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The reason I wrote this was because after the boss guide I realised that wasn’t enough so I went on to write this one. This will only be a brief, straight to the point guide so it won’t be lengthy. In this guide, you will find all the tips on training and where to train when you are stuck. P.S This guide contains spoilers! P.P.S If you need to contact me, please do so. My e-mail is psycho.spaz@hotmail.com. You may contact me if you find a mistake in my guide. I’m sure there will be. You can also ask questions about my guide, and if you find that you have found a better training place than me, you can mail me it and I will add it to my guide and put you in the Credits section =P. Also, if you want to ask anything else, feel free to unless it’s inappropriate got it? OK =D. P.P.P.S Yes, the previous paragraph is the same as the one in my boss guide? You have good observation, and the reason for it being the same is that I couldn’t be bothered to write an extra 50 words when you can just copy paste. P.P.P.P.S (O.o) This game just recently came out on iPhone/ iPod Touch so more people are browsing through the internet for these guides, so I decided it was a good time to start this guide, because the game was actually made ages ago. However, this guide is made for the DS version, but the iPhone one is almost the exact same; only minor changes that won't affect you, and slightly easier. =============================================================================== CONTENTS: 1. >>>>>>>>>>>>>How to use the Guide {HG} 2. >>>>>>>>>>>>>Training Tips {TT} 3. >>>>>>>>>>>>>Levels 1-8 {1-8} 4. >>>>>>>>>>>>>Altar Cave {AC} 5. >>>>>>>>>>>>>Castle Sasune West Tower {CSWT} 6. >>>>>>>>>>>>>Sealed Cave {SC} 7. >>>>>>>>>>>>>Levels 8-20 {8-20} 8. >>>>>>>>>>>>>Dragon’s Peak {DP} 9. >>>>>>>>>>>>>Tozus Tunnel {DTT} 10. >>>>>>>>>>>>Nepto Temple {NT} 11. >>>>>>>>>>>>Tower of Owen {ToO} 12. >>>>>>>>>>>>Subterranean Lake {SL} 13. >>>>>>>>>>>>Molten Cave {MC} 14. >>>>>>>>>>>>Levels 20-24 {20-24} 15. >>>>>>>>>>>>Elder Tree {ET} 16. >>>>>>>>>>>>Cave of Tides {CoT} 17. >>>>>>>>>>>>Levels 24-45 {24-45} 18. >>>>>>>>>>>>Sewers {SS} 19. >>>>>>>>>>>>Godlor’s Mansion {GM} 20. >>>>>>>>>>>>Dragon Spire {DS} 21. >>>>>>>>>>>>Cave of the Circle {COTC} 22. >>>>>>>>>>>>Sunken Cave {SC2} 23. >>>>>>>>>>>>Temple of Time {ToT} 24. >>>>>>>>>>>>Ancient Ruins {AR} 25. >>>>>>>>>>>>Falgabard Dungeon {FD} 26. >>>>>>>>>>>>Cave of Shadows {CoS} 27. >>>>>>>>>>>>Saronia Catacombs {SC3} 28. >>>>>>>>>>>>Lake Dohr {LD} 29. >>>>>>>>>>>>Bahamut’s Lair {BL} 30. >>>>>>>>>>>>Doga’s Grotto {DG} 31. >>>>>>>>>>>>Ancient Maze {AM} 32. >>>>>>>>>>>>Levels 45-60 {45-60} 33. >>>>>>>>>>>>The Forbidden Land, Eureka {FLE} 34. >>>>>>>>>>>>The Crystal Tower {TCT} 35. >>>>>>>>>>>>Levels 60-90 {60-90} 36. >>>>>>>>>>>>Questions and Answers {QA} 37. >>>>>>>>>>>>Version History {VH} 38. >>>>>>>>>>>>Credits {CS} 39. >>>>>>>>>>>>Copyright {CT} 40. >>>>>>>>>>>>End {END} =============================================================================== 1. How to use the Guide {HG} This may be the millionth time you’ve seen this kind of paragraph, but I’ll just refresh your memory. The {??} on the right of the contents is the ‘subtitle’. Let’s say you only want to check a specific section, like training tips. Then you type in ctrl + f which brings up the auto find window, and type the subtitle in there, press enter, and you know what to do next. You might not even need it because this guide won’t be lengthy as already stated above -.- There are also stats about each dungeon. These stats are, levels, length, spawn rate, watch out for, look for, and overall rating. Here is how each stat is sorted. Level- Basically the level you should be and level up to be in that dungeon Length- The length of the dungeon. Tiny.> Training Tip 1: You will have access to a world map full of monsters almost through the whole game. (How specific and down to earth was that sentence?) Seems easy to train? Not really cause the exp the monsters on the world map give you are terrible, and I’m not even gonna mention the spawn. Dungeons are how you are usually going to train. You cannot save in dungeons like you can save on the world map, so that is probably the only disadvantage. Tip 2: Try to train on monsters you can kill comfortably. Don’t train on those where they have a 50% chance of killing you because if you die you won’t get exp obviously. Tip 3: Look out for weaknesses. If you use fire on an ice monster it will do extra damage (no shet). Other Tips Tip 1: Most bosses are found at the end of dungeons. The monsters before the boss have to be easy enough for you to kill. If you can comfortably kill the monsters in the dungeon, you shouldn’t have trouble killing the boss. Tip 2: This may not be true, but what I realised about dungeons is that the spawn seems to go less when you reach the last floor of a dungeon. What I mean is, the first time you go into a dungeon the spawn is good, but once you get to the last floor, teleport out and go in again, the spawn is not that good. This might be just me, but keep it in mind cause it could be true. =============================================================================== 3. Levels 1-8 {1-8} You need almost absolutely no help at all levelling up here but I’ll help you anyway. Only two bosses to face during this level span and they are very easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Altar Cave {AC} Level - 1-2 Length - Short Look for – Blue Wisp Watch out for – Land Turtle Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 7/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first cave ever, the first cave you start in. If you don’t mess around here, grab all the treasure, you will be lvl 2 when you fight Land Turtle. Just walk in, kill, and walk straight out. Try not to level past three because you need to find your other party members first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Castle Sasune West Tower {CSWT} Level - 3-4 Length - Tiny Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - Griffin Spawn rate - Excellent Overall rating – 8/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also very brief, just breeze in, grab the Wightslayer, and come out. It is actually not a bad idea to stay here seeing how the spawn here is so good. You should be lvl 4 when you come out, just head up to the next dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Sealed Cave {SC} Level - 5-7 Length - Medium Look for - Revenant Watch out for - Larva (Stare) Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 9/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meh. Same thing as before walk in and walk straight out, make sure you have at least 16 potions, 4 eye drops and 4 antidotes. Fight Djinn at around lvl 6 if you have the Antarctic Wind which will kick his ass. If not, you can still beat him he’s hopeless. This cave is good for lvling up until lvl 8, it gets slow after that so try not to linger here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Levels 8-20 {8-20} Long part of the game here, also the most boring part. Once your past lvl 15 it takes ages to level up mainly cause the monsters give hopeless exp -.- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Dragons Peak {DP} Level - 8 Length - Short Look for - Firefly Watch out for - Rukh (Stone) Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 6/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The birds here are quite strong thanks to Djinn being so weak. Don’t train here because some birds can turn you to stone, and the exp is moderate. You don’t want moderate, you want high! Get yourself kidnapped by Charizard and go to Tozus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Tozus Tunnel {DTT} Level - 8-9 Length - Tiny Look for - Leprechaun Watch out for - Singles Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 6.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is only a tunnel. Not bad, but the monsters usually comes in singles. Second best place right now. Just make sure you have at least three mages in your party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Nepto Temple {NT} Level - 9-11 Length - Short Look for - Blood Worm Watch out for - Blood Worm Spawn rate - Bad Overall Rating – 7/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, train here for now :D A boss lies at the end of this dungeon. It’s not gonna be as fast as Sealed Cave but there is nowhere else. When the Giant Rat comes into view, don’t get too close or the battle will start. Fortunately for you, right before the rat is a bloodworm, the strongest monster in the damn temple. You get slightly more exp from them than the rest. They are quite strong however so be careful. Bloodworms are also found in the ‘blue area’, along with poison bats. Hover around there. It may take a while levelling from 10-11 though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Tower of Owen {ToO} Level - 12-14 Length - Long Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - Aughisky (Silence) Spawn Rate - Good Overall rating – 7.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you got the ship you would be exploring different places around the world such as the Village of the Ancient Ruins, and Gulgan Gulch, where one of the guys there say that darkness is covering the world. WELL YOU DON’T F****** SAY. Anyway, you would be about level 12 before you go into the Tower of Owen, which is a tower comprised of around 10 floors o.o Medusa is your first challenging boss so be around lvl 14 at least. You also might want to make two runs into the tower, once to collect all the items and teleport out, and the second time to barge in and beat the boss (anyone notice the monster called Farr Darrig? It’s one cool name for a monster). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Subterranean Lake {SL} Level - 15 Length - Medium Look for - Sea Devil, Ruinous Wave Watch out for - Manticore (Stone) Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You basically just reached the most boring and longest levels of the game. Monsters are strong here, only train if you are under level. Gutso is easy right now, fight him at around level 15. Be careful of the monsters here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Molten Cave {MC} Level - 15-19 Length - Medium Look for - Crocottas, Myrmecoleons Watch out for - Myrmecoleons (Stone) Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 4/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This dungeon deserves a two, but it’s better than the Sea, which is part of the world map, and you know what I said about world maps. Anyway, you have to train here. Salamander is strong and powerful, and your HP is what’s important here. Yes this will take AGES AND AGES, but you’ll survive, hopefully both life and Salamander. I cbfed here once so I fought Salamander at lvl 19. It was still hard even with my 4 Antarctic Winds and an Arctic Wind. Try and train at the back of the cave, the map before the fire crystal. There are no Adamantoises there which only give 175xp and are highly annoying. Bosses at the end will net you 225- 250 exp per battle (Crocottas and Myrmecoleons). =============================================================================== 14. Levels 20-24 {20-24} What a short level span for the fire crystal. Fortunately it is interesting, where you get to travel to the surface world. These levels will be brief, and better than 15-20 thanks to monsters with higher exp :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Elder Tree {ET} Level - 20-21 Length - OK Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - The three chest rooms Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 6/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You really don’t want to stay here seeing how you can’t teleport or anything. You can defeat Hein quite easily, plus this dungeon is so dark and damp and annoying. You might want to be above lvl 20 though, don’t stay at 19. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Cave of Tides {CoT} Level - 21-23 Length - Long Look for - Triple Ropers Watch out for - Cockatrice (Stone) Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 6.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An awesome new world with awesome music. Only one cave available right now, unless you plan on staying in the fire crystal cave =.= The monsters come in groups of two, but occasionally you fight the trio of Ropers, giving you 900 exp! Well that’s nice, fight your way to 23 or 24 and fight Kraken. The duo of spiders is also quite nice. =============================================================================== 17. Levels 24-45 {24-45} After Aria dies you see the whole new world and it’s quite pathetic, only four towns, two of them near deserted and one hidden. The town you are in right now is Amur, neither of the four :) Change jobs if you want to but you might not want to change all your characters if you don’t have enough money. Quite lengthy as well, 21 levels but this goes down fast as there are quick ways to level here :D NOTE: ONCE YOU ARE LEVEL 45, YOU HAVE 5 BOSSES AVAILABLE TO KILL. IF YOU WANT TO UNLOCK THE EARTH CRYSTAL FIRST, YOU CAN AND LATER COME BACK FOR THE OTHER BOSSES (Doga, Unei, Leviath and Bahamut). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. Sewers {SS} Level - 24 Length - Short Look for - Twin Liger Watch out for - Quadruple Gigantoads Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 6.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another dungeon in a town, interesting. You basically just go there to get the shoes, but it isn’t a bad idea to train here if you’re not bothered to go Godlor’s Palace or whatever he calls his own home. The monsters can be tough when you just switched jobs, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. Godlor’s Mansion {GM} Level - 24-26 Length - Medium Look for - Nightmare Watch out for - Godlor Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 7.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just make sure you’re AT LEAST level 25 before you fight Godlor. Walk in and walk out and you’ll gain some exp along the way. It doesn’t matter where you train, every map has the same monsters. Best place to train at this point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. Dragon Spire {DS} Level - 26-30 Length - Tiny Look for - Catopeblas and Sandworm Watch out for - Catopeblas (Stone) Spawn rate - Excellent Overall rating – 6.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right after you get your damn ship back some son of a ***** decides to blow it up. You are therefore stuck in Saronia, and the only place with monsters is in North Western Saronia. Go here. You might have realised the monsters here are also on the world map, and this is an immediate indication of how bad the exp is gonna be. Well the spawn makes up for it. Like the West Tower in Castle Sasune, the spawn here is supernatural. Unfortunately it takes a long time getting to 30, which you need to be in order to defeat Garuda. Don’t worry, it gets really fast after this. These four levels are also faster than the Molten Cave levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. Cave of the Circle {COTC} Level - 30 Length - Short Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - Every monster Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I expect you to flee every encounter... unless you actually have a band of magicians ready to attack. Apart from that, get your ship on drugs and get your ass to Sunken Cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. Sunken Cave {SC2} Level - 30-35-40 Length - Short Look for - Trios (last map) Watch out for - Guardians of chests Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This cave is absolutely ridiculous. All of a sudden you’re getting about 3- 4k exp after every battle! What’s better is the treasure that’s in here! You can actually stay here till level 40, it’s the fastest way, but you have other things to do. After you have got the Fang of Earth and the Invincible, come back here to get to lvl 40 if you’re not there yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. Temple of Time {ToT} Level - 35 Length - Long Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - Chimera Mages ambush Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 6/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strong, strong monsters here. Be prepared. One of the strongest are the Dragon and the Behemoth. Have caution in every step you take o.o Strong monsters= good exp? Well yes, but most of the monsters come in singles, so Sunken Cave is still a better option. Don’t train here, you have a good chance of dying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. Ancient Ruins {AC} Level - 35 Length - Huge Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - Dividing/Multiplying Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolutely terrible for training. The monsters divide and multiply, but unfortunately your exp doesnt. Just get the goddam ship and leave, and never come back here again. And I put the length of the dungeon as huge for a reason, it IS huge. Locked doors, massive maps, far away treasure chests. (This is really interesting though, once you are on the Invincible, open the world map and check your current location and then look at where you started, the entrance of the Ancient Ruins. Big O_O) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. Falgabard Dungeon {FD} Level - 35 Length - Tiny Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - Dividing/Multiplying Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 4/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Same thing as Ancient Ruins, only stronger monsters so better exp. A dungeon in a town, so it’s really short. It’s only there to give you a practice and the three items at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. Cave of Shadows {CoS} Level - 36 Length - Huge Look for - Trios Watch out for - Dividing/Multiplying Spawn rate - Terrible Overall rating – 3/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesus Christ Square Enix, stop with the horrendous dungeons. Really long, and with the biggest joke boss at the end. Terribad. Pretty much a slightly strengthened version of Falgabard Dungeon. After this, it’s a good idea to go back to the Sunken Cave and get to level 40 =.= This is also a 3/10 looking at the amount of Mount Everests to conquer to get there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27. Saronia Catacombs {SC3} Level - 40 Length - Medium Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - Odin Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 6.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another damn dungeon with the SC subtitle, and it’s really starting to piss me off. Less exp than Sunken Cave, so only come here for Odin. Odin is one of the people who everyone says is really pro, but isn’t. One person even said, “He feared himself that he was so powerful so he sealed himself away” or some crap. Wow. Anyway, make sure you ARE powerful enough to fight him by being above level 40 because it would be severely embarrassing if you lose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28. Lake Dohr {LD} Level - 40-45 Length - Short Look for - Trios Watch out for - Leviathan Spawn rate - OK Overall rating – 9.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally somewhere with even better exp than Sunken Cave. It’s also interesting how the monsters here are strengthened versions of the ones in Sunken Cave, therefore having higher exp. Make sure you are lvl 45 at least to fight Leviath, because he is quite powerful. Most monsters here come in groups of three, giving you up to 5.7k exp! Usually it’s only 5.4k though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29. Bahamut’s Lair {BL} Level - 40-45, 50-70 Length - Short Look for - Trios (2nd map, 5700 exp) Watch out for - Lamia Queen (1290 xp) Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an excellent dungeon, but I’ll expand on this later, not now. You’re main priority is capturing Charizard so fight the dragon. Remember where this place is though, you’re coming back here very soon so get used to it. You may train here instead of Lake Dohr if you like, it’s really similar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. Doga’s Grotto {DG} Level - 45 Length - Medium Look for - Nothing in particular Watch out for - Doga and Unei Spawn rate - Terrible Overall rating – 6.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What a breathtaking place! Waterfalls, cliffs... My language was too superb, it’s actually not as good as it sounds. Anyway, long maps in this dungeon, but isn’t that long in total, thanks to the hopeless spawn. Not good for training here, only to fight Doga and Unei. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. Ancient Maze {AM} Level - 45 Length - Long Look for - Greater Demon Watch out for - King Behemoth Spawn rate - Terrible Overall rating – 6/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long with the worst of the worst spawn, therefore the dungeon is shorter than you think it is. Titan is guarding the Earth crystal which is in the first door you see. Kill him and you can unlock new jobs! There is one interesting thing in this dungeon though, and I mentioned it in the Q and A section. I also grouped this dungeon in the Water Crystal section, but this belongs more in the Earth Crystal section. It does not matter, just scroll up if you need to -.- =============================================================================== 32. Levels 45-60 {45-60} Finally, you’ve found the Earth crystal. It was indeed very well hidden but you might have guessed it was in the top right corner of the map seeing how it looked full badass and stuff. Well you have to be level 60 to kill the Cloud of Darkness, so where do we train? You have things to do first, items to collect. Also for much more detail about how to train here, refer to the questions and answers section. There is a much more in depth guide to levelling there o.o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33. The Forbidden Land, Eureka {FLE} Level - 46 Length - Long Look for - The five weapons Watch out for - Scylla, Guardian Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 6.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're playing this game on an iPhone or iPod Touch, seriously listen to the music with good in- ear earphones. Words cannot express. That is some good compositional work Square Enix. If you're on DS, don't go what the effing what I'm on about because the DS sound system is just shet. Anyway, this place is not the best place to level, but it's G. You must come here to get the items anyway. After the items, don’t come here ever again (except to buy Shurikens if you ran out, or to dream about heroic situations with the epic music. It's the sort of music suitable to be played when an army is 'marching into battle', but not the kind of music to be played during a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. The Crystal Tower {TCT} Level - 50 Length - Huge Look for - Bluck Watch out for - Multicoloured Dragons Spawn rate - Bad Overall rating – 6.5/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally you’re in the damn tower. This tower is supposed to touch the sky, but fortunately for you, you don’t have to climb that high to get to the top. Refer to the Q and A section for more detail for training. As you might have guessed, this place is huge, so when you’re around level 50, please don’t go above halfway. Once you see the Generals and the Glasia Labolas or whatever it’s called, teleport out because you don’t want to fight the dragons yet. =============================================================================== 35. Levels 60-90 {60-90} If you wanna ask if I actually bothered to play till level 90 to fight the Iron Giant, then I will answer truthfully- no. Which means some of the information here can be inaccurate! Well that’s a shame. You have an extra option here, the World of Darkness. The answer is a no. The monsters give good exp but they don’t come in groups of threes. Plus, how much time do you have to spend walking up to get there? Stay at Bahamut’s Lair. Well the higher level you are, the more exp required to level. Seeing how your exp adds on, wouldn’t it be good to train at Blucks? This is a 30 level span so you have so much time, and Bahamut’s Lair will start to get slow like every dungeon. Blucks will get slow at a slower rate :D Just try to remember not to stay in one battle too long, for you might gain too many exp. And remember you can’t over level. (Refer to the Q and A section for Bluck training details). Oh and I almost forgot to tell you that dragons in the Crystal Tower drop Onion equipment! You also should go there and fight the dragons. And yes there is a secret ??? dungeon full of the red/yellow/green dragons. Train there if you like, but it will still be quite dangerous, so if you feel like you’re not getting enough exp, then don’t train there! =============================================================================== 36. Questions and Answers {QA} Any questions about training are answered here. If you have a question, don’t be afraid to email me about it, and I will post it here :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Maze vs. Crystal Tower vs. Bahamut’s Lair, what’s better? You have three options now, the most interesting part of the game in terms of levelling. Finally I have something worth saying. OK, first option, Ancient Maze. What is so damn interesting about this place? OK, there is one monster here called the Greater Demon. The Greater Demon summons another monster called the Iron Claws. The Greater Demon will not die if you kill the Iron Claws, and with each Iron Claws you kill your exp adds on. Sounds good? Consider this sh**, your job level can only increase by one. In other words, you cannot over level. You know what else doesn’t over level? Your level. Yes, your exp can pile up as much as it likes but you can only level one at a time. And when you see the words ‘exp piling up’, don’t get too excited because it’s still not that fast. Also, you have to find the damn monster first, who knows how long that will take? OK, Crystal Tower, same concept as Ancient Maze. There is a monster called Bluck, in the first floor. It summons a monster called Kum- Kum. This hag is so weak to physical attacks it isn’t even the slightest bit funny, but make sure it doesn’t use magic cause it’s deadly. You should be able to deal 9999+ damage with any of your physical attackers. Anyway, you get more exp here seeing how the monsters are stronger, so this may be more worth it. Just make sure you don’t kill the Bluck itself, if you do you’re an idiot. And sometimes the Bluck comes in twos. I'd say it is faster to have ONE Bluck rather than two, so if they come in twos, kill one. Once your level gets higher though, your defence gets better and your HP increases. So you don't really care about how much damage you're taking. And you are strong enough to kill one Kum- Kum in one go. Therefore it would be better to have two Blucks at the same time, so in case one of them chooses not to summon, the other one will. I estimate the Kum- Kums to be summoned at a rate of 70%. The last option, Bahamut’s Lair? Let me tell you the structure of this dungeon. Three maps. You enter from the north and you can exit from the south, but that doesn’t go anywhere, only to save game (and Bahamut if you haven’t defeated him yet). If you want to use teleport, wherever you enter, is where you will be teleported out. So if you entered from the back and want to teleport out of the damn dungeon back to the front, you end up back at the back =.= anyway enough irrelevance: First map = sometimes only duos. Second map = 100% trio, 100% 5.7k exp. Third Map = Possible Lamia Queen encounter. As you can see, the best way to train is to linger in the 2nd map. This is the place I trained in all the way to level 58. Normal training here, every monster gives 7.6k exp. Divided by the 4 members in your party, that’s 1.9k. However they always come in groups of threes! So 1.9k * 3 = 5.7k exp! Not bad, but there is one monster called the Lamia Queen that comes by herself and gives you 1290 exp -.- gtfo please >.> Fortunately, that’s only in the last map. Just let me tell you, it is very, very fast. Once you are level 58, you may head to the end of the crystal tower and defeat the bosses there. Good luck with the ahem* SEVEN bosses. And yes I did see my mistake, it’s actually six =.= My final rating for these three dungeons: Ancient Maze method = 8/10 Crystal Tower method = 9/10 Bahamut’s Lair method = 9.5/10 NOTE: This is until level 60. Levels 60+? Same thing? No. You must go back to Blucks once you’re past about level 70, obviously because Bahamut's Lair starts to get slow. The bad thing about Blucks is that your job level will not increase by a lot. That is a major disadvantage, but exp is your main priority, so yeah. Plus you can’t expect fast levelling to level 90 to fight the Iron Giant anyway seeing how the game is supposed to end at level 60 -.- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So which order of boss battles do I follow at level 45? You have so many options. Leviath and Bahamut are actually optional, but you will be attracted to the dungeon with its high exp, and while you’re in there, you won’t be able to resist the temptation to kill them. Am I right? You're probably smiling right now too. Anyway, Titan is the boss that guards the Earth crystal, available after getting the Fang of Earth, which could actually be as early as lvl 35. You are too weak at this time, so if you’re desperate for the fourth set of jobs, then fight Titan first, and then you can mix the order around. If you are full desperate at exploring Eureka and the Crystal Tower right after new jobs which I strongly recommend you NOT, then kill Doga and Unei before the dragon kings. You can even defeat Titan a couple of levels earlier, but you must be above level 45 for Leviath and Bahamut. So if you want to start at level 43, then kill Titan, then Doga, Unei, Leviath and Bahamut. By the time you've finished, you'd be above level 45. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is the world map really that bad for training? Most of the time. The only time when it is actually OK to train on is at level 15-20. Train in the outer circle of the ocean. Rarely you will face the triple Anet, giving you 300 exp which is 50 more than the usual 250 exp in the Molten Cave, from Crocottas and Myrmecoleons. Usually it comes in twos though, which is only 200 exp. Mermaids and Seahorses are the most common, giving you 225 exp. Like the Molten Cave, there is a stupid monster designed just to piss you off by coming by itself and giving you 175 exp- exactly the same as Adamantoise, and that is the Sea Dragon =.= Another time when the world map is OK is when you first see the surface of the surface world (when your ship is chained). The Dracrotta gives 625 exp (doubles) and the Magician often comes with the Hellgaroo which gives you a total of 663 exp. The spawn in the dungeon is always better, and do monsters come in groups of three in the sewer? No, but Twin Ligers give up to 550 exp in doubles, and a good spawn may make it even. Your choice. Remember though, Godlor’s Manor is way better than both options (Nightmare gives you 950 in doubles). It’s just a bit far to walk to get there, that’s all. There is one more time where the world map can seem formidable for training and that is when you get the Nautilus. Everything under the sea is quite good, but the Sunken Cave (which is also under the sea) is even better, which eliminates the world-map-under-the-sea option. Monsters in the cave come in threes, which can get up to 4200 exp per battle. Usually, it’s just 3600 exp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why NOT train in Cave of the Circle? How much mages will you have? Physical attackers overtake magicians now in terms of strength, so you shouldn’t have that many magicians. If you do have at least two offensive mages, then go ahead, the exp is above average. Just beware of the monsters they can be quite strong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What about job level? What is it? Is there a way to train that? A job level is almost as important as a level. Every stat like strength, vitality, etc will increase except for HP/MP. Your job level, like your level, can go up to 99. It levels up based on the amount of ‘actions’ you do in battle. Attacking, using magic or items, or anything that takes up a turn is one action. Changing your weapons is NOT. If it was, then it would be a bit easy to get to job level 99 don’t you think? Guarding is also counted as an ‘action’. Sometimes when you decide to check the status of each character, you might realise one of your characters has a significantly low job level. This happens when the same three people in your party kill a monster before you even get the chance to attack. As you can see, you’re not taking any ‘actions’, therefore your job level is never going to increase. If you have a Knight, be prepared for this. Why does the same person never attack first? Because of their agility. Knights have low agility; therefore they will go last in battle unless you have someone else with an even lower agility, such as Vikings. Unlike Final Fantasy II, you cannot attack earlier by equipping light armour. Your agility is set, and determined by your job, but some weapons may alter this stat. The Ragnarok and the Excalibur can give a Knight +10 agility. Jobs with the highest agility include Thieves and Ninjas. Please don’t dismiss job level as a mere factor of the game- my job level 99 ranger was way stronger than my job level 30 ninja. The best place to actually train your job level is probably Altar Cave, the weakest of the weak. The reason this is good is because you will be guarding to do one ‘action’ and guard for many rounds then eventually finish the monsters off by attacking and level your job level, and you don’t wanna take a mega amount of damage each round. If you do enough amount of actions in one battle, your job level will increase. Try not to do too much actions though, because your job level does not overlap. I found that doing 5-6 actions per battle meant a job level up every time. So in this case, you will choose the guard action on all of your characters for four rounds, and in the last round, finish off the monster. If there is only one monster, then make sure to guard with three people and attack with one, so everyone completes an action on that last round. Oh and by the way, defensive actions always go before offensive actions, so if you choose guard, you will ALWAYS go before the monster, and characters in your party set to attack. However, the number of rounds needed for a job level may differ with you, and maybe with different jobs. =============================================================================== 37. Version History {VH} Version 1.00 Guide was completely finished. Version 1.10 A LOT of mistakes corrected, and altered a few sentences and information. =============================================================================== 38. Credits {CS} There are not many people to thank =.= seeing how I wrote this guide mainly by myself, but whatever o.o I would like to thank: Square Enix for making a great game, My uncle once again because he bought me the game as a present -.- Bob Zinger for providing me fragments of info about job levels and reminding me to be specific, The people who supported me in this guide, And you, for using it! =============================================================================== 39. Copyright {CT} This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. (C) 2Lazy4You (Ken Huang), 2011. =============================================================================== 40. End {END} Point number 40 ends the guide! (o.o) Thank you for spending your time reading it, and don’t be afraid emailing me questions that you want to ask. If you want it put in the Questions and Answers section, then please say so. My email is in the first page of this 17 page long guide (o.O), and if you do email me try put the title of the thing as FF3 or something, for the sake of convenience. I have nothing else to say now, so goodbye and good luck! =D ===============================================================================