(|=========================================================================|) Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Walkthrough FAQ Version: 1.02 Author: PoP_PiP Latest: May 29th, 2006. E-Mail: DiablosDungeon@hotmail.com (|=========================================================================|) -------------- Introduction -------------- Greetings. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror is the latest installment in the Syphon Filter franchise and the first to go on PSP. This is actually the first Syphon Filter game I've ever played, and from what I gather, it's the best one. In this FAQ, I'll be going over how to complete every mission step by step, and will tell the locations of all the Hidden Evidence. I will also mention how to obtain all the stealth, and environmental kills. For the most part, I will do what I can to not include any spoilers, but some are obviously unavoidable. Finally, feel free to e-mail me with any tips or corrections concerning this FAQ. Here are the abbreviations I'll be using: HE = Hidden Evidence SK = Stealth Kill EK = Environmental Kill DU = Depleted Uranium container (Episode 4 only) ----------------- Version History ----------------- March 26, 2006. Date of Birth of this FAQ. March 28, 2006. First submission. Version 0.1 April 05, 2006. Version 0.91 Completed the rest of the Episodes. Added Career Rating Tips section Only missing last 2 bonus missions. April 07, 2006. Version 1.00 Completed the remaining 2 bonus missions. Added Frequently Asked Questions section. Made some corrections. Added a tip on beating Black King. April 25, 2006. Version 1.01 Revised the text (spelling/grammar/rephrasing/etc.). Added a tip for Episode 5, Part 2. May 29, 2006. Version 1.02 Added a tip for Bonus Episode, Part 5. ------------------- Table of Contents ------------------- Usage: Press Ctrl+F and input the desired code without the brackets. Ex) #A1 Walkthrough Episode 1: Fire and Ice Part 1 ----------------------------------------------- [#A1] Part 2 ----------------------------------------------- [#A2] Part 3 ----------------------------------------------- [#A3] Part 4 ----------------------------------------------- [#A4] Part 5 ----------------------------------------------- [#A5] Episode 2: Blood and Oil Part 1 ----------------------------------------------- [#B1] Part 2 ----------------------------------------------- [#B2] Part 3 ----------------------------------------------- [#B3] Part 4 ----------------------------------------------- [#B4] Episode 3: Ancient History Part 1 ----------------------------------------------- [#C1] Part 2 ----------------------------------------------- [#C2] Episode 4: Saving Private Jansen Part 1 ----------------------------------------------- [#D1] Part 2 ----------------------------------------------- [#D2] Part 3 ----------------------------------------------- [#D3] Part 4 ----------------------------------------------- [#D4] Episode 5: Root of All Evil Part 1 ----------------------------------------------- [#E1] Part 2 ----------------------------------------------- [#E2] Episode 6: Touchstone Part 1 ----------------------------------------------- [#F1] Part 2 ----------------------------------------------- [#F2] Episode 7: Singularity Part 1 ----------------------------------------------- [#G1] Part 2 ----------------------------------------------- [#G2] Part 3 ----------------------------------------------- [#G3] Part 4 ----------------------------------------------- [#G4] Bonus Episode Part 1: Narbonne ------------------------------------- [#H1] Part 2: KemSynth Tower ------------------------------- [#H2] Part 3: Sana Yemen ----------------------------------- [#H3] Part 4: Bangkok 1 ------------------------------------ [#H4] Part 5: Bangkok 2 ------------------------------------ [#H5] Career Rating Tips ------------------------------------- [#X] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ----------------------- [#Y] Credits / Disclaimer / Legal Information --------------- [#Z] --------------- = Walkthrough = -------------------------------------------------- [#A1] Episode 1, Part 1: 'Insertion Point Alpha' Difficulty: 1/5 Stealth Kills: 5 Environmental Kills: 5 -------------------------------------------------- You'll start with your back against the wall. Wait for the soldier to finish examining the dead construction worker, and he'll walk past you. Make sure you're crouching, and knife him in the back (SK:1/5). Now turn around, and you'll notice that to your left there's a Medkit, pick it up. Go back against the wall, and fire an EDT dart to take out the Squad Commander up top (SK:2/5). Head over to the dead construction worker, and pick up the Security Card. Turn right, and notice the barrel behind the fence. Shoot it to blow it up. The fence will now be open, move in while crouching to avoid being spotted by the 2 guards that will show up. They will move back, allowing you to knife both of them (SK:4/5). There's a barrel there, but blowing it up now will only get you 1 environmental kill, when later it can be used for more. Turn around and you'll notice a ladder to the right by the side of the fence, climb it. Once at the top, look to your right and up, and you'll notice that there is a dead construction worker further up. Grab the Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). Get back down to the rooftop and you'll notice an RTL (wire) nearby, use it to get to the other side. With the Security Card you picked up earlier, you'll be able to open the door. Pickup the M67 grenade, Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3), and M1 Super 90. Go outside, and two guys will almost immediately attack you. Take them out. There are now several paths that you may take: 1a) Head back to the first dead construction worker where you started, and move to the alley that you avoided earlier. Quickly move right behind the first steel girder, and you will hear a guard throw a refinery worker down. This guard is high up, and if you turn on your IR goggles, it's possible to take him down right after he tosses the guy for a stealth kill with an EDT dart (SK:5/5). Even if you don't manage it, there will also be a guard on the ground, allowing you to get another stealth kill (SK:6/5). Once the guards are down, head down to the gate on the right. 1b) If you're going for environmental kills, also head back to the first dead construction worker. Equip your EDSU goggles, and you'll notice 2 explosive barrels. First, go for the barrel on the right, which you can use to kill one of the guards that come out of the alley, and the guard that zipped down the line (EK:2/3). Now use the left barrel to take out another guard (EK:3/5). Once the rest of the guards are down, head down to the gate on the right. 2) You can also take a neat shortcut to avoid fighting some guys. To take the shortcut, head back to where you knifed the two guys and avoided shooting the barrel. There will be a crate you can climb, where you can then climb and hang onto a pipe. Move left along the pipe, and drop down when you reach the end. Teresa will message you about breaking a lock. Do as she says and open the gate. I like to use the EDT taser to save ammo. Climb down the ladder and there will be from left to right: a Flak jacket in the box, a Medkit, and a Hidden Evidence on the floor (HE:3/3). There will also be a soldier that will come around the big silo, so take him out. [Checkpoint] Head to the other side of the area and climb up the ladder. Regardless of which side you pick, a soldier will spawn in the little opening so shoot him down. There will be another ladder on the other side, climb it. When you reach the top, a soldier will appear behind the fence facing you. Once he's dead, before you climb the next ladder, switch to your MB-150 (Sniper rifle), make sure you're standing, and snipe the guy waiting for you up the next ladder. Climb up the two ladders, and in the midst of the second one, there will be a cutscene. You will have 20 seconds to climb up and pull the lever, don't worry, its more than enough time. [Checkpoint] You'll now have to protect Lian. Use your MB-150 and snipe the enemies as they come. Notice the barrel that you left alone earlier, it is possible to get 2 environmental kills out of it (EK:5/5). Now order Lian to move after every wave; remember to reload after every wave; and that there is an ammo crate to your left. A fun trick that you can try if you already know where they are going to come from is to fire an X34 or Explosive dart on the ground, and detonate it when they walk over it. At the end, Lian will send you a zip line by the ammo crate. Slide down to end the mission. ------------------------------------- [#A2] Episode 1, Part 2: 'Red Jack' Difficulty: 2/5 Stealth Kills: 2 Environmental Kills: 2 ------------------------------------- You'll start with your back against the wall again. Move a bit to your right, get off the wall, turn on your EDSU goggle, and blow up the tank on the lower level (EK:2/2). This will kill the soldier manning the stationary machine gun. That done, there will be a soldier far down who has undoubtedly noticed you. Turn on your IR goggles, and kill him with an EDT dart. Notice that there's a Medkit and a Flak jacket nearby, use them if you need to. You could take the RTL onto the other side, but you'll want to head down the ladder for two Hidden Evidences. At the bottom, three guys will fire at you from multiple sides, snipe them one by one. With them dead, move forward to the left of the burning tanker, and turn left. Notice that the fence is damaged, and that there is a pipe on the wall. Climb the pipe, and head down to the dead refinery worker. There will be a short cutscene, and you'll be able to pick up a Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). Head over to the locked security door on the other side of the burning Tanker; go inside for another Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3); and a Flak jacket. Now go back to where you started, and RTL across. A soldier will pop out as you are still on the on the zip line, gun him down. There will be a Flak jacket in a box to your left if you need it. Head along the walkway, turn left at the end for the final Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). There's also a Medkit if you need it. RTL to the other side, and there will be a soldier that will walk towards you to inspect what's going on. Take him out and head down the walkway. Make a left, and notice the ammo crate. Restock your ammo, and open the door. There will be 2 guards with their backs turned. Quickly take both out with darts (SK:2/2). Head towards them, and you'll find a Medkit, and a Flak jacket. You'll notice a computer, but it has no power, so use your EDSU goggles, follow the cable, and "Bypass Circuit." Before doing so however, I recommend you kick over the table to the left of the computer. Usually one of the guards will do it, but in this case (since you killed them while in stealth) you'll have to do it yourself. Now go and use the computer. [Checkpoint] Two guards will now open the door to attack you. If you're quick, head behind the table, and fire an Explosive dart to kill both of them in one shot. Head outside, and there will be a sniper to your right on the other side. Once he's dead, head right and down the ladder. Guards will swarm you as soon as you reach the bottom. Quickly take cover and pick them off one by one. I recommend equipping your IR goggles to help, and taking cover alongside the building. Once they're all dead, turn on the elevator switch for your first boss fight. [Checkpoint] = (BOSS) Red Jack = Sending this guy packing is very easy. As soon as you start, run back to the ladder and RTL. While dangling in the air, fire at the canisters on his back and blow him up. You can also use your EDSU goggles for a better view of the canisters. -------------------------------------------- [#A3] Episode 1, Part 3: 'Finding Freeman' Difficulty: 1/5 Stealth Kills: 4 Environmental Kills: 2 -------------------------------------------- Here's a short level. As soon as you start, head over and activate the switch to electrocute the guard fixing the control box (EK:1/2). You can also knife him for a stealth kill (SK:1/4). Notice a wire overhead, and RTL over the fire, being careful not to get burned by the timed flame jet. Shoot open the vent on the ground, and head inside. Move your way down the vent, and fire at the switch to stop the fire before getting out. Turn on your Night Vision goggles, and pick up the Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3) by the flame jet. Turn around, and notice on the ground the locker combo number 938. There's also a Flak jacket, so pick it up if necessary. Now climb up into the next vent and observe 2 fans on your left. Note that you can zap with the EDT taser the middle of the fan to slow it down (equip your EDSU goggle, and you'll see that it glows a faint yellow). Now fire at the switch on the other side to open up the path. [Checkpoint] Head on down, and you'll see a guard angry at a vending machine. Wait for him to break the machine, and he'll go play pinball. Melee him for the second environmental kill (EK:2/2), or knife him for another stealth kill (SK:2/4). Still stealthily, move down the hall, and you'll notice 2 guards looking at a TV to your left. If you turn on your EDSU goggles, you'll see that there's a remote on the coffee table. Press it, and the second guard will also start working on the TV. Now use your X34 dart to kill them both (SK:4/4). As soon as they're dead, the elevator will sound, and a guard will come from the next hall to your left. Before anything, pick up the Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3) on the couch to the left of the TV. Now switch to your EDT taser and zap the guy as soon as he shows up. This guard will be carrying an Elevator Key, so pick that up when you walk over his corpse. You'll notice a number of lockers on the right side of the hallway. The first has a Medkit, and the second locker can be opened with the code 938 from earlier. This one has the final Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). The last locker has a Flak jacket. When you're ready, head over to the elevator and press the button to end the level. ------------------------------------------------ [#A4] Episode 1, Part 4: 'A Man Without Power' Difficulty: 2/5 Stealth Kills: 1 Environmental Kills: 5 ------------------------------------------------ As soon as this mission begins, you'll see a guard to your right. Chase him a little bit, but don't run all the way into the room. There will be a big explosion (EK:2/5). Before proceeding, face the machine to the left of the Flak jacket box for a Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). Go back and face the flame jets. Equip your MB-150, and snipe the switch at the end of the room to turn off the flames. Head over to the open door, and take cover. A guard will zip line down, and you can easily shoot him when he reaches the ground. Now slowly move outside the door, sniping the guy up top. Now quickly hide behind the small metal plate in front of the broken walkway, and turn on your EDSU goggles. Note that you can shoot the pipes under the guys on the walkway for environmental kills, thus easily finishing up the tally (EK:5/5). Once it's clear, RTL over, shoot the switch to the left to stop the flames, and pick up another Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Now walk to the other side of the walkway, but before climbing up, make a left and you'll notice a Flak jacket box but that's not all. Equip your Night Vision goggles, walk towards the box, and turn left. There's your final Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3) of this mission. Climb up the ladder for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] The guards will notice you immediately after the cutscene, but you'll be against the wall, so it's no problem. Cap them both and climb inside. There's a Flak jacket box, and an M1 Super 90 shotgun if you break the glass. You might notice that you can move the painting and there's a safe behind it. Don't worry about that yet, as you'll come back to that later. Open the door, equip your Night Vision goggles, and two guards will run up the stairs. Head down the stairs, and another two guards will attack you, this time at the door. There will be a Medkit to the right of the door, and a Flak jacket under the stairs. There's also a vent in front of the stairs, pop it open, but don't go in just yet. Instead, go to the door from where the guards came, then open the next door. [Checkpoint] Head down the stairs and you'll see the Refinery worker being threatened to turn on the power. Fire an EDT dart through the window to score a stealth kill (SK:1/1). The Refinery worker will now tell you that he needs your help to turn on the power. It's simple, turn on your EDSU goggles, and bypass the 3 circuits. Now grab the lever, and pull it when he tells you to. ------------------------------------------ [#A5] Episode 1, Part 5: 'Freeman Files' Difficulty: 1/5 Stealth Kills: 4 Environmental Kills: 2 ------------------------------------------ The power's back on now, and as soon as the mission starts, use the radio in front of you to tell the guards that everything's ok, or avoid doing so to fight 2 extra guards. Now head on back up the stairs, and you can attempt to go through the vent (you must have opened the other side in the previous mission) for 2 stealth kills (SK:2/4). With the 2 guards down, to the left of the Flak jacket box and stairs, with all the machinery, is the first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). You can ask the worker to open the door, but he'll mention that he needs a code. So head back upstairs, and the refinery worker will tell you the code to open the safe. There's a Desert Sniper inside if you wish to swap handguns. Now head back down, and tell the Refinery worker to open the door that requires a palm scan. Turn left, equip your Night Vision goggles, and there's a Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3) on the floor and a Medkit behind the door. If you hide here, you should be able to stealthily take out one of the guards as he patrols in the next room (SK:3/4). With him down, enter the room, and immediately turn right to get another stealth kill (SK:4/4) with the guy using the computer. Now to the left of the door entrance that you just entered, there are some computers and a Locker Key. Pick it up. Now go and try to use the computer, and you'll find out that the server's offline. [Checkpoint] The Refinery Worker will then help you reroute the lines manually. Boost him up, turn on your IR goggles, and help him activate the appropriate switches. After activating 3 switches, 2 guards will show up in the ducts in an attempt to kill the refinery worker. Snipe them through the walls. Heal the refinery worker if necessary, and use the computer for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Once that's over, order the refinery worker to open the door. There will be two guards hiding behind a few crates who will immediately notice you. Now be wary: 1) For the Hidden Evidence, do not explode the flame jet. Kill the guards safely, as to not destroy the hidden laptop in the corner. 2) For the 2 environmental kills, shoot the flame jet (EK:2/2). Press the switch to turn off the flame jet. Head over to where the guards were, and you'll find an ammo crate in the left corner and the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3) of the episode in the right corner disguising as a laptop. Ask the refinery worker to open the next door, but he'll mention that he doesn't have clearance. Instead, he'll help boost you into a vent, ending the mission. ----------------------------------------------- [#B1] Episode 2, Part 1: 'Under NORAD's Nose' Difficulty: 2/5 Stealth Kills: 5 Environmental Kills: 4 ----------------------------------------------- You'll start this mission as Lian with your back against a rock. As soon as you start, fire an EDT dart at the guard at the far right for your first stealth kill (SK:1/5). Head to where the guard was, and climb on the farthest pair of crates, directly behind the plane, and turn around so that you can see the 2 farthest barrels. You should be able to see 2 guards patrolling. There are two things you can do: 1) If you're going for stealth kills. Take them both down with darts (SK:3/5). 2) If you're going for Environmental Kills, here's a way to score 3 of them. Wait until the guard on the left is standing by the barrels. The guard on the right will not be standing his side's barrels, and should be on the far right of his patrol route. Shoot at the barrels on the left, killing the left guard (EK:1/4). If all goes well, the guard on the right will run up for cover and will cross another barrel, which you then shoot to pick him off (EK:2/4). Now more guards will come, and you should be able to take out at least one more with the right barrels that could've been used to kill the right guard earlier (EK:3/4). You now have to find the missing drives. Though before you do, pick up the Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3) at the 90 degree right of the plane's cockpit, hiding behind a rock. Now turn on your EDSU goggles, and the locations of the drives will flash. Be aware that if you've already alerted the guards, which you definitely will if you're trying to get all the environmental kills, everytime you pick up a drive, you will be attacked by several guards from the outskirts of the map. [Checkpoint] With all the drives collected, the plane's back door will open, and an armored guard will come out. Wait for him to patrol to the side of the plane, walk directly behind him, and cap him with an EDT dart to avoid alerting the 2 guards inside the plane (SK:4/5). Pick up the Transponder Key Card that the guard dropped, take cover behind the crates, and get your final stealth kill (SK:5/5). You can also get a stealth kill with the second guard in the plane (SK:6/5). Now before using the computer, there are plenty of Medkits, and Flak jackets lying around, so you might want to heal up. When you're ready, use the computer. [Checkpoint] The plane's roof hatch will now be open, and a guard will toss down a smoke grenade. Look up, equip your IR goggles if you wish, and gun him down. Once he's done, climb up the ladder. Move a little bit towards the tail of the plane, and you'll quickly get noticed. A guard will climb up the ladder, and there will be a few guards on the outskirts for you to snipe. Now turn on your EDSU goggles, and pick up the last 2 Hidden Evidences in the wings of the plane (HE:3/3). You'll have to open the flaps to obtain them. Guards will also attack you each time you do. Once they're down, plant the C4 on the tail of the plane. [Checkpoint] The guards will have stolen the Snowcat, and there will be a guard on the machine gun. While standing and facing the tail of the plane: turn on your IR goggles, and move slowly forward until you can pop the gunner's head. Two guards will climb up the ladder, so pick them off next before heading back down into the plane. There will be a lot of guards inside and outside the plane. Take cover, and pick them off. Once they're all gone, head towards the Snowcat for the last part of the mission. [Checkpoint] You will now man the machine gun, and mow down the guards that charge at you. Hopefully you've got some barrels left, and nab the last environmental kill (EK:4/4). Once the guards are all gone, you complete the mission. ----------------------------------------------- [#B2] Episode 2, Part 2: 'Security Section D' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: 3 Environmental Kills: 7 ----------------------------------------------- Back to Gabe now, this will be the first mission where you'll have to beware of trip mines. Start off by turning on your EDSU goggles and opening the door. There will be two guards inside. There are two ways to take them: 1) Let them spot you, wait for them to position themselves, and fire at the glowing pipe to score 2 environmental kills (EK:2/7). 2) Wait a little bit until they're both busy before opening the door. Now pick them both off for 2 stealth kills (SK:2/3). Beware even if you do so, I recommend still blowing up the glowing pipe to explode the mines they set up. Now press the switch to turn off the flame jet, and head into the next room. [Checkpoint] Open the door, make sure your EDSU goggles are turned on, and say hello to the laser trip mine. Shoot it from afar to detonate the mine unharmed. Now head outside, equip your IR goggles, and take cover as several guards will notice you. Take them out at a safe distance, as there are multiple mines covering the area. Notice the Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3) on top of the crates, climb the crates and pick it up. The flame jets from earlier will no longer be activated, so head back inside. Move down the hallway and you'll notice some stairs going down. At the bottom, there will be a guard working on something on the wall. Turn on your EDSU goggles, and fire at the unstable pipe for an environmental kill (EK:3/7), or do it silently for the last stealth kill (SK:3/3). There will be a switch on your right before heading down the steps, don't worry about it as it only controls the flame jets from earlier. Go down the stairs and press the switch at your left to turn off the flames. There's also an ammo crate, so stock up before going in the vent. There will be a guard with his back turned behind a fan. EDT taser the fan, to slow it down, and kill the guard. Before shooting the switch in front of the fan, move down the vent and pick up the second Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Now shoot the switch, and head down the vent until you get out for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] You have 4 minutes to fight your way to the controls to defuse the explosive. Take cover, equip your EDSU goggles, and pick off the guards on the walkway. Pick up the Flak jacket behind you if you need it, and use the RTL line to get to the other side. There will be more guards on this walkway as well as a mine. Drop down the RTL, and don't move. Pick off the guards from here, and shoot the mine for 2 environmental kills (EK:5/7). With the guards dead, run down the walkway, and climb down the ladder. Note that there's a Flak jacket to the left of the top of the ladder, and that you might want to turn off your EDSU goggles to see the ladder. There will be three guards on this walkway. The first will charge at you, take him out with a shot to the head. Two more guards will be hiding behind a crate. Fire an Explosive dart at the wall beside them and blow them both up. Run down the walkway, and note that there's a hidden ammo crate to right, located before the RTL if you need it. RTL up, but be careful, there's a laser trip mine on one of the pipes so blow it up before proceeding. Drop down at the end to face 2 more guards. Blow up the mine for another Environmental kill (EK:6/7). With both dead, run down and pick up the Flak jacket before climbing down the ladder. There will be more guards at the bottom as well as yet another trip mine. Blow up the trip mine for the last Environmental kill, and kill the remaining guards (EK:7/7). Hopefully you still have well over a minute and a half left, to go for the last Hidden Evidence. Notice that at the opposite side of the room with the bomb, there's a bottomless pit. At one side of the pit, there are some crates. You'll need to shimmy off the side of the pit to get behind the crates, and pick up the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). To avoid falling into the pit, remember to crouch before moving off the side. Once you've got it, shimmy back, climb up the ladder, and defuse the bomb to complete the mission. ---------------------------------------------- [#B3] Episode 2, Part 3: 'Kreisler's Garden' Difficulty: 2/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills: 6 ---------------------------------------------- As soon as you start, you have a minute and 30 seconds (1:30), to rescue Kreisler. Ignore the door, and pop open the vent to your left. Climb through the vent, get out, and climb up into another vent. Don't get out of this one just yet though. Instead, turn on your EDSU goggles, and shoot open the 4 vents on the roof to clear the gas. Once they're open, get out of the vent, and turn on the control panel to the left. To the left of the control panel is your first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3), and a box with a Spectre machine gun. Before climbing up the ladder, notice on the ground a dead refinery worker. Pick up a Flak jacket and the Maintenance Key off of him. Now climb up the ladder and free Kreisler for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Two guards will come in to investigate. Shoot them both down, and pick up the Security Card off of one of them. There's a staircase heading to the basement to the left of the ladder. Head down and open the door. A guard will charge at you, but if you take cover and wait he'll move back. Fire at the bursting pipe to score 2 environmental kills (EK:2/6). Beware of the laser trip mine, and switch the flame jet off. Just around the corner, 3 more guards will attack you. Move back, and by shooting the flame jet; thus turning it on and off; you can score 3 more environmental kills (EK:5/6). Yes, they are that stupid. Note that there is also a Flak jacket by the door you just entered. There will be several more guards around the corner, and a hidden trip mine guarding the elevator switch. Blow up the trip mine, and use the elevator. [Checkpoint] There will be a guard in front of you just as the short elevator ride stops, get off the lift immediately, as it will plummet to the ground. Do not kill the guard, as he will retreat, burning himself in the fire for the last environmental kill (EK:6/6). There's another guard at the end of the hall, and when both are down, enter the nearest room. In the four corners of the room are an M4 Carbine, a switch to deactivate the flame jet, a Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3), and a Medkit. When you're ready, leave the room and head to the corner. It's an armored thug with a flamethrower! This one is a lot less threatening than Red Jack however, and his flamethrower will lock up after every few bursts providing you with an easy shot. Blast the canisters on his back to put him out of his misery. Head down the hall way, pick up the Medkit and Flak jacket if necessary, and then open the door. [Checkpoint] There's some MAK-10 ammo on the other side of the room, and a guard waiting for you at the open door. Slowly move to the entrance, and pull back as guards will spawn from all sides in the room. Pick them off one by one. Once they're all taken down, either destroy the laser trip mine guarding the hallway to your left, and head down the stairs, or move down the walkway and climb down the ladder to avoid the mines. For the last Hidden Evidence, you'll want to head down the stairs, and take the left-most path. You'll see the Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3) disguised as a fruit with all the plants. At the bottom, scan your palm, and you'll have to hold the line as Teresa works to open the door. Guards will come to attack you, and after killing a few, the sprinklers will go off, forcing you to turn on your IR goggles for a better view of the enemies. Once they're all dead, the door will open, and you may enter. Pick up the Medkit, restock your ammo, and use the computer for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] You'll now have to defend yourself as Teresa works do reopen the door. For the most part, you'll be completely safe from gunfire. Just beware that the guards will toss grenades when they come close. Once they're finished, the door will open and you'll complete the mission. --------------------------------------------- [#B4] Episode 2, Part 4: 'Freeman's Answer' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills 2 --------------------------------------------- Here's an interesting mission as this time it'll be you asking for cover. To start, ask for cover by hitting "Select", and RTL on the wire to the other side. Take cover, and ask Lian to cover you again as you enter the door to the left. Inside, is an EMP grenade, a Flak jacket, and the first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). Ask for cover again, exit the room, and head down the ladder. [Checkpoint] There will be several guards that will attack you, take cover and cap them. Take the Medkit to the right of the ladder if you need it and move up to the doorway on the right. Turn on your Night Vision for a secret message, and pick up the second Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Once you're done here, exit the room, continue down the hallway, and turn left to meet some more guards. Kill them however you like, and continue to the next room. Three guards will enter to gun you down. Once they're down, pick up the Medkit and Flak jacket in the box at the side of the room. Continue down the hall and break open the lock to open the gate. [Checkpoint] Prepare to fight your way through a small maze of pipes and midst. Equip your IR goggles and move up at your own pace. As you reach the end, notice the Laser Trip mines which you'll need to use to score both environmental kills (EK:2/2). Before heading up the stairs, make a left, destroy the Laser Trip Mine, and pick up the last Hidden Evidence of the episode (HE:3/3), as well as a Flak jacket. Now head up the stairs, and open the door for a cutscene and boss fight. [Checkpoint] = (BOSS) Black King = This guy's really easy when you know what to do. You have 2 minutes and a half (2:30) to clear the 5 explosives. If you picked up the EMP grenade earlier, toss it in the middle of the room to disable all the bombs! If not, ask Lian to cover you, equip your EDSU goggles, and quickly head out to disable the bombs. Whatever you do though, do not shoot them. When Lian's reloading, move away from Black King. Once all the bombs are gone, fire away and send Black King to hell. Note that you can still ask Lian to cover you even when the bombs are disarmed; thus allowing you to gun him down with ease. *Credit: AlucardZero for the EMP grenade tip! ---------------------------------------- [#C1] Episode 3, Part 1: 'Old Friends' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: 7 Environmental Kills: 2 ---------------------------------------- You'll begin this episode crouched and your back against some crates. You will have two choices: 1) Turn on your EDSU goggles and destroy the large barrel for the first environmental kill (EK:1/2). This will alert the guards to your position. 2) Use an EDT dart for the first stealth kill (SK:1/7). I'll assume that you have not alerted the guards. Now get your back off the crates and climb up building in front of you. Turn on your IR goggles and you will notice two guards: one of them near a gun on the left, and the other by the alleyway on the right. Use a dart on the one on the left first (SK:2/7), then proceed to eliminate the one on the right (SK:3/7). Note that the guard on the right will come investigate after you kill the first guard, but he will then return to his previous position. Once both guards are dead, while still on the roof turn around and notice the wooden beam that you can shimmy on. Do so to get to the balcony. There will be a vent to the left, turn on your NV goggles and crawl through it. On the other side, knife the guard beating the woman for another stealth kill (SK:4/7), and pick up the Hidden Evidence that he drops (HE:1/3). [Checkpoint] Now get back to your starting position by the crates and take the alleyway. There's a Fire Extinguisher on the left wall, pick it up. As you go down the road, notice that there's a Flak Jacket behind the gun. Head down the large path and a guard will notice you. Once he's down, restock your ammo on the left, and enter the building on the right. When you reach the doorway, there will be a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Crouch, and move back into the corner of the room and face the doorway so you can see the guard on the balcony without alerting him. Fire a dart to eliminate the guard on the balcony (SK:5/7), then proceed to knife the guard outside on your right (SK:6/7), or turn on your EDSU goggles and fire at the little canister under the tricycle for the second environmental kill (EK:2/2). Once both are dead, before saving Hargrove, continue all the way down the path, and to the right will be some crates. Climb over them and examine the body for a Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Head back to where you just sniped the guard on the balcony. Climb up the roof on the side and get on the balcony. Turn on your IR goggles and take out the guard through the curtains for the last stealth kill (SK:7/7). Enter the room for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Before leaving the room, pick up the Flak jacket and Medkit. There will be 3 guards outside, take them out. Follow Hargrove and there will be a stand off where you'll face off against a bunch of guards. With them down, follow Hargrove and climb up into the building for a cutscene. You may need to use the Fire Extinguisher to extinguish the flames if you blew up the barrel earlier. [Checkpoint] Move the cabinet and enter the vent. Before exiting the vent, you'll hear a guard on the radio say the combination of the safe "694." Now exit the vent, and knife the guard for another stealth kill (SK:8/7), followed by a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Snipe the guard on the rooftop, open the safe for the final Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3), pick up the Medkit and Flak jacket, and follow Hargrove out the window. There will a large number of guards to kill as you tail Hargrove. Once they're all down, continue following Hargrove to end the mission. ------------------------------------- [#C2] Episode 3, Part 2: 'Memories' Difficulty: 2/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills: 6 ------------------------------------- Manning a turret, you'll have to protect Hargrove. By using the barrels, you'll want to score 6 environmental kills (EK:6/6). There are 4 barrels, so you just have to make sure that two of them score a double kill. 1) Right at the beginning, shoot the barrel on the far right to score a guaranteed double kill. 2) Save the barrel at the top right to the time around when Hargrove is harvesting the last plant, and enters the cabin. There should be a moment for you to score a guaranteed double kill. [Checkpoint] Once Hargrove's finished collecting the plants, she'll enter a cabin. Continue to protect her. Once all the guards are dead, pick up the Medkit behind you, and the Dragunov SVD in the room behind you. Head down the ladder, and to the right, there will be some crates and a dead body behind them. Use your Fire Extinguisher, and pick up the first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). Head along the walls on the right, and at one point you'll notice a Fire Extinguisher. Move towards it, and there will be a small doorway. Go inside for a Flak jacket and another Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Now move to the cabin and Hargrove for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Move under the window in the cabin and snipe the guards. For the one manning the gun, fire an Explosive Dart at his legs, and blow him up. Once the coast is clear, pick up the Flak jacket, and restock your ammo with the boxes behind you while still inside the cabin. Follow Hargrove outside, heal her, and take out the multiple guards. [Checkpoint] Climb up the ladder, and at the top, there will be three guards on the ground who will attack you. With them dead, use the zip line, and more guards will attack from other side of the balcony. [Checkpoint] Move along, pick up the Flak jacket, and Medkit, and prepare to fight more guards on the ground. With all the guards down, move down to the end of the balcony but do not enter through the window to help Hargrove open the cabinet just yet. Climb on the crate to the left of the window, and shimmy to the left alongside the building for the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). Now enter through the window, and help Hargrove open the cabinet to end the mission. ---------------------------------------------- [#D1] Episode 4, Part 1: 'Forged Under Fire' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: 4 Environmental Kills: 3 Bonus: Unlock "M1 Super 90" when you destroy all 5 DU containers ---------------------------------------------- Begin by eliminating the guard striking Jansen for your first stealth kill (SK:1/4) and a cutscene. During the cutscene, Teresa will brief you about destroying Depleted Uranium (DU) containers. [Checkpoint] Immediately move back, and order Private Jansen to move back as well to avoid alerting the guards. Now climb back out the crack where you came from, turn on your EDSU goggles and destroy the Laser Trip mine. Now move ahead and pick up the Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). Return to Jansen, and take cover along the wall. There are two guards patrolling down ahead. Eliminate the guard on the right with a dart as he's patrolling away from you along the right path (SK:2/4). Turn on your IR goggles, and notice when the left guard is looking away before taking him out for another stealth kill (SK:3/4). Once they're down, beware of the green slime and walk around the right of the crate. Notice that there's a DU container, save it for now as you'll use it to score an environmental kill later. Head straight and make a left. There will a box with a Flak jacket. Now to the right of the box, climb up, and pick up another Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Climb back down, and head back towards the DU container you saw earlier. Make a left at the entrance just before the DU container, and climb up the crates in front of the slime. Climb to the top, and RTL. Move to the second drop off point, and drop down for a short cutscene. Guards will now swarm at you from the path you initially came from. Immediately tell Jansen to hide, and pick off the guards as they go around the crate. Now time your shot for when a guard is running past it, and destroy the DU container (DU:1/5) for an environmental kill (EK:1/3). Once they're all dead, before heading down the ladder, turn on your EDSU goggles, and destroy the explosive on the ground. This will reveal a vent, and open a path for Jansen to follow along. This provides you with two options: 1) Head through the vent, and at the end, before exiting, destroy the DU container for two environmental kills (EK:3/3), and a chain reaction on several other DU containers (DU:4/5). 2) Head through the vent, and eliminate the first guard with a dart for the last stealth kill (SK:4/4). It is harder but also possible to eliminate the second guard for a stealth kill (SK:5/4). Once both guards are down, destroy the DU containers (DU:4/5). [Checkpoint] Grab the Medkit on the left wall and help Jansen move the pipe for a cutscene. Tell Jansen to move back, and go eliminate all the guards. Restock your ammo on the right if you need to, and climb the crate on the left. Shimmy on the pipe over head to cross the slime, and more guards will attack you. Turn on your IR goggles to clearly see them. With them eliminated, climb through the window. Before telling Jansen to install the frequency hopper, turn on your EDSU goggles, and destroy the last DU container (DU:5/5) and the Laser Trip mine on your right. Head over there, and pick up the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3), and the Medkit. When you're ready, let Jansen install the frequency hopper to end the mission. ------------------------------------------------- [#D2] Episode 4, Part 2: 'Traitor in Our Midst' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: 12 Environmental Kills: 5 Bonus: Unlock "M16" when you destroy all 5 DU containers ------------------------------------------------- Right after the cutscene, tell Jansen to take cover. Get by the wall, and destroy the first DU Container (DU:1/5) to score an environmental kill (EK:1/5). Pick up the Medkit on the wall, and the Flak jacket in the box. Before proceeding, turn on your Night Vision goggles, and carefully walk over the plank. At the other end, you'll hear some talking, so quickly hide in the corner, as a guard will come by and turn towards where you just came. Take him out for your first stealth kill (SK:1/12). With the guard down, you can order Jansen to move over the plank. You'll have to shine your PID (Flashlight) so he can see where he's going. Now turn on your Night Vision goggles, and climb up the stairs. Beware of the planks again, and cross over. By the door, there will be a guard with his back turned. Score your second stealth kill (SK:2/12), and tell Jansen to come install the frequency hopper. You'll have to shine the flashlight again as he crosses the planks. [Checkpoint] The floor will collapse and Jansen and the frequency hopper will fall down. Drop down, immediately take cover on the side, and order Jansen to follow suit, as there will be 2 guards. Turn on your IR goggles to get a better view of the guards, and take them both out for two more stealth kills (SK:4/12). Move down the hall, pick up the Medkit on the wall, and head into the vent to your left. Out of the vent there will be 3 guards. Take cover along the wall, and wait for the closer guard's back to be turned and that he be out of sight from the other guard down the hall before taking him out (SK:5/12). Follow suit with the next guard when the third guard's back is turned (SK:6/12). Now before heading on, notice the Flak jacket in the box behind you, and the Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3) on the corpse to the left before the boarded doorway. Ask Jansen to come if you wish, and kick open the boards. Eliminate the last guard for a stealth kill (SK:7/12) and destroy the second DU container (DU:2/5) on the ground. Now look around the ceiling for an opening and ask Jansen to help you climb up. There will be 2 guards on top. Destroy the explosive by the wall to make a path over the slime, and to score an environmental kill (EK:2/5). When both guards are down, move over the path that you just made, and destroy the DU container to your right (DU:3/5). Notice the opening in the floor, and destroy the explosive for two more environmental kills (EK:4/5). Once the guards are all dead, pick up the Flak jacket, and drop down. There will be two more guards on the bottom, eliminate them for a pair of stealth kills (SK:9/12). As soon as they die, another pair of guards will come. Score two more stealth kills (SK:11/12) before continuing down the corridor and through the vent. [Checkpoint] At the other side of the vent will be another pair of guards. Hide behind the crate, and score another 2 stealth kills easily with an X34 dart as the guards walk by each other (SK:13/12). Notice the DU container (DU:4/5) which you can also use for the last environmental kill (EK:5/5). With both guards dead, head down the corridor, and break open the boarded doorway. There will be guard with his back turned whom you can easily kill for another stealth kill (SK:14/12). Jansen will automatically come and will require your help to move a board to make a path. Pick up the Flak jacket in the box if you need it, and help Jansen move the board. Carefully move over and open the door for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] There will be 3 guards patrolling. If you're careful, you could score another stealth kill (SK:15/12). Finish up the rest of the guards, and move forward to restock your ammo. Another guard will show up, pick him off. Climb up the crates, and up the ladder. Immediately take cover, and take out the close guard on the left, and the further one on the right. Head along the walkway, and prepare for several more guards. At the end of the walkway, there will be a cutscene, and you will zip line down onto the barrack. Jansen will come out from where you started, and you'll have to protect him as you order him to advance after every wave of guards. After the second wave, there will be a: [Checkpoint] An initial pack of three guards will come out from the door. Fire an Explosive dart to kill all three guards at the same time. Several more guards will follow suit. If you're low on health, drop down onto the crate in front of you, and use it for cover. You can also pick up a Medkit, and even a Flak jacket in the Barracks. Once they're all dead, head behind the right side of the barracks for a Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Now to the right of this will be some crates. Climb up the crates and up onto the railing for the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). Now just climb up the ladder, and tell Jansen to install the frequency hopper. Teresa will now tell you the key for the keypad in the barracks, it should be "541". Head back to the barracks, destroy the last DU container (DU:5/5), and enter the code into the keypad to end the mission. --------------------------------------------------- [#D3] Episode 4, Part 3: 'The Ultimate Sacrifice' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: 2 Environmental Kills: 5 Bonus: Unlock "M4 Carbine" when you destroy all 5 DU containers --------------------------------------------------- Head out the door, turn left, and destroy the first DU container (DU:1/5) on the other side of the fence. Now head to the door on the other side, down the stairs, and through another door. You'll notice a bunch of pipes and a couple of guards patrolling. It's possible to score your first environmental kill with the nearest explosive to your left (EK:1/5), though it isn't necessary. For the stealth kills, turn on your IR goggles, and you will have to score both stealth kills here (SK:2/2). Go back to the door, and climb a little bit of the stairs to fire darts over the pipe. Just try not to move beyond hugging the back left wall in the large room as to not spawn the guard further away and up top the walkway who will almost certainly detect you. Eliminate the rest of the guards, and head to the end of the passage. Before climbing up the ladder, continue down the path, and to your left you'll notice the second DU container (DU:2/5). Now climb up the ladder, and 2 guards will attack you from afar. There's an explosive right beside them, so you will want to run up to them until you can see it, and get two environmental kills (EK:3/5). Try not to take cover beside the nearby crates, as you can score environmental kills with the explosives sitting on the crates later. You will notice some crates in the corner of the warehouse, head over there. To the left of the crates is a blockade of girders, and the first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3) just beside it. Now head to the crates, restock your ammo, and heal yourself with the Flak jacket and Medkit before opening the cabinet for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] There will be a number of guards. Kill the first one on the other side of the railing where you climbed up the ladder earlier by firing at the explosive on the ground by his side (EK:4/5). Now eliminate the rest of the guards, and carefully head back to the ladder. When you come near, more guards will zip line down at that area. Blow up the explosive on the crates to score the rest of the environmental kills (EK:5/5). Head back down the ladder, and as you make your way back to Jansen, there will be more guards. Get back to Jansen for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Head down the stairs and through the broken-down door, three guards will pop out from up top. Eliminate the guards, and climb over the wreckage and head to the other side of the room. There will be 3 more guards up top. Head up the ramp, and go to the door. Before going through, to the right, pick up the Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Now head through the door, pick up the Flak jacket and Medkit, and open the next door. [Checkpoint] Notice that there's an explosive immediately visible on a crate. Do not destroy it if you want the last Hidden Evidence! Instead, head down the small steps while using the many objects for cover. There will be an explosive to your right, which can easily net you another environmental kill (EK:6/5) during the second wave of guards. Before moving on, to the far right from the initial door that you came from and hidden behind a crate is a DU container (DU:3/5). Move along the open path, and there is another DU container (DU:4/5) to the right of the small steps. Now move a bit farther down, and destroy the final DU container (DU:5/5) in plain view to the right, near the ladder that you'll have to climb. Restock your ammo by the initial door if you wish, and climb up the ladder. Take out the two guards that will come out on the other side. If you're quick, there's even an explosive right beside them (EK:8/5). RTL on the nearby line, and as soon as you drop down, two more guards will show up. Now RTL again on the next line, and eliminate more guards when you drop down. Hopefully you did not destroy the explosive in the beginning of this section, and you will then be able to cross a wooden plank onto the small balcony ahead. Pick up the final Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3), and an AU300 H-Bar machine gun in the box. Now head along the walkway to a crate, climb it, and shimmy along the side of the building. Enter the large double door, pick up the Flak jacket and Medkit, open the final door, and head down the stairs to end the mission. --------------------------------------------- [#D4] Episode 4, Part 4: 'The Trojan Horse' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills: 2 No Hidden Evidence --------------------------------------------- Right off the bat, let the 2 guards position themselves, and destroy the explosive to pick up the 2 environmental kills (EK:2/2). A couple of more guards will show up. Once they're dealt, two guards carrying Bazookas will fire at you from the rooftops on the right and left. Kill them both for a: [Checkpoint] Quickly heal up with the Medkit and Flak jacket lying on the crate to your right. Kress will come from your left. Simplest way to kill him is to wait for him and zap him with your EDT taser. It will take a little longer than usual, but eventually he'll die. [Checkpoint] = (BOSS) Tank = Quickly return into the back of the truck, and pick up the SMAW Anti-Tank Bazooka. Turn on your EDSU goggles, and destroy the 3 panels on the sides of the tank. There isn't much to it, just take out each panel one at a time. I recommend taking out the left and right panels first as they're harder to hit. Destroy the front panel easily by climbing the crates inside the back of the truck. When the tank fires its machine gun, just wait and it will eventually stop. ------------------------------------------------ [#E1] Episode 5, Part 1: 'Fist Full of Rubies' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: 8 Environmental Kills: 2 ------------------------------------------------ You will begin with your back against a wall, with two guards and a spotlight in view. As the guard closer to you moves completely out of the spotlight and behind the statue, hit him with a dart for the first stealth kill (SK:1/8). Now immediately move behind the statue, and fire a dart at the second guard when his back is turned, even if he is in the spotlight (SK:2/8). To the left of the front door of the mansion, is a corpse and the first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). There is also a Flak jacket in the box to the left if you need it. Now head towards the right of the front door, and go up the ladder as you avoid the spotlight. On the other side will be a junction box, and you will be able to get Lian into the system. Now climb back down, and head to the far left corner, away from the front door, and essentially the opposite side of this area for another ladder. Climb up, and head down the rooftop path. Climb the wooden fence against the wall, climb the crate, and shimmy along the wall onto the balcony. Drop down and enter the room. To your immediate left, pick up Yavlinsky's fingerprint. [Checkpoint] Pick up the Medkit on the left wall, and notice the Desert Eagle on the bed if you want it. Now be careful as there are guards outside, as well as trip mines. You'll have the choice of going for the 2 environmental kills or maintaining stealth. 1) There are two trip mines in the outside hall. As soon as you go by the door (at this same moment Teresa will be brief you about: "having company here"), destroy the first trip mine for an environmental kill (EK:1/2). Now a pair of extra guards will come from the down the hall, use the second tripmine to blow them both up (EK:3/2). 2) For the pair of stealth kills, as soon as you by the door (at this same moment Teresa will be brief you about: "having company here"), a guard will move past and down the hall but do not kill him just yet. Move carefully out the hall, and fire an X34 gas dart on the ground in between both guards at the corner of the hall. If you place it right, it can kill both guards (SK:3/8). Now destroy both trip mines before proceeding. Enter the last door on the left of the hallway to enter a bedroom. To the right of the bed is the second Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). There's also a Shot Defender shotgun behind the Hidden Evidence. Do not go directly out onto the balcony or else you will lose your stealth. Turn on your IR goggles, and hug the left wall. Wait for the Security Chief to make his way into his room before exiting onto the balcony. Now head onto the balcony, eliminate the guard with his back turned (SK:4/8), followed by the security chief (SK:5/8). If they survive the first melee attack, don't panic, just melee again for the kill. Now enter into the bedroom, and pick up the Medkit, Flak jacket, and the Security card. [Checkpoint] Go back to the hallway, open the door down the hall, followed by the next one. Before leaving the room, take cover and eliminate the patrolling guard by shooting a dart on his hand (SK:6/8). Head out carefully, and notice two guards on the floor below. Take cover behind the pillars, fire at the guard further away with a dart as he comes into view, and detonate it when he returns to the left (SK:7/8). Now head to the other side while still remaining on this floor, and snipe the next guard (SK:8/8). Head down the stairs, walk around into the dark hallway behind, turn on your EDSU goggles, and pick up the last small Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3) on the painting. Pick up the Flak jacket under the stairs if you need it, and use the keypad to end the mission. Note that if you score all the stealth kills you obtain a slightly different conclusion for this level. ---------------------------------------- [#E2] Episode 5, Part 2: 'Blood Money' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: 7 Environmental Kills: 2 ---------------------------------------- Two guards will be playing dice with their backs turned. If you wish, you can obtain the environmental kills immediately, but I recommend going the stealth route as you can also obtain the environmental kills that way: 1) If you want to obtain the 2 environmental kills right off the bat. Begin by firing a loud weapon, and missing. The two guards will turn around, and make sure that they call for reinforcements. Now eliminate them both, the 2 guards that will come, and head down the doorway. Notice the trip mines: using the second one, and the third one, you should be able to score an environmental kill each (EK:2/2). The guards will now be on alert however, and I am continuing the walkthrough for this level assuming that you decided to go for stealth. 2) Assuming you would like to go the stealth route and obtain the environmental kills later. Fire an X34 dart in between the 2 guards, and take out both (SK:2/7). Head down to the following doorway, use the left side for cover, and eliminate the guard (SK:3/7). Take cover alongside the wall, and notice the three trip mines. Walk near the first trip mine without activating it and you will hear the nearby guard tell you a code, mine was "415." Now slowly creep up to the first trip mine and disarm it, keep it for later. There's a door to the left of the first trip mine, enter the code into the keypad, and open it. Head up the stairs, and to the left is a safe. The code is "919," so pick up the first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). Note that the code can be found to the right of the laptop in the Security room with Yavlisnky. The code is displayed on an old calculator so you cannot see it with your Night Vision goggles on. Do not bother looking for the code for now, as you would have to forgive your stealth. Once you have gotten the Hidden Evidence, go through the next door. Pick up the MI6 recording devices for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Open the next door, and take out the 3 guards with their backs turned one at a time (SK:6/7). Head down the walkway, and go down the stairs. Turn on your EDSU goggles to see the 3 recording devices in the room. First however, pick up the closest recording device on the bartender table, and notice the doorway to your left. There's a guard there, take him out with a dart for the last stealth kill (SK:7/7). Behind the guard is a coat, and in its pocket is a Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Now pick up the rest of the recording devices. [Checkpoint] Head back to where you picked up the Hidden Evidence from the coat, and climb over the counter. Go to the doorway and a guard will come. Kill the guard, and head back to the hallway with all the trip mines. Slowly disarm the 2 remaining trip mines, thus leaving the last one on the ground as you can only carry 2 at a time. Now place the trip mines such that when the guards later enter the doorway you just came in from to take cover behind the statues (you just disarmed a mine that was attached to one), your mines score you the environmental kills. Once done, go kill Yavlinsky in the security room. If you approach slowly, and stay close to the right wall, you can kill him easily with a headshot as he waits for you. Pick up the AU300 H-Bar gun that he drops, but don't use the laptop just yet, and enter the next room. Pick up the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3) on the table. Now use the laptop for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Two armored guards will be firing at you as soon as you regain control. Depending on how you placed the mines, you should obtain at least one environmental kill (EK:1/2) from these guards. To kill armored guards normally, you can knife them, EDT taser, shoot them in the legs, with darts, or the arms. Just do not bother aiming the head or chest. Kill both guards, and pick up the Flak jackets over their bodies that they sometimes drop. Now head down to the doorway, and there will be two more armored guards. Hopefully the rest of your mines will score the second environmental kill (EK:2/2). Take them out, and continue. Hop over the counter again, and prepare for a firefight. Head out the doorway, and immediately move back. The guards will automatically spawn, and I recommend trying to eliminate them from this room as it is safer than heading out into the open. Take cover alongside the left side of the doorway for a better view. You should be able to eliminate all but one of the armored guards. Now kill the last one, and head down to the door to end the mission. *Credit: bluntsidebomber for the tip about disarming the trip mines and using them later to score the environmental kills much more easily! ---------------------------------------------- [#F1] Episode 6, Part 1: 'Meeting with Fate' Difficulty: 5/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills: 6 ---------------------------------------------- The difficulty ramps up significantly in this level, which also happens to be my favorite, so get ready. Right off the bat, pick off the sniper far away and directly in front of you. Now turn on your IR goggles, and notice the sniper high up and to the right. With both snipers dead, head down the ladder. There's an ammo crate to your right, you'll likely need it for later. Notice the gate to your left, do not go there just yet. Instead, walk up the crystal ball like thing, and climb up to pick up a Sweeper 12-Gauge shotgun, a great weapon for up close combat that even works great on armored foes. Now move up the walkway, and walk up the small steps. A pair of guards will spawn, keep your distance, and eliminate them both. Move up to where they were for a: [Checkpoint] The 2 remaining snipers are around here, one can be easily seen, so kill him first. The other is harmless if you stay here and do not go down steps. A lot of armored guards will spawn, but I recommend simply sniping them off one at a time without heading down the steps. Remember that you can aim their arms, legs, or use darts. Once all the armored guards are dead, finish off the last sniper up top on the right. Head down the steps, and guards will spawn up top. Use the barrels for 3 environmental kills (EK:3/6). Climb the crates, and head up. Three armored guards will spawn down below. Eliminate them. Before heading back, there's a Medkit, M67 grenades in the box, and a gate to the left of the box. Open the gate, drop down, and pick up the first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3) on the dead body. Climb back up, and head along back to where you started the mission. There will be a number of guards along the way. When you reach the starting area, there will be two armored guards, and a regular guard a little higher up. Now restock your ammo, and more guards will come from behind. When you are ready, open up the gate that you avoided earlier, and drop down slightly. [Checkpoint] Before going down the ladder, head left, and pick up the second Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Now go down the ladder, to greet two guards to your immediate left. To obtain the last 3 environmental kills, use your regular melee attack to knock them off the catwalk (EK:6/6). Be careful, falling down the catwalk yourself will kill you. At one point you will come to a ladder to your right, located near the beginning of a long stretch. Climb up. At the top, first climb over the pipe to your left, and go down for the Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). Now return over the pipe, and pick up the Security Card on the dead worker. [Checkpoint] Head back down the ladder and continue on. There will be 2 more armored guards, and you'll be able to pick up a Medkit on the wall. Around this corner, you will notice a ladder in front. It allows for an alternate path that you could have used earlier. Not necessarily easier, but different. Anyway, continue towards the left for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] A guard will be using a civilian as a human shield, and you will have 8 seconds to save him. Use your MB-150 rifle, zoom in, and wait for the guard's head to stick out. Kill the guard, and open the security door to end the mission. ------------------------------------------- [#F2] Episode 6, Part 2: 'Into the Abyss' Difficulty: 4/5 Stealth Kills: 2 Environmental Kills: 2 ------------------------------------------- You will have to decide whether you wish to obtain the stealth kills or the environmental kills right from the beginning: 1) For the stealth kills, wait for the closer patrolling guard to come towards you and then turn around. Fire an X34 dart on his back, and detonate it when he walks by the other patrolling guard (SK:2/2). Kill the armored guard, and clean up the trip mines from here before you forget. 2) For both environmental kills, your only opportunity will be with the trip mines. I recommend waiting for the 2 patrolling guards to be at least further than the first trip mine. Now use an EDT dart on the armored guard, and you should be able to score the environmental kills (EK:2/2) as the 2 guards panic to attack you. Move slightly down the path and be ready for more guards. Once it's clear go open door. The door on the left cannot be opened, so don't bother. There will be two more armored guards. Eliminate them both and continue. An explosion will open up the left wall, head there. [Checkpoint] There's a Hidden Evidence inside the elevator. If you don't mind dying as this is risky, run directly onto the platform to save time, and use the ladder. Turn on your EDSU goggles, and shoot open the hatch. Pick up the Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3) inside the elevator, climb out, and head onto stable footing to your right. Take too long, and the elevator will fall, killing you instantly. [Checkpoint] The door cannot be opened, so don't bother. There will be four guards around the corner. Take out the guards, and enter the bathroom to your left. There's a Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3) in the sink. You can kill the guard in the stall with a M67 Grenade if you wish, but this will alert the guards. Leave the bathroom, and open the next door. If you are careful you can obtain a stealth kill here (SK:3/2). There will a good number of guards in this room, and I recommend staying in the hallway. Once all the guards are dead, pick up the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3) on the side of the first plant. Now go to the next door, and you'll fight more guards in the hallway. Around the corner, there will be a couple more armored guards, a Flak jacket, and a Medkit. Before exiting the door, try to stock up on ammo. When you are ready, exit the door for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] = (BOSS) Touchstone = You won't be able to use your MB-150 rifle in this fight. There are a couple of Medkits in this room, and an ammo crate in the elevator if you need ammo. The easiest way to kill Touchstone is actually to stand right in his sight, close by, and just fire away. Touchstone's sniper shots actually do very little damage, and you only have to fear the gas darts. Additionally, he will usually warn you of his gas darts when he says: "I wonder what this button does?" Several armored guards will come from time to time to annoy you. You can eliminate them if you wish, but they shouldn't do much damage either as long as they're staying far away, so try to focus on Touchstone. Finally, you can always go back the door you came from when things are getting rough so that you can restock on supplies. ---------------------------------------- [#G1] Episode 7, Part 1: 'Red Section' Difficulty: 4/5 Stealth Kills: 5 Environmental Kills: 4 ---------------------------------------- Here we are at last, the final episode. Move forward slightly, and Lian will ask for your help to activate the lift. Before doing so, crawl beneath the truck to your right, and enter the truck for the first Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). Now get out of the truck from the door. Now climb up onto the truck with Lian, but before boosting her, drop down onto the crate in between all 3 trucks, and onto the ground. Crawl beneath the opposite truck and obtain some M67 grenades. Now boost Lian. [Checkpoint] Defending Lian this time will be a lot more difficult than before. There are three points on the rooftops that guards will usually go to. One in front, one to your 50 degree left, and one to your 120 degree left. Cover those areas, and from time to time there will be a guard or two on the ground. Complete this part for a: [Checkpoint] Head behind the truck shown in the cutscene, and pick up the AIT security card off the guard. Now use the security card to open the locked door, pick up the Medkit, and activate the crane. [Checkpoint] Shimmy on the girder that you just moved. Tell Lian to move the crane, and drop down. RTL onto the truck, and enter for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] After the cutscene, do not open the door. Climb back out the roof of the truck. You can quickly eliminate 2 of the guards with darts (SK:2/5). Beware of the third guard, and take him out as well when his back is turned (SK:3/5). Now go down the alley where you killed the last guard, and climb up the ladder. Immediately take cover to avoid detection from the patrolling guard. Take him out for a stealth kill (SK:4/5). Now open the door, and obtain the final stealth kill (SK:5/5). Note that you can also use regular melee on the guard for an environmental kill (EK:1/4). Now head back outside, and destroy the crate blocking the vent just by the door. Crawl through. There will be an ammo crate up front, before going up there though, turn right at the narrow entrance, and pick up the second Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3). Now go to the ammo crate, and to its right is the switch to turn off the spinning fan. Go back, and you can crawl pass the now slow-moving fan. Note that you could have also just EDT tasered the middle of the fan, but you would be ignoring the Hidden Evidence. [Checkpoint] A number of guards will come dashing out. Take cover on the little bit of wall near the fan so that you can still see the switch to your right. Use it to activate an electrical wire, turn it on and off to score the rest of the environmental kills (EK:4/4). To do this, try not to kill the guard hiding behind the crates on the right side, and keep killing the guards with the electrical wire when they take cover by the left wall. Now head through the two next doors, walk across the rooftop to the line, and zip down for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Here's the first of many EM suit guards. Just use an EDT dart or taser to deactivate the shields, and gun him down. However, before doing so, head to the right of the truck, and onto the crates for the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). Notice the ammo crate if you need it, and ask Lian for cover to make your life easier. If you're quick, pick up C11 chain gun right after killing him. ------------------------------------- [#G2] Episode 7, Part 2: 'Drowning' Difficulty: 5/5 Stealth Kills: 5 Environmental Kills: 2 ------------------------------------- Lian mission! Commence by knifing the 3 guards for 3 stealth kills (SK:3/5). You might want to switch to their Desert Eagles as they might come in handy later, but it's up to you. Now head out the door, and take cover at the end of the hallway. Immediately take out the left guard with a dart, and then the right one for the next 2 stealth kills (SK:5/5). Now head down the hallway and go through the door for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] You have three minutes to rescue Blake. Snipe the 3 guards down below and run along the catwalk to the other side. Before you reach the end, 2 guards will pop out. Blow up the explosive on the left for both environmental kill (EK:2/2). Grab the Medkit, and zip line down. Enter the room, pick up the Flak jacket in the box, and then the two Hidden Evidences (HE:2/3), one on each table. Now head back outside, and RTL on the line. A guard will come out directly in front of you as you are still on the zip line. Kill the guard, and there will be 2 guards more on the bottom before climbing down the ladder to your right. That's all of them, so head to the stairway to go down into the pool. Turn off both valves to end the countdown. If you are near death, I recommend redoing this part to not screw up the checkpoint after you save Blake. So if you got a decent amount of health, go up and save Blake for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Kill the guard that will come around from the water, use the large barrel to your right for cover as you eliminate the rest. They will usually come down the staircase, so if you have some explosive darts left, you can also lay traps. Once they're dead, don't forget the Flak jacket in the box, and head up the staircase. If you were in a hurry before, now is a good time to get the first two Hidden Evidences from before. When you're ready, head through the open doorway. Head to the corner of the hallway for a: [Checkpoint] Note the Flak jacket to your right. Eliminate all the regular guards before going for the EM Armored one. Fire an EDT dart to get him onto the ground, and blast him with your Desert Eagle. Now before continuing, restock your ammo with the ammo crate, and pick up the EMP grenades. Continue into the control center for a cutscene. [Checkpoint] Quickly take cover to the left, and take out the 3 guards on the bottom. With the guards down, destroy all the computers with your EDT taser. The bottom right computer has the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). Once all the computer screens are destroyed, the bottom right door will open, and guards will come out, including another EM Armored guard. For this reason, I recommend saving one of the top computers as the last one, so you can immediately take cover up top. Note that there is also a Flak jacket and a Medkit up top if you need them. Once they're all eliminated, head into the room that they came from and destroy the last three computers to end the mission. ------------------------------------------ [#G3] Episode 7, Part 3: 'Event Horizon' Difficulty: 4/5 Stealth Kills: 4 Environmental Kills: 3 Unlock ------------------------------------------ You'll be in a gas chamber, lay low, head under the window, and order Lian to kill the guard and open the door. [Checkpoint] Outside will be 2 patrolling guards. Stay inside the gas chamber, and wait for the closer guard to come by. Eliminate him for the first stealth kill (SK:1/4). There will be some blue computers in front of you, head towards them, and pick up a Hidden Evidences (HE:1/3). Move down the corridor, take cover on the left so that you will see his back as he walks up, and take out the next guard for another stealth kill (SK:2/4). Move slightly more down the corridor, and you will hear a bell sound, now one more guard will come. Pull back and take cover at the same spot, and take him out the same way (SK:3/4). Now go through the vent to your right, and enter the room where Lian knifed the guard earlier. Pick up the Flak jacket, and Tek-9 machine gun in the box if you like. Now use the computer to open the door and head back to the hallway. Continue all the way down until you see an elevator. Before going down, pick up the second Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3) by the blue computers similar to those earlier. Now use the elevator. [Checkpoint] You will have to decide whether you want to get all the stealth kills or go for the environmental kills: 1) Regular melee the guard for an environmental kill (EK:1/3). 2) Fire a dart for the final stealth kill (SK:4/4). Now head along the right side of the wall as you avoid the spinning centrifuge. Once you reach the entrance, enter the hallway, and there will be 3 guards higher up. Take cover and eliminate them. Now head up, and prepare your MB-150 rifle before entering the next door. You will have 10 seconds to kill the guard as he uses Blake for a human shield. [Checkpoint] Turn on your EDSU goggles, and complete this really simple puzzle. Tell Blake to activate a certain control panel, and follow the wire that leads to another control panel that you then activate. Do it twice, and use the computer to turn off the centrifuge. Now Lian will plant the bomb on the centrifuge. Some guards will come attack her, protect her. When Lian's done, she will get out of the way, and 2 more guards will come from the bottom. Turn on the centrifuge to obtain the 2 last environmental kills (EK:3/3). Now time the detonation for when the centrifuge is aligned with the blast door to the right. [Checkpoint] Head back down to where you just blew up the blast door. On the back of the broken centrifuge head is the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). Enter through the broken blast doors. [Checkpoint] There are some EMP grenades in the box, and there will be 2 EM Armored guards down below. Disable their shields with the EMP grenades, and gun them down. There are more EMP grenades at the bottom of necessary. Now pick up the Security Card that one of them drops, and open the door to end the mission. ----------------------------------------- [#G4] Episode 7, Part 4: 'Matter's End' Difficulty: 5/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills: 1 No Hidden Evidence ----------------------------------------- = (BOSS) Singularity = You've reached the last boss at long last! He's wearing an EM suit, so you'll have to turn off its shields before gunning him. There's a Flak jacket and some EMP grenades on your side of the subway if you require them. There's also an ammo box on the left, and a C11 chain gun to the right on the next platform. Lastly, on the final platform there's a Flak jacket in the middle box, EMP grenades in the box on the right, and a M82 BFG rifle in the back where all the guards are coming from. The easiest way of beating Singularity is to eliminate all the guards first, and then pick up the C11. There are around 20 guards total, so on you can max out both the Head Shot and Dart kill requirements. With all the guards down, it should be fairly easy to eliminate Singularity. It is also possible to defeat Singularity even with all the guards around. Pick up the C11, take cover on the big map on its left, and wait for the opportunity when Singularity's to your right. Now use an EDT dart on him, and move over to his platform. Stay in the area with the link fence behind you while standing behind the thin pillar for cover against the guards. Singularity will come at you even if you wait there, allowing you to easily use the EDT taser to remove his shields. Afterwards I recommend aiming Singularity's leg as it will also prevent him from shooting back at you. To obtain the environmental kill, you'll have to hope that by luck one of the guards gets hit by the train (EK:1/1). If you are having trouble, just use the Flare Gun. ------------------------------------------------------- [#H1] Bonus Episode, Narbonne: 'Goodnight Sweetheart' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: 5 Environmental Kills: 1 ------------------------------------------------------- Immediately move to the right of the door and position the camera so you can see the guard on the roof. As soon as he turns his back, run to the far left of the balcony and take out the guard in the window (SK:1/5). Then, run back inside behind a wall. Watch the guard on the roof again, and wait until he starts to walk out. Wait until he stops on the far side, then take him out (SK:2/5). Next, take out the final guard by the door (SK:3/5). If you obtain the 3 stealth kills, you'll be rewarded with a cutscene, and 2 Hidden Evidences (HE:2/3). *Credit: terminall for this part of the walkthrough! Once that's over, before you snipe the two women, head into the washroom, go to the toilet, and pick up the last Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). Now here is where there are 3 possibilities: 1) Snipe Mara first, and you will obtain the Environmental kill when the other woman runs away (EK:1/1). 2) Snipe both at the same time to obtain the final 2 stealth kills (SK:5/5) 3) If you don't manage to kill Mara, she will run outside and proceed to fire at you. One shot in the head will kill her, although shots to the body have no effect besides stunning her. ---------------------------------------------- [#H2] Bonus Episode, KemSynth Tower: 'Up A Column Without a Paddle' Difficulty: 4/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills: 2 No Hidden Evidence ---------------------------------------------- There is a bonus goal of clearing the compound in less than 2:42. Don't worry too much about it though, you don't fail the mission if you take too long. This mission consists of 7 waves and 23 guards, and there's a Flak jacket to the right on the platform if you need it. Wave 1: The Work Yard, 3 guards on the ground in front of you. Wave 2: A pair of guards on the catwalk in front of you. Wait for them to stand above the ladder, and destroy the barrel for 2 environmental kills (EK:2/2). A guard will then spawn inside the building behind the catwalk. Wave 3: Behind the column to the west. First guard will be on the catwalk, next guard on the ground just under, and the third guard also on the catwalk. Wave 4: Back to the Work Yard, 4 guards will dash out from under the building to the north-east. One will run by the barrel to the left of the ladder, which you may use for another environmental kill (EK:3/2). Wave 5: Behind the column, east. First guard will be on the ground to the right. Second guard will be on the catwalk and come from the right. Finally there are 2 guards on the very bottom level. Wave 6: Guards will now come out from the rooftop on the building to the east. First guard from the right of the building, second guard from the left. Third guard from the right again, and the final two guards from the left. Wave 7: The Red Section Leader! He will come out in the Work Yard from under the building to the north-east. Just shoot the tank behind his back like how you killed Red Jack in Episode 1. ---------------------------------------------- [#H3] Bonus Episode, Sana Yemen: 'Trapped in the Hornets Nest' Difficulty: 5/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills: 2 No Hidden Evidence ---------------------------------------------- There is a bonus goal of clearing the compound in less than 3:39. Don't worry too much about it though, you don't fail the mission if you take too long. There are 23 guards, and you will only have Stone's rifle. There is ammo for Stone's rifle in the box to the right on the balcony, and a Flak jacket in the box to the left on the balcony. Wave 1: Immediately run to the left so that the guard in the courtyard on the ground in the cannot hit you. Now kill the first guard on the catwalk, and then the second. Another guard will then spawn behind a pillar in the courtyard, while the first guard should stand next to the barrel on the ground by the entrance. If he isn't there yet, let him see you again to excite him. Shoot the barrel for the first environmental kill (EK:1/2). Wave 2: The Far Towers. Two guards will be inside the windows: one in the left tower, and one in the right tower. There will also be 2 guards on the top catwalk in between the towers. Stay on the left side of the balcony as you use the central palace for cover and take care of the 2 guards on the right side, followed by the 2 guards on the left side. Wave 3: The central palace. To the left of the two towers and by the doorway there will be 3 guards. A fourth guard will be on the ground and run alongside the left of the central palace and stop in front of a barrel. To beat this wave, quickly take cover on the back wall near the box with extra ammo. Eliminate the 3 guards in the central palace, then move to the left, and destroy the barrel for the second environmental kill (EK:2/2). Wave 4: The Western Wall. Quickly take cover on the back wall near the box with extra ammo again, and snipe the 2 guards that you can see to the west. Now get off of cover and snipe 2 more guards rushing out on the ground. Wave 5: Still the Western Wall. Return to cover, and eliminate the 2 guards. Now quickly run west and take cover because the Eastern Wall is next. Wave 6: The Eastern Wall. A guard will be in the window, then a guard to the left. Now get off of cover and take out the guard to the right. [Checkpoint] Wave 7: Two guards wielding Rocket Launchers will spawn on the top catwalk between the two towers. This part can be pretty difficult, and you will first want to ensure that the "Zoom Remember" option is toggled, which should help enormously. Now you will want to remember each one's specific position where they will stand to fire their rockets to get the shot off quickly. Be careful, if you aren't yet moving and the guard has already shot a rocket directly at you, you will almost always take damage. Lastly you can stand by the top right of the balcony to avoid getting hit by the guard on the right as his rockets will hit the building. ---------------------------------------------- [#H4] Bonus Episode, Bangkok 1: 'Black Dragon Triad: Birds of a Feather' Difficulty: 4/5 Stealth Kills: 2 Environmental Kills: 1 ---------------------------------------------- Right off the bat, get yourself off the wall, and creep slightly to the right (away from the control box), equip your EDSU goggles and destroy the control box with a silenced pistol. This will get the 2 guards' attention. Now silently move over to the other side while crouching, and climb onto the side of the building. This will allow you to move alongside the building, around the billboard, and behind the guards. Just as you reach the edge, drop down, and silently snipe the closest guard without alerting the birds in the cage. With him down, crawl under the bird cage, climb up. You now have 2 choices: 1) Kill the guard silently, for the second stealth kill (SK:2/2). 2) Destroy the circuit box to kill the second guard and score the environmental kill but this will alert the other guards of your presence (EK:1/1). I will assume that you killed the first 2 guards silently, as it is much easier this way. You should now be able to grab the first two Hidden Evidences. The first is located on the ledge near where you started. Head back to the exact place where you began, and you should notice a small edge that you will have to climb sporting the Hidden Evidence (HE:1/3). The next Hidden Evidence is quite easy, and is under the supports of the billboard (HE:2/3). With those down, go back to the cage with the birds, and you should be able to kill 5 of them. Now RTL on the side near the control box that you could destroy for the environmental kill, move along the wire, turn around, and you should see a bird (6) to your left. RTL back, and move to the far top right of the building. Look to your right, and you'll notice a bird (7) on top of a bent arrow sign. Now before climbing up in front of the billboard, turn around 180 degrees, look up at the rooftop for another bird (8). Now climb up, and if you obtained the 2 stealth kills previously, you should be able to cap another 2 guards on rooftops silently with darts. Wait until they reach the corners of the building, and they will pause providing you with an easy shot. Once they're down, shoot the bird (9) on top of a sign on the building in front of the billboard, and the last bird (10), 45 degrees to the right of the billboard on balcony. Once all the birds are dead, RTL to the other side. As soon as you drop down, you'll be given the last 2 guards to snipe off of rooftops. Now be careful, do not RTL all the way to the end just yet. Instead, notice the balcony in front of the objective point with a box. Drop down over here, and climb onto the side of the building thus allowing you to move to left and drop onto another balcony. Here is the final Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3). Once you've got it, head back to the RTL in the same manner you came, and slide to the objective point to end the mission. ---------------------------------------------- [#H5] Bonus Episode, Bangkok 2: 'Black Dragon Triad: Jimmy Zhou's Army' Difficulty: 3/5 Stealth Kills: N/A Environmental Kills: 2 ---------------------------------------------- You will start with your back against a table. Gun down the 2 guards firing at you, and move to your left. To your left there will be a kitchen with a Mark 23 SD pistol in the box. A bit further down is a box with a Flak jacket, and a Hidden Evidence with the candles and ornaments(HE:1/3). Head to the door, and quickly pick up the Hidden Evidence (HE:2/3) in the first vase before it's destroyed by gunfire. Note also that the vases can be used for environmental kills if an enemy is nearby when one is destroyed. There are 3 vases in this mission, and you can easily score the environmental kills this way (EK:2/2). There isn't much to this mission, just slowly move your way up as you take cover and gun down the guards one by one. There will be 3 boxes on the sides in the openings along the hallways. The first one will be next to an elevator door, and has a Flak Jacket. The second has a Spectre machine gun like those used by the guards, and the last one also has a Flak jacket. You'll also find the final Hidden Evidence (HE:3/3) by one of the boxes. When you finish cleaning up the guards, you'll be notified with a: [Checkpoint] The next guard has a Chain Gun, but fear not, he's just as weak as the others. If you haven't gotten both environmental kills yet, for some reason you'll score the 2 environmental kills once he dies (EK:2/2). Now pick up the Key he drops, and get yourself ready before opening the door. You will have 3 seconds to shoot Jimmy Zhou in the head as he uses Lian as a human shield. Kill him and you complete the mission. *Credit: Sean for the tip of using the vases for Environmental Kills! ---------------------------------------------- [#X] Career Rating Tips ---------------------------------------------- = Basic = 1) A quick way to suicide when you mess up is to fire an Explosive or X34 dart at a wall, and detonate it when you are standing right beside it. = Environmental Kills = 1) Any kill with the Flare Gun will score you an Environmental kill, just as long as the flames kill the guard! *Credit: Beat1220 for the tip! = Knife Kills = 1) Use your EDT taser on an enemy to have him rush at you. Useful for getting those knife kills. 2) If you knife a guard and he does not die, which happens sometimes on Hard mode, just knife him again as soon as he gets to his feet. You still conserve stealth! = Dart Kills = 1) You don't have to fire X34 or Explosive darts onto guards for them to work. Strategically placing them on the ground or an object in between several guards works! 2) A fun trick to do when you know where guards are going to come from already is to set up a dart trap ahead of time. 3) Alerting the guards will often make more guards spawn. You will want to do this when you are going for those dart and headshot kill counts. = Headshot Kills = 1) You must play on Hard mode to tally up the Headshot kills! 2) Alerting the guards will often make more guards spawn. You will want to do this when you are going for those dart and headshot kill counts. = Stealth Kills = 1) Stay in crouching mode when you go behind enemies to not alert them. 2) A Headshot with a silenced weapon (eg: Your Mark 23 SD pistol) also works when done carefully, and comes in handy when you run out of darts. 3) The IR goggles are fundamental in helping you maintain stealth in Hard mode. Observe the guards from far away when possible, and act accordingly. ---------------------------------------------- [#Y] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ---------------------------------------------- Q: How does this game compare with Socom: Fireteam Bravo for PSP? A: Syphon Filter has indisputably a better singleplayer mode, better graphics, and higher production values. Multiplayer-wise however, they are fairly even, and some will prefer Syphon Filter while others Socom. Q: How long is the singleplayer? A: Approximately 7 to 8 hours on your first play through. Though to unlock everything, you will probably play through each and every level at least 3 to 4 times. Q: How are the load times? A: I timed it. It takes approximately 45 seconds to reach the main menu from boot up, 20 seconds to start a mission, and 10 seconds to quit a mission. Restarting a mission that's already loaded is instant, while resuming the game on a soft turn off takes around 5 seconds. Q: How is the artificial intelligence (AI)? A: Depending on the difficulty, enemies will be more aggressive and move around more. The general AI is pretty good overall. NPCs never get stuck, enemies will take cover, and enemies will react when you are seen or when they hear noise. Q: How large are the levels? A: Um, normal size? From my experiences, size hasn't been an issue in both singleplayer and multiplayer. Q: How is the stealth in this game? A: Stealth is completely optional, and for the most part only serves to lower the number of enemies you will face. This game's main focus is on the action however, and most of the missions cannot be completed in complete stealth. Others have absolutely no stealth at all. Q: How many missions are in the game? A: There are 23 story missions, and 5 bonus missions making a total of 28 missions. Q: What are the controls? A: On the default setting: = D-pad = Up: Interact / Zoom In Right: Weapon Select Left: Gadget Select (Vision modes mainly) Down: Crouch / Zoom Out = Triggers = Left Trigger: Manual Aim (Zoom) / Target Lock Right Trigger: Fire Analog: Movement / Strafe Face Buttons: Look & Aim Start: Pause Select: Command (issue orders to NPCs) Q: Does this game support the microphone for online play? A: Yes. Q: What are the differences between Easy, Normal, and Hard mode? A: You are provided a map only on Easy, and Normal mode. There are also more visual cues of where to go on Easy and Normal mode. Finally, you have less health, and enemies become more aggressive as you increase the difficulty. ---------------------------------------------- [#Z] Credits / Disclaimer / Legal Information ---------------------------------------------- Special Thanks: - terminall for a part of the Narbonne: Goodnight Sweetheart mission. - Beat1220 for the Flare Gun tip that they caused environmental kills. - AlucardZero for the tip on Episode 2, Part 4: 'Freeman's Answer.' - bluntsidebomber for the tip on Episode 5, Part 2: 'Blood Money.' - Sean for the tip on Bonus Episode, Part 5: 'Jimmy Zhou's Army.' All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2006 by PoP_PiP