--- Disgaea: Hour of Darkness Game Script --- --- by UltimaterializerX --- --- Version 1.0, 02/26/05 --- +++++++++++++++++++ + Version History + +++++++++++++++++++ Version 1.0 - This is the first version of the FAQ, and there isn't much more to say than that. Expect the usual errors and such that come with first versions of guides, but hopefully, all will go well. In the worst-case scenario however, feel free to contact me if you notice that something is wrong. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Table of Contents + +++++++++++++++++++++ I. Introduction II. Title Screen III. Epilogue IV. Episode 1: Prince of the Netherworld i. Tutorial a. Battle Basics 1 b. Battle Basics 2 c. Geo Effect ii. Vyers Castle a. Magnificent Gate b. Blessed Court c. Corridor of Love d. Hall of Caresses iii. Mid-Boss Ending V. Episode 2: Enter Flonne i. Frozen River a. Forsaken Land b. Icy Breath c. Eternal Winter d. White Death VI. Episode 3: A Hint of Kindness i. Dinero Palace a. Gaudy Entrance b. Golden Courtyard c. Flashy Passage d. Lavish Hall ii. Flonne Tragedy Ending VII. Episode 4: Gift From an Angel i. Blazing Core a. Road of Flames b. Parched Ground c. Blazing Field d. Molten Labyrinth VIII. Episode 5: Etna's Secret i. Jotunheim a. Absolute Zero b. Endless White c. Terrible Cold d. Ice Queen ii. Etna Heroine Ending IX. Episode 6: Laharl's Challenge i. Blair Forest a. Calamity Woods b. Ritual Site c. Witches' Den d. Writhing Shadow e. Nightdwellers f. Heart of Evil X. Episode 7: Of Being an Overlord i. Salamander's Breath a. Scorching Wind b. Column of Fire c. Raging Earth d. Crimson Plains e. Ember of Dreams XI. Episode 8: Reincarnation i. Lunar Snowfield a. Theatre of Death b. Frigid Garden c. Freezing Souls d. Under the Moon XII. Episode 9: Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth i. Stellar Graveyard a. Valgipus IV b. Thurvean Sector c. Sphere VIII d. Cross-Point e. Primordial Soup XIII. Episode 10: Angels, Demons, and Humans i. Sea of Gehenna a. Fervent Melody b. Wasteland of Woe c. River of Lava d. Searing Tyranny e. Inferno XIV. Episode 11: Hero's Will, Overlord's Way i. Forest of the Dead a. Ghostly Whisper b. Rising Fear c. Crawling Terror d. Hero's Tomb XV. Episode 12: War of the Netherworld, Part 1 i. Stellar Graveyard II a. Embryon b. Core Point No. 4 c. Star Cluster d. Sidereal Rift XVI. Episode 13: War of the Netherworld, Part 2 i. Gargantua Deck a. Point Alpha-III ii. Gargantua Interior a. Main Corridor 1 b. Main Corridor 2 c. Main Corridor 3 d. Bridge XVII. Final Episode: What Lies Beyond the Battle i. Celestia a. Field of Virtue b. Paradise c. Angelic Choir d. Coliseum ii. Seraphic Sanctuary a. Inner Sanctum b. Hall of Justice c. Sacred Altar XVIII. Endings i. Good Ending ii. Normal Ending iii. Bad Ending iv. Worst Ending XIX. Secret Maps i. Prinny Land a. Prinny Land 1 b. Prinny Land 2 c. Prinny Land 3 ii. Human World a. Central City b. Neo Eden c. EDF Headquarters d. Overthrowing Earth Ending iii. Alternate Netherworld a. Alternate World b. Hall of Sin c. Hall of Penance d. Malefic Seal e. Warrior Maiden iv. Beauty Castle a. Foreboding Seal b. Beauty of Evil v. Baal Castle a. Patriarch's Seal b. Lord of Terror XX. Etna's Journal Entries i. My Memory ii. Feelings of Guilt iii. Celestial Visitor iv. The Portrait v. Doubt & Decision vi. Image of the King vii. Eternal Loyalty viii. Hatred ix. A Mother's Love x. Recalling xi. The Promise xii. Stolen Memories xiii. Cost of Betrayal XXI. Item Quotes i. Fists ii. Swords iii. Spears iv. Bows v. Guns vi. Axes vii. Staves viii. Monster Weapons ix. Armor x. Belts xi. Shoes xii. Glasses xiii. Orbs xiv. Muscles xv. Emblems xvi. Consumables xvii. Thief Hands xviii. Miscellaneous XXII. Credits/Special Thanks XXIII. Disclaimer/Contact Information +++++++++++++++++++ + I. Introduction + +++++++++++++++++++ Considering that Disgaea is among my favorite games of all time, I was bound to go off and write an FAQ for the game sooner or later. But sadly, everything about the game has been covered already in terms of the gameplay. Thankfully, no one has bothered to write down the game script yet. Disgaea is among one of the funniest, most quotable games of all time. As such, why not have a document featuring all of those quotes? The following guide will feature the game's script, from the intro all the way to the endings, and even all of the secret maps sans the Cave of Trials (which has no script within it). Note: there are two different script presentations in Disgaea. The first is when the characters interact while on a map. These sections are much more detailed by the game and this guide. The second presentation is when the camera simply shows a picture, and the characters interact with each other through their lines. For these cases, you may notice that the guide is less detailed, as it should be. The characters aren't interacting in full, just with their lines. Furthermore, if a battle has no script attached to it, then I'm simply going to write "No script". Writing "The party fights the battle" is not only pointless, but is also a given. Format-wise, the guide should be common sense. It should read exactly like a play, and will encompass most of what the game's characters say; however, there are some parts of the game that add nothing in terms of new lines and will not be covered over and over. These include some of the castle characters who say the same things after the tutorial section of the game ends. But on the bright side, some castle characters say new things with each chapter. The beginning of each chapter will show what each character says should Laharl speak to them, but thankfully, those sections are all short. The real meat of the script comes before and after each battle, and the beginning/ending of each episode, much like in Final Fantasy Tactics. Got all that? Good. Let's do this. ++++++++++++++++++++ + II. Title Screen + ++++++++++++++++++++ Atlus USA and Nippon Ichi Software present Disgaea: Hour of Darkness -copyright 2003 NIPPON ICHI SOFTWARE INC, Liscenced to and published by ATLUS U.S.A., Inc. +++++++++++++++++ + III. Epilogue + +++++++++++++++++ [Camera shows a view of the Netherworld] [Words appear on screen as a voice narrates] King Krichevskoy, the mighty ruler of the Netherworld... His long reign came to an abrupt end as the news of his death spread throughout the dark land. Ambitious demons rose one after another to seize the opportunity, and thus began the age of turbulence and anarchy. Two years later... [Fade to black] [Camera shows a view of a castle, followed by a view of a dark room with all lights off] Voice: Prince. [Flash of white light comes over the screen] Voice: Prince, wake up. [More white flashes come over the screen, followed by light coming over the room] [The room then lights up due to a fire being started within it; multiple weapons are scattered throughout the room, and in the middle lies an opened casket with a young boy sleeping in it] [Girl takes a few steps toward the bed, then puts her hand on her hips] Girl: This brat just won't wake up. Girl: Well, if that's the case... there's only one thing left to do. [Girl pulls out a gun and points it toward the boy] Boy: ...What fool dares awaken me, the great Laharl? [Boy sits up in the casket, blinks a few times, then shakes his head] Girl: Prince! I'm glad you're still alive. [Girl puts the gun away, and Laharl then stands up to face her] Laharl: Who said I was dead? I was just taking a nap. [Laharl looks around] Laharl: Anyways... Why are all those weapons behind you? [Girl looks behind her at the weapons] Girl: Well, I was having a hard time waking you up... Laharl: Are you sure you weren't trying to kill me instead? Girl: No... Ah... I mean, yes. I just wanted to wake you up. Laharl: Hmph... Whatever. Laharl: ...so, what is it? Laharl: You better have a good reason for waking me up. Girl: Oh, yeah. [Girl lifts her hands up] Girl: Big news. Your father, King Krichevskoy, has died. Laharl: He what...!? When!? [Girl puts her hands back down] Girl: Two years ago. [Laharl turns to his left, then closes his eyes] Laharl: ...wait a second. [Laharl turns back toward the girl] Laharl: So... you're telling me that I've been sleeping for over 2 years? Girl: Yup. [Laharl looks at the girl in shock] Laharl: "Yup"...!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier!? [Girl leans back and puts her hands behind her head] Girl: Excuse me, but what do you think I've been doing all this time? Girl: The Netherworld has gone to hell while you were sleeping. [Girl looks to her right] Girl: It's not my fault if some other demon steals the title of Overlord. Laharl: What...? Have they forgotten whose title they are trying to steal!? [Laharl turns to his left and crosses his arms with a smile] Laharl: Hmhmhm... Laharl: How bold of them! I shall show no mercy... for I am Laharl, the rightful heir to the throne! Laharl: Haaaahahahaha!!!! [Girl walks toward the casket] Girl: Your humble vassal, Etna, will accompany you. [Etna joins the party] [Fade to black] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + IV. Episode 1: Prince of the Netherworld + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Camera shows the Episode 1 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in the middle of his room; his room is inside of a castle, which consists of his bedroom, the throne room, the courtyard, and the main hall] [Laharl speaks to the members of the castle within the throne room and courtyard] Goleck: All the royal vassals left the castle shortly after the King died. Laharl: Even with me still around? Etna: Well, you were sleeping. They must have forgotten about you. Manty: That's just like you, Prince, taking a 2-year nap. Laharl: I only planned on napping for about 10 days... Laharl: Hmmm... Something's not right. Dratti: Oh well, look like I wasted my time digging that grave for you<3 Laharl: I'll put YOU in that grave instead! Gargo: In order to prevent intruders, I have closed all the gates. Gargo: Please talk to the "Dimensional Gatekeeper" if you'd like to leave the castle. Laharl: Yeah, whatever... You probably just didn't want to watch the gate. Ghoss: Good morning, Prince. How are you feeling? Laharl: Couldn't be worse. Laharl: My body feels really stiff from sleeping too much. Etna: Why don't you warm up on the "Tutorial" map? Etna: Go see the Dimensional Gatekeeper and she'll send you there. Longinus: Is there a problem, Prince? Longinus: I, Longinus, am at your service, Prince. Would you like to know about a weapon? Longinus: Brawlers rely primarily on their fists as weapons. Normal attacks have a high hit percentage and a slightly higher Chance of Team Attack than other weapons. The Special Techniques learned with fists are short-ranged and have a small area of effect. But, many will allow you to knock enemies into different positions. Longinus: A sword is a typical weapon for battle. Normal attacks with a sword do not have any distinctive characteristics. However, the Special Attacks learned with a sword vary greatly, so they will be useful in many situations. In general, they are easy to use, but not very powerful and require a lot of SP. Longinus: The spear is another popular weapon. While normal attacks with a spear are a bit weak, you have the advantage of being able to attack from two panels away. The Special Techniques learned with a spear generally have a short range, but the area of effect varies. Furthermore, some techniques allow you to change your position. Longinus: The axe is a difficult weapon to use. Normal attacks have a low hit percentage, but deal major damage when they do hit. The Special Techniques learned with an axe have short range and can only be used against a single enemy. It may seem a bit restrictive, but since its limitations are clear, you could say that an axe is easy to use. Also, when stronger Special Techniques are available, the chances of lowering an opponent's DEF are high. Longinus: Bows are long-range weapons that Archers specialize in. Normal attacks deal damage according to the following formula: (ATK/2) + (HIT/2) = Total Damage. The Special Techniques learned with a bow have long range and can effect single or multiple targets. However, their restrictions on the area of effect and required action space will take some time to get used to. Damage due to Special Techniques is calculated just as for normal attacks: (ATK/2) + (HIT/2) = Total Damage. Longinus: Guns have the longest range of all the weapons. Normal attack damage is based on a character's Hit stat. The Special Techniques learned with a gun have a very long range. Special Technique damage is also dependent on a character's Hit stat. Longinus: Items can be purchased at the "Rosen Queen Co., Netherworld Branch". Each character can equip up to 4 items. A character can equip 1 weapon and 3 other items, such as armor. Monsters can only equip weapons from the "Monster Only Weapons" category. It is best to equip a weapon that suits a character's inherent strengths. [Laharl speaks to everyone in the main hall] Welcome to the Rosen Queen Company, Netherworld Branch. We here at Rosen Queen work hard day and night to offer a selection of merchandise that customers want. Our selection is constantly changing. If you don't find something you want, try coming back at a later time. Please take your time. Welcome to the Rosen Queen Company, Netherworld Branch. I suggest that you equip weapons that are well-suited for each character. If you equip a Warrior with a sword, his level of Weapon Mastery will quickly rise. You CAN have characters use weapons that are not best for them, but their Weapon Mastery will rise at a slower rate. Regardless of a character's ability with a sword, sword Special Techniques cannot be used unless a sword is equipped. It's best to focus on each character's specialty to start with. The selection of items at the shop will be different every time you visit. Keep trying until you find what you're looking for. You can carry 16 items into battle in your Item Bag, and store up to 256 items in the warehouse. If you get certain proposals passed at the Assembly, you can influence the shop's selection. If you pass a proposal for "More Expensive Stuff", the "Product Rank" of the items available will go up. "Product Rank" refers to the quality of selection. The higher the level, the better quality items you can buy. As you buy items, your "Customer Rank" bar will build up. This affects how much you can raise the Product Rank. For example, if your Customer Rank is 8, you can request that the Product Rank be increased to 8 by the Assembly. The Product Rank cannot exceed your Customer Rank. Buy lots of items to raise your Customer Rank! Note that the maximum Customer/Product Rank is 12. There are many features in this game, like the Dark Assembly and the Item World. Ask the appropriate people for more info. Don't worry, you can still beat the game with minimal knowledge. Welcome to the Netherworld hospital. Here, we'll treat your wounds and heal any and all damage you may have taken. We will, of course, charge you accordingly. You can earn prizes based on the total HP and SP that have been recovered, so please go get thrashed in battle<3 Item World Keeper: This is the Item World Gateway Center. We are not open yet. Pleinair: The Assembly is currently not in session. Zommie: Eat, sleep, and do anything you want all day... Zommie: It's sooooo good to be a demon! Laharl: Have you ever thought of working for me? Zommie: Hahahaha. Of course not. [Laharl walks toward the Dimensional Gatekeeper] Have you saved yet? When you want to save, press Triangle to open the menu, and select "Save". You can only save in the Overlord's Castle. Once you have entered an area map, there's no turning back, so be careful. Dimensional Gatekeeper: I am the Dimensional Gatekeeper. I will input the coordinates for your desired destination, Prince, and you will instantly be transported there. Please select where you would like to go. === i. Tutorial === --- a. Battle Basics 1 --- [Camera shows a battlefield over an open field] Laharl: Now, then... Time for a little warm-up. I feel a little rusty. Etna: Ah, Prince. We've got company... how convenient. [View changes to the battle screen] Laharl: Stray demons, huh... Etna: Allow me, Prince. Etna: You may be a little out of practice after your long slumber. Etna: Don't worry, I came prepared! Etna: Come on, Prinny Squad!! [Leaves blow past the screen] Etna: Get your butts out here, NOW!! [3 Prinnies come out of the base panel] Etna: So Prince, whaddya think of this Prinny Squad I hired? Etna: They're my loyal servants: they'll do anything I say. [Prinnies begin dancing around] Laharl: Are you sure about that? [Etna pops out of the base panel and attacks the three Prinnies] Etna: See, they're loyal. Laharl: ...Does it make sense to beat up your allies before a battle? Laharl: Anyways, I think we've made those demons wait long enough already. Etna: Hey, you're right. How nice of them to be so patient. Laharl: Yeah, that's considerate of them. Laharl: To show my appreciation, I'll only beat them half to death. Etna: Oh, you're so kind<3 If I were you, I'd beat them all the way to death. Laharl: K, Kind!? Laharl: Stop that! That word gives me goose bumps! Laharl: Dammit! I take it back! I'm gonna beat them all the way to death! Etna: (He's still a kid, so quick-tempered.) Etna: (It looks like carrying out my plan will be a lot easier than I thought <3) Laharl: Hm? You say something? Etna: Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. So, what are your orders, Prince? ...You do remember how to fight, right? [Scene shifts to the actual battle] Etna: Just in case you forget, let me explain the basics of battle. Etna: Move the cursor over the "Base Panel" and press X to select the characters you wish to dispatch. [Game proceeds to demonstrate the action, and summons a Prinny from within the Base Panel] Etna: If you want to cancel an order to dispatch a character, move the cursor over the character and press Circle. [Game move Prinny by itself] Etna: For example, if you press Circle here... [Prinny goes back into the Base Panel] Etna: ...you can cancel the action. Etna: Now, let's issue a command to a dispatched character. First, move him/her next to an enemy... [Game demonstrates by moving Laharl in the middle of two demons] Etna: ...and select "Attack". [Game assigns Laharl to attack one of the demons] Etna: You have now assigned an action. However, the character won't attack immediately. Etna: If you want to execute the actions which you've assigned, open the menu and select either "Execute" or "End Turn". Etna: In this case, let's pick "Execute". [Game demonstrates by having Laharl attack the demon] Etna: See? The character attacked. Etna: Assign actions -> Triangle -> Execute. Remember this. You'll be using it a lot. Etna: If you assign actions to multiple characters, they will be executed in the order that you assign them. Etna: Be careful: you can't cancel actions once you've chosen to execute them. Etna: After you're done issuing commands, open the menu and end your turn. It will then be the enemy's turn. [Game demonstrates by having Laharl end his turn] [Enemies use their turn to kill Laharl] Laharl: Owww... Why do I have to be the one to do this...? I'm the next Overlord, for crying out loud! Etna: ...... Etna: That was an example of something NOT to do. Etna: Only an idiot would rush straight into the enemy alone. Laharl: You made me do it!! Etna: Characters killed in battle, like our Prince here, can be revived by paying Hell (HL) to the castle's hospital. Etna: If all of your dispatched characters are defeated, the game will be over. Laharl: So, the basic idea is to gang up on character and beat the living daylights out of him, huh? Etna: Exactly, Prince. Remember to use your head next time. Laharl: You're the one who told me to do it!! Etna: "Team Attacks" sometimes occur when allies are positioned next to attacking characters. Etna: If several characters attack the same enemy in a row, a "Combo" will result, and greater damage will be dealt. Etna: If you want to know more, select Triangle and select "Help" from the menu. [Battle starts over from the beginning, and is fought] --- b. Battle Basics 2 --- [Camera shows a battlefield over an open field] Laharl: More stray demons... Laharl: How annoying. I wish I could just toss 'em. Etna: Well, why don't you? Laharl: You can!? Etna: For our ignorant Prince, let me explain the commands "Lift" and "Throw". [Game sends Laharl out onto the map] Etna: In situations like this where you're too far for your attacks to reach... [Game sends Etna to stand next to Laharl] Etna: Pick up a character by selecting "Lift"... [Game demonstrates by having Etna Lift Laharl] Laharl: H, Hey! Stop it, Etna!! Etna: Then select "Throw". You'll have to decide on a direction and distance, too. Etna: I'll throw you next to the enemy. [Game demonstrates by having Etna Throw Laharl next to a demon] Laharl: Oomph!! Etna: See? That covered a lot of ground. Now, you're able to attack. Etna: You can use "Lift" and "Throw" on both allies and enemies. Etna: Keep in mind that only humanoid characters can use "Lift" and "Throw". (Monsters can't do it.) Etna: By making good use of these commands, you can extend your attack range. Etna: This is very helpful in moving around on some maps, so don't forget it. Etna: There are other uses for the commands besides covering ground, like... Etna: Holding an enemy so he/she can't move, saving injured allies from danger, etc. Etna: By the way, Prinnies will explode when they're thrown, so handle them with care. Prinny: Dood!? You gotta be kidding! Etna: And if you throw an enemy at an enemy... Etna: There may be other fun uses waiting to be discovered. Try experimenting. Laharl: That's it...! I'm gonna throw you next time...! Etna: Oh, and one more thing. A character will take damage if the turn ends and he/she is still holding someone. [Battle starts over from the beginning, and is fought] --- c. Geo Effect --- [Camera shows a battlefield over an open field] Laharl: "Geo Panels"... Interesting. These are geographical features that are attuned to the elements of the universe. [Game moves battle icon over a Geo Symbol] Laharl: Crystallization of those elements results in "Geo Symbols", like the one right there. Etna: ...Well, that doesn't explain anything, so let me clarify a few things. Etna: Let me explain "Geo Effects", a system that will heavily influence battle. Etna: Take a good look at the colored panels on the area map. [Game moves battle icon over a Geo Panel] Etna: Notice that "Enemy Boosy + 50%" is displayed at the top of the screen. Etna: That means that when an enemy is on a blue panel, his/her ATK and DEF will be powered up by 50%. Etna: This is not good for you, so it's wise to get rid of this effect. Etna: You might be wondering, "Where does it come from in the first place?" [Game scans the map before moving the battle icon over a Geo Panel] Etna: Why lookie here! I just found an object labeled "Enemy Boost" on this blue panel! Etna: This guy's the culprit! Laharl: How obvious was that? Etna: This object is called a "Geo Symbol", and as long as it's on a colored panel, all panels of the same color will be effected. Etna: Let's toss it somewhere. [Game demonstrates by moving Laharl next to the Geo Panel, then throwing it on a red panel on the map] Etna: The effect "Enemy Boost" is no longer on any of the blue panels. But... [Game moves the battle icon onto a red panel] Etna: Huh? Etna: The Geo Symbol is now affecting the red panels. That doesn't change much. Etna: Hmmmmm. Let's just destroy it, then. [Game moves Laharl next to the Geo Symbol] Etna: ...Oh, before we do that. Do you see "To Blue" displayed in the Geo Symbol's status window? Remember that. Etna: Now, it's time to attack. Go ahead, Prince. [Game has Laharl attack and kill the Geo Symbol] Etna: ...Huh? The red panels are now blue. Etna: Remember the "To Blue" in the status window? This is what it was referring to. Etna: Destroying a blue Geo Symbol will turn all panels, which was the same color as the one it was on, blue. Etna: Damage will be dealt to anyone standing on of those panels at the time, so be sure to take that into consideration. Etna: No damage will be dealt if you destroy a blue Geo Symbol on a blue panel. (No panels will change color, either.) Etna: You can build up your Bonus Gauge by changing the color of Geo Panels. Etna: If you are able to use what you've learned to destroy all the Geo Panels, then you will receive a Panel Termination Bonus. Etna: All of this related to a term I used before, "Geo Effects". Laharl: That's pretty complicated. Etna: You're right, it is. It might be a good idea to start off by destroying only the harmful Geo Symbols. Etna: Nullifying all the panels is for experts who understand the concept of Geo Effects completely, and you're not one of them. Laharl: What'd you say!? Etna: Not all Geo Symbols have negative effects. When you get the chance, you should try and take advantage of the useful ones. Etna: Lastly, press the SELECT button to turn the Geo Panel Display ON/OFF. [Battle starts over from the beginning, and is fought] Laharl: ...Hm. I'm starting to get the hang of things again. Etna: Okay then, are you ready to request some allies at the Dark Assembly? Etna: There you get to create characters who become your loyal pupils. Laharl: Loyal pupils... Laharl: That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Alright, let's go! [Fade to black] [Laharl returns to his castle, and is standing in front of Pleinair] Welcome to the Dark Assembly. Here you can create characters as well as submit proposals. In order to submit proposals, you have to have energy known as "Mana". You can gain Mana by defeating enemies. If you want, you can use the mana you have right now to make a new character. A "Cleric" might be useful for healing, while a "Warrior" or "Brawler" might come in handy when attacking. If Prince Laharl makes the characters, they will become his loyal pupils. Manage their growth carefully. Pleinair: What would you like to learn about? At the Assembly, you can create pupils and submit proposals. For simple requests, the Assembly won't need to debate. For important ones, however, you will need their approval. Don't forget to visit the Dark Assembly, or life in the Netherworld will be hell. "Mana" is the energy needed for a character to summon the Assembly. You gain mana by defeating enemies. The stronger the enemy defeated, the more mana your character will gain. Only the character who deals the final blow to an enemy will receive mana. Keep that in mind when deciding who will finish off the enemy. Remember: No Mana, no Assembly. By creating characters at the Assembly, you can add allies to your party. The character that addresses the Assembly will become a mentor, and the new character will become his/her pupil. At first, you will only be able to create characters with low capabilities because of your limited Mana. There are a number of ways to increase the variety of characters you can create. For example, if you level up a warrior, at some point a stronger warrior class will become available. Another case is where a new class appears when you've leveled up pupils from several different classes. There are many hidden classes to discover. Think creatively, Prince! You can even create monster pupils once you've defeated that monster in battle. But, the amount of Mana required depends on how many of that monster type you've killed. At first it will require a lot of mana, but as you kill more monsters from that class, it will become less expensive. If you select "Promotion Exam" at the Assembly, you'll be thrown into battle. Only the character taking the exam may participate in this battle. Your rank will go up if you pass the exam. Your HP/SP will be restored as well. As your Rank goes up, you can submit new proposals, and more influential Senators will begin to attend sessions. It's to your advantage to get Senators with high influence on your side, but be careful not to upset them! For your information, the game will end if you fail the exam. Don't push your luck too much! At Rank 3, you will be able to select "Transmigrate" when visiting the Assembly. By Transmigrating, you can restart a character from Level 1 in a new class. A Transmigrated character will start out stronger than a new character, and his/her stats will go up faster. Your character's "Inheritance Rate" will depend upon the capability level that you choose for him/her. The Inheritance Rate is the percentage of magic and Special Techniques that a transmigrated character will retain. The higher the capability you select, the higher the Inheritance Rate will be, but not even "Genius" is at 100%. Furthermore, character-specific Techniques cannot be carried over. With all this in mind, if you repeat this process in a well-planned manner, you can build powerful characters. If you are really ambitious, you can try to build a character with all possible magic and Special Techniques. More proposals become available to you as your Rank increases. For proposals that require the approval of the Assembly, the Senators will hold a vote. When you visit the Assembly, the current total Senatorial vote points will be listed beside "Influence". The outcome is not determined by a simple majority rule; the weight of a Senator's vote is based on his/her personal influence. When you are ready for the Senate to vote, open the menu by pressing Triangle. If the difference between the Yeas and Nays is equal to or more than the Mana cost of the proposal, then it will pass. Simply put, for the proposal to pass, the following must hold true: Yeas - Nays [greater than or equal to] Mana required for proposal. If you are a true demon, you will get your way by any means. First, find out each Senator's opinion. (Highlight the Senator with the cursor when the Assembly is in session.) If Senators with high influence are leaning against you, try giving them gifts. They may start to like you. Press X when the cursor is pointed at a Senator, and you'll be able to select a gift for him/her from your Item Bag. An influential Senator's vote can be very valuable to you. Giving them something they don't want will only make them angry. Give them what they want. The impression you make with a Senator will carry over into future sessions, so don't be stingy with your bribes. Once you have finished campaigning, press Triangle and select "Begin the Vote" or "Return to the Castle". You can choose to leave if you aren't confident of a victory, but the Mana you've spent will not be reimbursed. Now, let's say that you picked "Begin the Vote". Even if they like you, they're still demons: unreliable. Don't expect them to agree with you all the time. But, it's unforgivable to disagree even after you bribed them, isn't it? Isn't it!? In cases like this, select "Persuade by force". Once you've made this selection, you'll have to forcefully persuade all dissenting Senators to change their minds. Any supporters that you accidentally hit will reverse their votes, so please be careful. Of course, if all dispatched (max 10) characters are defeated, the game will be over. If you kill all the opposing Senators, your proposal will be passed. But, the Senators killed will return in future sessions only to loathe you more, so prepare yourself... [Laharl walks toward the Dimensional Gate] Zommie: Hey Prince, have you gone to the hospital? Zommie: You should make sure you heal everybody after a battle. Prinny Squad: Treatment may not be free (it costs HL), but please heal us, too, dood. [Zommie gives Laharl 300 HL] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Zommie: There is a new demon named Vyers who has been gaining strength. Laharl: Never heard of him. Laharl: Probably no one important. Item World Gatekeeper: Welcome. This is the gateway to the Item World. The Item World is one of the most dangerous places in the Netherworld. Walk in unprepared, and you may die. The topography, Geo Panels, and Geo Symbols change every time, so you might run into gaps in your path. I'm not to blame if you enter without an item to escape... *giggle* The Item World is the world inside all items. There are so many troublesome "residents" dwelling inside the Item World that it might be best to just subdue them. Be careful, though! Some are quite strong. If you don't level up before facing them, you may suffer a humiliating defeat. To enter the Item World of an item you have equipped, you must first unequip that item. Note that you cannot take that item with you because you are going inside it. Remember to equip something in its place. The characteristics of an item can be viewed in the Item Status Screen. Let me explain the info you'll see. When you select an item, you will see its status. We'll start from the top. "Rarity" is just that, its rarity. The lower the number, the rarer it is. "Lv" indicates the level of the item. For each floor you travel down in the Item World, the item's level goes up by 1. "Pop" indicates the population limit for the "Specialists" that live in the item. * See "Specialists" for more info. "HP", "SP", "ATK", and so on indicate how much a character's stats will be raised when the item is equipped. Each circle next to a stat represents a Specialist that boosts that stat. Two circles means 2 Specialists, etc. -ADD- and -BONUS- indicate the existence and number of Specialists that raise stats other than HP-RES. If you change the page by pressing Square, you can check out all the Specialists dwelling in that item. For example, "Coach 7" would mean that there is a Specialist that can add 7 extra points to a character's SP. An "Alchemist" can add the Poison effect to your attacks, while a "Pharmacist" can help protect you from Poison. The stats on the first page of information already reflect the Specialists present. While some items may look similar, they are often very different due to their Rarity and Specialists. Keep a close eye out while shopping for the ideal item. For each floor you clear inside an item, that item will go up one level. The farther down you go, the stronger the enemies will be. You do not have to defeat every Resident, so if you feel endangered, head for the Dimensional Gate. You can only exit the Item World after clearing every 10th floor, unless you have an item called "Mr. Gency's Exit" which allows you to escape at any time. Plan carefully before entering an item. Also, you can start from the same floor you left off at in an Item World. Try to reach the bottom! There are some good Residents in the Item World, too. They are called "Specialists". If you press Square at the Item Status Screen, you may see a job title like "Gladiator" or "Sentry" displayed on the screen. That means that somewhere in that Item World there are Specialists that can boost the item's ATK and DEF stats. For example, "Gladiator 4" indicates the existence of a Specialist that can raise the item's ATK by 4 points. When you encounter Specialists in the Item World, they are neither friend nor foe. If you are able to defeat them, Prince, they will submit to you. And once they have submitted, they will power up the item they inhabit. Also, once they have submitted, you can move them from one item to another. Once you defeat Specialists, you can move them from one item to another. The ability/bonus they provide to an item will also be transferred. There is a limit to the population for each item, however. The number of Specialists cannot exceed this limit. For example, if the screen says "Pop. 5/12", there are 5 Residents living in the item, and the item can hold a maximum of 12. The population limit is determined by the item's "Rarity". When the population reaches its limit, you can combine Residents to make room. Select "Combine Residents", and then choose an item. Combining Residents only works when more than 1 Resident of the same job are inhabiting a particular Item World. The purpose of combining Residents is reorganizing and powering up. Combining Residents will allow you to transfer other Specialists and further power up an item. Note that the Specialist resulting from a combination will provide the same total bonus as the component Specialists. By repeating this process, you can make powerful items. "Rarity" is just that: it's how rare an item is (its worth). The rarer an item (the lower its Rarity), the more valuable it is. The rarest items are called "Rares" and "Legends". Rares and Legends are powerful items that allow for large populations. Their Item Worlds also have more floors than normal items, which means higher levels can be attained. Longinus: Ohhhh! Finally, a warrior worthy of being my master! I am Longinus! I am the mighty spear that served King Krichevskoy!! With the King no longer, I shall serve as your spear! Now, pull me out! Dimensional Gatekeeper: I have added "Vyers Castle" to the list of available areas. It is fairly new, so I do not know much about it. However, it is rumored that a very able man lives there. Etna: Hmmm... Whatcha gonna do, Prince? Should we take a peek? Laharl: Definitely. I'll slaughter the master of the castle as the 1st step to becoming Overlord! === ii. Vyers Castle === --- a. Magnificent Gate --- [No script] --- b. Blessed Court --- [Camera shows a beautiful castle courtyard] Etna: Wow. This is a pretty nice place. Etna: Ah! That vase would sell for a lot. Laharl: Fool! That makes us petty thieves. Laharl: I can't disgrace the name of the Overlord. I have to be impartial and... Etna: Impartial and... what? Laharl: ...plunder everything!! Etna: Ohh! That's our Prince! You're so ruthless. Prinny Squad: Hey there, you atrocious fiend! Etna: You cold-blooded monster! Prinny Squad: A demon among demons! Laharl: Hmph... Quit complimenting me so much... It's embarrassing. Laharl: Now, listen up! I want you to pillage and plunder anything and everything in this castle!! Prinny Squad: Aye aye, dood! Laharl: Haaahahahaha!! [Fade to black] --- c. Corridor of Love --- [No Script] --- d. Hall of Caresses --- [Camera shows a magnificent room within Vyers Castle, highlighted by a red couch in the center] Laharl: Hm? Is this the last room? Voice: Haaahahahaha!! Laharl: Who's there!? Voice: How rude, invading a man's house and asking him, "Who's there?" Voice: But, I give you credit for your bravery. Voice: Haaaaaaahhhh!! Sassy Demon: Voila! Sassy Demon: ...Forgive moi, I must leave you in awe. Sassy Demon: My name is Vyers. I am the lord of this castle. Etna: Vyers? Isn't he the demon that's been knocking off competition for the throne...? Vyers: Oui. That is correct, mademoiselle. Vyers: I am an aristocrat with both strength and beauty... They call moi the "Dark Adonis". Vyers: ...Young man. I assume that you are the son of the late King Krichevskoy, are you not? Laharl: That's right. I'm Laharl, the heir to the throne. Vyers: The heir to the throne? Vyers: Hah! That is history, dear boy. Your existence has long been forgotten... Vyers: Are you blind to the horde of demons lining up to fight for the throne? Laharl: So? I'm the heir. That's all that matters. Laharl: If they've forgotten, then I'll just have to make them remember. Vyers: I see. So you saw my potential and decided to strike first against moi... Vyers: Such wonderful intuition... Well played, son of Krichevskoy. Laharl: I've never even heard of you. It's only a coincidence that we're here. Laharl: You're just a tiny stepping stone on my path to the throne. Vyers: *gasp* How dare you! I am the Dark Adonis Vy... Laharl: Who gives a damn about you? Your new name is "Mid-Boss". Vyers: Mi, Mi, Mid-Boss!? Etna: Looks like you hurt his pride, Prince. Mid-Boss: Unforgivable... Mid-Boss: That is unforgivable!!!! [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera displays the same room seen before the battle took place] Mid-Boss: Heh... I have underestimated your skill. I took you for but a child. Mid-Boss: But, that was an error in judgement... I am too kind-hearted. Laharl: Liar. You were serious just now. Etna: How pathetic. Nothing's worse than a sore loser. Mid-Boss: Ugh...! What repulsive little brats you are. Mid-Boss: I shall come to return the favor, so do not forget moi!! Laharl: Alright, let's collect the spoils and head home. Etna: Uh... Prince, I need to use the restroom. Prinny Squad: Master Etna ran away. Prinny Squad: ...which means... Dood, we're gonna hafta carry all this? Prinny Squad: We're Master Etna's vassals, not the Prince's... Laharl: Etna's vassals are my vassals. And my vassals do what I say. Laharl: Now, get to work. Prinny Squad: Doooooood... Big Sis Prinny: Now, now. It's only until the next red moon, right? Prinny Squad: I guess you're right, dood. I'll get to work. [Fade to black] [Camera shows a dark room in a seemingly different area] Etna: ...No, he doesn't suspect a thing. Voice: I see... But still, how did he survive after drinking that potion...? Voice: If he fully recovers, this will become a difficult task... Etna: Don't worry. If you leave it to me, the throne will be yours. Voice: Are you sure you can deliver on that promise? Etna: ...Yes. Remember, in exchange... Voice: I know. When I reign supreme as the Overlord, I shall return it to you. Etna: ...... Voice: Hmhmhm... Voice: Hahahahahaha!! Episode: 1 Prince of the Netherworld End. === iii. Mid-Boss Ending === (NOTE: This ending is seen by losing to Mid-Boss in Episodes 1, 4, 6, or 10) [Camera shows a dark area] Mid-Boss: Huh? I have won... Mid-Boss: Haha... This is not as I expected, but... Mid-Boss: I am simply too strong! I am simply too beautiful! Ahh, how sinful it is... Mid-Boss: They will eventually rise again to face the challenge, but in the meantime... Mid-Boss: O flowers! O trees! O grass! Come, celebrate my strength! Mid-Boss: Let the music begin. [Fade to black] [Camera shows a picture of Mid-Boss sitting on the throne as the credits roll] Fin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Episode 2: Enter Flonne + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Finally, the time has come for Prince Laharl to pay for all his evil deeds! Laharl: Hey. Etna: Now, Etna will fulfill the late Prince's wish and succeed him to the throne. Laharl: I'm not dead. Etna: So long, Prince! Your humble vassal Etna will put your money and power to good use. Laharl: You're one scary girl. Etna: Next on Hyper Dimensional Demon Gal Etna, Episode 2: The Birth of Queen Etna Etna: A new era of the Netherworld begins! Laharl: You're delusional... [Fade to black] [Camera shows an angelic world, complete with clouds, a single tree, the ocean, and an obelisk in the middle of the screen] [Words appear on screen as a voice narrates] Celestia - a world where beings known as angels live. The Netherworld, Celestia, and the human world... legend has it that these worlds are connected. This is one of such nexuses, between the Netherworld and Celestia. However, it is sealed by a gate constructed by the angels of ancient times... [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area above the clouds, with multiple plateaus floating in the background] Cute Angel: Did you send for me, Master Lamington? Seraph: Yes, I did. Seraph: Here, Flonne. Have a look. The flowers are in full bloom. Flonne: How beautiful! Seraph: ...... Flonne: *giggle* I love these flowers. Flonne: They are simple, yet so bright and lively... Flonne: I want to be like these flowers... Seraph: ...Flonne, listen carefully to what I have to say. Flonne: Yes? Seraph: As Seraph, I have orders for you, Angel Trainee Flonne. Seraph: Go to the Netherworld and assassinate the Overlord, King Krichevskoy. Flonne: Huh? [Fade to black] [Camera shows the Episode 2 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's Castle] Flonne: Well, I'm here... at the Overlord's Castle. Flonne: ...I still wonder why the Seraph picked me, though. Flonne: Master Vulcanus would have been a much better choice... Flonne: Not only that, but an assassination... What is the Seraph thinking? [Fade to black] [Camera shows a courtyard within Celestia] Stern Angel: Master Lamington! Master Lamington, are you here!? Seraph: Why all the ruckus, Vulcanus? You scared the birds away. Vulcanus: Who cares about the birds... I have an important question! Vulcanus: Is it true you sent Flonne to assassinate King Krichevskoy!? Seraph: Yes, it is true. Vulcanus: Wha, wha, wha!? What did you do that for!? Vulcanus: King Krichevskoy is the ruler of that abominable, dirty, rotten Netherworld!! Seraph: ...... Vulcanus: If you want him assassinated, it would make more sense to send me! Vulcanus: Instead, you pick that Angel Trainee... Vulcanus: You think too highly of her! Vulcanus: I am very aggravated by this! Seraph: ...That is exactly why you are not fit for this task. Seraph: Besides, this is something that only Flonne can accomplish... [Fade to black] [Camera shows Flonne running through Laharl's throne room] Flonne: Whoosh! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Flonne running behind Laharl's throne] Flonne: Nin nin nin! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Flonne jumping into Laharl's bedroom] [Flonne speaks to herself while turning every which way in confusion] Flonne: Wumph!! Flonne: Whew... Looks like I made it in without being seen. Flonne: What do they call those guys in the human world? Oh, yes... "Ninjas"... I always wanted to be one. Flonne: Maybe I have potential. Nin nin<3 Flonne: ...But still, is it alright for me to be doing this? Flonne: The angels all say that demons are evil, but are they really? Flonne: It doesn't seem fair to judge somebody based on rumors alone. Flonne: Even if it's the Seraph's orders, I don't feel right assassinating somebody I don't know. Flonne: ...Does that mean it's alright to assassinate somebody I DO know? That seems wrong, too. Flonne: Can't kill strangers... Hmmmm, can't kill acquaintances either... ...which means... ohhhh... [Laharl walks up behind Flonne] Laharl: Who are you, and why are you in my room talking to yourself!? [Flonne turns around] Flonne: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! [Flonne bops Laharl on the head, and Laharl gets knocked backwards] Laharl: Owww...! What the heck did you do that for!? Flonne: Oh, I'm sorry. You scared me, so I accidentally... Flonne: (...Huh? Is he a demon...?) Flonne: (There are demons this young...? I didn't know that.) Laharl: Hmph... So, who are you? Flonne: Me? [Flonne takes a few steps toward Laharl] Flonne: Nice to meet you. I'm an assassin. [Flonne turns around] Flonne: Whoops. I wasn't supposed to say that. [Laharl takes a few steps toward Flonne] Laharl: ...You're pretty dense, aren't you? [Flonne turns toward Laharl] Flonne: My! How rude, calling somebody you just met dense! Laharl: I think that an assassin who tries to kill someone in his sleep is a lot ruder. Flonne: ...You're right. I apologize. Laharl: (...Is she really an assassin?) Flonne: It looks like I failed this time, so I guess I'll be leaving now. [Flonne takes a bow] Flonne: I'll be back again. Please take care. [Flonne runs out of the room] Laharl: H, Hey! Wait! Laharl: Someone! Get in here, now!! [Etna walks into the room and puts her hand on her hip] Etna: Why are you yelling at this time of night? Ohhh, did you have a nightmare? [Laharl crosses his arms, his eyes turn red, and his hair sticks straight up] Laharl: No, you fool! An assassin has infiltrated the castle! Etna: Huh? [Laharl becomes relaxed again] Laharl: What happened to the Prinnies that were supposed to be on patrol!? Etna: They've partied themselves to sleep. [Laharl's hair sticks straight up, and his eyes turn red again] Laharl: Those idiots...!! Laharl: I'm gonna smack 'em! Wake them up, now!! Laharl: We've got an assassin to track down!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in his room] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: Have you saved yet? Etna: Huh? Come to think of it... Etna: Prince, have we saved yet? Manty: It's a bit noisy. Is there some sort of party? Party hardy! Laharl: ...Why are all my vassals like this? Etna: Ever take a look in the mirror? Dratti: Prince, weren't you assassinated? Laharl: Stop killing me in your head! Gargo: I heard about the assassin. Gargo: Congratulations! Assassination attempts mean that you're a full-fledged demon. Laharl: ...Am I supposed to be happy? Ghoss: Prince, have you visited the Dark Assembly? Ghoss: You need to milk the system for all it's worth to have an edge in battle. Laharl: Now is not the time... Zommie: If you're looking for the assassin, I saw her walk by here. Zommie: I think she used the Dimensional Gate to escape. Laharl: ...If you saw all this, why didn't you chase after her? Zommie: That would require effort on my part. Dimensional Gatekeeper: Ah, Prince. An unfamiliar girl was just here to use the Dimensional Gate. Laharl: Where'd she go!? Dimensional Gatekeeper: She wanted to go someplace where nobody could find her, so I sent her to the "Frozen River". Etna: Um, doesn't revealing that information defeat the entire purpose of her escaping? === i. Frozen River === --- a. Forsaken Land --- [No script] --- b. Icy Breath --- [Camera shows a land filled with snow and ice] Flonne: ...... Laharl: There she is! Etna: What? She's the assassin? Etna: I was expecting somebody a little more... menacing. Oh, well. Laharl: Just shut up and capture her. Prinny Squad: Aye aye, dood. Flonne: Prima Pretty Prippanica! Flonne: Mighty warriors, protect me! Zombie: Oooooooooooooohhhhh!! Etna: Angelic language...!? Etna: Prince, she must be from Celestia. Laharl: Makes no difference to me. Laharl: Angel or god, anyone who opposes me will suffer a terrifying death. Laharl: Hmhmhm...! Say your prayers! Flonne: Please don't push yourselves too hard. You guys can run if it gets dangerous. Laharl: Don't let her escape! Laharl: We'll teach her a lesson! [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area in Celestia with clouds and floating plateaus] Seraph: ...... Voice: Hmhmhm... Seraph: Reveal yourself! Seraph: Oh, it is you. Please do not startle me like that. Seraph: So... How are things progressing? Voice: Well, I cannot say that they have gone perfectly, but there is nothing to be concerned about. Seraph: I see... Forgive me for putting such a heavy burden on you. Voice: Please... It was my idea to begin with. Voice: By the way, how is the girl doing? Has she managed to meet Laharl safely? Seraph: I would not use the word "safely", but she is managing in her own way. Voice: You have a lot of faith in her. Seraph: Yes... Just as you have faith in him. [Fade to black] --- c. Eternal Winter --- [Camera shows an icy field where Laharl and Etna have caught up to Flonne] Flonne: How persistent... Are all demons like this? Flonne: I have no other choice. I'll have to use a sleep spell. Nighty-night! Etna: Oh no, you don't! [A red glow begins emitting from Etna] Etna: Fryer Fire Frapparisque! Etna: Flames, burn that girl to the ground! [A white glow begins emitting from Flonne] Flonne: Berry Barrier Balidaire! Flonne: Mirror, reflect the flames! [Etna fires a Fire spell, which bounces off of Flonne's Reflect spell, just misses a dodging Etna, and burns Laharl] Etna: Whoa! Laharl: Ow!! Etna: Uh... Sorry, Prince. Laharl: Ugh...! My hair...! [Laharl takes a few steps toward Flonne] Laharl: Now you've done it! I had my hair just how I wanted it! This is unforgivable! [Laharl's eyes turn red, and his hair sticks straight up in the air] Laharl: Feel the wrath of Laharl!! [Flonne runs away] [Fade to black] --- d. White Death --- [Camera shows Laharl and Etna cornering Flonne against an icy wall] Laharl: You can't escape! Laharl: I'm proud to say that I'm the most persistent demon in all the Netherworld! Flonne: Is that so? Wow... That's really something. [Laharl takes a few steps toward Flonne] Laharl: ...Are you trying to make a fool of me? [Etna steps forward and faces Laharl from Laharl's left] Etna: No, I think that's the way she is. Flonne: *giggle* Now it's my turn to show off a little. Flonne: But, I'll have to use the item the Seraph gave me, so I can only do it once. [Flonne takes a step forward] Flonne: Are you ready? Here I go! [Laharl and Etna face each other] Etna: Prince... I think we're playing by her rules... [A white glow begins emitting from Flonne] Flonne: Durian Dragon Dranyago! Flonne: Dragon, come forth!! [A Green Dragon appears in between Flonne, Laharl, and Etna] Dragon: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!! [Etna turns toward Laharl] Etna: ...Prince, we have to fight THIS? [Laharl faces Etna] Laharl: We don't have much choice, do we? [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows the same map where the battle took place] Flonne: Wow... You defeated my dragon. Laharl: Hmhmhm... You've caused a lot of trouble for me. Laharl: I don't know who hired you, but I'll make you regret the day you tried to assassinate the great Laharl! Flonne: Uh... Excuse me, but... Flonne: Why would I want to assassinate you? Laharl: Huh? Flonne: I am Angel Trainee Flonne. Flonne: I am here by order of the Seraph to assassinate the Overlord, King Krichevskoy. Laharl: ...You're here to kill my old man? Flonne: Your old man...? Flonne: That means... you're the King's son? Etna: Doesn't anyone in Celestia read the newspaper? Flonne: ...? Laharl: ...You came all the way from Celestia for nothing. Laharl: My old man died 2 years ago. Flonne: *sniff* Flonne: *sniff* ...I'm sorry... Laharl: H, Hey! Why are you crying? Flonne: Your father passed away, right...? Flonne: You'll never see him again... Flonne: When I think about that, it makes me sad... Laharl: Huh? Laharl: Are you crazy!? Laharl: You came here to assassinate him, right? Why should you be sad? Flonne: Are you not sad? Laharl: Me? I don't have that emotion. Flonne: That's not true. Flonne: When you lose someone or something important to you, you cry, don't you? Your heart aches, doesn't it? Laharl: Hmph... I don't understand a word you're saying. Flonne: How come? Laharl: "How come?" Because I'm a demon, of course! Flonne: Demons don't know sadness? Laharl: E, Exactly! I've never experienced such an emotion in my entire life! Flonne: If that's true, then does that mean demons don't know love, either? Flonne: Sadness is only possible because of love. Laharl: You're right. Demons have no love, either! Flonne: That's... Flonne: That's just... too sad... Laharl: (She sounds just like my mother.) Laharl: (How stupid! Love...?) Laharl: (What good is it? What's the point in having it?) Laharl: (Love is the reason Mother is dead!) Laharl: (I don't believe... I'll never believe in love!!) Flonne: (If demons really don't know love, then it's my duty as a Celestian to to explore the matter.) Flonne: (I was ordered to assassinate the Overlord, but this must be a sign from the heavens.) Flonne: (It has to be!) Flonne: (Whether demons are pure evil or not... If they really don't feel love... I will bear witness to the truth!) Laharl: What's love good for!? I don't need it... Laharl: Demons like me don't need that kind of crap! Flonne: If that is true, then demons are a real threat to Celestia. Flonne: Since I can't complete my mission, I have decided that my new goal is to learn the true nature of demons. Flonne: I must know for certain whether or not demons are capable of love. Flonne: And if necessary... Flonne: I will carry out my original mission with a new target! Laharl: Hmhmhm... Laharl: Hmhmhm!! Laharl: Haaahahahaha!! Laharl: Alright! Be my guest! Laharl: I shall burn a true vision of horror into that empty head of yours! [Flonne joins the party] Etna: *sigh* Etna: Prince, what are you doing recruiting an assassin... and an angel at that? Etna: (...But, this might avert his attention from me.) Etna: (*giggle* Perfect timing<3) [Fade to Black] Episode: 2 Enter Flonne End. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Episode 3: A Hint of Kindness + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: At long last, the nefarious angel Flonne seems to have forsaken her evil ways. Flonne: N, Nefarious angel? Etna: But, can an old dog learn new tricks!? Etna: Flonne suddenly reverts to a killing machine, slaughtering a crowd of innocent demons! Flonne: K, Killing machine!? Etna: Finally, she transforms into a space monster! Could this be the end of the Netherworld!? Flonne: S, Space monster!? Etna: Alright! It's time for me to transform!! Etna: Next on Space Detective Etna, Episode 3: Etna vs Space Monster Flonne Etna: I'll protect the Netherworld at any cost!! Flonne: I wanna be a space detective, too! Etna: Too bad. [Fade to black] {Camera shows Laharl's castle] [Fade to black] {Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Laharl: Salary? Etna: Yep. Today's the Prinny Squad's payday. Laharl: I get that part. Laharl: Now, explain to me why I have to pay YOUR vassals' salary. Etna: My vassals are your vassals, right? Etna: Then, it's only natural that you sign their paychecks. Laharl: Ugh... I can't argue with that... Laharl: ...Fine. But, it's not comin' outta my pocket. Etna: Huh? I thought you had plenty of money. Laharl: That's my allowance! No one's touching it! Etna: Stingy... Laharl: Shut up! ...So, who's the richest guy around here? Laharl: We'll just loot his place!! Flonne: ...Is he always like this? Etna: Yep, always. Flonne: I've never met anybody like that in Celestia. Etna: I'd be amazed if you did. Etna: But, you won't last long in the Netherworld if something like this surprises you. Flonne: Oooh... This is such a culture shock to me... [Fade to black] [Camera shows the Episode 3 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: Why are the folks up in Celestia sending an assassin here now? Goleck: There hasn't been any interaction between us and them for thousands of years... Laharl: Angels hating demons is old news. But, this may be the start of something big. Laharl: Things could get interesting. Hmhmhm... Manty: Where is the assassin? I'll take him on. Flonne: Good day. I am Angel Trainee Flonne, the assassin dispatched from Celestia. Pleased to meet you. Manty: Oh, nice to meet you too... Manty: Prince, you sure this is the assassin? Laharl: ...Don't ask. Dratti: If you don't have money, steal it! Dratti: It's so cool that "playing dirty" is permitted in the Netherworld. Flonne: I don't think that anyone gave permission... Gargo: The assassin was an angel? Gargo: What is the world coming to? Ghoss: Prince, have you been to the Item World? Ghoss: If you want to level up an item, you must travel deeper into the dungeon of the Item World. Ghoss: To power up an item, you must defeat the Residents known as "Specialists" and have them submit to you. Ghoss: There are other things you should know, so ask the guide to the Item World. Etna: Wow! Such friendly advice coming from a demon! Zommie: It's not so great to be rich, knowing how the Prince operates. Flonne: I agree. Dimensional Gatekeeper: I have located the richest demon in the vicinity. But due to a barrier, I cannot open a gate there. Laharl: So, what can we do? Dimensional Gatekeeper: You need a key. Laharl: A key...? Dimensional Gatekeeper: Yes. In order to open a closed gate, you must fulfill a specific condition. The condition for this gate is that you must be equipped with an item that is level 10 or higher. Etna: The Prince has to equip it? Flonne: This gate key stuff is pretty picky. Dimensional Gatekeeper: You must enter the Item World in order to level up an item. Let me warn you that the Item World for a highly ranked item has many strong enemies. My advice is to start with a common sword to avoid getting in over your head. Please be careful, Prince. [Dimensional Gatekeeper gives Laharl a Mr. Gency's Exit] By using this item, you can return to the Overlord's Castle from the Item World. In addition, you can return to where you left off at a later date. [Laharl goes to the Item World and powers up an item to level 10] Dimensional Gatekeeper: Prince! I see that you have a level 10+ item equipped. I will now add "Dinero Palace" to the list of available areas. Once a gate is open, it will remain open. You no longer need to equip an item of level 10 or higher. Laharl: Dinero Palace... Sounds rich to me. Etna: *giggle* I can't wait to see what's there<3 Prinny Squad: Dood, we'll work hard for our paycheck! === i. Dinero Palace === --- a. Gaudy Entance --- [No script] --- b. Golden Courtyard --- [Camera shows the courtyard from within Dinero Palace, highlighted by a central staircase] Laharl: What the...!? These are all from the castle. Etna: It was probably taken when the King died. Laharl: ...So, this place belongs to an ex-vassal. Laharl: Hmhmhm...This'll be fun!! Laharl: Hey, Prinnies! This is for your paychecks! You better work hard!! Prinny Squad: Aye aye, dood! Flonne: Hmmmmmm. Flonne: Netherworld Prinnies are a lot different than Celestial Prinnies... Flonne: In Celestia, Prinnies, cook, clean, and do the laundry. Etna: But they're all the same on the inside. Flonne: On the inside? What do you mean? Etna: You're an angel, and you don't know these things? Etna: Prinnies have human soul inside them. Etna: Most of 'em were pretty worthless in their past lives, like murderers or thieves. Etna: They work as Prinnies in the Netherworld and Celestia to atone for their sins. Etna: In Celestia, they do good deeds for free. Etna: In the Netherworld, they do ultra-hard labor for less than minimum wage. Etna: Once they've redeemed themselves or saved enough money, they can be reincarnated. Etna: I don't know all the details, but that's the basic idea. Flonne: I see. Flonne: But, why do they work for money in the Netherworld? Etna: You've never heard of the saying, "money makes the Netherworld go round"? Flonne: ...? I don't get it. Is money that important? Etna: Of course it is! Geez, you Celestians... Etna: Look, there's nothin' more important than money, in this world or any other! Flonne: Of course there is! Love and friendship and... Etna: Huh? Etna: What good is that stuff? Etna: Is your head full of flowers or something? Flonne: Yes, I love flowers. Etna: Oh, geez... Your head IS full of flowers. [Fade to black] --- c. Flashy Passage --- [Camera shows a hallway within Dinero Palace] Etna: Ah! Prince, look! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a portrait of a regal demon] Laharl: It's a portrait of my old man... Flonne: Oh... So, this is what Mr. Krichevskoy looked like? Etna: That's right. He was a magnificent Overlord. Laharl: Hmph. Not even. Laharl: I was ready to dethrone him myself, but he went and croaked on his own. Etna: Hey Prince, can I have it? Laharl: Sure, go ahead. [Fade to black] [Camera shows the Golden Courtyard] Flonne: ...Come to think of it, how did he pass away? Etna: Choked on a black pretzel. Flonne: ...Huh? Flonne: The Overlord of the Netherworld died by choking on a pretzel!? Etna: Well, it happened... So I guess anything's possible. Flonne: *sigh* And this was the person I was ordered to assassinate...? [Fade to black] --- d. Lavish Hall --- [Camera shows the throne room within Dinero Palace] Greedy Demon: One, two, three, four... Greedy Demon: *snicker* O money, how do I love thee?$ Let me count the ways<3$ Greedy Demon: With you to fund my military campaign, I shall become the next Overlord!$ *snort* Laharl: Long time no see, Hoggmeiser. Hoggmeiser: Who's there!?$ Laharl: Hmhmhm... Don't tell me you've forgotten me. Hoggmeiser: ...Who are you?$ Laharl: Laharl!! The heir to the throne!! King Krichevskoy's son!!!! Hoggmeiser: ...Oh yeah$ *snort* Hoggmeiser: Ever since the King died, I knew I was forgetting something... Ahhhh, so it was you, Prince$ Laharl: You call yourself a vassal!? Etna: You know how demons are. You always say not to be so picky about the details. Laharl: I'm not a detail! Etna: Oh, don't be so self-centered. Hoggmeiser: I'm glad you helped refresh my memory$ It was nagging me like a fish bone stuck in my throat$ *snort* Laharl: F, Fish bone!? You...! Hoggmeiser: ...Well, what do you want?$ Laharl: Whaddya mean, what do I want? Now that my old man's dead, I'm the Netherworld's next Overlord! Laharl: I'm taking back everything that's mine... And the rest of your fortune, too! Hoggmeiser: *snicker* Hoggmeiser: Don't push your luck$ *snort* Just because you're the King's son, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want$ Hoggmeiser: It's strength that counts in the Netherworld$ If you want what is now mine, you'll have to take it by force$ Laharl: That's exactly what I had in mind! Laharl: Enough talk; let's go!! Flonne: (Fighting over money and power...) Flonne: (Were the angels right about demons...?) Flonne: (If they really are evil, then...) [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows the throne room again] Laharl: Hmhmhm... you lose. I'm taking everything, as promised. Hoggmeiser: Y, You can't!$ I won't be able to survive without my money!$ Laharl: Well then, I'll just finish you off now. Hoggmeiser: *squeal* Flonne: (How cruel... Not only is he taking his money, but his life, too...) Flonne: (I can't let this happen!) Flonne: (If worse comes to worse, I'll stop him with my own two hands.) [Flash of white comes across the screen] Kid Demon: Wait, you bully!! Laharl: Who are you? Hoggmeiser's son? Hoggmeiser's Son: ...... Laharl: Let go. I won't go easy on you just because you're a kid. Hoggmeiser's Son: ...... Laharl: ...Hey, kid. Why are you risking your life for this greedy pig? Laharl: You wanna die? Hoggmeiser's Son: ...... Flonne: Don't you understand, Laharl? Flonne: This is love. Laharl: Here we go again... Laharl: Love, love, love. Is that all you've got in your puny little head!? You damn Love Freak! Flonne: You can call me whatever you want. But, why is it that you refuse to believe in love? Flonne: You reject it because you're afraid of it! Isn't that right? [Screen goes white] [Camera shows Laharl's castle in an apparent flashback] Noble Demon: Laharl, my son. Laharl: ...Hm? Noble Demon: What do you think of me? Do you love me? Laharl: ...No, I hate you. Laharl's Father: Hm... A typical answer for a demon. Laharl's Father: Which is fine, for now. But, one day... [Screen goes white] [Camera goes back to the throne room within Dinero Palace] Laharl: (Hmph... Now she's got me thinking about my old man...) Laharl: (My old man, huh...) Laharl: (What was he trying to tell me that time?) Laharl: (......) Laharl: (...Hmph, this is stupid. Why am I even thinking about this?) Laharl: (It's all that Love Freak's fault...!) Laharl: ...Forget it. I've wasted enough of my time. Etna: Huh? You're not going to finish him? Laharl: It wouldn't make me any richer. Laharl: Alright, start taking the good stuff! Laharl: ...But, make sure you leave some behind for them. Flonne: Laharl... Laharl: Hmph... [Hoggmeiser joins the party] Flonne: Master Lamington, I finally understand. Flonne: Those words you spoke to me... [Screen goes white] [Camera shows an area in Celestia in an apparent flashback] Flonne: Master Lamington. Seraph: What is it, Flonne? Flonne: The angels told me that the demons are all evil. Is that true? Seraph: What do you think? Flonne: Hmmmm... I've never met one, so I don't know. Seraph: Haha... Seraph: Listen carefully, Flonne. There is no such thing as absolute evil or absolute good. Seraph: The angels assume that they are good and the demons are evil. That is an unfortunate misconception. Seraph: Demons do have love. The angels... and in fact, most demons, just do not realize it. Seraph: If we can guide them... If we can make them see, then one day... [Screen goes white] [Camera goes back to the throne room within Dinero Palace] Flonne: Master Lamington, I will accompany Laharl for a little while longer. Flonne: He is selfish, self-centered, and stubborn... And those aren't his only shortcomings. Flonne: But I have discovered a hint of kindness in his heart. Flonne: It may be small right now... Flonne: ...But I have great hope that he will learn to love. Flonne: So, Master Lamington... ...please forgive my digression. [Fade to black] Episode: 3 A Hint of Kindness End. === ii. Flonne Tragedy Ending === (NOTE: This ending is seen by killing 50 allies before the Lavish Hall battle, then choosing to kill Hoggmeiser) [After the battle, the camera shows the throne room again] Laharl: Hmhmhm... you lose. I'm taking everything, as promised. Hoggmeiser: Y, You can't!$ I won't be able to survive without my money!$ Laharl: Well then, I'll just finish you off now. Hoggmeiser: *squeal* Flonne: (How cruel... Not only is he taking his money, but his life, too...) Flonne: (I can't let this happen!) Flonne: (If worse comes to worse, I'll stop him with my own two hands.) Flonne: Hold it! Flonne: ...So, demons ARE evil. Laharl: Fool... Of course they are. Flonne: Then, you leave me no choice... Flonne: I shall defeat you! Laharl: Hmhmhm...! Laharl: Good! Give it your best shot! [Screen goes black, then multiple white flashes appear] [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within Celestia] Voice: ...... Seraph: It is a pity that it has come to this. Voice: Yes... The gate between the Netherworld and Celestia may remain forever sealed... [Fade to black] [Camera shows a picture of Flonne's feathers on a black background as the credits roll] Fin ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + VII. Episode 4: Gift From an Angel + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Roaming the wild frontier, Etna is challenged by the Dark Chef Hao! Etna: A Cooking Battle Deathmatch begins that will shake the earth's foundation! Prinny Squad: Sounds cheesy to me, dood. Etna: This week's dish: Cajun style gumbo! And the ingredient - the Prinny Squad!! Prinny Squad: Dood!? Us!? Etna: Etna struggled to resist the powers of the dark side of cooking!! Etna: But then, Ajikage the Ninja Cook appears!! Prinny Squad: Dood, what in the world...? Etna: Next on Fire Chef Cooking Gal Etna, Episode 4: Etna 120%!! Etna: With a pinch of murderous intent... Prinny Squad: You're hopeless, dood... [Fade to black] [Camera shows a pitch-black room] Vulcanus: Our little Flonne... She managed to escape the grasp of the demons... Vulcanus: Hmph! She probably used her feminine charm. Vulcanus: ...So, Krichevskoy was already dead. Vulcanus: What I don't understand is why Flonne hasn't returned to Celestia. Vulcanus: !!! Is it possible that she's trying to use the demons to gain control of Celestia!? Vulcanus: That's it! That has to be it! There's no other explanation!! Vulcanus: *grunt* I won't allow it! My plan shall not be interfered with! Vulcanus: ...Still, this demon den is so filthy... Vulcanus: It reeks of evil. Vulcanus: Hm? What's this book? Vulcanus: Don't demons know how to put things away when they're done with them? [Screen glows red] Vulcanus: ---------------------!!!! Vulcanus: What kind of book is this!? My god!! Vulcanus: This page! Vulcanus: This page!! Vulcanus: All these pages...!!! Vulcanus: Hah... hah... Vulcanus: Hah... hah...! [Red glow stops] Vulcanus: ...Huh!? Vulcanus: I mustn't! I mustn't fall for the demons' trap! Vulcanus: Those cunning fiends! But I, Archangel Vulcanus, will not fall prey to such a dirty trick. [Fade to black] [Camera shows a room within Laharl's castle] Vulcanus: Flonne... Where are you...? Voice: Zzzzzzz... Vulcanus: Hm!? Voice: Zzzzzzz... Vulcanus: *grunt* I found you. Vulcanus: There is onyl one person who makes a noise like that when she sleeps! [Fade to black] {Camera shows a dark room] Vulcanus: *grunt* Vulcanus: Flonne... I'm taking your pendant. Vulcanus: Rot in the depths of the Netherworld. *grunt* [Fade to black] [Camera shows the Episode 4 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Laharl: A pendant? Flonne: Yes... It was gone when I woke up this morning. Laharl: ...And what are you trying to say? Laharl: That one of us stole your pendant? Flonne: No... If it were you... ...you would steal it impartially, right? Laharl: Hm... S, So you do get it. Laharl: Then, what do you want me to do? Flonne: I want you to... ...help me find my pendant... Laharl: Huh? Do I look like a servant boy to you? Flonne: No... but... Etna: What's wrong, Flonne? You look tired. Flonne: Y, Yes... Flonne: The Seraph gave that pendant to me before I came to the Netherworld... Flonne: An Angel Trainee like me cannot stay in the Netherworld very long without that pendant... Flonne: At this rate, I will lose all of my energy, and eventually die... Etna: Hmmmm, is that so? Well, that sucks. Etna: Prince, whatcha gonna do? Laharl: Like I should care. Laharl: She came to assassinate my old man in the first place. Etna: That's our Prince. Even capable of turning his back on such a helpless little girl. Laharl: Of, Of course... Flonne: L, Laharl... Laharl: W, What? It's the truth, isn't it? Flonne: Laharl... Flonne: If you can find my pendant, I will give you something good. Laharl: "Something good", you say? Laharl: Hmph. If I wanted it, I'd just steal it from you. Flonne: You would use violence on weak little me? Laharl: Give it up, already! I'm a demon! Laharl: It doesn't matter how you are! Even if you were old, maimed, or diseased! Flonne: ...Fine. Flonne: Then, my gift will never be yours... Laharl: ...What's that supposed to mean? Flonne: ...... Laharl: Tell me!! Flonne: ...... Laharl: ...Are you trying to provoke me? Laharl: ...... Laharl: Hmph... Fine. I've got some time to kill. Flonne: Laharl... Laharl: But! Let me make one thing clear. I'm not doing this for your sake! Laharl: And when I find the pendant, that "something good" is mine! Flonne: Thank you, Laharl. Laharl: You're an angel! You shouldn't be thanking demons. Laharl: I do what I want, when I want! Laharl: Remember that! Hmph!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: I overheard the Prinnies talking about a "2nd Cycle". What does that mean? Manty: Us monster-type demons can only equip monster-type weapons. Manty: Isn't that just unfair? Dratti: Are you utilizing Team Attacks? Gargo: When bribing Senators, it's best to bribe the highest level Senator possible. Gargo: The higher their level, the more influence they have. Etna: So basically, money is power, huh? Ghoss: Now that you mention it, I did see a suspicious man prowling around last night. Laharl: ...And what did you do? Ghoss: Watched quietly from a distance, of course. Zommie: Some middle-aged man went to the "Blazing Core" recently. Zommie: Is he a tourist? Dimensional Gatekeeper: Prince, this is a serious matter. Laharl: What's wrong? Dimensional Gatekeeper: Someone opened a gate to the "Blazing Core" without me knowing. Who could have done this...? Laharl: ...Maybe he knows where that pendant is. Laharl: Alright! I shall find him and make him confess everything! === i. Blazing Core === --- a. Road of Flames --- [Camera shows a mountain path highlighted by a lava-filled canyon] Etna: It's so hot here!! What's with this place!? Etna: This is too much for me. I'm outta here. Laharl: Wait. Look at this. Etna: A feather...? Flonne: ------!! Let me see! Etna: What's so special about it? Flonne: ...This is an angel feather. Laharl: It's not yours, is it? Flonne: No... It's size... and the aura it radiates... They are both superior to mine. Flonne: This feather belongs to a high-level angel... Laharl: Hmph, no wonder this place reeks of goodness. Flonne: But, I came to the Netherworld under the Seraph's secret orders. Flonne: Why would another angel be here...? Etna: Prince, you think that angel stole Flonne's pendant? Laharl: Hmmm. I'm surprised that a Love Freak like you would have enemies. Flonne: That is not possible! An angel would never steal my pendant... Laharl: But, only angels know about the pendant, right? Flonne: W, Well... Laharl: Ah... Forget it. We still have to find it, regardless. Laharl: I don't care what kind of trouble those Celestians stir up for themselves. Flonne: ...... [Fade to black] --- b. Parched Ground --- [Camera shows Laharl, Etna, Flonne, and the Prinny Squad walking onto the Parched Ground battle map] Etna: I wanna go home. Why is it so hot? Etna: Now, I'm all sweaty. [Laharl turns toward Etna] Etna: Prince, in this heat, Flonne's gonna shrivel up before we find the pendant. [Flonne takes a few steps toward Laharl and Etna] Flonne: Huh? I'm fine. Etna: How come? [Camera angle shifts to Etna's face, while Laharl moves to her right] [Etna's eyes turn red] Etna: I'm gonna kill you if you say that angels don't sweat or have to go to the bathroom. [Etna calms down] [Camera angle shifts back to facing Flonne's face] Flonne: N, No. The medicine that a Prinny gave me seems to be helping. Etna: Huh? One of 'em gave you medicine? Etna: Prinnies aren't that nice. ...You must be hallucinating. [Laharl turns toward Flonne] Flonne: No, it's true! I feel much better now. [Laharl turns toward Etna] Etna: Okay, which one of 'em was it, then? [Laharl turns toward Flonne as the Prinny Squad starts panicking silently] Flonne: Ummmm... [The party scans all the Prinnies] Flonne: ...They all look the same. Etna: ...... [Flonne takes a step toward Etna] Flonne: B, But it's true! Etna: Yeah, yeah. The heat must be getting to you, after all. [Etna turns away from everyone and sulks] Flonne: I'm telling the truth... [Fade to black] --- c. Blazing Field --- [Camera shows the Blazing Field battle map] Laharl: Hey, for future reference, what kind of guy is this Seraph? Flonne: Future reference? Laharl: Yeah. I may end up fighting him one day. Laharl: I'm looking for your pendant. The least you could do is tell me. Flonne: Well, I guess it's okay. Etna: No, it's not. Flonne: Well... Master Lamington, the Seraph, is a very kind person. Flonne: He loves flowers and poems. Laharl: Now, wait a second... I only wanna hear about his weak points... Etna: Hmmmm, so you look up to the Seraph? Flonne: Yes, of course. Is there someone that you look up to? Etna: Me? The late King. Laharl: What!? Then you don't look up to ME? Etna: Nope. Laharl: Why you...! You call yourself a vassal!? Etna: Yeah... Sorta. Laharl: ...! Someone shoudl teach you some manners... Laharl: Enough of this! Let's find that pendant! [Fade to black] --- d. Molten Labyrinth --- [Camera shows Vulcanus appearing into an area within the Blazing Core] Vulcanus: *grunt* Vulcanus: Flonne is probably breathing her last breath now... Vulcanus: She could have lived a long life, had she not been so ambitious. Vulcanus: *grunt* That fool. Vulcanus: No one can stop me now... [Small white glow begins to shine from Vulcanus] Vulcanus: W, What!? The pendant's shining...! Vulcanus: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! Hot-hot!! Too hottttttttt!!! [Screen glows in white] Vulcanus: I have no use for this anymore! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a dark area] Voice: Ow!! [Camera shows Mid-Boss standing in an area within the blazing core] [A small white glow emits from the ground just in front of Mid-Boss] Mid-Boss: Oooooooohhh, that hurt... Mid-Boss: Who threw this? That was dangerous. [Mid-Boss picks the pendant up from the ground] Mid-Boss: Hmmm? This is a beautiful pendant. Mid-Boss: It must be a gift from the heavens, a reward for my good behavior. Mid-Boss: I thank you, o god... Laharl: Moron. What demon thanks a god? Mid-Boss: Huh...? Who just called moi a moron!? [Camera pans out to show Laharl and Flonne standing on a path below Mid-Boss] Laharl: Me. Mid-Boss: Oh, what a lucky day, indeed. To be able to confront my rival once again! Laharl: ...Wait a second. Since when did I become your rival? [Etna walks onto the scene] Etna: Hey, it's Mid-Boss. Why're you still pestering us? We beat you already, remember? Mid-Boss: You should never assume that I am dead! Besides, my name is the Dark Adonis... [Flonne takes a few steps forward] Flonne: Ah! My pendant! Mid-Boss: Hmmm? What a lovely mademoiselle. You recognize this pendant? [Flonne takes a few more steps toward Mid-Boss] Flonne: Please, Mr. Mid-Boss! May I have the pendant? It's mine! Mid-Boss: Ugh! With all due respect, I prefer to be called the "Dark Adonis"... Flonne: I need it! I beg of you! [Camera shows a closeup of Mid-Boss] Mid-Boss: I, I cannot do that, even at the request of someone so lovely. Mid-Boss: I found this pendant. Mid-Boss: Therefore... It belongs to moi! [Etna takes a step forward] Etna: Man... He's as low as the Prince. [Laharl and Etna turn toward each other, with Laharl's eyes red and his hair straight in the air] Laharl: Shut up! Don't put me on the same level as him! [Everyone turns toward Mid-Moss] Flonne: Oh, my! The pendant will punish those with a wicked heart. Flonne: If you don't let go soon... you'll...! [Camera focuses on Mid-Boss] Flonne: ...Huh? Laharl:What's the deal here? Isn't he supposed to be punished? [Party turns toward each other] Flonne: Y, Yes, he should be... That's strange. Is it broken? [Everyone turns toward Mid-Boss] Mid-Boss: Haaahahahaha!! Mid-Boss: Unfortunate, is it not? The heavens would never punish such a pure heart as mine! Mid-Boss: And to match such a beautiful heart, I was graced with the name "Dark Adonis"! [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Enough. I told you, you're "Mid-Boss". Mid-Boss: Haaahahahaha!! Say what you wish! Mid-Boss: But, do not foolishly think that I am an ordinary mid-boss. Etna: Hey! You just admitted that you're a mid-boss. Mid-Boss: Quiet!! I shall crush you so that I never hear the name "Mid-Boss" again!! Mid-Boss: Since last I lost to you, I mastered an incomparable technique. I have trained arduously for this moment!! Mid-Boss: Now, prepare for your inevitable defeat!! [White flash shoots out from Mid-Boss] [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows everyone facing a wounded Mid-Boss] Mid-Boss: Heh... I shall show mercy on you for the sake of the lovely mademoiselle. Mid-Boss: But, let moi tell you this... Mid-Boss: My name is the Dark... Adonis... [Mid-Boss limps away, then trips off of the screen] [The pendant falls into a pool of lava] Flonne: Ahh! My pendant!! [Laharl jumps into the lava] [Fade to black] [Camera shows the exact same scene as before, but with Flonne standing at the edge of the river, Etna relaxing behind her, and the Prinny Squad goofing off in the background] Flonne: ...... [Laharl appears near the top of the map with the pendant in hand] Laharl: Don't make such a pitiful face. Laharl: Hmph... Isn't this what you're looking for? [Laharl and Etna walk toward Laharl] Flonne: Laharl...! Laharl: Hurry up and take it. My hand is burning. Flonne: O, Okay! [Flonne takes the pendant from Laharl, then steps back] Laharl: ...The pendant is telling me that my heart is wicked. Laharl: That's good to know. Flonne: Why...? Laharl: ...Why what? [Flonne steps toward Laharl] Flonne: Why did you do all that for the pendant? Laharl: There's only one reason. Flonne: Huh...? Laharl: To get that reward from you. Flonne: *giggle* Laharl: W, What's so funny? Flonne: Thank you, Laharl. Laharl: S, Stop it, already! I told you not to talk like that! It's giving me the chills! Laharl: Just give me my reward! Flonne: ...? [Laharl walks toward Flonne until they are face to face, and then Laharl's eyes turn red] Laharl: Uh, do I have to spell it out? Laharl: The reward! Give me the "something good" you promised me! Flonne: Oh, that. Flonne: I already gave it to you. [Laharl relaxes] Laharl: What? [Camera shifts angles to face Flonne, and Flonne then takes a step back] Flonne: Put your hand to your heart. Flonne: Can you feel it? The warmth inside your heart... Flonne: You faced great danger to find this pendant. Flonne: You pretend to be only evil, but there is definitely kindness in your heart. Flonne: To give you the opportunity to realize that kindness... Flonne: That is my reward for you. [Laharl takes a step back] Laharl: ---------!! Laharl: A, A, Are you insane!? How can you say something so crazy!? Flonne: Kindness is love. The day is near when you will awaken to love<3 *giggles* Laharl: Unbelievable! I've been tricked by an angel!! Laharl: Dammit! I'll remember this!! [Laharl jumps straight up and off of the screen] [Etna walks toward Flonne] Etna: Deceiving the Prince, huh? Not bad at all. [Flonne turns toward Etna] Flonne: Really? Etna: You look happy. Flonne: Yes, I am. I now know that there is love within Laharl's heart. Flonne: And if there is love inside him, that means there is love in all demons. Flonne: One day, angels and demons could be friends. I couldn't be happier. Etna: Boy, that theory is a bit out there. You really are a Love Freak. Etna: But, you're bound to be disappointed if you keep expecting things to turn out so cheery. Etna: Most demons would choke you from behind without a second thought. Flonne: Hmmmm. Are you like that, Etna? Etna: Maybe. Etna: You'll find out soon enough. *giggle* [Fade to black] [Camera shows Vulcanus appearing in a different area within the Blazing Core] Vulcanus: Damn that Flonne...! She managed to survive! Vulcanus: She may be a tougher adversary than I first thought. Vulcanus: It seems that she IS in fact manipulating the demons to do her bidding. Vulcanus: I must return to Celestia and devise a new plan... Vulcanus: Consider yourself lucky this time... Vulcanus: But I, Vulcanus, shall emerge victorious in the end!! [Vulcanus turns to walk away, then stops and turns back around] Vulcanus: Got that!? Don't forget it, even if I don't make an appearance for awhile! [Vulcanus turns to walk away, then stops and turns back around] Vulcanus: Promise me!! [Vulcanus walks away] [Fade to black] Episode: 4 Gift From an Angel End. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + VIII. Episode 5: Etna's Secret + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Introducing the Netherworld Baseball League's most notorious losers, the Rotten Peaches!! Etna: In their first game of the season, they'll face last year's champs, the Dark Durians!! Mid-Boss: Their names are quite unique. Etna: One by one, the Rotten Peaches are losing their already shaky confidence... Etna: ...at the hands of the merciless Dark Durian Nine!! Mid-Boss: Let us all play fair now. Etna: Out of the shadows of the dugout, Etna, a mysterious pinch-hitter appears!! Etna: Awakening the Rotten Peaches' true baseball spirit. Etna: Etna's soul burns brightly!! Mid-Boss: You shouldn't play with fire. Etna: Next on Mighty Slugger Etna, Episode 5: The Miracle Full Base Hat Trick Etna: Kick off into tomorrow!! Mid-Boss: Huh? Is this not baseball? [Fade to black] [Camera shows a hall within Laharl's castle] Etna: So yeah, I got pissed and kicked him right there. Flonne: There? Where is there? Etna: You know... *mumble* *mumble* Flonne: Oh, my! ...So, what happened after that? Etna: Well, of course... ...Hm? Flonne: What is that? ...A photo? Etna: Someone must've dropped it. Etna: ---------!! Flonne: ---------!! Etna: Ahahahahaha!! Flonne: Oh, my...! Is this Laharl...? Flonne: *giggle* ...Hahahaha!! Etna: Hmm? There's something written on the back. Laharl: What are you two laughing about? I can hear you from across the castle. Etna: B, B, But Prince... Look at this... Ahahaha, oh my god!! Laharl: It's just a picture. What's so... Laharl: --------------!! Flonne: I didn't know you were into that kind of thing. Flonne: I'm a bit shocked. Laharl: W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-What is this!? Etna: It's a humiliating photo of you. Laharl: I can see that!! Laharl: But, who the hell took it!? Etna: How should I know? By the way, something's written on the back. Laharl: ...What? [Screen gets dark as the words scroll] Dear Prince Laharl, An embarrassing photo of you is in my possession: I await your arrival in Jotunheim. If you choose to decline my challenge, copies of the photo will be scattered throughout the Netherworld. "It is my wish to contend for overlordship in a fair, agreeable manner." Laharl: Dammit!! "Fair, agreeable manner"...!? This is playing dirty! Etna: But, isn't that the demon way? Laharl: True... But this crosses the line!! Etna: ...So? Are you going or not? It's definitely a trap. Laharl: Of course I'm going! Laharl: If this picture gets spread throughout the Netherworld, I'll be ruined! Laharl: Whoever you are, you just wait! Laharl: I'll char you and your paparazzi shots in the eternal flames of hell! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Episode 5 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: The "Supreme Overlord"... An Overlord who is more powerful than all others. Goleck: But, they say that there is one who surpasses even him: "The Lord of Terror". Laharl: Hmph... There is no such thing as someone stronger than the Overlord. Laharl: That's just a legend. Manty: Whoever sent that challenge must have a lot of confidence. Dratti: From one thing to the next... It must be hard, Prince. Laharl: If you think so, then lend me a hand. Dratti: Hahaha, that's a good one. Gargo: I'm actually a father of two<3 Ghoss: Ah, Prince. I heard about the embarrassing photos. Ghoss: I never thought that a demon like you would be into that kinda stuff<3 Laharl: How could this be happening...? My life will be over if those pictures get out...! Zommie: "Jotunheim" is a land so cold that even your blood freezes... Zommie: Big deal, right? Dimensional Gatekeeper: The location specified in the challenge was Jotunheim, correct? Laharl: Why? Is something wrong? Dimensional Gatekeeper: Well... The gate that leads there is being opened from the other side. It's as if someone were waiting for you, Prince... Laharl: Hmph. A confident foe, isn't he? Laharl: Very well! This may be a trap, but I'll enjoy it anyway! === i. Jotunheim === --- a. Absolute Zero --- [No script] --- b. Endless White --- [Camera shows an icy field] Imp: ...... Laharl: ...Who are these guys? Laharl: I was looking forward to seeing what terrifying trap awaited me, but instead I find these puny little demons. Imp: ...... Laharl: What? You got something to say? Imp: A wonderful life. [Screen flashes red] Laharl: --------!! Imp: World peace. [Screen flashes red] Laharl: Gahh!! Imp: Let's all be friends. [Screen flashes red] Laharl: S, Stop that!! Imp: Girls take initiative. [Screen flashes red] Laharl: Gwaaaaaaahhh!! Flonne: Laharl? What's wrong? Etna: Oh, him? He hates it when people are optomistic. Flonne: Hmmmmm, is that so? Let's see... Flonne: Eternal love<3 [Screen flashes red] Laharl: Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!! The most dreaded word in existence... Laharl: Y, You... You trying to kill me!? Flonne: But, that's my favorite word... Laharl: Dammit... How did they know my weakness...? [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows the empty battlefield] Laharl: *huff* *huff* Flonne: Are you alright, Laharl? Laharl: B, Barely... You nearly finished me by saying that. Flonne: You mean eternal lo... Laharl: Stop!! Laharl: You're doing that on purpose, aren't you? Etna: Prince, this isn't the time to be fooling around. We have to get that photo back. Laharl: You think I don't know that!? Etna: (......) [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area in Celestia] Seraph: Are you sure that we can allow this to continue? Voice: If I thought something needed to be done, I would have done it long ago. Voice: ...I have faith in her. Seraph: ...... Voice: *chuckle* You worry needlessly. Voice: But, I understand. I shall take measures, just in case. [Fade to black] --- c. Terrible Cold --- [Camera shows an icy field] [Laharl, Etna, and Flonne all walk onto the map and are soon surrounded by Nekomatas and Succubi] Sexy Demon: *giggle* What a cute little boy<3 [Screen flashes red as Laharl is knocked backward] Laharl: Gaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! [Camera angle shifts to the front of Laharl as Etna and Flonne turn toward him] Flonne: Laharl, why are you screaming? Laharl: I, I don't know why... But for some apparent reason, I can't stand women with sexy bodies. Laharl: On a side note... Flat-chested girls like you have absolutely no effect on me. [Etna and Flonne close in on Laharl as their eyes turn red] Etna & Flonne: Well, excuse us for being flat!! [Vampire demon appears above the crowd] ????: Hmhmhm... ????: Hahahahaha!! [Laharl takes a few steps toward the vampire demon] Laharl: Y, You're...! [Etna takes a step forward] Fearless Demon: It has been awhile, Prince. Do you still remember me? Laharl: How could I forget you? Laharl: You're Maderas, the vassal who was banished from the castle for stealing my old man's favorite snack, black pretzels. Flonne: *sigh* Now, that's what I call "pathetic". Laharl: So, black-pretzel-snatcher-slash-outcast, what is it that you want from me now? Maderas: I wish to become Overlord, of course. Laharl: Hmph, what a joke. What could you, a pathetic loser banished for stealing pretzels, possibly do to me? Maderas: Stop talking so tough, Prince. I know all of your weaknesses. Maderas: Isn't that right, Etna? Laharl: ---------!!? [Laharl turns to face Etna] Laharl: Etna... You...!? [Camera turns to face Etna as she turns around] Etna: ...... Maderas: Hahahahaha! Maderas: You just realized it? Fool! Maderas: Yes... Etna is my loyal dog. Maderas: As long as I hold her memory in my hands, she'll do whatever I ask. Etna: ...... [Flonne turns to face Etna] Flonne: Etna...? Maderas: Now, dear Prince... This place shall become your grave. [Laharl and Flonne turn to face Maderas] Maderas: Etna, you've served your purpose. Maderas: I am quite pleased with the results. Now, die alongside your Prince. [Etna turns to face Maderas] Etna: But, we had a deal...! Etna: What about my memory!? [Camera turns to face Maderas] Maderas: What good are memories to you when you are about to die? Hmhmhm...! Maderas: Hahahahaha!! [Maderas disappears] Laharl: ...It all makes sense now. No wonder he knew my weaknesses. [Laharl turns to face Etna] Laharl: You took those photos, too, didn't you!? [Etna turns around] Etna: ...... [Flonne and Laharl face each other] Flonne: Laharl... It was only because that demon stole her memory... Laharl: Silence! I accept no excuses from a traitor! Laharl: Stop blabbering and get these sexy women outta my sight!! [Fade to black] --- d. Ice Queen --- [Camera shows an icy throne room] Maderas: Hmhmhm... You don't know when to give up, do you, Prince? Maderas: But, your luck ends here. Sexy Demon: Hi there, little boy<3 [Screen flashes red] Laharl: Ugahhhh!! Maderas: That's not all... Take this! Sexy Demon: A ray of hope<3 [Screen flashes red] Laharl: Ugh!! Sexy Demon: A pure heart<3 [Screen flashes red] Laharl: Stop it...!! Maderas: Hahahahahaha! Maderas: Can you withstand an attack against both of your vulnerabilities? Laharl: Ugh...!! Flonne: Laharl, hang in there! Voice: Whoa, hold it right there! Mid-Boss: When a lovely flower sheds a tear, I am there to wipe its sadness away. My flower shall bloom, bearing love... Mid-Boss: They call me the Dark Adonis... Maderas: Who are you!? What is your name!? Mid-Boss: As I said, I am the Dark Adonis... Maderas: I don't care who you are! Interfere, and you shall regret it! Mid-Boss: My! You are the one who asked moi for my name! Mid-Boss: ...In any case, I am not here to see you. Mid-Boss: Now then, how is everyone doing? You seem to be having some difficulty... Laharl: ...What are you here for? Mid-Boss: Oh, how can you be so discourteous to moi? Mid-Boss: You seem to be working your way into quite a predicament. As your rival, I felt it was my obligation to warn you. Laharl: Warn me...!? Mid-Boss: Laharl!! Do not be fooled by appearances! Mid-Boss: Relying on sight and sound will only lead to delusion!! Mid-Boss: Open your mind's eye! Once you do, you will no longer be deceived by mere facades!! Laharl: My mind's... eye...? Mid-Boss: Now is the time to set your mind free!! Awaken to your power!! Flonne: ...Um, Mr. Mid-Boss. Flonne: That was a wonderful speech and all, but I think you may have set the bar a bit too high for Laharl... Mid-Boss: Oh... In that case, just close your eyes and plug your ears! [Fade to black] [Screen flashes white] Laharl: Hmhmhm... Now, I have no weaknesses! Laharl: The tides have turned, Maderas! Maderas: Hmmmmmmmmmm...!! Maderas: E, Etna! What are you waiting for!? Kill Laharl! Maderas: If you refuse, I'll erase your memory for good! Etna: Go ahead, why don't ya? Maderas: What!? Etna: Two years ago... when the King died, I followed your orders and poisoned the Prince... Etna: ...so that you would give me back my memories. Laharl: What!? You tried to poison me!? Then, that long nap was all because of... Flonne: Your ears are plugged, yet you still manage to hear that one line? Etna: That's right... It was because of the poison... Etna: But, I hated myself for working under Maderas. Etna: I didn't wanna go on living like that. Etna: So, I devised a plan to escape from under his thumb. Maderas: Th, Then, why have you been following my orders until now...? Etna: *giggle* You mean it's not clear to you? Let me explain it, then... Etna: I was waiting for just the right moment to get my revenge on the bastard who ruined my life! Etna: From now on, I'll lead my life any way I choose. And no one's gonna stop me! Maderas: How dare you turn against me! You double-crossing back-stabber! Etna: Ahhh... The whining of a sore loser. It's music to my ears<3 Maderas: Dammit! Prinnies, make mincemeat out of her!! Prinny Squad: ...... Maderas: P, Prinnies? Etna: You don't get it, do you? I just told you that I've been waiting for this moment. Etna: I bought out the Prinnies you hired to watch over me a loooong time ago. Comprende? Etna: You're just a stupid fool who fell for my trap, and the Prince was my bait. Laharl: Hmph... Using me as bait... You're one ruthless girl. Etna: Oh Prince, don't flatter me so much. It's not like Flonne or Mid-Boss were part of the plan. Mid-Boss: Hmmmm... Women are scary. Maderas: Ugh...!! Etna: From this day on, you're gonna pee in your pants every time you hear my name. You ready?<3 [Fade to black] [After the battle, camera shows the map where the battle took place] Maderas: Eeeeeep!! F-Forgive me!! Maderas: Please, spare my life! I beg you!! Etna: What should I do? Maderas: Forgive me, o Master Etna! Your strength, beauty, and intelligence are unsurpassed in all the Netherworld! Etna: Well, killing a loser like you would only dirty my hands, so I'll forgive you. Etna: ...You know what I want, right? Maderas: Y-Yes! Maderas: I will return Master Laharl's candid photos immediately, as well as your memory! I'll return everything! [Maderas joins the party] [Fade to black] [Camera shows the same map in which the battle took place] Etna: Phew... That settles that. Doesn't it, Prince? Laharl: No, it doesn't!! Laharl: You tried to poison me in my sleep... You used me as bait for your revenge... What kind of vassal are you!? Flonne: B-But Laharl... Laharl: ...But! Laharl: But, I don't mind that side of you. Laharl: A true demon is always full of ambition, and aims for the top. Laharl: As King, I'll need a right-hand demon like you under my command. Etna: Prince... Laharl: Listen up! I'm going to work you into the ground! You better be prepared for it! Etna: Uh-uh. YOU better be prepared. Etna: I'll be watching your every move. If you don't prove yourself worthy of the throne... Etna: An accident may happen<3 Laharl: Hmph... You can take my place if that happens. Etna: *giggle* Don't worry, I will. Flonne: ...That's strange. Flonne: ...Laharl and Etna reconciled, despite all that's happened. Flonne: I don't understand it, but I guess demons have their own way of expressing love. Flonne: *giggle* I'm really surprised. Flonne: I have never experienced anything like this before in Celestia... [Fade to black] Episode: 5 Etna's Secret End. Mid-Boss: Hey, wait! Everyone! Are you not forgetting someone? Episode: 5 Etna's Secret End. === ii. Etna Heroine Ending === (NOTE: This ending is seen by killing 100 allies before the Ice Queen battle, then choosing to kill Maderas) [After the battle, the camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place] Maderas: Eeeeeep!! F-Forgive me!! Maderas: Please, spare my life! I beg you!! Flonne: W, Wait! Etna: What? Flonne: I understand how you're feeling... But, you don't have to kill him! Etna: If you don't kill guys like this when you get the chance... Etna: ...then they always come back with a vengeance. Understand? Flonne: No, that's not true! Can't you see that he wants to repent for his sins? Etna: Yeah, right. Just stay outta my way. Flonne: If you plan in killing him, then you'll have to go through me first! Etna: ...You serious? Flonne: I'm serious! Etna: ...Hey, what's that over there? Flonne: Huh? Etna: Gotcha! [Screen goes black, then multiple white flashes appear] [Fade to black] [Camera shows a dark area] Etna: ...This is what happens when you try messing with me. Etna: I might as well kill the Prince, too... Etna: The world is mine!! Etna: Ahahahahaha!! I'm the heroine now!! [Camera shows a picture of an evil Etna as the credits roll] Fin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + IX. Episode 6: Laharl's Challenge + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Hi, everybody, I'm Etna! I'm a 1st-grader at Netherworld Elementary! Laharl: You look and act like a 1st-grader, that's for sure. Etna: My dream is to become a witch, so I can get a cute boyfriend! Laharl: Boyfriend? That's dumb. Etna: Lovely, sexy... Hey! No touching! Etna: Boys of the world, be my loyal slaves! Laharl: Who'd want to touch you? Etna: Next on Evolutionary Magical Girl Etna, Episode 6: Curse You, Flonne!! Etna: Get ready to be spellbound<3 Laharl: Aren't you embarrassed to say something like that? Etna: Not at all. [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room as words written on a letter scroll] "Dear Sirs and Madames, I hope these dark days find you well. However, I, Laharl, am deeply concerned with the state of the Netherworld. I am well aware that unnecessary bloodshed is not your desire. Therefore, I am writing to propose a formal challenge, an event with my father's title at stake - the title of Overlord. The rules are simple. On Curseday, in the Month of Adder, I shall journey to the Heart of Evil, carrying with me the official Deed. The one who wrests the Deed from my hand shall be recognized as the new Overlord. In the event that I reach my destination still in possession of the Deed, I shall assume the position myself. Sincerely, Prince Laharl" Laharl: Whaddya think? Excellent penmanship, huh? Flonne: Y, Yes. But, according to the Netherworld calender, isn't today the designated day? Laharl: That's right. I've ordered the Prinnies to spread copies of this letter all over the Netherworld. Laharl: The demons aiming to become Overlord are probably lying in ambush right now. Etna: Ummmm, Prince? Is this offer open to anyone? Laharl: Are you an idiot? Laharl: Don't you get it? There's no Deed for the position of Overlord. Etna: Huh? Laharl: This is a trap. Laharl: Look at what's happened recently. I thought that I might as well get rid of anyone still planning to claim the throne. Etna: Oh, I see. Laharl: And when I've defeated them all, I will be the unquestioned Overlord! Laharl: Hmhmhm... Laharl: Haaahahahaha!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows the Episode 6 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Dimensional Gatekeeper: Good morning, Prince. Laharl: Morning. Uh... Is it me, or am I missing vassals? Dimensional Gatekeeper: Do not worry. They are all waiting to ambush you at "Blair Forest", Prince. Laharl: ...Those idiots...!! === i. Blair Forest === --- a. Calamity Woods --- [Camera shows a dark area] Laharl: Hey. Flonne: Yes? Laharl: I encouraged everyone to participate, but... [Camera shows a map packed with demons] Laharl: ...isn't this a bit much? [Flonne steps forward and faces Laharl from his left] Flonne: "The more, the merrier," they say. [Etna steps forward and faces Flonne] Etna: Flonne, when it comes to sayings, you're all thumbs. [Laharl turns toward Etna] Laharl: ...You're not much better. [Laharl turns toward the demons] Laharl: Anyways, what are we going to do about these guys? [Etna and Flonne turns toward the demons] Laharl: There's not even room to walk. [Etna steps forward] Etna: It looks like we'll have to take them on one by one. [Laharl sulks] Laharl: Oh, great... I can't wait to see what's after this. [Fade to black] --- b. Ritual Site --- [Laharl, Flonne, and Etna walk onto a map featuring a lone Knight] Knight: I hath been waiting for thee. Thou art Lord Laharl, art not thou? [Camera angle shifts to face Etna as she takes a step forward] Etna: Oooh. She seems a lot more serious than that last bunch. [Flonne takes a step forward] Flonne: She does not appear to be an ordinary swordswoman. How exciting! [Camera turns to face the Knight as she steps forward] Knight: My name is Sardia the Demonslayer. My sword hath slayeth over 2000 demons... [Etna steps forward] Etna: Incredible! Sardia: ...Or, was it under 2000? [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Which is it!? [Sardia swings her sword forward] Sardia: When I swingeth my sword, the earth shall be torn asunder... [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Amazing! The earth splits open!? Sardia: ...Perhaps. [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Make up your mind, dammit! [Sardia puts her sword away] Sardia: What dost thou thinketh? [Camera angel shifts to face Laharl as his eyes turn red] Laharl: How should I know!? Laharl: Trying to make a fool out of me? I'll soon make you moan in pain!! [Etna takes a step forward and faces Laharl] Etna: Prince, did you mean to say, "scream in pain"? [Fade to black] --- c. Witches' Den --- [Camera shows an area within Blair Forest] Flonne: Huh? Prinnies? Laharl: What are you doing here? Prinny Squad: We thought we might as well give it a shot, dood. Etna: What!? You're not allowed to pull of a coup d'etat without me! Etna: I'm the one who's supposed to kill the Prince! Flonne: Etna, it might not be such a good idea to announce that in front of the person in question. Prinny Squad: We know a head-on attack is suicide, dood. Laharl: Hm? You have a plan, then? Prinny Squad: That's right, dood!! Prinny Squad: Alright! Let's go, doods!! [Screen fades to white] [Camera shows a baseball field with the Prinny Squad lined up] [Prinny Squad assumes their positions] Prinny Squad: We challenge you to a game of baseball, dood!! [Voice in the background screams 'Play ball!'] [Camera shows a closeup of home plate, where Laharl, Etna, and Flonne are all standing] Laharl: Etna. [Etna turns toward Laharl] Etna: Yes? Laharl: Kill 'em. Etna: Certainly. [Fade to black] --- d. Writhing Shadow --- [Laharl, Etna, and Flonne walk into an area within Blair Forest] [A giant demon appears out of thin air] Demon: Mwahahahahaha!! Demon: Kid! Are you Krichevskoy's son!? [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Who are you? Demon: Me!? I am the Overlord of an alternate Netherworld! Laharl: An alternate Netherworld? Overlord: That's right! I tried taking over this world before, but Krichevskoy got in the way! Overlord: Now that he's dead, I'll claim it for my own! Overlord: You are just one of the Overlords that I will crush on my way to becoming the "Supreme Overlord"! Overlord: Puny boy! What you see before you represents only a fraction of my power! Laharl: Well, that's really hard to tell, since I can only see part of you. [Etna steps forward] Etna: Yep. You're just too big. Overlord: ...Fine! If it's size you're concerned about, I can make adjustments... Overlord: But, even so, a horrible death still awaits you! Overlord: Feel my wrath! Overlord: Here I go! Doppelgangerrrrrrrr! [Screen fades to white] [Camera shows ten versions of the giant demon standing in front of the party] Overlords: You see this? This is the famous Doppelganger spell! Overlords: How do you like it? There are 10 Overlords now. You're speechless, aren't you!? [Laharl steps back] Laharl: Tch...! [Camera angle shifts to face Flonne as she steps forward] Flonne: Don't worry! Splitting into 10 means that his love is divided 10 ways! Flonne: We cannot possibly lose to someone like that! [Laharl and Etna turn to face Flonne] Etna: Ohhh, Flonne's burning with determination! You like this stuff, don't you? [Flonne turns to face Laharl and Etna] Flonne: Yes. I love this stuff! [Flonne's eyes light on fire, and she then turns to face the Overlords] Flonne: Now, let's go, everybody!! [Fade to black] [In battle, the party gets their asses handed to them] [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows Laharl, Etna, and Flonne facing the Overlords] [Laharl turns toward Flonne] Laharl: Ugh...! "His love is divided ten ways!" Yeah, sure... That was a BIG help, you loony angel!! Flonne: Hmmm, that's odd. Isn't the hero supposed to win? [Etna turns to face Flonne and sulks] Etna: Ummmm... We're demons, not heroes. [Camera angle shifts to face the party as they all turn to face the Overlords] [One of the Overlords steps forward] Overlord: Mwahahahahaha!! Even if my power is divided, an Overlord is still an Overlord. Overlord: It wouldn't matter how many puny boys like you there were, I'd crush them all! Overlord: I thought the son of Krichevskoy would be a lot tougher, but I guess I was wrong!! [Laharl steps back] Laharl: Dammit...! [Overlord roars] Overlord: Die, punk! Say hello to Krichevskoy in hell! Voice: Wait just a minute! [Laharl, Etna, and Flonne all turn around to see Goleck, Manty, Dratti, Gargo, Ghoss, and Zommie appear behind them] Laharl: Y, You guys...!? [Overlord steps forward] Overlord: W, Who are you!? [Zommie jumps right in front of the Overlord] Zommie: We are the loyal vassals of King Krichevskoy... [Ghoss jumps and stands next to Zommie] Ghoss: You dare set foot in our world? We will defeat you in the name of the late King!! [The rest of Krichevskoy's vassals all surround Laharl, Etna, and Flonne] [Overlord steps back] Overlord: Hmmm...!! [Laharl, Etna, and Flonne all face Manty as he steps forward] Manty: Prince! Let us handle this! [Gargo takes a few steps toward Laharl] Gargo: We've been waiting here in case our help was needed. Etna: Liars. Etna: You were here to ambush the Prince just like the others, isn't that right? [Goleck steps back as Laharl, Etna, and Flonne turn to face him] Goleck: Ah, ah, ahahahahaha! O-Of course not. Oh, come now. Flonne: ...Looks like you hit the nail on the head. [Laharl turns around and sulks and Flonne and Etna face him] Laharl: Why is it that I don't have any luck with vassals...? [Laharl, Flonne, and Etna turn to face Dratti as he steps forward] Dratti: Come, now. We were here to help you in your time of need, right? [Laharl's eyes turn red] Laharl: Only because you were waiting to ambush me! [Camera turns to face the Overlords as everyone turns to face him] [Overlord steps forward] Overlord: Hey! Quit ignoring me!! Overlord: I'll send you all to join Krichevskoy! Overlord: Prepare yourselves!! [Overlord roars] [Zommie steps forward] Zommie: Hmph...! Don't underestimate us! Zommie! We will defeat you in the name of Overlord Krichevskoy!! [All the monsters on the screen roar] [Fade to black] [After the battle, the entire team is shown standing on the battlefield] Zommie: We'll be returning to the castle now. Take care, Prince. [Krichevskoy's vassals all walk away] [Etna turns to face Flonne] Etna: They're actually pretty strong... [Flonne turns to face Etna] Flonne: "A wise falcon hides its talons". That saying fits perfectly. [Laharl turns around and sulks] Laharl: I wish they would stop hiding their talons when it comes to working for me... [Fade to black] (NOTE: If you manage to defeat the Alternate Overlords in the first battle, which will most likely be on a second playthrough, the battle simply ends and you move right on to Nightdwellers. Krichevskoy's vassals never show up.) --- e. Nightdwellers --- [Laharl, Etna, and Flonne all walk into an area within Blair Forest] [A red character appears on the plateau above] Red: We've been waiting for you, demons!! [A blue character appears next to Red] Blue: When the darkness of evil draws near, we appear out of nowhere!! [A yellow character appears next to Red] Yellow: The-3-lights-of-justice-save-the-world-with-courage-and-hope!! [Red jumps down off the plateau] Red: Together...!! [Blue jumps down off the plateau] Blue: ...we are...!! [Yellow jumps down off the plateau] Yellow: ...the Prism Rangers!! [Prism Rangers strike a pose as lights glow around them] [Camera angle shifts to face Laharl as he sulks] Laharl: ...Please, someone normal come out. [Flonne takes a few steps forward as her eyes turn red] Flonne: Cool! [Flonne turns around] Flonne: Hey, Etna! How about we do our own poses!? [Etna and Laharl turn to face Flonne] Etna: You serious? [Camera angle shifts to face Flonne] Flonne: You better believe it! [Flonne turns around to face the Prism Rangers] Flonne: Um... But, I have a question for you guys. Red: A question? Go ahead, shoot! Flonne: You call yourselves "Prism Rangers", but you only have 3 colors. That's not even enough for a rainbow. [Red steps forward] Red: Isn't it obvious? We don't have any friends! Red: Being a hero is a lonely existence!! You got it!? [Etna turns to her right] Etna: Are you sure there's not another reason why you don't have any friends? [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: ...You guys are heroes, aren't you? Why would you want to be Overlords? Red: We want friends, of course! If we become the Overlords, then we'll have tons of friends!! Red: And the Prism Rangers will have all the colors of the rainbow!! [Prism Rangers strike a pose as they glow in light] Red: Here we go!! Blue! Yellow! Transfo------ [Etna flies out from behind Laharl] Etna: Bang<3 [Etna shoots Blue and Yellow, and both fall to the ground] Red: Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeee!!!! Yellowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Red: This can't be happening! Blue and Yellow have been shot...! I can't transform on my own...! Red: Curse you! Shooting before we even have a chance to transform... How inconsiderate! Red: Are you demons!? Etna: Uh huh. [Piano chord strikes as the screen shakes] Red: Oh my gosh! I completely forgot about that! Laharl: ...Is your helmet on too tight? Laharl: You should have transformed first, then come out. [Flonne steps forward to face Laharl] Flonne: That's not how it's supposed to be! A true defender of justice transforms in front of the enemy! [Etna takes a few steps forward] Etna: ...Flonne, which side are you on? Red: Then I'll just have to play my ace card! The demons I hired will help me! [Everyone turns to face Red] Laharl: Is it okay for a hero to be using demons? Red: Of course! Justice must never lose, no matter what the means! [Red jumps back onto the plateau above the main area] Red: Blue! Yellow! Your deaths have awakened a burning passion in my heart! Etna: Uh, I avoided hitting any vital spots, so they should still be alive... Red: Evil fiends! Are you ready!? Red: Face the power of justice!! [Red strikes a pose] [Fade to black] --- f. Heart of Evil --- [Camera shows an area deep within Blair Forest] Etna: Prince, is this the Heart of Evil? Laharl: That's right. Flonne: No one's here. Etna: Which means... Voice: Now, hold it right there!! Etna: Hey, it's Mid-Boss again. Laharl: What do you want? I'm busy right now. Mid-Boss: Tsk tsk tsk. Mid-Boss: You weren't thinking about calling yourself the Overlord without first settling things with moi, were you? Laharl: I already settled things with you. Twice, as a matter of fact. Mid-Boss: Silly you. Did you think that I was serious? Laharl: Weren't you? Mid-Boss: Not at all! That was merely camouflage... so that you would let your guard down. Mid-Boss: Now, you shall witness my true power! Mid-Boss: I have attained ultra speed by training, and training, and training, all while wearing 100-ton boxers!! Mid-Boss: Can your eyes keep up with moi!? Mid-Boss: Here I come! The throne is mine!! [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows the map where the battle took place] Mid-Boss: Ugh...! Mid-Boss: Oooh...!! Laharl: --------? Mid-Boss: Sudden stomach cramps..!! Mid-Boss: Just when I was getting started... I, I beg your pardon, but I need to use the restroom. Mid-Boss: Consider yourselves lucky. You've been spared. Mid-Boss: Au revoir!! Laharl: He ran away... Etna: His excuses are getting more and more pathetic. Flonne: Huh? So... is that it? Laharl: That means... Laharl: I'm the Overlord!! Laharl: Overlord! Overlord!! Overlord!!!! Etna: Hmmm... The Prince is now the Overlord... Etna: It's sooooo hard to believe. Flonne: *giggle* Now, now. Flonne: Look at him. He is so happy... Flonne: He pretends to be evil, but he can be cute sometimes. Etna: You think? He's just a kid, that's all. Etna: Anyway, shouldn't you be worried? Flonne: Huh? What do you mean? Etna: You helped the Prince become the Overlord. Flonne: Uh... [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area in Celestia] Vulcanus: Master Lamington! Master Lamington, are you here!? Seraph: You make a ruckus every time you are here to see me, Vulcanus. What is it this time? Vulcanus: How can I not make such a commotion!? Vulcanus: Laharl, the son of King Krichevskoy, has been crowned the new Overlord! Seraph: Hmmm... Vulcanus: That's not all! That trainee Flonne helped him win the throne! Seraph: ...Is that so? Vulcanus: This is no longer a case of disobeying orders. This is treason! Seraph: You are correct. Vulcanus: ...So, what are you planning to do!? Seraph: Hmmm... I will need to think about it. Vulcanus: Think about it? Think about it, you say!? This is a grave matter!! Vulcanus: We can't just ignore it! I will handle this problem! You have no objections, do you!? Seraph: *sigh* ...Oh, dear... [Fade to black] [Camera shows the map where the battle took place] Flonne: W-W-W-W-W-What should I do!? Flonne: If the Seraph hears of this, there is no telling what punishment awaits me! Flonne: I might be dismissed from my Angel Trainee position! Etna: Who cares? Why don't you change jobs now and become a demon? Flonne: Nooooooo! Flonne: Oh, Master Lamington! Please guide me! [Fade to black] Laharl: Overlord! Overlord!! Overlord!!!! Episode: 6 Laharl's Challenge End. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + X. Episode 7: Of Being an Overlord + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Flonne: The evil Empress Etna has sent monsters to take over the world!! Flonne: But when evil creeps up on people, Flonne, the messenger of love, comes to the rescue! Flonne: As long as evil exists, Flonne's battle will never end!! Flonne: Run, Flonne! Don't lose heart, Flonne! Let the people's cheers bring you courage! Flonne: Trannnnsforrrrrrmmmmm! Guardian Flonne!! Flonne: Next on Guardian Flonne: Warrior of Love, Episode 7: Drop Dead, Etna Flonne: Always keep love in your heart. Flonne: *giggle* I always wanted to try this<3 Etna: Flonne, whatcha doing? Flonne: Oh, hi Et... [Two gunshots are heard, then the sound of a body hitting the floor] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's castle] Laharl: Hmhmhm... Laharl: Hmhmhm...! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Laharl: Haaahahahaha!!!! Flonne: Geez... You just keep laughing and laughing. Laharl: How can I not? Laharl: I'm not the Overlord. That means that I'm the most eminent demon in all of the Netherworld. Flonne: I am aware of that. Flonne: But, ever since you have become the Overlord, you have done nothing but laugh. Laharl: You don't understand a thing. Laughing is a very important aspect of of being the Overlord. Laharl: Besides, there isn't any urgent matter that suitable for my first act as King Laharl the Terrible. Etna: Oh, Prince<3 I got a job for ya. Laharl: Call me "Your Highness". I'm the Overlord now. Etna: Aww, come on... That's a minor detail. Laharl: MINOR detail...? Laharl: ...So, what kind of job is it? Laharl: You want me to make it rain pepper on Earth so they can't stop sneezing? Laharl: Or, do you want me to give human kids an addictive video game that will deprive them of their sleep? Etna: Uh... No. Etna: Come in, Aramis. Aramis: ...... Laharl: Who's this kid? Aramis: Don't call me a kid. You're more of a kid yourself. Laharl: What!? Who the hell do you think I am!? Flonne: Now, now. He is just a child. Aramis: Shut up, flat-chest. Flonne: WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU...!? Flonne: *gasp* I mustn't! Flonne: At times like this, love is the answer! With love, there is understanding! Aramis: Hey, does she have a few screws loose or somethin'? Laharl: Hmph...! You've got some attitude, kid. Etna: Just like you, Prince. Laharl: Yeah, right. So, what's he got to do with the job? Etna: Oh, yeah. His pets are missing. Laharl: Hm? Laharl: ...And? Etna: And your job's to look for them. Laharl: Why would I, the Overlord, look for some stupid little brat's pets!? Laharl: Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous!! Laharl: Bring me something more fitting for my first task as Overlord!! Etna: I refuse!! Laharl: -----!? Flonne: -----!!? Etna: It may seem ridiculous to you, but it's important to him!! Etna: This is a perfect way to begin your rule as Overlord! Etna: And if you don't do it, I'm never gonna accept you as the Overlord! Laharl: W, What are you getting so mad for? It's not like you. Etna: Answer me! Will you do it or not? Laharl: Ugh... F, Fine! I'll do it, I'll do it. Aramis: Good! ...And you better not slack off! Laharl: Ugh...! Why am I, the Overlord of the Netherworld, taking orders from this annoying brat...? [Camera shows Episode 7 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: Prince! Goleck: Your highness! Goleck: King Laharl! Goleck: ...There's no ring to that. I think I'll stick with "Prince". Laharl: ...... Manty: Your true value as Overlord will be decided by your future, not your past. Manty: Please live up to your name, my Overlord. Laharl: W, What are you all serious for? Manty: Hahaha, don't worry, Prince. It was just a joke. Flonne: I don't get demon jokes... Dratti: The Prince is now King... Flonne: You don't seem too happy. Dratti: I'm not unhappy, it's just that I've always thought of King Krichevskoy as the one and only King. Etna: Yeah, I can understand that. Gargo: It was only yesterday diapers, and now you're the Overlord... Gargo: What is the world coming to? Laharl: ...And what are you getting at? Ghoss: About that Overlord from the alternate dimension... Ghoss: He claimed to be an Overlord, but I heard demons of that level are everywhere in the other dimension. Ghoss: The King told me once that the true ruler is a terrifying demon known as the "Lord of Terror". Ghoss: Even the King was wary of him, so I can't imagine how strong he is. Laharl: Hmph... That's just a legend. Laharl: If such a fool does exist... I, Laharl, shall pummel him to the ground! Zommie: There's been a flood of Zombies at "Salamander's Breath", Prince. Dimensional Gatekeeper: Have you heard what's been happening at "Salamander's Breath"? Supposedly, there's been a flood of zombies recently. Laharl: Zombies, huh... Flonne: Could it be that Aramis' pet has been eaten by zombies? === i. Salamander's Breath === --- a. Scorching Wind --- [Camera shows a dark area] Aramis: Ah! Miss Etna! Aramis: That's one of my pets over there! Flonne: Why is he only polite to you? Etna: It's all about the special training I gave him. Flonne: Oh, I get it! It's the power of love! Etna: ...Sure, whatever you say. [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within Salamander's Breath] Zombie: OooooOooooooooOOhhh... Laharl: A zombie. Flonne: A zombie it is. Laharl: Hey, brat. Don't tell me this one of your pets. Aramis: Yeah. You got a problem with that? Laharl: No. Actually, I like it. You've got good taste, kid. Flonne: A zombie for a pet, huh... Flonne: So... how do we catch it? Laharl: Why not do the same thing we always do? Etna: I guess that would work. I mean, zombies are already dead anyway. Let the massacre begin! Laharl: Agreed! Flonne: Um, are you sure that's okay...? [Fade to black] --- b. Column of Fire --- [Camera shows an area map within Salamander's Breath] Laharl: *sigh* Boring. Etna: Quit complaining. You wanna be a great Overlord or not? Flonne: You sure are serious today, Etna. Etna: I'm always serious. Etna: Besides, the Prince needs to start acting more like his father. Flonne: You mean, King Krichevskoy? Etna: Uh huh. Etna: Back when I just started working in the castle... Etna: I was teased and picked on every day for being a commoner. Flonne: YOU were? That's hard to believe. Etna: At that time, I was still very naive. I was a scared little girl. Etna: The only thing that helped me get through those days was my faithful pet. Etna: But one day, I found him dead... Etna: Those damn demons killed him. Flonne: How cruel... Etna: With no way to get back at them, I just cried... Etna: That was when the King reached out his hand to me... Etna: When I told him what happened, he helped me bury my pet. Flonne: He must have been a kind man. Etna: Kind...? Etna: I don't know what kindness feels like, but he was a great man, and one that I respected. Etna: That was why I pledged to him my deepest loyalty. Etna: But, the Prince... He's still not fit to succeed Krichevskoy as the Overlord. Flonne: So, that's why you want Laharl to become just like his father...? Flonne: *giggle* I see. You worry about Laharl after all. Flonne: That's love. Etna: I doubt it. If he fails, I'll just kill him. Flonne: WHAT!? Etna: Ahaha... Just kidding. Flonne: Etna... You're starting to scare me... [Fade to black] --- c. Raging Earth --- [No script] --- d. Crimson Plains --- [Camera shows an area within Salamander's Breath] Zombie: GwoooooooOooOoooohhhhh... Laharl: Geez... Laharl: These zombies aren't challenging at all, they're just plain bothersome. Etna: Well, they DO come back to life after you kill them. Laharl: Hey, brat. Laharl: Is it okay with you if we tear your pets to shreds so they won't bother us for awhile? Aramis: Go ahead. I take them apart and put them back together again all the time. Etna: I used to do that too, when I was a kid! Etna: Ahh, those were the days. Laharl: Stop reminiscing about your childhood. Flonne: ...Do all demon children play that way? Laharl: Don't worry. Just those two. [Fade to black] --- e. Ember of Dreams --- [Camera shows an area within Salamander's Breath] Zombie: GwoooooooooooOoooooOoohhhhh...!! Laharl: Kill one, and another apears... Zombies, zombies, zombies...!! Laharl: I'm getting sick and tired of this... Aramis: You better stay alert. Or else, you'll be sorry. Aramis: Check out that zombie. Laharl: What about it? Aramis: *sigh* Amateur. THAT is my masterpiece. Aramis: The fists of a Dark Karate master... The legs of the fastest demon in the Netherworld... Aramis: The brain of Mahogany, a famous sorcerer... The iron body of Hercules... Aramis: And a horse wiener, all combined into one! The Netherworld's ultimate zombie!! Laharl: What'd you say!? Laharl: A horse wiener!? Now, THAT's dangerous! Guys, don't let your guard down!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows the map where the battle took place] Laharl: Here, I caught 'em all. Laharl: So, quit your complaining. Aramis: ...... Laharl: ...What? What's the problem now? Aramis: ...Thank you, Your Highness. Laharl: H, Hmph...! Well, it IS part of my job as the Overlord... Laharl: And don't bother to thank me. If you want to show your gratitude, you can repay me with your body. Etna: Hmmm... I never knew you were like that... Laharl: Idiot! Laharl: I meant, become my vassal and serve me when you're old enough! Aramis: ...Yes, Your Highness. Laharl: Speak to me with respect from now on, got it? Aramis: Yes, Your Highness! Laharl: Hmhmhm... Laharl: Haaahahahaha!!!! Laharl: Did you hear that, Etna? Laharl: That kid called me "Your Highness". Laharl: So? Do you accept me as Overlord now? Etna: Well... you passed for the time being. Etna: But, be careful not to flunk out. Laharl: Ugh...! Why you...! Flonne: *giggle* Talk about strict. Flonne: (Still, Laharl has changed quite a bit since the first time I met him.) Flonne: (He is maturing little by little as he meets new people.) Flonne: (And it feels like I have changed, too... since meeting him and his companions.) Flonne: (If you open your heart, you will surely grow and learn many new things...) Flonne: (...whether you're an angel... ...or a demon...) Flonne: (If I can explain this to other angels, maybe they'll see that not all demons are evil...) Flonne: (And someday...) [Fade to black] Episode: 7 Of Being an Overlord End. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XI. Episode 8: Reincarnation + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Those seemingly innocent Prinnies... It turns out they were hiding a big secret! Prinny: It wouldn't be a secret is it wasn't hidden, dood. Etna: When the Prinnies' evil spirits join as one, they form Pringer X, the mighty super robot!! Prinny: Dude, we can't do that... Etna: Here goes! Pringer Spiral Plasma Chop! Etna: Gotcha! Pringer Aurora Triangle Kick!! Etna: This is it! Pringer Spinning Drill Attack!!! Prinny: Uh, dood, hello... Etna: Next on Lovely Mad Scientist Etna, Episode 8: Farewell, Pringer X Prinny: Dood!? You're killing us off!? Etna: No worries! Etna: Pringer X will be reborn as the more powerful Pringer Z! Prinny: I'm tellin ya, it ain't gonna happen, dood. [Fade to black] [Camera shows a dark area under a red full moon in the middle of the night; white lights are floating up from the ground and into the sky] [Words appear on screen as children sing] Red moon, red moon... Cleanses the sinful and makes them anew... Shining brightly in the night sky, waiting for the souls... Who will be born again tonight? Who will be born again tonight? [Fade to black] [Camera shows a dark area] Flonne: Hmmm... Mmm... ...Hmm? Flonne: Who would be singing at this hour...? [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Prinny Squad: ...... Flonne: Prinnies...? Flonne: Ummm... Where are you going...? Big Sis Prinny: ...Don't try to stop them. Flonne: Huh? Big Sis Prinny: Just let them be. Big Sis Prinny: They were finally able to atone for their sins. Big Sis Prinny: The only thing we can do now is pray for their happiness in their next lives... Flonne: (......?) Flonne: (Oh, is this what they mean when they say "fly-by-night"?) Flonne: Ummmm... Big Sis Prinny: Yes? Flonne: You seem different from other Prinnies. Flonne: Were you the one who gave me medicine when I lost my pendant? Big Sis Prinny: Wh, What are you talking about? Flonne: You even speak differently than the rest of them. Big Sis Prinny: Wh, What do you mean... dood? I'm the same as the others... ...Dood. Flonne: ...I undderstand. You have your reasons, right? Flonne: Okay, then... I'll just direct this to whoever might be listening... Flonne: Thank you for your help. Big Sis Prinny: ...Flonne. Big Sis Prinny: S, Since you came, the Prine has changed. ...Dood. Flonne: Huh? ...You really think so? Big Sis Prinny: Sure, dood. Flonne: Thank goodness. Flonne: They say that I see things the way I want them to be, so I wasn't sure if Laharl has actually changed or not. Flonne: But, it can't just be my imagination, if you noticed a difference, too. Flonne: Alright! That means Laharl is definitely awakening to the idea of love! Flonne: Love is magnificent! Big Sis Prinny: Heh... It surely is... [Fade to black] [Camera shows Episode 8 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Laharl: What? Etna: Like I said, several Prinnies are missing! Laharl: Why!? Etna: How should I know? Maybe they ran away because you treated them so badly. Laharl: Hmmm... Laharl: C, Come to think of it, 20-hour workdays with no days off WAS a bit harsh... Flonne: In conditions like that, it's no wonder that they chose to fly-by-night. Laharl: Fly-by-night? Is there something you're not telling us? Flonne: Uh, no... Nothing at all. Big Sis Prinny: Prince. Laharl: Hmm? What? Big Sis Prinny: Don't worry, they'll be alright... dood. Laharl: I'm not worried about THEM! Laharl: If people hear that I let my vassals escape, I'll lose all respect! Laharl: That's why we're gonna find them! ...Even if it is a big waste of time! Flonne: That's so mean! You don't have to say it like that...! Etna: Take it easy, Flonne. He's just too embarrassed to admit the truth. Flonne: ...Really? Etna: Yeah... I think. Flonne: ...... [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: Welcome to the Overlord's Castle! Goleck: ...Sometimes grand instruction like that are good, aren't they? Flonne: You're asking me? ...Um, I really don't know what to say... Manty: Well, Prinnies are humans after all. I guess life in the Netherworld is something they'll never get used to. Etna: I don't think they're that delicate... Dratti: I've been keeping this a secret... Dratti: I'm actually a female. Gargo: Have you got a use for this? [Gargo gives Laharl the Staff of Sorcery] Gargo: Hey, that's all I have!! Ghoss: I heard the Prinnies ran away. It's no surprise though, since they're working under you, Prince. Laharl: What is that supposed to mean? Ghoss: Oh, come now! You know what I mean<3 Zommie: Today, I'm going to give you a pretty straightforward hint. Zommie: Go to the "Lunar Snowfield". The Prinnies are there. Laharl: ...You know, I don't think you can call that a "hint"... Dimensional Gatekeeper: Prince, have you talked to the zombie over there? Dimensional Gatekeeper: He was bragging about having an important hint for you. === i. Lunar Snowfield === --- a. Theatre of Death --- [No script] --- b. Frigid Garden --- [Camera shows an area within the Lunar Snowfield] Laharl: Hey! Laharl: Hey, you! Flonne: Uhhh... Me? Laharl: Yeah, you. Laharl: You really don't know anything about the Prinnies? Laharl: You've been acting weird ever since this morning... Flonne: ...I don't know anything. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell YOU! Laharl: Wh, What!? Flonne: Prince Laharl, I have a name, and it's Flonne. Flonne: It's not "Hey!" or "You!". Flonne: You have never called me by my name, not even once, since the first time we met! Laharl: S, So? What's it to you? Flonne: People's feelings are delicate. They can be hurt by just the slightest insult. Flonne: Laharl, you are too inconsiderate. You should approach people with more love. Flonne: The Prinnies ran away because you have no love! Laharl: What!? You stupid Love Freak!! Who do you think I------ Flonne: There! That's the attitude I'm talking about! Flonne: You'll never become a respected Overlord with an attitude like that! Etna: ...Flonne, that doesn't seem like the kind of advice an angel should be giving. Laharl: Ugh...! What do you know about being an Overlord!? Laharl! Forget it! I'm not talking to you anymore!! [Fade to black] --- c. Freezing Souls --- [Camera shows an area within the Lunar Snowfield] Flonne: Etna. Etna: Hm? Flonne: Why is Laharl so stubborn? Etna: Huh!? You kiddin'? Etna: He's always been like that. Flonne: I don't think that's entirely true. Flonne: Haven't you noticed? His emotions are slowly changing. Flonne: I thought that he had finally awoken to the power of love... Etna: Oh, hohoho... So, that's why you were so angry. Flonne: Y, Yes... Etna: That's a demon for ya. Etna: You seem to have your hopes pretty high, but don't you think that asking for love from a demon is a bit ridiculous? Flonne: ...You think so? Etna: ...... Etna: Well, the Prince's case is a bit unique... Flonne: Unique? Etna: Yep... You see, his mother... Etna: ...the Queen, was an eccentric person. Etna: She was always talking about love and kindness. Flonne: That's not weird at all. Etna: Well, I didn't hate her, but I guess she couldn't help it, being a human and all. Flonne: A human? Etna: Yep. She was a witch who came here to study. Etna: The King fell in love with her at first sight. And eventually, the Prince was born. Yada yada yada. Flonne: Hmmmm. Is that so? Etna: She was always saying things like, "Demons can love, too". Etna: Whenever the Prince did something bad, she would scold him, because she wanted to raise him to be a kind boy. Etna: Maybe you remind him of his mother, Flonne. Flonne: If he was raised that way, why is he like this now...? Etna: ...The Queen died. Flonne: Huh...? Etna: A long time ago, the Prince was infected with a rare disease that even the King couldn't cure... Etna: There was only one way to save him... Flonne: Which was...? Etna: The life of one who loved him... Flonne: Then... Etna: That's right... The Queen took her own life, despite the King's efforts to stop her... Etna: ...It was at that point that the Prince started to hate love and kindness... Flonne: How sad... Flonne: So unless his hatred fades, Laharl will have to live the rest of his life without love? Flonne: ...That's just not fair! Etna: ...Maybe so. Etna: But, I don't think that he's intentionally trying to hate love. Etna: Hatred isn't just something that disappears that easily, is it? Etna: Maybe you were a bit rough on him today. Flonne: Ah...! Etna: Well, don't try to get me involved. Flonne: ...... [Fade to black] --- d. Under the Moon --- [Camera shows a dark area under a red full moon in the middle of the night; white lights are floating up from the ground and into the sky] Flonne: What are... those...? Big Sis Prinny: Those are the souls of Prinnies who've atoned for their sins... Big Sis Prinny: You know the legend, don't you? That inside the Prinnies are the souls of sinful humans... Flonne: Yes... And that they work in Celestia and the Netherworld to atone for those sins. Big Sis Prinny: That's right... Big Sis Prinny: The red moon purifies their sins so they can be reborn... Flonne: What a heartwrenching sight... Laharl: Etna! Stop them! Etna: Prince, weren't you listening? The Prinnies are being reborn... Laharl: Shut up! I never gave them permission for that! Laharl: We'll drag 'em back here if we have to! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a dark area] Voice: Wait... [Fade to black] [Camera shows a map within the Lunar Snowfield] [Laharl, Etna, Flonne, and Big Sis Prinny are facing the Prinny Squad and a red ghost] [Red ghost steps forward] Red Ghost: ...... [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Who are you!? Red Ghost: Take... Prinnies'... souls... to... red... moon... Red Ghost: No... one... interfere... [Camera spins to face Laharl, who flexes his left arm] Laharl: We'll see about that! Those Prinnies are mine! Laharl: They're my vassals... for all eternity!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within Celestia] Voice: ...... Seraph: Are you worried? Voice: ...Yes. It would be a lie to say I was not. Voice: But, I shall leave it to the one who loves him most... [Fade to black] [Camera shows the map where the battle took place; the party is facing the red ghost and the Prinny Squad again] [Red ghost steps forward] Red Ghost: Ohhhhh... Why... are... you... interefering... with... work...? Laharl: Work? [Camera spins to face Laharl] [Big Sis Prinny steps forward and faces Laharl] Big Sis Prinny: That's right, dood. You shouldn't interfere with Death's work, dood. Big Sis Prinny: It's here to guide the souls of the Prinnies to the red moon. dood. Big Sis Prinny: If you truly value your vassals... Big Sis Prinny: ...If you have any love for them, then you should wish them good luck, dood. [Death steps back from the party] Laharl: Hmph... You sound just like that Love Freak... Laharl: ...... Laharl: ...It's what's best for their sake? Big Sis Prinny: That's right, dood. Laharl: ...I see. Then, I'll let them go. Big Sis Prinny: You understand, dood? Laharl: ...Well, yeah. [Camera spins to put the focus on Big Sis Prinny] Big Sis Prinny: Thank goodness... Big Sis Prinny: Then, I can leave without worry. [Big Sis Prinny turns away from the party and walks toward Death] [Etna and Flonne both step forward] Flonne: Wait! Flonne: What sin... What sin did you commit? Big Sis Prinny: ...... Big Sis Prinny: I took my own life. Big Sis Prinny: Taking your own life is a grave sin... [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Why would you...? Big Sis Prinny: ...To save my son's life. [Exclamation points appear over everyone's head, and the camera centers on Laharl] Laharl: ------------!! Big Sis Prinny: Because of my death, my son shut away his feelings... Big Sis Prinny: But, he's changing ever so slowly. [Big Sis Prinny turns around to face the party] Big Sis Prinny: It's all thanks to the wonderful people around him... Big Sis Prinny: My work here is done... The rest is up to my son. [Big Sis Prinny turns around and walks towards Death] [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: ......! [Death and the Prinny Squad move away from the party with their backs turned] Flonne: You're just going to leave!? Flonne: Not even a goodbye!? ...Despite how much you love him!? Big Sis Prinny: ...What cruel words you speak. Flonne: Eh...? [Camera centers on Big Sis Prinny] Big Sis Prinny: Of course I would like to reveal myself. Of course I would like to hug my son with my own hands. Big Sis Prinny: But if we are destined to part again, then wouldn't it better to watch from afar and leave without saying a single word? Big Sis Prinny: He has suffered enough already... My silence is how I show my love. Flonne: ...... Flonne: ...I'm sorry. Flonne: I tried to push my idea of love onto you without considering your reasons... Flonne: Without considering your feelings... I'm sorry... [Big Sis Prinny turns to face the party] Big Sis Prinny: Haha... Prince, you've met a wonderful person, dood. Big Sis Prinny: Prince... take care. Big Sis Prinny: Flonne, Etna... Take care of him for me. [Etna steps forward] Big Sis Prinny: ...Good bye. [The entire Prinny Squad turns around] [Big Sis Prinny reveals her true form as Laharl's mother] [A white light comes up from Laharl's mother, and Big Sis Prinny collapses to the ground] Laharl: Ah...! [Laharl runs toward the white light left by his mother, but it flies up to the sky before he can reach it] [The three memebers of the Prinny squad follow suit in sending their souls, and finally, Death carries everyone to the aky] [Fade to black] [Camera shows a dark area under a red full moon in the middle of the night; white lights are floating up from the ground and into the sky] [Words appear on screen as Flonne narrates] The red moon reflected in Laharl's eyes, swaying sadly. A gentle, loving mother who gave up her life to save her son... A son who could only accept his mother's death by denying love and kindness... I can't imagine how painful, how diffiult it was for him. I'm sure the red moon will wash away his sorrow. Laharl: Love... huh... Flonne: Huh...? Laharl: ...Nothing. Laharl: Let's return to the castle... Flonne. Flonne: Laharl... [Words appear on screen as Flonne narrates] When Laharl called me by my name for the very first time, I noticed... that the red moon no longer shone in his eyes. I'll always remember the sad tale of a mother and her son... [Words appear on screen as children sing] Red moon, red moon... Cleanses the sinful and makes them anew... Shining brightly in the night sky, waiting for the souls... Who will be born again tonight? Who will be born again tonight? [Fade to black] Episode: 8 Reincarnation End. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XII. Episode 9: Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Warning! Warning! Etna: A hero emerges to save the earth from the vile clutches of King Laharl! Etna: His name is Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth! Mid-Boss: Bonjour, I am your own personal Dark Adonis... Etna: With his beautiful sidekick Jennifer and multi-purpose super robot Thursday, Captain Gordon takes the Netherworld by storm!! Mid-Boss: Another fantasy of yours, Mademoiselle? Etna: Who will win this cataclysmic battle, the evil king or the Defender of Earth? Mid-Boss: Pardon moi, but no one is listening. Etna: Next on Mobile Girl Etna: Stardust Memoir, Episode 9: Invincible Captain Gordon Etna: Soldiers' tears illuminate the starry sky... Mid-Boss: Everybody, just ignore her! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a spaceship flying over Earth] [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area inside the spaceship] Handsome Man: Mm-mm. Nothing beats having tea in outer space. Handsome Man: How beautiful the earth is... It reflects the nobility of my mission. Handsome Man: Jennifer, how much longer before we go into hyperdrive? Jennifer: Let me see, Gordon. ...About 5 minutes. Gordon: I see. Only 5 minutes until we say goodbye to the earth... Jennifer: Are you scared, Gordon? Gordon: Hey, hey. You're joking, right? Gordon: Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth, is afraid of nothing. Gordon: You of all people should know that. You've been along on all my adventures. Jennifer: *chuckle* Right. Robot: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... Gordon: Oh, sorry 'bout that. Of course I didn't forget you, Thursday. Thursday: GORDON KEEPS STARING AT JENNIFER'S THIGHS. PERVERT PERVERT PERVERT... Gordon: Hey! Why you! Jennifer: Tea time's over, Gordon. Jennifer: We have an incoming transmission. ...Looks like it's from the Earth Defense Force headquarters. Jennifer: I'm turning on the holographic projector. Static Picture: ......Fffff......fffffff............ Gordon: Hi! You look good, General Carter! Gordon: So, what can I do for you, Commander-in-Chief? General Carter: You're moments away from entering hyperdrive. This will be your last contact with Earth. General Carter: Do you have any messages, Gordon? Gordon: Let me think... Tell everyone on Earth to have a grand parade ready for my return. Gordon: Oh yeah! Don't forget the hot babes and Pizza Shack's Teriyaki Pizza. General Carter: ...We'll see what we can do. General Carter: I'm sure you don't need me to repeat this, but the Earth's fate is in your hands. We're counting on you. Gordon: It's nothing I can't handle. General Carter: How true. I pray for your success, Gordon. Jennifer: Gordon, we're about to go into hyperdrive. Gordon: Okay, Jennifer. Thursday: HYPERDRIVE ENGINE #3 READY. ALL SYSTEMS GO. Thursday: NOW ENTERING HYPERDRIVE. [Fade to black] [Camera shows a spaceship flying over Earth] Gordon: Engage! Jennifer: Engage! Gordon: Hahahahaha!! [Spaceship becomes engaged in a white light, and soon the entire screen turns white] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Episode 9 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Prinny Squad: Dood... Prince, there's some kind of anomaly in the Stellar Graveyard. Laharl: Invaders from another world? Prinny Squad: I have no idea, dood. Flonne: Invaders...? Flonne: Are they angels who are here to take me back? Etna: I doubt it. That place attracts a lot of weird things besides stars. Etna: Flying saucers, probes, brain suckers, midgets with glowing fingertips... Flonne: Oh, my... That means there may be people who are hurt. Flonne: Let's go, Laharl. Laharl: Forget it. It's probably just a piece of trash. Flonne: Laharl! Laharl: Geez... Shouldn't an Overlord be doing something more important than this? [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: According to human belief, the Netherworld and Celestia both exist somewhere in space. Flonne: Then, do humans consider us aliens? Goleck: Most likely<3 Manty: The Stellar Graveyard is a magnet for space debris of all kinds. Manty: Don't eat anything you find there. Laharl: Like I would!! Dratti: It's hard standing in the same spot all the time, you know. Gargo: It's a bit late, but it's better to focus on one weapon rather than trying to balance all weapons. Etna: ...More like it's too late. Ghoss: It feels like something big's gonna happen. Oh, I'm so excited<3 Zommie: Not to brag, but I've never taken a bath in my entire life. Laharl: Oh yeah? I've never brushed my teeth in my entire life, so there! Flonne: That's nothing to brag about. Dimensional Gatekeeper: I've been waiting for you, Prince. You are headed to the "Stellar Graveyard", correct? Dimensional Gatekeeper: People have been saying that I am spoiling you, but I don't want you to get lost. I will see to it that you get there safe. Laharl: Listen, I'm not a child. ...Geez. === i. Stellar Graveyard === --- a. Valgipus IV --- [Camera shows a dark area] Jennifer: Gordon! Jennifer: Gordon! Where are you!? [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within the Stellar Graveyard] Jennifer: This isn't good. Where could he be? Thursday: SPACESHIP CRASHED. GORDON FAILED TO ESCAPE. Thursday: PROBABLY SMASHED INTO ATOMS. REST IN PEACE... Jennifer: Don't worry, Thursday. He is Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth. Thursday: UNDERSTOOD, JENNIFER. ACTIVATING LIFE SCANNER. Jennifer: Thank you, Thursday. Thursday: ALWAYS LISTEN TO A HOT BABE. THAT'S THE LAW. BEEP BLIP BEEP... [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within the Stellar Graveyard] Flonne: So this is the Stellar Graveyard... Flonne: How beautiful... But, it looks like the stars are crying... Etna: Flonne, you're so romantic. I just wanna choke you to death! Flonne: E, Etna...! You ARE choking me...! I, I, I can't breathe... Laharl: Hey, enough of that. Etna: Yeah, yeah. ...Saved by the bell, Flonne<3 Flonne: *gasp* I hope she was just joking... Flonne: I almost became one with the stars. [Fade to black] --- b. Thurvean Sector --- [Camera shows an area within the Stellar Graveyard] Jennifer: Sense any signs of life, Thursday? Thursday: UNFORTUNATELY, NO TRACE OF GORDON'S BIOLOGICAL SIGNATURE. Jennifer: I see... We have to find him. Jennifer: I heard at headquarters that the Netherworld is full of nasty, vicious creatures. Jennifer: If we're discovered... Jennfier: Ahh! I'll be molested by countless slimy tentacles and my bodily fluids will be sucked dry!! Jennifer: Or, we could be swallowed whole and suffer a slow and painful death as we're digested alive!! Jennifer: Or even worse... Thursday: JENNIFER, PLEASE KEEP YOUR IMAGINATION UNDER CONTROL. Thursday: LIFE SIGNS DETECTED... READINGS DO NOT CORRESPOND WITH CAPTAIN GORDON'S BIOLOGICAL SIGNATURE. Thursday: LIFE FORMS ARE APPROACHING. OH $*&% RUN RUN RUN...! Jennifer: Shh! Thursday, be quiet. [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within the Stellar Graveyard] Laharl: That's odd... I thought I heard a voice of a woman... Jennifer: What? Human children in the Netherworld!? Laharl: A human!? And on top of that, she's...!! Jennifer: I got it! You were kidnapped by the Overlord, weren't you!? Jennifer: Oh, the humanity! I heard that demons are merciless, even towards children! Jennifer: Aww, you poor things...! Jennifer: They didn't bite your arm off, did they!? They didn't suck your brains out, did they!? They didn't anal probe you, did they!? Etna: What the hell does she think demons are!? Jennifer: But, don't you worry, big sis will make it all better. Laharl: N, No! Get away from me! Jennifer: What? Laharl: Keep your sexy body away from me! Jennifer: Oh, I understand! You're going through puberty, aren't you? Jennifer: Don't be embarrassed, little boy. Everyone goes through that period. Jennifer: Okay, I'll teach you everything there is to know<3 Jennifer: You see, as young girls mature, their breasts grow bigger, and boys... Etna: ...Great, now she's teaching sex ed. Who the hell is this lady? Flonne: Ummm... I'm sorry top interrupt you, but we're not human children. Jennifer: Huh? ...What do you mean? Flonne: I am Flonne, an angel in training... Flonne: ...This is Etna, a demon. Flonne: And the one you called "cute little boy" is the Overlord, Laharl. Jennifer: ...... Jennifer: This is outrageous!! I can't believe such a cute little boy could be the Overlord! Jennifer: This is completely different from the information provided by headquarters! What's going on, Thursday!? Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... NOW CALCULATING, NOW CALCULATING... Thursday: NOW CALCULATING, NOW CALCULATING... Thursday: CALCULATION COMPLETE. Jennifer: What's the answer? Thursday: "HEADQUARTERS IS A BUNCH OF LIARS." Jennifer: Oh, no! Does that mean that the Overlord planning to invade Earth is a lie, too!? Jennifer: We came here to slay the Overlord, for heaven's sake! There must be some misunderstanding! Laharl: Wait. Did I hear you say... You came here to slay the Overlord? Jennifer: N, No no... Not me. Jennifer: That's the responsibility of our hero, Captain Gordon, the Defender of Earth. Jennifer: I'm his assistant, Jennifer. And this is Thursday, the multi-purpose super robot. Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... NICE TO MEET YOU. Laharl: Hero, you say? Jennifer: Yes, Captain Gordon id the earth's hero. His noble mission is to vanquish any evil that threatens the earth. Jennifer: But, we were separated from him when our spaceship crashed. Laharl: Hmhmhm... Laharl: Very interesting! I must definitely meet this Captain Gordon! Flonne: Why is that? Laharl: It is an Overlord's duty to challenge heroes! Flonne: Wow... Cool! Laharl: Woman, follow me! I shall find your hero!! Jennifer: Really!? Laharl: But, I don't want that sexy body of yours within a 3-foot radius of me! Jennifer: *chuckle* As you wish<3 Jennifer: Okay. Let's go look for Gordon! [Fade to black] --- c. Sphere VIII --- [Camera shows a dark area] Voice: Ow ow ow ow ouch! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Gordon standing in an area in the Stellar Graveyard] Gordon: What a landing! I guess Lady Luck is taking a vacation. [Exclamation mark appears over Gordon's head] Gordon: ...That's right! Jennifer! Thursday! [Gordon looks around] Gordon: ...... Gordon: Hmmm... It appears that we've been separated. Gordon: They haven't been captured by the Overlord, have they!? Gordon: Even with Thurdsay's 200,000 horsepower engine, he can't take on the Overlord alone!! Gordon: I can't just sit here! I've got to save them! Gordon: Jennifer, hang in there! [Gordon runs off] [Camera pans to the bottom of the area, where the party walk into the area from the bottom of the screen] [Fade to black] --- d. Cross-Point --- [Camera shows an area within the Stellar Graveyard] Jennifer: ...Hey, Harlie. Laharl: I am Laharl, not Harlie. Jennifer: You really don't have plans to invade the earth? Laharl: Earth is that rotten planet where humans foolishly pollute their own environment, correct? Laharl: Why would I be interested in that? Jennifer: ...You may be right, but the earth is still our home. Jennifer: That's why Gordon and I risk our lives to protect it. Jennifer: I always believed that was the right thing to do... Jennifer: I don't know what to believe in now. Jennifer: It doesn't seem like you're lying, Harlie. But, I don't want to think that my fellow earthlings are lying, either. Laharl: What makes you think I'm not lying? I AM a demon. Jennifer: I can tell by looking into your eyes. I believe you because your eyes are pure. Jennifer: I don't know if it's pure good or pure evil, though *chuckle* Laharl: Hmph! Nonsense. Jennifer: (That man's eyes... Are they pure right now...?) Jennifer: Well, either way, we have to find Gordon and uncover the truth, or else... Something terrible might happen. Flonne: I agree. At this rate, a war might erupt between the Netherworld and the human world. Flonne: We must prevent that. Etna: Huhhhhh? Why? It'd be fun! Flonne: Etna! Etna: Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. *sigh* What's with you serious types... [Fade to black] --- e. Primordial Soup --- [Camera shows party walking into an area within the Stellar Graveyard] [Everyone turns to face Thursday] Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... LIFE SIGNS DETECTED. ANALYSING... IT IS CAPTAIN GORDON. [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Gordon's nearby!? Jennifer: Gordon! Gordon! Where are you!? [Camera spins around behind the party] Gordon: Hahahahaha!! A familiar voice! Is that you, Jennifer!? Gordon: You must have been through hell. But, have no fear. Captain Gordon is here! [Gordon jumps from behind a mountain, glowing] [Camera turns to face Laharl, as Laharl sulks] Laharl: ...THAT's the hero? [Flonne steps forward as her eyes light up] Flonne: He's so cool! [Etna turns to face Flonne] Etna: ...Flonne, you got a wide strike zone. [Camera turns to face Gordon as he jumps off the mountain and faces the party] [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Gordon! [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Are you alright, Jennifer? Gordon: Hm!? Who are these children!? [Camera turns to face Laharl as he steps forward] Laharl: How dare you call me a child! I am the Overlord! [Camera turns to face Gordon as he smiles] Gordon: You? The Overlord!? Gordon: Hahahahaha!! Quit joking around. Gordon: You haven't even gone through puberty... [Laharl fires a blast of lightning at Gordon] [Gordon jumps away] Gordon: Hey! No fair! A cowardly trick, Overlord!! [Camera turns to face Laharl] Laharl: It's about time you came to your senses. Gordon: I, Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth, shall put an end to your evil ambition of invading Earth!! [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: P, Please wait. Gordon: Shut up, villainess!! [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Villainess!? [Flonne and Laharl face each other] Flonne: Laharl! This rude stranger isn't a hero, nor is he a defender of anything! [Flonne turns to face Gordon] Flonne: Let's kick his sorry butt! [Etna turns to face Flonne] Etna: ...That didn't take long. [Laharl turns to face Gordon] Laharl: We're in agreement this time, Flonne. Laharl: Listen, Defender of Earth! If you can defeat me, I promise not to invade your planet. Laharl: But if I win, then you agree to stay here in the Netherworld and become my vassal. How about it? [Camera turns to face Gordon] Gordon: Tch! Fine! A hero never backs down from a fight! [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Gordon, listen... Gordon: No need to worry, Jennifer. Gordon: I eat guys like him for breakfast! Thursday and I can handle this by ourselves! Gordon: All you have to do is believe in Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth, like always!! Laharl: Haaahahahaha!! It's a deal, then!! Here I come, Defender of Earth!! [Gordon begins to glow in white] Gordon: Come on, Overlord! I'll protect the earth at any price!! Gordon: Thursday!! Back me up! [Camera centers on Thursday] Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... MISSION ACKNOWLEDGED. [Thursday flies over to Gordon and lands next to him] [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place] Laharl: Haaahahahaha!! How do you like that, hero!? Taste the power of the Overlord!! Laharl: You've learned an important lesson today... Heroes don't always win!! Haaahahahaha!! Flonne: Oh no... What have I done? I have injured a human... Flonne: I... inadvertently... Etna: Inadvertently my butt... Etna: Flonne, lately you've been acting more and more like us demons, huh? Flonne: N, No, I haven't... Flonne: But, if the Seraph finds out... [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within Celestia] Vulcanus: Seraph! Seraph Lamington, are you here!? This is a serious matter!! Seraph: It is always a serious matter when you come here. What is it this time? Vulcanus: Flonne has killed a human in the Netherworld!! Seraph: What? Flonne killed a human? Vulcanus: That's right! Even if she is a trainee, an angel harming a human is a grave sin!! Vulcanus: Is this forgivable!? No, such a sin cannot be forgiven!! Seraph: ...But still, that is odd. Why would a human be in the Netherworld? Vulcanus: W, Well... Vulcanus: At any rate, I will make sure that Flonne is captured!! Vulcanus: I will be using some of the troops. I have your permission, correct? Seraph: ...Very well. I shall leave it to you, Vulcanus. Vulcanus: Yes, sir! Seraph: ...Hmmm, I never expected humans to interfere. Seraph: Now then... How will he respond to this...? [Fade to black] [Camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place] Flonne: Everything will be fine! The Seraph will understand that it was just a mistake! Flonne: ...He surely will! Etna: You better hope so... [Fade to black] [Gordon, Jennifer, and Thursday join the party] Episode: 9 Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth End. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XIII. Episode 10: Angels, Demons, and Humans + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Now that we have the Defender of Earth on our side, our space adven... Gordon: Hi, everyone! This is your hero, Captain Gordon! Etna: It won't be easy for Gord... Gordon: As all of you know, I am the 37th Defender of Earth! Gordon: As the name suggests, it is my duty to defend the Earth! Etna: What lies ahead of... Gordon: No matter what lies ahead, I swear on my honor... Gordon: ...and the name "Defender of Earth", that evil-doers shall not escape! Gordon: That is my mission! Etna: Next... Gordon: Next on Captain Gordon: Defender of Earth, Episode 10: Angels, Demons, and Humans! Gordon: Look forward to my adventures! Hahahahahaha!! Etna: "Hahaha" my ass! [Gunshots are heard in the background] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's castle] Laharl: Gordon! Wash my shorts! Laharl: Gordon! After that, clean my room! Laharl: Gordon! After that, make dinner! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Gordon: *huff* *huff* ...! Gordon: (What humiliation! The Defender of Earth working for the Overlord! I can't apologize enough to my predecessors!) Laharl: Hmmmmm? You look unhappy. Laharl: Don't tell me that a hero would break his promise, now. Gordon: *groan* Gordon: (A hero never breaks a promise!) Gordon: (All I can do right now is endure this!) Gordon: (As long as my faith does not falter, hope remains!!) Gordon: (I've got it! I'll just pretend to obey him!) Gordon: (And when he lets his guard down, I'll escape back to Earth!) Gordon: (All right! I just need to have patience! Good thinking, Gordon!) Laharl: Your eyes are full of hope... You're planning something, aren't you? Gordon: N, No I'm not! I was just... Jennifer: Morning, Harlie<3 Laharl: I told you not to call me that! Jennifer: Why not? It's cuter that way. Jennifer: Etna and Flonne and going to show me around the Netherworld, and we're gonna have a picnic. Jennifer: Why don't you come along, Harlie? We made a great lunch! Gordon: Picnic? Gordon: You must be joking, Jennifer! I, the Defender of Earth, am working, and you, my assistant, are working? Jennifer: But Gordon, today's Sunday. It's a day off for everybody. Gordon: Well, that's true, but... Gordon: Thursday, you'll stay here and work with me, right? Thursday: ROBOTS REQUIRE REST, TOO. THURSDAY WILL ATTEND PICNIC WITH JENNIFER. LALALA. Gordon: Hey! You traitor! Jennifer: There you have it, Gordon. We'll leave the chores to you. Etna: ...So, where should we go? Flonne: It's her first time in the Netherworld, so how about the Sea of Gehenna? Etna: Why!? It's so hot over there. Jennifer: What kind of place is it? Flonne: It's a big tourist spot. Since you're new to the Netherworld, you have to go check it out! Jennifer: Is there a souvenir shop around? Flonne: Um, it's not exactly the kind of place that sells souvenirs... Etna: If it's souvenirs you're looking for, try Sphinx's on Sacrifice Street. They've got nice mummy heads, see? Jennifer: Oh! How adorable! Flonne: Hey! That's the Nether Year 666 Limited Edition model! I want one! Etna: Heheh, too bad. Jennifer: Okay, today it's a picnic at the Sea of Gehenna, and tomorrow it's shopping on Sacrifice Street. Etna: Sounds like a plan! Flonne: I'm in! Laharl: ...Now I just plain pity you, Gordon. Laharl: Alright, we're going to the Sea of Gehenna! Laharl: I will never, ever allow those women to go picnicking on their own! Gordon: That's a great idea! We should do it! Gordon: It's not like we'd be going on a picnic, going lalala. Someone has to protect them! Laharl: Right, let's go! Gordon: (*snicker* Here's my chance!) Gordon: (I'll sneak off and escape during the picnic!) [Fade to black] [Camera shows Episode 10 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: Humans can only live for about 100 years? What a brief existence. Gordon: It's not the length of your life, the the density of it! Etna: Yeah, but you're dense in a different way. Manty: Hmmm... So these are the Defenders of Earth... Jennifer: Oh my god! Gordon, the lion is speaking! Gordon: C-Calm down, Jennifer! This is the Netherworld! Lions can talk here! Dratti: Humans must be tougher than I though, if one can survive against you. Laharl: It's not much fun picking on the weak. I let him off easy this time, that's all. Don't get the wrong idea. Gargo: You're probably the only Overlord ever to have humans and an angel as vassals. Ghoss: There were other humans that came to the Netherworld, but not like these... Gordon: Hmmm? What do you mean by that? Zommie: An angel assassin... An attack by humans... A lot has been happening lately... Laharl: All thanks to my evil deeds. Hmhmhm... Dimensional Gatekeeper: Picnic at the Sea of Gehenna, Prince? You are still quite childish. *chuckle* Laharl: N, No, I'm not! I'm going to investigate the area... Gordon: Picnic, picnic, La la, la la, laaaaa. Dimensional Gatekeeper: So... You ARE going on a picnic. === i. Sea of Gehenna === --- a. Fervent Melody --- [Camera shows two areas on Earth] [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within Earth] General Carter: It's past the scheduled time, and still no word from Gordon. General Carter: Apparently, even the Defender of Earth was no match for the Overlord... Sharp-Eyed Man: He's not the real Defender of Earth. Sharp-Eyed Man: If you had just left it to me, I would have been done ages ago. General Carter: Are you still carrying on about that? You need to be more insightful, Kurtis. General Carter: It doesn't really matter to me whether he wins or loses. General Carter: His mission ended as soon as he opened a route to the Netherworld. Slaying the Overlord was just a pretext. Kurtis: Hmph. They're nothing but pawns to you, huh... General Carter: What an ugly way of saying it, Kurtis. I prefer to call them the "heroes who sacrificed their lives for the earth". General Carter: Muhahahaha!! Kurtis: (Hmph... Gordon wouldn't die so easily.) Kurtis: (Only I, Kurtis, can defeat him!) Kurtis: (I bet he beat the Overlord already and is enjoying a picnic right now, going lalala) [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within the Sea of Gehenna] Gordon: Lalala. Gordon: Hahahahaha!! I never thought that picnicking in the Netherworld would be so delightful. Laharl: ...Is this guy really a hero? Laharl: I'm not one to say, but... I always thought a hero was a bit more dignified. Laharl: This guy's just a fool. Flonne: No, a true hero hides his real identity from the world, pretending to be quiet or weak. Flonne: Then, when someone needs to be saved, he appears admirably to uphold justice. Flonne: That's right, isn't it? Jennifer: Well, I guess... Gordon: Lalala. Etna: You sure? He looks like he doesn't have a care in the world... Gordon: Lalala. Gordon: (Alright, they're falling for my plan.) Gordon: (Now, all I have to do is just play along until I can make a run for it!) [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within Celestia] Seraph: Your continued existence hinges on an incredibly unstable balance. Do you understand? Voice: I am aware of that. Seraph: Then, please take better care of yourself. Voice: I would like to, but I cannot leave them on their own. Seraph: ...My power is not limitless. Please do not forget that. Voice: ...... [Fade to black] --- b. Wasteland of Woe --- [Camera shows an area within the Sea of Gehenna] Gordon: Hey! What's wrong, Master? Gordon: You're not having fun? I thought kids loved picnics. The sky is blue, the weather is perfect! Gordon: Come on! Let's sing! Laharl: I'm not a kid! I'm 1313 years old. And mentally, I'm much more mature than you, too. Etna: Mature? I think you two are about the same. ...For your information, I'm 1470. Flonne: I'm ummm... fairly young. Laharl: Young? How old is young? Flonne: Young is... young. Laharl: You're an angel, aren't you? Tell the truth. Flonne: ...... Flonne: One thousand... five hundred nine. Etna: What!? You're older than me!? Laharl: Haaahahahaha!! You old hag! Flonne: I'm not old!! Jennifer: ...That's amazing. No one would think you're that old. Laharl: Hmph. That's why humans act so foolishly. They judge solely on looks. Jennifer: Ooh, you talk big. Then you shouldn't mind my body, right? Laharl: Uh... W, Well... Laharl: I'm getting hungry. Let's eat. Jennifer: *chuckle* Changing the subject, huh? I'll let it slide this time. Flonne: Here's the picnic basket... Mid-Boss: En garde!! Flonne: Ah, the picnic basket!! Mid-Boss: It has been a while, mademoiselle. The sweet smell of these entrees has led moi all the way here. Etna: Hey, Mid-Boss! Give us back our food!! Mid-Boss: Non non non non non... I cannot oblige. Mid-Boss: For moi, a widower, this handmade lunch is like an oasis in a desert... Mid-Boss: I cannot give it back. Laharl: You return after all this time, and for a stupid reason like this? Flonne: Mr. Mid-Boss, you don't have anyone to make lunch for you? Poor thing... Mid-Boss: Stop pitying moi! That sends a sharp pain to my heart! Gordon: Hold it right there! Gordon: Mid-Boss, was it? That picnic basket is mine! Give it back, now! Mid-Boss: Hmmm... You are a human, are you not? Gordon: That's right! They call me Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth!! Mid-Boss: And why is the Defender of Earth picnicking with demons? Gordon: Sh, Shut up! I'm not here because I want to be! Mid-Boss: Very well. I shall test your resolve, o Defender of Earth... Mid-Boss: Now! Can you retrieve this basket from moi!? Haaahahahaha!! Gordon: Hey, you! Wait!! Laharl: It's so pathetic that we put up with that idiot... [Fade to black] --- c. River of Lava --- [No script] --- d. Searing Tyranny --- [Camera shows an area within the Sea of Gehenna] Gordon: Hmmm... Where did our lunch go? Etna: Let's go home. This is pointless. Laharl: I agree. Flonne: We can't leave now! We woke up early just to make it. Gordon: That's right! As Defender of Earth, I cannot let our food fall into the hands of evil! Laharl: You're just hungry. Gordon: What are you talking about!? This is a challenge by evil! I cannot turn my back on this ordeal! Gordon: Justice must prevail!! Flonne: How wonderful! You really are a hero! Jennifer: Gordon, let's have Thursday search for the basket using his olfactory tracking device. Gordon: Oh yeah! I forgot about that! Jennifer: Thursday, can you pinpoint the location where the picnic lunch's smell originates? Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... NO PROBLEM, JENNIFER. Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... ANALYSING AIR COMPONENTS. SMALL TRACES OF SCENT CONFIRMED. Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... FACTORING IN WIND VECTORS. Thursday: PROJECTED COORDIANTES LIE IN THE AREA UP AHEAD. Jennifer: Thanks, Thursday. Hey guys, the culprit is up ahead. Etna: That robot can do stuff like that, too? Pretty useful. Gordon: Of course! Thursday is the multi-purpose super robot! Gordon: And the creator of Thursday is none other than Jennifer! Gordon: She was a child prodigy who invented Thursday at the age of 5 and earned a Ph.D. in every subject by the age of 10! Gordon: Without her help, we would never have understood the secret of the pyramids, or solved the case of Jack the Tripper! Etna: ...So, why are YOU bragging? Flonne: That's incredible, Miss Jennifer. Jennifer: It's nothing, really. Laharl: I thought you were just a dumb blonde, but I guess I was wrong. Jennifer: Hmmmm? Who was the one saying not to judge people by their looks, Harlie? Laharl: Uh... Did I say that? Laharl: Anyways, we have to get the basket back before Mid-Boss eats it all! Jennifer: *chuckles* You're right. Let's go. [Fade to black] --- e. Inferno --- [Camera shows the entire party surrounding Mid-Boss in an area within the Sea of Gehenna] Mid-Boss: My, my... What a gluttonous bunch you are, following moi all this way. [Camera spins to face Laharl as he steps forward and lights up with anger] Laharl: Look who's talking! [Camera spins to face Gordon as he steps forward] Gordon: Give it up! I swear by the name "Defender of Earth", that I'll get that basket back!! [Camera turns to face Mid-Boss] Mid-Boss: Haaahahahaha!! You are going to get hurt if you think that I am your average picnic basket thief! Mid-Boss: Very well! I shall demonstrate for you humans the elegant techniques of the Dark Adonis! [Mid-Boss flashes in white and pushes the entire party backwards] Gordon: Whoa!? So bright!! [Camera turns to face Gordon] Gordon: Shoot, at this rate, we'll lose!! [Jennifer jumps forward and faces Gordon from his left] Jennifer: Gordon!! [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Jennifer! Thursday! Let's give it a go! [Thursday steps forward, and the three members of Gordon's group raise an arm in the air] Jennifer: To preotect the earth from evil!! Thursday: THERE IS NO REST FOR THE CHAMPIONS OF JUSTICE. Gordon: Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth! Here to save the day!! [The three members of Gordon's team glow in white, then the camera spins behind Laharl's team] [Flonne turns to face Laharl and Etna] Flonne: This isn't good! Laharl! Etna! They're stealing the show! [Camera turns to face Laharl as he sulks] Laharl: Well... I don't really care... [Camera turns to face Flonne] Flonne: You should! We're joining in!! [Camera turns to face Etna as she sulks] Etna: What!? You serious, Flonne? [Camera turns behind Flonne] Flonne: I'm no longer ordinary Flonne! I'm Guardian Flonne! [Flonne jumps forward] Flonne: Alright, here we go! [Flonne turns around and stares at Laharl and Etna until they move forward] [Laharl raises an arm in the air] Flonne: As long as evil exists in the world, this elegant angel will soar the skies! [Etna raises an arm in the air] Flonne: The people's cheers bring me courage! [Flonne raises an arm in the air] Flonne: The Warrior of Love, Guardian Flonne!! [Flonne glows in white as Laharl turns to face Etna] Laharl: Why do I have to be a part of this...? [Etna turns to face Laharl] Etna: I have never been so embarrassed in all my life... [Camera turns to face Mid-Boss] Mid-Boss: Haaahahahaha!! Your teamwork is terrible compared to the Defenders of Earth! [Camera turns to face Flonne as she turns around] Flonne: Sheesh! We're being laughed at because of you two! [Etna turns to face Laharl] Etna: S, She's pissed, Prince... [Laharl turns to face Etna] Laharl: I give up! Do what you want... [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place] Laharl: You lose again. Now, give back the picnic basket. Mid-Boss: Haaahahahaha!! Unfortunately for you, I have already consumed the contents!! Gordon: You fiend! How dare you! Mid-Boss: That means this duel is a draw! Mid-Boss: We shall meet again! My compliments to the chef! Flonne: Ahhhh... Our lunch... Jennifer: Oh, it's okay. We can always make it again. Gordon: Jennifer's right. Lunches are expendable. Gordon: Which reminds me... I haven't had Pizza Shack's Teriyaki Pizza in a long time. Gordon: Now then, since this is all over, we'll be heading back to Earth. Gordon: There's no need to shed any tears. So long, people of the Netherworld! Gordon: (You go Gordon! Take it nice and easy!) Gordon: (No one, not even a demon, can deny a man his Pizza Shack Teriyaki Pizza.) Gordon: (Now, if I can just return to Earth and act like nothing ever happened...) Etna: You know, I could care less about you leaving... Etna: But, how do you plan on gettin' out of here? Gordon: Huh? Gordon: Nooooooooooooooooooooo!! Now that you mention it, our spaceship is in pieces!! Gordon: We have no way of getting home!! Jennifer: ...Gordon, you just realized that? Thursday: GEEZ LOUISE. Gordon: Ohhhhh... My perfect plan... Laharl: Too bad, Gordon. Your fate is to be my vassal. Gordon: Ugh...! Gordon: Will we ever be able to return to Earth? Gordon: Who will defend the planet now? Will my duty as Defender of Earth go unfulfilled...? Laharl: ...... Flonne: Oh, yes. I have an idea, Mr. Gordon. Flonne: Why don't you change from Defender of Earth to Defender of the Netherworld? Gordon: Wha!? I, I could never do that? Jennifer: Oh, come on, Gordon. The earth isn't the only world. Jennifer: Our duty is to safeguard peace, whether it be on Earth, or in the Netherworld. Gordon: Hmmmm... But, that title doesn't sound right... Laharl: Fine, I'll give you a giid title. In the name of King Laharl, I knight thee, "Slayer of the Netherworld". Gordon: Hey, wait! That's not any better... Laharl: I promoted you from being a vassal. Quit complaining. Jennifer: Does that mean... we can stay here, Harlie? Laharl: Your unusual abilities... They'll come in handy as I take control of the Netherworld. Laharl: *sigh* I'll try to tolerate that sexy body of yours. Flonne: *giggle* I never thought I'd hear the word "tolerate" come from his mouth. Etna: That's as close to acceptance as he gets, right? Etna: Of course, it could just be that he started liking sexy bodies... Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. Gordon: It's not well! Gordon: This is a dream! It must be a dream! Gordon: Somebody tell me it's a dream!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within the Sea of Gehenna] [Words appear on screen as Flonne narrates] And that's how these people were welcomed into King Laharl's court. I know I helped the demons get the humans on their side... But these days, I'm not so concerned about that kind of stuff. I hope one day all angels, demons, and humans can live happily together, just as we do The end. [Fade to black] Episode: 10 Angels, Demons, and Humans End. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XIV. Episode 11: Hero's Will, Overlord's Way + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: With the EDF Armada steadily advancing, it's up to me to protect the Netherworld! Carter: Muhahahaha! What can a little girl do!? Etna: Mega Curse Cannon! Anything in the air is toast!! Carter: Hmm... Not bad! Etna: Plasma Magic Circle! Nothing can get past this baby! Carter: Ugh... Impossible! Etna: And the ultimate weapon, Love Freak Flonne! Etna: With her idealistic notion of peace and love, she'll annoy you into submission! Carter: Gaahhhhh... How dreadful! Etna: Next on the Legend of the Netherworld Heroine, Episode 11: Etna vs EDF Etna: Another page in the Netherworld's history... Carter: We can't just sit here! All forces, move out! [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area of Earth] [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within Earth] General Carter: Finally, the time has come... General Carter: If we don't secure the Netherworld in this battle, the Earth won't last another 100 years. General Carter: Capturing the Netherworld... That's our only means of survival. Vulcanus: *grunt* That is correct. General Carter: You're...! Is there something you want? Vulcanus: No, I just came to make sure that you weren't backing out of this. General Carter: We're preparing to launch the attack. Our fleet of space carriers was constructed using the most advanced technology. General Carter: If your information is correct, then there is no way we can lose. Vulcanus: *grunt* That's good to know. I'm counting on you. General Carter: That angel... What does he hope to gain, giving us information about the Netherworld...? General Carter: No, now is not the time for second guessing! The earth is breathing its last breath. General Carter: All ships, prepare for takeoff! Earth Defense Force, move out!! [Screen Shakes] [Fade to black] [Episode 11 title screen appears] [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within the Netherworld] Gordon: Not good! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a different area within the Netherworld] Gordon: Not good! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a snowy area within the Netherworld] Gordon: Not good! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's castle] Gordon: This is not good at all!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Gordon: I must find a way to return to Earth! At this rate, I'll have no choice but to accept a job as Slayer of the Netherworld. Gordon: Hmmmmm. Is there any way... Gordon: Oh, yeah! The EDF!! When I don't return according to schedule, they'll surely come to rescue me!! Gordon: Alright! A ray of hope!! Laharl: Hey, was that supposed to be you talking to yourself? I could hear every word you said. Jennifer: Gordon, do you really think the EDF will come to rescue us? Gordon: Of course I do! I have faith in them! Jennifer: ...... Etna: Prince, Prince. Laharl: What? Something wrong? Etna: You've received a challenge. Laharl: What!? From who!? Flonne: Get ready for this: it's from the Defender of Earth! Gordon: What'd you say!? Gordon: That's strange... I don't remember writing a challenge... Laharl: What's it say? [Screen gets dark as the words scroll] I am the Defender of Earth. I finally found you, evil Overlord. The time has come to settle the score. Come to the Forest of the Dead. There, you shall meet your doom. Laharl: ...Okay! Let's go! Etna: It's your duty as an Overlord, again? Laharl: That's right. I'll pound him into submission and make him my vassal! Laharl: Rejoice, Gordon! It looks like you'll be meeting a new friend! Haaahahahaha!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: Demons don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. It's custom! Flonne: Is that so... Etna: I, I wash my hands! Manty: I can't think of a topic of conversation, so please take this. [Manty gives Laharl Vile Brilliance] Manty: I told you I have nothing to talk about!! Dratti: The Item World is a never-ending dungeon. ...Have you been to the bottom? Gargo: Those born as "good-for-nothings' will be worthless forever unless they transmigrate. Gargo: But, don't you think that raising them to be their best makes you a truly superb mentor? Ghoss: Are there other Defenders of Earth? Gordon: Well, not really... Laharl: I'd be happy if there were. I would never be bored. Zommie: Another Defender of Earth? Zommie: You are just so popular. Laharl: Of course. Dimensional Gatekeeper: Prince, I hear that a hero challenged you to a duel. Laharl: That's right. I'm on my way to beat him right now. Dimensional Gatekeeper: The "Forest of the Dead", right? I will open the gate right now. Laharl: Hmhmhm... I can't wait to see who this "hero" is. === i. Forest of the Dead === --- a. Ghostly Whisper --- [Camera shows a red area within the Forest of the Dead] Jennifer: Hey, Gordon. Could that challenge have been written by Kurtis...? Gordon: Kurtis! Now that you mention it, you might be right! Laharl: Who's this Kurtis? Jennifer: Kurtis is the other Defender of Earth. Etna: The OTHER Defender of Earth? There's more than one of 'em? Jennifer: No, the true Defender of Earth is Gordon. Jennifer: Kurtis calls himself the Defender of Earth and tries to steal work from under us. Jennifer: But, as much as I hate to admit it, he has managed to save the earth on a few occasions. Jennifer: That's why you could say that there are 2 Defender of Earth right now. Flonne: Hmmmm. Sounds complicated. Laharl: It worked out fine in the end, since one has become Slayer of the Netherworld. Gordon: "Worked out fine"!? This is NOT fine!! Gordon: I work for the earth, not the Netherworld!! [Fade to black] Voice: (The Overlord! I've finally found you!) Voice: (Today, I'll fulfill my sworn duty!) Voice: (But first, I'll test your strength! I'm counting on you, my friends!) [Camera shows a red area within the Forest of the Dead] Laharl: Hm? I sense something nearby. Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... UNKNOWN BIORHYTHMS DETECTED. DANGER DANGER DANGER... [Fade to black] --- b. Rising Fear --- [Camera shows the party walking onto a map in the Forest of the Dead] [An old man appears on a hill ahead of the party] Old Man: Overlord! Prepare yourself!! Gordon: Kurtis!? [Jennifer steps back] Old Man: Take thissssssssss!! [Old Man gets ready to lunge at the party] Thursday: LOOK OUT, CAPTAIN. [Old Man lunges at Gordon, but Thursday pushes Gordon out of the way and gets hits by the Old Man's attack; Thursday falls backwards and seemingly runs out of power, and Gordon runs to his aid] Gordon: Thursday! [Gordon walks towards the Old Man] Gordon: You're not Kurtis!! Who are you!? Gordon: Are you aware of who you're dealing with!? I am Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth! [Jennifer and Gordon look at each other] Jennifer: Wait, Gordon! Old Man: What? The Defender of Earth? Old Man: What would the Defender of Earth be doing here in the company of the Overlord? [Gordon steps back] Gordon: Uh, well... It's a complex situation... [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: He's my vassal. He lost to me in battle, so I made him my slave. Laharl: His new name is Slayer of the Netherworld. Old Man: What was that!? The Defender of Earth is now the Overlord's vassal!? [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: S, Sir!? [Old Man turns away from the party] Old Man: How shameful... How disgraceful... The Defender of Earth has sunk so low... Gordon: Hey! You haven't heard the whole story! Gordon: Besides, you haven't even introduced yourself yet! Old Man: ...Me? Old Man: I'm Don Joaquin, the original Defender of Earth... [Don Joaquin turns around, walks away, and disappears] Gordon: The original... Defender of Earth...? [Camera turns to face Etna as she steps forward] Etna: That ol' man? Sounds fishy to me. [Camera turns to face Jennifer as she turns to face the party] Jennifer: No, it may be true. My father used to tell me about him. Jennifer: Hundreds of years ago, the first Defender of Earth left for the Netherworld to vanquish the Overlord, and never returned... [Camera turns to face Flonne as she steps forward] Flonne: But, how is he still alive? Compared to the typical human life span, he should have passed away a long time ago. Laharl: That's probably his soul. Laharl: He probably couldn't rest in peace until he defeated the Overlord, so his soul remained behind. Flonne: Why...? [Camera turns to face Gordon as he turns to face the party] Gordon: There's only one thing!! [Gordon begins to glow] Gordon: It's his duty as a hero! Etna: He's starting to sound like you, Prince... [Gordon stops glowing] Gordon: I'm so touched! Gordon: The idea of him still struggling to fulfill his duty, transcending time! A true Defender of Earth!! Gordon: I'm proud to follow in his footsteps!! [Etna steps forward] Etna: But, I don't think an old man like that could defeat the Prince even in a thousand years. Gordon: Yeah... I see your point. [Camera turns to face Flonne as she steps forward] Flonne: But, we have to help him! We can't just leave him like this! [Laharl turns towards Flonne] Laharl: ...Hey, Love Freak. You're not trying to force your beliefs on me again, are you? Flonne: Bingo<3 Flonne: Next time we run into him, let's lose on purpose. Flonne: That way, he'll finally be satisfied, and his spirit will ascend to heaven. [Etna turns towards Flonne] Laharl: Don't be ridiculous! I have a duty to fulfill, too! I can't lose on purpose! Flonne: Why? Is it that big a deal? Flonne: Are you that selfish that you can't even save a poor hero's soul? Laharl: Shut up! This is between me and him! So, stay out of it!! Flonne: ...... [Laharl turns around] Laharl: ...We're going in after him! [Fade to black] --- c. Crawling Terror --- [Camera shows an area within the Forest of the Dead] Thursday: BEEP... BLIP BEEP... Thursday: BEEPBEEPBLIPBEEPBLIPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBLIPBLIPBLIPBEPPBEEPBEE...P... Gordon: Huh!? Wh, What's wrong, Thursday!? Jennifer: Oh, no! Jennifer: The shock from that old man's attack has short-circuited him! Gordon: Can you repair him, Jennifer!? Jennifer: Even though I built Thursday when I was 5, I can't fix him without the proper equipment. Thursday: BEEP... BEEP BLIP... Jennifer: Ahhh... The damage to the Memory Circuit is extensive. Jennifer: Is Thursday overheats, then his entire memory will be lost. Gordon: Hmmmm... That leaves me no choice. Thursday, you're going to have to sit on the sidelines for now. Thursday: BEEP...BLIP BEEP... W, WAIT. THURSDAY CAN FIGHT. Gordon: I won't allow it. We can't afford to lose you. Jennifer: Gordon's right. You heard what I said, didn't you? Your memory could be lost. Jennifer: If that happens, you'll forget about Gordon and I, and all the wonderful memories that we've shared together. Thursday: BE...EP... THURSDAY FIGHT ANYWAY. Gordon: Thursday...! Thursday: EVEN THOUGH THURSDAY ROBOT, GORDON AND JENNIFER CALL THURSDAY FRIEND. Thursday: THURSDAY HAPPY. THURSDAY WANT TO SHOW GRATITUDE... Thursday: THURSDAY MAY LOSE MEMOERY IF PARTICIPATION IS RESUMED... Thursday: LOSE MEMORY. VERY SAD... Thursday: BUT BEING USELESS EVEN MORE SAD... Thursday: THAT IS WHY THURSDAY FIGHT ALONGSIDE YOU UNTIL VERY END... Gordon: Thursday...! Ughhhh... *sob*...! Laharl: What's wrong, you gotta go? Flonne: No he doesn't! He's been touched by Mr. Thursday's heart! Etna: Heart? Robots have hearts? Gordon: What are you saying! Thursday's words are the very heart of a Defender of Earth!! Gordon: It doesn't matter if he's human or robot; he has the same burning spirit deep inside of him! Gordon: Thursday! Thursday: YES, CAPTAIN GORDON? Gordon: Your noble spirit has touched my heart! No matter what the outcome, I will be proud to fight beside you! Gordon: Now, join us, Thursday! Thursday: BEEP BEEP... Thursday: THANK YOU, CAPTAIN... Thursday: THURSDAY SO GLAD TO HAVE MET YOU... [Fade to black] --- d. Hero's Tomb --- [Camera shows the party walking onto a map within the Forest of the Dead] [Don Joaquin appears ahead of the party] Don Joaquin: I've been waiting for you, Overlord!! Don Joaquin: Countless years have passed since I left my home, Earth, so far away!! How I've dreamt of this day!! Don Joaquin: Now, we shall settle this at last! [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: That we will! King Laharl runs from no one! Come on!! [Flonne steps forward to face Laharl] Flonne: W, Wait, Laharl! You're not actually going to fight him, are you? [Laharl turns to face Flonne] Laharl: Why not? He challenged me, didn't he? Flonne: Laharl...! You're----- [Etna turns to face Flonne] Etna: Flonne, just let him do things his way. Flonne: B, But...! [Don Joaquin pulls out his sword and stick it in the ground] Don Joaquin: My friends!! Aid me in battle!! [Laharl steps back] Laharl: Hm!? He's not alone? [Flonne steps back as four zombies appear between Don Joaquin and the party] Zombies: Ffffrrriiiieeeennndddsssss... Laharl: ...More zombies, huh. Don Joaquin: What do you think of this!? I've made a few friends over the years! [Don Joaquin raises his sword into the air] Don Joaquin: Here I come, Overlord!! Now is the moment that I fulfill my duty!! Laharl: Very well! En garde, old hero!! [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place; the entire party is standing alongside Don Joaquin] [Flonne steps forward to face Laharl] Flonne: Laharl! Why!? Why didn't you lose!? Flonne: I know that you have a kind heart inside! Flonne: Why...? Laharl: ...You're starting to get annoying. I'm a demon. There was never any kindness in my heart. Laharl: You were wrong about me. Sorry to disappoint you. Flonne: --------!! Flonne: You've let me down, Laharl! You're the worst... Don Joaquin: It's okay, little girl... [The entire party turns to face Don Joaquin] Flonne: Huh...? Don Joaquin: It's all okay. I'm satisfied now... Flonne: ...What do you mean? Don Joaquin: It may be hard for you to understand, but we heroes live a certain way, and we die a certain way, too. Don Joaquin: I was once known as the Defender of Earth, but I grew old, died, and have existed as a mere soul... Don Joaquin: I could no longer live as a hero, nor could I die as one; I just wandered in the Netherworld... Don Joaquin: How pathetic I felt... Don Joaquin: But, as long last, I was able to fight again as Defender of Earth. Don Joaquin: I wasn't able to win, but I have no regrets. In fact, I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Don Joaquin: It's all thanks to this kid Overlord, because he fought me with all his might. Don Joaquin: Now, I can finally rest in peace. Don Joaquin: ...Thank you. Laharl: Hmph. What kind of hero thanks an Overlord? Laharl: ...I was just fulfilling my own duty. [Thursday begins to illuminate electricity, and everyone turns toward him] Thursday: BEEP... BLIP BEEP... [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Gordon! Thursday's...!! Gordon: Hey, hang in there, Thursday!! Thursday: GORDON... JENNI...FER... [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Don't speak, Thursday! You'll waste your energy! [Thursday turns toward Jennifer] Thursday: IT IS... OKAY, JENNIFER... Thursday: DID... THURSDAY... SERVE... HIS... PURPOSE...? [Thursday and Gordon face each other] Gordon: Thursday...! Gordon: Yes! Of course! Of course you did, Thursday!! Gordon: We were only able to overcome the many obstacles we have faced in our adventures because of your support!! Gordon: We three together are the Defenders of Earth!! Gordon: So, don't give up! Thursday!! Thursday: THANK GOODNESS... Thursday: THANK YOU... FOR... ALL... THE... MEM...OR...IES... PSHHHH...... [Thursday loses his last bit of power as Jennifer steps back] Jennifer: *sniff* Thursday... Gordon: Thursday...! Thursdaaaaaaaaaaaay!! [Laharl, Etna, and Flonne turn toward Don Joaquin] Don Joaquin: Young Defender of Earth, you have wonderful friends. [Gordon and Jennifer turn toward Don Joaquin] Don Joaquin: If I had friends like that, maybe things would have been different. Don Joaquin: ...This shall be my final act as Defender of Earth. [Don Joaquin lifts his sword high into the air] Don Joaquin: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh...!! [Don Joaquin illuminates in white, and soon thereafter, the entire screen goes white] Thursday: BEEP... BEEP BLIP BEEP... [Everyone turns to face Thursday] Jennifer: Thursday!! How can this be!? His circuit is fixed!! Gordon: ...Which means!! Thursday: BEEP BLIP BEEP... GOOD MORNING, CAPTAIN GORDON, JENNIFER. [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Ohh, Thursday!! [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Ahh, thank goodness! [Jennifer and Gordon turn to face Don Joaquin] Jennifer: Thank you so much! How can we repay you...? [The entire party turns to face Don Joaquin] Don Joaquin: No, it was my fault that this happened in the first place... I don't need to be thanked... [Don Joaquin sticks his sword into the ground] Don Joaquin: Farewell, young Defenders of Earth. Remember that spirit inside you... [Don Joaquin disappears, his soul flies upward, and the screen turns white] Gordon: I salute you, Don Joaquin, the original Defender of Earth!! Laharl: ...Maybe there are some decent humans out there, after all. [The party turns to face Laharl] Etna: It looks like you're getting the hang of being Overlord, aren't ya, Prince? [Laharl and Thursday turn to face Etna] Laharl: Of course. Who do you think I am? I'm the great King Laharl. Flonne: Umm, Laharl... I'm sorry that I jumped to conclusions and said such horrible things... Laharl: That's right! You said I'm "the worst...", didn't you? Laharl: What were you gonna say next? "The worst..." what? [Flonne steps bacl] Flonne: Uh... W, Well... Gordon: I'd like to hear the answer to that, too. Jennifer: Me, too. Etna: What kind of filthy language was about to escape those love-preaching lips? [Thursday steps forward] Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... NOW CALCULATING, NOW CALCULATING... Thursday: CALCULATION COMPLETE. THE ANSWER IS... Flonne: Nooooooo!! [Flonne attacks Thursday, and Thursday staggers backwards] Etna: Ah, she destroyed the evidence. [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Ahh! Thursday!! Gordon: Oh my god! Are you okay, Thursday!! [Laharl turns to face Flonne] Laharl: ...Wicked little angel. Etna: Yep. Worse than a demon. Flonne: N, No, I'm not...! [Fade to black] Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... Thursday: EPISODE 11, "HERO'S WILL, OVERLORD'S WAY" Thursday: THE END ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XV. Episode 12: War of the Netherworld, Part 1 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Screen goes static] [Fade to black] ["13ch" appears in the corner of the screen] [Camera shows series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Etna and...! Jennifer: Jennifer's...! Etna & Jennifer: Netherworld Telephone Shopping!! Etna: Today's item: the multi-purpose super robot, Thursday! Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP.... Etna: Tired of after-Thankstaking sales hassles? Leave it all to Thursday! Etna: He'll bring the entire mall right to your doorstep! Jennifer: Thursday's super computer makes preparing your taxes a cinch! Jennifer: No more buying tax software every year! Jennifer: What a great way to save<3 Etna: Now, you can get your very own Thursday! Jennifer: With a free branch lopper and knife set! Etna & Jennifer: All for just 29,990 HL! That's right, just 29,990 HL!! Etna & Jennifer: Call right now! [Fade to black] Thursday: YOU NEGLECTED TO MENTION THE NEXT EPISODE. [Screen shows a split second of static] [Fade to black] [Camera shows a gigantic anomaly of energy within the Stellar Graveyard] [Fade to black] [Camera shows the Episode 12 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Flonne: What was that? Etna: Felt like an earthquake, but they barely ever happen around here. Laharl: But whenever there's one, something big always happens. Laharl: Hmhmhm... I wonder what catastrophe will happen this time. Prinny: P, Prince! Several giant objects have appeared at the Stellar Graveyard, dood! Laharl: That was quick. ...How many? Prinny Squad: Dood, there're billions of 'em! Gordon: You hear that, Jennifer? The EDF is here to save us! Gordon: We can go home! Jennifer: Wait, Gordon. We can't be so sure. Jennifer: Even if it was the EDF, why would they send so many ships? Gordon: Oh, come on. Why are you being so pessimistic? It's not like you. Enta: Well, why don't we go check it out? Flonne: I agree. Sitting here won't do any good. Laharl: Alright then! To the Stellar Graveyard! [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: What could these unidentified objects be? Space battlecruisers? Giant robots!? Etna: Well... The way things have been going lately, they could be just about anything, I'd say. Manty: It's been awhile since the last natural disaster. Let's see, there was... Manty: The time when the King was so happy that the Queen accepted his proposal, he knocked over a few mountains... Manty: The time when the King was so thrilled that the Prince was born, he froze the ocean... Manty: And the time when the King was so sad because of the Queen's passing, he split the earth in two... Flonne: ...Wouldn't you consider those to be artificial disasters...? Dratti: Is it me, or are the humans overshadowing you, Prince? Laharl: N, No, they're not! It's just you! Dratti: ...Let's hope so. Gargo: I've always loved sci-fi stories... Ghoss: Since when was the Netherworld open to the public? Laharl: Who cares? It's more fun this way. Zommie: Those giant, unidentified objects are in the "Stellar Graveyard II". Zommie: Since we don't know what's there, do whatever tickles your fancy. Dimensional Gatekeeper: We have detected giant objects in the "Stellar Graveyard II". Dimensional Gatekeeper: I feel a great power... Prince, be careful. Laharl: There's no power greater than mine. Just relax and wait for my return. === i. Stellar Graveyard II === --- a. Embryon --- [Camera shows a map cluttered with astronauts within the Stellar Graveyard II] Astronaut: *muffled breathing* Gordon: Soldiers of the EDF! Gordon: I told you, Jennifer! Just like I said! Jennifer: ...... Laharl: Hmmm. I've never seen so many humans all at once. Etna: So, what'd they come all the way here for? Flonne: Aren't they here to rescue Mr. Gordon? Etna: Don't you think they're acting kinda strange, though? EDF Soldier: *muffled breathing* Gordon: What's wrong? Your beloved hero is right here! EDF Soldier: *muffled breathing* Gordon: H, Hey! Guys! Gordon: It's me! Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth!! Laharl: Not very popular, are you? Flonne: Poor Mr. Gordon... Gordon: D, Don't be silly! I'm the Defender of Earth! All the kids love me! Gordon: I had my own comic series and Saturday morning cartoon! Etna: But, they don't seem all that impressed. Jennifer: Gordon, we've been used... Gordon: Used? what do you mean, Jennifer? Jennifer: They asked us to defeat the Overlord, but their true purpose was to secure a route to the Netherworld... Gordon: What are you saying, Jennifer!? Gordon: They're risking their lives to save us! How can you accuse them of...! Jennifer: But, Gordon... Can't you see...? Gordon: Enough of this! I don't want to hear it! Gordon: I'm shocked and disappointed in you! I hearby dismiss you from your duties as my assistant! Jennifer: -----------!! Jennifer: ...I see. Gordon: I must have faith in the people of Earth! Unfaltering, unwavering faith! Gordon: It's my duty as Defender of Earth! Right, guys!? EDF Soldier: Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth... You are to be terminated... Gordon: What!? Etna: ...Sucks to be you. Laharl: "All the kids love me," huh. Right... Flonne: Poor Mr. Gordon... EDF Soldier: ...Die... Gordon: Hey, wait! What are you doing!? [Fade to black] [After the battle, camera shows the same area in which the battle took place] Gordon: Hmmmmm... Gordon: Why would the EDF attack me? Etna: Duh, they stabbed you in the back. You're slow! Thursday: BEEP BEPP BLIP BEEP... Thursday: CAPTAIN GORDON, INCOMING MESSAGE FROM GENERAL CARTER. Static Picture: ...Fffff...fffffff... General Carter: Ahhh, Gordon. I see that you're still alive. Gordon: What!? General Carter: Muhahahaha!! With your help securing a route, we were able to make it here unchallenged. General Carter: Now, the Netherworld will be ours!! General Carter: I thank you, Defenders of Earth! Muhahahaha!! Gordon: Oh my god! We were being used!? Flonne: Ummm... Are you just realizing that, now? Laharl: Aren't you happy, Flonne? There's someone even dumber than you. Gordon: Ugh...! Gordon: Ha, hahahahaha!! I knew of their plan all along! Etna: Liar! General Carter: Gordon, you were a splendid pawn. General Carter: I will tell the people of Earth that Captain Gordon died valiantly while fighting the Overlord. General Carter: That is the least I can do for you. General Carter: Well then, Gordon, so long. Muhahahaha!! Laharl: Hmmm... There are some promising humans out there. Etna: I was thinking the same thing. Should we try to recruit him? Flonne: Will you stop joking around!? This is a serious matter! Jennifer: ...... Gordon: J, Jennifer...? Etna: She's probably hurt because you trusted them instead of her. Oh well, it's none of my business. Laharl: Didn't you dismiss her just a minute ago, Gordon? Flonne: Awww... Poor Miss Jennifer...! Gordon: Ugh...! Gordon: J, Jennifer... About that dismissal... Jennifer: ...It's okay, Gordon. Jennifer: I deserved to be dismissed... Gordon: Jennifer... Thursday: THURSDAY NOT THE ONE TO BLAME. ALL GORDON'S FAULT! Gordon: Ohhhhhhhhhh...! I'm so sorry, Jennifer...! [Fade to black] --- b. Core Point No. 4 --- [Camera shows the party walking onto a map within the Stellar Graveyard] Voice: Long time no see, Gordon! Gordon: Who's there!? [Light flashes in front of Gordon, knocking him backwards] Gordon: Ugh...! [Green-haired man floats down onto a landing in front of the party] Gordon: K, Kurtis!? Kurtis: That's right. Kurtis, Defender of Earth. [Kurtis glows white] [Camera turns to face Flonne as she turns around to face Etna] Flonne: How cool! A rival has made his appearance! Look, look! Etna: Yeah, yeah. Calm down. [Flonne turns to face Kurtis] Kurtis: MY goal was to defeat you, Gordon, but it seems I've overestimated you. Gordon: Huh!? What do you mean!? Kurtis: I assumed that you completed your mission and defeated the Overlord. Kurtis: I came here to settle things with you. [Kurtis jumps forward] Kurtis: But, look at the facts. You've failed your mission, and even worse, you've become the Overlord's slave. Kurtis: I'm embarrassed to call you my rival! [Camera turns to face Laharl as he steps forward] Laharl: He's right. That IS embarrassing. Gordon: Ugh...! Kurtis: You don't have the right to call yourself "Defender of Earth", nor the right to fight me! Kurtis: ...So long. [Kurtis turns around and begins to walk away] Gordon: Kurtis, wait! [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: You're right. I didn't complete my mission. Gordon: And in your eyes, it may seem that my current predicament is rather... pathetic. Etna: ...What's he talking about? It IS pathetic. [Flonne turns around to face Etna] Flonne: Shh! It's getting good! [Flonne turns and faces Kurtis] Gordon: But! But, I say!! Gordon: I have not lost my passion... I still have a hero's spirit!! Gordon: Words cannot describe this sensation! My soul burns brighter than ever before!! Gordon: And do you know why!? Gordon: Because the true enemy has appeared before my very eyes!! [Kurtis turns to face the party] Kurtis: ...Fine, then. If you insist, prove me wrong. [EDF Soldiers appear next to the party] EDF Soldier: *muffled breathing* [Kurtis turns away from the party] Kurtis: I'll be waiting for you, Captain Gordon. Kurtis: Don't lose to these bunch of soldiers... [Kurtis flies off] [Fade to black] --- c. Star Cluster --- [Camera shows an area within the Stellar Graveyard] Vulcanus: *grunt* Dance for me, you foolish humans. Vulcanus: You'll save me the trouble of dealing with both Flonne and the Overlord. Vulcanus: *grunt* Ingenious, if I do say so myself... Vulcanus: All that remains is that spineless Seraph. Once I get rid of him, I will be the one and only!! Vulcanus: Humans! Demons! Angels! I will be the god of all!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a map within the Stellar Graveyard] Flonne: ......!! Etna: What's wrong? You're acting weird. Flonne: ...I felt an evil presence. Gordon: Was it General Carter? Or maybe Kurtis? Flonne: No... It wasn't human. Something more terrifying... Laharl: It's hard to believe that there's something more evil than me... Laharl: You sure you're not imagining things? Flonne: ...Maybe it's just me. [Fade to black] --- d. Sidereal Rift --- [Camera shows an area within the Stellar Graveyard] Jennifer: ...... Flonne: Miss Jennifer has been really depressed lately... Etna: I wonder who's fault that is. Gordon: Don't look at me like that! Flonne: You should apologize. Gordon: Y, Yeah. Jennifer: ...... Gordon: Ummmmm, Jennifer... Well, you see... Jennifer: ...It's all my fault. Gordon: What? Jennifer: I could have stopped them, but I didn't... Jennifer: I knew what was happening, but I kept denying it... JenniferL If only... If only I was stronger... Gordon: W, What do you mean, Jennifer? What are you talking about? Jennifer: ...... Laharl: Who's there!? [Screen fades in and out of darkness] Kurtis: Well done, Overlord. I thought I had completely masked my presence. Laharl: You, too. Getting this close without me noticing. Kurtis: It's an honor to hear such praise from you. My purpose was to settle things with Gordon, but now you've caught my attention. Laharl: Heheh... And what have you got in mind? Kurtis: Hmph... You ask the obvious. Kurtis: Mano-a-mano! We shall speak with our fists! [Fade to black] [After the battle, camera shows the same area in which the battle took place] [The entire party is facing Kurtis] Kurtis: Hmph... Not bad. [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: What's wrong? Why are you holding back? Kurtis: I'm ready to get serious, but I don't want to injure the VIP. [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: What? Who's he talking about? [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: H, Has he fallen in love with me? How sweet<3 [Etna steps forward, sulks, and faces Flonne] Etna: Where'd you get that idea? [Area begins to shake] Gordon: What the!? Why is the ground shaking!? [Gordon steps back] Gordon: Ahhhh! That's...!! Gordon & Jennifer: The Space Battleship Gargantua!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a screen shot of the Space Battleship Gargantua] [Fade to black] [Camera returns to the scene with the party and Kurtis] Kurtis: We will now begin a full-scale attack with over 2 million battleships. Kurtis: But, before that...! [Kurtis warps next to Jennifer, captures her, then warps back to his original position ahead of the party] Jennifer: Ah!! Kurtis: Your father awaits you, Jennifer. Come with me. [Jennifer steps away from Kurtis, and Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Father...? I thought her parents passed away when she was a child... [Jennifer turns around] Jennifer: ...... [Kurtis turns to face the party] Kurtis: What, you didn't know? Kurtis: She is General Carter's foster child. [Gordon steps back] Gordon: What!? Jennifer: ...... Jennifer: ...I'm sorry, Gordon. [Jennifer turns to face the party] Jennifer: What Kurtis said is true. I was adopted by General Carter and raised as his child. Jennifer: He was a kind man. I always believed that he loved me... Jennifer: But, that couldn't have been further from the truth... Jennifer: He raised me only so he could use me... [Kurtis turns toward Jennifer] Kurtis: If you're going to complain about your father, tell him yourself... Kurtis: My orders are simply to bring you back alive. Jennifer: He wants to use me again...? Jennifer: ...... Jennifer: ...Hahah... It doesn't matter anymore... [Jennifer and Kurtis turn away from the party] Gordon: Wait! Jennifer, don't go! Gordon: You're the assistant of Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth, remember!? Gordon: Have you forgotten our sworn duty!? [Jennifer and Kurtis turn to face the party] Jennifer: ...... Etna: Um, didn't you dismiss her? [Gordon turns to face Etna] Gordon: Shut up! Don't dig up the past! I retracted that!! [Gordon turns to face Jennifer and steps forward] Gordon: Jennifer! It doesn't matter if you're Carter's daughter or not! Gordon: As the assistant to the Defender of Earth, listen to your heart! Gordon: What is right!? What do you believe in!? And what will you do right now!? Jennifer: Gordon... Kurtis: Enough talk. Kurtis: Gordon, Overlord... Kurtis: I'd like to settle this once and for all. If you want Jennifer back, then find a way aboard the Gargantua. [Kurtis turns his back to the party] Kurtis: Until then... See ya. [Kurtis flies off with Jennifer] Gordon: Jennifer!! Gordon: Jenniferrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...!!!! [Fade to black] Episode: 12 The War of the Netherworld, Part 1 End. Laharl: To be continued +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XVI. Episode 13: The War of the Netherworld, Part 2 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Camera shows an area within Celestia] Seraph: This is a bit worrisome. I never thought human intervention could cause such disorder... Voice: Nor did I... Seraph: This may hinder out plans. Voice: Yes, indeed... Seraph: What is troubling you? Is there something else? Voice: ...I cannot believe that this is the work of humans alone. Voice: Someone must be pulling the strings. Seraph: ...... Voice: ...Do you have an idea who it might be? Seraph: I think so... But, I cannot be certain... Voice: I see. ...I will investigate the matter. Seraph: But, if you strain yourself much more, you will... Voice: *chuckle* That is of little concern. [Screen goes black] Voice: Compared to the ordeal they are enduring... [Fade to black] [Camera shows Episode 13 title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Laharl: Dammit! Pesky humans! Flonne: What do they want with the Netherworld, I wonder? Etna: Beats me. I don't understand how humans think. Gordon: I'm back! Laharl: How'd it go, Gordon? Gordon: Easy, as expected. Gordon: Using Thursday's navigation system, I was able to lock on to the Gargantua's coordinates. Laharl: Good work. Now, we can board the ship directly. Etna: But still, I'm surprised you were able to find the coordinates. You look about as smart as a rock. Gordon: Well... It seems that Jennifer had already programmed them in. Flonne: Miss Jennifer did? Flonne: Then, did she expect this to happen? Gordon: ...I guess so. Gordon: But, she must've wanted to give her father the benefit of the doubt. Gordon: That's probably why she never told me about it. Flonne: ...... Laharl: ...Hey, how long are you planning on sitting around? Laharl: We can't just let the humans have their way! Laharl: Let's go! I shall show those fools what happens when you pick a fight with an Overlord! Flonne: Yeah!! We'll show them! Gordon: That's right! I'm overwhelmed with hero's spirit! I'll save Jennifer, no matter what!! Etna: *giggle* This is getting interesting<3 [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: I want a plastic model of that battleship! Flonne: Me too!! Manty: This is a historic event! The castle has never been attacked by humans before<3 Flonne: Ummmmm... Shouldn't you be a little more worried? Manty: Ah, don't sweat it. From my experience, things always work out one way or another. Dratti: An armada of 2 million ships... The Netherworld is doomed, hahaha. Etna: Hahaha, that's so true. Gordon: You two over there! Could you take things more seriously? Gargo: "Modern Science:, they call it? I was completely astonished. Ghoss: I never thought humans would try to invade the Netherworld. I'm quite impressed. Laharl: I agree. Laharl: But, they went a little too far... I'll show them what happens when you pick a fight with demons. Zommie: Boy, this story is taking some unexpected twists. Zommie: Hey, everyone! You following this!? Dimensional Gatekeeper: I have added the "Gargantua" to the list of available destinations. Dimensional Gatekeeper: It is exceptionally hard to connect a gate to moving objects, but I was able to do so, thanks to Thursday. Dimensional Gatekeeper: Human technology is incredible. Gordon: But of course. Haha! Laharl: ...You shut up. === i. Gargantua Deck === --- a. Point Alpha-III --- [Camera shows an area within the Stellar Graveyard] Laharl: Hmhmhm...! Foolish, weak humans! Laharl: Feel the wrath of the Overlord!! Laharl: Haaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within the Gargantua] EDF Soldier: General Carter! Demons have commenced an attack!! General Carter: Don't fret for even a moment. Our armada is 2 million ships strong. EDF Soldier: B, But, our defensive fleet is being obliterated! General Carter: What!? What are the enemy's numbers!? EDF Soldier: J, Just one, sir!! EDF Soldier: The 126th Brigade has been annihilated! All soldiers have retreated!! EDF Soldier: The S.S. Olympus is taking ground! Admiral Jackson and his crew have abandoned ship! EDF Soldier: The 782nd Brigade is out of commission! The 15th and 981st Brigades have requested emergency assistance! General Carter: Ugh...!! This is a nightmare!! General Carter: Our armada is being wiped out by a single demon!? Impossible!! General Carter: I heard nothing of this kind of strength!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area on the Gargantua] Laharl: Looks like I took care of most of them] Laharl: Hmph... What a weak bunch. Etna: You really pay attention to the details, giving them time to escape before destroying their ships. Flonne: *giggle* See? He's not devoid of love. Laharl: S, Shut up! I just don't want to stink up the Netherworld with human corpses! Laharl: I'm not... Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... HIGH ENERGY READING EMMINATING FROM CANNON. Gordon: Everybody, look out! [A cannon on top of the Gargantua turns and fires a blast] [Camera shows the entire party standing nearly] Etna: What was that!? [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Is that their secret weapon!? [Gordon steps forward and faces Flonne] Gordon: You imbecile! Now's not the time to be impressed! Gordon: That's the Astro Cannon, the EDF's ultimate weapon. Gordon: Demon or angel, you won't escape a shot unscathed! Laharl: Hmph. Interesting. Flonne: Didn't you hear what Mr. Gordon said? Let's just avoid the cannon for now. [Laharl and Etna turn to face Flonne] Etna: Whaaat!? That's no fun! Gordon: Listen up, everyone! We have to find the entrance so we can sneak aboard!! [Everyone turns to face Gordon] Gordon: Hang in there, Jennifer! I'll save you!! Gordon: No matter what lies ahead, Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth, will fight to the end! [Fade to black] === ii. Gargantua Interior === --- a. Main Corridor 1 --- [Camera shows a dark area] Jennifer: Papa... Jennifer: You're wrong, Papa... Jennifer: You must stop...! Please, Papa... Listen to me...! Jennifer: ...Where am I...? Kurtis: Are you awake? Jennifer: Kurtis... Kurtis: Were you having a nightmare? You were tossing and turning. Jennifer: ...... Kurtis: ...It doesn't matter. You won't have to worry about having those dreams anymore. Jennifer: K, Kurtis! That thing in your hand...! Kurtis: You guessed it. Very good, professor. Kurtis: You must know what it does, then. Jennifer: Stop it, Kurtis! You call yourself human!? Kurtis: Do I? I lost 70% of my body, and something even more dear to me in an incident... Kurtis: Maybe I lost my sense of humanity in that time, too... Kurtis: It's time to sleep. Sweet dreams... Jennifer: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within the Gargantua] Gordon: Hm!? That scream!! Flonne: It's Miss Jennifer! Etna: It's coming from that way. Laharl: Let's go! EDF Soldier: *muffled breathing* Laharl: More humans... *sigh* They just don't learn, do they? Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... THEY ARE NOT HUMAN. LIFE SIGNS 0.00000... Gordon: Everyone, be careful!! Gordon: These are super-human androids constructed by Kurtis! Laharl: Super... Etna: Human... Flonne: Androids...? Gordon: That's right! Kurtis is a brilliant scientist, rivaling even Jennifer!! Gordon: But he's been conducting fearful research, all in the name of humanity! Gordon: !!! Could that scream be...!? Gordon: No! He's attempting to modify Jennifer! Laharl: He's attempting... Etna: To modify... Flonne: Jennifer...? [Fade to black] [Camera shows a screen shot of a gigantic Jennifer] Gordon: Hey! Stop imagining weird things! Gordon: We have to save Jennifer!! [Fade to black] --- b. Main Corridor 2 --- [Camera shows an area within the Gargantua] Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... Thursday: CAPTIAN GORDON, INCOMING MESSAGE FROM GENERAL CARTER. Gordon: From Carter!? Gordon: Okay, Thursday. Open a communication channel. Static Image: ...Fffff...fffffff... Gordon: Carter!! General Carter: Muhahahaha!! You're being a sore loser, Gordon. Gordon: Of course! I can't let a villain like you win, for the sake of Earth! Gordon: I swear by the name "Defender of Earth", Carter! I will defeat you!! General Carter: ...You just don't get it, do you? This invasion IS for the sake of Earth. Gordon: What!? General Carter: As you know, the earth is confronting a serious crisis. General Carter: The room in population, the rise in crime, the shortage of natural resources... The human race can't survive much longer. General Carter: It would require an astronomical budget merely to find a new home for the people of Earth. General Carter: That's why taking over the Netherworld is such a simple and economical solution! Laharl: Hmmm... Your efforts are admirable. You'd make a great demon. Laharl: But there wouldn't be a crisis in the first place if you humans weren't so stupid. Laharl: As the Overlord of the Netherworld, let me say just one thing... Laharl: Clean up your own damn mess!! General Carter: Ugh...! You foul-mouthed little runt...! Gordon: I have something to add to that! General Carter, I am beyond angry! Gordon: Give back my Jennifer, Chrome-dome!! General Carter: Why you...! If you can't play nice... General Carter: ...then neither will I! I'll crush you for the sake of earth's future! Prepare yourselves! [Fade to black] --- c. Main Corridor 3 --- [Camera shows an area within the Gargantua] Gordon: Kurtis!! Kurtis: Glad you could make it, Gordon. Kurtis: I knew the hordes of security guard wouldn't be enough to stop you. Kurtis: I thought you might like to know... It's been 5 years since I lost my wife and daughter... And with them, my soul... Laharl: Hey, he's giving us his life story. Etna: Should we... attack now? Flonne: No, we have to listen! the rival always has a tragic past. Kurtis: ...May I continue? Flonne: Oh, please, by all means. Kurtis: As I was saying... It's been 5 years since I lost my wife and daughter... And with them, my soul... Kurtis: Back then, I was a top scientist, burning with a passion to save the earth... Kurtis: If it wasn't for that fateful incident... Gordon: Five years ago...? Kurtis: As a result of the explosion in the lab, I lost my family and 70% of my body. Kurtis: A group of anti-space development terrorists were to blame... Gordon: You mean your wife and daughter were victims of that incident? Kurtis: That's right... You caught the culprits, but what comfort would that be to me? Kurtis: I swore to my wife and child! Since the Defender of Earth couldn't do his job, I would take his place! Kurtis: And I became a cyborg to do just that! Kurtis: what good is the Defender of Earth if he can't save innocent people!? Kurtis: A true defender would do anything in his power to save as many people as possible! Kurtis: I can't accept anything less! Kurtis: I will defeat you, Gordon! And claim the title of true Defender of Earth! Kurtis: That is the only path left to me! Gordon: So that's it... I didn't know you had such a past, Kurtis. Gordon: It was all due to my failings. ...Forgive me. Gordon: But, what you're doing now, Kurtis, is not the right way! Kurtis: What!? I'm fighting for the sake of humanity!! Gordon: Invading the Netherworld might save the earth... Gordon: ...but it would require many sacrifices! Is that what you want!? Is that really for the sake of Earth!? Gordon: You should know best what it feels like to be a victim, Kurtis! Gordon: What will your wife and daughter think, up in heaven!? Kurtis: ----------!! Gordon: I am the Defender of Earth! Gordon: My duty is to right what is wrong! Even if it means that I must face a comrade-in-arms! Gordon: I don't want to fight you, but this is for your own good! Gordon: Here I come, comrade!! Behold the true spirit of a defender!! [Fade to black] [After the battle, camera shows the same area in which the battle took place] Kurtis: W, Well done... Kurtis: You've... proven me wrong... Kurtis: I felt the true defender's spirit... the strength of your determination... even in this mechanical body... Kurtis: I lost... Now, finish me... Laharl: Okay. Etna: We'll kill you in one painless blow<3 Flonne: You can't! Gordon: Kurtis, our battle has already ended. Gordon: You tried to do what you thought was right. It's just that your sorrow drove you to do it in the wrong way... Gordon: That's why I want you to fight by my side, as a comrade... How about it? Kurtis: Gordon... Laharl: I could use a skilled person like you as one of my vassals. Kurtis: Heh... The Overlord's vassal... That doesn't sound too bad. Kurtis: But... it seems that my body needs to recharge... I must sleep for awhile... Kurtis: Gordon... Be careful of... Jennifer... Gordon: Kurtis! Gordon: Be careful of Jennifer...? What does he mean by that? Laharl: Be careful... Etna: Of... Flonne: Jennifer...? [Fade to black] [Camera shows a screen shot of a gigantic Jennifer] Laharl: ...Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Etna: ...Modification? Flonne: *nod* ...Modification. Gordon: ...Will you three grow up already? [Fade to black] --- d. Bridge --- [Camera shows the party walking onto the Bridge] [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: We've finally got you cornered, Carter! Release Jennifer, now! [Camera turns to face Carter] General Carter: ...As you wish. [Jennifer appears] Jennifer: ...... [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Jennifer!! [Fade to black] [Camera shows a screen shot of a gigantic Jennifer] Laharl: ...Hey. Etna: ...Uh-huh? Laharl: ...That's not what I expected. Etna: ...Me either. [Fade to black] [Camera returns to the original scene on the bridge] [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Hey! You call THIS a modification!? [Camera turns to face Carter] General Carter: Muhahahaha!! So, you found out about it, eh? General Carter: That's right! I have installed a neural override device! [Camera turns to face Flonne as a question mark appears over her head] Flonne: Neural... override? [Camera turns to face Carter] General Carter: Exactly! Jennifer is now my puppet! General Carter: Jennifer! Go defeat Gordon! [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: ...... [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Hahahahaha!! This must be a joke! Gordon: I, the Defender of Earth, could never lose to such a delicate creature! [Gordon and Jennifer face each other, where Jennifer then kicks the crap out of Gordon and sends him flying backwards] Gordon: Owwwwwwwwwwwww... [Jennifer steps backwards, and Etna turns to face Gordon] Etna: Geez, you're weak... [Laharl turns to face Gordon] Laharl: Gordon... Maybe you're not cut out to be a hero. [Camera turns to face Carter] General Carter: Muhahahaha!! What do you think of that!? General Carter: Jennifer is a master of the ancient martial art, Kung Fu! Gordon: What!? I never knew that!! General Carter: You never asked. Gordon: That explains it. So, what am I supposed to do? Gordon: No way could I use my full fighting potential against Jennifer! [Camera turns to face Etna as she faces Gordon] Etna: You'd lose anyways, man. [Laharl and Etna face each other] Laharl: How about we just blow up the entire ship? [Flonne turns to face Laharl] Flonne: Oh no you don't! I already claimed this ship! [Laharl turns to face Flonne] Laharl: I, I see... Well, so much for that idea... [Everyone turns to face Carter] Gordon: Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth, facing his greatest challenge ever...!! Kurtis: How pathetic, Gordon!! What happened to that spirit you were bragging about!? [Kurtis appears behind the party, then flies over to Jennifer] Gordon: Kurtis!! You're better already!? Kurtis: Hmph... Your voice woke my heart up to the ideals I forgot long ago. [Kurtis steps toward Jennifer] Kurtis: Stand aside...! Let me show you MY defender spirit! [Camera turns to face Jennifer] General Carter: Jennifer! Kill that traitor first! [Jennifer steps toward Kurtis and begins to glow] Jennifer: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! [Jennifer glows in red and kicks Kurtis; Kurtis doesn't budge] Kurtis: Uoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! [Jennifer and Kurtis attacks each other, and both fall backwards] Kurtis: Gordon...! You called me a comrade...! Kurtis: I... I looked up to you... Kurtis: That's why I became a scientist in the first place... Funny, isn't it? Kurtis: How did things end up like this? If only I had realized sooner... Kurtis: No... It's enough that I realized it in the end. I bet they're smiling down on me from heaven... General Carter: Jennifer! Stop wasting your time with that miserable traitor! [Carter steps forward] General Carter: Curse you all!! I'll just blow you all up and Jennifer, too! General Carter: In case of an event like this, I planted a bomb inside the neural override device! General Carter: Muhahahaha!! Now, die! [Camera turns to face Jennifer as Kurtis steps forward] Kurtis: I made that device! And I know its weakness! [Jennifer steps forward and begins to glow] Jennifer: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! Kurtis: Jennifer! I can't let you die here! [Kurtis begins to glow] Kurtis: Uoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! [Kurtis blows himself up, and the screen turns white] Gordon: Kurtiiiiiiisssssssssss!! Kurtis: Hey Gordon... Do you ever think I could be a true Defender of Earth...? Gordon: Yeah...! Yeah! Of course you could be!! Gordon: What am I saying... You ARE a true Defender of Earth!! Kurtis: Heh... Thanks, Gordon... Kurtis: I won't forget the defender spirit... you showed... me... [Camera shifts back to the original scene, with Kurtis lying on the ground, Gordon standing over him, and Jennifer back to normal] Gordon: I should be the one thanking you... Gordon: ...Kurtis. You will be known as the 38th Defender of Earth. Laharl: ...Heed my words, Death. I command you in the name of King Laharl. Laharl: Lead the soul of Kurtis, Defender of Earth, to his family's side... [Kurtis's soul flies off of the screen] [Etna turns to face Laharl] Etna: Prince... [Flonne turns to face Laharl] Flonne: Laharl... [Laharl turns to face Flonne] Laharl: ...Don't say a word. As the Overlord of the Netherworld, I was just paying homage to a true hero. Laharl: That's all... Flonne: Yes... I understand. [Everyone turns to face Carter] Gordon: Carter! I'll never forgive you!! [Carter steps back] General Carter: *gasp* [Jennifer steps toward Gordon] Jennifer: Wait, Gordon! Gordon: Jennifer! You're back to normal!? Jennifer: Yes... I was conscious the entire time I was being controlled... Jennifer: Because of me, Kurtis... Gordon: He did what he thought was right. I'm sure he has no regrets... Gordon: And now, his spirit will burn brightly in your heart. Jennifer: Yeah... You're right. Gordon: Jennifer, you are no longer my assistant. Gordon: Fight alongside me as an equal... ...as a Defender of Earth!! [Jennifer steps forward, and her and Gordon face each other] Jennifer: ...Thank you, Gordon. Jennifer: I understand. Let's forget about the past and concentrate on the present. [Carter steps forward] General Carter: W, Wait, Jennifer! I'm your father! Have you forgotten everything I've done for you!? Jennifer: No, I haven't... If you hadn't taken me in back then, I might not be here today... Jennifer: I loved you, and believed in you... [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: But, we were never a true family to begin with... Jennifer: You raised me only so you could manipulate me! Jennifer: I'll never call you "father" again! Prepare yourself, Carter! General Carter: Tch...! You ungrateful little...! General Carter: That's it! Die!! [Three angels appear in the room] Angel: ...... Flonne: A Celestial Host!? Why...!? Why are angels helping HIM...!? Laharl: Apparently, someone's been pulling strings from behind the scenes. [Etna turns to face Laharl] Etna: Celestia's involved, huh? It just keeps getting better, Prince. Flonne: It can't be... Is this the will of the Seraph...? [Fade to black] [After the battle, camera shows the same area in which the battle took place] [The entire party is facing Carter, whose back is against the wall] General Carter: Muhahahaha!! You may have foiled my plans this time, but I'm not through yet! [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Wait, Carter!! [Carter steps away] General Carter: Muhahahaha!! Farewell!! [Gordon runs toward Carter, but Carter disappears and escapes] [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within Carter's ship] General Carter: I can't believe it...! Demons are that powerful...!? General Carter: His information was completely wrong! General Carter: Damn him...! Was he trying to drive humanity into extinction from the beginning...? Mid-Boss: Who is "he"? General Carter: W, Who are you!? Mid-Boss: No matter how advanced your technology is, it is impossible to infiltrate the Netherworld without help. Mid-Boss: Now answer. Who is behind this? General Carter: I, I can't... Mid-Boss: ...If you do not say, I will kill you. General Carter: *gulp* It, It's a man with white wings! General Carter: I'm innocent! I, I just wanted to save the earth! Mid-Boss: ...I see. Mid-Boss: Foolish human. You cannot save the earth. Mid-Boss: How do you intend to save all of mankind when you cannot even save your daughter? Mid-Boss: You have sacrificed the lives of others to satisfy your own ego. Mid-Boss: Until you realize that... you will be plagued by nightmares. Mid-Boss: We will be watching you. Mid-Boss: (Oh... Why am I so awesome?) [Fade to black] [Camera shifts back to the scene on the Bridge] Gordon: Thank you, Kurtis... I will never forget you. Gordon: I swear to you that I will fight with both our strength for the sake of humanity! Gordon: no, not just for humanity! For every living creature!! [Camera turns to face Jennifer as she steps forward] Jennifer: I will, too, Kurtis... You saved my life. I shall repay you by dedicating it to world peace... Jennifer: ...and to preventing others from becoming victims like you and your family. [Camera turns to face Flonne] Flonne: ...... [Laharl turns to face Flonne] Laharl: Flonne...? [Flonne faces the party] Flonne: ...I'm going back to Celestia. Laharl: What...!? Flonne: I must return to find out the Seraph's true intentions! [Fade to black] Episode: 13 War of the Netherworld, Part 2 End. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XVII. Final Episode: What Lies Beyond the Battle + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Episode [Camera shows a series of screen shots in a comic book fashion] Etna: Seems like one problem leads to another! Etna: We found out that the humans were being manipulated by the angels! Etna: Now, Flonne wants to return to Celestia and to go face to face with the Seraph himself! Etna: What awaits her there? Etna: Will the Archangel's true intent be finally revealed!? Etna: Next on Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Final Episode: What Lies Beyond the Battle Etna: The fate of the Netherworld is in your hands... Laharl: Th, This must be a dream... Flonne: Etna's acting all serious... Gordon: Could this be a sign of terrible things to come? Jennifer: It's the end of the world! Thursday: END OF THE WORLD - DANGER DANGER DANGER... Prinny Squad: Dooooood! Everybody, run!! Etna: ...They're gonna get it. [Fade to black] [Camera shows a view of the Netherworld] [Words appear on screen as Flonne narrates] After learning that Celestia was behind the incident with the Earth Defense Force, I made up my mind to go back to Celestia to ask the Seraph about it directly. The Netherworld. Celestia. The human world. I never imagined that this war, which involved the entire universe, would come to such an unexpected end... [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's castle] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl's throne room] Laharl: ...Your mind's made up? Flonne: Yes. Flonne: I must speak with the Seraph and find out what has been happening in Celestia... Laharl: Do you realize that you may have to face him as an enemy? Flonne: Face Master Lamington as my enemy...? Etna: He's the head of Celestia, right? Etna: We know that someone in Celestia has been helping the EDF. He must have known about it. Jennifer: I agree. I think it's very possible that he's even the mastermind. Laharl: Wasn't he the one who ordered you to go to the Netherworld in the first place? ...To assassinate my old man? Gordon: What!? An angel ordering an assassination? That's just wrong! He's guilty, without a doubt!! Flonne: No, he's not! Laharl: Can you say that for sure? Flonne: ...I believe in Master Lamington. Laharl: ...... Laharl: ...I see. Laharl: Alright, then. Let's get going. Flonne: ...? Laharl: It's a good opportunity for me to check out this so-called Seraph; I'm going with ya. Flonne: Laharl... Etna: Geez Prince, why don't you just admit it? Etna: "I'm worried about Flonne, so I'm gonna go with her!" Etna: What's so hard about that, huh? Laharl: F, Fool! That's far from the truth...! Jennifer: Now, now. We all feel the same way, Harlie. Gordon: Jennifer's right. As the Defender of Earth, I cannot let my comrade go alone. Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... WE ARE COMRADES. WE GO TOGETHER. END OF DISCUSSION. Laharl: ...Hmph. Bunch of fools. Flonne: Everybody... Flonne: ...Thank you. [Fade to black] [Camera shows the Final Episode title screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing in front of his throne] [Laharl speaks to everyone in the castle] Goleck: The Prinnies were talking about "multiple endings"... Laharl: ...Huh? Endings to what? Manty: You're going to Celestia, I hear. Bring back some gifts for us! Laharl: Idiot. It's not a vacation. Dratti: You've changed a lot, doing things for the sake of others. Laharl: Sh, Shut up! I only do things for my own sake! Gargo: So if humans can come here, that means we can go there, right? Laharl: Hmmm... Now that you mention it... Ghoss: At last, the final battle. I'll give you a worthy present. [Ghoss gives Laharl the Diabolic Sword] Ghoss: Have a nice trip. Zommie: What will happen in the end, Prince? I can't wait to find out<3 Dimensional Gatekeeper: A gate that connects Celestia and the Netherworld... Dimensional Gatekeeper: Prince... Please be careful... === i. Celestia === --- a. Field of Virtue --- [Camera shows the gate leading into Celestia] Laharl: So, this is the entrance to Celestia... Flonne: It is said that one of the former Seraphs had this gate constructed to cut off the Netherworld from Celestia. Flonne: That's why it can only be opened by the residents of Celestia. Etna: Hmph! That's not fair. Flonne: Okay, I'm going to open the gate. Is everybody ready? [Screen turns white] [Camera shows an area within Celestia] Mid-Boss: ...Bonjour, everyone. It is a pleasure to see you here. Flonne: Oh, it's you, Mr. Mid-Boss. Laharl: Weren't you saying earlier that only Celestians can open this gate? Flonne: Oh... Um... That's strange. Mid-Boss: *chuckle* It has been thousands of years since a demon other than moi has passed through this gate. Gordon: Aha! It's all clear to me now! You're an evil henchman who's been hired by the Seraph! Mid-Boss: Bzzzt! Wrong. Jennifer: I know! You're an angel in disguise! Mid-Boss: Bzzzt! Another wrong answer. Mid-Boss: You all have very active imaginations. But I, the Dark Adonis, just happened to be passing by... Nothing more. Laharl: Hmph... So, Dark Adonis, why is it that you're in Celestia? Mid-Boss: I am here to test your resolve. Laharl: What...? Mid-Boss: From this point on, you will face challenges unlike anything you have experienced before. Mid-Boss: Whether or not you can emerge victorious... I would like to see with my own eyes. Laharl: But what does that have to do with you? Why do you care!? Answer me! Mid-Boss: Hmhmhm... We have talked long enough. Mid-Boss: Show me what you are capable of! [Fade to black] [After the battle, camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place] Mid-Boss: *chuckle* Your teamwork is impressive. I commend you for having come so far. Laharl: Huh? where's the usual pathetic excuse of yours? Mid-Boss: Demons, angels, humans... Rather than learn about each other, they use words such as "good" and "evil" to differentiate themselves. Mid-Boss: ...That is the sad truth. Flonne: (Wait... That reminds me of something Master Lamington once said to me...) Mid-Boss: However, through our battle, you have proved to me... Mid-Boss: ...that regardless of our differences, all creatures can become one in spirit. Mid-Boss: As long as you bear that in mind, I am sure you can overcome any ordeal. Etna: Uh, Prince... Something's definitely wrong. Mid-Boss is acting all serious! Laharl: Y, Yeah! This must be a trap of some sort! Laharl: Who are you, really!? Mid-Boss: Hmhmhm... As I said, I am the Dark Adonis. Mid-Boss: Farewell! Haaahahahaha!! Laharl: So... What was that all about? Etna: Beats me... Flonne: I think Mr. Mid-Boss is trying to encourage us in his own way. Gordon: He is a true rival, indeed. Jennifer: Oh, the beauty of friendship between rivals...! Laharl: ...Were we all listening to the same conversation? [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within a Celestian palace] Vulcanus: Master Lamington! Master Lamington, we have an emergency! Seraph: What is the matter? Vulcanus: That traitor Flonne has begun her invasion of Celestia, leading a battalion of demons!! Seraph: ...The day has finally come. Vulcanus: We are prepared to intercept the demons! I will lead the troops myself. With your permission, of course... Seraph: ...Very well. I shall leave the matter to you. Seraph: But, I want them captured unharmed. Do you understand? Vulcanus: Yes, sir! Vulcanus: (...Captured?) Vulcanus: (Nonsense! I will kill them amidst the confusion!) Vulcanus: (It is only a matter of time before I become a god!) Vulcanus: (And that is when I, Vulcanus, shall establish absolute peace in the universe!) [Fade to black] --- b. Paradise --- [Camera shows the party walking onto a map within Celestia] Flonne: The Celestial hosts...! [A Celestial Host steps forward] Celestial Host: Target confirmed. Proceeding as ordered. [Camera turns to face Laharl] Laharl: Hmph... Are these your fellow Celestians? [Flonne turns to face Laharl] Flonne: Yes, but they are full-fledged angels. [Etna steps forward] Etna: I don't think they're here to give you a warm welcome back, though. [Celestial Host steps forward] Celestial Host: Angel Trainee Flonne. By order of Archangel Vulcanus, you are to be executed for treason. [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Wait, please! I haven't committed treason! It's all a misunderstanding! Master Vulcanus is mistaken! Celestial Host: Your objections are meaningless. You are a traitor and must be executed. [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Please let me see the Seraph! I know he will straighten everything out! Celestial Host: Request denied. We were given no such orders. Celestial Host: Our orders are to execute Angel Trainee Flonne and all that assist her. [Flonne steps back] Flonne: I beg you! Listen to me...! [Laharl steps forward to face Flonne] Laharl: Flonne, don't waste your breath. [Everyone turns to face Flonne] Etna: Yeah. These morons haven't listened to a word you've said. [Flonne turns to face Etna] Flonne: But, I... I can't fight... Laharl: What happened to all that determination of yours? Laharl: If you're just gonna give up, then why did you bother to come? [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Harlie... You're being too harsh on her... [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Jennifer's right! As a defender, I cannot tolerate such treatment of a lady... [Laharl turns to face the angels, while Flonne turns to face Jennifer and Gordon] Flonne: ...It's okay. Laharl is right. Flonne: I thought I had made up my mind... Flonne: But once I faced the reality of the situation, I... Flonne: ...No, I can't be like this! Flonne: I'm sorry. I'm alright now! [Flonne turns to face Laharl] Flonne: Thank you, Laharl. [Laharl turns to face Flonne] Laharl: Just don't waste my time with any more talk of giving up, or else I'm outta here. Flonne: I understand. [Laharl turns to face the angels] Laharl: Hmph... Then, let's hurry up and kick some angel butt! Flonne: Okay! [Everyone turns to face the angels as the camera turns to face them. Celestial Host: You have demonstrated resistance. The use of deadly force is authorized against all opposition. [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Be my guest. Show me what you've got! [Fade to black] [Camera shows an area within a Celestian palace] Voice: The battle has begun... Seraph: Our task is nearly complete. Voice: Yes... We have made them come all this way, without the slightest explanation... Seraph: We will surely be punished for our actions. Voice: *chuckle* I have already received my punishment. Voice: But, it is for that reason that the future is now in their hands. I should be thankful. Seraph: ...Will they prevail? Voice: I don't know... It is all up to them. [Fade to black] --- c. Angelic Choir --- [Camera shows the party walking onto an area within Celestia] [Vulcanus appears in front of the party] Vulcanus: *grunt* It's been a while, Flonne. [Camera turns to face Flonne as she steps forward] Flonne: Master Vulcanus...! [Etna turns to face Flonne] Etna: WHAT!? Don't tell me HE'S an angel! Jennifer: You're got to be kidding! No matter how you look at it, that's the face of a villain! Laharl: True. You look so evil, it's a pity that you're an angel. [Camera turns to face Vulcanus] Vulcanus: Silence! How dare you look at my glorious face and call me a villain! Vulcanus: Angel Trainee Flonne! To conspire with demons to wage war on Celestia is an unspeakable sin! Vulcanus: Not only that, but you've harmed innocent angels! You deserve nothing short of death! Vulcanus: I, the Archangel Vulcanus, shall carry out your sentence! [Camera turns to face Flonne as she steps forward] Flonne: Please, Master Vulcanus! I'm only here with a question for the Seraph! Vulcanus: Quiet, traitor! It disgusts me to even speak to you!! [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Master Vulcanus! Why? Why am I a traitor!? [Camera turns to face Vulcanus] Vulcanus: Stop pretending to be innocent! We all know that you are conspiring with demons so that you can take over Celestia! Vulcanus: And on top of that, you tricked that stupid Defender of Earth into fighting for your cause! How despicable! Vulcanus: It is our responsibility as angel to destroy demons, the root of all evil, and watch over the helpless human race! Vulcanus: To renounce your sublime duty and join forces with these foul demons is simply unforgivable! [Camera turns to face Laharl as he steps forward] Laharl: Hey! Who the hell do you think you are!? [Etna, Laharl, and Flonne all turn to face each other] Flonne: Wait... Please, let me handle this. [Everyone turns to face Vulcanus] Flonne: Master Vulcanus, I pity you. [Vulcanus steps back] Vulcanus: W, What? Flonne: You believe that demons are evil, that humans are helpless... and that you alone are right. Flonne: But, I know that demons can show kindness... and humans can be brave...! Flonne: Without seeking proof, you have allowed your judgment to be colored by prejudice. Flonne: Isn't the evil which you speak of in your own heart, Master Vulcanus!? [Vulcanus steps back] Vulcanus: W, W, W, WHAT!? [Laharl and Flonne face each other] Laharl: Well said, Flonne. Jennifer: Yeah! You hit it right on the nose! Etna: Right on! Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... I AM DEEPLY MOVED. [Gordon steps forward and faces Flonne] Gordon: I see that the defender spirit has awakened within you, too! From this day forward, you shall be known as a Defender of Earth! [Camera turns to face Vulcanus] Vulcanus: Y, You...! Evil in my heart...? Vulcanus: Never! I am only doing what is right! Vulcanus: And I will prove that to you, here and now! With your death! [Angels appear in front of the party] Vulcanus: Go, soldiers! Kill them all!! [Vulcanus disappears] [Fade to black] --- d. Coliseum --- [Camera shows an area within Celestia] Laharl: Something's not right... Flonne: Huh? What do you mean? Laharl: We've made it this far, but still haven't seen any sign of the Seraph... Gordon: That's true. Etna: If the Seraph is not involved in any of this, then why hasn't he come out and saved Flonne? Jennifer: So, you're saying that fact that he hasn't shown up can only mean... Flonne: ...... Flonne: ...I understand your point. Flonne: But, I'll believe in Master Lamington until the very end...! Laharl: ...Geez, you're stubborn. Laharl: Don't tell me it's because of love again... Flonne: Yes it is, absolutely! To have faith in someone you respect... That's love! Laharl: *sigh* What a Love Freak. Etna: Well, I don't trust the Seraph myself, but I guess I can tag along. Flonne: Etna... Jennifer: I'll help you, Flonne. I believe in you. Gordon: Me, too! I trust in your love. Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... I WILL ACCOMPANY YOU, TOO. Flonne: Miss Jennifer... Mr. Gordon... Mr. Thursday... Laharl: This is ridiculous. You guys are so naive. Etna: Hm? Does that mean you're leaving, Prince? Laharl: F, Fool! How can I turn back now when I haven't seen the Seraph!? Laharl: I'll go on, even if it's by myself! Flonne: Laharl... Flonne: (Everybody, thank you so much...) Flonne: (I'm glad that I met all of you.) Flonne: (I have harmed my own kind...) Flonne: (No matter how this journey ends, I will receive severe punishment...) Flonne: (But, I have no regrets... I was able to meet such wonderful companions.) [Fade to black] --- e. Divine Prison --- [Camera shows the party confronting Vulcanus within an area in Celestia] Vulcanus: *grunt* I'm surprised that you made it this far. Not bad... Not bad at all. [Camera turns to face Gordon] Gordon: Everybody, be careful! Whenever a villain appears and talks like this, there's always a trap! [Camera turns to face Vulcanus] Vulcanus: Who are you calling a villain!? Hmph, this will keep your filthy mouth shut! [The ground begins to glow under Vulcanus as he begins to cast a spell; exclamation marks appear over everyone's heads] Vulcanus: Evil born from the darkness of chaos! Abide by the pact, and annihilate my foes! Laharl: Demon summoning...!? Flonne: How can this be? Making a pact with demons is strictly forbidden by our law! [Darkness engulfs Vulcanus, and demons soon appear all around him] Demons: Guooooaaaaah!! [Camera turns to face Gordon] Gordon: Watch out! These aren't ordinary demons! [Jennifer turns to face Thursday] Jennifer: Scan them, Thursday! Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... IMMEASURABLE POWER AND ENDURANCE. DANGER DANGER DANGER...!! [Camera turns to face Vulcanus] Vulcanus: Hmhmhm...!! Vulcanus: I have enlisted these greater demons for an occasion such as this! Vulcanus: They were eager to sign the contract when I told them that they could have the Netherworld in exchange for your deaths. [Camera turns to face Etna as she turns towards Laharl] Etna: See, Prince? How many times have I told you to be a better role model for your subjects? [Camera turns to face Laharl as his eyes turn red] Laharl: Shut up! Now's not the time!! [Camera turns to face Vulcanus] Vulcanus: *grunt* Enjoy fighting your own kind! Muhahahaha! [Vulcanus disappears] [Camera turns to face Laharl] Laharl: Dammit! Even I can't take care of this many greater demons...! Gordon: What's the plan? Should we retreat? Etna: You think they'll let us retreat? [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: But, what else can we do!? Voice: Come on! Voice: I don't recall having friends that lose their cool in front of their adversaries! Laharl: Who is this!? [The party looks around] Flonne: Look! Over there! [Camera shows a green Prinny at the back of the map] Prinny?: Hmph... Laharl: You're...!! Laharl: ...Hey, who the heck is that? [Etna turns to face Laharl] Etna: I dunno. [Flonne turns to face Laharl] Flonne: I don't think I've seen that Prinny before. [Green Prinny steps forward] Prinny?: Hey! Don't you recognize me!? Prinny?: These eyes full of hope and resolution!! Prinny?: The spirit that burns within me!! [Fire engulfs the Prinny as the camera spins around] Prinny?: And this bold and valiant stature!! [Prinny raises a skull into the air as it glows in white] Prinny?: Who else could it be? It is I, Kurtis! [Camera turns to face Gordon] Gordon: K, Kurtis? Gordon: ...You mean, THAT Kurtis? [Camera turns to face Kurtis] Kurtis: That's right! Kurtis, Defender of Earth! Jennifer: But, I thought you were with your family in heaven! [Kurtis steps forward] Kurtis: Heh... That's what I had hoped for, but I committed too many sins in my lifetime. Kurtis: I was given a different form to make up for what I did... Kurtis: I have returned to atone for my sins! And to help my precious friends! [Kurtis jumps between the party and the demons, and faces the party] Gordon: Kurtis... Jennifer: *chuckle* Etna: Hmhmhm...! Laharl: Haaahahahaha!! Kurtis: Don't laugh!! It's not like I had a choice!! Gordon: I, I'm sorry. It, It's just that you're so darn cute... Kurtis: I rushed here, thinking you guys needed me, and this is what I get? ...Maybe I shouldn't have bothered to come. Gordon: No, Kurtis. I am grateful that you're here. Your words have rekindled the flame in each of our hearts! Gordon: Right, everyone? [Etna turns to face Kurtis] Etna: Well, he went through all of that just for us. We can't give up now, can we? Laharl: Of course not. As King of the Netherworld, I will show these demons who's in charge! [Kurtis joins the party] Flonne: The power of our friendship is increasing! I think we can do it! [Laharl turns to face Flonne, then sulks] Laharl: Uh... Am I supposed to find that reassuring? [Flonne's eyes light up] Flonne: There is nothing to worry about! Friendship power beats anything! Laharl: Geez... [Laharl turns to face the demons] Laharl: Anyways, let's do it! [The entire party turns to face the demons] Party: Alright!! [Fade to black] [After the battle, camera shows the same area shown before the battle took place] Gordon: Hahahahaha! That wasn't so bad, was it? Kurtis: Yeah, sure. You were about to run away when I got here. Gordon: I, I only suggested a temporary, strategic retreat! That's totally different from running away! Flonne: Now, now. Let's just say that the power of our friendship brought us victory. Laharl: This conversation's going nowhere. Let's move on. Jennifer: Right. We still have that villain to defeat! Etna: What's up ahead, Flonne? Flonne: Let's see... We are about to enter the Seraphic Sanctuary. Flonne: Besides Master Lamington, only sentries and high-ranking angels are allowed inside. Laharl: Hm... Sounds interesting. Flonne: Please, stay alert. There's no telling what Master Vulcanus might do at this point. Laharl: There's no need to be concerned. Who do you think I am? Laharl: I am Laharl, the Overlord! [Fade to black] === ii. Seraphic Sanctuary === --- a. Inner Sanctum --- [Camera shows an area within the Seraphic Sanctuary] Etna: Hmph. So, this is where the Seraph lives. I don't see much of value... Too bad. Laharl: What was your reason for coming...? Flonne: Shhh! Quiet! [Fade to black] [Camera shows the party walking into the Seraphic Sanctuary] [Three Celestial Hosts appear in front of the party] Celestial Host: This is the Seraphic Sanctuary... Those without permission to be here must leave the premises immediately... [Kurtis steps forward] Kurtis: Who are they!? [Camera turns to face Flonne as she faces the party] Flonne: These are the angelic sentries... They will guard the Seraph at any cost. Flonne: They are protected by a special force field, which is impervious to all forms of attack. [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: That can't be...! It must have a weakness! [Jennifer turns toward Thursday] Jennifer: Analyze the force field, Thursday! [Thursday steps forward] Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... ANALYZING FORCE FIELD... 20%... 55%... 90%... Thursday: ANALYSIS COMPLTED. IT HAS NO WEAKNESS. INVINCIBLE INVINCIBLE INVINCIBLE... [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: What!? That's not fair!! Laharl: Hmph... It doesn't matter if there's a weakness or not. All we gotta do is blast them away with our power. [Laharl turns toward Etna] Laharl: Etna! We'll show these angels what we think of their force fields!! [Etna steps forward and faces Laharl] Etna: Okay, Prince! [Etna and Laharl unleash a barrage of attacks upon the angels] [The force fields nullify everything] Laharl: That had no effect!? Impossible! [Everyone turns toward Gordon] Gordon: Hahahahaha! Seems like it's a little too much for you two! Now, it's our turn!! [Everyone stands aside as Gordon steps forward] Gordon: Jennifer! Thursday! Let's show them how it's done! [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Okay, Gordon! [Thursday steps forward] Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... ROGER, CAPTAIN. Jennifer, Gordon, and Thursday: Ultimate defender formation: Space Triangle!! [Space Defenders release a barrage of attacks upon the angels] [The force fields nullify everything] Gordon: Our formation attack isn't powerful enough, either...!? Jennifer: Are they truly invincible1? [Camera turns to face Kurtis as he steps forward] Kurtis: It's not time to give up yet! Don't forget that you have ME on your side! [Everyone turns to face Kurtis] Kurtis: Let's combine our defender spirits together! [The defenders all turn to face the angels] Kurtis, Jennifer, Gordon, and Thursday: True ultimate defender formation: Plasma Quartet!! [The defenders unleash a barrage of attacks upon the angels] [The force fields nullify everything] [The defenders all step back] Kurtis: You've gotta be kidding me...! It didn't even make a scratch! [Camera turns to face Flonne as she steps forward] Flonne: No! Attacking separately won't do any good! Flonne: We must ALL unite our hearts!! [Laharl turns to face Flonne] Laharl: Unite our hearts...? [Flonne and Etna move to the middle of the party and face the angels] Flonne: That's right! Whether we're angels, demons, or humans, we all share the same feelings!! Flonne: and if we focus those feelings together, we can accomplish anything!! Laharl: ...How can you say something like that with a straight face? Flonne: Laharl! Laharl: Alright, alright. So the point is, we all attack at the same time, right? [Laharl steps back and joins the party] Laharl: Then, let's do it. On the count of three... Laharl: One, two, three! [Laharl begins to glow] Laharl: Haaaaaaaaahhhh!! [Etna begins to glow] Etna: Yaaaaaaaaahhhh!! [Gordon begins to glow] Gordon: Nuoooooaaahhhh!! [Jennifer begins to glow] Jennifer: Aaaaaaaaaahhhh!! [Thursday begins to glow] Thursday: BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP!! [Kurtis begins to glow] Kurtis: Woaaaaaaaahhhh!! [Flonne begins to glow] Flonne: Now! Let our love and friendship unite!! Party: GALAXY OMEGA STAR!!!!! [Party unleashes a barrage of attacks upon the angels] [The force fields shattered] Gordon: Yes! We've destroyed the force field! Jennifer: We did it! [Camera turns to face Laharl] Laharl: ...Hey, Flonne. Did I hear something about love and friendship just now? [Flonne turns to face Laharl] Flonne: Yes, you did. So, what about it? Laharl: Whaddya mean, "what about it"? I keep telling you that I don't feel stuff like that! Flonne: *giggle* Think whatever you want, Laharl. Laharl: What did you say!? [Etna turns to face Laharl] Etna: Uh, Prince... Now that their force fields are down, isn't this our chance? Laharl: Yeah... but... Laharl: ...We'll continue this discussion later! Don't forget! Flonne: Okay, okay. [Party turns to face the angels] Flonne: (*sigh* He hasn't gotten any less stubborn, that's for sure... Oh well...) [Fade to black] --- b. Hall of Justice --- [Camera shows an area within the Seraphic Sanctuary] Flonne: Master Vulcanus... Vulcanus: Because you were just a trainee, I underestimated you. Vulcanus: But now that you've defeated greater demons, as well as angelic sentries... I must recognize your strength. Laharl: What's going on? He got so serious all of a sudden. Did he hit his head or something? Etna: Beats me. These angels... You never know what they're thinkin'. Flonne: Um... Were you referring to me, too? Etna: Of course I was<3 Vulcanus: SILENCE! Where are your manners!? Vulcanus: Don't you wish to know my true purpose!? Kurtis: Your purpose...? Hmph! I bet it's just some selfish fantasy! Gordon: No, if he thought it was necessary to involve the earth and humankind, then it must be something really important! Vulcanus: You are correct! My goal is noble, indeed! Vulcanus: To become the absolute ruler of the entire universe! Laharl: Absolute ruler? Etna: Gee, I'm disappointed. Like Kurtis said, you're just fulfilling a selfish fantasy. Vulcanus: No! It is not for my own benefit! Vulcanus: Peace can only be established in the universe under the watchful eye of an omnipotent ruler!! Flonne: Master Vulcanus... That is your goal...? Flonne: But, peace is not something that can be achieved by the will of one individual... Flonne: It is only possible when everybody joins hands and works together. Vulcanus: You are too naive, Flonne! Such a pacifistic approach is doomed to fail because of these deceitful demons and foolish humans! Flonne: That's not true! Demons and humans are capable of... Vulcanus: Silence! What do you know about them!? Vulcanus: ...I am all too aware! Their cruelty... Their vileness in their hearts...!! Flonne: Master Vulcanus... Etna: He's not gonna listen to you, Flonne. Laharl: Well, maybe he'll be more submissive with a little physical persuasion. Etna: Uh... Prince, I hope you didn't mean it THAT way... Vulcanus: The time has come! I will eliminate you, and deal with the Seraph next! And then, I will be a god! Vulcanus: From this day forth, I shall be known as Vulcanus, the Peacebringer!! [Fade to black] [After the battle, camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place] Vulcanus: H, How can this be...!? Vulcanus: My goal! My duty! My dream! They've all been shattered by these heathens!! Flonne: Have you still not realized it, Master Vulcanus? Flonne: You wanted to being peace to the universe, regardless of the means... Flonne: Even if you had succeeded, could you call it true peace? Flonne: Please consider us as an example, Master Vulcanus. Flonne: We have worked together to come this far, with our hearts united as one. Flonne: Can this not be considered the first step towards peace? Vulcanus: ...Ha! Enough of your idealistic rambling! Vulcanus: You thought your misguided words could convince me to repent!? Vulcanus: My beliefs cannot be shaken so easily! Vulcanus: The game's not over yet! I'll just convince the Seraph to finish the job for me! You and he can kill each other!! Vulcanus: Muhahahaha!! Gordon: Drat, we let him escape! Any normal villain would have been moved to tears by those words and begged for forgiveness. Laharl: His conviction is strong. He won't change his mind so easily. Kurtis: He intends to start a fight between us and the Seraph. Jennifer: He'll probably make us look like the bad guys and tell the Seraph some horrible lie. Etna: How does he come up with all these dirty tricks? It's really too bad that he's an angel. Laharl: Well, it looks like a battle with the Seraph is inevitable. Laharl: Are you ready for it, Flonne? Flonne: ...... Flonne: ...Yes! Flonne: I don't know exactly what will happen, but I must tell Master Lamington everything that's on my mind. Flonne: I know he'll understand! Laharl: ...I see. Laharl: Then, tell him straight to his face! Flonne: I will! [Fade to black] --- c. Sacred Altar --- [Camera shows a dark area] Flonne: This is the Seraph's personal chamber. We call it the Sacred Altar. Flonne: Is everybody ready? Laharl: Ready. Etna: Anytime. Gordon: I'm all set. Jennifer: I can feel my heart pounding. Thursday: BEEP BEEP BLIP BEEP... SYSTEM FUNCTIONING AT 100%. THURSDAY IS GOOD TO GO. Kurtis: Come on, let's do it. Flonne: Okay. Here we go...! [Fade to black] [Screen goes white] [Camera shows the party walking into the Sacred Altar] Flonne: Master Lamington! Seraph: Flonne... [Vulcanus turns to face the Seraph] Vulcanus: M, Master Lamington! Vulcanus: She is a traitor who has come to take over Celestia with her abominable troops of demons! [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Stop lying. You're the one who's planning to take over the entire universe. [Vulcanus turns toward the party] Vulcanus: S, Silence, demon!! Seraph: Hmm... So, you are a demon? Laharl: Not just an ordinary demon. I am Laharl, King of the Netherworld! Seraph: You are the son of Krichevskoy... I see. Seraph: Flonne. [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Yes, Master Lamington. Seraph: Is it true that you are here with these demons to take over Celestia? Flonne: No, I have come to ask you a question. Seraph: A question, you say? Flonne: Yes. A few days ago, the Earth Defense Force led an invasion of the Netherworld. Flonne: It was fortunate that it failed, but I discovered that angels were involved in the invasion. Seraph: ...... [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Please answer me! Were you behind this, Master Lamington!? [Vulcanus turns to face the Seraph] Vulcanus: M, Master Lamington! Do not be fooled by her words! Vulcanus: All that she has said is a lie! Vulcanus: Angels using humans to invade the Netherworld!? That is simply absurd!! Flonne: It's not a lie! I saw it with my own eyes! Without a doubt, they were angels! [Vulcanus turns to face the party] Vulcanus: You are mistaken! The demons have tricked you!! Flonne: While it is true that demons are aggressive by nature, they do not hurt others without reason! Flonne: My friends, here, have convinced me of that! Seraph: *chuckle* This is quite unusual, Flonne. Seraph: You, a Celestian, refer to demons as friends, and defend their behavior? Flonne: Master Lamington. At your request, I went to the Netherworld, and there I met Laharl and my other friends. Flonne: Demons may not be perceived as good. Flonne: As a matter of fact, they are rather selfish, rude, and cynical. Laharl: Hey! Flonne: But...! Flonne: But, I have also discovered that they have love and kindness in their hearts. Flonne: Master Lamington, I remember you telling me... Flonne: ...that there is no such thing as absolute evil, that even demons have love. Flonne: As I spent time in the Netherworld, I came to realize that you were right. Flonne: It also occurred to me that perhaps we Celestians have judged demons too harshly. Etna: Yep. Especially this Vulcanus guy. Vulcanus: H, How dare you! Seraph: ...Flonne, I see that you have learned many things in the Netherworld. Flonne: Master Lamington... Seraph: You are not mistaken. [Vulcanus turns to face the Seraph] Vulcanus: Wh, What!? Seraph: It is true that Celestians have been blinded by prejudice. Seraph: Refusing to try and understand our cultural differences, they instead chose to label demons as "evil"... Seraph: They convinced themselves that they were the avatars of absolute good, and branded demons as absolute evil. Seraph: Vulcanus' choices have been the result of such misconceptions, and his concern for the future. I should have been more mindful of these things. [Vulcanus steps forward] Vulcanus: Master Lamington...! Seraph: Did you think that I was oblivious to your actions, Vulcanus? Seraph: I am well informed of all that has transpired. [Vulcanus jumps back] Vulcanus: Ugh...!! [Vulcanus tries to run away, but the Seraph turns him into a rose; the party faces Vulcanus as this happens with exclamation points above their heads] Seraph: Angel Trainee Flonne. [Everyone turns to face the Seraph] [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: Yes. Seraph: You have helped save the Netherworld from the invasion of the Earth Defense Force, and thwarted the plans of Archangel Vulcanus. Seraph: However, the fact remains that you have harmed other angels. You are to be punished for your sin. Flonne: ...I understand. I am prepared to accept any punishment. [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Wait a minute! Laharl: Why does Flonne have to be punished!? [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: It makes no sense whatsoever! She only did what was right! [Etna steps forward] Etna: Don't you dare lay a finger on her! You'll be sorry if you do!! [Flonne turns to face the party] Flonne: It's alright... I knew there would be consequences for my actions. Laharl: Flonne...! [Flonne turns to face the Seraph] Flonne: Master Lamington, I have one final request. Flonne: I beg of you to forgive my companions. It is I who drew them into all of this. [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: This is crazy, Flonne! Why should you be punished!? You've done nothing wrong!! Seraph: ...Very well. I shall pardon their sins. Flonne: I am grateful for your kindness. Laharl: Flonne... [Flonne turns to face Laharl] Flonne: Thank you, Laharl. Flonne: I knew I could trust in you. Flonne: You taught me that demons do have love in their hearts. Laharl: This doesn't make any sense to me! Laharl: We're done here, aren't we!? Let's go back to the Netherworld! [Flonne begins to glow] Flonne: Laharl... I want you to have this pendant. [Laharl steps back] Laharl: S, Stop! That's...!! [Screen turns white] [Scene flashes back to the point of the game in which Laharl recovered Flonne's pendant] Flonne: Laharl...! Laharl: Hurry up and take it. My hand is burning! Flonne: O, Okay! Laharl: ...The pendant is telling me that my heart is wicked. Laharl: That's good to know. [Screen turns white] [Scene shifts back to the Seraphic Sanctuary] Laharl: That's the pendant we had to look for! You want it to burn me again!? [Flonne gives her pendant to Laharl] Laharl: Aaaaaaaagh!! Laharl: ...Huh? Laharl: ...Hey, something's wrong. It's not doing anything... Flonne: *giggle* Just as I thought. Laharl: ...Whaddya mean? Flonne: The wickedness has faded from your heart, Laharl. That's why the pendant isn't punishing you anymore. Laharl: What!? That can't possibly be right!! I'm a demon! The Overlord!! [Flonne steps back] Flonne: I'm so glad... I can say good-bye without any worries now. [Flonne walks toward the Seraph] [Etna steps forward] Etna: Good-bye...? Flonne...! [The entire party steps forward] [Camera turns to face Laharl as he steps forward] Laharl: Hey... Where do you think you're going? [Flonne turns to face Laharl] Flonne: Good-bye, Laharl. I hope you become a magnificent Overlord. Flonne: Good-bye, everyone. Thank you so much for everything. [Flonne turns away from the party, and Laharl attempts to run after her] Laharl: Wait! Flonne! [The Seraph begins casting a spell on Flonne, and she begins to glow in white] Flonne: Good-bye... [Screen turns white] [Scene resumes, with Flonne having been turned into a flower] Etna: Flonne... Why...!? Laharl: ...... Seraph: The existence of Angel Trainee Flonne has been erased, along with her sins... [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Flonne... Laharl: Hey, Flonne... What are you doing...? I didn't say you could do this...! Laharl: You're going to abandon me? Like my mother did? Laharl: I didn't give you permission! Laharl: Is this what you call love!? If it is, then I'll never believe in love! Ever!! [Etna steps forward] Etna: Prince... Seraph: King Laharl, do you despise me? Laharl: Despise you...!? Of course I do, you bastard!! Laharl: ...kill...you... Laharl: I'll kill you!! Laharl: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! [Fire illuminates from Laharl as the screen turns white] Seraph: (This is my punishment... I willingly accept it.) [Fade to black] ++++++++++++++++++ + XVIII. Endings + ++++++++++++++++++ === i. Good Ending === (NOTE: This ending is seen by going through the game without killing a single ally) [After the battle, Laharl is shown standing over the Seraph, sword in hand] Laharl: ...... [Etna steps forward] Etna: What's the matter, Prince? [Laharl sheathes his sword and turns away] Laharl: ...I've had enough of this. Etna: ...? Laharl: It's not like this will bring her back... Laharl: ...Besides, if that Love Freak was here, she would have stopped me anyway... Etna: Prince... [Laharl steps in front of Flonne's flower and sheds a tear] Laharl: What is this...? A tear...? Laharl: ...Hmph. Laharl: I never knew I could shed tears... Laharl: ...... [Laharl turns to face Etna] Laharl: Etna. [Etna steps forward] Etna: Yes? Laharl: ...I leave the rest to you. [Camera turns to face Etna as the party steps forward] Etna: P, Prince...? [Gordon steps forward] Gordon: What are you planning on doing!? [Etna steps back] Etna: You're not planning on...!? Laharl: I think I finally understand why my mother sacrificed herself to save me... [Kurtis steps forward] Kurtis: You want to exchange your life for hers!? Is that even possible...? Laharl: ...Who knows. But, this is the least I can do for her now... [Jennifer steps forward] Jennifer: Harlie...! Laharl: ...Farewell. [Laharl turns toward Flonne's flower, and Etna tries to run after him] Etna: Prince!! [Camera turns to face Laharl as he raises his arm into the air] Laharl: Haaaaaaaaahhhh!! [Laharl begins to glow in white] Voice: Wait!! [Mid-Boss appears on the side of the room, and everyone but Laharl turns to face him] Laharl: What do you want now? As you can see, I'm busy. Laharl: We'll call this your victory, so don't bother me. [Camera turns to face Mid-Boss as he walk up to Laharl] Mid-Boss: I am glad that you have come to terms with your mother's decision. Mid-Boss: You should thank your companions for teaching you the importance of love and friendship. [Laharl stops glowing and turns to face Mid-Boss] Laharl: ...What? [Mid-Boss steps forward] Mid-Boss: Do not throw away the life that your mother gave you. Mid-Boss: Here... Look. [Laharl steps away from Flonne's flower as the screen turns white] [Scene resumes, with Flonne back to normal] Laharl: Flonne...!! [Flonne looks around] Flonne: ...Huh? Where am I...? Flonne: I was supposed to be punished, and... [Flonne turns to face Mid-Boss] Mid-Boss: Indeed you were. You are no longer an Angel Trainee. Now, you are a Fallen Angel. [Question mark appears over Flonne's head, and exclamation marks above everyone else's] Laharl: What the...!? [Etna steps forward] Etna: Flonne, your wings...! [Exclamation mark appears over Flonne's head] Flonne: I'm, I'm...!? Mid-Boss: Hmhmhm... That is the punishment she received from Seraph Lamington. [Everyone turns to face Mid-Boss] Laharl: What!? Then, he wasn't going to kill her in the first place? Mid-Boss: Of course not. She is a very important person... not only to Celestia, but to the Netherworld as well. Laharl: What is that supposed to mean? Mid-Boss: Celestia and the Netherworld were not always in opposition. Seraph Lamington and another person of influence dreamed of reuniting them. Mid-Boss: He sent Angel Trainee Flonne to the Netherworld, to begin bridging the gap between the two worlds. Mid-Boss: Laharl, Flonne... You are the knot that binds the two worlds together. Laharl: We're the knot...? [Mid-Boss turns away] Mid-Boss: Hmhmhm... I'm sure that one day you will understand. Laharl: ...... Laharl: Tell me... Who are you, really? Why do you know so much? Mid-Boss: Hmhmhm... Have I not told you before? [Mid-Boss turns to face the party] Mid-Boss: I am the Dark Adonis. My presence here is merely coincidence... [White light descends from the sky, and it shows Laharl's mother when it reaches the ground] Mid-Boss: Become a magnificent Overlord, Laharl... Laharl: ...Hmph. You don't have to tell me. Laharl: I'll build a legacy even greater than my old man's! Mid-Boss: *chuckle* Farewell... [Mid-Boss and Laharl's mother become white lights and ascend into the heavens] [Fade to black] [Camera shows various screen shots as the credits roll] [Fade to black] Fin === ii. Normal Ending === (NOTE: This ending is seen by not fulfilling the prerequisites for the Good, Bad, or Dark Assembly endings) [After the battle, Laharl is shown standing over the Seraph, sword in hand; the Seraph is lying in a pool of his own blood] Laharl: *gasp* *gasp* ...! Vocie: Wait! [Mid-Boss appears on the side of the room, and everyone but Laharl turns to face him] Etna: Mid-Boss? [Camera turns to face Mid-Boss as he walk to up Laharl] Mid-Boss: I did not make it in time... Mid-Boss: It was I who was to accept punishment... [Laharl turns to face Mid-Boss] Laharl: ...Are you out of your mind? He deserved to die. Laharl: He killed Flonne... even though she had complete faith in him. Mid-Boss: You are mistaken. The Seraph had no intention of killing her... Mid-Boss: He fought you to atone for his sins, and to test you. Laharl: To test me...? [Mid-Boss steps forward] Mid-Boss: Yes... He was testing your heart. Mid-Boss: If you had spared him, Flonne's life would have been restored. However... [Laharl sheathes his sword and stands in front of Flonne's flower] Laharl: Are you trying to say... I'm the one that's responsible for Flonne's death!? Laharl: ...That she's dead...because of me...? Etna: Prince... Laharl: ...... [Laharl walks toward the party] Laharl: ...Etna. [Etna steps forward] Etna: Yes? Laharl: ...Take good care of the Netherworld for me. Etna: P, Prince...? [Laharl turns toward Flonne's flower] Laharl: I owe her at least this much... [The party steps forward one by one, and Mid-Boss steps back] Laharl: ...Farewell. Etna: Prince!! Laharl: Haaaaaaaaahhhh!! [Screen turns white] Laharl: ...If there is a god, may he hear my plea!! Laharl: I, Laharl, have one request! Take my life, in exchange for Flonne's! Laharl: Bring her back to life, I beg of you...!! [An explosion appears in the middle of the white screen] [Fade to black] [Camera shows a series of screen shots as the credits roll] [Fade to black] Flonne: Etna! Etna: I told you to call me Queen. Flonne: The new Prinnies are here. Etna: Okay. Have them start cleaning the bathroom, then. Flonne: Hmmmm...? Flonne: Etna, doesn't this Prinny look familiar? Etna: What are you talking about? They all look the same. Flonne: But, look at its head... Etna: Hey... Fin === iii. Bad Ending === (NOTE: This ending is seen by killing the Item God in a Rank 100 item) [After the battle, Laharl is shown standing over the Seraph, sword in hand; the Seraph is lying in a pool of his own blood] Laharl: *gasp* *gasp* ...! Voice: Wait! [Mid-Boss appears on the side of the room, and everyone but Laharl turns to face him] Etna: Mid-Boss? [Camera turns to face Mid-Boss as he walk to up Laharl] Mid-Boss: No... It was I who should have been held accountable... [Laharl turns to face Mid-Boss] Laharl: ...Are you out of your mind? He deserved to die. Laharl: He killed Flone... Even though she had complete faith in him. Mid-Boss: The Seraph is still alive. Just barely, though. [Mid-Boss steps forward] Mid-Boss: Let the truth be known... [Laharl sheathes his sword and faces Flonne's flower] [Screen turns white] [Scene resumes, and Flonne is back to normal] [Flonne looks around] Flonne: ...Huh? Where am I...? Flonne: I was supposed to be punished, and... [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Flonne...! What's this all about!? [Laharl and Flonne turn to face Mid-Boss] Mid-Boss: Celestia and the Netherworld were not always in opposition. Seraph Lamington and another person of influence dreamed of reuniting them. Mid-Boss: He sent Angel Trainee Flonne to the Netherworld, to meet you and begin rebuilding trust. Mid-Boss: You and Flonne are the knot that binds the two worlds together. Mid-Boss: He had no intention of punishing her from the very beginning... [Camera turns to face Flonne as she steps back] Flonne: We're... the knot...? Laharl: Why didn't he tell me that!? If only I'd known... Mid-Boss: His heart was in pain, for having used you in his plan. Mid-Boss: He chose this as his punishment... Flonne: ...... Laharl: ...Hmph. I guess my heart is wicked, after all. [Laharl turns to face Flonne] Laharl: I didn't know... But still, in my anger, I... [Flonne steps forward] Flonne: ...Stop it! It's not your fault! Flonne: A lot of things happened since I came to the Netherworld, but I really enjoyed my time with you guys! Flonne: You showed me the importance of friendship!! Flonne: You taught me that angels, demons, and humans are not as different as they might seem!! Flonne: So, please...! [Camera turns to face Laharl] Laharl: ...... [Laharl walks toward the party] Laharl: Etna. [Etna steps forward] Etna: Yes? Laharl: ...Take my place. Laharl: I'm not ready to be to Overlord yet. [Camera turns to face Etna as she step forward and faces Laharl] Etna: Prince...! [Laharl turns around and begins walking away from the party] Laharl: ...Farewell. [Flonne steps toward Laharl] Flonne: Laharl...!! [Laharl disappears] Flonne: (We'll meet again... Right, Laharl?) Flonne: (I know that...) Flonne: (I know that one day, we can all live together in peace...) [Fade to black] [Camera shows a picture of Laharl facing away from the screen on a black background as the credits roll] [Fade to black] Fin === iv. Worst Ending === (NOTE: This ending is seen by using "Persuade by Force" 100 times in the Dark Assembly in one cycle through the game) [After the battle, the camera shows a picture of Laharl's castle] [Words appear on the screen as a voice narrates] In the end, all that remained were silence and emptiness. What is lost can never be regained. Laharl quietly picked the flower and left, as the stage drew to a close. No one ever saw him again. [Screen goes black as the credits roll] Fin ++++++++++++++++++++ + XIX. Secret Maps + ++++++++++++++++++++ === i. Prinny Land === --- a. Prinny Land 1 --- [Camera shows Laharl and Etna walking into an area within Prinny Land] Laharl: W, What is this place...? [Etna turns to face Laharl] Etna: Prince, be careful. This is "Prinny Land". [Laharl turns to face Etna] Laharl: Prinny Land...? Etna: This is where Prinnies who escape from the Netherworld or Celestia come. Laharl: I see... In other words, it's a hangout for losers. Etna: I wouldn't write them off so quickly... Etna: I've heard that there are Prinny rebels here who were exiled from the Netherworld and Celestia. Etna: Rumor has it that some of them can give even an Overlord a run for his money. Laharl: Hmph... Then, I won't be bored. Laharl: Let's go! [Fade to black] --- b. Prinny Land 2 --- [No script] --- c. Prinny Land 3 --- [No script] === ii. Human World === --- a. Central City --- [Camera shows an area on Earth] Laharl: So, this is the human world... What a dirty, stagnant place. Etna: What are you gonna do now? Laharl: I think I'll pay a visit to our friend, General Carter. Etna: *sigh* You really are vindictive, Prince. Flonne: Ummmm... What about going to see the Seraph...? Laharl: Later. Flonne: Later? Laharl: Let's go! I shall strike terror into the hearts of those foolish humans! [Fade to black] --- b. Neo Eden --- [No script] --- c. EDF Headquarters --- [Camera shows an area within the EDF Headquarters] General Carter: I can't believe you came all the way here! Your wrath knows no limits! Laharl: Enough of your compliments. It's too late to try and sweet talk your way outta this. General Carter: Dammit... There is only one thing left for me to do! I'll kill you all!! [Screen turns white] [Carter transforms into "Astro Carter"] [Fade to black] --- d. Overthrowing Earth Ending --- [After the battle, the camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place] Jennifer: Papa... Gordon: ...Don't cry, Jennifer. This was all for the sake of the earth. Laharl: Yeah, don't worry. I'll take over from here. Gordon: What!? Gordon: Hey, wait! You can't...!! Laharl: Why not? I won the battle. To the victor go the spoils. Etna: It's only common sense. Lahark: Hmhmhm... Laharl: Haaahahahaha!! Flonne: Ummmm, what happened to our plans to visit the Seraph...? [Fade to black] [Camera shows Laharl standing on the earth as the credits roll] Fin === iii. Alternate Netherworld === --- a. Alternate World --- [No script] --- b. Hall of Sin --- [No script] --- c. Hall of Penance --- [No script] --- d. Malefic Seal --- [No script] --- e. Warrior Maiden --- [Camera shows Laharl and Etna walking into the area beyond the Malefic Seal] [A woman appears in front of them] Laharl: A human...? [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: But, such intense energy... She's not an ordinary human. [Etna steps forward to face Laharl] Etna: I've heard about her. A human woman who became fascinated with the dark arts... Etna: They say that she wanders the Netherworld, searching for battle. Laharl: So, you're saying that's her? [Etna turns to face the woman] Etna: No one's fought her and lived to tell about it... Laharl: Hmhmhm... Good! I'll be the first, then! [Fade to black] === iv. Beauty Castle === --- a. Foreboding Seal --- [No script] --- b. Beauty of Evil --- [Camera shows Laharl and Etna walking into Beauty Castle] Laharl: Hm!? This energy...! [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Who's there!? Show yourself!! [A woman appears in front of them, then jumps to her throne] Etna: A woman!? Laharl: Don't let your guard down. She's strong. [Etna steps forward] Etna: Using all that makeup to hide her wrinkles! Defying gravity with that push-up bra! Wearing such a skimpy outfit at her age! [Etna turns to face Laharl] Etna: It can't be... The most malevolent witch in the entire galaxy... [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: ...If that's true, then this is a golden opportunity. Laharl: We'll see which one of us deserves to be called the most malevolent! [Fade to black] === v. Baal Castle === --- a. Patriarch's Seal --- [No script] --- b. Lord of Terror --- [Camera shows Laharl and Etna walking into the area beyond the Patriarch's Seal] [Baal appears in front of them] Laharl: Who the hell is this guy!? Laharl: You gotta be kidding! Level 4000!? Laharl: The Lord of Terror, Baal... The legend was true... [Fade to black] [After the battle, the camera shows the same area seen before the battle took place] Laharl: *gasp* *gasp* ...! [Laharl sheathes his sword] Laharl: I beat him...! Now, I'm the Lord of Terror...!! Voice: ...Well done. [Exclamation mark appears over Laharl's head as he jumps bacl] Laharl: W, Who's there!? Voice: Well done, Laharl. you have grown. [Exclamation mark appears over Etna's head] Etna: (That voice...!) Voice: The demon which you just defeated... Baal, the Lord of Terror... was planning to conquer all the Netherworlds in existence... Voice: Your father gave his life in order to stop Baal from achieving his ambition... [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: My old man did...? Voice: That is correct... Voice: Your father succeeded in sealing away Baal, but in the process, he exhausted all of his power... Laharl: I see... Laharl: My old man fought him here... Etna: (......) Voice: Laharl... Voice: You have assumed your father's role as Overlord, and have fulfilled your duty remarkably well. Voice: You have earned the right to call yourself "Laharl, the Lord of Terror"... [Laharl steps forward] Laharl: Who are you...? Voice: ...... Voice: ...Laharl, become a great Overlord... [Laharl earns the title of Lord of Terror] [Fade to black] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XX. Etna's Journal Entries + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Etna stands over a desk, pondering her thoughts] === i. My Memory === This is my secret chamber... Only I know how to get in here... This is where my most precious memories were locked away... That I remember, but I can't remember what they were... When I try to remember, my heart aches... This pain is proof of how dear those memories are to me... I have to get them back... === ii. Feelings of Guilt === A certain demon stole my memories... There's something he wants me to do in exchange... I'd do just about anything to get my memories back... But, would the King forgive me...? That's my only fear... === iii. Celestial Visitor === A funny angel arrived from Celestia recently... She has orders from the Seraph to assassinate the King... But, the King died two years ago... What a bonehead... Anyway, if she gets in my way, I'll have to get rid of her... === iv. The Portrait === I saw a portrait of the King in Hoggmeiser's palace... My heart aches when I look at his Majesty's face... Do my memories have something to do with the King...? I'll find out soon enough... Just a little longer until I get my memories back... === v. Doubt & Decision === This is all for my memories... It won't do any good feeling guilty now... I have nothing more to lose... Who cares about anyone else...? I have my own way of life... No one's gonna get in my way... This is my only option... === vi. Image of the King === The memories Maderas stole from me are starting to return... It should all come back to me with time... Still, the Prince really surprised me... I thought he'd kill any traitors... I was prepared to accept my punishment... Why did he forgive me...? I don't understand... But... I have a feeling that the King would have done the same thing... He's more like his father than he seems... === vii. Eternal Loyalty === Even though there are still gaps, my memories are slowly coming back... One thing I remember... When I first started as a servant in the castle... Every day was hard... I lost heart, and my will to live was fading... At times, I even welcomed death... That was when the King reached out his hand to me... I wanted to help him... I wanted to be praised by him... I wanted to be accepted by him... I never felt like that before... And so, I pledged my loyalty to him... Even when I lost my memories, that loyalty remained... Even now... and forever... My feelings will never change... === viii. Hatred === More and more is coming back to me with each passing day... I remember the time... ...the time the King and Queen first met. A demon falling in love with a human... I felt the King was going somewhere out of my reach... His happy face... The first time I saw his smile... My heart ached... As I watched the King smiling, I felt my hatred for the Queen grow... My loyalty to the King... I felt like all my feelings were being ignored because of that woman... ...... And then, the Prince was born... The son of the King... The son of that woman... I was torn by opposing feelings back then... Things have started to change recently. But, my feelings toward the Queen ended before I could deal with them... === ix. A Mother's Love === All this time, that woman was among us as one of the Prinnies... ...She just watched over the Prince without saying a word... How could she stand it...? I don't get it... She was always like that... She always filled my heart with discord... But, my hatred from back then is gone... Has time erased it...? Or... === x. Recalling === Another fragment of my memory returned... It's a memory of when... ...the King died... Publicly, it was reported that the King died by choking on a black pretzel, but that's not the truth... I believed that story, too, until my memory returned... The King's death was... That's right... The King left to halt an invasion from the alternate Netherworld... ...When he came back, he had lost almost all of his power... I was willing to save him in exchange for my life... The way the Queen saved the Prince... But, the King wouldn't allow it... He told me to live... Then... ...I can't remember the rest... But, I made an important promise... Something really important... === xi. The Promise === I remember now... It's one of my dearest memories... The words the King left with me on his deathbed... "Raise my son to be the next Overlord"... Those were his dying words... And in the end... ...... I made a promise to the King... ...that I'd protect the Prince... The King worried about the Prince until the very end... I hated the Prince... I envied the Prince... But, that was my promise to the King... I must keep my word... I vowed in my heart to do so... === xii. Stolen Memories === My precious memory... The dying words of the King... I'd protect the Prince... Not long after I made that promise, my memories were stolen... I don't know if he knew of my promise, but it was Maderas who stole my memories and plotted to take over the throne... He proposed a deal with me... If I wanted my memories back, I had to kill the Prince... It's ironic that in my stolen memories was my promise to protect the Prince... But, I had no choice... === xiii. Cost of Betrayal === To get back my memories from Maderas, I tried to poison the Prince... But, I couldn't go through with it... I couldn't stand being Maderas' pawn anymore... And... the King's voice was in the back of my mind... So instead, I used the Prince to win my memories back from Maderas. But... I had tried to poison him... I had betrayed him... Even though my memories were stolen, I still broke my promise to the King... King Krichevskoy... You must be angry with me... ++++++++++++++++++++ + XXI. Item Quotes + ++++++++++++++++++++ When you highlight any item in the game, a small description appears at the bottom of the screen. Of course, with this being Disgaea and all, the descriptions are anything but normal. The following lists the quote attached to every item, weapon, and armor in the game, and a great deal of them are downright hilarious. === i. Fists === Wristband: "Soaks up sweat" Rock Fist: "Loses to paper a lot" Double Slap: "I rarely see someone get slapped" Leather Glove: "Smells bad in the rain" Iron Claw: "Be careful not to let it get rusty" Power Gauntlet: "It might awaken latent super powers" Hyper Knuckle: "Not as hyper as it sounds" Lethal Knuckle: "Hit those weak spots right on the money!" Fake Fist: "More macho than your real fist" Cross Counter: "Replica of a glove worn by a famous boxer" Swift Knuckle: "Your punch will sting like a bee" Magic Cuff: "You get smarter. Be thankful" Poison Knuckle: "Try not to pick your nose with this" Megaton Punch: "Psssst, it doesn't really weigh a megaton" Fist of Fury: "From the master of Jeet Kune Do" Mach Punch: "Fast is good" Spiked Glove: "A dangerous glove with spikes" Bagh Nakh: "Pocket weapon from a foreign land" Mystic Hand: "Become a user of mystical powers" Metal Fist: "A metal fist worn by noble mistresses" Silver Arm: "Your arm turns silver. How embarassing" Demonic Fist: "A demon will dewll in your hand. So?" Karate Chop: "Break rocks in one hit!!" Mistral Fist: "Grants the power of the Wind God" Jupiter's Fist: "Grants the power of the Thunder God" Straight Punch: "Strongest punch known to mankind" Mirage: "Can't even see it" Kwanca: "Sounds foreign, but I forget its origin" Bahamut's Fist: "Grants the power of the Dragon God" Golden Arm: "Your arm turns gold. I'm so envious" Crisis: "Causes disasters. You'll be feared and hated" Diabolic Fist: "Grants the power of the Demon God" Platinum Arm: "Your arm turns platinum. It won't bend..." Galactica: "A deadly fist that makes the universe tremble" Terra Smasher: "Enough power to split the earth in two!" Punisher: "Will allow you to punish your enemies" Zodiac: "Grants the powers of the stars" Infernal Fist: "Grants the power of the Overlord" God's Hand: "Said to be able to vanquish Overlords..." Ultimus: "World's strongest fist, period" === ii. Swords === Common Sword: "Go buy something better" Short Sword: "A sword that's kinda short" Swordbreaker: "Known for its durability" Bronze Sword: "A plain sword made of bronze" Long Sword: "A sword that's pretty long" Ninja Sword: "Non-ninjas can equip it, too" Sharp Edge: "It slices! It dices!" Bastard Sword: "Nice guys can use it, too" Broad Sword: "I worked hard making this. Please buy it<3" Magic Sword: "A sword with a pinch of magic" 2-Pronged Blade: "Cuts well, but hard to gut fish with" Great Sword: "It's not really THAT great" Taser Sword: "Paralyzes an adversary with electricity" Mortuus Blade: "Sounds like a meaningful name, but it's not" Psychic Sword: "A sword used by psychic, duh!" Stabbing Knife: "You really shouldn't stab people with this" Evil Thwarter: "Used in banishing demons. Covered in poison" Hibernal Sword: "Sword that can induce sleep" Muramasa: "Legendary katana" Light Sabre: "The force may be with you" Vajra: "Legendary sword of an ancient demon" Mistral Sword: "Grants the power of the Wind God" Jupiter's Sword: "Grants the power of the Thunder God" Bloodlust: "Sword that sucks blood. Loves type O" Masamune: "Not a thing in the world it can't cut" Bahamut's Fang: "Grants the power of the Dragon God" Adamant Sword: "Your body will be filled with energy" Demon Killer: "Sacred sword used in slaying demons" Wyrmslayer: "Can slay dragons in a single blow" Laevateinn: "Said to be able to slice through darkness" Diabolic Sword: "Grants the power of the Demon God" Crusade: "Holy sword crafted to seal the Demon God" Kusanagi: "Sacred sword used in defeating an 8-headed serpent" Excalibur: "Some famous guy's sword. Used, of course" Shichishi-Tou: "Works wonders. Try it out!" Infernal Sword: "Grants the power of the Overlord" Arondight: "Mysterious sword forged from a meteorite" Amano-Hahakiri: "Show it off to your friends" Cosmic Blade: "The universe is calling for you!!" Yoshitsuna: "A sword unparalleled in strength" === iii. Spears === Common Spear: "Cheapest spear ever. Bleh" Iron Lance: "An average spear. Popular among housewives" Knight's Spear: "Knights use it, thus the name" Bogus Spear: "Spear of a legendary hero (not)" Long Spear: "A long spear... You get the picture" Koshimoto Spear: "Spear of a female warrior of the East" Bushido Lance: "Always remember the way of a warrior" Trident: "Latest trend among fisherman" Paralyzing Spear: "Just as the name implies, it causes paralysis" Falcon Lance: "Increases your speed for some unknown reason" Forgetful Spear: "What type of spear were we talking about?" Black Spear: "Become a black knight! Now hiring" Silver Lance: "What if it's actually aluminum?" Kung Fu Spear: "Used by Kung Fu fighters everywhere" Venomous Spear: "If ingested, contact your physician" Moonlight: "Charms those who see it" Skewer: "Useful in making shish kabobs" Mistral Spear: "Grants the power of the Wind God" Jupiter's Spear: "Grants the power of the Thunder God" Special Lance: "Limited edition, but plenty are available" Vile Brilliance: "One of the Netherworld's legendary spears" Golden Lance: "It's just gold plated" Bone Lance: "Made from dragon bone. Smells bad" Zephyr: "Its thrusts are as swift as a gust of wind" Bahamut's Horn: "Grants the power of the Dragon God" Benkei: "The renowned weapon-collector's favorite" Demonic Spear: "High-level demons love this spear" Pallas Athene: "Symbol of valor and chivalry" Kiyomasa: "Engraved with a samurai's autograph" Hero's Spear: "Makes you feel like a hero" Platinum Lance: "Bright and shiny. Looks fancy" Li Shuwen: "Ghost of an unmatched warrior dwells within" Diabolic Spear: "Grants the power of the Demon God" Walkeure: "You become quicker just by holding it" Gungnir: "Even the gods can't laugh at you now" Gae Bolga: "Please don't sell me<3" Chaladholg: "Be the first on the block to own one!" Infernal Spear: "Grants the power of the Overlord" Longinus: "King Krichevskoy's famed spear" Glorious: "The spear of all spears" === iv. Bows === Common Bow: "A bow made during an arts & crafts class" Hunter's Bow: "Typical bow used in hunting" Longbow: "Actually, it's not that long" Big Arrow: "It's not as big as it sounds" Blessed Bow: "Bow made to dispel evil spirits" Pixie Bow: "Bow with a fairy's mystical magic" Enchanted Arrow: "It'll pierce your heart" Warrior's Bow: "Holding it boosts your stamina" Sprite Bow: "You get slightly smarter during tests" Venomous Bow: "It's dangerous. What'd you expect?" Elven Bow: "Enables you to run like the wind" Spirit Bow: "Become best friends with the spirits" Master Bow: "You will feel like a master archer" Bow of Havoc: "Disappointing, considering the name" Bow of Justice: "You're now officially a defender of justice!" Silver Bow: "Bow made out of silver (maybe)" Flex Bow: "Wpn-Bow?: Makes you want to exercise" Plasma Arrow: "May cause paralysis" Hero's Bow: "You can officially call yourself a hero!" Shining Arrow: "Rather lackluster, despite its name" Mistral Bow: "Grants the power of the Wind God" Jupiter's Bow: "Grants the power of the Thunder God" Golden Bow: "Bow made out of gold (perhaps)" Judgement Arrow: "Person hit will face some sort of judgement" Remote Bow: "Shoots a bit farther than other bows" Platinum Bow: "Bow made out of platinum (or not)" Kuki: "A cursed bow with a unique story" Bow of Virtue: "Ancient demon-slaying bow" Arcane Bow: "Has magical powers" Yoichi's Bow: "Replica of the bow used by a great archer" Bahamut's Aim: "Grants the power of the Dragon God" Percival: "Named after a legendary hero. Cool!" Prometheus: "This bow is also known as 'Foresight'" Starchaser: "Said to be able to pierce the heavens" Diabolic Bow: "Grants the power of the Demon God" Ull's Bow: "The bow used by the god of archery himself" Fleche Enflammee: "It may be powerful enough to slay an Overlord" Infernal Bow: "Grants the power of the Overlord" Artemis: "The goddess of the hunt dwells inside this bow" Galaxy: "Greatest bow in the galaxy, hence the name" === v. Guns === RQ22 Common: "Watch where you point it!" Model 24: "It hurts if it hits. Well, duh!" RQ38 Custom: "A 38-calibur gun with little recoil" Dolphin EX: "Easy-to-use gun for everyone" RQ-P38: "It's got a retro look for all you geeks" Nether 35: "Manufactured in the Netherworld" KLZ900: "Nicely balanced, has good aim" RQ44 Magnum: "Monster tested, RQ approved" Model 48: "The feel of the grip is so comfortable" Dune Eagle: "Now that's a big gun!" Nether 58: "Carried by high-class demons for self-defense" ZK Auto 13: "The mainstream automatic" Ion 8k Ninja: "Ray gun that shoots out energy beams" Model 56: "Gun used by 'professionals'" RQ57 Dragon: "Can kill dragons in one shot, IF it hits" LDT52-R: "You shouldn't be toting this around!!" Nether 72: "The 72nd model of the gun, of course" P50-XX: "If you buy now, it comes with a free holster" Ion 9k Samurai: "This ray gun is NOT for laser tag" RQ66 Saint: "Custom version. A lot more accurate" GH401WZ: "An old gun made by a determined craftsman" H30k: "Very light because it's made partly from resin" PS-714: "Uses the latest fad: sleep effect" RQ77 Godslayer: "As the name implies, it can kill Demon Gods" Nether 108: "Greatest gun of the Nether series" T-199X: "Major recoil, but powerful. Guaranteed" Karlten: "Legendary gun used by some guy" RQ99 Omega: "The fruits of RQ's technology" Gilgamesh: "Legendary gun used by Gilgamesh" Olympus: "Legendary gun. An ancient weapon" Odyssey: "Gun found in a legendary sunken city" Phillipan: "Legendary gun used by a famous traitor" Fujiyama: "Fires with the force of Mt. Fujiyama erupting" Beowulf: "Legendary gun used by Beowulf" Tiamat: "Gun named after a legendary dragon" Brunhild: "Legendary gun with the blessing of a goddess" Siegfried: "Legendary gun also known as the 'Dragon-Slayer'" Fenrir: "Legendary gun also known as the 'God-Slayer'" Infernal Gun: "Grants the power of the Overlord" Etoile: "Most powerful gun in the universe" === vi. Axes === Common Axe: "Practically a toy" Villager's Axe: "Used in everyday village life" Battle Axe: "Used for battle. Heavy, but powerful" Bronze Axe: "Made of copper. Careful where you swing it" Iron Axe: "Made of iron. Rusts easily" Tomahawk: "Makes you look tough" Warrior's Axe: "Warriors love this axe. Very manly" Mighty Axe: "A powerful axe" Steel Axe: "Not only strong, but rust-proof!" Stamina Axe: "Boosts your HP just by holding it" Axe of Sorcery: "Boosts your SP just by holding it" Pixie Axe: "Get hit and fall asleep... forever!" Falcon Axe: "Speedy axe... Such an oxymoron, but it's true" Enchanted Axe: "A magical axe. Buy now!" Silver Axe: "Hopefully it's made of silver" Dwarven Axe: "An axe made by dwarves" Bloody Axe: "Its blade is stained crimson with blood" Adamant Axe: "A friggin's strong axe" Demon's Axe: "Great as a present" Dream Axe: "Sweet dreams" Headhunter: "Great for chopping heads off<3" Hero's Axe: "Turns even a coward into a hero" Mistral Axe: "Grants the power of the Wind God" Jupiter's Axe: "Grants the power of the Thunder God" Golden Axe: "Let's hope it's made out of gold" Vigaro's Axe: "A very, very powerful axe" Axe of Death: "A lucky foe might win a poison death!" Rune Axe: "Makes you smarter" Terra Firma: "Can't shake the earth, but still powerful" Hellish Axe: "Experience a living hell. Accepting volunteers" Bahamut's Talon: "Grants the power of the Dragon God" Platinum Axe: "Please let this be platinum" Axe of Slaughter: "Powerful as heck, but makes you stupid" Mercurius: "Overflowing with the energy of the universe" Diabolic Axe: "Grants the power of the Demon God" Empyrean Axe: "Fell from the sky" Balmung: "Once belonged to some great warrior" Infernal Axe: "Grants the power of the Overlord" Durandal: "Strongest man in the Netherworld wielded this" Apocalypse: "THE axe. The end" === vii. Staves === Wooden Staff: "Used as a walking stick" Light Staff: "Your run-of-the-mill staff. Ho-hum" Witch's Staff: "The official staff of witches" Mage's Staff: "A slight step up from the Witch's Staff" Smiting Staff: "Good for beating up on your enemies" Quality Staff: "A brand-name staff" Hibernal Staff: "A sleep-inducing scent surrounds this staff" Stamina Staff: "Holding it boosts your stamina" Swordstaff: "A staff with a sword hidden inside" Pixie Staff: "Has fairy's magic cast on it" Forgetful Staff: "Get hit and all your troubles will fade away" Mortuus Staff: "Haunted by the souls of the dead" Staff of Sorcery: "A staff that powers up your magic. How nice!" Silver Staff: "If it's made of real silver, I'll take it!" Elven Staff: "Has elven magic cast on it" Blessed Staff: "It doesn't mean that YOU will be blessed" Sage's Staff: "Owning this doesn't make you a sage instantly" Staff of Hope: "Don't get your hopes too high!" Enchanted staff: "People will think that you're a mage" Mistral Staff: "Grants the power of the Wind God" Jupiter's Staff: "Grants the power of the Thunder God" Staff of Virtue: "Staff made to fend off evil" Golden Staff: "If it's made of real gold, I'll take it!" Prophet's Staff: "It takes more than this staff to be a prophet" Rune staff: "It's the talk of the town" Rainbow Rod: "Colorful goodness in every rod!" Bahamut's Wit: "Grants the power of the Dragon God" Holy Staff: "It's not like you'll gain holy power" Saint's Staff: "Said to have been blessed by a saint" Gambantein: "Some old geezer's staff" Diabolic Staff: "Grants the power of the Demon God" Tainted Staff: "Must-have for the perfect fallen angel costume" Polansky's Staff: "Staff of the great sage Polansky" Yggdrasil: "Staff carved from the world tree" Mjollnir: "The staff of a famous bishop" Dark Matter: "Contains the power of darkness" Kerykelon: "Staff used by a powerful archmage" Infernal Staff: "Grants the power of the Overlord" Galactic Staff: "Contains astral powers" Omniscient Staff: "The best a staff can get" === viii. Monster Weapons === Paw Glove: "So soft and furry..." Scratch Claw: "Feels wonderful on the back" Crab Pincer: "Great with butter and garlic" Shocking Grasp: "Works wonders on tense shoulders" Poison Needle: "Guess what kind of poison it is" Bat Parasol: "Useful on rainy days. Compact, too" Cat's Claw: "You don't want to be scratched by this" Lizard Tail: "Still wriggling" Porcu-Spine: "Porcupine quills sting! Ouch!" Electric Eel: "Tastes like chicken" Cobra Fang: "Dripping with deadly venom" Spiked Shell: "Too many spikes to count" Wolf Fang: "Equip this, and you can be a lone wolf!" Tentacles: "Good for groping all sorts of places<3" Vampire Fang: "I vant to suck your blood!" Gorilla Foot: "You can kick like an angry ape" Lionheart: "Why is this classified as a weapon?" Bear Claw: "Fresh from the baker's oven" Tiger Fang: "this will bring out the tiger in you!" Panda Claw: "Pandas rule!" Nessie Attack: "Sell pictures to the tabloids!" Medusa Eye: "A stone-cold stare. Literally" Brocken: "Comes with a free curse!" Demon's Hand: "Your hand becomes demon-like" Fiendish Claw: "Perfect for all your killing needs" Primal Force: "Enhances your magic power" Goblin's Fury: "Uppercut of a gigantic goblin" Mystic Eye: "Looook into my eyes..." Geo Saber: "It is brimming with spiritual power" Destroy: "Used in order to, uh, destroy" Lightning Fang: "AKA 'Fang of Nue'" Dragon Tooth: "There's a cavity!" Enigma: "Treasure of a legendary demon city" Orichalch Claw: "Forged from a mysterious metal" El Dorado: "Named after the paradise of demons" Dragon Heart: "Contains the soul of a dragon" Belial Force: "Rare Netherworld collectable" Amon Force: "Legendary Amon memorabilia item" Lucifer Force: "Signed by Lucifer himself!" Nyanko Soul: "A keepsake left behind by a vassal" Nemesis: "The strongest monster weapon ever!" Nemesis Mk-II: "The strongest monster weapon ever! EX model" === ix. Armor === Amulet: "Raises DEF ever so slightly" Protector: "Baseball equipment" Bulletproof Vest: "Can stop bullets. Watch out for head shots" Fancy Lid: "Made of titanium. Keeps heat inside the pot" Leather Jacket: "Wanna be a rebel without a cause?" Chain Mail: "Can make the shoulders stiff" Dimensional Cape: "A cape that like, dimensional" Power Jacket: "Wear it, and you become powerful" Bushido Armor: "Awaken to the way of the warrior" Magic Vest: "Uniform of the School of Magic" Muscle Armor: "Will make you buff like an action star" Steel Armor: "Just plain ol' armor" Fur Coat: "Armor of the rich and famous" Dandy Gown: "Makes you look just dandy" Stealth Cape: "Increases your speed" Stinky Jacket: "It stinks. It reeks. It's addicting..." Ghost Cape: "Great for use in scary movies" Prophet's Robe: "Secondhand coat of a great prophet" Silver Tux: "Worn by amateur comedians" Gritty Vest: "It's sandpaper-like texture boosts bravery(?)" Mistral Armor: "Grants the power of the Wind God" Jupiter's Armor: "Grants the power of the Thunder God" Cactus Armor: "Don't hug anyone with this on" Hero's Cape: "Undeniable proof of being a hero" Gold Tux: "Worn by funny comedians" Reaper's Cloak: "You'll be cursed by the Grim Reaper himself" Black Armor: "Turns you into a black knight" Nine Tail Fur: "Expensive as a fur can get" Platinum Tux: "Worn by hilarious comedians" Dragon Jacket: "Worn by a legendary martial artist" Orichalch Shield: "Recovered from an underwater city" Bahamut's Scale: "Grants the power of the Dragon God" Evil Armor: "Only the good die young... Muhahaha" Shield of Aegis: "Legendary shield. Said to be miraculous" Celestal Armor: "A gift from the heavens" Infernal Cape: "Cape worn by generations of Overlords" Infernal Shield: "Shield used by generations of Overlords" Infernal Armor: "Armor worn by generations of Overlords" Nirvana: "Grants spiritual enlightenment" Super Robo Suit: "The galaxy's coolest-looking robot!" Prinny Costume: "Prinny Skin" Astro Suit: "A failure of modern science" === x. Belts === Quasi-Power Belt: "Late-night infomercial closeout item" Power Belt: "Powers you up, but it sure is heavy" Endeavor Belt: "Gives you the strength to preserve" Belt of Will: "Strengthens your resolve" Mega-Power Belt: "Hot item on the shopping channel" Monster Belt: "Wearing it will make you more intimidating" Super Belt: "Makes you feel somewhat super" Steel Belt: "Belt crafted by a well-known artisan" Aura Belt: "Has a pleasant aura around it" Love Belt: "Never underestimate the power of love!" Spirit Belt: "It'll lift your spirits" Hero Belt: "Makes you feel like a hero, but nothing more" Soul Belt: "Your soul burns with vigor when you wear it" Training Belt: "Train to be an iron man!" Bravery Belt: "You feel like you've become a brave warrior" Guts Belt: "Allows you to have a lot of gut, er, guts" Shaolin Belt: "No, it won't improve your soccer skills" Black Belt: "Osu! Wax in, wax out" Chakra Belt: "You, too, can gain the power of the universe" Champion Belt: "Galactic Champion's Trophy" === xi. Shoes === Slippers: "Warm and fuzzy" Cross-Trainers: "Will help you earn an 'A' in PE class" Ninja Shoes: "Experience the speed and stealth of a ninja!" Falcon Shoes: "Falcons wear shoes?" Angel's Sandals: "They smell heavenly" Accelerator: "Makes you faster. Don't ask, 'Why teeth?'" Hyperdrive: "Blazing speed. Where'd you attach it, though?" === xii. Glasses === Common Glasses: "Improve accuracy" Magnifying Glass: "You won't miss a single clue with this" Nerd Glasses: "Make you look smart" Plastic Nose: "Great for parties" Opera Glasses: "You can see the stage clearly from far away" Nightvision: "Infrared. Useful for late night strolls" Crosshair Scope: "Perfect bow or gun accessory" Foresight: "You'll see the future if you look hard enough" Destiny Lens: "It may reveal the mysteries of fate to you" Providence: "Divine navigation system" === xiii. Orbs === Common Orb: "For magic users who want to accessorize" Psyche Orb: "Perfect for non-magic users!" Dark Orb: "Formed by the materialization of dark energy" Blood Orb: "Made from crystallized dragon blood" Star Orb: "An orb fashioned from a meteorite" Moon Orb: "Draws on the power of the moon" King Orb: "An orb carried by generations of Overlords" Holy Orb: "An orb blessed with sacred power" Chaos Orb: "An evil orb that brings about chaos" Universal Orb: "Rumored to govern all things in the universe" === xiv. Muscles === Muscle Brawn: "Enhances your muscles" Muscle Hustle: "Adds a little hustle to your muscles" Muscle Spirit: "Come on, flex those pecks!" Muscle Fight: "Makes you crave for hand-to-hand combat" Muscle Ace: "Turns you into a top-class pro-wrestler" Muscle Victory: "Claim victory with your beautiful muscles!" Muscle Dream: "You'll count muscles in your sleep" Muscle World: "Welcome to the world of muscle!" Muscle Star: "Gives you muscles like the stars" Galactic Muscle: "THE muscle. So sweaty. So beautiful..." Hercules' Body: "Iron body of Hercules" === xv. Emblems === The description for all Emblems in the game is "An emblem that signifies demon nobility". === xvi. Consumables === Virtually all of the consumables have one of two descriptions, namely "Recovers HP" or "Recovers SP". As such, I'm only listing the consumables with unique descriptions. Sundae: "Recover tons of HP" Mushroom Soup: "Recover tons of SP" Elixir: "Recover tons of HP and SP" Veggie Burger: "A veggie burger is NOT a hamburger!" Faerie Dust: "Cures ailments" Mr. Gency's Exit: "Escapes from Item World (restart on same floor)" === xvii. Thief Hands === The description for all Thief Hands is "Useful in stealing items, especially for thieves". === xviii. Miscellaneous === Horse Weiner: "Am item feared by even Laharl" Mahogany's Brain: "Brain of Mahogany, a master sorcerer" Gao's Guts: "A keepsake left behind by a vassal" Crowdia's Beauty: "A keepsake left behind by a vassal" Myao's Cat Ears: "A keepsake left behind by a vassal" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XXII. Credits/Special Thanks + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CjayC: He is one man, and happens to maintain the best site on the internet. There is no way in hell that this is an easy task, especially with the fact that GameFAQs is growing at an exponential rate. I can't thank him enough for all of the hard work. Nippon Ichi and Atlus: For making and publishing arguably the best game ever made. Board 8: You guys are a bunch of lunatics, but I don't know what I'd ever do without you <3 Slowflake: For being a great friend and just kicking so much ass all the time. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + XXIII. Disclaimer/Contact Information + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This guide is copyrighted by UltimaterializerX, with all rights reserved, and can not be reproduced in any way, shape, or form without expressed written consent of the author. This guide may only be posted at at the time of the release of this document. If you wish to e-mail me, my address is , just like it says at the very beginning of the document. Feel free to contact me with anything relevant. Furthermore, you can always catch me hanging around one of the following places on www.gamefaqs.com: The SCC Board - http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=584617 The SC Board - http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=8 SC stands for Summer Contest, by the way. I have wasted more time on that board than on any other, so if you're randomly trying to catch me on GameFAQs, that's your best bet. It's a social board with no topicality, so you can try reaching me however you choose. If I'm not there, however, post something on the SCC board. It's a guarantee that I'll see you sooner or later. _______________________________________________________________________________ -Copyrighted 2004 Ultimaterializer, all rights reserved ~FIN~