0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 *------------------------------------------------------------------------* | FAQ/Walkthrough/Lists for Final Fantasy IV: The After Years on Wiiware | *---------------------------------------+----------------+---------------* | Version 1.3.10 | *----------------* Written by The Mystical One Copyright (c) Matt Buchwald 2009 Started: 6/22/2009 Contents: 1. Updates/Legal [UPD] 1.1 Legal [LGL] 1.2 Version History [VRH] 1.3 Purpose [PRPS] 2. Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] 3. Game Features [GMFT] 3.1 Tales [GFTLS] 3.2 Controls [GFCTRL] 3.3 Lunar Cycle [GFMOON] 3.4 Band Attacks [GFBAND] 4. Walkthrough [FFTAYWALK] 4.1 Prologue [PLG] 4.2 Ceodore's Tale [CDTL] 4.3 Kain's Tale [KNTL] 4.4 Rydia's Tale [RYTL] 4.5 Yang's Tale [YGTL] 4.6 Palom's Tale [PATL] 4.7 Edge's Tale [EGTL] 4.8 Porom's Tale [POTL] 4.9 Edward's Tale [EWTL] 4.10 Lunarian's Tale [LNTL] 4.11 The Crystals [TCRYS] 4.12 Gathering Tale - The Moon's Gravity [GTTL] 4.13 Final Tale, Part One - True Moon [TMTL] 4.14 Final Tale, Part Two - Planet Eater [PETL] 5. Item and Monster Lists [TAYLISTS] 5.0 Rare Items [SKTRARES] 5.1 Consumable Items [ITMCON] Restorative [CIRES] Stat Increasing [CISUP] Summon Spells [CISMN] Combat [CICBT] 5.2 Weapons [ITMWEAP] Arrows [WPARW] Axes [WPAXE] Boomerangs [WPBRG] Bows [WPBOW] Claws [WPCLW] Daggers [WPDAG] Hammers [WPHAM] Harps [WPHRP] Katanas [WPKAT] Rods [WPROD] Spears [WPSPR] Staves [WPSTF] Swords [WPSWD] Whips [WPWHP] 5.3 Armor [ITMARMR] 5.4 Headgear [ITMHEAD] 5.5 Shields [ITMSHLD] 5.6 Accessories [ITMACC] 5.7 Misc Items [ITMMISC] Etc Items [MIETC] Tails [MITL] Throwing Items [MITHR] 5.8 Monsters [ITMMNST] 6. Thanks [THKY] 7. Old Version History [OVRH] *------------------------* |1 | Updates/Legal [UPD] | *------------------------* ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 1.1 Legal [LGL] )------------------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ You may not use this guide for commercial purposes. Do not steal material from this guide. Etc, etc. You may contact me by email at: tmo baldninja com at dot Please use the subject FINAL FANTASY 4 AFTER YEARS in all caps in your title so I can protect your from my spam filtering. Hate mail, Spam mail, viruses, and all other evil devices shall cause Mr. T. to arrive at your home and pity da fool. Or something. Nyaaah. (I'm terrible at writing this section) My goal is to provide a guide that is appropriate. If you find ANYTHING inappropriate (offensive, questionable, etc) in this guide LET ME KNOW and I'll remove it and bring out an update ASAP. I've been trying to watch myself, but hey, sometimes things get through. Parents: Reading any guide first before letting your children use it is probably the best safeguard. I permit this guide to be posted only on GameFAQs.com ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 1.2 Version History [VRH] )--------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Older version history can be found at the end of the guide. 1.3.00 Completed the walkthrough. Monster and item lists complete. Some enemy groups and locations still missing from the guide. [21 September 2009] 1.3.10 Added some monster groups into the walkthrough, finished the monster locations. Added more Bands. Added some FAQs. [23 September 2009] ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 1.3 Purpose [PRPS] )---------------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ I intend to write a good, solid walkthrough that can specifically help any player. While doing this, I will provide lists and other details that will supplement the walkthrough. At the same time, I try to entertain the reader. Any suggestions on how to improve this will be appreciated. *-------------------------------------* |2 | Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] | *-------------------------------------* Q: What does the Lustful Lali-ho do? A: Provides humor to the game! If you don't understand it, simply substitute the words 'Playboy Magazine' for 'Lustful Lali-ho' and you should get it. In the final tale, you may trade them for Discovery Books, which raise max MP by 50. Q: When do the next chapters come out? A: See the next section or the game's manual, which plainly lists the release dates. Also, they are now all released. Q: Where is the best place to farm Adamantite? A: Only Kain, Rydia, and Palom's and Lunarians' Challenge Dungeons can repeat their treasure. With an efficient plan, you can run through Kain's in 4 minutes and Rydia's in 8 minutes. After you know the floors well and have the boss strategy pinned down, you can do Palom's in about 6-7 minutes. Lunarians's takes about 5. Kain's dungeon has 12 items, so 12 x 4 = 48 minutes, while Rydia's has 10, so 10 x 8 = 80 minutes. Palom's has 10 items, so 6.5 x 10 = 65 minutes. Lunarians' has 5 items, so 5 x 5 = 25 minutes. Lunarians' is the clear best. Q: How do I download the other Tales? They don't appear in the Wii Shop! A: Select Purchase Add-On Content from the main menu within FF4: The After Years. Tales must be purchased from within the game, not on the Wii Shop Channel Q: How do I play the other Tales? A: Assuming you've purchased them (see the above answer), select "Begin Story" from the game's main menu and select the Tale you wish to begin. Be sure to save it in a different save slot! Q: How do I transfer data to other Tales? A: Data is not transfered until you begin The Crystals. At the start of The Crystals, the game will prompt you for which finish data you wish to import. You may select one or no data for each Tale. Q: What things transfer over to the final tale? A: All levels and stats, all equipment, all items, and all zeny. Up to 99 of each item (combined from amongst all tales) is transfered. Ask me more questions, y'arr! *-------------------------* |3 | Game Features [GMFT] | *-------------------------* ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 3.1 Tales [GFTLS] )----------------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Main Game - 800 Wii Points - 1 June 2009 - Prologue - Ceodore's Tale - Kain's Tale Rydia's Tale - 300 Wii Points - 1 June 2009 Yang's Tale - 300 Wii Points - 6 July 2009 Palom's Tale - 300 Wii Points - 6 July 2009 Edge's Tale - 300 Wii Points - 6 July 2009 Porom's Tale - 300 Wii Points - 3 August 2009 Edward's Tale - 300 Wii Points - 3 August 2009 Lunarian Tale - 300 Wii Points - 3 August 2009 Final Chapter - 800 Wii Points - 7 September 2009 - Gathering's Tale (The Moon's Gravity) - Finale, Part 1 (True Moon) - Finale, Part 2 (Planet Eater) Tales are released at approximately noon Eastern Time. European releases occur the Friday after the dates listed. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 3.2 Controls [GFCTRL] )------------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________ ___________________________________________________________________/ Wiimote | When playing with the Wiimote, hold it sideways with the D-Pad on the left. D-Pad : Move your character outside of battle and the menu. Navigate menus 1 Button : Hold down to run faster in non-overworld maps. Cancel out of a menu or submenu. 2 Button : Talk to NPCs or search objects on maps. Accept commands in menus. A Button : Open the main menu outside of battle. Confirm Band Search when searching for Band Attacks. B Button : Hold then press Left/Right to change character in some menus. Hold then press Left/Right to change page when viewing lists (items) Toggle Moon Phase display in the main menu. Hold to run from battles. + Button : Change the character used to represent your party (visual only!) Change currently selected character in a battle. (If no other character is ready to act, this character will stay selected). - Button : Pause the game during a battle. ____________________ ________________________________________________________/ Classic Controller | D-Pad OR Left Analog : Move your character outside of battle and the menu. Navigate menus. A Button : Talk to NPCs or search objects on maps. Accept commands in menus. B Button : Hold down to run faster in non-overworld maps. Cancel out of a menu or submenu. X Button : Open the main menu outside of battle. Confirm Band Search when searching for Band Attacks. Y Button : Toggle Moon Phase display in the main menu. B Button : Hold then press Left/Right to change character in some menus. Hold then press Left/Right to change page when viewing lists L Trigger : Go to previous character in some menus. Go to previous page when viewing Lists. R Trigger : Go to next character in some menus. Go to next page when viewing Lists. Hold to run from battles. + Button : Change currently selected character in a battle. (If no other character is ready to act, this character will stay selected). - Button : Pause the game during a battle. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 3.3 Lunar Cycle [GFMOON] )---------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ New to this game is a Lunar cycle. Every time you rest at an Inn or in a Tent or Cottage, the Moon will change to its next phase. The phase will also change every thirty minutes of game time, starting with the last time you rested. Each phase will enhance some aspect of combat and reduce some other aspect. The Lunar Cycle is as follows: +-------------+--------------------+---------------+ | Phase | Attacks | Magic | | | Physical | Special | White | Black | +-------------+----------+---------+-------+-------+ | New Moon | + 0% | +25% | -25% | + 0% | | Waxing Moon | + 0% | + 0% | +25% | -25% | | Full Moon | -25% | + 0% | +0% | +25% | | Waning Moon | +25% | -25% | +0% | + 0% | +-------------+----------+---------+-------+-------+ ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 3.4 Band Attacks [GFBAND] )--------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ What are Bands? | Characters can Band together to create powerful combo attacks. Story-wise, the characters must have some sort of bond. To find band attacks, press left in battle and choose Search for Bands. Then, select another character and hit the accept button. Then, choose the command that that character will add to the band. You can then select a third character, etc if you wish to try to combine more than two characters in a band. Whenever you've added enough characters to the Band Search attempt, press the A button. For example, in the prologue, Biggs and Wedge will band together to perform Vibra Edge, which bands Biggs's Attack command with Wedge's Attack command. To learn this band, select Search for Band with Wedge, then select Biggs, and finally select Bigg's Attack command and press A. After a charge time, they will perform the band. As another example, in Rydia's Tale, Luca and the Dolls have a Band called Go! Calcabrina! which combines Luca's Analyze, Calca's Jive, and Brina's Dance commands. If it is Luca's turn, select Search for Bands, the select Calca and choose his Jive command, then select Brina and choose her Dance command and press A. When their meters fill up, they will perform the attack! Note that you did not have to select Luca's Analyze. That is because whomever is searching for a band need not select their own command. The search will try all of them to find a fit. The first time you use a band (via searching), it will cost no MP. Afterwards it will cost a set amount of MP for each person. If you search for a band and there is none for that combination of commands, then the band will fail and their turns will be wasted. _______________ _____________________________________________________________/ List of Bands | Listed in the order they can be acquired. ----> Prologue <---- Vibra Edge - Biggs/Attack + Wedge/Attack All Enemies, Physical. - 7 MP ----> Ceodore's Tale <---- Holy Blade - Cecil/Attack + Rosa/White Magic One Enemy, Holy Attack - 20MP Machine Break - Cecil/Attack + Cid/Analyze One Enemy, Thunder Attack - 7MP Cross Slash - Hooded Man + Ceodore (Learned by an Event) One Enemy, Physical - 7MP ----> Kain's Tale <---- Divine Heal - Ceodore/White Magic/Rosa Blessing All Allies, Heavy to Very Heavy Healing - 28MP Rocket Launcher - Ceodore/Attack + Cid (Hammer or Axe)/Analyze One Enemy, Fire - 12MP Cross Slash Prime - Ceodore/Attack + Kain/Attack One Enemy, Physical - 20MP X Chaser - Rosa (Bow+Arrows)/Aim + Cid/Analyze One Enemy, Physical - 12MP Saint Dive - Rosa/White Magic + Kain/Jump All Enemies, Physical/Holy? - 30MP Aiming Thrust - Cid/Analyze + Kain/Attack One Enemy, Physical - 12MP ----> Rydia's Tale <---- Lightning Brain Buster - Rydia/Black Magic + Luca/Attack One Enemy, Thunder Attack - 7MP Calca and Brina - Calca/Jive + Brina/dance Various Magical Attacks - 10MP Go! Calcabrina! - Luca/Analyze + Calca/Jive + Brina/Dance Combo Attack, Physical, Fire, Thunder - 10MP ----> Yang's Tale <---- Five Star Crimson Palm - Yang/Attack + Ursula/Tenketsu One Enemy, Physical, Causes Slow - 9MP Twin Wing Frenzy - Yang + Ursula (Learned by an Event) One Enemy, Physical - 6MP ----> Palom's Tale <---- A Little Black Magic - Palom Bluff + Leonora/Black Magic All Enemies, Random Elemental Black Magic - 10MP Particle Bomb - Palom + Leonora (Learned by an Event) One Enemy, Magical, Very Powerful - 20 ----> Edge's Tale <---- Wild Moon - Edge/Attack + Tsukinowa/Attack All Enemies - 12MP Frozen Moon Dance - Edge/Attack + Izayoi/Ninjutsu One Enemy - 8MP Gale Twin Break - Edge/Ninjutsu + Zangetsu/Human Kite All Enemies - 14MP Gale Rush - Tsukinowa/Ninjutsu + Zangetsu/Ninjutsu All Allies, Hastens Party - 12MP Blazing Moon Ring - Edge/Ninjutsu + Gekkou/Shuriken One Enemy - 7 MP Phantom Lightflies - Izayoi/Illusions + Gekkou/Ninjutsu All Allies, Heals party, Heals some status - 9MP Wheel of Elements - Gekkou/Ninjutsu + Izayoi/Ninjutsu + Tsukinowa/Ninjutsu + Zangetsu/Ninjutsu All Enemies - 15MP Advent of Phoenix - Edge/Smash and Grab + Gekkou/Shuriken + Izayoi/Illusions + Tsukinowa/Steal + Zangetsu/Human Kite All Enemies, Breaks Damage Limit, More damage when injured - 20MP ----> Porom's Tale <---- Twincast - Young Palom + Young Porom (Begin with it) All Enemies - 20MP Flarette 40%, Meteorite 60% Thunderstorm - Rydia/Black Magic + Palom/Black Magic 1 or 2 Enemies - 25 MP Does not carry over to The Crystals ----> Edward's Tale <---- Feast of the Land - Edward/Bardsong + Harley/Gil Toss All Allies, Heals Damage - 20MP ----> Lunarians' Tale <---- Double Black Magic - Golbez + Fusoya (Event) All Enemies - 30MP Double Firaga/Thundaga/Blizzara (5/16 chance ea.) Double Meteor (1/16 chance) ----> Gathering Tale <---- Broken Heart - Rydia (Bow+Arrows)/Attack + Edge/Attack All Enemies - 25MP Flare Tornado - Rydia/Black Magic + Edge/Ninjutsu + Luca (Hammer or Axe)/Big Throw All Enemies, Fire - 15MP Inferno - Rydia + Edge (Event) All Enemies, Fire - 40MP Thunder Wave - Ceodore/Attack + Rydia/Black Magic All Enemies, Lightning - 20MP Holy Burst - Rydia/Black Magic + Rosa/White Magic All Enemies, Holy - 55MP ----> Finale (True Moon) <---- Delta Evolution - Ceodore/Attack + Luca/Attack + Ursula/Attack One Enemy - 15MP *Makeshift Cannon - Ceodore/Attack + Luca (Hammer or Axe)/Big Throw + Ursula/Kick + Palom/Black Magic + Porom/White Magic All Enemies, Breaks Damage Limit - 58MP Rapid Fire - Ceodore/Attack + Palom/Black Magic + Tsukinowa/Attack One Enemy, Fire - 20MP Mirage Dive - Kain/Jump + Edge/Ninjutsu One Enemy, Confuse; Blink Edge - 32MP Holy Ray - Rosa/White Magic + Porom/White Magic All Enemies, Holy - 50MP Pure White Magic - Rosa/White Magic + Leonora/White Magic + Porom/White Magic Various effects - 99MP *Infinity - Rosa/White Magic + Rydia/Black Magic + Palom/Black Magic + Leonora/White Magic + Porom/White Magic All Enemies, Breaks Damage Limit - 60MP Double Tomahawk - Cid/Attack + Luca/Attack All must be equipped with Hammers or Axes One Enemy - 10MP Sylph Protection - Rydia/Summon + Yang/Attack Yang - 17MP Thunderstorm - Rydia/Black Magic + Palom/Black Magic 1 or 2 Enemies - 25 MP Tri-Disaster - Rydia/Black Magic + Palom/Black Magic + Leonora/Black Magic All Enemies - 20MP Wild Whip - Rydia/Attack + Izayoi/Attack + Harley/Attack All must be equipped with whips One Enemy - 4MP Call Me Queen - Rydia/Attack + Izayoi/Attack + Harley/Attack + Leonora/Attack All must be equipped with whips One Enemy, Pig - 11MP Mirage Song - Rydia/Summon + Edward (Harp)/Bardsong Blink Effect? 35 MP *Petal Whirlwind - Luca/Analyze + Ursula/Black Magic + Leonora/Black Magic + Ursula/Kick One Enemy, Breaks Damage Limit - 50MP Palom in the Sky - Luca (Hammer or Axe)/Big Throw + Palom/Bluff + Leonora/Black Magic + Porom/White Magic All Enemies, Lightning - 30MP Mecha-kite - Luca/Analyze + Zangetsu/Human Kite All Enemies - 15MP Mystic Waltz - Edward (Harp)/Bardsong + Calca/Jive + Brina/Dance Random effect - 12MP Exploding Kick - Yang/Kick + Gekkou/Shuriken All Enemies, Fire - 14MP Fist Dance - Yang/Kick + Edward (Harp)/Bardsong One Enemy - 13MP Frost Wave - Leonora/Black Magic + Izayoi/Ninjutsu All Enemies, Cold - 25MP Sprite Bred - Leonora/White Magic + Porom/White Magic One Enemy, Holy - 40MP Healing Wind - Tsukinowa/Ninjutsu + Porom/White Magic Heal All Allies - 40MP Twin Rush - Ceodore + Ursula (Event) One Enemy - 12MP Twincast - Palom + Porom (Event) All Enemies - 40MP Ice Crush - Luca + Palom + Leonora (Event) All enemies, Cold - 35MP Final Calcabrina - Cid + Luca + Calca + Brina (Event) All enemies - 30MP Oboro Strike - Yang + Edge (Event) One Enemy - 25MP Vibra Plus - Ceodore/Attack + Cecil/Attack Cecil must be back to normal. All Enemies - 35MP *Vibra Prime - Ceodore/Attack + Cecil/Attack + Kain/Attack + Rosa(Bow+Arrows)/Aim + Cid (Hammer or Axe)/Attack Cecil must be back to normal. All Enemies, Breaks Damage Limit - 40MP Holy Cross - Ceodore/Attack + Cecil/Attack + Rosa/White Magic Cecil must be back to normal. All Enemies, Holy - 35MP *Sword and Fist - Ceodore/Attack + Cecil/Attack + Yang/Attack + Ursula/Attack Cecil must be back to normal. One Enemy, Breaks Damage Limit - 30MP *Sky Grinder - Cecil/Attack + Kain/Jump Cecil must be back to normal. One Enemy, Breaks Damage Limit - 45MP *Trinity Crusade - Cecil/Attack + Kain/Jump + Rosa/Blessing Cecil must be back to normal. One Enemy, Breaks Damage Limit - 35MP Effect Form - Cecil/White Magic + Kain/White Magic + Rosa/Blessing Cecil must be back to normal. Curaja, Protect, Shell, Haste on users - 20MP *Final Fantasy - Cecil/Attack + Kain/Jump + Rosa/White Magic + Rydia/Black Magic + Edge/Throw Cecil must be back to normal. Offense + Defense, Breaks Damage Limit - 75MP Iron Flash - Cecil/Attack + Rydia/Summon Cecil must be back to normal. Power of Odin cuts through all enemies - 40MP Twin Drive - Cecil/Attack + Yang/Attack Cecil must be back to normal. One Enemy - 15MP King's Quad - Cecil/Attack + Yang/Attack + Edge/Attack + Edward (Harp)/Attack Cecil must be back to normal. One Enemy - 30MP Break Breaker - Cecil/Attack + Palom/Black Magic + Porom/White Magic Cecil must be back to normal. Petrifies and shatters all enemies - 35MP Sword Dance - Cecil/Attack + Edward (Harp)/Bardsong Cecil must be back to normal. One Enemy - 13MP *Advanced Blade - Ceodore/Attack + Cecil/Attack + Golbez/Black Magic Cecil must be back to normal. One Enemy, Breaks Damage Limit - 40MP Double Pressure - Cecil/Cover + Golbez/Pressure Cecil must be back to normal. Slow All Enemies - 20MP Ultima Spark - Cecil/White Magic + Golbez (Black Magic) Cecil must be back to normal. All Enemies - 50MP Spiral Blow - Kain + Golbez (Event) One Enemy - 22MP *Double Jump - Ceodore + Kain (Event) One Enemy, Breaks Damage Limit - 35MP *----------------------------* |4 | Walkthrough [FFTAYWALK] | *----------------------------* This walkthrough is divided into Tales/Chapters. Each tale has several right- aligned tabs that tell you what area of the game we are in. The left side of the tab will give more information, such as which floor of a dungeon, or if this is about the overworld, etc. Also on each tab is the Tale we are in: Tale Name | Tag Used ----------------+---------- Prologue | Prologue Ceodore's Tale | Ceodore Kain's Tale | Kain Rydia's Tale | Rydia Yang's Tale | Tang Palom's Tale | Palom Edge's Tale | Edge Porom's Tale | Porom Edward's Tale | Edward Lunarians’ Tale | Lunarians The Crystals | Gathering Tale | Gather Final Tale 1 | True Moon Final Tale 2 | Depths The Prologue, Ceodore's Tale, and Kain's Tale are all part of the 'Main Game' that you get with your original 800 Wii points. The Prologue ends shortly after you get Rosa in Cecil's segment of the prologue, and Ceodore's Tale runs from that point until just after the Mist Cave. Kain's Tale runs from just after the Mist Cave until the end of the 'Main Game'. In the original Japanese mobile phone releases of this game, all tales were sold separately (the Prologue was free) and the Crystals was divided into three chapters. Kain's Tale was originally released *after* the Lunarian's Tale. I think the story flows better with Kain's Tale at that point. The Crystals encompasses all of the final three chapters of the original Japanese mobile phone release. The Gathering Tale ends after we finish the events begun at the end of Kain's Tale. Part 1 of the Final Tale ends after a special event with Cecil for those of you keeping track. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.1 Prologue [PLG] )---------------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. ______________________________ ______________________________________________/ Prologue Contents | Prologue | 1. Adamant Isle [WPLADI] 2. Baron Castle [WPLBCT] ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ The Airship | Prologue | After the opening story dialogue, you begin your journey on the airship of the Red Wings, heading towards the Adamant Isle. Talk to all the soldiers and you will get a short cutscene before landing on the Island. It is a short walk to the nearby town of Mythril. Ignore the cave for now. __________________________________ ____Overworld_____________________________/ Adamant Isle [WPLADI] | Prologue | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 Goblin 3 Helldiver | | 3 Goblin 2 Gargoyle | | 2 Floating Eye 2 Goblin, 1 Swordrat | | 1 Floating Eye, 2 Helldiver | \____________________________________________________________/ Not much to see as the island is small. Feel free to walk around and fight a bit if you want. The goblins and helldivers can drop the Goblin and Cockatrice summons, respectively. You can't use them in the main story, but they are easiest to farm here and you'll get use out of them in the last chapters, if only for collectors' sakes (though Cockatrice is reasonably useful). Keep in mind that it is an abysmal 1 in 256 chance for the summon drops, or roughly 0.4% (The same for all 'very rare' monster drops). Once you're bored of the outside air, walk into town for some more abuse from Biggs. ____________________ ________________________________________________________/ Mythril | Prologue | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+ |--------------------+ |-----------------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Broadsword 200 gil | | Bronze Shield 100 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Longsword 450 gil | | Bronze Helm 150 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil | \____________________/ | Bronze Armor 600 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | \_______________________/ | Eye Drops 30 gil | | Antidote 40 gil | | Tent 100 gil | \_______________________/ | Treasure | |--------------------------------------+ | 500 gil OR Ruby Ring Potion Tent | \______________________________________/ Enter the town and get the mission run down from Biggs. No matter how many times you've read the game instructions, Ceodore will not understand what the big deal is about the Full Moon and will suffer more abuse because of it. Regardless, you now know you'll need to get the Knight's Emblem from the Adamant Grotto (that cave we ignored earlier) and we cannot enter until the Full Moon. Before resting at the inn, let's loot the town and buy some better stuff for Ceodore. Remember, Final Fantasy is all about rampant looting. Head north up the road and bear east and grab the *TENT* hiding in the grass. When stuff is hidden in towns, you will be unable to walk onto the square where the loot is hidden, making it painfully obvious that something is there. Search the grass behind the armor and weapon shops to find a *RUBY RING* and then the grass behind the house east of there to find a *POTION*. You can keep this, or you can talk to the pig and return it to him for a *500gil* reward. Money is better than the ring (as you'll see in a short bit), so go ahead and return the ring, unless you're a jerk or hate money. Of course, you can always just sell the ring for 500 gil. Now we can buy things! Buy a Longsword and equip it on Ceodore, being sure to sell the useless Broadsword afterwards. Then go and buy him a nice Bronze Helm to protect his noggin. Not much else to do here, so head over to the inn, where they will give you a night's stay for free and the moon will conveniently switch over to being a Full Moon. ___________________________ ____Entrance_____________________________________/ Adamant Grotto | Prologue | | Monsters | | Treasure| |-----------+ |-----------------------+ | None! | | Potion Ether | \___________/ | Tent Phoenix Down | \_______________________/ Walk in, get some abuse from Biggs, and grab all the treasure. Then talk to Biggs again and soon Biggs and Wedge will join your party. To get back at him for abusing you, steal Biggs's Iron Gloves and equip them on Ceodore. The mini man will move out of the way for you, so walk down the stairs. ___________________________ ____B1___________________________________________/ Adamant Grotto | Prologue | | Monsters | | Treasure| |------------+ |-----------+ | 3 Larva | | Potion | | 4 Goblin | | Tent | | 3 Goblin | | Ether | \____________/ \___________/ Welcome to tutorial floor! Walk up a bit and you'll get into a staged battle with three goblins where you'll get an earful about how the full moon affects your attacks. Finish the fight, perhaps by casting fire on them all with Biggs to save time, as this will kill them all. Walk north and curve towards the stairs and get into a second tutorial battle where you'll search for Band attacks with Biggs and Wedge and have them instantly slaughter some innocent monsters with Vibra Edge. Once the battle is done, perhaps to teach you not to spam the accept button, Biggs will ask if that was too fast for you to see. It defaults to Yes, which will cause you to have to do that tutorial fight all over again. Argh! See Section 3.2: Band Attacks for more information on Band Attacks. Now that we're done being spoon fed the new features of the game, head down the stairs to your right and open the chest for a delicious *POTION*. Head to the right and take the ramp north when you can to grab a *TENT* from another chest. Jog back down to the right and go up the stairs you'll come to. Wander off to the northwest and you'll find an *ETHER*, passing some stairs that lead to the obvious exit of the floor. Head over to the exit and go down to B2. If you haven't stolen Biggs's Iron Gloves yet, mug him now since he's about to leave your party. Feel free to wander around this floor, killing innocent goblins and larva with Vibra Edge in order to boost Ceodore's level a bit. You won't really need it, but hey. You should also heal up with Wedge's magic now. ___________________________ ____B2___________________________________________/ Adamant Grotto | Prologue | | Monsters | | Treasure| |----------------------+ |---------------+ | 4 Larva | | Phoenix Down | | 4 Goblin | | Bomb Fragment | | 2 Swordrat, 2 Goblin | | Eye Drops | | 3 Goblin, 1 Swordrat | \_______________/ \______________________/ You'll start seeing Swordrats here. They counter attack with Needles which can take ~30HP off. However, you should be able to kill them in one hit. Biggs and Wedge will leave now, after Bigg's sorta almost kinda compliments Ceodore. Whatever. Go through the door and save if you feel the need. Use a tent if you want Ceodore to have full MP or something, but keep in mind that it'll change the lunar cycle to Waning and physical attacks will be boosted. Since Ceodore should be able to one-shot anything in this cave during the Full Moon, this is actually a disadvantage as it'll only serve to make him take more damage while killing things just as fast. In short, avoid using a tent. You shouldn't really need to heal with Ceodore at all in here. Once you've saved (or not! This place is easy!), head through the door in the north of the room to continue your jaunt through beautiful downtown B2. Go west through an obvious hidden passage to grab a chest with a *PHOENIX DOWN* Follow the path eastward until you go south down some stairs. To your west will be another set of stairs leading to a chest with a *BOMB FRAGMENT*. Take the path south (bearing west) to another chest, this time containing some *EYE DROPS*. Head back to the other fork to find the stairs down to B3. If you are around Level 7 or 8 now, you should be set. ___________________________ ____B3___________________________________________/ Adamant Grotto | Prologue | | Monsters | | Treasure| |-------------------------+ |--------------------------------+ | 2 Swordrat, 2 Goblin | | Bronze Hourglass Echo Herbs | | 4 Larva | | Tent Iron Gloves | | 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Antarctic Wind | \_________________________/ \________________________________/ Right south of where you come in, grab an *BRONZE HOURGLASS* from a chest and then head east across a bridge (and then up some stairs to grab a Tent. Wander allllll the way to the south and grab an *ANTARCTIC WIND* from a chest. Now, follow the western path and you'll grab some *ECHO HERBS* from the chest that you saw when you entered. Go south and walk into the little niche in the south wall and follow this obvious secret path to a chest containing some wonderfully redundant *IRON GLOVES*. The nearby room has a save point in it. Save here, then exit the room and go down the stairs across from it. You'll probably be around Level 10 by now. ___________________________ ____B4___________________________________________/ Adamant Grotto | Prologue | | Monsters | | Treasure| |------------+ |-----------------+ | None! | | Knight's Emblem | \____________/ \_________________/ Go up to grab the chest so that you can be attacked by a boss. Yay. __________________________________ ____Sand Worm_____________________________/ Adamant Grotto - Boss | Prologue | *Yawn* Mash the accept button to attack the Sand Worm mindlessly until it casts Whirlwind, bringing you to 1 HP. Biggs and Wedge will run in, Ceodore will yell at them, and run back to fight the Sand Worm again, automatically using Awaken, his special ability which until now was not available. This will boost your damage and defense or something. Whatever. After three turns you will have critical HP and the effect will wear off, making this a pretty useless ability, apart from it restoring all your HP. Mash the accept button some more until it dies. ______________________________________________________________________________ Note about Awaken: About its only dependable use is emergency healing in a fight which you desperately need Ceodore to live right then.. Since you'll end up with 1 HP after the fight even if Awaken doesn't run out during it, this situation comes up just about never. I guess it can be okay in a pinch to to some extra damage, but then you have to heal. Bleh. Oh right. You'll get the *KNIGHT'S EMBLEM* too. Biggs and Wedge will join you, so just run out of the dungeon, killing things all willy-nilly and what have you. Before you exit, remove Biggs's equipment. As you exit the dungeon, Biggs'll leave. Now is a good time to farm Goblin and Cockatrice summons if you're the sort inclined to spend a couple hours farming rare items. Remove Wedge's equipment when you're done messing around. Then head on over to the... ________________________ ____Fight!__________________________________________/ The Airship | Prologue | | Monsters | |-------------+ | 2 Balphegor | \_____________/ Lots of dialogue about Ceodore here, now that Biggs doesn't think you're scum. After all that, some scaredy cat Red Wing soldier will sound the monster attack warning and you'll get into a fight with 2 Belphegors. Compared to the Adamant Grotto, the difficulty just jumped up quite a bit for the unprepared. Have Biggs spam Fira over and over until the Belphegors die. Feel free to focus on one at a time to take less damage in the long run. Ceodore should cast Protect twice (it stacks a bit up to 3 or 4 castings) on everyone (remember, it can be multi-targeted) and then heal or attack. Biggs heals or attacks as needed. With the Fira spam, they'll die fast and the scene will cut to... __________________________________ __________________________________________/ Baron Castle [WPLBCT] | Prologue | | Monsters - Indoors | | Monsters - Outside | |--------------------------+ |--------------------------+ | 3 Cave Bat | | 3 Cockatrice | | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul | | 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | | 2 Gargoyle | | 3 Cave Bat | | 1 Lilith | | 1 Lilith, 2 Bloodbones | | 2 Gatlinghog, 2 Swordrat | | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | \__________________________/ | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice | | 2 Gargoyle | | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | \__________________________/ Nice little cut scene with Cecil and Rosa and the castle being under attack mysteriously even though the gates aren't breached. Huh. _________________________ ____1F_____________________________________________/ Baron Castle | Prologue | | Fixed Battles | | Treasure | |-----------------+ |----------------------+ | 2 Gargoyle | | Tent Phoenix Down | \_________________/ | Decoy | \______________________/ Once the cut scene deposits you on this floor, head east a bit to get into a fight with 2 Gargoyles. If the moon has shifted to Waning, they will die fast. Either way, the fight is not tough. Once it's over, press the switch on the wall near the chests and enter the little room to grab a *TENT*, a *DECOY*, and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Go up the nearby stairs to the ramparts. _________________________ ____Outside - Eastern Side_________________________/ Baron Castle | Prologue | | Fixed Battles | |--------------------+ | 1 Zu, 3 Cockatrice | \____________________/ Take a few steps and fight the Zu and 3 Cockatrices that appear. Take out the little birdies first and then focus on the Zu. Heal up if needed and then take the next set of stairs down. Use the save point if you'd like. The wall switch is busted because the game's programmers were too lazy to put treasure in the treasure room, so just exit to the south to head outside. None of the outside monsters are particularly troublesome. Just attack until they are dead. If you run into a group of three cave bats, be prepared to groan as you'll need two attacks each to kill them and their constant Bloodfeast attack takes about three years. Head to the northeast outside section via the gate in the wall and enter the East Tower. _________________________ ____East Tower_____________________________________/ Baron Castle | Prologue | | Fixed Battles | | Treasure | |-----------------+ |-----------------------------------------------+ | 1 Ogre | | Ether Remedy Hi-Potion | \_________________/ | Red Fang Echo Herbs Bomb Crank | | Hi-Potion Bacchus's Wine 500 gil | | Hermes Sandals Heavenly Wrath Remedy | \_______________________________________________/ Inside monsters are pretty boring, except for the Lilith. She counters everything with a slap, which can paralyze, silence, or curse you. Paralysis will make the fight last longer as you wait for it to wear off, curse will half your attack and defense, making you take more damage, take longer to deal enough damage to kill her, and open you up to more slaps. Silence will prevent you from using white magic, but also seems to have the benefit of blocking all other slap effects. You should probably just run from Liliths, but if you really really want to, you can also use a Hi-Potion on them to kill them in one shot. Grab the chests for an *ETHER*, *RED FANG*, *HI-POTION*, and *HERMES SANDALS*. You will need to go down the western stairs and back up to get the one chest. When you do go downstairs, grab the *REMEDY* from the lonely pot all by itself and then head back upstairs to grab that other chest. There is nothing else of note in the basement. On the second floor, grab the *ECHO HERBS* from the northeast pot (right in front of where you enter) and then the *BACCHUS'S WINE* from the central bottom pot. Loot the chests for a *HEAVENLY WRATH* and a *HI-POTION*, then head up the stairs to the third floor of the tower. Heal up before you do so. Talk to the monster on the third floor to save the woman from an Ogre. You'll get a preemptive strike, so just pound it until it dies. After you've saved the woman, plunder the chests for a *BOMB CRANK*, *500 GIL*, and a *REMEDY*. Nothing else to do, so head all the way back to the main castle area, saving along the way. _________________________ ____1F_____________________________________________/ Baron Castle | Prologue | | Fixed Battles | |------------------+ | 1 Centaur Knight | \__________________/ If you want this segment to be really easy, go ahead and level Cecil up until he has a 5x Attack Multiplier (see the Status screen in the Menu). This occurs sometime around or before Level 25. You can level up all the way to 30 (his level cap) if you want, but that'll take you about 45 minutes and is mostly a waste of time. You'll have a 6x Attack Multiplier though! The western stairs are now unblocked. Heal up before approaching them. When you do so, a soldier will stumble out and you'll get into a fight with a Centaur Knight, who hits very hard. If you're fully healed, you should have little to no difficulties killing it. Head up the stairs and outside to the ramparts. _________________________ ____Outside - Western Side_________________________/ Baron Castle | Prologue | Head over to the other stairs down, then walk south, where Rosa will join you. She can use white magic and her special ability is Blessing. Blessing will either do nothing, or will restore around 120hp to everyone and about 5-10 mp to everyone. Exit south to head outside, where you will look up at the moon and have about a bazillion cut scenes with characters from all over the world. Thus begins Ceodore's Tale! ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.2 Ceodore's Tale [CDTL] )--------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. ____________________ ________________________________________________________/ Contents | Ceodore | 1. Baron Castle [WCDBCT] 2. Mysidia [WCDMYS] 3. Devil's Road [WCDDVR] 4. Baron [WCDBRN] 5. Old Waterway [WCDOWW] 6. Mist Cave [WCDMCV] _________________________________ ____Outside - Western Side_________________/ Baron Castle [WCDBCT] | Ceodore | | Fixed Battles | |-----------------------------+ | 2 Balphegor | | 1 Ahriman, 3 Spirit | | 1 Strato Avis, 3 Cockatrice | \_____________________________/ Naturally, Ceodore's Tale begins with... Cecil and Rosa? Right-o. Anyway, get into a fight and search for bands, combining Cecil's Attack with Rosa's White Magic to perform the Holy Blade combo, which does some very impressive damage. Walk north a bit and you'll get joined by Cid. Wander around to get into a fight and search for bands, combining Cecil's Attack and Cid's Analyze to learn Machine Break, which is sorta okay, but not terribly useful. You can also now use Cecil's Cover ability, allowing him to take damage for another character (it'll also automatically trigger if another character is in the red). There is nothing in the West Tower (not even a free rest in Cecil's bed!), so ignore it and enter the Barracks, being sure to save. At this point, you may want to plunder your party a bit. You can replace Cecil's armor with the spare pieces from Biggs and Wedge if you want, and Rosa's Rune Armlet can come in handy. Leave Cecil's shield and all the weapons alone. It is unnecessary to take them. If you fight the upcoming fights are too hard, leave their equipment intact. Once you're ready, head up to the top ramparts and prepare for some battles. (Cecil's equipment is really nice for Ceodore, so I highly recommend you steal those at the very least!) The first battle is with two Belphegors. These guys are old news. Pound 'em with attacks, using Holy Blade if you feel it necessary. Be sure to have close to full HP at the end of the fight. Next you'll fight an Ahriman and three Spirits. The Ahriman will cast Doom on one of your characters (seems to mainly be Cid or Cecil) and then Haste on that character so that the counter runs down fast. Once there is a hasted and doomed character, it'll drain HP as its means of attack. Immediately use a multi-targeted Slow from Rosa to cast slow on everything. Once the Ahriman gets a Haste off, have Rosa cast Hold on whomever got doomed. This will prevent the counter from reaching zero. Then just attack with whomever was not doomed. Heal with Rosa, perhaps throwing in some Holy Blade to make this go quicker. If you're lucky, you'll get a Cursed Ring from one of the Spirits, but it's a rare drop so don't count on it. Lastly, you'll fight a Strato Avis and three Cockatrices. Kill off the little birdies first and then focus on the big bird. It frequently casts Tornado, dropping a character's HP to critical. have Rosa single-target Cura whomever gets hit. When you get a chance, cast Slow on the Strato Avis. Feel free to spam Bands as this is the last real fight for this segment. Protect may also help as the Strato Avis's regular attack packs a punch. The battle will be followed by a cut scene in which Rosa and Cid depart and after which you'll get engaged in a fight with the mighty... _______________________________ ____Bahamut__________________________________/ Baron Castle - Boss | Ceodore | This is an event battle, and as such you are supposed to lose. Mash the accept button and attack. Once he starts counting down, use the Item command, press up, and then remove his Lustrous Shield and Kingsword. The Kingsword is utterly useless for the rest of the game, but it's a must-have for item completionists. Bahamut will roast Cecil, and then the prologue will come to a close with a few bazillion more cut scenes and the game will shift over to what Ceodore is doing. Finally. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ The Airship | Ceodore | The airship will be in trouble and eventually crash land, with Bigg's covering Ceodore. Talk to all the soldiers, then talk to Biggs to retrieve his final orders: Return to Baron at all costs! Right. Ceodore sets out solo, finding himself in a meadow. ___________________________ _________________________________________________/ Meadow [WCDMYS] | Ceodore | | Fixed Battles | |-------------------------+ | 1 Domovoi, 1 Gatlinghog | | 1 Flamehound | \_________________________/ Save if you'd like (you'd like.) and equip Ceodore with the Lustrous Shield from Cecil (and anything else of Cecil's you stole) and then walk to the west, where a band of monsters will appear out of thin air (why doesn't anything ever appear out of thick air, hmm?) and attack. First up is a Domovoi and a Gatlinghog. Just attack them until they die. The Gatlinghog will counter with needles, but this fight is a pushover anyway. Next you'll fight a Flamehound, which is much tougher... or should be. You merely have to survive for about 3 rounds (or rather, about three rounds of you damaging it) until it uses Blaze, which will conveniently damage you just enough to leave you with 1 HP. Fear not! A strange, hooded man will show up just in time to one-shot the beast, saving you. After a brief cutscene, you'll team up to head over to Mysidia, wherein you can supposedly find a way to get to Baron. ___________________ ____Overworld____________________________________________/ Mysidia | Ceodore | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva 3 Goblin, 1 Swordrat | | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice 2 Spirit | | 4 Tiny Mage 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | | 3 Cockatrice 3 Bomb | \______________________________________________________/ Monsters in this area are pretty easy. Just cut them down. Make sure you heal Ceodore after you're back on the world map. The Hooded Man may save lives, but he does not heal you. If you head to the east, you'll eventually find Mt. Ordeals, which you can try to enter, but The Hooded Man will tell you that your business is in Mysidia. Fair enough. There is a Chocobo forest to the South of the mountain if you want to restore MP with a white chocobo or take a yellow one for traveling to Mysidia. At a tip of land north of Mt. Ordeals you can also fight Adamant Isle monsters in case you want to farm Goblin or Cockatrice summons. Either way, when you're ready, head east to Mysidia after a reasonably short walk. ___________________ _________________________________________________________/ Mysidia | Ceodore | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|-----------------------+|--------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Longsword 450 gil || Feathered Cap 330 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Rod 100 gil || Leather Clothing 200 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Ice Rod 220 gil || Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Flame Rod 380 gil || Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil || Staff 160 gil |\__________________________/ | Eye Drops 30 gil || Healing Staff 480 gil || Inn | | Antidote 40 gil || Bow 220 gil ||--------+ | Tent 100 gil || Iron Arrows 50 gil || 50 gil | \_______________________/\_______________________/\________/ Upon entering, The Hooded Man explains that the Devil's Road will lead to Baron, saying that you'll have to find someone in the Hall of Prayers who can open it up for you. Wander around town talking to people if you want, but when read, head straight up the center of town and into the Hall. Talk to the pink-haired woman, who turns out to be a grown-up Porom. She will assign a generic white and black mage to accompany you on your travels to Baron. Their equipment sucks, so buy a Healing Staff, Flame Rod, Ice Rod, 2 Feathered Caps, 2 Gaia Gears, and 2 Iron Armlets for them. They are permanently Level 10, the poor guys. The Healing Staff can be used as an item (press up on the Item screen in battle, then click the staff twice) to heal around 30 hp to each party member. Likewise the Ice and Flame Rods can be use to cast Ice and Fire, respectively. Use the Flame Rod primarily, and switch to ice when you want to use a rod to damage monsters that absorb fire. Note that if you stole Rosa's equipment, you already have everything you need for the White Mage. In fact, better stuff than the shops! When ready, I recommend it be a Waxing Moon so that white magic is enhanced, then go to the nondescript building a bit southeast of the hall to enter the Devil's Road. The little white circle is a teleporter to the entrance. _________________________________ ____1F - Mysidia Side______________________/ Devil's Road [WCDDVR] | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | 2 Spirit, 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | | Bomb Fragment Ether | | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul | | Phoenix Down | | 4 Yellow Jelly | | Sage's Surplice | | 3 Zombie, 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant | | Silver Apple | | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Ghoul, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton | | Echo Herbs | \___________________________________/ \_________________________/ Monsters get a bit tougher here. Yellow Jellies are weak to thunder. Don't waste Thundara on it, regular Thunder will kill it, even with black magic weakened. Skeletons, Bloodbones, Ghouls, and Revenants are weak to Fire and Cure magic, but be aware that Spirits and Souls absorb (are healed by) fire, so you may want to use the ice rod on those or just rely on The Hooded Man and Ceodore to kill them physically. Ceodore's attack power is awful and you're just going to have to realize that The Hooded Man is your main offense. Use Ceodore and the White Mage to heal as needed when fighting things in here. You may want to use a high potion on the Liliths to kill them, or you can use the Flame Rod on it, and then have the Hooded Man attack to finish it off. This place is confusing, so I'll be referring to my handy ASCIImap! Big letters are teleporters that take you to their small letter equivalents. They are all one-way teleporters. @ is the entrance, X is the exit to the next floor and # are damage floors. Dots indicate hidden passages. Unfortunately, since character height and width are now the same size, the map is stretched vertically a bit. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+ | | |F| + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + + |# #| |X| | | +-+ + +-+ + + | # #| | | + +-+ + + |l | | | +-+-+ + + | | +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+ + | # #| | | +-+ +-+ + +-+ |h # #| | | +-+-+-+-+.. +-+-+ + + | . .#.I| | | +-+-+ + . . . + + + | d| | . .#.#| | | + + +-+ +-+ + + + | #| |+|# #|+|F| |e| +-+ + ....+-+ +-+-+ +-+ | #| . . 3| + + +-+-+ ..+-------+ |# # | |4 . . + +-+ +-+-+.. | | +-+ + +-+ |E | |2| +-+-+-+ + +.. +-+-+-+ | . . |k | +-+ ..+-+-+-+ +-+-+ + . . # H| | | ....+ + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+ + + | | |g| | | +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+-+ + + |b | | | | D| | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+ + + + | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+ + + | | | | +-+ +-+ + + | | |L| +-+ +-+ + + |C| +-+...+-+-+-+ +-+ | . . | + +...+ +-+ +-+-+ | | | # | | J| + + + +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | # # B| | | + + + +-+-+-+-+ +-+ + | | | | | #| + + + + +-+-+-+-+ + |1| |a| |i # #| +-+ +-+ + +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | + + | | +-+-+-+ + + |B # G| | | + + + + |# # #| | | +-+-+ + +-+ + + +-+-+-+-+ |H #| | | | | | A | + +-+ + + + + + + | # #| | | | | | | + +-+ + + + + + + | # # 7| | | | | | | + + + + + + +-+ +-+-+ | # # 6| | | | | |c| + + +-+ +-+ + + + + |j # # 5| | f| |K| |@| +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ +-+ Right, so starting down at the @ in the lower right, we move up and take portal A over to a room on the left side. You'll notice a chest in an isolated corridor next to the room you're in. Since there is no exit portal from that room, this should be a good tip off that a secret passage leads to it. Walk to the north edge of the room you're in and bear left through such a secret passage and grab Chest #1 for a *BOMB FRAGMENT*. After this, head back to the room and being careful not to step on the lava (#), walk into portal B to warp to the left side of the long room in the middle of the map. Walk east along the corridor, passing portal C (to the south) since it leads back to the beginning, and take the next portal, portal D to a small room in the upper left that has four damage squares. Head southwest to portal E. You will have to step on one of the two southern patches of lava but the others can be avoided. This will take you to a vertical corridor in the upper right. Follow it all the way to portal F. At the north end of this room is some lava and two portals. The western portal is another portal B, so avoid it unless you really like the long room in the middle of the map. Instead, take portal G, the eastern portal. You will have to step on two patches of lava to do this. You'll be in a small room just above the middle corridor. Take a secret passage just west of the lava over to Chest #2 for a *PHOENIX DOWN*, then take portal H to a complex-looking room a bit north of where you are. Head east and duck behind the first pillar to avoid the first patches of lava. Grab Chest #3 in the southeast corner to get a *SAGE's SURPLICE*, which should be an armor upgrade for Ceodore. From here, head directly west and go through a secret passage to Chest #4 and snag a *SILVER APPLE*, which will increase a character's Max HP by 50. I gave it to Ceodore. Back in the main room, you'll have a choice of two portals. The south one is just another portal F, so avoid it unless you want to backtrack for some reason. Take the portal I at the top, being mindful that the pillar hides two patches of lava, so line up with it before ducking behind the pillar to reach it. When you emerge at point i, you'll have a choice of going south or east. Head east, being mindful of the lava, and enter portal J, which will take you to the lava-filled treasure room in the lower left of this maze. Suck up the lava damage and snag Chests 5-7 for a *HI-POTION*, *ECHO HERBS*, and an *ETHER*. The portal in this room will take you back to the room with the pillars, so take it there, and then re-take portal I to get back to the corridor with the two paths. This time, take the south path to portal K. From there, follow the corridor to portal L, which will take you to the corridor at the top of the floor. Walk across the lava and follow the path to the end, where the portal will Take you to a large room with a save point. Save. From here, if you wish to go back to Mysidia, please note that the portals in the first area have changed slightly. Just keep entering portals until you're back in Mysidia. It's pretty straightforward. Otherwise, head left to the Baron side of the Devil's Road. ________________________ ____2F - Baron Side_________________________________/ Devil's Road | Ceodore | | Monsters | |---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Lilith, 2 Bloodbones 2 Spirit, 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | | 2 Soul, 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant 4 Yellow Jelly | | 3 Soul, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | \_______________________________________________________________/ Another maze! This time the white circles aren't quite portals. When you step on them you'll move to another square and some circles may appear to become walls. It's a bit confusing but not too tough to navigate. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |X A B C | | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +-----------+ | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |+++++++++++| | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |+++++++++++| | | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ |++++| +-----------+ | | D E F G |++++| H | | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ |++++| +----+ +----+ | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| | | +----+ |++++| +----+ +----+ +----+ |++++| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ | |I |++++| J |++++| K L | | +----+ |++++| +----+ +-----------+ |+++++------+ +----+ +----+ +------+ | |++++| |++++| |++++| |+++++++++++| |+++++++++++| |++++| |++++| | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |+++++++++++| |+++++++++++| |++++| |++++| | | +----+ +----+ +----+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +----+ +----+ +------+ | M N O @| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ If at any time you stray from this path, try to get to a point where you can do one of these actions and you'll be back on track. 1. Enter Portal L from the south. You'll automatically walk east. 2. Enter Portal H from the east. You'll automatically walk west. 3. Enter Portal C from the south. You'll automatically walk west. 4. Enter Portal B from the east. You'll automatically walk west. 5. Enter Portal F from the east. You'll automatically walk west. 6. Enter Portal J from the north. You'll automatically walk west. 7. Enter Portal M from the north. You'll automatically walk west. 8. Enter Portal I from the south. You'll automatically walk north. 9. Walk north to the exit. You'll find yourself in the town of Baron. __________________________ __________________________________________________/ Baron [WCDBRN] | Ceodore | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |------------------------+|-----------------------+|-------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Longsword 450 gil || Iron Shield 600 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Iron Sword 1000 gil || Iron Helm 800 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Flame Rod 380 gil || Iron Armor 1000 gil | | Gold needle 400 gil || Thunder Rod 700 gil || Iron Gloves 130 gil | | Mallet 80 gil || Healing Staff 480 gil || Wizard's Hat 700 gil | | Diet Ration 100 gil || Crossbow 700 gil || Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil || Holy Arrows 500 gil || Sages Surplice 1200 gil | \________________________/\_______________________/| Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Sundries | | Inn | \_________________________/ |------------------------+|--------+ | Bomb Fragment 200 gil || 50 gil | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil |\________/ | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Spider Silk 100 gil | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Tent 100 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | \________________________/ | Treasure | |------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Potion Unicorn Horn Dry Ether Spider Silk Mallet | | Hi-Potion White Fang Arctic Wind Phoenix Down 500 gil | \__________________________________________________________________/ Let's loot the town first. Remember, this game is about rampant pillaging, no matter what the story would have you believe. There are four pots near the Armorer, just east of where you exit the Devil's Road. The top one contains a *POTION*. Head down to the Inn and check the pot nearby to snag a handy dandy *HI-POTION*. Enter the inn, head to the back area, and press the obvious switch near the treasure room to open it up and go ahead and grab your brand new *UNICORN HORN*, *WHITE FANG*, and *DRY ETHER*. Now, at the top of the town you'll find a dancer. Talk to her if you'd like, then enter the water and follow the stream all the way to its end. As you enter the pool, you'll walk smack into an immovable piece of water. Search it for a nice cool *ARCTIC WIND*. Down and to the right a bit you can find a *SPIDER SILK* by searching another such patch of solid water. Head over to the northeast part of town, just outside the wall. North of the man standing here, you can walk east, then north, then all the way west through a secret passage in the trees and in the bushes there you can find a *PHOENIX DOWN*, *MALLET*, and *500 GIL*. Head up to the Armorer now for some gearing. In the southeast corner is a secret passage that leads behind the counters, but the men there will not let you steal their goods...yet. Remember this for later. Buy Ceodore any of the Iron Armor stuff that is better than what he's got and buy the mages some Wizard's Hats and Sage's Surplices. Grab a Thunder Rod for the Black Mage. It'll come in handy. The Iron Sword will make Ceodore's attack power suck a bit less. Talk to any townsfolk you'd like, and then head outside. _________________ ____Overworld______________________________________________/ Baron | Ceodore | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Cockatrice 2 Gargoyle | | 3 Swordrat, 3 Gatlinghog 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | | 1 Zu, 3 Cockatrice 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | \______________________________________________________/ Nothing hard here on the monster front. Outside Baron is pretty much the last place in this chapter you can farm the Cockatrice and Goblin summons, though the Goblin summon is particularly annoying to farm here. When you're done slaughtering any wildlife you want, head into Baron Castle. ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ Baron Castle | Ceodore | As you probably expect, the guards are acting funny and won't let you past. The Hooded Man will suggest a bit later that you find the key to the Old Waterway so you can sneak into the castle, suggesting that someone in the town might have it. Right. Back to Baron then. _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Baron | Ceodore | Walk over to Cid's house in the top left part of the town, up the stairs. Talk to his daughter and she will conveniently have the key. Go to the door just south of the house, down the stairs and use the key to open up the waterway. _________________________________ ____Entrance_______________________________/ Old Waterway [WCDOWW] | Ceodore | | Treasure | |------------+ | 2000 gil | \____________/ Before you head down the stairs to the dungeon proper, hang a right through the obvious secret passage and snag a chest containing *2000 GIL*. Head back and down the stairs. ________________________ ____B4______________________________________________/ Old Waterway | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 2 Splasher, 1 Devil's Castanet, 1 Fangshell | | Unicorn Horn | | 2 Lilith | | 600 gil | | 1 Gigas Gator, 3 Electrofish | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Floodworm, 3 Splasher | \--------------/ | 3 Devil's Castanet, 1 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | \________________________________________________/ Monsters here aren't too much trouble. The gator types are weak to ice and the Electrofish absorb lightning, which is kinda annoying, but they die fast enough to The Hooded Man, and everything else is weak to lightning except for Liliths which should die to a mage rod + a Hooded Man attack. Easy. Follow the path south and then southeast and take the south fork when you've got a choice. Snag the three chests there for a *UNICORN HORN*, *600 GIL*, and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. The bottom section is a loop, so loop around to the top and head north. Follow the straightforward, winding path of bridges and islands and tunnels all the way to the stairs to get to the next floor. ________________________ ____B3______________________________________________/ Old Waterway | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 2 Splasher, 1 Devil's Castanet, 1 Fangshell | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Floodworm, 3 Electrofish | | Coral Blade | | 1 Gigas Gator, 3 Electrofish | | Remedy | | 1 Floodworm, 3 Splasher | \-------------/ | 3 Devil's Castanet, 1 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | * Black Lizard (Monster-in-a-Box!) | \________________________________________________/ Oh no! A room with no exits! Right. Get to the little watery area and head south through the wall and into a secret passage that leads to another tiny room. Grab the chest there for a *HI-POTION*. Head south from this room and follow the winding secret passage into a slightly larger room. At the top, you'll climb some stairs to a chest, which contains.. Monster-in-a-Box! You'll fight a black lizard with counters everything with gradual petrify and can be very annoying. Cast Hold on it with the White Mage and it'll be helpless (might take a try or two). Hit it with attacks and Blizzara and it'll die fast enough and leave you a *CORAL BLADE* for your efforts. It has about 2400 HP. Equip the Coral Blade, which is lightning elemental, on Ceodore for another boost to his pathetic attack power. Remember not to attack Electrofish with him from now on. Step off the stairs by the chest onto a tiny patch of land to the east. A non-obvious secret passage here will take you to a small watery room in the south of this map. Exit to the east through another secret passage and head north into a very large room. There is a raised platform in the middle with a chest containing a *REMEDY*. Head east and then north of the platform and notice some rocks on the eastern side. Step between them and through a secret passage into a hallway, then head north a short way and enter the next floor. ________________________ ____B2______________________________________________/ Old Waterway | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 1 Floodworm, 1 Hydra, 1 Gigas Gator | | Soma Drop | | 2 Floodworm | \_____________/ | 2 Hydra | | 1 Baron Guardsman, 2 Hydra | | 2 Lilith | | 2 Baron Guardsman | \_____________________________________/ You'll start meeting Baron Guardsmen and Hydras here. The guards counter just about everything with Pig. Either kill them quickly with magic or run. Hydras aren't too bad, but can hit harder than most things here. Use Thunder magic. Follow the very linear path to the exit, but before leaving, jog west into a secret passage by the exit and follow it down, around and up to the chest containing a *SOMA DROP*, which increases a character's Max MP by 10. Ceodore is the obvious choice for it, but consider giving it to The Hooded Man so that he has more MP for Band Attacks later on. Exit to the next floor. ________________________ ____B1______________________________________________/ Old Waterway | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 1 Floodworm, 1 Hydra, 1 Gigas Gator | | Silver Hourglass | | 2 Floodworm | \__________________/ | 2 Hydra | | 1 Baron Guardsman, 2 Hydra | | 2 Lilith | | 2 Baron Guardsman | \_____________________________________/ Walk into the door near where you enter to find a room with a save point. Save if you'd like; there isn't much danger from now until when you can next save. The real reason you enter this room is to take the secret passage above the rock in the northeast corner of the room. Follow it to a chest containing a *SILVER HOURGLASS*. Exit the room and follow the path to the exit, unequipping the mages once you're in the water around Baron Castle. ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ Baron Castle | Ceodore | | Treasure | |------------------+ | 1000 gil | | Bronze Hourglass | \__________________/ Head east from where you emerge and wind around to the front of the castle. Near the entrance you'll find a spot of solid water containing *1000 GIL*. Go ahead and loop back up to where you emerged. Just to the west will be another solid water spot that has a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*. Head down the west side of the castle's moat and you'll come to a small hole in the southern wall of the castle. Use it to enter. You'll have a cutscene in which Ceodore will run off to find his parents and The Mages will leave, having completed their mission. You'll hear a voice, so move The Hooded Man over to the room on the left and find that all the regular guards are in jail and... sleeping. Yeah, sleeping. Rush off to the castle proper and head north to the throne room to find... nothing? Try to exit and a creepy Cecil will pop out from behind the throne and talk to The Hooded Man, who will decide to leave. You'll meet back up with Ceodore and The Hooded Man will imply that everyone is dead and suggest you leave. Cutscenes are a go, soldiers will be after you, you'll be heading towards the Mist Cave, and Ceodore and The Hooded Man will learn their band, the Cross Slash. Stock up in Baron if needed, and make sure the moon is not a Full Moon when you enter the Mist Cave, which is a ways northwest of Baron. ______________________________ ____Entrance__________________________________/ Mist Cave [WCDMCV] | Ceodore | | Monsters | |----------------+ | Centaur Knight | \________________/ After some cutscening, the creepy guard at the cave will attack you, becoming a Centaur Knight. It'll die pretty fast to regular attacks, but it you're feeling lazy, try out the Cross Slash Band. Enter the cave after it's dead. _____________________ ____B1_________________________________________________/ Mist Cave | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Baron Guardsman 3 Cave Bat | | Steel Helm | | 2 Lilith 1 Cave Naga, 1 Ogre | \____________/ | 4 Yellow Jelly 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 4 Purple Bavarois 1 Thunder Dragon (Full Moon) | \___________________________________________________/ Monsters here are easy on the whole. You'll have to run from the Yellow Jelly and Purple Bavarois fights unless you want to chip slowly away at their HP 1 at a time since you have no mages anymore. If it's a Full Moon, Thunder Dragons appear as a rare encounter and you'll want to run immediately as they will probably one-shot kill your entire party with Lightning. If you've over- leveled or abused the RNG to get a ton of Silver Apples you might have a chance to kill them. Spam Cross Blade. But mostly, you should just run. They can drop Blue Tails (very rare!) but you can fight Thunder Dragons for those at the end of the main game. Follow the path east, up some stairs, back west, down some stairs, over more, up some more stairs, and then alllll the way north to a chest with a *STEEL HELM*, which should be promptly equipped on Ceodore (Unless you stole the Lustrous Helm from Cecil). Along the way there will be some rumblings. Hmm... Walk east across the nearby bridge for another rumble that'll knock Ceodore down into the whole so that this dungeon can be a lot longer and more worthwhile. The Hooded Man will follow. _____________________ ____B2-A_______________________________________________/ Mist Cave | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | | Sundries | |---------------------------------+|----------------+|-----------------------+ | 1 Mindflayer,1 Cait Sith,1 Ogre || Silent Bell || Hi-Potion 150gil | | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Needlehog || Phoenix Down || Phoenix Down 100gil | | 1 Cave Naga, 1 Ogre || Remedy || Mallet 80gil | | 2 Ogre || Mythril Gloves || Echo Herbs 50gil | | 2 Lilith |\________________/| Tent 100gil | | 3 Cave Bat | | Bomb Fragment 200gil | | 1 Thunder Dragon (Full Moon) | | Antarctic Wind 200gil | \_________________________________/ | Zeus's Wrath 200gil | \_______________________/ Monsters here are a little tough. Cait Sith can use blaster which may kill you, but generally only paralyses you if it doesn't miss entirely. Cave Bat fights are long affairs where you take forever to kill them because of their long-animation time Bloodfeast attack. It also takes forever to run, so just be patient. So you've fallen into a hole. Great. Head south and take the left-hand stairs down to a chest containing a *SILENT BELL*. Go back up and take the right-hand stairs and follow the path as it goes south and curves west. You'll see a bridge to the north. Ignore it for now and take the stairs at the end. You'll come to a chest containing a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Keep following this path as it winds around east across a bridge and then north and finally west to a chest that holds a *REMEDY*. Return to the bridge that you passed earlier. Midway across this bridge is another bridge heading east run smack dab into a wall. Charge into the wall, a secret passage, and turn north after a couple steps and into a hidden room that holds a chest containing some *MYTHRIL GLOVES*, a good upgrade for Ceodore. Go back and continue north across the bridge. Follow the path around, swinging east, then north, then west and you'll come to a door and a staircase. Enter the door to save your game and possibly buy supplies from Namingway, and then leave the room and take the stairs down to B3. _____________________ ____B3_________________________________________________/ Mist Cave | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 1 Fell Turtle | | Antidote | | 1 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat | | X-Potion | | 2 Mindflayer | | Arctic Wind | | 1 Ogre, 2 Cait Sith | \_____________/ | 1 Cave Naga, 1 Ogre | | 2 Flood Worm | | 1 Thunder Dragon (Full Moon) | \______________________________/ More of the same monsters on the whole. If you're unlucky, you'll encounter a fell turtle which hits very very hard and isn't a particularly rare encounter. Use a Cross Slash to make short work of it. If you're lucky, it'll drop a Mythril Shield which is a nice upgrade for Ceodore. From the entrance, head down the stairs and walk northeast to a chest holding an *ANTIDOTE*. Then go all the way south and grab a chest that holds an *X-POTION* within. From here go east across a bridge to an island. Ignore the bridge to the east and head north and follow the path to a chest containing an *ARCTIC WIND*. Go back to the bridge you ignored, head all the way easy, and then all the way north, climbing stairs and crossing bridges as needed and take the stairs at the end back up to a different part of floor B2. _____________________ ____B1-B_______________________________________________/ Mist Cave | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre | | Cottage | | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Needlehog | | Chainmail | | 1 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat | \____________/ | 2 Ogre | | 2 Mindflayer | | 1 Ogre, 2 Cait Sith | | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Thunder Dragon (Full Moon) | \___________________________________/ From where you entered, you can head east or north. Head north first and you'll come to a platform with a chest containing a *COTTAGE*. From the platform, head east and up two sets of stairs to another ledge. Enter the door here and grab the *CHAINMAIL* from a chest in the room. Equip this on Ceodore if he isn't using Cecil's Knight's Armor. Now, head back to the entrance and take the east path this way. Follow it as it curves north, and use the save point off to the east. From the save point, head west and then up some stairs and get ready for a boss battle with... ____________________________ ____Tunneler____________________________________/ Mist Cave - Boss | Ceodore | The Tunneler's physical attacks pack a punch and it can use Earthquake to deal a lot of damage at once to both of your party members. Toss a Spider Silk on it with Ceodore at the beginning of the fight and attack with The Hooded Man. From then on use their Cross Slash Band repeatedly for massive damage. Heal with Hi-Potions, preferably with Ceodore if you need to. If you keep your HP above 300 you'll have no problem. ______________________________________________________________________________ When it's dead, you may want to go save. Head to the stairs past the where you fought the Tunneler to emerge back on floor B1. _____________________ ____B1_________________________________________________/ Mist Cave | Ceodore | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Baron Guardsman | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Lilith | | Bomb Crank | | 4 Yellow Jelly | | Mallet | | 4 Purple Bavarois | \____________/ | 3 Cave Bat | | 1 Cave Naga, 1 Ogre | | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Thunder Dragon (Full Moon) | \______________________________/ This is the same map you where first entered the mist cave. Head northwest and down the stairs and curve around to a platform where you can grab a *HI-POTION* from a chest. Head back up the stairs and up again, and then keep going up until you reach a platform with a *BOMB CRANK* in a chest. Go back to where you emerged from B2 and grab the *MALLET* in the chest. A few steps north will trigger a cut scene. You avoid some guards, and are free to head north to the exit. Upon leaving, you'll get another cut scene, and Ceodore's Tale will draw to a close, leading you straight into Kain's Tale. You will have the option to save before doing so. If you want to do anything in Baron, you should do so *before* exiting the Mist Cave as you will not be able to come back for a long, long while. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.3 Kain's Tale [KNTL] )-----------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. Also note that if you want to play this game and get the original experience, you should put off completing the Kain's Tale portion until after you have played through all of the character Tales except for the Lunarians' Tale that you wish to play. Kain's Tale sort of spoils a few of the other character tales. Kain's Tale was released after Porom's Tale and before the Lunarians' Tale in the original Japanese Mobile Phone version. _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Contents | Kain | 1. Mt. Ordeals [WKNMOD] 2. Devil's Road [WKNDVR] 3. Baron [WKNBRN] 4. Mist & The Mist Cliff [WKNMCF] 5. Kaipo & The Underground Waterway [WKNKUW] 6. Damcyan & The Showdown [WKNFNL] 7. Kain's Challenge Dungeon [WKNKCD] _____________________________ ____Crossing___________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals [WKNMOD] | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Cave Naga 2 Bloodbones, 2 Needlehog | | Mythril Armor | | 2 Lilith 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Revenant | | Antarctic Wind | | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Revenant 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Skeleripper | \________________/ | 2 Soul, 1 Ettin Snake | \_________________________________________________________/ You'll begin with Kain on Mt. Ordeals. Monsters here are pretty easily mowed down by Kain's regular attacks. You can Jump on the Ogres for a one-hit kill, and maybe you want to Jump the Liliths, but overall just mash the accept button and everything will die. Head to the west and then down to a chest containing some *MYTHRIL ARMOR*, which Kain is already wearing, so just hold on to it for now. There is a nearby cave that leads to the Summit, but there's nothing much there except a save point you don't need and the monument where Cecil became a Paladin. So instead, head back to where Kain started and walk south down some stairs, turning west at their end, and then south down a ramp. Go west from here and up some stairs for an *ANTARCTIC WIND* in a chest, then head all the way east into a cave tunnel opening. ____________________ ____Trail_______________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Kain | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Skeleripper 1 Lilith | | 1 Lilith, 2 Skeleripper 2 Soul, 2 Skeleripper | | 2 Cave Naga 2 Evil Flame, 1 Ettin Snake | | 2 Bloodbones, 2 Needlehog | \______________________________________________________________/ Follow the ridiculously straightforward path all the way down to the bottom section of the mountain. ____________________ ____Entrance____________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant 2 Lilith | | Mythril Gloves | | 2 Evil Flame, 1 Ettin Snake 2 Cave Naga | | Cottage | | 1 Lilith, 2 Skeleripper 3 Soul, 1 Cave Naga | \________________/ | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Skeleripper | \_____________________________________________________/ Head southwest, down some stairs, and then go east to a chest containing some *MYTHRIL GLOVES*, which Kain already has. Head down the nearby steps and east again to a chest with a *COTTAGE*. then head west and follow the path as it curves south and east. Proceed to exit the mountain and fail, with Kain claiming he cannot leave yet. He'll hear a mysterious voice and set out to find it. Walk allll the way up to where we first gained control of Kain at the Crossing and head west to the cave leading to the Summit. You'll hear the voice some more on your way. It won't say anything informative. Lousy voices! ____________________ ____Summit______________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Kain | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Ogre 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Revenant | | 2 Evil Flame, 1 Cave Naga 1 Lilith, 2 Skeleripper | | 2 Evil Flame, 1 Ettin Snake 2 Lilith | | 2 Cave Naga 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Skeleripper | \_____________________________________________________________/ Not much to do here. Head north, stopping at the save point if you wish, and then west across the Bridge. Examine the monument, get pulled inside, meet Kain's reflection, and... see the game's Logo and be back with Kain on the mountain. Weird. Okay, head west, hear a scream and head to the bridge where you can save Porom from some nasty nasties and magically be taken to Mysidia via cut scene. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Mysidia | Kain | Skipping lots of time with the cut scene, Mysidia's mages are all lying around injured and the Mysterious Girl is there. Kain, apparently... evil now will reveal the Water Crystal and want to accompany her to... kill Cecil? What. Right, so you and the Mysterious Girl head to Devil's Road, which has become very linear since we last visited. ______________________________ ____1F - Mysidia Side_________________________/ Devil's Road [WKNDVR] | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Bloodbones | | Mythril Sword | | 2 Gremlin | | Decoy | | 1 Black Knight | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Centaur Knight | | Mythril Shield | | 1 Gremlin, 2 Skeleripper | | Bronze Hourglass | | 1 Black Knight, 1 Skeleripper | | Mythril Helm | | 1 Gray Coeurl, 2 Cait Sith (Waning Moon ) | | Zeus's Wrath | \___________________________________________/ \__________________/ Monsters are a bit tougher here, and you should avoid the Waning Moon as the extra damage to you will hurt since you only have Kain. But the real danger of the Waning Moon is the Grey Coeurl rare encounter. Grey Coeurls counter with Blaster, which will almost assuredly kill Kain instantly. They have a lot of HP and drop the Grey Tail, being Kain's Tale's special encounter. Avoid them for now. Here's a map again, for easy reference. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+ |k | |E| + +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ + + + |# #| |X| | | +-+ + +-+ + + | # #| | | + +-+ + + |L | | | +-+-+ + + | | +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+ + | # #| | | +-+ +-+ + +-+ |g # #| | | +-+-+-+-+.. +-+-+ + + | . .#.#| | | +-+-+ + . . . + + + | c| | . .#.#| | | + + +-+ +-+ + + + | #| |+|# #|+|H| |d| +-+ + ....+-+ +-+-+ +-+ | #| . . 3| + + +-+-+ ..+-------+ |# # | |4 . . + +-+ +-+-+.. | | +-+ + +-+ |D | |2| +-+-+-+ + +.. +-+-+-+ | . . |j | +-+ ..+-+-+-+ +-+-+ + . . # G| | | ....+ + + + | | | | + + + + | | | | +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+ + + | | |f| | | +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+-+ + + |b | | | | C| | | +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+ +-+ + + + | | | | | | +-+ +-+-+ +-+ + + | | | | +-+ +-+ + + | | |K| +-+ +-+ + + | | +-+...+-+-+-+ +-+ | . . | + +...+ +-+ +-+-+ | | | # | | i| + + + +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | # # B| | | + + + +-+-+-+-+ +-+ + | | | | | #| + + + + +-+-+-+-+ + |1| |a| | # #| +-+ +-+ + +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | + + | | +-+-+-+ + + |# # F| | | + + + + |# # #| | | +-+-+ + +-+ + + +-+-+-+-+ |I #| | | | | | A | + +-+ + + + + + + | # #| | | | | | | + +-+ + + + + + + | # # 7| | | | | | | + + + + + + +-+ +-+-+ | # # 6| | | | | |l| + + +-+ +-+ + + + + |h # # 5| | e| |J| |@| +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+ +-+ Right-o. There are no wrong portals now, so this should be a breeze to navigate. The Mysterious Girl is standing on portal A, so talk to her and then enter it once she leaves. head through the secret passageway in the next room to grab Chest #1, which holds a *Mythril Sword* that is worse that what you've got, so hold onto it. Head into portal B, being as reckless as you want because for some reason Kain doesn't take damage from the lava floors. Follow the room east to portal C, and then follow this room south to portal D. Walk north to portal E, where the Mysterious Girl is standing. Talk to her and follow, then head north to portal F. Head through the nearby secret passage to Chest #2 to snag a *DECOY* and take portal G. Grab Chest #3 at the south of this room for a *HI-POTION* and go through the secret passage to the west to reach Chest #4 for a *MYTHRIL SHIELD*, which Kain is already wearing. Go through portal H. Grab the three chests here for a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*, *MYTHRIL HELM*, and *ZEUS'S WRATH*. As usual, Kain is already wearing a Mythril Helm. Sigh. Head north and go through portal I. Follow the path and talk to the Mysterious Girl and no through portal J. Follow that path to Portal K. The nearby portal L will take you all the way back to the beginning, where you can fail to go to Mysidia anyway because Kain doesn't want to. So instead, head east and talk to the Mysterious Girl again and teleport to the save room. Save your game if you'd like and head west through the portal. _____________________ ____2F - Baron Side____________________________________/ Devil's Road | Kain | | Monsters | |---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Gremlin 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Bloodbones | | 1 Black Knight, 1 Evil Flame 2 Centaur Knight | | 1 Centaur Knight, 1 Gremlin 1 Black Knight | | 3 Yellow Jelly, 1 Purple Bavarois | \_____________________________________________________________________/ Monsters aren't really much different. Kain will have to run from the Flan group since he can't use magic. Here's the map for this floor again if you don't remember how to get through: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |X A B C | | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +-----------+ | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |+++++++++++| | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |+++++++++++| | | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ |++++| +-----------+ | | D E F G |++++| H | | +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ |++++| +----+ +----+ | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| |++++| | | +----+ |++++| +----+ +----+ +----+ |++++| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ | |I |++++| J |++++| K L | | +----+ |++++| +----+ +-----------+ |+++++------+ +----+ +----+ +------+ | |++++| |++++| |++++| |+++++++++++| |+++++++++++| |++++| |++++| | | |++++| |++++| |++++| |+++++++++++| |+++++++++++| |++++| |++++| | | +----+ +----+ +----+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +----+ +----+ +------+ | M N O @| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ If at any time you stray from this path, try to get to a point where you can do one of these actions and you'll be back on track. 1. Enter Portal L from the south. You'll automatically walk east. 2. Enter Portal H from the east. You'll automatically walk west. 3. Enter Portal C from the south. You'll automatically walk west. 4. Enter Portal B from the east. You'll automatically walk west. 5. Enter Portal F from the east. You'll automatically walk west. 6. Enter Portal J from the north. You'll automatically walk west. 7. Enter Portal M from the north. You'll automatically walk west. 8. Enter Portal I from the south. You'll automatically walk north. 9. Walk north to the exit. You'll find yourself in the town of Baron. _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Baron [WKNBRN] | Kain | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |------------------------+|-----------------------+|-------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Longsword 450 gil || Iron Shield 600 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Iron Sword 1000 gil || Iron Helm 800 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Flame Rod 380 gil || Iron Armor 1000 gil | | Gold needle 400 gil || Thunder Rod 700 gil || Iron Gloves 130 gil | | Mallet 80 gil || Healing Staff 480 gil || Wizard's Hat 700 gil | | Diet Ration 100 gil || Crossbow 700 gil || Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil || Holy Arrows 500 gil || Sages Surplice 1200 gil | \________________________/\_______________________/| Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Sundries | | Inn | \_________________________/ |------------------------+|--------+ | Bomb Fragment 200 gil || 50 gil | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil |\________/ | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Spider Silk 100 gil | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Tent 100 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | \________________________/ | Treasure | |------------------------------------------------------------+ | Potion Gold Needle Hi-Potion Tent | | Hi-Potion Unicorn Horn Spider Silk Lustful Lali-ho | | Ether Phoenix Down Phoenix Down | \____________________________________________________________/ You know what time it is. Time to loot the town! Since this is technically a new Tale, all the treasure is back. Grab the top pot near the Armorer for a *POTION*, then the pot near the Inn for a *HI-POTION*. Enter the Inn and snag the treasure from the treasure room for an *ETHER*, a *GOLD NEEDLE* and a *UNICORN HORN*. Head down the waterfall and into the pond for a *PHOENIX DOWN* and a *HI-POTION*. Head over to the northeast part of town, just outside the wall. North of the man standing here, you can walk east, then north, then all the way west through a secret passage in the trees and in the bushes there you can find a *SPIDER SILK*, *PHOENIX DOWN*, and a *TENT*. Lastly, check the rightmost bookshelf in Cid's house for a *LUSTFUL LALI-HO*, that sly dog. When you're done looting the town, head outside. ______________ ____Overworld_________________________________________________/ Baron | Kain | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Fell Turtle, 2 Ice Lizard 3 Naga | | 2 Gremlin, 2 Goblin Captain 2 Flamehound | | 3 Goblin Captain, 1 Black Lizard 2 Frostbeast | | 2 Hellflapper 4 Goblin Captain | \______________________________________________________/ Monsters here are powerful, but not too bad. The Hellflappers can and will use Wing Scales on Kain, which will usually blind him and can be annoying. The Goblin Captains give way more experience than they have any right to give. You only need to fear the Fell Turtle and Ice Lizard group as their numbers and powers are both high and will likely kill you off if you aren't careful. But we aren't here to fight monsters on the countryside, so enter the castle. _____________________ _______________________________________________________/ Baron Castle | Kain | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------------+ | X-Potion Hermes Sandals Echo Herbs White Fang | | Red Fang Bronze Hourglass Bacchus's Wine X-Potion | | Remedy Phoenix Down Hi-Potion Cottage | | Remedy Hi-Potion Heavenly Wrath | \___________________________________________________________/ The Mysterious Girl will let you in, allowing you free reign to plunder the castle. Grab the three chests in the treasure room on the first floor for an *X-POTION*, a *RED FANG*, and a *REMEDY*. Then head to the East Tower's basement and grab the *REMEDY* from the solitary loner emo pot. Head back up to the first floor of the tower and loot it for a *HERMES SANDALS*, a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*, a *PHOENIX DOWN*, and a *HI-POTION*. Up on its second floor you can grab some *ECHO HERBS* from the top-right pot, a *BACCHUS'S WINE* from the bottom-center pot, and a *HI-POTION* and *HEAVENLY WRATH* from the chests. Loot the third floor's chests for a *WHITE FANG*, an *X-POTION* and a *COTTAGE*. Now head to the throne room to find the Mysterious Girl, who persuades you to go snag Fabul and Damcyan's crystals before you kill Cecil. How nice. You'll want to head outside and hop on the airship. Before you enter the airship, unequip Kain. Talk to the pilot to take off. After the scene, you'll return to The Hooded Man and Ceodore in Mist. ______________________ ____Overworld_________________________________________/ Mist [WKNMCF] | Kain | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice 3 Cockatrice | | 3 Goblin, 1 Domovoi 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | | 4 Skeleton 2 Gargoyle | | 3 Goblin, 1 Swordrat 2 Spirit, 2 Skeleton | \__________________________________________________/ Not much point fighting outside Mist unless you want to take your last chance at farming a Goblin or Cockatrice summon in this tale. _____________ _______________________________________________________________/ Mist | Kain | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | | Inn | |------------------+|-----------------------+|------------------+|---------+ | Potion 30 || Iron Sword 1000 || Steel Helm 2000 || 150 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 || Coral Blade 2500 || Chainmail 2200 |\_________/ | Phoenix Down 100 || Great Bow 2000 || Plate Armor 5000 | | Gold Needle 400 || Fire Arrows 500 || Iron Shield 600 | | Echo Herbs 50 || Ice Arrows 500 || Iron Helm 800 | | Antidote 40 || Lightning Arrows 500 || Iron Armor 1000 | | Tent 100 |\_______________________/| Iron Gloves 130 | | Cottage 500 | \__________________/ \__________________/ | Treasure | |----------------------------------------------------------+ | Heavenly Wrath Bomb Crank Hi-Potion Blood Sword | | Arctic Wind Potion Phoenix Down | \__________________________________________________________/ Equip all that Mythril stuff you got from Mt. Ordeals and the Devil's Road on Ceodore and let's go loot the town! Equip Ceodore with the Wind Spear you stole from Kain and give the Mythril sword to The Hooded Man. In the southeast part of town, enter the obvious hidden path through to some bushes that hold a *HEAVENLY WRATH* and an *ARCTIC WIND*. The bushes east of the pond hide a *BOMB CRANK*. Enter the northwest house and walk through the fireplace, following this secret path to a room with three chests. Loot them for a *POTION*, a *HI-POTION*, and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Walk through the east wall here and head south along the slightly winding secret path to a room with a *BLOOD SWORD*, which drains HP. Equip it if you want, but I don't find it too useful. Stop by the shops and pick up a Steel Helm for The Hooded Man as well as some Plate Mail for both characters, which is strangely slightly better than the Mythril Armor. If you for some reason are short on cash, don't by Plate Mail for Ceodore, who can get by without its slight boost. Once you're ready, exit on the east side of town to find the Mist Cliff. From now on The Hooded Man will be abbreviated THM for my convenience. ___________________ ____West, Bottom Section_________________________________/ Mist Cliff | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 4 Goblin Captain 4 Purple Bavarois | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Goblin Captain, 1 Ice Lizard 3 Goblin Captain | | Bone Wrist | | 2 Gremlin, 1 Naga 2 Naga | \____________/ | 2 Gremlin, 2 Goblin Captain | \_____________________________________________________/ Time to forge a path up the cliff! Most of your progress is done by climbing vertically, with little handholds indicating the top and bottom of sections that are climbable. Monsters here are pretty easy and Goblin Captains give stupid ridiculous EXP for how easy they are, making this screen the best place in the tale to level grind THM and Ceodore if you care to do so (I recommend against it as it will let THM have more MP later if you don't over-level him now). Right. Climb up the first section to a ledge, then up to another ledge, and finally up to a third ledge. There are two spots to climb up here. Climb up the one on the right and from there, climb down to the ledge with the two chests for a *HI-POTION* and a *BONE WRIST*. Equip this on whomever is not using the Power Armlet. Head back and this time take the left-hand climb to a larger ledge and from there, climb up to the next section of this side of the cliffs. ___________________ ____West, Middle Section_________________________________/ Mist Cliff | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Gremlin, 1 Naga 3 Goblin Captain | | Cottage | | 2 Naga 1 Naga, 1 Frostbeast | | Gaia Drum | | 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois 2 Ice Lizard | \____________/ | 2 Gremlin, 2 Goblin Captain | \_________________________________________________________/ Monsters here aren't any tougher, though you'll have to run from the group with the Purple Bavarois as you haven't and magic to speak of, unless you want to use up your fiery elemental items. From the first ledge here, climb up the left-hand cliff to a chest with a *COTTAGE* then head back and climb up the right-hand cliff to a small ledge. Climb up to the next, U-Shaped ledge and immediately climb up the closest ledge. Walk east behind the rock pillar and keep going east, ignoring a cliff you could climb up. Climb down the eastmost cliff, then down another cliff to reach the chest containing a *GAIA DRUM*. Head back to that cliff we ignored and climb up it. Keep climbing up cliffs until you reach the next section; it's very straightforward to do so. ___________________ ____West, Top Section____________________________________/ Mist Cliff | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois 2 Gremlin, 1 Naga | | Sleep Blade | | 2 Gremlin, 2 Goblin Captain 2 Frostbeast | \_____________/ | 1 Ice Lizard, 1 Frostbeast 1 Medusa, 2 Naga | | 1 Naga, 1 Frostbeast, 1 Ice Lizard | \_________________________________________________________/ Medusas can drop Stone Blades, which cause and cast Gradual Petrify. This alone isn't that great, but they do provide a very good damage boost, which Ceodore could use badly. Don't feel the need to hunt for one as it is a very rare drop, but equip one if it happens to land your way. This is a very straightforward section. Climb up until you reach a long, wide ledge. Climb down the east side to reach a chest with the *SLEEP BLADE*, which should be equipped immediately and abused frequently. Sleeping monsters do not wake up when hit, so most battles should begin with THM multi-casting Sleep on the group by using the Sleep Blade as an item. Even in the future when you have stronger weapons, whipping it out to cast Sleep and then swapping back is a real help. Never sell this weapon. Head back up the cliff and climb the large cliff face to the precipice. ___________________ ____Precipice____________________________________________/ Mist Cliff | Kain | Nothing to do here but save. Oh no, where do we go? Walk straight north to climb down the opposite face of the cliff, that's where! ___________________ ____East, Top Section____________________________________/ Mist Cliff | Kain | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Mystery Egg (Black Lizard) 1 Naga, 1 Black Lizard | | 3 Goblin Captain, 1 Black Lizard 1 Medusa, 2 Naga | | 1 Naga, 1 Frostbeast, 1 Ice Lizard 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | | 1 Black Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | \_______________________________________________________________________/ Monsters here are mostly just as easy, though Black Lizards will counter with gradual petrification, so kill them quick. They also drop Stone Blades. Climb down the short cliff face to the east, climb down the next cliff face, and then step onto the next handhold to start climbing slowly to the left... and watch as Ceodore falls! you'll be on your own as the Hooded Man for a bit. Keep climbing down until you reach the next section. ___________________ ____East, Middle Section_________________________________/ Mist Cliff | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 3 Naga | | Ether | | 1 Naga, 1 Black Lizard | | Hermes Sandals | | 2 Medusa | | Flame Shield | | 3 Goblin Captain, 1 Black Lizard | \________________/ | 1 Black Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | | 1 Naga, 1 Frostbeast, 1 Ice Lizard | | 1 Mystery Egg (Black Lizard) | \____________________________________/ You'll be on a large ledge where you can see a chest just below that is currently unreachable. Head to the far east side of the ledge and climb down. You'll see another chest below you here that you can't yet reach. Next, climb down again to a ledge that has multiple climbing options. Climb up the west side to a small ledge, and then up again to be under the large ledge from the beginning. Grab the chest for an *ETHER*. Climb back down and climb down the west side to reach a chest with some *HERMES SANDALS*. Climb down from here. Walk to the east and climb back up onto the ledge that had all those options earlier. This time, climb down the east side. There are two options here. Go ahead and climb down the west side to pick up Ceodore, then climb back up and climb the eastern cliff to reach the ledge with a chest containing a *FLAME SHIELD*, which you should give to Ceodore. From here, climb back down to where you reunited with Ceodore and climb down to the next section. ___________________ ____East, Bottom Section_________________________________/ Mist Cliff | Kain | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Naga 1 Black Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | | 1 Naga, 1 Black Lizard 1 Naga, 1 Frostbeast, 1 Ice Lizard | | 2 Medusa 1 Mystery Egg (Black Lizard) | \______________________________________________________________/ Not much to do here. Just keep climbing down until you reach the bottom. When you exit, you'll see the Red Wings heading off, then get a glimpse of what happened to Kain at the monument at Mt. Ordeals. Fight through the scripted battle, which you are supposed to lose, and after the scenes, we return to THM and Ceodore near the desert of Kaipo. _______________________ ____Overworld________________________________________/ Kaipo [WKNKUW] | Kain | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Magma Tortoise, 2 Goblin Captain 2 Evil Flame, 1 Ettin Snake | | 1 Gremlin, 2 Skeleripper 2 Cave Naga | | 1 Lilith, 2 Skeleripper 1 Ogre, 2 Evil Flame | | 2 Bloodbones, 2 Needlehog 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Skeleripper | \____________________________________________________________________/ Monsters are easy on the way to Kaipo and are the same as the ones around Damcyan, once you get there. These are your last few chances to farm Liliths for Silver Apples (though you have to do it the hard way) and Lilith Rods, if you're wanting such things in this tale. Head northeast to the Oasis town of Kaipo. ______________ ______________________________________________________________/ Kaipo | Kain | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Inn | |--------------------+ |-----------------------+ |------------+ | Potion 30 | | Coral Blade 2500 | | 100 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 | | Flame Sword 14000 | \____________/ | Phoenix Down 100 | | Great Bow 2000 | | Treasure | | Gold Needle 400 | | Blinding Arrows 1000 | |------------+ | Maiden's Kiss 60 | \_______________________/ | Potion | | Diet Ration 100 | | Armorer | \____________/ | Echo Herbs 50 | |-----------------------+ | Antidote 40 | | Iron Shield 600 | \____________________/ | Steel Helm 2000 | | Sundries | | Cross Helm 4200 | |--------------------+ | Chainmail 2200 | | Bomb Fragment 200 | | Plate Armor 5000 | | Antarctic Wind 200 | | Bone Wrist 3800 | | Zeus's Wrath 200 | \_______________________/ | Spider Silk 100 | | Bestiary 50 | | Tent 100 | | Cottage 500 | \____________________/ The topmost pot above the Weaponsmith has a *POTION* in it. Other than that, but Cross Helms for Ceodore and The Hooded Man, and buy a Flame Sword to give to the Hooded Man. Ceodore can use the Sleep Blade. You could buy another Bone Wrist, but the strength boost from the Power Armlet is generally better, since it usually increases the attack multiplier. When you're ready, sleep at the Inn, which is mysteriously free since we're about to hit a story scene. In the night, you'll be attacked by some baron soldiers. These three Zombie Infantry counter with Drain and are very weak to fire. They shouldn't be any difficulty. Just don't use the Blood Sword. If you're having trouble, Cross Slash should one-shot them. Plus, the Flame Sword deals massive damage to them. Once they're dead, awaken in the morning and head northeast to the Underground Waterway. _____________________________ ____Entrance South - B1________________________/ Underground Waterway | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | | ------------------------+ |---------------+ | 2 Mizuchi | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Blaze Toad | | Ice Shield | | 2 Blaze Toad, 2 Toadgre | | Maiden's Kiss | | 3 Sahagin Knight | | X-Potion | | 1 Fell Turtle | | Spider Silk | | 2 Blood Bat | | Silent Bell | | 1 Mizuchi, 2 Blood Bat | | Ether | \_________________________/ \_______________/ Monsters are mostly pretty easy. Watch out for Blaze Toads which resist Fire attacks and can poison you. Your old friends the Fell Turtles appear here, but by now they should pose no trouble. Blood Bats, like all bats, Bloodfeast your patience to death, but aren't so much trouble here with your nice ol' flame swords. Walk north across the bridge and collect the two chests on the top ledge here for a *HI-POTION* and an *ICE SHIELD*. Equip the Ice Shield on Ceodore and go ahead and equip the Flame Shield on THM if you'd like. Its defense is one worse than his Large Shield, but the extra magic defense and elemental resist makes up for that somewhat. Head back to the entrance and head west this time. After going across another bridge, grab a chest containing a *MAIDEN'S KISS*. Now, walk across the bridge to the north and then work yourself all the way to the east where you will find some stairs down to the water. Once you're in the water, take two steps west and head north, under the bridge to reach a ledge with a chest that contains an *X-POTION*. Head back to the water proper and go all the way west until you see the wide waterfall. Walk into the waterfall. You'll find yourself in a waterfall grotto with three chests. Snag them all to get a *SPIDER SILK*, a *SILENT BELL*, and an *ETHER*, then exit the grotto. Go back up the stairs from the water and head back west and then north to reach the stairs to the next floor of the cavern. _____________________________ ____B2 South___________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure| |-----------------------------+ |-------------+ | 2 Mizuchi | | Spider Silk | | 2 Blood Bat | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Mizuchi, 2 Blood Bat | | Icebrand | | 1 Mizuchi, 1 Sahagin Knight | \_____________/ | 1 Fell Turtle | | 1 Fell Turtle, 2 Blood Bats | | 2 Blaze Toad, 2 Toadgre | \_____________________________/ Follow the path north, going across a bridge at the end. Head south down the nearby stairs, into the water. On the west side of the pool after heading south a bit are a set of stairs leading north onto a large ledge. Go up and grab the chest on the ledge for some *SPIDER SILK*. Head back down into the water and go all the way south. Climb the stairs here onto a ledge and travel west to a chest containing a *HI-POTION*, passing a bridge in the process. Once you've got the chest, go back and cross that bridge. Follow the ledge to the west until you come to another bridge. Go north across the bridge and into the door, where THM will insist that you rest at the save point. Cut to a cut scene of Kain entering Damcyan. The game won't let you do anything except walk to the throne room, where Edward will fail to be too surprised at Kain being there. Huh. Cut back to the camp and after the scene, head north through the door out of the save room. Don't forget to save here. Head east across the nearby bridge and then north to a chest with a... Monster-in-a-Box! The Mythril Golem hit hard and fast, but you've got the ultimate weapon... the Sleep Blade! Use it to put the golem to sleep and just pound away or use Cross Slash until it's dead. Heal with Hi-Potions and re-sleep it if need be. When you win, you'll get the *ICEBRAND*, which should be equipped right away. I usually give it to THM, while keeping the Sleep Blade on Ceodore (and swapping in the Flame Sword as needed). Head south from here and down a few sets of stairs into the water. Go east through the water, then north of some stairs and enter the door you find. _____________________________ ____B3_________________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Mizuchi, 2 Blood Bat | | Zeus's Wrath | | 3 Blood Bat | | Flame Mail | | 1 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad, 1 Mizuchi | \______________/ | 1 Fell Turtle, 2 Blood Bat | | 1 Flaygator | | 1 Mizuchi, 2 Blaze Toad | | 4 Sahagin Knight | | 1 Fell Turtle | \___________________________________________/ Flaygators make their first appearance here. They rarely drop Silver Apples, which are nice, but otherwise they can double attack like gators tend to do. Fairly strong, but go down fast to a whack from the Icebrand. Travel allow the path, going across a bridge to an island. From here you can go east or west. Go east first and follow the islands and bridges to first a *ZEUS'S WRATH* in a chest and then a *FLAME MAIL*. Equip this on Ceodore. Head back and travel west this time, then head north up some steps and into a door. _____________________________ ____B2 North___________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 3 Blood Bat | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Fell Turtle, 2 Sahagin Knight | | Remedy | | 1 Mizuchi, 2 Blaze Toad | \____________/ | 1 Mizuchi, 2 Blood Bat | | 3 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad | | 1 Flaygator | | 1 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad, 1 Mizuchi | \___________________________________________/ Short floor. Head north up the two sets of stairs and grab the *HI-POTION* from the nearby chest. Keep going north towards the stairs to the next floor, but before you get there, take a secret passage west, then go north, east, south, and east to reach a ledge. Head south and grab the *REMEDY* from the chest and head back to the stairs to the next floor. _____________________________ ____Entrance North - B1________________________/ Underground Waterway | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad, 1 Mizuchi | | Tent | | 1 Flaygator | | Bacchus's Wind | | 2 Fell Turtle | | Dry Ether | | 1 Fell Turtle, 2 Blood Bat | | Phoenix Down | | 3 Mizuchi | \________________/ | 3 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad | | 3 Blood Bat | | 1 Fell Turtle, 2 Sahagin Knight | \___________________________________________/ Head north until you have the option of going down some stairs or going across a bridge. Go down the stairs to the west and snag the two chests in this area for a *TENT* and a *BACCHUS'S WINE*. Now go across the bridge. The exit is here, but take the stairs south of it and grab the two chests down there for a *DRY ETHER* and *PHOENIX DOWN*. Head out the exit for cutscenes. Kain and Edward confront each other. Rosa intervenes. ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ Mountain Valley | Kain | The Hooded Man and Ceodore will be in a quaint mountain valley. Head over to the over cave and before entering, pop some tents to make it a Waxing Moon, which will weaken black magic, or Waning moon, which will raise attack. Either of these will help for the upcoming boss. __________________________ __________________________________________________/ Underground Falls | Kain | Take a few steps forward and jump down the waterfall to trigger yet another cut scene. Kain and Edward and Rosa argue a bit, Edward blasts some soldiers and you get to fight Edward and Rosa as Kain. In this fight, Rosa has superhuman powers and can dodge every attack. Sadly she loses that ability by the time you get to control her next. Beat Edward to a pulp with Kain and let the scene play out before it switches back to THM and Ceodore. Note that we made Kain naked earlier, so you'll have to punch Edward to death. Don't worry, you shouldn't die, even armorless and weaponless, but feel free to swap in an extra sword or shield to make it easier. After the scene, you'll regain control of THM and Ceodore. _________________________ ____B2_____________________________________________/ Underground Lake | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad, 1 Mizuchi | | Heavenly Wrath | | 3 Mizuchi | | Potion | | 2 Fell Turtle | \________________/ | 1 Fell Turtle, 2 Blood Bat | | 1 Flaygator, 2 Blaze Toad | | 3 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad | | 4 Blaze Toad | | 1 Flaygator | \___________________________________________/ These monsters are old news by now. Take the nearby stairs up out of the water and head all the way south. Climb down the stairs at the southern end of the map to grab a *HEAVENLY WRATH* and a *POTION* from the two chests. Continue along the path and enter the door at the end. _________________________ ____B1_____________________________________________/ Underground Lake | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad, 1 Mizuchi | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Fell Turtle, 2 Blood Bat | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Flaygator, 2 Gigas Gator | \______________/ | 1 Flaygator, 2 Blaze Toad | | 2 Flaygator | | 3 Mizuchi | | 3 Sahagin Knight, 1 Blaze Toad | | 4 Blaze Toad | \___________________________________________/ Walk east and head across the bridge, grabbing the two chests after it to obtain a *PHOENIX DOWN* and a *HI-POTION*. Head north to a platform and then take the stairs down to the water. There's a door-like area in the waterfall here that signifies the exit. Walk into it to be attacked by.... ________________________________ ____Octo-Kraken_____________________________/ Underground Lake - Boss | Kain | He's got four "Octo-Leeches" with him, which means he's got some tentacles You can damage separately. Killed tentacles regenerate every now and then. The tentacles themselves cast Fira and Blizzara on you, but with weakened Black magic of the Waxing Moon and your Fire and ice equipment, you should hang on fine. If you opted for Waning Moon, you can deal a lot of damage fast, so if you're having trouble, try the other kind of moon. Have THM pop a Spider Silk on the Octo-Kraken and have Ceodore multi-cast Protect on the party. The name of the game here is Cross Slash Cross Slash Cross Slash! Pop Hermes Sandals (you should have two or three) with both THM and Ceodore and get Cross Slashing the Octo-Kraken until it dies from it. 8500 HP or so later and it is toast. You may want to Cross Slash the front two tentacles if the magic barrage is too much. Heal with Hi-Potions as needed. ______________________________________________________________________________ Exit to be outside near Damcyan. __________________________________ __________________________________________/ Damcyan to Baron [WKNFNL] | Kain | It's time for cut scene mania! Walk into the castle throne room when that's done and meet up with Edward and Cid. Just let things progress. You'll probably want to save outside Baron when you get to that point with The Hooded Man's party. Unequip Kain during the brief period of time you control him (also try going into Baron with Kain and Rosa for an extra fun scene!) Watch as everyone converges on Kain in the vestibule of the throne room. Watch as the Hooded Man and Kain square off. For this first fight, you merely have to stay alive. Keep your HP above at 800 or more at all times so that a jump can't finish you off. Eventually it'll end on its own. The Hooded Man will reveal himself as Kain and you'll now fight Kain? for reals. _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Kain vs. Kain? | Kain | You've got Jump now, so use it if you'd like, though it seems regular attacks hit more frequently in a way that you might have better damage per second using regular attacks than jumping. Sometimes you can time it so that you jump right after Kain? jumps and thus get to avoid damage. Just be diligent, popping Hi-Potions (or even an X-Potion if things get ugly) as needed. If you are having trouble and have a Hermes Sandals in stock, go ahead and pop it. After beating Kain?, accept your dark side and become a Holy Dragoon! Walk into the throne room for some credits and the end of the Tale. Watch the credits and Save your finish data and you're done with the main part of this tale. Be sure to save your finish data in a different slot than data from other tales. ______________ ______________________________________________________________/ Baron | Kain | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Treasure | |------------------------+ |----------------------------+ |------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Flame Sword 24000 gil | | Ice Armor | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Icebrand 26000 gil | | X-Potion | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Battle Axe 2500 gil | \____________/ | Gold needle 400 gil | | Killer Bow 3000 gil | | Inn | | Mallet 80 gil | | Blinding Arrows 1000 gil | |---------+ | Diet Ration 100 gil | | Silencing Arrows 1000 gil | | 100 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Psycho Spiral 2000 gil | \_________/ \________________________/ \____________________________/ | Sundries | | Armorer | |------------------------+ |----------------------------+ | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | | Iron Shield 600 gil | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | Cross Helm 4200 gil | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Chainmail 2200 gil | | Spider Silk 100 gil | | Plate Armor 5000 gil | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Bone Wrist 3800 gil | | Tent 100 gil | | Sage's Miter 2000 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | | Sage's Surplice 1200 gil | \________________________/ | Rune Armlet 2000 gil | \____________________________/ Load up your finish data, which will place you outside Baron with your final party of Ceodore, Rosa, Holy Kain, and Cid, just before entering the throne room, story-wise. Enter Baron and go to the Weaponsmith/Armorer. In the southeast corner there is a secret passage that leads behind the counters, where you can now open the chests for an *ICE ARMOR* and an *X-POTION*. Give Ceodore the Ice Armor and equip Kain with the Flame Mail. I recommend Buying a Killer Bow and Silencing arrows for Rosa at the Baron Shop. Staves are good for stat boosts, but Rosa can actually do some decent damage with a Bow and Arrows and her accuracy is really good in this game. Go ahead and learn all your band attacks while fighting around Baron. You may want to even level up outside until about Level 35, but it's up to you. Kain's MP grows quicker now that he has better Intellect and Spirit and he's got some minor White Magic spells now too. Grab some supplies and when you're ready, head to the bar at Baron's Inn to find Namingway, who will become Challengingway and offer to take you to Kain's Challenge Dungeon. __________________________________________ __________________________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon [WKNKCD] | Kain | Some notes about this dungeon... There are two main sections. The first is the Castle area which features the next progression of monster difficulty. In a usual playthough, you'll have all your characters at about Level 30 by this point. Things will be tough, but manageable, especially if you abuse the Sleep Blade. The second area is the Underground Cavern, where the monster fights ramp up in difficulty by stupid proportions. I recommend that after you clean out the castle you teleport out and save before trying the Underground. When you first enter the dungeon, you will be on the Entrance Floor. Merely walk north to a portal a la the Devil's Road portals and appear in the Transport Room. Walk south, through a door, into the Ancient Castle to begin. _________________________________ ____Ancient Castle_________________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Coeurl, 1 Lamia Matriarch | | Adamantite | | 1 Sorcerer (Mad Ogre), 2 Ghost Knight | | *Random* | | 1 Mythril Golem, 1 Ghost Knight | | Dry Ether | | 1 Coeurl, 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Mad Ogre | | Protect Staff | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre | \_______________/ | 1 Storm Anima, 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Balloon | | 3 Balloon | \_____________________________________________/ Monsters here are tougher than you're used to. Lamias and Lamia Matriarchs will Entice as a counter attack to physical hits, so be sure to kill them in one blow. Kain is good at this, though you may have to Jump the Matriarchs to do so until your levels improve. Ghost Knights counter physical hits with bio, so be careful with those. Coeurls will counter hits with Blaster, which usually paralyzes, but should have a low chance of Instant Death. Many things here are vulnerable to Sleep, so abuse your Sleep Blade's ability to multi- cast Sleep on the enemy group. Sorcerers here will summon a monster when left alone, and then run away. Sorcerers can very rarely drop a Rune Staff. Balloons will drop the Bomb summon very rarely, which is useless in this tale, but can be imported to the final tales for Rydia. Head down the stairs in front of you, then walk to the west and then north up some stairs onto the ramparts. To the west is a chest containing some *ADAMANTITE*, but don't think you'll get it without a fight. Monster-in-a-Box! The Adamantine Golem is tough. He'll periodically move closer to you, gaining in strength each time. Attack him with regular attacks, and time a Jump to land after he's moved twice. He should be susceptible to Slow. Have Rosa cast Protect on your party as often as she has a free turn to do so If you've learned your Band Attacks for this group, don't be afraid to use them. After he's dead and the Adamantine is yours, head to the east and turn north when you can. There is a secret passage in the nearby trees, but it goes nowhere. Walk west a bit and then up the stairs to grab a chest. This chest gives a random consumable item and can be opened every time you visit the dungeon. Go back down the stairs and head east. You can go north or south from now, but let's go north first. Follow the path and you'll see a chest to the west. Grab it for a *DRY ETHER*. If you head east from here, you'll find a path through the trees that leads to a well, which you can descend. Don't bother heading that way yet. Instead go back to where we ignored the south path and go south down the stairs there. Head east and you'll see the entrance to the castle interior. Ignore it for now and head east into a secret passage. You could also go south, across from the castle entrance, but that path is more complicated. Once you've gone as far east into the passage as you can, go all the way south, then east, then north and enter the door you find there. You'll pass briefly through the castle interior and then back outside again, where you can open a chest that holds a *PROTECT STAFF*. This is a good staff for Rosa, but I prefer her Bow and Arrows. The Protect Staff, naturally, casts Protect. Now go back and enter the castle interior using the front door. _________________________________ ____Ancient Castle - Interior 1F___________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Sorcerer (Mythril Golem), 2 Coeurl | | Ice Shield | | 2 Mythril Golem | | Golden Apple | | 3 Mad Ogre | | Ice Armor | | 1 Storm Anima, 2 Coeurl, 1 Ghost Knight | \______________/ | 1 Mythril Golem, 2 Coeurl | | 1 Sorcerer (Ghost Knight), 2 Ghost Knight | | 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Coeurl, 2 Balloon | | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Coeurl, 1 Lamia Matriarch | \_____________________________________________/ Nothing new here, monster-wise. Head west and then north. At the north end of this floor, you'll see two chests. You can walk behind a wall here to get the closer of the two and pick up an *ICE SHIELD*. Equip that on Kain or Ceodore, whichever isn't already using an Ice Shield. Next head back to the floor's entrance and go east and maneuver up north to the bedroom area of the castle. The pot next to the bookcase in the bedroom hides a *GOLDEN APPLE*, which will increase a character's Max HP by 100. Go down the stairs from the bedroom and walk west behind a wall there. Head north and then walk east behind another wall to grab the *ICE ARMOR* from the other chest here. Equip that on Kain and give the Flame Mail to Cid. Head back to the entry of this floor. You might have noticed a pit to the east. You can use this to descend down to the Underground Cavern, but let's not use that one yet. Go north to find a staircase up to the second floor. _________________________________ ____Ancient Castle - Interior 2F___________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Summoner (Nagaraja) | | Angel Arrows | | 1 Summoner (Arachne) | \______________/ | 1 Sorcerer (Ghost Knight), 2 Ghost Knight | | 1 Sorcerer (Mad Ogre), 2 Ghost Knight | | 1 Sorcerer (Mythril Golem), 2 Coeurl | | 1 Sorcerer (Lamia Matriarch), 2 Coeurl | \___________________________________________/ Summoners are like Sorcerers with more HP that summon some different things. They too run away after summoning. They can drop Rune Staves. Nothing much to do here. Grab the chest for *ANGEL ARROWS*, which can confuse monsters, and head back downstairs. Equip the arrows on Rosa if you are using a bow with her. _________________________________ ____Ancient Castle - Interior 1F___________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon | Kain | | Treasure | |------------+ | Ogrekiller | \____________/ Head all the way out to the exterior of the castle and head to the well via a secret passage through the trees at the north part of the castle. Use the well to descend and you'll find yourself in the interior of the castle near a chest you may have seen earlier but couldn’t get to. You can sneak by under the pot near the chest to reach it and snag the *OGREKILLER* axe, which is +9 vs. Ogres! Give this to Cid and also give him a Flame Shield since axes are one- handed. You may want to teleport out, save and rest up now. Once you're ready, come back to this room via the Well, and hop down the pit that was here. _________________________________ ____Underground Cavern_____________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon | Kain | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Arachne, 2 Imp | | Diamond Armlet | | 2 Evil Dreamers, 1 Nagaraja | \________________/ | 2 Malboro | | 1 Malboro, 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Elder Treant | | 2 Fell Knight, 2 Imp | | 3 Blood Eye | | 1 Summoner (Arachne) | | 2 Imp, 2 Arachne | | 1 Belphegor, 1 Blood Eye | \___________________________________________/ Monsters get TOUGH down here. Arachnes like to spam Earthquake over and over, so cast Float on your entire party outside of battle to be prepared. This wears off when you change maps, so be sure to renew it! If you can confuse it with Angel Arrows (or later, the Sledgehammer), watch as it earthquakes your foes constantly! If there are any Imps, multi-cast Silence with Rosa immediately, as they counter things with Confuse, which will quickly decimate your ranks as they have a lot of HP. Malboros will use Bad Breath, which gives one character a host of unpleasant status effects, but often misses. Elder Treants and Fell Knights both hit very hard. Yeouch! Be sure to abuse the Sleep Blade down here. After jumping down from the hole, you'll find yourself on a ledge. Follow the path to the west, which curves north and then east. As you had east, you'll pass some stairs heading down towards a tunnel that leads to the interior area of the cave. Ignore this for now and keep moving east. Shortly after the path turns south, there is a fork in the road. Take the west fork and follow that path until it ends in a chest containing the *DIAMOND ARMLET*. This is a defense upgrade for Rosa, but I prefer the stat boosts and magic defense of the Rune Armlet so I just leave it unequipped. Now, go back to that tunnel we passed a bit ago and enter the cave interior. We'll be back into this section later. _________________________________ ____Underground Cavern - Interior__________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon | Kain | | Monster | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Thunder Dragon | | Elixir | | 2 Arachne | \____________/ | 2 Elder Treant, 1 Malboro, 1 Evil Dreamer | | 2 Belphegor | | 1 Arachne, 2 Nagaraja | | 1 Arachne, 2 Malboro | | 1 Belphegor, 2 Fell Knight | | 3 Malboro | \___________________________________________/ Nothing particularly new here. The three Malboro battle can be annoying if they land multiple Bad Breaths. Note that Malboros drop Soma Drops as a very rare drop, and Thunder Dragons drop Blue Tails as a very rare drop, just as they do in the Mist Cave. Don't forget to renew your Float! Follow the path north a long way and eventually it'll turn west and take you across a bridge. Cross the bridge and find yourself on a raised platform. From here, take the stairs down, and follow the path south, going down another staircase at the end of this long ledge. The nearby tunnel will take you out of the Challenge Dungeon, so let's not go there unless in desperate need. Instead, head east a bit. The bridge to the north leads to a save point, and north of that is the dungeon's boss. Save if you want, but then go back and continue east to some stairs. Climb them, and you'll find you have two paths to choose from. Let's go south instead of north. Follow the path a short way and grab the *ELIXIR* from the chest. Now go back and head north this time. You'll come to another raised platform. Climb the stairs onto it and take the bridge to the west. Follow the path around and you'll come to an exit leading back into the previous part of the cavern. Go there. _________________________________ ____Underground Cavern_____________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon | Kain | | Treasure | |--------------+ | Gold Hairpin | \______________/ Follow the path as it leads south, going under a bridge. When you reach an east/west fork, you should be able to see a chest on a ledge to your south. Bear west to reach the ledge and grab a *GOLD HAIRPIN*, which should be given to Rosa. If you had taken the east fork, you'd end up where the hole near the entrance of the interior castle would despoit you. That's it for treasure, so head back to that save point and let's prepare for the boss! ________________________________________ ____Curse Dragon____________________/ Kain's Challenge Dungeon - Boss | Kain | Head north from the save point to engage the Curse Dragon. Before you do so, rest until it is a New Moon so that special attacks are boosted. You'll want to make sure you have at least two Spider Silks and some Phoenix Downs. This is a two part fight. You'll always want Kain to equip the Dragoon Lance for the second part, even if you have otherwise better weapons for him. For the first part of the fight, start off by commanding Kain to Jump, then have Ceodore cast Haste on Kain before he leaves the ground. Rosa will use a Spider Silk on the Dragon. The Curse Dragon will counter actions with a double attack, Blaze (which takes off a lot of HP but gets less powerful as he loses his own HP), or a single or multi-target curse. Use Esuna on Kain first and then Rosa if they are cursed, otherwise leave the status be. In three to five Jumps, the dragon's first form will die. Cid does nothing except stand by to use emergency Hi-Potions or Phoenix Down. For the second part of the battle, the Curse Dragon will counter everything except Spider Silk with Black Fang, instantly killing the target. Cid should be standing around waiting to act, so have him immediately pop a Spider Silk on the Curse Dragon. Make sure Kain has the Dragoon Lance equipped, and have him Jump. Rosa, Ceodore and Cid wait around. When Kain lands, the Curse Dragon will kill on party member. Revive them with Raise or Phoenix Down, and if it was Kain, re-Haste him. Three to five Jumps later and the Curse Dragon will be dead. It should get no turns of its own, just counters, so don't worry about healing. ______________________________________________________________________________ Now, go forward and pick up your treasure! It could be a random consumable item like Bronze Hourglasses and Phoenix Down. It could also be a rare item! Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Adamantite * Demon Slayer (Sword) * Diamond Armor * Diamond Gloves * Diamond Helm * Diamond Shield * Elfin Bow (Casts Shell when used!) * Flan Ring * Luminous Robe * Lustful Lali-ho * Obelisk (Spear) * Sledgehammer (Can confuse enemies) The rare items go in a cycle. You will get no repeat rares until you have gotten one of each. The Obelisk is the best weapon for both Kain and Ceodore. Give the first one to Ceodore since the Dragoon Lance is so good. If you get a Demon Slayer before the Obelisk, go ahead and equip that on Ceodore. The Diamond gear is great for Ceodore, Cid, and Kain and you'll probably want to do this dungeon enough to get them all a complete set. If you have any Giant's Gloves, equip those instead of the Diamond Gloves, however. Rosa will want both the Luminous Robe and the Elfin Bow, however I usually equip the Killer Bow if it'll give her a better attack multiplier. Elfin Bow raises her Intellect and Spirit though, so it's always a good choice. The Flan Ring is a defensive improvement for Rosa, but the benefits of the Rune Armlet are still better, in my opinion. The Sledgehammer is a no brainer for Cid. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.4 Rydia's Tale [RYTL] )----------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. __________________ __________________________________________________________/ Contents | Rydia | 1. The Feymarch [WRYFEY] 2. The Dwarven Castle [WRYDWC] 3. Tomra [WRYTOM] 4. Kokkol's Forge [WRYKKL] 5. Sylph Cave [WRYSYL] 6. The Sealed Cave [WRYTSC] 7. To the Overworld! [WRYOVW] 8. Agart & The Mine [WRYAGM] 9. Rydia's Challenge Dungeon [WRYRCD] Watch the opening recap of events just after FF4 and witness Rydia's recent return to the Feymarch to visit the Eidolons, when things go horribly wrong and the Mysterious Girl turns the Eidolons to stone. _______________________________ _____________________________________________/ The Feymarch [WRYFEY] | Rydia | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------------+ | Potion Tent Dry Ether Kokkol Ore | | Potion Phoenix Down 500 gil | | Ether Ice Rod Hi-Potion | \________________________________________________/ Rydia will wake up on the uppermost floor of the Feymarch. Rydia will rush over to examine one of the Eidolons and then you'll gain control. Talk to the Eidolons if you wish, they can still sort of respond. The chests, starting from where you gain control and going clockwise contain: *POTION*, *POTION*, an *ETHER*, a *TENT*, and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. You'll have to enter and re-enter the portal by the Ether chest in order to grab it. North of the Phoenix Down chest should be an odd-looking square with an outline of a shadow around it. This is a hidden portal to the lowest floor of the Feymarch, which has four chests that hold an *ICE ROD*, a *DRY ETHER*, *500 GIL*, and a *HI-POTION*. Return to the first floor and take the portal by the Ether chest to reach the main town area. Talk to any stoned Eidolons if you wish and then enter the library in the center of the town. Take the stairs down to the lower floor. stand once square north of the portal to the king and queen's chamber and face west. Search that bookcase for a *KOKKOL ORE*. Talk to the king and queen, and head out of the Feymarch, using the portal on the first floor near where Rydia woke up. _________________________________ ____B3_____________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |-----------------------+ | 4 Goblin | | Potion 500 gil | | 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Potion Phoenix Down | | 2 Floating Eye | | Ether Tent | \_________________________/ \_______________________/ Until you reach the lone fixed encounter here, you'll see no monsters. Most monsters in this dungeon are a breeze and it's short enough that you can just spam Blizzara on everything unless you want to stay here for purposes of farming a Goblin Summon, which is a very rare drop. I personally run from everything that isn't a 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin fight or a 4 Yellow Jelly Fight. Use Thunder on the yellow jellies. So, while we have a monsterless time, let's grab all the treasure on this floor. Walk south to the next room, then head west and pick up a *POTION* from the chest. Now head back all the way east and grab the chest there for another *POTION*. Keep walking east to head through a secret passage, and turn north and then west to get into the room up there. Head north to another room and finally west to a room with a chest containing an *ETHER*. Go back to the secret passage, and this time go all the way south, past where you entered it the first time. Next, head all the way west and take a few steps north so that you are next to the room with the three chests. Walk east into the room and open the chests for *500 GIL*, a *PHOENIX DOWN*, and a *TENT*. Head back into the secret passage and go all the way north, then east into a room. Had north towards the next room and engage in an automatic fight with three Domovoi. Rydia will be shocked to find that the eidolons cannot answer her summons. Blast them with an -ara spell and keep going north. From now on you'll encounter monsters in this dungeon as random encounters. Once you've finished heading north, walk east to the next room and take the stairs to B2. _________________________________ ____B2_____________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |------------------+ | 4 Goblin | | Eye Drops | | 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Bronze Hourglass | | 2 Floating Eye | \__________________/ | 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | | 4 Yellow Jelly | | 1 Sandworm | \_________________________/ Everything except the Yellow Jelly and Domovoi groups give lousy exp, so I recommend running from everything except those to save time. You may want to also fight the Goblin group for their summon. Incidentally, the Eidolons that can be gained from summon items were not turned to stone. Head east to the save point and save if you wish, being mindful not to save over finish data (or any save, really) from the main game or any other Tale. Each Tale needs its own save slot. Head west then, taking the west/north fork at the intersection to reach a chest with some *EYE DROPS*. Then head back to the intersection and go south, taking the southeast fork when you can. You'll reach a chest containing a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*. Finally, head all the way west and take the stairs to the next floor. _________________________________ ____B1_____________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |---------------+ | 4 Goblin | | Ether | | 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Decoy | | 2 Floating Eye | | Feathered Cap | | 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | \_______________/ | 4 Yellow Jelly | | 1 Sandworm | \_________________________/ A simple floor. Head all the way east, then all the way south, then all the way east to a chest containing an *ETHER*. Next, go all the way north to a chest that holds a *DECOY*. Next, go all the way west, through a secret passage, to a chest holding a *FEATHERED CAP*, which you should equip on Rydia immediately. Head back to the Decoy's chest, go one room south and one room west and then take the stairs out of the dungeon. You will be attacked by a Zu, and Rydia will claimed to be helpless against it in spite of the fact that two -ara spells would probably make it toast. Oh well just wait a quick second for Luca to blast it from the sky with the Falcon's cannons. Rydia will bring Luca up to speed and you'll head off to loot the Dwarven Castle. You'll see the Red Wings attack the castle on the way. ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ The Underworld | Rydia | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Leshy 2 Gargoyle | | 3 Domovoi, 3 Gatlinghog 3 Bomb | | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb 1 Basilisk, 3 Goblin | | 4 Yellow Jelly | \_________________________________________________/ You'll maybe want to watch out for the Gray Bomb group. Use Blizzara and attack the Gray Bombs (or use Dancing Daggers, once you have them). The Gatlinghog group is a bit annoying too. Use multi-cast Blizzara on it and finish off the Gatlinghogs with attacks. Multi-cast Thunder to kill the Yellow Jelly group, as always. _________________________________ ___________________________________________/ Dwarven Castle [WRYDWC] | Rydia | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+ |----------------------+ |----------------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Crescent Axe 800 gil | | Bronze Helm 150 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Bow 220 gil | | Bronze Armor 600 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Iron Arrows 50 gil | | Iron Gloves 130 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Whip 200 gil | | Iron Shield 600 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | \______________________/ | Iron Helm 800 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil | | Inn | | Iron Armor 1000 gil | | Antidote 40 gil | |--------+ \______________________/ | Tent 100 gil | | 50 gil | \_______________________/ \________/ | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hi-Potion Phoenix Down 500 gil Potion | | 600 gil Bomb Crank Kokkol Ore Potion | | Kokkol Ore Spider Silk Phoenix Down Warrior's Clothes | | Iron Shield Soma Drop Tent | | Ether Potion Bacchus's Wine | | Silver Apple Hermes Sandals Kokkol Ore | \____________________________________________________________________/ Walk straight north to the throne room to tell the king what happened. After a bit of discussion, they'll agree they should check up on the crystal in the Sealed Cave so that they can secure and protect it. You know, because that worked so well seventeen years ago! In any case, it's time to loot the castle. From the main lobby (the room south of the throne room), head up the eastern stairs to the weaponsmith and armorer. Ignore them for now and head up the eastern staircase in this room to reach the eastern tower. Grab the *HI-POTION* from the chest and then head up the stairs to the second floor. You can skirt around next to the wall by the southern pot on the left side to get to the western side of the pots. The top-left pot of the foursome will yield up *600 GIL* to you. Search the armor for a *KOKKOL ORE* and then head up to the third floor of the tower. You can move directly towards any of the chests to reach them, and skirt around the walls near the stairs to avoid having to go down and back up to get everything. The four chests contain an *IRON SHIELD*, an *ETHER*, a *SILVER APPLE*, an a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Rydia has the most benefit from extra HP, so I give the apple to her. Head back to the first floor of the tower and take the door out to the top of the castle. Walk west and enter the western tower. Head up to the second floor of the tower. Here, you can skirt around the left edge of the batch of pots at the bottom. One of the pots here contains a *BOMB CRANK*. Then go up to the third floor. Head west to grab a *SPIDER SILK* from the chest. Head south through a secret passage and zigzag your way over to the lower chamber and grab the *SOMA DROP* from the chest. You could give this to Luca so she has more MP for bands, but on the whole Rydia will get better use out of the MP. Keep going along the secret passage and zigzag up to the eastern chest for a lowly *POTION*. More secret passageway will take you up to the north chest for *HERMES SANDALS*, and you can keep going to loop back to the western room. Head back down to the first floor of the western tower and this time take the stairs down to the Inn and Sundries area. Search the pot next to the desk for *500 GIL* and then take the northeast stairs down to the basement. Enter the door here to go into the infirmary and search the southwesternmost desk for a *KOKKOL ORE*. Head back out and talk to the dwarf by the wall to open the passage to the underground base. Go there. Follow the path west, turn south at the intersection and go east at the next to plunder three chests, which hold a *PHOENIX DOWN*, a *TENT* and some *BACCHUS'S WINE*. Go back west, turn south, and head west to the stairs leading deeper into the base. Not much to do here. Search the middle set of armor for another *KOKKOL ORE* and swing by the western part of the floor to recover HP and MP at the recovery pot there. Head back out of the base. All the way east from the dwarf that let you into the base are some pots. The two pots you can reach of those in the T-shaped formation each contain a *POTION*. The bottom of the two pots to the east of them contains some *WARRIOR'S CLOTHES*. Head up the nearby stairs to reach the Weaponsmith and Armorer again. I personally like to buy a Crescent Axe for Luca here. If you do so, be sure to equip the Iron Shield you got from looting. Keep her hammer. You should also buy Luca an Iron Armor and Iron Helm. Once you've looted and purchased anything you think you'll need, head out of the castle and hop on the Falcon. ____________________ ________________________________________________________/ The Falcon | Rydia | You'll get two new party members here, the dolls Calca and Brina. Give Calca the Warrior's Clothes and the Leather Cap you should have sitting around. They start at level 1 and are extremely squishy, so level them up a bit so you can make them survivable and get some cash at the same time. Calca has Jive, which does a random effect on the enemy and isn't very useful. Brina has Dance, which does a random effect on the party, including all the cure spells, protect, haste, shell, esuna, etc. Very useful. Take the time to learn the following Band Attacks: A) Lightning Brain Buster : Luca/Attack + Rydia/Black Magic B) Calca and Brina : Calca/Jive + Brina/Dance C) Go! Calcabrina! : Luca/Analyze + Calca/Jive + Brina/Dance It's best to sit outside the cave just a bit west of the castle and fight enemies there. You can hop into the cave to appear right near the HP/MP pot in the Dwarven base for free restoration. When the dolls are Level 8-10, fly south and a bit west to the town of Tomra. ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ Tomra [WRYTOM] | Rydia | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+ |---------------------+ |-----------------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Rod 100 gil | | Leather Cap 100 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Ice Rod 220 gil | | Feathered Cap 330 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Flame Rod 380 gil | | Wizard's Hat 700 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Bow 220 gil | | Leather Cloth 600 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Crossbow 700 gil | | Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Iron Arrows 50 gil | | Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Tent 100 gil | | Holy Arrows 500 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | | Dagger 300 gil | \_______________________/ \_______________________/ \_____________________/ | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------+ | Bacchus's Wine Potion Phoenix Down | | Kokkol Ore Kokkol Ore Kokkol Ore | \____________________________________________/ Loot time! Head over to the inn and check the pots there for a *BACCHUS'S WINE*. Head up to the store room (northwest corner of town) and check the bottom pot next to the outside wall for a *KOKKOL ORE*. Go instead and walk west right away and search the pot you come to for a *POTION*. Or the east side of the store room, walk under the pots on the bottom (semi-secret passage) and search the last pot for another *KOKKOL ORE*. Walk east of the store room and enter the Weaponsmith. Check the pot on the west side of the room for a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Take a secret passage on the east wall to get to the Armorer and search the suit of armor in there for another *KOKKOL ORE*. Time to shop! Buy two daggers (we'll get another one soon). No need to equip them yet. Maybe buy some rods for Rydia, but I usually don't. Buy a Gaia Gear for Rydia and buy a Wizard Hat and Silver Armlet for Rydia and the Dolls. If you're short on cash, feel free to buy only two Silver Armlets. We'll get another one fairly soon. That's all for Tomra. East of Tomra is a little house. You'll have to fly around the rock wall to get there. Land and enter Kokkol's Forge. _________________________________ ___________________________________________/ Kokkol's Forge [WRYKKL] | Rydia | | Knives | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------------+ |-----------------+ | Knife : 1 Kokkol Ore | | Kokkol Ore | | Mythril Knife : Knife + 2 Kokkol Ore | | Hi-Potion | | Dancing Dagger : Dagger + 3 Kokkol Ore | | Angel's Clothes | \______________________________________________/ \_________________/ | Hammers & Axes | |----------------------------------------------+ | Hammer : 1 Kokkol Ore | | Battle Axe : Crescent Axe + 3 Kokkol Ore | | Mythril Hammer : Hammer + 4 Kokkol Ore | | Tomahawk : Battle Axe + 4 Kokkol Ore | \______________________________________________/ Enter the building and check the fireplace for another *KOKKOL ORE*. A pot to the east has a *HI-POTION*. Head upstairs and search the bookcase for some *ANGEL'S CLOTHES* which are good for Brina. Now that looting is done, we can forge some things with all that Kokkol Ore we have. You should have eight by now. in my book, there are only two good options. A) Make 1 Dancing Dagger to give to Rydia or a Doll and make a Mythril Hammer for Luca. Make a Tomahawk later when we have more ore. B) Make 2 Dancing Daggers now and hold out for a Tomahawk later. Dancing Daggers can be used as an item to do around 300+ damage to one enemy and will be the bulk of your fighting force for awhile. A Mythril Hammer is the strongest of the weapons you can forge, but is affected by row and takes two hands, so you can't use a shield. The Tomahawk will do the same damage no matter what row you're in and is only slightly weaker than the Mythril Hammer. Since I feel that 2 Dancing Daggers + Luca's Crescent Hammer does more damage than 1 Dancing Dagger + Luca's Mythril hammer, I recommend option B. We will be getting a Battle Axe shortly into the Sealed Cave and by that point we'll have the ore for a Tomahawk, so it's best to just wait. Whatever you decide to do, head to the far northwest corner of the Underworld to find the Sylph Cave, which is an excellent place to gear and level up. _____________________________ ____Monsters___________________________________/ Sylph Cave [WRYSYL] | Rydia | | B1 | |---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 Yellow Jelly 1 Basilisk, 3 Goblin | | 4 Toadgre 4 Tiny Mage | | 4 Skeleton 2 Gigantoad, 2 Toadgre | | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul 2 Leshy | \_______________________________________________________________/ | B2 | |---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Skeleton, 2 Bloodbones 2 Gargoyle | | 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | | 2 Ghoul, 2 Soul 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice | \_______________________________________________________________/ | B3 | |---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Skeleton, 2 Bloodbones 3 Soul, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant | | 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin 2 Ghoul, 2 Soul | | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul 1 Ghoul, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton | | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | \_______________________________________________________________/ Nothing complicated here. Another dungeon where elements some monsters are weak to are absorbed by other monsters, but they usually aren't mixed. You can use Fire spells on the Skeleton and Ghoul families of monsters, but about it on the Souls and Spirits. Cast Thunder on all Yellow Jellies to kill the group. If you are like me, you have Dancing Daggers on two characters, so abuse them to make all these fights go quick. One of the Toad family of monsters can counter with Toad, so it's best to kill them in one shot with a Dancing Dagger. This is also the only place in Rydia's Tale where you can find Cockatrices. They are a fairly rare fight on B2, so if you want to farm the very rare Cockatrice Summon, that's your only bet for Rydia's Tale. ____________________ ____B1__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |-------------+ | Potion | | Spider Silk | \_____________/ Head east to reach two chests and grab the *POTION* and *SPIDER SILK* inside. You can't get the third chest yet. Instead, head south of where you came in and take the stairs down to B2. ____________________ ____B2__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Monsters | |--------------------------+ | 3 Skeleton, 2Bloodbones | | 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin | | 2 Ghoul, 2 Soul | | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton | | 2 Gargoyle | | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | \__________________________/ Head south and take the stairs there back up to B1. ____________________ ____B1__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |------------+ | 500 gil | | Dagger | \____________/ Head east and save at the save point if you really think it necessary, then head north and east, entering a secret passage at the dead end that will take you to that chest you couldn't get on before. It have *500 GIL*. Head back to the save point and go all the way west, passing the stairs we entered this section from as well as another set of stairs. Turn north and follow the path a chest containing a *DAGGER*. Give that to whichever of the dolls is stuck with a Knife still. Go down the stairs you just passed. ____________________ ____B2__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |--------------+ | Phoenix Down | \______________/ Grab the *PHOENIX DOWN* from the chest near where you enter and take the path to the north. Take the first stairs you come to and head back up to B1 again. ____________________ ____B1__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |---------------+ | Hi-Potion | | Silver Armlet | \_______________/ Follow the path to the end and grab the *HI-POTION* and the *SILVER ARMLET* from the two chests. If you didn't buy three Silver Armlets in Tomra, give this to whomever didn't get one. Head back down to B2. ____________________ ____B2__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |------------+ | Kokkol Ore | \____________/ Head all the way north, ignoring the stairs at the end for now so that you can go through a secret passage in the wall to the east that wraps around to the east side of the room with the treasure chest that you can see. Grab the *KOKKOL ORE* from the chest and head back to those stairs we just passed. ____________________ ____B3__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |------------+ | Kokkol Ore | \____________/ Follow the path all the way to the Sylph’s House. A pot outside contains a *KOKKOL ORE*. Go into the house. ____________________ ____Sylph’s House_______________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |-------------+ | Healing Rod | | Mage's Robe | \_____________/ Grab the two chests here for a *HEALING ROD* and a *MAGE's ROBE*. Put the Mage's Robe on Rydia and talk to the stone sylph if you'd like and then head deeper into the house until you get warped out. Return to the healing pot in the Dwarven base if you'd like and then head back into the cave. ____________________ ____B1__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | Walk south and take the stairs to B2. ____________________ ____B2__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | This time, head east or west around the loop at take the stairs at the top to go down to B3. ____________________ ____B3__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |-----------------+ | Echo Herbs | | Phoenix Down | | Clown's Clothes | \_________________/ Follow the path around and all the way to the north and grab the *ECHO HERBS* and *PHOENIX DOWN* from the chests you can reach. A nearby secret passage will loop you around to the other chest, which contains the *CLOWN'S CLOTHES*. Equip these on Brina and give her a dancing dagger. Clown's Clothes give a whopping +20 Speed, making her turn come up twice as often. With a dancing dagger she becomes a speedy killing machine and if you get into a hurt, she can repeatedly Dance to restore her HP at a very frequent rate. Go back to the hallway and notice a niche in the east wall. Step into a secret passage there that'll take you to the top of a room filled with open treasure chests, right near some stairs. Take the stairs back up to B2. ____________________ ____B2__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |------------+ | Ether | | Tent | \____________/ Follow the path, grabbing the *ETHER* from the chest in the side passage. At the end of the passage, take the *TENT* from the lone unopened chest and drop into the hole. ____________________ ____B3__________________________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |------------------+ | 800 gil | | Bronze Hourglass | | Hi-Potion | \__________________/ Grab the three chests you land by for *800 GIL*, a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*, and a *HI-POTION*, then follow the path all the way north. At the end of the path, go west through a secret passage into the room with all the unopened chests. A portal here will take you to the Waterfall Grotto. ____________________ ____Waterfall Grotto____________________________________/ Sylph Cave | Rydia | | Treasure | |---------------+ | Ether | | Hi-Potion | | Horned Helmet | | Mythril Knife | \_______________/ Grab the *ETHER*, *HI-POTION*, *HORNED HELMET*, and *MYTHRIL KNIFE* from the chests here. Give the Horned Helmet to Luca and the Mythril Knife to Calca (unless he's using a Dancing Dagger). Keep going east and exit the cave. That's all for the Sylph Cave! Heal up at the Dwarven base pot and fly a bit northwest from Tomra to reach the Sealed Cave. ______________________________ ____B1________________________________________/ Sealed Cave [WRYTSC] | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ |-----------------------------+ | 1 Lilith | | Potion Tent | | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | Echo Herbs Mage's Clothes | | 2 Blood Flower | | Ether | | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Needlehog | | Potion | | 3 Cave Bat | \_____________________________/ \____________________________/ Liliths are old friends if you've played through the main game. They have a counter attack called Slap that can silence, paralyze, or curse a random character. However, Dancing Dagger's item use attack (which is the only thing you should ever do with a Dancing Dagger in general) does not trigger the Slap. Two Dancings will kill a Lilith, as will a Dancing followed by a regular attack. Just be sure not to use a regular attack right away unless you are certain it will kill the Lilith in one hit. Blood Flowers are extremely weak to Fire spells, but also get mowed down by a Clown-Clothed Brina with a Dancing Dagger. They use an attack called Pollen, which is like a weaker Bloodfeast that hits the whole party and is only really annoying because it takes so long to cast. Ettin Snakes hit hard and should always be killed first by using the Dancing Dagger on them. Needlehogs, like all the Hedgehog family, counter attacks with Needles for some light damage. Cave Bats, as you well know, use Bloodfeast, which causes Bat family fights to take about three years. Bats are weak to thrown weapons so any attack from a Tomahawk or any Big Throw will generally kill them in one shot. Dancing Daggers will destroy them in two hits. Start off by heading east and south from the entrance to a rope. Climb down the rope and head southish a bit and you'll see a chest containing a *POTION* and a nearby door. Hop in the door and grab the chests inside for some *ECHO HERBS* and an *ETHER*. Exit the door and walk to the west, where you'll find another rope to climb. Do so and enter the door at its top. Walk north in the room to open a chest holding a *POTION* and ignore the nearby door as it leads to an empty room. Head east to another chest that holds a *TENT* and Go up to the nearby door. Search it to engage in a battle with a Trap Door! ----> Trap Doors <---- Trap Doors follow the following attack pattern: 1. Target a random character 2. Cast Ninth Dimension on the targeted character. This is an instant-death spell that can sometimes miss. 3. If HP is critical, summon a monster and vanish. And that repeats over and over again. Dancing Daggers tend to do _less_ damage that regular attacks, so have the dolls and Luca attack. Luca should use Big Throw if the Attack command is weakened or if Big Throw is strengthened. Have Rydia cast an -ara spell (I prefer Thundara!). If you do not have the Mythril Hammer or Tomahawk, you'll probably have one character die from Ninth Dimension and be unable to kill the Trap Door before it summons a monster. Once you have a beefier weapon for Luca you can often kill the door before Ninth Dimension goes off. Once the door is dead, enter the room it was guarding for some *MAGE'S CLOTHES*, which raise Intellect when equipped on a doll. This sorta helps out Calca's Jive skill, but as Jive isn't that useful and we want him to physically attack, keep the Warrior's Clothes on him. Exit the treasure room and head to the south to go down to B2. _____________________ ____B2_________________________________________________/ Sealed Cave | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------+ |-------------------------------------------+ | 2 Lilith | | Gold Needle Zeus's Wrath Potion | | 3 Cave Bat | | Phoenix Down Bomb Crank Ether | | 2 Blood Flower | | Battle Axe Hi-Potion | | 2 Cait Sith | | Bomb Fragment Bronze Hourglass | \________________/ \___________________________________________/ The 2 Lilith fight generally goes quick via two Dancing Dagger attacks from Brina, a Dancing Dagger from Rydia, and an attack by Luca or Calca. Easy. Cait Siths can use Blaster, which may KO a character, but they die so fast from Dancing Daggers and attacks that they will probably never attack, let alone use it. Head south across a rope and follow the path to a chest with a *GOLD NEEDLE*, then scurry back up the rope and head east across a bridge to grab a chest with a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Head all the way north from here and ignore the first door you come to as it leads to an empty room. Head west and chest the first door for another Trap Door fight. Once it's dead, enter the room it was guarding and grab the chest for a *BATTLE AXE*. I strongly recommend you exit the dungeon and go forge yourself a Tomahawk for Luca now as it'll make the battles in the Sealed Cave trivial and battles in the next dungeon much easier. Once you've done that, head back here and keep going west and take the next door. In this room, you'll find a *BOMB FRAGMENT* and *ZEUS'S WRATH* up and to the left and a *BOMB CRANK* up and to the right. Head back out the door and keep going west. The next door holds a *HI-POTION* in a chest. Keep going west in the cavern and examine the next door to fight another Trap Door. Now that you have a better weapon for Luca, you will likely be able to kill it instead of having it summon a monster. The room it guards has a Save Point, so if you need to rest up, take the time to do so and save. Outside the room, again head to the west and enter the last room, where you can find a *BRONZE HOURGLASS* and a measly *POTION*. Exit the room and head alllll the way south until you get to a door. Enter it. Walk north through the archway and grab the chest for an *ETHER*. Follow the path and take the stairs down to a little room on B3. _____________________ ____B3_________________________________________________/ Sealed Cave | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ |-----------------------------+ | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehogs | | Cottage Horned Armor | | 2 Cave Bat, 2 Blood Bat | | Phoenix Down Gold Needle | | 1 Red Mousse, 2 Purple Bavarois, | | Kokkol Ore Dry Ether | | 1 Yellow Jelly | | Hi-Potion Kokkol Ore | | 2 Lilith | \_____________________________/ | 2 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | \___________________________________/ Blood Bats are like slightly beefier Cave Bats and their Bloodfeast is just as annoying. Use Fira on the entire Pudding family group to mow them all down. Interestingly, Dancing Dagger's use attack also damages them just fine. Everything else should be easy to handle. You may want to take out any Cait Sith enemies first using Big Throw or a Tomahawk attack. You'll be in a small room with two chests. Grab them for a *COTTAGE* and a *PHOENIX DOWN* then go in the nearby door into an apparently empty room. Search the Skeleton here for a *KOKKOL ORE*. Head back out and take the door in the south of the room. It's a bit hard to see. Now you'll be in B3 proper. Go south down the rope and head all the way east and around the rock formation there to grab a chest with a *HI-POTION*. Enter the door in the rock formation and then examine the door in that room for yet another Trap Door fight. Enter it and take the secret passage east and then south and around to the southern edge of another little room where you can grab a *HORNED ARMOR* for Luca. Equip it. Exit the room and then go west and take the rope located at the top side of the hole down to the lower part of this floor. Walk to the east and enter the room there. The two chests contain a *GOLD NEEDLE* and a *DRY ETHER*. Search the southeasternmost crate for the last *KOKKOL ORE* and exit the room. Walk all the way west and take the stairs at the top of the rock formation to end up at B4. _____________________ ____B4_________________________________________________/ Sealed Cave | Rydia | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Purple Bavarois 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog | | 2 Cave Bat, 2 Blood Bat 1 Ogre | \_____________________________________________________/ More of the same, enemy-wise. Purple Bavarois are weak to Fire spells. This first room is large and contains a save point and no monsters. You will soon be fighting a boss, so be sure to recover and save if needed. Story-wise you will soon be reaching a quasi-point-of-no-return, so you may want to make a backup save in case you want to come back to this point. I recommend you rest until the New or Waning Moon for the upcoming boss fight. Once you're ready head south through the door into B4 proper. Here, just walk east or west and around the outside of the big pit and once you're at the south, head north to the stairs down to B5. _____________________ ____B5_________________________________________________/ Sealed Cave | Rydia | | Monsters | |---------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog 2 Domovoi, 2 Goblin Captain | | 1 Ogre 3 Blood Bat | | 3 Purple Bavarois | \_________________________________________________________/ Head to the north, across a bridge, and into the crystal room. Grab the crystal and exit to fight a familiar boss. ____________________________ ____Demon Wall__________________________________/ Sealed Cave - Boss | Rydia | The demon wall can attack and use Gradual Petrify. It will also slowly move towards you and if it gets close, it'll repeatedly use Crush, an instant-death attack. Neither of these are worth worrying about as this is a ridiculously easy fight. 1. Have Calca use a Spider Silk to slow the Demon Wall Afterwards pop a Bacchus's Wine with him to berserk him. 2. have Luca pop a Bacchus's Wine to berserk her. 3. Rydia should use -ara spells unless you over-leveled, in which case use bio Three times and win the fight. :) 4. Brina can either repeatedly use the Dancing Dagger or spam Dances until you get the Haste Dance, which makes this battle laughably easy. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ _______________________________________________________/ Sealed Cave | Rydia | Once the wall is dead, head allllll the way out of the cave, on foot. Be sure to remove all of the dolls' equipment before you walk into the entryway of the cave. In the ensuing scene, the Mysterious Girl will snatch away the crystal and wreck the dolls, just like we know she would because we all played Final Fantasy 4. After all the story events, head over to the airship. _____________________________ _______________________________________________/ The Falcon [WRYOVW] | Rydia | Talk to Luca to get things moving. You have a choice of going to the Overworld or not. If you say Yes, this is an absolute point of no return as you will not be able to return to the Underworld. Finish up any remaining Underworld business and then say Yes to Luca. After a scene, the dolls will awaken and attack you on board the falcon. ___________________________ ____Calca and Brina______________________________/ The Falcon - Boss | Rydia | Rydia can do nothing but defend. 2-3 attacks (use Big Throw if it is enhanced or if Attack is weakened) per doll will do the trick nicely). Easy. They can sort of hurt sometimes, but mostly they are pushovers. ______________________________________________________________________________ After the ensuing scene, you'll find yourself crash landed near the town of Agart. Joy. ________________________ ____Overworld_______________________________________/ Agart [WRYAGM] | Rydia | | Monsters | |----------------------------------------+ | 2 Leshy 2 Gargoyle | | 4 Tiny Mage 3 Bomb | | 4 Yellow Jelly 1 Basilisk, 3 Goblin | \________________________________________/ Ignore the cave for now and enter the town when you're bored of the island. _______________ _____________________________________________________________/ Agart | Rydia | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |------------------------+|-----------------------+|-------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Thunder Rod 700 gil || Wizard's Hat 700 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Dagger 300 gil || Sage's Miter 2000 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Thorn Whip 3000 gil || Sages Surplice 1200 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Battle Axe 2500 gil || Steel Helm 2000 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Fire Arrows 500 gil || Chainmail 2200 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil || Ice Arrows 500 gil || Ruby Ring 1000 gil | | Tent 100 gil || Lit. Arrows 500 gil || Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Cottage 500 gil || Great Bow 2000 gil || Rune Armlet 2000 gil | \________________________/\_______________________/\_________________________/ | Treasure | | Inn | |------------+ |---------+ | Potion | | 100 gil | \____________/ \_________/ Not much looting to do here. Just a simple *POTION* in some grass near the Lake's western side. Buy any armor that's better than what you've got. Definitely grab a Rune Armlet for Rydia. Her Dancing Dagger is still her best gear, though you might want to pick up a Thunder Rod for eventual use once she learns Bio. Talk to the townspeople if you'd like and buy any other supplies you wish and then let's head over to that cave. ____________________ ____B1__________________________________________________/ Agart Mine | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 1 Succubus, 4 Cave Bat | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Needlehog, 2 Treant | | Remedy | | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog | | Arctic Wind | | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre | \_____________/ | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Mystery Egg (Green Dragon) - Full Moon | \__________________________________________/ Monsters should all do down to Magic quickly. Luca will have to intervene with attacks for the Ogres. If Rydia learns Bio, Bio to all means deal to all, except perhaps Ogres. This is a rather straightforward floor. Just keep moving down the ledges using the stairs, picking up a *HI-POTION*, *REMEDY*, and *ARCTIC WIND* as you go. The exit to the next floor is on the sixth landing. ____________________ ____B2__________________________________________________/ Agart Mine | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Succubus, 4 Cave Bat | | X-Potion | | 2 Needlehog, 2 Treant | | Cottage | | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog | \____________/ | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre | | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Mystery Egg (Green Dragon) - Waning Moon | \____________________________________________/ Another straightforward floor. Follow the path as it moves generally east and across a bridge. The nearby pot after the bridge is an HP/MP restoring pot, making this an excellent spot to grind out levels and farm the Mindflayer Summon. South of the pot is a small room with a chest containing an *X-POTION*. Once you've grabbed that, head east from the pot, bypassing the stairs to the next floor and at the end of the tunnel is a chest containing a *COTTAGE*. Once you've got the loot, head down to the next floor using those stairs we just passed. ____________________ ____B3__________________________________________________/ Agart Mine | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Succubus, 4 Cave Bat | | Phoenix Down | | 2 Needlehog, 2 Treant | | Decoy | | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog | | Plate Armor | | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre | \______________/ | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Mystery Egg (Green Dragon) - Waning Moon | \____________________________________________/ Now we get a bit more complicated! Head all the way south from the entrance, passing a path to the east. At the end of the southern path is a chest that holds a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Go back up and take the eastern path we passed a short bit ago. Ignore the path to the north; it is a dead end. Take the northeast path found just beyond and at its end grab the *DECOY* from a chest. Head bck and then go all the way south, again ignoring a path to the east. The path will curve east and you'll snag a *PLATE ARMOR* at the end. This'll give Luca better defense, but will lower her evasion and give no strength bonus, unlike the Horned Armor she has on. Either works well, so pick which one you prefer and head back to the east path we just passed. You'll come to a T-intersection. Take the north path and go into the door at its end, where you'll find a save point. Save and rest if needed, and this time go back to the T and head south until you reach the next floor. ____________________ ____B4__________________________________________________/ Agart Mine | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | | Notable Rares | |-----------------------------------+ |----------------+ |-----------------+ | 1 Succubus, 4 Cave Bat | | Mythril Gloves | | Mythril Bolt | | 2 Needlehog, 2 Treant | | Dry Ether | | Mythril Nut | | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog | | Remedy | \_________________/ | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre | | Mythril Spring | | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | Circlet | | 1 Green Dragon - Waning Moon | | Agartite | \___________________________________/ \________________/ Another complex-looking floor. Walk east then north to the first intersection. Go east then northeast from here to a chest containing some *MYTHRIL GLOVES*, which you should equip on Luca. Then go all the way south and then east to grab a *DRY ETHER* from a pot. Head back to that first intersection. Go north this time until you hit another intersection in a wider area. Grab The chest to the west for a *REMEDY* and check out the door to the northeast Of the intersection. Inside you'll find... an empty room. ----> Quarto Dolls <---- The empty room will yield encounters with a pair of Quarto Dolls during the Waxing Moon. These are pretty tough, but go down pretty easy once Rydia has Bio. Have Luca attack with her Tomahawk. They like to counter things, but you shouldn't have trouble. They have a chance to drop a *MYTHRIL NUT* and a *MYTHRIL BOLT*. Together with the Mythril spring, they will enable you to get the "better" ending to this tale and allow the use of Calca and Brina in the final tales. Leave the empty room for now and take the east path out of the intersection. You'll soon arrive at another split in the path. Head southeast and follow the path to a pot which contains the *MYTHRIL SPRING*. Go back to the split and head north, passing the save point and taking the northeast split at the top to grab a *CIRCLET* from the chest there. Equip this on Rydia. Now, go back and save up and rest. When ready, go north and take the northeast split and open the chest to engage... ___________________________ ____Agart Turtle_________________________________/ Agart Mine - Boss | Rydia | Like all turtles, the Agart Turtle is weak to Ice, so make frequent use of Blizzara. Every now and then the turtle will charge up with fire. Hit him with an ice spell to cool him down so that he doesn't hit you with a powerful fire attack. Luca must not attack when the turtle is enflamed. If Rydia's turn took awhile to come about after the enflaming, use regular Blizzard on it to dispel the fire so that your cast time is fast enough. ______________________________________________________________________________ After this relatively easy fight, you will get the *AGARTITE*, which should allow you to repair the ship. Head back out of the dungeon and enter the airship. You can also use Warp four times to get out, but then you miss out on all that EXP! :D. ____________________ ________________________________________________________/ The Falcon | Rydia | Heal up and restore MP before getting on the airship. We aren't quite done yet. There are two possible scenes here. If you did not get the Mythril Spring, Bolt, and Nut Luca will be forced to use the dolls to repair the ship. If you did, she will be able to repair both the dolls and the ship, but you won't get to use the dolls during this Tale. Don't worry if you don't repair them. Just finish the end again with the Mythril Parts and you'll get the good ending. You will have to re-fight the Agart Turtle and take the Agartite back to the Falcon to do this. Right after you finish the work, Titan will appear to smash up the island. In the first fight, just beat on him for a bit. Things get serious in the second part. ___________________________ ____Titan________________________________________/ The Falcon - Boss | Rydia | Have Rydia spam Bio on Titan if you have it and you won't have to worry about this fight at all. If you don't, use Hi-Potions to keep your HP above 300 or so. Titan's Earthquake is no laughing manner! Otherwise, Use the Lightning Brain Buster Band to damage it and heal as necessary. Attack with Luca and use the -ara spells with Rydia if Luca's MP runs out. You'll eventually get hit by an Earthquake that deals exactly enough damage to leave you both with 1 HP and then you'll get saved by the mysterious Man In Black. ______________________________________________________________________________ Watch the credits and Save your finish data and you're done with the main part of this tale. Be sure to save your finish data in a different slot than your main game finish data. ____________________________________________ ________________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon [WRYRCD] | Rydia | To get to Rydia's Challenge Dungeon, load a save with finish data for Rydia's Tale and go to Agart. Namingway is standing in a house (if you've played FF4/DS he's in the same spot he waited for the Rainbow Pudding). Talk to him and he'll warp you to the Challenge Dungeon, filled with nasty nasties and nicely niceties. A note: Every door is a Trap Door, though some of them may be locked on your first playthrough of the dungeon. They will turn into Goblin Captains if they get to the point where they summon a monster. Walls with a little red eye thing on them are Demon Walls. Use Bio on a Trap door to kill it. You may have to attack once with Luca. Demon Walls go down to Bio and Big Throw. Speaking of Bio, if you don't have Bio, level up in Agart Mine until Rydia learns it. Bio is a must have in this dungeon! You probably want to equip your best Rod on Rydia for the boost in Intellect. I prefer to tackle the dungeon at a Full Moon. Most monsters do not use magic here and physical attacks from most of them will kill you fast if buffed. Luca should use Big Throw to get around the physical attack nerf of the Full Moon. There are quite a few save points in this dungeon. As needed, use 4 Tents to restore yourself and maintain the moon phase. I recommend carrying 99 Potions and Hi-Potions with you and as many tents as possible for your first run through the dungeon. ___________________________________ ____1F Entrance__________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon | Rydia | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Soldieress 2 Ironback | | 4 Blood Bat 3 Ogre | | 1 Black Knight, 2 Frostbeast 1 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | \______________________________________________________________/ Move forward across the bridge. You'll see three doors here. The left and right doors lead to secret passages which are short dead ends. The middle door leads onward. Defeat the Trap Door and move on through. You'll be in a room with three more doors. ___________________________________ ____1F___________________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 3 Ogre | | Chain Whip | | 3 Skulldier | | Mythril Helm | | 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Gremlin | \______________/ | 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | | 1 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | 2 Coeurl | | 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, | | 1 Black Knight | | 2 Mad Ogre | \_________________________________/ Not too much to worry about here except the three Skulldier battle. Cast Fira on them right away or Rydia will soon be dead and Luca will too since she just doesn't have the firepower to kill these guys. Alternately, run. Lamias will counter will Entice, which confuses a member, so hit them with Bio to kill them. Mad Ogres are big dumb brute s who don't believe in magic and so take no damage from it, but you can put them to sleep with a multi-targeted Sleep spell and pound away with Luca for an easy battle. Coeurls can use blaster which may paralyze a character or even kill them. They counter physical attacks with Blaster, so be careful. Kill the left door and go through to open a chest with a *CHAIN WHIP*, the best physical attack weapon for Rydia. Like all whips, it ignores row when dealing damage. For now leave Rydia equipped with a rod. Go back and defeat the middle door. Once you get through, the wall straight ahead is a Demon Wall. It goes nowhere, so feel free to ignore it. Instead, duck west past the candles to reach a door. This was locked in my first playthrough, so you may not be able to get there. If you can, go through and open the chest on the path for a... Monster-in-a-Box! You'll be fighting 2 Mad Ogres and 2 Coeurl. Cast Bio on the group and start whacking away with Big Throw. As soon as you can, cast a multi-targeted sleep to put the Mad Ogres to bed. They hurt hard and take 2-3 Big Throws to finish off. When you win, you'll get a *MYTHRIL HELM*, which isn't really much of an upgrade from the Horned Helm. I recommend keeping the attack boost of the Horned Helm. Return to the set of three doors, and this time defeat the right door to move on. In this large area there are three Trap Doors that each lead to a Demon Wall. The two on the sides are dead ends, so feel free to ignore them. Fight the middle set of Trap Door and Demon Wall to progress to a save room. Save at the save point in the little room and continue on to the second floor. ___________________________________ ____2F___________________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 3 Mors | | Ether | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre | | Mythril Shield | | 2 Gremlin, 2 Ice Lizard | | X-Potion | | 2 Centaur Knight, 2 Frostbeast | | Light Curtain | | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | Bronze Hourglass | | 3 Ogre | \__________________/ | 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, 2 Black Knight | \___________________________________________/ Monsters here are a bit tougher, but nothing you can't handle if you approach the fights methodically. Sometimes a single-cast Bio on a tough monster if it will kill the monster outright is better than a multi-target that leaves everything just damaged. This is sort of a maze of doors and walls, Though it all progresses generally northward. Keep in mind that some doors may be locked the first playthrough. You'll be in a wide room with three doors. The center door leads to a dead end, so defeat and go through the right-hand door. You'll find yourself in another wide room, but due to a wall of crates, can only access two doors. Take the left one for now and grab the chest for an *ETHER* after defeating the door. Next, take the door on the right. This time, a wall of crates will only give you one option, a door straight ahead (this was locked for my first trip). Go through the door to find three chests. Open the left-hand chest for a Monster-in-a-Box! This 3 Flamehound set can be nasty, but if you get a Bio spell off quick and a Big Throw, you'll be down to two wounded Flamehounds. As their Blaze attack weakens as their HP decreases, you should be fine. Finish them off for a *MYTHRIL SHIELD*, which you should equip if you are using the Tomahawk. The other two chests contain an *X-POTION* and a *LIGHT CURTAIN*. Head all the way back to the first wide room and this time take the left-hand door. You'll be in another section that offers only two more doors. The left- hand door here eventually leads to a dead end so take the right-hand door. You'll end up in a section of wide room that can access three doors. The left and right doors both lead to dead ends, so take the middle door. In next wide room, you can only go straight to a single door. Go ahead and beat that one to gain access to the northmost room on this floor. There are three Demon Walls here, but ignore them for now and head west and go south through the first door you come to and get to a chest with a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*. Now we'll handle the walls. The left and center walls are dead ends, so break the eastern Demon Wall to open up the door to the save room. Save at the save point in the little room and continue on to the third floor. ___________________________________ ____3F___________________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon | Rydia | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------+ |-----------------------------+ | 1 Storm Anima, 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Balloon | | Spider Silk Mythril Armor | | 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Coeurl, 2 Balloon | | Remedy Polymorph Rod | | 1 Sorcerer (Mad Ogre), 2 Ghost Knight | | Cottage | | 1 Sorcerer (Coeurl), 2 Ghost Knight | \_____________________________/ | 3 Balloon | | 4 Balloon | | 1 Coeurl, 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Mad Ogre | | 2 Storm Anima, 1 Lamia | \_______________________________________/ Balloons hit hard and fast, but can drop the Bomb summon. A group of three can be completed wiped out with Bio (except during a Waxing Moon), but a group of 4 is trouble; take one out with Big Throw before casting Bio! Storm Animas are incredibly deadly and are usually better to run away from than to fight. Ghost Knights counter magic with reflect (on themselves), and physical attacks with Bio, but otherwise aren't too hard. The Sorcerers will summon a monster when left by themselves. In Rydia's dungeon, they will not run away, so you can continually let them summon to rack up experience or drops. If you get a Mad Ogre summon, pop a Hermes Sandal with Luca if you have one and the Mad Ogres will die easily, letting you potentially get multiple Giant's Gloves from the fight. Nice! This floor consists of many ropes, some of which have one or two monster encounters, with no chance to heal in between. It is easier to explain with a map. _________ _________ _________ A: 1. Mad Ogre, Ghost Knight, Coeurl / 1 \ / 2 \ / \ 2. Storm Anima,Mad Ogre,Balloon x2 | | | | | W | B: 1. Mystery Egg (Lamia) \_________/ \_________/ \_________/ C: 1. Sorcerer, Ghost Knight x2 | | | | | | | | | D: 1. Lamia, Coeurl, Mad Ogre K | L M | N O P | 2. Ironback x2 _|__|__|_ _|__|__|_ _|__|__|_ E: 1. Blood Bat x4 / \ / \ / \ F: 1. Skulldier x3 | |===| |===| | 2. Lamia x2 \_________/ \_________/ \_________/ G: 1. Coeurl x2 | | | | | | | | | 2. Mad Ogre x2 E F | G H | | I J H: 1. Mad Ogre, Coeurl x2 _|__|__|_ _|__|__|_ _|__|__|_ I: 1. Lamia, Mad Ogre / \ / \ / \ 2. Coeurl x2, Lamia | | | 3 4 5 | | | J: 1. Storm Anima x2, Lamia \_________/ \_________/ \_________/ K: 1. Coeurl, Ghost Knight, Mad Ogre | | | | | | L: 1. Ghost Knight x3 A | B _________ | C D 2. Balloon x3, Storm Anima _|__|__|_ / \ _|__|__|_ M: 1. Balloon x3, Storm Anima / \ | @ | / \ 2. Storm Anima x3 | |===| |===| | N: Balloon x3 \_________/ | | \_________/ O: 1. Sorcerer, Ghost Knight x2 \_________/ P: 1. Sorcerer, Ghost Knight x2 2. Mad Ogre, Ghost Knight, Coeurl 1 = Stairs to Mythril Armor Chest 4 = Remedy 2 = Stairs to Polymorph Rod 5 = Cottage 3 = Spider Silk @ = Entrance to this floor W = Demon Wall/Exit to B4 Rope M is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Rope N is a great place to farm the Bomb Summon. Make your way to the center platform and open the chests there for a *SPIDER SILK*, a *REMEDY* and a *COTTAGE*. Then, head to the northwest platform. The wall here is a Demon wall, but goes nowhere. Descend the stairs there to a small room which contains a chest. The chest is a Monster-in-a-Box with 3 Mad Ogres. Cast Sleep on them all with Rydia and whack away with Luca, renewing Sleep as needed. You will get a *MYTHRIL ARMOR*, which is decent for Luca, though you may still prefer the strength boost of the Horned Armor. Next, head to the north-central platform. Again, the wall is a Demon Wall, but the wall goes nowhere. Descend the stairs there and open the chest for another Monster-in-a-Box fight with 2 Skulldiers and a Steel Golem. Toss a Spider Silk with Luca and get a Fira off ASAP with Rydia. The Steel Golem shouldn't be too much trouble once it is alone. You'll get a *POLYMORPH ROD* afterwards, which should now become Rydia's default weapon. Next, head to the northeast platform and defeat the Demon Wall there to open a door to a save room, where you should promptly save. If you are having trouble with the Monster-in-a-Box fights, I recommend saving at the B3 save point, doing the box fights, and then returning to save as needed. ___________________________________ ____4F___________________________________/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon | Rydia | Make sure you're in a Full Moon and then walk forward and talk to the little monster, who will babble about you being here to steal the treasure or something and summon some minions to attack! ___________________________________ ____Bossy Gobby and 3 Minion Gobby_______/ Rydia's Challenge Dungeon | Rydia | Boss Gobby hangs out in the back with his three Minion Gobbies in the front. When the Boss Gobby's turn comes up, he'll order the other three to attack, which they will do. Their attacks cause light damage. If a Minion Gobby has critical HP he will self-destruct for moderate damage to one character. The Boss Gobby will counter any attack with Thundara, Bio, or Firaga. Thundara does moderate damage to your party, Bio does heavy damage, and Firaga does very heavy damage. Make sure you have 1000+ HP at all times for both Luca and Rydia or a Firaga counter will hurt. If the Boss Gobby is alone, he'll start casting buffs like Protect, Shell, and haste on himself and will start using Curaga to heal his HP. DO NOT WANT. To win easily, have Rydia cast Bio on the Boss Gobby twice. In a Full Moon, this should kill the Boss Gobby and you will have suffered one counter only. Luca should use Big Throw to pick off the minions. When only Minion Gobbies are left, smack them all with a multi-target Bio to finish them off. Now, go forward and pick up your treasure! It could be a random consumable item like Bronze Hourglasses and Phoenix Down. It could also be a rare item! Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Adamantite * Black Robe * Elixir * Flame Mail * Flame Shield * Gaia Hammer * Gold Hairpin * Silver Apple * Soma Drop * Sprint Ring The rare items go in a cycle. You will get no repeat rares until you have gotten one of each. The Sprint Ring, Gold Hairpin and Black Robe are a must have for Rydia as you will have a huge Speed and Intellect boost, allowing her to cast a more potent Bio (or whatever spell!) more quickly in battle so that you sustain less damage. The Gaia Hammer is a huge boost in damage for Luca, though you will lose the use of her shield. As such, the Flame Shield isn't of much use unless you get it before the Gaia Hammer. You can and should repeat this dungeon as often as you can to get all the items. Once you know the path, it should take about 10 minutes per run. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.5 Yang's Tale [YGTL] )----------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Contents | Yang | 1. Fabul [WYGFBL] 2. Mt. Hobs [WYGMHB] 3. Impact Crater [WYGIPC] 4. Fabul [WYGCRY] 5. Adamant Isle Forest [WYGAIF] 6. Yang's Challenge Dungeon [WYGYCD] You pretty much go straight into a Battle as Yang against some trainee monks. Beat them up at your whim and watch the opening scenes until you gain control of Yang. _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Fabul [WYGFBL] | Yang | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Treasure | |------------------------+ |----------------------------+ |----------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Flame Claws 350 gil | | Hermes Sandals | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Ice Claws 450 gil | | Potion | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Lightning Claws 550 gil | | Phoenix Down | | Gold Needle 400 gil | \____________________________/ | Potion | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Armorer | | Bacchus's Wine | | Eye Drops 30 gil | |----------------------------+ | Hi-Potion | | Antidote 40 gil | | Leather Cap 100 gil | | Bomb Fragment | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Feathered Cap 330 gil | | Potion | \________________________/ | Leather Clothing 200 gil | | Tent | | Sundries| | Bronze Breastplate 450 gil | | 500 gil | |------------------------+ | Iron Armlet 100 gil | \________________/ | Tent 100 gil | \____________________________/ | Cottage 500 gil | | Inn | | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | |---------+ | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | 100 gil | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | \_________/ | Bestiary 50 gil | \________________________/ Head up and into the castle proper. Ignore the shops for now and go up the stairs again. This time, instead of continuing onward into the Throne Room, travel behind the stairs, to the south, and exit through the door there. From there, enter the western tower. Of the two pots at the north wall, examine the left one for *HERMES SANDALS* and grab the chests for two *POTIONS* and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Exit the west tower as that's all that is here. Go ahead and enter the eastern tower. Walk up to the second floor and examine the bottom pot in the bar to snag a *BACCHUS'S WINE*. The dancer here is scary. View at your own risk. Go up to the top floor and open the chest for a *HI-POTION*. Now go back inside the main castle and up into the Throne room to view a nice happy cutscene, after which you will be teamed up with Monk Anderson and Monk Brown, setting off for Mt. Hobs. But wait! There's more loot to loot from your own castle. Grab the chest in the thrown room's west side for a *BOMB FRAGMENT* and then step on the obvious circular floor switch on the east side to open up the not- so-secret passage. Follow it as it curves around a bit into a room with three chests where you can pick up a *POTION* a *TENT* and *500 GIL*. You'll want to pick up two Feathered Caps and two Iron armlets for Anderson and Brown as well as an extra Ice, Flame, and Lighting Claw. You won't have even money for this yet, so grab the armor first and first around outside to pick up enough cash for the rest. It won't take long. When done, equip everyone with a Flame Claw, and whatever other element you want for now. Keep the Headband on Yang since it boosts his attack and Anderson and Brown aren't very exciting anyway. ______________ ____Overworld_________________________________________________/ Fabul | Yang | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------+ | 4 Tiny Mage 2 Gargoyle | | 2 Leshy 1 Basilisk, 3 Goblin | | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb 3 Domovoi, 3 Gatlinghog | \________________________________________________/ Only the Bomb group and Gatlinghog/Domovoi group pose any real danger, and only a slight one at that. Tiny Mages may drop Silver Armlets, which are better than the Iron Armlets for Anderson and Brown, but don't waste your time actually farming them. Goblins drop the Goblin Summon as a very rare, but it's really much easier to farm that in Ceodore's Tale anyway. You'll see a lot of Goblins over Mt. Hobs anyway. Mt. Hobs is located to the northwest after a very respectable hike. The end of the path snakes around a little, but persist and you'll be at the mountain in no time. __________________________ ____East Slope____________________________________/ Mt. Hobs [WYGMHB] | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ |------------+ | 4 Zombie | | Potion | | 2 Leshy | | Potion | | 3 Bomb | \____________/ | 2 Goblin, 2 Swordrat, 2 Tiny Mage | | 4 Spirit | | 4 Skeleton | \___________________________________/ Monsters are easy. Feel free to have Yang kick on some of the easier things though it is generally faster to just attack attack attack. Spirits don't seem to absorb Fire from the Flame Claws for some reason. Don't argue. Head west from the start to grab a *POTION* and then go back to the start and follow the path northward as it winds around. Pick up another *POTION* along the way, and then head west across the bridge and through a tunnel entrance to exit to the next part of the mountain, which has gotten strangely bigger since you last visited it in the original game. _________________ ____East Trail_____________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb 2 Leshy | | Tent | | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice 6 Zombie | | Potion | | 2 Spirit 3 Cockatrice | \____________/ \__________________________________________/ Monsters here are slightly tougher, but still pathetically easy. Cockatrices drop the Cockatrice Summon, which is more easily farmed in other chapters. The 6 Zombie group is easily dispatched by kicking with everyone. Head west from the start and follow the path north. Take the east fork as you come to it to snag a *TENT* from the chest. Return to the path and continue north, then east to a tunnel opening. Ignore it to grab the chest to the south for a *POTION* (Are you sick of Potions yet?) and then enter the tunnel opening to continue on. _________________ ____East Vista_____________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 4 Tiny Mage | | Tent | | 2 Leshy | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Basilisk, 3 Goblin | | Phoenix Down | | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | \______________/ | 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | | 2 Goblin, 2 Swordrat, 3 Tiny Mage | | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | | 3 Goblin, 1 Domovoi | \___________________________________/ The Soul and Bloodbones group can put out some decent damage, but shouldn't pose any real problems. Head west across the bridge and north across another, and grab the chest to the east for a *TENT*. Take the bridge to the west and then, ignoring the bridge to the north for the moment, follow the path southwest to a chest that contains a *HI-POTION*. Go back and take the north bridge, where you'll have the choice of bridges to the east or west. Go east first, traveling past the save point to grab a *PHOENIX DOWN* on the end of a bridge. Go ahead and save now and if you need healing and don't want to waste Potions, burn a tent. Once you’re ready, head all the way west and then go north across a bridge to a tunnel opening. Enter. _________________ ____Summit_________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice 2 Leshy | | Maiden's Kiss | | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton 3 Cockatrice | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin 4 Tiny Mage | \_______________/ | 2 Gatlinghog, 2 Swordrat | \__________________________________________/ Grab the nearby chest for a *MAIDEN'S KISS* and head south down the steps for a scene with Ursula and some monsters. Mirroring the first scene with Yang in Final Fantasy 4, have Ursula kick the crap out of the three Domovoi you'll find yourself fighting. Now you'll be in a battle with the whole crew with the fearsome Mombomb! Ursula is like yang, only faster and weaker. She'll kind of suck for awhile until you get better gear. One plus is that she's got Chakra, which is a single-target heal ability that can cure some status ailments. ________________________ ____Mombomb_________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs - Boss | Yang | Use Chakra with Ursula to heal damage, but otherwise pound away with regular attacks. Ursula can also Kick to do okay damage from the back row. Go ahead and use Focus with Yang. It's not awesome like it was in the DS version of FF4, but it's less boring than mashing attack! Mombomb will grow, and then eventually explode into 3 Gray Bombs and 3 Bombs, doing some damage to the party in the process. If you've been mashing attack this shouldn't pose any problem whatsoever. Finish the bombs off. ______________________________________________________________________________ After the scene, continue down the stairs, grabbing the nearby chest at their bottom for a *HI-POTION* and travel west, entering the tunnel opening to head to the next part of the mountain. _________________ ____West Crossing__________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------+ |------------+ | 3 Domovoi, 1 Gatlinghog | | Kenpo Gi | | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | \____________/ | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | | 1 Zu | | 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin | | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice | \__________________________/ Zus can drop Silver Apples if your lucky. They have a lot of HP, but with your attack mashing, they'll die fast. use focus if you’re bored, but it's really not any faster. Follow the path west and then south. You'll soon come to a fork. Ignore the east branch and instead head south. Follow it down and east and then finally all the way north to end at a chest containing a *KENPO GI* which you should equip on Ursula. From now on when Ursula hits an attack multiplier of 4x you you swap her and Monk Brown as she'll be a better attacker at that point. Go back to the east fork you ignored and follow it as it spirals around. Enter the tunnel opening at the end. _________________ ____West Slope_____________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs | Yang | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------+ | 4 Tiny Mage | | 2 Goblin, 2 Swordrat, 2 Tiny Mage | | 3 Goblin, 1 Domovoi | | 6 Zombie | | 1 Basilisk, 3 Goblin | | 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | 4 Skeleton | \___________________________________/ Wow, monsters got easier for this section. Walk a bit to the west and enter the tunnel opening there. Ignore the rest of this map for now. _________________ ____West Vista_____________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------+ |--------------+ | 2 Gargoyle | | Potion | | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Zu | | Decoy | | 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin | | Hi-Potion | | 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | \______________/ | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | | 3 Skeleton | \__________________________/ Follow the path around, saving at the save point if you so feel the need, and grab all four chests at the end for a *POTION*, *PHOENIX DOWN*, *DECOY*, and *HI-POTION*. Head back to the West Slope. _________________ ____West Slope_____________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs | Yang | | Sundries | | Treasure | |-----------------------+ |--------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Power Armlet | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | \______________/ | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Tent 100 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil | \_______________________/ Walk south down the stairs and head all the way east, past some more stairs to talk to Namingway, who will offer to sell you some stuff. If you're low on Tents for some reason, go ahead and pick some up, but otherwise head down those stairs we just passed and take 'em. Just ahead of your is the eastern exit of the mountain, but take some time to head west to grab the *POWER ARMLET* from a chest. Give this to Ursula and stick her in the front row instead of Monk Brown if you haven't already done so. Exit the mountain, take a few steps to the west on the overworld, and enter the Impact Crater. _______________________________ ____Upper Wall_______________________________/ Impact Crater [WYGIPC] | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure| |----------------------------+ |---------------+ | 2 Killer Fish, 2 Fangshell | | Maiden's Kiss | | 1 Alligator, 2 Amoeba | \_______________/ | 2 Alligator | | 3 Fangshell, 1 Amoeba | | 2 Gigantoad, 2 Fangshell | \____________________________/ Watch the scene, and then let's prepare the party. Everything here pretty much has a weakness to either Cold or Lightning, so give Ursula, Yang and Monk Anderson all Ice and Lightning Claws. Ursula should already be equipped like this unless you messed around with her gear. Monk Brown will just wallow in futility in the back row with whatever Claws you have left over. This is okay. You'll mow down enemies like butter in here with the Ice/Lightning one-two punch of each of your front row guys. You should be one-shotting everything. The gators can drop Silver Apples if you are lucky. The funny-colored orange bubble/rock things behind you are the exit. You'll see more of these throughout the dungeon and they serve as jumping points or map transitions. I'll refer to them as jump rocks from now on for lack of better clarity as to what they actually are. Walk to the east and hop on the jump rock you find to go down to the middle platform of this area. Head to the west to grab a chest containing a *MAIDEN'S KISS*, then take the nearby jump rock south to the lower platform. Travel east to a jump rock that'll take you to the next section of the crater. ______________________ ____Middle Wall_______________________________________/ Impact Crater | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Alligator, 2 Amoeba | | Tent | | 2 Alligator, 2 Toadgre | | Headband | | 1 Splasher, 2 Killer Fish | | Metal Knuckle | | 2 Killer Fish, 2 Fangshell, 2 Amoeba | \_______________/ | 2 Splasher | \______________________________________/ This place is the requisite maze-like section of this dungeon. Walk west and scurry down the slop at the end of this platform. There is a jump rock to the west and to the southeast. Hop on the western one first to reach the ledge with a chest containing a *TENT*. Use the jump rock here to hop back. Now, take the southeast jump rock down to the next platform. There are three jump rocks here. Use the eastern one to hop up a ledge, and then take the nearby slope to reach a chest with a *HEADBAND*. Give this to Ursula. head back down the slope and onto the nearby jump rock. Once you land, take the next nearby jump rock back down to the platform with the three jump rocks. This time, use the southwest jump rock to hop down to the next ledge. Here, you can choose the closer east jump rock or the farther west one. The west one leads to the save point, so go ahead and take it to save and/or rest if you wish, but then follow the jump rocks back to this ledge so we can use the eastern one to hop down to the long ledge near the bottom of the map. Once you do so, walk east a bit until you see a jump rock. Use it to hop down to a small ledge, and from there hop over to a ledge with a chest. Grab the *METAL KNUCKLE* from it and take the jump rock back up to the long ledge. The Metal Knuckles have 0 Attack like all claws and no element, but they do increase your Strength by 5. For now, leave them unequipped or give them to Monk Brown so that he's less pathetic. Walk all the way east, past the jump rock that led to that chest and you'll find two slopes. The northern one leads to a jump rock that heads back north on this floor, so instead take the southern one which leads to a jump rock taking us to the next section. ______________________ ____Lower Wall________________________________________/ Impact Crater | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | Antarctic Wind | | 2 Alligator, 2 Amoeba | | Silver Armlet | | 2 Killer Fish, 2 Fangshell, 2 Amoeba | | Faerie Claws | | 1 Electrofish, 2 Fangshell | \________________/ | 2 Splasher, 1 Killer Fish | \______________________________________/ Electrofish are strong against thunder (oddly, they don't seem to absorb it here!), but Yang and Ursula should have no problems with them anyway. Walk all the way west and grab the chest for an *ANTARCTIC WIND*, then hop down the nearby Jump rock. Walk all the way east, then go a bit south and finally head all the way west and hop up a jump rock to the ledge you just walked around. Go east to pick up a chest with a *SILVER ARMLET*, which you should give to Monk Anderson. Hop down the jump rock by the chest, then head all the way west, go further south and then go all the way east. Hop up the jump rock to the chest, which contains a *FAERIE CLAWS* and then hop back down. Faerie Claws boost speed and can confuse enemies. At this point, you should be doing enough damage that you can give Ursula the Faerie Claws and those Metal Knuckles you picked up earlier. Go south to hop down the jump rock, then head all the way west and use the jump rock there to hop into the last area of the Impact Crater. taking us to the next section. ______________________ ____Floor_____________________________________________/ Impact Crater | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------------------------+|-----------+ | 2 Electrofish || Hi-Potion | | 2 Splasher, 3 Killer Fish, 1 Electrofish |\___________/ | 1 Gigantoad, 1 Killer Fish, 1 Fangshell, 1 Amoeba,1 Alligator | | 2 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | 1 Flood Worm, 2 Splasher | | 1 Red Dragon (New Moon) | \_______________________________________________________________/ This floor features the most ludicrous enemy encounter ever, featuring five different enemies. A kick barrage will take it down stupid fast. Faster if you get someone to attack the gator first. Red Dragons are this tale's tail enemy; they drop the Red Tail. For now, you'll just want to run. They can dish out beastly damage, though even if you get back attacked you should be fine as long as you start running right away. Luckily they only appear in the New Moon and you're unlikely to be in that phase if you've been pushing forth without delaying. Jog west and hop down using the jump rock. Examine the grave stone for a scene where you'll wonder who the heck actually made the grave (you'll find out in a different tale!). You'll get warned by some Sylphs and then afterwards you'll resolve to head back to Fabul. Use the jump rock to the south to hop across the water, then head north, picking up the *HI-POTION* from the chest along the way. The next jump rock will take you back to the overworld. _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Mt. Hobs | Yang | Head back through Mt. Hobs, which hasn't changed a bit. At the summit you'll get a nice scene with some Red Wings and the moon and resolve to hurry back to Fabul quickly, as if the story wouldn't wait for you. _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Fabul [WYGCRY] | Yang | Once back in Fabul, head up to the throne room for some hobnobbing with the Duke Consort (aka Former King!). In the proceeding scenes, you'll get into the following battles, all of which are pathetically easy: 2 Baron Marine, 1 Captain 1 Sahagin, 1 Leshy, 1 Domovoi 2 Baron Marine, 1 Captain 1 Gargoyle 1 Sahagin, 1 Leshy, 1 Domovoi You won't have Ursula for these fights, but you'll have gained the services of Monk Coleman, so have no fear. Beat them up and we'll switch to the crystal room, where Ursula will have to fight Kain. Punch the crap out of him, making sure to heal if you need to. After awhile Yang will hop in to join you, making Kain an ever better punching bag. You should make short work of him. After which, he will naturally swipe the crystal, because what's a little KO to a plot device? You saw this coming anyway, I'm sure. Nothing much to do now except head to Baron, naturally! _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ The Ship | Yang | | Sundries | | Weapons | | Armor | |-----------------------+|-------------------------+|------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Flame Claws 350 gil || Leather Cap 100 gil| | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Ice Claws 450 gil || Feathered Cap 330 gil| | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Lightning Claws 550 gil || Headband 450 gil| | Gold Needle 400 gil || Metal Knuckles 600 gil || Leather Cloth 200 gil| | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil |\_________________________/| Bronze Brstplt 450 gil| | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Kenpo Gi 4000 gil| | Tent 100 gil | | Iron Armlet 100 gil| | Cottage 500 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil| \_______________________/ \________________________/ Walk the few steps from Fabul and onto the Ship docked outside. You'll have a pleasant voyage, interrupted by a 2 Sahagin, 2 Splasher encounter and a race with Edward's ship before being stranded on an Island by the stupidest plot device ever delivered unto a ship with sails. Yang will run off to find some Palm Oil and Ursula will take a nap. There is a save point in the ship cabin you can use if you'd like. One of the crew members is a three-in-one shop too! Go ahead and but three Headbands, three Kenpo Gi, and two Silver Armlets. Buy four or five Metal Knuckles. Talk to people and then run off into the island with Ursula. _____________________________________ ____Ursula 1___________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest [WYGAIF] | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------+ |--------------+ | 2 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | Cottage | | 3 Soul, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant | | Phoenix Down | | 2 Hydra | \______________/ | 1 Lilith, 2 Bloodbones | \_____________________________/ You'll start out in a pleasant and very dark forest that looks gray in the moonlight. If you stay here too long, expect to be colorblind afterwards. Ursula will be accompanied by Monks Anderson, Brown, and Coleman and will be placed annoyingly in the back row. Swap her with your least favorite Monk so that she's in the front row. Get all the Monks equipped with Headbands, Kenpo Gi and Silver Armlets. Leave Ursula with Metal Knuckles and Faerie Claws and her own set of strength- enhancing gear. The Monks should wield a Metal Knuckle and your choice of elemental claw. All three weaknesses are present here, so just mix and match as needed. Things should die pretty easily here. Liliths may drop Silver Apples if you're lucky. Give them to Ursula if they do. Use her Chakra to maintain health as needed. From the start, follow the path until it forks. Ignore the south path for now and go northeast to grab two chests containing a *COTTAGE* and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Return to the south path and follow the winding path until you reach another fork. The southeast path leads to a save point if you need one for some reason and the north path leads to an exit from this map. Exit and you'll get a nice scene about Yang and Ursula via flashback and then you'll be in control of Yang elsewhere in the forest. ____________________________ ____Yang 1______________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ |--------------------+ | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | Silver Breastplate | | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton | \____________________/ \____________________________/ Equip Yang with two Metal Knuckles if you bought enough, otherwise give him an Ice or Flame Claw and feel free to swap for elemental weakness purposes. Yang should be one-shotting everything even without an elemental claw here, so don't worry too much. This is a decent place to level grind Yang a bit if you feel so inclined, as you start out next to a Healing Pot. Follow the short path past the healing pot until you come to a four-way intersection (you're at the south end!). Head east and follow that path to grab a chest containing a *HI-POTION*, then go back to the intersection and take the west path. Follow it to come to a chest with a *SILVER BREASTPLATE*, which would be a good armor for any of the monks if the strength-enhancing Kenpo Gis weren't more useful. Let it rot in your storage. Go back to the intersection and take the north path this time, which will end in an exit from this map. Take the exit and see another Ursula/Yang back story flashback scene before control shifts to Ursula in the second part of her forest adventure. ____________________________ ____Ursula 2____________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | Remedy | | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton | | Hermes Sandals | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Lilith | \________________/ \____________________________/ Ursula is in the back row again, so make sure you swap her to the front. This place is a bit twisty with lots of paths, but it isn't too hard to find your way around. You are also free to go back to Ursula's first area if you want. From the start, you'll come to what is effectively a four way intersection, since the flat wall of trees to the right is a secret passage. Take the north west path, which ends in a dead end. The dead end is secretly a secret passage, which jogs east and north until depositing you right in front of a chest containing a *REMEDY*. From this chest, head southeast to an intersection that is basically one big giant X. The southwest path leads back to the start. Let's head northeast first, which leads to another dead end. Walk through the east wall into a secret passage, then turn a bit north and head west and follow it all the way into a grassy area where you can find a *HERMES SANDALS* hidden. Travel back to the big X and take the southeast path this time. It will snake around and eventually turn west, which will take you to another intersection. To the west is a chest containing a *HI-POTION*. After you grab it take the southeast path and follow it to this screen's exit. Take the exit and witness another Yang/Ursula back story extravaganza and then find yourself in control of Yang again. ____________________________ ____Yang 2______________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ |-------------+ | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton | | Green Beret | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | Bomb Crank | | 2 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | \_____________/ \____________________________/ Follow the path as it goes north and then curves south and then west, where you'll come to an intersection. Go northwest first to a chest with a *GREEN BERET*. This headgear gives +5 to Strength and Stamina. Save it in storage for now as Ursula needs the Stamina more. Return to the intersection and go south this time, where you'll find the exit to this map. Ignore it for now and grab the chest to the east, which holds a *BOMB CRANK*. Take the exit, yada yada, back with Ursula. ____________________________ ____Forest Maze_________________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest | Yang | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------+ |------------------+ | 1 Lilith, 2 Bloodbones | | Cottage | | 2 Hydra | | Phoenix Down | | 3 Soul, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant | | Hell Claws | | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul | | Rune Armlet | | 2 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | Bronze Hourglass | \_____________________________/ \__________________/ Oh my! Multiple screens and exits! Here's a hastily made arrangement of the screens. You can't always get to all areas of a single screen from within the screen. Letters are exits between the areas. Numbers are approximate locations of treasure chests. @ is the starting location and X marks the spot for the end. *'s are save points. +--------+ +--------+ | * |D| 2 | +--------+ | 1 | | |F+--------+ | |A| | | | | 3 | | | +-C------+E+--------+G| | |@ |B+-C------+ +--------+ | | +--------+ | 4 | | |H+--------+ | | | X | | |I| | +--------+ +-J---N--+ +--------+ +-J---N--+ | * |K| 5 | | L | | | | |M| | +--------+ +--------+ Ursula is in the stupid back row again. Argh. Swap her to the front and equip her with the Green Beret. From the start, head north and follow the path as it curves east to exit A. Take the exit and go east a bit to an intersection. North is a save point. Go south a short bit and then east through the little notch in the path to reach chest #1, which holds a *COTTAGE*. Go back to the intersection by the save point and this time head east, where you'll find exit D. Take it. Here, you can go north or south (both the southern paths lead to the same spot). Take the north/east path to chest #2 for a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Then go back and take the southern paths to exit F. Follow the path east to chest 3, which has some *HELL CLAWS* in it. They increase Strength by 3 and can poison enemies and I consider these traits to be inferior to both Metal Knuckles and Faerie Claws, so let them rot in storage. From the chest, head south and follow the path as it curves west. You'll come to two exits. Take the upper one, exit G. You'll be in a straight east/west forest corridor. Keep going west and exit through exit E. You'll find yourself in a corridor below chest 1. Head west take exit C. If you'd like, you can head back to the save point before doing so, which is basically a straight shot north of exit C. After exiting through exit C, go straight east to reach chest 4 with a *RUNE ARMLET* which isn't really that good for Ursula or Yang since Power Armlets and such are strength-boosting. I let it rot in storage. We passed two south east paths when going to this chest. Take either of them to reach exit I and go through it. Immediately turn south through exit J. You'll find chest 5 here and it's got a boring *BRONZE HOURGLASS* inside. Head west through exit K. Keep going west and you'll come to exit L. Go through it. Follow the path around and you'll come across exit M. Go north first and save before going through this exit. After taking it, follow the path to exit N and go through. Examine the palm trees here for some Palm Oil and a boss fight! ___________________________________ ____Adamantoise__________________________/ Adamant Isle Forest - Boss | Yang | Tink tink tink away for one hp damage to the turtle per hit. After awhile it will do a triple attack that will knock all the Monks to 1 HP and leave Ursula alone. Using her amazing flashback cut scene powers, Ursula will learn Tenketsu, which will strike the turtle's weak spot and allow it to be damaged. Yang will show up at this point and the real fight will begin. Unless you're under-leveled you can go ahead and not heal the monks. They aren't that helpful in this fight. Immediately search for bands and Link Yang's attack with Ursula's new Tenketsu command to perform and learn the FIVE STAR CRIMSON PALM band, which will beat me if I don't capitalize it. This will do a lot of damage to the Adamantoise and Slow it, making this fight a breeze. From here, just mash the attack button until it is dead. You can also keep using the FIVE STAR CRIMSON PALM band. ______________________________________________________________________________ After the battle Ursula will officially learn Tenketsu and you will also auto- learn the Twin Wing Frenzy band for Yang and Ursula, which doesn't have a cool enough name for me to fully capitalize it. Now go and walk all the way out of the forest and hop on the ship for the ending scenes and credits. Yay! Watch the credits and Save your finish data and you're done with the main part of this tale. Be sure to save your finish data in a different slot than your main game finish data. __________________________________________ __________________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon [WYGYCD] | Yang | Reload your save, which positions you in the time-line of before you set out on the ship, outside Fabul. The weapon and armor shops stock the same things as the ship, so no need to repeat the end sequence of events unless you really want to. Find Namingway in the Fabul inn and say Yes to Challenge Dungeons! Yang's Challenge Dungeon is a very straightforward place. As you enter each new section, you'll walk through two hallways of high encounter rates and then reach a treasure chest room, where you can fight a Monster-in-a-Box for an item. Then you can take the left door, which take you through one or more hallways of high encounter rates before making you fight a monster battle and then you get to exit. Or you can take the right door to enter the next section of the dungeon. The fourth treasure room always gives out "Good" treasure, though the treasure, apart from the X-Potions, never repeats like in Kain's and Rydia's dungeons. The third treasure chest can sometimes give you a good treasure too. The escape hatch monsters are just any old random encounter you could get in the section, with the stipulation that you cannot run from them. _________________________________ ____Chamber 1______________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon | Yang | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Gigantoad, 2 Toadgre 6 Zombie | | 4 Zombie 2 Killer Fish, 2 Fangshell, 2 Amoeba | | 2 Tiny Mage, 4 Sahagin 4 Gigantoad | | 2 Killer Fish, 2 Fangshell 3 Gigantoad | \____________________________________________________________________/ | Monsters-in-a-Box | | Exit Hallways | |----------------------+ |---------------| | 1 Basilisk, 3 Goblin | | 1 | | 2 Gray Bomb, 4 Bomb | \_______________/ | 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin | | 4 Skeleton | \______________________/ Monsters here are so easy that you should either kick your way through them or just run. The chest here seems to only drop consumable items. _________________________________ ____Chamber 2______________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon | Yang | | Monsters | |----------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Soul, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | 2 Soul, 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant 1 Lilith | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant 2 Lilith | | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul 2 Ghoul, 2 Soul | \____________________________________________________/ | Monsters-in-a-Box | | Exit Hallways | |--------------------------------+ |---------------| | 2 Lilith | | 2 | | 1 Zu, 3 Cockatrice | \_______________/ | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul | | 2 Soul, 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant | | 2 Spirit, 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | \________________________________/ This is a great section to level grind up to 30 and I recommend staying here until then. On later runs I recommend running from all but the Liliths, as they can drop Silver Apples. The chest here seems to only drop consumable items. _________________________________ ____Chamber 3______________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon | Yang | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 Mors 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 3 Ogre 2 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 3 Cave Bat 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Gremlin | | 3 Soldieress 1 Black Knight, 2 Frostbeast | | 2 Black Knight 1 Black Knight, 2 Ice Lizard | | 2 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Frostbeast | | 2 Cait Sith, 2 Ogre 2 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre, 1 Cave Naga | | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ogre 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre | | 1 Cave Naga, 1 Ogre 1 Sorceress, 2 Frostbeast, 1 Soldieress | | 1 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat 1 Soldieress, 1 Ice Lizard, 1 Frostbeast | | 1 Succubus, 4 Cave Bat 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, 1 Black Knight | | 2 Gremlin, 2 Ice Lizard 1 Sorceress, 2 Black Knight, 1 Soldieress | | 1 Sorceress, 2 Soldieress | \________________________________________________________________________/ | Monsters-in-a-Box | | Exit Hallways | |---------------------------------------------+ |---------------| | 2 Black Knight | | 4 | | 1 Sorceress, 2 Soldieress | \_______________/ | 2 Black Knight, 2 Ice Lizard | | 1 Sorceress, 1 Ice Lizard, 1 Frostbeast | | 1 Sorceress, 2 Black Knight, 1 Soldieress | | 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, 1 Centaur Knight | \_____________________________________________/ At lower levels, back attacks can be lethal, but this is an excellent place to level grind to level 35+. Yang and Ursula should both be one-shotting things here, even on a Full Moon. Black Knights are the most damaging encounters, but overall, nothing is too hard. After you max out your levels, I recommend running from everything except the Ogres, which can drop Giant's Gloves and Cait Siths, which can drop Cat Claws. The chest here usually just drops consumables, but may drop one of the "Good" items that usually are found in the final chest. Once a Good drop is found in either place, it cannot be obtained again from a chest in here. _________________________________ ____Chamber 4______________________________/ Yang's Challenge Dungeon | Yang | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Naga 1 Mythril Golem | | 3 Coeurl 4 Goblin Captain | | 2 Coeurl 1 Lamia, 1 Mad Ogre | | 1 Chimera 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | 2 Chimera 2 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | 2 Mad Ogre 2 Storm Anima, 1 Lamia | | 3 Skulldier 3 Bloodbones, 2 Skulldier | | 4 Skulldier 2 Storm Anima, 2 Ghost Knight | | 2 Iron Back 1 Armadillo, 2 Magma Tortoise | | 2 Flamehound 1 Magma Tortoise, 2 Goblin Captain | | 1 Stone Golem 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Coeurl | | 1 Steel Golem 1 Steel Golem, 2 Skulldier, 2 Bloodbones | | 3 Ghost Knight 1 Lamia Matriarch, 1 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | \____________________________________________________________/ | Monsters-in-a-Box | | Exit Hallways | |-------------------------------+ |---------------| | 3 Coeurl | | 6 | | 4 Skulldier | \_______________/ | 3 Blood Bat, 3 Cave Bat | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre | \_______________________________/ I recommend being level 35+ for this section. You can still one-short many monsters, but some you'll have to defeat more slowly. You may need to swap in Ice Claws for the Flamehounds. All in all though, you should be able to handle things here, though watch out for Back Attacks from Skulldier groups. They can hurt. The chest here always gives a "Good" treasure, though you can get an X-Potion at any time. Once you have maxed your levels, I suggest running from everything except Mad Ogres and Coeurls as Giant's Gloves and Cat Claws are both awesome. Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Adamantite. * Black Belt Gi * Black Cowl * Cat Claws * Chakra Headband * Elixir * Hell Claws * Hyper Wrist * Rose Twine Dress * Silver Apple * Soma Drop * X-Potion (Can get multiples) I recommend the following Character Setup: Yang Ursula --------------- -------- Cat Claws Metal Knuckles Metal Knuckles Faerie Claws Chakra Headband Green Beret Black Belt Gi Rose Twine Dress Power Armlet Hyper Wrist This will give both of them awesome speed and 11x attack multipliers. With Giant's Gloves, Yang will have a 12x. Ideally you'll want two Cat claws and some Giant's Gloves on both characters, but that'll take a lot of farming. With two Cat Claws and a Black Cowl, Ursula will hit 12x attack too. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.6 Palom's Tale [PATL] )----------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. __________________ __________________________________________________________/ Contents | Palom | 1. Troia [WPATRA] 2. Tower of Trials [WPATOT] 3. Troia Waterway [WPATWW] 4. Loadstone Cavern [WPALSC] 5. Palom's Challenge Dungeon [WPAPCD] Watch the opening scenes on the ship and eventually you'll find yourself in southern Troia. _________________________________ ____________________________________________/ Southern Troia [WPATRA] | Palom | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Swordrat, 2 Goblin 3 Helldiver | | 4 Goblin 3 Goblin, 1 Swordrat | | 2 Floating Eye 1 Floating Eye, 2 Helldiver | | 3 Larva 3 Goblin | \_____________________________________________________/ Nothing too hard here. Just blast them away with spells. You'll have more than enough MP to take care of everything. From the ship, you'll want to head west across the nearby bridge. Ignore the tower to the south for now as you can't get in. After going across the bridge, travel northwest to a lighter patch of forest, which is a chocobo forest. Refill your MP by talking to a white chocobo and then catch a regular yellow one. Head north until you come to Troia, dismount, and enter the town. ____________________ ________________________________________________________/ Troia Town | Palom | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|-----------------------+|-------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Ice Rod 220 gil || Feathered Cap 330 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Flame Rod 380 gil || Wizard's Hat 700 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Thunder Rod 700 gil || Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Staff 160 gil || Ruby Ring 1000 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Healing Staff 408 gil || Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil || Dagger 300 gil || Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Tent 100 gil || Crossbow 700 gil |\_________________________/ | Cottage 500 gil || Holy Arrows 550 gil || Pub | \_______________________/\_______________________/|-------------------------+ | Treasure | | Member's Writ 10000 gil | |----------------------------------------------+ \_________________________/ | Dry Ether 1000 gil Ether Decoy Ether | | Inn | \______________________________________________/ |--------+ | 50 gil | \________/ Time to loot the town! Hop into the pond to the east and follow the stream to reach the northern pond. Climb out the stairs here and walk west through the trees to reach the bushes in the northwest. hidden in the grass here you can find a *DRY ETHER*, *1000 GIL*, an *ETHER* and a *DECOY*. Return to the main part of the town and pay a visit to the house in the northeast. Go downstairs to find the black chocobo pen. In the southeast corner, step east into the wall and immediately head south while you're still hidden behind the wall to enter a secret passage that curves south and west and all the way up to enter into the actual pen. Talk to the lady, who will ask you to say hello to everyone. Talk to all the chocobos and then talk to her again to receive an *ETHER*. Buy a Wizard's Hat and Silver Armlet, but keep them in your inventory for now. Feel free to wander around and talk to the townsfolk. When you're ready, exit the town and enter the castle. ______________________ ______________________________________________________/ Troia Castle | Palom | | Treasure| |-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hi-Potion Potion Echo Herbs Maiden's Kiss Phoenix Down | | Potion Antidote Gold Needle 300 gil | \___________________________________________________________________/ Before going about your business, let's loot the castle. Enter the castle proper and take the exit on the right-hand side. Walk down to the door and enter. You'll be confronted by three stairs down. Take the right staircase and search the top pot for a *HI-POTION*. Next, go down the middle staircase and step on the floor switch you'll find there to open the leftmost door. As you enter and exit the doors, others will open. Collect all eight chests to grab a *POTION*, another *POTION*, an *ANTIDOTE*, some *ECHO HERBS*, a *GOLD NEEDLE*, a *MAIDEN'S KISS*, *300 GIL*, and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Now, return to the main part of the castle and head north to enter the Epopts' chamber. After the lengthy scene, Leonora will join your part. Equip her with the Wizard's Hat and Silver Armlet you purchased earlier. If you want, you can fight around outside so you can buy a Flame and Thunder Rod and a Healing Staff, but it's not really necessary. Both Leonora and Palom can use bows, but stick with rods and staves as well. You may want to pick up a Crossbow anyway for Leonora to use later. You'll need to head south to the Tower of Trials, which you passed earlier, but there seems to be a river in the way. Talk about town should have revealed that there is a chocobo forest up north. Let's head that way. ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ Northern Troia | Palom | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Bomb 2 Spirit, 2 Skeleton | | 3 Cockatrice 3 Goblin, 1 Swordrat | | 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva 2 Spirit, 2 Bomb | | 1 Floating Eye, 2 Helldiver | \_____________________________________________________/ Monsters north of Troia are a bit harder but not too bad. You can gain some fast levels for Leonora fighting bombs and cockatrices if you wished. Head due north from Troia and you will reach the oddly colored forest that indicates a chocobo forest. Heal up with Leonora and talk to the white chocobo to be fully restored, then capture a yellow chocobo and head all the way south to reach the Tower of Trials, near the ship. __________________________________ ____1F____________________________________/ Tower of Trials [WPATOT] | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------+ |-------------+ | 4 Skeleton | | Ether | | 4 Red Mousse | | Gold Needle | | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton | | Echo Herbs | \__________________________/ \_____________/ Monsters here are weak to fire. Burn burn burn. When you enter, you'll get your first black magic lesson for Leonora. Just cast "Fire?" on the Fire Doll until it works. Grab the nearby chest for an *ETHER* and then head north up the passage on the right, following it as it curves west and then south. Take a step to the east here and a guardian will appear. Have Leonora cast "Fire?" on the Mini Red until it dies. Afterwards, she will learn Fire. Walk east a bit and check out the pot there to trigger a little scene in which you will find out it is an HP/MP recovery pot. This chapters is riddled with these things. Go ahead and recharge. Walk south from the pot, then west, grabbing the two treasure chests in a south room for a *GOLD NEEDLE* and some *ECHO HERBS*. Head back to the main path and go up the stairs to the north. _________________________ ____2F_____________________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 4 Red Mousse 5 Red Mousse | | Phoenix Down | | 3 Cockatrice 4 Skeleton | | Echo Herbs | | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton | \______________/ \______________________________/ Apart from the Cockatrices, the monsters here are again all weak to Fire, so go ahead and Fira away. By now you've found that Leonora is a horrible black mage, so keep her for healing and the occasional extra little firepower. You can Band Leonora's Black Magic with Palom's Bluff for the A Little Black Magic band attack, though it's not that useful in most cases (Random elemental spell, but usually doesn't do the -ara or -aga spells :(). The path here is straight forward. follow it as it curves around. Save at the north end of the curve if you wish, then continue on. Eventually it'll reach a slight fork. Grab the two chests there for a *PHOENIX DOWN* and *ECHO HERBS* then keep going on the main path. As you approach the stairs are the end, a guardian will attack. Just blast away the Mini Reds with two Fire spells and go up the stairs. _________________________ ____3F_____________________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 2 Bomb 2 Spirit, 2 Skeleton | | Phoenix Down | | 5 Red Mousse 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | | Holy Arrows | | 3 Cockatrice | | Tent | \______________________________________/ \______________/ Monsters here get annoying since Spirits and Souls absorb fire. Just break out the Blizzara and make due. You'll get your second black magic lesson for Leonora here. Just have Leonora cast "Blizzard?" on the Blizzard Doll until it works. Afterwards, follow the south path south, grabbing the chest in the side room for a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Keep going south into a larger room, then head east out of it, ignoring the north passage. After going east, head north, then east again. Take the south side passage to open two chests containing *HOLY ARROWS* and a *TENT*. if you bought a Crossbow for Leonora, equip it and give her the Holy Arrows as it'll help for the Spirit and Skeleton type enemies here. Head back out of the room and go north, then west. To the south you'll see a passage leading to some stairs. Ignore it for now and keep heading west, where you'll find an HP/MP restoring pot. Use it and then go up those stairs we just passed. _________________________ ____4F_____________________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton 5 Red Mousse | | Ether | | 2 Spirit, 2 Skeleton 3 Cockatrice | \____________/ | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | \__________________________________________/ More of the same, monster-wise. Bloodbones can hurt a bit, but still aren't much trouble. The path there is straightforward. Follow the path, saving at the save point at the way as desired. Keep following the path and grab the chest containing an *ETHER*. Then follow the path to the stairs. You'll have a guardian appear. Have Leonora Cast "Blizzard?" twice on the group of Mini Blues to kill them and learn Blizzard. Take the stairs to 5F. _________________________ ____5F_____________________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | | Healing Staff | | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice 4 Yellow Jelly | \_______________/ | 2 Skeleton, 2 Bloodbones 3 Bomb | \______________________________________________/ Nothing too exciting monster-wise. Use Thunder on the yellow jelly group to make short work of them. We'll start off with the last of Leonora's black magic lessons. As usual, cast "Thunder?" on the Thunder Doll until it works. The path here is also straightforward. Head south to a chest that holds a *HEALING STAFF*. If you're using staves for Leonora, give it to her, since it will restore ~30 HP to all characters when used as an item. Keep following the path and it'll eventually loop up to the north part of the floor where you'll find an HP/MP restoring pot and some stairs back down to 4F. Take them. _________________________ ____4F_____________________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Palom | | Treasure | |-------------------+ | Tent Echo Herbs | \___________________/ Follow the path until it forks. Ignore the east path for now and head south to grab two chests that hold a *TENT* and some *ECHO HERBS*. Head back to the east path and follow it to its end to reach a staircase back up to 5F. _________________________ ____5F_____________________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Palom | Follow the windy, linear path to its end and take the stairs to the sixth floor when you reach its end. _________________________ ____6F_____________________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice 2 Spirit, 2 Bomb | | Sage's Miter | | 3 Red Mousse, 2 Yellow Jelly 2 Gargoyle | \______________/ | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | \__________________________________________________/ For the mixed Red Mousse/Yellow Jelly groups, have Leonora cast Thunder on all while Palom casts Fire on all. Make sure Leonora hits second. Grab the nearby chest for a *SAGE'S MITER*, which is best given to Leonora at this point as it does not give as much Intellect as Palom's Wizard's Hat. There is also a save point as you go north. After that, just follow the long path to its end. Or almost. Shortly before its end is a side path that has an HP/MP restoring pot which you should use. Afterwards, head for the stairs at the end for a guardian battle with three Mini Yellows. As usual, have Leonora multicast "Thunder?" on them twice to kill them all. She'll learn Thunder. Head up the stairs. _________________________ ____7F_____________________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------+ |-----------------+ | 5 Yellow Jelly | | Hermes Sandals | | 1 Spirit, 2 Skeleton, 1 Bloodbones | | Cottage | | 3 Red Mousse, 3 Yellow Jelly | | Remedy | | 1 Spirit, 1 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | | Dry Ether | | 2 Gargoyle | | Decoy | | 3 Red Mousse, 2 Yellow Jelly | | Sage's Surplice | | 2 Spirit, 2 Bomb | \_________________/ \____________________________________/ Walk straight north and check out the monument to complete your quest in the tower. Afterwards, notice that there are four seemingly unreachable rooms in the four corners of this floor and two large rooms to the left and right. Walk into the western of these two large rooms and notice the four switches on the floor. Switches -------- Southeast : Opens southeast room. Southwest : Opens southwest room. Northeast : Opens northeast room. Northwest : Closes all rooms. Step on the southwest, southeast, and northeast switches to open their respective rooms. They contain: Southwest: *REMEDY* Southeast: *HERMES SANDALS*, *COTTAGE* Northeast: Nothing! Notice a crack in the floor of the northeast room. There is a secret passage here that'll take you over to the northwest room where you can grab a *DRY ETHER*, *DECOY*, and *SAGE'S SURPLICE* from the chests. Give the latter to Palom. You're done here, so head all the way back down the tower and back to Troia Castle to speak with the Epopts. _______________________________ _____________________________________________/ Troia Castle [WPATWW] | Palom | After speaking with the Epopts and such, Palom will be by himself in the infirmary. Go ahead and save if you'd like. After some scenes, you'll want to head up to the Epopts chambers and then grab the Earth Crystal from the Crystal Chamber. Pretty soon you're going to find yourself in a secret passage under the castle. ____________________________________ ________________________________________/ Troia Castle Escape Tunnel | Palom | | Treasure | |----------------------+ | Ice Arrows Cottage | \______________________/ Head east along the path and turn south at the bend. As you head south, take a moment to jog west through a secret passage, which can be found between the two sets of stairs in the southward path. You'll come to a room with two chests, containing *ICE ARROWS* and a *COTTAGE*. Return to the main path and go south, heading down the stairs at its end. You will find yourself in a stupidly small room. Take a few steps south and take the stairs there to enter the Troia Waterway. ________________________ ____Entrance________________________________________/ Troia Waterway | Palom | | Sundries | |----------------------------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil Diet Ration 100 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil Tent 100 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil Cottage 500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | \______________________________________________/ Talk to Namingway to buy some supplies and save here if you don't want to go through the scenes in the castle again should you somehow die in here. Once you're ready, head south and take the stairs to the first area. ________________________ ____B1______________________________________________/ Troia Waterway | Palom | | Monsters | |---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Splasher, 1 Devil's Castanet, 1 Killer Fish | | 4 Tiny Mage | | 2 Alligator, 2 Gigas Gator | | 2 Alligator | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Gigantoad | | 1 Killer Fish, 1 Splasher, 1 Electrofish, 1 Will Priest | \_______________________________________________________________/ | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Hi-Potion Lightning Arrows Great Bow Heavenly Wrath | \___________________________________________________________/ Lots of things here are weak to Lightning. Most fights will consist of casting Thundara with Palom and then cleaning up the remaining monsters. The gators are weak to Cold. The Electrofish absorbs Lightning, which is annoying, but just smack him with something else after the fact. Ricardo Mages can drop some annoying status effects, but they mostly die pretty quickly. Will Priests are Mindflayer palette-swaps and can drop the Mindflayer summon. Walk south from the entrance until you reach some stairs going down into the water. Take them down, and then work your way north through the water, going under a bridge and then climbing some stairs at the north end. Travel west from here, where you'll see a bridge to the west and some stairs to the south. Go south first. After going south a bit, you'll see some short stairs that go into the water. Ignore them from now and climb the stairs to their east, up onto a platform. From there, jaunt across the bridge and grab the chest there for a *HI-POTION*. Return to those short stairs that lead into the water. Go south through the water and then east. At the end you'll find some short stairs up to a platform with chests containing *LIGHTNING ARROWS* and a *GREAT BOW*. If you aren't using a bow and arrows with Leonora, I recommend you do so now. Swap between Ice and Lightning Arrows depending on if you are attacking gators or other things. She's good for finishing off Ricardo Mages and Will Priests. Remember that bridge to the west we ignored awhile back? Return there and head west across it. Pick up the chest here for a *HEAVENLY WRATH* and then head all the way south, where you'll find the stairs to the next floor and a pot that will restore your HP and MP. Take the stairs to the next area. ________________________ ____B2______________________________________________/ Troia Waterway | Palom | | Monsters | |---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Flood Worm, 3 Splasher | | 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Splasher, 1 Devil's Castanet, 1 Killer Fish | | 1 Killer Fish, 1 Splasher, 1 Electrofish, 1 Will Priest | | 2 Splasher, 2 Electrofish | | 1 Gigas Gator, 2 Splasher | | 2 Hydra | \_______________________________________________________________/ | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Hi-Potion Arctic Wind Ether Remedy Bacchus's Wine Phoenix Down | \__________________________________________________________________________/ Nothing too much trouble. Most of the same enemies with a few new ones. The Flood Worms can be a bit damaging, but after a Palom Thundara and some Lightning Arrows to the face, it'll die pretty easy. They can drop Silver Apples, so be on the lookout for those. Hydras can hit hard, but die easily enough to Lightning. From the start, take a few steps south. Ignore the bridge to the south and hug the wall while heading east. Bear north to two chests containing a *HI-POTION* and an *ARCTIC WIND*. You cannot reach the nearby bridge or stairs from here, so head back to the beginning and go south across the bridge we ignored to reach an island. Then south across another bridge to another island. From there, head east across a bridge to an island and grab the chest there for an *ETHER*. Go south across the bridge and then follow the path, grabbing a *REMEDY*, *BACCHUS'S WINE*, and *PHOENIX DOWN* from chests along the way until you reach another bridge. Go north across this bridge, then west to an island, and take the short stairs down into the water. Take a few steps east and then go north, under a bridge. Go up the short stairs in front of you, head east, and go south across a bridge to a largish island. From there, head east across the bridge and then go north to the exit of this floor. You'll find a save point there that you can use to recover, then head up the stairs to the next floor. ________________________ ____B3______________________________________________/ Troia Waterway | Palom | | Monsters | |---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Flood Worm, 3 Splasher | | 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Splasher, 1 Devil's Castanet, 1 Killer Fish | | 2 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | 1 Killer Fish, 1 Splasher, 1 Electrofish, 1 Will Priest | | 2 Splasher, 2 Electrofish | | 1 Gigas Gator, 2 Splasher | \_______________________________________________________________/ | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tent Rune Armlet Echo Herbs Lilith's Kiss Cottage Spider Silk | \_________________________________________________________________________/ Same ol' same ol' for the monsters. Just do what you've been doing. Walk north across the bridge and then up some stairs. Head northeast, passing a short staircase to grab the chest containing a *TENT*. Go back and climb up those stairs onto a platform, then travel west across a bridge. Head west a bit and notice that there is a staircase leading down to the water to your south, and a bridge to your north. Take the northern bridge for now and follow the path to a chest containing a *RUNE ARMLET*, which should be given to Palom immediately to improve his Intellect. Return to the fork and take the stairs south into the water. Notice the two rocks by the east wall. Walk between them and follow a secret passage all the way east (you'll pass under the bridge you crossed at the beginning of this area) and into a room that has chests with *ECHO HERBS*, a *LILITH'S KISS*, and a *COTTAGE*. Now exit the secret passage and follow the water west, then north and then eastward. Near its end, you'll see two sets up stairs that lead up to a chest holding a *SPIDER SILK*. After grabbing that, continue to follow the water until you reach the stairs to the next area. ________________________ ____B4______________________________________________/ Troia Waterway | Palom | | Monsters | |---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Flood Worm, 3 Splasher | | 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Splasher, 1 Devil's Castanet, 1 Killer Fish | | 2 Alligator, 1 Gigas Gator | | 1 Killer Fish, 1 Splasher, 1 Electrofish, 1 Will Priest | | 2 Splasher, 2 Electrofish | | 1 Gigas Gator, 2 Splasher | \_______________________________________________________________/ | Treasure | |--------------------------+ | Phoenix Down Ruby Ring | \__________________________/ More of the same monsters here. Move along, move along. Follow the path into the water and climb up the nearby sets of stairs. Ignore the bridge here for now and go east to grab a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Go back and across the bridge. Ignore the stairs that lead down to the water for now, and head up the stairs to the west to grab a *RUBY RING* from a chest, which should immediately be placed in your inventory and forgotten about. Go down the stairs into the water and head east then north to reach some sets of stairs that lead out of this place. You'll be outside the castle. Read the dialogue and exit. ____________________ ________________________________________________________/ Troia Town | Palom | | Weaponsmith| | Pub | | Treasure | |---------------------------+ |--------------------------+ |-----------------+ | Psycho Spiral 2000 gil | | Member's Writ 10000 gil | | Lustful Lali-ho | | Great Bow 2000 gil | \__________________________/ | Black Tail | | Fire Arrows 500 gil | | King's Bounty Pub | \_________________/ | Ice Arrows 500 gil | |--------------------------+ | Lightning Arrows 500 gil | | Member's Card 50000 gil | \___________________________/ \__________________________/ | Armorer | | Queen's Bounty Pub | |--------------------------+ |--------------------------+ | Sage's Miter 2000 gil | | Queen's Whip 6800 gil | | Sage's Surplice 1200 gil | | Queen's Tights 6800 gil | | Rune Armlet 2000 gil | | Queen's Mask 3500 gil | \__________________________/ | Queen's Gloves 5800 gil | | VIP Card 99999 gil | \__________________________/ Enter the town to find that two new NPCs have been added to the weapon and armor shops: the white Mage in the Armor Shop and the old granny in the Weaponsmith. The other vendors are still there. Buy things so that Palom has a Wizard's Hat, Sage's Surplice, and Rune Armlet and Leonora has a Sage's Miter, Sage's Surplice, and Rune Armlet. You could give Palom a Sage's Miter, but it'll lower his Intellect. Buy a Psycho Spiral for Leonora and maybe some Fire Arrows to complete your set. From now on it's usually best to give Leonora a Staff (the Psycho Spiral) to improve her Spirit for healing, but feel free to swap back to the bow in battle as needed. A lady by the entrance inside the Pub sells Member's Writs for 10000 gil. Yeouch! You probably have enough for it now. This will let the NPC by the north wall open a secret passage if you show it to him. Take the secret passage down to the King's Bounty Pub and talk to the NPC at the desk to watch the horrifying show. Palom will have 1 HP afterwards. Enter the dressing room and open the chest there for a *LUSTFUL LALI-HO*. Do not show this to Leonora or you will lose it. The dancer in her sells Member's Cards for 50000 gil. You probably don't have that much yet, but don't worry. This all can be done at the end of the tale. With the Member's Card in hand, talk to the NPC by the southeast wall and show him it to gain access to the Queen's Bounty Pub. Talk to the NPC at the western desk to start the much less horrifying show. Afterwards, there are two dancers in the right-hand dressing room that sell things. You *must* but the Queen's Whip in this tale since it is the only whip Leonora can equip and she needs a whip to use a band in a later tale. The other Queen's gear gives a lot of status protection but not too much defense. Buy it if you'd like. In the left-hand dressing room, a dancer sells VIP Cards for 99999 gil, which is the limit for this tale. With the VIP Card in hand, talk to the NPC at the eastern desk to open the way to The Immortal, the final secret bar. Watch the show here and afterwards grab the chest that appears on the way out to snag the *BLACK TAIL*. Talk around town and from the earlier cut scenes should give you the idea that you can catch a black chocobo now at the northern chocobo forest, so head up that way. _________________________________ ___________________________________________/ Chocobo Forest [WPALSC] | Palom | Trek up to the forest and speak to a black chocobo to catch it. The next sequence of events is automated; no full world map access for you! After the cut scene, you'll find yourself in the Lodestone Cavern. __________________________ ____B1____________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Cave Naga, 1 Lamage 2 Cait Sith | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Needlehog 3 Cave Bat | | Echo Herbs | | 1 Lamage, 2 Ettin Snake 2 Mindflayer | \____________/ \____________________________________________/ Monsters here are more powerful, but just use your -ara spells and things will continue to be fine. Use Fira on the bats and Heal with Leonora as needed. I STRONGLY recommend spending enough time in this dungeon to have Palom reach level 30, where he learns Bio. Bio is a must have for the challenge dungeon and it really makes this place easy too since it does the most damage and is instacast. From the start, head east across the bridge, ignoring the south bridge in the center of the bridge to continue easy to a platform with an HP/MP recovery pot and a chest containing a *HI-POTION*. Feel free to make frequent trips back to this pot to recover. Head back and take the south bridge we ignored to reach a large ledge. Go east then south across a bridge to another ledge, then west across a bridge to yet another ledge, this one with a staircase leading down to the next floor. Grab the chest near the stairs for some *ECHO HERBS* and then take the stairs. __________________________ ____B2____________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Palom | | Monsters - Cavern | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Needlehog | | Ether | | 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Will Priest, 1 Lamage | | Ether | | 1 Lamage, 2 Ettin Snake | | Circlet | | 1 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat | \____________/ | 2 Mindflayer | | 1 Cave Naga, 1 Lamage | | 2 Cait Sith | \________________________________________/ | Monsters - Treasure Room | |----------------------------------------+ | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Flood Worm, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Lamage | | 2 Mindflayer | | 2 Cait Sith | | 1 Lamage, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Will Priest, 1 Lamage | | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Cave Naga | \________________________________________/ Cait Sith counter physical attacks. You shouldn't be physically attacking here though, so that's not a problem. Continue to -ara spell things to death. Head west from the start, ignoring the passage to the north, which you should pass. When you can't go west anymore, head north and grab a chest containing an *ETHER*. From there, head east to an intersection. This is where that north path we ignored would have taken you. From here, go all the way north, and then east to a door. Enter it and grab the two chests in this treasure room for an *ETHER* and a *CIRCLET*. Equip the Circlet on Palom as it will further boost his Intellect. Exit the treasure room and go all the way west to find the stairs down to the next floor. __________________________ ____B3____________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Palom | | Monsters - Cavern | | Sundries | |----------------------------------------+ |--------------------------+ | 2 Cait Sith | | Potion 30 gil | | 2 Lamage, 1 Ricardo Mage | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | 1 Cait Sith, 1 Cave Naga | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | 1 Flood Worm, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Lamage | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | 2 Mindflayer | | Diet Ration 100 gil | | 2 Needlehog, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Lamage | | Tent 100 gil | | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Cave Naga | | Cottage 500 gil | \________________________________________/ \__________________________/ | Monsters - Treasure Room | | Armorer | |----------------------------------------+ |--------------------------+ | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog | | Sage's Miter 2000 gil | | 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Will Priest, 1 Lamage | | Sage's Surplice 1200 gil | | 2 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat | | Ruby Ring 1000 gil | | 1 Flood Worm, 2 Cait Sith | | Rune Armlet 2000 gil | | 2 Needlehog, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Lamage | \__________________________/ | 2 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | Treasure | | 1 Will Priest, 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Hydra | |--------------------------+ \________________________________________/ | Cottage | | Monsters - Recovery Room | | Spider Silk | |----------------------------------------+ | Bronze Hourglass | | 1 Will Priest, 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Hydra | | Polymorph Rod | | 2 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | \__________________________/ | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog | | 1 Flood Worm, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Lamage | | 2 Lamage, 1 Ricardo Mage | | 2 Needlehog, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Lamage | | 2 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat | \________________________________________/ Enter the door near the start for a save point. You can buy some supplies from Namingway here if you need anything. Exit the save room and head south on the bridge. Follow it to a platform with a door. Enter the door and grab the three chests in the treasure room for a *COTTAGE*, some *SPIDER SILK* and a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*. Exit the room and head west. Travel across a bridge and then head north through the center of all the archways and through the door at the end. Grab the chest in this recovery room for a *POLYMORPH ROD* and use the pot for some HP/MP recovery. When you're ready, head down the stairs at the west end of the room. Oh, and equip the Polymorph Rod on Palom, naturally. __________________________ ____B4____________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Palom | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------+ | 1 Will Priest, 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cave Naga | | 2 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Will Priest, 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Hydra | | 1 Flood Worm, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Lamage | | 2 Cait Sith, 1 Ricardo mage, 1 Cave Naga | | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Cave Naga | | 2 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat | | 2 Lamage, 1 Ricardo Mage | \__________________________________________/ Head west and try to cross the bridge to become befuddled by some fog. Leonora will show you the way. Go down the stairs to which she leads you. __________________________ ____B5____________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | Mage's Robe | | 1 Will Priest, 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Hydra | | Hermes Sandals | | 1 Flood Worm, 1 Cait Sith, 1 Lamage | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Cait Sith, 1 Ricardo mage, 1 Cave Naga | | Soma Drop | | 2 Needlehog, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Lamage | \________________/ | 2 Cait Sith, 2 Needlehog | \__________________________________________/ You have your choice of an east or west bridge to cross here. Go west first and follow it around to a dead end and a chest containing a *MAGE'S ROBE*. Give this to Palom for Intellect-boosting power. Now head back across the east bridge and follow it to a little platform. Ignore the bridge to the west for now and walk straight north over an invisible bridge to reach a chest containing *HERMES SANDALS*. Go back to that west bridge we just ignore and head west. When you reach the fork, ignore the south path as it is a dead end. Go north and follow it to a ledge. Ignore the stairs and grab the chest at the northwest part of the ledge for a *HI-POTION*. There is an invisible bridge at the northeast peninsula of the ledge that goes north and then east to a chest containing a *SOMA DROP*. I recommend giving this to Palom as more Palom MP = more battles you can win before needing to rest. Go back to the ledge and then up the stairs on it. __________________________ ____B4____________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Palom | | Treasure | |------------+ | Dry Ether | \____________/ Oh no, soldiers! Go east across a set of bridges to a reach a room that has a save point and an HP/MP recovery pot. Then exit the save room and go north after crossing back over the bridges. Loop around the rock with the door to reach a chest with a *DRY ETHER* and then enter the door to reach the Crystal Chamber. __________________________ ____Crystal Room__________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Palom | Walk up and place the crystal on the podium. Unfortunately the magic of the crystal being replaced will revive the Dark Elf you beat way back in the original game. Oops! _________________________________ ____Dark Elf_______________________________/ Lodestone Cavern - Boss | Palom | Pound his first form with Bio (or Fira if you don't have Bio). Leonora should cast Slow on the Dark Elf as soon as possible. Eventually he'll transform into the Dark Dragon. Once he changes, you won't be able to damage him. Put up a Shell or four and sit tight so that you can survive until, mysteriously, Shiva appears and wastes the Dark Dragon. Huh. ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ ____Crystal Room__________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Palom | Watch the length cutscene and you'll eventually gain control of Leonora in the nearby save room. Have her run back to the Crystal Room and watch some more scenes before getting into a fight with the Mysterious Girl and Learning the Particle Bomb band, which is quite awesome. _________________________________ ____Mysterious Girl & Shiva________________/ Lodestone Cavern - Boss | Palom | Take some time to listen to the Mysterious Girl + Boss Music remix, as it is pretty nice. Smack her around with Particle Bomb or whatever you want. You'll eventually be defeated automatically, which will transition to the final cut scenes for this tale. ______________________________________________________________________________ Watch the credits and Save your finish data and you're done with the main part of this tale. Be sure to save your finish data in a different slot than your main game finish data. ____________________________________________ ________________________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon [WPAPCD] | Palom | Reload your save, which will put you in Troia. You can repeat the end sequence of events by going to the north chocobo forest and catching a black chocobo. You can also still do that stuff with the pub memberships to eventually get a Black Tail and the Queen's gear. Find Namingway in the northern part of Troia and say Yes to go to the Challenge Dungeon. Palom's Challenge Dungeon consists of an Entrance Floor, three randomly-chosen floors, and the Last Floor. Nothing special on the entrance floor. I'll cover all the possible intermediate floors one by one. Remember, you can get any three of them in any order. You will never get a repeat on any given trip. List of Floors Bridge Floor [WPACD1] Convoy Floor [WPACD2] Flan Floor [WPACD3] Flashback Floor [WPACD4] Magic Floor [WPACD5] Maze Floor [WPACD6] Mountain Floor [WPACD7] Perplexion Floor [WPACD8] Strength Floor [WPACD9] Strongarm Floor [WPACDA] Town Floor [WPACDB] Last Floor [WPACDL] Blade Dragon [WPACDX] ___________________________________ ____Bridge Floor [WPACD1]________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Gigantoad, 2 Toadgre | | Decoy | | 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice | | Bestiary | | 2 Lamia | | Dry Ether | | 2 Lamage, 1 Ricardo Mage | | White Fang | | 2 Lilith | \____________/ | 2 Sahagin, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Gigantoad | \________________________________________/ This is a pretty easy floor. You should have a feeling for how to kill most of these things. The only hard monster group is the Lamia group. Use Break on the entire group for an easy win. Do not physically attack them as they will counter with Entice, which confuses you. As you have two characters, confusion is very very bad. From the start, head all the way to the east. You'll pass a southbound bridge along the way. At the end of the eastern bridge path is a chest containing a *DECOY*. Head back to that southbound bridge and take it. Go all the way south, then west to a T-intersection. The west path is obviously a dead-end, so head all the way south. You will pass an eastbound path while doing so. Once you are all the way south, go west to a ledge. Grab the chest here for a *BESTIARY*. Return to the eastbound path we just ignored and take it all the way to its end. You'll pass a southbound path along the way. At the eastern end, you can go north or south. North is a dead end, so go south. Take the side passage to the east and follow this to another ledge where you can find a chest containing a *DRY ETHER* amidst some crates. Return to the spot where you diverted onto this side passage and finish going south. From here, go all the way west, then south to a ledge. Go east across a series of bridges and ledges until you end up on a ledge with a staircase, which is the exit of this floor. North of the stairs is a chest containing a *WHITE FANG*. Exit the floor via the staircase. ___________________________________ ____Convoy Floor [WPACD2]________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------+ |--------------- | | 2 Hydra | | Gaia Drum | | 2 Fell Turtle, 2 Ice Lizard | | Cross | | 1 Flood Worm, 3 Electrofish | | Gold Needle | | 2 Gigas Gator | | Ether | | 1 Flood Worm, 3 Splasher | | Bronze Hourglass | | 4 Mors | \__________________/ | 4 Toadgre | \_____________________________/ Another easy floor. You should know how to deal with the fishy types. At this point, it's also possible for Leonora to kill the gators with Blizzard. Mostly you just need to spam Bio on the Fell Turtle/Ice Lizard and Mors groups. This place is a maze of bridges and ships. From the first ship, you have a choice of three bridges to take. For now, take the sole bridge on the west side. This'll take you to a small ship to the south of the first one. From there, take a bridge east to another ship where you can grab a *GAIA DRUM* from a chest. Return to the first ship. Take the southern or the two eastern bridges and follow it. At the fork in the bridge, go south. The east path is a dead end. The southern bridge route will take you to a ship where you can find a chest containing a *CROSS*. From that ship, keep going east until you come to a large ship on the east side of the map. You can see the exit from here, as well as two chests. You cannot reach the northern chest or the stairs from here, but you can grab the southern chest for a *GOLD NEEDLE*. Return to the first ship. This time, take the northern of the two eastern bridges, which will take you to a smaller ship. From here, go east across a bridge to a very large ship. Head south on the deck and work your way through the crates to its eastern side. From there, head north where you'll find a chest containing an *ETHER* and two bridges that both head east. Ignore the northern one for now and take the southern of the two eastern bridges to the large ship where the stairs and that other chest were. You still can't reach the stairs, but you can open the chest for a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*. Go back to the bridge we ignored. Now take the northern of the two bridges that were by the Ether chest, and head east. at the fork, go north and follow it to a ship in the northeast corner of the map. Go east to a bridge here, which will turn south and eventually take you to the eastern side of the ship that had the stairs. You can finally reach the stairs, so do so and exit the floor. ___________________________________ ____Flan Floor [WPACD3]__________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Red Mousse, 2 Purple Bavarois, 1 Yellow Jelly | | 5 Red Mousse | | 1 Red Mousse, 1 White Mousse, 1 Purple Bavarois, 1 Yellow Jelly | | 4 Purple Bavarois | | 3 Red Mousse, 3 Yellow Jelly | | 3 Red Mousse, 2 Yellow Jelly | \_________________________________________________________________/ | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ | Ether Bomb Crank Elixir 5000 gil | \________________________________________/ This floor is full of Flans! Red Mousse and Purple Bavarois are weak to fire. In groups that mix the two, use Fire or Fira first with Palom and finish off anything that lives with Leonora's Thunder or Fire (depending). In the group with the White Mousse, just use Bio on everything. An easy floor. From the start, go east, then north and then west. Go south into the furnished room and search the top pot on the west wall for an *ETHER*, then continue south into the corridor. Travel west down the corridor, noting the cracked floor. at that point, you can go south into a secret passage. Find the northeast corner of the passage, face north, and search there for a *BOMB CRANK* before returning to your western jaunt through the corridor. Follow the path as it swings up to an apparently dead-end room on the north edge of the map. Again, note the crack in the floor. Stand there and go west through a secret passage to another small room. Next, stand at the north edge of the room and walk east through a secret passage to a room with a clock. Search the clock for a shout out to Final Fantasy 6: an *ELIXIR*. Take one step south of the north wall and walk west through another secret passage to another small room. Exit this room to the south, and go west in the corridor, as the east path is a dead-end. When you can, go south to reach a room full of pillars. In the northwest corner of this room is a secret passage that leads north to the room in the northwest of the map. You can grab *5000 GIL* from the chest there. Return to the pillar room and work your way east through the pillars and down a corridor to reach the stairs, which are the exit to the floor. ___________________________________ ____Flashback Floor [WPACD4]_____________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | The dark blue square tile here is an HP/MP recovery tile and the white circle is an exit to the dungeon should you for some reason need to prematurely exit. The game will prompt you if you want to exit so don't worry about accidentally stepping on it. Walk north through the door to exit the floor. ___________________________________ ____Magic Floor [WPACD5]_________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Spirit, 1 Bloodbones, 1 Soul, 1 Ricardo Mage | | Mythril Staff | | 4 Tiny Mage | | Soma Drop | | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | \_______________/ | 1 Sorceress, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Lamage | | 1 Will Priest, 1 Mindflayer, 1 Cave Naga | | 2 Mindflayer | | 1 Lamage, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Flood Worm | \________________________________________________/ Nothing too hard here. Sorceresses can slow you, which is annoying if then a Ricardo Mage silences you, but overall everything should die stupidly fast here, especially if you are recklessly tossing Bio spells about. From the start, go east or west and loop around to the top. Go north into the hallway. Go east to reach a dead end and a chest containing a *MYTHRIL STAFF* which can be given to Leonora if you want. It can cure status ailments when used as an item, but it otherwise the same spirit boost as the Psycho Spiral, which casts Confuse. Go back to the top of the floor and travel west this time and follow the path all the way around to a chest containing a *SOMA DROP* and the stairs that are the exit to the floor. I recommend giving the Soma Drop to Palom since your firepower is used more quickly than your healing. ___________________________________ ____Maze Floor [WPACD6]__________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Zombie, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant 3 Skulldier | | 2 Black Knight 1 Bloodbones, 3 Skeleton | | 1 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat 2 Black Knight, 1 Skulldier | | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul 2 Lilith | \______________________________________________________________/ Use Fira on the undead groups to kill them. The dangerous groups here are the 3 Skulldier group and anything with Black Knights. If you get back attacked by either, you'll want to just run and heal afterwards. Use Fira on the 3 Skulldier group and make sure you cast Cura with Leonora to keep the group alive while you cast Fira. The Black Knights are easily dispatched with a multi-cast Bio. Instead of describing how to get through this floor, here's a map instead. The @'s are rocks, the !'s are recovery pots, and the * and X are the start and exit, respectively. #'s are parts of rock walls. ASCII art is horrible for scale, so it's all stretched vertically in appearance, but should get the idea across. _________________________________ /@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @\ |@!@@ @@@ @@ @ @@ @@@@@ @| |@ @@ @@ @ @ @@ @@ ## #| |@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @ @@@ @@@@ ##X#| |@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @ @@@ @@@ ####| |@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@ ####| |@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@@ ####| |@ @@@ @@@ @@##@@ @@@@@@@@ @###| |@ @@@@@@@@ @@##@@ @@@@@ @@!#| |@@ @@ @ @@ @##@@@ @@@ @| |@@ @@ @@ @ @ @##@@ @@@@@@@ @@| |@@ @@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@| |@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@| |@ @ @@@@@@@@ @@ @ @@ @@@ @@@| |@ @@ @@@@@ @@ @@@ @ @@@@ @@| |@ @@@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@ @@ @@ @| |@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @ @@ @| |@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @ @ @@ @ @| |@ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@ @@| |@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@ @ @@@ @| |@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@ @@ @| |@@@@@ @@@ @ @@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@ @| |@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @ @@ @| |@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @ ###@ @ @@@@ @| |@ @ @@ @@@@@ @###@0 @ @ @ @| |@ * @@ @@ @@@@@ @@###@@@@ @| |@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@###@@ @@@@@| |@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @| |@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ | \@@@@@@_______________________@@__@/ ___________________________________ ____Mountain Floor [WPACD7]______________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 1 Black Knight, 2 Frostbeast | | 3000 gil | | 1 Gil Bird [999 gil] | | Mystic Veil | | 1 Gil Bird [9999 gil] (Full Moon) | \_____________/ | 2 Ogre, 1 Will Priest | | 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Ogre, 1 Lamage | | 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, 1 Black Knight | \___________________________________________/ Monsters here are fairly tough. Use Break on the groups with Ogres to kill them quickly. Black Knight groups should go down with Bio and Gil Birds will annoy you mildly and then fly off. The easier of the two Gil Birds gives 999 gil and the harder of the two gives 9999 gil. You can defeat them with a general pattern of Leonora Slows them, Palom Casts Bio, and then they Band up to cast Particle Bomb. usually the birds just fly off though. Full Moon helps for defeating them. From the start, go north up the stairs, then a few steps west and then start heading south, passing under the bridge. You should see stairs near you. Climb up them, then follow the ledge to a second set of stairs to a ledge that has a chest containing *3000 GIL*. Go back down both sets of stairs and travel around the rock formation you just climbed down so that you are heading south, just to the west of it. You'll soon see a set of stairs. Climb them onto a ledge, head east, and then climb down the stairs there. Head north to some stairs, climb them to a ledge, go west to more stairs and climb them to another ledge. The large bridge will now be to the west, and the exit to the floor a short jaunt east. Go across the large bridge to a ledge, then south to some stairs up to a smaller ledge. Here, you can take a long bridge south to a ledge. In the southeast corner of this ledge is a chest containing a *MYSTIC VEIL*, which is the best headgear for Leonora. This should boost her speed enough so that she is now faster than Palom as well as giving her a large boost to Intellect and Spirit. Nice! Go back across both bridges and walk a bit east to reach the exit of the floor. ___________________________________ ____Perplexion Floor [WPACD8]____________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Goblin Captain, 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Gray Bomb | | Tent | | 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Gremlin | | Coeurl Whisker | | 2 Ogre, 1 Lamia | | Unicorn Horn | | 3 Balloon | | Potion | | 1 Soldieress, 1 Black Knight | \________________/ | 4 Blood Bat | \___________________________________________/ Hard monsters here. Anything with Ogres, Mad Ogres, or Lamias should get Break casted on the whole group. Everything else will die to multi-cast Bio. Keep healed and leave Mad Ogres in the back row to avoid getting hit hard. This is another floor best told in ASCII form. The @'s are rocks, #'s are parts of rock walls, and the * and X are the start and exit, respectively. Numbers are chests. __________________________________ | @ 3## @ *| 1: Tent | ## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ##### | 2: Coeurl Whisker | ## ## ## ## ########@## ## ##### | 3: Unicorn Horn | ## ## ##@## ######## ## ## ##### | 4: Potion | @@ @@ @ @ | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ##@## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ##@## ## ## ## ## | | @ @ @ ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ##@##@##@## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##@## | |@ @ @ @ @ 1@ | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ##@## ## ##@## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##@## ## ## | | ## ##@## ## ##@## ## ## ## ## ## | | @ @ @ @ | |###4## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | |###@## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | |###@## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## | | ## @ 2 @ ## @ @ | | ## ## ## ## ##### ## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ##### ## ##@## ## | |X## ##@## ## ##@##### ## ## ## ##@| |###___________________@@__________| ___________________________________ ____Strength Floor [WPACD9]______________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------+ |------------------+ | 3 Ogre | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Centaur Knight | | Killer Bow | | 2 Black Knight | | Silver Hourglass | | 2 Cait Sith, 2 Needlehog | \__________________/ | 2 Cait Sith, 2 Ogre | | 2 Gigas Gator | \__________________________/ Break any groups with Ogres (Though the group of 3 Ogres might be able to be killed by a single Bio spell, depending on your levels and Intellect) and Bio the other groups. You might want to run from a Black Knight back attack, but anything else can be handled without too much difficulty. From the start, walk up a bit and walk west, behind the second pillar on the right. when you can, go south and then east to the chest you could see from the start to grab a *HI-POTION*. Return to the central hall and go all the way north to find a chest with a *KILLER BOW*, which would be good if we wanted Leonora to use a bow, but is otherwise pretty not that useful now, unless you've been swapping in and out with the staves during battles. From this chest, go south for a short bit, then walk east and find the widest section of wall in the east. In the middle of this is a secret passage that leads northeast to the northeastern corridor. Once there, go north to find a chest that contains a *SILVER HOURGLASS*. Return to the chest where you found the Killer Bow. Walk a bit west then go north through the first passage you come across. Then go east to find the stairs that lead out of this floor. ___________________________________ ____Strongarm Floor [WPACDA]_____________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Ogre | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Storm Anima, 1 Lilith | | Lilith's Kiss | | 1 Skulldier, 1 Bloodbones, 1 Steel Golem | | Cottage | | 1 Cait Sith, 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Mad Ogre | | Silver Apple | | 2 Ironback | \_______________/ | 3 Skulldier | | 1 Ogre, 1 Mad Ogre | | 2 Ghost Knight, 1 Ogre | \__________________________________________/ The strongest monsters come out in force in this floor. Cast Break on any groups with Ogres or Mad Ogres and Use Fira on any groups with Skulldiers; you can finish off survivors with Bio. Eventually you can Bio groups of Skulldiers instead of the slower Fira. Skulldier back attacks are best run from. Every other group can have Bio cast on it to defeat them quick, though sometimes they might take two Bios. Don't be afraid to run. From the start, head all the way east, ignoring the northern pass near the beginning. At the end of the east path is a chest with a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Return to that northern path we ignored. Go north, ignoring a dead-end eastern side passage. The path will curve east then north, where there is a fork in the road. Take the northwest/west path to a chest with a *LILITH'S KISS*, then take the east/northeast path. It will curve south, then southwest, where you'll find a fork. Ignore the south passage for now, and go east. This will curve north and then dump you at a north/south intersection. Go south for a chest with a *COTTAGE* and then north for a chest with a *SILVER APPLE*. It's a bit of a mixed bag on who to give this to. Leonora has less HP, but without Palom you can't win fights. I gave mine to Palom. Return to that southern passage we ignored a bit ago, and go south. The path will curve east and at it's eastern end you have a choice of two northern passages. Take the easternmost of the two as the other is a dead end. Follow this all the way north and then east to the stairs that exit the floor. ___________________________________ ____Town Floor [WPACDB]__________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Lamia, 1 Ogre | | X-Potion | | 2 Ogre, 1 Lamia | | Blue Fang | | 1 Cait Sith, 1 Coeurl, 1 Lamia | | Silent Bell | | 2 Medusa, 1 Mad Ogre | | Spider Silk | | 1 Sorceress, 1 Ricardo Mage, 1 Mad Ogre | | Ruby Ring | | 1 Coeurl, 1 Naga, 1 Medusa | | Hermes Sandals | | 1 Medusa, 1 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | 6800 gil | \_________________________________________/ \________________/ Monsters here are pretty tough. Cast Break on groups containing Ogres, Lamias, or Mad Ogres and Bio on the other groups. Use Bio to finish off any non-Mad Ogre survivors. This is a good floor to grind out some levels on as the Exp is good and there is a healing well here. It is, however, quite a maze of a floor! Start out by traveling east, then north, then west, then north on the road. From here, travel down the eastern road to an apparent dead end. Go south into the grass and search at the end for an *X-POTION*. Go back west and go north. You'll see a building with little notches in the road at its west and north sides. There is a secret passage connecting the two, so enter from the west and then go north to be on the north end. Follow the road as it moves southeast and you'll eventually come to a well. This well (and only this one!) will restore your HP and MP when you search it. Notice the little grassy area to the northeast of the well? Search the grass at its eastern edge for a *BLUE FANG*. Take the road to the east of the well and follow it almost to its eastern edge, where you can go south into a building, then west inside the building. Search at the western edge inside for a *SILENT BELL*, then return to the road. Go north and you'll come across two pots. Search them both to snag a *SPIDER SILK* and a *RUBY RING*. On the southern bit of the building immediately to the west is a secret passage. Travel west through it, then follow the road nearby as it goes north. Go all the way north on the road, ignoring an eastern side road for now. At the north end of the road, go all the way east and grab a *HERMES SANDALS* from the pot, then go all the way west and grab *6800 GIL* from the pot there. Go to that eastern side road I mentioned earlier in this paragraph and take it. Shortly before you reach a well you can go south through a tunnel in a building. From here, follow the road to the exit of this floor. ___________________________________ ____Last Floor [WPACDL]__________________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon | Palom | Walk down the stairs and you'll find a save point. You'll probably want to rest and use tents to adjust the moon phase. Read ahead in the next section to best determine which moon phase you'll want for the boss. I prefer to Full Moon technique, but Waxing Moon is the old faithful. After saving and recovering, travel east or west to loop to the top of the floor. Climb the stairs and talk to the hooded guy to start a fight with the Blade Dragon, the hardest Challenge Dungeon boss yet! __________________________________________ ____Blade Dragon [WPACDX]_________/ Palom's Challenge Dungeon - Boss | Palom | The Blade Dragon has 12500 HP. The Blade Dragon will cast -ara spells and use Venom Breath, which hits the entire party. He can cast the -ara spells on one or both characters. During the Full Moon they hit for around 800 damage on a single character or 400ish on both. If he is hit by an attack that is not a Fire, Ice, or Thunder family spell, he will use Venom Breath on the party, then cast Leech on himself. Leech will heal him by an amount equal to roughly 1/3 of his current hitpoints, such that if he is at full health, it will restore about 4167 HP, and if he is at half health it will restore about 2083 HP. In either case, as soon as he is hit with something, on his very next turn he will shift his elemental resistance around so that he is Weak to Fire, Cold, or Lightning, Absorbs another, and is Strong against another. He will only use the two -ara spells that he is NOT weak to, such that if he is weak to Cold, he will use Thundara and Fira. Please note that if you hit him with an attack, he will change his weakness on his next real turn. Whenever the Blade Dragon counters a non-elemental attack, it counts as a real turn, so you can interrupt his natural cycle by triggering counter attacks. There are three basic methods to defeat him. ---> Method 1 <--- Fight during Waxing Moon for better healing and reduced black magic damage from the Blade Dragon. New Moon and Waning Moon can also work, though you won't heal as well. The Blade Dragon will probably get off a Venom Breath before you get to do anything. Have Leonora cast Slow on the Blade Dragon, which will cause him to retaliate with Venom Breath and then Leech himself. Spend some turns healing, using Palom to toss Hi-Potions on the character with the lowest HP as needed. Cast Shell with Leonora if you wish, to help with the damage you will receive. You can consider using Bluff up to three times with Palom to boost his magical damage, but each bluff triggers a counter, and with the extra rounds of healing it tends to actually take LONGER to kill the dragon. Wait until the Blade Dragon has used two different -ara spells, and then have Palom cast the one the dragon did not use. Do not hit the dragon with anything while waiting. Next time the dragon gets a turn (it'll usually be soon enough that you cannot get off another spell, so don't risk it), his elemental properties will shift, so you repeat this paragraph until it is dead, healing as needed. ---> Method 2 <--- Exactly like Method 1, but with a twist. Once you are healed up from the counter attack from Slow, get your characters to full action bar. As soon as the Blade Dragon casts an -ara spell, have Leonora immediately cast a spell of a different element. It will do one of two things: 1. Hurt the Blade Dragon 2. Do zero damage. If it hurt the blade dragon, have Palom IMMEDIATELY cast the -ara spell of the same element. Since the boss is slowed, Palom will get off the spell before the Blade Dragon can change its weakness. If it did zero damage, have Palom IMMEDIATELY cast the -ara spell of the other element Leonora could have tried. So if the Dragon used Fira, and Leonora used Blizzard for 0 damage, Palom should cast Thundara. Palom will get off the spell before the Blade Dragon can change its weakness. Repeat the process, healing as needed. This method is slightly faster, but requires a bit more concentration. ---> Method 3 <--- Fight during the Full Moon, with a Wait Battle Mode and a Battle Speed that is SLOWER than 3. I recommend 5. You can do this with 3 if you have very very fast fingers. 5 lets you mess up a little on timing and still be safe. Leonora should have the Mystic Veil. If this doesn't work even on Battle Speed 6, you might be too lower in level (ie: not enough Speed stat!) to pull it off. It may take a few tries to get used to it, so expect to fail a few times at first. Leonora should get her turn first. Very quickly select her white magic and cast Slow on the Blade Dragon. Right before or right after she starts casting, the Blade Dragon will attack the party. Have Palom use his turn to use a Hi-Potion to heal whomever has less current HP. As soon as Slow goes off, the Blade Dragon will counter with Venom Breath and Leech himself as usual. This will reset his [hidden] action bar. As soon as Leonora or Palom's turn comes up, quickly select the Particle Bomb Band as your action. Because the dragon is slow, you'll have just enough time to for the band to finish casting before the Blade Dragon would get a regular turn. This will do 6000+ damage and trigger a counter attack, which will leave you in critical health and reset the dragon's internal action bar. You should now notice that the amount of HP the dragon Leeches is LESS than the damage Palom can do to the Dragon with Bio during a Full Moon. NOTE: If you are on Battle Speed 3, it's possible to be just a bit too slow with your command inputs such that the dragon attacks again before Particle Bomb goes off. If this happens, let yourself die and try again. Your turns from now on go like this: 1. Leonora Casts Cura on the party, which is just enough to heal the Venom Breath damage. 2. As soon as Cura finishes casting, Palom casts Bio on the Blade dragon. 3. Blade dragon counters with Venom Breath and Leeches himself for progressively less than the damage you deal with Bio, and resets his turn. Basically, the dragon steadily loses more and more HP each time Bio is cast, and you heal all the damage he does (and with higher levels, you'll probably almost be full on HP at the end of the fight!) with his counters, and he resets his turn so that he can't use a more damaging -ara spell attack every single time. :) This is a faster method than the other two, but the other two can be done at lower levels. ______________________________________________________________________________ Now, go forward and pick up your treasure! It could be a random consumable item like Bronze Hourglasses and Phoenix Down. It could also be a rare item! Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Adamantite * Black Robe * Elixir * Protect Staff * Red Robe * Silver Apple * Single Star * Soma Drop * Talisman * Wizard's Rod The rare items go in a cycle. You will get no repeat rares until you have gotten one of each. Give a Wizard's Rod and Black Robe to Palom to improve his Intellect. You will also want a Talisman as it boosts Spirit and Intellect more than the Rune Armlet you've been using. Leonora wants a Protect Staff and Talisman for the boost in Spirit. I usually give her a Red Robe even though it gives one less Spirit than the Sage's Surplice. She'll gain 4 Intellect from it which helps for things like Particle Bombing the Blade Dragon. Giving up 1 Spirit for 4 Intellect is worth it. Single Star sounds great: "Reduces MP usage by 3/4 in battle!" Unfortunately it should read "Reduces MP usage TO 3/4 in battle." So Bio costs 15 MP instead of 20. It'd be nice, except that the extra Intellect in Spirit from the Talisman (or heck, even the Rune Armlet's bonuses!) is more worth it since you really shouldn't run out of MP in here unless level grinding, and you should be doing that near a recovery pot anyway. You can and should repeat this dungeon as often as you can to get all the items. Once you know the floors and Method 3 well, it should take about 6-7 minutes per run. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.7 Edge's Tale [EGTL] )----------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Contents | Edge | 1. Eblan [WEDEBL] 2. Izayoi and the Tower [WEDIZA] 3. Tsukinowa and the Mountain [WEDTSU] 4. Zangetsu and the Mine [WEDZAN] 5. Gekkou and the Star [WEDGEK] 6. Eblan [WEBEBN] 7. The Cave of Eblan [WEDCEB] 8. The Tower of Babil [WEDTOB] 9. Edge's Challenge Dungeon [WEDECD] You'll begin this chapter in a fight with four ninjas, the Eblan Four, whom Edge is training. Have Edge kill them all however you wish. They go down fast. I recommend using Smash and Grab so that you can steal some potions while you whup their butts. _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Eblan [WEDEBL] | Edge | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Inn | |------------------------+ |--------------------------+ |------------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Kunai 200 gil | | 50 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Kodachi 350 gil | \__________________/ | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Boomerang 150 gil | | Treasure | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Metal Boomerang 800 gil | |------------------+ | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Shuriken 200 gil | | Ether | | Eye Drops 30 gil | \__________________________/ | Phoenix Down | | Antidote 40 gil | | Armorer | | Eye Drops | \________________________/ |--------------------------+ | Ether | | Sundries | | Leather Cap 100 gil | | Potion | |------------------------+ | Steel Headplate 750 gil | | Antidote | | Tent 100 gil | | Foot Ninja Gear 480 gil | | Maiden's Kiss | | Cottage 500 gil | | Shinobi Gear 3500 gil | | Phoenix Down | | Emergency Exit 180 gil | | Kenpo Gi 4000 gil | \__________________/ | Bestiary 50 gil | | Iron Gloves 130 gil | \________________________/ | Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | \__________________________/ After you gain control of edge following the cutscenes after the battle, unequip Edge of all his gear as you'll want to use it for some other characters long before you really get to control Edge. There are weapon and armor shops near the throne room and then some item shops and an Inn down the stairs from there. Go south from the Inn and then head over to the western tower to do some looting. Once inside the western tower, step back down into the doorway and walk east through a secret passage to reach the chest in the little room on the right. It contains an *ETHER*. Now go up the stairs to the second floor. Use the little niche in the west to find some hidden stairs down to the other chest on the first floor, which has a *PHOENIX DOWN*. There is a hidden passage on the second floor which leads to the stairs to the third floor, but that's only Edge's chambers, which have nothing in them of note. Now head over to the eastern tower. On the first floor, walk north to the wall and then check the wall on the left to find a secret passage to the chest there, which contains some *EYE DROPS*. Go up the stairs to the second floor. Click the switch next to the stairs, then sneak past the stairs by going south of them so that you can reach the doorway. You can sneak by the wall to reach the two chests to the west and snag an *ETHER* and a *POTION*. Then grab the lower of the two chests for an *ANTIDOTE*. Head down the stairs and grab the chest there for a *MAIDEN'S KISS* and then go back up the stairs and grab the upper of the two chests for a *PHOENIX DOWN*. You're down here in the castle. Save at the Inn if you wish and then try to leave the castle. Your disciples will want to show their worth by doing missions for you, so now the tale's path will split four ways. _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Missions | Edge | You can do the missions in any order. It should be noted that if your character dies in any of them, play will continue, but that character will be dead forever, so try to stay alive and at least reload your last save if one of them should end up dead. The moon phase will never change during an individual mission. This would normally require some forethought about what character to choose when, but for the most part you can do them in any order. Izayoi and Tsukinowa can return to town at any point during their missions. I am going to use the following order, from easiest to hardest: - Izayoi (Waxing Moon) - Tsukinowa (Full Moon) - Zangetsu (Waning Moon) - Gekkou (New Moon) __________________________________ __________________________________________/ Izayoi's Mission [WEDIZA] | Edge | Izayoi can use Katanas, Boomerangs, Whips, and Bows. Her special ability, Illusions can be used to charm (confuse) monsters. Her speed is pretty decent. She uses water ninjutsu. As her mission begins, you will find her in Troia. ___________________ _________________________________________________________/ Troia Town | Edge | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|-----------------------+|--------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Crossbow 700 gil || Feathered Cap 330 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Holy Arrows 550 gil || Steel Headplate 700 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Thorn Whip 3000 gil || Bronze B.plate 500 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Kunai 200 gil || Shinobi Gear 3500 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Kodachi 350 gil || Ruby Ring 1000 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil |\_______________________/| Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Tent 100 gil || Inn | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Cottage 500 gil ||--------+ \__________________________/ \_______________________/| 50 gil | | Treasure | \________/ |------------------------------------------------------+ | Potion Ether 300 gil Hi-Potion Ether Ether | \______________________________________________________/ After the initial scene, walk down to the pond to start another scene. Just sit still once training begins and it'll eventually be over. Once you gain control you'll have free reign of the town. You can also find and talk to Palom, whom is wandering about. Time to loot the town! Hop into the pond to the east and follow the stream to reach the northern pond. Climb out the stairs here and walk west through the trees to reach the bushes in the northwest. hidden in the grass here you can find a *POTION*, *ETHER*, *300 GIL*, and a *HI-POTION*. Head back out and check the top pot inside the Pub for an *ETHER*. Return to the main part of the town and pay a visit to the house in the north east. Go downstairs to find the black chocobo pen. in the south east corner, step east into the wall and immediately head south while you're still hidden behind the wall to enter a secret passage that curves south and west and all the way up to enter into the actual pen. Talk to the lady, who will ask you to say hello to everyone. Talk to all the chocobos and then talk to her again to receive an *ETHER*. Equip Izayoi with the Green Beret, Shinobi Gear, and Silver Armlet you stole from Edge. Before the end of this chapter, you will want to have at least enough gil to buy another Shinobi Gear and another Silver Armlet. From townspeople and the cutscenes so far, you probably have the idea that the tower to the south might be interesting to check out, and that you'll need a chocobo from the forest up north to reach it. The game is a bit vague that you'll need to head to the tower, but that's our next stop. Exit town and head all the way north until you reach a path of forest that is a bit lighter/brighter than the rest. Walk into it to enter the chocobo village and speak to a yellow chocobo to catch it to ride. Note that there are no monsters on the overworld in this tale at all. Ride the chocobo all the way south to reach the Tower of Trials. There will be a ship docked nearby. Hop of the chocobo to enter the tower. There is a chocobo forest just a bit north of the tower if you need to return to town for anything. ________________________ ____Section 1_______________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |-----------------------------------------------+ | 2 Floating Eye | | Ether Ice Arrows Bronze B.plate | | 3 Helldiver | | Crossbow Tent Ether | | 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Bronze Hourglass Eye Drops | \_________________________/ | Potion Potion | \_______________________________________________/ Monsters here are easy garbage that Izayoi should make quick work of. Fight them and use Heal Pill (Ninjutsu) on Izayoi if she happens to get low on HP. When you try to open the door it won't budge, so Izayoi will do the ninja thing and scale the wall. You'll end up on a little balcony. When you gain control, take note of the niche in the wall south of you. You can step there to get back down and leave the tower. Walk to the east and enter the door to find an HP/MP recovery pot surrounded by chests. Use can use this room to recover from leveling up Izayoi. Grab the chests for an *ETHER*, a *CROSSBOW*, and a *BRONZE HOURGLASS* and then exit back to the balcony. Walk to the east, climb the stairs, walk to the west, climb the stairs, and then walk to the east and enter the door. Grab the six chests here for a *POTION*, *ICE ARROWS*, a *TENT*, *EYE DROPS*, another *POTION* and a *BRONZE BREASTPLATE*, all of which should go into your inventory. Head up the stairs and grab the chest there for an *ETHER* and then exit south to hop out onto a balcony in the second section of the tower. You may prefer to use the Crossbow and Ice Arrows. Their attack is better, though the accuracy is still a bit low for my tastes. ________________________ ____Section 2_______________________________________/ Tower of Trials | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 3 Helldiver 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cliff Eagle | | Thorn Whip | | 2 Floating Eye 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Cliff Eagle | | White Fang | \_____________________________________________/ \____________/ Cliff Eagles and Gargoyles are stronger, but still not too tough. Open up fights with either by casting Flood, then attack until everything is dead. They are your best bet for leveling up Izayoi. Walk east, climb the stairs, then walk west and climb the stairs, then head east and enter the door you'll find. Grab the *THORN WHIP* from the chest here. While the Thorn Whip is stronger than the Kodachi and can paralyze enemies, its accuracy at this low of a level is pretty bad. I recommend sticking with the Kodachi or Bow and Arrows.. There is also a save point here. Go ahead and save your game and recover if needed (though I usually walk back to the recovery pot for healing!) I recommend you get to level 15 or so before continuing on in the tower. Izayoi will learn Heal Salve at that point, which pretty much will always heal you fully, though it is a bit costly. Exit the save room and continue east, then climb the stairs to get into a fight with a Zu. The Zu is extremely powerful compared to your level, but you should have enough speed to attack more than once per its turn. Feel free to use Entice to confuse it and let it hurt itself. Use Hell Pill to recover if needed. Just be patient and it should die without too much trouble. It can be really very hard if you're under-leveled for it though. Once it's dead, you'll see the Tower of Babil reactivate and that'll make you want to hurry back to Eblan. Before you climb back down the tower, you can walk behind the top of this tower and grab a *HI-POTION* hidden to the south of the secret passage and a *WHITE FANG* hidden to its north. Climb down the tower and exit it, and then climb into the nearby ship to end the mission. Before doing so, I recommend being around level 20 (it'll help once this tale merges all the characters together). You should also buy another Shinobi Gear and Silver Armlet (4150 gil total) and unequip the Green Beret. You can buy a Steel Headplate for her to replace the Green Beret. Before you enter the ship, Izayoi Should be equipped with: A weapon, a non-Green Beret Headgear, Shinobi Gear, Silver Armlet And you should have in your inventory: At least 2 Kodachi, a Shinobi Gear, a Silver Armlet, and a Green Beret. _____________________________________ _______________________________________/ Tsukinowa's Mission [WEDTSU] | Edge | Tsukinowa is very fast and can use Katanas and Boomerangs. His special ability, Steal, lets you steal items from monsters. However there is a chance that it may fail as well as a chance you may be caught and immediately counter attacked. He uses wind ninjutsu. As his mission begins, you will find him in Mysidia. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Mysidia | Edge | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|-----------------------+|--------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Kunai 200 gil || Feathered Cap 330 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Kodachi 350 gil || Steel Headplate 700 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Boomerang 150 gil || Bronze B.plate 500 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil |\_______________________/| Shinobi Gear 3500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil || Inn | | Ruby Ring 1000 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil ||--------+ | Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Antidote 40 gil || 50 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Tent 100 gil |\________/ \__________________________/ \_______________________/ After you gain control of your character, you should have a sense that you want to check out the meeting in the Hall of Prayers. Unfortunately you cannot get it. Before attempting to, you should equip Tsukinowa with the Green Beret, Shinobi Gear, and Silver Armlet. Equip him with a Kodachi and buy a boomerang for him from the shop. With the Boomerang in the second hand, you will do normal damage to any row from any row, so you can stick him in the back row. You'll also do extra damage to enemies weak to thrown weapons, such as all the flying enemies in Tsukinowa's mission (and pretty much everywhere else, too). You can also exit town and stop by then nearby beach for a little scene anytime. When you're ready, find the boy near the inn who wants to turn you into a toad. Let him, and talk to the guard at the hall of prayers, who will freak out and run away, allowing you to eavesdrop. After the meeting, leave town and head a long ways west to reach Mt. Ordeals. There is a chocobo forest just outside. Once Tsukinowa learns Heal Pill (he should do so at level 8 or so), you can heal up and talk to the white chocobo there to become fully restored. ____________________ ____Entrance____________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 4 Zombie 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Domovoi 1 Swordrat, 2 Sky Pupil | | Tent | | 2 Spirit 2 Swordrat, 2 Goblin | \____________/ | 3 Cliff Eagle | \__________________________________________/ Monsters here are pretty easy. Things on the ground are weak and thinks in the air should die very easily since you should have a boomerang equipped in your second hand. Follow the path west and the north and then east. Ignore the stairs for now and grab the chest just beyond... Monster-in-a-Box! The two Navy Moths could be tough, but with your Boomerang you should be able to one-shot them. If not, a single-target Gale ninjutsu should one-shot them at pretty much any level. You'll get a measly *HI-POTION* as a reward. Go up the stairs and head east to another chest, which is another Monster-in- a-Box! A Swordrat and two Spirits should die very easily to you. You'll get a *TENT* for your troubles. Head west from here and go north up some stairs when you can, then go east to a tunnel door that leads to the next area. ____________________ ____Trail_______________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 4 Zombie 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cliff Eagle | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Spirit 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Green Beret | | 3 Domovoi 2 Swordrat, 2 Goblin | \_____________/ | 2 Navy Moth 1 Swordrat, 2 Sky Pupil | \__________________________________________/ Again, monsters on the ground here are weak and the air monsters will die since you should have a boomerang equipped, letting you damage their weak point for massive damage. Head up the nearby steps and grab the chest for a Monster-in-a-Box fight with 2 Navy Moths and 2 Larva. Take out the moths first with your boomerang- enhanced killing powers and finish off the Larvae last for another *HI-POTION*. Head east and as you start up the ramp, Porom will almost spot you. After the scene, go up the ramp and grab the chest to fight 1 Gargoyle and 2 Cliff Eagles, which should be old news by now. You'll get a *GREEN BERET* for your efforts, which you should leave in your inventory since you have one equipped. Head east and go through the tunnel to the next area. ____________________ ____Crossing____________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------+ |-----------------+ | 3 Domovoi 2 Navy Moth | | Metal Boomerang | | 4 Zombie 2 Swordrat, 2 Goblin | | Ether | | 2 Spirit 1 Swordrat, 2 Sky Pupil | \_________________/ | 2 Gargoyle 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | \_______________________________________/ You should be used to these monsters by now. Head west, ignoring the ramp to the north for now. At the end, you can climb some stairs to another Monster-in-a-Box chest. Kill the 2 Zombies and the Ghoul for a *METAL BOOMERANG* and equip that in place of your old Boomerang. Now go up that ramp we passed. Afterwards, head east, then up two sets of stairs where you'll almost get spotted by Porom again. Go to the west now, crossing the little bridge, and then go down a ramp to get a chest, ignoring the tunnel to the next area to do so. Wipe the floor with the 2 Spirits and 2 Sky Pupils for an *ETHER*, then head through to the next area. ____________________ ____Summit______________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------+ |-----------------+ | 2 Spirit 2 Eyewing Moth, 2 Larva | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Wild Bat 2 Swordrat, 2 Goblin | | Shinobi Gear | | 3 Domovoi 2 Navy Moth | \_________________/ | 4 Zombie | \_______________________________________/ The only new monster is a flying one and we all know the boomerang eats them alive. Head east and open the Monster-in-a-Box vs. 2 Spirits and 2 Cliff Eagles for a *HI-POTION*. Then head north. You can save at the save point if you wish. Climb the stairs there and then head west across the bridge. Grab the chest by the monument to fight 2 Wild Bats and 2 Gargoyles for a *SHINOBI GEAR* which you should leave in your inventory since you're wearing one already. Examine the monument to find that you can't get in, and head back across the bridge to witness the Tower of Babil reactivating. Now head all the way back out of the mountain. Hop on a chocobo from the forest to ride back to Mysidia more quickly. You'll want to buy two Silver Armlets and at least 30-40 potions. I like to be at level 20+ at the end of this mission. When you're ready, head to the beach just outside Mysidia to end the mission. ____________________________________ ________________________________________/ Zangetsu's Mission [WEDZAN] | Edge | Zangetsu uses Katanas, Boomerangs, and Spears. His special ability, Human Kite, is exactly like Kain's Jump except slow. He uses lightning ninjutsu. As his mission begins, you will find him in the Dwarven castle. _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Dwarven Castle | Edge | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|----------------------+|--------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Spear 60 gil || Headband 450 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Javelin 220 gil || Steel Headplate 700 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Kunai 200 gil || Kenpo Gi 4000 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Kodachi 350 gil || Shinobi Gear 3500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil || Shuriken 200 gil || Iron Gloves 130 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil |\______________________/| Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Antidote 40 gil || Inn | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Tent 100 gil ||--------+ \__________________________/ \_______________________/| 50 gil | | Treasure | \________/ |------------------------------------+ | Shuriken Potion Emergency Exit | \____________________________________/ After you gain control, you can wander around an talk to the dwarves in the castle. From the start, north is the throne room where you can talk to the King and Luca and see her dolls. You can also see the Crystal Room. To the left of the start is the Item shop and Inn, and to the Right is the weapon and armor shop. Stairs down from the shop areas lead to the basement and stairs up from the shop areas lead to the towers. Doors from the towers lead to the roof. Equip Zangetsu with a Shinobi Gear, Green Beret, and Silver Armlet. Let's loot! In the west tower, grab a *SHURIKEN* from the chest and in the east tower you can snag a *POTION*. the eastern pot in the T-formation of pots in the basement contains an *EMERGENCY EXIT*. Buy a Javelin for Zangetsu. You'll get one soon into this chapter, but it is cheap and nice to have earlier. If you have the money, buy four Headbands as protection from Confuse is a very nice thing to have. You could also buy a Kenpo Gi, which raises strength, but I find the speed boost from the Shinobi Gear to be much better. Walk north through the space in between the Weaponsmith and Armorer to reach the Dwarven Pub and talk to everyone there to find out that the roof is a nice place to go to watch the magma. Right. Head up to the roof and climb to its highest point to witness the Tower of Babil reactivating. You will jump off to a mine, which can apparently be used to climb to the surface. You will be unable to return to the castle. __________________________ __________________________________________________/ Dwarven Mine Path | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------+ |-----------------------------+ | 3 Sahagin | | Potion Potion | | 1 Sahagin, 2 Yellow Jelly | | Zeus's Wrath Hi-Potion | | 3 Goblin, 1 Domovoi | | Maiden's Kiss Ether | | 4 Toadgre | | Remedy Ether | | 2 Goblin, 2 Swordrat | | Cottage Trident | | 2 Amoeba, 1 Sahagin | | Javelin Headband | | 3 Larva | | Shinobi Gear | | 4 Yellow Jelly | | Heavenly Wrath | \___________________________/ \_____________________________/ Monsters here are pretty easy. Just watch out for the Toadgres which can tend to Toadify you, which will make you sad (just attack them until they die from it). Groups with Yellow Jellies should be killed with multi-cast Shock. Other than that, attack attack attack. Head down the stairs from the start for a save point. Come back to it as needed for recovery. Head west across the bridge from the start and grab the chest there for a *POTION*. Keep going west and head down the stairs and grab the chest there for a *ZEUS'S WRATH*. Go south and you'll find two stairs. The one to the left goes up and the one to the right goes down. Ignore the down for now and go up. To your left are stairs down. Grab the chest here for a *MAIDEN'S KISS*. Keep going north and grab a chest there for a *REMEDY*. Go back to the chest that had the Maiden's Kiss and take the stairs down to your left. Go a bit south to find a chest with a *COTTAGE* and then head all the way east to grab a *JAVELIN* from a chest. Equip this if you did not purchase one at the castle and then head back to those downward stairs we ignored earlier. Go down those stairs. You'll see some stairs up to your east, but ignore those for now and take the path that leads between the two ledges here. Travel northeast and grab the chest for a *SHINOBI GEAR* and then go north, under a bridge and finally west until you reach a chest with a *HEAVENLY WRATH*. Return to the stairs we ignored. Go up them and grab the *POTION* from the chest. Go a bit east and head up some more steps. You have a choice of going northeast or southeast here. Ignore the northeast path for now and go southeast. You can go down two different stairs here. Take the shorter stairs for a *HI-POTION* and take the longer stairs and head east to grab an *ETHER* from a chest. Go back and take that northeast path we ignored. You'll quickly come to some stairs down. Go down and head east. You'll come to a choice of upward stairs or southward past. Take the stairs first to grab a chest with an *ETHER*, then go and take the south path. It'll end in some stairs. Climb them to a ledge, and then climb some stairs down from there. Go a short bit east. From here you could head further east under a bridge or go north. Go north for now to find a chest with a *TRIDENT*. Equip this more powerful spear (which happens to be lightning element!) and go east under that bridge I mentioned. Climb up the stairs here and then go south across the bridge to grab a *HEADBAND*. Go ahead and equip that instead of your Green Beret now as you'll get the same strength bonus from it and we're gonna be finishing the mission soon. Go back across the bridge and head north. Soon you'll see a bridge to the east and an HP/MP recovery pot to the northwest. I like to play around until level 20 or so here as it helps for later on. Once you're ready, head across the bridge, but make sure you have a Green Beret, a Shinobi Gear, and a Silver Armlet in your inventory first. As you approach the exit, a Belphegor will attack! 2-3 Human Kites should do the trick, or you can just wail on it with regular attacks. As soon as the fight is over, so will be the mission. __________________________________ __________________________________________/ Gekkou's Mission [WEDGEK] | Edge | Gekkou uses Katanas, Boomerangs, and Axes. His special ability, Shuriken, lets him throw any kind of shuriken to damage enemies. He uses fire ninjutsu. As his mission begins, you will find him at the bottom of the Impact Crater. ______________________ ____Floor_____________________________________________/ Impact Crater | Edge | | Treasure | |-----------------------+ | Potion Crescent Axe | \_______________________/ Right off the bat you'll see a scene where the Mysterious Girl is assaulted by some Monks. She'll run off after wasting two of them and the rest will follow. You'll start off by a save point. Head south and grab the chest for a *POTION*. The little orange bubbly rock thing nearby is a kind of thing that lets you jump to other places. I call it a jump rock. In any case, step on the jump rock to head across the water. Head north and talk to the monks if you want, and use another jump rock to jump up on a ledge where you can grab a *CRESCENT AXE* from a chest. Equip it as it's much better than the Kodachi. A nearby jump rock on the ledge will take you to the next area. Equip the Green Beret, Shinobi Gear, and Silver armlet before doing so. There are no recovery pots or towns in this mission, so you'll need to Tent at save points and use potions to recover. If you bought enough to have 30-40 in Tsukinowa's mission, you should have more than enough to heal Gekkou. It is really easy to level him to 20+ through this mission. Just apply potions as needed. ______________________ ____Lower Wall________________________________________/ Impact Crater | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |-----------------+ | 4 Red Mousse 2 Skeleton, 1 Bloodbones | | Maiden's Kiss | | 2 Sahagin 2 Zombie, 1 Ghoul | | Kenpo Gi | | 3 Skeleton 2 Gigantoad, 2 Toadgre | | Steel Headplate | | 4 Zombie | | Shuriken | \__________________________________________/ \_________________/ Use a multi-cast Flame to kill the Red Mousse and attack for everything else. The 4 Skeleton group is probably the most damaging, but it also gives quite a lot of HP. Just use potions after battle to heal up. Once you're at 15+, fights start getting really very easy and much less damaging. Head east, jump up with the jump rock and jump up again with another to grab a *MAIDEN'S KISS* from a chest. Hop back down and head all the way west. Go north and grab the chest for a *KENPO GI*. This will add strength to Gekkou, but the loss of speed from no longer having the Shinobi Gear equipped is a bad thing. Gekkou is pretty slow for a ninja, so keep the Shinobi Gear on. Hop up using a nearby jump rock and the travel east on the ledge to grab a *STEEL HEADPLATE* from a chest. Hop down using the jump rock near this chest and go a bit east and then north for a scene where the monks keep chasing our green-haired nemesis. Go all the way west, hop up with a jump rock and grab a *SHURIKEN* from the chest. Travel all the way east and jump to the next area. ______________________ ____Middle Wall_______________________________________/ Impact Crater | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 4 Red Mousse 2 Skeleton, 1 Bloodbones | | Power Armlet | | 2 Sahagin 2 Zombie, 1 Ghoul | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Skeleton 2 Gigantoad, 2 Toadgre | | Tent | | 4 Zombie | | Ether | \__________________________________________/ \______________/ Go north off your little ledge, then go north onto another ledge to grab a *POWER ARMLET* from the chest. Equip it. Go back south and head just a bit west, then hop down to a lower ledge using a jump rock. From here, hop west and grab a *HI-POTION* from the chest. Jump back up using the nearby jump rock. Go back to the chest where you got the Power Armlet and jump up using the nearby jump rock for another monks chasing girl scene. If you head east you can hop down to a ledge, then up to a save point if needed. From the save point, hop east to get back to this ledge. From where you saw the scene with the monks and girl, use a jump rock to hop up. Climb up the ramp to the northeast to reach a chest with a *TENT*. Go back down the ramp and up a jump rock (that's to the west of the chest) to hop west onto a higher ledge. Go all the way west and use a jump rock to reach a chest with an *ETHER* and then hop back to the east. Go a little east and head north up a ramp and then go all the way east to reach the jump rock that takes you to the next area. ______________________ ____Upper Wall________________________________________/ Impact Crater | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 4 Red Mousse 2 Skeleton, 1 Bloodbones | | Shuriken | | 2 Sahagin 2 Zombie, 1 Ghoul | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Skeleton 2 Gigantoad, 2 Toadgre | \____________/ | 4 Zombie | \__________________________________________/ From the start, grab the *SHURIKEN* to the north and go west to use an jump rock to get up to the middle platform in this area. Go north to grab a *HI-POTION* from a chest, then head east to another jump rock. Before using it, unequip the Green Beret and Power Armlet. Give him the Silver Armlet and a Headband if you have a spare, or a Steel Headplate if not. Shortly after hopping up, you'll get the final scene for this mission. Whatever you do, do not join the fight or Gekkou will surely die forever (Even if you somehow manage to kill her in battle via hacking or extreme level grinding). _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Eblan [WEDEBN] | Edge | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |----------------------+|-----------------------+|--------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Kunai 200 gil || Leather Cap 100 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Kodachi 350 gil || Steel Headplate 750 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Boomerang 150 gil || Foot Ninja Gear 480 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Metal B'rang 800 gil || Shinobi Gear 3500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil || Shuriken 200 gil || Kenpo Gi 4000 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil |\_______________________/| Iron Gloves 130 gil | | Antidote 40 gil || Inn | | Iron Armlet 100 gil | \______________________/|------------------+ | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Sundries | | 50 gil | \__________________________/ |----------------------+\__________________/ | Tent 100 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | | E. Exit 180 gil | | Bestiary 50 gil | \______________________/ Back in Eblan, Edge will see the Tower reactivate and leave to check it out, begin all sneaky like. Regardless of stealth, you can reenter the castle. Equip Edge with two Kodachis, a Green Beret, a Shinobi Gear (which you'll probably have to buy) and a Power Armlet. You may also want to buy a Metal Boomerang, so he can attack any row, but that's up to you. You could buy him a Kenpo Gi for added defense and strength, but the speed boost from Shinobi Gear is much more useful. In fact, the only things I would replace Shinobi Gear with are a Black Belt Gi or Mist Wrap found in the challenge dungeon, or with a Power Sash, since +15 Strength is just too awesome. Those only drop as a rare item from Behemoths though. Exit the castle and head east to reach the Cave of Eblan, which now has a convenient land path to it. ___________________________________ ____B1___________________________________/ The Cave of Eblan [WEDCEB] | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |--------------------+ | 2 Bloodbones, 1 Soul 4 Skeleton | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Gatlinghog, 2 Swordrat 3 Cave Bat | | Cottage | | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | | Mythril Gloves | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | Silver Breastplate | \________________________________________/ \____________________/ Take your time as you go through the caves as it is very easy to level Edge while he's solo. Monsters here die fast to attacks. If you are using two katanas, you may want to swap in a Metal Boomerang for the cave bat fights. From the start, walk east through a secret passage to reach the nearby chest for a *HI-POTION*. Continue walking east through the next wall. Follow the path all the way to the south, passing a bridge along the way, and grab the *COTTAGE* from the chest at the end. Go back north and head west across the bridge you passed. Follow the ledge west and climb up some stairs to reach a chest with some *MYTHRIL GLOVES* in them. Keep the Power Armlet equipped. Climb back down the stairs and take the bridge to the south. From its end, go west until you can go north, which will take you back to near the beginning so you can grab a chest with a *SILVER BREASTPLATE*. Keep the Shinobi Gear on. Go back south and then further west to the stairs to the next floor. __________________________ ____B2____________________________________________/ The Cave of Eblan | Edge | | Treasure | |-----------------------+ | Rune Armlet 500 gil | \_______________________/ From the start, head down the stairs and go west to grab a *RUNE ARMLET* from the chest there. Do not equip it. Head south and west and climb up the stairs there. Examine the gravestone to the north for a story scene and then travel southwest to reach a chest containing *500 GIL*. Go north and take the stairs to the next area. ___________________________________ ____South________________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Soul 1 Mystery Egg (Lilith) | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul 1 Mystery Egg (Needlehog) | | Cross Shuriken | | 3 Cave Bat 2 Bloodbones, 1 Soul | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul 1 Ghoul, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton | \________________/ \________________________________________________________/ Everything here is again pretty easy. Just attack and it should all die. Edge should know Heal Pill by now, which will make things really easy. Grab the chest by the door for a *HI-POTION*, then go west and north all the way. Grab the chest there for a *CROSS SHURIKEN*. The exit to the next section is here, but first walk directly south of it and follow the secret passage to a chest containing a *HI-POTION*. Go ahead and exit north now. ___________________________________ ____North________________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Soul 1 Behemoth (New Moon) | | Emergency Exit | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul 1 Mystery Egg (Needlehog) | | Echo Herbs | | 3 Cave Bat 2 Bloodbones, 1 Soul | | Dry Ether | | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul 1 Ghoul, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton | \________________/ \________________________________________________________/ Same enemies as the last time except for the Lilith Mystery Egg has been replaced by a Behemoth, though it only appears during the New Moon. They can drop Purple Tails as a very rare item, Power Sashes (+15 Strength!) as a rare item, Power Armlets as an uncommon, and headbands as common drops. They counter attack everything and hit hard, so avoid them for now. Head north. When you get to the piles of rocks, go northwest to grab a chest with an *EMERGENCY EXIT* and northeast to grab a chest with *ECHO HERBS*. To the southeast is the exit. Along the hall there you can go east through a secret passage to pick up a *DRY ETHER*. Head south through the exit to end up in another part of the southern path. ___________________________________ ____South________________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil | Edge | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ether Hi-Potion Phoenix Down Hi-Potion Silver Apple Cottage | | Potion Remedy Hi-Potion | \________________________________________________________________________/ Grab the three chests here for an *ETHER*, a *HI-POTION*, and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Just above the rock closest to the entry is a secret passage leading to the small room to the east. Pick up the two chests there for a *HI-POTION* and a *SILVER APPLE*. I usually just give the apple to Edge. On the main path, go south, east, then south to a T-intersection. Go west to pick up a *COTTAGE* from a chest, then go east to grab a *POTION*, a *REMEDY*, and a *HI-POTION* from some chests. From there, go all the way north and take the exit back to the north section. ___________________________________ ____North________________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil | Edge | | Treasure | |--------------------------------+ | Soma Drop Kogarasu Cottage | \________________________________/ Enter the nearby door to reach a save point for recovery and progress saving. Just north of the rocks on the east wall is a secret passage leading east. Take it to reach a chest containing a *SOMA DROP*. Exit the save room and head west, then up some stairs to grab a *KOGARASU* from a chest. This is a better Katana for Edge. Head back east and go north when you are able. Follow the path to its end and you'll get a flash of images from Edge's past as you near the exit. Before exiting, head west through the wall (at the south end of the 'room') to reach the chest containing a *COTTAGE*, then go back and north through the exit. I recommend getting Edge to about level 25 before doing so since it is so easy to do. ____________________________________ ____B1__________________________________/ The Tower of Babil [WEDTOB] | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Proto Clockwork, 1 Proto Beam Cannon, 2 Gatlinghog | | Hi-Potion | | 4 Gray Bomb | | Great Bow | | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | | Battle Axe | | 2 Proto Beam Cannon, 1 Proto Clockwork | | Ether | | 3 Proto Beam Cannon | \____________/ | 2 Proto Beam Cannon, 2 Domovoi | | 2 Proto Clockwork | | 2 Soul | \______________________________________________________/ Monsters aren't doo bad here. Just attack and heal as needed. You'll be picking up two party members here and the monsters don't seem to show up until you get them both. Head north up the long staircase. The white circle at the end is an exit. It will ask for confirmation, so don't worry about accidentally stepping into it. At the end of the stairs, examine the wall to the west to leap through it, ninja-style! Grab the nearby chest for a *HI-POTION* and then follow the main path westward until you reach the skinny section. A forced fight with 2 Belphegors will begin here. Wail away on them and if Tsukinowa did not die in his mission, he will enter the fight to help you. Give Tsukinowa the Mythril Gloves after the fight. Keep following the main path as it curves south and east, picking up the *GREAT BOW* from the chest along the way. When you get to the end of the little bridge in the south part of the map, a forced fight with two Flamehounds will begin. Again, wail on the enemies and Izayoi will show up if she did not die during her mission. Give her the Rune Armlet afterwards. You may also want to equip her with the Great Bow. If you're lucky, you can get some Lightning Arrows from monsters here; they will help deal extra damage to the machines. Grab the chest near where you got Izayoi to get a *BATTLE AXE* from the chest. Head east past the elevator door and follow the path east and north to reach a chest with an *ETHER*. Go back and into the elevator. ___________________________ ____B2___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters| | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Lilith | | Cross Shuriken | | 2 Proto Clockwork, 1 Proto Beam Cannon, | | Potion | | 2 Domovoi, 1 Lilith | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | \________________/ | 2 Proto Beam Cannon, 1 Proto Clockwork | | 4 Gray Bomb | | 2 Soul | \_________________________________________/ Monsters are more of the same. Let Edge attack the Lilith when it is in range since he should be able to one-shot it. Grab the chest by the entrance for a *CROSS SHURIKEN*. Follow the path and soon you will reach a force fight with 3 Proto Clockwork. Wail on them and Zangetsu will show up to help if he did not die in his mission. These seem harder than the normal Proto Clockwork monsters, so stay on your toes. Continue on the path and when you reach the north point of the floor, head south down the bridge to reach a chest with a measly *POTION*. Go back north and keep following the main path to get into a forced fight with two Frostbeasts. Predictably, Gekkou will show up in this fight if he survived his mission. Give him the Battle Axe. After your team is complete, follow the path to its end and grab the chest by the door for a *HI-POTION* before heading through the elevator doors and down to the next floor. I recommend you take your time though the various tower floors and try to get everyone to about Level 30 before fighting the 'boss' of the tower. ___________________________ ____B3___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Mindflayer, 1 Needlehog, 1 Cait Sith | | Ether | | 1 Cait Sith, 1 Cave Naga | \____________/ | 1 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat | | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog | | 3 Cave Bat | | 1 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | | 1 Ogre | \________________________________________/ Monsters here are a little tougher, but still manageable from just attacks. Cait Sith can counter with blaster, so make sure you take them out in one hit. If you're lucky, an Ogre will drop Giant's Gloves. The +10 Strength and Stamina are a real boon at this point in the game. Go south across the bridge, and then head east. Keep going east past the elevator, then go north across a bridge and east to a chest containing an *ETHER*. Go back and enter the elevator to the next floor. ___________________________ ____B4___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Goblin Captain, 1 Sorceress, 1 Centaur Knight | | Kogarasu | | 2 Purple Bavarois, 1 Black Lizard | | Tent | | 1 Magma Tortoise, 1 Black Lizard | \____________/ | 3 Blood Bat | | 3 Goblin Captain | | 4 Purple Bavarois | | 2 Armadillo | \_________________________________________________/ Monsters here hit harder. Make sure to heal as needed. Black Lizards will counter with gradual petrification, but with so many party members, you aren't usually in any real danger of complete petrification (it takes three hits of gradual). Use Flame on the groups with Purple Bavarois. Edge or Gekkou should be able to wipe out those fire-weak flans without issue. Goblin Captains give more exp than they have any right to, so always kill them. From the start, head west and then north to reach a chest with a *KOGARASU*. If you are using two katanas on Edge, give him this. I prefer to use a katana and boomerang though, so I recommend Edge and Tsukinowa be set up with Kogarasu/Metal Boomerang as their weapons so they can ignore row. Go back to where the elevator is and head east, then north, then west, then north again. From the top of the floor now, go west, then south to a chest containing a *TENT*. From there go west then north to an elevator back up to floor B3. ___________________________ ____B3___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | Follow the path vaguely eastward. You will pass by the elevator to the lower part of the tower which is not functional and which is not featured in this game at all. Keep going and you'll reach two doors. The first of these is a save room. Save your game and recover if needed. The white circle here is an exit that will prompt you if you want to leave, in case you need to restock. This area and the short bit afterwards are good places to grind out some levels. Once you've saved, leave the save room and take the other door, which is an elevator down to B4. ___________________________ ____B4___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | Walk a few steps west and enter the elevator to B5. ___________________________ ____B5___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Goblin Captain, 1 Sorceress, 1 Centaur Knight | | Chain Whip | | 2 Purple Bavarois, 1 Black Lizard | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Magma Tortoise, 1 Black Lizard | \____________/ | 3 Blood Bat | | 3 Goblin Captain | | 4 Purple Bavarois | | 2 Armadillo | \_________________________________________________/ You'll get a little scene here where the Mysterious Girl steps out from the crystal room and the ninja will discuss things. Afterwards, head east and walk south down the long staircase to reach a chest with a *CHAIN WHIP* for Izayoi. Then head back to where you had the little scene and go south across the bridge. At the end, head west, ignoring the first bridge as it leads up to our favorite femme fatale. You'll reach three bridges. At the end of the middle one is a chest containing a *HI-POTION*. Go now and step onto the bridge leading to the Mysterious Girl. You'll receive some more flashes from Edge's past as well as a warning that you will fail to heed, because you are Edge. Keep going forward and talk to the green haired lady. The result of this is a lot of posturing and a fight with the Mysterious girl. __________________________________ ____Mysterious Girl & Ifrit_______________/ The Tower of Babil - Boss | Edge | You can't really do anything to Ifrit, but you can wail on the Mysterious Girl to your heart's content. The fight will end when Ifrit uses hellfire. ______________________________________________________________________________ Afterwards, your party will flee, resulting in a fall to a lower part of the tower. ___________________________ ____B8___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------+ |------------+ | Ifrit | | Ether | \____________/ \____________/ All encounters here are with Ifrit, whom you cannot defeat. Just run from them. You should be able to get away before he attacks. Walk north to grab the *ETHER* from the chest and then head south to the elevator up. ___________________________ ____B7___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------+ |--------------+ | Ifrit | | Phoenix Down | \____________/ \______________/ Walk vaguely northward to the elevator up, grabbing the *PHOENIX DOWN* on the way. ___________________________ ____B6___________________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------+ |------------+ | Ifrit | | Elixir | \____________/ \____________/ Follow the path south, east, then south. From here, ignore the path to the west for now and go east, then north across a bridge to grab an *ELIXIR* from a chest. Now take the west path and go through the door at the end. ___________________________ ____Airship Dock_________________________________/ The Tower of Babil | Edge | Luckily you've reached the airship dock! Unfortunately it appears it is not your salvation. Watch the ending scenes here to find out if you escape before the credits roll. Watch the credits and Save your finish data and you're done with the main part of this tale. Be sure to save your finish data in a different slot than your main game finish data. __________________________________________ __________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon [WEDECD] | Edge | Reload your save, which will put you in Eblan Cave. You can repeat the end sequence of events by going through the cave and tower again. Find Namingway in the inn of Eblan Castle and say Yes to go to the Challenge Dungeon. Edge's dungeon consists of an entry area, four main floors, and a final floor. Each of the four main floors contains chests (three for the first three and one on the final) that may either be a random item (potions, shurikens, etc) or one of two Monster-in-a-Box fights for that floor. The Monster-in-a-Box fights do not always appear and may appear in any chest. After defeating the box monsters, you will get one of two pieces of equipment for that floor. Once you have gotten the items, they never show up again. Refreshingly, these fights aren't usually too bad as far as what monsters appear in them (usually Mad Ogres and Coeurls and Skulldiers). The last floor contains a single treasure chest that has a host of good equipment and items. You can only get each of the 'good' treasure once. The chances of you getting a good treasure increase the faster you reach the chest. If you reach it within 5 minutes, it is a near guarantee of good treasure, and the chance decreases every 5 minute window beyond that. The timer is visible on-screen and starts as soon as you enter the first floor through the door at the entrance. Monsters are universally hard on all floors, so if your average party level is lower than 30, I recommend going through the Tower of Babil again to level up. Either way, the fights here are hard and whenever you get a treasure item from a Monster-in-a-Box or get a good drop like Giant's Gloves, you should use an Emergency Exit (purchasable at the Eblan item shop) to leave and save. Some floors have forced fights. These have monsters that can be different from those on the same floor, but are usually the same power level. You cannot run from them. All of them are avoidable on speed runs except one on the fourth floor and one on the last floor. Whenever you finish one of these fights, you may get a message stating that the monster presence is greater or weaker. When the monster presence is weaker, less monster encounters occur. Greater monster presence will have you encountering monsters quite often. I recommend fighting during the New Moon. I list the Monster-in-a-Box treasure I got from each floor, but it is possible that these treasures are scattered over the four floors randomly, so that you can get any of the eight treasures on any of the four floors. I recommend you spend time getting all the Monster-in-a-Box treasures before doing speed runs for the good final treasure. _________________________________ ____1F_____________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon | Edge | | Monsters | | Monster-in-a-Box Treasure | |--------------------------------+ |---------------------------+ | 2 Lamia | | Ashura | | 2 Skulldier | | Killer Bow | | 2 Nagaraja | \___________________________/ | 2 Lesser Marilith | | 1 Mythril Golem, 1 Stone Golem | | 2 Coeurl, 1 Lamia | | 1 Chimera Brain | | 2 Mad Ogre | \________________________________/ Everything hits for a lot of damage. Until you're high level and well-geared, avoid the Chimera Brains as their Frost Blast will do a lot of damage to the whole party. While the damage decreases as its HP lowers, it has a lot of HP. Use Smoke with Edge of Tsukinowa to escape more quickly. Lamias will counter attacks with Entice, which confuses party members. If you equip everyone with Headbands, you'll be immune to this. Otherwise it is usually okay if some of your party gets confused. They have 1200 HP, so try to take them out in two hits. Lesser Mariliths and Nagarajas both hit pretty hard and take a bit to kill. If you get into a surprise or back attack, it's best to run. Otherwise just pound on them and heal as needed. Coeurls have just under 600 HP. Make sure you attack them with someone that can take them out in one hit. Their Blaster counter will usually kill a party member. Mad Ogres are beefy, but really pretty tame compared to some things in the dungeon. The Golems are also a bit of a breather as they seem to go down without too much of a fight. Head south across the first bridge. To the southwest is a bridge that leads to a chest. To the northeast is another chest. To the east is a bridge going south. After getting the chests if desired, head south across this bridge. Follow the path south and vaguely westward before turning north. At the end of the north part will be another chest. Follow the path from there vaguely eastward to reach the exit to the next floor. There are also two hooded figures running (literally) around here. They are initially invisible, but eventually appear. They serve to do nothing except occasionally get in the way to slow you down. _________________________________ ____2F_____________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon | Edge | | Monsters | | Monster-in-a-Box Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+|-----------------------------+ | 1 Lamia, 1 Mad Ogre || Black Belt Gi | | 2 Lilith || Mythril Hammer | | 1 Bloodflower, 2 Hellflapper, 2 Caterpillar |\_____________________________/ | 2 Blood Eye | | 3 Balloon | | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | 3 Vampire Bat | | 2 Storm Anima | \_____________________________________________/ This map is the same layout as the second area of the Old Waterway beneath Baron, except it looks like part of the Cave of Eblan and has no water. Monsters are actually a little better here for the most part. Caterpillars counter with Slow, so kill them last for an easier time. Vampire Bats are fast Bloodfeasters, which means that they can take awhile to kill but are no threat at all. Of all things, you should fear the Blood Eyes. They are about as fast as Tsukinowa can be, and the deal 800+ damage per hit, and they have a crapton of hit points. Use Smoke to flee from them. You can kill them in a Normal or Preemptive fight if you have the Katana/Boomerang setup on Edge and Tsukinowa (since they are weak to thrown weapons), but I usually don't bother unless it's a preemptive attack. They don't give enough exp to be worth it. Head down the stairs from the start. Here there is a secret passage to the east and to the south. If you go east, you'll get into a fixed fight that you cannot run from. If you keep going east after that into another secret passage, it is *another* forced fight. Yuck. Avoid that route and take the south secret passage instead. You'll come to a room with a chest. Grab it if you wish and then head south through another secret passage that zigzags a bit before coming to a room in the southeast corner of the map. At the top of the room is a chest. From the chest, step onto the ledge to the east and you can find a secret passage here that leads to a small room. Climb down the short stairs here and you can find a secret passage to the east. In the secret passage, go east until you can't, then go all the way north into the big cavern in this map. As you go north, note that there is an eastern side passage. Remember it as we'll be going there soon. In the big cavern, climb up onto the ledge to grab a chest. To the northeast are some rocks. Going in between them yields a secret passage that leads to near the exit, but it also yields a forced fight. Yuck. Instead, so back south through the secret passage, and turn east midway through and follow the long, thin passage all the way north to the exit. You should use this route for your speed runs through the dungeon (without getting the chests here) in order to avoid all three forced fights on this floor. _________________________________ ____3F_____________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon | Edge | | Monster | | Monster-in-a-Box Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |-----------------------------+ | 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | | Black Cowl | | 4 Caterpillar | | Crimson Cherry | | 1 Bloodflower, 2 Hellflapper | \_____________________________/ | 1 Steel Golem, 2 Skulldier, 2 Bloodbones | | 1 Malboro | | 2 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | 1 Mythril Golem | | 1 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bats | \__________________________________________/ Monsters by and large actually get easier here, except for Malboros. They hit pretty hard and have a lot of HP, but the real annoyance is Bad Breath, which can Toad and Pig you. Since Diet Rations and Maiden's Kisses are pretty rare in this chapter, you'll usually get stuck with a useless character until you can get to a save point. Equipping Headbands on everyone can avoid this since being able to block any of the Bad Breath status effects seems to block Bad Breath itself due to a weird bug in how the game reacts to status immunity. This floor is the same layout as the first part of the Mist Cave, in case it looked familiar. From the start, go east and up the stairs at the end, then go west/northwest and down the stairs. Take a few steps west and go up the stairs and keep going north and up some more stairs. Take the stairs to the north and grab a chest, then head back down the stairs and go east across the bridge. Go up the stairs here and east to a chest. I think there is a forced fight along the way. After you grab the chest, head back and down the stairs, then go east and down some more stairs. From here, you can go down some stairs to the south or go southeast. Go south down the steps first, where you'll get into a forced fight. From there go west/northwest and climb some stairs for a chest. Now go back and take the southeast path this time. It'll lead to a wider area. Here there are cloaked figures running about to get into your way. They will be invisible initially, but if you spend enough time here they will be visible. Go north all the way to the exit to the next floor. _________________________________ ____4F_____________________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon | Edge | | Monsters | | Monster-in-a-Box Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+|-----------------------------+ | 1 Malboro || Chakram | | 3 Storm Anima || Wind Spear | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre |\_____________________________/ | 1 Bloodflower, 2 Hellflapper, 2 Caterpillar | | 2 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | 4 Balloon | | 1 Chimera Brain | | 1 Mythril Golem, 1 Stone Golem | | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Coeurl, 3 Balloon | \_____________________________________________/ You should be familiar with all of these except maybe the Ghost Knights, which can appear in Monster-in-a-Box fights on previous floors. They cast Bio as a counter when attacked. This is a mimic of the Lunar Crystal Palace. Going west will lead to an exit if you should feel the need at this point in the dungeon (why?). Going east will lead you to a recovery tile, making this a great floor on which to grind your last few levels. Go north and you'll encounter a forced fight just as you reach the throne area. There is a chest on the throne. Behind it there is a door that leads to the last floor. _________________________________ ____Last Floor_____________________________/ Edge's Challenge Dungeon | Edge | | Monsters | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Storm Anima 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Coeurl, 3 Balloon | | 2 Blood Eye 1 Bloodflower, 2 Hellflapper, 2 Caterpillar | | 4 Caterpillar | | 1 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | \___________________________________________________________________________/ Walk forward and get into a forced fight just past the little bridge/stairs. It likes to have Lamias in it, which can be fun with all the Entice counters. Now, go forward and pick up your treasure! It could be a random consumable item like Bronze Hourglasses and Phoenix Down. It could also be a rare item! The faster you complete, the more likely your are to get good stuff. Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Adamantite * Blitz Whip * Elixir * Flame Lance * Gaia Hammer * Goblin Mask * Kotetsu * Mist Wrap * Silver Apple * Soma Drop * Treasure Hunter * Wing Edge Items in this dungeon do not repeat, so once you get them all you cannot get them again. I usually give Edge the Kotetsu and Wing Edge and Tsukinowa the Chakram and either the Ashura or Crimson Cherry, but do whatever you like. The Blitz Whip is preferred for Izayoi unless you get Angel Arrows from a Lamia, in which case she should use those and the Killer Bow. Gaia Hammer and Flame Whip are best for Gekkou and Zangetsu, respectively. Goblin Mask gives a nice speed boost as well as boosts to Intellect and Spirit and also protects against blind. Both it and the Black Cowl can be useful for whomever. I usually give Edge the Black Belt Gi and I give the Mist Wrap to Tsukinowa or Izayoi due to it's nice speed boost. You could also give it to Gekkou or Zangetsu if you want them to be less slow. It really doesn't matter what you do with the Silver Apple, but I like to save the Soma Drop so that it can be used by some non-ninja later on. Treasure hunter increases the drop rate of common and uncommon drops. It might be worth equipping for that, though the rares and very rares will remain just as rare and frustrating to acquire. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.8 Porom's Tale [POTL] )----------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. __________________ __________________________________________________________/ Contents | Porom | 1. Mysidia - Past [WPOMYP] 2. Kaipo [WPOKPO] 3. Underground Waterway [WPOUWW] 4. Mist [WPOMST] 5. Dwarven Castle [WPODWC] 6. Passage of the Eidolons [WPOPOE] 7. Mysidia [WPOMYS] 8. Mt. Ordeals [WPOMTO] 9. Showdown [WPOSHD] 10. Porom's Challenge Dungeon [WPOPCD] _________________________________ ___________________________________________/ Mysidia - Past [WPOMYP] | Porom | You'll begin this chapter in a flashback from the end of FF4. After being drug to the elder by Porom, Palom will run off again. Find him first by the Weaponsmith and Armory, then Near the Item Shop, then east of the Devil's Road and he'll be persuaded to come back. This chapter will now seem to become the Palom gets to go off and do sage training tale. You'll find yourself several years later. ___________________________ _________________________________________________/ To Kaipo [WPOKPO] | Porom | We find Palom and Porom on a ship bound for Kaipo. They are still in their children forms from FF4, and you'll get to play this part of the tale using their flashback sprites. Neat. I guess. Once the boat docks, head west and a bit north to reach Kaipo, by the oasis. This tale seems to follow Edge's Tale's habit of having no overworld monsters at all, so enjoy the walk. _______________ _____________________________________________________________/ Kaipo | Porom | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|---------------------+|--------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Rod 100 gil || Leather Cap 100 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Staff 160 gil || Clothing 50 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Bow 220 gil || Leather Clothing 200 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Iron Arrows 50 gil || Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil |\_____________________/\__________________________/ | Antidote 40 gil || Inn | | Treasure | | Tent 100 gil ||--------+|------------+ \_______________________/| 50 gil || Potion | \________/\____________/ The only thing to loot here is a *POTION* in the top pot above the Weaponsmith. Don't bother buying any equipment. What you have is better than it and you'll get better soon. Stop by Tellah's and Anna's graves and view the scenes that occur when you examine them. Afterwards, exit town and head north then a bit east to reach the Underground Waterway. _______________________________________ ____Entrance South - B1______________/ Underground Waterway [WPOUWW] | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |---------------------------------+ | 2 Killer Fish, 1 Yellow Jelly | | Lightning Arrows Dry Ether | | 3 Fangshell, 1 Amoeba | | Crossbow Hi-Potion | | 3 Gigantoad | | Tent Phoenix Down | | 2 Zombie, 1 Ghoul | | Wizard's Hat | \_______________________________/ \_________________________________/ Monsters here aren't too bad. Cast Thunder on the Killer Fish and Fangshell groups, and finish off the Amoebas with Porom's attacks. The Gigantoad group is easily thwarted by multi-cast Blizzard. They can counter magic with Toad, so avoid casting anything but Blizzard on them. The undead group should be hit with Fire and finished off by Porom's attack and Palom's Flame Rod. Palom and Porom have a Twincast Band Attack that they have already learned. It can deal some decent damage, but is generally too slow to be of real use. Go north across the bridge and grab the chests here for *LIGHTNING ARROWS* and a *CROSSBOW*. Equip these on Porom; she'll be your attacked for awhile. Return to the entrance and head west. Go across and bridge and grab a chest to your south for a *TENT* and then head north across a bridge. You'll have a mini scene on the bridge. After crossing the bridge, go east across a bridge and keep going eastward until you come to some stairs leading down into the water. Once you're in the water, take two steps west and then go north to cross under a bridge and grab a *WIZARD'S HAT* from a chest. Give this to Palom since it raises Intellect and damage is more important than healing in this dungeon. Go back south and keep heading west/southwest in the water until you come to a big waterfall. Step into the waterfall to find a secret room with three chests holding a *DRY ETHER*, *HI-POTION*, and *PHOENIX DOWN*. Now exit the room and go all the way back and climb out of the water. Head all all the way west and then north to reach to exit to the next floor. ______________________________ ____B2 South__________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 3 Gigantoad | | Maiden's Kiss | | 2 Yellow Jelly, 1 Toadgre | | Ether | | 2 Killer Fish, 1 Yellow Jelly | | Gaia Gear | \_______________________________/ \_______________/ Monsters are about the same here. The Yellow Jelly and Toadgre group is very annoying and I recommend you just run from it. If you must fight, single-cast Blizzard on the Toadgre first, then multi-cast Thunder on the jellies. Head north along the path and cross the bridge at the end. Go down the nearby steps into the water and keep going south. About halfway down there are steps to the west that lead up to a ledge. Take them and follow the ledge to a chest with a *MAIDEN'S KISS*, then go back into the water and go all the way south. Climb the stairs you'll find here and go all the way west, ignoring a bridge, to reach a chest with an *ETHER*. Go back and south across that bridge. From there, travel all the way west, then north across a bridge and enter the door. Save at the save point in this room and use a Tent if needed, then continue north to exit the save room. Go across the bridge to the east and grab a chest here for a *GAIA GEAR*, which you can give to either twin, though I prefer Porom. Go south and down to stairs into the water, then head east and up some stairs. Travel north to a door leading to the next area. ______________________________ ____B3________________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------+ |-------------+ | 2 Ghoul, 2 Zombie | | Tent | | 1 Toadgre, 3 Gigantoad | | Thunder Rod | | 2 Yellow Jelly, 1 Toadgre | \_____________/ | 1 Alligator, 2 Fangshell | | 1 Splasher, 3 Fangshell | \___________________________/ Use Fira on the undead group, and then kill stragglers with arrows and/or the Flame Rod. The toad group should fall to Blizzard. For the group with the Alligator, just multi-cast Blizzard on the group and pick off the stranglers with arrows or Palom's rods. For the group with the Splasher, attack the fish with arrows while Palom multi-casts Thunder on the group. He should use his Rod (especially the Thunder Rod, once you get it) to hit the leftover fish with magic rather than wasting MP. Follow the path until you have a choice of two bridges. Take the east bridge first and follow it to two chests to get a *TENT* and a *THUNDER ROD* then go back and take the west bridge, following that path to a door leading to the next area. ______________________________ ____B2 North__________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Yellow Jelly, 1 Toadgre | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Alligator, 2 Fangshell | | Hermes Sandals | | 1 Splasher, 3 Fangshell | \________________/ | 2 Gigantoad, 2 Toadgre | \___________________________/ Head north up the stairs and grab the chest you see there for a *PHOENIX DOWN*. North of you is the exit to the next floor, but hold up for a moment and take the secret passage located west of the exit. Once inside, go north and follow it to the east side of the map, where you can go south on a ledge to reach a chest with *HERMES SANDALS*. Go back and to the exit. ______________________________ ____Entrance North - B1_______________________/ Underground Waterway | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Alligator, 2 Fangshell | | Ether | | 1 Splasher, 3 Fangshell | | Maiden's Kiss | | 2 Yellow Jelly, 1 Toadgre | | Cottage | | 3 Ghoul, 2 Zombie | | Unicorn Horn | | 4 Toadgre | \_______________/ \___________________________/ You should know the drill for the monsters. The undead group can be a bit annoying since there are so many bodies to soak up damage. Hit them with Fira and Cura and pick off the remaining stragglers with the Flame Rod and arrows. Head north and you'll see a bridge to the east and stairs to the rest. Go down the stairs first and grab the chests in the area for an *ETHER* and a *MAIDEN'S KISS*. Now head across the bridge. Ignore the exit for now and go down the stairs here and grab the two chests in that area for a *COTTAGE* and a *MAIDEN'S KISS*. I recommend you get to level 15 before exiting and heading to the next area. Once outside head over to the next cave and enter. You probably want to use the Cottage before entering. ___________________________ _________________________________________________/ Underground Falls | Porom | Take a few steps forward and jump down the waterfall after some dialogue. __________________________ ____B2____________________________________________/ Underground Lake | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ |------------+ | 4 Tiny Mage | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Ghoul, 2 Zombie | | Ether | | 1 Alligator, 2 Fangshell | \____________/ | 1 Tiny Mage, 4 Sahagin | | 1 Splasher, 2 Fangshell, 1 Amoeba | \___________________________________/ The group of Tiny Mages is annoying since your basic elemental spells will do zero damage to them and you'd normally have to waste an -ara spell to kill them all. However, just multi-cast Silence on the group and kill them with arrows if you want. They can drop Silver Armlets, which is an armor improvement for the twins. For the Sahagin group, kill the Tiny Mage with arrows first, then Thunder the whole group and pick off the stragglers with arrows and Thunder Rod casting. Everything else should be manageable by now. Climb up the stairs and follow the path around. Go down the stairs at the south end for chests containing a *HI-POTION* and an *ETHER* and then climb back up and follow the path to the door which leads to the next area. __________________________ ____B1____________________________________________/ Underground Lake | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 4 Tiny Mage | | Hermes Sandals | | 1 Splasher, 2 Fangshell, 1 Amoeba | | Silver Armlet | | 2 Alligator | \________________/ | 1 Tiny Mage, 4 Sahagin | \___________________________________/ Blizzard the alligator group. The rest of the monsters should be familiar. Head east across a bridge and grab the chest for *HERMES SANDALS* and a *SILVER ARMLET*. Give that to Porom. Go north across a bridge and climb down the stairs to the water. Approach the tentacles in the waterfall to begin a boss fight. _________________________________ ____Cooler Mammoth_________________________/ Underground Lake - Boss | Porom | This ten-tentacled beast can be a real horror if you're under-leveled. The Cooler Leeches (which are each comprised of two tentacles) have a variety of offensive spells and they can be fast enough to get off several before you can act. If you're Level 15+, you should be okay. Palom should always be casting Fira on the head of the beast unless you need him to chuck an emergency Hi-Potion. Porom should start off by multi-casting Slow on the beast, so that it and its tentacles are slowed. Next she should multi-cast Silence on the beast. This will miss the head, but the tentacles will be silenced. They do much less damage with physical attacks, so the battle should be easy from this point on. Porom can heal with Cura and cast protect for the rest of the battle. After 6+ Firas to the head, the Cooler Mammoth will become seafood soup and you will be victorious. ______________________________________________________________________________ Afterwards, you'll shift to several years later, when the twins are grown up. ______________________________ ______________________________________________/ The Airship [WPOMST] | Porom | Porom will be waiting alone for Cid to arrive on his airship and she'll be wondering where Palom is. After Cid arrives, they take off for Mist and Palom will be found to be already on board. After the cutscenes, enter Mist. Again, there are no overworld monsters. ______________ ______________________________________________________________/ Mist | Porom | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | | Inn | |-----------------------+ |-----------------------+ |-----------+ | Ice Rod 220 gil | | Feathered Cap 330 gil | | 150 gil | | Flame Rod 380 gil | | Wizard's Hat 700 gil | \___________/ | Thunder Rod 700 gil | | Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Healing Staff 480 gil | | Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Crossbow 700 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Holy Arrows 500 gil | \_______________________/ | Whip 200 gil | \_______________________/ | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | Bomb Crank Bomb Fragment Dry Ether Soma Drop | | Bomb Crank Silver Hourglass Cottage | \_______________________________________________________/ There is a secret passage through the trees in the southeast part of town. Walk through it and search the bushes for two *BOMB CRANKS*. Search the bushes east of the pond for a *BOMB FRAGMENT*. Afterwards, head to Rydia's house in the northwest part of town. After the scene Rydia will join you. Walk into her fireplace and follow the secret passage east to reach a room with three chests containing a *SILVER HOURGLASS*, a *DRY ETHER* and a *COTTAGE*. Exit through the east wall of this room and follow that secret passage south to reach a room with a *SOMA DROP* in a chest. I give this to Porom. Whatever you do, don't waste it on the other two characters as they are temporary for this chapter and their stats do not carry over. You'll want to buy two Wizard's Hats, two Gaia Gears, and two Silver Armlets so that all three characters are well-armored. If you can't afford it all, just buy what you can afford. You may also want to pick up an Ice Rod to round out Palom's collection. Once you are ready, leave town and fly away to the underworld on the airship. _________________________________ ___________________________________________/ Dwarven Castle [WPODWC] | Porom | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+ |-----------------------+ |-----------------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Ice Rod 220 gil | | Feathered Cap 330 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Flame Rod 380 gil | | Wizard's Hat 700 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Thunder Rod 700 gil | | Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Healing Staff 480 gil | | Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil | | Crossbow 700 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Antidote 40 gil | | Holy Arrows 500 gil | \_______________________/ | Tent 100 gil | | Whip 200 gil | | Inn | \_______________________/ \_______________________/ |-----------+ | Treasure | | 150 gil | |-------------------------------------------------+ \___________/ | 1000 gil Hermes Sandals Bronze Hourglass | | Hi-Potion Hi-Potion Tent | | Spider Silk Antidote ??? | | Dry Ether Ether Hi-Potion | | Cottage Unicorn Horn Phoenix Down | \_________________________________________________/ Once you're in the underworld, enter the Dwarven castle and prepare for the lootfest! Once inside the castle take the stairs to the west to enter the Inn area. The pot next to the counter contains *1000 GIL*. Take the stairs that lead up to enter the west tower. Go to the second floor. You can sneak around south of the pots. One of them contains a *HI-POTION*. Go up to the third floor. Walk west through the wall to grab the west chest for a *SPIDER SILK*. Then take a step south into the wall, head west, then southeast to reach the south chest for a *DRY ETHER*. Take a step south, then go east and north and east through the walls to reach the east chest for a *COTTAGE*. Then take a step south and go east, then north, then west to reach the north chest for some *HERMES SANDALS*. From here, step east into the wall and go north, west, southwest, and then east and south to return to the stairs. That all sounds really complicated, but the paths are pretty straight- forward. Go back to the first floor of the tower and exit through the door to get onto the roof. Walk east across the roof and enter the east tower. Grab the chest on the first floor for a *HI-POTION* and go up to the second floor. You can sneak around to the west side of the pots on the west side. One of them contains an *ANTIDOTE*. On the third floor, you can just walk straight to any chest and then sneak around the walls near the stairs to get the rest without having to climb up and down the stairs four times. You'll end up with an *ETHER*, a *UNICORN HORN*, a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*, and a *TENT*. Go back down to the first floor of the east tower and go down the stairs to reach the Weaponsmith and Armorer. You can use that 1000 gil to purchase anything you couldn't afford in Mist. Take the stairs here down into the basement. The pot north of the stairs contains something I forgot to record, but I think it was something lame like a potion. Two other pots nearby contain a *HI-POTION* and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Head back to the lobby via the weaponsmith and armorer room's other staircase. Go north to enter the throne room and talk to Giott, the Dwarf king. Luca will accompany you after the cut scene, but like Cid, she won't be in your part. Hop aboard the airship outside to fly to the island with the Passage to the Eidolons. __________________________________________ ____B1____________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons [WPOPOE] | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |-------------+ | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | | Fire Arrows | | 2 Ettin Snake | | Ether | | 2 Treant | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Gargoyle | \_____________/ | 2 Gargoyle, 2 Needlehog | \_________________________/ You will soon find out that the monsters have vastly ramped up their power. This place is pretty difficult. You will also probably notice that Rydia has all her summons in this Tale. Any basic elemental summon (Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh) will kill any monster group in this dungeon). There is a healing pot aboard the Falcon, so this is a great time to level up. Palom and Rydia cap at level 20 in this chapter. I recommend leveling Porom up to at least 20. Level 25 is a good point for her to prepare her for the rest of the chapter. Just go in, summon to kill everything and go back to the Falcon to recover as needed. The groups on the second and third floor are a bit better for exp. You can kill off Palom once he caps in order to level Porom faster if you'd like. Beyond that, Treants die to multi-cast Fira, but everything else will need more than one -ara spell for the most part (Gargoyle are almost dead after any -ara spell, and Ettin snakes have just over 100 hp, so they die fast, even if they hit hard). So, summon away! From the start, go east one room, then go north one room and grab the chest for some *FIRE ARROWS*, which are okay for Porom since a few things in this dungeon are weak to fire. From there, go west through a secret passage and grab the *ETHER* you find at the end. Go back to the Fire Arrows chest and travel all the way south, grabbing the *HI-POTION* from the chest at the end. From there, go all the way west, then north, then west again to reach the stairs down to the next floor. _________________________________ ____B2_____________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ |------------+ | 3 Gray Bomb, 1 Mortblossom | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | | Cottage | | 2 Treant | \____________/ | 3 Needlehog, 1 Cait Sith | | 1 Treant, 1 Needlehog, 1 Gargoyle | \___________________________________/ This floor makes it seem like this dungeon was designed for summons. Mortblossoms are weak to fire, but Gray Bombs explode if hit by Fire, so use a summon to kill them all fast, or multiple Blizzaras. The Needlehog and Cait Sith Group takes way too many -ara spells, so just summon to kill them. Likewise with the mixed group of three things. Bleh. Go east from the stat until you reach an intersection. Go southeast to grab a *HI-POTION* from a chest, then go north to reach another intersection (though barely go north). Northwest is a chest with a *COTTAGE*. East will lead you to a save point and the stairs to the next floor. You could burn a cottage here to replenish MP, but it's best to do this dungeon in raids to get treasure and levels. _________________________________ ____B3_____________________________________/ Passage of the Eidolons | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |-----------------+ | 1 Cait Sith, 2 Gray Bomb | | Hermes Sandals | | 3 Needlehog, 1 Cait Sith | | Sage's Surplice | | 3 Gray Bomb, 1 Mortblossom | | Decoy | | 3 Gray Bomb, 2 Bomb | | Echo Herbs | | 1 Cait Sith 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Mortblossom | | Hi-Potion | \__________________________________________/ | Dry Ether | \_________________/ From the start, go west one room and then south one room. head west into a secret passage and then go south until you're even with the room with the three chests. Grab them for a *HERMES SANDALS*, a *SAGE'S SURPLICE*, and a *DECOY*. Give the Sage's Surplice to Porom as it'll help out her Spirit. Travel back through the secret passage to the room north of the one with the chests. Go one room east, then one room south and grab the chest for some *ECHO HERBS*. From here, go one room east. The room north of here is the "Exit," but ignore it for now and go east another room to pick up a *HI-POTION* from a chest. From there, walk east into a secret passage, then all the way north, and west into the room above the Hi-Potion chest. From here, go north one room and west one room to grab a *DRY ETHER*. Head back to the "Exit." Rydia will not permit you to enter and will go herself. After a short bit she'll return. Walk all the way out of the dungeon, or use Warp a few times if for some reason you hate getting EXP. Unequip Rydia and Palom before flying off in the airship. After the cut scene, you'll be in present day Mysidia, with Porom. __________________________ __________________________________________________/ Mysidia [WPOMYS] | Porom | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|------------------------+|-------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Ice Rod 220 gil || Wizard's Hat 700 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Flame Rod 380 gil || Sage's Miter 200 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Thunder Rod 700 gil || Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Healing Staff 480 gil || Sages Surplice 1200 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Psycho Spiral 2000 gil || Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Tent 100 gil || Crossbow 700 gil || Rune Armlet 2000 gil | | Cottage 500 gil || Great Bow 2000 gil |\_________________________/ \_______________________/| Holy Arrows 500 gil | | Inn | \________________________/ |---------+ | 200 gil | \_________/ After the initial cut scene, you'll be joined by a White Mage and a Black Mage. They are pretty much identical to the ones from Ceodore's Tale, except they level cap at 20. You'll want to armor your group as follows (some of which you should have): Porom : Sage's Miter, Sage's Surplice, Rune Armlet White Mage: Sage's Miter, Sage's Surplice, Rune Armlet Black Mage: Wizard's Hat, Sage's Surplice, Rune Armlet You could give the Black Mage any of Palom's leftover rods and give the two white mages Psycho Spirals, but I actually recommend arming all three with a Great Bow and Holy Arrows. Mt. Ordeals is chock full of undead and with the triple bow setup, you pretty much can just mash attack through the next dungeon. If you don't have enough gil, buy the Bows and Arrows before the armor. _________________ ____Overworld______________________________________________/ Mysidia | Porom | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Sword Rat, 3 Gatlinghog 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | | 1 Zu, 3 Cockatrice 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin | | 3 Domovoi, 1 Gatlinghog 2 Gatlinghog, 2 Sword Rat | | 1 Zu 3 Domovoi, 3 Gatlinghog | \________________________________________________________/ Monsters are pretty easy here. Arrows will take down Cockatrices in one hit if you've got a 3x attack multiplier. Thundara will one-shot or some close to one-shotting the Zus. Head east to reach Mt. Ordeals, following the snaky path to get there. ______________________________ ____Overworld_________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals [WPOMTO] | Porom | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Sword Rat, 3 Gatlinghog 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | | 1 Zu, 3 Cockatrice 3 Domovoi, 3 Goblin | | 3 Domovoi, 1 Gatlinghog 2 Gatlinghog, 2 Sword Rat | | 1 Zu 1 White Dragon (Waxing Moon) | \___________________________________________________________/ Monsters are the same around the mountain, though during the Waxing Moon you can encounter the powerful White Dragon, which drops White Tails very rarely. These are way too strong for you to kill now, so avoid them. It seems you need to be on the northeast side of the mountain to find them. There is a chocobo forest near the mountain's entrance. You can heal up then speak to the white chocobo to recover your MP and be fully rested. When you're ready, head into the mountain _____________________ ____Entrance___________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------------+|---------------+ | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul 3 Skeleton, 2 Bloodbones || Ether | | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones 1 Ghoul, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton || Psycho Spiral | | 1 Lilith 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant |\_______________/ | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul | \___________________________________________________________/ Pretty much everything on the mountain is weak to holy, so your Holy Arrows will rip through things, usually in one hit (except full moon!). You'll want to prioritize your targets to ensure you receive the least amount of damage possible. Use this order as a general guideline for who to attack first: Necrodium > Revenant > Skeleripper > Evil Flame > Ghoul > Bloodbones >Spirit > Soul > Skeleton Liliths should be killed with single-target Fire or Cura and can be finished off with regular attacks if need be. Follow the path west then north and then east. Ignore the stairs for now and grab the chest for an *ETHER*, then take the stairs. Grab the chest there for a *PSYCHO SPIRAL* and go up the stairs to the west. A short trip east leads to the tunnel to the next section. _____________________ ____Trail______________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Porom | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Ghoul, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton 1 Lilith, 2 Bloodbones | | 1 Spirit, 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones 2 Ghoul, 2 Soul | | 1 Skeleripper, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul, 1 Revenant | \___________________________________________________________________/ This floor is very straightforward. Follow the path and enter the tunnel to the next area. _____________________ ____Crossing___________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------+ |-----------------+ | 3 Soul, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant | | Sage's Miter | | 2 Lilith | | Blinding Arrows | | 1 Skeleripper, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton | \_________________/ | 2 Soul, 2 Evil Flame | | 1 Spirit, 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | | 1 Soul, 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul, 1 Revenant, 1 Necrodium | \____________________________________________/ You'll start running into Necrodiums here. They can hit hard, but are usually placed so that they are at the rear. They have enough HP to avoid being one- shot, so you'll have to hit them with two arrow attacks. Evil Flames aren't really very weak to Holy, so you'll have to use up two shots on them too. The double Lilith group can be taken down by a multi-cast Fire followed by regular attacks during moons where black magic is not weakened, or you can single-cast Fire or Cura to kill them (or use a Hi-Potion on them!). Head all the way west and up some stairs to grab a *SAGE'S MITER* from a chest. Along the way you passed a ramp that went north. Take that ramp north and head east. Climb up a double set of stairs and head west across a bridge to reach the tunnel to the summit. Before leaving this area, go down a nearby ramp and grab the *BLINDING ARROWS* from a chest. Leave them unequipped for now since your Holy Arrows should do more damage in this place. _____________________ ____Summit_____________________________________________/ Mt. Ordeals | Porom | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------+ | 3 Soul, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul, 1 Revenant, 1 Necrodium | | 1 Evil Flame, 1 Skeleripper, 1 Necrodium | | 1 Soul, 2 Ghoul, 2 Revenant | | 2 Lilith | | 1 Lilith, 1 Skeleripper, 1 Necrodium | \____________________________________________/ Go a bit east then head all the way north, going up some stairs. You can stop at the save point to the east along the way if you'd like. Once you're up the stairs, go west across the bridge and examine the monument there for some delicious cut scenes. DUN DUN DUN. After the cut scene, start back east across the bridge to be back-attacked by 2 Necrodium, 2 Revenant, 2 Skeleton, 1 Bloodbones, and 1 Skeleripper. After they all attacked, Porom will comment about being hopelessly outnumbered, even though you could totally kill everything easily, and Kain will jump in and kill them all using a move he never gets to use ever again. If you played through Kain's Tale, and this is likely, this scene should be very familiar to you. After more cutscene, Kain joins your party. Nothing about him in this Tale carries over to the final chapters, so don't worry about gearing him up to his fullest. Kain adds damage-dealing and front-row meatshieldiness to the group. Yay. Climb back down the mountain, catching the scene on the Trail where Porom senses Palom. This scene makes much more sense if you've played all the way through Palom's Tale. Granted, the first 2/3 of this Tale felt like they were Palom's Tale, but I digress. Take a chocobo from the chocobo forest and ride back to Mysidia. __________________________ ____Showdown!_____________________________________/ Mysidia [WPOSHD] | Porom | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|------------------------+|-------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Ice Rod 220 gil || Wizard's Hat 700 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Flame Rod 380 gil || Sage's Miter 200 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Thunder Rod 700 gil || Gaia Gear 500 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Healing Staff 480 gil || Sages Surplice 1200 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Psycho Spiral 2000 gil || Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Tent 100 gil || Crossbow 700 gil || Rune Armlet 2000 gil | | Cottage 500 gil || Great Bow 2000 gil |\_________________________/ \_______________________/| Holy Arrows 500 gil | | Inn | \________________________/ |---------+ | 200 gil | \_________/ When you enter Mysidia, you'll find that it is under attack! All the shops are open for business, as well as the Inn. Namingway can be found at the Inn. Anyhoo, you can talk to the little robed monsters around town to fight some things (they are good practice for the Challenge Dungeon!). The Goblin Captain group gives some decent exp too. 1. Running around near armorer : 2 Naga, 2 Cave Naga 2. Near Black Mage by the Inn : 4 Goblin Captain 3. Running around near Devil's Road : 1 Chimera 4. Near White Mage north of armorer : 3 Ogre 5. Standing in front of the Hall : 1 Steel Golem You can ignore all of these except the Steel Golem, which you must fight to gain entry to the Hall of Prayers. Jump twice with Kain and add some supplemental damage with arrows. Use Esuna if Kain anyone gets put to sleep. Once inside the Hall, go up the stairs into the Crystal Room. A door in the back leads up to the tower, where you'll find the Elder and engage in a fight with a Blood Eye. Cast slow on it immediately and cast Protect on the party up to four times. Heal as needed. Kain should Jump. The black mage really can't do much damage with his spells, but feel free to use them or arrows. After it dies, watch the cutscene and eventually Porom will exit the building to find our dear friend the Mysterious Girl. After some banter, you'll fight her, with the Elder coming to your side to fight like the badass we all know he is! ________________________ ____Mysterious Girl & Ramuh_________________________/ Mysidia - Boss | Porom | Except the Elder has no offensive capabilities at all since he lacks Holy. He's got every other white magic spell though! Here's what you should do. Cast Haste on the Elder and Porom and then Berserk on both so that you can sit back and watch the show. This fight is timed off of the damage you do to the Mysterious Girl and so forth, so this is best. She'll eventually summon Ramuh. Eventually Ramuh will go to Judgment Bolt you and the Elder will teleport Porom one map square away while he remains to eat lightning. Yum! ______________________________________________________________________________ Afterwards, Kain will intervene in a shocking plot twist that you already saw in Kain's Tale (sigh) and the credits will soon roll. Watch the credits and Save your finish data and you're done with the main part of this tale. Be sure to save your finish data in a different slot than your main game finish data. ____________________________________________ ________________________________/ Porom's Challenge Dungeon [WPOPCD] | Porom | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 2 Cait Sith, 1 Ogre, 1 Cave Naga | | Power Staff | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre | | Killer Bow | | 1 Red Mousse, 1 Purple Bavarois, 1 Yellow Jelly | | Ice Arrows | | 1 Goblin Captain, 1 Sorceress, 1 Centaur Knight | \_____________/ | 2 Skulldier, 1 Steel Golem | | 3 Ogre | | 3 Bloodbat | | 2 Cave Naga, 2 Ettin Snake | \_________________________________________________/ Reload your save, which will put outside Mysidia. You are at a point just Before you entered Mysidia to find all the monsters inside, story-wise. Just Go though the Mysidia battle sequence again if you want to. Fighting all the monsters in town again and clearing the game is a sorta decent way to grind out some levels to prepare yourself for this challenge dungeon. But for real leveling, I suggest KOing the generic mages and fighting at Mt. Ordeals until level 35ish. Find Namingway in the inn of Mysidia and say Yes to go to the Challenge Dungeon. Here's how the dungeon works. 1. You start in an entrance room with an old dude who can explain all this. 2. As soon as you leave the entrance room, a 15-minute timer begins. 3. You'll be at a random location in a large maze-like field. 4. You are tasked with helping people in the dungeon. You must help as many people as possible as well as reaching the exit portal (it's in the northwest corner of the maze), fighting a force encounter in the Last Room (sometimes you don't have to!), and opening the Final Treasure Chest in the Last Room, all within 15 minutes. If you hit 0 on the countdown, you get teleported out. Yikes! 5. There are treasure chests scattered about. They are random junk, usually, but occasionally hold a *Power Staff* or a *Killer Bow* or *Ice Arrows*, all of which can only be gotten once. Here is a list of people to help: Old Man : Wants you to cast a white magic spell (Cura or Esuna) and he may ask you to cast it multiple times. Porom needs to have enough MP left to do this! (I once got asked for 10 Esunas from an old man. Ugh!) Youth : Wants random one of these: 5 Hi-Potions 5 Phoenix Downs 5 Gold Needles 5 Tents 5 Echo Herbs 1 Remedy 1 Ether 1 Healing Staff 1 Sage's Surplice Note: Ether and Remedy can be found in the treasure chests in this dungeon, occasionally. W. Mage : Summons three spirits that appear on the map. Talk to each spirit to give it a blessing give it rest. The spirits do not appear until you talk to the White Mage, so it is best to do this one *first* if possible. There is 1 White Mage. B. Mage : Help him by killing the monster that is attacking him. This can be: 1 Evil Dreamer (2800 HP, use Stop!) 1 Chimera (700 HP) 1 Steel Golem (1950 HP, use Stop) There are usually 3 Black Mages. The more people you help, the more chance you have of getting a 'good' treasure from the final chest. You should have enough time to always help everyone and get all the treasure chests once you learn the layout of the dungeon very well. When helping everyone, I got a good treasure 8 out of 11 times. You should run from everything when trying to help everyone. Use the White Mage to heal (Raise it with Porom first if needed) until you've helped all the old men. You'll want to have at least 10 of every consumable that Mysidia sells as well as a number of Healting Staffs and Sage's Surplice (I haven't had the Youth ask for any other equipment, though it may be possible). You can use the map I made, which is hosted at GameFAQs, to plan your route. I try to do the southern area, if possible, as it is a bit isolated and far from the exit. You can usually find the white mage reasonably near your starting location. Porom's Challenge Dungeon Map: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/958463/57394 Possible "Boss" Fights in the Last Room: * 2 Mad Ogre (Use Slow on both, use Sleep on Rear Mad Ogre) * 1 Mythril Golem (2900 HP, use Stop) * 1 Flamehound, 1 Frostbeast (use Stop on Flamehound) Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Adamantite * Aura Staff * Elixir * Luminous Robe * Mystic Veil * Rapid Ring * Silver Apple * Soma Drop The Aura Staff is a nice boost to Spirit and it can cast Dispel when used, but I usually stick with the Killer Bow and Arrows. Mystic Veil gives +7 to both Spirit and Intellect, as well as +1 Speed, so this is a must have for Porom. Luminous Robe is solid armor for her as well. The Rapid Ring makes the standby time of skills go quicker (ie, Jump, casting spells, etc) as is useful for Kain's Jump or the Black Mage's Stop spell. Just be sure not to leave it on them when you import your data into the final chapter! ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.9 Edward's Tale [EWTL] )---------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. ___________________ _________________________________________________________/ Contents | Edward | 1. Damcyan Castle [WEWDCC] 2. The Antlion's Den (side trip) [WEWTAD] 3. Impact Crater [WEWIPC] 4. The Emmissary From Baron [WEWTEB] 5. The Underground Waterway [WEWUWW] 6. Kaipo [WEWKPO] 7. To Fetch a Sand Pearl [WEWFSP] 8. To Baron We A-Go-Go! [WEWBAR] 9. Edward's Challenge Dungeon [WEWECD] __________________________________ __________________________________________/ Damcyan Castle [WEWDCC] | Edward | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Treasure | |------------------------+ |-------------------------+ |----------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Dream Harp 480 gil | | Spider Silk | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Silver Harp 880 gil | | Bronze Tail | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Whip 200 gil | | Potion | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Thorn Whip 3000 gil | | Bronze Tail | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Broadsword 200 gil | | Hi-Potion | | Eye Drops 30 gil | | Longsword 450 gil | | Phoenix Down | | Antidote 40 gil | \_________________________/ | Longsword | | Tent 50 gil | | Armorer | | Potion | \________________________/ |-------------------------+ | Phoenix Down | | Sundries| | Feathered Cap 300 gil | | Potion | |------------------------+ | Bard's Tunic 70 gil | | Eye Drops | | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | | Bronze B.plate 500 gil | | Silver Armlet | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Potion | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Antarctic Wind | | Spider Silk 100 gil | | Iron Shield 600 gil | | Hi-Potion | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Iron Armor 1000 gil | | Potion | \________________________/ | Iron Helm 800 gil | \________________/ | Inn : 50 gil | \_________________________/ After the initial cutscenes, you'll gain control of Edward in the throne room at night. You could loot some things now, but it's more efficient to wait a bit. Head down the east hallway and take the stairs up into Edward's bedroom. If you go down the west hallway, you can take stairs up into Harley's room and read her diary for some insight into her character. In any case, step into Edward's bed and rest. Edward will have a dream before waking up early. Now let's loot things! Go downstairs from Edward's bedroom, then go down the next set of stairs into the storeroom. A chest here contains *SPIDER SILK*. Now go down the next staircase, which leads to the weaponsmith and armorer (both are unstaffed at the moment) and then go right back up those same stairs. When you are back in the storeroom, standing on the staircase, go south into the wall and follow it east and then north. When you can go no further, search to get a *BRONZE TAIL* Now, you may be thinking, "Wow! A Tail already!," but tails work a bit differently in this chapter. The rare tail you actually want from this chapter is the Gold Tail. You can trade five Bronze Tails for a Silver Tail and you can trade five Silver Tails for the Gold Tail later on in the chapter. In anycase, head back down to the weaponsmith/armorer room and search the pot there for a *POTION*. Keep walking west to reach the center part of this floor and then head south to go outside. Go down the first set of stairs outside, and then head east, behind the tower. There is a large row of flowers here. One of the southern ones hides a *BRONZE TAIL*. Now head down to the front gate and talk to the guard. After a cut scene, you will be in full control of Guards Ashley, Bruce, and Campbell with Edward in the backrow. Edward's harps ignore row, so you should always leave him there. Now let's finish looting the castle. Once your feet are in the sand, you can skirt around the eastern wall of the castle to find the Jail/Treasure storage faciliy. A switch on the wall will open the door and secret passages link each cell. Grab the three chests here for a *HI-POTION*, a *PHOENIX DOWN* and a *LONGSWORD*, which can be give to Bruce. There's another staircase down here, so take that and loot all six chests and three of the pots for a haul of a *POTION*, *PHOENIX DOWN*, *POTION*, *EYE DROPS*, a *SILVER ARMLET*, another *POTION*, an *ANTARCTIC WIND*, a *HI-POTION*, and yet another *POTION*. Leave the Silver Armlet in your inventory for now; Edward should *always* be equipped with the Gil Band throughout this tale. The shops are open now, but not the Inn. Go ahead and buy two more Longswords for Ashley and Campbell as well as Iron Armor for all three guards. You can then either buy a Silver Harp for Edward, or some of the other Iron gear for the guards. Whichever. Edward will be getting a better harp soon if you can wait. ___________________ ____Overworld____________________________________________/ Damcyan | Edward | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Hundlegs, 2 Desert Sahagin 1 Sand Worm | | 2 Sword Rat, 2 Goblin 2 Sand Worm | | 3 Goblin, 1 Domovoi 4 Desert Sahagin | | 1 Sand Worm, 1 Hundlegs | \__________________________________________________/ Mosnters arround Damcyan can be killed by attacking repeatedly. This is pretty much the strategy for every battle in this chapter. Hundlegs and Sand Worms will drop Bronze Tails as uncommon drops and Silver Tails as very rare drops. Head east from Damcyan and cross the bridge. You can see the Antlion's Den to the southeast. To the northeast is the Impact Crater where we are supposed to go, but let's completely ignore that and head to the Antlion's Den instead. __________________________________ ____B1____________________________________/ Antlion's Den [WEWTAD] | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Leshy | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Spirit | | Zeus's Wrath | | 1 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | Antarctic Wind | | 2 Spirit, 1 Skeleton | | Spider Silk | | 1 Basilisk, 3 Domovoi | | Bronze Tail | | 1 Leshy, 1 Adamantoise, 1 Basilisk | | Tent | | 3 Skeleton | | Gold Needle | | 2 Adamantoise | \________________/ \____________________________________/ Adamantoise and Basilisks can drop Bronze Tails. I don't believe they can drop the Silver Tails. Attack attack attack everything. If your HP gets a bit low, leave one [weak] enemy alive and continually use Edward's Bardsong on the entire party and you'll be recovered before too long. Head west and cross the little bridge. Grab the chest here for a *HI-POTION* then head down the nearby stairs and go under that little bridge for a chest containing a *ZEUS'S WRATH*. Head south from there and go down the next staircase. Ignore the eastern path for now and keep going south. The path will curve north and you'll find two chests along the way north containing an *ANTARCTIC WIND* and a *SPIDER SILK*. Go back and travel the east path we ignored earlier. After a short bit you'll see a bridge to the north that you can pass under. As soon as you are under it, head east through a secret passage into the "O" formation and search the rock there for a *BRONZE TAIL*. Exit the secret passage and go north to reach a chest containing a *TENT*. Go south, back under the bridge and travel southeast. You'll see the stairs down to the next floor and a double staircase that leads up onto the "O" formation. Go north up the stairs and keep going until you reach a chest containing a *GOLD NEEDLE*. Go back south and down to the next floor. _________________________ ____B2_____________________________________________/ Antlion's Den | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Leshy | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Spirit | | Lamia Harp | | 4 Yellow Jelly | | Antarctic Wind | | 1 Leshy, 1 Adamantoise, 1 Basilisk | | Hi-Potion | | 3 Skeleton | \________________/ | 2 Adamantoise | | 1 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | \____________________________________/ Run from the Yellow Jellies and attack everything else as usual. Head all the way south, going down two staircases in the process. You'll find a chest here containing a *HI-POTION*. To the west is a door that you can enter. Inside is a treasure room containing a *LAMIA HARP* that you should equip on Edward. ________________________ / Treasure Room Monsters \ |---------------------------------------+ | 2 Adamantoise 1 Basilisk, 3 Goblin | | 3 Spirit 2 Spirit, 1 Skeleton | | 3 Skeleton 1 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | \_______________________________________/ Exit the treasure room and head west, then north. Climb up some stairs and you'll see a nearby staircase back up to B1. Ignore it for now. West of the stairs to B1 is a little staircase that leads to an east passage. Follow the passage to its end to grab an *ANTARCTIC WIND* from a chest. Go back down the stairs and travel west across a bridge to get a *HI-POTION* from another chest. Now go up the stairs to B1. _________________________ ____B1_____________________________________________/ Antlion's Den | Edward | | Treasure | |---------------+ | Bomb Fragment | | Zeus's Wrath | | Decoy | \_______________/ Travel west in the hall and into a door. Ther is a save point here. We'll want it to be New Moon for the last floor in here, so rest if needed. You can always head back to town to buy Tents (since the Inn is still closed). There are also three chests in here. Open them for a *BOMB FRAGMENT* a *ZEUS'S WRATH*, and a *DECOY*. Exit the save room and go back down to B2. _________________________ ____B2_____________________________________________/ Antlion's Den | Edward | To the west is a small staircase leading down. Keep heading south, going down stairs as needed and you'll soon find the stairs that lead down to the lowest floor of the Antlion's Den. _________________________ ____B3_____________________________________________/ Antlion's Den | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 2 Leshy 4 Yellow Jelly | | Silver Tail | | 3 Skeleton 1 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | \_____________/ | 3 Spirit 1 Leshy, 1 Adamantoise, 1 Basilisk | \__________________________________________________/ Head straight south down all the stairs to reach the bottom. The Antlions will not hurt you. Search the southern boulder during a New Moon and you will find a *SILVER TAIL*. That's all we have to do here. Head back to town and stock up on supplies and maybe buy some more Iron armor pieces for Ashley, Bruce, and Campbell, then head off to the Impact Crater, which is northeast of the Antlion's Den. _________________________________ ____Overworld______________________________/ Impact Crater [WEWIPC] | Edward | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------+ | 2 Gargoyle 1 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice | | 3 Bomb 4 Domovoi, 2 Goblin | | 1 Zu 3 Domovoi, 3 Gatlinghog | | 3 Cockatrice 2 Gatlinghog, 2 Sword Rat | \___________________________________________/ Monsters outside the impact crater are a little tougher, but not too bad. Zus can be rough, but they may drop a Silver Apple if you're lucky. ________________________ ____Upper Wall______________________________________/ Impact Crater | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Adamantoise | | Potion | | 1 Sand Worm, 1 Hundlegs | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Sand Worm | | Iron Armor | | 2 Gargoyle | \____________/ | 2 Cockatrice | \_________________________/ Have Edward attack the rear enemies with his Lamia Harp. If a Gargoyle gets confused, it will use Tornado on enemies, dropping them to single-digit HP, and if you confuse a Cockatrice, itll use Beak on enemies, killing them. Otherwise, just attack away as usual. Go south down the ramp, and then south down another ramp to reach a recovery pot and a chest with a *POTION* inside. Go back up the ramp and travel north along the path. When it turns east, go south down the first ramp and all the way south to reach a chest with a *HI-POTION* inside. Go back up the ramp and keep heading east, going south down the next ramp. Head west, then a little south, then east, past a ramp to reach a chest with some *ARON ARMOR*. Give this to a guard if you didn't purchase three earlier. Go down the ramp and talk to the soldier here to learn about where Harley is. Keep going south and follow the path until you are in the next area. ________________________ ____Middle Wall_____________________________________/ Impact Crater | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Sand Worm, 1 Hundlegs | | Potion | | 2 Cockatrice | | Beret | | 1 Gargoyle, 1 Cockatrice | \____________/ | 3 Skeleton | | 2 Adamantoise | \__________________________/ Go south down a ramp, then go south down another ramp and grab the *POTION* from the chest. Go north up the ramp, then walk east and south down a ramp. Go east and south down another ramp, then go east and north up two ramps. Grab the chest here for a *BERET* and equip it on Edward. Go south down three ramps and talk to the soldier. Then go west and north up a ramp and follow the path to the next section. ________________________ ____Lower Wall______________________________________/ Impact Crater | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------+ |-------------+ | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | | Ether | | 2 Adamantoise | | Tent | | 2 Gargoyle | | Stardust | | 1 Gargoyle, 1 Cockatrice | | Bronze Tail | | 2 Cockatrice | \_____________/ \__________________________/ Head all the way south, ignoring a ramp along the way and grab the chest at the end for an *ETHER*. Now go back and head down that ramp and as you take a few steps east you'll see Harley on a lower ledge, talking to herself. Apparently Edward forgets that as a singer he has a great voice because he doesn't bother to call out to her and instead makes you walk all the way down to her. The jerk. Head north and then northeast and go south down the ramp at the end. There is a save point here for your convenience. Travel southwest. You can use the first ramp you come to to reach the two chests you saw below the save point. They contain a *TENT* and some *STARDUST*, which casts Comet when used. Go back up the ramp and keep heading southwest, following the path to Harley. Talk to her and after the conversation, she'll join you. Like Edward's harps, Harley's whips ignore row, so keep her in the back row. You can band Edward's Bardsong with Harley's Gil Toss to learn the Feast of the Land Band. For 20MP, this should restore a sizeable amount of HP to all party members. The amount healed increases with the number of gil you have. No gil is used. Feel free to use this whenever you need to heal a lot fast and you don't want to wait around for Edward's Bardsong to restore you. The steam vent just southwest of where Harley was standing contains a *BRONZE TAIL* if you search it. You should equip Harley with the Silver Armlet. Keep The Economical Band is good for Edward's Salve skill, though you shouldn't need it in this tale. Head all the way out of the Impact Crater and back to Damcyan. You'll see the Red Wings along the way, bringing the emmissary from Baron. __________________________________ __________________________________________/ Damcyan Castle [WEWTEB] | Edward | Head up to the throne room to meet the emissary. After the cut scene, you'll set out for Kaipo so you can catch a ship to Baron. Before you leave for the Underground Waterway, buy Bronze Breastplates for Harley and Edward and buy a Thorn Whip for Harley. As you leave, Edward will pick some flowers, adding 2 Bouquets to your item list. When you're ready, travel southeast of Damcyan to a cave. Enter it to reach the Underground Lake. ____________________________________ ____B1__________________________________/ Underground Lake [WEWUWW] | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Ghoul | | Antarctic Wind | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | Arctic Wind | | 2 Alligator | \________________/ | 1 Gigas Gator | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | | 1 Splasher, 1 Alligator | \_________________________/ Alligators and Gigas Gators can drop Bronze and Silver Tails. Attack away, as usual, to kill everything. Because Squareenix loves the Underground Waterway, it's time to go through it again! This time we go through it in reverse, which oddly feels more natural. Climb up onto the nearby platform and go south across the bridge. Grab the two chests for an *ANTARCTIC WIND* and an *ARCTIC WIND* then head west, across a bridge, and to a door which you shall enter. ___________________________ ____B2___________________________________________/ Underground Lake | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Ghoul | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | Cottage | | 2 Alligator | \____________/ | 1 Gigas Gator | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | | 1 Splasher, 1 Alligator | \_________________________/ Go south across a bridge, then head east. Go down the stairs to grab a *HI-POTION* and a *COTTAGE* from the chests, then go back up the stairs and keep following the path until you climb down into the water. Go north and into the little opening in the falls. ___________________________ ____1F___________________________________________/ Behind the Falls | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ |-------------+ | 2 Ghoul | | Bronze Tail | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | \_____________/ | 2 Alligator | | 1 Gigas Gator | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | | 1 Splasher, 1 Alligator | \_________________________/ Go to the lower left corner and walk south into the wall. At the end of this secret passage, search and you'll snag another *BRONZE TAIL*. Head up the stairs. ___________________________ ____2F___________________________________________/ Behind the Falls | Edward | | Monsters | |-------------------------+ | 2 Ghoul | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | | 2 Alligator | | 1 Gigas Gator | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | | 1 Splasher, 1 Alligator | \_________________________/ Go southward and you'll soon come to some stairs. ____________________________ ________________________________________________/ Underground Falls | Edward | | Treasure | |-------------+ | Bronze Tail | \_____________/ Head southeast and you'll soon come to the exit. A rock in the water to the left of the exit hides another *BRONZE TAIL*. When you exit, you'll be in a mountain valley. Head south and enter the next cave. _______________________________ ____Entrance North - B1______________________/ Underground Waterway | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |------------+ | 4 Sahagin | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Spirit, 1 Soul, 1 Splasher | | Iron Sword | | 2 Ghoul | | Bomb Crank | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Alligator, 1 Soul, 1 Spirit | \____________/ | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | \_______________________________/ Head south down the sets of stairs and grab the two chests for a *HI-POTION* and an *IRON SWORD*. Give the sword to Guard Bruce and head back up the stairs. Go west across a bridge and down the nearby stairs. Grab the two chests there for a *BOMB CRANK* and a *HI-POTION*. Head back up the stairs and go south to reach the exit to the next floor. _______________________________ ____B2 North_________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 4 Sahagin | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Spirit, 1 Soul, 1 Splasher | | 1000 gil | | 2 Ghoul | \______________/ | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | | 1 Alligator, 1 Soul, 1 Spirit | | 2 Zombie, 2 Ghoul | \_______________________________/ Walk west into the wall near the entrance and then head north, east, south and finally east to exit onto a ledge. Go all the way south and grab *1000 GIL* from the chest. Return to the entrance and grab the nearby chest for a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Head down the nearby stairs and go south to reach the stairs leading to the next floor. _______________________________ ____B3_______________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Splasher | | Heavenly Wrath | | 4 Sahagin | | Zeus's Wrath | | 1 Revenant, 1 Soul, 1 Spirit | \________________/ | 1 Splasher, 1 Alligator | | 1 Spirit, 1 Soul, 1 Splasher | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | \______________________________/ Go east across the bridge to the center island. From there head east then south and grab a chest containing a *HEAVENLY WRATH*, then head west to reach a chest containing a *ZEUS'S WRATH*. Go back to the center island and head north, then east across a bridge, and north to a door. _______________________________ ____B2 South_________________________________/ Underground Waterway | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Splasher | | Hi-Potion | | 4 Sahagin | | Zeus's Wrath | | 1 Revenant, 1 Soul, 1 Spirit | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Splasher, 1 Alligator | \________________/ | 1 Spirit, 1 Soul, 1 Splasher | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | \______________________________/ Head south and into the water. Go west and up two sets up stairs. Keep going north to grab a *HI-POTION* from a chest, then head west across a bridge and south into a door. You'll reach a save point and as part of a cut scene you'll rest and be fully restored, all without changing the moon phase somehow. Huh. Go south and exit the save room after saving. Head south across the bridge and then go east until you can go north across another bridge. Do so. Head all the way west and grab the chest for a *ZEUS'S WRATH*, then head all the way east and down into the water. As you make your way north through the water, you'll come across some stairs to the west. Go up them and keep going north to grab a *HI-POTION* from a chest. Head back down into the water and follow it north until you climb out of it. Head south across a bridge and then all the way south to the exit to the next floor. _______________________________ ____Entrance South - B1______________________/ Underground Waterway | Edward | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------+ |-------------------------------------+ | 2 Splasher | | Ether Bestiary | | 4 Sahagin | | Bronze Tail Silver Breastplate | | 1 Revenant, 1 Soul, 1 Spirit | | Bronze Tail Hi-Potion | | 1 Splasher, 1 Alligator | | Coeurl Whisker | | 1 Spirit, 1 Soul, 1 Splasher | | Remedy | | 2 Sahagin, 1 Alligator | | Chain Whip | \______________________________/ \_____________________________________/ Head all the way east and you'll find some stairs down into the water. Take them and then go two steps west and head north, under the little bridge. Grab the chest here for an *ETHER*. Go back south and follow the water southwest until you reach a big waterfall. Search under the bridge to the south of the water fall to find a *BRONZE TAIL* and search the rock to the left of the bridge to your west to find another *BRONZE TAIL*. Step into the waterfall and you can find three chests inside that contain a *COEURL WHISKER*, a *REMEDY*, and a *CHAIN WHIP*. Give the latter to Harley. Exit the Waterfall Grotto and go northeast and exit the water. Once you're back on dry land, head all the way west and go south across the long bridge. You can grab a chest here that contains a *BESTIARY*. From here, go east across another bridge and follow the path. You'll soon some to the exit. Ignore the exit for now and head north across a bridge. The two chests here contain a *SILVER BREASTPLATE* and a *HI-POTION*. Give the former to Edward. The little man here is a tail collector. You can trade him five Bronze Tails for a Silver Tail and five Silver Tails for a Gold Tail. You can do this as many times as you'd like and can come back at the end of the chapter if desired, so don't feel pressured to do so now. Go back south across the bridge and exit the waterway into the Kaipo Desert. _________________________ ____Overworld______________________________________/ Kaipo [WEWKPO] | Edward | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Hundlegs, 2 Desert Sahagin 1 Sand Worm | | 2 Sword Rat, 2 Goblin 2 Sand Worm | | 3 Goblin, 1 Domovoi 4 Desert Sahagin | | 1 Sand Worm, 1 Hundlegs | \__________________________________________________/ Monsters around Kaipo are exactly the same as those around Damcyan. Head southwest to reach the oasis town of Kaipo. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Kaipo | Edward | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Inn | |------------------------+ |-------------------------+ |-------------+ | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Silver Harp 880 gil | | 100 gil | | Potion 30 gil | | Dark Harp 2800 gil | \_____________/ | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Thorn Whip 3000 gil | | Treasure | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Chain Whip 6000 gil | |-------------+ | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Longsword 450 gil | | Potion | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Iron Sword 1000 gil | | Bronze Tail | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | \_________________________/ \_____________/ | Cottage 500 gil | | Armorer | | Antidote 40 gil | |-------------------------+ \________________________/ | Beret 1200 gil | | Sundries | | Bronze B.plate 450 gil | |------------------------+ | Silver B.plate 2000 gil | | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | Rune Armlet 2000 gil | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Iron Shield 600 gil | | Spider Silk 100 gil | | Iron Armor 1000 gil | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Iron Helm 800 gil | | Tent 100 gil | \_________________________/ | Cottage 500 gil | \________________________/ Upon entering Kaipo, Harley will naturally collapse of desert fever. After a nights rest and a visit by the ghostly Anna and Tellah, Edward will set out alone for the Antlion's Den to recover the Sand Pearl. Buy him a Dark Harp to ramp up his attack power a bit (proof that you were meant to go to the Antlion's Den as a side trip earlier, since the Lamia Harp you get in the den isn't as good. You can grap a *POTION* from the top pot above the Weaponsmith and if you search the left side of the righthand shelves behind the bar in the pub, you can find a *BRONZE TAIL*. ________________________________________ ____To Fetch a Sand Pearl___________/ Underground Waterway [WEWFPS] | Edward | Edward must tromp all the way back through the underground waterway and lake. This isn't really that hard. Use a potion if you get low, or leave one Sahagin alive in a fight and Bardsong repeatedly. This is a decent place to level grind Edward a bit, since things here give pretty decent exp when it's just Edward. ________________________ ____To Fetch a Sand Pearl___________________________/ Antlion's Den | Edward | | Treasure | |------------+ | Sand Pearl | \____________/ After leaving the waterway and falls behind, head over to the Antlion's Den, which is east of Damcyan. We went there before, so if you're reading this part of the guide feel free to scroll up a ways to see where we took a side trip earlier. Otherwise just make your way down to the bottom floor and search any of the Antlion's legs during the Full Moon to get the *SAND PEARL*. ___________________________ ____To Fetch a Sand Pearl - Return Trip__________/ Underground Lake | Edward | Head back through the underground lake towards Kaipo. On the first bridge, you will be accosted from bandits and after taking a dive, you'll wash up outside the waterfall grotto on Entrance South B1, just a short jaunt away from Kaipo Desert, thus saving us from having to walk all the way through that tiresome waterway again. Head over to Kaipo. ________________ ____To Fetch a Sand Pearl - Curing Harley___________________/ Kaipo | Edward | Head to the northeast house and talk to Harley's bed (not the guy next to it) and select the Sand Pearl from the list. Watch the cut scenes. Feel free to buy a Beret, Silver Breastplate, and Rune Armlet for Harley. Buying 2 Iron Swords for Guards Ashley and Campbell (Bruce should have one already!) is also not a bad idea. When you're ready, you'll want to head east from Kaipo and enter the docks there. _______________________________ _____________________________________________/ Kaipo Docks [WEWBAR] | Edward | Talk to the captain and say Yes to head to Baron. Along the way you'll experience a very familiar cut scene is you've already finished Yang's Tale. You'll soon lang almost right next to Baron. ________________ ____Overworld_______________________________________________/ Baron | Edward | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Zu, 3 Cockatrice 1 Ghoul, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton | | 3 Soul, 1 Ghoul, 1 Revenant 1 Lilith | | 1 Mortblossom, 2 Treant 2 Hydra | | 3 Skeleton, 2 Bloodbones 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | \__________________________________________________________________/ Monsters here are a bit tougher but can still be killed by just attacking. You'll want to use Hi-Potions to kill the Liliths though, unless you want their Slap counter attack to silence you... which really isn't that horrible of a thing in this chapter, come to think of it. This is a good place to level grind. You can kill off the guards once they are capped at level 20. Enter Baron's town when you're ready. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Baron | Edward | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Inn | |------------------------+ |-------------------------+ |------------------+ | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Silver Harp 880 gil | | 100 gil | | Potion 30 gil | | Dark Harp 2800 gil | \__________________/ | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Thorn Whip 3000 gil | | Treasure | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Chain Whip 6000 gil | |------------------+ | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Longsword 450 gil | | Potion | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Iron Sword 1000 gil | | Echo Herbs | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | \_________________________/ | Cross | | Cottage 500 gil | | Armorer | | Gold Needle | | Antidote 40 gil | |-------------------------+ | Potion | \________________________/ | Beret 1200 gil | | Silver Tail | | Sundries | | Bronze B.plate 450 gil | | Bronze Tail | |------------------------+ | Silver B.plate 2000 gil | | Bronze Hourglass | | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Remedy | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | Rune Armlet 2000 gil | | Hi-Potion | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Iron Shield 600 gil | | Phoenix Down | | Spider Silk 100 gil | | Iron Armor 1000 gil | | Tent | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Iron Helm 800 gil | \__________________/ | Tent 100 gil | \_________________________/ | Cottage 500 gil | \________________________/ Let's loot the town first! Head down to the Inn and check the pot nearby to snag a handy dandy *POTION*. Enter the inn, head to the back area, and press the obvious switch near the treasure room to open it up and go ahead and grab your brand new *ECHO HERBS*, *CROSS*, and *GOLD NEEDLE*. Check the top pot near the Weaponsmith/Armorer building for a *POTION*, then enter the shop. In the southeast corner is a secret passage that leads to behind the counters. You can open the chest in the Weaponsmith shop for a *SILVER TAIL*, but it you try to go into the Armorer side, you'll get kicked out. Now, at the top of the town you'll find the dancer lying down. Talk to her if you'd like, then enter the water and go down the waterfalls. The square just left of the left-hand waterfall hides a *BRONZE TAIL*. Follow the stream all the way to it's end. As you enter the pool, you'll walk smack into an immovable piece of water. Search if for a nice cool *Bronze Hourflass*. Down and to the right a bit you can find a *REMEDY* by searching another such patch of solid water. Head over to the northeast part of town, just outside the wall. You can walk east trhough some trees, then north, then all the way west through a secret passage in the trees and in the bushes there you can find a *HI-POTION*, *PHOENIX DOWN*, and a *TENT*. When you're done, exit the town and enter the castle. _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Baron Castle | Edward | Walk straight up to the throne room (you can't go anywhere else) and enjoy your talk with Cecil. After you're done, head back to the docks and board the ship to Kaipo. Watch as you get to listen in on a conversation in the Baron throne room. DUN DUN DUN! Watch the credits and Save your finish data and you're done with the main part of this tale. Be sure to save your finish data in a different slot than your main game finish data. ______________________________________________ ______________________________/ Edward's Challenge Dungeon [WEWECD] | Edward | | Sundries #1 | | Sundries #2 | |------------------------+ |-------------------------+ | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | | Bomb Crank 500 gil | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | Arctic Wind 500 gil | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Heavenly Wrath 500 gil | | Golden Needle 400 gil | | Remedy 5000 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | \_________________________/ | Cross 100 gil | \________________________/ Reload your save, which will put outside Kaipo. You are at a point just Before you left for Baron. You can head off to Kaipo to go through the ending sequence again if you'd like. Fighting outside of Baron is a decent place to gain levels and gil, and gil a-plenty is useful for the challenge dungeon. Find Namingway on the west side of Kaipo and say Yes to enter the challenge dungeon! The way the dungeon works is the following: * You cannot exit the dungeon with more gil than you brought it. * Every object (including opened chests!) may hide an item or some gil. * NPCs exist that will buy certain dungeon-only items from you. * At the end are five chests and an exit. Chests cost money to open. There are 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, and 50k chests. The 50k chest is a near-guarantee of a 'Good' Treasure. You may purchase any or al lof the chests on a given run through the dungeon, and after opening one, you may go back and try to earn more gil to purchase others. * When you leave, the game will prompt you and will also warn you if you have more gil than when you entered. * You can buy items in the dungeon using money you earned in the dungeon and then sell them outside the dungeon to recoup some of the dungeon gil :) You can use the map I made, which is hosted at GameFAQs, to plan your route and see the connections between areas more easily. Edward's Challenge Dungeon Map: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/958463/57431 I recommend bringing a lot of Spider Silk into the dungeon to help with killing the bosses. You should also be wearing the Gil Band and fighting everything. Most monsters are pretty easy in here. I also recommend leaving the guards alive to help kill things faster and take hits from the bosses. Features: * Merchants : Each merchant wants a specific item, that can only be found in this dungeon and cannot be taken out. Whisperweed Seed: 1-2k Poet's Notebook : 1.5-3k Gil Bird Egg : 10-15k Bard's Lyre : 5-6k * Shops : Sundries #1 (weak elemental attack items and Cross) Sundries #2 (-ara elemental attack items and Remedy) * Bandits : Located in Great Chamber 1F and Alcove 2F Worth 3000 and 4500 gil, respectively, but like to run away. Use a Spider Silk on them and then attack away. Use -ara attack items to speed things up if you are low-leveled. * Girl : Located in Lobby 2F. Wants you to loan her 5k. Afterwards you can find her and she will repay you 10-15k gil. You can find her in one of the following locations after loaning her money: Alcove B1, West Passage 1F, Doorway 2F, Corridor to 3F * Man : Located in Great Chamber B1. Wants you to loan him 10k. Afterwards you can find him and he'll repay you 15-30k gil. Reportedly, he'll sometimes deny that you loaned him gil. You can find him in one of the following locations after loaning him money: Passage 1F, Doorway 2F, East Passage 2F (Possibly one other!) * Adamantine: Located in one of three places: Great Chamber B1, Doorway 2F, Pig or Passage 2F. Does nothing unless you have talked to the old woman in Restaurant 4F first. * 500 Toll : Located in Doorway 2F. There are five of these that ask for 500 gil and then disappear, letting you through. They respawn if you leave the room. * Boss Toll : Located in Boss Room 3F. There are three. One takes 10k without asking, one takes 300 gil without asking, and one asks for 1000 gil, but prompts you. After taking or being given money, all three disappear until you exit the entire dungeon. If you don't have enough money, they just take all you have and disappear. * Gil Bird : Located in various locations. Can use Beak to instantly petrify a character and can use Bad Breath. Also can Hide and Return, but doesn't run away. Use a Spider Silk and beat on it until it dies. Remedies are fairly common in the dungeon, so don't fret about bad breath. Gives 1498 gil and the Gil Bird Egg when defeated. Locations: New Moon - West Passage 2F Waxing Moon - Tower 2F (East side) Full Moon - Boss Room 4F Waning Moon - Tower 4F * Chocobos : Located in Chocobo Chamber 3F. Each one may do one of the following, but only once. Multiple birds may do the same thing so watch out. Give Gil: Take Gil: Give 1000 gil Take 10000 gil Give 3000 gil Take 13000 gil Give 5000 gil Take 15000 gil Give 8000 gil Give 10000 gil * Bosses : Each boss has a bunch of HP. Use a Spider Silk and attack away and they will eventually die. Use Hi-Potions as needed. Boss Room B1 - Steel Golem (9000 gil, Weak to Cold) Boss Room 3F - Flamehound (4500 gil, Weak to Cold, Drops Bard's Lyre) Boss Room 4F - Belphegor (7500 gil, Weak to Holy) _____________________________________ ____Dungeon Rooms______________________/ Edward's Challenge Dungeon | Edward | This is a list of all the rooms, what can be found there, and what other rooms they connect to. Passage 1F Starting Location NPCs: Man (Possible Location, after loaning him gil) Connects To: Lobby 1F Lobby 1F Connects To: Great Chamber B1, Boss Room B1, Alcove B1, West Passage 1F, Central Passage 1F, East Passage 1F, Lobby 2F Great Chamber B1 NPCs: Man (Initial Location, asks you to loan him 10k gil) Adamantine Pig (Possible Location) Bandit (3000 gil) Connects To: Lobby 1F Boss Room B1 Secret passage on west side of wall leads to chests and objects. NPCs: Boss - Steel Golem (9000 gil, Weak to Cold) Connects To: Lobby 1F Alcove B1 Lots of chests (opened and closed!) and other objects to search for loot. NPCs: Girl (Possible Location, after loaning her gil) Connects To: Lobby 1F West Passage 1F Various chests and objects to search for loot. NPCs: Girl (Possible Location, after loaning her gil) Connects To: Lobby 1F, Merchant's Square 1F (West) Central Passage 1F Boring corridor. Connects To: Lobby 1F, Merchant's Square 1F (Central) West Passage 1F Various chests and objects to search for loot. Items: Whisperweed Seed sometimes appears in second chest. Connects To: Lobby 1F, Merchant's Square 1F (East) Merchant's Square 1F (West) NPCs: Merchant (Wants Poet's Notebook for 1-2k gil) Connects To: West Passage 1F Merchant's Square 1F (Central) NPCs: Merchant (Wants Gil Bird Egg for 10-15gil) Sundries #1 Connects To: Central Passage 1F Merchant's Square 1F (East) NPCs: Merchant (Wants Whisperweed Seed for 1.5-3k) Connects To: East Passage 1F Lobby 2F You can walk under the balcony from the lower level, to the left and right of the stairs to reach the East Passage 2F or West Passage 2F. NPCs: Girl (Initial Location, asks you to loan her 5k gil) Connects To: Tower 2F, Doorway 2F, Alcove 2F-A, West Passage 2F, East Passage 2F Tower 2F West Elevator starts at this floor. East elevator starts at 4th floor. The elevator is the only way to get to the fourth floor. One of two good locations for the Gil Bird to be. NPCs: Elevator (1k gil per ride) Gil Bird (Waxing Moon) Connects To: Lobby 2F, Tower 3F, Tower 4F Doorway 3F Six rooms, each guarded by a 500gil Toll Guy (2500 gil to reach last room). NPCs: 500 gil Toll Guy - Five, respawn when you leave the room Girl (Possible Location, after loaning her gil) - Fourth Room Man (Possible Location, after loaning him gil) - Fifth Room Adamantine Pig (Possible Location) - Sixth Room Connects To: Lobby 2F Alcove 2F-A Various chests and objects to search for loot. NPCs: Bandit (4500 gil) Connects To: Lobby 2F West Passage 2F One of two good locations for the Gil Bird to be. NPCs: Gil Bird (New Moon) Connects To: Lobby 2F, Merchant's Square 2F East Passage 2F NPCs: Man (Possible Location, after loaning him gil) Connects To: Lobby 2F, Alcove 2F-B Merchant's Square 2F Items: Poet's Notebook sometimes appears in the closed chest. NPCs: Merchant (Wants Bard's Lyre for 5-6k) Sundries #2 Connects To: West Passage 2F, Passage 2F Alcove 2F-B Search the bookcases, both front and back for items. The flowers always contain Echo Herbs. Connects To: East Passage 2F, Passage 3F Passage 2F NPCs: Adamantine Pig (Possible Location) Connects To: West Passage 2F, East Passage 2F, Corridor to 3F Corridor to 3F NPCs: Girl (Possible Location, after loaning her gil) Connects To: Passage 2F, Tower 2F Tower 3F Neither elevator starts on this floor. West Elevator starts at the 2nd floor. East elevator starts at 4th floor. The elevator is the only way to get to the fourth floor. NPCs: Elevator (1k gil per ride) Connects To: Tower 2F, Tower 4F, Boss Room 3F, Chocobo Chamber 3F Boss Room 3F Toll guys do not respawn until the next time you enter the dungeon. You are free to leave the room after paying their tool. NPCs: Boss Toll Guys - Three of them. Order of them is random. They either take 10k gil, ask for 1k gil, or take 300 gil. All three disappear after paying. Boss - Flamehound (4500 gil + Bard's Lyre, Weak to Cold) Connects To: Tower 3F Chocobo Chamber 3F NPCs: Chocobos! Each chocobo may take or give gil, but only once. Multiple chocobos may take or give the same amount. Connects To: Tower 3F Tower 4F West Elevator starts at the 2nd floor. East elevator starts at this floor. May only be reached by taking the elevators. NPCs: Elevator (1k gil per ride) Gil Bird (Waning Moon) Connects to: Restaurant 4F, Boss Room 4F Restaurant 4F Various objects to search for loot. NPCs: Merchant - Old woman wants Adamantine Pig. Must talk to her first, then talk to the pig to take it and then bring it to her for 8-9k gil. Various other NPCs that do nothing Connects To: Tower 4F Boss Room 4F NPCs: Boss - Belphegor (7500 gil, Weak to Holy) Gil Bird (Full Moon) Connects To: Tower 4F, Last Floor Last Floor The exit of the dungeon is located here. NPCs: 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, and 50k gil chests. Connects To: Boss Room 4F _____________________________________ ____Monsters___________________________/ Edward's Challenge Dungeon | Edward | | B1 and 1F | | 2F | |-----------------------------------+ |------------------------------------+ | 3 Spirit, 1 Soul | | 2 Hydra | | 1 Lilith, 2 Bloodbones | | 2 Mindflayer | | 1 Revenant, 3 Ghoul | | 2 Gatlinghog, 2 Needlehog | | 1 Ghoul, 2 Bloodbones, 2 Skeleton | | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Gatlinghog | | 1 Bloodbones, 2 Ghoul, 1 Revenant | | 1 Ettin Snake, 1 Hydra | | 2 Soul, 2 Bloodbones | | 2 Cave Naga, 1 Hydra | | 2 Bloodbones, 2 Ghoul | | 1 Leshy, 1 Sorceress, 1 Gatlinghog | \___________________________________/ \____________________________________/ | 3F and 4F | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Succubus, 3 Cave Bat 2 Gargoyle, 2 Cockatrice | | 1 Zu, 3 Cockatrice 1 Red Mousse, 1 Purple Bavarious, 1 Yellow Jelly | | 3 Blood Bat 1 Cait Sith, 2 Gatlinghog | | 1 Ogre | \____________________________________________________________________________/ _____________________________________ ____Strategy___________________________/ Edward's Challenge Dungeon | Edward | So how do we run through and get 50k or more gold efficiently? Here's the plan: 1) Enter at the New Moon, with at least 5000 gil on hand, but not too much more than that. 2) Run up to the Lobby 2F and load the girl 5k. 3) Run up to Tower 3F via the West or East Passage 2F, then Passage 2F. Do nothing along the way. 4) Enter Boss Room 3F and pay one of the tolls. Because we have so little gil on hand, we won't lose much, even if it is the 10k toll. Ignore the Boss. 5) Enter Chocobo Chamber 3F and start talking to the birds. If you receive 8000 or 10000 gil from a bird, you probably want to stop talking to them or else risk hitting a bird that takes 10k or more from you. 6) Enter Boss Room 3F and kill the Flamehound to get 4500 gil and the Bard's Lyre. 7) Go to Merchant's Square 2F via Passage 2F and sell the Bard's Lyre to the woman who wants it for 5-6k gil. Search all the objecs in the room. You may get the Poet's Notebook from the closed chest. 8) Exit south to the West Passage and kill the Gil Bird for ~1.5k gil and the Gil Bird Egg 9) Continue to Lobby 2F, then Lobby 1F. While we start cleaning out places, feel free to talk to the girl if you see her to grab the money she'll repay you. 10) Search everything in the Great Chamber and Alcove. Kill the Bandit in the Great Chamber for 3000 gil. You may want to loan the Man some money, but I usually don't as reportedly he may deny you gave him money later. 11) Kill the Steel Golem in Boss Room B1 for 9000 gil. Don't forget to search the objects and check the objects in the secret passage to the west. 12) Search all the objects in the East Passage 1F and sell the Poet's Notebook to the merchant in the eastern Merchant's Square 1F if you found it. 13) Sell the Gil Bird Egg to the merchant in the central Merchant's Square 1F for a cool 10-15k gil. 14) Search all the objects in the West Passage 1F. You may find the Whisperweed Seed here. Sell it to the merchant in the western Merchant's Square 1F if you found it. 15) Hop up to Lobby 2F and then scope out the Alcove 2F to kill another bandit for 4500 gil. Usually you can find 1000 gil in an object in the room too. 16) Take the East Passage 2F to the other Alcove 2F and search both the font and back of all bookcases to snag some potions and gil. The flowers always have Echo Herbs as well. 17) If you haven't yet, find the Girl so she can repay you, and the Man if you lent him money. Girl Possible Locations: Alcove B1, West Passage 1F, Doorway 2F, Corridor to 3F Man Possible Locations: Passage 1F, Doorway 2F, East Passage 2F (Possibly one other!) Check the Doorway 2F last so that you can save gil. 18) You probably have more than 50k gil by now. Use the elevator on the east side of Tower 2F to ride it to Tower 4F. 19) Enter Boss Room 4F and kill the Belphegor for 7500 gil. 20) Enter the Last Floor and open the 50k chest. 21) You can now talk to the old woman in the Restaurant 4F and then go buy Remedies at Merchant's Square 2F with any excess gil you have. Use the Adamantine Pig (remember to talk to the old woman in the restaurant first!) to gain enough gil to have more than you entered with. remember, the more expensive the chest, the more chance you have of getting a 'good' treasure from the final chest. This goes reasonably fast once you know the process and have the layout memorized. I don't usually bother with the cheaper chests as they seem to have a really low good treasure rate. Even the 40k chest seems to be bad most of the time. I got good treasure 8 of 10 tries from the 50k chest. Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Adamantite * Circular Hat * Elixir * Exorcist Gown * Ice Whip * Level Band * Muse Harp * Professor's Robe * Silver Apple * Soma Drop Circular Hat raises Strength and Stamina by three and is good for Edward, who can reach a 6x attack multiplier at level 40 with it equipped. Exorcist Gown is also good for him, which the Professor's Robe is good for Harley, though either character can equip both. The Level Band is useful for doing the final rind to the level cap. The Ice Whip is Harley's best weapon and will make the Flamehound and Steel Golem fights easier if you get it early. Muse Harp is holy elemental and will let Edward tear through many of the dungeon's enemies, including Belphegor. Give the Silver Apple to whomever, but I recommend saving the Soma Drop for the final chapter. Items do not cycle in this challenge dungeon. Once you get them all, they do not repeat. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.10 Lunarian's Tale [LNTL] )------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. ______________________ ______________________________________________________/ Contents | Lunarians | 1. The Chamber of Sleep [WLNCOS] 2. Leaving the Lunar Subeterrane [WLNLLS] 3. The Crystal Palace and the Lunar Surface [WLNCPL] 4. The Impact Crater [WLNIPC] 5. Lair of the Father [WLNBHC] 6. Return to the Crysal Palace [WLNTCP] 7. The Lunar Subterrane [WLNLST] 8. Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon [WLNCD1] 9. Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon [WLNCD2] ______________________________ ______________________________________________/ Chamber of Sleep | Lunarians | | Sundries | | Treasure | |----------------------+ |-------------+ | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Ebony Blade | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | \_____________/ | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil | | Antidote 40 gil | | Tent 100 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | \______________________/ After some initial cut scenes, you'll be in a dream with Golbez, where Cecil is fighting you. As soon as you can, select Item and press up. Highlight the *EBONY BLADE*, click it, and press down. Select Remove. Stealing the Ebony Blade from dream Golbez is the first thing you should always do in this tale. The Ebony Blade, while having less attack than other swords in this chapter, gives +3 Intellect, which makes your spells do more damage. You'll want to swap it in mid-battle whenever you need to use magic. Of course, later on you get the Enhancement Sword for +7 Intellect, but that's not for a long time. After your dream, Golbez will wake up in the Chamber of Sleep and set off to figure out why the heck he's woken up. If you examine the pod to the north, you'll also find that Fusoya is not asleep (and not present!) Directly north of all the sleeping pos is a teleporter out of the room. To the west of the teleporter is a ghostly Namingway-like sundries shop. This is the only place to buy Tents and as you can't really return here once you've made progress in this tale, go ahead and spend your 1000 gil on 10 Tents, which may proved to be of some slight use later on for adjusting the moon phase over the more expensive Cottages. East of the teleporter is a save point that I really hope you don't need to use this early in the chapter. Not a bad idea to save now anyway if you want to conciously avoid saving over some other tale. :) Use the teleporter. Remember the Lunar Subterrane from the original game? Well, you're about to walk all the way out of it. Joy! _______________________________________ ____B12______________________________/ Lunar Subterrane [WLNLLS] | Lunarians | Walk south, down some stairs, and into a teleporter. From there, walk south some more, down some more stairs, and into a teleporter. ______________________________ ____B11_______________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | Walk all the way east, then north up the stairs. Golbez will 'Feel' something. Lunarian Sense Tingling! Walk all the way west, then north up more stairs and all the way easy into a teleporter. ______________________________ ____B10_______________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Treasure | |------------------+ | Hi-Potion Tent | \__________________/ Head west until you see some stairs to the north. To the southwest is a yellow tile that is basically an HP/MP recovery tile that you don't need. To the northwest is a chest containing a *HI-POTION*. Go all the way east (stay north of the path leading back to where you came in) and you'll find a chest containing a *TENT*. Climb up the nearby stairs, go all the way west, up some more stairs, and all the way east. Take the stairs to the next floor. ______________________________ ____B9________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Treasure | |------------------+ | Ether X-Potion | \__________________/ Walk all the way west, picking up the *ETHER* from the chest along the way. Climb up some stairs, then go southeast and climb up some more stairs. Grab the nearby chest for an *X-POTION*, then head a bit west and up some more stairs, then keep going straight and up some stairs to the next floor. That they give you an X-Potion this early in the tale should clue you in to how hard the tale is going to be. ______________________________ ____B8________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Treasure | |--------------+ | Phoenix Down | \______________/ Work your way around the little loop and head west to some stairs. Climb them and grab the nearby chest for a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Then go all the way east, up some stairs, and then go west to the stairs up to the next floor. ______________________________ ____B7________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | Climb up the nearby stairs then go all the way east, all the way south, and start heading west past all the doors (if you try to go in, Golbez will say something about the 'feeling' coming from the Crystal Palace up top). Around the secon door, that funny feeling will occur again and you'll suddenly be in a fight with a Magma Tortoise and a Fell Turtle. Cast Bio and finish them off with attacks. Don't waste Hi-Potions or anything to heal afterwards. Keep going west. The last door is a save room that you can actually go in if you feel the need. When you can no longer go west, go north until you reach the door to the next floor. ______________________________ ____B6________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ | Phoenix Down Cottage Hi-Potion Tent | \___________________________________________/ You'll be in a little U-shaped room. Grab the chest here for a *PHOENIX DOWN* and exit south into the main part of the floor. Head east and work your way around to the north side of the rock where there are two bridges. Go across one and then back across the other to reach a chest with a *COTTAGE* inside. A nearby outcropping of rock has an invisible bridge across the way, but if you try to go there, Golbez will redirect you because he's got that feeling, y'know? Go back across the bridge and grab the two chests to either side of the nearby stairs for a *HI-POTION* and a *TENT*. Try to go up the stairs and on the way that feelin' will come back in full force and you'll be attacked by a Centaur Knight, a Black Knight, and a Flame Knight. Bio and attacks will make short work of them. Go up the stairs. ______________________________ ____B5________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bronze Hourglass Mythril Gloves Unicorn Horn Tent Ether | \_________________________________________________________________/ To your right is a door Golbez won't let himself enter. Keep going past it to find a recovery pot up some stairs (See? Don't waste healing items). Head back to where you entered this map, and go west. Ignore the door you come to and keep going to reach a chest with a *BRONZE HOURGLASS*. No go in that door. You'll be in a U-shaped room. The left prong has a chest containing some *MYTHRIL GLOVES*, which give better defense than the Rune Armlet you're wearing. However, the Mythril Gloves don't give you Intellect for better magic damage, so keep the Rune Armlet on for now. Exit south in the right prong to continue onward. Head east and you'll come to a door. Go past it to grab a *UNICORN HORN* from a chest, then go into the door. You'll be in a big room. There is an exit to the south that golbez won't let himself take. Instead, find the secret passage in the middle of the west wall. It snakes around to a chest that contains a *TENT*. Keep going west through another secret passage and exit to the south once you enter another larger space in the cavern. Back outside now, go west to grab an *ETHER* from a chest, then climb the stairs to the east and get attacked by an Ice Lizard and a Black Lizard as you do so. Bio and attack! :D ______________________________ ____B4________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ | Hi-Potion X-Potion White Fang Phoenix Down | \__________________________________________________/ There's a doorway to the north, but go west and grab the *HI-POTION* from the chest first. After entering the doorway, grab the nearby chest for an *X-POTION* and the go east. Take the north fork for a *WHITE FANG* in a chest and then take the south fork. When you can go no further east, go north through a doorway for a save room, then exit and go south to exit back to the outside part of the floor. Golbez's feeling will get stronger, but nothing will attack. Climb up the nearby stairs, then head west and up some more stairs. Go east to grab a chest for a *PHOENIX DOWN*, then head back west. As you cross a thin stretch of land, a Chimera and 2 Gremlins will attack you. Guess what you'll be doing? If you said 'Bio and attack,' you win two correctness points! After they're dead, keep going west and through a door to the next floor. ______________________________ ____B3________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | Northwest of where you came in is a recovery pot. North of where you came in are the stairs to the next floor. Take 'em after recoverin at the pot. ______________________________ ____B2________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Treasure | |------------------------+ | Cottage Mythril Helm | \________________________/ Grab the nearby chest to the west for a *COTTAGE*, then head east through a secret passage. In the next mall room, head east through another secret passage that promptly turns south. When you are even with a treasure chest that you can see in the black void, head west, then south, then west, then north, then east to the chest for a *MYTHRIL HELM*. Finally some equipment we want to wear! Put it on, and head back to the southbound part of the secret passage. When you can go no further, head west and into a non-secret tunnel. Follow it to the stairs. ______________________________ ____B1________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Treasure | |----------------+ | Mythril Shield | \________________/ Head north through the nearby skinny passage and be promptly attacked by a Lamia Matriarch and 3 Goblin Captains. Single-cast Bio on the Matriarch and then either attack the Goblin Captains or multi-cast Bio on them. You can also start off with a multi-cast Bio and let the Goblin Captains break the confusion status caused by the Lamia Matriarch's counter. Either way this is a simple fight. keep going north and you'll see the teleporter up to the crystal palace. Ignore that for now and look for a secret passage to the east of the teleporter. Take it to a ledge, and follow the path all the way around to a chest that contains a *MYTHRIL SHIELD* for you to equip. _____________________________________ _______________________________________/ Crystal Palace [WLNCPL] | Lunarians | After you gain control, feel free to talk to all the crystals, since they provide some neat foreshadowing and such. When you try to exit the room, Fusoya will enter and join your party, charging the two of you to find out what is happening to the moon. With that vague goal received, exit the room. In the main part of the palace are an HP recovery tile on the west side and an MP recovery tile on the east side, just for your inconvenient convenience. ___________________________ _________________________________________________/ Lunar Surface | Lunarians | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 White Mousse 4 Purple Bavarois | | 3 Mors 2 Coeurl | | 2 Balloon 1 Purple Bavarois, 1 White Mousse, 1 Black Flan | | 3 Caterpillar 1 Gavel Worm | \___________________________________________________________________/ Let's get one thing straight. This Tale is HARD. Monsters are as fast as you or faster, they hit pretty hard, and your best way of dealing with them for the most part is by using magic, which will deplete your MP fast. With Fusoya NEVER gaining MP, this really sucks. Luckily Golbez learns Osmose quickly, so you can always Osmose MP back from monsters. Unfortunately, Osmose takes about three years to cast, so make sure you don't try it when you're critical. Hi-Potions are also relatively cheap, so you can use them for healing if you spend some time to get some cash. I recommend level grinding up a few levels on the Lunar Surface before really setting out to explore the moon and find out what's happening. For the most part, just use Bio on the moon monsters. Use -aga spells on the Caterpillar since they counter magic with Osmose. It'll go 0MP drain from you, but it takes forever. Gavel Worms have 4111 HP, so smack them with an -aga spell to put them out of commission. They drop Soma Drops very rarely. Black flans have no elemental weakness and can drop Lunar Curtains (reflect) and very rarely Artemis Arrows. You can't use Artemis Arrows in this chapter, but you might want to bring some along for the final chapter for your bow users as they are very powerful arrows. To the east of the Crystal Palace is a Lunar Tunnel. No need to go in there until you want to farm Ebony Dragons (New Moon) for Ebony Tails later in the game, but there is Treasure in the second Lunar Tunnel beyond it. ___________________________ ____East_________________________________________/ Lunar Tunnel | Lunarians | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 White Mousse 4 Purple Bavarois | | 3 Mors 2 Coeurl | | 2 Balloon 1 Purple Bavarois, 1 White Mousse, 1 Black Flan | \___________________________________________________________________/ The eastern Lunar tunnel is a straightforward linear path. Head vaguely northeast and you'll come to the exit. Monsters here are the same as the surface minus the Caterpillars and Gavel Worms. ___________________________ ____West_________________________________________/ Lunar Tunnel | Lunarians | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 White Mousse 4 Purple Bavarois | | 3 Mors 1 Purple Bavarois, 1 White Mousse, 1 Black Flan | | 2 Balloon 1 Ebony Dragon (New Moon) | | 2 Coeurl | \___________________________________________________________________/ | Treasure | |------------------------------------+ | X-Potion Dry Ether Blood Sword | \____________________________________/ From the exit of the eastern Lunar Tunnel, head wst and you'll soon come to the north entrance to the western Lunar Tunnel. Monsters here are the same as the other tunnel, except that Ebony Dragons appear here during the new moon and are this chapter's rare, tail-dropping beast. They counter attack every hit (physical and magical) and are weak to Holy. They go down fairly easy by casting Holy on them twice. You could conceivably defeat them this early. From the north entrance, head to the right to pick up an *X-POTION* and a *DRY ETHER*, then go west and follow the path as it curves south, then east. at this point, keep going east to pick up a *BLOOD SWORD* from a chest. This is a decent weapon for Golbez in that it drains HP, but the -5 to all stats is really rough. From the chest, the southern exit to the tunnel is to the southwest. When you're ready, head southeast of the Crystal Palace to reach a small cave full of Hummingways, which look a lot like Namingway. If you've just gone through the Western Lunar Tunnel, you can hop up some nearby stairs to the south and get onto a plateau and take that plateau southeast to the Hummingway Cave. _____________________________ _______________________________________________/ Hummingway Cave | Lunarians | | Sundries | |----------------------------------------------+ | Hi-Potion 150 gil Eye Drops 30 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil Antidote 40 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil Cottage 500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil Ether 10000 gil | \______________________________________________/ The top left Hummingway is a sundries shop! Tents have been replaced with 10k Ethers. Yikes! I recommend stocking up on Hi-Potions and maybe a few Cottages to help you out in the upcoming dungeons. If you talk to everyone here, you'll know there is a meteor crash site some place to the east. This is where we are going. Exit the cave and climb up onto the plateau using the nearby stairs. to the southeast is another stairway down on to the surface. From there you can go east and slightly south or even west and slightly south to reach the Impact Crater. ____________________________________ ________________________________________/ Impact Crater [WLNIPC] | Lunarians | If you've played Yang's and Edward's Tales, this place should look familiar. Except on the moon. Otherwise the layout is quite similar, though not exactly the same. ___________________________ ____Rim (East)___________________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Centaur Knight 2 Centaur Knight, 2 Frostbeast | | 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Gremlin | | 4 Purple Bavarois 1 Centaur Knight, 1 Frostbeast | \___________________________________________________________________/ You'll start off at the rim of the Impact Crater (incidentally on its eastern side, though you'll not really find out that it is an eastern side until later). You'll have a bit of a cut scene at the beginning then gain control of the characters. Head east and then south to enter the next section. You shouldn't actually manage to encounter monsters here, but if you do, Bio or Firaga are usually the best bets (Fira for the Bavarois). Attack to finish the rest off. Frostbeasts and Ice Lizards are decent Osmose targets if you need MP. Do not Osmose the Gremlins unless you like to be confused. Try not to run from encounters if possible (flan groups are usually not worth fighting though), since you'll want the EXP to boost your levels as soon as possible. ___________________________ ____Upper Wall (East)____________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------+ |------------+ | 3 Centaur Knight | | X-Potion | | 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | \____________/ | 4 Purple Bavarois | | 2 Centaur Knight, 2 Frostbeast | | 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Gremlin | | 1 Centaur Knight, 1 Frostbeast | \_________________________________/ The little orange bubbly rocks here let you jump up and down and across ledges and so I shall call them jump rocks. Head east and hop down using the jump rock, then head west, past another jump rock and grab the chest for an *X-POTION*. Take the jump rock down to the bottom ledge and go east to another jump rock, which takes you to the next section. ___________________________ ____Middle Wall (East)___________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 4 Purple Bavarois | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | | Echo Herbs | | 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Gremlin | | Mythril Sword | | 1 Red Mousse, 2 Purple Bavarois, 1 Yellow Jelly | | Unicorn Horn | | 2 Fell Turtle, 2 Ice Lizard | \_______________/ | 2 Gremlin, 2 Ice Lizard | \_________________________________________________/ Monsters are the same fare here. Tell Turtles are descent Osmose Targets. Don't waste time with the flan groups; they aren't worth enough exp and they still soak up a fair bit of MP. From the start, head east and down a ramp. There will be a jump rock to the southeast and one to the west. Hop over using the western one first to pick up a chest containing a *PHOENIX DOWN*, then hop back and use the southeast jump rock to hop down a ledge. There is another jusmp rock to the south, but ignore it for now and head east. Use a jump rock here to hop up to a ledge. Grab the nearby chest for some *ECHO HERBS* and use the jump rock nearby to hop back up to the first ledge. Jump back down and use that southern jump rock we ignored to hop down to a ledge with two jump rocks. Use the western of the two jump rocks to hop up to a small ledge with two jump rocks. Use the western one of these to hop over to a ledge and open the chest there for a *MYTHRIL SWORD*. Go ahead and equip it (keep using the Ebony Blade for when you use Black Magic). Hop down using the jump rock and then hop down again using the next. You'll be on a long ledge now. Head east and you'll find a jump rock that hops you down to a ledge. Use the jump rock on that ledge to hop over to a chest containing a *UNICORN HORN* and then use another jump rock to hop back up to the long ledge. Head all the way east, ignoring the jump rock that leads to the chest, and you'll come to a ramp leading down to a jump rock which will take you to the next area. Whew. ___________________________ ____Lower Wall (East)____________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Gremlin, 2 Ice Lizard | | Hi-Potion | | 2 Fell Turtle, 2 Ice Lizard | | Cottage | | 1 Red Mousse, 2 Purple Bavarois, 1 Yellow Jelly | | Ether | | 2 Black Knight, 2 Ice Lizard | \____________/ | 1 Black Knight, 1 ice Lizard | | 2 Black Knight | \_________________________________________________/ Head all the way west, and grab the chest at the end for a *HI-POTION*. Hop down using the jump rock you passed just before reaching the chest. Travel all the way east and down the ramp at the end. Work your way back east, using the jump rock you find to hop up to the large ledge. Travel east on the large ledge to reach a chest with a *COTTAGE*, then hop back down using the nearby jump rock. Go back west, this time ignoring the jump rock up to the ledge and go down the ramp at the end. From here, head all the way east and use a jump rock to hop up to a tiny ledge with a chest that holds an *ETHER*. Hop back down and go down the nearby ramp and use the jump rock there to hop down. There is a save point to your right. Feel free to recover using a cottage at this point as we're about to get into a fight. Depending on your levels, you probably don't want it to be full moon, but definitely avoid the Waxing Moon as it will make things a bit difficult. Use those tents we purchased at the beginning to correct the moon phase (Or use them instead of cottages if you have to shift more than two phases). When you're recovery, go all the way east and into the next area. ___________________________ ____Floor________________________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | Head to the west and midway through the floor you'll come to a ramp leading to a circular ledge where our favorite green-haired lady villain is standing. The Mysterious Girl will pose a ponderous question and decide that she'll have plenty of time to worry about it when you're dead. Great. __________________________________ ____Mysterious Girl & Asura_______________/ Impact Crater - Boss | Lunarians | Unlike in other chapters, this is a serious fight. Asura will be constantly healing and buffing the Mysterious Girl while the Mysterious Girl launches nasty spells at you. You cannot damage Asura, so focus on the green-haired one. Have Golbez start off casting Firaga (or any other -aga) while Fusoya starts casting Haste on Golbez. Golbez should continue casting -aga spell after -aga spell on the Mysterious Girl while Fusoya works on Curaga and getting himself Hasted. Once you're both hasted, go ahead and cast Reflect on each character, since Asura's physical attack is infrequent and the Mysterious girl will just hit herself over and over. Reflect isn't necessary though, you can get by with Firaga and Curaga slinging without running out of MP. If you're high enough level, Full Moon is actually pretty good. Otherwise, it can make the setup of this fight hard. ______________________________________________________________________________ When she's dead, you'll decide to check on Bahamut. Instead of heading back the way you can, go west and exit into the Lower Wall of the western side of the crater (it doesn't matter which way you go, but this way leads to more levels and loot!). ___________________________ ____Lower Wall (West)____________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Black Knight, 2 Frostbeast | | Dry Ether | | 1 Soldieress, 1 Ice Lizard, 1 Frostbeast | | X-Potion | | 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, 1 Centaur Knight | | Emergency Exit | | 2 Soldieress, 2 Black Knight | \________________/ | 3 Soldieress | | 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, 1 Black Knight | \_____________________________________________/ Most groups here die to a single multi-cast Bio. You can finish off stragglers with normal attacks. Beward of the Sorceresses as they generally start off the fight by casting Slow on one of your party members. Head west and hop up using a jump rock. Work your way north. You'll notice a chest on your way that you can't reach. Eventually you'll reach a jump rock that will hop you east. From here, use the southern jump rock to hop to a little ledge and from there hop over to the chest for a *DRY ETHER*. Hop back up from here and go back north and hop over again. This time use the northern jump rock to hop up. From there, head west and south and hop up to another ledge. From there, go south and use the first jump rock you find to hop up to a ledge. Ignore the northern jump rock here and use the southern to hop over to a ledge with a chest containing an *EMERGENCY EXIT*, then hop down to another ledge. Grab the chest here for an *X-POTION*, then hop up using the nearby jump rock. Go north and you'll find the jump rock you used earlier. Use it and this time take the northern jump rock. Head north into the next area. ___________________________ ____Middle Wall (West)___________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, 1 Black Knight | | Dry Ether | | 1 Sorceress, 1 Soldieress, 1 Centaur Knight | | Antidote | | 1 Sorceress, 2 Soldieress | | Ether | | 1 Sorceress, 2 Frostbeast, 1 Soldieress | \____________/ | 1 Soldieress, 1 Ice Lizard, 1 Frostbeast | | 1 Sorcress, 2 Black Knight, 1 Soldieress | \_____________________________________________/ Use an -aga spell to kill the groups of four, or use Bio then regular attacks. Head north, then east. Ignore the ramp to the north and head south to where you can climb up to the ledge with the chest to get a *DRY ETHER*. Go back and up the ramp, then up another ramp to your west. Here, there is a ramp to the west, but go east first and up another ramp to a ledge where you can grab an.... *ANTIDOTE* ... from a chest. Go back and take that ramp we just ignored. Go west, ignoring the ramp to the north, and take the next ramp south to a chest containing the *ETHER*, which is better than a crappy Antidote. Go up that north ramp we ignored and head west to the next area. ___________________________ ____Upper Wall (West)____________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 3 Centaur Knight | | Dry Ether | | 1 Sorceress, 2 Frostbeast, 1 Soldieress | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Soreress, 2 Soldieress | | Cottage | | 1 Sorcress, 2 Black Knight, 1 Soldieress | | Diamond Armlet | | 2 Centaur Knight, 2 Frostbeast | \________________/ | 1 Centaur Knight, 1 Frostbeast | \__________________________________________/ Go west, then north, ignoring the ramp for now, and follow the path as it curves around to a chest containing a *DRY ETHER*. Go back and up the ramp and then up another ramp. Head east to a chest containing a *HI-POTION*, passing a ramp on the way. Go up that ramp now, then up another ramp to the top of this map. Head west, down a ramp, and then east a little more and down another ramp. Go all the way south to grab a *COTTAGE* from a chest, then head back north and back up the ramp. Continue west, then all the way south, ignoring a ramp to the north. You'll come to a chest containing a *DIAMOND ARMLET*. This gives one more defense than a Rune Armlet, but with no Intellect or Spirit boost. Keep it in your inventory unless you need to resist Lightning for some reason. Now go all the way north and up that ramp you ignored. Keep going north to the exit. ___________________________ ____Rim (West)___________________________________/ Impact Crater | Lunarians | | Monsters | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Sorceress, 2 Soldieress 1 Sorceress, 2 Black Knight, 1 Soldieress | | 3 Centaur Knight 1 Sorceress, 2 Frostbeast, 1 Soldieress | | 1 Centaur Knight, 2 Frostbeast 2 Centaur Knight, 2 Frostbeast | \____________________________________________________________________________/ Travel west and exit the impact crater. We will be heading to the Lair of the Father next. You may want to head back to the Hummingway Cave and Crystal Palace to restock and recover. _________________________________________ ___________________________________/ Lair of the Father [WLNBHC] | Lunarians | To reach the Lair of the Father, travel north from the Impact Crater if you're going straight from there, or else from the south edge of the Platear by the Hummingway Cave, travel west, then north. The best way to tackle this place is to make raids on the cave and then run out to recover periodically. This lets you gain more levels and restore your precious MP as needed. ________________________________ ____B1______________________________________/ Lair of the Father | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Flamehound | | Aura Staff | | 1 Magma Tortoise, 2 Goblin Captain | | Dry Ether | | 1 White Mousse | \____________/ | 1 Chimera | | 2 Naga | | 1 Medusa, 2 Naga | \_____________________________________/ Flamehounds have a lot of HP. Just use Blizzaga to nuke the group. I usually run from White Mousse, but Blizzara works if you must kill them. Everything else can be physically attacked. Magma Tortoises are decent Osmose targets, but Flamehounds are not. Head south across the bridge. From the next platform, go south across another bridge expanse and grab the chest for an *AURA STAFF*. This will give +10 to Spirit for Fusoya (or Golbez, if for some reason you are equipping him with staves), but I prefer the +5 Spirit and +10 Stamina the Protect staff gives. Well, mostly just the +10 Stamina as it helps him survive a bit better. Anyway, head back north across the bridge and this time head east. The road will fork north and south. Head north to the apparent dead end and travel east through a secret passage to pick up a *DRY ETHER* from the chest. Go back and take the south fork this time, following the path to the stairs to the next floor. ________________________________ ____B2______________________________________/ Lair of the Father | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Medusa | | Ether | | 2 Black Lizard | | Ice Shield | | 1 Magma Tortoise, 2 Goblin Captain | \____________/ | 3 Flamehound | | 4 White Mousse | | 2 Chimera | | 1 Stone Golem, 1 Medusa | \____________________________________/ Head all the way west, then travel north across the bridge and grab the nearby chest for an *ETHER*. Now head all the way east, ignoring the tiny bridge of land (seriously, ignore it!) and grab the *ICE SHIELD* from the chest at the end. Equip this on Golbez. Now you're going to want to cross that thin little land bridge, but make sure you're recovered with near-full MP. Full Moon is a blessing as well. You may want to consider exiting the cave and recovering and saving, depending on your levels. Cross the bridge and get ready for a forced encounter with a Count Malboro! The Rune Armlets both characters are equipped with will protect from its Bad Breath attack, since defending against one status will protect against the entire attack (due to a bug in the game, I guess). Start off by casting Slow with Fusoya, and then Haste both party members and start chain-casting Firaga with Golbez until it is dead. 4-5 Firagas should do the trick. If Golbez gets paralyzed, Esuna him. Otherwise just let it go. Curaga as needed. Slowed Count Malboro + Hasted Party is pretty unfair for the Count. When its dead, continue north and down the stairs to the next floor. ________________________________ ____B3______________________________________/ Lair of the Father | Lunarians | | Monsters | |----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Magma Tortoise, 2 Black Lizard 1 Chimera, 3 White Mousse | | 3 Black Lizard 1 Chimera, 2 Flamehound | | 1 Stone Golem 4 Flamehound | \______________________________________________________________________/ Black Lizards are excellent Osmose targets and can be used to recover MP after those horribly draining Count Malboro fights. Head south and shortly after you step onto the thin path, another Count Malboro will strike! After defeating it, follow the path around. Shortly before you step onto the large circular platform at the end, another Count Malboro will strike. Yeesh. Head up the stairs to Bahamut's platform and prepare to... not get attacked by anything! Examine Bahamut and you'll both agree that it is time to head back to the Crystal Palace. _____________________________________ _______________________________________/ Crystal Palace [WLNTCP] | Lunarians | Return to the Crystal Palace (head south then east from The Lair of the Father to reach the plateau stairs by the Hummingway Cave) and recover. Go out and save your game, then head to the Crystal room where you will meet the Mysterious Girl again, who will promptly decide you need killing. ___________________________________ ____Mysterious Girl & Leviathan__________/ Crystal Palace - Boss | Lunarians | Leviathan likes to use Tidal Wave, which will cut through Reflect. As such, Reflect is a bad choice for this battle. Otherwise, this is much the same as the previous Mysterious Girl Fight. Get both characters hasted and have Golbez chain-cast -aga spells on the Mysterious Girl until she dies. Curaga as needed with Fusoya. ______________________________________________________________________________ Once she's dead, watch the shocking cutscene and prepare to travel through the Lunar Subterrane, where going in is much harder than coming out was. _______________________________________ ____B1_______________________________/ Lunar Subterrane [WLNLST] | Lunarians | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------+ | 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Balloon | | 1 Steel Golem | | 1 Lamia Matriarch, 1 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | 1 Lamia Matriarch, 2 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | 2 Storm Anima | | 1 Ghost Knight, 2 Skulldier | | 1 Lamia, 1 Balloon | | 1 Storm Anima, 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Balloon | \__________________________________________/ Use combinations of Bio and attacks here. Use Fira on the Skulldiers and finish off the Ghost Knights with attacks. The Lamias (both mom and daughter) can be one-shot with Bio. Crack open the eggs with an attack and finish off the hatchling Lamia with another attack. Mad Ogres are immunie to magical damage, but some status effects work, sleep being the most notable. Ghost Knights counter physical attacks with Bio and magical attacks with a self Reflect. If you are lucky enough to get a Headband or Power Armlet from a Mad Ogre, you should equip it on Golbez so he can have an 8x attack multiplier at level 45. You can equip both to reach 9x. Naturally, getting a Giant's Glove here is better, as it takes you straight to 9x. Headbands are preferred over Power Armlets since with a Headband, you can still use the Rune Armlet. West of the stairs from the entrance is a secret pssage. Enter is and go slightly south and into a teleporter to teleport to a small room in B1. Go north and up the stairs to B2. ______________________________ ____B2________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Balloon | | X-Potion | | 1 Steel Golem | \____________/ | 1 Lamia Matriarch, 1 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | 1 Lamia Matriarch, 2 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | 2 Storm Anima | | 1 Ghost Knight, 2 Skulldier | | 1 Lamia, 1 Balloon | | 1 Storm Anima, 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Balloon | \__________________________________________/ Walk north and grab the chest for an *X-POTION*. Head back to B1 as the rest of this path is basically a dead end (no katana for edge here! :D). Use the stairs south of the entrance to B1 to climb back down to B2. This is basically the reverse of the path you took out of the Lunar Subterrane at the beginning of the tale. Follow the path through the secret passages and all the way to the stairs to B3. As you exit, another crystal will shatter. ______________________________ ____B3________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Balloon | | Dry Ether | | 1 Steel Golem | | Decoy | | 1 Lamia Matriarch, 1 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | Icebrand | | 1 Lamia Matriarch, 2 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | \____________/ | 2 Storm Anima | | 1 Ghost Knight, 2 Skulldier | | 1 Lamia, 1 Balloon | | 1 Storm Anima, 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Balloon | \__________________________________________/ To the east is a healing pot. This makes this room a good spot to do some level grinding. To the south is the stairs to B4, but go south past them and at the dead end, walk east into a seret passage that turns north, then east and into a room. The chest here contains a *DRY ETHER*. Keep going east here through another secret passage that curves down to the room you can see below this one. Grab the two chests here for a *DECOY* and an *ICEBRAND*, which is a nice weapon upgrade for Goblez, especially considering that Steel Golems are weak to Cold. Return to the middle of this floor and take the stairs to B4. ______________________________ ____B4________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Steel Golem, 1 Ghost Knight | | Elixir | | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Coeurl, 1 Lamia Matriarch | \____________/ | 1 Sorcerer (Lamia Matriarch), 2 Coeurl | | 1 Lamia, 2 Skulldier | | 2 Mad Ogre | | 1 Steel Golem | | 1 Storm Anima, 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Balloon | | 1 Lamia Matriarch, 2 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | \_____________________________________________/ Coeurls counter with Blaster, which can paralyze or instantly kill a character. Make sure you're doing the roughly 600 damage needed to kill them in one hit. Sorcerers will summon a creature, in this case a Lamia Matriarch, when tby themselves and then run. They can drop Rune Staves, which are a nice power upgrade for Fusoya, but it still only gives +10 Spirit, like the Aura Staff. Steel Golems can also drop Giant's Gloves too. You'll want to use Sleep on the Mad Ogre group, probably. Things aren't too hard here. You may want to put Fusoya on mostly Bless duty, which can make the healing burden a little less. You can always backtrack to B3's recovery pot. Head east, then down the staircase. travel west and go through the door to pick up an *ELIXIR* from a chest inside. Exit and head all the way east and down a staircase and into the door at the bottom. The door across fro myou is a save room. Save if you wish (this place is long, so be glad they added this save point, which wasn't here in the original game) and then head west through this cavern room. At the west end, exit back into the outside portion of B4. Once outside, go east and head down the stairs to the next area. Another crystal will shatter as you do so. ______________________________ ____B5________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure| |---------------------------------------------+ |-----------+ | 1 Steel Golem, 1 Ghost Knight | | Ice Armor | | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Coeurl, 1 Lamia Matriarch | | Remedy | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre | \___________/ | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | 2 Mad Ogre | | 1 Black Flan, 1 White Mousse, 1 Balloon | | 1 Nagaraja, 2 Lamia | | 1 Sorcerer (Ghost Knight), 2 Ghost Knight | \_____________________________________________/ Use Blizzaga on the Flan and Balloon group to be certain the Black Flan dies. Nagarajas hit a bit hard, but aren't too tough to kill. Head down the long staircase and enter the door at the platform it takes you to. In the room, head to the north end and walk east through a secret passage and once in a little room, go east through another secret passage, which snakes around and leads into the big room. Ignore the northern exit for now and take the southern exit, which puts you on a ledge with a chest. Grab the *ICE ARMOR* from the chest and equip it on Golbez, then go back and take the northern exit. Once outside, head west and into another doorway. Take the northern exit in this room to get back outside. Travel east and you'll find the stairs to the next area. Ignore them for now. In the nearby room is a chest with a *REMEDY* and there is a recover pot up some stairs that are east of the stairs down to the next floor. Grab the Remedy and recover at the pot before heading down. ______________________________ ____B6________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Steel Golem, 2 Ghost Knight | | Luminous Robe | | 1 Lesser Marilith, 1 Storm Anima, 2 Leshy | | Soma Drop | | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | \_______________/ | 2 Nagaraja | | 2 Mad Ogre | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre | | 1 Black Flan, 1 White Mousse, 1 Balloon | | 1 Storm Anima, 2 Ghost Knight | \___________________________________________/ The Lesser Marilith group is tough. She hits hard as does the Storm Anima. Single-cast Bio on each, or just run. Go south, and then across the left-hand bridge. An outcrop of rock to the west actually leads onto an invisible bridge. Cross it heading west and turn north. At the dead end, walk east into the wall and then south to appear at the top of some stairs further south in this same map. Go south and grab the nearby chest for a *LUMINOUS ROBE*, which is excellent armor for Fusoya. Travel all the way east and you'll find a teleporter up to an isolated staircase in B5. Climb those stairs and grab the *SOMA DROP* from the chest. I give this to Fusoya since he has MP issues and also because it lets him restore 2MP per tick of Bless. If you keep going on this path, it ends in a dead end where you got the Ragnarok (aka Crystal Sword) in the original game, so head back to the double bridge past the invisible bridge. This time take the right-hand bridge and follow it into the door. Once in the U-shaped room, take the stairs at the right-hand branch down to B7. ______________________________ ____B7________________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Steel Golem, 2 Ghost Knight | | Dry Ether | | 1 Lesser Marilith, 1 Storm Anima, 2 Leshy | | Remedy | | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | \____________/ | 2 Nagaraja | | 2 Mad Ogre | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre | | 1 Black Flan, 1 White Mousse, 1 Balloon | | 1 Storm Anima, 2 Ghost Knight | \___________________________________________/ Head south, then east. The first door is a save room, which is the last save point before the end of the tale, so be sure to save here. The third door is a room which contains two chests that hold a *DRY ETHER* and a *REMEDY*. Finish going east, then go north, then west and down the stairs. Enter the doorway to go down to B8. ______________________________ ____B8_&_B9___________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Monsters | |---------------------------------+ | 1 Belphegor | | 1 Mythril Golem, 2 Black Knight | | 1 Chimera, 1 Blood Eye | | 1 Fell Knight, 2 Black Knight | | 1 Belphegor, 1 Blood Eye | | 1 Mythril Golem | | 1 Chimera Brain | \_________________________________/ These two floors are pretty straightforward and hold nothing new since the last time you passed through. Oh, except some powerful monsters. Blood Eyes have a lot of HP and hit hard. Use -aga spells to deal with most things. If you have learned Quake, use it to deal lots of damage to non-flying enemies. Chimera Brains will always fire off a Frost Breath before you can act, unless you get a Preemptive strike. This will deal around 800 damage to both party members. Run from them. Fell Knights are potent. Be sure not to use Drain or Osmose on them. They like to use Curse as a counter. When you exit B8, another crystal will shatter. ______________________________ ____B10_&_B11_________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | | Monster | |---------------------------------+ | 1 Fell Knight, 2 Black Knight | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Chimera | | 1 Blood Eye, 2 Evil Flame | | 2 Fell Knight | | 1 Belphegor, 1 Blood Eye | | 2 Mythril Golem | | 1 Mythril Golem, 2 Black Knight | | 2 Belphegor | \_________________________________/ Monsters groups here are more obnoxious, but mostly the same kinds of enemies. There is a recovery tile towards the end of B10, which makes it a good place to do some level grinding, but remember there is no save point after this, so you may want to backtrack to save if you level grind here. As you exit each floor, more crystals shatter. ______________________________ ____B12_______________________________________/ Lunar Subterrane | Lunarians | Head up the stairs and as you enter the final area, watch the cut scenes unfold and find that the final crystal shatters, releasing an old enemy... _____________________________________ ____Zeromus's Malice___________________/ Lunar Subterrane - Boss | Lunarians | Zeromus is a bit rough, but the same standard boss actions apply. Golbez should be chain-casting -aga spells while Fusoya casts Slow on Zeromus. Use Curaga as needed (keep above 1000 HP) and slip in Haste spells for both party members when you can. You merely have to survive and dish out damage until he casts Big Bang, after which the final sequence of cut scenes will begin. ______________________________________________________________________________ When you get into some flashback battles as Golbez, you can't normally lose. Just be sure not to purposefully kill yourself, because you WILL get a game over if you do (That's what you get for rewriting history!). Watch the credits and Save your finish data and you're done with the main part of this tale. Be sure to save your finish data in a different slot than your main game finish data. ________________________________________________________ ____________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon [WLNCD1] | Lunarians | Reload your save, which will put at the entrance of the Crystal Palace. You are at a point just before you entered B12, story-wise. You can head down to the bottom of the Lunar Subterrane to run through the end sequence again if you'd like. Fighting in the Lunar Subterrane or Challenge Dungeons is the best way to grind out any levels you have left (Which shouldn't be many. This tale throws EXP at you left and right). Find Namingway on the west side of the Hummingway Cave and say Yes to enter the challenge dungeon! It is a straightforward hack'n'slash dungeon with a boss at the end. _______________________________________________ ____B1_______________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Lamia Matriarch, 2 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | Ether | | 1 Vampiress, 1 Lamia Matriarch, 1 Lamia | \____________/ | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Flame Knight, 1 Black Knight | | 1 White Mousse, 1 Lamia Matriarch, 1 Hellflapper | | 1 Steel Golem, 1 Hellflapper | | 1 Mythril Golem, 1 White Mousse | \__________________________________________________/ Enemies here are about as tough as those in the non-crystalline portions of the Lunar Subterrane. Vampiresses hit a bit hard, but if they are the last enemies standing, they only Bloodfeast and become much easier because of it. Hellflappers die easily enough, but can use Wing Scales to blind your party members, so bring Eye Drops along (you can leave Fusoya blinded! :D) Head all the way east, then go north. You can enter a secret passage in the west wall as you go north. It will go all the way west to a chest containing an *ETHER*. Go back and follow the man path all the way to the next floor. _______________________________________________ ____B2_______________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | Ether | | 1 Steel Golem, 1 Ghost Knight | | X-Potion | | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Black Knight, 1 Centaur Knight | | Hermes Sandals | | 1 Steel Golem, 2 Ghost Knight | \________________/ | 1 Steel Golem, 1 Hellflapper | | 1 Mythril Golem, 1 White Mousse | \__________________________________________________/ Take a new steps north and youll see two chests in an isolated room. Head east and enter a secret passage that loops up around to the chest on the right-hand part of this room for an *ETHER*. Return to the start of this floor and go north. You'll find a secret passage on the east wall as you go north that will lead to the other chest for an *X-POTION*. Keep following the main path and you'll soon reach the doorway to the next area. From here, got south and follow the path to a chest containing *HERMES SANDALS*. Now back and exit to the next area. _______________________________________________ ____B3_______________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Coeurl, 1 Lamia Matriarch | | X-Potion | | 1 Sorcerer (Lamia Matriarch), 2 Coeurl | | Bacchus's Wine | | 1 Mythril Golem, 2 Coeurl | \________________/ | 1 Black Flan, 1 White Mousse, 1 Balloon | | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | | 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Black Knight, 1 Centaur Knight | \__________________________________________________/ Head north. The doorway you'll come to is a save room. From the save point, head east and take the south fork to a chest containing an *X-POTION*. Go back and take the north fork and you'll find the door to the next area. Before you go in, jog west through a secret passage and grab the *BACCHUS'S WINE* from the chest. Now exit to the next area. _______________________________________________ ____B4_______________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------+ | 3 Ghost Knight | | 1 Sorcerer (Mythril Golem), 1 Storm Anima | | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Balloon | | 1 Black Flan, 1 White Mousse, 1 Balloon | | 1 Storm Anima, 2 Coeurl, 1 Ghost Knight | | 1 Sorcerer (Lamia Matriarch), 2 Coeurl | \___________________________________________/ Head north and up the stairs. Ignore the north path and follow the west path all the way to a doorway. _______________________________________________ ____B5_______________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Storm Anima, 2 Coeurl, 1 Ghost Knight | | Dry Ether | | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Balloon | \____________/ | 1 Sorcerer (Count Malboro) | | 1 Frostbeast, 1 Coeurl, 1 Chimera | | 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Lamia Matriarch, 1 Balloon | | 1 Chimera, 1 Mad Ogre | \__________________________________________/ The lone Sorcerers here summon a Count Malboro and then flee. If you're using the Wait Battle Mode and Battle Speed 6, you can sometimes get off a Bio with Golbez before this happens. Grab the chest to the north for a *DRY ETHER*. See that room to the east of here? You can enter a secret passage just east of the entrance which turns north and leads to that room. Exit to the south of that room back into the previous area. _______________________________________________ ____B4_______________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | Go south and follow the linear path back until you exit to B3. _______________________________________________ ____B3_______________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Treasure | |----------------+ | Dry Ether | | Master's Staff | \________________/ Grab the chest here for a *DRY ETHER*,then enter the room to the south to grab a *MASTER'S STAFF* from the chest. This gives +7 Spirit, can restore HP when used and can... only be used by Golbez? Anyway, remember when we ignored the north path in B4 so that we could get here? Go back to the fork in the road and take the north path to B5. _______________________________________________ ____B5_______________________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Treasure | |------------+ | X-Potion | \____________/ Head north and then west. You'll soon see a save point to the north. Keep going west and grab a chest for an *X-POTION*, then go to the save point and recover up. From the save point, go all the way North until you're next to the purple hooded guy. Talk to him for a fight, but read the boss description that follows first. ______________________________________________________ ____Kirin_____________/ Hummingway Cave Challenge Dungeon - Boss | Lunarians | Kirin counters magic by casting Holy on a single character. He also uses Thundaga and has a variety of physical attacks, including one that hits both characters. His physical attack is fairly weak. He can also use Quake. Before entering the battle, have Fusoya multi-cast Float on both party members so you can be immune to Quake. Go ahead and equip the Diamond Armlet for this fight instead of a Rune Armlet since it resists Lightning. Once in the battle, have Golbez Taunt, and then Fusoya cast Slow on Kirin. This will trigger his Holy counter on Golbez due to the taunting. Golbez has more HP so can take the damage better. After this, cast Haste on Fusoya and Golbez while Golbez attacks. Once hasted, cast Berserk on Golbez and let him go to town. Cast Curaga if needed, but with Slow and Haste in effect, Bless is usually the only healing you'll need for this fight. You can usually get by without hasting Fusoya, but I find it makes this easier. ______________________________________________________________________________ Now, go forward and pick up your treasure! It could be a random consumable item like Bronze Hourglasses and Phoenix Down. It could also be a rare item! Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Diamond Armor * Diamond Gloves * Diamond Helm * Diamond Shield * Enhancement Sword * Proof of Courage The rare items go in a cycle. You will get no repeat rares until you have gotten one of each. The Diamond Gear is for Golbez. You may want to leave the Gloves off, since the Rune Armlet is better for his magic, though they'll help for future Kirin runs. Enhancement Sword is stronger than the Icebrand and gives a nice +7 to Golbez's Intellect. Once you have the Proof of Courage, you can enter the second Lunarian Challenge Dungeon. ___________________________________________________ _________________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon [WLNCD2] | Lunarians | South of the Hummingway cave is a little face with an opening that you can enter. Inside, speak to Namingway with the Proof of Courage in your inventory and a cave opening will appear in the north wall. Walk through to find a teleporter which takes you into the dungeon. From there, walk north into another teleporter to enter the second Lunarian Challenge Dungeon. __________________________________________ ____B1____________________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Belphegor, 2 Balloon | | Ether | | 1 Storm Anima, 2 Ghost Knight | | X-Potion | | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Coeurl | \____________/ | 1 Mythril Golem, 2 Coeurl | | 1 Coeurl, 2 Hellflapper | | 1 Lamia, 2 Hellflapper | \_______________________________/ Follow the path until it forks. Ignore the north path for now and head east. At the dead end, walk east in to the wall. The secret passage will curve down to the chest below. Grab it for an *ETHER*. Return and take the north path. Grab the chest for an *X-POTION*. You can go either north or east from here. Go east. At the end of the path, you can go east into a secret passage that leads to the north. Take the door here down to the next area. __________________________________________ ____B2____________________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Storm Anima, 2 Coeurl, 1 Ghost Knight | | Ether | | 1 Lesser Marilith, 1 Storm Anima, 2 Leshy | | Coeurl Whisker | | 1 Lamia, 1 Coeurl, 1 Mad Ogre | \________________/ | 1 Storm Anima, 2 Ghost Knight | | 1 Chimera Brain | | 1 Mythril Golem, 2 Coeurl | \___________________________________________/ Chimera Brains still aren't worth fighting. Follow the path to two chests and grab the *ETHER* and *COEURL WHISKER* from them. Return to B1. __________________________________________ ____B1____________________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | Return to the fork by the X-Potion chest and head north to the next area. __________________________________________ ____B2____________________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------+ | Random X-Potion Lunar Curtain | \___________________________________/ The chest near the entrance will give a random consumable item. Follow the northeast path until it forks. To the northwest is a chest containing an *X-POTION*, then take the north path and follow it to the door to the next area. Don't go in yet, instead enter the somewhat crooked secret passage in the west wall and follow it to a chest containing a *LUNAR CURTAIN*, which casts Reflect when used. Exit to the next area. __________________________________________ ____B3____________________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Bephegor, 1 Blood Eye | | X-Potion | | 1 Chimera Brain | | Dry Ether | | 1 Mythril Golem, 2 Black Knight | | X-Potion | | 1 Lesser Marilith, 1 Storm Anima, 2 Leshy | | Light Curtain | | 2 Belphegor | \_______________/ | 1 Mythril Golem | \___________________________________________/ You have three choices of path here. The west path is a dead end. Go east and follow the path to a chest containing an *X-POTION*. Return to the start and go north. You'll eventually cont to a doorway. Ignore it for now and go west and down some stairs. Follow the path east and grab the two chests here for a *DRY ETHER* and another *X-POTION*. You'll cross under another platform on the way, and under another to get the Dry Ether. Return to the doorway we ignored. Keep ignoring it and go east and up some stairs. Head west from here. The doorway up here is a save room. Keep going west and grab a *LIGHT CURTAIN* from the chest. Return to the door way we ignored and go inside. Loop up to the north end of the circle and go down the steps to the next area. __________________________________________ ____B4____________________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Mythril Golem | | Ether | | 2 Fell Knight | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Fell Knight, 2 Black Knight | \______________/ | 1 Chimera, 1 Blood Eye | | 1 Hellflapper, 1 Arachne | | 1 Mythril Golem, 2 Black Knight | \_________________________________/ Arachnes like to cast Quake, so you may want to wander around this place with Float active. Head south, then west. Enter the doorway you come to. This will take you into a secret passage that travels the entire east, north, and west perimeter of the floor. Head west and then go south to another doorway so you can pick up the *ETHER* in the chest. Return to the secret passage and go all the way north, then east, then north, and then all the way east so that you are on the east side of the map. Go a bit south and enter the first doorway you see so that you are on a platform. There may be a bridge here leading south. If not, it will appear on a later run through this dungeon. Take the bridge south and open the chest for a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Return to the secret passage and continue going south along the east side until you exit through another doorway. Follow the path to the stairs to the next floor. __________________________________________ ____B5____________________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Mythril Golem, 1 Stone Golem, 1 Steel Golem | | Hermes Sandals | | 1 Chimera, 1 Blood Eye | | Dry Ether | | 1 Arachne, 1 Hellflapper | \________________/ | 1 Sorcerer (Count Malboro ) | | 1 Count Malboro | | 1 Lesser Marilith, 1 Nagaraja | \_______________________________________________/ Head west from the start and enter the first or second doorway as the third is always a dead end. Take these bridges to the north end of the floor. The upper part of this floor has three doorways, which are all linked by a secret passage. To the west is a chest containing *HERMES SANDALS*, but a bridge to it may or may not appear on a given trip to this dungeon. Use the secret passage to get to it if this is the case. Travel all the way east on the north end of the floor. A bridge may be out, so use the secret passage to reach the eastern doorway if needed. From there, go south through a doorway. You can keep going south through another doorway to grab a *DRY ETHER* from a chest, though a bridge may be missing. If it is, get it on another run through the dungeon. Otherwise, head west to the stairs to the next floor. __________________________________________ ____Last Floor____________________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon | Lunarians | This floor consists of the door you came in through on the east side, an exit to the dungeon on the west side, and a save point in the middle. A long bridge leads north from the save point to the boss. Recover and talk to the boss to trigger the fight. Full Moon is not advised for this fight. _________________________________________________ ____Armstrong______________/ Lunar Face Challenge Dungeon - Boss | Lunarians | Whenever he is hit with magic, Armstrong counters with a powerful attack (that usually kills a party member) and increases in physical strength. Double Black Magic does not trigger this, unless you get Double Meteor, which can trigger an attack which can prove fatal. He also uses Firaga which deals about 800 damage to you during the Waxing Moon or around 1400 during the Full Moon. He has an array of physical attacks. He can make two single attacks, an attack that his both party members, a single attack. He can mix in Stone Touch (causes gradual pertification) in place of any single attack, though he can't double up on it. When he's low on HP, he sometimes uses Atomic Blast, which kills him and deals about 600 damage to both party members. Beating him is pretty much identical to beating Kirin, except you probably do not want to cast Slow on him. If you do, use Taunt with Golbez first, and then use Arise to revive Golbez. After Slow (if desired), cast Haste on Fusoya and Golbez while Golbez attacks. Once hasted, cast Berserk on Golbez and let him go to town. Cast Curaga if needed. If anyone gets under 1400 HP, cast Curaga. He'll go down steadily. If Fusoya needs MP, cast Osmose on Golbez since Golbez doesn't need his. ______________________________________________________________________________ Now, go forward and pick up your treasure! It could be a random consumable item like Bronze Hourglasses and Phoenix Down. It could also be a rare item! Possible rare items for this Challenge Dungeon are: * Adamantite * Aegis Shield * Defender * Megalixir * Rare Band The rare items go in a cycle. You will get no repeat rares until you have gotten one of each. The Aegis Shield is a must-have for Golbez. It has an insane amount of Evasion and gives +3 Intellect as well as protecting from Petrification. The Defender is the strongest weapon out of all the character tales and gives +15 Stamina to boot, making golbez a powerhouse. Plus, infinitely cycling Megalixirs? Yes please! Rare Band is good for farming rare items, naturally. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.11 The Crystals [TCRYS] )--------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ The Crystals encompasses the last three chapters of the original Japanese mobile phone version. Immediately upon selecting this tale, you will have the option to import finish data from all other tales. First it'll prompt you for which Main Game data to import, then Rydia's Tale, etc etc. Any characters whose finish data is not imported will begin with the levels shown below and are equipped with whatever they are equipped with at the beginning of their own tales (the members that join at the end of Kain's Tale will have the equipment they have at that point). This list of levels was posted by slo_bro on the gamefaqs forums, so give him thanks. Luca - 25 Rydia - 25 Edge - 25 Golbez - 30 Ceodore - 25 Cecil - 40 Rosa - 30 Kain - 30 Cid - 30 Yang - 25 Palom - 25 Porom - 25 Edward - 20 If you import absolutely no data, not even main game data, you will start with no items in your inventory and 10k gil. This is not recommended, though you should be able to get enough gil and items to scrape by with a little initial grinding. For purposes of fairness, I will be initially assuming that you are importing no data from the individual tales, and only importing initial finish data from the main game, where all main game characters are level 30. Before you begin the Crystals, you may want to finish up getting things in the individual tales. Some things you may want to do: * Get all the treasures from the Challenge Dungeons * Gather as much Adamantite as you wish. - In the final chapter, you will eventually have the ability to trade this for powerful Adamant Gear: - Adamant Armor : 3 Adamantite - Adamant Helm : 2 Adamantite - Adamant Shield: 2 Adamantite - Adamant Gloves: 1 Adamantite - Adamantite is found as rare treasures from the final chests of the Challenge Dungeons. * Gather as many Lustful Lali-ho items as you can. These can be turned into Discovery Books in the Developer's Room in the Final Tale. Discovery Books increase your max MP by 50. You can find one in Kain's Tale in Cid's house and you can find another in Palom's Tale in the King's Bounty Pub's dressing room. They are also a rare treasure in the final chest of Kain's Challenge dungeon. * Gather the various colored tails, found by killing rare, lunar monsters in the individual tales. These only appear during certain moon phases. Palom and Edward gain tails in other ways. - Ceodore: Blue Tail - Thunder Dragon - Mist Cave (Full), - Kain: Grey Tail - Grey Coeurl - Devil's Road, Mysidia Side (Waning) - Rydia: Green Tail - Green Dragon - Agart Mine (Waning) - Yang: Red Tail - Red Dragon - Impact Crater Floor (New) - Palom: Black Tail - Watch the show in the Imperial Pub (159,000 gil) - Edge: Purple Tail- Behemoth - Path to Tower of Babil North (New) - Porom: White Tail - White Dragon - Northeast of Mt. Ordeals (Waxing) - Edward: Gold Tail - Trade Bronze and Silver tails to get this. - Lunar: Ebony Tail - Ebony Dragon - Lunar Tunnel West (New) * Complete Tales to gain extra Characters - Brina : Finish the Rydia's Tale with the Mythril Spring, Bolt, and Nut. Import finish data from Rydia's Tale - Calca : Finish the Rydia's Tale with the Mythril Spring, Bolt, and Nut. Import finish data from Rydia's Tale Note that if you get these after you have saved finished data, you need to fight the Agart Turtle again, and go through the entire end sequence, saving new finish data. - Ursula : Import finish data from Yang's Tale - Leonora : Import finish data from Palom's Tale - Gekkou : Finish Gekkou's Mission alive. Import finish data from Edge's Tale. - Izayoi : Finish Izayoi's Mission alive. Import finish data from Edge's Tale. - Tsukinowa : Finish Tsukinowa's Mission alive. Import finish data from Edge's Tale. - Zangetsu : Finish Zangetsu's Mission alive. Import finish data from Edge's Tale. - Harley : Import finish data from Edward's Tale - A note about Calca and Brina: If you get the mythril parts after you have saved finished data, you will need to fight the Agart Turtle again, and go through the entire end sequence and save new finish data. When you're ready, you'll want to unequip everyone except Ceodore, Kain, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Rydia, Luca, Edge, and Golbez. You will also want to buy a good supply of Spider Silk (from Baron) as well as some Hi-Potions. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.12 Gathering Tale - The Moon's Gravity [GTTL] )----------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. ___________________ _________________________________________________________/ Contents | Gather | 1. Baron [WGTBRN] 2. Mist, The Quest Begins [WGTMST] 3. Worldwide Scavenger Hunt [WGTLOOT] 4. Damcyan and Harley [WGTDAM] 5. Yang and the Slyphs [WGTYSY] 6. Porom and Ramuh [WGTMYS] 7. Titan in Agart [WGTAGT] 8. Eblan is on Fire [WGTEBL] 9. Troia is frozen [WGTTRA] 10. The Cave of Eblan [WGTCEB] 11. Mist and the Dragon [WGTDRG] 12. Confrontation at Baron [WGTEND] 13. **Monsterland [WGTMONSTERLAND] ** Optional level-grinding area. Do before the end of the tale. ****SPOILER WARNING**** If you did not play the Lunarians' Tale, you may not know who the Man in Black is. For convenience, I am referring to him by his true identity. I feel that his identity is fairly obvious, but this is your warning that reading this section may spoil that for you. However, Lunarian's Tale is awesome and you really should play it. :) ****SPOILER WARNING**** The game begins with a host of cut scenes until you are finally landed outside of Baron with Luca, Rydia, Edge, and the Golbez (aka Man in Black). You can enter the Falcon to rest in bed in the cabin as needed. After the initial scenes in Baron, you can do anything in nearly any order. I am going to present things in the order I did them as it seemed to work out easiest for me this way. As you accomplish tasks, you'll get mini cut scenes about waht is happening in Baron. One of them features a battle which you are supposed to lose. _________________________ ____Overworld______________________________________/ Baron [WGTBRN] | Gather | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Cait Sith, 3 Needlehog 1 Mortblossom, 2 Treant | | 3 Needlehog, 2 Treant 1 Zu, 3 Cockatrice | | 1 Ettin Snake, 2 Needlehog 2 Lilith | | 2 Cait Sith | \_______________________________________________________/ Monsters around Baron aren't tremendously difficult and are mostly the kinds of things you'd have been facing at the end of the various individual tales. This is a good spot to level up your gang initially if you did not import their data. Remember to equip them with extra gear left over from the main game and don't forget you can rest for free in the Falcon's cabin. Enter Baron town when you're ready. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Baron | Gather | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |------------------------+ |-----------------------+ |-----------------------+ | X-Potion 3000 gil | | Flame Sword 14000 gil | | Iron Shield 600 gil | | Ether 10000 gil | | Icebrand 26000 gil | | Cross Helm 4200 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Battle Axe 2500 gil | | Plate Armor 5000 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Dwarven Axe 15000 gil | | Bone Mail 37500 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Thorn Whip 3000 gil | | Bone Wrist 3800 gil | | Remedy 5000 gil | | Chain Whip 6000 gil | | Circlet 1500 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | \_______________________/ | Mage's Robe 2000 gil | | Gnomish Bread 100 gil | | Rune Armlet 2000 gil | \________________________/ \_______________________/ | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Phoenix Down Small Tale Dry Ether Small Tail Silver Hourglass | | Hi-Potion X-Potion Cottage X-Potion | \_______________________________________________________________________/ Speak to Namingway by the entrance to purchase supplies. Everything else is locked and there are Zombie Infantry running all over the place. Avoid speaking to the guards if you don't want a fight. You may want to buy an axe for Luca if you didn't import Rydia's finish data. The Dwarven Axe is strong, but it lowers speed which is a hinderance. It's up to you whether you want it or the Battle Axe. In either case, equip her with any extra shield you may have too. Likewise a Rune Armlet is a good investment for Rydia if you don't have anything better than it. You can stop by Cid's house in the north west to see a little scene. Otherwise there isn't much to do here except loot the town. Check the pot by the Inn for a *PHOENIX DOWN* and the top pot near the armory for a *HI-POTION*. The well by Cid's house hides a useless *SMALL TALE*. In the north east corner is an archway leading outside the walls, but it's blocked by four Zombie Infantry. Use fire attacks (a flame sword works well) to make quick work of them. They can be a bit tough if you did not import data. Go through the arch and find a secret passage through the trees that leads to a grassy area in the north west. Hidden in the bushes is an *X-POTION*, a *DRY ETHER*, a *COTTAGE* and a *SMALL TAIL* (1/21). Now head back and climb up the stairs near the waterfalls. A guard will block your way, which'll be a fight with three Zombie Infantry. When they are dead, follow the water to the pond in the south east where you can find hidden an *X-POTION* and a *SILVER HOURGLASS*. When You're ready, enter the castle. You'll find your way barred, and decide to set out to find a way to enter. At this point you'll have free reign of the skies on the Falcon. ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ Mist [WGTMST] | Gather | | Treasure | |---------------------------+ | Bomb Core Bomb Crank x2 | \___________________________/ Of course, the game gives you no real direction as to where to go at this point, which can be a bit confusing. There are a lot of this we could gather at this point, but let's head to the town of Mist, which is located to the north of Baron in a little mountain valley. Upon entering the town, which is covered in thick mist, you will be told what you must to: Free the Eidolons! Then, naturally, return to Mist. Okay! There is a secret passage in the south east to reach some bushes in the woods. Search the bushes for two *BOMB CRANKS*. Some grass east of the pond hides a *BOMB CORE*. ___________________________________ _________________________________________/ Scavenger Hunt [WGTLOOT] | Gather | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Small Tail x 12 Faerie Rod Small Tale Ribbon Mage Masher | | Black Belt Gi Luminous Robe Elixir Diamond Armor Ice Whip | | Chocobo Summon | \____________________________________________________________________________/ Before we do anything, let's fly around the world and collect things! Fly back towards baron, then a bit east of the town until you see a solitary tree on a peninsula. Walk into the tree to find a forest clearing. Walk up and search in the grass to find a *SMALL TAIL* (2/21) Next, if you fly northwest from baron, you'll find a little sunken patch of forest, which indicates a forest clearing. It's a bit east of the Mist Cave. Enter it and search the grass there for another *SMALL TAIL* (3/21) Fly northeast of Baron and you'll soon see the great Kaipo Desert. A bit south of the Oasis town is a triangular set of three rocks. You'll have to park the airship away from the town since it cannot land in the sand. Anyway, walk into the space at the center of these rocks to enter a small area. Search the center rock in that area for another *SMALL TAIL* (4/21). Now fly south east of Kaipo. On the other side of the mountains should be a claw-shaped peninsula with a small, triangular patch of desert. Land the ship next to this patch and save your game. Enter the patch of desert to find a treasure chest surrounded by rocks. Search the north east rock for a nice *SMALL TAIL* (5/21). Be careful when you open the chest because it will be a Monster-in-a-Box fight with a Great Malboro. If you did not import tale data, this is probably too hard for you now. Use a Spider Silk on it and hit it with physical attacks. You'll want to equip headbands to block Bad Breath if possible. Waning Moon is best, even though it will hit hard. It has a lot of magic defense so spells are poor. Revive people as needed, but don't bother healing them after you revive them. You'll get a *BLACK BELT GI* as a reward. Head north of Kaipo to reach Damcyan. West of Damcyan is a large meteor Crater. step into it and search the skeleton for a *SMALL TAIL* (6/21). Fly to the west from here to reach a small island with a forest. Step into this chocobo forest and search the grass to receive the *CHOCOBO* summon item. Use it from the item screen to have Rydia learn Chocobo. Fly east of Damcyan to reach Fabul. A forest clearing to the south eat holds a *SMALL TAIL* (7/21) in a bush on the north side. To the north west a ways from Fabul is another forest clearning. Open the chest here for a *FAERIE ROD* for Rydia. This gives a whopping +10 Intellect and can confuse enemies if used as an item in battle. A surprising number of enemies are susceptible to confuse. A secret passage east of the chest leads to a small section of the clearing. Search the bust there for a *SMALL TAIL* (8/21) Fly south from Fabul. You'll stumble across the town of Mythril. A bit futher south is a large meteor crater (it's also a bit north from Mt. Ordeals). Enter it and you'll find a treasure chest containing a *LUMINOUS ROBE* which is a good upgrade for Rydia if you did not import character data. Continue south to Mt. Ordeals and fly south east where you'll find an island with a cave. Enter the cave and search the right crate for a *SMALL TALE* and grab the chest for an *ELIXIR*. You can find a secret passage by walking under the archway and heading east. It will wrap around to a small room where you can snag a *SMALL TAIL* (9/21). South west of Mt. Odeals is another Island with a forest clearing. The chest inside is a Monster-in-a-Box fight against a powerful Armor Construct. Avoid using lightning attacks on it as it will counter with a move that inflicts Stop status on you. Bash it with non-lightning -aga spells or Quake and attack with Luca and Edge. It may be too powerful for you now. Slyph will be good against it if you come back later. You get a *RIBBON* for defeating it, which is a solid headgear that blocks all status effects. I give it to Rydia. Fly west and you'll eventually come to the island of Agart, identifiable by the large hold in the mountain that you are unable to fly into. A solitary tree east of the town holds a treasure chest that is a Monster-in-a-Box fight with 2 Fell Knights and 2 Imps. Use Stop and Shadowbind on the Imp to stop or paralyze them. They counter everything with Confuse, which is devastating. Hit everything with Quake or single-target, powerful attacks. This fight is tough if you did not import character data. You win a *DIAMOND ARMOR* from this fight. Now fly west to Eblan's island, notable by the huge Tower of Babil. To the north and to the east of the tower are solitary trees. Each one conceals a grassy area. Search both to get a *SMALL TAIL* (10/21) and a *SMALL TAIL* (11/21). Now fly north to reach the massive forest that surrounds Troia. On the southern part of this nation (a bit north of the smaller Tower of Trails) is a forest clearing. The chest inside is a Monster-in-a-Box fight with 3 Dark Sages. They move very very fast and deal damage very quickly. Use a Spider Silk to slow them down, and use powerful attacks like Quake to defeat them. Focus single attacks (Edge, Luca) on one Dark Sage at a time. You may want to come back after learning Edge and Rydia's Inferno band attack as it does a lot of damage to them. For winning, you get the *MAGE MASHER*, an okay dagger. It may be a good fit for Edge if he doesn't already have something better. Note that the Dark Sages are almost guaranteed to be too powerful for you at this time if you did not import character data. Keep flying north until you find the town of Troia. Far to its east you can find a forest clearing. Search the eastern bush for a *SMALL TAIL* (12/21). Fat to the north of the town you'll find another forest clearning. The western bush holds another *SMALL TAIL* (13/21). A secret passage on the east leads to the chest, which contains an *ICE WHIP*. This is a good Whip for Rydia, but I would stick to the Faerie Rod as she probably isn't attacking. That's about all we can get without going into places, so lets begin gathering characters and Eidolons. First stop, Damcyan! ___________________________ ____Overworld____________________________________/ Damcyan [WGTDAM] | Gather | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------+ | 4 Caterpillar 2 Hellflapper, 2 Caterpillar | | 4 Goblin Captain 1 Abyss Worm | | 2 Hellflapper 1 Blood Eye | | 2 Tunneler | \__________________________________________________/ Mosnter around Damcyan aren't too bad. Goblin Captains are decent experience. Caterpillars counter with Slow and Hellflappers can blind you. Watch out for the Blood Eyes. Use Big Throw for extra damage against them. Abyss Worms are tough and not really worth fighting. _________________________ ___________________________________________________/ Damcyan Castle | Gather | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | X-Potion Ether Red Fang X-Potion Decoy | | Phoenix Down Diamond Shield White Fang X-Potion Bomb Core | | Emergency Exit Ether Blue Fang Hi-Potion Small Tail | \_______________________________________________________________________/ Enter Damcyan Castle to find that it has been overrun with Antlions. You can fight them if you want. The game will produce more. When their eyes are white, use magic, otherwise use physical attacks or they will counter. You can easily ignore them though. When you first enter, walk around the eastern wall of the castle, on the sand, to reach the dungeon/treasure storage area. Press the switch on the wall to open the door and follow the secret passage that links the cells to grab an *X-POTION*, *PHOENIX DOWN*, and *EMERGENCY EXIT*. Then go down the stairs and open the chests and search the pots to get an *ETHER*, a *DIAMOND SHIELD*, an *ETHER*, a *RED FANG*, a *WHITE FANG*, a *BLUE FANG*, an *X-POTION*, another *X-POTION*, and a *HI-POTION*. Now head into the castle proper. On the first floor, go east and up the stairs to reach the storeroom. Walk south into the wall by the stairs and follow the secret passage around to the chest that would otherwise be unreachable to snag a *BOMB CORE*. The other chest contains a *DECOY*. Go back down and take the stairs on the west side of the first floor and just keep going up stairs until you reach Harley's Room. Search the left side of her bookcase for a *SMALL TAIL* (14/21). Now go back and up the central stairs all the way to the throne room for a cut scene. If you imported finish data from Edward's Tale, Harley will ask to come with you. She'll be resting in the cabin of the Falcon for the remainder of this Tale. Now let's see about some summons. One summon is most useful initially, so let us head to Kaipo, to the south of Damcyan. _________________________ ____Overworld______________________________________/ Kaipo [WGTYSY] | Gather | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------+ | 4 Caterpillar 2 Hellflapper, 2 Caterpillar | | 4 Goblin Captain 1 Abyss Worm | | 2 Hellflapper 1 Blood Eye | | 2 Tunneler | \__________________________________________________/ Monsters around Kaipo are the same as those around Damcyan, so nothing new here really. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Kaipo | Gather | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Inn | |------------------------+ |-------------------------+ |---------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Silver Harp 880 gil | | 100 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Dark Harp 2800 gil | \_________/ | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Thorn Whip 3000 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Chain Whip 6000 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | | Longsword 450 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Iron Sword 1000 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil | \_________________________/ | Antidote 40 gil | | Armorer | \________________________/ |-------------------------+ | Sundries | | Beret 1200 gil | |------------------------+ | Bronze B.plate 450 gil | | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | | Silver B.plate 2000 gil | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Rune Armlet 2000 gil | | Spider Silk 100 gil | | Iron Shield 600 gil | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Iron Armor 1000 gil | | Tent 100 gil | | Iron Helm 800 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | \_________________________/ \________________________/ Slyphs have overrun the town. If you speak to one, you'll get into a fight. You can kill them, must make sure you leave at least one Slyph alive in the town. It's best to avoid them as you gain nothing from killing them. You can run from a fight if you accidentally get into one. Buy some Spider Silks if you're low on them. They come in handy if you haven't noticed that by now :) Stop by Tellah's grave for a little mini scene if you'd like, then head to the north east house, where you'll find Yang and Ursula unconscious. No desert fever here, just a coma. Joy. When you're done, head to Fabul, which is far east of Damcyan. ________________ ____Overworld_______________________________________________/ Fabul | Gather | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------+ | 4 Skulldier 1 Belphegor, 2 White Mousse | | 1 Alraune 1 Gorgon, 1 Nagaraja | | 2 Mad Ogre 1 Chimera Brain | | 3 Vampire Bats 2 Steel Golem | \_______________________________________________/ Monsters here aren't too rough except for the Chimera Brains, which are fast and will put you in a world of hurt with a leadoff Frost Blast. Ouch. Not a great place to try leveling due to these. Alraunes are like weaker Arachnes. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Fabul | Gather | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Inn | |------------------------+ |-------------------------+ |------------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Flame Claws 350 gil | | 100 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Ice Claws 450 gil | \__________________/ | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Lightning Claws 550 gil | | Treasure | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Metal Knuckle 600 gil | |------------------+ | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil | \_________________________/ | Hermes Sandals | | Eye Drops 30 gil | | Armorer | | Bronze Hourglass | | Antidote 40 gil | |-------------------------+ | Phoenix Down | | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Leather Cap 100 gil | | Cross | \________________________/ | Feathered Cap 330 gil | | Bacchus's Wine | | Sundries | | Headband 450 gil | | Hi-Potion | |------------------------+ | Leather Cloth 200 gil | | Small Tail | | Tent 100 gil | | Bronze B.plate 450 gil | | X-Potion | | Cottage 500 gil | | Kenpo Gi 4000 gil | | Phoenix Down | | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | | Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Cottage | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Decoy | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | \_________________________/ | Frying Pan | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Ladle | \________________________/ \__________________/ Slyphs have also invaded Fabul. Ignore them (again, you must leave at least one of them alive here, but it's best to not fight them at all) and head up to the west tower. The left pot up topp holds *HERMES SANDALS* and the three chests contain a *BRONZE HOURGLASS* a *PHOENIX DOWN* and a *CROSS*. Head over to the second floor of the east tower to grab some *BACCHUS'S WINE* from the bottom pot in the bar, then head up to the top floor and grab the chest in the King's room for a *HI-POTION*. Search the flower there for a *SMALL TAIL* (15/21). Now head to the throne room for a scene with Yang's Wife where you'll get the *FRYING PAN* and the *LADLE*. Read their descriptions in the item menu :) Now head back to Kaipo. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Kaipo | Gather | Visit Yang and use the Frying Pan on him. He'll regain his senses. After the dialogue, use the Ladle on Ursula to revive her. Make sure you pay attention to the hilarious dialogue. Yang will come along, and if you imported finish data from his tale, so will Ursula. They'll be hanging out in bed in the Falcon's cabin for the rest of the Tale. Once that's down, head south towards Mysidia, stopping in the towl of Mythril on an island along the way. ___________________________ _________________________________________________/ Mythril [WGTMYS] | Gather | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Coeurl 2 Ironback, 2 Black Lizard | | 2 Ironback 4 White Mousse | | 3 Black Lizard 1 Ironback, 1 Armadillo, 1 Black Lizard | | 2 Flamehound 1 Ruhk, 1 Fledgling Ruhk | \___________________________________________________________/ Monsters here are pretty easy so this isn't a bad place to level up a bit. Except for the Coeurls and Ruhks, most things are weak to Ice. Rhuks and their young die if you sneeze at them and are an easy 1000 or so exp total. __________________ __________________________________________________________/ Mythril | Gather | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |----------------------+|------------------------+|-------------------------+ | Hi-Potion 150 gil|| Mythril Sword 6000 gil|| Mythril Armor 17000 gil| | Phoenix Down 100 gil|| Mythril Knife 3000 gil|| Mythril Shield 1000 gil| | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil|| Mythril Staff 4000 gil|| Mythril Helm 3000 gil| | Mallet 80 gil|| Mythril Hammer 8000 gil|| Mythril Gloves 2000 gil| | Diet Ration 100 gil|\________________________/\_________________________/ | Cross 100 gil|| Treasure | | Cottage 500 gil||------------------------------------------------+ | Gnomish Bread 100 gil|| Cottage Small Tale Remedy Heavenly Wrath | \______________________/\________________________________________________/ You may want to buy two Mythril Knives for Edge if you did not import finish data for him. Otherwise there isn't much to do here except loot. Some grass a bit north and east of the entrance hides a *COTTAGE*. The well east of the Armory hides a *SMALL TALE* and the grass north east of the Armory hides a *REMEDY*. Lastly the grass north of the Armory hides a *HEAVENLY WRATH*. Keep heading south on the airship to find Mysidia. You may have to go a bit west too. __________________ ____Overworld_____________________________________________/ Mysidia | Gather | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Coeurl 2 Ironback, 2 Black Lizard | | 2 Ironback 4 White Mousse | | 3 Black Lizard 1 Ironback, 1 Armadillo, 1 Black Lizard | | 2 Flamehound 1 Ruhk, 1 Fledgling Ruhk | \___________________________________________________________/ Monsters here are the same as on Mythril's island. __________________ __________________________________________________________/ Mysidia | Gather | When you enter town, everyone will be collapse and everything is locked. Head up to the Hall of Prayers to suddenly fight yourself in a battle against Ramuh! _________________________ ____Ramuh__________________________________________/ Mysidia - Boss | Gather | Ramuh isn't too hard to fight. Use Slyph every turn with Rydia to easily stay healed and use a Spider Silk to slow him down. Have Golbez use Quake or -aga spells while Luca and Edge attack. After you deal enough damage to him, he'll begin to come to his senses and Rydia will say something. Do not hit him after this dialogue. If you kill him he will be lost forever. Otherwise he'll rejoin you. Afterwards, enter the Hall and you'll find Porom, you will join you (ie hang out on the airship) during the cut scene. Next, fly west to the island of Agart, which has a big gaping hole in the mountain that the game won't let you fly down. _________________________ ____Overworld______________________________________/ Agart [WGTAGT] | Gather | | Monster | |-----------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Coeurl 2 Ironback, 2 Black Lizard | | 2 Ironback 4 White Mousse | | 3 Black Lizard 1 Ironback, 1 Armadillo, 1 Black Lizard | | 2 Flamehound 1 Ruhk, 1 Fledgling Ruhk | \___________________________________________________________/ Monsters here are pretty much the same as around Mysidia and Mythril. Nothing to exciting to kill, but pretty easy on the whole. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Agart | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Mythril Golem, 1 Ogre 1 Mad Ogre, 1 Ogre, 1 Balloon | | Gaia Drum | | 1 Mythril Golem 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Balloon | \____________/ | 1 Mad Ogre, 2 Ogre 3 Balloon | | 3 Mad Ogre | \__________________________________________________________/ Every door is locked and the town is overrun with monsters that you will randomly encounter. The grass below the pond hides a *GAIA DRUM*. You can use the Well to descend into the Agart Subterrane. I recommend we do this now as we can get an upgraded weapon for Luca by doing so. Note that you'll see the Mysterious Girl by the pond. Approaching her will start a fight, so be careful. Scroll down a bit if you want to do that before the subterrane dungeon. ___________________________ ____B1___________________________________________/ Agart Subterrane | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Tunneler 3 Skulldier | | Decoy | | 1 Steel Golem 1 Tunneler, 1 Ironback | | Diamond Armlet | | 1 Arachne 2 Skulldier, 1 Steel Golem | \________________/ | 1 Ironback, 1 Armadillo, 1 Black Lizard | \_____________________________________________/ From the rope, go west to reach a chest containing a *DECOY*, then go back and take the east path. It will curve north. Take the east path when it forks to pick up a *DIAMOND ARMLET* from a chest. This is an upgrade for Edge if you didn't import character data for him. Rydia is still best with a Rune Armlet, Sprint Ring or Talisman. Head back to the main path and go north. The path will curve east. Ignore the stairs here. They lead to a straightforward section of B2. During an upcoming fight, you can get dumping into that section if you didn't get Porom from Mysidia yet, but we did, so there's no worry. Keep going east and go south under an archway to reach some other stairs to a different section of B2. ___________________________ ____B2___________________________________________/ Agart Subterrane | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Tunneler 3 Skulldier | | Ogrekiller | | 1 Steel Golem 1 Tunneler, 1 Ironback | | Golden Apple | | 1 Arachne 2 Skulldier, 1 Steel Golem | \______________/ | 1 Ironback, 1 Armadillo, 1 Black Lizard | \_____________________________________________/ Head to the south end of the room and grab the *OGREKILLER* axe from the chest for Luca. This will deal extra damage to Ogre types, which is nice for around town. :) Head east into the wall (there are some pebbles in front of the right spot) and through a secret passage where you can grab a *GOLDEN APPLE* from another chest. Nice! If you plan on having Rydia in your final party, she's a good person to give this to. We're done here, so head back out of this dungeon. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Agart | Gather | If you head to the east of the pond you'll find the Mysterious Girl there. Naturally you'll want to fight, so she runs off and summons Titan in the process. _______________________ ____Titan____________________________________________/ Agart - Boss | Gather | Have Rydia use Sylph constantly to keep your HP up. Let Edge and Luca attack while Golbez uses Quake (yes, it works on this Earth Eidolon!) or -aga spells. Have someone use a Spider Silk to slow him down. After you pound on him for a bit, he'll use Gaia's Wrath. At this point, you'll be dumped into a section of B2 of the Agart Subterrane near a save point... unless you've fetched Porom from Mysidia. If you have, she'll show up to cast Float on you. After a short scene, you'll be in the fight again. Titan is a bit tougher now, ever though you can avoid Gaia's Wrath. Use a Spider Silk again to slow him and use the same attack pattern as before. The bad news is that he'll now start using Crush, which can instantly kill a party member. More bad news is that when you revive that party member, they won't be floating anymore. Ugh. In any case, he's now too hard to beat. After taking enough of a beating, he'll come to his senses and rejoin you. Note that you can have Rydia use -aga spells too to increase you damage rate, but Slyph is a good way to make sure you stay healed. It's up to you. If you didn't import character data, you likely don't have -aga spells with Rydia yet. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Agart | Gather | | Treasure | |------------+ | Small Tail | \____________/ People are now out and about in the town, though everything is still locked up... except for the Observatory in the south west part of town. Go there and search the glass globe at the south of the room for a *SMALL TAIL* (16/21). To continue our clockwise assault on the world, let's head west to Eblan, on the island with the huge Tower of Babil. _________________________ ____Overworld______________________________________/ Eblan [WGTEBL] | Gather | | Monsters | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Flamehound 1 Flame Knight, 1 Flaygator, 1 Evil Flame | | 3 Black Lizard 3 Goblin Captain, 1 Armadillo, 1 Black Liz | | 1 Chimera, 2 Flame Knight 1 Flame Knight, 1 Flamehound, 1 Evil Flame | | 1 Flame Knight, 2 Flamehound 1 Armadillo, 2 Magma Tortoise | \____________________________________________________________________________/ Monsters here are near universally weak to ice, and a single Blizzaga takes out entire groups with ease, making this a wonderful level grinding spot even if the exp on the whole isn't as good as some places. Rydia can also do decent damage with the Ice Whip, surprisingly enough. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Eblan | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 3 Goblin Captain, 1 Armadillo, 1 Black Lizard | | Elixir | | 1 Flame Knight, 2 Flamehound | | Small Tail | | 1 Armadillo, 2 Magma Tortoise | | Small Tale | | 3 Flamehound | | Red Fang | | 1 Chimera, 2 Flame Knight | | Cottage | | 1 Flame Knight, 1 Flamehound, 3 Evil Flame | | Bacchus's Wine | | 3 Black Lizard | | X-Potion | | 1 Ifrit, 2 Flame Knight | | Decoy | | 1 Ifrit | \________________/ | 1 Ifrit, 1 Flame Knight, 1 Evil Flame | \_______________________________________________/ Run from any group with Ifrit in it as you cannot beat him now. Otherwise the fights are the same as the overworld as far as how to handle them. This place is on fire, and the central part is blocked by mighty flames. You will need to find a way to quench them. Start out by heading to the west tower. Once inside, step back into the doorway and head east through a secret passage to reach the chest on the east side and snag an *ELIXIR*. The other chest on this floor is unreachable until you finish all the fights here. Go up to the second floor. Head south through the space between the pots to enter a secret passage. Follow it and search the pot in the corner from within the secret passage to grab a *SMALL TAIL* (17/21). Head up to the third floor and search the Armor for a *SMALL TALE*. Speak to the robed figure to enter battle with a Melt Golem! Pound it with Blizzaga. If Edge knows Frost, go ahead and use that too. Rydia can use Slyph for support healing or Blizzaga to make the fight go faster. Once it is dead, once layer of the flames by the entrance will dissolve. Now head over to the east tower. A secret passage in the north west corner leads to the western chest, which holds a *RED FANG*. Head up to the second floor. Ignore the robed figure and sneak by it to get to the stairs. Grab the *COTTAGE* from the chest on the first floor and head back up. Grab the top chest on the second floor for a *BACCHUS'S WINE* and the bottom chest for an *X-POTION*. Talk to the robed figure to fight another Melt Golem. After it dies, the other set of flames at the gate will die down. Enter the center part of the castle. There is a save point here. From it, go east into a wall and follow the secret passage around to a chest that contains a *DECOY*. Save if you'd like and head up to the throne room. After the cut scene, Edge will be fighting Ifrit alone. _______________________ ____Ifrit____________________________________________/ Eblan - Boss | Gather | Pound on Ifrit and stay alive until he uses Hellfire. Afterwards, Rubicante will show up to fight Edge. Just pound on him until he taunts you and Rydia joins in the fight. He'll use Inferno and you'll learn the Inferno band attack. Soon enough, you'll be in the real Ifrit fight with your four party members. Spider Silk him as is standard for boss fights. Rydia and Edge begin with inferno. After that, have Edge and Rydia continue to Inferno while Golbez uses Blizzaga and Luca attacks. You can also use Slyph with Rydia for healing, or have her use Blizzaga. Edge can also use Frost if he knows it. Ifrit is tough, so keep your HP up since Hellfire hurts. Using Blizzaga on him when he powers up for Hellfire seemed to quell it, but I can't guarantee it always does this. After your give him a thorough beating, he'll come to his senses and rejoin you. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Eblan | Gather | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Treasure | |------------------------+ |--------------------------+ |-------------+ | Potion 30 gil | | Crimson Cherry 4800 gil | | Boltslicer | | Hi-Potion 150 gil | | Ashura 7000 gil | | Silent Bell | | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Metal Boomerang 800 gil | | Remedy | | Gold Needle 400 gil | | Chakram 4000 gil | \_____________/ | Echo Herbs 50 gil | | Shuriken 200 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil | \__________________________/ | Antidote 40 gil | | Armorer | \________________________/ |--------------------------+ | Sundries | | Leather Cap 100 gil | |------------------------+ | Steel Headplate 750 gil | | Tent 100 gil | | Foot Ninja Gear 480 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | | Shinobi Gear 3500 gil | | Bomb Fragment 200 gil | | Kenpo Gi 4000 gil | | Antarctic Wind 200 gil | | Iron Gloves 130 gil | | Zeus's Wrath 200 gil | | Iron Armlet 100 gil | | Bestiary 50 gil | | Silver Armlet 650 gil | \________________________/ \__________________________/ Return to the west tower and head up to the second floor. Step into the little niche in the west to hop down to the first floor and get the chest that was blocked before. You'll obtain a *BOLTSLICER*, which is a pretty decently powerful lightning elemental Katana for edge if you don't have a Kotetsu from his tale. Next, head to the east tower's second floor and grab the *SILENT BELL* and the *REMEDY* from the two chests you couldn't get to before. If you don't have a Crimson Cherry, buy one before you leave. I prefer to give edge a thrown weapon and a katana, so use your best Katana and throwing weapon combination if you like to attack any row and do extra damage to flying enemies. Kotetsu/Wing Edge from his tale or Boltslicer/Chakram from this one are the two likeliest setups. Now that we have Ifrit, let's head north to the land of Troia and see what's up there. _________________________ ____Overworld______________________________________/ Troia [WGTTRA] | Gather | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Mizuchi 1 Mythril Golem | | 4 White Mousse 1 Coeurl, 1 Ghost Knight, 1 Mad Ogre | | 2 Coeurl 1 Lamia Matriarch, 1 Mystery Egg (Lamia) | | 3 Skulldier 1 Ice Lizard, 3 Purple Bavarois | \____________________________________________________________/ Kind of a mismatch of monsters you've seen before. White Mousse, of course, should be killed with Blizzara, but Ice Lizards and Purple Bavarois need Fira to toast them. Kill Coeurls with one shot by dealing 600 damage to them. They will counter with Blaster otherwise, and it may kill a character. Ghost Knights counter physical attacks with Bio and magical with Reflect. They have a fair bit of HP, but you can cut them down with physical attacks easily enough and their Bio is fairly weak. Lamia Matriarchs need a single hit of 1100+ damage to kill or they will counter with Entice. Likely Edge can do that much by now even if you haven't imported character data. Lamias take 1200 to kill, but since the egg cracking hit counts towards their damage, they are easy. In anycase, heading north from Eblan (or northwest from Baron), land next to Troia's town and let's loot it. ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Troia | Gather | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | | Armorer | |-----------------------+|-------------------------+|-------------------------+ | Potion 30 gil || Polymorph Rod 1250 gil || Sage's Miter 2000 gil | | Hi-Potion 150 gil || Psycho Spiral 2000 gil || Circlet 1500 gil | | Phoenix Down 100 gil || Elfin Bow 5000 gil || Sages Surplice 1200 gil | | Gold Needle 400 gil || Blind Arrows 1000 gil || Mage's Robe 2000 gil | | Maiden's Kiss 60 gil || Silence Arrows 1000 gil || Silver Armlet 650 gil | | Echo Herbs 50 gil |\_________________________/| Rune Armlet 2000 gil | | Eye Drops 30 gil | \_________________________/ | Antidote 40 gil | \_______________________/ | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | Small Tail Dry Ether Ether X-Potion Decoy | \_______________________________________________________/ It's not a bad idea to buy at least one of each weapon here if you did not import character data (otherwise you probably have it all already), even though you might not actually use it right now (Faerie Rod is better! :)). There is a narrow allow in the rear of the Weaponsmith and Armorer. Search at its end for a *SMALL TAIL* (18/21). Hop into the water and follow it to the north end of town. You can walk through the trees here to a grassy patch in the north west. Hidden in the grass is a *DRY ETHER*, an *ETHER*, a *DECOY*, and an *X-POTION*. That's about all you can do here. Hop over to Troia Castle to find it encased in ice. Go to the crystal room. You'll resolve to visit the Lodestone Cavern since Rydia and Luca saw Palom heading that way. Fly the airship up to the island north of Troia and walk the short distance to the cave. ___________________________ ____B1___________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Stone Golem 1 Nagaraja, 2 Naga | | Recovery Rod | | 3 Black Lizard 1 Nagaraja, 1 Vampire Bat | | Unicorn Horn | | 3 Vampire Bat 1 Chimera, 2 Nagaraja | \______________/ | 4 White Mousse 1 Black Lizard, 3 White Mousse | \__________________________________________________/ Monsters here are more powerful, but you are probably ready to tackle them. Nagarajas hit pretty hard. Edge can possibly one-shot them by now. Consider using Slyph on one to kill it and help restore HP. Vampire Bats bloodfeast, which is obnoxious but not fatal. They can be confused by the Faerie Rod if you use it as an item. From the start, head east across the bridge, ignoring the south bridge in the center of the bridge to continue east to a platform with a chest containing a *RECOVERY ROD*. This gives +8 Intellect and heals 300-400 HP for the entire party when used as an item. Swap it in during battle to have Rydia heal if needed. Otherwise the Faerie Rod is better. Head back and take the south bridge we ignored to reach a large ledge. Go east then south across a bridge to another ledge, then west across a bridge to yet another ledge, this one with a staircase leading down to the next floor. Grab the chest near the stairs for a *UNICORN HORN* and then take the stairs. __________________________ ____B2___________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Stone Golem 1 Nagaraja, 2 Naga | | Coeurl Whisker | | 3 Black Lizard 1 Nagaraja, 1 Vampire Bat | | Cottage | | 3 Vampire Bat 1 Chimera, 2 Nagaraja | | Hermes Sandals | | 4 White Mousse 1 Black Lizard, 3 White Mousse | \________________/ \__________________________________________________/ Same monsters here. Head west from the start, ignoring the passage to the north, which you should pass. When you can't go west anymore, head north and grab a chest containing a *COEURL WHISKER*. From there, head east to an intersection. This is where that north path we ignored would have taken you. From here, go all the way north, and then east to a door. Enter it and grab the two chests in this treasure room for a *COTTAGE* and *HERMES SANDALS*. Exit the treasure room and go all the way west to find the stairs down to the next floor. __________________________ ____B3___________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 1 Stone Golem 1 Nagaraja, 2 Naga | | Dry Ether | | 3 Black Lizard 1 Nagaraja, 1 Vampire Bat | | Diamond Helm | | 3 Vampire Bat 1 Chimera, 2 Nagaraja | | Silver Hourglass | | 4 White Mousse 1 Black Lizard, 3 White Mousse | | Cottage | \__________________________________________________/ \__________________/ Enter the door near the start for a save point. Exit the save room and head south on the bridge. Follow it to a platform with a door. Enter the door and grab the three chests in the treasure room for a *DRY ETHER*, a *DIAMOND HELM*, and a *SILVER HOURGLASS*. Exit the room and head west. Travel across a bridge and then head north through the center of all the archways and through the door at the end. Equip the Diamond Helm if you don't have one from any import data. Golbez or Luca can make use of it. Grab the chest in this room for a *COTTAGE*, then head down the stairs at the west end of the room. ___________________________ ____B4___________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Gather | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Stone Golem 1 Nagaraja, 1 Naga, 2 White Mousse | | 4 Vampire Bat 1 Nagaraja, 1 Stone Golem | | 1 Chimera, 2 Nagaraja 1 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | | 1 Chimera, 1 Stone Golem 1 Chimera, 1 Nagaraja, 1 Vampire Bat | \__________________________________________________________________/ Head west start crossing the bridge. When you reach the corner, keep going west across a secret passage and take the stairs down to B5. ___________________________ ____B5___________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 2 Stone Golem | | Light Curtain | | 4 Vampire Bat | | White Fang | | 1 Chimera, 2 Nagaraca | | Remedy | | 1 Chimera, 1 Stone Golem | | Elixir | | 1 Nagaraja, 1 Naga, 2 White Mousse | \_______________/ | 1 Nagaraja, 1 Stone Golem | | 1 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | | 1 Chimera, 1 Nagaraja, 1 Vampire Bat | \______________________________________/ You have your choice of an east or west bridge to cross here. Go west first and follow it around to a dead end and a chest containing a *LIGHT CURTAIN*. Now head back across the east bridge and follow it to a little platform. Ignore the bridge to the west for now and walk straight north over an invisible bridge to reach a chest containing *WHITE FANG*. Go back to that west bridge we just ignored and head west. When you reach the fork, ignore the south path as it is a dead end. Go north and follow it to a ledge. Ignore the stairs and grab the chest at the northwest part of the ledge for a *REMEDY*. There is an invisible bridge at the northeast peninsula of the ledge that goes north and then east to a chest containing an *ELIXIR*. Go back to the ledge and then up the stairs on it. ___________________________ ____B4___________________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern | Gather | | Treasure | |-----------------------------+ | Small Tail Diamond Gloves | \_____________________________/ Go east and cross a hidden path back to the main part of B4. A door to the north is the entrance of the Crystal room. Ignore it for now and search a skeleton far to its east for a *SMALL TAIL* (19/21). Loop behind the crystal room's rock and grab a chest there for some *DIAMOND GLOVES*, which are good for Luca or Golbez if you don't have anything better already. There is a save room on the east side of the floor across a set of bridges. Rest up and save there now and equip Edge with a Crimson Cherry. You may not want it to be Full Moon since having magic boosted can hurt you bad in the upcoming fight. When you're ready, enter the crystal room. After a short cut scene you'll be in a fight with Shiva. __________________________________ ____Shiva_________________________________/ Lodestone Cavern - Boss | Gather | Shiva uses a variety of Ice attacks and eventually Ice Storm, which will surely kill your group (though if you damage her so slowly that she gets to that point, you have problems). Spider Silk her as is standard for boss fights. Have Golbez use Firaga while Edge attacks with his Crimson Cherry and whatever else he has. Luca can just attacks. Rydia can Firaga or use Slyph to keep up the party's HP. When her HP is low enough, hitting her with a Fire attack (Fira, Firaga, or Ifrit definitely work. Edge attacking with crimson cherry might too) will cause her to be momentarily stunned. Edge will shout out that this is your chance, but Rydia will tell you to stop. DO NOT hit her after this dialogue. If you had an attack queued up, just hit her with a weak fire attack (such as Fira) again to re-trigger the dialogue. If you keep attacking you can kill her and lose her permanently. Once you trigger the dialogue, it is but a short wait until she'll regain her senses and join you. If you hit her, she'll use Diamond Dust, which hurts badly. Once the fight is done, Palom and Leonora will recover. If you imported finish data from Palom's tale, both will join you on the airship. Otherwise only Palom will join. You'll be outside Troia after all the cut scenes. _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Troia Castle | Gather | | Treasure | |-------------------------+ | Small Tail Small Tale | \_________________________/ Enter the castle and as you pass under the archway outside, bear left through a secret passage into the moat. Go south and curve around to the north on the west side of the castle and search the dead end at the north part of the left moat for a *SMALL TAIL* (20/21). The right moat has a *SMALL TALE* in a similar location. That's it for the Eidolons, but let's tackle one more area since we can get some good stuff there. Fly back to Eblan and head west to reach the Cave of Eblen, which is not blocked by rubble or meteor strikes. _____________________________________ ____B1_________________________________/ The Cave of Eblan [WGTCEB] | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Summoner (Goblin) | | Remedy | | 2 Hellflapper | | Ether | | 1 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Arachne | | X-Potion | | 2 Lesser Marilith | | Hi-Potion | \____________________________/ \______________/ Having a throwing weapon (Chakram, Wing Edge) equipped on Edge will let you do a lot of damage to flying enemies. This place has some tough monsters, but gives decent EXP. Have Rydia use Sylph to help recover and make use of the Faerie Rod to confuse enemies as many of them are succeptible to Confuse. From the start, head southish to reach a chest containing a *HI-POTION*, then go back to the start. From the start, walk east through a secret passage to reach the nearby chest for a *REMEDY*. Continue walking east through the next wall. Grab the chest here for an *ETHER*. Follow the path all the way to the south, passing a bridge along the way, and grab the *PHOENIX DOWN* from the chest at the end. Go back north and head west across the bridge you passed. Follow the ledge west and climb up some stairs to reach a chest with an *X-POTION* in them. Climb back down the stairs and take the bridge to the south. From its end, go all the way west to the stairs to the next floor. ____________________________ ____B2__________________________________________/ The Cave of Eblan | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Lesser Marilith, 1 Nagaraja | | Spider Silk | | 1 Summoner (Nagaraja) | | Phoenix Down | | 2 Nagaraja | \______________/ | 4 Vampire Bats | | 1 Belphegor, 1 Blood Eye | | 1 Lesser Marilith, 1 Blood Eye | | 1 Summoner (Arachne ) | | 1 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | \________________________________/ Edge will do tremendous damage to Blood Eyes and Belphegors and Bats with his throwing weapon equipped. You can keep your best katana equipped in the other hand and still ignore row too. From the start, head down the stairs and go west to grab a *SPIDER SILK* from the chest there. Head south and west and climb up the stairs there, then go southwest to reach a chest containing a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Go north and take the stairs to the next area. _____________________________________ ____South______________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |----------------------------+ | 2 Blood Eye 1 Summoner (Nagaraja) | | Phoenix Down Small Tail | | 3 Vampire Bat 1 Summoner (Arachne) | | Hi-Potion Spider Silk | | 1 Chimera Brain 2 Fell Knight, 2 Imp | \____________________________/ \__________________________________________/ Monsters here can be rough. Chimera Brains are fast and will generally Frost Blast you for 800-900 damage before you can do anything. This attack is weaker if its HP is gone, so you can usually beat it easily if you get a preemptive strike. Otherwise, expect to need healing. The Fell Knight and Imp group is very rough. Run from it unless you want a long, drawn-out slugfest. Use Stop and Shadowbind on the Imps so you can attack them without them countering with Confuse. Grab the chest by the door for a PHOENIX DOWN*, then go west and north all the way. Grab the chest there for a *HI-POTION*. Search the rightmost rock bt the stairs here for the last *SMALL TAIL* (21/21). Walk directly south of the stairs and follow the secret passage to a chest containing a *SPIDER SILK*. Go ahead and exit north using the stairs now. _____________________________________ ____North______________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil | Gather | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Summoner (Goblin) | | X-Potion | | 1 Summoner (Arache) | | Hermes Sandals | | 1 Summoner (Nagaraja) | | Dry Ether | | 1 Belphegor, 1 Blood Eye | \________________/ | 2 Hellflapper | | 3 Vampire Bats | | 2 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | \____________________________/ Enemies are slightly easier in this section. Head north. When you get to the piles of rocks, go northwest to grab a chest with an *X-POTION* and northeast to grab a chest with *HERMES SANDALS*. To the southeast is the exit. Along the hall there you can go east through a secret passage to pick up a *DRY ETHER*. You'll have noticed a tiny man running around here. He is a tail collector who will trade things for all those small tails you've collected. He'll give you a Rainbow Tail for 14 Small Tails and any other colored tail for 7. I recommend getting the rainbow tail, and if you did not import any finish data, get the Green Tail or the Red Tail as they will probably help the most. Here is what you can get for the tails later in the Final Tale: * Black Tail - Twin Stars (Half MP) * Blue Tail - Blue Armor (Strong Armor for Men) * Ebony Tail - Taunt Ring (Draw most attacks towards you) * Gold Tail - Gil Band V2 (Gil x2 earned after battle ) * Green Tail - Rare Band V2 (Increase chance of rare items after battle) * Grey Tail - Rear Ring (Ignore row when attacking) * Purple Tail - Treasure Hunter V2 (Increase chance of items after battle) * Red Tail - Level Band V2 (Exp x 1.5 earned after battle) * White Tail - Rapid Ring V2 (Decrease standby delay for actions) Head south through the exit to end up in another part of the southern path. _____________________________________ ____South______________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil | Gather | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bacchus's Wine Vampire Fang Cottage Hi-Potion Potion | | Lilith's Kiss Ether Mallet Hi-Potion | \______________________________________________________________/ Grab the three chests here for a *BACCHUS'S WINE*, a *LILITH'S KISS*, and a *VAMPIRE FANG*. Just above the rock closest to the entry is a secret passage leading to the small room to the east. Pick up the two chests there for an *ETHER* and a *COTTAGE*. On the main path, go south, east, then south to a T-intersection. Go west to pick up a *MALLET* from a chest, then go east to grab a *HI-POTION*, a *HI-POTION*, and a *POTION* from some chests. From there, go all the way north and take the exit back to the north section. _____________________________________ ____North______________________________/ Path to the Tower of Babil | Gather | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------------+ | Kotetsu Ether Kiku-ichimonji Black Cowl | \_______________________________________________/ Enter the nearby door to reach a save point for recovery and progress saving. Just north of the rocks on the east wall is a secret passage leading east. Take it to reach a chest containing a *KOTETSU*. Equip this as Edge's katana if you don't have one from his character tale. Exit the save room and head west, then up some stairs to grab an *ETHER* from a chest. Head back east and go north when you are able. Follow the path to its end and you'll get a cut scene where you can't get into the tower. You'll then be attacked by a powerful Marquis Malboro. Immediately use a Spider Silk to slow the Malboro. It sometimes counters magic or summons with Reflect and physical attacks with Protect. Summon spells go through its Reflect, so Rydia should be using Slyph to heal. Golbez should use -aga spells or Quake until Reflect is up. Everyone else should attack. If a character dies, revive them, but don't try to heal beyond what Slyph does as one hit will kill the character, but the beast doesn't really have a way to kill everyone off fast enough to worry. It will die before long and you'll get a *KIKU-ICHIMONJI* for your troubles. Equip this on Edge as it is the most powerful Katana you can find so far and it gives +5 to Strength. Head west through the wall (at the south end of the 'room') to reach the chest containing a *BLACK COWL* and equip it on Edge unless you have something better. It gives +3 to Strength, Speed, and Stamina. We're done here, so exit the cave and let's head back to Mist. ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ Mist [WGTDRG] | Gather | Head back to Mist to enjoy a cut scene wherein Rydia will have Dragon rejoin her. If you have not yet visited Mist, you will need to enter the town TWICE so that you can see the initial cut scene that gives you your task, and then to see this one. Afterwards, head back to Baron. ________________________________ ____________________________________________/ Baron Castle [WGTEND] | Gather | This is a point of no return. If you have any unfinished business (check out the Scavenger Hunt section of this Tale or the Cave of Eblan part to see the most commonly missed things), do so now. You can also level grind to the level caps, which is advised. Monsterland (not a real name) is the best place to do this. See that second at the end of this Tale, since it doesn't fit anywhere else. Buy 99 Antidotes (Eblan, Fabul, Kaipo) before this last part. I recommend resting until it is the Waxing Moon. This will weaken Black Magic which will help you. You can only run to the throne room, so do so to begin the festivities. You'll be thrust into a battle with Cecil and Odin. You'll be fighting them with Kain, Rosa, Ceodore, Edward, and Cid. ________________________________ ____Cecil & Odin____________________________/ Gathering Tale - Boss | Gather | Throw a Spider Silk to slow them down. Cecil hits hard, but when slowed, he can't compete with reviving and healing. Cid or Edward are the best choices for using the Spider Silk. * Kain jumps nonstop * Rosa Curagas and Raises as needed. Otherwise skip her turn (do not defend) * Ceodore should Haste Kain, then attack or use Phoenix Down to revive someone * Edward uses Bardsong on the party * Cid attacks or uses Phoenix Down to revive someone Just keep people revived. Afterwards, you'll get some more cutscene and you'll end up in a battle with the Mysterious Girl. You fight with Rydia, Rosa, Golbez, Ceodore, and Edge. ________________________________ ____Mysterious Girl_________________________/ Gathering Tale - Boss | Gather | Use this pattern to beat her easily. * Rydia : Spams Slyph nonstop (for healing help, even though -agas do more damage) * Rosa : Curagas as needed. Cast Shell on part when you catch a break. Otherwise skip her turn * Golbez : Casts -aga spells nonstop (or Quake) * Ceodore: Uses a Spider Silk on her, then attacks nonstop unless you need to emergency cast Cura on Rosa * Edge : Attacks nonstop unless you need to emergency cast Heal Pill on Rosa When she changes her sprite (so there is more blue explosionyness behind her) she is preparing to cast Meteor, so go all out to finish her quickly. Enjoy the cutscenes as the Gathering Tale ends and save your game when it prompts you. __________________________________________________ __________________________/ Monsterland (Optional) [WGTMONSTERLAND] | Gather | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Domovoi, 1 Goblin, 1 Goblin Captain, 1 Goblin Prince | | 1 Arachne | | 1 Armor Construct | | 1 Bone Dragon | | 1 Great Malboro | | 2 Belphegor | \________________________________________________________/ You can't actually do this after you do the events in Baron. Southwest of Kaipo there is a claw-shaped peninsula with a tiny diamond of desert on it. This peninsula (and another normal peninsula to its west, I think) is host to some powerful monsters that are a great source of gil and EXP... well, except for the Arachne and Belphegors. They are kinda lame. Goblin Prince, Great Malboro and Bone Dragon are all susceptible to confuse, so have Rydia use the Faerie Rod on them every turn, then don't attack them until they hurt themselves. If you use spider silk to slow them, they will never harm you once you've laid the first confuse down :) Bone Dragons are weak to Fire, but if you use it on them, they will counter with Blaze, which HURTS. Avoid. They have insane magic defense, so most any magic or summons do 0 damage. The Armor Constructs should be pummeled to death with physical attacks or -aga spells, but avoid Lightning as he will Stop you with a counter if you use one on it. Use Headbands or Ribbons or anythign that blocks one of the Bad Breath status effects in order to make the Great Malboro fights a breeze. Remember to abuse Spider Silk + Faerie Rod. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.13 Final Tale, Part One - True Moon [TMTL] )-------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. ______________________ ______________________________________________________/ Contents | True Moon | 1. The Lunar Whale [WTMTLW] 2. The Lunar Surface [WTMTLS] 3. Subterrane B1-B3 [WTM1T3] 4. Subterrane B4 [WTMSB4] 5. Subterrane B5 [WTMSB5] 6. Subterrane B5 [WTMSB6] 7. Subterrane B7: The Earth Floor [WTMSB7] 8. Subterrane B8: The Water Floor [WTMSB8] 9. Subterrane B9: The Wind Floor [WTMSB9] 10. Subterrane B10: The Fire Floor [WTMSBA] 11. Subterrane B11: The Machine Floor [WTMSBB] 12. Subterrane B12: The Summons Floor [WTMSBC] 13. Subterrane B12: The Crystal Floor [WTMSBD] ______________________________________ ______________________________________/ The Lunar Whale [WTMTLW] | True Moon | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | |------------------------------------------------+ |-------------------------+ | Hi Potion 150 gil Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Shuriken 200 gil | | X-Potion 3000 gil Remedy 5000 gil | | Cross Shuriken 2000 gil | | Ether 10000 gil Cottage 500 gil | \_________________________/ | Dry Ether 50000 gil Emergency Exit 180 gil | \________________________________________________/ Now that you're on the moon, you have free reign to change your party members. Simply talk to anyone on the ship to be able to choose your part. Downstairs is a save point and some beds you can rest in for free. Exit the ship from one of the side chutes on the main floor. Here you'll see a little glowy square and a holographic Hummingway. Talk to the Holograph to buy some supplies. The little glowy square is an Interdimensional Elevator, which is offline currently because you have to visit the floors it goes to before they show up in the options. Bleh. I am going to assume you are going with a classic party of one healer, one black mage, and at least two fighting types. Rydia is a nice choice since summons are fairly versatile and useful (okay, Dragon and Slyph and Bomb and Cockatrice are your main useful summons) and can go through reflect. Her black magic lags a little behind Palom, but the summons give her the edge and you'll need to later in the dungeon to avoid missing certain things. Porom is a bit better than Rosa as a white mage and later on can learn Dualcast, but your Rosa may be better developed since her level cap was higher in the main game. Leonora is a passable white mage and can splash in some black magic, but her black magic is horrible until she gets very high in level. If you're going for an all Level-99 party, Leonora eventually is an awesome character, but for normal playthroughs, she's a bit of a burden to use. At level 99 with Dualcast, she's a powerhouse of versatility. Kain would be hard not to use. Fast and powerful. Cecil is a zombie of uselessness at this point in the game, though is a solid fighter later on. Ceodore is horrible initially, but eventually gets as strong as Cecil, and in fact is a bit better than Cecil later on due to his higher Speed. His bands are also excellent, especially on he'll get with Kain later on. Golbez is a good fighter and a decent black mage. Late game he can his 99 Intellect with equipment and actually becomes the best pure-elemental magic black mage. Lack of Stop and Break kinda hurts though. Edge is fast and with the right gear can likely be your highest damage-dealing member for awhile. His Ninjutsu will actually be useful in many situations. Ursula is also a fast powerhouse, especially once you get the godhand, though her lack of magic hinders her when compared to Edge. She pairs well with Ceodore. I can't really recommend Yang. He's not fast enough to be better than Ursula, and lacks magic like Ninjutsu. Cid is just too slow to be of any use. Luca is reasonably powerful and faster than Cid, but too many other fighting types are better. Harley is a niche character who fails to have a niche. Piercing Sight would be useful if its main purpose worked on bosses. Gil toss can be very powerful, but you'll burn through gil too fast. Edward is also a niche character. His party song buffs can be a big help at times, but where he shines is in healing. Economical Ring + Salve is great! The downside is that it'll consume as many items as you have party members, and works best late-game with X-Potions (4000 to all per Salve), which can get expensive. It's useful for boss fights though if you're willing to train him and his stats do get quite a bit better at late levels. Calca and Brina are... not recommended. If you get the monster drop gear late in the game or equip them with an Assassin Dagger later on, they can be fun. Brina is also a decent backup healer, though the lack of consistency isn't so hot. I can't really recommend any of the Eblan Four. Tsukinowa can hold his own pretty well due to his speed and once he learns Tremor, his Ninjutsu is a bit of a boon, but otherwise Edge and Ursula are still preferred. I chose Kain, Rydia, Ceodore, Porom, and Edge. Exit to the south when you're ready. ________________________________________ ____________________________________/ The Lunar Surface [WTMTLS] | True Moon | | Monsters | |----------------------------------------------+ | 1 Backed Worm, 1 Nescaliote, 1 Micaliote | | 1 Nescaliote, 1 Micaliote | | 1 Gray Coeurl, 1 Nescaliote, 1 Material | | 2 Lunar Virus, 2 White Mousse | | 2 Material | | 1 Nescaliote, 2 Lunar Virus | | 1 Gray Coeurl, 1 Lunar Virus, 1 White Mousse | | 1 Gray Coeurl* (Waning Moon) | \______________________________________________/ * Can drop a Gray Tail Oh noes! Anothe moon surface. Luckily, there is only one other place you can go. The viruses and the -ote monsters (there are more types later) can poison you when they hit you, so I hope you took my advice and bought lots of Antidotes before leaving the Earth. YOu mostly just need to smack things with your weapons. They should all take about two hits, depending on gear and levels. The Gray Coeurls are very much like the ones in Kain's Tale, except they do not drop Gray Tails. They counter with Blaster, which may kill or paralyze you, and double-attack when they do get a turn. Hit them with high- damage attacks to minimize the Blaster fallout. If you wander around the surface during a Waning Moon, you will also sometimes encounter a lone Gray Coeurl. These have about twice the HP of the other ones and CAN drop a Gray Tail. All the other tails can be acquired in the upcoming dungeon too. Lots of ways to walk, but to get to where you are going, head south and down the stairs and go west to a cave. Enter it. Walk a bit north and into a teleporter to enter the Subterrane (not to be confused with the Lunar Subterrane). _________________________________ ____B1_____________________________________/ Subterrane [WTM1T3] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Amazon | | Decoy | | 2 High Wizard | \____________/ | 1 ` | | 1 Prokaryote, 1 Black Flan | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Micaliote, 1 Nescaliote | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | \________________________________________/ Okay, so you know how I said this wasn't to be confused with the Lunar Subterrane? Well this first floor is identical-looking to Lunar Subterrane B1, just to confuse you. Monsters here are a little tougher than on the surface, except there are no Gray Coeurls to annoy you. Skeletal Dragons are vulerable to Fire, but counter fire magic and summons with Blaze, for massive damage. Luckily, Firaga should deal about 9999 damage to it, so if you soften it up a bit with attacks before Firaga goes off, it will die. They can also poison you with their regular attacks. Dark Grenades can very rarily drop the Bomb summon for Rydia. The Chimera Brain and Amazon fight is especially annoying since Chimera Brains lead off with Frost Blast and with the Amazon in front, you can only deal half damage to it. Edge or Tsukinowa can usually get a turn before it, so if you have a boomerang and a katana on them, they can knock down it's HP right away so that Frost Blast doesn't sting as much. Ugh. Since this floor is a clone, you should know where to go. Head through a secret passage to the east of the entrance to loop around to the north, then the west, and head all the way south to a chest containing a... *DECOY*. Bleh. Head back to the start and this time go through a secret passage to the west of the entrance. You'll see a teleporter. Step into it to teleport to a small room on the east side of this floor. Head down the stairs to B2. ________________________ ____B2______________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Amazon | | Cottage | | 2 High Wizard | \____________/ | 1 Prokaryote, 1 Black Flan | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Micaliote, 1 Nescaliote | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | \________________________________________/ Monsters here are the same as on B1, except that Skeletal Dragons appear not to appear. Follow the path, and get the chest along the way for a *COTTAGE*. Enter the teleporter at the end of the path to reach a room on the west side of the floor. From there, head south and take the stairs to B3. ________________________ ____B3______________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Amazon | | Genji Shield | | 2 High Wizard | \______________/ | 1 Prokaryote, 1 Black Flan | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Micaliote, 1 Nescaliote | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | \________________________________________/ Same enemies as before. Skeletal Dragons don't seem to appear here either. You were probably expecting to appear on the other side of this floor. Weird. Walk up to the north end of the room and open the chest for a *GENJI SHIELD*. This has more defense and the same evasion as an Aegis Shield, but less magic defense and no Intellect bonus or protection from petrifications. I would give it to anyone who can equip it that does not have an Aegis Shield, but the choice is yours. Return to B1. ________________________ ____B1______________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Walk sound of the entrance to find stairs down to the main part of B2. As you approach the stairs, the characters will worry over some shards on the ground. Take the stairs. ________________________ ____B2______________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------------------+ | Genji Armor X-Potion | \________________________/ Head south and then east along the passage and straight into a secret passage, which will soon turn north. When you are even with the chest you can see in the blackness, head west towards it. The actual side path will snake around a bit, but you'll reach the chest after a few turns. It contains a *GENJI ARMOR*, which should be better than anything you have (except it won't resist lightning like the Diamond Armor). Head back out to the main secret passage and continue north. It'll turn west and into a small room, where another secret passage will take you west into another small room with a chest and some stairs. Grab the chest for an *X-POTION* and take the stairs to B3. Heal up before you do so. ________________________ ____B3______________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Immediately upon entering, you'll probably notice that this floor is a mirror image of the Lunar Subterrane's B3, and a crystal in front of you. Your party will talk aout this and the crystal will shatter, revealing a boss. For these crystal bosses (for there will be more), your dialogue will vary depending on who is in your party. Some characters say things at the beginning of the actual fight, and everyone will say something at the end. ________________________ ____Baigan__________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Out good friend Baigan is back to play, though he doesn't seem happy about it. Hit him with a Spider Silk right away to slow everything down, and cast an -aga spell on his main body, which will cause him to put a Reflect up on it. from then on, use Sylph on the main body since it'll ignore reflect, and attack him with your fighting types. Stay healed and consider putting up a Protect if you seem to be taking too much damage. Once the main body dies, finish off the arms. ________________________ ____B3______________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ | Dry Ether Remedy Ether | \____________________________/ After the fight, you'll automatically rest at the save point that was under the crystal. If Ursula is avaiable as a character (ie: you imported Yang's finish data), Ceodore and Ursula will have a cut scene and learn their Twin Rush band. Otherwise you'll get a nice scene with Ceodore and Cid. Both are pretty neat story points. When you're done watching the scene, go ahead and save. You can use the nearby Interdimensional Elevator to head back to the Lunar Whale if you need. From now on, the elevator at the Lunar Whale will give you the option to return to any of the other elevator access points you've found. The wings east and west of the save point are empty, so head south, where you will find stairs to B4. Ignore them and keep going south to a dead-end. Walk west into the wall of the dead and to find a secret passage to a little room containing a *DRY ETHER* in a chest. Keep heading west through another secret passage that leads to a larger room south of here and grab a *REMEDY* and an *ETHER* from chests. Go back and take the stairs down to B4. _________________________________ ____B4 - Exterior__________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSB4] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Amazon | | White Fang | | 2 High Wizard | | Lustrous Sword | | 1 Skeletal Dragon | \________________/ | 1 Prokaryote, 1 Black Flan | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Micaliote, 1 Nescaliote | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | \________________________________________/ Enemies are the same groups you've been fighting. The layouts of this dungeon are going to be mirror images of the Lunar Subterrane for awhile. Travel wst on the ledge and go past the stairs for now to reach a chest that holds a *WHITE FANG*. Now go back and down that staircase. You can go east or west from here. Go east first and enter the room to find a chest with a *LUSTROUS SWORD*. Give this to Ceodore or Golbez (or Cecil, I guess). Kain can use it too if nobody else can use it, but it's nicer to have Kain with his Dragoon Spear and someone else with the sword so that you can have two people with Holy Weapons down here. Go back and head west this time, and down some more stairs. Enter the door at the bottom. _________________________________ ____B4 - Interior__________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSB4] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Micaliote, 1 Nescaliote | | X-Potion | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | | Red Fang | | 2 High Wizard | \____________/ | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | 1 Prokaryote, 1 Black Flan | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | | 1 Skeletal Dragon, 1 Ebony Dragon | | 1 Ebony Dragon* (New Moon) | \________________________________________/ * Can drop an Ebony Tail More of the same kinds of things you've been fighting, with one small change. Ebony Dragons appear here. They counter attack everything, and can use Black Fang and Dark Breath (which hurts). The ones that appear in a group do not drop any tails. If you are in this room, and only this room, during the New Moon, you'll sometimes find Lone Ebony Dragons. They have more HP and can drop Ebony Tails. All are weak to Holy, so you can use Dragon, (or Holy if Rosa or Porom knows it) and your holy weapons (Dragoon Spear, Lustrous Sword) to do extra damage to it. Follow the path northeast and grab the chest in the niche to the north for an *X-POTION*. Keep heading east in this room and you'll come to the exit. Grab the nearby chest for a *RED FANG* before exiting the room. ________________________ ____B4 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | Blue Fang | \____________/ There's another crystal here. Grab the nearby chest for a *BLUE FANG* and then heal up before talking to the crystal, which will be another fight from your past. ________________________ ____The Magus Sisters - Sandy, Cindy, & Mindy_______/ Subterrane | True Moon | These guys can actually be difficult, especially if you come on a Full Moon, when their -aga spells will hurt. They will immediately put up a reflect on the middle sister. You should use a Spider Silk right away. The middle sister can revive the others and is the one they reflect -aga spells off of, so focus on her first. Use summons to pierce through the reflect if you have Rydia in your party (Slyph is nice since it heals you, but the others will do damage to all three sisters). Use attacks that ignore range (have one hand equipped with a boomerang for Edge or Tsukinowa) like Jump and focus on beating the middle sister to the ground. After the middle sister is dead, kill the front sister, then the rear. When they are defeated, step on the new save point and say Yes to rest and see a scene with Edge and the Eblan Four. If you didn't import Edge's finish data with living Eblan Four members, you won't get this scene, or the option to rest for free. In either case, once you are rested and save, head down the stairs to B5. _________________________________ ____B5 - Exterior__________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSB5] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |----------------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 1 Ebony Dragon, 2 Dark Grenades | | Silver Hourglass | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | \__________________/ | 1 Skeletal Dragon | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | | 2 High Wizard | | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Micaliote, 1 Nescaliote | | 1 Prokaryote, 1 Black Flan | \________________________________________/ More familiar enemies. The Ebony Dragons here do not drop Ebony Tails. Head down the stairs and then east past the doorway to grab a chest with a *SILVER HOURGLASS*, then enter the doorway. ________________________ ____B5 - North Room_________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Shadow Dragon, 1 Prokaryote, Eukaryote | | Genji Gloves | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | \______________/ | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon, 1 Dark Grenade | | 1 Skeletal Dragon, 1 Black Flan | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | 1 Skeletal Dragon | | 2 High Wizard | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | \__________________________________________/ You'll start meeting Shadow Dragons here. These ones do now drop Black Tails. They like to counter with Death and like to cast Death and Doom (the former is instant death that misses a lot, and the later is a countdown from 10 before guaranteed death). Head to the north end of the room and step west into the niche through a secret passage. Grab the *GENJI GLOVES* from the chest. These are good for your fighting types that don't have Giant's Gloves or a Power Armlet. Head west from here and travel through another secret passage ito the large western section of this room. Ignore the northern exit and take the southern exit for now. ________________________ ____B5 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | X-Potion | \____________/ Grab the chest here for an *X-POTION*. Return to the room. ________________________ ____B5 - North Room_________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | This time take the northern exit. ________________________ ____B5 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | Ether | \____________/ From here you can go east or west. Go west first and grab the *ETHER* from the chest. Next, head west and enter the door at the end. ________________________ ____B5 - Southeast Room_____________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Skeletal Dragon | | Ether | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | \____________/ | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon, 1 Dark Grenade | | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | | 1 Shadow Dragon, 1 Amazon, 1 High Wizard | | 1 Skeletal Dragon, 1 Black Flan | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | | 1 Shadow Dragon* (Waxing Moon) | \__________________________________________/ * Can drop a Black Tail The Shadow Dragons that appear in a group do not drop Black Tails. During the Waxing Moon, you can encounter a lone Shadow Dragon with higher HP that can drop the Black Tail. Head north, then go south down the other leg of the horseshoe-shaped room to grab an *ETHER* from the chest. Take the exit to the north. ________________________ ____B5 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |--------------+ | Unicorn Horn | \______________/ There's another crystal here. Ignore it for now and head east to find a chest with a *UNICORN HORN*. Go back to the crystal and head west this time, past the stairs to the next floor. Enter the doorway there. ________________________ ____B5 - Southwest Room_____________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | | Hi-Potion | | 1 Eukaryote, 1 Amazon | \____________/ | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Dark Grenade | | 1 Malboro, 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Black Flan | | 3 Flan Princess (Full Moon) | \_________________________________________/ You've probaby seen Malboros in other tales. These ones can still drop Soma Drops very rarily. During the Full Moon, you can encounter a group of three Flan Princesses. They all dance, and every time they change songs, they can berserk a party member. They hit *hard* and when you're berserked, you can do nothing to heal. Don't try them until you are stronger. They can drop Pink Tails. Grab the *HI-POTION* from the chest and exit the room. ________________________ ____B5 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Head back to the crystal and heal up. Speak to it to trigger more dialoge and another fight. ________________________ ____Lugae & Barnabas________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | This is a pretty easy fight. Just pound them with your strongest attacks and they will crumble. Don't forget to use a Spider Silk :) When they're dead, rest at the save point to see a scene with Palom and Porom. They will learn a more powerful Twincast band. When that's done, head down the stairs to B6. _________________________________ ____B6 - Exterior__________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSB6] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Shadow Dragon, 1 Prokaryote, 1 Eukaryote | | Fuma Shuriken | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon | | Gaia Drum | | 1 Skeletal Dragon, 1 Black Flan | | Final Outfit | | 1 Malboro, 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Black Flan | | Flame Whip | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon, 1 Dark Grenade | \_______________/ | ? | | ? | | ? | \____________________________________________/ Note: Do a note about monsters Head down the stairs and grab the chests to the east and west for a *FUMA SHURIKEN* and a *GAIA DRUM*. Head down the eastern of the two bridges and grab the chest there for the *FINAL OUTFIT*, a souped up body armor for Calca or Brina which gives +10 to all stats. From there, walk onto a little ledge to the east and head east across an invisible bridge. Follow the path east and then north, where you'll find a secret passage in the eastern wall of the rock. It goes west and then south, where you'll appear at the south end of this map. Head down the stairs and grab the *FLAME WHIP* from the cheset. This is a reasonably powerful whip for Rydia and it increases Strength, Speed, and Stamina by 5. Unfortunately it also decreases Intellect and Spirit by 5, for a total Intellect swing of -15 compared to the Faerie Rod. Ouch. Now, head all the way west and follow the path to a teleporter, which takes you to some stairs on the east side of the map. Take them all the way north. ________________________ ____B5 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |--------------------------+ | Genji Helm Blood Lance | \__________________________/ Head up the stairs and grab the chest in the middle of them for a *GENJI HELM*, which is nice for one of your heavy fighting types (Golbez, Kain, Cecil or Ceodore). Keep traveling up the stairs and take the teleporter at the end to a small save room. Exit south to reach a ledge with a chest. Open it for the *BLOOD LANCE*. This would be a nice HP-absorbing spear for Kain if it didn't give -10 to all stats. Ugh. Return to the invisible bridge on B6. ________________________ ____B6 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | This time take the western of the two bridges and follow the path to a doorway to the interior of B6. ________________________ ____B6 - Interior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-----------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Malboro | | White Robe | | 1 High Wizard, 1 Amazon, 1 Dark Grenade | \____________/ | 1 Chimera Brain, 1 Amazon | | ? | | ? | | ? | | ? | | ? | \_________________________________________/ Note: Do a note about monsters Grab the chest at the northeast corner of the room for a *WHITE ROBE*, which is a nice upgrade for Porom or Rosa since it gives +10 Spirit. Talk to the crystal to get into a fight with Edge's parents, the King and Queen of Eblan, who were turned into monsters. You don't have to do anything in this fight. The dialogue is much more interesting with Edge and the Eblan Four in the party. Afterwards, rest at the save point for a scene between Luca and Rydia. When you're ready, take the stairs in the northwest corner down to B7. _________________________________ ____B7 - Exterior__________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSB7] | True Moon | | Monsters | |----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Dinozombie 1 Behemoth, 1 Shadow, 1 Living Mail | | 2 Stone Golem 2 Living Mail | | 2 Shadow, 1 Living Mail 4 Shadow | | 2 Abyss Worm 3 Shadow, 1 Alvacimo | \________________________________________________________________/ This is a mirror image of the Lunar Subterrane B7, except that everything is brown-tinged. Things here are earthy or undead. Holy weapons work very well on Living Mail, Dinozombie, and Shadows. The Behemoths here do not drop Purple Tails, but can drop all the other Behemoth drops (Headband, Power Armlet, Power Sash). Abyss Worms have a lot of HP as well as a tidal wave attack that is based on their current HP, so be careful with them. Dinozombies are weak to Fire, but counter it with a powerful attack, so make sure your Firaga finishes it off. They ahve 12k HP. Follow the path around and enter the first room when you come to it. There is a save point here and an Interdimensional Elevator you can use to go to and from the Lunar Whale. If you imported Palom's finish data and thus have Leonora as a possible character, you can rest at the save point to see a scene with Porom, Luca, Leonora, and Palom. Afterwards, Palom, Luca, and Leonora will learn the Ice Crush band attack. Exit the save room and follow the path to the next room. ________________________ ____B7 - Middle Room________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Stone Golem | | Murasame | | 2 Shadow, 2 Living Mail | \____________/ | 3 Shadow, 1 Alvacimo | | 4 Shadow | | 1 Abyss Worm, 2 Elder Treant | | 2 Abyss Worm | | 1 Behemoth, 1 Shadow, 1 Living Mail | | 1 Behemoth* (New Moon) | \_____________________________________/ * Can drop a Purple Tail The Behemoths in a group do not drop Purple Tails. If you wander around in this room and only this room during a New Moon, you can encounter a lone Behemoth that has more HP and can drop Purple Tails. Grab the chest here for a *MURASAME*. This katana gives +5 to Strength, Stamina, and Intellect, but -5 to Speed and Spirit. In many cases it is still a big damage increase for Edge. Kiku-ichimonji + Murasame is a powerhouse. every level or so, swap it for a Kotetsu to make sure that Edge's attack multiplier is better with the Murasame if you intend to use it. Exit the room and follow the path to the next room. ________________________ ____B7 - Western Room_______________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 2 Stone Golem | | Dragon Shield | | 1 Behemoth, 3 Wight | | Protect Ring | | 2 Living Mail | \_______________/ | 3 Shadow, 1 Alvacimo | | 2 Shdow, 1 Living Mail | | 2 Abyss Worm | | 1 Abyss Worm, 2 Elder Treant | | 1 Dinozombie | \______________________________/ The Behemoths in here do not drop Purple Tails. Oddly enough, the 3 Wights they appear with can only be found in this fight in this room. Grab the chests for a *DRAGON SHIELD* and a *PROTECT RING*. Give the Dragon Shield to your least durable fighter (probably Ceodore if you brought him) since it resists all elements. I suggest giving the Protect Ring to your healer since it protects against all elements and we like to keep our healer alive. :) Exit the room. ________________________ ____B7 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Follow the path to the north end of the room, where you can take a staircase down to where another crystal awaits you. Heal up and talk to it to engage in battle with 4 Skullnants. Hit them with Blast (Edge) or Firaga as a group to kill them all. *Yawn*. You'll soon be attacked by none other than Scarmiglione. ________________________ ____Scarmiglione____________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | He'll summon 6 Skullnants right away. Pop off a Spider Silk to slow them all and take out all the minions with Blast from edge or Firaga from your chosen nuker. Use Cure spells and Firaga to deal large hits to him. He likes to coutner with Thundaga, which can hurt, so put up some Shells (it's useful to ahve both Ceodore and a healer in the party to make this faster since you can use Ceodore to Shell while your healer heals). Don't waste time with lower damage attacks. After a bit, he'll go down and you'll immediately... ________________________ ____Scarmiglione Z__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | ...be in a back attack against his zombie form. Spider Silk him and use powerful Cure and Fire spells as well as Blast. You can safely attack with anythign now as he does not counter attack in this form. He'll go down pretty quickly. ________________________ ____B7 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |--------------+ | Stardust Rod | \______________/ After he bites the dust, a treasure chest will appear that contains a *STARDUST ROD*. Give this to your chosen Black Mage. A bit to the east is a doorway. Enter it. ________________________ ____Subterrane Passage______________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | No enemies here (Though I swear Warmech should be here ;)). Just walk across the bridge and enter the doorway to the next area. _________________________________ ____B8 - Exterior__________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSB8] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Hydro Golem | | White Fang | | 2 Crocodile | | X-Potion | | 3 Solid Shutter, 1 Almon | | Dragon Mail | | 1 White Dragon, 3 Solid Shutter | | Unicorn Horn | | 4 Almon | \______________/ | 1 Crocodile, 2 Almon | | 2 Sylvanpoth, 2 Solid Shutter | | 4 Green Cell | \_________________________________/ This floor is completely new in layout, and obviously has a water theme. Monsters here are generally weak to Lightning. Crocodiles are weak to Ice and Green Cells are weak to Fire (Fira will take out hte group). The White Dragons here do not drop White Tails. They counter pretty much everything with Slow, but are otherwise not to hard. Start out by heading west from the entrance and down some stairs. Grab the chest there for a *WHITE FANG* and head back to the entrance. This time, go east and ignore the chest in the hole for now. Keep going east and down the stairs at the end. From there head north to a chest containing an *X-POTION* and then go west through a secret passage in the wall to reach that chest we saw earlier, which contains a *DRAGON MAIL*. Give this to whichever Fighter does not already resist all elements. Head back to that last staircase and go south, crossing a bridge. From here, go a bit west and up some stairs, then travel all the way west, passing some stairs along the way. At the western end you can snag a *UNICORN HORN* from a chest. Go back to those stairs we passed, head down them, and enter the doorway there. ________________________ ____B8 - Save Room__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------+ | 2 Crocodile 1 Crocodile, 3 Solid Shutter | | 4 Green Cell 2 Almon, 2 Green Cell | | 1 Hydro Golem 4 King Toad | | 3 King Toad 2 Sylvanpoth, 2 Solid Shutter | \________________________________________________/ King Toads can poison you when they attack and they will counter with Toad. Kill them all in one fell swoop with a Frost from Edge or a Blizzaga from whomever your black mage is, since you probably cannot one-shot them with attacks. Rest at the save point here to see a scene with Cid and Luca. If you saved the dolls and imported that finish data, you'll learn the Final Calcabrina band. Use the west exit to proceed. doorway there. ________________________ ____B8 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Head west and examin the crystal to begin your next boss fight. ________________________ ____Cagnazzo________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | The Archfield of Water can actually be a bit tough, depending. I suggest going into the fight during a Full Moon to enhance your black magic. Start off with a Spider Silk as usual and Use Blizzaga and Frost to deal a lot of damage to him. He sometimes counters magic with Silence. Just use Echo Herbs or Esuna to reamove it. Haste your Black Mage and Edge if you are using him. When he gathers water, hit him with a Lightning spell (Blitz, Thundara) and it'll disappate. Otherwise he'll hit you with his Tsunami, which hurts. When he's inside his shell, he'll heal 4000 HP per turn and is immune to physical attacks. Just hit him with Blizzaga and Frost and you'll stay ahead of his healing, especially since you are hasted. ________________________ ____B8 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ | Sage's Staff Sage's Robe | \____________________________/ After Cagnazzo is defeated, two chests will appear on the next platform. Grab them for a *SAGE'S STAFF* and a *SAGE's ROBE*. The staff is great for your healer. It will cast Raise when used and gives +10 to Spirit. The Robe is for your black magic. It'll give a nice +10 to Speed and Intellect as well as protecting you from Silence. Nice! Enter the doorway beyond. ________________________ ____B8 - Interior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 Green Cell 2 Sylvanpoth, 2 Solid Shutter | | 4 King Toad 1 White Dragon, 1 King Toad, 1 Sylvanpoth | | 2 Almon, 2 Green Cell 1 Crocodile, 3 Solid Shutter | | 2 Crocodile 1 White Dragon* (Waxing Moon) | \____________________________________________________________________/ * Can drop a White Tail The White Dragons that appears in a group does not drop a White Tail. If you wander around this room and only this room during a Waxing Moon, a lone White Dragon may show up. These White Dragons do drop a White Tail. Take the eastern exit to the next area. _________________________________ ____B9 - Exterior__________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSB9] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Green Dragon, 1 Lucifer | | Ether | | 1 Lucifer, 2 Thunderbird | \____________/ | 2 Lucifer | | 3 Thunderbird | | 3 Vampire Bat | | 2 Storm Anima, 1 Chimera Brain | | 1 Blast Golem | | 2 Chimera Brain | \________________________________/ Lucifers take stupid amounts of damage from Holy attacks and thrown weapons. Break out the boomerangs and your Dragoon Spear and Lustrous Sword to destroy them. Thunderbirds like to use Electromagnetic Radiation to Stop you. The Storm Anima/Chimera brain group is annoying if you aren't fast enough to damage the Chimera Brain enough before its Frost Blast goes off. Likewise with the 2 Chimera Brain fight. Two Frost Blasts in a row to start a fight is no picnic. Ouch. You ape probably high enough leveled to run from them before they get a turn now, luckily. The Green Dragons here do not drop green tails. They are big pushovers. This is obviously the wind floor. travel southwest, then southeast, then east to a fork. The north fork looks like a dead-end. Step into the wall there to go through a secret passage and reach an *ETHER* in a chest. Go back and take the south fork and up some stairs. Enter the doorway here. ________________________ ____B9 - Interior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 Vampire Bat 1 Vampiress, 2 Vampire Bat | | 2 Thunderbird, 1 Green Dragon 2 Storm Anima, 1 Chimera Brain | | 2 Lucifer 2 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | | 2 Storm Anima 1 Green Dragon* (Waning Moon) | \_________________________________________________________________/ * Can drop a Green Tail The Green Dragon that appears in a group does not drop a Green Tail. If you are here during the Waning Moon, you can find a lone Green Dragon with more HP that does drop a Green Tail. From the start, go stand on the tornado to the north east. From there, walk east into the wall and follow the secret passage up to a small room. Use the south exit in this little room. ________________________ ____B9 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |---------------+ | Dragon Gloves | \_______________/ Grab the chest here for some *DRAGON GLOVES*. They are good for anyone not using Giant's Gloves or Power Armlets to boost strength. Like all dragon gear, they resist all elements. Head back inside. ________________________ ____B9 - Interior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Take the secret passage back to the main part of this room. After you exit from the secret passage. Head south down the east side of the room and take the exit in the southeast corner. ________________________ ____B9 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | Blue Fang | \____________/ Grab the chest here for a *BLUE FANG* then head back inside. ________________________ ____B9 - Interior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Head back to where you first entered this room, then go west and walk south down the west side and take the exit in the southwest corner. ________________________ ____B9 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Walk west and enter the doorway when you come to it. ________________________ ____B9 - Western Room_______________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |-------------+ | 2 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | | X-Potion | | 1 Vampiress, 3 Vampire Bat | | Dragon Helm | | 1 Blast Golem | \_____________/ | 2 Storm Anima | | 2 Chimera Brain | | 2 Storm Anima 1 Chimera Brain | | 3 Vampire Bat | | 2 Lucifer | \_______________________________/ The Green Dragons here do not drop Green Tails. Grab the chest for an *X-POTION* then head west and go through a secret passage in the western wall that will take you to another small room to the north. Grab the chest there for a *DRAGON HELM*. If you have a fighter type that still doesn't have resistance to all elements, give this to him or her. Otherwise give it to whomever can best use it. Exit the room. ________________________ ____B9 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Head south to reach a save point. Rest here and if you imported Edward's finish data and thus have Harley as an available character you'll get a scene with the two of them. Otherwise the scene will be between Edward and Rydia. After healing up, head east and examine the crystal to begin yet another boss fight. ________________________ ____Barbariccia_____________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Start off with a Spider Silk as usual. She has two forms. In her tornado form, physical attacks do horrible damage, but magical attacks work. However she will counter with Tornado, which will drop a character to single-digit HP. Kain's jumps will knock her out of Tornado. Haste Kain to expedite this. Otherwise, just attack with attackers and use -aga spells with casters. She will Tornado herself near the end of the fight, so just hit her once more at that point. ________________________ ____B9 - Exterior___________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | Gungnir | \____________/ After you beat her, a chest will appear containing *GUNGNIR*, a spear for Kain. It gives +10 to Stamina. Follo the path beyond where the crystal was all the way to the next section. _________________________________ ____B10 - Exterior_________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSBA] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Remedy | |-------------------------------+ |----------+ | 1 Blood Eye, 1 Amazon | | Remedy | | 3 Amazon | \__________/ | 1 Blood eye, 2 Evil Dreamer | | 1 High Wizard, 2 Imp | | 3 Blood Eye | | 2 Blood Eye | | 1 High Wizard, 3 Evil Dreamer | | 2 Evil Dreamer, 2 Imp | \_______________________________/ Monster here are a bit obnoxious, though by now Blood Eyes should be pretty easy. Remember that thrown weapons do massive damage to them, so if you've got a boomerang type weapon on edge, they'll go down in no time. Likely you can kill them in one or two attacks. Imps counter attack with confuse. Silence them or use Stop or Shadowbind to thwart this. From the start, head down the two sets of long staircases. There will be another staircase to your south. Ignore it for now and head west to grab a chest with a *REMEDY*. Continue to ignore the staircase to the south and head east to reach a doorway. Enter it. ________________________ ____B10 - East Room_________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | |----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Blood Eye, 1 Amazon 3 Blood Eye | | 2 Blood Eye 1 Red Dragon, 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Imp | | 2 Evil Dreamer, 2 Imp 1 Blood Eye, 2 Evil Dreamer | | 1 High Wizard, 3 Evil Dreamer 1 Red Dragon* (New Moon) | \______________________________________________________________________/ * Can drop a Red Tail The Red Dragons that appear in a group do not drop Red Tails, but do drop nice things like Crystal Rings and Wyvern Lances. If you wander around this room and only this room during the New Moon, you will sometimes encounter a lone Red Dragon with more HP that does drop Red Tails. Follow this straightforward room to its other exit. ________________________ ____B10 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | Godhand | \____________/ Grab the teasure chest here for a *GODHAND*. This claw weapon is extremely nice for Yang or Ursula since it gives +10 Strength, Speed, and Stamina and it is Holy. Once you've done that, return to the main part and go down that staircase we kept ignoring. There will be a choice of two more staircases here. Take either of them since they lead to the same spot. This bottom section is home to a bazillion doorways. The doorway between the staricases has a save point inside if you need it. Head east a bit to see the first pillar that contains a door and enter it. ________________________ ____B10 - Interior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Melt Golem | | X-Potion | | 2 Blood Eye | \____________/ | 1 Blood Eye, 1 Amazon | | 1 Blood Eye, 2 Evil Dreamer | | 3 Blood Eye | | 1 High Wizard, 3 Evil Dreamer | | 1 Red Dragon, 1 Blood Eye | | 2 Evil Dreamer, 2 Imp | \_______________________________/ Red Dragons in the interior do not drop Red Tails. Head west and grab the chest for an *X-POTION*, then head back through the doorway. ________________________ ____B10 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Enter the door that is southwest from this one. ________________________ ____B10 - Interior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | Red Fang | \____________/ Grab the chest here for a *RED FANG* and head back through the doorway. ________________________ ____B10 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | The door southwest from here is a dead end. Enter the door east of here, which will require you to walk back around this rock face. ________________________ ____B10 - Interior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | Ether | \____________/ Head east on this rock ledge and grab the chest for an *ETHER*. Head back through the doorway. ________________________ ____B10 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Head south, ignoring the two doors you'll pass on the west, and the doorway in the center of the area. They all lead to nothing. Instead, enter the doorway in the southwest corner of this area. ________________________ ____B10 - Interior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |---------------+ | Fuma Shuriken | \_______________/ Head southeast along the rock ledge and grab the chest for a *FUMA SHURIKEN*. Head back through the doorway. ________________________ ____B10 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |-------------+ | Apollo Harp | \_____________/ Head east and enter the next doorway (not the one that's above you in the center of the area). Thi'll be a small treasure room. Grab the chest for an *APOLLO HARP*, which is a nice upgrade for Edward. It gives +10 to Strength, Speed and Spirit. Exit the room and go east. Enter the next doorway. ________________________ ____B10 - Interior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Travel southwest on the rock ledge and take the exit at the end. ________________________ ____B10 - South_____________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Blood Eye, 1 Amazon | | Red Cap | | 1 Blood Eye, 2 Evil Dreamer | \____________/ | 1 Red Dragon, 1 Evil Dreamer, 1 Imp | | 2 Evil Dreamer, 2 Imp | | 1 High Wizard, 3 Evil Dreamer | | 3 Blood Eye | | 1 High Wizard, 2 Imp | | 2 Blood Eye | \_____________________________________/ Head to the west, ignoring the doorway for now so that you can grab the *RED CAP* from the chest. This resists fire and gives +5 to stamina. You could give this to any of the ninjas, the monks, Edward, and Harley, but I find that things like the Black Cowl give nicer bonuses on the whole. Head through the doorway and you'll be in a little save room. Rest here for a scene between Yang and Edge where they will learn the Oboro Strike band. There is also an Interdimensional Elevator here for your convenience. If you do not have Edge in your party, you should definitely put him in now. Equip him with the Red Cap and Protect Ring. Exit to the north when you are ready. ________________________ ____B10 - Interior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Walk north and examine the crystal. If you have Edge in your party, you will be asked if you want Edge to fight Rubicante alone. Doing so will net you the Fire Scarf after the fight (otherwise you get nothing). You want the Fire Scarf, so for goodness sake, make Edge fight alone. ________________________ ____Rubicante_______________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | You should have the Red Cap and a Protect Ring equipped to help you resist fire and take less damage. When Rubicante has his cloak open (he begins the fight this way), hit him with Frost Ninjutsu, or just attack if attacking does the same damage or close to it. When he is wrapped in his cloak, Frost will heal him. Use Smash and Grab and he should uncloak. Use an X-Potion if you get low on HP. After about 15000 damage, he'll Inferno himself, restore your HP and MP, and die. Note that if you have a Cursed Ring, you may want to use that instead of the Protect Ring. Red Cap + Cursed Ring will cause you to absorb his fire attacks. ________________________ ____B10 - Interior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |------------+ | Fire Scarf | \____________/ After he's gone, a chest with a *FIRE SCARF* will appear if you fought with Edge alone. This gives +3 to all stats except Spirit and absorbs fire and can only be equipped by the five ninjas. Continue north to the next room. ________________________ ____B10 - North_____________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | |--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Blood Eye, 1 Amazon 1 High Wizard, 3 Evil Dreamer | | 1 Blood Eye, 2 Evil Dreamer 3 Blood Eye | | 1 Melt Golem 1 High Wizard, 2 Imp | | 2 Evil Dreamer, 2 Imp 2 Blood Eye | \______________________________________________________________/ Nothing in this room except monsters and a teleporter to the next section. _________________________________ ____B11 - East_____________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSBB] | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Armor Construct | | Cottage | | 1 Armor Construct, 1 Centaurion | | Poison Axe | | 1 Centaurion, 2 Clockwork Soldier | \____________/ | 1 Centaurion, 2 Beam Cannon | | 1 Centaurion, 1 Beam Cannon, 1 Clockwork Soldier | | 2 Centaurion | | 2 Clockwork Soldier, 2 Beam Cannon | | 1 Thunder Dragon, 1 Centaurion | \__________________________________________________/ Machine floor time! If you hit Clockwork Soldiers or Beam Cannons with a lightning magic attack (Blitz, Zeus's Wrath, Thundara), they will become perma-confused and attack their friends until they are hit with another magic attaack (unfortunately Beam Cannon's Beam counts as a magic attaack). This can make your job of fighting them easier. If you kill everything else and hit them with a weak lightning magic, you can spend time using Pray and other free healing skills at your leisure. Armor Constructs counter lightning magic with Electromagnetic Radiation, which gives you the Stop status effect. Use such things as finishing attacks only. They are pretty easy by this point of the game though. Regular attacks from your fighters will bust 'em up good. Things are beginning to hit harder now and you'll probably see more back and surprise attacks unless your average party level is 60+. The Thunder Dragons you'll find here do not drop Blue Tails. Their Lightning attack is pretty fierce when they are at full HP, so beware. Head north and take the third path to the left (the first two are dead ends). Keep going west and take the first path north and follow it to fetch a *COTTAGE* from a chest, then return to the path and go west some more. You'll soon come to a choice of west or south bridges. Go all the way south to find a chest with a *POISON AXE*. This would be okay for Cid or Golbez I guess, but it's two-handed, which is annoying. From there, go back north and take any of the bridges west. Once across the bridge, go north to reach a doorway and enter. ________________________ ____B11 - Center____________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | |------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Centaurion, 2 Clockwork Soldier | | 1 Centaurion, 2 Beam Cannon | | 1 Centaurion, 1 Beam Cannon, 1 Clockwork Soldier | | 2 Centaurion | | 2 Clockwork Soldier, 2 Beam Cannon | | 1 Thunder Dragon, 1 Beam Cannon, 1 Clockwork Soldier | | 1 Thunder Dragon* (Full Moon) | \______________________________________________________/ * Can drop a Blue Tail Similar monsters here. The Thunder Dragon that appears in a group does not drop a Blue Tail. If you wander around in this room and only this room during a Full Moon, you can encounter a lone Thunder Dragon with more HP that does drop a Blue Tail. Beware its Lightning attack when it's at or near Full HP. If you do not have lightning resistance, you will likely take around 4000 damage from it. Ouch! It uses this as its second turn's attack. Head west and exit through the western doorway. ________________________ ____B11 - West______________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Centaurion, 2 Clockwork Soldier | | Ether | | 1 Centaurion, 2 Beam Cannon | | Moonring Blade | | 1 Centaurion, 1 Beam Cannon, 1 Clockwork Soldier | \________________/ | 2 Centaurion | | 2 Clockwork Soldier, 2 Beam Cannon | | 1 Clockwork Dragon | | 1 Clockwork Dragon, 2 Beam Cannon | | 1 Thunder Dragon, 1 Centaurion | \__________________________________________________/ The Thunder Dragon that appears in this map does not drop Blue Tails. The only new thing here is the Clockwork Dragon. It has a Blaze attack that can do over 1000 damage to you party when it's at full HP, so knock it down quick to minimize this. It uses this as its second turn's attack. Head all the way west, ignoring the bridge to the south for now, and grab the *ETHER* from the chest. Head across the bridge. You'll see a Bridge to the south. Cross it. Ignore the bridge to the east for now and head south, taking the first left. Follow this to a chest containing a *MOONRING BLADE*, an upgraded boomerang weapon that edge can use if you want the row-ignoring capability. It's not as powerful as the Kiki-ichimonji or Murasame, however. Go back and head across any east-bound bridge you've passed. Once across, go south and rest at the save point for a scene with Golbez and Ceodore. From there, head south and follow the path all the way to another crystal. Time for a fight! ________________________ ____CPU, Strike Module, & Defense Module____________/ Subterrane | True Moon | The CPU will cast reflect on itself, the Defense Module will use Heal at random on any of the three modules, and the Stike Module will use laser on you for lots of damage (less as its HP gets lower). The easy, but slightly longer way to beat it is to pummel the Strike Node (the upper of the two little orbs) until it is dead, then focus on attacking the CPU (it will revive the two modules if they are both dead). Haste your party, since when the Defense Module heals the CPU, it restores 3000HP. You also want to Spider Silk them to slow down the healing. Jump is an excellent attack, as is any attack that can ignore row (Edge with a katana+boomerang). Summons go through Reflect, so Sylph or Bomb are excellent choices. You should be able to outpace the heal, and you won't take any damage since the Strike Module is dead. Alternately, wound the Strike Module until it is near death, then kill the Defense Module. Now you'll be taking slight damage frequently from the Laser, but the CPu will die faster since it won't be healed. The rest of the fight plays out the same. Don't forget to Spider Silk them and to Haste yourself. ________________________ ____B11 - West______________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |----------------------------+ | Yoichi Bow Yoichi Arrows | \____________________________/ After defeating the CPU and its modules, two chests will appear containing a *YOICHI BOW* and some *YOICHI ARROWS*. Continue north to exit the room. _________________________________ ____B11 - Entry to B12_____________________/ Subterrane [WTMSBC] | True Moon | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Dark Sage | | 3 Dark Sage | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian | | 1 Dark Sage, 2 Selene Guardian | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian, 1 Armored Fiend | | 2 Dark Sage, 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Bone Dragon, 1 Dark Sage | \_________________________________________________/ Monsters here gain another upgrade to power and HP. You probably can't run from them before they damage you now either, so this place can be a bit of a bear in that regards. Dark Sages aren't too troublesome at this point. Selene Guardians can damage you quite a bit and have high magic defense, but aren't too fast, so you can usually kill them with three attacks. Armored Fiends have a lot of HP and counter magic and summons with Beam. Beam's damage decreases with its HP. Bone Dragons are weak to fire, but counter it with Blaze. Blaze damage also decreases with is HP. Feel free to use powerful spells like Flare and Hole on the dragons and the fiends. You'll run into save points soon enough, so MP isn't too much of a worry. Selene Guards can drop Artemis Bows and Minerva Bustiers. Dark Sages drop Soma Drops and Ribbons, and the Armored Fiends can drop Rune Axes, which are a little better than Poison Axes. This tiny room is reminiscent of the Slyph Cave and the Passage to the Eidolons. If you do not have Rydia in your party, you should go back and place her in your party. Otherwise you will forever miss out on two things of great use. Exit south to enter B12. ________________________ ____B12 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 1 Dark Sage | | White Tiger Mask | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian | | Light Curtain | | 1 Dark Sage, 2 Selene Guardian | | Lunar Curtain | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian, 1 Armored Fiend | \__________________/ | 2 Dark Sage, 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Bone Dragon, 1 Dark Sage | | 1 Gold Dragon, 1 Bone Dragon | \_________________________________________________/ The Gold Dragons here do not drop Gold Tails. They die to a single Flare in most cases. They use Thunderbolt as a powerful single-targer attack, but its damage decreases with the dragon's HP. If you head a little to the east or west of the entrance, you'll notice an old man NPC on a ledge to the west and a queeny woman NPC on a ledge to the east. You may also recall these are the exact same sprites used for a certain two characters. Let's gather some treasure from the area first. Head down the southwest passage from the beginning. When it forks west and south, head west and it will soon fork northwest and south. Go south to grab a chest containing the *WHITE TIGER MASK*. This is decent for Edge as it protects from Paralysis and gives +5 Strength. You can also equip it on any ninja or monk and Edward or Harley as well. Now go and take the northwest passage. Follow it as it curves north. Ignore the side passage which leads to some stairs in the building. We'll go there later. Keep going north to find a chest containing a *LIGHT CURTAIN*. Head back to the entrance of this floor. This time take the southeast path. Ignore the side passage to the east as you go, since it contains nothing. At the fork, take the east passage and follow it as it curves north. Ignore the stairs to the west and keep going north to find a chest with a *LUNAR CURTAIN*. Go back to the stairs we just passed and enter them. ________________________ ____B12 - East______________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monster | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 3 Dark Sage | | Silver Hourglass | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian | | Gold Hourglass | | 1 Dark Sage, 2 Selene Guardian | | Cottage | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian, 1 Armored Fiend | \__________________/ | 2 Dark Sage, 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Bone Dragon, 1 Dark Sage | | 1 Silver Dragon | \_________________________________________________/ Silver Dragons can be cut down by 3-4 attacks or a single Flare. They aren't too much to worry about since they appear alone. Go west and in the northwest corner of the dead end, step into the wall and head west into a secret room with two chests for a *SILVER HOURGLASS* and a *GOLD HOURGLASS*. Then go back east and follow the path. Take the west fork when you can. You'll see a building nearby. Enter it. Grab the chest for a *COTTAGE* then head up the stairs. There is a save point here. I recommend you rest until Full Moon and avoid Waning Moon. When ready, exit south through the door. ________________________ ____B12 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | You'll be behind the queeny NPC. Talk to her and engage in battle with Asura! Make sure Rydia is in your party or you'll lose Asura forever. ________________________ ____Asura___________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Start off with a Spider Silk (Or Slow) as usual. You want to prepare for her by casting Blink on your party. Edge can use Mirage to Blink himself, and people can use Decoys that are probably sitting in your inventory. She'll mostly just heal herself while you're doing this. Reflect really doesn't help much in this fight as you can vastly outpace her heals and you'll want to use powerful magic on her. Asura counterattacks EVERYTHING with a physical attack. This is pretty nasty in the Waning Moon, but not bad during the Full Moon. Blink will block two hits. What you want to do is use powerful spells like Flare or Holy (-aga spells in a pinch!) and powerful attacks like Jump or Yang's Focus thing that deal double damage. That way you aren't trigerring counterattacks after your weak hits. Restore Blink on people as they run out. If you ahve Kain, Edge, and/or Ceodore in your party, this should be no problem. Eventually she'll come to her senses and you can rejoice. Yay! ________________________ ____B12 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |-----------------+ | Minerva Bustier | \_________________/ After Asura joins you (or dies forever if you didn't bring Rydia), a chest will appear containing a *MINERVA BUSTIER*. This increases Strength and Stamina by 10, but lowers Intellect and Spirit by 10. Otherwise it'd be great for your healers and black mage types. I'd suggest leaving it unequipped unless you're making some strange battle Rydia build. Go back inside the door. ________________________ ____B12 - East______________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Head down and out of the building, then go west and take the exit. ________________________ ____B12 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | This section has three stairs: the one you came out of on the east, one in the middle, and one in the west. Take the west stairs. ________________________ ____B12 - West______________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monster | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 3 Dark Sage | | Fuma Shuriken | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian | | Dry Ether | | 1 Dark Sage, 2 Selene Guardian | \_______________/ | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian, 1 Armored Fiend | | 2 Dark Sage, 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Bone Dragon, 1 Dark Sage | | 1 Silver Dragon | \_________________________________________________/ Same monsters as in the East. Head west, past the building for now and in the far northwest corner is a chest containing a *FUMA SHURIKEN*. The rest of this place just leads back to places you've been, so enter the building. Grab the *DRY ETHER* from the chest, and head upstairs. Save if you'd like. Any moon is okay for the upcoming boss. Exit south. ________________________ ____B12 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | You'll be behind the old man NPC. Talk to her and engage in battle with Leviathan! Make sure Rydia is in your party or you'll lose Leviathan forever. ________________________ ____Leviathan_______________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Start off with Spider Silk or Slow as usual. Haste your black mages first since they will be casting Thundaga repeatedly. You probably want everyone hasted. Edge can cast Blitz if he's in your party (or equip him with a Boltslicer in one hand, which may deal more!). Use strong attacks, but keep your healer on buff and healing duty since Holy doesn't hurt him much. Tidal Wave does about 1000 damage to your party, so stay above that. Asura will appear to talk to him after awhile to no avail. She will protect and restore your party before she leaves though. Just keep Thundagaing away and he'll come to his senses if Rydia is in your party. Otherwise you'll just kill him. ________________________ ____B12 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |-------------+ | Mystic Whip | \_____________/ After Leviathan joins you (or dies forever), a chest with a *MYSTIC WHIP* will appear. If you use Rydia, this is awesome. +10 Intellect means you never have to equip a rod again, and if she isn't needed for spells, she can attack and sometimes paralyze things. Yay. It's also Holy element. Head back into the building. ________________________ ____B12 - West______________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Go down and exit the building, then head back east and take the exit into the center area at the north of the exterior. ________________________ ____B12 - Exterior__________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | Take the middle of the three stairs. ________________________ ____B12 - North_____________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Monsters | |-------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Dark Sage | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian | | 1 Dark Sage, 2 Selene Guardian | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Gaudrian, 1 Armored Fiend | | 2 Dark Sage, 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Gold Dragon, 1 Dark Sage | | 1 Gold Dragon* (Full Moon) | \_________________________________________________/ * Can drop a Gold Tail The Gold Dragon that appears in a group does not drop Gold Tails. If you wander around this room and only this room during a Full Moon, you'll find lond Gold Dragons that do drop Gold Tails. Their Thudnerbolt attack at full health will deal about 5000 damage to a single character. They counter all attacks and magic with Constrict, which paralyzes one character. Use only your most powerful attacks to avoid being laid low by Constrict. Two Flares should kill it. Walk straight north and into the teleporter. _________________________________ ____B13____________________________________/ Subterrane [WTMSBD] | True Moon | No monsters here. Walk north and rest and save at the save point. You can use the nearby Interdimensional Elevator to return to the ship. You'll want to mix up your party here a bit. Read on to find out why. Head north a ways and you'll soon encounter... a Dark Knight. ________________________ ____Dark Knight_____________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | There are a few scenerios here depending on your party makeup. NO CECIL OR NO GOLBEZ: Your party gets hit by Darkness, dropping them to 1HP and then your party gets killed by rapid attacks. Game over! CECIL AND GOLBEZ, NO CEODORE OR NO ROSA: You'll get to fight him and win, but Golbez will be lost to you forever. Cecil is back to normal afterwards. CECIL, GOLBEZ, CEODORE, and ROSA: Everyone lives and Cecil is back to normal afterwards. Yay! In either of the two situations where you can win, the fight mostly consists of Spider Silk him, Haste yourself, beat on him and stay healed until the fight plays out. A Level 30 party can defeat him without too much trouble. You'll need to re-learn all of Cecil's bands, but at least he isn't a 10-stat zombie now! :D ________________________ ____B13_____________________________________________/ Subterrane | True Moon | | Treasure | |-------------+ | Excalibur | \_____________/ After the fight, watch the dialogue (I personally like the dialogue that occurs if Kain is in the party, but the fifth character doesn't matter) and then grab the sword that appeared to snag *EXCALIBUR*. This is a powerful Holy element sword that Cecil, Ceodore, or Kain can use. I'd recommend giving it to Cecil or Ceodore if you're using them. Head up the newly-appearing stairs and toss barbs with the Mysterious Girl before she departs and leaves an elevator behind, which leads into the Depths. ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 4.14 Final Tale, Part Two - Planet Eater [PETL] )----------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise noted, you should never need to sell anything in this Tale, and I recommend you do not. ___________________ _________________________________________________________/ Contents | Finale | 0. Tails, Adamantite, and Developers [WPETAD] 1. Depths B1-B4 [WPED01] 2. Depths B5 - Fiends [WPEFF1] 3. Depths B6-B8 [WPED06] 4. Depths B9 - Second Set of Bosses [WPEFF2] 5. Depths B10-B12 [WPED10] 6. Depths B12 - Third Set of Bosses [WPEFF3] 7. Depths B13 [WPED13] 8. Depths B14 - Fourth Set of Bosses [WPEFF5] 9. Depths B15 - Fifth Set of Bosses [WPEFF6] 10. Depths B16-B19 [WPED16] 11. Depths B20 - Bahamut [WPED20] 12. Depths B21-B25 [WPED21] 13. Depths B26-B29 [WPED26] 14. The Bottommost Depths [WPEEND] _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ ??? [WPETAD] | Finale | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | Twin Stars Adamant Armor Lustful Lali-Ho | | Blue Armor Adamant Helm Discovery Book | | Taunt Ring Adamant Shield | | Gil Band V2 Adamant Gloves | | Rare Band V2 | | Rear Ring | | Pink Armor | | Treasure Hunter V2 | | Level Band V2 | | Rapid Ring V2 | \_______________________________________________________/ First things first: Hop back into the Interdimensional Elevator and go to the Lunar Whale. Fro mthere, hop back into the Interdimensional Elevator and select ??? from the list (should be on the second page). Go up and enter the house. In the middle of the room is the tail collector who will trade various items for the tails you have collected. Black Tail - Twin Stars (Half MP in battle) Blue Tail - Blue Armor (String armor for males) Ebony Tail - Taunt Ring (Draw attacks to wearer) Gold Tail - Gil Band V2 (Double Gil) Green Tail - Rare Band V2 (Increase rare drop rates) Grey Tail - Rear Ring (Same damage from back row) Pink Tail - Pink Armor (Strong armor for females) Purple Tail - Treasure Hunter V2 (Increase item drop rates) Rainbow Tail - Limit Ring (Deal up to 99999 damage) Red Tail - Level Band V2 (Increase exp by 50%) White Tail - Rapid Ring V2 (Greatly reduce standby time (cast/skill delay)) Go further north and up the stairs and you'll find Tradingway, who will trade you Adamant gear for any Adamantite you found in the challenge dungeons of the individual character tales. Adamant Armor - 3 Adamantite Adamant Helm - 2 Adamantite Adamant Shield - 2 Adamantite Adamant Gloves - 1 Adamantite Head back downstairs and go to the north west corner of the room, just above the bed. Walk west into the wall to find a secret passage leading to the developers room. Tlak to people and enjoy the easy fights. The cat will restore your HP and MP if you can work your way to it. If you agree to work for the one guy, the moon phase will change and you'll be left with 1 HP. The real secret here is that you can search the pot in the north part of the main room and use a Lustful Lali-Ho on it. You'll fight a Game Developer and afterwards you'll either win another *LUSTFUL LALI-JO* or a *DISCOVERY BOOK*. Discovery Books raise max MP by 50. This is very worth it. Lustful Lali-hos can be found in Cid's House in Kain's Tail, The King's Bounty Pub dressing room in Palom's Tale, from someone in the developer's room, and as a good reward from Kain's Challenge Dungeon. When you're done here, head back to the Depths via the Interdimensional Elevator. __________________________ ____B1___________________________________________/ Depths [WPED01] | Finale | | Sundries | | Weaponsmith | |--------------------------+ |--------------------------+ | X-Potion 3000 gil | | Shuriken 200 gil | | Ether 10000 gil | | Cross Shuriken 20000 gil | | Dry Ether 50000 gil | | Fuma Shuriken 50000 gil | | Elixir 100000 gil | \__________________________/ | Phoenix Down 100 gil | | Remedy 5000 gil | | Cottage 500 gil | | Emergency Exit 180 gil | \__________________________/ No enemies on this floor. Go south down three sets of stairs and enter the room there to find a save point and an Interdimensional Elevator. You'll also see a holographic Hummingway where you can purchase supplies. Exit the room and continue south. You'll find another set of stairs. Go down them and follow the curve south, east, north, then west to the stairs leading down to the Depths B2. _________________ ____B2_____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Bone Dragon | | Crystal Shield | | 2 Bone Dragon | | X-Potion | | 1 Silver Dragon | \________________/ | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian | | 1 Dark Sage, 2 Selene Guardian | | 2 Dark Sage, 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian, 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Armored Fiend, 1 Gold Dragon | \_________________________________________________/ Most of the monsters here should be familiar from the last part of the Subterrane. Bone Dragons, like other skeletal dragon types, are weak to fire, but counter it with a strong, all-party attack. Head east and you'll find some stairs leading to a chest. Grab it for a *CRYSTAL SHIELD*. This is a bit better than the Dragon Shield, but doesn't protect from all elements. Head back west and go down a tiny staircase to the south. Afterwards, go south until you see a long staircase ahead of you and another one to the west that goes into a 'hole'. Ignore both of these for now and head west, then south to pick up an *X-POTION* from a chest. Go back to the long staircase that wasn't going into the 'hole' and from there keep going south all the way to the next floor. _________________ ____B3_____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 1 Silver Dragon | | Cat Ear Hood | | 1 Gold Dragon | | Dry Ether | | 1 Blue Dragon | | X-Potion | | 1 Red Dragon, 1 Selene Guardian | | Silver Hourglass | | 1 Gold Dragon, 1 Silver Dragon | \__________________/ | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian, 1 Armored Fiend | | 2 Dark Sage, 1 Armored Fiend | | 1 Dark Sage, 2 Selene Guardian \_________________________________________________/ You'll start seeing Blue Dragons here. They are basically an ice version of Red Dragons and they have more defense, oddly enough. If they are near full HP, their Ice Storm attack could wipe out your party. They usually use it as their second attack, so damage them quickly to reduce its effectiveness. Head to the west, ignoring the three bridges for now, and you'll find a platform with a chest containing a *CAT EAR HOOD*. This is a nice headgear for you healer and it resists Cold. To the west of the start is a similar platform whose chest contains a *DRY ETHER*. Head south across any of the three bridges, then south across another. Head you can go east, west, or straight. The west wing ends at a chest containing an *X-POTION* and the east wing ends at a chest containing a *SILVER HOURGLASS*. Go straight to find the next floor after getting those. _________________ ____B4_____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Blue Dragon | | Protect Ring | | 1 Bone Dragon | | X-Potion | | 2 Bone Dragon | | Remedy | | 1 Gold Dragon, 1 Silver Dragon | | Brave Suit | | 1 Red Dragon, 1 Selene Guardian | \______________/ | 1 Armored Fiend, 1 Silver Dragon | | 1 Armored Fiend, 1 Gold Dragon | | 1 Dark Sage, 1 Selene Guardian, 1 Armored Fiend | \_________________________________________________/ Nothing new on the monster front. Three paths here. Take the east stairs and follow them a short way to a chest containing a *PROTECT RING*. Usually I give the protect rings to my black mage and my healer. In any case, give this to someone who doesn't already resist all elements (via dragon gear). Take the west stairs and follow a longer path to a chest containing an *X-POTION*. Now take the center stairs and go all the way south to reach a teleporter. Ignore it for now and go west then a south to pick up a *REMEDY*. Now go east from the teleported, then north and east into a wall. Take this secret passage to a chest containing a *BRAVE SUIT*, which gives +10 to Strength, Speed, and Stamina and can be equipped by ninjas, monks, and Edward and harley. Whenever you don't need to absorb fire (via Fire Scarf), this should be equipped on one of them. Edge and Ursual are stupid fast with it equipped. Take the teleported to B5. __________________________ ____B5____________________________________________/ Depths [WPEFF1] | Finale | | Monsters | | Monsters - Boss Rooms | |-----------------------------------+ |----------------------------------+ | 1 Blue Dragon | | 1 Blue Dragon | | 3 Sahagin Prince | | 1 Behemoth | | 3 Goblin Prince | | 2 Great Malboro | | 2 Goblin Prince, 2 Sahagin Prince | | 1 Lamia Queen, 2 Sahagin Prince | | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Elite Trooper | | 1 Great Malboro, 2 Goblin Prince | | 1 Lamia Queen, 1 Elite Trooper | | 1 Lamia Queen, 1 Elite Trooper | | 1 Great Malboro, 2 Goblin Prince | | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Elite Trooper | | 1 Lamia Queen, 2 Sahagin Prince | | 1 Gold Dragon, 1 Silver Dragon | \___________________________________/ \__________________________________/ | Treasure | |-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Assassin Dagger Rising Sun Triton Dagger Dragon Claws | \_____________________________________________________________/ Monsters suddenly get a bit more powerful here, with everything having around 9000 or more HP. Sahagin Princes love the Thundaga and will spam it liberally while the Goblin Princes are more about physical attacks. Watch out for the Chaos Knights as they like to use Berserk, Doom, Death, and other annoying status effects. They tend to counter attacks with Doom. Lamia Queens aren't too bad since they only counter with regular attacks and not Entice, but be careful to not hit them with weak attacks to help stave off damage. You should be used to the dragons by now, and the Behemoths are just like the ones in the Subterrane B7. Nothing drops tails in here. Great Malboros usually start off with Bad Breath, so have Esuna ready for this. Ribbons and other things that block at least one of the Bad Breath status effects will block the attack. Goblin Princes can drop the Goblin summon very rarily. This is a relatively simple floor. Go south and you'll reach a save point. There is a nearby Interdimensional Elevator for your convenience. To the far south is an inactive teleporter. There are four ways to go on this floor, each leading to a teleported that takes you to a room with a boss. I'll take them in my preferred order. Take the northwest path and enter the portal. Walk north and cast Float on the party before examining the crystal, which will put you in battle against Lich, the Fiend of Earth! _________________ ____Lich___________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Float is important because he casts quake. Start off the battle with Spider Silk or Slow as usual. Haste your black mage and your healer at a minimum. Firaga and Holy are each going to do 9999 damage to him (Blast also works well if you have Edge in your party). If you have a Limit Ring, it can help break that 9999 with Firaga or Holy. Sometimes Lich casts Haste on himself. Hit him with Slow again if he does. He will also counter magic sometimes by casting Sleep. Use Esuna to wake anyone up (or use an Alarm Clock if you have one). Full Moon is the best moon for him since he takes so much damage from magic. After beating him, a chest will appear containing an *ASSASSIN DAGGER*. This dagger has a high chance of outright killing an enemy and gives +15 Speed. It can't be equipped by Edge, unfortunately, but you can give it to your black mage and have them become a much faster killing machine. Go back and save and rest and take the northeast path and enter the portal. Examine the crystal to the north to engage in battle with Marilith, the Fiend of Fire! _________________ ____Marilith_______________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | She likes to cast Firaga, so use the Fire Scarf if you can. Protect Rings and Dragon gear also help. Full Moon is good for her again because Blizzaga is going to do max damage to her (Limit Ring is good here as well). Spider Silk or Slow her to begin with and Haste your black mage first. Non- stop Blizzaga should always be going on. Frost works well for Edge. Holy also is decent, at about 6000 damage per casting. She counters magic with Silence sometime, so keep your Echo Herbs handy. When she is defeated, a chest will appear containing a *RISING SUN*. This boomerang gives a whopping +10 Speed. I strongly recommend you equip this on Edge as it will make him ridiculously fast. Go back and save and rest and take the southwest path and enter the portal. Examine the crystal to the south to engage in battle with Kraken, the Fiend of Water! _________________ ____Kraken_________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | He likes to cast Blizzaga, so the Cat Ear Hood, dragon gear, and Protect Rings are good here. Full Moon again is good since Thundaga will hit max damage against him. Spider Silk or Slow him to begin and haste your black mage first. Thundaga should be going nonstop. He'll counter magic with Bile, which hurts a bit, but otherwise isn't a worry. He counters physical attacks with Constrict, which will paralyze you and quickly annoy you, so focus mainly on magic. Edge can use Blitz to good effect if he is in your party. Holy does about 6000 damage to him if you don't need your healer to heal. Toss blink and mirage on you if his physical attack is too much for you (it shouldn't be, with the Full Moon). When he is defeated, a chest will appear containing a *TRITON DAGGER*. This is a decent dagger that casts Floor when used and gives +10 to Intellect. That isn't too bad for edge, and it is stronger t han his katanas, but I prefer the strength boost of the best katanas he has available currently. Go back and save and rest and take the southeast path and enter the portal. Examine the crystal to the south to engage in battle with Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind! _________________ ____Tiamat_________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | The fiend of wind has no real weakness. I actually advise you fight him in the Waning Moon so you can deal extra attack damage to him. Slow him with Spider Silk or Slow and haste your healer first, then your attackers. Make liberal use of Blink and Decoys (and Mirage, for Edge) to put up blink first on your healer, then on the rest. This will make his physical attacks not an issue. Have your black magic cast Flare (Leviathan and Quake are also decent if you don't have Flare, but Flare does more damage). He likes to use Lightning, which will hit you all for 1000+ damage. Same with his Thermal Rays attack. Maelstrom will drop everyone to single digit HP. This is why your healer is hasted; so she can Curaja right away. Venemous Gas will poison everyone and isn't a worry. If for some reason you are at full HP, your healer can toss in Holy for about 6000 damage a pop. When he is defeated, a chest will appear containing *DRAGON CLAWS*. These Holy element claws give +10 Strength and +10 Spirit in addition to dealing extra damage to dragons. With Godhand and Dragon Claws, Ursula is a ridiculous and devastating beast in battle (expecially with the Brave Suit!). Go back and save and head south into the newly activated teleporter to B6. __________________________ ____B6____________________________________________/ Depths [WPED06] | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Goblin Prince, 1 Sahagin Prince | | X-Potion | | 2 Chaos Knight | | Hypnocrown | | 2 Bone Dragon | | Dry Ether | | 1 Great Malboro, 2 Goblin Prince | | Light Curtain | | 1 Red Dragon, 1 Blue Dragon | | Lunar Curtain | | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Elite Trooper | \_______________/ | 2 Goblin Prince, 1 Elite Trooper | | ? | \___________________________________________________/ | Monsters - Treasure Room | |---------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Goblin Prince, 1 Sahagin Prince | | 2 Goblin Prince, 2 Sahagin Prince | | 3 Goblin Prince | | 3 Sahagin Prince | | 1 Armored Fiend, 1 Silver Dragon | | 1 Armored Fiend, 1 Gold Dragon | | 1 Great Malboro, 2 Goblin Prince | | ? | \___________________________________________________/ Nothing really new here on the monster front. Head south down two staircases, then pick either of the two staircases to go down. Enter the door between them. Grab the *X-POTION* and *DRY ETHER* from chests on the left and right platforms, then check the middle platform's chest to find 2 Great Malboros in a Monster-in-a-Box to win a *HYPNOCROWN*. This is a decent headgear for a black mage since it raises Intellect by 5. Use it if you aren't already using a Ribbon to the like. Exit the treasure room. Head down the stairs south of the doorway, and then go south and down another staircase. You'll see the stairs to the next floor here, but first go west and south to get a *LIGHT CURTAIN*, then east and south to get a *LUNAR CURTAIN*. Go back and take the stairs to the next floor. _________________ ____B7_____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 2 Chaos Knight | | Spider Silk | | 1 Red Dragon, 1 Blue Dragon | | Crystal Gloves | | 1 Great Malboro, 2 Goblin Prince | | X-Potion | | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Elite Trooper | \________________/ | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Goblin Prince, 1 Sahagin Prince | | 2 Goblin Prince, 2 Sahagin Prince | | 1 Gold Dragon, 1 Silver Dragon | | ? | \___________________________________________________/ | Monsters - Treasure Room | |---------------------------------------------------+ | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Elite Trooper | | 1 Red Dragon, 1 Blue Dragon | | 1 Great Malboro, 2 Goblin Prince | | 1 Lamia Queen, 1 Elite Trooper | | 2 Goblin Prince, 2 Sahagin Prince | | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Goblin Prince, 1 Sahagin Prince | | 2 Chaos Knight | | ? | \___________________________________________________/ Go south and take the staircase down. If you go east from here, you'll reach a save point. You'll see another staircase to your left. Ignore it for now and go south and east to a little niche in the wall. Walk into it and follow the secret passage to reach a chest with a *SPIDER SILK*. Go back to that staircase and go down it. Head southeast and then shortly after it turns south, the path will fork west and south. Go west and enter a room where you can find *CRYSTAL GLOVES* in a chest. These are pretty decent. Exit the room and take the south fork this time. You'll soon arrive at the exit to the next area, but before leaving, go west and grab an *X-POTION* from a chest. Exit to the next area. _________________ ____B8_____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |---------------------------------------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Lamia Queen, 1 Elite Trooper | | Red Jacket | | 2 Great Malboro | | Hermes Sandals | | 2 Chaos Knight | \________________/ | 1 Great Malboro, 2 Goblin Prince | | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Elite Trooper | | 1 Chaos Knight, 1 Goblin Prince, 1 Sahagin Prince | | 1 Gold Dragon, 1 Silver Dragon | | ? | \___________________________________________________/ Head down the staircase to your south, then go west and up through a doorway. Take the teleporter here to a chest containing a *RED JACKET*. This is pretty nice for a ninja, a monk, Edward or Harley, though it doesn't give the +10 Stamina of the Brave Suit and it has less defense. Head back to the start, then go east and down a staircase. You can go east or west here. Go east first and follow the path to get *HERMES SANDALS* from a chest, then go west and follow the path to the teleporter to the next area. __________________________ ____B9____________________________________________/ Depths [WPEFF2] | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Behemoth | | X-Potion | | 2 Behemoth | | Crystal Helm | | 1 Behemoth, 1 Blue Dragon | | Seraphim Mace | | 1 Behemoth, 1 Red Dragon | | Loki's Harp | | 1 Dust Mousse, 1 Bomb King | | Tiger Fang | | 1 Coeurl Legina, 1 Bomb King | | Gigant Axe | | 2 Coeurl Legina, 2 Black Flan | \_______________/ | 1 Worst Malboro | \_______________________________/ Lots of groups with Behemoths here. Remember that they counter attack, so don't waste your time with weaker attacks on them. Dust Mousse is the latest Flan-family monster. They are weak to Holy. You can actually damage them with Holy element weapons, though at about 9000 HP, it'll still take awhile. Break also can work on them. Bomb Kings like to use Firaga. Like all Bomb-family monsters, they'll self-detruct on you after a few turns. They can drop the Bomb summon. Coeurl Leginas will use Blaster (Paralyze or Death) on you as a regular attack, and will counter attack with a physical attack. Worst Malboros are like Great Malboros that don't seem to Bad Breath very often. They can Doom. They are definitely the worst at being a Malboro :) This is a boss floor. Head down the stairs near you, then go east to reach a chest with an *X-POTION*. Go back to the stairs, then go down another set to reach a save point and an Interdimensional Elevator. Take the path northwest of the save point to reach a chest containing a *CRYSTAL HELM*, which resists all elements. Rest at the save point for a Kain + Golbez scene. They will learn their Spiral Blow band. There is a crystal in each of the four corners of this floor. The paths to get to them are pretty obvious so I won't go describing them unless I get emails from very confused people. You'll be fighting the Final Fantasy 2 bosses this time. I'll cover them in the order I fought them, but you can use any order. Afterwards, use the newly activated teleporter (it's southeast of the save point) to get to the next floor. _________________ ____Astaroth_______________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Astaroth is in the northeast crystal. His attacks drain HP, so watch out for that. Start out with Slow or Spider Silk as usual, then work on Hasting your party when you're not healing. He really prefers casting magic, so Reflect can come in handy. Use Leviathan if you decide to use Reflect to bounce his spells back at him. Otherwise, use Flare or -aga spells if you for some reason do not want to use Reflect. This isn't really a hard fight. When you defeat him, a chest will appear containing the *SERAPHIM MACE*. This staff gives +15 Spirit and casts Esuna when used, so it should immediately go to your healer. _________________ ____Beelzebul______________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | This giant fly is in the northwest crystal. As usual, start off with Slow or Spider Silk and Haste your party when you can get a chance (unless you're using reflect). He uses Flare and a lot of whole-party status effects. If you're high enough level or protected from status, this shouldn't be a problem. Equip a Ribbon on your healer if you can to make things easier for you. Using Reflect on your party members will make his Flare hurt him and is a pretty good idea. Use Flare and Holy on him if you have them, otherwise Leviathan is a good choice, as are -aga spells. If you go the Reflect route, use X-Potions to heal on the rare occasion he uses a physical attack, but only if you feel threatened by your remaining HP. When he dies, a chest will appear containing a *LOKI's HARP*. Strength, Speed, and Stamina +10 on a weapon that is effective against every monster type is a very nice thing for Edward. _________________ ____King Behemoth__________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | The King Behemoth is in the southwest crystal. Use Spider Silk and Slow immediately. You want to cast shell on your party a total of four times (it stacks that much!) as soon as you can. Haste your healer early on to aid this. Casting Blink for all your party members will help to. He only uses physical attacks and they hit hard. You might be tempted to come in during a Full Moon to reduce his damage, but this is a BAD IDEA. When you finaly kill him, he will cast Meteor (this is why you cast four shell spells), which will likely kill your party during the Full Moon. He also counter attacks everything. You want to use only your strongest attacks. Use bands (especially those that break the damage limit) and things like Flare, Leviathan, and Holy if possible. This will cause him to do fewer counter attacks per damage given. When he is defeated, a chest will appear containing the *TIGER FANG*, another nice claw for Yang or Ursula. It gives +10 Speed and Stamina and can paralyze things. _________________ ____Iron Giant_____________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | The Iron Giant is in the southeast crystal. You'll want to slow him right away, but use a Spider Silk instead of Slow. Iron Giant has a powerful physical attack. He sometimes counters physical attacks with a physical attack, and he sometimes counters magical attacks and summons with Meteor. This is why you did not cast Slow but instead used a Spider Silk on him. If you have a high level, feel free to Shell your party a four times and use things like Flare, Holy, and Leviathan, which all do nice damage. However, if you fear Meteor (it can do ~3000 to your whole party), you'll want to use strong physical attacks and strong physical band attacks, especially any that might break the damage limit. Basically, fight him like the King Behemoth except don't use magic. He he's defeated, a chest will appear containing the *GIGANT AXE*. This mighty two-handed axe boasts 150 attack, inflicts poison status, and gives +10 Strength. If you have any Axe users, it's mighty indeed. ______________________________________________________________________________ When you have beaten all the bosses, you can access the teleporter to the next floor, which you'll have seen on the way to the Iron Giant. __________________________ ____B10___________________________________________/ Depths [WPED10] | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Dust Mousse, 1 Bomb King | | Remedy | | 1 Coeurl Legina, 1 Bomb King | | Phoenix Down | | 1 Coeurl Legina, 2 Black Flan | | Black Garb | | 1 Deathmask | | X-Potion | | 1 Worst Malboro | \______________/ | 1 Dust Mousse, 3 Black Flan | | 2 Bomb King | ? | \_______________________________/ You'll start seeing Deathmasks here. They start off by reflecting themselves and then reflecting your entire party. Afterwards, they proceed to bounce Flare and Holy spells off themselves and onto your party, or Cure spells off your party and onto themselves. Not much to do except Slow them with a Spider Silk and beat on them until they die. They've got a lot of HP, so it's best to just run from them for now. They very rarely drop Phase Helms, the best headgear for Calca and Brina. From the start, you have a choice of east or south. Go east first and follow the path to two chests for a *REMEDY* and a *PHOENIX DOWN*. Go back to the start and head south and down the stairs. You have some doorways to the east, but ignore them for now. Follow the southern path to a doorway. Enter the doorway here to grab a chest containing a *BLACK GARB*. This is a nice, high-evade armor for ninjas, but I still prefer the stat boosts of the Brave Suit. Go back to the doorways we ignored. The left and right ones are linked by a secret passage, so enter the middle one. This room has a chest containing an *X-POTION*. Leave the room and continue east. Go down the stairs and follow the path to the reach the next floor. _________________ ____B11____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------+ |------------------+ | 1 Dust Mousse, 1 Bomb King | | Cottage | | 1 Dust Mousse, 3 Black Flan | | Silver Hourglass | | 1 Coeurl Legina, 1 Bomb King | | Crystal Mail | | 1 Coeurl Legina, 2 Black Flan | \__________________/ | 1 Worst Malboro | | 1 Worst Malboro, 1 Dust Mousse | | 1 Deathmask | | ? | \________________________________/ Go east and down the stairs. Go down another staircase, then head west and go down yet another staircase. Here you can go east or down another staircase. Since we're so good at going down staircases, ignore the east path for now and go down the staircase. Head a bit west, and for a change in pace, go up another staircase. Grab the two chests here for a *COTTAGE* and a *SILVER HOURGLASS*. Go back and take the east path and you'll come to another staircase. Go down it. Go east from there to grab *CRYSTAL MAIL* from a chest. This is a nice heavy armor that can protect from some status ailments. From the Crystal Mail chest, go all the way west/southwest to reach a doorway that leads to the next area. _________________ ____B12____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |--------------------------------+ |------------+ | 2 Bomb King | | Ribbon | | 1 Dust Mousse, 1 Bomb King | | Dry Ether | | 1 Dust Mousse, 3 Black Flan | | X-Potion | | 1 Coeurl Legina, 1 Bomb King | \____________/ | 1 Coeurl Legina, 2 Black Flan | | 2 Worst Malboro | | 1 Worst Malboro, 1 Dust Mousse | | 1 Deathmask | \________________________________/ Go south and enter the teleported to reach a chest with a *RIBBON*, then head back to the start and go east. Follow the path until you have a choise of north or south. Go north to reach a chest with a *DRY ETHER*, then go south. Walk into a nice to pass under the archway and reach a teleporter. This leads to the next set of bosses, so ignore it for now. Head west past the teleporter and follow the long winding path all the way to a chest containing an *X-POTION*. __________________________ ____B12 - Boss Area_______________________________/ Depths [WPEFF3] | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------+ |----------------+ | 1 Duke Malboro | | Thor Hammer | | 1 Proto Deathmask | | Holy Lance | | 1 Fiend Dragon | | Perseus Arrows | | 1 Crystal Dragon | | Perseus Bow | | 1 Catoblepas | | Masamune | | 1 Chimera Geist | \________________/ \___________________/ Monsters here are range from obnoxious to unintentionally easy. Duke Malboros often counter physical attacks with Poison Gas, which poisons your party. If you spam the attack button on all characters, you should be able to kill it without it doing anything but Poison Gas. If it manages to get a turn, it can use a full-party Bad Breath and full-party Constrict as well as Heal itself for about 3000, so watch out. Crystal dragons always counter everything with Stop. It is also weak to thrown weapons, so Edge with a boomerang is a good choice. If you spam attack on it, you should defeat it without a scratch. Catoblepas use an all-party confuse attack. This is very bad if you have no protection from confusion (via Ribbons, etc). Edge or Tsukinowa + Smoke is the best way to handle these fights. Proto Deathmasks, like Deathmasks, Reflect themselves and your entire party, then proceed to bounce nasty spells off themselves. If you use X-Potions to heal, you can eventually physical attack them to death. Summons or Meteor will ignore Reflect too. Fiend Dragons are a bit stronger than Gold and Silver Dragons, but otherwise you pretty much fight them the same way. Chimera Geists have a lot of HP and can triple-attack. This kinda sucks. Use powerful attacks to beat them quickly. Head north and up two sets of stairs. You'll see a path to the east and west which both lead to a crystal and a boss fight. Two staircases to your north each lead to a save point and an Interdimensional Elevator. East and west paths from there each lead to a crystal and a boss fight. The center stairs lead to the currently inactive teleporter to B13. All the crystals are linked by paths on the north end of the floor. From left to right, the crystals contain: Cerberus, Twinhead Dragon, Echidna, and Ahriman, all bosses from Final Fantasy 3. I'm going to present them in that order, though you can fight them in any order you wish. _________________ ____Cerberus_______________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Cerberus is in the leftmost crystal. Use a Spider Silk or Slow right away. Cerberus takes three actions every turn. These will be an -aga spell cast on the whole party or a physical attack. If you ahve gear that reduces all elements, the damage from the -aga spells will be pretty weak. Shell and Protect your party and you shouldn't have too much difficulty. Definitely Haste your healer to aid in this. Protect weaker (physically) party members with Blink. He counters nothing, so attack away at your leisure and feel free to use Flare, -aga spells, Leviathan, and other powerful attacks. When you defeat him, a chest will appear containing the *THOR HAMMER*, which gives +10 strength and casts Blitz when used. _________________ ____Twinhead Dragon________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Twinhead Dragon is in the left-center crystal. As usual, Spider Silk or Slow him right away. He gets two actions per turn. He'll use a mix of physical attacks and -aga spells, and uses the -aga spells on one character. It counter attacks physical attacks with Constrict, so keep Esuna handy. Sometimes it'll double attack instead of contstricting. You'll want to haste your healer at the very least and shell your party when you get a chance. Blink will help protect your weaker fighters. Use strong attacks like Flare, Holy, Leviathan and band attacks to reduce the number of times it uses constrict. When you defeat it, a chest will appear containing a *HOLY LANCE*, the best spear in the game. _________________ ____Echidna________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Echidna is in the right-center crystal. You'll want to use Float on the party before fighting her. Spider Silk or Slow right away. She uses Quake, Flare, and Death. You can Reflect your party and use X-Potions to heal if Flare and Death are a problem. She also uses physical attacks. If you don't reflect, maintain blink on your party and just attack and use your most powerful attacks. Revive anyone killed by Death or Flare. Since she doesn't have any attacks that hit your whole party, chances of a party wipe are pretty low (unless you don't have anyone that can cast float, that is). When she dies, two chests will appear containing *PERSEUS ARROWS* and a *PERSUES BOW*, the strongest bow and arrows in the game. They give Spirit +10, so they aren't bad for a healer if you feel you won't miss the extra 5 Spirit the Seraphim Mace would give. _________________ ____Ahriman________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Ahriman is in the rightmost crystal. He has a simple attack pattern: * If no party members are Doomed, cast Doom on the party. * If any party members are Doomed, cast Haste on a random party member. Immediately use Slow or Spider Silk on him, then kill off one doomed party member. Revive them (don't bother healing) and start wailing on Ahriman with your most powerful attacks. When the doomed members start dying, revive them with the character who isn't doomed and repeat the process until he's dead. Super easy. ______________________________________________________________________________ When you have beaten all the bosses, you can access the teleporter to the next floor, which is north across the large staircase by the save point. __________________________ ____B13___________________________________________/ Depths [WPED13] | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------+ |------------+ | 1 Duke Malboro | | Remedy | | 1 Proto Deathmask | | X-Potion | | 1 Fiend Dragon | \____________/ | 1 Crystal Dragon | | 1 Catoblepas | | 1 Chimera Geist | \___________________/ Monsters here and for awhile are the same as the last area. Head southwest and go down the stairs you find. From here you can go vaguely easy or vaguely south. Go vaguely south first and you'll come to a chest containing a *REMEDY*. Go back to the stairs and this time go eastish. You'll be able to soon go southish to a doorway or northish. Go northish first and follow the path to a chest containing an *X-POTION*. Go down to the doorway I mentioned a bit ago and enter it to find yourself on the next floor. __________________________ ____B14 - Tunnels_________________________________/ Depths [WPEFF5] | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Duke Malboro | | Dry Ether | | 1 Proto Deathmask | | Lunar Mail | | 1 Fiend Dragon | | White Fang | | 1 Crystal Dragon | | Hero's Shield | | 1 Catoblepas | \_______________/ | 1 Chimera Geist | \___________________/ More of the same monsters. B14 is huge. This is the first section of it. Go west initially and pick up a *DRY ETHER* from a chest, then go east and follow the path until it forks. take the northwest fork to reach a room. Enter it and grab the chest for a *LUNAR MAIL*, which is only equippable by those with Lunarian Blood (Cecil, Ceodore, and Golbez). This is a pretty nice armor, though it doesn't have the status immunities of the Crystal Mail. Head back out of the room and go back to where the path forked. Head south and you'll soon come to another fork that is east and south. To the south is an area with a little machine walking around. This is the optional super-boss, Omega. You should probably not fight him right now, but here is the gist of how to fight him. _________________ ____Omega__________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | He uses Reflect on himself, and will often use Omeguard (about every third times he is hit), which causes the next two hits to do no damage to him. His physical attack does about 4000 damage. His Arm attack deals some damage and confuses the target, so keep Esuna handy, or go in with confusion protection on as many characters as possible (via Ribbons, etc). Electromagnetic Radiation inflicts a super Stop status on you that cannot be removed, so you just have to wait that out. Surge Cannon will do damage to the whole party and inflict Sap status (ie: what Bio does). To add insult to injury, he can also use Maelstrom to reduce your party to single-digit HP. He has Thermal Rays and Flamethrower as well, among other less significant attacks. Your physical attackers should not use Holy Weapons are any element except lightning; use Lightning or nuetral elements. You can use Summons or Meteor to ignore his reflect. Two-character bands that break damage limit are also useful. When he puts up Omeguard, smack him with two quick, weak attacks, then use three powerful attacks (Flare, Meteor, Bahamut, two-character limit-breaking bands) and repeat. Oh, before doing this, you'll want to Slow him with Spider Silks a total of 4 times. Your healer needs to focus on Healing, but if you can throw in some hastes now and again, do so. It's best to have your healer hasted, in any case. He'll occasionally use Black Hole and wipe out all your buffs, but his Slow status seems to stick. Do not be afraid to use Elixirs and Megalixirs (if you have any from the Lunarian's second Challenge Dungeon) in this fight. Of all fights, this is probably where you'd want to use them. For defeating Omega, you get the *HERO'S SHIELD*, which gives +5 to all stats and has a 45 Evasion and 10 Magic Evasion. ______________________________________________________________________________ Take the east fork to soon reach another fork. Go southwest to grab a *WHITE FANG* from a chest, and go southeast to reach the next section of this floor. _________________ ____B14 - Ruins____________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Duke Malboro | | X-Potion | | 1 Proto Deathmask | | Remedy | | 1 Fiend Dragon | | Excalipar | | 1 Crystal Dragon | | Lunar Shield | | 1 Catoblepas | | Ragnarok | | 1 Chimera Geist | \______________/ \___________________/ More of the same monsters. Head west from the start, passing through the stone archways, and you'll find two chests containing an *X-POTION* and a *REMEDY*. Head back to the start and take the east path, through the stone archways, and you'll find a room with a crystal and an Interdimensional Elevator. It's not a bad idead to use the elevator to return to B1 and save. Speak to the crystal to trigger a boss fight. _________________ ____Gilgamesh______________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Slow him right away as is the norm. He can use Bad Breath and Venemous Gas and Quake, though will often just physically attack. Flaot to avoid the quake and have Esuna ready for the Bad Breath. Use your powerful attacks to him, as you're used to doing by now. He doesn't counter attack, so go all out. the occasionaly Curaja or X-Potion is enough for healing. If he slows you, use Haste to replace it. Feel free to Blink your party members if his physical attacks are too powerful for your levels. At about 25% HP left, he'll complain and suddenly Protect, Shell, and Haste himself. Cast Slow or use a Spider Silk again and go all out with your attacks. He'll now start doing quad attacks, which can add up. He also has a Penetrating Laser attack now, which seems to ignore your defense. You'll win the *EXCALIPAR* sword for beating him, which has an immense 1 Atk and is utterly useless. ______________________________________________________________________________ Rest at the save point Gilgamesh leaves behind for a scene with Kain and Ceodore (and Rosa!). Kain and Ceodore will learn Double Jump, which is a very nice limit-breaking band. Exit the room to the south, and head south through the stone archways. While you'll under the arch, you can go south or west. Go south first, and walk across the air to an island with a chest containing the *LUNAR SHIELD*, which is nice for Cecil, Ceodore, or Golbez. It gives +5 to Speed. had back and take the west path under the arch. Follow this to a small island and then enter another stone archway. Here, you can go south to reach the door to the next section of B14, or go west to reach a large island with a chest. The chest hides the powerful Lord Dragon, aka Shinryu. He is an optional-superboss. _________________ ____Lord Dragon____________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | He'll start off with Tidal Wave, which can do 4000 dmage to all party members. Slow him right away and start reviving everyone. In his repetoire is Doom, Flare, Thermal Rays and Maelstorm. He absorbs Holy element, so avoid using those. if he uses Cursed Elegy on the party, start Hasting them all to counter the party-wide slow effect of the move. Multiple slows/spider silks on him will help. You need to use your most powerful attacks here and always have your healer ready to act if you aren't doing anything else. For beating Lord Dragon, you win *RAGNAROK*, a powerful holy sword that Cecil, Ceodore, and Kain can use. ______________________________________________________________________________ Whether or not you've fought Lord Dragon, exit south to the next area. _________________ ____B14 - Maze_____________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | This place is a strange, looping maze. No matter which way you wander, you'll eventually either come back to this entrance, or arrive at a door with a strange, horrific mouth on it. Here's one way to get there: Take the stairs to the west, then walk west on the platform and take the first stairs south. Then go south down some more stairs, then west, then up some stairs to reach the horror door. Examine it to more to the next area. _________________ ____B14 - Twisted Space____________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Another maze-like, looping area. It's pretty easy to reach the crystal. Here's my preferred way: Go east, down a staircase, east some more and down another staircase. Go west from there and south to reach another staircase. From there, go all the way east (ignoring some stairs to the south), then go north and up some stairs to reach the crystal. Examine it for a fight. _________________ ____Atomos_________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Use Spider Silk or Slow right away. Atmos usually casts Meteor on its turn, but will rarely throw in Firaga or Tornado for kicks. His Meteor isn't as powerful as some. During the Waxing Moon or with a quad Shell, he's a pushover. Use Flare and Holy and he'll die soon enough. _________________ ____B14 - Interior_________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------+ |---------------+ | 1 Duke Malboro | | Robe of Lords | | 1 Proto Deathmask | \_______________/ | 1 Fiend Dragon | | 1 Crystal Dragon | | 1 Catoblepas | | 1 Chimera Geist | \___________________/ After defeating atomos, You'll be in the interior of B14. It looks a lot like the Maze section, except it doesn't loop now. There is a doorway on the north end of the map that leads back to the earlier sections of B14. To your south is a chest containing the *ROBE OF LORDS*, which resists all elements and boosts Spirit; ideal for your healer. You are also conveniently standing next to the doorway to B15. __________________________ ____B15 - North___________________________________/ Depths [WPEFF6] | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |-------------------+ |--------------+ | 1 Duke Malboro | | Lunar Gloves | | 1 Proto Deathmask | | Elixir | | 1 Fiend Dragon | | Mutsunokami | | 1 Crystal Dragon | | X-Potion | | 1 Catoblepas | | Elixir | | 1 Chimera Geist | | Knife | \___________________/ \______________/ More of the same monsters. Yawn. Next to you is an Interdimensional Elevator. Head east to reach a save point. Rest here for a scene with Edge, Cecil, Rydia, and Edward. Head east from there and you'll see a little niche in the south wall that is obviously a tunnel opening. Go a little further east though, and you can go south into a secret passage, out a doorway, and across some air to a chest containing *LUNAR GLOVES*. These are a good accessory for Ceodore, Cecil, and Golbez as they give +5 Strength. I still prefer Giant's Gloves, if available. Go back to the north and walk into the niche. As you head south through the tunnel, divert yourself to the west to reach a chest that is a Monster-in-a- Box with a Worst Malboro. You'll win an *ELIXIR*. Go back and keep heading south through the tunnel and go down the stairs. You'll see a doorway to your left, but head south to reach a crystal and a boss fight. _________________ ____Ghost Train____________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Slow him right away with the spell or a Spider Silk. No instant-kill Phoenix Down in this game, unfortunately. Curaja will be your best attack against him and should deal 9999 damage or close. Flare is also nice to use. Use Holy element weapons (Holy Lance, Excalibur, Lustrous Sword, Godhand, etc) and he'll take great damage from physical attacks as well. His attacks can hit a bit hard, but nothing really threatens a party wipe. Wheel is the worst attack, physically, but it only his one target. He can also use doom. In anycase, with Curaja and Holy weapons, this is really a pretty easy fight. When you beat him, a chest will appear containing the *MUTSUNOKAMI*, the best Katana in the game, which gives +10 Strength and casts Blink when used. With Mutsunokami and Rising Sun, Edge or Tsukinowa is a mighty powerhouse. ______________________________________________________________________________ Go back north and head through the doorway we ignored. You'll be in a small room. Grab the chest here for an *X-POTION*, then head to the west side of the room. Ignore the door to the south and go north through another doorway to reach a chest that is a Monster-in-a-Box fight with a Worst Malboro. You'll win an *ELIXIR*. Go back into the room and this tiem take the doorway to the south. Head a bit further south and you'll find another crystal. Examine it for a boss fight. _________________ ____Ultros_________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Slow him right away and cast float on your party, since he uses Quake. Ultros has two attack forms. In his first, he'll take a lot of damage from Firaga (and Blast, with Edge). Holy does okay damage. He'll counter physical attacks with Constrict, so keep Esuna handy and only use strong band attacks with your fighting types. After enough damage is dealt, he'll 'change'... at least according to the battle message. At this point, Fire magic will cause him to counter attack with a powerful Tidal Wave attack. He'll counter other magic by casting the same spell on whomever cast it. Holy will heal him. So stop casting fire magic on him and start being devious. Reflect your black mage and have your black mage use Flare on Ultros. Ultros will counter with Flare and Reflect it onto himself. He won't constrict anymore now, so have your attackers attack. Watch out for his multi-hit tentacle attack, but note that once in this form, he's not too far from death. You'll win the *KNIFE* from this fight. This is the best throwing weapon in the game (not to be confused with the Knife that is a 7 Atk Dagger). Throw this with Edge for massive damage... once. ______________________________________________________________________________ Return to the save point to heal, then walk striaght south from the save point all the way to the teleporter that leads to the next section of B15. __________________________ ____B15 - South___________________________________/ Depths [WPEFF6] | Finale | | Monsters - Exterior | | Treasure | |-----------------------+ |---------------+ | Death Gaze | | Dry Ether | \_______________________/ | Ultima Weapon | | Monsters - Interior | | Remedy | |-----------------------+ | Light Curtain | | 1 Duke Malboro | | Dualcast* | | 1 Proto Deathmask | \_______________/ | 1 Fiend Dragon | *Not actually an item. | 1 Crystal Dragon | | 1 Catoblepas | | 1 Chimera Geist | \_______________________/ You'll randomly excounter Death Gaze, and optional, but not really super, boss that you may remember from Final Fantasy 6. _________________ ____Death Gaze_____________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Slow him to begin the fight. He will randomly run away during the fight, but does not heal in between fights. He'll begin with a mass Death attack on your party. This will usually miss your characters, but some may die. Revive them and continue on. Flare and Holy do very nice damage to him. He is also weak to thrown weapons. Sometimes he will counter attack physical attacks with a physical attack, so you may want to Blink if you find it is too much for you. Overall, it's not hard to stay healed, unless you manage to have everyone killed by Death. Lunar Mail protects from Instant Death though, so at least one character should always survive unless you aren't using Ceodore, Cecil, or Golbez. When he's finally dead you get... nothing. Yet. (Read on in this floor) ______________________________________________________________________________ Head south from the start and you'll have a choose of left, right, or center staircases. Take the left on and follow the path to a chest containing a *DRY ETHER*. Go back and take the center stairs (the right stairs lead to a dead end). You will find a glowing crystal. This houses the optional super-boss, Ultima Weapon. You may want to wait for this, though I find him to be easier than the other super bosses. _________________ ____Ultima Weapon__________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Slow him right away. He likes to use Flare and Crush. Crush, if it hits, will kill you instantly. He mostly uses physical attacks, so get Blink up on your party and make sure you Haste your healer and eventually everyone else. He likes to use a Laser attack that will pretty much always kill its target. It can also use Maelstrom (reduces party to single digits), so keep ready to Curaja. Thermal Rays will also hurt pretty bad, but is recoverable. You want Haste for this fight. Maintain Blink. Use Meteor if you can, though Flare or later on Bahamut will work too. Use limit-breaking bands such as Double Jump. Your goal is to deal damage as fast as possible. If someone dies to Laser, just revive them and rebuff them as soon as you can. Try to stay at full HP with everyone. Eventually Ultima Weapon will charge up and cast Meteor soon afterwards. This will hurt. You'll want a quad-Shell on your party to have a chance of survival. When you will, you will recieve the *ULTIMA WEAPON* sword, which is the best sword in the game at 180 Attack and +10 to Strength, Speed, and Stamina. ______________________________________________________________________________ Whether or not you fought Ultima Weapon, head south from the crystal's spot and down the stairs. The nearby stairs lead down to a teleporter to the next floor. Ignore them for now and go southeast to a doorway and enter the room. Grab the chest for a *REMEDY*, then head east and go outside. Head north and grab the *LIGHT CURTAIN* from the chest. You'll notice two crystals a bit to the south. Step into the gap between them and walk along a secret bridge to a small island with a crystal. If you defeated Death Gaze, this crystal will provide Dual Cast to Palom, Porom, or Leonora (they need not be in your party). If you do not plan to max out your characters or you do not have Leonora, I recommend you give this to Porom. The ability to cast two buffs (like Haste or Blink) or Curaja and a Buff, or two Curajas is incredibly useful. Much more useful that casting two Meteors (which takes forever). A high-level Leonora also has the flexibility of mixing an matching white and black magic when you don't need two white magic spells. Regardless of what you do, head to the next floor using the teleporter in the southwest part of the floor. __________________________ ____B16___________________________________________/ Depths [WPED16] | Finale | | Monsters | |---------------------------+ | 1 Proto Deathmask | | 1 Full Body, 1 Deathmask | | 1 Right Arm, 1 Left Arm | | 1 Right Foot, 1 Left Foot | \___________________________/ Note: Do a note about monsters Weird. No music? Very simple floor. Walk it to the next one. _________________ ____B17____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | |---------------------------+ | 1 Proto Deathmask | | 1 Full Body, 1 Deathmask | | 1 Right Arm, 1 Left Arm | | 1 Right Foot, 1 Left Foot | \___________________________/ More of the same monsters. Another very small, straightforward floor. _________________ ____B18____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | |---------------------------+ | 1 Proto Deathmask | | 1 Full Body, 1 Deathmask | | 1 Right Arm, 1 Left Arm | | 1 Right Foot, 1 Left Foot | \___________________________/ More of the same monsters. Mostly striaghtforward. You'll want to take a side trip to a purple teleporter so that you can reach the chest, which contains a *LUNAR HELM*. It raises Intellect and Spirit by 3 and is for those of lunarian blood. Go back to the main path and follow it to the next floor. _________________ ____B19____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | |---------------------------+ | 1 Proto Deathmask | | 1 Full Body, 1 Deathmask | | 1 Right Arm, 1 Left Arm | | 1 Right Foot, 1 Left Foot | \___________________________/ More of the same monsters. Another straightforward floor, though not quite as small. __________________________ ____B20___________________________________________/ Depths [WPED20] | Finale | Head north of the entrance and across a bridge to reach a save point and an Interdimensional Elevator. If Rydia is not in your party, put her in your party now. She is required for the next part. I suggest a Waxing Moon. Head north and you'll encounter the Mysterious Girl, who summons Bahamut! _________________ ____Mysterious Girl & Bahamut______________________________/ Depths | Finale | Use Spider Silk or Slow on Bahamut immediately. You cannot affect the Mysterious Girl at all. The Mysterious Girl uses a variety of magic to assault you. Bahamut will count down from 5. When he hits 0, he will Megaflare your party. It is survivable if you have enough HP or protection. Use strong magic like Leviathan, Holy, Flare, or Meteor. Cast Float on the party as the Mysterious Girl can use Quake. If it's Waxing Moon, she should be no real worry. If you are low-leveled, Shell can help a lot if you cast it four times. Haste your party, starting with your healer. After you deal enough damage, Asura and then Leviathan will try to talk sense into Bahamut and or smack him around. They only get a Megaflare to the face as a result. Nonetheless, something worked and Bahamut will turn on the Mysterious Girl. ______________________________________________________________________________ Afterwards, you'll be able to summon Bahamut with Rydia from now on. Continue north to reach the next floor. __________________________ ____B21___________________________________________/ Depths [WPED21] | Finale | | Monsters | |------------+ | 2 Maenad | | ? | \____________/ You'll encounter Maenads here. They look like the Mysterious Girl, but are a bit weaker than you might expect. It's best just to run from them to save time. This is a corridor. Walk all the way north to the next area. _________________ ____B22____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Monsters | | Treasure | |------------+ |------------+ | 2 Maenad | | X-Potion | | ? | | Dry Ether | \____________/ \____________/ A big room. East and West rooms have chests. Grab them for an *X-POTION* and a *DRY ETHER*. Go north up the middle to the next floor. _________________ ____B23____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | You can talk to the eight Mysterious Girl NPCs here for a little bit of information. They aren't hostile. _________________ ____B24____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | This is a large room with lots of Maenads/Mysterious Girls in pods. At the north end of the room, just a bit left of center is a flashing pod with a young Maenad. Examine it to free her and give her orders. A doorway will open in the center of the wall. Go inside. _________________ ____B25____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | | Treasure | |------------+ | Crystal x8 | \____________/ This is a large room with lots of crystals. Examine all of them. Eight of them are your planet's crystals and you need them for the final boss. There is an Interdimensional Elevator at the north end of the room and a save point in the center. Exit to the north when ready. __________________________ ____B26___________________________________________/ Depths [WPED26] | Finale | An empty, curvy, linear floor. Follow it to its end. _________________ ____B27____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | An empty, curvy, linear floor. Follow it to its end. _________________ ____B28____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | An empty, curvy, linear floor. Follow it to its end. _________________ ____B29____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Head south and you'll find an Interdimensional Elevator and a save point. Go south down the looooooong bridge to reach the last floor... (Oh and you probably want it to be Waxing Moon) __________________________ ____Bottommost Depths_____________________________/ Depths [WPEEND] | Finale | Head all the way north and you'll find a weight alien-looking thing that you decide you must beat up. _________________ ____???____________________________________________________/ Depths | Finale | Beat it up. Eventually it'll open and start Draining and Osmosing you. This can be largely ignored while you continue to beat it up until it breaks. ______________________________________________________________________________ Some cut scenes here before another boss fight! _________________ ____Creator - Researcher Form______________________________/ Depths | Finale | He'll start off with Auto-Reflect. He can counter with Flare and Blinding Flare, the latter of which paralyzes one character. His pattern is that he always does the next thing in the pattern after you attack him. I'll write down the pattern for the next revision (unless I forget! :D) Use strong attacks like Bahamut and Double Jump (Ceodore, Kain) and keep healed and hasted. He's not too difficult. ______________________________________________________________________________ More cut scenes and the boss transforms! _________________ ____Creator - Humanoid Form________________________________/ Depths | Finale | He now uses Meteor, Holy, and Flare and Blinding Glare. Slow him and Haste yourself. If it is Waxing Moon, these will be managable, though at lower levels, you'll want to try to put up four Shells on the party. Just use powerful attacks like Bahamut, Meteor, Holy, and Limit-Breaking Bands. ______________________________________________________________________________ More cut scene. The creator will start rampaging. You'll get into a battle, but all your attacks will do nothing. Just let him fly down and destroy you. There will be more cut scenes and your party will be revived and the real battle will begin. _________________ ____Creator - Alien/Angel Form_____________________________/ Depths | Finale | All your attacks will still do nothing. But you have Crystals! Use a crystal as an item (it's probably at the bottom of your item list) and his defenses will be destroyed. Now you can fight like normal. Use Slow/Spider Silk. He's got some power now and will also use Black Hole to erase your buffs from time to times, so make sure you re-haste as needed. Metastasis hits the Creator for 3000 damage. (Huh?) Multiply hits your whole party for about 1250 damage. Split hits one party member for around 5000 damage (probably killing him/her) Transform shifts its elemental weakness. Regenerate heals him for 9999 or so. He can also Quake, so you may want to Float if you aren't busy healing or hasting. (Dualcast on a healer is very useful!) He also has some status spells that are annoying, but you've probably got a bunch of status-protecting gear on anyway. When he glows purple, he's going to use an Explode attack which deals about 1500-2000 to the party. Because he uses Transform, avoid using elemental attacks and bands. Focus on Bahamut, Meteow, and bands that break limits (Double Jump!). If you can stay healed, he should go down. ______________________________________________________________________________ Afterwards, you'll be told to run. Go into your menu and swap your formation so that your back row is your front row and vice versa. Start running out of the depths. At various points you'll get back-attacked by the Creator Smack it around. All it's attacks are going to hurt itself and possibly one or more party members. You should easily be able to stay healed since it doesn't do much damage. After enough hitting, it'll run away. When you reach the young Maenad, you'll get into another Creator fight. From this point on, the Maenads will eventually come in to slow down the Creator while you escape with the Young Maenad. Eventually as you run out of the Depths, the Creator will be destroyed and you can sit back and watch the ending. After the credits, you can save finish data, but all it does is let you see a crystal in your save file. Unfortunately, all items used in the last fight will no longer be in your inventory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *-------------------------------------* |5 |Item and Monster Lists [TAYLISTS] | *-------------------------------------* Locations are given as [Location Name]/[Tale]. The 'Found On' section for equipment lists which characters begin equipped with the item. These are given as [Character Name]/[Tale]. Locations without a Tale tag are in the final tale's dungeons. It's easier that way. Challenge Dungeon listings that end in (Final) mean the items is found in the final treasure for that dungeon. Drop rarities are listed as: C : Common 64 in 256 (1 in 4) U : Uncommon 32 in 256 (1 in 8) R : Rare 16 in 256 (1 in 16) VR: Very Rare 1 in 256 ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 5.1 Consumable Items [ITMCON] )----------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Locations are given as [Location Name]/[Tale]. The 'Found On' section for equipment lists which characters begin equipped with the item. These are given as [Character Name]/[Tale]. Locations without a Tale tag are in the final tale's dungeons. It's easier that way. Challenge Dungeon listings that end in (Final) mean the items is found in the final treasure for that dungeon. Drop rarities are listed as: C : Common 64 in 256 (1 in 4) U : Uncommon 32 in 256 (1 in 8) R : Rare 16 in 256 (1 in 16) VR: Very Rare 1 in 256 _____________________ _______________________________________________________/ Restorative [CIRES] | Potion Effect: Restores a small amount of HP Hi-Potion Effect: Restores a moderate amount of HP X-Potion Effect: Restores a large amount of HP Ether Effect: Restores a small amount of MP Dry Ether Effect: Restores a moderate amount of MP Elixir Effect: Fully restores HP and MP Dropped By: Deathmask (R), Dust Mousse (R), Flan Princess (U), Full Body (R), Left Arm (R), Left Foor (R), Right Arm (R), Right Foot (R) Megalixir Effect: Fully restores all allies' HP and MP Dropped By: Great Malboro (R), Sahagin Prince (R) Tent Effect: Restores HP and MP for entire party (can be used in the field) 1000 HP and 100 MP to all. Cottage Effect: Fully restores HP and MP for entire party (can be used in the field) Alarm Clock Effect: A clock that cures Sleep for all allies Antidote Effect: Cures Poison Cross Effect: Cures Curse Diet Ration Effect: Cures Pig Echo Herbs Effect: Cures Silence Eye Drops Effect: Cures Blind Gnomish Bread Effect: Bread with the same effect as the spell Sight Gold Needle Effect: Cures Petrify Maiden's Kiss Effect: Cures Toad Mallet Effect: Cures Mini Phoenix Down Effect: Cures KO Remedy Effect: Cures all status ailments except KO Unicorn Horn Effect: A horn that cures Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, and Berserk for all allies _________________________ ___________________________________________________/ Stat Increasing [CISUP] | Discovery Book Effect: Raises max MP by 50 Dropped By: Game Designer Golden Apple Effect: Raises max HP by 100 Dropped By: Clockwork Dragon (VR), Elite Trooper (VR), Fiend Dragon (VR), Thunder Dragon (4) (VR) Silver Apple Effect: Raises max HP by 50 Dropped By: Alligator (VR), Count Malboro (VR), Crocodile (VR), Flaygator (VR), Flood Worm (VR), Gigas Gator (VR), Gold Dragon (1) (VR), Lilith (R), Ruhk (VR), Sand Worm (VR), Silver Dragon (VR), Thunder Dragon (1,2) (R), Tunneler (VR), Zu (VR) Soma Drop Effect: Raises max MP by 10 Dropped By: Bog Witch (R), Chaos Knight (R), Dark Sage (VR), Duke Malboro, Dust Mousse (VR), Gavel Worm (VR), Great Malboro (R), High Wizard (R), Malboro (VR), Worst Malboro (R) _______________________ _____________________________________________________/ Summon Spells [CISMN] | Bomb Effect: Allows Rydia to learn Bomb Dropped By: Balloon (VR), Bomb King (VR), Dark Grenade (VR) Chocobo Effect: Allows Rydia to learn Chocobo Found : Chocobo Forest west of Damcyan - Gathering Tale Cockatrice Effect: Allows Rydia to learn Cockatrice Dropped By: Cliff Eagle (VR), Cockatrice (VR), Fledgling Ruhk (VR), Gil Bird (VR), Helldiver (VR), Thunderbird (VR) Goblin Effect: Allows Rydia to learn Goblin Dropped By: Goblin (VR), Goblin Prince (VR) Mindflayer Effect: Allows Rydia to learn Mindflayer Dropped By: Mindflayer (VR), Will Priest (VR) ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Combat [CICBT] | Antarctic Wind Effect: A stone with the same effect as the spell Blizzard Arctic Wind Effect: A stone with the same effect as the spell Blizzara Bacchus's Wind Effect: Wine with the same effect as the spell Berserk Blue Fang Effect: A tooth from a lightning-breathing dragon Bomb Core Effect: A bomb that causes damage in exchange for the user's life Bomb Crank Effect: Has the same effect as the spell Fira Bomb Fragment Effect: Has the same effect as the spell Fire Bronze Hourglass Effect: An hourglass that casts the spell Stop for a short period of time Coeurl Whisker Effect: A whisker with the same effect as the spell Death Decoy Effect: A doll with the same effect as the spell Blink Gaia Drum Effect: A drum with the same effect as the spell Quake Gold Hourglass Effect: An hourglass that casts the spell Stop for a long period of time Heavenly Wrath Effect: A status with the same effect as the spell Thundara Hermes Sandals Effect: Shoes with the same effect as the spell Haste Light Curtain Effect: A curtain with the same effect as the spell Reflect Lilith's Kiss Effect: A statue with the same effect as the spell Osmose Lunar Curtain Effect: A curtain that negates direct attacks & also casts Reflect Red Fang Effect: A tooth from a fire-breathing dragon Silent Bell Effect: A bell with the same effect as the spell Silence Silver Hourglass Effect: An hourglass that casts the spell Stop for a moderate period of time Spider Silk Effect: Thread with the same effect as the spell Slow Stardust Effect: Sand with the same effect as the spell Comet Vampire Fang Effect: A fang with the same effect as the spell Drain White Fang Effect: A tooth from an ice-breathing dragon Zeus's Wrath Effect: A statue with the same effect as the spell Thunder ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 5.2 Weapons [ITMWEAP] )------------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Locations are given as [Location Name]/[Tale]. The 'Found On' section for equipment lists which characters begin equipped with the item. These are given as [Character Name]/[Tale]. Locations without a Tale tag are in the final tale's dungeons. It's easier that way. Challenge Dungeon listings that end in (Final) mean the items is found in the final treasure for that dungeon. Drop rarities are listed as: C : Common 64 in 256 (1 in 4) U : Uncommon 32 in 256 (1 in 8) R : Rare 16 in 256 (1 in 16) VR: Very Rare 1 in 256 ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Arrows [WPARW] | Angel Arrows - 40 Attack 0% Accuracy Can confuse enemies Dropped By: Lamia (VR), Lamia Matriarch (VR) Purchased : Found : Ancient Castle/Kain Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Artemis Arrows - 75 Attack 0% Accuracy Effective against dragons Dropped By: Black Flan (VR), Lunar Virus (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Blinding Arrows - 20 Attack 0% Accuracy Can blind enemies Dropped By: Shadow Dragon (U) Purchased : Kaipo/Kain, Baron/Kain, Troia/Gather Found : Mt. Ordeals/Porom Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Fire Arrows - 15 Attack 0% Accuracy Element: Fire Dropped By: Chimera (C), Chimera Brain (C), Flamehound (C), Melt Golem (C) Purchased : Mist/Kain, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom Found : Passage of the Eidolons/Porom Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Holy Arrows - 10 Attack 0% Accuracy Element: Holy Effective against ghosts and undead Dropped By: Selene Guardian (C) Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Troia/Edge, Mist/Porom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Tower of Trials/Palom, Dwarven Castle/Porom Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Ice Arrows - 15 Attack 0% Accuracy Element: Cold Dropped By: Frostbeast (C), Ice Lizard (C), Hydro Golem (C) Purchased : Mist/Kain, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom Found : Troia Waterway/Palom, Tower of Trials/Edge, Porom's CD Field Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Iron Arrows - 5 Attack 0% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Dwarven Castle/Rydia, Tomra/Rydia, Kaipo/Porom Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Lightning Arrows - 15 Attack 0% Accuracy Element: Lightning Effective against machines Dropped By: Blast Golem (C), Clockwork Soldier (C), Lesser Marilith (C), Proto Clockwork (C), Storm Anima (C) Purchased : Mist/Kain, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom Found : Troia Waterway/Palom, Underground Waterway/Porom Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Medusa Arrows - 1 Attack 0% Accuracy Can petrify enemies Dropped By: Black Lizard (U), Catoblepas (U), Gorgon (U), Medusa (U), Stone Golem (U) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Perseus Arrows - 80 Attack 0% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Poison Arrows - 30 Attack 0% Accuracy Can poison enemies Dropped By: Ettin Snake (R), Hydra (R), Malboro (R), Mizuchi (R), Naga (R), Nagaraja (R) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Silencing Arrows - 35 Attack 0% Accuracy Can silence enemies Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Kain, Troia/Gather Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Yoichi Arrows - 50 Attack 0% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B11 - West - After CPU Battle Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia ______________ ______________________________________________________________/ Axes [WPAXE] | Battle Axe - 42 Attack 25% Accuracy Strength +3 Intellect -3 Spirit -3 Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Kain, Agart/Rydia, Baron/Gather Found : Sealed Cave/Rydia, Tower of Babil/Edge Obtained : 3 Kokkol Ore + 1 Crescent Axe at Kokkol's Forge Can Equip : Cecil, Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Kain, Luca Crescent Axe - 30 Attack 20% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Dwarven Castle/Rydia Found : Impact Crater/Edge Can Equip : Cecil, Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Kain, Luca Dwarven Axe - 62 Attack 19% Accuracy Strength +5 Stamina +5 Speed -5 Intellect -5 Spirit -5 Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Gather Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Kain, Luca Gigant Axe - 150 Attack 25% Accuracy Two-Handed Can poison enemies Strength +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Kain, Luca Ogrekiller - 80 Attack 19% Accuracy Effective against giants Dropped By: Armor Construct (U), Armored Fiend (U) Purchased : Found : Ancient Castle/Kain, Agart Subterrane/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Kain, Luca Poison Axe - 95 Attack 10% Accuracy Two-Handed Casts Poison when used Dropped By: Armor Construct (R), Armored Fiend (R) Purchased : Found : Subterrane B11 - East Can Equip : Cecil, Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Kain, Luca Rune Axe - 100 Attack 10% Accuracy Effective against mages Dropped By: Armor Construct (VR), Armored Fiend (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Kain, Luca Tomahawk - 50 Attack 30% Accuracy Thrown Weapon Ignores Row Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Obtained : 4 Kokkol Ore + 1 Battle Axe at Kokkol's Forge Can Equip : Cecil, Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Kain, Luca ____________________ ________________________________________________________/ Boomerangs [WPBRG] | Boomerang - 8 Attack 30% Accuracy Thrown Weapon Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Edge, Mysidia/Edge Found : Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Chakram - 24 Attack 30% Accuracy Thrown Weapon Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Gather Found : Edge's CD 4F Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Metal Boomerang - 16 Attack 35% Accuracy Thrown Weapon Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Edge, Eblan/Gather Found : Mt. Ordeals/Edge Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Moonring Blade - 40 Attack 35% Accuracy Thrown Weapon Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B11 - West Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Rising Sun - 50 Attack 50% Accuracy Thrown Weapon Ignores Row Speed +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Wing Edge - 32 Attack 30% Accuracy Thrown Weapon Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edge's CD (Final) Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu ______________ ______________________________________________________________/ Bows [WPBOW] | Artemis Bow - 80 Attack 25% Accuracy Ignores Row Strength +10 Speed +10 Stamina +10 Intellect -10 Spirit -10 Dropped By: Selene Guardian (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Bow - 10 Attack 25% Accuracy Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Dwarven Castle/Rydia, Tomra/Rydia, Kaipo/Porom Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Crossbow - 20 Attack 25% Accuracy Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Troia/Edge, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Tower of Trials/Edge, Underground Waterway/Porom Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Elfin Bow - 50 Attack 25% Accuracy Casts Shell when used Ignores Row Intellect +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Troia/Gather Found : Kain's CD (Final) Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Great Bow - 30 Attack 25% Accuracy Ignores Row Strength +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Mist/Kain, Kaipo/Kain, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Troia Waterway/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Killer Bow - 40 Attack 25% Accuracy Ignores Row Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Kain Found : Strength Floor/Palom, Edge's CD 1F, Porom's CD Field Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Perseus Bow - 90 Attack 25% Accuracy Ignores Row Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Yoichi Bow - 60 Attack 25% Accuracy Ignores Row Strength +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B11 - West - After CPU Battle Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edward, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia _______________ _____________________________________________________________/ Claws [WPCLW] | Cat Claw - 0 Attack 40% Accuracy Can make enemies fall asleep Strength +5 Speed +5 Dropped By: Cait Sith (R), Coeurl (R) Purchased : Found : Yang's CD (Final) Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Dragon Claws - 0 Attack 50% Accuracy Element: Holy Effective against dragons Strength +10 Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Faerie Claws - 0 Attack 0% Accuracy Can confuse enemies Speed +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Impact Crater/Yang Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Flame Claw - 0 Attack 30% Accuracy Element: Fire Dropped By: Purchased : Fabul/Yang, Ship/Yang, Fabul/Gather Found : Found On : Yang/Yang, Yang/True Moon Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Godhand - 0 Attack 40% Accuracy Element: Holy Effective against ghosts and undead Strength +10 Speed +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B10 - Exterior Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Hell Claws - 0 Attack 40% Accuracy Can poison enemies Strength +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Adamant Isle Forest/Yang, Yang's CD (Final) Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Ice Claw - 0 Attack 30% Accuracy Element: Cold Dropped By: Purchased :Fabul/Yang, Ship/Yang, Fabul/Gather Found : Found On : Ursula/Yang Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Lightning Claw - 0 Attack 30% Accuracy Element: Lightning Dropped By: Purchased : Fabul/Yang, Ship/Yang, Fabul/Gather Found : Found On : Ursula/Yang, Yang/Yang, Yang/True Moon Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Metal Knuckles - 0 Attack 30% Accuracy Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Impact Crater/Yang, Ship/Yang, Fabul/Gather Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang Tiger Fang - 0 Attack 50% Accuracy Effective against dragons Strength +10 Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edge, Ursula, Yang _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Daggers [WPDAG] | Assassin Dagger - 85 Attack 40% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Edward, Golbez, Harley, Kain, Luca, Palom, Rydia Dagger - 12 Attack 40% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Tomra/Rydia, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom Found : Sylph Cave/Rydia Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Golbez, Harley, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Palom, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Dancing Dagger - 28 Attack 40% Accuracy Damages enemy when used Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Obtained : 3 Kokkol Ore + 1 Dagger at Kokkol's Forge Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Golbez, Harley, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Palom, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Knife - 7 Attack 50% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Brina/Rydia, Calca/Rydia Obtained : 1 Kokkol Ore at Kokkol's Forge Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Golbez, Harley, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Palom, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Mage Masher - 35 Attack 25% Accuracy Effective against mages Intellect +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Forest Clearing South of Troia/Gather Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Golbez, Harley, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Palom, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Mythril Knife - 20 Attack 40% Accuracy Effective against ghosts Dropped By: Fell Turtle (U), Ironback (C), Mythril Golem (C) Purchased : Mythril/Gather Found : Sylph Cave/Rydia Obtained : 2 Kokkol Ore + 1 Knife at Kokkol's Forge Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Golbez, Harley, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Palom, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Phase Cutter - 150 Attack 50% Accuracy Effective against machines and giants Strength +20 Dropped By: Right Arm (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Brina, Calca Triton Dagger - 62 Attack 40% Accuracy Casts Flood when used Intellect +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Golbez, Harley, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Palom, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Hammers [WPHAM] | Gaia Hammer - 65 Attack 25% Accuracy Element: Fire Two-Handed Casts Quake when used Strength +5 Dropped By: Alraune (R), Arachne (R) Purchased : Found : Rydia's CD (Final), Edge's CD (Final) Can Equip : Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Luca Hammer - 20 Attack 30% Accuracy Two-Handed Effective against machines Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Luca/Rydia, Luca/Gather Obtained : 1 Kokkol Ore at Kokkol's Forge Can Equip : Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Luca Mythril Hammer - 55 Attack 25% Accuracy Two-Handed Effective against machines and ghosts Dropped By: Armadillo (U), Magma Tortoise (U) Purchased : Mythril/Gather Found : Edge's CD 2F Found On : Cid/Kain, Cid/Gather Obtained : 4 Kokkol Ore + 1 Hammer at Kokkol's Forge Can Equip : Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Luca Sledgehammer - 90 Attack 30% Accuracy Two-Handed Can confuse enemies Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final) Can Equip : Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Luca Thor Hammer - 140 Attack 30% Accuracy Element: Lightning Two-Handed Executes Blitz when used Strength +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Luca Wooden Hammer - 45 Attack 25% Accuracy Two-Handed Effective against machines Dropped By: Steel Golem (U) Purchased : Found : Found On : Cid/Ceodore Can Equip : Cid, Gekkou, Golbez, Luca _______________ _____________________________________________________________/ Harps [WPHRP] | Apollo Harp - 60 Attack 40% Accuracy Element: Fire Effective against dragons Ignores Row Strength +10 Speed +10 Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B10 - Exterior Can Equip : Edward Dark Harp - 25 Attack 40% Accuracy Can blind enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Kaipo/Gather Found : Can Equip : Edward Dream Harp - 8 Attack 35% Accuracy Can cause enemies to fall asleep Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Damcyan/Edward Found : Found On : Edward/Edward, Edward/True Moon Can Equip : Edward Lamia Harp - 18 Attack 40% Accuracy Can confuse enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Lamia (C), Lamia Matriarch (C) Purchased : Found : Antlion's Den/Edward Can Equip : Edward Loki's Harp - 98 Attack 40% Accuracy Effective against all monsters Ignores Row Strength +10 Speed +10 Stamina +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edward Muse Harp - 35 Attack 40% Accuracy Element: Holy Effective against demons, ghosts, and undead Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edward's CD (Final) Can Equip : Edward Silver Harp - 15 Attack 35% Accuracy Effective against ghosts Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Damcyan/Edward, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Kaipo/Gather Found : Can Equip : Edward _________________ ___________________________________________________________/ Katanas [WPKAT] | Ashura - 32 Attack 40% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Gather Found : Edge's CD 1F Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Boltslicer - 35 Attack 40% Accuracy Element: Lightning Dropped By: Blast Golem (R) Purchased : Found : Eblan/Gather Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Crimson Cherry - 26 Attack 40% Accuracy Element: Fire Dropped By: Melt Golem (R) Purchased : Eblan/Gather Found : Edge's CD 3F Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Kiku-ichimonji - 40 Attack 40% Accuracy Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Kodachi - 14 Attack 40% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Edge, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge Found : Found On : Edge/Edge, Gekkou/Edge, Izayoi/Edge, Zangetsu/Edge, Edge/Gather Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Kotetsu - 40 Attack 40% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edge's CD (Final), Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Kogarasu - 20 Attack 40% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Tower of Babil/Edge Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Kunai - 7 Attack 40% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Edge, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge Found : Found On : Tsukinowa/Edge Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Masamune - 65 Attack 40% Accuracy Casts Haste when used Speed +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Murasame - 55 Attack 40% Accuracy Casts Protect when used Strength +5 Stamina +5 Intellect +5 Speed -5 Spirit -5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B7 - Middle Room Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Mutsunokami - 75 Attack 40% Accuracy Casts Blink when used Strength +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu ______________ ______________________________________________________________/ Rods [WPROD] | Faerie Rod - 30 Attack 5% Accuracy Casts confuse when used Intellect +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Forest Clearing NW of Fabul/Gather Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Flame Rod - 7 Attack -5% Accuracy Element: Fire Casts Fire when used Intellect +3 Dropped By: Ricardo Mage (U) Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Baron/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Found On : Palom/Porom Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Healing Rod - 9 Attack 0% Accuracy Restores HP when used Intellect +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Slyph Cave/Rydia Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Ice Rod - 5 Attack -5% Accuracy Element: Cold Casts Blizzard when used Intellect +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Feymarch/Rydia Found On : Palom/Palom, Palom/True Moon Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Lilith Rod - 13 Attack -40% Accuracy Casts Osmose when used Intellect +5 Dropped By: Lamia Queen (VR), Lilith (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Polymorph Rod - 15 Attack 0% Accuracy Casts Pig when used Intellect +7 Dropped By: Purchased : Troia/Gather Found : Rydia's CD, Lodestone Cavern/Palom Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Recovery Rod - 25 Attack 5% Accuracy Recovers HP when used Intellect +8 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Rod - 3 Attack -10% Accuracy Damages enemy when used Intellect +2 Dropped By: Lamage (C), Ricardo Mage (C), Sorceress (C), Tiny Mage (C) Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Kaipo/Porom Found : Found On : Black Mage/Ceodore Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Stardust Rod - 45 Attack 10% Accuracy Casts Comet when used Intellect +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B7 - After Scarmiglione Battle Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Thunder Rod - 10 Attack 0% Accuracy Element: Lightning Casts Thunder when used Intellect +3 Dropped By: Lamage (U) Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Underground Waterway/Porom Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia Wizard's Rod - 21 Attack 5% Accuracy Damages enemy when used Intellect +9 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Palom's CD (Final) Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Rydia ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Spears [WPSPR] | Blood Lance - 88 Attack -28% Accuracy Absorbs HP All Stats -10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B5 - Exterior Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Dragoon Lance - 80 Attack 40% Accuracy Element: Holy All Stats +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Kain/Kain(End) Can Equip : Kain Flame Lance - 66 Attack 30% Accuracy Element: Fire Casts Fira when used Dropped By: Flame Knight (R) Purchased : Found : Edge's CD (Final) Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Gungnir - 99 Attack 30% Accuracy Stamina +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B9 - After Barbariccia Battle Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Holy Lance - 140 Attack 30% Accuracy Element: Holy Casts Holy when used Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Javelin - 22 Attack 50% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Dwarven Castle/Edge Found : Dwarven Mine Path/Edge Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Obelisk - 85 Attack 40% Accuracy Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final) Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Partisan - 42 Attack 30% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Spear - 9 Attack 50% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Dwarven Castle/Edge Found : Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Trident - 31 Attack 35% Accuracy Element: Lightning Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Dwarven Mine Path/Edge Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Wind Spear - 55 Attack 30% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edge's CD 4F Found On : Kain?/Kain, Kain/Gather Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu Wyvern Lance - 110 Attack 30% Accuracy Effective against dragons Speed +5 Dropped By: Blue Dragon (VR), Crystal Dragon (R), Red Dragon (R) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Ceodore, Golbez, Kain, Zangetsu ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Staves [WPSTF] | Aura Staff - 36 Attack 10% Accuracy Casts Dispel when used Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Porom's CD (Final), Lair of the Father/Lunarians Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Fusoya, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Healing Staff - 8 Attack 0% Accuracy Restores HP when used (to entire party) Spirit +2 Dropped By: Sorcerer (U), Summoner (U), Will Priest (U) Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Baron/Ceodore, Troia/Palom, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Sylph Cave/Rydia, Tower of Trials/Palom Found On : Rosa/Prologue, Porom/Porom, Porom/True Moon Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Master's Staff - 42 Attack 15% Accuracy Restores HP when used Spirit +7 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Lunarian CD #1 Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Mythril Staff - 12 Attack 5% Accuracy Cures status ailments when used Spirit +3 Dropped By: Will Priest (R) Purchased : Mythril/Gather Found : Magic Floor/Palom Found On : Rosa/Kain, Rosa/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Power Staff - 30 Attack 0% Accuracy Can make enemies go Berserk Strength +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Porom's CD Field Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Protect Staff - 14 Attack 10% Accuracy Casts Protect when used Stamina +10 Spirit +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Ancient Castle/Kain, Palom's CD (Final) Found On : Fusoya/Lunarians Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Fusoya, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Psycho Spiral - 4 Attack 10% Accuracy Casts Confuse when used Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Kain, Troia/Palom, Mysidia/Porom, Troia/Gather Found : Mt. Ordeals/Porom Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Rune Staff - 52 Attack 10% Accuracy Casts Silence when used Spirit +10 Dropped By: Sorcerer (VR), Summoner (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Fusoya, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Sage's Staff - 45 Attack 15% Accuracy Casts Raise when used Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B8 - After Cagnazzo Battle Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Seraphim Mace - 50 Attack 20% Accuracy Casts Esuna when used Spirit +15 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Staff - 4 Attack -5% Accuracy Cures poison when used Spirit +1 Dropped By: Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Troia/Palom, Kaipo/Porom Found : Found On : White Mage/Ceodore, Leonora/Palom Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Porom, Rosa ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ Swords [WPSWD] | Ancient Sword - 35 Attack 27% Accuracy Can curse enemies Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Golbez/Lunarians, Golbez/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Kain Blood Sword - 45 Attack 0% Accuracy All Stats -5 Drains HP from the enemy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Mist/Kain, Lunar Tunnel (East)/Lunarians Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Broadsword - 10 Attack 50% Accuracy Dropped By: Sahagin Knight (C) Purchased : Mythril/Ceodore, Damcyan/Edward Found : Found On : Ceodore/Prologue Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Coral Blade - 38 Attack 35% Accuracy Element: Lightning Dropped By: Sahagin Knight (R) Purchased : Mist/Kain, Kaipo/Kain Found : Old Waterway/Ceodore Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Defender - 105 Attack 40% Accuracy Casts Protect when used Stamina +15 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Lunarian CD #2 (Final) Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Kain Demon Slayer - 82 Attack 40% Accuracy Effective against demons Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final) Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Ebony Blade - 20 Attack 40% Accuracy Intellect +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Golbez/Lunarians (Flashback) Can Equip : Golbez Enhancement Sword - 82 Attack 40% Accuracy Intellect +7 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Lunarian CD #1 (Final) Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Kain Excalibur - 120 Attack 50% Accuracy Element: Holy Strength +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B13 - After Dark Knight Battle Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Kain Excalipar - 1 Attack 50% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Kain Falchion - 48 Attack 40% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Hooded Man/Ceodore Can Equip : Hooded Man, Kain Flame Sword - 65 Attack 30% Accuracy Element: Fire Dropped By: Flame Knight (VR) Purchased : Kaipo/Kain, Baron/Kain, Baron/Gather Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Icebrand - 75 Attack 30% Accuracy Element: Cold Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Kain, Baron/Gather Found : Underground Waterway/Kain, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Iron Sword - 30 Attack 35% Accuracy Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Mist/Kain, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Kaipo/Gather Found : Underground Waterway/Edward Found On : Ceodore/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Kingsword - 40 Attack 40% Accuracy Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Cecil/Prologue, Cecil/True Moon Can Equip : Cecil Longsword - 20 Attack 35% Accuracy Dropped By: Sahagin Knight (U) Purchased : Mythril/Ceodore, Mysidia/Ceodore, Baron/Ceodore, Damcyan/Edward, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Kaipo/Gather Found : Damcyan/Edward Found On : Biggs/Prologue, Wedge/Prologue Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Lustrous Sword - 99 Attack 50% Accuracy Element: Holy Strength +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Amazon (VR) Purchased : Found : Subterrane B4 - Exterior Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Kain Mythril Sword - 50 Attack 30% Accuracy Effective against ghosts Dropped By: Mythril Golem (VR) Purchased : Mythril/Gather Found : Devil's Road/Kain, Impact Crater/Lunarians Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Ragnarok - 150 Attack 50% Accuracy Element: Holy Effective against undead Strength +10 Stamina +10 Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Kain Sleep Blade - 55 Attack 27% Accuracy Casts Sleep when used Dropped By: Sahagin Knight (VR) Purchased : Found : Mist Cliff/Kain Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Stoneblade - 77 Attack 16% Accuracy Can petrify enemies Dropped By: Black Lizard (R), Catoblepas (R), Gorgon (R), Medusa (R) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain Ultima Weapon - 180 Attack 50% Accuracy Strength +10 Speed +10 Stamina +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Kain _______________ _____________________________________________________________/ Whips [WPWHP] | Blitz Whip - 40 Attack 10% Accuracy Element: Lightning Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edge's CD (Final) Can Equip : Harley, Izayoi, Rydia Chain Whip - 30 Attack 5% Accuracy Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Baron/Gather, Kaipo/Gather Found : Rydia's CD, Tower of Babil/Edge, Underground Waterway/Edward Can Equip : Harley, Izayoi, Rydia Dragon Whisker - 55 Attack 25% Accuracy Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Strength +5 Speed +5 Stamina +5 Intellect -5 Spirit -5 Dropped By: Blue Dragon (R), Fiend Dragon (U) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Harley, Izayoi, Rydia Flame Whip - 50 Attack 15% Accuracy Element: Fire Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Strength +5 Speed +5 Stamina +5 Intellect -5 Spirit -5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B6 - Exterior Can Equip : Harley, Izayoi, Rydia Ice Whip - 38 Attack 15% Accuracy Element: Cold Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Hydro Golem (R) Purchased : Found : Edward's CD (Final), Forest Clearing North of Troia/Gather Can Equip : Harley, Izayoi, Rydia Mystic Whip - 100 Attack 25% Accuracy Element: Holy Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B12 - Exterior - After Leviathan Battle Can Equip : Harley, Izayoi, Rydia Queen's Whip - 5 Attack 40% Accuracy Can turn enemies into Pigs Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Troia/Palom Found : Can Equip : All female characters except Brina Thorn Whip - 20 Attack 0% Accuracy Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Agart/Rydia, Troia/Edge, Damcyan/Edward, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Baron/Gather, Kaipo/Gather Found : Tower of Trials/Edge Can Equip : Harley, Izayoi, Rydia Whip - 10 Attack 0% Accuracy Can paralyze enemies Ignores Row Dropped By: Purchased : Dwarven Castle/Rydia, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Damcyan/Edward Found : Found On : Rydia/Rydia, Rydia/Porom, Harley/Edward, Rydia/Gather Can Equip : Harley, Izayoi, Rydia ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 5.3 Armor [ITMARMR] )--------------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Locations are given as [Location Name]/[Tale]. The 'Found On' section for equipment lists which characters begin equipped with the item. These are given as [Character Name]/[Tale]. Locations without a Tale tag are in the final tale's dungeons. It's easier that way. Challenge Dungeon listings that end in (Final) mean the items is found in the final treasure for that dungeon. Drop rarities are listed as: C : Common 64 in 256 (1 in 4) U : Uncommon 32 in 256 (1 in 8) R : Rare 16 in 256 (1 in 16) VR: Very Rare 1 in 256 Adamant Armor - 50 Def 20 Mag. Def -10% Evade 13% Mag. Evade Resist: Fire Protects against status ailments (Status Immunities: Poison, Pig, Stone) All Stats +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade 3 Adamantites to Tradingway in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters except Calca and Brina Angel's Clothes - 5 Def 5 Mag. Def 5% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Mini, and Toad Intellect +5 Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Kokkol's Forge/Rydia Can Equip : Brina, Calca Bard's Tunic - 2 Def 1 Mag. Def 0% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Protects against Silence Dropped By: Purchased : Damcyan/Edward Found : Found On : Edward/Edward, Edward/True Moon Can Equip : Edward, Harley Black Belt Gi - 10 Def 4 Mag. Def 20% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Strength +5 Stamina +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Yang's CD (Final), Edge's CD 2F, Diamond Desert/Gather Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Black Garb - 24 Def 15 Mag. Def 60% Evade 7% Mag. Evade Speed +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edge, Gekkou, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Black Robe - 8 Def 7 Mag. Def 0% Evade 7% Mag. Evade Intellect +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Rydia's CD (Final), Palom's CD (Final) Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Palom, Rydia Blue Armor - 45 Def 25 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade String against dragon, machine, and giant attacks Strength +5 Stamina +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Blue Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All male characters except Calca Bone Mail - 18 Def 72 Mag. Def -10% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Protects against Poison, strong against undead attacks Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Gather Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Boy's Clothes - 3 Def 3 Mag. Def 0% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Mini, and Toad All Stats +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Equipped on Calca Found On : Calca/Rydia Can Equip : Calca Brave Suit - 22 Def 8 Mag. Def 25% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Protects against Curse Strength +10 Speed +10 Stamina +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Bronze Armor - 4 Def 1 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Mythril/Ceodore, Dwarven Castle/Rydia Found : Found On : Ceodore/Prologue, Biggs/Prologue, Wedge/Prologue, Luca/Rydia, Luca/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Bronze Breastplate - 4 Def 2 Mag. Def 5% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Fabul/Yang, Ship/Yang, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge, Damcyan/Edward, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Fabul/Gather Found : Tower of Trials/Edge Found On : Ursula/Yang Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Chainmail - 10 Def 3 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Mist/Kain, Kaipo/Kain, Baron/Kain, Agart/Rydia Found : Mist Cave/Ceodore Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Clothing - 1 Def 0 Mag. Def 0% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Kaipo/Porom Found : Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Clown's Clothes - 3 Def 3 Mag. Def 20% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Mini, and Toad Speed + 20 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Sylph Cave/Rydia Can Equip : Brina, Calca Crystal Mail - 25 Def 10 Mag. Def -10% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Protects against status ailments, strong against undead (Status Immunities: Mini, Pig, Toad, Berserk) Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Diamond Armor - 19 Def 4 Mag. Def -10% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Resist: Lightning Dropped By: Material (U) Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final), Lunarian CD #1 (Final), Tree East of Agart/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Dragon Mail - 23 Def 8 Mag. Def -10% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Resist: All elements Protects against dragon attacks Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B8 - Exterior Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Ebony Robe - 11 Def 9 Mag. Def 1% Evade 10% Mag. Evade Protects against undead attacks Intellect +5 Spirit +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Golbez/Lunarians, Golbez/Gather Can Equip : Golbez Exorcist Gown - 11 Def 6 Mag. Def 0% Evade 6% Mag. Evade Strong against demon attacks Intellect +2 Spirit +2 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edward's CD (Final) Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Final Outfit - 30 Def 15 Mag. Def 30% Evade 15% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Mini, and Toad All Stats +1- Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B6 - Exterior Can Equip : Brina, Calca Fire Scarf - 20 Def 10 Mag. Def 50% Evade 10% Mag. Evade Absorb: Fire Strength +3 Speed +3 Stamina +3 Intellect +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B10 - Interior - After Rubicante Battle w/Edge Alone Can Equip : Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Flame Mail - 15 Def 4 Mag. Def -10% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Resist: Cold Dropped By: Flame Knight (U) Purchased : Found : Underground Waterway/Kain, Rydia's CD (Final) Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Foot Ninja Gear - 2 Def 2 Mag. Def 10% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Speed +1 Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Edge, Eblan/Gather Found : Found On : Gekkou/Edge, Izayoi/Edge, Tsukinowa/Edge, Zangetsu/Edge Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Gaia Gear - 3 Def 3 Mag. Def 0% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Baron/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Underground Waterway/Porom Found On : Palom/Palom, Leonora/Palom, Palom/True Moon Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Genji Armor - 21 Def 7 Mag. Def -10% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B2 Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Girl's Clothes - 3 Def 3 Mag. Def 0% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Mini, and Toad All Stats +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Brina/Rydia Can Equip : Brina Horned Armor - 12 Def 2 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Strength +3 Intellect -3 Spirit -3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Sealed Cave/Rydia Found On : Cid/Kain, Cid/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Ice Armor - 17 Def 4 Mag. Def -10% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Resist: Fire Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Baron/Kain, Ancient Castle/Kain, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Iron Armor - 7 Def 2 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Mist/Kain, Dwarven Castle/Rydia, Damcyan/Edward, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward Found : Impact Crater/Edward Found On : Cid/Ceodore, Ceodore/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Kenpo Gi - 5 Def 2 Mag. Def 10% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Strength +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Ship/Yang, Eblan/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge, Fabul/Gather, Eblan/Gather Found : Mt. Hobs/Yang, Impact Crater/Edge Found On : Yang/Yang, Yang/True Moon Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Knight's Armor - 11 Def 3 Mag. Def -10% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Strong against undead attacks Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Cecil/Prologue, Cecil/True Moon Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Kain Leather Clothing - 2 Def 1 Mag. Def 0% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Alligator (U), Crocodile (U), Gigas Gator (U) Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Fabul/Yang, Ship/Yang, Kaipo/Porom, Fabul/Gather Found : Found On : Black Mage/Ceodore, White Mage/Ceodore, Rydia/Rydia, Porom/Porom, Palom/Porom, Rydia/Porom, Harley/Edward, Rydia/Gather, Porom/True Moon Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Luminous Robe - 12 Def 9 Mag. Def 0% Evade 10% Mag. Evade Resist: Lightning Strong against undead attacks Intellect +5 Spirit +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final), Porom's CD (Final), Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Meteor South of Mythril/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Fusoya, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Lunar Mail - 30 Def 12 Mag. Def -10% Evade 8% Mag. Evade Protects against status ailments (Status Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Confuse, Stone, Instant Death) Stamina +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez Mage's Clothes - 5 Def 5 Mag. Def 5% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Mini, and Toad Intellect +10 Spirit +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Sealed Cave/Rydia Can Equip : Brina, Calca Mage's Robe - 6 Def 5 Mag. Def 0% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Intellect +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Gather, Troia/Gather Found : Sylph Cave/Rydia, Lodestone Cavern/Palom Can Equip : Golbez, Harley, Palom, Rydia Minerva Bustier - 20 Def 5 Mag. Def 30% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Protects against Paralyze Strength +10 Stamina +10 Intellect -10 Spirit -10 Dropped By: Elite Trooper (R), Selene Guardian (R) Purchased : Found : B12 - Exterior - After Asura Battle Can Equip : All female characters except Brina Mist Wrap - 8 Def 8 Mag. Def 35% Evade 10% Mag. Evade Protects against Poison Speed +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edge's CD (Final) Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Mythril Armor - 13 Def 4 Mag. Def -10% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Strong against ghost attacks Dropped By: Mythril Golem (R) Purchased : Mythril/Gather Found : Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Rydia's CD Found On : Kain?/Kain, Kain/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Phase Body - 60 Def 30 Mag. Def 20% Evade 15% Mag. Evade Strong against machine and giant attacks Stamina +20 Dropped By: Full Body (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Brina, Calca Pink Armor - 25 Def 10 Mag. Def 99% Evade 30% Mag. Evade Protects against status ailments Speed +7 Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Pink Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All female characters except Brina Plate Armor - 15 Def 2 Mag. Def -20% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Mist/Kain, Kaipo/Kain, Baron/Kain, Baron/Gather Found : Agart Mine/Rydia Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Power Sash - 15 Def 0 Mag. Def 0% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Strength +15 Dropped By: Behemoth (R) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Professor's Robe - 10 Def 5 Mag. Def 5% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Intellect +5 Spirit +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edward's CD (Final) Can Equip : All except Calca and Brina Queen's Tights - 5 Def 5 Mag. Def 15% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Confuse, and Paralyze Dropped By: Purchased : Troia/Palom Found : Can Equip : All female characters except Brina Red Jacket - 21 Def 12 Mag. Def 20% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Resist: Fire Strength +10 Speed +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Red Robe - 11 Def 9 Mag. Def 0% Evade 7 % Mag. Evade Intellect +4 Spirit +4 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Palom's CD (Final) Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rydia Robe of Lords - 19 Def 18 Mag. Def 5% Evade 15% Mag. Evade Resist: All elements Stamina +10 Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Rose Twine Dress - 9 Def 5 Mag. Def 25% Evade 5% Mag. Evade All Stats +3 Dropped By: Amazon (R) Purchased : Found : Yang's CD (Final) Can Equip : All female characters except Brina Sage's Robe - 19 Def 15 Mag. Def 14% Evade 18% Mag. Evade Protects against Silence, strong against mage attacks Speed +10 Intellect +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B8 - After Cagnazzo Battle Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Leonora, Porom, Rosa Sage's Surplice - 5 Def 5 Mag. Def 0% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Spirit +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Baron/Kain, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Mysidia/Porom, Troia/Gather Found : Devil's Road/Ceodore, Tower of Trials/Palom, Passage of the Eidolons/Porom Found On : Rosa/Prologue, Rosa/Kain, Fusoya/Lunarians, Rosa/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Luca, Palom, Porom, Rydia Shinobi Gear - 4 Def 3 Mag. Def 50% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Speed +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Edge, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge, Eblan/Gather Found : Mt. Ordeals/Edge, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge Found On : Edge/Edge, Edge/Gather Can Equip : All characters except Calca and Brina Silver Breastplate - 7 Def 4 Mag. Def 5% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Strong against ghost attacks Dropped By: Purchased : Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward Found : Adamant Isle Forest/Yang, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Underground Waterway/Edward Can Equip : All characters except Calca and Brina Training Garb - 9 Def 2 Mag. Def -5% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Hooded Man/Ceodore Can Equip : Hooded Man, Kain Warrior's Clothes - 10 Def 0 Mag. Def -5% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Mini, and Toad Strength +20 Stamina + 10 Intellect -5 Spirit -5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Dwarven Castle/Rydia Can Equip : Brina, Calca White Robe - 18 Def 10 Mag. Def 0% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Protects against Blind, strong against ghosts and undead Spirit +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B6 - Interior Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Leonora, Porom, Rosa ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 5.4 Headgear [ITMHEAD] )-----------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Locations are given as [Location Name]/[Tale]. The 'Found On' section for equipment lists which characters begin equipped with the item. These are given as [Character Name]/[Tale]. Locations without a Tale tag are in the final tale's dungeons. It's easier that way. Challenge Dungeon listings that end in (Final) mean the items is found in the final treasure for that dungeon. Drop rarities are listed as: C : Common 64 in 256 (1 in 4) U : Uncommon 32 in 256 (1 in 8) R : Rare 16 in 256 (1 in 16) VR: Very Rare 1 in 256 Adamant Helm - 25 Def 10 Mag. Def 10% Evade 11% Mag. Evade Resist: Lightning Protects against Blind, Toad, and instant death All Stats +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade 2 Adamantites to Tradingway in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters except Calca and Brina Beret - 5 Def 4 Mag. Def 0% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward Found : Impact Crater/Edward Can Equip : All characters Black Cowl - 5 Def 1 Mag. Def 4% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Protects against Sleep Strength +3 Speed +3 Stamina +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Yang's CD (Final), Edge's CD 3F, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather Can Equip : All characters Bronze Helm - 3 Def 0 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Mythril/Ceodore, Dwarven Castle/Rydia Found : Found On : Biggs/Prologue, Wedge/Prologue, Luca/Rydia, Luca/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Cat Ear Hood - 7 Def 18 Mag. Def 7% Evade 16% Mag. Evade Resist: Cold Speed +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found On : Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Chakra Headband - 5 Def 5 Mag. Def 0% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Protects against Poison, Blind, Silence, and Sleep Strength +3 Speed +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Yang's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Circlet - 4 Def 7 Mag. Def 0% Evade 7% Mag. Evade Intellect +5 Dropped By: Lamage (VR) Purchased : Baron/Gather, Troia/Gather Found : Agart Mine/Rydia, Lodestone Cavern/Palom Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Circular Hat - 7 Def 7 Mag. Def -3% Evade 7% Mag. Evade Strength +3 Stamina +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edward's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Cross Helm - 9 Def 1 Mag. Def -10% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Protects against blind Dropped By: Purchased : Kaipo/Kain, Baron/Kain, Baron/Gather Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Crystal Helm - 12 Def 8 Mag. Def -10% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Resist: All Elements Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Diamond Helm - 9 Def 2 Mag. Def -10% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Resist: Lightning Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final), Lunarian CD #1 (Final), Lodestone Cavern/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Dragon Helm - 11 Def 7 Mag. Def -10% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Resist: All elements Strong against dragon attacks Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B9 - Western Room Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Feathered Cap - 2 Def 3 Mag. Def -4% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Ruhk (C), Zu (C) Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Fabul/Yang, Ship/Yang, Troia/Palom, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Damcyan/Edward, Fabul/Gather Found : Passage of the Eidolons/Rydia Found On : Ursula/Yang, Leonora/Palom, Porom/Porom, Palom/Porom, Edward/Edward, Edward/True Moon Can Equip : All characters Genji Helm - 10 Def 8 Mag. Def -10% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B5 - Exterior Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Glass Mask - 30 Def 0 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Proto Deathmask (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : All characters Goblin Mask - 7 Def 5 Mag. Def 0% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Protects against Blind Speed +3 Intellect +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edge's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Gold Hairpin - 7 Def 10 Mag. Def 0% Evade 9% Mag. Evade Resist: Lightning Strong against dragon attacks Intellect +10 Dropped By: Clockwork Dragon (R) Purchased : Found : Underground Cavern/Kain, Rydia's CD (Final) Can Equip : All female characters Green Beret - 3 Def 1 Mag. Def 2% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Strength +5 Stamina +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Adamant Isle Forest/Yang, Mt. Ordeals/Edge Found On : Edge/Edge, Edge/Gather Can Equip : All characters Headband - 2 Def 3 Mag. Def 0% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Protects against Confuse Strength +5 Dropped By: Behemoth (C), Mad Ogre (U), Ogre (U) Purchased : Ship/Yang, Dwarven Castle/Edge, Fabul/Gather Found : Impact Crater/Yang, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge Found On : Yang/Yang, Yang/True Moon Can Equip : All characters Horned Helmet - 8 Def 1 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Strength +3 Intellect -3 Spirit -3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Sylph Cave/Rydia Found On : Cid/Kain, Cid/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Hypnocrown - 7 Def 16 Mag. Def 6% Evade 17% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig, Mini, Toad Intellect +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found On : Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Iron Helm - 5 Def 1 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Mist/Kain, Dwarven Castle/Rydia, Damcyan/Edward, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward Found : Found On : Cid/Ceodore, Ceodore/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Leather Cap - 1 Def 1 Mag. Def -5% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Alligator (C), Gigas Gator (C) Purchased : Tomra/Rydia, Fabul/Yang, Ship/Yang, Eblan/Edge, Kaipo/Porom, Fabul/Gather, Eblan/Gather Found : Found On : Black Mage/Ceodore, White Mage/Ceodore, Rydia/Rydia, Gekkou/Edge, Izayoi/Edge, Zangetsu/Edge, Tsukinowa/Edge, Rydia/Porom, Harley/Edward, Rydia/Gather, Porom/True Moon Can Equip : All characters Lunar Helm - 14 Def 10 Mag. Def -10% Evade 16% Mag. Evade Intellect +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Lustrous Helm - 7 Def 2 Mag. Def -10% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Strong against undead attacks Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Cecil/Prologue, Cecil/True Moon Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Kain Mystic Veil - 8 Def 8 Mag. Def -2% Evade 8% Mag. Evade Resist: Holy Protects against Curse Intellect +7 Spirit +7 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Mountain Floor/Palom, Porom's CD (Final) Can Equip : All female characters Mythril Helm - 8 Def 2 Mag. Def -10% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Strong against ghost attacks Dropped By: Ironback (U) Purchased : Mythril/Gather Found : Devil's Road/Kain, Rydia's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians Found On : Kain?/Kain, Kain/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Phase Helm - 25 Def 10 Mag. Def 10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Strong against machine and giant attacks Intellect +20 Spirit +20 Dropped By: Deathmask (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Brina, Calca Queen's Mask - 1 Def 1 Mag. Def -5% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Protects against Blind, Silence, Mini, and Berserk Dropped By: Purchased : Troia/Palom Found : Can Equip : All female characters except Brina Red Cap - 10 Def 12 Mag. Def 2% Evade 12% Mag. Evade Resist: Fire Stamina +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B10 - South Can Equip : Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Ribbon - 9 Def 12 Mag. Def 2% Evade 12% Mag. Evade Protects against status ailments, strong against mages Dropped By: Bog Witch (VR), Dark Sage (VR), Duke Malboro (VR), High Wizard (VR), Worst Malboro (VR) Purchased : Found : Forest Clearning SW of Mt. Ordeals/Gather Can Equip : All characters Sage's Miter - 5 Def 7 Mag. Def -2% Evade 7% Mag. Evade Strong against undead attacks Spirit +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Kain, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Mysidia/Porom, Troia/Gather Found : Tower of Trials/Palom, Mt. Ordeals/Porom Found On : Rosa/Prologue, Rosa/Kain, Fusoya/Lunarians, Rosa/Gather Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Fusoya, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia Steel Headplate - 4 Def 1 Mag. Def 0% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Eblan/Edge, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge, Eblan/Gather Found : Impact Crater/Edge Can Equip : All Characters Steel Helm - 7 Def 1 Mag. Def -10% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Mist/Kain, Kaipo/Kain, Agart/Rydia Found : Mist Cave/Ceodore Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Turban - 6 Def 0 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Hooded Man/Ceodore Can Equip : Hooded Man, Kain White Tiger Mask - 8 Def 3 Mag. Def 6% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B12 - Exterior Can Equip : Edge, Edward, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Wizard's Hat - 3 Def 5 Mag. Def -3% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Intellect +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Mysidia/Porom Found : Underground Waterway/Porom Found On : Palom/Palom, Palom/True Moon Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez, Harley, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 5.5 Shields [ITMSHLD] )------------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Locations are given as [Location Name]/[Tale]. The 'Found On' section for equipment lists which characters begin equipped with the item. These are given as [Character Name]/[Tale]. Locations without a Tale tag are in the final tale's dungeons. It's easier that way. Challenge Dungeon listings that end in (Final) mean the items is found in the final treasure for that dungeon. Drop rarities are listed as: C : Common 64 in 256 (1 in 4) U : Uncommon 32 in 256 (1 in 8) R : Rare 16 in 256 (1 in 16) VR: Very Rare 1 in 256 Adamant Shield - 15 Def 15 Mag. Def 50% Evade 16% Mag. Evade Resist: Cold Protects against Silence, Mini, Confuse, and Curse All Stats +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade 2 Adamantites to Tradingway in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters except Calca and Brina Aegis Shield - 4 Def 5 Mag. Def 34% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Protects against Petrify Strong against mage attacks Intellect + 3 Dropped By: Catoblepas (VR) Purchased : Found : Lunarian CD #2 (Final) Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Bronze Shield - 1 Def 0 Mag. Def 20% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Mythril/Ceodore Found : Found On : Ceodore/Prologue, Biggs/Prologue, Wedge/Prologue Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Crystal Shield - 7 Def 4 Mag. Def 40% Evade 6% Mag. Evade Strong against undead attacks Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Diamond Shield - 4 Def 2 Mag. Def 32% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Resist: Lightning Dropped By: Material (C) Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final), Lunarian CD #1 (Final), Damcyan/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Dragon Shield - 6 Def 3 Mag. Def 38% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Resist: All elements Strong against dragon attacks Dropped By: Crystal Dragon (U) Purchased : Found : Subterrane B7 - Western Room Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Flame Shield - 3 Def 2 Mag. Def 28% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Resist: Cold Dropped By: Flame Knight (C) Purchased : Found : Mist Cliff/Kain, Rydia's CD (Final) Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Genji Shield - 5 Def 3 Mag. Def 36% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B3 Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Hero's Shield - 10 Def 10 Mag. Def 45% Evade 10% Mag. Evade All Stats +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Ice Shield - 3 Def 2 Mag. Def 30% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Resist: Fire Strong against demon attacks Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Underground Waterway/Kain, Ancient Castle/Kain, Lair of the Father/Lunarians Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Iron Shield - 2 Def 1 Mag. Def 22% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Mist/Kain, Kaipo/Kain, Baron/Kain, Dwarven Castle/Rydia, Damcyan/Edward, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Baron/Gather, Kaipo/Gather Found : Dwarven Castle/Rydia Found On : Ceodore/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Large Shield - 4 Def 0 Mag. Def 20% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Hooded man/Ceodore Can Equip : Hooded Man, Kain Lunar Shield - 9 Def 5 Mag. Def 45% Evade 9% Mag. Evade Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez Lustrous Shield - 2 Def 1 Mag. Def 24% Evade 1% Mag. Evade String against undead attacks Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Cecil/Prologue, Cecil/True Moon Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Kain Mythril Shield - 3 Def 2 Mag. Def 26% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Strong against ghost attacks Dropped By: Armadillo (C), Fell Turtle (C), Magma Tortoise (C), Mythril Golem (U) Purchased : Mythril/Gather Found : Devil's Road/Kain, Rydia's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians Found On : Kain?/Kain, Kain/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Phase Shield - 15 Def 14 Mag. Def 40% Evade 20% Mag. Evade Strong against machine and giant attacks Dropped By: Left Arm (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Brina, Calca ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 5.6 Accessories [ITMACC] )---------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Locations are given as [Location Name]/[Tale]. The 'Found On' section for equipment lists which characters begin equipped with the item. These are given as [Character Name]/[Tale]. Locations without a Tale tag are in the final tale's dungeons. It's easier that way. Challenge Dungeon listings that end in (Final) mean the items is found in the final treasure for that dungeon. Drop rarities are listed as: C : Common 64 in 256 (1 in 4) U : Uncommon 32 in 256 (1 in 8) R : Rare 16 in 256 (1 in 16) VR: Very Rare 1 in 256 Adamant Gloves - 20 Def 10 Mag. Def 10% Evade 11% Mag. Evade Protects against Berserk, Sleep, and Paralyze All Stats +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade 1 Adamantite to Tradingway in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters except Calca and Brina Bone Wrist - 7 Def 1 Mag. Def -10% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Protects against Poison Strong against undead attacks Dropped By: Purchased : Kaipo/Kain, Baron/Kain, Baron/Gather Found : Mist Cliff/Kain Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Hooded Man, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Crystal Gloves - 10 Def 7 Mag. Def -10% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Strong against undead attacks Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Crystal Ring - 20 Def 12 Mag. Def 5% Evade 10% Mag. Evade Protects against Confuse, Sleep, strong against dragons Speed +5 Dropped By: Crystal Dragon (VR), Red Dragon (2) (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : All characters Cursed Ring - 0 Def 0 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Changes elemental resists to elemental absorbs All Stats -5 Dropped By: Belphegor (U), Bone Dragon (R), Chimera Geist (R), Dinozombie (R), Evil Dreamer (R), Evil Flame (U), Skeletal Dragon (R), Soul (U), Spirit (R) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : All characters Diamond Armlet - 6 Def 8 Mag. Def 0% Evade 6% Mag. Evade Resist: Lightning Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Underground Cavern/Kain, Impact Crater/Lunarians, Agart Subterrane/Gather Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Edge, Edward, Fusoya, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Diamond Gloves - 2 Def 0 Mag. Def -10% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Resist: Lightning Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final), Lunarian CD #1 (Final), Lodestone Cavern/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Hooded Man, Kain, Luca Dragon Gloves - 9 Def 6 Mag. Def -10% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Resist: All elements Strong against dragon attacks Dropped By: Red Dragon (U) Purchased : Found : Subterrane B9 - Exterior Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Golbez, Kain, Luca Economical Ring - 2 Def 2 Mag. Def -5% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Doubles the effectiveness of healing items in battle Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Harley/Edward Can Equip : All characters Flan Ring - 7 Def 0 Mag. Def 2% Evade -10% Mag. Evade Strong against flan attacks Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Kain's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Gauntlets - 5 Def 1 Mag. Def -10% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Strong against undead attacks Spirit +3 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Cecil/Prologue, Cecil/True Moon Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Kain Genji Gloves - 8 Def 5 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Subterrane B5 - North Room Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Giant's Gloves - 10 Def 0 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Protects against Mini Strong against giant attacks Strength +10 Stamina +10 Dropped By: Mad Ogre (VR), Ogre (VR), Steel Golem (R) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Hooded Man, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Gil Band - 4 Def 1 Mag. Def -6% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Increases gil earned in battle by 1.5x Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Edward/Edward, Edward/True Moon Can Equip : All characters Gil Band V2 - 5 Def 5 Mag. Def -5% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Doubles gil earned in battle Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Gold Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters Hyper Wrist - 4 Def 3 Mag. Def 0% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Strength +10 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Yang's CD (Final) Found On: Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Hooded Man, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Iron Armlet - 2 Def 2 Mag. Def 0% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Mysidia/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Fabul/Yang, Ship/Yang, Troia/Palom, Eblan/Edge, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge, Kaipo/Porom, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Damcyan/Edward, Fabul/Gather, Eblan/Gather Found : Found On : Rydia/Rydia, Ursula/Yang, Leonora/Palom, Izayoi/Edge, Tsukinowa/Edge, Porom/Porom, Palom/Porom, Rydia/Porom, Rydia/Gather, Porom/True Moon Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Edge, Edward, Fusoya, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Iron Gloves - 2 Def 0 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Mist/Kain, Dwarven Castle/Rydia, Eblan/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge, Eblan/Gather Found : Adamant Grotto/Ceodore Found On : Biggs/Prologue, Wedge/Prologue, Cid/Ceodore, Luca/Rydia, Gekkou/Edge, Zangetsu/Edge, Luca/Gather, Ceodore/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Hooded Man, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Level Band - 1 Def 0 Mag. Def -10% Evade 0% Mag. Evade Raises EXP earned in battle by 1.25x Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edward's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Level Band V2 - 3 Def 2 Mag. Def -7% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Raises EXP earned in battle by 1.5x Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Red Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters Limit Ring - 3 Def 2 Mag. Def -7% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Raises maximum possible damage Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Rainbow Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters Lunar Gloves - 12 Def 9 Mag. Def -10% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Strength +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Found On : Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Golbez Mythril Gloves - 6 Def 2 Mag. Def -10% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Strong against ghost attacks Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Mist Cave/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Agart Mine/Rydia, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Mythril/Gather Found On : Kain?/Kain, Kain/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Hooded Man, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu Phase Knuckle - 20 Def 10 Mag. Def 0% Evade 10% Mag. Evade Strong against machine and giant attacks Speed +20 Dropped By: Left Foot (VR), Right Foot (VR) Purchased : Found : Can Equip : Brina, Calca Power Armlet - 1 Def 2 Mag. Def 0% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Strength +5 Dropped By: Behemoth (U), Mad Ogre (R), Ogre (R) Purchased : Found : Mt. Hobs/Yang, Impact Crater/Edge Found On : Cid/Kain, Yang/Yang, Yang/True Moon, Cid/Gather Can Equip : Cecil, Ceodore, Cid, Edge, Gekkou, Golbez, Hooded Man, Izayoi, Kain, Luca, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Protect Ring - 10 Def 12 Mag. Def 5% Evade 10% Mag. Evade Resist: All elements Stamina +15 Dropped By: Fiend Dragon (R) Purchased : Found : Subterrane B7 - Western Room Can Equip : All characters Queen's Gloves - 2 Def 2 Mag. Def 0% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Protects against Poison, Toad, and Petrify Dropped By: Purchased : Troia/Palom Found : Can Equip : All female characters except Brina Rapid Ring - 4 Def 4 Mag. Def -6% Evade 5% Mag. Evade A ring that reduces standby time Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Porom's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Rapid Ring V2 - 5 Def 5 Mag. Def 0% Evade 10% Mag. Evade Greatly reduces standby time +3 Speed Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 White Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters Rare Band - 3 Def 3 Mag. Def -1% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Slightly increases rare item drop rate Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Lunarian CD #2 (Final) Can Equip : All characters Rare Band V2 - 5 Def 3 Mag. Def 0% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Increases rare item drop rate Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Green Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters Rear Ring - 2 Def 1 Mag. Def -8% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Allows higher damage from back row Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Gray Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters Ruby Ring - 0 Def 3 Mag. Def 0% Evade 2% Mag. Evade Protects against Pig Dropped By: Lamia (U), Lamia Matriarch (U) Purchased : Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge Found : Mythril/Ceodore, Troia Waterway/Palom, Town Floor/Palom Can Equip : All characters Rune Armlet - 5 Def 8 Mag. Def 0% Evade 8% Mag. Evade Protects against Silence Intellect +3 Spirit +3 Dropped By: Ricardo Mage (VR), Sorcerer (R), Summoner (R) Purchased : Baron/Kain, Agart/Rydia, Troia/Palom, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Mysidia/Porom, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Baron/Gather, Troia/Gather Found : Adamant Isle Forest/Yang, Troia Waterway/Palom, Cave of Eblan/Edge Found On : Rosa/Prologue, Rosa/Kain, Golbez/Lunarians, Fusoya/Lunarians, Golbez/Gather, Rosa/Gather Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Edge, Edward, Fusoya, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Silver Armlet - 4 Def 4 Mag. Def 0% Evade 4% Mag. Evade Dropped By: Sorceress (U), Tiny Mage (U) Purchased : Baron/Ceodore, Tomra/Rydia, Agart/Rydia, Ship/Yang, Troia/Palom, Eblan/Edge, Troia/Edge, Mysidia/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge, Mist/Porom, Dwarven Castle/Porom, Mysidia/Porom, Damcyan/Edward, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward, Fabul/Gather, Eblan/Gather, Troia/Gather Found : Sylph Cave/Rydia, Impact Crater/Yang, Underground Lake/Porom, Damcyan/Edward Found On : Palom/Palom, Edge/Edge, Edge/Gather, Palom/True Moon Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Edge, Edward, Fusoya, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Single Star - 3 Def 5 Mag. Def -5% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Reduces MP use to 3/4 during battle Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Palom's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Sprint Ring - 1 Def 5 Mag. Def 5% Evade 15% Mag. Evade Strength -5 Speed +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Rydia's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Talisman - 2 Def 12 Mag. Def -5% Evade 12 % Mag. Evade Intellect +5 Spirit +5 Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Palom's CD (Final) Can Equip : Brina, Calca, Cecil, Edge, Edward, Fusoya, Gekkou, Harley, Izayoi, Leonora, Palom, Porom, Rosa, Rydia, Tsukinowa, Ursula, Yang, Zangetsu Taunt Ring - 5 Def 5 Mag. Def -5% Evade 5% Mag. Evade Draws the enemy's attack to the wearer Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Ebony Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters Treasure Hunter - 2 Def 1 Mag. Def 0% Evade 1% Mag. Evade Slightly increases item drop rate Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Edge's CD (Final) Can Equip : All characters Treasure Hunter V2 - 3 Def 2 Mag. Def 2% Evade 3% Mag. Evade Increases item drop rate Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Purple Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters Twin Stars - 4 Def 6 Mag. Def -5% Evade 6% Mag. Evade Reduces MP use by half during battle Dropped By: Purchased : Obtained : Trade the tail collector 1 Black Tail in the ??? place during the Final Tale, Part 2. Can Equip : All characters ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 5.7 Misc Items [ITMMISC] )---------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ _______________________________________________________________/ Etc [MIETC] | Adamantite Description: A valuable, super-hard metal Found : Ancient Castle, Kain's CD (Final), Rydia's CD (Final), Yang's CD (Final), Palom's CD (Final), Edge's CD (Final), Edward's CD (Final) Used for: Forging adamant gear Adamantine Pig Description: Found : Talk to Adamantine Pig after speaking with the old woman in Restaurant 3F in Edward's Challenge Dungeon Used for: Sell for 8-9k gil in Edwards CD Agartite Description: An ore discovered in Agart Found : After defeating Agart Turtle in Rydia's Tale Used for: Fixing the airship Bard's Lyre Description: A harp commonly used by bards Found : After defeating Flamehound in Edward's Challenge Dungeon Used for: Sell for 5-6k gil in Edwards CD Bouquet Description: A bouquet of flowers from Damcyan Castle Found : Story scene in Edward's Tale Used for: Spying! Crystal Description: A crystal that has lost its glow Found : Depths B25 x8 Used for: Removing defenses of the final boss. Frying Pan Description: A frying pan forged with love Found : From Sheila after finding Yang and Ursula in Kaipo Used for: Waking up Yang Gil Bird Egg Description: An egg from a gil bird Found : After defeating the Gil Bird in Edward's Challenge Dungeon Used for: Sell for 10-15k gil in Edwards CD Kokkol Ore Description: Top-quality ore named after the artisan, Kokkol Found: The Feymarch/Rydia, Dwarven Castle/Rydia, Tomra/Rydia, Kokkol's Forge/Rydia, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Sealed Cave/Rydia Used for: Forging Knives, Axes, and Hammers Ladle Description: A ladle loaded with love Found : From Sheila after finding Yang and Ursula in Kaipo Used for: Waking up Ursula Lustful Lali-ho Description: Love! Reading! Love Reading! Found: Baron/Kain, Kain's CD (Final), Troia/Palom Used for: ??? Member's Card Description: ??? Purchased :Troia/Palom Use for: Gives access to the Queen's Bounty Pub Member's Writ Description: ??? Purchased :Troia/Palom Use for: Gives access to the King's Bounty Pub Mythril Bolt Description: A bolt made from mythril Dropped By: Quarto Doll (U) Used for: Along with nut and spring, fixing the airship and Calca and Brina Mythril Nut Description: A nut made from mythril Dropped By: Quarto Doll (R) Used for: Along with bolt and spring, fixing the airship and Calca and Brina Mythril Spring Description: A spring made from mythril Found: Agart Mine/Rydia Used for: Along with nut and bolt, fixing the airship and Calca and Brina Poet's Notebook Description: A notebook filled with a poet's ideas Found : Merchant's Square 2F in Edward's Challenge Dungeon Used for: Sell for 1-2k gil in Edwards CD Proof of Courage Description: Proof of those who seek a higher challenge Found : Lunarian CD #1 (Final) Used for: Allows entry into Lunar face Challenge Dungeon Sand Pearl Description: A medicine that alleviates desert fever Found : Antlion, Antion's Den during Full Moon in Edward's Tale Used for: Curing Harley's desert fever. Small Tale Description: A small tale Found : All over the Gathering Tale Used for: Nothing. (or faking you out, whichever) VIP Card Description: ??? Purchased : Troia/Palom Use for: Gives access to the Immortal Pub Whisperweed Seed Description: A seed from the whisperweed plant Found : East Passage 2F in Edwward's Challenge Dungeon Used for: Sell for 1.5-3k gil in Edwards CD ______________ ______________________________________________________________/ Tails [MITL] | Black Tail Description: A black tail Dropped By : Shadow Dragon (2) (VR) Found : Troia/Palom Obtained : Trade 7 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for : Trade for a Twin Stars at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Blue Tail Description: A blue tail Dropped By : Thunder Dragon (1,2,3) (VR) Obtained : Trade 7 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for : Trade for a Blue Armor at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Bronze Tail Description: A bronze tail Dropped By : Adamantoise*/Edward (U), Alligator*/Edward (U), Basilisk*/Edward (U), Ettin Snake*/Edward (U), Gigas Gator*/Edward (U), Hundlegs*/Edward (U), Hydra*/Edward (U), Sand Worm*/Edward (U) Found : Damcyan Castle/Edward x2, Antlion's Den/Edward, Impact Crater/Edward, Behind the Falls/Edward, Underground Falls/Edward, Underground Waterway/Edward x2, Kaipo/Edward, Baron/Edward Used for : Trade 5 for a Silver Tail Ebony Tail Description: An black, shining tail Dropped By : Ebony Dragon (1,3) (VR) Obtained : Trade 7 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for : Trade for a Taunt Ring at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Gold Tail Description: A gold tail Dropped By : Gold Dragon (2) (VR) Obtained : Trade 5 Silver Tails to the Tail collector in the Underground Waterway Used For : Trade for a Gil Band V2 at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Green Tail Description: A green tail Dropped By : Green Dragon (1,3) (VR) Obtained : Trade 7 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for : Trade for a Rare Band V2 at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Grey Tail Description: A grey tail Dropped By : Gray Coeurl (1,3) (VR) Obtained : Trade 7 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for : Trade for a Rear Ring at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Pink Tail Description: A pink tail Dropped By: Flan Princess (VR) Used for: Trade for a Pink Armor at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Purple Tail Description: A purple tail Dropped By : Behemoth (1,3) (VR) Obtained : Trade 7 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for : Trade for a Treasure Hunter V2 at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Rainbow Tail Description: A fabulously colored tail Obtained : Trade 14 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for : Trade for a Limit Ring at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Red Tail Description: A red tail Dropped By: Red Dragon (1,3) (VR) Obtained : Trade 7 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for: Trade for a Level Band V2 at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Silver Tail Description: A silver tail Dropped By : Alligator*/Edward (U), Ettin Snake*/Edward (U), Gigas Gator*/Edward (U), Hundlegs*/Edward (U), Hydra*/Edward (U), Sand Worm*/Edward (U) Obtained : Trade 5 Bronze Tails to the Tail collector in the Underground Waterway Found : Antlion's Den/Edward, Baron/Edward Used for : Trade 5 for a Gold Tail at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 Small Tail Description: A small tail Found : All over. See walkthrough for the Gathering Tale Used for : Trade for the various colored tails or the Rainbow Tail White Tail Description: A white tail Dropped By : White Dragon/Porom (1,3) (VR) Obtained : Trade 7 Small Tails to the tail collector in the Path to the Tower of Babil in the Gathering Tail Used for : Trade for a Rapid Ring V2 at ??? in the Final Tale, Part 2 ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ Throwing Items [MITHR] | Shuriken - 20 Attack For use with Throw command Dropped By: Blue Dragon (U) Purchased : Eblan/Edge, Dwarven Castle/Edge, Eblan/Gather, Lunar Whale Landing Point Found : Dwarven Castle/Edge, Impact Crater/Edge Can Use : Edge, Gekkou Cross Shuriken - 40 Attack For use with Throw command Dropped By: Purchased : Lunar Whale Landing Point Found : Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Tower of Babil/Edge Can Use : Edge, Gekkou Fuma Shuriken - 80 Attack For use with Throw command Dropped By: Dust Mousse (U), Elite Trooper (U), Flan Princess (R) Purchased : Found : Subterrane B6 - Exterior, Subterrane B10 - Interior, Subterrane B12 - West Can Use : Edge, Gekkou Knife - ?? Attack For use with Throw command Dropped By: Purchased : Found : Depths B15 - After Ultros Battle Can Use : Edge ____________________________________________________________________________ }---( 5.8 Monsters [ITMMNST] )-----------------------------------------------{ ______________________________________________________________________________ Drops are listed in order of rarity. Any slots that are skipped are indicated with a "None". I took my best guess at item rarity. Let me know if you find any errors. Locations are Given as [Location Name]/[Tale]. The exception being Challenge Dungeons that have no named floors, which are listed as [Character]'s CD (Ex: Yang's CD Chamber 1 and Rydia's CD) They are complete through Palom's Tale. ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters A | Abyss Worm - 7000 HP 310 Gil 6303 Exp Drops: Arctic Wind, Ether Found: Damcyan Area/Gather, Kaipo Area/Gather, Subterrane B7 Adamantoise* - 190 HP 46 Gil 234 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Antidote, Bronze Tail, Tent, Cross Found: Antlion's Den/Edward, Impact Crater/Edward * This version only appeas in Edward's Tale. No other versions drop Tails. Alligator - 175 HP 40 Gil 236 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Leather Cap, Leather Clothing, Hi-Potion, Silver Apple Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Impact Crater/Yang, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Troia Waterway/Palom, Underground Waterway/Porom, Underground Lake/Porom Alligator* - 175 HP 40 Gil 236 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Leather Cap, Bronze Tail, Hi-Potion, Silver Tail Found: Underground Lake/Edward, Behind the Falls/Edward, Underground Waterway/Edward * This version only appeas in Edward's Tale. No other versions drop Tails. Almon - 2400 HP 688 Gil 2776 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Hi Potion, Blue Fang Found: Subterrane B8 Alraune - 2315 HP 598 Gil 2744 Exp Drops: Spider Silk, Gaia Drum, Gaia Hammer Found: Fabul Area/Gather Alvacimo - 3190 HP 881 Gil 3200 Exp Drops: Silent Bell, Unicorn Horn, Bronze Hourglass, Ether Found: Subterrane B7 Amazon - 2100 HP 693 Gil 2889 Exp Drops: Potion, Ether, Rose Twine Dress, Lustrous Sword Found: Subterrane B1-B6 B10 Amoeba - 125 HP 79 Gil 225 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Antidote, Echo Herbs, Cross, Tent Found: Impact Crater/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 1, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge, Underground Waterway/Porom, Underground Lake/Porom Arachne - 3650 HP 585 Gil 4388 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Spider Silk, Gaia Drum, Gaia Hammer Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Lunarian CD #2, Agart Subterrane/Gather, Cave of Eblan/Gather, Monsterland/Gather Armadillo - 325 HP 194 Gil 1555 Exp Drops: Mythril Shield, Mythril Hammer, Hi-Potion, X-Potion Found: Yang's CD Chamber 4, Tower of Babil/Edge, Mythril Area/Gather, Mysidia Area/Gather, Agart Area/Gather, Agart Subterrane/Gather, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather Armor Construct - 10000 HP 1500 Gil 31000 Exp Drops: Cottage, Ogrekiller, Poison Axe, Rune Axe Found: Monsterland/Gather, Subterrane B11 Armored Fiend - 14000 HP 7000 Gil 18500 Exp Drops: Cottage, Ogrekiller, Poison Axe, Rune Axe Found: Subterrane B12, Depths B2-B4 B6 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters B | Backed Worm - 5200 HP 1288 Gil 5088 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Spider Silk, Ether Found: Lunar Surface/True Moon Balloon - 697 HP 315 Gil 2459 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Antarctic Wind, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Core, Bomb Summon Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Rydia's CD, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Edge's CD, Lunar Surface/Lunarians, Lunar Tunnels/Lunarians, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Agart/Gather Baron Guardsman - 280 HP 153 Gil 710 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: None Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Mist Cave/Ceodore Basilisk - 90 HP 30 Gil 110 Exp Drops: Gold Needle Found: Underworld/Rydia, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Agart Area/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Mt. Hobs/Yang Basilisk* - 90 HP 30 Gil 110 Exp Drops: Gold Needle, Bronze Tail Found: Antlion's Den/Edward * This version only appeas in Edward's Tale. No other versions drop Tails. Beam Cannon - 3000 HP 890 Gil 3199 Exp Drops: Tent, Heavenly Wrath Found: Subterrane B11 Behemoth (1) - 10000 HP 2000 Gil 10000 Exp Drops: Headband, Power Armlet, Power Sash, Purple Tail Found: Path to the Tower of Babil - North (New Moon)/Edge Behemoth (2) - 15000 HP 7600 Gil 13500 Exp Drops: Headband, Power Armlet, Power Sash Found: Subterrane B7, Depths B5 B9 Behemoth (3) - 25500 HP 10500 Gil 24800 Exp Drops: Headband, Power Armlet, Power Sash, Purple Tail Found: Subterrane B7 - Middle Room (New Moon) Belphegor - 2200 HP 484 Gil 4088 Exp Weak to Holy and Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion, Cursed Ring Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #2, Fabul Area/Gather, Cave of Eblan/Gather, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather, Monsterland/Gather Black Flan - 1357 HP 1300 Gil 3044 Exp Drops: Ether, Stardust, Lunar Curtain, Artemis Arrows Found: Lunar Surface/Lunarians, Lunar Tunnels/Lunarians, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Subterrane B1-B6, Depths B9-B12 Black Knight - 360 HP 175 Gil 840 Exp Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: Tent, Cottage Found: Devil's Road/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Maze Floor/Palom, Mountain Floor/Palom, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Strength Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Lunarians, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2 Black Lizard - 792 HP 43 Gil 1298 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Gold Needle, Medusa Arrows, Stoneblade Found: Baron Area/Kain, Mist Cliff/Kain, Tower of Babil/Edge, Lair of the Father/Lunarians, Mythril Area/Gather, Mysidia Area/Gather, Agart Area/Gather, Agart Subterrane/Gather, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather, Lodestone Cavern/Gather Blast Golem - 8888 HP 3000 Gil 7000 Exp Drops: Lightning Arrows, Blue Fang, Boltslicer, X-Potion Found: Subterrane B9 Blaze Toad - 375 HP 89 Gil 510 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Maiden's Kiss Found: Underground Waterway/Kain, Underground Lake/Kain Blood Bat - 439 HP 262 Gil 1977 Exp Weak to Fire and Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Underground Waterway/Kain, Underground Lake/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Rydia's CD, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Porom's CD, Edward's CD 3F-4F Blood Eye - 2400 HP 465 Gil 3444 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Edge's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #2, Damcyan Area/Gather, Kaipo Area/Gather, Cave of Eblan/Gather, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather, Subterrane B10 Blood Flower - 370 HP 32 Gil 1204 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Sealed Cave/Rydia, Edge's CD Bloodbones - 210 HP 81 Gil 315 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Devil's Road/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Devil's Road/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Tower of Trials/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Maze Floor/Palom, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Edge, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Edge's CD, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD B1-1F Blue Dragon - 15000 HP 40200 Gil 36000 Exp Drops: White Fang, Shuriken, Dragon Whisker, Wyvern Lance Found: Depths B3-B7 B9 Bog Toad - 600 HP 335 Gil 1841 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Maiden's Kiss Found: Monsterland/Gather Bog Witch - 2960 HP 598 Gil 3441 Exp Drops: Maiden's Kiss, Dry Ether, Soma Drop, Ribbon Found: Monsterland/Gather Bomb - 55 HP 54 Gil 361 Exp Drops: None Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Baron Area/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Underworld/Rydia, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Agart Area/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Northern Troia/Palom, Tower of Trials/Palom, Passage of the Eidolons/Porom, Outside Crater/Edward Bomb King - 11100 HP 16000 Gil 20000 Exp Drops: Bomb Fragment, Bomb Crank, Bomb Core, Bomb Found: Depths B9-B12 Bone Dragon - 12000 HP 6750 Gil 14000 Exp Drops: Red Fang, Cursed Ring Found: Monsterland/Gather, Subterrane B12, Depths B2 B4 B6 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters C | Cait Sith - 342 HP 147 Gil 820 Exp Weak to Holy Drops: Unicorn Horn, Coeurl Whisker, Cat Claws Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Devil's Road/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Agart Mine/Rydia, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Strength Floor/Palom, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Town Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Passage of the Eidolons/Porom, Porom's CD, Edward's CD 3F-4F, Baron Area/Gather Caterpillar - 986 HP 39 Gil 2822 Exp Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Edge's CD, Lunar Surface/Lunarians, Damcyan Area/Gather, Kaipo Area/Gather Catoblepas - 22556 HP 31000 Gil 29000 Exp Drops: Gold Needle, Medusa Arrows, Stoneblade, Aegis Shield Found: Depths B12-B15 Cave Bat - 334 HP 82 Gil 598 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Mist Cave/Ceodore, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Agart Mine/Rydia, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Maze Floor/Palom, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Tower of Babil/Edge, Edward's CD 3F-4F Cave Naga - 285 HP 141 Gil 740 Exp Weak to Holy Drops: Antidote, Unicorn Horn, Cross Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Agart Mine/Rydia, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Porom's CD, Edward's CD 2F Centaur Knight - 380 HP 172 Gil 860 Exp Drops: Tent, Cottage Found: Devil's Road/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Strength Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Porom's CD, Impact Crater/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1 Centaurion - 3500 HP 1220 Gil 9699 Exp Drops: Tent, Cottage Found: Subterrane B11 Chaos Knight - 16019 HP 21000 Gil 23000 Exp Drops: Cottage, Remedy, Soma Drop Found: Depths B5-B8 Chimera - 700 HP 228 Gil 1708 Exp Drops: Fire Arrows, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Crank, Red Fang Found: Yang's CD Chamber 4, Lair of the Father/Lunarians, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather, Lodestone Cavern/Gather Chimera Brain - 3400 HP 1200 Gil 5500 Exp Drops: Fire Arrows, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Crank, Red Fang Found: Edge's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #2, Fabul Area/Gather, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather, Subterrane B1-B6 B9 Chimera Geist - 19415 HP 28500 Gil 27000 Exp Drops: Red Fang, White Fang, Blue Fang, Cursed Ring Found: Depths B12-B15 Cliff Eagle - 140 HP 76 Gil 182 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon Found: Tower of Trials/Edge, Mt. Ordeals/Edge Clockwork Dragon - 12000 HP 2550 Gil 33800 Exp Drops: Heavenly Wrath, Gold Hourglass, Gold Hairpin, Golden Apple Found: Subterrane B11 Clockwork Soldier - 4900 HP 985 Gil 7999 Exp Drops: Lightning Arrows, Zeus's Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Blue Fang Found: Subterrane B11 Cockatrice - 149 HP 45 Gil 275 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Baron Area/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Northern Troia/Palom, Tower of Trials/Palom, Bridge Floor/Palom, Mysidia Area/Porom, Outside Crater/EdwardImpact Crater/Edward, Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD 3F-4F, Baron Area/Gather Coeurl - 593 HP 345 Gil 2759 Exp Drops: Unicorn Horn, Coeurl Whisker, Cat Claws Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Town Floor/Palom, Edge's CD, Porom's CD, Lunar Surface/Lunarians, Lunar Tunnels/Lunarians, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Mythril Area/Gather, Mysidia Area/Gather, Agart Area/Gather, Troia Area/Gather Coeurl Legina - ? HP ? Gil ? Exp Drops: Unicorn Horn, Coeurl Whisker, Cat Claws Found: Depths B9-B12 Count Malboro - 22500 HP 799 Gil 7250 Exp Drops: Remedy, None, None, Silver Apple Found: Lunarian CD #2 Crocodile - 3200 HP 829 Gil 4515 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Potion, Leather Clothing, Hi-Potion, Silver Apple Found: Subterrane B8 Crystal Dragon - 14120 HP 32000 Gil 21000 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: White Fang, Dragon Shield, Wyvern Lance, Crystal Ring Found: Depths B12-B15 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters D | Dark Grenade - 1820 HP 630 Gil 2644 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Bomb Fragment, Antarctic Wind, Bomb Core, Bomb Found: Subterrane B1-B6 Dark Sage - 5100 HP 2400 Gil 17003 Exp Drops: Maiden's Kiss, Dry Ether, Soma Drop, Ribbon Found: Subterrane B12, Depths B2-B4 Deathmask - 37000 HP 65000 Gil 50000 Exp Drops: Light Curtain, X-Postion, Elixir, Phase Helm Found: Depths B10-B12 B16-B19 Desert Sahagin - 20 HP 17 Gil 70 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Antidote, Echo Herbs, Tent, Cross Found: Damcyan Area/Edward, Kaipo Area/Edward Devil's Castanet - 380 HP 98 Gil 1030 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Troia Waterway/Palom Dinozombie - 12000 HP 8100 Gil 15000 Exp Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: Red Fang, None, Cursed Ring Found: Subterrane B7 Domovoi - 37 HP 48 Gil 184 Exp Drops: None Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Baron Area/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Passage of the Eidolons/Rydia, Underworld/Rydia, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Mt. Ordeals/Edge, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge, Tower of Babil/Edge, Mysidia Area/Porom, Damcyan Area/Edward, Outside Crater/Edward, Antlion's Den/Edward, Kaipo Area/Edward, Monsterland/Gather Duke Malboro - 26666 HP 55000 Gil 56000 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Remedy, None, Soma Drop, Ribbon Found: Depths B12-B15 Dust Mousse - 8882 HP 20000 Gil 21000 Exp Weak to Holy Drops: Dry Ether, Fuma Shuriken, Elixir, Soma Drop Found: Depths B9-B12 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters E | Ebony Dragon (1) - 12000 HP 2500 Gil 5618 Exp Weak to Holy and Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion, None, None, Ebony Tail Found: Lunar Tunnel West (New)/Lunarians Ebony Dragon (2) - 12000 HP 5330 Gil 11521 Exp Weak to Holy and Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion Found: Subterrane B4-B5 Ebony Dragon (3) - 23000 HP 7800 Gil 17850 Exp Weak to Holy and Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion, None, None, Ebony Tail Found: Subterrane B4 - Interior (New Moon) Elder Treant - 3900 HP 525 Gil 5041 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Subterrane B7 Electrofish - 284 HP 82 Gil 640 Exp Absorbs Lightning Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Impact Crater/Yang, Troia Waterway/Palom, Convoy Floor/Palom Elite Trooper - 9633 HP 14000 Gil 17000 Exp Drops: X-Potion, Fuma Shuriken, Minerva Bustier, Golden Apple Found: Depths B5-B8 Ettin Snake - 108 HP 126 Gil 720 Exp Weak to Cold and Holy Drops: Antidote, Unicorn Horn, Poison Arrows Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Agart Mine/Rydia, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Passage of the Eidolons/Porom, Porom's CD, Baron Area/Gather Ettin Snake* - 108 HP 126 Gil 720 Exp Weak to Cold and Holy Drops: Antidote, Bronze Tail, Poison Arrows, Silver Tail Found: Edward's CD 2F Eukaryote - 1700 HP 1560 Gil 6999 Exp Drops: Stardust, Lunar Curtain Found: Subterrane B1-B6 Evil Dreamer - 2800 HP 362 Gil 3141 Exp Drops: Potion, None, Cursed Ring Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Subterrane B1-B6 B10 Evil Flame - 315 HP 88 Gil 666 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Potion, Cursed Ring Found: Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Devil's Road/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather Eyewing Moth - 40 HP 18 Gil 74 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle Found: Adamant Grotto/Prologue, Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Passage of the Eidolons/Rydia, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Northern Troia/Palom, Tower of Trials/Edge, Mt. Ordeals/Edge ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters F | Fangshell - 58 HP 28 Gil 101 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Impact Crater/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 1, Underground Waterway/Porom, Underground Lake/Porom Fell Knight - 2900 HP 575 Gil 4288 Exp Drops: Tent, Cottage Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #2, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather Fell Turtle - 700 HP 224 Gil 920 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Mythril Shield, Mythril Knife, Hi-Potion, X-Potion Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Baron Area/Kain, Underground Waterway/Kain, Underground Lake/Kain, Convoy Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Lunarians Fiend Dragon - 16830 HP 32500 Gil 21500 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Blue Fang, Dragon Whisker, Protect Ring, Golden Apple Found: Depths B12-B15 Flame Knight - 579 HP 300 Gil 1708 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Flame Shield, Flame Mail, Flame Lance, Flame Sword Found: Lunarian CD #1, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather Flamehound - 1221 HP 244 Gil 1708 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Fire Arrows, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Crank, Red Fang Found: Baron Area/Kain, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Lair of the Father/Lunarians, Mythril Area/Gather, Mysidia Area/Gather, Agart Area/Gather, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather Flan Princess - 20000 HP 55555 Gil 10000 Exp Drops: Hi-Potion, Elixir, Fuma Shuriken, Pink Tail Found: Subterrane B5 - Southeast Room (Full Moon) Flaygator - 880 HP 356 Gil 1563 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Potion, Potion, Hi-Potion, Silver Apple Found: Underground Waterway/Kain, Underground Lake/Kain, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather Fledgling Ruhk - 50 HP 81 Gil 1004 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon Found: Mythril Area/Gather, Mysidia Area/Gather, Agart Area/Gather Floating Eye - 20 HP 9 Gil 42 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle Found: Adamant Isle/Prologue, Passage of the Eidolons/Rydia, Southern Troia/Palom, Northern Troia/Palom, Tower of Trials/Edge Flood Worm - 638 HP 128 Gil 690 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Remedy, Silver Apple Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Mist Cave/Ceodore, Impact Crater/Yang, Troia Waterway/Palom, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Convoy Floor/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom Frostbeast - 520 HP 276 Gil 1441 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Ice Arrows, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, White Fang Found: Baron Area/Kain, Mist Cliff/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Mountain Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1 Full Body - 130000 HP 48000 Gil 40000 Exp Drops: Light Curtain, X-Potion, Elixir, Phase Body Found: Depths B16-B19 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters G | Gargoyle - 160 HP 61 Gil 315 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion Found: Adamant Isle/Prologue, Baron Castle/Prologue, Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Baron Area/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Underworld/Rydia, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Agart Area/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Tower of Trials/Palom, Bridge Floor/Palom, Tower of Trials/Edge, Mt. Ordeals/Edge, Passage of the Eidolons/Porom, Outside Crater/Edward, Impact Crater/Edward, Edward's CD 3F-4F Gatlinghog - 115 HP 53 Gil 335 Exp Drops: Gold Needle Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Baron Area/Ceodore, Underworld/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Tower of Babil/Edge, Mysidia Area/Porom, Outside Crater/Edward, Edward's CD 2F, Edward's CD 3F-4F Gavel Worm - 4111 HP 287 Gil 3963 Exp Drops: Stardust, None, None, Soma Drop Found: Lunar Surface/Lunarians Ghost Knight - 1050 HP 211 Gil 2559 Exp Weak to Holy Drops: Tent, Cottage Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Troia Area/Gather Ghoul - 222 HP 43 Gil 505 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Devil's Road/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 2, Maze Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Edge, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Underground Waterway/Porom, Underground Lake/Porom, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Antlion's Den/Edward, Underground Lake/Edward, Behind the Falls/Edward, Underground Waterway/Edward, Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD B1-1F Gigantoad - 47 HP 24 Gil 89 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Maiden's Kiss Found: Sylph Cave/Rydia, Impact Crater/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 1, Troia Waterway/Palom, Bridge Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Edge, Underground Waterway/Porom Gigas Gator - 292 HP 101 Gil 660 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Leather Cap, Leather Clothing, Hi-Potion, Silver Apple Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Underground Lake/Kain, Impact Crater/Yang, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Troia Waterway/Palom, Convoy Floor/Palom, Strength Floor/Palom, Gigas Gator* - 292 HP 101 Gil 660 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Leather Cap, Bronze Tail, Hi-Potion, Silver Tail Found: Underground Lake/Edward, Behind the Falls/Edward * This version only appeas in Edward's Tale. No other versions drop Tails. Gil Bird - 3000 HP 999 Gil 333 Exp Drops: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon Found: Mountain Floor/Palom Gil Bird - 6000 HP 9999 Gil 666 Exp Drops: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon Found: Mountain Floor/Palom Goblin - 6 HP 5 Gil 28 Exp Drops: Potion, Tent, Bronze Hourglass, Goblin Summon Found: Adamant Isle/Prologue, Adamant Grotto/Prologue, Baron Castle/Prologue, Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Baron Area/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Passage of the Eidolons/Rydia, Underworld/Rydia, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Agart Area/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Southern Troia/Palom, Mt. Ordeals/Edge, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge, Mysidia Area/Porom, Damcyan Area/Edward, Outside Crater/Edward, Kaipo Area/Edward, Monsterland/Gather Goblin Captain - 199 HP 45 Gil 1930 Exp Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Baron Area/Kain, Mist Cliff/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Porom's CD, Lair of the Father/Lunarians, Damcyan Area/Gather, Kaipo Area/Gather, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather, Monsterland/Gather Goblin Prince - 8929 HP 6000 Gil 11000 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Potion, X-Potion, Gold Hourglass, Goblin Summon Found: Monsterland/Gather, Depths B5-B8 Gold Dragon (1) - 8200 HP 20000 Gil 10095 Exp Drops: Zeus's Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Blue Fang, Silver Apple Found: Subterrane B12, Depths B2-B8 Gold Dragon (2) - 20000 HP 25000 Gil 20150 Exp Drops: Zeus's Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Blue Fang, Gold Tail Found: Subterrane B12 - North (Full Moon) Gorgon - 2550 HP 248 Gil 3003 Exp Drops: Gold Needle, Medusa Arrows, Stoneblade Found: Fabul Area/Gather Gray Bomb - 111 HP 67 Gil 445 Exp Drops: None Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Baron Area/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Underworld/Rydia, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Passage of the Eidolons/Porom Gray Coeurl (1) - 10000 HP 2300 Gil 7000 Exp Drops: Unicorn Horn, Coeurl Whisker, None, Gray Tail Found: Devil's Road (Waning)/Kain Gray Coeurl (2) - 10000 HP 2300 Gil 7000 Exp Drops: Unicorn Horn, Coeurl Whisker Found: Lunar Surface/True Moon Gray Coeurl (3) - 20950 HP 4550 Gil 15000 Exp Drops: Unicorn Horn, Coeurl Whisker, None, Gray tail Found: Lunar Surface (Waning)/True Moon Great Malboro - 12180 HP 20000 Gil 22000 Exp Drops: Remedy, Bacchus's Wine, Soma Drop, Megalixir Found: Monsterland/Gather, Depths B5-B8 Green Cell - 900 HP 392 Gil 2003 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Subterrane B8 Green Dragon (1) - 4400 HP 368 Gil 4759 Exp Drops: Blue Fang, None, None, Green Tail Found: Agart Mine (Waning)/Rydia Green Dragon (2) - 9800 HP 2985 Gil 8234 Exp Drops: Blue Fang Found: Subterrane B9 Green Dragon (3) - 22800 HP 5900 Gil 19500 Exp Drops: Blue Fang, None, None, Green Tail Found: Subterrane B9 - Interior (Waning Moon) Gremlin - 410 HP 275 Gil 1121 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Silent Bell, Unicorn Horn, Bronze Hourglass, Ether Found: Devil's Road/Kain, Baron Area/Kain, Mist Cliff/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Lunarians ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters H | Helldiver - 18 HP 5 Gil 40 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon Found: Adamant Isle/Prologue, Southern Troia/Palom, Northern Troia/Palom, Tower of Trials/Edge Hellflapper - 900 HP 312 Gil 3114 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle Found: Baron Area/Kain, Edge's CD, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Damcyan Area/Gather, Kaipo Area/Gather, Cave of Eblan/Gather, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather High Wizard - 1800 HP 775 Gil 3045 Exp Drops: Phoenix Down, Dry Ether, Soma Drop, Ribbon Found: Subterrane B1-B5 B10 Hundlegs* - 60 HP 20 Gil 79 Exp Drops: Potion, Bronze Tail, None, Silver Tail Found: Damcyan Area/Edward, Impact Crater/Edward, Kaipo Area/Edward * This version only appeas in Edward's Tale. No other versions drop Tails. Hydra - 257 HP 98 Gil 670 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Antidote, Unicorn Horn, Poison Arrows Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Troia Waterway/Palom, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Convoy Floor/Palom Hydra* - 257 HP 98 Gil 670 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Antidote, Bronze Tail, Poison Arrows, Silver Tail Found: Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD 2F * This version only appeas in Edward's Tale. No other versions drop Tails. Hydro Golem - 8888 HP 3000 Gil 7000 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Ice Arrows, White Fang, Ice Whip, X-Potion Found: Subterrane B7 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters I | Ice Lizard - 480 HP 289 Gil 1331 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Ice Arrows, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, White Fang Found: Baron Area/Kain, Mist Cliff/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Convoy Floor/Palom, Edge's CD, Impact Crater/Lunarians, Troia Area/Gather Imp - 3480 HP 650 Gil 6388 Exp Drops: Silent Bell, Unicorn Horn, Bronze Hourglass, Ether Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather, Subterrane B10 Ironback - 100 HP 233 Gil 1077 Exp Drops: Mythril Knife, Mythril Helm, Hi-Potion, X-Potion Found: Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Mythril Area/Gather, Mysidia Area/Gather, Agart Area/Gather, Agart Subterrane/Gather ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters K | Killer Fish - 65 HP 30 Gil 119 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Impact Crater/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 1, Troia Waterway/Palom, Underground Waterway/Porom King Toad - 2700 HP 563 Gil 3500 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Maiden's Kiss Found: Subterrane B8 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters L | Lamage - 300 HP 332 Gil 950 Exp Drops: Rod, Thunder Rod, Ether, Circlet Found: Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Bridge Floor/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Mountain Floor/Palom Lamia - 1200 HP 143 Gil 2059 Exp Drops: Lamia Harp, Ruby Ring, Light Curtain, Angel Arrows Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Bridge Floor/Palom, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Town Floor/Palom, Edge's CD, Porom's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2 Lamia Matriarch - 1100 HP 247 Gil 2859 Exp Drops: Lamia Harp, Ruby Ring, Light Curtain, Angel Arrows Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Troia Area/Gather Lamia Queen - 9330 HP 12500 Gil 15500 Exp Drops: Potion, Lilith's Kiss, Dry Ether, Lilith Rod Found: Depths B5 B7-B8 Larva - 28 HP 8 Gil 49 Exp Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Adamant Grotto/Prologue, Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Passage of the Eidolons/Rydia, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Southern Troia/Palom, Northern Troia/Palom, Tower of Trials/Edge, Mt. Ordeals/Edge, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge Left Arm - 35000 HP 30000 Gil 33000 Exp Drops: Light Curtain, X-Potion, Elixir, Phase Shield Found: Depths B16-B19 Left Foot - 48000 HP 32000 Gil 35000 Exp Drops: Light Curtain, X-Potion, Elixir, Phase Knuckle Found: Depths B16-B19 Leshy - 130 HP 42 Gil 157 Exp Drops: Potion Found: Underworld/Rydia, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Agart Area/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Antlion's Den/Edward, Edward's CD 2F, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #2 Lesser Marilith - 1400 HP 205 Gil 3082 Exp Drops: Lightning Arrows, ?, Heavenly Wrath, Blue Fang Found: Edge's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #2, Cave of Eblan/Gather Lilith - 466 HP 150 Gil 1235 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire Drops: None, Lilith's Kiss, Silver Apple, Lilith Rod Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Old Waterway/Ceodore, Mist Cave/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 2, Bridge Floor/Palom, Maze Floor/Palom, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Edge's CD, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD B1-1F, Baron Area/Gather Living Mail - 2500 HP 549 Gil 2691 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: Tent, Cottage Found: Subterrane B7 Lucifer - 4400 HP 889 Gil 5200 Exp Weak to Holy and Thrown Weapons Drops: None Found: Subterrane B9 Lunar Virus - 980 HP 1100 Gil 3237 Exp Drops: Ether, Stardust, Lunar Curtain, Artemis Arrows Found: Lunar Surface/True Moon ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters M | Mad Ogre - 2000 HP 270 Gil 2359 Exp Weak to Holy Drops: Bacchus's Wine, Headband, Power Armlet, Giant's Gloves Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Town Floor/Palom, Edge's CD, Porom's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Fabul Area/Gather, Agart/Gather, Troia Area/Gather Maenad - 17800 HP 4800 Gil 20500 Exp Drops: None Found: Depths B21-B22 Notes: Uses physical attacks Maenad - 42800 HP 4800 Gil 20500 Exp Drops: None Found: Depths B21-B22 Notes: Uses magical attacks Malboro - 4200 HP 458 Gil 5641 Exp Drops: Remedy, Bacchus's Wine, Poison Arrows, Soma Drop Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Edge's CD, Subterrane B5 - Southwest Room, Subterrane B6 Magma Tortoise - 435 HP 234 Gil 1666 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Mythril Shield, Mythril Hammer, Hi-Potion, X-Potion Found: Kaipo Area/Kain, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Lair of the Father/Lunarians, Eblan Area/Gather, Eblan/Gather Material - 2050 HP 663 Gil 2997 Exp Drops: Diamond Shield, Diamond Armor, Hi-Potion, X-Potion Found: Lunar Surface/True Moon Medusa - 490 HP 225 Gil 1208 Exp Drops: Gold Needle, Medusa Arrows, Stoneblade Found: Mist Cliff/Kain, Town Floor/Palom, Lair of the Father/Lunarians Melt Golem - 8888 HP 3000 Gil 7000 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Fire Arrows, Red Fang, Crimson Cherry, X-Potion Found: Subterrane B10 Micaliote - 1400 HP 488 Gil 2135 Exp Drops: Stardust, Lunar Curtain Found: Lunar Surface/True Moon, Subterrane B1-B5 Mindflayer - 300 HP 162 Gil 1000 Exp Drops: Hi-Potion, Unicorn Horn, Gold Hourglass, Mindflayer Summon Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Agart Mine/Rydia, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Edward's CD 2F Mizuchi - 675 HP 274 Gil 1080 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Antidote, Unicorn Horn, Poison Arrows Found: Underground Waterway/Kain, Underground Lake/Kain, Troia Area/Gather Mors - 695 HP 253 Gil 1504 Exp Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Convoy Floor/Palom, Lunar Surface/Lunarians, Lunar Tunnels/Lunarians Mortblossom - 440 HP 210 Gil 216 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Passage of the Eidolons/Porom, Baron Area/Edward, Baron Area/Gather Mystery Egg - HP, Gil, and Exp same as its Hatchling Drops: Same as its Hatchling Found: Mist Cliff/Kain, Agart Mine/Rydia, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Town Floor/Palom, Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Troia Area/Gather Mythril Golem - 2900 HP 383 Gil 3659 Exp Drops: Mythril Knife, Mythril Shield, Mythril Armor, Mythril Sword Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Edge's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Agart/Gather, Troia Area/Gather ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters N | Naga - 320 HP 150 Gil 1118 Exp Drops: Antidote, Unicorn Horn, Poison Arrows Found: Baron Area/Kain, Mist Cliff/Kain, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Town Floor/Palom, Lair of the Father/Lunarians, Lodestone Cavern/Gather Nagaraja - 1480 HP 238 Gil 3582 Exp Drops: Antidote, Unicorn Horn, Poison Arrows Found: Underground Cavern/Kain, Edge's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #2, Fabul Area/Gather, Lodestone Cavern/Gather, Cave of Eblan/Gather Navy Moth - 152 HP 52 Gil 229 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle Found: Mt. Ordeals/Edge Necrodium - 429 HP 64 Gil 741 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Mt. Ordeals/Porom Needlehog - 398 HP 119 Gil 700 Exp Drops: Gold Needle Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Agart Mine/Rydia, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Strength Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Passage of the Eidolons/Porom, Edward's CD 2F, Baron Area/Gather Nescaliote - 1800 HP 511 Gil 2221 Exp Drops: Stardust, Lunar Curtain Found: Lunar Surface/True Moon, Subterrane B1-B5 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters O | Ogre - 865 HP 134 Gil 800 Exp Weak to Holy Drops: Bacchus's Wine, Headband, Power Armlet, Giant's Gloves Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Agart Mine/Rydia, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Mountain Floor/Palom, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Strength Floor/Palom, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Town Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Porom's CD, Edward's CD 3F-4F, Agart/Gather ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters P | Prokaryote - 2600 HP 1850 Gil 7999 Exp Drops: Stardust, Lunar Curtain Found: Subterrane B1-B6 Proto Beam Cannon - 215 HP 180 Gil 350 Exp Drops: Tent, Heavenly Wrath Found: Tower of Babil/Edge Proto Clockwork - 259 HP 225 Gil 412 Exp Drops: Lightning Arrows, Zeus's Wrath, Heavenly Wrath, Blue Fang Found: Tower of Babil/Edge Proto Deathmask - 31415 HP 31000 Gil 31000 Exp Drops: Light Curtain, X-Potion, Lunar Curtain, Glass Mask Found: Depths B12-B19 Purple Bavarois - 105 HP 50 Gil 750 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Devil's Road/Kain, Mist Cliff/Kain, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Rydia's CD, Flan Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Edge's CD, Porom's CD, Edward's CD 3F-4F, Lunar Surface/Lunarians, Lunar Tunnels/Lunarians, Impact Crater/Lunarians, Troia Area/Gather ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters R | Red Dragon (1) - 8000 HP 1200 Gil 6000 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Red Fang, None, None, Red Tail Found: Impact Crater (New)/Yang Red Dragon (2) - 12500 HP 7100 Gil 12000 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Red Fang Found: Subterrane B10, Depths B3-B4 B6-B7 B9 Red Dragon (3) - 23500 HP 9800 Gil 22000 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Red Fang, Dragon Gloves, Wyvern Lance, Crystal Ring Found: Subterrane B10 - East Room (New Moon) Red Mousse - 35 HP 36 Gil 134 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Sealed Cave/Rydia, Tower of Trials/Palom, Flan Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Edge, Porom's CD, Edward's CD 3F-4F, Impact Crater/Lunarians Revenant - 250 HP 47 Gil 575 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Devil's Road/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 2, Maze Floor/Palom, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Underground Waterway/Edward, Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD B1-1F Ricardo Mage - 235 HP 231 Gil 480 Exp Drops: Rod, Flame Rod, Ether, Rune Armlet Found: Troia Waterway/Palom, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Bridge Floor/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Mountain Floor/Palom, Town Floor/Palom Right Arm - 35000 HP 30000 Gil 33000 Exp Drops: Light Curtain, X-Potion, Elixir, Phase Cutter Found: Depths B16-B19 Right Foot - 48000 HP 32000 Gil 35000 Exp Drops: Light Curtain, X-Potion, Elixir, Phase Knuckle Found: Depths B16-B19 Ruhk - 500 HP 150 Gil 1404 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Feathered Cap, Hi Potion, Cottage, Silver Apple Found: Mythril Area/Gather, Mysidia Area/Gather, Agart Area/Gather ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters S | Sahagin - 64 HP 38 Gil 136 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: None Found: Yang's CD Chamber 1, Troia Waterway/Palom, Bridge Floor/Palom, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge, Impact Crater/Edge, Underground Lake/Porom, Underground Lake/Edward, Behind the Falls/Edward, Underground Waterway/Edward Sahagin Knight - 450 HP 210 Gil 670 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Broadsword, Longsword, Coral Blade, Sleep Blade Found: Underground Waterway/Kain, Underground Lake/Kain Sahagin Prince - 10902 HP 14000 Gil 18000 Exp Drops: Cottage, Bestiary, X-Potion, Megalixir Found: Depths B5-B8 Sand Worm - 75 HP 22 Gil 82 Exp Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion, Remedy, Silver Apple Found: Passage of the Eidolons/Rydia Sand Worm* - 75 HP 22 Gil 82 Exp Drops: Potion, Bronze Tail, Remedy, Silver Tail Found: Damcyan Area/Edward, Impact Crater/Edward, Kaipo Area/Edward Selene Guardian - 4000 HP 3500 Gil 13000 Exp Drops: Holy Arrows, Lunar Curtain, Minerva Bustier, Artemis Bow Found: Subterrane B12, Depths B2-B4 Shadow - 2000 HP 666 Gil 3000 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Subterrane B7 Shadow Dragon (1) - 12000 HP 4200 Gil 9865 Exp Drops: Eye Drops, Blinding Arrows, X-Potion Found: Subterrane B5-B6 Shadow Dragon (2) - 20550 HP 6600 Gil 20000 Exp Drops: Eye Drops, Blinding Arrows, X-Potion, Black Tail Found: Subterrane B5 - Southeast Room (Waxing Moon) Silver Dragon - 7500 HP 19000 Gil 15000 Exp Drops: Stardust, Light Curtain, Lunar Curtain, Silver Apple Found: Subterrane B12, Depths B2-B8 Skeleripper - 343 HP 121 Gil 587 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Devil's Road/Kain, Kaipo Area/Kain, Mt. Ordeals/Porom Skeletal Dragon - 7700 HP 1882 Gil 6600 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Red Fang, None, Cursed Ring Found: Subterrane B1 B4-B6 Skeleton - 135 HP 121 Gil 238 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Devil's Road/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Northern Troia/Palom, Tower of Trials/Palom, Maze Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Edge, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Antlion's Den/Edward, Impact Crater/Edward, Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD B1-1F Skulldier - 740 HP 116 Gil 1577 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Maze Floor/Palom, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Edge's CD, Porom's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Fabul Area/Gather, Agart Subterrane/Gather, Troia Area/Gather Sky Pupil - 113 HP 39 Gil 145 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle Found: Mt. Ordeals/Edge Soldieress - 425 HP 200 Gil 1050 Exp Drops: Tent, Cottage Found: Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Mountain Floor/Palom, Perplexion Floor/Palom, Impact Crater/Lunarians Solid Shutter - 2100 HP 491 Gil 2884 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Subterrane B8 Sorcerer - 1000 HP 272 Gil 2359 Exp Drops: Unicorn Horn, Healing Staff, Rune Armlet, Rune Staff Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Rydia's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2 Sorceress - 350 HP 329 Gil 134 Exp Drops: Rod, Silver Armlet, Ether, Dry Ether Found: Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Magic Floor/Palom, Mountain Floor/Palom, Town Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Porom's CD, Edward's CD 2F, Impact Crater/Lunarians Soul - 200 HP 59 Gil 460 Exp Weak to Holy, Absorbs Fire Drops: Potion, Cursed Ring Found: Baron Castle/Prologue, Devil's Road/Ceodore, Mt. Ordeals/Kain, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 2, Tower of Trials/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Tower of Babil/Edge, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Impact Crater/Edward, Underground Waterway/Edward, Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD B1-1F Spirit - 86 HP 66 Gil 278 Exp Weak to Holy, Absorbs Fire Drops: Potion, None, Cursed Ring Found: Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Devil's Road/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Northern Troia/Palom, Tower of Trials/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Mt. Ordeals/Edge, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Tower of Babil/Edge, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Antlion's Den/Edward, Impact Crater/Edward, Underground Waterway/Edward, Edward's CD B1-1F Splasher - 180 HP 63 Gil 430 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Old Waterway/Ceodore, Impact Crater/Yang, Troia Waterway/Palom, Convoy Floor/Palom, Underground Waterway/Porom, Underground Lake/Porom, Underground Lake/Edward, Behind the Falls/Edward, Underground Waterway/Edward Steel Golem - 1950 HP 445 Gil 703 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: None, Wooden Hammer, Giant's Gloves Found: Yang's CD Chamber 4, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Edge's CD, Porom's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Fabul Area/Gather, Agart Subterrane/Gather Stone Golem - 2560 HP 238 Gil 2908 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Hi-Potion, Medusa Arrows, X-Potion Found: Yang's CD Chamber 4, Edge's CD, Lair of the Father/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #2, Lodestone Cavern/Gather, Subterrane B7 Storm Anima - 1400 HP 149 Gil 2459 Exp Weak to Holy Drops: Lightning Arrows, Antarctic Wind, Heavenly Wrath, Blue Fang Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Rydia's CD, Yang's CD Chamber 4, Strongarm Floor/Palom, Edge's CD, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Lunarian CD #2, Subterrane B9 Succubus - 270 HP 133 Gil 810 Exp Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: Vampire Fang, Lilith's Kiss Found: Mist Cave/Ceodore, Agart Mine/Rydia, Yang's CD Chamber 3, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Maze Floor/Palom, Tower of Babil/Edge, Edward's CD 3F-4F Summoner - 3600 HP 475 Gil 3688 Exp Drops: Unicorn Horn, Healing Staff, Rune Armlet, Rune Staff Found: Ancient Castle/Kain, Underground Cavern/Kain, Cave of Eblan/Gather, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather Sword Rat - 30 HP 13 Gil 66 Exp Drops: Gold Needle Found: Adamant Isle/Prologue, Adamant Grotto/Prologue, Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Baron Area/Ceodore, Mist Area/Kain, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Southern Troia/Palom, Mt. Ordeals/Edge, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Mysidia Area/Porom, Damcyan Area/Edward, Outside Crater/Edward, Kaipo Area/Edward Sylvanpoth - 2200 HP 612 Gil 2765 Exp Weak to Lightning Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Subterrane B8 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters T | Thunder Dragon (1) - 3000 HP 800 Gil 4800 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Heavenly Wrath, Silver Hourglass, Silver Apple, Blue Tail Found: Mist Cave (Full)/Ceodore Thunder Dragon (2) - 7600 HP 900 Gil 7777 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Heavenly Wrath, Silver Hourglass, Silver Apple, Blue Tail Found: Underground Cavern/Kain Thunder Dragon (3) - 7600 HP 3300 Gil 7777 Exp Drops: Heavenly Wrath, Silver Hourglass, Gold Hourglass, Golden Apple Found: Subterrane B11 Thunder Dragon (4) - 19800 HP 6750 Gil 16150 Exp Drops: Heavenly Wrath, Silver Hourglass, Gold Hourglass, Blue Tail Found: Subterrane B11 - Center Thunderbird - 1950 HP 710 Gil 3600 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Gold Needle, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Found: Subterrane B9 Tiny Mage - 69 HP 63 Gil 132 Exp Drops: Rod, Silver Armlet, Ether, Dry Ether Found: Mysidia Area/Ceodore, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Agart Area/Rydia, Fabul Area/Yang, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 1, Troia Waterway/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Underground Lake/Porom Toadgre - 59 HP 34 Gil 127 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Maiden's Kiss Found: Underground Waterway/Kain, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Yang's CD Chamber 1, Bridge Floor/Palom, Convoy Floor/Palom, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge, Impact Crater/Edge, Underground Waterway/Porom Trap Door - 1700 HP 450 Gil 1620 Exp Drops: None Found: Sealed Cave/Rydia Treant - 335 HP 148 Gil 687 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy Found: Agart Mine/Rydia, Passage of the Eidolons/Porom, Baron Area/Edward, Baron Area/Gather Tunneler - 655 HP 342 Gil 2714 Exp Drops: Spider Silk, Gaia drum, None?, Silver Apple Found: Damcyan Area/Gather, Kaipo Area/Gather, Agart Subterrane/Gather ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters W | Vampire Bat - 1014 HP 355 Gil 2306 Exp Weak to Fire and Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Edge's CD, Fabul Area/Gather, Lodestone Cavern/Gather, Cave of Eblan/Gather, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather, Subterrane B9 Vampiress - 2375 HP 188 Gil 3582 Exp Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: Vampire Fang, Lilith's Kiss Found: Edge's CD, Lunarian CD #1, Cave of Eblan/Gather, Path to the Tower of Babil/Gather, Subterrane B9 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters W | White Dragon (1) - 7500 HP 1750 Gil 5500 Exp Drops: White Fang, None, None, White Tail Found: Northeast of Mt. Ordeals/Porom White Dragon (1) - 11000 HP 5050 Gil 10008 Exp Drops: White Fang Found: Subterrane B8 White Dragon (1) - 21300 HP 7400 Gil 18500 Exp Drops: White Fang, None, None, White Tail Found: Subterrane B8 - Interior (Waxing Moon) White Mousse - 298 HP 384 Gil 1808 Exp Weak to Cold Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Flan Floor/Palom, Lunar Surface/Lunarians, Lunar Tunnels/Lunarians, Lair of the Father/Lunarians, Lunar Subterrane/Lunarians, Lunarian CD #1, Fabul Area/Gather, Mythril Area/Gather, Mysidia Area/Gather, Agart Area/Gather, Troia Area/Gather, Lodestone Cavern/Gather, Lunar Surface/True Moon Wight - 2200 HP 29 Gil 5600 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire Drops: None Found: Subterrane B7 Wild Bat - 227 HP 93 Gil 251 Exp Weak to Holy and Thrown Weapons Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Mt. Ordeals/Edge Will Priest - 250 HP 1268 Gil 720 Exp Drops: Staff, Healing Staff, Mythril Staff, Mindflayer Summon Found: Troia Waterway/Palom, Lodestone Cavern/Palom, Magic Floor/Palom, Mountain Floor/Palom Worst Malboro - 18428 HP 22000 Gil 2300 Exp Weak to Fire Drops: Remedy, None, Soma Drop, Ribbon Found: Depths B9-B12 ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters Y | Yellow Jelly - 55 HP 33 Gil 144 Exp Drops: Potion, Hi-Potion Found: Devil's Road/Ceodore, Mist Cave/Ceodore, Devil's Road/Kain, Passage of the Eidolons/Rydia, Underworld/Rydia, Sylph Cave/Rydia, Sealed Cave/Rydia, Agart Area/Rydia, Tower of Trials/Palom, Flan Floor/Palom, Dwarven Mine Path/Edge, Underground Waterway/Porom, Porom's CD, Antlion's Den/Edward, Edward's CD 3F-4F, Impact Crater/Lunarians ____________ ________________________________________________________________/ Monsters Z | Zombie - 52 HP 31 Gil 112 Exp Undead, Weak to Fire and Holy Drops: None Found: Devil's Road/Ceodore, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Adamant Idle Forest/Yang, Yang's CD Chamber 1, Yang's CD Chamber 2, Maze Floor/Palom, Mt. Ordeals/Edge, Impact Crater/Edge, Cave of Eblan/Edge, Path to the Tower of Babil/Edge, Underground Waterway/Porom, Underground Lake/Porom, Mt. Ordeals/Porom, Antlion's Den/Edward, Underground Lake/Edward, Behind the Falls/Edward, Underground Waterway/Edward Zu - 941 HP 281 Gil 432 Exp Weak to Thrown Weapons Drops: Feathered Cap, Hi Potion, Cottage, Silver Apple Found: Baron Area/Ceodore, Mt. Hobs/Yang, Mysidia Area/Porom, Outside Crater/Edward, Baron Area/Edward, Edward's CD 3F-4F, Baron Area/Gather *------------------* |6 | Thanks [THKY] | *------------------* GameFAQs, for hosting this. Squeenix and Matrix for making this. dark_deity9 for sending me the classic controller controls since I was too lazy to look them up. slo_bro for the list of non-import levels for the Crystals that he posted on the GameFAQs forum. CranberryPSO for providing a list of status ailments that the Adamant Armor, Crystal Mail, and Lunar Mail prevent *-------------------------------* |7 | Old Version History [OVRH] | *-------------------------------* 0.4.90 Finished Prologue, Ceodore's Tale, Kain's Tale and Rydia's Tale Included RNG Manipulations and Rare Item list. [30 June 2009] 0.4.95 Fixed Rydia's Challenge Dungeon Treasure, Added a few new monster encounters, began item lists. Added more RNG Manipulations. Other minor corrections. [6 July 2009] 0.5.00 Added Yang's Tale. Monsters list added through the prologue and most of Ceodore's Tale. [10 July 2009] 0.6.00 Added Palom's Tale. Added more RNG Guaranteed Drop Methods, Monsters and item lists updated through Palom's Tale [22 July 2009] 0.7.00 Added Edge's Tale. Added more RNG methods. Some typo fixes. Monsters and item lists updated through Edge’s Tale. Update list of bands since I was slacking on it for so long. [29 July 2009] 0.7.10 Added some equipment 'Found On' locations, revised some of the Ceodore and Kain Tale strategies. Added some RNG methods. [3 August 2009] 0.7.60 Began work on Porom's Tale - complete through Mysidia, Present Day. Corrected a few monster and item entries. [4 August 2009] 0.7.90 Porom's Tale mostly complete. Items and Monsters info not yet finished. Porom's Challenge Dungeon still needs to be fleshed out. Added a Tale name Tag to each section in the walkthroughs to better help you know where you are when scrolling through it. [5 August 2009] 0.8.00 Finished Porom's Tale. Monsters and Items complete through Porom's Tale. [10 August 2009] 0.8.60 Edward's Tale completed through the first trip through the Underground Waterway. [11 August 2009] 0.9.00 Edward's Tale completed. Item and monster lists complete through Edward's Tale. Removed RNG Drop Manipulation section since it is its own guide and was a bit confusing in here. [17 August 2009] 0.9.70 Lunarians' Tale completed except for the lunar tunnels. Item and Monster lists still need to be update for Lunarians. [18 August 2009] 1.0.00 Lunarians' Tale completed. Item and monster lists complete through the Lunarians' Tale. Fixed a ton of types, including a number of east/west swaps that were surely a bit confusing. [19 August 2009] 1.1.00 Gathering Tale completed. Item and monster lists complete through the Gathering Tale. [10 September 2009] 1.2.00 Completed the Final Tale through Subterrane B11. Item and monster lists complete through Subterrane B11. Converted all items in the walkthrough portion to uppercase for better visibility. Removed the Rare Items section because it was cluttery and redundant. Moved old version history to the bottom. Added Accuracy, Evasion, and Magic Evasion stats to equipment listings. [16 September 2009] 1.2.10 Added Subterrane B12 and B13 and their items and monsters. Guide complete through up to right before the Depths. [17 September 2009]