*************************** Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls Magic FAQ Latest Version 1.2 Written by Matthew J. Dyl (TakerVersion1) Copyright(c) TakerVersion1 2006 *************************** ============================================================================= DISCLAIMER ============================================================================= This document was written entirely by me; hence I own all rights to it. If anyone wishes to reproduce this document please contact me. (mjd111989@aol.com) If permission is given, by me and only me, I request the entirety of the walkthrough and this disclaimer remain intact. Since I am the creator and owner I can withdraw permission or request it be taken down, NO ACCEPTIONS! ============================================================================= VERSION HISTORY ============================================================================= Version 0.6: 1-1-06: Completed Black Magic List Version 1.0: 1-2-06: Finished the FAQ. Version 1.1: 1-6-06: Edited some of the magics, with help from the DoS Board. Version 1.2: 2-24-06: Added in the tags to make it easier to naviage. ============================================================================= Table of Contents ============================================================================= 1) Introduction [INTRO] 2) Frequently Asked Questions [MFAQ2] 3) Black Magic [FFBM3] 4) White Magic [FFWM4] 5) Contact Information [5COIF] 6) Credits [6CRED] ============================================================================= 1) Introduction [INTRO] ============================================================================= Let me say, thank you for reading my FAQ. This will feature an entire list of every spell, from both FF1 and from FF2. The spells are set up the same from both games, so don't worry about a different formant for each game. There is a complete list of the spell's location, and it's functions. I hope you enjoy and I hope it helps you out. ============================================================================= 2) Frequently Asked Questions [MFAQ2] ============================================================================= Q: How come the Ultima Tome seems really weak? A: Well it's most likely because, 1) It's a low level and 2) Your other magics are also low. Ultima's strength is based off that person's magic levels, and maybe the weapon levels as well. So even if you have Fire, Death and Cure at Lv16, if you have the rest at low levels it will hurt Ultima's damage. So with proper leveling of ALL your magics, including Ultima you can get good damage. Q: I want to play the Toad Mini-game, any tips for getting Toad to Level 16? A: Nope, none whatsoever. Just use it a lot in areas with fairly strong monsters (world map after the Cyclone), other than that I have nothing. Q: How many spells are in the game? A: In FF1, there are 64, 32 for White and 32 for Black. However the max anyone can have is only 24, based on class mostly. For FF2 there are less spells and that is 40, 20 for Black and for 20 White, but anyone can learn any spell. ============================================================================= 3) Black Magic [FFBM3] ============================================================================= This is a complete list of all the Black Magic in this game. Black Magic is generally spells that use the elements to hurt enemies, or ones that inflict things like poison or stone on enemies. Now each spell will be set up like this: ***Spell Name*** Locations: where spell is found Type of Spell (damaging, status effect, absorbing, healing, protective, support, instant kill, escape) Description: what spell does Well then with that sorted out, let's get this done! ***Fire*** Locations: Altair Magic Shop and Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Damaging Description: This spell allows the caster to summon up and conjure fire to use on his or her enemies. Many Ice enemies are greatly affected by Fire (more notably, the Ice Gigas), and Dead enemies also take a lot more damage. Once Fire reaches higher levels it can deal massive damage to a whole group of monsters. This is one of the most reliable spells since few are immune to it. ***Ice*** Locations: Altair Magic Shop and Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Damaging Description: This spell allows a caster to summon up and conjure ice to attack his or her enemies with. This spell is most reliable for any bug monsters and some plants. Like with Fire, when Ice reaches higher levels it does a lot more damage to groups of monsters. This spell is good, but is more unreliable than Fire because more monsters are immune to it. ***Thunder*** Locations: Altair Magic Shop and Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Damaging Description: Like with Fire and Ice, Thunder allows the caster to conjure up Thunder to hurt enemies. Thunder is most effective on water creatures, so boat fights are made easier. This spell gets as strong as the Ice and Fire counterparts when it levels up. This less reliable then Fire, but more reliable then Ice, few monsters absorb or are immune to it. ***Scourge*** Locations: Tropical Island (chests), other dungeons Type of Spell: Damaging and Status Effect Description: This spell can both damage enemies and will randomly inflict them with poison. Not a whole lot of monsters are weak to it, but virtually none are immune. As this spell levels up it gets stronger AND tends to inflict poison more often. This is all around a great spell and is worth going out of the way to get. ***Osmose*** Locations: Cave of Mysidia (chest) other dungeons, Mysidia Magic Shop (?) Type of Spell: Absorbing Description: When your MP is low this spell is a great "Ace in the hole." It can absorb MP from your enemies, provided they have any. Do not use this against Dead monsters; it will have the opposite effect. This is really great if you want to conserve Ethers, and once it levels up the time was worth it. ***Drain*** Locations: Cave of Mysidia (chest) other dungeons, Mysidia Magic Shop (?) Type of Spell: Absorbing, Damaging, Healing (person who uses it only) Description: This spell is pretty much the same as Drain, only it takes way HP and not MP. This cannot absorb more HP then enemies have to offer, unlike other games. Again do not use this on Dead monsters, it will give them your HP. Once you level this up it can take a lot of HP away from enemies, making potions obsolete. ***Flare*** Locations: Mysidian Tower (chest, Thunder Gigas), Jade Passage Magic Shop Type of Spell: Damaging Description: This spell is non-element based, despite the massive explosion it sets off once it gets around Level 10. This is the most reliable Black Magic spell since nothing is immune to it, nor can anyone absorb it. If you miss it in the Tower it costs a lot of money to buy, but it's worth it, especially getting multiple ones. ***Stun*** Location: Castle Deist (chest) other dungeons Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: This spell paralyzes enemies, so they cannot do a thing. This will eventually wear off too, so be ready. As it levels up it hits more often, and seems to last longer. This spell is great for easily ending annoying battles that you don't really need to do. Or it's good to do to level up White Magic while your enemies can't move. All around, this is a good spell to use but is inferior to Stop. ***Stop*** Location: Castle Deist (chest), other dungeons Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: This move is really just a better version of Stun. It lasts a little longer and tends to be much more accurate. However the paralysis will eventually wear off, as does Stun. As this levels up it hits more often, and of course tends to last longer. Many, like myself, prefer this over Stun. ***Sleep*** Location: Tropical Island (chest), other dungeons Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: Sleep does the same thing as Stun and Stop, and that is to immobilize enemies. However Sleep also guarantees a 100% chance of hitting enemies. Sleep wears off faster then Stun and Stop, but hits a lot more often. Level it up to increase Sleep's reliability. ***Confuse*** Location: Monster's only Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: This spell confuses the enemy targeted so they will often not attack, or even better, attack their allies. This has a low hit rate to start, but once it gets better it will hit more often. If it's successful on stronger monsters like Behemoths, then consider yourself lucky, that is a huge payoff. I find Confuse not all that reliable, but if it's leveled up it works wonders. ***Curse*** Location: Castle Deist (chest, other dungeons Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: This spell is awesome. It pretty much lowers all the enemies stats to make them hella weaker. If you can get a weapon with Curse as an added effect, go for it. However Curse tends to miss, a lot, especially at lower levels. I strongly suggest leveling this up, because if you can get it to work on bosses, well that's a nice added bonus. Curse is a great way to own your enemies, especially the army of mini-bosses in Pandemonium. ***Blind*** Location: Tropical Island (chest), other dungeons Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: This does what it sounds like, it blinds enemies and lowers their accuracy. This is another spell that seems to miss a lot until it's leveled pretty well. I never actually use this, since it doesn't lower their accuracy enough, IMO. It rarely hits enemies if you target all. This spell isn't all that great, and isn't to reliable. ***Toad*** Location: Castle Fynn (chest), other dungeons Type of Spell: Status Effect, *Instant Kill* Description: Now first off, this spell turns enemies into Toads. However sometimes they will run away after that, so that's why I have an Instant Kill up there. Stronger monsters will not run however, but their stats will be greatly lowered. This spell is fun to use on weaker people, and later in the game, the stronger guys. I recommend leveling this up a lot, especially to Level 16, so you can play the Toad Game. ***Break*** Location: Castle Fynn (chest) other dungeons Type of Spell: Status Effect, Instant Kill Description: This spell kinda does two things. If it works on you the person is petrified, and he/she cannot act. If you use it on an enemy it will instantly kill them! So this works a lot like Death and Toad for you, and I do suggest leveling quite a bit. ***Death*** Location: Castle Fynn (chest), Jade Passage Magic Shop Type of Spell: Instant Kill Description: This spell like many others, does what it's name says, it instantly kills enemies. This is one of many spells that is inaccurate at the lower levels and even tends to miss whole groups at the higher levels. This spell doesn't ever seem to work on Dead monsters as well, so be careful. This is another semi-useless spell that I never use in the Final Fantasy series. ***Warp*** Location: Salamand Magic Ship, Mysidia Magic Ship Type of Spell: Instant Kill, Escape Description: This spell does two things. The first is, in battle it will take the monsters to another dimension, or pretty much instantly kill them. This is another spell that has a tendency to miss at low levels. In the dungeons this spell will warp you the amount of floors the spell is. Lets say Warp is Level 7, you are on Floor 9 on Pandemonium, then you will be brought to Floor 2. This is more useless in dungeons since Teleport takes you right out of the dungeon. ***Aura*** Location: Castle Fynn, other dungeons Type of Spell: Support Description: I'm not really sure how this is considered Black Magic since it helps you. Anyway this spell gives your characters advantages against enemies, meaning...I'm not sure. But it seems to be a big help in battle and as it gets stronger, it's effectiveness does as well. This is a good spell to stack with Berserk and Haste, especially against bosses. ***Berserk*** Location: Jade Passage Magic Shop, other dungeons Type of Spell: Support Description: This spell will increase a person's strength for part of the battle. This is another great spell to stack with Aura and Haste for maximum damage. Once again I don't know why this is Black Magic. Anyway of you level this up enough and stack it a lot you can deal some major damage to even the hardest bosses. ***Haste*** Location: Jade Passage Magic Shop, other dungeons Type of Spell: Support Description: Yet another "Why is this Black Magic" spell. This will increase the number of hits your characters do to monsters, increasing overall damage. Stack this many times along with Berserk and Aura to maximize the damage. Leveling this up is another smart idea. This is well worth the buy at the Magic Shop in the Jade Passage. ============================================================================= 4) White Magic [FFWM4] ============================================================================= This is a complete list of all the White Magic in this game. White Magic is generally spells that heal your characters, or ones that heal status effects or protect your allies. Now each spell will be set up like the Black Magic: ***Spell Name*** Locations: where spell is found Type of Spell (damaging, status effect, absorbing, healing, protective, support, instant kill, escape) Description: what spell does Well then with that sorted out, let's get this done! ***Cure*** Location: Altair Magic Shop, Paloom Magic Shop, Poft Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Healing, *Damaging* Description: It is great to have a lot of these, one on each character maybe. This spell will revive some of your HP. This can also be used outside of battle to heal, and it seems to level up faster if you do that. It's usually not even a challenge to level these spells up fast, but they can kill your MP early on in the game. This spell can hurt Dead enemies. ***Life*** Location: Salamand Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Healing, *Instant Kill* Description: This spell will revived a character who is KOed. Early on it will only give your character a fraction of his/her HP, but later it gives back more. This spell can also hurt Dead enemies, well actually it will instantly kill them, but it has a low hit rate. ***Esuna*** Location: Bafsk Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Healing Description: This spell is usually better then Basuna because it heals the statuses that carry over after the battle. Those include Virus, Stone, Toad, ect. I actually tend not to use this in battle unless the status is serious. It can be used outside of battle, so it levels a tad faster like Cure. Also, it can only heal certain things unit it levels up more. ***Basuna*** Location: Bafsk Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Healing Description: This spell is often used a lot less the Esuna, because the things it heals wear off after battles. So unless you want to "waste" a turn healing something that doesn't need to be go for it. All the same try and use it since it, like Esuna, can only heal so much until it levels up. ***Barrier*** Location: Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Protective Description: This spell will protect you against special attacks, what that means...I have no idea. But it seems to help out a lot against bosses. This is one of those spells you cast on the whole party when it gets stronger. Level it up to increase effectiveness. ***Protect*** Location: Paloom Magic Shop, Poft Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Protective Description: This spell will lower the damage your characters take from physical attacks. Like with Barrier, you want to cast this on the whole group and as usual level it up. Provided it's strong enough this spell could save your life later on in the game. ***Shell*** Location: Paloom Magic Shop, Poft Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Protective Description: This spell is a lot like Protect, only it protects from magic damage. Use this spell like you would Protect, and again leveling up is required. However I tend to use this spell a little less than Protect, since the magic damage is often lower from bosses. Still, it's a reliable spell. ***Wall*** Location: Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Protective Description: Wall is really just a beefed up version of Shell. It also increases magic evasion. That's why I'd use this more over the Shell spell. But if the person with Wall and Shell has Ultima, sorry you should level up both. Level it up to increase Wall's usefulness. ***Blink*** Location: Paloom Magic Shop, Poft Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Support Description: The reason this is Support and not Protective is because it doesn't lower the damage you take, it just increases your evasion. So if you are able to level it up a lot, and cast it on the entire party, it pays off. Many people like to use the Protect-Blink technique to minimize damage, and it works. This spell is pretty decent to use against bosses. ***Dispel*** Location: Fynn Magic Shop Type of Spell: N/A Description: The reason is put N/A is because this spell really doesn't qualify as anything. It does one thing, and that is to take any barriers and support magic off your enemies. I guess you could call it "Anti-Support". Anyway this has a low hit rate to start, so you know the drill by now, level it up to increase its effectiveness. ***Silence*** Location: Bafsk Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: This should be a Black Magic, but they always make it a White. Amway this spell will make it so your enemies cannot do any moves that require them to use MP. It might wear off after a while, so level it up to increase it's overall effectiveness. ***Mini*** Location: Fynn Magic Shop Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: I can honestly say, I have never once in my life used this spell, because it never seems to hit. This spell will shrink enemies, and lower their stats a lot like Toad. If you have the patience to deal with this spell and level it up I will pay off in the end. ***Sap*** Location: Salamand Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Absorbing Description: This spell words like Osmose, and it absorbs just about the same amount of MP Osmose does. Level this up as you would Osmose, and remember, you cannot take what the enemies do not have to offer. ***Fog*** Location: Fynn Magic Shop Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: This spell inflicts Amnesia, which works a lot like Silence. It's another good way to keep down magic-based enemies like Sorcerers. As always level this up to increase overall effectiveness. ***Slow*** Location: Fynn Magic Shop Type of Spell: Status Effect Description: This should be Black and Haste should be White. Anyway this does the opposite of Haste. It will lower the amount of hits your enemies do, lowering the damage. This tends to miss a lot, so use it when you're sure it will hit. Level it up to increase effectiveness. ***Swap*** Location: Salamand Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: Absorbing*, Damaging*, Healing* Description: I have a * next to all hose for a reason. You will exchange your HP and MP for the targets. So unless your up against a boss, or if you are on the verge of death this is useless. However many monsters have this spell, so be careful. Don't worry to much about leveling this, unless this person has Ultima. ***Fear*** Location: Bafsk Magic Shop, Mysidia Magic Shop Type of Spell: N/A Description: Yes, another N/A. Why? Because all this does is make your enemies run away, so if you do it and it works, it guess it could count as a Instant Kill. This never seems to work though, so don't even bother. Decide if you want to use this or not, because if you have Ultima and you don't use it, it'll drag Ultima down. ***Teleport*** Location: Salamand Magic Ship, Mysidia Magic Ship Type of Spell: Instant Kill, Escape Description: This spell does two things. The first is, in battle it will take the monsters to another dimension, or pretty much instantly kill them. This is another spell that has a tendency to miss at low levels. In dungeons this spell will take you out of the dungeon, but it will also take away a lot of the caster's HP, so remember that. This spell is pretty useful. ***Holy*** Location: Mysidia Magic Hop Type of Spell: Damaging Description: Holy is usually the counter-part to Ultima, but since Ultima is White; it's the counter-part to Flare. Holy is a little weaker than Flare, but still level it up to do some heavy damage. Holy is an element, which is Holy, but very few monsters, if any are immune to Holy. Holy is great until you can buy Flares and until you get Ultima! ***Ultima*** Location: Mysidian Tower (story) Type of Spell: Damaging Description: Ultima is usually the ultimate Black Magic, but this time it's White! It's damage is based on the stats of the caster. So if you have a character with high stats with everything, then Ultima is overkill. Seriously, get Level 16 Ultima and everything else at Level 16, you'll see. This spell rocks, to bad there's only one. ============================================================================= 5) Contact Information [5COIF] ============================================================================= If you have any questions or wish to contribute to this walkthrough please feel free to e-mail me at mjd111989@aol.com. Please do not send me any complaints or hate mail, because I will not take kindly to it. If you provide anything I may have missed for this Walkthrough please give me a name so I can mention you in the credits. ============================================================================= 6) Credits [6CRED] ============================================================================= Myself - For spending hours on end to write this up. CJayC & GameFAQs - for having this site up and helping me get started writing FAQs. Square-Enix - For putting this game back out for the GBA! Many don't like the game, but it's still a classic. My Dad - For buying and making the computer in my room so I can type these in my free time.