Final Fantasy IV Advance Character Modification Guide ===================================================== (USA Version) Copyright 2006 by JuanAtari a.k.a John Robert Douglas II Version 1.0 - Initial Version 1/25/06 Version 2.0 - Major overhaul of many sections 1/26/06 - Added Dark Knight Cecil and Young Rydia section - Added Introduction - Spelling mistakes corrected - Credits updated - Frequently Asked Questions section added - Fixed dropped item codes, they were screwed up - Fixed item codes, more easily understandable now - Table of Contents spruced up Version 2.1 - Minor update 1/27/06 - More spelling mistakes corrected (bad spealler I am :-P) - Some bad grammar found and fixed - Introduction altered Introduction ============ Welcome to my guide, this is my first guide that I've submitted to Gamefaqs, or anywhere for that matter, so I hope you enjoy it. I tried to hack as much info as possible so you have complete control over your characters. I love Final Fantasy II/IV/Easytype/Hardtype/Advance, whatever you want to call it, and have been playing it on and off for 14 years starting with the SNES version. Now that Square added some new features I thought it was a good time to start playing again, and to write this guide as well. These were all made using the Visual Boy Advance cheat search, lots of trial and error, and some frustration. But it has all come together to be one pretty complete character altering guide. Anyways thank you in "advance" for glancing here (bad pun), and lets get started shall we? Table of Contents ================= |--------------------------------------------------| |I.----- Character Swapping Method ----------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |II.---- Sprite Modification Method ---------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |III.--- Dark Knight Cecil & Young Rydia ----------| |--------------------------------------------------| |IV.---- Stat Addresses for all Characters --------| |--------------------------------------------------| |V.----- Other Miscellaneous Codes ----------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |VI.---- Frequently Asked Questions ---------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |VII.--- What's to come? --------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| |VIII.-- Credits ----------------------------------| |--------------------------------------------------| ============================ I. Character Swapping Method ============================ This method was discovered by "TheMatrixMaster" and was posted on the Gamefaqs Messageboard for this game. How it works is the character is actually replaced by the one you want instead. This Method is good because: A. Its the "Real" Character, including everything that comes with them, including level growth, equips, and the like. B. The character you are hacking in is completely glitch free and are at the level that you got them to and such (Except the "glitchy" dark knight, and Golbez that are mentioned later on). C. They don't "replace" your character, they are just replacing them in the menu, within the game, you still have the character that was in the slot before hacking i.e. they should be waiting for you to switch them back into the party at Mysidia. D. Going along with the above, you can switch characters anywhere you want, you aren't limited to just having to switch them in the Tower of Prayers. E. The best way to revive Tellah and FuSoYa back into the party is to use this, as they aren't deleted after they leave, all their stats are retained. F. The best way to do a "Single Character Challenge" is to use these codes to delete all characters except the one you want of course. Beware if Cecil is deleted from a slot and then a story scene is entered, it may crash the game. So it might be better to leave him in the party and just KOed. Now for the Codes: (all 8-bit) Slot 1 Modifier --------------- 020069E6:?? Slot 2 Modifier --------------- 020069E7:?? Slot 3 Modifier --------------- 020069E8:?? Slot 4 Modifier --------------- 020069E9:?? Slot 5 Modifier --------------- 020069EA:?? To make any character you want appear in the above slots use these digits: 00 - Cecil (Paladin), (Dark Knight) before class change at Mt. Ordeals 01 - Kain 02 - Rosa 03 - Rydia (Adult), (Child) before she first leaves party after Fabul 04 - Cid 05 - Tellah 06 - Edward 07 - Yang 08 - Palom 09 - Porom 0A - Edge 0B - FuSoYa 0C - Golbez (very Glitchy, don't remove what he has equipped unless you want the game to eventually crash, don't use him in battle as the game will crash as well.) 1E - Semi Glitched DK Cecil - (will not retain stat information) FF - Erases character from slot (any digits not listed are not worth mentioning) -----------Important Note-------------- (Unfortunately the "Glitchy" Dark Knight Cecil will NOT retain his level and stat information, leaving the guy basically useless......if you really want him still, then use this code as a base point to alter his stats: 02007268:??, that being his current HP. Then use the rest of the bytes from section IV to change the other stats, but beware as soon as the codes are off, he will forget every stat you hacked and will go back down to 0 in every attribute when there is a "loading" screen [like going into a town].) -----------End Important Note----------- ============================== II. Sprite Modification Method ============================== This is a method I've discovered myself while playing around with character codes. The difference is this method utilizes an existing character and actually changes his/her sprite. Good Points about this method include: A. Characters like Young Rydia and Dark Knight Cecil are completely glitch free and come with their battle/out of battle menus and all sprites. B. You could actually change a member permanently, a.k.a. don't like Edward at all? change him into Tellah for the duration of the game. C. Assuming the way this code works, the character can keep what equips they had on beforehand. Meaning you can give DK Cecil some decent stuff for once. D. This character will act as though they were the character they were supposed to be, a.k.a., in story scenes they will say what they were originally meant to say. E. Both a good and bad point, they will have the stats of the character they were supposed to be, from HP, MP and on, but as I said before they will have the menus of the new "modded" character. Also on level up, they will level from then on like how that sprite you modded in is supposed to while retaining the HP and MP of who they were before. F. Utilizing this code you can have up to 5 of the same character in battle. Five Rydias, Five Meteors, you get the picture, heh heh. So far the only really "bad" point is that they will not learn magic correctly. For example, if you turned Cecil into Rosa, if she didn't know all of her magic at that point, when this new modded character levels up they will most likely not get any new spells, only spells that the "real" version of the character knows. But this can easily be solved with magic modifier codes. Also for some reason although Golbez has a sprite using this method, his battle sprite is missing..........but his walking sprite and portrait are perfect, along with his menus.......damnit! :-P Without further annoying chatter, here are the addresses: (all 8-bit) ------ Cecil ------ 02006A02:?? ----- Kain ----- 02006A4A:?? ----- Rosa ----- 02006A92:?? ------ Rydia ------ 02006ADA:?? ---- Cid ---- 02006B22:?? ------- Tellah ------- 02006B6A:?? ------- Edward ------- 02006BB2:?? ----- Yang ----- 02006BFA:?? ------ Palom ------ 02006C42:?? ------ Porom ------ 02006C8A:?? ----- Edge ----- 02006CD2:?? ------- FuSoYa ------- 02006D1A:?? To make any character sprite you want appear in place of the above, make the value any of the following: 00 - Dark Knight Cecil (Dark can only be used if a Dark sword is equipped) 01 - Dragoon Kain 02 - W. Mage Rosa 03 - Summoner Young Rydia 04 - Engineer Cid 05 - Sage Tellah 06 - Prince Edward 07 - High Monk Yang 08 - B. Mage Palom 09 - W. Mage Porom 0A - Ninja Edge 0B - Lunarian FuSoYa 0C - Paladin Cecil 0D - Summoner Adult Rydia 0E - Golbez (with a job of "None" ;-P) (In battle he will be minied and incurable...) (any digits not listed are not worth mentioning) ==================================== III. Dark Knight Cecil & Young Rydia ==================================== - Many character related questions seem to revolve around these two so I have devoted a seperate section explaining how to get them back and what that will do to your game as a whole. Young Rydia ----------- - Well this has been extensively tested and when bringing Young Rydia back with the sprite method it does absolutely.........nothing to the game. The game still thinks Rydia is Rydia. Her sprite doesn't even change during story scenes, unlike DK Cecil. And her stat growth and spell growth is even unaffected, so use her all you want, she will not learn any new white mage spells though, unless you hack them yourself. So if you want those 3 white mage spells and to see her young face again on the menu and while she is talking you just enter this, 02006A92:03 , simple enough right? Dark Knight Cecil ----------------- - This one is a lot more limited in its use compared to the afformentioned Young Rydia. Basically you'll loose use of White magic, and the "Cover" ability which actually is a pretty nice ability to have. You gain back the "Dark" ability, but only if one of the three Dark Swords avaliable are currently equipped on him, all others will make the "Dark" ability blanked out on the battlefield. In order to aquire him nearly glitch free, you'll have to use the sprite method just like Young Rydia, the code being, 02006A02:00 , which will revert Cecil back into Dark Knight form. During story scenes, it is natural to see his sprite turn back into that of a Paladin, but his face in the spoken dialouge will still be that of a Dark Knight. Otherwise during all other sections Cecil will look like a Dark Knight for battle and when walking around. Cecil will gain stats as if he were a Dark Knight, so he will have more strength, but as for his equipment, he will be stuck with the Demon equipment along with the Deathbringer sword for the duration of the game. So in order to keep him in tune with the others that gain new equipment, you should turn him into a Paladin each time you acquire new equipment, upgrade him, then change him back into a Dark Knight again form before his next level up, as this is the fastest way to re-equip him. The other way to use is Equipment modifiers, but there are five of those and only one code for changing sprite needed. Stats are recalculated every time you equip or unequip weapons and armor, so keep this in mind. Also in this way you can't use "Dark" which kind of make it monotonous since its his only ability other then to just pick fight every round. ===================================== IV. Stat Addresses for all Characters ===================================== |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to use this chart | | Find the Current Hit Point Hex address of the character you want to | | modify, then add how many bytes to that address to get to anything on this | | chart. Each character's data is 71 bytes long and are lumped together, | | starting with Cecil and ending with FuSoYa. To go from one character to | | the other, add 72 (48 in hex) or subtract 72 to go back and forth | | ultilizing the current HP address as the base point. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Character Starting Adresses (Current HP Byte) | | Cecil - 020069F8 (DK or Paladin) | | Kain - 02006A40 | | Rosa - 02006A88 | | Rydia - 02006AD0 (Young or Adult) | | Cid - 02006B18 | | Tellah - 02006B60 | | Edward - 02006BA8 | | Yang - 02006BF0 | | Palom - 02006C38 | | Porom - 02006C80 | | Edge - 02006CC8 | | FuSoYa - 02006D10 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Character Information Storage Bytes | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Byte | Description | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 | Current Hit Points | |2 | (16-bit) (0000-270F) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |3 | Maximum Hit Points | |4 | (16-bit) (0000-270F) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |5 | Current Magic Points | |6 | (16-bit) (0000-270F) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |7 | Maximum Magic Points | |8 | (16-bit) (0000-270F) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |9 | Current Status (Frog, Silence, | |10 | (16-bit) Poison, etc.) (0000-FFFF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |11 | Current Sprites, Battle Menu, Inate Equips (8-bit) (00-0E) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |12 | Current Level (8-bit) (00-63) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |13 | Strength (In Battle) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |14 | Agility (In Battle) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |15 | Stamina (In Battle) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |16 | Intellect (In Battle) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |17 | Spirit (In Battle) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |18 | | |19 | UnKnown Still (24 bits) | |20 | | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |21 | Strength (Status Menu) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |22 | Agility (Status Menu) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |23 | Stamina (Status Menu) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |24 | Intellect (Status Menu) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |25 | Spirit (Status Menu) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |26 | Attack Multiplier (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |27 | Attack (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |28 | Precision (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |29 | Defense Multiplier (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |30 | Defense (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |31 | Evasion (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |32 | Magic Defense Multiplier (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |33 | Magic Defense (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |34 | Magic Evasion (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |35 | Good Hand (00 = Right, 01 = Left, 02 = Both) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |36 | Right Hand Equipment (Use Equipment Bytes) | |37 | (16-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |38 | Number of Arrows Left (if equipped in right hand) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |39 | Unknown Still (8 bits) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |40 | Left Hand Equipment (Use Equipment Bytes) | |41 | (16-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |42 | Number of Arrows Left (if equipped in left hand) (8-bit) (00-FF) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |43 | Unknown Still (8 bits) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |44 | Head Equipment (Use Equipment Bytes) | |45 | (16-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |46 | Body Equipment (Use Equipment Bytes) | |47 | (16-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |48 | Arm Equipment (Use Equipment Bytes) | |49 | (16-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |50 | Whether or not weapon absorbs HP (FF = Yes) (8-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |51 | Elemental Attack Modifier (FF = All) (8-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |52 | Unknown Still (8 bits) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |53 | Status Attack Modifier (FF = All) (8-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |54 | Element Absorption (possibly Element Def.) (FF = Absorb All) (8-bit) | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |55 | | |56 | | |57 | | |58 | | |59 | Unknown Still | |60 | (72 bits) | |61 | | |62 | | |63 | | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |64 | | |65 | Experience (00000000-FFFFFFFF) | |66 | (32-bit) | |67 | | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |68 | | |69 | Unknown Still | |70 | (32 bits) | |71 | | |-----|----------------------------------------------------------------------| |Notes on Specific Bytes | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bytes 9 and 10 - Not sure how they work, but if set to FFFF you are | | inflicted with everything. The reverse is true if set to 0000. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Byte 11 - Modifies the Sprite, what they can equip and what battle menus | | they possess. They will level up like the sprite they appear as from then | | on, although in story scenes the game won't crash. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bytes 13-17, 21-34 - If changed, whenever you equip or unequip weapons and | | armor your stats get recalcuated according to your 5 main attributes. So | | if for example, you always want that 30 x Defense multiplier, then leave | | the code on always while playing, otherwise it will revert upon armor and | | weapon change. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Byte 35 - If changed, effects take place immediately, for example Rydia | | can have two whips equipped if set to "both". | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bytes 36, 40, 44, 46, 48- Use equipment bytes for these. If set to a | | nulled out weapon/armor lots of garbage will appear, steer clear of | | doing this. Can have anything in any slot otherwise, including items. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bytes 50, 51, 53, 54- Not extensively tested, only FF has been used, which | | makes all elements, statuses, etc. occur. If all statuses are inflicted | | on a monster at once game may crash, beware. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Byte 64- Experience can be modified, but experience remaining for the | | next level cannot be. Whatever experience is set to, experience remaining | | will change according to level. If experience is set to something higher | | then what it should be for that particular level, experience remaining | | will show a bunch of garbage, so steer clear of this as its unknown how | | this affects the numbers overall. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Equipment Digits ---------------- 0001- Fire claw 0002- Ice claw 0003- Thunder claw 0004- Fairy claw 0005- Hell claw 0006- Cat claw 0007- Rod 0008- Ice rod 0009- Flame rod 000a- Thunder rod 000b- Rod of change 000c- Fairy rod 000d- Stardust rod 000e- Rod of Lilith 000f- Staff 0010- Helaing staff 0011- Mythril staff 0012- Power staff 0013- Kinesis staff 0014- Sage's staff 0015- Rune staff 0016- Dark sword 0017- Shadow blade 0018- Deathbringer 0019- Sword of Legend 001a- Light sword 001b- Excalibur 001c- Flame sword 001d- Ice brand 001e- Defender 001f- Blood sword 0020- Ancient sword 0021- Sleep blade 0022- Gorgon blade 0023- Spear 0024- Wind spear 0025- Fire lance 0026- Ice lance 0027- Wyvern Lance 0028- Holy Lance 0029- Blood lance 002a- Gungnir 002b- Kunai 002c- Ahura 002d- Kotetsu 002e- Kikuichimonji 002f- Murasame 0030- Masamune 0031- Assassin dagger 0032- Mage masher 0033- Whip 0034- Chain whip 0035- Blitz whip 0036- Fire whip 0037- Dragon's Whisker 0038- Hand axe 0039- Dwarf axe 003a- Ogre killer 003b- Mythril knife 003c- Dancing dagger 003d- Mythril sword 003e- Knife (aka spoon) 003f- Ragnarok 0040- Shuriken 0041- Fuma shuriken 0042- Boomerang 0043- Full moon 0044- Dreamer's harp 0045- Lamia harp 0047- Poison axe 0048- Rune axe 0049- Mythril hammer 004a- Gaia hammer 004b- Wooden hammer 004c- Avenger 004d- Bow 004e- Crossbow 004f- Great bow 0050- Killer bow 0051- Elven bow 0052- Yoichi's bow 0053- Artemi's bow 0054- Iron arrow 0055- Holy arrow 0056- Fire arrow 0057- Ice arrow 0058- Thunder arrow 0059- Dark arrow 005a- Poison arrow 005b- Mute arrow 005c- Angel arrow 005d- Youchi arrow 005e- Medusa arrow 005f- Artemi's arrow 0061- Iron sheild 0062- Dark sheild 0063- Demon sheild 0064- Light sheild 0065- Mythril sheild 0066- Fire sheild 0067- Ice sheild 0068- Diamond sheild 0069- Aegis sheild 006a- Genji sheild 006b- Dragon sheild 006c- Crystal sheild 006d- Iron helm 006e- Dark helm 006f- Hades helm 0070- Demon helm 0071- Light helm 0072- Mythril helm 0073- Diamond helm 0074- Genji Helm 0075- Dragon helm 0076- Crystal helm 0077- Leather cap 0078- Feathered cap 0079- Wizard's hat 007a- Sage's miter 007b- Gold hairpin 007c- Ribbon 007d- Twist headband 007e- Green beret 007f- Black cowl 0080- Glass mask 0081- Iron armor 0082- Dark armor 0083- Hades armor 0084- Demon armor 0085- Knights armor 0086- Mythril armor 0087- Flame mail 0088- Ice armor 0089- Diamond armor 008a- Genji armor 008b- Dragon mail 008c- Crystal mail 008d- Clothes 008e- Leather garb 008f- Gaia gear 0090- Sage's surplice 0091- Black robe 0092- Light robe 0093- White robe 0094- Power sash 0095- Minerva's plate 0096- Prisoner's wear 0097- Bard's tunic 0098- Kenpogi 0099- Black belt 009a- Adamant armor 009b- Black garb 009c- Iron gloves 009d- Dark gloves 009e- Hades gloves 009f- Demon gloves 00a0- Gauntlets 00a1- Mythril gloves 00a2- Diamond gloves 00a3- Giant's gloves 00a4- Genji gloves 00a5- Dragon gloves 00a6- Crystal gloves 00a7- Iron ring 00a8- Ruby ring 00a9- Silver armlet 00aa- Power armlet 00ab- Rune armlet 00ac- Crystal ring 00ad- Diamond armlet 00ae- Protect ring 00af- Cursed ring 00b0- Bomb fragment 00b1- Bomb arm 00b2- Antartic wind 00b3- Arctic wind 00b4- Rage of Zues 00b5- Rage of the Gods 00b6- Stardust 00b7- Kiss of Lilith 00b8- Vampire fang 00b9- Bacchus's cider 00ba- Herme's shoes 00bb- Hourglass 00bc- Sliver hourglass 00bd- Gold hourglass 00be- Spider's silk 00bf- Decoy 00c0- Red fang 00c1- White fang 00c2- Blue fang 00c3- Light curtain 00c4- Bomb core 00c5- Lunar curtain 00c6- Bell of silence 00c7- Gaia drum 00c8- Crystal 00c9- Coeurl's Whicker 00ca- Grimiore 00cb- Bestiary 00cc- Alarm clock 00ce- Unicorn horn 00cf- Hi-potion 00d0- X-potion 00d1- Ether 00d2- Dry ether 00d3- Elixer 00d4- Pheonix down 00d5- Gold needle 00d6- Maiden's kiss 00d7- Mallet 00d8- Diet food 00d9- Echo herbs 00da- Eye drops 00db- Antidote 00dc- Cross 00dd- Remedy 00de- Siren 00df- Gold apple 00e1- Soma drop 00e2- Tent 00e3- Cottage 00e4- Magazine 00e5- Emergency exit 00e6- Dwarven bread 00e7- Goblin 00e8- Bomb 00e9- Cockatrice 00ea- Mind flayer 00eb- Gysahl greens 00ec- Membership pass 00ed- Gysahl whistle 00ee- Bomb ring 00ef- Baron key 00f1- Earth crystal 00f2- Magma rock 00f3- Luca's Necklace 00f4- Twin harp 00f5- Dark crystal 00f6- Rat tail 00f7- Adamantite 00f8- Frying pan 00f9- Pink tail 00fa- Dr. Lugae's key 00fb- Dark matter 00fc- Hand of the gods 00fd- Apollo's harp 00fe- Triton's dagger 00ff- Seraphim's mace 0100- Thor's hammer 0101- Lightbringer 0102- Flandango 0103- Caliburn 0104- Able's lance 0105- Fiery hammer 0106- Dragoon gloves 0107- Hanzo gloves 0108- Discipline armlet 0109- White ring 010a- Mist ring 010b- Harmonious ring 010c- Twin stars 010d- Grimiore LO 010e- Grimiore LL 010f- Griniore LA 0110- Grimiore LS 0111- Grimiore LI 0112- Grimiore LR 0113- Grimiore LT 0114- Grimiore LB 0115- Grimiore LD 0116- Courageous suit 0117- Red jacket 0118- Sage's robe 0119- Lord's robe 011a- Grand armor 011b- Funny mask 011c- Red cap 011d- Coronet 011e- Cat hood 011f- Grand helm 0120- Nirvana 0121- Asura's rod 0122- Sasuke's katana 0123- Mitsunokami 0124- Mist whip 0125- Perseus's bow 0126- Perseus arrow 0127- Tiger fang 0128- Dragon claw 0129- Loki's lute 012a- Rising sun 012b- Assassin dagger 012c- Gigant axe 012d- Piggy stick 012e- Hero's sheild 012f- Rainbow robe 0130- White dress 0131- Chocobo suit 0132- Tabby suit 0133- Maximilian 0134- Ceaser's plate 0135- Dragoon plate 0136- Assassin vest 0137- Battle gear 0138- Vishnu vest 0139- Scrap metal 013a- Clear water 013b- Muddy water 013c- Honey 013d- Firewood 013e- Torch 013f- Doll 0140- Raggedy Doll 0141- Key 0142- Megalixer 0143- Bld-Skd Lance 0144- Requiem Harp ============================= V. Other Miscellaneous Codes ============================= Item Modifier ------------- - Status Menu- Slot 1 = 02006EE4:???? (Type) (16-bit) 02006EE6:???? (Quantity) (16-bit) To.... Slot 48 = 02006FA0:???? (Type) (16-bit) 02006FA2:???? (Quantity) (16-bit) - Fat Chocobo- Slot 1 = 02006FA4:???? (Type) (16-bit) 02006FA6:???? (Quantity) (16-bit) To.... Slot 126 = 02007198:???? (Type) (16-bit) 0200719A:???? (Quantity) (16-bit) -All codes are 16 bit so add 4 to go to the next slot (in hex). If there wasn't something in the slot to begin with the quantity will be messed up. Use quantity modifier to correct this. Use equipment digits from the above section to fill these in. Enemy Dropped Item Codes ------------------------ 0200E098:???? - 1st Item Drop Type (16-bit) 0200E09A:???? - Quantity (16-bit) 0200E09C:???? - 2nd Item Drop Type (16-bit) 0200E09E:???? - Quantity (16-bit) 0200E0A0:???? - 3rd Item Drop Type (16-bit) 0200E0A2:???? - Quantity (16-bit) 0200E0A4:???? - 4th Item Drop Type (16-bit) 0200E0A6:???? - Quantity (16-bit) 0200E0A8:???? - 5th Item Drop Type (16-bit) 0200E0AA:???? - Quantity (16-bit) 0200E0AC:???? - 6th Item Drop Type (16-bit) 0200E0AE:???? - Quantity (16-bit) 0200E0B0:???? - 7th Item Drop Type (16-bit) 0200E0B2:???? - Quantity (16-bit) 0200E0B4:???? - 8th Item Drop Type (16-bit) 0200E0B6:???? - Quantity (16-bit) -As always, use the equipment digits with these, and the enemies will ALWAYS drop the specified item after every battle with the codes on. Monster To Fight Modifier ------------------------- 0200E06C:???? (16-bit) -So far all I know is a few, like 0000 is 3 Goblins, 00B6 is with a Sorcerer that will summon a Green Dragon after his cohorts are dead, and 027F will give you 8 Flan Princesses to fight. Experiment, its kind of fun. :-) Battle Command Modifier ----------------------- First Command 02027D0C:?? Second Command 02027D0D:?? Third Command 02027D0E:?? Fourth Command 02027D0F:?? Fifth Command 02027D10:?? 00 Attack 01 Dark 02 Items 03 Jump 04 W Magic 05 Pray 06 Aim 07 B Magic 08 Summon 09 Recall 0a Power 0b Kick 0c Gird 0d Sing 0e Heal 0f Hide 10 Bluff 11 Twin 12 Cry 13 Study 14 Throw 15 Steal 16 Ninjutsu 17 Regen 18 Cover - These codes are kind of limited in their use, as every party member in the battle will receive the command you pick for that slot. So far the only one I can think of that could be good for every character would be something like Throw, or Aim for arrows so they don't suck as much on average. Enemies die in one hit ---------------------- 02024E10:0000 (all 16-bit) 02024E6C:0000 02024EC8:0000 02024F24:0000 02024F80:0000 02024FDC:0000 02025038:0000 02025094:0000 - Pretty self-explanatory.... Debug Room ---------- 7200e002 000c 8200E04E 015D 7200e002 000c 8200e3c4 0078 7200e002 000c 8200e3c8 0068 - I don't know the validity of this code, but as to how it works, it should put you in the Debug Room after you load a saved game, this is NOT a Debug room guide and I don't plan on making one since most of the options just seem to do what my other codes do in the first place, (switch characters, etc.) By the way this one is in Codebreaker format instead of the usual RAW. Gain 50,000 Exp. After Battle ----------------------------- 7200E000 0008 82024994 c350 7200E000 0008 82024BAC c350 - Codebreaker Format Gain 50,000 Gil After Battle ---------------------------- 7200E000 0008 82024bb0 c350 7200E000 0008 82024998 c350 - Codebreaker Format Infinite HP Version 1 --------------------- 7200E000 0008 82024ca0 270f 7200E000 0008 82024cc4 270f 7200E000 0008 82024d58 27of 7200E000 0008 82024db4 270f 7200E000 0008 82024cfc 270f - These codes ONLY work when starting a new game. Codebreaker Format. Infinite HP Version 2 --------------------- 7200E000 0008 82024a88 270f 7200E000 0008 82024b40 270f 7200E000 0008 82024a2c 270f 7200E000 0008 82024b9c 270f 7200E000 0008 82024ae4 270f - These codes ONLY work when loading a saved game(or a quick save). Codebreaker Format. Money (Gil) Modifier -------------------- 020072BC:???????? (32-bit) -98967F = 9999999 Gil Magic modifer Codes ------------------- (all 8-bit) - Rydia's White Magic (Young Only)- Slot 1 = 02006DF4:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006E0B:?? - Rydia's Black Magic (Young and Old)- Slot 1 = 02006E54:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006E6B:?? - Rydia's Summons (Young and Old)- Slot 1 = 02006EB4:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006ECB:?? - Tellah's White Magic - Slot 1 = 02006E0C:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006E23:?? - Tellah's Black Magic - Slot 1 = 02006E6C:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006E83:?? - FuSoYa's White Magic - Slot 1 = 02006E3C:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006E53:?? - FuSoYa's Black Magic - Slot 1 = 02006E9C:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006EB3:?? - Cecil's White Magic (Paladin Only)- Slot 1 = 02006DC0:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006DDB:?? - Rosa's White Magic - Slot 1 = 02006DDC:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006dF3:?? - Porom's White Magic - Slot 1 = 02006E24:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006E3B:?? - Palom's Black Magic - Slot 1 = 02006E84:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006E9B:?? - Edge's Ninja Magic - Slot 1 = 02006ECC:?? To.... Slot 24 = 02006EE3:?? - Magic Digits - 00 = Nothing (delete) White Magic 01 = Hold 02 = Silence 03 = Confuse 04 = Blink 05 = Protect 06 = Shell 07 = Slow 08 = Haste 09 = Berserk 0A = Reflect 0B = Holy 0C = Dispel 0D = Scan 0E = Cure 0F = Cura 10 = Curaga 11 = Curaja 12 = Esuna 13 = Life 14 = Full-Life 15 = Mini 16 = Teleport 17 = Sight 18 = Float Black Magic 19 = Toad 1A = Pig 1B = Warp 1C = Poison 1D = Fire 1E = Fira 1F = Firaga 20 = Blizzard 21 = Blizzara 22 = Blizzaga 23 = Thunder 24 = Thundara 25 = Thundaga 26 = Bio 27 = Tornado 28 = Quake 29 = Sleep 2A = Break 2B = Death 2C = Stop 2D = Drain 2E = Osmose 2F = Meteor 30 = Flare Summon Magic 31 = Goblin 32 = Bomb 33 = Cockatrice 34 = Mind Flayer 35 = Chocobo 36 = Shiva 37 = Ramuh 38 = Ifrit 39 = Titan 3A = Dragon 3B = Sylph 3C = Odin 3D = Leviathan 3E = Asura 3F = Bahamut Twin Magic 40 = Comet 41 = Pyro Ninja Magic 42 = Flame 43 = Flood 44 = Blitz 45 = Smoke 46 = Pin 47 = Image Enemy Abilities 48-AC, They cannot be used though, doh! -Rydia is the only one that can use summons. Enemy abilities don't work at all unlike the SNES version. White and Black magic can be swapped, meaning Black can be in a White magic menu and vice versa. Same thing goes with Twin and Ninja Magic (Now the casting time for "Twin" magic doesn't have to be so attrocious, just hack it into their menu and the casting time will be a lot shorter). ============================== VI. Frequently Asked Questions ============================== - There are not any yet, as this is a relatively new guide. I just entered this section in case some roll in as time goes by. ==================== VII. What's to come? ==================== - Figuring out what the few unknown bytes are in the character information will be coming soon, but every stat is covered, so anything left that is undiscovered is probably not very important for the most part. - I would really appreciate having someone help me convert these into Codebreaker/PARv2/ARv3/GamesharkSP codes for people who would like to use the codes with their respective cheat device. ============= VIII. Credits ============= - Although he might not even know it yet, a big thank you to TheMatrixMaster for giving me a reason to dig further and find out more about modding because of his Dark Knight Cecil code. - Thank you to Katie N., who puts up with my game playing as much as she can, while hating video games in general. The only exception to this is Ms. Pac-Man (she is also a feminist...... so go figure :-P). - Thanks to all of the people that showed a little interest on the Gamefaqs FF IV Advance Message board in relation to my codes. - Well, other then the above this has been all my own work thus far, except for some of the codes that appear in the Miscellaneous code section, those are from various members on the FF IV Messageboards and if they would like to be credited fully by all means E-mail me and I will include your Name/Username as it was a lot of work to put all of the codes together, and it was hard to keep track of who made what code. Anyone who contributes to help make this guide all inclusive, maybe even to the point of the Final Fantasy Tactics Character Mod FAQ (that is maybe just wishful thinking, haha) will most certainly be credited highly in the next version of my FAQ! Well till next time........I'll be on the messageboards of FF IV (PuppyLoveDog) if anyone has suggestions and also for code contributions or tips. For more info on using these codes you can email me at, but please no hate mail, if you hate cheating, you shouldn't be reading this guide in the first place, right? Final Fantasy IV Advance is copyrighted by Square/Enix This guide is copyrighted by JuanAtari and so far I only want it on, if you see it elsewhere, please email me.