***************************************************************************** DDDDD IIIII SSSSS GGGG AAA EEEEEEE AAA 2222 DD DD III SS GG GG AAAAA EE AAAAA 222222 DD DD III SSSSS GG AA AA EEEEE AA AA 222 DD DD III SS GG GG AAAAAAA EE AAAAAAA 2222 DDDDDD IIIII SSSSS GGGGGG AA AA EEEEEEE AA AA 2222222 Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories Version: 1.0* Made by Paradisio Paradisio15@houston.rr.com ===================== 0. Table of Contents ===================== Index: 0. Table of Contents 1. Disclaimer/Legal Information 2. Walkthrough -Episode 1 -Episode 2 -Episode 3 -Episode 4 -Episode 5 -Episode 6 -Episode 7 -Episode 8 -Episode 9 -Episode 10 -Episode 11 -Episode 12 -Episode 13 3. Weapon Skills (3WS) 4. Classes (4CLS) 4a. Human (4AHC) 4b. Demon (4BDC) 4c. Character 5. Dark Assembly 5a. Bills 6. Optional Areas 6a. Cave of Ordeals 6b. Dark World 7. Item World 7a. Specialists 7b. Geopanels 7c. Subpoena 7d. Pirates/Mystery Rooms 8. Leveling 8a. Tactics 8b. Maps 9. Thanks *NOTE: This will in all likelihood be the last update to this guide. I just can't compete with the other guides and/or people who just copy out of the official strategy guides and post them, so I really see no reason to continue to update my guide when it can't possibly be ever as "good" as the others that are up. Thanks to everyone who helped make this guide what it is. ============================================= 1. Disclaimer/Legal Information/Introduction ============================================= This guide is copyright (c) 2006-2007 Paradisio. This guide is only for the website www.gamefaqs.com. Any sites that wish to host this guide should e-mail me and ask for my permission before hosting it on their sites. It should be noted, that I get all my game information from playing, I don't copy from a guide I bought. So sometimes, some of my numbers may be a couple off if I forgot to check every character after every battle. If you have a correction, please send it in. I know I'm not the best writer either, so sorry for all my grammar errors and whatnot. =============== 2. Walkthrough =============== Foreword: This walkthrough does make references occasionally to story bits, so if you want a completely spoiler free guide, you aren't going to find it here. This guide was also written under the notion that you aren't powerlevelling or spending a lot of time in item world getting really powerful, because, to be honest, the game is extremely easy if you are level 2000. If you are looking for information on those topics, please look to other parts of the guide instead. I recommend people play through the game at least once playing normally before engaging in all the extra fun stuff the game has to offer. ************************************ *Episode 1: The Overlord's Daughter* ************************************ As the game starts you will get the "creepy" man voice introduction that doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to be honest. After the scene you will be introduced to the hero of the game, Adell. Yes, I agree, his costume is...odd. Anyways, your mother will indulge in some child and spousal abuse before laughing like a moron again and summoning the wrong person and forcing her to join you in your search for the evil overlord... Anyways, you are introduced to the town map. Get used to it... Your father will give you a fighter, red mage and cleric to start you off with. After that you're on your own. So take some time to look around town and learn what everyone does. There should be a few treasure chests scattered around as well you can loot. They reappear every so often so look around every time you finish a map for more of them. Remember to use the L and R buttons to change the camera so you can find them easier. Regardless, if you don't understand what some of them do, don't worry about it too much as they'll be explained later. Right now the important ones are the hospital (heart) and dimensional gate (arrow pointing up.) When your ready head to the gatekeeper for another cut scene and then select the first map. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Tutorial 1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is really nothing but a tutorial map (as per the title). If you've never played Disgaea 1 or any Playstation 2 game from this company you should probably accept, but it's really simply regardless. Anyways, all you have to do is kill the enemies for this map (like almost... well, all of them basically.) And these enemies are so weak you would have to try to lose. Enemies: -3x Level 1 Prinny After you beat them (I hope) it will ask you if you wish to skip the story or not. Regardless of the bad voice acting, I recommend watching the story at least the first time around so you can appreciate the game a little more, and especially because I really don't cover the story most of the time when doing guides. After which you are returned to town and shown the item shops and the basics of equipment. To be honest, I never really use the item shops for actual equipment until late in the game, since most of the time you'll find similar equipment after the battle, which is... well, free. Especially early in the game, when money is tight you'll need to save money to use the hospital or else you can get caught in a downward spiral, so don't blow all your money on the gear they are currently selling (which you'll probably find upgrades to for free soon.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Tutorial 2~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the beginning you'll have the chance to view another tutorial, view it or not, it's up to you. Enemies: -3x Level 1 Prinny In actuality this is exactly the same as tutorial 1, as the enemies are exactly the same, just in different spots. Use the same tactics for another easy win. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Tutorial 3~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this tutorial you'll have to deal with geopanels, I recommend viewing the tutorial if you didn't play the original game. If you did, it's basically exactly the same. Enemies: -3x level 1 Prinny Geopanels: -Enemy Boost +50% (Blue on Blue) -Exp +50% (Blue on Red) Even with the enemy boost +50% they shouldn't be much of a threat, use the same tactics as before or you can destroy move the geopanels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Tutorial 4~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another geopanels map (get used to them, most maps "feature" them) with another geopanels tutorial. Enemies: -3x level 1 Prinny Geopanels: -Enemy Boost +50% (Yellow on Blue) -Silence (Blue on Nothing) -Exp +50 (Null on Nothing) To beat this map really easily and with a high gauge, do the following: put the yellow symbol and the blue symbol on red and the null symbol on blue. Then attack the blue symbol. This will cause all the geopanels to be destroyed (turns the red blue, and the blue yellow and then the yellow null.) This is good way to get equipment on maps, so keep it in mind. Even if the enemies aren't on the geopanels, the resulting geo-explosion should do a good amount of damage to all of them. After its over, you'll get another cut scene about how spoiled Rozalin is. And then you'll be introduced to the dark assembly, which is where you can make new characters, transmigrate, and generally do the cool optional stuff. Like he says, it may be a good idea to make some more party member at this time as well. All your current options (unless you someone have been getting experience elsewhere) are the lowest level, lowest type of characters. Meaning, they are pretty weak comparatively. Regardless, you'll only spend 1 mana or so on each, so they are cheap. Eventually you'll probably want 1 of every class, but for now another fighter, a thief and another mage would be a good idea. As you collect more mana you can make classes with more attribute points, which over time means a huge difference in their power, which is why you probably shouldn't make every class right now. Because you can only make good-for-nothing characters, you'll have to subtract skill points. So for the fighter/rogue subtract intelligence, and for the mage subtract attack. Remember to equip them before you continue with the game. If you return to the gatekeeper you'll notice the tutorial maps gone, they have been replaced by an optional map. If you wish to continue the story instead, continue to the section after this. Map 1-1: Beginner's Field Enemies: -3x Level 1 Petite Orc -2x Level 1 Ghost Geopanels: -Heal 20% (Null on Aqua) Destroying the geopanels is obviously pretty easy (use Rozalin to destroy it the first round), and since the enemies are all level 1 with no equipment, they should prove very easy. Map 1-2: Reflection Pond Enemies: -4x Level 1 Prinny -1x Level 2 Prinny (Paw Glove) Geopanels: -Enemy Boost +50% (Null on Red) Yes, she just said that you need to level up if you are going to fight the overlord... It's nice to know that some games are honest with themselves. Uh oh, the enemies are getting equipment... Anyways, you can either trounce them or destroy the geo symbol. If you want to reach it early, simply do a lot of lifting a throwing, you should be able to reach it the first round if you pile enough people. The resulting geo-explosion will about half the enemy's health. After an angst filled clichéd scene from the overlord you'll be told that item world has been opened. You're free to ignore it for now, since it will probably be more difficult than it's worth. Basically you select an item and go inside of it, as you go thru the levels, the item will level up and become much stronger. Once again, because equipment becomes obsolete quickly at the early stages of the game, even leveling up to max means it will eventually be worse than the common items you find or buy. But for now we will continue this guide until we have to or need to go into item world. Map 1-3: Psycho's Hideout Enemies: -1x Level 3 Mothman (Paw Glove) -4x level 2 Petite Orc Geopanels: -Exp +50% (Red on Nothing) There is a treasure chest near the house, but getting there before the enemies do is a pain and more worth than it's worth. Remember to throw the +50% exp symbol onto the blue if you get the chance, makes this map a decent place to get experience right now. Other than that it's a simple map. Map 1-4: Dead Tree Field Enemies: -2x Level 2 M.Fighter (Lazy Sword) -1x Level 2 M.Fighter (Worn Sword) -2x Level 3 F.Fighter (Replica Spear) -1x Level 4 Dark Hero (Double Slap) -1x Level 3 Healer (Training Staff/Common Orb) You'll be introduced to Axel, who might be so annoying you wished he were mid-boss instead. And if you have to ask, yes, he just made a reference to punk'd. No, I don't know what the translators were sniffing so stop sending me e-mails about it. Yes, quite a few enemies, and decent levels to boot. Your offensive characters should have some special attacks by now, so I suggest you use them to deal with the regular characters first. I would advise away from attacking the healer/Axel until the guys on the bottom are defeated or you may find yourself in trouble (unless they come to you of course, in which case the healer should be the primary target and then Axel.) In any case, its nice to see your family is so sympathetic. ****************************** *Episode 2: Rozalin The Liar* ****************************** The chests have respawned around town, so take a moment to go loot them and liberate their captives from the oppressive chests of the overlord. Map 2-1: Banquet Room Enemies: -4x Level 4 Marionette -2x Level 5 Ghost (The Weak/Common Orb) Geopanels: -Def +50% (Null on Green) For the first time, I recommend actually not destroying the geopanels unless things get difficult. So get your characters on the 4 squares to get a nice defense bonus to make the map easier and then lure them in. Map 2-2: Sanction Room Enemies: -1x Level 5 Dirty Frog (Goblin Claw/Tunic) Geopanels: -Warp (Purple on Purple) -Enemy Boost +50% (Purple on Purple) Just one enemy, but the warp makes this battle quite annoying, especially if you want to go for the chest. Your best option is probably to try to destroy the geo symbols near the top to make the battle a little user-friendlier. My other strategy, which seemed to work well was sending one or two people out and waiting for the enemy to warp near the base panel, and then taking everyone else out and beating on him. Afterwards, he will be forced into your party. He actually is a pretty good, so I recommend using him. Map 2-3: Room Of Despair Enemies: -4x Level 4 Thief (Handgun) -3x Level 5 F.Fighter (Iron Axe) -3x Level 4 Thief (Wooden Bow) After the cut scene it seems you have found yourself in quite the ambush. My only advice really is to put a couple of characters out to lure the ranged combat users into close range and then take out your other characters to take them out, they should be relatively easy because they are thieves and have quite low stats. Also make use of your area effect attacks if you have them; they make this map much simpler. Overall this is probably the first challenging map of the game, if you can beat it easily you're doing well. Map 2-4: Sealed Room Enemies: -1x Level 6 Dark Hero (Knuckles/Imperial Seal) -2x Level 5 F.Fighter (Broadsword) -1x Level 5 M.Fighter (Broadsword/Brawny Muscle) -2x Level 5 Red Skull (Wooden Staff/Common Orb) -1x Level 5 Blue Skull (Wooden Staff/Common Orb) -1x Level 5 Green Skull (Wooden Staff/Common Orb) Geopanels: -Defense +50% (Null on Green) -Move -1 (Blue on Green) -Enemy Boost +50% (Red on Green) Yes, quite an army he's got, eh? You really have 2 options, you can form a human ladder to jump over and destroy the red geo symbol or you can hold up on the green tiles and lure them in, the only problem is the defense boost applies to them as well, so ideally you want to be on the green and keep them off of it, easier said than done. I really like the former option more, but it will leave your guys pretty heavily wounded if they are on the tiles as well, regardless I think it's worth the risk. If you do it right, between the 3 color changes and the explosion only Axel and the one M.Fighter will be left. Even so, Axel's Shocking Soul Special attack is a quite nasty area effect attack (the area is cross shaped on his current square and I believe it goes 2 squares in each direction so be warned.) Anyways, after a rather amusing and overly dramatic cut-scene you will find out the overlord Zenon is a comparatively nice overlord and rumors has it he has 1 billion HP and is shaped like the wind element from the first game. It's no wonder I don't watch the news. ************************************** *Episode 3: Rise of the Beauty Queen* ************************************** Anyways, as usual for a new episode, search around the town for chests, I found 3 this time around. Map 3-1: Poisonous Swamp Enemies: -7x Level 6 Zombie Geopanels: -4x Encroach (Purple on Purple) -1x Ally Damage 20% (Null on Purple) Easy map, shoot the null panel and beat them down. The only real worry is the nasty poison the zombies inflict which takes off a certain percent of your health instead of a set amount, meaning it can be deadly regardless of health, so make sure to use your cleric. Map 3-2: Dangerous Refuge Enemies: -8x Level 6 Messenger (2x without weapons, 4x with Pointy Bone, 2x with Goblin Claw) Geopanels: -Exp +50% (Red on Yellow) (moves) -HL +50% (Green on Yellow) (moves) -Mana +50% (Green on Yellow) (moves) Leave the geosymbols alone, unless for some reason you would like less... well, everything. Otherwise it's a very simply map, enjoy the extra experience. The downside is the geo symbols move on their own because they have rats apparently. Map 3-3: Corpse Garden Enemies: -3x Level 9 Warslug (The Weak) -3x Level 10 Warslug (The Rotten) -1x Level 12 Vodianoi (The Dead/Common Orb/Dark Rosary) Well, not exactly level 1000, but still pretty nasty. My best advice is to take it slow, if you get ganged up on your on for some hurt. And stay away from the yellow one as long as possible. If you take them out one at a time and use your cleric it shouldn't be too hard. Afterwards, another cut scene with angst man will appear and then you will be told you need a pass. So go up to the guy with the weird kanji symbol of his head, next to the dark world assembly girl. Unlike real life (well, most of it) becoming a convicted criminal is a good thing. And doing it gives you certain bonuses. In this case, getting to the next level. All in all, this basically means we have to go into item world now. And because of the randomness of item world, I can't give you a guide. After you talk to the... bailiff (?) he will subpoena Tink for being alive... yes, life really does suck that much for flying toads with multiple personality disorders. Go to the item world NPC (the one with the curved arrow) and go inside the subpoena. If you don't see it, it's in your warehouse, so exit and go to the inventory and move it over to your regular inventory. After you are inside, you're on your own. Item world is random in monsters and level design, my only tip is to try to keep your health up, as you can't exit easily or save and load. It's a pretty low level item, so you should be safe. You don't have to kill everything, just getting to the portal is good enough unless you are trying to get bonus items. You are given a Mr. Gency Exit, which is your "get out of item world free card." Anyways, head to the fourth floor. Now, there is a trick here. You don't have to send Tink in, since anyone can be convicted of being... well, existing. But if you want multiple convictions, just throw a pile of people in and they'll all be convicted. You'll get a prize for being proclaimed guilty as well. Afterwards you are free to continue to level 10 of the item of use the Gency Exit. Anyways, talk to the gatekeeper and she'll clear you for the next map. Also, at this point you can unlock the bad guy character class in the dark assembly. I'm not sure what the pre-requisites are, but I also had the ability to unlock the strange old man class as well, I assume it has something to do with geopanels since that's the purpose of the class. Map 3-4: Tradgedyland Enemies: -1x Level 1000 (!!) Beauty Queen (Elder spear/Testament (!!)/Brigandine/Falcon Shoes) -10x Level 22 Prinny (Goblin Claw) Ugh, I have to wonder why RPG's have to put in maps like this. Unless you've spent the last 75 hours in item world leveling up to obscene levels, this fight is pretty much already over. She is level... 1000, and is also equipped pretty nicely to boot. The prinny's alone would already make this a pretty impossible fight if you've just been playing through the game. So take your guys out and let her take them out to get this done quickly. ************************** *Episode 4: Axel's Scheme* ************************** Map 4-1: Bloody Valley Enemies: -2x Level 10 Alraune -4x Level 8 Petite Orc -2x Level 9 Orc Captain Geopanels: -No Range Attack (Red on Red) -Exp +50% (Null on Nothing) The bridge has a no range attack geopanels on it, and you get pretty much stuck on it half the battle. If you can get someone to destroy the geo symbol early on, so much the better, otherwise this map is pretty annoying with the enemies doing ranged attacks and you not. Unfortunately, even curative magic doesn't work at range either so be careful. This was the point in the game where I took off enemy attack animations since I got so tired of seeing the same attacks over and over and over... The other way is pretty obvious, get someone with a high throw (like a fighter) to throw a couple of people to the other side and have them destroy the geo symbol. Map 4-2: Life Exchange Enemies: -2x Level 9 Cockatrice -2x Level 10 Cockatrice -2x Level 10 Petite Orc -3x Level 11 Petite Orc -1x Level 10 Beast Tamer (Dragon Blade/Leather Jacket) -1x Level 11 Beast Tamer (Silver Bow/Leather Jacket) -1x Level 11 Beast Tamer (Dragon Blade/Leather Jacket) -1x Level 12 Beast Tamer (Primitive Axe/Leather Jacket) Geopanels: -Attack +50% (Null on Yellow) (moves) First of all, destroy the ATK +50%, Rozalin should be able to take it out in one ranged attack. As far as the enemies go, the beast tamers are a class which you might have available by now if you've captured a monster. The big benefit for them in this battle is if they are close to a monster class they boost their stats so take them out first if possible. Other than that, it should be a pretty easy fight considering the bridge makes a very good choke point for one on one combat. Map 4-3: Red Waterfall Enemies: -7x Level 10 Nekotama (Goblin Claw) -1x Level 12 Beast Tamer (Naginata) Geopanels: -Level up 10% (Null on Red) Ok, first of all, this is a good place to level up since the enemies can get as high of a level as you want. On the flip side, this is also a good way to capture a really powerful monster. To just get done with this level take out the geo symbol and take them out, easy. If you don't, prepare for a tough fight. Map 4-4: Dragon's Mouth Enemies: -2x Level 12 Togabito (Double Slap) -2x Level 12 Heavy Knight (Pike) -2x Level 12 Rogue (Long bow/Glasses) -2x Level 10 Thief (Rapier) -2x Level 12 Rogue (Silver bow/Glasses) -1x Level 14 Dark Hero (Beat Down/Imperial Seal) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Yellow) -Atk -50% (Blue on Blue) -Def -50% (Aqua on Aqua) -Def +50% (Green on Green) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Red) Ugh... must not make comment about happy endings... Ok, first of all you obviously need to destroy the no entry panel, to do so simply throw someone over... and unless you give them a way to get back they are probably out of the fight after that. The big problem after that is the invincibility/no lifting spot. Because of this combination, it is pretty much impossible to get rid of, so you'll have to lure them out... And ideally put someone of your own in there to basically make it an easy win after that. Other than that, if you keep an eye on the squares it shouldn't prove too difficult, but watch out for the spear and bow users. ************************ *Episode 5: The Promise* ************************ Hanako will join your group as the episode begins, I wonder how many more annoying people this group can attract... To be frank, I don't find her particularly useful, but your mileage may vary. By now you've probably unlocked a couple of classes, and maybe a couple upgraded versions of the regular classes. Now I should explain something, unlike in Disgaea 2, you can only unlock the next tier of a class by having the one right below it. In the original game, if there were 6 tiers of a class you could skip from 1 to 6, not this time. Example: To unlock the 3rd tier, you need to meet the prerequisites met by someone of the second tier. If this sounds confusing don't worry, all you need to know is; if you want to unlock more powerful versions of the class you need to use the best version of the class available. Map 5-1: Glutton's Hideout Enemies: -4x Level 13 Petite Orc -2x Level 13 Goblin Captain -4x Level 13 Boggart (The Sacrifice) -3x Level 14 Empusa (The Sacrifice) -1x Level 16 Head Orc (Wolf's Fang/Brawny Muscle/Light Armor) -2x Level 14 Alraune (The Sacrifice) Geopanels: -Enemy Boost +50% (Blue on Blue) -Encroach (Blue on Blue) -Heal 20% (Blue on Blue) Take it slow through the first part of the map, or you'll have a tough time when you get to the enemies on the geo panels. When you get to the blue area your main target should obviously be the enemy boost +50%, which will make this battle much harder with it in play. After it's destroyed it should be easy to lure them out slowly and take them out. Be careful of the head orc though, he puts out pretty nasty damage. Map 5-2: Eternal Oblivion Enemies: -3x Level 14 Petite Orc (Paw Glove) -3x Level 14 Petite Orc (Pointy Bone) -3x Level 14 Orc Captain (Goblin Claw) -3x Level 14 Orc Captain (Wolf's Fang) Geopanels: -Attack +50% (Purple on Nothing) -Defense +50% (Purple on Nothing) You think such an ominous name would be reserved for maps later in the game. Anyways, the trick here is to obviously move the symbols onto the squares and hold up around the base panel. If you're cautious in your movements you may be able to move them without getting attacked by the enemy (getting back is the problem). You can win without it, but it will be much harder. You should notice by now, the base panel never has a geo panel under it, so keep that in mind. Map 5-3: Shriek of Death Enemies: -4x Level 18 Cu Sith (Slimy Membrane) Geopanels: -Silence (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -No Entry (Yellow on Blue) -No Lifting (Null on Blue) For this battle Axel will join as an ally, you can't directly control him but try not to let him die, as he is pretty useful. Unfortunately with the way the panels are set up you can't make use of the invincibility panel for yourself, so go down and destroy the yellow symbol. After that they should move off the pillars so you can attack them. All in all, with the help of Axel it should be pretty easy. Map 5-4: Dark Ruins Enemies: -1x Level 20 Cu Sith (Wolf's Fang) -2x Level 18 Cu Sith (Wolf's Fang) -2x Level 16 Boggart (The Dead) -1x Level 18 Orc Captain (Wolf's Fang) -2x Level 16 Petite Orc (Goblin Claw) -4x Level 16 Alraune (The Dead) -4x Level 16 Petite Orc Geopanels: -No Entry (Blue on Blue) Actually, the geo panel helps, so leave it, while it bottlenecks the entire map, your guys should be able to hold them off with healing and make it quite easy. Your main worry though is the Araune's and the Cu Sith because of their range and charge attacks. After the map is over Taro (or Tardo) will join your party. ********************* *Episode 6: Coliseum* ********************* No treasure chests in town so proceed to the gatekeeper. Map 6-1: First Battle Enemies: -1x Level 16 Lady Warrior (Cardinal Staff/Jijo Outfit/Psycho Orb) -1x Level 16 Lady Warrior (.44 Magnum/Jijo Outfit/Psycho Orb) -1x Level 16 Rogue (Playful Punch/Jijo Outfit/Binoculars) -1x Level 16 Rogue (Naginata/Binoculars x3) -1x Level 18 Invincible Hero (Supremacy/Almighty Armor/Maxi Sandals) -1x Level 16 Acolyte (Battle Axe/Kung-Fu Muscle x3) -1x Level 16 Red Skull (Elven Bow/Jijo Outfit/Psycho Orb) -1x Level 16 Blue Mage (Playful Punch/Jijo Outfit/Psycho Orb) This battle is very straightforward, you're up against a diverse party, and so my best advice is the same. Have a diverse, well-rounded party and it won't be difficult. Afterwards you'll be in a new "town." You can find the treasure chests now if you'd like. Map 6-2: Second Battle Enemies: -7x Level 18 Killer Puppet (Wolf's Fang) -1x Level 24 Geo Master (Cardinal Staff/Traveler Mantle/Psycho Orb) Geopanels: -No Close Combat (Yellow on Green) -Silence (Green on Red) -No Entry (Aqua on Purple) -No Range Attack (Purple on Blue) -Invincibility (Null on Yellow) -Ally Damage 20% (Red on Aqua) -No Lifting (Blue on Aqua) Make your way around the map and destroy the red geo symbol. Avoid destroying the others or it may make it impossible to win. After the huge combo take out any that survived. Map 6-3: Third Battle Enemies: -2x Level 22 Nemophila -2x Level 20 Cait Sith -3x Level 20 Lilim -1x Level 24 Prophet (The Puppet/Jijo Outfit/Psycho Orb/Dark Rosary) Geopanels: -Ally Damage 20% (Red on Red) -Defense +50% (Green on Green) -Silence (Blue on Blue) -Evade (Yellow on Yellow) -Attack +50% (Purple on Purple) -Warp (Aqua on Aqua) This map should be pretty obvious, stick to the positives and keep your enemies on the negatives. The initial setup should be the hardest part, with the geo panels around the base panel, but with some creative throwing and lifting it shouldn't prove difficult. Map 6-4: Fourth Battle Enemies: -10x Level 22 Private Prinny -1x Level 22 Prinny Geopanels: -Enemy Boost x3 (Null on Blue) Easier, much easier than it looks, prinny's explode when thrown, so pick up the very first one and throw him next to the first in the formation and they will all explode. You win; yes it's really that easy. ****************************** *Episode 7: Battle Tournament* ****************************** Talk to Etna in front of the statue to get a couple of scenes and automatically get into a battle. Map Null-Null (Never available again) Enemies: -1x Level 28 Kunoichi (Katana/Black Outfit/Cross-Trainers) Geopanels: -Evade (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Red) -Disperse Damage (Red on Red) Easy fight, the only difficult part is the disperse damage geo symbol. Basically when she hits someone the damage dealt to that person will then be split into the number of remaining party members and given to each of them. Map 7-1: Fifth Battle Enemies: -1x Level 20 Super Hero (The Slave/Binoculars) -1x Level 20 Super Hero (The Slave/Psycho Orb) -1x Level 20 Super Hero (Crab Claw/Slippers) -1x Level 20 Super Hero (Crab Claw/Kung-Fu Muscle) -1x Level 22 Super Hero (Crab Claw/Traveler Mantle) Geopanels: -Defense +50% (Red on Yellow) -Evade (Red on Blue) -Attack +50% (Red on Green) -Ally Damage 20% (Red on Purple) -Enemy Boost +50% (Null on Red) It's prism time indeed... While the geopanels make this map more difficult, it shouldn't be too hard to win while leaving them alone. They are in a good spot anywhere on the map, but the enemy boost one will give them the most benefit so try to keep them off the red (or better yet, null it out if you get the chance.) Map 7-2: Semi-Final Enemies: -3x Level 22 Hanakage (Cardinal Staff) -3x Level 22 Genin (Katana) -3x Level 22 Genin (Playful Punch) -3x Level 22 Hanakage (Katana) -1x Level 25 Kunoichi (Katana/Black Outfit/Cross-Trainers) Another fight with nut case, but this time she brought company. They are quite annoying, move fast, and can be hard to hit, and they poison you with special attacks to boot. If you noticed, Yukimaru has actually lost 3 levels; you must have beaten her pretty badly, heh. But her equipment has been upgraded to some better quality gear (2 green items), so it about evens out. This fight can get difficult, the main advice I can give you is to have a party in the 20s range and have a cleric (or 2) that can cast Espoir and mega-heal on multiple people with one spell casting. Adell's mighty cologne forces another weirdo into the party...yay? Map 7-3: Final Battle Enemies: -4x Level 24 Heavy Knight (Beckdograban/Light Armor) -4x Level 22 Archer (Elven Bow) -4x Level 22 Gunner (Steam Gun) -2x Level 24 Magic Knight (Spatha/Jijo Outfit) -1x Level 28 Dark Hero (Finger Snap/Light Armor/Devil Ring) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Aqua) Some people just don't know when to quit. With the no entry panel and the decently leveled enemies you're in for a challenging battle. The key is having ranged attacks, as the archers and gunners and spear users will tear you up if they get in a position where you can't hit them. Take it slow and concentrate your attacks before proceeding and letting your characters die individually. By the time you reach the back, destroy the symbol to make things a little easier. In the end, Axel is probably the hardest part of this battle considering how worn down you will probably be by the time you reach him. Try to keep a few troops in reserve until you get to him, and remember to try to avoid his area effect attacks if possible (attack and then move as necessary.) **************************** *Episode 8: Zenon Appears! * **************************** Map 8-6: Sunken Alter (on dimensional gatekeeper later on) Enemies: -8x Level 26 Ghoul (Slimy Membrane) -1x Level 30 Dragon (Odd Mandible/Round Shield/Kung-Fu Muscle) Well... Where's Etna when you need her? Anyways, the battle is pretty easy actually; as long as you watch out for poison and try not to get ganged up on too much it should probably prove easier than the last fight. The biggest worry is obviously the dragon, he has a pretty nasty defense, but if you combo him enough he should go down in a couple of turns. After the battle Zenon will summon a bunch of more zombies to finish you off, but Etna comes in to save the day. Afterwards, you'll be in a new area, which will be your base of operations until you beat the episode. While the game says you fight these battles continuously, you can just push circle at the map select screen to come back here and heal, so no worries. Map 8-1: Hades Corridor Enemies: -4x Level 28 Dragon (Odd Mandible/Round Shield/Kung-Fu Muscle) -2x Level 30 Beast Leader (Yggdrasil Bow/Round Shield/Exertion Belt) Geopanels: -3x No Lifting (one of R/Y/B on the same color) -3x No Entry (one of R/Y/B on the same color) -Stage Clear (Null on Green) There are 2 ways to win, battle or get to stage clear geo panel. At this point, I prefer the battle route to gain a couple of extra levels. The dragons are pretty nasty, and the beast leaders only make them nastier, so take them out first if you go the battle route. If you go the geo panel route, destroy the no lifting panels first, and then throw the no entry panels onto the next set of geopanels and then destroy the same one. It'll make it take about half as much time then just destroying all of them individually. Map 8-2: Loser's Gallows Enemies: -1x Level 25 Red Skull (Crystal Rod) -1x Level 25 Blue Mage (Crystal Rod) -1x Level 25 Green Skull (Crystal Rod) -1x Level 25 Star Mage (Crystal Rod) Geopanels: -Evade (Blue) -No Entry (Null) (moves) -No Entry (Yellow) (moves) Basically, the geo symbols will rotate around making it a pain in the butt to get anywhere and kill the enemies, especially because of the evade panels under them. Just be patient and it shouldn't be difficult. Make sure to take advantage of ranged attacks of your own as well. Tink works well as well, since his charge attack will let him bypass the geopanels, a good way to get around and destroy the no entry panels if you are having trouble. \ Map 8-3: Confession Room Enemies: -10x Level 15 Togabito (Boxing Gloves) Geopanels: -Silence (Null on Red) -Level up 10% (Null on Red) The key to this battle is throwing, if you form a massive pillar of lifting you should be able to get someone to the symbols on the first turn. This will make the battle basically a free win because of their comparatively low level. Although it isn't a bad place to grab a couple of levels since the enemies level up each round. Map 8-4: Survivor's End Enemies: -2x Level 32 Dragon (Odd Mandible) -2x Level 30 Specter (The Demon/Psycho Orb) -1x Level 30 Blue Mage (Crystal Rod/Jijo Outfit/Psycho Orb) -1x Level 30 Red Skull (Crystal Rod/Jijo Outfit/Psycho Orb) Easy, straightforward battle if you have made it his far. Map 8-5: Putrid Courtroom Enemies: -4x Level 30 Heavy Knight (Shogun Spear) -6x Level 30 Archer (Jewelled Bow/Binoculars) -2x Level 30 Acolyte (Crystal Rod/Psycho Orb) Geopanels: -Heal 20% (Purple on Red) -Attack +1 (Null on Red) Ok, things get hard here. All the units have ranged attacks, and they won't move off them easily. They all get an extra attack each round AND they heal 20% each turn. The solution is easy, either destroy the geo symbols or hit them hard and fast. Try to take out the 2 healers A.S.A.P. if you go the more direct route in this battle. The benefit of the panels in this battle is they can work for you as well, so make use of them if you can. ****************************** *Episode 9: Summoned Overlord* ****************************** Map 9-1: Dead Metropolis Enemies: -4x Level 32 Genin (Boxing Gloves) -7x Level 30 Killer Puppet -1x Level 32 Yukikage (Katana/Black Outfit) -1x Level 32 Hanakage (Katana/Protector) Geopanels: -Enemy Boost +50% (Null on Yellow) First of all, zoom out to get a good idea of the enemies' positions since some of them are kind of hidden. The whole map is pretty much covered in the enemy boost save a couple of small spaces, and to be honest trying to keep them in is probably more trouble than it's worth. So either ignore it or destroy the geo symbol. In my experience, destroying the symbol only took about 4 characters with a good throw and made the map much easier than leaving the symbol alone. Directly attacking can prove difficult. Watch out for the Ninja's status ailment attacks as well, so bring your cleric. Your biggest issue with the Ninja's in the boosted area will probably be hitting them, since with the boost they have 400+ speed scores, so concentrate your fire power with your heavy hitters. Map 9-2: Grave of Alchemy Enemies: -2x Level 34 Star Skull (Crystal Rod) -4x Level 32 Magic Knight (Bastard Sword) -2x Level 34 Star Mage (Crystal Rod) Geopanels: -Exp +50% (Red on Red) This map is basically free experience with the way the enemies are positioned. Don't forget the three chests by the symbol in the corner. This is a good spot to come back to if you have difficulty later and need a couple of levels. Map 9-3: Altered Town Enemies: -3x Level 32 Mystic (Crystal Rod/Dark Orb) -4x Level 34 Ghoul -3x Level 36 Watcher (The Delusion) -2x Level 34 Hell Hound (Viper Bite/Spirit Muscle) Geopanels: -No Entry (Aqua on Aqua) -Disburse Damage (Purple on Purple) Another easy map, the disburse damage tiles help, since it works on the enemy as well. After you kill the first few enemies, a good portion of the map should be clear (especially of those annoying mystics.) Map 9-4: Snarling Capital Enemies: -12x Level 36 Private Prinny Geopanels: -Enemy Boost +50% (Yellow on Yellow) -Clone (Red on Red) -Clone (Blue on Blue) Just keep them and you off the red and blue panels unless you want this to get much harder than it has to be. Unfortunately, two of them start off on those panels, so take them out ASAP or you'll have a big Prinny problem in a hurry. This is a pretty easy map, because you can kill them automatically with one throw (for fun, see how many you can kill in a single throw, heh.) **************************** *Episode 10: The Two Ninjas* **************************** Etna will join your party as the episode begins... but she is now... level 1! And she doesn't even have her equipment. Use her or not, it's up to you. Map 10-1: Rotten Fields Enemies: -9x Level 38 Bascilicrow Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Red) No, I don't know why you're suddenly thrust into a battle with giant were- chickens. As was said earlier in the game, maybe we need more levels, heh. Regardless of the maze like design, ranged attacks can go past no entry squares. So this isn't a particularly challenging map if you have a variety of ranged attack users. Map 10-2: Luring Nightmare Enemies: -12 Level 40 Private Prinny Geopanels: -Evade/Warp/Critical (all Aqua on Aqua) Anyways, once again, due to the fact that they are prinny's this is an easy fight. And regardless of what they said, none of them have any equipment. The downside is the critical panel that makes their attacks do obscene amounts of damage but if you have a couple of people with decent throw out it should be cake. Map 10-3: Rebelling Spirit Enemies: -10x Level 40 Private Prinny Geopanels: -No Lifting/Fusion (both Red on Red) Ok because of the Fusion panel things can get out of hand really quickly. If you left them all alone and let them all fuse into one Prinny, it would be level 400. That's obviously not a good idea to let happen. So I advise you either A.) Kill them as fast as possible or B.) Destroy the no lifting symbol. Because I enjoy killing them easily, I chose B, which shouldn't be difficult if you let them fuse into 1 and then lure him away while you destroy the symbol. Map 10-4: Dead Breath Enemies: -6x Level 42 Ronin (Katana) -1x Level 45 Ninja Master (Niflheim/Bushido Suit/Bloody Orb) Geopanels: -Warp (Aqua on Green) -Attack +50% (Yellow on Green) Well you have two options, either staying on the green and warping around and using the attack +50% or going all out. Either can work fine in this map, but if you've been throwing Prinnys it might be better to stick with the warp for the extra edge. *********************** *Episode 11: Awakening* *********************** But I don't want to play final fantasy 7, waaaa... Map 11-1: Geo Challenger Enemies: -2x Level 38 Black Dog (Bull Horn) -2x Level 41 Sea Monk (The Nightmare) -1x Level 50 Priest (Sorcery Rod/Dark Rosary/Dark Orb) -2x Level 47 Peryton (Bull Horn) -2x Level 44 Werecat (Bullhorn) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Purple) -No Entry (Null on Blue) -No Entry (Null on Yellow) -No Entry (Null on Green) -Invincibility (Aqua on Red) Unfortunately, as far as I can see, there is no easy way to bypass this map. You have to go clockwise around the room until you can destroy the null on green. If you null out green using the one on purple, it'll make the map impossible to win because of your inability to get to some monsters. After you null out green throw someone up to the center and move the invincibility symbol to the null area and beat on her. Map 11-2: Witty Contest Enemies: -2x Level 44 Blue Skull (Fancy Rod) -1x Level 46 Blue Mage (Fancy Rod/Magical Vest) -2x Level 44 Red Skull (Fancy Rod) -1x Level 46 Red Mage (Fancy Rod/Magical Vest) -2x Level 44 Green Skull (Fancy Rod) -1x Level 46 Green Mage (Fancy Rod/Magical Vest) Geopanels: -Wind Element +50% (Green on Green) -Water Element +50% (Blue on Blue) -Fire Element +50% (Red on Red) -No Entry (Yellow on Yellow) -Invincibility (Yellow on Yellow) -Silence (Null on Red) (Moves) -Attack +1 (Null on Green) (Moves) To make this battle simpler do the following, throw the green element boost onto the blue and destroy it. This will null out two of them, making it so you don't have to worry about abnormally powerful magic hitting you from afar as much. They are just mages, so they are fragile and will go down quickly. Watch out for the moving silence and attack +1 symbols though, they can make their magic much more deadly. Map 11-3: Death to Cowards Enemies: -8x Level 48 Sage (Druid Staff) Geopanels: -2x Mana +50% (Aqua on Aqua) -1x Reverse Damage (Aqua on Aqua) Good spot for leveling healers, the reverse damage panels means that healing spells hurt them. It's easily removed if you want to beat them the traditional way though. Don't forget the 4 treasure chests as well. All in all, a pretty easy map if you have a couple of people in their 40s. Map 11-4: Defiler Ambition Enemies: -1x Level 50 Star Mage (Fancy Rod/Black Outfit/Dark Orb) -1x Level 50 Star Skull (Fancy Rod/Black Outfit/Dark Orb) -1x Level 50 Sage (Fancy Rod/Black Outfit/Dark Orb) -7x Level 46 Shooter (Golden Bow) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Red) -No Entry (Null on Green) -No Entry (Null on Yellow) -Enemy Boost +50% (Purple on Purple) Use a mage to target the first null panel on red to remove the no entry and get you moving, it should be pretty easy to follow after that. Just watch out for the people on purple. Map 11-5: Evil Temptation Enemies: -1x Nidhogg (Spikey Shell) -1x Ahzi Dahaka (Spikey Shell) -1x Fafnir (Spikey Shell) -1x Dragon (Spikey Shell) Geopanels (all move): -Ally Damage 20% (Aqua on Aqua) -Enemy Boost +50% (Green on Yellow) -Defense +50% (Red on Red) -Warp (Yellow on Green) -Attack +50% (Blue on Blue) By now you should know the drill for these kinds of battles, stick to the good ones and keep the enemies off the ones that are good for them. Of course, the problem is they move to keep you guessing, but it shouldn't be anything too difficult. Map 11-6: Warped Knowledge Enemies: -1x Level 50 Red Mage (Prinny Staff/Black Outfit/Dark Orb) -1x Level 50 Star Mage (Prinny Staff/Black Outfit/Dark Orb) -1x Level 50 Blue Mage (Prinny Staff/Black Outfit/Dark Orb) -1x Level 50 Green Mage (Prinny Staff/Black Outfit/Dark Orb) -1x Level 52 Black Dog (Bull Horn/Fur Jacket/Beastly Belt/Spirit Muscle) -1x Level 52 Sea Monk (The Nightmare/Fur Jacket/Bloody Orb/Spirit Muscle) -1x Level 52 Fafnir (Bull Horn/Fur Jacket/Beastly Belt/Spirit Muscle) -1x Level 52 White Dragon (The Nightmare/Fur Jacket/Bloody Orb/Spirit Muscle) Geopanels: -No Entry (Purple on Purple) -Warp (Aqua on Aqua) -2x Invincibility (Aqua on Aqua) The jist of what you want to do is remove the invincibility symbols (by lifting them obviously) and then removing the no entry panel.) Alternatively, once the invincibility panels are destroyed you can just stand on where it previously was to warp into the center area. Either will work, but destroying the no entry was easier in my opinion due to how the Aqua's are spaced out in correlation with the enemies. Another option I found was to take your most powerful character, lift up one of the invincibility blocks and wait for the mages to warp in. Then throw them to the other side and kill them. Map 11-7: Holy Tower Enemies: -Level 1200 Overlord (Laserblade/Majin Armor/Testament/Orion's Belt) Geopanels: -Heal 20% (Red on Purple) -Enemy Boost x3 (Red on Purple) -Ally Damage 20% (Red on Purple) Yes, I know... You came all this way to lose basically. Well, good luck... Seriously, if you've been following this guide as is, you stand no chance of winning and you really aren't supposed to, so just let him do his thing and enjoy the pretty graphics, heh. After you lose, a cut scene will happen and you'll be in another battle with Rozalin alone. It should be basically a free win with her at level 1900, heh. Make sure to use her special attack, just to see it once. ************************* *Episode 12: Castle Raid* ************************* Map 12-1: Overlord's Sign Enemies: -3x Level 52 Iron Knight (Bone Spear) -3x Level 52 Valkyrie (Skeleton Bow) -3x Level 52 Destroyer (Heavy Axe) Geopanels: -Heal 20% (Yellow on Green) -Ally Damage 20% (Aqua on Red) -No Lifting (Green on Red) -Defense +50% (Blue on Red) -Enemy Boost +50% (Red on Nothing) -2x Exp +50% (Purple on Nothing) Ok first move the 2 exp boosts onto red. Otherwise, just try to stay in the clear and use the green panels to your advantage and it shouldn't be much harder than the previous fights. If the geopanels are making things too difficult, move one of the exp boosters over and then destroy it, thus nullifying the other red panels. This should significantly damage all of their health is well. Map 12-2: Crystalline Maze Enemies: -4x Level 52 Succubus (The Accursed) -2x Level 52 White Dragon (The Accursed/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 60 Skeletal Dragon (Poison Needle/Battle Vest/Fight Muscle) Geopanels: -Enemy Boost +50% (Green on Red) -Enemy Boost x3 (Red on Green) First of all, leave the enemy boost +50% alone, as destroying it means everyone gets x3 instead, making things much worse (if not impossible.) Destroy the enemies on the red and make your way to the Enemy Boost x3 panel and throw someone over and destroy it, they won't be able to get back. Then destroy the other enemy boost, or better yet combo the destruction of the two together. As far as the dragon is concerned, he is resistant to physical attacks but he has 0 resistance to all forms of magic, so if you use special attacks make sure they are element based (like Adell's fire attacks.) Map 12-3: Mysterious Trap Enemies: -2x Level 50 Specter -3x Level 50 Head Orc -3x Level 50 Assassin Doll -3x Level 50 Corpse -2x Level 50 Watcher Geopanels: -Enemy Boost x3 (Null on Nothing) (moves) -No Lifting (Aqua on Aqua) Pretty easy except for one thing, the enemy boost x3, which slowly moves until its on Aqua. Try to get there as soon as it does and then destroy it for a geo explosion. Map 12-4: Dancing Fools Enemies: -1x Level 60 Beast Lord (Heavy Axe/Fur Jacket) -1x Level 56 Priest (Sorcery Rod/Magical Vest) -2x Level 56 Succubus (The Accursed/Magical Vest) -2x Level 56 Werecat (Bear Claw/Fur Jacket) -1x Level 56 Valkyrie (Benkei's Glaive/Fur Jacket) -1x Level 56 Pharbitis (The Accursed/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 56 Scout (Sledgehammer/Opera Glasses) -1x Level 56 Rune Knight (Evil Buster/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 56 Shooter (Crystal Bow/Opera Glasses) -1x Level 56 Hoshikage (Hoodlum Fist/Ninja Tabi) -1x Level 60 Prism Mage (druid Staff/Fur Jacket/Ace Muscle 2x) Geopanels: -No Lifting (Red on Red) -No Entry (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -Evade (Yellow on Green) -Warp (Yellow on Nothing) Take it easy through the first half of the map; if you have a party in the last 40s or early 50s it should be a cakewalk. The only difficult part is the Prism Mage on the evade panel, but if you have fair leveled ranged attack users she shouldn't last too long. Map 12-5: Agito the Reaper Enemies: -1x Level 56 Ashura (Iron Punch) -1x Level 56 Red Skull (Sorcery Rod/Fur Jacket/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 56 Blue Skull (Sorcery Rod/Fur Jacket/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 56 Star Skull (Sorcery Rod/Fur Jacket/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 56 Green Skull (Sorcery Rod/Fur Jacket/Bloody Orb) -2x Level 56 Outlaw (Flamethrower/Chain Mail/Plastic Nose) -2x Level 56 Sage (Fancy Rod/Fur Jacket/Bloody Orb) -3x Level 56 Destroyer (Heavy Axe) -1x Level 56 Bujin (Katzbalger) -1x Level 56 Jounin (Krishmald) Geopanels: -Warp (Purple on Purple) -No Range Attack (Null on Aqua) -Warp (Yellow on Yellow) -Silence (Purple on Purple) -Ally Damage 20% (Aqua on Aqua) -Warp (Red on Red) -Enemy Boost +50% (Blue on Blue) -Silence (Yellow on Yellow) -No Entry (Green on Green) Basically, for this map you need to use the warp panels to destroy the negative effects. Map 12-6: Castle Gates Enemies: -1x Level 70 Demon General (Rose Whip/Scale Mail/Aura Belt) -1x Level 70 Dark Priest (The Dismal/Wizard Robe/Bloody Orb) -2x Level 60 White Dragon (The Dream) -1x Level 60 Death Dragon (Poison Needle) -1x Level 60 Dragon King (The Dream) -2x Level 62 Shooter (Skeleton Bow/Fur Jacket) -2x Level 65 Priest (Druid Staff/Magical Vest/Bloody Orb) -2x Level 60 Skeletal Dragon (Poison Needle) Geopanels: -No Lifting (Blue on Aqua) -Enemy Boost x3 (Null on Blue) -No Lifting (Red on Purple) -Enemy Boost x3 (Null on Red) -No Lifting (Purple on Purple) -No Lifting (Yellow on Red) -No Lifting (Aqua on Aqua) -No Lifting (Green on Blue) Not of advice I can give. Take it slow through the first half and then take out the enemy boosts as quickly as possible. The general is the hardest part; he is IMMUNE to physical attacks (the other magic)... that includes Adell's fire attacks as well (basically the attacks from anyone but direct magic.) So save your mages until the end if possible. *********************** *Episode 13: The Truth* *********************** Map 13-1: The Lords' Party Enemies: -2x Level 60 Yukikage (Iron Nails) -2x Level 60 Yukikage (Kunoichi Blade) -2x Level 60 Chunin (Iron Nails) -2x Level 60 Chunin (Ninja Blade) -4x Level 62 Samurai (Katzbalger/Chain Mail) -1x Level 66 Bujin (Nightmare/Bushido Suit/Dark Rosary/Fight Muscle) Geopanels: -No Lifting (Purple on Blue) -Evade (Purple on Blue) Easy level, just lure them off the panels and it should be a straightforward map. Map 13-2: Time of Trial Enemies: -1x Level 64 Red Mage (Sorcery Rod/Plastic Nose/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 64 Green Mage (Sorcery Rod/Plastic Nose/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 64 Blue Mage (Sorcery Rod/Plastic Nose/Bloody Orb) -3x Level 64 Belladonna (Lust) -5x Level 60 Cait Sith (Rose Whip) -1x Level 70 Wood Giant (Golem Punch/Breastplate) Geopanels: -No Lifting (Red on Red) -Enemy Boost x3 (Null on Red) -No Entry (Null on Aqua) -Damage 20% (Red on Nothing) Kill the mages near the base panel; throw some people across to destroy the no lift panel, and then make a ladder of people to throw to destroy the enemy boost symbol (with a mage to destroy it as you can't throw people to the ledge.) Map 13-3: Killers' Hall Enemies: -2x Level 44 Sage (Sorcery Rod/Bloody Orb) -1x Level 48 Shooter (Demon Bow) -1x Level 50 Wood Giant (Golem Punch/Ace Muscle) -1x Level 46 Bujin (Katzbalger) -1x Level 46 Steel Knight (Benten) -2x Level 44 Destroyer (Giant Axe) -2x Level 44 Ashura (Hoodlum Fist) -2x Level 46 Scout (Sledgehammer) -2x Level 46 Beast Lord (Berserker) -2x Level 44 Outlaw (Sledgehammer/Plastic Nose) Geopanels: -Enemy Level Up 10% (Null on Yellow) In this battle, Fubuki will be an Ally. He was level 74 in my game, I'm not sure if it is set or based off Adell (who in my game was 2 levels lower.) Regardless, it's a pretty simple map. Take out the level up symbol or stay and try to gain a few levels. You have handled them before. Map 13-4: Final Decision Enemies: -1x Level 80 Baciel (Organic Power/Large Shield/Victory Muscle) -2x Level 70 Saint Dragon (Confusion) -2x Level 70 Tree Folk (Golem Punch) -2x Level 70 Death Dragon (Tiger Fang) -2x Level 70 Nidhogg (Tiger Fang) -2x Level 70 Garm (Mystic Horn) Geopanels: -2x No Entry (Purple on Blue) -4x Ally Damage 20% (Purple on Nothing) (moves) Yea, tough crowd; basically for this one you are trying to destroy one of the no entry panels and stop the Ally Damage panels from moving onto purple (thus killing you in very short order.) One will move onto purple at the end of round 8 and another will move each round until it is at 80% (You'll be lucky to make it to that point.) Make sure you read all the enemies' descriptions so you know what to use against them as well, no point in wasting your mana when you need to kill them quickly. If you can't kill the enemies fast enough, I recommend going back to the previous levels until your characters are at least in the 60s range. If you're still having trouble, I recommend unlocking the cave of ordeals and using the first level in the dungeon to grab some levels. I should warn you, the next map is the last. So stock up on equipment, items and you may want to go back and gain a couple of levels Map 13-5: Viewing Room Enemies: -1x Level 90 Overlord (Envy/Large Shield/World Muscle/Royal Ring) Seems simply enough, and really it is. This fight doesn't require much strategy, just power. He is resistant to elemental attacks, so anything else should work. The main problem is his stats; even for a 90 his stats are pretty high. So concentrate your fire and combo him up. After you damage him enough he will just be a head, at this point he apparently loses his elemental resistance but gets an attack increase from being low on health. Your biggest worry is his special attacks, which frankly, do insane amounts of damage considering his level. So try not to cluster up too much if you can. If you win and you have been a good boy (not killing your allies) you should get the good ending. Let the credits roll to see the cool artwork, another news story and another scene and then you can save your game to carry over into new game+. As far as the new game+ goes, story is exactly the same. You keep your equipment/money/character levels/unlocked classes. You don't keep other stuff you've unlocked (like maps/storyline characters/etc.) ======================== =3. Weapon Skills (3WS)= ======================== ---- /Axe| |---------------------------| |Level 1: Boulder Crush | |Level 3: Colossal Fissure | |Level 6: Boomerang Axe | |Level 10: Violent Storm | |Level 15: Graviton Flare | |Level 21: Calamity Drive | |---------------------------| ---- /Bow| |------------------------| |Level 1: Poison Blast | |Level 3: Raiden Missile | |Level 6: Delta Split | |Level 10: Zielregen | |Level 15: Doppelganger | |Level 21: | |------------------------| ------------- /Fist Weapons| |--------------------------| |Level 1: Triple Strike | |Level 3: Tiger Charge | |Level 6: Lion's Road | |Level 10: King of Beasts | |Level 15: Rising Dragon | |Level 21: Big Bang | |--------------------------| ----- /Guns| |---------------------------| |Level 1: Tri-Burst | |Level 3: Gaia Blast | |Level 6: Proximity Shot | |Level 10: Shooting Stars | |Level 15: Totenkreuz | |Level 21: | |---------------------------| ------ /Spear| |--------------------------| |Level 1: Impaler | |Level 3: Lightning Spear | |Level 6: Asteroid Drop | |Level 10: Turbulence | |Level 15: Divine Strike | |Level 21: Spear Storm | |--------------------------| ------ /Sword| |---------------------------| |Level 1: Blade Rush | |Level 3: Hurricane Slash | |Level 6: Moon Slash | |Level 10: Winged Slayer | |Level 15: Dark X Slash | |Level 21: Dimension Slash | |---------------------------| =================== =4. Classes (4CLS)= =================== ======================== 4a. Human Classes (4AHC) ======================== ------- /Archer| |-------------------------------------| |Unlock: Level 5 bow mastery and pass | | "Make a Lovely Hunter" bill. | |-------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Archer) | |Rank 2(Hunter): Level 15 Archer | |Rank 3(Shooter): Level 30 Hunter | |Rank 4(Bow Master): Level 60 Shooter | |Rank 5(Cupid): Level 120 Bow Master | |Rank 6: Level 240 Cupid | |-------------------------------------| |Skills: None | |-------------------------------------| ------------- /Beast Master| |---------------------------------------------| |Unlock: Capture a monster and pass "Make a | | Trainer" bill | |---------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Beast Tamer) | |Rank 2(Beast Leader): Level 12 Beast Tamer | |Rank 3(Beast Lord): Level 24 Beast Leader | |Rank 4(Beast Queen): Level 48 Beast Lord | |Rank 5(Beast Master): Level 96 Beast Queen | |Rank 6(Beast Savior): Level 192 Beast Master | |---------------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Level (<29): Wild Groom | |-Level (<29): Domination | |-------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |16|17|18|19|20|21| | |SP |12|13|14|15|16|17| | |ATK|15|16|17|18|19|20| | |Def|10|11|12|13|14|15| | |Int|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Res|9 |9 |10|10|11|11| | |Hit|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Spd|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |-------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |SP |100|100|100|110|110|110| | |ATK|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Def|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Int|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Res|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Hit|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Spd|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |-------------------------------| |Weapon Proficiency | | |1|2|3|4|5|6| | |Fist |C|C|C|C|C|B| | |Sword |B|B|A|A|A|S| | |Spear |B|B|A|A|A|S| | |Bow |B|B|A|A|A|S| | |Gun |E|E|E|E|D|D| | |Axe |B|B|A|A|A|S| | |Staff |D|D|D|D|D|D| | |-------------------------------| -------------- /Chaos Soldier| |----------------------------------------------| |Unlock: Beat the game and pass the bill, | | "Make the Ultimate Warrior" | |----------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Chaos Soldier) | |Rank 2(Death Avenger): Level 60 Chaos Soldier | |Rank 3(Violator): Level 120 Death Avenger | |Rank 4: Level 240 Violator | |Rank 5: Level 480 | |Rank 6: Level 960 | |----------------------------------------------| |Skills: None | |----------------------------------------------| ------- /Cleric| |----------------------------------| |Unlocked: Automatically | |----------------------------------| |Rank 1(Healer) | |Rank 2(Acolyte): Level 10 Healer | |Rank 3(Priest): Level 20 Acolyte | |Rank 4(Bishop): Level 40 Priest | |Rank 5(Cardinal): Level 80 Bishop | |Rank 6(Saint): Level 160 Cardinal | |----------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Level 1: Heal | |-Level 3: Shield | |-Level 5: Espoir | |-Level 10: Magic Wall | |-Level 13: Braveheart | |-Level 15: Mega Heal | |-Level 20: Target Lock | |-Level 30: Giga Heal | |-Level 40: Speed Boost | |-Level 50: Omega Heal | |------------------------| --------- /Criminal| |-----------------------------------| |Unlock: Get convicted of crime and | | pass bill, "Make a bad guy" | |-----------------------------------| |Rank 1(Togabito) | |Rank 2(Yasha): Level 12 Togabito | |Rank 3(Ashura): Level 24 Yasha | |Rank 4(Rasetsu): Level 48 Ashura | |Rank 5(Bunshin): Level 96 Rasetsu | |Rank 6(Aragami): Level 192 Bunshin | |-----------------------------------| |Skills: None | |-----------------------------------| ------ /Druid| |--------------------------------------| |Unlock Have a 500+ geopanel combo and | | pass the bill, "Make a strange old | | man" (map 2-4 works well) | |--------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Druid): | |Rank 2(Mystic): Level 12 Druid | |Rank 3(Sage): 24 Mystic | |Rank 4(Hermit): 48 Sage | |Rank 5(Prophet): Level 96 Hermit | |Rank 6(Geo Master): Level 192 Prophet | |--------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Level 1: Base Star Magic | |-Level 1: Geo Change | |-Level 5: Heal | |-Level 10: Mega Star | |-Level 15: Geo Blast | |-Level 20: Mega Heal | |-Level 30: Geo Warp | |-Level 35: Giga Star | |-Level 40: Giga Heal | |-Level 50: Bonus Change | |--------------------------| ------------- /Female Ninja| |--------------------------------------| |Unlock: Level 5 fist/staff mastery and| | pass bill, "Make a Kunoichi" | |--------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Hanakage) | |Rank 2(Yukikage): Level 15 Hanakage | |Rank 3(Hoshikage): Level 30 Yukikage | |Rank 4(Tsukikage): Level 60 Hoshikage | |Rank 5(Sorakage): Level 120 Tsukikage | |Rank 6: Level 240 | |--------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Level 10: Kagenui | |-Level 15: MinMinMin | |-Level 25: Shinikaze | |-Level 35: Mafuujin | |-Level 45: Tougenkyo | |----------------------| -------- /Fighter| |-----------------------------------------| |Unlocked: Automatically | |-----------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Fighter) | |Rank 2(Warrior): Level 10 Fighter | |Rank 3(Destroyer): Level 20 Warrior | |Rank 4(Gladiator): Level 40 Destroyer | |Rank 5(Warlord): Level 80 Gladiator | |Rank 6(Battle Master): Level 160 Warlord | |-----------------------------------------| |Skills: None | |-----------------------------------------| ------- /Gunner| |-----------------------------------| |Unlock: Level 5 gun mastery and | | pass bill, "Make a sunset kind | | of guy" | |-----------------------------------| |Rank 1(Gunner) | |Rank 2(Sniper): Level 15 Gunner | |Rank 3(Outlaw): Level 30 Sniper | |Rank 4(Hitman): Level 60 Outlaw | |Rank 5(Bullseye): Level 120 Hitman | |Rank 6: Level 240 Bullseye | |-----------------------------------| |Skills: None | |-----------------------------------| ------------- /Heavy Knight| |-----------------------------------------------| |Unlock: Level 3 spear mastery and pass the | | bill, "Make a Tough Guy" | |-----------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Heavy Knight) | |Rank 2(Iron Knight): Level 12 Heavy Knight | |Rank 3(Steel Knight): Level 24 Iron Knight | |Rank 4(Mythril Knight): Level 48 Steel Knight | |Rank 5(Adamant Knight: Level 96 Mythril Knight | |Rank 6(Aegis Knight): Level 192 Adamant Knight | |-----------------------------------------------| |Skills: None | |-----------------------------------------------| ------------- /Lady Fighter| |--------------------------------------------| |Unlock: Automatically | |--------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Lady Fighter) | |Rank 2(Lady Warrior): Level 10 Lady Fighter | |Rank 3(Valkyrie): Level 20 Lady Warrior | |Rank 4(Minerva Lass): Level 40 Valkyrie | |Rank 5(Freya): Level 80 Minerva Lass | |Rank 6(Iron Maiden): Level 160 Freya | |--------------------------------------------| |Skills: None | |--------------------------------------------| ----- /Mage| |----------------------------------------------------| |Unlock: Rank 1-3 is automatic | |----------------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Red Mage) | |Rank 2(Green Mage) | |Rank 3(Blue Mage) | |Rank 4(Star Mage): Level 20 Red, Green or Blue Mage | |Rank 5(Prism Mage): Level 60 Star Mage | |Rank 6(Galaxy Mage): Level 160 Galaxy Mage | |----------------------------------------------------| |Skills (Rank 1-3): | |-Level 1: Base element of their type | |-Level 5: Armor Break | |-Level 10: Mega Element of type | |-Level 15: Slow | |-Level 25: Giga Element of their type | |-Level 35: Resist Break | |-Level 50: Omega Element of their type | |-Level 80: Tera Element of their type | | | |Skills (Rank 4): | |-Level 1: Star | |-Level 10(?): Armor Break | |-Level 13(?): Mega Star | |-Level 15(?): Slow | |-Level 30: Giga Star | |-Level 35: Resist Break | |-Level 60(?): Omega Star | |-Level 100: Tera Star | | | |Skills (Rank 5): | |-Level 1: Fire/Wind/Ice | |-Level ?: Mega | |-Level ?: Giga | |-Level ?: Omega | | | |Skills (Rank 6): | |-Level 1: Fire/Wind/Ice/Star | |-Level ?: Mega | |-Level ?: Giga | |-Level 60: Omega | |---------------------------------------| ------------- /Magic Knight| |---------------------------------------------| |Unlock: Level 3 Sword/Staff Mastery and pass | | the bill, "Make a Busty Babe" | |---------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Magic Knight) | |Rank 2(Dark Knight): Level 12 Magic Knight | |Rank 3(Rune Knight): Level 24 Dark Knight | |Rank 4(Mega Knight): Level 48 Rune Knight | |Rank 5(Force Knight): Level 96 Mega Knight | |Rank 6(Space Knight): Level 192 Force Knight | |---------------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Level 1: Fire/Wind/Ice Weapon | |-Level 1: Random Element (Fire/Wind/or Ice) | |-Level 10: Mega Element | |-Level 15: Fire/Wind/Ice Charge | |-Level 25: Giga Element | |-Level 30: Anti-Fire/Wind/Ice | |---------------------------------------------| ----------- /Male Ninja| |------------------------------------| |Unlock: Level 5 sword/fist mastery | | and pass bill, "Make a Ninja" | |------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Genin) | |Rank 2(Chunin): Level 15 Genin | |Rank 3(Jounin): Level 30 Chunin | |Rank 4(Oniwaban): Level 60 Jounin | |Rank 5(Touryou): Level 120 Oniwaban | |Rank 6: Level 240 Touryou | |------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Level 15: Utsusemi | |-Level 45: Konoha Gakure | |---------------------------| ------ /Ronin| |---------------------------------| |Unlock: Level 5 mastery in swords| | and pass bill, "Make an | | Eastern Swordsman" | |---------------------------------| |Rank 1(Ronin) | |Rank 2(Samurai): Level 15 Ronin | |Rank 3(Bujin): Level 30 Samurai | |Rank 4(Kengou) Level 60 Bujin | |Rank 5(Kensei): Level 120 Kengou | |Rank 6: Level 240 Kensei | |---------------------------------| |Skills: None | |---------------------------------| ------ /Skull| |------------------------------------------------------| |Unlock: Rank 1-3 is automatic | |------------------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Red Skull) | |Rank 2(Green Skull) | |Rank 3(Blue Skull) | |Rank 4(Star Skull): Level 20 Blue, Green or Red Skull | |Rank 5(Prism Skull): Level 60 Star Skull | |Rank 6(Galaxy Skull): Level 160 Prism Skull | |------------------------------------------------------| |Skills (Rank 1-3): | |-Level 1: Base element of their type | |-Level 5: Enfeeble | |-Level 10: Mega element of their type | |-Level 15: Blind | |-Level 25: Giga Element of their type | |-Level 35: Mind Break | |-Level 50: Omega Element of their type | |-Level 80: Tera Element of their type | | | |Skills (Rank 4): | |-Level 1: Star | |-Level 10(?): Enfeeble | |-Level 14(?): Mega Star | |-Level 15(?): Blind | |-Level 30: Giga Star | |-Level 35: Mind Break | |-Level 60(?): Omega Star | |-Level 100: Tera Star | | | |Skills (rank 5): | |-Level 1: Fire/Wind/Ice | |-Level ?: Mega | |-Level ?: Giga | |-Level ?: Omega | | | |Skills (Rank 6): | |-Level 1: Fire/Wind/Ice/Star | |-Level ?: Mega | |-Level ?: Giga | |-Level 60: Omega | |---------------------------------------| ------ /Thief| |------------------------------------------| |Unlock: Automatically | |------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Thief) | |Rank 2(Rogue): Level 10 Thief | |Rank 3(Scout): Level 20 Rogue | |Rank 4(Bandit): Level 40 Scout | |Rank 5(Trickster): Level 80 Bandit | |Rank 6(Master Thief): Level 160 Trickster | |------------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Level 1: Health | |-Level 10: Consciousness | |-Level 20: Freedom | |-Level 40: Memory | |-------------------------| ======================== 4b. Demon Classes (4BDC) ======================== All rank 1 monsters are unlocked by defeating that monster; just playing through the game should get you all of them. -------- /Alraune| |------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Alraune) | |Rank 2(Nemophila): Level 12 Alraune | |Rank 3(Pharbitis): Level 24 Nemophila | |Rank 4(Belladonna): Level 48 Pharbitis | |Rank 5(Photinia): Level 96 Belladonna | |Rank 6(Parthenocissus): Level 192 Photinia| |------------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Green Needle: Starts With | |-Flower Dance: Level <= 40 | |-Full Bloom: Level <= 40 | |-Flower Hazard: Level 75 | |---------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |14|15|16|17|18|19| | |SP |13|14|15|16|17|18| | |ATK|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Def|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |Int|13|14|15|16|17|18| | |Res|16|18|20|22|24|26| | |Hit|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Spd|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |---------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |SP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |ATK|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Def|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Int|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Res|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Hit|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Spd|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |---------------------------------| ------- /Baciel| |-------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Baciel) | |Rank 2(Gambiel): Level 15 Baciel | |Rank 3(Adnachiel): Level 30 Gambiel | |Rank 4(Verchiel): Level 60 Adnachiel | |Rank 5(Ambriel): Level 120 Verchiel | |Rank 6(Malchidael): Level 240 Ambriel| |-------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Death Blast: Level <= 42 | |-Extinction Beam: Level 50 | |-Deep Impact: 98-103 | |-Armageddon: 150-188 | |-------------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |32|36|40|44|48|52| | |SP |14|15|16|17|18|19| | |ATK|16|18|20|22|24|26| | |Def|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Int|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |Res|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Hit|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |Spd|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |-------------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |110|110|120|120|130|130| | |SP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |ATK|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Def|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Int|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |Res|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Hit|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Spd|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |-------------------------------------| ----------- /Cockatrice| |---------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Cockatrice) | |Rank 2(Basilicrow): Level 12 Cockatrice| |Rank 3(Peryton): Level 24 Basilicrow | |Rank 4(Malphas): Level 48 Peryton | |Rank 5(Foolfool): Level 96 Malphas | |Rank 6(Abraxes): Level 192 Foolfool | |---------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Stone Breath: Level <= 35 | |-Sand Storm: Level <= 35 | |-Cyclone Breath: Level <= 35 | |-Super Egg: Level 70 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |18|20|22|24|26|28| | |SP |13|14|15|16|17|18| | |ATK|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Def|10|10|11|11|12|12| | |Int|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Res|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Hit|13|14|15|16|17|18| | |Spd|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |100|100|120|110|110|110| | |SP |100|100|100|110|110|110| | |ATK|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Def|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Int|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Res|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Hit|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Spd|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |------------------------------| -------- /Cu Sith| |--------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Cu Sith) | |Rank 2(Hell Hound): Level 12 Cu Sith | |Rank 3(Black Dog): Level 24 Hell Hound| |Rank 4(Garm): Level 48 Black Dog | |Rank 5(Orthros): Level 96 Garm | |Rank 6(Fenrir): Level 192 Orthros | |--------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Wild Rush: Level <=45 | |-Death Fang: Level <=45 | |-Wind Dice: Level <=45 | |-Animal Story: Level 80 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |18|20|22|24|26|28| | |SP |12|13|14|15|16|17| | |ATK|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Def|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Int|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |Res|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |Hit|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Spd|16|17|18|19|20|21| | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |120|120|130|130|140|140| | |SP |90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |ATK|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Def|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Int|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Res|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Hit|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Spd|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |------------------------------| ------- /Dragon| |-------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Dragon) | |Rank 2(Fafnir): Level 15 Dragon | |Rank 3(Nidhogg): Level 30 Fafnir | |Rank 4(Ahzi Dahaka): Level 60 Nidhogg| |Rank 5(Tiamat): Level 120 Ahzi Dahaka| |Rank 6(Bahamut): Level 240 Tiamat | |-------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Fire Breath: Level <= 42 | |-Dragon Kung Fu: Level <= 42 | |-Blazing Breath: Level 63-74 | |-Dragon Nova: Level 120 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |28|32|36|40|44|48| | |SP |9 |9 |10|10|11|11| | |ATK|16|17|18|19|20|21| | |Def|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Int|10|11|12|13|14|15| | |Res|11|12|13|14|15|16| | |Hit|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Spd|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |100|100|100|110|110|110| | |SP |100|100|100|110|110|110| | |ATK|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Def|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Int|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Res|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Hit|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Spd|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |------------------------------| ------ /Ghost| |---------------------------------| |Rank 1(Ghost) | |Rank 2(Boggart): Level 10 Ghost | |Rank 3(Specter): Level 20 Boggart| |Rank 4(Wraith): Level 40 Specter | |Rank 5(Fiend): Level 80 Wraith | |Rank 6(Phantom): Level 160 Fiend | |---------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Tie Down: Starts with | |-Ignition: Level <= 67 | |-Ghost Assist: Level <= 67 | |-Polter Geist: Level 50-73 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |9 |10|11|12|13|14| | |SP |18|20|22|24|26|28| | |ATK|10|10|11|11|12|12| | |Def|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |Int|16|18|20|22|24|26| | |Res|13|14|15|16|17|18| | |Hit|13|14|15|16|17|18| | |Spd|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |SP |110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Atk|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Def|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Int|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Res|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Hit|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Spd|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |------------------------------| ------------ /Holy Dragon| |---------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(White Dragon) | |Rank 2(Dragon King): Level 15 White Dragon | |Rank 3(Saint Dragon): Level 30 Dragon King | |Rank 4(Heaven Dragon): Level 60 Saint Dragon | |Rank 5(Terra Dragon): Level 120 Heaven Dragon| |Rank 6(Divine Dragon): Level 240 Terra Dragon| |---------------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Holy Impact: Starts with | |-Dragon Cure: Level <= 51 | |-Holy Flare: Level <= 51 | |-Nirvana: Level 85 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |16|17|18|19|20|21| | |SP |12|13|14|15|16|17| | |ATK|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |Def|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Int|15|16|17|18|19|20| | |Res|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Hit|10|10|11|11|12|12| | |Spd|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |SP |100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Atk|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Def|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Int|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Res|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Hit|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Spd|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |------------------------------| -------- /Kit Cat| |------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Nekotama) | |Rank 2(Cait Sith): Level 12 Nekotama| |Rank 3(Werecat): Level 24 Cait Sith | |Rank 4(Tailring): Level 48 Werecat | |Rank 5(Elbacky): Level 96 Tailring | |Rank 6(Bastet): Level 192 Elbacky | |------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Cat Strike: Level <= 43 | |-Cat Blast: Level <= 44 | |-Cat Kick: Level <= 45 | |-Cat Fight: Level <= 73 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |20|22|24|26|28|30| | |SP |9 |9 |10|10|11|11| | |ATK|17|18|19|20|21|22| | |Def|10|11|12|13|14|15| | |Int|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |Res|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Hit|11|12|13|14|15|16| | |Spd|15|16|17|18|19|20| | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |SP |90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Atk|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Def|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Int|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Res|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Hit|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Spd|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |------------------------------| ----------- /Marionette| |----------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Marionette) | |Rank 2(Killer Puppet): Level 10 Marionette | |Rank 3(Assassin Doll): Level 20 Killer Puppet | |Rank 4(Death Coppelia): Level 40 Assassin Doll| |Rank 5(Mad Jester): Level 80 Death Coppelia | |Rank 6(Hells Crown): Level 160 Mad Jester | |----------------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Spin Bomb: Level <= 49 | |-Poison Poison: Level <= 49 | |-Magical Knife: Level <= 49 | |-Illusion: Level <= 64 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |12|13|14|15|16|17| | |SP |10|10|11|11|12|12| | |ATK|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Def|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Int|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |Res|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Hit|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Spd|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |SP |80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Atk|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Def|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Int|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |Res|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Hit|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Spd|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |------------------------------| -------- /Mothman| |-----------------------------------| |Rank 1(Mothman) | |Rank 2(Messenger): Level 10 Mothman| |Rank 3(Watcher): Level 20 Messenger| |Rank 4(Observer): Level 40 Watcher | |Rank 5(Spy): Level 80 Observer | |Rank 6(Unknown): Level 160 Spy | |-----------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Hell Pollen: Level <= 47 | |-Bug Hypnosis: Level <= 48 | |-Ultra Sound: Level <= 49 | |-Tornado Drive: Level <= 66 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |11|12|13|14|15|16| | |SP |11|12|13|14|15|16| | |ATK|11|12|13|14|15|16| | |Def|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |Int|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Res|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Hit|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Spd|16|18|20|22|24|26| | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |SP |90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Atk|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Def|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Int|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Res|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Hit|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Spd|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |------------------------------| ---- /Orc| |----------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Petite Orc) | |Rank 2(Orc Captain): Level 10 Petite Orc| |Rank 3(Head Orc): Level 20 Orc Captain | |Rank 4(Orc Master): Level 40 Head Orc | |Rank 5(Orc King): Level 80 Orc Master | |Rank 6(Shadow Orc): Level 160 Orc King | |----------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Orc Combo: Level <= 59 | |-Orc Attack: Level <= 59 | |-Orc Throw: Level <= 59 | |-Orc God: Level <= 86 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |20|22|24|26|28|30| | |SP |14|15|16|17|18|19| | |ATK|16|17|18|19|20|21| | |Def|13|14|15|16|17|18| | |Int|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |Res|10|10|11|11|12|12| | |Hit|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Spd|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |SP |110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Atk|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Def|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Int|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |Res|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Hit|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Spd|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |------------------------------| ------- /Prinny| |-----------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Pvt. Prinny) | |Rank 2(Cpt. Prinny): Level 10 Pvt. Prinny| |Rank 3(Col. Prinny): Level 20 Cpt. Prinny| |Rank 4(Gen. Prinny): Level 40 Col. Prinny| |Rank 5(Prinny King): Level 80 Gen Prinny | |Rank 6(Prinny God): Level 160 Prinny King| |-----------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Prinny Barrage: Level Unknown| |-Prinny Dance: Level Unknown | |-Prinny Bomb: Level Unknown | |-Pringer Beam: Level 70 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |18|20|22|24|26|28| | |SP |12|13|14|15|16|17| | |ATK|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Def|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Int|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Res|10|10|11|11|12|12| | |Hit|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Spd|10|10|11|11|12|12| | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |SP |110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Atk|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Def|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Int|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Res|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Hit|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Spd|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |------------------------------| ---------------- /Skeletal Dragon| |----------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Skeletal Dragon) | |Rank 2(Death Dragon): Level 15 Skeletal Dragon| |Rank 3(Curse Dragon): Level 30 Death Dragon | |Rank 4(Mystic Dragon): Level 60 Curse Dragon | |Rank 5(Dark Dragon): Level 120 Mystic Dragon | |Rank 6(Hell Dragon): Level 240 Dark Dragon | |----------------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Curse Breath: Level <= 38 | |-Hatred Bite: Level <= 38 | |-Darkness Breath: Level 75 | |-Homing Curse: Level 150 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |28|30|32|34|36|38| | |SP |10|10|11|11|12|12| | |ATK|16|17|18|19|20|21| | |Def|18|20|22|24|26|28| | |Int|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Res|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |Hit|10|11|12|13|14|15| | |Spd|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |SP |90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Atk|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Def|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Int|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Res|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Hit|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Spd|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |------------------------------| ----- /Slug| |----------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Warslug) | |Rank 2(Vodianoi): Level 12 Warslug | |Rank 3(Sea Monk): Level 24 Vodianoi | |Rank 4(Aqua Fighter): Level 48 Sea Monk | |Rank 5(Charybdis): Level 96 Aqua Fighter| |Rank 6(Dagon): Level 192 Charybdis | |----------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Electric Shock: Starts with | |-Plasma Charge: Level <= 40 | |-Shock Arrow: Level <= 40 | |-Electronic Gamer: Level <= 79 | |---------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |18|20|22|24|26|28| | |SP |14|15|16|17|18|19| | |ATK|9 |9 |10|10|11|11| | |Def|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Int|15|16|17|18|19|20| | |Res|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Hit|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Spd|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |---------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |SP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Atk|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Def|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Int|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Res|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Hit|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Spd|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |---------------------------------| --------- /Succubus| |-----------------------------------| |Rank 1(Empusa) | |Rank 2(Lilim): Level 12 Empusa | |Rank 3(Succubus): Level 24 Lilim | |Rank 4(Carmilla): Level 48 Succubus| |Rank 5(Hecate): Level 96 Carmilla | |Rank 6(Lilith): Level 192 Hecate | |-----------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Hip Attack: Level <= 43 | |-Drain: Level <= 44 | |-Sexy Heal: Level <= 45 | |-Nightmare: Level 70 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |14|15|16|17|18|19| | |SP |14|15|16|17|18|19| | |ATK|13|14|15|16|17|18| | |Def|8 |8 |9 |9 |10|10| | |Int|15|16|17|18|19|20| | |Res|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Hit|9 |9 |10|10|11|11| | |Spd|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |SP |100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Atk|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Def|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Int|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Res|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Hit|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Spd|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |------------------------------| ----------- /Wood Giant| |---------------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Wood Giant) | |Rank 2(Tree Folk): Level 15 Wood Giant | |Rank 3(Forest Guardian): Level 30 Tree Folk | |Rank 4(Green Giant): Level 60 Forest Guardian| |Rank 5(Gaia Titan): Level 120 Green Giant | |Rank 6(Dreadnaught): Level 240 Gaia Titan | |---------------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Land Break: Level <38 | |-Angry Tree: Level 45 | |-Rush Hour: Level 80 | |-Nature's Wrath: Level 150 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |36|40|44|48|52|56| | |SP |10|10|11|11|12|12| | |ATK|19|21|23|25|27|29| | |Def|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Int|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |Res|9 |9 |10|10|11|11| | |Hit|7 |7 |8 |8 |9 |9 | | |Spd|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |120|120|130|130|140|140| | |SP |100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Atk|110|110|120|120|130|130| | |Def|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Int|80 |80 |80 |90 |90 |90 | | |Res|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Hit|70 |70 |70 |80 |80 |80 | | |Spd|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |------------------------------| ------- /Zombie| |------------------------------------| |Rank 1(Zombie) | |Rank 2(Ghoul): Level 10 Zombie | |Rank 3(Corpse): Level 20 Ghoul | |Rank 4(Ghast): Level 40 Corpse | |Rank 5(Wight): Level 80 Ghast | |Rank 6(Zombie King): Level 160 Wight| |------------------------------------| |Skills: | |-Zombie Juice: Level <= 47 | |-Zombie Tornado: Level <= 48 | |-Zombie Cannon: Level <= 49 | |-Zombies!: Level 65 | |------------------------------| |Basic Stats: | | |1 |2 | 3| 4| 5| 6| | |HP |26|28|30|32|34|36| | |SP |10|11|12|13|14|15| | |ATK|14|15|16|17|18|19| | |Def|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Int|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |Res|12|13|14|15|16|17| | |Hit|10|10|11|11|12|12| | |Spd|6 |6 |6 |7 |7 |7 | | |------------------------------| |Aptitudes: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | |HP |120|120|130|130|140|140| | |SP |100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Atk|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Def|100|100|100|110|110|110| | |Int|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |Res|100|100|110|110|120|120| | |Hit|90 |90 |90 |100|100|100| | |Spd|60 |60 |60 |70 |70 |70 | | |------------------------------| ====================== 4c. Character Classes ====================== Demon Hunter (Adell) -Level 5: Crimson Flame -Level 25: Soaring Flame -Level 50: Vulcan Blaze Zenon's Child (Rozalin) -Level 5: Rose Thorns -Level 25: Kneel Before Me -Level 50: Rose Liberation Dirty Frog (Tink) -Level 5: Kero Change! -Level 6: Sonic Roll -Level 20: Nail Bat -Level 35: Goodbye Tink Adell's Sister (Hanako) -Starts With: Song of Hope -Level 20: Song of Love -Level 30: Song of Courage -Level 40: Pretty Bazooka Rozy's Slave (Taro) -Starts With: Milk -Level 20: Strawberry Milk -Level 30: Chocolate Milk -Level 40: Crybaby Strikes Kunoichi (Yukimaru) -Starts With: Naderejin -Starts With: Setsugetsuka -Beginning of Map 13-3: Midare Fubuki Beauty Queen (Etna) -Starts With: Prinny Raid -Level 25: Sexy Beam -Level 40: Chaos Impact ================== =5. Dark Assembly= ================== =========== 5a. Bills: =========== Class Bills: -Make a Tough Guy - Unlocks Heavy Knight (requires level 3 spear mastery) -Make a sunset kind of guy - Unlocks Gunner (requires level 5 gun mastery) -Make a Kunoichi - Unlocks female ninja (requires level 5 fist/staff mastery) -Make a Ninja (20 mana) - Unlocks male ninja (requires level 5 sword/fist mastery) -Make an Eastern Swordsman (20 mana)- Unlocks Ronin (requires level 5 sword mastery) -Make a Busty Babe (? Mana) - Unlocks Magic Knight (requires level 3 staff/sword mastery) -Make a strange old man (? Mana) - Unlocks Druid class (have a 500+ geopanel combo, map 2-4 works well) -Make a bad guy (? Mana) - Unlocks Criminal class (requires you to be convicted) -Make a Lovely Hunter (20 mana) - Unlocks archer class (requires level 5 bow mastery) -Make a Trainer (10 mana) - Unlocks the beast master class (requires that you to have caught a monster) -Make the Ultimate Warrior (500 mana) - Unlocks chaos soldier (requires you to have beaten the game) General Stuff: -Reincarnate (100 mana + reincarnation level) - Restarts the character in a new class (or the same) and lets them carry over abilities/skills and gives some stat bonuses depending on level of character when reincarnated and how many levels total the character has reincarnated -More Expensive Stuff (10 mana + 10/level higher than first) - Unlocks better equipment in stores. Requires you to have a customer rank equal to how many times you want to pass the bill. -Cheaper Stuff (10 mana) - Reverses the "More Expensive Stuff" bill -Reincarnate to Atone for Sins (400 mana) - Reincarnates storyline character. Resets felony count but lets you keep the benefits. -Reincarnate into a Prinny (200 mana) - Pretty obvious, resets felony count but lets you keep the benefits. -Stronger Enemies (100 mana + 50/level after the first) - Makes the enemies level up by a certain percent; can be passed up to 20 times. -Weaker Enemies (10 mana) - Reverses "Stronger Enemies" bill -Improve Counterattack (300 mana) - Increases counter amount by 1, should be passed by pretty much every character -Improve Movement (500 mana) - Increase movement rate by 1, should be passed by pretty much every character -Triple EXP (50 mana) - Triple exp for next kill (works best on groups) -Bonus Gauge Boost (50 mana) - Puts the bonus gauge of the next map up to nearly 4 at the beginning. -Prinny Day (50 mana) - On the next map only prinny's are allowed -Raise Military Funds (10 mana) - Try to extort money from the senate -I want to Become A Senator (200 mana) - Lets Adell gets access to some special assembly bills; see senatorial section (Only Adell can use this Bill) Equipment: -Eyewear Inventory (30 mana) - Unlocks new equipment for stores -Belt Inventory (30 mana) - Unlocks new equipment for stores -Shoe Inventory (30 mana) - Unlocks new equipment for stores -Weights Inventory (50 mana) - Unlocks new equipment for stores Map Unlocking Bills: -Cave of Ordeals (700 mana) - opens an optional dungeon (requires you to be level 30) -Return of the Prism Rangers (? Mana) - Unlocks Hero Show Event Map "Rangers' Return" (Available in chapter 12+) -I want to see the Ending (400 mana) - Lets you fight Mid-Boss and get his alternate ending. This is only available in the first few chapters. -I want to fight an Overlord! (600 mana) - Unlocks Overlord's Descent Map "In Holt Village" (available in chapter 13, requires 40+ hours of playtime) -I want to fight the strongest overlord! (3000 mana) - Unlocks Makai Kingdom Map, "Supreme Overlord"(Requires you to beat 10 or more dark sun maps) -Meet Baal the Tyrant (9999 mana) - (requires you to beat 25 or more dark sun maps) -Fighter a hero of another game! (100 mana) - Unlocks Summer Greetings map, "Tragic Heroine" (required you to have 33 or more felonies and be on at least the second cycle) -See Senatorial section for others Senatorial: -I want a stronger voice (20 mana) - while not in the senators section, passing this bill gives you more votes. Can be passed 3 times which will give you a voice of 120. -Be The Main Character (Etna) - You lose the game if it wins -Be The Main Character (Flonne) - You lose the game if it wins -Be The Main Character (Laharl) - You lose the game if it wins -Give a party a stronger voice - Good for anyone but the stupid holy dragons who can't be bribed -Summon Laharl!! - Unlocks the map Summon Overlord Laharl! - In Holt Village -Make Adell Donate - Rozalin takes your money and doesn't bother to share it... -Rescue the Defender!! - Unlocks the Defender of Earth Map, "Defend a Defender" (Use 3 cell phones that summon the defender of earth) -Rescue Defender Again! - Unlocks the Return of the Defender map, "Robots Attack" (Beat the map from the previous "Rescue the Defender" bill and use 3 more cell phones summoning Kurtis) Legendary Senators: -Legendary Senate Venus: Makes senators next to her vote the same way. -Legendary Senate Ares: Will turn left or right, and kill all of the senators in that direction in the entire row, thus eliminating their votes before he votes. -Legendary Senate Tengan: Will ask for an item, if you give it to him his attitude will change to love. ================== 6. Optional Areas ================== ===================== =6a. Cave of Ordeals= ===================== Opened by: Passing bill Ordeal 1 Enemies: -8x Level 60 Bow Master (Crystal Bow) Geopanels: -2x Exp +50% (Null on Nothing) -Heal 20% (Yellow on Red) -Defense +50% (Blue on Red) -Attack +1 (Purple on Red) -Attack +50% (Green on Red) Attack one of the geopanels to kill them all off and then throw on the experience boost and have at it. Ordeal 2 Enemies: -1x Level 82 Curse Dragon (Poor Orphan/Ace Muscle) -3x Level 80 Assassin Doll (Mystic Horn/Battle Vest) -1x Level 82 Saint Dragon (Paranoia/Lunar Orb) -2x Level 80 Shooter (Sylphid/Nightvision) -2x Level 80 Werecat (Golem Punch/Aura Belt) -2x Level 80 Ashura (Flick/Battle Vest) -3x Level 80 Specter (The Dismal/Lunar Orb) -2x Level 80 Sea Monk (Gluttony/Lunar Orb) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Yellow) -No Range Attack (Blue on Red) -No Close Combat (Red on Blue) -No Lifting (Blue on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Blue) Simpler than it looks, but harder than it probably should be. Stick with whatever side works best for your team, splitting up is probably a worse move; try to keep some forces in reserve until you clear out some panels to come at them from both sides. Ordeal 3 Enemies: -9x Level 150 Malphas (Demon Cry) -1x Level 160 Foolfool (Death Wing/Dream Muscle/Feather Token) Geopanels: -Warp (Null on Purple) -No Lifting (Red on Purple) I don't recommend trying until you have a team of characters whose levels are between 125-150 at least. Basically you'll be teleported around, fighting enemies all the while. There are several spaces where you can sit without the warp geopanel. I don't recommend destroying the warp panel, because it could leave some of your characters stranded. Ordeal 4 Enemies: -8x Level 250 Mad Jester Geopanels -2x Exp +50% (Purple on Purple) -2x Mana +50% (Purple on Purple) Area effect attacks and high level naked enemies means easy levels. Ordeal 5 Enemies: -1x Level 1000 Zombie King (No Weapon/Arcadia) -1x Level 500 Aragami (Star Shatter/Orion's Belt) -2x Level 400 Bunshin (100 Fists/Ubermensch) -8x Level 350 Rasetsu (Macho Fist/Black Belt) Geopanels: -Invincibility (Yellow on Yellow) -No Entry (Null on Nothing) (Moves) ================ =6b. Dark World= ================ The Dark World can be unlocked anytime you're in Holt Village, I recommend it only on your second time through the game or if you are very near to the end (ideally on the second to last map.) In town there are a number of switches (5) that need to be pressed, their locations are: 1. The window near the door at the back of your house. 2. The back of the pillar behind the dark assembly lady and the subpoena guy. 3. The back of the zombie's house. 4. Part of the collapsed wall at the intersection (it can be reached from the L shaped piece of land with no one on it. 5. The last can be found in the grass (just keep running around hitting x) behind the two trees (by the ghost.) After all 5 are pressed a shadow will appear near number 5. Talk to her three times and on the fourth and then select "of course" and then accept again. You will then have to fight her in the village... Now you see why I said not to do this until later in the game. Enemies: -1x Level 100 Dark Guide, Friday MKII (Dark Bow/Slippers/Nerd Glasses/Glasses) The townsfolk are on the map, and supposedly if they get killed... they don't come back. Obviously, this can lead to problems so keep them out of the fight and she should go down pretty easily if you are a decent level. Afterwards, she will explain to you about the Dark Sun and how it's annoying. You're only given the very first map, the rest you have to open yourself. Note: I have received e-mails from several people with alternate strategies. The jist of them involves using the thief's sleep ability to make her hittable for low level parties while minimizing her damage output. I'm really not going to go into much detail on these maps, if you are capable of getting to Dark Sun you should be able to handle them and figure the battles out for yourself. It should be a big note; you can only unlock the map on the same map in the "real world." This is primarily why this is better for late in the game, because not all maps will be available early on. ************* *Town Fields* ************* Map 1-1 Unlocked: Automatically Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Every other turn will revive dead enemies Enemies: -3x Level 80 Observer (Poison Needle) Map 1-2 Unlocked: Killing 3 enemies in retaliation Difficulty: 2 Dark Sun: Game over in three turns Enemies: -4x Level 81 Orc Master (Poison Needle/Protector) -1x Level 82 Orc King (Rose Whip/Fur Jacket) Geopanels: -Enemy Boost +50% (Null on Red) Map 1-3 Unlocked: Take Damage (harder than it sounds) Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Various afflictions Enemies: -3x Level 85 Garm (Poison Needle) Geopanels: -Enemy Boost x3 (Null on Purple) Map 1-4 Unlocked: Defeat the mage/cleric in the same turn (first?) Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Turns ally into a dragon each turn Enemies: -4x Level 80 Red Skull (Sorcery Rod/Astral Orb) -4x Level 80 Red Mage (Jeweled Scepter/Astral Rod) Geopanels: -Reverse Damage (Aqua on Aqua) -No Lifting (Aqua on Aqua) Heal them to death! Yummy, easy cleric leveling **************** *Zenon's Palace* **************** Map 2-1 Unlocked: Clearing the entire stage in 2 turns (geopanel included) Difficulty: 4 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -8x Death Coppelia Map 2-2 Unlocked: Clearing the stage on the first turn Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -6x Level 90 Wraith (The Dismal) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Red) -Warp (Blue on Blue) Map 2-3 Unlocked: Unknown, I just lured them to me and beat them. Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Base panel destroyed at the end of the first turn Enemies: -12 Level 90 Bow Master (Crystal Bow) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Yellow) Map 2-4 Unlocked: Make a tower of 2 characters Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Recovery Enemies: -5x Level 90 Steel Knight (Shovsri/Ace Muscle) -1x Level 100 Chaos Soldier (Berserker/Ace Muscle) ****************** *Murderer's Vault* ****************** Map 3-1 Unlocked: Leave a character on the base panel and end turn until the entire map is covered in the purple squares. Difficulty: 4 Dark Sun: Ally changed Enemies: -1x Level 110 Ghast Geopanels: -3x Enemy level up 10% (Purple on Purple) -Clone (Purple on Purple) -No Lifting (Green on Green) -Silence (Green on Green) Tink's movement = winning Map 3-2 Unlocked: Destroy a geo symbol Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Puts allies to sleep every 3 turns Enemies: -8x Level 100 Bandit (Love Spankin) Geopanels: -No Lifting (Aqua on Aqua) -Game Over (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) Map 3-3 Unlocked: Make a tower of 5 characters Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Poisons characters every few turns Enemies: -1x Level 500 Zombie King (Dark Aura/Falcon Shoes x3) Map 3-4 Unlocked: Beat the stage without throwing Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Enemy Revive every 5 turns Enemies: -1x Level 150 Dagon (Paranoia/Lunar Orb) -3x Level 120 Charybdis (Confusion/Lunar Orb) -6x Level 100 Aqua Fighter (Gluttony) Geopanels: -Fire Element -50% (Blue on Blue) -Wind Element -50% (Blue on Blue) ************** *Dallos River* ************** Map 4-1 Unlocked: Null out the red panel Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Dark Sun Attacks/HP recovery/status ailments/ally change Enemies: -12x Level 110 Malphas (Lionheart) Geopanels: -4x Heal 20% (Yellow on Red) -4x Enemy Boost +50% (Yellow on Yellow) Map 4-2 Unlocked: Merge 5 enemies Difficulty: 30 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -10x Level 110 Tailring (Golem Punch) Geopanels: -No Entry (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Red) -No Range Attack (Blue on Blue) -Attack +1 (Blue on Blue) -No Lifting (Blue on Blue) Map 4-3 Unlocked: Merge all enemies Difficulty: 2 Dark Sun: Gender based ailments/damages Enemies: -3x Level 110 Belladonna (Greed/Lunar Orb) -2x Level 115 Tree Folk (Golem Punch/Spirit Belt) -3x Level 120 Belladonna (Sloth/Royal Orb) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Purple) -No Entry (Null on Yellow) -Invincibility (Null on Blue) Throw someone over and destroy the no entry on purple (someone with a ranged attack.) Then have someone else (with a ranged attack or via throwing) destroy the other no entry panel. Then remove the invincibility panel or lure them off. Map 4-4 Unlocked: Spend 30+ turns on the stage Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Destroy base panel at end of first turn Enemies: -8x Level 115 Prophet (Moonlight Staff/Holy Dress) -1x Level 130 Chaos Soldier (Knuckle Bomber/Dandy Gown) **************** *Cavern of Evil* **************** Map 5-1 Unlocked: Have an ally get killed Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Destroy base panel at the end of first turn Enemies: -16x Level 120 Wight (Mystic Attack) Geopanels: -Attack +1 (Blue on Blue) -Attack +50% (Blue on Blue) Map 5-2 Unlocked: Unknown, I just cleared the stage with one person Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Various afflictions and damages Enemies: -6x Level 125 Carmilla Geopanels: -3x Enemy Level Up 10% (Blue on Blue) -Fusion (Blue on Blue) -Clone (Blue on Blue) Map 5-3 Unlocked: Make an eight person tall tower Difficulty: 2 Dark Sun: Ally changed Enemies: -3x Level 125 Wraith (The Arcane/Lunar Orb) -3x Level 125 Gladiator (Demon Smasher/Victory Muscle) -3x Level 125 Kengou (Demon Spear/Bravery Belt) -3x Level 125 Orc Master (Poor Orphan/Victory Muscle) -1x Level 130 Bow Master (Prinny Staff/Iron Dress) Map 5-4 Unlocked: Beat the map using only tower attacks Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Destroy base panel at end of first turn Enemies: -Malchidael (Demon Fang/Dream Muscle) Geopanels: -No Entry (Green on Green) -Disperse Damage (Blue on Blue) ************** *Battle Arena* ************** Map 6-1 Unlocked: Make a tower as big as you can (10 characters.) Difficulty: 50 Dark Sun: Game over at the end of turn 10 Enemies: -1x Level 400 Death Avenger Geopanels: -No Entry (Purple on Purple) -Invincibility (Purple on Purple) -5x Heal 20% (Yellow on Yellow) -No Lifting (Yellow on Yellow) -5x Heal 20% (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Red) -Silence (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) Map 6-2 Unlocked: Unknown, I just beat the stage with one person Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Recovery Enemies: -1x Level 140 Galaxy Mage (Lovely Rod/Holy Orb x3) Geopanels: -Invincibility (Aqua on Aqua) -Enemy Level up 10% (Aqua on Aqua) -No Entry (Blue) -Invincibility (Blue on Blue) Map 6-3 Unlocked: Combine all but one of the enemies together Difficulty: 30 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -8x Level 130 Trickster (Peace Maker/Crosshair) Geopanels: -No Entry (Aqua on Aqua) -Invincibility (Aqua on Aqua) -Game Over (Null on Red) (Moves) To be frank, I have no idea in hell how to beat this map easily. You seem to get game over if anything is on any square with the game over and the game over square itself is way too high level to defeat before your killed or get a game over. The only way I managed to do it was pure luck. I threw a bunch of mages over and bombarded the panel, managed not to get a game over and then destroyed it the next turn. Map 6-4 Unlocked: Kill them all at once via throwing Difficulty: 4 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -4x Level 130 Galaxy Skull (Chief's Staff/Lunar Orb) -4x Level 130 Hitman (Peace Maker/Nightvision) -4x Level 130 Bow Master (Beast Killer/Nightvision) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Green) -No Entry (Null on Teal) -Invincibility (Null on Teal) Map 7-1 Unlocked: Null out all the geo panels Difficulty: 1 Dark Sun: Game over at the end of turn 10 Enemies: -1x Level 1000 Green Giant -1x Level 200 Cpt. Prinny Geopanels: -No Entry (Blue on Blue) -No Lifting (Blue on Blue) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Blue on Blue) -Clone (Aqua on Nothing) -Fusion (Aqua on Nothing) -No Entry (Green on Green) Ok the jist of it is, throw the clone and fusion symbols onto teal and get someone on the invincibility square the chunk the high level prinny's and the green giant until he dies. Map 7-2 Unlocked: Clear without taking damage Difficulty: 2 Dark Sun: Various afflictions Enemies: -1x Level 500 Death Avenger (Rasetsu/Falcon Shoes) Geopanels: -Stage Clear (Teal on Nothing) Map 7-3 Unlocked: Have someone pick up an enemy and then have someone else throw an enemy onto that person. Difficulty: 4 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -1x Level 160 Violator (Cross Counter/Battle Armor/World Muscle) -4x Level 140 Adamant Knight (Bloody Cross/Round Shield) -4x Level 140 Bullseye (Ion Blaster/Battle Armor) -4x Level 140 Cupid (Heavenly Bow/Spirit Mantle) -1x Level 140 Galaxy Skull (Demon Staff/Holy Orb) -1x Level 140 Galaxy Mage (Demon Staff/Holy Orb) Geopanels: -No Entry (Null on Aqua) -Enemy Boost x3 (Red on Red) -Enemy Level up 10% (Red on Red) ****************** *Colosseum Depths* ****************** Map 8-1 Unlocked: Make a panel change colors 3 times Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -2x Level 140 Foolfool (Chimera DNA/Nightvision) -2x Level 140 Charybdis (The Fallen/Royal Orb) -2x Level 150 Tiamat (Dragon Anger/Fullplate) Geopanels: -Warp (Purple on Yellow) -Warp (Purple on Blue) -Warp (Green on Green) -Warp (Purple on Purple) -No Range Attack (Aqua on Aqua) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -No Entry (Red on Red) Map 8-2 Unlocked: Destroy a geo symbol Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Various afflictions Enemies: -8x Level 140 Tsukikage (Soul Eater) Geopanels: -Stage Clear (Aqua on nothing) -No Lifting (Purple on Purple) -Invincibility (Blue on Blue) -Invincibility (Purple on Purple) -No Entry (Purple on Purple) -Attack +1 (Blue on Blue) Map 8-3 Unlocked: Beat the stage by only using regular attacks Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: All enemies brought back to life each turn Enemies: -9x Skeletal Dragon -1x Mad Jester Geopanels: -Disperse Damage (Green on Green) -2x Attack +50% (Green on Green) -2x Defense -50% (Green on Green) Hit the clown and everyone falls down... Map 8-4 Unlocked: Beat without taking any damage Difficulty: 2 Dark Sun: Change/Recovery/Cannon Enemies: -8x Level 120 Beast Queen (Valkyrie Spear) -1x Level 180 Adnachiel (Dark Aura/Aura Belt) Map 8-5 Unlocked: Get bonus gauge up to 4 Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Enemy revives every 3 turns Enemies: -10x Level 140 Spy (Chimera DNA) Geopanels: -Invincibility (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Red) -Game Over (Red on Red) Like one of the previous maps, there is a game over panel. Which unfortunately seems to be bugged, because if an enemy is on it as well, it's game over. So, if possible you want to defeat them before they can even move or make sure they won't move onto the red. Map 8-6 Unlocked: Have someone pick up an enemy and then have someone else throw an enemy onto that person. Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Ally Changed Enemies: -6x Level 130 Orc Master (Mad Parasite/Knight Shield) -2x Level 140 Orc King (Dark Aura/Dandy Gown) -1x Level 160 Shadow Orc (Demon Cry/Fullplate) Geopanels: -Enemy Boost x3 (Null on Red) ************ *Alche City* ************ Map 9-1 Unlocked: Put a character on the highest point on the map (the ledge on the last building) Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Destroy base panel at the end of second turn Enemies: -7x Level 140 Bullseye (Crisis/Nightvision) Geopanels: -5x Ally Damage 20% (Red on Red) -1x Silence (Yellow on Yellow) Map 9-2 Unlocked: Beat the stage with very little movement Difficulty: 1 Dark Sun: Various afflictions Enemies: -2x Level 150 Trickster (Poison Hand) Geopanels: -No Lifting (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) Map 9-3 Unlocked: Build bonus gauge up to 2 Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Various afflictions Enemies: -2x Level 150 Adamant Knight (Triton Lance/Fullplate) Geopanels: -Stage Clear (Green on Green) -Clone (Aqua on Aqua) -No Lifting (Aqua on Aqua) -No Entry (Blue on Blue) -Invincibility (Blue on Blue) Map 9-4 Unlocked: Get on top of snakehead Difficulty: 50 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -1x Level 100 Gen. Prinny -1x Level 200 Prinny King Geopanels: -No Entry (Green on Green) -Disperse Damage (Red on Red) Lure the Prinny onto the red square and give him your most powerful attack. If you fail to kill the other one, use your own party members (don't do this too often if you want the good ending.) ***************** *Carcassed Lands* ***************** Map 10-1 Unlocked: Fuse a bunch of them together Difficulty: 30 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -8x Level 150 Bullseye (Noble Rose/Crosshair) Geopanels: -Game Over (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Red) Another map with the annoying game over panels, the problem is, the enemies seem to move regardless of how far you are away, and the way the map seems to be set up they almost always land on red. Same with attacks... So my only solution is to try to kill them all on the first turn. Which is tricky to say the least. Tink is useful and people with a high throwing range are a must. I also recommend having a couple of high HP prinny's as well, they really saved me for taking out 2-3 at a time. Map 10-2 Unlocked: Destroy the geo panel Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Ally recovers HP Enemies: -2x Level 120 Heaven Dragon (Nothing/Royal Orb) -1x Level 130 Heaven Dragon (Nothing/Royal Orb) -2x Level 130 Hecate (Nothing/Royal Orb) -1x Level 140 Hecate (Nothing/Royal Orb) -1x Level 140 Photinia (Nothing/Royal Orb) -1x Level 150 Photinia (Nothing/Royal Orb) Geopanels: -Reverse Damage (Aqua on Aqua) -No Lifting (Blue on Blue) -No Entry (Blue on Blue) -Invincibility (Blue on Blue) Map 10-3 Unlocked: High damage? (Did over 1000) Difficulty: 30 Dark Sun: Changes ally into a Prinny every 3 turns Enemies: -10x Level 150 Pvt. Prinny Geopanels: -No Lifting (Red on Red) -Ally Damage 20% (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) There is only one spot on the map you can basically fight in, so get a powerful character or two in the center to fight them off as them come in. I recommend bringing a cleric, especially since they have a nasty habit of poisoning you. Map 10-4 Unlocked: Get bonus gauge to 3 Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -16x Level 150 Orc King (Titan Fist) -4x Level 160 Cupid (Illusion Bow/Iron Dress) ************** *Shinra Tower* ************** Map 11-1 Unlocked: Clear the stage without taking any damage Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Enemies recover all SP Enemies: -1x Level 500 Death Avenger (Simurgh/Kamikaze Suit/World Muscle) Geopanels: -No Range Attack (Yellow on Yellow) -No Entry (Green on Green) -Invincibility (Green on Green) -Invincibility (Yellow on Yellow) Map 11-2 Unlocked: Beat the enemies without destroying the geo symbols Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Base panel destroyed at end of third turn Enemies: -12x Level 160 Cupid (Salamander) Geopanels: -4x Encroach (Red on Red) -4x Enemy Boost x3 (Red on Red) Map 11-3 Unlocked: Killing 2 enemies at the same time via healing magic Difficulty: 4 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -3x Level 180 Cupid (Evil Hunter) -3x Level 180 Galaxy Mage (Spirit Staff) -3x Level 180 Cardinal (Mystery Staff) -3x Level 180 Photinia (The Conundrum) -3x Level 180 Hecate (The Conundrum) Geopanels: -No Lifting (Aqua on Aqua) -Enemy Boost +50% (Green on Green) -Enemy Boost +50% (Purple on Purple) -Enemy Boost +50% (Blue on Blue) -Enemy Boost +50% (Yellow on Yellow) Map 11-4 Unlocked: Beat the stage using a low number of party members Difficulty: 2 Dark Sun: Game over at the end of the eighth turn Enemies: -2x Level 600 Gaia Titan (Asura Arm/Tower Shield) Geopanels: -6x Damage 20% (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Red on Red) Map 11-5 Unlocked: Beat the stage with only regular attacks Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Base panel destroyed at the end of the first turn Enemies: -1x Level 200 Blue Skull (Doom Wand/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 200 Green Skull (Doom Wand/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 200 Red Skull (Doom Wand/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 200 Star Skull (Doom Wand/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) Geopanels: -4x Damage 20% (Null on nothing) -No Lifting (Yellow on Yellow) -Invincibility (Yellow on Yellow) -No Lifting (Blue on Blue) -Invincibility (Blue on Blue) -No Lifting (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -No Lifting (Green on Green) -Invincibility (Green on Green) Map 11-6 Unlocked: Beat the map without taking damage Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Various afflictions Enemies: -4x Level 400 Prinny God (Furious Scale/Dream Muscle x2) Geopanels: -4x No Lifting (Blue on Blue) Map 11-7 Unlocked: Beat the stage with only tower attacks Difficulty: 30 Dark Sun: Game over in 10 turns Enemies: -1x Level 220 Geo Master (Sun Staff/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) Geopanels: -No Lifting (Yellow on Yellow) -Invincibility (Yellow on Yellow) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -2x Ally Damage 20% (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) -No Entry (Yellow on Yellow) ******************* *To Zenon's Castle* ******************* Map 12-1 Unlocked: Combining all the enemies together Difficulty: 30 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -4x Level 200 Beast Savior (Raijin Bow/Spirit Mantle) -4x Level 200 Abraxes (Death Wing) Map 12-2 Unlocked: Complete map without destroying geosymbols Difficulty: 1 Dark Sun: Game over on turn 6 Enemies: -1x Level 1 Pvt. Prinny Geopanels: -No Range Attack (Purple on Purple) -No Lifting (Purple on Purple) -No Entry (Green on Green) -Stage Clear (Aqua on Aqua) Have someone with the fist move; "King of Beasts" hit someone over the no entry panel. If it's Adell and the rest of your party is weak you may want to equip him with something weaker so you don't kill them. Map 12-3 Unlocked: Make a tower of 9 characters* Difficulty: 3 Dark Sun: Various afflictions Enemies: -6x Dark Dragon (Devil Matrix) Geopanels: -Game Over (Red on Red) -Invincibility (Red on Red) Note on unlocking: After you destroy the no entry panel in the corner when unlocking, get that person out of the area where the panel was. It turns into game over when you unlock the map and will make you automatically lose. Yes, I agree, cheap! Map 12-4 Unlocked: Tower 3 characters Difficulty: 2 Dark Sun: Ally recovers ALL HP Enemies: -4x Level 260 Gaia Titan (Insanity Eye/World Muscle) -1x Level 280 Dreadnaught (Immortal Body/World Muscle) Geopanels: -Heal 20% (Purple on Purple) -Reverse Damage (Purple on Purple) Take out the dark sun and then heal them to death while beating the heck out of your own party every turn to heal them. Map 12-5 Unlocked: Beat the stage with only one character Difficulty: 4 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -4x Level 250 Touryou (Bushin Blade/Metal Suit) Geopanels: -Warp (Red on Red) -Clone (Red on Red) Use moves that knock characters past a panel to bypass using the warp/clone panels so you don't have versions of yourself running around. Map 12-6 Unlocked: High Damage? (Did over 4000) Difficulty: 5 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -4x Level 400 Death Army (Death Scythe) Geopanels: -Move -1 (Blue on Blue) **************** *Zenon's Castle* **************** Map 13-1 Unlocked: Clear the stage without taking damage Difficulty: 10 Dark Sun: Enemies revive every other turn Enemies: -18x Level 260 Verchiel (Insanity Eye) Geopanels: -Heal 20% (Null on Aqua) -Attack +50% (Null on Aqua) -Defense +50% (Null on Aqua) -Attack +1 (Null on Aqua) Map 13-2 Unlocked: High Damage? (Did over 7000) Difficulty: 30 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -2x Level 280 Blue Mage (Universal Staff/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) -2x Level 280 Red Mage (Universal Staff/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) -2x Level 280 Green Mage (Universal Staff/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) Geopanels: -3x Damage 20% (Yellow on Nothing) -Silence (Blue on Blue) -2x Heal 20% (Yellow on Yellow) -Invincibility (Yellow on Yellow) -No Entry (Green on Green) -No Lifting (Green on Green) -Invincibility (Green on Green) "Throw through No Entry panels or tall terrain As long as the obstacle is only one square thick, you can throw through it. Stand next to it and lift a character, then extend your throw through the obstacle. Retract your throw range (toward the thrower) and press X at the same time. There is a "sweet spot" to do it right, but because there is no penalty to missing it (you just get an error sound) you can keep extending and retracting while mashing X until you throw straight through the obstacle." -Thanks to applekidjosh on the boards Use this to throw the Damage panels onto the yellow and wait to win. Map 13-3 Unlocked: Destroy the geo panel on the first turn Difficulty: 4 Dark Sun: Various Enemies: -1x Level 500 Dreadnaught (Immortal Body/Metal Suit) -1x Level 500 Hell Dragon (Immortal Body/Metal Suit) -1x Level 500 Divine Dragon (Dante's Inferno/Reflex/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 500 Lilith (Dante's Inferno/Goddess Dress/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 500 Unknown (Bestial Mark/Hero Mantle) -1x Level 500 Abraxes (Bestial Mark/Reflex) -1x Level 500 Fenrir (Bestial Mark/Hero Mantle) -1x Level 500 Parthenocissus (Chaos/Goddess Dress/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 500 Phantom (Fortune/Hero Mantle/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 500 Dagon (Chaos/Reflex/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 500 Hells Crown (Insanity Eye) -1x Level 500 Bastet (Bestial Mark/Goddess Dress) -1x Level 500 Tiamat (Insanity Eye/Metal Suit) -1x Level 500 Shadow Orc (Bestial Mark/Hero Mantle) -1x Level 500 Zombie King (Insanity Eye/Reflex) -1x Level 500 Malchidael (Immortal Body/Shield of Aegis) Geopanels: -Attack +50% (Red on Red) -Defense +50% (Purple on Purple) -Defense -50% (Blue on Blue) -Attack -50% (Green on Green) -Attack +1 (Null on Nothing) -Silence (Aqua on Aqua) -Heal 20% (Yellow on Yellow) While it is possible to cause a nice geopanel combo, the panels aren't really high enough to make this battle easy. My only real advice is to be about the level the enemies are or have some really nice gear(read: Rank 38+ well leveled equipment.) Map 13-4 Unlocked: Difficulty: Dark Sun: Enemies: Geopanels: ================== =6c. Other Stages= ================== Map Defenders of Earth: Defend a Defender! Unlocked: Pass the senatorial bill, "Rescue the defender!" after having summoned the defender of earth 3 times using cell phones Enemies: -1x Level 50 Fake Defender (Tentacle/Fur Jacket/Ace Muscle/Sophia's Mirror) I didn't know Shatner did voice acting... Anyways, Kurtis will be your ally for this battle, but it should be pretty easy regardless. After the battle you'll get the legendary accelerator. It's the best movement item in the game. Map Return of the Defender: Robots Attack Unlocked: Beat the "Defend a Defender!" map and use 3 more Kurtis cell phones and pass the related senate bill Enemies: -8x Level 60 Fake Defender (Poison Needle) -4x Level 80 Fake Defender (Mystic Horn/Fur Jacket) -1x Level 100 Fake Defender (Tiger Fang/Battle Vest/Victory Muscle/Pravda Pendant) Both Kurtis and Gordon will join you for this battle, unfortunately it seems neither of them will ever join your party. With both of them, and considering you're probably pretty late in the game or the side areas this will probably prove to be a decently easy battle. But even if you're not, relying on area effect attacks and some good old fashioned luring tactics shouldn't mean this battle is very hard either. Afterwards you get the legendary Defender of Earth ID card. Map Summer Greetings: Tragic Heroine Unlocked: required you to have 33 or more felonies and be on at least the second cycle and then pass related bill to unlock Enemies: -8x Level 50 Cu Sith (Bull Horn) -1x Level 50 Main Character? (Tentacle/Spirit Mantle/Crosshair/Pravda Pendant) If you've been in item world long enough to get 33 felonies or you've done the other optional areas or are just near the end of the game this map shouldn't prove difficult in the slightest. If it does go get some cell phones and call the Prism Rangers/Kurtis to help you out. For winning you get the legendary postcard. Map Overlords Descent: In Holt Village Unlocked: Pass the bill, "I want to fight an overlord!" Enemies: -1x Level 500 Zombie King (Insanity Eye/Battle Armor) -1x Level 500 Fallen Angel (Prinny Stick/Goddess Dress/Holy Orb) -1x Level 600 Overlord (Laser Blade/Majin Armor/Testament/Orion's Belt) -1x Level 500 Bahamut (Bestial Mark/Dragon Mail) Ok, if you're low level or just weak in general I recommend having a few phones. Once the battle starts make your highest-level character use them. If you use the defender of earth phone, throw him, he explodes like any other Prinny and he has a good HP score but is pretty weak otherwise. Other than that, try to space out your characters; Laharl's area effect attacks are quite devastating to a group of weak party members. You should be able to lure the dragon and zombie away from the duo before you take them on though. After the anime (I was shocked too!) Flonne will join your party. Don't worry; you're only a stones throw away from getting scruffy too. Map Summon Overlord Laharl: In Holt Village Unlocked: Unlock Flonne, become a senator and pass Flonne's bill to summon Laharl. Enemies: -2x Level 800 Master Kunoichi (Paradise Blow/Kamikaze Suit) -2x Level 800 Space Knight (Laser Blade/Reflex) -2x Level 800 Saint (Yggdrasil Stick/Spirit Mantle/Chaos Orb) -1x Level 1000 Overlord (Sunrise Sword/Majin Armor/Testament/Orion's Belt) One well-equipped level 500ish character should be enough to bring this map down. Otherwise I recommend getting a defender of earth and prism ranger cell phone and having your highest-level character use them as the battle begins. If you are still having trouble I recommend going to the item world or cave of ordeals 4 for some more levels and better equipment. Either way, for defeating the map you get Laharl (with all the gear he actually used in the fight.) Map Hero Show Event: Rangers' Return Unlocked: Pass the bill, "Return of the Prism Rangers" Enemies: -1x Level 50 Super Hero (Odd Mandible/Traveler Mantle) -1x Level 50 Super Hero (Odd Mandible/Slippers) -1x Level 50 Super Hero (Odd Mandible/Kung-Fu Muscle) -1x Level 50 Super Hero (The Heretic/Binoculars) -1x Level 50 Super Hero (The Slave/Dark Orb) -1x Level 50 Super Hero (Odd Mandible/Energy Belt) -1x Level 50 Super Hero (Odd Mandible/Feather Token) If you're near the end of the game (which you pretty much have to be to get here) it should be a piece of cake. As Adell himself says, "What a crappy reward." The title doesn't do anything at all as far as I can tell, I wish they let you use the prism ranger moves, oh well. Map Makai Kingdom: Supreme Overlord Unlocked: Pass the bill, "I want to fight the strongest overlord!" Enemies: -1x Level 2000 Badass Overlord (Satan's Motor/Infernal Armor/Cosmos Muscle/Exodus) Geopanels: -No Entry (Purple on Purple) -No Lifting (Green on Green) -Warp (Red on Red) -No Range Attack (Yellow on Yellow) -No Close Combat (Blue on Blue) "Zetta beam!" ============== 7. Item World ============== ================= =7a. Specialists= ================= Stat Boosts: -Marksman: +Hit -Coach: +Speed -Gladiator: +Attack -Dietician: +HP -Sentry: +Defense -Master: +SP -Physician: +Resistance -Tutor: +Intelligence Stat Protectors/Inflictors: -Amnesiac: Adds amnesia chance -Alchemist: Adds poison chance -Hypnotist: Adds sleep chance -Witch Doctor: Adds paralyze chance -Gangster: Adds deprave chance -Social Worker: Resist deprave -Medicine Man: Resist paralysis -Psychologist: Resist amnesia -Pharmacist: Resist poison -Coffee Maker: Resist sleep Other: -Broker: Increases HL gain -Aeronaut: Boosts wind element resist -Cryophile: Boosts cold element resist -Firefighter: Boosts fire element resist -Armsmaster: Increases weapon skill learning speed -Professional: Increases critical hit chance -"Blank" Lover: Varies depending on character -Bailiff: Has a dark court portal on the level equal to the level of the bailiff. =============== =7b. Geopanels= =============== ============== =7c. Subpoena= ============== Liking Guys Reward: 2 Felonies and 500 mana Unlock: Being a mentor to a large number of male characters (10) Too many murders Reward: 2 felonies and an Immortal Pill Unlock: Killing a lot of enemies Illegal Breeding Reward: 6 Felonies and 5000 mana Unlock: Creating monster students (>=5) Mastering "Weapon" Reward: Unlock: Getting 15 weapon mastery Comboing Reward: 4 felonies and Demon Smasher Unlock: Be part of combo attacks Being a Loser Reward: 2 felonies and a Spirit Muscle Unlock: Die... a lot Team Attacking Reward: 6 felonies and Gank Unlock: By part of team attacks Stack Attacking Reward: 6 felonies a Tower Shield Unlock: Do tower attacks Geo Vandalism Reward: 2 felonies and an Astral Orb Unlock: Destroy geopanels/symbols Corrupting the Youth Reward: 4 felonies and 5000 mana Unlock: Having high-level students High Level Reward: 2 felonies and 50,000 HL Unlock: >50 High Stat (except HP/SP) Reward: 2 Felonies and 50,000 HL Unlock: >200 High HP Reward: 2 Felonies and 50,000 HL Unlock: >1500 High SP Reward: 2 Felonies and 50,000 HL Unlock: >500 Too High Level Reward: 6 felonies and 2,000,000 HL Unlock: >200 Too High Stat (except HP/SP) Reward: 6 felonies and 2,000,000 HL Unlock: >2500 Too High HP Reward: 6 felonies and 2,000,000 HL Unlock: >5000 Too High SP Reward: 6 felonies and 2,000,000 HL Unlock: >2500 Way Too High Stat (Except HP/SP) Reward: Unlock: >20,000 Existing Reward: 1 felony and chaos orb Unlock: Only for Tink Excessive Force Reward: 4 felonies and a Spirit Belt Unlocking: Destroying low level enemies with a high level character. Going to any of the first maps and knocking them around should unlock it. Everyone Bills: 2nd Round of Playing Reward: Unlock: Obvious Being Too Rich Reward: 10 Felonies and 10,000 Mana Unlock: Having a lot of money, not sure on exact amount (several million) Mastering Classes Reward: Unlock: Unlock every class Playing Too Long Reward: Unlock: 100 or more hours play time =========================== =7d. Pirates/Mystery Rooms= =========================== This area is still under heavy construction, so please use at your own risk. At this point it is mostly my notes. Pirates: Ambling Pirates Criminal Class Encountered on any level 8 times higher level than other enemies Chicken Pirates Cockatrice Class Encountered on any level 2 times higher level than other enemies Bashful Pirates Mage Classes Encountered on any level 2 times higher level than other enemies Prinny Pirates Prinny Class Encountered on any level 4.5 times higher level than other enemies Orc Pirates Orc Class Encountered on any level 3 times higher level than other enemies Wealthy Pirates Magic Knight Class Encountered on level 21 or above 5 times higher level than other enemies Mystery Rooms: -Black Merchant (level 1000 Zombie): Sells Bribe Items -Rip Off Bar (level 1200 Empusa): Fills up next levels bonus bar by 2 -Cellphone Store (level 500 Prinny): Sells... cell phones -Fortune Teller (level 1000 Druid): Can increase the level limit or decrease it depending on the fortune he gives you -Surrounded (level varies): You'll be in a fight with a group of enemies, winning means that the items max level will be increased by 3. -Treasure Keeper (level variable Dragon): Talk to the dragon to fight him to get the treasure. -Hospital (level 1000 flower monster): Can use the hospital -Magical Manage (level 3000 blue mage): Sells mana potions -Lone Hunter (level 564 Heavy Knight): 2 free treasure chests -Merchant (Level 800 Doll): Sells equipment that can be legendary or rare and can sell equipment with the mediator specialist -Collector (Level Variable Ghost): Wants to move into your item as a specialist (already subdued) -Treasure Chests: Just some free treasure! -Space Galaxy Department Store (Level 5000 Archer): Cellphone Store/Black Merchant/Mana Salesmen/and Merchant all in one room! Innocent Town: -Find the Prinny in innocent town 10 times: In progress... ============ 8. Leveling ============ Want high-level characters? Of course you do... ============= =8a. Tactics= ============= 1. Leveling really low-level characters - Tower and team attacks are your friends. Team attacks are obvious, but if you didn't know if you lift up a line of people you can attack using them as your weapon basically. Everyone in the tower will get a share of the experience and mana. Also, the experience bonus on some high level maps can be quite large, so just having the low level character out may mean gaining several levels. This is also split amongst party members that are out, so if possible put most of the characters back in the base panel before the map ends. 2. Equipment - Having good equipment can make or break your characters and will have huge influence on how fast it takes you to kill things. Once you get past Dark World 1-4 I recommend having the best items the store sells (after passing the "More Expensive Items" bill the max number of times.) After a certain point you'll probably want to level up your equipment as well if you don't want to just level to insane points to beat everything. To put it this way, a single level 1 can complete most of the side stuff with good equipment. 3. Abilities - After a certain point, killing 1 enemy at a time becomes way too slow. To level faster you'll need better skills. Unfortunately this can take quite a while, so I recommend getting armsmaster on your items. Look around the shop until you see equipment for sale with these statisticians. Go into item world and subdue them, rinse, repeat and combine them. It'll take a while to reach the cap, since most of the sold equipment has them in the high 30s, and you want 1900. If you use and abuse Tink it'll go by quicker than you think. Regardless, it's worth it once you get the nice area effect abilities; which basically let you clear a map in 2 swipes. 4. Felonies - While I'm not sure on the other effects, the main effect of felonies is to increase the amount of experience points you receive by a percent equal to the number of felonies. This bonus can accumulate up to 300%, even if the counter only goes up to 99. ========== =8b. Maps= ========== Map 4-3: Ok, this map is home to the famous leveling up Nekotama. Using this map you can get a level 9999 monster, just combine them all into 1 and then capture it. Be warned, you can only capture one about twice as high as the highest-level character in your base panel. So if you have a low level party it may take a while to get one of "decent" level. I really don't recommend you do this unless you're really desperate, since I don't think this is much better than cheating, but to each his own. Regardless of that fact, it's a good way to get up to Cave of Ordeal 4 quickly to bypass the slower leveling areas. Map 9-2: 8 enemies on Exp +50%, this is the best leveling place in the main storyline. But because the enemies are relatively low level, it'll wear out soon. But if you have trouble in the main game and don't want to do optional stuff, it's your best bet. Dark World 1-4: Only good for healers, big square of 8 mages with reverse damage panel means that healing hurts them. Unfortunately there is no exp booster on the map so it's a bit slow until you get the big area effect healing spells. Cave of Ordeals-1: Decent spot, but kind of a slow setup. Basically if you do it right you'll have 8 nearly dead enemies and exp +100%. This spot is best for archers and people with area effect attacks; otherwise it can be a bit slow killing one at a time. Cave of Ordeals-4: Great spot, 8 doll enemies sitting in a nice formation on EXP +100% and Mana +100% panels. With max enemies bills passed and felonies it's a good place to get up to about level 1000. ========== 9. Thanks ========== Thanks to Gamefaqs.com for hosting this guide and putting up with my shenanigans in my earlier days on the site. Thanks to everyone reading this who continues to inspire me to write great guides. Thanks to everyone at Nippon Ichi and their affiliates for continuing to make great games and translate them into English. Thanks to icyfire781 for correcting my bill section on heavy knight and magic knight. Thanks to Chris Gemini for correcting my bill section on Druid and Criminal. Also for giving me the exact level of Rozalin's "Kneel Before Me" ability as well as the winged slayer ability for swords. Thanks to Monte for correcting old man to strange old man in bills section. Thanks to inukichigai@yahoo.com for giving me the weapon abilities "Xslash" and "Totenkreuz." Thanks to Austin DeFresne for the information on unlocking the druid class and a tip on how to do it easily. Thanks to Erik Jun for correcting the mid-boss ending bill and correcting the crime reincarnations and giving me the information about the stronger enemies bill. Thanks to Katie Pritchett for giving me the level 6 axe and level 10 spear ability names. Thanks to Garth Ogle for tell me that Etna starts with Prinny Raid, also for giving me the senator info in Ares. Thanks to Matt Davila for filling in most of the weapon skills. Thanks to Andreas Burr for giving me the info on Legendary Senate Tenguka. Thanks to Skwipe for giving me info on Adell becoming a senator and also to various people on how to unlock dark world earlier.