Dungeon Maker: Hunting Grounds Walk-Thru By; David Taylor aka DarkRPGgamer V 0.30 Email: DarkGamer4Ever@aol.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Contents 1a) Introduction 1b) Legal Stuff 1c) Description 1d) Frequently asked Questions 1e) Version History 2a) Room Kits and Their Uses 2b) Quests 3a) Item Selling Prices 3b) Weapon List 3c) Armor List 3d) Ring and Bracelet List 3e) Root List 3f) Fang and Claw List 3g) Magic Books 4a) Bosses 4b) Monsters 4c) Recipes 5a) Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- 1a Introduction I'm DarkRPGgamer, I've played so many games and used so many walk throughs that I felt its time to give something back to my fellow gamers. So this is my first stab at a walk-thru, and I just had to do it for this awesome game. Still on my first play through, but I think that the data I have gathered will help my fellow Dungeon Makers get the most from their experience. Keep on the look out for updates as I progress. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------- 1b Legal Stuff This FAQ is for Authourized Sites ONLY. This document is copyrighted material Of David Taylor and may not be used without expressed written consent of David Taylor. No part of this guide can be used without proper quoting and/or recognition. Any person(s) found violating this copyright is/are punishable by law and will be to the fullest extent. Authorized Sites: www.GameFaqs.com www.Supercheats.com ----------------------------------------------------------- 1c Description Ever wonder what it would be like if you could combine the joyful hours of hack and slash Diablo goodness with the all consuming addictive euphoria of city planning provided by SimCity? Sure you have, and this is what you would get! Welcome to Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground. IN DM: HG you play as an architect who has set out to build the worlds Greatest Dungeon in hopes of attracting the legendary Wandering Demon into its depths... so you can KILL it. ----------------------------------------------------------- 1d Frequently asked Questions Q. Does the floor rating of the previous floors affect lower levels? A. There are many ideas on this one, like the upper floor's rating sets a cap on the lower floors, or that the rating affects the quantity of monster that will inhabit your lower levels. I have found it is a mixture of both theories. While the rating of say the first floor does not set a cap for say floor 2 as it is possible to have floor 1 at a rating of 75 and still have floor 2 at 135 once you raise floor 1's rating you will notice that floor 2 likewise goes up in rating to say 143. while not a significant increase it does add up as you improve each floor the lower floors go up in rating too. This is most likely due in part to theory #2 that the higher the rating on upper levels the more monsters you will face on lower levels. The old man hints at this around the time you get your first stair kit. Q. How can I increase my Dungeon floor's rating? A. If you find that you have hit the proverbial "Brick Wall" with you floor stop, step back, look at it, and ask yourself: 1. Does my floor twist and turn a lot or do I have a lot of straight halls? Try using T and L sections instead of I and + sections. A good rule of thumb is, the harder the dungeon is for you to traverse the higher your rating will be. 2. Do my corridors have wall paper and what kind is it? Remember dirt