======================================================================= Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness FAQ & Walkthrough by Leyviur v 1.00 ======================================================================= Disclaimer This walkthrough may only be used for personal use, and may be used electronically as long as it remains unaltered. Latest updates of this FAQ can be found at GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com). This guide is copyright Abraham Liu. Please do not repost it without permission; if you ask, I will likely consent, so please spare the five seconds needed to ask! Send any questions, comments, corrections, or death threats to leyviur@gmail.com Last update was on Sunday, August 24, 2008. ======================================================================= Table of Contents ======================================================================= 1. Introduction [DHInt] 2. Gameplay Mechanics [DHMec] 3. Characters/Classes [DHCha] 4. Walkthrough [DHWlk] Chapter 1 [DHC01] Chapter 2 [DHC02] Chapter 3 [DHC03] Chapter 4 [DHC04] Chapter 5 [DHC05] Chapter 6 [DHC06] Chapter 7 [DHC07] Chapter 8 [DHC08] Chapter 9 [DHC09] Chapter 10 [DHC10] Chapter 11 [DHC11] Chapter 12 [DHC12] Chapter 13 [DHC13] Chapter 14 [DHC14] 5. Version History [DHVer] 6. Credits [DHCre] ======================================================================= I. INTRODUCTION [DHInt] ======================================================================= Disgaea is a great SRPG that has some unique gameplay ideas and some great characters. Its release on PSP means that it can now be played on the go, which is great because it's an excellent game. I noticed a dearth of Disgaea PSP FAQs so I decided to contribute my own version. ======================================================================= II. GAMEPLAY MECHANICS [DHMec] ======================================================================= Disgaea is a grid based SRPG. It's much like a RPG game crossed with a chess board. Each character can be controlled and placed on a square and be ordered to attack enemies (or allies if desired) on another square within their range. However, Disgaea has a few different ideas. First is the Geo Panel system. In many stages there will be colored squares on the field, allowing for a multitude of different effects, such as recovery (which will heal any unit on the corresponding square) or damage (which is the opposite). These squares will help or harm your battles and are pivotal in order to achieve success. ======================================================================= III. CHARACTERS/CLASSES [DHCha] ======================================================================= ====== Laharl ====== The main character of Disgaea, he has great all around stats and high proficiency in Swords. He has quite a few powerful attacks and he'll serve as your primary attacker for most of the game. His unique skills are as follows: Level 5: Blazing Knuckle ------------------------ Deals powerful fire damage to units around Laharl. Level 20: Overlord's Wrath -------------------------- Deals powerful non elemental damage in a plus shape in front of Laharl. Level 50: Meteor Impact ----------------------- Powerful damage for two panels in front of Laharl. ==== Etna ==== A decent unit who has a great proficiency in spears. She has some decent unit specific attacks, but for the most part you'll be utilizing her spear attacks as much as possible. Level 5: Prinny Raid -------------------- Decent damage, ranged attack. Level 20: Sexy beam ------------------- Hits the area surrounding Etna for minimal damage Level 50: Chaos Impact ---------------------- Hits a unit in front of Etna for decent damage. Ranged attack. ====== Flonne ====== Flonne is great with a bow or a staff, with mages under her tutelage, mainly so she can leech spells from them. If you input the time required, Flonne can be an unstoppable unit. Though she lacks excellent proficiency in any one area, she has great proficiency in many different things, so she's quite a versatile character. Level 5: Power of Love ---------------------- Incredibly useful, this heals all units surrounding Flonne. Excellent for regrouping after a particularly tough skirmish. Level 20: Holy Arrows --------------------- Decent ranged damage, but nothing that can dwarf Laharls abilities. Level 50: Divine Ray -------------------- Again, nothing too special, but a plus shaped attack in any direction has its uses, and it does great damage, too. Sucks SP a bit too much for its output though. ======================================================================= IV. WALKTHROUGH [DHWlk] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 [DHC01] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 1 Ghost x 3 You have Prinny helpers for this battle, so you shouldn't be in any danger of losing. However, I would advise you to use Laharl and Etna as much as possible because they'll make up the bulk of your offensive force for much of the later game. The Ghosts are easily dispatched, so you should be able to get through by just using Laharl and Etna. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 2 Hobbit x 1 Lv. 1 Ghost x 4 This level explains how to lift and toss characters and enemies, which is a valuable tactic to use at certain points in the game. Again, the enemies here are pushovers so you should have no real problems here. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 2 Habbit x 1 Lv. 1 Ghost x 5 In this map you'll learn about Geo Panels. It is rather easy here to kill all the enemies quickly and efficiently, so I'd recommend strongly to do some training and level up once or twice here with numerous replays. In addition to this, using the Geo Panels to defeat the enemies garners you small bonuses after battle. In the long run, this is a negligible reward but for this chapter, it's invaluable in the maintenance and upkeep for your party. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 2 Red Skull x 1 Lv. 2 Hobbit x 2 Lv. 1 Ghost x 6 There are now two Geo Symbols. One with Enemy Boost x 3, and one with EXP + 50%. You'll want to destroy the Enemy Boost x 3, because this will damage the enemies standing on the respective panels. Afterwards, throw the EXP + 50% onto the remaining geo panel so that enemies you kill that are standing on the respective panels will give you a 1.5x experience boost. Hopefully you have created some characters by now because you'll want to send them in to hammer the Ghosts that are coming out of the castle. With Laharl and Etna acting as support, have them clear out the Ghosts, then the Hobbits, then the Red Skulls. Hopefully you'll be able to do this quickly and efficiently, as you'll want to spend a bit of time here leveling your characters (preferably to around level 4 or so). Battle 5 -------- Enemies: Lv. 3 Brawler x1 Lv. 3 Warrior x1 Lv. 2 Hobbit x4 Lv. 1 Ghost x4 The Geo Panels here give a bonus of DEF + 50% and Attack + 1, respectively. Do everything you can to lure enemies away from these panels - if you're worried about your main fighters taking a beating, have your prinnies lure the enemies off of the panels you want then plant your characters onto them so that when the prinnies die, your characters can remain stationary and let the enemies come to them. The biggest threats here are obviously the brawler and warrior, as they have more powerful attack capabilities than the Hobbits and Ghosts put together. As a result you'll want to focus most of your attacks on them to get them out of the way before turning your attention to the monsters. Because your characters only gain experience for actively killing an enemy, your Cleric (or healer) character will need to participate in combination attacks with other characters to defeat the enemies, otherwise they'll end up horribly underleveled. You'll want to level up a bit more here, I leveled up to around level 8 for Laharl and Etna, and about level 5 - 6 for my generic soldier characters, but that took a while, so having levels 5 - 6 for all your main fighters should be the least you aim for, as the following battles wil be incredibly difficult, especially the final battle for Chapter 1. Battle 6 -------- Enemies: Lv. 4 Red Mage x1 Lv. 4 Warrior x1 Lv. 4 Archer x2 Lv. 3 Boggart x5 Lv. 2 Ghost x1 Because of their long range, the Archers are probably the strongest and most dangerous opponents here, with the Red Mage as a near second. Start by killing the Boggarts near you after destroying the Geo Crystal as the 40% recovery will most likely end up benefiting your enemies much more than yourself. The archers may start to notice you while you are hammering the Boggarts, so send out some prinnies while your main fighters retreat to draw the archer's fire. If you can manage to get the archers within movement range of your normal fighters, gang up on them and start focusing all your attacks on them. Doing so will most likely eliminate the threat they pose and most likely assure you victory, assuming your characters are leveled adequately. Doing so will still not leave you out of the woods yet, as you still have the Red Mage to deal with. Focus your attention on the mage first, then turn to the lone Warrior, and this map will be over. Battle 7 -------- Enemies: Lv. 6 Mid-Boss x1 Lv. 4 Warrior x2 Lv. 4 Archer x1 Lv. 4 Green Mage x1 Lv. 3 Boggart x5 This is an incredibly difficult fight, even when you're over leveled. I hope you have trained your party well (mine was at an average level of 9 - 10), because this battle will be sure to test your patience. First of all, destroy the nearby Geo Crystals because they have effects of Enemy Boost x 6 (!!!) and Attack + 1, which will make your day incredibly unpleasant if they're allowed to be used by the enemy. For this battle a luring strategy is needed - this entails luring enemies one by one to your entourage of fighters to kill them, one by one. This may take a while, but it is safe. Thankfully, you can do this without too much trouble; stick to normal attacks for the normal enemies and don't try to blitzkreig your way into the fight. Once the normal enemies are gone it's time to take on Mid-Boss. What you want to do here is to use exclusively special attacks while trying to lure him into attacking your more useless characters (like Prinnies) with his powerful attacks. Refrain from lining up your characters or he will also use his special attack, which WILL kill someone. The reason you need to use special attacks is because he has the ability to counterattack, potentially killing your characters with a reprisal; this is incredibly bad, obviously. Have your characters use their weapon skills (Hurricane Slash is an invaluable tool in this). Hopefully Mid-boss will be unable to defend against your onslaught. If not it just means you have to grind a bit more. With his defeat the battle (and chapter) will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 [DHC02] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 4 Cleric x1 Lv. 4 Archer x2 Lv. 4 Zombie x5 This is an incredibly easy battle, compared to the previous one, and also very, very easy to gain exp, which is good. Start by slaughtering the zombies, which give a great amount of experience for a miniscule amount of work. The problem is the three soldier units on the pillars, which you'll want to throw your characters onto in order to kill them. If you have archers or mages, you can just stand at the bottom and hurl spells and/ or arrows at them, but it's much easier to just pummel them. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 4 Zombie x9 With no real threatening enemies here, this battle is incredibly easy and you can reliably kill off all the enemies here, very easily, and earn quite a few levelws in the process. To make the process go faster you can use fire spells against the zombies; all the enemies in this chapter are weak to fire, so you can rely on fire spells and lay waste to almost all the battles here. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 7 Gremlin x1 Lv. 6 Imp x4 Lv. 4 Zombie x6 Again, the enemies here are pretty much pushovers; most monsters are generally completely useless, with a few exceptions, and thankfully none of those exceptions are here. You can kill off the zombies first and by the time you've finished them off the Imps will be in range. The one enemy here that may give you the slightest amount of trouble is the Gremlin, and even then it's not too bad. Again, you can level quite a bit here, but the enemies that give you experience won't be too numerous by now. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 8 Dragon x1 Lv. 7 Gremlin x2 Lv. 6 Imp x3 Lv. 5 Angel x1 Why is Flonne (NIN NIN! <3) the weakest of the enemies if she's the one who summoned them? Weird. Anyway, this is nowhere near as difficult as the Mid-boss fight. You'll want to bum rush the 3 imps and 2 gremlins near your deployment panel. Strike from various sides and destroy them quickly. You'll want to minimize your special attack use, as the dragon will become your main focus after offing the imps and gremlins. Once the imps and gremlins are out of the way, run up and hit Flonne with your strongest attack (preferably hurricane blade, if you can get the dragon in the field of effect it'll be even better). Flonne should go down with one strike, while the dragon will get all pissy and start coming after you. It is at this point you'll want to gang up on the dragon with all your fighters and use all your strongest attacks to take him down. This fight shouldn't pose too much of a problem, especially if you have a fire spell-capable mage in your party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 [DHC03] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you can start this chapter you'll need to fight through the item world until your equipped item is at least level 10. In any case, since the item world is composed of entirely random layouts and enemies there's no real strategy I can give you. However, you should be able to get through ten levels (the requirement for the chapter) fairly easily. Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 7 Pugilist x1 Lv. 6 Pugilist x1 Lv. 5 Brawler x7 Some of the brawlers here are fighting with bows. This is unwise. In any case, this battle is incredibly easy. Your characters are rather beefed up (plus you have a level 10 item on Laharl), so you can make short work of these enemies. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 9 Priest x1 Lv. 8 Manticore x1 Lv. 6 Pugilist x8 I hope you have a scout by now, because there is a line in the middle of the battlefield that won't let you cross it until you destroy the Geo Crystal. With a scout you can shoot across and damage the enemies on the other side, who also have projectile attacks. First though, you will want to kill off the Pugilists near your Deployment Panel. They're just pugilists and they're rather weak, so you can make short work of them. After you've taken care of them have your fighters make their way to the Geo Crystal, while your Scout takes pot shots at the enemies on the other side. Once the crystal has been destroyed, have your other fighters run to the other side and bum rush the remaining enemies. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 10 Pugilist x1 Lv. 7 Pugilist x4 Lv. 6 Brawler x1 Lv. 4 Brawler x15 Considering your current level, it shouldn't matter how many low level Brawlers the game throws at you; you should be able to deal with them incredibly easily. Lots of these brawlers come in groups or lines, so you should be able to take multiple units out with a single attack. With your first turn you should be able to off anywhere from six to nine brawlers, and by now the others will have noticed your presence, so they'll start moving forward. When they're in range, crush the rest of the brawlers and move forward to kill the Pugilists. All in all, it should be no real problem. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 12 Rich Demon x1 Lv. 10 Pugilist x2 Lv. 6 Wall of Meat x6 Right at the start you'll want to send out your heavy hitters and start making short work of the Walls of Meat. Within your first turn they should be dead. Next you'll want to work on the Pugilists and try to conserve some energy for your abilities. once the Pugilists are out of the way, it's time to start on the section boss. He has rather high attack and a generous amount of special attacks. Start a dogpile on him and don't stop. Considering he has one move per turn just like every other unit, worst case scenario he can only off one character per turn. With a constant barrage of your strongest attacks, he should last more than three or four turns, tops. With his defeat the chapter ends and you gain a new ally. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 [DHC04] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 12 Killer Armor x1 Lv. 11 Decoy x2 Lv. 9 Pumpkin x4 Considering the last chapter had you fighting through actual units, the return to fighting monsters again is nice. One thing to note, every enemy in this chapter is weak against ice. Another thing to note, there are experience x 100% squares on this map, so if you can lure the enemies here, especially the Killer Armor, it'll be a nice bonus to your characters' growth. Because the enemies in this chapter aren't too strong, it shouldn't be too difficult, and you can get some very nice experience with this stage. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 12 Killer Armor x2 Lv. 11 Decoy x2 Lv. 9 Pumpkin x7 The same as the last map, only with more enemies. The pumpkins will be grouped around you at the start, so begin by massacring them. Regroup and heal, then move forward and take out the decoys, which should pose no real threat. By this point the Killer Armors will be moving toward you but they can't move very far at once so let them move into range then start pummeling them. They have pretty strong special attacks so don't waste any time throwing everything you have at them. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 14 Nightmare x1 Lv. 12 Killer Armor x2 Lv. 11 Decoy x5 Lv. 9 Pumpkin x5 Okay, there's a Enemy Boost +50% here, which can make things terribly unpleasant. What you want to do is block the enemies from moving toward your position as you throw one of your units over to where the crystal is. Now, you can either destroy the crystal (keep clear of its effect!) or you can throw the other crystal down and it'll take off 20% of max HP from every unit per turn. Obviously using the damage crystal is the quicker method, but killing the enemies yourself nets you experience. Either way, this battle isn't too hard anyway. The Decoys and Pumpkins should be lambs coming to the slaughter by now anyway, and you already know how to deal with the Killer Armors. They pose a bigger threat than the Nightmare, arguably, mainly because there are two, which can overwhelm you if you aren't careful. Just take them out one at a time, and focus your attention on the Nightmare. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 17 Mid-Boss x1 Lv. 15 Mandrake x1 Lv. 14 Nightmare x2 Lv. 12 Killer Armor x4 Every time this guy shows up, the battle gets hard. Anyway, you'll want to, like the first encounter, ignore Mid-Boss completely until the other enemies are dead. This area has a whopping FOUR Killer Armors which can make your day really, really bad. Lure them in one at a time and clobber them with some powerful attacks. Following this you should attack the Mandrake, as it can do more damage than both the Nightmares combined! AFterwards, you can take out the stragglers. Now, while you're doing this you'll notice that Mid-Boss will start moving towards you. Try to move away from him (or lure him into attacking a weaker unit as your sacrificial lamb while you regroup), and when you're healthy and able, start kicking his ass with everything you have. YOu'll want a safety margin for this battle: if any unit goes anywhere near 1/2 HP (start keeping tabs on your HP once it goes down to 3/4) you'll want to heal them quickly. With that, the chapter ends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 [DHC05] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 12 Imp x9 Okay, you see the effects here? The one you want to take notice of is Ally Damage x 20%. This is crippling. As a result, you'll want to start by sending characters over to the crystal that has the effect. There will be three imps guarding it, so throw everything you've got into killing the enemies and destroying the crystal. Once that is gone, you will be pretty much set; the battle is basically a fight of attrition, and in order to negate that you'll need to take out one or both of the remaining crystals, as their combined effects are cutting damage output to 1/4. The enemies aren't that hard; the worst enemies here are the geo panel effects. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 15 Ninja x1 Lv. 15 Scout x2 Lv. 12 Puck x7 Good lord. Now, you'll want to take out the Scouts as fast as possible so you have some time to set up your battle party. Have Etna and Laharl come out and start stomping on them with your strongest attacks. By the first or second turn you should have killed at least five of them, and you'll want to keep your characters away from the Scouts, because they have guns. Not cool. The Ninja will make its way toward you throughout the battle, and you should be able to kill it fairly easily. After it's gone you'll want to heal up and bum rush the Scouts with your stronger characters, quickly and efficiently. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 14 Nekomata x3 Lv. 14 Empusa x5 This map renders every character invincible, meaning you'll have to run over to the Geo Crystal and throw it off of the area. Before you do so though, try wasting the enemy SP by making them do special attacks, so they won't be able to use them against you later. Also, try to get some of them to surround your characters who can do area attacks. Once you toss the invincibility panel off, throw everything you have at them. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 19 Demon Sire x1 Lv. 16 Golem x1 Lv. 15 Lilim x2 Lv. 14 Empusa x4 Like most battles before this you'll want to wait and let some enemies come to you. First will be the Empusas and then the Lilims, and you'll be able to take them out with very ltitle effort. The main problem in this battle won't be the boss, but rather the Golem, who has some nasty attacks up its sleeve. The boss, to its credit, will be taking a long way towards your party and you can probably be able to off him with a variety of ranged attacks. Focus your heavy hitters on the Golem and the battle will be over before you know it, ending this chapter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 [DHC06] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 12 Boggart x2 Lv. 12 Dark Knight x1 Lv. 12 Decoy x1 Lv. 12 Gargoyle x2 Lv. 12 Ghost x2 Lv. 12 Golem x2 Lv. 12 Gremlin x2 Lv. 12 Hobbit x2 Lv. 12 Imp x2 Lv. 12 Killer Armor x2 Lv. 12 Nightmare x2 Lv. 12 Man-Eater x2 Lv. 12 Puck x1 Lv. 12 Pumpkin x2 Lv. 12 Zombie x2 This battle is unbelievably easy; if you can't win this you shouldn't be playing the game anyway. The weak enemies will all bottleneck toward you, and you can pick them off at your leisure. Battle 2 -------- Enemy: Lv. 24 Demonslayer x1 This battle is rather hard. First off, you'll want to upgrade your weapons and items before coming here. Then, as soon as the battle begins, have all your units blitzkreig her while your healers and Flonne support you. The enemy has a whopping 1300 HP and deals absurd amounts of damage, so you really need to throw everything you have at her; if you have a Star Skull, be sure to abuse it relentlessly. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 16 Private Prinny x2 Lv. 15 Private Prinny x3 Lv. 12 Private Prinny x2 Lv. 11 Private Prinny x1 Lv. 10 Private Prinny x1 This battle is a joke; just pick them up and throw them, and they'll all die. Yay, fireworks! Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 75 Alt. Overlord x10 Unless you've cheated, you stand no chance. Let yourself wipe, and then your "friends" will take care of the overlords. Battle 5 -------- Enemies: Lv. 20 Prism Ranger x1 Lv. 17 Man-Eater x4 Lv. 17 Puck x4 Lv. 17 Specter x4 BURUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! YERROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Hysterical. Anyway, this map is probably the most infuriating map in the game, bar none. The reason for this is simple, and singular: Warp. The whole map is covered by a warp geo panel effect that teleports every unit to a random location every turn. As a result, whatever kind of formation you get will be a crapshoot. The enemies by themselves aren't too bad but considering you have gotten here by strategic planning, having your formation disrupted is a horrible thing. The individual enemies are rather easy so try focusing on one at a time (or as close as you can get to one at a time). When you've finished them off, the stage boss will be waiting, and he'll probably have messed you up during the battle somewhat fierce. Throw everything you have at him and hope you come out on the other side whole. Good luck, you'll need it. Battle 6 -------- Enemies: Lv. 22 Mid-Boss x1 Lv. 20 Gargoyle x2 Lv. 17 Puck x10 A Mid-Boss battle again? Jesus. Thankfully, this battle isn't as hard as previous encounters with him, though it'll still give you a run for your money. When the battle starts you'll want to throw everything you have at the Pucks around your deployment panel. You'll want to take out at least six or seven of them by the end of the first turn, so that you won't get overwhelmed when Mid-Boss and the Gargoyles start coming after you. The gargoyles will go down rather easily so long as you use area of effect attacks to damage both. Either way, once the normal enemies are gone it should be smooth sailing; Mid-Boss is actually a fair bit easier than he was in his previous incarnations. Once you finish him off, the chapter will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 [DHC07] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 23 Ghoul x1 Lv. 20 Zombie x13 This battle is incredibly easy; the enemies are weak and you get a copious amount of bonuses for killing them on Geo Effect panels. Use this stage as an opportunity to level up and gain some money. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 26 Corpse x1 Lv. 23 Ghoul x2 Lv. 20 Zombie x7 Gah, I hate Enemy Boost panels. You'l have to go after the Null Symbol first, which is behind some enemies, so this will be difficult. Start throwing everything you have at it; if you're strong enough you'll be able to outlast the enemies and destroy the symbol, at which point you can take out the enemies at your leisure. Before you do, though, it's a difficult way and luck has to be on your side. Either that or you have to be absurdly strong. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 20 Zombie x6 Another really easy battle, although you have a hugely detrimental effect on your side and geo panels blocking your way with No Entry. So you'll need characters able to hit from long range to take out the geo crystals with the effects. Once you do the enemies will quickly follow. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 26 Corpse x2 Lv. 23 Ghoul x5 Lv. 20 Zombie x4 You will see four single panels with beneficial effects. Park some long range characters onto these panels and go crazy; the enemies will likely wander into the panels with the detrimental effects and you'll end up slaughtering them. Battle 5 -------- Enemies: Lv. 27 Zombie x1 Lv. 26 Corpse x3 Lv. 23 Ghoul x4 Lv. 20 Zombie x4 Not too bad of a map, IMO. You'll want to go in the general direction of where the enemies are gathered, and then form a wall with your strong characters while your weaker characters sit in the back to fling spells, bullets, arrows, and healing abilities. The zombies will mob you relentlessly but you should be able to take them out fairly easily. This map isn't too challenging, but it's still not a pushover. However, as the final map of a chapter, it's not too difficult at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 [DHC08] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 27 Cyclops x2 Lv. 24 Man-Eater x10 This battle is difficult as hell, mainly due to the DEF-50% added with the Enemy Boost x 3. Each wouldn't be so bad on its own but the two combined are brutal and effective in decimating your party. In any case don't even try to slug it out with the enemies until the Enemy Boost crystal is gone. In order to get to the crystals you'll need to stack up your characters in a sort of 'throw chain' so that you can get them to the crystals. You'll likely take a bit of time to destroy the crystals so some of your units will inevitably get their asses kicked. Once the enemy boost effect is gone though, the battle becomes much more managable. Hopefully you still have a sizeable party left which you can use to defeat the enemies; without the enemy boost they're pretty wimpy, though the DEF-50% might still dog you. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 32 Treant x1 Lv. 32 Oakrot x1 Lv. 32 Man-Eater x1 Lv. 16 Treant x1 Lv. 16 Oakrot x1 Lv. 16 Man-Eater x1 Lv. 8 Treant x1 Lv. 8 Oakrot x1 Lv. 8 Man-Eater x1 Lv. 4 Treant x1 Lv. 4 Oakrot x1 Lv. 4 Man-Eater x1 Lv. 2 Treant x1 Lv. 2 Oakrot x1 Lv. 2 Man-Eater x1 Lv. 1 Treant x1 Lv. 1 Oakrot x1 Lv. 1 Man-Eater x1 Thank God, this chapter doesn't get any harder. This battle is very easy, and you can probably chop your way through it without fail. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 28 Battler x14 Lv. 28 Blue Mage x2 This place looks worse than it is. You have a huge number of battler units with a variety of weapons, but all in all they're actually pretty weak outside of the ones that wield axes, because they can use skull splitter, which is absolutely devastating. There will be a group of enemies that never move, so you can use some long range attacks to take them out easily. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 33 Chernobog x1 Lv. 30 Shade x2 Lv. 27 Nightmare x6 This battle is pretty easy; the msot annoying part are the Nightmares which will start using long range attacks on your characters; keep them spread out and take care of the Nightmares. They're generally pretty weak, but they can be really annoying when you give them a chance to hit you with their long range attacks. The Chernobog and Shades are less annoying but can take a while to kill because of their high HP. Regardless, this fight isn't hard at all and you can probably manage it easily. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 [DHC09] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 33 Dullahan x1 Lv. 30 Nekomata x8 This is a really easy map; as long as you have an ability that hits a 3x3 square grid, you can easily defeat most or all the enemies in one or two turns, and the exp they give aren't bad at all, so you can gain quite a bit of experience and some levels easily here. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 33 Dullahan x4 Lv. 30 Nekomata x11 The first thing you want to do is throw a No Entry Geo Symbol into the surrounding green area so you won't be attacked, otherwise the various enemies outside the area will ravage you. Now, you'll want to focus on the enemies inside this area while staying away from the outside enemies, because they have distance attacks. Once the enemies inside the area are gone, you'll need to attack the enemies outside the No Entry area with distance attacks. If you're feeling up to it you can try venturing outside and attack all of the enemies to finish the battle quickly. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 36 Black Belt x3 Lv. 32 Pugilist x10 As the battle starts you'll want to get your units on top of the enhancement panels. Once you do it should be a simple matter because the various enemies are rather pathetic stats wise, especially after you've parked your units on enhacement panels. This battle mainly serves as a 'checkpoint' of sorts; if you can't win this battle rather easily it may be in your best interests to do some grinding so your characters are up to snuff. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 34 Wraith x11 This battle is rather easy. The wraiths are kind of stong magically but they crumble like paper in the face of powerful physical brawlers. So just take out your physical attackers and hammer them to oblivion. Battle 5 -------- Enemies: Lv. 38 Defender x1 Lv. 38 Super Robot x1 This battle is really easy. The last one was easy, but this one is pathetic. Gordon is easy to take down; he has high HP but rather limited defenses. Thursday on the other hand, has high defense but low magical resistance, so bust out your magic users and he should go down with no real trouble. Victory in this battle ends the chapter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 [DHC10] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 34 Guardian x5 You'll see here that a lot of the map has invincibility effect. However the bridges in the center are free, so you'll want to lure some enemies there to take care of them. The rest who won't move will have to be hit onto the bridges using something like Triple Attack (or Triple Strike, I forget the name) to hit them onto the bridges so you can kill them. Because you can't be killed this is mainly a war of attrition, so just keep at it. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 40 Fafnir x1 Lv. 36 Dragon x2 Lv. 33 Brownie x1 Lv. 28 Puck x2 Lv. 27 Puck x3 Lv. 23 Hobbit x5 This biggest problem for this fight will be the Dragon and Fafnir team, so send your strong fighters including Laharl to take them out quickly. Aside from this the only thing you have to be worried about is the Brownie, which has an irritating ability. You'll want to keep the healer of your group away from the enemies so you can heal any status ailment or HP damage that comes your way. Other than those points, though, this battle isn't bad at all. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 40 Sentinel x1 Lv. 33 Brownie x4 While this battle looks incredibly easy, the Sentinel is on a panel that basically makes it a huge threat. However, you'll be able to take out the Brownies in your way rather easily, and you can throw a -50% DEF crystal onto the panels to take down the Sentinel's high DEF. However, a better way would be to force him off the panel with an attack like Triple Strike which will knock it off the panel, then have one of your other characters stand on the panel and keep the Sentinel away from the boosting panels. Once this is done you can ravage him with your multitude of attacks, and it might take a while but you can take him down rather easily at this point. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 35 Treant x12 This battle is a complete joke. The Treants are wimpy as hell and they are sitting on EXP + 100% panels, which helps a lot. You can clear out this map quite easily and rack up some decent experience in the process too, so go crazy. Battle 5 -------- Enemies: Lv. 44 Mid-Boss x1 Lv. 40 Fafnir x2 Lv. 31 Puck x8 The order of threats from smallest to greatest is this: Puck, Mid-Boss, Fafnir. Yes, the Fafnirs are more problematic than Mid-Boss this time around, because this is the easiest Mid-Boss battle so far. Don't try to take on the enemies in different groups, keep your characters in one large group and mob anything that come within your attack radius. You will want to focus on the Fafnirs and take them out quickly because the damage they do can be quite high, to say the least. While you're taking out the Fafnirs try using area or multihit attacks to hit the surrounding enemies with splash damage, so you can take out the Pucks as well. Once the battlefield is sufficiently empty you can mob Mid-Boss (who isn't that strong anymore) and end the battle, as well as the chapter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 [DHC11] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 38 Mandrake x6 Lv. 37 Star Skull x6 Normally a battle with enemies like this would be a nightmare, but look at the formation of the enemies; this is pretty much dead-on for attack ranges of things like Winged Slayer and Lion's Roar, so take your best physical attackers and throw your best attacks at them; they should be gone within the first turn and with the EXP + 100% panels they're on you should be able to gain a nice amount of experience as well. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 44 Rune Knight x1 Lv. 41 Red Skull x1 Lv. 41 Green Skull x1 Lv. 41 Blue Skull x1 Lv. 40 Scarecrow x7 The worst enemies here are the Skulls, who have insanely powerful spell attacks that can absolutely wreck your entire party in no time. As a result you'll want to approach this battle defensively. For the first turn have a character move out of the deployment panel so the Skulls will start coming down. Once they are in attack range, bring out all your characers and use your strongest attacks to overwhelm them; you should be able to take out AT LEAST one per turn, otherwise they'll destroy you. After the skulls are gone you have the Rune Knight and Scarecrows to deal with, which are actually rather easy compared to the skulls, so just throw everything you have at them and you'll come out on top. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 43 Alp x12 This battle has 12 Alps on panels that increase their abilities rather absurdly. The easiest way to win this battle is to take out one (or two if you're feeling daring) enemy per turn. The alps will never move and as such they can't attack you as long as you keep out of their attack range. This battle isn't actually too difficult, really. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 45 Corpse x3 Lv. 43 Alp x6 Lv. 40 Scarecrow x6 Lv. 35 1st Defender x1 Why is the boss in this level the weakest unit? Anyway, you'll see that this field is covered by a Enemy Boost x 6 effect (!!!). Because this effect will literally be the single thing that turns the tables of this battle, you'll want to get to the geo crystal as quickly as possible. The good thing about this map is that the Scarecrows can destroy the geo symbols in one hit when they're thrown at them, so just make a tower of characters and throw your team over to where the Geo Crystals are and then toss a scarecrow at the Enemy Boost crystal. This will destroy it an alleviate many of your problems. Even after this is done though, you're not out of the woods yet. The Alps on this map are incredibly powerful. Have the remainder of your forces go to where the Alps are and start taking them out one by one. Now, converge your two forces and take out the Corpses and Scarecrows, which by this point should be child's play. Finally, kill off the boss and you'll end the battle as well as the chapter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 [DHC12] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 48 Officer x1 Lv. 44 Recruit x7 Approaching this battle is really simple; the enemies here don't do anything special, and they'll just fire their guns at you. The only thing that can cause problems is the Ally Damage 20%, which actually isn't that bad since you can finish this battle quicker than the damage can actually kill you. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 44 Recruit x11 The battle here is complicated by a Ally Damage 100% effect on some squares and a silence effect on others. Make a tower of characters and when you get near the Geo Symbol, throw a Recruit onto the Silence symbol to take it out immediately. From here on the battle gets rather simple; don't stand on any Ally Damage tiles and throw out your strongest attacks, and you should get through this with minimal damage. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 48 Officer x2 Lv. 44 Recruit x9 Here you'll have to deal with two different sets of effects, one type with Invincibility and Ally Damage 20%, and the other with Enemy Boost 50%. You'll want to try getting to the other end and getting rid of the Geo Symbols, while taking out any enemies that aren't standing on the Invincibility effects. All in all, this battle isn't too bad, and you can build up weapon levels by utilizing the invincibility effect. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 52 Rival x1 Lv. 48 Officer x2 Lv. 44 Recruit x7 This map consists of only you and the enemy, no geo symbols or anything to worry about here. There's nothing clever or strategic you really need to do here, just go on an all-out offensive and hope you come out on top. Wall off the enemies from your healers and spellcasters with your frontline fighters and slowly make your way to the boss. A good strategy would be to have the enemies come to you on the first turn then hammer them when they get into attack range, without any mercy or hesitation. This battle isn't hard, and when it's finished you'll be done with the chapter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 [DHC13] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 100 Big Gun x2 Lv. 50 Turret x4 Don't let the huge level of the enemies fool you, this battle is really easy. All you need to do is make a tower of characters, throw them over to where the yellow square is, and then have the last character walk onto the yellow tile to end the battle. Don't try to fight this battle out, you'll be slaughtered. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 50 Cyborg x6 This stage is really easy; the Cyborgs are somewhat strong but in the end they'll be no match for your team. Since they're grouped around each other, you can throw out various area attacks and be rid of them about two or three turns into the battle. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 55 Psi-Soldier x1 Lv. 51 Cyborg x1 Lv. 50 Cyborg x1 Lv. 45 Recruit x5 The Recruits here are incredibly wimpy and lined in such a way that you can exploit their formation with line attacks and defeat them within the first turn. After this you'll have to contend with two Cyborgs and a Psi-Soldier. However, considering they are a force of three against your army, you'll be able to bulldoze through them with no trouble. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 60 Rival x1 Lv. 55 Psi-Soldier x3 Lv. 50 Cyborg x6 This stage is deceptively easy despite having a good amount of absurdly powerful enemies. What you'll want to do is to throw your characters over to where the Enemy Boost crystal is and get rid of it. In the process you'll want to start hammering the Cyborg with characters who aren't busy with trying to rid your party of the pesky Enemy Boost ability. You should be able to get rid of a good deal of them (I'd aim for at least four) before the third turn ends and the boss starts coming after you. WHile you're doing all this the enemies with guns (of which there are quite a few) will try to inflict status ailments on you. Be sure you have a healer AND recovery items to deal with this, as it is quite annoying. Eventually you'll be able to clear the field leaving only the boss unit which is still quite a toughie. He can easily tear through you if the other units left your fighting force battered, but if you have a good supply of recovery items and abilities you should be in decent enough shape after a regroup to hammer him with your strongest attacks. If you do it's likely you'll outlast him, but if you're too weak after going through the other enemies you'll probably be tortured to death. Battle 5 -------- Enemies: Lv. 55 Angel Cadet x2 Lv. 50 Angel x8 This battle is a joke after the last one. You'll want to concentrate the bulk of your forces on the Angels first, as they have incredibly powerful spear attacks. Once those are gone you'll be able to pick off the stragglers. Again, keep your healers behind the line of fire, and you should do fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 [DHC14] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle 1 -------- Enemies: Lv. 70 Mid-Boss x1 Lv. 65 Strigoi x3 This battle is possibly the best place to level up so far; the entire field has a EXP+100% effect, and Mid-Boss gives a huge amount of exp to whoever kills him. There are only four enemies here of reasonable strength, and killing them nets you a healthy amount of experience. Battle 2 -------- Enemies: Lv. 65 Angel Soldier x1 Lv. 60 Angel Cadet x2 Lv. 55 Angel x6 Good lord. This map is one of those with warp on the entirety of the map. This means that your luck in this map is basically a crapshoot, because your position will be completely random once your characters are deployed. All I can say is, throw out everything you have and hammer the enemies with your strongest attacks. Battle 3 -------- Enemies: Lv. 65 Angel Soldier x1 Lv. 60 Angel Cadet x3 Lv. 60 Valkyrie x2 Lv. 57 Rune Knight x4 Lv. 55 Angel x3 This battle is somewhat hard, but you shouldn't have any problems if your characters are up to snuff. Get your characters onto the recovery tiles and allow the enemies to come to you. When they are close enough start hammering them. Some enemies will not move towards you while you stand on the recovery tiles though, so once youve properly regrouped, you can start a full-on assault on the leftovers. Be careful of the units with swords and spears, because they are quite dangerous and can cut your characters to ribbons. Long range attacks work well on this map, and again, keep your healers and spellcasters away from the frontlines, and you should do fine. Battle 4 -------- Enemies: Lv. 70 Crusader x1 Lv. 65 Angel Soldier x4 Lv. 60 Valkyrie x6 The main problem in this battle is the sheer level of the enemies. This is one of those 'gate' stages where if you arent past a certain level, there's nothing you can do to win. However, even if you're slightly underleveled you can get through this. First of all, what you want to do is take out a few mages and wall them off with your fighters. At this point you should kill enemies within range but wait for the bulk of their forces to come to you. Have your fighters unleash everything they have and then heal their SP afterwards so you can throw out more attacks with abandon. If you're strong enough you'll be able to blast through this stage with some casualties, but you'll still come out the other side whole. Battle 5 -------- Enemies: Lv. 75 Azhi Dahaka x1 Lv. 75 Sea Dragon x1 Lv. 75 Balrog x1 Lv. 75 Myrmecoleo x1 Lv. 75 Neuntoter x1 This battle is basically five powerful monsters against you. By this point, however, you can probably handle these guys without much problem as long as you stocked up on healing items and have a competent party of healers, fighters, and spellcasters. Throw out everything you have and you should do fine. Battle 6 -------- Enemies: Lv. 75 Avenger x3 Compared to the last two battles this is a complete joke. If you got through the last two, this battle shouldn't even strain you at all. Battle 7 -------- Enemies: Lv. 80 Archangel x1 Lv. 70 Crusader x4 Lv. 65 Angel Soldier x5 Lv. 60 Angel Cadet x3 Lv. 55 Angel x5 The main problem here is the boss, which is okay since we'll be saving him for last. When the battle begins take out your strongest characters and kill off any enemies near your deployment panel. This will probably be the Angels, which should be a total joke. Make your way slowly through the map, luring the other enemies to you and taking them out methodically, until only the boss character is left. You'll want to focus on one unit at a time and take units out in one turn, because otherwise they might heal. Regroup when only the boss is left. Anyway, once those pesky enemies are gone, it's time to face the true enemy here, the Archangel. Whatever you do, do NOT line up your characters, because one of his special attacks hits a line, and it hits incredibly hard. By this point you will want to unleash everything you have on the boss. Only stop to heal if you really need to because he has 10,000 (!) HP, which is no joke. Even if you suffer heavy losses you'll want to keep at him. Eventually he'll fall. Battle 8 -------- Enemies: Lv. 90 Seraph x1 Lv. 75 Avenger x5 Fittingly, this battle is possibly the hardest in the story. What you want to do is setup first; have mages cast buffing spells like Braveheart on your units. Secondly you'll want to slowly inch forward and lure in some Avengers. Take them out quickly, then when only the boss is left, try to regroup and heal up. If you have a thief I suggest stealing the boss' items to remove the boosts he gets. Otherwise you can have characters lift him up, which end up killing the characters but preventing him from moving for one turn. If you do this continuously for, say, three turns, he should be close enough to death that your remaining fighters can easily finish him off. Again, wall off your healers and spellcasters so that he can't reach them without going through your powerhouse fighters. Once you finish this map, victory - and the ending - will be yours. Sit back and enjoy the ending, you deserve it. ======================================================================= V. VERSION HISTORY [DHVer] ======================================================================= NEXT TIME I WILL ADD: -Item lists for weapons/armor/items/etc. +++ 1.0 +++ -First Version -Finished story mode walkthrough ======================================================================= VI. CREDITS [DHCre] ======================================================================= -GameFAQs, for making this site, which I use a lot.