Dissidia 012 [duodecim]: Final Fantasy Kain Highwind Character Guide by 3R9Sasuke Table of Contents: Section 1. Introduction [Int1] : About me. [Int2] : About Kain. Section 2. Moves. [Mov1] : Movelist [Mov2] : Move Description Section 3. Playing as Kain. [Pla1] : Important. [Pla2] : EX Mode Usage. [Pla3] : Comboes. [Pla4] : Builds Section 4. Character Guides. [Cha1] : Lightning [Cha2] : Vaan [Cha3] : Laguna [Cha4] : Yuna [Cha5] : Tifa [Cha6] : Warrior of Light [Cha7] : Firion [Cha8] : Onion Knight [Cha9] : Cecil [Ch10] : Bartz [Ch11] : Terra [Ch12] : Cloud [Ch13] : Squall [Ch14] : Zidane [Ch15] : Tidus [Ch16] : Garland [Ch17] : Emperor [Ch18] : Cloud of Darkness [Ch19] : Golbez [Ch20] : Exdeath [Ch21] : Kefka [Ch22] : Sephiroth [Ch23] : Ultimecia [Ch24] : Kuja [Ch25] : Jecht [Ch26] : Shantotto [Ch27] : Gabranth [Ch28] : Prishe [Ch29] : Gilgamesh [Ch30] : Feral Chaos Section 5. Other things. [Oth1] : FAQ [Oth2] : Contact information [Oth3] : History [Oth4] : Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Int1] Author Introduction What's up? I'm 3R9Sasuke (no comments on name please). This is my Username on GameFAQs but I'm also known as X-Burner21 on Xlink Kai and DissidiaForums. I live in a country which most of you have never heard of, St. Lucia. I won't lie, Kain isn't my first choice of character. It's Firion. HOWEVER, in my mains (Party) he has a solid spot so I think it's all good. I have done a few PvPs, though I'm yet to do it on Xlink. I do use him often and train frequently with him. Also, this is my first FAQ/Character guide so please bear with me. [Int2] Character Introduction Kain is one of the new playable characters in Dissidia 012: Duodecim. He is on Cosmos' side. In Final Fantasy IV, he is a Dragoon in service of Baron. A good friend on Cecil. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* Spoilers *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* In Final Fantasy IV, he starts out good and goes with Cecil on a mission to Mist. However, once they reach Mist a package they were carrying opens and turns out to be a bomb, which burns the town. A summoner attacks them, creating a mountain and seperating him from Cecil. Later, he is seen again but this time allied with the evil Golbez and is part of him plot to steal the crystals. He joins the party on occasions, but ends up being controlled by Golbez and betrays the team. This has earned him the fan badge of 'Backstabber'. In Dissidia 012: Duodecim he meets with Golbez, who tells him the truth about the cycle. However, Cecil arrives and attacks Golbez which results in him teleporting away. With new knowledge, Kain speaks with Warrior of Light and tells him what he was told. The two decide on a plan to take out all the other Cosmos Warriors, that way they won't get killed by the endless horde of Manikins and permanently lost. The two start the plan, with Kain starting with Bartz. Lightning sees and fights him but he flees. He then meets Firion who he then takes out. Exdeath, who knows the he is defeating the Cosmos warriors appears and asks about the others, but he refuses. Exdeath summons some manikins which Kain defeats. The next one to go is Zidane. After doing that, he helps Tifa after he fight with Ultimecia. ultimecia then tells of his actions, which cause Kain to take Zidane and escape. Tifa finds him, tired and uses her last potion on him. After some convincing, he tells Tifa about the cycle. She tells him to trust her, despite Kain's warning that survival was not assured. They reunite with the other new characters later and head off to stop the Manikins. On their way, Exdeath and Golbez to tell them that because of Kain's plan, the Manikins are not there and he figures out that they are going after an undefended Cosmos. He tells the others to go ahead and that he would handle the two. Exdeath summons more Manikins, but Kain beats them and him. Golbez thanks Kain for doing what he did, for it allowed the cycle to end. He also warns Kain that if he goes, he will not survive but Kain goes anyway. They fight the Manikins, somehow managing to seal the entry to the Rift but die in the process. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*Spoilers End*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mov1] Movelist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Move | Level Learned | AP | CP Normal | CP Mastered | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Spiral Blow | 1 | 100 | 30 | 15 | |Cyclone (Ground) | 1 | 90 | 30 | 15 | |Lance Burst | 19 | 100 | 30 | 15 | |Lance Barrage | 1 | 100 | 30 | 15 | |Crashing Dive | 1 | 100 | 30 | 15 | |Celestial Shooter | 13 | 100 | 30 | 15 | |Cyclone (Aerial) | 27 | 90 | 30 | 15 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Jump | 1 | 130 | 40 | 20 | |Dragon's Fang (Ground) | 23 | 130 | 30 | 15 | |Gungnir | 1 | 130 | 30 | 15 | |Rising Drive | 36 | 130 | 30 | 15 | |Sky Rave | 8 | 130 | 30 | 15 | |Dragon's Fang (Aerial) | 31 | 130 | 30 | 15 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I left out Basic abilites because every character gets them at the same time. [Mov2] Move Description. Bravery: Ground- Spiral Blow: Kain leaps forward, spinning as he hits them with his lance. Slow start but strong. Rating: 5/10 Reasoning: I personally don't like slow moves. However, this is a good move for starting a combo or starting the fight in your favour since he ends up in the air afterwards. Cyclone(both ground and aerial): Kain floats, spinning his lance vertically. This causes a green ball of wind to shoot out. Medium speed, slight homing. Rating: 4/10 Reasoning: I just have this for trolling. I don't honestly plan on using it in a fight, but do if I need to keep an opponent on the move of stop a Snoze and Lose, I use it. It does have it's uses for some people though. Lance Burst: Kain lunges forward, his lance piercing the opponent. if it hits, he sticks the lance into the ground which he then uses to swing into a kick which launches you into the air. Chase. Rating: 8/10 Reasoning: One of my favourite attacks as Kain. It's fast, does good damage and leads to a chase (or just in the air if you don't like those.) Aerial- Lance Barrage: Kain swings his lance, slashing twice at the opponent. Then, depending on the direction being pressed, he does one of two things. No button: wall rush. Up/Down: Chase. Rating: 7/10 Reasoning: Slightly fast and gives you some choice. Plus, good way to set up an Assist Combo. Crashing Dive: Holding the lance up he does a roll, doing down and into the opponent. Again, depending on the direction you're pressing, it does something difference. Down: he spins, stabbing them before smashing them onto the ground (wall rush). Up: Knocks away into chase. Rating: 6/10 Reasoning: Not the fastest move, but good enough. Does good damage and the wall rush is nice. Score isn't higher because of distancing and startup time. Celestial Shooter: Holding the lance horizontally, he moves upward, slashing the enemy. Down: Slashes away enemy (chase). Up: twirls with lance, slashing enemy before thrusting the lance and slamming them upwards (Wall Rush). Rating: 7/10 Reasoning: Good damage, great for comboes (discussed later) and good startup. However, don't expect to hit everytime. HP Attacks: Ground- Jump: Good Old Jump! Anyone whose played a FF after III should know what to expect. Kain kneels, before leaping into the air. In the air, he flips over, holding the lance facing down and landing on the opponent. Tracks and Wall rush. Has Three levels, each dependant on how long you hold Square. Level one is least controllable and shortest. Level two is medium height, but easy to dodge out of. Level Three has the highest jump and most movement. You can tell by level by the the energy emited from his body and around his feet. Rating: 8.5/10 Reasoning: Quick and can be used as a dodge. Also, the near unstoppable wall rush is a plus. If the person moves off the land you can still hit. Also, if the person is above you when you're jumping or below you when landing, they will get caught in the attack recieve additional bravery damage. Dragon's Fang (Ground and Aerial): He spins the lance around him, before thrusting it at the opponent. Wall Rush and tracking. Rating: 7/10 Reasoning: On it's own, you won't hit. This is like Kain's version of Cecil's 'Paladin Force'. Odds are, unless they're doing a bad dodge you won't hit. BUT, in a combo, this is a very good move. However, it's a tad slow (well, not for HP attacks). Aerial: Gungnir: Pulling his lance back, he throws it at the opponent. If it catches them they are flung across the stage, recieving bravery damage. VERY long damage period and Wall Rush. Rating: 8/10 Reasoning: Yes, it's good. On big stages, this attack is known for breaking opponents. Plus, most times it ends in Wall Rush. Important note though. On Lightning's stage 'Orphan's Cradle', this move will almost certainly end without the opponent taking damage if you do it too high. Sky Rave: He shoots down with his lance, stabbing the opponent before spinning down. Does more damage as he goes down and Wall Rush. Rating 7.5/10 Reasoning: A good downward attack. Faster than other HP attacks, it also has Kain's signature of bravery damaging HP attacks. Doing this in the dreaded Planet's Core or Edge of Madness is going to be damaging. Rising Drive: He flips up, spinning his lance as he hits the opponent up with every spin. Does more damage as he goes up and slams upward for Wall Rush. Rating: 7.5/10 Reasoning: Really the same as Sky Rave. However, might be exchanged for Dragon's Fang. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing as Kain [Pla1] : Important things to understand. When playing as Kain, you will need to get some things through your thick skull. He is described by the game as a Tactical Striker. After reading someone saying, 'What is he, a cross between Languna and Tidus? Tactical Gunner and Spry Striker. Lame description Square Enix!!' I think there is something that needs to be said. He is a Tactical Striker. Kain's aerial attacks have ranges which can be a bit tricky at times, so you need to think. You can't just charge in, lance swinging. You're going to lose. Even once you get the hang, if you still don't rely on some form of Tactics you are STILL going to lose. I once did that and got roflstomped. Didn't even touch the guy. So, think. Don't be afraid to distance yourself. Also, as expected you're going to be in the air a lot. That being said, don't be afraid to go to the ground. Finally, Kain has an ability. After knocking the opponent away, you can press Triangle instead of X (for chase) to rush towards your opponent. Don't be shy, use it. There will be times where I can come in handy, though you can use it to dash right passed your opponent, so be warned. [Pla2] : EX Mode Usage. EX Mode : Holy Strength. Ability: Lancet. R + [] EX Burst: Dragoon's Pride. Kain's EX mode is his late Final Fantasy IV: The After Years attire. He loses his headgear and his armor turns light blue and white. The most notable thing of his EX mode, aside from the sparkles and hair, is the new HP attack. Lancet. Think of it as a Blood Weapon. If it hits, you gain HP equal to the damage done. His EX burst is simply button mashing. When it starts, you are shown one button, then when the bar reaches 1/3, it changes. Then, when it reaches 2/3 it changes again. If done correctly he jumps up, high enough for the two moons (A FF IV reference) to be visible. He lands on the opponent, stabbing them before jumping off. Ok, now for the discussion. Kain's EX mode is not Bartz'. Unlike in Bartz' EX Mode, you can't expect to go around throwing R + [] attacks. Though it's quick, it's not that quick. Do it once and miss and odds are, you won't hit unless you set it up. That being said, it still isn't impossible. NOTE: PvP, not PC. PC WILL dodge at higher levels unless you set it up. Especially over lvl 100s. EX Mode or EX Revenge? Ex Mode if you can get a Lancet. In all honestly, unless you need it for HP recovery or are trying to avoid a Last Chance I'd say EX Revenge. Why? Because it's eaier to get hits in, especially if you have an opponent who likes to run around the place. Of course, it's all up to you. If you could use a confidence boost of EX Mode, go for it. If the opponent is close to breaking and hits you with a damaging HP attack, EX Revenge. After all, situation is everything. [Pla3] : Comboes. First off, the comboes I'm going to talk about will involve Assists a lot. My assist of choice with Kain is Cecil. He's good for Kain, mostly because he holds the person in mid air, giving you a chance to hit them in your own attack. Now, the thing about these comboes is that it's all about timing. Some of them will seem possible but barely out of reach. That's understandable. Many of them actually rely on the opponent as much as you. Also, there's no dodge cancelling or anything like that. Kain ONLY comboes. Ground: 1. Cyclone -> Celestial Shooter Directions: Cyclone, when hit opponent flies over you. Jump and use Celestial Shooter. Opponent needs to recover while mid air for second attack to hit. 2. Cyclone -> Jump Directions: As Cyclone hits, start charging the jump. You should aim to hit the person on your way up, that way they'll be caught. If you wait for when you're going down, odds are you'll miss. 3. Lance burst -> triangle -> Celestial Shooter Directions: As the Lance burst hits, go all the way with it. Once Kain kicks them into the air, ignore the prompt for chase and immediately press Triangle. Don't wait to reach directly in front of the person to do Celestial Shooter. There's actually more to the combo. Add traiange(don't hold) -> Celestial Shooter -> Sky Rave. I haven't done the last part myself (got rusty) but I've been told it works. Aerial: 1. Lance Barrage (Wall Rush)-> triangle -> Dragon's Fang. Directions: Rather Simple. Only thing is if no Wall rush, No Dragon's Fang. It is Completely dodgable with the Wall Rush. 2. Celestial Shooter (Wall Rush)-> Sky Rave Directions: This one is tricky. Mostly because you need to wait for a the slightest moment afterwards and then do Sky Rave. If done too fast, the person remains on the ceiling, too slow and they dodge. Assist Required (Cecil preferably) comboes: Ground: 1. Spiral Blow (Wall Rush) -> Brave Assist -> Triangle -> Dragon's Fang Directions: Wall Rush is NECESSARY. Without it, they'll just dodge the assist. For this one, it can be anyone. They just need to stall for you to reach. 2. Cyclone -> Celestial Shooter (Dodged)-> Assist -> Celestial Shooter Directions: The Assist is mainly if your Celestial Shooter is dodged. That way, you can hit with the second one. However, if the first hits you can still continue the combo if you get a wall rush. Aerial: 1. Lance Burst (First TWo hits) -> Assist -> HP attack. Directions: You CAN Wall Rush. However, you don't need to. To get the Assist in, press L + () when the first hit connects. The HP attack doesn't matter, unless your assist knocked them away. 2. Celestial Shooter -> Assist -> Crashing Dive -> Dragon's Fang Directions: Wall Rush needed. The only tricky thing is the Dragon's Fang. The person may dodge. 3. Crashing Dive -> HP Assist. Directions: Easy. Just need to time to right. [Pla3] : Builds Due to Kain's style, there are a couple builds which work magically with him. I'm leaving out most Basic accesories. Except for those which are NEEDED, they really are up to you. What I use may not be what you use. 1. Damage/Bravery Biulding. Since most of his HP attacks deal damage as they go (and good damage at that), this build will be very effective. Abilites: Equip Machines Gear Weapon: Highwind Shield: Chainsaw Helm: Drill Armor: Auto Crossbow Accessories: Basic Hyper Ring: Damage +5% Muscle Belt: Physical Damage +7% Zephyr Cloak/Power Ring: BRV boost on dodge +2%/ Damage +3% Booster Pre-EX Mode: 1.4 Large Gap in HP: 1.5 Pre-EX Revenge: 1.3 Aerial: 1.5 Empty EX Guage: 1.5 Special Sturm and Drang: Physical Damage +3% Wall Rush Damage +40% Chase BRV Damage +7% Force to Courage: EX Core and EX Force to BRV Notes: This one is solely for BRV and doing a lot of damage. How much is alot? 22 normal for Gungnir. 35 normal for Rising drive. Imagine a stage like The Rift or another long and tall stage. However, this one doesn't have any EX to save you, but Assist is still an option. If you want EX, you'll have to change a couple Boosters. 2. Wall Rush. Everything, and yes EVERYTHING (... Cyclone not included) does Wall Rush. That being said, both Bravery and HP Wall rush are essential to breaking and knocking your opponent's HP to 0. Abilites: Hoplite's Gear Gear: Weapon: EarthBreaker Shield: Unimportant Helm: Unimportant Armor: Unimportant Accessories: Basic: Muscle Belt : Physical Damage +7% BOOSTER : Wall Rush BRV damage +40% SNIPER EYE : Wall Rush HP damage +10% Boosters: Large Gap in HP: 1.5 After Summon: 1.3 Pre-Ex Revenge/Mode: 1.3 Areial: 1.5 Opp HP < 50%: 1.4 Speical: Sturm and Drang: Physical Damage +3% Wall Rush BRV Damage +40% Chase BRV Damage +7% Beserker Ring: Wall Rush Damage + 10% Notes: The main part of this one is the EarthBreaker, Sniper Eye and accessories. True, you won't see damage like original Dissidia but you'll still get an increase. All boosters, Wall Rush = 41% If I find any more that I find to be worthwhile, I'll add them to it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Guides Personally, I would have preferred to leave this part out. But, since the GameFAQS staff are the ones running this, it's not up to me. The reason is I don't believe in this kind of thing. There is no 1 specific way a character plays, so there's no real strategy or tactic that can work against someone. Plus, people can just change from offensive playing to defensive when they see they're losing. But, gotta do what you gotta do. I guess... Just give you basic info. Something that will help you no matter how they play. [Cha1] Lightning She's very versitle, so this is a hard one. The main things to look out for is her Crushing Blow and Lightning Strike. If you try to hover over her, you may get caught in one of those. Her Thundaga is of little real threat, since most of your HP attacks will either knock her without you having to be there or take you away from it. Try luring her into the air, preferably in Commando mode. [Cha2] Vaan Be careful around his HP attacks. As much as it may seem, you will not start before Inferno so get out of the way. His different weapons really make it hard to do this. Celestial Shooter and Crashing Dive are your friends. [Cha3] Laguna The Sticky bomb could be a problem. If it hits, it could knock you out of a combo and give him chance to strike. Keep to the air. Most of Laguna's best attacks are on the ground and the air one's are easier to dodge. If he uses Ragnarok Buster, either use an Assist or wait til it's almost finished and use Sky Rave. [Cha4] Yuna Start on the ground and take it to the skies. Her ground bravery attacks are easier to see and slower, so you have a higher chance of hitting/not getting hit. You may want to land a could times (or come close to the ground if you use Aerial booster) so that you won't get caught by Shiva. Also, if in the air and she is on the ground try to keep a good distance, maybe a little out of her reach. Hellfire and be swift and painful if you don't see it coming. Her Thor's Hammer is also something to look out for. It has a suction effect so just back off, don't try a Celestial Shooter or Crashing Dive. [Cha5] Tifa Be very careful of her feints. It's easy to get caught in a trap by one. I recommend staying level with her. If she's on the ground, go there. It she's in the air, go. Lance Barrage and Lance burst are your friends, since she can't Falcon Dive or Dolphin...whatever. Aside from her HP attacks, Rolling Blaze in particular, you shouldn't have too much trouble. Too much. [Cha6] Warrior of Light A rounded Character. The most troublesome part of him is his shield attacks. They can hit you even if you're behind him, especially over head so dodge back and attack. Best to block but that doesn't always come to mind. If he used Crossover/Ascension, BLOCK. The only way to dodge is to go into the air but blocking it is best. Finally, be careful of dashing towards him. Shield of Light can block your dash and hit is you aren't careful. [Cha7] Firion One of my other characters, but unimportant details. Firion is a bit of a tricky person to fight. In all honesty, this really depends on who/what is playing. This is because Shield Bash timing is very important on this. If the person's timing isn't good, rush up and keep above Rope Knife Level and attack. If good, stay on the ground, block and attack. Rope Knife isn't unblockable anymore so no problem. If he enters the air... Free game. Rush, attack, pound, anything. Just beware of his sword attack. It's fast and slams you to the ground. [Cha8] Onion Knight A fast little guy. Be careful after doing Jump, Rising Drive and Sky Rave. He's known for breaking you quickly afterwards. Of course, you could just break him before you do an HP attack. The good thing about him however is that he's easy to hit. A simple block or dodge and you're in. Just know if you get hit, odds are you're gonna take HP Damage. [Cha9] Cecil Dark Knight's problems are Shadowbringer and Dark Flame. Shadowbringer is a dash hazard. Easily hits if you dash to him so be a bit warned. It can also hit if you're too low. Dark Flame is a bit quick and if you're above him and too close you're going to get hit. Paladin is a bit more tricky. Searchlight is a big problem, since it has a far reach and can move with you. Also, he can move during the Searchlight and attack you. When he's in Dark Knight, stay in the air and keep a bit of distance if you're not attacking. Keep a good bit of distance on Paladin and becare of how you dodge. [Ch10] Bartz The mime has a few new moves. Most are a bit slow so you should be able to dodge/block. The main problem is Hellfire. That is, outside of EX Mode. In EX Mode, run. Goblin Punch is a deadly thing and all it has to do is hit once to mess up an entire fight. It's fast and damaging so be warned. Apart from that you may want to keep in the air. Staying in the air will encourage him to go to the air and then to use Holy. That is what you're waiting for. Hit him then. [Ch11] Terra She was once a heavy contender. Not so much anymore. That doesn't mean you should loosen up. Keep aerial. The most important thing is vertical distance. Terra's attacks lack that so if you can entain it, you'll be alright. Except for Tornado. That's the only problem with this strategy. Watch out for Meltdown. That doucheblast can be really deadly, especially as it can curl around things and come back to hit you. Her EX Mode can be a problem though. Doublecasting can throw timing off easily and holy combo comes out faster. [Ch12] Cloud Cloud's semi-slow, cept for Double Cut, so do as you wish. Just remember one important fact. Do not dodge over Slasing Blow. You will get hit. It may work sometimes but better safe than sorry. He has aerial vertical attacks so keep a little distance to avoid being caught by it. His EX Mode means dodge only. If the game reaches the ground, keep out of his range. Cross Slash covers insane amounts of distance so keep a look out for that. Meteor Rain can also be a slight problem but simple dodges in one direction (left, right) solve it. [Ch13] Squall Squall has a wonderful bravery game. That's bad for you. He's fast and can cover distance with his attacks. Keep back a bit, keeping in the air. Be prepared to guard at any chance you get because you'll need it. His HP attacks could be better. Rough Divide can be dodged and you can attack immediately after. The Cirlce attacks (Fated/Aerial) have suction so dodge well. [Ch14] Zidane Monkey boy can be troublesome. He has a new bravery attack which is unblockable and can continue to anything he wants it to. That being said, you should always keep a good distance. He is also an air player so keep it there. Fighting him on the ground can be tedious. Grand Lethal is a big problem. It has really strong homing so be careful when dodging it. Free Energy had a range nerf so you'll have to be in his face for it to hit. It is faster now though. [Ch15] Tidus This kid can be a slipery one. His attacks have little difference in air to ground so keep airborne for this one. The main thing is to block. Most of his attacks start with a dodge so you can't run in lance swinging. You'll have to stop, wait, maybe trick them into dodging and counter. Just be careful about his dodging attacks. They can move and their altitute can change so it can be a bit challenging to dodge. Try going back, not to the sides. [Ch16] Garland His attacks are kinda slow and have a cooldown after, so it's your game. Keep in the air, dodge his attacks and Celestial Shooter. A range to be is close enough for the Chain Bump but too far for Round Edge. That's hard to dodge or block on moment's notice so it won't make the fight any easier on your part. [Ch17] Emperor This one is a bit easier to do. He's a still character, so he's easier to get a hit on. Don't be afraid, rush him. Most of his attacks can be dashed through. Keep the fight airborne, attacking from above. His flare may be an issue, so be on alert. [Ch18] Cloud of Darkness The tentacles can be tricky, so jump to the skies as soon as possible. Keep above her, as this limits the range of her moves. Keep a little distance so that her attacks don't automatically hit you and you have enough time to dodge. Her Fullside and 0-Form are the problem HP attacks. For fullside, if you want to rush you have to start the moment she does. If not, get close, dodge and then attack. Back out for the 0-Form. [Ch19] Golbez A worthy opponent. Known for giving trouble, he's someone you'll want to have full advantage of when fighting. keep in the air, the higher the better. His ground attacks are too much trouble to deal with. You range should be far so the Float and Gravity attacks can't make a clean hit. Like that, Celestial Shooter and Crashing Dive should be easier to connect with. When he uses his new HP attack 'Pulse!! Activate!!', wait for the pulse, then dodge. Dodge too soon and you're going to get hit. [Ch20] Exdeath Could be problematic. If the blocks are used well, you'll be in a world of hurt. Keep in the air, but this time try a couple games. Keep out of hitting range, but attack. Try to get them to time a block wrong, then use that to strike. Most of his HP attacks take time, but be warned, he can stop them with a block. His sword bravery attack can be trouble, so wait til he moves to dodge. Either then or after the sword swings all the way around. It depends more on your timing. [Ch21] Kefka For a clown, he can be no laughing matter when he makes up his mind. His magic is strong and ranged, so keep middle distance. His blizzara (?) should always be blocked and please remember that you can't dash through it. Use the magic attacks that can be dashed through to your advantage and plough through them and hit him. Dodge anything else. Havoc Wing is a serious problem. When fighting Kefka, never let your back hit the wall, never get caught in a corner. When dodging it, never go left or right. Always back. If you want to go forward, wait until be moves. As soon as he leaps up, start. You may have to practice a couple times, but you'll get it. Once you do, you now have a new chance to strike. [Ch22] Sephiroth His sword attacks should be blocked. Their range is further than yours so keeping distance may only hurt you. Rush in, ready to block or dodge at a moment's notice. For best odds, fight in the air but stay below him. That gives his attacks less of a chance of hitting you. Shadow Flare isn't a problem, just rush him when he does it. Hell's Gate can be a tricky thing to dodge, so back. If you're on the ground when he does it, get airborne. [Ch23] Ultimecia Get close, but not too close. Most of her attacks can be dashed through, but going too close leaves you open for her more devastating attacks. The fight would best done in mid-air, relying on Celestial Shooter for hits. Being below her allows you to avoid her sword attacks and a sudden Apocolypse. Dodge the Apocolypse when you see the symbol below you. After hitting her with a Sky Rave or Rising Drive, MOVE. She'll start firing and you'll have to either be a good blocker or just lucky. [Ch24] Kuja Monkey... person number two. He's a bit of a challenge. Get close, since distance will only favour him. Best to fight at an angle, so that he'll have to move to hit you with his bravery attacks and give you time to see and dodge. He is a floater, so he can move when doing HP attacks. Be careful that he doesn't lead you into an attack by floating near it. [Ch25] Jecht Be careful of this one. His 'close range' attacks can be charged and cover a lot of distance. Wait until he moves to try and hit. Aside from that, he also has Jecht Block, which can be a pain. Keep far enough distance that his non-charged can't hit, then strike. Try not to attack out of the blue, cause that gives Jecht block a chance to work. [Ch26] Shantotto Can be an easy fight. She is if not the, one of the stillest characters in the game. Get close but stay out of stun's reach. Once she does an HP attack, dodge and attack. Try not to dodge forward, as attacks like Aero and Water can still hit. Block any Bio you see. Her attacks get bigger with more bravery she has, so be careful. [Ch27] Gabranth He's the EXecutioner. Out of Ex mode, rush him and attack. How doesn't really matter but all you need to do is be close. This will help stop him from charging his guage. But, that won't be enough. He'll enter Ex eventually, so be careful then. Keep distance. EX mode will end so better to ride it out. His attack ranges are long, so keep a look out. More importantly, if in the air, stay leveled with him. His rising/decending attack is a killer and can travel a considerable distance. Innocence shouldn't be a problem if you keep you distance. Dodge to the sides, one for each slash, and you should be fine. Don't panic and dodge like a madman. [Ch28] Prishe Fighting Prishe from below would be best. Then her Uppercut won't be able to hit. Most of her moves are blockable but look out for those that aren't. Keep a little distance and you should be alright. Her other air HP attack is a simple dodge over. Then you can Crashing Dive. [Ch29] Gilgamesh This is the real trickster. His weapon's change and so does his range. Keeping the fight on the ground would be good for a while, since his ground attacks are easier to read. His jump is a copycat, but comes a little faster than yours and does HP damage on contact, so you can't use an assist or EX revenge to get out of it. Don't keep too close to him and if the fight reaches in the air, angle. Good for below so that a Hurricane won't hit. [Ch30] Feral Chaos This is an air fight. Only go on the ground to do a jump. Try your best to keep above him at all times, his air game isn't as good as yours and many of his attacks won't be able to hit you. That doesn't mean he won't. Stay a decend distance when no attacking and try to be on the look out. Via Dolorose is a problem for you, so make sure to keep an eye out for that. If you think that all I've typed is crap and you know better strategies, let me know. I'll add it to the guide and give you credit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Things [Oth1] FAQ Q. Can you Dodge out of Jump? A. Yes. At the peak of the jump, before Kain begins his decent you can dodge out. Q. How do I use Triangle dash effectively? A. It's used to pressure or Follow up. Instead of chasing, it use it to gain distance on your opponent and strike again. Best used with an assist or in a combo. Q. Is Kain worth an EX Build. A. Personally, no. I don't see too much in his EX Mode. Assist build is more worth while to me. Q. Is Ground Dash worth while? A. Well, not really. If you're used to it, use it but you shouldn't need to hug the ground too much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Oth2] Contact information If you want to ask me something, suggest something or point out an error or way I can improve, send me a PM on the site. If you don't trust the PM system or just don't believe that I'll read it (hey, some people don't) you can also email. It's (copy and paste time!) smartboykixoff@hotmail.com or 3R9Sasuke@gmail.com. The gmail one is at your own risk. I don't check it often, so don't expect it to work automatically. [Oth3] History Version 1: Completed apart from Builds and Movelist. Rejected. Version 1.1: Added Builds and Movelist. Rejected. 80 character margin. Version 1.2: Fixed margin. Rejected again. Lack of content. Version 1.5: Added Character guides. -.- Version 1.6: Added FAQ and Comboes. [Oth4] Credits. I'd like to that Square Enix for making the game. Final Fantasy Wiki for helping with names and story. Thanks to Soki_25 for pointing some stuff out and helping with Terra. Also, thanks to Onion Knight for the Combo. And that's all folks!