--------------------------------------- Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (American Version) Platform: Playstation 2 Version: 0.65 Last Updated: September 03, 2003 Originally Created: September 01, 2003 Author: David Lam, chibisage(at)chibiknights.com Website: www.chibiknights.com ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Table of Contents ------------------------------------ (Titles below are printed EXACTLY as such in the walkthrough) 1. Introduction 2. Updates and Versions 3. Characters 4. Walkthrough (Under construction) 5. General FAQ 6. Transmigration 7. Geo Panels and Symbols 8. Classes, Skills, and Magic 9. Tricks and Tips (***Currently the pride and joy of this FAQ!***) [9.01] - Clinic Prize-Claiming Hoax [9.02] - Canceling-Out Trick [9.03] - Leveling Characters and Weapons [9.04] - Breaking Through Defenses [9.05] - Easy-Win Promotion Exam [9.06] - Etna's Diary 10. To Be Tested Later 11. Bugs and Rants 12. Credits ------------------------------------ 1. Introduction ------------------------------------ Disgaea is a wonderful strategy/RPG game, which is very similar to Final Fantasy Tactics in terms of having multiple classes and battling. It has more of an anime appeal to it, which gave it my vote before I bought it, and has somewhat more impressive skills and tactics to it that Tactics did not. Although the story seems less intense or dark as FFT, it's still a great game. The majority of time you will spend playing this game will be to level up your character and items. I've been playing for over 30 hours now, and I'm only in chapter 5 out of 13 that I've heard. I may well go over 100 hours before I complete the game, though the back promises 40 hours. If you are not a level intensive person and just want a good story, then I'd sadly say this game is not for you, though when it does have a story it's actually very comical or interesting to watch. I've picked up a lot of little tricks while playing, and since no one else has posted them at this moment, I thought I'd write this FAQ to share them. ------------------------------------ 2. Updates and Versions ------------------------------------ Version 0.65 - I added a section devoted entirely to Transmigration (and my hate for it). Version 0.6 - I got a ton of e-mails from people contributing some sort of information to the FAQ. Thanks to all who sent me their tips and such. I got two tips so far about Geo Panels. I don't want to rewrite my stuff, integrate the new information, figure out where to throw credit, etc. since I have too many people writing already and not enough time testing. :P So I put the suggestions (which are well worth reading) below my strategy. Also added the `To Be Tested Later' section, since someone sent me an idea and I didn't test it out and neither did he, yet. If anyone has any information for that, send it over to me. PLEASE, if you send me something that you think was worth saying and therefore worth putting into the FAQ, then give me a nickname or something, unless you don't mind me using your e-mail name or first name & last initial. I also want to point out again if you didn't read my introduction that I haven't played the entire game yet. I'm only in chapter 5, so please don't ask me how to get past a certain area or for character information that I don't even know about yet. ^^;; I will finish the game eventually, but please give me some time. (Stupid school, always interfering with gaming/anime time.) Version 0.51 - I got two e-mails from people telling me that they also did not get voices for parts of the story, so I'm going to assume that it's a universal kind of thing. Kind of makes Atlus look bad for being lazy if that's the case. I got an explanation for transmigrate, which did make sense, but it still seems like a such a waste to go from level 20+ to level 1. ^^;; Still, once you're far enough in the game and especially when you can power-level I guess it's not actually that big of a deal. Version 0.5 - There isn't a real walkthrough yet (which is why it's version 0.5), I mostly posted this for the tips and tricks. Eventually this will be more complete, however. ------------------------------------ 3. Characters ------------------------------------ Laharl - The prince of the Underworld, Laharl has been sleeping for a long time, so much that he slept right through the death of his father two years ago. He intends to take his rightful place as Overlord of the Underworld by beating up anyone who stands in his way. Etna - Assistant to the prince, Etna leads the Prinny Squad in doing her master's bidding, though she seems to have her own mysterious agenda to deal with. Flonne - Angel of Celestia, Flonne is a light-hearted girl who is sent to the Underworld for a mission from the Celestia. She stays with Laharl even after her mission is complete in order to understand demons, and to find love within their hearts. Dark Adonis - This demon is nothing more than trouble to Laharl, whom the prince gladly dubbed 'Mid-Boss' and insults the Dark Adonis in any way that he can. Volcanus - Archangel of Celestia, he is rather stubborn and aggressive when it comes to matters of the Underworld. Lamington - Seraph of Celestia, he gives Flonne the unusual mission to go down to the Underworld. ------------------------------------ 4. Walkthrough ------------------------------------ Under Construction because I haven't finished the game yet. Sorry!! NPCs of the game (I assume their names are always the same): Estel - Teleports you to the battlefields Rosetta - Head of the Item World Hilde - Head of the Netherworld Hospital Pelinair - Guide for the Dark Assembly Elfir - Head of the Weapon Shop for the Rosen Queen Company Lancelot - Head of the Battle Depot for the Rosen Queen Company Longinus - Tells you about the different weapons in the game Esmerelda - Mentions about the features in the game Zommie - Gives a new random comment every chapter of the game Ghoss - Gives a new random comment every chapter of the game Gargo - Gives a new random comment every chapter of the game Dratti - Gives a new random comment every chapter of the game Manty - Gives a new random comment every chapter of the game Goleck - Gives a new random comment every chapter of the game Areas of the game: Tutorial Vyers Castle Frozen River Dinero Palace Blazing Core Jotunheim ------------------------------------ 5. General FAQ ------------------------------------ Q: Your e-mail chibisage(at)chibiknights.com doesn't work. A: Change the (at) to the appropriate symbol. I'm trying to avoid spam since I got a ton of it for my KOTOR FAQ. Q: Does Disgaea really come in Japanese and English? A: Yes... and no. The text is always in English, and from what I've seen, so are the battles (the warcries are in English, although the cleric sounds like she's saying 'Hai', which is 'yes' in Japanese). During the story, it's in Japanese though. Q: What does taking the promotion exam do? A: When you pass the exam, your rank goes up. This gives the character more options to appeal to the Dark Assembly with, as well as increases the range of influence that the character can have on the assembly. For more details on the range, check out '[8.02] - Canceling-Out Trick' under the Tricks section. Q: Is there a penalty to using Mr. Gency's Exit in Item World? A: From what I saw, yes. If you leave in the middle of the dungeon, when you finally complete it, you will be penalized in that all of the levels you completed before exiting won't count, so the 'Levels Cleared' bonus will be taking a dive depending on when you exited. Q: How do you use Geo Panels and Symbols? A: See Section 6 of this guide. Q: Why is it that male characters can transmigrate into female ones, and vice-versa? A: I don't know, but it bothers me, lol. At least they're kind enough to let you rename your custom-made characters at any time. Q: How does leveling weapons work? A: As you attack monsters or even allies, your skill in the weapon you used goes up. I don't know all the details, but the rank (S through E) only seems to have an effect on how quickly your skill goes up, not on what skills you get with the weapon. It might have an affect on damage as well, but I'm not sure. ------------------------------------ 6. Transmigration ------------------------------------ Q: Should I transmigrate my characters? A: This is a hard question to answer. If you don't plan on playing this game intensively (and I mean hours and hours of leveling), then no. I'll explain the process of transmigration and my observations below. In order to transmigrate, the character needs to be rank 3 (by taking the promotion exam 3 times). Once you do, you'll need 100 mana to start the transmigration. You can pick the new class that you want to be, then you'll also have to choose your inheritance level. Inheritance is another mana cost, which determines how much of your abilities and/or stats are brought over to your new character. The higher you pay, the better the inheritance. Then you can rename your character (which, once you pass the naming screen you can no longer cancel out of the transmigration process), and your character is now changed. From what I can tell, rank does not have an affect on the cost of transmigration or the inheritance cost. The character's level prior to transmigrating also seems to have no affect. Inheritance is affected by two things: first is the level of the class you're choosing (cleric versus priest, for example), and second is whether or not you're promoting your character to the same class but of a higher level. I found that if you're already a scout, and you try to transmigrate again to scout or any class above that, the cost of inheritance nearly doubles. The cost of inheritance for a class of the 1st level is as follows. Title: Mana Cost, Stat Bonus, Inheritance % Good-for-nothing: 1, -4, 15% Incompetent: 10, +2, 30% Average: 50, +4, 45% Skilled: 200, +7, 60% Distinguished: 1000, +9, 80% Genius: 5000, 11, 95% The cost of inheritance for classes 2 and 3 are as follows. (Note that the stat bonus and inheritance % are the same.) Title: Mana Cost for level 2, for level 3 Good-for-nothing: 1, 1 Incompetent: 13-15, 16 Average: 65-75, 80 Skilled: 260-300, 320 Distinguished: 1300-1500, 1600 Genius: 6500-7500, 8000 I don't know why, but as I was checking the costs, my scout+former- warrior paid more to become an archer than for the rest of the classes (he had some bow skill already, maybe that was why?), and this is the cause of the price range for level 2. And the price to upgrade/downgrade my current class for genius level was 10000 for level 1, 12000 for level 2, and 14000 for level 3. I had the idea that perhaps if I just transmigrated between all of the classes that I could learn all of the base magic skills and then focus them all into one class. Wrong. Without high level inheritance, your skills will go down or if they go below 0, your character will lose them completely. So unless you have a source for ton of mana or unless you level all of your skills greatly, transmigration is essentially completely worthless for the first half of the game. You might be able to do master two to several classes towards the first half of the game if you work them hard enough before transmigrating or get a huge load of mana, but otherwise don't bother. Does it get better later? I'm only in chapter 5 right now, and I'm definitely not getting anywhere near close to 10,000 mana from battles, so it certainly isn't good now. Whether it actually does get easier later, I don't know. Personally, I think transmigration really is a junky system, but if anyone has any comments or tested ideas, please let me know. ------------------------------------ 7. Geo Panels and Symbols ------------------------------------ *** [7.01] - Intro to Panels and Symbols *** While the instruction manual and game do cover most of this (though maybe you lost your manual), I'll go into detail about how to use Geo Panels and Symbols. Only specific boards have panels, and they come in 6 different colors from what I've seen: red, blue, green, yellow, pink, and sky blue (or cerulean, whatever!). Use the triangle button on the map and the menu of commands will come up, as well as the description of the stats of all the panels. If a symbol of ANY color is on any panel, all of the panels with the same color as the one that the symbol is on will gain that symbol's power. For example, if you place a blue symbol with a %50 exp ability on a green panels, all of the green panels will gain the %50 exp ability. The color of the symbol is irrelevant. *** [7.02] - Symbol Abiltiies *** I haven't recorded all of the abilties, but here are the ones you'll need to know the most. Clone: Creates an exact copy of any unit that is on a panel for more than one turn (meaning a unit was on a clone panel after the turn was ended), working for monsters and allies alike, HOWEVER, any ally that steps on a panel will make a copy on the ENEMY side, so keep your units off Clone panels. Warp: Teleports a unit that is on a panel for more than one turn to a random spot on the board. This can be a good thing, sometimes. No Lift: Anything that is on the panel with this effect cannot be lifted, including symbols. Invulnerable: All units, friend and foe alike, are immune to attacked damage and will not take any drops in their HP bar (although you will still see numbers as if you were taking damage), but WILL take damage from panels with Ally Damage % symbols (thanks to Blackflare for that). Even if you or a monster does more damage in a single attack than their maximum HP, they still will NOT die. Def +/- %: While a unit is standing on the panel at any time, his/her/it's defense will be increased or decreased accordingly. Atk +/- %: While a unit is standing on the panel at any time, his/her/it's defense will be increased or decreased accordingly. Ally Damage %: Any ally unit standing on this panel for more than one turn will suffer the damage based on maximum HP (not current HP). This does not have any effect on monsters. Regenerate %: Heals a unit based on their maximum HP. This DOES work on monsters. Exp %: I haven't experimented with this yet. Either the monster standing on it will give you more exp when it dies, or you get more for killing a monster while standing on it. *** [7.03] - Clearing an Area of Panels *** To clear an area of panels, you'll need to look for the following features. 1) The number of symbols on the board must be 1 less than the number of colored panels. This does NOT include a Null Geo Symbol. So for example, you must have 3 colored symbols to clear a 4 colored panel area. 2) If you have 1 less colored symbol than panels, the geo symbols ALL must be placed on the color of the panel that does NOT have a similarly colored symbol, including the Null Geo Symbol. So if you have red and blue symbols, and red, blue, and green panels, you must put the symbols on the green panels. 3) If you have an equal number of symbols and panels, places all of the symbols on a single color panel. This includes the Null Geo Symbol. 4**) Check for symbols that are No Lift. If any symbol has this status and is NOT on the remaining colored panel, you cannot clear the board. For example, if you have a yellow No Lift symbol on a green square, but the extra colored panel is red, you cannot complete the board. 5**) If you have any symbols on the board that are invulnerable, you cannot complete the board simply because you can never destroy all of the symbols. For features 4 and 5, please read the contributions at the end of this section for ways to bypass the No-Lift and Invulnerable symbols to complete any board. So how does it all work? From now on I will use color abbreviations (Red=R, Blue=B, Yellow=Y, Green=G, Pink=P, Sky Blue=S, Null=N). Let's take 5 colored symbols (RGBYP), 1 Null Geo Symbol, and 6 colored panels (RGBYPS). The color panel that doesn't have a symbol partner is S, so place all of the tiles on the S colored panels. Then after they're all moved, simply destroy one of the colored symbols to create a chain, and after the Null Geo Symbol does it's job, the board should be cleared. All of the symbols should have been wiped out during the first chain, and at some point the Null should kick in and delete all the panels. As a note, if a symbol is detonated on a panel of the same color, there will be no reaction or chain. Panels will change color according to the order in which the symbols are destroyed. So if you start with red and the chain first hits a green, you'll go from making all of the tiles red, then all of the red tiles on the board will change to green, and so on. Why are we putting all of the tiles on the same color? It's more efficient and creates a longer chain for a better Level Bonus. Suppose we had RB symbols and RBG panels. If you put the R symbol on the green square and the blue panel on a red square, then set off the R symbol, all of the green panels will turn red. But then the blue symbol is untouched because the chain never went back over the red panels. So you'll break the chain and spend another turn creating a new chain. To make the longest possible chain, place all of the colored symbols as close to the starting point of the chain, and place the Null symbol as far as possible. And of course place all of the symbols on the same colored panel. I'll make a diagram below. |---------------| | R | | P N | | G | | B Y | |---------------| It doesn't matter which you detonate, but because Geo Panels are somewhat random when they're changing, you don't want to start with P in case it hits N before the rest of them. So pretending all of the symbols are on S panels, detonate the red one. As all of the S panels turn red, you'll hit the B, G, Y, P, and N symbols. Then the B chain will start, and all of the red panels on the entire board will turn blue. This goes on and on until the N kicks in, and all of the colors have been exhausted, and all of the panels have become colorless. By this time, your bonus meter will be flying, the enemies are all probably dead, and the stage will be clear. When setting off panels, try as hard as you can to set the first one off from a colorless space, as not all panels are colored when you start a board. Also make sure any allies are also on colorless panels or that they have jumped back into the home base (unless you want to make points with the clinic). If you don't, chances are that while it's chaining away, your allies will get hit at least once if not through the entire chain of X-amount of colors, and you may end up with a dead ally. *** [7.04] - Geo Contributors *** From Mi: There is a way to destroy and activate "Invincible" Geo symbols: You pick it up, and throw it on a monster that is on the color panel you wish to destroy. It destroys the monster, the Geo Symbol and changes the color of the panel. From Ryan I.: 6.03 (4) and (5) aren't really true. You can use special abilities to move the panels in a lot of cases. For example, I had a board that was two colored (red and green) with a red symbol and a null symbol. The usual way to clear that would be to put them both on green and blow up the red symbol--the catch is that the null symbol had Invicibility, so you couldn't put them both on green because then the red symbol would be invincible. Here's how I solved this: E = Etna B = Brawler with Triple Strike R = red geo symbol (def +50%) N = null geo symbol (invincibility) [x] = non colored space rxr = red colored space gxg = green colored space g g g g gRg rNr [E] [B] I queue up the following attacks: Etna attacks red geo symbol. She's strong so she'll do enough damage to kill it. Then my Brawler does Triple Strike on the null symbol (which is invincible, so it won't get hurt). Then Execute. The red symbol dies. Then my brawler triple-strikes the null symbol, moving it on to the green panel. Then the chain starts, and it DOES kill the null symbol (even though it's on an invincible panel). You can use this technique with a weak guy to move symbols off of "no- lift" spaces--as long as you don't kill the symbol, it'll move. You might want to shield it first and/or heal it afterwards if you have to do this multiple times. Also, I think if you lift/throw a panel at an NPC, it'll kill the symbol, even if it is going to an invincible space. Finally, I came up with the following system for blowing up all the panels, in a nice pleasing chain, without putting them all on one color. First you put two symbols onto the color that doesn't match any symbol. Let's say you put red and green down, and you are going to start by killing red. Then put the next symbol on the first of the two colors--so if you want blue next, put blue on a red square, and advance--"green and blue" now. So the next symbol (purple, for example) goes on green (now, "green and purple"), and finally the null symbol goes on green ("purple and null"). Nothing goes onto the purple. This solves the problem where you might blow up the Null symbol too early and not get the full chain. ------------------------------------ 8. Classes, Skills, and Magic ------------------------------------ Please let me know if I've confused any Weapon/Class/Hero skills and put them in the wrong places. *** [8.01] - Weapon Skills *** Sword - Blade Rush, Hurricane Slash, Wind Cutter, Winged Slayer Bow - Poison Arrow, Dark Flash, Delta Spirit Axe - Boulder Crush, Skill Splitter Scout - Tri-Burst, Rapidfire, Proximal Shot Spear - Impaler, Sky Lunge, Asteroid Drop Fist - Triple Strike, Tiger Charge, Lion's Roar *** [8.02] - Class Skills *** Fire Mage - Fire, Mega Fire, Giga Fire, Omega Fire, Braveheart, Magic Boost Wind Mage - Wind, Mega Wind, Giga Wind, Omega Wind, Braveheart, Magic Boost Ice Mage - Ice, Mega Ice, Giga Ice, Omega Ice, Braveheart, Magic Boost Star Mage - Star, Mega Star, Giga Star, Omega Star, Braveheart, Magic Boost Cleric - Heal, Mega Heal, Espoir, Shield Scout - Dark Cannon, Geo Change *** [8.03] - Hero Skills *** Laharl - Blazing Knuckle, Overlord's Wrath, Meteor Strike Etna - Prinny Raid Flonne - Power of Love, Holy Arrows Hoggmeiser - Spinning Slash Prinny - Prinny Barrage Maderas - Chaos Fire, Chaos Swarm, Chaos Force Thanks to BigRay, im superior for some of the ability additions. ------------------------------------ 9. Tricks and Tips ------------------------------------ *** [9.01] - Clinic Prize-Claiming Hoax *** If this is your first time playing Disgaea, you'll notice that if you go to the Clinic to claim a prize out of a list of prizes that the option to claim disappears. What is actually happening is not that you're getting the item that you picked, but ALL of the items on the list, at any time. If you collect a prize early, the list does NOT start over, it only continues to the next prize level. Most of the time, unless you have a lot of injured or dead party members, you can limit yourself to getting only one item on the list at a time. Using the 'Canceling-Out Trick' in 8.02, you can help yourself to getting only rare or maybe even legendary items from the Clinic. Rare items from the clinic almost always double in stats compared to when they're ordinary. *** [9.02] - Canceling-Out Trick *** When you cancel out of a menu and re-enter it, you can often get different results. There are several places in which you can use this trick, primarily in the Dark Assembly menu, the Clinic, and the shops. For the Dark Assembly, you can alter the amount of influence a character has to some extent. Pick a character and take a look at their influence rating, cancel back out to the character selection menu, and then pick the character again. For a rank 5 character, I was able to get numbers between 300 and 1450. That's quite a jump. For the Clinic, you can essentially choose the rarity of the items you get. Go to 'Claim Prize' and if the rarity is too high, cancel back out, then go to 'Get Healing'. Cancel back out and go back to 'Claim Prize', and the rarity will be different. If you see a rarity you want and accidentally cancel back out of the Claim menu, as long as you don't leave the Clinic entirely or go to the Healing menu, you can go right back to the Claim menu and the item will retain the rarity. I've gotten a lot of rare items this way, though I don't think I've ever seen a legendary there. For the shops, you can change the inventory of the shops by exiting out completely and talking to the shopkeeper again. Note: Canceling out to the Buy/Sell menu and/or going into the Sell menu doesn't work. You have to exit out entirely. *** [9.03] - Leveling Characters and Weapons *** The best places to level character and weapons are places that have invulnerability tiles, especially in Chapter 5, area 3. To level, you can stack monsters by throwing them on top of each other which combines them into stronger ones. To level weapons, just attack anything on the board, even allies. Your weapons' experience will still go up. From AngryIrishman: Another great place to level up is 7-1. It has Exp+100%, and HL+50%. You fight about 13 zombies there. Even if a few characters die at first, they will quickly level up and you gain levels a lot faster than 5-1(It isn't nearly as tedious). You always get around 11,000 HL for the level, plus whatever you get from the bonus gauge(my bonus gauge is always on 2 or 3). This is a great way to level up if you are at a high enough level to fight them(18-20 should be fine) and it will get you around level 30 fast. *** [9.04] - Breaking Through Defenses *** If you're playing in Chapter 5, area 3, you'll notice enemies can sometimes get too powerful to take damage. There's two ways around this. The first is to use magic attacks, which usually does anywhere from 20 to 70 damage for low level mages. You'll need a lot of mana for that, but if you have lots of rare SP-items from the clinic combine it with the second method, you should have no problem. The second is a bit unusual and I can't say there's any reason behind it. If you do a single chain of attacks for all of your characters, you'll actually get high damage hits in. By a chain I mean assigning all of your characters to attack physically or magically (or a mix) all at once, and then executing. It is important not to break the combo by attacking or buffing a different unit in the middle of the chain. Either do those first or last, but not in between. It's best to use all 10 characters for more damage (a combination of gunners, archers, and casters work well since 5-3 only has two spaces for close combat). For the first 2-5 attackers, you'll notice they all do next to no damage (depending on their levels), however as you approach the other attackers, their numbers will start going up from 20 to over 100 damage each, as if the monster's defense just crumbled entirely over the hits. A few rounds of this and the monster will be killed easily. From Brian L.: I would like to add that higher damage bonus is not so much the enemy's defense crumbling as that of a combo bonus. While attacking, the text appearing at buttom of screen has a counter that keeps track of the number of combos done so far. Higher counter translates to bonus damages. *** [9.05] - Easy-Win Promotion Exam *** For this trick you need a scout, or a character that has scout abilities, and so far as my scout is level 27, it has worked very well in getting him to rank 5 with no trouble at all. 'Dark Cannon' is a scout skill that summons what I believe is a neutral cannon, meaning enemies won't touch it. When you first summon the cannon, you can target enemies with it, and by using the X-button, you can fire tons of shots into enemies to either kill them or weaken them easily. From C. Robin B.: Just thought I'd point out that the Scout turret, you can just hold down the X button and it'll fire rapidly like its on turbo (like the old 3rd party gamepads). WARNING: Do not place the cannon right next to the stands because the cannon will be unable to compensate for the elevation levels and will just fire into the stands if it's too close, doing absolutely nothing. The beauty is that once the cannon has stopped firing, when the turn ends the cannon will focus on the closest target. Unfortunately for the first round that's probably you if you moved in to adjust the cannon's position. In the second round, move your character away into a corner. As long as you didn't aggravate the monsters to approach you in the very first round, then will stay where they are, and the cannon will continue to fire at them for the rest of the battle while all you have to do is 'End Turn' until they're all dead. Whether or not the power of the cannon increases by levels or skill, I don't know, but by the 6th promotion exam and level 27 I was doing really small damage, so little that it would've taken maybe hours to kill the level 30 monster. I created a level 1 Ranger and tried him out in the levels, and he was only doing 1 damage per shot, so it is definitely related to skill or level. Since you can easily get to rank 3, you can transmigrate your scout to ALL of the classes, though you need 100 mana to transmigrate to a new class, but with just a small amount of time and battling, you could get your character started on all of the low level skills in the game. *** [9.06] - Etna's Diary *** If you check behind the chair in the throne room, and if you check the skull sitting on the counter of the Netherworld vendors, you'll find two switches. Then go to the room in between both of them (with the three guys, one of which tells you all about weapons), go to the lower level, and inspect the upper corner. Etna will tell you she needs to go to the bathroom, and from there you can see her diary. For checking the diary, you get a prize in the end. ------------------------------------ 10. To Be Tested Later ------------------------------------ From John M.: Second, you mentioned that you should keep your units off clone panels. This makes sense, but I thought of something last night and haven't tested it yet. Do your cloned characters have all their items? If they do, you could really steal some nice stuff that way. ------------------------------------ 11. Bugs and Rants ------------------------------------ In some sections of the story, I see the characters talking, but there are no voices. Either it's a bug, or Atlus just got cheap on those parts and didn't do any dubbing, although I play it usually in English. Maybe in the Japanese version there are voices. - This was confirmed by 2 other people, so I guess this is just something we'll have to accept. - The original Japanese version of the game was apparently on CD, so they didn't bother to add any dubbing in the American release. ------------------------------------ 12. Credits ------------------------------------ This walkthrough was made by David Lam, copyright 2003. For any feedback/questions/etc., please send an e-mail to chibisage(at)chibiknights.com, changing the middle part accordingly. If you submit any sort of information that you think you should be given credit to, please include a name of some sort, real or a nickname. Thanks to Nippon Ichi for making Disgaea the awesome tactics game that it is! (and to Gel for pointing that out!) Thanks to Atlus for translating Disgaea, as well as for all of their other wonderful games that I love! Thanks to all of the contributors (AngryIrishman, BigRay, Blackflare, Mi, C. Robin B., Brian L., Ryan I., John M., im superior) All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The following sites, and only these sites, have been given my permission to post my FAQ: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) GameSpot (www.gamespot.com) IGN (faqs.ign.com)