______ _ _ ______ _ _____ _ _ | ___(_) | | | ___| | | |_ _| | | | | |_ _ _ __ __ _| | | |_ __ _ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ _ _ | | | | | | | _| | | '_ \ / _` | | | _/ _` | '_ \| __/ _` / __| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | | || (_| | | | | || (_| \__ | |_| | _| |_\ \_/ / |_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| \__,_|_| |_|\__\__,_|___/\__, | |_____|\___/ __/ | |___/ _____ _ ___ __ _ __ __ |_ _| | / _ \ / _| | \ \ / / | | | |__ ___ / /_\ | |_| |_ ___ _ __ \ V /___ __ _ _ __ ___ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | _ | _| __/ _ | '__| \ // _ \/ _` | '__/ __| | | | | | | __/ | | | | | | || __| | | | __| (_| | | \__ \ |_| |_| |_|\___| |_| |_|_| \__\___|_| \_/\___|\__,_|_| |___/ V2.0 Compiled, styled, and written by "Hoolo", a.k.a. "Macuelos". Copyright (c) 2013 – Lorenzo Hulzebos Contents _________________________________________________ / \ |1. | Introduction |[INTRO-00] | |1.01 | "Legal" |[INTRO-01] | |1.02 | Version History |[INTRO-02] | |1.03 | Thanks |[INTRO-03] | |-------------------------------------------------| |2. | Explanation |[EXPLN-00] | |2.01 | On This Guide |[EXPLN-01] | |2.02 | Symbols Used |[EXPLN-02] | |2.03 | The Moon |[EXPLN-03] | |-------------------------------------------------| |3. | Enemy Encounters |[ENEMY-00] | |3.01 | Ceodore's Tale |[ENEMY-01] | |3.02 | Rydia's Tale |[ENEMY-02] | |3.03 | Yang's Tale |[ENEMY-03] | |3.04 | Palom's Tale |[ENEMY-04] | |3.05 | Edge's Tale |[ENEMY-05] | |3.06 | Porom's Tale |[ENEMY-06] | |3.07 | Edward's Tale |[ENEMY-07] | |3.08 | Kain's Tale |[ENEMY-08] | |3.09 | Lunarian's Tale |[ENEMY-09] | |3.10 | Final Tale – The Crystals |[ENEMY-10] | |3.11 | Final Tale – True Moon |[ENEMY-11] | |3.12 | Final Tale – The Planet Eater |[ENEMY-12] | |-------------------------------------------------| |4. | Bestiary Locations |[BESTL-00] | |4.01 | 001-050 |[BESTL-01] | |4.02 | 051-100 |[BESTL-02] | |4.03 | 101-150 |[BESTL-03] | |4.04 | 151-200 |[BESTL-04] | |4.05 | 201-250 |[BESTL-05] | |4.06 | 251-300 |[BESTL-06] | |4.07 | 301-352 |[BESTL-07] | |4.08 | 353-363 |[BESTL-08] | |-------------------------------------------------| |5. | The End |[THEEND-0] | \_________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |1. | Introduction |[INTRO-00] | \_________________________________________________/ Hello, and welcome to this In-Depths FAQ on Enemy Encounters for the Bestiary in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years for PlayStation Portable, part of the Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection for PlayStation Portable. My name is not Hoolo, but it is my preferred nickname, and I will be your Guide Master for the duration of this FAQ. _________________________________________________ / \ |1.01 | "Legal" |[INTRO-01] | \_________________________________________________/ Do not use this guide for reasons deemed inappropriate by GameFAQs or me. For reference, these reasons are the following. * Do NOT use this guide for commercial purposes. * Do NOT copy this guide and pass it off as your own. * Do NOT post or reproduce the contents of this guide on websites of any kind without my written permission. * In short, don't be a jackass and try to rip this work off. That is considered rude, and I will not stand for it. Naturally, you are absolutely free to use this FAQ that originated from my hours spent working on it for free, non-commercial, and private uses. In practicality, that means you are free to use it for the reasons as follows. * You are free to print this guide for personal use, in either entirety or in part. * You are free to save this guide on your computer for quick and easy access at any time, as long as it doesn't contradict with any of the aforementioned points you may not do. * You are most absolutely free to share links of this guide on the internet; exposure is a necessity in these times, it seems. If you feel the need to contact me, use lorenzo24h [at] hotmail [dot] com. Alternatively, send me a PM on GameFAQs. _________________________________________________ / \ |1.02 | Version History |[INTRO-02] | \_________________________________________________/ Current version: Version 2.0 Version revision. 2013-10-13: V2.0 Added Bestiary Locations. Changed some faulty locations. 2013-9-19: V1.0 First version of the Guide. Added Guide in its entirety. _________________________________________________ / \ |1.03 | Thanks |[INTRO-03] | \_________________________________________________/ At this point, I would like to proclaim my thanks to a number of persons and other such beings in existence for allowing me to be able to create this guide. Firstly, my thanks to Square Enix for developing and publishing Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection. In that light, I also want to thank my good friend Bryan, for allowing me to borrow his PSP. Couldn't have played the game without his selfless "donation". ...I kid. He'll get the PSP back, someday. As for other people, I would like to thank the following, in order of the influence they had. * Pseudolonewolf, the person to first introduce me to the RPG genre with his MARDEK, still one of my personal favourites. * HCBailly, for piquing my interest in Final Fantasy, and Final Fantasy IV in particular. He also saved me the trouble of wandering around on floors by showing a lot of random encounters on-screen in his The After Years Let's Play. * The Mystical One, for having a really good FAQ/Walkthrough on The After Years. The monster encounters listed in the Walkthrough were the first basis for my enemy encounters, and though incomplete through either version differences or just all-out missing certain enemies, it was still a great help along with the following two. * DCallander, for helping with the first new monster encounters, and also sending me a list of enemy encounters in the first three Tales. His "these numbers should be in your bestiary in this Tale" helped me a lot with some missing enemies. * The Final Fantasy Wiki. I used a combination of the enemy encounters listed by The Mystical One, DCallander, this wiki, and my own encounters to make the guide that will follow all these introductions and other jazz. * A special mention to Johnathan 'Zy' Sawyer, for his beautiful guides that became the foundation of my edgeless blocks. * Another special mention to patorjk [dot] com, for the wonderful ASCII art seen at the top of this FAQ. _________________________________________________ / \ |2. | Explanation |[EXPLN-00] | \_________________________________________________/ There's a reason to every rhyme, and a rhyme to every reason. I have had my reasons to create this guide, and to create it the way I did. Next, I'll explain both. _________________________________________________ / \ |2.01 | On This Guide |[EXPLN-01] | \_________________________________________________/ There are a number of reasons for me to have spent the time I have playing Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, compiling data from other sources and my personal experience, and writing this all down the way I currently am. Aptly put, I'm a lunatic. ...Get it? Lunatic? On a game focused on moons? Okay, I'll stop now. More to the point, I'm a completionist by nature; Encyclopaediae, Glossaries, Bestiaries... They're my weak point. Always, I try to completely fill them. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is no exception to this. When HCBailly did his Final Fantasy IV Let's Play, he worked to get a 100% Bestiary, as it is certainly in his "top five of most favourite games". This was possible because there were some very good guides available that listed the enemies and their locations. For The After Years... Not so much. Available guides were either not complete, or had version differences between the Nintendo Wii and the Playstation Portable versions. So, I thought, if I decide to put in a bit of extra effort and attempt to go for a 100% Bestiary on The After Years, why shouldn't I compile my work and publish it for the world to see? And that, good people, is why. I did say I'm stark-raving mad, eh? _________________________________________________ / \ |2.02 | Symbols Used |[EXPLN-02] | \_________________________________________________/ To allow myself to stick to GameFAQs' 79-character limit, I decided to use a number of abbreviations to make things clear and easy in a single look. What follows is an explanation of those abbreviations, for your convenience. Do note that there are enemies and other monsters not listed entirely, and for good reason, too. Some enemies simply don't show up in the Bestiary, such as the entirety of the Staff you can meet in the Developer's Office. Since they do not contribute to completing the Bestiary and helping with any Bragging Rights Reward, they are not listen in this FAQ. Now as for the explanation. * R – Random Encounter; encountered by walking around in dungeons and the Overworld. * U – Unknown; I am not reassured about the truth of this claim, for the encounters has not been seen by me, personally. I don't take these things lightly, I'll have you know. * F – Forced Encounter; an encounter that pops up in a non-random fashion. While not always "forced", per se, it still isn't random. * Boss – For Boss Time! Rather straightforward, I'd think. This is a boss. Usually, it'll be stronger than the normal random mooks you'll face, unless they're actually four mooks! * MIAB – Monster-in-a-Box. These buggers pop up out of boxes you unsuspectingly open. Nasty little critters, usually. * E(gg) – Spawns from the Mystery Egg if it is not killed in a single hit. Depending on available space, abbreviated to either E or Egg. * Sorc – Sorcerer-spawn. Sorcerers can summon monsters, usually followed by their retreat. Sorcerers that retreat are not added to the Bestiary * W – Walking/Standing enemies. Quite often not forced, these are enemies that are visible on the screen, ready to be interacted with. If a boss is standing around idly waiting for battle, Boss takes priority over W. * Summ – Summoner-spawn. Much like Sorcerers, Summoners can summon monsters, followed by a quick retreat on their part. Retreating Summoners are not added to the Bestiary. Tale-specifics: * D (Rydia) – Trap Door Summon. If you deal a specific amount of damage to the Trap Doors encountered without killing them, they will warp into a monster. Warped Trap Doors are not included in the Bestiary, so be sure to kill at least one outright. * Ropes (Rydia) – Encountered on the Ropes of Rydia's Challenge Dungeon (CD). These monsters are fixed to the ropes. There are a number of pages and guides you could use to find out the good, enemy-less ropes, but this is not of them. * BM (Porom) – In Porom's Challenge Dungeon, Black Mages will ask Porom to defeat certain enemies. Note: If any abbreviation is followed by an asterisk (*), there are extra notes regarding Bestiary fulfilments, or other such clarifications. Note: Monsters indicated as "U(nknown)" are monsters that can be encountered on a floor, supposedly. I have not seen them, however, and such, monsters that get both an Unknown and a New will also be shown as New on their first newly confirmed location. _________________________________________________ / \ |2.03 | The Moon |[EXPLN-03] | \_________________________________________________/ In Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, the phase of the Moon is rather important for both battles and Bestiary. How the moon affects battles is not relevant to this Guide, but it's all the more relevant how it has an effect on random monster encounters. During the various phases of the moon, stronger-than-usual enemies will appear in the various Tales. Moon-induced encounters include enemies that might drop coloured tails, which can be exchanged for items nearing the end of the game. While these tails are not relevant to this Guide, the enemies they drop from have a differing Bestiary entry because their stats differ from the other incarnations of the enemy. The following monsters are encountered only during a certain moon phase. _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ |No. | Name |How |Moon |Tale |Location | |120 | Flan Princess |R |Full |Final |Subterrane B5F - North Room | |136 | Thunder Dragon1 |R |Full |Ceodore |Mist Cave B1F / B2F-B3F (U) | |180 | Green Dragon1 |R |Waning |Rydia |Agart Mine B1-4F | |191 | Red Dragon2 |R |New |Yang |Impact Crater - Lower Wall | |212 | Behemoth2 |R |New |Edge |Path to Tower of Babil 2nd Area | |224 | White Dragon1 |R |Waxing |Porom |Overworld – Myidia* | |236 | Gray Coeurl1 |R |Waning |Kain |Devil's Road - Mysidia Side | |241 | Ebony Dragon1 |R |New |Lunarian|Lunar Tunnel | |316 | Thunder Dragon3 |R |Full |Final |Subterrane B11F - Center Area | |317 | Green Dragon2 |R |Waning |Final |Subterrane B9F – Interior | |318 | Red Dragon3 |R |New |Final |Subterrane B10F - East Room | |319 | Behemoth3 |R |New |Final |Subterrane B7F - Middle Room | |320 | White Dragon2 |R |Waxing |Final |Subterrane B8F – Interior | |321 | Gray Coeurl2 |R |Waning |Final |True Moon | |322 | Ebony Dragon2 |R |New |Final |Subterrane B4F – Interior | |326 | Shadow Dragon1 |R |Waxing |Final |Subterrane B5F - Southeast Room | |327 | Gold Dragon2 |R |Full |Final |Subterrane B12F - North Room | \____________________________________________________________________________ _/ * Seems to only appear on the claw-shaped peninsula NE of Mount Ordeals. There are a number of enemies that do not drop tails, but still rely on the phase of the moon for encounters. They are the following. _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ |No. | Name |How |Moon |Tale |Location | |179 | Quarto Puppet |R |Waxing |Rydia |Agart Mine B4F - Empty Room | |202 | Gil Bird1 |R |Moon |Palom |Palom's CD - Mountain Floor* | |203 | Gil Bird2 |R |Full |Palom |Palom's CD - Mountain Floor* | |230 | Gil Bird3 |W |Moon |Edward |Edward's CD 2F/4F** | \____________________________________________________________________________ _/ * During the Full Moon, Gil Bird2 appears. During all other phases, Gil Bird1 appears. ** During the New Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in West Passage (2F). During the Waxing Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Tower (2F). During the Full Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Boss Room (4F). During the Waning Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Tower (4F). _________________________________________________ / \ |3. | Enemy Encounters |[ENEMY-00] | \_________________________________________________/ Time for the actual good part of the FAQ; the thing you're actually looking for! What a concept! The locations are divided on three to four levels. They are, in order, these. * Tale * Location * Floor * Room Some floors have the same enemies on multiple subsequent floors; they hold together one block. Some floors have different enemies in different areas of the floor; they are divided by room. Now, without further ado. _________________________________________________ / \ |3.01 | Ceodore's Tale |[ENEMY-01] | \_________________________________________________/ Overworld - Adamant Isle ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | |New | |003 | Helldiver |R | |New | |004 | Floating Eye |R | |New | |008 | Sword Rat |R | |New | |035 | Gargoyle |R/U | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Adamant Isle Grotto B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | |New | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |163 | Goblin2 |F* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Biggs & Wedge Tutorial Battle Adamant Isle Grotto B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Adamant Isle Grotto B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Adamant Isle Grotto B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |161 | Sand Worm2 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ The Airship ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |157 | Belphegor2 |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Baron Castle ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |035 | Gargoyle |F | |New | |066 | Centaur Knight |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Baron Castle – Eastern Courtyard ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |034 | Cockatrice |F | |New | |038 | Zu1 |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Baron Castle – Outside ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |006 | Cave Bat |R | |New | |028 | Domovoi |R | |New | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | |New | |045 | Bloodbones |R | |New | |079 | Bomb |R | |New | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | |New | |087 | Lilith |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Baron Castle – East Tower 1F-3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | |New | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | |New | |048 | Revenant |R | |New | |063 | Ogre |F | |New | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Baron Castle - East Tower B1F-B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Baron Castle - Observation Platform ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |032 | Spirit |F | |New | |034 | Cockatrice |F | | | |157 | Belphegor2 |F | | | |158 | Ahriman1 |F | |New | |159 | Strato Avis |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Meadow ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |028 | Domovoi |F | | | |162 | Flamehound2 |F | |New | |165 | Gatlinghog2 |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Mysidia ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | |New | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Devil's Road - Mysidia ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | |New | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | |New | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Devil's Road - Baron ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | |New | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Baron ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Old Waterway B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |015 | Fangshell |R | |New | |040 | Alligator |R | |New | |041 | Splasher |R | |New | |052 | Electrofish |R | |New | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | |New | |055 | Flood Worm |R | |New | |068 | Devil's Castanet |R | |New | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Old Waterway B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |052 | Electrofish |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |068 | Devil's Castanet |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |169 | Black Lizard2 |MIAB | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Old Waterway B2F-B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | |New | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |056 | Baron Guardsman |R | |New | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cave - Entrance ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |066 | Centaur Knight |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cave - B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | |New | |050 | Cave Naga |R | |New | |056 | Baron Guardsman |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | |New | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |136 | Thunder Dragon1 |R |Full |New | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cave - B2F (A) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | |New | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | |New | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | |New | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | |New | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | |New | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |136 | Thunder Dragon1 |R |Full | | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cave - B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |136 | Thunder Dragon1 |R |Full | | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cave - B2F (B) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |136 | Thunder Dragon1 |R |Full | | |160 | Tunneler2 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Ceodore's Challenge Dungeon - B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | |New | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | |New | |094 | Blood Bat |R | |New | |103 | Gremlin |R | |New | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | |New | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | |New | |131 | Steel Golem1 |MIAB | |New | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Ceodore's Challenge Dungeon - B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | |New | |083 | Ironback |R | |New | |090 | Mors |R | |New | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | |New | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Ceodore's Challenge Dungeon - B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | |New | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | |New | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |071 | Armadillo |R | |New | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | |New | |083 | Ironback |R | | | |090 | Mors |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |341 | Noctiluca |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Ceodore's Challenge Dungeon - B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |083 | Ironback |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |168 | Adamantite Golem |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.02 | Rydia's Tale |[ENEMY-02] | \_________________________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |028 | Domovoi |F* | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Enemy encounters start appearing after this battle Passage of the Eidolons B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |004 | Floating Eye |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons B2F-B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |004 | Floating Eye |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |013 | Sand Worm1 |R | |New | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underworld - Leaving the Passage of the Eidolons ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |038 | Zu1 |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underworld ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |002 | Basilisk |R | |New | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | |New | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |002 | Basilisk |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |014 | Gigantoad |R | |New | |019 | Toadgre |R | |New | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Sealed Cave B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |018 | Blood Flower |R | |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |D* | |New | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |D* | |New** | |178 | Trap Door |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Letting the Trap Door morph into a monster will yield this, seemingly at random. ** Doesn't seem to show up in Bestiary Sealed Cave B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |018 | Blood Flower |R | | | |020 | Red Mousse |R/U | |New | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R/U | | | |025 | Goblin Captain |D* | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R/U | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |D* | |New** | |178 | Trap Door |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Letting the Trap Door morph into a monster will yield this, seemingly at random. ** Doesn't seem to show up in Bestiary Sealed Cave B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |020 | Red Mousse |R | |New | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |025 | Goblin Captain |D* | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |D* | |New** | |178 | Trap Door |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Letting the Trap Door morph into a monster will yield this, seemingly at random. ** Doesn't seem to show up in Bestiary Sealed Cave B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | |New | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Sealed Cave B5F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |177 | Demon Wall |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Agart ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |002 | Basilisk |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Agart Mine B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |007 | Treant |R | |New | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R*/U |Full | | |180 | Green Dragon1 |R/Egg/U|Full |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Agart Mine B2F-B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |007 | Treant |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* |Waning | | |180 | Green Dragon1 |R/Egg |Waning |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Agart Mine B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |007 | Treant |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |180 | Green Dragon1 |R |Waning |New | |181 | Agartoise |MIAB | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Agart Mine B4F - Empty Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |179 | Quarto Puppet |R |Waxing |New | \______________________________________________________/ Falcon ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |176 | Titan1 |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon - 1F (A) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |D** | | | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | |New | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |083 | Ironback |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |178 | Trap Door |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. ** Letting the Trap Door morph into a monster will (always?) yield this. Rydia's Challenge Dungeon - 1F (B) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |D** | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | |New | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | |New | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |177 | Demon Wall |F | | | |178 | Trap Door |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. ** Letting the Trap Door morph into a monster will (always?) yield this. ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |093 | Mad Ogre |MIAB | | | |100 | Coeurl |MIAB | | | \______________________________________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon - 2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |D* | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |084 | Flamehound1 |MIAB | |New | |090 | Mors |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | |177 | Demon Wall |F | | | |178 | Trap Door |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Letting the Trap Door morph into a monster will (always?) yield this. Rydia's Challenge Dungeon - 3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | |New | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | |New | |092 | Sorcerer |R | |New | |093 | Mad Ogre |R/Sorc | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | |New | |100 | Coeurl |R/Sorc | | | |177 | Demon Wall |F | | | |340 | News Eye |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |047 | Skuldier |MIAB | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |MIAB | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |MIAB | | | \______________________________________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon - 3F Ropes NOTE: The ropes are hard to explain in mere words. Therefore, all enemies are grouped together. If you want to know what ropes contain what enemies, use a guide. ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |047 | Skuldier |Ropes | | | |057 | Lamia |Ropes/E| | | |060 | Storm Anima |Ropes | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |Ropes | | | |083 | Ironback |Ropes | | | |092 | Sorcerer |Ropes | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |Ropes | | | |094 | Blood Bat |Ropes | | | |098 | Balloon |Ropes | | | |100 | Coeurl |Ropes | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |Ropes* | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Rydia's Challenge Dungeon - 4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |182 | Boss Gobby |Boss | |New | |183 | Minion Gobby |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.03 | Yang's Tale |[ENEMY-03] | \_________________________________________________/ Overworld - Fabul Mt. Hobs ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |002 | Basilisk |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs - East Slope ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs - East Trail ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs - East Vista ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |002 | Basilisk |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs - Summit ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | |139 | Mom Bomb |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs - West Crossing ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs - West Vista ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs - West Slope ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |002 | Basilisk |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Upper Wall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | |New | |039 | Amoeba |R | |New | |040 | Alligator |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Middle Wall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |039 | Amoeba |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Lower Wall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | | | |039 | Amoeba |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |052 | Electrofish |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | | | |039 | Amoeba |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |052 | Electrofish |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |191 | Red Dragon2 |R |New |New | \______________________________________________________/ Fabul ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |022 | Sahagin |F | |New | |023 | Leshy |F | | | |028 | Domovoi |F | | | |035 | Gargoyle |F | | | |042 | Baron Marine |F | |New | |043 | Captain |F* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * To defeat the Captain and get him in your Bestiary, kill him before defeating all Baron Marines. Ship ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |022 | Sahagin |F | | | |041 | Splasher |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 1 ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 2 ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 2 ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |186 | Adamantoise2 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Note: Yang's Challenge Dungeon has an exit on the left side after every chest. This leads to a number of passages and the Meeting Hall. The enemies in these passages and the Forced Encounter in the Meeting Hall borrow from the passages and MIAB enemies from before the exit. Yang's Challenge Dungeon - Passage to Second Chamber ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |039 | Amoeba |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon - Second Chamber (First Chest) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |MIAB | | | |002 | Basilisk |MIAB | | | |028 | Domovoi |MIAB | | | |033 | Skeleton |MIAB | | | |079 | Bomb |MIAB | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |MIAB | | | \______________________________________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon - Passage to Third Chamber ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |346 | Armorpede |R/U | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon - Third Chamber (Second Chest) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |032 | Spirit |MIAB | | | |034 | Cockatrice |MIAB | | | |038 | Zu1 |MIAB | | | |044 | Soul |MIAB | | | |045 | Bloodbones |MIAB | | | |046 | Wraith |MIAB | | | |048 | Revenant |MIAB | | | |087 | Lilith |MIAB | | | \______________________________________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon - Passage to Fourth Chamber ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |090 | Mors |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | |346 | Armorpede |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon - Fourth Chamber (Third Chest) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |065 | Black Knight |MIAB | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |MIAB | | | |072 | Soldieress |MIAB | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |MIAB | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |MIAB | | | |112 | Sorceress |MIAB | | | \______________________________________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon - Passage to Final Chamber Passage to Final Meeting Hall Final Meeting Hall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | |New | |071 | Armadillo |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |083 | Ironback |R | | | |084 | Flamehound1 |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | |New | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R | |New | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | |New | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |346 | Armorpede |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Yang's Challenge Dungeon - Final Chamber (Fourth Chest) Final Meeting Hall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |047 | Skuldier |MIAB/F | | | |057 | Lamia |MIAB/F | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |MIAB/F | | | |094 | Blood Bat |MIAB/F | | | |100 | Coeurl |MIAB/F | | | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.04 | Palom's Tale |[ENEMY-04] | \_________________________________________________/ Overworld - Troia ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |003 | Helldiver |R | | | |004 | Floating Eye |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Trials 1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |164 | Fire Doll |F | |New | |199 | Mini Red |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Trials 2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |199 | Mini Red |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Trials 3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |166 | Blizzard Doll |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Trials 4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |200 | Mini Blue |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Trials 5F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |167 | Thunder Doll |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Trials 6F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |201 | Mini Yellow |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Trials 7F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Troia Castle Waterway B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |052 | Electrofish |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |068 | Devil's Castanet |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | |New | |197 | Will Priest |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Troia Castle Waterway B2F-B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |052 | Electrofish |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |068 | Devil's Castanet |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B2F - Treasure Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B3F - Treasure Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B3F - Recovery Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B5F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern - Crystal Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |192 | Dark Elf |Boss | |New | |193 | Dark Dragon |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Bridge Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | |344 | Mindosaur |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Convoy Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |052 | Electrofish |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |090 | Mors |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Flan Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Magic Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |055 | Flood Worm |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Maze Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |344 | Mindosaur |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Mountain Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |197 | Will Priest |R | | | |198 | Lamage |R | | | |202 | Gil Bird1 |R |Not F* |New | |203 | Gil Bird2 |R |Full |New | \______________________________________________________/ * During the Full Moon, Gil Bird2 appears. During all other phases, Gil Bird1 appears. Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Perplexion Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Strength Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |083 | Ironback |R | | | |344 | Mindosaur |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Strongarm Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |083 | Ironback |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Town Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |075 | Medusa |R | |New | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |196 | Ricardo Mage |R | | | |344 | Mindosaur |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Palom's Challenge Dungeon – Boss Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |204 | Blade Dragon |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.05 | Edge's Tale |[ENEMY-05] | \_________________________________________________/ Izayoi - Tower of Trials - First Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |003 | Helldiver |R | | | |004 | Floating Eye |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Izayoi - Tower of Trials - Second Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |003 | Helldiver |R | | | |004 | Floating Eye |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |205 | Cliff Eagle |R | |New | |211 | Zu2 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Tsukinowa - Mount Ordeals - Entrance ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R/MIAB | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R/MIAB | | | |205 | Cliff Eagle |R | | | |206 | Navy Moth |MIAB | |New | |207 | Sky Pupil |MIAB | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Tsukinowa - Mount Ordeals - Trail ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R/MIAB | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R/MIAB | | | |205 | Cliff Eagle |R/MIAB | | | |206 | Navy Moth |R/MIAB | | | |207 | Sky Pupil |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Tsukinowa - Mount Ordeals - Crossing ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R/MIAB | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R/MIAB | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |046 | Wraith |MIAB | | | |206 | Navy Moth |R | | | |207 | Sky Pupil |R/MIAB | | | \______________________________________________________/ Tsukinowa - Mount Ordeals - Summit ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |011 | Eyewing Moth |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R/MIAB | | | |035 | Gargoyle |MIAB | | | |205 | Cliff Eagle |MIAB | | | |206 | Navy Moth |R | | | |207 | Sky Pupil |R | | | |208 | Wild Bat1 |R/MIAB | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Zangetsu - Dwarven Mine Path ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |005 | Larva |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |039 | Amoeba |R | | | |157 | Belphegor2 |Boss | | | \______________________________________________________/ Gekkou - Impact Crater - Lower Wall Middle Wall Upper Wall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Cave of Eblan B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R/Egg | | | |087 | Lilith |R/Egg | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R/Egg | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |212 | Behemoth2 |R |New |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Tower of Babil B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | |189 | Flamehound3 |F | |New | |190 | Belphegor3 |F | |New | |209 | Proto Clockwork2 |R | |New | |210 | Proto Beam Cannon |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Babil B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |187 | Frostbeast2 |F | |New | |188 | Proto Clockwork1 |F | |New | |209 | Proto Clockwork2 |R | | | |210 | Proto Beam Cannon |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Babil B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Tower of Babil B4F-B5F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |071 | Armadillo |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon - First Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |069 | Lesser Marilith |R | |New | |074 | Nagaraja |R | |New | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | |New | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon - Second Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |018 | Blood Flower |R | | | |024 | Caterpillar |R | |New | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | |New | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |343 | Bug |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon - Third Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |018 | Blood Flower |R | | | |024 | Caterpillar |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | |New | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | |New | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | |New | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |124 | Malboro |R | |New | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |343 | Bug |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon - Fourth Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |018 | Blood Flower |R | | | |024 | Caterpillar |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |124 | Malboro |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |343 | Bug |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Edge's Challenge Dungeon - Last Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |018 | Blood Flower |R | | | |024 | Caterpillar |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |343 | Bug |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.06 | Porom's Tale |[ENEMY-06] | \_________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway Entrance South ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |039 | Amoeba |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway B2F (South) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |017 | Killer Fish |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway B2F (North) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |014 | Gigantoad |R | | | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway Entrance North ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Lake B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |039 | Amoeba |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Lake B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |009 | Tiny Mage |R | | | |015 | Fangshell |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |039 | Amoeba |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |170 | Cooler Mammoth |Boss | |New | |171 | Cooler Leech1 |Boss | |New | |172 | Cooler Leech2 |Boss | |New | |173 | Cooler Leech3 |Boss | |New | |174 | Cooler Leech4 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |007 | Treant |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |007 | Treant |R | | | |031 | Mortblossom |R | |New | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |031 | Mortblossom |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Mysidia Mount Ordeals ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |224 | White Dragon1 |R* |Waxing |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Seems to only appear on the claw-shaped peninsula NE of Mount Ordeals. Mount Ordeals - Entrance ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mount Ordeals - Trail ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Mount Ordeals - Crossing ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | |222 | Necrodium |R | |New | |223 | Evil Flame |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Mount Ordeals - Summit ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | |222 | Necrodium |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mysidia ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |W | | | |050 | Cave Naga |W | | | |062 | Naga |W | | | |063 | Ogre |W | | | |081 | Chimera |W | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |W | | | |175 | Blood Eye2 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Porom's Challenge Dungeon ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |078 | Evil Dreamer |BM | |New | |081 | Chimera |BM | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R/BM | | | |345 | Liopard |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Porom's Challenge Dungeon - Boss ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |084 | Flamehound1 |F | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |F | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |F | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.07 | Edward's Tale |[ENEMY-07] | \_________________________________________________/ Edward's Tale Overworld - Damcyan ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |010 | Desert Sahagin |R | |New | |012 | Hundlegs |R | |New | |013 | Sand Worm1 |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Impact Crater ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Antlion's Den B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |002 | Basilisk |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |027 | Adamantoise1 |R | |New | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Antlion's Den B2F - B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |002 | Basilisk |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |027 | Adamantoise1 |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Antlion's Den B2F - Treasure Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |002 | Basilisk |R | | | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |027 | Adamantoise1 |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Upper Wall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |012 | Hundlegs |R | | | |013 | Sand Worm1 |R | | | |027 | Adamantoise1 |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Middle Wall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |012 | Hundlegs |R | | | |013 | Sand Worm1 |R | | | |027 | Adamantoise1 |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Lower Wall ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |027 | Adamantoise1 |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Lake Behind the Falls ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway - Entrance North B2F (North) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |016 | Zombie |R | | | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway - B3F B2F (South) Entrance South ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |022 | Sahagin |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |040 | Alligator |R | | | |041 | Splasher |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Kaipo ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |010 | Desert Sahagin |R | | | |012 | Hundlegs |R | | | |013 | Sand Worm1 |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Baron ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |007 | Treant |R | | | |031 | Mortblossom |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Edward's Challenge Dungeon B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |225 | Steel Golem2 |Boss | |New | |227 | Bandit1 |W* | |New | |342 | Croaker |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * The Bandit1 is found in Great Chamber. Edward's Challenge Dungeon 1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Edward's Challenge Dungeon 2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |061 | Mindflayer |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | |228 | Bandit2 |W* | |New | |230 | Gil Bird3 |W |N/Wax**|New | \______________________________________________________/ * The Bandit2 is found in Alcove. ** During the New Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in West Passage. During the Waxing Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Tower. Edward's Challenge Dungeon 3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |226 | Flamehound4 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Edward's Challenge Dungeon 4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |006 | Cave Bat |R | | | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |030 | Gatlinghog1 |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |049 | Succubus |R | | | |054 | Hydra |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |229 | Belphegor4 |Boss | |New | |230 | Gil Bird3 |W |F/Wan* |New | |342 | Croaker |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * During the Full Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Boss Room. During the Waning Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Tower. _________________________________________________ / \ |3.08 | Kain's Tale |[ENEMY-08] | \_________________________________________________/ Mount Ordeals - Crossing ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mount Ordeals - Trail ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |044 | Soul |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mount Ordeals - Entrance ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |044 | Soul |R | | | |046 | Wraith |R | | | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mount Ordeals - Summit ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |048 | Revenant |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Devil's Road - Mysidia ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | |236 | Gray Coeurl1 |R |Waning |New | \______________________________________________________/ Devil's Road - Baron ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Baron ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Mist ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |008 | Sword Rat |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |032 | Spirit |R | | | |033 | Skeleton |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |035 | Gargoyle |R | | | |079 | Bomb |R | | | |080 | Gray Bomb |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cliff - First Area (West, Bottom) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cliff - Second Area (West, Middle) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |075 | Medusa |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) Fifth Area (East, Middle) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R/Egg | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |075 | Medusa |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Mist Cliff - Sixth Area (East, Bottom) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R/Egg | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |075 | Medusa |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Overworld - Kaipo Damcyan ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |045 | Bloodbones |R | | | |050 | Cave Naga |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |221 | Skeleripper |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Kaipo ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |218 | Zombie Infantry |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway - Entrance South ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |232 | Sahagin Knight |R | |New | |233 | Blaze Toad |R | |New | |235 | Mizuchi |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway - B2F (South) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |019 | Toadgre |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |MIAB | | | |232 | Sahagin Knight |R | | | |233 | Blaze Toad |R | | | |235 | Mizuchi |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Waterway - B3F - B2F (North) - Entrance North Underground Lake B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |232 | Sahagin Knight |R | | | |233 | Blaze Toad |R | | | |234 | Flaygator |R | |New | |235 | Mizuchi |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Underground Lake B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |053 | Gigas Gator |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |094 | Blood Bat |R | | | |213 | Octokraken |Boss | |New | |214 | Octoleech1 |Boss | |New | |215 | Octoleech2 |Boss | |New | |216 | Octoleech3 |Boss | |New | |217 | Octoleech4 |Boss | |New | |232 | Sahagin Knight |R | | | |233 | Blaze Toad |R | | | |234 | Flaygator |R | | | |235 | Mizuchi |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Baron Castle ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |218 | Zombie Infantry |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon - Ancient Castle ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R/Sorc | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R/Sorc | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R/Sorc | | | |168 | Adamantite Golem |MIAB | | | |339 | Chaos Lady |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon - Ancient Castle Interior 1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R/Sorc | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R/Sorc | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R/Sorc | | | \______________________________________________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon - Ancient Castle Interior 2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R/Sorc | | | |074 | Nagaraja |Summ | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |Sorc | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |Sorc | | | |100 | Coeurl |R/Sorc | | | |111 | Summoner |R | |New | |119 | Mythril Golem |Sorc | | | |339 | Chaos Lady |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon - Underground Cavern (Exterior) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | |New | |070 | Fell Knight |R | |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |095 | Arachne |R/Summ | |New | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |111 | Summoner |R | | | |114 | Elder Treant |R | |New | |124 | Malboro |R | | | |126 | Mini Satana |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon - Underground Cavern (Interior) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |070 | Fell Knight |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R | | | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |095 | Arachne |R | | | |114 | Elder Treant |R | | | |124 | Malboro |R | | | |237 | Curse Dragon1 |Boss | |New | |238 | Curse Dragon2 |Boss | |New | |239 | Thunder Dragon2 |R | |New | |339 | Chaos Lady |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.09 | Lunarian's Tale |[ENEMY-09] | \_________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B7F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |077 | Magma Tortoise |F | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B6F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |065 | Black Knight |F | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |F | | | |096 | Flame Knight |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B5F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |F | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |081 | Chimera |F | | | |103 | Gremlin |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |F | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |024 | Caterpillar |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |090 | Mors |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | |New | |242 | Gavel Worm |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Tunnel ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |090 | Mors |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |241 | Ebony Dragon1 |R |New |New | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Rim (East) - Upper Wall (East) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Middle Wall (East) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Lower Wall (East) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |020 | Red Mousse |R | | | |021 | Yellow Jelly |R | | | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |082 | Fell Turtle |R | | | |103 | Gremlin |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Floor ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |184 | Mysterious Girl1 |Boss | |New | |195 | Asura1 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Lower Wall (West) - Middle Wall (West) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Impact Crater - Upper Wall (West) - Rim (West) ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |072 | Soldieress |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |112 | Sorceress |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lair of the Father B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |075 | Medusa |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |084 | Flamehound1 |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lair of the Father B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |075 | Medusa |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |084 | Flamehound1 |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |240 | Count Malboro |F | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Lair of the Father B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |084 | Flamehound1 |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |240 | Count Malboro |F | | | \______________________________________________________/ Crystal Palace ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |185 | Mysterious Girl2 |Boss | |New | |194 | Leviathan1 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B1F-B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Lunar Subterrane B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R/Sorc | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Lunar Subterrane B5F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R/Sorc | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B6F-B7F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |069 | Lesser Marilith |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B8F-B9F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |070 | Fell Knight |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane B10F-B11F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |070 | Fell Knight |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #1 - First Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |057 | Lamia |R/Egg | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R | | | |096 | Flame Knight |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |347 | Death Machine |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #1 - Second Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |347 | Death Machine |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #1 - Third Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |066 | Centaur Knight |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R/Sorc | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |347 | Death Machine |R/U | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #1 - Fourth Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |Sorc | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R/Sorc | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |347 | Death Machine |R/U | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #1 - Fifth Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |110 | Frostbeast1 |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |240 | Count Malboro |Sorc/U | | | |347 | Death Machine |R/U | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #1 - Last Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |246 | Kirin |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #2 - First Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #2 - Second Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |057 | Lamia |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |069 | Lesser Marilith |R | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #2 - Third Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |023 | Leshy |R | | | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | | | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |069 | Lesser Marilith |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R/U | | | |347 | Death Machine |R/U | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #2 - Fourth Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |065 | Black Knight |R | | | |070 | Fell Knight |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |095 | Arachne |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R/U | | | |347 | Death Machine |R/U | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #2 - Fifth Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |069 | Lesser Marilith |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |092 | Sorcerer |R | | | |095 | Arachne |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | |240 | Count Malboro |R/Sorc | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lunarian's Challenge Dungeon #2 - Last Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |247 | Armstrong |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.10 | Final Tale – The Crystals |[ENEMY-10] | \_________________________________________________/ Baron ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |218 | Zombie Infantry |W | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Baron Mist(?) Note: The enemy domain seems to include both Baron and Mist, but I'm not 100% certain about this. ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |007 | Treant |R | | | |031 | Mortblossom |R | | | |034 | Cockatrice |R | | | |038 | Zu1 |R | | | |058 | Needlehog |R | | | |059 | Ettin Snake |R | | | |064 | Cait Sith |R | | | |087 | Lilith |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Kaipo Damcyan ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |024 | Caterpillar |R | | | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |104 | Tunneler1 |R | |New | |105 | Abyss Worm |R | |New | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Kaipo Fabul ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |244 | Sylphs |W* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * If you kill all the Sylphs, you can't get them as a Summon for Rydia after healing Yang. Damcyan ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |245 | Antlion |W | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Desert patch SE of Kaipo ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |142 | Great Malboro |MIAB | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Fabul ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R | | | |085 | Gorgon |R | |New | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |102 | Alraune |R | |New | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Mythril Agart Mysidia Note: Again, the enemy domains are unclear, but they appear to include all of these locations. ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |036 | Fledgling Rukh |R | |New | |071 | Armadillo |R | | | |083 | Ironback |R | | | |084 | Flamehound1 |R | | | |091 | Rukh |R | |New | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Mysidia ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |220 | Ramuh |Boss* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * If Ramuh joins Rydia as a Summon, he won't be included in the Bestiary. If he is killed, he won't join Rydia, but is included in the Bestiary. Overworld - Clearing SE of Mount Ordeals ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |070 | Fell Knight |MIAB | | | |126 | Mini Satana |MIAB | | | \______________________________________________________/ Agart ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |063 | Ogre |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |098 | Balloon |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |248 | Titan2 |Boss* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Titan cannot die; it always joins and gets a Bestiary entry. Agart Subterrane ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |071 | Armadillo |R | | | |083 | Ironback |R | | | |095 | Arachne |R | | | |104 | Tunneler1 |R | | | |131 | Steel Golem1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Clearing SE of Mount Ordeals ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |122 | Armor Contruct |MIAB | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - Eblan ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |071 | Armadillo |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |084 | Flamehound1 |R | | | |096 | Flame Knight |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | |234 | Flaygator |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Eblan ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |071 | Armadillo |R | | | |077 | Magma Tortoise |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |084 | Flamehound1 |R | | | |096 | Flame Knight |R | | | |223 | Evil Flame |R | | | |231 | Ifrit |Boss* | |New | |249 | Melt Golem1 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Ifrit cannot die; it always joins and gets a Bestiary entry. Overworld - Troia Note: Enemy domains, again. Troia's enemy domain seems to include Lodestone Cavern and Chocobo Forest Overworld. ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |029 | Purple Bavarois |R | | | |047 | Skuldier |R | | | |057 | Lamia |Egg | | | |073 | Ghost Knight |R | | | |093 | Mad Ogre |R | | | |088 | Lamia Matriarch |R | | | |100 | Coeurl |R | | | |107 | Ice Lizard |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |119 | Mythril Golem |R | | | |141 | Mystery Egg |R* | | | |235 | Mizuchi |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. Overworld – Clearing S of Troia ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |132 | Dark Sage |MIAB | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B1F-B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |026 | Black Lizard1 |R | | | |062 | Naga |R | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern B4F-B5F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |062 | Naga |R | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R | | | |081 | Chimera |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern - Crystal Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |243 | Shiva |Boss* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * If Shiva joins Rydia as a Summon, she won't be included in the Bestiary. If she is killed, she won't join Rydia, but is included in the Bestiary. Cave of Eblan B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |Summ | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |069 | Lesser Marilith |R | | | |095 | Arachne |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |111 | Summoner |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Cave of Eblan B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |069 | Lesser Marilith |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |R/Summ | | | |095 | Arachne |Summ | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |111 | Summoner |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil - South ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |070 | Fell Knight |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |Summ | | | |095 | Arachne |Summ | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |111 | Summoner |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |126 | Mini Satana |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil - North ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |Summ | | | |037 | Belphegor1 |R | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |074 | Nagaraja |Summ | | | |095 | Arachne |Summ | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |108 | Hellflapper |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |111 | Summoner |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |270 | Marquis Malboro |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Overworld - C-Peninsula Note: This is a strip of land SE of Kaipo ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |001 | Goblin1 |R | | | |025 | Goblin Captain |R | | | |028 | Domovoi |R | | | |051 | Bone Dragon |R* | |New | |089 | Bog Toad |R | |New | |095 | Arachne |R | | | |113 | Bog Witch |R | |New | |122 | Armor Contruct |R | | | |142 | Great Malboro |R | | | |155 | Goblin Prince |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Purple variant Baron Castle ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |219 | Mysterious Girl3 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.11 | Final Tale – True Moon |[ENEMY-11] | \_________________________________________________/ True Moon ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |116 | Lunar Virus |R | |New | |117 | White Mousse |R | | | |272 | Nescaliote |R | |New | |273 | Micaliote |R | |New | |275 | Material |R | |New | |276 | Backed Worm |R | |New | |321 | Gray Coeurl2 |R |Waning |New | |333 | Gray Coeurl3 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B1F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | |New | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | |New | |133 | Prokaryote |R | |New | |272 | Nescaliote |R | | | |273 | Micaliote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | |New | |278 | Amazon |R | |New | |279 | Bone Dragon |R* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Green variant Subterrane B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | | | |133 | Prokaryote |R | | | |272 | Nescaliote |R | | | |273 | Micaliote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | | | |133 | Prokaryote |R | | | |250 | Baigan |Boss | |New | |251 | Right Arm |Boss | |New | |252 | Left Arm |Boss | |New | |272 | Nescaliote |R | | | |273 | Micaliote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B4F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | | | |133 | Prokaryote |R | | | |253 | Sandy |Boss | |New | |254 | Cindy |Boss | |New | |255 | Mindy |Boss | |New | |272 | Nescaliote |R | | | |273 | Micaliote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |279 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Green variant Subterrane B4F - Interior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | | | |133 | Prokaryote |R | | | |272 | Nescaliote |R | | | |273 | Micaliote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |279 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |322 | Ebony Dragon2 |R |New |New | |332 | Ebony Dragon3 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Green variant Subterrane B5F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | | | |133 | Prokaryote |R | | | |256 | Barnabas |Boss | |New | |257 | Dr. Lugae |Boss | |New | |272 | Nescaliote |R | | | |273 | Micaliote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |279 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |332 | Ebony Dragon3 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Green variant Subterrane B5F - North Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | | | |133 | Prokaryote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |279 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |330 | Shadow Dragon2 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Green variant Subterrane B5F - Southeast Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |279 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |326 | Shadow Dragon1 |R |Waxing |New | |330 | Shadow Dragon2 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Green variant Subterrane B5F - Southwest Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |120 | Flan Princess |R |Full |New | |124 | Malboro |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B6F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |124 | Malboro |R | | | |127 | Eukaryote |R | | | |133 | Prokaryote |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |279 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |330 | Shadow Dragon2 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Green variant Subterrane B6F - Interior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |099 | Dark Grenade1 |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |124 | Malboro |R | | | |258 | King of Eblan |Boss | |New | |259 | Queen of Eblan |Boss | |New | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |279 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |330 | Shadow Dragon2 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Green variant Subterrane B7F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |048 | Revenant |Boss | | | |076 | Dinozombie |R | |New | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |138 | Behemoth1 |R | |New | |140 | Skulnant |Boss | |New | |260 | Scarmiglione1 |Boss | |New | |261 | Scarmiglione2 |Boss | |New | |280 | Shadow |R | |New | |282 | Living Mail |R | |New | |283 | Alvacimo |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B7F - Middle Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |105 | Abyss Worm |R | | | |114 | Elder Treant |R | | | |138 | Behemoth1 |R | | | |280 | Shadow |R | | | |282 | Living Mail |R | | | |283 | Alvacimo |R | | | |319 | Behemoth3 |R |New |New | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B7F - West Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |076 | Dinozombie |R | | | |086 | Stone Golem |R | | | |105 | Abyss Worm |R | | | |114 | Elder Treant |R | | | |138 | Behemoth1 |R | | | |280 | Shadow |R | | | |281 | Wight |R | |New | |282 | Living Mail |R | | | |283 | Alvacimo |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B8F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |262 | Cagnazzo |Boss | |New | |274 | Green Cell |R | |New | |284 | Almon |R | |New | |286 | Solid Shutter |R | |New | |287 | Sylvanpoth |R | |New | |288 | Crocodile |R | |New | |323 | Hydro Golem |R | |New | |331 | White Dragon3 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B8F - Save Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |274 | Green Cell |R | | | |284 | Almon |R | | | |285 | King Toad |R | |New | |286 | Solid Shutter |R | | | |287 | Sylvanpoth |R | | | |288 | Crocodile |R | | | |323 | Hydro Golem |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B8F - Interior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |274 | Green Cell |R | | | |284 | Almon |R | | | |285 | King Toad |R | | | |286 | Solid Shutter |R | | | |287 | Sylvanpoth |R | | | |288 | Crocodile |R | | | |320 | White Dragon2 |R |Waxing |New | |331 | White Dragon3 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B9F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |263 | Barbariccia |Boss | |New | |289 | Thunderbird |R | |New | |290 | Lucifer |R | |New | |325 | Blast Golem |R | |New | |329 | Green Dragon3 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B9F - Interior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |067 | Vampiress |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |289 | Thunderbird |R | | | |290 | Lucifer |R | | | |317 | Green Dragon2 |R |Waning |New | |329 | Green Dragon3 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B9F - West Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |060 | Storm Anima |R | | | |109 | Vampire Bat |R | | | |115 | Chimera Brain |R | | | |289 | Thunderbird |R | | | |290 | Lucifer |R | | | |325 | Blast Golem |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B10F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |126 | Mini Satana |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B10F - East Room ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |126 | Mini Satana |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | |New | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |318 | Red Dragon3 |R |New |New | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B10F - Interior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |126 | Mini Satana |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |324 | Melt Golem2 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B10F - South ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |126 | Mini Satana |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | | | |264 | Rubicante1 |Boss* | |New | |271 | Rubicante2 |Boss** | |New | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Full party boss. ** Edge solo boss. Subterrane B10F - North ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |078 | Evil Dreamer |R | | | |106 | Blood Eye1 |R | | | |126 | Mini Satana |R | | | |277 | High Wizard |R | | | |278 | Amazon |R | | | |324 | Melt Golem2 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B11F - East Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |097 | Beam Cannon |R | |New | |121 | Clockwork Soldier |R | |New | |122 | Armor Contruct |R | | | |129 | Centaurion |R | |New | |328 | Thunder Dragon4 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B11F - Center Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |097 | Beam Cannon |R | | | |121 | Clockwork Soldier |R | | | |129 | Centaurion |R | | | |316 | Thunder Dragon3 |R |Full |New | |328 | Thunder Dragon4 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B11F - West Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |097 | Beam Cannon |R | | | |101 | Clockwork Dragon |R | |New | |121 | Clockwork Soldier |R | | | |129 | Centaurion |R | | | |265 | Defense Node |Boss | |New | |266 | Attack Node |Boss | |New | |267 | CPU |Boss | |New | |328 | Thunder Dragon4 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Subterrane B11F - Passage to B12F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |051 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |123 | Moonmaiden |R | |New | |130 | Armored Fiend |R | |New | |132 | Dark Sage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Purple variant. Subterrane B12F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |051 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |123 | Moonmaiden |R | | | |130 | Armored Fiend |R | | | |132 | Dark Sage |R | | | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Purple variant. Subterrane B12F - Interior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |051 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |123 | Moonmaiden |R | | | |125 | Silver Dragon |R | |New | |130 | Armored Fiend |R | | | |132 | Dark Sage |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Purple variant. Subterrane B12F - West Tower ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |268 | Leviathan2 |Boss* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Will join if Rydia is in party. Always gets bestiary entry? Subterrane B12F - East Tower ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |269 | Asura2 |Boss* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Will join if Rydia is in party. Always gets bestiary entry? Subterrane B12F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |123 | Moonmaiden |R | | | |130 | Armored Fiend |R | | | |132 | Dark Sage |R | | | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | | | |327 | Gold Dragon2 |R |Full |New | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |3.12 | Final Tale – The Planet Eater |[ENEMY-12] | \_________________________________________________/ Depths B2F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |051 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |123 | Moonmaiden |R | | | |125 | Silver Dragon |R | | | |130 | Armored Fiend |R | | | |132 | Dark Sage |R | | | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Purple variant. Depths B3F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |123 | Moonmaiden |R | | | |125 | Silver Dragon |R | | | |130 | Armored Fiend |R | | | |132 | Dark Sage |R | | | |134 | Blue Dragon |R | |New | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B4F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |051 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |123 | Moonmaiden |R | | | |125 | Silver Dragon |R | | | |130 | Armored Fiend |R | | | |132 | Dark Sage |R | | | |134 | Blue Dragon |R | | | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Purple variant. Depths B5F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |134 | Blue Dragon |R | | | |142 | Great Malboro |R | | | |144 | Lamia Queen |R | |New | |145 | Elite Trooper |R | |New | |151 | Chaos Knight |R | |New | |154 | Sahagin Prince |R | |New | |155 | Goblin Prince |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B5F - Rooms ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |125 | Silver Dragon |R | | | |134 | Blue Dragon |R | | | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | | | |138 | Behemoth1 |R | | | |142 | Great Malboro |R | | | |144 | Lamia Queen |R | | | |145 | Elite Trooper |R | | | |151 | Chaos Knight |R | | | |154 | Sahagin Prince |R | | | |155 | Goblin Prince |R | | | |296 | Lich |Boss | |New | |297 | Marilith |Boss | |New | |298 | Kraken |Boss | |New | |299 | Tiamat |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B6F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |051 | Bone Dragon |R* | | | |134 | Blue Dragon |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | | | |142 | Great Malboro |R | | | |145 | Elite Trooper |R | | | |151 | Chaos Knight |R | | | |154 | Sahagin Prince |R | | | |155 | Goblin Prince |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ * Purple variant. Depths B6F - Rooms ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |123 | Moonmaiden |MIAB | | | |125 | Silver Dragon |R | | | |130 | Armored Fiend |R/MIAB | | | |132 | Dark Sage |MIAB | | | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | | | |142 | Great Malboro |R | | | |151 | Chaos Knight |R | | | |154 | Sahagin Prince |R | | | |155 | Goblin Prince |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B7F - Exterior ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |125 | Silver Dragon |R | | | |134 | Blue Dragon |R | | | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | | | |142 | Great Malboro |R | | | |145 | Elite Trooper |R | | | |151 | Chaos Knight |R | | | |154 | Sahagin Prince |R | | | |155 | Goblin Prince |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B7F - Rooms ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |134 | Blue Dragon |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | | | |142 | Great Malboro |R | | | |144 | Lamia Queen |R | | | |145 | Elite Trooper |R | | | |151 | Chaos Knight |R | | | |154 | Sahagin Prince |R | | | |155 | Goblin Prince |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B8F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |125 | Silver Dragon |R | | | |135 | Gold Dragon1 |R | | | |142 | Great Malboro |R | | | |144 | Lamia Queen |R | | | |145 | Elite Trooper |R | | | |151 | Chaos Knight |R | | | |154 | Sahagin Prince |R | | | |155 | Goblin Prince |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B9F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |134 | Blue Dragon |R | | | |137 | Red Dragon1 |R | | | |138 | Behemoth1 |R | | | |143 | Dust Mousse |R | |New | |146 | Bomb King |R | |New | |149 | Malboro Menace |R | |New | |150 | Coeurl Regina |R | |New | |300 | Astaroth |Boss | |New | |301 | Beelzebub |Boss | |New | |302 | Iron Giant |Boss | |New | |303 | King Behemoth |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B10F B11F B12F - First Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |118 | Black Flan |R | | | |128 | Deathmask |R | |New | |143 | Dust Mousse |R | | | |146 | Bomb King |R | | | |149 | Malboro Menace |R | | | |150 | Coeurl Regina |R | | | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B12F - Second Area B13F-B15F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |147 | Crystal Dragon |R | |New | |148 | Fiend Dragon |R | |New | |152 | Catoblepas |R | |New | |153 | Chimera Geist |R | |New | |156 | Proto Deathmask |R | |New | |338 | Duke Malboro |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B12F - Second Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |304 | Twinhead Dragon |Boss | |New | |305 | Cerberus |Boss | |New | |306 | Echidna |Boss | |New | |307 | Ahriman2 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B14F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |308 | Gilgamesh |Boss | |New | |309 | Omega |Boss | |New | |310 | Nova Dragon |MIAB | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Depths - Twisted Space ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |311 | Atomos |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B15F - Second Area ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |149 | Malboro Menace |MIAB | | | |312 | Orthros |Boss | |New | |313 | Ghost Train |Boss | |New | |314 | Ultima Weapon |Boss | |New | |315 | Deathgaze |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B16F-B19F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |128 | Deathmask |R | | | |156 | Proto Deathmask |R | | | |291 | Full Body |R | |New | |292 | Right Arm |R | |New | |293 | Left Arm |R | |New | |294 | Right Foot |R | |New | |295 | Left Foot |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Depths B20F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |334 | Mysterious Girl4 |Boss | |New | |335 | Bahamut |Boss* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Bahamut is only added to the Bestiary when he doesn't join Rydia. To do this, make sure you do not have both Asura and Leviathan on that particular save. Depths B21F-B22F ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |336 | Maenad1 |R | |New | |337 | Maenad2 |R | |New | \______________________________________________________/ Bottommost Depths ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |348 | ??? |Boss | |New | |349 | ??? |Boss | |New | |350 | Creator1 |Boss | |New | |351 | Creator2 |Boss | |New | |352 | Creator3 |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ ??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 1 ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |353 | Giant's Right Arm |Boss | |New | |354 | Giant's Torso |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ ??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 2 ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |355 | Giant's Left Arm |Boss | |New | |356 | Giant's Chest |Boss | |New | |357 | Giant's Head |Boss | |New | |358 | Dark Grenade2 |Boss* | |New | |359 | Wild Bat2 |Boss* | |New | |360 | Optic Blaster |Boss* | |New | \______________________________________________________/ * Giant's Chest summons monsters in the following order Dark Grenade2 Wild Bat2 Optic Blaster [Repeat] ??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 3 ______________________________________________________ / \ |Number | Name |Method |Moon |New | |361 | Defense System Psi |Boss | |New | |362 | Counter System Chi |Boss | |New | |363 | Control System Omega |Boss | |New | \______________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |4. | Bestiary Locations |[BESTL-00] | \_________________________________________________/ The other good part of the FAQ! If you want to look up the precise locations a certain enemy appears, but don't want to search every single enemy in the game, this part of the FAQ is a lot easier for you. Have fun. Again, there will be some abbreviations. First will be the format used for the locations, followed by a brief explanation ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |ODT |# |Floor |Location |Method |Moon | |O |1 | |Adamant Isle |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ O – Overworld D – Dungeon T - Town # - The specific Tale, given by number. 1. Ceodore's Tale 2. Rydia's Tale 3. Yang's Tale 4. Palom's Tale 5. Edge's Tale 6. Porom's Tale 7. Edward's Tale 8. Kain's Tale 9. Lunarian's Tale 10. Final Tale – The Crystals 11. Final Tale – True Moon 12. Final Tale – The Planet Eater Floor – Either a Basement Floor (B#F) or a Floor (#F) Location – The actual location, -le gasp-. Method – How to find the enemy on this floor. Abbreviations used here are identical to the ones in the Location part, up above. Moon – The necessary Moon Phase to encounter the enemy. _________________________________________________ / \ |4.01 | 001-050 |[BESTL-01] | \_________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |001 | | |Goblin1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |1 | |Adamant Isle |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |1 | |Baron |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sylph Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Second Chamber |MIAB | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |R | | |O |6 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |6 | |Mount Ordeals |R | | |O |7 | |Damcyan |R | | |O |7 | |Impact Crater |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den - Treasure Room |R | | |O |7 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | |D |10|B1F |Cave of Eblan |Summ | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |Summ | | |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |002 | | |Basilisk | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Second Chamber |MIAB | | |D |7 |B1F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den - Treasure Room |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Antlion's Den |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |003 | | |Helldiver | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |1 | |Adamant Isle |R | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials – First Area |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials – Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |004 | | |Floating Eye | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |1 | |Adamant Isle |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials – First Area |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials – Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |005 | | |Larva | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials – First Area |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials – Second Area |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Crossing |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Summit |R | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |006 | | |Cave Bat | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |T |1 |1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |3F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F(A)|Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F(B)|Mist Cave |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 |B1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |B2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |B2F |Lodestone Cavern – Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |B3F |Lodestone Cavern – Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |B3F |Lodestone Cavern – Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |B4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Maze Floor |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil – First Area |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil – Second Area |R | | |D |5 |B3F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |007 | | |Treant | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |7 |B1F |Baron |R | | |O |10|B1F |Baron |R | | |O |10|B1F |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |008 | | |Sword Rat | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |1 | |Adamant Isle |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |T |1 |1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |3F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |O |1 |B1F |Mysidia |R | | |O |1 |B1F |Baron |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Crossing |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Summit |R | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |O |6 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |6 | |Mount Ordeals |R | | |O |7 | |Damcyan |R | | |O |7 | |Impact Crater |R | | |O |7 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |009 | | |Tiny Mage | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Second Chamber |R | | |D |4 |B1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Magic Floor |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |010 | | |Desert Sahagin | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |7 | |Damcyan |R | | |O |7 | |Kaipo |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |011 | | |Eyewing Moth | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B3F |Adamant Isle Grotto |R | | |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials – First Area |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials – Second Area |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Crossing |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Summit |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |012 | | |Hundlegs | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |7 | |Damcyan |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |O |7 | |Kaipo |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |013 | | |Sand Worm1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |7 | |Damcyan |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |O |7 | |Kaipo |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |014 | | |Gigantoad | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Second Chamber |R | | |D |4 |B1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Bridge Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |015 | | |Fangshell | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Second Chamber |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |016 | | |Zombie | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 | |Devil's Road (Baron) |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Trail |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest – Yang 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest – Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest – Yang 2 |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Third Chamber |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Maze Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Crossing |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Summit |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil – First Area |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil – Second Area |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals – Crossing |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals – Summit |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den - Treasure Room |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 | |Underground Lake |R | | |D |7 | |Behind the Falls |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |017 | | |Killer Fish | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Second Chamber |R | | |D |4 |B1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |018 | | |Blood Flower | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |5 | |CD – Second Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD – Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD – Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD – Last Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |019 | | |Toadgre | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Second Chamber |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Bridge Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Convoy Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |020 | | |Red Mousse | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |R/U | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |4 |1F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |2F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Flan Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall (East) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |021 | | |Yellow Jelly | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 | |Devil's Road (Mysidia) |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road (Baron) |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |R/U | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Flan Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road (Baron) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall (East) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |022 | | |Sahagin | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |3 | |Fabul |F | | |O |3 | |Ship |F | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Second Chamber |R | | |D |4 |B1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |B4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 | |CD – Bridge Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |7 | |Underground Lake |R | | |D |7 | |Behind the Falls |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |023 | | |Leshy | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Trail |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |T |3 | |Fabul |F | | |D |7 |B1F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den - Treasure Room |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |2F |CD |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |024 | | |Caterpillar | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - Second Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |O |9 | |Moon |R | | |O |10| |Kaipo |R | | |O |10| |Damcyan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |025 | | |Goblin Captain | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |D* | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |D* | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |D* | | |D |2 |B4F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B5F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |D* | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |D* | | |D |2 |2F |CD |D* | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |5 |B4F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B5F |Tower of Babil |R | | |T |6 | |Mysidia |W | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |O |8 | |Baron |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - First Area (West, Bottom) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Second Area (West, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fifth Area (East, Middle) |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 |B1F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |R | | |O |10| |Kaipo |R | | |O |10| |Damcyan |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | |T |10| |Eblan |R | | |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Letting the Trap Door morph into a monster will yield this. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |026 | | |Black Lizard1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |5 |B4F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B5F |Tower of Babil |R | | |O |8 | |Baron |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fifth Area (East, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Sixth Area (East, Bottom) |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 |B1F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lair of the Father |R | | |O |10| |Mythril |R | | |O |10| |Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Agart |R | | |D |10| |Agart Subterrane |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | |T |10| |Eblan |R | | |D |10|B1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |027 | | |Adamantoise1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |7 |B1F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den - Treasure Room |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |028 | | |Domovoi | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |D |1 | |Meadow |F | | |O |1 | |Baron |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |F* | | |D |2 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B5F |Sealed Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |T |3 | |Fabul |F | | |D |3 | |CD – Second Chamber |MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |R | | |O |6 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |6 | |Mount Ordeals |R | | |O |7 | |Damcyan |R | | |O |7 | |Impact Crater |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Antlion's Den |R | | |O |7 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Enemy encounters start appearing after this battle. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |029 | | |Purple Bavarois | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B5F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Flan Floor |R | | |D |5 |B4F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B5F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - First Area (West, Bottom) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Second Area (West, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fifth Area (East, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Sixth Area (East, Bottom) |R | | |O |9 | |Moon |R | | |D |9 | |Lunar Tunnel |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (East) |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |030 | | |Gatlinghog1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 |1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |3F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |O |1 | |Baron |R | | |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |R | | |O |7 | |Impact Crater |R | | |D |7 |2F |CD |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |031 | | |Mortblossom | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |O |10| |Baron |R | | |O |10| |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |032 | | |Spirit | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Observation Platform |F | | |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Trail |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Third Chamber |MIAB | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Summit |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den - Treasure Room |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |7 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |7 |1F |CD |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |033 | | |Skeleton | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Trail |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 2 |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Second Chamber |MIAB | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |4 |1F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |2F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Lower Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Middle Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Upper Wall |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den - Treasure Room |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |7 |1F |CD |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |034 | | |Cockatrice | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Eastern Courtyard |F | | |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Observation Platform |F | | |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |1 | |Baron |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Trail |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Third Chamber |MIAB | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |4 |2F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R | | |O |6 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |6 | |Mount Ordeals |R | | |O |7 | |Impact Crater |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | |O |10| |Baron |R | | |O |10| |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |035 | | |Gargoyle | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |1 | |Adamant Isle |R/U | | |T |1 | |Baron Castle |F | | |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |T |1 |1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |3F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |1 | |Baron |R | | |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sylph Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Trail |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |T |3 | |Fabul |F | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials - Second Area |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Summit |MIAB | | |D |6 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |7 | |Impact Crater |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |036 | | |Fledgling Rukh | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Mythril |R | | |O |10| |Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Agart |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |037 | | |Belphegor1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |9 |B8F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B9F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B10F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B11F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R | | |O |10| |Fabul |R | | |D |10|B2F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |038 | | |Zu1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Eastern Courtyard |F | | |O |1 | |Baron |R | | |O |2 | |Leaving the Passage of Eidolons |F | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Third Chamber |MIAB | | |O |6 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |6 | |Mount Ordeals |R | | |O |7 | |Impact Crater |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |O |10| |Baron |R | | |O |10| |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |039 | | |Amoeba | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Second Chamber |R | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |040 | | |Alligator | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Upper Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |R | | |D |4 |1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |7 | |Underground Lake |R | | |D |7 | |Behind the Falls |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |041 | | |Splasher | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Middle Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |3 | |Ship |F | | |D |4 |1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Convoy Floor |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |042 | | |Baron Marine | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |3 | |Fabul |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |043 | | |Captain | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |3 | |Fabul |F* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * To defeat the Captain and get him in your Bestiary, kill him before defeating all Baron Marines. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |044 | | |Soul | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Third Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Third Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |7 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |7 |1F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |045 | | |Bloodbones | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Third Chamber |MIAB | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 |1F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |2F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Lower Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Middle Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Upper Wall |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |7 |1F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |046 | | |Wraith | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 |1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |3F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Third Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Third Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Crossing |MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Lower Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Middle Wall |R | | |D |5 | |(Gekkou) Impact Crater - Upper Wall |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Antlion's Den - Treasure Room |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Antlion's Den |R | | |D |7 | |Underground Lake |R | | |D |7 | |Behind the Falls |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (North) |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |7 |1F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |047 | | |Skuldier | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD |MIAB | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Chamber |MIAB | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R/F | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |O |10| |Fabul |R | | |D |10| |Agart Subterrane |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |048 | | |Revenant | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 |1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |3F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sylph Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Third Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Third Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |7 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |7 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |7 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |7 |1F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |049 | | |Succubus | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |5 |B3F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |050 | | |Cave Naga | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 |1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | |D |5 |B3F |Tower of Babil |R | | |T |6 | |Mysidia |W | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |2F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |4.02 | 051-100 |[BESTL-02] | \_________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |051 | | |Bone Dragon* | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Passage to B12F |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |12|B2F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B4F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Exterior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Purple Variant ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |052 | | |Electrofish | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |4 |1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Convoy Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |053 | | |Gigas Gator | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Lower Wall |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Yang 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |R | | |D |4 |1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Convoy Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |7 | |Underground Lake |R | | |D |7 | |Behind the Falls |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |054 | | |Hydra | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Convoy Floor |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |2F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |055 | | |Flood Worm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Convoy Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |056 | | |Baron Guardsman | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |057 | | |Lamia | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |CD |R/Egg | | |D |1 |B3F |CD |R/Egg | | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |R/Egg | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R/Egg | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes/E| | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R/Egg | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Chamber |MIAB | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R/Egg | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R/Egg/F| | |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R/Egg | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R/Egg | | |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R/Egg | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R/Egg | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R/Egg | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R/Egg | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R/Egg | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R/Egg | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |058 | | |Needlehog | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B5F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |4 |1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area |R/Egg | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area |R/Egg | | |D |5 |B3F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |6 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |6 | |Mount Ordeals |R | | |D |7 |2F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | |O |10| |Baron |R | | |O |10| |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |059 | | |Ettin Snake | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 |1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |5 |B3F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |2F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | |O |10| |Baron |R | | |O |10| |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |060 | | |Storm Anima | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |061 | | |Mindflayer | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 |1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |5 |B3F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |7 |2F |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |062 | | |Naga | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |T |6 | |Mysidia |W | | |O |8 | |Baron |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - First Area (West, Bottom) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Second Area (West, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fifth Area (East, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Sixth Area (East, Bottom) |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |10|B1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |063 | | |Ogre | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 |1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |3F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B5F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |5 |B3F |Tower of Babil |R | | |T |6 | |Mysidia |W | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | |T |10| |Agart |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |064 | | |Cait Sith | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B5F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 |1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |5 |B3F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |3F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Baron |R | | |O |10| |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |065 | | |Black Knight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Fourth Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (West) |R | | |D |9 |B8F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B9F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B10F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B11F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |066 | | |Centaur Knight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle |F | | |D |1 | |Mist Cave - Entrance |F | | |D |1 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Fourth Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |5 |B4F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B5F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (West) |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |067 | | |Vampiress | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |10|B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10|B2F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |068 | | |Devil's Castanet | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |4 |1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |069 | | |Lesser Marilith | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |10|B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10|B2F |Cave of Eblan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |070 | | |Fell Knight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |9 |B8F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B9F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B10F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B11F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R | | |O |10| |Tree E of Agart |MIAB | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |071 | | |Armadillo | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |5 |B4F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B5F |Tower of Babil |R | | |O |10| |Mythril |R | | |O |10| |Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Agart |R | | |D |10| |Agart Subterrane |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | |T |10| |Eblan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |072 | | |Soldieress | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Fourth Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (West) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |073 | | |Ghost Knight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R/Sorc | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R/Sorc | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R/Sorc | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |074 | | |Nagaraja | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |O |10| |Fabul |R | | |D |10|B1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B2F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |075 | | |Medusa | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fifth Area (East, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Sixth Area (East, Bottom) |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |076 | | |Dinozombie | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |077 | | |Magma Tortoise | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |5 |B4F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B5F |Tower of Babil |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 |B1F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lair of the Father |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | |T |10| |Eblan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |078 | | |Evil Dreamer | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 | |CD |BM | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - East Room |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - South |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |079 | | |Bomb | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |1 | |Baron |R | | |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Slope |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Trail |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Second Chamber |MIAB | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |7 | |Impact Crater |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |080 | | |Gray Bomb | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |O |1 | |Mysidia |R | | |O |1 | |Baron |R | | |O |2 | |Underworld |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sylph Cave |R | | |O |2 | |Agart |R | | |O |3 | |Fabul |R | | |O |3 | |Mt. Hobs |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Trail |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – East Vista |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Crossing |R | | |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – West Vista |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Second Chamber |MIAB | | |O |4 | |Troia |R | | |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |4 |7F |Tower of Trials |R | | |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 |B1F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B2F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |D |6 |B3F |Passage of the Eidolons |R | | |O |8 | |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |081 | | |Chimera | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |T |6 | |Mysidia |W | | |D |6 | |CD |BM | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 |B1F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B8F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B9F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B10F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B11F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | |T |10| |Eblan |R | | |D |10|B1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |082 | | |Fell Turtle | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Convoy Floor |R | | |O |8 | |Baron |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |8 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrancce (North) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (East) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |083 | | |Ironback | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |O |10| |Mythril |R | | |O |10| |Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Agart |R | | |D |10| |Agart Subterrane |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |084 | | |Flamehound1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |2F |CD |MIAB | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |6 | |CD - Boss Room |F | | |D |9 |B1F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lair of the Father |R | | |O |10| |Mythril |R | | |O |10| |Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Agart |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | |T |10| |Eblan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |085 | | |Gorgon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Fabul |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |086 | | |Stone Golem | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |10|B1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Middle Room |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |087 | | |Lilith | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Outside |R | | |T |1 |1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |3F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B1F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |T |1 |B2F |Baron Castle – East Tower |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |1 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |D |1 |B4F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Old Waterway |R | | |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R | | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 1 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Ursula 2 |R | | |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Third Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Third Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area |R/Egg | | |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Second Floor |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |O |7 | |Baron |R | | |D |7 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |7 |1F |CD |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | |O |10| |Baron |R | | |O |10| |Mist |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |088 | | |Lamia Matriarch | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |Sorc | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R/Sorc | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R/Sorc | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R/Sorc | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |Sorc | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |089 | | |Bog Toad | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |090 | | |Mors | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Convoy Floor |R | | |O |9 | |Moon |R | | |D |9 | |Lunar Tunnel |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |091 | | |Rukh | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Mythril |R | | |O |10| |Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Agart |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |092 | | |Sorcerer | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |093 | | |Mad Ogre | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R/MIAB | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD |R/Sorc | | |D |2 |3F |CD |MIAB | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Chamber |MIAB/F | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Second Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |6 | |CD - Boss Room |F | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R/Sorc | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R/Sorc | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |Sorc | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |O |10| |Fabul |R | | |T |10| |Agart |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |094 | | |Blood Bat | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B4F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |B5F |Sealed Cave |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Chamber |MIAB/F | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |5 |B4F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B5F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |8 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrancce (North) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |095 | | |Arachne | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R/Summ | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |10| |Agart Subterrane |R | | |D |10|B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10|B2F |Cave of Eblan |Summ | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |Summ | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |Summ | | |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |096 | | |Flame Knight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | |T |10| |Eblan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |097 | | |Beam Cannon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - East Area |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Center Area |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - West Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |098 | | |Balloon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Second Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |O |9 | |Moon |R | | |D |9 | |Lunar Tunnel |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |T |10| |Agart |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |099 | | |Dark Grenade1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |100 | | |Coeurl | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R/MIAB | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD |R/Sorc | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Chamber |MIAB/F | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Second Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R/Sorc | | |O |9 | |Moon |R | | |D |9 | |Lunar Tunnel |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |O |10| |Mythril |R | | |O |10| |Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Agart |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |4.03 | 101-150 |[BESTL-03] | \_________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |101 | | |Clockwork Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - West Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |102 | | |Alraune | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Fabul |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |103 | | |Gremlin | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |O |8 | |Baron |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - First Area (West, Bottom) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Second Area (West, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (East) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |104 | | |Tunneler1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Kaipo |R | | |O |10| |Damcyan |R | | |D |10| |Agart Subterrane |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |105 | | |Abyss Worm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Kaipo |R | | |O |10| |Damcyan |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Middle Room |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |106 | | |Blood Eye1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - Second Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R | | |D |9 |B8F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B9F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B10F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B11F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |O |10| |Kaipo |R | | |O |10| |Damcyan |R | | |D |10|B2F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - East Room |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - South |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |107 | | |Ice Lizard | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Fourth Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Convoy Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |O |8 | |Baron |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - First Area (West, Bottom) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Second Area (West, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fifth Area (East, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Sixth Area (East, Bottom) |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |F | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (West) |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |108 | | |Hellflapper | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |O |8 | |Baron |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |O |10| |Kaipo |R | | |O |10| |Damcyan |R | | |D |10|B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |109 | | |Vampire Bat | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |O |10| |Fabul |R | | |D |10|B1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10|B2F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |110 | | |Frostbeast1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B2F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Fourth Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R | | |D |6 | |CD - Boss Room |F | | |O |8 | |Baron |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Second Area (West, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Third Area (West, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fifth Area (East, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Sixth Area (East, Bottom) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (East) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (West) |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |111 | | |Summoner | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R | | |D |10|B1F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10|B2F |Cave of Eblan |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |112 | | |Sorceress | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |D* | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |D* | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |D* | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |2F |CD |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Fourth Chamber |MIAB | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |5 |B4F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B5F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |6 | |CD |R | | |D |7 |2F |CD |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Lower Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Middle Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Upper Wall (West) |R | | |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Rim (West) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Letting the Trap Door morph into a monster will yield this; does not show up in Bestiary ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |113 | | |Bog Witch | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |114 | | |Elder Treant | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Middle Room |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |115 | | |Chimera Brain | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Second Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | |D |9 |B8F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B9F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B10F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B11F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R | | |O |10| |Fabul |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |R | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |R | | |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |116 | | |Lunar Virus | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11| |True Moon |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |117 | | |White Mousse | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 | |CD - Flan Floor |R | | |O |9 | |Moon |R | | |D |9 | |Lunar Tunnel |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lair of the Father |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |O |10| |Fabul |R | | |O |10| |Mythril |R | | |O |10| |Mysidia |R | | |O |10| |Agart |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | |D |10|B1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |10|B5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |11| |True Moon |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |118 | | |Black Flan | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |9 | |Moon |R | | |D |9 | |Lunar Tunnel |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |12|B10F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B11F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B12F |Depths - First Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |119 | | |Mythril Golem | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |5 | |CD - First Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |6 | |CD - Boss Room |F | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |MIAB | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R/Sorc | | |D |8 |1F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R/Sorc | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |Sorc | | |D |9 |B8F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B9F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B10F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B11F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |T |10| |Agart |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |120 | | |Flan Princess | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |121 | | |Clockwork Soldier | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - East Area |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Center Area |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - West Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |122 | | |Armor Construct | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Clearing SE of Mount Ordeals |R | | |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - East Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |123 | | |Moonmaiden | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Passage to B12F |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |12|B2F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B3F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B4F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Rooms |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |124 | | |Malboro | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |125 | | |Silver Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |12|B2F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B3F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B4F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B8F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |126 | | |Mini Satana | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Exterior) |R | | |O |10| |Tree E of Agart |MIAB | | |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - South |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - East Room |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - South |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |127 | | |Eukaryote | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |128 | | |Deathmask | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B10F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B11F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B12F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B16F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B17F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B18F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B19F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |129 | | |Centaurion | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - East Area |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Center Area |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - West Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |130 | | |Armored Fiend | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Passage to B12F |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |12|B2F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B3F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B4F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths – Rooms |R/MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |131 | | |Steel Golem1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |CD |MIAB | | |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B4F |CD |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD |MIAB | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Perplexion Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strongarm Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |T |6 | |Mysidia |W | | |D |6 | |CD |R/BM | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B5F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B6F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B7F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R/U | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R/U | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R | | |O |10| |Fabul |R | | |D |10| |Agart Subterrane |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |132 | | |Dark Sage | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Clearing S of Troia |MIAB | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Passage to B12F |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |12|B2F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B3F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B4F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Rooms |MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |133 | | |Prokaryote | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |134 | | |Blue Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B3F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B4F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B9F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |135 | | |Gold Dragon1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |12|B2F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B3F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B4F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B8F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |136 | | |Thunder Dragon1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |Mist Cave |R |Full | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (A) |R |Full | |D |1 |B3F |Mist Cave |R |Full | |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |R |Full | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |137 | | |Red Dragon1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - East Room |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - South |R | | |D |12|B3F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B4F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B9F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |138 | | |Behemoth1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Middle Room |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths – Rooms |R | | |D |12|B9F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |139 | | |Mom Bomb | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |Mt. Hobs – Summit |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |140 | | |Skulnant | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |141 | | |Mystery Egg* | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R/U |Waning | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R |Waning | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R |Waning | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |R | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |R | | |D |2 |3F |CD (Ropes) |Ropes | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - First Area |R | | |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fourth Area (East, Top) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Fifth Area (East, Middle) |R | | |D |8 | |Mist Cliff - Sixth Area (East, Bottom) |R | | |D |9 |B1F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B2F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B3F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B4F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Kill in one hit to get the Bestiary entry. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |142 | | |Great Malboro | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |Desert patch SE of Kaipo |R | | |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B8F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |143 | | |Dust Mousse | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B9F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B10F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B11F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B12F |Depths - First Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |144 | | |Lamia Queen | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B5F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B8F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |145 | | |Elite Trooper | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B5F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B8F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |146 | | |Bomb King | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B9F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B10F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B11F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B12F |Depths - First Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |147 | | |Crystal Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |R | | |D |12|B13F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B14F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |148 | | |Fiend Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |R | | |D |12|B13F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B14F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |149 | | |Malboro Menace | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B9F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B10F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B11F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B12F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |150 | | |Coeurl Regina | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |R | | |D |12|B13F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B14F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |4.04 | 151-200 |[BESTL-04] | \_________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |151 | | |Chaos Knight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B5F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B8F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |152 | | |Catoblepas | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |R | | |D |12|B13F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B14F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |153 | | |Chimera Geist | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |R | | |D |12|B13F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B14F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |154 | | |Sahagin Prince | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B5F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B8F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |155 | | |Goblin Prince | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |10| |C-Peninsula |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B6F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Exterior |R | | |D |12|B7F |Depths - Rooms |R | | |D |12|B8F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |156 | | |Proto Deathmask | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |R | | |D |12|B13F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B14F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |R | | |D |12|B16F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B17F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B18F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B19F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |157 | | |Belphegor2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 | |The Airship |F | | |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Observation Platform |F | | |D |5 | |(Zangetsu) Dwarven Mine Path |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |158 | | |Ahriman1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Observation Platform |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |159 | | |Strato Avis | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |1 | |Baron Castle – Observation Platform |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |160 | | |Tunneler2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B2F |Mist Cave (B) |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |161 | | |Sand Worm2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |Adamant Isle Grotto |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |162 | | |Flamehound2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 | |Meadow |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |163 | | |Goblin2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B1F |Adamant Isle Grotto |F* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Biggs & Wedge Tutorial Battle ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |164 | | |Fire Doll | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |1F |Tower of Trials |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |165 | | |Gatlinghog2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 | |Meadow |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |166 | | |Blizzard Doll | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |3F |Tower of Trials |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |167 | | |Thunder Doll | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |5F |Tower of Trials |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |168 | | |Adamantite Golem | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B4F |CD |Boss | | |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |169 | | |Black Lizard2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B3F |Old Waterway |MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |170 | | |Cooler Mammoth | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |171 | | |Cooler Leech1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |172 | | |Cooler Leech2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |173 | | |Cooler Leech3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |174 | | |Cooler Leech4 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |175 | | |Blood Eye2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |6 | |Mysidia |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |176 | | |Titan1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 | |Falcon |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |177 | | |Demon Wall | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B5F |Sealed Cave |Boss | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |F | | |D |2 |2F |CD |F | | |D |2 |3F |CD |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |178 | | |Trap Door | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B1F |Sealed Cave |F | | |D |2 |B2F |Sealed Cave |F | | |D |2 |B3F |Sealed Cave |F | | |D |2 |1F |CD (A) |F | | |D |2 |1F |CD (B) |F | | |D |2 |2F |CD |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |179 | | |Quarto Puppet | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine - Empty Room |R |Waxing | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |180 | | |Green Dragon1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B1F |Agart Mine |R/Egg/U|Waning | |D |2 |B2F |Agart Mine |R/Egg |Waning | |D |2 |B3F |Agart Mine |R/Egg |Waning | |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |R |Waning | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |181 | | |Agartoise | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |B4F |Agart Mine |MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |182 | | |Boss Gobby | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |4F |CD |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |183 | | |Minion Gobby | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |4F |CD |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |184 | | |Mysterious Girl1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Floor |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |185 | | |Mysterious Girl2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |9 | |Crystal Palace |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |186 | | |Adamantoise2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |Adamant Isle Forest - Forest Maze |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |187 | | |Frostbeast2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |188 | | |Proto Clockwork1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |189 | | |Flamehound3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |190 | | |Belphegor3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |191 | | |Red Dragon2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |Impact Crater – Floor |R |New | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |192 | | |Dark Elf | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 | |Lodestone Cavern - Crystal Room |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |193 | | |Dark Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 | |Lodestone Cavern - Crystal Room |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |194 | | |Leviathan1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |9 | |Crystal Palace |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |195 | | |Asura1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |9 | |Impact Crater - Floor |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |196 | | |Ricardo Mage | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |197 | | |Will Priest | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |1F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |3F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |4F |Troia Castle Waterway |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |198 | | |Lamage | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |1F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |2F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Treasure Room |R | | |D |4 |3F |Lodestone Cavern - Recovery Room |R | | |D |4 |4F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 |5F |Lodestone Cavern |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Magic Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |199 | | |Mini Red | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |1F |Tower of Trials |F | | |D |4 |2F |Tower of Trials |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |200 | | |Mini Blue | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |4F |Tower of Trials |F | | \________________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |4.05 | 201-250 |[BESTL-05] | \_________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |201 | | |Mini Yellow | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 |6F |Tower of Trials |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |202 | | |Gil Bird1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R |Not F* | \________________________________________________________________________/ * During Waxing/Waning/New Moon, Gil Bird1 appears. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |203 | | |Gil Bird2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 | |CD - Mountain Floor |R |Full | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |204 | | |Blade Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 | |CD - Boss Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |205 | | |Cliff Eagle | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials - Second Area |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Summit |MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |206 | | |Navy Moth | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |207 | | |Sky Pupil | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Entrance |MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals – Trail |R | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R/MIAB | | |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |208 | | |Wild Bat1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |(Tsukinowa) Mount Ordeals - Summit |R/MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |209 | | |Proto Clockwork2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |210 | | |Proto Beam Cannon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 |B1F |Tower of Babil |R | | |D |5 |B2F |Tower of Babil |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |211 | | |Zu2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |(Izayoi) Tower of Trials - Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |212 | | |Behemoth2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |Path to the Tower of Babil - Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |213 | | |Octokraken | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |214 | | |Octoleech1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |215 | | |Octoleech2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |216 | | |Octoleech3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |217 | | |Octoleech4 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |218 | | |Zombie Infantry | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |8 | |Kaipo |F | | |T |8 | |Baron Castle |F | | |T |10| |Baron |W | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |219 | | |Mysterious Girl3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |10| |Baron Castle |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |220 | | |Ramuh | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |10| |Mysidia |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * If Ramuh joins Rydia as a Summon, he won't be included in the Bestiary. If he is killed, he won't join Rydia, but is included in the Bestiary. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |221 | | |Skeleripper | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |222 | | |Necrodium | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |223 | | |Evil Flame | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Crossing |R | | |D |6 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Trail |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Entrance |R | | |D |8 | |Mount Ordeals - Summit |R | | |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Baron |R | | |O |8 | |Kaipo |R | | |O |8 | |Damcyan |R | | |D |9 |B10F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |D |9 |B11F |Lunar Subterrane |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | |T |10| |Eblan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |224 | | |White Dragon1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |6 | |Mount Ordeals |R* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Seems to only appear on the claw-shaped peninsula NE of Mount Ordeals. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |225 | | |Steel Golem2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |7 |B1F |CD |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |226 | | |Flamehound4 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |7 |3F |CD |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |227 | | |Bandit1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |7 |B1F |CD |W* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Found in the Great Chamber. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |228 | | |Bandit2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |7 |2F |CD |W* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Found in the Alcove. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |229 | | |Belphegor4 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |7 |4F |CD |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |230 | | |Gil Bird3* | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |7 |2F |CD |W |New | |D |7 |2F |CD |W |Waxing | |D |7 |4F |CD |W |Full | |D |7 |4F |CD |W |Waning | \________________________________________________________________________/ * During the New Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in West Passage (2F). During the Waxing Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Tower (2F). During the Full Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Boss Room (4F). During the Waning Moon, the Gil Bird3 is found in Tower (4F). ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |231 | | |Ifrit | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |10| |Eblan |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Ifrit cannot die; it always joins and gets a Bestiary entry. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |232 | | |Sahagin Knight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |8 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrancce (North) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |233 | | |Blaze Toad | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |8 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrancce (North) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |234 | | |Sahagin Knight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrancce (North) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | |O |10| |Eblan |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |235 | | |Mizuchi | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrance (South) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (South) |R | | |D |8 |B3F |Underground Waterway |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Waterway (North) |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Waterway Entrancce (North) |R | | |D |8 |B2F |Underground Lake |R | | |D |8 |B1F |Underground Lake |R | | |O |10| |Troia |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |236 | | |Gray Coeurl1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |Devil's Road - Mysidia |R |Waning | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |237 | | |Curse Dragon1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |238 | | |Curse Dragon2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |239 | | |Thunder Dragon2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |240 | | |Count Malboro | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |9 |B2F |Lair of the Father |F | | |D |9 |B3F |Lair of the Father |F | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |Sorc/U | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fifth Room |R/Sorc | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |241 | | |Ebony Dragon1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |9 | |Lunar Tunnel |R |New | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |242 | | |Gavel Worm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |O |9 | |Moon |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |243 | | |Shiva | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |10| |Lodestone Cavern - Crystal Room |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * If Shiva joins Rydia as a Summon, she won't be included in the Bestiary. If she is killed, she won't join Rydia, but is included in the Bestiary. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |244 | | |Sylphs | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |10| |Kaipo |W | | |T |10| |Fabul |W | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * If you kill all the Sylphs, you can't get them as a Summon for Rydia after healing Yang. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |245 | | |Antlion | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |10| |Damcyan |W | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |246 | | |Kirin | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |9 | |CD #1 - Last Room |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |247 | | |Armstrong | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |9 | |CD #2 - Last Room |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |248 | | |Titan2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |10| |Agart |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Titan can not die; it always joins and gets a Bestiary entry. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |249 | | |Melt Golem1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |T |10| |Eblan |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |250 | | |Baigan | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |4.06 | 251-300 |[BESTL-06] | \_________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |251 | | |Right Arm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |252 | | |Left Arm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |253 | | |Sandy | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |254 | | |Cindy | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |255 | | |Mindy | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |256 | | |Barnabas | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |257 | | |Dr. Lugae | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |258 | | |King of Eblan | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |259 | | |Queen of Eblan | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |260 | | |Scarmiglione1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |261 | | |Scarmiglione2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |262 | | |Cagnazzo | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |263 | | |Barbariccia | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Exterior |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |264 | | |Rubicante1* | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - South |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Full party boss. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |265 | | |Defense Node | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - West Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |266 | | |Attack Node | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - West Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |267 | | |CPU | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - West Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |268 | | |Leviathan2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - West Tower |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Will join if Rydia is in party. Seems to always get a Bestiary entry. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |269 | | |Asura2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - East Tower |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Will join if Rydia is in party. Seems to always get a Bestiary entry. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |270 | | |Marquis Malboro | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |10| |Path to the Tower of Babil - North |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |271 | | |Rubicante2* | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - South |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Edge solo boss. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |272 | | |Nescaliote | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11| |True Moon |R | | |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |273 | | |Micaliote | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11| |True Moon |R | | |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |274 | | |Green Cell | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Save Room |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |275 | | |Material | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11| |True Moon |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |276 | | |Backed Worm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11| |True Moon |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |277 | | |High Wizard | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - East Room |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - South |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |278 | | |Amazon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B2F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B3F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southwest Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - East Room |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - South |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |279 | | |Bone Dragon* | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B1F |Subterrane |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Green variant. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |280 | | |Shadow | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Middle Room |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |281 | | |Wight | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |282 | | |Living Mail | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Middle Room |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |283 | | |Alvacimo | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Middle Room |R | | |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |284 | | |Almon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Save Room |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |285 | | |King Toad | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Save Room |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |286 | | |Solid Shutter | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Save Room |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |287 | | |Sylvanpoth | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Save Room |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |288 | | |Crocodile | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Save Room |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |289 | | |Thunderbird | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |290 | | |Lucifer | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |291 | | |Full Body | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B16F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B17F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B18F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B19F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |292 | | |Right Arm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B16F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B17F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B18F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B19F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |293 | | |Left Arm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B16F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B17F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B18F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B19F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |294 | | |Right Foot | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B16F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B17F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B18F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B19F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |295 | | |Left Foot | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B16F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B17F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B18F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B19F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |296 | | |Lich | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |297 | | |Marilith | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |298 | | |Kraken | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |299 | | |Tiamat | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B5F |Depths - Rooms |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |300 | | |Astaroth | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B9F |Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |4.07 | 301-352 |[BESTL-07] | \_________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |301 | | |Beelzebub | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B9F |Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |302 | | |Iron Giant | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B9F |Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |303 | | |King Behemoth | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B9F |Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |304 | | |Twinhead Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |305 | | |Cerberus | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |306 | | |Echidna | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |307 | | |Ahriman2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |308 | | |Gilgamesh | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B14F |Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |309 | | |Omega | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B14F |Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |310 | | |Nova Dragon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B14F |Depths |MIAB | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |311 | | |Atomos | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |Depths - Twisted Space |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |312 | | |Orthros | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |313 | | |Ghost Train | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |314 | | |Ultima Weapon | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |315 | | |Deathgaze | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |316 | | |Thunder Dragon3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Center Area |R |Full | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |317 | | |Green Dragon2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R |Waning | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |318 | | |Red Dragon3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - East Room |R |New | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |319 | | |Behemoth3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B7F |Subterrane - Middle Room |R |New | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |320 | | |White Dragon2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Interior |R |Waxing | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |321 | | |Gray Coeurl2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11| |True Moon |R |Waning | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |322 | | |Ebony Dragon2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R |New | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |323 | | |Hydro Golem | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Save Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |324 | | |Melt Golem2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B10F |Subterrane - North |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |325 | | |Blast Golem | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - West Room |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |326 | | |Shadow Dragon1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R |Waxing | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |327 | | |Gold Dragon2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B12F |Subterrane - North Room |R |Full | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |328 | | |Thunder Dragon4 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - East Area |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - Center Area |R | | |D |11|B11F |Subterrane - West Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |329 | | |Green Dragon3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B9F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |330 | | |Shadow Dragon2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - North Room |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Southeast Room |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B6F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |331 | | |White Dragon3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | |D |11|B8F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |332 | | |Ebony Dragon3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11|B4F |Subterrane - Interior |R | | |D |11|B5F |Subterrane - Exterior |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |333 | | |Gray Coeurl3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |11| |True Moon |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |334 | | |Mysterious Girl4 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B20F |Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |335 | | |Bahamut* | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B20F |Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Bahamut is only added to the Bestiary when he doesn't join Rydia. To do this, make sure you do not have both Asura and Leviathan on that particular save. ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |336 | | |Maenad1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B21F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B22F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |337 | | |Maenad2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B21F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B22F |Depths |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |338 | | |Duke Malboro | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12|B12F |Depths - Second Area |R | | |D |12|B13F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B14F |Depths |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - First Area |R | | |D |12|B15F |Depths - Second Area |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |339 | | |Chaos Lady | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |8 | |CD - Ancient Castle |R | | |D |8 |2F |CD - Ancient Castle Interior |R | | |D |8 | |CD - Underground Cavern (Interior) |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |340 | | |News Eye | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |2 |3F |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |341 | | |Noctiluca | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |1 |B3F |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |342 | | |Croaker | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |7 |B1F |CD |R | | |D |7 |4F |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |343 | | |Bug | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |5 | |CD - Second Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Third Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Fourth Floor |R | | |D |5 | |CD - Last Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |344 | | |Mindosaur | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |4 | |CD - Bridge Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Maze Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Strength Floor |R | | |D |4 | |CD - Town Floor |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |345 | | |Liopard | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |6 | |CD |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |346 | | |Armorpede | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Third Chamber |R/U | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Fourth Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Chamber |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Passage to Final Meeting Hall |R | | |D |3 | |CD – Final Meeting Hall |R | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |347 | | |Death Machine | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |9 | |CD #1 - First Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Second Room |R | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Third Room |R/U | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fourth Room |R/U | | |D |9 | |CD #1 - Fifth Room |R/U | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Third Room |R/U | | |D |9 | |CD #2 - Fourth Room |R/U | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |348 | | |??? | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |Bottommost Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |349 | | |??? | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |Bottommost Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |350 | | |Creator1 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |Bottommost Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |351 | | |Creator2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |Bottommost Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |352 | | |Creator3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |Bottommost Depths |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |4.08 | 353-363 |[BESTL-08] | \_________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |353 | | |Giant's Right Arm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 1 |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |354 | | |Giant's Torso | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 1 |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |355 | | |Giant's Left Arm | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 2 |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |356 | | |Giant's Chest | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 2 |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |357 | | |Giant's Head | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 2 |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |358 | | |Dark Grenade2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 2 |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |359 | | |Wild Bat2 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 2 |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |360 | | |Optic Blaster | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 2 |Boss* | | \________________________________________________________________________/ * Giant's Chest summons monsters in the following order Dark Grenade2 Wild Bat2 Optic Blaster [Repeat] ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |361 | | |Defense System Psi | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 3 |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |362 | | |Counter System Chi | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 3 |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________________________________________ / \ |363 | | |Control System Omega | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |D |12| |??? - Lost Babil Bonus Battle - Party 3 |Boss | | \________________________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________________ / \ |5. | The End |[THEEND-0] | \_________________________________________________/ Well, that's about all for now, then. There should be enough information in this FAQ, filtered in ways to make it easier for you to find enemies. If you have any suggestions or wish to suggest a correction for anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. But yes, I do hope this helped you. Current plans for v2.1 are as follows. (Subject to change) * Add Frequently Asked Questions – As soon as I get any questions, anyhow. * Cleaning up section 3. Enemy Encounters.