(ACII Logo coming soon) Trails in the Sky Second Chapter Spoiler-Free Guide by Zennvirus (thezennvirus@gmail.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Version History ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___________________________/CURRENTLY PLAYING\____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.00 - All Story Quests, most boss battles, most quests (missing ones are from CH1). Version 2.00 - Changed format of the guide, included Quest Lists by Chapter, BP total per quest AND Chapter, clarified the strategies to get max BP, added the Gambler Jack book locations. Some other minor details that I can't remember at the moment. (bRAin HUrtz( Version 2.05 -Correctes some errors (missing or incorrect info). My apologies, I usually update/correct the guide in my free time, when I'm tired/have a hangover or have to rush somewhere work-rlated, so apologies in advance for all mistakes. Thanks to Francois Uldry, Terry Gunawan, ruki_93. Your feedback makes this a better guide. Version 2.10 -New contributions (more like corrections) cortesy of: Huy D., ManaBlast, haykalgundamn and Aerodynamisch. U guys are cool. -Added Gambler Jack book info on every chapter (get that Zemuria Weapon!). Version 2.15 -AT LAST!! My playthrough of the English version has begun!! MWAHAHAHA!! ...sorry, been waithing soooo long for it. Anyway, in this version we have finished the Prologue. Books, Chests and Recipes are all included. Boss strategies are also ready, so go get'em!!! Version 2.20 -Corrected some things in all the quests from Chapter 1. It's been checked and tested properly (in mexican: va probado, va calado). All treasure, fishing spots and locations have been updated. Also, You Got Credit: Dieuw, 20thCenturyGirl, stryd3r, Guruda. It's building up Gente! On to Chapter 2! Version 2.25 -Finished Chapter 2! Double-checking of the strategies is d.o.n.e. Correction of the BP Total for quest [CH2O6]. True total is 3 (2 +1 if you get all parts). Guess the japanese guide was wrong on that part... Made corrections to the format of the guide plus added brief screen/floor descriptions to make navigation easier when searching for treasures. So the game's TRUE MAX BP is 382. Version 2.30 -Chapter 3 Complete. Double-check is complete. Strategies for bosses are updated and cleaned. You Got Credit: Dieuw for pointing out the necessity of getting that Bamboo Fishing Rod, and Huy D. for confirming what you need to do at the Royal Villa when looking for our purple-haired brat. Version 2.35 -Chapter 4 Complete. All quests, and especially the Mistmaze are double checked. On to Chapter 5! You Got Credit: Dieuw, 20thCenturyGirl, stryd3r, Guruda. Your effort in finding the fastest way out of the Mistmaze has been vindicated! The method is 100% reliable! And credit again to stryd3r for double-checking the method to win at quest [CH1O10] Recruiting Great Gamblers with Schera's Team. You, sir, have been a HUGE help to this here guide. Last but not LEAST: An easy mira trick (complete with a challenge to the players of this game, read more in the Q and A section at the bottom)... and a useful way to spend all that cheddar! ;) Version 2.40 -Now begining Chapter 7! All the stuff up to that point is officialy checked. You got Credit: stryd3r...you my friend, have been making some mayor contributions. Might take a bit (only 3 chapters more) for me to put your help in this here guide, but let it be known that it will be there... I'm almost done with the main part of the guide, and I promise the monster stuff is right behind...and on schedule. You Got Credit: Mr. boonoob who has been kind enough to point out important character-related stuff, as well as a gross oversight on Chapter 8, and even provided me with the info concerning the stats of the Ultimate weapons (both for SC...and TC!). As stated before, your contributions will be added as soon as I reach the point when I can corroborate all the ancillary stuff around the info provided...except for the BP Total, THAT goes in ahora! Version 2.45 -At Last!!! Now going into Chapter 8... what's new: Revised strategies for the 7th Chapter, ESPECIALLY the optional fight at 'Facility 2'. I spent some time with our unfair fight to see what is possible and how to accomplish it. Succeeded in getting all treasures for the one-time dungeons of Chapters 6 and 7. Also, boss strategies for the Chapters mentioned (aside from the optional dudes) have been given a do-over. Bar some unforseen wickedness from the game's engine (as in Tenshi letting that S-Craft from the get go) I know they are reliable. To those of you that have found issues with my spelling and grammar, I invite you to email a copy-paste of my errors to the address provided at the bottom of this guide (contact section). I appreciate the spelling check; it's the only way I learn...and improve. We're almost done, so hang in there. Version 2.50 -Max BP achieved! My guide is now 100% reliable for those of you wanting to get them. Included all the Shining Pom locations through out the game. And once again I'd like to thank strid3r for his contribution with the monster lists (which will be added on the next update, hang in there mate) since they helped awesomely to locate/translate the appropiate names of the monsters... you people do know this guide was originaly made for the Japanese version, right? So my notes were in kanji and katakana (and that made some stuff confusing). Found out one missing recipe from Chapter 6 (Dark Pot ) which has been properly included in its respective place. All strategies for the bosses/special and quarry monsters for Chapter 8 have been properly double-checked. So kill'em good! You Got Credit: boonoob, strid3r and Visitingpuppet. The first for his contribution about the Zemurian Ore weapons which will be added on next update, strid3r...for helping me locate all those pesky, dastardly and insane Shining Poms. And to Visitingpuppet, for providing a last-minute I-forgot-the-Bamboo-Rod strategy for the Diaset's Secret quest from Chapter 4. NO ONE, and I do mean NO ONE must miss that scene! I'm almost DONE! -Version 2.55 ...and AT LAST! HERE WE ARE! This monster of a guide for this monster of a game has been c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e.d...at least to the point where the only missing stuff is the item/quartz/arts/fish. Namely the sort of stuff you only gather on a 3rd or 4th playthrough... For the purpose of BP, Treasures and the Zemurian Ore, I'll say, without being immodest, that I fulfilled my Xrismas purpose. The guide is COMPLETED (I say it again, you don't know how happy/relieved I am of the fact) for all intends and purposes until next time I play this AWESOME game that has now becomed a permanent addition to my favorites list along other jewels like classic beauties like Final Fantasy IX, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger/Chross, Breath of Fire III, Legend of Dragoon, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Odin Sphere (the HD Vita version is coming next year!), Muramasa Rebirth...and any other one I've forgotted along the line. After this small burst of gaming nostalgia, I have 2 things I've got to say before leaving you fellow gamers to you knitting: 1. By 'next time I play this' I mean to say 'A Year From Now' when The 3rd comes out in english (or a bit earlier, XSEED willing). I'll go again through the whole Trilogy (no way I'm foolish enough to to go again through the WHOLE SERIES...I'm havinig 2nd thoughts now and I'm only in Chapter 2 of TC). At that time I'll be going again through the guide adding whatever is missing or marked as 'TBA'. You stand Informed. and 2. I'd like to thank all those lads and lasses that were kind enough to help (*points to previous Versions for their names*). Having seen the response (and support) I got from you makes me the happy soul I am Today (queue in Mark Hamil's voice during the Joker's Eulogy). How I've Agonized...Over How To Thank'em?! Well, to all you lads (and any reader, you deserve thanks too for your support) go to the [QAA] section to see my way of thanking you. Good Gamin' banda. It's been emotional. PS: strid3r, amigo, your contributions will, from now on, grace every chapter. Thanks mate! RANDOM FACT: 255 was originaly the Top Value ever assigned to a video game counter waaaaay back in the NES era. A great way to mark the limit of my time devoted to this installment of mi guia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Introduction ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hola everyone, I am Urizen Andrade, mexican. I'm a long time reader of GameFaqs and a first time contributor, and this awesome game just happens to be my first faq/guide. Why Sora no Kiseki SC? This oh-so-awaited game, which is yet to see an english release in the American continent is only available in either PC format or JPSP import (mine comes from Amazon.jp). For those who enjoyed Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, this game's first part, translated in english, there is surely the dilemma of the "what happens next" type, and while we wait for SnK SC to be translated in english there is always the possibility for some to get it in japanese and give it a try. I happened to do just that. Couldn't help it. This game has a serious story, full of intrige and suspense, as well as a marvelously made world (for the graphics and time it was made), a fun and challenging battle system, some of the best mission systems I've ever seen in any recent RPG (Arc the Lad III for PS1 was a good approximation), believable and likable cast of characters and an involving and cool soundtrack....It's only problem is that it is in japanese. And as the guys from XSeed Games said: three, yes 3 times as much dialog and texts as Trails in the Sky!!! No wonder this is one, if not the only, 2-disc game to ever be released for the PSP. No wonder XSeed is having second thoughts at bringing the Second Chapter to our shores. So very few options are available to those of us who want to play this game and its later installments Sora no Kiseki the 3rd, Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki, which I intend to play as soon as my copies arrive. At first, I wasn't going to make a guide, but since my level of japanese is barely 60% (being optimist), it stood to reason to keep some notes on answers to questions in some missions and story sequences, where enemies are, etcetera. And being that the only guide I ever found for this game on the website PC Gamer's (http://homepage1.nifty.com/PC-GAMER/index.htm) happens to be also in japanese; well, my notes will now be your guide. They are only the answers to in-game questions, requisites for quests, the order to do certain stuff in certain missions, boss strategies and such...no story, character names on things like that, for they would be spoilers since the scenes are rather explicit of the overall situation even if you can't read the text, the Quest guide is not completed yet, for I started it around the end of CH1 and the begining of CH2, and it was made during my first playthrough, so there is a lot that is missing. In the future, if the chance is around (I make no promises) I'll make a Story Faq for the case that this game and its sequels never see the American light. In the meantime, this guide should be of some help to be able to play this game if you are one of those lucky enough to have it in japanese. I'll be accepting contributions, since this guide is faaaaaaar from perfect. Stuff that would be good to see are the lists of items and such, as well as a the room-by-room walkthrough of the game. For time constrain reasons, you'll find no such things in here. Of other important notice is the fact that this guide won't give you a max Bracer Rank (A). I did try my best during this first run, and actually re-did a few quests, but even so I only got a measly B rank. So you've been forewarned. But what else can we expect when playing a JRPG in its original language... I. LOVE. XSEED. Seriously, I'm now a die-hard fanatic of the series, and Ken Berry and Jessica Chavez are my corporate Idols. Let me contribute with some mexican love (and a plate of Tamales for you) in eternal thanks for your hard work, suffering, premature baldness or alcoholism caused by this gaming nightmare. I know that this game is on its way to become a cult classic, and the series as a whole will in time turn into a fan favorite, vindicating all Falcom's super cool Zemurian Saga has put you through...and will put you through in the near future, mark my words. Love aside, the GameFaqs Trails SC board is quickly making it obvious that this here guide (and my email account) will be seeing some...copious ammount of visitors. Hence the need for a long overdue overhaul. And once again we have Jessica and Ken to thank for the English version, which will make the task less of an asian torture since I'm not going to need to go back and fore to the online Japanese translators (Jess, I can FULLY relate to you when you said this is one true nightmare). This time, I'm making an effort of compiling all the nitty, grisly details made of items, chests and whatnot put there by Falcom with the express purpose of driving anyone who touches this game into insanity. And I'm also correcting the names to the official US versions, so editing and such are in order. However, bear in mind that Trails SC is so humungusly huge and filled with classical Falcom cruelty, that it is simply impossible to address everything in one go. I like to think I have a grasp of where is everything. But as someone who has been tasked in the past by grandma to find that picture of dear deceased Sniffles the Iguana in the mountain of boxes in the attic/basement, I can tell you that this is going to take some time to complete. The Trails SC board helps, but it's never enough. Actual research is need to make sure of things, and that takes time. Yet I'm not complaining though, that makes sooooo muuuuch replay value, and we do rarely these days enjoy a good, long, challenging game such as this! But anyway, enough dancing, on with the show!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! READ BEFORE USING: The current version of the guide was made when I played the Japanese verison (Sora no Kiseki SC), and I did it mostly without using a guide (I really only began searching for information when I got to Chapter 5 FYI) so the strategies for the are not 100% reliable (YET!!). I'm currently playing the American Version -Trails in the Sky SC- while using the my guide combined with the one at the site http://homepage2.nifty.com/pspgameavenue/sorano_sc/index.html as well as all the contributions I'm constantly receiving. From this version upwards, and also on the topic "Quest Guide All Chapters COMPLETE" in the GameFaqs Trails in the Sky SC Message Board EVERY MONDAY I'll be mentioning in which Chapter I'm currently working. So if you see CHAPTER XX for example that means I'm currently workin on Chaptern number XX or whatever. I'll get to all those points soon (hopefuly before the year is done) since playing an RPG while making a guide slows progress. Your contributions will still be updated into the guide, but until I myself have the chance to actually see it in the game I can't be sure if there is a better method. So if you see some error in the strategies, please, let me know (points to contact information) Thanks for your patience and support Urizen (AKA Zennvirus) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Index ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For easy navigation, ctrl + F then type/copy-paste the needed letters to take you where the info you seek is. 1. Battle System........................................................[BSY] 2. Character Overview...................................................[CHO] 3. Status Effects.......................................................[SEF] 4. General Strategies...................................................[GST] 5. The Walkthrough......................................................[WKT] + Chapter 0 - A Maiden's Resolve........................................[CH0] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH0OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH0QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH0PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH0QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH0MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH0TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH0RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH0BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH0FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH0RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH0QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH0S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH0S2] > Story Quest 3.......................................................[CH0S3] + Chapter 1 - Sneaking Shadow (or enter Mr Obnoxious)...................[CH1] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH1OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH1QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH1PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH1QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH1MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH1TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH1RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH1BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH1FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH1RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH1QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH1S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH1S2] > Optional Quest 1....................................................[CH1O1] > Optional Quest 2....................................................[CH1O2] > Optional Quest 3....................................................[CH1O3] > Optional Quest 4....................................................[CH1O4] > Optional Quest 5....................................................[CH1O5] > Optional Quest 6....................................................[CH1O6] > Optional Quest 7....................................................[CH1O7] > Optional Quest 8....................................................[CH1O8] > Optional Quest 9....................................................[CH1O9] > Optional Quest 10..................................................[CH1O10] + Chapter 2 - The Raging Land...........................................[CH2] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH2OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH2QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH2PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH2QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH2MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH2TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH2RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH2BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH2FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH2RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH2QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH2S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH2S2] > Optional Quest 1....................................................[CH2O1] > Optional Quest 2....................................................[CH2O2] > Optional Quest 3....................................................[CH2O3] > Optional Quest 4....................................................[CH2O4] > Optional Quest 5....................................................[CH2O5] > Optional Quest 6....................................................[CH2O6] > Optional Quest 7....................................................[CH2O7] > Optional Quest 8....................................................[CH2O8] > Optional Quest 9....................................................[CH2O9] > Optional Quest 10..................................................[CH2O10] + Chapter 3 - The Mad Tea Party.........................................[CH3] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH3OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH3QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH3PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH3QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH3MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH3TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH3RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH3BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH3FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH3RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH3QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH3S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH3S2] > Story Quest 3.......................................................[CH3S3] > Story Quest 4.......................................................[CH3S4] > Story Quest 5.......................................................[CH3S5] > Optional Quest 1....................................................[CH3O1] > Optional Quest 2....................................................[CH3O2] > Optional Quest 3....................................................[CH3O3] > Optional Quest 4....................................................[CH3O4] > Optional Quest 5....................................................[CH3O5] + Chapter 4 - The Mist Demon's Target...................................[CH4] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH4OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH4QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH4PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH4QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH4MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH4TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH4RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH4BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH4FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH4RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH4QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH4S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH4S2] > Story Quest 3.......................................................[CH4S3] > Story Quest 4.......................................................[CH4S4] > Optional Quest 1....................................................[CH4O1] > Optional Quest 2....................................................[CH4O2] > Optional Quest 3....................................................[CH4O3] > Optional Quest 4....................................................[CH4O4] > Optional Quest 5....................................................[CH4O5] > Optional Quest 6....................................................[CH4O6] > Optional Quest 7....................................................[CH4O7] > Optional Quest 8....................................................[CH4O8] > Optional Quest 9....................................................[CH4O9] > Optional Quest 10..................................................[CH4O10] + Chapter 5 - That Which One Must Protect...............................[CH5] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH5OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH5QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH5PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH5QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH5MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH5TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH5RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH5BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH5FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH5RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH5QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH5S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH5S2] > Story Quest 3.......................................................[CH5S3] > Optional Quest 1....................................................[CH5O1] > Optional Quest 2....................................................[CH5O2] > Optional Quest 3....................................................[CH5O3] > Optional Quest 4....................................................[CH5O4] > Optional Quest 5....................................................[CH5O5] > Optional Quest 6....................................................[CH5O6] > Optional Quest 7....................................................[CH5O7] > Optional Quest 8....................................................[CH5O8] > Optional Quest 9....................................................[CH5O9] > Optional Quest 10..................................................[CH5O10] + Chapter 6 - The Whereabouts of Bonds..................................[CH6] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH6OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH6QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH6PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH6QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH6MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH6TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH6RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH6BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH6FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH6RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH6QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH6S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH6S2] + Chapter 7 - The Tetracyclic Towers....................................[CH7] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH7OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH7QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH7PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH7QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH7MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH7TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH7RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH7BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH7FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH7RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH7QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH7S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH7S2] > Story Quest 3.......................................................[CH7S3] > Story Quest 4.......................................................[CH7S4] + Chapter 8 - Land of Chaos.............................................[CH8] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH8OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH8QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH8PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH8QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH8MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH8TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH8RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH8BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH8FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH8RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH8QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH8S1] > Story Quest 2.......................................................[CH8S2] > Optional Quest 1....................................................[CH8O1] > Optional Quest 2....................................................[CH8O2] > Optional Quest 3....................................................[CH8O3] > Optional Quest 4....................................................[CH8O4] > Optional Quest 5....................................................[CH8O5] > Optional Quest 6....................................................[CH8O6] > Optional Quest 7....................................................[CH8O7] > Optional Quest 8....................................................[CH8O8] > Optional Quest 9....................................................[CH8O9] > Optional Quest 10..................................................[CH8O10] > Optional Quest 11..................................................[CH8O11] > Optional Quest 12..................................................[CH8O12] > Optional Quest 13..................................................[CH8O13] + Chapter 9 - Trails in the Sky.........................................[CH9] > Chapter Overview...................................................[CH9OVW] > Quest List.........................................................[CH9QSL] > Point(s) of No-Return..............................................[CH9PNR] > Quest Flowchart....................................................[CH9QFC] > Monsters...........................................................[CH9MNT] > Treaure List.......................................................[CH9TRL] > Recipe List........................................................[CH9RPL] > Book Collection....................................................[CH9BKS] > Fishing Spots......................................................[CH9FSH] > Recommendation.....................................................[CH9RCP] > Quest Strategies...................................................[CH9QST] > Story Quest 1.......................................................[CH9S1] 6. Food Recipies........................................................[FRC] 7. Character Crafts.....................................................[CHC] 8. Books................................................................[BKS] 9. Quartz...............................................................[QRZ] 10. Arts................................................................[ART] 11. Equipment...........................................................[EQP] 12. Items...............................................................[ITM] 13. Q and A.............................................................[QAA] 14. Contact Info........................................................[CIF] 15. Credits.............................................................[CRD] 16. Legal Stuff.........................................................[LEG] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** 1. Battle System [BSY] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This game is your classical turn-based action game...with a twist. The Legend of Heroes (Eiyuu Densetsu in japanese) franchise is sort-of a hybrid between a Turn-based RPG like Final Fantasy, using a "Turn Bar" where you can see who's turn is coming, friend and foe alike; and a TRPG like Final Fantasy Tactics (yes, I'm one of those FF fans) where the battlefield is composed by a square grid. What this means in practice is that, upon engaging the enemy, your party will be located in a square grid where the battle takes place, and your characters will actually have to Walk towards the enemy to attack them. Let's see what is going on when you engage an enemy in battle. For practical purposes, I'll discribe all the screen. +Left side - Turn Bar This blue bar is filled with small, square portraits of your 4 party members and all the enemies in the battlefield. The portrait at the top (surrounded by a yellow square) is the "current turn". Next to the protraits will often appear small rectangles with simbols in them, which are "special bonus" that will occur to whoever falls on such turn (friend and foe alike). Normally, the turn order cannot be changed, but this game's battle system has a way for you to mess with it in your favor. For more referrence, check the Hijack Command a few paragraphs below. This are the bonus you'll encounter: [! Mark]: Critical Strike - Effectiveness of Physical Attack, Attack and Recovery arts increases by 1.5. [Yellow heart 10%] and Yellow heart 50%]: Hp heal - Recover 10% or 50% of total Hp [Blue heart 10%] and [Blue heart 50%]: Ep Charge - Recover 10% or 50% of total Ep [Green heart 10] and [Green heart 50]: Cp Up - Gain 10 or 50 Cp [Sword 10%] and [Sword 50%]: Strengh Up - Str and Ats stats increase by 10% or 50% [Red Cristal]: Sepith Up - Each hit given on this turn will make more sepiths fall. +Right side - Party Commands The actions available for your party, on some situations (mostly due to status effects) one or more can be blacked out, which means that you cannot use those commands. Your battle commands are: 1. [Sword]: Attack - Choose this one and a small area around your selected character will light up in blue squares, indicating how far the character can move (the Mov stat will determine how big this area is). Also, there is, at the edge of the blue-square area a red, transparent circle that indicates the range of the weapon of choice the character uses (indicated by the Rng stat). Guns, obviously, have the biggest Rng value. You cannot attack anything beyond the red circle, meaning that if you choose and confirm a target, your character will move to the edge of his blue-square move area. There are items and equipment that can increase both Mov and Rng stats, resulting in more blue square you can traverse, and a bigger red circle to target your enemy. * Attack Command is blocked by the Seal status effect. 2. [Red Arrow]: Move - Summons the blue-square grid for you to move. You just change position, not attack. Useful to get away from enemy area and line attacks. You can also pass a turn if you choose move and select the square where your character is standing. 3. [Strange Clockwork]: Arts - This game's magic. Select this command, and a menu will open allowing you to choose which art to use. First you'll find the supportive types (healing, buffing), then the offensive ones (debuffing and attacks). After you select the desired one, you have to choose a target. A blue circle will surround one or several characters if it is a supportive art. The more people inside the blue circle, the more allies benefit from its effects, and if you move the target, so does the a-o-e, which can result in someone not being healed/buffed, if s/he moves/is moved in some way before the art takes effect. Offensive arts work in a similar fashion, with the difference that some arts are "unfocused". When you choose these arts/this art (Aerial, Lost Moebius, for example), a red-square grid will appear over the battlefield and you get to choose the "epicenter" or point of origin of the art where all enemies inside will be affected by. If targets move before the art is cast, they can avoid it entirety. This principle applies to line attacks. Arts are generic, and depend solely on the Quartz equipped to the character. Also, Arts take Ep to use. So, if you don't have enough for, say Air Strike (10 Ep), the art will be blacked out and unusable. * Art Command is blocked by the Mute Status effect 4. [Sun]: Craft - A character's unique abilities. They take Cp to work, and are generally of the physical atribute. Crafts work in the same fashion as arts, some are target-fixed, with an a-o-e, and/or a targeting grid. Likewise, they range from offensive to supportive. Each character has also access to one or two S-crafts, which are special attacks that consume all CP and generally do great damage/heal more than any other art or craft. You can only use them when you haveCp ranging from 100 to 200,with 200 making the crafts do a lot more damage. However, using S-craft with 101 to 199 CP does not yield damage increase and thus, wasting the extra Cp you have. For those who played Trails in the Sky, things remain mostly the same except for one thing: in this game the programmers added a nice new attack called Chain Craft. All playable characters have it in their Craft menus (at the top) the ability to use Chain Crafts, which are essentially combo attacks using 2 Party members. At certain levels, your characters will gain the ability to include more people in the combo until all party members can participate in the beating. When you choose to use Chain crafts, you'll be prompted to select 2 or more characters within range (ther golden circle around the characters), and once you are satisfied with how many allies you want to deploy, select the enemy and do a lynch attempt. You should know that Each Character participating will be spending Cp. For a 2-people combo, it is 20Cp, for 3-people combo 30Cp and for a whole party gang-up 40Cp Each, so every one involved has to be able to afford the Chain Craft. Also, their next turns will be used, so you could as well be sending everyone to the bottom of the line in exchange of a good rush on the enemy. Chain crafts are rather good way to deliver good ammounts of damage to tough enemies, even with the cost involved. * Craft Command is blocked by the Seal status effect. 5. [Brown Bag]: Items - Classical RPG item menu where your tools, such as healing medicine and status removal stuff is found. If you are using an item on a party member, s/he has to be within the Move area of the character using the item for you to be able to use it. 6. [Round Blue Arrow]: Run - Battle not going your way? The enemy is too tough? Trying to go for a first strike but missed the enemy's back? Hit Run and...well run away, and live to fight another day. +Bottom side - Party Status The four portraits of the current party members. Character protrait - Self explanatory. The expression will change according to how much Hp the character has. Flashing Red Light - S-craft indicator. When you hit 100Cp it will light up and start flashing, meaning that you can use your S-craft or hijack a turn. At 200Cp it will have flames around, indicating that you are at "max power", making your S-craft do Critical damage (it is stackable with the Critical Strike turn bonus). Also, anytime you press the Left or Right buttons without selecting a command first, you can choose to use the Trails in the Sky S-break hijacking system to gain an immediate chance to fire the S-craft at the enemy, regardless of the turn order. You can also use the shortcut, by holding the Triangle button, and pressing one of the four directions on the D-pad corresponding to the available characters to use the S-break. Yellow Bar - Hp counter. If it empties, the character is knocked unconsious. Blue Bar - Ep counter. The fuel for your Arts. Empty bar equals no-cigar. Green Bar - Cp counter. It is recharged by the hits you make and receive. If the enemy is on a lower level than you, you will only get 3Cp per hit. Use accessories like the Gladiator's Belt and Gladiator's Headband to gain more Cp per hit given/taken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** 2. Character Overview [CHO] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlike its predecessor, Snk Second Chapter allows for you to change party members almost any time from chapter 2 onwards (save special events that lump you with a story-specific party). Stands to reason that you should take the chance to both level them up and pick whoever is the most appropiate for what's ahead. Now, there are several things to consider when building a party in Snk SC: +What the stats of a character mean: -Str: Physical Offensive power. How hard you hit with the character's weapon of choice -Def: How well you resist the enemies' claws, tongues, swords, guns, etc. -Ats: Art raw power. How damaging an art is in the hands of its caster -Atd: How much is a character affected when the enemy "arts back" at you -Spd: How frequently a character gets his/her turn -Dex: If he can hit a nail in the head, or can't get the broad end of an elephant Agi: Enemy attacking you? Have high Agi and dodge him, have low Agi and get hit -Mov: Can you walk to the end of the battlefield? With a high value in this stat, you just might -Rng: How close you must be to present your lovin' caress to the enemy Having this in mind, we shall set a rank for each stat 1 = B. A. D. This stat is a MAYOR weak point/source of frustration. 2 = Passable. However, don't count on this character for circunstances that require this stat. 3 = Average. Useful but will be relegated to a lesser role when more capable people are around. 4 = Proficient. One of the things that make a character good. (DUH!) 5 = GOLD!!! You'll want this character for this particular stat. Also for better choice of an efficient party, the characters will be noted as a specific type like fighter, art-user, etc. Be aware that many characters fall under several types, thus enabling you to help you build a good party that can cover most areas. Next to the name will come the Types, in order of Specialty, Proficiency and Optional (1st, 2nd and 3rd most proficient) types. Thse are the types: -Balance: A character with no particular strengths nor weaknesses that can cover all tasks in battle, though never excel in any. -Fighter: Offensive characters whose best atribute is brute strength. They are usually bad at arts and have poor defense against them. -Art-user: A Fighter's opposite. Most damage is done with arts, and are weak to physicals. -Gunner: Long-ranged characters whose weapons can hit far away in the battlefield. They have, in exchange, poor Mov values. -Tank: Defense specialists (a classical in many games), who are generally slow, but can take a good beating. They offten have the highest Hp and Def values. -Speed: Obvious. They are the best at...well speed. They are the ones who will get the most turns in battle, and their Mov values are the best. -Healer: In this game, characters that have a water-oriented quartz array, hence making them have all the water arts (which are where the heal arts are found). -Power: Someone who excels at crafts, meaning his/her crafts are the reason to include said person in the party. -[Special]: Characters that only join your party at specific points in the game and only for a short time. With the exception of Anelace Elfread, who joins and stays with you on [Ch0 A Maiden's Determination], the names of the other special characters fall under the realm of spoilers, so instead they will be reffered to by nicknames of my giving. Lastly, you'll notice that all the old FC characters will get a new S-Craft around Lv 71-85. Why don't I share some useful insights about those murder pieces? Well, simply because they come late in the game (with a few exceptions) and, unless you spend some time powerleveling with the Shining Poms during Chapter 7, it is highly unlikely you'll be learning them before hitting the Final Dungeon...especially if you tend to favor a certain party. So they are only considered for Final Dungeon-purposes. On TC (when it comes out) I'll be sure to make some suggestions about them. That said, Phantom Raid and Dragon Dive will become favorites...when they become available. Thus, these are the playable characters of Sora no Kiseki Second Chapter: *Note: Last but not least, both Estelle and Anelace will start with a different LV depending on what level you had on your FC Clear Data. This is the run down of the level Transition: - LV 35 (or lower): You start at LV 35. - From LV 36 to LV 40: Your LV carries over! - LV 41 or Higher: You begin with LV 41 (so don't stress yourself trying to get a higher level at FC's final dungeon, for sanity's sake!). Mind you, there is not that great a difference, since the Prolouge's boss will still overpower you. I leave you with the stats you get by begining with LV 40, since that was my level when I finished FC. Good luck. Lastly, Schera and Agate will begin at the level you had when you complete the Prolouge, so if you did it at LV 42 and chose Agate, it means you get Wild Rage 2 from the start!! (mwahahaha!) Estelle Bright Types: Specialty - Balance Proficiency - Fighter Optional - Art-user HP - 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 2352 EP - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 90 Str - 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 179 Def - 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 127 Ats - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 159 Atd - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 15 Spd - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 17 Dex - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 19 Agi - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 7 Mov - 4 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 4 Rng - 3 OOO or 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Eq) - 2 Available Orbment Lines: I - 4 Slots II - 4 Slots Crafts Morale Taunt Hard Break (Becomes True Hard Break at Lv 72) Comet (Becomes True Comet at Lv 55) Hurricane (becomes True Hurricane at Lv 42) Chain 1 (Becomes Chain 2 at Lv 49-50, and Chain 3 at Lv 73) S-Crafts Pummel (Becomes True Pummel at Lv 45) Barrage (Becomes True Barrage at LV 57) Wheel of Time (Learned at Lv 81) -Pros: Good physical offense and defense, average Ep, Ats, Atd, speed and range, superb move value. Her forte is fronrline physical attack, though she can stand her ground with arts too. -Cons: Average speed, Ep, range and Atd. She won't be your fastest character, and of times she won't do full damage with arts (due to some randomizer). Also, her range will depend largely on the specs of her weapon, so a staff with more range is recomended. -Overview: The heroine of the game is your typical jack-of-all-trades; able to fill any role from pounding the enemy silly to using arts for both offense and support. She is better at attack, so if she has the backup of a dedicated arts user she will be very effective in quick rushes (particularly with some speed-related quartz equiped).Her crafts are mostly offensive, with only one being elemental. She has one of the area buffs that increases attack power, very useful in boss battles. She may have two S-crafts at her disposition, though both are single target, so it is best to use them to finish of bosses. Overall, a good character, and since she is the only one you cannot change, you better learn to use her fast. Joshua Astray Bright Types: Specialty - Speed Proficiency - Fighter Optional - Art-user HP - 3 OOO later 4 OOOO EP - 4 OOOO Str - 3 OOO later 5 OOOOO Def - 3 OOO Ats - 4 OOOO later 5 OOOOO Atd - 4 OOOO Spd - 5 OOOOO Dex - 3 OOO Agi - 3 OOO Mov - 5 OOOOO Rng - 1 O later 2 OO Available Orbment Lines: I - 5 Slots II - 3 Slots Crafts Taunt Evil Eye (Becomes Evil Eye EX at Lv 81) True Dual Strike True Flicker True Cloak&Dagger Chain 2 S-Crafts Black Fang (Becomes True Black Fang at Lv 77) True Sever Phantom Rain (Learned at Lv 85) -Pros: Average power, defense and agility, better Ats and Atd. The best speed and move in the game. -Cons: Hp, power and defense, his range is the second worst of the game...at first. -Overview: Joshua is a speed demon and Estelle's offensive opposite, being better with arts than with his dirks. Though he cannot reach with his weapon, he can get there with his feet and his speed ensures that his turn will come up soon enough to make it worth it. However, since his power is average, there is a high chance he won't finish the enemy in one hit without the help of his Dual Strike craft. In boss battles, he is extremely good at shooting fast and hard with arts, though. And he has the Ep to sustain his assault. Craftwise, he is purely offensive, with only Taunt for support. With enough CP, he can shoot craft after craft, ranging from single target, instant death, to line and area effects, and as an added bonus, almost all his crafts will leave some bad status on his victims. His S-crafts shine through the game, and can be life savers, particularly Black Fang, since it hits all enemies and cancause instant death. Too bad he is absent from your party through most of the first half of the game, unlike in FC. He joins back at [Ch6 The Whereabouts of Bonds], and by then his Lv, Str and Ats have undergone a significant growth. By the end of the game, he has the potential to be the best Fighter/Art-user combo. A true jewel of a character in this game. Anelace Elfread Types: Specialty - Balance Proficiency - Fighter Optional - [Special] HP - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 2469 EP - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 85 Str - 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 179 Def - 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 130 Ats - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 143 Atd - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 15 Spd - 3 OOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 17 Dex - 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 19 Agi - 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 7 Mov - 4 OOOO LV 40 (Base Lv) - 4 Rng - 2 O LV 40 (Base Eq) - 1 Available Orbment Lines: I - 3 Slots II - 2 Slots III - 3 Slots IV - 2 Slots Crafts Eight-Leaf Blitz Swordwind Slash Fallen Leaves Petal Dance Chain S-Craft Piercing Wave -Pros: Good offense and defense, good move. Dex and Agi are high, so she will hit frecuently and won't be hit that much...while you have her with you. -Cons: Average. Average Hp, Ep, Ats, Atd, speed...poor range. -Overview: Think of a middle point between Estelle and Joshua. She can ditch good damage at a reasonable speed, and her arts ain't that bad. Sadly, she doesn't excel in any department worth noticing. One could argue about her Agi and Dex, but since you only have her during the Prologue, when the enemies are no big deal, she really doesn't shine. On the craft department, however, she compensates, and it is here that her Dex really helps. Nothing is worse than firing a 30 Cp craft and missing, Anelace won't make that mistake. Her S-craft is good, though unlike Joshua, it only hits a specific area. Oh, after her debut on the Prologue, she will be away from most of the game, resurfacing only on a quest at Ch8, so write her of your mind afterwards. Agate Crosner Types: Specialty - Fighter Proficiency - Power Optional - None HP - 4 OOOO EP - 2 OO Str - 5 OOOOO Def - 4 OOOO Ats - 2 OO Atd - 2 OO Spd - 3 OOO Dex - 3 OOO Agi - 2 OO Mov - 4 OOOO Rng - 2 OO Available Orbment Lines: I - 3 Slots II - 3 Slots III - 3 Slots Crafts: Flame Smash (Becomes Flame Smash 2 at Lv 44) Draguna Edge (Becomes Draguna Edge 2 at Lv 58) Wild Rage (Becomes Wild Rage 2 at Lv 42) Spiral Edge (Becomes Spiral Edge 2 at Lv 69) Chain (becomes Chain 2 at Lv 52, and Chain 3 at Lv 73) S-Crafts Beat Down (Becomes Beat Down 2 at Lv 48) Final Break (Becomes Final Break 2 at Lv 65) Dragon Dive (Learned at Lv 80) -Pros:High Hp, high defense, nice move value. The second strongest physical attacker. -Cons: Poor in everything else. Speed on par with Anelace. Dex is not that good. -Overview: His stats are a clue. Go there and pound them something fierce. Agate has both the power and the leg work to seriously blitz. And in case he is not there yet, he has the brauns to make his stand. He may not be the best art user, but he can help squeeze that extra damage when his big bad blade can't. His problems are the lack in speed department, where he barely makes it. And despite the fact that he is carring a big bad blade, said blade proves that a huge, mean-looking sword is hard to handle, for he has a higher tendencie to miss (2 for each one of Estelle's). He is also very slow, so he won't be getting that many turns. However, his crafts more than compensate for his poor performance in the arts dept. He can hit hard and send the enemy flying, literally. That can be either good or bad, for he can push away a hard hitting, slow enemy that treatens frail characters like Kloe or Tita. He can also delay enemy attacks, which is useful. He is also the only other character besides Kevin who can recover Cp on his own, though at the cost of 70% of his Hp (ouch), useful with some dedicated healer to back him up and keep the onslaught. His S-crafts are the cream of the cake, one being a serious bang on one enemy, and the other a literal bang on an area. Use him well, he can be an impressive killing machine, often taking down weak enemies in one blow. Buff him up, and he is murder. *On this game, Agate can be near unstopable when combined with a healer. To know more, see the Shining Pom Obliteration Strategy. Shrerazard Harvey Types: Specialty - Art-user Proficiency - Balance Optional - None HP - 3 OOO EP - 4 OOOO Str - 3 OOO Def - 3 OOO Ats - 4 OOOO Atd - 4 OOOO Spd - 3 OOO Dex - 4 OOOO Agi - 2 OO Mov - 3 OOO Rng - 3 OOO Available Orbment Lines: I - 6 Slots II - 2 Slots Crafts Bind Whip (Becomes Bind Whip 2 at Lv 61) Heaven's Kiss Sylphen Whip (Becomes Sylphen Whip 2 at Lv ) Chain (Becomes Chain 3 at Lv 69) S-Craft Sadist Whip (Becomes Sadist Whip 2 at Lv 57) Judgement Card (Learned at Lv 74) -Pros: Very good Ep. Ats and Atd are on par with it to make it count. She is gold in arts. -Cons: Silver elsewhere. -Overview: Miss Silver Streak is, in a cinch, a good art user with average physical power, meaning that she can also be of use on a head-on ol' style beating on the enemy party. She is the Agate of the arts department, she will be blasting left and right, and she won't be caught napping if the enemy manages to get to her before she can put her whip to good use. Sadly though, if you plan on sending her to do some physical labor on the enemy, she is a dissapointment. Like Kevin and Kloe, she won't be dealing many killing blows without some form of enhancement. Her crafts are a mixture of offensive and buffs. She is also the one to use if you want to boost the party's speed on the spot. Madam SD (she Is carring a whip) can dish a good ammount of punishment with her S-craft, and if you use it on Shinning Poms on a Sepith Up turn, you'll see them fall like a fountain. Use her to cover Agate, and provide support, and she will make boss battles easier. Oliver Leinheim Types: Specialty - Gunner/Art-user (he is equally good at both) Proficiency - Art-user Optional - Healer HP - 3 OOO EP - 5 OOOOO Str - 3 OOO Def - 2 OO Ats - 5 OOOOO Atd - 4 OOOO Spd - 3 OOO Dex - 5 OOOOO Agi - 4 OOOO Mov - 1 O Rng - 5 OOOOO Available Orbment Lines: I - 7 Slots Crafts Happy Trigger (Becomes Happy Trigger at Lv 68) Sniper Shot (Becomes Sniper Shot 2 at Lv 53) Quick Draw (Becomes Quick Draw 2 at Lv 43) Chain (Becomes Chain 2 at Lv 48-49, Chain 3 at Lv 83) S-Craft Howling Bullet (Becomes Howling Bullet 2 at Lv 57) Requiem Hearts (Learned at Lv 73) -Pros: He carries a gun. Period. And he has the highest Ats and Ep of the game, making him your main gun (seriously). Equip a Long Barrel accesory and range goes from gold to platinum. -Cons: Second worst in movement and defense department, also his speed is right in the middle. And he doesn't have that many Hp to take punishment. -Overview: The group's queer clown is meant for two things, to snipe and smite. Magic is his forte, and only Klose comes close (silly rhyme) to him when it is time to pull the fire, earth, or your favorite element on the enemy. Get him some Ats-enhancement quartz and nothing will stand in his way. Also, movement is pointless with the Long Barrel, for when equiped, he can hit most of the field, and may waste only a turn if the enemy is too far. Later weapons make him capable of using his orbal gun on anything on the field. Only keep him away of the enemy and its attacks and he will live. Craftwise he is only more useful. With his range, he can simply cover all the spots. His S-craft is not so good, though, for it only hits one enemy for slightly above-the-average damage. But this is fixed when it is upgraded in later levels, it becomes area-of-effect. So put him in the back row, and watch him fire. Kloe Rinz Types: Specialty - Healer Proficiency - Speed Optional - Atr-user HP - 3 OOO EP - 5 OOOOO Str - 2 OO Def - 3 OOO Ats - 5 OOOOO Atd - 5 OOOOO Spd - 4 OOOO Dex - 3 OOO Agi - 2 OO Mov - 4 OOOO Rng - 1 O Available Orbment Lines: I - 7 Slots Crafts Sturm (Becomes Sturm 2 at Lv 59) Kaempfer (Becomes Kaempfer 2 at Lv 48-49) Chain (Becomes Chain 2 at Lv 52, Chain 32 at Lv 77) S-Craft Lichtkreis (Becomes Lichtkreis 2 at Lv 65) Sanctus Nova (Learned at Lv 73) -Pros: Excelent Ep, Ats, Atd combo. More than decent move and speed. -Cons: Weak and frail. Even buffed. Crafts -Overview: Klose (or Kloe for americans, I like that name better) is a full time mage. Arts are what she is ment to do. She is Oliver's shadow, and can perfom almost as well as him...with arts. She can't harm much with that thin sword of hers, and she also often misses. And her range is the lowest of the party. Even with buffs, our lovely, mandatory school girl won't be taking the hearts of many enemies with her rapier. Yet not all is lost, she has some very useful crafts, particularly what is maybe the only way to cast a guarantied debuff on the enemy with the help of her gyrafalcon, Sieg (Impose). Her S-craft -Radiant Splash- is essencially the panic button. If the battle is going bad for you, just fire it, don't think. As an added bonus, if she has 200 Cp, it will also raise your defense power, buying time to buff the party and charge some Cp on those boss battles that twist a gamer's liver. She can be Oliver's replacement where arts are concerned. But don't think for a moment on sending her to the front lines. That would be just cruel. And lastly, they changed the names of her crafts (don't ask me why). Tita Russel Types: Specialty - Fighter Proficiency - Gunner Optional - Art-user HP - 3 OOO EP - 3 OOO Str - 4 OOOO Def - 4 OOOO Ats - 3 OOO Atd - 3 OOO Spd - 2 OO Dex - 4 OOOO Agi - 4 OOOO Mov - 2 OO Rng - 5 OOOOO Available Orbment Lines: I - 2 Slots II - 4 Slots III - 3 Slots Crafts Vital Cannon (Becomes Vital Cannon 2 at Lv 63) Smoke Cannon (Becomes Smoke Cannon 2 at Lv 48) Chain (Becomes Chain 2 at Lv 52, Chain 3 at Lv 83) S-Craft Cannon Impulse (Becomes Cannon Impulse 2 at Lv 58, becomes Cannon Impulse F if you talk to Eva at Ruan's Weapon Shop after finishing the quest The Occupation of Jenis) Satellite Beam (Learned at Lv 71) -Pros: Good offense, good defense, exellent range and agility. Can match Agate in damage dealing at the end of the game. -Cons: Slow and laking on Ats and Atd. Also has low Hp. -Overview: If Klose is Oliver's replacement with arts, Tita is the ranged physical attacker. She may be only slightly better than Agate with arts, but she makes it up with that bazooka of hers. Add the Long Barrel and she will hit far and wide, helping mow down your foes. And if the fight comes closer, she can wistand it. Her only problem is that she is slow, can't move very far, and she has below-the-average Hp; probably why she has better defense. She is easy to corner, and if hit hard enough, she is toast. But get her some Cp, and her crafts can turn tables. She can expand her range, and hit and blind her enemies, and if things get tough, she can fire a healing capsule with an area of effect more than decent for some last minute healing. Her S-craft is not that strong, so when not needed, she can put that Cp to good use. If you want both ranged attacks and good arts, she is Klose's designated partner. Together, they can put forward some good girl power. And by the end of the game, with the right quartz equipped, she can match Agate in physical damage. Zane Vathek Types: Specialty - Tank Proficiency - Fighter Optional - Power HP - 5 OOOOO EP - 1 O Str - 5 OOOOO Def - 5 OOOOO Ats - 1 O Atd - 2 OO Spd - 1 O Dex - 3 OOO Agi - 4 OOOO Mov - 4 OOOO Rng - 1 O Available Orbment Lines: I - 3 Slots II - 2 Slots III - 2 Slots IV - 3 Slots Crafts Smite (Becomes True Smite at Lv 85) Composure (Becomes True Composure at Lv 60) Distend (Becomes True Distend at Lv 57) Taunt (Becomes 2 at Lv ) Thunder God Kick (Learned at Lv 64) Chain 2 (Becomes 3 at Lv 77) S-Craft Aura Blast (Becomes True Aura Blast at Lv 77) Disable (Becomes True Disable at Lv 58) Wrath of Genbu (Learned at Lv 85) -Pros: Best Hp, best Pow, best Def. Near best Mov and Dex. He can be there where he counts. -Cons: Sucks in arts, and he is weak to arts. Also has to be close to the enemy (he is a fist fighter, remember?). -Overview: One word. Tank. Take him up close to the enemy and watch him soak the damage like the oversized bear he looks like. That is, if the enemy can survive his punches. Seriously, the guy looks like a bear and punches like a wreaking ball. Buff him and he can steamroll the enemy with his bare hand...or gloves. Zane (or Jin in the japanese version) is Agate 2.0. He does everything Agate does, only meaner, and bigger. Likewise, he fails at all Agate does, only worse. Arts are his bane, and his meager Atd barely covers him. Since he doesn't have the Ep or the Ats to pull out some of the meaner arts properly, you can (and must) put on him a good Atd quartz to maximize his potential. If you up his Atd, then his Taunt craft is the way to go with those large and tough parties by the end of the game. Buff him, Taunt them, and watch them converge on your own movable meat shield while you pummel them with faster characters and Oliver's or Klose's arts. He even has a healing craft to make sure he lasts through such onslaughts. And if you want to put the cherry in the knuckle sandwich, he has a powerful S-craft that brings out his martial arts prowess. I personally preferr Agate over Zane, since I'm better with blitz tactics, but when it is time to bring the biggest, baddest, toughest bruiser, Zane does the trick. Kevin Graham Types: Specialty - Art-user Proficiency - Gunner Optional - Power HP - 3 OOO EP - 4 OOOO Str - 2 OO Def - 2 OO Ats - 4 OOOO Atd - 3 OOO Spd - 4 OOOO Dex - 3 OOO Agi - 2 OO Mov - 2 OO Rng - 5 OOOOO Available Orbment Lines: I - 2 Slots II - 6 Slots Crafts Sacred Breath Sacrificial Arrow Crossgear Rage Chain 2 (Becomes Chain 3 at Lv 67) S-Craft Grail Sphere -Pros: Has a bow, good speed, Ats and Atd. Nice Rng. -Cons: Has average Hp, Def, and Mov on par with Tita. -Overview: This cool, easygoing Padre is a curious mixture. He fires like Oliver and moves like Tita, and his arts are like Schera's. He can be the the perfect combination of the three...but only if you upgrade him in that direction, and he will never be the equals of Oliver and Tita, yet he can do almost all they can. Craftwise he is strange. He has as many crafs as Klose, one offensive and one support. His offensive craft is good, though not the best in range, but his support craft is the reason you will include him in your party, for he is the only one who can recover Cp to party members. His S-Craft, Holy Grail, when used in the right circumstances, can make hard and nightmarish battles more winnable without power-leveling or other tedious methods. You'll see. :) "Knight" Types: Specialty - Balance/Fighter Proficiency - Art-user Optional - [Special] HP - 4 OOOO EP - 3 OO Str - 4 OOO Def - 3 OOO Ats - 4 OOO Atd - 3 OO Spd - 2 OOO Dex - 3 OOO Agi - 3 OO Mov - 3 OOO Rng - 1 O Available Orbment Lines: I - 5 Slots II - 3 Slots Crafts Chain 3 Mirageberg Lanzenreiter S-Craft Trinity Crisis -Pros: Average Str, Def, Spd and Ats can fullfil any role. Since Knight is a natural space quartz in the arts dept, this character can have access very early to the supperb Lost Moebius space art, which is a real damage dealer. -Cons: For someone having Lost Moebius, Knight has very little Ep to use it, is not that fast, and has as poor range as Kloe (for obvious reasons you'll see when Knight joins). Also, unlike our Estelle, Knight 'average-ness' can get in the way if you want this character to covert every possible aspect. -Overview: The second [Special] type character you'll meet. Knight is at first only available on two fights at the end of [Ch3: A Mad Tea Party]. Knight may not have that much of a strong physical offesive, which is on par with that of Estelle's at that point of the game, but makes it over by being the only one with access to the Lost Moebius space art, which is incredibly costly but also quite powerful. On the craft department, Knight has the first full-battlefield S-craft, which is also powerful. My advise with Knight: choose a task and assign this warriot it. Don't spread this one's talents too much. "Gunner" Types: Specialty - Gunner -of course- Proficiency - Fighter Optional - Arts-user HP - 3 OOO EP - 3 OOO Str - 3 OOO Def - 3 OOO Ats - 4 OO Atd - 2 OO Spd - 2 OOO Dex - 2 OOOO Agi - 1 O Mov - 1 O Rng - 5 OOOOO Available Orbment Lines: I - 4 Slots II - 4 Slots Crafts Chain 2 (Becomes Chain 3 at Lv ) Anchor Flail Stampede S-Craft Support Fire (Learned through Story Event) -Pros: Good Dex and Spd. Gunner is a gunner (Duh!!), so can equip Long barrles. -Cons: Rather poor Ats and Adf, also average Str and Def. -Overview: This extra pistol may be used as a cusiosity, and for certain story segments...in the final dungeon, where Gunner will join. Up until then, this character is of no concern to you. Gunner is mostly an offensive...gun, with the tipical range of all gun-users, but due to some programmer sense of wickedness, Gunner is not that good at hurting enemies when joining the party. After a few levels up though, Gunner picks up the pace and can hold agains the stuff that appears in the final dungeon. Craftwise, Gunner is soley offensive, and after a certain spot in the final dungeon is cleared, this character will get one of those usefull Area (All) S-crafts. Not my favorite long range character, but hey, can be of help. Kurt Nardin Types: Specialty - Fighter Proficiency - Art-user Optional - [Special] HP - 4 OOOO EP - 4 OOOO Str - 3 OOO Def - 2 OO Ats - 4 OOOO Atd - 2 OO Spd - 3 OOO Dex - 3 OOO Agi - 3 OOO Mov - 3 OOO Rng - 2 OO Available Orbment Lines: I - 2 Slots II - 5 Slots Crafts Chain 3 Sunset Art Fangshu: Illusion Fangshu: Renewal Fangshu: Whitecaps Fangshu: Steel S-Craft Summon Lightning -Pros: A good Fighter with a better hand at arts than Estelle. -Cons: He is Estelle 2.0, really not that different from her. -Overview: Kurtz joins together with Anelace for one small (hidden) quest in [Ch8 Land of Chaos], and never again is seen in your vicinity afterwards. He is more like a curiosity than an actual party member. He is a better version of Estelle, in all except Def, where he can take some punishment from some of the enemies in that quest where he joins...if you are not careful. Since he is so little with you, you get no chance at all to see him shine, and his crafts are not that good, even his S-craft. Guess the programmers needed a filler and were out of ideas. "Swordsman" Types: Specialty - Fighter/Tank (equally good at both) Proficiency - Power Optional - [Special] HP - 4 OOOO EP - 1 O Str - 4 OOOO Def - 4 OOOO Ats - 2 OO Atd - 2 OO Spd - 2 OO Dex - 3 OOO Agi - 2 OO Mov - 2 OO Rng - 1 O Available Orbment Lines: I - 3 Slots II - 2 Slots III - 3 Slots IV - 2 Slots Crafts Chain 3 Mirage Edge Hound Gale Ragna Bind S-Craft Righteous Witness -Pros: The perfet Fighter/Tank/Power character. Use Swordsman as the tip of the formation and watch the carnage ensue! -Cons: Stupid as sack of bricks. Has no resistance to arts or any skill whatsoever save for support. Also, you'll need to do something with those low Dex, Agi and Move. It does not help our murder machine if it cannot get there and do its business (and hit everything at all). -Overview: By the time this one becomes a part of your death squad, it is a sort of programmer cruelty (Falcom loves Irony) to make a Fighter, Tank and Power combo of a character AND GIVE IT Water-oriented slots! With the Fighter's orbment lines, which tend to be very short, does not a Healer make. Aside from the wickedness of programmers (or maybe a joke at the player expense), this blade is meant for business. Improve those stats that need so, add a Ruby Gem (by then a common fixture on you party) and send the Swordsman to do some damage. All the Crafts this one has will hurt something good. Plus, since our friend here has also the HP and Def for Tank-ing... The one and only S-Craft this character has is a sort-of physical Lost Moebius. It will do as the aforementioned art and cluster its victims, BUT (*cracks nuckles*) since it is a Phyisical Attack, it can benefit from Morale/Forte and Str Up turns, thus turning it into a serious thing. Want to use those Water Slots for something useful? Install Water Gem (HP 5) and Freeze 2...or leave the Ying-Yang that comes with the product. Just make use (and abuse) of those Crafts, and this one is a useful weapon indeed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** 3. Status Effects [SEF] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Like any good RPG, Snk SC has some status effects to make things more interesting in battle. Bad status are often equally inflicted by enemies to allies and vicecersa. To check if an enemy is resitant to a status effect, select the enemy with the Attack command and hold down Square button, any icon that appears on the enemy's status screen means it is resisitant. Good status are more often used by the party, though some enemies can use them on themselves too. The Bad: [Skull]: Poison - Gradually takes away health. Cure with Curia water art/Baamu Medicine [Yellow Stars]: Knock-Out - Ally is incapacitated. Rise him/her with Seru water art/Celestial Balm [ZZZZ]: Sleep: Cannot act until the ally is attacked. Cure with Curia water art/Riibe Medicine [Lil' white thunders]: Seal - Cannot attack, use crafts and S-Crafts. Curia water art/Baamu Medicine [Rock]: Stone - Cannot act in battle; KO if attacked. Cure with Curia water art/Soru Medicine [Ice]: Freeze - Cannot act in battle; health is gradually taken away. Curia water art/Soru Medicine [Red "!" mark]: Faint - Cannot act in one turn. Curia water art/Riibe Medicine [Circle crossed by line]: Mute - Ally cannot use arts. Curia water art/Insulating Tape [Spiral simbol]: Confuse - Ally will attack other allies or foes. Curia water art/Riibe Medicine [Closed Eye]: Blind - DEX and AGL down. Curia water art/Baamu Medicine [Yellow Arrow Down + Letters]: Stat Down - Str, Def, Ats, Atd, Spd, Dex, Agi and Move values go down. Remove with S-Tablet (character only) [Fattened Face]: Enlarge - Afflicted characters' stats are halved. Only dissappears when KO. [Black Body Siloutte]: Vanish - Target is removed from the battlefield. (Used only by Last Boss) The Good: [Black Cross]: Anger - Target(s) afflicted focus on one character. Caused by the Taunt craft. [2 white circles]: Barrier - Next attack is blocked, then barrier dissappears. [Li'l Bird Flying]: Deathblow - Target is instantly killed. [Blue Dot]: Arts Guard - Arts are blocked for one turn, then barrier dissappears. [Red Dot]: Craft Guard - Crafts are blocked for one tunr, then barrier dissappears. [AT + Down Arrow]: AT Delay - Target's turn icon is moved down the Turn Bar. [Brown Arrow Up + Letters]: Stat Up - A specific stat is buffed. Remove with S-tablet (character only). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** 4. General Strategies [GST] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First lets clear something: ALL this strategies are Guidelines, meaning that they can be completly disregarded if they don't suit your particular playstyle. They are meant to make a quick and efficient advance through the game, and nothing more. *Contributions are welcome, if it hasn't been covered here Town strategies: + Speak to every person before going/speaking/activating the next story objective, you can find books, hidden quests, or story related clues. + Speak to every person AT LEAST TWICE, on many occations, npcs can give requests or items when spoken two times in a row before leaving the current screen. + If possible, try to leave town and speak with the people of other locations before proceeding with the story. + When buying new items, prioritize on weapons. + When opening slots, begin with the cheapest (goes without saying). + Always open all the cheapest slots for your current characters at the same time, if you open one cheap and one expensive, you may not have enough sepiths to open slots for the other characters. + When buying new quartz try to buy (if possible) 4 of EACH quartz to maximaze the chance of making a flexible party. + When upgrading quartz, sell the previous version (ex: you buy Attack2 and sell Attack1). + When trading sepiths, try to keep always a minimum ammount of every kind. + Always try trading the best-valued sepith and/or the type you have the most (mostly earth and water sepiths). Field/Dungeon Strategies: + Always approach enemies from behind. This game rewards backstabbers...I mean, stealth with preemtive strikes. + Fight all the enemies in the field the first time you enter a new area, that way you can close lv gaps of your characters and take advantage of increased CP recovery. + When enemies start to give experience in 1-digit quantities, feel free to run from every battle unless you want to earn sepiths. + Wood chestes always contain miscelaneous items. + Red chests contain higher quality items (high%), quartz and all-type sepith caches (med%), and equipment (low%). + Be careful with the red chests, they can contain monsters, specialy in later chapters/dungeons. + Heal and save always before opening a red chest or changing a screen. + Check the field thoroughtly before proceeding to the next screen once you have eliminated all the enemies available. + Always save before changing screens, in case you reach a story point. That way you can restart if missed somthing, need to level up, or perform a quest. + Take the enemies' level as the "minimum level cap" for your characters, since as a rule, when you are on the same level as the enemy, it will give very little exp. Battle strategies: + If you did not get a preemtive strike, immediatly run with the first character available, except when facing enemies you absolutly know you can finish in the turns you have. + Don't be overconfident, if you need to heal, do so, for any character that is knocked unconsious loses all CP accumulated. + When leveling up, or visiting an area for the first time, use crafts often. + Only hijack turns when ABSOLUTLY necessary. + When using magic, try to always use it first with the characters that have a naturally high EP count (Oliver, Sherezard, etc.). + When using offensive arts, try to target as many enemies/weakesses as possible. + If an enemy has 100 in all four weaknesses, any art is useful. + When an enemy has less than 100 in all weaknesses, use Time, Space and Mirage arts + Use buffs with care, thinking always on the turn order. + When using buffs, craft buffs often have area effects and activate on the same turn you choose them. + Arts that grant more than one buff take priority. + Avoid using art debuffs, for aside of a few particular cases, they are a waste of time. + When using area arts, try to include as many enemies in it as possible, even if they are not vulnerable to it, since for every hit you give, your CP will rise, regardless of damage done. + When healing during boss battles, try to use items first, unless the art activates before the enemy's turn. + Enemies that heal, or that cancel art execution take priority in boss battles. + Physically weak characters like Kloe won't often finish an enemy, so plan ahead in case it happens. Other strategies: + Shinning Poms are found randomly as partners of specific enemies on the field. + When fighting Shining Poms, they are the most vulnerable to Dark Matter and Lost Moebius Space arts, as well as Time arts. # Shinig Pom Obliteration Strategy (or the Truly El-Cheapo Tactic): If you are having trouble killing these obnoxious but valuable critters, there is a sure-fire way to slaughter them in this game, namely Agate's Final Breaker S-craft. As you know, the SPs are only vulnerable to space and time arts and S-crafts. The second is quiet a costly method of killing them, but as it happens, Agate has one craft -Wild Rage- that can recharge 100 Cp (150 when it becomes type 2 around levels 50 to 55, n/c) at the cost of 70% of his hp. At first glance, it seems quiet an unreliable way to recover Cp, but with the help of the Tiaral water art, Tita's Vital Cannon craft and Kloe's Radiant Splash S-craft, you can cirunvent this trait. All you got to do is: 1. Have Agate in your team. 2. Find a Shining Pom. 3. Hijack a turn with Agate and blast them with his Final Breaker S-craft. 4. Go engage in another fight and use his Wild Rage craft. You should get 100-150 Cp in exchange for your 70% hp. 5. Immediatly heal Agate back to full health with a character that has the art/crafts mentioned before (Tiaral is your best bet). 6. Repeat from step 2. until the SPs give single-digit experience. This is the best way to power-level in the game, and once you got the method down, the little fellas will be falling like flies. Obviously, this tactic is a game-cracker, for no enemy can wistand a constant stream of FBs. And for single-enemy boss battles, switch Final Breaker for Beat Down. Coupled with Estelle's Morale/Ra Forte fire art and Kloe's Impose, even tough crackers like the Ancient Dragon on [Ch5 That Which One Must Protected] can be brought down in a couple of minutes with this strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** 5. The Walkthrough [WKT] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trying to make this a less staggering effort for both the gamer and me who writes this thing, I've come up with a new format on this Ver. 2.0 of the guide. Chapter Overview: The Main objective of the Chapter / A simple no-spoiler description of the tasks you must accomplish, the areas you visit, if one is a Spoiler it will be marked "Area X/Y/Z". Obviously, for the Final Chapter I'll be using a special format so as to reveal as little as possible. Same thing goes to Chapters 6 and 7. Even mentioning this may be criticized... :( Chapter X (where X = Chapter number) Quest List: Self-explanatory. Listed IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR IN THE BRACER NOTEBOOK. MAX BP TOTALs can be found here, with [X (+Y) = Z] meaning X = normal points if you do nothing, Y = how many you get for completing the Optinonal conditions, and Z = total overall Bracer Points. *Note: This info is take from http://homepage2.nifty.com/pspgameavenue/sorano_sc/index.html They deserve the credit. Point(s) of No-Return: If you find yourself stuck inside a dungeon after certain scenes, here I'll be mentioning it. Quest Flowchart: A suggested order in which to complete the quests. I must stress the fact that some quests are better left for later when certain conditions are available, or have to be completed on the next Chapter. Pay special attention to the last point. If you don't find a quest with the tag in one Chapter, it means that one overlaps with the next. Chapter X (where X = Chapter number) Monsters: Where and what you'll find, divided by area. Chest Monsters will have a (TR) next to their names. Quarries will have a (QST) next to their names. Lastly, Bosses that are Spoilers will be simply named "Area X" Boss or "Chapter" Boss. Quest Strategies: The bread-n-butter of the guide. Here you'll find them covered IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR IN THE BRACER NOTEBOOK. When looking for strategies for completing them with the max possible BP known, they will be found here. *Note: Again, credit goes to http://homepage2.nifty.com/pspgameavenue/sorano_sc/index.html for those conditions for MAX BP. *Note: All the choices, quest names and places not covered in FC are aproximations of my translation from the in game texts. Once I play the English Version I'll correct them, so bear with me for a bit... Treaure List: How many chests, where to find them and what's inside. Monsters included. Recipe List: What, Where, is it bought, earned or found in a chest. Book Collection: How many, where and how to complete the saga!! Fishing Spots : Where to engage in this leisure activity. Recommendation: Finding this particular Chapter difficult? Here my friends, you'll find some tips to help ease the torture. This game reaaaaaaaally punishes those who rush blindly. Even in Normal. °_° *Contributions accepted, and expected. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch0 A Maiden's Resolve [CH0] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH0OVW] Areas You Visit -Royal Capital Grancel 1. Grancel Castle -Airliner 'Cecilia' -Rolent Region 1. Rolent City 2. Bright House -Le Locle Valley 1. Le Locle Lodge (Training Grounds) 2. Balstar Channel (dungeon) 3. Saint-Croix Forest (dungeon) 4. Grimsel Fortress (dungeon) General Information The first 3 areas, Royal Capital Grancel, Airliner and Rolent Region are only story-related. There will be no treasures, enemies, items or quests. All quest-related stuff will occur at the Le Locle Valley area. There are no Optional Quests in this Chapter, so all BP is obtained from Story Quests. Now, even if they happen to have different names in the Bracer Notebook, all 3 Story Quests are one single mission, so everything you do in them counts for your total grading at the end of the Chapter. And I know that the quest [CH0S2] actually begins at the same time as [CH0S1]. The reason for my separation is intended to avoid confusion, since this quest really does not matter to the overall BP of the chapter. Think of it as a way to keep a somewhat orderly progression on my part. In many ways (and as prooven by the Trails SC board) this is one of the harder Chapters. Why? Well, you only have two party members at all time, have only basic quartz, and there are a lot of (hidden) mission objectives, some obvious, some not so much, so expect to redo the Bosses several times. Quest List [CH0QSL] S1.- General Training S2.- Preparatrions for Practice S3.- Midnight Assault Bracer Points: S1 - 2 (+14) S2 - None (actions count as part of S1) S3 - None (actions count as part of S1) Total Points = 16 Point(s) of No-Return [CH0PNR] TBA Quest Flowchart [CH0QFC] S1.- General Training Status - S2.- Preparatrions for Practice Status - S3.- Midnight Assault Status - *Note: BP for the entire Chapter is awarded at the begining of Chaprter 1 during the scene at the Grancel Bracer Guild. Monsters [CH0MNT] 1. Le Locle Lodge Training Grounds Jaeger (Boss) 2. Balstar Channel Ripple Frog (Tutorial Only) Ripple Frog Sticky Slug (Tutorial Only) Sticky Slug Kurt (Boss) 3. Saint-Croix Forest Bush Lancer Rolling Thorn Rude Cosmos Shining Pom Jaeger Woman (Boss) 4. Grimsel Fortress Cry Baby Pain Beetle Jaeger (Boss) Treaure List [CH0TRL] 1. Le Locle Lodge -Lodge main Hall: New orbments 2. Balstar Channel Screen 2: Mind 1, Tear Balm, EP Charge Screen 3: Attack 1, Silver Earring, Sepith Cache X10, Surprise Cookie -recipe-, Reviving Balm, EP Charge, Cast 1 (Red/Monster Chest) Screen 5: Tear Balm, Reviving Balm, EP Charge, Proxy Puppet (Red Chest) 3. Saint-Croix Forest Screen 1: Teara Balm X5 and EP Charge X2 (Tent), Enhanced Leather Screen 2: Reinforced Boots, Enhanced Leather Screen 3: Fencer, Break Rod Screen 4: Nature's Bounty -recipe-, EP Charge 4. Grimsel Fortress 1st Floor: EP 1, EP Charge 2nd Floor: Night Goggles (Red Chest), EP Charge 3rd Floor: ID Unit (Usable Event Item) Recipe List [CH0RPL] 1. Nature's Bounty - Talk to Phyllis/Bought 2. Herb Sandwich - Bought 3. Surprise Cookie - Brown Chest (Balstar Channel) Book Collection [CH0BKS] V1: On Le Locle Lodge, check the 2F room that was locked before when making an investigation after returning from St. Croix Forest and BEFORE going to Grimsel Fortress. Fishing Spots [CH0FSH] None Recommendation [CH0RCP] -When making your first set of quartz skip the Impede 1 and EP Cut 1, and don't make them until after Balstar Channel. Action 1 is of capital importance to fight the boss since Estelle has Hard Break to cancel Arts, making Impede a bit redundant. -Assign roles, choose who is to be your Attacker and who your healer for the first dungeon. As a suggestion, I choose Estelle as healer since she has more EP than Anelace. -Try to always fill a line of quartz first before going for the others, this way you'll have access to more Arts from the get go. -The Chapter Boss has been known to make newcomers suffer, one good way to make the fight less of a chore is to make 3 Surprise Cookies. They are your first Attack Food Item (ATI from now on) with a power total of 500 Str. Let me put it in perspective: the 1st Cookie you find in Balstar Channel can chop 1/3rd of the first Boss of the game... You do the math. :) The ingredients for this Ballistic Biscuit (who cooks this thing?) have to be bought on the Lodge before the Raid, and obtained as a drop from the enemies in Grimsel Fortress. -Shining Pom Locations: They will accompany the Rolling Thorn enemies in St. Croix Forest. Quest Strategies [CH0QST] The Chapter "officialy" starts right after the Anime intro (I love the opening song -Silver Will, Golden Wings-). You have a chance to do some shopping and to make some quartz. Refrain from Upgrading slots for now. The quartz are more important and there is only one quartz in the entire Chapter that requires an Upgraded slot (Heaven's Eye). To proceed with the story, you have to examine the "!" mark at the table where Kurtz and Anelace are sitting. During this scene, and assuming you loaded a Clear Data from FC, Kurtz will give you a reward based on your Junior Bracer Level. - LV 3: Gear Gloves - LV 2: Gear Gloves and Celestial Balm - LV 1: Gear Gloves, Celestial Balm and Emergency Puppet - MAX BP: Gear Gloves, Celestial Balm, Emergency Puppet and Fortune (Time Quartz) How well did you performed, I wonder... (I missed some BP 'cause I Killed Dunan...couldn't resist) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all intents and purposes I'll be assuming you never loaded a Clear File, since at the time I began this guide I had no file from the Japanese verison of FC. Also, I always kill every enemy on a screen/floor the first time I visit the place, and some times a bit more if I'm going back and fore when investigating places. Last, but not least, always, ALWAYS take the Chapter Boss' LV as the level cap for your party. Doing so ensures that all mobs are killed without problem, plus nets you a fair ammount of sepith. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once you are ready, head out and talk to Kurtz by the exit on the South West part of the Map. S1.- General Training [CH0S1] Balstar Channel Navigate the sewer system flipping the switches to make the birdges appear and the water to drain. The bridge switches look like boxes with a stick on them, the drain switches look like a column with a stick pointing out. Screen 1 - Tutorial battles and Rest Point. You can return to the Lodge to buy stuff and quartz. North Door: to Area 1. Stairs: To Map. Screen 2 - First lever puzzle room. Exits North Door: to Area 3. East Door: to Area 5. South Door: to Area 1. Treasures Brown Chest 1: Mind 1. Brown Chest 2: Tear Balm. Brown Chest 3: EP Charge. Screen 3 - 2nd lever puzzle room. Exits North Door: to Area 4. South Door: to Area 2. Treasures Brown Chest 1: Attack 1. Brown Chest 2: Silver Earring. Brown Chest 3: Sepith Cache X10 Brown Chest 4: Surprise Cookie -recipe-. Brown Chest 5: Reviving Balm. Brown Chest 6: EP Charge. Red Chest: Cast 1 (Monster Chest). Screen 5 - 3rd lever puzzle room. Exits West Door: to Area 2. Treasures Brown Chest 1: Tear Balm. Brown Chest 2: Reviving Balm. Brown Chest 3: EP Charge Red Chest: Proxy Puppet. Screen 4 - Boss. When you turn the corner a scene will play, then the battle will begin. -Boss- Kurt LV - 40 HP - 3750 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks - Fangshu: Steel. Def Up - Triple blow. Knock back. Normal Strategy: Right of the bat, use Morale with Estelle, then run with both characters to the closest corner of the battle field of your choice. This will negate the knock back effect of the boss' Triple Blow attack. Next, use Anelace's Fallen Leaves craft (35 CP) every one of her turns, preferrably with Attack 1 and Morale. Careful though, since she may miss even with Hit 1 (you bimbo!). Estelle should use arts on the boss. Heal with Balms. When he is under 1000 HP, use an S-craft, S-Break if necessary. With this strategy the boss will take very little turns. :) *Note: you might want to hold onto the Surprise Cookie. It will be more useful on the Forest boss (Jaeger Gunner). -Boss- You get Heaven's Eye space quartz after the battle. S2.- Preparatrions for Practice [CH0S2] A short scene later, you'll be back at the lodge. Do as Estelle suggests and get some quartz. First though, upgrade Estelle's orbment central slot and install the Heaven's Eye there. Get an Impede 1 for Anelace if you got the sepith and if you can, make also a EP Cut 1. Next, buy enough ingredients to make at least 3 Surprise Cookies (not counting the one you have...if you still have it). Don't worry about the 2 monster ingredients required for the recipe, you'll get them later, the point is that this is your only chance to buy ingredients for the rest of the Chapter. If you need mira, trade some Earth and Water sepiths after you create your quartz. You have to make all your preparations before going to bed. S3.- Midnight Assault [CH0S3] This quest begins as soon as you go to sleep in your room. Also, install new quartz on Anelace's Orbment before going down. Make sure that Estell has both Heaven's Eye and Attack 1 installed on the same Orbment line, this will give you Flare Arrow, which will be necessary for the Forest Boss. When ready go down the stairs to the 1st floor for a scene + boss fight. When the options appear, choose: 1st - Wake Up (+BP) 2nd - Don't Care. SLUMBER! (nothing) Before going down, install HP 1 and Hit 1 on both characters. -Boss- Jaeger LV 40 HP 4058 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: - Charge. Knocks back, can cause Faint. - Circle Slash. - Smoke bomb. Chance of blind (Didn't got to use it on me...hehehe). Normal Strategy: One character heals, the other attacks. When one runs our of EP switch roles. Heal when having half HP. All the boss' attacks hit only one target except for Smoke bomb. Defeat him to earn extra BP. Do not use the Surprise Cookie. -Boss- You wake up in St. Croix Forest. When Anelace asks you a question pick: 1st - Kurt. 2nd - The Attacking Jaegers. (+BP) 3rd - Some Third Party. Now, when you regain control, check your quartz. Make sure both characters have Attack 1, Defense 1, Action 1 and HP 1. You'll notice as soon as you check you equipment that you are Unarmed (only practice weapons). Your first goal will be therefore to get your gear back. Screen 1 - Tent and Lake. Exits North Exit: to Area 2. Treasures Tent: Teara Balm X5 and EP Charge X2. Brown Chest: Enhanced Leather. Screen 2 - River 1. Exits North Exit: to Area 3. Treasures Brown Chest 1: Reinforced Boots. Brown Chest 2: Enhanced Leather. Screen 3 - Forest Depts. Exits West Exit: to Area 4. Treasures Brown Chest 1: Fencer. Brown Chest 2: Break Rod. Screen 4 - River 2. Exits South Exit: to Area 2. North Exit: to Area 5. Treasures Brown Chest 1: Nature's Bounty -recipe- Brown Chest 2: EP Charge. Screen 5 - Boss Clearing. Exits North Exit: Map!!! Yeah!! Treasures: None. As soon as you reach the clearing you'll fight the boss. Be sure you have all your gear back. There are six pieces in total, all spread evenly throughout the forest. *Note: you can choose to retreat before fighting the next boss. Kinda like some programmer mercy in case you haven't recoverd all your equipment. -Boss- Jaeger Woman LV - 40 HP - 3455 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: - Snipe. Normal shot. - Arts. Normal Strategy Cast Clock Up on Anelace immediatly and have her approach the boss and use her Fallen Leaves craft. Estelle will act as art user employing Flare Arrow on the boss. This will make it easier to knock the Gunner. *Note: If for whatever reason the boss is still kicking your tushies, This is the time to use that sweet projectile you've been keeping around. It will chop 1/3rd of the boss' HP, making the battle shorter. -Boss- Afterwards, proceed to the North exit and head back to the Guild Lodge. When returning to the Lodge, examine all "!" marks: + blood on the floor + spear next to the blood stain + telephone behind lower counter + broken window in the back + torn map on the back + barrel behind upper counter A scene will begin. When asked a question pick: 1st - Retreat from Le Locle. 2nd - Seal the Canyon Entrance. 3rd - Move to a New Base. (+BP) Before going to Grimsel Fortress, there are to things you need to do: 1. Take the chance to upgrade slots from your orbments and buy any quartz you think will be useful. Make sure Anelace has both Evade 1 and Impede 1. 2. Go to the 2nd floor and enter the room on the bottom that was previously locked. Check the book on the bed. You'll get the Gambler Jack Vol. 1. Grimsel Fortress *Note: On the 2nd Floor Dark Room, you'll be automatically inflicted with the Blind status on the character that DOES NOT have the Night Goggles equipped when engaging in battle. Get them ASAP. Regarding the ID Unit (Usable Event Item, UEI for short) you have to use it when you reach a square room with pillars in each of the corners. If you don't want to examine the computer (and be told by Estell what to do) just approach it, Hold Triangel and press the R button. Voila! Door opens. Carry on. 1st Floor - Blast Door floor. Brown Chest 1: EP 1. Brown Chest 2: EP Charge. 2nd Floor - The Dark Room floor. Head immediatly to the East. Red Chest: Night Goggles (Red Chest). Brown Chest: EP Charge. 3rd Floor - ID Door floor Brown Chest: ID Unit (Usable Event Item). 4th Floor - Chapter Boss. Rest Point is here to ease your troubles. Before entering the door to the north of the Rest Point, I advise to cook 3 Surprise Cookies. By now, you should have the necessary ingredients. Mind you, they are not really necessary on Normal Difficulty, but they are ESSENTIAL for Hard and Nightmare (not confirmed). No matter the difficulty, Defense 1, Attack 1, HP 1 and Action 1 are a MUST. Evade is optional, though it sure can help...if you get lucky. °_° Right before the Boss battle, there will be another choice: 1st - Smoke Signals. 2nd - Don't NEED To Contact. (+BP) 3rd - Trainees Coming. -Boss- Jaeger LV - 40 HP - 3750 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks - Str and Spd Up. - Triple blow. His normal attack. Knocks back. - Flurry. - Charge. Can cause Faint. - Shadow Spear. 50% chance of Deathblow. Instant Cast!! - Tearal. Normal Strategy: Like before, cast Morale then go to one of the corners to negate the knock back effect of the Triple Blow. Next, cast Clock Up on both characters. NOW you can begin to attack the boss with Fallen Leaves and Flare Arrow. When the buffs expire, take your next turns to cast them back. This way you'll be able to keep up with him (thus making the Jaeger captain eat his words). If the boss knocks you away from your chosen corner, return there IMMEDIATLY. Stay too far away from him and he will use Shadow Spear. This is an instant attack that works the same as the Art, only it has a higher chance of inflicting a Deathblow...and he does not have to charge it! Sweet Strategy: If this sweet jerk is giving you a headache (as in you choose to do your 1st playthrough on Hard). You should also sweeten the give and take with 3 nice, rock-hard Surprise Cookies. They should do the trick, but if they don't give sweet dreams to our spearman here (ok, enough with the sugary stuff), 2 Moraled S-crafts from our gal-powers will end the show. HA! -Boss- Long Chapter end scenes. Enjoy! TOTAL BP - 2 (+14) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch1 Sneaking Shadow (or enter Mr Obnoxious) [CH1] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH1OVW] Areas You Visit -Ruan City 1. North Block 2. South Block 3. Ruan Airport -Aurian Causeway 1. Aurian Causeway 1 (Ruan South Exit) 2. Aurian Causeway 2 (Air-Letten/Sapphirl Tower fork) 3. Sapphirl Tower (Dungeon) -Air-Letten Checkpoint -Gull Seaside Way 1. Gull Seaside Way 1 (Ruan North Exit/Vista Forest entrance) 2. Gull Seaside Way 2 (Long Beach) 3. Gull Seaside Way 3 (Mercia Orphanage/Manoria Village entrances) -Vista Forest Road 1. Forest Road 1 (Gull Seaside Way exit) 2. Forest Road 2 (Jenis Royal Academy exit) -Mercia Orphanage -Manoria Village -Manoria Byroad 1. Byroad 1 (Varenne Lighthouse/Manoria Village fork) 2. Byroad 2 (Krone Trail exit) -Varenne Lighthouse -West Krone Trail -Krone Pass -Jenis Royal Academy 1. School Campus 2. Old School House 3. Underground Ruins (Dungeon) Quest List [CH1QSL] S1.- Ruan Branch Assistance S2.- White Shadow Case O1.- Come, Ingredient Hunters! O2.- Sapphirl Tower Photo HO3.- Lighthouse Test Run O4.- Vista Forest Road Monster O5.- Gull Seaside Way Monster O6.- Sunday School Lecturer O7.- Krone Trail Monster O8.- Aurian Causeway Monster HO9.- Election Office Assault O10.- Recruiting Great Gamblers Bracer Points Total: 38 S1.- None S2.- 5 (+3) O1.- 2 (+1) O2.- 1 (+2) HO3.- 2 (+1) O4.- 2 O5.- 3 O6.- 2 (+2) O7.- 2 O8.- 3 HO9.- 5 O10.- None (+2) Point(s) of No-Return [CH1PNR] As soon as you open the gates of Jenis Royal Academy with Dorothy in your party, you are stuck in the school 'till the end of the Chapter. Quest Flowchart [CH1QFC] TBA Monsters [CH1MNT] 1. Ruan City (Warehouse) Deen (Boss) Rais (Boss) Rocco (Boss) 2. Aurian Causeway Corn Mover Flying Moth Gourd Boar Moth Fliers Roadrunner Sasapanda Ash Saber (Boss) 3. Gull Seaside Way Flying Shrimp Hammerhead Hyurstamper Introllmuumuu Mars Shell Night Nautilus Red Hammerhead Shark Gator Shining Pom Stove Plant Cobalt Saber (Boss) 4. Vista Forest Road Baby Gourd Boars Corn Mover Flying Moth Gourd Boar Moth Fliers Roadrunner Sasapanda Mercury Viper (Boss) 5. Manoria Byroad Flying Shrimp Hammerhead Hyurstamper Introllmuumuu Jabba Mars Shell Shark Gator Stove Plant 6. West Krone Trail Boiled Egg R Mini Egger Hapilsag (Boss) 7. Sapphirl Tower Baby Gourd Boars Corn Mover Helmet Crab Mint Pom Seahorse Demon Shining Pom Robber Trapper (Boss) 8. Old Schoolhouse - Underground Ruins/Basement Ballbat Dust Geist Puppet Fragger Shining Pom Wrap Spider Mouki (Boss) Storm Bringer (Boss) Treaure List [CH1TRL] *Note: Screen numbers are assigned always from North to South. -Korne Trail Screen 1: Reviving Balm, Crimson Platter -recipe- -Manoria Byroad Screen 2: Jenis Blazer (Red Chest). -Gull Seaside Way Screen 1: Reviving Balm, Purging Balm. Screen 2: Polychaete, Insularing Tape, Hard Loafers (Red Chest). Screen 3: Tear Balm, Smelling Salts, Surprise Cookie. -Aurian Causeway Screen 1: Teara Balm. -Sapphirl Tower Outside: EP Cut 1. Floor 2: Tear Balm, Shrimplet. Floor 3: Sapphire Talisman (Red Chest - Monster). Floor 4: EP Charge, Purging Balm. Floor 5: Perilous Meatballs -recipe-, Jenis Blouse (Red Chest), Pearl Earring (Red Chest), Ebpny Staff (Red Chest), Clog Boots (Red Chest). -Old School House Floor 1: Sepith Cache. Floor 2: Tear Balm. -Underground Ruins Floor 1: Teara Balm, Stinger II (Red Chest), Jenis Blazer (Red Chest), Teara Balm, EP Charge, Feather Brooch (Red Chest - Monster), Shield 1 (Red Chest), Reviving Balm, Attack 2 (Red Chest) Floor 2: Cast 2 (Red Chest - Monster), Hard Loafers (Red Chest), S-Tablet, EP Charge, Teara Balm, Zeram Powder, Reviving Balm, EP Charge. Recipe List [CH1RPL] 1. Nature's bounty - Bought (Ruan) 2. Azelia Kiss - Bought (Ruan) 3. Prime Salmon Grill - Bought (Ruan) 4. Sea Breeze Soup - Bought (Ruan) 5. Garden of Seaden - Bought (Manoria) 6. Sea 'Bubbles' - Bought (Manoria) 7. Miso-Stewed Fish - Bought (Manoria) 8. Perilous Meatballs - Chest (Sapphirl Tower) 9. Salt-Roasted Fish - Bought (Air-Letten) 10. Herb Sandwich - Bought (Air-Letten, Jenis Royal Academy) 11. Young Lady Plate - Bought (Jenis Royal Academy) 12. Hot-Hot Potato Fry - Bought (Jenis Royal Academy) 13. Royak Gelato - Bought (Jenis Royal Academy) 14. Crimson Platter - Found (West Krone Pass) Book Collection [CH1BKS] V2: In Ruan, earn 100 medals in the casino and exchange them for the book AS SOON AS you get off the Linde. There may be some leeway on this one. Also, not confirmed if you can get it on Chapters 2 and 8. Still, better get it ASAP before we get caught up in all the Quests. If you are not good at the casino, just exchange 500 mira for 100 medals and get the book with ease. :) Fishing Spots [CH1FSH] First of, you have to talk to Lloyd Twice, one on the Linde's observation deck, one when you go to Ruan's South Block at the wharehouses. You'll get Progressive Rod and Fishing Book (at the Linde) and Polychaete X5 (Warehouses). With this, you'll be able to fish. Lloyd even takes you to the first spot. All this steps are automatic, so you don't need to worry about missing them. One last thing: I haven't dedicated myself to fishing yet. Since it is more of an optional thing (with a few situational/quest-related uses) I won't be covering the Fishes you get at each spot...yet. Maybe by Chapter 8 when I have all the Fishing Rods and Baits and access to the whole of Liberl. Ruan City -North Block. The lower terrace west of the northent entrance of the city (navigate the paths under the bridge to get here). Fishes: -South Block. At the very eastern tip of the Harbor. Lloyd brings you here. Fishes: Gull Seaside Way Screen 3: On the southern tip of the small patch of sand near the southwest corner of the map (where there is a barrel half buried in the sand). Fishes: Sapphirl Tower (yes, there is one here). Floor 5: In the fountain in the center of the floor. Fishes: Air-Letten. Walk on the left side of the top path thet leads to Kaldia Tunnel. he "!" mark should appear. Fishes: Manoria Village Right in front of the White Magnolia's door. Fishes: Varenne Lighthouse Western side of the cliff, you can see the ripples way down in the sea. Fishes: Recommendation [CH1RCP] -All Monster quests can be completed at the start of Chapter 2, if you want to have an easier time when you get a full, Lv 45 party. -Sasapandas (Vista Forest Road, Aurian Causeway and Sapphirl Tower) drop the Laundry Pole+, the best current weapon for Estelle. -If you are not good at the Casino, just buy the medals to exchange for the prices you desire. Aside from the Book, the Long Barrel accessory is the most important...just a bit price. If you have the mira get at least 1...thought it is not that necessary yet. -Shining Pom Locations: Gull Seaside Way - Introllmuumuu and Hyurstamper Sapphirl Tower - Seahorse Demon Underground Ruins - Wrap Spider Quest Strategies [CH1QST] When choosing characters, Agate will make the next 3 Chapters easier, since he's crafts are really usefull. Choosing Scherazard will make it harder, since you will have more Art Users than Fighters, placing more work on Estelle and Tita. Kevin and "Knight" are situational characters, so they matter little to the overall strategies. Also, during the scene at the Grancel Guild, you'll be awarded with your BP and mira from the Prolouge...so, if you got less than you wanted you'll have to really go back to try again. :( Lastly, if you are worried about the Fishing items, there is no way to miss them since you have to talk to Lloyd both times to progress with the story, both at the Linde and at Ruan's South Block. S1.- Ruan Branch Assistance [CH1S1] Simple. Board the Airship bound to Ruan. You will have to make a choice on who will go with you: Scherazard or Agate. Whoever you choose will be your partner for long, and the other will join you on the last mission from [Ch3: The Mad Tea Party]. The choice affects the dialogs you will get, some scenes and your battle strategy will differ greatly, since Schera is more arts oriented, and Agate more of a physical fighter. So choose well. Anelace is of no concer for the rest of the disc, though. Airliner Linde Talk to Lloyd on the upper passanger lounge. He will give you the Fishing Book and a Progressive Rod. Talk to everyone and then change screens to proceed with the story. This will be repeated each time you find yourself riding an Airliner up until your arrival to Bose on Chapter 5. So I will not mention it again. Not that I need to. TOTAL BP - None. S2.- White Shadow Case [CH1S2] You'll be prompted to speak with 3 people about the "White Shadow". *Note: The 2nd and 3rd witnesses can be interrogated in any order, however, the best way to do it is to go to Air-Letten first. This is because you need to get the ingredients for quest [CH1O1], and this way you'll be getting half of them on your journey here. Save yourself some time. First one is in the warehouse on South Block. You have to go to the Ravens' place and hear their account before you are allowed out of the city. Save before entering the Warehouse though. -Boss- Rocco Lv - 40 HP - 4649 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks 1. Normal attack. 2. Shakedown. Def Down (enemy). 3. Invigorate. Str Up (ally). 4. Embolden. Revive ally. 5. Soul Infusion. Small heal. 6. No Mercy! Strong attack. Used when near death. Takes 2 turns to activate. Rais Lv - 40 HP - 4649 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks 1. Normal attack. 2. Shakedown. Def Down (enemy). 3. Invigorate. Str Up (ally). 4. Embolden. Revive ally. 5. Soul Infusion. Small heal. 6. No Mercy! Strong attack. Used when near death. Takes 2 turns to activate. Deen Lv - 40 HP - 4649 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks 1. Normal attack. 2. Shakedown. Def Down (enemy). 3. Invigorate. Str Up (ally). 4. Embolden. Revive ally. 5. Soul Infusion. Small heal. 6. No Mercy! Strong attack. Used when near death. Takes 2 turns to activate. A simple battle. Take them down one by one since all can use the same attacks. If anyone revives a fallen enemy, knock him down again. If you are using Agate, attack with his Spiral Edge craft to delay their attacks. Schera uses Aerial (if you have it). Estelle Morales and either uses Flare Arrow or Hard Break (your chioce). Heal whenever you have less than half HP. -Boss- Once you beat them, they will tell you that the witness is a guy named Belden who lives in the house next to the city's southern exit, he is on the second floor. Second is in Air Letten Checkpoint. Talk first to CWO Hahn in his office at the end of the hall, next go and talk to Nix who is guarding the gate on the 2nd floor that leads to Kaldia Tunnel. Third is in Mercia Orphanage. As soon as you enter the scenes play automatically. After the scenes, go to Manoria Village and check the "!" mark in the door to enter the windmill. More scenes, then Father Kevin will join you on your way back to Ruan. Take this chance to get to know his style, but don't waste your time equipping anything on him, since he leaves as soon as you enter Ruan. Back on the guild a scene. Next go to the Langland Bridge for another scene to proceed with the story. During the scene that follows, when Oliver asks a question, pick: 1st - Where the White Shadow Appeared. 2nd - Where the White Shadow Went. (+BP) 3rd - What the White Shadow Did. You will have to go to Jenis Royal Academy (duh!). Oliver...is back, so deck him with some quartz. Also, you might want to upgrade some of his slots and install an EP Cut 1 so you can have more uses of the Dark Matter space art, one hell of a usefull thingy! *Note: Dorothy will join as an NPC in battle, so be careful she is not knocked down in battle, for you will get an automatic Game Over. This is your only chance to complete quest [CH1O2] with Max BP now that our airhead photographer is around to make herself useful. -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- Be sure to finish everything you intend to before opening the gates of Jenis Royal Academy. Once you do there is no going back outside until Chapter 2. The quests that will be failed if you don't complete them now are: [CH1O1], [CH1O2], [CH1O6] -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- Once in the Royal Academy, speak to everyone. There are some scenes you have to look for specificly: -Hans in the Materials Archives. -Reina and Felicity in the grils' dormitory. -A scene in the Auditorium. Climb to the stage and it plays automatically. -Mickey in the Humanities Classroom on the 1st floor of the Schoolhouse. -Patrick on the Schoolhouse's 2nd floor, right by the message boards. Once you've seen all evening will come. Go to the Student Council Room and speak with Jill. Go to the Old School House. Follow the hints: 1st - in an unlit brazier in the upper right part of the main room. 2nd - on a desk in the 1st floor left wing, inside the first classroom as soon as you change screens. 3rd - on the knocked-down pot in the eastern rooftop garden. You will get a key to open the iron door on the right side 1st floor classrooms. Treasures Floor 1: Sepith Cache Floor 2: Tear Balm Underground Ruins There is a Rest Point right at the entrance, if you need it. As soon as you go through the 1st door there will be a mandatory battle. Protect Dorothy and keep her fully healed at all times. After the battle, our clueless photographer will finally leave the party. Heal and proceed through the dungeon. All the treasure chests will be found inside the small rooms along the paths. Teasures Floor 1: Teara Balm, Stinger II (Red Chest), Jenis Blazer (Red Chest), Teara Balm, EP Charge, Feather Brooch (Red Chest - Monster), Shield 1 (Red Chest), Reviving Balm, Attack 2 (Red Chest) Floor 2: Cast 2 (Red Chest - Monster), Hard Loafers (Red Chest), S-Tablet, EP Charge, Teara Balm, Zeram Powder, Reviving Balm, EP Charge. Take the time to bring Kloe (and Oliver, if you rushed here as soon as he joined you) to Lv 44 or 45. The enemies that give the better ammount of experience are the Puppet Fraggers (for obvious reasons you'll see soon). Once you reach the 2nd Rest point at the end of the 2nd floor (such redundancy!) save and prepare for the boss. Be sure to have as many Faint protections as possible (Feather Brooch). Also, equip the Sapphire Talisman on your strongest fighter. If you got Cast 2, equip it on Oliver to gain access to Hell Gate. The scenes before the boss will clue you as to my addition to the title of the Chapter. >( -Boss- Storm Bringer LV - 45 HP - 13777 Elemental Weakness: E =120, W =120, F =50, A =0 Attacks: 1. Call Allies. Summons 1 Puppet Fragger. 2. Cursed Blade. Area attack, Def Down. 3. Orbal Hurricane. Wide Line attack, knock back. 4. All-hitter art. Can be canceled (the reason I don't know what it is...hehehe). Puppet Fraggers LV - 44 HP - 1144 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =120, F =100, A =80 Attacks: 1. Normal attack. Can cause Faint. 2. Death Throes. Str and Spd Up to Allies. It may seem intimidating at first when you see the Puppets know Death Throes, but in reality this is not that hard a battle. Start by erradicating the Puppets. You heard right. Just kill all of them and don't worry about the Death Throes. Estelle uses True Hurricane on the Puppets, or Fire Bolt EX, whichever is fine. Oliver uses Hell Gate, or any other area art he has available. Kloe helps with healing, especially when the boss' Cursed Blade mixes with the Puppets' Death Throes. Agate just uses that big blade of his on the boss, or any of his crafts that can hit many opponents at once. Schera rellies on area arts. Once all Puppets are down, spread your party around the boss so his Orbal Hurricane can hit only one person at a time. Then Morale/Forte Estelle and Agate and begin hitting the boss. Oliver and Schera will use their most powerful arts on the boss, while Kloe keeps him Def Downed, heals any damage the fighters have incurred and uses Blue Impact if no healing is required. If at any time the boss summons another Puppet (he can only call one at a time) remove it from the battle immediatly and resume your assault. Whenever the boss begins charging his all-hitting art, cancel it immediatly with the first character available. All have the means to do so. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Scenes, Chapter end. I so want to fight Blueblanc! (and be cruel to him!) TOTAL BP - 5 (+3) O1.- Come, Ingredient Hunters! [CH1O1] - Available: From the moment you arrive in Ruan. - Expires: When you enter Jenis Royal Academy (PNR). You need to deliver Monster type ingredients to Mr Orvid in the 2nd floor of the inn at Manoria Village. He is in the room with the balcony. He asks only for 6 types of ingredients. Do not be fooled by the first list he gives you. That part is meant to missled you. The actual ingredients he wants are something else not mentioned in the list (see below). -Juicy Bone X2 -Lucky Fang X2 -Curative Horn X2 -Tender Poultry X2 -Fish Egg X2 -Bird Egg X2 You get them by fighting the following mobs in the Ruan Region. -Aurian Causeway and Sapphirl Tower Gourd Boar (Lucky Fang), Helmet Crab (Curative Horn), Roadrunner (Tender Poultry and Bird Egg), Seahorse Demon (Juicy Bone) -Gull Seaside Way Shark Gator (Fish Egg) -Vista Forest Road Gourd Boar (Lucky Fang), Roadrunner (Tender Poultry and Bird Egg) Give him all the ingredients requested to get the extra BP. >Credit to Terry Gunawan for finding out which ingredients and in what ammount. Thanks mate. Orvid gives you Savory Pinion X5 for your troubles. TOTAL BP - 2 (+1) O2.- Sapphirl Tower Photo [CH1O2] - Available: From the moment you arrive in Ruan. - Expires: When you enter Jenis Royal Academy (PNR). Go to Hotel Blanche and enter the room to the left of the entrance. inside you'll meet a guy from the Museum of History who wants you to go to Sapphirl Tower's 6th Floor terrace and photograph the glowing altar. He even gives you an Orbal Camera (UEI, use it with Triangle + R). At the top of the tower, and after the small scene, walk to the spot right in the middle of the 4 columns and use the Camera to take the picture. You could use any other spot, but this one is the easiest to point out. °_° HOWEVER Just having Estell take the picture will not be enough to get Max BP from this quest, no matter where you stand to take it. So HOW in Aidios' name do you get a perfect picture?! It's so simple really, and it makes me applause Falcom's ability to make you ignore the obvious: Just wait until Dorothy joins your party as an NPC and then take her to the top of Sapphirl Tower. Estelle is like my near-sighted aunt, Dorothy is a pro. Choose any good spot you like (where Estelle says so too) and take the picture. Then, after the short dialogue, you get the option to ask Dorothy to take the photo and Bingo! Extra BP. Make sure you protect her during the battles. Or better yet: avoid fighting entirely. As a perk, you'll be asked if you want to continue exploring the tower or if you want to go back to town. Choosing to go back will take you automaticaly to Ruan's southern entrance. Cool. As a bonus, you get the Moonglasses accessory. > Credit to randomweirdo for being patient and discovering that Dorothy has her uses after all... TOTAL BP - 1 (+2) HO3.- Lighthouse Test Run [CH1O3] - Available: as soon as you reach Ruan. - Expires: when you return to Ruan after you finish questioning the witnesses of the White Shadow. As soon as you talk to old man Vogt at Varenne Lighthouse, there will be a scene, and some options will appear. 1. Is there something you need? 2. Well, whatever it is, you need to take care of yourself. Choose 1 to begin this Hidden Quest. Mr. Vogt the Lighthouse keeper wants you to fix the machine by hiting the 4 switches in the right order. The trick is to rise the power little by little. First you can check the manual on the bookshelves ("!" mark) to get an idea...or you can read on: The switches are the 4 "!" marks on the right side of the room. The switches. 1. Black metal Cylinder - Activation Switch. 2. Small Console RIGHT next to 1 - Orbal Amplitude. 3. Console with a small metal drum on the rightmost wall - Stabilizer Strength. 4. Big Black Metal Boxes next to the door - Connection Quartz. The procedure: 1st set Orbal Amplitude - Low Stabilizer Strength - Low Then flip the Activation Switch to ON. The machines will begin to make noise. 2nd set Orbal Amplitude - Mid Stabilizer Strength - Mid 3rd set Orbal Amplitude - High Stabilizer Strength - High 4th set If you followed the order correctly, flip the Connection Quartz to ON and voila! Quest completed. If you mess up, the noise will stop and you have to begin from 1st set. Vogt will give you: Shrimplet X5 Polychaete X5 Lastly, when the choice pups up: 1. Take care, old man! 2. Let us know if you need anything else. (+BP) *Note: Vogt mentions there is a fishing spot right outside the Lighthouse along the cliffs. It is on the western side, FYI. TOTAL BP - 2 (+1) O4.- Vista Forest Road Monster [CH1O4] - Available: as soon as you arrive at Ruan. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Zeiss at te start of Chapter 2. Preparations: Have Silver Earring/Chain equipped to prevent poison. Where to find: Vista Forest Road, the screen right before Jenis Royal Academy. Southernmost part of the map (on the part where the road splits, the wider road). The really big grey mushroom/snake. -Boss- Mercury Viper X2 Lv - 43 HP - 3766 Elemental Weakness: E = 80, W = 80, F = 120, A =120 Attacks: 1. Venom. Poisons target. Strategy: Careful, they spit. Silver Earrings/Chain should prevent the added poison effect. Just Morale and begin attacking with both characters. If using Agate, use Spiral Edge to delay one of the snakes. If using Schera, use your strongest single target Fire or Air Arts. Rely on Heaven's Kiss craft to hijack turns to get most of the bonuses. Overall, an easy battle. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 2 O5.- Gull Seaside Way Monster [CH1O5] - Available: as soon as you arrive at Ruan. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Zeiss at te start of Chapter 2. Preparations: Have Flare Arrow. configure EVERYONE's quartz so all party members have it. Where to find: Gull Seaside Way Screen 2, blocking the small path right in the middle of the screen. It is the big grey wolf with long wiskers. -Boss- Cobalt Saber X3 Lv - 44 HP - 2250 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =80, F =120, A =100 Attacks: 1. Bite. Normal attack. 2. Death Throes. Def and Agl up for Allies. Strategy: Three on two (if you do this one early) can be a bit of a problem...unless you know what to do. The key to winning this battle without much trouble is to alternate targets. No matter who you have with you, you'll need to attack using a Flare Arrow/Fire Bolt combo. One character uses one FA on target 1, then the other uses another FA. However, in case you are using Schera, 2 FAs will kill one target, so in this case, Estelle will have to settle with FB. The key is to leave the Cobalt Sabers within an inch of the grave, so that you can use True Hurricane, Flame Smash, Draguna Edge or Comet (all Moraled) to kill all three in one go, since it is when they use Death Throes when physicals will do minimal damage. If done correctly, you only need 6 arts and one craft to finish the job. As for Agate using FA, even with his...innadecuate capabilities, he can still squeeze the necessary ammount of damage, so no sweat there. :) Ah! I l.o.v.e. fire! #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 3 O6.- Sunday School Lecturer [CH1O6] - Available: after the Incident at Langland Bridge. - Expires: when you enter Jenis Royal Academy. Estelle must give a lesson about bracers to the kids from Ruan's sunday school. This is a sort-of quizz game. You have to get ALL questions right in order to pass this quest. To know if the answer is correct, check Estelle's expresion after her explanation, If she grins you got it. The answers are: A. 2 (Protection of the peace and citizenry of local regions) B. 1 (7 ranks from Class G to A) C. 3 (About 50 years ago) D. 3 (Non-interferance with state powers) E. 2 (Prioritize the safety of civilians) F. 2 (You are required to be above 16 years of age) G. 3 (Prioritize client's intent) H. 2 (The Royal Army forces) I. 2 (Guild Code, Principle 2) J. 3 (42 arge) Get all the answers right: +BP!!! TOTAL BP - 2 (+2) O7.- Krone Trail Monster [CH1O7] - Available: After the Incident at Langland Bridge. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Zeiss at te start of Chapter 2. Preparations: Sliver Chain/Earrings are a must if you wanna avoid the poison. Where to find: Almost at the Krone Pass, you'll see againt scorpion-like thing blocking the way. That's your target. -Boss- Hapilsag X2 LV - 45 HP - 4307 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Sting. 4 hits, high chance of inflicting poison. 2. Grand Submariner. Random multitarget attack. Strategy: Rather easy. Estelle Morales, Kloe Kaemfers (Impose), Agate Spira Edges, Schera Heaven Kisses and Oliver Dark Matters. Focus on one at a time. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 2 O8.- Aurian Causeway Monster [CH1O8] - Available: After the Incident at Langland Bridge. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Zeiss at te start of Chapter 2. Preparations: Equip on Estelle the Sapphire Talisman. Every one must have their CP gauges full. Where to find: At the fork on second screen on the road that continues to Air-Letten Checkpoint. A big wolf with long wiskers. -Boss- Ash Saber X3 LV - 45 HP - 3440 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =120, F =80, A =100 Attacks: - Bite. Normal Attack - Death Throes. Str and Spd Up to Allies. Strategy: Similar to those found on Gull Seaside Way, only this time they are resistant to arts, so Oliver (and Kloe if you wait to complete the quest) will do little damage. Still, there is nothing to worry about. Estelle Morales everyone, then becomes the main attacker using True Hurricane. Have the others support her with healing. Make sure she is hitting the three enemies (equip Hit 1 if you think it'll help) Schera uses Heaven's Kiss to give Estelle turns. Agate uses Flame Smash 2 or Draguna Edge, which ever can hit more enemies. Oliver uses Quick Draw or heals. Kloe uses Impose or Heals. Should you fail to kill them all in one fell swoop, they will use Death Throes, in which case you have to kill the remaining ones ASAP or they can easily kill Oliver and Kloe...and Dorothy if she is with you. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 3 HO9.- Election Office Assault [CH1O9] - Available: At the start of Chapter 2. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Zeiss at te start of Chapter 2. This quest is available at the begining of Ch2, before you go to the airport. You have to talk to Nial in his room on the hotel and then return to the reception to start this quest. A man named Herio will approach to you. Answer yes and let us start the show. You have to investigate an assault on one of the guys involved with the election. After hearing the explanation of the facts its Q and A time: This is what you have to do: every time you ask the correct option to the correct person, a new option will be added. 1. About 'Kuper'. Asking both Kuper and Belden will add 'Sounds' and 'Angry'. 2. About 'Angry'. Ask Kuper to add the 'Herio' option. 3. About 'Herio'. Ask Ernest (the receptionist). Then walk back to the stairs. Your other party members will show up. Go back and ask Ernest about 'Herio' one more time to add 'Lunch'. 4. ask Murray to add the 'Bell toll' option. 5. Ask about 'Bell toll'. Ask Ernest to add 'Cleaned up'. Now everything splits into two: Kuper's innocence and the culprit. To find the culprit: 1. Ask Murray about 'Sound', then about 'Bell toll'. 2. Ask Kuper about 'Sounds'. 3. Ask Norman and Kuper about 'Bell toll'. Kuper's innocence has been proven, 1. About 'Lunch'. ask Belden, then Norman. 2. Ask Norman about again about 'Lunch' then about 'Cleaned up'. 3. Ask Belden once more about 'Lunch' and 'bell toll'. 4. Ask Murray about 'Lunch' one more time. 5. Ask Belden about 'Bell toll' one more time. 'Belden' option added! 6. Now you must interrogate everyone about 'Belden'. Once you've done all this, go talk to Agate/Schera and choose to Report. The answers to their questions are: 1: He has a solid alibi. 2. He has no alibi. 3. He knew about the special paella. And that's that. Sure wanna do something nasty to that prick... >( TOTAL BP - 5 O10.- Recruiting Great Gamblers [CH1O10] - Available: At the start of Chapter 2 and before boarding the Airliner. *Note: The correct Choices change depending if you choose Agate or Schera. Obviously, Agate makes it easier. Talk to Ms. Lakeisha in the first floor of Lavantar Casino and Bar to begin the quest. She gives you 1000 mira for you to gamble. Go to the 2nd floor and a scene will begin. Your objective is to defeat Lakeisha's gambling husband Phelio at poker. Agate 1st - Choice doesn't matter, Challenge. (Agate) 2nd - Choice doesn't matter, Fold. (Oliver) 3rd - Change all Cards. (Estelle) Schera 1st - Leave One Pair, Challenge. (Estelle) 2nd - Choice doesn't matter, Fold. (Oliver) 3rd - Keep all Spade cards. (Schera) Report to the lady on the 1st floor. > Credit to 20thCenturyGirl for reporting that you need to Challenge with Agate and Fold with Oliver. > Credit to stryd3r for confirming the Schera Team options. TOTAL BP - None (+2) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch2 The Raging Land [CH2] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH2OVW] Areas You Visit -City of Zeiss 1. Factory Block. 2. Airport. 3. City Block. -Kaldia Tunnel 1. Kaldia Tunnel 1 (Zeiss entrance/Limestone Cave entrance) 2. Kaldia Tunnel 2 (Twin Bridges) 3. Kaldia Tunnel 3 (Air-Letten exit) -Limestone Cave -Tratt Plains 1. Tratt Plains 1 (Zeiss South exit) 2. Tratt Plains 2 (Central Plains) 3. Tratt Plains 3 (the 'Stone Circle' clearing, counts also as part of screen 5) 4. Tratt Plains 4 (Elmo Village exit) 5. Tratt Plains 5 (Wolf Fort exit) 6. Carnelia Tower (Dungeon) -Ritter Roadway 1. Ritter Roadway 1 (Zeiss East exit) 2. Ritter Roadway 2 (Soldat Army Road entrance) 3. Ritter Roadway 3 (Sanktheim Gate exit) -Soldat Army Road 1. Soldat Army Road 1 (Ritter Roadway exit) 2. Soldat Army Road 2 (Leiston Fortress exit) -Sanktheim Gate -Elmo Village -Hot Springs Fountainhead (Dungeon) 1. Hot Springs Fountainhead 1 (Entrance) 2. Hot Springs Fountainhead 2 (Boiling Lake) 3. Hot Springs Fountainhead 3 (Recovery Spring) 4. Hot Springs Fountainhead 4 (Boss) Quest List [CH2QSL] S1.- Earthquake Investigation S2.- Investigate the Epicenter O1.- The Stolen Sign O2.- Training Assistance O3.- New Model Orbal Gun Test O4.- Tratt Plains monster O5.- Kaldia Tunnel monster O6.- Parts Search O7.- Eliminate the Peeping Tom O8.- Tratt Plains monster 2 O9.- Soldat Army Road monster O10.- Missing Guest Bracer Points: 54 S1.- 2 (+6) S2.- 6 (+2) O1.- 4 O2.- 3 (+2) O3.- 2 (+1) O4.- 3 O5.- 3 O6.- 2 (+1) O7.- 3 O8.- 4 O9.- 5 O10.- 5 Point(s) of No-Return [CH2PNR] Only quest-related. Entering Wolf Fort during quest [CH2S1] and reporting the device instalation to Prof. Russell will make you fail the following quests: [CH2O1], [CH2O2] and [CH2O7]. As for the Hot Springs Fountainhead, you can actually go out and return to Zeiss. Quest Flowchart [CH2QFC] TBA Monsters [CH2MNT] 1. Kaldia Tunnel Bubble Blower Cave Ray Damp Crawler Fairie Epitaph Jet Tortoise Fly Skipper (Boss) Whale Frog (Male) (Boss) Whale Frog (Female) (Boss) 2. Kaldia Limestone Cave Baby Penguins Blue Penguin Green Penguin Pink Penguin Red Penguin White Penguin Yellow Penguin King Penguin Divine Penguin (Boss) 3. Tratt Plains Armored Rabbit Bane Cobra Grass Hopper Hopper Chief Mercury Viper Shining Pom War Mantis Ya-Kah Creepy Sheep Pink Sheep Sky Sheep Big Sheep (Boss) Mantrap (Boss) 4. Carnelia Tower Flame Velgr Pumpkin Pom Shining Pom Spike Jellyfish Robber Trapper 5. Ritter Roadway Armored Rabbit Bane Cobra War Mantis 6. Soldat Army Road Armored Rabbit Bane Cobra Grass Hopper War Mantis Creepy Sheep Pink Sheep Bloody Saber (Boss) 7. Lesiton Fortress Lt. Colonel Cid (Boss) Royal Soldier (Boss) Warrant Officer Belc (Boss) 8. Hot Springs Fountainhead Damp Crawler Fairie Epitaph Jet Tortoise Lark Cactus Parasite Prima Ya-Kah Abyss Worm (Boss) Treaure List [CH2TRL] -Kaldia Tunnel Screen 1: Frog, Mirage Ring (Red Chest-Monster), Insulating Tape Screen 2: Gemini Boots (Red Chest), Teara Balm, Deathblow 2 (Red Chest), EP Charge -Limestone Cave Screen 1: EP Charge Screen 2: EP Charge, Lily Necklace (Red Chest), Celestial Balm Screen 3: Long Barrel (Red Chest), Teara Balm -Tratt Plains Screen 1: Piscis Heart, Earthworm Screen 2: Sepith Cache (Red Chest) Screen 3: Silver Earring (Red Chest) Screen 4: Insulating Tape, River Snail, Teara Balm Screen 5: Zeram Powder, Softeing Balm -Carnelia Tower Floor 1: Teara Balm, Reviving Balm, EP Charge, Sepith Cache (Red Chest) Floor 2: Ruby Talisman (Red Chest) Floor 3: Seafood Jelly -recipe-, Teara Balm Floor 4: Action 2, EP Charge Floor 5: Blue Cashmere (Red Chest), Attack 3 (Red Chest/monster), Five Rings Cane (Red Chest), Accel Gear (Red Chest), EP Charge, Red Jacket (Red Chest) -Ritter Roadway Screen 1: -Soldat Army Road Screen 1: Perilous Meatballs -recipe-, Impede 2 (Red Chest), Teara Balm Screen 2: Curia Balm -Hot Springs Fountainhead Screen 1: Reviving Balm, Teara Balm, Screen 2: Smelling Salts, Gemini Boots (Red Chest), Rainbow Surprise -recipe-, Blue Cashmere (Red Chest) Screen 3: Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Machine Planker (Red Chest), Softening Balm Screen 4: Boss. Recipe List [CH2RPL] 1. Fruit Kingdom - Bought (Zeiss) 2. Tomatrio Sandwich - Bought (Zeiss) 3. Fowl Magma Roast - Bought (Zeiss/Wolf Fort) 4. Azelia Kiss - Bought (Zeiss) 5. Nature's Bounty - Bought (Zeiss) 6. Premium Herb Tea - Bought (Zeiss) 7. Macho Meat Stew - Bought (Sanktheim Gate) 8. Passion Omelet - Bought (Sanktheim Gate) 9. Mountain Man Stew - Bought (Elmo) 10. Flower Milkshake - Bought (Elmo) 11. Ambrosial Egg - Bought (Elmo) 12. Rainbow Surprise - Found (Hot Spring Fountainhead) Book Collection [CH2BKS] V3: When you board the Cecilia at the begining of the chapter talk TWICE to Oliver to get it. Fishing Spots [CH2FSH] You'll find the Piscis Heart rod in Tratt Plains Screen 1. -Kaldia Tunnel Screen 2: On the Eastern side of the longest bridge (the one by the Rest Point). -Tratt Plains Screen 2: Check the Northeastern side of the little lake. -Leiston Fortress: At the northeastern corner of the area. -Elmo Village: The pond in the inner garden of the Maple Leaf Inn. -Kaldia Limestone Cave: return to the lake where you fought the boss (Divine Penguin) and you'll find a spot there too. Recommendation [CH2RCP] -Tita's level is too low? No problemo. Fight the rabbit enemies in Tratt Plains. Every once in a while there will be a Shining Pom with them. 2 casts of Dark Matter will kill it...and if not, there is always the S-Craft approach! 3 battle will bring her up to Lv 50! -Tomatrio Sandwich, the CP recovery food, is now available! Be sure to carry always at least 5 of them (some of the ingredients are a bit costly) for emergency craft recovery... -Shining Pom Locations: Tratt Plains - Armored Rabbit Carnelia Tower - Pumpkin Pom (well, they are tecnically the leaders of the Pom species) and Spike Jellyfish Quest Strategies [CH2QST] S1.- Earthquake Investigation [CH2S1] Immediatly after disembarking from the airship, a scene will ocurr. When you regain control, go to the Russel's Home and Lab for more scenes. You'll be commanded to go check on the accounts of the soldiers in Wolf Fort to the east. Once you get there, talk to all the soldiers, then a scene will occur. BP ALERT - Before leaving Zeiss, go back to the entrance to Kaldia Tunnel on Basement Floor 1 and talk to Rudy After the scene in Wolf Fort and talk to CWO Pace, then go and interrogate Private Brahm, then talk to Private Henning on the 2nd floor of the rest area. Lastly, go back to CWO Pace and talk to him one las time. Leave Wolf Fort and you'll be taken automatically to Sanktheim Gate to take more accounts. Talk first to officer Talbot inside the storage room. There will be a question: 1st - The Shaking Was Stronger. 2nd - It Lasted Longer. 3rd - Both. (+BP) Nex, is of to the roof to talk to Private Chelsea at the roof of the main building. Lastly, go down to the mess hall and talk to the maid, Tammy. Return then to Zeiss to report to Prof. Russel at the Bracer Guild. Now the Prof. will give you three transmiters and ask you place them on 3 specific places in the Zeiss Region: -Halfway through the screen with the metal bridges in Kaldia Tunnel, close to the rest point. -At the door of Leiston Fortress -Between the 5-rocks formation in Tratt Plains. To get there, leave Zeiss and take the eastbound road. On the next screen, take the upper right exist (check your map, its next to the lake). You will have to fight some sheep enemies (weak to fire, mmm roast mutton). After placing all 3 transmiters, head back to Zeiss factory's 5th Floor and talk to the Prof. TOTAL BP - 2 (+6) S2.- Investigate the Epicenter [CH2S2] After the scene at the Capel, a choice: Correct Choice - Elmo village Hot Spring (+BP) you'll be prompted to go to Elmo Village and talk to Mrs. Matilda. She will give you the key to the village's northen gate, giving you access to the Hot Springs Fountainhead. Hot Springs Fountainhead This place si composed of four screens, all madde up of narrow tunnels sporting som geysers. You have to time the geysers to avoid the boiling water they spew bor it will hurt yoou for as long as you are on its area of effect. That said, this is not a complicated place, and would serve to close level gaps since everything is in Lv 52. Once you reach a small, crater-like boiling spring right in the middle of a "T" junction, the boss is ahead. First, head South to find a spring that recovers HP. Then equip Blind protection and head North while dodging the last geysers. Reach the fourth screen and automatically...Chapter Boss! Screen 1: Reviving Balm, Teara Balm, Screen 2: Smelling Salts, Gemini Boots (Red Chest), Rainbow Surprise -recipe-, Blue Cashmere (Red Chest) Screen 3: Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Machine Planker (Red Chest), Softening Balm Screen 4: Boss. -Boss- Abyss Worm X5 LV - 52 HP - 4408 Elemental Weakness: E =0, W =80, F =100, A =150 Attacks: 1. Lighting Fall. Single, can inflict Blind. 2. Earth Shaker. All-hitter. Parasite Prima X3 LV - 52 HP - 911 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. X Absorb. Can absorb HP, EP of CP (huh?!) Strategy: You are outnumbered, so begin killing the Primas with Aerial and/or Tita's Smoke Cannon. Next begin focusing on the Worms. They are slow, and often waste a turn geting close. To deal with them, it is better if you use Air arts, namely Aerial with as many characters as possible and trying to hit all worms. This is an easy chapter boss, so there will be no real trouble taking them down, so long as you keep yourself healed above half HP and prevent them from using Critical turns or things could get messy. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 6 (+2) O1.- The Stolen Sign [CH2O1] - Available: as soon as you arrive at Zeiss. - Expires: When you enter Wolf Fort during quest [CH2S1]. Kilika will explain. The phantom thief strikes back... Go seek the clue-cards scattered around the city. 1st: behind the Clock on the east exit of the city. Check the "!" mark on its south side (acording to the compass). 2nd: in the Capel, on the 5th floor of the factory, check the second option (Universal Tech), then the last (Bracer Guild Sign, he is trully earning a Dragon Dive for this one!). 3rd: on the back of the restaurant building, below the 3 long chimenies on the south wall. The Sign is obtained by speaking with Faye at the Factory's B1. TOTAL BP - 4 O2.- Training Assistance [CH2O2] - Available: as soon as you arrive at Zeiss. - Expires: When you enter Wolf Fort during quest [CH2S1]. Go to Leiston Fortress and speak with the guard by the door. After the scenes talk to him again and choose the first answer. Fight 3 consecutive battles against the soldiers in the fort. You must win them all to get the most BP. For strategy's sake, I'll be treating the three battles as sub bosses. Fight 1 is against 4 riflemen. -Sub Boss- Royal Soldier X4 LV - 46 HP - 1550 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Paint Round. can inflict Blind. 2. Freeze Round. Can inflict Freeze (duh!) 3. Bayonette. Normal attack. Strategy: A simple battle. The status effects are not that common, so unless you are uunlucky don't worry about them. The point is to knock them with arts. Favor both Hell Gate, Flare Arrow, Blue Impact, Earth Lance and Dark Matter. If you are sure the art will activate before the soldiers take their turn, throw an area art. At all time you most conserve your CP. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Sub Boss- Fight 2 against 1 sword soldier and 3 riflemen. -Sub Boss- Warrant Officer Belc LV - 48 HP - 3111 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Sword Slash. Royal Soldier X3 LV - 46 HP - 1550 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Paint Round. can inflict Blind. 2. Freeze Round. Can inflict Freeze (duh!) 3. Shock Round. Can inflict Faint. 3. Bayonette. Normal attack. Strategy: Same as last one, only be sure to first remove from the picture the Warrant Officer with your strongest arts. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Sub Boss- Fight 3 is against Cid, a sword soldier and 2 riflemen. -Sub Boss- Lt. Colonel Cid LV - 55 HP - 9745 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Flash Strike. Line attack, will move to the end of the line. Can inflict AT Delay (bad). 2. Arc Prominence. Fire art, all hitter. 3. Spiral Flash Strike. Single target multistrike. Warrant Officer Belc LV - 48 HP - 3111 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Sword Slash. Royal Soldier X2 LV - 46 HP - 1550 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Paint Round. can inflict Blind. 2. Freeze Round. Can inflict Freeze (duh!) 3. Shock Round. Can inflict Faint. 3. Bayonette. Normal attack. Strategy: Now we are talking! Cid is your main concern, since one Dark Matter per Royal Soldier will remove them from the battle. Next kill Belc ASAP. Cid's attacks are quite damaging if you have to worry about other targets, so take care of his lakeys first. At all time, if you see Cid preparing an art, cancel it immediatly. One Arc Prominence will knocn 2/3rds of your HP! If there is another enemy to double tap you... Once it is between you and the Lt. Colonel, show no mercy! ...I love this mock battle quests! (hehehe) #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Sub Boss- You get a Gladiator Headband for your troubles. Le yay! TOTAL BP - 3 (+2) O3.- New Model Orbal Gun Test [CH2O3] -Available: as soon as you arrive at Zeiss. -Expires: when you report to Prof. Russel after setting the 3 transmitters. Talk to Karl at the testing room on the 3rd floor of the factory, he is the man wearing a lab coat. He'll give you a gun for Oliver to test. Equip the gun and go to Tratt Plains (and only there will the battles count for your total) on the south and fight 15 to 20 battles with the gun equipped. It doesn't matter if Oliver fires or not, you only need to win them. If you fight 15 battles or more with the pistol, you earn extra BP TOTAL BP - 2 (+1) O4.- Tratt Plains monster [CH2O4] - Available: as soon as you arrive at Zeiss. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Grancel at the start of Chapter 3. Preparations: Try to cover both Faint, Blind and Poison. Cook at leats 5 Royal Gelatos. Where to find: Screen 2, a little south of the NE exit (the one with no name tag). Giant carnivore plant. -Boss- Mantrap X3 LV - 49 HP - 3451 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =120, A =120 Attacks: 1. Devour. Normal attack, absorbs a little HP. 2. Corruption of the Earth. Area attack (M), inflicts random status. Strategy: Right of the bat, start firing Fire Bolt EX and Spiral Flare if you have it with all your art users. Agate's Spiral Edge will help prevent too many turns from the enemies and give you breathing room, while Schera's Heaven Kiss will make the fire arts come faster. Every time the enemies inflict either Sleep or Faint cure immediatly with items (preferrably food). Be ready to use a La Teara to keep everyone above 1/2 of HP. Never stop casting the fire arts, you need to make sure at least one of them connects. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 3 O5.- Kaldia Tunnel monster [CH2O5] - Available: as soon as you arrive at Zeiss. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Grancel at the start of Chapter 3. Preparations: Equip Silver Chain/Earrings, have full Craft gauges. Where to find: Screen 3, on the Eastern part (the closest to the exit to Air-Letten Checkpoint). The gaint toad-thing is on the main road, can't miss it. -Boss- Whale Frog (Female) LV - 48 HP - 4300 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =100, A =80 Attacks: 1. Call for backup. Can call both Whale Frogs (Male). Whale Frog (Male) X4 LV - 48 HP - 2450 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =100, A =80 Attacks: 1. Tounge. Has a 25% of inflicting poison. 2. Call for backup. Can call Fly Skippers. Strategy: Get rid of the Female ASAP, since it will call a new Male every turn. The Males will mostly stick to using their tounges on you. If there are several targeting one character thay can kill him/her rather quickly. Every once in a while they will summon a Fly Skipper. They are just a nuisance and will day to any non-air art you fling at them. To kill them without much trouble, Morale and then proceed to focus your attention on the Female. Agate should of course use Spiral Edge to prevent the appearance of more Males, while all your art users pelt her with Hell Gate, Flare Arrow, Blue Impact, Earth Lance or Dark Matter. She should fall rather quickly to a concentrated assault. Estelle can join in with Comet and Spiral Flare (if you have it). Once the Female is gone, use non-air area arts (Stone Impact, Spiral Flare, Fire Bolt EX and Hell Gate) to get rid of as many males as you can target as well as any stray Fly Skippers. With the Silver Chain/Earrings equipped this fight is slow but easy. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 3 O6.- Parts Search [CH2O6] - Available: during story quest [S3.- Earthquake Investigation], when Tita joins your party. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Grancel at the start of Chapter 3. Talk to Erick behind the counter on the 1st floor of the factory. Agree to search for the 8 orbment parts. You will get the Metal Detector UEI. To find the parts hold triangle and press R to use the radar given by the client until a "?" mark appears over Estelle's head. 3 are on the Workshop, floor 3. 4 are on the Lab (the one with the greenhouse), floor 4. 1 is in possesion of the cat Antoine, floor 4 infirmary. Once all 8 are in your possesion, go to Erick. If you found all 8 you get max BP. He also freeloads a Surprise Bell accessory. TOTAL BP - 2 (+1) O7.- Eliminate the Peeping Tom [CH2O7] - Available: during story quest [S3.- Earthquake Investigation], when Tita joins your party. - Expires: when you report to Prof. Russel after setting the 3 transmitters. *Note: this quest is available during the story quest [S3.- Earthquake Investigation] and must be completed before you report to Prof. Russel Go to Ms. Mao in her hotel at Elmo Village. Agree to help during the conversation. After the scenes, fight the sheeps. -Sub Boss- Pink Sheep LV - 48 HP - 14202 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Sheep Asura Form. Myghty morphing power sheep combination! Black Sheep X2 LV - 48 HP - 10002 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =200, A =100 Attacks: 1. Kick. Normal attack. 2. Baaaad Touch. Single traget Combo. Can casue Faint. 3. Gone Loco! Target Str Up and Def Down. Creepy Sheep X3 LV - 48 HP - 8386 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =120, A =100 Attacks: 1. Kick. Normal attack. Can inflict AT Delay. 2. Baaaad Touch. Single traget Combo. Can casue Faint. 3. Gone Loco! Target Str Up and Def Down. Big Sheep LV - 50 HP - 9218 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Sheep Whirlwind Spiral Kick. Line attack. 2. Super Star Sheep Punch. Combo attack. Single. Strategy: Spend as many turns buffing yourself until the Pink Sheep uses its one attack. THEN you can begin the assault. Until then, your attacks, crafts and arts won't hurt them. Once combined, the Big Sheep is rather easy. Wheather arts or crafts, just keep pummeling it. Agate's Spiral Edge will give you more turns, and Schera's Heaven's Kiss will make the arts fire faster. Heal with La Teara whenever you are under half HP. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Sub Boss- *Note: You may want to save before talking to Mrs. Mao so you can switch Oliver and Kloe if you want to see their specific dialogues. As for Agate and Schera, 'till the 2nd playthrough (just you wait Oliver...mwahahaha!) TOTAL BP - 3 O8.- Tratt Plains monster 2 [CH2O8] - Available: during story quest [S3.- Earthquake Investigation], when Tita joins your party. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Grancel at the start of Chapter 3. Preparations: If you want an even easier time, equip your physical attacker with the Ruby Talisman. Where to find: Tratt Plains Screen 3 on the western edge at the widest area (opposite the small lake). -Boss- Ya-Kah X6 LV - 52 HP - 1668 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =120, A =100 Attacks: 1. HP Absorb. Strategy: Easy as pie! These pests are weak to fire, so Spiral Flare/Fire Bolt EX will chop large chunks of their HP. So would Agate's Draguna Edge and Flame Smash crafts and Estelle's True Hurricane. Tita's Smoke cannon will also add Blind to them, making their HP Absorb a laughing matter. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 4 O9.- Soldat Road monster [CH2O9] - Available: during story quest [S3.- Earthquake Investigation], when Tita joins your party. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Grancel at the start of Chapter 3. Preparations: Have a full craft gauge. Where to find: You have to kill this red wolf to proceed to Leiston Fortress. -Boss- Bloody Saber LV - 48 HP - 6854 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =120, F =100, A =120 Attacks: 1. Bite. Normal attack. Abosrbs HP. 2. Death Throes. Str and Spd Up to allies. Pink Sheep, War Mantis X2, Creepy Sheep X2 Strategy: First, kill the other mobs with arts and such. You've fought them all over the place so killing them is a synch. Once gone, killing the Bloody Saber shouln't take to much time, and the fact he is alone negates the purpose of his Death Throes, hehehe! #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 O10.- Missing Guest [CH2O10] - Available: at the start of Chapter 3. - Expires: when you board the Airliner bound for Grancel at the start of Chapter 3. You must go to Kaldia Tunnel and then to the Limestone Cave. At the end of the cave (where you found the antidote ingredient in Trails FC) you'll find the client...and the boss. -Boss- Divine Penguin LV - 52 HP - 12009 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Catfish Shock. Single, can inflict Seal. 2. Swordfish Dart. Single, Str Down. 3. Samba de Penguin. All-hitter. Random status effects. 4. Final Halo. Line attack, takes 1 turn to charge. inflict Sleep. 5. Teleport. Randomly changes place in the battlefield. 6. Snacktime!. Recover HP. 7. Swordfish Storm. Area attack. Can inflict Confuse. Pink Penguin X2, Green Penguin X2, Baby Penguin X2 Strategy: The penguin gang won't let you escape with their treasure. Start by killing the small penguins with Aerial and other wide area arts. Then it's time to go for the head penguin. He is one annoying bird, that teleports around the battlefield every so often, fires a gust of wind in a line that puts you to sleep, and uses a disco-light attack that casts many different status effects. As for Final Halo, you cannot cancel it, so try to get at least one character away from the line of fire. The one you must be sure to protect your party from is Confuse, for it can mess you up. This is also one of those battles where there is an NPC, and if he dies... that's it. One annoying fight indeed. To deal with this pest, spread your casters so they aren't together to avoid the canceling wind attack and fire single target arts. If you have the Ep2 and EpCut2 quartz consider pelting the boss with Dark Matter Space art. Estelle and Agate (if he is with you) and/or whoever else you brought for close-quarter fighting should be using either crafts that hit from afar if they can't get close to the penguin boss, or hard hitting ones if they can. Heal with items. So long as the boss doesn't inflict too many cripling status, you can end this quickly. Make sure Kloe can use both Kaempfer 2 and Lichtkreis (her S-Craft) to expedite things for your fighters and save the day if things just go south... #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch3: The Mad Tea Party [CH3] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH3OVW] -Areas You Visit -Grancel City 1. South Block 2. North Block 3. East Block 4. West Block 5. Grancel Port 1 (South Warehouse area) 6. Grancel Port 2 (North Warehouse area) 7. Grancel Castle -Grancel Sewers 1. West Side 2. East Side 3. North Side -Royal Avenue 1. Royal Avenue 1 (Grancel City entrance) 2. Royal Avenue 2 (Sanktheim Gate exit/south Erbe entrance) 3. Royal Avenue 3 (Gurune Gate exit/north Erbe entrance) -Erbe Scenic Route 1. Erbe Scenic Route 1 (Eastern side/Green monument screen) 2. Erbe Scenic Route 2 (Central part/Royal Villa entrance) 3. Erbe Scenic Route 3 (Western side/Red and Blue monument screen) 4. Romal Pond -Erbe Royal Villa -Sanktheim Gate -Gurune Gate Quest List [CH3QSL] S1.- Lost Child S2.- Threat Letter Case S3.- Search for Renne S4.- The Calling Letter S5.- Attending the Tea Party O1.- The Missing Exhibit O2.- Grancel Sewer monster O3.- Erbe Scenic Route monster O4.- Grancel Sewer monster 2 O5.- Royal Avenue monster Bracer Points: 42 S1.- 2 (+5) S2.- 3 S3.- 2 (+3) S4.- None S5.- 4 (+3) O1.- 4 O2.- 4 O3.- 4 O4.- 4 O5.- 4 Point(s) of No-Return [CH3PNR] Zeiss - When you board the Airliner bound for Grancel (what a waste of mira, if you ask me, they could have walked...). Grancel 1 - When you come out of the 3rd place you have to vist during [CH3S2] (when evening falls). Grancel 2 - When you visit the Airport to conlcude [CH3S3]. Grancel 3 - As soon as you talk to the receptionist on the Airport after the Chapter boss. Quest Flowchart [CH3QFC] TBA Monsters [CH3MNT] 1. Grancel Sewers - West Block Boiled Egger O Great Moth Mad Snail Scissor Hands Shining Pom Gundoll Mad Tree (Boss) 2. Grancel Sewers - East Block Boiled Egger O Bone Fish Great Moth Mad Snail Scissor Hands 3. Grancel Sewers - North Block Black Sheep Boiled Egger O Bone Fish Great Moth Mad Snail Pink Sheep 4. Grancel Arena Cryon Bit (Boss) Master Cryon (Boss) 5. Grancel Port Attack Doberman Special Ops Soldier Special Ops Soldier Orgueille (Boss) Kanone 6. Royal Avenue Hell Mars Hillside Bee Mars Chupacabra Primera War Bat Flame Velgr 7. Erbe Scenic Route Dinedile Flame Plant Gator Shark Hell Mars Hillside Bee Mars Chupacabra Primera War Bat Cronocider (Boss) 8. Gurune Gate Port Seeker (Boss) 9. Ravennue Abandoned Mine Special Ops Soldier 'Knife' (Boss) Special Ops Soldier 'Gun' (Boss) Treaure List [CH3TRL] -Grancel Sewers West: Mystery Paste -recipe-, Silver Guantlets (Red Chest), Edel Armor (Red Chest), Smelling Salts, Zeram Capsule -Grancel Sewers East: Red Flies, Water Sepith X200 (Red Chest), Crystal Heels (Red Chest/monster), Trickster (Red Chest), Got Some Spine -recipe-, Edel Guarders (Red Chest) -Grancel Sewers North: Teara Balm, Long Barrel II (Red Chest), Holy Cloth (Red Chest/monster), Sepith Cache (Red Chest) -Erbe Scenic Route Screen 1: Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Teara Balm Screen 3: Defense 3 (Red Chest), Teara Balm, Deathblow 2 (Red Chest) Recipe List [CH3RPL] 1. Seafood Hotpot - Bought (Grancel) 2. Mocking Pie - Bought (Grancel) 3. Tomatrio Sandwich - Bought (Grancel) 4. Sweeeet Crepe - Bought (Grancel) 5. Mobility Popcorn - Bought (Grancel) 6. Mystery Crepe - Bought (Grancel) 7. Moonlight Ice - Bought (Grancel) 8. Sunshine Ice - Bought (Grancel) 9. Royal Gelato - Bought (Grancel) 10. Ultima Ice Cream - Bought (Grancel) 11. Curry of Dreams - Bought (Grancel) 12. Herb Sandwich - Bought (Grancel) 13. Nap Killer - Bought (Grancel) 14. Anarchy Soup - Bought (Gurune Gate) 15. Turnin' Tempura - Bought (Gurune Gate) 16. Shellful Dish - Bought (Gurune Gate) 17. Ambrosial Egg - Bought (Gurune Gate) 18. Mystery Paste - Found (G. Sewer West) 19. Go Some Spine - Found (G. Sewer East) Book Collection [CH3BKS] V4: Talk to Nathan in the Erebonian Embassy's Library Room after meeting Ambassador Crainagh. Careful though, once you leave you loose the chance to get the book until 2nd Playthrough. V5: Talk to Connor in the Coffee during [S3.- Search for Renne] anytime before you go to the Airport. Fishing Spots [CH3FSH] Talk to Norche, the green hat lady who is on the 2nd floor of the house directly west from the road to Grancel Castle (North Block). She will give you the Bamboo Fishing Rod. You can get it as soon as you arrive to Grancel. *Note: Getting this rod is essencial to completing one quest: Powerfull medicine [CH4O9], for without it, you cannot fish the required ingredient. >Credit to Dieuw for catching this gross oversight! (my bad) Many thanks to him for pointing the location of this rod. -Grancel Port 2: Look for the "!" mark on the stern (the rear) of the moored ship. -Grancel Castle entrance: left/west side. -Grancel Sewers West: As soon as you come down from the entrance stairs you'll see this spot. -Erbe Scenic Route - Romal Pond: almost at the northern tip. -Erbe Royal Villa: on the north western side of the first screen (the entrance). -Grancel Sewers East: When reaching the first big room right at the begining just go a little west and you'll see it. -Grancel Sewers North: Just as you come down from the stairs connecting to GS East, on the corner of the narrow path. Recommendation [CH3RCP] -Regarding levels and quartz, the only character you must worry about is Estelle. That said, you can't really change her, so no sweat. As for the other characters joining you on the last story quest, buy some good quartz to help ease the three consecutive Chapter Boss Fights. -Shining Pom Locations: Grancel Sewers - Mad Snail Erbe Scenic Route - Dinedile Quest Strategies [CH3QST] -The optional quests in this chapter are mostly Monster exterminations, with the sole exception of Blueblanc's Grancel escapade, so all can be left for later. That said, I still recomend finishing them as you visit the required areas for plundering purposes. If you have completed all quests up 'till now, you should be on rank E+ and have the valuable Machine Power quartz. This one will really help during quest [CH3S5] if you equip it on Kevin. -Of important notice are the 2 Gambler Jack books, both can only be obtained during short periods of time during the story quests [CH3S2] and [CH3S3]. I'll mention the exact times you can get them on both quests strategies. S1.- Lost Child [CH3S1] Go to Erbe Royal Villa and talk to the butler (Raymond) on the main hall. *Note: Make a separate file right before entering the Royal Villa in case you have to redo this quest. Now, a lot of people have been having problems getting Max BP in this quest. after investigating on the japanese guide at nifty, and correlating it with my own research, in the end it seems that there are 4 conditions to get the extra BP: 1. Go to the courtyard and visit the southwesternmost room for a scene with an ol'pal o'yours! (who hasn't learned any manners yet, wish I could have another go at him). Doing this will make the Lounge accessible. 2. Find Renne behind the counter next to Raymond at the lounge. A "!" mark should appear near the wine bottles. Our purple-haired brat is there. *CAUTION: you can talk to Raymond ONCE for some dialogue, What you must not do is Choose the option "Ask for Help". Doing so will shave those all-important BP. So Do-It-Yourself. 3. Go to report to Elnan. There will be a scene. At this point, this quest will overlap with [CH3S2], so if you messed up, you'll have to back track quite a bit. (Ah! the Falcom cruelty...) 4. When you return to the Bracer Guild with Renne in tow, you'll be asked a question. Answer: 1st - She must have. 2nd - Wait a minute... (+BP) If you did everything right, you'll earn the full 7 BP. >Credit to Huy D. who confirms that all you really need to do at the Villa is: 'This is regarding the Lost Child quest in chapter 3. I can confirm that I get full BP for getting the quest, talking to the duke, and then going straight to the bar, ignore Raymond, and find Renne. I notably did not check any of the other (!) for bench, table, jar, and podium. Hope this helps. Just do not talk to Raymond. For TitS players, it may be a reflex to talk to everyone, therefore accidentally talking to Raymond when entering the bar.' ...Falcom, I applaude you (for the uptenth time). That is some serious Applied Psycology!!! TOTAL BP - 2 (+5) S2.- Threat Letter Case [CH3S2] This places can be visited in any order you want 1. Start from the bracer guild and go to Calvard Embassy, speak with Ambassador Cochrane. -Take te time to visit the library and check the Doll Knight Vol. 15 to earn the 3rd clue from quest [CH3O1]. 2. Next is Erebonia Embassy, again speak with Ambassador Crainagh. -After speaking with the ambassador and while you are still in the embassy, talk to Nathan in the embassy's library to get the Gambler Jack Vol. 4. This is your only chance to do so, even if you can enter the embassy later if Oliver is in your party. 3. Go to Grancel Castle, speak with Mistress Hilda and Queen Alicia. -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- When you come out from your 3rd inquiry it will be evening. At this point you cannot leave the city anymore until quest [CH3S4]. -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- 4. Finally, go to the Liberl News Corp. and talk to Nial. Return to the Bracer's Guild, but save before entering. After the scene, you will control the other bracer party with Anelace and either Schera or Agate (depending who you choose to go with Estelle on Chapter 1) and fight a boss blattle. -Boss- Special Ops Soldier (Gunner) LV - 55 HP - 1811 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Machine gun. Single. 2. Bullet Barrage. Area (S). Special Ops Soldier (Knives) X2 LV - 55 HP - 2281 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Knife thrust. 2. Shadow Weaving. Single, inflicts AT Delay. Can inflict Deathblow. Strategy: 3 Special Ops soldiers. 2 with claws, 1 with a gun. If using Schera, use arts to hit them all, if using Agate, take them down one by one using the craft Spiral Edge. Anelace sticks to Eight-Leaf Blitz. They are easy. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 3 S3.- Search for Renne [CH3S3] The next day, after the scene with Cid at the Villa, go back to the Bracer's Guild. *Note: Not sure, but you can take the time to try and kill the Erbe Scenic Route monster while you are here, though be careful since you have Renne as an NPC and only 3 party members. -During this quest, talk to Connor, the guy inside the Coffee House on the right side, he will give you the Gambler Jack Vol. 5! After the scene at the Guild go to the following places in this order: 1. Edel department store. 2. Museum, 2F and then to the 1F. 3. Fisherman's Guild next to the Bracer's Guild and check the glass counters on the left wall ("!" mark, whichever is good). 4. Baral Coffee House on the West district, speak to the manager. 5. Ice Cream lady on East district. 6. Airport. *Note 1: In order to earn Max BP you have to find Renne without ever asking Elnan for hint. *Note 2: Actually, you can talk to Elnan ONCE, What you must not do is Choose the option "Ask for Help". Doing so will shave those all-important BP. So Do-It-Yourself. -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- It is highly recomended you save before entering the Airport, for once you approach the landing platform, a series of Story quests will take place one after the other, and you won't have a chance to do quests/level up for a while. Make sure you have a good supply of HP, EP and CP recovery items and all quests are completed before proceeding. When ready, enter the Airport and head to the landig platform for a scene. TOTAL BP - 2 (+3) S4.- The Calling Letter [CH3S4] -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- This quest begins right after S3, with no time to report in between. When you regain control of Estelle, you'll be outside Grancel, your goal is Gurune Gate. Don't worry about enemies, since there will be none. When you arrive at Gurune Gate, go to the second floor to the long walkway over the wall (the first door). Go to the next screen and walk to the 2nd round platform in the wall. You'll find our green-haired, insentive jerk of a Padre: Kevin. Scenes, then... He will ask you a question. Answer: 1st - Really Just A Coincidence 2nd - A trap. (+BP) 3rd - The Middle-aged Guy Was Joshua's Disguise! Some scenes will occur and you will fight a mandatory fight...which is easy. TOTAL BP - None S5.- Attending the Tea Party [CH3S5] Kevin Graham joins your party. The two of you must return to Grancel's Bracer Guild. Again, no enemy encounters on the road. Take time to rest at Gurune Gate before proceeding, though. Once you arrive at Grancel, more scenes will happen, and you will get a third party member. Who you get depends on who has been with you since Ch1. If you chose Agate on Chapter 1, you get Scherazard, and viceversa. Once out of the Guild, Seig will point you in the direction of the West District. Before you go, it is highly advisable to buy weapons for Kevin and your other partner, as well as upgrade their quartz/solts. You can't, however, go to the North District to heal, so you'll have to use some of those Teara Balms and Ep Chargers to bring the party to full health. Once ready, go to the harbor. There is a mandtory fight with three war dogs (nothing complicated). After the battle, go to the warehouse next to the northern exist. Fight the Special Ops (easy). After the scene proceed to the next screen. In here, you must go to the easternmost warehouse (on a pier at the right of the map) where the boss battles will take place. Save in a separate file before engaging, since there are three consecutive battles without pause to rest/recharge. If you have another, equip Kevin with a Long Barrel and the Gladiator's Headband, and if you have Schera, make sure she and the Padre have access to Dark Matter. Ok, lets look at tonight's menu: -Boss- Special Ops Soldier (Gunner) X2 LV - 55 HP - 1811 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Machine gun. Single. 2. Bullet Barrage. Area (S). Special Ops Soldier (Knives) X2 LV - 55 HP - 2281 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Knife thrust. 2. Shadow Weaving. Single, inflicts AT Delay. Can inflict Deathblow. Strategy: Use Estelle's True Hurricane to chop a good chunk of their Hp. If you have Schera, use Aerial (Air art); if you have Agate, fire Draguna Edge. Kevin heals with items and Tomatrio Sandwiches/Ep Chargers. You must ensure you are well healed (almost full) before you kill the last Special Ops guy. These guys are the appetizer, hope you are still hungry. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- A scene, then... -Boss- Orgueille LV - 60 HP - 19850 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =50, A =100 Attacks: 1. Machine gun. Area (S). 2. Hellfire. Area (M/right in front of the tank) 3. Charge. Rams anything in front. 4. Maximum Output. Str and Spd Up to self. 5. Orbal Cannon. Line, very powerful. Strategy: Main course is this humungus Tank. First, the bad: It may be big, but not slow. The good is: You get Knight to help you (Yay!). Make it count. This is a battle of attrition. The tank is as big as it is tough, and you will always be dealing 3-digit figures with Estelle's and Kinght's physicals, so the only real way to damage him is to fire a constant stream of arts. Dark Matter, despite the cost in Ep, is the best way to go about this battle, so if Schera is with you, that is her primary duty. If you have Agate though, send him to hammer the boss with Flame Smash 2. Estelle must use Morale every time it banishes, the rest is physicals and crafts. Knight has access to Lost Moebius Space art, a real killer move that can do 1100 to 1400 (buffed) at 100 Ep cost, so you can use that to help damage the boss too... ...though better save those for the next battle if Schera is with you. Kevin should be on healing and speed buffing duty, feeding Ep Chargers and Tomatrio Sandwiches when needed, the rest of the time is Dark Matter. To avoid having all your party trampled, and to reduce the uses of Hellfire spread your party so you kinda sorround the tank. When it pulls out the main gun, you have a turn to move anyone on its line of fire to avoid the attack, but if you can't, S-Break with Kevin and use Grail Sphere. Keep your Str up at all times, make sure you don't run out of Ep/Cp and you will prevail. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Almost there... -Boss- Kanone LV - 55 HP - 10760 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Orbal Pistol. Single. 2. CP Absorb. Absorbs 50 CP (you perra!). 3. Mine Set. Places a mine on somewhere on the battlefield. 4. Dancing Gunner. Single, combo attack for high damage. Special Ops Soldier (Gunner) LV - 55 HP - 1811 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Machine gun. Single. 2. Bullet Barrage. Area (S). Special Ops Soldier (Knives) X2 LV - 55 HP - 2281 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Strategy: And for dessert we have the pleasure of spanking the bitch herself. She comes with 3 Special Ops (2 knifes and 1 gun) that can be take care of in one shot with Lost Moebius and/or a few Aerials/Agate's crafts. She has CP drain attack, her normal attack poisons you, moves fast and lays mines around, but if you have enough Hp, you can wistand all this. Estelle and Knight should lay on her with Moraled crafts, while Schera keeps the Dark Matters coming, Agate delays her attack with crafts, and Kevin heals/recovers Ep & Cp. Should you be sure she will fall to them, feel free to give her a taste of all the S-Crafts you can shoot. Compared to the tank this lass is weak. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- More scenes (give thanks you don't have to fight that pink thing...yet) and the quest finally ends. *After this quest, when you board the Airship to Bose, the chapter will end, and the game will prompt you to change discs. TOTAL BP - 4 (+3) O1.- The Missing Exhibit [CH3O1] - Available: After you report to Elnan with Renne in tow. - Expires: When you go to report to Cid at Erbe Royal Villa. Talk to the curator of the Royal Museum. Another of Blueblanc's thefts. 1st - The wall clock on General Morgan's mansion on West Distric (the house next to the Grand Cathedral). Check "!" mark on the second floor's granfather clock. 2nd - On the fountain on South District. The "!" mark is on the opposite side where the kids are hanging around. 3rd - In the Calvard Embassy on the library, so you'll have to wait for the Story quest [S2.- Threat Letter Case] to be able to enter. To find the card, examine the middle bookshelf on the left side, read the book titled "Doll Knight Vol. 15" (-Song of the Ocean- reference). The treasure chest with the painting is in the Royal Arena, and you have to fight some easy enemies to get it. Just equip something that prevents Freeze status and use Fire arts. TOTAL BP - 4 O2.- Grancel Sewer monster [CH3O2] - Available: as soon as you arrive to Grancel. - Expires: Before you board the Cecilia at the end of the Chapter. Preparations: Bring Lily Necklaces. Equip Ruby Talisman on your physical attacker. Lastly, bring Zane equiped with a Feather Brooch and a Lily Necklace and make sure he has Defense 3 installed. Where to find: At the very end of the West Sewers in the room with the 2 unreachable Red Chests. -Boss- Mad Tree X4 LV - 55 HP - 8829 Elemental Weakness: E =90, W =90, F =120, A =100 Attacks: 1. Mad Splash. Area attack, can inflict confuse. 2. Chomp. Single, absorbs HP. 3. Call for Allies. Randomly call a Scissor Hands or Great Moth Scissor Hands, Great Moth Strategy: Normally they would be annoying as hell, what with their tendency to summon allies, absorb your HP and do their area attack. But if you have Zane with you (equipped with the stuff I mentioned), you jut have to use his Distend craft to up his Str and Def, then Taunt the enemies and voila! Instant meat shield. He can help Estelle and Agate with the physical stuff while your art user(s) unleash an endless barrage of Spiral Flare. With this strategy you only have to heal when your weakest member is at Half HP due to the a-o-e attack. Just be sure to re-cast Distend every time it wears off, with the ammount of punishment Zane will be shrugging of you'll have no shortage of CP. Enjoy! #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 4 O3.- Erbe Scenic Route monster [CH3O3] - Available: As soon as you reach Grancel. - Expires: Before you board the Cecilia at the end of the Chapter. Also not sure it it becomes unavailable after you report to Elnan at the end of quest [CH3S2] when the army does its monster cleaning. Preparations: Equip Feather Brooches. Where to find: Erbe Scenic Route, Screen 2, a little east of the entrance to the Royal Villa. -Boss- Cronocider X5 LV - 55 HP - 4888 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Ram. Single, knocks back a Huge distance. Can inflict Faint. 2. Golden Armor. Str and Def up to self. Bad news. Strategy: These are some tough nuts to crack...if you come unprepared. The key to this battle is to exploit the knock back effect of the enemies' normal attack. How? Simple. Use arts. Dark Matter, Hell Gate, Spiral Flare, Stone Impact...any art that can hit hard and/or has a wide FIXED a-o-e. Since the enemies are big, and they push you real far, they will take some turns to reach you again. Take that time to recover the damage incurred/pelt them with some arts. If you hit more than one, even better! Your fighters should be Moraled/Forted before unleashing long-range crafts on the Cronociders (True Comet, Draguna Edge, Smoke Cannon 2). The battle is just a bit long...but not particularlly difficult. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 4 O4.- Grancel Sewer monster 2 [CH3O4] - Available: When quest [CH3S3] starts. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound for Rolent at the end of of Chapter 3. Preparations: Bring Agate, make sure you have access to Earth Lance. Where to find: The screen with the 2 Red Chests (the same one where you found the Grancel Sewer monster 1). -Boss- Gundoll X3 LV - 55 HP - 6866 Elemental Weakness: E =120, W =100, F =100, A =120 Attacks: 1. Machine Gun. Single (Combo) 2. Control Function Irregularity. Inflicts damage and Confuse to self. 3. Call for allies. 4. Execute Repair Function. Small heal to self. Boil Egger 0 X2 Strategy: Remove the Eggers first with Aqua Bleed/Blue Impact, then focuse on the Gunndolls One At A Time. The trick is to target the one who uses Control Function Irregularity firsts and sitck to it until it dies. Use only Single Target Earth Lance/Air Strike/Hard Break/Smite. If you avoid hitting the un-Confused Gundolls they will not summon allies. Take advantage of Agate's Spiral Edge to AT Delay your current target so it does not shoot his comrades and triggers the summoning of allies. Take your time with them and the battle is a synch. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 4 O5.- Royal Avenue monster [CH3O5] - Available: At the end of the Chapter. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound for Rolent at the begining of Chapter 4. Preparations: Wear Feather Brooches. You might want to bring Kloe for this one, since if you have her decked with the water quartz from Grancel she will have access to Diamond Dust, which will make the following fight easier. Where to find: Just of the northern exit of the Scenic Route (Royal Avenue Screen 3), the giant red bird (the only enemy around now). -Boss- Flame Velgr X4 LV - 57 HP - 4140 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =150, F =50, A =100 Attacks: 1. Feather Shower. All-hitter. 2. Rolling Dive. Single. 3. Call for Allies. Summons a Hell Mars. Hell Mars X2 Strategy: These birdies (the Flame Velgrs) are seriously weak to water, and having Diamond Dust means you can hit several in one go. However, the first thing to do is getting rid of the Hell Mars for they can cause faint with their attacks and are generally annoying. One good Aerial from either Kloe, Schera or Oliver will remove them from the picture, as will Moraled/Forted Smoke Cannon 2, True Hurricane or Draguna Edge. You should assign your fighter to getting rid of any new Hell Mars the Velgrs happen to summon. The rest should help Kloe kill the Velgrs with Blue Impact by focusing on one at a time. Should you be eating many Feather Showers, Agate's Spiral Edge and Scheras Heaven's Kiss can give you breathiing room/speed up the Diamond Dusts. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch4 The Mist Demon's Target [CH4] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH4OVW] Areas You Visit -Rolent City -Bright Family House -Milch Main Road 1. Milch Main Road 1 (Small Pond/Rolent west exit) 2. Milch Main Road 2 (Perzel Farm entrance) 3. Milch Main Road 3 (Verte Bridge Checkpoint east entrance) -Elize Highway 1. Elize Highway 1 (Rolent/Bright Family Home fork) 2. Elize Highway 2 (Bridge Screen) 3. Elize Highway 3 (Mistwald/Gurune Gate entrances) -Malga Trail 1. Malga Trail 1 (Rolent north exit) 2. Malga Trail 2 (Esmelas Tower/Malga Mine fork) 3. Malga Trail 3 (Malga Mine entrance) 4. Esmelas Tower -Malga Mine -Mistwald 1. Mistwald 1 (Entrance) 2. Mistwald 2 (River and log bridges) 3. Mistwald 3 (Eastern Clearing) 4. Mistwald 4 (The Mistmaze) 5. Mistwald 5 (The great tree/Chapter Boss) -Mountain Hideout Quest List [CH4QSL] S1.- Fog Area Investigation S2.- Coma Cases Investigation S3.- Secure the Peltzer Farm S4.- Woman in Black Pursuit O1.- The Ring That Flew Away O2.- Fishing Spot Search O3.- Searching for Lost Cat O4.- Elize Highway Monster O5.- Milch Main Road Monster O6.- Esmelas Tower Monster O7.- Milch Main Road Monster 2 O8.- Nostalgic Recipe O9.- Diaset's Secret O10.- Mine Comission Bracer Points: 62 S1.- 3 S2.- 3 (+6) S3.- 1 S4.- 5 (+3) O1.- 4 O2.- 4 (+2) O3.- 3 O4.- 4 O5.- 4 O6.- 4 O7.- 5 O8.- 4 O9.- 2 O10.- 5 Point(s) of No-Return [CH4PNR] TBA Quest Flowchart [CH4QFC] TBA Monsters [CH4MNT] X. Sky Bandit Stronghold Elder Owl Gold Rat Royal Army Officer (Boss) Royal Army Officer (Boss) Mueller (Boss) 1. Rolent Sewers Dirty Rat Moth Cluster Mouki (Boss) 2. Milch Main Road Flying Feline Lily Mover Mantrap Mars Sparrow Picorn Red Insectos Death Specular Giantfoot (Boss) 3. Elize Highway Mars Sparrow Pine Plant Red Insectos Rhinocider Wisdom (Boss) 4. Malga Trail Crop Muncher Flying Feline Giant Crop Muncher Lily Mover Red Insectos 5. Esmelas Tower Coral Shell Fly Skipper Pom Shining Pom Robber Trapper (Boss) Thunder Quake 6. Perzel Farm Alraune 7. Mistwald Alraune Death Specular Forest Mist Killer Hornet Picorn Jubokko (Boss) Zaqqum (Boss) Treaure List [CH4TRL] -Mountain Hideout: Attack 3 (Red Chest), Feather Brooch (Red Chest), EP Charge, EP Charge, Teara Balm, Curia Balm, EP Charge, Teara Balm, Teara Balm, EP Charge, Tear All Balm, EP Charge II -Rolent Sewers: EP Charge, Confuse (Red Chest), -Elize Highway Screen 2: Mute (Red Chest), Smelling Salts Screen 3: Purging Balm -Milch Main Road Screen 1: Sepith Cache (Red Chest) Screen 2: Roaring Thunder (Red Chest), Smelling Salts, Teara Balm Screen 3: Insulting Tape, Scent (Red Chest), Zeram Powder -Malga Trail Screen 1: Reviving Balm Screen 2: Teara Balm Screen 3: Teara Balm -Esmelas Tower Outside: EP Charger Floor 2: EP Charger, Water Sepith X200 (Red Chest), Emerald Talisman (Red Chest) Floor 3: Mighty Juice -recipe- Floor 4: Gypsy Queen (Red Chest/monster) Floor 5: Diamond Staff (Red Chest), Duende Slippers (Red Chest), Shield 4 (Red Chest) -Mistwald Screen 1: EP Charge II Screen 2: Wolf's Fang Whip (Red Chest), Celestial Balm, Haken Boots (Red Chest) Screen 3: Survival Vest (Red Chest), Lily Necklace (Red Chest), Black Bangle (Red Chest) Screen 4: Range 1 (Red Chest) Recipe List [CH4RPL] 1. Three-Eyed Soup - Bought (Rolent) 2. Spiral Noodles - Bought (Rolent) 3. Ten-Stack Crepe - Bought (Rolent) 4. Bone Boullion - Bought (Rolent) 5. Mighty Juice - Found (Esmelas) 6. Pepper Pottage - Reward (Quest [CH4O8]) Book Collection [CH4BKS] V6: As soon as you arrive in Rolent, talk to Serra at the house on the west side of the bar. She is Rhett's wife and Pat's mother. Fishing Spots [CH4FSH] -Bright Family Home: The pond at the back of the garden. -Milch Main Road: The pond on the first screen. -Elize Highway: On the side of the bridge in Screen 2. -Verte Bridge Checkpoint: On the left side of the . -Rolent Sewers: In the first screen upon entering. -Mistwald Forest: the Boss Room, in the pond around the Great Tree. *Note: Succeeding in quest [CH4O2] will get you the Metal Rod Trident. Recommendation [CH4RCP] -Shining Pom Locations: Milch Main Road - Mantrap Esmelas Tower - Pom Quest Strategies [CH4QST] Now, the next paragraph and strategy contain unavoidable spoilers. Skip this paragraphs if you don't need the strategy. I only cover it for the sake of completition, but there is no way to be ambiguous in this particular case, hence the warning. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This chapter starts with a small mini-quest. You'll be taking Joshua (finally!) and his allies into the old Sky Bandits lair in Bose Region. You'll also notice that Mr. Astray is Lv 72! There is a reason for this: he will be the only character you can control for the duration of the mission. It is imperative thus that you kill as many enemies as possible on your way to the airship hangar to fill his Cp to max. This is of utmost importance. Of secondary importance are the necessity of looting the place empty so as you have access to all the items in this joint, and of getting Mr. Astray to Lv 73 AT LEAST; this is of particular importance to those playing on Hard...Nightmare players on a 'clean' (No NG+) game MUST try for Lv 74 or they won't stand a chance against the boss. Once you get to the airship you must save, for the moment you check the "!" mark by the airship wing, a boss battle will ensue. You must have Joshua equipped with that Feather Brooch you got or any attack from the boss will inflict Faint...wich equals Game Over. Those playing on Hard and Nightmare have to switch the Information quartz for the Attack 3 you get in this place. Once ready, check the "!" mark...and good luck. -Boss- Master Swordsman LV - 75 HP - 20850 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Hold Still!. Tracktor beam. Pulls one character near him. 2. Hound Gale. Area (S). Can inflict Faint. 3. Swordslash combo. Single. 4. Blade Dancer. Combo, Huge damage. 5. Impede. Every time your art goes off after his turn, he will use this. Strategy: Holy crap! he is Lv 75 and has 20 000+ Hp! Just those two facts will clue you as to why Joshua is so strong too. This master swordsman will hack at you with both speed and deadly power, and if you do not keep Mr. Astray's Hp above 3/4 he is very likely you will die. So, to defeat him, you must focus in speed. That's the key. Let Ms "support" be killed, she can only take 2 hits anyway, and this is one battle where letting the NPC die won't yield Game Over. While the boss is killing her, Joshua must up his speed and lower the boss' with arts, then proceed to hack at him with Double Slash and Dark Matter. When you need to cure, use items. Just be aware that if you don't manage to cast the art before the boss' turn, he will cancel it and add the Art Block status. In that case there is nothing to be done save wait 'till it wears of while you fire DS one after another, healing in-between. So long as you don't get careless or overconfident, this fight will be over soon. -Boss- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S1.- Fog Area Investigation [CH4S1] Right after the scenes that take place after you arrive on Rolent. You have to go to 3 places in the Rolent Region to complete this quest: 1. Malga Trail 3 to the North. 2. Elize Highway 2 to the South. 3. Milch Main Road 2 to the West. Just advance until you reach the spot where the mist clears and a scene will occur. After watching all three scenes, you go back to Rolent and arrive at sunset. When you enter the Guild, the quest ends and a series of scenes take place. TOTAL BP - 3 S2.- Unexplained Desease Investigation [CH4S2] Follows immediatly after reporting to Aina. You have to interrogate 4 people around Rolent: -Elissa on the Second Floor of the restaurant. -The Mayor's wife on the 1st room in the second floor of the manor. -Luke's grandma on the building next to the restaurant, first door. -The couple that live's on the building across the Orbal workshop on the west of town, on the first floor (Freemont and Euridice). Afterwards, report to Aina. She will ask some questions: Question 1: 1st - Time It Happened 2nd - There are no witnesses (+BP) 3rd - The Bells, The Bells! Question 2: 1st - Tabitha Collapsed 2nd - Radford Collapsed 3rd - Luke Collapsed (+BP) *Note: It may be that if you talk to the guy with the purple clothing (Paddington) at the bar you gain extra BP, though it is unconfirmed. TOTAL BP - 3 (+6) S3.- Secure the Peltzer Farm [CH4S3] The next morning, after geting back to the Guild, you must go to Peltzer Farm. Your party will be all-girls, so arrange your tactics accordingly, and equip Tita with the Long Barrel II accesory. Once you arrive at the farm, you will have to fight a mandatory battle against 3 gas enemies. Use Earth arts, for physicals will miss. After the scenes, go back to report at the Guild. TOTAL BP - 1 S4.- Woman in Black Pursuit [CH4S4] A simple matter of going to Mistwald to settle this issue...or not so simple, for once you reach the end, where previously you couldn't enter, as you change screens a scene will take place and your party will be in an open field that repeats itself. You'll have no choice but to wander sort-of aimlessly. Welcome to The Mistmaze: Time Limit - Change screens 20 times. Chest: Range (Space quartz) What this place is about: you have to navigate a maze composed of repeating screens. Sounds simple? Well, yes and no. There is a catch (I can here you saying 'saw that coming a mile away'). Every time you change screens, a HIDDEN COUNTER will increase by 1. If it reaches 20, you loose your extra BP (time for some mexican groserias). Since there is NO WAY to check that HIDDEN COUNTER and there is a chest you might want to snatch, you can either: a) keep count of the screen changes and reset if you change screens more than 20 times (a pain in the trasero). or b) The fastest way: 1. EAST 2. NORTH 3. EAST 4. NORTH 5. NORTH CHEST SCREEN - if you got here after five screens you are cool, if not you took the wrong turn. 6. East 7. North 8. East Total Screen Changes: 8 In order to facilitate navigation, Every Time you change a Screen make sure you are Facing NORTH. Also, when you follow the right secuence, you'll be able to hear the sound of a bell ringing. If you stop hearing it you made a wrong turn. -Credit to majesticmystic and Guruda from the Board (they cracked the most apt routes) and gamers Dieuw and stryd3r (for testing and confirming the method). All you four have made it easier an annoying quest. When a second scene plays, it means you are out. Save immediatly. As you cross the log bridge, a scene will happen and then the boss of the chapter. Before the battle, equip everyone with Confuse and Sleep prevention accesories. -Boss- Zaqqum LV - 60 HP - 8858 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =50, F =50, A =50 Attacks: 1. Mist Punch. Inflicts confuse. 3. Summon Alraune. Jubokko LV - 60 HP - 7219 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =50, F =50, A =50 Attacks: 1. Wave Charge. Unleashes art on next turn. 2. Mist Storm. Area (All), can cause Sleep. 3. Summon Alraune. Alraune X4 1. Dream Smoke. Single, cancels arts and can inflict Confuse. 2. Strike. Single. Strategy: All are weak to Earth, but there is a catch. Zaqqum absorbs arts (and recovers) and Jubokko absorbs physicals. So after casting Morale with Estelle, or La Forte fire art with Schera/Oliver Estelle should focus on hitting Zaqqum 'till it falls. If Kloe is with you, use Impose craft to expedite the process. Meanwhile, Schera should be using Heaven's Kiss to skip the bosses' turns. Kloe and Oliver must first cast Clock Up on everyone and then bombard the Alraunes with Earth arts. Once Zaqqum is down, focus everyone's Earth arts on Jubokko. However, Jubokko will be casting his charged attack every turn, so anyone available must cancel it before it fires. As long as you are protected from Confuse and Sleep, this fight is not that hard, just long. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- After the battle, there will be another scene, then you will be controling Estelle. You can't leave the Bright's House, so when the scenes are over, go to the second floor, and check the second door (Joshua's), then go talk to the woman in blue. Go to the bedroom in the first floor and examine the "!" mark next to the bed. With the item, go to Joshua's room and enter. Examine the "!" mark and get the item. Speak with Cassius and the woman in blue, then go to the terrace in the second floor (next to Joshua's room) then hold triangle and hit R. Some scenes and the Chapter is over. TOTAL BP - 5 (+3) O1.- The Ring That Flew Away [CH4O1] - Available: As soon as you arrive at Rolent. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound for Bose. An easy enough task. The couple on the church wants their Pendant/Ring back. Find it at the top of Esmelas Tower (the area with the glowing altar). It's the flashing dot near the stairs. *Note: This quest can be finished without even consulting the board at the guild. The trinket can be gotten anytime after you are free to search Rolent City. TOTAL BP - 4 O2.- Fishing Spot Search [CH4O2] - Available: As soon as you arrive at Rolent. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound for Bose. Again, easy. Find Percy, the client at Gurune Gate on the cafeteria. He wants you to find all available fishing spots on the Rolent Region, they are: 1. The pond at the back of the garden in the Bright's House. 2. The pond on the first screen of Milch Main Road (Rolent west exit). 3. On the side of the bridge, on the second screen in Elize Highway. 4. On the left side of Verte Bridge Checkpoint. 5. In the first screen upon entering Rolent Sewers. 6. Mistwald Forest, the Boss Room in the pond around the Great Tree. Last Fishing spot can only be accessed at the begining of Chapter 5. You have to fish once at every spot (regardless of what you catch) for them to count as "CHECKED" (i.e. when they are added to the Bracer Notebook). After finding all, go back to Grune Gate to report to Percy. He'll freeload a Metal Rod Trident for your troubles. TOTAL BP - 4 (+2) O3.- Searching for Lost Cat [CH4O3] - Available: During the night when investigating the coma cases. - Expires: when you report your findings to Aina. This quest can only be accessed during the night of the quest [S2.- Coma Cases Investigation] right before you report to Aina. Check the board at the Guild and then go to the Hotel. The client is the lonely woman named Ida on the room in the 1st floor. 1. Go to the airport and talk with Skip who is standing between the warehouses and the tower with the big lights. 2. Then go to the Orbal workshop and talk with the guy in white (Quint). 3. Back to the airport, talk to the hard-to-see guy standing next to the trees right by the entrance (Zosomov). 4. Finally, talk to Fabree by the landing platform (if you bring Oliver and Agate a hilarious scene will happen). 5. Go into the Cecilia's hold all the way to the back to find your quarry! You get Master Beads accessory for your troubles. TOTAL BP - 3 O4.- Elize Highway Monster [CH4O4] - Available: As soon as you arrive at Rolent. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound to Bose. Preparations: Wear Skull Pendants. Have La Teara available (or just bring Kloe). Where to find: Right before the entrance to Gurune Gate, the strange, floating lirium...plant thing. -Boss- Wisdom X2 LV - 59 HP - 4487 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Absorb Nutrients. Single, Absorbs HP. 2. Shadow Spear. 20% chance of Deathblow. Pine Plant X2 Mars Sparrow X2 Strategy: As always, erradicate the allies before concentrating on the targets. They will promptly approach your characters and begin syphoning their HP. Just spam an endless barrage of Spiral Flares, fo they will be close enough to be caught in them. Have Kloe use Kaempfer 2 on one and Estelle (or whoever is your fighter) focus on the one debuffed. This way, you will negate the recovery effect of their attack and expedite their demise. Heal whenever you are under half HP. With the Skull Pendants, you have nothing to worry about Shadow Spears. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 4 O5.- Milch Main Road Monster [CH4O5] - Available: As soon as you arrive at Rolent. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound to Bose. Preparations: Wear Feather Brooches and Lighters. Equip the Ruby Talisman on your designated fighter. Where to find: Target is the large sasquach thing you can fiind at Screen 3 of Milch Main Road. -Boss- Gaintfoot X3 LV - 58 HP - 4880 Elemental Weakness: E =80, W =80, F =120, A =80 Attacks: 1. Punch. Single, can cause Faint. 2. Gaintfoot is mad. Charging attack for one turn. (either 3 or 4) 3. Knock Down. Single, can cause Faint. 4. Snow Breath. Area (M) causes Freeze. Red Insectos X2 Flying Feline X2 Strategy: Divide the tasks: Fighters (with Ruby Talisman) attacks one Gaintfoot at a time (in all likelyhood is Estelle). Your art-users resort to Spiral Flare to really hurt these guys. Try to include their allies so as to get rid of them quickly. Whenever the Gaintfoots begin charging, cancel them immediatly, for even if you are protected against the status effects, the attacks can be quite damaging. Especially if they land on the art-users. Heal when under Half HP. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 4 O6.- Esmelas Tower Monster [CH4O6] - Available: when you report to Aina after the events in Perzel Farm. - Expires: before you board the Cecilia bound for Bose. Preparations: Equip White Bracelets. Make sure your art-users have Earth Lance and Stone Impact. Where to find: A giant fish by the entrance of the tower. -Boss- Thunder Quake X3 LV - 59 HP - 5844 Elemental Weakness: E =180, W =80, F =100, A =80 Attacks: 1. World-Shaker. Area (All). Can inflict Blind Coral Shell X4 Strategy: Get rid of the Coral Shells asap with physicals. Do Not Use arts on them for they will reflect them back at the caster and if several are hit, that could kill the art-user. Focus Earth Lances on one Thunder Quake at a time. Once the Shells are gone switch to Stone Impacts. Heal under Half HP. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 4 O7.- Milch Road Monster 2 [CH4O7] - Available: when you report to Aina after the events in Perzel Farm. - Expires: before you board the Cecilia bound for Bose. Preparations: Wear Lily Necklaces and Pearl Earrings. Where to find: A floating seahorse-like creature close to the division of the road on the second screen, going from Rolent to Peltzer Farm. -Boss- Death Specular X2 LV - 60 HP - 8888 Elemental Weakness: E =120, W =80, F =120, A =0 Attacks: 1. Will-o-wisp. Single, can inflict confuse Picorn X4 LV - 59 HP - 2480 Elemental Weakness: E =120, W =80, F =120, A =0 Attacks: 1. Horn stab. Single, can inflict Seal. 2. Plasma Wave. Air, line. Strategy: To fight the seahorse guys, Fire arts are the way to go. Use Fire Arrow and Spiral Flare to expedite the process. If Tita is with you, use her Smoke Cannon 2 to blind as many enemies as possible. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 O8.- Nostalgic Recipe [CH4O8] - Available: At the begining of Chapter 5. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound to Bose. Your client is Densel at the restaurant's kitchen. 1. Talk to old Radford, the old man next to the restaurant's counter 2. Talk to the Mayor's wife, Paddington inside the clock tower, Luke's granma Maggy in the building next to the restaurant on the 1st door. 3. Talk to Granma Bloom on the 2F of the Rinon's general store. 4. Talk to Pat's father, Rhett (the guy with lots of books living next to the restaurant). 5. Search his bookshelves for the "!" mark. You'll get the recipie. Report to Densel. All the ingredients can be bought at Rinon's. All the monster ingredients should be easy to get in the Rolent area if you haven't been killing with impunity. You'll get the Pepper Pottage -recipie-. TOTAL BP - 4 O9.- Diaset's Secret [CH4O9] - Available: At the begining of Chapter 5. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound to Bose. Talk to Anton on the viewing platform at the top of the clock tower. Bring him the 3 monster ingredients he asks Monster Carapace X 5 Savory Pinion X 5 Prickly Seed X 5 Pearl Glass X 1 (A fish, find it at the Mistwald Boss Room, fish it with Bamboo Rod and Snail Bait) Report to Anton in the clock tower to end the quest and earn a bunch of funny scenes with Oliver...and I won't spoil the ending! ;) *Note: it is also been reported by Visitingpuppet you can catch it with progressive Rod and Earthworms, though prepare to be there for a while since the ratio is abyssmally lower than with the Bamboo Rod and Snail. TOTAL BP - 2 O10.- Mine Comission [CH4O10] - Available: At the begining of Chapter 5. - Expires: When you board the Cecilia bound to Bose. I hate that white-clad bastard. Talk to Mine Chief Gaton living on the second floor of the building in front of the Orbal workshop. 1. Go to the church's 2F and check the "!" mark on the red chair in the balcony. 2. Check the five boxes stacked on the side of the Mayor's house. 3. The doted black box-like-thing in the back of the weapon shop beneath the slate roof. 4. With the key you got from the last clue, go to the sewers and open the door at the end. Inside you have to fight some easy enemies (wear Blind protection) and then check the shelf to the right of the torch. The chief will let you choose 500 of one type of sepith. Take the chance to get those you are needing the most (probably Time and Space). TOTAL BP - 5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch5 That Which One Must Protect [CH5] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH5OVW] -Areas You Visit -Bose City -Valleria Shore -Ravennue Village -Krone Pass -Verte Bridge -Haken Gate -West Bose Highway: 1. West Bose Highway 1 (Bose west exit) 2. West Bose Highway 2 (Ravennue Trail entrance) 3. West Bose Highway 3 (Krone Trail exit) -East Bose Highway: 1. East Bose Highway 1 (Bose east exit/Eisen Road entrance) 2. East Bose Highway 2 (Long path) 3. East Bose Highway 3 (Long path 2) 4. East Bose Highway 4 (Verte Bridge west side exit/Nebel Valley entrance) -New Ansel Path: 1. New Ansel Path 1 (Bose south exit) 2. New Ansel Path 2 (Valleria Shore entrance) 3. Amberl Tower (Dungeon) -Eisen Road: 1. Eisen Road 1 (East Bose Highway exit) 2. Eisen Road 1 (Haken Gate exit) -Ravennue Trail *Note: Before quest [CH5S2] forces you to go to Ravennue Village, you can't enter the Trail. -Nebel Valley 1. Nebel Valley 1 (Mountain entrance) 2. Nebel Valley 2 (Cabin/Former Sky Bandit's hideout) -East Krone Trail -Ravennue Mine (Dungeon) -Ancient Dragon's Dwelling (Chapter Dungeon) 1. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 1 (Cave 1/entrance) 2. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 2 (Mountain path 1/Small Cave 1 entrance) 3. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 3 (Small cave) 4. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 5 (Cave 2) 6. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 6 (Mountain path 2) 7. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 7 (Cave 3/Underground lake) 8. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 8 (Mountain path 3/Small cave 2 entrance) 9. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 9 (Small cave 2) 10. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling 10 (The Lair) Quest List [CH5QSL] S1.- Wanted Monsters Bounty S2.- Dragon Assault Case S3.- Dragon Pursuit O1.- Krone Pass Monster O2.- Amberl Tower Monster O3.- Nebel Valley Monster O4.- Imperial Request O5.- The Rarest Flavor O6.- The Missing Lady O7.- Ravennue Mine path Monster O8.- Merchant Escort O9.- Memory of Distant Days HO10.- Mine Extermination Bracer Points: 60 S1.- 6 (+3) S2.- 3 (+3) S3.- 7 O1.- None (count as part of S1) O2.- None (count as part of S1) O3.- None (count as part of S1) O4.- 5 O5.- 5 (+2) O6.- 3 (+2) O7.- 5 O8.- 3 (+2) O9.- 5 HO10.- 6 Point(s) of No-Return [CH5PNR] -There is only one PNR in this Chapter, and surprisingly enough it is Not before entering the Ancient Dragon's Dwelling. The point I'm talking about (strange phylosophical-grammatical moment) is triggered as soon as you choose the option to 'Talk' to Lugran after killing the 3 required monsters, which is, incidentally, the moment the highly-emotive quest [CH5S2] begins. Quest Flowchart [CH5QFC] TBA Monsters [CH5MNT] 1. West Bose Highway Boiled Egger G Halo Mole Mad Roper Mushroom Snake 2. East Bose Highway Halo Mole Mad Roper Mushroom Snake Rock Pecker Wisdom 3. New Ansel Path Dust Geist Halo Mole Mad Roper Rock Pecker Wisdom 4. Amberl Tower Amber Turtle Green Insectos Shining Pom Violet Pom Octobone (Boss) Robber Trapper (Boss) 5. Eisen Road Hresvelgr Rimera 6. Ravennue Trail Chupacabra Rock Pecker Poly-Poly Fate Spinner (Boss) 7. Nebel Valley Cryon Bit Giantfoot Ice Pecker Master Cryon Shining Pom Snow Mantis White Insectos Ghost Epitaph (Boss) 8. East Krone Trail Boiled Egger G Boiled Egger R King Scorpion Queen Scorpion Blade Fang (Boss) 9. Ancient Dragon's Dwelling Blade Fang Boiled Egger G Boiled Egger R Cryon Bit Ghost Epitaph Master Cryon Octobone The Ancient (Boss) Treaure List [CH5TRL] -West Bose Highway Screen 1: Teara Balm Screen 2: EP Charge, Softening Balm -Amberl Tower Outside: Celestial Balm, EP Charge II Floor 1: EP Charge, Poison (Red Chest) Floor 2: Sepith Cache (Red Chest) Floor 3: Curia Balm, Reviving Balm, Tearal Balm, HP 4 (Red Chest), EP Charge, Surprise Cookie, S-Tablet, Teara Balm, Topaz Talisman (Red Chest) Floor 4: Reviving Balm, Galdiator Headband, Curia Balm, EP Charge, Teara Balm, Refresh Jelly, Phantom II (Red Chest/monster) Floor 5: Star Rabbits (Red Chest), Proxy Puppet (Red Chest), Ebony Shoes (Red Chest/monster), Long Barrel II (Red Chest) -New Ansel Path Screen 1: Teara Balm, Softening Balm Screen 2: Teara Balm, Reviving Balm -Eisen Road Screen 2: Reviving Balm, Earthworm -Ravennue Trail Screen 1: Smelling Salts Screen 2: Byakko's Claws (Red Chest), Fire Sepith X200 (Red Chest), Reviving Balm, Teara Balm Screen 3: Reviving Balm, Smelling Salts -Nebel Valley Screen 1: Fortune (Red Chest), Water Sepith X200 (Red Chest) Screen 2: Evade 4 (Red Chest/monster) -East Krone Trail: Tearal Balm, Teara Balm, Curia Balm, Earth Sepith X200 (Red Chest), EP Charge -Ravennue Mine: EP Charge II, 100 Victories Steak -recipe-, EP Charge, Roe, Tearal Balm, Crimson Eye (Red Chest) -Ancient Dragon's Dwelling (Chapter Dungeon) Screen 1: EP Charge, Buster Gear (Red Chest) Screen 3: Teara Balm, Ebony Shoes (Red Chest) Screen 4: EP Charge, Aerondight (Red Chest) Screen 7: Sepith Cache (Red Chest) Screen 9: Reviving Balm, Tearal Balm, Misty Veil (Red Chest) Recipe List [CH5RPL] 1. Golden Risotto - Bought (Bose) 2. Flame Tongue Stew - Bought (Bose) 3. Mystery Paste - Bought (Bose) 4. Sunshine Ice - Bought (Bose) 5. Moonlight Ice - Bought (Bose) 6. Corner Castella - Bought (Bose) 7. Refresh Jelly - Bought (Bose) 8. Roast Fish - Bought (Valleria Shore) 9. Rampage Fish - Bought (Valleria Shore) 10. Herb Sandwich - Bought (Haken Gate) 11. Fevered Gaze - Bought (Haken Gate) 12. Sunshine Ice - Bought (Ravennue) 13. Moonlight Ice - Bought (Ravennue) 14. Paradise Cooler - Bought (Ravennue) 15. 100 Victories Steak - Found (Ravennue Mine) Book Collection [CH5BKS] V6: In Bose, sold on the store at Bose Market just after arriving if you missed it at Rolent. V7: Speak to Private Mikey on the Krone Pass check point WHILE HUNTING for the 3 monsters in Quest [S1.- Wanted Monster Bounty]. You can get this one with ease while you are there to find Ms Felicity during optional quest [CH5O6]. Fishing Spots [CH5FSH] -West Bose Highway: Second Screen, by the bridge on the eastern side. -Valleria Shore: By the southeastern pier. -Ravennue Village: By the pier in the small lake. Recommendation [CH5RCP] -Surprisingly enough, this Chapter is not that hard, thus proving appearances can be deceiving. Try to rotate your party around if you are planning to take the story-related characters during Chapter 7. -Take advantage of Orvid's Ingredient Shop, both for the purpose of saving mira for Chapter 8's Sepith shop as well as to carry enough ingredients for battle food. This last one is crucial if you are doing a Max BP run. -Don't bother with the Shining Poms in Amberl Tower. Granted, they are always the best way to powerlevel and you should kill them while on the treasure hunt, but don't waste your time looking for them speciƒically since the enemies at the Ancient Dragon's Dwelling give good Exp and are a lot easier to kill (especially the Octobones). -Shining Pom Locations: Nebel Valley - Giantfoot Amberl Tower - Violet Pom and Amber Turtle Quest Strategies [CH5QST] -If you loaded a Clear Data from FC, talk to Spence inside the Bose Market by the eastern exit to get a free Zeram Powder. S1.- Wanted Monster Bounty [CH5S1] This time you'll have to haunt 3 monsters in 3 different areas of the Bose Region: 1st is in East Krone Pass. [CH5O1] 2nd is on Amberl Tower. [CH5O2] 3rd is in the mountains to the east of Bose, where the Sky Bandits lair is located. [CH5O3] All three count as separate optional quest. After you finish the last monster, you will be asked a question: 1st - The Monsters Were Strong. 2nd - The Monsters Were Afraid. (+BP) 3rd - The Monsters Were Agitated. Return to the Guild to report. TOTAL BP - 6(+3) S2.- Dragon Assault Case [CH5S2] This quest starts as soon as you speak with Lugran at the Guild's front desk. -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- Be sure to finish all optional quests before talking to Lugran, you can still report, but if they are incomplete, they will be marked as Failed the moment you choose the 'Talk' option. You've been warned. -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- After the scenes, Agate will leave your party and you'll proceed to the Market. When asked a question, pick: 1st - Start Rescuing People Immediately 2nd - Organize First (+BP) Once the scenes are over, you can only go to Ravennue Village. When you get to the village, talk to the mayor, the old man in blue by the burned fields. You will have to go to the Abandoned Mine to the north of the village. As you enter the mine a scene occurs. To reach the end of the mine go east. You can't get lost since there is only one possible exit to this place. Also, no enemies around. Once you get out, more scenes. You'll regain control on Ravennue by the afternoon. Go to the house west of the Mayor's. More scenes. Next head to the southern exit and choose the 1st option to return to Bose. Next day in Bose, go to the Airport for more scenes. After the debrieffing scenes, go talk to all party members, plus Nial and Dorothy at the bow of the ship. Some really cool scenes will take place, and you will be back at Bose. TOTAL BP - 3 (+3) S3.- Dragon Pursuit [CH5S3] It is time to go dragon hunting in Nebel Valley. When you enter the valley, go to the right at the fork, the all the way to the cottage. Speak with Whemler who is inside and head back to the entrance. This time, go to the left at the fork and follow the road until you reach the point where the monster from the [O3.- Nebel Valley Monster] quest was. Cross the bridge and enter the cave. Welcome to -Ancient Dragon's Dwelling Screen 1: EP Charge, Buster Gear (Red Chest) Screen 3: Teara Balm, Ebony Shoes (Red Chest) Screen 4: EP Charge, Aerondight (Red Chest) Screen 7: Sepith Cache (Red Chest) Screen 9: Reviving Balm, Tearal Balm, Misty Veil (Red Chest) The layout works like this: You start inside a cave, then go out to a mountain path, then back to a cave. Only the first and last Mountain Paths have a Small cave entrance. There are no Rest Points in this place, so you must use arts, Balms, Food and EP Charges to recover. Have a full Craft Gauge, the whole party equipped with Feather Brooches or better, and save before entering the big opening at the very top of Mountain Path 3. Proceed and meet -Boss- The Ancient LV - 70 HP - 25777 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Bite. Chops 1/4 of 1 character. 2. Flying. Changes place. Can damage anyone who is close to his landing spot. 3. Tail swing. Line (M), affects the area in front of him and knocks back. 4. Claw swipe. Single, halves HP. 5. Fire breath. Area (M). 6. Preparing to use arts. Takes one turn to unleash... ...7. Magical energy. His S-Craft, all-hitter. You cannot cancel it. Strategy: This boss is a bit tricky to hit, for he is located at the very edge of the battlefield, and every so often he will fly to another edge of the battlefield, thus forcing you to chase him. Now on your side, you are forced to bring both Agate and Tita to this fight, thus you have a good long-range attack, since at this point Tita will be hitting almost as hard as Agate with her physical. Position her right in the middle of the battlefield to avoid the claw and tail attacks and keep a constan bombardment, she will be your main healer during the battle with her Vital Cannon 2 since the boss is rather fast. It is only wiser that you should bring Oliver or other powerful art-user for this fight, put him/her next to Tita and start firing Dark Matters every turn available. Lost Moebius, though stronger, takes a little longer to fire, thus only use it if the dragon has changed places the previous turn. Estelle should keep using Morale whenever it fades, Clock Up, using Tearal and La Teara, as well as feeding Agate and Tita the occational Tomatrio Sandwiches and EP Chargers to your art user. Should you have the chance, fire some Comets to help squeeze some extra damage. Agate will be your main physical force firing Dragna Edges. When the boss starts to charge his attack, it is a signal that he will be firing his purple-energy blast. It is unblockable, so you must be near full health to soak the damage. Or use Earth Guard/Wall if you can pull it off before the boss' S-Craft. This is another battle of attrition like the one with the Tank in Grancel, so hang in there and don't be overconfident. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 7 O1.- Krone Pass Monster [CH5O1] - Available: Part of Story quest [CH5S1]. - Expires: You have to kill it to proceed with the story. Preparations: Have a full CP gauge. Some high Def Armor/Accessories are a good idea. Defense 4 too. Where to find: Found halfway on the pass' only screen (before the wooden bridge). It is a sort-of grey T-Rex. -Boss- Blade Fang X2 LV - 64 HP - 6866 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Roar. Str adn Spd Up to self. 2. Blade Fang is Growling Softly. Retreats 3. Bite. Powerful Single attack. 4. Blade Fang seems scared of something. Passes turn. Strategy: Cast Morale or La Forte, use Kaempfer 2 to lower their Def and Str and blast away. They are also suceptible to Agate's Spiral Edge. Most of the time they'll use either attack 2, 3 or 4. Easy. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - None (count as part of S1) O2.- Amberl Tower Monster [CH5O2] - Available: Part of Story quest [CH5S1]. - Expires: You have to kill it to proceed with the story. Preparations: Where to find: Octobone is located at the top of the tower next to the glowing altar. -Boss- Octobone X4 LV - 64 HP - 6107 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Absorb Nutrients. Absorbs 20 CP (you cabron) 2. Octobone is moving suspiciously. Hurts and inflicts confuse to himself. 3. Meteo Storm. Area (S), can inflict Faint. 4. Space Jam. Single, Def Down. 5. Split. Creates a copy of itself with half his current HP. Strategy: Focus on one at a time, taking care of AT Delaying your target with Spiral Edge. This way you avoid their splitting, which can make this into a hard fight if it happens too often. Just buff your party and debuff your current target and hack away. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - None (count as part of S1) O3.- Nebel Valley Monster [CH5O3] - Available: Part of Story quest [CH5S1]. - Expires: You have to kill it to proceed with the story. Preparations: Equip Lighters. Equip Agate with the Ruby Talisman. Where to find: Upon arriving to the valley there is a fork, take the left path aaaaall the way to the end. (Screen 1) The enemy is that stone statue thing by the cliff. -Boss- Ghost Epithaph X3 LV - 64 HP - 6854 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =120, A =120 Attacks: 1. Stalactite Drop. Single, can inflict Freeze. 2. Behaving oddly. Small damage to self. Ice Pecker X5 Strategy: They are easy if you bombard them with Spiral Flare, Estelle's True Hurricane, Tita's Smoke Cannon 2 and Agate's Draguna Edge. If Oliver has Meteo Fall, they will be decimated even faster... Once again: I. Love. Fire!! #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - None (count as part of S1) O4.- Imperial Request [CH5O4] - Available: As soon as you reach Bose. - Expires: When you go to Valleria Lakeshore at the start of Chapter 6. This a-ho again!!! (aho being an insult in japanese, btw) The client is the Erebonian Embassor, who is on the lower right room of the hotel's 2F. 1st - Outside of the Orbal workshop on the Bose South District. Look for the "!" mark on the red flowers just outside the rear (2F) exit of the workshop. 2nd - On the opened book located in the table on the 3rd floor of the Guild. 3rd - Check the "!" mark that appears on the forklift located in the Airport. The stolen medal is located then by checking the "!" mark on the scripture book in the church. You also get an Eisenritter's Medal for your troubles. *Note: I'd like to take this here space to offer a sincere take-off-the-hat to the Falcom programmers and the XSEED translation/localization team. This quest was the reason I went and sought a guide 3 years ago (2012) when I played the game in japanese. It's not so hard in english, but when you have to decipher the kanji...it was beyond me. That said, just you wait Blueblanc! I have an Abyss Fall with your name!! TOTAL BP - 5 O5.- The Rarest Flavor [CH5O5] - Available: As soon as you reach Bose. - Expires: When you go to Valleria Lakeshore at the start of Chapter 6. You have to take six different monster-type ingredients to Gwen in the kitchen of Anterose restaurant. If you've been fighting constanly up 'till now you should have more than enough. The ingredients she seeks are: -Juicy Bone X5 -Lucky Fang X5 -Curative Horn X5 -Tender Poultry X10 -Bird Egg X10 -Gummy Eyeball X10 -------------------------------MAX BP ALERT------------------------------- Now, this quest is one I recomend you finish with Max BP. For that, you need to go and talk to Orvid, who is standing at the southern entrance of the Bose Market. Doing so will trigger a scene with Gwen at the Anterose where our good man will repay those other fetch quests he lumped on us across two games by helping us deliver the rarer ingredients, which are -Juicy Bone X5 -Lucky Fang X5 -Curative Horn X5 This cuts the ammount of ingredients you need to hunt down. Once you have the others, return to the Anterose and talk to Gwen to finish the quest with Max BP. -------------------------------MAX BP ALERT------------------------------- >Credit to ManaBlast and haykalgundamn for pointing out the need to talk to Orvid to get the first 3 required ingredient types. *Note: Now, I promised it was worth your while. How? If you talk to Orvid from now on right there at the Anterose kitchen, he will be kind enough to SELL to you ALL TYPES OF INGREDIENTS!!!! From Monster Drops to the normal stuff you get at the local general goods... This opens up the chance to make TWO niffy little tricks that will be discussed in detail at the Q and A [QAA] section of the guide. Read in there for the tricks. >:D TOTAL BP - 3 (+2) O6.- The Missing Lady [CH5O6] - Available: As soon as you reach Bose. - Expires: When you report to Lugarn after slaying the 3 required monsters. The student (Reina) at Anterose restaurant wants you to find her friend. She is at Krone Mountains Checkpoint on the room with the beds and fireplace (the room next to the Ruan-side Door). During the convesation with her, choose: 1st - You really are stubborn, Felicity. 2nd - You really are a coward, Felicity. (+BP) Reina adds a Tornado Fan accessory as a plus for your work. TOTAL BP - 5 (+2) O7.- Ravennue Mine path Monster [CH5O7] - Available: when doing [S5.- Ancient Dragon Pursuit] - Expires: when you check in at the Kingfisher Inn at the begining of Chapter 6. Preparations: Equip your party with Mirage Rings, deck Agate with the Sapphire Talisman. Sleep protection is optional. Where to find: Located on the second screen going from the village to the mine, the black horned thing by the right of the map. -Boss- Fate Spinner X3 LV - 64 HP - 5875 Elemental Weakness: E =80, W =120, F =100, A =100 Attacks: 1. Meadow Task. Jumping slash. Single. Can inflict Petrify 2. Leap-Upon. Cancel art execution. Roly-Poly X3 Strategy: 4 horned things and 3 of the brown mushroom-like enemies...with tentacles. They are most vulnerable to Water arts and physicals. Cast Morale first, then use Agate's Spiral Edge craft and Blue Impact water art. Chain crafts are also a good way to go at them if they are packed together. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 O8.- Merchant Escort [CH5O8] - Available: at the begining of Chapter 6. - Expires: when you check in at the Kingfisher Inn at Valleria Shore. The client is Mirano, who lives in the 1st house entering Bose's South Block from the center. She wants you to escort her to Ravennue Village. After you speak with her, meet her on the city's west exit. Get Max BP by reaching Ravennue Village WITHOUT FIGHTING. To accomplish this, use the Haze Mirage Quartz (or better) so the monsters ignore you. The hardest part is in the mountain trail before Ravennue, since it is rather narrow. Once you reach Ravennue Village, the quest is done. TOTAL BP - 3 (+2) O9.- Memory of Distant Days [CH5O9] - Available: at the begining of Chapter 6. - Expires: when you check in at the Kingfisher Inn at Valleria Shore. Talk to madam Corna at the Kirsche bar next to the Hotel in Bose. She wants you to find her relative. She will give you a photo. From looking at the photo, you'll get a clear idea of who you should show it to. ;) Go to the Mayor's house, and show the picture (hold Triangle and press R) to the maid Lila on the 2nd floor. Then show the picture to Mayor Maibelle. After the scenes, the quest is over. TOTAL BP - 5 HO10.- Mine Extermination [CH5O10] - Available: at the begining of Chapter 6. - Expires: when you check in at the Kingfisher Inn at Valleria Shore. Go to the entrance of the Abandoned Mine and talk to the soldier in green to iniciate this quest. You have to enliminate all the robots inside the mine. They are paticularly vulnerable to the Aero Storm air art. There are 5 Robots inside the mine. One to the right from the entrance, and two to the left on the road to the open space where many story-related scenes have taken place. Upon reaching the open sky room, to your right you will find three entrances (rotate the camera to see them). Inside the first there is a treasure, on the second the fourth robot. The fifth and last robot is inside the upper left entrance of the open sky room. This one is of the blue variety, so it will take a few more hits, depending on your level. After eliminating all, the game will give you a message. Go back then to the entrance and the soldiers to report. *Note: If you are plannig to take the arts approach to the optional fight in the next chapter, you must collect the Crimson Eye accessory in this place. You've been warned. TOTAL BP - 6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch6 The Whereabouts of Bonds [CH6] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH6OVW] -Areas You Visit -Bose Region -Facility 1 Outside (1st Rest Point area) 1. Floor 1 (Entrance area, duh!) 2. Floor 2 (Dark room floor) 3. Floor 3 (Terrace exit floor) 4. Floor 4 (Boss area) -Facility 2 1. Floor 1 (Barrier corridors) 2. Floor 2 (Starting room floor/Twin corridors) 3. Rooftop (The BP Battle) 4. Floor 4 (Four interconnecting corridors) 5. Floor 5 (The big floor) 6. Floor 6 (Boss area) Quest List [CH6QSL] S1.- Break at the Lakeside S2.- Facility Infiltration Bracer Points: 9 S1.- None S2.- 4 (+5) Point(s) of No-Return [CH6PNR] -As soon as you check in at the Kingfisher, you are stuck there until... well, until Chapter 8! So make completely sure you have everything ready. -When you reach the Rest Point on the 4th floor of Facility One. Quest Flowchart [CH6QFC] TBA Monsters [CH6MNT] 1. Bose Vogel 235 (Boss) Vogel 570 (Boss) 2. Facility 1 Vogel 235 Vogel 570 Swordsman (Boss) Gunner (Boss) Amazon (Boss) Doppelganger (Boss) 3. Facility 2 Enhanced Jaeger Port Seeker Vanguard Vogel 235 Ennhanced Jaeger Captain (Boss) Pale Apache (Boss) Treaure List [CH6TRL] -Facility 1 Floor 1: Surprise Spell, Windlass (Gold Chest/monster), EP Charge II, Defense 4 (Gold Chest), Misty Veil (Gold Chest), Sepith Cache (Gold Chest) Floor 2: EP Charge, Night Goggles, Teara Balm, Ebony Shoes (Gold Chest), Star Rabbits (Gold Chest), Sepith Cache (Gold Chest), Sepith Cache (Gold Chest) Floor 3: Attack 4 (Gold Chest/monster), Teara Balm, Tearal Balm, Ebony Suit (Gold Chest), Sepith Cache (Gold Chest), Naptime Cookie -recipe- -Facility 2 Floor 1: EP Charge, Curia Balm, Vajra (Gold Chest), Misty Veil (Gold Chest) Floor 2: Knockout Meatball -recipe-, EP Charge II, Tearal Balm Floor 4: Star Rabbits (Gold Chest), Seven Ring Cane (Gold Chest/monster), Floor 5: Proxy Puppet (Gold Chest), Sepith Cache (Gold Chest) Recipe List [CH6RPL] 1. Naptime Cookie - Found (Facility 1) 2. Knockout Meatball - Found (Facility 2) 3. Dark Pot - Given by Whemler (Nebel Valley/Cabin) Book Collection [CH6BKS] V8: Talk to the kid named Lewey in Ravennue village at the start of the chapter BEFORE going to Valleria Lake. V9: Talk to Carlos the former soldier in Haken Gate courtyar BEFORE going to Valleria Lake. Fishing Spots [CH6FSH] -Bose Region Recommendation [CH6RCP] -Shining Pom Locations: Same locations as in Chapter 5. Quest Strategies [CH6QST] -If you managed to reach rank C+ (which you should if you are using this guide), you'll be awarded with the Grail Locket accessory. And I don't need to tell you why that is so good... S1.- Break at the Lakeside [CH6S1] You have to go to the Hotel at Valeria Lakeshore. It is recommended that you save before entering the hotel in case you need to backtrack for quests or items. It is advisable to buy a set of the best quatrz available (all the lv4 quartz from the seven types), as well as buying from Orvid enough ingredients to make battle food (you might want to grind for mira with the scam). Once you enter and talk with your party members who are sitting at the table they would offer 3 choices: -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- 1st - Still have something to do. 2nd - Lets Pary 3rd - Change companions Choose 2nd. A series of scenes will take place. When you regain control of Estelle, go to westernmost pier for more scenes. Afterwards you'll be promted to choose 2 partners for Estelle and Kevin. You should equip Kevin with a set of lv4 quartz and the Long Barrel II acc. Once ready, choose the third option to continue. -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- TOTAL BP - None S2.- Facility Infiltration [CH6S2] This is a long mission, and you cannot change teammates, so choose wisely at the Lakeshore Hotel. After the scenes that link the quests, you'll be on a shore before a building. Go to the rightmost entrance, and a mandatory battle will take place against the robots from hidden quest [HO10.- Ravennue Abandoned Mine Monsters]. They are the common enemies in this building, so the same strategy that you used in the mine will work. Navigate the first floor (ignore the doors with the red and green locks for now) until you reach a rest spot. You should know what comes next. The boss is behind the door with the red light above. -Boss- Swordsman LV - 66 HP - 10856 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Whirlwind Blade. Area (S). Works exactly as Estelles Hurricane. 2. Technique - Nightmare. Singe. Powerful combo, knocks back a huge distance. 3. Jumping slash. Cancel's arts. Vogel 235 X2 Strategy: A swordsman accompanied by two red robots. The red robots should fall quickly, so no issues there. Use Moraled crafts (Kaempfer 2 if Kloe is around). Despite attack #3, Kevin (and any other art-user equipped with Cast 2) will be able to blast some good ol'Dark Matters. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Afterwards, there is a computer at the back of the room, check it to get the Red Cardkey. Investigate all the red-locked doors on this floor before riding the elevator to the 2nd. On the second floor, when you reach the dark room, immediatly equip the Night Goggles. The next boss' door is to through the room's north exit. -Boss- Gunner LV - 66 HP - 12892 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Grenade Shot. Area (S). 2. Assault Combo Alpha. Single, inflicts Blind. 3. Gunshot. Single, can inflict Mov Down. 4. Shock Spider. Single, cancel's arts. Vogel 570 X2 Strategy: A gunswoman and 2 blue robots. Attack #2 will make her move a fair distance. Because of the boss' characteristics, this is an arts battle. After casting Morale, bombard the boss with wide-area arts such as Spiral Flare, Aerial, Aero Storm, etc. Chain crafts also do respectable damage to her. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- You get the Green Cardkey from the computer. Raid the green-lock rooms then backtrack to the elevator and open the green lock to ride the elevator to the 3rd floor. This one is smaller than the others. Once again, when you get to the door with the red light, a boss awaits. -Boss- Amazon LV - 66 HP - 13636 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Flurry. Single, Combo attack. 2. Air Slash. Area (S). 3. Jump Slash. Single, AT Delay. 4. Empower. Str Up, Def Down to self. 5. Wave Slash. S-Craft. Area (L) Vogel 570 X2 Vogel 235 X2 Strategy: One look at the boss will tell you what is coming your way... Morale your party and get rid of the robots, they are only a nuisance. Once alone Kaempfer 2 and give the boss a taste of Chain crafts/Time-space and it will be over quickly. Heal yourself whenever you are hit with the S-craft. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Blue Cradkey is yours, so raid the blue-lock rooms. Once ready, ride the blue-lock elevator to the last floor of this place. Don't worry about your Hp and Ep, there is a rest point just outside of the last door with the red light. Before entering, equip tour party with Skull Pendants. -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- Should you intend to use the arts method with the Sub-Boss at Facility Two, change the quartz from your party members so that Estelle has available as many Time quartz as possible, as well as unequipping/switching any accessories you think she might need (mostly the Grail Locket if you became rank C+, and the Crimson Eye). You don't have to install them know, but it would suck to forget... -----------------ATTENTION!!! POINT OF NO RETURN!!!----------------- -Boss- Doppelganger X3 LV - 70 HP - 9555 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Dagger Slash. 2. Dual Strike. 3. Flicker. 4. Cloak&Dagger. 5. Black Fang. Strategy: Need I explain what those attacks do?... It may seem a bit harsh, but if your party is lv 67-68 and equipped with Skull Pendants, you shouldn't have much trouble. Morale the team and attack them with area arts and crafts. That means True Hurricane, Flame Smash, Aero Storm, Volcanic Blast, etc. These guys may be fast and annoying, but they are weak and will fall quickly if they can't exploit their Deathblow effect. Talk about CPCs (Cheap Pirate Copies). #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Some scenes will take place, and Estelle will wake up in a new place... Facility Two Enjoy one of the game's few FMVs (cool!) and then proceed down the hall to the south door. Go to the elevator and then to the end of the wide corridor to see more scenes and reaquaint with the situation. After the scenes, you must leave the room and go the other elvator (the one you took before is unavailable). This is a straighforward area with not-so hard to beat enemies, which is good, since you only have Estelle for this part. Save when you go through the big door at the end of the wide corridor. -------------------------------MAX BP ALERT------------------------------- You might want to cook some exploding food, the more powerful the better, or tinker with the quartz array to get either Abyss Fall, Death Scream or Silver Thorn arts, this fight has a time limit and you have to win it to get Max BP. You've been warned. Once you get out, walk south and there will be a scene and a sub-boss. Choose whatever answer you like (maybe even the 3rd if you are feeling nice...) -Sub-Boss- First, the cast'n crew of this trademark Falcom cruelty: Ennhanced Jaeger Captain LV - 52 HP - 3408 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Point blank shot. Combo. 2. Pondering. Wastes a turn. 3. Mine set. Plants a mine that selfdestructs after one turn. Ennhanced Jaeger X4 LV - 69 HP - 3008 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Impact Rage. Cancel arts. 2. Accel Charge. Knocks back. 3. Heavy Smash. Can inflict Faint. 4. Slash. (normal attack) 5. Grenade. Can inflict Blind. Strategy: You'll fight 5 guys - 1 gunner and 4 heavy swordsmen. They hit hard, so you'll need to heal often. Also, their attacks can inflict Blind and Faint, so equip the addequate accessories (or just lump in the Grail Locket). Now, this fight has only 2 possible outcomes: 1. Either you get ganged-up (que rollo brain?! Don't go hentai with me here...) or the turn limit expires (around 20 turns give or take, not confrimed, if someone can confirm it You Get Credit). You get 0 extra BP (no way Jose!). 2. You manage to win. +5 BP (trust me: you want them). Likewise, there are only 2 feasible ways in which you can win this fight, and let me be straight with you: Crafts and physical attacks are out of the question on a 1st playthrough since the max level you can reach at this point (if you value your sanity) is 68. So here are the methods. Arts (Slow, hard, luck-reliant method) Preparations: Equip Estelle with any accessory that prevents Faint AND gives a boost in Ats/Spd/Agl as well as the Crimson Eye. These are Essential. Next, your best possible armor in terms of Def (or second best if it reduces Ats or Spd a little to much), then your best (fastest) shoes. If you still have a Staff that can Increase Ats...by all means! Next is the offensive. There are only 4 arts that will serve you well in this case: Death Scream, Abyss Fall, Silver Thorn and White Gehenna. Obviously, you want to go for Death Scream...however you might find yourself preferring to go for the other 2, since you need Action 4, Deathblow 1, and Fortune together with any other quartz that can give you the necessary ammount to be able to do so. And there is also the problem of Estelle's orbment slots. You have to install all the required quartz in just 4 slots! Obviously, Cast 2 is A MUST, without it...forget it. My advise is to use the central slot to install the other miscellaneous quartz (EP 4, EP Cut 4...). Mind 4, EP 4 and EP Cut 4 and Defense 4 are also A MUST. In case of those of you going for the Silver Thorn approach, throw in a Hit 4 too. Execution: You'll be cutting it uncomfortably close to the time limit NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. This is one of those fights where you are relying on luck (actual, real-life randomatics) to win. If you have Death Scream (and Deathblow 1) you have a 50-50 chance of cutting down their numbers in one fell swoop. Abyss Fall and White Gehena can inflict Faint, which will help too by removing one or 2 of our opponents. And Silver Thorn can inflict Confuse, thus gaining you an ally/allies. The trick with the non-Death Scream approaches is that you are relying on the placement of the enemies..and them bastards like to move or use attack #2 which will probably put them out of harms way, especially in the case of Silver Thorn and White Gehenna. FINALLY (I can hear you angryly saying 'wait, you mean there's more?!') there is always a chance that the Jaegers will just use attack #1 and thus force you to recast (and heal in-between). THIS is the part that relies on luck...well, your chances DO get better the more enemies fall. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if you just go and do the Battle Food (Mr Cheap method) I will have to retract myself in the General Strategies section: Battle Food is the Truly El-Cheapo Method. Period. There is no point in going into detail since it is a pretty simple and straightforward thing, really. I'll just leave you with a...speed chart. 1. Surprise Cookie - The 'slowest' one. Single target, no added status. 2. Perilous Meatballs - Line (S), Faint 50% chance. 3. Rainbow Surprise - Area (S), Random Status 50% chance. 4. Naptime Cookie - Area (S), 100% chance of Sleep (like granma's). 5. Knockout Meatballs - Line (S), 100% chance of Faint (again, like granma's, SHE knew how to make flamin' food...the memories!) If they line up/get close, even faster. So feed'em well! -Sub-Boss- -------------------------------MAX BP ALERT------------------------------- After some scenes, FINALLY Joshua joins back. And he makes it up by being in lv75! For obvious reasons, he will be 1-hitting most enemies in this place. Now, to get out of this joint, you need to go down 3 more floors. There is no real way to get lost, since there is always a map next to the elevators, and the path is mostly straight with only minor deviations if you want the treasures (one contains a new weapon for Estelle). Once you reach the Boss floor, use the rest point and save. After you reach the third big room, you will meet the Chapter Boss. -Boss- Pale Apache LV - 75 HP - 14480 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Call allies. Summons a random archaism (Vogels and Port Seekers). 2. Machine gun. Area (S). 3. Missile voley. Area (S) can inflict Blind. 4. Charging energy. Prepares to fire '5', takes one turn. 5. Energy beam. Line. Vogel 235 X4 Strategy: One big robot accompanied by 4 red robots. First, Morale with Estelle, then just Evil Eye with Joshua on the boss. Bye-bye the first two Vogels. Estelle then proceeds to clean up the other 2 with True Comet/Hurrincane. Afterwards, it is a straight deal of Flicker-ing the boss with Joshua while Estelle feeds her bitter half those poor, neglected Tomatrio Sandwiches that you couldn't use on the previus boss (there there, my lovelies, mama taught me never to waste food). Death easy. The Apache truly 'pales' in comparison to the Sub-boss hahahaha! (ok...bad joke...*apologises*). -Boss- Afterwards, some cool scenes, and then the quest, and the chapter come to an end. *Note: If you've been consistent and have gotten all possible BP, at this point you'll reach rank B...and earn the valuable Gladiator Belt! Just lump it on J and watch them enemies run at a glance! (...seriously, what is wrong with me and this bad jokes?! Must be stress...) TOTAL BP - 4 (+5) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch7 The Tetracyclic Towers [CH7] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH7OVW] -Areas You Visit -Tetracyclic Towers 1. Esmelas Tower 2. Carnelia Tower 3. Sapphirl Tower 4. Amberl Tower Quest List [CH7QSL] S1.- Tetracyclic Towers Incident Bracer Points Total: 9 S1.- 9 Point(s) of No-Return [CH7PNR] TBA Quest Flowchart [CH7QFC] TBA Monsters [CH7MNT] 1. Esmelas Tower Broken Piece J Guard Minion J M-J Series Doom Photon Judge J S-J Series Doom Shining Pom Bouncing Clown (Boss) Kaito Shinshi (Boss) 2. Carnelia Tower Broken Piece C Guard Minion C Gundoll C M-C Series Doom S-C Series Doom Steel Cougar (Boss) Yase Okami (Boss) 3. Sapphirl Tower Broken Piece B D-B Series Doom Guard Minion B Gundoll B M-B Series Doom Alraune (Boss) Jubokko (Boss) Zaqqum (Boss) Genwaku no Suzu (Boss) 4. Amberl Tower Broken Piece A D-A Series Doom Guard Minion A Gundoll AA M-A Series Doom Photon Judge A S-A Series Doom Shining Pom Vogel 911 EX (Boss) Zenmetsu Tenshi (Boss) Pater-Mater (Boss) Treaure List [CH7TRL] -Esmelas Tower Screen 1: EP Charge II Screen 2: Glam Choker (Red Chest), Smelling Salts, Reviving Balm, Caledfwlch (Red Chest) Screen 3: Taiji Garb (Red Chest/monster), S-Tablet, Screen 4: Emerald Talisman (Red Chest), Data Crystals 0-3, 8 Divinations Garb (Red Chest) Screen 5: Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Curia Balm, EP Charge, Reviving Balm, Regina Guarder (Red Chest), Tearal Balm, Celestial Balm, Sepith Cache, Tear All Balm, Blue Falcons, Insulting Tape, Sepith Cache, EP Charge II, Obsidian Blade (Red Chest) -Carnelia Tower Screen 1: Reviving Balm, Smelling Salts, EP Charge, Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Purging Balm, Sepith Cache Screen 2: Curia Balm, EP Charge, Softening Balm, EP Charge III, Isulting Tape, Ruby Talisman (Red Chest/monster) Screen 3: Reviving Balm, Genbu Shell (Red Chest), Suzaku Bow (Red Chest), Curia Balm, Sepith Cache, Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Data Crystal 4-7 Screen 5: Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Blue Falcons (Red Chest), Taiji Garb (Red Chest), EP Charge II, Zeram Powder, Long Barrel III (Red Chest/monster), EP Charge II, Tearal Balm, Sapphire Gem (Red Chest), Tearal Balm, Yin-Yang (Red Chest), Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Proxy Puppet -Sapphirl Tower Screen 2: Sepith Cache, Tearal Balm, Celestial Balm, Insulating Tape, EP Charge, Smelling Salts, Data Crystal 8 Screen 3: Avenger (Red Chest/monster), Celestial Balm, EP Charge II, Sepith Cache, Curia Balm, Data Crystal 9, Screen 4: Dragon Fang's Whip (Red Chest), Reviving Balm, Tearal Balm, 8 Divinations Garb (Red Chest/monster), Data Crystal 10 Screen 5: Ruby Gem (Red Chest), Data Crystal 11, Tear All Balm, Reviving Balm, EP Charge III, Softening Balm, Regina Guarder (Red Chest), Sapphire Talisman (Red Chest), Master Beads (Red Chest) -Amberl Tower Screen 1: EP Charge III, Reviving Balm, Screen 2: Tearal Balm, EP Charge II, Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Zeram Capsule, Taiji Garb (Red Chest), S-Tablet, Screen 3: Skull Pendant (Red Chest), Tearal Balm, Cloak, Celestial Balm, Curia Balm, Mirage Ring (Red Chest), Tear All Balm, Blue Falcons Screen 4: Lebensborn (Red Chest/monster), EP Charge II, Celestial Balm, Tear All Balm, Topaz Talisman (Red Chest), Tempest Cannon (Red Chest), Sepith Cache Screen 5: Emerald Gem (Red Chest), Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Data Crystal 12-15, Curia Balm, Tear All Balm, Arhat's Staff (Red Chest), Celestial Balm, Insulating Tape Recipe List [CH7RPL] None Book Collection [CH7BKS] V10: After completing Carnelia Tower, have Kloe in your party, talk to Antoine the cat on the stern of the Arseille. Fishing Spots [CH7FSH] None Recommendation [CH7RCP] -Equiping any of the elemental Talisman accessories on your fighters (attending to the specific element weaknesses by tower) will make your life easier. Try to equip them on your gunners (Tita and Kevin) for the best results. -Shining Poms are easily dispached using Battle Food, just make sure the users don't have any Talisman accessory equipped. -Shining Pom Locations: Esmelas Tower - M-J Series Doom Amberl Tower - Guard Minion A Quest Strategies [CH7QST] This chapter is composed of 4 quests that take place in each of the 4 towers: Esmelas, Amberl, Sapphirl and Carnelia. You get the chance to change your party and buy things while onboard the Arseille. Of special notice, are the EP Charge II and Tearal Balms. Stock on them, as well as on ingredients for Tomatrio Sandwiches if you didn't take the chance back in Bose. Also, you loose Olvier (noooo! My portable arts cannon!) for the duration of this chapter...and the next. He is getting to stick by Aina for a week as punishment for this! *Note 1: Even if this is only one quest, I'll split it in 4 parts for easier navigation. *Note 2: Location of the treasures in these dungeons is only APROXIMATE. Due to the nature of the places, it is somewhat hard to tell the exact Screen where you are. This holds especially true for Amberl Tower. I did make sure I went up and down these teleport-mazes, but since you can't turn ther camera, there are instances you won't be able to see reference points. As far as the count of treasures, they are all there. You've been warned. S1.- Tetracyclic Towers Esmelas Tower: [CH7S1] Boy is this place impresive!! As you may notice once you enter, the tower has changed dramaticaly, and so have the enemies. They are the same that appeared in the Sealed Area (FC's final dungeon). You might want to spend some time prowling this place searching for treasures and gaining Exp until you reach lv71-72. You may even luck out and encunter a Shining Pom! One of those buggers will raise several levels in one kill, so be ready to blast it with an S-Craft/Battle Food. Watch out though, the enemies in this place will only respawn if you leave and re-enter the tower. Treasures Screen 1: EP Charge II Screen 2: Glam Choker (Red Chest), Smelling Salts, Reviving Balm, Caledfwlch (Red Chest) Screen 3: Taiji Garb (Red Chest/monster), S-Tablet, Screen 4: Emerald Talisman (Red Chest), Data Crystals 0-3, 8 Divinations Garb (Red Chest) Screen 5: Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Curia Balm, EP Charge, Reviving Balm, Regina Guarder (Red Chest), Tearal Balm, Celestial Balm, Sepith Cache, Tear All Balm, Blue Falcons, Insulting Tape, Sepith Cache, EP Charge II, Obsidian Blade (Red Chest) Once you reach the rest point and the large teleporter, save and equip some Seal and Mute prevention accessories. Enter the big teleport. -Boss- Kaito Shinshi LV - 75 HP - 17770 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Shadow Cast. Teleports and creates a clone. The clones dies when the true Moron (I like the sound of that) gets hit. 2. Wild Carf. Area (M), can inflict Mute. 3. Demonappear. Summons a new Bouncing Clown. 4. Red Rain. Area (All). 5. Death Magic. Single, S-Craft. Bouuncing Clown X2 Attacks: 1. Marionette. Single, inflicts seal. 2. Floor breack. Single. Strategy: Its payback time for all the grief that Phantom Thief bastard has put us through. This fight is not that hard... How so? Well, our Thief has a sort-of pattern you can exploit. What you have to do to take advantage of it is to A) Put Joshua and Agate in charge of AT Delaying the BCs with True Flicker and Spiral Edge. B) While the boys keep the staff occupied, Estelle and Kloe (if you decided to take her with you...), should focus on our friend in white. Obviously, Estelle has to use Morale before assisting Kloe with Time or Space arts. Stuff like Dark Matter and Hell Gate are good enough to chop 1000+ HP per art from our Thief. Soon, you'll strip half his HP, at which point he will start using his S-Craft, make sure your party is above 3/4ths of their total so as too ensure whoever takes the hit can survive. By the time Joshua finishes with his Clown, the Phantom Thief will be close to the last 1/4th of his HP, so at that point have Mr Fang join in with Abyss Fall. Soon enough, Agate will also finish with his Clown, which will prompt the Moron to waste a turn summoning another. However, by this point he is on his last leg, so keep Agate on Clown-delaying detail while you finish that a-ho. Then, turn your arts on the remaining Clown(s). You are bound to reap some heafty reward if B summons several Bouncing Clowns. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Carnelia Tower [CH7S2] You are stuck with Zane for this mission, so pick Schera or Kloe to balance your party, or Agate to dispense some murder. The suggested extra should be Kevin, since there is weapon for him in the tower. Also, from this point onward, you'll be able to upgrade your orbment slots to Level 3 with Payton in the Arseille's workshop. Hope you have the sepiths. Be sure to do so since you'll soon begin to Gems, the Level 5 quartz, and those can only be installed on a Level 3 Slot. Treasures Screen 1: Reviving Balm, Smelling Salts, EP Charge, Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Purging Balm, Sepith Cache Screen 2: Curia Balm, EP Charge, Softening Balm, EP Charge III, Isulting Tape, Ruby Talisman (Red Chest/monster) Screen 3: Reviving Balm, Genbu Shell (Red Chest), Suzaku Bow (Red Chest), Curia Balm, Sepith Cache, Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Data Crystal 4-7 Screen 5: Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Blue Falcons (Red Chest), Taiji Garb (Red Chest), EP Charge II, Zeram Powder, Long Barrel III (Red Chest/monster), EP Charge II, Tearal Balm, Sapphire Gem (Red Chest), Tearal Balm, Yin-Yang (Red Chest), Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Proxy Puppet As always, save when you reach the Rest Point. Equip protection against Faint. Be sure to leave the Gladiator's Belt on Joshua (make it a permanent fixture on our ex-super assasin). -Boss- Yase Okami LV - 76 HP - 15870 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. One-Two. Single, normal attack. 2. Sonic Shot. Area (M), can inflict Faint. 3. Infinity Combo. Single, knock back, can inflict Faint. 4. Ultimate Blow. Area (L), S-Craft, can inflict Faint. Steel Cougar X3 LV - 72 HP - 7240 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Wind Blade. Line, will change position to the end of the line. Strategy: Wolfie the Wall-crusher comes together with 3 Steel Cougars. They have only one attack, but when they move they can hurt you. As for Wolfie, he is mainly a physical fighter, so his attacks will be hitting 1 person each time, except for #2. Also, all his attacks have the chance of inflicting Faint, so wear the relevant protection. The only attack you should concern yourself is his S-craft, which is an area (L) attack. To deal with these people, you need to use area attacks, whether arts or crafts it doesn't matter, so long as you can hit more than one enemy at a time. Joshua's crafts Evil Eye and Flicker are invaluable in this fight, since the Steel Cougars are vulnerable to At Delay. As always, keep yourself well healed, especially after Wolfie fires his S-craft, and you should beat him without problem. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Sapphirl Tower [CH7S3] *Note: Be sure to put Kloe in your party for a bit and talk to Antoine at the stern (the rear) of the Arseille. He'll give you the Gambler Jack Vol. 10. For this tower, Scherazard is mandatory, so pick more muscle work to balance your party (Agate or Zane). In this place you will find weapons for Joshua and Schera. Also, unlike the other towers, Sapphirl Tower is one straight path from begining to end. Treasures Screen 2: Sepith Cache, Tearal Balm, Celestial Balm, Insulating Tape, EP Charge, Smelling Salts, Data Crystal 8 Screen 3: Avenger (Red Chest/monster), Celestial Balm, EP Charge II, Sepith Cache, Curia Balm, Data Crystal 9, Screen 4: Dragon Fang's Whip (Red Chest), Reviving Balm, Tearal Balm, 8 Divinations Garb (Red Chest/monster), Data Crystal 10 Screen 5: Ruby Gem (Red Chest), Data Crystal 11, Tear All Balm, Reviving Balm, EP Charge III, Softening Balm, Regina Guarder (Red Chest), Sapphire Talisman (Red Chest), Master Beads (Red Chest) As before, equip Sleep and Confuse Protection and a Topaz Talisman on your strongest fighter. -Boss- Genwaku no Suzu LV - 77 HP - 14994 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Wind Slash. Single, normal attack. 2. Fire Storm. Area (M). 3. Dreaming Bell Toll. Area (All), inflicts Sleep and Def Down. 4. Tempest Dance. S-Craft. Zaqqum LV - 60 HP - 7497 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =50, F =50, A =50 Attacks: 1. Mist Punch. Inflicts Confuse. 3. Summon Alraune. Jubokko LV - 75 HP - 7497 Elemental Weakness: E =200, W =50, F =50, A =50 Attacks: 1. Wave Charge. Unleashes art on next turn. 2. Mist Storm. Area (All), can cause Sleep. 3. Summon Alraune. Alraune X2 1. Dream Smoke. Single, cancels arts and can inflict Confuse. 2. Strike. Single. Strategy: You know how to deal with the gaseous fellas, since they are the same as in Chapter 4. Ms Bell is mostly vulnerable to physicals, so lay on her with Moraled crafts (Dual Strike, Hard Break, any of Agate's and Zane's attack crafts, Kaempfer 2 will make all of them murder). She is rather weak, and won't hold up for long to a constant assault. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Amberl Tower [CH7S4] The last set of weapons, those for Estelle and Tita are located here, so you should make the bazooka girl a member of your team. The last slot can be filled with whoever you want, since no one is mandatory for this place. Treasures Screen 1: EP Charge III, Reviving Balm, Screen 2: Tearal Balm, EP Charge II, Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Zeram Capsule, Taiji Garb (Red Chest), S-Tablet, Screen 3: Skull Pendant (Red Chest), Tearal Balm, Cloak, Celestial Balm, Curia Balm, Mirage Ring (Red Chest), Tear All Balm, Blue Falcons Screen 4: Lebensborn (Red Chest/monster), EP Charge II, Celestial Balm, Tear All Balm, Topaz Talisman (Red Chest), Tempest Cannon (Red Chest), Sepith Cache Screen 5: Emerald Gem (Red Chest), Sepith Cache (Red Chest), Data Crystal 12-15, Curia Balm, Tear All Balm, Arhat's Staff (Red Chest), Celestial Balm, Insulating Tape When you reach the rest point, save and equip your party with Deathblow and Petrify protection...or protection against as many status as you can, since what you get is a bit random. -Boss- Zenmetsu Tenshi LV - 78 HP - 13579 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Slash. Single, Normal attack. 2. Blood Cricle. Area (M), Hurricane-like attack, can inflict Deathblow. Huge knock back. 3. Blade throw. Line (M), can inflict Deathblow. 4. Rennades. Area (L), S-Craft, can inflict Deathblow. Vogel 911 EX X6 Attacks: 1. Spin. Normal attack, Single. 2. Status beam. Line (S), inflicts random status. Strategy: This little...angel may be small, but those attacks can inflic instant death. And the 6 little robots can inflict random status on you with their lasers. The robots should be attacked with Dark Matter, Lost Moebius, Abyss Fall and Death Scream to expedite their demise. Despite the boss' strengh, this one doesn't have the defense to back it, so rely on Moraled physicals or Dark Matter. Joshua's Double Slash and Agate's/Zane's crafts (whichever is fine) will be removing good chunks of HP. However, keep an eye on your CP, for there is another boss after you teach this runt a good lesson. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- A scene, then... -Boss- Pater-Mater LV - 80 HP - 20000 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Robo Punch. Single, 'normal' attack. 2. Flying Charge. Line (L), tramples all in its path. 3. Buster Cannon. Line (M), S-Craft. Strategy: Our big fella from Chapter 3 is back. And this time you get to fight him (oh joy). This is a battle of attrition, where you only deal around 1000-1200 dmg. So prepare for a long battle. Keep your health always above 1/2 and you should prevail. If you want your arts to wear down all that HP faster, you may consider approiate to equip on your designated art-user the Crimson Eye accessory. Otherwise, Morale, then go at him with crafts. Either way, it's a slow beat. Not hard, just slow. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Some scenes will take place, as well as a kick-ass FMV! The theme that plays is called: The Greatest Treasure Released Boy! do I love that them. It is huevo destilado (distiled Balls, meaning 'BADASS'). And the chapter will end... TOTAL BP - 9 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch8 Land of Chaos [CH8] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH8OVW] -Areas You Visit 1. Liberl Kingdom Express Tour available!!! Book your place with our professional guides...sorry, had to be sarcastic. You know: stress. -General Information In short: Trails FC Redux. As explained in the game, in this chapter you cannot use arts...unless you wear the special accesory provided by Prof. Russel called the Zero Field Generator (ZFG from now on). It is located at the very top of the accesory list when accessing the equip character screen. This accesory will re-enable you to use arts, and in Tita's case, it is imperative that she has it equiped if she wants to use her physicals and crafts at all!! Furthermore, your main quest is to deliver said accesories to the Guild offices in Rolent, Ruan and Zeiss; and every time you make the delivery, you will be one accesory short! So to sum it up: 1.You can only use arts (and attack normally with Tita) if you equip your characters with the special, story-related accesory. 2. You only get 4 of said accesories. 3. Your primary mission is to deliver them to the Guild branches in Rolent, Ruan and Zeiss. 4. You will loose one accesory when you make the delivery. and most important 5. You will have to WALK all the way to the Guild branches... Just like in FC, no airship riding. Add to that the fact that every branch has several optional quest for you to complete, and this is, without a doubt, the longest, hardest chapter of the game (maybe from the entire series). You have the advantage that you can proceed to the other regions in any order you want. It would be recommended though, that you follow the same order as you did during the first disc of the game, that is Bose-Ruan-Zeiss-Grancel and Rolent. Also, you will get some really good accesories if you manage to climb again to the top of the four towers (Amberl, Sapphirl, Carnelia, Esmelas) and defeat the enemies. *Note: You'll be promted to change discs whenever you cross from Bose to Ruan and Rolent to Grancel and back again, so have them discs ready. Quest List [CH8QSL] S1.- Distribution of the ZFGs S2.- The Danger in the Capital HO1.- Save the Miners HO2.- The Occupation of Jenis HO3.- Hot Spring Restoration O4.- Krone Pass Monster O5.- New Ansel Path Monster O6.- Gull Seaside Way Monster O7.- Sapphirl Tower Outskirts Monster O8.- Ritter Road Monster O9.- Tratt Plains Mosnter O10.- Grancel Sewer Monster O11.- Erbe Scenic Route Monster O12.- Elize Highway Monster O13.- Milch Main Road Monster Bracer Points Total: 92 S1.- 8 S2.- 10 HO1.- 8 HO2.- 8 HO3.- 8 O4.- 5 O5.- 5 O6.- 5 O7.- 5 O8.- 5 O9.- 5 O10.- 5 O11.- 5 O12.- 5 O13.- 5 Point(s) of No-Return [CH8PNR] TBA Quest Flowchart [CH8QFC] TBA Monsters [CH8MNT] 1. Bose new monsters Broken Piece (Boss) Guard Minion Red Fang (Boss) Red Fang (Boss) S-Series Doom (Boss) S-Series Doom (Boss) Dimension Bug (Boss) Dimension Bug (Boss) Weather Seed (Boss) 2. Ruan new monsters Blade Cougar Enhanced Jaeger Steel Cougar Vanguard Vogel 570 Bouncing Clown (Boss) Bouncing Clown (Boss) Ebony Scale (Boss) Ebony Scale (Boss) Enhanced Jaeger Gunner (Boss) Vogel 911 EX (Boss) Roadrunner (Boss) Dimension Bug (Boss) Dimension Bug (Boss) Weather Seed (Boss) 3. Zeiss new monsters Abyss Worm (Boss) Abyss Worm (Boss) Blade Cougar (Boss) Blade Cougar (Boss) Divine Penguin (Boss) Divine Penguin (Boss) Dimension Bug (Boss) Dimension Bug (Boss) Weather Seed (Boss) 4. Grancel new monsters Big Cactus Lark Cactus (Boss) Evil Stream (Boss) Evil Stream (Boss) Enhanced Jaeger Enhanced Jaeger Vanguard Vogel 235 Vogel 570 Pale Apache (Boss) 5. Rolent new monsters Armored Crab Armored Crab (Boss) Armored Hydra (Boss) Devil Spear (Boss) Devil Spear (Boss) Vanguard (Boss) Vogel 911 EX (Boss) Dimension Bug (Boss) Dimension Bug (Boss) Weather Seed (Boss) Treaure List [CH8TRL] -Shield Orb: Monster Drop (Amberl Tower Top) -Mute 2: Mosnter Drop ([CH8O4]) -Strike 2: Monstrer Drop ([CH8O5]) -Sleep 2: Monster Drop ([CH8O6]) -Freeze 2: Monster Drop ([CH8O7]) -Mind Orb: Monster Drop (Sapphirl Tower Top) -Time Gem: Given by Sting (Ravennue Village) -Divine Cross: Monstrer Drop (Divine Penguins) -Blind 2: Monster Drop ([CH8O8]) -Poison 2: Monster Drop ([CH8O9]) -Power Orb: Monster Drop (Carnelia Tower Top) -Death: Monster Drop [CH8O10] -Seal 2: Monster Drop [CH8O11] -Petrify 2: Monster Drop [CH8O12] -Confuse 2: Monster Drop [CH8O13] -Soul Orb: Monster Drop (Esmelas Tower Top) -Topaz Gem: Mosnter Drop ([CH8O1] Armored Hydra) Recipe List [CH8RPL] 1. Aurora Ball - Given by Ray (Krone Pass/can only be gotten before leaving Bose) 2. Mighty Essence - Given by Deborah (Jenis/during ocupation) 3. Nirvana Tea - Given by Mrs. Mao (Elmo/after pump is repaired) 4. Heavenly Tempura - Bought (Rolent) 5. Mystery Paste Plus - Bought (Bose/after finishing quest [CH8S1]) 6. Worldly Stew - Bought (Bose/after finishing quest [CH8S1]) 7. Rustic Bone - Bought (Bose/after finishing quest [CH8S1]) Book Collection [CH8BKS] V11: In Rolent, after the wedding ceremony go to the bar and talk to Serra who is sitting at the table in front of the counter. V12: At Jenis Royal Academy, speak with Purity in the Humanities classroom after you have liberated the campus from invaders. V13: Speak with CWO Pace on Wolf Fort AFTER the pump in Elmo Village has been repaired. V14: Speak to Minuet at the Book Stall in Bose Market once you finish delivering the Zero Field Generators AND BEFORE going to Grancel. --------------------------!!!REWARD TIME!!!-------------------------- Find all to get the Zemuria Ore from the owner of Grancel's Coffe House who can be located at the Bracer Guild 3F at the end of chapter 8 during quest [S2.- The Danger in the Capital]. --------------------------!!!REWARD TIME!!!-------------------------- Fishing Spots [CH8FSH] -The whole Kingdom is your fishing spot. Pluck it like an Oyster. Recommendation [CH8RCP] -The most optimal companions for the Brights are Agate and Schera (hate me again you Agate-haters!). Why? Do the math: Morale + Evil Eye EX + Spiral Edge 2/Wild Rage 2 + Heaven's Kiss =Ownage to pretty much every poor soul that dares cross your path. -Kill the Shining Poms for the quartz, at this point they won't be able to provide you with decent experience...*sniff* -Completing the quests and speaking with the populace will also net you a fair bit of useful quartz/accessories/recipes. So do as ol'man Vogt from Ruan says and 'care'. -Might want to consider using the Mira Trick to improve your finances to buy those sepiths you want at the Grancel Sepith store if you want to deck your party with the Lv 5 quartz from the Final Dungeon. Also quite useful if you plan on stocking on the Bose recipes, wheather buying them directly or accruing ingredients with our pal' Orvid at Anterose's kitchen. -Shining Pom Locations: All the previous places you've found them throughou the Liberl Kingdom (Check the other Chapters) Quest Strategies [CH8QST] S1.- Distribution of the ZFGs [CH8S1] Easy, but it will take a looooong time. You just have to visit the Ruan, Zeiss and Rolent Guild branches in any order you want. Once you finish, you will receive a request from Queen Alicia in Grancel, where you must head to wrap this chapter up. As a recomendation though, visit Bose once more before going to Grancel and raid the stores. Aside from some very useful recipies, there is also a weapon for Joshua sold in the market which is his best thus far. TOTAL BP - 8 S2.- The Danger in the Capital [CH8S2] *Note: Elnan gives you a Zeram Powder as soon as the battle at the entrance of Grancel is over. This is it, the final quest of the chapter, and also the final one of the game per se. Before we proceed with the details of the quest, there are a few check list things to be done: 1. Once you reach the first crossroad on the Royal Avenue coming either from Sanktheim or Gurune gates, a scene will take place, and from then on you'll be stucked on the quest until the end, thus preventing you from going elsewere to buy/upgrade stuff you may have missed. 2. Whoever you got in your party will stay with you for the duration of the quest (meaning: no changing party members for the rest of the chapter). and 3. If you still have some unfinished optional quests, too bad, you'll have to wait until the 2nd playthrough. So to sum it up: once you witness the scene at the Royal Avenue, there is no going back. As for the quest itself, it is surprisingly straighforward. Once you reach Grancel you must proceed to Grancel Castle. You could take the time to level up your characters a bit with all the lv80 enemies lurking around, though keep in mind you won't be able to rest Anywhere, so you'll have to resort to items for healing. In case you got all 15 Gambler Jack books, it is advisable to take them to Baral from the cafeteria in Grancel's west block to get the Zemurian Ore, he is with the rest of the inhabitants of the capital inside the Bracer's Guild. Once you fill the need to finish this quest and move to the final chapter of the game, go to the castle gates, where the boss battle will take place. Before you take them on, a note on party member choices: Agate and Schera are perhaps your best choices (even if you don't use the El Cheapo Tactic). Since you only have one remaining ZFG it is best to keep it on Schera so she can use La Tearal, Titanic Roar, Meteo Fall, Aero Storm, Ragna Blast, and Abyss Fall if possible. Tita is a hindrance in this fight for obvious reasons (sorry Tita-fans), for with her in the team you'll be relaying too much on items to heal, since she needs the ZFG to fire her bazooka. And our tank-man, Zane doen't have an AT Delay inflicting craft, so Joshua would be hiting 2 BCRs with Ficker/Evil Eye most of the time. But it is your choice who to take if you want extra challenge. So on to the boss... -Boss- Pale Apache X3 LV - 80 HP - 14480 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Call allies. Summons a random archaism (Vogels and Port Seekers). 2. Machine gun. Area (S). 3. Missile voley. Area (S) can inflict Blind. 4. Charging energy. Prepares to fire '5', takes one turn. 5. Break Cannon. Line, inflicts Def Down. 6. Fuel Energy Fuse. Area (M), self-destruct. Vogel 235 X3 Strategy: The key to winning this battle without much frustration is to relay on AT Delay crafts (Joshua and Agate), for the Apaches are vulnerable to them. So you must position Mr. Black Fang so his Flicker craft can hit 2 of the BCRs, Agate will take on the other with Spiral Edge 2. Estelle and Scherazard (if she is your healer, and she should) will deal first with the Vogels, then Morale/La Forte Joshua and Agate, and proceed to help with the beating, Estelle with Hard Break/Comet, Schera with area arts. You must also keep Agate and Joshua fed with Tomatrio Sandwiches and other CP regeneration items you can afford to use (mostly food items) anytime they get to low on CP. If you can, cast some Spd up art on Agate, so he can use his Wild Rage to recover CP and save on the CP recovery items. With this strategy, the bosses won't be getting even one attack, essencialy turnning this fight into a cynch. Should you choose to bring Tita and/or Zane to this fight for some twisted reason, Estelle and Joshua will keep the same strategy, but Tita will be your healer with Vital Cannon 2 and Zane will have to do a similar role to Estelle. With them involved though, there are higher chances that at least one Apache will begin to move, thus preventing Joshua from Delaying them. Either way, it is up to you. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- After the battle, enter the castle and proceed to the royal chambers in the upper floors, where the stream of scenes that mark the end of the chapter will take place. TOTAL BP - 10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++IMPORTANT+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Depending on how many Bracer Points you've got, there will be changes in the dialogues. Also, you'll get your final reward for reaching the Max Rank, the Aura Guard. Full Ammounts of BP per Chapter for you, dear reader to do the math: CH 0 - 16 CH 1 - 38 CH 2 - 55 CH 3 - 42 CH 4 - 62 CH 5 - 60 CH 6 - 9 CH 7 - 9 CH 8 - 92 Bracer Points Grand Total: 382 (Surprising, but not as many as I expected) My thanks to the guys at http://homepage2.nifty.com/pspgameavenue/sorano_sc/index.html You made it possible for me to have this ready for everyone. Credit too to nekosaurus for posting the link to their site at the Trails SC board. ...and to boonoob, who was kind enough to point it to me that I had FORGOTTEN to update the total (bad me! bad me!). Every bit helps. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++IMPORTANT+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HO1.- Save the Miners [CH8O1] - Available: as soon as you reach Rolent. - Expires: when you go back to Grancel after finishing quest [CH8S1]. IMPORTANT: To be able to access this quest, first you have to deliver the ZFG to the Guild. In Rolent, you have to go to Malga Mine and talk to Landan next to the elevator in 1F. After the scene, check the "!" mark in the elevator. You will descend to B1. Your mission is to rescue the 5 persons trapped in the mine. Trent - Right after you come down the elevator. Next, cross the bridge, you'll be at a fork on the other side. Pierre - Cross the bridge to the left of the elevator room, on the fork go left. Heinrich - Same place as Pierrer. Chief Gaton - Cross the bridge, on the fork go down the middle path. Bones - on the fork after the bridge, go right. Go back to the elevator area. Ridge - on the passage with the wooden arches just before the bridge on the side of the elevator. The boss is also there. -Boss- Armored Hydra LV - 80 HP - 28773 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Giga Crash. Single, normal attack. 2. Earth-Shaker. Area (All), earth (oh joy) 3. Stone Toss. Area (S). 4. Call Allies. Summons one Armored Crab. Armored Crab X5 Attacks: 1. Pincer. Single, normal attack. 2. Call Allies. Summons one Armored Crab. Strategy: The boss is inmune to AT Delay. The red crab thingys' boss is here. Since by this point only one ZFG will remain in your inventory, it is recommended to put Schera in healing duty. Pelt the boss with your strongest physical crafts while Joshua makes short work of the lil' crabs with Evil Eye and Double Slash. Be careful when the boss starts to shine blue, for its attack will steal a good chunk of CP and Ep as well as the fact that it will summon more red crabs to help. You can sort-fo circumvent this with Heaven's Kiss. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Killing them will get you a Topaz Gem earth quartz. TOTAL BP - 8 HO2.- The Occupation of Jenis [CH8O2] - Available: as soon as you reach Ruan. - Expires: when you go back to Grancel after finishing quest [CH8S1]. IMPORTANT: To be able to access this quest, first you have to deliver the ZFG to the Guild. As soon as you enter the path to Jenis Royal Academy, a mandatory battle againts some Blade Cougars will take place (watch out, you have an NPC to protect). After the scenes, Joshua will be alone in the school grounds. Your job is to check every window with a "!" mark. On the second to last on the main school building, you'll get a scene and Mr. Black Fang will get a list of the hostages. After you checked all "!" marks, go to the back gate (the one that leads to the Old School House) and check the "!" mark. Joshua will return to the team, and you'll get reinforcements. Take the chance to use Anelace and Kurt if you want, they are on fairly high level but will suffer from the restrictions of this chapter, so equip them with the ZFGs (well, maybe just Kurt). Once you've chosen your party, the action will begin. You'll start in the Old School House. Here is the list of the hostages and where to find them: - Prof. Ratio= Cafeteria building 2F lower right room, men locker room - Prof. Effort= Cafeteria building 2F lower right room, men locker room - Prof. Millia= Cafeteria building 2F upper right room, women locker room - Prof. Wiola= Cafeteria building 2F upper right room, women locker room - Deborah= Cafeteria building 2F upper right room, women locker room - Mr Parkes= Boys' dorm 1F right room - Rody= Boys' dorm 1F right room - Roy= Boys' dorm 1F right room - Nikita= Ladies' dorm 1F left room - Taylor= Ladies' dorm 1F left room - Felicity= Ladies' dorm 1F left room - Logic= Main school house, 2F, Social Studies classroom - Monika= Main school house, 2F, Social Studies classroom - Argyle= Main school house, 2F, Social Studies classroom - Thelma= Main school house, 2F, Social Studies classroom - Patrick= Main school house, 2F Natural Sciences classroom - Reina= Main school house, 2F Natural Sciences classroom - Gerome= Main school house, 2F Natural Sciences classroom - Dennis= Main school house, 2F Natural Sciences classroom - Hans= Main school house, 1F Humanities classroom - Alice= Main school house, 1F Humanities classroom - Jill= Main school house, 1F Humanities classroom - Kaden= Main school house, 1F Humanities classroom - Purity= Main school house, 1F Humanities classroom - Dean Collins= The Dean's office - Fauna= The Dean's office - Richelle= After you rescued everyone else, leave the building you are in Through The Front Door for a scene, then go and enter the Old School House for a small battle against the wimp (he comes alone). -Boss- Enhanced Jaeger Gunner LV - 72 HP - 6408 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Dud grenade. AT Delay. 2. Mine laying. 3. Ask for forgiveness. Str and Def Down. 4. Point blank shot. Vogel 235 X3 Strategy: The same blue haired wimp from the last quest of Chapter 6 is back, all alone (Vogels don't count since they are as wimpy as our pal here), to help ease the day stress. He is e.a.s.y. Abuse him at your discretion. -Boss- *Note 1: After you've rescued Ms Deborah at the Girl's locker room, she will give you Mighty Essence X4. This is a new recipe. :) *Note 2: Don't forget to talk to Purity once again after the quest is over. She will give you the Gambler Jack Vol. 12 as a compensation for saving her. *Note 3: Be sure to talk to Eva at the Ruan Weapon shop with Tita in your party after you liberate the Academy. There will be a scene, and then Tita's S-Craft Cannon Impulse will turn to Cannon Impulse F. Neat, eh? TOTAL BP - 8 HO3.- Hot Spring Restoration [CH8O3] - Available: as soon as you reach Zeiss. - Expires: when you go back to Grancel after finishing quest [CH8S1]. IMPORTANT 1: To be able to access this quest, first you have to deliver the ZFG to the Guild. IMPORTANT 2: Put Tita in your party (give her a ZFG, of course) for this quest. You need her to finish this quest. Go to Elmo Village and talk twice with Mrs. Mao. She gives you the Pump Shed Key. Go to the Pump Room and a scen will take place. You will need a Combustion Motor and Gasoline. To get the motor, first go to Zeiss Airport and talk to Gustav (blue-haired guy with red bandana) then go to Leiston Fortress and talk to the guard (choose 2nd option). Last, go to Tratt Plains on the second screen to the east, just below the path to Carnelia Tower, there is a blue patrol ship with 2 soldiers, speak to them, and they will give you the motor. Now, for the Gasoline, go to the Factory's basement and talk to Rudi. A scene will occur and then you'll have to go to Ruan to get the Gasoline! When you get to Ruan, talk to Portos just outside the bar on the south district, then to Harg by the end of the pier. He is the man standing next to the stacked boxes. You'll get 3 canisters of Gasoline. With everything in your possession, go back to the Pump Shed in Elmo for a scene to complete the quest. Mrs. Mao will give you the Nirvana Tea. Drink it to learn the recipe. *Note: Be sure to go and talk with CWO Pace at Wolf Fort (the barracks). He will freeload the Gambler Jack Vol. 13! TOTAL BP - 8 Bose Optional Quests Special Stuff of notice is the Time Gem that you can get from the bracer (Sting) at Ravennue Village's entrance. He will also point you to the optional monster at the top of Amberl Tower. O4.- Krone Pass Monster [CH8O4] - Available: As soon as the Chapter Begins. - Expires: when you go back to Grancel after finishing quest [CH8S1]. Preparations: Wear Faint protection. Where to find: From Bose Guild. Just before the first bridge, coming from Bose. The grey T-rex. -Boss- Red Fang X4 LV - 80 HP - 5860 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =120, A =120 Attacks: 1. Bite. Single, normal attack. Boiler Egger R X2 Boiler Egger G X2 Strategy: They are like the normal enemies you fought on the dungeon at the end of [Ch5 That Which One Must Protect], only higher lv and more HP. Easy, since they are more or less clustered together, and all can be AT Delayed. Even easier if you equip both Emerald Talismans on your fighters. The quarry drops a Mute 2 earth quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 O5.- New Ansel Path Monster [CH8O5] - Available: As soon as the Chapter Begins. - Expires: when you go back to Grancel after finishing quest [CH8S1]. Preparations: Equip protection against Deathblows. Where to find: On the fork leading to Amberl Tower, the axe-wielding robot. -Boss- S-Series Doom X3 LV - 80 HP - 4921 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Axe Throw. Single, can inflict Deathblow. Guard Minion Broken Piece Strategy: The Doom's attacks can cause instant death. Fire at them with Moraled crafts and wide area arts like Abyss Fall, Lost Moebius, etc. An easier way of dealing with them is the good combo of Joshua with Gladiator Belt + Evil Eye. Try to hit as many as possible. The quarry drops a Strike 2 space quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 Amberl Tower Special Monster If Schera is with you (she should), install the Emerald Gem on her orbment to have access to Grand Stream, which will be chopping good chunks of their HP. Also, this is not a 'monster quarry', so you can get a Preemptive Strike and all the advantages that implies... :) -Boss- Dimension Bug X3 LV - 80 HP - 13998 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: Weather Seed X3 Strategy: Fist, a disclaimer: the following strategy is based on the suggested party in the Recommendations part (points up). There will be slight variations in it depending on who is with you. That said, Zane is probably the only one that will actually have a chance to mess up the strategy if you are not careful. Consider yourself informed. Requirements 1st - You MUST get a Preemptive Strike. 2nd - Depending on the tower, one of the Bugs will be vulnerable to the opposite element (Amberl's to Air, Sapphirl's to Fire...). Circunvent this by using Time and Space (you know which ones). 3rd - Joushua has to be equipped with the Gladiator's Belt. You should have it if you have followed the guide. 4th - Estelle and your other fighter must place themselves at the end of the 'line' made by the Bugs. This is so you do not knock them back, thus breaking the formation and possibly preventing J from Evil Eying them. Everyone's tasks Estelle - Morale, then MOVE (not attack) to the end of the line made by the Bugs. Then, use True Comet every turn. If you bring Zane (what? are u inZANE, get it?! ...don't stare at me...) she will first help him kill the Weatherseeds before taking her place. Joshua - Evil Eye EX on the 3 Bugs on the turn that comes before the enemies'. Meaning: he can squeeze an Abyss Fall before having to use EE. Agate - Same as Estelle, sans Morale and uses Draguna Edge instead. Schera - Uses Time and Space arts, first on the Weatherseeds, then on the Bugs. Heaven's Kiss if you mess up the turns. Tita - Smoke Cannon. Firsts on the Weatherseeds, then on the Bugs. Zane - Don't bring him, PLEASE! ...if you do, place him at the bottom of the Bug line and have him hit that one to slowly push it up. Can help Estelle dispose of the Weatherseeds first. Alternatively, you can have him use Thunder God Kick, though I don't know if it can knock back the Bugs (haven't really used him much, 'sept for story purposes). Killing them gives you the Shield Orb accessory. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Ruan Optional Quests O6.- Gull Seaside Way Monster [CH8O6] - Available: as soon as you reach Ruan. - Expires: you have to fight it to enter/leave Ruan City. Preparations: Where to find: It is the weird robot (Bouncing Clown) blocking the way from to Ruan-Vista Forest. If you come from Bose, you have to fight it in order to get to Ruan. -Boss- Bouncing Clown X3 LV - 80 HP - 8745 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Marionette. Single, damages CP, can inflict seal. 2. Pit Trap. Single. 3. Slash. Single, normal attack. Vogel 911 EX X3 Strategy: 3 Bouncing Clowns and three small black robots. You fough this robots before with the Phantom Freak, the strategy is the same, only more Hp. Killing them will earn you a Sleep 2 air quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 O7.- Sapphirl Tower Monster [CH8O7] - Available: as soon as you reach Ruan. - Expires: when you go back to Grancel after finishing quest [CH8S1]. Preparations: Equip protection against Blind and Deathblows. Where to find: From Ruan Guild. The giant black fish outside the tower. -Boss- Ebony Scale X3 LV - 80 HP - 13244 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Thunderbolt. Single, can inflict Blind. 2. Call allies. Roadrunner X3 Strategy: 3 giant fishes accompanied by some runner birds. The fishes can summon more birds. Pelt the fishes with any area earth art and the birds with air arts, Abyss Fall and Lost Moebius work well with them too. Killing them will give you the Freeze 2 water quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 Sapphirl Tower Special Monster: One bug is weak to Fire arts. -Boss- Diimension Bug X3 LV - 80 HP - 13020 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: Weatherseed X3 Strategy: Fist, a disclaimer: the following strategy is based on the suggested party in the Recommendations part (points up). There will be slight variations in it depending on who is with you. That said, Zane is probably the only one that will actually have a chance to mess up the strategy if you are not careful. Consider yourself informed. Requirements 1st - You MUST get a Preemptive Strike. 2nd - Depending on the tower, one of the Bugs will be vulnerable to the opposite element (Amberl's to Air, Sapphirl's to Fire...). Circunvent this by using Time and Space (you know which ones). 3rd - Joushua has to be equipped with the Gladiator's Belt. You should have it if you have followed the guide. 4th - Estelle and your other fighter must place themselves at the end of the 'line' made by the Bugs. This is so you do not knock them back, thus breaking the formation and possibly preventing J from Evil Eying them. Everyone's tasks Estelle - Morale, then MOVE (not attack) to the end of the line made by the Bugs. Then, use True Comet every turn. If you bring Zane (what? are u inZANE, get it?! ...don't stare at me...) she will first help him kill the Weatherseeds before taking her place. Joshua - Evil Eye EX on the 3 Bugs on the turn that comes before the enemies'. Meaning: he can squeeze an Abyss Fall before having to use EE. Agate - Same as Estelle, sans Morale and uses Draguna Edge instead. Schera - Uses Time and Space arts, first on the Weatherseeds, then on the Bugs. Heaven's Kiss if you mess up the turns. Tita - Smoke Cannon. Firsts on the Weatherseeds, then on the Bugs. Zane - Don't bring him, PLEASE! ...if you do, place him at the bottom of the Bug line and have him hit that one to slowly push it up. Can help Estelle dispose of the Weatherseeds first. Alternatively, you can have him use Thunder God Kick, though I don't know if it can knock back the Bugs (haven't really used him much, 'sept for story purposes). These ones give a Mind Orb. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Zeiss Optional Quests Take particular care when going through Kaldia Tunnel, for anyone not equipped with the Night Goggles (you should have at least 2 pairs, you can buy more at O'Neal's Duty Free Shop right outside Ruan's Airport) will be inflicted with Blind. Also, there is a special monster in the tunnel: 2 Divine Penguins. You can find them at Screen 3 right before reaching Zeiss. Just enter the small tunnel. It is the south easternmost part of the map. -Sub Boss- Divine Penguin X2 LV - 80 HP - 18791 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Catfish Shock. Single, can inflict Seal. 2. Swordfish Dart. Single, Str Down. 3. Samba de Penguin. All-hitter. Random status effects. 4. Final Halo. Line attack, takes 1 turn to charge. inflict Sleep. 5. Teleport. Randomly changes place in the battlefield. 6. Snacktime!. Recover HP. 7. Swordfish Storm. Area attack. Can inflict Confuse. Strategy: Be sure to get a Preemptive Strike when engaging them. This pair of bastards is particularly complicated if you don't have the NGs equipped. They are the same as the boss from quest [CH2O10] on Ch2, including the fact that their attacks will inflict vasious status to you. This is an arts battle, just be sure you have at least 2 ZFGs equipped on Schera and whoever you deem adecuate (probably Joshua). Killing them gets you a Divine Cross accessory. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Sub Boss- O8.- Ritter Roadway Monster [CH8O8] - Available: as soon as you reach Zeiss. - Expires: You have to kill it to enter/leave Zeiss. Preparations: Wear Deathblow protection. Where to find: Blade Cougar is just outside of Zeiss' eastern exit. -Boss- Blade Cougar X5 LV - 80 HP - 5866 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Wind Blade. Line, can inflict Deathblow. 2. Seal Blade. Single, can inflict Deathblow (and Seal, though n/c). Strategy: 5 Blaze Cougars. You've fought them before, so they should not give much trouble. Again, exploit Evil Eye EX and Area (All) arts (Death Scream, Grand Stream, Arc Prominence, Titanic Roar...). Killing them gets you Blind 2 time quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 O9.- Tratt Plains Mosnter [CH8O9] - Available: as soon as you reach Zeiss. - Expires: when you go back to Grancel after finishing quest [CH8S1]. Preparations: Where to find: The gaint worm on the screen just before Wolf Fort (on the road). -Boss- Abyss Worm X8 LV - 80 HP - 12805 Elemental Weakness: E =0, W =80, F =100, A =120 Attacks: 1. Lightning Fall. Single, can cause Blind. 2. Earth-Shaker. Area (All), earth, only used when injured. 3. Absorb Nutrients. Steals some HP from target. Strategy: Many people at the boards have stated that this fellas are a pain. And they can be, if you don't know the trick: namely the condition for them to use Earth-Shaker (*urges you to re-read attack 2 description). What you have to do is simple: either make sure the Worms you are targeting with Aerial/Aero Storm are always AT Delayed by Joshua (and Agate if one of them should escape un-Delayed), or go at one at a time with Single-target crafts. Whichever method you choose, always have Joshua ready to AT Delay as many Worms as you can fit in Evil Eye EX's Area (M). DO NOT use area crafts/arts with fixed targeting (i.e. that you can't place where you want), or that will knock back the Worms. Keep them as close to one-another as you can. Properly done, you can deal with 4 of them at a time while the others use the less dangerous attack 1. Attack 3 is only a nuisance. And please: leave Tita out of this. Smoke Cannon 2 is strong, but might fail, and the Worms are immune to Blind, plus arts will do more damage, which are not Tita's forte, mind you. This should make the battle easier. Killing them gets you the Poison 2 earth quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 Carnelia Tower Special Monster: This time, one of the Bugs will be weak to Water arts. -Boss- Dimension Bug X3 LV - 80 HP - 13998 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =120, F =80, A =100 Attacks: Weatherseed X3 Strategy: Fist, a disclaimer: the following strategy is based on the suggested party in the Recommendations part (points up). There will be slight variations in it depending on who is with you. That said, Zane is probably the only one that will actually have a chance to mess up the strategy if you are not careful. Consider yourself informed. Requirements 1st - You MUST get a Preemptive Strike. 2nd - Depending on the tower, one of the Bugs will be vulnerable to the opposite element (Amberl's to Air, Sapphirl's to Fire...). Circunvent this by using Time and Space (you know which ones). 3rd - Joushua has to be equipped with the Gladiator's Belt. You should have it if you have followed the guide. 4th - Estelle and your other fighter must place themselves at the end of the 'line' made by the Bugs. This is so you do not knock them back, thus breaking the formation and possibly preventing J from Evil Eying them. Everyone's tasks Estelle - Morale, then MOVE (not attack) to the end of the line made by the Bugs. Then, use True Comet every turn. If you bring Zane (what? are u inZANE, get it?! ...don't stare at me...) she will first help him kill the Weatherseeds before taking her place. Joshua - Evil Eye EX on the 3 Bugs on the turn that comes before the enemies'. Meaning: he can squeeze an Abyss Fall before having to use EE. Agate - Same as Estelle, sans Morale and uses Draguna Edge instead. Schera - Uses Time and Space arts, first on the Weatherseeds, then on the Bugs. Heaven's Kiss if you mess up the turns. Tita - Smoke Cannon. Firsts on the Weatherseeds, then on the Bugs. Zane - Don't bring him, PLEASE! ...if you do, place him at the bottom of the Bug line and have him hit that one to slowly push it up. Can help Estelle dispose of the Weatherseeds first. Alternatively, you can have him use Thunder God Kick, though I don't know if it can knock back the Bugs (haven't really used him much, 'sept for story purposes). Killing them will get you a Power Orb accessory. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Grancel Optional Quests O10.- Grancel Sewer Monster [CH8O10] - Available: as soon as you reach Grancel. - Expires: when you finish delivering the ZFGs. Preparations: Wear Blind protection. Where to find: The hairy green thing by the dividing wall on the connecting tunnel between the two sewer sections, on the east side. -Boss- Evil Stream X4 LV - 80 HP - 8820 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =50, F =100, A =0 Attacks: 1. Bite. Normal attack. 2. Aero Storm. Takes 1 turn to charge. 3. HP Absorb. 4. Dark breath. Single, inflicts Blind. Boiler Egger 0 Great Moth X2 Mad Snail Strategy: Evil Eye EX. Period. Help J do his thing by also blasting them with Death Scream, Lost Moebius, Titanic Roar and the like, they won't last too long. It helps (you) that they are all clustered together. Killing them will get you the Death time quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 O11.- Erbe Scenic Route Monster [CH8O11] - Available: as soon as you reach Grancel. - Expires: when you finish delivering the ZFGs. Preparations: Wear Seal protection, equip fighters with Topaz Talismans. Where to find: The gaint catus (cactuars!!!) oustide Erbe Royal Villa. -Boss- Big Cactus LV - 80 HP - 9788 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Stinger. Single. 2. Puff. Normal attack. 3. Devil Stinger. Single, can inflict Seal. 4. Beast Spiritual. Str and Spd Up to allies. Lark Cactus X7 Strategy: They are plants, so burn'em with Meteo Fall and other fire arts, and of course Death Scream, Abyss Fall and Lost Moebius will help you. Should you go at them with physicals, equip Topaz Talismans. Killing them will get you the Seal 2 fire quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 Rolent Optional Quests O12.- Elize Highway Monster [CH8O12] - Available: as soon as you reach Rolent. - Expires: you have to kill it to leave/enter Rolent. Preparations: Equip Petrofy protection. Where to find: The big robot just ouside Gurune Gate. -Boss- Vanguard X3 LV - 80 HP - 7890 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Axe. Normal Attack. 2. Bullet Barrage. Area (M). 3. AA Canceller Missile. Cancels Art (duh!). 4. Self-destruct. Used when they die, Area (M). Vogel 911 EX X3 1. Gorgon Laser. Line (S), inflicts random status. Strategy: Just like previous encounters with them Vogels 911 EX, make them your priority with Death Scream, Titanic Roar or Grand Stream. Joshua does the usual Evil Eying on the Vanguards to take them away from your mind. Once the Vogels are gone, move your characters back and keep assaulting them with the long-range stuff. It won't be long before they go Boom-boom, bye-bye. Killing them will get you the Petrify 2 earth quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 O13.- Milch Main Road Monster [CH8O13] - Available: as soon as you reach Rolent. - Expires: when you go back to Grancel after finishing quest [CH8S1]. Preparations: Wear Poison and Deathblow protection. Where to find: Milch Main Road Screen 2 on the northernmosts part, almost opposite to the Perzel Farm entrance. Target is the mean-looking giant black scorpion. -Boss- Devil Spear X3 LV - 80 HP - 8124 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Pincer. Normal attack, can inflict Poison 2. Death Press. Single, can inflict Deathblow. 3. Grand Submariner. Area (All). Mars Sparrow X5 Strategy: Once again, Evil Eye EX and Spiral Edge 2 shine something fierce. Make EE Joshua's task throughout the fight while the rest work at them with Crafts that do not knock them back (True Comet, Draguna Edge 2, Smoke Cannon 2...). Schera will, as always, use either Area (All) arts (Titanic Roar is a good one here) and Heaven's Kiss to ensure the poor bugs n' birds remain idle while you work on them. :) Killing them will get you the Confuse 2 mirage quartz. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- TOTAL BP - 5 Esmelas Tower Special Monster: One Bug will be weak to Earth. -Boss- Dimension Bug X3 LV - 80 HP - 13998 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: Who cares!!!!! Weatherseed X3 Strategy: Fist, a disclaimer: the following strategy is based on the suggested party in the Recommendations part (points up). There will be slight variations in it depending on who is with you. That said, Zane is probably the only one that will actually have a chance to mess up the strategy if you are not careful. Consider yourself informed. Requirements 1st - You MUST get a Preemptive Strike. 2nd - Depending on the tower, one of the Bugs will be vulnerable to the opposite element (Amberl's to Air, Sapphirl's to Fire...). Circunvent this by using Time and Space (you know which ones). 3rd - Joushua has to be equipped with the Gladiator's Belt. You should have it if you have followed the guide. 4th - Estelle and your other fighter must place themselves at the end of the 'line' made by the Bugs. This is so you do not knock them back, thus breaking the formation and possibly preventing J from Evil Eying them. Everyone's tasks Estelle - Morale, then MOVE (not attack) to the end of the line made by the Bugs. Then, use True Comet every turn. If you bring Zane (what? are u inZANE, get it?! ...don't stare at me...) she will first help him kill the Weatherseeds before taking her place. Joshua - Evil Eye EX on the 3 Bugs on the turn that comes before the enemies'. Meaning: he can squeeze an Abyss Fall before having to use EE. Agate - Same as Estelle, sans Morale and uses Draguna Edge instead. Schera - Uses Time and Space arts, first on the Weatherseeds, then on the Bugs. Heaven's Kiss if you mess up the turns. Tita - Smoke Cannon. Firsts on the Weatherseeds, then on the Bugs. Zane - Don't bring him, PLEASE! ...if you do, place him at the bottom of the Bug line and have him hit that one to slowly push it up. Can help Estelle dispose of the Weatherseeds first. Alternatively, you can have him use Thunder God Kick, though I don't know if it can knock back the Bugs (haven't really used him much, 'sept for story purposes). Killing them will net you a Soul Orb accessory. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ch9 Trails in the Sky [CH9] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter Overview [CH9OVW] Areas You Visit 1. Final Dungeon -Arseile -Area 1 Calmare 1. Calmare Block 1 (Arseille) 2. Calmare Block 2 (Station Lift/Tunnel 1 entrance) 3. West Calmare Station 3. Tunnel 1 (Calmare to Cradle) -Area 2 Cradle 1. Cradle Block 1 (Tunnel 1 exit/Bar) 2. Cradle Block 2 (Big Red Building/Station lift) 3. Cradle #35 Station 4. Tunnel 2 (Cradle to Factoria) -Area 3 Factoria 1. Factoria Block 1 (Tunnel 2 exit) 2. Factoria block 2 (Station elevator/Tunnel 3 entrance) 3. Factoria Block 3 ('The Place' entrance) 4. 'The Place' 5. Tunnel 3 (Factoria to Axis Pillar) -Area 4 Axis Pillar 1. Axis Pillar Block 1 (Station Lift/Tunnel 3 exit) 2. Axis Pillar Block 2 (Axis Pillar entrance) 3. Tower (Has Floors) -Area 5 Themelios Zone General Information -The Final Dungeon is all that is left to do, but before you are allowed to begin there will be some scenes before you are allowed to leave the Arseille, which functions as your HQ. The Arseille is equiped with all you need: Shops, beds to rest, and by talking to each party member you'll be able to edit your party. Also, in this chapter you gain access to the full roster of party member with only the exception of Kurt and Anelace. There are no time limits or quests to finish here. Quest List [CH9QSL] S1.- +!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!+ [CH9S1] Bracer Points Grand Total: 382 Point(s) of No-Return [CH9PNR] There are only 2 PNRs in the final dungeon. 1. "The Place" - Technicaly speaking, this part of the Final Dungeon is not a PNR, but once you leave, "The Place" becomes unavailable. 2. Area 4 Axis Pillar [Top Floor] - As soon as you choose to board the elevator to the [Top Floor], you are stuck on the final 5 battles of the game, with only a small chance to heal at Area 5 Themelios Zone. Quest Flowchart [CH9QFC] TBA Monsters [CH9MNT] 1. Tunnel 1 (Calmare to Cradle) Dark Lamp Phenomenon Weather Seed 2. Cradle Block Bearmarith Bone Legger Kemoshi 3. Tunnel 2 (Cradle to Factoria) Brute Angler Dark Lamp Ebony Scale Phenomenon Weather Seed 4. Factoria Block Bearmarith Bone Legger Kemoshi Enhanced Jaeger Enhanced Jaeger Steel Cougar 5. 'The Place' Leor Gun-EZ Port Seeker Vanguard Vogel 235 Vogel 570 Pale Apache (Boss) Spindoll (Boss) New Jaeger Captain (Boss) Riot Arms (Boss) 6. Tunnel 3 (Factoria to Axis Pillar) Brute Angler Dark Lamp Ebony Scale Kailash Gray Phenomenon Shining Pom Weather Seed 7. Axis Pillar Armored Compe Artiball D-G Diver Dark Zone Dimension Bug Esterian Quatre Fortune Coin Knuckle Spider Weather Seed Master Trapper (Boss) Riot Claw (Boss) Solid Seeker (Boss) Bouncing Clown (Boss) Kaito Shinshi (Boss) Shadow Cougar (Boss) Yase Okami (Boss) Alaraune (Boss) Jubokko (Boss) Zaqqum (Boss) Genwaku no Suzu (Boss) Zenmetsu Tenshi (Boss) Pater-Mater (Boss) Riot Saber (Boss) The Bladelord (Boss) T. M. Dragion (Boss) 8. Themelios Zone Master Trapper (Boss) Combat Shell (Boss) The Faceless (Boss) Greed Looper (Boss) Faceless Angel - Form 1 (Boss) Alpha Omega (Boss) Faceless Angel - Final Form (Boss) Treaure List [CH9TRL] -Tunnel 1: Dominion (White Chest/monster), Silver Gem (White Chest), Sepith Cache, Reviving Balm, EP Charge II, Tearal Balm, Onyx Gem (White Chest), Zeram Powder, Curia Balm -Cradle: Screen 1: Smelling Salts, Sepith Cache, Sepith Cache, EP Charge II, Resurrect Jelly -recipe- (Terminal inside House), Ingredient Cache, Ingredient Cache, Ingredient Cache, Data Cristal Z (Terminal in Bar Building, only if you got the Zemurian Ore), Tear All Balm Screen 2: Gold Gem, S-Tablet -Tunnel 2: Celestial Balm, Sepith Cache, Briarios (White Chest), Hermes Gear (White Chest/monster), Wind Gem (White Chest), Celestial Balm, Lion King's Sword (White Chest), Persetear (White Chest) -Factoria: Screen 1: Omega Craft (White Chest), Mirage Gem (White Chest), Sepith Cache -'The Place': Floor 1: Tear Balm, Smelling Salts, EP Charge II, Sepith Cache, Celestial Balm, Seven Star Sword (Gold Chest), Tearal Balm, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, EP Charge II, Revolver (Gold Chest), Grail Locket (Gold Chest/monster) Floor 2: Sepith Cache, Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Tearal Balm, EP Charge II, Dark Messiah (Gold Chest), S-Tablet, EP Charge II, Zeram Powder, Tearal Balm, Celestial Balm, Aurelia Dress (Gold Chest), Floor 3: Teara Balm, Tear All Balm, Jags Panzer (Gold Chest), Tearal Balm, Reviving Balm, Rozenkrantz (Gold Chest) Floor 4: Security Card. Cells: Sepith Cache, Jagd Guarders -Tunnel 3: Sepith Cache, Curia Balm, EP Charge II, Celestial Balm, EP Charge III, Spiegel Shoes (White Chest/monstere), Sepith Cache, Curia Balm, Wood Gem (White Chest), S-Tablet, Curia Balm, Emergency Puppet, EP Charge II, Tear All Balm, Water Gem (White Chest), Parthenon Gear (White Chest/monster) -Axis Pillar: Floor 1: Reviving Balm, Zeram Capsule, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Emergency Puppet (White Chest), Long Barrel III (White Chest), Brave Staff (White Chest/monster) Floor 2: Tear All Balm, Curia Balm, Tiger Heart (White Chest), EP Charge III, Celestial Balm, S-Tablet, Sepith Cache (White Chest), Jormungander (White Chest) Floor 3: Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Curia Balm, S-Tablet Floor 4: Prometheus (White Chest/monster), Curia Balm, S-Tablet, EP Charge II, Lily Necklace (White Chest), Shine Sphere (White Chest), Sepith Cache (White Chest) EP Charge III, EP Charge II, Reviving Balm, Curia Balm, Celestial Balm, EP Charge III, Gaia Suit (White Chest/monster) Floor 5: Tear All Balm, S-Tablet, Tearal Balm, Armored Barbarossa (White Chest) Floor 6: EP Charge III, Insulting Tape, Curia Balm, Tear All Balm, Sepith Cache (White Chest), Aura Fencer (White Chest/monster), Armored Sieglinde (White Chest) Recipe List [CH9RPL] 1. Bitter Omelet - Bought (Arseille) 2. Resurrect Jelly - Found (Cradle - Bar) Book Collection [CH9BKS] --------------------------!!!REWARD TIME!!!-------------------------- Bring the Zemurian Ore to Cradle's Bar and access the terminal on the back to obtain the Data Crystal Z. Take it to Dr. Russell and he will ask you to choose which Ultimate Weapon you wanna make. They are: -Kirin Horn (Staff) -Phoenix Blades (Dual Blades) -Sirius Whip (a 'serious' Whip...couldn't resist) -Eternity (Pistol) -Moon Stinger (Rapier) -Demon Eater (Greatsword) -Kowloon (Cannon) -Avalokiteshvara (Gauntlets) -Glittering Stars (Crossbow) With the ammount of weapons available you'll have to play the game a total of 9 (NINE, NUEVE, KYUU, NOVE...!) TIMES! to get them all... ...if you are a perfectionist/completitionist, that is. Alternatively, you 'could' make 9 different saves each with one weapon. Might save some time with that collecting thing... You Got Credit: boonoob, you dedicated one, you deserve the credit for providing the stats for each one of them Zemurian Ore weapons. That really saved me some time... --------------------------!!!REWARD TIME!!!-------------------------- Fishing Spots [CH9FSH] TBA Recommendation [CH9RCP] Most of the Chapter/Final Dungeon is not complicated. Except for the Tunnels connecting Areas, you can move the camera at will, so finding chests is not that hard. Regarding the bosses, if you have trouble with them (mostly in Area 4), there is a place inside the passage connecting to Area 3 and Area 4 where you will find a battle with 6 Lv 90 Shining Poms accompanying the squid (Kailash Gray). Use the El-Cheapo method with Agate or the time art Death Scream (the one that targets all the battlefield) to kill as many as possible; you may consider equiping the Deathblow 1 and Deathblow 2 quartz you may have. Don't hestitate to use all-battlefield S-crafts to ensure all Poms die (Black Fang, anyone?). While you try again to fight the Poms, recover your Cp using Tomatrio Sandwiches or fighting other enemies rotating the Gladiator Belts you have between characters. With this method, it should only take 2 fights with the Poms per pair of characters to make them reach lv90-91. Once you have the minimum required level, make sure you have enough Tomatrio Sandwiches, Tear All Balms, Power Meat Stew, Aseru Tonics (those that revive to 100% of your Hp) for you'll be doing all your healing with items from this battle onward, and your main attackers equipped with Def5, Spd5 and Att5 quartz gotten from the online shops at the train sations of each sector. This should put you on par with the Final Boss, making more bearable the fights in Area 4. -Shining Pom Locations: Tunnel 2 (Cradle to Factoria) - Weather Seed Tunnel 3 (Factoria to Axis Pillar) - Kailash Gray, Ebony Scale Quest Strategies [CH9QST] The game's final chapter opens up with the coolest scenes so far, after which you'll be prompted to choose your party members. Oliver, Kloe and Kevin rejoin at this point, though Oliver will be at a very low level, around lv67-68, while Kloe and Kevin will be at the level they were at the end of [Ch7 The Tetracyclic Towers]. Buy/upgrade their equipment and quartz, which from now on will be done mostly within the Arseile. The ship has all the necessary shops, just like on Ch7. When you are ready to leave, go to the lowest deck of the ship, where the lift is, and exit through the door. You'll be on the final dungeon. S1.- +!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!+ [CH9S1] Area 1 Calmare: The 1st sector where you'll find the Arseile on the fist screen, and a floating platform and a strange shack on the second screen. Take the platform to Calmare Station . There is a computer in the center that can unlock the shack in Area 1 Calmare, as well as activating a train, and perfoming online Quartz upgrade, buy at least 1 of each of the quartz (for Oliver mostly), they are the lv5 water and fire quartz, though be careful, for they cost 1000 sepiths a piece. When ready, return to the platform and enter the now-opened shack. The path inside is rather straight forward, with the deviations leading only to chests. The one containing an enemy encounter has a weapon for Kevin. When you reach the exit, you'll be on the 2nd sector. Tunnel 1 Treasures: Dominion (White Chest/monster), Silver Gem (White Chest), Sepith Cache, Reviving Balm, EP Charge II, Tearal Balm, Onyx Gem (White Chest), Zeram Powder, Curia Balm Area 2 Cradle: Here you will find some houses with strange computers that offer information on the final dungeon. For the moment, you won't be able to do more than that with them, so raid the chests and proceed to the next screen to the east, here you'll fight an easy battle and encounter an old face. After the scenes, you can choose a new party to accomodate Gunner. If you enter the green ship nearby, you can use the rest point inside. Search the red buildning for more chest and a computer at the back that will confuse you a bit. You must now return to Area 1 Calmare. Go to the floating platform you will find at the south west end of this place together with a door to the undeground paths. The lift will take you to Cradle Station, where you can upgrade Gunner's slots and buy lv5 earth and wind quartz. After you activate the train with the computer, you can finally use it to move quickly between the Calmare and Cradle areas. Cradle Treasures: Screen 1: Smelling Salts, Sepith Cache, Sepith Cache, EP Charge II, Resurrect Jelly -recipe- (Terminal inside House), Ingredient Cache, Ingredient Cache, Ingredient Cache, Data Cristal Z (Terminal in Bar Building, only if you got the Zemurian Ore), Tear All Balm Screen 2: Gold Gem, S-Tablet Area 1 Calmare: For now, enter the Arseile and talk with Prof. Russel. He will tell you to check the Capel for clues. The name you'll have to input in the machine in Area 2 Cradle is located in the file #0. After checking the Data Crystal file #0, put Kloe in your party and return to Cradle. Area 2 Cradle: Go back to the red building and approach the computer in the back, there choose the 2nd option. When prompted, choose 'Kloe', then 'Celeste' 'D' 'Auslese'. You'll get an Original Gospel UEI (you can use it with Triangle). With this, go to Station 35 Cradle and use the Gospel by holding Triangle and pressing the R button in front of the computer. The gate below the lift will open. Navigate the new underground path (there are weapons for Zane and Agate in here) until you come out in a new sector. Tunnel 2 Treasures: Celestial Balm, Sepith Cache, Briarios (White Chest), Hermes Gear (White Chest/monster), Wind Gem (White Chest), Celestial Balm, Lion King's Sword (White Chest), Persetear (White Chest) Area 3 Factoria: Factoria is a large place compossed of roads mostly. On section 1 you'll find a chest with a new bazooka for Tita (yay!). On part 2 you can find the lift to the train station and the shack that leads underground. Take this time to level up a bit any character you think will need it and that you plan to use, as well as buy the lv5 EpHalver, EpUp and SpeedUp space, mirage and time quartz respectively that you may need. To open the shack you'll need a password, so you know what you need now. Proceed to Factoria section 3. In here you'll find an old sight. During the scenes, Estelle will suggest to bring Gunner along (since this place concerns the character). I don't know if you have to do so, but in case it is, all strategies for this place will be involving Gunner. Once you have the afformentioned character in your party, approach the guards (easy battle). Factoria Treasures: Screen 1: Omega Craft (White Chest), Mirage Gem (White Chest), Sepith Cache 'The Place' (No spoilers allowed): Treasures Floor 1: Tear Balm, Smelling Salts, EP Charge II, Sepith Cache, Celestial Balm, Seven Star Sword (Gold Chest), Tearal Balm, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, EP Charge II, Revolver (Gold Chest), Grail Locket (Gold Chest/monster) Floor 2: Sepith Cache, Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Tearal Balm, EP Charge II, Dark Messiah (Gold Chest), S-Tablet, EP Charge II, Zeram Powder, Tearal Balm, Celestial Balm, Aurelia Dress (Gold Chest), Floor 3: Teara Balm, Tear All Balm, Jags Panzer (Gold Chest), Tearal Balm, Reviving Balm, Rozenkrantz (Gold Chest) Floor 4: Security Card. Cells: Sepith Cache, Jagd Guarders You've been in this place before, so it is easy to navigate, plus all enemies in the route you took before are wimps (you've gain some levels since then...) and any treasure you got then is gone now. So only concern yourself with the stuff on the rooms on the main corridors, which will now be traversable, where you'll find a gun for Oliver/Gunner, a brand new whip for Schera and a rapier for Kloe. Also, the enemies you find here will be very good to bring Gunner's level if you haven't use that character. On the last door on the first corridor, you'll find some stairs going down to where your objective is, but as Joshua says in the cutscene, you'll need a cardkey. So backtrack to the entrance and enter the elevator, and pass the next corridor to get to the upper exit. There is here a rest point you should use if you are hurt, for next is a sub boss. -Boss- Pale Apache X3 LV - 82 HP - 18800 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: Strategy: ou know the drill with them, so fire Flicker and Evil Eye to give youtself more advantage. When the last Apache explodes, it will leave one smaller robot with a big rifle. He is a pushover that can fall quickly, for it shares the Apaches weakness to AT Delay. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Enter the door and pass this last corridor into one final elevator. You'll be back in a familiar place. Search the rooms on the lower hallway, the cardkey is in the last door. Once you got it backtrack to the cells. On the second corridor (after a rest point at the base of the big red stairs) you'll encounter a scene and a boss. -Boss- Riot Arms LV - 82 HP - 18207 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Claw Swipe. Single, normal attack. 2. Riot Wave. Line. New Jaeger Captain LV - 78 HP - 9132 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: Strategy: I'm tired of kicking yer arse, boy. The blue-haired wimp comes now with a big dog/lion robot thingy, which is the main issue in this battle. The wimp can be taken down rather fast with Joshua's Flicker/Double Slash combo and Agate's Spiral Edge, as well as your favorite area arts. His pet robot is easier to bring down with Dark Matter (save yourself some EP Chargers). #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Once the wimp is kissing the floor in his dreams, proceed to the entrance level and the stairs to the cell block. Here use the cardkey on the console, open first cells number 2 and 4, for once you open cell #1 (your target), some scene will play automatically and you won't ever return to this place or hear this kick ass theme. Area 2 Cradle: You'll be back on the house next to the green ship, "Gunner" will become a permanent team member and will get the S-craft Wild Cat (about time!). Once you regain control, go into the green ship and talk to Kile (blue-haired guy by on the first screen when you enter). When prompted, choose 3rd otion and he will tell you the password for the computer on the Factoria station. Area 3 Factoria: Back in the Factoria station, go to the computer, use the Gospel with Triangle + R and choose the second option when prompted (the password is Orpheus, but that third option means someone is a fan of LOTR, for that one is a referrence to Gandalf's true name...FYI). The shack to the underground in Factoria's 2nd sector will be open for you. There are no weapons for your party here, but the white squids can come accompanied by Snining Poms! If you find them, you can get about 9999 exp in one shot if you manage to beat them all, so good luck. Tunnel 3 Treasures: Sepith Cache, Curia Balm, EP Charge II, Celestial Balm, EP Charge III, Spiegel Shoes (White Chest/monstere), Sepith Cache, Curia Balm, Wood Gem (White Chest), S-Tablet, Curia Balm, Emergency Puppet, EP Charge II, Tear All Balm, Water Gem (White Chest), Parthenon Gear (White Chest/monster) Area 4 Axis Pillar: You'll come out of the tunnels in this quiet empty place. There is a lift and another shack, though this one will be locked for some time. Joshua suggest to repport back to the Arseille so ride the lift and activate the train, then go back to Calmare. Area 1 Calmare: On the Arseille, speak to Kloe/Julia on the bridge. A scene after, both "Knight" and "Swordsman" will join your party (yeah baby!). They use the same weapons as Kloe and Agate, so switch them whenever you include them in the party. Back to Axis Pillar. Area 4 Axis Pillar: Ok, the final dungeon's final treck. At the entrance (the second screen) you'll fight another one of those lion-like robots. -Boss- Riot Claw LV - 85 HP - 18902 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Riot Charge. Line, knocks back. 2. Plasma Ball. Single, inflicts random status. 3. Call allies. Summons a Solid Seeker every time there are none. 4. Riot Wave. Line, inflicts random status. 5. Riot Press. Single. 6. Riot Smasher. Single, combo on one target. Solid Seeker X2 Strategy: The exact same thing you fought back in Factoria's "Place" together with the wimp. Strategy is the same. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- The door guard eliminated, enter the building. This place is one straight road, where you have to "go around" until you reach a yellow platform, which is the elevator. You will notice a strange platform at the entrance too, which will be important later, but for now remains offline. So get to the elevator and ride it to the 2nd level of this place. Here you'll find a door locked by a red light barrier, and another of those strange platforms. Save here, and go to the only other available exit. Some secenes, and your friend the Phantom Thief will appear for one last shine in the stage. Floor 1 Treasures: Reviving Balm, Zeram Capsule, Tear All Balm, Tear All Balm, Emergency Puppet (White Chest), Long Barrel III (White Chest), Brave Staff (White Chest/monster) -Boss- Kaito Shinshi LV - 88 HP - 23370 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =100, F =100, A =80 Attacks: 1. Magic A Little. Area (M), shrinks targets and halves status parameters. 2. Shadow Cast. Creates 1 copy of himself. 3. Akashik Rain. Area (All). 4. Death Magic. Single, S-Craft. 5. Magic Knife. Single, normal attack. 6. Wild Card. Area (M), inflicts mute. 7. Demonappear. Summons a Bouncing Clown. Bouncing Clown X2 Strategy: It is time to put an end to his act. Things are similar to your last encounter in Esmelas Tower, even his allies. The Thief has gotten a new card up his sleeve, namely attack no. 1. This attack will almost always be his opening move, so if you did not spread your party at the begining, chances are most (or all) will be affected by it. With your status halved it will be easy to loose party members easily, so right of the bat start using La Crest or (better yet) Zodiac to soften the blows. Then proceed as you did way back at Esmelas Tower and have J Evil Eye/Flicker the Bouncing Clowns. However, this time the Thief will be using Akashik Rain a lot more often so be ready to heal. Ensure you never fall below the Half HP mark, or 2 consecutive 5s or 6s from the Boss and your characer is toast. There is little you can do about the 'reduced' (and it is meant to be a pun) status except for weathering down the effect, which takes about six or seven turns/a characer is KOed. Still, even with this to his favor, the Thief is rather weak, and a constant stream of Hard Breaks, Dual Strikes, Spiral/Draguna Edges, Smites and all other offensive crafts will put him on his knees quite quickly, dimnished size and all (talk about humiliating. And remember: when he clones himself, attack the real one, which is on lv88; AND can be Debuffed. Once the real one is hit, the clones go puff and all. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Floor 2 Treasures: Tear All Balm, Curia Balm, Tiger Heart (White Chest), EP Charge III, Celestial Balm, S-Tablet, Sepith Cache (White Chest), Jormungander (White Chest) Floor 3 Treasures: Celestial Balm, Tearal Balm, Curia Balm, S-Tablet After the a-ho has departed, activate the switch and enter the now-opened door. Also, the other platform will activate. It is a teleporter back to the entrance (yay!) so use it to go recharge/change party members. Bring Zane. 2 levels up, you'll come to another locked door and off line teleporter. It's boss time! -Boss- Yase Okami LV - 90 HP - 24800 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. One-two combo. Single, normal attack. 2. Zero Impact. Single, knocks back, can cause Str Down or Deathblow. 3. Infinity Combo. Single, can inflict Faint. 4. Sonic Shot. Area (M), can inflict Faint. 5. Laser Bullet. Line (M), inflicts Str Down. 6. Ultimate Blow. S-Craft, Area (M), inflicts Faint. All his attacks can push back his targets. Shadow Cougar X2 1. Death Blade. Single, can inflict Deathblow. 2. Wind Blade. Line, switches places. 3. Seal Blade. Single, can inflict Seal. Strategy: Turns out that a-ho was only the appetizer. The Direwolf will give you a good pounding. Wolfie comes together with 2 Shadow Cougars, which are succeptible to AT Delay, so Joshua's main task in this fight is ensuring those two get no chance to act (pray their Wind Blade puts them on an Evil Eye situation). Now, what you have to look for are attacks number 2, 4 and 5. The first is his most dangerous one, and the sick bastard will often use it on characters that use more arts (offensive or othewise, as far as my experience for this battle goes, it may be different for you, dear reader). Numbers 4 and 5 are area attacks and the last will decrease Str! Which you might want to remedy with a valuable S-Tablet/null it with a Buff. Other than that, focus first on the kitties while you move your art-user as far away as possible from him. Once alone, thise glorified dog will be easy to dispatch. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- You know the drill, after the scenes, back to the Arseile to heal/change party members. This time, it is Schera's turn. Keep climbing the tower to the fifth floor, with another exit to a terrace. Save, equip protection against Confusion and Sleep, then go to the terrace. Floor 4 Treasures: Prometheus (White Chest/monster), Curia Balm, S-Tablet, EP Charge II, Lily Necklace (White Chest), Shine Sphere (White Chest), Sepith Cache (White Chest) -Boss- Genwaku no Suzu LV - 89 HP - 24800 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Wind Slash. Single, normal attack. 2. Fire Storm. Area (M). 3. Dreaming Bell Toll. Area (All), inflicts Sleep and Def Down. 4. Shadow Replication. Creates 3 copies of herself. 4. Tempest Dance. S-Craft. 5. Hellfire. S-Craft, Area (All). Zaqqum LV - 87 HP - 13245 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =50, F =50, A =50 Attacks: 1. Mist Punch. Inflicts Confuse. 3. Summon Alraune. Jubokko LV - 87 HP - 13245 Elemental Weakness: E =100, W =50, F =50, A =50 Attacks: 1. Wave Charge. Unleashes art on next turn. 2. Mist Storm. Area (All), can cause Sleep. 3. Summon Alraune. Alraune X2 1. Dream Smoke. Single, cancels arts and can inflict Confuse. 2. Strike. Single. Strategy: Madam Mist is back with her pests Zaqqum and Jubokko, and their Alraunes. They behave exactly as in the previous encounters. The one who has new aces under her wide sleeves is the Bewitching Bell herself. From those four, the one you'll have to be careful is the teleport/clonig. You see, if you target one of her clones by accident, it will switch for a random party member, and you'll end up hurting a commarade. The clones themselves can only attack one character, and are on a lower lever than the Bittchin' Bell, and will dissapear when the real one is hit. For this battle, it is better if you deal with Zaqqum, the Alraunes and Ms Bell first, for any physical that hits Jubokko will heal him. Use only single-target crafts and spells until only Jubokko remains. Same goes for S-crafts, so configure them before the battle. Once Jubokko is alone, pelt him with Earth Lance earth art. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- One more Enforcer to deal with. For the next fight, Tita and Kloe are a good...scratch it, more than adecuate choices. It is also imperative that you equip your party with Deathblow protection before proceeding to the last terrace. Faint is optional. Floor 4 Treasures: EP Charge III, EP Charge II, Reviving Balm, Curia Balm, Celestial Balm, EP Charge III, Gaia Suit (White Chest/monster) Floor 5 Treasures: Tear All Balm, S-Tablet, Tearal Balm, Armored Barbarossa (White Chest) -Boss- Zenmetsu Tenshi LV - 90 HP - 20202 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. A scythe slash. 2. Calamity Throw. Line (M). 3. Blood Circle. Area (M), knocks back. 4. Rennede. S-craft, Area (M). And all her attacks can cause Deathblow if unprotected against it. Pater-Mater LV - 90 HP - 45000 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. A robo-punch that can cause faint and take half of a character's Hp. 2. Flying charge. Line (as wide as he is). Changes places. 3. Gaint Press. Graving and squeezing a character like a grape, causing Deathblow unless protected against it. 4. Double Buster Cannon. S-Craft, Line (as wide as he is). 5. Revival Beam. Reviving the damn brat with 10000 Hp! Strategy: Now things start to get more interesting. The Angel of Slaughter, that little brat with the scythe will go at you with the help of her giant pink robot, Pater-Mater at full power. You can see then that the objective of this battle is Pater-Mater, not the Enforcer brat. Like before, this is a battle of attrition. Pater-Mater has 45000 Hp, and if you don't use Morale/La Forte, you won't do much damage to him. Try also to use area crafts to hit the brat in the process, for any time she falls, Pater-Mater will waste a turn reviving her. Keep well healed and you shall prevail. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Floor 6 Treasures: EP Charge III, Insulting Tape, Curia Balm, Tear All Balm, Sepith Cache (White Chest), Aura Fencer (White Chest/monster), Armored Sieglinde (White Chest) The roof is close, an so is the last treck of the game. If you thought the last two battles were hard, the next one is a nightmare. Not only will the next bosses are the last ones, they are incredibly hard. To begin with, the first 3 are on level 95! They happen to have an insane ammount of Hp and have allies. Your party can only get as high as lv92-93, and it is imperative that you are AT LEAST on lv90 to stand a chance against them. Also, whoever two characters you choose to bring with you to will have to stick to the end of the game, so choose wisely. So, to begin the preparations for the last bosses, you need to level up your 2 companions. The fastest way to do so is to go to Factoria, enter the tunnels connecting to Axis Pllar and finding the first possible white squid enemy, which should be 4 screens inside entering from Factoria. Make contact with it from behind and escape until you get into a fight with 6 lv90 Shining Poms accompanying the squid. Use the El-Cheapo method with Agate or the time art Dis Scream (the one that targets all the battlefield) to kill as many as possible; you may consider equiping the Deathblow1 and Deathblow2 quartz you may have. Don't hestitate to use all-battlefield S-crafts to ensure all Poms die (Black Fang, anyone?). While you try again to fight the Poms, recover your Cp using Tomato Sandwiches or fighting other enemies rotating the Gladiator Belts you have between characters. With this method, it should only take 2 fights with the Poms per pair of characters to make them reach lv90-91. Once you have the minimum required level, make sure you have enough (at leas 15 of each) Tomatrio Sandwiches, Tear All Balms, Worldly Stew, Celestial Balms, Mighty Essence and anything else you think will do. All this 'cause you'll be doing all your healing with items from this battle onward, and your main attackers equipped with Defense 5, Action 5 and Attack 5 quartz (the Topaz, Onyx and Ruby Gems) gotten from the online shops at the train sations of each sector. For the last fights of the game, high Str, Def and Spd are Imperative. Make sure you also come with a full CP bars. They will make your life easier for the first 'phase'. Once you've chosen your final party, proceed to the top of the tower, which is after the only rest point in the building. Some short, cool introductory scenes, and the fun begins! -Boss- The Bladelord LV - 95 HP - 31980 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. A normal slash (quite powerful). 2. A wave slash that will cancel arts. 3. Preparing art. Charges for one turn (basically, a freebie since you can cancel it, thanks Aidios for small mercies!). 4. Silver Thorn. Area (M), can inflict Confuse with 90% probability. 4. Body Split. Creates one Lv 95, 15960 HP clone (oh joy). 5. Demon Flames. Area (All), can inflict Faint. 6. Dead Emperor's Sword. S-craft, Area (All), can inflict Freeze. Riot Saber X2 LV - 90 HP - 19202 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Riot Charge. Line, knocks back and changes position. 2. Riot Star. Area (M). 3. Riot Wave. Line (M). 4. Riot Press. Single, can inflict Faint. 5. Plasma Ball. Single, can inflict Seal. Strategy: He was the hardest boss in FC, he is the hardest in this game too. The Bladelord deserves his title, for he is the other four Enforcers combined. Seriously. He comes together with to lion-bots like the wimp's, and though they ain't that strong or fast, they can get in your way. I don't wanna see what he can do on Hard or Nightmare difficulties!! Also, the clones are near-perfect copies of himself! They come with his 15960 Hp, they hit as hard as him and cannot be Debuffed; plus they will only go away when you either kill them as normal enemies or if he (the original) is killed. So, how to deal with this guy? I'll be splitting this fight into 3 phases, which I'll clarify are mostly independant from his HP (old strategy goes bye-bye). First, let us go through the DEFENSIVE part of the fight. 1 - Riot Saber Phase First a warning: his opening move has a 50-50 chance of being an S-Craft, EITHER one (5 or 6, he 'did' say he was getting serious). So we'll take TWO approaches: If S-Craft, begin healing your charcaters (prioritize on those who are in the red) using Mighty Essence food items. Aside from healing, they provide an added Str-Def bonus! Which is good. At this point, while your party is in danger of being slaughtered (especially the art-users) don't hoard that CP, just use the S-Crafts. For one thing, they will chop good chunks of the Sabers' HP and will put some useful dents on the Bladelord's, thus ensuring you get the best for your buck if you end up loosing half your party. Now If he DOESN'T use an S-Craft, OR when you manage to weather those first 2 rounds of his and healed-buffed your party, we can move to the second approach: Have one of your characters cast Clock Down on him ASAP. You might want to have another characer WHO IS NOT CLOSE to the first Clock Down caster prepare another one too; this in case he chooses to use attack #2. Once his Spd has been halved, you are through the hardest part (take deep breath, relax controller/PSP/PSVita death grip). His two allies will mess up things a bit, especially with their Charge and Star attacks. They can be Debuffed, though it won't really matter that much unless you have 2 art-users that can cast Clock Down on them to give your party more turns. As for the Bladelord, once the sheer terror of the opening moves is over, you can be sure there is a chance to exploit his attack #3, which queues in your chances for Buffing/Debuffing. Make the best of this time so you have a better footing during the later part of the fight. Remeber to heal-buff with Mighty Essence Once per Character and cast Clock Up EX and all party members. Once the Sabers are below 4800 HP, our white-haired Ubber-boss will begin the 2 - Clone Phase You might want to throw 2 S-Crafts (make Phantom Raid one of them) to finish any remaining Riot Sabers, and hurt them clones a bit. He can summon a max of 4 clones (that I've seen). Now, unlike that first time 3 years ago, I can say with a good measure of confidence that the clone-Bladelords only use the normal attack (1), this translates into a less stressfull thing than I remembered, since they tend to gather around the larger bulk of your party, and though they can't be Debuffed (use that fact to pinpoint the original) they can get in the way of the True One. This is especially useful if you kill them, for they can act as a shield of sorts. Silver Thorn is still used, though it will be less often, plus the Bladelord will clone himself some more every time you kill one of his copies. Properly Debuffed, you're chances of ending this brutal fiesta without spending too many items improve. NOW we know what we are against, it's time to move onto the Offensive Phase. Let's assign roles: -Fighters use their strongest crafts to hurt him and the Sabers. Split the task, preferrably having Estelle using True Hard Break on as many targets as possible, especially if the BladeLord is foolish enough to begin casting Silver Thorn. -Art-users are on Clock Up EX and healing duty, throwing an occasional Abyss Fall/Dark Matter to help destroy the Sabers/clones. -Agate alternates between Wild Rage 2 and Dragon Dive. He can be called the Fast-But-Costly method, since he has good chances of being killed often, thus having you spend some Celestial Balms on him, since you can't risk bringing him back with less than Half his HP. -Kloe is on full-time healing with Tearal and Tear All (and their Area versions), and maintaining Buffs-Debuffs on the party. Keep her well away from the center of the battle. Make sure she uses the occasional Kaempfer 2 on our Bladelord. It will make life So. Much. Easier! And please DO NOT forget she has Lichtkreis 2 (panic button, use if True Bladelord has a Critical/Str Up turn coming). -Kevin adheres to the art-user task, but throws in the mix his Grail Sphere as S-Breaking the Bladelord's Critical and Str Up turns. Throught the whole fight, ensure you can S-Break him whenever possible (Critical and Str Up turns). You see, on those turns he has a higher chance of using his two S-Crafts...and at this point explanations about the outcome are moot. This fight involves a bit of luck, since he is a little unpredictable and I haven't (and most likely won't) sat down to learn his patterns. Just keep him Debuffed and under constant onslaught, and he should fall... -----------------------------!DISCOVERY!---------------------------- This came as a surprise since I'm sure, as everyone that has ever fought this guy here would NEVER do, but if you got the Bladelord to 10000 HP or less before he kills your party (and trust me: HE can do it thus proving that he is somewhat unpredictable), choose the Continue option... I won't spoil the surprise! ;) (and I will never, ever stop being amazed at Falcom's wickedness!!! Bless you lads! U R SOOOO COOL!) *Note: This is not 100% sure. Confirmation is required. -----------------------------!DISCOVERY!---------------------------- -Boss- Our mighty one will 'reward' you (as in droping) a Gladiator Belt! If you have the one from the MAX BP reward equipped on Joshua, this one is for Estelle...or for your other favorite craft machine. *Note: You can save between fights. Do so on a SEPARATE FILE, please. After more, very cool scenes, Joshua will leave your party, and Estelle and your other 2 companions will proceed to the last area of the game... ...but not before another boss appears in your way. -Boss- T.M. Dragion LV - 90 HP - 20000 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Robo-punch. Normal attack, knocks back. 2. Hyper Laser. Line (M). 3. Flying Charge. Line, changes possision. 4. Energy Charging. Prepares a powerful Area (All) blast. 5. Powerful Area (All) blast. I'm sorry, I killed him too fast to learn the name...hehehehe :) Strategy: Compared to the previous battle, this one is easy. He may be big, but he is slower and weaker than the Bladelord. None of his attacks are that damaging. Moraled crafts and Dark Matters are enough to deal with him. You may even choose to go at him with Moraled/Forted normal attacks if your Level is high enough (Lv 93+). *yawn*. #Boss succeptible to the El-Cheapo Tactic if you have Agate with you. -Boss- Area 5 Themelios Zone: This is it, the anteroom of the final boss. Use that well needed rest point, fill your Cp with Tomatrio Sandwiches, and proceed down the hall. There are some enemies, but they can, and should be avoided since they are there only to hinder you and make you waste resources. After the 3rd enemy is left behind there will be a screen change, and you'll come face to face with the final boss. I clarify for those who have complains about our final boss: he was INTENTIONALLY made to be considered a truly disgusting and repelent excuse of a carbon-based life-form. Estelle sums it up n.i.c.e.l.y. Also, Joshua will rejoin your party after some scenes. -Boss- The Faceless LV - 95 HP - 19549 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Thunder of Justice. Area (All), can inflict Seal. 2. Casting Art Guard on himself and his beam pods. 3. Another Dimension. S-craft, inflicts Confuse. 4. Banish. Expels ONE character from the battle (WHUT?!). 5. Dark Matter EX. Instant cast, Area (M), clusters targets, inflicts Mov Down. 6. True Evil. Area (M), inflicts Confuse. Combat Shell X4 Strategy: The Prof. has 4 beam pods to help him, all of which are succeptible to Evil Eye and other AT Delay crafts (J, Agate, you know what to do). Attack #4 is the one to worry about, for it will reduse your fighting power. As for the offensive, Joshua should try to take as many beam pods with his Evil Eye, while your main fighter uses strong, Moraled/Forted area crafts. The art-users alternate between healing and Abyss Fall, Lost Moebius and the like. Try not to prolong the battle to much, for he will make more characters dissappear, and they will loose all CP/EP when they reappear on the next battle. Fortunely, he doesn't have much Hp. -Boss- A short scene, then it's round 2...or not, for you cannot harm the final boss, and after one attack the fight will end. Before that happens, take the chance to recover Hp/EP/Cp with items, so as to begin on better footing the next round. Some badass scene later, sh** gets real. -Boss- The Faceless Angel - Form 1 LV - 95 HP - 69000 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Lightning. Line. 2. Godly Lance Inanna. Area (M) inclicts Def down. 3. Casting a curative light on one character and inflicting Confuse. 4. Preparing to use arts. Charges for one turn. Cannot be canceled. Def and Adf will go Down while he is charging. 5. Use an upper tier art (arts seen: Abyss Fall, Geo Catastrophe, Arc Prominence). 6. Summon Ally. Calls a new Greed Looper. Greed Looper X4 Lv - 90 HP - 9050 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Regenerate. Cures a small (negligible) ammount of HP. 2. Life Steal. Sucks a GOOD ammount of HP/EP/CP from one target. (you bi...!) Strategy: The Prof. has experienced a serious growth, both in size and HP total (69000). His pods too, but they remain succeptible to AT Delay, so Evil Eye/Spiral Edge/Flicker them again. First of all, take a look at this HD model of the battle field. ###1 2### ################# ################### #########3######### ################### ################### ########4######## ###### ###### ...close enough. The point is giving an idea. Place your characters like this: 1. Estelle, Other Fighter, or Agate. 2. Estelle, Other Fighter, or Agate. 3. Joshua. 4. Regular Art-User. With this placement, HE WILL NOT USE ATTACK #2. The FA (dare you to think a more fitting name for him using those initials, and yes: we mexicans, especially those from the center of the Republica, like to use A LOT of profanities) only uses said attack when 2 or more characters are close enough. The other advantage, especially if you are using Agate is that you have a good enough range from those points to use your AT Delay crafts on the Greeds. So, lets go into the tasks: Estelle - Pick a side. True Hard Break on the FA. Joshua - He is tasked In Perpetua with Evil Eying/Flickering the Greeds. Period. Agate - Pick a side. Alternates between Spiral Edge 2 (the closest Greed) and Flame Smash 2 (FA). Zane - Smite. Knight - Lanzenreiter. Swordsman - Mirage Edge. Tita (Fighter) - Smoke Cannon 2. Can emergency-heal with Vital Cannon. Olivier - Rellies on Abyss Fall and Lost Moebius. Happy Trigger for emergency healling. Kloe - La Tearal/La Tear All on Joshua on emergencies, uses Abyss Fall. Schera - Heaven's Kiss on Joshua. Abyss Fall and Lost Moebius. Kevin - Sacred Breath on Joshua. Abyss Fall and Lost Moebius. If in a pinch, Grail Sphere. Tita (Art-User) - Vital Cannon for healing. Can still help with Smoke Cannon 2. Gunner - Atlas Hammer. Any Tear art you manage to squeeze in that Orbment. Better yet: Don't bother with this one. If I missed someone, be sure to tell me. All party members use a Mighty Essence on their 1st turn, then Clock Up EX/self on the 2nd. Then proceed with their tasks. Afterwards, Buffs are the task of your Regular Art-User. Keep your buffs, CP and HP up at all time and his 69000 HP will be drained faster than you think. -Boss- Almost there... *Note: You can save between fights. Do so on a SEPARATE FILE, please. -Boss- The Faceless Angel - Final Form LV - 99 HP - 99999 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Change Atribute. Def Up. Self. 2. Claw Swipe. Area (L), knocks way back. 3. Goldy Lance Inanna. Area (M), inflicts Def and Adf Down. 3. Lightning. Single. 4. Summon more Alpha Omegas to replace those that fall. 5. Drain all Cp from All party members (annoying as hell). 6. Begin a charge attack (his Def & Atd go down, that is actually good). You can actually cancel it! 7. Upping his Str & Spd (bad). 8. Angel Beam. S-craft, Area (All). Follows on next turn after #7. 9. Ruined World Noaba. Banish Area (S/a 'cross' of tiles). Begins using it after crossing the 25000 HP mark. Takes the longest to cast. 10. Seprent Tail (sorry, name was too long and could not read it fast enough...next time). Single, cancels art-execution and inflicts Def Down. Alpha Omega X4 LV - 99 HP - 12000 Elemental Weakness: Normal (All =100) Attacks: 1. Starlight. Self, Str and Spd Up 2. Blink. Single, normal attack. 3. Break Floor. Shatters ONE tile from the battle field! Won't work if a character is occupying it. Strategy: This is it, the final round, and boy will it be long. He has 99999 HP, 4 allies called Alpha Omegas with 12000 HP and high defense, as well as many powerful attacks, most of which are as cheap as him... OK, three years after=new strategy. It goes like this: Don't bother changing positions for now. Instead, make sure your Art-User has access to most arts of all elements. Then (copy-pasted from above strategy) all party members use a Mighty Essence on their 1rst turn, then Clock Up EX on the 2nd. FA should be changing atribute, and bringing his Def Down. Unless you are above Lv 95, which is highly unlikely, even with Shining Poms (only beating the Bladelord and T.M. Dragion give meaningful experience after that), your Str won't be enough to do more than 3-digit damage to him, so don't bother. Better to use those crafts from our less art-gifted troops on the AOs. Anyone who can (and has the Cast 2 quartz installed) must help exploit the FA's current weakness. This part is slow, but if you have enough Tearal and Tear All items you, there won't be much issue. Somewhere around the 70-60 thousand HP mark, FA will pop attack #6. You will identify it by the red halo/sphere sorrounding him. That is your queue to address him with the Tasks mentioned in the previous battle. Just make sure to use crafts that inflict Impede (with those that can). This will ensure he enters a loop, where he begins casting, you Impede him...etc. This part will go incredibly quick. Even Lv 93 Fighters will be chopping AT LEAST 2000 HP per hit (and Joshua's Dual Strike can 'almost' double that). Don't rush things though. Take some time to remove any remaining Alpha Omegas before you drop his HP below the final mark. And then, when he FINALLY crosses the 25000 HP mark, our cheap bastard will pull out attack 9! You cannot cancel it. Period. Immediatly move any character in close proximity from the target, which cannot be saved AND won't return Ever. Again. It matters little, though. Just keep the onslaught ignoring any surviving AOs you might have neglected to kill. It won't take long to chop 15000 HP and then pulling some S-Crafts on him. Just make sure the target of the Ruined World Noaba gets to have first go... ...and that's all she plotted! -Boss- There will be some scenes, and you will regain control of Joshua and Estelle for the last time in the game. Follow the path back to the exit of Sector 4, and head to the other shack, the one that was previously unaccessible. Enter the now open door, and follow the path until a scene occurs (don't worry, you can take as much as you want to get there), then sit back, and enjoy the well deserved ending of such an awesome game. ...Don't forget to save your Clear Data after the "Fin" screen, it will allow you to carry all you worked so hard to get. See you in a year (or less, keep them fingers crossed and pray to Aidios and XSEED) when Trails in the Sky The 3rd comes out in English! Now, as Tita would say: Mwahahaha! We Did It! (Maniacal Laugh! yeah! Seriously, coming from a techno-wizz kid with a bazooka...makes me worry). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Food Recipies [FRC] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Character Crafts [CHC] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Books [BKS] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Chapter 8, during the last story quest The Danger in the Capital [CH8S2], go to the Grancel Bracer Guild's 3rd floor. There you'll find Mr. Baral, who owns Baral Coffee House in West Block. He will trade all 14 Gambler Jack Volumes for ONE Zemurian Ore. If you loaded a Clear Data from FC he will also remind Estelle and Joshua that he had previously traded books for weapons with you (FC's Final Weapons for our bracer couple). Keep the Zemurian Ore (you CAN sell it, but who in their right mind would do so?!). When you reach Area 2 Cradle's Screen 1 in the Final Dungeon, go to the Bar (biggest damn building in the screen were you emerge from Tunnel 1). Check the computer to the left of the counter to obtain the Data Crystal Z. Take it to Dr. Russell to make 1 (yes just O.N.E.) Final Weapon from out of 9 different types. And remember that Pistol, Greatsword and Rapier are Shared between certain characters, so if you want EVERYONE with one of these babies you must get...12 Zemurian Ores (you gotta be a regular bowl of nuts, as Agate puts it...or a True Completitionist). (Prologue) V1: On Le Locle Lodge, check the 2F room that was locked before when making an investigation after returning from St. Croix Forest and BEFORE going to Grimsel Fortress. (Chapter 1) V2: In Ruan, earn 100 medals in the casino and exchange them for the book AS SOON AS you get off the Linde. There may be some leeway on this one. Also, not confirmed if you can get it on Chapters 2 and 8. Still, better get it ASAP before we get caught up in all the Quests. If you are not good at the casino, just exchange 500 mira for 100 medals and get the book with ease. :) (Chapter 2) V3: When you board the Cecilia at the begining of the chapter talk TWICE to Olivier to get it. (Chapter 3) V4: Talk to Nathan in the Erebonian Embassy's Library Room after meeting Ambassador Crainagh. Careful though, once you leave you loose the chance to get the book until 2nd Playthrough. V5: Talk to Connor in the Coffee during [S3.- Search for Renne] anytime before you go to the Airport. (Chapter 4) V6: As soon as you arrive in Rolent, talk to Serra at the house on the west side of the bar. She is Rhett's wife and Pat's mother. (Chapter 5) V6: In Bose, sold on the store at Bose Market just after arriving if you missed it at Rolent. V7: Speak to Private Mikey on the Krone Pass check point WHILE HUNTING for the 3 monsters in Quest [S1.- Wanted Monster Bounty]. You can get this one with ease while you are there to find Ms. Felicity during optional quest [CH5O6]. (Chapter 6) V8: Talk to the kid named Lewey in Ravennue village at the start of the chapter BEFORE going to Valleria Lake. V9: Talk to Carlos the former soldier in Haken Gate courtyar BEFORE going to Valleria Lake. (Chapter 7) V10: After completing Carnelia Tower, have Kloe in your party, talk to Antoine the cat on the stern of the Arseille. (Chapter 8) V11: In Rolent, after the wedding ceremony go to the bar and talk to Serra who is sitting at the table in front of the counter. V12: At Jenis Royal Academy, speak with Purity in the Humanities classroom after you have liberated the campus from invaders. V13: Speak with CWO Pace on Wolf Fort AFTER the pump in Elmo Village has been repaired. V14: Speak to Minuet at the Book Stall in Bose Market once you finish delivering the Zero Field Generators AND BEFORE going to Grancel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Quartz [QRZ] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Arts [ART] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Equipment [EQP] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Items [ITM] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Q and A [QAA] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Are there any cheats and/or exploits in this monster of a game? A. But of course!! These are the ones I've been able to COMPILE. Except for the El-Cheapo Tactic/Method coveres in the general strategies section (which is rather obvious IMO), the others are the product of some Pro-gaming Colmillo (skill, know-how, etc.) from THESE fellow gamers: And now, some strategies from the pros at the Traisl SC Board. PLEASE, if you want tho enjoy the game as it deserves, DO NOT use these strategies. Pretty much, they are meant for a No NG+ Nightmare run (H.O.L.Y. S.*.*.*.!). Challenge Anyone? ;) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Announcement<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< My congratulations to for completing the game on a No NG+ Nightmare run. Anyone else for the challenge? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Announcement<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Easy sepith trick - CREDIT TO nonexistinghero from the Trails SC Board. + This obvious feature of the Aerial Wind Art is something I overlooked the first time I played this game. Not surprised, since this is one game that has a way of sapping your attention if you are not following a guide whenever you play it. nonexistinghero is a humble gamer who condensed from random comments on the Steamcommunity board from Trails FC this neat little trick that will make your quartz and mira issues less stressing. Here it is, verbatim: "Well, this game's pretty stingy in giving sepith. Even compared to the 1st game (IMO), but there's an easy way to earn it. I'm playing the Steam version, but I imagine it's the same for the PSP version. Anyway, you'll probably never be hurting for sepith again. It's easy and you can do it as soon as you get Aerial (if you can get it in the prologue, then that means you can probably do this trick in the prologue). - Get Aerial. Preferably on all characters. - Find an enemy that gives at least 1 water sepith. Yes, 1 is enough, though more is preferred - Enter a battle with that enemy (go for preemptive, obviously) - Check to see if there's any bonus sepith on the turn bar. If there isn't, run from battle and keep doing so until it's there. - Try to time your Aerial cast so that it will be cast on the turn that you get bonus sepith. All enemies you hit with this will drop bonus sepith for every single hit (so that's 10 hits per enemy). I think you get even more if you kill the enemies with it during this same turn as well. You'll gain a ton of sepith this way. Even in a battle with a few enemies that drop 1 water sepith, you can get over 50+ of that type of sepith (and just as many of whatever other types of sepith they drop). And if there's a single enemy you'll still easily get 20+. I think 70 sepith of a type is the max you can get in a battle though." Thanks nonexistinghero for your skill in analisys and information condensing. The Money Trick - CREDIT TO Aerodynamisch, here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbiYZuS0M38 +Apparently it is a pretty well known trick up to this point, and the only reason I didn't ever consider looking for a money-making scam...er, trick is because I always kill everything that moves whenever I enter an area for the first time/I'm trying to close level gaps between characters...and that always nets me enough Sepith to fund my army and then some. Also, except for a few areas where you HAVE to take some specific character with you for story purposes (and even that *may* be optional, pending confirmation), you won't need to hoard both Sepith and Mira. Mostly, you only need 4 of each kind of the Quartz more adecuate for your play-style. The same goes for equipment, so I mostly never sweat for mira/sepith issues. +Still, if you must (and BELIEVE ME: in a No NG+ Nightmare you WILL need them) there is one neat little trick that can be done to acrue some serious douigh for funding your troops ese. This is what you need: -Turnin' Tempura recipe (Ingredients coming soon) You get it at Gurune Gate mess hall (bought, Chapters 3 and 4). -10,000 mira starting investment capital Get them from Quests or exchange some of the least-used Sepith at the moment (maybe Mirage or Earth). -1/2 General Stores that sell ALL ingredients. The method: E.a.s.y. Just make 99 Turnin' Tempuras and sell them. You recover your investment, plus some profit margin (basic economics). Rinse and Repeat until fed up or you get enough to buy what you want/need. The mechanics for this trick follow the same steps/requirements that those of a similar trick for FC, only use a different recipe, and I'm told (have to confirm) that the profit margin is less than the one you got back in FC. UPDATE: If you completed Chapter 5's optional quest [The Rarest Flavor] with Max BP (as in you enlisted Orvid's help), our greatful gourmet ingredient merchant will provide you with Monster Ingredients as well as the ENTIRE STOCK of the regular, store-bought fare. With his little store available, you can make ALL recipes...and perhaps find a better mira-making recipe that gives better returns than the Turnin' Tempura. --------------------------!!!IMPORTANT!!!-------------------------- I myself hadn't had the chance to experiment with this, since I'm missing the recipes of the later Chapters which I haven't yet played. If anyone knows of a recipe that gives better returns than the Turnin' Tempura, please, Please share it! If you do this is what you get: I will make an In-Dept Faq just for this trick and Credit the Best Strategy, as in It Will Be CO-AUTHORED, by both me and the one who finds the answer to this trick. It could be YOU... --------------------------!!!IMPORTANT!!!-------------------------- The Sepith Farm trick. This is something you may overlook on a 1st playthrough, but on Chapter 8, you have access to the whole of Liberl you'll have the chance to visit the ONLY STORE THAT SELLS SEPITHS... ...yes, you read correctly: there is a store that sells sepiths. Where is this unique place? Just visit Grancel city anytime before completing the ZFG deliveries, go to the West Block, walk into the alley behind Baral Coffee House and enter the house that was previously locked. You'll find and old face (whose identity will not be reveald to protect the parties involved) who is engaged in the dubious activity of selling (deep breath) S.E.P.I.T.H.S. They are sadistically expensive, so now you know WHY an easy-mira scam is necessary. With the above trick in hand, some time at Edel Dept Store grinding for mira, you can amass some copious ammounts of sepiths you can burn at the final dungeon's Orbal Factories. --------------------TO ALL THE FANS OF THE SERIES----------------------------- NO ONE of you should miss JDK's GIN NO ISHI, KIN NO TSUBASA (Silver Will, Golden Wings) Sung by Hiroko Yamawaki (JP) Aoi toki egaku kiseki tadori kotae sagasu, onaji sora miagenagara Mune ni himeta omoi afuredashi sora o kakete gin'iro no ya ni kawaru (ENG) Following the trail sketched when we were young, we search for an answer, while looking up at the same sky. The thoughts hidden in our chests are overflowing; they soar in the sky and turn into silvery arrows. (JP) Motomeau kokoro ga tagau itami wa shinjitsu no michi kasumaseru keredo (ENG) Our pain of not being able to find each other is making the path of truth become hazy. (JP) Kousa suru gin no ya, mitsumeau hitomi ni onaji yume tashika ni utsushita Tatoe tsumazuite mo, tatoe kizu tsuite mo tobitatou, kaze tsubasa ni shite (ENG) As silver arrows intercept, our gazing pupils were surely reflecting the same dream. Even if we stumble, even if we are injured, let's take off, making the wind our wings. (JP) Koe mo todokanai tooi basho de bokura kitto onaji sora miagete iru Ano hi deau kiseki sae ima wa shinjirareru wake nado iranai no da to (ENG) In a faraway place where not even our voice can reach, we are surely looking up at the same sky. Now I can finally believe that by a miracle we will meet again; I don't even need a reason. (JP) Hikareau kokoro ga chikaku naru toki shinjitsu no michi terashidashite yuku (ENG) When two attracting hearts become closer, they will illuminate the path of truth. (JP) Hanatareta gin no ya, tsuranukareta mune ni koboreochiru shizuku ni chikaou Tatoe kurushimete mo, tatoe kizu tsukete mo hanasanai, musunda kizuna wa (ENG) As the released silver arrows pierced our chests, let's make an oath to the blood dripping from our wounds. Even if we inflict pain, even if we inflict injury, we will not let go of our bond. (JP) Motomeau kokoro ga hitotsu ni tokete shinjitsu no michi kirihiraite yuku (ENG) Our attracting hearts are melting into one and gradually open up the path of truth. (JP) Kousa suru gin no ya, mitsumeau hitomi ni onaji yume tashika ni utsushita Gin no ya ga tsuranuku mune afureru omoi karitateru, yakusoku no basho e (ENG) As silver arrows intercept, our gazing pupils were surely reflecting the same dream. The silver arrows pierce the overflowing thoughts in our bosom. Now we'll race towards our promised place. (JP) Tatoe kurushimete mo, mayoi kizu tsukete mo hanasanai, musunda kizuna wa Dakara tsumazuite mo, nando kizu tsuite mo tobitatou, kaze tsubasa ni shite (ENG) Even if we inflict pain, even if we become lost and inflict injury, we will not let go of our bond. So even if we stumble, even if we are hurt, let's take off, making the wind our wings. (JP) Hi o ukete kagayaku kin'iro no tsubasa wa sora ni egaku, inochi no kiseki o (ENG) The shining wings dyed golden by the sun will sketch a trail of life in the sky. Lyrics from Anime Lyrics dot Com http://www.animelyrics.com/game/eiyuudenvi/ginnoishi.htm --------------------TO ALL THE FANS OF THE SERIES----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Credits [CRD] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To you who contribute to this guide my most sincere thanks. You make it possible to even play this game. -Online shopping engine from Japan (franchise of you-know-which. Starts with an "Amazon"), and XSEED for going through hell and more to localize this jewel of a JRPG. Praise be to you Jessica Chavez!!! -PC Gamer's site at http://homepage1.nifty.com/PC-GAMER/index.htm, which saddly is now defunct. You'll be remembered...wait! THEY LIVE!! but at http://homepage2.nifty.com/pspgameavenue/sorano_sc/index.html You guys deserve much for your help in resolving some of the Phantom Thief quests, those were some HARD hints to figure out, and also for the info on the names of the Chapters and Quests, as well as how many exist in every chapter. - Nihon Falcom for making such an enjoyable and yes, awesome game. May you prosper and keep on making more amazing stuff. -The Sora no Kiseki Wiki for all the names of the characters and places (every little thing helped). -*nonexistinghero* from the Trails SC board at GameFaqs for his sepith trick. Game On mate!! -*randomwierdo* for the solution to the Photo Quest on CH1. -Francois Uldry, Terry Gunawan, ruki_93 for help with the Mist Maze quest. -Dieuw, 20thCenturyGirl, Guruda for more (invaluable) help with a lot of quests. -Visitingpuppet, for your patience in finding an alternative method to complete the Diaset's Secret. -boonoob for your grammatical corrections and your help with the Zemurian Ore Weapons. -And last but not least, a million thanks to strid3r for your invaluable help and contributions. They range from strategies (Recruiting Great Gamblers, the Mist Maze) to your cardinal contribution to the guide: the monster lists. Your work is apreciated and hope you read my other guides when the games come out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Contact Info [CIF] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ People wanting to contribute to this guide, email me to: thezennvirus@gmail.com Help make this guide better! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** Legal Stuff [LEG] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2012 Urizen Andrade You may not plagiarize or copy any of the contents in this guide. I won't oppose to you posting my guide on your site, just email me and ask. If under any circumstances I run into your site which has my guide posted without my prior consent or knowledge, you will be prosecuted. I reserve all rights to modify and change the contents in this guide. Permission to host guide to -GameFaqs -NeoSeeker All game-related terminologies and translations such as character names, locations, skills, etc. are copyrighted by Nihon Falcom and XSEED Games. GameFaqs aproved size 000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666667777777777 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123467890123456789