fine, but you have to spend time finding 3 rarity matching SRS's. With this setup you should have over 20 Million INT. To accompany her are the following units: 2 throwers 4 magic boosters 2 other magic knights 1 emergency lifter The strategy for doing this battle is basically the same as the MK II battle except you need to pay attention to the following details before attacking the first group of 3 Pringers, or any Pringer for that matter: -All Pringers must have -99% resists for the elemental skill you want to attack with before you actually strike. This is done by using the Anti-Element spells of Magic Knights. 2 castings will bring those resists to -99% -Position your Space Knight so her accuracy is at least 80% against a Pringer -Have at least 35 Million INT before attacking If all goes well, you should be able to kill 2 out of 3 Pringers with an Elemental Spell. In the event that you don't, you will need your emergency lifter to lift the Space Knight (if 2 are alive) or a Pringer (if 1 is alive) to protect her from the enemy's attack next turn. Once you defeat 3 Pringers, you can slowly make your way towards the other Pringers and annihilate them one by one, while remembering to apply stat ups/downs where needed. At 40 million INT, you should OHKO a Pringer with even a lvl 1 Fire spell if the Space Knight has 99% Fire affinity and a Pringer has -99% Fire resist. Even more so with the higher level Fire skills. If you have two 99% elemental affinities on the Space Knight, you should have enough skills to take on all the Pringers without their ability being a nuisance. For beating this battle you get the final entry in the Dark Record, which says "Unsealed Pringer defeated". Congratulations! You have beaten the hardest challenge the game has to offer. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ __ __ __ __ |\ /| /\ | | | | | | /\ |\ | | | | | \/ | /--\ | - | | |--| /--\ | \ | | - |-- | |/ \ |__| | |__ | | / \ | \| |__| |__ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (MCHANG-0) What is Magichange? Magichange is a feature from Disgaea 3 that was added onto Dark Hero Days. In order to get this new feature, you will need to have gone through Axel mode at least once. It is learned in a tutorial battle that appears after the first story battle. A Magichange turns a Monster-type character into a weapon for a nearby human character. The stats on the Magichanged weapon will depend on the stats of the monster that turned into it. Magichanged weapons cannot be removed, and appear with a flashing red name. You cannot steal Magichanged weapons, and they will expire after 2 turns, leaving the human with whatever weapon he/she had before. Enemies however, have infinite Magichange turns. You can increase the number of Magichange turns to 3 by passing a bill with the monster (costs 1000 mana). Depending on the type of weapon, the Magichange weapon will give the wielder some benefits, listed below. Spear - Move + 1 Gun - Move + 1, Attack Range +1 Sword - Move + 1 Axe - Jump + 12 Bow - Jump + 12, Attack Range +1 Fist - Jump + 12, Counter + 2 Staff - Move + 1, Jump + 12 In addition, a Magichanged weapon will bestow upon the human character the abilities and unique skills that are exclusive to Magichanged weapons. These skills are identified by the word Magichange: before the stat the skill runs on in the monster's status screen. For example, Magichanging with Tink turns him into a spear. The person whom Tink Magichanged with gains +2 movement, which is blue Tink's special ability. A new set of skills, Gutsy Tink and Grand Slam, can be used by the human if he/she wishes to. Note that these two skills cannot normally be used by Tink himself. To make things more complicated, there is another type of Magichange called Magichange 2. It allows a second monster to Magichange with a human who already has a Magichanged weapon. The difference being that they will not turn into a new weapon nor will they increase any stats, unless the 2nd monster's ability does this. Instead, they give the human character their abilities and the unique skills they can normally use in battle. This makes it possible for a single character to have up to 3 abilities active at once. Magichange 2 will subtract one from the current Magichange turn counter, meaning the maximum number of turns a human can have a double Magichange is 2. Magichange 2 must be earned first however. To get a monster to learn this, you must find Mao in the Item World. He has a chance of appearing whenever you enter a Mystery Gate. When he does, he will give you the option of customizing one monster character. Customizing the monster adds a copyright sign after their title, indicating they can perform a Magichange 2. Be aware that you can only talk to Mao once to get a monster customized. If you talk to him and cancel without customizing, he will not give you the option the next time you talk to him, and you must find him again. It is interesting to note that human characters can receive this Magichange 2 mark. Simply reincarnate a monster who has the symbol into a human, and they'll keep it. Unique characters such as Rozalin and Axel can't get this, as they can't reincarnate into monsters. If you still don't get how Magichange 2 works, I'll use an example. Say Adell Magichanged with Tink and now you have a Tink spear. If you want Zetta to Magichange 2 with Adell, simply select Magichange again. The result will be Adell capable of using Zetta Beam and Zetta Beeeam, in addition to doing more damage to humans. Adell's stats with the Tink spear will remain unchanged unless he Magichanged with a monster who increases stats, such as an Orc. Any monsters Magichanged will gain experience along with the human. The experience gained is the same amount that the human gets. Having more felonies on the monsters will not increase the amount of experience gained, but having more felonies on the human will. For this reason, Magichange plays a nice role in powerleveling. Magichanged weapons DO count towards the Collection book, but the weapons themselves cannot be taken off at any time, and will disappear after the battle. Filling up the Collection book entries is easy, as the rarity of the Magichanged weapon will be the rarity of the weapon the monster is equipped with. If a monster does not have a weapon, the rarity is defaulted to 0, meaning it will be Legendary. Finally, it is possible to keep Magichange active for the whole battle. Simply throw the character into the base panel. This works even if the character has already acted, you just can't bring them out for that turn. The weapons will still disappear after the battle, however. ------------------------------ The M-Change scroll and Weight ------------------------------ The M-Change scroll is a new item that can be found 2 ways. One is through the Magichanging self felony (under Everybody), and the other way is to steal them from the Animal Pirates after you've gotten their map. This scroll can be common, rare, or Legendary. The Magichanging self felony is one-time only, and since pirate hunting can get rather tiresome, it is advised to reset for a Legendary scroll when you get around to collecting the Felony. I'm not sure what triggers the felony to appear, but it tends to appear in a new cycle. It definitely does not get unlocked in Axel Mode so maybe it gets unlocked on an Adell Mode cycle after accessing Magichange. The scroll itself doesn't give any stat boosts, and can be equipped like other scrolls. You can choose to boost its stats by levelling it in the Item World and killing the Item Commanders with stat-boosting specialists if you desire. So what does this scroll actually do? It allows a human character to retain a percentage of the weapon stats he/she was originally carrying after Magichanging, in addition to the new Magichange weapon's stats. The scroll has to be equipped on the monster for the effect to take place. This percentage depends on the level of the M-change scroll, with the maximum effect at level 160. There's also the M-change weight, gotten from the Magichanging others felony, a felony that is gotten by Magichanging a lot (appears under the monster character and can be gotten once per monster). The weight increases the stats the Magichanged weapon runs off by the monster's highest non-HP stat. In other words, if Zetta's (who magichanges into a Bow) highest stat is DEF, and he is equipped with the M-change Weight, then the Magichanged Zetta will increase both the ATK and HIT (which is what the bow runs off ) by whatever DEF the human would gain. Without it the ATK and HIT the human gains would be significantly lower. You do not need to level up the Weight to have its full effect. -------------------- New Character Info (NEWDOOD) -------------------- In this section I will list all the new units that you can get in DHD. I will list their base stats, aptitudes, weapon masteries when applicable, and skills. How to interpret the skill chart. Skill name - obvious. Magichange means that the skill is only available to humanoids through magichanging with said unit. Stat - the stat(s) the skill uses for damage Element - type of elemental damage the skill does, if any Area of effect - this column shows what tiles are affected by a skill. Indicated by blue squares in game. Range - how far you can target the skill. Indicated by red squares in the game. If N/A is shown, that means you can only target the skill in front of the character. O - The skill user's location when performing the skill. X - The location of the area of effect or range of the skill when used. C - When a skill does have range, it represents the cursor where the AoE can be placed. In other words, in the range section, the X's represent the spots where you can place the spot marked C in the AoE section. N - Just like C, except it is NOT part of the AoE E - Indicated by a yellow square in game. When using the skill, any spot marked E means that the square must be empty for the skill to work. The skill user or an enemy may move to this square after the skill is executed. [] - blank square. These squares are not affected by the skill. As you may expect, the AoEs and ranges given are only in one direction. Just rotate the AoE or range around the O if you want to get the AoE or range for the other 3 directions. =========================LADY SAMURAI (LADYSAM)======================== How to create: Have a Disgaea 1: Afternoon of Darkness save on your memory card. If you don't have Afternoon of Darkness you can download a save here and it will work. I have tested it. You'll need a USB cable to get the save to your PSP though. http://www.gamefaqs.com/psp/935234-disgaea-afternoon-of-darkness/saves Tiers: Exorcist | Diabolist | Holy Fencer | Battle Maiden | Ravage Princess | Blade Master Counter: 1 MOV: 4 JMP: 20 THROW: 4 Base stats HP: 18|20|22|24|26|28 SP: 6| 6| 6| 7| 7| 7 ATK: 18|20|22|24|26|28 DEF: 8| 8| 9| 9|10|10 INT: 8| 8| 9| 9|10|10 RES: 6| 6| 6| 7| 7| 7 HIT: 12|13|14|15|16|17 SPD: Aptitudes HP: 100|100|100|110|110|110 SP: 70| 70| 70| 80| 80| 80 ATK: 110|110|120|120|130|130 DEF: 90| 90| 90|100|100|100 INT: 80| 80| 80| 90| 90| 90 RES: 70| 70| 70| 80| 80| 80 HIT: 100|100|110|110|120|120 SPD: 100|100|110|110|120|120 Masteries Fist: D|D|C|C|C|C Sword: A|A|A|S|S|S Spear: C|B|B|B|B|B Bow: B|B|A|A|A|S Gun: D|D|D|D|C|C Axe: C|C|C|C|C|B Staff: E|E|E|E|D|D Special Skills None Special Ability True powers shine in one-on-one duels Increases damage whenever she attacks a single target. It can be with skills, as long as they hit one target. =========================KURTIS ROBOT (KURTBOT)======================== How to create: Beat the second "Rescue the Defender" mission. They will be available for creation afterwards. To unlock the bill, use 6 Defender of Earth cell phones and beat the first Rescue the Defender mission. Unlock both stages through Senator Adell. Counter: 1 MOV: 5 JMP: 20 THROW: 5 Tiers: Copy Robot | Android | Cyborg | Homunculus | Bioroid | Gene Lich Magichange Type: Fist Base stats HP: 20|24|28|32|34|36 SP: 8| 8|10|10|12|12 ATK: 14|16|18|20|22|24 DEF: 10|12|14|16|18|20 INT: 10|14|16|18|20|22 RES: 10|12|14|16|18|20 HIT: 10|12|14|16|18|20 SPD: 10|12|14|16|18|20 Aptitudes HP: 110|110|110|120|120|130 SP: 80| 80| 80| 90| 90|100 ATK: 120|120|120|130|130|140 DEF: 100|100|100|110|110|120 INT: 110|110|110|120|120|130 RES: 100|100|100|110|110|120 HIT: 100|100|100|110|110|120 SPD: 100|100|100|110|110|120 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Nuclear | ATK | Fire | | | | Fusion | | | X | | | | | | OXXX | N/A | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Final Punch | ATK | None | OX[][]E | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Catch and | ATK | None | OEX | N/A | | Poke | SPD | | | | |(Magichange) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Solidus | ATK | None | X | X | | Punch | SPD | | XCX | X | |(Magichange) | | | X | XXXOXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | | ======================================================================== Special Ability Attacks twice if he doesn't move. Only works for the same target. This means if the first attack kills the target, he cannot choose to attack a second different target. It also only for the regular attack. =========================DEATHSABER (BADKITTY)======================== How to create: After recruiting Pink in Axel Mode, the option to make these becomes available. Tiers: Death Saber | Shao Mao | Caracal | Ocelot | Abyssinian | Devon Rex Magichange Type: Fist Counter: 3 MOV: 5 JMP: 25 THROW: 4 Base stats HP: 16|17|18|19|20|21 SP: 10|11|12|13|14|15 ATK: 14|15|16|17|18|19 DEF: 10|11|12|13|14|15 INT: 8| 9|10|11|12|13 RES: 10|11|12|13|14|15 HIT: 11|12|13|14|15|16 SPD: 16|17|18|19|20|21 Aptitudes HP: 80| 80| 90| 90|100|100 SP: 90| 90|100|100|110|110 ATK: 110|110|120|120|130|130 DEF: 90| 90| 90|100|100|100 INT: 80| 80| 80| 90| 90| 90 RES: 90| 90| 90|100|100|100 HIT: 110|110|120|120|130|130 SPD: 120|120|130|130|140|140 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Deathscorn | ATK | None | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | C | XXXOXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Death Swing | ATK | None | OX[][]E | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Death Package| ATK | None | OXXX | N/A | | | | HP Drain | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Death Wing | ATK | None | X | XXX | | | | | XCX | XXXXX | | | | | X | XXXOXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Death Stomp |ATK/SPD | None | O[]XE | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ball | | | | | | Retriever |ATK/SPD | None | O[]XE | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ======================================================================= Special Ability Increases damage by spaces moved. Put on Accelerators, have it move a lot, and attack for some big damage. =========================ENTEI (NOTAPOKEMON)======================== How to create: After Actress is recruited in Axel mode, you get the option to create these Tiers: Ifrit | Satana | Marid | Flamberg | Slust | Agni Magichange Type: Axe Counter: 2 MOV: 3 JMP: 15 THROW: 4 Base stats HP: 28|30|32|34|36|38 SP: 10|11|12|13|14|15 ATK: 18|20|22|24|26|28 DEF: 14|16|18|20|22|24 INT: 8| 9|10|11|12|13 RES: 8| 9|10|11|12|13 HIT: 14|16|18|20|22|24 SPD: 10|11|12|13|14|15 Aptitudes HP: 110|110|120|120|130|130 SP: 90| 90|100|100|110|110 ATK: 130|130|140|140|150|150 DEF: 110|110|120|120|130|130 INT: 80| 80| 90| 90|100|100 RES: 80| 80| 80| 90| 90| 90 HIT: 110|110|120|120|130|130 SPD: 80| 80| 90| 90|100|100 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Kienzan | ATK | Fire | | | | | | | | | | | | | OXXX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Spiral Blaze | ATK | Fire | EOX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Fire Fountain| ATK | Fire | X | N/A | | | | | XOX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | |Shine Taker | ATK | Fire | X | XXX | | | | | XCX | XXXXX | | | | | X | XXXOXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Triple Fire | ATK | Fire | OEX | N/A | | Jump | | | | | |(Magichange) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Spiral | | | | | | Explosion | ATK | Fire | X | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | OXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ======================================================================= Special Ability Stats (except HP and SP) increase by 10% for every allied Entei class monster on the map, including itself. =========================CELESTIAL HOST (NOWINGEDANGEL)======================== How to create: After Main Hero B is recruited in Axel mode, you get the option to create these. Tiers: Angel | Angel Cadet | Angel Soldier | Crusader | Avenger | Paladin Counter: 1 MOV: 4 JMP: 20 THROW: 5 Base stats HP: 14|15|16|17|18|19 SP: 16|17|18|19|20|21 ATK: 14|15|16|17|18|19 DEF: 8| 9|10|11|12|13 INT: 14|16|18|20|22|24 RES: 18|20|22|24|26|28 HIT: 16|18|20|22|24|26 SPD: 7| 8| 9|10|11|12 Aptitudes HP: 90| 90|100|100|110|110 SP: 100|110|120|130|140|150 ATK: 90| 90|100|100|110|110 DEF: 90| 90| 90|100|100|100 INT: 110|110|120|120|130|130 RES: 110|110|120|120|130|130 HIT: 110|110|110|120|120|120 SPD: 90| 90| 90|100|100|100 Masteries Fist: D|D|D|D|D|D Sword: C|C|C|C|C|C Spear: C|C|C|B|B|B Bow: B|A|A|A|S|S Gun: C|C|C|C|B|B Axe: C|C|C|C|C|B Staff: B|A|A|A|S|S Special Skills Fire Wind Ice Heal Special Ability Lessens elemental damage to non-adjacent allies Special Note: This is the only humanoid unit that ignores obstacles when moving. This makes it a good choice to max MOV on, since it can reach level spheres and gatekeepers a lot easier than other humanoids can. =========================MID-BOSS (STOMACHCRAMPS)======================== Title: Dark Adonis Magichange Type: Sword How to recruit: Pass the bill "I want to see the ending!" and beat the stage that appears. This will result in a new cycle, so make sure you do everything you need on the current cycle first. On the new cycle, pass the same bill again, but this time have Adell join an assembly and there should be a bill from Mid-boss asking you to let him join. Pass it and he's yours. On further cycles the recruitment bill will always appear, provided you cleared the "see the ending" stage at least once. Counter: 2 MOV: 5 JMP: 20 THROW: 4 Base stats HP: 48 SP: 14 ATK: 20 DEF: 18 INT: 14 RES: 14 HIT: 16 SPD: 14 Aptitudes HP: 120 SP: 80 ATK: 120 DEF: 110 INT: 90 RES: 100 HIT: 100 SPD: 110 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================= |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Adonic | ATK | None | | | | Buster | | | | | | | | | OX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Whirling | ATK | None | | | | Attack | | | | | |(Magichange) | | | O[][][][]X | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Inscribed | ATK | None | | | | Soul | | | | | |(Magichange) | | | OX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ======================================================================= Special Ability Less damage from males =========================PRIERE (STPAPRIKA)======================== Title: Overlord Magichange Type: Axe How to recruit: Clear her stage, then pass her bill with Adell as senator Counter: 3 MOV: 5 JMP: 25 THROW: 6 Base stats HP: 24 SP: 11 ATK: 22 DEF: 11 INT: 8 RES: 12 HIT: 15 SPD: 15 Aptitudes HP: 120 SP: 90 ATK: 120 DEF: 110 INT: 80 RES: 120 HIT: 120 SPD: 110 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Requiem | INT | None | | XXX | | Aeternam | | | XXX | XXXXX | | | | | XNX | XXXXXXX | | | | | XXX | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXXXXXX | | | | | |XXXXXXXOXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Dragon's | ATK | None | | XXX | | Rage | | | | XXXXX | | | | | C | XXXOXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | ATK | None | | | |Holy Cannon | | | | | |(Magichange) | | | OXXX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | ATK | None | | | |Priere Change| | | | | |(Magichange) | | | OX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Also learns Omega Heal naturally Special Ability Damage increases by empty square Basically Area of Effect attacks get more powerful the more squares there are that aren't hitting any enemies. Makes an excellent Magichange for this ability alone. =========================MARJOLY (GAOMYAO)======================== Title: Legendary Witch Magichange Type: Staff How to recruit: Clear her stage, then pass her bill with Adell as senator Counter: 1 MOV: 4 JMP: 15 THROW: 3 Base stats HP: 21 SP: 27 ATK: 9 DEF: 10 INT: 24 RES: 16 HIT: 11 SPD: 8 Aptitudes HP: 120 SP: 130 ATK: 90 DEF: 90 INT: 130 RES: 130 HIT: 110 SPD: 90 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================= |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Dark | INT | None | | X | | Force | | | | XXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | C | XXXXXOXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | INT | None | | | | Ultimate | | | | | | Spell | | | OX | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability Takes less damage from girls =========================PRISM RED (SENTAIRED)======================== Title: Super Hero Magichange Type: Sword How to recruit: After the Laharl battle at Shinra Tower, there is a bill available for a stage to fight all 7 Prism Rangers. Beat the stage, and if you have used 5 Prism Ranger phones at any time during the current cycle, a bill will be proposed by each of the original 5 Prism Rangers that allows them to appear as NPCs in Holt. Pass the 5 bills with Adell as a senator, and after those 5 are passed, the bill to recruit Prism Red becomes available. Pass it with Adell as a senator, and you're done. Counter: 1 MOV: 5 JMP: 20 THROW: 5 Base stats HP: 16 SP: 6 ATK: 12 DEF: 8 INT: 8 RES: 8 HIT: 10 SPD: 12 Aptitudes HP: 100 SP: 90 ATK: 110 DEF: 90 INT: 80 RES: 90 HIT: 100 SPD: 100 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================= |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Prism | ATK | None | | X | | Justice | | | | XXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | C | XXXXXOXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | ATK | None | | | | Swift | | | | | | Justice | | | OX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Prism | ATK | None | | X | | Hurricane | | | | XXX | |(Magichange) | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | C | XXXXXOXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability Attack up when in danger =========================MR. CHAMPLOO (COOKINGFIGHTER)======================= Title: Home Ec Teacher How to recruit: Clear his stage, he joins at level 500 after Counter: 1 MOV: 4 JMP: 20 THROW: 5 Base stats HP: 28 SP: 12 ATK: 21 DEF: 14 INT: 12 RES: 12 HIT: 13 SPD: 22 Aptitudes HP: 120 SP: 100 ATK: 120 DEF: 100 INT: 100 RES: 100 HIT: 100 SPD: 130 Masteries Fist: S Sword: A Spear: A Bow: C Gun: C Axe: C Staff: D Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Shredder | ATK | None | | XXX | | Kick | | | | XXXXX | | | | | C | XXXOXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | ATK | None | | | | Chef's | | | | | | Special | | | OX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | ATK | Fire | | | | Flaming | | | XXX | | | Stir-Fry | | | XOX | N/A | | | | | XXX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability Adds damage received to counterattacks. =========================RASPBERYL (GOODISBAD)======================== Title: No. 1 Delinquent Magichange Type: Sword How to recruit: Clear her stage, she joins automatically after Counter: 1 MOV: 4 JMP: 20 THROW: 5 Base stats HP: 18 SP: 16 ATK: 13 DEF: 10 INT: 22 RES: 15 HIT: 16 SPD: 16 Aptitudes HP: 100 SP: 130 ATK: 110 DEF: 90 INT: 130 RES: 110 HIT: 100 SPD: 120 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | D-Rule 1: | INT | None | | | | Morality | | | X | | | | | | O[]X | N/A | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | D-Rule 2: | INT | None | | XXX | | Volunteer | | | X | XXXXX | | | | | XCX | XXXOXXX | | | | | X | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | D-Rule 3: | INT | None | | X | | Ecofriend | | | | XXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | X | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | XCX | XXXXXOXXXXX | | | | | X | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Imperial | ATK | None | | | | Cross | | | | X | |(Magichange) | | | | XXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | C | XXXXOXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | INT | None | | | | Delta | | | XX | | | Extreme | | | OXXXX | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | XX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability Magic Range+2, but SP cost increases by 50%, rounded down =========================MAO (DISSECTOR)======================== Title: Principal How to recruit: Clear his stage. Joins at level 3200 after Counter: 1 MOV: 5 JMP: 25 THROW: 5 Base stats HP: 24 SP: 14 ATK: 22 DEF: 12 INT: 22 RES: 10 HIT: 12 SPD: 11 Aptitudes HP: 110 SP: 120 ATK: 130 DEF: 100 INT: 130 RES: 100 HIT: 100 SPD: 100 Masteries Fist: C Sword: A Spear: A Bow: C Gun: C Axe: A Staff: A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | | | | | X | |Blast Finger | ATK | Star | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | C | XXXXOXXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Shine | ATK | Star | | | | Beam | | | | | | | | | OXXX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Vasa | ATK | Star | | XXX | | Aergun | | | X X | XXXXX | | | | | N | XXXXXXX | | | | | X X | XXXXOXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability Stats increase by 5% for every enemy on the field =========================ZETTA (BADASSBOOK)======================== Title: Badass Overlord Magichange Type: Bow How to recruit: Clear his stage, then pass the bill with Adell as senator Counter: 4 MOV: 1 JMP: 20 THROW: 4 Base stats HP: 27 SP: 13 ATK: 24 DEF: 13 INT: 9 RES: 13 HIT: 17 SPD: 9 Aptitudes HP: 130 SP: 100 ATK: 120 DEF: 120 INT: 100 RES: 110 HIT: 120 SPD: 100 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Zetta Beam | ATK | Star | | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | N/A | | | | | XXX | | | | | | O | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Zetta Beeeam | ATK | Star | | | | | | | XX | | | | | | XXXX | N/A | | | | | OXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXX | | | | | | XX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Badass | ATK | None | O[]X | N/A | | Overdrive | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Pump | ATK/ | None | | | | Arrow | HIT | | | X | |(Magichange) | | | | XXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | C | XXXXOXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Invite | ATK/ | None | | XXX | |(Magichange) | HIT | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | X | XXXXXXXXXXX | | | | | XCX | XXXXXXOXXXXXX | | | | | X | XXXXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability More damage to humans =========================GORDON (IMAMONSTERNOW)======================== Title: Defender Magichange Type: Sword How to recruit: Beat the second Rescue the Defender stage, and pass the bill that appears with senator Adell. Counter: 1 MOV: 5 JMP: 20 THROW: 5 Base stats HP: 22 SP: 8 ATK: 16 DEF: 12 INT: 6 RES: 10 HIT: 16 SPD: 12 Aptitudes HP: 120 SP: 80 ATK: 120 DEF: 110 INT: 70 RES: 90 HIT: 120 SPD: 110 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | Normal | ATK | None | | X | | Attack | | | | X | | | | | C | XXXXXOXXXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |EM Radiation | ATK | None | X | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | XOX[]E | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability Attack again if the first blow misses Special Notes: Has a ranged normal attack. See skills section for just how far it reaches. Also used to be human. =========================MONSTER ASAGI (ASAMON)======================== Title: Main Character? Magichange Type: Gun How to recruit: Defeat her stage and pass the bill that appears with Senator Adell. Counter: 0 MOV: 5 JMP: 20 THROW: 3 Base stats HP: 18 SP: 16 ATK: 8 DEF: 12 INT: 12 RES: 14 HIT: 18 SPD: 16 Aptitudes HP: 100 SP: 100 ATK: 90 DEF: 100 INT: 100 RES: 120 HIT: 130 SPD: 120 Masteries N/A Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | Normal | ATK | None | | X | | Attack | | | | X | | | | | C | XXXXXOXXXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Magic | HIT | None | | X | | Shot | | | | XXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | X | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | XCX | XXXXXOXXXXX | | | | | X | XXXXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Magic Armor | HIT | None | X | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | O[][]XXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | HIT | None | | X | | Morphin' | | | XXX | XXX | | Time | | | XNX | XXOXX | |(Magichange) | | | XXX | XXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability Stats (except HP and SP) increase by 10% for every ally male character on the field. Special Notes: Has a ranged normal attack. =========================HUMAN ASAGI (ASAMAN)======================== Title: Main Character? How to recruit: Level Monster Asagi to 2000. Pass the bill by Asagi that appears as Senator Adell. If passed, Monster Asagi will transform into Human Asagi. Counter: 1 MOV: 5 JMP: 20 THROW: 4 Base stats HP: 20 SP: 14 ATK: 12 DEF: 14 INT: 14 RES: 16 HIT: 24 SPD: 22 Aptitudes HP: 110 SP: 100 ATK: 100 DEF: 120 INT: 120 RES: 130 HIT: 140 SPD: 140 Masteries Fist: C Sword: C Spear: C Bow: A Gun: S Axe: C Staff: C Special Skills ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | Cameo Star | HIT | None | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | C | XXXXOXXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Magic Shot | HIT | Star | X | N/A | | | | | O[][]XXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Special Ability Stats (except HP and SP) increase by 10% for every ally male character on the field. =========================PINK (POWERPINK)======================== Title: Evil Ranger Magichange Type: Fist How to recruit: When Axel is in the Land of Carnage, pass the bill that appears as senator Adell for her to join. Must have beaten Axel mode at least once. Joins after beating her in chapter 1 of Axel mode Base Stats HP: 20 SP: 9 ATK: 17 DEF: 10 INT: 6 RES: 6 HIT: 11 SPD: 15 Aptitudes HP: 90 SP: 100 ATK: 120 DEF: 100 INT: 90 RES: 100 HIT: 120 SPD: 130 Masteries N/A Special Skills (Same as Deathsaber) ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Deathscorn | ATK | None | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | C | XXXOXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Death Swing | ATK | None | OX[][]E | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Death Package| ATK | None | OXXX | N/A | | | | HP Drain | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | | Death Wing | ATK | None | X | XXX | | | | | XCX | XXXXX | | | | | X | XXXOXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Death Stomp |ATK/SPD | None | O[]XE | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ball | | | | | | Retriever |ATK/SPD | None | O[]XE | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ======================================================================= Special Ability Increases damage by spaces moved. Put on Accelerators, have it move a lot, and attack for some big damage. Note: She'll never be as good as a Devon Rex, so max one non-HP/SP stat and make her a Magichange weapon. =========================ACTRESS (BLUEDRAGON)======================== Title: A-List Star Magichange Type: Axe How to recruit: When Axel is in the Land of Carnage, pass the bill that appears as senator Adell for her to join. Must have beaten Axel mode at least once. Joins after beating her in chapter 2 of Axel mode Base Stats HP: 32 SP: 14 ATK: 16 DEF: 12 INT: 6 RES: 14 HIT: 6 SPD: 6 Aptitudes HP: 120 SP: 100 ATK: 140 DEF: 120 INT: 120 RES: 90 HIT: 120 SPD: 90 Masteries N/A Special Skills (Same as Entei) ======================================================================== |Skill Name | Stat | Element | Area Of Effect | Range | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | Kienzan | ATK | Fire | | | | | | | | | | | | | OXXX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Spiral Blaze | ATK | Fire | EOX | N/A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Fire Fountain| ATK | Fire | X | N/A | | | | | XOX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | X | |Shine Taker | ATK | Fire | X | XXX | | | | | XCX | XXXXX | | | | | X | XXXOXXX | | | | | | XXXXX | | | | | | XXX | | | | | | X | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | |Triple Fire | ATK | Fire | OEX | N/A | | Jump | | | | | |(Magichange) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Spiral | | | | | | Explosion | ATK | Fire | X | N/A | |(Magichange) | | | OXXX | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ======================================================================= Special Ability Stats (except HP and SP) increase by 10% for every allied Entei class monster on the map, including herself. Note: She's an inferior Entei class monster. To get the most out of her, max one non-HP/SP stat and make her a Magichange weapon. =========================MAIN HERO B (CROSSDRESSER)======================== Title: Angel Masochist How to recruit: When Axel is in the Land of Carnage, pass the bill that appears as senator Adell for it to join. Must have beaten Axel mode at least once. Joins after the stage "Demon Sashimi" in chapter 3 of Axel mode Counter: 1 MOV: 4 JMP: 20 THROW: 5 Base stats HP: 16 SP: 14 ATK: 14 DEF: 10 INT: 14 RES: 10 HIT: 10 SPD: 6 Aptitudes HP: 100 SP: 130 ATK: 120 DEF: 100 INT: 120 RES: 120 HIT: 120 SPD: 120 Masteries Fist: D Sword: B Spear: C Bow: C Gun: D Axe: C Staff: B Special Skills Fire Wind Ice Heal Special Ability Lessens elemental damage to non-adjacent allies Special Notes: The game treats this unit as a dude, dood. Also has a terrible battle voice. Oh, can also ignore obstacles like the Celestial Host. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _____ ____ ____ | | | |\ /| | | | | | | | |\ | | | | \ / | | | | | | | | | \ | | |--- | \/ | | /\ | | | |---| | | | | | | | | | / \ | | | | \ | | / | | |____ | | \/ \/ |___| | \ |___ |/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ITEMWRLD) ------------------------- Introduction ------------------------- Every single item in the game has their own world, which consists entirely of randomly generated floors. The enemies spawned are random and also have random equipment, and sometimes random events such as pirates and mystery gates may occur on each floor. Traversing the item world is essential to get the most out of your equipment and can turn even freshly made level 1 characters into powerhouses. It is also the only way to get some of the most powerful items in the game. Common items have a maximum of 30 floors, while rare items have 60 and legendary items have 100. Going through an item's Item World is how you level it up, with its stats increasing the higher its level is. Like in the first game, going down a floor increases an item's level by 1, but in this game, the maximum level is 200, which means there are other things that need to be done in order to get the other 100 levels. Most items will also contain specialists, which are npcs that essentially live in the item and provide a boost to it. For example, a Gladiator in an item would boost its attack while a Dietician would increase the HP the item provides. Specialists can be moved from one item to another but they need to be subdued first. This means you have to enter the Item World, find the specialist on a random floor and defeat it. Fortunately upon entering a new floor the game will alert you when a specialist is present by centering on it once the map has loaded. If you do find a specialist be sure to subdue it as soon as possible because enemies can and will attempt to kill it and it usually spends its turn attacking an enemy, which may provoke a counterattack. If you don't happen to subdue it that floor, don't worry as the specialist will appear on another random floor. Naturally, once you've reached the end of the Item World, you cannot subdue any more specialists that have been unsubdued. Once you unlock Magichanging or new generic classes, the Item World enemies will gain the ability to Magichange, and the generic classes unlocked can be encountered as enemies as well. Unlike you, the enemy can keep Magichanged weapons for the whole battle. ------------------------- Item leveling methods (NEWITEMBOOST) ------------------------ Dark Hero Days features some new methods to help level items to the magic 200. All known methods of additionally leveling an item are included here. If the method is new to this version, it will have (NEW TO DHD) right by it MONSTER AMBUSH Get this by entering a Mystery Gate. There will be a long pause before the screen loads. Once it does, you will be surrounded by 7 monsters of a certain type, which is always the lowest tier. You can move Adell around during this, but talking to any one of them will start a fight with them. To get the level boost, you wait defeat all the monsters in no more than 2 turns. Any more than that will cause the monsters to laugh at you and abruptly end the battle. If you do succeed the item gets +3 to its level. FORTUNE TELLER SLAYING (NEW TO DHD) The Fortune Teller NPC that randomly appears in Mystery gates has been improved. For one, the fortune "Horrible Luck", which would decrease an item's level by 10, has been removed, so now you only get Good (+3), Bad (-3), or Great (+10). In addition, after getting your fortune told, you may further increase the item's level by another +3 by speaking to him repeatedly until he gets ticked and engages you in battle. His default level is 1000 but you should be able to wipe the floor with him if you use a sleep + poison combination. This effectively can net you either a +0, +6, or +13 level gain in a single mystery gate. LEVEL SPHERES (NEW TO DHD) A level sphere is a crystal blue sphere that may randomly spawn on floors 21-99. The game brings it to your attention and will center on it when it does appear. To benefit from it, you must have a character lift the sphere and proceed to the next floor. Doing so will increase the item's level by 5. The sphere usually takes some effort to grab, as it usually can be found on a separate island, or near a group of enemies and may be several squares away from the Base Panel. Sometimes it may even spawn on a single square island, in this case it is impossible to get. Having an Angel with Accelerators is a good idea as they ignore obstacles and with a large enough throw tower can easily reach the spheres. Be sure to grab the sphere on the first turn, since enemies will prioritize its destruction first, and it has low HP. Entering a mystery gate while holding a sphere will not increase the item's level, as you get sent back to the same floor. Therefore, when you see both a mystery gate and a level sphere, get the sphere always unless you can't get it or you have already maxed the item. --------------------------- Mystery Gate Residents (MYSTERYNEWCOMER) --------------------------- Here are the possible encounters you may come across when you enter a Mystery Gate. If the encounter is exclusive to this port, then it will have (NEW TO DHD) by it. MONSTER AMBUSH You start surrounded by 7 monsters of the lowest tier. Kill them all in 2 turns or less to get +3 levels to your item. CHESTS Either just a bunch of chests or chests and a Dragon. If it's just chests go ahead and loot them. If there's a dragon, you'll have to beat it to get the contents. SPA A group of succubi and alraunes. You can pay them full price for a spa treatment which increases the bonus gauge on the next map, or you can pay them half price and still get an increase in the gauge but your units will lose a percentage of their HP. RARE/LEGENDARY SALESMAN A marionette. Sells random rare and legendary items. What rank items he sells depends on what item you're in. Sometimes he may even have Rank 39 legendaries for sale! Make sure you have enough HL to buy them though. Can only buy stuff from him the first time. BRIBING SALESMAN A zombie. Sells stuff used to bribe the Dark Assembly, as well as stuff that can disable some senators. If you plan on bribing every possible senator you'll want to stock up on smellingsalts to rid the Baciels of their drunk status. CELL PHONE SALESMAN A Prinny. Sells a random assortment of cell phone items. Useful for stocking up on Defender of Earth and Prism Ranger phones. Can only buy stuff from him once. After that, you can talk to him several times and he goes berserk and attacks you. Throw the poor guy for an easy victory. MANA POTION SALESMAN A Blue Skull. Sells Mana potions, which increase a unit's mana when used. Somewhat useful at low levels when mana is hard to get, but becomes useless later. Can only buy stuff from him once. DEPARTMENT STORE A group of 5 which consists of an archer and the above 4 NPCs. The archer won't sell anything but the other 4 do. Once you have talked to all 4 shops the archer will say the stores are closed. Talk to her several times and she will snap and you can fight her and the 4 shopkeepers. You don't get anything special for beating them but if you feel like being mean go ahead. COLLECTOR Can be any unit. Talk to them and they will ask to be subdued. If yes, you get a Collector specialist that is level 1 in your item. WEAPON SCROLL SELLER A lone Sinner. Talk to him and he will offer to sell you Weapon Scrolls, which are all legendary and when equipped on a character, changes the rate at which they earn weapon experience to A. They're rather expensive though, but they're worth it. It's also one of the rarer encounters, so buy everything from him if you do get it! FORTUNE TELLER A lone Geomancer. Talk to him to have your fortune told. He will say one of three things, which results in the following 1. Bad Luck - Item level -3 2. Good Luck - Item level +3 3. Great Luck - Item level +10 After getting your fortune told, talk to him several times. He will get angry and attack you. Defeat him to earn another +3 levels to your item. MUSIC SHOP (NEW TO DHD) You'll know you get this resident when you see a lone Empusa (lowest tier Succubus). She functions just like the overworld music NPC except here you can purchase music you've heard at least once. Any music you've bought can now be accessed from the overworld NPCs, and can be set as the BGM in the Item World. PAINTER (NEW TO DHD) A single Holy Dragon marks this encounter. He can change the colors of your characters to ones from the same tier that you've already unlocked for free. Of course this means you can't change the colors of unique characters, since they don't have different color palettes. Meeting him at least once gets you access to the bill "Base Map Workshop" which unlocks an NPC in the overworld that can do the same thing except he charges you for the color changing. You do not have to find him again on a different cycle, as the bill will always be there if you managed to gain access to it once. MAO'S MAGNIFICENT MAGICHANGE (NEW TO DHD) Naturally, you'll know you get this when you see Mao. He will "fix up" any one monster-type character of your choosing, which gives it the copyright sign by its title and allow it to perform a Magichange 2 with a humanoid. Be warned, if you exit the menu and you haven't fixed up a monster, Mao will not give you that option again and you'll have to find him in another Mystery Gate. ORC PIRATES (NEW TO DHD) Unlike the other Mystery Gate residents, the background takes place on a pirate ship. The Orc Pirates are apparently on break and will not engage in battle, therefore you cannot take their map if you haven't already. Speak to one of the orcs and they will tell you about what type of items the different Pirates tend to frequent. They will only inform you about one random Pirate per Mystery Gate encounter. They also seem to be the rarest Mystery Gate encounter, as I've only found them twice and have seen everything else at least 10 times. The items and floors the different Pirates tend to appear in are: Ambling - any item and floor (like you need any help finding these...) Dancing - Bow, any floor Orc - Weights, any floor Monk - Staff, floor 21+ Hunter - Armor, floor 21+ Gate - Spear, floor 21+ Animal - Monster Weapon, floor 21+ Jolly - Muscle, floor 21+ Prism - Sword, floor 41+ Red - Shoe, floor 41+ Wealthy - Legendary, any floor Baal - Rank 40 item in Land of Carnage , floor 91+ Prinny Baal - Rank 40 item in Land of Carnage, floor 91+ If anyone wants to share their Orc Pirate encounters, I'm all ears. So far the ones they've told me about have been Ambling and the Orcs themselves. ----------------------- Dark Court and Felonies (DRKFELON) ----------------------- The Dark Court is a blue portal similar to the mystery gate that appears in the Item World. It appears whenever you have a Baliff specialist in an item, and the portal appears on the same floor as the level of the Bailiff. Entering the Dark Court will grant the unit(s) a set number of felonies and a prize that depends on the type of felony received. It is very important to know that you can throw multiple units into the Dark Court and they will all receive the same amount of felonies. MAKE SURE YOU THROW MULTIPLE UNITS INTO THE DARK COURT. Bailiffs can be gotten from subpoenas, which are gotten from an NPC who issues them from a set of crimes. There are two categories of crimes: Everybody, and individual crimes. Crimes under the Everybody section are one-time only, and cannot be gotten again, while individual crimes can be gotten multiple times per unit. Remember bailiffs already come subdued, so move them to another item you wish to enter before attempting to collect the felony it holds. Collecting the felony in a non-subpoena item does not change the amount of felonies or prize you receive. Generally I recommend going for felonies that are 6+. When leveling an item, put 6 felony bailiffs for floors 10-30, 10 felony bailiffs for floors 30-50, and 12+ felony bailiffs for floors 50-70. Below I will list the felonies you can get and any other characteristics you may want to know about them. Reading the chart below: Felony name - Self-explanatory Amount - Number of felonies you get from the Dark Court Floor - What level the Bailiff specialist typically appears as. A bailiff can only be an even number and can never spawn on the 10th floor, so in the number ranges mentioned, disregard any odd numbers or multiples of 10. How to get - Also Self-explanatory Prize - The prize you receive from the Dark Court in additon to the felony A * by the felony name indicates it is new to Dark Hero Days Individual Felonies ======================================================================== |Felony Name | Amount | Floor | How to get | Prize | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High LV | 2 | 6-14 | Be lvl 20+ | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High HP | 2 | 6-14 | Have 500+ HP | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High SP | 2 | 6-14 | Have 250+ SP | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High ATK | 2 | 6-14 | Have 200+ ATK | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High DEF | 2 | 6-14 | Have 200+ DEF | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High INT | 2 | 6-14 | Have 200+ INT | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High RES | 2 | 6-14 | Have 200+ RES | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High HIT | 2 | 6-14 | Have 200+ HIT | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | High SPD | 2 | 6-14 | Have 200+ SPD | 50000 HL | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Geo | 2 | 16-24 | Make a 500+ Geo Chain | Astral Orb | | Vandalism | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Being a | 2 | 16-24 | Die 20+ times | Spirit Muscle | | Loser | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Friendly | 2 | 16-24 | Kill 20+ allies | The Heretic | | Fire | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too Many | 2 | 16-24 | Kill 100+ enemies | Immortal Pill | | Murders | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Liking Guys| 2 | 16-24 | Have 10+ male pupils | 500 mana | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Liking | 2 | 16-24 | Have 10+ female pupils | 500 mana | | Girls | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Being a | 2 | 16-24 | Have 10+ monster | 500 mana | | Breeder | | | pupils | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Pitching | 3 | 16-24 | Throw 20+ Prinnies | Prinny Staff | | Prinnies | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Comboing | 4 | 16-24 | Combo 100+ times | Demon Smasher | | | | |(Attack after somebody) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Excessive | 4 | 16-24 | Do 1000+ damage | Spirit Belt | | Force | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stack | 6 | 16-24 | Do 100+ Tower Attacks | Tower Shield | | Attacking | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Team | 6 | 16-24 | Do 100+ Team Attacks | Gank | | Attacking | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Corrupting | 6 | 16-24 | Have a lvl 100+ | 5000 mana | | the Youth | | | humanoid pupil | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Illegal | 6 | 16-24 | Have a lvl 100+ | 5000 mana | | Breeding | | | monster pupil | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Be lvl 200+ | 2000000 HL | | LV | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Have 5000+ HP | 2000000 HL | | HP | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Have 2500+ SP | 2000000 HL | | SP | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Have 2000+ ATK | 2000000 HL | | ATK | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Have 2000+ INT | 2000000 HL | | INT | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Have 2000+ DEF | 2000000 HL | | DEF | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Have 2000+ RES | 2000000 HL | | RES | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Have 2000+ HIT | 2000000 HL | | HIT | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Too High | 6 | 16-24 | Have 2000+ SPD | 2000000 HL | | SPD | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Be lvl 2000+ | 500000000 HL | | High LV | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Have 50000+ HP | 500000000 HL | | High HP | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Have 25000+ SP | 500000000 HL | | High SP | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Have 20000+ ATK | 500000000 HL | | High ATK | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Have 20000+ DEF | 500000000 HL | | High DEF | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Have 20000+ INT | 500000000 HL | | High INT | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Have 20000+ RES | 500000000 HL | | High RES | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Have 20000+ HIT | 500000000 HL | | High HIT | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Way Too | 10 | 36-44 | Have 20000+ SPD | 500000000 HL | | High SPD | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 | Have 15+ Fist Mastery | Scroll: Fist | | Fists | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 | Have 15+ Sword Mastery | Scroll: Sword | | Swords | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 | Have 15+ Spear Mastery | Scroll: Spear | | Spears | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 | Have 15+ Bow Mastery | Scroll: Bow | | Bows | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 | Have 15+ Gun Mastery | Scroll: Gun | | Guns | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 | Have 15+ Axe Mastery | Scroll: Axe | | Axes | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 | Have 15+ Staff Mastery | Scroll: Staff | | Staves | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 |Learn all Fire magic and| Exodus | | Fire Magic | | |have their total levels | | | | | |be 15+ | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 |Learn all Wind magic and| Exodus | | Wind Magic | | |have their total levels | | | | | |be 15+ | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 |Learn all Ice magic and | Exodus | | Ice Magic | | |have their total levels | | | | | |be 15+ | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 |Learn all Star magic and| Exodus | | Star Magic | | |have their total levels | | | | | |be 15+ | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mastering | 12 | 56-64 |Learn all Heal magic and| Universal | | Heal Magic | | |have their total levels | Orb | | | | |be 15+ | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Magichanging| 12 | 56-64 |Magichange 30+ times |M-Change Weight | |Others* | | |(Monsters only) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Reincarnat- | 16 | 56-64 |Reincarnate 10+ times | Red Moon Bow | |ing | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Note: The High, Too High, and Way Too High series of felonies can be gotten multiple times on the same character by reincarnating. The Reincarnation felony is once per character unfortunately. Everybody Felonies ======================================================================== |Felony Name | Amount | Floor | How to get | Prize | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Your | 1 | 4 |Beat 3-3 Adell Mode, | Dark Rosary | |Existence | | |you are forced to get it| | | | | |to continue (once only) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Playing too | 10 | 12-18 |Have 100+ hours play | Sundae | |much | | |time | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Being too | 10 | 12-18 |Have 100000000+ HL | 10000 mana | |rich | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mastering | 10 | 12-18 |Unlock every class | Twilight | |Classes | | |(except female samurai) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Magichanging| 10 | 12-18 |Magichange with 5+ | M-Change | |Self* | | |different monsters | Scroll | | | | |(unconfirmed) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kidnapping | 10 | 12-18 |Capture 15+ monsters | The Demon | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tele Fraud A| 10 | 12-18 |Use 30+ DoE cell phones | Laser Blade | | | | |in the same cycle | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tele Fraud B| 10 | 12-18 |Use 30+ Prism Ranger | Prism Cannon | | | | |cell phones in the | | | | | |same cycle | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tele Fraud C| 10 | 12-18 |Use 30+ Dark Hero | Macho Fist | | | | |cell phones in the | | | | | |same cycle | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Political | 10 | 12-18 |Pass 20+ bills by force | Veggie | |Unrest | | | | Burger | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |2nd round of| 10 | 36-44 |Be on a new cycle | Noble Rose | |playing | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Murdering | 10 | 56-64 |Beat Baal | Arcadia | |Baal | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Note: If you want to save some time later, reset for a legendary M-Change Scroll from the Magichanging self felony. +++++++++++++++ Other Stuff +++++++++++++++ This section will hopefully address any other concerns you have regarding the game. --------------------------------------- Specialists (RESIDENTITEM) --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Single-stat boosting specialists - boosts a stat, caps at 19998, also increases stat gains from killing Item Commanders so have a lot of these if you want to perfect items. Gladiator - Increases Item ATK Master - Increases Item SP Coach - Increases Item SPD Physician - Increases Item RES Marksman - Increases Item HIT Sentry - Increases Item DEF Dietician - Increases Item HP Tutor - Increases Item INT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dual stat specialist - boosts two stats, caps at 19998, are not found in items naturally, but instead occur from a wedding between two specialists (see Mediator specialists for more details), they also don't affect stat gains from killing Item Commanders, so don't use them until you have a perfect item. Muscleman - Increases ATK and HP Sprinter - Increases ATK and SPD Sniper - Increases ATK and HIT Nerd - Increases INT and SP Hard Worker - Increases ATK and INT Patient - Increases DEF and RES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status preventing specialists - decreases chances of getting a status ailment, caps at 100, at which point you are immune to that ailment Now would be a better time than any to explain status effects Sleep - Character is pretty much helpless and can't move or make any actions Poison - Loses 20% health at the start of each turn Paralysis - Cannot move but can still perform actions Deprave - Cannot receive experience Amnesia - Cannot use skills Coffee Maker - resists sleep Pharmacist - resists poison Medicine Man - resists paralysis Psychologist - resists amnesia Social Worker - resists deprave ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status inflicting specialists - increases odds of inflicting a status ailment, caps at 100, at that point you can pretty much expect to inflict it all the time Amnesiac - inflicts amnesia Gangster - inflicts deprave Hypnotist - inflicts sleep Witch Doctor - inflicts paralysis Alchemist - inflicts poison ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elemental specialists - increases elemental affinities, which determine how much damage you take from that element AND how much damage you do with that element, caps at 100 Cryophile - Increases Ice affinity. Firefighter - Increases Fire affinity. Aeronaut - Increases Wind affinity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Mediator - Increases the odds of two specialists having a wedding and creating a single or dual stat specialist. A wedding can only occur in Innocent Town, and is always between two single stat specialists. What stat both specialists affect will determine what kind of specialist will be born. For example, if a Dietician and Gladiator wed, a Muscleman will be born but if two Gladiators wed, another Gladiator will be born. The new specialist is unsubdued so make sure you get it before reaching the last floor. You will also need space in the item for the new specialists so spawning dual stat specialists is not recommended when perfecting items, as it prevents you from perfecting the item anyways. Caps at 100 (100% chance of wedding happening) Teacher - Increases a random specialist by 5%. The higher level the teacher, the better the odds of the event happening. Caps at 100. Get from legendary items. Armsmaster - Increases weapon skill experience gain from using weapons. Caps at 1900 (+2000%). Get from 100 Fists. Broker - Increases HL gained from killing stuff. Caps at 100 (+400%) Manager - Increases mana gained from killing stuff. Caps at 300 (+400%) Professional - Increases chance of critical hits. Caps at 100 (100% chance). Note that critical hits work with spells too. Get from 7 Year Kill. Mentor - Increases rate at which spell experience is gained. Caps at 300. (+400%) Bailiff - Summons a court gate on the item's Item World. Court Gates allow you to collect Felonies. Found in Subpoenas. Collector - Increases an item's rarity by the collector level. Found randomly in the Item World's Mystery Gates (level 1 only) or steal "Undefeatedable"'s gear in Battle Arena's First Battle (these have random levels). These guys already come subdued. Lover - Get this specialist on a piece of equipment by clearing 35+ battles without taking it off. When they spawn is still random after 35+. It could be on the 40th battle, or the 108th. Common items yield 1 unsubdued lover, rare items yield 2, and legendary 3. The unit has to be present on the field when the map is cleared for it to count. These increase your stats by 1% for every Lover level, and also improves a character's ability (more damage, more spaces moved, etc). Generic characters get generic lovers while unique characters get their own unique lovers. (An Iron Maiden and Valkyrie gets Female Warrior lover while Laharl gets Laharl lover) In the case of unique characters, when subduing their lovers, the lovers will appear with the same equipment and stats as the original character so make sure to unequip them first unless you think you can kill it, and no, you can't steal copies of their equipment. Units like Pink and Actress have their own unique lovers while monster and human Asagi each have a separate set of Lovers. ------------------------------------------ Notable Maps (REPEATTHISMAP) ------------------------------------------ A listing of all the maps that you may want to do again, if only because there is something useful in them, like it being a grinding map, the enemies having certain items to steal, or having a decent Bonus Rank. Grinding maps (Overlaps with high Bonus rank) 1. Dark World Adell Mode 3-3 Corpse Garden Bonus Rank 40, easy to beat at any level. Any equipment obtained here can last until the final chapter. 2. Dark World Adell Mode 1-4 Dead Tree Field Grinding map for healers 3. Adell Mode 11-3 Death to Cowards Grinding map for healers (for mana) 4. Adell Mode 9-2 Grave of Alchemy Good grinding map for low levels 5. Dark World Adell Mode 13-4 Final Decision Earliest available map with Bonus rank 65 (highest bonus rank) in Adell Mode. Only needs about 6 lvl 25+ Kunoichis to clear easily. Great for getting lots of HL, rank 38-39 items, and leveling freshly made characters. 6. Adell Mode 1-2 Reflection Pond Very easy stage to clear, useful for spawning Lovers, and sometimes you will get Cellphones, which may be the ones you need to unlock some Dark Assembly bills. 7. Cave of Ordeals 4 The ultimate grinding map. You will be spending lots of time in here. 8. Dark World Axel Mode 1-2 Meeting the Fans Bonus Rank 65, easy to clear with status effects. Farm rank 38-39 items here if playing on new game+ 9. Axel Mode 1-4 An Unwelcome Guest Earliest grinding map in Axel Mode. Level a Thief to 10 here then don't touch it again. 10. Dark World Axel Mode 1-4 An Unwelcome Guest Bonus rank 60, easy to clear with status effects and throwers. THE earliest place to potentially grab rank 39 items in both modes. If you start a new game in Axel Mode, you could get your first rank 39 item in about 30 minutes of play time here! 11. Dark World Axel Mode 3-4 Dissection Show Bonus rank 65, only one enemy, can use Deathblow to kill her and possibly level her to 9999 for lots of HL. Only recommended for NG+. Monster maps 1. Dark World Adell Mode 13-3 Killers' Hall Has every final tier monster except Dragon, Entei, Kurtis Robot, Deathsaber, and Prinny. In the Land of Carnage with max SEBs they will be all lvl 9999. 2. Dark World Adell Mode 11-6 Warped Knowledge Only place to capture Prinny Gods. Maximum level is 7740. 3. Final Departure (Mao Battle) I know you can't do this map again, but it deserves a special mention for being the only place to capture an uber Gene Lich. It's only available once per cycle, so grab it if you can. ------------------------------------------ Dark Assembly (.ASM) ------------------------------------------ Bills Cracking the Dark Assembly and the bills is crucial to success in Disgaea. When you begin, most senators hate you, and it is difficult to get anything passed. To soften them up, bribe senators constantly. You can do this by offering items to them. The senator will either like the item or not like it, but fortunately you can see their feelings towards the item before actually submitting it, so it's not so bad. A good method of getting bills passed is to bribe all senators of a certain race, then have Senator Adell pass a bill that raises their voice in assembly. * by the name means it is new to DHD. Regular Assembly (REGASM) ======================================================================== |Bill Name | How to unlock | What it does | Mana Cost | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Base Map |Encounter the Painter |Unlocks an NPC in | 100 | | Workshop * |NPC in the Item World |Holt/LoC that | | | | |changes a generic's| | | | |palette for a price| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Increase |Be a monster character|Increases the | 1000 | | Magichange |and unlock Magichange |Magichange turn | | | Turns * | |counter by 1 | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Face the Final | Defeat Prinny Baal |Unlocks the map: | 9999 | | Battle! * | Pirate in the Item |Uber Lord: Neo | | | | World in floor 90-99 |Final Showdown, | | | | of a rank 40 item |where Pringer X Go!| | | | |can be fought. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unleash the | Defeat the first |Powers up most LoC | 9999 | | Land of Carnage| Pringer X Go! battle |enemies, giving | | | * | |them the Uber Lord | | | | |status. Also | | | | |unlocks the final | | | | |Pringer X battle, | | | | |which counts in the| | | | |Dark Record. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hardcore Inst: | Have at least 50 |Unlocks Champloo | | | Champloo* | hours of play time |battle | 9999 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hardcore Inst: | Beat Champloo battle |Unlocks Raspberyl | | | Raspberyl* | and beat 30 Dark |battle | 9999 | | | World maps | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hardcore Inst: | Beat Raspberyl battle|Unlocks Mao battle | | | Mao* | and have unlocked | | 9999 | | | Land of Carnage | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Kunoichi| Have Fist and Staff |Unlocks Kunoichi | 20 | | | Mastery of 5 |class | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Strange | Have a Geo chain of |Unlocks Geomancer | | | Old Man | 500+ |class | 10 | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Tough | Have Spear Mastery |Unlocks Heavy | | | Guy | of 3 (Yukimaru |Knight class | 10 | | | has this when she | | | | | joins) | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Bad | Get at least one |Unlocks Sinner | | | Guy | Felony |class | 10 | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make an Archer | Have Bow Mastery |Unlocks Archer | | | | of 5 |class | 10 | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Busty | Have Sword and Staff |Unlocks Magic | | | Beauty | Mastery of 3 |Knight class | 10 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Trainer | Capture a monster |Unlocks Beast | | | | |Tamer class | 10 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Eastern | Have Sword Mastery |Unlocks Samurai | | | Swordsman | of 5 (Yukimaru |class | 10 | | | has lvl 4 when she | | | | | joins) | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Ninja | Have Fist and Sword |Unlocks Ninja | | | | Mastery of 5 |class | 20 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make a Gunner | Have a Gun Mastery |Unlocks Gunner | | | | of 5 |class | 20 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make the | Beat the game once |Unlocks Majin | | | Ultimate | |class | 500 | | Warrior | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want to | Automatic. Adell |Adell becomes a | | | become a | only bill |senator and can | 30 | | senator | |access special | | | | |bills | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want a | Adell must become |Adell has a greater| | | stronger voice | a senator. Adell only|influence when | 20 | | | bill |voting in Dark | | | | |Assemblies | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Triple EXP | Automatic |Triples EXP gained | | | | |from the first | 50 | | | |thing killed after | | | | |passing the bill | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Prinny Day | Automatic |Only Prinnies can | | | | |be used on the next| 50 | | | |map, but HL and | | | | |experience prizes | | | | |cannot show up | | | | |on the Bonus Gauge | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bonus Gauge | Automatic |Increases the | | | Boost | |Bonus Gauge by a | 50 | | | |random amount | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Stronger | Automatic |+1 to Stronger | | | Enemies | |enemy bill counter | 100 | | | |for a max of 20 | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Even Stronger | Automatic |+5 to Stronger | | | Enemies | |enemy bill counter | 250 | | | |for a max of 20 | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Strongest | Automatic |Maxes Stronger | | | Enemies | |enemy bill counter | 500 | | | |at 20 | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Weaker | Pass at least one |-1 to Stronger | | | Enemies | Stronger enemy bill |enemy bill counter | 10 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Even Weaker | Pass at least one |-5 to Stronger | | | Enemies | Stronger enemy bill |enemy bill counter | 100 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Weakest | Pass at least one |Sets Stronger | | | Enemies | Stronger enemy bill |enemy bill counter | 200 | | | |to 0 | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | More Expensive | Buy enough stuff to |Lets the shops sell| Ranges | | Stuff | raise customer rank |better items | from | | | | | 10-120 | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Cheaper stuff | Pass at least one |Shops sell weaker, | | | | More Expensive |cheaper stuff | 10 | | | Stuff bill | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Eyewear | Automatic |Shops sell eyewear | | | Inventory | | | 30 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Shoe | Automatic |Shops sell shoes | | | Inventory | | | 30 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Belt | Automatic |Shops sell belts | | | Inventory | | | 30 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Weights | Automatic |Shops sell weights | | | Inventory | | | 50 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Improve | Automatic |+1 to Counters | | | Counterattack | |Once per character | 300 | | | |only. Is reset when| | | | |reincarnating. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Improve | Automatic |+1 to MOV | | | Movement | |Once per character | 500 | | | |only. Is reset when| | | | |reincarnating. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reincarnation | Automatic |Character resets | | | | |to level 1 | 100 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reincarnate to | Get a Felony stamp |Gets rid of Felony | | | Atone for Sins | on a unique character|stamp | 400 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reincarnate to | Get a Felony stamp |Gets rid of Felony | | | a Prinny | on a generic |stamp. Character | 400 | | | character |becomes a Prinny | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Cave of | Have enough mana to |Unlocks Cave of | | | Ordeals | pass the bill |Ordeals | 700 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unleash the | Have 66 felonies on |Unlocks Priere | | | Fallen Maiden! | a character |battle | 500 | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Fight a Hero | Be on at least a |Unlocks Asagi | | | of Another | second cycle |battle | 100 | | Game! | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want to see | Have at least 20 |Unlocks Mid-boss | | | the ending | hours of play time |battle | 400 | | | and must not have | | | | | gotten Etna | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want to fight| Be on chapter 12-13 |Unlocks Laharl B | | | an Overlord! | and have at least |and Flonne battle | 1000 | | | 40 hours play time | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Pick a fight | Be on chapter 1 |Unlocks Laharl D | | | with an | |battle | 5000 | | Overlord! | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Break the | Have 99 felonies on |Unlocks Marjoly | | | Mysterious | a character |battle | 1500 | | Seal | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Meet Baal | Beat at least |Unlocks Baal | | | the Tyrant | 25 Dark World |battle | 9999 | | | maps | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Raise Military | Automatic |Gives a very minor | | | Funds | |amount of HL. Seems| 10 | | | |to exist only for | | | | |bribing senators | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Senator Adell bills (ADELLASM) Have Adell go to the Dark Assembly and pass the "I want to be a Senator" bill if you haven't already. Once he's a senator, he can enter special Dark Assemblies proposed by other characters. These do not cost any mana to listen to, and you can simply choose to leave if you do not want the bill passed. An advantage in doing this is that you can look through the bribe bag of the character proposing the bill, and take items from it. These items do not come from your inventory, even if the character proposing the bill is one of your own. It costs 10 influence each time you try to take the item however, and you may or may not get the item in question. Overall, it is a nice way to fill your collection record, especially with regards to the lower-end stuff. Just hear a bill, take any new items you find, and leave the assembly and the bill will not be passed and you can take another stab at the bribe bag. The affection column will denote whether the senators tend to love the bill or hate it. Usually when the senators love the bill it has negative side effects for you. ======================================================================== |Bill Name | How to unlock | What it does | Affection | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Make Adell |Automatic | HL becomes 0 | Love | | donate | | | | | (Rozalin) | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Put me in |Automatic | Prinny Day bill | Love | | dood! | | is passed | | | (Prinny) | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Be the Main |Recruit Laharl | Game Over | Love | | Character | | | | | (Laharl) | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Be the Main |Recruit Etna | Game Over | Love | | Character | | | | | (Etna) | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Be the Main |Recruit Flonne | Game Over | Love | | Character | | | | | (Flonne) | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Be the Main |Recruit Mr. Champloo | Game Over | Love | | Character | | | | | (Champloo)* | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Be the Main |Recruit Raspberyl | Game Over | Love | | Character | | | | | (Beryl)* | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Be the Main |Recruit Mao | Game Over | Love | | Character | | | | | (Mao) * | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want more |Automatic | Mothmen get more | Hate | | voice (Sen. | | voice in the Dark | | | Flaps) | | Assembly | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want more |Automatic | Ghosts get more | Hate | | voice (Sen. | | voice in the Dark | | | Catnap) | | Assembly | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want more |Automatic | Orcs get more | Hate | | voice (Sen. | | voice in the Dark | | | Orchead) | | Assembly | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want more |Automatic | Holy Dragons get | Hate | | voice (Sen. | | more voice in the | | | Decency) | | Dark Assembly | | | | | (Don't pass this) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want more |Automatic | Wood Golems get | Hate | | voice (Sen. | | more voice in the | | | Hotshot) | | Dark Assembly | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want more |Automatic | Baciels get more | Hate | | voice (Sen. | | voice in the Dark | | | Winou) | | Assembly | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want weapon |Have a Gold Bar | Give up a Gold | Hate | | parts (WB) |in your bag | Bar from your bag | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rescue |Use 3 Defender of | Unlock first | Hate | | Defender! (EDF)|Earth cell phones | Defender of Earth | | | | | map | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rescue |Use 3 Defender of | Unlock second | Hate | | Defender |Earth cell phones | Defender of Earth | | | Again! (EDF) |after beating the | map | | | |first Defender map | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summon |Recruit Flonne | Unlock battle | Hate | | Laharl!! | | to recruit Laharl | | | (Flonne) | | (Laharl C) | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Allow moi to |Pass the bill "I want | Recruit Mid-Boss | Hate | | join (Mid-Boss)|to see the ending" | | | | * |and do not enter the | | | | |stage. Must have | | | | |beaten Mid-boss at | | | | |least once | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | My powers are |Defeat Marjoly | Recruit Marjoly | Hate | | yours (Marjoly)| | | | | * | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | You know you |Defeat Zetta | Recruit Zetta | Hate | | need me (Zetta)| | | | | * | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Let's fight |Defeat the second | Recruit Gordon | Hate | | together |Defender of Earth | | | | (Gordon)* |mission | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I want to be |Have a lvl 2000+ | Turns monster | Hate | | human (Asagi)* |monster Asagi | Asagi into a | | | | | human | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | I love monsters|Have human Asagi in | Turns human Asagi | Hate | | better (Asagi)*|the party | back to monster | | | | | Asagi | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Watch this, |Automatic | Watch a video | Love | | it's fun! | | (Disgaea 1) | | | (Aramis)* | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Message of |Automatic | Watch a video | Love | | joy! (Badman)* | | (Badman game) | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Recruiting |Automatic | Watch a video | Love | | students! | | (Disgaea 3) | | | (Mao)* | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------- Special character recruitment criteria (SPECIALDOOD) ---------------------------------------- A list on how to get all the special characters for the main story. This will not go over DLCs because I have no experience with them. There is a DLC FAQ on gamefaqs so go to that instead if you have DLC concerns. Kurtis - Enter the Land of Carnage. He can be found near a large tent. Simply talk to him and he will join, but only in the Land of Carnage! Axel - Enter the Land of Carnage. He is found beside Kurtis. Depending on where you are in the story, he may or may not be present. Just talk to him and he joins, but only in the Land of Carnage! He will be present after Chapter 8 but will disappear a few chapters later. He reappears when you have access to the final story battle. Fubuki - Beat the story stage in Zenon's Castle where he is an ally. He should appear next to Kurtis in the Land of Carnage. Talk to him and he joins, but only in the Land of Carnage! Mid-Boss - Have at least 20 hours of play time, have at least one character with 400+ mana, and you must not have gotten Etna yet. There will be a bill called "I want to see the ending!" Pass it and beat the stage that appears. Doing so will lead to an ending (and a new song) so make sure you do everything you want to do in the currecnt cycle first. On the new game, pass the same bill again. After it's passed, do not go to the Mid-Boss stage again, but instead have Adell enter a Dark Assembly. An option called "Allow moi to join" appears. Pass it and we're done. Pink - Beat Axel Mode and enter the Land of Carnage. Axel must be in your party before you can proceed. Then have Adell attend a Dark Assembly and there should be a bill from her. Pass it and she joins, but only in the Land of Carnage! Actress - Beat Axel Mode and enter the Land of Carnage. Axel must be in your party before you can proceed. Then have Adell attend a Dark Assembly and there should be a bill from her. Pass it and she joins, but only in the Land of Carnage! Main Hero B - Beat Axel Mode and enter the Land of Carnage. Axel must be in your party before you can proceed. Then have Adell attend a Dark Assembly and there should be a bill from it. Pass the bill and it joins, but only in the Land of Carnage! Prism Red - Defeat the optional "Hero Show Event" map that shows up after losing to Laharl in Shinra Tower. Next use 5 Prism Ranger Cell Phones. Have Adell enter a dark assembly as a Senator and there should be a bill called "Be My Friend" by a Prism Ranger. Get that bill passed. Go back again and there should be another bill with the same name by another Prism Ranger. Pass that one, and do it 3 more times until you passed all 5 "Be My Friend" bills. Now, go back one last time and a new bill will appear from Prism Red asking you to join your team. Get that passed and you're done. Mr. Champloo - You must have beaten Axel Mode, have at least one unit with 9999+ mana, and have at least 50 hours of play time. There will be a bill called "Hardcore Inst.: Champloo" Pass the bill and beat the stage that appears. Champloo will join immediately after the battle. Raspberyl - Defeat her special map "This is Taboo Love". She joins automatically after. You will need 30 Dark World maps cleared and have beaten Mr. Champloo to unlock the bill for the stage. Mao - Defeat his special map "Final Departure". He joins automatically after. You will need to have beaten Raspberyl and Mr. Champloo and have access to the Land of Carnage to unlock the bill for the stage. Flonne - Pass a bill to fight Laharl after losing to him in story mode. The bill only appears after 40 hours of play time. Defeat the stage and Flonne joins automatically. The stage must be beaten in Holt Village for it to count. Doing so in LoC will only give you the option to do the stage again. Laharl - After recruiting Flonne, have Adell enter a Dark Assembly and look for the proposal "Summon Laharl". Pass it, and enter the stage from Holt Village. Beat the stage and Laharl automatically joins after. Once again, beating the stage in the LoC will not count. Priere - You must not have recruited Etna yet, and have at least one character with a 66+ Felony stamp and at least one character with 100+ mana. A bill "Unleash the Fallen Maiden" should appear. Pass it and enter the new stage. Beat it and have Adell enter a Dark Assembly, pass the bill by Priere, and she joins. Marjoly - Have at least one character with a 99 Felony stamp and at least one character with 1500+ mana. A bill "Break the Mysterious Seal" should appear. Pass it and enter the new stage. Beat it and have Adell enter a Dark Assembly, pass the bill by Marjoly, and she joins. Zetta - Beat at least 10 Dark World maps and have at least one character with 3000+ mana. A new bill called "Meet the Strongest Overlord" should appear. Beat it and have Adell enter a Dark Assembly, pass the bill by Zetta, and he joins you. Asagi (monster) - To get Makai Kingdom's version of Asagi, have at least one character with a 33+ displayed felony, at least one character with 100+ mana and be on a new cycle. There should be a bill to "Fight a Hero from Another Game". Pass that bill, and go to the stage that appears. Defeat the stage and have Adell enter a Dark Assembly. There should be a bill from her that asks to join you. Pass it and she's yours. Asagi (human) - Raise monster Asagi to level 2000+. Next have Adell enter a Dark Assembly. There should be a bill from her that says "Make me human". Pass it and monster Asagi transforms into human Asagi. You cannot have both monster and human Asagi playable at the same time. To get monster Asagi back, have Adell enter a Dark Assembly and pass the bill that says "I like monsters better". You will get monster Asagi back the way she was before she transformed. Do note that when she transforms, her equipment stays on her monster form, and vice versa, and can only be recovered by transforming again. Gordon - Defeat the second Defender of Earth map. The map is accessed by using 6 Defender of Earth cell phones and beating the first Defender of Earth stage. Use Adell's senator powers to pass the bill that unlocks the stage. Have Adell attend a Dark Assembly after the battle. Gordon should ask to join you. Pass the bill and he's yours. Unfortunately he's a monster this time around... --------------------------- Filling the Dark Record Entries (DRKRCRD) --------------------------- There are 26 Entries in the Dark Record. One could say they have beaten the game in its entirety if you manage to completely fill this out. Without further adieu, here are all the Dark Record entries and how to unlock them. 1. Item General defeated - Defeat an Item General, found on the 10th, 20th, 40th, 50th, 70th, and 80th floor in the Item World. 2. Item King defeated - Defeat an Item King, found on the 30th, 60th, and 90th floor in the Item World. 3. Item God defeated - Defeat an Item God, found on the 100th floor of a rank 39 and below item. 4. Item God 2 defeated - Defeat an Item God 2, found on the 100th floor of a rank 40 item. 5. Etna defeated - Defeat Etna in Adell chapter 3-4 Tragedyland. Doing so will end the current cycle. 6. Rozalin defeated - Defeat Evil Rozalin in the final story chapter. To get this battle, have a 99 felony stamp on Adell and have killed 100+ allies, including Rozalin. Her base level is 2000. 7. Prism Red defeated - Defeat the map Hero Show Event that shows up after losing to Laharl in Shinra Tower. 8. Asagi defeated - Defeat Asagi's map. 9. Kurtis defeated - Defeat the first Defender of Earth map. Kind of a misnomer, since Kurtis is actually allied with you in this battle. 10. Robo Kurtis defeated - Defeat the second Defender of Earth map. You also unlock the Robo Kurtis class after the battle. 11. Mid-Boss defeated - Defeat Mid-Boss. Doing so will end the current cycle. 12. Priere defeated - Defeat Priere. 13. Marjoly defeated - Defeat Marjoly. 14. Flonne defeated - Defeat Flonne. Requires 40+ hours of playtime. 15. Laharl A defeated - Defeat Laharl in Shinra Tower. Doing so will end the current cycle. 16. Laharl B defeated - Defeat the battle with both Laharl and Flonne. 17. Laharl C defeated - Defeat the battle where you finally recruit Laharl. 18. Laharl D defeated - Defeat Laharl in chapter 1. Pass the bill "Pick a Fight with an Overlord". Winning will end the current cycle. 19. Overlord Zetta defeated - Defeat Zetta 20. Baal defeated - Defeat Baal. Have 25 Dark World maps completed to unlock his stage. 21. Prinny Baal defeated - Defeat Prinny Baal. Return to Baal Castle after beating Baal to get this battle. 22. Mao defeated - Defeat Mao 23. Raspberyl defeated - Defeat Raspberyl 24. Champloo defeated - Defeat Mr. Champloo. 25. Pringer X Go defeated - Defeat the first Pringer X Go battle. 26. Unsealed Pringer defeated - Defeat the second Pringer X battle after passing the "Unleash the Land of Carnage" bill. Other things the Dark Record keeps track of Play time Round # (How many cycles you've done) Highest single target damage Highest combo damage Highest Geo Chain Current ally kills (reset every cycle) Max level Char creation rate (How many tiers and classes you unlocked) Highest reincarnations on a single character Number of enemies killed Percentage collection of items Deepest Item World level (How many floors you went through without exiting) Item World visits Total number of Item World floors passed --------------------------- On Reincarnation (AKAITSUKI) --------------------------- Once a character gets 100 mana, they get the option to reincarnate, which reverts them back to level 1. Now why in the world would you want to do this? There are several reasons, which include, but are not limited to: 1. You want the unit to change to another class. 2. Reincarnated units get better stats than freshly made ones. 3. You messed up the stat distribution, which doing this can fix. After reincarnation, the following will happen to the unit 1. They begin at level 1 again 2. They will lose a percentage of all their weapon mastery levels and skill levels, depending on the capability chosen. The amount lost is as follows: Good-for-nothing: 55% Incompetent: 45% Average: 35% Skilled: 25% Distinguished: 15% Genius: 5% For this reason you must always strive to reincarnate as Genius, otherwise most of the work spent on the unit will go down the drain. Not to mention you get 10 bonus points to distribute towards your character's stats, which is always a good thing. If a skill level drops below one by way of reincarnation, and the unit cannot naturally learn that skill. It will disappear from the unit's skill pool and it will need to relearn the skill. Because of this, it is advised to have the unit use the skill at least once, if not several times, before reincarnating. An exception to this is class-unique skills, like the Geomancer's Geo Change or the Kunoichi's status skills, which in this case will not be accessible if they reincarnate into another class. If they reincarnate back into the respective class again, the skill levels will still be intact minus a few levels depending on how many reincarnations were done prior to this. The game remembers what level the unit was before reincarnating, and adds that level to a counter called Total Lvl found in the reincarnation screen, which will be referred to as stored levels. The greater this number, the more bonus points you can assign to the unit when they reincarnate again. Furthermore, depending on what the natural stats (stats without equipment on) were before reincarnating, a unit will get additional stats added to their base stats, which is represented by yellow bars. These yellow bar stats cannot be distributed like bonus points can. One last thing that reincarnation offers is when you reincarnate into the same tier and class 10 times, you get an additional 10 bonus points. This bonus cannot be gotten if you reincarnate into the same class 10 times but changed tiers along the way, thus reincarnating into a Shaman 9 times will get you the bonus but reincarnating into a Geo Master the 10th time will not yield this bonus. You will know you have this bonus when on the reincarnation screen you can see the class doing their victory animation. It should be noted that you get what is basically one freebie on this bonus, which means if you decide you want to change classes later on, but have the reincarnation bonus from earlier, you will receive the bonus for the new reincarnation. In other words, if a unit reincarnated into an Iron Maiden 20 times, but then decides she wants to be an Archer instead, reincarnating into an Archer will get you the 10 bonus points. Of course, this means that if the Archer decides to reincarnate again, she will have to do another 10 reincarnations to get the bonus again. Eventually, reincarnating repeatedly will no longer yield any additional benefits. How do you know when to stop then? The yellow bars cap at 40, and the maximum bonus points you can get is 220. You get the maximum yellow bar bonus when the unit's natural stats are above 1.1 million HP, and above 280000 for everything else. You get 200 bonus points by getting 186000 or more stored levels. Add the reincarnation bonus and reincarnating into a Genius and you have your 220 bonus points. If you plan on spending a session getting a unit ready for its final reincarnation, make sure to distribute the bonus points so that each and every stat is the same or close to it. Don't forget to hold Square and press left or right if you want to take back/distribute 10 points at a time. A unit can achieve the natural stats required for maxed yellow bars when every stat is around 67 or more at level 1. You will know a unit is ready for their final reincarnation when they have maxed yellow bars and bonus points. To do this, make sure that before reincarnating, they have -1.1 million+ HP and 280000+ for every other stat without any equipment. -186000+ on the Total Lvl counter. -Reincarnated as the same class at least 10 times. For generics the unit should be occasionally jumping which means you have this bonus. IMPORTANT: Make sure you take remove all equipment from your character before doing the final reincarnation. The reason for this will be explaned shortly. Example, a Battle Master has the following base stats HP: 34 SP: 12 ATK: 21 DEF: 19 INT: 7 RES: 7 HIT: 16 SPD: 16 Once the two conditions are met, he should have the following stats when they ask you to distribute the bonus points. HP: 74 SP: 52 ATK: 61 DEF: 59 INT: 47 RES: 47 HIT: 56 SPD: 56 Note that the new stats are just the base stats +40, meaning maxed yellow bars And of course, you should have 220 bonus points to distribute. This means he's ready for his final reincarnation. When distributing bonus points, you can hold Square to distribute 10 at a time, making this process a lot faster. If you want to max one stat, the maximum is 255, meaning you can max one stat and dump the rest into another stat. So if you max Attack and put the rest in HP you'll have HP: 100 SP: 52 ATK: 255 DEF: 59 INT: 47 RES: 47 HIT: 56 SPD: 56 The stats above represent what the character's stats will be at level 1 without any equipment, except not quite. You see, there is some randomness involved once you hit X to go to the next screen. Each stat will have a random multiplier assigned to them that ranges from 0.94 to 1.06, so an absolute perfect Battle Master will have the following stats rolled. HP: 106 SP: 55 ATK: 270 DEF: 62 INT: 49 RES: 49 HIT: 59 SPD: 59 And this is why it is recommended to remove all equipment before doing the final reincarnation, since we will have to do some resetting. Fortunately, resetting here is very easy because all you have to do is press O and X to reroll new multipliers until you get a set you are satisfied with. Just make sure not to accidentally press X a second time if you end up with multipliers you don't want because that finalizes them. It is not recommended to go for the above stats because getting all maxed stats is nigh impossible. Do try to at least get a 270 in the stat you maxed because it only takes a few seconds of resetting to get. Elemental affinities are also randomized, and can be rerolled the same way if you want. Finally, when should one reincarnate? For story mode, reincarnation is not necessary, and might actually be detrimental here because you don't have access to the best equipment and level gaining areas, and the difference in stats in very minor. The ideal time is when you gain access to the best leveling areas, and are capable of reaching lvl 3000+ in under a minute. To summarize, here's the ideal path to your final reincarnation 1. Get 186000 stored levels and reincarnate as the same class at least 10 times to get 220 bonus points. 2. Reincarnate as the same class and distribute your bonus points evenly so that each base stat will be at least 67. 3. Get to about 9000. Make sure your unit has about 1.1 million HP and 280000 in the other stats without any equipment. If not, level some more until they do. 4. Reincarnate one final time without any equipment, making sure that you get 220 bonus points to distribute. Distribute the points however you want, ideally maxing one stat (255 points) and dumping the rest into another stat. 5. If the character's randomized stats are to your liking (Most likely 270 in the stat you maxed) then you're done. If not, press O and X to reroll the stats until you get stats you're satisfied with. ------------------------- Perfecting an Item (ITEMPERF) ------------------------- For those who have played the first Disgaea, you should be familiar with making a perfect item. In Disgaea 2, the perfection process is much longer but more rewarding, as an item can have a maximum level of 200, but still only has a maximum of 100 floors. If you're wondering where the extra levels come from, they are from yellow portals that may appear on a floor occasionally called Mystery Gates. In these portals the events of interest are Ambush - A group of 7 of the same monster class surrounds the base panel. You must defeat them in 2 turns in order to get a +3 level bonus, otherwise they talk smack about how weak you are and the battle ends. Fortune Teller - Druid NPC who tells fortunes. May range from great, good, or bad luck, which gives +10. +3, or -3 respectively. Additionally, talking to him several times after having your fortune told angers him and causes him to attack you. Killing him grants another +3 levels on top of the fortune he gave you. With the addition of level spheres in Dark Hero Days, this process is quicker than in Cursed Memories, but still takes longer than in Disgaea 1. Here's a guideline on what to do to get an item to reach its full potential. You don't have to follow these step by step, but it has all the important points that need to be done. The only thing you can do out of order is gaining the extra 100 levels from Mystery Gates/Level Spheres. If you wish to max a stat use single stat-boosting specialists only. Dual-stat specialists do not provide an added bonus. The single stat-boosting specialists are: Dietician - HP Master - SP (Don't max this, seriously...) Gladiator - ATK Sentry - DEF Tutor - INT Marksman - HIT Coach - SPD Physician - RES Perfecting Process Note: I'll refer to Item Generals/Kings/Gods collectively as Item Commanders, since saying them all gets old. Floors 1-9 1. Go through the floors, subduing any and all specialists you come across. Gency out afterwards. 2. If you did not subdue all specialists, enter the item again and reset until you find all the specialists. Be sure not to go to the next floor if you are on floor 9. 3. Move all subdued specialists to another item and move 6 specialists that boost the stat you want to maximize in the item you want to perfect. Floor 10 1. Kill the Item General and Gency out. Do NOT clear the level or go to the next floor. Save. 2. Reenter the item and kill the Item General again. This time you may clear the level or enter the next floor (recommend clearing for a Mr. Gency Exit) 3. You should end up in Innocent Town. Check if the Item World chicken NPC is there. If he is not, or if you did not enter Innocent Town, reset. 4. Pass the bill "More (insert stat you want to max) growth", NOT the "little more growth" bill. 5. Exit the item and save. Floors 11-20 1. Go through the floors as normal. when you get to the Item General, kill him and Gency out. 2. Reenter the item and kill the Item General again. This time you may clear the level or enter the next floor (recommend clearing for a Mr. Gency Exit) 3. You should end up in Innocent Town. Check if the Item World chicken NPC is there. If he is not, or if you did not enter Innocent Town, reset. 4. Pass the bill "More (insert stat you want to max) growth", NOT the "little more growth" bill. 5. Exit the item and save. Floors 21-30 1. Go through the floors as normal. when you get to the Item King, kill him and Gency out. 2. Add another specialist of the same kind that you put in the item. This is important. Do not skip this step whatsoever. 3. Reenter the item and kill the Item King again. This time you may clear the level or enter the next floor (recommend clearing for a Mr. Gency Exit) 4. You should end up in Innocent Town. Check if the Item World chicken NPC is there. If he is not, or if you did not enter Innocent Town, reset. 5. Pass the bill "More (insert stat you want to max) growth", NOT the "little more growth" bill. 6. Exit the item. 7. Put another specialist of the same kind in the item. Now you should have eight of the same specialist in the item. Save. Floors 31-100 Here is where most of the extra levels will be gained, since besides double killing the Item Commanders, there will be less things to distract you from getting them. Since this part is rather open-ended here are some tips to getting the rest of the extra levels. 1. If you did not get a Mystery Gate on floor x9, reset on floor (x+1)1 until you do. If you do not get a Fortune Teller (with at least good luck fortune) or an ambush, reset until you do. 2. If you do get a Mystery Gate on floor x9, enter another item and go through 10 floors. If you did not get a Mystery Gate on the 9th floor, you may reenter the item you were leveling and start reseting. If not, enter another item until you do. 3. When a level sphere shows up, grab it. If both a sphere and Mystery Gate show up, take the sphere. 4. Kill the Item Commanders the same way as the previous floors by killing them then Gencying without clearing the floor, then reenter and kill them again and clear the floor this time. (Gotta get those Gency Exits!) 5. Try to get a level sphere every 10 floors. 6. When you get to floor 99, and if you don't have the 100 levels yet (by this I mean the item is not lvl 198 at least), you can exit the item, go through 10 floors of an item, and if you didn't get a Mystery Gate on floor 9, you can save the game and reset on floor 99 until a Mystery Gate with a level raising opportunity comes along. Repeat until you get to lvl 198. Moving to floor 100 and clearing the last floor will get you the last 2 levels. 7. Remember to steal another copy of the item you were leveling that the Item God 2 is carrying (unless it's one-only or you're perfecting a Cosmos Muscle) *If you didn't get a Mystery Gate on floor 96, Gency out and reset until you get one. *Once you get the desired outcome, Gency out and enter another item, and go through 10 floors. If you don't get a MYstery Gate on floor 9, go back to the item you were leveling and reset until you get a Mystery Gate and the desired outcome. If you do get a gate on floor 9, enter another item and go through another 10 floors until you do. A gate could spawn again on floor 99 once that's done. *Repeat above step until you have 100 levels (at floor 99, 100 extra levels means the item will be level 198) Note: A Mystery Gate has a chance of appearing after three floors after the last gate encounter. This applies to any and all Item World floors you traverse. This is why you can go get 100 extra levels as late as floor 99, and also why you don't get a Mystery Gate on floor 11 if you get one at floor 9, because you only go through 9 and 10, which means you haven't gone through 3 floors yet, so the chances of the gate appearing on floor 11 are 0%. If you get a gate on floor 8 though, you go through floors 8, 9, and 10, which accounts for 3 floors, so a gate may spawn on floor 11. If you get a gate on floor 9, you can get another gate to spawn on floor 9 by exiting the item, going through 3 floors of a different item without a Mystery Gate spawning, then when returning to the previous item, there should be a chance for a gate to spawn. Of course, this applies to every non 10th floor as well. ----------------------- Quick Stored Levels (PWRLVL-0) ----------------------- The new characters and the introduction of Magichange allows for a much faster way of gaining stored levels. This is the fastest method I know of for gaining stored levels very quickly, and will allow you to max two characters' stored levels in less than 2 hours. If anyone knows an even faster way let me know. You will need the following 1. Priere 2. Zetta with Magichange 2 3. Character with 300 Felonies 4. Another Character you wish to level. Can have no felonies 5. Armor that gives a lot of Attack and Hit. Preferably a perfected Attack lvl 200 Super Robo Suit or Makai Wars. 100 Professionals couldn't hurt either. 6. Must have unlocked Cave of Ordeals 4 and Land of Carnage 7. Must have maxed SEB's The procedure for leveling works like this 1. Character with 300 felonies reincarnates into Male Warrior. This is the humanoid that needs the least exp to level that is best suited for the job. We'll call him A. 2. Second leveling character reincarnates into an Orc. This is the monster that levels the fastest and is best suited for the job. We'll be calling him B 3. Go to Cave of Ordeals 4 4. Bring out Zetta, Priere, and A 5. Priere Magichanges with A, then Zetta Magichanges with A 6. Use Zetta Beeeam. Around 200K attack should be enough to OHKO them (Without Priere you will need more than that for the OHKO). You will need around 120K Hit to ensure Zetta Beeeam hits every puppet. If by any chance a puppet lives, toss your warrior into the base panel to make sure Magichange lasts. (Note: all this assumes A is level 1) 7. Do the level again, and repeat steps 4-6 but replace Priere with B. Since A gained a lot of levels the first time, his HP should be very low percentage wise, and an Orc's ability gives more attack when their health is low, so you basically get a large attack boost. 8. Repeat the level two more times. A and B should be around 3411 after this. 9. Reincarnate A and B into whatever class they were before. Note that when asked to distribute bonus points you can hold Square to distribute more of them. 10. Repeat 1-9 until you get enough stored levels for A and B. Doing this takes around 90 seconds, and so you can get around 10000 stored levels for two characters in a little under 5 minutes. ------------------------ Capturing Uber monsters (UBERMONS) ------------------------ In case you didn't know, the monsters with the best stats are captured, not leveled and reincarnated repeatedly. To illustrate just how much difference we are talking about here, my level 9999 186000+ stored levels Priere has the following stats without any equipment. HP: 4630876 SP: 235580 ATK: 420375 DEF: 235159 INT: 219866 RES: 238792 HIT: 253214 SPD: 251592 While one of my captured level 9999 Prinny Gods has the following stats without any equipment. HP: 4521720 SP: 643705 ATK: 731359 DEF: 384989 INT: 384781 RES: 461757 HIT: 730889 SPD: 469125 As you can see, except for HP (which is the stat I chose to max on Priere), every single one of the captured Prinny's stats are better. One more thing you need to realize from the above example is that if you do not use monsters for anything other than Magichanging, then a reincarnated max-leveled monster is a better choice, since it can get higher numbers in a single stat than captured ones, but their other stats will be considerably lower. You will also need to spend a couple of hours maxing the stored levels for each monster, while capturing a monster doesn't take that much time. You probably figure that capturing these beasts will not be an easy task however, and you're right. These are the things you must have in order to capture them: -Access to the Land of Carnage -Must have beaten the Baal and Prinny Baal battles. -Have multiple units that hit for millions of damage. Multiple maximized Yoshitsunas and characters with maxed stored levels at their final reincarnation should be able to fulfill this. If you can OHKO these uber monsters (highest HP value I've seen is a little over 10 million), you're as good as golden. -Have at least one Mr. Gency Exit in your bag -Have an R40 item at floor 91-99. The R40 items (worth getting to floor 90+) are *Super Robo Suit *Ultimus *Lovely Cupid *Yoshitsuna *Etoile *Prinny Suit *Felicitation *Omniscient Rod *Makai Wars *The Fool *Drill Emperor *Babylon Crown *Usagi's Journal *Apocalypse Once all these requirements are fulfilled, it's time to go uber hunting! Our first step is to equip all Pirate Treasure Maps onto any units we will not be using for the capturing process. This increases the odds of a pirate encounter. Put a weak unit at the top of your lineup, then save. Next we enter the item world of our R40 item (Remember it has to be floor 91-99!) in the Land of Carnage. When you enter the Item World, bring out your top (and weak) unit and immediately end your turn. I suggested a weak unit so the enemies can OHKO it and you don't have to waste time seeing multiple enemies attacking your unit doing 0 damage, or even worse, your unit wasting even more time countering these attacks. If you don't get a Pirate encounter when your next turn is up, quit, load your save, and reenter the item. Once you get a Pirate, check if it's a Prinny Pirate. If it's not a Prinny Pirate, restart. As an aside, you may want to check out Animal Pirates if they appear, as that is how I managed to get a Legendary M-Change scroll without ever accepting the Magichanging self felony. If you get a Prinny Pirate, check its name and stats. It should say "Prinny Baal/Lord of Uber" and have all stats in the millions range. This is the Prinny Baal Pirate, or PBP. If it doesn't meet these criteria, restart until you get the PBP. Once you do, immediately use a Mr. Gency Exit to escape, and save. Beating PBP unlocks the bill for the Pringer X battle, but we wanna capture uber monsters right now, so that will have to wait. What the heck did we just do? Well escaping an encounter with the PBP will boost the stats of all enemies on the next map by x4, which on top of the already existing LoC boost of x2 for all uber monsters, makes for even more uberer monsters. I've found out that this boost lasts FOR ONE NON-DARK WORLD MAP. This means that for any Dark World map, the boost can be gotten indefinitely. The great thing about this is all but 4 of the highest tier monsters can be found in Dark World maps. Once you enter a non-dark world map, be it the Item World, or a story map, the boost will disappear next map, meaning you will have to hunt down PBP again. You may have encountered Baal Pirates throughout your hunt, and are wondering if they behave similarly, and indeed they do, but they only boost the enemies' stats by x2, which is not uber enough. Now all we have to do is pick our target monster. The top tier monsters can be found in the following locations: Prinny (Prinny God)-------------Dark World 11-6 (Warped Knowledge) Dragon (Bahamut)----------------Item World, floors 50+ Entei (Slust*)-----------------Item World, floors 50+ Death Saber (Devon Rex)---------Item World, floors 50+ Kurtis Robot (Gene Lich)--------Mao's battle (one per cycle) Everything Else-----------------Dark World 13-3 (Killer's Hall) *Slust is the 5th tier Entei, but for some reason the 6th tier Entei, the Agni, does not appear anywhere in the Item World other than as an Item God 2, which can't be captured, so we will have to settle for the next best thing. Because of the way the PBP boost works, as previously mentioned, it is recommended you do a Dark World map. If you choose a Dark World map, be advised that the Dark Sun seems to also be affected by the PBP boost, and will be tougher to destroy. If you think you cannot capture all the monsters in Dark World 13-3 you may want to start by capturing the 4 Prinny Gods in DW 11-6. They're only level 7740 with maxed SEB's so they shouldn't be so bad. You'll need to destroy all 4 No Lifting Geo Symbols before you can capture them though. Once you get those, capturing the ubers in DW 13-3 will be easier. The monsters don't move until you get into their attack range so you can take it slow and capture one at a time, remembering to check your units' HP after every capture and heal all high HP units to decrease the odds that your base panel is destroyed. If you manage to capture the whole map, you can pretty much toss any uber monster into the base panel at full health and they will be caught. After you clear a map. Save and enter a map to check if the PBP boost is still active. You don't want to possibly waste a PBP boost just because you entered a map with weak monsters when the boost was still active. -------------------------- Land of Carnage Unleashed! (LOCPOWERUP) -------------------------- After defeating Pringer X Go! for the first time, you can choose to pass the bill "Unleash the Land of Carnage" for 9999 mana. This drastically upgrades most of the enemies in the Land of Carnage and gives them the Uber Lord title. The enemies marked with Uber Lord will have stats exceeding millions, making them quite challenging. Expect to see every enemy in the Item world with this title once the bill has been passed. It does not seem to affect some enemies in the storyline maps however. Other than providing a good challenge if you are bored, the true purpose of this bill however is to unlock the very final challenge the game has to offer and complete the Dark Record once and for all. This bill stays active for the current cycle you're in once passed. If you start a new cycle, you will need to pass it again. The bill description itself even says this. And no, you cannot capture monsters with the "Uber Lord" title, so don't even try. This is why you want to pass it when you're done with capturing monsters and wish to defeat Unleashed Pringer X. --------------- Toss and Pass (TPASS) --------------- If you've been wondering what monsters are doing with a throw stat, when they can't Lift anything, it does have some use. They can't throw directly, but they can indirectly throw a unit. To do this simply throw a unit onto an allied monster. The unit will then bounce off the monster and advance however many squares the monster's throw stat is in the direction the monster is facing. Pink demonstrates this feature to Axel in a tutorial map. This method would be quite useful if you change the direction a unit faces. To do this, move the cursor over a unit, hold Square and use the directional buttons to change the direction a unit faces. The benefit to this method is it saves you from having to use a lot of units to throw as you can simply move monsters to the correct positions, throw a unit onto them, then send the monster back to the base panel. --------------- BGMs (SCVBGM) --------------- A listing of all possible BGMs and where you can hear them. After hearing them at least once you can purchase them from the music shop NPC found in Mystery Gates in the Item World and can then set them as BGM in Item World stages (except every 10th floor) BGM 01-Scent of Sinful Roses (Defeat Laharl in chapter 1 or Shinra Tower) BGM 02-Elegant Darksters' 05 (Dark World theme) BGM 03-Wonder Castle (Holt Village theme) BGM 04-Winter Field's Elegy (Scene when Yukimaru talks about her past) BGM 05-Dawn Whisper (Some scenes after battles) BGM 06-Rozalin (Some scenes with Rozalin/Battle with Elenor) BGM 07-Lonely Rosary (Escaping from Zenon) BGM 08-Over Driver (Attempt to pass a bill in the Dark Assembly/Bowling map) BGM 09-Brother & Sister (Select a stage in Holt) BGM 10-MAKAI Band (Dark Assembly music) BGM 11-Warmth Within My Heart (Plays in a scene, I'm not sure which?) BGM 12-Heroic Blues (Plays in some scenes with Axel) BGM 13-Dark Zone (Cutscenes where Masked Man/Woman appear) BGM 14-Herd of the Lamb (Plays in some scenes with Zenon) BGM 15-Holy Mansion (Cutscenes with Zenon) BGM 16-So Long... (Plays in worst ending) BGM 17-MAKAI Station (End of chapter news reports) BGM 18-Rozalin's Palace (Cutscenes in Zenon's Palace) BGM 19-Laharl's...Hymn? (Item World Court/Enter a Mystery Gate/Innocent Town) BGM 20-Akuma Drops HG (Murderer's Vault maps) BGM 21-Secret Circle (Shinra Tower maps) BGM 22-Night Head (Cave of Ordeals/Cavern of Evil/To Zenon's Castle maps) BGM 23-Ninja's Dance (Cutscenes/Battle with Yukimaru) BGM 24-1st SAMURAI (Battles with Fubuki) BGM 25-Cyber Dance (Default Item World music) BGM 26-Trance NO.4 (Most Axel battles in Adell Mode/Pirate music) BGM 27-R.P.G. (Colosseum battles) BGM 28-Prinny My Love (Reflection Pond) BGM 29-Heavy Rotation (Select a stage in the Land of Carnage) BGM 30-Visual Sensation (Zenon's Castle maps) BGM 31-Daybreak Crying (Dallos River maps) BGM 32-God's Song (Sunken Altar) BGM 33-Disgaea Rhapsody (Possessed Rozalin vs Laharl/Land Brokers Arrive) BGM 34-Spread your wings (Psycho's Hideout) BGM 35-Demon's Trill (Adell Mode story final battle) BGM 36-The Axel Blues (BGM for Axel's overworld) BGM 37-Akuma Drops (Tink battle) BGM 38-Witch Hunting (Item General/King in Holt Item World) BGM 39-Elegant Dance (Mid-Boss battle) BGM 40-Underworld (Item King/General in the Land of Carnage/Item God in Holt) BGM 41-Great Wilder (Baal's/Priere's/Marjoly's battle music) BGM 42-Hysteric Kingdom (Land of Carnage BGM) BGM 43-Disgaea (Laharl battle in Holy Tower map) BGM 44-Lord Laharl's Hymn (Cutscene with Laharl) BGM 45-The Anthem of Braves (2nd Defender of Earth mission battle) BGM 46-Go Go Girl (Cutscene with Flonne ) BGM 47-Red Moon (Select Reincarnate into Prinny option) BGM 48-Rosen Queen Netherworld Branch (Shop music) BGM 49-March of the Planet Earth (Scene after losing to Laharl in Holy Tower) BGM 50-Netherworld Whispers Music Box (Title screen theme) BGM 51-Drunkards' Street (Cutscene with Mao) BGM 52-Windin' Ridin' (Mao battle) BGM 53-Little Diary (Cutscene with Raspberyl) BGM 54-Brilliant Blue (Raspberyl battle) BGM 55-Mr. Champloo (Cutscene with Mr. Champloo) BGM 56-Chinese Sword (Mr. Champloo battle) BGM 57-Great Wilder ~PK Mix~ (Pringer X Go! battle) SONG 01-Dear Comrade (1st Defender of Earth map/Use a Defender Cell Phone) SONG 02-What a Beautiful Life of Mine (Mid-Boss Ending) SONG 03-Etna Boogie (Cutscenes with Etna) SONG 04-Etna Rock (Tragedyland 1st time) SONG 05-White Tiger (Final battle in Axel Mode/Final Battle map in Adell Mode) SONG 06-Let's Dance the Last Battle (Axel Mode ending) SONG 07-What You Taught Me (Defeat all Dark World maps in Adell Mode) SONG 08-Sinful Rose ~Instr~ (Default music for Land of Carnage Item World) SONG 09-Sinful Rose (Disgaea 2 Intro) SONG 10-Twinkle Like a Star (Good Ending Adell Mode) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RANDOM Q AND As (RQAS) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Q: What new features are there in Dark Hero Days compared to the original? A: See the Changes section. It doesn't have all of them, but it does have the most important ones. Q: What does this term mean? A: Check the terminology section, ctrl + F TRMZ to get there. If there is a term that you think should be on there that isn't, let me know. Q: Do I need to play the first game to understand the second's story? A: The story of this game is not related to the first, though there are a few references to the first game, and one of the first game's endings might be spoiled by this game since most of Disgaea 1's cast appears here. Q: How long will it take to beat this game? A: The main story will take around 7-10 hours, perhaps as much as 20 if you don't know what you're doing. The post game will take up hundreds of hours. Q: Why mention status effects over and over? A: Well, it's the best way to defeat units a lot stronger than you are, and abusing this can get you some very nice rewards early on, plus the story walkthroughs are written with the mindset that you'd want to access the post game content as soon as possible, so I went with the least time-consuming strategies I could find. Q: Those @#@$&* Pirates and their !@^@#* maps! Is there any way to get these faster? A: Some pirates only appear at a certain range of floors and are more frequent in certain types of items. They also have the best chance of showing up around the start of your second or third turn. If you're doing all of these and have all the maps you currently have equipped to your units and the right pirates still aren't appearing, there's nothing else you can really do other than be persistent. Q: How do you beat stage xx? A: Just ctrl +f the stage name in this guide and use the strategy provided. Q: Leveling my healer is hard! What's the best way to go about it? A: You can take advantage of some maps with Reverse Damage panels, or you can have your healer create a mage pupil and go to an easy map, bring out the healer and pupil, have them stand next to next other, then have the healer use the attack spell until the skill is lvl 1. Now she can actually fight back! Q: I heard having pupils increase the master's stats, is that true? A: It is, but it's not worth it as the stat increase is very small and almost negligible compared to the stat boosts that perfect items, 25 lovers, and matching rarities will give you. Q: I can't capture this monster, what gives? A: First off, make sure you can actually create the monster that you are trying to capture. It has to be the same tier, i.e. you can't capture a Shadow Orc if you haven't unlocked Shadow Orcs yet. Second, make sure that the monster's level is equal or less than that of Adell's or Axel's, depending on which mode you're in. If you do meet these requirements but still can't capture it, you probably need better stats. How much stats you need will vary, but as a general rule of thumb, if you can kill the monster in one hit, you can probably capture it. Q: Are there any missable items? A: Due to new game+, there are no missable items. Q: Are there any lost forever items? A: The only thing that can be lost forever are the "Everybody only" felonies, since they only appear once per save file. Other than that nothing else is lost forever. Selling a one time only item like Makai Wars or Felicitation does not make them lost forever because you can get them back at the place where you can normally get them. Q: Anything I should look out for or keep in mind when starting a new cycle? A: The following things can only be gotten once a cycle or can be missed if you have gone too far in the story (Adell mode) -Priere, be on chapter 1-9 -Laharl D battle, chapter 1 only -Mid-boss battle, chapter 1-9 -Accelerator, can get one every cycle -Arcadia, can get only once per cycle -Usagi's Journal, can get only once per cycle -Gene Lich, can capture only once per cycle -Almighty Armor, Supremacy, and Maxi Sandals, can get only once per cycle -Niflheim, can get only two per cycle Q: What carries over and what doesn't on a new cycle? A: The following things carry over -Items in bag and warehouse -All character levels, felonies and equipment -All unlocked classes stay unlocked -All progress so far, like Item Collection, Dark Record, and hours played -Land of Carnage stays unlocked provided you still have all Treasure Maps The following things need to be unlocked again -All unique characters -All Dark World maps -All story and optional maps -Some NPCs that require bills, like the color changer NPC -Dark Assembly voice bills -Adell's Senator status and voice Q: Do I really need perfect items to beat all the extra bosses? A: Not really, but you might as well perfect any rank 40 items you have or the perfectionist in you might regret it later. Q: I saw a Prinny in the Item World. He wanted me to find him 10 times. What do I get for this? A: A fairly useless Pravda Pendant. For the record, Axel can also be found randomly and asks you to play the same game. You get an also useless Speed Weight 2 for your trouble. Q: What equipment should I use on unit X? A: Anything works, but for the least grindy path, look at their weapon masteries and pick one that's at A or S. Q: I hear people going for rarity 0 items a lot. What's up with that? A: It could be because certain items can be forced to rarity 0 so naturally they would want to match any equipment they plan to use with it for a fairly large stat boost. It could also be that rarity 0 items can become any rarity as long as you have the right amount of Collectors. It could also be out of habit from playing the first game where going for rarity 0 items was also common, even though they don't have any clear benefits in that game and the people doing that were just OCD like that. Q: Can post this guide on their website? A: As of now, this guide can only be posted on GameFAQs. If someone else submits this guide to another site without my permission I WILL have it taken down and have the offender dealt with accordingly. Q: I have some suggestions, would you like to hear them? A: As long as they aren't already in this guide, feel free to send me an e-mail. Pointing out any typos or errata present is also welcome. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VERSION HISTORY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (VRSN-0) v2.61 It appears one of my recommended early game levelling strategies didn't have a proper strategy for said map. That's corrected now. Minor grammar mistakes are also fixed. v2.60 Still keep finding some typos which have been corrected. Some sections were cleaned up and additional comments were added for some sections. v2.56 Apparently I didn't have a writeup for Adell 11-4. That's up now. A minor correction is also fixed. v2.55 Corrected a few errors, updated the item world sections to include stuff that was in the original game. v2.50 About time I stopped being lazy and worked on this again. Finished a full walkthrough of Adell Mode and Adell Dark World maps. Special maps that were in Cursed Memories are also covered now, along with a few additions to the bills section, and a new specialist section. v1.80 Finished the info on the new characters. Added a Dark Court/Felony section. v1.55 Added a section on reincarnation, how to get the secret characters, and part of the new units section. Also corrected some things, mostly involving Magichange. Thanks to vinheim3 for pointing out some oversights. v1.40 Added more terms I missed, a BGM section, and how to unlock the Dark World maps in Adell's mode v1.30 Finished Dark World walkthrough. Added section of common terms used. v1.20 Added tips, a few Dark World maps walkthroughs, as well as a new way of quick experience gaining early game in Axel Mode. Also added info about capturing uber monsters, the unleashed LoC bill, toss and pass, and the revisited Pringer X map. Revised a few sections in the Table of Contents. v1.00 Axel Mode walkthrough completed, added info on Magichange, tips for quick stored level gaining, new maps, and a few changes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CREDITS/COPYRIGHT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (CRDTSCPY) I'd like to thank the Disgaea 2: DHD board. Without it I could not have found most of the info in this FAQ. I'd also like to thank Nippon Ichi Software, for making this wonderful game, and NIS America, for localizing it. This FAQ is written by Dark_Cecil Copyright © 2010 You can reach me at greenzsaber@gmail.com if you want to provide feedback. Please DO NOT e-mail me with simple questions that this guide already answers. They will be ignored. This guide may only be hosted on gamefaqs.com