SOCOM U.S. NAVY SEALS FIRETEAM BRAVO PLATFORM: PSP INTRODUCTION. This is my first Walkthrough that I have written, and I hope it gives a detailed walkthrough for the campaign missions of this game. Socom U.S Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo developed by Zipper Interactive, is a third person shooter that takes you through several area’s of the world to stop terrorist operations. You play as Sandman along with your teammate Lonestar. This FAQ is for campaign only, nothing else so if you're looking for an in deapth FAQ this isn't it. TABLE OF CONTENTS (1.VH) Version history (2.WT) Walkthrough (3.VR) Village Recon (3.1.PK) Powderkeg (3.2.UT) Undertow (3.3.CS) Clean Sweep (3.4.MOR) Morocco (3.5.IA) Isolated Agent (3.6.HF) Short Fuse (3.7.LC) Lethal Crossing (3.8.DS) Desert Siege (3.9.SA) South Asia (3.10.SB) Songbird (3.11.BH) Biohazard (3.12.UF) Under Fire (3.13.PL) Poland (3.14.SAD) Supply and Demand (3.15.UA) Undermining Authority (3.16.CR) Chemical Reaction (4.LI) Legal Issues (5.CC) Conclusion **********NOTE: To search for something easier, press Ctrl+F and type in the code above and press enter twice and it will take you to what you’re looking for. ====================================== (1.VH) VERSION HISTORY ====================================== Version 0.05, December 27th 2005 Started the walkthrough. Finished the table of contents and made the "Code System". Version 0.40, December 28th 2005 Finished writing the first six levels up to Lethal crossing, and fixed grammer errors. The first version of this walkthrough is ready to be submitted to GameFAQ. Version 0.60, January 3rd 2006 Fixed the formatting and added five more levels. Version 1.00(final), January 4th 2006 Completed the walkthrough, the final version is ready to be submitted to GameFAQ. Version 1.01(final), January 9th 2006 Added more info on the last level. Version 1.05(final), March 10th 2006 Fixed up minor errors in the walkthrough. Version 1.10(final), March 24th 2006 Did some minor changes in the giude. ====================================== (2.WT) WALKTHROUGH ====================================== These mission will be written for the difficulty level, ensign. ====================================== (3.VR) VILLAGE RECON ====================================== Decription: Your primary objective for this level is to collect intell. As the level begins read the opening tutorial and proceed down the path until you come across two enemies, take them down and move forward. Move towards the village and restrain the Drunken Villager. Move forward a little bit and more enemies will attack from the right, kill them and move up ahead going around a church like building and head into another part of the village. Move forward and you will come to a generator. Have lonestar disable it. It will take 30 sec. for lonestar to disable it, while he does this enemies with come out of the building to the right, there will be about three of them, hold them of until lonestar disables the generator, if there are still any enemies left tell lonestart to "Fire at Will" and he'll help you take down any enemies left. After there gone head into the building they came out of (the building to the right) and go to the second room and pick up the "Training Video" this complete those's objectives. Move back to where you first came into the village and go to the church like building. There are several enemies in this room so have lonestar " Move To" and point your crosshairs at the entrance and lonestar will kill as much as he can, move in after him and finish off the remaining enemies then go to the second room to the left and take the "Cache map". Leave the building and go across the street. Have lonestar "Frag and Clear the building then go in. go into the second room, but be careful as there is a enemie standing next to the door and he may rifle butt you if you get to close. Go to the table and pick up "Chlorine Gas Report". Afterwards go Back to where you dissabled the generator and go up the path untill you come to a fork in the road, go left. There is one enemy here that you will have to kill. After he’s dead continue up the path until you come to another part of the village, there is one enemy that you will have to kill as you move into the village. Retrain the villager. Go all the way down until you come to the last building, look to the left and shoot the enemy. Turn right to a door and have lonestar "Frag and Clear". Move in after that and go into the second room to pick up the last piece of Intel. After that you now have to move to extraction. Go out of the building and go back through the path you came from up until you come back to the fork in the road, go straight and take down the enemy in the path. You will now be back at the church like building kill all of the enemies in the area until you have secured the extraction zone. **********NOTE: When you first clear the church like building, its best you go in and kill the enemies Because if lonestar does it he most likely will die. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.1.PK) POWDERKEG ====================================== Decription: Your primary objectives for this level, is to phote the Supply Cache, and destroy them. As the level begins run up the path a little ways and then go to prone position. You should be able to see one terrorist coming up the hill. Take out your sniper rifle and zoom in on him, shoot him in the head and then look towards the bridge, there is one terrorist standing next to a tree on the right side of the bridge, shoot him and move forward just a little until you can see the other side of the bridge with your sniper scope. There are two more terrorist: one on the left and one on the right. Start with the one on the left, wait until he comes into view and shoot him in the head, afterwards zoom over to the right side of the bridge and shoot the other terrorist. Get out of prone position and head across the bridge. You have now completed the first objective. Head to the right where you shot the last enemy and go up the path a little way until you come across another terrorist, if you can try and snipe him and continue down the path, you are now in the village. You should be able to snipe the enemy behind the barricade. After he’s dead go to the building on the right, go to the window and throw a M67 in the window. After he’s dead go towards the building on the other side of the path and jump in the window, run to the end of the room and kill him. Go to the window and look towards the tower to the left, take out you sniper rifle and see if you can kill the enemy/enemies near it. if you cant kill them, run back out to where you killed the terrorist at the barricade and jump over the barricade, head forward taking down any enemies along the way until you get the the building at the end. Have Lonestar beach and clear the room. Afterwards go in the building and have lonestar disable the radio. Run back out and take the path to the right. Go down the path and turn left into a open feild. There are three enemies, go forward and shoot the first one with a AK-47, move forward and finish off the last to enemies, take a picture of the gas masks with your camera. After the picture is taken tell lonestar to place satchel and a move back. Go back to where you shot the first terrorist and head left towards the tunnel kill any enemies and then take another left clear the enemies in the room and go prone to shoot the fuel cache. After that objective is complete head back and go straight through the path untill you come to a sorta fork in the road continue going straight and the one to the right is just a dead end continue forward killing enemies until you come to another fork in the road, turn left and go up the path until you come to a enemy, kill him and you now out of the mine. Continue following the path until you come across an open field with three terrorist one near another supply Cache and two to the left kill them all and head to the supply Cache and place a satchel. Now its time to move back to extraction. Turn and head right down the path, up ahead you will find two enemies that you will have to kill. After there dead keep moving up the path and you will be back in the village. Go through the village and jump over the barricade and move up the hill where a terrorist will be, kill him and continue up a little bit where two more terrorist will attack, kill them and continue towards the bridge where more enemies will be, kill them and move across the bridge. Once across the bridge and up the path a little ways there will be three last terrorist, finish them off them and Lonestar will deploy red smoke and the mission will be complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.2.UT) UNDERTOW ====================================== Description: Your primary objectives for this level is to disable the bomb and extract with VP. This level is kind of hard to explain so try to follow. As the level begins move forward up the ramp and kill the terrorist out side the door, and the other terrorist inside the room. Make sure you tell Lonestar to fire at will. Continue running down the ramp until you come to the third door, kill the enemy inside and take the laptop. Continue down the ramp and make a right turn. Keep going until you leave the ramp then make an immediate left back to another ramp. Run across and make a right turn. Run down the ramp and take a left turn. Run down the ramp back on ground and move through the door back down another ramp and turn left through another door. Run down the hall, and at the end of the hall you will see to terrorist talking. Kill the one with its back towards you, and then kill the other. Run down the hall and take a right. Kill the enemy and continue down the path. Right as you turn left there will be another terrorist, kill him and move forward. Take a left turn and then a right turn and continue a little way and turn left again. Head up the ramp and kill the terrorist at the top. Run down the path and take a right. Don’t go on the ramp, stay on the ground and turn right, continue up a little way and turn right. Kill the terrorist and move forward or turn right, it up to you. I suggest going straight. At the end of the hall make a left go forward until at the end of the hall make a left. Kill the two enemies and go up the ramp. Go forward and turn left once on the ramp into a doorway. Run up the path to a flight of stairs into a courtyard. Tell Lonestar to breach and clear the door into the building. Once inside there will be several enemies inside. head up the path killing the enemies inside the rooms, move to a new hall and turn left down the hall, move to the second door to the left and have Lonestar disable the bomb. Move back to the end of the hall and make a left and then another left up a flight of stairs. Once at the top take a right and kill the enemy stand by the door. Then immediately turn around and kill the two enemies down the hall. Run toward the end of the hall and make a left toward the flight of stairs. Run up them into a hall and turn right, go forward and make a left and go into the first room and obtain time table. Leave the room and take a right and go down the hall. Go into the next room and kill the terrorist guarding the vice president. Restrain him and leave the way you came back down the flight of stairs. Kill all the terrorist on your way back to the courtyard and keep the vice president safe. Kill any enemies on your way back to the courtyard then kill all the enemies in the courtyard and then Lonestar will deploy red smoke and that completes the mission. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.3.CS) CLEAN SWEEP ====================================== Description: Your main priority for this level is to Neutralize TOPDOG, and disable three bombs. As the level begins head forward down the slope underneath the rail road tracks. head forward back up the slope on the other end where you will be engaged by a terrorist, kill him and move to the other side of the train where the fist bomb is. Kill the enemy guarding it and tell Lonestar to disable it. You now have to cover him while he does this. About one or two enemies will come around from the other side of the train. Stand near Lonestar and kill them. After he's done tell him to "Fire at Will". And move forward until you come to a crate, stand next to it and snipe the enemies up ahead, Lonestar will also help you out. Now run to where you killed them and turn left around the train. Stand next to the train and snipe the enemy ahead standing near the other train. After he's dead run over to where he was and look to the right. There are about three more enemies that you should snipe. After they're dead run up to the train and have Lonestar disable bomb number two, cover him while he does this. After that bomb is disabled run forward and head to the right to the entrance of a building, it should say SKYBRIDGE on you map. Go to the door, open it, and turn left into a hallway. Follow the hallway killing the enemies as you go, and at the end of the hallway, go right on to the catwalks. At the beginning look down and kill the enemy down there and then turn left and kill the enemy over there. Go forward and make a right turn and continue up the flight of stair then make another right. Go forward and then turn left then right again till you come to a door, there should also be another enemy on the ground below but let Lonestar deal with him. Afterwards go through the door into the outside area and turn left and kill the terrorist standing there. Go down the hill to another train kill the two enemies standing there and have Lonestar disable the last bomb, and cover him while he disables it. After that’s taken care of run back up the hill back into the building. You must now secure the warehouse. Run back in on the catwalks and take a right down the stair into a room, you now have several options in this part you can either go straight down the stairs, or go right, or left up some stairs. I suggest you go right. Move right and the first room you see there is a hostage in there. Kill the terrorist guarding him and restrain him. Also obtain documents on the desk. Move out of the room back to the room you were previously in and go straight this time down a flight of stairs. Turn right till you see a room with a door open, there is a hostage in there guarded by a terrorist. Kill the terrorist and restrain the hostage. This now completes the task secure warehouse. Now you most Neutralize TOPDOG. Go back to the room you were previously in and this time go up the flight of stairs. Turn left up more stairs and go through the door, you are now on the roof of the building. There are several enemies here, kill them and head right up more stairs. Once up the stairs turn left. There are about five enemies here guarding TOPDOG, kill them and restrain TOPDOG. This completes the mission. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== CHILE MISSIONS COMPLETE ====================================== ====================================== (3.4.MOR) MOROCCO ====================================== Description: Ater completing Chile you move to a new area: Morocco. ====================================== (3.5.IA) Isolated Agent ====================================== Description: Your main objection is to follow ODDBALL as he talks to villigers and listen in on their conversation, and to take pictures of them. As the level begins you will see ODDBALL up ahead moving from the path to the left toward the path to the right and two terrorist moving in. Snipe the terrorist. For the next part you must follow ODDBALL and listen in on him while he talks to the villagers, and take a picture of them if you can. It's pretty straight forward so just follow him around killing any enemy that you find. After you listen in on the last conversation and take a picture of them. After wards you now have a new objective: Rescue Elder. Once again follow ODDBALL and he will lead you to were you need to be. Once outside the building there will be two guards. Kill them and go through the entrance. Keep following ODDBALL into the building. Once inside he will lead you to the last room past the stairs. Kill the enemy and restrain ODDBALL. Tell him to follow then head up the stairs and turn left. Kill the enemy and restrain the elder and tell him to follow as well. Leave the building and turn left then another left back into the street. Kill the enemy there and go up the path curving toward the left. There will be two enemies that you will have to kill. Kill them and keep moving straight. As you go you will be engaged by several enemies. Kill them all and move to the extraction point. When you get back to where you first began the level you will be ambushed by about four enemies. After there all dead the mission will be complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.6.HF) SHORT FUSE ====================================== Description: Your main objective is to Neutralize Amad Mouline and defuse the bombs. As the level begins head forward a little way and turn right, there will be two Enemies, kill them, and turn right, head up the path and turn left and kill the enemy standing by himself. After he’s dead take the second left and head all the way down the path ignore the entrance on the right. Once at the end of the path turn left. Kill the enemy standing guard and go into the building on the right. Kill the terrorist inside and "Obtain Frequency Book". Also make sure you tell Lonestar to "Fire at Will". And also pick up the AK-47. Exit the building and turn left go forward and turn at the second right. Go straight forward and turn left into the castle court yard place. Kill the enemy to the right then turn and head left. Run forward and turn around the crates and kill the enemy. Move forward and take a left. There are several enemies that you have to kill, after their dead this completes the "Neutralize NAPF Officer". Turn right and enter the building, move forward a bit and there will be about three enemies to kill. Once their all taken care of look to the far left side of the room, open the door and kill the terrorist inside. Pick up the "Financial Document" on the table. On a side note, if you look towards the crate in the right corner of the room. There is one of the bombs that you will have to disable later on. Exit the room and run to the other side and down the hall a bit then turn left and go down a bit and make a right, if you look in the corner there is another bomb that you will have to worry about later. Exit the area back into a hall turn left and then another left up a flight of stairs. then make another left the turn right. Once there you will be engaged by more Enemies. Kill them and head to the end of the room, turn right into a room with Amad Mouline in there. Kill his body guards and then kill him if he doesn't surrender. Run to the end of the room and pick up the laptop. After wards a timer will appear on screen. There are five bombs you must defuse. Two of them are in the room your in at each corner. Exit the room and go back down the stairs and defuse the bombs I shown you earlier. After you defuse the bombs there will only be one left. Eather out side where you killed the NAPF Officer or in the next room near more crates. Afterwards you must now find the last piece of Intel, "Weapon Manifest". Move back to the upper floor, this time head to the back of the room and turn left, and move into the room. Kill the terrorist and "Obtain Weapon Manifest". This completes the obtain Intel objective. It's now time to move back to extraction, head back down stairs back outside and turn left, and run towards the gate. Mission complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.7.LC) LETHAL CROSSING ====================================== Description: your main objectives for this level is to destroy the East and west bridge and to disable the remaining NAPF vehicles When the level begins, head up the path a little ways untill you come across two enemies, take out your sniper rifle and snipe them. Move ahead a little ways untill you come to the bridge. Snipe the enemy at the other side and move across. Once there tell Lonestar to place satchel. Move towards the burning truck and take down the enemy in prone possition. There are to more enemies that should be brought down aswell. Afterwards Lonestar should have the satchel placed. Run towards the tunel and the bridge should be destroyed. Continue through the tunel where the burning car just landed and look left the are two enemies behind the wall, kill them and look up the hill. There are two more enemies, zoom in on them and snipe them. Move on up the hill after their dead, go to where a two boulders are. Look left up the path, kill the enemy running towards you and move up the path that he came from. Move through the path untill to come to a fork in the road. The path to the left is where the camp is. There are two enemies to the right so kill them and move through the camp. Kill the enemies in the tents and look left till you see a truck, place a C4 on it and get back untill it explodes. You should also pick up a AK-47. Continue forward and take a right from the exploded truck. Go down the path and take another right untill you come to another camp. Once again kill all the enemies in the tents and place a C4 on the truck, get back a safe distense and it will explose. Now move back to where you came into the camp and go straight this time. Go forward to where you see another burning truck, where there are about four or five enemies, Also make sure Lonestar is on "Fire at Will". This part could be a little hard at first. After their all dead keep going down the path, untill you Come to two terrorist, snipe them if you can. After there dead continue down the path, untill you come to another burning truck, with an enemy standing guard. Kill him and go ahead towards the bridge. There are two enemies here that you should take down. Place a satchel and run across the bridge and the bridge should explode. Move ahead a little bit towards the extraction zone. Mission complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.8.DS) DESERT SIEGE ====================================== Description: Your main objective is to capture NAPF lieutenant, and to place charges at the armory and supply room. As the level begins move forward a little bit and turn right. Up ahead of you is one enemy, snipe him and move into the room and turn into the first door on the right. Once there make a left and then another left and then a right down some stairs. Once at the bottom turn left and take down the single enemy standing there. Up ahead make a right and go to the room at the end of the hall, make a right then another right into a room with two enemies in. after their taken care of go to the end of the room and place a satchel. After you place the satchel go back to where you sniped the first enemy of the level. From there take the second door to the left and go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs turn right, and go to the end and make another right, kill the enemy standing guard and go to the second door to the left. Once inside go left to the last room and make a right and kill the enemy inside the next area. Go to the table in the next area and have Lonestar place satchel. head back out of the room to where you first came up the stairs. This time go left up the hall, look left and kill the enemy. Turn back around and head right untill you come to more stairs. Go right and kill the enemy. go to the room on the other side and restrain the NAPF lieutenant. Head back out up the stairs and go back into that hall earlier. Go left to where the stairs are and go straight again and back into the second room on the left. Once inside go up the slope and turn right keep turning right untill at the top and turn left onto the roof top. Go up the stairs and turn left, go forward and turn right through the door, take down the enemy inside and place a C4 Charge on the radio equipment. head throught the next door before it explodes. Head through the next right towards a building. kill the enemies in and around the building. Go in and obtain code book. Head back out to where you were and continue forward. Turn right and kill the enemy standing beside a platform. Kill him and go up on the platform for extraction. Mission complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.9.SA) South Asia ====================================== After completing Morocco you move to a new area: South Asia. ====================================== (3.10.SB) SONGBIRD ====================================== Description: You will mainly be guarding MAGPIE as he recovers intel. This is probably the most difficult level in the game. After the quick scene you begin the level. Head up the path as it kind of swerves to the right into a village. Continue on and once inside there will be about three enemies and two more up the path. After you deal with the first three go straight up the path and kill the two enemies outside the cave/mine. Head inside and go forward as the path swerves towards the right. There are about four or five enemies in the that you should take down. afterwards go to the towards the left. Turn right ignoring the left intrance to where MAGPIE is and take out the Raiders in the room to the right. There are about three enemies inside. After their gone turn around and go straight into the room where MAGPIE is. After the quick scene you must now guard MAGPIE as he obtains intel from the enemies. So follow him out of the room. (Make sure Lonestar is on fire at will). He should leave the room and take the door to the right. Up the path and into another room there will be about one enemy raider that you should kill. Follow him up the path until your out of the mines. He will wait there as you head in to the village and kill as manny enemies as you can. Afterwards go back to him and he will move into the village. Follow him and he will go into the second building to the right. After he secures the data disk he will head back out. He will go across the street to the building on the first building on the right. After he secure the documents he will leave the building through the back door. Kill the raiders to the left and follow MAGPIE up the path on the right. Continue down the swerving path untill you see a guard tower. There will be about six enemies in the area. Afterwards go into the big barn on the right follow MAGPIE inside and he will secure chimical sample. This completes those objectives. You must now move to extration. After he leaves the barn he will go down the middle path across the bridge. Up the path a little way you will see a cutscene of your helicopter crashing. After the scene kill the two enemies near the tank and take out your rocket louncher and destroy the tank. Make sure MAGPIE does not wonder off, if he does he will go back to the bridge, kill the enemies around him and go back to where you destroyed the tank. Mission complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.11.BH) BIOHAZARD ====================================== Description: Your main objective is to place two satchels and get a picture of RATBITE if you can. As the level begins run up the path as it swerves toward the right untill you come near a bridge. There will be a little shack to the left with one enemy standing beside it. There is a guard tower to the right with two enemies standing beside it and one enemy on top. Kill the enemy near the shack first then take down the two near the tower. Once their takin care of take down the one in the tower. Take one of the dead enemies AK-47 and go across the bridge. When you get about half way across the bridge you will be able to see a guard tower to the left. You should be able to kill the enemy from where you are. After he's dead continue across the bridge up the path a little way. You should be then engaged by one enemy, kill him and continue following the path a little way untill you come to a cave. Once inside you should see a shakoosh soldier. kill him and keep following the path as it swerves kind of to the left. There is another shakoosh soldier near to bolders, take him down and follow the path until you exit the cave. Up ahead is an entrance into the shakoosh camp. As soon as you enter there should be a enemy to the right. Kill him and look straight, but dont go forward, instead just shoot the two enemies ahead and then turn right where you killed the other soldier and go forward behind the building. Also there is and enemy in the building, throw an M67 in the window and continue behind the houses. Continue behind each house killing any enemy you see until your at the last building. to the left is a big building with the shape of a barn. Stay in prone possition and if you look toward the building behind the barn you should see the outline of RATBITE. take out your camra and take a picture of him. After you take the picture get out of prone possition and tell Lonestar to fire at will. Kill any enemies where you are and run to where RATBITE is. You will then see a cutscene of RATBITE escaping, but dont worry, he's supposed to excape. Kill his body guards near the building then run around the back of the building untill you see an entrance to an area. Follow the path that swerves to the right until you see a shakoosh soldier, take care of him and follow the path that lead to an area full of crates. Tell Lonestar to place a satchel on the crates in front of you. While he does this look to the left and kill the enemy. Go forward and you will see two soldiers that lead to the path to the left kill them and go down the path that they came from. Keep moving down the path and you should run into another soldier, kill him and move into the new area. At the other side of the area there are a couple of computers and enemies standing beside them. Look the the far right side corner and there will be more crates. This time you have to place the satchel. After you place the satchel you have 2:30 seconds to get to extraction before the charges go off. Remember that pier where RATBITE ran to? That's where you must go. Look to the left of the computers and there will be a path. Go down it killing any enemies that you run into until you come back into the village. Go straight through the village past the barn killing the enemies as you go to a path. Up ahead you will be able to see the pier. Run towards it, you will be engaged by several enemies as you go. About three will be near the pier. Kill them and go on the pier. You will see a cutscene of a boat coming, afterwards the mission will be Complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.12.UF) UNDER FIRE ====================================== Description: Your main objective is to capture and extract with RATBITE. As the level begins head forwards around the hill that swerves to the left you will be engaged by four enemies. Two will be runing from the left to the right of the screen and the other two will be straight ahead. Take down the two that was running first, then the other two up ahead. Also Lonestar will help allot if you put him on fire at will. After their taken care of stay right where you are for a few seconds untill you see a cutscene of air strike destroying the door all the way over to the left from where you are. Run towards the new hole and go inside through the dirt tunnels, where you will be attacked by two enemies. Kill them and exit through the the tunnels where you will come to and open room. Once there kill all the enemies in the area from the exit part of the tunnel. After their completly take care of turn right and up ahead you will see a path go to it and up the slope that turn to the left. Go forward ignoring the path to the left and go towards the end and make a right up another area, go forward and make a left, go up the path and turn right where there will be two enemies standing outside the door. Take them down and go into the next room. There are two enemies in there that should be taken care of. Tell Lonestar to hold possition out side the room then go in towards the Communication equipment. Place a C4 charge on it and clear the room before it explodes. After it explodes tell Lonestar to follow and head back out of the path back to where the tunnel was. From there go forward towards another slope, but dont go up it. Insead kill the enemies outside it and turn left. Go foward down a slope and make a right there will be one enemy that you should kill. Go down another path then make another right down another hall. Keep going forward untill you come to a room with beds in it. There is also two enemies that you will have to kill. Once inside turn left go to the end of the hall and make another left and you will be outside a door. go inside and restrain RATBITE. Tell him to follow you and go back to where the tunnel is taking out any enemies as you go and make sure you keep RATBITE safe. Once at the tunnel head back through it till your outside. Also make sure RATBITE keeps up because he will fall behind. Once outside turn left and go forward till you come to a guard tower. To the left is another path that leads to the building you were previously in. And up ahead is the path to the extraction point. Take the path up ahead and up a hill you should see three enemies. take them down and head up the hill they were. follow the thing on you screen that says ZULU. For the next area you will just be following the path taking down enemies as you go untill you come to an open area. There will be a couple enemies that should be brought down. After their dead head to the X on your map. Mission complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.13.PL) POLAND ====================================== After completing South Asia you move to a new area: Poland. ====================================== (3.14.SAD) SUPPLY AND DEMAND ====================================== Description: Your main objectives for this level is to secure the warehouses and to secure chemicals. When the level begins you will be behind a baracade thing, there will be four enemies up ahead. One very close to where you are two others near the gate ahead into a area surronded by buildings. the last enemy is a sniper up on a tower. Ok, now move out from behind the baracade and kill the first enemy. Run forward towards the gate and there will be two more enemies that should be taken down. Look up towards the tower and kill the NSO sniper. After their taken care of go forward into an area with two buildings on each side and a NSO terrorist, kill the enemy, and go to the building on the other side of the street, and open the door. Once inside turn left, kill the enemies outside of the next room and then the other through the open window. Go inside the next room and on the left on a table obtain ship's manifest. Head through the door on the right side of the room back outside. Turn left and go to the other side of the street to the other building and go through the door. Once inside kill the two enemies to the left and go to the dock workers, restrain them and turn to the other side of the room. Go to the table and obtain warehouse map. Turn around from where you found the warehouse map and go through the door. Run straight towards the gate and go through the gate to where you see a truck, there are about three enemies around the truck and have Lonestar disable the truck while you deal with the enemies. After the truck is disabled go to the left side of the truck and go through the open doorway. Once inside there will be about three enemies to the left that you should kill. Go to the far left side of the room to a doorway. Go in and at the left side of the room on a table is shipment log. After you get it you have completed the secure warehouse objective. Leave the room and go back to the other door on the far left side on the room, go through it and you will be back outside. Go up a little way and turn left. Go straight and you should see a another doorway. Go toward it and go inside. Also kill the enemy outside the building. Once inside you will see the tanker/train with the chemicals in it. eliminate the enemies around it and then you will now have to guard it as several enemies try to take it back. A few will come through the doorway and more from the gate and the building you were previously in. Keep them all held off untill you see a cutscene with a train. Afterwards you will be on the right side of the train. you will then notice ALLOT of enemies coming from the gate the train came through. Keep them all held back killing all the enemies. This may take a few tries but you will eventually get it. After the area is secure head through the gate they came from. Once through the gate if you look to the left you will see the truck you disabled earlier, but dont go that way, instead head straight till you come back to the buildings you were at earlier in the level. turn right and run past the buildings. Once past you should be at a lamp post, turn left from there and go to the X on your screen. Mission complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.15.UA) UNDERMINING AUTHORITY ====================================== Description: This is a pretty confussing level as for some of this mission you will be doing in the dark. At the start of the level you will already have the option for Lonestar to place shatchel and while he does this go forward and turn left. You should see one enemy standing next to some stairs. Kill him and while standing at the top of the stair look down and there will be several enemies. Take as manny enemies down from there and go down the stairs. Go to the far left corner and disable the generator. You will notice it gets a little darker. after that go right and go through the tunnel into another room. take care of the enemies inside and on the other side of the room you will see several dead bodys stacked on eatch other. Go to them and this completes the Locate Demo Crew. Now go to the right side of the room and go through another tunnel. Follow it across the bridge into another room. Once inside you will be attacked by several enemies, that you should kill. there are about three enemies. Go to the path straight ahead through another tunnel. Here you will be in a large room with about three enemies, kill them and go through the pathway on the left side of the room. Go forward as the path swerves to the right. About half way through the tunnel there will be an enemy that should be eleminated. Continue forward untill you come to a fork in the path. Go right into another room with three enemies. After thier dealt with go toward the backup genorater and have Lonestar disable it. Now it becomes very dark and hard to navigate. Put on your night vision gogles. Go back toward the fork in the road that you were previously in. Go straight down the other path until you come acrsos and enemy. kill him and continue down the path into another room. with computers inside. There are four enemies inside. Kill them and go to the last table on the left and obtain harddrive. the locate intel objective is then complete. Go through the next path up ahead following the thing on your screen that says ROMIO. Up the path you will be in the last room, with about five enemies inside. Take them down and place satchel. Mission complete. MISSION COMPLETE ====================================== (3.16.CR) CHEMICAL REACTION ====================================== Description: This is it, your last mission. Your objectives for this level is to Infiltrate Milk Refinery, Disable Equipment and Capture TINMAN. There are two way of doing this level, using stealth or just run and gun. I'll be doing run and gun through this walkthrough. Ok, as the level begins move forward a little following the path untill ahead you see three enemies. Snipe them if you can. and go to where they're dead. At the gate look towards the roof and you will see a sniper on top. kill him and head towards the building. Open the door and kill the two enemies inside. You now have three door you can go through. I say go to the one on the left. Kill the enemy standing outside another door, take him down and go through the other door. Once inside there will be another door to go through. Once inside there will be three enemies. kill them all and go to the door on the right. You will now be in a locker room type area. to to the end of the area and turn left into another room. There will be three enemies inside that you will have to kill. After their dead have Lonestar disable the Equipment. Afterwards go back through the locker room to where you killed the three enemies. Go torwards the end of the room and you should see stairs go up them and into a hall, go to the door on the right. You will see a cut seen with TINMAN and five of his body guards. As he see's you come in he will leave. You will now have to kill all five body guards, It's a little hard but you should be able to do it. Afterwards run through the door he ran out of and turn right and then another right up some stairs onto a roof. now here comes the hard part. there will be about five enemies in the area and you will see TINMAN firering at you From the other platform. Look towards the right towards the crates and there will be several enemies on the side of them. Take them out and more enemies will come from the other side of the platform. Take care of them then look across towards the other platform and TINMAN should have stoped firering by now. If not, then throw a flash bang and he will scream "I give up!". Go onto the catwalk and restrain him. Mission and game complete. MISSION COMPLETE/GAME COMPLETE ====================================== (4.LI) LEGAL ISSUES ====================================== This walkthrough can ONLY be used at, nothing else! No one else can use it so dont ask, because I'm not putting my E-Mail address up, so there is no way of contacting me. ====================================== (5.CC) CONCLUSION ====================================== Well, that's it. I hope the walkthrough helped you out through the hard parts of the game. I am done updating, but the only time I "might" update is if I find a major error in the walkthrough. ...Copyright 2005-2006 CounterShock