=================================== Desert Strike Sega Megadrive Written by Matt "stonedwal" Keller mpkeller@iprimus.com.au Started Monday, November 25, 2002 Version 1.0 =================================== ======== Contents ======== 1. Overview 2. Control 3. Items 4. Campaign 1: Air Superiority 5. Campaign 2: Scud Buster 6. Campaign 3: Embassy City 7. Campaign 4: Nuclear Storm 8. Co-Pilots 9. Secrets 10. Credits 11. Legal =========== 1. Overview =========== Welcome to another stonedwal FAQ. This time, we will be focusing on the early EA game, Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf. A desert madman (who shares a similar appearance to a certain someone) has gone batty, and is threatening to start a war. This General Kilbaba is a relatively unknown figure, but the United Nations have enough evidence to head in. It's your mission to stop this desert madman before he causes Armageddon. ========== 2. Control ========== D-Pad Up: Move the Helicopter forward D-Pad Down: Move in reverse D-Pad Left/Right: Rotate the helicopter A button: Hellfire missles A + Direction: Jink B button: Hydra missles C button: Machine gun Start: Pause/Menu ======== 3. Items ======== Ammo Crates: Refills Ammo Fuel Barrels: Refills Fuel Armor Crate: Refills health POWs: Fill passenger slots up with these, and take them to a landing zone for more armor Winch upgrade: Increases winch speed ============================== 4. Campaign 1: Air Superiority ============================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mission 1: Radar Sites =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Briefing: Destroy the Early Warning Radar Sites. When Radar is active, enemy weapons have increased range. At the beginning of the mission, you will start on the frigate. When you gain control of the Apache, fly east towards the first site. You will notice that your weapons will be armed on the way. This is so you don't try to destroy the frigate ;). The first radar site is defended by two Anti Aircraft guns, so dispose of these first. Two hydras should do the trick. Take out the radar using your machine gun (20-25 rounds). Now fly North-west to the second radar unit. This one is also defended by two anti aircraft guns, so repeat the strategy for the first radar unit. Mission 1 completed, yay. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mission 2: Power Station =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Briefing: Destroy the power station to cut off the enemy command centre and airfields. The enemy will be forced to aim his weapons manually. From the point where you destroyed the final radar station, head East, trying your best to avoid any danger zones. When you arrive at the station, do your best to avoid the Rapier, as they really pack a punch. There are also two AA guns around, but they can be avoided. There are 3 MIAs nearby, if you wish to pick them up and take them back to the landing zone. There is also a fuel drum nearby, which I suggest you pick up as you will be low on fuel at this time. Use the machine gun on the power station (150 rounds). When the station explodes, there will be an ammo crate there for your disposal. Pick it up if you wish. If you picked up the MIAs, return them before you start the next mission. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mission 3: Air Fields =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Briefing: Destroy all planes and buildings at the airfields to maintain air superiority for later missions. From the power station, fly south west to the first airfield. There are three AA guns and two Rapiers protecting it, as well as a VDA if you fly out too far. Take out the Rapiers using Hellfires, and the AAs using Hydras, and then capture any pilots running to their planes using the winch. Destroy each of the planes (8 machine gun rounds) and the sheds (65 rounds) and towers (45 rounds), and watch out for the nasty suprise that remains. The second shed is hiding a fuel drum (which you may need) and another bazooka trooper. When you're down causing bedlam, fly south east to the second airfield. This field is also protected by 3 AA and 2 Rapier, so repeat the same strategy we used for the first airfield. Be sure to refill your weapons on the way. Watch out for the VDA which approaches when the mission is complete. Drop the pilots off at the Landing Zone, and prepare for the next mission. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mission 4: Command Centers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Briefing: Destroy the enemy command and control centers. You must caputre the commander to find out where the secret agent is being held. Head east to the first command center. There is one rapier close to the center, and one a small distance away, as well as two AA guns, and two guard towers so go in guns a-blazin'. It takes 60 rounds to destroy the center. Capture the commander, and press start to interrogate him. Destroying the other center is optional. Fly north. Same amount of enemies protecting this one. Pick up the commander once you destroy the center. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mission 5: Secret Agent =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Briefing: Find and rescue the secret agent. He has the madman's secret plans and maps. Head north west from the command center. The prison is in the north west corner of the map, close to the road. It is only lightly protected, with one AA gun. Destroy it. When you reach the spot where the agent is, there will be three buildings. Destroy the left hand building (about 40 rounds). Fly the Apache over the manhole to trigger a cutscene. Three VDAs will attack after the scene is over, so be weary. Fend off all comers until your co-pilot and the agent emerge. Fly him to the landing zone, and then head to the frigate to end the campaign. Well done. ========================== 5. Campaign 2: Scud Buster ========================== Coming Soon =========================== 6. Campaign 3: Embassy City =========================== Coming Soon ============================ 7. Campaign 4: Nuclear Storm ============================ Coming Soon ============ 8. Co Pilots ============ Coming Soon ========== 9. Secrets ========== Fire missles on the title screen: By pressing A any time after "Desert Strike" has appeared on the title screen, you can make the Apache shoot hellfires. Start with 5 lives: Go to the password screen, and enter TQQQLOM. You will start out on Air Superiority, with 5 lives, instead of 3. Start with 10 lives: To start the game with 10 lives, instead of the regular 3 enter BQQQAEZ at the password screen. Start on Scud Buster: Enter LQAHQRL at the password screen Start on Embassy City: Enter ILLBWBY at the password screen Start on Nuclear Storm: Enter BTOBKLW at the password screen =========== 10. Credits =========== Me - For writing this guide CJayC - For posting this guide ========== 11. Legals ========== This document is © 2002, Matt Keller. Any reproduction of this guide without the express written permission of this guide is prohibited. All other trademarks duplicated herein are the respective property of their owners and reproduced merely for the sake of reference. If you have any questions or queries about the game which are NOT MENTIONED IN THE GUIDE, don't hesitate to e-mail me at mpkeller@iprimus.com.au ============================================================================== End of File ==============================================================================