Disgaea: Hour of Darkness - Job Class Guide Author: EllyEllyElly, A.K.A. Jamie Hogan jmhogan@vwc.edu AIM = MessiahoSilence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Stats and Aptitudes 2-A. Stat Definitions 2-B. Aptitude Definitions 3. Weapon Types 3-A. Fists 3-B. Swords 3-C. Spears 3-D. Bows 3-E. Guns 3-F. Axes 3-G. Staves 4. Humanoid Class Listing 4-A. Male Brawler 4-B. Female Brawler 4-C. Male Warrior 4-D. Female Warrior 4-E. Skulls 4-F. Mages 4-G. Male Cleric 4-H. Female Cleric 4-I. Archers 4-J. Scouts 4-K. Rogues 4-L. Ninja 4-M. Ronins 4-N. Knights 4-O. Recruits 4-P. Angels 4-Q. Majin 5. Closing and Revisions 6. Credit and Thanks 7. Legal Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hail! Welcome to my, the annoyingly lazy EllyEllyElly's Disgaea Job Class Guide! This is my first Guide/FAQ, so please don't be too mean to me. :( Here you'll find out more about the individual statistics of every class in Disgaea (as well as their advanced forms) including weapon proficiencies, spells, and base stats/aptitudes. I also made a Weapon Technique section just to further clarify which weapons can do what. I'm leaving story characters out of this (for now), due to the fact that I don't have a real resource to find out their base statistics. I'll do Monsters at a later date, as well. The format that I'll have each class in is as follows. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Base Class Name (I.E., Male Brawler) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personal Comments about the class, Strengths and Weaknesses, etc. (Class Name) - (Weapon Proficiencies) (Move/Jump, Counter) (HP Stat, Aptitude) (SP Stat, Aptitude) (ATK Stat, Aptitude) (DEF Stat, Aptitude) (INT Stat, Aptitude) (SPD Stat, Aptitude) (HIT Stat, Aptitude) (RES Stat, Aptitude) (Spell Name - Level learned (If Any)) (Prerequisites for the class to be open) Thats it. Simple, no? On to the explanations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Stats and Aptitudes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stats are basically a numerical form of how strong you are. They can increase in several ways, such as simply leveling up and equipping armor and weapons, or stat stealing (Only available to the Rogue class line, and Thursday) and Transmigration. Quite simply, the more, the better. Characters with levels in the high thousands can quite easily surpass stats of a million. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-A. Stat Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a Brief explanation of all the stats and their purposes. Some are more important to certain classes than others. 1. Hit Points, A.K.A. HP - The amount of Damage you can take. If it drops to zero, you're dead. Love your HP. Can be restored at the hospital, by healing items, and curative magic. 2. Special/Spell Points, A.K.A. SP - Using Spells and Special Techniques drain these. If it drops to 0, you can't use any Magic or Techs. Can be restored at the hospital and by items. 3 Attack, A.K.A. ATK - Your Physical Strength. The higher this stat, the more damage you'll do with Sword/Axe/Spear/Fist/Staff physical attacks and Techs. If you're a melee fighter, aim to get this as high as humanly possible. Note - Physical attacks do more damage when performed from higher planes than the enemy, and to their sides/back. 4. Defense, A.K.A. DEF - Your resistance to Physical attacks and Techs. The higher this stat, the less damage you'll take from Physical attacks and Techs. With a Combination of High Defense and High HP, you'll be a walking tank. 5. Intelligence, A.K.A. INT - Mental Strength. The higher this stat, the more damage you'll deal/heal with magical spells. Also Effects the power of some character's Techs (Flonne for example). A mage/cleric's best friend. 6. Speed, A.K.A. SPD - How fast you are. The higher this stat, the Less chance a character's phsycal attacks will hit you. It also effects the chance to evade a "Bulls Eye" (Extra damage), and get a "Nick" (Lessend damage) from attacks. A Ninja's area of expertise. 7. Hit, A.K.A. ..Erm.. HIT - How accurate you are. The higher this stat, the more damage you'll deal with Guns. It also effects the chance of scoring a "Bulls Eye" on your opponent, as well as lessen your chance to miss completely. If your HIT is low (Hi, Axe users!), prepare to see a lot of "Nick"s! 8. Resistance, A.K.A. RES - Your Resistance to Magic. The higher this stat, the less damage you'll take from Magical Spells and Techs. It does NOT effect how much spells heal you - That is based completely on the caster's INT. Some monsters have a super high RES and a lower DEF. 9. Move, A.K.A. MV - The amount of spaces you can move on the map. Classes with low MV (Hi, Galatic Demons!) will have a hard time getting around without items that increase it. (Slippers, Accelerator, etc.) 10. Jump, A.K.A. JM - The height in DM in which you can reach when moving. For example, If your character has a JM of 20, and you're standing on a 5 DM field, you can jump up to a 25 DM height. Not as important as MV, but it helps nonetheless. (And generally items that increase MV Increase JM as well.) 11. Counter, No A.K.A. needed - The amount of times you can counter (physically attacking when you are physically attacked) enemy attack. Your number of counters decreases by one if you take any action (Attacking, Techs, Spells). Counter in this game works kind of strangely. Laharl has a base counter of 2. He attacks a Nekomata, with a counter of 3. The Neko Counters once. Laharl will Counter back, running him out of Counter (Since he attacked initially. One attack and one counter expends his two). The Nekomata will counter back yet again. Now Gordon (Counter of 2) Attacks the Nekomata. She counters once, running her out of counters, in which Gordon counter-counters, running him out. You won't see it visibly, but your counter meter gets restored at the beginning of a Player Turn. You can petition to raise your counter at the Dark Assembly. Otherwise, there is no way to raise it. *Note - A character won't always counter, even if they have counters remaining in their gauge.* 12. Levels, A.K.A. LV. - A numerical representation of how strong your character is overall. As you get experience by killing enemies, your level increases. The minimum level is 1, and the Maximum is 9999. When you gain a new level, all your statistics will rise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-B. Aptitude Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each character comes with a different set of "Aptitudes", or how much a certain stat effects them when equipping items. If your aptitude is high, you'll get the desired (or higher!) amount of a stat that the piece of equipment gives. But be warned, this works both ways, if an item decreases a certain stat. For Example, a Male Brawler has an ATK Aptitude of 100%, and a DEF aptitude of 50%. Lets Equip him with a Spirit Belt that has an ATK stat of 200, and a DEF stat of -50. When he equips them item, then it would raise his ATK by 200, since he has 100% to that aptitude. Alternatively, a class with an ATK Aptitude of 50% would only get 100 of those ATK points. The belt also has a DEF penalty to it, though, of -50 points. But again, Aptitudes come into play with his DEF aptitude of 50%. So instead of losing 50 DEF, he'll only lose 25 DEF. Neat, Huh? But remember, this also applies to positives, so if an item had a DEF of 50, he would only gain 25 DEF. Thats all there is to it for stats. Just follow the golden rule - More is good! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Weapon Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are seven different types of weapons in Disgaea. Fists, Swords, Spears, Bows, Guns, Axes, and Staves. Each has its own different strengths and weaknesses (though some are sadly weaker than others). Each Character will have a ranking in each weapon type - S, A, B, C, D, E, S being the highest, ane E the lowest. This effects how fast a character's proficiency in that weapon will rise. Lets take our friend the Male Brawler for example again. Weapon Apptitudes for Male brawlers - Fists/A, Swords/E, Spears/E, Bows/E, Guns/E, Axes/E, Staves/E. This basically means that the Male Brawler's skill in using Fist type weapons will increase drastically faster than the other weapon types. He *can* use those weapon types, but know that he won't gain skill very fast in them at all, so I would advise keeping him strictly with Fist Type weapons. Each character will have a number that displays their mastery in a certain weapon. For each level you gain in mastery, equipping a weapon of that type will boost your ATK (Sword/Spear/Axe/Fist), HIT (Guns), ATK AND HIT (Bows), or INT (Staves) by 3%! Also, once you reach a certain level of mastery (1, 3, 6, 10, 15, and 20), you will learn a technique useable when you have that type of weapon equipped. (You can't use Spear Storm with a Gun equipped, sorry!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-A. Fists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good old Brass knuckle beat down, here! Fist's power are reliant on the ATK stat, and Fist-Type weapons usually give a medium amount of ATK, but this is made up by the fact that classes good with fists generally have a good base ATK stat. Fist Techs do great damage, but require akward positioning. Triple Strike, requires 1 Mastery in Fist - UP 12dm, Down 12dm As the name implies. You punch your enemy once, kick them into the air, then uppercut them with such force it knocks them back a space. Each hit does less damage than a normal attack, but put together, it'll come out on top. I cannot stress enough the usefulness of this move on gatekeepers in the Item World. (Cannot be use if the space behind an enemy is obstructed). Tiger Charge, requires 3 Mastery in Fist - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Character jumps back two spaces, gathers strength, then rushes at the enemy, dealing great damage, and knocking them back one space. Does a fair bit more damage than Triple strike. But it's positioning can be very akward. Lion's Roar, requires 6 mastery in Fist - UP 12dm, Down 12dm You probably won't even have the SP to use this when you first aquire it. :P Character leaps back 3 spaces, and flies into the air, gathering energy, and rushes back down to earth, causing an explosion in their wake. Effects the 8 pannels surrounding a character, and does medium damage. King of Beasts, requies 10 mastery in Fist - UP 12dm, Down 12dm I LOVE this move. Character kicks an enemy in the Air, and proceeds to beat the living hell out of them. Hits 11 times total (Yes, Eleven). The area two spaces behind an enemy cannot be obstructed, as that is where you slam them back down to earth. Massive Damage. Rising Dragon, Requires 15 mastery in Fist - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Characters uppercuts the enemy up over the atmosphere, into space (Which stops the stages music temporarily, cool effect). They then charge their energy, and punches them back down to earth, dealing great damage. As the enemy lands, it suffers even more damage. Is about on par with King of Beasts' damage, hits twice. Requies the two spaces behind your character to not be obstructed. Big Bang, Requires 20 mastery in Fist UP - 64dm, Down 64dm Somehow, the area board gets transported right in front of the sun! your character flips off, and charges into the board, pushing it right into the sun, dealing massive Fire based Damage to the enemies in a 3x3 area in front of you. Much more damaging than Lions roar, and a better area. But the fire element can be a hassle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-B. Swords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ahh, swords. The most Cliche'd weapon in RPG history, and for good reason! Sword power is reliant on ATK, and the swords themself usually offer a good (Better than fist, not as much as axe) amount of that. Sword skills are quite varied, and are useful in a lot of situations. That said, they aren't the most powerful in the world. Blade Rush, Requires 1 Mastery in Sword - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Character raises their sword in the air, and then charges at the enemies 3 spaces in front of them. Stops on the Fourth space, and backflips back into inital position. Blade Rush does about the same damage as a normal attack (maybe a bit more), and requires the space 4 paces ahead of a character to not be obstructed. Hurricane Slash, Requiers 3 Mastery in Sword - UP 6dm, Down 6dm Get used to seeing this move. Character circles the enemy so fast, it creates a hurricane that raises the enemy upward. Character then jumps up, and Slashes the enemy down to the ground, and again slashes the now grounded enemy. Hits Twice for good damage. A Sword's main damage dealer for a long time. Hits an enemy one space away, as long as it stays within the height restrictions. Wind Cutter, Requies 6 Mastery in Sword - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Character jumps up, and creates a large, buzz-saw like blade of wind that they slash at the enemies positioned Three, Four, and Five spaces ahead of your character. Good for hitting people over gaps, or if you have other characters in the way. Does a bit more damage than Blade Rush. Winged Slayer, Requires 10 Mastery in Sword - UP 16dm, Down 18dm Character backflips 3 spaces back, and jumps into the air, gathering an immense amount of energy, and rushes back down to earth, hitting all enemies in a 3x3 area ahead of your characters initial position. Does about the same damage as Wind Cutter. Requires the 3rd space behind a character to not be obstructed. This attack is *Crucial* for leveling up into the thousands. I hope you like Cave of Ordeals, stage 3! Nightsever, Requiers 15 Mastery in Sword - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Character kicks the enemy into the air, and rushes after them, sword in hands, as you slash 4 pre-view esque times to the enemy (no damage), and one final slash (the "real" one), causing a small explosion to hit the enemy, doing great damage. The enemy is again damaged as they land back on the earth. The best sword move for pure damage. You'll never use Hurricane Slash again. Hits an enemy one space away, as long as it stays within the height restrictions. Dimension Slash, Requires 20 Mastery in Sword UP 24dm, Down 24dm Character jumps back, and backflips into the air, gathers energy, and slashes, causing a huge energy blade to slash onto your foes. Great Power and Range. Hits the 5 spaces directly in front of your character. Still not as much damage as Nightsever, though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-C. Spears ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bastard child of melee weaponry, Spears don't boast the highest attack power. Their specials aren't the most damage dealing either. But they have their purpose, especially in the early game. They can attack from two pannels away, and their specials position you in different places, making them good for hit-and-run strikes. Overall, they're less than average, but they'll be your friend when you first start out. Impaler, Requires 1 Mastery in Spear - UP 24dm, Down 36dm Character jumps into the air, and lands on the enemy's head, spear first. Ouch. Sadly, doesn't do much more damage than a normal attack. Actually, it does *less* damage than a "Bull's Eye" attack.It positions you one space behind your initial position, and requires for that space to not be obstructed. Use sparingly. Sky Lunge, Requires 3 Mastery in Spear - UP 6dm, Down 6dm Character grabs hold of enemy, spins them around, and throws them into the sky, as your character jumps up after them and quickly spears right through them, causing a small explosion. Your character lands one space behind the enemy's position. Much better damage than Impaler, but still not spectacular. Requires the space behind an enemy to not be obstructed. Asteroid Drop, Requires 6 Mastery in Spear - UP 24dm, Down 18dm Character spins around, jumps into the air, and comes crashing down, causing decent damage to the enemies in the 8 spaces surrounding your character. Your character lands 3 spaces ahead of the direction they are facing when you attack, making it great to get out of crowds. Not quite as much damage as Sky Lunge, but the extra targets it can hit make it superior. Avalanche, Requires 10 Mastery in Spear - UP 24dm, Down 24dm Character jumps in the air, and comes crashing down, sending the opponent skyward slightly. Your character then appears behind where they would land, and kicks them right back up, and again appears (you must be really fast) in front of your skyward foe, piercing them three times, and giving one final thrust, sending the foe back into ground, causing nice damage. Not only that, you land Four (4!!) Spaces behind your initial position, effectively letting you get the hell away from whoever you were near. This could hamper its effectiveness on places with minimal space, though. Good damage, good all around. Turbulence, Requiers 15 Mastery in Spear - UP 24dm, Down 24dm Character spins their spear so fast, it creates a hurricane, which sends the enemies in the 8 spaces surrounding your character Skyward. Your character then gathers energy, and shoots a large beam upward at your foes. They then fall to earth, causing Wind Based Damage to your enemies. Truthfully, I don't see why you would use this over Asteroid Drop, unless you have a lot of weak to wind enemies around. It doesn't reposition you, though, making it easier to use in tight quarters. Spear Storm, Requires 20 Mastery in Spear UP 24dm, Down 24dm Bring out your umbrella. Your character backflips backwards three spaces, then jumps straight up into the air, gathering energy, and causing massive fire spears to form. They then hurl the spears downwards on the enemies on the 8 spaces around your initial position, causing a HUGE explosion, doing massive Fire-Based Damage. Another one of those 8 pannel attacks, Spear Storm takes the prize in this category. Even with the minor inconvinience of the Fire Element, Spear Storm outdamages both Asteroid Drop and Turbulence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-D. Bows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the Spears are the bastard child of melee, Bows are the bastard child of Range attacks. You'll get less range, less power, and less.. whatever else can be less with Bows as opposed to Guns, as well as really akward positioning. In exchange, you get.. Status Ailiments. Nothing like depraving a group of enemies. Oh yeah. Bows also follow a unique damage calculation, which is: ATK/2 + HIT/2 = Damage, which means you have to keep BOTH HIT and ATK up to keep your damage steady. But you also get a Bonus to Both when equipping a Bow if your Mastery is high. Overall, unless you're an archer, I'd stay away from bows. Poison Arrow, Requies 1 Mastery in Bow - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Character..Um.. shoots an enemy with an arrow that can cause poison. Not much to say about this one, except that this should replace your normal attack whenever possible, since they deal about the same damage. Hits the enemy 3 spaces ahead of you. Dark Flash, Requires 3 Mastery in Bow - UP 12dm, Down 16dm Character raises their arm, which somehow causes a tractor beam to pick up the enemies two, three, and four spaces ahead of you. You then shoot an arrow which pierces all of them. Causes Deprave, which is utterly USELESS, and does about as much damage as poison arrow. Pretty good earlier on for hitting groups, but thats about it. Delta Split, Requies 6 Mastery in Bow - UP 14dm, Down 14dm A bow attack that does decent damage? Whoda thunk it? Too bad it's positioning is HORRIBLY akward. Targets an Enemy Two Spaces ahead of you, as you split into three, which go Two spaces horizontally and then two spaces vertically from your enemy. I can't really explain this well, so I'll draw a diagram. X = You, E = Enemy, + = a space, S = Spaces that must not be obstructed. S+++S +++++ +++++ ++E++ + X Anyways. You and your clones exchange energy, Charge, and shoot your enemy simutaneously. Decent Damage, and can cause sleep, which is useful. But have fun with the positioning. Sturmhimmel, Requires 10 Mastery in Bow - UP 14dm, Down 12dm Another hard to explain one, so Diagram inc! X = You, + = a space, S = Spaces it can target SSS +++ X Your character jumps into the air, and fires a volley of lightning bolts at the enemies, ending with one giant bolt that causes good damage. Can Cause paralysis. A better Multi-Target move than Dark Flash, use this often against groups. Zielregen, Requires 15 Mastery in Bow - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Oh Bow, why must you torture me with hard to desrcibe moves? X = You, + = a space, S + Spaces it can target S+S +S+ S+S +++ X Character jumps in the air, and fires a volley of arrows at your foes. As the arrows make contact, an explosion erupts, causing good Fire based Damage. Zielgregen can also cause Forget. Use this when some fire weak enemies come up, otherwise, stick to Sturmhimmel or Delta Split. Doppleganger, Requiers 20 Mastery in Bow - UP 15dm, Down 15dm The best bow damage dealer by far. (I guess thats why it's the ultimate!) About 28 copies of yourself surround the enemy, and shoot the enemy in turn, each dealing a small amount of damage. But put together, you get yourself a nice total. Any enemy in a range of 4 (Pretend the tech itself has a MV range of 4) can be targeted. The only bow move that causes no abnormal status. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-E. Guns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guns. Quite simply, the embodiment of pure damage with range attacks. All Gun techs have one purpose - Big Damage on a single target. Gun specials also usually have an elemental attached to it, for added (or lessened) damage to enemies weak (or strong) to it. Gun damage is based completely on your HIT stat, so give your character a couple pairs of glasses, and they'll be set to kick some arse. Tri Shot, Requies 1 Mastery in Gun - UP 20dm, Down 20dm As the name implies. You shoot your enemy thrice. Each hit deals Ice-Based damage, and effects an enemy 3 spaces ahead of your character. Simple, effective. Rapidfire, Requires 3 Mastery in Gun - UP 8dm, Down 8dm Your character jumps in front of the enemy, and kicks them in the air, causing fire based damage, then shoots them 6 more times on the way down, totalling 7 hits of Fire damage. This is just cruel early in the game against fire weak enemies. Targets the enemy 4 spaces ahead of you, and requires the space one space ahead of the Enemy (Where your character will start their assault) to not be obstructed. Proximal Shot, Requires 6 Mastery in Gun - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Targets the enemy directly in front of your character. Charges an immense amount of energy, and blasts at point blank range, sending your character flying backwards three spaces. Does Non-Elemental damage, and is great for times when the other two earlier attacks just can't fit in (Wind weak enimies, for one). Deals more damage than a normal attack, but not quite as much as the previous techs against a weak-to-element enemy. Bullet Storm, Requires 10 Mastery in Gun UP 12dm, Down 12dm Targets the enemy 3 spaces ahead of you. Your character jumps straight above the enemy, and shoots 16 or 17 times, each for a small amount of non-elemental damage. Total damage is quite high, though, so again, use against those Wind-Weak enemies. Totenkruez, Requires 15 Mastery in Gun - UP 18dm, Down 18dm As seen on the demo! Character jumps into the Air above the enemy, and fires a gigantic beam of flame onto the foe, causing fire based damage. As if that wasn't enough, the flame erupts into a giant cross, causing even MORE damage. Effectively replaces Rapidfire. Targets an enemy within a move range of 4. Use against monsters named Jesus for added fun. Inferno, Requires 20 Mastery in Gun - UP 15dm, Down 15dm Your character splits into four, each shooting the enemy once, then kicks then enemy into the air, doing more damage, and charges four more shots, and lets loose, causing four more hits. Does one last hit as the clones dissapear, totaling 10 hits. Strangely, its not fire elemental. Massive, huge, big damage. Targets an enemy within a move range of 5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-F. Axes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Axes, how do I love thee? Well, not much at all, but you're still pretty good. With axes, expect a bloody HUGE amount of melee damage, especially with specials. As an added effect, most specials lower enemy defense by a certain %! On the downside, you won't be able to land a lot of normal hits, as your hit will be hideously low, so watch out when you run out of SP! Note - All Axe specials target a single enemy, one space ahead of you. (With one exception) Boulder Crush, Requires 1 Mastery in Axe - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Character slashes enemy once, then jumps up and slashes again. Decent damage. Low SP cost enables it to be used lots. Nothing much else to say. Skull Splitter, Requires 3 Mastery in Axe - UP 12dm, Down 12dm Character slashes enemy once, kicks them into the air, Slashes again in the air, and finally drops down on the enemy for a total of four hits. This move will annihilate in the early game. Relatively low SP cost, so fire away! Collossal Fissure, Requires 6 Mastery in Axe - UP 12dm, Down 14dm Character jumps up in the air, spinning around, and lands axe first on the foe, sending them skyward. Character then jumps upwards, and knocks them with huge force back down to ground, hitting them two more times, for a total of three greatly damaging blows. Axe moves are easy, cause the next one is always better than the last! Violent Storm, Requires 10 Mastery in Axe - UP 8dm, Down 8dm Don't use this move with a Rogue, unless you want to be highly annoyed. The exception to the rule, this move also requires the space behind the enemy to not be obstructed. Hitting 6 times total, You rush through the enemy, hitting four times, knock them into the air, then finally jump up, and land on their head, axe first. Huge damage, only slightly more annoying to use. Graviton Bomb, Requires 15 Mastery in Axe - UP 16dm, Down 12dm Character jumps high into the air, and comes down with such great force, an aura of fire surrounds them. Comes down hard onto the foe, causing HUGE fire elemental damage. If an enemy is weak or neutral to fire, make this your number one form of attack. Otherwise, stick to Violent Storm. Or you could just use... Calamity Drive, Requires 20 Mastery in Axe - UP 15dm, Down 15dm Character rushes towards enemy, and slashes once, sending them skywards, then slashes in a zig-zag fashion 4 more times, and finally drives the enemy back down to earth from above. 6 hits total. If your enemy isn't weak to fire, this is THE attack to use. Massive, huge, big numbers that make Hit Points go away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-G. Staves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're primarily a magic user, you WILL want a staff. Period. No questions. I said, stop asking questions! Unlike the other weapons, staves have no weapon techs, but they have other very nifty effects for magic spells. For every mastery level you get in staves, your magic spells will be powered by 3% (As long as a staff is equipped). Also, Your magic's area and range will increase when staves are equipped, making your spells go super far away, as well as gain acsess to spells that hit more targets, faster (a maximum of a 3x3 range). A 20 Mastery in Staff increases spell range and area by 4, as well as raise spell power by 60%! Don't expect to be doing any physical damage, though. Staff Mastery Chart - Every level adds 3% to power. 0 - +0 Range, +0 Area. 100% Power. 1 - +0 Range, +0 Area. 103% Power. 2 - +1 Range, +0 Area. 106% Power. 3 - +1 Range, +1 Area. 109% Power. 4 - +1 Range, +1 Area. 112% Power. 5 - +1 Range, +1 Area. 115% Power. 6 - +2 Range, +1 Area. 118% Power. 7 - +2 Range, +2 Area. 121% Power. 8 - +2 Range, +2 Area. 124% Power. 9 - +2 Range, +2 Area. 127% Power. 10 - +3 Range, +2 Area. 130% Power. 11 - +3 Range, +3 Area. 133% Power. 12 - +3 Range, +3 Area. 136% Power. 13 - +3 Range, +3 Area. 139% Power. 14 - +3 Range, +3 Area. 142% Power. 15 - +4 Range, +3 Area. 145% Power. 16 - +4 Range, +4 Area. 148% Power. +4 Range and Area is the Limit. Power % can go all the way to 200% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Humanoid Class Listing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that all of that is over with, here's the real reason why you're here! (I think.) Humanoid classes will probably make up the majority of your party. They each have different skills they excell at, and in general are much more versatile than Story Characters or Monsters. By use of Transmigration (Read JungleJim's FAQ), humanoids will become quite a force to be reckoned with, especially the rediculously overpowered Divine Majin. All classes can excell when put to good use, though, so don't think you *have* to use the Majin to obliterate the high end of the game. Humanoid Characters (And some Story Characters) mainly attack through use of Weapons and Techs. Each class has their specialties in Weapons, and it's generally better to keep them equipped with their best ranked weapon so you can gain more Weapon Mastery levels faster. Now, without any further distractions... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-A. Male Brawler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brawlers are the main hand-to-hand fighters in Disgaea. They boast one of the highest ATK stats, great HP, And good SPD/HIT. But on the other hand, they have pretty bad DEF/RES, and low aptitudes in those to match. Overall, they're great if you need an attacker, for their Fist Techniques are very powerful coupled with their high ATK. Just make sure you keep them healed, and watch their SP! In my opinion, slightly worse than the Female Brawler, since their stat aptitudes are a bit more useless than the female's. (Until Eternal Fist form, in which they become pretty even.) The Male Brawler is one of the initial classes available. Brawler - A/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, E/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/20 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 16, 100% SP - 5, 50% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 6, 60% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 12, 100% RES - 4, 50% The Brawler learns no spells naturally. Pugilist - A/Fist, E/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, D/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/22 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 17, 100% SP - 6, 50% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 5, 50% INT - 6, 60% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 12, 100% RES - 4, 50% Brawler at Level 5 Required Fighter - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, D/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/24 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 18, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 5, 60% INT - 6, 60% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 13, 100% RES - 4, 60% Brawler OR Pugilist at level 12 Required Black Belt - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, D/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/26 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 19, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 15, 100% DEF - 6, 60% INT - 7, 70% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 13, 100% RES - 5, 60% Brawler OR Pugilist OR Fighter at level 25 Required Wushu Master - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, D/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/28 Jump, 4 Counter HP - 20, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 16, 100% DEF - 6, 60% INT - 7, 70% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 14, 100% RES - 5, 60% Brawler OR Pugilist OR Fighter OR Black Belt at level 50 Required Eternal Fist - S/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, D/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/30 Jump, 4 Counter HP - 21, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 17, 100% DEF - 7, 70% INT - 7, 70& SPD - 15, 100% HIT - 14, 100% RES - 5, 60% Brawler OR Pugilist OR Fighter OR Black Belt OR Wushu Master at level 100 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-B. Female Brawler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only difference between the Male and Female brawlers are a few stray atrributes. Those attributes for the most part of the game, put the female *slightly* on top of the male, until the Eternal fist form, where they even out (somewhat). I personally like the female better on all levels, though. They look better, sound better, and don't turn blue. :( Use whichever you want though (or both!), there will be little to no difference. The Female Brawler is initally available. Brawler - A/Fist, E/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, E/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/20 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 16, 100% SP - 5, 50% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 6, 50% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 12, 100% RES - 4, 60% The Brawler learns no spells naturally. Pugilist - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, E/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/22 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 17, 100% SP - 6, 50% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 5, 50% INT - 6, 50% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 12, 100% RES - 4, 60% Brawler at Level 5 Required Fighter - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, E/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/24 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 18, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 5, 60% INT - 6, 60% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 13, 100% RES - 4, 60% Brawler OR Pugilist at level 12 Required Black Belt - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, D/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/26 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 19, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 15, 100% DEF - 6, 60% INT - 7, 60% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 13, 100% RES - 5, 70% Brawler OR Pugilist OR Fighter at level 25 Required Wushu Master - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, E/Gun, D/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/28 Jump, 4 Counter HP - 20, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 16, 100% DEF - 6, 60% INT - 7, 70% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 14, 100% RES - 5, 70% Brawler OR Pugilist OR Fighter OR Black Belt at level 50 Required Eternal Fist - S/Fist, D/Spear, D/Sword, E/Bow, E/Gun, D/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/30 Jump, 4 Counter HP - 21, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 17, 100% DEF - 7, 60% INT - 7, 70% SPD - 15, 100% HIT - 14, 100% RES - 5, 70% Brawler OR Pugilist OR Fighter OR Black Belt OR Wushu Master at level 100 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-C. Male Warrior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't really like Warriors that much. Their ATK and HP can't stand up to a Brawler's, but their DEF and RES is way, way Better. And overall, their stats are pretty decent. Male Warriors are all adept at using Swords and Axes, but aren't as horribly restricted as Brawlers are. Just don't expect to get as much damage out of them. Warriors are good when you need a back-up attacker that can take a bit more pressure. Females dominate Male warriors in aptitudes, though, but Females are only used to unlock one class. Males are needed to unlock *THE* class. So again, pick whichever you wish, there isn't much difference. Male Warriors are availiable initially. Warrior - E/Fist, A/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/15 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 14, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 11, 100% DEF - 8, 100% INT - 8, 70% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 11, 80% RES - 8, 70% The Warrior learns no spells naturally. Battler - E/Fist, A/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/16 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 15, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 8, 100% INT - 8, 70% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 12, 80% RES - 9, 70% Warrior at level 5 Required Centurion - E/Fist, A/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 16, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 9, 100% INT - 9, 70% SPD - 12, 80% HIT - 12, 90% RES - 9, 70% Warrior OR Battler at level 12 Requied Champion - D/Fist, A/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/18 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 17, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 9, 100% INT - 9, 70% SPD - 12, 90% HIT - 13, 90% RES - 9, 80% Warrior OR Battler OR Centurion at level 25 Required Hero - D/Fist, A/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/19 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 18, 100% SP - 8, 70% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 10, 100% INT - 9, 80% SPD - 13, 90% HIT - 13, 90% RES - 10, 80% Warrior OR Battler OR Centurion OR Champion at level 50 Required Cosmic Hero - D/Fist, S/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, S/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/20 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 19, 100% SP - 8, 70% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 10, 100% INT - 10, 80% SPD - 13, 90% HIT - 14, 90% RES - 10, 80% Warrior OR Battler OR Centurion OR Champion OR Hero at level 100 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-D. Female Warrior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Female Warriors are like Male Warriors, except Female, and with better aptitudes. They also don't yell out "I'LL FINISH THIS!111" every time they attack. Not a whole lot to say here, get one so you can unlock the Ronin though. You'll thank me later. Female Warriors are initially available. Warrior - E/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/15 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 14, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 11, 100% DEF - 8, 100% INT - 8, 60% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 11, 80% RES - 8, 80% The Warrior learns no spells Naturally. Battler - E/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/16 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 15, 100% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 8, 100% INT - 8, 60% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 12, 80% RES - 9, 80% Warrior at level 5 Required Centurion - E/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 16, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 9, 100% INT - 9, 60% SPD - 12, 90% HIT - 12, 80% RES - 9, 80% Warrior OR Battler at level 12 Required Champion - D/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/18 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 17, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 9, 100% INT - 9, 70% SPD - 12, 90% HIT - 13, 90% RES - 9, 80% Warrior OR Battler OR Centurion at level 25 Required Hero - D/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/19 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 18, 100% SP - 8, 70% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 10, 100% INT - 9, 70% SPD - 13, 90% HIT - 13, 90% RES - 10, 90% Warrior OR Battler OR Centurion OR Champion at level 50 Required Cosmic Hero - D/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/20 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 19, 100% SP - 8, 80% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 10, 100% INT - 10, 70% SPD - 13, 90% HIT - 14, 90% RES - 10, 90% Warrior OR Battler OR Centurion OR Champion OR Hero at level 100 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-E. Skulls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skulls (And Mages), are, quite simply, the embodiment of casting flashy things that make numbers come up and things fall down. They have a very high INT, and their aptitudes increase it by even more. On the flip side, melee damage is a foreign concept to them. They also have HORRIBLE HP and DEF, so staying alive can be quite a task, but their RES is quite robust. They also can't move or jump very far. At first, they come in three varieties - Red, Green, and Blue, which respectively are tied to an Element - Fire, Wind, and Ice. Those spells are the only difference, though, so just pick which suits you better. The advanced forms have access to almost every offensive spell, though. You definately want a couple of these on your team. (Though I reccomend Mages, since Skulls have THE MOST ANNOYING VOICE I'VE EVER HEARD.) The Red/Green/Blue skulls and mages are all initially available. Note: Only the Red, Blue, Green, and Star mages can learn Tera level spells naturally. Red Skull - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 9, 40% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 6, 50% DEF - 3, 40% INT - 13, 110% SPD - 10, 70% HIT - 9, 80% RES - 13, 110% Spells: Fire - Level 1 Mega Fire - Level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Fire - Level 20 Omega Fire - Level 40 Tera Fire - Level 100 Green Skull - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 9, 40% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 6, 50% DEF - 3, 40% INT - 13, 110% SPD - 10, 70% HIT - 9, 80% RES - 13, 110% Spells: Wind - Level 1 Mega Wind - Level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Wind - Level 20 Omega Wind - Level 40 Tera Wind - Level 100 Blue Skull - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 9, 40% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 6, 50% DEF - 3, 40% INT - 13, 110% SPD - 10, 70% HIT - 9, 80% RES - 13, 110% Spells: Ice - Level 1 Mega Ice - Level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Ice - Level 20 Omega Ice - Level 40 Tera Ice - Level 100 Star Skull - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/13 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 10, 50% SP - 14, 100% ATK - 7, 50% DEF - 3, 50% INT - 14, 110% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 10, 90% RES - 14, 110% Spells: Star - Level 1 Magic Boost - Level 9 Mega Star - Level 12 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Star - Level 25 Omega Star - Level 50 Tera Star - Level 120 Level 5 Red Skull, Green Skull, AND Blue skull Required (All must exist at the same time) Prism Skull - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/15 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 11, 50% SP - 15, 100% ATK - 7, 60% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 15, 110% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 10, 90% RES - 16, 110% Spells: Fire - Level 1 Ice - Level 1 Wind - Level 1 Mega Fire - Level 8 Mega Ice - Level 8 Mega Wind - level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Fire - Level 20 Giga Ice - Level 20 Giga Wind - Level 20 Omega Fire - Level 40 Omega Ice - Level 40 Omega Wind - Level 40 Star Skull at level 35 Required Galaxy Skull - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 12, 50% SP - 16, 100% ATK - 8, 60% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 16, 110% SPD - 12, 80% HIT - 11, 90% RES - 18, 110% Spells: Fire - Level 1 Ice - Level 1 Wind - Level 1 Star - Level 1 Mega Fire - Level 8 Mega Ice - Level 8 Mega Wind - level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Mega Star - Level 12 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Fire - Level 20 Giga Ice - Level 20 Giga Wind - Level 20 Giga Star - Level 25 Omega Fire - Level 40 Omega Ice - Level 40 Omega Wind - Level 40 Omega Star - Level 50 Prism Skull at level 50 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-F. Mages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mages are identical to skulls, except female, and have a higher SPD Aptitude, and a lower HIT Aptitude (Neither of which really matter for a magic user). They learn spells at the same levels, gain their advanced classes at the same levels, and even share the same class types (Red, Green, Blue, Star, Prism, Galaxy). I just personally like Mages better. Red, Green, and Blue mages are all initially available. Note: Again, only the Red, Green, Blue, and Star mages can learn Tera Spells naturally. Red Mage - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 9, 40% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 6, 50% DEF - 3, 40% INT - 13, 110% SPD - 10, 80% HIT - 9, 70% RES - 13, 110% Spells: Fire - Level 1 Mega Fire - Level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Fire - Level 20 Omega Fire - Level 40 Tera Fire - Level 100 Green Mage - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 9, 40% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 6, 50% DEF - 3, 40% INT - 13, 110% SPD - 10, 80% HIT - 9, 70% RES - 13, 110% Spells: Wind - Level 1 Mega Wind - Level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Wind - Level 20 Omega Wind - Level 40 Tera Wind - Level 100 Blue Mage - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 9, 40% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 6, 50% DEF - 3, 40% INT - 13, 110% SPD - 10, 80% HIT - 9, 70% RES - 13, 110% Spells: Ice - Level 1 Mega Ice - Level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Ice - Level 20 Omega Ice - Level 40 Tera Ice - Level 100 Star Mage - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/13 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 10, 50% SP - 14, 100% ATK - 7, 50% DEF - 3, 50% INT - 14, 110% SPD - 11, 90% HIT - 10, 80% RES - 14, 110% Spells: Star - Level 1 Magic Boost - Level 9 Mega Star - Level 12 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Star - Level 25 Omega Star - Level 50 Tera Star - Level 120 Level 5 Red Mage, Green Mage, AND Blue Mage Required (All must exist at the same time) Prism Mage - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/15 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 11, 50% SP - 15, 100% ATK - 7, 60% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 15, 110% SPD - 11, 90% HIT - 10, 80% RES - 16, 110% Spells: Fire - Level 1 Ice - Level 1 Wind - Level 1 Mega Fire - Level 8 Mega Ice - Level 8 Mega Wind - level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Fire - Level 20 Giga Ice - Level 20 Giga Wind - Level 20 Omega Fire - Level 40 Omega Ice - Level 40 Omega Wind - Level 40 Star Mage at level 35 Required Galaxy Mage - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 12, 50% SP - 16, 100% ATK - 8, 60% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 16, 110% SPD - 12, 90% HIT - 11, 80% RES - 18, 110% Spells: Fire - Level 1 Ice - Level 1 Wind - Level 1 Star - Level 1 Mega Fire - Level 8 Mega Ice - Level 8 Mega Wind - level 8 Magic Boost - Level 9 Mega Star - Level 12 Braveheart - Level 12 Giga Fire - Level 20 Giga Ice - Level 20 Giga Wind - Level 20 Giga Star - Level 25 Omega Fire - Level 40 Omega Ice - Level 40 Omega Wind - Level 40 Omega Star - Level 50 Prism Mage at level 50 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-G. Male Cleric ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clerics heal things. Wow. They have a very high INT (Though they can't match the Mage/Skull aptitude), and have good HP and so so defense as well, making them much more survivable. They also get a few DEF and RES raising spells. But they come with one major problem - They just can't deal damage through natural means. They suck at attacking, and learn no destructive magic, leaving them pretty helpless. The easy way to remedy this, is just to tutor them a mage pupil, and get them spells. The hard way is to let other units whittle monsters down to low, low HP, give the cleric a strong weapon, and hope to finish it off. But regardless, you'll want one on your team for the healing capabilities. Espoir is a major help, too. I'll be quite blunt. I've never used a Male Cleric in real battle. Why? They are inferior to the Female Cleric in every way, except attacking, which is one of the last things a cleric should be doing. They also count towards no (zero) other classe's prerequisite. They also have a really annoying voice. (Hey, I care about that kind of thing!) So my advice is just to stick with the females. One more thing - DO NOT Let the B rank in Bows fool you - They are still not very good with them. Male Clerics are initially available. Note: All the advanced forms of the cleric learn the same spells, at the same levels. Cleric - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 12, 70% SP - 12, 100% ATK - 10, 80% DEF - 4, 60% INT - 12, 100% SPD - 10, 70% HIT - 11, 80% RES - 11, 100% Spells: Heal - Level 1 Espoir - Level 7 Shield - Level 9 Mega Heal - Level 10 Magic Wall - Level 15 Giga Heal - Level 25 Omega Heal - Level 50 Priest - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/13 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 13, 70% SP - 12, 100% ATK - 11, 80% DEF - 4, 60% INT - 13, 100% SPD - 10, 70% HIT - 11, 80% RES - 12, 100% Cleric at level 5 Required Bishop - E/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/14 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 13, 80% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 11, 80% DEF - 5, 70% INT - 14, 100% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 12, 90% RES - 13, 100% Cleric OR Priest at level 12 Required Sage - D/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/15 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 14, 80% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 12, 90% DEF - 5, 70% INT - 15, 100% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 12, 90% RES - 14, 100% Cleric OR Priest OR Bishop at level 25 Required Prophet - D/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/16 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 14, 90% SP - 14, 100% ATK - 12, 90% DEF - 6, 70% INT - 16, 100% SPD - 12, 80% HIT - 13, 90% RES - 15, 100% Cleric OR Priest OR Bishop OR Sage at level 50 Required Savior - D/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 1 Counter (!) HP - 15, 90% SP - 15, 100% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 6, 80% INT - 17, 100% SPD - 12, 90% HIT - 13, 100% RES - 16, 100% Cleric OR Priest OR Bishop OR Sage OR Prophet at level 100 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-H. Female Cleric ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that we have the Male out of the way, lets talk about the useful Cleric! At a glance, you can see why shes more useful - A higher HP, DEF, and SPD, she won't die nearly as easily. She keeps the same weapon proficiences as the Male, as well as the same spells. In addition, shes used to unlock the Angel - One of the more advanced classes in the game. As always, use whichever suits you better, but the female is my reccomendation. Again, Don't let the B in Bows fool you. Staves only, please! The Female cleric is initially available. Note: All of the advanced forms of the cleric learn the same spells, and at the same levels. Cleric - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 13, 80% SP - 12, 100% ATK - 9, 70% DEF - 5, 70% INT - 12, 100% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 10, 70% RES - 11, 100% Spells: Heal - Level 1 Espoir - Level 7 Shield - Level 9 Mega Heal - Level 10 Magic Wall - Level 15 Giga Heal - Level 25 Omega Heal - Level 50 Priest - E/Fist, E/Sword, E/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/13 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 14, 80% SP - 12, 100% ATK - 10, 70% DEF - 5, 70% INT - 13, 100% SPD - 11, 80% HIT - 10, 70% RES - 12, 100% Cleric at level 5 Required Bishop - E/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 4 Move/14 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 14, 90% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 10, 70% DEF - 6, 80% INT - 14, 100% SPD - 12, 90% HIT - 11, 70% RES - 13, 100% Cleric OR Priest at level 12 Required Sage - D/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/15 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 15, 90% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 11, 80% DEF - 6, 80% INT - 15, 100% SPD - 12, 90% HIT - 11, 80% RES - 14, 100% Cleric OR Priest OR Bishop at level 25 Required Prophet - D/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/16 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 15, 100% SP - 14, 100% ATK - 11, 80% DEF - 7, 80% INT - 16, 100% SPD - 13, 90% HIT - 12, 80% RES - 15, 100% Cleric OR Priest OR Bishop OR Sage at level 50 Required Savior - D/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, B/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, S/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 1 Counter (!!) HP - 16, 100% SP - 15, 100% ATK - 12, 90% DEF - 7, 90% INT - 17, 100% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 12, 80% RES - 16, 100% Cleric OR Priest OR Bishop OR Sage OR Prophet at level 100 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-I. Archers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Archers, Archers, Archers. How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways. You're only good in Bows, which makes it akward to do decent damage. Your HP and Def aptitudes make all the clerics laugh at you. (Even the Male ones!) At least their voice is decent. Archers start with an S in bows, though, so your weapon mastery will rise quite a bit faster than most early unlockable classes, and they make the second best Bow user in the game, but that really doesn't say much. Sure, Bows attack a range attack, but they still pale in comparison to guns. I'd avoid Archers as much as possible, until working on getting the Angel Requirement. At least they have 110% to HIT. The Archer Requires any other character to have a Bow Mastery of 3 to be unlocked. Archer - E/Fist, E/Sword, D/Spear, S/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, D/Staff 4 Move/15 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 13, 70% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 11, 100% DEF - 7, 70% INT - 9, 70% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 14, 110% RES - 8, 70% The Archer learns no spells naturally. Sniper - E/Fist, E/Sword, D/Spear, S/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, D/Staff 4 Move/15 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 14, 70% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 7, 70% INT - 9, 70% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 15, 110% RES - 8, 70% Archer at level 6 required Striker - E/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, S/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, D/Staff 4 Move/16 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 14, 70% SP - 8, 80% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 8, 70% INT - 10, 80% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 15, 110% RES - 9, 70% Archer OR Sniper at level 14 Required Valkyrie - E/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, S/Bow, D/Gun, D/Axe, D/Staff 5 Move/16 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 15, 80% SP - 8, 80% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 8, 70% INT - 10, 80% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 16, 110% RES - 9, 80% Archer OR Sniper OR Striker at level 30 Required Ace Archer - E/Fist, D/Sowrd, D/Spear, S/Bow, C/Gun, D/Axe, D/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 15, 80% SP - 9, 80% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 9, 80% INT - 11, 80% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 16, 110% RES - 9, 80% Archer OR Sniper OR Striker OR Valkyrie at level 60 Required Freischutz - E/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, S/Bow, C/Gun, D/Axe, D/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 16, 80% SP - 9, 80% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 9, 80% INT - 11, 80% SPD - 15, 100% HIT - 17, 110% RES - 10, 80% Archer OR Sniper, OR Striker OR Valkyrie OR Ace Archer at level 120 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-J. Scouts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scouts are quite the unique class, and a very useful one. They're great with guns, and have a high HIT Aptitude, making them that more damaging. They also have two Techniques Unique to the Scout Class - Geo Change and Dark Cannon, which are both quite useful in different situations. Their HP and DEF are fair, which will keep them alive long enough, but you really should keep them behind everyone, shooting away. You probably should always have a scout on hand at all times. In addtion, their move/jump range is quite high, making getting around the map a cinch. The Scout requires a Level 5 Brawler (Either Gender) and a level 5 Warrior (Either Gender) to exist at the same time to be unlocked. Note: The Scout and all of it's advanced forms will have Dark Cannon and Geo Change ready for use at level 1. Scout - D/Fist, D/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, A/Gun, C/Axe, D/Staff 6 Move/25 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 13, 90% SP - 7, 60% ATK - 10, 80% DEF - 5, 70% INT - 8, 80% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 15, 110% RES - 7, 80% Spells: Geo Change - Level 1 Dark Cannon - Level 1 Surveyor - D/Fist, D/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, A/Gun, C/Axe, D/Staff 6 Move/26 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 14, 90% SP - 8, 60% ATK - 10, 80% DEF - 5, 70% INT - 9, 80% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 16, 110% RES - 7, 80% Scout at level 6 Required Ranger - D/Fist, D/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, A/Gun, C/Axe, C/Staff 6 Move/27 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 14, 100% SP - 8, 70% ATK - 11, 90% DEF - 6, 80% INT - 9, 80% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 16, 110% RES - 8, 80% Scout OR Surveyor at level 14 Required Strider - D/Fist, C/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, A/Gun, C/Axe, C/Staff 6 Move/28 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 15, 100% SP - 9, 70% ATK - 11, 90% DEF - 6, 80% INT - 10, 90% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 17, 110% RES - 8, 80% Scout OR Surveyor OR Ranger at level 30 Required Geo Master - D/Fist, C/Sword, B/Spear, D/Bow, A/Gun, C/Axe, C/Staff 6 Move/29 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 15, 100% SP - 9, 80% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 7, 90% INT - 10, 90% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 17, 110% RES - 9, 90% Scout OR Surveyor OR Ranger OR Strider at level 60 Required Lord - D/Fist, C/Sword, B/Spear, D/Bow, S/Gun, C/Axe, C/Staff 6 Move/30 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 16, 100% SP - 10, 80% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 7, 90% INT - 11, 90% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 18, 110% RES - 9, 90% Scout OR Surveyor OR Ranger OR Strider OR Geo Master at level 120 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-K. Rogues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shazam! Who Da Man! When you hear these , it means only one thing - The Rogue is in town! (And no, not the one from X-Men) Lets be blunt. Rogues have PITIFUL statistics. The lowest in the game overall, actually. They also are horrible at all forms of weapons. But there is one thing, that makes them very, very useful. Stealing. Stealing is the ONLY way to get the best equipment and armor in the game. To do it, you require a Stealing hand type bought from the Rosen Queen Co. armor shop, or won as bonus prizes after a battle. Therefore, you may as well get started leveling up one early. I suggest a gun as the weapon of choice for a Rogue, since their HIT stat is decent. And theres no way in heck you'll want one in active melee combat. Rogues also fill up the Bonus Gauge faster than any other class, making it slightly easier to get those elusive prizes. You better get used to having them, because they'll be your best friend when you steal that Yoshitsuna. The stealing forumla is as follows: (Hit of Hand + 2*Rogue'sLevel) - ((EnemyLevel - 25) + z(Rank*3 + R)) z = 1 for items; 0 for stats. Rank can be found via bend's Item FAQ or PuyoDead's Item Rank Chart. R = 0 for Normal; 10 for Rare; 30 for Legendary; 100 for Rarity 0. (Thanks to Scy046 for this Info!!11) The Rogue requires a Level 5 Brawler (Either Gender) and a level 5 Warrior (Either Gender) to exist at the same time to be unlocked. Rogue - E/Fist, D/Sword, E/Spear, E/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/20 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 9, 60% SP - 4, 50% ATK - 7, 60% DEF - 3, 40% INT - 7, 60% SPD - 9, 100% HIT - 9, 100% RES - 3, 50% The Rogue learns no spells naturally Thief - E/Fist, D/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/21 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 10, 60% SP - 5, 50% ATK - 7, 70% DEF - 3, 40% INT - 7, 60% SPD - 9, 100% HIT - 10, 100% RES - 3, 50% Rogue at level 6 Required Bandit - E/Fist, D/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, D/Gun, E/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/22 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 10, 70% SP - 5, 50% ATK - 8, 70% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 8, 60% SPD - 10, 100% HIT - 10, 100% RES - 4, 50% Rogue OR Thief at level 14 Required Prowler - D/Fist, D/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow/ C/Gun, E/Axe/ E/Staff 5 Move/23 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 11, 70% SP - 5, 60% ATK - 8, 70% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 8, 70% SPD - 10, 100% HIT - 11, 100% RES - 4, 50% Rogue OR Thief OR Bandit at level 30 Required Raider - D/Fist, D/Sword, E/Spear, D/Bow, C/Gun, E/Axe, D/Staff 6 Move/24 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 11, 70% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 8, 70% DEF - 4, 50% INT - 8, 70% SPD - 11, 100% HIT - 11, 100% RES - 50, 60% Rogue OR Thief OR Bandit OR Prowler at level 60 Required Space Pirate - D/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, C/Gun, E/Axe, D/Staff 6 Move/25 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 12, 70% SP - 6, 60% ATK - 9, 70% DEF - 5, 60% INT - 9, 70% SPD - 11, 100% HIT - 12, 100% RES - 5, 60% Rogue OR Thief OR Bandit OR Prowler OR Raider at level 120 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-L. Ninja ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll try hard not to make a Flonne reference. Ninja are kind of like an advanced form of brawlers, but they trade some ATK and HP for UNGODLY Speed. They're so fast, they can even dodge Special Techs, and even spells! Unfortunately, that also means they can dodge healing spells cast from your own team members. Those Ninja always were stingy folk. On the plus side, Ninja have awesome counter abilities, great move/jump ranges, and still manage to do good damage. Anyways, if you want someone with the speed of the wind, great overall stats, and the refusal to be healed, the Ninja is just the class for you! The Ninja requies a MALE Brawler at level 10, and a MALE Warrior at level 10 to be unlocked. Ninja - S/Fist, B/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/25 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 15, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 12, 100% DEF - 6, 80% INT - 9, 80% SPD - 18 (!!), 110% HIT - 13, 100% RES - 8, 70% The Ninja learns no magic Naturally. Adept Ninja - S/Fist, B/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/27 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 16, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 6, 80% INT - 10, 80% SPD - 19, 110% HIT - 14, 100% RES - 8, 70% Ninja at level 7 Required Elite Ninja - S/Fist, B/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 6 Move/29 Jump, 4 Counter HP - 16, 100% SP - 8, 80% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 7, 90% INT - 10, 80% SPD - 20, 110% HIT - 14, 100% RES - 8, 80% Ninja OR Adept Ninja at level 18 Required Shadow Ninja - S/Fist, B/Sword, C/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 7(!!) Move/31 Jump, 4 Counter HP - 17, 100% SP - 8, 80% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 7, 90% INT - 11, 90% SPD - 21, 110% HIT - 15, 100% RES - 9, 80% Ninja OR Adept Ninja OR Elite Ninja at level 37 Requied Master Ninja - S/Fist, B/Sword, C/Spear, C/Bow, E/Gun, A/Axe, D/Staff 7 Move/33 Jump, 5(!!) Counter HP - 17, 100% SP - 9, 90% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 8, 90% INT - 11, 90% SPD - 22, 110% HIT - 15, 100% RES - 9, 80% Ninja OR Adept Ninja OR Elite Ninja OR Shadow Ninja at level 75 Required Shinobi - S/Fist, B/Sword, B/Spear, C/Bow, E/Gun, S/Axe, D/Staff 7 Move/35 Jump, 5 Counter HP - 18, 100% SP - 9, 90% ATK - 15, 100% DEF - 8, 100% INT - 12, 90% SPD - 23,110% HIT - 16, 100% RES - 10, 90% Ninja OR Adept Ninja OR Elite Ninja OR Shadow Ninja OR Master Ninja at level 150 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-M. Ronins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pure damage, Baby. Ronins excell greatly at physical damage, and are Great in Swords, Spears AND Axes. Their ATK Stat is on Par with Brawlers, but with a little something special - 110% in aptitude. This puts them over the top, and in second place overall for melee damage. They also have great HP, and good defense, so they won't go down that easily. On the downside, their voice really annoys me. :( That won't stop most people from using one, though! The Ronin requires a FEMALE Brawler at level 10, and a FEMALE Warrior at level 10 to be unlocked. Ronin - D/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, S/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/20 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 16, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 14, 110% DEF - 7, 100% INT - 8, 70% SPD - 11, 100% HIT - 14, 100% RES - 9, 70% The Ronin learns no spells Naturally. Samurai - D/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, C/Bow, E/Gun, S/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/21 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 17, 100% SP - 7, 70% ATK - 15, 110% DEF - 7, 100% INT - 9, 70% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 15, 100% RES - 9, 70% Ronin at level 7 Required Bushi - D/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, C/Bow, E/Gun, S/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/22 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 17, 100% SP - 8, 70% ATK - 15, 110% DEF - 8, 100% INT - 9, 80% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 15, 100% RES - 9, 80% Ronin OR Samurai at level 18 Required Kengo - D/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, C/Bow, E/Gun, S/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/23 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 18, 100% SP - 8, 80% ATK - 16, 110% DEF - 8, 100% INT - 10, 80% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 16, 100% RES - 10, 80% Ronin OR Samurai OR Bushi at level 37 Required Blademaster - D/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, C/Bow, E/Gun, S/Axe, D/Staff 6 Move/24 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 18, 100% SP - 9, 80% ATK - 16, 110% DEF - 9, 100% INT - 10, 80% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 16, 100% RES - 10, 80% Ronin OR Samurai OR Bushi OR Kengo at level 75 Required Shogun - D/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, C/Bow, E/Gun, S/Axe, D/Staff 6 Move/25 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 19, 100% SP - 9, 80% ATK - 17, 110% DEF - 9, 100% INT - 11, 90% SPD - 14, 100% HIT - 17, 100% RES - 11, 80% Ronin OR Samurai OR Bushi OR Kengo OR Blademaster at level 150 Required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-N. Knights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knights are...interesting, to say the least. They are Decent with Swords, and with staves, but excell at neither, leaving them with a bit to be desired. Their Stats and Aptitudes aren't that hot until you get into their much more advanced classes. Their Weapon proficiencies with Staves or Swords never rise, either. But they do have a few interesting quirks. When they are created, an elemental spell (Fire, Wind, Ice) is picked at random and given to the Knight. Also, after they physical attack, they have a seemingly-random chance to follow up with a magic attack, it even adds to the + combo counter. But they really never get to be able to be the best damage dealers. Their last form only gets a counter of 1, and their move range is also pretty small, so don't expect to be getting anywhere fast. Overall, they're Sub-Par, but you may like them. And you need one for Angels, anyway. The Knight requires a FEMALE Warrior at level 10 and a Mage (no skulls) of any type at level 10 to be unlocked. Note: The Knight and all it's advanced forms learn their spells at the same level. What Base Type (Fire/Wind/Ice) is learned is chosen at random on creation. Knight - D/Fist, B/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, B/Staff 4 Move/15 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 14, 80% SP - 10, 90% ATK - 10, 90% DEF - 6, 60% INT - 11, 90% SPD - 8, 80% HIT - 9, 90% RES - 10, 90% Spells: Fire/Wind/Ice (Chosen at Random) - Level 1 Magic Wall - Level 6 Magic Boost - Level 7 Shield - Level 9 Mega Fire/Wind/Ice - Level 10 Braveheart - Level 10 Giga Fire/Wind/Ice - Level 25 Omega Fire/Wind/Ice - Level 50 Vanquisher - D/Fist, B/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, B/Staff 4 Move/15 Jump, 0 Counter HP - 14, 80% SP - 11, 90% ATK - 11, 90% DEF - 6, 60% INT - 12, 90% SPD - 8, 70% HIT - 9, 80% RES - 11, 90% Knight at level 7 Required Rune Knight - D/Fist, B/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, B/Staff 4 Move/16 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 15, 80% SP - 11, 90% ATK - 11, 90% DEF - 7, 60% INT - 12, 90% SPD - 9, 80% HIT - 10, 80% RES - 11, 90% Knight OR Vanquisher at level 18 Required Chaos Knight - D/Fist, B/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, B/Staff 4 Move/16 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 15, 90% SP - 12, 100% ATK - 12, 90% DEF - 7, 60% INT - 13, 90% SPD - 9, 80% HIT - 10, 90% RES - 12, 90% Knight OR Vanquisher OR Rune Knight at level 37 Required High Knight - D/Fist, B/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, B/Staff 4 Move/17 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 16, 90% SP - 12, 100% ATK - 12, 90% DEF - 8, 70% INT - 13, 100% SPD - 10, 80% HIT - 11, 90% RES - 12, 100% Knight OR Vanquisher OR Rune Knight OR Chaos Knight at level 75 Required Space Knight - D/Fist, B/Sword, C/Spear, C/Bow, E/Gun, C/Axe, B/Staff 4 Move/17 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 16, 90% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 8, 70% INT - 14, 100% SPD - 10, 90% HIT - 11, 90% RES - 13, 100% Knight OR Vanquisher OR Rune Knight OR Chaos Knight OR High Knight at level 150 Required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-O. Recruits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recruits, more commonly known as EDF Soldiers, are the end all masters of Guns. They have a 120%(!!) Aptitude to hit, and a very high base hit as well. They also boast a 110% In HP and Defense, making them durable, and long lasting! Just like batteries! They talk about as much as batteries, too! They're also great with Fists and Axes, as well. They aren't very good at all in the SP, INT, or RES Department, but that doesn't really matter. Once you roll yourself up a Recruit, nobody ain't going to make fun of your gun toting skillz. And I mean nobody. The Recruit requires that any character has a 30 Mastery in Gun to be unlocked. Recruit - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, E/Bow, S/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 4 Move/12 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 19, 110% SP - 2, 80% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 10, 110% INT - 6, 80% SPD - 9, 100% HIT - 15, 120% (!!) RES - 7, 60% The Recruit learns no spells naturally. Officer - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, S/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 4 Move/13 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 20, 110% SP - 3, 80% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 10, 110% INT - 7, 80% SPD - 9, 100% HIT - 16, 120% RES - 7, 60% Recruit at level 10 Required Cyborg - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, S/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 4 Move/14 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 20, 110% SP - 3, 80% ATK - 15, 100% DEF - 11, 110% INT - 7, 90% SPD - 10, 100% HIT - 16, 120% RES - 8, 60% Recruit OR Officer at level 25 Required Psi-Soldier - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, S/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/15 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 21, 110% SP - 4, 90% ATK - 15, 100% DEF - 11, 110% INT - 8, 90% SPD - 10, 100% HIT - 17, 120% RES - 8, 70% Recruit OR Officer OR Cyborg at level 50 Required Space Police - A/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, S/Gun, A/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/16 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 21, 110% SP - 4, 90% ATK - 16, 100% DEF - 12, 110% INT - 8, 90% SPD - 11, 100% HIT - 17, 120% RES - 9, 70% Recruit OR Officer OR Cyborg OR Psi-Soldier at level 100 Required Space Marine - S/Fist, D/Sword, D/Spear, D/Bow, S/Gun, S/Axe, E/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 22, 110% SP - 5, 90% ATK - 16, 100% DEF - 12, 110% INT - 9, 90% SPD - 11, 100% HIT - 18, 120% RES - 9, 70% Recruit OR Officer OR Cyborg OR Psi-Soldier OR Space Police at level 200 Required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-P. Angels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angels are my favorite class. They're Great with Swords, Spears, Bows, And Staves, and learn both healing AND Offensive magic. They aren't bad with Axes, either. Simply put, Angels can be anything you want them to be, and excell at it. Even those ho-hum bows can be put to use in the capable hands of an Angel. The big problem, though, is the steep requirement to get them. It's well worth it, though, because these one-lining walking machines of death are a great addition to your team. The Angel requires a FEMALE Cleric (Or her advanced forms) at level 100, a Knight (or her advanced forms) at level 100, AND an Archer at level 100 (or her advanced forms) to all exist at the same time to be unlocked. Note: The Angel and all it's advanced forms learn their spells at the same level. What Base Type (Fire/Wind/Ice) is learned is chosen at random on creation. Angel - D/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, A/Bow, E/Gun, B/Axe, A/Staff 5 Move/15 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 18, 100% SP - 11, 100% ATK - 13, 100% DEF - 9, 100% INT - 12, 100% SPD - 11, 100% HIT - 11, 100% RES - 14, 110% Spells: Fire/Wind/Ice (Chosen Randomly) - Level 1 Heal - Level 2 Espoir - Level 9 Mega Fire/Wind/Ice - Level 12 Mega Heal - Level 15 Giga Fire/Wind/Ice - Level 30 Giga Heal - Level 35 Angel Cadet - C/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, A/Bow, E/Gun, B/Axe, A/Staff 5 Move/16 Jump, 1 Counter HP - 19, 100% SP - 12, 100% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 9, 100% INT - 13, 100% SPD - 11, 100% HIT - 11, 100% RES - 15, 110% Angel at level 10 Required Angel Soildier - C/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, A/Bow, E/Gun, B/Axe, A/Staff 5 Move/17 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 19, 100% SP - 12, 100% ATK - 14, 100% DEF - 10, 100% INT - 13, 100% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 12, 100% RES - 15, 110% Angel OR Angel Cadet at level 25 Required Crusader - C/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, A/Bow, E/Gun, B/Axe, A/Staff 6 Move/18 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 20, 100% SP -13, 100% ATK - 15, 100% DEF - 10, 100% INT - 14, 100% SPD - 12, 100% HIT - 12, 100% RES - 16, 110% Angel Or Angel Cadet OR Angel Soldier at level 50 Required Avenger - C/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, A/Bow, E/Gun, B/Axe, A/Staff 6 Move/19 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 20, 100% SP - 13, 100% ATK - 15, 100% DEF - 11, 100% INT - 14, 100% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 13, 100% RES - 16, 110% Angel OR Angel Cadet OR Angel Soldier OR Crusader at level 100 Required Paladin - C/Fist, A/Sword, A/Spear, A/Bow, E/Gun, B/Axe, A/Staff 6 Move/20 Jump, 2 Counter HP - 21, 100% SP - 14, 100% ATK - 16, 100% DEF - 11, 100% INT - 15, 100% SPD - 13, 100% HIT - 13, 100% RES - 17, 110% Angel OR Angel Cadet OR Angel Soldier OR Crusader OR Avenger at level 200 Required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-Q. Majin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheesh... And you thought Angels were powerful? You ain't seen nothing, boy. Majins are THE End all class in Disgaea. They are better than everyone, at everything. Period. How, you ask? Well, For starters, they have an S Rank in EVERY WEAPON. What's more? Their first three forms have 110% Aptitude to every stat, and the final three forms have 120%! This effectively makes them more rediculously powerful than anything else in any aspect (with one exception - They are tied with Space Marines in Guns, but still are better in HP, Def, every other stat). Their base stats are also rediculously high. The Verdict? Use at your own disgresion, for they will make the game *FAR* too easy. The Majin requires a MALE Brawler, MALE Warrior, Ninja, Scout, and Rogue, ALL at level 200, ALL existing at the same time, to be unlocked. You better get leveling. Majin - S/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, S/Bow, S/Gun, S/Axe, S/Staff 6 Move/25 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 25, 110% SP - 12, 110% ATK - 18, 110% DEF - 13, 110% INT - 15, 110% SPD - 13, 110% HIT - 15, 110% RES - 13, 110% The Majin learns no spells naturally. Mega Majin - S/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, S/Bow, S/Gun, S/Axe, S/Staff 6 Move/27 Jump, 3 Counter HP - 26, 110% SP - 12, 110% ATK - 19, 110% DEF - 14, 110% INT - 16, 110% SPD - 13, 110% HIT - 16, 110% RES - 13, 110% Majin at level 28 Required Giga Majin - S/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, S/Bow, S/Gun, S/Axe, S/Staff 6 Move/29 Jump, 4 Counter HP - 27, 110% SP - 13, 110% ATK - 20, 110% DEF - 14, 110% INT - 17, 110% SPD - 14, 110% HIT - 16, 110% RES - 14, 110% Majin OR Mega Majin at level 56 Required Omega Majin - S/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, S/Bow, S/Gun, S/Axe, S/Staff 6 move/31 Jump, 4 Counter HP - 28, 120% SP - 13, 120% ATK - 20, 120% DEF - 15, 120% INT - 18, 120% SPD - 14, 120% HIT - 17, 120% RES - 14, 120% Majin OR Mega Majin OR Giga Majin at level 120 Required Tera Majin - S/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, S/Bow, S/Gun, S/Axe, S/Staff 6 Move/33 Jump, 5 Counter HP - 29, 120% SP - 14, 120% ATK - 21, 120% DEF - 15, 120% INT - 19, 120% SPD - 15, 120% HIT - 17, 120% RES - 14, 120% Majin OR Mega Majin OR Giga Majin OR Omega Majin at level 250 Required Divine Majin - S/Fist, S/Sword, S/Spear, S/Bow, S/Gun, S/Axe, S/Staff 7 Move(!!)/35 Jump(!!), 5 Counter(!!) HP - 30(!!), 120% SP - 14, 120% ATK - 21(!!), 120% DEF - 16(!!), 120% INT - 20(!!), 120% SPD - 15, 120% HIT - 18, 120% RES - 15, 120% Majin OR Mega Majin OR Giga Majin OR Omega Majin OR Tera Majin at level 500(!!) Required. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Closing and Revisions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for taking the time to read my FAQ! I hope it helped you in some way, but I'm not to blame if you're already the master of all Disgaea related knowledge, and you wasted your time reading anyway. You should know better. If theres anything you'd like to see, or any corrections that you can find, email me at jmhogan@vwc.edu . Please don't AIM me unless I don't reply to your email in several days, since I share a computer with my roomate, and I'm not always able to get around. Also, please don't spam my email with titles in All caps, or with a question that could easily have the answer found just by taking a look in my FAQ, or someone elses. My email account is flooded with enough spam from my school already. 1.1 Alpha Point XQ85 - October 13, 2003, 11:30 PM. First version of FAQ completed. Future plans - Monsters, Story Characters (If I can get information!), anything else someone wants me to add that isn't too zany. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Credit and Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First and Foremost, to Nippon Ichi software, And Atlus, for making and producing the most addictive game I've played since EverQuest. Almost as much Thanks to Tabby/Joey, who bought me the game(!!!!). <3 U!!11 Thanks to www.gamefaqs.com for being there and being awesome! Thanks to Scy046 for providing me with the steal formula, and random advice about stuff. Even more thanks to IanMustela's Job Chart for the job levels that I couldn't remember, likewise to SephirothYuyX's Spell/Weapon Faq for spell levels. Thanks to anyone else on the Disgaea boards who have answered any of my questions, or corrected any of my errors. Final thanks to my old EverQuest guild, Silent Resurgence, for making me hate you all so much I didn't want to play it anymore! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Legal Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disgaea: Hour of Darkness is copyright 2003 Nippon Ichi Software Inc. Liscened to and Published by Atlus U.S.A. Inc. This FAQ was created by Me, EllyEllyElly, A.K.A. Jamie Hogan, and is ONLY for use on www.gamefaqs.com. I probably won't do much if I find out its been used elsewhere, but just know you're making a grown up girl cry if I find out. :( That is all!