Final Fantasy IV Advance FAQ/Walkthrough By: Super Slash Version: 1.1 Email: ---------------------------- =================== VERSION HISTORY =================== v 1.1 - Updated the Behemoth strategy v 1.0 - Submitted the guide NOTE: To find what you're looking for, hold Ctrl and press F (Apple for Macs), and type in, for example "V. Walkthrough", without the quotations. Do this for any section you may be looking for. TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- I.........Story II.........Controls III.........Game Basics IV.........Characters V.........Walkthrough VI.........Bosses VII.........The Lunar Ruins VIII.........Weapons IX.........Shields X.........Head Gear XI.........Armors XII.........Gauntlets XIII.........Items XIV.........Enemies XV.........Ninjutsu Abilities XVI.........Summons XVII.........Spells XVIII.........Shops XX.........Secrets & Glitches XXI.........Frequently Asked Questions XXII.........Email Info XXIII.........Credits XXIV.........Copyrights ========= I. Story ========= The story is about a Dark Knight named Cecil, who is a member of the Red Wings. He and his men on the airship are on a trip to Baron Castle, so they can go and steal the crystal. Later in the game, Cecil stops commanding the Red Wings, and becomes a Paladin and casts out the darkness within him. Before he becomes a Paladin, he meets a person named Golbez, face-to-face. Golbez plans to steal all of the crystals to open the pathway to the Moon. It is said that the Moon has an awesome power on it, and thus, Golbez' mission is to reach the Moon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= II. Controls ============= "A" Button: Confirms stuff, flips through dialogue, examines stuff. "B" Button: Cancels stuff. "L" Button: Hold this and the R Button down to attempt to run away from battle. This also switches the person who is walking in towns. This also allows you to go to the next character on the Magic/Equipment screen and such. "R" Button: Hold this and the L Button down to attempt to run away from battle. This also switches the person who is walking in towns. This also allows you to go to the next character on the Magic/Equipment screen and such. "Start" Button: Pauses the game in-battle, and brings up the menu outside of battle. "Select" Button: Does nothing. D-Pad: Moves character. Press Left or Right on the D-Pad in battle (make sure you have the cursor on the last enemy in the battle), depending on what side the enemy's on. This allows you to attack all enemies at once, but only if you're using Black Magic. This also applies to using healing spells on the entire party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================= III. Game Basics ================= If this is your first time playing an RPG or a Final Fantasy game, I suggest reading this section first. In this section, I will explain the basic aspects of the game (stuff like how the battle system works, what the options on the menu are for, what status effects there are, etc.). ========================== The Menu Outside of Battle ========================== Item ---- This shows the current items you have in your inventory. Press A to select an option (such as Use, after pressing B). If you click Use, you can select an item. Press A to choose an item (however, items that are greyed out cannot be used). When you select a recovery item (such as a Potion), choose a party member to use it on, and press A to use it on that party member. This stuff is all pretty simple, though, and I don't even know why I'm explaining it. The other two options in the Item menu are Sort, and Trash. If you select Sort, all of the items in your inventory automatically get sorted. Trash allows you to select an item (except for Key Items) to throw away. Magic ----- Again, this is pretty self-explanatory. Select this to bring up a cursor. Select a party member to bring up the Magic menu (however, people like Cecil and Kain cannot learn magic). The Magic menu shows the spells the party member currently has. You learn magic spells by leveling up. There are three different types of magic spells: White Magic, Black Magic, and Support magic (although the Support spells are in the White Magic category). Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cecil (Paladin only), and FuSoYa can use magic. Equipment --------- On the Equipment menu, you can equip your party members (obviously). You can equip a weapon, a shield, a helmet, an armor, and a guantlet. Another option on the Equipment screen is Best Equip. Select this to equip the best possible equipment you have thus far. That about covers up the Equipment Screen. Status ------ This screen shows all of the party member's status. Namely Strength, Agility, Stamina, Intellect, Spirit, Attack, Precision, Defense, Evasion, Magic Defense, and Magic Evasion. Also, if you press A, it switches to your current equipment, where you can see what you currently have equipped. On the Status Screen, you can also see the character's name, level, HP, MP, total EXP gained, and how much EXP you need until the next level. Order ----- If you select this option, you can move the position of the character (for an example, if Cecil is at the very bottom, you can move him to a different spot). As far as I know, positions of your party members does not affect anything. Row --- When you select this, all of the characters in your party move to the opposite row (so, for an example, if Cecil is in the back row and Kain is in the front, selecting this option would make Cecil go in the front row and Kain go in the back row). Rows affect how much damage you'll deal and take, but you deal the same amount of damage with magic even if you're in the back row. So, if you're in the back row, you'll deal less damage, but you'll also take less damage. It is recommended that you leave a magic user in the back row, and fighters in the front row. Config ------ This screen has a lot of options which change stuff in-battle and such. The first option you can change is the Battle Mode. It's on Wait, by default. Wait allows you to be able to choose what magic spells or items that you want to use without enemies attacking you. This is recommended for beginners. Active means that the fight goes on, and enemies can attack you, even if you're choosing magic spells and such to use. The next option is Battle Speed. By default, it is on 3. If you change the battle speed, this determines how quick your party member's bar goes up and such. The other option is the Battle Message. It is also on 3 by default. Changing it results in how slow/fast the messages will come up in-battle. The next option is the B Button Dash. By default, it is on. With it on, you run automatically without having to hold B as you walk. With it off, you simply walk without holding the B button, and you have to hold B to run. The next option is the Cursor Position. It is automatically on Default. It's a little hard to explain this, but if you put it on Keep, the cursor will always appear in the assigned location. The next option is the Window Color. When you select this, you can edit the Red, Green, and Blue bar to edit the color of the battle window and such. By default, Red and Green are on 0, while Blue is on 5. Editting them results in the window color changing. And the final option in the Config Menu is the Beastiary. Selecting this brings up a list of every monster you've killed in the game. There are 253 in all. Quicksave --------- This is a new option to Final Fantasy IV. When you select this, you have the option to save and quit your game immediately. This option is really useful if you're not at a save point anywhere. However, the downside is that you still cannot use Tents or anything like that; you still have to find a normal save point or be on the overworld to use those. Save ---- This option is greyed out unless you're on the overworld, or you're on a Save Point. When you are on the overworld or are on a Save Point, you can select this option and save your current game. Also, while this option isn't greyed out, you can use Tents and Cabins to refill your entire party's HP/MP. Be sure to save your game at any given chance, because you never know when your whole party might die! Gil --- Pretty self-explanatory. At the very bottom-right corner of the screen shows your current amount of Gil. Gil is your money in Final Fantasy IV. You start the game with 0 Gil, however. You obtain some by selling items and by fighting enemies throughout the game. =============== Battle Overview =============== The battle system is quite simple, actually, but I'll explain it here anyway, for those of you who are new to the Final Fantasy series. Fight ----- The basic command in the game. Select this option to attack with the weapon you currently have equipped. If you don't have a weapon equipped, you attack using your fists instead. Dark ---- Only Cecil as a Dark Knight can use this. When you use it, Cecil sacrifices his own HP to cause damage to some enemies. It's not very powerful, however, and you are probably better off using his normal attack. Aim --- Only useable by Rosa, and only if she has a bow and arrow weapon equipped. When you use this, there is a 100% chance of hitting an enemy with the bow, and it is also slightly more powerful than a normal Fight command. As I said, you can only use this option when a bow and arrow is equipped. Jump ---- Only Kain can use this command. It's actually pretty useful, too. When you use it, Kain jumps in the air for a short time. When he comes back down, he causes lots of damage to the enemy. This command is especially recommended for boss battles, because he can cause tons of damage if he has a good enough weapon equipped on him. Bluff ----- Only Palom can use this. When you use it, Palom uses a turn to increase his Magic Power slightly. It's not something that will make you hurt a buttload more, but it does increase the power of his magic attacks a bit. Cover ----- Only useable by Cecil, as a Paladin. When you use this, Cecil will go in front of a party member being attacked, and Cecil will take the damage instead of the party member that was being attacked. He has a slight chance to automatically use this if a party member in critical condition is being attacked (critical condition, as in, very low HP). Pray ---- Only useable by Rosa. This is sort of like Edward's Heal ability. When you use it, Rosa attempts to heal the party slightly. In my personal opinion, you could just use a Cure spell to heal the party. But I guess this is an alternate option if you've ran out of MP. However, take note that this ability isn't always successful. Cry --- Only Porom can use this ability. When you use it with her, you have a better chance of being able to run away. This is another rather useless ability in the game. It's better to just keep trying to run away than to waste a turn to use this ability. Twin ---- Palom and Porom together can use this ability. It's actually quite useful for the beginning of the game (as in, when you first get Palom and Porom as party members). They have a 50% chance of doing two attacks: either Comet, or a bigger, better spell called Pyro. Pyro is actually quite good, and hurts a good bit in the beginning. However, the downside is that this makes Palom and Porom both use their turns at the same time, and it takes forever to charge up before they use this move. Hide ---- Only Edward can use this. It's actually pretty useless, however. When you use it, Edward wastes a turn to run out of the battle for a short time. While he's away, no enemy in the battle can attack him. He comes back shortly after, however. Edward will automatically do this if he is in critical condition, and he won't stop until you cure him (if you ever get a chance to cure him). This ability is one of the most useless ones in the whole game, in my opinion. Heal ---- Another ability that only Edward can use. When you use this, Edward uses some Potions to heal the party. It doesn't heal that much, though. It would probably be better if you just used a natural Potion, instead of using this command. The good side is that it bypasses Reflect, but other than that, I'd recommend just using a normal Potion or some White Magic for healing. Sing ---- Yet another one of Edward's abilities. This ability can cause random status effects on an enemy, but it isn't always successful. It can be useful at times, though, but any fighter (like Cecil) can easily end the battle anyway, Kick ---- This ability is only useable by Yang. When you use it, Yang kicks all of the enemies in the battle to deal some split damage. It kinda sucks, but it IS a little useful for certain fights (such as the fight with MomBomb, where you first meet Yang). Power ----- Another ability only useable by Yang. This ability allows Yang to charge up for a minorly powerful attack. It's a little more useful than Kick, but it's still not all that great. Yang is better with the normal Fight command overall, so it isn't really worth it to use this. Gird ---- This is Yang's third ability. When used, Yang will use a turn to increase his defense by double. It's pretty useful, to tell you the truth. Use it if you're in a hard boss battle, or if you just want to increase your defense. Recall ------ Only Tellah can use this ability, and only early in the game. When you use it, he uses a random spell that he forgot. This can be useful if he uses a good spell, but it's the most useful for just normal fights. I don't really recommend using it on boss battles. White Magic ----------- Useable by Rydia (child only), Tellah, Rosa, Porom, and FuSoYa. White Magic spells are basically support spells, but there are also some that inflict bad status effects on enemies and bosses. White Magic is pretty much essential throughout the whole game, unless you want to go about using Potions for the whole game. Black Magic ----------- Usable by Rydia, Tellah, Palom, and FuSoYa. This is basically the opposite of White Magic; it's spells like Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. Rather than causing status effects or healing someone, Black Magic spells are spells that damage the enemy you're battling. Black Magic is just as important as White Magic throughout the course of the game. Study ----- Only Cid can use this ability. This is basically a Scan ability for this game. Use this ability, and Cid will scan the enemy's stats. You will even find the weakness of the enemy, if it has one. Overall, this is a pretty useful command. Ninjutsu -------- Only useable by Edge. This is basically how Edge can cast magic (and the only way, at that). He can learn several Ninjutsu abilities by level, and certain ones do certain things (see the Ninjutsu Abilities section of the guide to see what they are, and what level he learns them at). This is a useful ability, but his Throw command is even better. Steal ----- Only useable by Edge. This command is pretty self-explanatory. When you use it, Edge will attempt to steal an item from the enemy. This can work on bosses, as well, but you have a better chance of stealing an item from a normal enemy. Certain enemies carry good things. However, there is a downside to this. If it says that Edge got caught, he will lose some HP, so take note of that. Regen ----- This ability is only useable by FuSoYa. It's rather useless, however. When you use this, FuSoYa casts a healing spell on the chosen party member. That member will regain very little HP every turn, but it's not that much. This ability is not that useful; a Cure spell works much better. Hit Points ---------- Anybody who has played any RPG (turn-based or otherwise) will know what Hit Points (HP) are. Hit Points are your party member's health in the game. Their HP increases as you level up. When enemies attack you, you lose HP. Use an item or a Cure spell to recover some HP. If a party member's HP reaches zero, that party member falls. If all party members fall in battle, you get a Game Over, and have to start the game from the spot you previously saved the game at. Using a Tent/Cottage will restore your HP. Also, a Cottage revives any fallen party members. Magic Points ------------ This is another obvious aspect in the game, and anyone who has played an RPG will know what Magic Points (MP) are, too. Magic Points are basically just like Hit Points. Only people with magic spells have MP. Each time you use a magic spell, your MP goes down. If it reaches zero or a number like ten, use an Ether or some other item to recover your MP! MP is really important throughout this game, and you'll find yourself using it often. Using a Tent/Cottage will restore your MP. Command Meter ------------- You can see this go up (only if your Battle Mode is set to Active) during a battle. When it gets full, the party member who's bar got full will get a turn. Then, you can use a command, and the meter gets empty, then refills. This is a very basic thing regarding Final Fantasy games, and anyone who has played a Final Fantasy game will know how the Command Meter works. Running Away ------------ Running away isn't always a bad choice in this game. During a battle, hold the L and R buttons to begin running away. Keep them held, and you may or may not run away. However, take note that you cannot run from a boss battle under any circumstances. There is a downside to this, though: sometimes you lose Gil from running away. Defending --------- Defending isn't too useful, but it can be if you don't want to attack with that party member, for whatever reason. On any party member's turn, if you press Right on the D-Pad, an option to Defend will appear. If you select this option, the party member will use his/her turn to defend his/herself. While in this state, any enemy that attacks the defending party member with physical attacks will not hurt as much as normal. The damage is reduced, in other words. But take note that magic attacks will hurt the same as if you weren't defending. Change ------ During a battle, when a party member's turn comes up, press Left on the D-Pad to reveal the Change option. Select this to make all party members that are in the front row go in the back row, and to make all party members that are in the back row go in the front row. Experience Points ----------------- Experience points are required in order to gain levels in this game (also known as EXP). EXP is gained in every battle in the game, whether it be a small or a large amount. After a party member gains a certain amount of EXP, he/she levels up. The higher your level is, the more EXP you will need to gain a level. You have to level up in this game in order to stand a chance against enemies/bosses in the future. Attack from Behind ------------------ During normal battles (this does not apply to boss battles), the enemies can attack you from a few ways. This is one of them. When your party is attacked from behind, your party is on the left side, while the enemies are on the right side. Also, when you're attacked from behind, you deal less damage than you normally would. However, you also take less damage than normal. Ambushed -------- This is another way enemies can attack you. They can attack from either the west or east side of the screen. Regardless, you normally get the first turn, but when you get ambushed, the enemies always get to attack first. Preemptive Strike ----------------- This is the best way that enemies can attack you. Because, you get a free turn with every party member at the start of the battle. After a few seconds, the enemies will attack. ============== Status Effects ============== Throughout the course of the game, many enemies and bosses will use negative status effect spells on you. This can get really annoying, so if it happens, use an item or spell to cure it as fast as possible! I will list all of the negative and positive status effects in the game below. Poison ------ Probably one of the most annoying status effects in the game. When Poison is cast upon a party member, he/she takes damage each turn. It can be a lot, too, so watch out. Also, if a battle ends with a party member poisoned, when you walk/run, the poison will take affect on the party member. If you get poisoned, be sure to use an Antidote as soon as you can to cure it. Tents/Cottages also cure Poison. Confusion --------- This status effect can get annoying, as well. Certain enemies can do stuff that will cause a party member to go confused. While a party member is confused, he or she will attack a party member or enemy automatically, at his or her own will, when his or her turn comes up. However, if an enemy hits the party member, he/she gets out of confusion (you could also hit the confused party member yourself to break him/her out of confusion). The effect wears off after a battle. Blind ----- When enemies cast this upon a party member, you'll see that the party member has black eyes. What blind does is decrease the chance you have of hitting an enemy with your normal attack, but not magic attacks. It can get quite annoying if it is casted upon attackers like Cecil, because you only have around a 50% chance of hitting an enemy. A status-recovering spell or item will cure this. The effect wears off after a battle. Curse ----- This is similar to Blind, but it doesn't decrease the chance you have of hitting an enemy. Instead, it lowers your attack by a bit. You will be able to tell if a party member has the Curse status inflicted on them by a skull above their head. They will also be kneeling on the ground with the skull above their head if they have Curse on them. Like usual, use any status-recovering spell or item to cure this. The effect wears off after a battle. Silence ------- This is one of the worst status effects you can get on you, for a magic user. If this is casted upon someone who can use magic, he/she cannot use magic until the status effect has been cured. In order to cure it, use a status-recovering item or spell, like most other status effects in the game. Petrify ------- If a party member is completely grey, it means that they are in stone. When a party member is petrified, he/she cannot get a turn for a short amount of time. However, if this status effect does get inflicted on you, use a recovery item or spell to cure this immediately. If all four party members get petrified, you will get a Game Over. The effect wears off after a battle. Piggy ----- If this is casted upon a party member, he/she gets turned into a pig (kinda like being turned into an Imp in Final Fantasy VI). When you're a pig, you cannot use any special battle commands (like Ninjutsu) or White/Black Magic. The only Black Magic spell useable is Esuna, which turns you back into a human if you're a pig.Just use a status-recovering item/spell to get rid of this effect. The effect still lasts after a battle, however. Slow ---- Possibly one of the worst status effects you can have on someone. When this is inflicted on you, the party member it is inflicted on will get his/her turn slower than usual. If you have the Active Battle Mode on, the Command Meter fills up slower than normal. Use any recovery item/spell to get rid of this. This effect wears off after a battle. Sleep ----- When a party member is asleep, he/she cannot have a turn until he/she is hit, or a curing item/spell is used on him/her. Many enemies in the game will put your party members to sleep, so beware! Be sure to recover this effect as soon as you can if it is inflicted on anybody. This effect wears off after a battle. Stop ---- If this is inflicted onto any party member, the party member in question will have stopped completely, for a few turns. The party member willl not be able to make a turn for quite a few turns. Beware of this; if it is casted, immediately cure it with a curing item/spell before the party member ends up dead. This effect wears off after a battle. Stone ----- This is sort of like Petrify, only it takes longer for it to actually take effect. When someone casts this on a party member, only his/her legs will be covered in stone. However, as time passes, the stone covers up even more of the body. This also happens if the enemy inflicts the Stone effect on the party member again. If the stone covers up the whole body, the party member will not be able to move. Use a status-recovering item/spell to cure it. This effect wears off after a battle. Tiny ---- This is pretty much like Piggy. When this is inflicted on a party member, he or she will become very small, and look like a baby. In this state, you can't use any form of magic or special abilities. Use a status-recovering item or spell to cure this. Toad ---- This is pretty much like Piggy. When this is inflicted on a party member, he or she will become a frog, and will not be able to use any form of magic or special abilities, except for Esuna. Simply use a status-recovering item or spell to get rid of this. Count ----- A deadly status effect, but it's a rare one at that. When a foe uses this on a party member, he/she will have a countdown timer above their head. When/if the timer reaches zero, the party member immediately falls. This status effect cannot be cured, but the effect wears off after a battle. Paralyze -------- When a party member is paralyzed, he/she has lines on his/her body. When you are paralyzed, that party member cannot move at all. If all four party members become paralyzed, you get a Game Over. Use any status-recovering spell or item to get rid of this effect. This effect automatically wears off after a battle. Berserk ------- Berserk is actually a good status effect. When used, it allows your party member to attack a random enemy automatically, but the power of the attack is increased. In other words, it's a more powerful Fight command. It's pretty useful for fighters like Cecil, or Yang. It can be cured with any status recovering item or spell, however. Float ----- Float allows a party member to avoid any ground attacks, like Quake. It is actually quite useful. It's useable in battle and out of battle. In order to get through certain areas in the game, you need Float. Outside of battle, the effect will wear off as soon as you enter a new area. In battle, if this is casted upon a party member, he/she will be floating in the air. Use any status recovering item or spell to cure this. Reflect ------- When this is casted upon a party member, any magic spells used by an enemy or ally will be reflected back onto an enemy. This spell is especially useful for bosses like Bahamut. However, the downside is that if you use a Cure spell on the Reflected ally, the spell will backfire and recover an enemy instead! Be careful when using this spell. Regen ----- If FuSoYa casts this on a party member, he/she will slowly regain health during the battle. It doesn't heal that much HP, though, so it's rather useless. ======== Chocobos ======== Chocobos are used in pretty much every Final Fantasy game to date. They are what appears to be some sort of duck or something, but they are actually quite useful. They hide in Chocobo Villages spreaded throughout the game, and in some Chocobo Stables. When you ride one, the Chocobo will take you to a desired place. There is one Chocobo in the game, however, that will store items for you that you can come and withdraw later. Normal Chocobo -------------- This particular Chocobo is yellow, and is the normal type of Chocobo. When you ride it, you can ride this Chocobo all around the continent you are on. When you dismount the Chocobo, it proceeds to return to the Chocobo Village from which you found it at. White Chocobo ------------- A rather rare Chocobo. If you see one of these, be sure to talk to it, because it will restore all of your MP! It's really good for people that have good magic spells. Black Chocobo ------------- This is another rare Chocobo, and is required to get to a certain area in the game. When you mount it, it can fly. It can fly over water, but not mountains. And it can only land in forests. When you dismount this Chocobo, it will stay in the forest you dismounted it at. When you remount the Chocobo, it carries you back to the forest you found it in. Fat Chocobo ----------- This is no ordinary Chocobo. It looks around 300 lbs, and it can store items for you! If you see an odd spot in the game that's empty and looks like something should be there, use a Gysahl Whistle item if you have one. You will summon the Fat Chocobo, and you will be offered to store items. You can always come back to a spot where you can summon a Fat Chocobo, then re-summon it to either deposit more items, or withdraw some deposited items. It's rather useful if your inventory is junky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== IV. Characters =============== In this section, I will list all of the characters in the game, along with a biography about them and such. Also, take note that this section WILL contain some spoilers, so read at your own risk. The characters are listed in the order that they join you in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===== Cecil ===== Class: Dark Knight / Paladin Biography: Cecil is a Dark Knight, and the commander of the Red Wings. He is ordered by the King of Baron to steal the legendary crystals. Cecil begins to wonder, however, if what he is doing is really wrong. He later realizes that he is doing wrong, and wants to redeem himself by going to Mt. Ordeals and casting out the darkness within him, so he can become a Paladin. But the Elder of Mysidia at first refuses to let him, because he's still mad at Cecil for stealing the crystal from them. Cecil becomes a Paladin later in the game, and wants to do what is right and not what is wrong. Special Ability (Dark Knight): Dark - This move is (obviously) only useable by the Dark Knight version of Cecil. He uses an attack to sacrifice his HP, causing a little bit of damage to all enemies. Special Ability (Paladin): White Magic - Using this, Cecil can cast some spells such as Cure. However, Cecil cannot learn very many spells in the game. Special Ability (Paladin): Cover - If you use this, you get to choose a party member for Cecil to defend for a turn. If the party member you chose gets attacked, Cecil will guard him/her, and take the damage himself. He will sometimes use this automatically if a party member is in critical condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==== Kain ==== Class: Dragoon Biography: Kain is Cecil's best friend, and he has always been by his side. However, Kain does have a rather weak mind, though. Golbez, the one obsessed with finding the crystals, controls Kain and takes him as a partner two times throughout the game. However, each time Kain manages to break free of Golbez' control. He plans to stop Golbez from gaining the crystals, with Cecil and his friends by his side. Special Ability: Jump - This ability is rather useful throughout the game. When you use it, Kain leaps in the air for a short time, off of the battlefield. Then, a turn or so later, he comes down and attacks an enemy with his spear, causing a lot of damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===== Rydia ===== Class: Summoner Biography: Cecil and Kain first meet this little girl in the Mist Village. She sees her mother on the ground, dead. When Cecil and Kain defeated the Mist Dragon, Rydia's mother died along with it. Rydia hates them both for it, and summons the Titan to get rid of Cecil and Kain. But Cecil finds Rydia on the ground unconscious afterwards, and he takes her to an Inn at Kaipo. Rydia then forgives Cecil, and joins him on his journey. She later gets swallowed up by Leviathan, but later rejoins the team. Special Ability (Kid): White Magic - This is simple. As a child, she can use White Magic spells such as Cure. However, later in the game, she loses this ability. Special Ability (Kid/Adult): Black Magic - She has this ability as a kid and as an adult. Using this, she can cast spells such as Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. She learns a wide variety of spells as she levels up. Special Ability (Kid/Adult): Summon - This is another really useful ability. Use it to summon up a monster to attack enemies. You only start off with one summon, but you learn a lot more through side quests, and as you progress through the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====== Tellah ====== Class: Sage Biography: Tellah is an old man who is found in a cave. Tellah is on his way to Damcyan, so he joins you, but says there's a monster at the end of the cave that needs to be destroyed. After they reach Damcyan, Tellah finds out that his daughter, Anna, is dead. He also finds out that someone named Golbez killed her, so Tellah leaves the party, ticked off. He later rejoins the team, but is still obsessed with avenging his daughter. Special Ability: White Magic - Using this, Tellah can cast supporting spells, such as Cure. Special Ability: Black Magic - Using this, Tellah can cast spells that damage enemies, such as Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. However, he has forgotten most of his spells when you first get him, but he later remembers all of them. Tellah does not gain any MP by level. Special Ability: Recall - Tellah can only use this before he remembers all of the spells he has forgotten. When he uses it, he may use a spell that he forgot (it could be anything; it's random). However, it does not always work. Even if it doesn't work, he will still lose MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====== Edward ====== Class: Prince Biography: Also known as the "spoony bard", Edward is the prince of Damcyan. He is in love with Tellah's daughter, Anna. However, when Anna dies, Tellah accuses Edward of killing her, even though he obviously did not do it. He loved Anna a lot, and after she dies, he joins Cecil to help cure Rosa. Eventually you can use him whenever you want. Special Ability: Sing - Depending on the harp Edward has equipped, this can cause different status effects. It can cause Confusion, for an example. It doesn't always work, though, and I do not recommend using it, because it isn't really that useful unless you like inflicting status effects a lot. Special Ability: Heal - This ability is pretty much useless. When used, Edward will use a Potion on the party. However, this only applies to regular Potions, so it's rather useless. Special Ability: Hide - Yet another useless ability by Edward. When you use this, Edward will run off of the screen for a turn, and hide himself from the fight. He comes back after a turn, however. Be warned, though, because when Edward is in critical condition, he will automatically use this, and keep doing it until he's healed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==== Rosa ==== Class: White Mage Biography: Rosa is pretty much Cecil's girlfriend. She is a part of Baron, as she was born there, and raised there. Early in the game, she is sick with a certain kind of fever, and Cecil tries to get a certain cure to help here. After she is cured, she joins Cecil to help him on his quest. She can be quite useful, too. Special Ability: White Magic - Rosa can learn every White Magic spell in the game, which makes her quite a valuable asset. As always, she can use stuff like Cure spells, but at first she doesn't have much spells. She gets very useful later in the game, though. Special Abilty: Pray - When used, Rosa prays, and if it succeeds, the entire party's HP gets recovered a bit. It's not very useful, though, and you're probably better off using a Cure spell instead. Special Ability: Aim - If you're using a bow and arrow for a weapon, use this. It never fails, and will guarantee a successful hit with the bow. This command is only selectable if Rosa has a bow and arrow equipped. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==== Yang ==== Class: Monk Biography: Yang's the king of all of the monks in the castle of Fabul. He uses claws as weapons, which can be pretty deadly throughout the game. Cecil and his friends first meet Yang at the top of Mt. Hobs. After they save Yang from a bunch of Bomb enemies, he joins the party to help stop Golbez. Special Ability: Power - When you use this, Yang will charge up for an attack that does double the damage. However, the downside is that Yang takes forever to charge up for this move, so it's not really worth using. Special Ability: Kick - A rather weak move, but it can be useful for certain fights. Yang will kick all of the enemies on the field, causing a bit of damage (the damage splits, however). This can be useful for the boss battle you first get to use Yang in. Special Ability: Gird - This can be a bit useful, actually. When you use it, Yang uses a turn to increase his defense double the amount. Use this if you're having trouble with keeping Yang alive in a certain fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===== Palom ===== Class: Black Mage Biography: Palom is Porom's twin brother. He is only five years old, and he and Porom get in fights quite often. They're rather immature, but they are quite useful when you first get to use them. Their Twin ability can come in handy. Special Ability: Black Magic - Palom's Black Magic hurts quite a bit, and it's pretty good. However, their Twin ability is even better than Palom's magic. Special Ability: Bluff - This is another useful ability. It causes Palom to charge up his magic power, making it where your magic power hurts more. Special Ability: Twin - This is probably Palom and Porom's best move. You have to use up both Palom and Porom's turn to use it, but it is worth it, especially if they do Pyro. There is a 50% chance that they will do Comet, or Pyro. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===== Porom ===== Class: White Mage Biography: Porom is Palom's twin sister. She is only five years old, and she and Palom get in fights quite often. They're rather immature, but they are quite useful when you first get to use them. Their Twin ability can come in handy. Special Ability: White Magic - Porom's White Magic is rather useful. She can also learn all of the White Magic spells in the game. She is a good healer for the first time you get to use them. Special Ability: Cry - Porom attempts to cry to end the battle, making the enemies run away. However, it isn't successful that often. I prefer just running away the normal way. Special Ability: Twin - This is probably Palom and Porom's best move. You have to use up both Palom and Porom's turn to use it, but it is worth it, especially if they do Pyro. There is a 50% chance that they will do Comet, or Pyro. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Cid === Class: Engineer Biography: Cid may be old, but he's pretty useful (both story-wise and game wise). He is useful for when you first get him, that is. Cid also made the airship you get in this game, and he is the one who started Baron all along. He is actually kind, and will help Cecil and his friends as much as he can. Special Ability: Study - Using this move, Cid can scan the enemy for his basic stats, along with a weakness (if there is one). This can be pretty useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==== Edge ==== Class: Ninja Biography: Edge is a ninja, and the prince of Eblan. He likes women a lot; especially Rydia, who he seems to be in love with. Edge wants to chase down and kill Rubicante, one of the four Elemental Lords, for turning his parents into monsters (or so Edge thinks he did). He is bent on revenge, and he joins Cecil and the others to help fight Rubicante and stop Golbez from getting all of the crystals. Special Ability: Ninjutsu - Edge can use magic, technically, but not much. His Ninjutsu abilities are actually magic abilities. He only starts off with one, but during the fight with Rubicante, he learns the rest of them. Special Ability: Throw - This ability is just like Shadow's from FFVI. He can throw a shuriken or a weapon. This is especially useful with good weapons you don't need anymore. Special Ability: Steal - Using this, Edge attempts to steal from an enemy, and take an item. It doesn't always work, however, and it has a downside: if the enemy catches Edge, he loses some HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====== FuSoYa ====== Class: Lunarian Biography: FuSoYa is no ordinary old man. He has every magic spell in the game, including White Magic spells. However, he cannot summon. He is part of a strange race called the Lunarians. Lunarians are only found on the top of the Moon. He reveals a huge plot twist in the game to Cecil and the gang, and then he temporarily joins them to break the barrier surrounding the Tower of Babel. Special Ability: White Magic - Having started off with every White Magic spell in the game, FuSoYa can be a useful healer. The downside, however, is that he only has 190 MP, and does not gain MP by level, like Tellah. Special Ability: Black Magic - Having started off with every Black Magic spell in the game, FuSoYa can be a useful black magic caster. The downside, however, is that he only has 190 MP, and does not gain MP by level, like Tellah. Special Ability: Regen - Not very useful. When you use this on a party member, their HP slowly regains (by a very small amount) per a turn and as the battle goes on. You're better off using a Cure spell, despite his very limited MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== V. Walkthrough =============== When you start the game, you'll see airships flying across the screen. Then, you'll see a knight and some soldiers on board one of the airships. The knight is the main character of the game, Cecil. After you see some dialogue, a short scene of the past commences, showing how Cecil stole the crystal from Mysidia. After that, you'll see more dialogue. A battle will shortly commence, but you can't control it. When Cecil kills the enemies, after a little more dialogue, you arrive at Baron Castle. ============= Baron Castle ============= As soon as you get here, Baigan will come out of the door, and tell you to come to the King's room. Cecil and Baigan then proceed to the King's room. But then, Baigan wants to speak with the King privately, and Cecil waits. After some more dialogue, Cecil enters the King's room. In there, more dialogue will commence. After Cecil hands over the Water Crystal, he is dismissed, but he asks the King some more questions. He is then relieved of his command of the Red Wings! They want Cecil to destroy the monster in Mist Valley, and they are going to give you a Bomb Ring to deliver to the village of Mist. When Kain, Cecil's best friend steps in, some more dialogue commences, and then they dismiss Cecil and Kain, and give you the Bomb Ring. After they leave, some more dialogue commences, and Kain leaves. Now, when Kain leaves, you have control of Cecil. Head south, and into the next area. In there, go southeast, and you'll see some treasure chests through a wall. On the left side of the wall is a switch; examine it to open the hidden door. Go inside, and open the three chests for 480 Gil, an Ether, and a Tent. Now, exit this secret area, and then go west and up the stairs, into the next area. There, simply follow the stairs to another area, then go south in the hallway, and Rosa will come. After some dialogue between Cecil and Rosa commences, Rosa leaves for now. So, continue south and through the door. Outside, go north, and you will see Cid on the platform to the right. After Cid talks a little, he comes down to where Cecil is. After Cid leaves, proceed through the door right in front of you. In the next room, speak with the girl nearby, and she'll let you pass. Now, go up the stairs. In Cecil's chamber, go west and walk into his bed. Cecil will say a few words, then Rosa comes in. Once Rosa comes in the room, some more dialogue will commence. After some more dialogue, Cecil leaves the room and goes back to the main chamber. Then, Kain and Cecil leave the castle. Afterwards, you'll see a short scene. This is the prologue. After that, you appear on the Overworld. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, don't forget to save your game. Then, head east and into the town of Baron. ====== Baron ====== In Baron, head west and enter the Item Shop. Buy about 5 Potions for now, then exit the Item Shop. Back outside, head all the way to the right. Examine the pot by the Inn to get a Potion, then head inside the Inn. Inside the Inn, go left and then look down; examine the pot there for another Potion. Go all the way right, then up, and you'll see a secret area with treasure inside. Examine the two swords on the wall to open a secret door, then open the chests in that area to get Eye Drops, a Tent, and Dwarven Bread. Now, exit the Inn. Outside again, head all the way north, and examine the last pot to the south for yet another Potion. Now, go east, then north. Keep going up until you see a lady dressed in red, by some water. Enter the water via the stairway, then go down one of the waterfalls. Follow the path south, and you'll end up in a small area that appears to be empty. From where you step out into the small area, examine the water to get a Tent. Go all the way to the southeastern part of the water, then move up once and examine the water to get an Hourglass. Now, go north and follow the path back up, then walk up one of the waterfalls. Make your way south again, then make your way out of this town completely. The Weapon and Armor shop is locked, so we can't go there at the moment. ========== Overworld ========== Back on the overworld, head northwest, and cross the bridge there. Then, go west, and simply follow the path to a cave. Save your game before entering, then enter the cave. ========== Mist Cave ========== When you enter this cave, simply head all the way east, and then head all the way west, up all the stairs. Then, head all the way north, and you'll hear a voice that tells you to turn back. Cecil wonders who is there. Now, go north and open the chest there to get a Potion. Head back down the stairs, then go east and cross the bridge. Go south, and down the stairways, then go west and north. Open the chest there for a Tent. Make your way back southeast, then north and up the stairways again. Now, go up the stairs to the left, then go east and open the chest for a Tent. Go west and down the stairs, then go south, and after you go down the first stairway, go east. Open the chest there to get a Potion. Proceed north, and then you'll hear the voice again. After Kain makes a comment, continue north. When the voice speaks again, and asks if you're ignoring the warning, say Yes, and then the mist gathers. When it does, you enter in a battle against the first boss in the game. Refer to the Bosses section to see how to defeat it. When you win, continue north to exit this cave. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, go east, and use a Tent. Remove Kain's equipment, since you are about to lose him for now, and you can sell his equipment later for some free Gil. Then, enter the town. ===== Mist ===== In the village of Mist, go east, and the Bomb Ring you got earlier will start glowing (according to Cecil). Then, a bunch of fiery creatures appear, and burn up the whole village! After Cecil and Kain talk a bit, they hear a voice. Cecil and Kain go investigate. The little girl said that when the dragon died, so did her mom. Kain said that the King wanted Cecil to burn up the village and kill all of the Summoners all along! Kain also wants to get rid of the girl. After some dialogue, they try to get the girl to come with them, but she absolutely refuses. A small battle then occurs. You have to lose this fight, so just keep attacking until she calls out Titan. Titan will do Earthquake, which will cause the fight to automatically end. The village will be blocked off, and then Cecil will appear lying on the ground next to the little girl. However, Kain is nowhere in sight! Cecil takes the girl and leaves. ========== Overworld ========== Here, head north, then onto the sand. Go to the middle of the sand, and you'll see a body of water, with a small town nearby. Use a Tent if needed, then save your game and enter the town. ====== Kaipo ====== When you arrive here, go north, and Cecil will try to find a spot to put the girl to rest at. He runs into the Inn, and then Cecil is allowed to put her to bed for free. When he puts her to bed, she wakes up, but she still refuses to speak to Cecil. Then, some soldiers from Baron enter the Inn, and want the girl. Cecil refuses to hand her over, then you have to battle. Despite the boss battle music being played, it's not really a boss fight. Just attack the General until he's killed. If you kill the soldiers first, the General will run away. After you kill the General, use one or two Dark attacks to finish off the rest of the soldiers. After you win the battle, the girl decides to talk to Cecil. She says her name is Rydia, and she joins the party! Now we have a magic user and a summoner on our team! Cecil and Rydia rest for the night. Then, they get out of bed. When you regain control, it's time to get a hidden item. Exit the Inn. Now, go east and cross the bridge, then examine the top pot for an Ether. Go south and then enter the Weapon Shop there. In the Weapon Shop, buy Rydia a Staff, since it's better than her default weapon. Equip the Staff immediately, then sell her Rod. Now, sell all of Kain's equipment that you unequipped from him earlier. Exit the Weapon Shop. When you are back outside, go all the way to the northeastern part of the town, then enter the small building there. Once inside, go north, and you'll see Rosa lying in a bed! She's sick. After Cecil and Rosa talk for a second, exit the house, and make your way out of this town. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, be sure to build up Rydia, because she is only Level 1! When she is around Level 10-12, then you should be ready. If she happens to die, you have to go to the Inn at Kaipo to revive her, unless you bought some Phoenix Downs at the town of Baron earlier. Also, be sure to put Rydia in the 2nd or 4th slot on the menu. This way, she'll be in the back row. Anyway, when you're done leveling her up a bit, head northeast of Kaipo. You'll come to a cave. Use a Tent, then save your game and enter the cave. ========= Waterway ========= Inside this cave, head all the way north, and you'll come to two chests. Open them for a Potion, and a Maiden's Kiss. Now, head back to the entrance of the cave, and head west. Head all the way west until you cross the last bridge, then go south and open the chest for a Tent. Head all the way north, and cross the bridge. At the end of the bridge, speak with the old man blocking the way. He says he needs the assistance of the Dark Knight, and he is on his way to Damcyan, because his daughter was abducted. Then, Cecil finds out he is Tellah, and he joins your party! After Tellah joins you, be sure to put him in the back row (move him to the 2nd or 4th slot in the menu). Now, when that is done, head east, and cross the bridge. Keep heading east, then head south and down the stairs. Head north, and walk up the pouring water there. Open the chest at the end for an Iron Ring. Equip this on Tellah immediately. Now, head south and down the water, then keep heading south until you come to a huge waterfall to the left. Go to the middle of it, and go through it. It leads to a secret room. Inside the secret room, open the three chests to get a Phoenix Down, a Dry Ether, and an X-Potion. Now, exit the secret room. Then, head all the way back north to the stairs. Go up the stairs again, then head all the way to the northwestern part of this area, then go north and into the next area. In the next area, go all the way north, then south and onto the water. Go west and north and up the steps, then open the chest for a Potion. Head south back onto the water, and continue south. Then, go up the stairs nearby, then head all the way west. Open the chest for an Ether. Now, head east, then south and cross the bridge. Go west, and then north, and enter the door you'll come to. In this area, go north, and Tellah will say to rest here for awhile. He will explain that what he is standing on is a Save Point, and explain how they work. He will use a Tent, and the party will rest up. Some more dialogue will occur, while Rydia sleeps. Tellah and Cecil will talk about the monster in this cave, and about Anna. Cecil will apparently need the Sand Ruby to cure Rosa's desert fever. When you regain control, save your game since you're standing on a Save Point. Then, head up the stairs ahead to the next area. Here, cross the bridge to the right, then open the chest to the north to get an Ice Rod. Equip the Ice Rod onto Rydia. Now, continue south and go into the water. Go to the right and then go through the northern door. In the next area, follow the path of the walkways, then when the path splits, take the eastern path, and go down. Open the chest there to recieve 580 Gil. Cross the western walkway, and open the chest to get a Bomb Fragment. Make your way across the last three walkways, then go left and cross the walkway there. Proceed up and go through the door. In the next area, just keep going up. Open the chest to the left to recieve a Potion. Go to where the stairs to the north are, then go left to enter a secret passage. You can't even see where you're going, so go north until you stop, then east, then south, then east again to exit the passage. Proceed to the south, and open the chest at the end to get a Feathered Cap. Equip it on Rydia, then equip the Leather Cap on Tellah. Now, go back into the secret passage, and make your way out of it. Then, go up the stairs to the next area. Follow the path until you come to a set of stairs. Take the stairs down to a chest to the left. Open it to recieve an Ether. Walk up the steps nearby, and open the chest to get an Arctic Wind. Make your way back up the stairs to the east, then continue right and cross the walkway. Go down the set of stairs, then open the two nearby chests to recieve an Hourglass, and a Shadow Blade. Equip the Shadow Blade on Cecil, then go back up the stairs, and keep following the path. Tellah will say that you should use a Tent outside if needed. Proceed outside. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, go up, and use a Tent. Save your game, then enter the cave you see ahead. ========== Waterfall ========== Here, go on the water, and Tellah will tell you that the monster's below the waterfall. Cecil and the group fall down the waterfall. You'll end up in a body of water. ============ Sunken Lake ============ Now, head right, and follow the path all the way down. Take the long stairway down to two chests. Open them to get the Hades Helm and Hades Gloves. Equip both of these on Cecil, then take the stairway back up. Cross the walkway to the left, and go through the door. Now, head all the way right, and open the two chests you'll come across to get the Hades Armor, and Hermes' Shoes. Equip the Hades Armor on Cecil. Follow the path up, then go onto the water, and head to the middle of the waterfall. You'll see two tentacles. When you get close to them, Tellah says it's the monster. After it surrounds you, you'll enter a boss battle. See the Bosses section for help on this fight. Upon defeating the monster, Tellah tells you that Damcyan lies beyond that waterfall. So, when you regain control, go through the waterfall. ========== Overworld ========== Here, follow the path, and you'll see a small scene. The Red Wings will fly over Damcyan, and blow it up! Now, use a Tent and save your game, then enter the damaged castle. =============== Damcyan Castle =============== When you enter the castle, move south once. When you're on the sand, go right, and hug the castle walls as you make your way around the castle. Eventually, you'll come to a door. Go inside. In the dungeon room, talk to the soldier on the ground. He vanishes, so you can pass now. On the wall the soldier was lying by, there's a switch on the wall. Flip the switch to open the wall to the right. Go through the wall, and head northwest through the black maze to appear in a jail cell. Go through the southwestern part of the wall, then open the two chests to get a Crossbow, and a Feathered Cap. Now, proceed to the next jail cell, and open the chest to get a Ruby Ring. Go ahead and equip that on Rydia. Since we're finished with this room, make your way out of it. Once you're back outside the castle, make your way back around the castle, then proceed north and into the castle itself. Unequip Tellah of all of his equipment, since he's about to temporarily leave you. Proceed up the next set of stairs onto the second floor. In this room, open the chest in the northeastern corner to get a Tent. Then, head south and up the stairs. In here, go up, and Tellah will see Anna lying on the ground! Then, a bard suddenly appears. Tellah accuses the bard of hurting Anna, and he attacks him a few times. Anna eventually speaks, and tells Tellah to stop. Some dialogue will commence. You learn about the one behind all of this, named Golbez. After some more dialogue, Anna dies. Tellah is bent on nothing but revenge at this point, and wants to slay Golbez on his own. He then leaves the party, pretty ticked off. Cecil and Rydia try to get Edward to come with them, but he refuses. However, Cecil tells him about Rosa's fever, and he says that the Sand Ruby can be found in the Antlion Cave to the east. Edward then joins you, after a little more dialogue. You appear on the overworld, where a hovercraft will appear. You are in the hovercraft automatically. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, head northeast until you see some rocks in the water. You can hover over these. Hover over them, and follow the rocks path until you're on another continent. Head towards the left, then go down to spot a cave. Press A to land the hovercraft. Don't enter the cave just yet; Edward is only at Level 5, so I suggest leveling him up a bit outside. When he's around Level 10, that should be good enough. Whenever you're ready, use a Tent, save, and then enter the cave. ============= Antlion Cave ============= Once you get inside the cave, head all the way left and open the chest to get a Spider's Silk. Proceed down the nearby steps, then go up to the chest to the north. It contains a Potion. Go all the way down, and take the stairway down. Now, head right, then go straight up, and open the chest there to get another Potion. Head back south, then go up the stairway to the right. Go up and open the chest to get a Gold Needle. Now, simply head all the way down and into the next area. In the next area, follow the path down until you come to a chest. Open it to recieve an Antarctic Wind. Continue down, then proceed through the door to the left. Inside that room, go up and open the chest to get a Lamia Harp. Equip this on Edward. Once that is done, exit this room. Head left and around the path. Follow the path up, and open the chest in the northeastern part of the area to get a Potion. Go all the way left, and open the next chest to get a Spider's Silk. Now, head all the way east, then go up the stairs to the next area. In the next area, proceed through the nearby door. In this room, you'll see a Save Point, so use a Tent and then save your game. After that, open the three chests in the room for a Phoenix Down, an Ether, and an Emergency Exit. Now exit this room. Back in the previous area, simply go back east and to the next area. Back in this area again, head left, then head all the way south. Keep going south until you find some stairs leading to a new area, then take the stairs down to a new area. In this narrow room, just head all the way south, and some dialogue will commence. As Edward attempts to take the Sand Ruby from the antlion, it attacks. Read the Bosses section to find out how to win this fight. Once you defeat the antlion, you'll get the Sand Ruby, and some more dialogue will occur. When you regain control, use the Emergency Exit item you got in this cave, and you'll teleport out of the cave. ========== Overworld ========== Use a Tent if you want, and save your game, then enter the hovercraft. Go up, and cross the path of rocks until you're on the other continent. Go all the way to the southwestern corner of the continent, until you see more rocks that you can cross. Cross them, and then go all the way south until you see some water in the sand. Land the hovercraft when you see the water, then enter the town of Kaipo once again. ====== Kaipo ====== When you get here, simply head to the northeastern part of town, and enter the small building. In Rosa's house, go up to her bed, then talk to her. Scroll down on the item list until you find the Sand Ruby, then use it. Some dialogue will commence, and Rosa will explain a little bit more about who Golbez is. Then, after some more dialogue, you learn that you need to go to Fabul to get the crystal there before Golbez does. In order to get there, however, you have to travel through Mt. Hobs, which is blocked by thick ice. Rydia refuses to melt it using Fire, however. After a little more dialogue, Rosa joins the team. Everyone then goes to sleep for the night, but Edward goes outside in the middle of the night. A short scene, and some dialogue, will commence. Then, a monster will appear, and you'll have to fight it with Edward alone. Just keep attacking, and it will die quickly. Anna will appear, and talk a little during the battle, though. After you win the fight, a little dialogue between Edward and Anna will occur, then the screen fades out, and you regain control. Exit Rosa's house, then exit the town. ========== Overworld ========== Be sure to put Rosa in a back row slot on the menu, since she's a mage. After that's done, equip the Feathered Cap on her. Now, enter the hovercraft, and go northwest. Hover across the rocks, and when you get on the next continent, go to the northeastern part of it, and hover across some more rocks. Then, head east, and land the hovercraft by the mountain. Use a Tent if needed, and save your game, then enter the mountain by going up where the yellow, zig-zag line is. ========= Mt. Hobs ========= Here, head north, and some dialogue will occur. At first, Rydia is hesitant to cast Fire and melt the ice, but she ends up doing it. After she melts the ice, proceed north, and make your way up the mountain. When you come to a door, go through it. In this area, make your way down, then use a Tent at the Save Point and save your game. Now, go east and open the four chests to get a Tent, a Potion, a Gold Needle, and 960 Gil. Make your way back up, and out of this area. Back in this area, go east, and go through the next door. Head right, and open the chest for a Holy Arrow. Make your way north, and Cecil will notice something. It's a monk from Fabul. Watch as he defeats the enemies around him. However, Rydia suggests helping him defeat the Bomb. They help him, and a boss battle commences. See the Bosses section for help on winning. When you win, some dialogue between your party and Yang will commence. Afterwards, Yang joins your party. Now, enter the door to the north. In this area, head east, and cross the bridge. Follow the path down the mountain until you exit. ========== Overworld ========== Use a Tent and save your game, then head east. Follow the path of the forest, and when the forest comes to an end, head south, then go east. You should see a castle. Enter the castle. ============= Fabul Castle ============= When you arrive here, before proceeding, equip Yang with a Leather Cap and an Iron Ring. Then, go north, and enter the door into the castle itself. Go east, and enter the Weapon Shop. Buy Cecil a Demon Helm, a Demon Armor, and Demon Gloves. Equip these things, then sell all of the old equipment you have. Now, leave the Weapon Shop. If you need to buy some items, head left over to the Inn; there's also an Item Shop there. Whenever your errands are finished, go all the way north until you reach the throne room. Some dialogue will then commence. When the King asks Cecil if he'll help defend Fabul, say yes. For now, Rydia and Rosa will not be in your party. Cecil, Edward, and Yang will move to the front gate of Fabul. After a little dialogue, enemies will attack Fabul, and you'll have to fight. They're just normal enemies; don't worry. Just keep attacking the Captain until he's gone, then take care of the last two Baron Soldiers. After you win the battle, the Red Wings will attack Fabul. Your group retreats back into the castle. More troops will attack you. After you defeat them, your group retreats even more, and you have to battle some more. Upon winning (don't forget to kill the Captain first), the group retreats to the throne room. Yang locks the door, but then one of the monks unlock it! It turns out that the monk is a fake; it's one of the monsters. Defeat it, and more monsters will attack. Kill them. After that, your group retreats to the Crystal Room. But upon going to the Crystal Room, Edward stumbles! Defeat the enemies (go after the Captain first). Be warned, though: these are a bit harder than usual. They can hurt a bit, so heal if needed. After you win, the group retreats to the Crystal Room. When they do, someone you haven't seen in awhile suddenly comes. That person is Kain! Some dialogue will commence. Kain refuses to help Cecil, but instead, he wants to battle him! You'll enter combat against him, but it's impossible to win. Just keep attacking him. You can put up a fight if you're a high enough level, but the more he jumps in the air, the faster he gets. He eventually gets to the point where you can't even get a chance to hit him once. Kain will dominate you after a couple of attacks, and the game continues on. After the fight, Cecil realizes that Kain is under Golbez's control! Yang and the others try to stop Kain, but suddenly, Golbez enters the room. Yet more dialogue will occur. After Yang and Edward are knocked unconscious, Kain takes the crystal. Golbez also kidnaps Rosa! After Rydia cures the party, and they talk a little bit more, you regain control. Exit the Crystal Room. Back in the throne room, go south and examine the pot in the corner to get some Hermes' Shoes. Now, go all the way east. In the northeastern part of the room, there is a switch on the floor. Step on it to open a secret passage. Go through the passage (head east, then southeast) and you'll find a secret room. Open the chests to get a Spider's Silk, a Demon Shield, and an Ether. Equip the Demon Shield on Cecil. Exit the secret passage, and then exit the throne room. In this area, go around the staircase and you'll see a door. Go through it. Outside, enter the western door. In this room, examine the second pot on the left in the northeastern side of the room to get a Rage of Zeus. Open the three chests for a Bomb Fragment, an Antarctic Wind, and a Potion. Now, just exit this tower. Back outside, enter the eastern tower this time. Simply go up the stairs, and into the next room. In this room, go east, and examine the last pot on the bottom to get Bacchus's Cider. Now, go up the next set of stairs. In the next area, open the nearby chest for a Tent. Then, exit this tower. When you're back outside, enter the middle door again. Back here, go around the staircase, then go down it. In this room, go west and enter the Inn. Head west, and the group will talk a bit. You'll need an airship next, but in order to get one, you'll need to sneak into Baron. After the talking is over, you'll be in the room where the King is. The King will have a boat prepared for the group, and he'll give you the Deathbringer sword. Equip this on Cecil. Exit the tower, then go through the middle door. Go around the staircase, then go down it. From there, simply keep heading south until you finally exit this castle. ========== Overworld ========== Here, use a Tent and save your game, then head all the way east. Rid your party of their equipment completely (except for Cecil). Then, cross the walkway, and a scene occurs. Some dialogue will commence, and your group will board the boat. When the boat takes off, they keep sailing, and eventually, more dialogue commences. They keep sailing, and the boat begins to shake eventually. A sea creature emerges from the water, and it's Leviathan, the lord of the sea! Rydia falls in the water due to all of the shaking, and Yang jumps in with her (or so it appears). Edward stumbles, and the boat gets sucked up into the whirlpool. Cecil appears lying on a beach, alone. Your entire party got swallowed by the sea creature, Leviathan! When you're back on the overworld, save your game, and head east and enter the town there. ======== Mysidia ======== In this town, go all the way north and enter the huge building at the end. In the Manor of Prayers, go north, and speak with the man in the middle. He is the Elder. Some dialogue will commence. The Elder will tell you that in order to defeat Golbez, Cecil will need to redeem himself, as he cannot defeat Golbez as a Dark Knight. He'll tell him to go to Mt. Ordeals, because he needs to go there to prove himself worthy. Cecil is afraid to do this alone, however, so the Elder sends out two kids named Palom and Porom to help Cecil. After some dialogue, Palom and Porom join your party. When you regain control, exit the Manor of Prayers. Back outside, head all the way south, and then west. Enter the Weapon Shop. Inside, buy Palom a Fire Rod, then equip it on him. Sell any old equipment that you may have, then exit the Weapon Shop. Enter the Armor Shop, and buy Palom and Porom a Wizard's Hat, a Gaia Gear, and and a Silver Armlet (buy two of each so you can equip them on each one). If you have enough money (it's doubtful), buy a Light Shield, a Light Helm, a Knight's Armor, and some Gauntlets. These can be equipped on Cecil when he becomes a Paladin soon. When you're done, sell the old equipment, then exit the Armor Shop, and the town. ========== Overworld ========== Don't forget to make sure that both Palom and Porom are in the back row. They are a low level, but let's go to Mt. Ordeals to level them up. Now, simply go east, and then follow the long path. When you come to a forest, just keep going north, then east. Continue following the path until you come to another forest. In the middle of the forest is Mt. Ordeals, so use a Tent, save your game, and then enter the mountain. ============ Mt. Ordeals ============ When you get here, head west, and you'll spot a wall of fire. Palom and Porom will then talk, and Palom will use Blizzard to get rid of the fire. After that, the scene switches to Golbez's hideout. Some dialogue with Golbez, Kain, and Rosa will commence (in a moment). Golbez will also send out Scarmiglione, one of his four Elemental Lords. Golbez sends out Scarmiglione to attack Cecil at Mt. Ordeals, and more dialogue occurs. Then, the scene switches back to Cecil and the others. When you regain control, level up Palom and Porom until they are at least Level 18-20. Once you're done leveling them up, make your way up the mountain. Head east of the staircase, and open the chest to get a Potion. Now, make your way up the mountain some more, and open the next chest for another Potion. Continue up the mountain, and then enter the next area. In the next area, just continue your way up the mountain. You will run into Tellah! A lot of dialogue will commence. Tellah is on Mt. Ordeals because he needs the special Meteor spell in order to defeat Golbez, and he has forgotten most of his spells. He is hoping to learn those spells again by going through the mountain. After all of the dialogue is over, Tellah joins your party once more. However, he cannot be in the back row, unfortunately, unless you take Palom or Porom out of one of the back row slots. Anyway, head into the next area. In the next area, head all the way west, and open the chest at the top of the staircase to get an Ether. Now, head back east, and make your way up the mountain. You will see a chest. Make your way over to it, and open it to get an Ether. Proceed north, and head into the next area. Make your way up the mountain more, and you will hear a voice. Now, go north, then head east and save your game. Continue up the mountain, and then you'll hear the voice again. Keep going, and then you'll hear it a third time. Scarmiglione appears, and then you enter combat against him. Refer to the Bosses section to see how to win. Once you beat him, go back down the stairs, and heal using a Tent at the Save Point. Save your game again, then keep going up the mountain. Then, Scarmiglione will appear again! We didn't finish him off last time! You have to fight his true form now, so read the Bosses section to see how to win. When you defeat Scarmiglione again, he will fall off of the mountain. Now, go back to the Save Point and heal with a Tent if you need to. Regardless, go left, and then approach the middle stone slab. You'll hear a voice speak. You will then be carried to a strange chamber of some sorts. A sword comes down to Cecil, and then he turns into a Paladin. However, he still has to prove himself before he's a true Paladin. Some more dialogue will occur. Then, you'll have to fight a Dark Knight Cecil (you basically fight his personality or something). Just keep defending (press Right when it is Cecil's turn, then the Defend option will appear). After you defend against his attacks for awhile, the Dark Knight will vanish. Then, more dialogue commences. Cecil then becomes a Paladin! Not only that, but suddenly, Tellah remembers all of the spells he forgot! And the light that was speaking to Cecil earlier causes him to also learn Meteor, which is said to be the strongest spell ever. However, you can't use it, because it takes more than 90 MP to use, which is all Tellah has. He uses it later in the game, though. Anyway, after Tellah learns Meteor, some more dialogue occurs, then the party goes back to the mountain. Outside again, take a look at Cecil's level now. He is only Level 1! He already has a sword, though, and some Clothes, but other than that, he has nothing. This is the reason I told you to buy his equipment back at Mysidia earlier. If you didn't buy his equipment, level him up anyway. He'll level up awfully fast. I suggest leveling him up to at least Level 20 before continuing. Once that is done, simply make your way off of the mountain. ========== Overworld ========== Back on the overworld, make your way all the way west, until you reach Mysidia. ======== Mysidia ======== When you get here again, if you didn't buy Cecil's equipment earlier, do it now. When you fought Scarmiglione twice in a row earlier, you gained a lot of money, so you should have enough to buy Cecil's equipment. When you buy it, equip all of it, then sell his old equipment. Go to the Weapon Shop, and then buy Tellah a Flame Rod. Equip it on him. Sell his old weapon, then exit the shop. Make your way all the way north, to the Manor of Prayers again. Inside, talk to the Elder again, and some dialogue occurs. The Elder says he sent Palom and Porom to spy on Cecil as he was becoming a Paladin. Read the Mysidian legend that the Elder tells you about. After some talking, exit the Manor of Prayers. Now, head south, then head east. Enter the building with no symbol on it. This is the Devil's Road. Inside, step on the white circle in the middle of the room. You'll be teleported to Baron. ====== Baron ====== Here, head south and exit the building. Outside, head southeast and enter the Inn. Once inside, proceed up the steps to the right, and you'll see Yang in the corner! Talk to him, and he'll order the guards to attack you. They're very easy to defeat. Have Cecil attack, and have Palom/Tellah cast magic. They will go down very quickly. Then, Yang himself will attack you. Just have Cecil attack, have Palom use magic, have Tellah cast Firaga, and just have Porom defend unless she needs to heal the party. Keep this up until you beat him. Be warned, though: he has a lot of HP. When you defeat him, you find out that he had amnesia, and Baron temporarily controlled him. He then rejoins your party. You're allowed to stay at the Inn for free, so your party does so. Yang will give Cecil the Baron Key, which you will need in order to sneak into Baron Castle. When you regain control, exit the Inn. Back outside, head all the way north, and examine the door of the Weapon/Armor Shop. Use the Baron Key to unlock the door, then head inside. Buy a Thunder Rod for Palom and Tellah, and buy a claw (or two) for Yang. Now, equip your party (Yang can have two claws on), and sell their old weapons. Then, head to the Armor Shop, then buy a Twist Headband for Tellah and Yang. If you have enough money, buy a Kenpogi for Palom, Tellah, Porom, and Yang. And if you still have some money after all of that, buy a Silver Armlet for Tellah and Yang. Give them all of their new equipment, then sell their old equipment. Don't leave just yet; there are hidden items in here. Go all the way to the southeastern corner of the room, and then go east. Walk up, then left, and down to where the Armor Shop is. Open the chest there to get 2000 Gil, then head over to the Weapon Shop and open the chest to get the Rage of Zeus. Make your way out of the secret area, then exit the shop. Now, head all the way west, and you'll see a door on a very tall structure. Unlock that door using the Baron Key, then go inside. Go down the stairs, and you'll be in another waterway. ============= Old Waterway ============= Start by going all the way south. You'll come to three chests. Open them to get a Hi-Potion, an Ether, and a Rage of Zeus. Now, head north, and follow the path up. Keep following the path, and enter the next area. In the next room, go down the nearby stairs, then go all the way south to enter a secret passage. Head right, then down, then left. Open the chest nearby to get an Hourglass. Now, go directly south to enter another secret path. Head left, then south, then left, then south again, then east. Proceed north, and open the chest there to obtain a Spider's Silk. Head back down, then left. Make your way through the secret path again, then go right and make your way through the next secret path. Then, head east. Keep heading east until you find another secret path in the wall. Then go down, and right. After that, go south, and open the chest on the middle platform to get Hermes' Shoes. Now, head all the way south to enter a secret path. Head south, and when you're half way down, head east. From there, simply keep heading up until you get to the next area. In the next area, go right, then head all the way up the staircase. When you reach the top, go left to enter another secret path. Then head down, left, and up. Open the chest to recieve an Ether. Make your way out of the secret path, then enter the next area. Enter the door ahead. In this room, before you save your game, go northeast, and go through the secret path. At the end, open the chest to recieve an Ancient Sword (it's for Cecil, but the sword he has equipped now is better). Get back to the Save Point, and use a Tent or a Cottage, then save your game. Exit this room. Back here, go right, and up the stairs to exit this place. ============= Castle Baron ============= When you arrive here, head left, and around the castle walls. When you see an open door, go north and through it. Now, go through the eastern door, then make your way up the stairs until you get inside the castle itself. Proceed to the center of the room, then Baigan will come. He will join your party...or will he? Palom and Porom sense that he's playing the fool with Cecil, and Baigan is actually a monster. He attacks you, so read the Bosses section for help on winning this fight. After you win, heal up your party members a bit, since you will need to. Then, proceed into the next area to the north. In this area, just keep going north through the doors until you reach the throne room. In the throne room, speak with the King. He's acting odd...he says that a Dark Knight would be more useful, and that he impersonated the real King! He then turns into an Elemental Lord, Cagnazzo. See the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. Once you defeat him, Cid will appear. He sees that the fake King is gone. After a lot of dialogue, Cid will proceed to take the party to the hidden airship. In the hallway, you'll hear Cagnazzo's voice again! He has set a trap in the room. The walls begin to close in on the group. At the last minute, both Palom and Porom use Break on theirselves to hold the walls. They may be gone, but they saved your group! Tellah tries to use Esuna to restore them, but to no avail. The scene then switches to Golbez, Kain, and Rosa. After the scene is over, you see Cecil and the others again. Cid opens up a secret pathway leading to the airship, and your group walks to the airship. The airship is known as the Enterprise. Cid will launch the Enterprise into the air. ========== Overworld ========== Here, you'll see some more dialogue. Then, suddenly, a red ship appears, and Kain is on board it. He talks to Cecil a little bit. He says that if Cecil wants Rosa back, then he'll have to find the Earth Crystal and give it to him, in exchange for Rosa! When you gain control of the airship, it's time to get some items in other towns. Fly south of Baron until you see a town. Then, land your airship and enter this town. ====== Agart ====== In this town, there's only one item to get. So, head all the way northwest, and you'll see a boy by some grass. In the southeastern corner of the grass is an Arctic Wind. Examine that part of the grass to get the item. After that, just make your way out of this town. ========== Overworld ========== Board the Enterprise, then fly around the overworld until you spot Fabul Castle. From there, fly all the way south until you see a small island with a town. Land there, and enter the town. ======== Mythril ======== Upon entering this town, head north until you see the Weapon/Armor Shop. North of that is a patch of grass. Keep examining that grass until you find 5000 Gil. There's some good stuff you can buy for your party members here, but I do not recommend buying any of it, because it is really expensive. Anyway, head all the way east of that grass until you see another small patch of grass. Examine around on that patch until you get a Mythril Knife. Head southeast, and you should see a small patch of grass by a frog. Examine the far end of the grass to get a Mythril Staff. Then, exit this town. ========== Overworld ========== With your airship, fly back to Baron. From there, fly north of Baron until you see a small town over to the west. Then, fly there, land, and enter the town. ===== Mist ===== You can actually do stuff in this village now. So, start by going south, then east. Go east of the Weapon/Armor Shop. You'll see a small square opening by the trees. You can walk through the trees in that opening. Do so, and make your way to the secret grass area. Examine the grass to get two Bomb Fragments. Make your way back out. Now, head to the northeastern part of the village, and enter the small patch of grass there. Examine the end of it to get a Bomb Fragment. Just west of this patch of grass is a small building. Go inside. Inside the building, go north, and go through the fireplace. Head all the way north, then east. Open the chests to get a Gold Hairpin, some Clothes, and a Ruby Ring. Give Yang the Ruby Ring. Go in between the chests at the top and bottom, then go east to enter another secret passage. Head down, then head west, then down. Open the chest in that area to get a Rod of Change. Equip this on Tellah. Now, make your way out of the two secret passages, then exit this house, and the town. ========== Overworld ========== Enter the airship, and fly back to Baron. From there, head north a bit, then fly west. Eventually, you should see a continent covered in nothing but forests. If not, fly a bit more north and west. When you find it, fly north a bit more, then west. You should see a small town and a castle. There is one spot you can land at right next to the town. Position your airship there, and land. Then, enter the castle first. ============= Troia Castle ============= In this place, go all the way north and enter the castle itself. Inside the castle, go west, and then south. Proceed through the door. Once outside, follow the path, and enter the door there. In the next room, go to the bed nearby. Doesn't that guy look familiar? It's Edward! When you go towards the bed, your party automatically starts talking to him. Cecil tells Edward of Golbez's trade proposal, so he gives you a Twin Harp. When you regain control, exit this room, and make your way back to the main room. Once there, enter the door to the east this time. Go around the castle until you see the next door, then enter it. There are three stairways in this area. Take the middle stairway first. Once in the next area, examine the first pot on the bottom, in the southeastern corner of the area. You'll get Bacchus's Cider. Now, exit this area, and take the eastern stairway. In this area, step on the switch in the middle four times to open the four doors. Enter all four areas, and open the chests to get two Tents, two Hi-Potions, two Ethers, and two Ruby Rings. Give Cid a Ruby Ring, then exit this room. Make your way back to the center room, then head south, and once you're back outside, continue south and exit this castle. ========== Overworld ========== Now, enter the town below the castle. ====== Troia ====== Be sure to put Tellah in the back row, and Cid in the front row. After that, go west and enter the Armor Shop. Inside, buy a Feathered Cap for Cid, and also for Tellah/Yang. Exit the Armor Shop, and don't bother entering the Weapon Shop, as they sell useless weapons. Now, head east, and you should see two girls in water. Go down the steps and get in the water, then head west. Follow the path going up, then go up the next set up steps you'll see. It appears to be a dead end, but move west, and you'll go in the trees. Move west, south, and then west. In that grassy area, examine the southeastern corner of the grass to get a Dry Ether. Now, examine the grass just left of that for an Ether. Examine all parts of the grass to get the rest of the items, which is 1,000 Gil, and a Decoy. Once you have gotten those items, there's nothing left to get here, so make your way out of this town. ========== Overworld ========== I suggest leveling up in the forest a bit (if you want to, get about Level 30 or so, but otherwise, just gain a few levels). Whenever you feel you're ready, go all the way over to the northwestern part of the continent. It's a long walk, but when you reach the end, you should notice a small forest in the shape of a circle. Walk in the middle of that to reach the Chocobo Village. ================ Chocobo Village ================ Here, go north, and you'll see three Chocobos (one yellow, two black, although the black ones look purple). Chase a black one (press A when you get close to it to begin riding it) until you catch it. ========== Overworld ========== When you get on a Black Chocobo, fly directly east, to the continent ahead. It has a cave at the end. Land the Black Chocobo in the forest, then use a Tent or a Cottage and save your game, then enter the cave. ============== Magnetic Cave ============== Go south, and the magnetic field will become too strong. You cannot have metal equipment in this cave, so unequip all of your metal stuff (that includes Cecil's Sword of Legend). If you do not, the party members with metal stuff on will be paralyzed during a battle. And if everyone is paralyzed, you instantly get a Game Over. Just run away from each battle in here, since all of your party will be pretty weak at the moment. Now then, start by heading all the way east. Cross the bridge all the way, then open the chest there for a Hi-Potion. Now, go back on the bridge, then take the nearby stairway down. Follow the path down, then head west. Go around the big rock, and open the chest by the stairway for a Unicorn Horn. Then, go down the nearby stairway to the next area. In this area, head up, then left. Open the chest there for an Ether, then go east, and cross the bridge. Enter the nearby door to the right. In this room, open the two chests on the west and east side for 2000 Gil, and an Ether. Exit that room, then head all the way left, and go down the stairway to the next area. Here, follow the path, and enter the white door you come to. Inside, use a Tent/Cottage on the Save Point, then save your game. Now, go back to the previous area, and cross the long bridge. Keep going south, and enter the door you'll see. In this room, go north, and open the three chests to get a Hi-Potion, a Spider's Silk, and an Hourglass. Exit this room, then continue west. Go north down the small hallway, and then proceed through the white door. In this room, head north, and open the chest for a Fairy Claw. Equip it on Yang. Head southwest, and go down the stairs. In this area, cross the bridge over there, then head east and enter the white door. Step on the Save Point, and use a Tent/Cottage, and save your game. Exit the room. Head west, and then go north. Go around the big rock, then open the chest in the corner for an Emergency Exit. Make your way around the big rock, then go through the white door. In the Crystal Room, head all the way north, and you will see a man. Talk to him (he has terrible grammar, huh?), and you will enter in a fight against him. However, you cannot beat him now. Just attack him with everyone, and don't waste MP. The Dark Elf will eventually do a combo of Fira, Thundara, and Blizzara. Then, he'll do Tornado, which gets everyone down to 5-1 HP. Yang will say that they cannot win, and the battle ends. The scene switches to Troia Castle, showing Edward. Despite his injuries, he gets out of bed, because he knows Cecil and the others are in danger. He grabs his harp, and starts playing music. Somehow, the Twin Harp he gave you earlier plays the same music as Edward's, and the Dark Elf gets stunned since the music is playing. This also breaks the magnetic seal off of the cave! Your party is fully healed automatically, so equip all of your party members with your best equipment once more. Then, approach the Dark Elf again. Talk to him to fight him again. See the Bosses section for help on defeating him. When the Dark Elf is defeated, he will vanish. Now, go north and take the Earth Crystal from the altar. Leave the Crystal Room, then use the Emergency Exit item you got earlier to get out of here. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, board the Black Chocobo again. It'll automatically take you back to the Chocobo Village. Exit the village, then head all the way south back to where Troia is. Use a Tent or a Cottage and save your game, then enter the Troia Castle again. ============= Troia Castle ============= Here, simply head all the way north, through a few doors. Keep doing this until you're in the hallway with all of those clerics. They see that Cecil has the missing Earth Crystal, but suddenly, a voice speaks. It's Kain; he wants you to bring him the Earth Crystal in exchange for Rosa. Now, speak with all of the clerics, and exit the room. Back here, head east, and go through the door. Go south, and enter the next door. Take the western staircase now. Inside, go and speak with the girl. Say that you got permission, and she'll let you pass. Go through the door, then head east, and make your way to the staircase. In the next area, you'll see a lot of chests. More chests than you will ever see in the game in one single room! They're all closed, too. Open them to get a Hi-Potion, a Remedy, an Ether, a Dry Ether, an Elixir, Echo Herbs, a Great Bow, Fire Arrows, and more Fire Arrows. Open the chests on the second row to get the same stuff. You do get a Silver Apple, though. And instead of Fire Arrows, you get Ice Arrows and Thunder Arrows. After ridding that place of its chests, make your way out of the castle. ========== Overworld ========== Enter the airship, and then the red ship will go by the Enterprise again. Kain is on board it once more. Kain will lead you to the Tower of Zot, which is where Rosa is being held. ============= Tower of Zot ============= Some dialogue will commence, as Golbez says that Rosa is at the top of the tower. Despite him telling you to hurry up, you really don't have to. This place is also a good spot to level up at if you want to. Regardless, head all the way north, then head west. Open the blue chest to recieve a Flame Mail. Give this to Cecil. Now, head right, and enter the door ahead. In this room, follow the path going southwest. This room is sorta like a maze. Just keep going south, then head west, and north. You'll see a blue chest. Open it to find monsters inside. It's a little hard to defeat; attack with everyone, and have Tellah cast Blizzaga if needed. Upon winning, you get a Flame Sword. Equip this on Cecil. Head back west, then go north and proceed through the door. In this area, head southeast, and just keep going that way, and make your way around the walls of the area. When you come to a door, enter it. Here, just follow the path going down, and when you see a staircase to the north, go up it. Keep heading north and go through that door. Open the bottom blue chest in this room to get a Gaia Hammer. Equip it on Cid, then exit this room. In the previous area, go east, then north and through the door. Head south in this room, and open the chest for a Sage's Surplice. Equip that armor on Tellah, and exit this room. Back in the previous room, head south, then all the way west. Go through that door. Open the chest you see in the room to get a Hell Claw. Equip this on Yang, then follow the path. Open the chest at the end of this room for a Fire Shield. Equip it on Cecil, then exit this room. Back in this room once again, head south, then head east. Cross the nearby stairway, then enter the door to the next room. Here, head south, and enter the white door. In here, use a Tent/Cottage and save your game, then exit the room. Head west, and go up the stairs. You'll suddenly be stopped by three ladies who will appear. They are the Magus Sisters, and they serve Barbariccia, which is the Lord of Wind. They will then attack you, so read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. After they are defeated, they all disappear. Go back to the Save Point and use a Tent/Cottage, and save your game, then proceed through the door that the Magus Sisters were guarding. In the next room, go north, and you'll see Golbez and Kain. Some dialogue will occur. After Cecil hands over the Earth Crystal, Golbez will not return Rosa! It was a trick! Tellah doesn't care, however, and attacks him to avenge Anna. Watch the battle as Tellah pounds Golbez with spells that aren't doing anything to him. He ends the battle using Meteor on him, and then the battle ends. But Tellah collapses, and dialogue commences. Kain is apparently out of Golbez's control now, since Meteor seemed to break it off of him. Enjoy the scene. After Tellah dies, go west and speak with Kain. He will take you to the room ahead, where Rosa lies. Watch the scene as Cecil saves Rosa. After some dialogue, you will regain control. Rosa is unequipped, so equip her with a Mythril Staff, a Gold Hairpin, and a Ruby Ring. Once she's equipped, head south. You'll be stopped by the Lord of Wind, another one of the Elemental Lords, Barbariccia. Then, you'll enter in combat against her. Read the Bosses section for help. After you beat her, Barbariccia attempts to make the tower collapse on you! Rosa uses Teleport, though, and she teleports the party to Baron Castle. ============= Baron Castle ============= Your group appears in Cecil's room. Some dialogue will commence, and Kain will explain about the Dark Crystals that are located inside of the underworld. He will give you a Magma Rock, but unfortunately, he has no idea what to do with it. All he knows is that it is the key to opening the underworld. When your party rests up, exit Cecil's room. Make your way down all of the stairways, and when you're outside, go south and enter the eastern door. Make your way up all of the stairs until you're in the main chamber. Then, go through the southern door. Make your way south until you exit the castle. ========== Overworld ========== Here, board the Enterprise, and fly directly south of Baron. When you see a small continent with a town on it, land there. Save your game and enter it. ====== Agart ====== In here, go north and enter the big building in the middle. In the next area, examine the well, and toss the Magma Rock into the well. A mountain next to Agart will open up outside. Now, exit this town. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, board your airship, and then position your airship in the center hole. Press A to go inside. You're now underground. Some dialogue will commence, as your group spots the Red Wings. The Red Wings will attack your airship, and it will collapse! Your group appears on the airship still, but Cid wants to land it. When you're on the overworld, save your game, and enter the castle next to you. ============= Dwarf Castle ============= In this place, head north and enter the actual castle itself. In the main room, go west and up those stairs. There is an Item Shop and an Inn here, so go west and examine the pot next to the Item Shop and Inn for 5000 Gil. Exit this area, then unequip Cid of all of his equipment, since he is about to leave you. Now, just head all the way north to the throne room. In the throne room, a scene will commence. Cid will go to repair the airship, and leave your party. The one Crystal that is safe is hidden behind King Giott's throne. Yang notices someone spying on the party, however. Your party then proceeds to the Crystal Room. Inside, you see four dolls. They are alive! They group together, and then they attack you. Just have everyone attack the dolls. After a few turns, they turn into the true boss, Calcobrena. Read the Bosses section for help on winning. When you defeat Calcobrena, the four dolls disappear, and Golbez suddenly appears. He will explain to Cecil why he's looking for the Crystals, and tells him why he wants to go to the Moon. Then, he attacks you! Refer to the Bosses section if you need help. After you defeat Golbez, Rydia and the group will talk. She explains why she has grown up so much, and what happened to her and stuff. After they're done talking, Rydia joins your party once again. Then, Golbez turns into nothing but a single hand. He crawls over to the Crystal, and snags it! Then, he disappears, and your group appears in the throne room. There, King Giott and the party talk a little bit. The seven Crystals are kept at the Tower of Babel, which is where we have to go next. Before we do, though, we have some items to obtain in this castle. There's also a certain secret you can find in this castle (see the Secrets section). Exit the throne room, then head east and enter the door there. There is a Weapon/Armor Shop in this room. Before you check it out, however, go northwest, and go up the stairs. In that room, examine the pots for three Gysahl Greens. Now, go back to the previous room. Then, go to the Weapon Shop. If you have a spare 11000 Gil, buy Kain the Fire Lance and equip it on him. Sell any and all old equipment you have, then go to the Armor Shop. If you have a spare 30000 Gil, then buy Kain a Flame Mail. Buy Rydia a Sage's Miter, a Sage's Surplice, and a Rune Armlet. Equip all of this stuff and sell the old equipment. Now, head up the stairs east of the Armor Shop. In this area, go around the pillars to the north, and open the chest to get a Dwarf Axe. I don't suggest equipping it on anyone, though. Go up the stairs to the next room. In here, go southwest, and around the walls. Now that you know you can go around the walls to reach the other pots, examine the pots until you get a Bacchus's Cider. Now, go up the next set of stairs. In this room full of chests, open the chest for an Elixir. Then, go around the stairs, and go through the western wall. Open the chest there for a Power Armlet. Equip this on Yang. Now, go around the stairs again, and go through the eastern wall. Open the chest to recieve a Silver Hourglass. Go down the stairs, then back up them again. This time, go up, and open the chest to get an Ether. Now, exit this room, and make your way down the stairs, back to the room with the single chest above the stairs. In that room, go all the way south and through the door. Once outside, simply head all the way west, then enter the door to the north. In the western tower, go north and up the stairs. In this room, go to the southeastern corner of the room, and examine the pots. One holds a Bacchus's Cider. Then, go up the stairs to the next area. In the next area, go through the western wall, and open the chest to recieve a Hi-Potion. Now, go to the southwestern corner where the chest is, then go down, right, down, and right again. Open the chest for a Black Belt. Go through the eastern wall, then go all the way up, then right, and then up again. Open the chest to get an Ether. Go back inside the walls, then go right, and all the way up. Then, go left, then slightly up, so you're next to the chest. Then, move left, and open it for an Elixir. Go inside the walls, then go up, and follow the path. Keep doing this, then keep moving straight down as you move left until you go down. Move down until you can't anymore, then move right to exit this area. Go down the stairs ahead to the previous area. Back in that area, take the stairs down in the southwestern corner of the room. In the next area, go all the way to the northeastern part of the room, then go up the stairs to the next room. There, go all the way east, and talk to the lone dwarf by the wall. He'll open a secret pathway for you, since you have King Giott's permission. Proceed north, and west, and into the next area. In the next room, follow the path going left, then go down, and right. At the end of the path, open the three chests to get three Cottages. Now, go back left, then follow the path. Take the stairs up to a new room. In this room, follow the path. Then, before taking the stairway up, go north, and examine the lone pot to restore your party's HP/MP to full. Then, go south and take the stairs up. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, go west, and go around the mountain. Proceed west, and follow the path, then just keep heading all the way north. When you come to a bunch of mountains, head east a bit, and keep going north. You'll see tanks attacking the Tower of Babel. Go up to the tower, then use a Tent/Cottage, and save your game. Enter the tower. ============ Babel Tower ============ When you arrive here, cross the bridge, then take a left. Open the blue chest to get some Ice Arrows. Head directly south from there, and open the next chest to get another pack of Ice Arrows. Go back north, then head all the way east. Follow the path to another blue chest. Open it to recieve an Ether. Go back to the entrance of the tower, then go all the way north and enter the door. In the next area, open the chest to the left for a Green Beret. I suggest giving this to Rydia. Now, head south, and enter the door you'll come to. In that area, open the chest to find monsters. It's easy to defeat; just attack it and kill the enemies it spawns. For winning, you get an Ice Brand. Give this to Cecil, then exit this room. Back in the previous room, head up the past, then turn right and enter the door. Open the chest in this room to find more monsters. For winning, you get an Ice Lance. Equip this on Kain. After that, leave this room. Go west, and enter the next door. In the next area, open the chest to the left to find a Cat Claw. Equip this on Yang, then go east, and around the walls. Turn east into that small area, then open the chest for a Hi-Potion. Now, go back around, then head south. Open the chest in the southwestern corner to get a Phoenix Down. Enter the nearby door. In the next room, open the chest nearby to get a Killer Bow. You can equip this on Rosa if you want. Now, go right, and open the chest at the end to get an Antarctic Wind. Exit this room. Back in the previous room, make your way up north. Follow the long circle path until you come to a door, then enter it. In the next room, if you need to save your game and use a Tent/Cottage, enter the door to the left. There is a Save Point in there. Regardless, head north, and cross the bridge to the right. Enter the nearby door. In that room, open the blue chest to find monsters. Once you win, you get an Ice Shield. Equip it on Kain, and leave this room. Back here, go west, and cross the nearby walkway to the north. Enter the next door. In this room, go south, then go east. Follow the path up, and open the chest at the end for an Arctic Wind. Go back around, then head east. Follow the path, then go down the stairway to a chest. Open it for a Hi-Potion. Go back up, and continue following the path to the next area. Just go west and enter the door, and in the next area, go east and enter that door. Use a Tent/Cottage and save your game at the Save Point, then exit the room. Go west, then follow the path south. Open the chest to the left to get a Dry Ether. Now, head right, and follow the path. Enter the door to the next area. In this area, just follow the path southwest. Then, go north, and you will see Dr. Lugae, and Rubicante. Lugae talks to Rubicante, then he vanishes. After some dialogue, you have to fight Lugae. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat him. Once you defeat Dr. Lugae, he will revert to his true form, and you will have to fight him for real this time. See the Bosses section for help. After Lugae gets defeated again, he disappears. You have to stop the Super Cannon, or the dwarves will not survive! When you regain control, don't bother going north; there's nothing but a dead end there. Instead, go back the way you came, and go to the previous area. In the previous area, go around, then go north. Enter the room to the right and use a Tent or a Cottage, and save your game, then enter the door to the west. Then, simply go east and enter that door. Then, go southwest, and then go north and cross the long bridge. The door is locked, but examine it, then use Dr. Lugae's Key on it to open it. Then, head inside. Inside, go north, and you'll see three enemies using the Super Cannon. They will attack you, but they're just normal, weak enemies. Attack them until they are defeated. Once they're defeated, they destroy the cannon's controls, which causes it to go haywire. Yang attempts to stop the cannon, and knocks Cecil out of the room completely. The door locks, too! Now, you have to make your way out of the tower. Just backtrack by going south, then west. Follow the path, and make your way to the start of the tower. Then, go all the way south, and Golbez will begin speaking. He will make the bridge collapse, and then your party will fall off of the tower. ========== Overworld ========== Cid will use the repaired Enterprise to save the group from death. Then, some dialogue will commence. A ship of the Red Wings will chase the Enterprise. Cid will then tell Cecil to fly up to the above world, as he closes up the way to the underworld with a bomb. Cid sacrifices his life for it. The underworld entrance closes up, and your group appears on the above world. Cecil says to head to Baron, so fly directly north of this town until you see Baron. Land, and save your game, then enter Baron Castle. ============= Baron Castle ============= Here, flip the switch to the left of the door to open it. Proceed north, and do the same for the next door. Then enter the castle itself. In the main room, go east and take the stairs up to another area. Just keep going down the stairs, then head south and through the door. Once outside, speak with one of the two men in the blue shirt. Watch the scene as they upgrade the Enterprise. Now you can carry the hovercraft while flying the Enterprise. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, fly to wherever you last landed your hovercraft. It is likely by Mt. Hobs, near where Fabul is. When you find your hovercraft, fly over it, and press A to attach it to the bottom of the Enterprise. Now, fly back to Baron. From where Baron is, fly south to Agart, then fly west of Agart. You'll see a continent with the Tower of Babel sticking out of a hole. Press A to land your hovercraft onto the ground, then land your airship. Now, enter the castle on the southeastern part of the continent. ============= Eblan Castle ============= Head directly north, then head east and down the stairway. Then, enter the door ahead. In this room, head to the northwestern corner, and go through the wall. Then, go up, then left, then down, then right. Open the chest to get a Coeurl's Whisker. Get out of the secret area, then go up the nearby stairs to the next area. In this area, flip the nearby switch to open the wall, then go around the staircase and go through the door. Open the two chests to the left to get an Emergency Exit, and a Hi-Potion. Now, examine the third pot on the right to get Hermes' Shoes. Open the chest to the east (not the one by the hole) to obtain a Hi-Potion. Go to the northeastern part of the room, then go through the eastern wall. Head up, right, down, then turn left and open the chest. It contains monsters. Just have Rydia use Ifrit to kill them all. For your efforts, you get a Blood Lance. Equip this on Kain. Make your way out of the secret passage, then drop down the hole in the room. Then, open the chest for a Silver Hourglass. Head south, and you'll be in an underground passage. There, head down, and open the three chests for two Ethers, and some monsters. Just have everyone attack, and Rydia just defend, since magic only hurts them one HP. And have Rosa just use regular attacks. Kain's Blood Lance will hurt 1000+, and he will absorb the HP, too. When you defeat the three Mad Ogres, you get a Silver Apple. Continue south, and follow the path to outside. However, you have not gotten the rest of the items yet, so go back in the castle. Then, this time, take the western stairs down, then enter the door. In the western tower, go up the stairs to the next area. Then, head west, and go south. You'll end up by a chest on the previous floor. Open it to recieve a Bomb Core. Go south to get back to the previous area. In the previous area, examine the second pot on the bottom, in the northwestern corner of the room for a Bacchus's Cider. Head in between the two pots on the bottom, then head south, east, north, and east. Open the two chests to get 10000 Gil, and some Mute Arrows. Now, make your way out of the secret passage, then go back to the main castle area. Then, continue all the way north until you reach the throne room. Once in the throne room, head northeast. You can go through the wall here, to a secret passage. Head all the way east and down the stairs. In that area, head southwest to reach the bottom-left chest. Open the three chests to get a Cottage, a Maiden's Kiss, and a Gold Needle. Exit the area, then go directly west from that staircase. Go through the left wall from where the throne is, and go down that stairway. Open the two chests in this area for a Unicorn Horn, and an Alarm Clock. Exit this area, then exit the secret passage. Head all the way south and exit the castle. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, board the hovercraft. Near Eblan Castle, there are rocks that you can hover across. Do so, and then land your hovercraft on that very small piece of land. Use a Tent/Cottage if needed, then save your game, and enter the cave. =========== Eblan Cave =========== Inside this cave, head east and through the wall. Open the chest to recieve a Shuriken. Now, head east of that chest, and go through the wall. Open the chest to get a Remedy. Then, head back west through the two walls. Go south and follow the path. Cross the small bridge, and head southeast. Follow the path, and cross the bridge to the right. Open the chest at the bottom to obtain a Vampire Fang, then head back left. Keep heading left, and then enter the next area. In this area, feel free to enter the door you'll see ahead. It's an Inn, along with an Item Shop. Stock up on any items you may need, and rest at the Inn if you need to. Then, exit that room. Back in the previous area, head west and enter the next door. This is the Weapon/Armor Shop. There's nothing worthy of buying in the Weapon Shop, except for a Power Staff. Buy it, and give it to Rosa. If you have enough money, go to the Armor Shop and buy an Ice Armor for Cecil and Kain, and buy a Black Robe for Rydia. Equip this stuff, and sell the old equipment. Then, exit the shop room. Back in this room, head west and go up the stairs. Head south, and enter the next door. In this room, examine the first pot on the bottom to get a Potion. Examine the pot at the far left end of the room for another Potion. Speak to the people if you want, then exit this room. Now, head north, and go up the stairs into the next area. In this area, open the chest you'll see to get an Ether. Continue north, and open the chest at the end of the room to get a Tent. Head south of the chest to enter a secret passage in the wall. Head all the way south, then east. Open the chest to recieve a Hi-Potion. Go back through the secret path, then enter the next area. Here, go north until you see two chests (only one you can reach). Open the only accessible chest for a Bomb Core. Now, go south, and go east, through the top part of the wall. Make your way through the path, and open the chest to get a Shuriken. Now, get out of the secret path, then continue osuth to the next room. Open the three chests here to get a Cottage, and two Hi-Potions. Then, go northeast to enter another secret passage. Head east, south, east, south again, and east again to reach two chests. Open them to get two Elixirs. Now, make your way out of the secret passage, then head south. Follow the path, then go all the way west. Open the chest for a Spider's Silk. Head east, and open the three chests for a Silver Hourglass, and two Phoenix Down's. Go all the way north and enter the next area. In the next area, enter the door nearby. Before saving your game, head to the northeastern corner. You can go through the wall. Do so, and go through the secret passage to find a chest. It contains monsters. Just attack them until you defeat them. You get a Blood Sword for winning. It's a weak sword, but it drains enemy's HP. However, the enemies in here are undead, so you cannot drain their HP. Instead, you lose HP, and the enemies gain HP! Anyway, head out of the secret passage. Use a Tent/Cottage at the save point, and save your game. Exit the room. Head west, then go north, and open the chest for a Gold Needle. Now, go back east, then go all the way north. You'll see a man with a mask on (he's a ninja) confronting Rubicante. Then, he attacks him. However, he fails miserably, and Rubicante knocks him to the ground easily. Rubicante then disappears. Your group then talks to Edge. He wants your party to stay out of this, so he can take Rubicante alone, but after some convincing, he joins your party. When Edge joins your party, you'll see he's not that high of a level. In a moment, you should level him up. Right now, however, head southwest, and go through the wall. Open the chest to get a Dry Ether. Now, head out of the path, then head north and to the next area. ============ Babel Tower ============ When you arrive here, head all the way north, then Edge will get your party across, into the actual room of the tower. Now, I suggest leveling up Edge a bit right here. He is really weak in defense, and he needs to be leveled up. He should be at least Level 35 before continuing. Go back to the Save Point in Eblan Cave when you need healing. When Edge is leveled up, open the chest in the northwestern corner to get a Unicorn Horn. Now, head south, and follow the path west. Keep following the path, then head all the way east, and ignore the door for a moment. Open the chest to the north to find a Silver Hourglass. Head back west, and enter the white door. Now, follow the path east, then to the north. When you come to a long bridge, take it all the way down to a chest. Open it to find monsters. Kill the 4 Mad Ogres to get the Ogrekiller. Give this weapon to Cecil. Cross the bridge again, and continue following the path west. Enter the door at the end. In this area, follow the path, then head all the way east. Open the chest in this room to find a Kiss of Lilith. Enter the door to the left, and into the next area. In this room, go east, and follow the path north. Keep following the path, then head south. Open the blue chest there to obtain an Ahura. Give this weapon to Edge, then go west, and follow the path into the next area. In this area, simply follow the path to the right, and then enter the first door you'll see. Use a Tent/Cottage at the Save Point, then save your game. Then, exit the room, and enter the eastern door. Simply head west and enter the next door. In here, go south and down the walkway, then head west. Go all the way west, and go up the longest walkway. Open the chest to get 82000 Gil! Head back to the right, then go up the stairs. Suddenly, two people will appear. They are Edge's parents. They are not normal, however, and they attack your party! It's not really a boss fight, however. Just stand there, or just attack. It's your choice. Regardless, Rosa may have to use Curaga on the entire party sometimes, because they might get damaged by magic spells. After awhile, his parents return to their normal state. Just sit there and read the dialogue at this point. Edge's parents will disappear after some dialogue. Then, Rubicante appears. After he talks a little, Edge learns Blitz and Flood, two Ninjutsu techniques. When you regain control, speak with Rubicante. He will restore your party's HP and MP to full, then a boss fight begins. Read the Bosses section to see how to win this fight. When you defeat him, he will disappear for now. Then, some people of Eblan will come meet up with Edge. They will talk for a bit, and Edge decides that he will stay with you. When the people of Eblan leave and you regain control, proceed through the door ahead. In the Crystal Room, head north, and your party will fall down a floor trap! You'll fall down to a lower floor. Now, head north, and open the chest for a Hi-Potion. Go south, and follow the path to a white door. Enter it, and in the next area, follow the path going up. Enter the next door you come to. In this area, follow the path south, then go right, and up. Open the chest to get a Hi-Potion, then go all the way southwest. Proceed north and across the bridge, then enter the door. In this room, the party will notice an abandoned enemy airship. When your party boards the airship, Edge makes the Falcon fly out of the tower. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, fly all the way south. You cannot fly over lava right at this moment. Then, fly east to the Dwarf Castle. Land, and enter the castle. ============= Dwarf Castle ============= When you get here, head all the way north until you reach the throne room. At the throne room, head north, and some dialogue will occur. The King will tell Luca to give Cecil her necklace, which is the key to opening up the Sealed Cavern, where the last Crystal lurks. We have to get it before Golbez does. Once you get that item, exit the throne room. In this room, go west, and up the stairs to the next area. Then, just go north and take the stairs down to the next area. Now, head right, and enter the door there. In this room, go to the beds, and you'll see Cid! Some dialogue will commence. Cid will help your party's airship once again, by making it able to fly over lava. Then, you appear back in the room where Cid was resting at. Cid falls back asleep, so when you regain control, exit this room. Back here, head west and down the stairs, then go south and down those stairs. Exit the main room, then head down and exit the castle. ========== Overworld ========== Here, use a Tent/Cottage if needed and save your game, then enter the airship. Before we continue with the story, there's some stuff we can do. First off, make sure Rosa has Float and Reflect (she learns Float at Level 35, and she learns Reflect at Level 36), because you'll need it. If she doesn't have it, just level her up on the overworld until she does. Anyway, fly southwest of Dwarf Castle until you see a continent with a square-shaped mountain, and a cave. Then, fly north of that, and you'll see a small continent ahead with a cave on it. Land there, save your game, and enter the cave. ================ Cave of Summons ================ When you arrive here, have Rosa cast Float on the entire party immediately. If you go in this cave without Float on, and step on the circles of lava, you'll take damage with each step. When Float is casted, you won't take any damage. Now, go east, and north. Open the chest there for a Phoenix Down. Then, go all the way west, and open the chest in that area for an Ether. Go back east, then head south. Open the chest at the end to get a Hi-Potion. Head west, and follow the path north, then enter the next area. In this area, re-cast Float, since it wears off each time you enter a new area. Then, head east, and all the way south. Open the chest at the end to recieve a Hi-Potion. Now, go all the way north, and open the chest for a Cottage. Head south and east, then enter the next area. Cast Float again, then follow the path. Keep following the path, then open the chest you'll come to for a Phoenix Down. Go all the way right, and open the next chest for a Bestiary. Go east of that chest to go through the wall. Now, head up, then left. Follow the path, and open the chest for monsters. Defeat the 5 Warriors to get the Defender. Equip this weapon on Cecil. Now, make your way back south, and enter the secret path. Head all the way down, and then left. Exit the secret passage by going east, where the three chests are. Open them to get a Hi-Potion, a Poison Axe, and a Kikuichimonji. Equip the Kikuichimonji on Edge, then go back into the secret passage. Move all the way back south, then east, then north (but not all the way north). Go west and exit the secret passage, then head north. Step on the gray tile to be warped to a village. Inside the village, go west and open the chest to get an Ether. Follow the path north, and open the chest to get another Beastiary. Go east, and step on the teleportal. Then, step on the teleportal again, then go south and open the chest to get a Rat Tail. Step back on the teleportal, then step back on it yet again. Head east and follow the path. Open the chest you come to for 5000 Gil. Keep following the path, and open the next chest to get 6000 Gil. Make your way back to that teleportal, and step on it. ================ Land of Summons ================ Here, go north and enter the Item Shop. If you need items here, speak with the Chocobo on the left side of the desk for recovery items. Speak with the Chocobo on the right for other items. Speak with the ghost-looking guy if you want to stay at the Inn. Otherwise, exit the Item Shop. Back here, head all the way to the southwestern part of the area. Enter the Weapon Shop. Inside, buy Edge a Kotetsu, buy Rydia a Fairy Rod, and buy Rosa a Kinesis Staff. Equip all of this, then sell all of the old equipment. Exit the Weapon Shop, then head all the way east and enter the Armor Shop. If you have enough money, buy two Aegis Shields for Cecil and Kain, and buy two Light Robes for Rydia and Rosa. Equip all of this, and sell their old equipment. Exit the Armor Shop. Now, head all the way northwest, and enter the building there. Inside, open the two chests for a Beastiary, and a Phoenix Down. Step on the triangle tile in the room, and use a Tent/Cottage there. Save your game at the Save Point, and then exit this building. Back here, go south, and enter the building the yellow Chocobo is standing by. In that building, take the stairs to the left down to the next area. In this area, step on the teleportal to the next area. Here, go north, and speak with the girl next to the old man. Rydia will ask for Asura's help, then she'll want to test you. Accept her challenge to begin a boss battle. Read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. After winning, Rydia will gain the ability to summon Asura in-battle. Now, if you have Thundaga with Rydia, then speak with the old man next to Asura (make sure you go back and heal/save at the Save Point before you do). If you do not have Thundaga, go to the Cave of Summons, and level her up until she learns it (you don't have to if you do not want to, though). Regardless if you learn it or not, speak to the old man next to Asura. Accept his challenge to begin another boss fight. See the Bosses section for help on this battle. Once you win, Rydia will earn the ability to summon Leviathan. Now that you have two new summons, use an Emergency Exit item to exit this place. ========== Overworld ========== Use a Tent/Cottage, then save your game and enter your airship. Now, fly south of the continent you're on, then fly east. Land by the cave you'll find there, and enter it. ============== Sealed Cavern ============== Inside this cavern, go north and examine the door. Use Luca's Necklace to break the seal off of the door, then go through it. In the next area, go around the big rock, then go down the rope to slide down. Examine the door on the big rock to find out that it's a trap. It'll then attack you. Just attack it with all party members. If you don't kill it fast enough, it'll use Search on a party member, then use a move to kill the party member in one blow. When the door is defeated, go through the door. In this room, go northwest and open the chest for a Kotetsu. The other chest on the right contains an Ether. Exit this area. Back here, head south and open the chest for a Bestiary. Then, head west, and climb up the rope nearby. Examine the white door, and defeat the Trap Door. Go through the door once it's defeated. Go north, and open the chest there to get a Hi-Potion. Examine the nearby door and defeat it. Don't bother going inside the door; it leads to nothing. Defeat the Trap Door to the right, which leads to another dead end. Open the other chest nearby to get an Ether. Head south, and into the next area. In this area, slide down the rope to the south. Open the chest to the right to get a Bestiary. Climb the rope back up, then head east. Open the chest for a Phoenix Down, then go north. Defeat the first trap door (it leads to a dead end), then defeat the second one to the left. Go through the door after killing it, then go all the way up. Open the chest for a Light Sword. Now, exit this area. Back here, go west, and defeat the next trap door. Head inside the door, then go north. Open the two chests for a Fuma Shuriken, and an Elixir. Now, head east, and open the chest for a Light Curtain. Go west, then south, and exit this room. Defeat the trap door to the left, then continue left, and defeat the next trap door. Head inside the door. Use a Tent/Cottage and save your game at the Save Point, then exit the room. Defeat the next trap door, then head inside. In that room, open the two chests to get a Black Cowl, and a Kotetsu. Give the Black Cowl helmet to anyone you like (I gave it to Cecil, personally). Then, exit this room. Follow the path all the way south, then defeat the next trap door. Enter through the door. Go north, and open the chest to get an Ether, then follow the path to the next area. Here, go south and open the two chests for a Hi-Potion, and a Phoenix Down. Now, go west, and defeat the trap door. Then, continue south and into the next area. In this area, go around the big rock, and head south. Follow the path east, and don't go down the rope just yet. Open the chest all the way to the right to get a Bell of Silence. Now, defeat the trap door to the south, then head west and slide down the rope. Head east and defeat the trap door, then go inside the door. In that room, open the two chests in the area for a Dry Ether, and an X-Potion. Exit the room, then go all the way left. Go around the big rock, and enter the next area. In this area, go down, and use a Tent/Cottage, and save your game at the Save Point. Now, go south and into the next area. Here, just go around the area, and follow the path to the next room. Here, just go around the big rock, and cross the bridge. Defeat the last trap door, and go through the door. In the Crystal Room, head up, and take the Dark Crystal from the altar. Exit the Crystal Room, and then go down. The wall will come alive (taking the Dark Crystal must've triggered it, according to Kain), and you'll have to fight it. Read the Bosses section to see how to win. When you win, you have to make your way out of the cave. You can't warp out. Simply backtrack all the way back to the start of the cave; it's not that hard to get out of the cave. Be sure to remove all of Kain's equipment now. When you're at the entrance, the area suddenly turns dark. Golbez tries to take control of Kain's mind again, and he does so. Kain steals the Dark Crystal, and leaves the party once again. Now Golbez has every crystal! Not good! Leave the cave, back to the overworld. ========== Overworld ========== Board your airship, then fly southeast of the Sealed Cavern. Land in that small area with a town, then enter it. ====== Tomra ====== Here, go all the way to the northwestern part of town, and enter the building. In that building, open the closed chests to get a Rage of Zeus, a Bomb Fragment, 2000 Gil, and a Dry Ether. Examine the pot above the chest with the Dry Ether to get a Bestiary. Examine the pot in the southwestern corner to get an Antartic Wind. Exit the house. Head southeast, and enter the Weapon and Armor Shop. They connect; if you go through the eastern wall in the Weapon Shop, you can go to the Armor Shop as well. In the Weapon Shop, there's nothing really worth buying, so go to the Armor Shop. If you have enough money, buy the Diamond equipment for Cecil, then buy a Gold Hairpin for Rydia. Then, buy a Diamond Armlet for Rydia and Rosa. Equip this new stuff, and sell the old stuff. Make your way out of this town. ========== Overworld ========== Board the Falcon, then fly to the northwestern part of the underworld. You will see another cave. Land on the black ground, then save your game and enter it. ============ Sylvan Cave ============ Inside this cave, cast Float on everyone. Now, head all the way east. Open the two chests to get a Bestiary, and some Angel Arrows. Go southwest, then proceed into the next area. Re-cast Float, then head east, and north. Follow the path left, and go into the next area. Here, cast Float again, and follow the path to three chests. Open the two chests for a Maiden's Kiss, and a Hi-Potion. Now, go east of the second chest on the bottom to go through the wall. Move right, up, and left, then open the third chest for a Fairy Rod. Make your way out of the secret path, then go up to the stairs at the entrance of this room. Move right to go through the wall, then go up, and right, to exit the path. Go into the next area. Cast Float upon your party again, then go down the path, and open the four chests for a Remedy, a Bomb Core, 2000 Gil, and 3000 Gil. Continue following the path, and open all of the closed chests for a Maiden's Kiss, an Ether, another Maiden's Kiss, a Bestiary, and an Emergency Exit. Fall down the nearby hole. In that area, cast Float again, and go down the path. At the dead end, go west and through the wall. Step on the teleportal to enter the next area. In this area, cast Float, and go east. Open the first chest on the top to find monsters. Use Leviathan to kill the Evil Dreamers. You get a Red Fang for winning. Open the next chest for more monsters. Use Levithan to kill the six enemies, and you'll get a White Fang for winning. Open the next chest for yet more monsters. Do the same thing you did for the other two to win. You get a Blue Fang for winning. Open the first chest to the left, on the bottom row for some more monsters. Use Leviathan to take care of them, and use Esuna to cure any status effects after the battle. You get a Full Moon upon winning. Equip the Full Moon on Edge, and open the next chest for monsters. Kill them the same way you did the last set, and you will obtain an Avenger. Open the last chest to find more monsters. For winning, you get 10 Medusa Arrows. After you open all of the chests, head right and step on the teleportal. This takes you outside, but go back in the cave for now. At the start again, cast Float, then head all the way south and into the next area. Re-cast Float, then head southwest and enter the next area. Cast Float, and head east. Use a Tent or Cottage, and save your game at the Save Point. Now, head all the way north, then go east and through the wall. Make your way through the secret passage, and open the chest for an Elven Bow. Make your way out of the passage, then head southwest. Now, go up, and open the two chests to get a Cottage, and 1000 Gil. Go south and enter the next area. Re-cast Float, then go all the way up, past the first staircase. Go down the second staircase, and into the next area. Cast Float again, and open the chest to the left to get an Elixir. Go all the way southeast, then go north and enter the building. Open the two nearby chests for a Cat Claw and a Hell Claw, then go west, and you'll see Yang lying in a bed! Speak with him, only to find him unconscious. Speak with the fairy next to him, then go right. Head up the stairs nearby, then go north, and you'll be warped out of the cave. ========== Overworld ========== Now that we're out of that annoying cave (for now), board your airship, and fly southeast to Dwarf Castle. Enter the castle. ============= Dwarf Castle ============= Go all the way north until you get to the throne room. In the throne room, some dialogue will commence. King Giott will explain about the Lunar Whale, which is your only hope of reaching the Moon yourself and stopping Golbez. However, you need to go to Mysidia, but you have no way to get there. So Cid comes in, and says he'll attach a drill to the airship, so you can dig your way out of the underworld. After Cid attaches the drill to the airship, you'll appear back in the castle. Then, make your way out of the castle. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, save your game, then enter the airship. Now, fly northeast, and when you see a hole-looking thing in the middle of some mountains, fly your airship above that, and press A. You'll dig a hole into the mountain, and you will be back on the above world. We have some things to take care of before going on with the story. First off, fly to wherever you last landed your old airship, the Enterprise. It's probably by the Tower of Babel, which is just southeast of Baron, and west of where you exit the underworld. So, fly west of the town of Agart until you see the Tower of Babel. Land your airship, and enter the Enterprise. Fly by Eblan Cave, and pick up the hovercraft. Now, fly to Fabul, and then fly directly south of it. Land your hovercraft and your airship on the very small continent. Enter the hovercraft, and hover across the rocks to reach a cave. Land it and enter the cave. =============== Adamant Grotto =============== Go all the way up, and speak with the tiny boy in a blue shirt. He will not talk unless you give him a Rat Tail, so use the Rat Tail you found earlier. He will give you the Adamantite as a reward. Exit this cave. ========== Overworld ========== Hover back over the rocks, then land your hovercraft and enter the airship. Fly directly north, and then land near Fabul. Enter the castle. ============= Fabul Castle ============= Head all the way north until you reach the second floor. On the second floor, go around the staircase, and then head south and go through the door. Enter the western door, then make your way up all the stairs. At the top, speak with Yang's wife. She'll want you to smack Yang in the head (O_o), and she'll give you a Frying Pan. Now, make your way out of the castle. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, board the Enterprise, then fly back to Baron. Fly southwest of Baron until you reach the Tower of Babel, then land the Enterprise, and board the Falcon. Fly east of the continent you're on until you see the hole leading to the underworld. Go down it, then fly all the way west. Land, and then enter Sylvan Cave once again. ============ Sylvan Cave ============ Cast Float on the entire party, then head all the way south, and enter the next area. Here, cast Float again, and simply head southwest. Go up the staircase to the next room. In this area, don't forget to cast Float, like always. Then, go west, and down the next staircase to the next area. You know the drill by now; use Float, and then go up. Head right when you see a staircase, and take it to another area. There, use Float, and head all the way up. Open the chests to get a Hi-Potion, an Ether, Thunder Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Fire Arrows. Leave this area. Back here, go all the way up and take the staircase down. In the next area, don't bother casting Float. Just head all the way south, down the path. Head east, then enter the building. Go left, and talk to Yang again. Use the Frying Pan on him, and some dialogue will occur. Instead of Yang coming with you again, the Sylph (the fairies) say that they'll help. Rydia then learns the Sylph summon! Head right, and up the staircase. Just go up, and you will be taken out of this cave. ========== Overworld ========== We're done with that retarded cave for good now. So, use a Tent/Cottage if you need to, then save your game. Board the Falcon, and fly all the way southeast. On the southeastern continent, head to the southwest corner of that continent, and you'll spot a small town. Enter that town. ================ Kokkol's Smithy ================ Here, enter the building. Inside, follow the path, then head west, past the fireplace. Examine the pots there to get a Remedy. Now, go back around, and go up the staircase east of the fireplace. In this room, go to the end of the room to see someone sleeping in a bed. Speak with him, and give him the Adamantite. He will take Cecil's Sword of Legend, so he can upgrade it into something even more powerful! When he gets out of bed, examine the left side of the bookcase to get a Soma Drop. Exit the room, and for now, exit this building. ========== Overworld ========== Enter the Falcon, and fly all the way up, and exit the underworld. On the above world, head all the way up, and land by Baron Castle. Save your game, because a boss battle is coming up. Enter the castle. ============= Baron Castle ============= Flip the switch on the wall to open the door, and do the same for the next one. When you're inside the main room of the castle, head east and go up the stairs. Make your way down the stairs, then when you're outside, head north and enter the tower. Inside the tower, open the three chests to get two Hermes' Shoes, and Bacchus's Cider. To get the fourth chest, take the western staircase down, then take it up again. You can open the chest from where you stand. It has a Bacchus's Cider inside. After getting the four chests, take the eastern stairs up to a new area. In that area, open the two chests for two Hi-Potions. Now, take the next staircase up. In this room, examine the pot you're facing when you first get in this room to get an Ether. Then, open the three chests for two Tents, and an Ether. Exit this room, and go back to the first room of the tower. This time, take the western stairs down to a new area. Examine the second pot on the left to get an Elixir. Now, head all the way right, and go down the staircase into the next area. Here, follow the path, and the real King's spirit will appear. He will let Rydia summon him upon will, but he wants to test you first. Read the Bosses section to see how to win this fight. After defeating Odin, he will join you as a summon. Rydia then learns the Odin summon! Now, exit this room, and make your way out of the castle. ========== Overworld ========== Now we can continue with the story. Board the Falcon, and fly to where Agart is. From there, fly east of Agart, and land on the continent there. Enter the town of Mysidia. ======== Mysidia ======== Here, go up, and the Elder will automatically come. He wants Cecil and the others to follow him to the Tower of Worship. You'll see the Mysidian legend appear on-screen again. In the Tower of Worship, they all pray. The prayers are answered, and the Lunar Whale arises from the water! Once it rises, you leave Mysidia automatically. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, board the Falcon, and fly to Fabul. Enter the castle. ============= Fabul Castle ============= In the castle, make your way to the western tower again, and make your way up to Yang's mom. Talk to her, and give her the Frying Pan back. She'll give you a Knife, which is a throwable weapon for Edge. It hurts any enemy and boss in the game 9999 damage. Leave the castle. ========== Overworld ========== Board the Falcon, and fly back to Mysidia. Board the Lunar Whale, and then examine the crystal in the center to fly to the Moon. ===== Moon ===== You have to fly to a certain spot here. So, fly a bit to the east. Keep flying until you see a blue ramp and a cave nearby. Land in the spot where the ramp is. Exit the Lunar Whale, then enter the cave. =========== Lunar Path =========== In this small cave, follow the path, and head east to find a chest. Open it to find monsters. Use either Leviathan or Odin to end the battle quickly. You get a Golden Apple for your efforts! I recommend using that on Rydia, since she is so low on maximum HP. Continue following the path, and then head east when you see the exit. Open the two chests for a Lunar Curtain, and a Stardust. Go back left, and exit the cave by going up. ===== Moon ===== Back outside, head down the path. Ignore the blue ramp that you will come to. Then, enter the next cave. =========== Lunar Path =========== Inside this path, follow the path down, and exit back onto the Moon. ===== Moon ===== Here again, go west, and enter the next cave. =============== Crystal Palace =============== When you get here, head west, and follow the path to a shiny tile. Step on it to recover all of your HP and status effects. There's another tile on the right side of the room, which restores all of your MP. Now, proceed north. You will hear a voice, and suddenly, an old man appears on a throne (you thought it was gonna be Golbez, didn't ya? :P). His name is FuSoYa. He will explain about the Lunarians, and their race. He will also reveal a huge part about the plot. I won't spoil it for you; enjoy it. You will also discover who the voice was that Cecil heard back on Mt. Ordeals. Since the Giant of Babel is to be reactivated, FuSoYa joins you to disable the barrier off of the Tower of Babel. After FuSoYa joins you, exit this place. ===== Moon ===== Here, head east and enter the Lunar Path. Make your way through the two paths, and make your way back to the Lunar Whale. Board the Lunar Whale. Before taking off back down to Earth, however, there are some things to do here. And since FuSoYa leaves you really soon, it's best to do it now, since he's with you, and has _every_ magic spell in the game. Anyway, instead of activating the crystal, examine the white handle at the top of the ship. This allows you to fly around. Fly around the Moon until you see a small enclosed area with a cave. Land on the ground, and exit the Lunar Whale. Then, enter that cave. ================ Hummingway Cave ================ This cave is full of Hummingways (those guys in the yellow costumes you've most likely noticed throughout the game, only they're a different color). One of them sells you some items, but they are a bit expensive. The different colored Namingways are at the top part of this cave. They don't tell you anything good, though. If you need Hi-Potions or Cottages, or anything like that, buy it here. When you're done, exit the cave. ===== Moon ===== On the moon, board the Lunar Whale, and fly. Fly to the Crystal Palace, then fly west of that. You'll see another cave in the middle of a circle. Land where the blue ramp is, then exit the Lunar Whale. Use a Tent/Cottage if you need to, then save your game, and enter that cave. ================ Cave of Bahamut ================ When you arrive here, head all the way down until you spot a chest. Open it to recieve Genji Gloves. Equip it on Cecil. Head back up, then head east. Go northeast, and you will go through the wall. Make your way through it, then open the chest to get a Genji Shield. Equip it on Cecil, and get out of the secret area. Then, continue following the path, and enter the next area. In the next area, keep following the path, then open the chest you'll come to for a Genji Armor. Equip this on Cecil, then continue east. Head up on the narrow walkway, and you'll encounter a Behemoth. See the Bosses section for help on beating these. There are a total of three in this cave altogether. After defeating the first Behemoth, restore all of your HP/MP. Now, head east of the small walkway, and open the chest for a Genji Helm. Equip this on Cecil, then continue north, and into the next area. In this area, follow the path, and you'll encounter another Behemoth. After defeating it, restore your party members, since there's one more coming up. Go down the narrow walkway, and you will encounter yet another Behemoth. After you beat the Behemoth, proceed all the way north, and recover your whole party. Speak with the man there. This is Bahamut. You'll engage in combat against him, so read the Bosses section to see how to win. Once you defeat Bahamut, Rydia will have the ability to summon him at will. Now, use Teleport with Rosa or FuSoYa to exit this cave immediately. ===== Moon ===== Use a Tent/Cottage and save your game, then board the Lunar Whale. Examine the crystal in the center to be sent back down to Earth. ========== Overworld ========== An earthquake will occur. It seems we are too late; the Giant of Babel has already been awakened! The Giant of Babel is destroying the planet. However, King Giott and the dwarves, Yang and the Sylphs, Cid and his men, the Elder of Mysidia, along with Palom and Porom (the Elder removed the petrification), and Edward, are all out to help. They all attack the giant at once! Then, Cid comes and picks up the party, and takes them inside the Giant of Babel. =============== Giant of Babel =============== Once you're inside the giant, go all the way north, and step on the teleportal. Inside its neck, step on the next teleportal. You're now in its chest. In this area, go down the path, and open the blue chest to get a Shuriken. Keep going down the path until you come to another chest. Open it to recieve a Hi-Potion. Follow the path some more, and open the chest to the north to get an Ether. Keep going, then go all the way up. Open up the chest for some Yoichi Arrows. Go down, then go left. Follow the path and open the chest to get a Siren. Go north, and step on the teleportal to get in the stomach of the giant. Head north, and open the chest there to get a Silver Apple. Go back south, then go right, and cross the bridge on the far right. Open the chest for a Soma Drop. Now, take the bridge on the left, and follow the path. Step onto the teleportal at the end. In this area, follow the path, and open the chest you'll come to. It contains monsters. For defeating the monster, you get an Elixir. Keep following the path, and go left. Stand on the shining circle; it's a Save Point. Use a Tent/Cottage and save your game, then head north. Step onto the teleportal into the next room. In the stairwell, head north. When you're half way up the walkway, you'll see all four Elemental Lords! Rubicante will restore your strength (even though you probably restored it at the Save Point), then a boss battle will begin. Read the Bosses section to see how to win this awesome battle. After you defeat the four Elemental Lords, they all disappear. Head back to the previous room and use a Tent/Cottage, and save your game again. Then, go all the way down the hall, and step on the teleportal at the end. In the next room, go up, and you will see the main CPU of the giant. Another boss battle will then commence. Read the Bosses section for help on getting through here. Once you win the boss battle, the CPU will explode. Golbez enters the room now. FuSoYa runs over to Golbez, and tries to make him come to his senses, to break his control from Zemus. FuSoYa succeeds, but he also collapses afterwards. Golbez's father is KluYa, which means that Golbez is...Cecil's brother. Didn't see that one coming, did ya? Golbez leaves to go fight Zemus himself, but FuSoYa wants to join him as well. The Giant of Babel is exploding, so Kain comes, and leads them out of the giant. ========== Overworld ========== You're automatically on the Lunar Whale, and some dialogue commences. Kain talks a bit, then Cecil, Kain, and Edge agree to go after Zemus, as well. But Cecil wants Rydia and Rosa off of the Lunar Whale, to save them from danger. They get off, and the three launch to the Moon. ===== Moon ===== Here, Cecil and the others attempt to get off of the Lunar Whale, when Rosa and Rydia suddenly appear out of nowhere! They hid therselves on the Lunar Whale. All five members of your team are together again. Then, a Hummingway appears, and says that you can change party members at any time, in the Hall of Prayers at Mysidia. Before we go to the last dungeon, go back down to Earth. We've got some stuff to take care of. ========== Overworld ========== Exit the Lunar Whale, then go into Mysidia. ======== Mysidia ======== Go all the way north until you're in the Crystal Room. In the Crystal Room, enter the door at the far end of the room. Go talk to the Elder, then attempt to exit the room. A White Mage will enter the room, and tell the Elder of a cloud over Mt. Ordeals. You can now go to the Cave of Trials, which I recommend doing before attempting the final dungeon. Leave Mysidia. ========== Overworld ========== On the overworld, board the Falcon, and fly all the way east, to Mt. Ordeals. Land your airship there, and enter the mountain. ============ Mt. Ordeals ============ In here, you will notice that it's dark. Some lights will strike, then doors will appear, and it'll be daylight again. Now, make your way up the mountain, and then enter the northern door. You'll be in a room that looks like the room Cecil became a Paladin in. Go north and proceed into the Cave of Trials. =============== Cave of Trials =============== When you enter here, head up the stairs, and head east. Open the chest to the north to recieve an X-Potion. Head southeast in between the two rocks. Make your way through the secret path, and open the chest for a Red Jacket. Exit the secret path. Now, make your way up the set of stairs. Head all the way up, and enter the next area. In this area, head left, and open the chest to get a Remedy. Now, go right, then go up, and follow the path. Go all the way left, then go up. Open the chest to recieve a Phoenix Down. Head down, then go left, and through the wall. Make your way through the secret path, then open the chest at the end to get a Coronet. Exit the path, then enter the next area. In this area, ignore that chest for now, and head southeast Follow the passage, then head all the way left. Open the chest to recieve a Cat Hood. Exit the passage, then head left. Follow the path, then head left, and go up. Open the chest at the end to get a Remedy. Head northeast of that, and go through the wall. At the end of the path, open the chest to recieve a Funny Mask. Now, exit the passage, and head west. Continue south, and into the next area. In this area, go east, and then go all the way south. Head west and go through the wall. Make your way through the passage, then open the chest to get a Red Cap. Exit the passage, and then head east. Open the chest to recieve a Cottage. Now, head northeast, and follow the path. When you see the exit, head east to enter a secret path. At the end of the path, open the chest to get a Corageous Suit. Exit the path, then head all the way south, and east. Open the chest to the north to get a Siren, then backtrack west. Proceed all the way north, and into the next area. In here, head all the way west, and open the chest to get a Siren. Go east, and go up the stairs. Go around the rocks, and open the chest containing a Remedy. Follow the path going west, then take the last set of stairs down. Head south, then west, and you'll enter a secret passage. At the end, head south, and open the chest for a Sage's Robe. Make your way out of the passage, and then head northwest to enter another secret passage. At the end of the path, head south and open the chest to get a Lord's Robe. Exit the passage, then go east, and up the stairs to the north. In the next area, head down the path, and go up the stairs. Follow the path west, and go to the northwestern part of the room. Go through the secret path, and open the chest at the end for a Grand Helm. Head southeast of that chest to reach another chest, containing a Grand Armor. Exit both secret paths, and then continue east. When you reach the end of the path, go all the way south, and open the chest to get a Dry Ether. Go all the way north and into the next area. In this area, take the far western stairs up to a chest, containing a Megalixir. Take the far eastern stairs up to a chest containing another Megalixir. Then, take the middle stairs all the way up into a new area. In this area, step on the left Save Point on the middle platform. Use a Tent or a Cottage and save your game. The one on the right is a warp. In this room, there are items on platforms in this small room. The claw represents Yang. Bring Yang here for a boss fight. You have to bring the party member here that you want to take the trial with. The harp represents Edward, the sword represents Palom, the staff represents Porom, and the hammer represents Cid. Bring each party member here (one at a time) to their specific items to fight a boss. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat all of them. I recommend doing it. I'll list the bosses starting from Yang's boss, then Edward's boss, and so forth (I'll list Cid's as last). For defeating Yang's boss, you get his ultimate weapon, the Hand of the Gods. Equip it. For defeating Edward's boss, you get the Apollo's Harp, so equip it on him. For defeating Palom's boss, you get a Triton's Dagger. This is a throwing item for Edge. Cast Float on the entire party before Porom's boss. For defeating Porom's boss, you get the Seraphim's Mace. Give this to Porom. For defeating Cid's boss, you will get the Thor's Hammer. Equip this on Cid. Once you've defeated every boss in this cave, exit it for good. ========== Overworld ========== From this point on, I suggest replacing Edge with Yang, since he has a lot more HP, and more defense, plus he hurts more. With that said, fly back to Baron. Fly south of Baron, and enter the underworld. Fly all the way south, and enter the very small town. ================ Kokkol's Smithy ================ Proceed through the door. Inside, speak with the old man. The upgrade on the Sword of Legend is finished. You get the Excalibur! Equip this on Cecil. Now, if you want to, you can buy some Shurikens by talking to the Dwarf to the east. Although, they are very expensive. Regardless, leave this place. ========== Overworld ========== Board the Falcon, and exit the underworld. Back on the above world, fly north to Baron. Then, fly southeast of Baron until you find Mysidia. Land the Falcon, and then enter the Lunar Whale. Launch to the Moon. ===== Moon ===== On the moon, fly to the Hummingway Cave if you need to restock on any items. Then, fly to the blue mountain thing that has a ramp leading to a cave. When you find it, land there, then save your game, and enter the cave. =========== Lunar Path =========== Here, just go all the way north, then exit the cave. ===== Moon ===== Back outside, go east, and follow the path down to another cave. =========== Lunar Path =========== Simply go all the way south, then exit. ===== Moon ===== Now, go west, and enter the next cave you come across. =============== Crystal Palace =============== When you get here, go to the west, and step on the tile to restore all HP, and status effects. Go all the way east, and step on the tile to recover all of your MP. Then, go north to FuSoYa's throne. Behind his throne, there are some stairs. Take them up to the next area. In this area, walk up to the altars, and speak with the crystals if you want. Then, step on the tile in the middle of the room. The crystals will guide you to the core, where Zemus is located. ================= Lunar Subterrane ================= This is the final dungeon! I hope you're prepared. Start by going up the ladder and going east. You'll find a secret passage. Go through it, then follow the path to a chest. It contains monsters. For defeating them, you get a Black Garb. Make your way back to the secret passage, then exit it. Now, head all the way left, and you'll find another secret passage. Step on the teleportal you'll see. Then, go down the stairs to the next area. In this room, go north and open the chest to find monsters. Defeat them to get a Sage's Staff. Equip this on Rosa, then head south, and step on the teleportal. In this area, head all the way south, then take the stairs to the left down to another area. In here, follow the path, and examine the sword. You will engage in a boss battle, so read the Bosses section for help on winning. After you win, you get the Murasame. Backtrack, and make your way back to the beginning of the level. Now, head south, then go up the stairs and into the next area. In this area, follow the path to a dead end. You can go through that wall. Go up, then left. Make your way towards the chest, then open it to recieve a Fire Whip. Give this to Rydia. Now, make your way back east, then head north, and exit the secret passage. Go all the way left, then open the chest to recieve a Dragon Shield. Equip this on Kain, then head into the next area. In this room, head all the way down. Ignore the stairs, then head east and into a secret passage. Open the chest there to get a Dragon Helm. Equip it on Kain, then head east of that chest to find another secret passage. Open the chests for the Dragon Mail and Dragon Gloves. Equip those, and exit the secret passages. Go north, and down the stairs leading to the next room. In this area, head all the way right, and open the chest to recieve Artemis Arrows. Now, go back left, then go down. Head left, and enter the next area. Open the chest in here to get an Elixir, then exit this room. Go all the way right, and take the stairway down. Head west, and enter the next room. In here, follow the path, and go northeast to a chest. Open it for a White Fang. Go all the way left, then open the chest at the end for an X-Potion. Now, go right of the chest, and head south and into the next area. In this area, open the nearby chest to find monsters. You fight a Behemoth. After defeating it, you get a Stardust Rod. Now, head right, and go down the stairs leading to the next area. In the next area, go south, then open the chest to the left to find monsters. For winning, you get the Crystal Shield. Equip this on Cecil, then continue to the next area. In here, go north, then east and through the passage. Open the chest to get a Protect Ring. Give it to Rosa, then head east to enter a secret path. Go through the path, then head all the way south and enter the next area. In this area, open the chest to find monsters. You get a Crystal Mail for winning. Equip it on Cecil, then enter the previous area. Back here, head all the way up and enter the next area. In this area, go right, and open the chest to find monsters. Upon defeating them, you get the Crystal Gloves. Equip those on Cecil, and head all the way left. Enter the next area. In this area, follow the path, then head south and open the chest. It contains a White Robe. Equip this on Rosa, then go all the way up and enter the next room. Here, go west, and then go up and open the chest to find monsters. For defeating them, you get the Crystal Helm. Equip that on Cecil, and head right. Keep going right, and enter the next area. In here, open the chest for a Red Fang. If you want to, you can walk around in this one room, and encounter some enemies. There is a slight chance you'll find the rare Flan Princess enemy. Use a Siren for a better chance to find one. It has a very slim chance of dropping the rarest item in the game, the Pink Tail. If you manage to obtain it, head over to the Adamant Grotto near the town of Mythril, using your hovercraft. Give it to the tiny boy, and he'll give you the Adamant Armor, the strongest armor in the game. Anyone can equip it. Anyway, when you're done with this room, exit it. Back here, head down the stairs to the left. In the next area, open the chests on the left and right side to get Artemis Arrows, and a Fuma Shuriken. Now, head west, and go down the first set of stairs to the left. Open the chest for a Cottage. Now, head northwest, and walk off of the ledge. You can walk on an invisible path. Walk across, then head northeast. You'll enter a secret path. Go down the path to enter the next area. In this area, go down, and open the chest to recieve a Golden Apple. Now, head east, and step on the teleportal to enter the next area. Head all the way up and step on the next teleportal, then keep going up. Open the chest to find monsters. After winning, you get a Protect Ring. Equip it on Rydia, and continue north. Step onto the teleportal to enter the next area. In this area, use a Tent/Cottage at the Save Point, and save your game, then go south and exit this room. Here, examine the sword to begin a boss battle. See the Bosses section for help on winning. Once you win, you'll get the Ragnarok. Equip this on Cecil, because it's his ultimate weapon. Go back to the previous room. In this room, use a Tent/Cottage again and save your game at the Save Point. Make your way back to the room where you walked on the invisible path. Walk across the invisible path again, then take the second staircase to the right, down to some stairs to the south. Enter the next area. Here, go north, and open the chest on the left side for some monsters. After you defeat them, you get a Minerva's Plate. Equip this on Rosa, then head to the right side, and enter the next area. In this area, head southeast and go through the first hole. In that room, use a Tent/Cottage if needed, and save your game at the Save Point. Exit the room, then enter the next room to the right. In this room, examine the lance, and a boss fight begins. See the Bosses section for help on this fight. After winning, you get the Holy Lance. Equip this on Kain, then exit this area. Back here, enter the western room if you need to heal and save. Otherwise, head east, and enter the last room. In this room, go north, and you'll have to fight another boss. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating these bosses. Once you win, open the two chests to recieve two Ribbons. Equip these helmets on Rydia and Rosa. Exit this room, then go back to the Save Point and use a Tent or a Cottage, then save your game. Now, follow the path, then head down the stairway you'll come across. Enter the next area. In this area, you'll notice that different music is playing. We're close to Zemus now! Inside this area, take note that you fight nothing but boss-type enemies. You can even fight Behemoths in here. Anyway, head right, and down the stairs. Head all the way left, then open the chest to the north to recieve a Fuma Shuriken. Now, head southeast, and follow the path down to a sword. Examine it, and then a boss fight begins. Refer to the Bosses section to see how to win. Once you defeat the boss, you get the Masamune, Edge's ultimate weapon. If he's in your party, equip this and the Murasame on both hands. Now, go back to the Save Point, and use a Tent/Cottage and save your game. Once you've done that, return to this area. Then, take the nearby stairs down to the next area. In this area, head south, then open the chest to the right to get an Elixir. Now, continue south, and follow the path. Go down the stairway, then go right. Open the chest to recieve a Gysahl Whistle. Continue right, and step on the teleportal to the next area. In the next area, follow the path down, then go right. Open the chest for a Fuma Shuriken. Continue down, then go left, and open the next chest to get a Fuma Shuriken. Head east, and step on the teleportal to enter the next area. In here, head west, and go down the path. Follow the path all the way down, and when you see a teleportal, step on it to teleport to the next area. Here, go all the way north. You'll spot Golbez and FuSoYa, along with Zemus himself! Golbez and FuSoYa will fight Zemus, casting several spells at him, but to no avail. Then, they use Double Meteor on him. This sends him to the ground. Once everyone begins to celebrate, he turns into a flame. He is now Zeromus. After your party gets knocked unconscious, Golbez and FuSoYa fight him again. Not even Meteor works on him, much less the crystal Golbez uses. He absorbs it, and sends it back at them, knocking out Golbez and FuSoYa. But everyone at the Tower of Wishes sends their prayers, which causes Cecil to awaken. Then, Golbez gives Cecil the crystal, and you engage in battle. He cannot be hurt at the moment. Watch the scene as all of your party members get revived, and all of their HP/MP gets restored. If you have Edge in your party, you can use Steal until you steal the Dark Matter item from Zeromus. This can be used against him (in a moment), and it makes his attacks much weaker for a turn. This can be very useful, because his ultimate attack hurts a whole lot. Whether you steal it or not, go to Items on Cecil's turn, and use the Crystal. He'll use it on Zeromus, and his true form is shown. Read the Bosses section to see how to win the final battle! Once you defeat Zeromus, he vanishes, and he is now dead for real. Enjoy the ending you are given, and congratulations on completing Final Fantasy IV Advance! Do _not_ turn off the game after the ending. Watch the credits, and when "The End" appears on-screen, leave it there for a few seconds. Then, you'll see a short scene of a new area opening on the Moon. This is the Lunar Ruins. See the Lunar Ruins section of the guide for help with it. Save your game when prompted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== VI. Bosses =========== In this section, I will list all of the bosses in the game, along with info about how to defeat them and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mist Dragon Found: Mist Cave HP: 465 Strength: 16 Defense: 5 Magic: 10 Magic Defense: 31 Weakness: N/A Absorb: Holy EXP Gained: 700 Gil: 200 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: The first boss in the game isn't too difficult. However, you have to attack it a certain way. When the battle begins, have Cecil just do his normal attacks, and have Kain use Jump. This is the best way to kill the dragon. But be careful; when the Mist Dragon turns into mist, do not attack it, or it will counter-attack with Cold Mist. It hits both Cecil and Kain, and hurts a lot for this point. Be careful; if this hits you, you may need to heal. Just heal Cecil and Kain if you ever need to, and make sure Kain jumps on each turn he gets. With all of this in mind, you should take the Mist Dragon down in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Octomammoth Found: Sunken Lake HP: 2350 Strength: 22 Defense: 0 Magic: 0 Magic Defense: 25 Weakness: Lightning, Dark Absorb: Holy EXP Gained: 1200 Gil: 500 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Despite this boss having so much HP for this point, it's not too difficult to defeat it. The boss has several tentacles, and the key to this fight is to destroy all of its tentacles. It's not as hard as you might think, though. He is really weak against Thunder-type spells, so have Tellah use Thunder, and have him heal when needed. Rydia should either use Thunder or the Chocobo summon; it's your choice. Cecil should just attack. When you defeat a tentacle, the tentacles move around a bit, and you'll notice that he has less tentacles than before. This boss is actually relatively easy, and if you have the Shadow Blade equipped on Cecil, he should deal 150-200 damage per a hit! Just keep up this pattern, and simply have Tellah heal the party when needed until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Antlion Found: Antlion Cave HP: 1100 Strength: 11 Defense: 3 Magic: 0 Magic Defense: 11 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 1500 Gil: 800 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: The Antlion isn't too hard of a boss; he's actually pretty easy. He is fast, and will attack quite often, but he doesn't hurt too much. Almost every time you attack him, he will use an attack called Counter Horn. It doesn't hurt much at all, and his normal attack is even worse. Simply have Cecil and Edward attack, and have Rydia use the Chocobo summon. She will hurt the boss a lot. Keep this up, and heal if you ever need to until he's defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mom Bomb Found: Mt. Hobs HP: 11000 Strength: 30 Defense: 1 Magic: 5 Magic Defense: 9 Weakness: Dark Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 1900 Gil: 1200 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This is going to be your first boss battle that's actually a little tough. I suggest healing Yang at the start of the fight, since he lost some HP earlier. This boss fight will go on for awhile. The fight starts off with an enemy that looks like a normal Bomb. Have Cecil, Edward and Yang attack it, have Rydia summon Chocobo, and have Rosa use Aim. Keep up this pattern, and it will eventually change into a huge monster. Simply attack the same way you've been attacking it. You'll be here for awhile. After a lot of damage has been dealt to the boss, it'll say that it's gonna explode. Keep attacking it, and after a couple of more minutes, it will explode on all of your party members, and it will deal at least 90-100 damage on all of them! You'll need to heal after this, most likely. The boss has now split into three Bombs and three Gray Bombs. Have Cecil use Dark, have Yang use Kick, and have everyone else do normal attacks. After all of them are gone, you finally win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scarmiglione / Skullnant (x4) Found: Mt. Ordeals HP (Scarmiglione): 3500 Strength (Scarmiglione): 19 Defense (Scarmiglione): 2 Magic (Scarmiglione): 15 Magic Defense (Scarmiglione): 0 Weakness (Scarmiglione): N/A Absorb (Scarmiglione): N/A EXP Gained (Scarmiglione): 3200 Gil (Scarmiglione): 2000 Item(s) Obtained (Scarmiglione): N/A HP (Skullnant): 200 Strength (Skullnant): 42 Defense (Skullnant): 1 Magic (Skullnant): 0 Magic Defense (Skullnant): 5 Weakness (Skullnant): Fire, Holy Absorb (Skullnant): N/A EXP Gained (Skullnant): 50 Gil (Skullnant): 100 Item(s) Obtained (Skullnant): N/A Boss Strategy: Before you attack Scarmiglione, you need to go after the four Skullnant's first. Since the Skullnant's are undead, Cure spells will damage them instead of heal them. Have Cecil use Dark, but make sure to recover him when he gets low on HP. Have Palom use Fira on all of the enemies, and have Porom use Cura on all of the enemies. Lastly, have Tellah use Fire on all of the enemies. Repeat this until all four Skullnant's are defeated. Also, take note that when you attack all enemies at once, Scarmiglione counter-attacks with Thunder, but it doesn't deal that much damage, so don't worry about it. After you get rid of the four Skullnant's, simply have Cecil use his regular attack on Scarmiglione, have Palom/Tellah use Fire spells, and have Porom heal the party when needed. Scarmiglione will counter-attack with Thunder after every hit, but it's still not really a problem. Keep this up until he's defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scarmiglione Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 3525 Strength: 46 Defense: 1 Magic: 31 Magic Defense: 22 Weakness: Fire, Holy Absorb: Ice EXP Gained: 3600 Gil: 2500 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This time around, he's gotten a little harder. However, this time, he is undead, which means Cure spells will damage him. He mostly attacks by doing the Song of Curse, which rarely even does anything to the party. However, sometimes, he'll poison a party member. Have Palom cast Fira, as it will deal 900-1200 damage each hit! Have Tellah cast Fire, and have Porom use Cura on Scarmiglione. And have Cecil just use his regular attack. Make sure Porom heals if needed. Just keep this strategy up and you'll defeat him ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baigan Found: Baron Castle HP (Arms): 444 Strength (Arms): 58 Defense (Arms): 2 Magic (Arms): 9 Magic Defense (Arms): 0 Weakness (Arms): N/A Absorb (Arms): N/A EXP Gained (Arms): 10 Gil (Arms): 0 Item(s) Obtained (Arms): N/A HP (Baigan): 4444 Strength (Baigan): 58 Defense (Baigan): 1 Magic (Baigan): 9 Magic Defense (Baigan): 11 Weakness (Baigan): N/A Absorb (Baigan): N/A EXP Gained (Baigan): 3200 Gil (Baigan): 2000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Baigan is a little bit hard if you don't fight him right. Don't worry about killing his arms, because they will just regenerate a turn or so later. Baigan's arms do hurt quite a lot, though, and magic attacks hardly work on him. If you want to cast a spell, then do it on Tellah's first turn. After that, he will most likely cast Reflect on his body. He'll keep it on, too, because he'll just re-cast it after it wears off. Have Cecil attack the body, and have Palom/Porom use Twin. Have Yang just attack, as well. And since Baigan has Reflect on for the whole fight, simply have Tellah just defend. Keep healed, and use Tellah and Porom to heal. With this strategy, just keep pounding him with attacks. When his body is destroyed, quickly destroy the two arms. If you don't, he'll self-destruct them, and that will damage your party by quite a lot, so be extra careful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cagnazzo Found: Baron Castle HP: 5312 Strength: 44 Defense: 2 Magic: 29 Magic Defense: 48 Weakness: Ice, Lightning Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 5500 Gil: 4000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This is actually a pretty easy boss if you fight him right. He is only weak against Blizzard and Lightning attacks at certain times. At the start of the fight, he is weak against Blizzard attacks. So, start off by having Cecil and Yang attack. Have Palom and Tellah cast Blizzara and Blizzaga, and have Porom just defend or heal. Cagnazzo usually uses physical attacks. After a few turns, you'll see a message saying that torrents of water are drawn up. He will have a barrier of ice around him at this point. He now absorbs Blizzard attacks, and is weak against Lightning. Use Thundaga and Thundara on him with Tellah and Palom. This will break his ice barrier. If you don't break it, he'll unleash a powerful attack called Tsunami, which hurts the party a lot. Heal your party if he does this. Also, Cagnazzo will sometimes hide in his shell, in which case, you can't hurt him a whole lot, so use this time to recover your party. With all of this in mind, the battle should be over pretty fast. Just keep attacking him with the right attacks, and he will be down in the first three attacks or so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Elf / Dark Dragon Found: Magnetic Cave HP (Dark Elf): 23890 Strength (Dark Elf): 18 Defense (Dark Elf): 0 Magic (Dark Elf): 1 Magic Defense (Dark Elf): 254 Weakness (Dark Elf): Holy Absorb (Dark Elf): N/A EXP Gained (Dark Elf): 1000 Gil (Dark Elf): 4000 Item(s) Obtained (Dark Elf): N/A HP (Dark Dragon): 3927 Strength (Dark Dragon): 80 Defense (Dark Dragon): 1 Magic (Dark Dragon): 15 Magic Defense (Dark Dragon): 254 Weakness (Dark Dragon): Holy Absorb (Dark Dragon): N/A EXP Gained (Dark Dragon): 6000 Gil (Dark Elf): 5000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: The first part of the fight starts out with the Dark Elf. He may have an unbelievable amount of HP, but you don't have to take it all off to beat him. The Dark Elf still does his triple attack, the Fira/Thundara/Blizzara combo, but it barely even hurts now. Have Cecil attack to deal around 900-1200 damage, have Cid and Yang attack, and have Tellah use Firaga. After a few hits are dealt to him, he'll say "Say your prayers!", and he turns into the Dark Dragon. It's pretty easy, though, if you have metallic equipment on. He will attack mostly by physical attacks, and they hurt a lot, too. You'll probably need to heal often, unless you can kill him before he gets a chance to attack. He can also do Dark Breath, which deals around 300 damage to the entire party! This is a deadly attack, so recover your whole party if he does this. Have Tellah use Curaga when needed. Otherwise, just have Cecil, Yang, and Cid attack, and have Tellah cast Firaga until he dies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sandy / Cindy / Mindy Found: Tower of Zot HP (Sandy): 2591 Strength (Sandy): 30 Defense (Sandy): 1 Magic (Sandy): 11 Magic Defense (Sandy): 11 Weakness (Sandy): N/A Absorb (Sandy): N/A EXP Gained (Sandy): 2500 Gil (Sandy): 3000 Item(s) Obtained (Sandy): N/A HP (Cindy): 4599 Strength (Cindy): 36 Defense (Cindy): 2 Magic (Cindy): 11 Magic Defense (Cindy): 11 Weakness (Cindy): N/A Absorb (Cindy): N/A EXP Gained (Cindy): 2500 Gil (Cindy): 3000 Item(s) Obtained (Cindy): N/A HP (Mindy): 2590 Strength (Mindy): 30 Defense (Mindy): 1 Magic (Mindy): 10 Magic Defense (Mindy): 0 Weakness (Mindy): N/A Absorb (Mindy): N/A EXP Gained (Mindy): 2500 Gil (Mindy): 3000 Item(s) Obtained (Mindy): N/A Boss Strategy: Right when the battle starts, quickly take a turn with your other party members, and when it's Tellah's turn, immediately have him cast either Firaga, Thundaga, or Blizzaga on Cindy (the one in the middle). Right after that, though, Sandy (the one in the far back) will cast Reflect on Cindy. At this point, do not use spells on her. Have everyone just attack her like mad. While all three sisters are alive, they will use the Delta Attack on the whole party, dealing a lot of damage. Also, Mindy will use a spell on Cindy to reflect it back on a party member. If you managed to get a Firaga/Thundaga/Blizzaga in at the start of the battle, you should be able to take care of Cindy quickly. Once she is taken care of, focus all of your attacks on Mindy. Have Cecil/Cid/Yang attack, and have Tellah use Firaga, Thundaga or Blizzaga on Mindy. She will go down in no time. Sandy isn't really hard, but she can cast Confuse on a party member, so be sure to use Esuna with Tellah if this happens. Attack Sandy the same way you did Cindy, and heal when/if needed until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbariccia Found: Tower of Zot HP: 8636 Strength: 82 Defense: 0 Magic: 63 Magic Defense: 12 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 9000 Gil: 5500 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Barbariccia is by far the hardest of the Elemental Lords thus far. At the start of the fight, have Cecil/Cid/Yang attack, and have Kain jump. Rosa can either attack or just defend. When Barbariccia turns herself into a tornado, do not attack her. If you do, she will counterattack the party with a strong spell. When she's a tornado, have Kain jump. When he comes back down, he'll cause damage, and make Barbariccia go back to her normal state. Continue attacking her like this, and let Rosa heal when you need it. Her attacks are a little strong, but as long as you do not let her stay in her tornado-like form, you shouldn't have too much trouble. Also, when she's a tornado, you can also just recover your party and wait until she returns to normal (though I prefer to just have Kain jump). Keep on attacking her, and have Rosa recover the party when she needs to. After a lot of beating her up, you'll win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Calcobrena Found: Dwarf Castle HP: 5315 Strength: 106 Defense: 2 Magic: 41 Magic Defense: 25 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 12000 Gil: 5000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This boss can be a little annoying. She has strong physical attacks, too. Have Cecil/Cid/Yang attack, and have Kain jump. She will also attack by using Glance, which will cause a party member to be confused. Use Esuna with Cecil or Rosa to cure this immediately. Also, have Rosa heal up the party when needed. Calcobrena can also split back into the Calco and Brina's. This can get annoying. If that happens, destroy them until they reform into Calcobrena. When they reform back into Calcobrena, she will regain all of her HP, so just keep pounding her with the same attacks. Make sure Rosa heals when it's needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Golbez Found: Dwarf Castle HP: ??? Strength: ??? Defense: ??? Magic: ??? Magic Defense: ??? Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: N/A Gil: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Golbez's stats are unknown. For the first portion of the battle, you cannot hurt Golbez. At all. Just attack over and over. After about ten seconds, Golbez will put the whole party in paralysis. Then, he'll summon up a Shadow Dragon to finish them off. The dragon uses Black Fangs to OHKO (One-Hit KO) everyone except for Cecil. Suddenly, the Mist Dragon appears, and destroys the Shadow Dragon. And then, Cecil's paralysis is removed. Then, an old party member shows up: Rydia! She's grown up, too; she's an adult now. She summoned the Mist Dragon to help the party. Now the true battle begins. Revive all of your party members, and have Cecil/Rosa use Cura to cure the whole party. Once you're back in business, have Cecil attack, have Kain jump, have Yang attack, have Rydia summon Titan, and have Rosa heal the party whenever needed. Golbez attacks by using Black Magic spells such as Bio, and Thundaga. With all of this in mind, pound him with your best attacks, and keep the party healed until he goes down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doctor / Barnabas Found: Babel Tower HP (Doctor): 4936 Strength (Doctor): 18 Defense (Doctor): 0 Magic (Doctor): 0 Magic Defense (Doctor): 11 Weakness (Doctor): N/A Absorb (Doctor): N/A EXP Gained (Doctor): 5500 Gil (Doctor): 2000 Item(s) Obtained (Doctor): N/A HP (Barnabas): 4832 Strength (Barnabas): 86 Defense (Barnabas): 0 Magic (Barnabas): 31 Magic Defense (Barnabas): 11 Weakness (Barnabas): N/A Absorb (Barnabas): N/A EXP Gained (Barnabas): 5500 Gil (Barnabas): 2500 Item(s) Obtained (Barnabas): N/A Boss Strategy: There are two ways to fight this battle, but I recommend going after Barnabas first rather than the doctor. If you kill the doctor first, Barnabas will self-destruct on a party member, which will cause massive damage. So, have Cecil/Yang attack Barnabas, while Kain jumps. Have Rydia use a Black Magic spell or a summon, and have Rosa just attack or defend, and heal the party when needed. The doctor will order Barnabas to attack, but he attacks the doctor instead. When Barnabas is defeated, attack the doctor a few times, and he will control Barnabas himself, and he'll become Barnabas-Z. He has the same stats as Barnabas himself, though. Just attack the same way over and over, and make sure Rosa heals whenever you need to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Lugae Found: Babel Tower HP: 9321 Strength: 86 Defense: 1 Magic: 7 Magic Defense: 11 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 10101 Gil: 4000 Item(s) Obtained: Dr. Lugae's Key Boss Strategy: Lugae can be quite a pain to fight. At the start of the battle, he turns into an ugly skeleton-type monster. He can do some annoying things, such as putting your party members to sleep using Sleeping Gas, and poisoning your party members with Poison Gas. He will do this quite often. He will also do an attack called Beam. The damage varies; it can hurt 100, or it can hurt over 1000. Have Cecil attack, Kain jump, Yang attack, Rydia use a summon or a Black Magic spell. Also, have Rosa use Esuna on your party members that have status effects on them. Have her heal the whole party when needed, too. Keep using this strategy, and you'll win sooner or later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rubicante Found: Babel Tower HP: 34000 Strength: 80 Defense: 3 Magic: 16 Magic Defense: 37 Weakness: Ice Absorb: Fire EXP Gained: 18000 Gil: 7000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This boss battle is going to be long and difficult. Rubicante starts off the battle with him holding his cape over his face. This means that he will absorb all magic attacks you throw at him, so do not attack him while he's in this state. However, either at the start of the fight or after a couple of attacks, he should turn to his normal state, where his face is revealed. Now you can use Ice spells on him. Have Rydia use Blizzara, or Blizzaga, if she has it. Blizzara will hurt him nearly 3000, and Blizzaga will do two times as much damage. Have Cecil and Edge attack (or have Edge throw something if you have any Shurikens), and have Kain attack as well. Have Rosa just attack, and cure the party when needed. Rubicante will counterattack with Fira _every_ time you attack him, but it does not hurt much at all. His physical attacks can deal around 300 damage, though. And he can also attack more than one party member at a time. He also has an attack called Glare, which hits one party member. It deals a LOT of damage. If Glare hits Edge, he's most likely dead. Revive him if this happens, and heal him. Rubicante will cover his face with his cape again sooner or later. When he does this, just attack him with normal attacks until he changes. Keep healed with all of this in mind, and after a long time, you will win this rather hard battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asura Found: Land of Summons HP: 31005 Strength: 134 Defense: 3 Magic: 69 Magic Defense: 37 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 20000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: You pretty much _have_ to have Reflect with Rosa in order to win this fight. Even with Reflect, you're gonna be here for awhile. This is a pretty hard fight unless you have Curaja with Rosa. Asura has three different faces that she'll switch between during this battle. After every turn, she switches faces. Her angry face means that she is going to cast Curaga on herself, most likely. This will heal around 3200 HP each time she does it. Her blue face means that she is going to cast Life, for some strange reason. And her sad face means that she's going to cast a support spell. She uses physical attacks at any time, though. They are pretty dang powerful, too. They can hurt anywhere between 500 to 1200. If she hits someone like Rydia or Edge, they're going to be dead, or near dead. Make sure Rosa heals the party often. Have Rosa cast Reflect on Asura. This way, her support spells, along with her Curaga, will reflect back onto a party member. Have Cecil and Edge attack, and have Kain jump. Have Rosa heal the party often. Have Rydia cast Titan to deal around 1800-2100 damage per a blow. Immediately cast Reflect back onto Asura after it wears off, and make sure you do not cast Reflect on any of your party members, or you won't be able to heal the whole party at once. Keep doing all of this, and stay healed. After you beat Asura up a lot, you should win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leviathan Found: Land of Summons HP: 50001 Strength: 174 Defense: 5 Magic: 34 Magic Defense: 54 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 28000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This boss fight isn't nearly as hard as the last fight. If you don't have Thundaga with Rydia, Ramuh will do (or Titan). Have Cecil and Edge attack, and have Kain jump. Have Rydia summon Titan or Ramuh, or cast Thundaga if she has it. Have Rosa just heal the party when needed. Leviathan will start off the fight with Tidal Wave, which deals around 500 damage to each party member. When Leviathan has his mouth opened, that means he is going to use Tidal Wave. When his mouth is closed, that means he'll simply attack with Blizzara. It's not too powerful, but it can hurt if you're low on HP. Despite Leviathan's high HP, this battle should go faster than the battle with Asura. Keep your party recovered and use the same attacks until you beat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demon Wall Found: Sealed Cavern HP: 28000 Strength: 84 Defense: 4 Magic: 79 Magic Defense: 29 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 23000 Gil: 8000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: You have to be fast to defeat this boss. It's not that hard if your party is at least Level 40, though. Do not worry about healing in this fight, since the Demon Wall's attacks aren't even that powerful. Have Cecil and Kain both attack (don't make Kain jump), and have Edge throw the Fuma Shuriken, along with the Light Sword you got in the cave earlier. Throw anything else you may have, and if you run out of throwing items, just have Edge attack. Have Rydia cast Leviathan, and have Rosa do whatever. The wall can cast Stone Gaze, which makes your party members begin to turn to stone. If this happens, use a Remedy or Esuna to cure it. After each turn, the wall moves closer to your party. If it gets very close to your party members, it will do an attack that will kill each of your party members instantly. If he does this, you're pretty much a goner. Just keep this up, and retry if you lose. You'll eventually win this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Odin Found: Baron Castle HP: 20001 Strength: 116 Defense: 5 Magic: 95 Magic Defense: 38 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 18000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This boss is sort of like the previous one, because you have to take him out _fast_. If you don't, he will kill all of your party members in a single hit. After three turns, he will raise up his sword. Then, a turn later, he will slice your whole party with it, resulting in a Game Over, most likely. So, here's the strategy: have Cecil attack, and have Edge either attack, or throw anything you might have. Have Rydia summon Leviathan, to deal about 4900-5200 damage. Make sure you do not stop attacking. At all. If he raises his sword, don't give up. Just unleash everything you've got on this guy. If you're a high enough level, he'll go down by the time he raises his sword, or even sooner than that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Behemoth Found: Cave of Bahamut HP: 23000 Strength: 154 Defense: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Defense: 254 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 57000 Gil: 650000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: These are pretty dang hard to defeat. They counter-attack with a physical attack every time you attack them. They hurt around 700-1200 damage every hit, too. Be very careful. If Rydia or FuSoYa gets hit, they're most likely dead. However, if they're not, have Rosa and FuSoYa use Curaja often. Magic spells don't really hurt the Behemoths too much, but use them anyway. Have Cecil and Edge attack, or have Edge throw if you have anything. Have Rydia summon something, such as Leviathan. Have Rosa use Curaja on the party when they're damaged, and have FuSoYa use Black Magic spells (nothing major like Flare, though; the Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga spells will do fine). Revive any fallen party members and cure them immediately. Repeat this until you beat them. fedaykin125 says: "Hi, I just thought I'd make a minor suggestion for your guide to FF4 Advance on gamefaqs. The boss "Behemoth" does indeed have powerful counterattacks, but there is a much easier way to handle him without all the frantic healing and reviving. Simply defend with everyone except FuSoYa and Rosa, who should cast blink on all party members. When blink is set up on everyone, have the strongest physical attacker only ( probably Cecil with the Excalibur) attack Behemoth. All his counterattacks will miss. Once blink wears out, hold attacking and recast it. Using that method, you never need to take an hp of damage." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bahamut Found: Cave of Bahamut HP: 45001 Strength: 174 Defense: 1 Magic: 17 Magic Defense: 4 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 35000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: At the start of the battle, a message with a countdown timer will commence. When the timer reaches zero, Bahamut unleashes his ultimate attack, Mega Flare. There is a way around this, however. First, have Rosa and FuSoYa cast Reflect on theirself, and have everyone else use as much Curtain items as you have. If you don't have enough for everyone, have Rosa/FuSoYa cast Reflect on the rest of the party members. After this, have Cecil and Edge attack (or have Edge throw). Have Rydia and FuSoYa cast Firaga, Blizzaga, or Thundaga on a party member that has Reflect on. It will backfire onto Bahamut to deal massive damage. When Bahamut uses Mega Flare, it will reflect off of your party members, and hit him for 9999 damage. If a party member does not have Reflect on when Bahamut uses Mega Flare, revive the party member that's probably dead. Keep doing this, and make sure Reflect stays on. Eventually you'll defeat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elemental Lord Found: Giant of Babel HP (Scarmiglione/Rubicante): 60000 (combined) Strength (Scarmiglione): 46 Defense (Scarmiglione): 1 Magic (Scarmiglione): 31 Magic Defense (Scarmiglione): 22 Weakness (Scarmiglione): Fire, Holy Absorb (Scarmiglione): Ice EXP Gained (Scarmiglione): ??? Gil (Scarmiglione): ??? Item(s) Obtained (Scarmiglione): N/A Strength (Rubicante): 80 Defense (Rubicante): 3 Magic (Rubicante): 16 Magic Defense (Rubicante): 37 Weakness (Rubicante): Ice Absorb (Rubicante): Fire EXP Gained (Rubicante): ??? Gil (Rubicante): ??? Item(s) Obtained (Rubicante): N/A HP (Cagnazzo/Barbariccia): 50000 (combined) Strength (Cagnazzo): 44 Defense (Cagnazzo): 2 Magic (Cagnazzo): 29 Magic Defense (Cagnazzo): 48 Weakness (Cagnazzo): Blizzard, Lightning Absorb (Cagnazzo): N/A EXP Gained (Cagnazzo): ??? Gil (Cagnazzo): ??? Item(s) Obtained (Cagnazzo): N/A Strength (Barbariccia): 82 Defense (Barbariccia): 0 Magic (Barbariccia): 63 Magic Defense (Barbariccia): 12 Weakness (Barbariccia): N/A Absorb (Barbariccia): N/A EXP Gained (Barbariccia): ??? Gil (Barbariccia): ??? Item(s) Obtained (Barbariccia): N/A Boss Strategy: This is a really unique battle. You have to fight one Elemental Lord at a time, until you defeat them all. The first one up is Scarmiglione. This time around, he shouldn't be much of a problem. Have Cecil attack, and have Edge either attack or throw an item. Have Rydia use Firaga to deal 9999 damage to him. Have FuSoYa use Firaga, as well. And Rosa is actually useful against Scarmiglione. Have her use Curaja on him to damage him a lot. After a few attacks, he should go down. The Elemental Lords pretty much attack the same way as before. Up next is Rubicante. In this battle, he never puts his cloak over his face. Have Cecil and Edge attack him, and have Rydia and FuSoYa use Blizzaga on him. Have Rosa just recover the party if nessecary. Cagnazzo is up next. He's pretty easy. Just use Thundaga with Rydia/FuSoYa (if Rydia doesn't have Thundaga, either Thundara or Ramuh will do). As usual, have Cecil and Edge attack, and have Rosa heal the party if ever needed. Once you defeat Cagnazzo, you have Barbariccia left to defeat. She is in her tornado form the entire time this time, but it doesn't do anything bad like last time. Just go all out; since she doesn't have any weaknesses, have Cecil/Edge attack, have Rydia either summon something or cast a spell, and have FuSoYa cast something like Firaga. Beware of her Maelstrom ability, however. This will get your party members down to single-digit HP. Use Curaja to cure the party immediately. After you defeat Barbariccia, you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CPU / Attack Node / Defense Node Found: Giant of Babel HP (CPU): 30000 Strength (CPU): 174 Defense (CPU): 4 Magic (CPU): 127 Magic Defense (CPU): 38 Weakness (CPU): N/A Absorb (CPU): N/A EXP Gained (CPU): 50000 Gil (CPU): 10333 Item(s) Obtained: N/A HP (Attack Node): 3000 Strength (Attack Node): 116 Defense (Attack Node): 5 Magic (Attack Node): 47 Magic Defense (Attack Node): 11 Weakness (Attack Node): N/A Absorb (Attack Node): N/A EXP Gained (Attack Node): 0 Gil (Attack Node): 0 Item(s) Obtained (Attack Node): N/A HP (Defense Node): 3000 Strength (Defense Node): 116 Defense (Defense Node): 5 Magic (Defense Node): 47 Magic Defense (Defense Node): 11 Weakness (Defense Node): N/A Absorb (Defense Node): N/A EXP Gained (Defense Node): 0 Gil (Defense Node): 0 Item(s) Obtained (Defense Node): N/A Boss Strategy: To win this fight, you have to destroy a certain node. The Defense Node will restore around 3000 HP every turn to the CPU, so you're going to have to focus on him. Do _not_ use magic spells on everything in this fight. If you kill both nodes, the CPU will do a 9999-damage attack, and kill each party member one by one. Once the Defense Node is dead, you cannot use spells on the CPU, because it will have Reflect on it. The Attack Node uses a beam on your party, dealing around 300 damage to every party member. If this becomes a huge threat, have Rosa or FuSoYa use Curaja to cure the entire party. If you really want to use magic attacks, then cast Reflect on a party member, and use a spell on that party member. The spell may reflect back onto the CPU, but if it doesn't, you're dead. Have everyone just attack the CPU, and have Edge throw something if you have anything. Keep this up, and keep your HP up until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Storm Dragon Found: Cave of Trials HP: 40000 Strength: 139 Defense: 4 Magic: 22 Magic Defense: 33 Weakness: Ice Absorb: Fire EXP Gained: 320000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This boss is pretty hard to defeat. He has some strong physical attacks, as well as a strong, deadly magic attack. Have Cecil attack the dragon, and have Rydia (or Palom, whoever your Black Magic user is) cast Blizzaga. Have Kain just attack, and have Yang attack, as well. Have Rosa be your healer. The dragon might use his strongest attack, the Tornado. It hits all of the party members, and deals around 1500-1700 damage to everyone! This will probably only leave one or two party members alive. If this happens, revive everyone. Quickly. Then, have Rosa use Curaja on everyone to cure them. He also has the Maelstrom attack, which leaves every one of your party members with single digit HP. Use Curaja to cure this immediately. With this in mind, make sure you keep healed at _all_ times until you defeat this dragon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gigas Worm Found: Cave of Trials HP: 55000 Strength: 155 Defense: 4 Magic: 34 Magic Defense: 44 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 32000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Another rather hard boss battle, but it's not as hard as the last one. Since Edward has very little HP, he'll probably die in one strike. Have Cecil attack, and have Kain jump. Have Rydia summon Bahamut, and have Edward just defend or attack, since he is pretty much useless at this point. Have Rosa cure the party. Every time you attack the worm, it counterattacks with a physical attack, dealing around 1000 damage per a hit. So, have Rosa cure the party when this becomes a problem. You should also have Rosa cast Blink onto all of your party members, to reduce the damage dealt to you. Keep healed, and make sure no one dies until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master Flan / Black Flan (x2) / White Mousse (x2) Found: Cave of Trials HP (Master Flan): 35000 Strength (Master Flan): 130 Defense (Master Flan): 4 Magic (Master Flan): 34 Magic Defense (Master Flan): 38 Weakness (Master Flan): N/A Absorb (Master Flan): N/A EXP Gained (Master Flan): 32000 Gil (Master Flan): 0 Item(s) Obtained (Master Flan): N/A HP (Black Flan): 1357 Strength (Black Flan): 116 Defense (Black Flan): 254 Magic (Black Flan): 0 Magic Defense (Black Flan): 0 Weakness (Black Flan): N/A Absorb (Black Flan): N/A EXP Gained (Black Flan): 3044 Gil (Black Flan): 1300 Item(s) Obtained (Black Flan): N/A HP (White Mousse): 298 Strength (White Mousse): 66 Defense (White Mousse): 254 Magic (White Mousse): 0 Magic Defense (White Mousse): 12 Weakness (White Mousse): Ice Absorb (White Mousse): N/A EXP Gained (White Mousse): 1808 Gil (White Mousse): 384 Item(s) Obtained (White Mousse): N/A Boss Strategy: This boss battle isn't too hard, especially compared to the last two. The thing about this boss is, physical attacks do not hurt the Flans, and you cannot target the Master Flan unless the four normal Flans are gone. Have Cecil and Kain just attack, since they can't really damage them. Have Rosa defend or attack, and heal when nessecary. Have Rydia cast Bahamut. It will hurt 8000-9999, hitting the Master Flan, plus destroying the other four Flans. After all four Flans are gone, you can target the Master Flan. It will have Reflect on itself, though, so you can't use Black Magic on it. Have Cecil and Kain attack it, and have Palom just attack it normally. If you want to, have Rosa cast Reflect onto a party member, then have Rydia/Palom use a spell on that party member, so it'll backfire and hit the Master Flan. Although you can't heal the whole party at once this way. Once you get a few attacks in on the Master Flan, the other four Flans will respawn. Have Rydia use Bahamut to take care of them again. The Master Flan will often use Flare on himself, making it backfire onto a party member, dealing tons of damage. Revive the party member if he/she has fallen. Keep doing this until you win this fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Rex Found: Cave of Trials HP: 60000 Strength: 148 Defense: 3 Magic: 34 Magic Defense: 54 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 32000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: I actually found this boss to be a little easy. Despite his high HP, if you have Float on before the fight, you shouldn't have much trouble. He will probably start off by using Earthquake. If you have Float on, this will do nothing. His physical attacks are a little strong, dealing around 300 damage per a hit. If you need to, have Rosa or Porom heal. Have Cecil attack, and have Kain either attack or jump. Just have Rydia use Bahamut, to deal around 8000-9999 damage. If you attack this boss with any Fire attack (summons do not count), it'll counterattack with Flame, dealing around 500 damage to the entire party. As always, just keep your party healed, and you'll beat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death Mech Found: Cave of Trials HP: 50000 Strength: 135 Defense: 4 Magic: 34 Magic Defense: 54 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 32000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This is another easy boss. Even easier than the last one, in fact. If Cid has a Mythril Hammer equipped, he will hurt around 2800-3200 damage per a hit. The Death Mech's attacks aren't too bad. Sometimes, though, he'll use a move that will kill a party member in a single hit. Revive the party member if this happens. He also has Flame, which hits every party member for around 500 damage. His physical attacks aren't too strong. However, he may do a Laser attack, which hurts around 1200 damage on a single party member. He also has the Piercing Laser, which hurts about 300 damage on all of your party members. Have Cecil attack, have Kain jump, have Cid attack, have Rydia cast Bahamut, and have Rosa heal the party when needed. Repeat this strategy, and he'll be down in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ White Dragon Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 32700 Strength: 156 Defense: 5 Magic: 31 Magic Defense: 48 Weakness: N/A Absorb: Fire, Lightning, Blizzard EXP Gained: 55000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Be sure to cast Float with Rosa/Porom during this battle, because this dragon has Earthquake. If you have Float on the entire party, they won't get damaged. The White Dragon will often use Slow on each party member, so if you want to counter it, use Haste. When you use magic spells on him, he may counter with Earthquake. Have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, and have Kain jump. Have Rydia summon Bahamut, and have Rosa cure the party when needed. The White Dragon's physical attacks aren't that powerful, but have Rosa heal if it becomes too much trouble. Keep pounding him with attacks until you defeat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Bahamut Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 60000 Strength: 160 Defense: 5 Magic: 8 Magic Defense: 52 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 64000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This boss is a bit hard to defeat. He will immediately use Mega Flare as soon as the battle begins. This will most likely kill everyone but one or two party members. Revive everyone, right after they die. Dark Bahamut is a little slow, so try not to worry. He will cast Reflect upon himself, and for basically the whole battle, he will use Flare on himself, and it will reflect to one of your party members. Don't forget to heal your party members after reviving them from the Mega Flare. Do not use any type of summon with Rydia. If you do, he will counterattack with Mega Flare every time. The only attack he really does otherwise is Flare, dealing around 800-1200 damage on a single party member. Have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, and have Kain jump. Have Rydia/Palom just attack, since you can't use Black Magic on this boss. Have Rosa/Porom heal the party whenever nessecary. Just keep doing this, and he'll die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plague Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 33333 Strength: 146 Defense: 5 Magic: 0 Magic Defense: 38 Weakness: Throw Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 31108 Gil: 550 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: You have to defeat this boss very quickly. When the battle starts, Plague will cast Doom on the entire party, which will set a countdown timer of ten seconds on everyone. When the timer reaches zero, everyone dies, and you get Game Over. However, you can take advantage of this. As soon as someones countdown gets to around five seconds, quickly kill a party member. Revive the party member, and Plague will re-cast Doom, resetting the whole party's timer. Now then, have Cecil pound him with physical attacks, and have Kain either jump or attack. Have Rydia cast Bahamut, and have Palom (if he's in your party) use Black Magic. And if Edge is with you, throw something if you have anything. Otherwise, just have him attack. Do not worry about healing or anything, and do not stop in between selecting commands. You will beat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunasaur (x2) Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 23000 Strength: 144 Defense: 4 Magic: 54 Magic Defense: 254 Weakness: Holy Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 29500 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This boss is extremely easy. If Yang is in your party, and he has his ultimate weapon, this will be two times easier than it would be normally. The Lunasaurs will cast Reflect upon them, so you cannot use Black Magic here. Have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid and Edward attack. With Cecil and Yang's ultimate weapons equipped, they will each hurt 9999 per a hit! Have Rydia summon Bahamut, and have Rosa attack or heal. Have Kain jump. The Lunasaurs may do Flame, which hurts around 300 on everybody. Aside from that, there's nothing really worth mentioning. Keep attacking them, and they'll die in a few attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ogopogo Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 50000 Strength: 150 Defense: 4 Magic: 127 Magic Defense: 40 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 61000 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Ogopogo will start off the battle with two consecutive Tidal Wave attacks. This will hurt your party a bit, so have Rosa or Porom recover the whole party after this. Have Rydia summon Bahamut, and if Palom is in your party, have him use Black Magic spells. Have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, and have Kain jump. Every time you use a summon, however, he will counter it by using Blaze, a move that hurts around 500 on every party member, so be careful. He also attacks by using physical attacks, which can hurt around 700 on one party member. Ogopogo may also use Tidal Wave again, after awhile. If he does this, make sure you use Curaja with Rosa or Porom. Keep attacking him and keep healed until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zeromus Found: Lunar Subteranne HP: 130,000 (estimate) Strength: ??? Defense: ??? Magic: ??? Magic Defense: ??? Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 0 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Zeromus will start off the fight with his ultimate attack, the Big Bang. This will most likely deal around 1900-2100 damage to each party member. This attack is deadly. After he does it, have Rosa/Porom use Curaja immediately, and revive any fallen party members. If Edge is with you, throw the Dark Matter at him. This will reduce the damage of his attacks temporarily. Have Cecil, Yang, and Cid attack. Have Edge throw the Excalibur (if he's in your party); hopefully you still have it. Otherwise, have Edge just attack. Have Rydia/Palom use Black Magic spells. If Rydia summons or uses Black Magic, Zeromus will counterattack by using Flare on a party member, so be careful when using spells. Zeromus can also use Black Hole, which nullifies magic, but it doesn't seem to do anything at all. When Zeromus shakes, that means he is about to use Big Bang again. Make sure Rosa/Porom is ready to cast Curaja again, because this will hurt, unless you threw the Dark Matter at him. Kain should either attack, or just jump. Keep your party healed at _all_ times to survive Zeromus' deadly attacks, and keep pounding him with everything you've got. Zeromus may also use Flare at any time. He may also use Meteor. It's not too strong, though, and it only hits 2-3 party members. Zeromus will go down after awhile. If you cannot win, level up to around Level 55-60, and try again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Ruins Bosses ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soldier Monk (x8) Found: Lunar Ruins - Yang's Trial HP: 6000 Strength: 140 Defense: 3 Magic: 0 Magic Defense: 254 Weakness: Fire Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 15000 Gil: 5000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Each one of the monks have 6000 HP, but they're not really all that hard. Just have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, and have Rydia summon Bahamut. Have Rosa/Porom use Holy, if they have it. The monks will vanish as you damage them. When there's only one left in that pack, or you kill them all at once, they die. They have minorly strong physical attacks, but just heal up if you ever have to. And have Kain just jump, or attack. Use the same strategy for the Super Monk/Drillmaster battles coming up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Titan Found: Lunar Ruins - Yang's Trial HP: 120000 Strength: 196 Defense: 2 Magic: 35 Magic Defense: 37 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LT Boss Strategy: Ooh, boy. This guy has craploads of HP. To top it onto that, his physical strength is stronger than any boss you've fought in the game. When it is Rosa/Porom's turn, immediately cast Float. The Lunar Titan will sometimes use Earthquake, which is why you need Float on. If he hits a party member with a physical attack, it will hurt at _least_ 1200-1700. If someone like Rydia got hit by it, cure immediately. When he has his arm close to his chest, he's about to use his ultimate attack, Earthquake. If you have Float on, this is no problem at all. He may also use Stone Gaze. If he does, cure it immediately. Have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, have Kain jump, and have Rydia cast Flare. If Rosa has it, have her cast Holy, unless she needs to heal the party. Keep this up until you win this hard fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Shiva Found: Lunar Ruins - Edward's Trial HP: 100000 Strength: 173 Defense: 2 Magic: 36 Magic Defense: 55 Weakness: Fire Absorb: Blizzard EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LS Boss Strategy: This boss has some nasty Ice-type attacks. She'll start off the battle by casting Ice Storm, which will hurt around 2000 on the whole party, most likely. If this kills anyone, revive them, and use Curaja with Rosa/Porom to recover the entire party. Have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, have Rydia/Palom use Flare, and have Rosa/Porom either heal or use Holy. You could also use Blink, to prevent damage from her physical attacks. Every time you use a Black Magic spell or a summon, she will use Blizzaga on herself, healing around 2300 HP. Since Flare hurts around 9600-9999, don't worry about her using Blizzaga on herself afterwards. Holy will hurt almost the same as Flare, so don't worry. When Lunar Shiva has her wand pointed towards the party, she's about to unleash Ice Storm again. She can also do Blaze, which will cause about 400-500 damage to the whole party. Keep attacking her, and keep your party healed. She will go down eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shiva Found: Lunar Ruins - Rydia's Trial HP: 64000 Strength: 172 Defense: 5 Magic: 50 Magic Defense: 52 Weakness: Fire Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 50000 Gil: 45000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Although she does not absorb Blizzard attacks, she is resistant to them. Shiva is actually pretty easy. As always, just have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, and have Rydia/Palom cast Firaga. It hurts more than Flare. Have Rosa/Porom use Holy, since you probably won't need to heal throughout this entire battle. Have Kain jump or attack. Shiva doesn't really have any strong attacks. Her physical attacks only hurt around 300 damage on a party member. When she has her wand pointed at the party, she's getting ready to use Ice Storm. It barely even hurts at all. It will only hurt around 150-200 damage on everyone. Only heal if nessecary. Keep this up, and you'll win in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ifrit Found: Lunar Ruins - Rydia's Trial HP: 110000 Strength: 198 Defense: 2 Magic: 40 Magic Defense: 35 Weakness: Ice Absorb: Fire EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Ifrit may have high attack power, but he's still not all that difficult. Have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, and have Kain jump or attack. Have Rydia/Palom cast Blizzaga, and have Rosa or Porom use Holy, unless they need to heal the party. Ifrit's physical attacks are a little powerful, dealing around 1000 damage per a hit. Cure this if it becomes a huge threat. When Ifrit looks like he's about to dash towards you, he is getting ready to use Flame. It hits all party members, but doesn't hurt much. It only hurts around 300-450 damage on everyone. One Curaga by Rosa or Porom will easily take care of that. Keep pounding him with your best attacks until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Titan Found: Lunar Ruins - Rydia's Trial HP: 75000 Strength: 180 Defense: 5 Magic: 28 Magic Defense: 48 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 50000 Gil: 45000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Be sure to have Rosa cast Float on the entire party before you have her heal or attack. Once you do that, you will be safe from Titan's earth attacks. Have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, have Rydia/Palom cast Flare, have Rosa/Porom cast Holy, or heal, and have Kain just attack or jump. Titan's physical attacks hurt around 1200 damage per a hit, so be careful. He will also do Quake, but if you have Float on, you won't take any damage. When his arm is near his chest, he's getting ready to use Earthquake. Again, if you have Float on, this will be no problem. Aside from that, Titan doesn't really have any other attacks. Keep this up, and heal when/if needed, and you'll defeat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ramuh Found: Lunar Ruins - Rydia's Trial HP: 60000 Strength: 170 Defense: 5 Magic: 41 Magic Defense: 54 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 50000 Gil: 45000 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: Even though he doesn't absorb any spells, he is resistant to Lightning-type spells. He is pretty easy, though. You know the drill by now; have Cecil/Edge/Yang/Cid/Edward attack, and have Kain attack, or jump. Have Rydia/Palom use Firaga or Flare, and have Rosa/Porom use Holy, or just defend. Make sure Rosa or Porom heals whenever nessecary. Ramuh's physical attacks are about as strong as any other summons have been so far. He also uses Blitz sometimes, which deals around 1200 damage to a single party member! Cure this immediately. Ramuh may also use Thundara, which won't hurt too much. Cure if nessecary. When Ramuh points his staff in the air, he is about to unleash his ultimate attack, called Lightning. This will deal around 500-700 damage to all of your party members. Heal when you need to, and Ramuh will fall quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Dragon Found: Lunar Ruins - Rydia's Trial HP: 105000 Strength: 180 Defense: 2 Magic: 254 Magic Defense: 44 Weakness: N/A Absorb: Holy EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LD Boss Strategy: Fortunately, this boss is pretty slow. He won't attack that often, but he does have some nasty attacks, like Poison Gas, which poisons the entire party. If this happens, have Cecil and Rosa/Porom use Esuna on everyone, one by one. He can also use Sleeping Gas, which puts a single party member to sleep. Use Esuna to cure this if that happens. Also, the dragon will sometimes turn into mist. This isn't anything bad, but you can't hurt him while he's in this state. Just recover your party members while he's in mist, or just defend. While in mist, he may use Cold Mist, which will only hurt the party 1 HP. When he returns to normal, you can continue attacking him. Have everyone attack, and have Rydia summon up Bahamut. Have Palom cast a Black Magic spell, and have Rosa and Porom cure when nessecary. Have Kain jump. Repeat this until you beat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Odin Found: Lunar Ruins - Cecil's Trial HP: 95000 Strength: 191 Defense: 2 Magic: 95 Magic Defense: 48 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LO Boss Strategy: You're in for a hard fight. This one is a bit harder than the last fight you had with Odin. At the start of the fight, he will use the Zantetsuken shortly after. This will deal around 4000 damage to _every_ party member. Revive any fallen party members, then have Rosa use Curaja until everyone is cured. Have Cecil and the other fighters attack, and have Rydia/Palom cast Thundaga. Thundaga will deal around 9500 damage per a hit. When Lunar Odin's sword is raised, he's about to do the Zantetsuken again, so be extra careful. If the fight goes on too long, he'll do a DOUBLE Zantetsuken, which is pretty much an instant-KO. It'll deal around 8000-10000 damage on the entire party. Have Kain jump while his sword is raised, because he won't be hit by the Zantetsuken. Cecil's Lightbringer sword may cast Holy (it has a random chance to), which will be around 10000 damage altogether. Keep doing this, and keep healed until he is defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Asura Found: Lunar Ruins - Rosa's Trial HP: 130000 Strength: 183 Defense: 3 Magic: 55 Magic Defense: 40 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LA Boss Strategy: Asura has some pretty dang powerful attacks, but there is a way around it. She will cast Firaga, Blizzaga, or Thundaga pretty much every turn. She will still cast Curaga on herself, but this time, do _not_ cast Reflect on her. Instead, have Rosa/Porom cast Reflect on every party member, one by one. And with any other members, use any Lunar Curtains you may have. You cannot heal yourself with Curaja this way, so rely on Hi-Potions and X-Potions you might have. She will also use moves like Tiny, and Toad very frequently. If you have Reflect on, this will do nothing. After a few turns, she stops using Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga, but she will still use them every now and then. She also counterattacks every time you attack her, just like before. Her physical attacks can hurt quite a bit, too, so be extra careful. This fight will be long and hard. When she uses Curaga, she'll only recover about 2200 HP. Keep attacking her and keep healed until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Ifrit Found: Lunar Ruins - Edge's Trial HP: 130000 Strength: 183 Defense: 3 Magic: 55 Magic Defense: 40 Weakness: Ice Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LI Boss Strategy: This boss is minorly difficult, but it's still not that hard. Ifrit is like Asura; he'll counterattack you each time you attack him. Although he is weak against Ice-type spells, do not use them on him. If you do, he'll counterattack with Glare, a deadly move that will hurt 3000+ on one party member. The same goes for summoning. In other words, have your Black Magic casters just defend, since they really can't do anything. If you want, you can use Blizzaga, but you risk losing a party member. Have Cecil and every other fighter attack, and have Kain jump or just attack. Have Rosa/Porom heal the party when needed. When Ifrit looks like he's dashing towards you, he's about to unleash Flame. He has two different types of it. The first type hurts around 500 damage on the entire party. The second only hurts all but one party member one damage. Keep all of this in mind, and keep attacking and you'll emerge victorious. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Bahamut Found: Lunar Ruins - Kain's Trial HP: 50000 Strength: 213 Defense: 2 Magic: 18 Magic Defense: 24 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LB Boss Strategy: Since Kain is alone, make sure you put him in the back row when Dark Kain was there. Now, Lunar Bahamut will have a countdown timer. It goes from 3 to 0. When it reaches zero, he will use Mega Flare. This will most likely result in an instant death for Kain. So, when the timer reachs two seconds, jump. If you time it right, you'll miss the Mega Flare. However, he will counterattack you as soon as Kain comes down. For an alternate strategy, you could use a Lunar Curtain, so that the Mega Flare would reflect back onto Lunar Bahamut. If you use a Lunar Curtain, be sure to jump at three seconds, so you can give him damage from the jump, plus from the Mega Flare. This battle will take awhile using the first strategy, so keep that up until you win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Ramuh Found: Lunar Ruins - Cid's Trial HP: 90000 Strength: 178 Defense: 2 Magic: 44 Magic Defense: 48 Weakness: N/A Absorb: Lightning EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LR Boss Strategy: Lunar Ramuh is quite difficult, simply because he counterattacks with Thundaga (and a powerful one, at that) _every_ time you attack him. If you attack him with a summon or Black Magic, he will counterattack with Blitz. Thundaga hurts around 1200-1500 damage on a single party member, while Blitz deals around 500-800 damage on one party member. However, if Kain has his ultimate equipment on, and he's in your party, have him jump. If Kain has his ultimate spear and armlet, he'll hurt around 9200, and Lunar Ramuh does not counterattack Kain's jump. If you have faith that your party members can survive all of the Thunderaga spells, attack away. Otherwise, have your attackers just defend, and have your spell-casters use Flare, to deal around 9200-9999 damage each time. When Lunar Ramuh raises his staff, he's about to use Lightning, which deals about 500-700 damage to all party members. Have a White Mage cure the party when needed, and keep attacking him with magic and with Kain's jump. You will defeat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Leviathan Found: Lunar Ruins - Palom & Porom's Trial HP: 135000 Strength: 205 Defense: 3 Magic: 38 Magic Defense: 51 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire LL Boss Strategy: This boss is rather easy, actually. He doesn't counterattack you when you attack him, either. He'll start off the fight using Tidal Wave, just like last time. This'll hurt anywhere between 1200 and 1500 damage to all of your party members, so just use Porom to cure this. Have Palom use Thundaga, and have Cecil, and every other fighter attack. Have Kain jump. When the Lunar Leviathan's mouth is opened, that means he's about to use Tidal Wave again. He will occasionally use Blizzaga on a party member, dealing around 1200 damage to one party member. Cure this by simply using Curaga. Lunar Leviathan may also use Maelstrom, which gets all party members down to single digit HP. If this happens, use Curaja with Porom/Rosa immediately. Keep up this attack pattern, and heal when needed until he falls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brachioraidos Found: Lunar Ruins - Certain Floor after Palom & Porom's Trial HP: 180000 Strength: 225 Defense: 5 Magic: 212 Magic Defense: 125 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 65000 Gil: 65000 Item(s) Obtained: Hero's Shield Boss Strategy: This boss is completely optional in the Lunar Ruins, and you can only fight it on a certain floor after Palom and Porom's trial room. It does some deadly attacks. It can do Glare, which will deal 9999 damage to a party member, instantly killing him/her. Revive the party member immediately if this happens. His regular attacks are a little strong, too. If he starts counting down, from three, then do not attack him. If you do, he'll use the Globe 199, which instantly kills a party member. After awhile, he'll cast Protect, and Reflect on himself. Then, he'll use a triple magic attack on himself, and it'll backfire onto either one party member, or several party members! He can do Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga, probably killing 2-3 party members, depending on how many he hit. He can also do Bio, Holy, and Flare, which is pretty much just as dangerous. Have everyone attack him, and have Kain jump. Have the White Mages heal. Keep doing this, and hope you win. Equip the Hero's Shield you get, because it's the best shield in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zeromus EG Found: Lunar Ruins - The Final Trial HP: 200000 Strength: 225 Defense: 3 Magic: 45 Magic Defense: 202 Weakness: N/A Absorb: N/A EXP Gained: 0 Gil: 0 Item(s) Obtained: N/A Boss Strategy: This is what you'd probably consider the _true_ final boss of the game. He is even harder than the regular Zeromus! He will start the fight off with Big Bang, just like the last time. It hurts a little more, too; around 2000-2500 damage on each party member. After he does this, quickly have Rosa/Porom cure the party using Curaja. If you have Palom/Rydia use a Black Magic spell on him, he'll cast Reflect, so Black Magic is out of the question in this battle. However, after awhile, the Reflect will wear off, so you can cast Black Magic then. Zeromus EG also can do two spells in a row, this time around. He could use Mini twice in a row, but it isn't always successful. He can also turn your party members into frogs by using Toad. If this happens, quickly cure it, as quickly as you can. This time, he will use Big Bang at any time, but fortunately, he doesn't use it too often. You know all of those Grimoire items you got from the Lunar bosses? This fight is a great battle to use them up in. Have all of your fighters attack, and have Kain jump. Keep all of your party members alive, and healed, at _all_ times. Just have Rydia/Palom attack until Reflect wears off, then cast Black Magic spells. Have Rosa/Porom just heal, and cure any negative status effects Zeromus EG may put on your party. When Zeromus EG gets near death, he'll start healing himself every turn. Unleash all of your Grimoire's here, if you haven't done so yet. Keep this up until you finally win. Congratulations! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================== VII. The Lunar Ruins ===================== The Lunar Ruins is a new dungeon that was added to the port of FFIV, just like the ability to change party members, and the Cave of Trials. After you beat the game, watch the credits. A few seconds after "The End" appears, you'll see a short scene where a new dungeon opens up on the Moon. Then, you're asked to save your game. When you reload your file, you're taken outside of the Crystal Palace, on the Moon automatically. Board the Lunar Whale, and fly slightly northeast of the Crystal Palace. You should see some stairs. Land there, and go down the stairs. This is the Lunar Ruins. Save your game before entering. You have to go back and defeat Zeromus with a different party each time. So, for an example, if you want to unlock Palom and Porom's part of the ruins, you have to defeat Zeromus with Palom and Porom in your party (you can unlock Palom's first, though, and then Porom's). You _have_ to do this in order to be able to proceed to the final trial of the ruins. There are 40 floors on the ruins, and there are hard enemies, too. Go in prepared. ============ Lunar Ruins ============ Inside of the ruins, after some dialogue, proceed down and enter the next area. I cannot help you from here. The rooms are completely random, as far as I've seen. I entered an area with a couple of chests in it, then when I entered the ruins again, the first floor was something completely different. It had chests that were never opened and stuff. So therefore, I cannot help you here. Just remember that every character has to be fighting Zeromus, and you must defeat him with that character in your party. This unlocks that party member's trial. However, I _can_ tell you what floors each persons trial is on. I will list them below. B4 - Yang's Trial (Yang must be in party to open door) B8 - Edward's Trial (Edward must be in party to open door) B12 - Rydia's Trial (Rydia must be in party to open door) B16 - Cecil's Trial (Cecil must be in party to open door) B20 - Rosa's Trial (Rosa must be in party to open door) B24 - Edge's Trial (Edge must be in party to open door) B28 - Kain's Trial (Kain must be in party to open door) B32 - Cid's Trial (Cid must be in party to open door) B36 - Palom/Porom's Trial (Both twins must be in party to open door) B40 - The Final Trial (Must have all other trials completed to enter) You have to complete all trials in that order. So, if you don't have a certain character in your party, you have to use the warp found east of the Save Point, in a room before a trial, to exit the dungeon. You have to keep coming back here with different characters until the challenges are all complete. In order to continue after completing someones trial, get the party member you'll need next, then, you have to go all the way north in that area, and head down the stairs. This is the Floor of Rememberance, where you travel through various areas in the game, like the Antlion Cave. Once you go through a couple of areas, you're carried to the next trial. So, read the Bosses section for help on defeating the bosses in these challenges. At the final trial, you fight an upgraded version of the final boss, named Zeromus EG. I will also provide a mini-walkthrough for each person's trial. Yang's Trial ------------ Location: B4 At Yang's trial, go north to hear a voice. Read the dialogue, then continue north to start a battle with Soldier Monks. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating these foes. After defeating them, head north to fight another set of Soldier Monks. After defeating them, heal up your party, and continue north. You have to fight 8 Super Monks now. Defeat them the same way you did the other monks. After you win the battle, go up, and you'll have to fight 8 Super Monks again! Defeat them, and 8 Drillmasters attack you. They're the same thing, only they are a bit stronger, and have lots of HP. Once you defeat them, eight _more_ Drillmasters attack you. Getting sick of fighting them, yet? After you defeat those, the Lunar Titan challenges you. See the Bosses section for help on winning. Once you win that battle, you get the Discipline Armlet. Equip it on Yang, then continue north to the next room. Edward's Trial -------------- Location: B8 Once you get to B8, and you have went through Edward's door, you'll appear in a snowy version of Damcyan Castle. Edward will pick up the nearby Requiem Harp. A spirit then attacks the group. You can't control this fight. After awhile, Edward will use Sing to release its soul. Now, go into the castle itself. In the castle, you'll notice flames around the area. Speak to them to enter in a fight against them. Defeat them by killing them, then using Sing. The soul will be released. Go up to each floor and do this. On the top floor, you can use the pots on the left and right side to restore all status effects, HP and MP. You'll be carried to a waterway after you defeat all of the souls. In here, there are so many secret paths, so try going through the walls. There are quite a few. Stay on the ground; there are no spirits in the water. Go around the waterway and defeat all of the spirits. Once you've done that, head to the far southern area of the waterway, and go into the next area. If you missed some spirits, Edward will say so. Regardless, once you're in the next room, recover your party to the max. Then, head all the way north. Edward will collapse, and his Requiem Harp will break. A voice will then speak, and you'll be attacked. Read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. After defeating Lunar Shiva, you'll recieve the Harmonius Ring. Equip this on Edward, then continue north. Enter the next area. Rydia's Trial ------------- Location: B12 In Rydia's trial room, you'll notice it is very foggy. Some sort of mist will surround Rydia. She then gets turned back into a child! She also temporarily loses most of her summons. When you regain control, head north. When you're in an open area, head east, and follow the path down. Speak with the person at the end. This is Shiva. Read the Bosses section for help on beating her. After you beat Shiva, you can summon her again. Now, make your way out of the path, then head all the way left. Follow the path to another person. Talk to him, and you'll have to battle Ifrit. See the Bosses section if you want help. After defeating Ifrit, make your way out of the path. Now, keep heading north, and then go left at the next path. Go down the path to find another person at the end. Speak with him, and you'll fight Titan. Refer to the Bosses section for help on defeating him. Once Titan is defeated, make your way out of the path, then recover your party's HP/MP, since you've fought three battles in a row. Now, once you're out of the path, head north, and ignore the big mist for now. Head right, and go down the path. You'll find Ramuh. Read the Bosses section for help on winning. Once you beat Ramuh, make your way out of the path, then go north, and inside the fog. Now that you have all summons back, the fog will vanish. Continue north, and a voice will speak. You'll have to fight another boss battle, so read the Bosses section for help on winning here. Once you win, Rydia will turn back into an adult, and the fog will disappear. Rydia will pick up the Mist Ring on the ground. Equip it on her, then proceed through the door. Cecil's Trial ------------- Location: B16 When you enter Cecil's door, you'll be in Baron Castle. A voice speaks, wanting Cecil to prove himself worthy. Head all the way north and through the door. From this point on, Cecil's trial is completely random. You have to do random things. I will just list the ones that I know of. Megalixir by the Stone: A mage comes and lays a Megalixir next to a tombstone. Do NOT grab it. Just enter the door ahead. Lost Chocobos: A lady will want you to bring back her Chocobos that ran wild. Go left, and press A in front of the Chocobos. One will return to the pin. Do the same for every Chocobo. Head to the area where the Chocobos were, and go through the northwestern door. Battle in the Castle: Go right, and a man will ask for you to help them. Go south, and fight all of the enemies that the soldiers are fighting. After that, go back north, and enter the door on the right. A Golden Frying Pan: When the old man asks you to listen to his story, he'll tell you about a golden frying pan. He falls asleep. So, just go southeast and through the door. The Mysterious Vase: Examine the vase in the room, and it will break. A man will come and ask you if you did it. Tell him yes, then continue through the door to the south. The Burglar: When the burglar asks you to keep quiet, refuse. Kill him to clear this challenge. Guard on Duty: A guard asks you to guard a chest for him. Do so, but do NOT open it under any circumstances. Just stand there, and the guard will come back eventually. Challenge complete. Guard on Duty #2: You'll be asked to guard a gate for awhile. Just sit there, and watch the various things that happen. However, do not move at all. After awhile, the challenge will be cleared. Lost Golden Apple: Find the Golden Apple (it's not hard to find, really), and give it back to the person that lost it. Do NOT eat it. Once you return it, you complete this. A Cursed Goblin: Fight the cursed Goblin, but do not attack it at all. Just sit there, and the curse will be broken. Once you clear five trials (I may have missed some, I'm not sure), you'll be in the throne room of Baron Castle. Go up to the throne, and speak with the king. He'll give you a chest. Open it. Depending on the actions you made in the five trials, you'll get a certain weapon. For being a true Paladin, you get the Lightbringer, Cecil's ultimate weapon. Equip it. Talk to the king again, and you'll have to fight Lunar Odin. See the Bosses section for help on this fight. When you defeat him, you'll be teleported back to the room before the trial. Rosa's Trial ------------ Location: B20 In Rosa's trial, you're in a town. Go north, and you'll see a scene. The place turns red, and a girl appears. She will send out three orbs. One will turn someone into a frog, another will strike a person with lightning, and the third one will break a hole in the wall. Now, your objective is to speak with certain people throughout the village. Speak with the man next to you. Rosa cures him. Some people in the village are monsters, so be careful when choosing. You only have a certain time to do this. Go around the entire village and speak with everyone. After awhile, Asura appears. Then, you'll have to fight Lunar Asura. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat her. After you defeat her, the townspeople talk to Rosa a bit. You also recieve a certain item depending on how good you did. If you did bad, you'll recieve an Elixir. If you did good, you'll get a Megalixir. If you did perfect, you'll get a White Ring. If you get that, equip it on Rosa immediately. Edge's Trial ------------ Location: B24 In Edge's trial, you'll notice staircases and statues spreaded out everywhere, on some sort of castle. Edge will leave Cecil and the others behind, and he'll go through a door ahead. Cecil follows him, and you'll end up on a certain area of the castle. Now, head north, then go left. Now, go up, then around, then go south. Enter the far western door. In that room, flip the switch on the right side of the wall. Then, go north, and flip the switch to the far left. Go up, and restore your MP at the pot to the left if you need to. Otherwise, go up the stairs nearby. Then, go up the next set of stairs. Head up, and speak with the king. He will set a trap for you, and you'll fall down to a different floor. You're on the previous floor. Flip the far right switch again, then in the next room, flip the far left switch. Proceed up the stairs again. This time, there's a wall of fire blocking the way. Edge will bust through the wall, and fall down a trap (he's reckless, isn't he?). Here, you'll see a red switch to the right. However, if you step on the dark cracks surrounding the switch, you fall down to another floor, and have to make your way back up here. The light cracks (the ones that aren't completely dark) open up after you step on them twice. Step on one of the light cracks, then step on the red switch. Now, walk across the second light crack. Now, proceed north, and walk across the cracks. Follow the path, then head south. If you read the note on the wall, it will say: Down 1, Right 2, Down 2, Right 1. From where the note is, take those exact steps. Then, you'll find another note. Read it, and it will say: Right 3, Up 4, Left 4, Up 8, Right 5. Take those steps, and head south. Ignore all of the staircases, then go left to the blue switch. Since you're stuck, go south and through the door, then go back through the door again. Head north back to the blue switch, then step on the switch. Now, go across the cracks, and head north. Step on the green switch, then step on the light crack and get back across. Now, go north, and through the green door. Go up the staircase. In this area, go south to enter a secret passage. Head west, and then go south to enter another secret passage. Try and make your way all the way down (try moving left, then down; keep doing that until you can go all the way down). Don't go to the path with the door. Instead, keep trying to go down. Head to the southwestern corner until you walk on the sky. Follow the path (the invisible barriers will be blocking your path, so try all directions until you can move) until you come to a door. It's locked, so keep fighting around this area until you defeat a Palace Guard. You will get a Key. Use it on that locked door to open it, then head inside. Make your way west through the secret path. At the end of the path, head all the way north, then east. Use the pot there to recover your MP (use Curaja to cure the whole party, then recover your MP). Continue north, and you'll see a door. Get another Key, then use it on the door to unlock it. Head inside, then go to the southwestern corner to enter a hidden passage. Make your way through it, then go northeast through another passage. Head north and into the next area. Here, just go through the closed door to the north. You're back in the throne room. Head north, and speak with the king. He will fight you, so read the Bosses section to see how to defeat him. Once you defeat him, you get the Hanzo Gloves. Equip these on Edge immediately. You'll fall back down to the first floor. Cecil wants to keep going, but Edge refuses. But after Cecil leaves, Edge gets disappointed, and leaves as well. Kain's Trial ------------ Location: B28 Kain goes in alone. He then wakes up in the town of Baron, next to Cecil. After some dialogue, you gain control of Kain. Speak with everyone by Cecil and Rosa. After you speak with everyone in the area, the captain and two more soldiers will appear. After they talk a lot, and it turns evening, go south, and enter the Inn. Inside, speak with the innkeeper, and you'll be able to rest for free. Kain will have a dream. When he wakes up in the day, and you regain control, examine the lance on the ground to get a Blood-Soaked Lance. Exit the Inn. When you're back outside, read the dialogue, then head north. Cecil will say that someone else got injured. Head north, and you'll see a soldier on the ground. After some dialogue, you regain control. Speak with everyone in the area, and Kain will show them the bloody lance he found in the Inn when he woke up. Talk to the man that is next to the injured soldier, and Kain will give him the lance. Cecil and Kain will then stay at the Inn for the night. Once you regain control, exit the Inn again. Here, you'll see some more dialogue. When you regain control, head north, and enter the small building the soldier in yellow is standing next to. In this area, go down the stairs, and speak with all of the people in the basement. Then, exit the house, and go east. Enter that house, and speak with Rosa's mom. After you do that, exit the house. Back outside, it's night time, so go to the Inn, and rest again. Kain will have another dream, and get out of bed in the middle of the night. Exit the Inn, and speak with Cecil. Then, go north, and some more dialogue will commence. After that, head to the northern part of the town, where the waterfalls are. There, you'll see Rosa tied up! After Cecil walks Rosa home, head south. Speak with Cecil, and they'll both go inside. Now, go back to the Inn, and rest again. Go back outside, and enter Rosa's house north of the Inn. Inside, you'll see some dialogue. Rosa will explain about what she heard and saw last night. When you regain control, speak with Cecil and Rosa, then exit the house. Head back to where Rosa was tied up at, and examine the sparkle twice. Now, head to the building left of Rosa's house, and enter it. Go down the stairs, and in the basement, speak with the mage. Exit the building, then head back to the Inn. A scene will commence. Kain will spot the bloody lance on the ground again. The soldiers and the captain will come, and think that Kain is the criminal behind all of it. After the dialogue, and you regain control, go by the exit of the Inn, and speak with the soldier. Kain will rest for now, and he will hear a voice speaking to him. Go east, and you'll see that the soldier is knocked unconscious. Exit the Inn. Outside, you'll see a ghost-looking thing. Kain follows it, and it enters Rosa's house. Follow it inside, and then go up to it. When it runs off, Kain will follow it outside. When you regain control, head west, and talk to the person again. The soldiers will come and reveal the ghost-looking thing. It's really a soldier. They'll take him away. When Cecil and Rosa come, more dialogue will occur. When you regain control, enter the Inn. Now, go west. You'll see the bloody lance again. Examine it, and Kain will take it, and head outside. Cecil will enter the small building, so you do the same. Follow Cecil north, and step on the white circle. You'll be teleported to a crystal-like area, and Cecil will be unconscious. Rosa is tied up, unconscious as well. Then, Kain will go up to the mirror, and a monster will come out. It's Kain's dark self. When he asks if you want to kill Cecil, say "No". Then, you'll have to fight him. Put Kain in the back row, then just stand there. After a few seconds, a message pops up. Dark Kain jumps, and Lunar Bahamut appears. See the Bosses section for help on defeating him. After you win, you'll obtain the Dragoon Gloves, along with the Abel's Lance. You'll appear back in the trial room, and Kain re-unites with the real Cecil. Equip the Dragoon Gloves and the Abel's Lance on Kain. Cid's Trial ----------- Location: B32 When you enter Cid's door, you appear on the overworld, with the Enterpirse nearby. Board the Enterprise, and a scene will occur. You'll have to carry someone home, to Mysidia, in under a minute and a half. Keep flying until you find it (it's west of Mt. Ordeals, in case you happen to see Mt. Ordeals). Enter the town. Then, another person will want you to take him to Troia in under a minute. Fly north of Mysidia until you find the desert near Kaipo, then fly all the way west until you see Troia, surrounded by the huge forests. Land there, and enter the town. After the person leaves, another person comes and wants you to take him to Fabul in under fourty seconds. Fly west of Troia. When you see a continent, fly north, and you'll see Fabul there. Land, and enter the castle. Someone else will want you to take him to Kaipo, in under thirty-five seconds. So, fly all the way west. When you see Damcyan, fly south, and you'll see Kaipo. You have to land somewhere to the northeast, then walk your way to Kaipo! Once you enter Kaipo, a young boy will want you to take him to Agart, in under thirty seconds. Quickly board the Enterprise, then fly all the way south, and a little bit to the right. When you see Mysidia, fly southwest of that, and you'll see Agart. Land, and quickly enter the town. You should finish with two or one second left to spare! After the boy leaves, Cid and the others will board the Enterprise. Then, you are attacked by Lunar Ramuh. Read the Bosses section for help on defeating him. After you defeat him, you'll get the Fiery Hammer. The airship goes down, and you're back in the cave. Equip the Fiery Hammer immediately. Palom & Porom's Trial --------------------- Location: B36 Once you enter Palom & Porom's door, they'll notice a slab on the wall. Palom and Porom decipher the slab on the wall, and they go seperate ways. Now, head east, and follow the path. Speak to Porom, and then her and Palom will talk a little. They're the only ones who can squeeze through such tiny holes. After some dialogue, you'll be in control of Palom. With Palom, head west, and flip the switch on the wall. It'll open a door on Porom's side. You can press L and R to switch between Palom and Porom. Now, switch to Porom. With Porom, head east, and flip the switch. Head west, and go through the door that is open, and into the next area. In this area, do not step on that yellow tile. If you do so, you'll be turned into Mini. Now, head all the way right, and step on the tile with a wing on it. This gives you Float. If you need to restore MP, examine the pot to the south. Next, go all the way south, and flip the switch at the end. Switch to Palom, and then go through the opened door. In this area, use the pot if you need to restore MP. Go west, and you'll see a frog. Now, head all the way left, and step on the green tile at the end. When you become a frog, head back east, then go through the hole that frog went through. Next, flip the blue switch at the end of the room, then exit this area. Go back all the way left, and step on the frog tile to turn back into a human. Now, head north, and enter the next area. Switch to Porom. With Porom, go north, and through the open door. In this room, go north, and a tiny boy will appear. When you regain control, head back to the previous room, then go all the way left, and step on the tile to become Mini. Now, make your way back east, and enter the door again. Back, here go through the hole since you're Mini. Go northeast, and flip the blue switch. Now, go west, and try to enter the pink door. A pig will come, and enter the door. When you regain control, step on the pig tile to the right. You will get the Pig status on you, and the door will open. Go through the door. Go north, and step on the pig tile to remove Pig status. Now, continue going west, and step on the blue switch at the end. Go back right, and go through the small hole. Then, switch to Palom. With Palom, step on the pig tile to the right. Go down the path, then enter the door at the end. In the next area, step on the Mini tile to the west to turn Mini. Go right, and go through the small hole to the north. Flip the blue switch to the north, then step on the Mini tile to remove the Mini status. Now, go all the way west, and enter the door ahead. In this room, step on the frog tile to become a Toad. Go all the way right, and step on the wing tile to get the Float status. Go east, and follow down the path. Go through the Toad hole, then head west and press the blue switch. Now, go back through the Toad hole, then go all the way left, and back to the closed blue doors. Switch to Porom. With Porom, go northwest, and enter the opened door. In here, go west, and step on the pig tile to get the Pig status. Head north, and through the door. In the next room, go north, and step on the pig tile to get rid of the Pig status. Go east, and step on the wing tile to get the Float status effect. Follow the path, and then remove the Float effect by stepping on the wing tile to the left. Now, go east, then head south, and enter the next area. Here, go down, and flip the blue switch. Then, go east, and through the door. In this area, step on the frog tile to become a Toad. Proceed north, and through the Toad hole. Go through the next Toad hole to the north, then go all the way left. Step on the green switch at the end, and then switch to Palom. With Palom, proceed through the open doors. In this area, go east, and step on the Mini tile to get the Mini status effect. Head back to the previous area. If you don't have them already, get the Float status effect to the south, and the Toad status effect to the west. Then, head all the way east. Go through the Toad hole at the end, then head west, and step on the frog tile to remove the Toad effect. Head back east, then go north, and through the Mini hole. Step on the tile to remove the Mini effect, then head west. Step on the green switch, then switch to Palom. A scene will occur. Both Palom and Porom will step on the switches at the same time. And then, the big thing at the beginning of the cave will go down. Palom and Porom re-unite with Cecil and the group. Head all the way north, and speak with the person there. You'll have to fight Lunar Leviathan. See the Bosses section for help on winning. Once you win the fight, examine the sparkle on the ground for two Twin Stars. Equip this gauntlet on both Palom and Porom. Head north and to the next area. The Final Trial --------------- Location: B40 NOTE: On one of the random floors after Palom & Porom's trial, there is a possibility you'll enter a cave that looks like the Sylvan Cave, with an old man next to where you appear. There is a big dragon in that area, and it's a boss. See the Bosses section for help on defeating it. In order to attempt this trial, you must have every other trial in the Lunar Ruins complete. On Floor 40, you will be in the same area you fought Zeromus in, with a Save Point in the center. Use a Tent/Cottage, and save your game, and then head all the way north. You'll hear a voice. This is Zeromus EG. See the Bosses section for help on defeating it. Once you defeat Zeromus EG, he will disappear, and a teleportal will appear. That teleportal takes you out of the dungeon. Congratulations! You have successfuly complete the Lunar Ruins! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============== VIII. Weapons ============== In this section, I will list all of the weapons in the game, along with info about who can equip them and such. ------ Swords ------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ancient Sword Attack: +35, 80% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: Randomly inflicts "Curse" onto an enemy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Avenger Attack: +83 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +10, Agility +10, Stamina +10, Intellect -10, Spirit -10 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: Casts "Berserk" onto the wielder. Two-handed weapon. Can be found rarely from a Behemoth, and semi-rarely from a King Behemoth. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Blood Sword Attack: +44 Defense: -2 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength -5, Agility -5, Stamina -5, Intellect -5, Spirit -5 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: Absorbs the enemy's HP. If the enemy is undead, you take damage, and give them HP. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Caliburn Attack: +1 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dark Sword Attack: +10, 82% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: Ineffective against undead enemies. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Deathbringer Attack: +31, 94% Defense: +3 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +5, Agility +5, Stamina +5, Intellect +5 Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: Has a random chance of instantly killing an enemy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Defender Attack: +105 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Stamina +15 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Excalibur Attack: +163 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +10 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: This sword is a "Holy" type, so it works against undead enemies. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flame Sword Attack: +65 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flandango Attack: +60 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: This sword works well against Flan-type enemies. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gorgon Blade Attack: +77 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: This sword can be found from a Gorgon, Medusa, Black Lizard, and a Catoblepas (rare chance). This sword may also cause Stone. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ice Brand Attack: +75 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lightbringer Attack: +223 Defense: +8 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15, Agility +15, Stamina +15 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: Randomly casts "Holy". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Light Sword Attack: +100 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: Sword with the "Holy" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mythril Sword Attack: +50 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: Works well against "Ghoul" enemies. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Piggy's Stick Attack: +150 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: Has a random chance of turning an enemy into a "Pig". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ragnarok Attack: +204 Defense: +8 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15, Stamina +15, Spirit +15 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: Effective against undead monsters. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shadow Blade Attack: +20, 89% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: Not very effective against undead monsters. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sleep Blade Attack: +55 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain Extra Notes: Has a random chance of putting an enemy to sleep. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sword of Legend Attack: +40 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: When Cecil becomes a Paladin, he automatically has this equipped. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------ Lances ------ ============================================================================== Abel's Lance Attack: +224 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15, Agility +15, Spirit +15 Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: Randomly casts "Tornado". ============================================================================== Blood Lance Attack: +85 Defense: -5 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength -10, Agility -10, Stamina -10, Intellect -10, Stamina -10 Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: Absorbs the enemy's HP. If the enemy is undead, you take damage, and give them HP. ============================================================================== Gungnir Attack: +92 Defense: +8 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Stamina +15 Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Holy Lance Attack: +109 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: This lance is effective against undead monsters. ============================================================================== Ice Lance Attack: +77 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Spear Attack: +9, 99% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Wind Spear Attack: +55 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Wyvern Lance Attack: +99 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: This lance is effective against dragons. ============================================================================== ---- Rods ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asura's Rod Attack: +75 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +15, Spirit +15 Equippable By: Palom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Holy" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fairy Rod Attack: +30 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +10 Equippable By: Rydia, Palom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Confuse" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flame Rod Attack: +7, 49% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +3 Equippable By: Rydia, Palom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Fire" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ice Rod Attack: +5, 47% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia, Palom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Blizzard" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rod Attack: +3, 40% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia, Palom Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rod of Change Attack: +15 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +5 Equippable By: Rydia, Palom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Pig" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rod of Lilith Attack: +13 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +5 Equippable By: Rydia, Palom Extra Notes: Found rarely from a Lilith/Lamia. When tossed as an item, "Drain" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardust Rod Attack: +45 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +15 Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Comet" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thunder Rod Attack: +10, 55% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +3 Equippable By: Rydia, Palom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Lightning" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Staves ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Healing Staff Attack: +8 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rosa, Porom, Cecil Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Cure" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kinesis Staff Attack: +36 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Spirit +10 Equippable By: Rosa, Porom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Dispel" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mythril Staff Attack: +12 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Rosa, Porom, Cecil Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Esuna" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nirvana Attack: +80 Defense: +8 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Spirit +15, Stamina +15 Equippable By: Porom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Reflect" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Power Staff Attack: +33 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +10 Equippable By: Rosa, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sage's Staff Attack: +48 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Spirit +15 Equippable By: Rosa, Porom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Life" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seraphim's Mace Attack: +50 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Spirit +15 Equippable By: Porom Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Esuna" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Staff Attack: +4, 45% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia (Child), Rosa, Porom, Cecil Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Bow & Arrows ------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bow Attack: +1 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Elven Bow Attack: +1 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +5 Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Great Bow Attack: +4 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Killer Bow Attack: +2 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +5 Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Cid Extra Notes: Has a better chance of getting a critical hit. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Perseus's Bow Attack: +1 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Spirit +15 Equippable By: Rosa Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yoichi's Bow Attack: +4 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +10 Equippable By: Rosa Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Angel Arrow Attack: +45 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Confuse" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fire Arrow Attack: +16 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Holy Arrow Attack: +12 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ice Arrow Attack: +16 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Iron Arrow Attack: +8, 30% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mute Arrow Attack: +45 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Mute" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Perseus Arrow Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Poison" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Poison Arrow Attack: +62 (+92 with Perseus Bow equipped) Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thunder Arrow Attack: +16 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yoichi Arrow Attack: +53 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Anyone with a Bow Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----- Harps ----- ============================================================================== Apollo's Harp Attack: +102 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15, Agility +15 Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: This harp is effective against dragons. Fire-elemental. ============================================================================== Dreamer's Harp Attack: +8, 86% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Sleep" status. ============================================================================== Lamia Harp Attack: +18, 92% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Confuse" status. ============================================================================== Loki's Lute Attack: +154 Defense: +8 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15, Stamina +15, Agility +15 Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Requiem Harp Attack: +129 Defense: -2 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength -5, Agility -5, Stamina -5, Intellect -5, Spirit -5 Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== ----- Claws ----- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cat Claw Attack: +1 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +5 Equippable By: Yang, Edge Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Sleep" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dragon Claw Attack: +3 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +10, Spirit +10 Equippable By: Yang Extra Notes: This claw is effective against dragons. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ice Claw Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Yang, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fairy Claw Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Agility +3 Equippable By: Yang, Edge Extra Notes: This claw is effective against giants. Has a random chance of inflicting the "Confuse" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fire Claw Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Yang, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hand of the Gods Attack: +4 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15, Agility +15, Stamina +15 Equippable By: Yang Extra Notes: This claw is Holy-elemental. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hell Claw Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +3 Equippable By: Yang, Edge Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Poison" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tiger Fang Attack: 0 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Agility +10, Stamina +10 Equippable By: Yang Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Paralyze" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thunder Claw Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Yang, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------- Hammers ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiery Hammer Attack: +221 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15, Stamina +15, Intellect +15, Spirit +15 Equippable By: Cid Extra Notes: Randomly casts "Flare". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gaia's Hammer Attack: +66 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +3 Equippable By: Cid Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Quake" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wooden Hammer Attack: +45, 80% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cid Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mythril Hammer Attack: +55, 80% Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cid Extra Notes: This hammer is effective against ghouls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thor's Hammer Attack: +194 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15 Equippable By: Cid Extra Notes: When tossed as an item, "Blitz" is cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Axes ---- ============================================================================== Dwarf Axe Attack: +63 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +5, Stamina +5, Agility -5, Intellect -5, Spirit -5 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Gigant Axe Attack: +204 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Poison" status. ============================================================================== Ogrekiller Attack: +80 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This axe is effective against giants. ============================================================================== Poison Axe Attack: +95 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Poison" status. This is a two-handed weapon. ============================================================================== Rune Axe Attack: +100 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: Found rarely by a Giant Soldier/Warrior/Iron Giants. This axe is effective against mage enemies. ============================================================================== ----- Whips ----- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Blitz Whip Attack: +40 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: N/A Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chain Whip Attack: +30 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dragon's Whisker Attack: +57 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +5, Agility +5, Stamina +5, Intellect -5, Spirt -5 Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: This whip is effective against dragons. This is found rarely from the Blue/Magic Dragon. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fire Whip Attack: +51 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +5, Agility +5, Stamina +5, Intellect -5, Spirit -5 Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mist Whip Attack: +100 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +15 Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: This whip is Holy-elemental. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Whip Attack: +20 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: Has a random chance of inflicting the "Paralyze" status. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------- Daggers ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assassin's Dagger Attack: +130 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Agility +15 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Porom, Edge Extra Notes: Has a random chance of instantly killing an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dancing Dagger Attack: +28 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Porom, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mage Masher Attack: +35 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +5 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Porom, Edge Extra Notes: This dagger is effective against mage enemies. Has a random chance to inflict the "Mute" status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mythril Knife Attack: +20 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Porom, Edge Extra Notes: This dagger is effective against ghouls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Triton's Dagger Attack: +62 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Intellect +15 Equippable By: Palom Extra Notes: Has a random chance of casting "Tsunami". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Katanas ------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ahura Attack: +32 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kikuichimonji Attack: +50 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +5 Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kotetsu Attack: +40 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kunai Attack: +25 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Masamune Attack: +65 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Agility +3, Intellect -3 Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Murasame Attack: +57 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +5, Stamina +5, Intellect +5, Agility -5, Spirit -5 Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mutsunokami Attack: +103 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +10, Spirit +10 Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sasuke's Katana Attack: +95 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Agility +10, Stamina +10 Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------- Boomerangs ---------- ============================================================================== Boomerang Attack: +20 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Full Moon Attack: +40 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Rising Sun Attack: +85 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== -------------- Throwing Items -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shuriken Description: Shurikens are alright, and are the basic items for Edge to throw. They hurt around 2350-3000 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fuma Shuriken Description: These are expensive in shops, and can only be found in a few chests throughout the game. They hurt about 4000 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knife Description: You can get this by doing a certain side quest, which I mentioned in the Walkthrough. It hurts everything in the game 9999 damage, so don't waste it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============ IX. Shields ============ In this section, I will list all of the shields in the game, along with info about who can equip them and such. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Aegis Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +4 Magic Defense: +5 Stats: Intellect +3 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: With this equipped, you are resistant to petrification. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Crystal Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: +4 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: With this equipped, you are resistant to undead enemy attacks. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dark Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +1 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Demon Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Diamond Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +4 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dragon Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +6 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: With this equipped, you are resistant to Fire, Ice, and Lightning. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fire Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: With this equipped, you are resistant to Ice. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Genji Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hero's Shield Attack: +4 Defense: +27 Magic Defense: +20 Stats: Strength +15, Agility +15, Stamina +15, Intellect +15, Spirit +15 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: Any armors you have on that resists stuff absorbs it instead. You get this from defeating Brachioraidos in the Lunar Ruins. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ice Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: With this equipped, you are resistant to Fire. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Iron Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +1 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Light Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mythril Shield Attack: 0 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: With this equipped, you are resistant to ghoul attacks. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============= X. Head Gear ============= In this section, I will list all of the head gear in the game, along with info about who can equip them and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Cowl Attack: +1 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: Stamina +3, Agility +3, Strength +3 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: When equipped, this helmet prevents "Sleep". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cat Hood Attack: 0 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: +18 Stats: Agility +5 Equippable By: Porom Extra Notes: This helmet is resistant to Ice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coronet Attack: 0 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: +15 Stats: Intellect +5 Equippable By: Palom Extra Notes: This helmet resists Mini, Pig, and Toad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crystal Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +12 Magic Defense: +8 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: This helmet resists undead attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +4 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demon Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +6 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Diamond Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +9 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +11 Magic Defense: +7 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This helmet resists Fire, Ice, and Lightning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feathered Cap Attack: 0 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Funny Mask Attack: +1 Defense: +8 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: Strength +5 Equipabble By: Yang Extra Notes: This helmet resists the "Paralyze" status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Genji Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +10 Magic Defense: +6 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glass Mask Attack: 0 Defense: +30 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: This is dropped rarely from a Wicked Mask and a Proto Phase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Hairpin Attack: 0 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: +10 Stats: Intellect +10 Equippable By: Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grand Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +14 Magic Defense: +10 Stats: Stamina +5, Agility +5, Spirit +5 Equippable By: Cid Extra Notes: This helmet is resistant to Lightning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Beret Attack: +1 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: Strength +5, Stamina +5 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hades Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iron Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leather Cap Attack: 0 Defense: +1 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mythril Helm Attack: 0 Defense: +12 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This helmet is resistant to ghoul attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ribbon Attack: 0 Defense: +9 Magic Defense: +12 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: This helmet is resistant to every negative status effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Red Cap Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +12 Stats: Stamina +10 Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: This helmet is resistant to Fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sage's Miter Attack: 0 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: +7 Stats: Spirit +5 Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twist Headband Attack: +1 Defense: +1 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: Strength +5 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wizard's Hat Attack: 0 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: +5 Stats: Intellect +3, Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom. Porom Extra Notes: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== XI. Armors =========== In this section, I will list all of the armors in the game, along with info about who can equip them and such. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adamant Armor Attack: +4 Defense: +117 Magic Defense: +20 Stats: Strength +15, Agility +15, Intellect +15, Stamina +15, Spirit +15 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: You get this by giving a tiny boy the Pink Tail. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Assassin's Vest Attack: +3 Defense: +29 Magic Defense: +20 Stats: Strength +5, Stamina +5, Agility +5 Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: This armor prevents "Poison", "Paralyze", and "Petrification". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bard's Tunic Attack: 0 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Battle Gear Attack: +2 Defense: +34 Magic Defense: +12 Stats: Strength +10, Stamina +10 Equippable By: Yang Extra Notes: This armor prevents "Curse", "Pig", and "Toad". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Black Belt Attack: +1 Defense: +12 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: Strength +5, Stamina +5 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Black Garb Attack: 0 Defense: +24 Magic Defense: +15 Stats: Agility +3 Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Black Robe Attack: 0 Defense: +8 Magic Defense: +7 Stats: Intellect +5 Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Caesar's Plate Attack: 0 Defense: +32 Magic Defense: +14 Stats: Spirit +10 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Clothes Attack: 0 Defense: +1 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chocobo Suit Attack: 0 Defense: +28 Magic Defense: +30 Stats: Stamina +10, Agility +15 Equippable By: Palom Extra Notes: This armor prevents "Poison". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Courageous Suit Attack: +3 Defense: +27 Magic Defense: +8 Stats: Strength +10, Agility +10, Stamina +10 Equippable By: Yang Extra Notes: This armor prevents "Curse". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Crystal Mail Attack: 0 Defense: +25 Magic Defense: +10 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to undead enemy attacks. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dark Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Demon Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +9 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Diamond Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +19 Magic Defense: +4 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dragon Mail Attack: 0 Defense: +23 Magic Defense: +8 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to Fire, Ice, and Lightning. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dragoon Plate Attack: 0 Defense: +36 Magic Defense: +15 Stats: Stamina +10 Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flame Mail Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +4 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to Ice. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gaia Gear Attack: 0 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Porom Extra Notes: This armor prevents petrification (slow). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Genji Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +21 Magic Defense: +7 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Grand Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +36 Magic Defense: +10 Stats: Stamina +15, Spirit +15 Equippable By: Cid Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to Lightning. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hades Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ice Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +17 Magic Defense: +4 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to Fire. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Iron Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +4 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kenpogi Attack: +1 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: Strength +3 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Knight's Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +11 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Leather Garb Attack: 0 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Light Robe Attack: 0 Defense: +12 Magic Defense: +9 Stats: Intellect +5, Spirit +5 Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Porom Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to Lightning. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lord's Robe Attack: 0 Defense: +24 Magic Defense: +18 Stats: Stamina +10, Spirit +10 Equippable By: Porom Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to Fire, Ice, and Lightning. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Maximillian Attack: 0 Defense: +40 Magic Defense: +12 Stats: Stamina +10, Intellect +10, Spirit +10 Equippable By: Cid Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Minerva's Plate Attack: +4 Defense: +28 Magic Defense: +5 Stats: Strength +15, Stamina +15, Agility +15, Intellect -15, Spirit -15 Equippable By: Rydia, Rosa, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mythril Armor Attack: 0 Defense: +13 Magic Defense: +4 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to ghoul attacks. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Prisoner's Wear Attack: 0 Defense: +1 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to the "Sleep" effect. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Power Sash Attack: +3 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +15 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rainbow Robe Attack: 0 Defense: +25 Magic Defense: +15 Stats: Intellect +10 Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to Black Magic spells. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Red Jacket Attack: +4 Defense: +21 Magic Defense: +12 Stats: Strength +15, Agility +15 Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to Fire. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sage's Robe Attack: 0 Defense: +19 Magic Defense: +15 Stats: Agility +10, Intellect +10 Equippable By: Palom Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to the "Silence" effect. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sage's Surplice Attack: 0 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: +5 Stats: Spirit +5 Equippable By: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tabby Suit Attack: 0 Defense: +33 Magic Defense: +30 Stats: Stamina +10, Agility +10 Equippable By: Porom Extra Notes: This armor prevents the "Poison" effect. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ White Dress Attack: 0 Defense: +26 Magic Defense: +20 Stats: Spirit +10 Equippable By: Rosa Extra Notes: This armor is resistant to undead enemy attacks. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ White Robe Attack: 0 Defense: +18 Magic Defense: +10 Stats: Spirit +15 Equippable By: Cecil, Rosa, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vishnu Vest Attack: +2 Defense: +35 Magic Defense: +15 Stats: Strength +10, Agility +10, Stamina +10 Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: This armor resists all attributes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== XII. Gauntlets =============== In this section, I will list all of the gauntlets in the game, along with info about who can equip them and such. ============================================================================== Crystal Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +10 Magic Defense: +7 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: This gauntlet is resistant to undead enemy attacks. ============================================================================== Crystal Ring Attack: 0 Defense: +20 Magic Defense: +12 Stats: Agility +5 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: This gauntlet prevents "Confusion", "Sleep", and "Paralyze". This can be found rarely from a Red Dragon, and a Crystal Dragon. ============================================================================== Cursed Ring Attack: -3 Defense: -8 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength -15, Stamina -15, Agility -15, Intellect -15, Spirit -15 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: This gauntlet turns everything from resistant to absorb. ============================================================================== Dark Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Demon Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +4 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Diamond Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +7 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Diamond Armlet Attack: 0 Defense: +6 Magic Defense: +8 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Discipline Armlet Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +15 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Yang Extra Notes: Increases the damage Yang deals by 3x as much as normal. ============================================================================== Dragon Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +9 Magic Defense: +6 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This gauntlet is resistant to Fire, Ice, and Lightning. ============================================================================== Dragoon Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +10 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Kain Extra Notes: Changes "Jump" into "Dbl Jump". ============================================================================== Gauntlets Attack: 0 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: +1 Stats: Spirit +3 Equippable By: Cecil Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Genji Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +8 Magic Defense: +5 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Giant's Gloves Attack: +2 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: Strength +10, Stamina +10 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Yang, Cid, Edge Extra Notes: This gauntlet prevents the "Mini" status. You can find this rarely from a Steel Golem. ============================================================================== Hades Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +3 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil (D. Knight) Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Hanzo Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +18 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edge Extra Notes: Changes "Steal" into "Plunder", where you'll attack, then steal. ============================================================================== Harmonius Ring Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +20 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Edward Extra Notes: Changes "Sing" into "Chant", which casts Safe and Shell when used. ============================================================================== Iron Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: 0 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Kain, Cid Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Iron Ring Attack: 0 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Yang, Palom, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Mist Ring Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +18 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia Extra Notes: Upgrades the damage done when using Summons. ============================================================================== Mythril Gloves Attack: 0 Defense: +6 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Cid Extra Notes: This gauntlet is resistant to ghoul attacks. ============================================================================== Power Armlet Attack: +1 Defense: +2 Magic Defense: +2 Stats: Strength +5 Equippable By: Cecil, Kain, Yang, Cid, Edge Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Protect Ring Attack: 0 Defense: +18 Magic Defense: +12 Stats: Stamina +15 Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: This gauntlet is resistant to Fire, Ice, and Lightning. ============================================================================== Ruby Ring Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Magic Defense: +3 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Everyone Extra Notes: This gauntlet prevents the "Pig" effect. ============================================================================== Rune Armlet Attack: 0 Defense: +5 Magic Defense: +8 Stats: Intellect +3, Spirit +3 Equippable By: Rydia, Rosa, Yang, Palom, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== Silver Armlet Attack: 0 Defense: +4 Magic Defense: +4 Stats: N/A Equippable By: Rydia, Rosa, Yang, Palom, Porom Extra Notes: You can get this rarely from Tiny Mages. ============================================================================== Twin Stars Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +20 Equippable By: Palom, Porom Extra Notes: N/A ============================================================================== White Ring Attack: 0 Defense: +15 Magic Defense: +20 Equippable By: Rosa Extra Notes: Changes "Pray" into "Miracle", which makes the ability restore more HP, cast Curaga, or Esuna to the whole party. ============================================================================== ============ XIII. Items ============ In this section, I will list all of the items in the game, along with info about what they do and such. Support Items ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Antidote Description: Cures "Poison". Cost: 40 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomb Description: Teaches Rydia the "Bomb" summon. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cottage Description: Restores all HP/MP, and revives any fallen party members. Can only be used at a Save Point, or on the overworld. Cost: 500 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cockatrice Description: Teaches Rydia the "Cockatrice" summon. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Description: Cures "Curse". Cost: 100 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Diet Food Description: Cures "Pig". Cost: 100 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dry Ether Description: Restores more MP than a normal Ether. Cost: 5000 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dwarven Bread Description: Shows the map on the overworld when used Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Echo Herbs Description: Cures "Silence". Cost: 50 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elixir Description: Restores a single party member's HP/MP to full. Cost: 100000 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Emergency Exit Description: Warps you out of a cave/dungeon. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ether Description: Restores a small amount of MP to a single party member. Cost: 10000 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eye Drops Description: Cures "Darkness". Cost: 30 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goblin Description: Teaches Rydia the "Goblin" summon. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Golden Apple Description: Increases a single party member's max HP by 100. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Needle Description: Cures "Petrify". Cost: 400 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gysahl Greens Description: Summons up a Fat Chocobo in a Chocobo Forest. Cost: 50 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gysahl Whistle Description: Summons up a Fat Chocobo. Cost: 20000 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi-Potion Description: Restores more HP to a party member than a normal Potion. Cost: 150 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maiden's Kiss Description: Cures "Toad". Cost: 60 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mallet Description: Cures "Mini". Cost: 80 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Megalixir Description: Restores the entire party's HP/MP to full. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mind Flayer Description: Teaches Rydia the "Mind Flayer" summon. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phoenix Down Description: Revives a fallen party member. Cost: 100 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Potion Description: Restores a small amount of HP to a single party member. Cost: 30 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remedy Description: Cures all status ailments except for "KO". Cost: 5000 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silver Apple Description: Increases a party member's max HP by 50. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Siren Description: Calls the rarest enemy in the area you're in. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soma Drop Description: Increases a party member's max MP by 10. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tent Description: Restores 1000 HP and 100 MP to the party, but does not revive. Can only be used at a Save Point, or on the overworld. Cost: 100 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X-Potion Description: Restores lots of HP to a single party member. Cost: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In-Battle Items --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alarm Clock Description: Awakens every sleeping party member. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Antarctic Wind Description: Deals a small amount of Ice-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arctic Wind Description: Deals a decent amount of Ice-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bacchus's Cider Description: Increases attack power by a small amount. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bell of Silence Description: Casts "Silence" onto an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bestiary Description: Scans the enemy's stats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomb Arm Description: Deals a decent amount of Fire-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomb Fragment Description: Deals a small amount of Fire-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomb Core Description: Sacrifices a character's HP to damage the enemy the same amount. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Fang Description: Deals a decent amount of Lightning-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coeurl's Whisker Description: Instantly kills an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Matter Description: Weakens Zeromus' attacks. Steal it from him before using the Crystal on him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Decoy Description: Increases a party member's evasion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gaia Drum Description: Deals a decent amount of Earth-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Hourglass Description: Disables an enemy's commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LT Description: Summons Lunar Titan. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LS Description: Summons Lunar Shiva. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LD Description: Summons Lunar Dragon. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LO Description: Summons Lunar Odin. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LA Description: Summons Lunar Asura. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LI Description: Summons Lunar Ifrit. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LB Description: Summons Lunar Bahamut. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LR Description: Summons Lunar Ramuh. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grimoire LL Description: Summons Lunar Leviathan. Can only be used once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hermes' Shoes Description: Increases the speed of a party member. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hourglass Description: Disables an enemy's commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kiss of Lilith Description: Absorbs an enemy's MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light Curtain Description: Casts "Reflect" on a party member for a short time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Curtain Description: Casts "Reflect" on a party member for a long time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silver Hourglass Description: Disables an enemy's commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spider's Silk Description: Casts "Slow" on an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardust Description: Deals a decent amount of regular damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rage of Zeus Description: Deals a small amount of Lightning-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Red Fang Description: Deals a decent amount of Fire-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unicorn Horn Description: Heals certain status effects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vampire Fang Description: Absorbs an enemy's HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ White Fang Description: Deals a decent amount of Ice-based damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Key Items --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adamantite Found: Adamant Grotto Description: You are given this after you give the tiny boy in the Adamant Grotto the Rat Tail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baron Key Found: Baron Description: You need this to open the locked doors spreaded throughout the town of Baron. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomb Ring Found: Baron Castle Description: The king gives you this at the beginning of the game, to take to the Village Mist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crystal Found: Lunar Subterrane Description: Golbez gives this to Cecil, so he can use it on Zeromus to make him reveal his true form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Crystal Found: Sealed Cavern Description: You have to find this in the Sealed Cavern. Kain takes it after Golbez controls him again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Earth Crystal Found: Magnetic Cavern Description: After defeating the Dark Elf, you obtain this crystal, and have to exchange it for Rosa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frying Pan Found: Fabul Castle Description: Yang's wife gives this to you, so you can go back to Sylvan Cave and wake up Yang. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luca's Necklace Found: Dwarven Castle Description: Luca gives this to you, because it is the key to opening the Sealed Cavern, where the Dark Crystal is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magazine Found: Dwarven Castle (Secret Room) Description: A magazine that can be found in a secret room in Dwarven Castle. See the Secrets & Glitches section for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magma Rock Found: Baron Castle Description: After defeating Barbariccia, Kain gives this to you. It's the key to opening the entrance to the underworld. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Membership Pass Found: Troia Description: Use this to access the dance show that is located at the town of Troia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pink Tail Found: Lunar Subterrane Description: You find this from the Flan Princess enemy, in a certain room. You have a 1/64 chance of finding the enemy and the item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rat Tail Found: Land of Summons Description: You find this in a chest only reachable after entering through a teleportal twice, in the Land of Summons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sand Ruby Found: Antlion Cave Description: After defeating the Antlion, you get this. You need to take it to Rosa in Kaipo to cure her desert fever. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twin Harp Found: Troia Castle Description: Edward gives this to you in Troia Castle. You need it in order to weaken the Dark Elf, and break the magnetic seal off of the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= XIV. Enemies ============= In this section, I will list all of the enemies in the game, along with info about them and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abyss Worm Found: Moon HP: 7000 Gil: 310 EXP Gained: 6303 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adamantoise Found: Antlion Cave HP: 90 Gil: 46 EXP Gained: 234 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ahriman Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 25000 Gil: 65200 EXP Gained: 33333 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Eye Drops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alligator Found: Waterway, Old Waterway HP: 175 Gil: 16 EXP Gained: 234 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arachne Found: Cave of Summons HP: 3650 Gil: 585 EXP Gained: 4385 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Spider's Silk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Armadillo Found: Underworld, Cave of Eblan HP: 325 Gil: 194 EXP Gained: 1555 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balloon Found: Tower of Babel HP: 697 Gil: 315 EXP Gained: 2458 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Bomb Fragment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bandit Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 14651 Gil: 0 EXP Gained: 0 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baron Guard Found: Baron, Old Waterway HP: 280 Gil: 230 EXP Gained: 710 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brina Found: Dwarven Castle HP: 369 Gil: 500 EXP Gained: 1000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basilisk Found: Antlion Cave HP: 90 Gil: 30 EXP Gained: 111 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Gold Needle, Tent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beamer Found: Giant of Babel HP: 3000 Gil: 890 EXP Gained: 3199 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: Tent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Behemoth Found: Cave of Bahamut, Lunar Subterrane HP: 23000 Gil: 65000 EXP Gained: 57000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Power Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belphegor Found: Cave of Summons HP: 2200 Gil: 485 EXP Gained: 4038 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Flan Found: Moon HP: 1357 Gil: 1300 EXP Gained: 3044 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Knight Found: Tower of Zot HP: 360 Gil: 175 EXP Gained: 840 Weakness: Fire, Holy Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Lizard Found: Underworld, Tower of Babel, Cave of Eblan HP: 792 Gil: 43 EXP Gained: 1297 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Medusa Arrows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bloodbones Found: Mt. Ordeals, Cave of Eblan HP: 210 Gil: 169 EXP Gained: 315 Weakness: Fire, Holy, Cure Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bloody Bat Found: Cave of Eblan HP: 439 Gil: 262 EXP Gained: 1976 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: Potion, Hi-Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bloody Eye Found: Cave of Summons HP: 2400 Gil: 465 EXP Gained: 3444 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Dragon Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 15000 Gil: 40200 EXP Gained: 36000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bog Witch Found: Sylvan Cave HP: 2960 Gil: 598 EXP Gained: 3440 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Maiden's Kiss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomb Found: Mt. Hobs, Fabul Castle HP: 55 Gil: 76 EXP Gained: 361 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Bomb (Summon Item) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bone Dragon Found: Cave of Bahamut, Lunar Subterrane HP: 12000 Gil: 6750 EXP Gained: 14000 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Catoblepas Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 30556 Gil: 62000 EXP Gained: 62000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Aegis Shield, Gorgon Blade, Medusa Arrow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Captain Found: Fabul Castle HP: 320 Gil: 152 EXP Gained: 600 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cait Sith Found: Outside Troia, Magnetic Cavern HP: 342 Gil: 252 EXP Gained: 820 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: Unicorn Horn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Calco Found: Dwarven Castle HP: 1369 Gil: 500 EXP Gained: 1000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cave Bat Found: Magnetic Cavern, Cave of Eblan HP: 334 Gil: 151 EXP Gained: 598 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cave Naga Found: Magnetic Cavern HP: 285 Gil: 201 EXP Gained: 800 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Centaurion Found: Giant of Babel HP: 3500 Gil: 1220 EXP Gained: 9699 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Centaur Knight Found: Tower of Zot HP: 380 Gil: 172 EXP Gained: 860 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chimera Found: Tower of Babel HP: 700 Gil: 225 EXP Gained: 1708 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chimera Brain Found: Sealed Cavern HP: 3400 Gil: 1200 EXP Gained: 28000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Bomb Fragment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chrysalis Found: Underworld HP: 986 Gil: 39 EXP Gained: 2822 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chaotic Knight Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 21019 Gil: 42000 EXP Gained: 50000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Assassin's Dagger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chimerageist Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 24415 Gil: 57000 EXP Gained: 58000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Cursed Ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cockatrice Found: Mt. Hobs HP: 149 Gil: 82 EXP Gained: 275 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: Cockatrice (Summon Item) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coeurl Found: Tower of Babel, Eblan Castle HP: 593 Gil: 345 EXP Gained: 2758 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Unicorn Horn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coeurl Regina Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 15935 Gil: 33000 EXP Gained: 42000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cold Beast Found: Tower of Zot HP: 520 Gil: 276 EXP Gained: 1441 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: Ice Arrows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crawler Found: Moon HP: 1855 Gil: 538 EXP Gained: 3437 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crystal Dragon Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 18120 Gil: 34000 EXP Gained: 46000 Weakness: Throw Item(s) Obtained: Wyvern Lance, Crystal Ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Grenade Found: Moon HP: 1820 Gil: 630 EXP Gained: 2644 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: Bomb Fragment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Sage Found: Cave of Bahamut, Lunar Subterrane HP: 5100 Gil: 2400 EXP Gained: 17003 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Maiden's Kiss, Dry Ether, Sage's Staff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death Flower Found: Outside Troia HP: 440 Gil: 210 EXP Gained: 650 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death Shell Found: Old Waterway HP: 380 Gil: 262 EXP Gained: 1030 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Diet Food ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death Puppet Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 60702 Gil: 63000 EXP Gained: 64000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Desert Sahagin Found: Outside Kaipo HP: 20 Gil: 17 EXP Gained: 70 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Antidote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dinozombie Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 12000 Gil: 8100 EXP Gained: 15000 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Domovoi Found: Antlion Cave, Fabul Castle HP: 37 Gil: 40 EXP Gained: 184 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Draculady Found: Magnetic Cavern HP: 270 Gil: 195 EXP Gained: 810 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: Vampire Fang ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drillmaster Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 10000 Gil: 10000 EXP Gained: 20000 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dust Mousse Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 10882 Gil: 40000 EXP Gained: 42000 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: Elixir, Soma Drop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Electrofish Found: Old Waterway HP: 284 Gil: 214 EXP Gained: 640 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Hi-Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eukaryote Found: Moon HP: 1700 Gil: 1560 EXP Gained: 6999 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evil Bat Found: Sealed Cavern HP: 1014 Gil: 355 EXP Gained: 2305 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: Potion, Hi-Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evil Doll Found: Tower of Babel HP: 388 Gil: 269 EXP Gained: 1408 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evil Dreamer Found: Sylvan Cave HP: 2800 Gil: 362 EXP Gained: 3140 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Echidna Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 9130 Gil: 24000 EXP Gained: 34000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Assassin Vest, X-Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiery Hound Found: Tower of Zot, Tower of Babel HP: 1221 Gil: 244 EXP Gained: 1707 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiery Knight Found: Tower of Babel HP: 579 Gil: 225 EXP Gained: 1700 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Fire Lance, Fire Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Floating Eyeball Found: Outside Baron HP: 20 Gil: 9 EXP Gained: 42 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flood Worm Found: Old Waterway HP: 638 Gil: 219 EXP Gained: 690 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Eyes Found: Mist Cave HP: 40 Gil: 18 EXP Gained: 74 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gatlinger Found: Outside of Mysidia HP: 115 Gil: 53 EXP Gained: 335 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Gold Needle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gargoyle Found: Mt. Hobs HP: 160 Gil: 90 EXP Gained: 314 Weakness: Ice, Holy Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Found: Kaipo HP: 221 Gil: 80 EXP Gained: 398 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ghoul Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 222 Gil: 179 EXP Gained: 505 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ghost Knight Found: Tower of Babel HP: 1050 Gil: 211 EXP Gained: 2559 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giant Soldier Found: Giant of Babel HP: 10000 Gil: 1500 EXP Gained: 31000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giant Warrior Found: Cave of Bahamut, Lunar Subterrane HP: 14000 Gil: 7000 EXP Gained: 18500 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Poison Axe, Cottage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gigantoad Found: Waterway HP: 47 Gil: 24 EXP Gained: 89 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gigas Gator Found: Old Waterway HP: 292 Gil: 218 EXP Gained: 660 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gloomwing Found: Underworld HP: 1580 Gil: 510 EXP Gained: 2837 Weakness: Throw Item(s) Obtained: Lunar Curtain, Stardust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gilgamesh Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 30710 Gil: 62500 EXP Gained: 63000 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Lunar Curtain, Maximilian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gorgon Found: Underworld HP: 2550 Gil: 248 EXP Gained: 3003 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Medusa Arrow, Gorgon Blade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goblin Found: Outside Baron, Mist Cave, Outside Kaipo, Outside Damcyan, Outside Antlion Cave HP: 6 Gil: 5 EXP Gained: 28 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goblin Captain Found: Underworld HP: 199 Gil: 45 EXP Gained: 1950 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goblin Prince Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 8929 Gil: 12000 EXP Gained: 22000 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: Goblin (Summon Item) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gold Dragon Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 8200 Gil: 23000 EXP Gained: 30000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Rage of Zeus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Golden Flan Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 12384 Gil: 40000 EXP Gained: 42000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Golden Apple, Lunar Curtain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Golden Toad Found: Cave of Trials HP: 7777 Gil: 65000 EXP Gained: 65000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Golden Apple, Megalixir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Dragon Found: Tower of Babel HP: 2200 Gil: 368 EXP Gained: 4759 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Siren, Silver Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gremlin Found: Tower of Zot HP: 410 Gil: 275 EXP Gained: 1221 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great Malboro Found: Cave of Trials HP: 12180 Gil: 20000 EXP Gained: 22000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Soma Drop, Megalixir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gray Bomb Found: Mt. Hobs, Fabul HP: 111 Gil: 105 EXP Gained: 445 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grudger Found: Tower of Babel HP: 1400 Gil: 149 EXP Gained: 2459 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grudge Puppet Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 18929 Gil: 20000 EXP Gained: 32000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Helldiver Found: Outside Baron HP: 18 Gil: 5 EXP Gained: 40 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hell Flapper Found: Underworld HP: 900 Gil: 312 EXP Gained: 3114 Weakness: Throw Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hell Needle Found: Outside of Troia HP: 398 Gil: 220 EXP Gained: 700 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Gold Needle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hell Turtle Found: Tower of Zot HP: 700 Gil: 224 EXP Gained: 920 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hundlegs Found: Outside of Kaipo HP: 60 Gil: 18 EXP Gained: 78 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hydra Found: Old Waterway HP: 252 Gil: 209 EXP Gained: 670 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ice Lizard Found: Tower of Zot HP: 480 Gil: 284 EXP Gained: 1231 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Insectus Found: Mist Cave HP: 28 Gil: 8 EXP Gained: 49 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Hourglass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ironback Found: Cave of Eblan HP: 100 Gil: 233 EXP Gained: 1077 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iron Giant Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 29818 Gil: 63000 EXP Gained: 64000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Gigant Axe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Killer Fish Found: Waterway HP: 65 Gil: 28 EXP Gained: 119 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: Maiden's Kiss, Diet Food ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ King Naga Found: Sealed Cavern HP: 1480 Gil: 238 EXP Gained: 3582 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Antidote, Unicorn Horn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ King Bomb Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 11100 Gil: 32000 EXP Gained: 40000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ King Behemoth Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 29834 Gil: 63500 EXP Gained: 64000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamia Found: Eblan Castle HP: 1200 Gil: 143 EXP Gained: 2059 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamia Matriarch Found: Tower of Babel HP: 1100 Gil: 247 EXP Gained: 2859 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Lamia Harp, Light Curtain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamia Queen Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 10330 Gil: 25000 EXP Gained: 35000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Rod of Lilith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laser Arm Found: Giant of Babel HP: 3580 Gil: 338 EXP Gained: 8703 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leshy Found: Antlion Cave HP: 130 Gil: 42 EXP Gained: 156 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lilith Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 466 Gil: 262 EXP Gained: 2700 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Li'l Murderer Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 12000 Gil: 10700 EXP Gained: 20000 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: Tent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunar Virus Found: Moon HP: 980 Gil: 1100 EXP Gained: 3237 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mad Ogre Found: Eblan Castle, Tower of Babel HP: 2000 Gil: 270 EXP Gained: 2359 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magma Tortoise Found: Underworld, Tower of Babel HP: 435 Gil: 234 EXP Gained: 1666 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Mythril Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic Dragon Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 20830 Gil: 35000 EXP Gained: 47000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Protect Ring, Rising Sun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Malboro Found: Sylvan Cave HP: 4200 Gil: 458 EXP Gained: 5640 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mammon Found: Sylvan Cave HP: 3900 Gil: 525 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mech Dragon Found: Giant of Babel HP: 18000 Gil: 2550 EXP Gained: 41400 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mech Soldier Found: Giant of Babel HP: 4900 Gil: 985 EXP Gained: 7999 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medusa Found: Tower of Babel HP: 490 Gil: 225 EXP Gained: 1208 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mind Flayer Found: Magnetic Cavern HP: 300 Gil: 232 EXP Gained: 1000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Mind Flayer (Summon Item) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mini Satana Found: Cave of Summons HP: 2900 Gil: 650 EXP Gained: 6388 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miss Vamp Found: Sealed Cavern HP: 2375 Gil: 238 EXP Gained: 3582 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: Vampire Fang ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mist Eagle Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 10290 Gil: 12000 EXP Gained: 12000 Weakness: Throw Item(s) Obtained: Cockatrice (Summon Item) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mist Kraken Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 12512 Gil: 18000 EXP Gained: 18000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Mind Flayer (Summon Item) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mist Summoner Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 15920 Gil: 25000 EXP Gained: 25000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Grimoire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Metamorpha Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 21231 Gil: 30000 EXP Gained: 30000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Perseus Arrow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mors Found: Outside of Eblan HP: 695 Gil: 253 EXP Gained: 1504 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mystery Egg Found: Tower of Babel, Underworld HP: 0 Gil: 0 EXP Gained: 0 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mythril Golem Found: Tower of Babel HP: 2900 Gil: 383 EXP Gained: 3659 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Naga Found: Tower of Babel HP: 320 Gil: 150 EXP Gained: 1118 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ogre Found: Magnetic Cavern HP: 865 Gil: 240 EXP Gained: 800 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: Bacchus's Cider ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Palace Guard Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 10633 Gil: 28000 EXP Gained: 38000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Golden Apple, Minerva's Plate, Key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prokaryote Found: Moon HP: 2600 Gil: 1850 EXP Gained: 7999 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proto Phase Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 31415 Gil: 62000 EXP Gained: 62000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Glass Mask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Puppet Found: Tower of Zot HP: 256 Gil: 180 EXP Gained: 800 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Puppeteer Found: Tower of Zot, Tower of Babel HP: 473 Gil: 195 EXP Gained: 1000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Decoy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purple Bavarois Found: Tower of Zot, Moon HP: 105 Gil: 50 EXP Gained: 750 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: Hi-Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plantinum Toad Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 11111 Gil: 65000 EXP Gained: 65000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Megalixir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Red Dragon Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 15000 Gil: 65000 EXP Gained: 41500 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Red Fang, Wyvern Lance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Red Mousse Found: Waterway HP: 35 Gil: 36 EXP Gained: 134 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revenant Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 250 Gil: 186 EXP Gained: 575 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roc Found: Outside of Eblan, Outside of Agart HP: 500 Gil: 150 EXP Gained: 1404 Weakness: Throw Item(s) Obtained: Silver Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roc Baby Found: Outside of Eblan, Outside of Agart HP: 50 Gil: 81 EXP Gained: 1004 Weakness: Throw Item(s) Obtained: Cockatrice (Summon Item) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sahagin Found: Waterway HP: 64 Gil: 38 EXP Gained: 136 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sahagin Prince Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 12902 Gil: 28000 EXP Gained: 40000 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: X-Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sand Worm Found: Outside Kaipo, Outside Antlion Cave HP: 75 Gil: 22 EXP Gained: 82 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screamer Found: Sealed Cavern HP: 1400 Gil: 205 EXP Gained: 3080 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Rage of Zeus, Thunder Arrows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Searcher Found: Giant of Babel HP: 5500 Gil: 900 EXP Gained: 15004 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Security Eye Found: Tower of Babel HP: 1425 Gil: 380 EXP Gained: 2008 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Selene Guardian Found: Cave of Bahamut, Lunar Subterrane HP: 4000 Gil: 3500 EXP Gained: 13000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Lunar Curtain, Soma Drop, Artemis Arrows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silver Dragon Found: Cave of Bahamut, Lunar Subterrane HP: 7500 Gil: 19000 EXP Gained: 25000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Light Curtain, Stardust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slime Found: Tower of Zot HP: 105 Gil: 50 EXP Gained: 750 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Splasher Found: Old Waterway HP: 180 Gil: 145 EXP Gained: 430 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skeleton Found: Mt. Hobs HP: 135 Gil: 126 EXP Gained: 238 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skuldier Found: Eblan Castle, Cave of Eblan HP: 740 Gil: 116 EXP Gained: 1577 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skullnant Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 200 Gil: 100 EXP Gained: 50 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soldieress Found: Tower of Zot HP: 425 Gil: 200 EXP Gained: 1049 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Silver Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soldier Monk Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 6000 Gil: 5000 EXP Gained: 15000 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Super Monk Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 8000 Gil: 8000 EXP Gained: 18000 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorcerer Found: Tower of Babel HP: 1000 Gil: 272 EXP Gained: 2359 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorceress Found: Tower of Zot HP: 350 Gil: 329 EXP Gained: 1551 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Cottage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soul Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 200 Gil: 135 EXP Gained: 460 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spirit Found: Mt. Ordeals HP: 86 Gil: 122 EXP Gained: 278 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steel Golem Found: Eblan Castle, Cave of Eblan HP: 1950 Gil: 445 EXP Gained: 703 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: Giant's Gloves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summoner Found: Cave of Summons HP: 3600 Gil: 475 EXP Gained: 3688 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stone Golem Found: Tower of Babel HP: 2560 Gil: 238 EXP Gained: 2908 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stratoavis Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 24458 Gil: 50000 EXP Gained: 55000 Weakness: Throw Item(s) Obtained: Silver Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specter Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 23511 Gil: 0 EXP Gained: 0 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sword Rat Found: Outside Baron, Mist Cave HP: 30 Gil: 13 EXP Gained: 66 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Gold Needle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tarantula Found: Underworld HP: 2315 Gil: 598 EXP Gained: 2744 Weakness: Throw Item(s) Obtained: Siren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thunder Dragon Found: Cave of Summons HP: 7600 Gil: 900 EXP Gained: 7775 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tiny Mage Found: Waterway, Outside of Mysidia HP: 69 Gil: 63 EXP Gained: 132 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Rod, Silver Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tiny Toad Found: Sylvan Cave HP: 600 Gil: 335 EXP Gained: 1841 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Toadgre Found: Waterway HP: 59 Gil: 34 EXP Gained: 126 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: Maiden's Kiss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trap Door Found: Sealed Cavern HP: 5000 Gil: 4500 EXP Gained: 30000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Treant Found: Outside of Troia HP: 335 Gil: 148 EXP Gained: 687 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twin Snake Found: Outside of Troia HP: 108 Gil: 222 EXP Gained: 700 Weakness: Ice, Holy Item(s) Obtained: Diet Food ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Undergrounder Found: Underworld HP: 655 Gil: 342 EXP Gained: 2714 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Siren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vile Shell Found: Waterway HP: 58 Gil: 28 EXP Gained: 101 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Warrior Found: Cave of Summons HP: 3480 Gil: 575 EXP Gained: 4288 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Water Bug Found: Waterway HP: 125 Gil: 79 EXP Gained: 225 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Mallet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ White Mousse Found: Tower of Babel HP: 298 Gil: 384 EXP Gained: 1008 Weakness: Ice Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wicked Mask Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 37000 Gil: 65000 EXP Gained: 50000 Weakness: Holy Item(s) Obtained: Glass Mask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Worst Malboro Found: Lunar Ruins HP: 18428 Gil: 54000 EXP Gained: 50000 Weakness: Fire Item(s) Obtained: Soma Drop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yellow Jelly Found: Outside Antlion Cave HP: 55 Gil: 33 EXP Gained: 144 Weakness: Lightning Item(s) Obtained: Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zemus's Breath Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 40000 Gil: 50000 EXP Gained: 60000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zemus's Mind Found: Lunar Subterrane HP: 20000 Gil: 50000 EXP Gained: 65000 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zombie Found: Waterway HP: 52 Gil: 31 EXP Gained: 112 Weakness: Holy, Fire, Cure Item(s) Obtained: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zu Found: Outside of Mysidia HP: 941 Gil: 489 EXP Gained: 432 Weakness: N/A Item(s) Obtained: Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= XV. Ninjutsu Abilities ======================= In this section, I will list all of Edge's Ninjutsu abilities in the game, along with information about what they do and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blitz MP Cost: 25 Description: This ability targets all enemies. It deals Lightning-based damage. It can be useful at times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flame MP Cost: 15 Description: This ability targets all enemies. It deals Fire-based damage. It's a decent ability, but nothing too special. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flood MP Cost: 20 Description: This ability targets all enemies. It deals Water-based damage. It is actually pretty useful for the fight against Rubicante. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Image MP Cost: 6 Description: When you use this ability, Edge will create two images of himself. This raises your evasion. However, after an enemy attacks you two times, it wears off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pin MP Cost: 5 Description: When you use this ability, Edge will attempt to make the enemy stop for a short amount of time. If successful, the enemy will be unable to move for a short time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smoke MP Cost: 10 Description: Teleports you instantly out of a battle. This is better than just running away sometimes, because you drop no Gil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= XVI. Summons ============= In this section, I will list all of the summons in the game, along with info about what they do and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asura Found: Land of Summons Ability: Random MP Cost: 50 Description: Asura does completely random things. Depending on what head she has, she will either use Life on the party, use a Cure spell on the party, or she will use Protect on the party. She can be useful in desperate situations, but it's not worth the 50 MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bahamut Found: Cave of Bahamut (defeat all other summons first) Ability: Mega Flare MP Cost: 60 Description: This is _the_ best summon in the game. Bahamut's Mega Flare hurts around 8000-9999 on pretty much every enemy in the game. The downside to this summon is that you have to beat Asura, Leviathan, and Odin first, and you don't get him until near the very end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bomb Found: Bomb (defeat the enemy; you have a rare chance of getting this) Ability: Self-Destruct MP Cost: 10 Description: Not a very useful summon, in my opinion. It can be useful in some fights, though. It deals around 3400-5000 damage to a single enemy. It's good for single-enemy fights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chocobo Found: N/A Ability: Chocobo Kick MP Cost: 7 Description: Rydia automatically has this summon when you first get her. This summon is useful very early in the game, but it becomes of little use as soon as Rydia leaves you temporarily. It deals decent damage to things like the Antlion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon Found: N/A Ability: Mist Breath MP Cost: 20 Description: This summon attacks all enemies, dealing around 2000-3000 damage to every enemy. It's not bad, but if you have Bahamut, he's a much better choice. If you have Rydia's equipment on that she gets in the Lunar Ruins, Blink is casted on everyone. It wears off after one hit from an enemy, though. Rydia gets this when she rejoins the party in the Dwarven Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Goblin Found: Goblin (defeat the enemy; you have a rare chance of getting this) Ability: Goblin Punch MP Cost: 1 Description: What an utterly useless and pointless summon. It punches a single enemy to deal barely any damage at all. This summon isn't really here for anything, obviously. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ifrit Found: N/A Ability: Hellfire MP Cost: 30 Description: Ifrit is actually pretty useful if you're in a bad situation. He dashes across the screen, dealing around 1500-2500 damage to all enemies. Rydia automatically has this when she rejoins the party in Dwarven Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leviathan Found: Land of Summons (defeat Asura first) Ability: Tsunami MP Cost: 50 Description: This summon isn't half bad, either. Leviathan will create a big tsunami wave, which goes over all enemies on the field. This deals around 2500-3200 damage to all enemies. It's useful, especially when you first obtain him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mind Flayer Found: Mind Flayer (defeat the enemy; you have a rare chance of getting this) Ability: Mind Blast MP Cost: 18 Description: This summon isn't that good, but it's decent, I suppose. It attacks enemies to deal medium amounts of damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Odin Found: Baron Castle (defeat Asura and Leviathan first) Ability: Zantetsuken MP Cost: 45 Description: When you summon Odin, he uses the Zantetsuken to attack all of the enemies. If it's successful, all enemies die instantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ramuh Found: N/A Ability: Bolt of Judgement MP Cost: 30 Description: Ramuh is basically just another Ifrit, only his attack is based on Lightning damage instead of Fire. He can be useful when you first get him, especially on water-type enemies. Rydia already has this summon when she rejoins the party in Dwarven Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shiva Found: N/A Ability: Diamond Dust MP Cost: 30 Description: Shiva is basically the Ice-type version of Ifrit and Ramuh. She is useful for certain times when you first obtain her. Rydia already has this summon when she rejoins you in Dwarven Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sylph Found: Sylvan Cave (help Yang first) Ability: Whisperwind MP Cost: 25 Description: When you use Sylph, it attacks all enemies, absorbing their HP. The entire party gets all of the HP back, exactly as much as the amount of damage was given to the enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Titan Found: N/A Ability: Gaia's Wrath MP Cost: 40 Description: Titan is actually pretty useful sometimes. His special move is basically just like Quake, but it's not quite as good. It hurts all enemies on the ground, and doesn't hurt your party. Rydia has this automatically when she rejoins the party in Dwarven Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= XVII. Spells ============= In this section, I will list all of the spells in the game, along with info about what they do and such. ----------- Black Magic ----------- NOTE: Only Rydia, Tellah, Palom, and FuSoYa can cast Black Magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fire MP Cost: 5 Description: The most basic Fire-based spell. This spell causes minor Fire based damage. It's useful early in the game, but it later becomes a little obsolete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blizzard MP Cost: 5 Description: The most basic Ice-based spell. This spell causes minor Ice-based damage. It's useful early in the game, but it later becomes a little obsolete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thunder MP Cost: 5 Description: The most basic Lightning-based spell. This spell causes minor Lightning-based damage. It's useful early in the game, but it later becomes a little obsolete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sleep MP Cost: 12 Description: When used, you can attempt to put the enemy to sleep. It's not always successful, though, and I don't really recommend using it that often. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Poison MP Cost: 2 Description: This spell isn't really useful. When you use it, you damage the enemy, and you may poison the enemy. If poisoned, the enemy's HP slowly drains, but slowly, and not by much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fira MP Cost: 15 Description: This is an upgrade to Fire. It causes decent Fire-based damage, and is useful when you get it, around half way through the game, usually. This'll hurt enemies in the couple of thousands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blizzara MP Cost: 15 Description: This is an upgrade to Blizzard. It causes decent Ice-based damage, and is useful when you get it, around half way through the game, usually. This'll hurt enemies in the couple of thousands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thundara MP Cost: 15 Description: This is an upgrade to Thunder. It causes decent Lightning-based damage, and is useful when you get it, around half way through the game, usually. This'll hurt enemies in the couple of thousands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pig MP Cost: 1 Description: When used, there is a chance that the enemy will be turned into a Pig, but I don't recommend even using it. However, if someone is turned into a Pig, you can have a Black Magic user cast this on the piggified ally to return him/her to normal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stop MP Cost: 15 Description: When used, there is a chance that the enemy will be stopped for a short amount of time. This means that the enemy will be unable to attack temporarily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bio MP Cost: 20 Description: This is basically an upgrade to Poison, but it's not much better. It causes higher damage than Poison, and also has a chance to poison the enemy. It's still not really good, however. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Toad MP Cost: 20 Description: When you use this, there is a chance that the enemy will be turned into a frog. I don't really recommend using it, though. However, if a party member is turned into a frog, you can have a Black Magic caster use this ability to turn the ally back to normal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quake MP Cost: 30 Description: A powerful spell that causes Earth-based damage to all ground enemies. This spell does not work if the enemy is in the air, however. It's a useful spell, dealing damage in the couple of thousands or so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drain MP Cost: 18 Description: When used, this ability drains the enemy's HP slightly. It's not by too much, however. I recommend conserving MP for other better Black Magic spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Warp MP Cost: 4 Description: This can only be used outside of a battle. When used, it teleports you to the previous room you were in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Firaga MP Cost: 30 Description: This is an upgrade to Fira. It causes tons of Fire-based damage to one or all enemies. It's useful for when you get it, usually around near the end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blizzaga MP Cost: 30 Description: This is an upgrade to Blizzara. It causes tons of Ice-based damage to one or all enemies. It's useful for when you get it, usually around near the end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thundaga MP Cost: 30 Description: This is an upgrade to Thundara. It causes tons of Lightning-based damage to one or all enemies. It's useful for when you get it, usually around near the end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Break MP Cost: 15 Description: This causes an enemy to become petrified, which means the enemy will be unable to move at all. It's not always successful, though, so I don't really recommend using it too often. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Osmose MP Cost: 0 Description: When you use this, you steal a slight amount of an enemy's MP. It isn't that much, though. You're better off using an Ether. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death MP Cost: 35 Description: When used, there is a possibility that the enemy will be instantly killed. It costs a lot of MP, and it's not always successful, so I recommend using other Black Magic spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tornado MP Cost: 25 Description: A whirlwind is created, and if it's successful, the enemy's HP is brought down to single digits (for an example, 2 HP). This is very useful if the spell will actually work on the enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flare MP Cost: 50 Description: This is the strongest single-target Fire spell in the game. When used, Fire energy builds up on the enemy, then it explodes all over the enemy, dealing around 8000-9999 damage every time. It may cost a lot of MP, but it's worth using on single-enemy battles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meteor MP Cost: 99 Description: Despite this being the strongest spell in the entire game, it's not worth wasting 99 MP over. When used, it takes at least a whole minute before it is casted. Meteorites rain down on all enemies, and you're almost guaranteed to hurt all enemies 9999. You could do the same with Bahamut, though, which costs less MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- White Magic ----------- NOTE: Only Rydia (Child), Tellah, Rosa, Porom, and FuSoYa can cast White Magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cure MP Cost: 3 Description: The most basic healing spell in the game. It heals a minor amount of HP. It's useful early in the game, but it's useless once you learn Cura. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hold MP Cost: 5 Description: When used, the enemy has a slight chance of being paralyzed for a short time. You're better off using a rod that causes Paralysis, because it costs no MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scan MP Cost: 1 Description: This scans the enemy's HP, MP, and a weakness, if the enemy does have one. It's good to use on a boss, and it only costs 1 MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slow MP Cost: 14 Description: If it is successful, the enemy will be slowed down. The enemy won't get to attack as fast as it usually does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sight MP Cost: 2 Description: You can only use this on the overworld, and outside of a battle. When this is used, the minimap is revealed. You can see your location, along with the location of other places. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Life MP Cost: 8 Description: Revives a fallen party member. It only restores a slight amount of HP, however. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protect MP Cost: 9 Description: When used, this casts a protect barrier onto the ally. When the party member is attacked, the damage is reduced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cura MP Cost: 9 Description: This is an upgrade to Cure. It recovers a decent amount of HP. It is useful for when you get it, which is soon after Cure, usually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silence MP Cost: 6 Description: When used, there is a slight chance that the enemy will be muted, which means that the enemy cannot use any magic spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Berserk MP Cost: 18 Description: If this is used on a party member, you have no control over the party member. The party member just attacks, but the damage is increased by double. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teleport MP Cost: 10 Description: This can only be used outside of battle, and inside a dungeon. When used, the party is teleported out of the dungeon, back onto the overworld. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Esuna MP Cost: 20 Description: This spell is pretty useful. When used, it cures _all_ status ailments except for KO. It's pretty useful after fighting enemies like a Malboro. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blink MP Cost: 8 Description: Creates a second image of the party member, which increases the evasion and reduces the damage dealt. It wears off after a few attacks from an enemy, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Confuse MP Cost: 10 Description: When you use this, there is a chance that you might confuse the enemy. It's not always successful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shell MP Cost: 10 Description: This is almost the exact same thing as Protect. The only thing different is it reduces magical damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mini MP Cost: 6 Description: This spell is useless, really. When used, there's a chance that the enemy will be turned Mini. However, if another party member is Mini, you can use this on him/her to return the party member to a human. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dispel MP Cost: 12 Description: I actually like this spell. It removes any status effects from an enemy (such as Reflect, for an example). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Curaga MP Cost: 18 Description: This is an upgraded version of Cura. It restores a ton of HP to a single party member, or the whole party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haste MP Cost: 25 Description: When this is used, the command meter on the party member you used it on goes up faster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Float MP Cost: 8 Description: When you use this, your party member floats up in the air. You can use this on the whole party at once. With Float on, ground attacks will have no effect on you (like Quake). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reflect MP Cost: 30 Description: Reflect allows a magic attack to be reflected back at the enemy. Be careful when using Cure spells on the entire party, because Reflect will cause one Cure to heal the enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Curaja MP Cost: 40 Description: This is the best cure spell there is. It heals extreme amounts of HP (like 2300 to the entire party, and over 4000 to one member). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full-Life MP Cost: 52 Description: When this is used on a fallen party member, the party member's HP is restored to full. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Holy MP Cost: 46 Description: This is basically White Mages version of Flare, and it's the only damaging White Magic spell in the game. It hurts about 8000-9999, just as much as Flare does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Twin Magic ---------- NOTE: Only Palom and Porom together can use the Twin ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comet MP Used: 10 Requirements: N/A Description: Sends down rains of stars to attack all enemies. It deals minor non-elemental damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pyro MP Used: 10 Requirements: N/A Description: This is basically a mini version of Flare. It explodes on a single enemy, dealing a lot of damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Meteor MP Used: 10 Requirements: Twin Stars (equip on Palom and Porom; get it from their trial) Description: This takes absolutely forever to charge up. It's just Meteor with a less MP cost (err, _much_ less). Deals about 9999 damage to all enemies on the field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= XVIII. Shops ============= In this section, I will list all of the shops in the game, along with info with the prices and such. ----- Baron ----- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Potion - 30 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop (unlock with Baron Key): Thunder Rod - 700 Gil Healing Staff - 480 Gil Fire Claw - 350 Gil Ice Claw - 450 Gil Thunder Claw - 550 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop (unlock with Baron Key): Twist Headband - 450 Gil Kenpogi - 4000 Gil Silver Armlet - 650 Gil ------------------------------------ ----- Kaipo ----- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Potion - 30 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Rod - 100 Gil Staff - 100 Gil Bow - 220 Gil Iron Arrow - 10 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Leather Cap - 100 Gil Clothes - 50 Gil Leather Garb - 200 Gil Iron Armlet - 100 Gil ------------------------------------ ------------ Fabul Castle ------------ ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Potion - 30 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Fire Claw - 350 Gil Ice Claw - 450 Gil Thunder Claw - 550 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Demon Helm - 980 Gil Demon Armor - 3000 Gil Demon Gloves - 800 Gil ------------------------------------ ------- Mysidia ------- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Potion - 30 Gil Hi-Potion - 150 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Gold Needle - 400 Gil Echo Herbs - 50 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Cottage - 500 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Ice Rod - 220 Gil Flame Rod - 380 Gil Healing Staff - 480 Gil Holy Arrow - 20 Gil Crossbow - 700 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Wizard's Hat - 700 Gil Gaia Gear - 500 Gil Silver Armlet - 650 Gil Light Shield - 700 Gil Light Helm - 4000 Gil Knight's Armor - 8000 Gil Gauntlets - 3000 Gil ------------------------------------ ----- Troia ----- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Potion - 30 GP Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Wooden Hammer - 80 Gil Great Bow - 2000 Gil Fire Arrow - 30 Gil Ice Arrow - 30 Gil Thunder Arrow - 30 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Leather Cap - 190 Gil Feathered Cap - 330 Gil Clothes - 50 Gil Leather Garb - 200 Gil Ruby Ring - 1000 Gil ------------------------------------ ---- Mist ---- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Potion - 30 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Whip - 3000 Gil Dancing Dagger - 5000 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Bard's Tunic - 70 Gil ------------------------------------ ------- Mythril ------- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Mallet - 80 Gil Diet Food - 100 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Mythril Staff - 4000 Gil Mythril Knife - 3000 Gil Mythril Hammer - 8000 Gil Mythril Sword - 6000 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Mythril Shield - 1000 Gil Mythril Helmet - 3000 Gil Mythril Armor - 17000 Gil Mythril Glove - 2000 Gil ------------------------------------ ----- Agart ----- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Potion - 30 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Rod - 100 Gil Staff - 160 Gil Spear - 60 Gil Boomerang - 3000 Gil Bow - 220 Gil Crossbow - 770 Gil Iron Arrow - 10 Gil Holy Arrow - 20 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Iron Shield - 100 Gil Iron Helm - 150 Gil Iron Armor - 600 Gil Iron Gloves - 130 Gil Iron Armlet - 100 Gil ------------------------------------ -------------- Dwarven Castle -------------- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Mallet - 80 Gil Diet Food - 100 Gil Echo Herbs - 50 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Cross - 100 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Potion - 30 Gil Hi-Potion - 150 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Cottage - 500 Gil Dwarven Bread - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil Remedy - 5000 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Dwarf Axe - 15000 Gil Great Bow - 2000 Gil Dark Arrow - 40 Gil Flame Sword - 14000 Gil Fire Lance - 11000 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Fire Shield - 1250 Gil Flame Mail - 30000 Gil Sage's Miter - 2000 Gil Sage's Surplice - 1200 Gil Rune Armlet - 2000 Gil ------------------------------------ ------------- Cave of Eblan ------------- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Mallet - 80 Gil Diet Food - 100 Gil Echo Herbs - 50 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Cross - 100 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Power Staff - 2000 Gil Ice Brand - 26000 Gil Ice Lance - 26000 Gil Kunai - 4000 Gil Boomerang - 3000 Gil Killer Bow - 3000 Gil Poison Arrow - 70 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Ice Shield - 10000 Gil Ice Armor - 36000 Gil Black Robe - 10000 Gil ------------------------------------ ----- Tomra ----- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Mallet - 80 Gil Diet Food - 100 Gil Echo Herbs - 50 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Cross - 100 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Potion - 30 Gil Hi-Potion - 150 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Cottage - 500 Gil Dwarven Bread - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil Remedy - 5000 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Ahura - 7000 Gil Chain Whip - 6000 Gil Ogrekiller - 45000 Gil Killer Bow - 3000 Gil Silence Arrow - 100 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Diamond Shield - 15000 Gil Diamond Helm - 10000 Gil Diamond Armor - 40000 Gil Diamond Gloves - 5000 Gil Gold Hairpin - 20000 Gil Diamond Armlet - 4000 Gil ------------------------------------ --------------- Kokkol's Smithy --------------- ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Shuriken - 20000 Gil Fuma Shuriken - 50000 Gil Yoichi Arrow - 140 Gil ------------------------------------ --------------- Land of Summons --------------- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Gold Needle - 400 Gil Maiden's Kiss - 60 Gil Mallet - 80 Gil Diet Food - 100 Gil Echo Herbs - 50 Gil Eye Drops - 30 Gil Antidote - 40 Gil Cross - 100 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Potion - 30 Gil Hi-Potion - 150 Gil Tent - 100 Gil Cottage - 500 Gil Dwarven Bread - 100 Gil Gysahl Greens - 50 Gil Remedy - 5000 Gil ------------------------------------ Weapon Shop: Whip - 3000 Gil Chain Whip - 6000 Gil Blitz Whip - 10000 Gil Kotetsu - 11000 Gil Fairy Rod - 5000 Gil Kinesis Staff - 7000 Gil Angel Arrow - 110 Gil ------------------------------------ Armor Shop: Aegis Shield - 20000 Gil Light Robe - 30000 Gil ------------------------------------ --------------- Hummingway Cave --------------- ------------------------------------ Item Shop: Hi-Potion - 150 Gil Phoenix Down - 100 Gil Ether - 10000 Gil Dry Ether - 50000 Gil Elixir - 100000 Gil Cottage - 500 Gil Bestiary - 980 Gil Gysahl Whistle - 20000 Gil ------------------------------------ ======================= XX. Secrets & Glitches ======================= In this section, I will list all of the secrets and glitches in the game that I know about, along with information about how to do them and such. ------- Secrets ------- Secret #1 - Soft Reset ---------------------- Nearly every game has a way to reset the game via mashing buttons, and this one does too. Simply hold Start, Select, A, and B at the same time to reset the game quickly. Secret #2 - Music Player ------------------------ To unlock the Music Player, beat the game once with any party (in other words, defeat Zeromus once). After the credits, you'll be given the option to save your game. Do so, and then go back to the title screen. Select "Extra", and then the Music Player option will be available. Secret #3 - The Lunar Ruins --------------------------- You unlock this new dungeon the same way you do the Music Player. Simply beat the game once, with any party. Then, after the credits, you'll see a short scene of something opening up on the Moon. This is the Lunar Ruins. Secret #4 - Developer's Team Office ----------------------------------- In the Dwarven Castle, head to the Weapon/Armor Shop. In between the Weapon and Armor Shop desks, there is an entrance. Go through it, and you'll be in a room with a single dwarf. Head all the way east, and step on the crack. Head right to enter a secret area. At the end of that area, there are stairs leading to the Developer's Team room. Inside, there are several game developers that you can speak to. It's actually a pretty cool room. Secret #5 - Re-attempt the Trials in Lunar Ruins ------------------------------------------------ After each trial you complete in the Lunar Ruins, you get a Grimoire item for defeating one of the Lunar bosses. If you use the Grimoire item of the party member's trial you wish to re-enter (for an example, use Grimoire LT if you want to re-enter Yang's trial), you can re-enter the door and redo the trial over again. Secret #6 - Getting the Adamant Armor ------------------------------------- First, go to the Lunar Subterrane, the last level in the game. Head to the small room that's shaped like a backwards L, with a single chest in the corner of the room. In this room, you have a 1/64 chance of finding the Flan Princess enemy, the rarest enemy in the game. If you do manage to find the enemies, you have a 1/64 chance of finding the Pink Tail item from them, which is the rarest item in the game. If you manage to obtain it, take it to the Adamant Grotto via the hovercraft, near the town of Mythril. Show the boy the Pink Tail, and he'll give you the Adamant Armor, the best armor in the entire game. Anyone can equip it, on top of that! If you want to find a Flan Princess instantly, then go to that room in the Lunar Subterrane, and use a Siren item. This will call the rarest enemy in that room, which is the Flan Princess for that room. You'll find a group of Flan Princesses for each Siren item you use. -------- Glitches -------- Glitch #1 - Psycho Edward ------------------------- This is a lot like the Psycho Cyan glitch from Final Fantasy III. To execute the glitch, start by entering a battle with Edward in your party. Get him down to critical status (just use Tornado), and then he'll begin to Hide. When he reappears, quickly cast Berserk on him. He'll hide again, and when he returns, he will constantly attack. Foes cannot hurt him at all, and you cannot heal him, even if you heal the whole party. That's the only downside. Glitch #2 - Equip Rydia (Adult) with Staves ------------------------------------------- Normally, adult Rydia cannot equip Staves anymore. They're normally for White Mages. However, go to her trial in the Lunar Ruins. She turns to a child again. Take advantage of this by equipping her with a Staff. Then, complete her trial with that Staff equipped. When the trial is completed, she'll turn back into an adult, but she'll still have that Staff equipped. If you unequip it, she cannot re-equip it unless you go to her trial, and do the glitch over again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================ XXI. Frequently Asked Questions ================================ In this section, I will list the most commonly asked questions regarding this game. Before emailing me with a question, please refer to this very section first, and see if your question is already answered! Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: What's the best way to find a Flan Princess? A: See the Secrets & Glitches section above. Secret #6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: Help! I can't defeat Zeromus! Any tips? A: See the Bosses section for my strategy on defeating him. Make sure your party is at least Level 55-60 before taking him on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: I need help with a certain trial in the Lunar Ruins. Help? A: See the Lunar Ruins section of this guide. I have a detailed walkthrough on each of the character's trials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q: Why don't you list any of the Floor of Rememberance floors for the ruins? A: I originally planned to, but decided that it would take entirely too much work. So I decided to scrap the idea, since the floors are completely random. I may do it one day, but don't count on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================= XXII. Email Info ================= If you wish to email me about this guide, whether it be a comment or a typo, or even a big error in the guide, then email me at my email listed at the top of this guide. For those who are lazy, my email is Email me there, and I'll add whatever it is I missed, or fix whatever it is I messed up on as soon as possible. Please make the subject something to do with the game (such as "Final Fantasy IV Advance Guide"), so I'll know that your email isn't spam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== XXIII. Credits =============== Credits go to you for reading this guide. Credits go to me for taking the time to write this guide. Credits go to SquareEnix for porting this amazing game, and adding new features to it, even. Credits go to fedaykin125 for pointing out an alternate strategy for the battle with the Behemoths. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================= XXIV. Copyrights ================= Do not copy this guide without my permission. If you attempt to do that without my permission, you will be in trouble with the law. For permission, email me at my email adress listed at the top of this guide, I may say yes, I may say no, it depends. This guide is a Copyright (c) 2007, and was created by Jesse Winstead. All rights reserved. The following sites have been allowed to use this guide: End Of File. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------