Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy English Script Compiled by: Glenn H. Morrow Based on a playthrough by: Ryuni YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Naeryu Version: 1.00 First Compiled: March 17-May 3, 2011 Last Updated: May 3, 2011 -----------Spoiler notice----------- This is the script of the game's story, so it's going to have all of the plot details. Don't read it if you don't want to know. Also, as it is an anniversary game that brings together more than 20 characters from various Final Fantasy titles, expect potential spoilers for FF, FFII, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII and XIII. --------------Contents-------------- For quick access to a section, do a ctrl+f search for the text in brackets. -1) Update changes [1.0Up] -2) Purpose [2.0Pu] -3) Notes on reading the script [3.0No] -4) prologus [4.0Pr] -5) Opening & Tutorial [5.0Op] -6) Chapters of 012: Treachery of the Gods [6.0Ch] 0) Chapter 0 [6.00Ch] 1) Chapter 1 [6.1Ch] 2) Chapter 2 [6.2Ch] 3) Chapter 3 [6.3Ch] 4) Chapter 4 [6.4Ch] 5) Chapter 5 [6.5Ch] 6) Chapter 6 [6.6Ch] 7) Chapter 7 [6.7Ch] 8) Chapter 8 [6.8Ch] -7) Chapters of 013: Light to All [7.0Ch] 0) Prologue [7.00Ch] 1) Chapter 1 [7.1Ch] 2) Chapter 2 [7.2Ch] 3) Chapter 3 [7.3Ch] 4) Chapter 4 [7.4Ch] 5) Chapter 5 [7.5Ch] 6) Chapter 6 [7.6Ch] 7) Chapter 7 [7.7Ch] 8) Chapter 8 [7.8Ch] 9) Chapter 9 [7.9Ch] 10) Chapter 10 [.7.10Ch] 11) Epilogue [7.11Ch] -8) 000: Confessions of the Creator [8.000] -9) Reports [9.0Re] 1) Report 1 [9.1Re] 2) Report 2 [9.2Re] 3) Report 3 [9.3Re] 4) Report 4 [9.4Re] 5) Report 5 [9.5Re] 6) Report 6 [9.6Re] 7) Report 7 [9.7Re] 8) Report 8 [9.8Re] 9) Report 9 [9.9Re] 10) Report 10 [9.10Re] 11) Report 11 [9.11Re] 12) Report 12 [9.12Re] 13) Report 13 [9.13Re] 14) Report 14 [9.14Re] 15) Report 15 [9.15Re] 16) Report 16 [9.16Re] 17) Report 17 [9.17Re] 18) Report 18 [9.18Re] 19) Report 19 [9.19Re] 20) Report 20 [9.20Re] -10) Museum [10.0Mu] 1) Character Files [10.1Mu] 1 Lightning [10.11Mu] 2 Vaan [10.12Mu] 3 Laguna Loire [10.13Mu] 4 Yuna [10.14Mu] 5 Kain Highwind [10.15Mu] 6 Tifa Lockhart [10.16Mu] 7 Warrior of Light [10.17Mu] 8 Garland [10.18Mu] 9 Firion [10.19Mu] 10 The Emperor [10.110Mu] 11 Onion Knight [10.111Mu] 12 Cloud of Darkness [10.112Mu] 13 Cecil Harvey [10.113Mu] 14 Golbez [10.114Mu] 15 Bartz Klauser [10.115Mu] 16 Exdeath [10.116Mu] 17 Terra Branford [10.117Mu] 18 Kefka Palazzo [10.118Mu] 19 Cloud Strife [10.119Mu] 20 Sephiroth [10.120Mu] 21 Squall Leonhart [10.121Mu] 22 Ultimecia [10.122Mu] 23 Zidane Tribal [10.123Mu] 24 Kuja [10.124Mu] 25 Tidus [10.125Mu] 26 Jecht [10.126Mu] 27 Shantotto [10.127Mu] 28 Gabranth [10.128Mu] 29 Prishe [10.129Mu] 30 Gilgamesh [10.130Mu] 31 Cosmos [10.131Mu] 32 Chaos [10.132Mu] 33 Shinryu [10.133Mu] 34 Cid of the Lufaine [10.134Mu] 2) Summon Compendium [10.2Mu] 1 Ifrit [10.21Mu] 2 Shiva [10.22Mu] 3 Ramuh [10.23Mu] 4 Carbuncle [10.24Mu] 5 Magic Pot [10.25Mu] 6 Demon Wall [10.26Mu] 7 Magus Sisters [10.27Mu] 8 Odin [10.28Mu] 9 Phoenix [10.29Mu] 10 Alexander [10.210Mu] 11 Leviathan [10.211Mu] 12 Bahamut [10.212Mu] 13 Chocobo [10.213Mu] 14 Moogle [10.214Mu] 15 Mandragora [10.215Mu] 16 Bomb [10.216Mu] 17 Asura [10.217Mu] 18 Titan [10.218Mu] 19 Atomos [10.219Mu] 20 Iron Giant [10.220Mu] 21 Cactuar [10.221Mu] 22 Tonberry [10.222Mu] 23 Malboro [10.223Mu] 24 Ultros [10.224Mu] 25 Typhon [10.225Mu] 26 Deathgaze [10.226Mu] 27 Behemoth [10.227Mu] 28 PuPu [10.228Mu] 29 Lich [10.229Mu] 30 Marilith [10.230Mu] 31 Kraken [10.231Mu] 32 Tiamat [10.232Mu] 33 Scarmiglione [10.233Mu] 34 Cagnazzo [10.234Mu] 35 Barbariccia [10.235Mu] 36 Rubicante [10.236Mu] 37 Gilgamesh [10.237Mu] 38 Ultima Weapon [10.238Mu] 39 Omega [10.239Mu] 40 Shinryu [10.240Mu] 41 Land Worm [10.241Mu] 42 Calcabrina [10.242Mu] 43 Giant of Babil [10.243Mu] 44 Syldra [10.244Mu] 45 Ultima, the High Seraph [10.245Mu] 46 Zalera, the Death Seraph [10.246Mu] 47 Brynhildr [10.247Mu] 48 Hecatoncheir [10.248Mu] 49 Shinryu Verus [10.249Mu] -11) Acknowledgements [11.0Ac] --------------Update changes-------------- [1.0Up] May 3, 2011 -Script published --------------Purpose-------------- [2.0Pu] Here we are again. The purpose of this FAQ is the same as that of the FAQ featuring the English script of Dissidia Final Fantasy that I put together a year and a half ago: to provide the fans with quick and easy access to all the text of the story. Here, by the way, is a link to that English script of Dissidia Final Fantasy: http://www.gamefaqs.com/psp/ 939394-dissidia-final-fantasy/faqs/57905 Having compiled the script for the first Dissidia, I felt I should do the same for its prequel. You'll notice that I've also included the text of the download-only prologue, Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy prologus. Enjoy. --------------Notes on reading the script-------------- [3.0No] -WoL=Warrior of Light -CoD=Cloud of Darkness -OK=Onion Knight -PC=Player's character -MM=Mured moogle -Lines between parentheses are a character's thoughts -Anything in brackets following a character's name and a comma is a sound that character made or a line they said that wasn't given text on the screen for some reason I've done my best to copy the game's text exactly as it appears on the screen. It's inevitable, though, that I made a mistake somewhere. If anyone spots any typos or omissions in this FAQ, please inform me of them by contacting me at glenn.morrow@gmail.com. You'll get a thanks in the acknowledgements and the warm feeling in your heart of knowing you made me look better. By the way, note that I'm referring to genuine mistakes in copying the game's text when I ask about these typos. I tried to copy the onscreen text exactly, even where the format of punctuation didn't agree with the format used at other times. So, if there's something like an instance of Laguna referring to a Cross Chain with all lowercase characters when I have its name written as a proper noun everywhere else, make sure that it wasn't that the game itself used lowercase letters there. On a similar note, I am aware that the Museum entries -- particularly those for the summons -- are filled with typos, inaccurate and inconsistent details, and inconsistent spellings -- both within the Museum itself and between Dissidia 012 and other FF games. That's how they are written within the Museum itself, though. As these are translation and/or localization errors, the inaccuracies are not present in the Japanese version of the game. Also, when reading the Reports section, note that the portions of text that are highlighted in an aqua-colored typeface in-game (the portions that can be clicked on to display segments of story) will be placed within asterisks in this FAQ. Finally, be aware that almost all portions of cycle 013 transcribed here were lifted from my previous script of the first Dissidia game, so there will almost certainly be scenes from cycle 013 transcribed here without the same detailed blocking that I strongly enforced on myself when I decided to transcribe this newer game. Also, be aware that in places where the onscreen text for scenes from cycle 013 differs in Dissidia 012 from what was shown onscreen in the original game, I've tried to update it for this script. It's possible that I missed some somewhere, though. And truly finally: enjoy the script! --------------prologus-------------- [4.0Pr] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Unfamiliar Allies-- [Lightning is narrating over a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary] An entire world turned into nothing more than a battlefield for the gods... Harmony, Discord: two armies of hand-chosen soldiers, summoned to this universe to fight as their tools. We arrive in this place with no memories of our past and no means of returning home--helpless servants to the powers that brought us here. That's what I found myself, when the goddess of harmony called on me. [Lightning, Kain and Jecht walk onscreen at this point, as Lightning continues to narrate. Kain and Jecht continue on as Lightning stops] Fighting is the only thing that this world knows. The only hope that any of us have lies in finding a way to win. So that's what I meant to do. That's why I kept fighting, even though it wasn't my battle to begin with. [Lightning walks on and the screen fades to black. When it fades in, she's approaching the other warriors. Jecht looks at her] Jecht: "Hey, um...uh...Lightning, was it?" Lightning: "What?" Jecht: "No need to get your belts in a bunch. None of us are here 'cause we wanna be." Lightning: "None of us are here 'cause we wanna be? No, really? So you'd say that's a good enough reason for some stranger to go putting their nose in my business?" Jecht: "Well, ya know, it's not really wrong what he's sayin'." Lightning: "Jecht, wasn't it? So you want to say that I'm wrong, is that it, Jecht?" Jecht: "Whoa, let's not go throwin' folks onto the fire now! Right, err...?" [Jecht looks toward Kain] Kain: "Kain." Jecht: "Right, I mean tell her, Kain, we can't be gettin' off to a start like this, can we?" Kain: "Lightning... I agree with what you said. To a point. We do not yet know each other's strengths. How, then, could we trust one another enough to join sides? So how is this: we travel alongside him, and judge his ability with our own eyes." Lightning: "What?" Jecht: "That's, well, I mean that's an interesting idea, but, uh--" Kain: "Should anything happen, we'll be there to intervene. If that proves to be the decisive battle, well, the victor will be decided then." Jecht: "This 'we' of yours... I take it you're including me?" Lightning: "Don't be getting ahead of yourself. I don't remember anyone putting you in charge." Kain: "You fear to face the challenge? Is that it? I've seen nothing to tell me if you've the skill to match that arrogance, or if it's simply a bluff. Give me a reason to believe." [Everyone is quiet for several seconds, simply looking at one another, until the sound of footsteps sloshing through the shallow water can be heard approaching. WoL, who was running toward them, comes to a stop before the group] WoL: "On your guard! The enemy comes!" [The setting is now the Chaos Shrine. Lightning and WoL come running in, and then come to a stop as Garland speaks to them] Garland: "You warriors of Cosmos must be confident, to forget your mission as soon as you wake--" [The Emperor and Garland are revealed to be standing in front of the two warriors of Cosmos] Lightning: "Huh!? I take it you're warriors of Chaos..." Garland: "Hmph, to wait until attacked--it seems Cosmos has summoned a group of cowards." Emperor: "So Cosmos can only summon insects... Garland, I'll allow you to dispatch them. But do feel free to call if you require assistance. I shall gladly lend a hand." WoL: "Lightning, he is not our only concern. Leave him to me and you take--" Lightning: "Hmph, I don't plan to take orders from you. Why don't you just leave them to me?" [Lightning approaches Garland] WoL: "What are you--" [WoL quickly follows her] Garland: "Cosmos's chosen bicker with one another? How pitiful. I shall take on the both of you!" [WoL materializes his sword and shield in his hands as Lightning and Garland assume fighting stances; they then battle, WoL serving as Lightning's Assist against Garland, while the Emperor serves as Garland's Assist. After the fight, the scene is now atop the Chaos Shrine, Garland positioned several feet away from the two warriors of Cosmos] Garland: "Hmph, is that all? 'Tis far too little to please my lust for battle... But I'll depart now. I'm sure we'll meet again. The battle has only begun..." [Garland teleports away] WoL: "He's gone... Yet there should be others. Lightning, let us go." [WoL runs on ahead. Lightning watches him for a moment, then follows. The setting is now Sky Fortress Bahamut. WoL and Lightning are running across the long platform here but come to a stop as Kefka's laughter peals out] Kefka: "Hahahaha! Now I've found you! My precious, late-rising toys!" [Kefka and Ultimecia are revealed standing in front of the two warriors of Cosmos, on an elevated platform slightly above them] Lightning: "What's...with this guy?" Kefka: "Hm? You shouldn't get your hands dirty, Ultimecia. I'll dispose of these runts myself." Ultimecia: "Do as you wish, Kefka. As you're offering to handle this, I'll let you do as you please. But do invite me before you torture them. I would thoroughly enjoy aiding you then." [Lightning battles Kefka, with WoL as her Assist and Ultimecia as her opponent's. After the battle, Kefka is standing at the top of a staircase, across from Lightning, who is at the bottom] Kefka: "Ow ow ow!" [Kefka teleports away. WoL runs up beside Lightning] WoL: "Are you alright, Lightning?" Lightning: "I'm fine. Worry about yourself. We still have company." [Lightning and WoL run on ahead. The setting is now the garden at the bottom of the Crystal Tower. WoL suddenly stops running. Noticing this, Lightning does as well] WoL: "This feeling..." Lightning: "So we got more creeps to deal with." [Sephiorth walks into view] Sephiroth: "Well, you noticed... Impressive." Lightning: "Who are--never mind, it's a waste of time asking. Let's get this over with!" [CoD teleports in behind Sephiroth] CoD: "You seem to be enjoying yourself. Monopolizing the prey, Sephiroth?" [Sephiroth looks at her over his shoulder] Sephiroth: "Cloud of Darkness, was it? Don't get in my way. I found them first." [Sephiroth assumes a fighting stance] Sephiroth: "But I am interested in your powers. Hm, why don't you lend me a hand--" [CoD also assumes a fighting stance. The two teams battle each other, WoL again serving as Lightning's Assist, while CoD serves as Sephiroth's. After the fight, Sephiroth is standing atop the garden wall, looking down at Lightning and WoL] Sephiroth: "Surely, that isn't the extent of your power. Try to put up a fight the next time we meet. --Or our purpose in this realm would be pointless." [Sephiroth teleports away] WoL: "I sense more enemies... Lightning, stay on alert." Lightning: "You don't need to tell me that." [The two run on ahead. The setting is now the M.S. Prima Vista. Lightning has already come to a stop. WoL walks up beside her] Lightning: "...They're close. Get ready." [The two look around them] Lightning: "Hey! Why don't you just come out!" [Cloud walks into their view] Cloud: "Shouldn't you be near Sanctuary? You have been invaded, haven't you? If the goddess of harmony were to fall, you'd just disappear." Lightning: "Hmph, an enemy worrying about me... I don't remember asking for any sympathy!" [Lightning readies her Blazefire Saber while WoL materializes his sword and shield. Golbez teleports in beside Cloud] Golbez: "Worrying about others, Cloud? Is there someone you know with them?" Cloud: "None of your business. Shut up and fight if you came to provide assistance, Golbez." [Cloud and Golbez assume fighting stances. The two teams then battle, WoL once again serving as Lightning's Assist, while Golbez serves as Cloud's. After the fight, Golbez and Cloud are standing across from the other two] Golbez: "Not bad for having just awoken. Perfect practice. I shall leave first..." [Golbez teleports away. Lightning approaches Cloud and stops a few feet from him] Cloud: "You probably fought some of the others, but they held back. You'll get hurt if you underestimate them, and... ...Your allies--" Lightning: "Huh? What about our allies?" [Cloud turns away] Cloud: "Nothing. You best prepare yourselves. The true conflict is just getting started." [Cloud walks away while WoL walks up beside Lightning] WoL: "Chaos's presence finally fades. It seems we were able to drive them back." [The two walk on. The screen fades to white for several seconds. When it fades in, Lightning is standing beside the sea near Order's Sanctuary. WoL approaches her] WoL: "We are victorious thanks to you. My pardons." Lightning: "For what? You would've been just fine without me. You didn't need help." WoL: "Having you to guard my back was the reason I could fight the way I did. Still, being able to fight together is a luxury we may not always have. We must stay vigilant. Even you. As long as we stay focused on our goal, each of our victories will bring us one step closer. You must never forget that. I fear there may still be enemies lurking near. I will scout the perimeter. You wait here for Kain and the others." Lightning: "Who died and made you Primarch?" WoL: "It may not be long before we're forced to fight again. You should rest a little, while you can." [WoL walks off. Lightning is left in silence for a moment, making no move to follow. Suddenly, Lightning hears Jecht speaking to her from offscreen] Jecht: "Still haven't figured out if you're trying to be thoughtful or just run the show, but..." [Jecht and Kain walk onscreen] Jecht: "guess that's just how you are." Lightning: "Jecht. Kain. Guess you're alright, then." Kain: "Learn anything?" Lightning: "The whole righteous act still doesn't sit right. But, uh...he does have the skill to back up his talk." Kain: "So your impression has...turned favorable?" Lightning: "Hmm. Wouldn't go that far. He's not the kind of person I can see myself liking. But at least I got to see what he's capable of, and you guys too. So, for your suggestion...you have my thanks." Kain: "Hmph. I wanted to know as well. Just exactly what you were capable of." Jecht: "I take it ya weren't let down by what you saw then, were ya?" Kain: "If I had been, I wouldn't be here." [Jecht scratches the back of his head and chuckles. Lightning smiles. The camera fades out for a moment, and when it fades back in, it's looking at the setting near where the warriors of Cosmos were just talking, the Crystal Tower in view. Cid of the Lufaine/the Great Will is now narrating] Now the very seams that bind this world have begun to come undone. It is but a matter of time before the curtain falls. Yet there are some on our stage who possess strength to defy divine destiny. Who can say how this final act will unfold? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Opening & Tutorial-------------- [5.0Op] [The opening CG movie begins on a shot of Order's Sanctuary as WoL awakens. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Cosmos, the goddess of harmony. Chaos--the god of discord. Two divine powers locked in endless struggle, each seeking to reign supreme. Long has the world played stage to their violent conflict, now at peace, now teetering on the verge of annihilation. but never for a moment striking a balance between the two. The scars of war run deep across the realm. And still these battles rage on, a tempest the eons cannot quell. [The rest of the opening follows, showcasing most of the game's characters in battle, culminating in the Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy logo. The scene is still Order's Sanctuary, a moogle now flying around in circles above Cosmos's throne for a moment before floating down on it] Moogle: "Welcome to the world of DISSIDIA 012 FINAL FANTASY, kupo! First things first... Have you ever fought DISSIDIA battles, kupo?" [The player can choose "I have played before." or "This is my first time." We will choose "I have played before."] Moogle: "You've played before, kupo? Then this is gonna be easy, kupo! Let's get used to the new system with this battle, kupo." [The player controls Lightning for a battle against a manikin. Afterward, there is a battle against another. Afterward, the scene returns to the moogle sitting on Cosmos's throne] Moogle: "Not bad at all, kupo. In fact, I'm impressed, kupo! Use Assists together with your HP attacks and Wall Rushes for the most effect, kupo! Kupo? You didn't need me to tell you that? ...Have you already mastered DISSIDIA, kupo?" [The player can choose "Well, I wouldn't say that..." or "I am a master!" We will choose "I am a master!"] Moogle: "You're a confident one, aren't you, kupo? Then here's one more battle from me, kupo! Happy fighting, kupo!" [The player then controls Lightning -- who is at Lv 1 -- in a battle against Lv 130 Feral Chaos. This battle is not meant to be won, and the moogle's next line will be the same regardless of the outcome] Moogle: "Watch it, kupo. Overconfidence will get the best of you, kupo. There's a lot to explore in this game. Hope you enjoy the new mode, kupo! So without further ado, enjoy DISSIDIA 012 FINAL FANTASY, kupo!" [The screen fades to white] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Chapters of 012: Treachery of the Gods-------------- [6.0Ch] 0) Chapter 0 [6.00Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Prologue - Path to Sanctuary-- [The scene opens on a shot of the Crystal Tower in the Order's Sanctuary area. Cid of the Lufaine is narrating] The divine conflict between harmony and discord rages on, the fate of the world its promised prize. Fighting to secure it are brave souls summoned for that solitary purpose. Champions, cut from a cloth different from those which form the fabric of our world. These warriors from afar are helpless but to do as bid, waging battle after endless battle for the gods who called them here, granted neither respite nor reprieve. Relying on what fragments of their shattered memories remain, they fight to end their conflict, and for a chance to return home, to the worlds they each once knew. What they cannot know is that they fight in vain. This war is one without end, and it is their fate to serve forever, until, at last, their ebbing strength gives way... [The scene shifts to the Interdimensional Rift. The camera is on vaan] Vaan: "Hey, uh, Tifa... You figure they all made it to Cosmos by now?" [Tifa is now shown standing in front of Vaan] Tifa: "Hmm, I guess they could have. You must be tired, huh?" Vaan: "Of course I am. Laguna led us down the scenic road. I don't know what you were thinking." [Laguna walks up beside of them] Laguna: "Yeah, I, uh, coulda sworn this was the quick route. Guess not." [He shrugs his shoulders in an embarassed manner] Vaan: "Yeah, guess not." [Yuna is now shown to be standing with them] Yuna: "Well, it can't really be that much farther from here, can it? I think I've seen this place before." Laguna: "Right!? See there. Yuna knows what's up. We went a little out of our way, but we're still on track, no need to complain." Vaan: "Yuna? You oughta let him know what you really think. It's for his own good." [The camera shifts a few dozen feet away to Lighting, who is standing with her arms crossed, staring off into the distance. From offscreen, Kain speaks to her] Kain: "Lightning, time to stop sulking." [She turns to look at him] Lightning: "Who's sulking?" Kain: "Had Laguna not taken charge, we might well never have made it this far. Perhaps his words were mostly false. But even so, they moved us, and that's why we're here." Lightning: "I know that. Thanks for the refresher." [The two are silent for a moment] Lightning: "Kain. Cosmos called us again. Why do you suppose that is?" Kain: "Who knows?" Lightning: "I want...I intend to win this fight. I win, and I get my memory back. I get to go back home. I keep telling myself that, just like everyone else. But you know...now that I've been here awhile... Sometimes I have to wonder if winning really means we'll get to go back home at all. If it might be that winning...won't change a thing. I just...I can't help but wonder." [Laguna suddenly speaks up from offscreen as he approaches] Laguna: "What's this? Is it really possible our Lightning's as human as the rest of us?" Lightning: "Wha--!?" Laguna: "Look, we've all got our worries, but we're trying to do what we can. You gonna lead us now? Or you leavin' that up to me?" Lightning: "Anything but that." Laguna: "Don't sweat it. We'll figure something out. Long as we stay alive, things are bound to work out, right?" Kain: "I'd trust our once wayward guide. He speaks from experience." Laguna: "...Thanks?" Kain: "Shall we then? Relax. Our battle will not be ended so easily." [Kain begins walking off] Lightning: "No...that it won't." [Lightning and Laguna follow after Kain. The scene shifts to the world map] Lightning: "Everyone made it out alright. Good. I can see Sanctuary in the distance. According to my map, we're close now, but no breaks until we get back. It looks like a simple path back, but stay close." [A message appears that says "Use [analog stick symbol here] to move around in the world map and press Select to bring up the map." Lightning moves forward and comes across Yuna standing beside a bright sphere of light floating a few feet above the ground] Yuna: "This light... I feel a gentle strength coming from it. I think it's safe to touch it..." [A message appears that says "You can attack these orbs with Circle. It seems that we gain powers from them." As Lightning smashes the orb, it breaks into multiple free-floating energy fragments that all converge on Lightning and are absorbed by her. As they do so, a message appears saying "A frail power of the dead dwells." Lightning locates and attacks another orb. As its energy is absorbed into Lightning as well, a message appears saying "The two powers became a frail light." Upon Lightning breaking the third such orb in the vicinity and absorbing its energy, a message appears saying "The three powers became a frail radiance." Once Lightning locates and breaks the fourth orb in the area, a message appears saying "The four powers became Straight Chain!" Every fourth orb broken and absorbed in this manner will grant a similar item. Lightning can also speak with Yuna at this point] Yuna: "I seem to forget that Cosmos is the one who summoned us here when I talk with her." Lightning: "I can't see her wielding immense powers, especially from how she talks to us. Yet, I was wondering what kind of selfish idiot could summon us at first." Yuna: "Hehe, I never thought I'd be able to talk with you like this when we first met. It's just a little funny that I can call you 'Light' now." [A little further ahead, Lightning can come across Laguna and speak with him] Laguna: "I wonder if the others have made it back to Sanctuary like Vaan mentioned. We'd better get a move on, it'd be bad if we worry the others." Lightning: "That's a little surprising coming from you. Then no more sightseeing, alright? That guy's annoying enough as it is; we don't need to give him more reasons to lecture us." Laguna: "Guess you're right. Then I'll find a short-- What's with that look? You don't trust me?" [Further along, Lightning comes across Kain standing in front of the entrance to a gateway dungeon] Kain: "Enter the gateway ahead of us. We shall follow shortly." [A message appears that says "Red gateways covered in thick fog must be passed to head towards your destination." Lightning approaches and enters the gateway] -Gateway to Departure- Tifa: "If we make it through here, we'll be in Sanctuary. Hang in there, everyone!" Laguna: "Okay then. Shall we?" Vaan: "What do you mean, 'Shall we?' You want to get us lost and chewed out by Light?" Kain: "We have already entered Sanctuary. Getting lost here would not be much of a problem." Lightning: "No one's getting lost anymore. I'm taking the lead, Laguna. No offense." Yuna: "I know we can count on you, Light." [A message appears that says "Move using either [analog stick symbol here] or [d-pad symbol here]. Head towards the red symbol." As the player begins to navigate the gateway, Lightning comes across and opens a treasure chest] Laguna: "Kaboom!!!" Lightning: "..." Laguna: "What if it exploded like that? ...Okay, it won't... Sorry." [A message appears saying "Obtained Broadsword from chest!" Another message follows that says "Items you obtain can be equipped within the customization menu. Press Triangle to open the customization menu." Moving ahead, Lightning can encounter and speak with Kain] Kain: "I'll trust you to lead our way, Lightning. Don't fret if you lose your way." Lightning: "Don't lump me with Laguna! Like I'll get lost that easily." [Moving to the end of the gateway, the party comes across a Stigma of Chaos] Tifa: "Looks like there's nothing else here. Let's unlock this 'gateway' and go." Lightning: "Those 'gateways' obstruct our path. We can unlock them by touching the insignia..." Kain: "Ironic that Laguna chose to enter the locked 'gateways' to proceed." Laguna: "But it's thanks to me that we met up. Now we're all able to enjoy the trip back! Aren't you guys going a little rough on me? Unlike when we first met?" [Clearing the gateway, the six warriors of Cosmos are now at Order's Sanctuary, approaching her throne. They all come to a stop] Kain: "We've arrived." Yuna: "The others must be here already. Let's go." Vaan: "Hope they didn't get tired of waiting." Laguna: "A little distance can be good for a relationship, you know?" [Tifa chuckles and shakes her head] Tifa: "Let's hope they see it that way." Lightning: "Come on." [Lightning begins walking forward. The others do likewise] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Chapter 1 [6.1Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Chapter 1 - A New Threat-- [The chapter begins with the CG movie of Lightning and the other five warriors of Cosmos approaching all the other warriors of Cosmos, who are standing in front of Cosmos as she floats in the air. Beams of light emanate from her clasped hands and float about the warriors for a few seconds before coalescing in their hands and disappearing. Everyone hurries away in excitement afterward, leaving WoL and Lightning as the last two to leave. WoL nods to Cosmos, turns and walks away, while Lightning lingers a moment longer. She takes one last look at Cosmos before following WoL. The screen fades to black, and while still in this state, Cosmos's words can be heard] Cosmos: "You must defeat the god of discord. Stop Chaos, and end this conflict..." [The scene opens on Order's Sanctuary again. Laguna, Yuna, Kain, Tifa, Vaan and Lightning slowly regroup as Lightning narrates] Cosmos, the goddess of harmony, imbued us with the power she said we would need in order to fight Chaos. What she gave us was something we had no way of using on our own--divine energy that would rest inside us, awaiting the proper catalyst. According to her, it was a strength that would be tempered through battle--by our own wills--and would eventually coalesce to form a crystal. As she told it, that crystal would then grant us, her soldiers, power to rival that of the gods themselves. So, simple as that. Fight the armies of Chaos, collect your crystal, and go take down the god of discord. At least that was the plan, as we all headed back to the field of battle once again. [The screen fades to black as Lightning continues to narrate] What we found when we got there was something else entirely: opposition of a form we never could have expected. [The screen fades to white] -Crescent Lake Gateway- [The scene is now inside a gateway] Tifa: "Light's attacks are interesting, huh? My attacks are just kicks and punches." Laguna: "But those kicks hurt a lot... Tifa, would you stop practicing on me?" Lightning: "Quit your yapping. There's something over there." Vaan: "say, Light, could you use that weird spinning move on 'em?" Lightning: "Enough talk, now get ready. We'll cut through them and head on if they're foes." [A message appears that says "Lightning can freely alter her attack patterns and style. Press [right shoulder button symbol here] while holding down [left shoulder button symbol here] in battle to change Paradigms." The party then encounters and defeats a Lightning manikin] Lightning: "Seems like they're enemies... What a bunch of creeps." Tifa: "What are they? ...People? It looks just like you, Light." Lightning: "We just got Cosmos's powers, and now--some new enemies, huh?" Tifa: "You think Cosmos might have any ideas on what they are?" [The party encounters and defeats a couple more manikins] Lightning: "So we can drag more than one opponent into battle..." Tifa: "Choosing a spot like that to fight might be a good idea, too." [A message appears that says "Entering a battle with multiple enemies near you creates a chain leading to more battles. Chains can be canceled by pressing Circle. Holding back if low on HP is another tactic." As the party moves toward a treasure chest afterward, another manikin appears in front of them] Vaan: "Is that...a treasure!? Come on, Light. Let's take it!" Lightning: "That enemy in front of it looks different from the others. Be careful and analyze your foe." [The party battles and defeats the manikin. Further along the gateway path, Lightning can encounter and speak to Laguna] Laguna: "It's not that I have a bad sense of direction. I'm just interested in all directions." Lightning: "Taking an interest is fine, but how do you explain getting lost after looking around?" [The party comes across a Stigma of Chaos and clears the gateway. The camera shifts to the world map] Lightning: "Those manikins, taking on our forms... Those pests've added to their numbers." Vaan: "Their numbers keep growing. We need to get our crystals fast!" Tifa: "Things might turn in our favor with the crystals. Hey, Light, let's head back to Sanctuary." Lightning: "You're right, and I'm worried about the others... Let's head back, we may get some info." [A message appears that says "Your HP is replenished while in the world map. Exit gateways to replenish your HP." Lightning encounters Vaan along the path, standing near an orb of light] Lightning: "This light... It seems that collecting them releases their powers." [Lightning encounters Laguna] Laguna: "It looks like the imposters become quiet once we open up a gateway." Lightning: "They pounce on any of us, but settle down when Chaos's power is gone... So they are under Chaos's control. Laguna, don't get us mixed up with them." Laguna: "Hey, my eyesight isn't that bad, ya know! But we do have a trump card, remember? Let's hurry and get our crystals! Although... How do we get to using them?" [Lightning encounters Tifa further along] Tifa: "Those things look and act like us... Manikins... Who's making them and how? And like Vaan said, their numbers just keep growing." Lightning: "Yeah, we're in trouble if we're surrounded. But, I'm more concerned with those two." Tifa: "The misguided and the free spirit, huh? Guess we need to keep our eyes on them, too." [Lightning encounters Vaan again] Vaan: "There's no end to this fight... There's so many of 'em I'll forget who the real enemy is. They're all over the place! If only we could get through without fighting..." Lightning: "We don't need to take 'em all on. Just clear a path and keep going. That doesn't mean you can take a break. Think of it as gaining some experience (EXP)." Vaan: "Gotcha. There's just so many of 'em... Guess they're great sparring dummies." [Lightning reaches another gateway and enters] -Sage's Path Gateway- Laguna: "This is really annoying! How ya doing, Light?" Lightning: "You should be aware of EX Mode. Though limited, it'll give you the upper hand." [A message appears that says "Collect the EX Force scattering after attacks, or the EX Cores that appears. When the EX Gauge is maxed out, press [right shoulder button symbol here] + Square to enter EX Mode." The party moves ahead until Vaan begins to speak] Vaan: "Light's special attack is so cool. Where do those petals come from anyway?" Lightning: "Enough small talk... Just keep your eyes front." [A message appears that says "Use Square for an HP attack during EX Mode to trigger an EX Burst attack." The party continues ahead, battling manikins as they go. Eventually, Lightning can encounter Tifa] Tifa: "I have a bad feeling, Light. That Chaos insignia..." [The party continues, fighting and defeating another manikin] Laguna: "Watching you dodge is quite the sight, Miss Lightning." Lightning: "This isn't the time for pleasantries! If you don't dodge correctly, you're a goner!" [A message appears that says "Evading an opponent's attacks effectively is another way to get battles in your favor. Watch your foe closely and press [right shoulder button symbol here] + X at the right time to evade a foe's attacks." The party continues, defeating another manikin as they approach the Chaos insignia] Lightning: "So that's the Chaos insignia... I feel an unrivaled evil from it." [Before getting to the Chaos insignia, the party comes across a treasure chest and opens it. A message appears saying "Obtained Soul of Destruction from chest!"] Lightning: "An accessory... Though it's just a charm, its effects are helpful. Guess I'll wear it." [A message appears saying "Soul of Destruction" is a breakable accessory, but boosts your starting ATK. Open up the customization menu and equip this accessory." The party continues and, at last, reaches the Chaos insignia. The scene shifts to the Lunar Subterrane as Tifa, Laguna, Vaan and Lightning are running across the surface of the moon. They all suddenly come to a stop] Vaan: "What...what are those things!?" Laguna: "Hmm...they look like carbon copies of us to me." Vaan: "Thanks for the inside perspective." Tifa: "This is getting us nowhere. They just keep coming and coming!" Lightning: "Manikins... A never-ending pool of reinforcements." [grunts] "What good is having Cosmos's power, if we can't even make it out of here to use it?" [Suddenly, Kuja speaks to the party from offscreen. The party members look up in the direction of his voice as he and Kefka teleport into view] Kuja: "Well, well...if it isn't Cosmos's warriors, marching straight into my arms of their own accord!" Lightning: "Been a while since we've seen anything but puppets." Kefka: "Really? Could it be you're...out of steam? Oh you poor dears! I mean turn around. You still have more manikins waiting for a chance to play!" Vaan: "Oh no. Not again!" [Lightning steps toward Kuja and Kefka] Lightning: "I'll take care of these. You guys deal with the others behind us. Do not let them surround you!" Laguna: "Yes, ma'am! You just leave your escape route to me!" Tifa: "Light...if things look bad, get out." [Tifa, Vaan and Laguna run off to battle the manikins. Kefka scoots over close to Kuja] Kefka: "Well, Kujie-coo... It looks like now's the time for you to show us what you can do. There's only one of them too, you know? This is your chance to shine!" Kuja: "Will you not stop talking? It gives me a headache every time you open that mouth of yours." Kefka: "Now!?" Kuja: "I do not take orders or cues from you, Kefka. I will engage them when I choose, and how I choose." Kefka: "Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, whatever, I'll, just shut up and watch you do your thing, okay? Just get on with the showing-me-that-you- can-actually-put-up-a-fight part already!" [Kuja begins to address Lightning] Kuja: "Lightning with no sky in which to hide... No choice now but to fulfill your destiny...and fall." [A battle between Kuja and Lightning begins] Kuja: "So ephemeral, lightning." Lightning: "Oh I'll show you how lightning strikes." [Lightning fights and defeats Kuja. After the battle, Kuja is on his knees grunting as his body begins discorporating into dark smoke. Kefka taunts him from offscreen] Kefka: "Oopsie! Someone went and lost, didn't he?" [Kefka walks up to him] Kefka: "You know what they say about second place: completely pathetic! Meh. Don't sweat it, a little thing like that's not gonna be the end of you." [Kuja's body finishes discorporating and he is gone] Kefka: "Should be the end of that rebellious phase of yours though! The next time you fight, it'll be study time! All over again! Oh, what kind of deliciously depraved memories should I fill you up with this time around?" [Kefka chuckles as Lightning walks up to him. He only now seems to have noticed her] Kefka: "What!? You're still here?" Lightning: "You'd let your friend die? You're not very different from the manikins." Kefka: "And that is the reason you're still standing now. Shouldn't you be kissing my boots in appreciation?" Lightning: "How dare you..." Kefka: "Besides, it's not like he's really gonna die from that. Let him be, he'll be back." Lightning: "He's not dead?" Kefka: "Now now, don't you go prying into that. Even if I went to the trouble of explaining, you'd just forget! Well, it's been lovely, but being me doesn't mean I'm free. Good-Byeee!" [Kefka teleports away] Lightning: "What in the world was that about?" [The scenery is now back on the world map] Lightning: "Are Laguna and the others alright? I hope we can meet up at Cosmos's throne--" [Suddenly, Lightning is interrupted by a moogle who is floating in front of her] Moogle: "Ah! You have the smell of kupo on you, miss! Are you collecting kupo as well?" Lightning: "...Kupo?" Moogle: "KP (kupo) is the source of this world's energy. We moogles collect it. See there? It's a Moogle Shop!" Lightning: "...A shop?" [Lightning can move on at this point, but if the player has her speak to the moogle again, they will continue talking] Moogle: "I'm certain that what we moogles make will be of aid to you, miss. I can't do much now, but I'm getting ready to open up a shop of my own. When I have my shop's grand opening, be sure to drop by, alright?" [If Lightning attempts to head through an archway in the wrong direction, the moogle will attempt to redirect her] Moogle: "The path to Sanctuary's not that way, miss. The gateway next to the shop is the way. There're plenty of creepy manikins that way... You'll be fine, right, Thunder Lady?" [If Lightning opens a treasure chest in the area with a Rosetta Stone, the moogle will get very excited] Moogle: "Ah, a Rosetta Stone! The most treasured item in a Moogle Shop! If you press Triangle to enter the shop and trade it in, you can gain an extra accessory slot! Smart warriors trade in tons of them! You're a real moogle when you have them." Lightning: "Then you better find some fast. --I'll trade this Rosetta Stone in at the shop. I'll buy more from you if I find it handy. Be sure to stock up by then." [Eventually, Lightning enters the next gateway] -Gateway of Fools and Hope- Lightning: "No one's here... Just more manikins. I have to head back to Sanctuary." [Lightning encounters a manikin and destroys it. Afterward, she is running inside the Chaos Shrine and comes to a stop at the bottom of the stairs] Lightning: "No matter how many you take down, more spring up... This is bad. Doubt they could've gotten past this many." [A Lightning manikins appears in front of her at the top of the stairs. Lightning points her gun at it. She then notices a WoL manikin between the pillars to her right. Lightning defeats the manikins] Lightning: "Just evading attacks will draw out battles... I can't just run around; I need to chain my attacks together." [A message appears saying "Don't just evade an attack, but try to chain your own attack after. Attacking right after evading is the key." After another battle, Lightning comes across a treasure chest and opens it. A message appears saying "Obtained Red Drop from chest!"] Lightning: "Looks like this accessory won't break. --Guess I'll equip this one for now. Is everyone alright? Hm? What's this insignia? I don't sense Chaos's goons. It's foreign... Better take a look." [Lightning advances to the unfamiliar insignia. She's now atop the Chaos Shrine, walking warily. She spots someone ahead of her and breaks into a run. It's Kain] Lightning: "Kain?" [She runs up to him. He turns to look at her but says nothing] Lightning: "You made it out. What about the rest of 'em? Vaan, Tifa...?" [Lightning now looks to her right and notices Bartz laying on the ground, obstructed before by the rubble in the area] Lightning: [Huh?] "Bartz! Someone got him?" [Lightning runs toward Bartz] Kain: "Yes." [Lightning kneels down by Bartz's side] Lightning: "Bartz, stay with us!" Bartz: "Kain... You...why did you...?" [Lightning looks confused for a second, then gasps] Lightning: "What--" [She turns sharply just in time to see Kain readying his lance to skewer her. She cartwheels out of the way as he lunges, his lance making contact with the ground instead. She runs a few feet away, then turns back to look at Kain who hasn't turned after her yet. He stands in silence for a moment while she stares at him. He slowly turns to face her and the two simply look at one another for a moment. Lightning then fights Kain] Lightning: "Kain? What are you doing!?" [After the battle, the two warriors of Cosmos are standing several feet apart, silently staring at each other. Lightning is still in a battle-ready position, while Kain is in a neutral standing position. Suddenly, Exdeath's voice speaks from offscreen] Exdeath: "Oh ho, if it isn't our double-crossing young disturber of the peace." [Exdeath and Garland walk into view and stand across from the two Cosmos warriors] Exdeath: "Tell me, how many friends whom you've betrayed does that now make?" Lightning: "What!?" [Kain suddenly turns, runs up to Bartz's body and picks it up] Lightning: "Kain!" [Kain looks at her for a moment, then leaps away with Bartz's body. Exdeath chortles] Exdeath: "This may be well worth hunting. I shall pursue him for the time being." Garland: "Suit yourself." [Exdeath teleports away. Lightning readies her Blazefire Saber and points it at Garland] Garland: "A manikin army will soon sweep across the very place we stand. I needn't bother lifting my blade against the likes of you. The dolls have served their purpose better than you could know. They may have their...imperfections...but they are more than capable of defeating you." Lightning: "Says who?" Garland: "Most of your friends have already departed. You'd best enjoy what precious time you have left." [Garland turns and begins walking away] Lightning: "Departed? What's that supposed to mean?" [Garland stops] Garland: "Manikins are merciless. They know only how to deliver death and destruction, from which there can be no return. I suspect that we shall not see one another again. Fare thee well, soldier of Cosmos." Lightning: [Tch.] [The setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Words appear from an unidentified narrator] The world calls on strong wills. Those wills then search for still more... A warrior is chosen only on strength. One considers not the warrior's own will... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Chapter 2 [6.2Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Chapter 2 - Stern Eyes-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] While retreating after parting ways with Lightning, Vaan strays from his friends. He is nearby a lake in the mountains looking for a way back to Sanctuary... [Vaan is on the world map] Vaan: "...Aw man, all paths back to Sanctuary are blocked. And I've lost sight of the others, too. Guess I better find a way back..." [A message appears saying "The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu. All characters can equip the same item if you have at least one item or accessory in your inventory." Vaan journeys ahead, encountering and defeating a couple of Kefka manikins before coming across a blue gateway] Vaan: "Hm? This gateway seems different from the others. What's the deal? Think I'll take a little peek inside, then I wouldn't be taking a detour." [A message then appears that says "You can enter blue gateways as many times as you like." Vaan then enters the gateway] -Hidden Darkness Gateway- Vaan: "I wish we had an airship. It'd make getting to Chaos so much easier..." OK: "How can you have a carefree daydream at a time like this?" Vaan: "What the--! How long have you been there? Don't scare me like that!" [As Vaan wanders abou the gateway board, defeating manikins and opening treasure chest, he can encounter OK] OK: "Guess it can't be helped. I'll lend a hand. But I'll only help in this gateway." [Eventually, Vaan reaches the Stigma of Chaos in this gateway and returns to the world map. Soon after, he reaches another gateway] -Encounters and Treason- Vaan: "Gr, no one's here either. Guess I have to make my way through here alone. I should check my equipment first... I wonder if there's something at the shop." [A message appears saying "Vaan changes the weapon he uses based on his attack ability. He can use weapons of differing abilities with Switch to swap weapons." Vaan advances in the gateway] Vaan: "Never know when a tough guy'll pop up, so I better save up my EX Gauge." [A message appears saying "Helpful effects such as Regen or critical hit rates are effective during EX Mode." After clearing the gateway of manikins, Vaan reaches a strange insignia in the area. The setting is now the World of Darkness] Vaan: "Someone's over there--" Terra: "Destroy... Must destroy all foes... Enemy... Destroy!" Vaan: "Ah!!!" [Vaan fights and defeats Terra] Terra: "Arg... Must destroy... Gr..." Vaan: "Stop it already. I don't plan to be beat--" Terra: "No! Destroy... Graaah!!!" Vaan: "Agh! She flew away..." [Vaan returns to the world map] Vaan: "What's her problem? Something didn't seem right with her. An enemy, huh? Who are Cosmos and Chaos anyway? Oh well, I gotta return to Sanctuary. I think there's a gateway leading to the other side beyond that large snow mountain." [Vaan journeys across the world map here, defeating manikins and collecting treasure. After progressing through a snowy region, he comes to a gateway. In front of the gateway, a message appears that says "There are many ways to obtain KP besides winning battles. You must 'Win within 90 seconds' inside this gateway." Vaan enters the gateway] -Gulg Gateway- Vaan: "Hey, I found a chest! But an enemy's in the way... Alright, I'll take 'em all out! What should I do about that...huge guy..." [A message appears saying "Larger enemies indicate formidable strength compared to others in the dungeon. Don't push too hard. Remember, avoiding fights is also a good strategy." [Vaan comes across a Summonstone on the gateway board] Ifrit AUTO: "The flames of hell turn all to dust. Power will decide the victor..." Vaan: "Flames of hell? I've heard that before... I don't know you, but will you help me?" Ifrit AUTO: "...I am Ifrit. I shall lend my strength to champions of Cosmos." Vaan: "Hm... Okay. Well, nice to meet ya, Ifrit!" [A message appears saying "Equip Summonstones to borrow an Esper's power. Open the customization menu with Triangle." Vaan proceeds, encountering more manikins] Vaan: "Those darn manikins running around all over the place make it hard to fight! I'll use my Free Air Dash to get close and hit 'em quick!" [A message appears saying "Press [right shoulder button symbol here] + Triangle while locked onto an opponent to dash towards them." It can be used to close in on an opponent or deflect weaker spells. Try it out." Vaan defeats the remaining manikins in the area and proceeds to this gateway's Chaos insignia. The setting is now Sky Fortress Bahamut. Vaan is walking across a platform here when he hears Kefka speaking. He stops to watch the scene unfolding on a platform below him] Kefka: "Oh, you crack me up! 'Don't want to fight...' she says!" [Kefka and Terra now come into view below] Kefka: "Who are you and what did you do to the girl who was having such a blast beating the pulp out of people?" [Kefka floats in the air now as though relaxing in a hammock] Terra: "I didn't... I don't..." [Vaan thinks out loud] Vaan: "Huh? That's that girl." [Kefka floats back down] Kefka: "Listen, you're a vicious beast. With vicious power, meant for mayhem and destruction! Now tell me, how is a person like that going to decide she 'doesn't want to fight'? You better straighten up, missy, or I'll hafta teach you a lesson!" Terra: "Please don't..." [Vaan thinks out loud again] Vaan: "It seems like they're arguing with each other. Yeah... I think I better keep out of it." [Vaan begins walking away. Meanwhile, Kefka is still talking to Terra] Kefka: "Alright... So much for Mr. Nice Kefka." [Energy suddenly accumulates in Kefka's hands accompanied by a piercing sound] Kefka: "Sorry, babe. I only hurt you because you make me!" [Kefka points his fingers at Terra and electricity crackles around his hands briefly before suddenly crackling around Terra. She screams out while clutching her head. Vaan gasps and runs toward them, getting between Terra and Kefka] Vaan: "Hey, leave 'er alone!" Kefka: "Who? What? When-where-why? can't you see when someone's busy? Run along and play now!" Vaan: "I'll say it again, just in case you didn't hear me the first time: leave that girl alone." Kefka: "Right. In that case, play DEAD." [The two assume fighting stances and commence battle] Kefka: "You're about to learn why 'oppose' rhymes with 'dispose'!" Vaan: "Always happy to take out the trash!" [After the fight, Kefka stumbles back a couple of steps, shakes his head quickly and rubs his jaw. Vaan and Terra are across from him some two dozen feet] Kefka: "And here I thought you were just another prepubescent pretty boy... Incredible! That's the most fun I've had in minutes!" [Vaan looks at Terra out of the cornerof his eye and the suddenly turns and grabs her wrist] Terra: "Huh?" Vaan: "Hey, snap out of it! We gotta go!" [Vaan then begins running away, dragging Terra with him. Kefka looks confused] Kefka: "Hm?" [Vaan looks back as he and Terra run away and waves while saying his next line] Vaan: "We'll finish this next time! For now, I'm just gonna take the girl. Catch ya later." [The two run off into the distance. Kefka, meanwhile, is waving back for a moment] Kefka: "Yeah, it's been a pleasure! ...Wait, you're--WHAT!?" [Kefka is left standing there in silence for a long moment] Kefka: "Well fine, you just go on and take her with you then!" [He floats up into the air in his hammock position again] Kefka: "After all, she always comes running straight back into my arms anyway. What do I care?" [Kefka flips back onto his feet and walks off] Kefka: "Go on! Scram! Cheeky brat, that one... Thinks he can just waltz in and card off anybody he pleases... Who does he think he is? Never even got a chance to say I wasn't sorry." [Note: The onscreen text here has Kefka's previous three lines as "Thinks he can just waltz in and (mumble)..."] [Vaan and Terra are now on the world map] Vaan: "Are you tired? Come on, we need to go just a little farther." Terra: "But I--" Vaan: "Worry about the small stuff later. We need to run as much as we can now." [A message appears saying "Attack enemies in the world map with Circle to start battles with foe's BRV at 0. 20% of your KP is lost if you flee. Start: View the help manual for details." Terra will now follow Vaan on the world map, and he can speak to her] Terra: "I'm a warrior of Chaos... It doesn't matter where I run..." [If he speaks to her again later, different dialogue will occur] Vaan: "I'm sure you're tired, but just a little more. You don't want to get caught, do you?" Terra: "But...even if I run..." Vaan: "You'd get caught? You're wrong, you run so that you DON'T get caught." [The two can encounter a moogle on the world map] Moogle: "Something troubling her, sir? The best solution is to buy something, kupo!" [Later, the two come across a blue gateway] -Snow of Sorrow- Vaan: "We could just fly over these gateways with one. Know what an airship is? They're used to fly." Terra: "I...know about airships." Vaan: "Really? Your world has airships too? Having one is my dream." Terra: "A dream..." [Upon touching the Stigma of Chaos in this gateway, the two return to the world map. Journeying on, they reach another gateway and enter. The setting is now Kefka's Tower. The two are running through the room out of breath. After a few seconds, they stop to catch their breath] Vaan: "Phew... This should be far enough away they won't find us. Oh, hey! I'm Vaan. And you are...?" [Terra shuts her eyes and whimpers but doesn't answer the question] Vaan: "Okay..." Terra: "You're...one of Cosmos's warriors." Vaan: "Hm? Ah, yeah, I am." Terra: "Then, please...kill me." Vaan: "Huh?" Terra: "I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want to hurt people, or destroy things anymore. So please!" Vaan: "Couldn't you just stop fighting, and not use your powers? I mean, that's gotta be better than the alternative." Terra: "What do you mean? I'm... You're my enemy. Aren't you?" Vaan: "People are people aren't they? It doesn't matter what 'side' you're on." Terra: [confused gasp] Vaan: "Back there, it uh... it looked like you were in trouble. So I did what I thought was right and got you out. I mean, I knew you were on the other side, but... What difference does that make, ya know?" Terra: "You...don't care?" Vaan: "Nah, not really. It doesn't change anything, does it? What does you being in trouble have to do with Chaos or Cosmos?" Terra: "Well, I mean we're both soldiers, and we were summoned here to fight." Vaan: "Okay. Sure, we were summoned here to fight. But that doesn't mean I'm just gonna throw away what I believe in. I decided to help you because that's what I wanted to do. And I have no intention of hurting you. That's not me. Listen...don't think about things so hard, alright? You don't wanna end up just doing whatever people tell you to, do you?" -Seasonless Gateway- [Vaan fights and defeats a manikin] Vaan: "I steal the EX Cores before the manikins can get to them. Cool, huh?" Terra: "Uh...yeah." [A message appears that says "Press [left shoulder button symbol here] while an EX Core is present to lock onto the EX Core. After changing targets, press [right shoulder button here] + Triangle to dash towards an EX Core." Vaan clears out most of the manikins in the dungeon before advancing to the last one] Vaan: "Chasing an enemy after knocking 'em into the air just feels so cool! Like flying through the air. It's like I can cut the wind...know what I mean?" Terra: "I...don't exactly get it, but I guess..." [A message appears that says "Press X quickly when the prompt appears onscreen to chase after an opponent. Attack with either Circle or Square, and dodge an attack by pressing X." Vaan defeats the last manikin on the gateway board and touches the Stigma of Chaos beyond it. The setting is now the Interdimensional Rift. The two are walking through the area but stop when Terra begins speaking to Vaan] Terra: "You're different from me. You're strong." Vaan: "You can make your own decisions. You already have. You don't want to fight." Terra: "My own...decisions." [Vaan takes a few steps forward] Vaan: "This battle's gonna be over before you know it. And I can already tell you Cosmos is gonna be the winner. Once Chaos is outta the picture, things oughta settle down a little bit. And then we'll all be able to go home, right?" [Terra is quiet] Vaan: "Go somewhere safe and hide out until all this is over. Somewhere where you won't have to fight." Terra: "What?" [Vaan shuffles over to her] Vaan: "I'll come and find you before we go to fight Chaos. Then you can come back to see Cosmos with the rest of us." Terra: "To see...Cosmos?" Vaan: "Yeah. If you become one of her warriors, you should be able to go back to wherever you came from too. Anyway, I better get going. I've still got some fighting left to do. Find somewhere to lay low. I'll be back for you." [Vaan begins to run off] Terra: "Vaan..." [Vaan stops and looks back at her] Vaan: "Yeah? What is it?" Terra: [Um] "My name's...Terra." Vaan: "Terra... Nice to meet you, Terra!" [Vaan runs off. The setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Words appear from an unidentified narrator] To wish not to fight is a desire that ought not have a place in this world. That is precisely why I wished to know what it was she held so dear... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Chapter 3 [6.3Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Chapter 3 - Clues-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] After parting ways with Lightning and retreating, Laguna has long wandered alone. Hoping to reunite with his friends, he has crossed the snowplains to reach the jungle... -Omen of Destruction- [Laguna is inside a dungeon] Laguna: "Where'd everybody go? ...Ah, or was I separated from the others?" [A message appears saying "Laguna is skilled in mid- to long-ranged attacks; keep your distance in a fight. He also possesses many special attacks. Check his abilities in the customization menu. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." As he sets out in this dungeon, Laguna comes across and opens a chest. A message appears saying "Obtained Cross Chain from chest!"] Laguna: "I'll use this chain skill to clean house of these spunky imposters!" [A message appears saying "Stocked skills are shown in the upper right corner. Press Square to select a skill. Use a chain skill to fight a distant foe and create a chain." Laguna advances a bit in the dungeon] Laguna: "Haha! If I use the cross chain here, I can drag that guy into battle too! If I beat 'em all, I'll get tons of KP! Alright, let's do this!" [A message appears saying "Enemies in adjacent spaces will be chained after a chain skill is used. Winning consecutive, chained battles will award a KP bonus." Laguna then uses the Cross Chain to drag five manikins into battle. He defeats them all. Afterward, he finds a treasure chest and opens it. A message appears saying "Obtained Tanegashima from chest!"] Laguna: "Hey, what do you know? A 'seed shooter'! I've been wanting one of these bad." [Afterward, Laguna reaches the Stigma of Chaos in this area and the setting shifts to the world map] Laguna: "Hmm. Looking at my map Select, I'm making steady progress. It's a little concerning... I'll reach Sanctuary in no time at this rate! But I should probably do something about them... I have a map, there's no way I can get lost. Just a little detour to gather some intel." [Not long after, Laguna encounters Vaan] Vaan: "Laguna! You're still wandering around here? You got lost again, huh?" Laguna: "Hey now, you're in the same boat yourself. We both got lost, and here we are now." Vaan: "I had a little errand to take care of. Anyway, do you know the way back?" Laguna: "Of course I do! I won't get lost this time. Alright, Vaan, just follow me!" [Vaan now follows Laguna on the world map. The two can encounter a moogle not long later] Moogle: "Hm... Gonna buy anything, kupo? I don't want any window shoppers, kupo." [The two reach a gateway and enter] -Gateway to Decay- Vaan: "Hey Laguna, I'll give ya hand, so lay back and relax like you're on an airship." Laguna: "Thanks Vaan, you're a great help. Don't go crashing and burning, though." [A message appears saying "Attacking charges up the Assist Gauge ad allows an assist character to be summoned. Pressing [left shoulder button symbol here + Circle when the gauge is half full triggers an bravery fist attack." Using a chain, Laguna drags five more manikins into battle and beats them. As Laguna advances toward the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon, a message appears saying "When the Assist Gauge is maxed out, press [left shoulder button symbol here] + Square to use an HP attack. Using a bravery attack--HP assist attack combo deals great damage to a foe." Afterward, he touches the Stigma of Chaos and he and Vaan return to the world map] Laguna: "Every gateway's filled with those imposters. They just multiply..." Vaan: "I've gotten used to their looks now, though. Their Laguna seems smarter than you." Laguna: "Vaan... Well, I guess you're right. I don't think they'd get lost..." [Laguna and Vaan make their way across the world map, battling manikins and discovering treasure, until they reach another gateway. They enter] -Southern Shrine Gateway- Laguna: "Vaan, evading an attack is great, but blocking a weak attack is good too. Would ya listen! Huh, I've been talking to myself a lot lately..." [A message appears saying "Use [right shoulder button symbol here] to block against an attack and create a great opening for a counterattack. Watch your opponent carefully and try blocking their weak bravery attacks." Laguna moves across the gateway board a few steps before getting some advice from Vaan] Vaan: "It's better to examine your enemies before using a chain skill." Laguna: "You did say you got hurt going after a chest, listening to you wouldn't hurt." Vaan: "What's with that act? Imitating someone? It doesn't suit you." [A message appears saying "Press Select to enter scan mode and examine enemies or items within the field. Be aware of your remaining HP and enemy position before using a chain skill." After making his way through several manikins, Laguna finds a Summonstone] Carbuncle AUTO: "I seek one who hears the voices within, to inform you of a ruby..." Laguna: "A song? Who's singing..." Carbuncle AUTO: "My name is Carbuncle, a stone harboring the rainbow light." Laguna: "Haha... Sorta cute. So, you gonna help me out?" Carbuncle AUTO: "These lights shall descend when you are in peril!" [Laguna advances toward the Stigma of Chaos on this gateway board] Vaan: "Examining this thing'll open the gateway. Chaos sure made a weird gizmo..." Laguna: "Hey now, don't go touching that! Not yet!" Vaan: "Ah!" [Vaan is teleported out of the dungeon and the Stigma of Chaos vanishes] Laguna: "That was a shock--the exit disappeared... What the hell am I supposed to do now? Huh? What is that? Maybe that's my exit outta here..." [A chaos symbol appears where the Stigma of Chaos had been. Laguna advances to its position. The setting is now the World of Darkness. Laguna is walking through the area and comes to a stop] Laguna: [Huh] "Well now... Is this my first time through here, or my second?" [Suddenly, CoD's voice can be heard] CoD: "The only thing we can tell you is that it is your last." Laguna: [gasp] "Who's there?" [CoD appears in the air behind Laguna, floats past him, and then vanishes again. Her voice is then heard again] CoD: "A warrior of Cosmos, are we? Come with foolish thoughts of slaying us?" [She now appears in front of him] Laguna: [Whoa!] "Hey, uh...no need to get upset. No offense meant, I'll be on my way!" CoD: [chuckles] "So soon? We've not had a guest in some time. At least allow us to bid you a proper farewell." [A battle between the two begins] CoD: "Come. We will drown you in the darkness." Laguna: "Yeah, 'fraid I'm gonna hafta pass on that." [After their battle, Laguna is holding his machine gun while looking frantically around for CoD. She teleports up out of the floor in front of him] CoD: "It is time we put an end to this game." [Laguna gasps and points his gun at her] Laguna: [Hmm?] CoD: "What's wrong? Frozen by fear's icy grip?" Laguna: "O-of course not. No...not at all." [Note: The onscreen text here is "Of course not. Not...not at all."] Laguna: "Just, I, um... I was just admiring your uh, appearance is all." [CoD's tentacles snap at the screen as it pans up her body, first the right one, then the left] Laguna: "Not...n-not any particular PART of your appearance, much--" [Note: The onscreen text here is "Not...not any particular PART of your appearance, much--"] [Suddenly, Laguna's right leg begins cramping and he groans as he drops his gun, falls to one knee and clenches his leg] Laguna: [groans] "Leg cramp!" [Laguna continues groaning for several seconds] CoD: [Hm] "Unbelievable. Cosmos must rest well with brave defenders of your like." Laguna: "Hey, don't look at me. I couldn't believe it either. Somebody oughta tell her how to pick 'em better, ya know?" [groans] CoD: "So, you disrespect even the goddess whom you serve. We would pity her, did we not oppose her." [Laguna continues groaning for a moment, but finally gets back up on both feet, then stretches his leg] Laguna: "Ma'am... I don't exactly 'serve' anyone." [He bends back down and picks up his gun] Laguna: "I'm just working with her, that's it. If the world comes to an end, that's bad news, right? So the only choice that leaves is to try and protect it. Then again, you know, it could be a little tough the way things are. What with these-- what are they? Munchkins?" CoD: "Manikins?" Laguna: "Yeah, them. That's what I meant. Those things are gettin' real old, real fast. It's ridiculus! Where do they all come from? Anyway, I plan on findin' a way to get back home, munchkin infestation or not. I'm just doin' what I gotta do to make that happen. I'm not 'serving' anyone, or anything like that." [Laguna takes a few steps away as he muses out loud] Laguna: "Sure, I might not be a god, but I figure I have SOME hope. I mean, that's all a soldier like me's really got, right?" CoD: [Hm] "Manikins have no place in this world." [She teleports over in front of him] CoD: "They are a foreign presence that unbalances a most delicate equilibrium." Laguna: [Huh?] CoD: "Know this, human. Manikins are cursed mockeries of men that crawled forth from the Rift, and now befoul this realm. Their masters do no more than pull the puppets' strings." Laguna: "Really. So you aren't making 'em, then." CoD: "There exists a portal which connects this plane to theirs. Seal that door, and no more of the puppets will be able to emerge." Laguna: "Meaning, they won't keep multiplying?" CoD: "A great deal of their taint has already spilt forth from the gate and into this realm. If you desire to stem its flow, follow the trail and seek out the source." Laguna: "Closing a door sounds easy enough." [Note: The onscreen text here says "Closin' a door sounds easy enough."] Laguna: "But if that's really all it takes, why would you tell me?" CoD: [chuckles] "Did you not listen? These beings surge through the portal even as we speak. Should you choose to seek it out, all you will find is endless battle, and certain doom." [She floats past him] CoD: "As for us...we are but curious to see what manner of death you select for yourself." [She stops briefly, then teleports away. Laguna puts his hand to his chin] Laguna: [Hm] "First things first. Better let everyone know what's up." [He runs off] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Chapter 4 [6.4Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Chapter 4 - Where Memories Wait-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Yuna continues on her journey with Jecht, but still finds no clue to a crystal. Now in the western lands, they find themselves cornered by the manikins... -West Melmond Gateway- [The two warrios of Cosmos are in a dungeon] Jecht: "Aw man, no one's around. Only those darned imposters here, huh?" Yuna: "We have to inform Cosmos of these manikins. Let us hurry, Sir Jecht." [A message appears saying "Yuna summons Aeons to assist her. Each Aeon has a different attack radius. Combo an assist attack with an Aeon's attack to make things easier. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." While clearing the gateway board of manikins, Yuna happens upon a treasure chest, which she opens. A message then appears saying "Obtained Guard Ring from chest!"] Yuna: "This is an accessory... Maybe I should try to combine it with my other items." [A message appears saying "Effects from basic accessories can be augmented by using booster accessories. Equip a booster accessory fitting your style to create a more effective character." Yuna battles her way to the Stigma of Chaos in this area. Upon touching it, Jecht is teleported out of the dungeon. The setting is now Dream's End] Jecht: "Where the hell am I? And where's Yuna? Heeey, Yuna! Where are you?" [The setting shifts to Pandaemonium] Yuna: "How odd. I could have sworn I was headed outside. And where did Sir Jecht go? Did we get separated? What should I do?" [Yuna is now running through Pandaemonium, panting. She comes to a stop] Yuna: "Sir Jecht? Sir Jecht, where are you? He's gone. Guess I'm alone." [grunts] "Better try and find him. Right?" [She puts her fingers to her lips and whistles, then chuckles] Yuna: "Wonder if a whistle would work here. Maybe in this world, he might really come running. Oh well. Wishful thinking." [Yuna starts to round a corner when Tidus suddenly comes running around it and stops in front of her. Yuna gasps] Tidus: "Sorry! You alright?" [He starts to run on ahead but then stops and looks back at her] Tidus: "You, uh, shouldn't hang around here. This place is kinda dangerous." Yuna: "Tidus!" Tidus: [Huh?] "Did we...meet somewhere before? Anyway. Sorry. Really gotta get going." [Tidus runs off] Yuna: "That's him. No mistaking it. That's really him. Tidus, wait!" [She runs off after him. Afterward, the setting is the world map] Yuna: "You weren't at Sanctuary with the others. That means...you're a warrior of Chaos. Have you forgotten about me? About our pilgrimage together? Even Sir Jecht? ...I've got to catch up to him. I'm sure he'd remember everything if we talked." [While traveling about the world map, collecting treasure and fighting manikins, she encounters a moogle] Moogle: "A guy just flew by right now and bumped into my pompom, kupo! What a jerk!" [Eventually, she reaches a gateway and enters] -North Melmond Gateway- Yuna: "Sir Jecht or Tidus...aren't here either. I need to stay positive. It's alright. If I use the items I've picked up, I'm sure I can make it through." Zidane: "Yuna! Are you traveling alone? You alright?" Yuna: "Zidane! I'm glad to see that you're fine. I'm fine. Let's go to Sanctuary together." [A message appears saying "There are skills that are effective during chains, aiding you in battle. Using these skills before a chain will make theeffects last longer." After battling several manikins, she comes across a Summonstone] Ramuh AUTO: "Pray for the clouds. Then I shall deal judgment to your foes." Yuna: "Are you...Ramuh? But I..." Ramuh AUTO: "I will not answer your call. I shall come when crisis befalls you..." Yuna: "I understand. Thank you." [Yuna can also speak to Zidane on the gateway board] Zidane: "Yuna, what's wrong? You seem depressed. Come on, cheer up! A frown doesn't suit you!" [Yuna advances toward the final manikins between her and the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon] Yuna: "(Tidus... You seemed to be searching for someone. Are you searching for Sir Jecht?)" [After clearing the dungeon of manikins, Yuna reaches the Stigma of Chaos] Zidane: "What's that? Sorry! I need to scout ahead. Yuna, don't push yourself!" Yuna: "Ah! Uh, you be careful, too, Zidane!" [Zidane teleports out of the dungeon and Yuna returns to the world map] Yuna: "I hope Zidane's alright. It seems he's met up with someone... I've got to keep going. I'm sure Sir Jecht is headed this way, too." [Traveling further, Yuna comes across a blue gateway] Yuna: "I don't know what to do... But I need to focus on the fight..." [Upon touching the Stigma of Chaos here, she returns to the world map. She then advances to another gateway] -Southern Shrine Gateway- Yuna: "I have a bad feeling about this... Could a warrior of Chaos be near? I need to be able to create an opening for a strong counter..." [A message appears saying "Entering EX Mode while being struck will allow you to trigger EX Revenge. While in EX Revenge, opponents will move slowly for a set period of time." After clearing the dungeon of manikins, she advances to the Chaos piece in this area and touches it. The setting is now Dream's End. Jecht is standing here near the end of the long platform, facing the giant sword] Jecht: "You... What're you doin' in a place like this?" [We can now see that he's talking to Tidus] Tidus: "Taking you down, old man. What else would I be doin' here?" Jecht: "Heh. Is that it? They call you here to try and beat me, did they? You just can't get enough of followin' in my footsteps, can ya, boy!?" Tidus: "Can the talk, already. Bring it on. Or are you too scared?" Jecht: "Stupid kid... Gone and gotten yourself brainwashed. Well, you asked for it, ya good-fer-nothin' punk!" [Jecht brandishes his sword. Suddenly, Yuna runs in between them] Yuna: "Sir Jecht!" Jecht: "Yuna!?" Yuna: "Wait! Please, just wait!" Jecht: "Don't worry, I can handle this brat on my own. You hang back and keep safe." Tidus: "Yuna?" Yuna: "No! I won't let you. He'll understand if I explain. He'll remember, I know he will! Please...just give me a little time." Jecht: "You sure?" [Yuna takes a few steps closer to Tidus] Yuna: "Hey... It's me, Yuna. The summoner, remember?" Tidus: "I don't know any Yunas. Now get outta my way! This's my fight. It's got nothing to do with you!" [Note: The onscreen text for the previous line was "It's got nothin' to do with you!"] Yuna: "Yes it does! It has a lot to do with me. You...remember our journey together, don't you? Even I don't remember everything. But... I do remember you. I'd never forget you." Tidus: "I don't--" Yuna: "You fought, to keep me safe. You told me all kinds of stories." Tidus: "I don't know what you're talking about, okay? I told you--get outta my way! Don't make me go through you!" Yuna: "I'm not moving. I know you won't hurt me." Tidus: "What are you talking about?" [Yuna walks up to him] Yuna: "Tidus... I...I've wanted to see you for so long." [Tidus makes a sound showing that he's confused] Yuna: "If you just remember, there won't have to be any more fighting. I'll stay with you, and keep you safe until you do. So please...come with us." [Tidus makes that sound again and looks perplexed for several seconds] Tidus: "Look, I--" [Suddenly, the Emperor appears beside Tidus. Tidus gasps as the Emperor raises his left hand and prepares to fire a Flare spell at Yuna] Tidus: "Look out!" [Tidus leaps in front of Yuna and pushes her out of the way, taking the blast to his back in her place. The attack launches him far across the platform at Dream's End. Jecht runs over to his wounded son] Yuna: "Tidus!" Jecht: "Hey! Hey, stay with us!" [Yuna stands looking at what's just happened in silent shock for several seconds] Emperor: [Hmph] "You seasoned ones are a troublesome lot. Awakening memories in others better left forgotten." Yuna: "You... You're for Chaos." Emperor: "Amusing, is it not, that the boy summoned here to slay Jecht would fall defending another of his own enemies. If not for your meddling, we may have borne witness to a more ironic tragedy here." [Yuna is quiet for a few seconds] Yuna: "Sir Jecht... Take Tidus someplace safe. You'll pay for this. I will take you down myself!" [Yuna readies her staff and a battle between she and the Emperor commences] Emperor: "You do not wish to be with him as he dies?" Yuna: "He won't. I'll make sure of that!" [Yuna fights the Emperor. After the battle, the two stand across from one another near the large sword. The Emperor takes a few steps closer to her] Emperor: "Oh! It seems that events have taken a rather interesting turn." [He is looking toward Tidus and Jecht, both of whom now lay on their backs, unmoving. Yuna looks at them now as well. She gasps] Yuna: "Sir Jecht!?" Emperor: "He has given his own strength to his son. The man's body is now but an empty vessel. I've acquired quite the unexpected boon." [chuckles] "It is time that we part ways, my lady." Yuna: "But, our battle isn't over!" Emperor: "No, but the war may as well be." Yuna: "What are you?" Emperor: "Your hands will be full enough fighting manikins." [He looks at Tidus] Emperor: "Let that one fall before them just the same, if that is what he wishes." [The Emperor laughs as he raises his staff and teleports away with Jecht's body] Yuna: "Sir Jecht!" [She runs up to where Jecht was, looking about confused. Giving up, she turns her attention to Tidus and runs over to him, placing her hands on his chest and trying to rouse him] Yuna: "Tidus! Tidus...open your eyes!" [She looks about her again] Yuna: "Sir Jecht... What now? Think. What do I do?" [Suddenly, Vaan and Laguna both call out to her from down by the giant sword] Vaan & Laguna: "Yuna!" [They both run up to her] Yuna: "Vaan... Laguna..." Vaan: "Hey, are you okay? What happened?" [Yuna sobs] Laguna: "Yuna?" Yuna: "Where do I even start?" Laguna: "How 'bout with a deep breath? Take your time and fill us in." [The screen fades to black momentarily. When it fades back in, Laguna has his hand on his chin] Laguna: "Alright, I get the gist. Nothing to go gettin' upset over, though. Hear me out, will ya? If he got taken away, that means he's still alive, right? And Tidus is over there sleepin' like a log." Vaan: "I bet a good punch'd wake him right up." Laguna: "Tactful as a freight train, aren'tcha, kid? So, Yuna. Kicking and punching aside for the moment..." Vaan: "I didn't say we should kick him." Laguna: "Well whatever we do with him, the three of us still have some fighting to do with all of Chaos's other warriors. So what we probably shouldn't be doing right now is sitting around here, getting all glassy-eyed and glum about things." Yuna: "Yes... I suppose you're right." Laguna: "Well then! We're agreed! The only thing we can do is keep moving forward. Right?" Yuna: [a happier sound than her previous sobs comes out] "Right." [With that, the dungeon is cleared. The setting then shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Words appear from an unidentified narrator] So resolute was his will, the crystal could have been revealed at any moment. The determination to protect what is dear to him--so the son learns that from his father... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Chapter 5 [6.5Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Chapter 5 - Decision-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Kefka's enigmatic words-- Kain's betrayal-- With so many questions still lingering, Lightning is alone on her way to Sanctuary. [Lightning is on the world map] Lightning: "What the hell's going on? The manikins are everywhere. Have the others returned to Sanctuary? And what the hell is Kain thinking? Just when will those stupid crystals Cosmos talked about appear? We won't have time to get that power at this rate..." [A message appears saying "The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." Lightning then makes her way across the world map, coming to a blue gateway. She then enters] -North Sanctuary Gateway- Lightning: "Seems no one's been through here. Are the others having difficulties, or... Did Kain get to them?" [Lightning clears this gateway board of manikins, collects some treasure, touches the Stigam of Chaos in the area, and returns to the world map. She encounters a moogle not long after] Moogle: "Oh! It's the Thunder Lady! Remember me? I've opened my own shop! You're my first customer!!!" Lightning: "It doesn't look like you have a great stock..." Moogle: "Well, it's... Um..." Lightning: "--Fine. Let me see what you've got." [Lightning can speak to the moogle again to visit his shop] Moogle: "I'm truly sorry, this is all I have now. It'd be great if you'd equip one of my items..." [Lightning approaches a nearby gateway and enters] -Forsaken Kingdom- Lightning: "There're too many manikins. We're doomed at this rate... My dodging and blocking need to get better." [A message appears saying "Think of the remaining enemies and their power. Remember to dodge and block. Use all the tricks of the trade to effectively fight against stronger foes." After defeating a couple of manikins, Lightning comes across a Summonstone] Odin AUTO: "Seeking assistance? Then I shall split your enemies in two." Lightning: "So a fairy tale aims to assist me?" Oding AUTO: "I shall not answer your call; I ride as I please..." Lightning: "Fine. Then let's go." [Lightning discovers and opens a treasure chest. A message appears saying "Obtained 2000 gil from chest!"] Lightning: "I should probably prepare before heading on." [A message appears saying "To purchase equipment, select shop from the customization menu." Eventually, Lightning reaches the Cosmos symbol in this dungeon. The setting is now Order's Sanctuary. Lightning walks up to Cosmos's throne, where Cosmos is sitting. WoL is there with her] Cosmos: "Lightning..." Lightning: "I guess the rest of 'em still haven't made it back here yet. The fighting out there...it's something else. Those things, those manikins... they just keep coming. And every one of 'em wants us dead. And Kain... I don't know what he's after, but he's turned on us, and now he's attacking his own allies." [Cosmos gasps] Lightning: "I got separated from the others. I'm not sure they even managed to get out." [Cosmos gasps again] WoL: "Cosmos?" Cosmos: "It's Jecht... I felt his spirit growing weaker, and then...it vanished." [Lightning gasps] WoL: "Vanished? So he was slain by one of Chaos's fiends." Lightning: [Heh] "I wouldn't bet on it. They have someone on the inside doing their work for 'em." Cosmos: "You think...Kain did it?" Lightning: "Jecht's not the only one he's gotten to. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw the friend he'd already betrayed, and I saw him try to claim his next victim too." Cosmos: "You must be mistaken. I can sense all the other warriors are still--" Lightning: "The other warriors aren't coming! Listen to me. Two of us made it out of that mess alive, and you're lookin' right at 'em! We keep taking orders from you, and we can forget about the crystals. We won't last that long!" [Tuh] "Of all the stupid things to die for..." WoL: "You are absolutely correct. We cannot win." [WoL points his sword at Lightning] Cosmos: "No..." Lightning: "You too... Just like Kain, huh?" [Lightning draws and points her Blazefire Saber at WoL] Lightning: "Another traitor! What do you even want?" WoL: "I am afraid that does not concern you at present." [A battle commences between the two of them] WoL: "Toss aside your blade, and say good night." Lightning: "No thanks. It's not my bedtime." [The two fight. After the battle, Cosmos stands from her throne and addresses them] Cosmos: "Stop! You mustn't fight! Hear me, warriors. Stay your blades." [Lightning and WoL are standing a few feet from one another. Lightning's weapon is pointed at WoL, while his sword is held at his side. After a moment of silence, Lightning grunts and relents, holding her weapon at her side. Cosmos addresses WoL] Cosmos: "Speak. You know more than you reveal." [WoL can't bring himself to make eye contact with her, but finally responds to her after a long silence] WoL: "My pardons. I meant to speak to you about Kain later. This fight, you see... Kain and I... We've yielded. Lightning: "What does that mean?" [The screen fades to white and the setting shifts to Kefka's Tower as WoL narrates] No sooner had Cosmos imbued us with her power than the twisted warriors we came to know as manikins appeared in this world. [WoL is shown walking through the area when a WoL manikin appears in front of him. He comes to a stop] An endless spring of military might, directed by the forces of Chaos. For each we would slay, two more would take its place. [Another WoL manikin appears to his left] Had we so chosen, we could have battled until our last ounce of strength was drained. There was one thing, however, that we knew we could never do: win. And the longer we fought, the more painfully apparent that became. [WoL is then shown walking through another area of Kefka's Tower. He suddenly stops] WoL: "(It's no use... No matter how many fall, there is always another wave.) (What kind of numbers must these abominations have?)" [WoL gasps as Kain comes into view] WoL: "Kain!" Kain: "My friend. You're unscathed." [Kain walks up to him] WoL: "Yes... But breaks in the fighting are few and far between. I can only hope the others have fared as well." Kain: "Manikins... Hm." WoL: "What of them?" Kain: "I wonder. How do you place our odds?" WoL: [Hm?] Kain: "Against numbers like these, do you think we actually stand to win?" WoL: "I cannot speak for the outcome, but we can fight as long as we have strength." Kain: [chuckles] "That's one answer." [Kain walks past WoL two or three steps] Kain: "You are correct. We can fight for as long as we have strength, and almost certainly lose. But IF! IF there were a way to make winning possible, by accepting that loss as inevitable..." [WoL turns to look at Kain] Kain: "Would you be able to commit yourself to such a purpose?" WoL: "What do you mean?" Kain: "We are trapped. This war is a cycle with no proper end. We fight and fall, we are revived, and the process repeats." [WoL's eyes widen in surprise. Kain turns to look WoL in the eyes now] Kain: "I realize it's not easy to believe. But consider. If what I've said to you is true, then so is this: We'll have another chance. As long as some of our strength remains, we will be brought back and provided with a chance to fight again." [The screen fades to white and the setting shifts back to Order's Sanctuary in the present] Lightning: "You're taking down your own allies and putting them to sleep so they'll get revived?" [Lightning walks right up to WoL] Lightning: "You expect me to buy into that? You don't think we can win, so you think we should just lose on purpose!?" WoL: "I do. It is our only hope of success." Lightning: "Where do you even dream up a fairy tale like that!? Look... Even if what you're saying wasn't completely crazy, what's the point in getting revived so we can keep fighting an endless war?" [Cosmos closes her eyes sadly. Lightning takes a few angry steps past WoL] Lightning: "I mean...if this war isn't gonna end... ...why even fight? What in the world are we doing here?" [WoL is quiet for a few seconds, then looks at her] WoL: "Making the war end. Is that not correct, Cosmos?" [Cosmos makes a small gasp and looks up at him] WoL: "We are here to use the power Cosmos has granted us, our crystals, to bring the cycle grinding to a halt. But as matters stand, we are doomed to fail before we can even obtain them." [Lightning is looking down, saddened. She recalls Garland's words to her in Chapter 1] "Manikins are merciless." "They know only how to deliver death and destruction, from which there can be no return." [Nearby, Laguna, Vaan and Yuna are arriving. They come to a stop as WoL continues] WoL: "If we do not embrace the cycle, the crystals will never be ours to wield." [The other three then walk on up to WoL and Lightning] Laguna: "Not exactly uplifting." Yuna: "We don't even have the time to consider our options." Vaan: [sigh] WoL: "It was my hope that you would journey onward, to face the next battle." Yuna: "And you? What are you going to do?" WoL: "I've sworn an oath to Kain. While he puts the other warriors to sleep, I am to serve as his shield." Laguna: "Are you guys, like, brothers in arms, to the bitter end?" WoL: "Whatever hope we have rests upon you and the next fight." [WoL steps closer to the three who have just arrived] WoL: "Sometimes you must lose a battle to win the war. Please try to accept this. The crystals are our only hope." Lightning: "You're wrong." WoL: [Huh?] Lightning: "The two of you can do whatever you want. But don't go asking me to believe in this crap. Me...I make my own fate. I'll keep looking for hope until I find some." WoL: "Lightning..." Lightning: "Say your 'next battle' were to start now. There wouldn't be any fewer enemies out there. And starting over fresh doesn't guarantee we'd get our crystals any faster either. At the very least, we might as well cut their numbers down first. It sure can't hurt, can it? And it might just give us a shot." Laguna: "Guess now's as good a time as any. Just happens I've got some intel that might change the whole game." [chuckles confidently] "You wanna even our odds? Try this on: I know where the manikins are coming from." [Lightning gasps] Laguna: "Well, more 'how to find where they come from.' But if you wanna go lookin', I'm up for it." Lightning: "You are?" Vaan: "You know...I'm in too. I promised to help end this thing, and that's what I'm gonna do. I'm not givin' up now. I'm finishing what I started. We've got better things to do than napping." Lightning: "Vaan..." [Yuna walks up closer to Lightning] Yuna: "I'm coming too. I can't just sleep here while you're all out fighting. I can't turn my back on people like that. If I can help, then I'll keep fighting." Cosmos: "Yuna..." WoL: "The road you choose is no easy one. You would still walk it, knowing what you face?" [Lightning nods] WoL: "Very well. Then I shall my place my hope and trust in you." Laguna: "Well then. Guess it's a date!" [Lightning walks up beside him] Laguna: "Looks like we've got some manikins to disassemble." [The screen fades to white] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Chapter 6 [6.6Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Chapter 6 - Indiscernible Truth-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Manikins are hot on Kain's trail as he continues to travel alone. He harbors his friends in the desert for a greater chance to a future of hope-- -Sunken Lake Gateway- [Kain is inside a dungeon] Kain: "Only manikins here as well... Puppets who know only battle." [A message appears saying "Kain is skilled in aerial combat, and his location after a jump is extremely important. Use jumps or midar evasions to get above an opponent and carefully aim your attacks. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." Kain advances on the gateway board a couple of places] Kain: "I won't let the slightest opening in their moves escape my sights..." [A message appears saying "The opening after an opponent attacks is a great opportunity to strike. Wait for an opening after an opponent misses and strike them with a counter." Kain defeats all of the manikins in the area and advances to the Stigma of Chaos here. The setting shifts to the Sky Fortress Bahamut. Kain takes a few steps into the area and stops] Kain: "(The manikins' numbers are growing, day by day.) (I need to hide the others away.) (Rest will have to come later.)" [Kain runs on ahead and the screen fades to black] Kain: "(Golbez...) (I believe what you told me. I will trust your words.)" [Kain has a flashback to a scene on the surface of the Lunarian moon from FFIV. In the scene, Kain is standing still while deep in thought] Kain: "(Soldiers who take our forms... What foul magic is this?)" [Kain suddenly hears Golbez's voice and looks up to see him approach] Golbez: "I see the manikins have begun to take their toll." Kain: "Golbez..." Golbez: "Fear not, I have not come to fight you. My purpose this day is merely one of observation. To see how you fare, against the endless horde you face." Kain: "I trust you've seen." [Hmph] "Who could have imagined I'd greet the end here, in this foreign world." [grunts] "Tell me one thing. If Chaos triumphs, this place will be destroyed. Is that truly what you seek to bring about?" Golbez: [low grumble] "What victory will bring about is the end of fighting. Not of the world itself." Kain: [Hm?] Golbez: "What purpose is there in explaining the truth to people doomed to disappear?" Kain: "Disappear? You know something." Golbez: "This war of the gods is endless. It has been repeated countless times already." [Golbez takes a few steps] Golbez: "Let me be clear: the safety of this world is assured. It must go on--because the war will. You do not believe me, do you?" Kain: "Had you expected otherwise?" Golbez: "I suppose not. With no memories, it would seem absurd." Kain: "Explain." Golbez: "You were bested in battle, and revived to fight anew. The process of your revival required your memories be purged. You've forgotten that the cycle repeats itself, and thus you mistrust my words. Look to your deeper memories, and you will see the proof of what I say." Kain: "What deeper memories?" Golbez: "Those who are summoned to this world arrive with almost no recollection of their past. But you--you remember Cecil and I. You have memories of our homeworld. The more that you fight, the more those memories will return. That you have already remembered so much... that is proof that you--" [Cecil runs up upon them from behind and stops a few feet away] Cecil: "Kain!" [Kain turns to look at him] Kain: "Cecil!?" Golbez: [Hm] "My brother, Cecil, is the same as you. When we are first called here, we do not even remember those closest to us." [Cecil runs up between the two of them, assuming a fighting stance] Cecil: "Kain, are you alright!?" Golbez: "See for yourself. The truth is there if you seek it." [Cecil rushes Golbez and attempts to strike him with his sword. Golbez teleports away before the blow can land] Cecil: [grunts] "Missed... Kain! Are you hurt?" Kain: "No... I'm fine." Cecil: "Good." [Cecil begins walking away] Cecil: "We should go. It's best we all stay together." Kain: "Cecil... Have you--" [Cecil stops and turns to look at him] Kain: "Your memory. It still hasn't returned, has it?" Cecil: "No. But I have begun remembering you... bit by bit, the more we fight." Kain: [gasp] Cecil: "It's the same for you, right? The more you fight, the more the pieces fit themselves together? Don't worry. As long as we keep fighting, our memories will come back eventually. We'll be all right." [Cecil walks on ahead. Kain grunts. Kain narrates] As the fight wears on, our old memories return. A vague clue, but that much seems to be certain. More importantly, it is the sole proof we have as to this war's unending nature. [Kain is now on the world map] Kain: "The manikins have invaded this area as well... Hold on for a little longer, my comrades." [After journeying through a snowy area, Kain encounters Firion] Firion: "Kain! What a relief to see you. Have you been fighting alone as well? I've been having troubles with the manikins. I wanted to unlock the gateways here, but--" Kain: "I see, I was thinking the same thing. This is a chance. Let's go, Firion." Firion: "Really? Thank you, Kain. I was just getting tired of fighting alone." [Kain and Firion come across a blue gateway and enter] -Hidden Darkness Gateway- Kain: "We're attacked by manikins at every turn. We haven't the time to stand still..." [Kain can speak to Firion on the gateway board] Firion: "Do you think the manikins feel pain when they are struck, as we do?" [After clearing out the manikins in this dungeon, Kain touches the Stigma of Chaos in the area. Kain and Firion return to the world map and advance to another dungeon, which they enter] -Legendary Lake Gateway- Firion: "So their numbers grow... I'm glad to have met up with you before I got into trouble. Hm? Look at those tough-looking monsters. I'll assist you. You take the lead. Kain?" Kain: "My apologies, I was in contemplation. I'll take the lead; I'm counting on you." [A message appears saying "The Assist Gauge gradually depletes when you do not attack for a period of time. Avoid relying too heavily on dodging, blocking, or taking the EX Core. These actions will not fill the Assist Gauge, preventing you from using assists." After defeating a manikin, the two come across a Summonstone] Firion: "Kain, is that...?" Shiva AUTO: "Allow me to lend you my powers. Trust my northerly winds..." Kain: "Firion?" Shiva AUTO: "What's wrong? Come to me..." Firion: "Um..." [After clearing out all the manikins in the dungeon, the two advance to the Stigma of Chaos here and touch it. The setting shifts to the surface of FFIV's Lunarian moon] Firion: "Weren't you with Cecil and the others? Did you get separated from them?" Kain: "That is our predicament..." Firion: "I know how you feel, but don't worry. We're both doing fine; the others are, too." Kain: "Yes, it is too soon...to slumber." [The two return to the world map] Firion: "Should we unlock the gateways here as well?" Kain: "...Yes, let us proceed. Firion, can you fight?" Firion: "Yes, although it doesn't feel as though we decrease their numbers. Let's go!" [Eventually, the two warriors of Cosmos come across another gateway and enter] -Gateway of True Intent- Firion: "When the opponent's strong, I tend to stay back and look for any chance to counter..." Kain: "Hmph, when the opponent's are strong is when you truly shine, Firion..." Firion: "Really? Alright then, you give me the sign and I'll jump in to assist you." [A message appears saying "Use an assist attack while an opponent is in EX Mode to break their EX Gauge. Stage bravery can be obtained this way. Take the initiative and break your opponent." After fighting their way through the manikins here, the two reach the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon and return to the world map] Firion: "It feels like we've been fighting for years, but do you think the crystals will appear soon?" Kain: "We have been fighting--but little time has passed..." [Shortly thereafter, the two come upon and enter another gateway] -Ryukahn Gateway- Firion: "You're great at jumping, right, Kain? Just what to expect from a dragoon." Kain: "I am skilled at using jumps in my attacks, but you can as well using walls." [A message appears saying "Equipping Wall Jump allows you to easily get above an opponent while near walls. When the Quickmove indicator shows, press Triangle and then X for a big jump." After clearing out the manikins here, Kain can encounter Firion on the gateway board] Firion: "I'm worried about Cosmos... Firion, let's return to Sanctuary after this." [When the two reach the Cosmos piece in this dungeon, the setting shifts to Crystal World] Kain: "Firion, go on ahead without me." Firion: "What's the matter, Kain?" Kain: "I feel an enemy's presence behind us. We'll be in poor shape if we're surrounded." Firion: "Understood. Leave the front to me." Kain: "Very well. I'm counting on you." [Firion leaves to go on ahead] Kain: "(Forgive me...)" [The screen fades to black. When it fades in, Firion is now laying on the floor, fatally wounded. He's struggling to get up but can't seem to get the strength. When he speaks, his voice is strained and weak] Firion: "Kain! But...why--?" Kain: "Firion... Forgive me." [Firion grunts and stops moving] Kain: "Our hope must live on, for the next battle." [Suddenly, Exdeath's voice rings out. Kain looks to his left to see Exdeath teleport in as he finishes his line] Exdeath: "You fell your friends, and yet you refuse to sell yourself to their enemies." Kain: "You again." Exdeath: "Tell me now... Where do you mean to take that warrior?" Kain: "What is it to you?" [chuckle] "You wish to deliever the felling stroke for me? I've no intention of revealing my allies' location. Follow me as you will. You'll learn nothing." [Kain assumes a fighting stance and the two begin to do battle] Exdeath: "So, you offer your life in exchange for theirs?" Kain: "Of course not. I offer yours." [After the fight, Kain approaches Firion's body to take it. Suddenly, he hears Exdeath's voice] Exdeath: "Impressive. You fight well." [Exdeath teleports into view on a platform above Kain] Exdeath: "I almost wish we could continue." [laughs] [A manikin of Kain appears a few feet behind Kain. Seeing it, he gasps] Exdeath: "To leave the friend behind, or to stay and perish with him..." Kain: "I had other plans. You're mistaken if you think dolls can defeat me." Exdeath: "So you choose to fight. You will not endure for long." [Another Kain manikin appears, this one to Exdeath's left. Another then appears a few feet away from Kain] Exdeath: "Then again, perhaps you will find some peace once you are gone for good and all. It is far too late for you to win." [Exdeath teleports away] Kain: "Do you take me for a fool? I'm well aware of our position." [He points his spear out in front of him and slowly waves it from right to left, pointing it all the manikins present] Kain: "Abominations! Can you hear me? Do you even have minds of your own?" [Another manikin appears, this time on one of the highest platforms in the area] Kain: "If you are aware of the world around you, you'd best rue the day you came here. I'm about to teach you pathetic mockeries the difference between you and a real man!" [The screen fades to white. The setting then shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Words appear from an unidentified narrator] Who could have thought to call this the conflict of the gods-- --when it has forever been the warriors that fought as divine pawns? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Chapter 7 [6.7Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Chapter 7 - Ally-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Tifa fights alone against the manikins that obstruct the way to her friends. She has not lost hope as she heads into a land of falling snow... -Gateway of Melting Snows- [Tifa is inside a dungeon] Tifa: "Phew. That's most of them. Now's my chance to get outta here!" [A message appears saying "Tifa is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Get close to an opponent and attack. Tifa can also use feints. Check her abilities within the customization menu. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After defeating a couple of manikins, Tifa finds a Summonstone] Magic Pot AUTO: "Gimme an elixir!" Tifa: "An elixir? Sorry, I don't have any. Maybe next time." Magic Pot AUTO: "Wait! Then I'm gonna follow you until you do! I'll help ya when you're in a bind..." Tifa: "Hm...guess it can't hurt! Alright, let's go!" [Tifa nears the Stigma of Chaos in this area] Tifa: "There's a booster accessory I want, but...I don't have enough KP. I need to meet a KP Chance to get some more KP..." [A message appears saying "Check conditions for KP Chances prior to entering a gateway or through scan mode. Use your skills and accessories to meet the conditions. You can still get the KP Chance bonus on a retry if you meet the conditions." Upon touching the Stigma of Chaos, the dungeon is cleared and Tifa moves to the world map] Tifa: "I'm--exhausted. I still haven't seen Light or the others-- Is everyone alright? Please... I want to see your faces again..." [As she travels across the landscape, Tifa encounters a moogle] Moogle: "Find your friends, kupo? Keep your head up and do your best, kupo!" [Not long after, Tifa comes across a blue gateway and enters] -Solitude and Treachery- Tifa: "I'm sure everyone's fine... I'll see you all soon." [Upon touching the Stigma of Chaos here, Tifa returns to the world map. Shortly after, she comes across and enters another gateway] -Frozen Continent- Tifa: "Think I'll have to go on the offensive to proceed... I'll get them to block and then break their guard. It's a little rough, but it's my style." [A message appears saying "HP attacks can break a block. Use an HP attack against a blocking party." Tifa destroys all the manikins in the dungeon and then encounters a Chaos piece on the gateway board. After she touches it, the setting becomes Ultimecia's clock tower. Tifa is running through the area when she hears Ultimecia's voice and trickles to a stop] Ultimecia: "Oh my. It appears there are survivors." [Ultimecia appears on a ledge above Tifa] Tifa: "Ultimecia." Ultimecia: [chuckles] "How wonderful. I'd just been searching for someone to fight. There are so few of you left." Tifa: "Really? Same problem here. I guess this is our lucky day. It's been a while since I've fought anything but manikins." Ultimecia: "You wish to challenge me?" [chuckle] "You are quite the curious girl, aren't you? Interesting. I'd thought Cosmos's stragglers would be deep in despair, having lost so many of their friends. Yet here you are defiant. I can remedy that." [A battle begins between the two] Ultimecia: "You'll be rejoining your allies soon." Tifa: "Yeah, soon as I'm done with you!" [After the fight, Tifa charges Ultimecia and prepares a roundhouse kick to the head. Just before the blow conencts, "Ultimecia" drops its disguise and is revealed as an Ultimecia manikin. Tifa's kick connects with its head and the manikin shatters into many pieces. Tifa gasps and looks around for Ultimecia, not noticing that the witch has snuck upon her from behind and raised her clawed right hand beside Tifa's head, preparing to deliver a killing attack as energy crackles in her hand] Ultimecia: "This ends now!" Tifa: [gasp] [Suddenly, Ultimecia sees Kain flipping in toward her and leaps back. Kain lands between the two towmen, facing Ultimecia and assuming a fighting stance] Ultimecia: "It seems we are not alone!" Tifa: "Kain!" Kain: "You're safe." [Tifa nods] Tifa: "I'm fine--thank goodness, you are too!" Ultimecia: "Delighted to see the traitor to your cause? Oh you poor child." Tifa: "Traitor?" [Ultimecia teleports about the room as she says her next lines, first behind the two warriors of Cosmos and then to their righ] Ultimecia: "Oh I'm sorry, had you thought him your savior? If I were you, I'd be more worried about him than me." [chuckles] "Isn't that so?" Tifa: "What're you talking about? You're not making sense." Ultimecia: "Look at that fallen warrior behind you. Surely even you won't dismiss evidence like that." [Ultimecia is looking off in the distance to Tifa's right] Tifa: "Behind me?" [Tifa turns and sees Zidane's body laying face down several dozen feet away] Tifa: "Zidane!" Ultimecia: "Do you want to know what befell him? Ask your knight in shining armor." [Ultimecia laughs and teleports away] Tifa: "Zidane!" [Tifa starts to run over to him] Kain: "Wait!" Tifa: "Wait!? He's hurt, we have to help him!" [Tifa starts to move toward him again. Kain moves his lance to block her] Kain: "No!" Tifa: "What!?" [Kain suddenly makes two fast, great leaps over to Zidane's body, grabs it, and then leaps upward and away] Tifa: "Kain! Zidane! What...what just happened? What's going on?" [She's quiet for a few seconds] Tifa: "Just...hafta find Kain to talk." [She grunts and runs out of the area. Tifa is now back on the world map] Tifa: "Kain! Zidane! ...They're not here either. What's going on? Hm, they couldn't have gone any further. Guess I'll search this area one more time." [As Tifa moves on ahead, she comes across a moogle] Moogle: "Aren't you cold, kupo? Spending some KP'll help warm you right up, kupo!" [Further along, Tifa comes across a blue gateway and enters] -Snow of Sorrow- Tifa: "Kain's up to something I've got to get him to talk to me." [After touching the Stigma of Chaos in this area, Tifa returns to the world map. Eventually, Tifa follows Kain to a gateway and enters after him. The setting is now a junction of hallways in Pandaemonium. Tifa runs into the area, and, spotting Kain, comes to a stop. His lance is sticking into the ground in front of him] Tifa: "Kain! Oh good. I found you!" [Tifa tries to walk up to him, but as she gets close, he grasps his spear and pulls it out of the ground, assuming a fighting stance] Tifa: "What are you--" [Kain grunts in pain and falls to one knee, having difficulty standing] Tifa: "Kain? What's wrong, are you hurt?" Kain: "The manikins will be upon us soon. Return to Cosmos." [Kain rises to his feet and takes a step] Tifa: "What about you?" [Kain grunts in pain once more and again falls down to one knee] Kain: "Sparing thoughts for a traitor?" [Tifa walks up to him and throws the contents of a potion over him] Tifa: "Stop it! You know I trust you." [Kain looks up at Tifa now, clearly confused] Tifa: "All this time you've been helping us, and then you just up and change sides? Yeah, right! I mean...even if you hadn't helped me out before, I still wouldn't fall for that. We're friends. Aren't we? Just tell me. What happened? Where's Zidane? Have you found anyone else?" [Kain, still on one knee, hasn't replied to any of her questions yet. Both are silent for several seconds] Tifa: "Why... Why did you...point your weapon at me?" Kain: "Forgive me, that's not for you to know." [Tifa sighs in frustration and takes a few steps] Tifa: "Well, I guess I'll just have to learn to tag along." Kain: "What?" Tifa: "No choice. I used my potion. Girl like me...who knows if I could make it back to Cosmos all alone? But as long as I have a friend along, I'll be ok. Right?" Kain: "Tifa..." Tifa: "Listen. I trust you. We're friends." Kain: [grunts] -Ryukahn Gateway- [Tifa can speak to Kain on this gateway board] Kain: "There is nothing to discuss..." Tifa: "Well aren't you stubborn? But I'm pretty stubborn myself, you know." [After Tifa and Kain clear out the dungeon of all but one of the manikins, the setting shifts to the surface of FFIV's Lunarian moon] Tifa: "Kain...you're really not talking to me? You don't care if you're thought of as a traitor?" Kain: "..." Tifa: "Am I supposed to think that you don't think of us as friends? Is it better to think so?" Kain: "..." Tifa: "Then who ARE your friends? Only the people you remember from your homeworld? You don't want to remember this world? You don't want friends from this world?" Kain: "You are free to think what you will." Tifa: "So you get your memory back, you know something, and that's it? Come on! It might be good for you, but if I lose my friends in this world...I'd be all by myself..." Kain: "..." [After the final manikin in the area is destroyed, Tifa touches this dungeon's Stigma of Chaos and the setting shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater] Kain: "It's not as though...I do not consider all of you my allies." Tifa: "Huh?" Kain: "I bear grim news. I did not wish to worry you with such news, as comrades. However, as a warrior summoned to this realm, you should know the truth and what awaits." Tifa: "The truth...and what's about to occur?" Kain: "I shall talk if you so wish... You'll--forget eventually." Tifa: "I don't completely understand, but fine. Tell me what you know." [The screen fades to black for a moment. When it fades back in, Tifa is going over what Kain ahs told her] Tifa: "So no matter how hard we fight, we can't win." [chuckles] "Getting these crystals sure is a pain. I wish they'd just show up already. Then we might've had a chance at actually ending things this time around." [Kain is standing a few feet away from her, his arms crossed] Kain: "Don't dwell on it. When you wake, you won't remember the things we've had to endure. And when you have your crystal, you'll have no more reason to despair." Tifa: "I guess not." [Both are quiet for a few seconds] Tifa: "Well then, I guess we better go find everyone else!" Kain: "What?" Tifa: "You thought I'd let you go alone? I mean, come on! You look like you're ready to fall over. I'm still not really sure what you're doing is right, putting everyone to sleep and all. But you do, and you're going to keep on doing it, right? You believe in yoursef, and you're gonna go as far as you can." [She takes a couple of steps toward him] Tifa: "Well then...I am too. I don't...I don't want anyone else to get hurt. I wanna help you fight, so I can help keep everyone safe." [Both are silent for a moment] Tifa: "It's not fair. I mean getting summoned here...forced to fight...disappearing...everything. We're not just a bunch of faceless soldiers. We're friends, and we've been through a lot together." Kain: "We could well fall along the way, and never see an end to this war. You'd still go?" Tifa: "You're still going. You know what we're up against, but you're not backing down." Kain: "I can make no promise you'll survive." Tifa: "I know." [The screen fades to white. The setting then shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Words appear from an unidentified narrator] Many were the times the warriors of discord were spared from purification. I believe no one honored a warrior's feelings more than "him"... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Chapter 8 [6.8Ch] Main Scenario 012: Treachery of the Gods The Twelfth Cycle --Chapter 8-- --Epilogue - An Undocumented Battle-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Restore hope for the future by crushing the gate to the Rift whence the manikins came-- Each with reflections of their own, the four head for the gate in the land of discord. [The setting is Kefka's Tower. Laguna, Yuna, Vaan and Lightning are there] Laguna: "Hmm... Guess we go this way?" Yuna: "No, I don't think so. We came from over there, so we should be headed this way." Laguna: "Ahh, right. That's what I meant to say." Vaan: "You really are hopeless, aren't you?" Laguna: [laughs] "I've been called worse. Well then, shall we?" [He turns to look at Lightning, who is leaning against a far wall, her arms crossed] Laguna: "Light--hmm? What's wrong?" Vaan: "C'mon. That's not the right way. We'll end up going in circles listening to Laguna." Lightning: "We've got company." [Tifa and Kain walk into the room] Tifa: "They're here!" [Tifa walks ahead to reunite with the others, while Kain follows more reluctantly. Laguna, Vaan and Yuna walk over to greet them as well] Vaan: "Tifa? Kain?" Laguna: "You two came all this way to catch up with us? Would I be right in guessing you're here to send us off to dreamland?" Kain: "Ahh. So you've caught wind of my plan." [The screen fades to black momentarily, then back in to the same setting] Tifa: "So you're going to stop the manikins?" Yuna: "Yes. We have to do something. If we don't stop them now, there'll be even more to fight later." Kain: "I trust that you know you may well meet your ends?" Laguna: "Just as well as you do." Vaan: "We all want to win this thing. We're just going about it different ways." Tifa: "Guess so. Well, ya know what...I'll help too. We're trying to do the same thing after all." Kain: "Then let us go. The longer we talk, the greater their numbers grow." Vaan: "'Us'? Meaning you too?" Kain: "If you fail your lives are wasted. It's best I add to your numbers." Laguna: "Well, not gonna argue with that. Better to have more help than less. But still..." [Laguna looks at Lightning] Lightning: "Do what you want." [She walks away] -Conflicting Virtues- [The party is now in a dungeon] Yuna: "What could that be? What a strange enemy." Laguna: "Looks like...they're clumping together. Like a platoon?" Tifa: "Then we have to fight as a party! I'll go first!" Vaan: "Aw, no fair, Tifa. I want to fight, too." Kain: "We don't know when we'll be forced to fend for ourselves again. We must be ready." Lightning: "True. We don't get to choose who or where we fight. We should take turns going first." [A message appears saying "When a group of enemies form a party, you will take part in a party battle. Press [left shoulder button symbol here] to toggle between round-robin and tournament. Round-robin is fought according to rosters. Win more rounds to defeat the opponent. HP is shared between fighters in the tournament, defeat the final foe to win the fight." [The party defeats a manikin and moves forward a bit] Laguna: "A 'round-robin' and 'tournament,' huh? I think I get it, but I don't get it..." Lightning: "It's 'one-on-one' or 'the strongest survives.' But that's only a guess without trying 'em." Laguna: "Yeah, you're right! Let's give 'em a shot!" [A message appears saying "There are two forms of party battles. Check the manual for details on the battle formats. Press Start to open the pause menu and select help manual." The party encounters and defeats one manikin party, and then another. The player can come across their Assist Character on this dungeon's map as well] Kain: "Don't worry about me. Summon me when you need my assistance." [Upon touching the Stigma of Chaos here, the setting shifts to Dream's End. Lightning is standing by a ledge, staring off into the distance. Her back is to Kain, who takes a few steps past her, then stops] Kain: "Lightning." Lightning: "What?" Kain: "I will not ask your forgiveness, but I apologize." Lightning: "When you turn your weapon on someone, apologies don't cut it." [She looks at him intently at this point. He's now facing the direction she was staring in before] Kain: "You're right." Lightning: "The others, they're really all right?" Kain: "Yes. Of that you can be sure." Lightning: "Right. If you hadn't started tracking down the truth, I don't think any of us would have ever made it out of here. You've got my thanks for that much. But that's it. Don't expect me to forgive you for dragging other people down with you." [Note: The onscreen text for the previous two lines is "That's it. Don't expect me to forgive you for dragging other people down with you."] Kain: "Understood." [Kain crosses his arms. Lightning walks past him and stops] Lightning: "We've got a long, hard fight up ahead of us. If you're coming, I wanna see you fight harder than you ever have." Kain: [Hm] "Then you've nothing to fear." [Lightning walks on ahead. The party is on the world map now] Lightning: "There's an evil presence to the south-- The manikins must be gathering there." Laguna: "Well, guess we've finally made it this close." Tifa: "It looks like we've come to the point of no return." Yuna: "Let's go and fulfill our mission!" [A message appears saying "You will travel as a party in this chapter. Press Triangle to open the party menu." As the party travels into the Land of Discord, the player may encounter Kain] Kain: "In hindsight, leaving the rest to our sleeping comrades may be a cruel fate. We can only send them forth with hope, even if they are to lose their memories again. We just have to believe in them now. --I'm certain they will be successful." [They can also come across a moogle] Moogle: "Those puppet-like things... I don't know when they'll attack me, kupo..." [Eventually, the party reaches a gateway and enters. The setting shifts to Ultimecia's clock tower] Vaan: "I wonder how the crystal's supposed to show itself..." Yuna: "If we had the time to adapt to her powers, would things have been different?" Laguna: "But how would we have adapted? I mean, maybe I'm just not cut out for it--" Vaan: "Yeah, maybe not." Laguna: "You know, you really should watch your mouth." Vaan: "But maybe things went wrong because our minds and Cosmos's mind became distant." Yuna: "Our minds became...distant?" Vaan: "We're too busy fighting the manikins. We're nowhere near ready for Chaos." Laguna: "Hm, you've got a point. Now even our final objective has become about the manikins." Vaan: "If we can destroy the door to the Rift, the next ones can share their minds with Cosmos. So in a way, what we're about to do is really important, and really close to the crystals." Laguna: "Hmmm. You're actually making good sense, Vaan. Our enemy becomes Chaos only in the next conflict. Then we'll share Cosmos's will." Yuna: "Maybe you're right. I would like to believe that." Laguna: "Well, I guess it won't hurt anymore if we're wrong... So maybe we should believe." -Inherited Memories- [The party is now in another dungeon. After taking a single step forward, the party notices something] Vaan: "Take a look at that red feather. What's it used for?" Kain: "That's a Phoenix Down. It revives fallen warriors." Yuna: "They seem to be quite rare. We should use them sparingly." [A message appears saying "In a Party Battle, some characters may become KO'd. KO'd members cannot participate in battle. Use either Raise or a Phoenix Down, or exit the gateway to revive a fallen character." After acquiring the Phoenix Down, wiping out all the manikins in the area, and advancing to the Stigma of Chaos here, the party touches it and the setting shifts to the World of Darkness] Tifa: "There is another cycle, right?" Kain: "That I do not know myself. It's not as though I saw proof." Lightning: "Yet you went around knocking allies out?" Kain: "There was hope in my actions. Not hope--but a gamble, perhaps. I took a risk to believe in a chance, rather than live as a pawn to disappear." Tifa: "You should have talked to us." Kain: "If I did, no one would be asleep and everyone would be here." Lightning: "I guess...you're right about that." Kain: "I could only knock them out alone... Protect them from our enemies-- We are only able to attack the gate thanks to all of you." Lightning: "We haven't done anything yet. If you want to take a chance, we need to first stop those manikins from appearing..." [The party is back on the world map] Kain: "Their numbers are slowly increasing..." Lightning: "Everyone, be ready to fight at any time." Vaan: "Don't sweat it, a group of this size is nothing. This should be a breeze." Yuna: "I'm fine as well. I can fight at any time." Laguna: "Hm, we've come a long ways, but don't you think they're holding back? Or maybe not..." [Journeying onward, the party comes across another gateway and enters] -Gateway of Artificial Life- Lightning: "The presence is near. We should be close. Keep your guards up." Tifa: "Any advice, Kain?" Kain: "Hm... Attack their compatriots. It might be late to mention, but keep that in mind." Tifa: "That's great advice! I'll do my best." [A message appears saying "Press [left shoulder button symbol here] to lock onto an Assist Character and attack to trigger an Assist Lock. Do this in EX Mode to trigger an Assist Break and receive stage bravery." The party takes a step forward on the gateway board] Yuna: "The KP Chance conditions have become challenging, haven't they?" Kain: "Break opponent within 60 seconds? Difficult, but not impossible with the right tools and skills." [A message appears saying "Each gateway has unique KP Chance conditions. Check them before entering gateways or battles." The player may also encounter their Assist Character on the dungeon board] Kain: "Stay alert... The enemy nears." [With all manikins in the area defeated, the party reaches the Stigma of Chaos and touches it. The setting is now Orphan's Cradle. Tifa walks up to Yuna and Vaan, who are taking a break. Yuna is standing, while Vaan is sitting down in an extremely relaxed position] Tifa: "We must be getting close." Yuna: "You can almost feel the evil here." Vaan: "Manikin headquarters, huh? I wonder what it's like inside." Tifa: "Someone's sure relaxed." Vaan: "Well it's not like I'm not worried. Just... You know...we've never been there." Tifa: [chuckles] "Well, I guess that's something." Yuna: "I suppose..." Vaan: "There ya go!" Tifa: "It doesn't seem as scary if there's something to look forward to. Right, Yuna?" Yuna: "Well...I guess so. I'll just pretend I'm looking forward to this too then." [From a dozen feet or so away, Laguna chimes in] Laguna: "There's not a lot to really be looking forward to now, is there?" [Kain, who is standing beside him, then comments on Laguna] Kain: "This from Sir High Spirits?" Laguna: "Ah, touché! But see, I'm trying to keep everyone positive. It's calculated." [chuckles] [Laguna now addresses Lightning, who's standing a few feet away from him, looking straight at him] Laguna: "Come on, it was just a joke! No need to glare at me." Lightning: "Nobody's glaring." Kain: "She's just concerned." Laguna: "Concerned? Oh, about all the manikins, right!" [Suddenly, Exdeath's chortling can be heard nearby. Laguna, Kain and Lightning turn to see him standing a couple dozen feet away beneath an archway] Exdeath: "Searching for something?" [Tifa, Yuna and Vaan rush over to stand by the other three] Exdeath: "Continue down this path, and there will be no return for you." Tifa: "Great, thanks for the tip. We'll be sure to keep that in mind." Exdeath: [laughs] "Assuming you should survive." [Golbez walks in from another side of the large platform everyone's standing on] Golbez: "For the time being, you may indulge us in battle here. By the time we're done, all will be over." Kain: "What?" Golbez: "Surely you sensed something amiss? The manikins are all but gone from this place." Lightning: "What's going on?" Golbez: "The manikin horde should be arriving at its destination as we speak." Yuna: "Its destination?" Vaan: "Where's that?" Kain: "So this is your game." Vaan: "What do you mean?" [Golbez steps closer to them] Golbez: "Even a goddess could not hope to defeat such overwhelming odds. But she will have to do her best. The manikins march on Cosmos's throne." [Lightning gasps] Lightning: "They what!?" Golbez: [chuckles] "Have you forgotten? Warriors robbed of their master disappear into the darkness. A true demise, from which there can be no hope of rescue or return." [Kain leaps forward between Golbez and Exdeath on one side, and the other warriors of Cosmos on the other] Kain: "The rest of you go on ahead!" Yuna: "Kain?" Vaan: "What about Cosmos?" Kain: "It's too late." Vaan: "Too late!?" Laguna: "Even if we went back now we'd never make it in time. Only thing we can do is trust our last line of defense to hold." Kain: "There's a limit to what one man can do. Every moment we waste is another blow against him. I'll hold them here while you destroy the portal! If you don't hurry, we'll fail at even that!" Yuna: "But...are you sure?" Kain: "I can hold my own. When I've finished with them, I'll follow behind." Lightning: "See ya on the other side. Come on, let's go!" [The other five warriors of Cosmos take off for the manikin portal] Exdeath: "Quite the kind-hearted soul, aren't we, Golbez?" Golbez: [chuckle] "It matters little what they know now. They have no means of stopping that which is to come." Exdeath: "Truly?" [laughs] [The screen fades to white. The setting then shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Words appear from an unidentified narrator] Those who awake after their defeat find themselves without memories of their past. Those left behind can only carve what was lost deep into their own hearts... [The party is back on the world map] Tifa: "They're this way!" Vaan: "Let's just find 'em and end this quickly...and head back to Cosmos." Yuna: "vaan..." Laguna: "You've got a point there, Vaan. If that's the case--we gotta go." Lightning: "Let's go. We're gonna destroy the portal to the Rift!" [Lightning may be spoken to on the world map] Lightning: "We will close the gate to the Rift-- That's the only goal to focus on now. We can't worry about anything else. Kain and the others are in the same boat. Worrying won't help us now, since we can't go back... So... I'll believe in them--and carry on." [The party comes across a blue gateway and enters] -Recurring Tragedy- Vaan: "Is Kain going to be alright by himself?" [After clearing out the manikins in this dungeon and claiming the resident treasure, the party touches the Stigma of Chaos and returns to the world map. They then come to another blue gateway and enter] -Gateway of Lost Innocence- Lightning: "So I have to trust my back to Kain... He should make it back...safely..." [After clearing out the manikins here and claiming the treasure, the party touches the Stigma of Chaos and returns to the world map. They then advance on to the final gateway. They enter] -To a Foreign World- -Floor 01- Vaan: "I'm...glad that I'm with all of you now." Lightning: "I agree...but we don't have time for talk. We head out once we're all ready." Laguna: "Alright, everyone! Check your equipment! Everything lookin' good?" Tifa: "Supplies are important, but a blue gateway's close by. Training a little wouldn't hurt." Yuna: "I'm prepared. Let's go, to the gate to the Rift!" [As the party takes their first step here, they come across a treasure chest and open it. Upon opening it, a message appears saying "Obtained 1000 gil from chest!"] Tifa: "Gil! What perfect timing! Why don't we get something with this?" Laguna: "Don't go wasting it all. I'll hold onto the gil for now." Vaan: "Laguna...why don't you buy something? There's something you want, right?" Laguna: "Vaan... How should I say this? You've become a gentleman." [The party advances and takes out a manikin. The setting shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater] Tifa: "Would we have gotten back all our memories if we kept fighting in this world?" Lightning: "Yeah, if we're to believe Kain. Not that having our memories would make a difference." Laguna: "Unless that's the ticket to going back home, but that doesn't seem to be the case, either." Lightning: "--Are you getting nervous, Tifa?" Tifa: "No, not really. I don't remember enough of anything to make me nervous. I actually feel secure, being together with my friends. But...maybe I'm a tiny bit scared. Because you guys are my only friends-- It's just, to think that there might be more precious friends locked away..." Lightning: "Tifa..." Tifa: "Guys...can I call you my friends? Not just you guys, but everyone who's sleeping, too..." Laguna: "Come on, of course we're friends! It makes Uncle Laguna sad to hear you ask that now." Lightning: "Our battles together are what I remember best. Those memories matter most to me as well." Tifa: "--Thank you. What matters to me now--what I've missed--is the feeling that I'm not alone. So no matter how scary things might get--I know that everything will be alright." [After taking out another manikin, the party reaches the Stigma of Chaos in the area and touches it. The setting then shifts to Ultimecia's clock tower] Vaan: "Say, Laguna... How did you find out about the door to the Rift, anyway?" Laguna: "Because I have intel-gathering skills! ...Nah, one of them just flat out told me. 'Course, I was also told to be prepared for endless battle and certain doom." Lightning: "Be prepared for certain doom-- So are you?" Laguna: "Hmmm... Actually, Light, don't we have things to do before we think about that?" Vaan: "Yeah, no use thinking about that. We'll just destroy the door and go home." Lightning: "It's not gonna be that easy. They're coming at us with greater numbers than we've ever seen." Vaan: "I know that." Lightning: "Do you? Because you're only going to be a burden if you're not serious." Vaan: "Are you going into this to lose? Is that how you beat an enemy?" Lightning: "What? You cocky little--" Laguna: "Hey, hey, kids. Let's not fight each other. Please, I beg of you, for me?" Lightning: "--I wouldn't call this a fight." Laguna: "We're all marching forward to stop the manikins. You, me, Vaan, all of us. The best way to prepare ourselves for what's coming up ahead is to stay united. Okay? Honestly, I wish there were an easier way to go home. I don't wanna go diving into danger. That's the same for everyone--but none of us has the choice of backing out now. I can't just snooze and let the others handle the dirty work...disappearing aside." Lightning: "Laguna..." Laguna: "You know...I'm hardly one to preach, but I'm sure we'll know what to do when the time comes. ...Or so I read in a book somewhere." Vaan: "Oh, Laguna... A book?" -To a Foreign World- -Floor 02- [The party encounters and destroys a manikin. The setting then shifts to Dream's End] Yuna: "If we destroy the door to the Rift, we can restore calm here, like the other gateways-- --and those sleeping in the unlocked gateways can wake up and start fighting again." Lightning: "Those sleeping... You mean Chaos's warriors?" Tifa: "Yuna...maybe you should stay behind. You have people you want to protect here. Your memories are from your homeworld. You won't forget him even if you slept." Yuna: "But I--" Lightning: "You don't have to come. If he matters to you, stay with him." Yuna: "No, I should-- I will do what I can do. I'll fight--so that Sir Jecht and Tidus can put an end to their duel in the future. They'll be alright; those two are strong. I'll believe in them, and walk my own path." [The others move on. Yuna lingers for a moment, though] Yuna: "This is the end of our time here. The next will be yours. I wish I could have walked together with you, but there's no path for us to walk on yet. I'll make your path this time. Everything'll be okay, right, Tidus?" [The party takes out the last manikin on this floor of the dungeon and reaches the Stigma of Chaos. They touch it. The setting is now the Sky Fortress Bahamut] Yuna: "I can feel the manikins just teeming up ahead. We're close to the door to the Rift." Vaan: "As soon as we break it down and get rid of all the manikins, we win for good." Lightning: "There you go again. When are you gonna quit being so naive?" Vaan: "What are you picking on me for? Does the word 'win' bug you that much?" Lightning: "Yeah, when you say it like it's nothing. Do you really have a grasp on what we're doing here? If you're going to waste your life, go to the next conflict! I'll put you to sleep myself!" Yuna: "Light!" Vaan: "...Heh, if you care about me that much, why don't you just say so?" Lightning: "What!? I don't--" Vaan: "Calm down. I'm only saying that we're going to 'win' after a lot of thinking, and I mean it. You're not putting anyone to sleep. We came this far; we're going all the way." Lightning: "...Mouthy brat. So you can talk the talk. We'll see if you can walk the walk. Come on." [The screen fades to black for a moment. The others have gone on ahead. Vaan is lingering for a moment] Vaan: "'Course, if we lose, I won't be able to go get that girl. But I think she'll make it fine. If I can't go, someone else will find her. I just hope she can say what's feeling. Then any warrior of Cosmos would help her. Well, only the guy in the horned helmet might slay her if he finds her first. So, hang in there, T-- Wait, what was her name? Tidus? No. Tifa? No... Oh, right. Terra. That's her name." -To a Foreign World- -Floor 03- [The party moves half the length of this floor, then stops suddenly. At the same time, the path they'd already traversed disappears behind them] Laguna: "Hm? Oh, what! Leg...leg cramp!" Vaan: "You alright, Laguna? Here, grab my hand." Yuna: "The path's disappeared? We can't go back..." Lightning: "It's...for the best." Tifa: "Let's keep going, come on!" [The party moves ahead to the end of the path and touches the Chaos piece on this gateway board. The setting is now the Empyreal Paradox. In the distance, the party sees a giant crevice in the floor. Pink light is emanating from it] Vaan: "That's it. The door to the Rift." Tifa: "We made it. Now all that's left is destroying it." Yuna: "I wonder if Kain and Cosmos are still alright." Laguna: "Don't worry, they're fine! We've gotta believe in them. They're counting on us, ya know." Vaan: "Well, let's do this." [Vaan assumes a fighting stance. Lightning notices something, though, and gasps] Lightning: "Wait." [In front of the heroes, there's a giant teleportation burst. After it passes, positioned from left to right, the Emperor, Kefka, Garland, Ultimecia and CoD have arrived] Garland: "At last you've reached the end of the line." Lightning: "Step aside." Kefka: [laughs hysterically] "'Step aside,' she says. Do we look like sidesteppers? Your little game ends here, kids." Vaan: "What are you, crazy? All we have to do is go through you." [Vaan assumes a fighting stance once again] Ultimecia: [chuckles] "Through us, and through the new manikins preparing to emerge at this very moment? You believe you can defeat us all?" Tifa: "We'll do fine. Just stay out of my business." [Tifa assumes a fighting stance] Emperor: "Ahh... The vitality of youth! Let us see how long it takes to bring that to heel." [Yuna materializes her staff in her hands and assumes a fighting stance] Yuna: "This time, there's no getting away." [CoD addresses Laguna] CoD: "You came." [Laguna readies his machine gun as he says his next line] Laguna: "Yeah. Can't stay, though... Got plans up ahead." Garland: "There is nothing ahead that will change your situation. The only thing that awaits you is your inevitable doom." Lightning: "So, what's your point? You can spout threats all day, we're not turning back now!" [Lightning draws her Blazefire Saber and assumes a fighting stance as well. The warriors of Chaos and Cosmos go into battle. Vaan and Kefka engage one another] Kefka: "Whaddaya say ya give me back that thing of mine you borrowed?" Vaan: "Why don't you try and take it?" [Vaan defeats Kefka. Next, Tifa and Ultimecia begin to fight] Ultimecia: "Throwing away a life once spared..." Tifa: "Who said I was?" [Tifa defeats Ultimecia. Next, Yuna and the Emperor begin battle] Emperor: "I look forward to seeing this tragedy unfold." Yuna: "This is my story. It has a happy ending!" [Yuna defeats the Emperor. Next, Laguna and CoD engage one another] CoD: "You've chosen death. Now, let us see it!" Laguna: "Sure. I got your death right here." [Laguna defeats CoD. Finally, Lightning takes on Garland] Garland: "I will grant you true and utter annihilation." Lightning: "Bring it on! I don't need a second chance!" [Lightning defeats Garland. After the battles have ended, Garland is down on one knee. Grunting, he forces himself to his feet] Garland: "Are you still trying to win?" Lightning: "You want me to finish you off, just say the word." Garland: [laughs] "I think you should be having this conversation with the manikins." [Garland turns his head and now addresses the other villains] Garland: "We're leaving. Forget the puppets, they're expendable." [He now turns back to the heroes] Garland: "This is farewell, warriors of Cosmos. The manikins will keep you company until the sky falls upon your heads." [The villains all teleport away in a single teleportation burst, as when they entered. The screen briefly fades to black, then returns to the five victorious warriors of Cosmos] Tifa: "Things still look pretty rough for us, huh?" [Manikins are now arising from the crevice to the Rift] Lightning: "I'm sure you all understand our...situation. We came here to destroy the portal that connects this world to the Rift. It's the last thing left for us to do. But once we charge into the middle of those manikins, there's no coming back." Yuna: "But there's no other way. I've come to accept that." Vaan: "Yeah. I think I'm just gonna have to accept it as well. If that's what it takes to win." Tifa: "It'll give us a chance the next time around." Lightning: "I was the one who wanted to fight until the end. I dragged you all into this. I'm sorry." Tifa: "Light..." Laguna: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait? Did I just sneak another glimpse of Lightning's softer side?" Lightning: "Laguna..." Laguna: "We all knew how this would end from the start. No one here was stupid enough to expect otherwise." Vaan: "Actually, this is all news to me." Laguna: "Okay, maybe one of us..." Vaan: "Hey, I thought it might come to this. But even then, I still stuck with you." Yuna: "Nothing we do here will be in vain. Our efforts will save someone in the next battle." Tifa: "Too late for doubts. And nobody blames you. We're already involved in this." Lightning: "Guys..." Laguna: "Alrighty then. Let's do it!" Tifa: "Okay!" Yuna: "Ready!" Vaan: "Count me in!" [Laguna, Tifa, Yuna and Vaan all rush off together toward the manikin army. Lightning lingers for a moment, watching them go. She shuts her eyes and holds them closed, then hears someone near her and looks to her left. It's Kain. He's down on one knee, and hanging his head] Lightning: "Kain!" [She rushes over to him] Lightning: "Are you hurt!?" Kain: "It's nothing. I can still stand." [He looks up at her] Kain: "Come, let us see this thing done." [She just looks at him for a moment. He pulls himself to his feet] Kain: "Heh, I told you I'm fine. It's not over yet...not by a long shot." Lightning: "Right." Kain: "When the next battle begins, we will surely be on the road to victory. Forget the past. Do not torment yourself with looking back. Now is the time, Lightning. I am at your side. We must face forward." [Kain moves into a crouching position, then launches himself into the manikins. Lightning looks on as the manikin army bears down on her] Lightning: "Face forward. We can't go back." [She rushes off into the manikins as well. Fade to black. The setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. WoL remains in front of Cosmos's throne, guarding her. He looks off into the distance] WoL: "They have come." [An army of manikins stands across the horizon] WoL: "Cosmos. At this moment, I can but lead you towards certain defeat. You wished for victory. You wished for an end to this conflict. As things stand, I regret there is nothing more I can do." Cosmos: "It is I who should have done more. I wanted... I wanted to save you all from this nightmare." WoL: "Your divine power exists to protect this world. If you wasted it on your servants, and allowed the world to fall, what purpose would that serve? We are warriors--the chosen few who were summoned to this land to secure victory for the goddess of harmony. Cosmos. There will come a future in which that victory shall be won. And so I ask you: believe in that future. Stand by your heroes as they look to the next battle." [WoL takes a few steps forward and stops] WoL: "Though I once fought in the name of light, that honor may now be lost to me. However... The light I hold within my breast, never once has it flickered or faded. This I swear: I shall do my utmost to protect you until the very end." [He draws his sword and walks forward] Cosmos: "I cannot--" [WoL stops and speaks without looking back] WoL: "Cosmos. Though I cannot join you in future battles, I pray you forgive me." [WoL walks on into the manikin horde before him. The camera then shifts back to the Emypreal Paradox for the ending FMV to the Treachery of the Gods storyline. The camera is set right above the crevice to the Rift, oriented skyward at approximately a 45-degree angle. Lightning's Zantetsuken swords come swirling down in their attached form and they penetrate the Rift crevice. Suddenly, the pink light normally emanating from the crevice intensifies, even as manikins continue to advance from it. Lightning falls to her knees as she looks on at the spectacle, gasping for breath. White smoke is pooling off of her body. Suddenly, Vaan falls to his knees, grunting, white smoke pooling off of him as well. He then collapses forward with a sigh, his eyes closed. Kain makes a choking sound and collapses onto his side, smoke coming off of him too. Likewise for Tifa. Lightning continues looking on, intent on seeing the mission through to the end. The camera pans over Yuna's body, smoke pooling from it. Her staff lays a foot or so from her motionless hand. Laguna's body is a few feet from that. The intensified pink lights beyond the advancing manikin army dissipate. Lightning, having now seen that her team's objective is complete, lowers her eyes and lets her body give in to its wounds. Her breathing slows, her eyes close, and she falls onto her side. Fade to black. Meanwhile, back at Order's Sanctuary, WoL is battling the manikins. A manikin descends on him with a leap, and he grunts in exertion as he swings his sword to send the soulless enemy hurling away from him. No sooner than he has deflected this attacker, another manikin attempts to strike him down. He blocks its attack with his shield, reeling back from the force of the blow. He responds by kicking the enemy into the distance. He then drops his shield as he falls to one knee, exhausted. Cosmos looks on in distress, then looks up as another manikin leaps toward WoL, intending to strike him as it lands. Just as this manikin's blow is about to connect, she shouts something that we can't hear and an unseen force launches the descending manikin far back in the direction from whence it came. Smashing into the ground, the manikin is pulverized into countless pieces, even as other manikins come charging forward over its remains. WoL tries struggling back to his feet but falls back down to one knee, looking on in despair at all the foes bearing down on him. Hope can clearly be seen departing from his eyes as he looks on. Suddenly, Cosmos levitates past him on his right and puts herself in front of him. Her hands clasped in front of her, as if in prayer, green energy is pooling off her into the sky as she stares intensely at the charging manikins. They leap into the air, intending to come down on her now] WoL: "Cosmos!" [Just as the manikins in front are about to reach her, she throws her arms wide apart and her head back. The green energy around her takes a spherical shape and emanates outward from her, pulverizing every manikin in the area to crystal dust. Behind her, WoL collapses onto his side with a grunt, and Cosmos herself then poofs away as though she were the flame of a candle that were just blown out. Order's Sanctuary is left a silent graveyard. Fade to black. When it fades back in a moment later, it's passing over WoL as he lays on the ground atop a tall, slender butte. He wakes up. Around him are the bodies of all the fallen warriors of Cosmos, as well as Tidus, Terra and Cloud. The others' bodies begin rising into the sky, shining with a gold luminance. WoL looks on in wonder and bewilderment, grunting as he struggles to his feet. All but six of the bodies around him rise into the sky: only Vaan, Tifa, Yuna, Laguna, Kain and Lightning's remain. Rather than glowing with a gold luminance as the others are, these bodies are wispy and fading like smoke. WoL looks above him to see a golden light shaped like a dragon descend and begin swirling around all of them. Cosmos's body can now be seen up in the sky too. The bodies of the six warriors who fell to the manikins at the Empyreal Paradox fade away like smoke carried on the wind. Lightning's goes last. Before it does, however, she looks WoL in the eye, smiles at him and nods. WoL collapses to the ground once again as Shinryu continues swirling about. He too glows with a gold luminance. Finally, the camera views the scene from a great distance as Shinryu heads back into the sky. Fade to black. When the camera fades back in, it's from a view of slowly roving around the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The stability of this world is ensured by the goddess of harmony. Her divine power flows outwards in an endless stream--a soothing current to suppress the violent and destructive energy of the god of discord. But in this battle, the long-standing rules were shattered. In defiance of fate, the goddess of harmony chose to divert her power from its eternal task. She sought to protect the lives of her chosen heroes, and invited her own demise. As a result of this act, the energies of chaos were set free to rage, unrestrained. The very fabric of the world was irrevocably unspun. Barely a fragment of this reality emerged from the destruction. But still the dragon performed its purifying ritual, setting the stage for the conflict to begin anew. With even the memories of their fallen companions scoured away, the warriors are restored to life alongside the goddess of harmony. Once again, the heroes of Cosmos step forth, and fight to seize victory. [The screen fades to white. When it fades in, it's the final shot from the opening FMV to the original Dissidia, which took place during cycle 013. WoL lays face down at Order's Sanctuary, unconscious] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Chapters of 013: Light to All-------------- [7.0Ch] 0) Prologue [7.000Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Prologue - A Final Hope-- [WoL is shown awakening on the ground in Cosmos's place. He stands and looks around] Cosmos (offscreen): "I have been defeated." WoL: "Cosmos!" Cosmos (offscreen): "I could not...protect the world." [The screen fades to white. The setting is a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Cosmos, the goddess of harmony. Chaos, the god of discord. Reigning from distant realms, the two gods had gathered warriors from all lands to lead them in savage war. The conflict that has continued for eons is now about to end in Chaos's favor. The world has been torn asunder, sinking into a vortex of disorder. As for the few surviving warriors-- [WoL is on the world map] WoL: "I seem to have fallen senseless. But how did I-- That matters not now. I must make haste to where Cosmos is." [A message appears saying "The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." As he makes his way across the world map, WoL can encounter a moogle] Moogle: "Hi there, mister! Are you on your way to meet Cosmos? You can't change your level in gateways, so check your stats while you're still outside!" [Not long after, he comes across a gateway] WoL: "This gateway emanates a strange power, though not necessarily fell..." [A message appears saying "All gateways now have a bonus line. A gateway's KP depends on the difference between the line and the character's level. If you want to earn more KP, try setting your level lower than the bonus line. You can adjust your character's level through Adjust Level in Customization. But once your level is adjusted, you can't change sets until you exit the gateway." WoL enters the gateway] -Forsaken Kingdom- WoL: "That emblem... It seems that the powers of a god are at work. I must thoroughly analyze whether it is friend or foe before engaging." [A message appears saying "Various effects are triggered when battles are fought above emblems. Info on the emblem's effects are shown when viewing an enemy's stats. Press Select to enter Scan Mode and confirm effects for distant emblems. Original rules are now available. Press Start to enter from the pause menu fine-tune the difficulty in your battles. Original rules do not apply to all gateways, so be sure to check before entering any." After WoL takes his first step across the gateway board, he stops] WoL: "That foe may put up a fight. Perhaps I need some new equipment." [A message appears saying "To purchase equipment from the shop, enter the customization menu and select Shop." Upon reaching the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon, the area is cleared. WoL now sees Cosmos ahead of him. She appears lathargic] WoL: "Cosmos!" [WoL runs over to her and then kneels before her] Cosmos: "I have been defeated by Chaos. The god of discord, Chaos... His brutal powers destroyed the balance of all things, threatening the fabric of reality itself." [Lights radiate from Cosmos upward into the sky. Astral projections of her are now speaking to all the other heroes as well, scattered in different areas.] Cosmos: "All existence is on the brink of doom. Ten of you remain--and you are the last hope left to this world. I implore you. Obtain the light that even in a broken world could never fade-- the light of the crystals. The crystals embody the strength to face despair. With ten gathered, there is hope yet to save the world. The path to your crystal will be perilous... and different for each and every one of you. But you must believe in and follow your own path. Even if you know not where that path leads..." [In the area of FFIV's moon] Squall: "Not a problem. I've always gotten by on my own." [In the World of Darkness; Zidane and Bartz are there] Zidane: "If the treasure were really that easy to find, it wouldn't be a treasure hunt, would it?" Bartz: "No horsing around, though. This isn't the time for games. It's time for some serious fun." [The bottom of the Northern Crater; Onion Knight and Terra are there] OK: "You don't have to worry. I'm here with you. If it gets scary, just believe in me!" Terra: "I'm counting on you." [Crystal World; Cecil, Firion, Tidus and Cloud are there] Cecil: "The paths to our crystals may be different for each of us. But we've strength in our allies." Firion: "And if we put that strength together, we'll have nothing to fear." Cloud: "I don't know. The god, Chaos, is leading his forces of disorder-- and they're headed straight for us. But I'm ready for whatever comes my way." Tidus: "The tougher the enemy, the more fired up I get!" Cosmos: "I thank you all--" [Cosmos's astral projections vanish; we return to Cosmos and WoL] Cosmos: "Though what remains of this world is on the verge of collapses... I must hold it together until you find your crystals... Forgive me... I want to be with you... But allow me to rest... Then soon..." WoL: "Cosmos... Your radiant light shall always be with us. [Cosmos teleports away. The heroes are all shown setting off on their journeys, WoL depicted last. The screen cuts to black. The setting is now Pandaemonium. Words from an unidentified narrator appear] Where am I? And how did I get here? I can't recall a thing--but my finely-tuned senses tell me-- There's someone beyond here waiting for me! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Chapter 1 [7.1Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 1 - Beyond Doubt-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Cloud sets out on his search together with Firion, Tidus, and Cecil-- --never doubting that the crystal can be obtained on the way to the land of discord... [The setting is the World of Darkness. Cloud is walking along by himself and comes to a stop. Cecil, Tidus and Firion walk up to join him] Firion: "Well? Any clues on the crystal?" Cloud: "No, nothing..." Tidus: "So, these crystals can save the world, huh? I wonder how we're supposed to find them." Firion: "We probably have to fight more. Just defeat every enemy we encounter--" Cloud: "Don't know if we should be running into battle without knowing what's going on. After all, most people can't win every fight." Tidus: "I guess we gotta rest up sometime." [Firion nods] Firion: "There is some truth to that." Cecil: "It's good to have you with us, Cloud. You've the sense to think things through." Tidus: "You could learn something, Cecil." Firion: "Look who's talking!" [Everyone but Cloud chuckles] Firion: "Guess we all need some of that sense!" [The others begin to walk off while Cloud remains for a moment, thinking] Cloud: "(Sense? No, that's not it. I'm just--)" [The setting is now a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Destiny's burden weighs heavily on Cloud's giant sword. If he obtains his shimmering crystal, will he be able to cast a light on the shadows hiding within? -North Sanctuary Gateway- [Cloud and Tidus are inside a dungeon] Cloud: "The crystals... Can I obtain the powers of Cosmos?" Tidus: "You look gloomy, Cloud! You need to practice smiling more." Cloud: "Why do we have to talk about that? --Let's get a move on." [A message appears saying "Cloud learns many attacks quickly and can adapt to a variety of situations. He can deliver powerful blows that send opponents crashing into walls. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After clearing out the manikins in the area, Cloud reaches the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon. The setting is now Kefka's Tower] Tidus: "Can somebody tell me what the heck these crystals are, anyway?" Cecil: "Once we obtain them, will we be able to defeat Chaos?" Firion: "If that is what Cosmos wishes, it is up to us to fulfill it." Cloud: "But what are we-- What exactly are we fighting for?" Firion: "What do you mean? Isn't it to defeat Chaos and bring back peace to the world?" Cloud: "Cosmos only said that we had to get the crystals. There's no guarantee that defeating Chaos will bring peace. Nobody knows for sure what's going to happen to the world." Tidus: "I think we just have to keep faith!" Firion: "We don't need to know much in order to fight, do we?" Cloud: "I just...need some convincing. I don't want to find myself swept into more battles... without knowing why I'm there." Cecil: "Cloud..." Cloud: "Can any of you guys tell me? If there's a good reason to be here fighting, I want to hear it." Cecil: "A reason to fight...I suppose I've never thought about that before." Tidus: "I'm settling things with my old man! But that's a personal issue, I know..." Cloud: "Good for you, Tidus." Firion: "Could you give me some time?" Firion: "I want to come up with an answer that would convince you." [Cloud nods. The others begin to walk off] Cloud: "An answer... Hm..." [Cloud and the others are now on the world map] Tidus: "Man, I love it outside. It feels great to be able to just run!" Firion: "And it doesn't look like there are many enemies around here." Cloud: "Maybe because we're close to Sanctuary. But stay alert, Tidus, Fir--" Cecil: "Save your breath, Cloud. They're already gone." [Eventually, the party reaches a gateway. Cloud and Firion enter] -Gateway of Good and Evil- Firion: "There are manikins of unfamiliar faces, aren't there?" Cloud: "I don't know why, but they may be probing our memories. What a sick joke." Firion: "Our memories? Did you see someone you remember, Cloud?" Cloud: "Yeah... Someone from my past... Someone that shouldn't be here." [After clearing out the manikins here, Cloud reaches the Cosmos emblem in this dungeon. The setting is now the Interdimensional Rift. Cloud is staring off into the distance. Firion approaches him] Firion: "I've been thinking about why we have to fight. But...I'm finding it difficult to put into words." Cloud: "I see..." Firion: "There is one thing I came up with. Convincing or not..." [Firion holds out his hand and a rose appears] Cloud: "What's that?" Firion: "The wild rose. There's something I've been longing to see. That's the reason I want to end this conflict. Of course, that's all just still a dream." Cloud: "A dream?" Firion: "Yes. It's a dream I can't give up on. That's the reason I can keep fighting." Cloud: "Firion-- will you fight me?" Firion: "What?" Cloud: "I want to know. I have to know if that dream is really strong enough. Strong enough to keep you fighting." Firion: "But Cloud--" [There's a moment of silence between the two] Firion: "Understood. I'll take you on." [Battle begins between them] Firion: "Give me all you've got, Cloud!" Cloud: "Time to see what you're made of." [Cloud seemingly defeats Firion. After the battle, Firion is on one knee, fatigued. Cloud is calm and still standing. He begins to turn away] Firion: "It's not...over yet!" [Firion telekinetically throws all of his weapons at Cloud. They encircle him and stop just inches away. After a few seconds, Firion allows them to clatter to the ground. Cloud looks at Firion, shocked. After a few seconds, he walks over to him and offers him his hand to help him to his feet] Cloud: [Hm] "Not bad at all..." Firion: "Like I said... I won't give up on my dream..." [Firion takes Cloud's hand and Cloud pulls him to his feet] Cloud: "Yeah. But... I can't be like you." Firion: "Why not?" Cloud: "I've looked, but I'm still empty-handed. And without a dream, what do you suppose I should do?" [Firion looks startled] Cloud: "Sorry. Didn't mean to confuse you." [Cloud begins to walk off] Cloud: "(Maybe what I'm looking for...) (isn't here...)" [The setting is now Dream's End] Sephiroth: "Garland... Do you have any memories from before you woke?" Garland: "...Why do you ask?" Sephiroth: "We often hear that memories can be suppressed. Watching him, I find myself thinking... Perhaps we are born knowing everything, but are only allowed to live after having had that knowledge sealed away." Garland: "..." Sephiroth: "One more question... When I awoke, I saw a dragon with an unearthly glow. What was that?" Garland: "...What makes you think I would know the answer?" [Cloud and Firion have returned to the world map] Tidus: "Oh, hey, Cloud! And Firion! Glad to see you guys are alright." Cloud: "Sorry to keep you." Cecil: "No worries. Are you ready to depart?" Firion: "Don't worry about me. I think Cloud's ready to depart too." [After traveling for a while, the party arrives at another gateway. Cloud and Cecil enter] -Beyond the Continent- Cloud: "So, everyone believes they can obtain their crystal, huh?" Cecil: "Everyone's worried, Cloud. But... Do you shoulder a larger concern?" Cloud: "Concern... Maybe a sense of loss. It's nothing, don't worry about me." [After taking down the manikins here, Cloud reaches this gateway's Stigma of Chaos and touches it. The setting is now Ultimecia's Castle. Cloud is again staring off into the distance. Cecil approaches him] Cecil: "Cloud. Did Firion give you his answer?" Cloud: "Yeah. He says he has a dream. And that he'll keep fighting until he can make it come true." Cecil: "Sounds like Firion, sure enough." Cloud: "He told you?" Cecil: "Yes, although he was embarassed at first. He says he wants to create a world where wild roses grow in perpetual peace." Cloud: "Sounds so...childlike." Cecil: "Honest men have honest dreams." Cloud: "Maybe he wished it on a star. What about you, Cecil?" Cecil: "I don't think I can give you the kind of answer you're looking for. But perhaps there is someone somewhere with an answer. Why not go and look for it?" Cloud: "But I..." Firion (offscreen): "You should go, Cloud." [Firion and Tidus approach] Cloud: "You too?" Tidus: "We're rooting for you!" Cloud: "You really don't mind?" [Firion nods] Firion: [Hm] "Just one thing: When you find your answer, you come and tell us what it is." Cloud: "Got it. That's a promise." [Cloud walks off. Everyone is now back on the world map] Firion: "Which way are you headed, Cloud?" Cloud: "I'm gonna go south. I don't know what it is, but I feel something." Tidus: "I hope you find the answer you're looking for!" Cecil: "You're on your own from here, Cloud. Be careful... Till we meet again." [After traveling on his own for a while, Cloud comes across a moogle] Moogle: "Welcome to Moogle Shop Pravoka, kupo! Stock up before you enter the gateway!" [Afterward, Cloud approaches the nearby blue gateway and enters] -Pravoka Gateway- Cloud: "We don't know who lies in wait ahead. We may want to train a little now." [After defeating the manikins here and touching this dungeon's Stigma of Chaos, Cloud returns to the world map. Traveling on, he comes across another gateway and enters] -Dried River Gateway- Cloud: "'Someone may know of a reason to fight.' There's plenty to do before searching. What is this feeling? It's him, I'm certain of it. This presence from the gateway..." [Cloud defeats this gateway's manikins and advances to the Stigma of Chaos in the area. The setting is now Dream's End. Sephiroth is walking through the area when Sephiroth's voice brings him to a halt] Sephiroth: "Good to see you, Cloud." [Sephiroth is standing on a ledge in front of Cloud] Cloud: "Sephiroth!" [Sephiroth assumes a fighting stance. Cloud does nothing] Sephiroth: "Why won't you take up your sword?" Cloud: "Fighting you...would be meaningless. I'm tired of taking part in pointless battles." Sephiroth: "Then if you had a reason, you would fight anyone?" Cloud: "No! All I want is to believe in why I fight." Sephiroth: "Nothing but a puppet." Cloud: "What?" Sephiroth: "Then let me give you a reason." [Sephiroth holds out his hand and Firion's wild rose appears] Sephiroth: "A dream is easy to nip in the bud. How pitiful. To live life hanging on to something this fragile..." [Sephiroth drops the rose in front of Cloud] Cloud: "It's Firion's wild rose...!" [Sephiroth chuckles] Cloud: "No... What have you done to them!?" Sephiroth: "So now you have your reason. Come after me." [Sephiroth teleports away. Cloud stands silent for a moment, then grunts. Cloud is now back on the world map] Cloud: "Did he steal this flower--Firion's dream--just to lure me out here? Tidus and Cecil should have been with him, too. I hope they're alright... Sephiroth... I won't let you have your way..." [Cloud continues onward. After traveling through an icy area, he reaches another gateway and enters] -Gulg Gateway- Cloud: "He's waiting inside... Am I being fooled? Is that Why I'm here? Whatever the reason, I have to end this." [Upon defeat the manikins on this gateway's board, Cloud reaches the Chaos emblem here. The setting is now the bottom of the Northern Crater. Sephiroth is standing here, awaiting Cloud. His nemesis approaches] Sephiroth: "I knew you'd come. You always do as you're told, don't you?" Cloud: "What?" Sephiroth: "You look for a reason because you don't want to be swept into a fight..." [Hmph] "But all you do is look. You do nothing to follow that desire. That is why you are so eager to make someone else's reason your own." Cloud: "What's your point?" Sephiroth: "Your companions could get hurt, yet they'd still have the will to continue their search. But what about you? You're nothing but a puppet that gets swept away, unable to make any decisions on its own." Cloud: "You're wrong! I just--" Sephiroth: "So...I'll continue to provide you with a reason-- every time you need one." Cloud: "Shut up! I've had enough of being told what to fight for. I came here of my own will!" Sephiroth: "All you've ever wanted was to cling to old memories." [Sephiroth takes a fighting stance. Cloud draws his sword] Cloud: "You're the one who can't let go!" [Cloud attacks Sephiroth twice, while Sephiroth easily blocks both swings] Cloud: "Sephiroth! It ends here." [Cloud attempts to strike Sephiroth again. While Sephiroth blocks it, the force of the blow knocks him through a large rock floating in the area] Cloud: "Go back to sleep." [Cloud dives toward Sephiroth as he falls, his sword poised to skewer him. Sephiroth lands on his feet, much to Cloud's surprise] Sephiroth: "Accept it." [Sephiroth blocks Cloud's newest attack and begins to unleash a fierce barrage against him. Though Clock blocks each swing, he's giving ground as he does so] Sephiroth: "I am the one who guides you-- forever." [Sephiroth makes a particularly powerful swing and sends Cloud reeling through the air. He lands on his side, the Buster Sword clanking heavily against the ground] Sephiroth: "If it's despair you want-- then I shall provide." Cloud: "What I want most-- I'll find myself." Sephiroth: "You're nothing but a puppet." [The playable battle begins between them] Sephiroth: "You fight not knowing the truth?" Cloud: "Enough talk, let's go." [Cloud fights Sephiroth. After the battle, Cloud's crystal appears in the air in front of him. Its appearance is that of a green materia. Cloud approaches it] Cloud: "This is it--the crystal." Sephiroth (offscreen): "It is also what you most despise." [Sephiroth teleports in] Sephiroth: "Take it, and you will be doomed to further conflicts and never know why." Cloud: "So be it, if that's my destiny. I live in my reality, not yours." Sephiroth: [Hmph] "Very well. Every time your eyes gaze upon it, remember: You were only able to obtain it with my guidance. And I will continue to pull your strings." [Sephiroth teleports away. Cloud is silent for a moment] Cloud: "I decide my own path." Cloud: "(Even if I have my doubts...) (I have to find my own answer...and tell my friends, like I promised.) (Until then, I'll keep fighting.)" [The setting is now a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The warrior has vowed to keep fighting-- and keep fighting he will, until he can fulfill the promise he made with his companions. Etched in destiny, his quest for answers continues on... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Chapter 2 [7.2Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 2 - Wisdom or Courage?-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] The Onion Knight is on his ongoing journey together with Terra. As he arrives at a land in the far west, he does not question the path he has taken... [The setting is the Interdimensional Rift. OK is looking off into the distance as Terra approaches] OK: "Crystals...have the power to break through despair, huh? I wonder what they look like." Terra: "Do you think we can find them? What if we do find them, but we still can't save the world?" OK: "Gods always have a habit of sounding pretentious, don't they? There's no proof that Cosmos is telling the truth, but we don't know that she's wrong, either. Anyway, our only choice is to believe and move forward. Let's start with what we can do." Terra: "Mm-hmm... You're right." OK: "Standing around here isn't going to give us any answers. Come on, let's get moving. You don't need to worry. I'm going to figure this all out." [The setting is now a roving shot of the world map as rain falls. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The boy is known by the legendary title of "Onion Knight." In a world that was slowly decaying around them, the boy traveled with Terra, a girl with magical powers, in search of their crystals-- with the conviction that his brilliance will lead him to answers about the future. -West Melmond Gateway- [OK and Terra are inside a dungeon] OK: "Let's go, Terra. There's nothing to worry about if you're with me." Terra: "Okay... I'm counting on you." [A message appears saying "The Onion Knight learns both close combat and long-range attack spells in a balanced manner. Be sure to customize his attack abilities to develop him to your liking. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." OK can speak to Terra on the gateway board] Terra: "Be careful. I'll do my best to assist you." [After clearing the dungeon of manikins, OK can approach to the Stigma of Chaos here. The setting shifts to Crystal World. OK and Terra are walking through the area when Terra suddenly stops] Terra: "Wait a minute..." OK: "What?" Terra: "I feel something... Something very powerful from that direction..." OK: "Do you think it's a crystal?" Terra: "I can't tell. It's just a strong presence." OK: "Let's check it out." [OK begins to walk off, but Terra doesn't move] OK: "What's wrong?" Terra: "Something about this doesn't feel right. I don't think we should get any closer." OK: "Terra, even if it isn't a crystal, we might find some clues. It's alright. I can handle any enemy that comes our way." Terra: "But..." OK: "Chaos's puppets may be strong, but they're just big lunkheads. And I've got something they don't... Right here, if you know what I mean." [OK taps his head] OK: "Come on, let's keep going." [OK and Terra are now on the world map] Terra: "I feel something really strong coming from that direction. I'm not sure about this..." OK: "I know you're scared, bu the crystal isn't going to show itself if we just wait around. I'm telling you, it's gonna be alright. You have to believe me. Come on." Terra: "...Okay. But you have to be careful, too." [The two journey on and come across a moogle] Moogle: "Do you have your KP, kupo? I don't give kids discounts, kupo!" [Afterward, they continue forward to a gateway, which they enter] -North Melmond Gateway- Terra: "We're just searching for our crystals... but we have to fight, don't we?" OK: "There's nothing to worry about if you think things through. See that emblem? If you use a chain skill on that emblem, it'll stay in effect and make things easier." Terra: "Really? Alright, I'll remember that." [After defeating this dungeon's manikins, OK reaches the Stigma of Chaos here and touches it. The setting is now Pandaemonium Exdeath: "Pawns of Cosmos, I presume." OK: "(Whoa... What is with this guy?)" Exdeath: "I come out here to kill the time, and what do I find but a woman and child." OK: "(No way I can look after Terra while fighting him. I've got an idea...)" OK: "C-could you possibly let us go, sir?" Exdeath: "What?" OK: "Our strength is no match to yours. We're hardly worth your time. I think you'd be much better off finding a stronger opponent to fight. Unless you're the cowardly type who only picks on those weaker than yourself..." Exdeath: "I suppose there is no point in sending harmless insects to the void. Very well. I will let you go. But keep this in mind, little worm. The crystals shun the unworthy hands of those without valor." OK: "Well, that was easy! Of course, even if he came for us, I would have run. I don't fight against anyone unless I know I can win." Terra: "But...wasn't it a bit strange?" OK: "What do you mean by that?" Terra: "It seemed like he let us go on purpose. He sort of even gave you advice when you wouldn't fight him..." OK: "You mean the 'those without valor' line? Fighting against someone you can't beat isn't a sign of valor. It's simply being reckless!" Terra: "I'm sorry. I just--" OK: "Then I'll prove it to you by getting the crystal. That'll show I'm not 'without valor.' Let's go. Do you still feel the presence?" Terra: "It's up ahead." OK: "Right!" [The setting is another part of Pandaemonium, away from OK and Terra] Exdeath: "The girl awakens to the light. Your plans have come to nothing, Kefka." Kefka: "Nothing? Are you blind or just stupid? You saw her power firsthand!" Exdeath: "She was merely an empty vessel then. Not anymore. Even you must be aware that she acts on her own will now." Kefka: "...So?" Exdeath: "So cease your plotting. She will never join Chaos. She is sided with Cosmos now." [Exdeath leaves] Kefka: "...No way I'll give it up. I swear I'm going to draw her powers out. Then I'll be absolutely untouchable!" [OK and Terra are now back on the world map] Terra: "You know... I think that person knew about the crystals. Maybe he knows where we can find them--" OK: "Terra! Don't believe what the enemy says! We have to find the crystals by ourselves. Let's hurry. I have to find out what it is that you're feeling." [Moving forward, the pair reaches a blue gateway and enters] -Gateway to the Shrine- OK: "Maybe we should take a detour... No, I have to be diligent and strong." [After defeating the manikins and acquiring the treasure in this gateway, OK touches the Stigma of Chaos here. Back on the world map, the two warriors of Cosmos advance to another gateway, which they enter. The setting is now FFIV's Lunarian moon. The two are walking across the area, while Kefka and CoD watch them from a cliff above. CoD begins charging a blast of energy aimed at them. Kefka pushes her hand down and laughs] CoD: "Why not break her now? So fragile...it would be simple." Kefka: "I wanna have some fun! After all, she's a-- good ol' friend of mine!" [laughs] [Kefka's laugh echoes across the plains. OK and Terra gasp, looking around for the owner of the laugh. They look toward the cliff where Kefka and CoD had been. No one is there. The setting shifts to the World of Darkness] CoD: "Is that girl truly worth the trouble?" Kefka: "Ab-so-lute-ly! Her powers are the real deal!" CoD: "Then we will take your word. We shall soon see how strong she is." Kefka: "You won't regret it...as long as she performs as well as last time." CoD: "...Last time?" Kefka: "Oops, just talking to myself! Before, after, now, all the same! Now, off you go! Happy fighting!" [CoD leaves] Kefka: "...Better not let me down this time." -Gateway to Decay- Terra: "It's just...what I sensed was something utterly evil..." OK: "No one was there, remember? You don't have to be afraid. Are we nearing the presence you felt? We're in the right gateway, right?" Terra: "Yes...we're close. Please, be careful." [After defeating some manikins, OK comes across a Summonstone on the gateway board] Demon Wall AUTO: "Clever child... I shall be a wall to protect you from despair..." OK: "Hm, what a nosy guy. I'm not one to hesitate." Terra: "...But you're going to take it?" [After defeating more manikins, OK reaches the Cosmos emblem on this gateway board. The setting is now the top of the Chaos Shrine. OK and Terra are walking across the area when Terra suddenly speaks up] Terra: "It's here. Something powerful is close by." OK: "I don't see anything unusual. Let me go take a look around and--" [Terra begins whimpering] OK: "Terra?" Terra: "What is...this voice...in my head?" [Electricity begins emanating from Terra] Terra: "No! What is this... Aaagh!" OK: "Terra! What's going on!?" [Terra suddenly looks at OK fiercely and begins firing blasts of energy at him while he dodges them] OK: "Terra, what are you doing? Don't you recognize me!?" [OK draws his sword] OK: "Looks like I have no choice but to fight." [Battle commences] Terra: "Destroy...must destroy!" OK: "I'm sure I can help if I..." [The two fight. Afterward, Terra is still whimpering] OK: "Terra! Terra! It's me! Are you alright? Terra!?" [Terra suddenly screams and disappears. Several energy blasts are then fired from offscreen at the Onion Knight, but he dodges them. CoD floats onscreen, laughing] CoD: "Stay out of the way. Her true powers are beginning to awaken." OK: "What have you done to her!?" CoD: [laughs] "The legendary Onion Knight. A title far too grand for a child such as you. Do you not understand who caused this to happen?" OK: "What?" CoD: "Who was the brute who chose not to ease the girl's pain, but to use his sword instead? Who was the fool who dragged the unwilling girl here?" OK: "I, I--" CoD: "The girl knew in her heart all along. That is why she was so reluctant! You have only yourself to blame for this. Your shallow cleverness got the best of you! Curse your own ignorance and powerlessness. Nothing you can do can save the girl!" [CoD teleports away] OK: "Terra..." [OK is now back on the world map, alone this time] OK: "I can defeat the Cloud of Darkness with someone's help. If only I weren't alone... But Terra would continue to suffer while I go looking for someone... --Standing still isn't going to solve anything. I've been saying so myself..." [OK continues forward and comes across a moogle] Moogle: "What is with all the commotion, kupo? Everyone, take a deep breath, kupo..." [Heading on further, OK locates and enters another gateway] -Omen of Destruction- OK: "I know I have to save Terra. But to have to fight her... I don't know if I can win-- What should I do? What's the answer? The right answer?" [After clearing out the manikins here, OK reaches the Stigma of Chaos in this area and touches it. The setting is now Dream's End. OK is standing still, deep in thought. Cosmos appears] Cosmos: "I felt the fear in Terra's cry. She is in pain. The Cloud of Darkness has taken hold of her with her curse..." OK: "It's my fault..." Cosmos: "Yes. Because you were overconfident of your powers." OK: "Cosmos, you know how... You know how to save Terra, don't you?" Cosmos: "You must defeat the Cloud of Darkness." OK: "Her...? But I can't fight her... I don't fight against anyone I can't beat... Oh, right! The crystal! I should be able to save Terra if I can get my hands on the crystal... It has the power to save the world, right? Then I won't have to fight anybody! Please, just tell me where I should go find the crystal!" Cosmos: "Avoiding conflict is certainly a choice. Few would say it is wrong. But is that truly what is in your heart?" OK: "What's in my heart...?" Cosmos: "The crystal lights the way to what you seek. It is yours if you look inside your heart and follow what is most important to you. I'm afraid that is all I can tell you." [Cosmos vanishes] Golbez (offscreen): "Such a pity." [Golbez walks onscreen] OK: "Chaos's minion..." Golbez: "Terra was her name, was it not? Unless the curse is lifted, she will live only to fight for the Cloud of Darkness. When at last her strength fails her, she will fall to some faceless foe. You cannot defeat the Cloud of Darkness. You'd show wisdom in choosing to avoid her. Why do you hesitate? You do not trust what your mind knows to be true?" OK: "I..." Golbez: "If not to reason, then listen to your heart." [Golbez teleports away. OK grunts and runs offscreen. He's now back on the world map] OK: "So overwhelming, this aura... She must be near. And Terra, too. Hang in there, Terra..." [OK journeys on to another gateway and enters] -Seasonless Gateway- OK: "She must be close. I can smell the stench of darkness..." [After defeating the manikins in his way, OK reaches the Chaos emblem on this board. The setting is the World of Darkness] CoD floats above Terra, who is unconscious on the floor] CoD: "Unconscious already... She's too fragile to be of any use." [CoD looks offscreen] CoD: "Well, now. Have you not learned yet? Are you here to challenge us again?" [OK runs onscreen] OK: "I don't fight anyone that I can't defeat. I will do whatever you want. So please, spare Terra's life." CoD: "So you have learned after all. Your decision is a wise one. Very well. Then you shall serve us." [CoD floats over to OK] CoD: "Prove yourself more useful than the girl." OK: "I didn't think you'd be so gullible." [He suddenly strikes CoD with his sword, knocking her back slightly. He then runs over to Terra and stands between her and CoD] OK: "No way I'm joining Chaos!" CoD: [laughs] "Foolish child... You should know better by now than to deceive us!" OK: "I finally got it. I was a fool to defy my heart, just to bind myself to reason. I will protect Terra with my own strength. That's what's most important to me! Don't get me wrong--I still won't fight against anyone I can't beat. But I've decided in my heart to fight. That's why I'm going to beat you!" CoD: [laughs] "Enough chatter!" [CoD teleports away. OK looks around for CoD, confused. She is walking down the steps at the back of the World of Darkness] CoD: "You have already taken such a beating..." [OK looks toward the steps, but CoD is already gone] CoD (offscreen): "and you still want to save her?" [CoD floats onscreen, emerging from behind a pillar behind OK. He turns and begins running toward her] OK: "Gotcha!" [OK swings his sword but CoD has teleported away before the strike can land. He falls to the ground and rolls, coming to a stop on his feet. He begins looking around for CoD again] CoD (offscreen): "A lone heart will not change the world..." [CoD appears again, this time at the opposite end of the stage from OK] CoD: "What awaits when you awake is always--" [CoD begins charging a blast. OK turns in her direction and gasps] CoD: "nothing but despair." [CoD fires the bast. It completely engulfs OK. The screen fades out to white. When it fades back in, CoD gasps. OK is fine, his arms crossed in front of him to shield himself. Smoke is pouring off of him] OK: Not even you can destroy this. What I've found is strength-- Strength to protect everyone!" [CoD teleports again, appearing this time right in front of OK] CoD: "But can you use it?" [Battle begins between the two] CoD: "What can a mere child do?" OK: "You never know until you try!" [OK fights and defeats CoD. After the battle, she is floating in the air a few feet in front of him] CoD: [laughs] "We have been defeated by a child!" [CoD beings discorporating into dark smoke. She vanishes] OK: "Terra!" [OK runs over to Terra] OK: "Terra!!!" Golbez: "She merely fainted. The girl drew too deeply upon her powers." OK: "You again... You're not getting near Terra!" Golbez: "I admire your resolve. You should protect her." OK: "What?" Golbez: "For all the awesome power she wields, the girl fears what she is. You must be her shield, her pillar of support." OK: "I don't need you to tell me that!" Golbez: "I suppose not. You know the path that lies before you. And the crystal lights the way to that which you seek." [OK's crystal appears in front of him. Though smaller, its appearance is that of the Wind Crystal from FFIII] OK: "This is the crystal..." [He holds out his hand and claims it. When he looks back to where Golbez wsa, there's no one there. Terra wakes up] Terra: "Where are we...?" OK: "Terra... Everything is alright. I'll be right here, so you can rest." [Terra shuts her eyes] OK: "Because I'll protect you. But...maybe for a minute, I'll--" [He lays down beside Terra and goes to sleep. The setting is now a shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The light has banished the darkness, and a momentary calm has returned to the world. The crystal shines like the light of dawn and softly envelops the pair's peaceful slumber... With faith in their comrades and in themselves, the warriors press on towards Cosmos's goal. If they can remain true to their path, the journey will be easier to bear... [The setting shifts to Kefka's Tower] Kefka: "BOOOOOO!!! None of them are worth the dirt on the bottom of my boots! I guess there ain't no purifyin' an idiot that gives out sensitive info to the enemy-- --in the name of the world's balance. I'm just gonna have to stir up some trouble myself!" [The setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrate speaks] There existed a tale from the forgotten past that bridged it to the present. Though the hand that leads her may differ, where she is led should remain unchanged... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Chapter 3 [7.3Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 3 - The Chosen Path-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Terra arrives at a land to the south together with the Onion Knight. Questions over her own powers deepen like the snow on the field they face... [The setting is the Lunarian moon. Terra is standing motionless, deep in thought. OK approaches her] OK: "Something bothering you?" Terra: "The winds have stopped. I can't feel the enemies' moves-- or the presence of our friends. This has never happened before... But don't worry about me! I feel fine, so--" OK: "I'll protect you." Terra: "What?" OK: "I'll always protect you, Terra. That's a promise." [Terra smiles at him] OK: "Is something funny?" Terra: "I've just-- always thought of you as something of a rascal. Since when did you become so knightly?" OK: "So...you don't remember anything." Terra: "Huh?" OK: "Nothing. Never mind. Come on, we should get going." Terra: "(Ever since I woke up,) (it feels like I've forgotten something important.) (But I can't remember--) (what it could have been.) (Or even why I was asleep...)" OK: "Terra, are you coming?" Terra: "Oh-- Yes." Terra: "(But I know it will come back to me) (And maybe then, I can find the way to the crystal...)" [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map as the snow falls in an icy region. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Terra possesses vast magical potential inside. She travels in search of her crystal together with a boy known as the Onion Knight. The boy has spoken little since she woke from slumber. The truth has yet to be revealed-- much like the powerful magic that lies dormant inside Terra... -Snow of Sorrow- [Terra and OK are inside a dungeon] Terra: "Tell me if you remember anything from when we were asleep, okay?" OK: "...Alright. I'll help you, so let's go together." [A message appears saying "Terra learns many long-range magic attacks. she also has a variety of skills available in EX Mode. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After defeating all of the manikins on this board, Terra may speak with the OK] OK: "Getting the hang of things? Let's keep going." [Terra then touches the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon. The setting shifts to Dream's End. The two are walking through the area, but come to a stop as Terra speaks to OK] Terra: "I wanted to thank you." OK: "Huh?" Terra: "For cheering me up back there. To be honest, I was getting scared. It seems like I've been getting nowhere while everyone else is making strides. It frustrates me that I still don't know where to go. I wonder if things will change once I find the crystal." OK: "Not exactly." [OK holds out his hand and his crystal appears] OK: "I got mine because things changed. Someone once told me-- 'The crystal lights the way to what you seek.' So all you have to do is follow the strongest feeling inside you." Terra: "The strongest feeling... I don't think I feel anything." OK: "Terra--" Terra: "But I have to keep at it... and work hard, just like you did. As long as I never give up and keep going forward, someday--" OK: "You're going to find it. I have a knack for knowing these things." [OK taps his head a couple of times like he did earlier during his own Destiny Odyssey] Terra: [giggles] "I'm counting on you." [The two are now on the world map] OK: "We haven't been here before. Let's take the time to look around as we go. There's no need to hurry. Let's just take one step at a time." Terra: "Okay. I'm ready to go." [Moving forward, the two come across a moogle] Moogle: "Beautiful snowfield, isn't it, kupo? And I need your KP for its upkeep, kupo!" [Journeying forward, the two eventually find a gateway and enter it] -Frozen Continent- OK: "What's the matter, Terra? Is there something on my face?" Terra: "...Oh, no. It's just that you seem more gallant now." OK: "Wha-what're you talking about? Let's just get going!" [After clearing all of the manikins out of this dungeon, Terra approaches the Stigma of Chaos in this area. The setting is now the inside of the Chaos Shrine. OK runs up beside of Terra right before Kefka reveals that he is there as well, approaching them while speaking] Kefka: "What a smashing display! A good demolition is so moving--but, of course, you know that, dear friend." Terra: "Kefka! What are you scheming?" Kefka: "I wanted to see how strong you were. You know, serving Chaos suited you so much better. Don't you think?" Terra: "What do you mean?" Kefka: "Oh, my! You really don't remember? Then allow me to refresh your memory. You used your powers to hurt your precious--" OK: "Stop it!" Kefka: "What's this? Oh, you're the one she thrashed, aren't you?" OK: [grunts] Kefka: "Aww, friends forever, huh?" [chuckles] "Please, stop. Makes me want to puke my guts out!" Terra: "What... What are you saying? You don't mean--" Kefka: "Bingo! That's exactly what I mean! You beat your precious companion, that little kid, to a bloody pulp! It looked like you were enjoying it. How could you forget?" [laughs] "You are such a dangerous creature. The more you fight, the more your powers grow out of control! Destruction, incarnate! That's what you are, my dear!" Terra: "You're lying!" Kefka: "'You're lying.' Oh, no. Look, here's another enemy for you!" [Kefka fires a small blast at OK and Terra that produces several small explosions around them. Kefka laughs maniacally] Kefka: "Aw, come on! I wanna see some more of that cataclysmic power! Let's destroy it all, you and me! Friends, enemies, everybody and everything!" Terra: "I--" [OK growls and rushes Kefka, swinging his sword at him. Kefka just barely jumps back in time] Kefka: "Huh!? What the--" OK: "I'll take you on! Terra, run!" Terra: "But--" Kefka: "What do you think you're doing, you little worm!?" [Kefka teleports himself and OK away as they fight] Terra: "What happened? Where did you go? I have to find him. But I..." [The setting shifts to the World of Darkness] Kefka: "Grrr... Aargh... I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate... hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE YOU! Why does someone always, always, ALWAYS have to get in my way!?" OK: "What are YOU trying to do? Why are you so obssessed with Terra?" Kefka: "You think you're some sort of hero? Heh, these dorks are just like the last time." OK: "...Last time?" [Terra is now back on the world map] Terra: "He knew what I did all along...and was still encouraging me all this time... I can't stop here. I have to keep moving--just like him." [Continuing forward, Terra comes across a blue gateway and enters] -Solitude and Treachery- Terra: "I still don't know how much strength to use... I might get the hang of it if I train here." [After clearing out the manikins in the area and acquiring the treasure, Terra touches the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon and returns to the world map. She the continues onward to another gateway, which she also enters] -Gateway of Melting Snows- Terra: "Neither of them are here either... I have to fight alone if I want to save him. But... I have a bad feeling..." [After defeating all the manikins in her path here, Terra reaches the Cosmos emblem on this board. The setting is now the bottom of the Northern Crater. Terra is deep in thought] Terra: "(I managed to defeat them, but...)" [Terra recalls Kefka's words] "It looked like you were enjoying it. Destruction incarnate! That's what you are, my dear!" Terra: "I don't want to destroy anything-- What's this...!?" [Terra suddenly begins emitting electricity like she did the time before she attacked OK] Terra: "(I'm...burning up! I can't control my strength! What's happening to me?)" [On a ledge above her, Cloud walks onscreen] Terra: "Why are you here? Please! You have to get away! [Cloud draws his sword] Terra: "What are you doing? Please don't!" [Battle commences] Cloud: "Here goes, Terra." Terra: "I don't want to hurt you!" [The two fight. After the battle, Cloud approaches Terra] Cloud: "You alright?" Terra: "Why didn't you run?" Cloud: "I didn't want to leave you there struggling. But I just couldn't think of another way." Terra: "Are you saying...that you fought me-- just so you could calm my powers down?" Cloud: "Sorry. I should have said something first. But I didn't expect THAT kind of power. Maybe I should have just run." Terra: "Thank you." Cloud: "I don't deserve your thanks. I wasn't sure if I could save you. To be honest, I didn't know what to do." Terra: "But you did end up saving me. And I wanted to let you know that." Cloud: "Even with these doubts, there are still some things I can handle." Terra: "Is something wrong?" Cloud: "No, just remembered something that happened before. Anyway, where's the kid? Wasn't he with you all this time?" Terra: "What happened was--" [The screen fades out to black while Terra shares her story with Cloud] Cloud: "Alright. Let me help." Terra: "Are you sure?" Cloud: "Just my way of thanking you-- for letting me realize that even I can help someone." [Terra and Cloud are now on the world map] Cloud: "A little bit up north, there's a gateway that doesn't block the path. It's probably a perfect hideout for the enemy." Terra: "We might find Kefka and the boy there. Let's go, Cloud." [Advancing across the land, the two come across a moogle] Moogle: "Hi. Can I help you find anything? We don't have onions, but we got other things, kupo!" [Afterward, the two come across a blue gateway and enter] -Ryukahn Gateway- Terra: "No one will get hurt if we're facing these enemies..." [After cleaning out the manikins and acquiring the treasure here, Terra touches the area's Stigma of Chaos and returns to the world map. She and Cloud then continue north to the gateway he spoke of before. Outside the gateway, she can speak to Cloud] Cloud: "...What is it?" Terra: "Have you been traveling all by yourself until I met you?" Cloud: "No. I was with Firion and the others. I had something to do, so we parted ways. But they should be headed this way, too." Terra: "I see. It's great to know that our friends are with us. We should find the boy, too." [The two then enter the gateway] -Gateway of True Intent- Cloud: "I...don't get it. Why is Kefka after you?" Terra: "It's because of my powers... I have the power of destruction. I think he wants to control me as an 'avatar of destruction'..." [Terra clears the way to the Stigma of Chaos in this area and touches it. The setting is now inside Ultimecia's Castle. Cloud walks up to Terra, who is standing still, deep in thought again] Cloud: "What is it?" Terra: "I'm afraid of my powers. I want to go and help him, but if I were to lose control again--" Cloud: "Everybody has doubts. Not many people can keep going without a second thought." [Cloud holds out his hand. Firion's wild rose appears] Terra: "What's that?" Cloud: "It's Firon's 'dream.'" Terra: "Dream?" Cloud: "'A world full of wild roses.' That's what he wishes for. He says he'll keep fighting until he can make it come true. Must be nice to be that simple." Terra: "He's an earnest man, isn't he? And you, Cloud... What's your dream?" Cloud: "I've lost mine." Terra: "What?" Cloud: "And what about yourself?" Terra: "I...I'm not sure. I've never given much thought about what the future really means. Because when I thought about what lay ahead, it only frightened me. But...now... Say, how about we share the dream?" Cloud: "Share it? The world full of wild roses?" Terra: "Yes. But it won't just be wild roses. There would be all kinds of flowers. My favorite flower, and my friend's favorite, too... After hearing his dreams, I can see a future that doesn't scare me. I've never felt this way before... But that's a world I'd like to live in--with all of you. We'll still have our doubts, I'm sure-- but if we hold on to that dream, our hearts will never waver. Because our favorite flowers would be there, too." Cloud: "Not an easy dream to realize. But it doesn't sound that bad." [Terra nods] Cloud: "Then we know where to start." Terra: "Let's find him." [The setting shifts to the World of Darkness] Golbez: "What is it that bothers you so?" OK: "Golbez...!" Golbez: "Your lack of memory puts you at unease...but you swore to protect the girl, did you not? Your resolve was enough to lead you to your crystal. Memory would serve you no more." OK: "I..." [Terra and Cloud are back on the world map] Terra: "I sense a strong aura coming from the other side of the gateway. I think it's Kefka." Cloud: "We trashed the last gateway. He probably knows we're close. Make sure you're ready, Terra. You want to help the kid out, right?" [Journeying forward, the two eventually reach one more gateway and enter] -Crescent Lake Gateway- Terra: "I sense him! It's him... Kefka's nearby." Cloud: "You alright?" Terra: "I'm fine. I'm not afraid anymore. It's my turn to protect him now. He did protect me before." [After clearing out most of the manikins inside the dungeon, Terra can speak to Cloud] Cloud: "Do as you see fit. I'll help you if it gets dangerous." [Once all the manikins have been defeated, Terra may advance to the Chaos emblem in this area. The setting is now inside Kefka's tower. Cloud and Terra are walking through when Kefka's laugh suddenly pierces the air. He appears in front of them] Kefka: "Hello, my pretty! Oh! Another treat for me? You shouldn't have!" Terra: "Kefka! What have you done to the boy?" Kefka: "Who cares about that whelp? So how about it? Are you ready to come with me and destroy the world?" Terra: "I am not like you." Kefka: "Oh, but you are! No use acting holier-than-thou. You know you'll hurt more people when you lose control again!" Terra: "I've found a future that I want to protect. No matter how strong my powers become... I will never lose sight of my dream!" Kefka: "Hm? You done? Good. Well, in that case..." [CoD teleports in behind Terra and Cloud] CoD: "Let us destroy everything!" [She fires a couple of blasts at Cloud, but he blocks them with his sword] Terra: "Cloud!" CoD: "Now...what will you do? Will you both surrender to our powers? Or will you--" OK (offscreen): "We'll ride it out, all three of us!" [OK runs onscreen and confronts the CoD] Terra: "You're alright!" OK: "I told you I'd protect you. Now, you can leave this nasty one to the two of us!" [OK and Cloud take fighting positions in front of CoD] Terra: "Right. And I must--" Kefka: [sighs] "If you'd just let your powers take over and destroy your mind, you would have made such a better toy!" Terra: "How could you--" Kefka: [chuckles] "Oh, forget it. A coward that refuses to destroy anything-- is better off being destroyed by me!" [Terra flies into the air while Kefka hurls balls of energy at her. She evades them. They crash into the wall behind her, producing several explosions. Kefka takes to the air after Terra, continuing to launch balls of energy at her while she continues to avoid them or destroy them] Kefka: "Come on! Let's play! Dance! Dance!" [Terra continues avoiding Kefka's attacks] Kefka: [laughs maniacally] "Let the party begin!" [Kefka causes several balls of energy to converge on Terra from several directions at once. Surrounded, she teleports away at the last second. The balls of energy collide and explode] Kefka: "Was that it? I wanna play more!" [Terra reappears in another part of the area, beside a large glass cylinder like the ones the Espers were kept in during FFVI. She's leaning on the cylinder, fatigued] Terra: "I mustn't ruin everybody's hopes--" [The camera pans around Terra. Keka has just teleported inside the cylinder without her noticing. He puts his hands and face against the glass] Kefka: "Hopes aren't worth dirt! I'm going to destroy everything!" [Kefka raises his arms and the glass shatters] Terra: "I won't let you...get away with it!" [Battle begins between the two of them] Kefka: "You were such an excellent puppet." Terra: "I won't let you destroy anymore!" [Terra battles and defeats Kefka. Immediately after the battle, Kefka's body has begun discorporating into dark smoke] Kefka: [growls] "I'll get you back!" [Kefka's body finishes discorporating. Cloud and OK arrive] OK: "Terra!" Cloud: "You okay?" Terra: "You two! I'm so glad." [Suddenly, Terra's crystal appears in front of her. It looks like a magicite from FFVI] Terra: "Could this be... my...power?" OK: "What did I tell you? I knew you'd find it." [Terra holds out her hands and claims her crystal] Terra: "Thank you." Cloud: [Hm] "But there's no time to rest. Remember--the others are still on their journey." Terra: "Yes. The real fight is yet to come. We'll join them. Let's go!" [The three walk away while Terra thinks to herself] Terra: "(A dream can be about the smallest things.) (Having a dream gives a person strength.) (And that strength, in turn,) (will always lead to another dream.)" [The setting is now a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The girl feared to act because of the powers she possessed. But meeting her companions gave her a future she could believe in, and that belief became her crystal. The trio sets out to meet their other comrades-- to share new dreams, and turn them into a future to believe in... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Chapter 4 [7.4Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 4 - Guidance of the Moon-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Cecil, Tidus, and Firion continue on their journey after Cloud's departure. Together they go, yet each holds his own; even their hearts are in different places... [The setting is the World of Darkness. Cecil takes a few steps before coming to a stop to think alone] Cecil: "(I thought if only I were diligent, what I sought would soon be mine. Yet still, the true path eludes me. What must I do to find the crystal? The world isn't waiting for me to--)" Golbez (offscreen): "You seem to be in a pensive mood, Cecil." [Cecil looks to his left. Golbez is approaching] Cecil: "Brother!" Golbez: "Lose yourself in the fog of doubt and reverie, and you will never reach the crystal. It will forever remain but a dream." Cecil: "I lose my way because it is a dream." Golbez: [chuckles] "What exactly do you think the crystals are? The true brilliance of the crystals is not visible to the eye. Casting about your gaze will not reveal a single mote of its light." Cecil: "What does that mean?" Firion (offscreen): "Cecil, where are you? What are you doing?" Golbez: "If you want to know the secret of the crystal, follow my shadow." [Golbez teleports away. Firion runs onscreen] Firion: "Are you alright? That was...Golbez, wasn't it? Isn't he sided with Chaos?" Cecil: "He's also...my brother." Firion: "Be that as it may...he's with the enemy. What did he say to you?" Cecil: "He said he knows the secret of the crystal-- that I should follow him if I want it." Firion: "Cecil, this is hard for me to say... but lower your gard and the darkness may lead you to a trap." Cecil: "That can't be--" Tidus (offscreen): "Come on, guys. What's going on over there?" Firion: "Let's go. Tidus is getting impatient. It's better to forget what he told you. I don't want to see my friend walk into danger." [Firion runs offscreen] Cecil: "What should I do?" [The setting then becomes a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The power of darkness and the power of light. Within the knight Cecil dwells two opposite powers. One who values the bonds of friendship, Cecil has been journeying together with Tidus and Firion. But he has yet to find a clue to the crystal. As the seeds of misgiving take root in his heart, a shadow approaches. -Gateway of the Damned- [Cecil and Firion are inside a dungeon] Firion: "We still have a ways to go. Let's proceed cautiously, Cecil." Cecil: "I'm fine. Let us proceed." [A message appears saying "Cecil is a slow-growing character, but can freely changed jobs during battle. Aerial HP attacks change him to a paladin, while ground attacks make him a dark knight. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After clearing out the dungeon of manikins, Cecil reaches the Stigma of Chaos in the area. The setting shifts to Pandaemonium] Emperor: "You are quite the thespian, Golbez. So, do you think we can lure him in?" Golbez: "Not to worry. I know my brother. His faith is easily won." Emperor: "Good. I am counting on you." [Cecil and Firion are now on the world map] Firion: "We head for the southern isle, then the land of discord...in hopes of gaining our crystals." Tidus: "Yeah! Stay on the offensive! My favorite way of playing!" Cecil: "Ardor is good, but we must be vigilant. You never know what might come at you. (My brother headed for the ancient volcano... Are we getting any closer to our crystals?)" [Moving forward, Cecil comes across a moogle] Moogle: "Welcome to Moogle Shop Pravoka! Lots of people coming and going today, kupo!" [Eventually, the party reaches a gateway, which they enter] -Gateway to the Shore- Cecil: "The truth about the crystals..." Tidus: "Let's blow through this gateway... Um, Cecil?" Cecil: "--My apologies. I was thinking to myself. Let us proceed with haste." [After defeating this area's manikins, Cecil reaches the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon. The setting is now Kefka's Tower. Cecil walks up to a balcony and looks out over it, standing alone and silent in thought. Tidus approaches him] Tidus: "Whatcha doin' out here?" Cecil: "I was just thinking about what my brother said." Tidus: "You mean that thing about 'the secret of the crystal'?" Cecil: "The same. I wish I knew what he was trying to tell me." Tidus: "Then why don't you just go ask him?" Cecil: "What?" Tidus: "That's what you really want to do, isn't it?" Cecil: "Yes. When I think about the risks my brother must have taken to come see me, I--" Tidus: "Save it, Cecil! You want to see him. That's all that counts!" Cecil: "But Firion was concerned that--" Tidus: "Who cares what Firion says? All that matters is that you come back in one piece! Let me worry about Firion, okay? Just hurry up and go already!" Cecil: "Truly? Are you sure?" Tidus: "Try listening to your friends more often!" Cecil: "Thank you. I'll not be long. You've my word on it." [Cecil runs off] Tidus: "Family..." [Firion is approaching Tidus from behind] Tidus: "So...how will I explain this one?" [Cecil is now back on the world map] Cecil: "Thank you, Tidus. I shall apologize to Firion later. The secret of the crystal... Did Brother really want to tell me such a thing? No doubt he needs to tell me something. I've no choice but to confront him." [Moving on, Cecil comes across a blue gateway and enters] -End of Isolation Gateway- Cecil: "There's no one around. This is a perfect opportunity to train." [After defeating this area's manikins and touching the Stigma of Chaos here, Cecil returns to the world map. He continues on until he reaches another gateway, which he also enters] -Gateway of Fools and Hope- Cecil: "My brother should be up ahead. I need to get some information on the crystals for everyone." [After defeating a manikin, Cecil reaches a Summonstone] Magus Sisters AUTO: "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! We're the Magus Sisters! I'm Sandy! I'm Cindy! And I'm Mindy! Do not forget it!" Cecil: "Huh? Uh, right. Pleased to meet you... I have a feeling we've met before..." [Once he's cleared out the manikins in this area, Cecil reaches the Chaos emblem in the dungeon. The setting is now the bottom of the Northern Crater. Cecil approaches Golbez, who has been waiting for him] Golbez: "So you've come, Cecil." Cecil: "Why tell me the secret of the crystal?" Golbez: "And why have you come all this way?" [chuckles] "Most likely for the same reason. A brother cares for his kin. Cecil...I am here to gauge whether or not you are worthy of obtaining the crystal." Cecil: "Worthy?" Golbez: "Indeed. That is why--" [Exdeath's laughing is heard from offscreen. He teleports in] Exdeath: "Two losts souls, wandering in the dark. Or is this what they mean by brotherly love? I did not expect you to be bound yet to the other side, Golbez." [chuckles] "You are a fool and a coward, longing for the light!" Golbez: "It's none of your concern." Exdeath: "On the contrary, feeble mortal. For it is I who shall punish those who betray us!" [Cecil gets between the two and takes up a fighting stance] Cecil: "I won't let you lay a finger on him!" Golbez: "Cecil!" Cecil: "I don't know if you'll deem me worthy. But... at least I can show you my strength!" Exdeath: [laughs] "So you would willingly defend a traitor? What fools you are, the both of you. You and your ignorance shall return to the Void!" [Battle commences between Cecil and Exdeath] Exdeath: "Do you not think you are being deceived?" Cecil: "You will not punish my brother!" [Cecil defeats Exdeath. After the battle, Exdeath collapses to his knees, screaming in pain as his body begins discorporating into dark smoke] Cecil: "My brother...is not the same as you!" Exdeath: [laughs] "There is no difference. Light and dark have the same root. As do harmony and disorder..." [Exdeath's body finishes vanishing] Golbez: "Why has the crystal not appeared?" Cecil: "What's wrong?" Golbez: You took on Exdeath yourself without depending on my aid. You've shown you have the ability to achieve what you desire. The crystal shines upon those who exhibit the strongest will. That is its secret. Seeing you as you are now, I thought you would be able to obtain it." Cecil: "I only fought him for you... Please, won't you join me?" Golbez: "What?" Cecil: "I must tell my friends what you just told me. They too seek their own crystals. Once the crystals are gathered, the battle will be over. Then, you and I, we could--" Golbez: "Enough. I am merely your shadow. I could not accept the darkness, yet I do not belong to the light." Cecil: "What?" Golbez: "You disappoint me, Cecil. Like this, you will not receive the crystal's eternal light." [Golbez teleports away] Cecil: "Brother...? Why?" [The setting shifts to Crystal World] Golbez: "Once a mortal enemy to be hated, now a brother to be loved. He is not to blame. He was purified, with fragile memories from the start. ..." Jecht: "Listen up, big guy. Did you really expect this to be a cakewalk?" Golbez: "Jecht... So you were listening." Jecht: "Who cares what they remember? They're the enemy. There's no end unless we fight 'em." Golbez: "And you have accepted that?" Jecht: "If I have to let go of my feelings to save them, I got no problem at all. Just gotta get them out of this world. They can figure out the rest." Golbez: "...You make a compelling argument." [Cecil is now back on the world map] Cecil: "'The ability to achieve what I desire'... How am I lacking in that? Is he saying that it's wrong to want to do something for someone other than myself? What could the crystal be seeking of me?" [Journeying forward, Cecil comes across another gateway and enters it. The setting is now Crystal World. Cecil is walking through the are and comes to a stop] Cecil: "I should return to my friends. But--" [Golbez teleports in] Cecil: "Brother! You came!" Golbez: "To set you on the proper path." Cecil: "What?" Golbez: "You cling to the skirts of your companions. Is that the sign of a strong will? The crystal will never shine on those who always depend on others. You must act alone to accomplish the goal you have been given." Cecil: "But I cannot abandon my friends if they are in need! All I want is for us to look for our crystals together!" Golbez: "So I see. In that case--" [Golbez fires a blast of electricity at Cecil that brings him to his knees] Cecil: "What are you--" Golbez: "Now do you see? The bonds between people are unreliably fragile. The friendship you believe in is nothing but an illusion." [Golbez teleports away, leaving Cecil on his knees] Cecil: "Brother..." -Sunken Lake Gateway- Cecil: "He's...disappointed in me. I don't even know what his words mean. Will I...find the answers if I continue fighting?" [After clearing out the manikins in this dungeon, Cecil reaches its Stigma of Chaos. The setting is now the top of the Chaos Shrine. Cecil walks onscreen before coming to a stop] Cosmos (offscreen): "Still confused?" [She appears] Cecil: "Cosmos... I'm not sure of anything anymore. Not once did I doubt that we could find the crystals by working together. In fact, I believed cooperation to be the only way. But my brother-- Golbez says that I must seek the crystal alone. Have I been naive to think we could work together? Is the bond I have with my friends really only an illusion?" Cosmos: "Do you look to me for answers? The crystal does not shine on those who only depend on others. What your brother says is absolutely true." Cecil: "How could that--" Cosmos: "Do not be troubled. Cast your worries aside, for that which you seek lies near." Cecil: "What?" Cosmos: "You already know in your heart. To depend on others, and to work together with others-- are they the same things to you? I know that you can reach the light because you are worthy." Cecil: "Cosmos, does that mean--" Cosmos: "The answer can be found inside you." [Cosmos vanishes] Cecil: "I-- I must do this." [Cecil is now back on the world map] Cecil: "I shall see Brother one more time. I must show him my answer!" [Cecil journeys on, and, after making his way through an icy region, reaches one more gateway. He enters] -Gulg Gateway- Cecil: "Now I know that I must fight... no matter who my opponent might be. I must hurry to my brother!" [After clearing out the dungeon of manikins, Cecil reaches the Chaos emblem in this area. The setting is now the Lunarian moon. Golbez is standing still while Cecil approaches] Golbez: "There is a different air about you. You seem to have made a decision." Cecil: "Yes. I will return to my friends." Golbez: "What?" Cecil: "Brother...I do not travel with companions to cover my own weakness. Their presence gives me strength. They encourage and support me. I travel with them so that I can aid them as they have aided me. A certain strength can only be born in the presence of my friends. That's why! This is what I believe!" Golbez: "It looks as though our differences are irreconcilable." Cecil: "Brother..." Golbez: "You are a knight. If there is such determination behind your thoughts... prove it with your blade, my brother!" [Golbez flies into the air. Cecil has now flown into the air as well. He shifts from his Dark Knight armor to his Paladin armor] Cecil: "It's because I have friends that I can fight! Both light and darkness give me the guidance I need. Thus--" [Cecil flies toward Golbez, who has returned to the ground, and swings his polearm at him. Golbez fires a blast of electricity into Cecil at the last second, sending him back, but not knocking him down. Cecil disperses the attack by switching back to Dark Knight. He then lands on the ground in a crouching position] Cecil: "I can turn darkness--" [He leaps toward Golbez, switching back to Paladin, and takes another swing at him. Golbez flies backward to avoid the attack] Cecil: "into hallowed light!" [Cecil switches back to Dark Knight] Cecil: "Behold!" [He fires the Dark Wave attack at Golbez, who floats out of its way. Golbez lands on a cliff edge] Golbez: "You're naive, Cecil. Even knowing betrayal and despair, you would depend on the whims of others?" [Cecil switches back to Paladin] Cecil: "I swear on this blade-- I will not be dissuaded!" [Battle commences between the two] Golbez: "I take it you're prepared." Cecil: "I will waver no more!" [Cecil fights and defeats his brother. After the battle, Golbez stumbles and nearly falls] Golbez: "I see the strength of which you spoke." [Cecil's crystal appears in front of him. It looks like the crystals from FFIV] Cecil: "This is ours, Brother. We found this light together." [Cecil holds out his hands and claims the crystal] Golbez: "Spare me the folderol. You found that on your own." Cecil: "But--" Golbez: "This is only the beginning. Do your eyes see as far as the light shines?" [Golbez teleports away] Cecil: "Brother... No matter the hardship, I'll face it head on, together with my friends." Cecil: "(And someday, with you as well. Because our bond is my guiding light.)" Cecil: "My mind will not waver." [The setting shifts to Pandaemonium] Emperor: "It was right to give him space. We now see his true colors." Exdeath: "Indeed, he is finally caught in the act. His inner light of harmony had never faded." Emperor: "A heart of light in a dark body... How intriguing. We must resolve this issue before Shinryu stirs." [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] After the fierce battle with his own brother, light finally shines on the gentle night. Whatever trials and tribulations he may face, the belief in the bond he has with his friends shall never fade. Undder the crystal's gentle glow, he makes a wish-- that he and his friends might overcome this adversity. And that someday, he might walk alongside his brother again... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Chapter 5 [7.5Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 5 - Entrusted Power-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Tidus had shown Cecil the path to take while secretly contending with his own emotions. What Tidus sees in his eyes is a story of growing up with enmity and encounter... [The setting opens on the Chaos Shrine. Tidus puts away his sword] Tidus: "Okay! We're done here!" Firion: "I guess we got through that somehow." Tidus: "Piece of cake! I'll take down every last one of Chaos's bunch!" [Cecil approaches] Cecil: "We're counting on you." Tidus: "Yah...! E-every last one but Golbez. Don't worry. I won't finish HIM off." Cecil: "Heh. He's no easy adversary." Firion: "You have family, too, don't you?" Cecil: "Jecht, wasn't it?" Tidus: "My old man doesn't count." Cecil: "What?" Tidus: "He's going down first! I don't care if he begs for mercy." Cecil: "But he's your own flesh and blood. Are you sure you're--" Tidus: "I'm looking forward to it!" [Tidus begins to run off. The others follow. Tidus provides narration here, as he did through much of FFX] Tidus: "(My heart started to race.) (Just the thought of seeing my old man again...) (there was no way I could stay calm.)" [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Tidus, the young man with the heart of an unflinching ace-- must someday break clear of his father's giant shadow... -Gateway of the Damned- [Tidus and Cecil are inside a dungeon] Tidus: "Okay, let's get this over with!" Cecil: "Be prudent...but you won't listen anyway. At least try not to wear yourself out." [A message appears saying "Tidus excels at combos stemming from mid-range attacks. Some of his attack abilities allow him to avoid enemy attacks while performing his own. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After defeating the manikins in the dungeon, Tidus touches the Stigma of Chaos here. Tidus and Cecil return to the world map] Firion: "We head for the southern isle, then the land of discord...in hopes of gaining our crystals." Tidus: "Yeah! Stay on the offensive! My favorite way of playing!" Cecil: "Ardor is good, but we must be vigilant. You never know what might come at you." Tidus: "I'll beat anything that comes at me!" [Journeying on, the party reaches a gateway and enters] -Gateway to the shore- Tidus: "Cecil's been spacing out ever since meeting up with his brother." Firion: "He knows something about the crystals. It would be great to get some information... What are your thoughts, Tidus? How do you think we'll get the crystals?" Tidus: "I'll get my crystal once I beat my old man! It's that simple...probably." [After clearing out the manikins infesting this gateway, Tidus moves next to the Stigma of Chaos here] Tidus: "Cecil's...really concerned about his brother, isn't he? It's set. I'm gonna tell Cecil to meet his brother. He can't fight like this. Okay, now's my chance before Firion catches up..." [Upon touching the Stigma of Chaos, the setting shifts to Kefka's Tower. Tidus has just sent Cecil on his way. Firion approaches Tidus from behind] Firion: "Where is Cecil? Do you know where he went?" Tidus: "Uhh..." [The screen fades to black, then fades back in while Tidus explains what's going on. Tidus's words to Firion can't be heard, as Tidus is providing narration] Tidus: "(I was afraid that he'd get mad. After all, I was the one who told Cecil to leave the party. So I made all kinds of excuses, trying to laugh my way out of it... I'm pretty good at that, you know.)" Firion: "So in other words, you sent him to go see Golbez." Tidus: "If you want to put it bluntly... Cecil seemed a bit preoccupied with Golbez, you know? So I thought it would be better for him to get and get some answers instead of wasting time all by himself. Was that...a bad idea?" Firion: "No, it's alright. [Tidus chuckles nervously] Firion: "But Tidus, are you okay? You have family on the enemy's side, too." Tidus: "No need to worry about him!" Firion: "Why not? He is your father, right?" Tidus: "And I hate his guts. He's a bully who always treated me like a little kid. I swore I'd beat the lights out of him someday. So, I'm gonna enjoy this!" Firion: "Alright. In that case--" Tidus: "Off we go!" [The settings shifts to Pandaemonium] Emperor: "If Cosmos is given an absolute death, the cycle will break, and the world will be ours..." Jecht: "And if I fight him, things'll go back to they way they were before?" Emperor: "Things will 'go' however we will them." Jecht: "And the boy... We can both go home?" Emperor: "Yes...that is a promise." [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] As Cecil sets off to meet his brother, Tidus reminisces about his father. A lost memory smolders deep inside him. Could it really be hatred that he feels? [Tidus and Firion have returned to the world map] Tidus: "--And we are done with THAT gateway! We're on a roll, Firion!" Firion: "Yes, but don't let your guard down, Tidus. The foe gains in strength, so let's--" Tidus: "I told you to stop worrying! Oh, wait, you wanted me to listen, huh?" [Journeying on, the two warrios of Cosmos come across another gateway and enter it] -Sage's Path Gateway- Firion: "Tidus, about earlier..." Tidus: "Huh? You finally wanna talk to me about the wild rose?" Firion: "Why does it always go back to that? ...It's not that important." [After defeating a number of manikins, Tidus approaches the Stigma of Chaos in this dungeon] Tidus "Hey, Firion! I think I'm getting the hang of things! Leave them to me, and go on ahead." Firion: "Alright. I leave this gateway to you. Let's meet up later." Tidus: "Gotcha!" [Firion teleports out of the gateway. Tidus moves on ahead and touches the Stigma of Chaos. The setting shifts to Pandaemonium] Tidus is putting away his sword] Tidus: "Okay! All clear over here!" [He turns around] Tidus: "Huh? Firion! Yoohoo! Rosebud! Where are you? Is he lost?" Jecht (offscreen): "Well, well, well. If it isn't Jecht's little boy." [Jecht walks onscreen from behind Tidus] Tidus: "Dad!" Jecht: "What's wrong? I'm standing right here. Come and get me. Or are you so scared that you can't even move?" Tidus: "I'm not scared!" Emperor (offscreen): "Silence." [The Emperor teleports in and walks onscreen] Jecht: "What is it now, Your Majesty?" Emperor: "Your son stands before you driven by a fierce hatred. This does not aid us in our endeavors." Jecht: [Tah!] "What a hassle." Tidus: "What are you guys babbling about!?" Jecht: "He says we can't fight today. Let's save it for later." [Jecht begins to walk away] Tidus: "Wait a minute! Don't bail out on me!" [Jecht keeps going] Emperor: [Hm] "Do you hate your father?" [Tidus draws his sword] Tidus: "Outta the way!" Emperor: "I suggest you direct that aggression towards me." [A battle begins between the two] Emperor: "Meddling child." Tidus: "What the hell are you doing here?" [After the battle, Tidus and the Emperor stand across from one another] Emperor: "Hatred alone will never yield the crystal. Your prayers shall be heard by no one." [The Emperor raises his staff and the floor underneath Tidus emits electricity, knocking him down on one knee. The Emperor teleports away] Tidus: "What does that mean!? Try making some sense!" [The Emperor's laughter can be heard. Tidus gets back to his feet, growling. Tidus narrates once again] Tidus: "(When it came down to it,) (my problem wasn't that he got away.) (The thing that really made me mad was--)" Tidus: "It just isn't like you... Taking orders like that!" [The setting shifts to the top of the Chaos Shrine] Golbez: "It seems you could not 'let go' of your past after all, Jecht." Jecht: "...The past ain't important. I'm just not convinced that this'll get me back home." Golbez: "If it does...will you be satisfied? Will you follow that man's every whim, even at the cost of betraying your son's heart?" Jecht: "I... Dammit!" [Tidus returns to the world map] Tidus: "Dad's acting all funny, and now Firion's gone missing. Dammit... That shiny guy in gold threw me off. --I guess I should go find Firion. He might have gone into one of the gateways." [Tidus moves on ahead and enters another gateway] -Legendary Lake Gateway- Tidus: "What's with the old man? Becoming that guy in gold's lackey... It's not like him! You're not being used, are you? Is there a reason you have to listen to that creep?" [After clearing this dungeon of manikins, Tidus approaches the Stigma of Chaos here and touches it. The setting shifts to the surface of the Lunarian moon. Firion is standing here. Tidus runs up to him] Tidus: "Firion! Are you okay?" Firion: "I get it now. Like father, like son. What a resemblance." Tidus: "Was it him? Was my old man here?" Firion: "Until just a second ago. We crossed swords, but I let him go. Jecht is yours to defeat. I can't take that from you. Come on, let's go finish this!" Tidus: "Yeah..." Firion: "What's wrong?" Tidus: "That guy in gold... The Emperor? He said something to me. 'Hatred alone will never yield the crystal.' I wonder what that means." Firion: "He uses words only as tools to deceive. All you need to do is stay true to yourself. You want to settle things with your father, don't you?" Tidus: "You bet I do." Firion: "Then hesitate no more. Let's go after Jecht!" [Firion walks off while Tidus stays behind in thought for a moment. Tidus narrates] Tidus: "(I wasn't hesitating.) (But still--) (something didn't feel right.) (Suddenly, I felt the urge to yell.)" [Tidus begins running, rushing past Firion and then letting out a yell] Tidus: "Graaahhh!" [The screen fades to black] Tidus: "(I've waited for this for so long--) (so why am I so confused?)" [The setting shifts to the top of the Chaos Shrine] Sephiroth: "Always the same desires, the same aims... Puppets who cannot see their own strings." Garland: "Such is the cycle." Sephiroth: "And again, you are saved by the light. Tell me, is your will so much stronger than the truth?" Garland: "... Your words matter not. All is nothing against the Great Will." [Tidus and Firion return to the world map] Firion: "--Finally caught up! Are you alright? Why did you go running off all of a sudden?" Tidus: "Huh? Oh, sorry! I just...couldn't help it." Firion: "...You should at least tell me before you go running off. Then I can get prepared. I understand your eagerness...but we would do our best to remain calm." [Moving ahead, Tidus and Firion come across a blue gateway and enter] -Hidden Darkness Gateway- Tidus: "This isn't the gateway I need to use. --Might as well clean house!" [After cleaning house, Tidus touches the Stigma of Chaos in this gateway and they return to the world map. Journeying forward, they eventually reach another gateway and enter] -Encounters and Treason- Firion: "Tidus, do the Emperor's words still bother you?" Tidus: "Huh? No way! Come on, we gotta focus on the enemies in front of us! (I can't focus... What should I do?)" [Upon defeating the manikins in the are and touching the Stigma of Chaos here, the setting shifts to the World of Darkness. Tidus and Firion are running through the area, but then come to a stop] Firion: "There he is!" [Jecht and the Emperor are ahead of them] Tidus: "Looks like they're arguing." [The camera moves in on Jecht] Jecht: "I'm telling you. It's just not my style to sweat the small stuff." [Jecht raises his sword and dashes toward the Emperor] Emperor: "So that's your reason for ruining our plans?" [Jecht reaches the Emperor and there's a white flash as the two battle. The light clears a moment later] Tidus: "Dad!" [He rushes forward. The Emperor and Jecht are both down on one knee. The Emperor's body, though, is beginning to discorporate into dark smoke] Emperor: "I have no more use for you. Fight your son to your heart's content." [The Emperor finishes vanishing. Tidus walks up to his dad] Jecht: "Well, there's no one to get in our way now." Tidus: "You're... You're hurt, aren't you?" Jecht: "Just a scratch. Can't even feel it. I can still snap you like a twig." [Tidus is smiling] Jecht: "I thought you came all the way out here to beat me, kid!" Tidus: "Yeah, that's right, I did! I did, but--" Jecht: "Well?" Tidus: "Not like this... Something's not right!" Jecht: "Still scared, huh? If you keep questioning yourself, you won't even get what's yours." [Jecht rises to his feet. Using his sword for support, he slowly walks off. Firion walks up beside Tidus] Firion: "It must be hard fighting against family." Tidus: "No, that's not it. I still want to fight him and beat him. That hasn't changed a bit. But beating him like he is now-- doesn't feel right. The guy I want to beat--" [Tidus looks in the direction Jecht walked and is silent for a long moment] Tidus: "Firion-- I'm sorry. But I have to go do this alone." Firion: "What?" Tidus: "I have to settle this by myself." Firion: [sighs] "You guys are all so selfish... Here, take this." [Firion hands Tidus a potion] Firion: "I've been saving this potion. You know what to do with it." Tidus: "Thanks so much, Firion. I know I'm being selfish... But...this is my story." [Tidus returns to the world map] Tidus: "Alright. I'm coming for you, Dad--" [Suddenly, a moogle shouts at Tidus] Moogle: "STOP! Please hold on, young lad, kupo!" Tidus: "Wha--!?" Moogle: "Moogle Shop Pravoka now delivers, kupo! Spend your extra KP here, kupo!" Tidus: "--Ah! You scared me! I almost dropped my Potion..." [Tidus moves ahead a bit and speaks to the moogle] Moogle: "Anything you buy here can be used by anyone, so buying extra won't hurt, kupo!" [Journeying alone for a while, Tidus eventually passes through an icy region and comes to one more gateway] -Gulg Gateway- Tidus: "I know you're this way, Dad. This time, I'll make sure to settle the score for good. Alright... Not much longer to the goal." [After clearing out all the manikins in his path, Tidus reaches the Chaos emblem in this area. The setting shifts to Dream's End. On the long platform here, Jecht is down on one knee, holding himself up with one arm and breathing heavily. He looks up at Tidus] Jecht: "So...have you made up your mind yet?" Tidus: "I have." [He approaches his father and pours the potion Firion had given him onto Jecht, healing his wounds. Jecht stands up while Tidus walks a few feet away before coming to a stop] Jecht: "What's the big idea? You taking pity on me?" Tidus: "It didn't feel right-- beating you when you're weak." [Tidus draws his sword] Tidus: "You're a no-good, self-centered old bastard! But I realized-- The old man I know-- is the guy that always wins, the toughest guy in the world! That's who I have to beat!" Jecht: [Hm] "The skinny little kid, talking tough. You'd better not regret it later." Tidus: "I'll regret it...if I don't fight you!" [Jecht stretches his shoulders and rotates his neck] Jecht: "Then let's do this, huh!?" [Note: The onscreen text here is "Then let's do this!"] Tidus: "You're finished!" [Tidus rushes forward and performs his Spiral Cut Overdrive. It seemingly slashes right through Jecht, but doesn't phase him. He doesn't even seem to have noticed. Jecht then swings his right hand toward Tidus. Though it doesn't actually hit him, a shockwave off of the swing is produced. Tidus leaps out of the way of this and lands on his feet] Jecht: "Oh?" Tidus: "Just beginning!" Jecht: "Then how's this?" [He launches forward faster than Tidus can react and punches him in the stomach. The attack hurls Tidus into the large sword at the end of the platform. He slides down the sword, and is left laying against it, apparently unconscious. His sword clatters to the ground beside him] Jecht: "Look what happens when I don't hold back." [Jecht kneels down beside his son, his back also to the sword] Jecht: "Well, now you know that nobody can beat me. You're still just a kid. You've got limitless potential running through your veins." [Tidus's left hand moves slightly] Jecht: "You'll be up on your feet by tomorrow." [Jecht begins to walk off] Tidus (offscreen): "Where are you going?" [Tidus is on one knee, and propping himself up with his sword] Tidus: "This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me... unless I beat you today!" Jecht: "Pesky little runt." [Jecht turns back to face Tidus as a flame-like aura rises around Jecht] Jecht: "Who do you take after?" [Tidus leaps toward his father, his sword prepared to swing] Tidus: "Go ask yourself!" [The battle between the two begins] Jecht: "You shoulda taken a nap!" Tidus: "You're not getting away with a win." [Tidus fights and defeats his father. After the battle, Jecht is down on one knee. He looks up at Tidus] Jecht: "Boy, that stings..." [Tidus rushes up to him] Tidus: "Dad!" [Jecht's body begins discorporating into dark smoke] Tidus: "Oh, come on... You're fading already?" Jecht: "Looks like it." Tidus: "I hate you. I hated you so much... I've always wished you'd be gone. But deep down... what I really wanted was just... your approval... for you to... tell me that I've grown strong--" Jecht: [Ahh.] "Looks like the kid will never grow up." Tidus: "That's not my fault. I can't help it. I'm your son, after all." Jecht: [Haha.] "I guess you are." [The two chuckle for a moment] Jecht: "Hey, cry-baby..." [Jecht stands] Jecht: "You've grown strong." [Jecht finishes vanishing. Tidus gasps. A moment later, his sphere appears in the air above him. It looks like the video spheres from FFX. Tidus reaches up and grabs it] Tidus: "Don't worry. I'll take good care of this." [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] He hurries on, with the shining crystal in his hands-- and the true feelings that were buried in hatred now in his heart-- And remembering a dream he had pursued since his youth-- about watching his father's back in the setting sun. [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrator speaks] It is not that they were called to the same place, given the same mission-- --but through the exchange of thoughts and understanding that they become comrades... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Chapter 6 [7.6Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 6 - Seeds of Hope-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] After Cloud and Cecil go their own ways, Firion continues on his journey with Tidus. He may impress Tidus with his strength, but Firion is not without his own struggles... [The setting is Kefka's Tower. Firion is leaning against a wall while Tidus sits on top of it. Firion generates a rose in his hand] Tidus: "What are you doing?" [Firion makes the rose vanish] Firion: "It's the wild rose. (Oh yeah. That's right...) (The enemy stole it from me that time...)" Tidus: "So, tell me all about the wild rose!" Firion: "Break time's over. We should get going soon." [Firion begins to walk away] Tidus: "Heh. All right, then." [Tidus stretches and begins to follow Firion] Tidus: "Once I deal with my old man and find my crystal, I'll make you tell me." Firion: "You're so nosy, Tidus." Tidus: "Firion, what's your goal in life?" Firion: "What do you mean?" Tidus: "You know, to become the world's best swordsman! Or, there's a guy you just have to beat! Like Cloud and Cecil, a goal to strive for as you go down your own path! You gotta have one to make it through what we're facing." Firion: "Right now, all I can think of is to end the conflict, no matter what it takes." Tidus: "Ahhh, you're so uptight!" Firion: "Something wrong with that?" Tidus: "In times like these, you just gotta let yourself go!" [Tidus runs off. Firion walks after him. The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Firion, the warrior with mastery over eight kinds of weapons-- His journey began alongside Cloud, Cecil, and Tidus, yet the paths to their individual goals led them to separate and reunite. Now, Firion and Tidus are at a crossroad as each continues to search for his journey's end-- -End of Isolation Gateway- Firion: "A goal in life... I've never thought about such matters." Tidus: "That's no excuse to ponder! You'll find one while fighting." [A message appears saying "Firion has few midair moves, but several flexible attacks while on the ground. Combine his aerial magic with ground-based physical attacks for strategic variety. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After clearing out the manikins in this area, Firion touches the Stigma of Chaos here. An unidentified narrator then speaks over an illustration of the world map] Having broken through a gateway, Firion and Tidus head for their next destination. When Tidus volunteers to "take down" the next gateway by himself, Firion moves ahead. Bolstered by his comrade's confidence, Firion marches on, dreaming of an end to the conflict-- [Firion is now on the world map] Firion: "I came out first, but I don't want to make it hard to regroup by straying too far... Looks like Tidus hasn't come yet. I should break the nearby gateways." [Firion moves on ahead and comes across another gateway. He enters] -Legendary Lake Gateway- Firion: "Tidus handled the other gateway, but this is another obstacle... I must be cautious without reinforcements." [After clearing out the manikins in the area, Firion reaches the Chaos emblem in this dungeon and touches it. The setting shifts to the surface of the Lunarian moon. Firion is catching his breath] Firion: "Well, that's that. Tidus! Where are you?" [Suddenly, he hears Jecht's voice come from behind him as the warrior of Chaos approaches] Jecht: "Don't know where he is, but he's fine!" Firion: "Hold on. You're Tidus's father, aren't you? What did you do to him?" Jecht: "Didn't do a damned thing. I've been told there's no point in me fighting him yet." Firion: "Tidus has been looking forward to settling things with you. Don't tell me you ran from the fight." Jecht: "That wasn't funny, kid. Everyone's getting in my way, and it's kinda ticking me off. Think I'll take it out on you!" [A battle begins between the two] Jecht: "Gonna get hurt standing around like that." Firion: "Fine, I'll fight you." [After the battle, the two are standing across from one another. Firion is gasping, trying to catch his breath] Jecht: "You're not half bad! Come on. We're not done yet!" Firion: "I won't fight against you." Jecht: "What? What's the matter?" Firion: "I realized something as I fought you. The one you really want to fight isn't me. It's Tidus! Why use me as a substitute when you know he's determined to face you?" Jecht: "Here's another kid who thinks he knows it all. But you sure know how to hit a guy where it hurts." Firion: "Where are you going?" Jecht: "I finally see where I'm supposed to go, thanks to all your meddling. You know, when you're having a bad day, you just gotta let yourself go!" [Jecht walks off. Tidus runs up a few seconds later] Tidus: "Firion! Are you okay?" Firion: "I get it now. Like father, like son. What a resemblance." [The setting remains the Lunarian moon] Firion: "Jecht is up ahead of us. Let's go." Tidus: "..." Firion: "Tidus?" Tidus: "Graaahhh!" Firion: "What!? Hey, Tidus! Wait!" [The two warrios of Cosmos are now back on the world map] Firion: "--Finally caught up! Are you alright? Why did you go running off all of a sudden?" Tidus: "Huh? Oh, sorry! I just...couldn't help it." Firion: "...You should at least tell me before you go running off. Then I can get prepared. I understand your eagerness...but we would do our best to remain calm." [The two continue ahead, coming across a blue gateway. They enter] -Hidden Darkness Gateway- Firion: "Another gateway in a place like this? I must purge it of Chaos's power." Tidus: "You're so uptight! If there're enemies, we beat 'em! ...Or is that not good enough?" Firion: "That is reason enough. This is a perfect opportunity to test my skills." [After clearing out the gateway and touching the Stigma of Chaos here, the two return to the world map. Advancing on ahead, they come across another gateway and enter] -Encounters and Treason- Tidus: "Say, Firion, you said that creep worried you, right?" Firion: "Hm? Yes... I can't forget the image of that manikin scattering rose petals." Tidus: "Felt like it crumbled your rose?" Firion: "No...how should I say this... It's the opposite. Though a foe, it didn't anger me." Tidus: "Really? Then it might've been a manikin of someone from your memories." [Firion destroys some manikins and approaches the Chaos emblem here] Firion: "Everyone has their own goal. But...what about me? Huh? That's the Emperor... and Jecht?" [Destroying the final manikin in the area, Firion advances to the Chaos emblem. The setting is now the World of Darkness. Tidus and Firion are standing face to face] Tidus: "Sorry for being so selfish, but I gotta do this..." Firion: "Don't worry about it. It's the story you have to tell." Tidus: "I'm gonna settle things with my old man." Firion: "Yeah. Now off you go!" [Tidus runs off] Firion: "So we go our separate ways." [The Emperor appears, laughing] Emperor: "It looks like you are all alone. Have all your friends abandoned you?" Firon: "Emperor! They have only gone to do what they must!" Emperor: [Oh?] "Then do you know what it is that you must do?" Firion: "Of course I do! I must bring an end to this conflict!" Emperor: [chuckles] "Such a grand statement from a mere cog in the war machine. He's going to end the conflict, so he says." [Ultimecia appears, laughing] Ultimecia: "Then we should teach him a lesson... on the futility of wishing for an end." [A battle with the witch commences] Ultimecia: "Fight with all your might, and wail!" Firion: "There's nothing to learn from you!" [After the battle, Firion is alone on the battlefield. Ultimecia appears in front of him, some distance away] Ultimecia: "Did I not say it was futile?" Firion: "What!?" Ultimecia: "You are in the midst of a battle that has been fought between the gods for ages. What do you possibly think you could do?" Emperor: "How pathetic. I'm afraid your dream of obtaining the crystals will never become reality. Even the efforts of your friends will all be for naught." Firion: "I will not let their struggles be wasted. I will obtain the crystal, and bring an end to this--" Emperor: "Is that truly your will?" Firion: "What do you mean?" Emperor: "That is why you are weak. You only fight because you are told to. You are nothing but Cosmos's tool." [Ultimecia and the Emperor teleport away] Firion: "Am I...just Cosmos's tool?" [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Through his battles, Firion finds a clue that may lead him to the enemy's stronghold. He can break through this gateway and pursue the enemy--but his heart lies elsewhere... [Firion is back on the world map] Firion: "The land of discord is up ahead. I finally made it this far. It's my will...to put an end to the fighting. I won't give up on my dream. I am no mere tool. I know that, but--" [Firion continues on ahead and comes to the only gateway that remains between him and the land of discord. He enters. The setting shifts to Dream's End. Firion is standing alone, thinking. Cosmos appears] Firion: "Cosmos!" Cosmos: "Cloud, Cecil, and Tidus have each obtained their cyrstals." Firion: "They've done it... They've really done it!" Cosmos: "Yes. Because they never stopped walking down the paths they chose." Firion: "The paths they chose..." Cosmos: "Have you lost yours?" Firion: "I...never had a specific objective I could call my own... like winning against my father, or winning alongside my brother. I just wanted to bring an end to the conflict. It's like the Emperor said. I'm only a tool without a will of my own." Cosmos: "That is untrue. You do have a goal. A dream that you have kept inside your heart for a long time." Firion: "But my dream is nothing special. It's more like...just a childish dream." Cosmos: "Tell me your dream-- and the future you wish for in your heart." Firion: "Wild roses... My dream is a world filled with wild roses. When the battle is over, I want to fill the world with flowers. A world where we can overcome what we have lost, where even the rain and the wind can provide us with strength..." Cosmos: "It's a beautiful dream. A dream that was born out of none other than you. If you were a mere tool, you would not have had such a dream." Firion: "Cosmos... You're right. It is my dream. And it's up to me to seize it." Cosmos: "I wish I could have such a dream..." [Cosmos vanishes] Firion: "And you can. I promise." -Gateway of the Great Will- Firion: "There are things you can't discard or give up on...if they realize your dream. I...want to create a world of peace. A world without lives being lost, or people weeping over the loss of a loved one... I'll make a world where everyone can peacefully gaze upon fields of wild roses!" [Firion clears the dungeon of manikins and reaches the Stigma of Chaos here. The setting shifts to the Interdimensional Rift. The Emperor is standing here, waiting for Firion as he approaches] Emperor: "What does an aimless tool of war want with me?" Firion: "I am not just a tool. I fight in order to make my dream come true!" Emperor: [laughs] "Wild roses? You shouldn't risk your life over such a worthless dream. You don't even have the strength to take hold of it." [The Emperor fires several energy blasts at Firion. They hit him and bring him to his knees] Emperor: "What's the matter? Are you done dreaming?" [Cloud and Tidus run up and get between the Emperor and Firion] Cloud: "We won't let it end!" Firion: "You guys!?" Cloud: "You've gone far enough on your own." Tidus: "A friend's dream is our dream... We'll defend it together!" [The Emperor fires three more blasts. Each Warrior of Cosmos present blocks one] Emperor: [Heh] "The time has come..." [The Emperor teleports away] Emperor (offscreen): "Firion! Come to where I am! Come and show me your will!" Cloud: "Cecil and Terra should be joining us soon, but--" Tidus: "You're going alone, aren't you?" Firion: "I must settle this." [Cloud holds out his hand to Firion. The wild rose appears there] Firion: "How did you--" Cloud: "Show us the rest of your dream." Tidus: "That's right! We'll all be waiting for you." Firion: "I'll be back!" [Firion is now back on the world map] Cloud: "We should be able to go to the land of discord using that Teleport Stone." Tidus: "You can take down that guy in gold in one shot! We'll be waiting for you, Firion!" Cloud: "Make sure you come back when you're done. Don't even think about fighting Chaos by yourself." Firion: "I know. I'll be back as soon as I settle my fight. I promise!" [Firion uses the Teleport Stone to go to the land of discord. Once there, he makes his way to the nearest gateway and enters] -The Gateway of Wails- Firion: "Everyone's waiting for me. I will not fail. I will defeat the Emperor and prove my will!" [After defeating all of the manikins in the area, Firion reaches the Chaos emblem in the area. The setting shifts to Pandaemonium. Firion comes running into the room and stops when he spots the Emperor in front of him] Emperor: "You've come." Firion: "I will not lose to one who calls me a tool of war!" Emperor: "You and your pathetic dream. I should erase such flights of fancy. You're far better off as just a tool." Firion: "Impossible. I have friends who share my dream. As long as my friends are here, the dream will never fade. You could never erase our hopes for the future!" Emperor: "In that case--I shall simply make everything mine." [The Emperor raises his staff. Several spikes appear around Firion] Firion: "What!?" [Lightning begins charging between the spikes] Firion: "I'm trapped!" [The spikes explode, engufling Firion in a large explosion. The Emperor laughs. When the smoke clears, Firion collapses, his various weapons on the floor around him] Emperor: "You should have disposed of your fantasy and accepted me as master." [Firion's weapons suddenly float into the air and fly toward the Emperor, neutralizing several balls of energy that were floating in the air. There's a blue aura around them and Firion] Emperor: "What...?" [The weapons continue to fly toward the Emperor, stopping abruptly just a few inches from his face and body. Firion rises to his feet, the aura still pooling off him] Firion: "There is no meaning in strength only used to hurt others." [Firion's weapons fly back toward him. He begins running toward the Emperor, catching his axe as he goes] Firion: "I have dreams..." [Firion catches the rest of his weapons, grabbing the sword last while leaping into the air. He lands right in front of the Emperor and points his sword at him] Firion: "Dreams worth dying for!" Emperor: "What will an insect like you do?" Firion: "Believe in the future-- And persist in the present. That's what I'll do!" [Their battle begins] Emperor: "Your future is nonexistent!" Firion: "Then I have to open my chosen path!" [Firion fights and defeats the Emperor. After the battle, the Emperor is on his knees, his body beginning to discorporate into dark smoke] Emperor: "This isn't over. Just you wait. Once you see how your dreams are crushed, you will be begging for my reign!" [The Emperor's body finishes vanishing. Firion's crystal appears in front of him, a pink obelisk-like object. Firion approaches it and claims it] Firion: "(Perhaps the battle has just begun.) (In that case, let us keep dreaming.) (A world full of wild roses--) (Along with my friends, I'll make it come true.) It will come true. Someday!" [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] It was a humble dream. Too ambiguous to call a goal, it nevertheless was the dream that pulled him through his battles. His heart chose to believe in the future. His friends and his crystal answered his call. He will no doubt continue on his quest. [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrator speaks] What was a mere flower at first, through a chain of accidents, developed into a dream. The dream shared by all is also the bond that ties the forgotten past to the present... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Chapter 7 [7.7Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 7 - Resolve for Seclusion-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Squall walks alone in pursuit of his crystal and his archnemesis. In the midst of his journey, he rescues Bartz and Zidane at a gateway in the south... [The setting is the World of Darkness. Zidane and Bartz run up to Squall] Zidane: "Whew! You saved our hides. Thanks!" Bartz: "Oh. Are you all by yourself?" Squall: "Yeah." Bartz: "Then you can come with us. Let's look for our crystals together!" [Bartz and Zidane begin to walk ahead] Squall: "(Why does this happen every time?)" Squall: "No offense to you guys-- But I'd much rather be by myself." [Bartz and Zidane stop and look at each other, then turn to look at Squall] Zidane: "But doesn't it get...lonely sometimes?" Bartz: "Well, I guess if [he] wants to go off on his own... Okay, well, we're heading that way." [Bartz gestures with his head] Zidane: "We'll meet up later-- after we get our crystals!" [Zidane nods to Squall. He and Bartz then run off. Bartz comes running back a few seconds later] Bartz: "I almost forgot--" Squall: "What is it?" Bartz: "I thought you should have something." [Bartz pulls out a chocobo feather] Bartz: "Here, take this!" Squall: "What's that nasty-looking feather?" Bartz: "Hey, watch your mouth!" [This] "That feather's been my trusted companion. Whenever I found myself in danger, this good-luck charm saved me." Squall: "This is a battlefield. It's not the place to be concerned about others." Bartz: "I'm just looking out for you. I'll be alright. I got Zidane with me. Just give it back the next time we meet." [Bartz grabs Squall's hand and forces the feather into it] Bartz: "Promise, okay?" [Before Squall has a chance to protest, Bartz turns 'round and runs off] Squall: "(Who said anything about a promise?)" [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Squall is a noble warrior with the pride of a lion. He is on his lonely path when he sees his comrades under attack by the manikins. But to him, perhaps they are not comrades at all. They may be mere strangers accidentally born in the same world. -Gateway to a Micro Desert- [Squall is inside a dungeon] Squall: "(This feather... It must be important to Bartz.) (But if so... Why did he give it to me?)" [A message appears saying "Squall is skilled in close- and mid-range combat combos on the ground. Stay near your opponent to take advantage of Squall's many close-range moves. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After defeating all of the manikins in this area, Squall reaches the Stigma of Chaos here. He is now on the world map] Squall: "So the next gateway will be--" Zidane: "That's three down! And I'm taking all of them! You can't stop me!" Bartz: "What? Hey, I found that one first! You're not taking that one from me!" Squall: "(...They're still around?)" [Journeying on, Squall comes across a gateway and enters] -Northern Mirage Gateway- Squall: "I've seen that manikin before. Right, I've seen that face in my dreams... This is a dreamlike world as well, wouldn't surprise me to see that guy. Even if I knew that guy, I'll beat him if he gets in my way." [After defeating a manikin, Squall reaches a Summonstone] Alexander AUTO: "I am...the hallowed king... Revere...and worship me..." Squall: "(Whatever... You just want some attention.) If you want me to worship you, then show your strength to me." [Squall defeats the rest of the manikins here and touches the Stigma of Chaos in the area. The setting shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater. Squall is standing here alone. He pulls out Bartz's feather and looks at it] Squall: "(A good-luck charm...)" [Cosmos appears behind Squall] Cosmos: "Did a friend give that to you?" Squall: "More like shoved it down my throat." Cosmos: "I can see it on your face, Squall." [He shuts his eyes and turns his head away from her] Cosmos: "You regret not going with them, do you not?" Squall: "I don't regret anything. I just...never thought anyone cared about me. Sympathy is a burden I don't need. But it wouldn't hurt to know someone's got my back. Perhaps I...shouldn't have turned down their invitation." Cosmos: "No. You made the right decision. In order to obtain the crystal, one must fight the real enemy that dwells inside his heart. That enemy must be confronted alone." Squall: "My real enemy... Her..." Cosmos: "Yes... Ultimecia, the witch who controls time. Defeat her, and the crystal shall be yours. It is a long and lonely road. Will you be able to maintain your lofty dedication to solitude?" Squall: [Hmph] "That goes without saying. Or do you want me to swear it on this charm?" [Squall walks off] Cosmos (her voice and image doubled over with this individual's real identity: Ultimecia): "No... You're doing fine." [Squall returns to the world map] Squall: "I can obtain the crystal by defeating Ultimecia-- Could it really be that simple? Crystal or no crystal-- She is one to be defeated." [Moving on through a desert, Squall encounters a moogle] Moogle: "You won't find this quality in a chest. Buy or don't buy. It's entirely up to you, kupo." [Squall continues journeying forward across the desert, eventually reaching another gateway. He enters. The setting shifts to Kefka's Tower] Kefka: "Mmm. I think what you need is bait." Kuja: "...Bait?" Kefka: "That monkey would risk his own life to save a friend, right? There's your answer!" Kuja: "Hmph. And is there a character we can use as your so-called bait?" Kefka: "Of course! Haven't you noticed the loner yet? You never liked Ultimecia, anyway. I say kill two birds with one stone!" -Eastern Mirage Gateway- Squall: "('Lofty dedication to solitude'? Makes it sound like a pretty big deal.) (But--) I've decided to go it alone. I'll have to proceed with caution." [After tearing his way through the manikins in this dungeon, Squall reaches the Chaos emblem in the area. The setting shifs to the Interdimensional Rift. Squall is walking through the area when Kuja's voice is suddenly heard from offscreen. He teleports in, appearing in front of Squall as he finishes his sentence] Kuja: "Are you enjoying your solitude?" Squall: "What do you want?" Kuja: "Just came to get my bait for Zidane-fishing. And a reckless, lonesome traveler like yourself is just what I needed." Squall: "Sorry, but I'm not interested." Kuja: "Beg pardon?" Squall: "I see that Zidane has some worthless enemies." [Squall draws his gunblade] Kuja: [Hm] "Bark while you can, boy. You'll soon be yelping for mercy." [Battle begins between them] Kuja: "Behave and let me catch you." Squall: "What an annoying guy." [Squall fights and defeats Kuja. After the battle, Kuja is down on one knee] Squall: "Knew you were all talk." Kuja: "I've come to realize... that Zidane would never be interested in chasing a lone wolf like you. So, I have come up with a far better idea to make Zidane come to me." Squall: "Enough!" [Squall quickly lunges at Kuja and attempts to bisect him. Kuja narrowly darts upward into the air, avoiding the attack] Kuja: "I am done dealing with you. Just sit back and watch the second act unfold." [Kuja teleports away] Squall: "(Is worrying about them going to help any? No, of course not...)" [Squall remembers Zidane's last words to him] "We'll meet up later-- after we get our crystals!" [Next, he remembers Bartz's] "Promise, okay?" [Squall pulls Bartz's chocobo feather out and looks at it] Squall: "There's something I have to do. I must...persevere." [The setting shifts to the World of Darkness. Kuja and Garland are there] Kuja: "You think I'm outsmarting myself?" [chuckles] "I tire of your chirps, ignorant fool!" [Kuja raises his left hand. A ball of blue energy appears there. Garland takes up a fighting stance] Jecht (offscreen): "You guys having fun?" [The other two look over at Jecht, who is leaning against a pillar. He walks toward them] Jecht: "Let me in on it." [After a long silence, Kuja discards his energy ball] Kuja: "I've lost interest. [He flies away. Garland looks at Jecht] Garland: "Surely you have others to spar with." [Garland walks away while Jecht chuckles. Meanwhile, Squall has returned to the world map] Squall: "--Just fulfill your mission. Everything starts from there. Ultimecia... Show yourself." [Squall journeys on and comes across a blue gateway, which he enters] -The Flowing spring- Squall: "Great...more manikins. Well, they're perfect training dummies for me." [After defeating the manikins here, Squall touches the Stigma of Chaos and returns to the world map. Continuing across the world map, he reaches another gateway and enters it] -Forgotten Trail- Squall: "I have to keep fighting alone. If it's my mission to get the crystal as soon as possible, I have to..." [After clearing out the manikins inside this gateway, Squall reaches the Cosmos emblem here. The setting then shifts to Crystal World. Squall is standing here alone, looking off into the distance. WoL approaches] Squall: "(Wow... Such a dazzling fellow...)" WoL: "Are you by yourself?" Squall: "(Why does everybody ask me that?)" Squall: "To obtain the crystal, each one of us must confront his real enemy. Cosmos told me that." WoL: "Cosmos did?" Squall: "Isn't that why you're by yourself, too? I just want to get the crystal and get out." WoL: "The enemy is not one but many. They have joined forces to defeat us. Should you not look for someone to guard your back?" Squall: "(Don't force your thoughts on me.) (Just stay out of my way.)" Squall: "I have only one goal." [Squall draws his gunblade] Squall: "I won't allow for distractions." Squall: "(I need that resolve to persevere.)" [WoL's sword and shield appear in his hands] WoL: "Why do you insist on fighting alone? Can you carve out your path-- without the help of others?" [Battle begins between them] WoL: "Have you no trust in your ally?" Squall: "I don't need to be lectured by you." [After their battle, WoL is down on one knee. He rises to his feet] WoL: "You are strong. Don't you have any intention of using that strength to protect the others?" Squall: "Fighting together's not the only way." [Squall pulls out the chocobo feather Bartz gave him] Squall: "We can still help each other, even if we're apart. And whether or not I needed it, I received their support. So I'll return the favor in my own way. I have to carve out my path to change the situation." WoL: "I'm afraid I have misjudged you. I had assumed you preferred to be alone because you did not trust your comrades. You should continue down this road you have chosen. Eventually, all paths join as one. Do not forget. None of us are alone." [WoL walks off] Squall: "(None of us are alone, huh...)" [He is now back on the world map] Squall: "She must be nearby... I feel the witch. (Zidane, Bartz... Hang in there.)" [Continuing onward, Squall reaches a blue gateway and enters] -Northern Lufenia Gateway- Squall: "I've always had the determination. It's thanks to him that I've realized that." [After cleaning out this dungeon, Squall touches the Stigma of Chaos here and returns to the world map. He continues onward and reaches another gateway. He enters. The setting becomes the top of the Chaos Shrine. Squall is walking across the area when "Cosmos" appears in front of him] Cosmos (Ultimecia): "Take up your sword, Squall. Are you finally strong enough to fight me?" [Ultimecia drops her disguise and reveals herself. Squall draws his gunblade] Squall: "Ultimecia!" Ultimecia: "I have been waiting for you... ...to obtain that level of ruthless determination." Squall: "Ruthless?" Ultimecia: "Yes, the determination to stubbornly follow your own path. The merciless heart that abandons friends! That is what will lead you to your crystal." Squall: "I abandoned my friends!?" Ultimecia: "Deep inside your heart, you trust no one. That is why you act alone, is it not? By now, Kuja should be having his way with Zidane and Bartz. And you did not even try to go save them. Does that not prove you think nothing of them?" Squall: "(Think nothing of them?)" Ultimecia: "You're doing well. Such is life on the battlefield. Now, let me see-- the strength of your pride!" [Squall lowers his gunblade, saying nothing. His eyes are closed] Ultimecia: [Hm] "Has fear taken hold of you? --I understand. I'll neither run nor hide. I shall be waiting until the time comes." [Ultimecia teleports away] Squall: "It's not as simple as you might think." [The setting shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater] Garland: "Eliminate Cosmos and the rest will fall. There is no need for unnecessary risks." Ultimecia: "Do you mean to tell me that you truly have faith in the Emperor's schemes? Is it even possible to give Cosmos an absolute death?" Garland: "...I suppose you have your own plan." Ultimecia: "As do you. I know you have a direct link with Chaos." Garland: "Hmph..." Ultimecia: "I would do anything to live long enough to witness the dragon's coming. I trust I can count on your cooperation." -Southern Lufenia Gateway- Squall: "I have only my own strength to rely on. That's enough. Just you wait, Ultimecia." [Squall defeats all the manikins in his path and reaches the Chaos emblem in this gateway. The setting shifts to Ultimecia's clock tower. Squall walks in. She is on the ramp ahead of him] Ultimecia: "So you've come-- having abandoned your comrades only to satisfy your own desires." Squall: "I only came to fulfill my promise. It's because of them that I can't allow myself to stop. I know that I'm not alone." [Squall draws his gunblade] Squall: "That's why I can fight by myself!" Ultimecia: "Interesting. Then fight you shall." [Garland approaches Squall from behind. He's caught between the two villains] Garland: "Yes, against the two of us." Ultimecia: "Will you still feign bravery?" Squall: "This is better for me. If I can defeat both of you, then it will make it easier for them. I'll prove it to you. We may be apart, but we still fight together!" [Garland looks to his right just in time to see Zidane come barreling into him, knocking him to the ground on one knee. Squall turns to look at what happened] Zidane: "Trying to take the spotlight, eh, Squall?" Squall: "Zidane! Why are you here?" Zidane: "What? Do I need a reason to help someone? Why don't you just leave this big lummox to me!" Squall: "(He just doesn't get it...)" Squall: "But I can live with that." [He looks back at Ultimecia] Squall: "Thanks for waiting. So--" Ultimecia: "Shall we dance?" [Squall is taking swing after swing at Ultimecia, but she teleports out of the way of each attack. Squall finally stops trying to keep up with her and gasps, catching his breath for a second while moving straight into his next move] Squall: "How's this!?" [Squall points his gunblade into the air and begins performing Blasting Zone] Ultimecia: "Time!" [Everything freezes in place. The gears in the clock tower, as well as Squall himself. Ultimecia moves outside the flow of time and begins walking over to the frozen Squall] Ultimecia: "Foolish boy. Everything is an illusion." [She rubs her hand down his arm as she walks past him. She then holds out her left hand as several sets of violet-colored energy spikes appear in the air, all pointed at Squall] Ultimecia: "Your hopes, your friends-- Your life itself-- shall fade." [Ultimecia restores the normal flow of time. Squall rapidly adjusts to the changed situation and begins blocking the energy spikes that now begin hurlting themselves toward him. Casting a Fire spell, he destroys nearly all the remaining energy spikes. A small few remain, floating above Ultimecia] Ultimecia: "So you would rather die hard." Squall: "Your ability to mess with time-- is coming to an end!" [Squall points his gunblade at her. Battle begins between them] Ultimecia: "A path of tepid solitude." Squall: "I'm gonna go at you full-force." [Squall fights and defeats Ultimecia. After the battle, Ultimecia's body begins discorporating into dark smoke] Ultimecia: "Someday, you too will know. The truth of time that can never be reclaimed!" [She finishes vanishing] Zidane (offscreen): "Squall!" [Zidane runs up to Squall] Squall: "Zidane, I owe you one." Zidane: "Aww, it's okay... Wait a minute! Nothing's okay! We got trouble! Big trouble!" Squall: "(I can't imagine bigger trouble than you...)" Zidane: "Bartz! Bartz got caught! It was a trap! We gotta go find him! Now!" Squall: "Bartz? Alright. Let's go." Zidane: "Huh? Really?" [Squall pulls out the feather Bartz gave him] Squall: "Gotta give this back to him." Zidane: "Is that why?" Squall: "And because he's my friend." Zidane: [gasps] "Yeah!" [Squall's crystal suddenly appears in the air above him. It looks like ... something. It's most likely meant to be a wing. The chocobo feather begins to emit a golden glow and floats up by the crystal. The crystal suddenly emits a gold beam of light that leads off into the distance] Zidane: "That light... You think it's pointing towards Bartz?" Squall: "Hang in there..." [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Fighting for his friends-- even from a distance, even if alone. It was his resolve to fight alone that brought him the crystal. Its brilliance shines the way to his friend in distress. They hurry under the light. To save their comrade's precious life... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Chapter 8 [7.8Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 8 - Trust-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Zidane had parted and then reunited with Squall, but Bartz was nowhere to be seen. What exactly happened in Zidane and Bartz's travels is a turbulent story yet to be told... [The setting is the Lunarian moon. Zidane and Bartz are standing here] Zidane: "Hey, Bartz. Wanna have a race?" Bartz: "A race?" Zidane: "Yeah. Whoever finds his crystal first wins. What do you think?" Bartz: "So it's a treasure hunt. This is gonna be easy." Zidane: "Hey, don't forget. You're talking to a professional thief here." Bartz: "Then I'm going to be just like the thief and steal victory!" [The two chuckle] Zidane: "The treasure...is this way!" [Zidane sets off running in that direction] Bartz: "The treasure...is this way!" [Bartz begins running in the same direction] Bartz: "Go, go, go!" Zidane: "Is that supposed to be me?" [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Zidane, the roving thief, is in search of his crystal. After parting ways with Squall, he continues on his exciting adventure with his partner, Bartz. -Gateway to a Micro Desert- Zidane: "...What's going on? Why am I so uneasy?" Bartz: "Hey, Zidane! Uh, something wrong?" Zidane: "Uh, I was just checking things out. Now, let me show you what a real thief can do!" [A message appears saying "Zidane excels at aerial combat, and has many HP attacks from which to choose. Even in stages with few footholds, you can dash around foes before closing in to strike. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After clearing out the dungeon of manikins, Zidane reaches the Stigma of Chaos in this area. He and Bartz are now on the world map] Zidane: "I think we've combed through this area. What do you say we move on to the next gateway?" Bartz: "Yeah, I bet the treasures'll be sweeter as we get closer to Chaos's den." Zidane: "We can't go barging into the den, but we'll go as far as we can." [The two journey on and eventually reach another gateway. They enter it. The setting shifts to Ultimecia's clock tower] Kuja: "What? All I remember...isn't real?" Ultimecia: "Indeed. Your memory has been written over. Because you have been defeated--" Kuja: "Hmph. Trying to confuse me by looking down on me? If you think I can easily be swayed by your words, you are sorely mistaken. Just you watch. When the curtain falls, you will see just how superior I am!" [Kuja leaves] Ultimecia: "What a pathetic child... But perhaps he can handle the little monkey." -Gateway of Trials- Bartz: "There's something good nearby-- I can smell it!" Zidane: "What? You just figure that out? I knew one was here when we were outside." Bartz: "Don't be so cocky, Zidane. Whoever finds the treasure first wins, remember? More importantly, that red emblem causes our bravery to drop to zero." Zidane: "Use your head, Bartz. You can use skills or items to boost something besides bravery." [After defeating all of the manikins in the dungeon, Zidane reaches the Chaos emblem in this area. The setting shifts to Kefka's Tower. Zidane and Bartz are walking through the area when they see a crystal floating ahead of them. They come to a stop] Bartz: "What could that be?" Zidane: "It looks like--" Bartz: "a crystal!" [Bartz rushes forward] Zidane: "Wha-? Hey, wait!" [As Bartz reaches the crystal, he's enveloped in a rising pillar of light and teleported away] Zidane: "Huh... Bartz? Where did he go? Heeey!" Kefka (offscreen): "How perfectly poetic!" [Kefka walks onscreen] Kefka: "The mouse scampers off, but the monkey just keeps hanging around!" [Zidane goes "Huh?"] Kefka: "Well, whatever. This should still be interesting, at least." Zidane: "Hey! Is this your doing? What did you do with Bartz?" Kefka: "What's wrong with you, you noisy baboon? Too stupid to even get caught in a trap?" Zidane: "Tell me where Bartz is... or I'll force it out of you!" [Zidane draws his Mage Mashers. A battle commences between the two] Kefka: "Ohhh, I'm not in the mood." Zidane: "Don't get cheeky with me!" [After the battle, the two stand across from one another. Zidane still has his blades at the ready, but Kefka looks fairly relaxed and uninterested in continuing the battle] Zidane: "Just give it up already. I wanna know where Bartz is!" Kefka: [laughs maniacally] "I'm afraid the mouse is... SMACK ...dab in the middle of enemy territory. Go look for him if you want, but you'll just be wasting your time!" [Kefka teleports away] Zidane: "Bartz... I'm coming to find you!" [Zidane grunts and runs off. The setting shifts to the top of the Chaos Shrine] Garland: "You have deliberately broken his spirit. I cannot say I approve of your behavior." Ultimecia: "Do you mean Kuja? I merely told him the truth. Think of it as an inspirational chat. See how he now plots to catch the monkey?" Garland: "I doubt his quarry will be so easily snared with cheap tricks..." Ultimecia: "We should be on our way soon... The proud lion approaches our blind." [She leaves] Garland: "...I suppose I am equally guilty of partaking in these idiot schemes..." [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Zidane decides to head south, having sensed his friend Bartz in that direction. He remains oblivious to the presence of the enemy waiting beyond the gateway... [Zidane is now back on the world map] Zidane: "Dammit... I don't think I can make it all the way to the Teleport Stone... I mean, it's halfway around the world! It's just so far away... Keep yourself alive, Bartz. I'm coming to get you!" [Zidane heads across the landscape. As he goes, he may encounter a moogle] Moogle: "CONTINUE MISSION RECEIVE kp GIVE GOODS..." [Moving forward, Zidane eventually reaches another gateway and enters] -Southern Lufenia Gateway- Zidane: "Dammit! I don't have time to waste searching these stupid gateways. I can't believe Bartz got caught, and it's all my fault... Just you wait, Bartz. I'll save ya in no time." [After making his way through any manikins blocking him, Zidane reaches the Chaos emblem in this dungeon. The setting shifts to Ultimecia's clock tower. Zidane is running through the area. He comes to a stop] Zidane: "Come on, Bartz. Where are you?" [Zidane then hears Squall talking to Ultimecia and Garland offscreen] Squall: "I know that I'm not alone. That's why I can fight by myself!" [Zidane runs to see what's going on. He spots him on the clock tower ramp below, with Garland and Ultimecia on either side] Zidane: "Squall? That idiot!" [Zidane runs off to find a way down] Squall: "I'll prove it to you. We may be apart, but we still fight together!" [Garland looks to his right just in time to see Zidane come barreling into him, knocking him to the ground on one knee. Squall turns to look at what happened] Zidane: "Trying to take the spotlight, eh, Squall?" Squall: "Zidane! Why are you here?" Zidane: "What? Do I need a reason to help someone? Why don't you just leave this big lummox to me!" Garland: "So you challenge me without hesitation. You are quite the cocky one." Zidane: "Didn't exactly want to fight against a lady. And I suggest you worry about yourself!" [Zidane draws his Mage Mashers. Garland takes up a battle stance. They begin battle] Garland: "Know your limits, boy!" Zidane: "Hey, I'd look bad if I lost, right?" [After the battle, the two stand across from one another. Zidane remains battle ready] Garland: [laughs] "That was just what I needed-- to work out some of the kinks!" [Garland teleports away] Zidane: "What's that guy MADE of?" [Zidane runs off to find Squall] Zidane: "Squall!" Squall: "Zidane, I owe you one." Zidane: "Aww, it's okay... Wait a minute! Nothing's okay! We got trouble! Big trouble!" Zidane: "Bartz! Bartz got caught!" [The setting shifts to a little while later. Squall and Zidane are walking through the World of Darkness] Squall: "Never thought Bartz would fall for a trap." Zidane: "It's my fault. We got too caught up in our race." Squall: "Stay sharp. You seem to be one of their targets." Zidane: "Yeah, maybe. But I'm not losing sight of MY target! I'm rescuing Bartz right away." Zidane: "He's gotta be at the end of this light..." [The camera pans up to show the light from Squall's crystal leading off into the distance. An unidentified narrator then speaks over an illustration of the world map] The guiding light from the crystal was what Firion followed to the land of discord. Now together with Squall, Zidane heads for the next destination, but it is not the end... [Zidane and Squall are now on the world map] Zidane: "So the light from the crystal really was pointing towards the Teleport Stone." Squall" Yeah...which means Bartz is still in enemy territory--" Zidane: "Which must mean he's alright! We've got to hurry and rescue him!" [As the two warriors of Cosmos make their way across the world map, they may run into a moogle] Moogle: "You can't always shop when you want to. Be sure to shop when you can, kupo!" [Zidane and Squall enter a nearby blue gateway] -Ryukahn Gateway- Zidane: "Heeey! Bartz! Man, he's not here either. This isn't the time to look for treasure..." [After defeating the manikins in the area and looting the treasure here anyway, Zidane touches the Stigma of Chaos inside this gateway and moves things back to the world map. The two now make their way further across the map, eventually coming to the gateway standing between them and the Teleport Stone needed to access the land of discord. They enter the gateway] -Gateway of the Great Will- Zidane: "I'm sure there's a Teleport Stone on the other side of this gateway..." Squall: "Yeah... The crystal pointed in this direction." Zidane: "Where could Bartz be? ...I hope he's alright." [After fighting through the manikins here, Zidane reaches this gateway board's Stigma of Chaos and touches it. The setting shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater. Bartz comes running up to reunite with Zidane and Squall] Zidane: "Bartz! Where've you been?" Bartz: "Zidane! Squall, you came too!" Squall: "You look alright." Bartz: "Yeah, I managed to get away from a lot of mean-looking guys. But, never mind that. Look at this!" [Bartz pulls out the crystal he captured earlier] Bartz: "I nicked this crystal from them. Looks like I win!" Zidane: [Ha.] "I don't believe it. And here I was actually worried about you!" [Zidane reaches out to grab the crystal] Squall: "Wait! Don't touch--" [There's a flash of light] Bartz (offscreen): "Zidane!?" [Zidane has been teleported to the top of the Chaos Shrine] Kuja (offscreen): [Laughs] "We finally meet again." [Kuja appears in front of Zidane] Zidane: "Kuja!" Kuja: "You have such a considerate friend. He didn't even think twice before delivering you my trap." Zidane: "So it's all your fault, huh... What did you do to my friends?" Kuja: "You're still worried about others in this situation? Such recklessness." Zidane: "Just answer me." Kuja: "Don't like being alone? What would you do if you were to lose that which you were trying to protect?" Zidane: "What?" Kuja: [Hm] "As one who shares your fate, I simply had to see how your heart would break upon realizing how powerless you truly are." Zidane: "Grr..." Kuja: "Your friends will get hurt, and there is nothing you can do. Like a bird trapped in a cage, you can only listen as they scream in terror..." Zidane: "Shut up!" Kuja: "I'll be looking forward to your solo performance." [Kuja teleports away] Zidane: "Guys..." [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] Zidane is transported to enemy territory, but he laments not being able to help his friends. Can he escape and join his friends again? In despair, he nevertheless starts to walk... [Zidane is on the world map] Zidane: "Where in the hell am I? Did I wind up in Chaos's lair? ...I can't do anyone any good just wandering around aimlessly. I've gotta find an exit." [Zidane makes his way across the land of discord until he comes to a blue gateway. He enters] -Gateway of Sullen Eyes- Zidane: "Kuja... don't you remember me at all? We weren't really enemies... But if you're gonna hurt my friends, then I'm just gonna have to beat you!" [Zidane defeats the manikins here, claims the treasure, and touches the Stigma of Chaos, returning to the world map. Making his way forward, he eventually reaches another gateway, which he also enters. The setting shifts to Crystal World] Garland: "You are growing reckless, Kuja." Kuja: "You again... Have you come to laugh at me, too?" Garland: "Not at all. You and I are the same--warriors summoned to this land by the god of discord. And that is the truth for all of us. Even for that witch, Ultimecia... Not one has remembered everything. You were used when you had just awakened." Kuja: "Then...we are all the same...? Hehehe... I see. I finally understand. I've no reason to feel inferior to you or anybody else. The weak are robbed of their freedom from the strong. And it's only natural-- --that the victor always prevails. Then so I shall be! One defeat matters not! I've no need to cling to vague memories. I shall emerge the victor in the finale!" [The setting shifts to Pandaemonium. Zidane is standing still, his head held low] Zidane: "(Guys? I don't-- What should I do?)" [Cosmos appears. Zidane turns his head to the side, away from her] Zidane: "Today's not a good day for a date." Cosmos: "Zidane, don't be afraid." Zidane: "But I'm powerless. There's nothing I can do for them." Cosmos: "There is always something that can be done. Is there not?" Zidane: "But...it might be too late..." Cosmos: "Your friends believe in you. They do not think you will fail. You should believe in them." Zidane: "Believe...in them..." Cosmos: "Your friends are strong." Zidane: "Yeah. You're right. They aren't the type to get beat up that easily. I have to make sure they're alright. That's--that's the least I can do! Thanks a lot, Cosmos. Wow. I guess I must really look pathetic. It's usually me who's cheering up the ladies." [Cosmos shakes her head] Cosmos: "Your gentleness is also your strength..." [She vanishes] Zidane: "Cosmos!" [Silence for a moment] Zidane: "Gotta... Gotta stay sure of myself!" [Zidane walks on ahead] -Inherited Memories- Zidane: "I'm going back...to the friends that believe in me!" [Zidane fights his way through the manikins in his path and reaches the Chaos emblem in this area. The setting shifts to Crystal World. Zidane is walking through the area. When he reaches the platform where he and his party from FFIX battled Kuja, the very same genome appears before Zidane] Zidane: "Kuja, get out of my way." Kuja: "As if you have any place to go." Zidane: "I'm going back to my friends." Kuja: "Why not surrender? Do you despise being alone that much?" Zidane: "I just believe in them." Kuja: "Believe? In others? Why do you persist with this mummers' farce?" Zidane: "Believe in my friends isn't a game. You should know. You've got friends, right?" Kuja: "Friends? Don't you dare associate me with those animals!" Zidane: "But--" [Kuja fires a ball of energy at Zidane, which he dodges] Kuja: [sighs] "You've disappointed me. I wanted so much to enjoy this hopeless tragedy. What an utter failure." [laughs] "It's time to close the curtains to this silly drama!" [Zidane is now running up the side of one of the large pillars in Crystal World. Kuja is flying through the air, chasing him] Kuja: "Let me perform a piece for you. It's your requiem!" [Kuja begins unleashing an onslaught of energy balls at Zidane, laughing all the while. Zidane dodges all of them] Zidane: "You call that music?" Kuja: "Just playing the overture." Zidane: "Of course you are. Now I'm playing... the finale!" [Zidane leaps toward Kuja. The action goes into slow motion as both warriors prepare an attack for the other at close range. Battle commences] Kuja: "This is a tragedy, you know?" Zidane: "Then I'm gonna rewrite the script!" [Zidane fights and defeats his brother. After the battle, Kuja is down on one knee, defeated. Zidane's crystal appears in the air above him. It looks like a small version of the crystal of creation. It floats down into his hands] Zidane: "As long as I have my friends, losing just isn't an option." [Kuja's body begins discorporating into dark smoke] Zidane: "Kuja, tell me something. Is it really so hard to trust in someone?" Kuja: "What good is trust? You cling to others only because you are helpless alone. But if you have trust in others, then you're never alone." Kuja: "Cease with the noise! I've heard enough! Never... When the curtain falls, it is I who shall bask in the applause." [Kuja finishes disappearing] Zidane: "Kuja..." [Zidane's crystal begins floating away from him, leading him. He runs after it. The screen goes white] Bartz (offscreen): "Is that--" Zidane (offscreen): "Heeey!" [The setting fades in to the Interdimensional Rift. Squall and Bartz are ahead of Zidane] Zidane: "(I have friends who believe in me.)" [Bartz runs to reunite with Tidus. Squall follows behind, walking] Zidane: "(That's how I'm able to face any hardship.) (That's how it's always been, and that's how it'll always be.) (I'm going back...to where I belong.)" [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Unwavering trust in his friends turned his fear into courage. No matter how deep the world's despair, the shining light of trust will never fade. With the pursuit for his crystal at an end, he calls out to his dear friends... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Chapter 9 [7.9Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 9 - A Treasure Hunt-- [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the world map] After giving Squall his good-luck charm, Bartz was traveling together with Zidane. But he is caught in an enemy trap and transported deep inside their lair. [The setting shifts to the Interdimensional Rift. Bartz is laying on the ground. Awakening, he stands and looks around him] Bartz: "Where am I?" [Seeing Kuja and Kefka approaching from offscreen, he runs to hide] Kuja: "So now...where is that mouse you caught?" Kefka: "Hmmm? Well, now, this is odd. He was here just a minute ago..." Kuja: "Anyway, the one I'm after is Zidane." [groans] "I didn't even ask you to do this. Now you've made it harder to catch him." Kefka: "But it looked like fun! No fair hogging it all!" Kuja: "Though I suppose it would be foolish to let this mouse go to waste..." Bartz: "(Huh, so that trap was supposed to be for Zidane.) (Good thing they didn't catch him,) (but who are they to call me a mouse!?) (I wonder what those guys are talking about over there.)" Kefka: [laughs] "A brilliant plan! And I know the perfect one to carry it out." [Kefka and Kuja walk off] Bartz: "Might as well take a look around. With any luck, I just might find my crystal!" [Generating Cloud's Buster Sword out of thin air, he swings it, then swings it again while it transforms into Squall's gunblade. The gunblade then transforms into Zidane's Mage Mashers and Bartz spins them into the air] Bartz: "Everyone's skills are going to come in handy!" [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Bartz, the adventurer, travels the world like a free-spirited wind. He was in the midst of a friendly race with Zidane to see who could get his crystal first-- but he was caught in a trap and transported alone to an enemy stronghold. A new adventure begins for the mimic warrior... -Gateway of Infernos- [Bartz is inside a dungeon] Bartz: "Let's see... Where am I? Maybe I'll figure that out once I get outta this gateway." [A message appears saying "Bartz combines the skills of other characters to create his own attacks. His attacks have additional effects. Remember this while setting his items and abilities. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." Bartz fights his way through the manikins in this dungeon and reaches the Stigma of Chaos in the area. After touching it, the setting shifts to the top of the Chaos Shrine. Bartz is walking through the area] Bartz: "As much as I like wandering around aimlessly, I gotta go somewhere." [Walking past a pillar, he sees Ultimecia, Sephiroth and the Emperor in conversation] Bartz: "(Oooh, I wonder what's going on over there.)" [He runs to hide behind a closer pillar and listen] Emperor: "No doubt paradise is within our grasp. What matters is afterwards. What say you join forces with me, Sephiroth? You, too, must be sickened by the feckless destroyers among us." Sephiroth: "Not interested." Ultimecia: "I don't think you quite understand the position you are in." Sephiroth: "And if I don't?" Bartz: "(Seriously? Are they fighting over a girl?)" Emperor: "It seems we have an infestation." [The three villains turn to look toward Bartz's hiding place. He comes into plain view] Bartz: "Hey! Who do you think you're calling a bug!?" [The Emperor and Ultimecia ominously stare at him while Sephiroth walks off] Bartz: [D'oh!] "I'll be back!" [He runs away] Ultimecia: "Going after him?" Emperor: "No. A far more intriguing 'light' approaches. This is perfect. I'll tell one of the destroyers where the insect went in exchange for the crystal." Ultimecia: "Exdeath would be the most suitable choice." [The Emperor chuckles. Bartz returns to the world map] Bartz: "Whew! That was close! Looks like they're not coming after me. But, man, what a sight. So this is where Chaos lives, huh... --This isn't the time for sightseeing! I've gotta find a gateway I can enter." [Making his way across the world map, Bartz comes across a gateway and enters] -Confinement and Flight- Bartz: "Hm, maybe I'm getting close to finding something in this gateway... I'm sure the 'real thief' will blow his lid if I find a great treasure!" [After defeating a manikin, Bartz comes across a Summonstone] Phoenix AUTO: "Whenever your heart shatters, Flames of Rebirth shall protect you." Bartz: "Ah! Could it be-- ...Nope. Sorry about that. Just to let you know, I'm bad with heights." [Once he's defeated the remaining manikins, Bartz reaches the Stigma of Chaos in the area. The setting shifts to Pandaemonium. Bartz is walking through the area when he spots a crystal floating at the top of an incline] Bartz: "Hey... Awright! The crystal!" [He begins running toward it. Exdeath is waiting at the top of the ramp] Exdeath: "Mwa-hahahaha! It seems the worm has finally slunk in." Bartz: "Exdeath! Sorry, but I haven't got time to deal with you now. Me and Zidane... we've got a race on!" [Bartz dashes away] Exdeath: "Hrg. Must you even slip away from conversation?" [Exdeath fires a blast at Bartz, which he evades. Bartz maneuvers around Exdeath and grabs the crystal] Bartz: "I'm in a hurry. We can play later, okay?" [Bartz runs out of the room] Bartz: "Here's a nice souvenir..." [With a chuckle, Kuja approaches Exdeath] Kuja: "My! You're the consummate actor." Exdeath: "Shallow cleverness." Kuja: "You're the second one to tell me that. At the very least, be thankful. With this, we should both be on the way to getting what we want." [The setting shifts to Kefka's Tower] Kuja: "One mouse tricked by a piece of acting not even worthy of an entracte... There is nothing wrong with my plans." Golbez: "... The heart that believes that to be real is one to be cherished, perhaps-- But things cannot be left as is..." [Bartz is now back on the world map] Bartz: "Yes! My crystal! I didn't think I could get it so fast. I'd better get a move on. Can't wait to show this off to Zidane!" [Traveling across the world map, Bartz comes to a blue gateway and enters] -Gateway of Sullen Eyes- Bartz: "Hm...think there's something here too. Might as well take a peak since I'm here." [After defeating the resident manikins and claiming the treasure here, Bartz touches the Stigma of Chaos in the area and returns to the world map. He then continues on to another gateway, which he also enters] -Inherited Memories- Bartz: "I've got a crystal, so now all I have to do is get out of here. I have a bet to win, so I need to make this quick." [After defeating this gateway's manikins, Bartz reaches the Chaos emblem in the area and touches it. The setting shifts to the Lunarian moon. Bartz is running across the surface when, spotting Golbez ahead of him, he comes to a stop] Bartz: "Are you with Chaos, too? You're not taking this crystal from me." Golbez: "You've no hope as it is. One does not find the crystal simply by looking for it." Bartz: "Give me a break. You guys were the ones holding on to it!" Golbez: "The purity of a heart that only sees things as they are on the surface can also turn poisonous!" [Golbez fires a bolt of electricity at Bartz] Bartz: "What!? Hold on!" [Bartz dodges the attack. Battle commences between he and Golbez] Golbez: "How can you not see through false radiance?" Bartz: "I'm not givin' this to you no matter what you say!" [After the battle, the two stand across from one another] Golbez: "Do not look outward for the light." Bartz: "Who are you, anyway?" [The ground suddenly begins to shake] Golbez: "A light approaches." Bartz: "I'm outta here!" [He dashes past Exdeath] Golbez: "The time is near. In the end, one must find for oneself the power that dwells within." [The setting remains the Lunarian moon] Exdeath: "And so you advise another. Do you fancy yourself a god of harmony?" Golbez: "My actions are in keeping with the Emperor's plan." Exdeath: "Of course... Up until you obtain your crystal, that is." Golbez: "You know this, and still you only watch. What do you want to achieve with your Void?" Exdeath: "Mwah-hahahaha! Gaining knowledge in what I do changes nothing for you! My ambition exceeds your petty plots. What I desire is...a true ending." [Bartz has returned to the world map] Bartz: "I don't know why, but I must be lucky. I still have my crystal with me. Time to head on back to where everyone's waitinG! Where's the Teleport Stone?" [Moving toward the Teleport Stone on the world map, Bartz comes across another gateway. He enters] -Gateway of the Great Will- Bartz: "'Do not look outward for the light'? Like that's a clue... What the heck does that mean? I need to meet up with the others... before those creeps catch me again." [After defeating all the remaining manikins, Bartz reaches the Stigma of Chaos. The setting shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater. Zidane and Squall run into Bartz at the bottom of the Northern Crater] Zidane: "Bartz! Where've you been?" Bartz: "Zidane! Squall, you came too!" Squall: "You look alright." Bartz: "Yeah, I managed to get away from a lot of mean-looking guys. But, never mind that. Look at this!" [Bartz pulls out the crystal he captured earlier] Bartz: "I nicked this crystal from them. Looks like I win!" Zidane: [Ha.] "I don't believe it. And here I was actually worried about you!" [Zidane reaches out to grab the crystal] Squall: "Wait! Don't touch--" [There's a flash of light and Zidane is gone] Bartz: "Zidane!?" [Exdeath appears, laughing] Exdeath: "Did you really think obtaining the crystal would be that easy? That was nothing but an imitation I created from the Void." Bartz: "What?" Exdeath: "You've played straight into Kuja's hands. Your apelike companion has been sent to Kuja--and soon to the Void." Bartz: "So you only used me!?" Squall: "You think cheap tricks can defeat Zidane?" Exdeath: [Hmph] "Enough babbling! You will be seeing him soon! Manikins, come forth and take them!" [Exdeath begins to call in manikins] Squall: "You ready? Bartz!" Bartz: "Yeah." Squall: "We'd better regroup later." Bartz: "Sure." [Squall and Bartz run away] Exdeath: "It's no use running." [Bartz and Squall are now on the world map] Bartz: "I've gotta go save Zidane...but where could he have been sent?" Squall: "I thought you might know best where you're sent when you get caught in an enemy trap. Try to remember, Bartz. Where did you end up when it happened to you?" Bartz: "When it happened to me-- Oh. Right! I just have to go back the way I came." Squall: "Zidane is going to be alright. Come on, let's go." [As the two warriors of Cosmos make their way to Zidane, they may come across a moogle] Moogle: "Please take a look around before you leave the continent, kupo." [They then arrive at a blue gateway and enter] -Ryukahn Gateway- Bartz: "I gotta get stronger to save Zidane. You'll help, right, Squall?" Squall: "Don't worry, call me when you need me." [After clearing out the manikins and collecting treasure here, Bartz touches the Stigma of Chaos in the area and the two heroes return to the world map. They then make their way to the Teleport Stone leading to the land of discord, and use it to access that domain. They then continue on by foot until they arrive at another gateway and enter] -Gateway of Artificial Life- Bartz: "The entrance to their lair was closed. --I wonder if there's anything in this gateway." Squall: "It's best to keep moving in times like this. Things get rolling if they realize there are intruders." Bartz: "I hope Zidane's alright..." [Bartz defeats a manikin and moves a bit closer to the Chaos emblem in this area] Squall: "Bartz, I've been meaning to ask: that weapon you use... Whose is it?" Bartz: "I had it in my hands when I woke up, but someone might've left it behind. But...it feels like I've been using this for a long time...it just feels right." [After defeating the rest of the manikins in the dungeon, Bartz reaches the Chaos emblem. The setting shifts to the Interdimensional Rift. Squall and Bartz are walking through the area. Bartz comes to a stop] Squall: "What's wrong?" Bartz: "It's all my fault. Zidane came to rescue me, and I got him trapped." Squall: "Looks like you need this more than I do." [Squall hands Bartz the chocobo feather he had given him earlier] Bartz: "The feather..." Squall: "Whenever I found myself in danger, this good-luck charm saved me. Zidane risked his life trying to find you. So, what are you going to do?" [Exdeath's laughter is suddenly heard. Exdeath himself then appears] Exdeath: "I'll find you wherever you go!" [Squall draws his gunblade] Bartz: "Hold on. I'll take care of this." Squall: "Bartz..." Bartz: "I have to settle this myself. I have to fight him on my own!" Squall: "When you're done, we're going to find Zidane." Bartz: "Yeah. With a big smile on my face!" Exdeath: "You have nowhere to run." Bartz: "It's okay. I was getting tired of running!" [Bartz lands on one of the islands in the rift. He's holding Zidane's combined form of the Mage Mashers. Exdeath appears in front of him] Exdeath: "Did you think that would work?" [Bartz charges at Exdeath, readying his weapon. Exdeath telekinetically controls his sword to engage Bartz in a duel. After several strikes and parries, Exdeath drives his sword straight at Bartz, who tries to block it. The Mage Mashers are split apart and flung into the air while Bartz is sent reeling as well, landing on his stomach. A few seconds later, the Mage Mashers come down and stick into the ground in an x-shape several feet away. They then vanish. Exdeath approaches Bartz and points his sword at him] Exdeath: "You'll never defeat me playing around like this." [Bartz quickly gets to his feet and leaps backwards, far from Exdeath. The Buster Sword appears in his right hand] Bartz: "This is the first time--" [Exdeath chuckles. Bartz generates Squall's gunblade in his left hand. Holding both swords, he assumes a fighting stance] Bartz: "I'm serious! Now, showtime!" [Bartz charges at Exdeath and begins unleashing a fierce barrage of attacks, each of which Exdeath blocks or dodges] Bartz: "Here it comes!" Exdeath: "You fool." [Exdeath teleports. Bartz hops down to the lower level of the island, where Exdeath is standing] Exdeath: "You shall wander within the Rift forever!" [Bartz lets the swords he generated disappear] Bartz: "That doesn't sound half bad!" [A battle commences between them] Exdeath: "There is nowhere to run." Bartz: "I said I was taking you on." [Bartz fights and defeats Exdeath. Exdeath falls to his knees and begins discorporating into dark smoke] Exdeath: "You will be the next ones to fall...into the eternal Void." [He vanishes. Squall walks up] Squall: "You did it." Bartz: "It was easy! And I owe it all to this." [Bartz pulls out the chocobo feather] Bartz: "Thanks so much, Squall." [The feather suddenly transforms into Bartz's crystal. He takes hold of it] Bartz: "What? You mean it was here all along? Talk about getting the runaround!" Squall: "It suits your style." [Bartz looks across the Rift] Bartz: "Hey, over there!" [Zidane is running up to join them] Zidane: "Heeey!" Bartz: "I gotta go show this to Zidane. And this time, it's for real!" Squall: "You never learn..." Bartz: "Come on. Let's get going!" [Bartz rushes over to reunite with Zidane while Squall follows at a normal pace. The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The crystal shined on the heart that loves companionship and freedom. It was not to be sought or found, but something close to him from the start. The wind races through the world-- ever wandering, much like the heart of a true explorer... [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrator speaks] Some lead, and some follow. Rules are defined over time within their comaraderie. But, at times, it is the free spirit within the confines that inspires all... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Chapter 10 [7.10Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Chapter 10 - Champions of Her Will-- [An establishing shot of the Chaos Shrine is shown. All the villains are gathered] Ultimecia: "All shall bear fruit in due time. The ultimate mortal conflict--" Emperor: "as well as the absolute end of the world. Perhaps the only thing that is out of our reach-- is the whimsy of the gods." [The setting shifts to Chaos's place, Edge of Madness] Chaos: "I am the god of discord--destined to rule this world. Am I not?" Garland: "Indeed. Our objective is clear: to defeat Cosmos and bring chaos to the world." Chaos: "The conflict will be brought to an end as soon as I regain my lost strength. It is only a matter of time until all the pieces are in place for victory. And yet... Something does not feel right. Garland, are your words truly worthy of my trust?" Garland: "...Of course, my lord." [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Order's Sanctuary is nearby. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The crystals, shining even in the depths of despair-- It is said that hope can be restored if the ten surviving warriors can take hold of them. Now the journey begins for the Warrior of Light... -Forsaken Kingdom- [WoL is inside a dungeon] WoL: "I have but one goal, and I will carve out my path regardless of who challenges me." [A message appears saying "The Warrior of Light is extremely well-balanced in his skills. Use his wide variety of bravery attacks to cover for his lack of HP attacks. The character in your control has changed. Check equipment in the customization menu." After fighting his way through the manikins here, WoL reaches the Chaos emblem in the area. The setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. WoL is walking through the area and recalling Cosmos's words from earlier] "I implore you. Obtain the light that even in a broken world could never fade-- the light of the crystals." WoL: "Cosmos... We have heard your wish, and we shall fulfill it. With crystals in our hands, we shall bring hope to the world--" Garland: "And where do you think you're going?" WoL: "Garland!" Garland: "Do you dare run from a battle?" WoL: "I do not intend to run from anything." Garland: "Then let us start. Destiny is at hand. We might as well enjoy it!" [A battle begins between the two of them] Garland: "Your haste changes naught a thing." WoL: "Obstruct my path at your peril." [WoL defeats Garland. After the battle, Garland is down on one knee, grunting] Garland: "You truly think that you can save this world?" WoL: "That is precisely our mission. Our hopes have not been crushed yet." Garland: "What a fool. What you hope for is nothing but an illusion. Pursue it, and it will run. You may draw near, but never obtain it." WoL: "What?" Garland: "Eventually you will see... the truth behind this conflict... and the world will betray you!" [Garland's body discorporates into dark smoke as his laughter peals out] WoL: "No matter what becomes of the world... the light will always be with us." [An unidentified narrator speaks over an illustration of the World Map] Having defeated Garland, the Warrior of Light heads for the northern continent. But on his way, he meets Cecil and Tidus, who have encountered an enemey attack. He decides to search for Firion, who has entered a gateway along uprsuing... [WoL is with Tidus and Cecil on the world map] WoL: "I see you two are injured. You stay here while I take care of what is up ahead." Cecil: "No, we cannot let you do that. We will come with you." Tidus: "Cecil, let's listen to him for now. We'd only make more trouble if we go." Cecil: "...Understood. Please look after Firion. And you must use caution as well." [As he moves across the world map, WoL may encounter a moogle] Moogle: "I was so scared, kupo! That guy with the loooooong sword... Is he gone, kupo?" [Eventually, WoL reaches a gateway and enters. The setting shifts to Kefka's Tower. Sephiroth and Golbez are walking past each other. They pass. Sephiroth stops] Sephiroth: "Do you miss the light?" [Golbez stops. He turns slightly to look at Sephiroth] Golbez: [Hmph] "I merely have duties to fulfill." Sephiroth: "Too close to the brightness, and you may get scorched." -Gateway of the Damned- WoL: "Is Firion just ahead? Chasing Sephiroth alone... I hope he hasn't gotten carried away into battle..." [After cutting down a manikin, WoL reaches a Summonstone] Bahamut AUTO: "Long has it been since men of courage stood before me. Come, I shall confer upon you my power!" WoL: "Allow me--to utilize your strength." [After defeating all of the manikins in the area, WoL reaches the Chaos emblem in this gateway. The setting shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater. WoL comes upon Firion wounded from battling Sephiroth. Sephiroth stands calmly nearby as WoL runs between them] WoL: "Firion! You've fought well. Leave the rest to me." Firion: "I cannot!" WoL: "You must go and look after our comrades to keep their paths to the crystals open." [Firion hesitantly leaves] Sephiroth: "A fresh one. You won't get your crystal fighting against me." WoL: "I thought not." Sephiroth: "Then why do you stand in my way?" WoL: "You have injured one of my comrades." Sephiroth: "And you want revenge, I take it. So, on a whim, you would risk your life--" WoL: "Let us begin, and see this put to rest." Sephiroth: "This might be entertaining." [Both assume fighting stances and commence battle] Sephiroth: "Do you seek a reason for this battle?" WoL: "I mustn't stop now!" [After the fight, the combatants stand across from one another] Sephiroth: "Not bad at all... But I now realize there is only one who could defeat me." WoL: "What in the world are you--" Sephiroth: "I have one question for you. For what reason do you take up that blade?" WoL: "To obtain the crystal, and put an end to the conflict." Sephiroth: "So you fight to end the fighting... You have a long road ahead. Do you really expect to end the conflict after all your battles?" WoL: "However long the road, each battle brings me closer." Sephiroth: "I think not. You don't wish an end to the fighting. You find pleasure in it, just as I do." [Sephiroth holds out his hand and Firion's wild rose appears] WoL: "(The wild rose...) (That must be what Firion came for...)" Sephiroth: "You and I are the same-- entities befitting this closed world." WoL: "Closed world?" Sephiroth: "The time has come. I must face him and fulfill my obligation." [Sephiroth teleports away] WoL: "He got away..." WoL: "(What does the enemy know about this world? ...No use worrying.)" WoL: "For now, I must continue my quest for the crystal." [WoL is now back on the world map] Tidus: "Oh, hey! Welcome back! Are you alright?" WoL: "No need to worry. I am fine. Do you intend to remain here longer?" Cecil: "We are actually getting ready to depart. Perhaps you would like to come with us?" WoL: "No, I only wanted to see that you were well. I shall seek my crystal from another route." Firion: "It's a perilous journey alone. Stay cautious and beware of your limits." [Advancing on, WoL eventually comes across another gateway. He enters] -Southern Lufenia Gateway- WoL: "The words of that warrior of Chaos are of concern, however-- I must obtain my crystal at all costs, regardless of what the truth is. For that is our mission." [After destroying all of the manikins on this gateway board, WoL reaches the Chaos emblem here. The setting shifts to Ultimecia's clock tower. WoL is walking through the area when he suddenly comes to a stop] WoL: "Do you think I don't notice your presence? Why not just show yourself?" [Ultimecia appears several feet away] Ultimecia: "Impressive." WoL: "Ultimecia..." Ultimecia: "Where are you headed? Might you still be in search of your precious crystal?" WoL: "The crystals are indeed our goal. I do not intend to stop until I find mine." Ultimecia: "Why don't you just give up? The crystals are nothing more than the fabrication of a fallen goddess. To so willingly risk your life over such things is beyond ridiculous." WoL: "Are you finished talking?" Ultimecia: "What?" WoL: "If you have no business with me, you should leave now. The world's time runs short. There is not a moment to waste with the likes of you." Ultimecia: "You are bold for one so young... Then have it your way. It is time for you to face the harshness of reality!" [Battle begins between them] Ultimecia: "And I went out of my way to warn you." WoL: "I needn't a foe's advice." [WoL defeats Ultimecia. After the battle, the two stand across from one another] Ultimecia: "Do you think...your victory means the end? Nothing you do will ever matter. Your strength is not enough to save the world, no matter how hard you try." WoL: "Your deceptions fail you. I have comrades who are in search of their own crystals." Ultimecia: "I think you're rather unaware..." WoL: "What?" Ultimecia: "Those comrades that you speak of are suffering. Some do not yet know why they fight, while others stand alone, having lost faith in their comrades. When this conflict comes to an end... all you will gain is utter despair. You will not find hope. You will not find a future!" [Ultimecia teleports away] WoL: "(It is true, I have not yet found a way to the crystal,) (nor do I know what the future holds...)" WoL: "But the future... is yet to come." [The setting shifts to Crystal World. Squall and WoL stand a few feet from each other] Squall: "I have only one goal." [Squall draws his gunblade] Squall: "I won't allow for distractions." [Squall points his gunblade at WoL. WoL draws his sword] WoL: "Can you carve out your path-- without the help of others?" [The setting shifts to an unidentified narrator speaking over the illustration of the world map] Bravely facing every enemy encounter, the Warrior of Light moves forward. He clashes blades with Squall and learns that one need not be near to be united in heart. Indeed, his own presence is made possible by the heroics of his former comrades. The tale of defeat, lost in oblivion, continues to unfold as he heads to the land of discord... [WoL is now on the world map] WoL: "Every one of us is determined to walk the path to obtain our crystals. There is nothing about which to hesitate. --I need merely to march forward." [As he moves forward, WoL may encounter a moogle] Moogle: "You're in a rush... Look, I know how hard solo travel is. Just take a peek, kupo." [After, he moves on until he arrives at a blue gateway, and enters] -Gateway to a Micro Desert- WoL: "Another gateway-- I must unlock as many as possible." [After cleaning out this dungeon and touching the Stigma of Chaos here, WoL returns to the world map and advances. He eventually reaches another gateway, which he enters] -Conquered Trials Gateway- WoL: "I have the strong will to defeat-- --any who would challenge me." [Once the dungeon has been cleared of foes, WoL reaches the Stigma of Chaos here and touches it. The setting shifts to a higher part of Ultimecia's clock tower] WoL: "(What is this...? Could it be Chaos? Or another--)" Cosmos (offscreen): "Wait." [Cosmos appears] WoL: "Cosmos..." Cosmos: "Beyond this point, incredible danger awaits. The evils that lurk are great and many." WoL: "It is better if the foes are in one place. I may be able to find clues to the crystal." Cosmos: "There is a difference between bravery and recklessness." WoL: "As there is a difference between cautious and cowardly. Even in the direst circumstances, there will always be a way. You were the one who taught me that. When all hope seemed lost for this world, you showed me the way. That as long as we do not give up, there is always something we can do. That there is yet hope for those of us who are left. I have made a vow...to obtain the crystal and save the world. That vow gives me strength." Cosmos: "I understand your determination. Then I shall make a vow... to believe in all of you until the end..." [Cosmos teleports away] WoL: "Cosmos... That which we have all sworn to... shall always be my guiding light." [WoL returns to the world map] WoL: "We are warriors called upon to bring victory for Cosmos... We shall fulfill our mission --with crystals in our hands!" [WoL advances into the land of discord and enters the first gateway he comes across] -Conflicting Virtues- WoL: "Chaos's stench grows... The enemy must be approaching. But I sense a faint light as well. Has someone also made it this far?" [After defeating all of the manikins in this dungeon, WoL reaches the Chaos emblem here. The setting shifts to Pandaemonium. WoL is walking into the area when the Emperor calls out to him from ahead and steps into view] Emperor: "That was quite the performance. But I believe you owe us now. It's thanks to your antics that we lost that Bartz character." WoL: "(Bartz? What was he doing here? But wait...) It is very much like him to escape in the midst of this mayhem." Emperor: "He is a lucky one, indeed. But surely you must be aware by now... Victory is unobtainable for you in this battle. But your prowess with the light should not go to waste. What would you say to using your powers for me? Your loyalty will not go unrewarded." [The Emperor waves his staff and a blue crystal appears] Emperor: "Your search is over. This crystal shall be yours to keep." WoL: "I see. So that was your plan." [WoL swings his sword toward the crystal, emanating a wave of light that shatters it] Emperor: "Oh... So you would your only hope and crush it? The crystals--were they not what you were after?" WoL: "I have vowed to put an end to this conflict with my own hands. It is for that reason that I must find the crystal by myself. It is not charity I should receive from the enemy. That was nothing but an imitation." Emperor: "And I suppose your determination is true." [A battle begins between them] Emperor: "My, my, what a pity, not knowing the truth." WoL: "It ends when my enemies are defeated!" [WoL defeats the Emperor. After the battle, the Emperor is on one knee] Emperor: "Your resolve to end the conflict is most impressive. But will you still be as determined after you know the truth?" [The Emperor discorporates into dark smoke] WoL: "Where could he have gone?" [Garland enters the room] Garland: "Looks like it's my turn now..." WoL: "You... Garland!" Garland: "Why are you so surprised? As long as you live, I will keep coming back to life. That is the destiny this world has chosen for us." WoL: "What does that mean?" Garland: "If the truth behind the conflict is what you seek...come find me." [Garland teleports away] WoL: "Wait! The truth behind the conflict...?" [The setting shifts to Dream's End. Zidane, Squall and Bartz are relaxing, admiring their crystals] Zidane: "So-- what happens when we all get our crystals?" Squall: "All Cosmos said was they would give us hope." [Bartz sees Cosmos's reflection in his crystal. Indeed, she is shown to be standing on a ledge above and behind the three heroes. Bartz turns to look at her, but she has already gone] Zidane: "What's up?" Bartz: "Nothing." [He looks at his crystal again] Bartz: "Was that a phantom?" [WoL is now back on the world map] WoL: "It is our destiny...to keep coming back to life? --No, I cannot be led astray. I must believe in my own path." [WoL moves forward and finds another gateway. He enters. The setting shifts to the Interdimensional Rift. Tidus, Cloud and Squall are walking through the area. Tidus is slightly ahead of the other two] Tidus: [You shoulda seen it. Just in the nick of time to save the day.] [chuckles] "And then I bumped into you guys shortly afterwards. And that, my friends, is my story--" [Tidus turns around but Cloud and Squall aren't there] Squall: "You coming with us?" [Tidus turns back the other way. The two of them are standing with impatient looks on their faces. Squall jerks his head as if to say, "Let's move"] Cloud: "Guess what? The story continues." [Squall and Cloud walk on ahead. Tidus chuckles nervously and begins to follow, but as he does so, he hears a strange sound. He looks around for the source. Seeing nothing, he goes to catch up with the others. The setting shifts to Ultimecia's clock tower. Zidane is sitting on a ledge, while Firion stands just behind him] Firion: "The wild rose... I guess that's...that's my one and only answer." Zidane: "That's what you call your princess?" [Hm] [Suddenly, the two hear a loud sound. They look around, trying to identify the source. After a moment, they run offscreen] -Pervasive Sorrow- WoL: "The light that guides me is always here, in my heart... Garland must be here. The light will not fade before you go, no matter how many times I must fight!" [WoL defeats all of the manikins in this gateway and reaches the Chaos emblem here. The setting shifts to the inside of the Chaos Shrine. WoL enters and confronts Garland] Garland: "So you've come..." WoL: "To learn the truth, and put an end to the conflict." Garland: "Your foolish efforts amount to naught. We are trapped in eternal conflict... A cycle of battle without end." WoL: "Battle without end?" Garland: "Indeed. As the conflict between the gods carries on for all eternity, so our battles will also be repeated forever and ever! That is the truth of this world! We cannot escape this fate! Far better for you to rid yourself of any hope. It is time for you to accept the cycle and embrace combat's grim pleasure!" WoL: "Garland, I pity you." Garland: "Pardon?" WoL: "You are bound by the chains of destiny and steeped in despair. And for that, I pity you. Indeed, we have repeated our battles time and time again. You could say that we have been caught in the cycle of battle. But now that I know the truth, I can overcome it. All that is left to do now is fight to end the cycle!" Garland: "You can defeat me here, but that would only be another step in the cycle!" WoL: "Whatever destiny the world may hold for me, I can never give up! This battle shall come to an end, and I shall save you, too!" Garland: "You? Save me? I have heard enough nonsense!" [WoL charges toward Garland, while Garland swings his sword, damaging the shrine and causing debris to rain down on WoL. WoL easily destroys the fragments of stone and generates several blades of light in the air above him] WoL: "Come, light!" Garland: "This is the cycle of battle!" [Garland smashes his sword into the ground, causing a large fissure in the middle of the shrine that moves in WoL's direction. WoL easily gets past it and reaches Garland, making a powerful swing of his sword which Garland blocks with his own. The two combatants with their weapons locked, Garland begins to speak again] Garland: "We will never come to accept one another. We shall always be in conflict!" [Garland breaks the sword lock and the two begin a short series of strikes and parries. WoL leaps away from Garland for a moment] WoL: "Destiny--ends here!" Garland: "End it if you can!" [WoL leaps toward Garland and swings his blade down at him as the action goes into slow motion and Garland prepares to swing at WoL as well. Battle begins between them] Garland: "Your petty attempts don't change fate." WoL: "The crystals will change that!" [WoL battles and defeats Garland. After the battle, the setting has moved to the top of the Chaos Shrine. Garland is kneeling, defeated, while WoL continues standing. Suddenly, a light is generated in the air above him and a blue crystal appears in its wake] WoL: "This light..." [WoL approaches his crystal and claims it] WoL: "The crystal..." Garland: "So you have obtained it. The crystal holds the power to sever the shackles of time." WoL: "Then it has the power to bring this conflict to a close." Garland: "And even put an end to the gods' existence." WoL: "What did you say?" Garland: "What would happen to the gods if all the crystals were gathered? What would happen to the world if its cycle of conflicts was suddenly broken? Not even the gods could foresee the bedlam that awaits... We shall meet again-- in the near future!" [Garland discorporates into dark smoke] WoL: "(The cycle is not yet over.) (I will have to face Garland again) (unless we win the real conflict.) (But...)" Zidane: "Looks like you finally got it." [The other nine warriors of Cosmos all now approach WoL] WoL: "Is everyone alright?" OK: "Of course! It was a piece of cake." Firion: "So now we all have our crystals. We should get going!" WoL: "Yes. Let us hurry. Cosmos is waiting." [Everyone begins to leave. WoL stops for a moment to reflect] WoL: "(No matter how many times darkness threatens to swallow the world--) (the light will always be with us.)" [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] They are the last hope left to the world. Having overcome the limits of fate, the ten warriors finally reunite, crystals in hand and hope in their hearts. With Cosmos's wish realized, the battle is about to enter a new phase-- [The setting shifts to Edge of Madness] Emperor: "Well, if it isn't the god of destruction. Have you regained your powers?" Chaos: "How fares your plot, Emperor?" Emperor: "Ah, so you already know. In truth, the real plan has yet to be executed." Chaos: "What?" Emperor: "You need only focus on your duty. I shall be the author of this tale's end." [The setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Cosmos is sitting down] Cosmos: "Battle-scarred warriors... I..." [She clenches her hands] Cosmos: "It is all an endless dream. Yet still..." [She stands up. The ten Warriors of Cosmos are approaching her. The screen fades to white] Cosmos: "The fantasy must come to an end..." [The screen fades in. The setting is still Order's Sanctuary. WoL approaches the other nine Warriors of Cosmos. He nods to them, then turns to look at Cosmos, who is sitting, awaiting them. The group walks over to her, while she stands to greet them. WoL pulls out his crystal] WoL: "Let's end this fight, here and now." Cosmos: "No... It has already been settled." [Pyreflies begin to rise from Cosmos's body as she collapses to the ground] Cosmos: "Your fate is to fall... into true darkness." [The world around them suddenly becomes like Chaos's place, a barren wasteland filled with giant swords penetrating the earth and a rain of fire from the sky. Tidus takes in the spectacle for a moment before turning to look back at Cosmos, who has returned to her feet] Tidus: "Cosmos!" [Chaos is floating in the air directly in front of Cosmos. He's laughing] Cosmos: "Chaos..." [Tidus begins running toward Chaos, but, without raising a finger, Chaos telekinetically brings Tidus's charge to a stop and holds all the Warriors of Cosmos in place] Chaos: "For all your wandering, still you end up in purgatory. What a shame, Cosmos." Cosmos: "This is not for your to decide. What they must know is true darkness." Chaos: "Your wish shall be granted... I will extinguish all light!" [Chaos waves his right two hands toward Cosmos. A pillar of fire burst out of the ground, completely engulfing her] Squall: "Cosmos!" [Cosmos turns to look at the heroes before vanishing. The pillar of fire continues to rise for a few more seconds before abating. When it has gone, Cosmos is nowhere to be seen. All that remain are a few pyreflies floating in the air, though they soon vanish as well. Looks of horror and anger appear on the heroes' faces] Chaos: "The world is unchanging." [Chaos begins to fly away, and the screen goes black] Chaos: "Powerless beings... Fall into the shadows of despair... and begone." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Epilogue [7.11Ch] Main Scenario 013: Light to All The Final Battle --Epilogue - Conclusion of the Cycle-- [The setting is a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] Each of the ten warriors, the world's last hope, have followed their own paths to obtain the crystals-- But the goddess of harmony, Cosmos, perished as they watched, leaving the world in the hands of Chaos, god of discord. [The setting shifts to the heroes immediately following Cosmos's death and Chaos's departure. They're all still in shock over what has happened. Suddenly, pyreflies begin pooling off of Tidus] Tidus: [Huh?] "What... What the...!?" [Likewise, pyreflies begin rising from Zidane and Bartz as well. Tidus falls to his knees and screams as he vanishes] Bartz & Zidane: "Tidus!?" [Exdeath's laugh is heard. Bartz and Zidane look toward him] Exdeath: "The conflict of the gods has ended. Now you pawns must fade to darkness." Kefka: "You're getting what you deserve. After all, Cosmos died-- because of what you did!" [Pyreflies are now rising from all the heroes] Zidane: "What did you say!?" [Zidane gasps a couple of times and then disappears like Tidus. Squall follows, and then Cloud. Then Terra and Bartz. Cecil as well.] Kefka: "It's better that you disappear than to know the brutal truth. Trust me." Exdeath: "Fear not." [OK and then Firion disappear as well] Exdeath: "I will wait until you are gone-- before I return the world to the Void." [We're now looking through WoL's eyes. Exdeath and Kefka begin laughing hysterically. WoL's vision gets blurry as he continues looking at them and trying to keep his eyes open. Finally, his eyes shut and the screen goes black] WoL: "There is not even a speck of light-- I am in absolute darkness." Tidus: "Did I really disappear? If all of us are gone, then that world--" Squall: "Is this it? Is this the way it all ends?" OK: "No... I don't want it to end." [Suddenly, in the darkness, the 10 crystals appear] OK: "I learned through all the battles that we can't just give up!" [The crystals emanate a white light together that covers the screen] OK: "Even in the deepest despair!" [The crystals are now back in the air above Cosmos's place. They circle through the air and then each flies into the hands of its corresponding hero, who is also back in Cosmos's place] Terra: "Could this be...Cosmos's doing?" [Flashback to Cosmos's final moments] Cosmos: "'What they must know is true darkness...'" [The setting returns to the present] Cecil: "But they said that we were the ones who killed Cosmos..." Firion: "I think...we should find out the truth." Bartz: "Why Cosmos had to disappear... If WE have to disappear as well... We've got to get some answers!" Cloud: "We're not gonna let them have their way." -To a Foreign World- [The warriors of Cosmos are inside a dungeon] Firion: "I thought things would turn in our favor once we obtained the crystals..." Bartz: "I still believe. It's thanks to the crystals that we're here." Firion: "True... You sure are positive, aren't you, Bartz?" Bartz: "You won't be able to see the future if you're always looking back at the past. You might as well look forward and keep going. You'll find hope again if you do." [The heroes defeat the first manikin in their path] WoL: "The earth shook... So this world is slowly creeping towards destruction." [A message appears saying "Your bravery will fluctuate depending on the situation for battles on [Omega symbol here] maps. Each map has its own gimmicks and bravery fluctuation. Tutorials are added to the Options menu after battle for your reference." After clearing out the dungeon, the party advances to the Chaos emblem in this area. The setting shifts to the Interdimensional Rift. Bartz, Zidane and Tidus are walking through the area. Exdeath steps into view on the edge of a castle structure in front of them] Exdeath: "So, you are all still alive. The power of the crystals is formidable indeed." Bartz: "Power of the crystals? Exdeath, tell us what you know! What did you mean when you said that we killed Cosmos?" Exdeath: "I suppose I can enlighten you with the truth now. Think of what the crystals are. They are born of the harmonious force possessed by a certain deity." Tidus: "Harmonious force..." [gasps] "You don't mean--" Exdeath: "Indeed, the crystals are shards of Cosmos. They themselves are the goddess's power. And it is because you had obtained them that Cosmos lost her strength and perished. The power of the crystals has allowed the pawns to live on without their master. But so feeble is the light that remains. Even that shall soon fade to nothing." Bartz: "If that light goes out, we would--" Exdeath: "Return to the womb of the Void." [laughs maniacally] Bartz: "Why'd you do this, Cosmos?" Exdeath: "If you cannot wait, I will send you on the journey myself. All shall return to nothing, as will I... For eternity!" [The final battle with Exdeath begins] Exdeath: "Prepare to disappear into the Void!" [Exdeath is defeated. After the battle, he's down on one knee. Terra is there now in place of Tidus] Exdeath: "This is the sensation. The boundaries of the flesh are broken, dissolving into nothingness... The Void is where all begins and all ends. Soon, all of you will become a part of this eternity!" [Exdeath's body begins discorporating into dark smoke. He laughs and stands up as he finishes vanishing] Bartz: "Why did Cosmos make us get the crystals?" [Flashback to Cosmos] Cosmos: "I have been defeated." [Another flashback to Cosmos] Cosmos: "What they must know is true darkness." [Another flashback to Cosmos] Cosmos: "And you are the last hope left to this world." [The setting returns to the present] Terra: "Cosmos...must have known...that her death was a fate that couldn't be avoided." Bartz: "And knowing that, still gave us the last of her strength? It must be because she had hope. She wanted to pass it on to us." Terra: "If the crystals--no, if Cosmos granted us her last remaining moments--" Bartz: "We can't let them go to waste. Let's fight--with our own strength!" Zidane: "Let's do it! We'll fight until we drop!" [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrator speaks] Some warriors fall and lose their memory over and again. Some watch this over and again. Our salvation was their resolve--to never let the merciless cycle crush their ambitions... [The warriors of Cosmos are now on the world map] Firion: "It's not only Chaos who waits ahead. Not all of his warriors have been defeated." Cecil: "But some we have felled...and we are all still here." OK: "And we have the crystals. And Cosmos... She's with us, too." Firion: "Right. We won't let her wishes die in vain!" [The party begins making their way across the land of discord. They run into a moogle] Moogle: "The pompous ass in gold went towards the floating isle. He oughta stay there, kupo." [Cloud finds himself drawn to a blue gateway and stands outside it] Cloud: "--Is it him?" Firion: "Is something wrong, Cloud?" Cloud: "Inside this gateway...I think it's Sephiroth. You guys can go ahead of me. I have to--" Cecil: "You may be the only one able to talk to him, but we can still join forces in your fight." Tidus: "That's right, Cloud. No more fighting alone! We're all in this together." [The party enters the gateway] -Recurring Tragedy- Zidane: "Cloud, have you found your reason to fight?" Cloud: "Not yet. But I'm fine with that." Zidane: "I gotcha. There's no one answer, right? We wanna see someone, or go back home... Those are the reasons why we fight." Cloud: "Yup. You can keep going--even if you don't have the answer." [The party makes their way to the Chaos emblem on this board. The setting shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater. Cloud approaches Sephiroth. The villain's back is to him] Sephiroth: "Such a good boy. You've come back to me-- where you belong." Cloud: "What are you talking about?" Sephiroth: "You cling to me because you can't stand the despair." Cloud: "I don't remember clinging to you." Sephiroth: [Hmph] "Relax, Cloud." [Sephiroth turns to face him] Sephiroth: "This disease called hope is eating you alive. The world of suffering was born out of such half-baked ideals." Cloud: "If that's the case, I have to endure the suffering. There's no moving on if I run from it." Sephiroth: "If that is what you wish for--" [Sephiroth assumes a fighting stance] Sephiroth: "You shall drown in the pain." [Cloud takes on a fighting stance as well] Sephiroth: "On your knees! I want you to beg for forgiveness." [Battle commences between them] Sephiroth: "I'll lead you to true despair." [Sephiroth is defeated. After the battle, Sephiroth is down on one knee and grunts as he gets back to his feet] Sephiroth: "What is it that drives you?" Cloud: "Only myself." Sephiroth: "You don't exist anywhere." Cloud: "Enough! Looking for a reason to fight, wandering around for an answer... they're all my decisions." [Cloud thrusts the Buster Sword forward, its point coming to a stop right in front of Sephiroth] Cloud: "I'm not tied to you anymore!" [Sephiroth gently brushes aside Cloud's sword. Cloud lowers it] Sephiroth: "Yet my shadow is burned into your heart." [Sephiroth walks right up beside Cloud, though facing the opposite direction] Sephiroth: "We'll meet again, Cloud. I'll keep coming back-- as long as you are who you are." [Sephiroth chuckles as light emerges from beneath him and he vanishes] Cloud: "No thanks. The one I really want to meet is..." [The party returns to the world map. They make their way to another blue gateway and enter] -Gateway of Lost Innocence- WoL: "This world begins to crumble...but unlocking gateways should give us some time." [The party cleans out the gateway, touches the Stigma of Chaos here, and returns to the world map. They then move on to another gateway] Terra: "Do you think Kefka--and others with Chaos--know the things we can't remember?" OK: "That bit about the brutal truth? Maybe, Terra, but--" Cloud: "We can't find all the answers. But we have to keep moving forward." Terra: "I know. I'm fine. I have all of you with me. I just want to tell Kefka what I'm feeling--and he's in here..." [The party enters the gateway. The setting shifts to the Interdimensional Rift. Firion, Zidane and OK are here. The Emperor chuckles as he walks into view] Emperor: "How wonderful to see you all again." Zidane: "You! Why are you alive?" Emperor: "I've come back from the afterworld. This world seems to be looking for a new ruler." Firion: "It's because of fiends like you that conflict never fades!" Emperor: "Save your energy. You've yet to face the true crisis." OK: "What?" Zidane: "What do you mean?" Emperor: "With Chaos victorious, the chains binding us are no more. One schemes the world's return to the Void, while another revels in its ultimate destruction. Each of us has begun to follow the naked desires in our hearts. It is the birth of an utterly chaotic world." OK: "Well, we'll just stop every last one of them!" Firion: "We're not handing you the future!" Emperor: [laughs] "The future isn't yours to give or take. Be the opening act, dear warriors-- until the time comes for my reign." [The Emperor teleports away, laughing] OK: "We are all here--" Firion: "Because none of us are alone. Zidane: "We're gonna do this!" [OK and Firion nod] -Gateway of Artificial Life- Terra: "When I awoke, I was afraid of fighting. But I was able to stay strong because of all of you helping me." WoL: "We are comrades in arms. Our true strength lies in aiding one another." Terra: "You're right. That's why I want you to lean on us, too." WoL: "...Yes, you are correct." [The heroes fight their way to the Chaos emblem in this dungeon. The setting shifts to Kefka's Tower. Kefka's laughter is heard. The camera moves up to find him] Kefka: "You're still alive? You pathetic dregs can't even die properly." Terra: "Kefka..." Kefka: "Oh, I know. You came here to be destroyed by me, right? Of course! After what you did to Cosmos, who wouldn't want to follow?" Terra: "Tell me. What is it that you know?" Kefka: "You want to hear? Do you? In that case... I'm not telling!" Terra: "Stop fooling around!" Kefka: [Sorry, man.] "Come on. What does it matter anymore?" [laughs hysterically] "Destruction is the fate of all things. Listen... Do you hear it? Those are fate's footsteps!" [Kefka says, [Ta, la, tiyah!] and fires a ball of energy at Terra. It explodes around her] Kefka: "Beyond the chaos, the end draws near." [The final battle with Kefka begins] Kefka: "Destroy, destroy, destroy, DESTROY!" [Kefka is defeated. After the battle, Kefka is barely able to stand] Kefka: "It's not enough... Destroy more... Have got to destroy more!" [gasps for air repeatedly] Terra: "Just stop! None of this makes any sense!" Kefka: [laughs] "Destruction isn't supposed to make sense! It's only fun when it's senseless! Why create, when it will only be destroyed? Why cling to life, knowing that you have to die? None of it will have meant anything once you do!" Terra: "We live to protect what we hold dear. As long as you have that, you can find the meaning on your own." Kefka: "Meaning schmeaning! The whole world's going bye-bye! You included! Life... Dreams... Hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go? None of that junk is enough to fulfill your hearts! Destruction... Destruction is what makes life worth living!" [Kefka's body begins emitting electricity like Terra's had at times earlier in the story] Kefka: "Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Let's destroy everything!" [Kefka explodes. Dark smoke and embers rise from the spot. His half-hearted laughter is heard for a moment, then fades away] Terra: "It was your broken heart-- You were trying to fill it with destruction..." Terra: "(This misery must not be repeated...ever.)" Terra: "I...I must keep moving forward." [The setting shifts to the surface of the Lunarian moon] Garland: "How could you have done this, Golbez? Your guidance led Cosmos to choose absolute death. Now the cycle MUST come to an end." Golbez: "That was to be our fate, anyway. Surely you were aware of that as well?" Garland: "But that is not in accordance with the Great Will! I have yet to fulfill my task. This world is a testing ground to develop a powerful weapon known as Chaos... And that is precisely why the cycle of battle had to continue for all eternity." Golbez: "Garland... What is it that you know? Who ARE you?" [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrator speaks] They lose their homeworlds and memories but form bonds with their new comrades. I learn they are not mere tools for battle--indeed, they are life, each living in earnest... [The party is back on the world map] Terra: "We should get going. To defend our own future..." Bartz: "Yeah. We can't let our future be ruined or be taken into the Void." Zidane: "We have to win against Chaos and return to our homeworlds... Right, Terra?" Terra: "Right...and with all of us together, I know we can do it!" [The party moves on to another blue gateway] Tidus: "Hey, we're taking down this gateway too, aren't we? I'm ready for my workout--" OK: "Wait!!!" Tidus: "Whoa, what the--! Relax, kid! I wasn't gonna hog it all for myself." OK: "That's not the issue! I just--I feel a really strong presence up ahead. It's the Cloud of Darkness... I have to face her once and for all..." [The party enters the gateway] -Gateway of Wails- OK: "People are able to accomplish things if they believe, even if it's illogical. The heart's so strange. It's so unstable, you can't measure it or predict what it'll do." Squall: "Indecision can be a strength as well. Only idiots don't act on their desires to protect others." OK: "Yeah... I know what you mean." [The party makes their way to the Chaos emblem on this board. The setting shifts to the World of Darkness] CoD: "In the end of infinite solitude-- Disorder shrouds the world in darkness. And now, all things belong in our arms." OK (offscreen): "Not yet. We're still here!" [OK runs up to her] CoD: [laughs] "You cannot even stand on you feet without something to protect. What will you do without your goddess to defend?" OK: "Her thoughts are with me. They live right here inside." CoD: [laughs] "What insolence." [OK draws his sword and CoD takes up a fighting stance] CoD: "You should know that your bravado is what feeds the darkness!" [The final battle with CoD begins] CoD: "Show us your resolve." [CoD is defeated. After the battle, CoD is slumped over, barely able to stand] CoD: "With the gates to the Void wide open, you are already dissolving into darkness. There is nothing more you can do." OK: "You're right. If I listened to my head, I'd probably just run." CoD: "Then why fight?" OK: "My friends give me the strength. I just need to follow 'this,' and the path will open up." [OK puts his hand over his heart] CoD: [chuckles] "Such interesting creatures. But there is no escaping the fate of doom. We will be waiting-- among the clouds in the Void..." [CoD is surrounded by a swirl of brown clouds. They close around her and she's gone, leaving only a brief pillar of dark energy that dissolves into dark smoke] OK: "It's only the end if we think it is. We'll change that." [He runs on ahead. The party returns to the world map and moves on to another gateway] Firion: "It's still a ways to Chaos's gateway, but with all of us together, it should be easy." Zidane: "You bet. We'll make it in the time we have. But--you mind if I take a detour? I want to have one last talk with Kuja--I know he's in here." Tidus: "You're not supposed to ask Firion that! Just go before he starts worrying!" Firion: "No, we all go together--you'll have more time to talk that way." [The party enters the gateway. The setting shifts back to the surface of the Lunarian moon] Golbez: "What is it that you know? Who ARE you?" Garland: "Nothing so dire as you imagine. I was once made prisoner of a time loop. The Great Will saved me from that fate. In return, I agreed to carry out a task. I was to monitor this world, and keep Chaos and Cosmos in conflict." Golbez: "That was...your role?" Garland: "All was to nurture the power of disorder so Chaos could become the ultimate weapon." Golbez: "But is that what YOU truly wished for?" Garland: "...What is your point?" Golbez: "This world is also trapped in a cycle of rebirth...which is now coming to an end. The wheel of Fate has already begun to turn. Why not seek hope in the future?" Garland: "...There is no end to my cycle, Golbez. As long as he is me..." Golbez: "..." Garland: "But this could turn out to be interesting. Even if there is no hope in the future, I can still seek enjoyment... ...at the end of the endless conflict." -Inherited Memories- Tidus: "If... If we can't beat Chaos, do you think we'll just up and disappear?" Zidane: "Whoa, that's not like you, Tidus! Shakin' in your boots?" Tidus: "It's not that! It's just that... I don't want to be forgotten." Zidane: "Even if we disappear, we won't be forgotten. The memories of a life that lived to its fullest remain forever." [The heroes battle their way to the Chaos emblem on this board. The setting shifts to Crystal World. Kuja is talking as the camera slowly pans down from the sky] Kuja: "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget about its painful past. Though we hope for promising years... After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears." [Zidane walks onscreen] Zidane: "I see that you're just as long-winded as ever." Kuja: "And I see that you never learn. Where will you go after all has been lost?" Zidane: "A lady has left the future up to me. I can't run away with my tail between my legs." Kuja: [Hm] "Maybe you need to learn things the hard way." Zidane: "Yeah. Let the curtains rise." Kuja: "In this world, only the fittest survive. Resign yourself to vanish... into the mellifluous twilight that awaits!" [The final battle with Kuja begins] Kuja: "Now for the final act!" [Kuja is defeated. After the battle, Kuja falls to his knees] Zidane: "As long as there's hope, I'm not going anywhere." Kuja: "Then...I want you to...erase me." Zidane: "What?" Kuja: "The world has disowned me. I have been defeated by life itself." [There's a long moment of silence between the two. Finally, Zidane walks up to Kuja and extends his hand to him] Kuja: "Why?" Zidane: "Do I need a reason...to help someone? Or is my help...not good enough for you?" Kuja: "It's likely that...I will hurt you again." Zidane: "I can take a beating." Kuja: "I don't think...I will ever come to understand you." [Kuja gently pushes Zidane's hand aside] Zidane: "Kuja?" [Kuja struggles to his feet on his own] Kuja: "Off with you. Aren't there more important things for you to seize?" [Kuja's body begins discorporating into *white* smoke] Kuja: "I return...to where I must..." [Kuja finishes vanishing] Zidane: "We're going back...to the same place." [The setting shifts to Dream's End. The Emperor is looking out over a ledge] Emperor: "The long conflict between the gods is finally over." Jecht: "It's gonna start over again, right? We get 'purified' or whatever, then go play with the kids some more..." Emperor: "Yes. That would usually be the case. But this time, we saw that Cosmos's death would not be transient, but absolute. Her warriors will also completely vanish...as will we, eventually." Jecht: "What're you talking about?" Emperor: "We return to being the mere vessels that we were. That is how this battle will see its true end." Jecht: "Wait a minute, that doesn't sound right. You've been trying to off us all from the beginning? Is that why you called us all here, as pawns of Chaos to do your dirty work?" Emperor: "You are wrong on one point, Jecht. You are not Chaos's pawn." Jecht: "...What?" [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrator speaks] The pursuit for reason in this world reveals the truth to be cruel. Only by overcoming that truth does one find hope in the beyond... [The heroes are back on the world map] Tidus: "You know, we can disappear at any time." Firion: "Yes, but we cannot disappear until we have fulfilled our--" Tidus: "Whoa whoa whoa! I didn't mean to set it up that way. We might not see each other again, right? I wanna hear stories about your homeworlds." Cloud: "...I'd rather just listen." [Squall finds himself drawn to one of the blue gateways] Squall: "..." Bartz: "Squall? What is it? Why'd you stop?" Squall: "(This has got to be Ultimecia. Maybe I should settle things--) It's alright. We should hurry ahead." Zidane: "What? You're gonna keep a lady waiting? Come on! We'll be right behind you!" [The party enters the gateway] -Gateway of Sullen Eyes- Cecil: "Having regained some memories, I find myself contemplating about my homeworld. When we part for our homes, is when we must say our final goodbyes." Squall: "There's no time for regrets. Our fight with Chaos nears. ...But taking the time to talk now might be valuable to us." Cecil: "You're right. I believe that idle talk is important to us now." [The party reaches the Chaos emblem on this board. The setting shifts to Ultimecia's clock tower. Ultimecia and Squall stand across from one another] Ultimecia: [chuckles] "Cosmos wished to be free, but ended up pleading for death. The god of discord should follow soon..." Squall: "What exactly is it that you want?" Ultimecia: [Hm] "A world of compressed time-- where you shall worship me, the eternal and solitary being!" Squall: "Get over yourself." [Squall's gunblade appears in his hand] Ultimecia: "Why do you interfere? You are the same as I, trying to create an ideal world." Squall: "Maybe so. But I also have a promise to keep." Ultimecia: "Even that will dissolve when I compress the world and make it mine. Poor child. It is such a misfortune that you had to be born in my world." Squall: "Then I suppose your misfortune was in being my enemy." [The final battle with Ultimecia begins] Ultimecia: "Now, dissolve into my world." [Ultimecia is defeated. After the battle, Ultimecia's body is discorporating] Ultimecia: "Time waits for no one. You can grab it, but it flies as soon as you loosen your grip. To condense and to bind-- this is all I desire!" Squall: "No one can take away our time." Ultimecia: "But all is destined to fade, merely to be swept away by each moment!" [She holds up her hand, presumably to cast another spell. Squall rushes forward in the blink of an eye and slashes her head with his gunblade. She screams and the screen goes white. When it fades back in, Ultimecia is stationary, and her body dissipates quickly] Squall: "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment-- to keep fighting here and now." [Squall walks on ahead. The party returns to the world map and proceeds to yet another gateway] Bartz: "So...what do you wanna bet there's another one of Chaos's warriors waiting inside?" Tidus: "You think they've all come back alive? Even if we've...defeated them once?" Squall: "Most likely. If there's any we haven't met yet, that foe is up ahead." Tidus: "Dad too...?" [The party enters the gateway. The setting shifts back to Dream's End with Jecht and the Emperor] Emperor: "You are wrong on one point, Jecht. You are not Chaos's pawn." Jecht: "...What?" Emperor: "You most likely don't remember...but you were once a pawn of Cosmos. Harmony and disorder are always arbitrary. You just happen to be on our side now. You are a traitor, a body of the dark with a heart of light. So I set out to use you." Jecht: "Use me?" Emperor: "To make crystals--special ones suited for bodies of the dark. Light was born when you faced your son. Then I took the light when you fought him. Tremble in fear... Now I have powers the likes of which even gods can only dream!" [Jecht turns away] Jecht: "...I get it now. And I finally get what kind of guy you really are." Emperor: "Where do you think you're going?" [Jecht is walking off] Jecht: "Off to fight--a REAL fight. With someone who's got the heart for it!" Emperor: "...Hmph. Bark while you can. Your time is short. Only I have the power to survive the world's demise. I shall reign in the end!" -Confinement and Flight- Bartz: "Hey, Tidus, ya mind teaching me that whatsma ball sport when the fight's over?" Tidus: "Whatsma ball? You mean blitzball? Let me warn you now, you can't mimic me easily. Me and my dad were both pros in the sport, and ace athletes to boot!" Bartz: "Ha! Now you're looking lively, Tidus! If I can mimic you, then I'm an ace, too. Alright, time to hone my skills!" [The party fights their way to the Chaos emblem on this board. The setting shifts to Dream's End. Tidus walks into the area and sees something that catches his attention. He gasps a little, then runs to the end of the long platform here, where Jecht is waiting] Jecht: "Hey." Tidus: "What are you doing here!?" Jecht: "What? Can't even greet your old man? To be honest, I don't really know, either. Well, maybe we've got some unfinished business." Tidus: "What are you talking about?" Jecht: "Haven't you learned anything? A real ace fights until the very end. And we just hit overtime." Tidus: [Heh.] "Well, then--" Jecht: "Where did we leave off?" [Tidus and his dad's final bout begins] Jecht: "Fine, overtime it is!" [Tidus wins. After the fight, Jecht is down on one knee. He stands up] Jecht: "So? Are you ready to move on?" Tidus: "What?" Jecht: "I think you had so much on your mind that you couldn't even take your next step." Tidus: "That's not..." Jecht: "You're pathetic. Can't even get one thing right without me, can you?" Tidus: "I just--" Jecht: [Heh.] "Well, if you don't understand it, try just accepting it." Tidus: "Huh?" Jecht: "Accept that you are weak. Accept the path you've taken. Accept that nothing makes sense in this whole damn world! Once you accept everything, then you can choose your next path-- the one path you really want to take." Tidus: "You came here...just to tell me that?" Jecht: "Gonna cry again?" Tidus: "Shut up." Jecht: [Heh heh heh.] "There. That's my boy. Now, don't make me come out here again, you hear?" Tidus: "Not for a million gil." [Jecht turns around] Jecht: "See ya." [Jecht begins to walk away] Tidus: "Hey, Dad... Thanks, huh?" [As Jecht walks away, pyreflies begin rising from him. He looks back over his shoulder toward Tidus] Jecht: "It was fun. Being your dad and all." [Jecht disappears] Tidus: "Don't worry. I'll save the tears... until everything's over." [The setting shifts to Crystal World. WoL, Squall, Cecil and Zidane are walking through the area. WoL is in front. Suddenly, he gasps and falls to one knee, still gasping. The others run up to him. Pyreflies begin rising from his body] Zidane: "No way!" [WoL's crystal appears above him and covers the area in a white light. When it clears, the pyreflies have stopped rising and WoL is able to stand again. He reaches up and grabs his crystal] WoL: "I think our time... is running short." Cloud: "Chaos, ruler of discord-- There is no end to the conflict unless we defeat him." Squall: "Whether he's a god or not-- We've got to try. Even if our fate...is to disappear..." Zidane: "Our most valuable treasures haven't been plundered yet." WoL: "But..." [Suddenly, they all go quiet as a sound like rushing wind reaches their ears] Cloud: "Is the world...crying?" Zidane: "This might get a little bit ugly." [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrator speaks] There was nothing to fear. If they could change their resolve to power, then the future was surely theirs to seize... [The party returns to the world map] Squall: "...You alright?" WoL: "Yes, no need to worry. I will not fade until our mission is done." OK: "It's only a little bit until we reach Chaos's gateway, isn't it?" Squall: "We should hurry." [The party moves on ahead to the next gateway] WoL: "The battles beyond here are bound to become harder. Let us proceed with caution." Cecil: "Indeed, we have come this far. Let us reach our goal together." Terra: "Cecil, we haven't met your brother yet. Maybe you'll find him here..." Cecil: "Perhaps. But if I were to see him again..." [The party enters the gateway. The setting shifts to Pandaemonium. Golbez and the Emperor enter the room from different directions] Emperor: "I finally see... You were tied to Cosmos all along." Golbez: "Everything I did was to save him...but I'm afraid I was oblivious to your scheme. Using crystals possessing the power of darkness...to escape ruination..." Emperor: "Do you not see, Golbez? Would you rather accept the end of the world with despair?" Golbez: "No, not despair." Emperor: "What?" Golbez: "This world is formed of shards brought from different realms by the two gods. As long as Chaos reigns, the shards are fated to sink into endless darkness. But if Chaos perishes, the shards would be released, returning to where they once were. What I seek is hope. They have the strength to defeat Chaos!" Emperor: "What foolishness. How could the god of destruction ever be ruined himself? There are no flaws to my plan. Someday, even the gods shall bow down to me!" -Gateway of Infernos- Terra: "Do you think losing a dear friend will feel lonelier than being all alone to begin with?" Cecil: "Losing someone dear is saddening. But--new bonds can be formed." Terra: "Another close friend?" Cecil: "Former enemies can become allies, or current bonds can deepen. Our bonds have strengthened as well. So we assist one another and keep walking." [The party fights their way to the Chaos emblem here. The setting shifts to the Lunarian moon. Cecil is standing here. He suddenly hears a shout behind him and is forced to leap out of the way of an incoming lightning blast from behind. He looks up to see Golbez standing on a ledge above] Golbez: "So you still persist. I thought despair would have crushed you by now." Cecil: "Brother, why do you do this?" Golbez: "In this world ruled by chaos, I care only that my wish be fulfilled." Cecil: "And what is your wish?" Golbez: "The answer must be obtained by your own hands. If you seek it..." [Golbez rises into the air and crosses his hands, assuming a fighting stance] Cecil: "I understand. The vow with my friends gives me strength!" [Cecil draws his polearm and assumes a fighting stance. One more fight between the Lunarian brothers commences] Golbez: "Prove this 'vow' of yours." [After the battle, Cecil runs a bit closer to a stationary Golbez as the two assume standing across from one another to talk] Golbez: "The strength of your vow is impressive indeed." Cecil: "Brother... Why do this?" Golbez: "You've no chance against Chaos's forces... if, at this point, you lose the bond with your friends you so cherish." Cecil: "You tested me?" Golbez: "And your strength was impressive. You and your comrades should be able to overcome any despair. I will be waiting for that time to come." [Golbez begins to walk off] Cecil: "Where will you--" [Golbez stops] Golbez: "I was summoned by Chaos. That alone is a sign of my heart's weakness. I've no right to be near you." [Golbez begins walking away again. Cecil runs after him] Cecil: "Please wait..." [Cecil stops] Cecil: "Brother!" [Golbez stops again] Cecil: "Do you not care what I believe? Because I believe in you. You can fight and win against yourself. I know you can!" Golbez: "Cecil..." Cecil: "And you and I, we also have a bond between us! I swear that I will never lose. So please, when the time comes... Please join me and my friends-- Golbez: "My brother, you are too kind-hearted to be a knight." [Cecil sighs] Golbez: "But maybe, someday... If the light should smile upon me..." [Golbez begins to walk away again. Cecil shuts his eyes, content with that. The setting then shifts to the bottom of the Northern Crater] OK: "So the crystals are what keep us here. But with Cosmos gone, we're vanishing, too." Firion: "Hey... Does any of what we're doing even matter? From the start, our fate was to disappear, yet Cosmos wrapped us in dreams. And she knew all this... How cruel can a goddess be?" Cloud: "...That's not it. All we have to do is focus on saving this world. Then in another realm, another world will be saved. That's the world we'll be returning to." Tidus: "We're not vanishing, but returning... So our hopes and dreams haven't been a waste!" Cloud: "... ...I made that up." Tidus: "What? You were lying!?" Squall: "But...it's not a half-bad lie. Don't you agree, Firion?" Firion: "Yeah. It's not bad at all." [The screen fades to black for a moment before fading in on Ultimecia's clock tower] OK: "Hey, Squall..." Squall: "What?" OK: "What Cloud said a minute ago... I believe it. I want to believe it's true." Squall: "I've been a believer for a while now." OK: "Really?" Squall: "I remembered this promise I made... There's someone waiting for me." OK: "...Want to tell me more?" Squall: "...No. And don't go telling the others either." [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified narrator speaks] Battles repeated since time immemorial--in all of them lies precious memories. Perhaps the warriors have always passed their hopes on to the future... [The party returns to the world map] Bartz: "One, two, three... Three more gateways. And Chaos is in the farthest one." Firion: "That's right. There's no turning back now." Tidus: "There's no POINT in turning back now! In times like these--" Firion: "You just gotta let yourself go! Right?" [The party makes their way to the next gateway and enters] -Pervasive Sorrow- OK: "Those Chaos creeps used plenty of tricks. Tricking us and using imposters." Firion: "Those who simply trick others cannot break our will. We shall prove our strength with the crystals Cosmos gave us." OK: "Feelings are stronger than rationale. --Don't worry, I've already proven that." [The party makes their way to the Chaos emblem on this board. The setting shifts to Pandaemonium. Cecil, Bartz and Zidane confront the Emperor] Emperor: "My dear tools of war... Do you come to your master, finally tired of the struggles?" Zidane: "The world's been hurt enough. Stop it!" Emperor: [laughs] "Insects may swarm, but they are insects nonetheless." Zidane: "We're not as weak as you might think! We've overcome a lot of hardships to get this far." Emperor: [chuckles] 'Overcome,' have you? Then I ask you this: Do you only credit yourselves for obtaining the crystals?" Cecil: "What are you implying?" Emperor: "That everything went as planned. True, giving you her strength was the will of Cosmos herself. But think carefully about who led you to your battles. Is it not obvious-- that you have us to thank?" Zidane: "What!?" Emperor: "Cosmos may have been weak, but she was a goddess all the same. To eliminate her completely, it was best to force her-- to let go of her powers. We provided you with your trials. And indeed, you have obtained the crystals." Zidane: "Grr..." Emperor: "Granted, there were some amongst us who were overzealous. But you took care of them for us. Indeed, YOU are the forces of darkness that vanquished the goddess." Cecil: "So everything was as planned? I've heard enough! You don't understand a thing." [Cecil and Bartz step forward, Cecil drawing his weapon and Bartz assuming a fighting stance as well] Zidane: "How could you mock all that Cosmos sacrificed her life for? You're not gonna get your way with everything!" [Zidane calls forth his Mage Mashers and assumes a fighting stance] Emperor: [laughs] "Silence! Death, life, even the divine shall come under my rule... For the only one suited to rule--is I!" [The final battle with the Emperor begins] Emperor: "Grovel before my unrivaled power!" [The Emperor is defeated. After the battle, he is down on one knee. Cecil and Bartz have been replaced by Firion and OK] Emperor: "How could I lose...not once but twice? Who ARE you?" Zidane: "You realize that even bugs have pride." Emperor: "But this is not the end. As long as Chaos exists, so will we. I shall return to rule again..." Firion: "You mean, back from the dead?" Emperor: "Indeed... From the depths of hell, to this world once more--" Firion: "Wait!" [The Emperor's body begins rapdily discorporating into dark smoke] Emperor: "I will be back again!" [The Emperor screams before exploding in a flash of light and plume of dark smoke accompanied by his classic "Uboar!" death cry] OK: "Time is not on our side here..." Firion: "But unless we defeat Chaos, they'll return again..." [Zidane takes a few steps forward] Zidane: "I wish they'd tell me these things sooner..." [The setting shifts to Chaos's place. He's talking with Garland] Chaos: "I was having a long dream-- in the midst of disorder..." [Garland kneels in front of him] Garland: "So you are awake. What kind of dream was it?" Chaos: "Hmph... It was ridiculous. Cosmos and I were governing the world together." Garland: "...! That's--" Chaos: "Laughable, is it not? In that world, I was a god that suppressed disorder. But strangely, the images are still vivid in my eyes... All the people smiling...the warmth of the days I spent with Cosmos... For one who has lost all memory, why did the dream have to be so cruel?" [The heroes are back on the world map] OK: "We can keep defeating Chaos's warriors, but in the end, we have to defeat Chaos himself..." Cloud: "Well, I think you can say that we pretty much have him cornered. ...Let's go." Zidane: "Cloud, wanna get a little more fired up? Hey guys! This is gonna be a piece of cake!" [The party reaches the next gateway and enters. The setting shifts back to Chaos and Garland] Chaos: "For one who has lost all memory, why did the dream have to be so cruel?" Garland: "Chaos...if this is to be our final battle, there is something I must share with you. That this conflict, which has endlessly repeated itself, is according to the Great Will. And I am the one who has made this world the battleground for harmony and disorder. You had no memory, so I guided you in accordance to the Great Will's wish." Chaos: "It was just as I thought... You were the beginning." Garland: "No, Chaos..." [Garland stands up] Garland: "For myself...you are the beginning. Before the Great Will led me to this realm, when I was on the edge of death, it was you who sent me two thousand years into the past. You are me... and I...am you." Chaos: [Hm] "... Then I shall--" -Solitary Salvation- [After the party has battled their way through several of the manikins here, the setting shifts to the top of a castle in the Interdimensional Rift. WoL is standing at the edge, looking out. Tidus walks up to him] Tidus: "Something wrong? Have you...finally lost it?" WoL: "No. I am still determined to defeat Chaos. That hasn't wavered, but-- Unlike all of you, I have no memory of where I was, or where I must return. I don't even know my own name." Bartz (offscreen): "Nothing is certain--not for any of us." [Bartz and Cecil approach] Bartz: "Anything in the future can easily change, like clouds in the wind." Cecil: "Not to worry. It will come to you someday. And even if your past does not... You can still believe in the future. Right?" WoL: "...Yes. Thank you, everyone." [The screen fades out to white. When it fades back in, the WoL is walking through a hall in the Chaos Shrine. Tidus runs to catch up with him] Tidus: "You know..." [Both of them come to a stop. WoL turns to face Tidus] WoL: "...What is it?" Tidus: "There's more to memories than what happened before we got here. If we do end up going back to our separate worlds... it'd be nice if you remember fighting alongside us...just once in a while." [Tidus runs on ahead] WoL: "Of course. I won't forget this." [Hm] [WoL nods] WoL: "I will never forget this." [Afterward, the party defeats another manikin] WoL: "We haven't much time left." Cloud: "You seem to be in a rush. The power that Cosmos instilled in us won't fade so easily. It's important to be calm, especially before an important fight." WoL: "I suppose you are right. Let us proceed calmly, this is our last fight." [The warriors of Cosmos finish fighting their way to the Chaos emblem on this board. The setting shifts to the audience chamber of the Chaos Shrine. WoL enters, flanked by Cloud on his left and Zidane on his right] Garland: "Welcome, brave warriors. If Chaos is who you seek, he is up ahead, watching the mayhem unfold." WoL: "Garland..." [Pyreflies begin rising off the heroes] WoL: "As expected, you live again." Garland: "It appears the end draws near for you." Cloud: [Hm] "We're not going quietly." [The rise of pyreflies eases off and stops altogether] WoL: "We will defeat Chaos, and stop the cycle of conflict." Zidane: "That's right! We are on our final mission!" Garland: [laughs] "Then let us begin! We shall entrust our lives into fate's cold embrace... and revel in a joyous festival of chaos!" [The battle with Garland begins] Garland: "There is no escaping the cycle!" [Garland is defeated. After the battle, the setting is the top of the Chaos Shrine. Cloud has been replaced with Squall. Garland is on his knees, grunting and struggling to stand. He finally does so, then begins laughing hysterically] Zidane: "What? What's so funny?" Garland: "Rejoice. The chains of time have been severed. We shall never be reborn again. The cycle comes to an end as catastrophe draws near." Squall: "Catastrophe?" Garland: "Yes. The ultimate discord has awakened. Chaos means to use his powers to destroy the world--and himself." WoL: "The world...along with himself? For what reason?" Garland: "If chaos is a state without form, where all things collide and blend... then ultimate chaos would be the denial of all existence, would it not? At battle's end, there will be no joy, no glory, no salvation, no future. To the god Chaos, a world without Cosmos is naught but an empty husk." WoL: "He'll destroy all because of the emptiness in his heart?" Garland: [chuckles] "It is what the god has decided..." WoL: "And you... Are you alright with this?" Garland: [Hmph] "If this world loses its form, I only need to find another cycle. The soul of strife shall endure forever, beyond time and space!" [Garland's body begins discorporating into dark smoke] Garland: "Farewell, warriors of Cosmos. May we meet again in the afterworld..." [Garland vanishes completely] Zidane: "Either we finish this, or we're finished..." [The setting shifts to Chaos's place] Garland: "What awaits ahead is Chaos's throne... What you see, Shinryu, you cannot find..." "This ending was planned...as a result of the Great Will breaking the pact..." "Only punishment awaits a traitor..." "With all taken, the pathetic god shall be given the chance for retribution..." Garland: "What? What do you dare..." [The setting shifts to a roving shot of the world map. Cid of the Lufaine narrates] The conflict that has lasted since time immemorial is finally nearing its end. "Chaos means to use his powers to destroy the world--and himself." Garland's last words rattle the warriors. And as the crystals grow weaker, they sense their own existence slowly fade away. Their nemesis, Chaos, awaits. But time, for them and for the world, is running short... [All 10 Warriors of Cosmos are gathered atop the Chaos Shrine] WoL: "The world now faces true disorder..." [Pyreflies suddenly begin rising from everyone] Tidus: "No! We're not vanishing just yet!" [The rise of pyreflies abates. Suddenly, Chaos's roar can be heard through a vortex in the sky] Terra: "Maybe Chaos is trying to erase even his own despair..." Cecil: "The sadness of absolute solitude, having lost his equal in Cosmos..." OK: "No way... That's just wrong! Trying to erase everything is no different than running away!" Bartz: "Cosmos didn't run away, but held on to hope." [Bartz pulls out his crystal] Bartz: "And the crystals are what she gave us to prove that!" [Everyone else has their crystals held out now as well] Firion: "We are not mere pawns, being moved about by destiny. We've come this far because we have dreams we want to protect." Cloud: "Once you stop traveling down the path you've chosen, you might as well have disappeared." Squall: "We will stick to our paths 'til the end. And then... we'll have something to tell Chaos." Zidane: "Right. Our time here may be limited. But there is always something we can leave behind." WoL: "As Cosmos bestowed hope upon all of us-- we, too, bestow upon this world a similar gift. The light shall be passed." [The party is now back on the world map, one final time] Terra: "The world is crying... Is it all going to come down crumbling soon?" Squall: "Even if it is, there is no point for us in stopping here." WoL: "That's right. We must proceed. We have but one path to follow." [The party moves ahead and enters the final gateway] -Edge of Discord- -Floor 01- WoL: "It seems our skills are useless here. Could Chaos have garnered more strength? Onwards! Let us clear a path to the future!" [The party fights their way to the Stigma of Chaos on this floor and touches it] -Edge of Discord- -Floor 02- [Again, the party fights their way to the Stigma of Chaos and touches it. The setting then shifts to Chaos's place. Chaos is sitting on his throne, one of his left hands on the side of his head] Chaos: "Grr... What is this...?" [A light flashes on the left side of his forehead] Chaos: "Rushing into me... Every single memory in the world...!" [The light flashes again, and does so two more times while Chaos says his next line] Chaos: "The never-ending cycle...of grief...infinte...discord...hatred... ...Graaaaaagh!!!" [The screen fades to white] "Calm yourself... You have been granted understanding of the tale of the Great Will. The tale ends with your victory. The cycle ends. My burden ends. I shall lend you the glorious power of Shinryu, the wyrm that cleanses all. Let us crush Cosmos's remnants-- and bring this fantasy to its conclusion." -Edge of Discord- -Floor 03- [The party fights their way across the board to the final Chaos emblem -- that of Chaos himself. The setting shifts to Chaos's throne. WoL is ascending the stairs of the dais. As he does so, the camera moves in to a closeup of each of the other Warriors of Cosmos, all of whom are already atop the platform. First Tidus is shown, then Zidane. Squall next, and then an overhead shot of everyone as the camera rotates around the area. Cloud comes next, and Terra after that. They're followed by Bartz, and then another rotation of the whole area. Cecil appears next, and then the OK. Firion follows after. Finally, the camera concludes its rotation around the area, coming to a stop as the WoL reaches the top of the stairs. The camera puts us behind the WoL's eyes for a moment as he looks at Chaos. Chaos stands] Chaos: "At the end of the dream..." [Chaos begins floating up into the air] Chaos: "even chaos..." [He begins charging energy in all four hands] Chaos: "tears itself apart." [Chaos unleashes a tremendous blast of energy in the sky above the heroes. It kicks up a strong wind that sweeps over all of them] Chaos: "Let us mark the end of this... eternal conflict!" [At the beginning of Round 1 against Chaos] Chaos: "The final curtain requires no audience." [At the beginning of Round 2 against Chaos] Chaos: "All will sink into discord..." [At the beginning of Round 3 -- the final battle with Chaos] Zidane: "Two against one is fine with me." [The Warriors of Cosmos defeat Chaos. After the battle, Chaos is barely able to remain in the air. Areas along the surface of his body are bursting into flame. The large platform around him is splitting in various spots and spewing lava and fire into the air] Chaos: "Cosmos... Now I know what you left behind." [First Tidus, then Bartz and then Cloud disappear, all in short order. They leave behind a small trail of pyreflies as they go. Next, Firion and then Cecil vanish. Squall and then Zidane follow. Terra is next, followed by OK. WoL remains for a couple of seconds, then disappears as well. Dark smoke is rising from Chaos's body] Chaos: "Here ends the war of the gods. Destiny's hand cannot be stayed. Begone, mortals..." [More fissures open in the platform, some directly beneath Chaos. Pillars of flame erupt from these openings and completely engulf Chaos. The screen fades to white. When it fades back in, the heroes are all standing together in a grassy field with a forest behind them. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining brightly, and the wind is blowing gently. The heroes look around them in awe. They're all holding their crystals] WoL: "The battle has come to an end..." [Tidus notices that his crystal has begun to emanate a blue glow] Tidus: "Gotta go, huh..." [The blue glow transfers to him as well. He turns to look at the others] Tidus: "Don't worry. The crystal knows the rest of the way. Besides-- I'm always right here." [Tidus grins at the others, then turns and runs toward a nearby lake. He leaps into it in a manner reminiscent of his dive from the airship at the end of FFX. He vanishes as he descends toward the lake] Zidane: "We're not vanishing. We're returning--" [Zidane is sitting on a tree limb as he says this. His crystal begins to glow gold, as does he] Zidane: "to where we're supposed to be." [Zidane spins around the tree limb with the use of his tail and launches toward the sun. He's lost to view. A white feather then drifts down from that direction and Squall catches it. There's suddenly a field of flowers behind Squall as he glows blue] Squall: "Perhaps we can go on a mission together again." [Squall vanishes. Cloud is then visible, standing in the flower field] Cloud: [Hm] "Not interested." [Cloud walks off into the flower field, gaining a green glow. He vanishes. A snowflake then falls into Terra's right hand as her crystal begins to glow pink] Terra: "I think I've learned how to keep going. Thank you-- and take care." [Terra glows pink and then vanishes. Bartz throws a stick. He's glowing pink as well] Bartz: "When you're having the most fun, that's when time always flies." [Bartz vanishes] Cecil: "It's mine to pass on--" [A moon appears behind Cecil and goes through its phases as he begins to glow blue] Cecil: "this strength I've gained from everyone." [Cecil vanishes. OK hugs his crystal and looks up toward the sky] OK: "Everyone...thank you!" [OK briefly glows blue and then vanishes. There are wild roses at Firion's feet. He and WoL are looking toward the sky. WoL suddenly begins walking away while Firion looks down and sees the roses] Firion: "This isn't the end. Another dream is waiting to begin." [Firion gains a violet glow and then vanishes. WoL is walking through the field and then comes to a stop. He's looking at something] WoL: "May the light forever shine upon us." [The Final Fantasy "Ending Theme" then begins to play as the Warrior of Light walks down toward Castle Cornelia from the original Final Fantasy, his crystal in hand] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------000: Confessions of the Creator-------------- [8.0Ch] Main Scenario 000: Confessions of the Creator An Untold Tale [The player character -- hereafter abbreviated as "PC" -- is on the world map. As they advance, they will immediately encounter a moogle] Moogle: "Sorry if I offended you. I just never even dreamed that I would meet the real thing. Oh, yeah. Is there anything you want? I'll trade you something for your KP." [The PC then moves on a short distance to a Teleport Stone. Once there, they teleport to the Cavern of Earth Teleport Stone. Afterward, they travel around the shore to a gateway, which they enter] -Chasm in the Rotting Land- [An unidentified individual speaks over a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary] "Is someone there, kupo?" "It's so dark and lonely here, kupo... Please come and find me, kupo..." -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 01- [The PC defeats the manikins in the area and reaches the Stigma of Chaos here. The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary, and the unidentified speaker from before continues] "When I came to, I was in this gateway, and I coculdn't move a muscle, kupo." "You're my only hope, kupo. Please hurry, kupo..." -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 02- [After defeating the manikins in this area as well, the PC reaches this board's Stigma of Chaos too. The setting once again shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary as the same voice from before continues] "I guess it would be self-serving of me to expect to be rescued for free, kupo..." "I'll think of something to pay you back with! I promise, kupo!" -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 03- [The PC once again defeats the manikins on the board and touches the Stigma of Chaos. Shift to the backdrop of Order's Sanctuary] "I can feel you coming closer, kupo! I can't wait to see you, kupo!" "I know it's rought, but please don't run, kupo. Not without helping me first, kupo..." -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 04- [Once again, the PC defeats the manikins in the area and reaches the Stigma of Chaos. The setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. There's a moogle here] Moogle: "Say... Did you come here to rescue the mured moogle, kupo? Sorry to let you down... I'm just another moogle who likes to go on adventures, kupo. But I think he's trapped somewhere deeper inside. Hang in there, kupo!" -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 05- [The PC once again defeats the manikins in their way. They then reach a moogle who stands before the Stigma of Chaos on this board. The moogle dissolves into sparkles and floating hearts. The setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. A beam of light descends from the sky to Cosmos's throne as the PC approaches. When the beam dissipates, a moogle is left in its wake. The moogle floats down and lands on the throne. The PC and moogle look at one another silently for a moment. Finally, the moogle makes a moogle sound and the screen fades to white] "I'm gonna help you, kupo! Gimme a call whenever you need, kupo." [Back on the gateway board, the spot the moogle was in before now becomes occupied by a Summonstone. The PC touches the Summonstone, granting the power of the Moogle summon to the PC. The PC then touches the Stigma of Chaos here. The setting shifts to a backdrop of the Emypreal Paradox. An unidentified individual is speaking] "Thank you for saving the soul of that adventurous moogle." "So I hear they refer to me as the 'mured moogle.'" "This gateway is extremely deep...but I am confident in your ability to reach me." -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 06- [The PC once again clears the board of manikins, and once again touches the local Stigma of Chaos. The setting again shifts to a backdrop of the Emypreal Paradox. The mured moogle speaks again] "I had 'sealed' something in this gateway by putting myself to sleep." "But I fear I have forgotten what was sealed. Perhaps I have been asleep for too long..." -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 07- [The PC once again clears the board of manikins and reaches the Stigma of Chaos in the area. The backdrop again shifts to the Emypreal Paradox while the mured moogle speaks] "I now remember one thing. What I had sealed was a gateway--" "--the only path that ties the northern and southern continents..." -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 08- [Upon the PC defeating the manikins and touching the Stigma of Chaos on this floor of the dungeon, the backdrop again shifts to the Emypreal Paradox. The mured moogle is still talking] "The fact that you heard my voice when you came to this world is probably not coincedence." "I know this is selfish of me...but once the seal is undone, I want you to go to the gateway." "You're almost here... I hope I get to see you safe and--" -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 09- [The PC again defeats the manikins in the area and reaches the local Stigma of Chaos] -Chasm in the Rotting Land- -Floor 10- [The PC approaches a red treasure box and opens it. A message appears saying "??? from within!" The PC then must defeats a manikin. Afterward, a message appears saying "Obtained Siren's Veil from chest" The PC then claims some additional treasure from two adjacent treasure chests, and then approaches a moogle who is on the dungeon board. The setting shifts to a backdrop of the Emypreal Paradox once more. The screen flashes white three times in rapid succession] MM: "Thank you! I have awakened! And the 'seal' I had placed on this gateway shall be undone as well... There. Now, shall we?" [The setting shifts to a backdrop of Order's Sanctuary. An unidentified speaker narrates] A past once stolen cannot be returned. Even then, he should now be able to walk straight ahead towards the future... [The PC is now (finally!) back on the world map. The MM is there with them] MM: "I'll follow you if you don't mind. I know I proposed we head for the gateways in the north, but take your time to get ready. The gateways are virtually untouched inside. I'm sure you'll find some treasure, too. If you're heading north, jump to Crescent Lake and take the route along the shore." [The PC and MM journey across the world map until they come to a gateway. They enter. The setting shifts to the area of Order's Sanctuary. The PC is walking through the area when Shantotto suddenly walks past them, stops, turns around, and walks up to them] Shantotto: "Why, hello! And, oh...goodbye! This is where scholars can further enjoy the pursuit of knowledge in peace as a reward. It is not a place where plebians like you should enter of your own accord! Oh, there's no need to pout. You say that you're trapped know not the way out?" [Shantotto begins walking away] Shantotto: "You can curl up and die here--or, make it a tad further, and I may lend you my ear." -Curses and Hopes of Yore- -Floor 01- [The PC clears out all manikins in their way and reaches the Stigma of Chaos on this floor] Shantotto: "(Oh, how did I get myself in such trouble? I need to find help soon, on the double.)" -Curses and Hopes of Yore- -Floor 02- Shantotto: "How resourceful we are! Never did I believe a loser like you would make it this far! But you must prove you will not cower before I put any faith into your loser power!" [The PC once again defeats all manikins in their path and reaches the Stigma of Chaos] Shantotto: "Ohoho! This one's quite skilled. And might be of some use before getting himself killed." -Curses and Hopes of Yore- -Floor 03- Shantotto: "Very well, I've seen enough. I've a job for which I believe you've got the right stuff." [The player is offered two choices] "Your wish is my command." "Ask someone your own size!" [After picking one] Shantotto: "That illusion of choice was a mere formality. Your task has already been decided, you see. Now, do you recall those mysterious automatons you encountered in the past? Well, they're wreaking havoc here, and I need you to take care of them fast!" [As before, the PC defeats the manikins in the area and reaches the local Stigma of Chaos] Shantotto: "Ohohohoho! Simply stupendous!" -Curses and Hopes of Yore- -Floor 04- Shantotto: "Wonderful. It seems you've put a great deal of those beasts to rest." Shantotto: "(Though I can't let anyone know that it was I who gathered the manikins here to test. But who could have made them and why? It must have been one truly brilliant guy.)" Shantotto: "...Oh! Why are you just standing there like you've won? Your work here is far frome done!" [The PC once again defeats all manikin opposition and reaches this floor's Stigma of Chaos] Shantotto: "(Oho, much better than I--)" Shantotto: "Ahem! Just some personal musings. Carry on!" -Curses and Hopes of Yore- -Floor 05- Shantotto: "Your disposal of the pests was really quite swift. When I find the time, I'll be sure to seal them up within the Interdimensional Rift. By the way, while I would have preferred a fellow Taru, beggars can't be choosers. I must admit, you did fairly well ...that is, for a total loser. Now come a bit closer, before I become bored and let me present you with a little reward." [The PC defeats the remaining manikins in their path] Shantotto: "And off goes the last one, back into the Rift. ...Well now, is there anything left?" [The PC then touches the Cosmos emblem in the area. The setting is Order's Sanctuary. The PC approaches Shantotto] Shantotto: "A fairly decent job, even with all the fuss, I hereby score you a Solid B-. And now for your promised reward... A special private lesson, at a price you can afford! And by special, I mean very much so. You would cry tears of joy! Ohohohoho!" [The PC battles and defeats Shantotto. After the battle, she stands across from the PC] Shantotto: "Not too bad...for someone who could barely handle my powerful magic. A little bit of work, and maybe your days as a total loser won't be so tragic. But enough of the pleasantries... I've more pressing matters at hand." [She takes a few steps forward] Shantotto: "A date with a lad named Chas...or was it one of his lackeys--Gabri...Gabro...Gabrand?" [She begins walking forward again, while still talking] Shantotto: "Some brute with armor covering his chest has challenged me to a duel--a bloodfest! It's been too long since the last war I won." [She stops again] Shantotto: "I can tell you right now, it will be fun!" [chuckles] [She turns to look at the PC] Shantotto: ""Oh, and by the way, keep your eye out for the mysterious cavernous maws. You don't know where you'll end up after getting trapped in one's jaws! Or perhaps on the matter of how you arrived here, we've finally found the cause?" [She begins walking away again as she continues talking] Shantotto: "Now don't forget all that you've learned. And on that note, class is adjourned!" [Now back on the world map, the PC and MM travel back to the Teleport Stone the PC used to arrive in this area. They use it to transport themselves to the Marsh Cave area. Once there, they proceed to a blue gateway and enter. The setting shifts to Chaos's place. The PC is standing at the top of the steps] Gabranth (offscreen): "...Who are you?" [Gabranth approaches the player character] Gabranth: "Hmph. Just another stray being played with by the gods. No matter. Choose the path you wish to take. All paths lead to the same end, anyway. You keep fighting...and die like a dog." [Gabranth walks off] -Land of the Stolen Crown- -Floor 01- [The PC defeats the manikins on this floor and reaches the Stigma of Chaos] Gabranth: "...Not completely incapable. Good." -Land of the Stolen Crown- -Floor 02- Gabranth: "What did you do to end up here? Hmph. Do you even know where you are? We are disconnected from the gods fight over the fate of the world. We are in a hell where broken warriors fight empty battles. Those who overcome the trials here are summoned back to the battle of the gods... But going back only means more fighting. What could be more pointless? We are shackled to endless conflict. You should surrender to your fate." [The PC again defeats the local manikins and reaches the Stigma of Chaos] Gabranth: "...Still not giving in?" -Land of the Stolen Crown- -Floor 03- Gabranth: "I was robbed of everything. My brothers in arms, the pride I was to defend... You should be the same...wandering this wasteland after having lost everything. Why have you not lost yourself yet? For what do you keep struggling!?" [The PC again defeats the manikins blocking them and reaches the Stigma of Chaos] Gabranth: "Do you long to return to the battlefield of the gods? To keep fighting ever more?" -Land of the Stolen Crown- -Floor 04- Gabranth: "Let me tell you about a hound I knew. The gods bid the cur to face a certain mage. He fought without hesitation or restraint... As the struggle continued, the hound swelled with pride...this was what he had lived for. But to the gods, the hound's pride and the future it bought meant less than nothing. The gods filled the world with disorder... Then the wyrm sent all life to the Void. The hound was cast aside like a broken toy. Thus Judge Gabranth was sent to this hell. This is what comes of standing against the gods. But fight, if you still desire it." [The PC defeats the manikins in the area and touches the Stigma of Chaos on this floor] Gabranth: "...I see you have no hesitation." -Land of the Stolen Crown- -Floor 05- Gabranth: "You would fight the gods again... The world you left must hold much meaning for you." [The player defeats the remaining manikins in this gateway and reaches the Chaos emblem on this floor. The setting shifts back to the Edge of Madness. The PC approaches Gabranth, who is standing in front of Chaos's throne. His back is to them] Gabranth: "Very well. I am the Judge Magister." [Gabranth turns and walks forward] Gabranth: "As Hell's watchdog, I shall judge whether or not your life is worth living!" [The PC battles and defeats Gabranth. After the battle, Gabranth and the PC stand several feet apart, their backs to one another. The PC is facing the steps] Gabranth: "Go. Straight ahead is the exit...or rather, the entrance to the battlefield. You know this, and still you would leave? Then allow me to give you one last word. What must be defended is inevitably lost. You will know despair and emptiness. But remember, surrender to despair, and you will be no more than a pathetic dog. Never cast away hope, and live on with pride. Don't ever become like me." [The PC walks on ahead. The camera turns to show that Gabranth has disappeared. The PC and MM are both back on the world map now. The PC can speak to the MM] MM: "I know it's freezing cold here, but I love the scenery. A world of white flanked by the Sanctuary and the auroras... It soothes the soul." [The PC and MM return to the Teleport Stone they used to get here and use it to transport themselves to the Crescent Lake area. Once there, the PC may speak to the MM] MM: "I see lots of manikins in this area. Let's go around them so we don't get noticed. If you're going to fight them, you should initiate the attack to gain the upper hand." [Moving across the landscape, the two cross the Cornelia Plains and eventually make their way to a gateway that connects the southern continent to the northern. They enter. The setting shifts to a flashback to when Chaos was dying after being defeated at the end of the thirteenth cycle] Chaos: "Here ends the war of the gods. Destiny's hand cannot be stayed. Begone, mortals..." [The screen fades to black. An unidentified voice (it probably belongs to Shinryu) speaks] "The god of discord is given the final chance to exact revenge..." "Judgment upon...forced on thee the cycle of battle!" -Southern Lufenia Gateway- [All that is within this dungeon is a red treasure chest] MM: "That voice I just heard... Never mind. It's nothing. It may look like only treasure chests inside, but I had sealed this gateway before... There is no telling what might come out. Please use caution!" [The PC approaches the red treasure chest and opens it. A message appears saying "??? from within!" A battle then commences with a Level 95 manikin of Feral Chaos] [After the manikin of Feral Chaos is defeated, a message appears saying "Obtained Lufenian Rod from chest!" Afterward, the setting shifts to a backdrop of the Interdimensional Rift. An unidentified individual speaks] Ahhh...blue, blue skies and the rolling sea! It's days like this that you get high on life! But no one is harshing my buzz! [The PC and MM are now back on the world map] MM: "The path has opened for the northern continent. Wait, that's not all... It seems the whole world has changed. Maybe the Teleport Stone has changed, too. Let's look around to see what happened." [Proceeding forward, the screen briefly fades to white. After it fades back in, the PC may speak to the MM] MM: "It's so quiet here. Maybe because it was sealed away for so long. Beyond here is the land of discord. We might find more of those monsters there..." [Proceeding forward, the two come across a Teleport Stone and use it to transport themselves to the Citadel of Trials area. Once there, the PC may speak with the MM] MM: "If you are not sick of me yet, please head for the Conquered Trials Gateway. That is the gateway we must open in order to for us to go to the land of discord." [The two find this gateway and enter it. The setting shifts to a backdrop of the Emypreal Paradox. It's a flashback to a moment that must have been in the final seconds of cycle 012] Cosmos: "Great Will... I wish to put an end to the conflict. They are not pawns made to fight. They belong in their own worlds, not here. Now that the door to the Rift is shut, I must spare them from this cycle..." -Conquered Trials Gateway- MM: "Having come to this gateway--everything connects now. I was formerly known as the Great Will-- I had made a pact with Shinryu...and designed the conflict of the gods. --I suppose I must tell you everything... about the past that I had sealed away... and the objective of the conflict..." [After defeating some manikins who were hiding in red treasure chests, and nearing the Stigma of Chaos inside this gateway, the MM speaks up] MM: "It is as though this world is a prison, drifting in between the dimensions. When I was trapped here, I searched for a way to return to my homeworld. But the only way to break through the door to the Rift was to use monstrous force..." [After defeating the final manikins who block the Stigma of Chaos here, the MM confesses some more] MM: "Chaos amplifies his power of discord through destruction. So I began to think-- Perhaps Chaos should destroy the world, after which Cosmos would bring back order-- And repeating this cycle would eventually generate the power to open the door. It was the summoned warriors who called this the 'conflict of the gods.'" [The PC touches the Stigma of Chaos here and returns to the world map along with the MM] MM: "The foe you just fought was a manikin of Chaos at the time he was sealed. Beyond this road, in the land of discord, awaits the real Chaos. But you can now also use the Teleport Stone to go to the Dragon Caves. The choice is yours to make. I shall follow you on the path you choose." [Heading on toward the land of discord, the two encounter a moogle] Moogle: "I'm hoping you would know, kupo... Is the conflict of the gods supposed to be over? This isn't quite the world I know. Not that it makes much difference to what I do, kupo!" [Journeying into and across the land of discord, the PC and MM eventually make their way to a gateway, which they enter] -Confinement and Flight- MM: "There were many warriors like yourself, fighting under the aegis of the gods. All have met their demise--a long, long time ago. Of course, most were not aware of my existence, if any were at all. I was nothing but an observer, after all..." [The PC defeats all of the manikins in the dungeon and touches the Stigma of Chaos here. They're transported back to the world map, along with the MM] MM: "I have some good news and some bad news. It seems the door to the Rift has opened. We might be able to escape from this world. But we should not expect Chaos to use his powers to bridge the Rift to the door. If we are to have a chance to escape, Chaos must be defeated..." [The two weary adventurers then begin the final approach toward Chaos's lair. After making their way along a bit, they enter another gateway] -Pervasive Sorrow- MM: "I would very much like to ask you something. But before I do, I must tell you everything... about the conflict of the gods in this world. I wonder if you would lend an ear to a pathetic man's attempt at repentance..." [The PC defeats a manikin] MM: "I had thought Shinryu's purification was the power to revive the dead. But in reality-- --he was absorbing the experience of warriors that had yet to die, returning them to fight. Once a warrior had no more to give, he was erased, no matter how honorable he was. I felt as though I was tricked by Shinryu. But there was no stopping the ruthless cycle..." [The PC defeats all the remaining manikins blocking the Stigma of Chaos in this gateway] MM: "Chaos would gain in strength with every battle. But Cosmos's warriors could never grow--they lose their powers at purification. The difference in strength became evident, I believe, during the 13th conflict... Cosmos's warriors perished, and even Cosmos herself was purified..." [The PC touches the Stigma of Chaos here, returning the two to the world map. They advance on to yet another gateway, and enter] -Solitary Salvation- MM: "The cycle of destruction and purification gave Chaos power--and corroded his mind. After the 18th purification, as soon as the next conflict began-- Chaos lost himself. Leaping out of his throne, he thrashed the lands, eliminated Cosmos's warriors-- --and annihilated even the warriors he had summoned himself..." [After defeating some more manikins, the MM reveals more] MM: "Cosmos was true to her mission, even as she lost her memory after every purification. She would summon her warriors and send them to fight Chaos until they perished. No one knows how many of these warriors were sacrificed as disposable pawns..." [After defeating more manikins and approaching the Stigma of Chaos, the MM speaks up again] MM: "Chaos was initially reluctant to fight Cosmos... Because Cosmos was a 'manikin' of the one who once loved and cared for Chaos. Thus, even after the conflict had begun, he would never inflict direct force onto her. It was when Chaos began to attack Cosmos without hesitation-- --that I realized just how horrible the 'cycle' of my creation actually was." [The PC and MM return to the world map, and then advance to the final gateway] -Edge of Discord- -Floor 01- MM: "Cosmos's power to summon warriors eventually started to wane. After the 20th purification, she could not summon any new pawns for herself. They dwindled until the last--the only one born in this realm--finally perished..." [The PC defeats a manikin] MM: "Even with her warriors gone, Cosmos expended her life to sustain the world's order. Solely to fulfill her mission--to let Chaos destroy the world, or himself... But it reached the point where Chaos's next attack would mean the end for her. It was then that I took physical form as a moogle and headed to Order's Sanctuary. I simply could not lose Cosmos..." [The PC approaches the Stigma of Chaos here] MM: "Cosmos wished to fight until the end, but I pulled her out of Sanctuary. The Chasm in the Rotting Land would be unreachable to Chaos. So I sealed her away in the depths of that gateway..." [The PC touches the Stigma of Chaos] -Edge of Discord- -Floor 02- MM: "The conflict of the gods had reached an end of sorts. Chaos now had immense powers, but the door to the Rift showed no signs of opening. I began to think Chaos would destroy the world, and all would return to the Void. But Chaos left the world untouched--and instead turned against Shinryu." [The PC defeats yet another manikin] MM: "Shinryu and Chaos were equal in strength. It seemed the battle would never end. Chaos gained power through destruction, while Shinryu's amassed power purified its wounds. Their colliding powers threatened to destroy the realm at any moment. So I decided-- to cleave the northern continent, where they fought, from the south, where Cosmos slept..." [After defeating all manikins in the area, the PC heads for the Stigma of Chaos on this floor of the dungeon] MM: "I headed for the chasm once more and surrendered my powers to cleave the world. I made sure that the gateway in Lufenia bridging the north and south would never be released. My powers given me by Shinryu now lost, I joined Cosmos to enter a long sleep. Until the moment that Chaos gained enough power to open the door to the Rift..." [The PC touches the Stigma of Chaos] -Edge of Discord- -Floor 03- MM: "As you saw yourself, I did not have most of my memory when I came awake. I was not fully aware of what it meant to release the gateway in Lufenia. Still I headed for the land of discord to seek the truth as the mured moogle. ...Cosmos was supposed to be by my side. When could she have perished? And here I am, alive and alone, nothing to show for what I was able to protect..." [The PC advances across the board a bit] MM: "The 'weapon' that I had nurtured could no longer hear my words. Chaos must be defeated for his powers to be maneuvered to open the door. But there is no way a lone moogle can defeat a beast such as him. And that is fine with me. Mine is a life suited to perish in this realm. But you... You don't deserve the same fate. I must return you to whence you came." [The PC defeats several more manikins and approaches the Stigma of Chaos on this floor] MM: "I am at the root of all that has happened. Inside Cosmos was born the will to protect her warriors in the 12th conflict... ...but I ignored it. She then lost everything in the 13th conflict. Too desperate to save myself, I couldn't help one dream of hers come to fruition." [The PC touches the Stigma of Chaos] -Edge of Discord- -Floor 04- MM: "Trapped in this realm with Chaos and Cosmos, I wished to return to my homeworld-- because I wanted revenge against the state that robbed me of my family. Revenge was why I parted with my flesh. I was willing to sacrifice anything. But at some point, I realized... Revenge satisfies nothing. All that mattered was for the world to be at peace." [The PC defeats another manikin] MM: "Since being separated from the other realm, time has not been steady here. I am certain that you can return to your world to reunite with friends and family. But I still don't understand... How did you come to this realm? There are no more gods who can summon warriors from other realms. So how do you know about Chaos and Cosmos?" [Another manikin falls] MM: "If I am the one who summoned you here, like the two gods used to do-- --then all I have is remorse. I am sorry to have involved you in this way. However... Unlike from a war of the gods, there is a sure way of 'returning home' from here. Having watched you since releasing the Chasm in the Rotting Land until now-- --I am convinced that you can defeat Chaos." -Edge of Discord- -Floor 05- [All that is here with the PC is the mured moogle and a Chaos emblem (an Assist Character is on the board too, but they don't count)] MM: "The replica of Chaos you defeated was based on him at the time of sealing. I assume both Chaos and Shinryu have increased their powers since then. --I do apologize. I didn't mean to scare you. Beyond here awaits Chaos. --Let's go." [The PC must then speak to the Great Will in order to advance across the gateway board to the Chaos emblem. The MM then dissolves into sparkles and floating hearts] MM: "This is about all I can do. The rest is in your hands. The future is yours to make!" [A message appears saying "HP recovered 100% for all characters!" The PC then advances across the pathway on the board to the final Chaos emblem, engages it, and begins the final battle of Dissidia 012 -- against the Level 130 Feral Chaos. After Feral Chaos is defeated, the Chaos emblem that was on the board is replaced with a Stigma of Chaos. In addition, five treasure chests appear around it. Upon the PC opening the bottomost chest, a message appears saying "Obtained Megalixir from chest!" Upon opening the chest on the bottom left, a message appears saying "Obtained Calamitous Rage from chest!" Upon opening the chest on the bottom right, a message appears saying "Obtained Deafening Fissure from chest!" Upon opening the chest on the top right, a message appears saying "Obtained Aegis of Strife from chest!" Upon opening the chest on the top left, a message appears saying "Obtained Talons of Despair from chest!" The PC then touches the final Stigma of Chaos and clears the gateway. The setting now shifts to a backdrop of the Emypreal Paradox. However, a different speaker than any previous occasion now speaks. It's Chaos himself] "Can you hear my voice?" "Cid has awakened--in the world in which I was felled in the 13th conflict." "And another thing happened-- Another miracle." "The 'crystals' of the warriors who were defeated despite the strongest resolve have brought 'her' back to that world." "And Shinryu departed for the Rift. I guess the conflict will never repeat again." "Thank you so much...for saving my father..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Reports-------------- [9.0Re] 1) Report 1 [9.1Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Town on the Hawk's Wing Inherited Memories -01- "*Your memories have great meaning.* And as you yourself have noticed, your story, and the recent calamity, are very likely closely linked." I don't know... My story is about a scientist and an ordinary mother and child. The story I am about to tell you may lead those already in the depths of despair to *further confusion*. "We intend to lock these pages away, never to be read by anyone outside." "By the time your story is excavated and read by understanding souls in the future, the story would have long become legend. It is only our *duty* to preserve our stories; they provide proof of a life we once lived. Please, tell us your story. The one deeply etched into your memories..." [1st story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Unshared Memories Kuja and Cloud. Two warriors allied with Chaos talk about what they remember. --Unshared Memories-- [Cloud is walking across the Prima Vista when Kuja's voice hails him from above. Cloud comes to a stop] Kuja: "Hello? Back so soon from your travels, Cloud? Did you go battle your nemesis, and claim glorious victory?" Cloud: "No. Not yet." [Kuja hops down beside Cloud] Kuja: "Hmm. Still tip-toeing around the idea of committing yourself to the fight?" [Cloud closes his eyes for a moment, but doesn't answer] Kuja: "All of a sudden, you find yourself dragged to this sorry place. And all of a sudden, a familiar face appears before you. Not a friend, no. An enemy whom you have no choice but to fight. A misguided prank of fickle gods. The person doesn't matter, only the connection. Even if that person is not the enemy you once hated." Cloud: "Even if that person was never an enemy to begin with. Right?" Kuja: "But if you do nothing, your 'enemy' falls prey to one of the others. Can you live with that?" Cloud: "And what about you, Kuja? You're decided? You're not going to fight anyone?" Kuja: "Why fight when the outcome is so obvious? We warriors are simply singing the same tune over and over. Even without my voice, the hymn praising Chaos will not skip the smallest note." Cloud: "But, still... Isn't there one here you once called an enemy?" Kuja: "Him? Oh, it no longer matters what happens to that one. All the encounters and memories in this world--none of it counts for a thing. If I'm to treasure any memories at all, I shall content myself with those I brought with me. Well, Cloud, I believe it's time I was going. Who knows when some eager hero will appear and start clamoring for a duel. Perhaps you should be on your way as well. If someone sets their sights on you, then quiet time is over." [Kuja begins walking away] Cloud: "Yeah, you're probably right. And Kuja?" [Kuja stops and turns to look at him] Kuja: "Yes?" Cloud: "Those memories you have, I hope you manage to keep them." Kuja: [chuckles] "We are far from being friends, but I suppose it does no harm for me to wish the same for you." [Kuja walks forward a couple more steps and then flies away. Kefka, who was watching from above, talks out loud to himself] Kefka: "What's this? The brooder and the narcissist having a heart-to-heart? Oh this is rich--so rich it gives me gas! Gives me gas, I say!" [Kefka passes gas, then continues talking out loud to himself while walking and randomly teleporting about] Kefka: "And I give it back. This. Won't. Do. These pitiful little poppets. Letting their precious past prevent them from properly participating. Memories are never meaningful. And to fall captive to such a thing. Such a waste! Aha! I am furnished with a thought. For these irretrievably, pathetically wretched excuses for intelligent beings, I shall extend a personal fave. Or." [laughs maniacally] [2nd story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Singer of the End -1- Confusion spreads fast as Kuja furthers his plans while Kefka moves to destroy them. --Singer of the End -1--- [The setting is Crystal World] Kuja: "Zidane. Cheery as always, I see." Zidane: "Kuja? Why're you here?" Kuja: "Like you, I was summoned to this world as well. A poor pawn fated to battle." Zidane: "You too, huh?" Kuja: "Seems we're bound to each other yet. Unfortunately..." Zidane: "Hey, have you gone to see Cosmos yet?" Kuja: "I've visted her...as I awoke sooner than you." Zidane: "I see... Guess we just need to do our thing then. But I gotta tell ya, I never thought I'd get dragged into a battle of the gods. We're in a different world and the others are in the same boat as us. There's even an idiot who pulled on my tail since he's never seen one! But I guess there's no helping it, huh? Let's end this quickly and head on home. So, we gotta face Chaos, was it? We just gotta beat his cronies, right?" Kuja: "We don't have the time to deal with them. Our enemy is the god of discord, Chaos himself." Zidane: "Chaos? You mean Chaos the god? But he's got plenty of warriors, right?" Kuja: "It's pointless to face them head-on. Chaos can quickly heal their wounds." Zidane: "You mean it's pointless to fight?" Kuja: "Correct. That's why we must defeat Chaos himself. His warriors will disappear if he falls." Zidane: "Disappear? That means..." Kuja: "Yes, you are the same. It's over if Cosmos were to fall." Zidane: "What the... Then we gotta get a move on!" Kuja: "Yes, we need to start our preparations. I'll look for a path leading to Chaos--" Zidane: "Wait a second, Kuja. Isn't it dangerous to go alone?" Kuja: "I don't like working in a group. And others would get in the way." Zidane: "I see..." Kuja: "You should gather comrades you can trust. I'll contact you again once I find a safe route. Bid my regards--to the others." [The setting is now the Emperor's throneroom in Pandaemonium] Kefka: "Oh? If it isn't Kujie-coo! Coming home at this hour? You seem to go off much for someone who claims to not want to fight." Kuja: "You again. Why do you pester me so?" Kefka: "Pester? I'm not pestering! I just have some questions...and suspicions..." Kuja: "Really? But I won't talk to the likes of you." Kefka: "Now where do you wander off to anyway? And why don't you fight anyone?" Kuja: "I told you I won't oblige to your interrogation. Are those ears just grotesque ornaments?" Kefka: "Come on, let me in on your secret. I bet you're having tons of fun! Did you destroy something? Or did you destroy someone? Plotting something fun now, aren't you? A plan to get rid of those Cosmos punks in one fell swoop?" Kuja: "You annoy me to no end. I detest your atrocious voice and words. If you insist on continuing that sour tone of yours... I'll rip your throat out!" Kefka: "Oh, how frightening! But you'd rip my throat out even if I was quiet, now wouldn't you?" Kuja: "What?" Kefka: "Nothing... I'll be on my way now, goodbye!" [Kuja leaves] Kefka: "Those Cosmos clowns seem to be up to something... Something about receiving powers-- But we have adorably eccentric puppets, the manikins, on our side... Hehehe, seems I'm in for a ton of fun this time around!" [The setting is now Ultimecia's clock tower] Kefka: "I thought it best to inform you... That runt who says he doesn't want to fight seems to be plotting a grand plan behind our backs. Emperor: "This better be important." Kefka: "Don't get your scepter in a rut! Seems he's befriended some Cosmos goons. I'm sure that he's planning to trick those idiots and beat them all in one fell swoop. And if that's the case, we can't just sit idly by and not help out. We should prepare for the strike and watch over him." Ultimecia: "Keep close watch over him? Hm, so another is working with Cosmos." Kefka: "Yes, exactly! If his plan were on the verge of failure... We should lend a hand to ensure his success." [The setting is now the moon from FFIV] Kuja: "Hm? Well, if it isn't Kefka's puppet. What are you doing here alone? Cosmos's warriors will arrive shortly, yet you plan to wait here till your master's return?" Terra: "..." Kuja: "I would ask you to get out of my way...but I guess there's no use in asking you to do anything. You are not in possession of any emotions anyway; just a pawn serving her master's orders?" Terra: "..." Kuja: "Hmph, amusing. I wonder... If I place a spell on you, that would make me your master, no? I can picture his face now. The fool wishing for destruction destroyed by the likes of you." Terra: "..." Kuja: "So, do you plan to follow that harlequin's orders till death? I wouldn't be able to stand being some idiot's pawn--without will or emotion." Terra: "..." Kuja: "Hmph, I've changed my mind. Let's show your master my powers in another fashion. Whether you possess a will depends on you. Go forth to wherever your feet lead you. I shall break the bonds that tie you-- His spell that confines you internally." [3rd story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Singer of the End -2- To defeat the opposing deity and its warriors is the one duty a summoned warrior cannot avoid. --Singer of the End -2--- [The setting is Kefka's Tower] Kefka: "That no-good brat!!! My spell isn't working! It's definitely not as effective!!!" Terra: "I don't want to fight..." Kefka: "Shut it, sweetcakes! What good are you if you don't fight!? Gr... I've got to place a stronger spell on the dame. As for him... He and his black thong are going to regret this!" Emperor: "Having a rough day, Kefka?" Kefka: "Huh? Oh, Your Majesty, you've come at a great time. Wait there till I finish with her! I've got some important business with you!" Emperor: "Hm? She's regained herself... I can take her if she's proving too bothersome." Ultimecia: "Her will is suppressing your spell... Seems your prized spell has met its match." Kefka: "Would you stop with the criticism already!? Listen up! I've decided to help that spoony bard! Lend me a hand. I'll show both of you a splendid display of utter betrayal..." [The setting shifts to the World of Darkness. Kuja hops down near Zidane, Squall and Bartz] Zidane: "Kuja! You're just in time. I was just telling these guys--" Kuja: "Zidane. I can't stay and chat, so let me get straight to the point." Zidane: "What's going on?" Kuja: "I need to scout out things on my own for a while. Something nefarious is afoot. I believe our opponents are up to something." Zidane: "Are you gonna be okay by yourself?" Kuja: "Once I've discovered their plans, I will return." Bartz: "So, Zidane. This is the Cosmos warrior we've heard so much about but never seen?" Kuja: "You gentlemen really should be on the move. Think I'll take my own advice..." [Kuja begins to walk away] Squall: "Hold on. Not so fast." [Kuja stops] Squall: "How do we know for sure you're on our side?" Zidane: "Come on, Squall..." [The Emperor's chuckling is suddenly heard. Everyone turns to look in the direction he's teleporting in] Emperor: "My, my, what a formidable gathering. Hoping to ambush one of your enemies, perhaps?" Kuja: "Zidane, take your companions and go--" Emperor: "You're the one known as Kuja? Hero of harmony, and chosen of Cosmos." Kuja: "What are you...?" [Ultimecia teleports in] Ultimecia: "There is no escape. You will not leave this place alive." [Bartz gasps, noticing someone else and assuming a fighting stance. Kefka suddenly speaks and is revealed to be standing nearby] Kefka: "Prepaaare to meet your doooooom! But wait. I count one, two, three versus four. We seem to be outnumbered. Not fair, not fair! Call in the reinforcements!" [Two Kuja manikins appear while Kefka continues to talk] Kefka: "Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear a warm round of applause for the awe-inspiring manikins! Come on in then, don't be shy! Now then, my beauties! Don't forget tomorrow is payday, let's earn those coins. Beat those Cosmos cronies into a bloody pulp!" Zidane: "Kuja! Look out!" [The two manikins walk right past Kuja and stop in front of the warriors of Cosmos] Kefka: "What's this? How deliciously odd. These manikins were born to bash on Cosmos's cohorts." [Kefka floats up into the air and assumes a reclining position there, as though laying in a hammock] Kefka: "They would never think of harming we comrades in chaos, but should be chomping at the bit to take a bite out of any hero of harmony. Why, pray tell, did they choose to pass you by?" [Kefka lands on his feet once again] Kefka: "But, no. Could it be? Surely you're not..." [Squall materializes his gunblade] Squall: "A traitor. I knew it." [Kuja chuckles and puts his hand to his forehead in an exasperated manner before addressing Kefka] Kuja: "Quite the performance. Have you been rehearsing that all day?" [Kuja looks back at the warriors of Cosmos] Kuja: "Such a shame. It seems you'll perish here after all." Zidane: "Kuja...?" Kuja: "Ready your weapons if you don't want to die. Or perhaps you'd prefer to just tuck tail and scamper away into the shadows?" Zidane: "What're you talking about? You were lying to us this whole time?" Kuja: "Yes, I believe that's the term. The plan began with deceit, then entrapment, and now finally merciless slaughter." [chuckles] "It's going well, don't you think? I appreciate the thought, Kefka. But you can pack up your little puppets. I am more than a match for these three fools." [Kuja floats a few inches into the air, assuming a fighting stance. Kuja and Bartz fight] Bartz: "If you want a fight, get ready for a good one!" Kuja: "Yes, no need for half measures." [Kuja beats Bartz and then fights Squall] Squall: "Typical dirty Chaos trick." Kuja: "I'll take that as a compliment." [Kuja defeats Squall and then fights Zidane] Zidane: "You can't be serious about this!" Kuja: "You should probably run--before you no longer can." [Kuja then defeats Zidane. After the battle, he is standing a few feet from the Emperor, his head down and shoulders slumped. The warriors of Cosmos are nowhere in sight] Emperor: "That certainly was an interesting show. However, your antics go too far." [Ultimecia walks past Kuja] Ultimecia: "It was not beneficial for us to cooperate with your plan. You endangered your fellow warriors, and risked the destruction of our divine master-- such fatal flaws in your design. Seems like you underestimated that annoying harlequin." Emperor: "This time you escape with a warning. I would advise against making enemies within our ranks if you wish to survive. If you so much as think of dragging me into such a foolish scheme again, I will use all the power at my disposal-- to crush you like a bug." [The Emperor and Ultimecia teleport away. Kefka walks up to Kuja] Kefka: "Don't pay any mind to those blabbering old villains. I was most impressed with your mischievous machinations. The fact that you...let them get away... ...is most regrettable. I'm sure next time will prove the charm. We'll make a demigod of discord of you yet." Kuja: "Oh, don't patronize me." Kefka: "Oh relax would you, I'm not being patronizing. I'm merely suggesting you take a more active role in this conflict. If you don't want to fight, then that's up to you. Your original plan is still stunning. It can still work!" [Kefka has conjured a projection of Zidane, which he looks at as he says this next line. The projection also turns its head to look at him] Kefka: "Take a dash of nostalgic memories mixed with a dollop of half-dead Kuja, and I'm sure those emotional monkeys can be fooled into believing you again." [The projection vanishes] Kuja: [chuckles very half-heartedly, as though depressed] "Sounds like you have it all figured out for me." [Kuja begins to walk away, but stops after a few steps] Kuja: "Were you really so upset? You think I let them slip through my fingers? If that's the case, then you can simply force me to battle until you're satisfied. After all, I've lost any reason to stay out of this conflict thanks to you." [Kuja takes a few more steps, then stops again and looks back over his shoulder at Kefka] Kuja: "Oh yes, I meant to ask you, Kefka. Your little puppet-- Terra, wasn't it?--how is she doing?" [Kefka grunts] Kuja: "Oh never mind, it's unlikely your enchantments will have faded." [chuckles] "How silly of me to worry for you. Ridiculous." [Kuja then takes one more step forward and flies away] Kefka: "Hmph. You've perfected the bad loser act at least. But don't you dare think this is over. The real show? That will come after you lose to a Cosmos crony. And I will be there the whole time, watching while you fail." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Report 2 [9.2Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Town on the Hawk's Wing Inherited Memories -02- He was so small, it was hard to imagine he was born with such immense powers within. The state was supposed to take care of him, but we decided to adopt and raise him as our own. One look into those innocent eyes, anyone would have made the same choice. We were painfully aware that he was not ours, but that he belonged to the state. He would be taken away from us one day, and we knew why. My husband was having doubts about his latest assignment. His other inventions--levistones, airships--enriched people's lives. But not this one. This was a child, and a *tool for war*. But calamity was upon us. The state had to arm itself against neighboring states who had weapons such as Omega and summonable monsters. He had no choice but to continue his research in order to protect our peace. [Story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods To a New Path A girl, fearing her own powers as a tool for destruction, decides to fight of her own volition. -To a New Path- [The setting is the Interdimensional Rift] Terra: "Vaan said... 'You can make your own decisions. You already have. You don't want to fight.' Is that truly...my will? Those are... Manikins? Where are they-- They're headed straight for Cosmos's throne! Cosmos's warriors will fall if she does... vaan!" [Terra begins attacking a manikin] Terra: "I'll use my powers for everyone!" [The manikin doesn't fight back against her, instead suffering her attacks until it's destroyed] Terra: "Something about the manikins has changed. I sense a strong force... They can't fight warriors of Chaos. Maybe they're mad after losing one of their own. Well, I can't let you pass me to reach Cosmos's throne. I will fight...not to destroy, but to protect!" [Terra begins attacking another manikin. This one fights back, but she manages to destroy it as well. She then fights and defeats two more manikins. Afterward, the setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Terra is barely able to stand, limping forward while gasping in pain. She has come within a few dozen feet of Cosmos's throne. WoL is there with Cosmos and grunts as he readies his sword] Cosmos: "Hold!" [Cosmos and WoL look on as Terra gasps one more time in pain before collapsing. The screen fades to black. When it fades back in, WoL has apparently carried Terra's body over to Cosmos] WoL: "Could it be she was sparring with manikins?" Cosmos: "It may well be so. Perhaps she was wounded and wandered here unknowingly." WoL: "But...why?" Cosmos: "I sense a strong conviction in her. She no longer wishes to fight. She wants peace." [Cosmos outstretches her hand toward Terra] WoL: "Cosmos... You realize this girl is a warrior of Chaos?" [Cosmos puts her hand back down] Cosmos: "Yes. But even so, she is also a warrior who longs to bring an end to this long war. I do not wish that dream to be extinguished." [WoL sighs] Cosmos: "Rest child, until you are well." [Cosmos stretches her hand out once again and energy emanates from it briefly. Similar looking energy begins emanating from Terra's body] Cosmos: "When you awaken, you can choose a new path... of your own, free will." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Report 3 [9.3Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Town on the Hawk's Wing Inherited Memories -03- The child was beginning to learn words, which he tried so hard to string together in order to communicate with us. He called me Mama, and my husband Papa. He never doubted the love between us. The child made us smile! As we lived in fear under the threat of war, he gave us such great joy--however fleeting it was destined to be. Indeed, our happiness was short-lived. War had begun. The child was taken and isolated from us by the military, which decided to use him early to put a swift end to the war. He had grown by then, and more than adequate as a weapon. The problem was not with his powers. The problem was he didn't follow military orders. I was soon detained by emissaries of the state. The military decided to depend on his "mother," figuring he would have to follow my orders. The child complied...and sealed Omega and the other monsters. Dwellings in the neighbor state were reduced to smoldering rubble and ash... What I saw in the aftermath was hell itself. ...I had no alternative. If he were not to fulfill his duty as a weapon, he would be executed. I had to follow the military's orders in order to save the child. Even at the cost of ruining countless other lives, *I desperately wanted to save him*. [Story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods No More Savin' Your Skin Tidus sacrifices himself to protect Yuna. Jecht makes a decision on impulse. -No More Savin' Your Skin- [The setting is Dream's End during Chapter 4, right after Tidus sacrificed himself to save Yuna. Tidus is breathing in sharp, weak breaths as his body begins to discorporate into dark smoke. Jecht is kneeling over him] Jecht: "Hey! Come on! This is the real deal! Don't go dying on me here, boy!" Tidus: "Dad... Take care of...Yuna..." [Tidus gasps and closes his eyes as his head lulls to one side] Jecht: "None'a that now! ...Damn kid!" [Jecht yells as white energy accumulates in his right hand] Jecht: "Why don'tcha take this!?" [He puts his hand over Tidus's chest and the energy transfers from Jecht to Tidus. The dark smoke stops spooling off of Tidus's body. Jecht collapses beside of Tidus with a gasp. His chest is rising and falling fast] Jecht: "Tellin' me...to do stuff for ya...when you're gone... Like I'm gonna let you die...and take care of people for ya... Pfah. And no more savin' your skin... Pull some punk stunt again, don't look at me..." [gasps for breath] "Next time...it's on you." [The screen fades to black for a moment. When it fades back in, the setting is still Dream's End] Emperor: "Oh! It seems that events have taken a rather interesting turn." Yuna: "Sir Jecht!?" Emperor: "I've acquired quite the unexpected boon. It is time that we part ways, my lady." [The Emperor leaves] Yuna: "--!" [The setting shifts to Chaos's place] Garland: "And who do you bring forth? Is he not a warrior of Cosmos?" Emperor: "He 'was' a warrior of Cosmos. But that is of no import. I've matters to discuss with the god of discord." [The setting is still Chaos's place, with the Emperor approaching Chaos, who sits on his throne. Garland stands to Chaos's right, while Jecht's body lays toward the middle of the platform] Chaos: "A powerless pawn, drained of its former strength..." [laughs] "This is your offering?" Emperor: "It is. This pawn once sat on Harmony's board. But now...now, he is but an empty vessel. Chaos, my lord and master! Will you not grant unto this man a pittance of your own divine power?" Garland: "What?" Emperor: "You need but fill this vessel, and we gain for ourselves a mighty new ally to serve your will in this campaign." Garland: "Insolence! At what do you plot?" Emperor: "Is that jealousy or contempt I hear in your voice? I thought we both wished for one thing, Garland: victory for the god of discord." [The Emperor gives him a sidelong look] Emperor: "What else could I desire?" [Chaos chuckles] Chaos: "Very well. I shall give this pawn a taste of the power of discord. Let us see him returned to the board." [The Emperor smiles and chuckles] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Report 4 [9.4Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Town on the Hawk's Wing Inherited Memories -04- They wanted my cooperation a second time, but I resisted. My husband and I were branded as *traitors* and incarcerated deep underground. So many lives lost because of me... I was overcome with grief. And then I heard about another research project begun by the military. The research was on creating similitudes. The state was seeking to create a copy of me to control the child according to their will--and repeat the tragedy. The child's immense powers must have been worth their efforts. But I could not accept it. His was a synthetic life, but a life nonetheless! Why did he alone have to suffer so? *Why must he repeat destruction time and again?* Time was running out. I decided to take action before their research was complete. [1st story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Knowledge Hinting at possibilities to the warriors of harmony is to defy the warriors of discord. --Knowledge-- [The setting is the surface of FFIV's Lunarian moon] Golbez: "Look to your deeper memories, and you will see the proof of what I say." Kain: "What deeper memories?" Golbez: "Those who are summoned to this world arrive with almost no recollection of their past. But you--you remember Cecil and me. You have memories of our homeworld. That is proof that you--" Cecil: "Kaink, are you alright!?" Kain: "Cecil!" Golbez: "See for yourself. The truth is there if you seek it." [Golbez leaves] Kain: "Golbez..." [The scene is now the throneroom of Pandaemonium. Golbez takes a few steps into the area while the Emperor speaks to him from the throne] Emperor: "If all the warriors of one side should fall, it spells defeat for their deity and master." [The Emperor stands] Emperor: "And here I was thinking one of our enemies was acting oddly. Now, I see he plans to deliberately invite that defeat." [The Emperor takes a few steps closer to Golbez] Emperor: "Thus they preserve the power of their goddess, and carry it with them to the next battle. Golbez: "Their precious crystals-- the blessings of Cosmos." Emperor: Yes, and yet... I am bothered by a simple fact. The warriors of Cosmos have suffered loss after loss. Not one of them holds memories of previous struggles. They should know nothing of these matters. From whom did they learn this strategy for ushering in a new conflict? Cosmos herself? Or more worrisome... An ally of Chaos? For only the victors have been permitted to remember all that has passed before. Who could it be? Who among us would offer up that knowledge?" Golbez: [grunts] Emperor: "No matter. It will be satisfying to dash their budding hopes." Golbez: "What exactly are you planning?" Emperor: "Their annihilation. In one fell swoop." Golbez: "You mean to attack Cosmos directly?" Emperor: "It seems to me a much more efficient method than hunting each warrior down, one by one. We will take this fragile hope of theirs and crush it beneath their boots. Won't we, Golbez?" Golbez: [low rumble] Emperor: "Ah. That reminds me." [The Emperor looks to his right. Jecht's body can now be seen laying near them] Emperor: "The divine power they strive to protect? This brave soul managed to take a shard for himself." [chuckles] "He is a vessel touched by the energy of a goddess. I look forward to his next awakening." [2nd story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Victory Not Left to Chance Warriors of discord retaining memories are not 'comrades,' and probe one another's motives. --Victory Not Left to Chance-- [The setting is the World of Darkness. Golbez takes a few steps into the area when Ultimecia's voice rings out and he stops] Ultimecia: "Keeping yourself busy, I see." [She teleports in a few feet in front of Golbez] Golbez: "What do you want?" Ultimecia: "You seem awfully interested in Cosmos's little pawns. I thought perhaps you might be planning something devilish, and came to join in on the fun." Golbez: "You were mistaken. With the manikins on our side, our victory is no longer left to chance. There is no further need for strategy." Ultimecia: "Yes, I suppose you are right. The manikins are truly merciless. Even should they best an opponent, they do not allow him to slink from the battlefield to lick his wounds. Manikins fight until the last spark of life has been extinguished from their foe. The heroes of Cosmos will receive the gift of eternal death and no longer be subject to these pitiless resurrections. Would they be denied their final rest, and thrust into battle time and time again? No, this is a kindness." Golbez: "That's if the war cannot be stopped." Ultimecia: "Are you implying there might be an end to this struggle?" [She crosses her arms. With a flip of his cape, Golbez turns around and walks away] Golbez: "I imply nothing. There is no end in sight." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Report 5 [9.5Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Town on the Hawk's Wing Inherited Memories -05- We were incarcerated in a cave where many monsters roamed. I studied the monsters' behavior and *used* them to our advantage to break out with my husband. Running as fugitives, we managed to arrive at the laboratory where the child was supposed to be kept. What we found was a similitude of me in the making...and *the child who was no longer himself*. He was emaciated beyond recognition. And I saw wisps of hatred seething deep inside his empty eyes. We had no time to explain much. I only told him briefly about our situation, and urged him to join us in our escape. Just as my husband and I were about to escape with the child in tow--I was caught by soldiers and shot. In that instant, I think I heard the child's sad cry from far away. But at the same time, my heart was engulfed by a bad premonition--as the color of hatred in his eyes grew deeper... I was right. In front of the child was born a tiny rip in the time-space continuum that quickly grew to an immense shadow that swallowed everything... And that is where I lost consciousness. When I came to, the laboratory was in ruins. The child and my husband were nowhere to be seen. [1st story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Unexpected Fulfillment -1- Kefka whispers to Sephiroth: Use that warrior that came from the same homeworld as himself. --Unexpected Fulfillment -1--- [The setting is Pandaemonium] Kefka: "Oh my, if it isn't Mr. Hero! What a surprise running into you here!" Sephiroth: "Lying in wait?" Kefka: "Of course not! It's just chance. But, seeing as you are here, if I could have a word with you... There seem to be some pups who have forfeited the fight. I plan on getting them back on track, you see. Of course! YOU'RE HERE! One born soley to fight, and strong to boot! I have the perfect foe for you! Yes, you must whip that runt into shape!" Sephiroth: "Get to the point." Kefka: "Keep yer shirt on. I only meant to... tell you how to fight Cloud. If two warriors from the same world fight each other, their memories become much clearer. But Cloud is an ally of ours... It is forbidden to fell an ally... What are we to do? You make him a traitor is what! Traitors can be punished, so you would be able to defeat him yourself." Sephiroth: "...You have a way to make him a traitor?" Kefka: "A girl, a new warrior of Cosmos, has been summoned for this cycle. The reason Cloud says that he can't fight her-- is because she's someone he remembers! So, she's from the same world as you. If you go after her, you're bound to get the other one, too. A perfect chance to regain lost memories, no?" [The setting is now the bottom of the Northern Crater. Sephiroth is approaching Tifa] Sephiroth: "There you are." [He stops a few feet away from her] Tifa: "Do I...know you?" Sephiroth: "I am your enemy. That is all you need to know." Tifa: "A warrior of Chaos, you mean." Sephiroth: "Yes. Now, fight me. Provide me with some challenge before you die." [The two assume fighting stances and begin their battle] Tifa: "You don't even tell a girl your name before you stab her?" Sephiroth: "You don't remember me. How very tragic." [Sephiroth fights and defeats Tifa. The setting then shifts to the Prima Vista] Kefka: "Oh my... Look who it is! If it isn't Cloud... I thought you'd taken off with Sephiroth." Cloud: "With Sephiroth? What are you talking about?" Kefka: "I just passed him by a second ago. He said he was going out, so I assumed you'd be with him." Cloud: "Why do I have to wander around with him?" Kefka: "Well, he's going to see her, you know. That girl from your world?" Cloud: "What?" Kefka: "He said he will beat her into oblivion. He thinks it will return more of his memories... Why don't you hurry and get some of the scraps? You'll make it in time if you leave now." Cloud: "Gr..." [2nd story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Unexpected Fulfillment -2- Having just been summoned, Tifa can't even remember her nemesis. But he points his sword at her. --Unexpected Fulfillment -2--- [The setting is the bottom of the Northern Crater, immediately after Sephiroth and Tifa's fight. They're standing across from one another. He is pointing his Masamune at Tifa, the tip of its blade just inches from her face] Sephiroth: "Thanks to you, I seem to have regained much of what I'd forgotten. And yet, there must be more." [Tifa gasps] Sephiroth: "What would happen if I cut you down? Would your fall serve to unlock even deeper memories? It's worth a try, don't you think?" [Cloud suddenly comes running up behind Sephiroth] Cloud: "Sephiroth! Stop!" Sephiroth: [Hmph] "A little late to the party, aren't you, Cloud?" [Sephiroth moves the Masamune closer to Tifa's face. She grunts] Cloud: "No!" [Cloud readies his Buster Sword and assumes a fighting stance. Without turning to look at Cloud, Sephiroth responds] Sephiroth: "Raising a blade against me? Very well, you leave me little choice." [Sephiroth and Cloud fight. After the battle, Sephiroth is again standing with his back to Cloud] Sephiroth: "That's enough for now. There will be time later to take your life in trade for this betrayal." [Sephiroth takes a few steps away and then teleports out of the area. Cloud sighs. Tifa then walks up to him from behind while saying her next line] Tifa: "Hey... Thanks for helping me out back there." Cloud: "It's no big deal." [Cloud closes his eyes] Tifa: "No, really. I thought I was a goner. So, hey, my name's Tifa. You're one of Cosmos's warriors too, huh?" [Tifa walks up beside Cloud now. He opens his eyes, but still doesn't look directly at her, staring off into the distance instead] Cloud: "Actually, no. I'm on the other side." [He closes his eyes again] Tifa: "Wait, so you fought one of your allies? Why?" [Cloud opens his eyes again] Cloud: "I felt like it." Tifa: "You felt like it?" Cloud: "Yeah." Tifa: [chuckles] "Lemme get this straight. You rescue your enemies when the mood strikes you?" Cloud: "Something like that." Tifa: "Guess it would make sense for warriors of Chaos to be a little unpredictable. Still surprises me, though. Speaking of which, you haven't told me your name." [Though Cloud still hasn't made eye contact with Tifa, he turns his head even further away] Cloud: "I'm Cloud." [Tifa stares at him quietly for several seconds] Tifa: "Cloud..." [Both are silent for a few seconds more] Tifa: "Oh, sorry. So, Cloud. Are you--I mean--do we know each other? I can't remember much of anything from before...all this. But when I heard your name, I thought we might--" Cloud: "No. I've never met you before." Tifa: "No, huh? Sorry, but a girl's gotta ask. Anyway, thanks again for saving my skin." [Tifa takes a few steps foward] Tifa: "The way you showed up and fought that guy off. It was a pretty cool thing to watch. You were like a hero, charging in to save the girl." [Cloud gasps. Tifa doesn't seem to notice it] Tifa: "Chaos and Cosmos... Since you're one of Chaos's chosen warriors, I guess that means we'll have to fight each other eventually." Cloud: "I guess so." Tifa: "I don't know if I can bring myself to think of you as an enemy." Cloud: "Well you sure better try. Once you start second-guessing, you're done for." Tifa: [Huh] Cloud: "We're enemies, no matter how you look at it. We have to fight." [Cloud takes a few steps forward] Cloud: "But for now, you should head back and join your friends-- before I have another change of heart." Tifa: [Huh?] Cloud: "I'm not in a fighting mood today. Go--you should leave while you still have the chance." [Note: The onscreen text in the previous line was "Go--you should leave while you have the chance."] Tifa: "Before you...change your mind?" Cloud: "Yes." [Tifa takes a few more steps forward and stands beside him again, both looking off into the distance ahead] Tifa: "Cloud? Will I see you again?" Cloud: "You will. But the next time we meet, will be as enemies. I won't go easy on you." Tifa: "Thanks for the warning." [Tifa walks off alone] Cloud: "(Once your memories return, you'll lose the will to fight just like I have.) (So...) (Before that can happen, I have to act...)" [Cloud walks on ahead] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Report 6 [9.6Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Town on the Hawk's Wing Inherited Memories -06- We originate from a tribe that inherits memories through ceremony. The knowledge and skills in my husband were inherited as well. I had intended to use the teleportation device as part of our escape, but I decided to use it to return to my tribe. I felt the need to pass on my memories even if I were to die there and then. I arrived in the town on the Hawk's Wing, where my tribe still lived in the middle of a forest. They were trying to use one of my husband's levistones to elevate the whole town in order to escape *the shadow* that appeared so suddenly. I told them my plight, and they understood. They immediately began the ceremony of memory succession... [Story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods My Road With his comrades headed for the door to the Rift, Kain is alone to face the endless flow of darkness. -My Road- [The setting is Orphan's Cradle] Kain: "I'll hold them here while you destroy the portal! If you don't hurry, we'll fail at even that!" Yuna: "But...are you sure?" Kain: "I can hold my own. When I've finished with them, I'll follow behind." Lightning: "See ya on the other side. Come on, let's go!" [Lightning and the others leave] Exdeath: "What do you aim to accomplish now, alone? Your petty attempts at struggling are far too late." Kain: "I'm well aware of that." Exdeath: "Then prepare yourself. Golbez... Do not tell me you're here to aid this fool." Golbez: "Hmph..." [The screen fades to white. Kain fights and defeats a manikin of Bartz, followed by a manikin of Firion] Kain: "How long do you intend to watch with your arms folded?" Exdeath: "That would be either until the manikins are depleted--or you breathe your last. Let us see you flounder about." Kain: "I shall do more than that!" Golbez: "..." [The screen fades to white once again. Kain now battles and defeats a manikin of Zidane and then one of Lightning] Kain: "(The manikins are slowing down...) (This may be my chance!)" Exdeath: "...What happened? Only a warrior of Chaos has control over-- Golbez, you traitor!" Golbez: "Save your accusations. The dragoon approaches." Kain: "Face your end, Exdeath!" Exdeath: "--Grr!" [A battle commences between Exdeath and Kain] Exdeath: "I am afraid that time runs short for you." Kain: "Truly. Then let us make this quick." [Kain fights and defeats Exdeath. After their battle, Kain is having difficulty standing. He flinches in pain and grunts. Behind him, a dying Exdeath speaks to him. Kain turns to look at the fallen warrior of Chaos, who is slumped over and holding himself up with one hand] Exdeath: "Fight until you are bloodied and battered. The manikins will not be stopped." [Exdeath's begins discorporating into dark smoke] Exdeath: "If you go onward, know you shall not return alive. You shall die knowing how powerless you are." [Exdeath's body finishes discorporating and vanishes. He's dead. Kain weakly begins walking out of the area. Suddenly, Golbez teleports in behind him] Golbez: "Kain..." [Kain has stopped] Kain: "Heh. Surely you do not mean to stop me... not now, with the end so near." Golbez: [grunts] "I believe...I owe you my thanks. I had begun to abandon hope. I had thought the cycle endless, and Cecil, beyond saving." Kain: "Our work is not yet finished. If we fail, it was all for nothing." Golbez: "Should you go on, your undoing is assured. You are certain you do not wish to see the next battle?" Kain: "Not all roads have a future waiting at their end. But this is mine." Golbez: "Then far be it from me to stop you from walking it to the end." Kain: "There will be an end to this. A true end. I promise you that." [Kain walks on down his road] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Report 7 [9.7Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Town on the Hawk's Wing Inherited Memories -07- "So what you just told is all memory you have inherited?" Yes. Memory succession is a dying art. In order to preserve this memory for a longer time, I thought it best to leave it in writing. "Do you think there is any relation between your memory and the Four Fiends wreaking havoc on our world now?" That, I cannot say with any certainty. But there are curious similarities as to where things happened. Where the rip in time-space occurred, and where the Four Fiends now dwell... The scenery in both locations match with what remains in my memory. "Thank you for sharing your story. It shall be passed on as recorded." Lukahn, please let me ask you one question before we finish. The Warrior of Light--the one you predicted would *save the world from this calamity* with crystal in hand--is he really coming? "I am called an oracle, but I am actually a historian." "*History must always converge.* I feel faint signs of it coming from distant worlds. The Warrior of Light shall come indeed. And he shall liberate this world... no, the people of this world from the cycle of negativity." [1st story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Unexpected Fulfillment -3- The never-ending calamity will eventually cause her demise. Cloud gambles on a possibility. --Unexpected Fulfillment -3--- [The setting is Chaos's place] Chaos: "So you've reached the end of discord, lost in doubt, lamenting your existence... Disappearing quietly would have served you well. Why did you come?" Cloud: "I came to fight." Chaos: "Fleeing from fate? Or do you hope to take me down with you? What do you desire, aiming at me the sword meant to slay the goddess of harmony?" Cloud: "I want to trigger... the end of this cycle of you defeating Cosmos." Chaos: "Not pleading for life, yet not wishing to send discord into oblivion... you think that pointing your sword at me is a path to the end?" Cloud: "No one has defeated you... let alone challenged you in battle. If that's the case, this is another way to the end of the cycle." Chaos: "You aim to bring about change to the fate imposed on this world? Hehehe, interesting. Feeble warrior, led astray by the faint memories of your past, know how fleeting your power is, and mourn in the depths of sorrow!" [Their battle begins] Chaos: "Your volition cannot overcome discord." [Cloud fights Chaos and seemingly defeats him easily. After the battle, Chaos is sitting slumped on his throne, as though defeated. Suddenly, he begins chuckling] Chaos: "This is the extent of your strength?" Cloud: "How...?" Chaos: "Tremble in the presence of pure chaos!" [Chaos outstretches his hand toward Cloud and fires a beam of red and black energy. The camera briefly flashes to Cloud, his eyes open wide in shock, before going black for a moment. When it fades back in, Cloud is laying face down on the ground with his eyes closed. His sword lays inches from his hand] Chaos: "Well? Lowly pawn, has your vaunted blade altered fate's course?" [Cloud opens his eyes but moves nothing else. He grunts weakly several times] Chaos: "Your own obliteration--that is the greatest change you can ever hope to accomplish in this world. Now surrender to the inexorable grasp of deepest, darkest pandemonium, and lose yourself to oblivion!" [Dark smoke begins to sprial off of Cloud] Cloud: "(Is this it? Is this the end?) (Cosmos, goddess of harmony.) (If you can hear me, listen to my plea.) (I beg you. Save her. Save my friend.)" [The screen fades to black] Cloud: "(Tifa...)" [The setting is now Order's Sanctuary. Cosmos is sitting on her throne but suddenly stands up] Cosmos: "The voice of...a warrior?" [She is silent for a few seconds] Cosmos: "An end to this conflict, and a life spared? This is your heart's desire? If your will remains unchanged, I shall bring you here when the battle draws to a close. Cloud. My chosen." [Green energy begins pooling off of Cosmos into the air] [2nd story segment] 013: Light to All Divine Memory Lost Through the tale of defeat, the deity and warrior that defied fate begin to weave the end of history. -Divine Memory Lost- [The setting is Order's Sanctuary. Cosmos appears on her throne, looking weak] Cosmos: "Has my power waned so greatly? No, I can still sense it somehow. What could this mean?" [She looks up as she suddenly hears Golbez speak to her. He walks up to her as he speaks] Golbez: "Goddess of harmony. I see you have awoken." Cosmos: "And you are?" Golbez: "I am an ally of Chaos. However, I have come bearing you a message, and nothing more." Cosmos: "A message? Very well, let us hear your words." Golbez: "You do not doubt my intentions?" Cosmos: "My warriors have yet to rise from their slumber. The first blow in this new war has not yet been struck. You have been deliberate in the timing of your arrival. I assume that before my chosen awake, and the battle begins, there is something you feel that I should know." Golbez: "In the previous battle, you fell before your minions were defeated. By the rules of this conflict, the heroes of harmony should have been destroyed along with you. However, they remained upon this world, and received purification." Cosmos: "They did?" Golbez: "With the divine energy that maintains this realm. You unleashed your power-- set it free for the sake of your chosen." Cosmos: "Ah... This explains much-- why I feel so weakened." Golbez: "You are weakened, and the reason why is that your minions yet bear the power you surrendered." Cosmos: "Yes. I sense it. I feel my energy burning brightly within them, as well as its purpose." Golbez: "However, have you considered the consequences should you again decide to share your divinve strength in this diminished state..." Cosmos: "I choose my path, knowing what may come. Knowing what the future may hold, and what's at stake." Golbez: "If you have indeed embarked upon this course, then I shall depart--there is nothing left for me to say. The depth of your resolve is... admirable." [Cosmos shakes her head] Cosmos: "My resolve... If only I had discovered it so much sooner." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Report 8 [9.8Re] [Text-only segment] World: A-B Place: Onrac Region Camp -Report 03 World *beyond the "door to the Rift"* in ruins and had no signs of life. "Crystal ore" obtained in the alien world now undergoing experiments at the lab. Details of experiments undisclosed, but state apparently shows keen interest. -Report 019 Dragon discovered in alien world. Armed forces deployed, contact attempted. Half of our troops are now dead. *It is thought to have intelligence.* But communication remains difficult. -Report 025 Waste materials from lab increases. A brief view inside a tightly sealed box yields a hideous figure. Motions awkward--unclear if human or not. Disposed of through the "door to the Rift" as per procedure. -Report 034 "Door to the Rift" is lost. Strong magic? Details unknown. Research comes to an abrupt end. State may physically blockade Onrac region to mask evidence of any research. Our own lives are in jeopardy. -Report 038 State may review our worth if we can bring back door to the Rift and restart the experiments, but clues unavailable. To open it again requires *tremendous force.* Perhaps enough to destroy our world. [1st story segment] ???: A Shard of the Cycle The Maiden Bringer of Light -1- A tale in a time before some warriors of the gods were freed from the cycle. --The Maiden Bringer of Light -1--- [The setting is Order's Sanctuary. Shantotto and Cosmos are standing in front of Cosmos's throne] Shantotto: "Well, well, what do we have here?" [Gabranth comes into view, stopping just a few feet away from them, wielding his swords in their combined form] Shantotto: "Has one of our dastardly opponents finally deigned to appear? Such reckless behavior to charge in here alone-- I admire your heart, but your head must be of solid bone. Since, a fight you cannot win, is a fight you should avoid. I would've feigned ignorance had you stayed trembling in the shadows, but you're just begging to be destroyed." Gabranth: "Stay out of my way. Putting an end to pointless conflict is the only reason I'm here." [Gabranth holds his weapons out in front of him] Gabranth: "There is no future for the bystander." [Cosmos shuts her eyes and holds her head] Shantotto: "Of course! The future is for one to take by brute force!" Gabranth: "So you are the last line of defense?" Shantotto: "The last and best!" Gabranth: "You put on a brave face. But it is time to quit the field, little one." [Shantotto laughs uproariously] Shantotto: "Ohohoho! You underestimate a lady-- care to put me to the test?" Gabranth: "You mean to stand and fight?" Shantotto: "I do. And I might put the same question to you." Gabranth: "Ah, now I see. You are a wielder of magicks. Very well. You shall have no mercy from me." [Gabranth quickly splits his swords apart and assumes a fighting stance in one swift motion] Gabranth: "Prepare yourself. Your journey to the afterlife will be swift." Shantotto: "Yes, yes. Do your worst, and all that. Strong words will count for naught once I've crushed you flatter than flat." [Shantotto draws her scepter] Shantotto: "Hmm, so striking and tall-- I think I'll incinerate you, pretty armor and all!" [Their battle begins] Gabranth: "I will spare no strength to bring your downfall, mage." Shantotto: "En garde! I abhor no-holds-barred!" [Shantotto fights and defeats Gabranth -- seemingly, she incinerated him, just as she said she would, as there's not a sign of him after the battle. Shantotto is still standing in front of Cosmos's throne, while Cosmos herself is now sitting down] Shantotto: "I must say, this is quite a disgrace. The nerve of those Chaos losers, just strolling on in like they owned the place." [Shantotto shakes her head] Shantotto: "And where is that troublesome waif? There's no need to patrol to the ends of the earth to the keep the perimeter safe." [Prishe suddenly runs up to them] Prishe: "He-y! I'm back!" [Prishe comes to a stop] Prishe: "You miss me, Doc? Er, I mean, Doctor Shantotto?" [Prishe bends down toward Shantotto and puts her hands on her thighs] Prishe: "Thanks for holdin' down the fort." Shantotto: "Hmph, a little politeness can go a long way. But honestly, Prishe, where exactly did your patrol take you today?" [Prishe stands back up straight and puts her hand to her chin] Prishe: "Well, naturally I was...er... makin' the rounds, around and about..." Shantotto: "The rounds? How simple that sounds." [laughs] "While you were out 'around and about,' I enjoyed a visit from some armored lout. I don't know how, in an area so small, you failed to notice that walking steel wall. Let me ask you once more. Did it just strike your fancy to wander off and explore!?" [Prishe flinches] Shantotto: "I don't make threats. If there's no results by the time I'm done researching the ultimate spell, it's too late for regrets. Are you listening, Prishe? I'll be more than happy to fry you along with the rest of the Chaos fish." [Prishe begins walking off] Shantotto: "I'm not done with you!" [Prishe stops] Prishe: "Wow, keep your tunic on, will ya! Next time I'll bring you back somethin' nice. You like souvenirs, right?" [Prishe then runs off into the distance] Shantotto: "Mark my words, you insolent pup! Shirk your duty again and your number is up!" [2nd story segment] ???: A Shard of the Cycle The Roving Swordsman The man in the red hood that confronted Vaan and friends is too smart to be a monster. --The Roving Swordsman-- [The setting is a hallway in Pandaemonium. Gilgamesh is walking out of an Interdimensional Rift portal. After taking a few steps, he comes to a stop] Gilgamesh: "I know that presence. It must be him!" [Around the corner, Zidane, Vaan and Squall are walking toward Gilgamesh's position and come into his view as he says his next line] Gilgamesh: "Long have I waited for this, Bart...z..." Vaan: "Who are you?" Gilgamesh: "That's my line!" Squall: "Never seen this guy before." Zidane: "Let's see, he's only got...two arms. Nope, me either." Gilgamesh: "Whaddaya mean 'only'? Like, if I had extra limbs you'd suddenly recognize me as somebody else?" [Everyone's quiet for several seconds] Gilgamesh: "Never mind. It appears I have misjudged my exit point. Good day." [Gilgamesh walks off around another corner] Vaan: "What's up with that guy?" [Suddenly, Bartz's voice calls out to the assembled warriors of Cosmos] Bartz: "Hey! Sorry for the wait!" [Bartz runs up to them from another hallway] Bartz: [Um] "Did I miss something?" Zidane: "Hey, Bartz. There was a big, scary guy here. Red hood. You know him?" Bartz: [Hmm] "Doesn't ring a bell!" Zidane: [Huh] "Then I guess that means no one knew him." Vaan: "C'mon, let's get a move on. That guy is long gone." [Vaan walks off into another hallway. The others begin to follow him. Squall comes to a stop for a moment, though] Squall: "(I'm pretty sure he said 'Bartz.' Or something like that.) (Maybe I'm hearing things.)" [Squall resumes following his companions] [3rd story segment] ???: A Shard of the Cycle [The setting is the Interdimensional Rift. Bartz is laying on the ground, unconscious. He wakes up, stands, scratches the back of his head, and looks around him] Bartz: "Where am I?" [He takes a few steps forward when Gilgamesh voice's calls out to him. Bartz comes to a stop and looks skyward behind him] Gilgamesh: "Well, well, Bartz. We meet again." [Gilgamesh comes down from above and lands a few feet from Bartz] Bartz: "Who're you?" [Gilgamesh has assumed a comical fighting stance] Bartz: "Okay... Weird." [Bartz turns around and begins walking away. Gilgamesh stares after him for several seconds in silence] Gilgamesh: "Something wrong? Can't believe your own eyes, is that it? Don't tell me you've forgotten my name, you sniveling worm." [Bartz stops and turns back around. Gilgamesh puts his hands on his hips] Gilgamesh: "I should not be surprised to find you speechless. The last time we met, I was banished to the Rift as you looked on slack-jawed. But as you can see, it could not hold me... Oh no. I have returned! My exile is at an end!" Bartz: "Er...well, good for you!" Gilgamesh: "No, this has not been an easy journey. I have crossed blades with strange opponents more times than I can count. I almost surrendered myself to a life in the Rift, but there was one who awaited my return to the living. That fragile thought sustained me as I drifted in darkness!" [The screen fades to black for a moment, and then fades back in] Gilgamesh: "Many were the trials I faced, and the battles I fought. And now at the last I stand here before you! I have dreamed of this moment! There is no turning away from this, our fated duel." [Bartz puts his hand to his chin] Bartz: "I'm not sure I followed all that rambling, but I guess that means he... wants to fight me? Alright! Sounds like fun. Challenge accepted!" Gilgamesh: "I expected no less from my chosen rival. Steel yourself. For I am not the Gilgamesh you remember!" [Bartz and Gilgamesh assume fighting stances] Bartz: "It's one-on-one." Gilgamesh: "Let us finish this!" [Their battle begins] Gilgamesh: "How long I have waited, for this chance!" Bartz: "Not sure what your deal is, but bring it on!" [Bartz battles and defeats Gilgamesh. Afterward, the two stand across from one another] Gilgamesh: "I see you, too, have been honing your skills. It matters not. Now you shall witness my true strength!" Bartz: "Whoa, hey! I'm witnessing something! Look at yourself!" Gilgamesh: "Hm? You think to distract me with a simple trick? My dear Bartz, you have much to--" [It's now apparent that Gilgamesh's body is translucent] Bartz: "I'm dead serious! Take a look. You're starting to fade out, or something." [Gilgamesh looks at his hands. There are now little blue sparkles and crackles of electricity appearing around him as well] Gilgamesh: "F-Fade out!? Huh? What? No! Some sinister effect of the Rift?" [The camera pans back and a Rift portal can now be seen under his feet. He begins sinking into it and struggles to stay out as he sinks ever deeper] Gilgamesh: "No...not again! I'm not going back there! Stop! Wait! I beg you!" [Gilgamesh screams as he falls completely into the portal. Bartz runs toward it] Bartz: "Hey! Whoa!" [Bartz stops before getting too close, and Gilgamesh's voice can be heard coming through the portal one last time] Gilgamesh: "Bartz! I'll be back! I promise you, I shall return! Baaartz!" [The Rift portal closes] Bartz: "Huh...he's gone. Something about him...seems familiar. If he's gone back to that Rift place, then I guess we'll meet again at some point. Probably." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Report 9 [9.9Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Cardian Islands Laboratory From a Researcher's Notes -01- -Notes 005 Analysis continues of "crystal ore" brought back by exploration team. Cultured samples show incredible growth speed. Most certainly a life form, but no signs of its own will confirmed. Potential for military use acknowledged. Research continues. -Notes 008 Mass-production of simulated life based on crystal ore successful. We name them manikins. But *still no sign of will*. Employing help of a capable Lufenian scientist to attempt transplanting memory facsimiles. -Notes 016 Memories taken from 10+ subjects used to generate lovely little monster. Method inefficient for military use, but important step in research. Thermal disposal of memory subjects in interest of confidentiality retention. -Notes 020 Monster shows extraordinary potential in physical and magic abilities. Growing military interest as practical weapon application. Currently under observation at scientist's residence. Hope for no confusion with human *child*. [1st story segment] 013: Light to All The Girl Awakens Her strong resolve recognized by Cosmos, Terra awakens as a warrior of harmony and meets-- --The Girl Awakens-- [The setting is the surface of FFIV's Lunarian moon] Terra: "It...hurts..." OK: "Watch out!" Terra: "Aaah!" [OK fights and defeats a couple of manikins] OK: "You alright? There's a horde of manikins here. It's dangerous wandering around alone." Terra: "You saved me...but, why?" OK: "You don't like to fight, right? How are you now? Are you okay?" Terra: "I'm fine now. Thank you." OK: "Are you going off...alone?" Terra: "Yes." OK: "That's fine...but-- can you protect yourself?" Terra: "I can fight if I have to. I think..." OK: "You really don't want to fight, do you?" Terra: "It's not that... It's just... Never mind. Thank you for thinking about me." OK: "Say, why don't we travel together?" Terra: "Together?" OK: "I think you're still afraid to fight. If that's the case, you shouldn't push yourself. I'll protect you until you're ready. It'll give you time to get the hang of things." Terra: "But if we go together, I'll just be a burden." OK: "Don't sweat it! I'm pretty experienced, you know. You just lay low somewhere safe and wait for me once a battle starts." Terra: "Lay low... Wait..." OK: "What's the matter?" Terra: "Ah...it's nothing." OK: "Then let's go." [2nd story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods The Grown-Up In the midst of their battles, Vaan can't help but wonder about his young comrade. --The Grown-Up-- [The setting is the bottom of the Crystal Tower] Vaan: "So, you're a kid, huh?" OK: "What? What do you mean by that?" Vaan: "You say a lot of grown-up things, but you're really just a kid, right?" OK: "Um...what do you mean by THAT?" Vaan: "Well, it's just... I'm not all for having kids involved in fighting. I was wondering why Cosmos would summon a kid like you to a place like this." OK: "You're saying that I'm not fit to be a warrior?" Vaan: "Huh? No, that's not it. But you're just a kid... Isn't it tough fighting alongside a bunch of grown-ups?" OK: "Not really... I'm fine with it. Besides, you're just a kid yourself." Vaan: "I'm an adult. Unlike you, I don't get treated like a kid anymore." OK: "Vaan, the others don't treat me like a kid." Vaan: "Hm... You should be treated like one. It's unfair to have you fight like the rest of us." OK: "I don't think it's unfair. I'm fighting--" Vaan: "That's it! I've got a great idea! It'd take a load off you if you had someone to lean on, right? Then I'll be your big bro." OK: "...Huh?" Vaan: "Alright, you'll be my little brother from now on. Just be a kid! If ya need something, just let me know." OK: "..." [The setting is now Ultimecia's clock tower] Vaan: "Hey! How's it going? Anything you want to talk about?" OK: "Vaan... I want to train a little. Could you leave me alone?" Vaan: "Didn't you just come back from a fight? Kids don't have to push it, ya know. Wrap it up for the day and get some rest. You'll have a hard time getting up tomorrow." OK: "You're the one that's always sleeping in. I haven't slept in later than you once." Vaan: "Hm? I...guess you're right about that. You're awfully mature in that regard." OK: "You don't need to worry about me, so would you just leave me alone?" Vaan: "You sure? Alright, well, yell if you need anything." OK: "Okay... ... You'd better not come until then..." [The setting is now the top of the Chaos Shrine] OK: "Thank you for sparring with me today." WoL: "No, it was good practice for myself as well. You have my thanks." Vaan: "Heeey! What're you guys up to?" OK: "Ah!" Vaan: "I was worried since I couldn't spot ya. You guys sparring?" WoL: "Yes. We were just wrapping up a training session." OK: "Well, I'll be off now..." Vaan: "Whatsa matter? Pull a muscle or something? Hm? You--" WoL: "What is it?" Vaan: "You didn't hold back? You should know better than to go all out against a kid!" WoL: "...A 'kid'? But he is a respectable--" Vaan: "He's a kid. No matter how you look at it. You think he looks like an adult?" WoL: "If you put it that way... One can't help but say he is indeed a child." Vaan: "Huh? What's wrong? Where ya going, Onion? Heeey!" [The setting is now the Phantom Train. Vaan and OK are sitting across from one another] Vaan: "Hey, something wrong? You seem kinda down again today." [OK says nothing] Vaan: "Actually you've been kinda down for a while now. If you've got a problem, just spit it out." [OK is still quietly evasive] Vaan: "Wait. Don't tell me. You're still stewing over the other day. Training gettin' a little rough for ya?" [OK now looks him in the eye] Vaan: "You gotta let that stuff go." [OK shakes his head and grunts, then closes his eyes. After a few seconds, Vaan walks over to OK] Vaan: "Way I see it, sometimes you gotta lose." OK: "Huh?" Vaan: "You hafta take some falls before you can grow up. Once you're older, then you can show that guy who's boss. And when that time comes, you'll have no trouble taking anything he can throw at you." OK: "Vaan..." Vaan: "Just keep that in mind, is all I'm sayin'. So, you feeling better now?" [Squall and Laguna walk up to them from offscreen] OK: "You really don't get it." Laguna: "Look at you two, always thick as thieves. It's almost like you guys are brothers or something." Vaan: "You've got it all wrong, Laguna. We're not almost like brothers; we're exactly like brothers. Right?" [Vaan and Laguna walk off. OK sighs and stands up] Squall: "Sucks to be us, huh?" OK: "You know, I think I'm getting used to it. When you're stuck with a brother like that, what else can you do?" [OK runs off after the others] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Report 10 [9.10Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Cardian Islands Laboratory From a Researcher's Notes -02- -Notes 024 Never pleasant looking inside incubator. When I approach, multiple bodies take on my face and come at me. They seem to change form in response to any nearby life-form. Proposition for military use in current state rejected as impractical. -Notes 026 Complete memory removal and transplant to simulated life successful for first time. Named Cosmos to signify order. Subject is Lufenian female. Study undisclosed to subject. Scientist claims key to be an *unclouded mind*, but how this can be determined is unknown. -Notes 027 Military request for dissection of subject rejected by scientist, who seems to have become intimately familiar with subject. Perhaps military unable to strong-arm the scientist since he has earned recognition for creating monster. Military decided to cut off research funds instead. [Story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods How Touching The young are pure and innocent in Jecht's eyes, but there is one member about whom he is worried. --How Touching-- [The setting is the Prima Vista. Kain stands alone at the edge of the ship, staring out into the distance. His helmet is off and tucked under his right arm. Suddenly, Jecht speaks to him as he walks up beside him] Jecht: "Hey there, Sir Stands-alone." Kain: "Was there something?" Jecht: "Nah, nothing in particular. Just saw you over here all by your lonesome, thought you might need some company." Kain: "How touching." Jecht: [chuckles] "I wouldn't go that far. But since I'm here anyway... We need to chat about a thing or two." Kain: "More of your memories have returned?" Jecht: "Ah no, nothin' like that. It has to do with right now. With allies. With trust. With you. Now don't go gettin' all grim on me. It ain't that serious." [Hmm] "To put it bluntly, choosin' to spend all this time by yourself ain't makin' you popular." Kain: "I wasn't trying--" Jecht: "It's not so much what you're tryin' or not tryin' to do. It's more how it looks to all the others. Especially the younger ones-- they take your actions the wrong way. If you let 'em simmer for too long, there'll be trouble." Kain: "There's been talk?" Jecht: "The things I've heard, man, you have no idea." Kain: "Is this...some kind of jest?" Jecht: "Too obvious, huh? Okay, so that last bit was a joke." [chuckles] "Nothing's really happened yet, but still... that doesn't change the fact that everyone's worried." Kain: "Worried? For me?" Jecht: "I don't have all the answers. Though it'd help if you tried to fit in a little more." [Jecht takes a few steps while saying his next line, then comes to a stop] Jecht: "Maybe add to the banter; join in the laughter. That's all it'd take to put their little minds to rest. Well, I said all I came here to say. Guess I'll be off." [Jecht begins walking away] Kain: [Hmph] "Jecht?" [Jecht stops and looks at him] Jecht: "Yeah?" Kain: "Your concern...I appreciate it." [Jecht begins walking away again] Jecht: [Heh] "Anytime." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) Report 11 [9.11Re] [Text-only portion] World: A Place: Cardian Islands Laboratory From a Researcher's Notes -03- -Notes 027 Since funds cut off, research is at standstill. We have nothing to do. War seems to be getting worse. The monster has grown and was supposed to have annihilated the other country. But still no sign of peace. -Notes 032 Successful memory transplant test case Cosmos *confiscated* by military--to make her control the monster, they say. Have not seen her or the scientist since *parting ways* with them that day. Wish I had a wife as pretty as her. -Notes 035 Incident in Melmond--scientist, monster, and Cosmos now missing. Rumors of military executions as part of search efforts and confidentiality retention. Door to the Rift in Onrac has vanished. No connection established between the incidents. -Notes 037 Military on orders to expunge all persons with any knowledge on experiments. Lab is on fire as I write this. But there's no way I'm *letting go* of these documents. This will be my last stand. Sucks to know you're gonna be killed. [1st story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Enjoy the Now -1- Laguna picks up a flower, starting the "dream" for Firion and many more warriors to follow. --Enjoy the Now -1--- [The setting is the garden at the bottom of the Crystal Tower. The camera is settled on the wild rose of great significance in cycle 013. Laguna's voice can suddenly be heard as he walks into view and up to the flower. Firion is a few steps behind him] Laguna: "Oh, hey. Flowers are still blooming, even in a place like this." [Squall can now be seen standing with them] Squall: "In a 'place like this'? It was probably put there. Could be some kind of a trap." [Laguna responds while bending down to pick up the rose] Laguna: "Then it's a pretty clever one. Look, it's perfectly safe." [Firion walks up to Laguna] Firion: "A flower, hm? Certainly a rare sight. This bloom-what is it called?" Laguna: "The name of the flower you mean? Um, I'm no expert, but I think that's a wild rose." Squall: "(It's just a stupid rose.) (Where'd he get 'wild rose' from? He's making stuff up now...)" Firion: "Wild rose?" Laguna: "Yeah, so I thought. Why? What is it?" Firion: "Nothing. It's just...I just feel like I've heard those words somewhere before. It's so frustrating. As if the memory is just out of reach..." [Note: The onscreen text for the previous two lines is "So frustrating. As if the memory is just out of reach..."] Laguna: "Hmm. I tell you what, why don't you hold onto it, Firion." Firion: "Uh...may I?" Laguna: "Sure, maybe it'll pull some memories outta hiding." [Laguna holds it out to him] Laguna: "Here, don't drop it now!" [Firion accepts it] Firion: "Thank you, Laguna." Laguna: "Yeah, don't expect dinner and a date. Okay, let's rest up here and... where is everyone anyway?" [He looks around, confused] Firion: "A good question. They can't be far. I'll see what's keeping them." [Firion runs off] Laguna: "Thanks. Don't forget to come back!" Squall: "(Wild rose... He's got Firion totally believing it.) [2nd story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods Enjoy the Now -2- Laguna cheerfully lectures an unfriendly youth, unaware of their relationship in another realm. --Enjoy the Now -2--- [The setting is again the garden at the bottom of the Crystal Tower. This scene picks up right where the previous left off] Laguna: "Yeah, he's pretty interesting." Squall: "Interesting?" [Squall looks at Laguna, bewildered. Laguna takes a few steps past him, ruminating out loud] Laguna: "All of them are. Don't you think so? These guys carry weapons right out of a fairy tale, not to mention the magic they can use. They've got armor like I've never seen, and one of 'em even has a tail!" [chuckles] "Oh yeah, the tail guy? He sure wasn't happy when I yanked on it. That thing is real." [Squall looks surprised] Squall: "(You...yanked on it?)" Laguna: "Think about it, we'd never've met these people if all this hadn't happened. Gotta take the chance to get to know 'em. Yep, expand our horizontals." Squall: "(Horizontals?) (I think he means horizons?)" Laguna: "Well, you're kind of a mystery yourself. Especially since you barely string more than three words together." [Note: The onscreen text for the previous line is "Especially since you barely string more'n three words together."] Laguna: "How do you expect to make any friends?" [Note: The onscreen text for the previous line is "How d'you expect to make any friends?"] Squall: "This is a battlefield. Why do I need to 'make friends'? Why get to know each other when we're all headed back to our own worlds anyway?" Laguna: "Oh please, you can't be serious? For a grown man, that's kind of naive." [Laguna closes his eyes and puts his hand on his chest while saying his next line a melodramatic voice in imitation of Squall] Laguna: "If it's not forever, there's no point getting close to anyone." Squall: "(That's not what I meant.)" Laguna: "Listen. Even if we lived in the same world, there'd come a time when life would pull us apart. It's not a reason to avoid people." [Note: The onscreen text for this previous line is "Even if we lived in the same world, there'd come a team when life'd pull us apart. S'not a reason to avoid people."] Laguna: "Even if it's someone you love more than life itself, that time will come. There's no guarantee you'll even get to say good bye." [Note: The onscreen text for these previous lines is "Even if it's someone you love more than life itself, that time'll come. There's no guarantee you'll even get to say good bye."] Laguna: "But before that happens, you get to be together, right? You can't just waste all that potential for a rewarding relationship. Squall! Do you see what I'm saying? You gotta forget about the stuff you can't change and enjoy the now!" [He walks off as he keeps talking] Laguna: "I guess what I mean is, let's try to get along!" [chuckles happily] [Squall stares after him for a few seconds] Squall: "(This guy's got serious problems.)" [3rd story segment] 012: Treachery of the Gods The Key for Us Both Lightning finds a single rose, out of place in a battlefield. She could not let it go until... --The Key for Us Both-- [The setting is Crystal World. Firion is staring off into the distance] Firion: "I suppose... I suppose I should just let it go." [Cecil walks up to him, and, noticing his anxiety, asks him about it] Cecil: "Firion? Something wrong?" Firion: "Ah, Cecil. No, I... It's nothing." Cecil: "Your expression tells a different tale. You were staring at Light. Is it about her?" Firion: "No, not exactly. I..." Cecil: [chuckles] "Too shy to start a conversation?" Firion: "This has nothing to do with being shy!" Cecil: "Light!" Firion: "No, don't call her over!" [Lightning is now visible, standing some ten meters away] Cecil: "Seems young Firion here wants a word with you. Would you be so kind?" [Lightning walks over to Firion] Lightning: "With me? What is it, Firion?" Firion: "I...that is to say..." Lightning: "Yes?" [Firion looks at Cecil] Firion: "I would prefer to discuss this with Lightning alone." [Looking embarassed, he looks back at Lightning] Firion: "Ah! Oh dear. It's not what you think..." Cecil: "Oh! Of course, of course. I shall take my leave." Firion: "You're taking this the wrong way. Forget it. There's nothing to talk about!" [Firion runs off] Cecil: [Uh] "Firion?" [The screen fades out to white. When it fades back in, the setting has shifted to the Phantom Train] Firion: "Light?" Lightning: "What's wrong?" Kain: "Lightning." Lightning: "What is it, Kain?" Kain: "Stay alert, it seems Chaos's forces are nearby." Lightning: "I see. Running into them in a place like this... Firion, what did you want to discuss?" Firion: "Uh, um...we're in a bind, crossing paths with foes here..." Lightning: "Yeah." Firion: "I'll patrol the perimeter." Lightning: "Alright, but be on alert. Call for the rest of us if anything comes up." Firion: "Okay, I'm off." [The screen fades to black. When it fades back in, the setting has shifted to the World of Darkness] Firion: "Light?" Lightning: "What is it, Firion?" Firion: "I want to talk to you..." Squall: "Light, you got a sec? About the gateways nearby--" Lightning: "Can we do this later? Firion wanted to have a--" Firion: "No, it's quite alright. It's nothing really. We can talk later." [The screen fades out to white. When it fades back in, the setting has shifted to the Prima Vista. Lightning is sitting on the edge of a rampart. Firion approaches her] Firion: "Light. May I speak with you?" Lightning: "You know, I'm starting to wonder if you ever will. Spit it out already." Firion: "You see, it's... a thing of mine you picked up." Lightning: "Something of yours?" [She reaches behind her back and pulls out the wild rose] Lightning: "You mean this?" Firion: "Uh, yes! I'm so glad you haven't thrown it away!" Lightning: "So it was yours, huh? Why didn't you just tell me?" Firion: "You're right, of course. I wasn't sure how to ask. I mean, a grown man asking for his flower back... feels a little silly." Lightning: [chuckles] "Never would have guessed it belonged to you. Here, take it then." [She hands it to him and he takes it back] Firion: "Thank you. Thank goodness!" [Lightning stands up] Lightning: "That flower. It's important to you, huh?" Firion: "Yes." [nervous sound] "Well, I couldn't say for certain. Roses are not exactly my field of expertise. However, when I heard the name of the flower spoken, I felt a connection. Like hearing the name of a long lost friend. I've been unable to forget about it since... Hah! Listen to me. The great warrior and his precious rose." Lightning: "You should hang on to it. It might be the key you need. Who cares what other people think." Firion: "Light..." Lightning: "Just promise me one thing; once you have all your memories back, can you give it back to me?" Firion: "Huh?" Lightning: "That flower... I think it means something to me too. I keep seeing an image of its petals dancing in the air. That's why I couldn't throw it away. Just like you, I feel the connection but don't have the memories to explain it." Firion: "It is the key...for us both." [Lightning takes a few steps] Lightning: "So like I said, you hold onto it. Keep it safe for me will you, Firion?" [She walks off] Firion: "I will. I promise you." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Report 12 [9.12Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Hill with View of the Water Temple One Man's Monologue I heard a voice speak to me as I laid dying--and that voice was my own. My words were the only clues I had of the realm in which I found myself--in which I assumed time has been frozen for 2000 years. The life of endless solitude felt like a nightmare from which there is no waking. In the present, I no longer have an interest in carrying my future self back to the past. But 2000 years is excruciatingly long. As I imagined the hatred building inside me that would eventually and inevitably lead me to make a irreparable mistake, all I could do was cower in fear. As I wandered, I happened upon a man who had lost sight of what to protect--and learned that this realm was not 2000 years in the past. With the man was a woman without warmth, and a giant beast curled into a ball. The beast spoke; he was struggling to deny his own destructive nature. I could not help but reach out to him. I often think of the start of the cycle. I as Chaos summon me from the future; once summoned, I become Chaos. This cursed cycle could not have started unless one other than myself carried me to the past. I wonder if the truth will ever be revealed. The beast often spoke of whence he came--of ships that used wind to sail the skies, of precision machines that moved like humans. His stories were considered "lore" in my realm. Intrigued, we told one another about ourselves and imagined *where we would return*. I shall give a name to this beast one day. [Story segment] 013: Light to All A Convenient Loss of Memory Tidus has to ask something to the one among them who didn't seem to care about not having a home. --A Convenient Loss of Memory-- [The setting is Kefka's Tower. Tidus and Bartz are walking through the area when Tidus suddenly comes to a stop] Tidus: "Bartz?" [Bartz stops and turns] Bartz: "Hm?" Tidus: "I was just curious. What do you remember about your homeworld?" Bartz: "My homeworld? Hmmm... I barely remember anything." Tidus: "Really, so... all you have from there is that nasty feather?" Bartz: "You guys don't hold back, do ya?" [Tidus scratches the back of his head, embarassed] Bartz: "But yeah, the feather is the only thing I have memories about." Tidus: "Uh, doesn't that bug you?" Bartz: "Uh, whaddaya mean?" Tidus: "I mean, I remember stuff about my old man, but almost everything else is a blur. There might be more important things I've forgotten, and it really bugs me." Bartz: "Well, I just--" [Something offscreen catches his attention and he takes on a fighting stance] Bartz: "hello, we got company!" [Tidus materializes his Brotherhood sword in his hand and also assumes a fighting stance. The two then fight and defeat a trio of manikins. After the battle, they're walking through Kefka's Tower again when Tidus comes to a stop, turns and resumes questioning Bartz] Tidus: "Hey, Bartz. What were you gonna say? Before the battle I mean." [Bartz also stops] Bartz: "Oh, it's no big deal, it's just... someone once told me that there's no point worrying over something you can't control." Tidus: "This was a person... not a bird, right?" Bartz: "Uh-huh." [Bartz takes a few steps forward] Bartz: "Had memory loss like I do now, but was still always cheerful, and a really good friend." Tidus: "Ohhh..." Bartz: "You know, I think that's where I got a lot of my encouragement. So, even though I can't remember the face, I can still try to live by the memory." [Tidus walks up beside him] Tidus: "Wow, Bartz, sounds like that someone was pretty special!" Bartz: "You think? Then I guess I'll probably remember more eventually. Now what was that guy's name...?" Tidus: "Huh? That 'guy'? Don't you mean 'girl'?" Bartz: "Nope. Old guy." [Bartz begins walking off] Tidus: "First it's birds, and now grandpas. Bartz, you..." [Bartz comes to a stop again] Bartz: "What? I what?" [Tidus doubles over in laughter] Tidus: "Nothing. Forget it." [He stands back up straight and smiles] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Report 13 [9.13Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Land of Discord Fragments of the Dragon's Words "Power...I desire. Give unto...thy flesh and ...shall give unto thee... If true...were in thy possession ...false creation...shall be facile... *Fight and gain power.* ...offer unto me that power." "If...corpse should...offered, I shall ready anew...purified vessel. Stay thy efforts to obtain... ...great strength to distort the realms. Spend thy life in solitude here, or wager...glint of hope. ...thine to choose." [Story segment] 013: Light to All The Witch's Scheme Having gained strength from the cycles, the witch senses an end to the conflict and takes action. --The Witch's Scheme-- [The setting is Orphan's Cradle. Ultimecia is standing on a platform with CoD floating in front of her] CoD: "You dismiss us as mere pawns in this conflict. Yet you yourself struggle; fret over your plans." [Ultimecia crosses her arms] CoD: "We are amused." Ultimecia: "I am not fool enough to surrender my will to some nebulous deity. That and nothing more. Perhaps bowing our heads and accepting our fate, as our opponents have done, is by far the wiser course. How you choose to embrace your fate is none of my concern. Unless you choose to interfere." CoD: "With your 'time magic'? And what do you hope to accomplish with this power of yours?" Ultimecia: "Time compression. I shall freeze the hands of time on this petty squabble, and extinguish all other lives in this world but my own. That is what I plan to do with this 'power of mine.'" [chuckles] "Do you believe me, I wonder?" CoD: [chuckles] "Believe you? Perhaps we do. But for the Void, time and divine will are of no consequence. No matter your plans, they mean less than nothing to us." [CoD turns around and teleports away] Ultimecia: "I do not doubt it. They will mean nothing for those that fade into oblivion. However, this world? It already creeps towards the edge of destruction." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) Report 14 [9.14Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Chasm in the Rotting Land Record of Experiments -01- -Record 000 Agreed on pact with Shinryu. Gave my physical being for everlasting soul. Chaos and Cosmos also seem to have reached respective agreements. Their souls are now worthy of gods. -Record 001 Cosmos *summons memories*. Begins using them as her pawns. Chaos follows suit. One possesses mind of extreme strength. Such fortitude leaves one puzzled... Possible deep relation with Shinryu? -Record 002 The summoned, debilitated through battle, are purified by Shinryu. Their memories are returned to the state of when they were first summoned. Three damaged bodies, unable to withstand purification, have perished. [Story segment] 013: Light to All Hope Beyond Crystals restore the warriors' memories of their homeworlds. What does Terra remember? --Hope Beyond-- [The setting is the garden at the bottom of the Crystal Tower. Terra and Cecil are standing there in conversation] Terra: "Doesn't this war have you fighting against your brother, Cecil? How do you cope with that?" Cecil: "Not very well, I'm afraid. I realize that this is a battle we must fight. But I do not eagerly join the fray." Terra: "I understand. I hope it all ends soon. Once the battle's over, you won't have to fight your brother anymore, and you can go home together." Cecil: "What's wrong?" Terra: "Once the battle's over, everyone will go their separate ways. And that means, we'll never see each other again..." Cecil: "Terra..." Terra: "When I go back to my homeworld, I'll... I'll probably have to go straight back to fighting again. The only type of memories that come back to me are images of war and death. I wonder. Did I ever have friends like you before? When I get back, will there be anyone... to welcome me home?" Cecil: "Even if you must take up arms once more; even if there are none to welcome you; it is no different from how we all began our journey here. We were all strangers. We had no way of knowing who we could trust. At first, we were alone. But now we have allies-- those who greet us with open arms." Terra: "True." Cecil: "Believe me, Terra. We will prevail in this conflict. And once we do, and you return to your own world, things will go just as well for you there." Terra: "Oh. I never thought of it that way before." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) Report 15 [9.15Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Chasm in the Rotting Land Record of Experiments -02- -Record 003 The door to the Rift made its mark in this realm by leaving gateways to other realms. Some among the summoned have begun taking control of these gateways. Shinryu attracts the gateways, which in turn are influenced by memories in the realms. -Record 004 A question I have never entertained before has now seized my mind. Is *my memory* unclouded? There is an abundance of ore in this realm. It may be worth the effort to create another manikin as perfect as Cosmos. -Report 005 Attempts at embedding my own memories to manikins fail. Like the "failures" of my old experiments, they do not retain human likeness. No complete memory transplant could be done. [Story segment] 013: Light to All If We're Like Them The Onion Knight wonders about the manikins' origins and questions his own memories. --If We're Like Them-- [The setting is the throneroom of Pandaemonium. Zidane battles and defeats a trio of manikins with OK as his Assist. Afterward, Zidane and OK are walking through the area when Zidane suddenly comes to a stop. OK does likewise] Zidane: "Enough already. Those damn puppets, there's just too many of 'em. Wish they'd let up for a bit." OK: "The manikins you mean?" Zidane: "Yeah. If they're gonna go around using my form, they can at least show some of my restraint." OK: "What if we're like them?" ["You're Not Alone" from Final Fantasy IX very appropriately begins playing] Zidane: "Huh?" OK: "What if they're not imitations of us? What if there were nothing but manikins from the very start... And then later, we were just chosen at random and made into what we are now?" Zidane: "What if we were?" OK: "The thought doesn't bother you?" Zidane: "It's just not that big a deal really." [Zidane takes a few steps] Zidane: "How we were born into this world doesn't matter; it's what we do with ourselves afterward that counts." [Note: The onscreen text for the previous line is "How we were born into the world doesn't matter; it's what we do with ourselves afterward that counts."] OK: "You might be right but... But, just suppose that we were born into this world. All the memories we thought were ours, they'd be nothing but lies. How can you--" Zidane: "'What if?' 'Just suppose.' You'll never find any answers that way. That's why Cosmos gave us these." [Zidane holds out his right hand and his crystal appears in front of him] OK: "The crystals..." [Zidane moves his hand back and the crystal disappears] Zidane: "We go take down Chaos. After that, who knows what's gonna happen? Me? I'll worry about it once we get there." OK: [sighs in a worried, frustrated manner] Zidane: "Hey, lighten up, will ya? You don't want to upset your big sister do you?" OK: "My big sister?" Zidane: "Terra's gotta look out for you like you're her... annoying little brother." OK: "H-hey!" Zidane: "Hah, that got ya going. I knew you had some spirit left. Can't have the kids mopin' around all day. No sir." OK: "You... You're still just a kid yourself!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16) Report 16 [9.16Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Chasm in the Rotting Land Record of Experiments -03- -Record 006 Memory successfully embedded in experiment. Confirmed non-crystallization of body. Difficult to sense any will in its eyes, perhaps caused by incomplete transplant. Observation by placing it under *battle* conditions with the summoned. -Record 007 Manikins with transplanted memories gain Cosmos's powers. Thereafter confirmed one may lose its memory but *retain its resolve* even through purification. Failures disposed of near former disposal site. They transform in likeness to the summoned... -Record 008 Lifespans exceed that of what the summoned can sustain without purification. Confirmed that not only the divine but all life in this realm are unaging. The time-space continuum in this realm must be warped. [1st story segment] 013: Light to All To Protect -1- Cosmos is no more, but the Warrior of Light retains command and leads his comrades in battle. --To Protect -1--- [The setting is the Interdimensional Rift. WoL battles and defeats a trio of manikins] Terra: "Thank you. I didn't notice the enemies behind me. If you hadn't helped me, I--" WoL: "It was not that I aided you. I just lent a hand to him." Terra: "To...him?" WoL: "Yes. It is he who you should thank." Terra: "Wait. Thank you, for protecting him." WoL: "You should tell--" Terra: "You should thank those that help you. You just said so yourself." WoL: "..." Terra: "And when someone says 'thank you,' you should reply with 'you're welcome.' Thank you for protecting both of us." WoL: "You're...welcome..." [2nd story segment] 013: Light to All To Protect -2- Watching the Warrior of Light's unshaking resolve, the Onion Knight cocks his head. --To Protect -2--- [The setting is Dream's End] Cecil: "Say, why did you desire to protect Terra?" OK: "Huh? It's because-- She's been uneasy since we met, so I thought I needed to protect her." Cecil: "So you've fallen for her, I see." OK: "Tha-that's not the reason! I have a more honorable reason... I mean, if we didn't, we couldn't obtain the crystals--" WoL: "Then you should take action in accordance to the crystals." Ok: "Huh? What do you mean? WoL: "Manikins are rampant in this area. You should be by her side." OK: "Ah!" WoL: "A true knight is defined by that which he protects. If you've decided your calling, see it through." OK: "Y-yes, sir!" Cecil: "'Defined by that which he protects'..." [The setting is now the Sky Fortress Bahamut. Firion, Bartz, Cecil, OK and WoL are walking across the main platform. They all come to a stop as WoL addresses the others] WoL: "We appear to be safe for the moment. Let's chance a short rest." [WoL, Firion and Bartz walk off and start talking] OK: "Hey, Cecil. I don't get it. How does he stay so calm all the time?" Cecil: [gasp] [sigh] OK: "Now that Cosmos is gone... Now that we know the truth behind the crystals, I can barely keep from yelling in frustration." Cecil: "Yes. I feel the same." OK: "Wasn't he always the one giving encouragement? 'We have to end this conflict.' 'We have to do this for Cosmos.' 'We have to keep pushing onwards.' You heard him, right, Cecil? So how...? Now that she's gone, how can he stay so calm? Does he feel nothing? Nothing at all?" Cecil: "I doubt he feels nothing. I'm sure he's just as sad as us. Just as angry. For now, he can't surrender to his emotions. There is still so much for him to protect." OK: "So much to protect? But Cosmos is..." Cecil: "The crystals hold the power Cosmos entrusted to us all. And so, by keeping his companions safe, he protects that which Cosmos desired as well." OK: [gasp] Cecil: "A knight is made by that which he protects. Remember?" OK: "Cecil..." [OK takes a few steps forward] OK: "I swear, I'll keep Terra safe. I'll watch out for everyone... as well as for myself." Cecil: "Yes. You'll do just fine." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17) Report 17 [9.17Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Order's Sanctuary Dissidia -01- What Chaos--the weapon born amidst the war--brought upon the world was not peace, but fear, despair...and more warfare. Chaos would later lose someone precious before he was locked into an unknown world. There he was given another order: to create a path to the door to the Rift. *Through countless battles*, Chaos gained immense strength. But the path was not to be found. The scientist Cid--who had originally forced him into the cycle--was losing hope of ever finding his way home. Then we were shown new hope--not from gods, but from powerless pawns. [Story segment] 013: Light to All Memories of Existence Bartz has an idea for the Warrior of Light, who still can't remember anything after all the battles. --Memories of Existence-- [The setting is the Empyreal Paradox. WoL battles and defeats three manikins with Bartz as his Assist. After the battle, Bartz is walking up to WoL, who is standing in the center of the area] Bartz: "Hey, you okay?" WoL: "Yes, and you?" Bartz: "Of course! You wanna head back? Or should we stay here a bit longer?" WoL: "Stay here? For what?" Bartz: "Well, you know, I thought you liked this place." WoL: "Why is that?" Bartz: "I've seen you here. Staring up at the sky." [Bartz looks up. WoL does so as well. Both are silent for a long moment] WoL: "I suppose..." Bartz: "So, is this spot, like, special or something?" WoL: "I... Let us be going. Time is precious." [WoL begins to walk on] Bartz: "Wait. One more thing." [WoL stops] WoL: "Yes?" Bartz: "Your name... You still haven't remembered what it is?" WoL: "No..." Bartz: "Well, then. How about this for an idea? We get everyone to come up with a new name together!" WoL: "For me?" Bartz: "No, for me. Of course for you!" WoL: "You are kind, but...I must refuse." Bartz: "Huh? Why is that?" [Note: The onscreen text in the previous line is "Huh? Why's that?"] WoL: "My past is but a blank page. No memories. No name. I cannot recall even the slightest detail. And as such, it almost makes me believe there was nothing there to begin with. Still, there are the faintest traces... like writing carefully erased." Bartz: "Hmm? What could it be?" WoL: "Hmm. I have a theory-- this feeling is the last remnant of my lost memories. Even if it is closed to me, its existence proves that I once had a past. Or so I believe. Someone once called me by name. I'm certain of it. And I do not wish to... obscure that memory." Bartz: [Ohh] [Bartz puts his hand to his chin] Bartz: "I get it. You don't want that feeling to get buried under a new identity." [WoL makes a "Hm" sound in a way that shows he's confirming the understanding Bartz has taken] WoL: "Shall we?" [WoL walks out of the area] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18) Report 18 [9.18Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Order's Sanctuary Dissidia -02- In the midst of battle, pawns of discord discovered a door where the experimental "failures" had been discarded in the past. They used the door to their advantage. Pawns of harmony were pushed to the brink of extinction in the struggle against the "failures." But *they did not give up*. The few pawns that had remaining strength destroyed the door to the Rift and sent the "failures" to oblivion. That was the path that led to the Rift. Cid was convinced that all hope was now lost. But he was wrong from the start--ever since he was a scientist. For force never resolves anything. Hope is realized not through force, but through passion, determination, and faith. As this realm vanishes, I pray--that the warriors return to where they belong... [Story segment] ???: A Shard of the Cycle The Maiden Bringer of Light -2- Before the conflict raged, an empty-handed Prishe stumbles upon an amazing discovery. --The Maiden Bring of Light -2--- [The setting is the Chaos Shrine. Prishe is walking around and sighs heavily in frustration before coming to a stop] Prishe: "I'm gettin' pretty bored of this world. The only place I haven't seen is that Chaos guy's lair." [She takes a few more steps] Prishe: [Huh?] [Hmm] "Somethin' weird around here. Not an enemy. But not exactly a friend either." [She looks off to her left and gasps. On the far side of the wide, open room, a figure emenating light has appeared and is suspended in the air. Prishe quickly leaps down from the ledge she's standing on, runs across the room, up the side of the wall in front of her, and leaps up to the ledge where the figure is. It's the Warrior of Light, but he doesn't have his helmet. As he descends to ground level, she runs right up to him] Prishe: "Whoa, what the hell? Is that...is that a person?" [She waves her hands in front of his face] Prishe: "Hey! Hey, you awake? You got a name? Where'd you come from?" WoL: "I..." Prishe: "You're not one of Chaos's goons, are you?" WoL: "Chaos?" Prishe: "But you're not one of Cosmos's chosen, either. Never laid eyes on you before." WoL: "Cosmos..." Prishe: [Hmm] "The only folks I've seen who don't belong to either side are the moogles. And you don't look like a moogle." [Suddenly, we can see that Garland is standing nearby, looking at the two] Garland: "This...this can't be! That man...!" [Prishe notices him now] Prishe: "Garland? Damn, and I was hopin' for someone interestin'." [She walks closer to him] Prishe: "What are you mumblin' about?" Garland: "An agent of Cosmos. You cannot know what you have stumbled across. If you value your miserable hide, now is the time to tuck tail and run." Prishe: "Never gonna happen. You think you can just show up and steal my prize away from me? I hate to say it, but my life is on the line. If I don't take this guy back, both you and me are in for a world of hurt." Garland: "I tire of your meaningless babble. If you insist, I will have no choice but to remove you by force!" [The two assume fighting stances while WoL looks on with an empty expression. Battle commences between the other two] Garland: "This warrior is beyond your comprehension. Begone!" Prishe: "Like hell! Finders keepers, losers bleeders!" [Prishe fights and defeats Garland. Afterward, the setting shifts to Order's Sanctuary. Prishe and WoL walk up to Cosmos's throne, Prishe many strides ahead as WoL slowly makes his way over, still acting as though lost in a daze] Prishe: "Heeey! I'm back! Hey, Cosmos!" [Cosmos and Shantotto are at the throne] Shantotto: "Oho, returned to us so soon?" [Hmm] "And who's the young man looking ready to swoon?" Prishe: "So, Cosmos! You can use your powers to bring this guy over to our side, right?" Cosmos: "This man? For our side? Where did you find this warrior?" Prishe: "Picked him up on the way is about the best way to explain it. The thing is, though, it looks like Chaos is after him as well. After all, it's not like we'd do anything to hurt him, but those chaos creeps are a different story." Cosmos: "But, Prishe..." [Cosmos is quiet and stares at WoL for a long moment] Shantotto: "He seems a touch soft in the head, but we can always use another strong arm. Go ahead, Cosmos, where's the harm?" [Cosmos looks at Shantotto] Shantotto: "And one who appears here without being called? The perfect test subject to keep me enthralled!" Prishe: "C'mon, Cosmos. We could always use a new recruit. I mean, it's not like I can just dump the guy back where I found him. That wouldn't exactly be fair now, would it?" Cosmos: [Hmm] [Cosmos looks at WoL for another long moment, then addresses him] Cosmos: "And what are your feelings on the matter?" [WoL is quiet, but makes a small, confused grunt. Suddenly, realization seems to dawn in Cosmos's eyes as she gasps] Cosmos: "You're one of..." [She closes her eyes and lowers her head, silent for a moment. She then raises her head and looks at WoL] Cosmos: "Very well. I shall do as you wish. This warrior will make a fine addition to our ranks." Prishe: [giggles happily] Shantotto: [Hm] [The screen briefly fades to black, then fades back in] Cosmos: "Heed me, warrior. Employ your strength in the name of harmony, and defend this world from those who would destroy it. Join us." [She holds out her left hand and light emanates from it. Light suddenly begins to emanate from WoL's body as he continues standing before Cosmos] WoL: "I am at your command. I will do all within my power." [WoL puts his hand to his chest. The screen then fades to white and shifts to the Emypreal Paradox a second later. Prishe and WoL have just stepped into the area] Prishe: "So, hey, you don't remember anything at all, huh?" WoL: "Nothing. However, it does not concern me. If I but fight, then my existence is given meaning." Prishe: "What the hell are you talkin' about? Fighting isn't what defines you as a person." WoL: "Then what? I lack anything to show for my life until this point. Without a past, am I still a person?" [Prishe walks right up to him] Prishe: "Course you are. You wake up everyday, don't ya? You think someone without memories is no person at all? We all forget stuff we've learned sometimes. The memories you have? They're not proof of anything." [She takes a few steps about as she lectures him] Prishe: "Okay. So your past is gone and that's a fact. But now, you're startin' to feel the first pangs of fear." [WoL is quiet, but looks contemplative] Prishe: "That feeling? There's the proof that you're alive. You. Me. The Doc. It's the same for everyone. We feel fear, but it's when we overcome that fear that we get stronger. And that getting stronger day by day, that's what proves we're still alive and kickin'. The struggles we go through-- it's our experiences that teach us strength. If you have that, you don't need memories. You just need to rely on that inner strength and live your life. Oh, one other thing. I should warn you... In this place? I wouldn't go relyin' on memories to guide you. But still, having no memories can be tough! You don't know who you are or...oh." [Her eyes widen as she realizes something and becomes much louder, catching WoL's attention] Prishe: "That's right! We don't have a name for you yet! I completely forgot about that!" [She takes a few steps] Prishe: [Hmm] "If I give you a name now I'll pro'ly just forget..." [She sits down and crosses her legs] Prishe: "I know! I'll mention it to Cosmos!" [The screen fades to black briefly. When it fades back, we're in Prishe's FMV scene for the game, still in the Empyreal Paradox with the WoL standing a few feet away. Prishe sighs, laying her head against her left fist] Prishe: "Hmmm... Let's see now. Oh, oh, I've got it!" [She claps her hands together once and quickly jumps to her feet, running over to WoL and coming to a skidding halt, grabbing onto him as she starts to slide by him so as to stop. She then gets her balance back] Prishe: "I know exactly what we'll call you..." [She smiles] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19) Report 19 [9.19Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Order's Sanctuary Dissidia -03- When he was still a child, Chaos was very much attached to his creator and his wife. *He never questioned* his love for them, nor his mission to gain strength. Because that strength was to protect the people from threats--to save the world. But when his powers began being used for destruction, Chaos began to feel a hatred for Cid. And when he became aware of his own demise, he imprisoned his own creator into "the other realm"--of nightmares from which you can never wake. [Story segment] ???: A Shard of the Cycle The Duel of Dreams! Not quite blue, blue skies and rolling seas, but a good day for fighting nonetheless. --The Duel of Dreams!-- [The setting is the Interdimensional Rift. Bartz and Gilgamesh are there, and the scene is seet up very much like in the second story segment of Report 8] Gilgamesh: "Something wrong? Can't believe your own eyes, is that it? Don't tell me you've forgotten my name, you sniveling warm." Bartz: "Gilgamesh! I never thought I'd see you alive again!" Gilgamesh: "The last time we met, I was banished to the Rift as you looked on slack-jawed. But as you can see, it could not hold me..." [chuckles] "Oh no. I have returned! My exile is at an end!" Bartz: "Wow. You're one tough cookie!" [The screen briefly fades to black, then back to the two warriors] Gilgamesh: "Many were the trials I faced, and the battles I fought. And now at the last I stand here before you! I have dreamed of this moment! There is no turning away from this, our fated duel." [Bartz assumes a fighting stance] Bartz: "No argument here. Single combat, may the best man win!" Gilgamesh: "I expected no less from my chosen rival. Steel yourself." [Gilgamesh assumes a fighting stance as well] Gilgamesh: "For I am not the Gilgamesh you remember!" [Gilgamesh battles and defeats Bartz. After the battle, Bartz is laying on the ground. He grunts as he pushes himself up] Gilgamesh: "I am invincible." Bartz: "I hate to say it, but I can't deny the truth. Gilgamesh. You are the ultimate warrior." Gilgamesh: [Hm] "Take heart, Bartz. You put up a good fight." [Gilgamesh laughs heartily as the color scheme of the screen becomes black and white. It then fades to black. When it fades back in, Gilgamesh is floating somewhere in the Rift] Gilgamesh: "Yes. That is exactly how events will unfold. When I finally face Bartz, my lines are already written. Hm? Does the curtain rise so soon? I must stay out of sight." [He runs across open space a few feet and stares at something] Gilgamesh: "He's here! Oh, how I've waited for you, Bartz! I almost worried myself sick thinking you would never show!" [He takes several steps while saying his next lines] Gilgamesh: "Act 1. The stage is set-- let us move straight to the emotion-filled reunion..." [The screen fades to black. When it fades back in, the setting is the Interdimensional Rift once again. This is Gilgamesh's FMV scene. It's a recreation of Gilgamesh's reunion with Bartz from the second story segment of Report 8. Bartz is walking toward the camera, which is oriented at an extreme low angle toward the sky above him. Gilgamesh's voice can be heard suddenly] Gilgamesh: "Well, well, Bartz. We meet again." [Bartz stops. A Rift portal comes into view in the sky] Bartz: [Huh?] [Bartz looks around for the owner of the voice. Gilgamesh pulls hiimself through the portal, struggling, and -- once free -- launches himself down toward Bartz with a yell and lands in front of him] Bartz: "Who're you?" [Gilgamesh assumes a comical fighting stance. Bartz just turns around and begins walking away] Bartz: "Weird." [Note: The onscreen text for Bartz's line is "OKay... Weird."] [Gilgamesh's expression becomes one of confusion. The screen fades to white] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20) Report 20 [9.20Re] [Text-only portion] World: B Place: Order's Sanctuary Dissidia -04- The memory of "her" from which I derive... The defeats that constitute the memory of the "goddess of harmony"... With all of my memories regained, I lighted on this land and saw a most beautiful sky of blue. *This realm, long lost* within the Rift, is likely destined for eventual disintegration. All shall become a phantom, leaving nothing behind--as if nothing had ever existed. And yet, I remain convinced-- That even after the passage of eons, peace in the world--once sought by the father and son--can be restored again. By the warriors who have departed from this world with crystals in their hands... [Story segment] 000: Confessions of the Creator Dissidia The denoument beyond the ultimate fantasy-- --Dissidia-- [The screen is black. Suddenly, Cid of the Lufaine/the Great Will speaks] Cid: "Thus, the long battle came to an end." [The screen the fades in to the world map, in the vicinity of Order's Sanctuary] Cid: "Or perhaps I should say it was brought..." [chuckles] "to a rather unexpected ending." [Cosmos teleports into view on a ledge by the sea. As she and Cid converse, she looks at the clouds in the sky, from which Cid's voice seems to be coming] Cosmos: "It is the result of the world opting for another choice." Cid: "But as long as the world exists, there will be no end to conflict. Even harmony and discord are concepts born of the human mind, after all." Cosmos: "Are you saying...that nothing changes?" Cid: "That is a mystery that even we Lufenians cannot solve. For the truth can only be known--" Cosmos: "To the future itself." Cid: "So let us set out. Now that you have been chosen to reign over the living world, we shall journey on the road that continues to the final fantasy..." [Cosmos is silent for several seconds] Cosmos: "No. My place is here. And here I shall remain." Cid: "This world is now bereft of balance. In time, it will sink back into the Rift whence it came. Knowing this, do you still elect to remain?" Cosmos: "Yes." Cid: "I must... beg your forgiveness for the endless cycle of violence into which I thrust you and your chosen champions." Cosmos: "Forgiveness? You need not seek it. Every memory born of this world is, without exception, a priceless treasure to me." Cid: "Cosmos..." Cosmos: "And so, my divine creator. Be at peace. We must follow our chosen paths. Farewell, Cid." [The classic Final Fantasy Prelude theme plays as Cosmos looks out over the desolation of the world. A few seconds later, she envisions her ten triumphant warriors from the final cycle, and the vision of them lingers for a long moment before fading. Smiling, Cosmos walks away] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Museum-------------- [10.0Mu] 1) Character Files [10.1Mu] 1. Lightning [10.11Mu] The former soldier does have a gentle heart, though her harsh mannerisms and speech can leave a cool impression. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Irritated at the coercion imposed on her to battle, Lightning maintains distrust even towards the goddess of harmony, Cosmos. Her distrust led to many conflicts with her allies shortly after her arrival. Through her travels with the others and acknowledging their strength, she slowly opens up to them. Not capable of believing in a god, her allies became her emotional support. To her, Kain's actions of harming their comrades must have been shocking to no end. But her will to reject the next cycle of battle after having learned the truth was only brought about because of the presence of her allies. Revolting against Cosmos for causing her comrades to select a path of defeat, and disgusted at the thought of allowing her friends to shoulder the burden of sin while she proceeds, Lightning chooses to battle the hordes of manikins. FINAL FANTASY XIII A woman in the Guardian Corps of the paradise realm of Cocoon. An incident causes her to receive the curse of the gods from the savage world of Pulse. She becomes a convict on the run from her former employer, Sanctum. She learns of the truths surrounding Cocoon while on the run, and begins to harbor doubts of the world she had once believed in through the curse and her Focus. Lightning eventually decides to the face the sacred entities revered as gods. 2. Vaan [10.12Mu] A cheerful youth who uses a variety of weapons. Confident in his skills, he fearlessly enters any battle. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Having difficulty comprehending the battle of the gods, Vaan holds no interests in the battle. He has set his sights on finding a way to get himself and his comrades back home and enters battle against the forces of Chaos seeking that goal. He rescues Terra from the clutches of Kefka and tells her to become a warrior of Cosmos. Even Terra is taken aback by the sudden proposal, and if another warrior were present, would have surely denied his proposal. However, his words struck a chord with Terra, leading to her altering her purpose. Terra is eventually revived as a true champion of Cosmos. Vaan's open mind must have spurred this miracle. At times his carefree spirit surprises even his comrades, leaving them utterly speechless. FINAL FANTASY XII An orphan living in the former Kingdom of Dalmasca, now the destroyed territory under imperial control. He makes a living by stealing from Archadian soldiers, while dreaming of a life flying an airship as a sky pirate. He meets the princess of Dalmasca, who had been presumed deceased after the war, while sneaking around looking for treasure in the palace. Traveling alongside the princess in her attempts to liberate their homeland, he becomes entangled in a struggle for the nethicite and the untold power it holds. 3. Laguna Loire [10.13Mu] A lively man who uses various guns and weapons in battle. He's quietly become the mediator with his happy-go-lucky attitude. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Laguna is known to joke around as if a child, yet is very understanding. Before they know it, everyone around Laguna is following his lead. That charm even rubbed off on an enemy, the Cloud of Darkness, and caused her to take a vested interested in the warriors of Cosmos. Through his charm, Laguna is able to obtain vital information from her regarding the manikins. It seems that he loses his touch when Vaan is around, causing him to sigh often, though Laguna seems to have fun just the same when he's around Vaan. Although an inhabitant of different time periods of the same world as Squall, neither of them are aware of this fact. Laguna has a horrible sense of direction, to the point that the other warriors often poke fun at him, but Lightning and Vaan are especially appalled by how bad Laguna's sense of direction truly is. FINAL FANTASY VIII A soldier of the Republic of Galbadia, he retired from active duty after being seriously injured. He later meets a woman named Raine while recuperating in a small village. He remains in the village with Raine and the orphaned Ellone even after his wounds have healed, living as a happy family. When Ellone is kidnapped, Laguna departs the village in search of her. Travelling the world, Laguna is finally successful in his rescue of Ellone. But his travels later lead to the misunderstandings and hardships faced by himself, Raine, Ellone, and Squall. 4. Yuna [10.14Mu] A young summoner whose prayers call forth Aeons and who is tasked with battling alongside them. Accepting her fate with youthful optimism, she admirably continues her fight. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY As with Jecht and Kain, a long time has passed since Yuna has been summoned to this world. The Emperor scoffs at Yuna about being a "seasoned one" because he is aware that she has been involved in the battles prior to the twelfth cycle. Jecht has been summoned from her world as well, and also has regained much of his memories. Jecht's presence is a source of comfort for Yuna. She vows to continue fighting in hopes of altering fate itself despite having become depressed with the disappearance of Jecht and seeing Tidus severely injured. Yuna whistles in hopes of possibly being reunited with Tidus--this was a sign to search for each other in the past. It is this whistle that brings about their incidental reunion. However, having been recently summoned, Tidus possesses no prior memories, preventing him from remembering Yuna. FINAL FANTASY X Sin is an entity terrorizing the populace and seeking to destroy the world. Shouldering the hopes of those around her, Yuna becomes a summoner to defeat Sin. She meets Tidus shortly after becoming a summoner and with Tidus as one of her guardians, travels the world with him. Slowly relating with Tidus through their journey, Yuna is unable to tell Tidus the truth behind a summoner's pilgrimage and what that involves as the showdown with Sin looms. 5. Kain Highwind [10.15Mu] A knight cloaked in dragon-like armor, with spear in hand. Though not one to display emotion, he is compassionate and possesses a strong sense of justice. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Some time has passed since his summoning to this world. This time has aided him in regaining most of his memories, including those of both Cecil and Golbez, other inhabitants of his realm. Feeling a sense of urgency with the appearance of the manikins, Golbez informs him of the truth of the cycle, causing him to further debate the action he should take. Meeting with the Warrior of Light, however, who has also resigned himself to their destiny to lose, gives him the resolve to confess the truth of the cycle. They then make a pact to effect a "false" defeat in the twelfth cycle. He planned to cut his ties with his allies by declaring himself a traitor, but through his travels with his allies, he comes to understand their goals and ultimately changes his ways. Lightning was the only target he could not capture. It seems that the others convinced him to apologize to Lightning again upon rejoining the party. FINAL FANTASY IV A dragoon serving the strong military state of Baron. He decides to leave Baron alongside Cecil after having received outrageous orders from the king. He views his close childhood friend Cecil as his rival and is proud of his dragoon heritage. But he also possessed dark thoughts. These feelings were used, causing Kain to stray from his chosen path. 6. Tifa Lockhart [10.16Mu] An optimistic woman proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Contrary to her rought-and-tumble appearance, she often encourages her friends. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Holding them dear as though they were family, she worries about her friends while continuing her fight. First summoned in the twelfth cycle, she remembers little of her past and is unaware of others from her world who were summoned as champions of Chaos. But her rescue at the hands of an enemy ignites an emotion of nostalgia, reviving her once-forgotten emotions of trusting her friends. Using those emotions to compensate for her lost memories, she continues onwards. Disbelieving Kain's cryptic actions and words to push her away, she uses her last potion on him, proving that her feelings to trust in her allies cannot be easily swayed. FINAL FANTASY VII Cloud's childhood friend who is a member of the anti-Shinra organization AVALANCHE, which opposes the conglomerate's exploitation of the planet's energy. Her hometown destroyed by Shinra, she joins AVALANCHE while living in Midgar. There she reunites with Cloud, who had gone missing after leaving their hometown several years prior. At first delighted at the reunion, Tifa grows weary of the conflicts between her memories and Cloud's. She is also a great chef and bartender as she managed the bar "7th Heaven," which was also AVALANCHE's headquarters. 7. Warrior of Light [10.17Mu] A warrior of light clad in armor, wielding sword and shield. A noble warrior that fears no one and faces any foe gallantly. He has taken on the role of a leader among the warriors. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Holding no prior memories of his past, the Warrior of Light behaves as other warriors summoned by Cosmos, but he himself was not summoned by the goddess. In truth, he is the only warrior created in this realm by the Great Will. Summoned at a time when the war of the gods had just begun, he was affiliated with neither the forces of harmony nor discord. Prishe, a former warrior of Cosmos, brought him to Cosmos, and from that point forth he was reborn as a warrior of harmony. At first, his will was faint, but interactions with Cosmos and his comrades shaped the familiar, strong, and righteous attitude he has today. If Garland, who had discovered the Warrior as Prishe did, were successful in taking him back to Chaos, he would have become a warrior of discord, fighting against his current allies. The name given unto him by Prishe has long been sealed away through the many purifications he has endured, but Cosmos called out to him with this name when he faced certain doom during the twelfth cycle. Shouldering the hopes and dreams of his fallen comrades and Cosmos, the Warrior succeeds in bringing about a true end to the cycle of conflict in the thirteenth cycle. After the final cycle concludes, he arises in a foreign land--a pristine lake with a large castle looming in the distance. The Warrior of Light sets out towards the castle with a darkened crystal in his hand. 8. Garland [10.18Mu] A stalwart consigned to the endless cycle of battle, he enjoys dueling with stronger foes. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Garland was summoned to this world long before the battle of the gods had begun. He was commanded by the Great Will to persuade Chaos to fight, as Chaos had refused to battle Cosmos. Through his persuasion of Chaos to walk the path of a destroyer, the endless battle of the gods came to pass. Despite understanding the hopeless truth that the endless conflict of the two gods is a means to groom Chaos, Garland continues to aid Chaos as ordered by the Great Will. Garland's actions are not an act of loyalty to the Great Will, but out of sympathy towards Chaos. Having given up hope of escaping the cycle, and feeling compassion towards Chaos, who faces similar circumstances to his, he aids Chaos faithfully. Perhaps he truly enjoys the conflict for the first time now that Cosmos and her warriors have broken the chains of the cycle. FINAL FANTASY I A world where the wind has died, the seas rage, and even the earth rots away. The knight Garland kidnaps the princess of Cornelia and hides in an ancient shrine where he is easily defeated by the four warriors of light. But after a long journey to return the glow of the crystals, the heroes of light hear rumors of the once-defeated Garland again. 9. Firion [10.19Mu] A virtuous youth who seeks to end conflict. He uses the nostalgic phrase "Wild Rose" as a source of motivation. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Firion fights as a warrior of Cosmos seriously, having taken to heart the message that he fights for the sake of this world. The "wild rose" which he carries with him was left by his side when he awoke at the start of the thirteenth cycle. Golbez had left this bloom by his side, and had begun to conspire with Cosmos, hoping that it would revive Firion's memories. The attachment he shows towards the flower is not because he has a fondness of flowers, but rather out of the feeling that its name is strongly connected to his past. Though he has yet to remember, the name of this bloom holds a strong meaning in his past. In fact, "wild rose" is not the name of the flower Firion possesses, but rather the name that someone had casually suggested. Despite this fact, it is commonly called the "wild rose" by most, including Firion, after its name had been mistaken by all those who wield it. FINAL FANTASY II A member of the resistance who fights against the world-dominating Palamecian Empire. Injured during the empire's attack on his homeland, the Kingdom of Fynn, he was rescued by members of the resistance and brought back to health, susbequently vowing to aid in the resistance himself. Seeing many lives lost during the brutal struggle, and having to experience difficult partings, he continues on his quest, believing that peace awaited the people at the end of the war. He continues on his quest along with his friends, seeking Palamecia Castle, where the ruthless Emperor waits. 10. Emperor [10.110Mu] An arrogant and proud despot who plans to rule over all. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Abandoning his mission as a warrior, he plots to rule the world. Realizing that he is powerless against a god through his observations of many battles, he places his machinations on hold. Conditions turn to his favor during the twelfth cycle when he is successful in having Chaos's powers endowed on the former warrior of Cosmos, Jecht. After the ritual purification, the Emperor guides the amnesiac Jecht to form a crystal possessing the god of discord's power and steals it for his use. After Cosmos's defeat, he confronts the warriors of harmony in the hopes of becoming the ruler of the world. Everything was to go according to his plans, if not for his underestimating the unity of the warriors of harmony who had obtained their crystals. FINAL FANTASY II Lord of the Palamecian Empire, he led his army in invasions across the globe, drastically increasing his domain. The Emperor exhibits his ruthlessness in his thorough elmination of any obstacles that would prevent him from expanding his domain, yet is progressive in his appointment of capable individuals to important posts regardless of their heritage. 11. Onion Knight [10.111Mu] A youth boastful of his vast knowledge, he wields strength befitting a knight, yet relies heavily on logic. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY The youngest combatant summoned, the Onion Knight wields impressive skills as a warrior despite his age. Thinking more like an adult, he dislikes those who simply treat him as a child. His youth shines through on occasion, especially when he becomes arrogant of his intelligence or skills. When he is able to mature and transform his pride into strong motivation, he will become a knight like no other, one fit for his title. He does not mention his name simply because he has yet to remember it, but when another warrior pitied him for this, he no longer even attempts to divulge it, claiming it an exercise in caution. Many have thought of nicknames based on his title as "Onion Knight", but all such efforts have been dismissed. FINAL FANTASY III Four orphaned youths raised by the village elder of Ur become lost in a cave while exploring. There, they are informed of pending doom by the Wind Crystal. The world sinks into despair as an earthquake buries the crystal far below and monsters run rampant. The four warriors of light travel across the world, with hope in their hearts, intent on saving their home. 12. Cloud of Darkness [10.112Mu] An apparition foretold to appear and send the world back to nothing when the balance between light and darkness is severed. Although appearing as a woman, the true nature of this being remains unknown. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Summoned to this world as a warrior of Chaos, it inherently loathes the conflict between the two gods. The Cloud of Darkness reveals the location of the gate to the Rift to Laguna, a warrior of Cosmos, as it found the manikins to be abominations that disrupted a fragile balance; but the true reason for revealing the gate's location was out of interest in Laguna, who holds an utter lack of concern towards the gods. It is later ambushed by Kefka who deems it a traitor upon learning that it leaked information to Cosmos's chosen and receives purification at the hands of Shinryu, but memories are trivial to one who controls the powers of nothingness. Thus, its aims to restore balance remain in the final cycle, and while leading it to believe that a young warrior can potentially bring about this change, the apparition chooses a path of its own annihilation. FINAL FANTASY III Appearing when the darkness overflows, the Cloud of Darkness controls tremendous powers in its quest to return the world to a state of nothingness. The four warriors of light are helpless against it and slain. It is a being so powerful that the strength of the four warriors alone are powerless before it. 13. Cecil Harvey [10.113Mu] A kind-hearted knight wielding both the powers of light and darkness, he prizes the bonds with his allies that at times are the cause of his doubts. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Although his memories, even of his dear friend, remain faint during the twelfth cycle, Cecil does not object to opposing the forces of Chaos. After purification, the only remaining memories in his possession are those of his kin, causing him to depend heavily on his would-be foe Golbez, and lose sight of the path he is to travel. Originally a young man possessing a strong will, he once made both the powers of darkness and those of light his own by confronting the dark and noble sides of his personality. He gradually regains his lost powers while being guided by his brother, eventually encouraging his troubled companions and becoming a guide for them once the world sinks into utter chaos. FINAL FANTASY IV Once bestowed with a key position within the Baron army, he turned his back on his home after having reservations concerned with the outrageous plundering and aggressions his king ordered. He departs his home on a journey seeking out the truth. He becomes the King of Baron after many battles and concluding his long journey. But he is unaware that the period of peace will be brief. Possibly owing a to a mild-mannered and gentle demeanor attracting others, the cast of companions who would travel alongside him are varied, ranging from young children to a wise sage. 14. Golbez [10.114Mu] Once a kind and gentle man, this mage's weaknesses in his soul lead him to being controlled by an evil being. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Repenting his past sins, he felt that his summoning to a world of never-ending conflict was his punishment. When he learns that his brother Cecil has also been summoned, but without any prior memories, he begins to question the conditions surrounding a warrior's summoning. Impressed at the sight of six warriors jeopardizing their lives to seal the gate to the manikins' lair, Golbez decides to continue their fight in the hopes of ending the conflict. While branded as a traitor in the thirteenth cycle, he aids Cosmos in her plans from the shadows and assists the warriors of Cosmos in their efforts to obtain their crystals. FINAL FANTASY IV Golbez seizes control of Cecil's homeland, Baron, leading a large force including the four Archfiends, committing atrocity after atrocity. When Cecil is finally able to catch him, it is revealed that Golbez is in fact Cecil's older brother, who has been controlled by an evil being. Golbez chooses to part ways with his brother after returning to his senses and vows to atone for his past sins. 15. Bartz Klauser [10.115Mu] A traveler wandering the world freely like the wind. An expert in multiple jobs, he can also mimic the traits of his allies. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Accepting of any hardship with optimism, and resilient in his ability to find a solution. While others are anxious that they possess no prior memories, Bartz is able to create a cheerful mood with his bright spirits because the experiences of his travels are deeply engrained within him. Although he does not have vivid memories of his past, he trusts himself and enjoys his travels in this world. But because he does not have his memories back, it seems that the memories of his fate as Exdeath's rival, and those of a certain "swordsman", are completely missing. FINAL FANTASY V Traveling the world with his father from a young age, he continues on his travels with his partner, Boko, his pet chocobo, in accordance with his father's final request. Along the way, Bartz gets dragged into a battle for the crystals of the world after saving a princess from monsters. During his adventures, he learns of the dark mage who plots to return the world to nothing, Exdeath, and the surprising truth surrounding his late father. Bartz vows to carry on his father's will and faces Exdeath in a battle to protect the world. 16. Exdeath [10.116Mu] A mage of the dark arts who seeks the power of the Void, but in reality is a tree embodied by the evil wills of man. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Exdeath continues his quest for the Void, while fighting as one of Chaos's warriors. Possessing considerable insight regarding the Rift, he is the one who discovered its long forgotten door. Exdeath opens the portal and exhumes the manikins to torture the warriors of Cosmos. Often despised as a destroyer for his strong adherence to the Void, Exdeath is actually a rational warrior, always maintaining his own pace no matter whom he faces. Exdeath has regained most of his memories, but the other warriors summoned from his dimension lack their memories of him. Thus, he refrains from making any mention of their connection. FINAL FANTASY V Exdeath had previously been sealed away in another dimension by four warriors wielding the powers of the crystals of Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth. But the inhabitants of this world abused the powers of the crystls, the power of nature itself. It is these very people, whose reliance on the blessings of the crystals to provide for their comfortable lives, who created the opportunity for Exdeath's revival. 17. Terra Branford [10.117Mu] A young woman wielding magical powers through her Esper blood. Having been mind-controlled for a long period of time, she is unsettled at the thought of fighting. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Originally summoned as a warrior of Chaos, Kefka became interested in her powers. Kefka uses his spells to control Terra, making her an unwilling pawn to aid him in quest for destruction. Kuja frees Terra of Kefka's spell, allowing her to regain her will. Unable to defy her mission, she continues to unwillingly participate in the fight. To this girl, another path is revealed by one who should naturally be her enemy--the warrior of Cosmos, Vaan. Inspired by Vaan's unwavering yet somewhat selfish will, Terra eventually receives Cosmos's strength. Although her memories of Vaan have disappeared after receiving purification, Terra carries a clear goal during the final cycle to protect the one who saved her, the Onion Knight. It is through this desire that Terra calls forth the courage needed to face Kefka. Her cyrstal in particular proves that there are things passed down, despite the countless cycles of battles faced. FINAL FANTASY VI Robbed of her will from a young age, Terra is used as a tool of destruction for her powerful magic and is a feared warrior. After being freed of the mind-control placed on her, Terra faces the truth of her past and shuns the power she wields, unable to decide her path. Having the truth that she is the only one who bears the blood of a human and Esper, she decides to set out to accomplish something of which only she is capable. 18. Kefka Palazzo [10.118Mu] An insane harlequin who lacks self-control as a result of experiments infusing him with Magitek power, and who finds no greater joy than destruction. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Having already lost his sanity, memories are pointless to Kefka; this world is the perfect playground. Kefka ensures that Terra is always by his side and tends to her, but only as she is a useful pawn in his quest for destruction. Kefka loses all interest in her once his mind control has been broken and Terra beings to refuse his orders of destruction. He holds no sense of comaraderie towards the other warriors of Chaos. He not only captured Kuja, who had refused to battle and planted false memories in him, but ambushed the Cloud of Darkness and her purified for having leaked information to their foes. Any who get in the way of destruction are eliminated without mercy. As the destruction of this world looms during the final conflict, Kefka falls at the hands of the warriors of Cosmos and takes his own life. Whether Kefka became satisfied with his own destruction is unknown. FINAL FANTASY VI Kefka was a mage of the Gesthalian Empire in the original game. He later betrays the emperor and becomes an omnipotent god who rules over a world of ruin. Though his sanity was lost a side-effect of being infused with Magitek power, none know of who he once was. 19. Cloud Strife [10.119Mu] A reserved young man who brandishes a large sword with ease. He leads his other warriors with his rational decision-making befitting a leader, but internally he has difficulty being confident in his actions. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Originally summoned as a champion of Chaos, Cloud has forfeited the fight in objection to the irrationality of having to fight a friend summoned from the same world solely because they serve opposing gods. When his friend Tifa is faced with peril, Cloud casts aside his duty as a warrior of Chaos and fights to protect those he holds dear. His adamant will reaches the throne of Cosmos. Cosmos rescues Cloud after he is defeated by Chaos and on the verge of disappearing. Ironically, that whom he set out to protect sacrificed herself to protect him. Revived as a warrior of Cosmos, he searches for a meaning to fight out of the sense that he has lost something dear within his memories. Continuing on his journey while still troubled with questions, he finds a new meaning to fight in aiding his comrades realize their dreams. FINAL FANTASY VII A former SOLDIER 1st Class. A young swordsman with antisocial tendencies and arrogant words to match his famous title, Cloud gives out precise orders based on his rational decisions. While at times inspiring ill-will, he most certainly earned the trust of his comrades. While searching for his nemesis Sephiroth in the hopes of protecting the planet, it slowly comes to light that the past Cloud speaks of greatly conflicts with reality. As a side note, he has honed many skills unrelated to battle through his travels, from disguising himself as a beauty almost exceeding that of the heroine, to gliding down snow-covered mountains with grace on a snowboard. 20. Sephiroth [10.120Mu] A coldhearted former hero who wields an extremely long sword. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY A warrior uninterested with the battle of the gods, Sephiroth is only concerned with regaining his lost memories. After regaining some of his memory and learning of the manikins, he hypothesizes that he may be a copy himself and takes his own life to test his theory. However, Sephiroth is purified like the other injured warriors and revived to participate in the thirteenth cycle. None know if he acted on his memories and instinct to bring about an end to the battle, or whether he acted to bring about further battles. FINAL FANTASY VII Once revered as a hero, Sephiroth disappeared for several years, only to return as an enemy of the planet, striking fear in all. As an elite member of Shinra's SOLDIER, he was revered as a hero for his unrivaled strength, yet was a human who connected with those around him. Once learning of his origin, he refers to the Calamity that fell from the skies, Jenova, as his mother, and acts as an agent to carry out her will. 21. Squall Leonhart [10.121Mu] An elite student who is unsociable and hates forming relations with others, Squall aspires to walk a path of solitude like a lion. Whether out of a personal charm that attracts others, or just coincedence, a lively crowd is often seen by his side. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Accepting his task to fight as a champion of Cosmos, he obediently follows orders. When Squall was first summoned to this world, he remained silent, as he did not consider the other warriors his allies due to their differing views. Despite attempting to keep his distance through his blunt mannerisms, he gradually becomes a member of the troupe after being influenced by the social Laguna. Squall once again chose a path of fighting alone during the final cycle after he had received purification. He did not choose this path as a means of rejecting his allies, but as a means to protect them. Squall remained firm no matter what obstacles stood in his way. FINAL FANTASY VIII Squall is a star pupil of the elite organization "SeeD," which was created to subdue sorceresses. He and his comrades continually see mysterious dreams while carrying out their assigned mission. These dreams tell the tale of a carefree man's past who is Squall's polar opposite. Eventually these dreams, once thought to be completely unrelated to Squall, become closely connected with Squall's present. 22. Ultimecia [10.122Mu] An intriguing sorceress hailing from the future, she wields time-manipulating magic with ease. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY After learning of the never-ending cycle of battle in this realm, she has slowly garnered strength while protecting herself. All of her actions are in preparation for when the gods fall. She plans to compress time itself at that very moment to escape the fate of a warrior and create a world of her own. Having received purification multiple times, Ultimecia possesses none of her prior memories. Whether out of contempt for the warriors of Cosmos who fight diligently, or out of confidence, she places herself in harm's way and provokes the warriors of Cosmos on occasion. A proud sorceress who normally acts with grace, she is known to display her anger towards those who would dare defy her. FINAL FANTASY VIII A sorceress hailing from a distant future of Squall's world, she sends her consciousness to the present to posses the sorceress Edea, and came to hold ultimate authority in a dictatorship. Ultimecia schemes to possess Ellone, a sorceress capable of sending a person's consciousness back in time, to use her Time Compression spell. But Ultimecia's plans to possess Ellone and destroy SeeD are taken as motivation for Squall to act and thwart her plans. Ultimately, Ultimecia brings a destiny of ruin upon herself. 23. Zidane Tribal [10.123Mu] An active and cheerful thief, Zidane exhibits a fondness for women and is easily elated. But he has a strong sense of justice beneath that cheerful exterior, and cannot help but aid those in need. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Having regained the majority of his memories, Zidane cheers his allies up while searching for the crystals with his trademark optimism. Meeting up with his former foe, Kuja, and being able to fight alongside him are welcome surprises for Zidane. Zidane is shocked to learn of Kuja's true identity in this conflict. He receives purification while still dismayed by the truth, causing him to show glimpses of a distraught warrior during the final battle. Despite these hardships, his natural kindness remains. Zidane not only rushes to his comrade's rescue, but also reaches out to Kuja, who had schemed against him as an enemy. FINAL FANTASY IX A member of the theater troupe "Tantalus," who are also a band of thieves, Zidane took the opportunity afforded him through an accident to kidnap the Princess of Alexandria. Zidane and his friends get caught up in battles to protect the princess. They later learn that the tragic deaths of hundreds of innocents were all part of one man's schemes. Beginning on a little theater, ship, Zidane's tale slowly approaches its climax, a battle with the fate of the world on the line. 24. Kuja [10.124Mu] Enacting plots of utter cruelty while maintaining a graceful demeanor have caused many to fear this young man as the Angel of Death. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Kuja had become unintersted in this world of endless battles where Chaos and his chosen continued to reign. Upon learning that Cosmos had instilled her warriors with power to defeat Chaos in the twelfth cycle, Kuja decides to renege his mission and aid the warriors of Cosmos. Unbeknowns to Kuja, Kefka had set a trap after learning of Kuja's plans. Kuja and the warriors he aimed to assist were on the brink of being slaughtered when Kuja quickly takes on the role of a traitor. Having betrayed and assaulted those he aimed to help, Kuja is successful in allowing Cosmos's warriors to escape. But this act forces Kuja to remain with the forces of Chaos. Kuja receives purification after falling to Lightning, and is implanted with false memories by Kefka in the thirteenth cycle. These events lead to Kuja enjoying Zidane's suffering, displaying his warped inferiority complex for all to see. Despite these transgressions, Kuja freed Terra from Kefka's control and comforted Cloud who was tormented over the thought of fighting a friend. FINAL FANTASY IX The mastermind in bringing about the war on Gaia by enticing the Queen of Alexandria to wage war. His utterly ruthless behavior cause many to lose their lives. But if one looks into his background and motivation, a different side to the nefarious Angel of Death can be seen. 25. Tidus [10.125Mu] A cheerful teen whose personality is bright like the sun above, Tidus possesses the heart of an ace athlete. His main goal is to defeat his father, whom he detests to no end. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Summoned as a warrior of Chaos in the twelfth cycle, Tidus protects Yuna from the Emperor's attack and lies on the verge of death. He is saved by a warrior of Cosmos, his father Jecht. Tidus inherits Cosmos's power from Jecht and avoids slipping into oblivion. Yuna and her friends take Tidus to the outskirts of Cosmos's temple, where he sleeps until the twelfth cycle comes to a close. By the time he awakes, the thirteenth cycle has begun. Having inherited his father's powers, he is revived as a warrior of Cosmos, but was also purified, impeding him from remembering the events of the twelfth cycle. Moreover, his reunion with Yuna lies unremembered, and any memory of Yuna herself remains vague. Yet in his blind desire to defeat Jecht, which does remain in his fickle will to fight, there is the shadow of another--and perhaps the thought of an answer in this mysterious other driving him on. FINAL FANTASY X An ace blitzballer hailing from the city of Zanarkand. A monster attacks the city during a match, and in the confusion, Tidus is sent to an unfamiliar world, Spira. Left in this mysterious world, he meets the summoner Yuna. Tasked to protect Yuna as one of her guardians, Tidus joins Yuna on her pilgrimage. After learning about the truth behind a summoner's pilgrimage and his hometown of Zanarkand, Tidus ponders on his next course of action. 26. Jecht [10.126Mu] A former superstar, his bold words and confident mannerisms coneal the deep love he holds for his family. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY He is the only warrior of Cosmos to be reborn as a warrior of Chaos. Transferring the powers of Cosmos within him to Tidus, Jecht collapses, having lost all his might. His body should have faded away, but through the intervention of the Emperor, his body is infused with Chaos's power. This act led to Jecht being reborn as a warrior of Chaos in the thirteenth cycle. As with the other warriors of Cosmos, Jecht received Cosmos's power during the twelfth cycle, and he was ready to manifest a his crystal. But the flow of energy within him transforms due to his revival as a pwan of Chaos, giving birth to a crystal of darkness. Prior to the events of the twelfth cycle, Jecht did not anguish over his summoning to this realm, but seemed to enjoy participating in the fight. But Jecht's demeanor changes once Tidus appears. While having lost all of his memories from the previous cycle, Jecht aims to help Tidus obtain his crystal in the final cycle by facing him. FINAL FANTASY X The former ace blitzballer, who had gone missing several years ago, is in fact Tidus's father. Meeting Yuna's father, the summoner Lord Braska, in a mysterious world called Spira, Jecht joins Lord Braska on his pilgrimage in hopes of finding a way back to Zanarkand. Eventually learning the truth behind a summoner's pilgrimage and Braska's resolve, Jecht decides to sacrifice himself to aid his friend. 27. Shantotto [10.127Mu] A lady of noble birth and revered as the ultimate mage. Prideful with a rough termperament, not a single mandragora will sprout in the wake of her anger. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Paying no heed to the fact that she was summoned as a pawn of a goddess, Shantotto uses battles as an excuse to experiment with magic. Shantotto disappears as she nears completing the ultimate spell, as the pending end of the conflict would hinder her research. Or so the rumors go. It seems that after disappearing, Shantotto has come even closer to completing her research on the ultimate spell. The warriors of Chaos were cautious of Shantotto in her days as a warrior for her aggressive nature and prowess as a powerful mage that protected Cosmos's throne by herself. FINAL FANTASY XI In the original game, Shantotto quietly carries out her research after having retired as Windurst's Minister of Magic. Shantotto places unreasonable demands on adventurers, relentlessly casting black magic at those who would oppose her. Shantotto's spells overpower even the most battle-hardened of adventurers. Left with no one to oppose her, Shantotto's only regret is having forgotten to marry. 28. Gabranth [10.128Mu] The guardian of the law who presides over judgments of life and death, his true strength is realized when he dons his helm. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Gabranth continued fighting despite not allying himself with or trusting others. Avoiding relations with his allies and hoping for an end to both the fighting and the world itslef, he sought out Cosmos on his own. When he arrived at Cosmos's throne, a tiny mage is found by Cosmos's side. Gabranth goes into hiding after his battle against the mage, making some believe that he was transported to the Rift by Shantotto's ultimate spell. In reality, Gabranth had arrived at the Rift after having forsaken the fight and wandering the land. He may have concluded that the path he had taken was mistaken, as Gabranth later repels who happen upon him, and sends them back to the battlefield. FINAL FANTASY XII A Judge Magister, one of the central forces within the realm of politics in the Archadian Empire. The roles of a Judge Magister are many, and Gabranth became the assassion who took the aging king of Dalmasca's life after the king had attempted to negotiate peace with the empire. Gabranth completely trusts his young lord, pleding his unwavering allegiance to him, and offers his own body as a shield to protect his young lord. 29. Prishe [10.129Mu] A spunky lass who uses a rough form of hand-to-hand combat in battles. Prishe enjoys exploring the world freely with her child-like, rowdy behavior and rude words. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Despite being summoned as a warrior of battle, Prishe is unable to suppress her excited interest in this unknown world, and has made exploring this world a daily routine. Like Shantotto and Gabranth, Prishe was summoned to this world shortly after the gods received the power to summon warriors. But leaving the fighting to the emboldened Shantotto, Prishe often goes for a walk under the premise of "patrolling." It was during one of her "patrols" when she happened across the fading Warrior of Light. Prishe took the emotionless, amnesiac Warrior of Light along with her on her explorations under the guise of "training." It seems this was a point of conflict with Shantotto, who had aimed to use the Warrior as a test subject. Prishe later disappears after Cosmos falls in battle, and the Warrior of Light no longer retains any memories of her through the multiple purifications he has experienced, but he took her words to not rely on memories and to live strong to heart, growing into the sterm and blunt man he is today. FINAL FANTASY XI A survivor of the Tavnazian Archipelago that was destroyed during the Great War, Prishe now serves as the captain of a self-defense force of the Tavnazian Safehold. Deeply connected to the adventures revolving around the apocalypse, she toys with adventurers, but will aid them in battle. Due to an accident early on in her life, the crystal embedded on her chest has kept her from aging. Despite her appearance, the "abhorrent one" is much older than she seems. 30. Gilgamesh [10.130Mu] The weapon collecting, dimension hopping, self-proclaimed "legendary swordsman." Although possessing the body of a fiend, he holds a strong sense of loyalty and compassion. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Even Gilgamesh himself does not know whether he was summoned to this realm as a warrior of Chaos or just ended up in this realm after getting lost within the Rift. Regardless, he explores this world as he pleases, unconcerned with the battle of the gods. He finally gets his chance to face his rival Bartz in a duel. Though the ideal he held and the reality that awaited differed, this mattered little to Gilgamesh. At times barging in on a duel, while at other times stealing treasure as a thief, Gilgamesh seems to be in good health in any dimension he travels to. FINAL FANTASY V In the original game, Gilgamesh frequently appeared before Bartz as Exdeath's right-hand man. Despite his post, Gilgamesh tends to quickly flee or go on the defensive when he feels that the tide is turning against him. He also steals a treasure out of his master's castle, only to be scolded thoroughly. His mannerisms are intriguing if not humorous. Bartz steadily stole the precious Genji equipment while turning a blind eye to Gilgamesh's antics. 31. Cosmos [10.131Mu] Cosmos, the goddess of harmony, imbued her warriors with her strength--the crystals, bringing about the end to the long cycle of battle. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Cosmos summoned warriors to bring about an end to this world by sending them to battle Chaos, who had refused to battle. Once the formerly destroyed world was reborn, she would send her purified warriors back into battle. She was originally a pawn, faithfully serving the Great Will. She is gradually influenced by her warriors, who came to hold great hopes despite only retaining fragments of their memories. EVentually she begins to question the fate of her warriors, unable to reflect on the past and tasked only to fight until their demise. The Great will sympathized with Cosmos's wish to save her chosen, and created a means to escape. But more importantly, the warriors imbued with Cosmos's pwoer were able to continue fighting and defeat the mighty Chaos in the thirteenth cycle. With both gods gone, this world slowly deteriorated. WORLD A Cosmos is the ocpy of a woman, created using a crystal that is said to have contained a soul. She was tasked to control Chaos. But having a frail will compared to the woman he was based on, Cosmos was unable to subdue Chaos. Cosmos disappeared after an incident, and any information on her has since been erased from this world. 32. Chaos [10.132Mu] Chaos, the god of discord, seeks to wield supreme strength through the destruction he brings about in the cycle of conflict against Cosmos. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Chaos refused to battle Cosmos, a replication of the one he considered his mother. But with Garland's guidance and his own desire to bring about peace in his original realm, Chaos slowly begins to accept the cycle of battle. He originally summoned warriors of his own to combat Cosmos's warriors who incessantly craved battle. But understanding the anguish of being forced to battle against one's will, he allowed his chosen to do as they pleased, never punishing even those who would forfeit their mission. Chaos's attitude eventually caused only Garland to stay by his side, but Chaos felt relief in the ambitions and actions taken by his warriors in this confined, and hopeless world. Upon learning that the Great Will sought an end to the conflict in the thirteenth cycle--for Chaos to be destroyed, Chaos gave into despair. Defeated by Cosmos's warriors and fading into oblivion, Chaos accepts an offer from Shinryu to have the Great Will's soul sealed away. WORLD A An artificial intelligence created using a crystal that contained a soul, Chaos has the appearance of a monster, but was endowed with the intelligence of a human child. He became attached to his creator, the researcher of these mysterious crystals, and his wife. But once matured, he was used as a weapon. Chaos gradually became hardened by the acts of destruction he had to carry out, and even came to hate his creator. Chaos's whereabouts are unknown after an incident, and all information related to him has since been deleted from this world's records. 33. Shinryu [10.133Mu] A celestial dragon adorned with old armor, Shinryu uses his purification of the battlefield to absorb the summoned warriors' experience as power adding to his own. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Shinryu visited this world that wavers within the Interdimensional Rift on a whim as just another place of rest. Some time later, two immense powers began to combat one another, and Shinryu took an interest in the inhabitants of this realm. There, he made a pact with a human. In return for giving this mortal an immortal soul, one without form, he would be given the experience and memories of the summoned warriors. The purification ritual Shinryu used was a way for him to remain a spectator and still receive even more power regularly. Yet when that human breached their pact after just the thirteenth cycle, Shirnyu approached Chaos, who had also garnered strength himself with a plot of revenge against this detestable human. Shinryu then seduced Chaos to release his remaining strength, and after consuming that, Shinryu once again departed to the Interdimensional Rift. FINAL FANTASY V The rolling skies let loose a vile beast without a soul; Omega was its name. The dragon Shinryu came upon its heels. Inside the Rift the demons were interred; so should they stay until forever's end, their names to stay unspoken evermore. 34. Cid of the Lufaine [10.134Mu] A researcher of the ancient civilization of Lufenia, he watches over the conflict of the gods as the "Great Will." DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Creating a pact with Shinryu, Cid forsakes his humanity to become a being consisting of only a soul, the "Great will." He created the cycle of conflict to have Chaos increase his powers and use them on this world to open the Interdimensional Rift. Though no one knows if he aims to seek revenge or life a peaceful life, there are no doubts that he seeks to escape this realm. It is in the twelfth cycle when Cosmos rebels against her duty and protects her warriors with her own life that Cid realizes that he is no different from the military that stole his wife in their persistence on invading other nations. Having realized his sins, Cid creates two teleport stones to save the warriors in the thirteenth cycle. But this act incurred Shinryu's wrath, and Cid's soul was sealed with the last of Chaos's fading powers. Cid continually saw nightmares of a world where Chaos had grown to wield ultimate power in the thirteenth cycle until he was freed. Once someone freed him from his confinement and was able to revive alongside Cosmos, Cid sets out on a journey to a new realm. WORLD A Known as Cid, he was revered as a brilliant researcher, not only for having created the airship, but for his unique talents in various fields of research. He was once a devoted husband and a gentle man who wished for peace. But after having been ordered to create weapons of war, his soul slowly starts to become warped. The details as to how he was able to create Chaos when research on artifical life had stagnated remains unknown. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Summon Compendium [10.2Mu] 1. Ifrit [10.21Mu] III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII A powerful djinn who wields scorching flames, Ifrit often appears in conjunction with his "Hellfire" attack. Debuting in the world of FFIII, adventurers were amazed to see a gigantic djinn charge at enemies and reduce them to ash. He appears as an Eidolon to the summoner Rydia in FFIV. Having been traumatized after losing her home to flames as a child, Rydia was at first not willing to wield the power of fire. But we are later witness to the master of flames at Rydia's side as she matures. First appearing as an enemy in FFV, he lends his strength to the heroes after they overcome his might. Found within the Empire's Magitek Factory in FFVI, he turns himself into magicite, becoming a reliable ally. Ifrit's materia is found on the floor after defeating Jenova-BIRTH in FFVII. That he was dropped in the boat's engine room, a hot area befitting the Eidolon of Fire, could have either been coincedence or Jenova's will. Appearing as a Guardian Force in FFVIII, the time limit to defeat Ifrit, along with Quistis being present for the battle, got many cadets excited. Learned when Garnet equips the Topaz in FFIX, he is actually one of the five Eidolons she originally had sealed within her. He was extracted from Garnet under orders from Queen Brahne and used as a tool to attack Alexandria's neighboring kingdoms. In FFX, Yuna obtains Ifrit as an Aeon after she passes the trials within Kilika Temple. Vowing to become stronger when she realizes the threat manifested in Sin, Yuna takes on the trials with unshakable determination. Ifrit is one of the slumbering gods in FFXI, entombed within the protocrystal enshrined within Ifrit's Cauldron. Rumors state that he was once a fierce warlord, transformed into the gruesome beast by the malice of the departed. Appearing not as an Eidolon or monster, but rather the name of an Archadian cruiser in FFXII, its impressive firepower was used in the attack on Rabanastre. 2. Shiva [10.22Mu] III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII Shiva wields frost as the ephemeral queen of ice. As one who was more elaborately depicted with time, every generation would wait to see her with anticipation. Debuting in FFIII, she is summoned with the spell Icen. She aids the young warriors with her Diamond Dust attack, and by displaying her elegant beauty. The mature Rydia learns to summon her in FFIV. As Eidolons can only lend their strength after defeat, the fact that Rydia has gained Shiva's trust is testament to her maturity and strength. In FFV, the Ice Goddess dwells within the lower levels of the Watertower of Castle Walse, which has been blessed with the crystal of water. Along with Ifrit, she is found in the process of being disposed of within the Magitek Factory of FFVI. Feeling that their time nears, they both sacrifice themselves to become magicite and aid the party. Cloud receives her materia in FFVII as a sign of appreciation when he saves a girl from a monster attack and resuscitates her later. Squall has Shiva as one of his initial Guardian Forces in his possession at the start of FFVIII. Squall's mastery as a SeeD cadet is apparent in his junctioning with Shiva in his test, and even surprises Ifrit. Shiva is one of the Eidolons bestowed to Garnet upon her accession to the throne in FFIX. Prior to returning to Garnet, she had been used for evil by Queen Brahne, who in turn was being fooled by the devious Kuja. In FFX, Yuna earns Shiva as an Aeon in the Macalania Temple. There, Yuna and her guardians learn of the sins Maester Seymour committed while at the temple where Shiva's Fayth sleeps. As with Ifrit, Shiva is one of the slumbering gods in FFXI sealed away in a protocrystal. In Vana'diel, a legend attached to her constellation states that she was once a wise queen despite her youth, but was chased out of her kingdom to meet a tragic death. In FFXII, Shiva appearas as the name of an Archadian light cruiser, the stage upon which occurs the showdown with the former resistance member Vossler. Appearing as the passionate Snow Villiers's Eidolon in FFXIII, older sister Stiria and younger sister Nix are jointly known as Shiva. Their challenge is a great opportunity to learn and exploit the features of the Paradigm Shift system. 3. Ramuh [10.23Mu] III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, XI Ramuh is an elderly man with a bushy beard who calls forth the Judgment Bolt from the heavens. Along with Ifrit and Shiva, he is a familiar and endearing Esper. He can be summoned by Evokers and Summoners in FFIII using the spell Spark. According to the records found within the Eidolon Library of FFIV, he is a gentle elder, but when angered, calls forth thunderclouds to dispense justice. Encountered as a foe for the first time in FFV, he catches the party off guard in a forest. But once defeated, he realizes that his friend Ifrit is travelling alongside Bartz and consents to lending his strength to the party. Caring for the once berserk Terra in FFVI, he teaches the party how to control magic. He is also the one who taught the moogles the human language, and plays a major role in the story. His materia can be found in the Chocobo Jockey Room in the Gold Saucer of FFVII. Although not having as pronounced a role, his might is hown to its fullest in 3-D. After Garnet requests his aid, he requires Garnet to recite a heroic tale as a test. The tale recounts the travels of Firion in FFII, and is a testament to the extentsive knowledge Ramuh wields. Appearing as a slumbering god in FFXI, a legend states that he was once a wise philosopher of an ancient civilization. Adorned with a majestic black coat, he appears in his finest hour and puts on a display of youthful vigor with his Judgment Bolt attack. 4. Carbuncle [10.24Mu] III, V, VI, VIII, IX, XI, XII, XIII Almost all entities endowed with the name "Carbuncle" are small animal-like beings with a crimson gem on their foreheads. It is a charming friend as it uses "Ruby Light" to protect the party from magic-based attacks. However, its first appearance, is as an unsightly monster in FFIII. Inhabiting the Altar Cave which the party explores early on, it is one of the first monsters encountered, and teaches our young heroes of the peril in facing monsters. Taking on its familiar appearance as an animal-like monster in FFV for the first time, it challenges the party to defeat it, and if successful, Carbuncle will provide is support in return. First appearing to be larger than Bartz, it takes on a smaller appearance when summoned into battle once it is defeated. In FFVI, Carbuncle is found within the Magitek Research Facility as a captive Esper. Entrusting the future to Terra, it turns itself into magicite to lend its strength. As a Guardian Force in FFVIII, Carbuncle can be drawn from the two stone statues brought to life by Edea after the parade. The battle was a test to see whether the party could rationally analyze its opponents prior to facing the evil witch. Using its Ruby Light to cast Reflect on the party in FFIX, it is a trusty ally as it provides various other forms of support depending on what Eiko has equipped. Only appearing before adventurers who can conquer the trials revolving around the Carbuncle's Ruby quest in FFXI, it is a "bridge between the people of the present, and beings of agest past." Upon completing the quest, adventurers gain access to the summoner job. Carbuncle appears as the name of an Archadian light cruiser in FFXII. The red jewel seen on the ship's fore is a motif of the crimson jewel found on a Carbuncle's head. Appearing as a 3-D image in FFXIII, Carbuncles can be found in the town of Natilus, and their appearance marks the start of the parade in the park. 5. Magic Pot [10.25Mu] V, VI, VII, X, XI, XII A monster that pokes its head out of a large pot to see what others are up to, the Magic Pot plays with its prey in a unique fashion. Making its debut in FFV's Phoenix Tower, it appears when Bartz searches a pot. It presses the party for an elixir with the words "Gimme some elixir!" If Bartz is generous enough to part with such a rare item, the party is rewarded with a large amount of ability points. In FFVI, the Magic Pot appears in the World of Ruin at the Fanatic's Tower, where the elder blue mage Strago had joined the Cult of Kefka in his despair over the tremendous losses he believed himself to have incurred. Replenishing the party's HP for free, the Magic Pot, or Urn in this world, is a dreamy enemy to encounter. Lurking with the Northern Cave where Sephiroth waits for the final confrontation in FFVII, it again peddles for an elixir. But it's become a sticky-fingered monster who's now involved in robbery as it steals items from the party. Altering its nature in FFX, Magic Pots award the party with items when the correct eye on its pot is attacked. Having undergone a makeover in FFXI, they appear as floating, realistic pots, and house a spherical entity without any defining features. The magic pot shards left behind are a type of raw material used in alchemy. Found in the lower levels of the Pharos at Ridorana in FFXII, they have improved their defensive abilities, making it extremely difficult to be successful in a frontal assault. The best strategy is to first befriend this monster by giving it an elixir, which will then make the monster open to attacks. But its delight in receiving an elixir causes the Magick Pot to run around the room. Watching Vaan and the Magick Pot in a grand chase was a sight to see. 6. Demon Wall [10.26Mu] IV, XII A wall brought to life with evil intent, it not only aims to become an obstacle to adventurers, but often approaches in tight corridors with an intent to crush the intruders. Debuting in FFIV protecting the exit to the Sealed Cave where the last crystal sleeps, it inches forward every few seconds in the hopes of crushing Cecil and his friends who came in search of the crystal. Another surprise awaits Cecil and Kain after their battle with the monster, making this encounter even more memorable. In FFXII, Vaan and the party are in search of the Dynast-King's treasure when they encounter a two-pronged trap in the Tomb of Raithwall. Even after besting one in the Hall of the Destroyer, another is encountered in the Hall of the Sentinel. The Demon Walls are but the first of many traps created using the advanced technological knowledge of the Galtean Alliance to protect the Dynast-King's tomb. 7. Magus Sisters [10.27Mu] IV, X, XI Sandy, Cindy, and Mindy, the Magus Sisters. Although their appearance alters per title, their appearances in FFIV and X truly stand out to show each sister's unique traits: a tall sister Sandy; a large, rotund sister Cindy; and a petite Mindy. Debuting in the Tower of Zot where Rosa was held captive in FFIV, the sisters obstruct the party's way. Minions of Barbariccia, the ruler of the tower, they are formidable enough to be considered the fiend's enforcers and are known for their teamwork. Using the ghastly Delta Attack, the sisters reflect powerful magic off of each other unto the party, a technique the party would later use to their advantage. Appearing as Aeons in FFX, they appear clad in insect-inspired armor. Each wields powerful spells and they can use the Delta Attack together as well. Whether based on the fact that it takes much hardship to gain their aid, Yuna shows her utmost respect for them when giving out commands such as "Do as you will" or "Keep it up!" A group known as the Sin Hunters appear in FFXI, and are a group of Mithra sisters. Their strength lies in their weapon-based attacks and teamwork, making them fierce opponents. They are, however, strongly involved in the adventure surrounding Prishe, and watch the events unfold. One is not bound to associate this group with the Magus Sisters at first, but a striking connection is revealed later on. 8. Odin [10.28Mu] III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XIII A legendary knight who rides Sleipnir, his beloved six-legged steed, to deliver a crushing blow, the "Zantetsuken." Summoned into battle using the spell Catastro in FFIII, he felled many enemies to aid the young heroes, but at times did nothing, teaching a harsh lesson in life. The King of Baron's soul took on the form of the powerful Eidolon being murdered in despair. He granted his strength and lifted the spirits of his former retainer, Cecil, who had revered the king as a father. Somewhat of an impatient being in FFV, the party must defeat him within one minute to gain his services, unless they want to be sliced to shreds. In FFVI, Odin is found as a petrified magicite within the Ancient Castle that was destroyed during the War of the Magi some thousand years prior. Records in the castle state that he fought alongside men and that some women had fallen in love with him. His materia in FFVII can be found when the secrets to the Shinra Mansion havve been solved. A Guardian Force that cannot be junctioned to in FFVIII, he takes it upon himself to enter the fray at the beginning of battles as he pleases and is a dependable ally. He faces a pitiful fate, however, of having his Zantetsuken reversed on himself. Extracted from Garnet by Queen Brahne in FFIX, Odin was used by the Queen against the settlement of anthropomorphic rats, Cleyra. In FFXI, Odin is known to adventurers as the former protector of the Kingdom of Ephramad, arch-nemesis to the Aht Urhgan Empire in the Near East. Although nearly forgotten now that the kingdom has fallen, hardened adventurers might yet be able to glance upon him. Appearing as Lightning's Eidolon in FFXIII, he has a humanoid form resembling a knight, and the appearance of a horse in Gestalt Mode. When Lightning rides him in Gestalt Mode and swings his sword, she almost becomes Odin himself. 9. Phoenix [10.29Mu] V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII An undying bird with large wings of flame. Its Flames of Rebirth revive fallen heroes to fight anew, a testament to its benevolence. Many parts of it, such as its tail, wings, and even at times its soul, are used as tools to revive the fallen. Phoenix first appeared in FFV as the reborn form of Tycoon's proud wyvern that had perished, but still desired to aid Bartz. The Phoenix magicite of FFVI is a treasure Locke has long sought to revive his love, Rachel. A crack in the magicite only allowed Rachel to return long enough to console Locke, but her strong feelings for him allowed the magicite to recrystallize and aid the party. The Phoenix materia of FFVII can be found at Fort Condor where a large condor warms its egg on top of the mako reactor, a befitting materia for a location giving birth to a new life. Providing support in a different manner from other Guardian Forces in FFVIII, the Phoenix is not junctioned, but called into battle with the Phoenix Pinion. After doing so, it will use its Rebirth Flame to revive the fallen party at its whim. Eiko of FFIX learns the summon from the Phoenix Pinion. It also would save the party only when the mood struck. Although the Phoenix is not physically seen in the world of FFXI, there exists a sword containing its sealed spirit as well as a young man to whom the bird is bound, making the bid itself, along with its feathers, a well-known name. In FFXII, the might Phoenix sheds its once noble image and becomes a mark to be hunted. Although still sporting red feathers of flame, it does not rise from the ashes when defeated. 10. Alexander [10.210Mu] VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XIII A mechanical giant reaching the heavens like a fortress of might. It uses its Divine Judgment attack to crush evil. First appearing in FFVI, its magicite is obtained after Wrexsoul, the wretch who had possessed the grieving samurai Cyan, is defeated. Its materia is held by a snow woman dewlling within the Great Glacier in FFVII. Alexander is a Guardian Force in FFVIII that can be drawn from the sorceress Edea during the battle against her in Galbadia Garden. In FFIX, it is the patron Eidolon who protects Garnet's Kingdom of Alexandria. Together with Eiko, Garnet summoned Alexander, making its beautiful wings appear, and repelled Bahamut with its overwhemling size and strength. Its name is mentioned in FFXI as the divine protector of the Aht Urhgan Empire in the Near East. Although the details remain a mystery, it is said that Alexander has a rivalry with Odin. It appears as Hope's Eidolon in FFXIII, but in a smaller, more compact frame. But when in Gestalt Mode, it is a flying fortress that protects Hope using its arsenal to bombard enemies in a display of might. 11. Leviathan [10.211Mu] II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII A sea serpent who rules over water and the vast oceans, it uses Tidal Wave or Tsunami to sweep away and purge evil. He made his debut in FFII as a large sea serpent that swallowed Firion and the ship on which he was traveling. Other travelers who were swallowed have made a home of its intestines, including the sole surviving Dragoon. He can be summoned into battle using the Leviath spell in FFIII. Sealed away in Lake Dohr, one must use the airship to enter the lake and fight the beast to gain its strength. As the Lord of Eidolons in FFIV, he saved the drowning Rydia and brought her back to the Faymarch, and became a father figure to her. In FFV, Leviathan is sealed away in a tome, which was left in Istory Falls by the original heroes who fought against the Void over one thousand years ago. It disperses the monsters who attack Bartz, and after Bartz proves his strength in battle, lends his helping hand. Revered as the guardian deity of Yuffie's native Wutai in FFVII, its materia can be obtained in the Pagoda of Five Mighty Gods. Leviathan can be drawn from NORG in Balamb Gardens in FFVIII. Sealed within the great Iifa Tree in FFIX, Garnet attempts to gain its strength to stop her mother's reckless rampage, but is unable to use its powers against her mother who approaches with an armada. One of the slumbering gods in FFXI, it rules the water. According to legend, it was once a large sea serpent and mighty ruler of the Gugru Blue during the period of sailing long aog. Known as the Dreadnought Leviathan in FFXII, it is an Archadian imperial airship. Vaan and his team infiltrate this airship to rescue the captive Lady Ashe. 12. Bahamut [12.212Mu] I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII The lord of dragons who rules over the heavens. Armed with Megaflare, he reigns as the mightiest of dragons throughout the series. Appearing as the Dragon King in FFI, he grants the heroes new titles for proving their courage, the item with which to prove it being a little surprising. Using the spell Bahamur allowed adventurers to summon him into battle for the first time in FFIII. Although our heroes stumbled into Bahamut's Lair early on, they are only able to defeat him later on in their journey. As the Hallowed Father dwelling on the moon in FFIV, he only lends his great strength to those who can withstand his Megaflare. In FFV, Bahamut is sealed in a tome left behind by the original heroes who faced the Void one thousand years before. He is also referred to as the Dragon King. When Deathgaze is defeated in FFVI, it releases the magicite for Bahamut from its mouth. Although magicite are the remains of a deceased Esper, why Bahamut's magicite was in the flying terror's mouth remains a mystery. The Bahamut materia is obtained by defeating the dragon protecting the Temple of the Ancients in FFVII, but there are also stronger subspecies that appear in this world. First fought in the Deep Sea Research Center in FFVIII, he questions Squall on the "meaning of battle." He aids the party as a Guardian Force after being defeated. Bahamut was used as a powerful weapon of Queen Brahne during her attack on Kuja, but Kuja's schemes turned the tables and made Bahamut attack her instead. In FFX, Bahamut's Fayth appears as a young boy who attempts to guide Tidus on several occasions. However, Tidus does not learn that this boy is a Fayth until much later in his journey. An avatar known as the Conquerer of the Skies in FFXI, he is deeply connected to an adventure linked to Prishe. There is also a chance for adventurers to test their might against him. Bahamut is the name of the empire's imposing sky fortress, which Vayne pilots in FFXII, and is also the stage where Vaan and his party seek to end the Empire's deathly grip over Ivalice. As Fang's Eidolon in FFXIII, Bahamut takes on a humanoid appearance when fighting alongside Fang, but he can transform into a dragon in Gestalt mode. Seeing Fang stand on the dragon's back and attack from the skies truly resembles the image of a dragoon. 13. Chocobo [10.23Mu] II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII A breed of flightless birds, characterized by their yellow feathers, distinct odor, and the unforgettable chipr, "kweh!" Domesticated for their gentle nature and quick feet, they are often used as a mode of ground transportation. Debuting in FFII, they live in forests, and if you are lucky enough to encounter and capture one, they allow you to travel the land freely. In FFIII, they are found in small, circular-shaped forests, and have evolved with the ability to traverse rivers. From the manner in which they appear when the spell Escape is cast, to having a research center devoted to them, chocobos have become an essential part of life in this world. Two new breeds are encountered in the world of FFIV: the low-flying black variety and the MP-replenishing white variety. Boko in FFV is not only Bartz's mode of transportation, but an irreplaceable friend, together with whom he faces many trials and tribulations. In FFVI, chocobos are such a vital part of everyday life, both civilian and military, that they are rented out for travel in shops sprawled throughout the world, and are even mounted by soldiers in a scene of an opera! Cloud borrows a farm to personally raise chocobos in FFVII. Bred with enough care and time, they can traverse mountains, rivers, and even the oceans. Using the ChocoSonar and ChocoZiner in the various Chocobo Forests around the FFVIII world allows Squall to capture and ride a chocobo. Always angling for gil in these forests is the mysterious Chocoboy. The most famous chocobo in FFIX, Choco, travelled the world with Zidane, digging in search of treasure. In FFX's world of Spira, where machines and technology are forbidden, chocobos are a part of everyday life, and a vital means of transportation along with other animals. They can be spotted near the Mi'hen Highroad. Besides the ability to rent a chocobo to ride, adventurers in FFXI can also raise a chocobo and participate in Chocobo Races. In FFXII, using Choco Turbo enables chocobos to sprint at great speeds. The eyes of a chocobo shine while in turbo mode. Besides mature chocobos being mounted, chocobo chicks are kept as pets in FFXIII. One little chick makes Sazh's afro its home and becomes a source of comfort during the long journey. 14. Moogle [10.214Mu] III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII The ever-popular icon. Some resemble humans while others are just stuffed animals. Their soft yet cute features have won the hearts of many a fan. Making their debut in FFIII, moogles lived in Doga's Manor. Doga first considers the heroes as intruders, ordering them to seize the heroes, to which the moogles respond with a resounding "Kupo! Kupopo!" But once the misunderstanding is settled, the moogles treat the party with grace and are also fluent in the language of humans. In FFV, the moogles are very timid creatures living in their own village with their own mode of life. Although they can only say the word "kupo," Krile's telepathy seems to allow her to communicate with them. The moogles appearing in the world of FFVI live a communal life in Narshe and are connected to Terra. One moogle in particular can communicate with the humans and uses various dances in battle. He also has a "Moogle Charm," warding off would-be assailants, and was a pivotal ally. Besides appearing as a summon, the moogle was the star of its own game in the Gold Saucer of FFVII. Ruining their homes in the snowboard game caused them to throw quite the temper tantrum. Appearing as the MiniMog Guardian Force in FFVIII, it cannot be junctioned, and appears at random. But when it does appear, it heals the party and decides to take a commission directly from Squall's savings. A group of moogles live in Madain Sari, Eiko's home town in FFIX, and are like family to her. Her close friend "Mog" hides a big secret in such a small package and is always by Eiko's side. In FFX, a moogle is seen as one of Lulu's weapons. Normally just a stuffed animal, when Lulu releases it, it approaches and attacks enemies on its own. The guardians and caretakers of an adventurer's Mog House in FFXI, they provide such services as storing an adventurer's items or redecorating the Mog House. Moogles have small bodies covered with fur and long ears in FFXII. They are excellent engineers and have very skilled hands. Like the Viera and Bangaa, they have a society closely resembling that of the humes. They are often treated no more seriously than as mascots because of their propensity to refer to themselves as "mog" and end sentences with the word "kupo." 15. Mandragora [10.215Mu] VII, IX, XI, XII Although all variants differ in size and appearance, the mandragora in every entry share a common bond as walking plants. They appear in FFVII as weed-like monsters in the plains near the marshes where the Midgar Zolom make their homes, often together with chocobos. In hurried attempts to feed and capture a chocobo, many accidentally give herbs to the mandragora. The mandragora appear in areas such as the forests surrounding Treno in FFIX. Although most adventurers would not give these monsters the time of day, the sharp-eyed Zidane knows that they held more gil than other monsters. Leaving a lasting impression are the mandragora of FFXI. It seems that it has a developed brain-like organ, and has created a unique culture differing from those of humans and beastmen. The fact that new adventurers often fight these creatures early on, paired with their easily recognizable appearance, has earned them a cult-like following. Maintaining their appearance from FFXI, the FFXII brand are found along the Phon Coast. The Rogue Tomato, a variant of the mandragora, is registered as a mark by Tomaj and can be found in the Sandsea. 16. Bomb [10.216Mu] II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII A spherical organism that floats with an expression of rage, they tend to self-destruct in response to being attacked by would-be hunters. This monster is also well-known for items such as bomb fragments and bomb arms. The self-destructive tendencies of bombs can be traced back to their debut in FFII, where they were known as the Empire's magical weapons and appeared throughout the world, assaulting Firion and his troop. Appearing in the Subterranean Lake of FFIII, they were a great threat to many adventurers as there was no save point in close proximity at the time of encounter. A larger "Mom Bomb" is faced in FFIV with Yang's "She's gonna blow!" line being a signature moment. By the way, the Bomb can also be summoned as an Eidolon. "Self Destruct" can be learned as a blue magic spell in FFV, so many adventurers sought bombs to explode in order to learn this technique and blow off some pent up, youthful rage. One must be careful on the Phantom Train in FFVI, lest one encounter a bomb and turn the party into members of the living dead that also ride the train. Found around Mt. Corel in FFVII, most do not think much of them, but the battle-hardened Cloud made sure to steal a bomb arm and prepare for the future. Bombs can be found in areas such as the Fire Cavern in FFVIII and are relatively easy to handle, but their Suicide attack makes them notorious monsters to face. Fired off as shells to attack Zidane as he flees with Garnet, they burnt the Prima Vista, causing it to crash. Steiner, however, was not aware of the growing bomb behind him as he attempted to "save" Garnet. Making the areas around the Mi'hen Highroad their home in FFX, the best strategy is to have Ifrit enter the fray and take on the brunt of their explosions. Classified as a genus of the arcana family of monsters in FFXI, most adventurers would prefer to not face them. Experienced adventurers, however, would take advantage of the bomb's tendency to self-destruct and use them as training dummies. A fierce foe awaits explorers of FFXII in the form of the King Bomb. All bombs in Ivalice have a fuse on their heads, making their threat easier to grasp. Classified as a "Weapon of Pulse" in the world of FFXIII, bombs are found around the Vile Peaks. They have been reimagined as mechanical monstrosities befitting their label as weapons. 17. Asura [10.217Mu] IV Known for having multiple faces and arms, Asura is the queen of Feymarch, land of the Eidolons, where Rydia stayed for a period of time in FFIV. She maintains faces of rage, joy, and benevolence. She is the wife of Leviathan, king of the Eidolons, and is also referred to as his "gatekeeper." Only those who defeated her may lay their eyes on the king. A mother figure to Rydia, she tests Rydia's strength as ordained by the precepts upon Rydia's return to the Feymarch. She refers to Cecil and his party as "good companions...both strong and true." She will cast a healing spell when summoned into battle. 18. Titan III, IV, V, VII, XI A powerful Eidolon using the forces of earth to crush his foes. He maintains a very muscular physique throughout the series. Making his debut in FFIII, he can be summoned by using the spell Hyper. Seeing a half-naked giant with ruffled hair lift up its arms in a menacing manner to cause a great earthquake must have inspired our young heroes. Titan is first met in FFIV when Cecil and Kain visit the village of Mist on orders of the king. In her blind rage after losing her mother, Rydia summons Titan, and his great earthquake causes a landslide, blocking the valley leading to Mist and Baron. Changing his stance for his Gaia's Wrath attack in FFV, Titan became even more formidable. Firmly standing in a lowered fighting stance and gazing at the land with a stern glare, this giant is faced within the Karnak Meteor. In FFVII, Titan does not cause an earthquake directly as in the past, but rather lifts up the very earth foes stand on, and flips it over, crushing them. It is said that he is the angry leader of his tribe. In FFXI, Titan rules over land, and is one of the gods sleeping within a crystal. According to a legend connected with its constellation, he is the only remaining member of a race of giants that fought humans when they lost their habtitat to human development. It is also said that he reached out to a hume girl. 19. Atomos [10.219Mu] V, IX, XI, XII Although its shape and appearance differ greatly by title, Atomos is usually depicted with a large mouth that can swallow objects whole. Making its debut in FFV, it appears as a monster guarding the Barrier Tower with a small cosmos appearing within its mouth. Bartz and the party enter the tower in the hopes of eliminating the barrier protecting Exdeath's castle. If a member is knocked out during the battle, Atomos will suck them into the Interdimensional Rift. In FFIX, it is summoned by Queen Brahne in front of Zidane's eyes, swallowing and ripping the Regency of Lindblum to shreds. Once in the hands of Garnet, it uses it gravity-based "G-Force 199" attack to crush enemies. Adventurers of FFXI will recognize these as the "Cavernous Maws," mysterious gates appearing during the Crystal War period and referred to as "Atomos" by Cait Siths. They can be considered a means to travel back in time, but the details of their workings remain unknown. In FFXII, Atomos appears as both a mark and as the name of type of Archadian Empire airship. When Vaan and the others infiltrate the Airship Leviathan, they commandeer one of these to escape. 20. Iron Giant [10.220Mu] II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X A large beast fully clad in iron or steel armor and swinging a large sword with ease, they are often faced later on in a story as a formidable foe. In FFII, it patrols the halls of Pandaemonium prior to the final conflict. The monster is rarely encountered, but when faced, it is said that its strength surpasses even that of the Emperor it serves. Although appearing in the Dimension Castle as a stronger monster in FFV, rumors say it is protected by the inferior iron armor. In FFVII, they can be encountered on the path to the planet's core where Sephiroth awaits. Cloud's words urging his friends along can be heard prior to facing this foe. As they only appear after the Lunar Cry saga in FFVIII, some speculate that they originate from the moon. Similar to other appearances, they are encountered prior to the final battle in Memoria in FFIX. The iron giant appearing in FFX is found in the Thunder Plains. Unlike their previously grand appearances, these versions are slightly more nimble. It is rumored that they wanted to start with a clean slate, explaining the cape and the large knight-like motif. 21. Cactuar [10.221Mu] VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XIII Monsters resembling cacti with simple eyes and limbs, they are often seen running at full force. They may hold large amounts of gil at times and use their 1000 Needles attack to drive off would-be attackers. Making their debut in FFVI, they appear in the desert south of Maranda in the World of Ruin. Cactuars face away from Terra and the party as if they are about ready to take off. Inhabiting Cactus Island and the Corel Desert in FFVII, two types of these monsters are encountered. However, close inspection reveals one of these to be an imposter. Embarking upon Cactuar Island and its surrounding areas will allow one to encounter them in FFVIII. Many must have had their breath taken away when seeing the large Jumbo Cactuar, visible from even the airship. Found on the Outer Continent in FFIX, only their heads are visible when encountered in a battle. While hiding underground, they will counter any attack cast their way with 1000 Needles. Calling the Sanubia Sands home in FFX, finding all of the cactuars here will open a path to a useful item. In FFXI, the cactuars get a makeover and become even more anthropomorphic, more closely resembling a person. Forgoing their trademark running-man pose, they rely on more nimble movements, and bask in the light to start photosynthesis. Returning to their familiar appearance in FFXIII, they can be found in the Archlyte Steppe on Gran Pulse. Running around Sazh when they first appear as if to mock him shows that they have a playful side. 22. Tonberry [10.222Mu] V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XIII A small monster wielding a knife in one hand and a lamp in the other, it slowly creeps along its path. Some say its small twinkling eyes are charming, but that can be debated. Besides stabbing enemies with its knife, it is also known to use an attack called Karma. It seems this is in reference to the "bad karma" the party has built up by defeating countless other monsters on their journey. First appearing in FFV, it surprised many adventurers when, unlike other monsters who do not move from their position, it slowly approaches the party. Tonberries can be found around Narshe in FFVI and continue to slowly creep along, but an attack on them while walking will elicit a Karma attack. Appearing within the Whirlwind Maze of FFVII, once the area is decimated and becomes the Northern Cave, a new sub-species, the Master Tonberry, can be fought. Appearing with a star over its head, they possess the coveted Last Elixir. It is said that Cloud and friends were seen trying to gain as many of these prizes as they could. The FFVIII version of this monster seems to be the clumsiest, as it is known to trip on occasion. When the Tonberry King is defeated, it aids the party as a Guardian Force and doesn't trip over itself. In FFIX, they are only encountered in groups of threes, showing that they may have a close-knit community. Using a technique called Voodoo in FFX allows these monsters to lay waste to their enemies, even Aeons. As a race of beastmen in FFXI, they are characterized by the specks on their skin and their feet protruding from under their robes, giving them a more humanized appearance. They revere their own goddess and not the Goddess Altana. In FFXIII, they appear in missions in Gran Pulse, and one can lay witness to their might as a single slash from their knives can decimate a large Cie'th easily. 23. Malboro [10.223Mu] A monster with the appearance of a blooming flower and multiple tentacles protruding from its face. In almost every appearance this monster has inflicted adventurers with multiple status ailments with its "Bad Breath" attack, making it one of the most formidable monsters to face. First making an appearance in the Cave of Mysidia in FFII, it paralyzes Firion and friends as they entered this forbidden land in search of their ally Minwu and the legendary Ultima tome. When encountered within the Sylph Cave in FFIV, it is the first it uses its signature "Bad Breath" attack. Causing multiple status ailments, Cecil and his party were pushed to the brink on multiple occasions. In FFVI, it is encountered in the World of Ruin as Celes and her party attempt to gain new wings, the Falcon, within Darill's Tomb. Encountered at Gaea's Cliffs in FFVII, being hit with its bad breath when in such a remote location, and no means of backtracking to civilization, made it difficult to regroup. Using the Malboro Tentacle received upon defeating these monsters in FFVIII allows Quistis to learn the blue magic "Bad Breath." For Squall and his party, seeing the stunning teacher use this technique must have been more emotionally traumatizing than seeing the monster use the same technique. In FFIX, malboros can only be encountered in Pandaemonium, a castle ruled by this world's Garland. In FFX, it appears where Yuna's father, Lord Braska, defeated the previous incarnation of Sin. For an unsightly monster to lay waste to the lands her father once protected must have made Yuna angrier than the berserk effects of the malboro's Bad Breath attack. The malboro vine, which is cut from any of the species of malboro existing throughout the world of FFXI, is used as an ingredient to concot various medicines. In FFXII, one smaller malboro was kept as a pet, but when it ran away, it was registered as a mob. At first the only information available was that it was called Carrot, but when the party finds out that the "pet" was a malboro, Vaan and the others must have been infuriated. 24. Ultros [10.224Mu] A monster with a comedic appearance and curious speech, first appearing in FFVI, as an enemy, but his antics fascinate all. Ultros first appears in the Lethe River as the party is on its way back to Narshe. His endless babbling during battle, then pretending to have been defeated only to meddle further, incurred the full wrath of the party. He next appears at the opera house, attempting to ruin the opera in which Celes stars, and parts with a comical "Adios!" when he is defeated. A third encounter with the fiend occurs in the Esper Cave on the Triangle Island in hopes of wrestling a treasure away from the party who had travelled in the hopes of becoming ambassadors between the empire and the Espers. The last encounter with Ultros as an enemy occurs before the party lands on the Floating Continent. Blending in with the Imperial Air Force, he attacks the party as they attempt to stop the empire from reviving the Warring Triad and usurping their powers. Despite their best efforts, Ultros and Typhoon are quickly sent packing. After the world is torn into discord, he works as the receptionist at the Dragon's Neck Coliseum, trying to pay off his mounting debts, bringing an end to his long feud with Terra and her friends. After a long hiatus from the series, Ultros appears as a mob "Orthros" in FFXII, a reddish-brown colored subspecies of the jelly-like Flans that only appears when the party consists of all women, bridging the gap with the familiar octopus. Once engaged in battle, party members can be changed out, allowing for members like Vaan and Basch to participate in the extermination raid. Despite coming out its hiding place to greet the ladies, being defeated by a group of men must have been difficult for the fiend to swallow. 25. Typhon [10.225Mu] VI, VII A pink monstrosity with a horrendously large mouth. Typhon makes his debut in FFVI as the party attempts to land on the Floating Continent when Ultros summons him. Ultros refers to him as "Mr. Typhon," but as he can only speak in growls such as "FUNGAH!" their relationship is a mystery. He uses his Snort attack upon being defeated, sending the party crashing to the Floating Continent. After the world is torn asunder, he works as an enforcer at the Dragon's Neck Coliseum, blowing away competitors who bet worthless items, and helping Ultros pay off his large debt. Appearing as a summon in FFVII, he turns the world upside down with his Disintegration attack. His materia can only be obtained later on in the game in a secluded area of the Ancient Forest that is only accessible when a maze of plants is traversed. But once obtained, he becomes a strong ally prior to the final battle. 26. Deathgaze [10.226Mu] VI, IX, XII A dragon with a cape-like wing structure, this flying terror hovers the skies and threatens airships. A fierce foe that can be encountered while travelling in the airship in the World of Ruin in FFVI, it is awakened with the havoc Kefka caused. Its appearance made the once-friendly skies difficult to travel, making people realize that order was truly lost in the world. It appears as one of Kuja's protectors in the Crystal World of FFIX. It spread out its wings in an impressive show, tormenting Zidane and company as the prologue to the final duel. Appearing as a type of plate wyrm in FFXII, it is spotted by a family who likes to travel and then petitioned it be made an Elite Mark. The petition was made as Deathgaze came in contact with airships and threatened the skies. But once the mark is accepted, it hardly ever shows up, causing quite the number of challengers to get frustrated. 27. Behemoth [10.227Mu] II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII A ferocious beast with a hide as strong as steel and razor-sharp talons. It not only uses fierce physical attacks but also uses the spell Meteor. It faced Firion in the Coliseum chaired by the Emperor in FFII. A fierce fight ensues with the captive Hilda's life on the line, but all was part of the Emperor's schemes. In FFIII, it is encountered in the Temple of Time, where Noah's Lute can be found. In FFIV, hordes of behemoths are continually faced within the Lair of the Father, and there are times when adventurers would fall before facing Bahamut, who awaits at the core. The behemoth also appears on the Floating Continent in FFVI. Terra and friends only face the behemth when they are prepared, but when surrounded, the party was in a sad state. It can be found wandering around the Sector VIII slums of Midgar after the Weapons attack in FFVII. These beasts make their home in the areas surrounding Esthar in FFVIII. They are very muscular, but their meat is said to be rich in nutrients. "Devouring" these beasts increases one's magic abilities. In FFIX, behemoths appear in Memoria, but can also be fought in the basement of a certain building in Treno in a one-on-one duel. They appear in the Ronso tribe's homeland, Mt. Gagazet in FFX. In FFXI, they are fierce beasts that can only be toppled when a group of hardened adventurers join forces. Their hides and horns are used to create weapons, but only skilled adventurers who can defeat these beasts, or those with deep pockets, can obtain such rare prizes. The behemoth steak is a prize obtained in FFXII. With the meat on the bone tender as can be, it is said that eating this meat replenishes one's vitality. But Vaan sells the meat before trying it out, so we'll never know how it actually tastes. Behemoths are bred for military use in FFXIII, and like other weapons, they are differentiated by ID as the names Alpha, Beta, and Lodestar indicate. 28. PuPu [10.228Mu] VIII, X A mysterious creature with small, simple eyes, a light blue body and an elongated antenna that made its first appearance in FFVIII. During his travels, Squall witnesses a UFO raiding cattle and buildings across the world. His party comes across the UFO after it had made an emergency landing, destroying it. After that event, the creature known as the PuPu appears in Balamb Garden. It begs for Elixirs and seems to be peaceful. According to the magazine "Occult Fan," the PuPu is an alien, and if one deals with this creature in a peaceful manner, it will give the rare "PuPu" Triple Triad card in return. For the closet card collector, Squall, it was quite the bargain. Ruthlessly destroying its vehicle after it pillaged people, yet offering help when the same alien was in trouble, is testament to Squall's passion and sense of honor as a SeeD cadet. The PuPu appeared as one of Lulu's dolls in FFX. As the doll had "Space XX" in its name, it appears as though the people of Zanarkand also thought of the PuPu as an alien. 29. Lich [10.229Mu] I, VI, IX, XI, XII Lich is an undead monster that has appeared in various forms by title. In FFI, where it fought the warriors of light as the Fiend of Earth, it made the land decay, causing a famine. Though defeated, it returned prior to the final battle and once again stood in the heroes' path. In FFVI, it is a mere monster that can be faced in the Cave of the Sealed Gate. In FFIX, it appears as the "Earth Guardian" and is then fought once more in Memoria later on. First fought by Zidane and Quina, it is possible to "Eat" it, but as doing so teaches a form of blue magic, it is unknown how it tastes. Lich appears as a member of the skeleton family in FFXI and looks like its name implies. As they hold valuable items, experienced adventurers will eventually face these monsters for the prizes they hold. The Lich appears as a wandering spirit near the Tomb of Raithwall in FFXII. According to the Clan Primer, Liches are born when a man dies with intense hatred or animosity left in his heart and are considered to be kings among the dead. 30. Marilith [10.230Mu] I, IX, XII A fire-controlling, serpentine monster. In FFI and FFIX, it has a feminine head and upper torso, along with six arms all wielding swords. In FFI, where she appears as the Fiend of Fire, she was prematurely awoken two hundred years early and attempted to burn all to ashes. Her awakening was part of Garland's evil plans spanning two thousand years. It reappears for the first time in FFIX as the Fire Guardian protecting the Fire Shrine on the planet Terra. Although possessing an enchanting, feminine demon's appearance, it seems as though she wasn't to Zidane's liking, causing him to not attempt to seduce her. Reimagined in FFXII, it appears as a ferocious snake hiding in the caverns on the outskirts of Rabanastre. Its scales and must are important ingredients used to create fine Serpentwynes, leading to Vaan's hunting it down. 31. Kraken [10.231Mu] I, III, IX, XI A monster associated with water and the oceans, it resembles a squid. First appearing in FFI as the Fiend of Water, it greatly weakened the mermaids living in the oceans. In FFIII, it was under the command of Xande and attempted to attack the warriors of light. But the Priestess of the Water Crystal, Aria, who had travelled with the party to protect the world, became a human shield and sacrificed herself to protect the heroes. First appearing as the Water Guardian in FFIX, Kraken later reappears prior to the final battle along with the other guardians. In FFXI, Kraken is the name of a sub-species of monsters called Sea Monks. But most adventurers probably remember the weapon bearing the Kraken's name more than the monsters. 32. Tiamat [10.234Mu] I, II, VIII, IX, XI, XII A giant dragon, most of her powers are associated with the element of wind. First fought as the Fiend of Wind within the Flying Fortress of FFI, she has multiple heads and long necks. She is the strongest of the Four Fiends. She is encountered within the Emperor's kingdom, Pandaemonium, prior to the final battle of FFII. She attacks when a chest is opened, but no one knows of how or when she hid in the chest. She is encountered as one of Ultimecia's minions in FFVIII, making the clock tower in Ultimecia Castle her lair. She awaits on a ledge that is reached using the pendulums. Traversing the pendulums out of curiosity can lead to an unexpected encounter. Appearing as the Wind Guardian in FFIX, Tiamat stirs intense winds to protect the shrine it guards. Vivi is almost swept away, but luckily hides behind Steiner's heavy armor and is saved. Tiamat appears as a "notorious monster" found in a specific region in FFXI, and the only hopes of having a chance are to attack with a large party. In FFXII, Tiamat appears as a type of ring wyrm and is fought in the Henne Mines. It seems as though Mjrn, Fran's sister, had been experimented on with the Archadian Empire's manufactured Nethicite, making her go into a frenzy that awakens the beast. 33. Scarmiglione [10.233Mu] IV A member of Golbez's elite troupe, the Archfiends, bearing the title of the Blighted Despot. His hideous appearance resembles a buried corpse more than a being born from the earth. He is classified as an undead and his eerie hissing is a defining characteristic. He appears to take the life of Cecil at Mount Ordeals where Cecil aims to become a Paladin. Appearing cloaked and relatively small in size, he is defeated easily, but returns to show his true form, taking advantage of the heroes letting down their guard and attacking from behind. His menacing true form sends shivers down the spines of the unsuspecting heroes. His words, "Those who see this face must die!" suggests that he was not pleased with his appearance either. 34. Cagnazzo [10.234Mu] IV One of the Archfiends directly under Golbez's command and known as the Drowned King. His flippant nature and tendency to despise humans are his defining traits. He ridicules the party as he approaches with a booming laugh. Impersonating the King of Baron, to whom Cecil looked as a father figure, he collected the crystals from neighboring lands under Golbez's orders. He reveals his true form in front of Cecil who protests the atrocities carried out in the name of Baron. Resembling a large turtle, he hides in his shell to protect himself. He uses a tsunami attack, befitting of the Archfiend of Water. In contrast to his flippant words, he is truly vindictive and springs a trap for Cecil and friends after his defeat, making the walls close in. Through the sacrifice of the twin mages Palom and Porom using the spell Break, the heroes escape. 35. Barbariccia [10.235Mu] IV The lone female in Golbez's trusted Archfiends, and known as the Empress of the Winds. She is the bewitched lord of the Tower of Zot, where Rosa held captive. She detests Kain who also specializes in aerial combat. Her arrogant and cruel nature can be seen as she states that she "should have killed" the captive Rosa. Prior to fighting her, Kain, who had been controlled by Golbez, returns to his senses and joins the party. Having been on the other side, Kain is familiar with her tactics and instructs the party on how to attack her. With his advice and Jump attack helping the party defeat Barbariccia, it can be said that this fight helped renew the trust the party had for Kain. 36. Rubicante [10.236Mu] IV One of the powerful fiends comprising Golbez's Archfiends, and known as the Autarch of Flame. He is the last Archfiend faced and protects the Tower of Babil. Unlike the other Archfiends who cannot control their urges to destroy, he respects his foes and has a chivalrous nature. He apologizes with the words, "They shame me, as they grieve you," regarding the incident in which Dr. Lugae turned the King and Queen of Eblan, Edge's parents, into chimera. He seeks to fight formidable foes and he heals Cecil and the party's wounds, urging them to face him with all their might. He held a mantra that, "Being a slave to emotion prohibits one from obtaining strength," but fell before Edge who had gained newfound strength from his emotions. 37. Gilgamesh [10.237Mu] V, VIII, IX, XII A vagabond who roams the Void and collects exquisite weapons. Formerly Exdeath's right-hand man, he has been travelling to different dimensions since his encounter with Bartz. First encountered in Castle Exdeath when Bartz and his team were held captive, he was ordered to stand guard, but was repelled by Galuf. He has experienced much agony, such as being thrown into the ocean and being left behind by his trusty sidekick, but through his many battles has developed a curious bond with Bartz. When the two reunite in the Interdimensional Rift, they no longer cross swords. Gilgamesh sacrifices himself to protect Bartz from a powerful foe and has a grand finale. In FFVIII, he suddenly enters the fray in the final battle against Seifer. Using the power from Seifer's deflection of the Zantetsuken, he attacks Seifer based on a half-cooked assumption. He cannot be encountered in FFIX through normal means. However, when the Four-Armed Man who taught Vivi the ins and outs of Tetra Master is defeated, Zidane and company learn of the name "Gilgamesh." A petitioned mark in FFXII, Gilgamesh appears as an ancient man of mystery who steals swords. He puts on a grand show with his gallant speech and exhibits his strong bond with Enkidu. He drops a sword upon defeat, but it is a counterfeit legendary sword of no value. 38. Ultima Weapon VI, VII, VIII, X, XI The "ultimate" autonomous weapon. Regardless of its varied appearances, all incarnations are constructs. In FFVI, it guards the central area of the Floating Continent. When approached, it states "I am strength given form," then ridicules Terra and her allies by referring to them as "feeble creatures of flesh" while attempting to annihilate them. In FFVII, it appears as one of the Weapons created by the Ancients, roaming the skies until reached with the airship and destroyed. The Ultima Weapon is found in the lowest sections of an excavation site within the Deep Sea Research Center in FFVIII. It holds the Ultimate G.F., Eden, but wit, strength, and at times Zell's brute force are required to reach its sanctum. It appears in the Omega Ruins of FFX and is a formidable foe under normal conditions. But with some wit, there is a way to have it leave under peaceful conditions. In FFXI, it is a war machine created by a research team using ancient technology. Although the lone droid fought by adventurers is strong, rumors are that it is merely a "prototype." Incidentally, there is a sword often similar in name of great strength as well. 39. Omega [10.239Mu] V, XI, XII Created by an ancient civilization to become a weapon of sheer destruction, it has alien mechanisms differing from other foes. Whether it possess a will is unknown. Its emotionless killing sprees strike fear in any who challenge it. First appearing in FFV, and according to a book found within the Void, it is described as "a soulless entity from a faraway sky." The book warns would-be heroes to avoid contact, but by that time it is too late. The brave who use all of their might to overcome the mechanical beast are awarded the prestigious Omega Badge. The Omega faced in FFXI is said to be a weapon created by a lab in the Grand Duchy of Jeuno using ancient technology. It appears in FFXII as Omega Mark XII, the byproduct of a lost technology. According to notes left by its creators, it was created as a war machine to battle marks, given he ability to grow and evolve. 40. Shinryu [10.240Mu] V, IX, X A dragon traversing the Void in search of Omega. It has visited many different dimensions, and holds the key to unraveling the mysteries in several worlds. Shinryu appears within the Void in FFV and is said to have come in search of Omega. Searching a chest unleashes it to attack. It is a fierce foe on par with Omega, but it seems to be a more understanding opponent compared to the soulless Omega. Defeating Shinryu yields the Dragon Seal along with the mighty sword it once protected in the chest. It is also fought as the guardian leading to Kuja's base within Memoria in FFIX. Although it is unknown whether it holds back, using a proper strategy leads to an easy victory. It went through a stunning transformation in FFX's Monster Arena, proving to be a tough challenge with its extremely large amount of HP. 41. Land Worm [10.241Mu] VI, VII, IX, X, XI A gigantic beast resembling a caterpillar with a large mouth. It has tormented adventurers for ages, using attacks often connected to the ground or sand and wielding high HP. There are also many subspecies that resemble this giant monster. Encountered within Kefka's Tower in FFVI, it is a fierce foe, but also can become a reliable ally. Using Gau's Rage command, the party can use its awesome Magnitude 8 attack. It appears in 3-D for the first time in FFVII. Encountering this large larva in the Corel Desert after being dropped into the desert prison further adds to the despair faced by our intrepid heroes. Once again appearing in a desert landscape in FFIX, the Land Worm attacks Zidane on the outskirts of Kuja's dominion, the Desert Palace. Dwelling within Sin's body in FFX, it uses its Earthquake attack to deal damage to the entire party. Although an insect found within Sin's body, it does not appear to have a symbiotic relationship. In FFXI, they sprout their heads from the ground as if living vines. Since they inhabit areas close to settlements, they are a favorite target for new adventurers seeking to gain experience. 42. Calcabrina [10.242Mu] IV The aggregation of multiple small dolls fused together through one of Golbez's spells, it is a large and fearsome killing doll. It attacks Cecil and his party after they visit the Dwarven Castle, and attempts to steal the crystal that rests within. Before its attack, the Dwarven Princess Luna mentions that her dolls have gone missing. From these comments, one can assume that Golbez used those dolls in an attempt on Cecil's life. The dolls call themselves "Adorable dolls! Terrible dolls!" and possess eerie faces even before their merging. Nearly two decades later, Luca, who has matured into an engineer, reconstructs the dolls into automatons. Calca, the boy doll, and Brina, the girl doll with flowing locks, obey Luca's every command and fight valiantly in battle assisting Luca and Rydia on their journey. However, the nightmares of time long past return to haunt the team. 43. Giant of Babil [10.243Mu] IV An enormous humanoid weapon of mass destruction originally created by the Lunarians. Revived by Golbez using the powers of the assimilated crystals, it struck terror in the hearts of the inhabitants of the blue planet. The Lunarians were a race that had come from a different planet ages ago. Radicals within the Lunarian population created this weapon with the intent to exterminate the inhabitans of the blue planet, allowing their people to immigrate to the planet themselves. Upon completion, the moderate Lunarians opposed the plans of using this gigantic weapon and had it sealed away within the Lunar Subterrane, putting an end to the dastardly ambitions of the radicals. In Cecil's time period, the giant is finally activated and sent to the blue planet as the Giant of Babil. However, the inhabitans of the planet gallantly stand up against the giant to protect their homes, finally putting an end to the Lunarian scheme. 44. Syldra [10.244Mu] V An enormous sea dragon who glides along the seas freely. Maturing with the pirate Faris, she is not only a close friend, but almost like her sister. Once the winds die down, she helps Faris by pulling on her ship. When the winds died, making boats useless, she pulled the raft to aid Bartz. But when the party is attacked by a monster at the Torna Canal, her whereabouts become unknown. She reppears to save the party as they are tossed into the seas, bit with her strength fading, she bids farewell to Faris and is swept under the currents. Her spirit, however, awaits for Faris's return to their home, the Pirate's Hideout. When the party returns to the hideout, using Krile as an interpreter, she conveys her resolve to protect Faris and becomes an Eidolon, continuing on her travels with the party till the end. 45. Ultima, the High Seraph [10.245Mu] XII An esper possessing angelic wings with the face of a maiden, and half of her body a weapon. Her beautiful appearance and magnificent dress are befitting of the title "High Seraph." Long ago, a race of near-immortal beings, the Occuria, ruled all of Ivalice. Referring to themselves as "The Undying," they presided over all other races. Ultima is but one of the scions created by the Occuria and tasked with a specific role: guiding souls to heaven and aiding in their reincarnation; she is considered to be the masterpiece among the scions. Countless time has passed since she has disappeared from the world's stage, but she encounters Vaan on the high level of The Grand Crystal. On top of fighting in another dimenion and using Holy-based attacks, she alters her strategy based on what Vaan and his party have equipped, making her a difficult foe to bring down. 46. Zalera, the Death Seraph [10.246Mu] XII An esper with the appearance of a skeleton adorned in black garb and possessing jet-black wings. As his title of "The Death Seraph" implies, he takes the souls of the living unto himself. The woman grafted onto his wing was originally a shamaness serving the gods. Taking the shamaness as hostage, he rebelled against his creators. Though defeated, he retains her in his grasp. The shamaness wails when Zalera takes a life and lures more members of the living to him. Possessed by death, she loathes the living and may in fact be seeking the aid of her fellow shamanessess. Found within the Barheim Passage, Zalera torments Vaan with his dark magicks and a time limit to defeat him. 47. Brynhildr [10.247Mu] XIII A fire-emblazoned female knight, she can also transform into a weapon-clad sports car upon the request of her summoner. She makes her debut in FFXIII. She appears before Sazh, who had given up all hope of living after his son Dajh was taken from him, and he learns that Vanille was partially responsible for his son's plight. The true reason behind the Eidolon's appearance before Sazh is unknown. As Sazh's case makes clear, however, Eidolons appear before l'Cie who have lost their wills to live or those who can no longer control their emotions. Lightning and her allies believe the reason for an Eidolon's appearance is a form of lending their strength to weak souls, while admonishing them. They used this idea as a driving force to continue on their path against fate. 48. Hecatoncheir [10.248Mu] XIII An Eidolon clad in steel armor and possessing multiple arms, it transforms into a magical armored vehicled with multiple turrets to protect its summoner. Hecatoncheir appears before Vanille and Fang when Fang comes to realize the truth and Vanille attempts to defend her lie. Working together, the duo is successful in defeating the Eidolon. After conquering the Eidolon, Vanille is finally able to admit to the lies she's told and sincerely apologizes to her dear friend. In Gestalt Mode, Vanille rides Hecatoncheir while striking a unique pose, and uses her index finger to indicate its next target. Incidentally, a monster by the same name appears in FFIII and protects the Fang of Earth. He resembled a muscular warrior draped with a cape in this appearance. 49. Shinryu Verus [10.249Mu] ??? As compensation for lending a hand in the conflict of the gods, Shinryu adds to its strength by absorbing the experience reaped by the warriors of either side. Shinryu Verus is the final form of Shinryu once it has imbued itself with enough strength. Of the countless futures in existence, Shinryu Verus is born when the cycle and sacrifices reach an apex. The true extent of its strength lies beyond the comprehension of humans. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------Acknowledgements-------------- [11.0Ac] My first and biggest thanks goes to YouTube user Ryuni for his thorough walkthroughs of the storyline scenarios, Reports and Museum profiles of Dissidia 012, which served as the primary basis for this FAQ. Here's a link to Ryuni's YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Naeryu Very special thanks also are due to several GameFAQs users -- dvader518 for providing me with the text-only portions of all the Reports at a time I didn't have them, DuodecimKnight for providing me with Warrior of Light's Museum profile, and Espeon8 for providing the Dissidia portions of all the other character profiles, as well as some of the text from the Confessions of the Creator storyline: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/user.php?board=605802&topic=58589543& user=889211 http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/user.php?board=605802&topic=58608960& user=6062215 http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/user.php?board=605802&topic=58618565& user=152739 ForceStealer of TheLifestream.net is also due a thanks for providing me with Sephiroth, Shantotto and Gabranth's Museum profiles: http://thelifestream.net/forums/member.php?u=18 Additional thanks are due to the owners of the following YouTube accounts for their storyline and Reports videos as well: http://www.youtube.com/user/EmiruTheKnight http://www.youtube.com/user/SaNzGaming Thanks also go to YouTube user ShiroSora445 for posting videos of the Reports (both English and Japanese versions): http://www.youtube.com/user/ShiroSora445 Big thanks also to YouTube user SeanFireBlade for his videos of the English version of Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy prologus. This allowed me to quickly put together the beginnings of this script FAQ within two days of prologus's release. Here's a link to SeanFireBlade's YouTube account: http://www.youtube.com/user/SeanFireBlade Finally, thanks to Square Enix for delivering a good follow-up to the first Dissidia. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dissidia Final Fantasy, Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy prologus, Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XII are all registered trademarks of Square Enix. They own the rights to these works, their featured characters and the likenesses of those characters. As this entire FAQ is basically one giant quote of other people's work -- though with my own choices of formatting, of course -- it can be quoted or hosted on any site as far as I'm concerned. I would appreciate it, though, if you didn't take credit for putting it together. Also, don't try to sell it. That would be very lame.