______________________________________________ Game: Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness System: Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) Author: Klasa Sokata ______________________________________________ ___________________ Table of Contents ___________________ 1. Introduction 2. Legal Disclaimer 3. Basics 3a. Controls 3b. Menus 3c. Battle 3d. Weapon types 3e. Mentor / Pupil 4. Characters 4a. Plot Characters 4b. Human Type Characters 4c. Monster Type Characters 5. Main Game Walkthrough 5a. Episode 1: Prince of the Netherworld 5b. Episode 2: Enter Flonne 5c. Episode 3: A Hint of Kindness 5d. Episode 4: Gift from an Angel 5e. Episode 5: Etna's Secret 5f. Episode 6: Laharl's Challenge 5g. Episode 7: On Being an Overlord 5h. Episode 8: Reincarnation 5i. Episode 9: Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth 5j. Episode 10: Angels, Demons, and Humans 5k. Episode 11: Hero's Will, Overlord's Way 5l. Episode 12: War of the Netherworld, Part 1 5m. Episode 13: War of the Netherworld, Part 2 5n. Final Episode: What Lies Beyond The Battle 6. Optional Levels 6a. Item World 6b. Prinny Land 6c. Cave of Ordeal 6d. Human World 6e. Alternate Netherworld 6f. Beauty Castle 6g. Baal Castle 7. Misc 7a. Dark Assembly 7b. Hospital 7c. Etna's Hidden Room 8. Endings 9. Etna Mode 9a. Episode 1: Super Dimensional Etna 10. Item List 10a. Weapons 10b. Armor 10c. Etc 11. FAQ 12. Contact Information 13. Version History 14. Credits ___________________ 1. Introduction ___________________ Well hello there! This is Klasa, and this here is my first guide ever, though I'm happy to make my first walkthrough one for such a fun game as Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness. And a rather long game too, as it will most likely drain 100s of hours of your time completing the various endings, optional dungeons, going for the ultimate weapons, and etc. There is a lot to do in Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, and I hope you enjoy yourself doing it all. So with that all said, let's get onto the reason you're here! ______________________ 2. Legal Disclaimer ______________________ Or maybe after I get this done and over with... In any case, you can NOT put this FAQ / Walkthrough onto your site without my permission, and if I do let you put it on your site, you may not change anything in it at ALL! Now if you want to get my permission, then all you'll have to do is email me and give me a link to your site, and then I'll reply with whether or not you're permitted to use my Walkthrough. Also, if I give you permission to use it, no money is to be INVOLVED at all! This guide is free for all to read and use, and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is anyone to pay money to use it! Now with all that said, feel free to email me for permission so long as you'll follow all those rules. Just look to the end of this guide for my email information. _____________ 3. Basics _____________ Well, as Disgaea is a Turned Based Strategy RPG, knowing the basics will probably help you to play the game better, and heck, it definately can't hurt. For those unfamilar with this type of game genre, you basically take turns moving and attacking with your units on a battlefield. In this game, you can deploy up to 10 different units at once, though typically your enemies will have more units on the field then you, usually around twice as many, though on certain levels it can even be close to three times as many! So tactics play a key role in winning each battle. _______________ 3a. Controls _______________ Knowing the controls are essential, and I know not all of you will still have their manutals, so... Here you go! Directional Buttons: Character and Cursor Movement; Basically, it moves Laharl in the castle, and move the cursor in the menus and battlefield. Analog Stick: See above O (Circle) Button: Cancel; Need I explain this? It's for when you change your mind. X Button: Confirm, Advance Message Box; I hope I don't have to explain this either, but it's for making decisions, and moving along the story during dialogue. Triangle Button: Brings up Menu; Yeah... pretty self explanatory I think. Square Button: Change pages in Status Window, and change direction character is facing while on battlefield; Okay, maybe that isn't what it says in the manual... but I feel that's easier to understand. L (Left Shoulder) Button: Rotate Area Map counter-clockwise; Moves your view of the battlefield counter-clockwise. Holding onto Square Button and then pressing L Button: Zooms in and out while on the battlefield. R (Right Shoulder) Button: Rotate Area map clockwise; Moves your view of the battlefield clockwise... Basically just the opposite of the L Button. Holding onto Square Button and then pressing R Button: Move crusor to unused character on Area Map; Moves the crusor to a character who either hasn't moved, preformed an action, or both. Or to your Base Panel if you haven't deployed all 10 units, or to the next floor panel if in Item World. Start Button: Isn't used Select Button: Turns off or on Geo Panel view; Just to note, even if you turn off the view, the effects of the Geo Panels still work... more on that later. _______________ 3b. Menus _______________ Ah, menus. Can't really play a game without them, can we? As for the Dark Assembly and Item World Menus... I'll discuss those in their own sections. Let's go over the main menu while in the castle first, yes? It goes like this... Item Equip Status Rearrange Help Settings Quit Save Let's go over them starting from the top, shall we? Mind you, Rearrange and Help will appear as ????? and ???? at first, respectively. The Item menu is where you can see all your held items, items currently not equipped to units or in the warehouse, on the left menu, items in your warehouse in the middle menu, and the highlighted item's statistics in the right menu. Now you can only carry 16 items at a time, but you can store up to 256 items in the warehouse. Held Items can be used in battle, while items in your warehouse can not. So think carefully about which items you want to take into battle with you. The Equip menu is self explanatory I think. You just choose items from your held items or warehouse and equip them to your character. Each character can only equip one weapon and three other types of equipment, ranging from armor to shoes to even glasses. The Status menu just... shows you your character's status. First page shows their stats, such as current and max hp, attack, etc. Also shows their Weapon Mastery levels, current level with each weapon type, and their Aptitude levels. I'll go into more details about weapons soon, but as for Aptitude, it basically shows a percentage after a basic stat, like hp or def, and that shows you how much each stat boosts a character from their items... Bascially, if it's 100% and your armor gives 100 def, you'll get 100 def from wearing it. On the other hand, if you only have 50% aptitude for def, then you'd only get 50 def from wearing that 100 def armor. So yeah, choose your equipment based upon your character's aptitude levels. Ah, well now that that's explained... Page two shows you elemental resists, and the higher the percent, the less damage that element of magic does to you. And of course, a percent in the negatives means you take extra damage. Then we have your status ailment resists, which will all most likely be 1. It goes on a scale from 1 (always affects) to 99 (never effects). Only way to increase either of these two is from item specialists, which will be explained later. Page three shows your current mana, that character's Mentor, and the pupils of that character. Again, all that will be explained in another section. And finally, page four will show you all the special skills and magic that character knows, along with their sp cost and current skill level. Whew, that sure was a lot for one menu... next up is the Rearrange menu, which is just basically moving the order of your units around. Has no real importance aside from making it faster to choose the characters you want to use in battle and equiping items. Then we have the Help menu, which teaches you the basics of the game. Not really too useful to you if you're reading this though. But hey, can't hurt to look through it, especially since it's right there in the game, and you can't be next to a computer all the time. Then we have the Settings Menu, which is just the options menu. You can adjust volume levels for music, voices, and sound effects, change the language from English to Japanese, and a few other things. As for Quit and Save, they aren't really menus, but I'll explain them anyways. Quit just... quits the game without saving and takes you back to the main menu. Never use this unless you've already saved, or don't want to save. And save just... let's you save the game, nothing else. Oh, and a bit down from the save option will be a window displaying your current HL, which is the currency used for shops. A lot to take in, but it will become second nature after a while. Next up is the menu during battle, which looks like this... Turn # Execute End Turn Bonus Character Help Quit Settings Now turn isn't really a selectable menu, but merely shows you how many turns you've taken in the current battle. Execute will have any actions you've queued be preformed. Just remember, once you execute them, there's no changing your mind and going back. End Turn just... ends your turn. And don't worry, all queued actions are done before your turn ends. Bonus shows all the items you can get depending on how many bars of the bonus gauge you fill up. More on that later. Character will take you to a menu showing all the characters currently on the battlefield, and where they are on the battlefield if you highlight them. Help, Quit, and Settings all work exactly the same as the ones in the castle menu. ______________ 3c. Battle ______________ Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Knowing the basics for battle will probably be the thing you chould concentrate on learning to do well first. But don't worry, that's what I'm here for, right? So let's get started! Basically, battles start with all of your opponents already on the field and none of your characters on the field. And sometimes there may be Geo Panels and Symbols as well, but more on that in a bit. Now all you'll have on the field is your base panel, which is a glowing blue square. From this square you can move out all of your characters, or move them back in if you wish to switch them out for someone else later in the battle. Though to bring them back in, they can't have preformed any actions, unless you decide to throw them in, though that uses up another character's action for that turn. Anyways, with the exception of one level and item world, the goal of each battle is to kill all of your opponents. Now how far each unit can move is based upon what type of character they are, and their equipment, for shoe items increase their maximum movement. Along with movement, you can also do one of the following a turn. Attack, which is just attacking with your equipped weapon, though if you have allies placed next to your attacking unit, there will be a chance of a team attack. The exact change of doing it depends on various things, such as whether they are a pupil, mentor, etc. Special, which is using either magic or a special weapon technique, both of which cost SP. Lift / Throw, which is picking up an ally or enemy and then throwing them. Note that monsters can't use this command. Also note that throwing an enemy onto another enemy combines their levels, with the higher level one remaining on the field with the combined levels. And a final note on lifting and throwing, but if you throw a monster opponent into your base panel, it will engage in battle with all the units not deployed, and if your units win, that monster will now become one of your units, though you'll have to heal it at the hospital of course. If the monster wins though, all your undeployed units are killed, and your base panel is destroyed and gone for the rest of that battle. Defend, which just makes you take less damage that turn. And finally, Item, which uses an item. You can also change equipment as well, but only if you do not do any of the previous actions, aside from movement. Now for Geo Panels, they are actually rather simple once you get used to them. Geo Panels are basically colored panels found in some battles, and when a character stands on one, they can received a variety of bonuses and penalties, depending on which Geo Symbols are on the panels. Geo Symbols come in various colors as well, along with null. Along with a color, they have various effects, such as increase ATK, decrease DEF, Clone, and etc. Now you can destroy Geo Panels if you don't like their effects, and you even get EXP for breaking them! Now if you break a Geo Panel that is a different color then the panel it is on, say a Blue Geo Symbol on a red panel, then all the red panels will turn blue. Now if you break a Null Geo Symbol, it won't change the color of the panels, but will actually destroy the panels, and if you destroy all the Geo Panels in a map, you'dd get bonus Bonus Gauge, and even cause some extra damage to all opponents in the map. Also, if you can create a chain of Geo Panel color changes, you'll earn a huge amount of Bonus Gauge. In a nutshell, Geo Panels and Symbols are THE way to get items on the Bonus Gauge. And let's not forget Combos, which is basically just having all your characters gang up on one opponent for extra damage and bonus gauge. Basically, you just queue up a bunch of attacks or spells on one opponent and after you'd got them all set, you just execute them. It pays to have the weakest characters go first, as the bonus to damage and hit chance goes up more the longer the chain. ____________________ 3d. Weapon types ____________________ Weapons, you just can't seem to have a game without a weapon of some type. Now here's all you'll need to know about the various weapons in the game. Of course, you could just ask Longinus about the various weapons in the game... Axes ________ Ah, Axes. The strongest weapon type in the game, with damage based upon your ATK stat, but they come with a penality to your hit too, which increases with the strength of the axe.A good weapon, one which I love to give to Ronin or Warriors. Oh, and did I mention that all the Axe techniques also lower your opponents DEF? Even if they all can only hit one opponent, it's just perfect for bosses or very strong enemies. Lvl. 1 Boulder Crush : Hits an opponent in front of you twice for about 110% normal damage and lowers their DEF about 10%. Lvl. 3 Skull Splitter : Hits an opponent in front of you four times for about 130% normal damage and lowers their DEF about 12%. Lvl. 6 Colossal Fissure: Hits an opponent in front of you three times for about 150% normal damage and lowers their DEF about 15%. Lvl. 10 Violent Storm : Hits an opponent in front of you six times for about 170% normal damage and lowers their DEF about 18%. Now that the space behind your opponent has to be free to use this attack. Lvl. 15 Graviton Bomb : Hits an opponent in front of you once for about 190% normal damage and lowers their DEF about 20%. It's also Fire element, so big damage against enemies with fire weakness. Lvl. ?? Calamity Drive : Err... haven't gotten this yet, but should be stronger then the other skills I'd think. Besides, I doubt you'll get this during your first run of the game... Swords _________ Swords are a great weapon choice as well, and is the weapon of choice for the main character Laharl. Well, I suppose you could have Laharl use a spear, axe, bow, or fists, but... Trust me, swords are a great choice of weapon, especially for Laharl. They have good damage which is only beat by axes, and a great variety of skills. And like all the melee weapons, damage is calcuted based upon your ATK stat. Lvl. 1 Blade Rush : Hits the three spaces in front of you for about normal damage. Note that you need four panels in front of you to use this attack, but only the 4th must be free. Lvl. 3 Hurricane Slash : Hits a single enemy in front of you twice for about 130% normal damage. Lvl. 6 Wind Cutter : Hits the spaces three to five panels in front of you for about 120% normal damage. Lvl. 10 Winged Slayer : Hits a 3x3 radius in front of you for about 110% normal damage. Note that you need the panel 3 spaces behind you to be free. Lvl. 15 Nightsever : Hits one enemy in front of you twice for about 170% normal damage. Lvl. ?? Dimension Slash : Err... haven't gotten this yet... Spears _________ Spears are actually the weakest of the four melee weapons, though not much weaker then Fists. Why would you want to use Spears then if they are so weak? Well, if you're going to collect all the weapons, you get a nice Legendary Spear for getting a lvl 25 in spears with someone, and Etna is just great at using them, so why not? Plus they can attack from two spaces away or diagonally, which is just so useful. Also, almost all of the spear skills move the user a bit, so useful in some situations. Damage is based upon your ATK stat like all melee weapons. Lvl. 1 Impaler : Hits the opponent in front of you for about 110% normal damage and also moves you one space back. This requires the space behind you to be free. Lvl. 3 Sky Lunge : Hits the opponent in front of you for about 130% normal damage and moves you to the space behind your opponent. This requires the space behind your opponent to be free. Lvl. 6 Asteroid Drop : Hits every enemy around you for about 110% normal damage and moves you three spaces from the spot you used the move. Requires a space three panels away to be free. Lvl. 10 Avalanche : Hits a single enemy for about 170% normal damage and moves you four spaces back. This move requires the panel four spaces back to be free. Lvl. 15 Turbulence : Yep, you guessed it, don't have this one. Lvl. ?? Spear Storm : Yet again, don't have this one yet... Fists ________ Fists, what's there to say really? It's the third weakest melee weapon, beating only spears in power. But while spears have that extra attack range to make you consider using them, fists instead also increase your HIT stat along with your ATK stat as they get stronger. Their skills however tend to move your opponents around a bit, which can be useful sometimes, but also makes them terrible for combos. And yes, damage is based upon your ATK stat. Lvl. 1 Triple Strike : Hits one opponent in front of you three times for about 120% normal damage and knocks them back one space. Requires the space behind your opponent to be free. Lvl. 3 Tiger Charge : Hits one enemy in front of you for about 140% damage and knocks them back one space. This move requires the space behind your enemy to be free, along with the two behind you. Lvl. 6 Lion's Roar : Hits all the spaces around your character for about 110% normal damage. Requires the space three panels behind your character to be free. Lvl. 10 King of Beasts : Hits one enemy in front of you 11 times for about 160% normal damage. Also knocks them back 2 spaces. Requires the space 2 panels behind your opponent to be free. Lvl. 15 Rising Dragon : Hits one enemy in front of you 2 times for about 180% damage and also knocks them behind you. Requires the two spaces behind your character to be free. Lvl. ?? Big Bang : Aside from the obvious DBZ reference... Not much else I can say about it, as I'm afraid I don't have this one yet... Bows ________ Ah, bows, known to be perhaps the most hated of the ranged weapons, though considering there are only two of them, not too much of an accomplishment. Now there are a few reasons as to why bows pale in comparison to the other ranged weapon, guns, and here they are. Now first, guns have longer range, and if you're going for a ranged weapon, then you want long range. And second, bows have an awful damage formula. Instead of something simple like the melee damage formula, which is based solely on ATK stat, bows are as followed. 1/2 ATK + 1/2 HIT = Base Damage... Yeah, that's simple, not! So don't expect to be doing much damage with bows. Why use them at all then? Well, they're about the only weapon Archers are great with, and if you want Angels, then you need to have at least one Archer. Oh, and perhaps the one good thing about bows is that their skills tend to add status alignments... but eh, not really that much of a good thing. Lvl. 1 Poison Arrow : Hits one enemy 3 spaces in front of you for about 110% normal damage and may cause poison. Lvl. 3 Dark Flash : Hits the enemies 2-4 spaces in front of you for about normal damage and sometimes causes deprave. Lvl. 6 Delta Split : Hit the enemy two spaces in front of you for about 140% damage and also a chance of causing sleep. Needs an awkward two spaces diagonal of your enemy to be free. Lvl. 10 Sturmhimmel : Hits a horizontal line of 3 enemies 2 spaces in front of you for about 120% normal damage. Also may cause paralysis. Lvl. 15 Zielregen : Not in possession of this skill yet... Lvl. ?? Doppleganger : Do not have this one yet either... Guns ________ Now guns are the ranged weapon of choice. They have good range, good damaging skills, good normal damage, and a SIMPLE damage formula. I mean it's just HIT = base damage, not that complicated 1/2 ATK + 1/2 HIT = base damage like bows. Well... not much else to say really, only that if you're going to use a ranged weapon, make it guns! Lvl. 1 Tri-Burst : Hits one enemy 3 spaces in front of you 3 times for about 110% normal damage. Is an ice element attack. Lvl. 3 Rapidfire : Hits one enemy 4 spaces in front of you 7 times for about 120% normal damage. Is a fire element attack and requires the panel in front of your enemy to be free. Lvl. 6 Proximal Shot : Hits one enemy in front of you for about 140% normal damage. Also knocks you back 3 spaces, and requires those 3 spaces to be free. Lvl. 10 Bullet Storm : Hits on enemy 3 spaces in front of you 17 times for about 150% normal damage. Lvl. 15 Totenkreuz : Yet another I don't have... Lvl. ?? Inferno : And the final weapon skill I don't have... Staffs __________ Staffs are technically melee weapons, but I would hope you don't use them as such. Unlike the other weapons, staffs don't get any weapon skills. Why use them then? Well, if you give them to a mage or Flonne, it will increase their damage and range with magic, and even give bonus spell patterns with a high enough weapon level, so be sure to gives all your magi staffs! _____________________ 3e. Mentor / Pupil _____________________ Yes, yes. I know you're all eager to get to the walkthrough, but here is the last section of the basics you need to understand to play well. And it's a short one too, as there's not much to say. Mentors are basically the character who makes a new character in Dark Assembly, and these new characters who are made become the Pupils to the one who made them. Now the main benefit of this is that Mentors can learn any magic spell their Pupil knows by standing next to them and casting it until it reaches skill level 1. So you could teach Laharl Heal, or Etna Mega Wind for example. And that's it. Short, wasn't it? ______________________ 4a. Plot Characters ______________________ Coming soon to a walkthrough near you..... _____________________________ 4b. Human Type Characters _____________________________ Well, here are the Human Type Characters, and the ones you'll most likely be using, especially if you're following my walkthrough. And I'll eventually add in the In-Game descriptions for the classes, and all the different aptitude level and weapon proficiencies for all of the different rank of each class, but for now I'll only list the aptitude and weapon proficiencies levels for the first rank of each class, as those will be the only ones you'll be using should you follow this walkthrough. Of course, I'll try to add the rest soon for those of you who are in their second playthroughs and such. But let's move on then, yes? __________________ Brawler (male) __________________ Brawler Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : A HP : 100% HP : 16 Sword: E SP : 50% SP : 5 Spear: E ATK: 100% ATK : 12 Bow : E DEF: 50% DEF : 4 Gun : E INT: 60% INT : 6 Axe : E SPD: 100% SPD : 12 Staff: E HIT: 100% HIT : 12 RES: 50% RES : 4 Mv : 6 Counter: 2 Brawlers are a good melee class, plus the only one really good with fists at the beginning of the game. At least until you unlock Ninjas, for which you will need a male Brawler to unlock, as well for the Majin too. ___________________ Brawler (female) ___________________ Brawler Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : A HP : 100% HP : 16 Sword: E SP : 50% SP : 5 Spear: D ATK: 100% ATK : 12 Bow : E DEF: 50% DEF : 4 Gun : E INT: 50% INT : 6 Axe : E SPD: 100% SPD : 12 Staff: E HIT: 100% HIT : 12 RES: 60% RES : 4 Mv : 6 Counter: 2 There really isn't much different between the male and female Brawlers, aside from the males having better INT, and the females having better RES, and a D in spears oddly enough. So which should you choose then? Personally, I'd say start with both, as you need a female Brawler for the Ronin class, but after you unlock it, just say goodbye to your female Brawler as you really will only need one, and that will be your male one as you need to get him to lvl 200. __________________ Warrior (male) __________________ Warrior Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : E HP : 100% HP : 14 Sword: A SP : 60% SP : 6 Spear: C ATK: 100% ATK : 11 Bow : D DEF: 100% DEF : 8 Gun : E INT: 70% INT : 8 Axe : A SPD: 80% SPD : 11 Staff: E HIT: 80% HIT : 11 RES: 70% RES : 8 Mv : 5 Counter: 1 Ah, Warriors. Great with swords and axes, at least the male ones, and unlike Brawlers they have great DEF and okay RES. Now they start off with less ATK then Brawlers, but they're proficient in stronger weapons, so it evens out. Now you need to get one of these boys to lvl 200 for Majin as well, but even if you didn't, they're a great melee class. ___________________ Warrior (female) ___________________ Warrior Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : E HP : 100% HP : 14 Sword: A SP : 60% SP : 6 Spear: A ATK: 100% ATK : 11 Bow : D DEF: 100% DEF : 8 Gun : E INT: 60% INT : 8 Axe : C SPD: 80% SPD : 11 Staff: E HIT: 80% HIT : 11 RES: 80% RES : 8 Mv : 5 Counter: 1 Again, not much difference between female and male Warriors. Females have better RES again, but worse Int then the males, and also have an A in spears instead of axes, though personally the only person I'd have use a spear is Etna. But hey, your choice really. Now you need to get a female Warrior and Brawler to lvl 10 to unlock the Ronin class, so again I recommand to make both versions of the Warrior, but to stick with the male version for the long term. ___________ Skulls ___________ Red, Green, & Blue Skull Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : E HP : 40% HP : 9 Sword: E SP : 100% SP : 13 Spear: E ATK: 50% ATK : 6 Bow : D DEF: 40% DEF : 3 Gun : D INT: 110% INT : 13 Axe : E SPD: 70% SPD : 10 Staff: S HIT: 80% HIT : 9 RES: 110% RES : 13 Mv : 4 Counter: 0 Skills / Spells learned: Lvl 1 : Fire / Wind / Ice Lvl 8 : Mega Fire / Wind / Ice Lvl 9 : Magic Boost Lvl 12 : Braveheart Lvl 20 : Giga Fire / Wind / Ice Lvl 40 : Omega Fire / Wind / Ice Lvl 100: Tera Fire / Wind / Ice Skulls, or the male version of the mage. They're a good class, and in fact I'd go with making one of each of the three elements at first, so you can unlock the Star Skull and then work on Prism and Galaxy Skulls. As the only real classes with offensive magic that can do great damage, thanks to their 110% aptitude in INT, can't go wrong with a few of them. _________ Magi _________ Red, Green, & Blue Mage Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : E HP : 40% HP : 9 Sword: E SP : 100% SP : 13 Spear: E ATK: 50% ATK : 6 Bow : D DEF: 40% DEF : 3 Gun : D INT: 110% INT : 13 Axe : E SPD: 80% SPD : 10 Staff: S HIT: 70% HIT : 9 RES: 110% RES : 13 Mv : 4 Counter: 0 Skills / Spells learned: Lvl 1 : Fire / Wind / Ice Lvl 8 : Mega Fire / Wind / Ice Lvl 9 : Magic Boost Lvl 12 : Braveheart Lvl 20 : Giga Fire / Wind / Ice Lvl 40 : Omega Fire / Wind / Ice Lvl 100: Tera Fire / Wind / Ice Yeah, aside from the slight difference in their SPD and HIT aptitudes, just read above in the Skulls section. Though maybe it's just me, but I prefer using Magi over Skulls... Oh wait, you do need to get at least one mage to lvl 10 for the Knight class, but trust me, the Knight class is terrible... though you do need it for the Angel class... _________________ Cleric (male) _________________ Cleric Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : E HP : 70% HP : 12 Sword: E SP : 100% SP : 12 Spear: E ATK: 80% ATK : 10 Bow : B DEF: 60% DEF : 4 Gun : D INT: 100% INT : 12 Axe : E SPD: 70% SPD : 10 Staff: S HIT: 80% HIT : 11 RES: 100% RES : 11 Mv : 4 Counter: 0 Skills / Spells learned: Lvl 1 : Heal Lvl 7 : Espoir Lvl 9 : Shield Lvl 10 : Mega Heal Lvl 15 : Magic Wall Lvl 25 : Giga Heal Lvl 50 : Omega Heal I'll just be frank about this... Here is a class to never use! Really, the female is superior in everything important for the cleric class, and you need her to unlock the Angel, while this guy here is needed for nothing! I mean he has less HP, DEF, and SPD in exchange for higher ATK and HIT? Why? He's not a melee class, he's a healer! Like I've said, just ignore him and go for the female cleric. ___________________ Cleric (female) ___________________ Cleric Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : E HP : 80% HP : 13 Sword: E SP : 100% SP : 12 Spear: E ATK: 70% ATK : 9 Bow : B DEF: 70% DEF : 5 Gun : D INT: 100% INT : 12 Axe : E SPD: 80% SPD : 11 Staff: S HIT: 70% HIT : 10 RES: 100% RES : 11 Mv : 4 Counter: 0 Skills / Spells learned: Lvl 1 : Heal Lvl 7 : Espoir Lvl 9 : Shield Lvl 10 : Mega Heal Lvl 15 : Magic Wall Lvl 25 : Giga Heal Lvl 50 : Omega Heal Right, well I've already said what I've needed about her in the male cleric's section, so just use her for your healing needs. Oh, and you need to get her to lvl 100 to unlock Angels, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. __________ Ninja __________ Ninja Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : S HP : 100% HP : 15 Sword: B SP : 70% SP : 7 Spear: C ATK: 100% ATK : 12 Bow : D DEF: 80% DEF : 6 Gun : E INT: 80% INT : 9 Axe : A SPD: 110% SPD : 18 Staff: E HIT: 100% HIT : 13 RES: 70% RES : 8 Mv : 6 Counter: 3 Ah, the Ninja. To unlock him, you need to get a male Warrior and male Brawler both to lvl 10, and trust me, you'll be happy you did it. They are the ultimate Fist user for your first playthrough, and probably your next few ones too. Also, take note of their SPD aptitude, 110%. Why is that important you ask? Well, thanks to that you can increase their SPD to incredible amounts! And if your SPD is high enough, then you can avoid melee attacks, and even magic! Just to note however, that this applies to magic you cast on them too. So be prepared to see a miss appear sometimes when you try to heal them. But hey, when you're that fast, you're not going to need much healing. Oh, and he's one of the classes you need to get to lvl 200 for the Majins. __________ Ronin __________ Ronin Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : D HP : 100% HP : 16 Sword: S SP : 70% SP : 7 Spear: S ATK: 110% ATK : 14 Bow : D DEF: 100% DEF : 7 Gun : E INT: 70% INT : 8 Axe : S SPD: 100% SPD : 11 Staff: E HIT: 100% HIT : 14 RES: 70% RES : 9 Mv : 5 Counter: 2 If the Ninja is the ultimate Fist user for the first few playthroughs, then the Ronin is the ultimate Axe, Sword, and Spear user for them. She has S proficiencies in all three, and a 110% aptitude in ATK! In my opinion though, the best way to use them is with Axes, as they have the highest ATK, which is just multipled even more by her 110% aptitude! Yeah, you'll definately love this class, and it only takes having a lvl 10 female Brawler and Warrior to unlock her. ___________ Knight ___________ Knight Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : D HP : 80% HP : 14 Sword: B SP : 90% SP : 10 Spear: D ATK: 90% ATK : 10 Bow : D DEF: 60% DEF : 6 Gun : E INT: 90% INT : 11 Axe : C SPD: 70% SPD : 8 Staff: B HIT: 80% HIT : 9 RES: 90% RES : 10 Mv : 4 Counter: 0 Skills / Spells learned: Lvl 1 : Random 1st level elemental spell Lvl 6 : Magic Wall Lvl 7 : Magic Boost Lvl 9 : Shield Lvl 10 : Random Mega level elemental spell Lvl 10 : Braveheart Lvl 25 : Random Giga level elemental spell Lvl 50 : Random Omega level elemental spell Let me just say this. The only reason you'll ever even think about using this class is because you need to get one to lvl 100 for Angels. Otherwise they're terrible! Look at those aptitudes! Not even a single one reaches 100%! And then those proficiencies... not a single A! So yeah, just get one to lvl 100 and then never use her again. Oh, and by random elemental spell, I mean they get either Ice, Fire, or Wind at 1st level as their spell, and all the higher level ones they get later on will be the same element as their first one. __________ Archer __________ Archer Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : E HP : 70% HP : 13 Sword: E SP : 70% SP : 7 Spear: D ATK: 100% ATK : 11 Bow : S DEF: 70% DEF : 7 Gun : D INT: 70% INT : 9 Axe : E SPD: 100% SPD : 12 Staff: D HIT: 110% HIT : 14 RES: 70% RES : 8 Mv : 4 Counter: 0 If you're ever going to use Bows, or try to unlock Angels, then you'll need an Archer. Unlocking her is rather easy, just give your cleric a bow and have her reach a lvl 3 proficency with it and there you go. Much easier then those EDF Soldiers... but anyways, they're great with bows, and are used to unlock Angels at lvl 100... not much else to say. _________ Scout _________ Scout Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : D HP : 90% HP : 13 Sword: D SP : 60% SP : 7 Spear: C ATK: 80% ATK : 10 Bow : D DEF: 70% DEF : 5 Gun : A INT: 80% INT : 8 Axe : C SPD: 100% SPD : 12 Staff: D HIT: 110% HIT : 15 RES: 80% RES : 7 Mv : 6 Counter: 1 Skills / Spells learned: Lvl 1 : Geo Change Lvl 1 : Dark Cannon Ah, Scouts will be your resident Gunman. With an A in Guns, and 110% aptitude in HIT, there's really no other weapon to give them then guns. Now to unlock him, you just need to get a warrior and brawler to lvl 5, simple isn't it? Now maybe I should explain Geo Change and Dark Cannon while I'm at it. Geo Change is an interesting ability that changes all the Geo Panels and Symbols on the current battle, or adds them if there aren't any. Useful for getting those bonus guage items. Note however that you can't use this on a Story Map you haven't cleared at least once. Dark Cannon makes a turrent that lets you shoot your enemies for one turn. Note however that after that, it becomes a neutral character who will attack both you and your enemies. Not too useful in my opinion. And yes, you need to get him to lvl 200 for Majins. _________ Rogue _________ Rogue Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : E HP : 60% HP : 9 Sword: D SP : 50% SP : 4 Spear: E ATK: 60% ATK : 7 Bow : E DEF: 40% DEF : 3 Gun : D INT: 60% INT : 7 Axe : E SPD: 100% SPD : 9 Staff: E HIT: 100% HIT : 9 RES: 50% RES : 3 Mv : 5 Counter: 0 Now, I'm sure you're thinking... why should I even use this class? Just look at his stats, aptitudes, and proficiencies! Yes, the Rogue is a terrible class for combat, but that's not why you make one silly. You make them so you can steal items from your enemies, and even bosses! Of course, to be useful at stealing anything, you need to get them some levels... which means having them kill enemies or be on the map when you earn an EXP bonus from the bonus guage. Still, it's worth the trouble for the ability to steal items. Plus, you need one at lvl 200 for Majins _______________ EDF Soldier _______________ ??? Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : ??? HP : ??? HP : ??? Sword: ??? SP : ??? SP : ??? Spear: ??? ATK: ??? ATK : ??? Bow : ??? DEF: ??? DEF : ??? Gun : ??? INT: ??? INT : ??? Axe : ??? SPD: ??? SPD : ??? Staff: ??? HIT: ??? HIT : ??? RES: ??? RES : ??? Mv : ??? Counter: ??? Yeah, to unlock these guys you need a 30! level proficiney in guns with one character... Yeah, I'll fill this in when I actually unlock the class. _________ Angel _________ ??? Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : ??? HP : ??? HP : ??? Sword: ??? SP : ??? SP : ??? Spear: ??? ATK: ??? ATK : ??? Bow : ??? DEF: ??? DEF : ??? Gun : ??? INT: ??? INT : ??? Axe : ??? SPD: ??? SPD : ??? Staff: ??? HIT: ??? HIT : ??? RES: ??? RES : ??? Mv : ??? Counter: ??? Yeah, I haven't unlocked angel class yet... but all you need to do to unlock it is get a female cleric, archer, and knight to level 100. I'm close to that, so expect to see this section filled in soon! _________ Majin _________ ??? Weapon Proficiencies Aptitude Base Stats Fist : ??? HP : ??? HP : ??? Sword: ??? SP : ??? SP : ??? Spear: ??? ATK: ??? ATK : ??? Bow : ??? DEF: ??? DEF : ??? Gun : ??? INT: ??? INT : ??? Axe : ??? SPD: ??? SPD : ??? Staff: ??? HIT: ??? HIT : ??? RES: ??? RES : ??? Mv : ??? Counter: ??? Majins on the other hand are a bit harder to unlock, but in contrast, are stronger then Angels. To unlock them, you need to get a Scout, Rogue, Ninja, male Brawler, and male Warrior all to level 200! Yeah... I'll get this section filled in as soon as I unlock them. _______________________________ 4c. Monster Type Characters _______________________________ Coming soon to a walkthrough near you..... _____________________________ 5. Main Game Walkthrough _____________________________ Ah, finally! The actual Walkthrough section of the guide! Now this is a strategy game mind you, and thus there is a certain element of... randomness involved, but so long as you follow my guide precisely, you shouldn't encounter any problems. Of course, you could also merely use my guide as a... well, guide only and try to do some things differently, which is alright as well. Heck, you could even try and do things in a completely different way then me, but... why are you even reading this then? Oh, and I'll make no references at all to the story, aside from names of course, as I have to, so there will be minimal spoilers! Now onto the walkthrough! _____________________________________________ 5a. Episode 1: Prince of the Netherworld _____________________________________________ Okay, here we go! Now after watching the cutscene and gaining control over Laharl, here are a few things to do. First, make sure to talk with all of the NPCS each Episode. What they say changes, plus sometimes they even give you free items! Also, be sure to 'talk' to the back of the throne, and the skull on the counter near the weapon and item store. Pressing both of these buttons will open Etna's secret room, which must be visited once each Episode to unlock Etna Mode, and get a free item. To visit the room once both buttons are pressed, just 'talk' to the wall near the Prinny and Etna will enter. Then you read the new section of her Diary, and that's it. Right, well after you've talked to everyone go see the Dimensional Gatekeeper near the swirling portal to get started on the tutorial maps. Yeah, these should be easy enough that I don't have to tell you what to do... except do try to get Laharl or Etna to finish off the enemies, and not your prinnies. You won't be using them for long, and we want Laharl or Etna to get the Mana and exp from killing them. But other then that, have fun doing the Tutorial Maps! Right, well after you finish the Tutorial maps, go to the Dark Assembly and make the following three characters on either Laharl or Etna, or one on one, and two on the other, doesn't matter much. Anyways, make a cleric, female brawler, and female warrior. Now, as you can most likely only make Good-For-Nothings, take the 5 point penalty in ATK for the cleric, and in INT for the brawler and warrior. Now buy a sword for the warrior, a fist for the brawler, and a bow for the cleric from the shop. Oh, and don't forget to heal at the hospital. Now after doing all of this, head to the Dimensional Gatekeeper and go to Vyers Castle... Map 1: Magnificent Gate _______________________________ Ah, the first map, err... barring Tutorials anyways. Turn 1: Now then, here's what you do. First, you have your Brawler and Warrior break the yellow Geo Symbol. Remember to queue them both before executing, so that they do a combo and do extra damage. Then have Laharl throw the Blue Geo Symbol onto the yellow panels near you so that all the enemies you kill while standing on Yellow Panels give you an extra 50% EXP, now that's nice. Just have Etna and your cleric move up and end your turn. Why not use the prinnies too you may ask? Well, they're not really necessary, and they might accidently kill an enemy too. Plus, think of them as a safety net, in case all your other characters die you still have 3 more in reserve. Now the three enemies in the front will most likely be the only ones to move, and depending on how you moved Etna and your cleric, will try and swarm your cleric. Now, if two manage to attack your cleric, there is a good chance she'll survive with a little hp left, but if it's three, then she's most likely dead. I will assume she's still alive. Turn 2: so here's what you do now. If your Warrior and Brawler can both reach the same enemy, have them both attack and go for a combo again. Have the one who attacked last against the Geo Symbol go first this time, so the other one gets exp. Now Laharl most likely won't be able to reach any of your enemies, since the closest one to him was just killed by your warrior and brawler. Now here's a trick to moving a bit farther in certain situations. Have Laharl move back into your base panel and then move him again from there towards the enemy with the most hp and attack. If he kills it, then good. If it's still alive with a little hp, then kill it with your cleric. Now have Etna attack the last enemy and she should finish it off. If not, and your cleric still hasn't attacked yet, kill it with your cleric. Now, the most damage your cleric can do is about 2-4 depending on the bow you bought her, and in all honesty you only need to get about 1 kill with her at minimum, but feel free to go for more to get her exp. Now end your turn and watch as your enemies do nothing. Turn 3: Here we go! First, have your cleric use heal on herself and then move her forward. In fact, just have the rest of your characters move forward and then Defend. Not much else to do this turn. Now you'll be swarmed by every enemy who can reach you, which is why you defended. Turn 4+: Ouch, the enemy got some free hits on you, but don't worry, they won't be laughing for long. Have your cleric attack the skull and then have either your brawler or warrior finish off the Red Skull. If neither can reach him, have Laharl kill whatever enemy is in their way first so they can. At this point, there's not much else to say but to just kill the remaining enemies, healing when necessary. Try and get in Combos and Team Attacks whenever possible, and try to keep your cleric out of reach from your enemies. In a turn or two you should have won the battle with no deaths on your side if lucky, or maybe only the cleric if unlucky. Oh, and don't forget to heal after finishing the map at the hospital... Map 2: Blessed Court __________________________ Okay, before we start this map, take off the Imperial Seal and give it to your cleric and then go and pay the Hospital to get her at full HP and SP. Sure, this will weaken Laharl a bit, but he's stronger then everyone else even without his Imperial Seal, and this will ensure the cleric survives longer. Why didn't I make you do this before? Eh... no partiuclar reason, heh. Now onwards to battle! Turn 1: Okay, first have Laharl go and kill one of the two further enemies from the base panel. And if you haven't started using Team Attacks, then please do start. They do extra damage, don't waste any of your other character's movement or action for the turn, and when an enemy is killed by a team attack, the exp is shared by all of the characters. So there really isn't a reason not to, unless you're going for Combos, which honestly is better used on bosses where you really want the extra damage. But anyways... Have your Warrior or Brawler, whichever is lower level kill the other further Ghost that Laharl didn't attack. Should only be the two ghosts close to you left, and you have three characters left. However, if one of the other two survived, just ignore them for now, as the only ones they can attack are either Laharl, your Warrior, or your Brawler, and you want to ensure your cleric is safe first. So, have Etna attack one of the two near you, and then your Warrior or Brawler attack the other, with your cleric finishing off whichever one survives. With any luck, all 4 Ghosts will be killed in your first Turn, either by the end of your turn, or killed by a Counter attack after their turn. If not, then you'll have to kill them during your next turn, and then just end your turn immediately after. In these first maps, the enemy won't actively hunt you, but on later ones you never want to end turn without using all of your actions and movement, as the enemy never stops... Turn 2: Okay, if anyone leveled have your cleric cast heal on them and then get your Warrior and Brawler onto the two Yellow Geo Panels, throwing them if you have to. After they're on there, just defend and end turn. They will get ganged up on and hopefully survive, though will be in need of healing most likely. Turn 3: Alright, beat the living daylights out of the enemies who attacked you, which should be a simple task with the bonuses the panels give you. If you can't kill them all, just kill the ones you can and make sure not to get off those two panels, and be sure to heal anymore who gets low in hp. Once you get down to only having the two Hobbits on the far side of the map it's a garranteed victory, barring some stroke of bad luck. They won't move towards you unless you're in their attack range, so you'll have to bring the fight to them, one at a time of course. Once you finish the map, visit the hospital, SAVE in the event you haven't yet, and you really should save after every battle, and finally head for the next map. Map 3: Corridor of Love ____________________________ Not much to say really, except that if you've healed 100 points of HP in the hospital by now, then you're able to claim a free prize! A Muscle Brawn!An item that when equipped, increases your max HP. Ironic, huh? The hospital gives you free items like that when you heal set amounts of HP, SP, or deaths. Hmm... now that I think about it, you could be spending more SP by using weapon techniques, as I'm sure your characters have learned the lvl 1 ones by now... Well, they're useful, so get to using them! But do try not to waste them and leave yourself out of SP when they'd really be useful... Turn 1: Hmm... Now here you have two choices. You could break the Geo Panels for a little extra exp and to get some damage done to that single Ghost down on the blue panels... or you could leave them alone and use that area for free healing. I'll be taking the route of leaving the Geo Panels alone, so you're on your own if you choose to break them. Now the first order of business is to try and kill off the two Boggarts near your Base Panel. I'll leave how you do it up to you. Whether you use team attacks, combos, or weapon skills, just make sure to kill at least one of them and to weaken the other one at minimum. If one survived, he'll attack you after you end your turn, but if you're lucky, you'll kill him with a counter attack. Turn 2: This turn is simple, just try and get everyone into the blue panels, throwing them if you have to. If you have anyone with any attacks left after reaching them, feel free to attack the Ghost or Boggart near there. Now after this turn is over, the two Archers will come down and attack you as well, and if you're unlucky, you may lose a character, and if you're lucky, you may only have one or two hurt badly. Turn 3: The panels will heal your characters, though have your cleric heal anyone with less then 20 HP. Make sure to kill at least the Boggart before ending your turn. Turn 4: Killing the Archers can be troublesome. They're 4th level, which is higher then most of your characters by 1 most likely, and at this point that makes a big difference. Try your best to kill off at least one of the archers, and be sure to heal as well! And ignore that Ghost as well, since he won't attack. Attack, end turn, you know the drill. If you're unlucky, the two Boggarts and Warrior will come down to swarm your characters. Turn 5+: And I'm assuming they did swarm you. Move the injured into the blue panels and ensure the cleric has good HP, even if she must Heal herself. Try and finish off the archer if able, though there's a good chance she's out of reach because she moved behind her friends that just swarmed you. Just try to do as much damage as you can, move your more healthy characters out in the front and try to pull back your injured ones. And don't forget, you have healing items if you need them, and the shops are always selling them. At this point, just follow the above advise. The mage should have stayed behind so long as you didn't walk into her attack range, and the Ghost in the blue panels won't attack you, so once you kill the Archers, Boggarts, and Warrior the rest of the battle is simple. Just kill the mage, then go back and break the Geo Symbols, then kill the Ghost. Map 4: Hall of Caresses ________________________________ Well, that last battle was a tough one, eh? Especially with only 5 units, so... It's time to make some new ones! Also, are you utilizing the Mentor / Pupil benefits? Depending on who you had made the cleric, either Etna or Laharl should be able to cast heal so long as they're standing next to each other. Use heal enough times with them, and they can cast it anywhere, even if the cleric isn't close! Something to think about, along with buying more Mint Gums for HP healing. Oh, and I hope I didn't have to tell you to use the Hospital this time... oh wait, I still said it... Oh, and it might be a good idea to buy some armor for your characters too... at least one for the Brawler and for the Warrior, best you can afford for the two. Now then, go to the Dark Assembly and have your cleric create three mages, one of each element. Note that I say mage, not skull. Now, depending on her total mana, here's what you do. If it's 3-11 you make them as Good for nothings, if it's 12-21 you make one as an Incompetent and the rest as Good for nothings, if it's 22-32 you make two as Incompetents, and dang, your cleric has been getting a good amount of kills, and if it's 33+... Your cleric has been getting too many finishing blows, let some of your other characters get some exp! But yeah, those 3 mages should help nicely in the next battle, oh, and don't forget to get all three some staffs if you can afford them! And again, if you make Good for nothings, take the negatives in ATK, as it's useless to them. Ah, your first Boss Battle, you have two choices to make here, again. Now you can either attempt to beat the level normally... or you can lose, either on purpose or not. Why would you want to lose you ask? Because losing in this battle gets you the Mid-Boss ending, which would then show the credits, ask you to save, and unlock the music which plays during the credits for purchase in the music shop, which is the Red Skull in the castle in case you haven't talked to him. Getting this ending now has the benefit of getting you some extra experience for your characters, as you have to restart the game after saving. It's your choice whether or not you do, but I'll be assuming you didn't go for the Mid-Boss ending, and hey, even if you do, that will just mean following my walkthough will be easier for you, though only by a little. Now, before we acutally do this map though, go back and redo one or two of the previous levels, so that your three mages can level up a little. After you get them to around 3 or 4 like your other characters, then you should start this one. And don't forget to claim your prizes from the Hospital! That 2nd Imperial Seal would be good to equip on Larharl right now... Turn 1: One important thing to note here is speed! Mid-Boss will only wait a few turns before marching off towards your group, and as a level 6 he is dangerous, and may be able to kill your weaker characters in one hit! Another thing to note is the mage and archer on those Geo Panels... stay away! Now then, the first thing to do is have Laharl destroy those Geo Symbols as they power up that Mage and Archer enough to kill any of your units. How do you get Laharl close enough though? Easy, First move your cleric to the space right in front of the base panel, then have Laharl appear on the base panel. Have your cleric throw Laharl as far forward as possible. Then have another character move up behind Laharl and throw him to the left, towards the Geo Symbols. You then have Laharl move towards the Geo Symbols and Blade Rush them. Yeah... they aren't destroyed. Unfortunately, Laharl shouldn't be strong enough to break them all in one attack... unless you've leveled him higher then all your other characters, which you shouldn't have done. You want them to all be around the same level you know. Anyways, have a character go pick up a nd throw that character you had throw Laharl towards Geo Symbols back into the Base Panel. Then have another character pick up that character and toss them towards the back, right next to the base panel. Now if you did all this right, all your characters are out of range of the instant death attacks of the mage, so end your turn. The two Boggarts will attack Laharl, but do little damage if you equipped that Imperial Seal on him, and that Boggart to the right will attack whatever character you used to throw that last one. Not much damage done. Turn 2: First, ignore the Boggarts near Laharl and finish off those Geo Symbols with another Blade Rush. Then have Laharl move back towards the Base Panel. Now remember those mages I had you make? Have them kill the mage from a range. The archer has too high of a RES for the mages to be able to kill her. Attack anyone else in your range and approach the small bridge, but don't go past it, only onto it at most. Now if you went onto the bridge at all, the warriors who can reach you will move and attack. Mid-Boss himself still will not move after this turn. Turn 3: Get to killing enemies quickly, because Mid-Boss starts moving around... Boss Tactics: Mid-Boss isn't too hard of a boss, once you eliminate his minions. Of course, you don't always get that chance, but on this level, you should be able to before confronting him. Once you've defeated all of them, approach Mid-Boss and try to entrap him by having your 4 melee characters go all around him so he can't move. He'll be forced to only attack one of your characters, which your cleric can heal each turn. You just continue comboing him until he dies... as quoted by Laharl, "So the basic idea is to just gang up on one person and beat the crap out of them." Or I think that's how he said it... been too long since I did Tutorial, and you can't redo them on your second playthrough... And that's it for Episode One, congrats! Onwards to Episode Two! ________________________________ 5b. Episode 2: Enter Flonne ________________________________ Okay, so it's the start of a new Episode! First things first, visit Etna's secret room and read her diary, then go to the weapon shop and buy the best gun you see there. Why? Well, you'll be making a new character to use it with soon. Then go buy a good armor too, yet again for the character you'll be making soon. Now with the money you have left, buy new weapons for your Brawler, Warrior, Etna, Cleric, or Laharl, in that order of importance. Do be sure to sell most of your old items as well, saving just that Common Sword Laharl started the game with. Why? Well, it will be important in Episode 3. Anyways, if after selling and buying weapons you still have some money left, just save it for now. Though in all seriousness, I'd expect you to be completely broke at this point, heh. Though then again, it wasn't like you were ever rich, but that's besides the point. After upgrading everyone's weapons, head to the Dimensional Gatekeeper and head for the first map! Map 1: Forsaken Land _________________________ Turn 1: Meh, not much to say. Just send out one character and end your turn. Oh, but it is very important that you get your Brawler and Warrior both to at least level 5 before this battle ends. Why? Well, you'll find out soon... but yeah, just wait for the Zombies to approach you and then kill them, while staying out of the Archers' range for now. Turn 2+: Again, not much to say. Just continue killing Zombies until they're all dead., healing when you need to. Now after the Zombies are all dead, heal and move two characters over towards the two high ice areas you can reach, preferably Enta and Laharl, who can then throw over your Brawler and Warrior so they can kill the two Archers and the Cleric over there. With any luck, that will be just enough to get them to level 5. And if they need healing, don't forget to do so with your cleric. But healing should be getting to be something you do without much thought by now, so I'll stop telling you to do so. As a rule of thumb, heal when ever below half HP. Right, well after that battle is over, head for the Dark Assembly and look at your Warrior and Brawler. Now have whichever one who has at least 20 mana create a new character for you, and it doesn't matter which makes the new character if they both have 20, but anyways, just make a Scout. And make sure he's an Incompetent, not a Good-For-Nothing. Put the bonus point into Hit and there you go, your 9th character for battle. Now that leaves you at 5 ranged units and 4 melee. What? You want to start using the full 10 characters in battle eh... well fine, go have your other character of the two who didn't make a character go ahead and make a Male Brawler. There, now you have ten characters. Just don't forget to buy him a weapon and some armor if you can afford it. In fact... if you haven't yet, take those three Amulets off your three Prinnies and equip them to any characters you see fit. Also, go ahead and sell their weapons too, not like you'll be needing them... Map 2: Icy Breath ______________________ What's this? I'm not suggesting you go level your new level 1s like last time? Well this level is really easy, as Zombies aren't exactly the strongest of enemies. Just be sure to try and get them in as many team attacks as possible, and try to let them deal the finishing blows so they get the exp and level, not much else to say. Turn 1: Yeah, just kill the three near you and end turn. Yep, that's right. I'll leave how you kill them up to you, just make sure they're all dead. You have 10 characters, so that's more then 3 for each Zombie, so have fun. Turn 2: Not much to do this turn. Just stay near your Base Panel and end turn. Turn 3: Same as above. Turn 4+: By now two Zombies should be close, so kill them. Then wait for the other two to approach you and kill them too. Then go after the last two, as they like to stay in that spot. By the end of this battle your Scout and male Brawler will hopefully be at least level 3, maybe even 4. Map 3: Eternal Winter __________________________ Right, this level introduces one of the most annoying enemies in the game, especially if your cleric doesn't have Espoir yet. They're the Gremlins and Imps. Why are they annoying? Their special attack, Hell Pepper, hits up to 3 of your characters for okay damage, with a good chance of Poison. And Poison is bad, very bad. Just remember not to leave your characters in any line formations, so that they can only target one at a time. Oh, and do try to kill them quickly. Turn 1: Ah, see those Zombies in nice Line Formations? They're just asking for Blade Rushes from your Warrior and Laharl, and spells from your mages who should have that spell pattern by now, at least if you've been using them to attack... But anyways, just try and kill the Zombies before the winged annoyances get there. If you can kill all six in one turn, then great! If not, then at least try to kill 4 of them at the minimum. Turn 2: Okay, the Imps and Gremlin will approach you, but should still be out of attack range for most of your characters. Maybe one or two of them could attack, but you're better off ensuring you're out of their attack range and just ending your turn. Turn 3+: Not much else to do. Just kill, kill, and kill! Map 4: White Death ________________________ Noticing a pattern? Map 4 and yet again, a boss battle. Albeit this time you have two bosses. A dragon... and Flonne. While the Dragon is level 8 and has close to 300 HP... Flonne herself is level 5 with around 40 HP. What's so dangerous about her then? The answer to that is simple, it's her power of love! Err... as in, her special spell, Power of Love. It heals everyone around her for a good amount, which means she can heal the dragon! So yeah, be careful of that. Boss Tactics: Alright, first things first. Rush out and try to kill the Imps as quickly as possible, followed by the Gremlins. Then have someone go kill the dragon, but if Flonne appraoches then kill her first. Now you should win, albeit with few characters left, heck, maybe even only Laharl still alive. But you should still be able to win. If you do lose though, then you might want to consider leveling your characters a little on one of the earlier maps. Either way, the battle will end somehow... But hopefully with you winning, and finishing Episode 2! Onwards to Episode 3! ________________________________________ 5c. Episode 3: A Hint of Kindness ________________________________________ Welcome to Episode 3! Don't forget to read the Diary, and then head off to the Dimensional Gatekeep to learn that you need to enter Item World before heading off to the first map of this Episode... So let me explain Item World a little. Basically, it's random battles on random maps with random Geo Panels and Geo Symbols and random enemies too. Yeah, always different, so you're on your own with those battles. Plus, unlike story battles... there is no visiting the hospital after each battle, as you can NOT leave it unless you use a special item, which the Dimensional Gatekeeper will give you 1 of, or reach a floor multiple of 10. Also, the stronger and better the item, the stronger and better the enemies you will encounter there, so be happy I had you save that Common Sword for this. And if you sold it... then you'll have to buy another one. Also, instead of killing all enemies, as it's sometimes impossible... you can just enter a portal that will take you to the next floor. Makes things simple, no? Now for each level of Item World you pass, that item you're in will gain a level, which will boost all of its stats, making it stronger. And if you beat the Item General on the 10th floor, it will get an extra stat boost. You can also get some really nice bonus gauge bonuses if you destroy all the Geo Panels, or barring that, cause a big chain of color changes. A useful tactic for that is to toss all of them onto one color and then break one, while making sure the Null Symbol is further away then all the other symbols so that it will go last in the chain. Of course, if you die it's game over like normal, and then everything you did in Item World will have to be redone... so yeah, be careful and go ahead and return to reading after you get that Common Sword to level 10. Oh, and do not use Flonne at all, or use her if you want, but this guide will be assuming you are not using her, and are in fact just taking away her equipment and giving it to your other characters to use. Why aren't you using Flonne? Well, it's a slight spoiler, but... Flonne can't be used against the final boss of the game, so you aren't going to use her. But anyways, just do Item World till level 10 for now. Hope you had fun doing item world. Personally I find it as one of the better ways to get exp and items during the first few times through the game. Now I hope you tried to keep everyone around the same level, in fact I am at least assuming all ten of your characters are at minimum level 6. Oh, and did your cleric reach level 3 with bows yet? If so, then switch that bow for a staff already, and never use bows again! Unless you decide to make an Archer some time in the future of course. Now with that said... on to the first map of Episode 3! Map 1: Gaudy Entrance __________________________ Turn 1: First things first, kill off those three Brawlers in front of you. Oh, and are you teaching your cleric elemental magic from your three mages? I would suggest doing so, that way she can be used for offense and defense. After they're dead, just end your turn as you can't reach anyone else for now. Turn 2: The enemy shouldn't have moved if you didn't get too close to them, so go ahead and kill the two archers, then end your turn. Turn 3: Not much else left, most, if not all of the remaining enemies should have charged you, so just kill the rest of them and finish the map. Map 2: Golden Courtyard ____________________________ Turn 1: See what you can do about killing all four of the Pugilists in front of you. If you can't, then it shouldn't be much of a problem as nothing can get past those Blue Geo Panels for now. If you don't kill them all this turn, just use another turn to kill them and then read Turn 2. Turn 2: Right, well most likely you were attacked by those two Pugilists with bows, so now it's time to show them they aren't so safe behind those Geo Panels. Just have someone destroy the Geo Symbol and then kill them. Turn 3: The last remaining enemies will probably charge you now, so just kill them and end the map. Map 3: Flashy Passage __________________________ Turn 1+: So many enemies, in fact this level has 21 of them, more then twice your numbers. Considering how many there are, and how small the level is... I'll leave it to you to decide how to kill them on. I will give this advice though. Kill the ones closest to you and leave the archers till last. Have fun. Map 4: Lavish Hall _______________________ Boss Battle: First take out the "Wall of Meat" as those units are called, then deal with the two Pugilists. Make sure you stay out of Hoggmeiser's attack range though. Once you've killed everyone except for Hoggmeiser, go ahead and combo him till you win. And that's the end of Episode 3! Next is Episode 4, so onwards! ________________________________________ 5d. Episode 4: Gift from an Angel ________________________________________ And so we're onto Episode 4! As you may have noticed you now have a new team mate, Hoggmeiser, the boss from the last Episode! Level 12 and looking oh so tempting to add to you team... but you won't of course. He may be useful now, but as you get farther he loses that usefulness so we will just stick to our current team. Also, I Really hope you've been using the Mentor / Pupil system for your cleric... As it is easier for her to get killing blows with magic such as fire over whacking them with her staff for exp... Oh, and don't forget to visit Etna's secret room again. Once you've done all that visit the Dimensional Keeper and enter the first level of Episode 4. Map 1: Road of Flames __________________________ Turn 1+: A good level for some exp thanks to those two lovely +50% exp Geo Symbols. Just try to ensure every enemy you kill is on a green panel and you'll double your exp gain for this map. I'd advise that you try and get your characters who are a little behind up to the same level as your others on this map. Map 2: Parched Ground __________________________ Turn 1+: Okay you've got 5 level 9 Pumpkins and a level 11 Decoy whose attacks can poison you. Chances are you can only reach the two pumpkins on the left side with melee attackers and some of the others with your mages and your scout. Now you don't have to worry about those pumpkins, killer armors, and decoy off on the other side of the map coming to kill you. They'll wait patiantly for you to come into their attack range, which means if you do this right you can get them to come one or two at a time and gang up on each of them. Map 3: Blazing Field _________________________ Turn 1+: Now there are two routes you could go for this level. The easy way is to simply toss someone over to the red 20% Damage Geo Symbol and toss it onto the red panels and wait five turns for them all to die. The harder way is to fight off the first five pumpkins and then destroy the enemy boost +50 Geo Symbol. You'll then have to kill the five decoys, and finally the two killer armors and nightmare. Either way, pick a path and finish this map! Map 4: Molten Labyrinth ____________________________ By now you have probably got a few more items from the hospital, but it really is hard for me to say what because of the randomness involved in this game. So just feel free to equip them to whoever you think could use them best. Also, did you ever take away Hoggmeiser's items to give to someone else? Preperations for Boss Battle: A rematch with Mid-Boss... Chances are you will want to level a bit before trying this fight. At least get all of your characters to level 10. At that point we'll also want to do a few more things... Once you get your female brawler and female warrior to level 10 you'll unlock the ronin class, but instead of making a new character we'll simply Transmigrate your female warrior and brawler. What is Transmigrate you ask? It is kind of like restarting that character, only they get additional bonuses to their stats, keep some of their skill and spell levels, and other such stuff. Generally you don't want to Transmigrate on your first go through the game, but in this case it's fine since you'd never be using those two characters again anyways. Now to Transmigrate you just need to go to the Dark Assembly and pick the character you'd like to do it with, but here's the catch. They need to be Rank 3 to choose the option, which means you'll have to take Promotion Exams on them. A Promotion Exam is that one character fighting against a set of predetermined monsters, so be sure to equip the one taking the exam with your best items. Also, if you lose in the promotion exam it is game over like any other map... so be sure to save! Anyways, once your characters are all level 10 at least, and you have taken the Promotion Exams on your female brawler and warrior so that they are both Rank 3, it is time to Transmigrate them. Have your Female Brawler Transmigrate into a Ronin and be sure to be the highest level you can, which will probably be Average. Why the highest level you ask? Well aside from it making the character stronger you also lose all of that character's mana when Transmigrating, so there really is no reason not to pick the best one. Anyways, after you Transmigrate her into a ronin have your female warror transmigrate into a Male Warrior... why you may ask? Well he's needed to unlock the Ninja class. Anywho, level the Ronin and Male Warrior to 10 and then.. Take your Male Brawler to the Dark Assembly and get him promoted to Rank 3 and then Transmigrate him into a Ninja. Level him to at least 10 and then you're set in classes for a good amount of time. Oh, and as for where to level them? You could always do old story levels again... but I'd suggest trying out Item World. Not only will the map be different then one you have done before, but you also get a chance to upgrade your equipment, which will also help make things a little easier for you. Also if the map features geo panels and symbols then you can easily get max bonus if you position the symbols so that you can get a huge chain and also destroy all of the panels, usually resulting in a large exp bonus and better items, but you have to finish the level by killing all of the enemies to get the rewards, and NOT finish the map by entering the next floor portal. And don't forget to bring a Mr. Gency's Exit just in case. Now regardless of what method you chose to level them all, with all of that finished you're finally ready to face the 'Dark Adonis' Mid-Boss! Boss Tactics: So you're facing four level 12 Killer Armors, two level 14 Nightmares, a level 15 Mandrake, which is a new form of the Pumpkin and decoy, and level 17 Mid-Boss. If you followed my advice however you'll be armed with 7 level 15ish characters, your Ronin and Male Warrior who will probably be 12ish level, and a level 10 Ninja. So the odds are in your favor for this fight. A few things to watch out for though are the Mandrake's Jack the Ripper attack, which can cause big damage to a single character, and Mid-Boss's Adonic Blast, which can cause big damage to a group of characters! Anyways, as with all boss fights the best thing to do is lure the minions off towards you first and then deal with the boss last and gang up on them. Do note that Mid-Boss will begin moving at around the third turn, so try to kill off his minions while staying away from him. Aside from that good luck on finishing the Episode! _______________________________ 5e. Episode 5: Etna's Gift _______________________________ Episode 5! I'm sure I don't need to tell you to read Etna's Diary anymore, so I won't be anymore! But before we head for the Dimensional Gatekeeper let's talk about the Dark Assembly a bit. If you recall that is where I had you Transmigrate a few characters but this time I'd like to talk about upgrading the shops. First you need to upgrade someone to at least Rank 2, though you might as well upgrade a few people to Rank 3 since that shouldn't be to hard at this point. Once you reach at least Rank 2 the following options should now be available for that character in the Dark Assembly. More Expensive Stuff and Cheaper Stuff, which makes the shops sell items more expensive and stronger, or cheaper and weaker stuff, and Eyewear Inventory, Belt Inventory, and Shoe Inventory, which will add their respective item types to the shops for you to buy. Now it is not garrenteed that these will be passed if you choose to invest in them, but rather it must be put to a vote by the Senators and even if they choose to deny the proposal you will not receive your mana back. You can always attempt to bribe the senators to vote in your favor, but at this point in the game you shouldn't bother and just hope luck is on your side. And besides, these proposals are easy ones to pass and so you shouldn't have much trouble doing so. Also note that you can only raise the item levels up as many times as your Customer Rank, so buy lots of items if you want to have the shops sell stronger ones! Oh, and if you haven't done so yet, then buy and equip your Ronin with an axe. So with that said and done, let's move on to the first map of this Episode! Map 1: Absolute Zero _________________________ Turn 1: Yeah, this level is really out to get you. The entire map is covered in yellow geo panels with the following three effects. ATK -50, DEF +50, and Ally Damage 20%. What that means is that you and the imps will probably be doing no direct damage to each other, but the map will be doing 20% of your character's hp every turn and the imps can also still poison you too. So the first thing to do is get rid of that Ally Damage 20% Geo symbol. Now here's what you'll do. First have your Scout take one step up from your Base Panel. Then have your Ninja appear on the Base Panel. You'll then have your Scout pick up your Ninja and toss him left towards the three imps and Ally Damage 20% Geo Panel. Your Ninja will then go to the imp directly below that symbol,pick it up, and toss the imp onto the Geo Symbol, which will destroy it. And so with only two out of ten characters you've already removed the most annoying part of this level. Now for a more complex character throwing. This time have one of your magi walk two steps to the right of your base panel towards the Defense +50 symbol, then have another mage take one step right, and finally have Laharl appear on the base panel. Have your mage near Laharl pick him up, and then have your mage near the mage holding Laharl pick her up. That mage will toss the mage one space to her right, and then that mage will toss Laharl as far up as she can towards the symbol. Laharl will then walk over to the top left of the Geo Symbol and pick it up, tossing it as far left towards the imps and your ninja as he can. After that just have the rest of your characters march off towards your Ninja and end your first turn. Turn 2+: All the imps in the map will move towards you and the three near the Ninja will attack him and those you sent off towards him. Now you want to remove that Defense Geo Symbol from the field so have Laharl walk over and throw it onto an imp. If he can't reach throw it onto one from where he is then either have it the symbol over to where another character could toss it onto an imp or have another character toss an imp over to a spot where Laharl could toss it onto one. Either way, one you do this simply treat the map like any other and kill the rest of the imps. Not so hard once you remove those symbols, huh? Map 2: Endless White _________________________ Turn 1: Now this level really isn't too hard, though Laharl's stats will all be lower for this one so he won't be as useful as usual. Aside from that you only have 7 Pucks, 2 Scouts, and 1 Ninja with a spear to deal with. For the first turn try and kill the four pucks near you, though if you can't kill all four then that isn't so bad. Though keep in mind all of the other enemies will rush you and the Scouts will attack any of your characters within their range... and some of your characters will be within their range. Turn 2+: Just kill the rest of the enemies left. Shouldn't be too hard since they are all so close to you. I'd suggest having your mages, cleric, and Scout kill off the enemy scouts, and leave the melee troops to your melee troops. Map 3: Terrible Cold _________________________ Turn 1+: Now this level is an interesting one. All but one space in this level has the effect of invincibility. This means that both you and the enemy can not harm each other... Now to beat this level you need to have a character go all the way to the geo symbol and toss it onto the only green panel... but there is one other thing this level is good for, and that is training weapon level for characters. See, since you both can't be hurt you can just attack and attack for as long as you'd like and each attack will raise your experience with that weapon a little like normal. Just something to consider since you won't ever get a chance as good as this level's again for doing such a thing. Regardless of what you do, once that geo symbol is on the green panel just kill the demons and finish the map. Map 4: Ice Queen _____________________ And here we are on the boss level. Not much to say on the preperation side, as you really should be prepared for face him right away. Boss Tactics: Four level 14 Empusas, Two level 15 Lilims, One level 16 Golem, and a level 19 Demon Sire Maderas. Not really much to say. Kill the minions first and then go for Maderas, and do be careful of his Chaos Fire attack. It does fire damage and can hit in an X formation, so depending on how you leave your characters he could hit up to five of them at once. The Golem's Golem Cannon is something to watch out for as well. But aside from that just treat this as a normal boss fight and combo the life out of Maderas once his minions are gone. ______________________________________ 5f. Episode 6: Laharl's Challenge ______________________________________ And onto Episode 6 now. Really isn't much for me to say here anymore as you should be doing the stuff I'd normally say here on your own now. What I will say one last time however is not to forget to be upgrading the shops with the Dark Assembly and then upgrading your character's equipment with the new upgraded shop's inventories... Though do try to leave enough money to use the hospital after levels of course. Anyways, just head for the Dimensional Gatekeeper and enter the first map of Episode 6! Map 1: Calamity Woods __________________________ Turn 1+: Yeah... You've got 27 level 12 enemies and you can barely move at all. They're all pretty weak so just have a go at it and kill! Go ahead and use your magi's spells to hit a bunch of them at once to speed things up. Map 2: Ritual Site _______________________ Boss Tactics: Yep, that's right. It's just as it looks like... a boss fight! A level 24 Demonslayer, which is of the knight class, and is a really terrible class honestly, but anyways... It is ten of your character vs one of her... shouldn't be hard at all really. Just combo her to death! Map 3: Witches' Den ________________________ Turn 1+: Yeah.... They're Prinnies. You can either beat them up normally or just pick them up and watch them explode when you throw them. Either way... this level is super easy so... yeah. Map 4: Writhing Shadow ___________________________ Turn 1: 10 Level 75 Alternate Overlords... If you haven't guessed by now this is a battle you can't win. So just have all ten characters rush them and fall to their deaths! Turn 2+: Yeah, just let your new level 300-400 allies finish this level for you. Just ensure at least one of your characters isn't killed by accident. Map 5: Nightdwellers _________________________ Turn 1+: Yeah... the entire level is on warp panels, so I can't really give out a strategy for you to use... So just give it your all and get a win! Map 6: Heart of Evil _________________________ Boss Tactics: So you have ten level 17 Pucks right around you, and two level 20 Gargoyles and a level 23 Mid-Boss off in the distance. And as usual, Mid-Boss has changed his special attack again into a single target for large damage type attack this time. Anyways, try and get the ten Pucks killed within two turns and then handle the Gargoyles and Mid-Boss as they come to you. By now you should have the hand of boss battles and so it shouldn't be too difficult for you to win and move on to the next Episode! ________________________________________ 5g. Episode 7: On Being an Overlord ________________________________________ Episode 7 is a pretty easy one because of a very simple reason... The only enemies you'll be facing on this Episode are zombies, and zombies are pretty weak. Anyways, just head for the Dimensional Gatekeeper and start the first level. Oh, and Maderas also joins your group as well, but like Hoggmeiser we won't be using him. Map 1: Scorching Wind __________________________ 13 level 20 Zombies and a level 23 Ghoul... Might be dangerous if they weren't zombies. Also, you might notice that the entire level is on red geo panels with the effects of 100% extra exp and 50% extra HL, so double the experience and extra money. Now as for the zombies themselves... I'm sure you know about Zombie Puke, but just in case it's an attack that hits a single target for damage and potential poison. Their other attack is Zombie Twister, which is like Blade Rush except they don't return to their starting point but rather stay in the last area. Turn 1: At this point I don't think you have the Cross spell form, but if you do feel free to chain a big magic combo on those five zombies in that formation, but if not then go for the three lines of three zombies near you. Try and get rid of two lines before the end of this turn, but at the very least get rid of one line. Turn 2+: Well at this point they all rush you and it pretty much becomes chaotic. Have your healer heal if she lived and just go on with zombie killing. Not much else to say really. Map 2: Column of Fire __________________________ Turn 1+: Seven level 20 Zombies, two level 23 Ghouls, and a level 26 Corpse. Add in the Geo Panel effect of Enemy Boost x3 and you've got a problem. Well here's what you do. First bring out your Scout and move him down away from your Base Panel and the zombies one space. Then bring out your Ninja and have your Scout toss him right behind the corpse. Have your Ninja walk over to the geo symbol and toss it onto the Corpse and watch them all get damaged... including your scout and ninja. The end result will be about 100 damage to all the zombies, 50 damage to your scout and ninja, and 1 and a half bars of bonus gauge for you. Bring out the rest of your team and kill as many of them as you can. Finish whatever are left in the next turns. Map 3: Raging Earth ________________________ Turn 1: Six level 20 Zombies... seems easy, right? Except for the Silence and 20% damage a turn effects on the geo panels on your side. And of course don't forget the line of green geo panels with the effects of No Lifting and No Entry, which means you can't walk or even toss people over the line and you can't pick up the geo symbols on them either. Along with Silence which means no skills things might look a bit hard, but worry not I'll tell you how to get passed this. The first thing to do is get out of those red panels as quick as you can, so here's what you do. See that Green No Entry Geo Panel towards the bottom? Well you are going to have to destroy that first. Have one mage move two steps down from your base panel towards the geo symbol mentioned, and then have another mage move one step in that direction. Have your ninja appear and then have your mage pick him up, and then have your other mage pick up the first mage. Have her toss them as far as she can towards the geo symbol's direction, and then have your other mage toss the ninja in the same way. Then move your Ninja right up to the Geo Symbol but don't attack it just yet. Now move either Laharl or Etna behind the closest mage to your base panel and then bring your scout up on it. Have them toss your Scout as far towards the Geo Symbol as they can and then have the Scout move as close to the Geo Symbol as he can. Have the rest of your units move as close to the Geo Symbol as they can, and have them throw any units near them towards it as well. Once that is all done have your Ninja and Scout combo the Geo Symbol and end your turn. Turn 2: Chances are high you didn't destroy the Geo Symbol so have your ninja and scout finish it off in a combo as your first action this turn. Then get as many of your troops off the red panels as you can. As you end your turn this time the Zombie will rush you and attack. Turn 3+: Not much to say, just kill off the zombies and finish this map. Oh, and in case you didn't notice, both Green Geo Symbols were actually wearing three sets of Chain Mail armor oddly enough. Map 4: Crimson Plains __________________________ Turn 1+: This level is pretty simple actually... Just place four of your melee units onto the red geo panels around you and wait for zombies to approach you and attack from the green panels. Really easy map. Map 5: Ember of Dreams ___________________________ And here we are, on the final map of this Episode. A boss fight... Against a zombie! Mind you, a zombie that should be about 7 levels higher then your highest level character most likely, but still a zombie. Aside from the level 27 boss, you have 4 level 20 zombies, 4 level 23 Ghouls, and 3 level 26 Corpses. Boss Tactics: The first thing you should try to do is gain control of the green panels in the center of the map. The +100 DEF panels are just too good to pass up. First thing you should do is have someone walk up onto the only green panel you can reach and pick up the Corpse there, and toss it three spaces back towards your home panel. Proceed to have your characters gang up on it, and then have your remaining characters attack one of the two Ghouls on the green panels. After that your priority is to keep control of the green panels and try to fight on them without letting the zombies onto them. Eventually the boss and his guards will rush you, and hopefully by then you'll have complete control of the green panels in the center and thus this fight shouldn't be too hard. Also note that the items the boss zombie is equiped with can only be gotten from this map and only by stealing them from him with a rogue, so something to consider on a second playthrough. _________________________________ 5h. Episode 8: Reincarnation _________________________________ And so we're on Episode 8 now. This means you're past the halfway point of the game! Congrats! Now just talk to all of the npcs and you'll get a free Staff of Sorcery, which should be the strongest staff you have now. Feel free to give it to anyone you'd like and then talk to the zombie npc near the Hospital and then to the Dimensional Gatekeeper and enter the first level of this Episode. Also, note that if you ever find a map to be impossible to get through even with my strategy, do consider the following reasons.First, there is always an element of random in these games, so things may not go exactly as planned. Second, your equipment or levels may not be up to par, so you may have to purchase new equipment or level up on previous maps or in item world. Either way, onto the first map! Map 1: Theatre of Death ____________________________ Turn 1: First thing to do is get rid of that 3x Enemy Boost panel from the map. So we're going to use five of your characters to do this. First have your Ninja take four steps to the right. Then have your Ronin take three steps to the right, then Etna two steps to your right, then your Male Warrior one step to your right, and finally have Laharl stand right on the base panel. Have Laharl be picked up by your warrior, then your warrior picked up by Etna, then Etna picked up by your ronin, and your ronin picked up by the ninja. Have your Ninja throw them all the way to the right edge. Have the ronin throw Etna just two spaces forward, so she is just one space away from the Cyclops. Then have her throw your warrior as far forward as she can, and then have him throw Laharl as far forward as he can. Have Laharl move next to the Geo Symbol and then have him pick it up and throw it next to your Warrior. And with all of that done end your turn. Turns 2-5: Now the Man-Eaters will attack, and in the best case you will just have an injured Etna and Ronin, but in the worst case they both will be killed off. The Ninja will be safe from harm due to his speed. Either way, have Laharl walk up to the Geo Symbol and toss it onto the Cyclops, thus making the battle a bit more fair. Now bring out the rest of your troops and begin to wipe out the Man-Eaters on the right side of the map near your Ninja, then work your way back to the left. Not much else to say. Try to keep your Scout alive. This should take about four turns at most. Also, avoid attacking the Cyclops, as they do big damage and their defence is so high you can't even damage them. Turn 6+: Now to kill the Cyclops you need to toss the DEF -50 onto the yellow spaces. This will make it so you can injure the Cyclops. After that just gang up on them one at a time and finish the map. Map 2: Frigid Garden _________________________ Turn 1+: Six Man-Eaters, Oakrots, and Treants, levels 1,2,4,8,16, and 32. The thing to do here is concentrate on each group of six one group at a time, starting with the Man-Eaters, then going for the Oakrots, and finishing with the Treants. Concentrate on the higher leveled ones first and save the weaklings for the end. Should be much easier then the last map. Map 3: Freezing Souls __________________________ Turn 1-4: Your first task in this map is to kill the 10 Male Battlers with various melee weapons, starting with the four away the yellow Geo Symbols. However, all you need to do for these first four turns is take out your ninja and leave him on the base panel. The four Battlers will come to you and after the fourth turn reach your Base panel, with two of them attacking and most likely missing your Ninja. Turn 5-8: Once they arrive at your base panel kill the four and then head for the six other Battlers near the yellow Geo Symbols. Once they are dead, pick up and toss the two yellow geo symbols on the panels off of them and then toss on the ATK -50 Geo Symbol. Turn 9+: And then finally, head for the Female Battler and Mages and finish them off to end the map. Map 4: Under the Moon __________________________ Boss Tactics: And here we are on the last map of this Episode. All enemies on this level are Nightmares and their improved versions. Now you've only faced them on at least 1-2 maps before, barring encounters in Item World. Basically they're like Mages, but with a decent up close attack and good HP. Anyways, you'll want to move your Ninja out to the back edge and lure them to you for one turn. After that bring out the rest of your forces and try to kill them as quickly as possible. There really isn't much else to say, as after the first turn the Shades and the Chernobog boss will rush you right after the Nightmares. Chances are the boss is at least 10 levels higher then most, if not all of your characters, but the map should still be doable. If not, then simply level a little and try again! _____________________________________________________ 5i. Episode 9: Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth _____________________________________________________ And so we're on Episode 9 now, which introduces one of my favorite characters, Captain Gordon! And yeah, that's about all I really have to say. On to the first map! Map 1: Valgipus IV _______________________ Turn 1+: Yeah, you've got 8 level 30 Nekomata and a level 33 Dullahan in a big Square formation. For your first turn you are going to want to make a giant combo hitting as many of them as you can. Use your strongest spells with the largest formation, have Laharl use Overlord's Wrath, your Warrior use Wind Cutter, and then try to pick off ones close to death with your remaining melee troops. Hopefully you'll take out a good amount of them. Either way, after that it's pretty much just a big brawl till the end. Map 2: Thurvean Sector ___________________________ Turn 1: Okay, first thing you want to do is have your Ninja pick up that Geo Symbol and toss it onto a green geo panel, trapping you with 6 level 30 Nekomatas. You'll then want to bring out all of your other troops except for your cleric and attack the two Nekomata on the far side away from your Base Panel, and at the very least you should kill the both of them. If you still have a troop or two left over then have them attack one of the other Nekomata. Turn 2-4: Chances are you lost a unit or two, or you have some pretty injured so now is the time to bring out your cleric to heal them. Have your troops attack the rest of the Nekomata. And continue to do so until they're all gone. Turn 5+: At this point try and kill enemies on the other side of the Green Panels with long range magic and attacks. Kill as many as your SP allows. Your Scout is particularly useful here as he can kill most of them without getting in their attack range. Turn 5+ (alt): In the event that your Scout got killed, you'll have to remove the Geo Panel and go melee against whatever troops are left. Try not to get them all at once and go for one at a time. Map 3: Sphere VIII _______________________ Turn 1: So you have 10 level 32 Pugilists and 3 level 36 Black Belts. Really though, this battle should be a cinch. Just place your melee troops onto the red geo panels and kick their butts really. You may lose one unit or two due to their large numbers at the beginning, but that should be about all you lose. Turn 2+: On this turn you want to bring out your cleric, Scout, and Mages to heal and help fight. Try to take out as many Pugilists as possible and always try to leave your units on one of the geo panels. After a few turns the remaining enemies will decide to rush you, so just take care of them as usual. Map 4: Cross-Point _______________________ Turn 1+: So the entire map is on Green Geo Panels, but... There are no Geo Symbols on the map. So it's just for looks really. You've got 11 level 34 Wraiths to deal with, and they're not that strong. Just try to kill that one close to you with as few units as possible and then end your turn. After that go on to kill the rest as they come to you. A pretty simple level. Note that all of them have very high RES so they take a lot less Magic Damage. Map 5: Primordial Soup ___________________________ Boss Tactics: And here we are, on the last map of this Episode, and it's a boss fight against two level 38 characters, Thursday and Captain Gordon. Now both are most likely at least 10 levels higher then all of your units, but even so, a 10 against 2 battle should even that out. Basically, all you have to do is gang up on one with all of your characters, and then do the same thing to the other. And while Gordon is a gun user, his special attacks are all close ranged attacks. This battle should be pretty easy, so it won't be long till the next Episode. _______________________________________________ 5j. Episode 10: Angels, Demons, and Humans _______________________________________________ And so begins Episode 10. First thing you might notice is that Jennifer, Gordon, and Thursday have joined as new troops. We will not be using them however, but feel free to steal their equipment for your troops. Most likely Gordon and Jennifer's weapons outclass what you have equipped on your Scout and Ninja at the very least. And now for the first map of Episode 10. Map 1: Fervent Melody __________________________ Turn 1+: This level is pretty simple. You have 5 level 34 Guardians, and most of the map is on blue geo panels with the Invincibility and No Lifting effects. Basically what you have to do is lure the Guardians onto the few areas in the middle of the map without geo panels and kill them there. And after you lure them there you can move your units back to the geo panels and fight them while still invincible. A pretty easy first map. Map 2: Wasteland of Woe ____________________________ Turn 1: 5 level 23 Hobbits, 3 level 27 Pucks, 2 level 28 Pucks, 1 level 33 Brownie, 2 level 36 Dragons, and 1 level 40 Fafnir... basically a battle against fairies and dragons. Dragons are an enemy you haven't seen in a while, and they're pretty strong and capable of hitting multiple units. These dragons use ice attacks, so keep that in mind. On the first turn the 4 Hobbits close to you and the lone dragon will begin to approach, so try and damage or kill as many of the Hobbits as you can. Turn 2+: At this point all of the enemies will begin to come to you, so you'll want to try and take them on a few at a time. Fairies themselves are not that strong though their Demon's Breath attack is pretty annoying. Eventually you won't be able to help them all reaching you so try to keep them stuck in the narrow areas and always go for the dragons first. Either way there isn't much strategy needed for this map so just fight till you win. Map 3: River of Lava _________________________ Turn 1+: Well this level is pretty easy too. First, you stay away from the Sentinel as it will kill you badly. What you have to do is destroy or remove all of the Geo Symbols on the green panels and then place on the green DEF -50 Symbol onto the panels once all of the others are gone. And of course you should kill the Brownies while doing this. Once that is all finished feel free to kill the weakened Sentinel. Map 4: Searing Tyranny ___________________________ Turn 1+: 12 level 35 Treants and green geo panels with the +100% EXP effect... This map should be a no brainer. Just try your best to kill them on the green panels and finish up yet another easy map. Map 5: Inferno ___________________ Boss Tactics: And here we are, at the boss battle, and it is once again against... The Dark Adonis, Mid-Boss!You haven't seen him since Episode 6, and he actually didn't change his special attack, so it is still a single target special for big damage. Now he has 8 level 31 Pucks and 2 level 40 Fafnirs as his helpers for this battle. He and his Pucks will be the first ones to rush you, with the Fafnirs coming after you when you enter their attack range. This battle will be harder then most of the other boss battles, so if you feel you need to level, then do so. As a note, try and kill the dragons first. ________________________________________________ 5k. Episode 11: Hero's Will, Overlord's Way ________________________________________________ Not much to say. Talk to the Manticore for a powerful Vile Brilliance spear. Now on to the first map. Map 1: Ghostly Whisper ____________________________ Turn 1+: Another 'leveling' map, as all of the enemies start on EXP + 100% panels. You have 6 level 37 Star Skulls and 6 level 38 Mandrakes. Now Star Skulls and Star Mages use non-elemental magic, so keep that in mind. Either way this is just a simple map where you need to kill as quickly as possible, with your lower level characters hopefully gaining the killing blows. Map 2: Rising Fear _______________________ Turn 1: This map is a step up in difficulty compared with the last one. You've got 7 level 40 Scarecrows, 3 leve 41 Skulls, and 1 level 44 Rune Knight. And while that Rune Knight might seem scary, the ones you really need to worry about are the Skulls, as since they're past level 40 they have access to the Omega level spells. And Omega level magic is painful. So for your first turn bring out your Ninja and move him one space to the right of your base panel, then end your turn. Now one of the Scarecrows will move next to him, and the others will move closer to him. Also, most likely one, two, or all three of the skulls will jump down from their higher ground and cast upon your Ninja, who will hopefully avoid being hit by the magic. Turn 2+: Try to kill all of the skulls who jumps down and cast a "Giga" level spell. If they cast an Omega level spell then they most likely won't have enough magic to even cast a Mega level magic, so they can safely be ignored while deal with as many Scarecrows as you can. If the other skulls decide to simply stay up on higher ground and cast upon you, then retreat your troops back to their base panel if they cast Giga level magic and try to lure the skulls down with only one of them, preferably your Ninja. After the Scarecrows around you are dealt with and the Skulls are no longer a danger, then deal with the Knight and any Scarecrows who are lingering elsewhere on the map. Not much else to say for this map. Map 3: Crawling Terror ___________________________ Turn 1+: This map is pretty simple. There are 12 level 43 Alps on blue Geo Panels with %40 Recovery, DEF +100, and No Lifting. And the Geo Symbols are all the way past them. So what do you do? You have your Ninja walk all the way past them to the Geo Symbols and break them, then kill the Alps normally, noting that they will not move at all. If your Ninja dies on the way then you may want to buy better SPD boosting equipment for him and try again. And I hope it goes without saying, but once the Geo Symbols are taken care of you can just kill them as you normally would, and the fact that they don't move means you can snipe them with your Scout and Mages if you'd like to without fear of being hit. Map 4: Hero's Tomb _______________________ Boss Tactics: And the boss battle for this Episode. Actually, the boss himself is not that strong, being only level 35. He has 6 level 40 Scarecrows, 6 level 43 Alps, and 3 level 45 Corpses as minions. Plus they're all on Blue Geo Panels with a powerful 6x Enemy Boost effect. As with the last map, this one will depend heavily upon how high of a SPD stat your Ninja has. Since he'll have to go alone up the right side of the map for the two 3x Enemy Boost Geo Symbols and toss them onto Scarecrows before you can bring out the rest of your troops to rush the boss and his minions. Chances are your Ninja will be almost dead and will probably die right after he finishes his task as well, but if you can keep him alive then all the better for you. And I realize I haven't mentioned this in a long time, but times like this are when healing items are useful. Either way, with that done with have the rest of your units approach the boss and his minions, taking care to get rid of his lackeys first. Now when you finally reach Don Joaquin, the boss, and his three zombies, make sure you kill his zombies first! They all know Mega Heal, and are all 10 levels higher then him, so they're the higher priority. Aside from that, not much else to say for this boss fight. Without the 6x Enemy Boost effect, it shouldn't be too hard of a fight. ___________________________________________________ 5l. Episode 12: War of the Netherworld, Part 1 ___________________________________________________ Nothing really special about this Episode beginning, so on to the first map. Map 1: Embryon ___________________ Turn 1+: You're facing a new type of enemy here, one which you get once you have someone reach Gun level of 30... EDF Soldiers! They're the ultimate gunmen, and they all use them on this map. There are 7 level 44 Recruits and a level 48 Officer. Also, the green geo panels, which is also the greenish water, has an Ally Damage 20% effect, so avoid stepping in it. They won't move unless you get close to them, and you'll be fighting on narrow areas so you'll have to split your units into two groups and have each group take one side until you finish the map. Pretty simple. Map 2: Core Point No.4 ___________________________ Turn 1-4: This level is filled with red and green Geo Panels, with the red panels holding the Silence effect and the green panels holding Ally Damage 100% effect. In case you've forgot, Silence effect means you can not use any skills or magic, which is quite deadly as it denies you healing. So we'll go with the usual method of dealing with an annoying geo symbol, send the Ninja. There are 11 level 44 Recruits, 9 of which use axes, and 2 which use guns. Now you'll want to have your Ninja go up to the red Geo Symbol and toss it onto one of the EDF Soldiers. Feel free to risk attacking with your Ninja against the axe users if you'd like, as they'll most likely miss against him. Of course there is always a chance they'll hit him, so don't let him get too hurt. Also, you may have noticed this in the previous map, but the gun users can hit your Ninja very easily, so keep that in mind as you got to destroy that Geo Symbol. Turn 5+: From this point continue the battle as if it were a normal map, noting that the 2 gun users will not move while the axe users will move all around the map. Map 3: Star Cluster ________________________ Turn 1+: Once again, another level for your Ninja to be the star. All of the Red panels have Invincibility and Ally Damage 20%, while the green panels have Enemy Boost +50. So what you have your Ninja do is go all the way towards the Geo Panels and toss the Enemy Boost +50 onto an enemy on a red panel, then toss the Ally Damage 20% onto an enemy on a red panel as well, or if one isn't in range then onto the green panels. Now for this particular case I will say you almost have to buy healing items from the shop for your Ninja to use during his long walk. The EDF Soldiers with guns are just too good at hitting your Ninja for good damage, so he really needs the healing from items. With all of that said and done, For the rest of the match you try and kill the enemies while they're on green panels, tossing them onto there yourself if they won't walk on it themselves. Like this it should be an easy map. Do note however that if you toss a red Geo Symbol onto an enemy on a green panel and thus make the entire stage red panels that you'll have to also destroy the Invincibility Geo Symbol by tossing it onto an enemy and simply have a normal battle with no extra effects. Map 4: Sidereal Rift _________________________ Boss Tactics: And we're on the final map for this Episode, a boss battle with Kurtis. He's a level 52 Rival and his attack power is pretty high. He has 7 level 44 Recruits and 2 level 48 Officers as his minions. Not much to say really. By now you should understand how boss battles go, so kill his minions first and then concentrate on him, and do your best to keep as many of your troops alive as possible. ___________________________________________________ 5m. Episode 13: War of the Netherworld, Part 2 ___________________________________________________ Still nothing really to add. We're on the second last Episode, so I just hope your equipment is up to par. Map 1: Point Alpha-III ___________________________ Turn 1: You recall how to set up a long line of characters picking up another character so you can toss one really far ahead, right? Well that's all you have to do for this map. Simply set one of those up with your Ninja at the top and throw him as close to the glowing yellow exit panel as you can. The map ends once you reach that point, very simple. Do note however that on future go throughs of the game you may want to attempt to destroy the 4 level 50 Mega Cannons and the 2 level 100 Astro Cannons. Map 2: Main Corridor 1 ___________________________ Turn 1+: This level is too small for any real strategy aside from combo them to oblivion. You have 6 level 50 Cybrogs to deal with. 2 use guns, the other 4 use their fists. A very simple map. Map 3: Main Corridor 2 ___________________________ Turn 1+: Another small level. This time you have 5 level 45 Recruits with axes standing in a line next to each other, level 50 and 51 Cyborgs with guns, and a level 55 Psi-Soldier wielding a Light Sabre sword. First thing to do is to try and kill off all five of the axe users, or at least three of them. With your three mages and your cleric using their magic it should be easy. After that get rid of the gun users and finally kill off the sword user. Simple enough. Map 4: Main Corridor 3 ___________________________ Boss Tactics: And it's a rematch against Kurtis. In fact, aside from Mid-Boss, this will be the only boss you ever refight again. Now for the start of this battle you will need three characters who have a Move of 6 at least. And if none of your characters are wearing shoe items, then it will be Laharl, your Ninja, and your Scout. Chances are high your Scout will die if you use him for this, but here is what you need them for. You see the three Sword using level 55 Psi-Soldiers? You need to have a character walk up to each of them and then toss them onto all three of the red Geo Symbols to get rid of the Enemy Boost +150 effect. Afterwards try and kill the two level 50 Cybrog gun users near your Scout, then work on killing at least one of the Cyborgs near Laharl. Your Ninja should be able to fend for himself. After that deal with the Psi-Soldiers and remaining Cyborgs, then go for the level 60 Kurtis. If you still lose, then your characters may be too low level or too underequipped. Item World is a good place to visit to get levels and good equipment if you need them. Map 5: Bridge __________________ Turn 1+: And this Episode's final map is a battle against new enemies... Angels. This is a class you can actually get to use eventually, and they are a strong one. Not only do they know heal and elemental magics, but they're also strong in physical combat. This battle will be against 8 level 50 Spear using Angels and 2 level 55 bow using Angel Cadets. There is little strategy for this map as it is so small and all of the angels rush you from the first turn. Simply do your best to kill them one at a time and to keep your own units healed. ___________________________________________________ 5n. Final Episode: What Lies Beyond The Battle ___________________________________________________ And we're on the final Episode of the game. If you feel like trying any of the special side quest maps this is the Episode to try them on... though on a first go through I'd only try out Prinny Land. To unlock them head for the Dark Assembly and if you are a high enough rank you should see the option. Also, if you have been visiting Etna's room every Episode you'll receive a Testament item this time, which is a very powerful equip item. Also, the Ghost will give you a powerful Diabolic Sword if you talk with him. Not much else different, so onto the first map. Map 1: Field of Virtue ___________________________ Boss Tactics: And it's a boss battle for the first map. The final rematch with the Dark Adonis Mid-Boss. He is level 70 and his three minions are level 65 Strigoi, which are basically just stronger versions of Maderas, as you probably guessed. This battle is the same as always, kill the minions first, then go for Mid-Boss. Also note this entire map is on red geo panels with the EXP + 100 effect, so big bonus exp for the ones who kill on this map. Map 2: Paradise ____________________ Turn 1+: The first of many maps against Angels, and it's filled with red Geo Panels with the Warp effect. This battle will rely a lot upon luck so I can't help you much, but you've already done a level like this before, so it shouldn't be too hard to do again. Map 3: Angelic Choir _________________________ Turn 1+: 3 level 55 Angels with swords to the upper left side, 2 level 60 Valkyrie archers and 4 level 57 Rune Knights to the lower right side, 2 level 60 Angel Cadets with spears, a level 60 Angel Cadet with a sword, and a level 65 Angel Soldier with an axe to the upper right side. There are also scattered Red Geo Panels with the effects of Recovery 20% and DEF + 50, useful for you to claim yourself. First thing you'll want to do is try and get rid of the sword using Angels, as they'll rush you after your turn. Next you'll want to concentrate on the Angel Cadets, Angel Soldier, and Valkyries as they come to you, and you'll want to finish off the Rune Knights last. Shouldn't be a hard battle if you make use of the Geo Panels. Map 4: Coliseum ____________________ Turn 1-8: Aside from the level 70 Crusader, all enemies are either archers or mages, and you're restricted to moving out in a line pattern until a certain point... not a good situation. So it's up to your Ninja again to walk all the way to the Geo Symbol and toss it off the panel so you'll have free reign over where you can go. Have your Mages kill off that archer in the middle of the path out on your first turn though. Turn 9+: Once the Red Geo Panels lose the No Entry effect, finish the map as usual and kill off all of your enemies. Map 5: Divine Prison _________________________ Boss Tactics: At the beginning of this fight you gain a new unit to use, Kurtis, a level 50 Rival... which is basically a powered up Prinny. He has some good equipment though, and comes at a good level. Plus, unlike the other characters who join you, since he's a monster type he doesn't have weapon proficency to worry about, so he wouldn't have to catch up in that regard. However, we still aren't going to use him so just remember to take away all of his equipment for your other characters after the end of this battle. Now while these technically aren't really 'bosses', considering their levels and rank of monster compared to you, they are at that strength. You're facing level 75 monsters, and they are stronger versions of Gargoyles, Manticores, Dragons, and Vampires like Maderas, plus a new type of monster called a Sea Dragon. In any case, treat this as your usual Boss Battle and try to kill one at a time. Map 6: Inner Sanctum _________________________ Turn 1+: Compared to the last map this one is easy. You only have to kill 3 level 75 Avenger Angels on this small map... and that's it. Map 7: Hall of Justice ___________________________ Boss Tactics: This battle won't be easy. There are 18 Angels to defeat, including a level 80 Archangel Vulcanus. For minions, he has 4 level 70 Crusaders with Swords, 5 level 65 Angel Soldiers with bows, 2 level 60 Angel Cadets with Spears, 1 level 60 Angel Cadet with a Staff, and 5 level 55 Angels, each one wielding a different of the basic weapons aside from guns. Now here's what you do. First, you just send out your Ninja and move him one space forward. You'll then end turn and keep doing that until all 5 Angel Soldiers reach you as they will begin to move towards you themselves, with 2 of the Crusaders close behind. After they are taken care of you will approach the Angels and Angel Cadets. They will not move towards you unless you get close enough to them, which is why you deal with the Angel Soldiers and Crusaders first. After they're finished, you just have to head up and get rid of the last 2 Crusaders and Volcanus. It shouldn't be too hard to do. Map 8: Sacred Altar ________________________ And here we are, the final map of the game. If you have any plans at all on trying any of the side quest maps on this playthrough, then you have to do so before doing this level, or else you'll have to start from the beginning of the game again, and you won't regain those options in the Dark Assembly until you get this far again. Now then, before you do this level ensure your equipment is up to par and fill your inventory with healing items, the best you can afford. When you feel you're ready, then begin the final map. Boss Tactics: This battle will not be easy. For one thing, Lamington is level 90, and his 5 Avengers are all level 75. Perhaps the only good thing is that they will not approach you unless you enter their attack range, so you can lure them one or two at a time slowly. So just do that and avoid fighting more then two at once, however... eventually Lamington will rush you regardless so keep that in mind. Either way, once you finish this map you've finished the main game! _______________________ 6. Optional Levels _______________________ Coming soon to a walkthrough near you..... ____________ 7. Misc ____________ Coming soon to a walkthrough near you..... _______________ 8. Endings _______________ Coming soon to a walkthrough near you..... _________________ 9. Etna Mode _________________ And here we are on the Side Story Etna Mode section of the guide. Now this will be done in the exact same way and fashion as my main walkthrough, and in fact I will be acting as if you followed my main walkthrough, so I will be assuming you'll be using the same characters I had you use through that. If you're just using my guide for the Etna Mode sectin, then just substitute any characters you don't have for the next best thing. This mode is shorter then the main game, and you lose the use of Laharl and any items he had equipped to him. Aside from that, there isn't much difference, so let us begin. __________________________________________ 9a. Episode 1: Super Dimensional Etna __________________________________________ I really hope I don't have to mention going to the hospital, buying and upgrading equipment, and the other basic stuff you had to learn and do while going through the Main Game, so I won't. If you've made it to Etna's Mode then you obviously know how to play, or found the code on the internent to start a new game on Etna's Mode. In either case, this guide will assume you unlocked it during the Main Game by reading her diary every Episode. Now onto the more important matter, you'll notice you're missing Laharl, and thus only have 9 usable characters really, along with some prinnies. And with the only way to make new characters, the Dark Assembly, being closed, you'll just have to start the first map. Map 1: Valgipus IV _______________________ Turn 1+: This level is so simply I shouldn't have to say anything. You're facing 3 level 65 Ghosts and a level 70 Zombie, and there is one red Geo Panel in the center with the ATK +50 and DEF +50 effects. Honestly, this battle should take only 1 or 2 turns at most to finish. [More coming soon.....] __________________ 10. Item List __________________ Coming soon to a walkthrough near you..... ____________ 11. FAQ ____________ When I actually get some questions, I'll probably place them and their answers here! ____________________________ 12. Contact Information ____________________________ Well if you have any questions about my walkthrough, or if you wish to use it on your website, then please send me an email at klasasoatafaq @ yahoo . com. And please include something like "Disgaea FAQ" or anything close to that or I may ignore your email thinking it is spam. ________________________ 13. Version History ________________________ 1.00 = 04/23/10 ____________________ The initial version of my Walkthrough. It has a completed Main Game Walkthrough, all of the sections which cover the basics of the game are completed, most of the human type characters done, and the first map of Etna Mode written up. _______________ 14. Credits _______________ As much as I would like to say I wrote this entire thing entirely on my own, I did take some information from other sources, which I will credit right here and now! - RealTides: Well, I don't really know who you are, but you're the one credited in the Cheats, Codes, and Secrets section of GameFAQs showing the requirements to unlock the three classes I'm missing, Angel, Majin, and EDF Soldier, so... thanks for the info! Copyright 2010 Alex Larson All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.