******************************************************************************* Jungle Strike FAQ\Walkthrough Copyright 2004, Apathetic Aardvark Email: sinenomine@gmail.com All rights reserved Version 1.0 12/21/2004 ******************************************************************************* Index/Table of Contents ******************************************************************************* Disclaimer.........................................................i Before You Start...................................................ii Walkthrough and Story..............................................iii Credits............................................................iv At this point this walkthrough is not complete. Only the first four levels complete with any amount of depth. Most enemies are listed, not all vehicles and their weaponry are yet. ******************************************************************************* i) Disclaimer (Legal stuff) ******************************************************************************* Copyright 2004, Apathetic Aardvark All rights reserved. The following sites have my permission to post this; www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com Any site, magazine, or other form of media, that is not included on this list caught hosting this guide without my written consent is in violation of copyright laws and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the laws. In addition, a terrible curse will be placed upon you and any subsequent generations of your family. ******************************************************************************* ii) Before You Start ******************************************************************************* Jungle Strike takes place in a helicopter for the most part, however, other vehicles will be used throughout the game. The controls remain very similar, but I will spell out the various types of weaponry and then list the vehicles and which weapons each carries. Some vehicles can also carry people around, in events of rescue or capture. Weapons List ----- Hellfire [Missile]: Hellfire's are huge missiles which the Comanche may fire. They have a slow reload rate and do not travel very fast, making them quite ineffective against moving targets. They are bulky, and because of this very few can be held. They do 100 damage to anything which they hit. They are also the most powerful projectile weapon in your arsenal. --- Hydra [Missile]: Hydras are probably the best all around weapon in the game. They can be fired in quick succession and travel fast. They do 25 damage, but can be held in much larger quantities than the hellfire's. These make excellent choice against most enemy ground vehicles. --- Chain Gun [Bullet]: The chain gun is the standard weapon of most vehicles. They fire extremely quickly, but do very little damage. As bullets take up almost no space, chain guns have a very large supply of them. --- Sea Mines: Holy God, these things rock. They do 1000 damage. Use them to sink the Nuclear Subs. Once deployed, they can not move, so just get directly in front of whatever is following you and lay one. Unmatched power. You get a very limited supply of them though. They will detonate a few seconds after they are deployed. The Hovercraft seems to be immune to the explosion of them. --- Rockets: Rockets are fired by both the XL-9 Hovercraft and the Motorcycle. They are virtually identical to hydra missiles, doing the same damage at roughly the same speed. They do come in smaller quantities though. They are also a bit harder to aim, possibly because they shoot on the same altitude as the target. --- Land Mines: similar to sea mines, except they are on the motorcycle for use on the ground. They deal 1000 damage, which is more than a match for the poor armored cars. --- Iron Bombs: These are hellfire-like bomb/missiles fired by the stealth. They move quite slow, but pack an amazing punch. 500 damage or more, and they come in unlimited supplies. --- AIM-92: These are the faster, smaller missiles of the stealth. They deal 25 damage and move like hydra missiles, though fire more rapidly. These weapons are great. And as an added bonus, unlimited supply! Vehicles ----- Comanche - This is the vehicle in which you will spend the most time in. It is a chopper as you may have noticed. This vehicle is extremely mobile and should rarely if ever stop moving. It has a large arsenal of weapons to fire with. Armor: 1000 Hellfire: 9 Hydra: 60 Guns: 1000 Maximum Load: 6 --- XL-9 Hovercraft - This baby is fun. It takes a bit of getting used to though. For one, the "winch" is merely the back of the craft. You have to go slow in order to use it though, or you will blow up the item you are trying to grab. The Hovercraft packs a mean punch, though aiming the rockets is much harder than aiming a hydra missile. Armor: 800 Sea Mines: 9 Rockets: 50 Guns: 1000 Maximum Load: Beats me, not many people to rescue in the level you can use it. --- Motorcycle: The bike takes some getting used to. It steers like a slug at first and obviously has no ability to move backwards at a pace faster than a man walking it backwards. To pick things up, run them over at a slow speed. Once learned well, the bike quickly becomes a great vehicle since it is fast, small and very destructive. Armor: 500 Land Mines: 9 Missile: 30 Guns: 1000 --- F-117 Stealth: This is a great vehicle. It has unlimited fuel and weapons, which make for some real fun adventures. It also has no winch, but as you need to pick nothing up, I suppose it does not matter. A collision will blow this vehicle up, which makes it very touchy at first. Firing from high elevation increases the range of projectiles and makes it easier to avoid things. However, at the speed the stealth moves, you will need to fly low frequently to hit close targets, though you run a high risk of collision by doing so. Armor: 1200 Ironbombs: 9 [Unlimited] AIM-92: 99 [Unlimited] Guns: 1000 [Unlimited] Enemies ----- AAA: Anti-Aircraft Gun. This weapon's rapid firing rate compensates for its low accuracy. the Armscor G4 155MM Howitzer is stationed on a rotating turret. They have only 50 armor, but deal 25 damage per shot. The rapid firing rate which the game says it has is less rapid than Halley's Comet coming around the solar system. They barely ever shoot, especially when you engage them in the Hovercraft. --- Abrams M1 Battle Tank: M1 Abrams tanks are terrifying opponents, panther quick and armored like rhinos. They hit you three ways -- Quick, hard, and often. They have 250 armor and deal 75 damage per shot. Their only real weakness is having to point the gun at you. Use your mobility to sneak up behind them and then spin around them at super close range. --- AK-47: These are just units which hold the Semi-Automatic AK-47 guns. They have only ten armor, so nearly anything will kill them. They only do ten damage back to you. They do fire fast, but unless they appear in bulk pose no real threat. --- Apache Helicopter: These are enemy helicopters. They have 300 armor and do 150 damage per shot with their hydra-like missiles. They shoot fast and often. Consider these to be very dangerous, as they are about a third as good as your Comanche. --- APHID: These nice people fire rocket launchers shots at you. The projectiles they fire are slightly less powerful than hellfire missiles, but still do a solid 75 damage. As they are just people standing in the streets though, they have very little armor, only 25, and die quickly. If blowing up enemies is an objective, these guys can help if you get behind the enemy and they hit it instead. --- Armored Car: Tires in place of tank treads make these ideal urban assault vehicles. Good armor, damage, and fire rate, too. These are heavily modified tanks. They move around at a good speed and fire very fast shots dealing 35 damage. They are not as armored as some tanks, but nevertheless they can take 150 damage before blowing up. --- Attack Van: These innocent looking vans have infiltrated Washington and converged on the Jefferson Memorial. They must be stopped! Attack Van's remind me a lot of the larger HARV's. They only have 100 armor and do only 20 damage, though they fire faster, are much smaller, and are able to move with relative ease. These do not pose much of a threat though. --- Gatling Gun: Gatling guns are automatic Anti-Aircraft guns which spin on a platform attacking you if you get to close. They only do ten damage, but they fire fairly quickly and their projectiles are often difficult to dodge. Avoid them if you can, fight them if you must, they have 150 armor. --- Gun Boat: These armored boats patrol the Drug Lord's coastline, seeking intruders. They attack with shoulder-launched rockets. The boats have 100 armor and deal 75 damage with hellfire-like missiles. Sink them quickly! --- HARV: Facing these RVs is no vacation. Good armor combined with strong firepower. But fire rate is slow. Catch 'em while they reload. HARV's have 150 armor and attack with hellfire missiles. They are ground based and look like large trailer homes. Do not be fooled, these things, while virtually immobile, pack one hell of a punch. --- Humvee: Humvee's are brown cars which fire hydra-like missiles at you. They have 100 armor and deal 30 damage per shot. --- MLRS 23MM Cannon: MLRS are very quick, even with their thick armor and their rocket launchers fire with intimidating speed and accuracy. They have 300 armor and deal 30 damage per shot. --- Mobile Battle Cannon: Not very speedy, and fire rate is slow. But they do near-critical damage when they hit and they're armored like bank vaults. Mobile Battle Cannons have 400 armor and do 200 damage per shot. As with most tank vehicles, they have a rotating turret up top, take advantage of this. --- Sheridan: Sheridan's are speedy, tough-skinned behemoths. They don't do exceptional damage, but their rapid fire rate makes up for it. They have a 23MM cannon. Sheridan's are tanks. They have 150 armor and fire off very fast moving shots which will cause 30 damage. They do however use a turret type gun, meaning, if you get behind it, the gun will need to spin before it may lock onto you. --- Speedboat: These boats are not as deadly as gunboats, but are still a threat. They fire quick shots and have 150 armor. They still do twenty damage, which can stack up pretty quickly. --- Tactical: Pickup [trucks] with an attitude, full of trigger-happy terrorists. Mediocre armor, but don't take them lightly! They have 100 armor and deal 30 damage per shot. Co-Pilots ----- The captain needs to have a co-pilot, who will control shooting the weapons and dropping the winch and ladders. All co-pilots are different with their abilities, so choose one which fits your style of play. However, at the start of the game, most of them are missing in action. --- Mike Sierra: Mr. 3-D Still smells like the academy. Mr. 3-D can pluck the pimento out of an olive with the winch, but can't hit a white whale on a black background. --- Scott Antonio: Ego Ego is the most focused copilot of the group. He doesn't have a life, doesn't want one. He's average with the gun and winch. Always ready, Ego never sleeps. --- Grant Foster: Faceman [MIA] He's a hot gunner but his winch skills could freeze a campfire. Recruited from a local arcade: Every mission is a game to him. He was last seen off the coast of South America. --- Rosalind D: Annihilator [MIA] She's a tough, tenacious copilot that's a force to reckon with. Roz is good at everything except her aim's shaky. She was last heard from over a dark jungle. --- J. W. Fennel: Wild Bill [MIA] Wild Bill's the best of bunch, just ask him. He's the top gunner and he uses the winch like a lasso. He learned the rules so he could break them. --- As you only get two pilots available at the start of the game, I recommend Ego, as target acquisition is a lot more important than using the winch in the first level. --- Hey, got any passwords? --- Sure, here's a few from www.gamefaqs.com Start the level of your choice. Level 2: RL6GYKBX6GG Level 3: 9V6CR9WNMCZ Level 4: XTMDR9WNMCJ Level 5: VNPDTL6HDB6 Level 6: WSDWHFKB7SS Level 7: THGR7NS6MCJ Level 8: 7GRSD9WT7SS Level 9: N4SF3X7NLMS Start the level of your choice with 10 lives. Level 2: RXVWT74S6KB Level 3: 9WT7NL6MHBV Level 4: X7NL4SHPG94 Level 5: VL4S6MGCZVH Level 6: W6JB9TL4SYW Level 7: TMHPGCFDYN3 Level 8: 7PGCZJYK34X Level 9: NCZJFD3BR67 Start at the beginning of the game with 23 lives for every level and access to all copilots other than Faceman. BXYTNMGCYDB ******************************************************************************* iii) Walkthrough and Story ******************************************************************************* All the levels are always exactly the same, in terms of where things are. As such, most useful items are able to be spotted on a map, such as fuel, ammo and armor. Because of this, I find no need to tell you where to get it, as it is easily seeable. Also, missions which are presently active for the most part show you exactly where to go. Because of this, I will expect you to read the map instead of me trying to futilely describe it. Missions which are not yet available, do not show a particular spot on the map. Also, some buildings must be kept in tact during the level. If, for instance, you, or something else, blows up the White House, you will be called back to base. Otherwise failing any mission in a level will fail the entire level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jungle Strike is the sequel to Desert Strike, thus the events of this game take place after the events of that one. Somewhere in the Pacific. On an island of monkeys and other animals. Carlos Ortega watches from afar. Three... Two... One... Fire! The island is encompassed in a nuclear explosion. Carlos Ortega: Impressive Ibn Kilbaba: As I said, I still have nuclear resources. Carlos Ortega: So, can you deliver the components to my jungle fortress? Ibn Kilbaba: With ease. Is 72 hours soon enough? I cannot wait to avenge my father's death. Carlos Ortega: Destroying Washington D.C. will teach the yankees to stay out of my drug trade. At least they will suffer greatly for the trouble they've caused us! The scene switches to a news cast on EANN. Anchor: We interrupt this broadcast for a special report... Moments ago, a nuclear explosion was detected off the coast of South America. As of yet, no one has claimed responsibility for the blast. We will keep you informed as the story develops. In the home of the pilot, who is watching the newscast, the phone rings. Captain: Hello... Voice on the line: Captain, There's been an incident. Captain: I saw it. Somebody's showing off. Voice on the line: There's a special forces briefing at the White House at 08:00 hours. Captain: I'm there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1: Washington D.C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene shifts to the briefing at the White House. The Captain is in a meeting with some sort of General. General: Here's the situation: We have spy satellite photos of the blast area simultaneous with the detonation. Captain: Good thing Congress didn't cut the space program. Much. General: This imperial yacht was spotted near the destroyed island. Captain: Any idea whose toy boat that is? General: We further enhanced the picture and identified these two suspects. Captain: Boy, these guys look familiar... Ugly, but familiar. General: They should. Carlos Ortega, the notorious South American drug lord. His huge private army just sprung him from a Florida Prison. A lot of good men died to put him in that prison. This is Ibn Kilbaba, son of the Desert Strike Madman, and more ruthless than his father ever was. Captain: Birds of a feather. What's the Plan? General: You will take command of the super Comanche Attack Chopper. Your first mission is to stop the terrorists threatening the capitol. Captain: Good. I was afraid this was gonna be easy. General: Next, the President's motorcade will arrive soon. Make sure it's safe. And last, Ibn Kilbaba's men in D.C. know where the drug lord's jungle fortress is. Find them. Captain: No sweat. General: Just select your copilot and you're ready to go. --- This level is actually quite hard considering it is the first level in a game. There are a great deal of ammunition, fuel and armor pickups around the map though, making it a very safe level. Blowing up buildings such as the White House is not a good idea. The streets of the city make navigation easy, you should only need to glance at the map every so often. --- Mission 1: Monuments Protect the Washington Monument, The Library of Congress & The Jefferson Memorial from Terrorist Attacks. These buildings are historical shrines and must be saved! The monuments are spread out fairly well across the entire city. They are under attack from HARV's and Attack Van's. Both of these enemy types can cause a lot of damage considering it is the very first mission. Most of the monuments can take a fair amount of punishment, but do not take too much time in saving them. The Washington Monument is guarded by Attack Vans, however, the last two seem to appear only after the first three are defeated. Make sure not to rush off before all the enemies around one monument are defeated. It is also a very good idea to NOT fly behind a monument when an enemy is aiming for you. --- Mission 2: Terrorist HQ Locate and destroy the terrorist headquarters. They've occupied several government buildings. Capture the leaders for information about future terrorist plots. There around four buildings around the town which are all guarded by some type of soldier with anti-aircraft weaponry. Also, there are a lot of vehicles to aid them. Once the building is destroyed, a few more soldiers will come out along with one unarmed man. The unarmed ones are the leaders, do not kill them! Defeat all four of the HQ's and this mission will be complete. Only one of the leaders actually has information, he'll tell you the following: I know how the embassies are going to be attacked.... The carbombs you are looking for are green station wagons. While car bombers may seem urgent and you may think to break off this mission at this point, there is not a need to. The bombers will not start moving towards their target until you get very near them. --- Mission 3: Car Bombs Find and Neutralized the terrorist car bombs before they detonate in front of the 5 embassy buildings. Model car used is unknown [Green Station Wagon]. Don't target innocent cars! As stated above, the car bombers will not start driving until you get near them. After that, should you die, you are probably going to lose because they start very close to their targets. People in the car will shoot at you as you go after them, so make sure you're well armed and NOT low on fuel before you engage one. This is probably the hardest mission of this level. --- Mission 4: Agent Akbar Once the bomb threat has been stopped, the next mission will open itself up. Find and rescue Akbar, our secret informant. We believe he is being held captive in a basement. He knows how and when the President will be attacked. Akbar is being held in the residential part of town in one of the many identical houses. As you may have guessed, it is the house in which people are shooting at the police cars. Make sure to clear the area before blowing up the house and saving Akbar. You will also get a fuel drum for blowing up the house in which he was held. He will have some information for you: I found out that the President's Limo is going to be attacked! It will be entering the city from the south-west corner at any moment. --- Mission 5: Motorcade Protect Presidential Motorcade from terrorist incidents. Defeat any attacks along the route and assure that the presidential limousine reaches the White House. This one is also quite hard. The limo will enter at the lowest yellow dot and proceed on a very round about path to the White House. Other yellow dots along the way are places where the limo will be attacked. If you hover over the limo it will stop moving. If you leave the screen it will also stop moving. Note: if you clear all the yellow dots before the limo ever moves, enemies will still come up and attack the limo as you make your way with it to the White House. --- Mission 6: Enemy Sniper Capture the sniper to learn details of the Madman's plan. He will attack from a U-Shaped Government building. Blast the building, but capture him alive! This mission is simple. The building they speak of is the C.I.A. Building, which is directly along the path you took in mission 5, and probably killed everyone else around the area and let this guy get into the open. Just make sure you do not kill him, this is a long level to do over again due to carelessness. After you pick him up, he'll tell you: Don't shoot me, I'm just a patsy. The Drug lord gave me a map and told me to meet him in his Jungle Fortress... Return to the landing pad at the White House. Inside, your General and the President, who looks very much like Bill Clinton, are waiting for you in a briefing. General: Good work Captain. Your mission was a success. You saved the President! President Clinton: Which I appreciate. Sorry about those defense cuts. General: You helped us locate the Drug Lord's jungle fortress, too. The General brings up the information onto a nearby monitor. General: The sniper you captured had this map that details the area's main targets. Captain: I love what he's done with the place. General: While you attack the fortress, I'll be flying overhead in the AWAC feeding you the latest mission briefing. Captain: Let me know if you see any good surf up there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2: Sub Hunt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the helicopter, the captain receives a transmission from the General's AWAC. General's AWAC: How are we feeling this morning? Here's our mission: There are two Navy SEALs stranded on an island south of the bridge. Rescue them for intelligence info. The sector is also covered by a large number of anti- aircraft guns. Our downed F-15 pilot is proof of this. Luckily we've spotted a prototype hovercraft in the area that may aid you in beating these weapons. We've also learned that the Madman is smuggling stolen crates of plutonium into the jungle fortress. Get them before they're shipped inland. And we believe that the Drug Lord's fleet of nuclear submarines is stationed nearby. Destroy them before they are armed for attack. --- This level is blocked by a huge bridge, which does not allow the Comanche to fly over. It is possible to use some glitches to get over and back, thus doing the entire level in the Comanche. I honestly don't see the point in it. Yes, it is slightly better armed and is easier to move around, but it lacks the sheer fun factor of ramming into ground troops shooting at you as you can in the Hovercraft. The missions in this level are quite easy and there is not much in the way of enemies. --- Mission 1: Navy Seals Rescue the 2 Navy Seals and fly them to our Coast Guard Chopper. They have spotted the the [that's a double word in the game, not on my part] stolen XL-9 Hovercraft and have a cod to jam the alter zone. These soldiers are stranded on a small island being held by a few people with guns. Rescuing them is a breeze. Once you bring them on board, they will have information for you: We have the code to jam the alert zone on the Hovercraft. And we've spotted the plutonium shipments. Fly us to our chopper and we'll punch in the coordinates. Their helicopter is about a half inch from where you started the level, so fly over to their copter and let them off near the landing pad. --- Mission 2: Elec Fence Wipe out all the enemy weapons protecting the Hovercraft. Once the island is secure, land the Comanche to take control of the XL-9. Another heavily guarded area... Four guys with rocket launchers protect this godly XL-9 Hovercraft. Take them out and land on the nearby pad. You will now have control of the Hovercraft. --- Mission 3: Plutonium Stop the Drug Lord's speedboats from reaching the trucks on the shore. Then pick up at least 8 plutonium crates. Do not destroy the Crates or a catastrophe will follow! This mission can be a real pain in the ass, especially if you are not used to the Hovercraft yet. There are ten boats moving around the far end of the map which carry plutonium. They will slowly make their way to shore and unload into some trucks. If the trucks make it off the map with the plutonium, it is gone. You only need to get eight of the ten crates, so there is some margin for error. Remember, you need to back the Hovercraft into items slowly to pick them up. The plutonium will appear once the vehicle in question has been destroyed. --- Mission 4: F-15 Pilot Rescue our downed F-15 fighter pilot. He knows the secret locations of the Drug Lord's nuclear attack submarines. Don't delay, his plane may sink at any moment! This mission seems to make it sound like it is urgent. In my experience, I have never seen the plane sink, but hey, maybe you ought to rush. Anyway, the island will be guarded by an AAA and an enemy soldier. Once clear, slowly back into the pilot. There will be a short scene. Captain: Looks like we found Faceman. Now let's see how fast a top gun he really is. --- Mission 5: Nuke Subs The Drug Lord's fleet of 4 nuclear subs is in this sector. Destroy the subs to eliminate their threat of attack. Caution: They are well armored and dangerous. The subs have 500 armor, making them weaker than your Hovercraft <_<. They fire Rockets at you which do 25 damage. One sea mine will take each of the four subs out. Lay them on the near side of the sub, otherwise they tend to miss, oddly enough. Once they are sunk, the mission will be complete. Return to the Hovercraft area and pick up your Comanche, then fly back to the pad you started the level on. Ibn Kilbaba: You told me your army could protect my plutonium! One pilot stole most of it back from me and sank your subs like they were rubber rafts! Carlos Ortega: It is beyond explaining! My gunships should have neutralized him before he even came near the transfer zone. Ibn Kilbaba: He must not interfere any further! I want him to be obliterated, burned like the trash he is. I want the jungle vermin to feed on his charred remains!!! Carlos Ortega: I will put my ground troops on alert. If he dares to attack my camp, he will be greeted by a sky full of fire! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3: Training Grounds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene shifts to the plane carrying the General. He and the captain are talking over monitors again. General: Good to hear from you, Captain. Continue your progress inland! Unfortunately, the enemy has been tracking you on their radar, so most of this sector will be alerted to your presence. The headquarters here is a listening outpost for the Drug Lord. We need to establish a wire tap to track his movement. The communications expert we sent in on this mission has been captured and is being held in a POW barrack. Rescue this expert and airlift him to his objective. Then capture the enemy commanders to get their radio passcodes. Once the area is secure, recover the nuclear reactors that the Madman is planning to use to make his weapons of destruction. --- This level is somewhat hard. It introduces danger zones. In a danger zone, all enemies have double armor, fire much faster and do increased damage. In addition, they get greatly improved range. This makes them all the more deadly. There are many Sheridan Tanks in this level, it is best to stay very mobile while confronting them so that their turret gun can not get a weapon lock on you. --- Mission 1: Training Camp Wipe out the enemy training camps. Eliminate any enemy guard towers and troops you encounter. Tents may hold supplies. There are four training camp areas. They mostly have troops and towers, which are manned by troops. Nothing here does a huge amount of damage, but mass little things = instant win.... or something like that. You only need to destroy the towers to complete the mission, but the tents will give you a great deal of supplies and they are easy to destroy as well. --- Mission 2: Landing Zone Secure the enemy landing zone. You must clear the area, then airlift a green beret to defend the zone. Look for your man in the jungle clearing. Okay, you should have no problems finding him, but, on your way to him, there are two tents near a tower and an oasis. DO NOT BLOW THEM UP. Once you have him, land at these tents and the mission will be complete. --- Mission 3: Mobile Radar 1 Knock out the 3 radar sites protecting the tank depot and barracks. These radar units are mobile, so they may be hard to track on your map. You can see all six mobile radars on your map, but you only need to be concerned with the three in the left region of the screen. They are well guarded by Sheridan's, so be careful. You can usually attack them from the back and kill them with hydras before they are able to turn their guns on you. --- Mission 4: Comm. Expert Rescue the communications expert from his barrack jail and airlift him to the telephone poles. He'll establish a wire-tap to monitor the Drug Lord's calls. The communications expert is in one of the barracks buildings. There are however many buildings and many people. They take up room quickly, but you can always return them to the area you set up in the end of mission 2 in order to get some extra armor. Along the way to the communications expert, you will be attacked by Sheridan's, towers and Gatling Gun's. Once you have him, take him to the telephone lines, but be careful, there are some danger zones on this map and you will not last long in them. --- Mission 5: Tank Depot Destroy the Sheridan tanks as they prepare for battle. Knock out these weapons before they become operational. There are several tanks in the area. Most of them are not yet operational, but some are. Also, a few cars will attack you as you blow up the tanks. Some people will run from the tanks as you blow them up. You can save them and return them to the oasis tents for extra armor. Also, the tank depot will keep flashing on your map if you do not. --- Mission 6: Mobile Radar 2 Knock out the 3 radar units protecting the enemy HQ and warehouse. This will provide you with undetected access to these two areas. Similar to the first mobile radar mission. This one has cars helping to defend the mobile radars as well as Sheridan's. If you play anything like me, taking the shortest distance between two points. You will actually traverse the next two missions, probably blowing up most of the things there, getting from radar to radar, completely eliminating the point of going in undetected! --- Mission 7: Training HQ Destroy the Training HQ. The mobile forces receive their orders from this station. Capture the 3 field commanders to get their radio passwords. It is probably best to allow the turrets and soldiers to blow up their own base while you hide behind the buildings. That way, you can make certain you do not kill the commanders you are going to save. Once you have all three commanders and have smashed the place up real well, the mission will be complete. --- Mission 8: Nuke Reactor Retrieve the nuclear reactor from the enemy warehouse. Watch for ground troops inside. Do not destroy this reactor! It must be returned safely. The reactor areas are not guarded all that well. The buildings they are in have about 250 armor, the crates another hundred or so. Each building has either troops or Gatling guns inside of them. Do not blow up the reactor and do not blow up with the reactor. Recover the plutonium from the lower warehouse as well and then return to the pad you began the level at. The mission will end and the scene will shift to Ortega's place. A scientist is being held in front of Kilbaba and Ortega by a terrorist soldier. Ibn Kilbaba: So Dr. Fowler, how are you finding conditions in the newly unified Germany? Dr. Fowler: I was enjoying my new freedom before you storm troopers abducted me and brought me here. I demand to know: What is this place? Carlos Ortega: You're in my jungle fortress. We are giving you a chance to be helpful and build nuclear weapons for us. We will be generous... Dr. Fowler: Ach! That can never be! I shudder to think what rabid beasts like you would do with such destructive power! Ibn Kilbaba: Fool! You will waltz with the tarantulas in the jungle pits until you bend to our will! I'll teach you to shudder! Several of your colleagues await you in the darkness. One of you may change your mind... The rest of you will rot! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 4: Night Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Word spreads quickly to the United States though, before long an attack plan has been formed. They wait until night to discuss it. The General contacts the Captain over their famous chat monitor. General: Beautiful night, isn't it? Here's our plan of attack: The Madman has taken seven of our troops and is holding them in some prison pits. He has also captured three nuclear scientists. All of these people must be saved. The Drug Lord's weapon assembly plant is also nearby and must be destroyed before his attack planes are built. But keep a sharp eye: There are enemy choppers on alert and troops with night sight goggles [they do nothing, ah!] defending the area. Stay cool. --- This level takes place at night. As such, most things are very dark. Enemy armored cars are very difficult to see and can cream you in a fast hurry. The left side of the map is damn near pitch black as there are not many trees over there. Because of this, you may have to fire the occasional hydra missile to light up the map. Supplies are no where to be found on this map. Only the enemy commander can tell you where to find them. He is actually part of the final mission of this level. If you would like to skip ahead, he is hidden in a barracks on the mid/lower left area of the map, it is well fortified though. Most of the missions are so easy, until you get to the Weapon Plants, at which time you fly near or through many danger zones... Bad. --- Mission 1: Watch Towers Destroy the 8 enemy guard towers surrounding your position. This'll keep the enemy choppers from detecting your attack. Look for their infrared night sights. This mission is easy as pie. You only need to kill the troop on each tower rather than destroying the tower if you so desire. A couple of bullets will take them out. Also, the mission completes once the seventh one has been destroyed. --- Mission 2: Green Beret A Green Beret scout is waiting to guard the landing zone. Look for his flare in the jungle then fly him to the LZ at the village. Secure the landing area first. Alright, this one may seem simple, take the Green Beret from the left to the pad on the right. You could not be more wrong. The pad in the village is a danger zone. As such, the Armored Car guarding it will have insane range and firing rate. Since you will barely be able to see it, the damn thing will probably kick your ass. The improved armor and damage they have is not very fun either. If you manage to secure it, the mission will be complete. --- Mission 3: Chopper Pads The Drug Lord has hijacked a squadron of Apache Choppers and is hiding them in the jungle. Ice them & their helipads before they hunt you down. As I said in the enemy list, these things are quite deadly. They do 150 damage and have a boatload of life. However, thanks to poor visibility, you can usually kill them without them firing back. It takes great use of the map and sneaking just into sight range for yourself, and then just pound away on the Apache's with whatever. Once gone, the pads will be easy targets. To do this, you need to attack from the bottom, and start shooting when you see the pad. If you get any closer the choppers will fire back. As with before, it only seems to be necessary to blow up the choppers, but the pads take very little ammunition to destroy. Also, a couple pads are within range of armored cars. --- Mission 4: Scientists Three Kidnapped German nuclear scientists are being help in sweltering prison pits. Blast open their bamboo cages and fly them to the secured LZ. --- Mission 5: POWs These American troops are being held prisoner in the other 7 pits in the area. Blast them out and fly them to freedom. As these two missions are in the exact same place, it seemed wise to discuss them as one. There are ten people in total whom need saving, you can carry only six at a time. Do the math, two trips. Remember, you will get your army replenished as you take them to the landing zone which the Green Beret secured earlier. All ten prison cells are poorly guarded, by one to four ground units. They are not even that hard to spot either. Once you have the last of the POWs, a friendly face will greet you, it will be Annihilator. Look here, it's Roz. Now we can annihilate the Weapon Plants! Annihilator takes the old adage of shooting, if you fire enough, you're bound to hit something. She has no shortage of firing rate! --- Mission 6: Weap Plant The Drug Lord has taken over a complex of 11 buildings to assemble fighter planes. Destroy these structures and the planes and parts before they become operational. I recommend starting from the northern end of the chain of plants and working your way down. This will also put you right in the area you need to be in for the final mission, provided you did not read ahead to find out that would have been a good starting one. Anyway, all of these areas are dangers zones and they are guarded heavily by armored cars. This means you are quite like to die as they will lock on and start blasting away before you can even get a weapons lock. Try to avoid them if you can, fighting the unnecessary ones is just not worth it. Other than them, there are just a few troops standing around to shoot at you. The Weapon Plants have different designs. Most are buildings, some are fields of planes and boxes containing engines. --- Mission 7: Commander Capture the armaments expert from his enemy barrack. He knows the locations of the ammo and fuel supplies in this area. Once you are near his area, blow up the barracks and rescue him. This commander cracked like a safe. He gave us the locations of all the fuel and ammo. Once they are all completed, head back to the pad you started the level at. The EANN news is on again, the anchor explains the situation. Anchor: Help will arrive today for the besieged residents of San Puloso. A lone special forces pilot has cleared the way for United Nations supply trucks to bring relief supplies to the residents who have been living under the oppressive rule of the infamous Drug Lord, Carlos Ortega. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 5: Puloso City ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The General and Captain are talking in the way they always do. General: I hope you get enough rest last night. [ha, ha] Here's out situation: The Drug Lord has taken over the city of San Puloso, his warlords are ruling the city and are holding the local civilians hostage in a group of missions. Your success has cleared the way for our United Nations vans to bring food and medical supplies to these people. But we need you to free them from captivity. [Seems like a minor detail, don't it?]. The Drug Lord has counterfeiting operations and drug processing factories in the city as well. They must be shut down and the Madman will be transporting nuclear detonators out of the city in armored cars. We've spotted these cars near two lab buildings. These detonators must be recovered! --- Puloso City is my favorite of all the levels. I'm not sure why, the missions are fairly easy, the map is spread out with very little action. I suppose I like the view of things. Anyway, this mission features a lot of danger zones, but often with low damaging enemies, so they aren't a huge concern. This mission is the only one to feature the motorcycle, probably the coolest vehicle in the game. --- Mission 1: U.N. Rescue Innocent civilians are being held prisoner in the three missions. Blast them free and airlift them to the safety of the U.N. Supply trucks. There are 20 total civilians being held in three different missions, you only need to save 18 of them. That's three full loads though. Guarding the missions are tactical pickups and troops, some of which have assumed cover in towers. They are not too much to take out, though, you may wish to use them to blow up the missions so you can save a bit of ammo. Once destroyed, the civilians will run out one or two at a time, continue picking them up until no more come out of the building. They sometimes like to stand very close to the remains, which means you may bump off, especially if you have momentum on. This mission is quite easy. --- Mission 2: Drug Plant Seek and destroy the Drug Lord's processing plants. Blast the drugs & processing equipment but rescue any friendly scientists you find working inside. There are three drug plants which need to be blown up. There are three friendly scientists who need to be saved. The plants are guarded by tactical trucks, gatling guns and some troops. They do not pose much of a threat, just make sure not to mow down the scientists while taking out the ground troops inside of the buildings. --- Mission 3: Counterfeiting The Drug Lord is running an international counterfeiting operation in his new downtown buildings. Stop the presses permanently. There are three factories printing fake money. There are also some scientists you can save here if you want to. The areas near the factories are danger zones, filled with humvee's, tactical's and MLRS. Take caution, this mission may take a while. It seems easiest to attack from the top side of everything. --- Mission 4: Power Grid Short out the power grid. Destroy the transformer towers. This will take down the power to the downtown labs. This one is quite easy. The power lines are guarded by ground forces with rocket launchers. They are considered danger zones though, so you will take 150 damage a pop should you be hit. Other than that, they are entirely unguarded. The lines themselves take very little punishment before falling. --- 5. Armored Cars Blast the 2 tall labs in the center of the downtown area to flush out 5 armored cars. These cars have special armor for invincibility against air attacks. Now, you may have noticed that invincible word. Yeah... about that. Blow up the buildings at least, then go to the police station which you may have noticed between the power lines you just smashed and your landing zone. --- 6. Detonators Take command of the attack motorcycle at the police station north of your LZ. Use the cycle to stop at least 4 armored cars, then pick up the nuke detonators. Ah, so this is how you smash the cars in mission five. Why they didn't have you get this first is anyone's best guess... There aren't many enemies guarded the armored cars, nor do they post much of a threat themselves. Use the land mines, literally bump into the armored cars and drop them, it will die immediately and you will pick up the detonators. Once you have them all, or only the four you need, it's time for the next mission. --- Mission 7: C4 Explosives You'll need plastic explosive to destroy the Drug Lord's warroom. Peel open the armory and take what you need. Well, you have to return the motorcycle now *sob sob*. Get in the copter and be careful as you approached the explosives area, the place is a danger zone with a tactical and two MLRS. Let the upper MLRS blow up the building by hiding behind it, then pick up the C4. The mission completes with one, but as all three are right there... --- Mission 8: DL's Warroom. Drop off your copilot to set the plastic explosive charges at the Drug Lord's warroom. Keep the area clear of enemy weapons to assure his safe escape. The complex has three buildings, initially guarded by about five tactical's. Once you let the copilot in, another tactical and some soldiers around the buildings will appear. Make short work of them, pick up your copilot. Mission complete, head back to the start of the level! The scene shifts to Ortega and Kilbaba with a Soviet General. Carlos Ortega - Congratulations, General. Your deliveries of Soviet technology have been orderly and on time. General - You're welcome, comrades. Or should I say, partners? This has been a profitable transaction for all of us, nyet? Ibn Kilbaba - And my nuclear warheads? I trust they have arrived? General - They are being transported to the underground snow fortress as we speak. Carlos Ortega - Excellent. Go oversee the operation and make sure everything is secure. If this Yankee pilot appears, bring me his head packed in snow! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 6: Snow Fortress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The U.S. General and the Captain are having their daily chat once again. General: There's a chill in the air. Here's our first move: Our best pilot, Wild Bill was shot down by a group of M-1 battle tanks. The wild one is now a prisoner in one of the nearby snow barracks. After rescuing Wild Bill, you need to find the Russian weapons general. We believe he has the locations of all incoming weapons technology. Our agents believe that the Drug Lord has built an underground snow fortress where he is hiding these weapons. But be careful, we've spotted some gainful rockets that look ready to launch. And keep moving. We wouldn't want your guns to freeze up. --- The Abrams Battle Tanks are strong. Combating them is damn near suicide. Because of the sheer quantity of them, this is the hardest level in the game, by quite a bit. If you insist on fighting them, I recommend going in from the direction their turret is not pointing and blasting them, then stopping directly above them and spin tight circles while finishing them off with whatever. The rescue helipad is guarded with a small force, including a battle tank. The buildings near by all give some sort of power up, a winch speed one included. Just about everything on this map can be blown up, so do not hold back shooting. --- Mission 1: Wild Bill Wild Bill's been shot down by enemy fire! He's being held prisoner in a nearby icy prison camp. Rescue him & at least 5 other POW's. The area around the POW camp has many towers and gatling guns. It is also apparently a danger zone, but if you enter it from the southern side the alarm never goes off and the units do not receive their bonuses. Many of the barracks also contain supplies. Howdy, Wild Bill! You look a little frozen... Lucky for you the guns are warmed up. good to have you aboard! --- Mission 2: Radar Sites Knock out the 3 radar sites. This will clear the way for your next mission. This one isn't so bad. Two of three radars are protected by Gatling Guns and towers. The third is protected by a battle tank which is in a danger zone. Though, you do not actually have to fight your way past it, you can sneak around. --- Mission 3: Missile Depot Blast open the five missile depots. Then destroy any missiles you find. This will limit the number of reloads available for the gainfuls. This mission is in the fence which was near the radars you just blew out. There are five buildings, each containing two missiles. All of it needs to be destroyed. There are two battle tanks inside of the fence as well as some towers. Most of the buildings can be hit from outside of the fence. Those that can not, will be in range of the towers, but avoiding the battle tanks is very possible. It is highly recommended to play it safe rather than get caught in the crossfire between two battle tanks. --- Mission 4: Sovt General Rescue the Soviet weapons specialist who's working for the Madman. He knows the locations of the gainful missile launchers in this area. Oh joy, another danger zone with battle tanks and gatling guns. Noticing a trend yet? Anyway, this one isn't so bad, once the defenses are gone, blow up the buildings nearby and pickup anything you need... and obviously the people. Try not to shoot them on accident. You'll get the Soviet General, and he'll have something to say: I request political asylum! Take me back to the U.S. of A! Here... I can give you the locations of the incoming shipments of gainful missile launchers... --- Mission 5: Launchers Hunt down and destroy the 6 gainful missile launchers. The Madman must be deprived of this valuable technology before it is used against Washington D.C. Well, once again the game only makes you do a half assed job and blow up five of them. They are for the most part heavily guarded, often by tanks. They are also quite spread out, making you run the entire map to get them. --- Mission 6: Power Lines Knock out the enemy's sub station and four power towers. This will cut the power to the underground complex and shut down their air ventilation system! Yeah, um, about knocking them down. This is in my opinion the hardest mission in the game. Something like eight battle tanks are cruising along the power lines, in a danger zone no less. If you can sneak around them as long as possible, you may only lose a life. The lines themselves do not take that long, the power station does though. Once everything is down, run out of their like a snowball leaving hell. --- Mission 7: Fortress The Drug Lord has built an underground fortress in this snow-covered mountain. Located at least six sub-level chambers and destroy any weapons. --- Mission 8: Warheads The Madman is hiding stolen soviet nuclear warheads in underground sectors of the snow fortress. Locate at least six of them and reel them in. These two go together. Now, you may notice, the map does not know where they are! Luckily, terrorists are not too bright. They stationed a fleet of choppers in the area, so search for choppers on the map. The Fortress entrances are mounds of snow which stick out of the ground. The ones with chimney's are the ones with the Warheads. The others have supplies in them. Make sure you do not smash the warheads with a crazy attack, as most of the fortress areas do have ground troops. Use bullets on them if possible, the missiles have too large of a splash range! Once you have finished both of the missions, head back to the place you started the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 7: River Raid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The General and Captain start their briefing again. General: Glad to see you made it back from the cold. The Drug Lord's secret airstrip is located in this jungle sector. Reclaim the stolen F-117 Stealth Fighter from the airstrip and blow away their operations. The stealth has automatic propulsion with a nuclear generator so there's no need to refuel. It is also equipped with unlimited ammo loads. Once in command of the stealth, the enemy's alert zones will stop tracking you. Then proceed to blast the Drug Lord's growing fields and greenhouses. Our agents have spotted a group of stolen patriot missile launchers in the area as well. We also believe that the Madman has set up a missile assembly operation somewhere in the jungle. Find it and destroy it. --- While the stealth is truly kickass, it has one disadvantage compared to every other vehicle. Running into just about anything will cause it to blow up instantly, rather than take 15 damage and bounce off. Fortunately it is the first mission, so you can get comfortable flying it and lose as many lives as you wish and try again, without wasting too much time. If you are unable to get good with the stealth, it is possible to do the entire level without it, of course, you will still have to take off and land in it at some point. You will also have a severe shortage of fuel and ammo, but both are available in sufficient quantities, provided you do not keep going from one end of the map to the other. Also, there are a lot of enemy Twin Gun's in totally useless positions across the map. Just an observation. --- Mission 1: F-117 Stealth Find the secret airstrip and clear the area of enemies. Expose the stealth and take control of it. The stealth has unlimited fuel and ammo loads. This one is easy enough. A few troops nearby, a pair of anti air guns. Mow them down, blow the tarp off the stealth and park in the helipad which shows up. Mission complete! --- Mission 2: Troop Bridges Take out 6 of 'em. That'll stop the enemy tanks from reaching your Comanche at the secret airstrip. --- Mission 3: Drug Fields Burn the Drug Lord's growing fields and greenhouses. Eradicate this harvest of death! Missions 2 and 3 go hand in hand. The objectives are located near each other, in a large semi-circle around the area you got the stealth. Only six of the eight bridges need to be blown up. Most are guarded by humvee’s or Sheridan’s, neither of which pose any kind of threat to you. As for the drugs, you only need to destroy 10 crops fields/greenhouses for that mission to complete. The fields are hardly defended at all, the greenhouses have some Twin Guns near them, but they pose no threat to the stealth. --- Mission 4: Patriots Hunt down and destroy the 6 patriot missile launchers. This valuable technology must be taken away from the Madman before it is used against our forces. The patriots are also in the same general area as the previous two missions were. They have 500 armor, so you'll want to use iron bombs. They are still not well guarded, often by troops, Twin Guns and Sheridan's. A couple are hardly guarded at all. Be careful taking out the northern ones on the middle island area, there are some tall structures you can easily collide with. --- Mission 5: Fuel Depot Destroy the Drug Lord's fuel dump and bring his army to a standstill. But beware: it is heavily defended. One of the harder missions of this level. The fuel tanks only have about 75 armor or so, but they are very difficult to hit and bunched together in groups of three. Sheridan's, and a lot of them, guard these. The hard part is not colliding with the fuel tanks. Try circling in front of them and launching the B-button missiles at them as you fly in your circle. This will keep you from crashing into them as well as make you a bit harder to hit. If you really can not do this one, remember where it is on the map and start the level over and take them out with the Comanche before doing mission 1. There is fuel and ammo here, once you blow out the Sheridan's, so the helicopter should be able to do this mission. --- Mission 6: Nuke Missiles The Madman has components to build nuclear missiles. They're concealed in pyramids the Drug Lord has erected to look like the ancient ruins. There are five ruins which are man made and hold the nuke supplies. They are small ruins compared to the huge pyramids. They do not take much to destroy and are guarded mostly by Sheridan's, who pose no threat to you. Blow up the detonators, plutonium and reactors if you like, though I do not think it is necessary. Killing the scientists will lose you some points. --- Mission 7: Stealth Hangar Return the steal to the airstrip. Transfer back to the Comanche and head back to home base. Probably the hardest mission to do correctly on the first try. You must go back to the airstrip and land the stealth. Start from the end of the airstrip furthest from the Comanche, though. Watch out for the ruins as you come in, they're bad news. Anyway, to land the stealth, you must be moving along the airstrip perfectly parallel to it and a very minor bit to its left side. As you approach, lower your altitude and hopefully your F-117 will land. Aside from prayer, there seems to be no sure way of doing this. Once done, take the Comanche to the start of the level. Kilbaba is rather upset with Ortega with this turn of events. Ibn Kilbaba: That pilot has the Devil's own luck! Thanks to him, what is left of your private army could fit in a phone booth. Carlos Ortega: Entire regiments have been unable to defeat my forces. Now one pilot crushes them... This can't be happening! Ibn Kilbaba: Your last line of defense just melted before him like ice scattered in the desert. Now he comes for us! We must take refuge in the secure shelters we have prepared. Carlos Ortega: I agree. I will retreat to my villa. My guards will keep me safe there. Ibn Kilbaba: Bah! Your famous guards have protected nothing so far! I shall go to the reinforced bunker in the mountains. I doubt that even this accursed pilot has enough firepower to blast open that iron oasis! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 8: Mountains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guess who's talking to who? General: Ready to do some mountain climbing, Captain? The Drug Lord and Madman have fled to their hideouts. The Soviet Commander you captured gave us their locations. But first you'll have to knock out the control towers at the entrance to the hideouts. We are still scanning the area for clues to your remaining missions. We will send status info as soon as we get it. But whatever happens, the Drug Lord and Madman must be captured alive! Good luck. --- What a waste of a level, it seems the Snow Fortress was the last real challenge of the game. The first mission is the only difficult one here, but it has some bugs which allow you to make it through almost entirely untouched. The layout of this place is cool, many ancient pyramids offer supplies inside of them. There are also a lot of ground forces in this level. --- Mission 1: Control Tower Knock out the control tower. This will drop the alert zone around the bunker and decrease the enemy's ability to track you. There are four control towers and they are all guarded by our old friends, the battle tanks. Most of these are danger zones and each tower is guarded by two or three tanks. Sneaking around is a great option, as three of the four towers can be blown up without the tanks ever seeing you. There is an alternate way, which will allow you to combat the enemies. Sneak around all the towers and attack from the southwestern most one [bottom left one]. The Danger Zone alarm will not go off, allowing you to battle the battle tanks taking far less damage. If you want to do the combat, this is highly recommended. --- Mission 2: Tomahawks The Drug Lord has stolen a shipment of tomahawk missiles and is planning to launch them without warning. Hunt them down now before he strikes! Oh no! The map does not know where they are! Just search for the Mobile Cannons. Near the lower left there is a pack of six or so of them. The 4 mountains hiding tomahawks are right there as well. The cannons are extremely slow and have a poor firing range. Because of this, you should be able to cream them without getting hit too much. If you do get hit, seek repairs, 200 damage adds up fast. The mobile cannons tend to drop ammo and armor pickups. The mountains and cruise missiles can take quite a bit of punishment before blowing up. --- Mission 3: Power Supply Destroy the power supply that protects the Drug Lord's villa. When the power source is on, his hideout is indestructible. This area is a danger zone, though it houses only a few Gatling Guns. Aside from the extra life and range they will have, they do not pose that large of a threat. Enemy choppers sometimes fly over to aid the plant as well. They do pose an actual threat. --- Mission 4: Villa Smash the Drug Lord's Private Villa. You'll need max firepower, the walls are lined with armor plate. The villa does take a lot of punishment. However, there is an ammo truck right next to it. Look at the challenge! There are a few tactical pickups and battle tanks to accompany a large ground army. Still, this is one of the easiest missions in the entire game. --- Mission 5: Drug Lord Once you've wasted his Shangri-la. Capture the Drug Lord so he can be brought to justice. Watch for any escape attempts. It is crucial you take him alive! One would think he would be in the villa... nope. Follow the river which runs along the upper right of the map. Blow up the only boat you see on it. A raft will appear, airlift Ortega from the raft. Do not let that boat get out of the river!! Do NOT KILL Ortega, you need him alive! --- Mission 6: Air-Strip The Madman's jungle airstrip has planes and choppers readied for take off. Knock out these vehicles to cut off his escape. Another easy mission. Two mobile cannons and an enemy copter make up the defense in the area. The strip itself takes about five seconds to destroy. The truck nearby has fuel if you need it. There's an extra life in one of the pyramids a bit south of here as well, not as if you will need it, nothing shoots back in this level, it seems. --- Mission 7: Bunker Once you've breeched the outer shield. Blast open the underground shelter. Well, this ones fun. Head a bit east [right] of the airstrip. You'll see a huge one floor building with four little ones around it. One at a time the little ones pop up gatling guns. Blow them up first, they leave fuel, ammo and armor. Now blast everything you have on the bunker, you will need to refill and continue. Once it blows up once, head a bit south east [down right] to a landing pad. Clear the area, get the ammo and land. Your co-pilot will get into an ammo truck. Follow the truck. When he gets out, pick him up. Make sure you have full armor, health and ammo and then blow up the truck. The building will blow. --- Mission 8: Madman Collar this Mad Dog. He must be capture alive so justice can be satisfied. Do not fail! A chopper will leave the building in a hurry. Shoot it down. Do not over fire though, or you risk killing Kilbaba once the chopper is destroyed, which would end the mission. Once it is gone, pick him up. Return to where you started the level. In case you forgot, the landing pad is just the patch of dirt next to the U.S. Flag. Ah, game over... right? Wrong! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 9: Washington D.C. [Again] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back on the EANN newscast, the familiar anchor is summarizing what happened. Anchor: We are now live at the White House. The President is shaking hands with our heroic pilot. Thanks to him, the Drug Lord and the Madman go on trial today in the Federal Courthouse down the street. The President is now congratulating.. An Apache Chopper blows in and attack the White House grounds. Anchor: Ladies & Gentlemen, the White House is under attack! I've just been told that a small force has entered the city and has helped the Drug Lord and Madman to escape from the courthouse. They are now at large in Washington and are terrorizing the city. --- Similar to the first level as it takes place in the same city. This view of the map is more northern and eastern of the previous trip here. Many more weapons and fuel packs sitting around. Very few of the missions show you were to go on the map, unfortunately. As usual, do not go around letting the IRS and Justice departments get blown up. This is a very simple level on the whole. Most of the time spent is trying for find the contents of mission 2. --- Mission 1: Air Force One Protect the President as he flees the city for Camp David. Assure he has clear airspace from the White House to the north-west sector. He must not perish! An easy start, Air Force One has to got about four street blocks. Not much other than bazooka shooting men and a few enemy tanks, most of which will hit you. --- Mission 2: Enemy Weapons Washington is under attack! Remnants of the Drug Lord's army seized the city, busting the Madman & Drug Lord from the courthouse. They must be eliminated! The enemy weapons are all armored cars. They're all over the place, you will probably hit a few protecting Air Force One. Others attack buildings like the IRS or just roll down the streets. Sadly, they are not on the map so you get to piss away fuel finding them all. There are 13 in all. You may find some overlap between this and mission 3. --- Mission 3: Generals Locate and capture these scum alive: They know how the Drug Lord and Madman are making their escape from the city. Look for their armored command cars. These cars can take a huge beating. They also do 50 damage a shot, but they take forever to do so. Once destroyed, pick up the Generals and they'll spill what they know. "I surrender! I just saw Carlos Ortega Hijack a tour bus... He's headed for the edge of town." "I will tell you what you want to know! The Madman Kilbaba just commandeered a fuel truck and is trying to escape the city!" --- Mission 4: Drug Lord Hunt down Ortega and prevent his escape. The use of extreme force to stop him has been sanctioned. Don't let him get away! He's in a large bus. It takes a few hundred damage so make sure you have some heavy weapons. A few Armored Cars will try to protect it. Murder him in cold blood... it is the best way. --- Mission 5: Madman Track the Madman and stop him from escaping. Use any means necessary to stop him cold. Don't slip up! Well, he is trying to escape in a truck full of gasoline. A few hundred damage and he be doused in it for his trip to hell. --- Mission 6: Nuke Missiles It's not over yet! Stop the 4 18-wheelers headed straight for the White House. Bring lots of Ammo: These bruisers are reinforced with tank armor. Stop them!!! While they can not shoot back, they move awfully quick. Though, they will not start moving their short routes to the White House until you enter visual range. They have 1000 armor, so be certain you can stop them, there will be no margin of error. Once the four rigs are gone, return to the White House Launch Pad. General: Congratulations! You've saved the world from nuclear disaster once again. Captain: It gets easier every time I do it. President Clinton: Without your heroic efforts, the free world would have been forced to submit to the insane demands of a dictatorial Madman. Captain: Yeah, I hate that kind of stuff, too. General: You and your copilot should head outside. There's a few people who would like to say hello to you... They head out into a crowd while the end credits play. You have one, the end. ******************************************************************************* iv) Credits ******************************************************************************* GameFAQs - For hosting ___________________________ Apathetic Aardvark - 2004 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯