------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy IV - The After Years Walkthrough Created by: Zxela404, CranberryPSO Creation Date: June 4, 2009 Email: alexturnitin@hotmail.com, commander_pikachu@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *If you want to find something quickly, use Ctrl-F and the 4 letter codes to access each section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) - Legal Stuff (LGS1) (2) - Version History (VHS1) (3) - Main Guide (MNG0) (3.00) - Introduction (MNG1) (3.01) - Controls (MNG2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.010) - Ceodore's Tale - The Adventure Begins (CEO1) (3.020) - Monster Invasion??? (CEO2) (3.030) - The Hooded Man (CEO3) (3.040) - Kain's Struggle (KAN1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.110) - Rydia’s Tale - The Eidolons Shackled (RYD1) (3.120) - The Summoner's Journey (RYD2) (3.130) - A Summoner and a Shop Hand (RYD3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.210) - Yang’s Tale - The Master of Fabul (YNG1) (3.220) - A Master and Disciple (YNG2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.310) - Palom's Tale - A Mage's Voyage (PLM1) (3.320) - The Art of Black and White (PLM2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.410) - Edge's Tale - The Pulse of Babil (EDG1) (3.420) - The Female Ninja (EDG2) (3.430) - The Child Ninja (EDG3) (3.440) - The Elderly Ninja (EDG4) (3.450) - The Quiet Ninja (EDG5) (3.460) - The Tower of Babil (EDG6) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.510) - Porom's Tale - The Vanished Lunar Whale (PRM1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.610) - Edward's Tale - Star-Crossed Damcyan (EWD1) (3.620) - Desert Fever (EWD2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.710) - Lunarian's Tale - The Blue Planet That Was (LNR1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.810) - The Crystals - The Planet Eaters (FNL1) (3.820) - The Crystals - One Giant Leap for Mankind (FNL2) (3.830) - The Crystals - Descend into the Depths (FNL3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) - Item List (ITM1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4.010) - Healing/Boosting (ITMB) (4.020) - Weapons (ITMW) (4.030) - Armor (ITMA) (4.040) - Headgear (ITMH) (4.050) - Arms (ITMR) (4.060) - Key Items (ITMK) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) - Band, Skill and Magic Lists --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.010) - Bands (BND1) (5.020) - Skills (SKL1) (5.030) - Black Magic (MAG1) (5.040) - White Magic (MAG2) (5.050) - Stats (STS1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (6) - Bestiary - (BST1) (7) - Acknowledgment - (ACK1) (8) - ~~A Heartfelt Goodbye from the Authors ~~ - (CLS1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Legal Stuff - (LGS1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2009 Zxela404 AKA (Alexander K. D) and CranberryPSO This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any web site or distributed publicly without my permission. If you want to host this FAQ, please email me. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. I will however allow duplication, printing, etc. for strictly personal use. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. The following sites may host this guide: www.gameFAQS.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) Version History - (VHS1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.10 (4/6/09) (Pre-Release) - Created the general guide, layout/format, and started each main section - Added controls - Added codes and such Version 0.15 (7/6/09) (Minor Update) - Added some bands and basic bestiary - Reformatted some thing - Added a bit to the guide. Version 0.25 (9/06/09) (Medium Update) - Ceodore's Chapter is about finished; some review and reading over is needed. - Started Kain's chapter - Fixed some mistakes here and there. - Created more bestiary entries (won't be in until next update, need overlook) - Recorded items and equipment, will be in next update Version 0.30 (14/06/09) (Medium Update) - Added some items and stuffed - Finished the basic guide for Ceodore and Kain - Fixed up some Bestiary stuff - Fixed up phases - General reformatting - Took out game script for now - might upload separately, depending on length - Update to Skill section and Bands - Item placeholder, will add more - Acknowledgements up finally, sorry guys :P Version 0.35 (15/06/09) (Medium Update) - Finished Rydia's Chapter, for the most part Version 0.40 (04/07/09) (Major Update) - Finished the main guide, need only to read over - Added almost all equipment and items, except a few things - Added a lot of Bestiary Entries - Prepared for future updates on next parts - Added stats for Ceodore, rest will come later - Bit of reformatting Version 0.50 (07/07/09) (Major Update) - Added almost all of Yang's Chapter - Added Some items in Yang's Chapter - Recorded some enemies in Yang's Chapter (next version) - Listed Stats of Yang and Ursula (up to 23) - Added Checklists - Tweaked some formatting - Added Bands - Drafted Skills (next version) Version 0.60 (07/07/09) (Major Update) - Added pretty much all of Palom's Chapter - Added Yang's and Ursula's Skill and Stats - Added/Tweaked some Bestiary - Minor reformatting Version 0.70 + 0.80 (08/07/09) (Major Update) - Added almost all of Edge's Chapter - Add more stats for all Ninjas and Palom and Leonora (unfinished, to be added) - Some item updates - Minor reformat - Prepared Dungeon Data and Item Update (next version) - Laid out format for Bestiary Data Collection (will affect Bestiary in future) Version 0.90 (14/07/09) (Medium Update) - Finishd up Yang's and Edge's Chapters (finally XD) - Added a slew of new item, mostly CD items, and some ED's :P - Fixed a couple errors, made note of a couple more, working on! - Added all the Ninja's Stats, few blanks where I screwed up, gonna check out - Need to tweak one or two things... - Working on Character Skills (next version) - Working on other character stats (hopefully soon) Version 0.95 (21/07/09) (Minor Update) - Reformatted guide to make it look smoother Version 1.15 (04/08/09) (Major Update) - Added some treasure to Palom's CD - Fixed format a bit - Added Edward's Tale - Added Edward's CD - Added Porom's Tale - Added Porom's CD Version 1.27 (09/08/09) (Medium Update) - Added Lunarian's Tale and CD - Fixed up and added some Items. - ??? Version 1.52 (04/09/09) (Major Update) - Tweaked Porom's and Lunarian's Tale - Went through and (hopefully) brought checklist's up to date in each tale. - ??? = Completely revamped the Bestiary section! Bosses and Special Enemies coming soon, as well as a bit more tweaking and weakness/resistance/absorb!!! - Added some stats and character summaries. Version 1.79 (15/09/09) (Major Update) - Added the Final Chapter - Tweaked up some things - Added "Goodbye" Version 1.80 (23/09/09) (Medium Update) - Enhanced Final Chapter boss tactics. - Added "At a Glance" list. - Formatted Enemy checklists. Version 1.90 (10/06/10) (Medium Update) -Extensive spelling and grammar corrections all over the guide. -Updated boss strategies for Blade Dragon and Barbariccia. -Added Cranberry's email Version 2.00 (20/05/11) (Major Update) -Added stats for Cid, Rosa, Kain, Calca, and Brina. -Corrected a Band error. -Added Introduction. -Added notations about Playstation Portable version. -Beginning process of fixing East/West errors. -Added a list for Yang's Challenge Dungeon Treasure. Version 2.10 (2/6/2011) (Medium Update) -Corrected directional mistakes in Rydia, Palom, Porom, & Yang's Tales. -Added some missed treasures. -Stats for Palom, Leonora & Gekkou up to level 40. -Updated enemy checklists with a few missed monsters in various places. Version 2.20 (16/6/2011) (Medium Update) -Updated Acknowledgements -Fixed East/West mistakes throughout the guide. -Updated a few boss strategies. -Various fixes throughout the guide. -Added stats for several characters at various experience levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.00) - Main Guide (MNG0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.01) - Introduction (MNG1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings! Welcome to this guide for Final Fantasy IV The After Years! This guide was written to help guide you through the game and provide you with a wealth of information about it. Whether you are looking for direction in the vast world you'll explore or details about the finer aspects of the game, this guide can help. This game was originally released on Japanese cell phones, and was later ported to WiiWare in 2009. In 2011, the game was re-released on the PlayStation Portable as part of the Final Fantasy IV The Complete Collection. This guide is based off of the WiiWare version of the game, but has now been updated to include the sublte changes that were introduced into the PlayStation Portable version! This guide is written by both Zxela404 and CranberryPSO. It is our sincere hope that this guide will be a helpful resource to you, whether you are enjoying this game on your Wii or your PlayStation Portable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.02) - Controls (MNG2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wii Mote Controls: Direction Pad - Move in respective directions "1" - Go Back, Sprint "2" - Confirm "-" - Pause (while in battle) "A" - Open Menu - Trigger Bands "B" - Check Moon Phase (while in menu) "+" - Switch party member avatar on the Overworld - Switch to someone else's turn in battle Classical Controller Controls: "B" - Go Back, Sprint "A" - Confirm "X" - Open Menu - Trigger Bands "Y" - Switch party member avatar on the Overworld - Switch to someone else's turn in battle - Check Mon Phase (while in menu) "Start" - Pause (while in battle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.010) - Ceodore's Tale - The Adventure Begins (CEO1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Blue screen (of death) appears, text begins to fade in slowly] "Long ago, this Blue Planet was saved by the prayers of an entire people. Two moons became one anew, and time inexorably marched on... The day of departure has arrived for the heir of the holy paladin." [Text disappears, new words begin to appear] "In the skies above the airship, two moons float up listlessly, one ominously growing ever larger. Why has this dark harbringer returned? A new destiny has begun to unfold, and yet, as always, the crystals brim with silent light." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Screen fades to white, and then cuts to an airship flying north. Music slowly begins to play. The crew of the airship (the Red Wings) are presented. 5 Generic soldier (albeit one with a bronze and gold helmet) and a blue haired man appear. They converse, with the Blue haired man presented as Ceodore, the prince of Baron, son of Cecil and Rosa, on his way to the knighthood trial. Eventually, you gain control, and are allowed to walk around the airship.] [Some more dialogue, with the Ceodore being portrayed as a bit of a wimp. Eventually, the ship lands, and you regain control.] There's not much else to do here either, except for listening to Bigg's orders, so head over to the village. If you try to head into the cave right away, you'll find your way blocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you enter Mythril, you'll automatically talk to Biggs, you will tell you your objective - to enter the cave and complete the trial under a full moon. Ceodore will ask it has to be under the full moon, and Biggs will laugh. After that, you'll regain control. You can talk to Wedge to learn about the phases of the moon, which is quite important. Different phases affect the effectiveness of certain attacks in battle. The factors affected are the strengths of physical attacks, white magic, black magic, and throwing items. Each phase either strengthens one of these, weakens one, or doesn't affect two. These phases affect both you and your enemies, so keep that in mind! -Go up to the to right side of the city, and position yourself as far down under the well as you can. You should be standing in the shurbs; face the trees and press "2" to find a TENT. -From the well to the left of that one, go up to the trees, then face right and press "2" to get a POTION. -This ones a bit tricky - place yourself right above the weapon shop, and line up with the door to it. Face right and press "2" to find a RUBY RING, which protects against Pig. You can give it to the Orange Guy (pig) to get 500 GIL! Talk to him after that to see a neat, Choboco song using dance! Now check out the shops! Item Shop --------- Potion 30 Phoenix Down 100 Golden Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Armorer -------- Bronze Shield 100 Bronze Helm 150 Bronze Armor 600 Weaponsmith ----------- Broadsword 200 Longsword 450 With the 500 Gil you got, you can actually afford to buy something! Personally I'd buy some potions, and maybe a tent or two or two for Ceodore, but you can go ahead and buy a Longsword too, if you wish. You will be able to outfit yourself better quite soon after this, so you might want to stick just to items. After you've had you're fun, go to the Inn and rest up. Notice the change in phase to Full Moon; this will make Black Mage more effective, and physical attacks and weaker. This should be fun. ============================= ------------------------------- Mythril Town Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Tent x1 [] Potion x1 [] Ruby Ring x1 or 500 Gil [] ============================= Once you exit the Inn, a soldier will come up to you and tell you to go to the grotto. (You can encounter enemies here, but it's probably best not - you're pretty weak against anything) ================= --------------------------------- Mythril Outskirts Enemy Checklist --------------------------------- Hell Diver [] Goblin [] Sword Rat [] Floating Eye [] ================= Once you enter the Grotto, talk to Biggs, who will continue to insult you. Check the chests for a POTION, TENT, ETHER, and PHOENIX DOWN! Not bad. Talk to Biggs, and both Biggs and Wedge will join your party! Nice! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protip - If you check the equipment menu for Biggs, you'll see he has great equipment you can "borrow" from him. Feel free to make use of his Longsword, Bronze Helm and Iron Gloves. You might as well take them from him, since he's stronger then Wedge. Not that it'll make much of a difference! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, talk to the guy blocking your way to begin the grotto. This place is pretty linear, so you shouldn't worry about getting lost. Head up the stairs, and eventually you'll be stopped by Biggs, who, coincidentally, is followed by a mnster encounter, with 3 Goblins. Wedge will explain the affects of the moon, making note of the fact that stronger commands will be in green, and weaker ones in red. Just attack, or use fire on all enemies (press left all the way to highlight all enemies) to finish the battle quickly. Continue forward, and as you near the next staircase, Wedge will interupt you and start talking about Bands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bands are powerful group techniques, which require at least two people to initiate, both of which must share some bond. Bands are triggered by selecting at least one member of the Band and pressing right on the control pad, then selecting the "Band" option. Here, you can choose to either search for a Band (by selecting a person to Band with, then selecting the move you want to Band with, and finally confirming it with "A"). Or, if you have already learned the Band, you can select it from the list and trigger it right away from there. I'll be sure to post each Band as it comes up! Bands take certain amounts of MP from everyone involved in it, so don't overuse them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to try combinations with all characters that you can! Keep in mind that characters can't Band with everyone, and that sometimes certain commands (such as "Attack" or White Magic") may be necessary to Band properly! Anyways, Wedge will demonstrate his bond with Biggs, Vibra Edge, which will be recorded under their Band List. Moving on, head down the stairs and to the left to the chest, which contains a POTION. Heading to the right, you'll come to a fork in the road - head up to find a chest with a TENT. Head back down and to the right this time to proceed. Head up the stairs, then ignore the 2nd pair of stairs and head to the left, to find a chest with an ETHER. If you haven't switched equiment, now is the time. Now head back up the stairs and up to the next floor. Here, Biggs and Wedge will leave the party, with Biggs actually showing some kindness to you. Aww! By now, you should be a high enough level to manage by yourself, so don't worry for now. If worst comes to worst, remember Ceodore can heal. Head up through the door to save point (whose message will be burned into your mind - it'll tell you what they are EVERY TIME YOU STAND IN ONE). Ugh. Save. Heal with a tent if need be - keep in mind that this will change the phase to Waning Moon , which will raise the strength of physical attacks, lower special attack strength, and not affect magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protip - Of course, if you have more tents, you can sleep more to change the phase to whatever you want! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, exit through the door. Head to right here through the wall to get a chest with a PHOENIX DOWN. Now head back to the right and head up the stairs, and go all the way to the right, and back down the next stairs. Head up the next pair of stairs, and get a BOMB FRAGMENT. Head back down, and head further down, then to the left to get a chest with EYE DROPS. Backtrack a bit, and head down to the right this time, down the stairs to the next level. Here, head to the right and down the stairs, then left to get the chest with a BRONZE HOURGLASS, which casts Stop. Head right and across the bridge, then up the stairs to get a TENT. Back down the stairs and further down, head all the way down to get an ANTARCTIC WIND. Now head back and go up the other stairs. Continue to the left, down the next stairs, and to the left for some ECHO HERBS, which cure silence. Now head down, but instead of continuing up the next stairs, head down to the right in the small indent, and go through the hidden passage (head down, then left) to find a chest with a IRON GLOVES, in cas you didn't have the heart to rob Biggs. Head back out the passage, and proceed left to the next door. Save, Tent, etc. If you Tent, and should get New Moon, which doesn't affect strength of physical attacks or black magic, lowers white magic effectiveness, and increases the power of special attacks. Bleh. Once you're ready, head back out the door and down the stairs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you get down here, Ceodore will notice the Emblem. Make sure you're prepared, as this won't be as easy as it seems... Examine the chest for a boss battle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sand Worm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is pretty easy - there's not much you can do except mash the attack button, so do so. Don't worry about healing; if you're at a decent level, you shouldn't have to. Once you do enough damage, it'll cast Whirlwind, reducing your HP to 1. Phase - Probably the best is Waning Moon, which will raise physical attack strengthen, just to make things go faster, since the battle is mostly scripted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ceodore will collapse, and Biggs and Wedge will run and check on you. However, Ceodore will tell them to stay away, surprising Biggs. Ceodore is determined to win by himself, and the battle begins again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sand Worm, Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait, he's still at 1 HP? Quick, he...Oh. You'll see Ceodore's potential awaken (literally, he'll acquire at new skill called "Awaken" from now on), which will boost his attack for a short period of time. It's pretty useless in normal battles, considering how long it takes to activate, and really only has any use (albeit pretty little) in boss battles. It's not a particularly groundbreaking or necessary skill - use it as you see fit. Anyways, proceed to mash attack on the sand worm again - you should be doing quite a bit much more damage now, maybe even triple digits. The sand worm will try to use whirlwind again, but it'll either miss, do nothing, or damage you slightly. Either way, attack again, and you should beat it soon, even maybe on that turn. Nothing challenging at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll acquire the Knight's Emblem ... oh, and you'll learn Awaken. Yawn. Ceodore will collapse (don't they always?) and Wedge will heal you. Well, that solved the problem quickly. Wedge congratulates you, and even Biggs doesn't seem that mad. They'll join your party! From here, it's pretty much a walk back from where you came. It shouldn't be too hard - like I mentioned before, the path is pretty linear. And with Biggs and Wedge again, it should go by quickly. Once you come out of the bottom of the grotto, Ceodore will thank Biggs and Wedge, and Biggs will leave wordlessly. Head outside. ===================== ================= --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Adamant Grotto Treasure Checklist Adamant Grotto Enemy Checklist --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Potion x 2 [] Goblin [] Ether x 2 [] Sword Rat [] Phoenix Down x2 [] Larva [] Tent x 2 [] Eyewing Moth [] Bomb Fragment [] ================= Eye Drops [] Bronze Hourglass [] Antarctic Wind [] Echo Herbs [] Iron Gloves [] ===================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING - This will be your last chance to visit Mythril, or the Adamant Cave for quite a while. Make sure you are prepared, as well. Once you're all ready, head to the airship, check the pot to full restore yourself, and talk to the soldier to return to Baron. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you fly, Biggs will questions you about your new rank, telling you that the trail was merely a test of your resolve, and that he still has a long way to go. Wedge will continue to gush over you, as always. He will comment on your potential of becoming a fine paladin, and Ceodore will show his hesitance in becoming one. Before anything else can happen, and soldier will interupt you to warn you of...incoming monsters? Suddenly, you'll be attacked! There isn't much to this fight - you might want to use Awaken with Ceodore, just to have an extra edge. Just focus on attacking one at a time, healing with Wedge or Ceodore if you really need to. If you have protect on Ceodore, try casting it on himself (or your entire group) to give yourself an easier time. Finally, Biggs and Wedge's Band is also an option, but it isn't that strong; though it does attack both enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phases - Waning Moon is definately helpful for making the battle go faster - however, remember that the enemy attacks physically. If you're having trouble, Waxing Moon strengthens white magic, so healing is more effective. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll see the Airship being attacked by dozens of Ahrimans, and you'll notice smoke coming from Baron. Ceodore will approach the side of the airship, as if looking out at Baron in fear... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.020) - Monster Invasion??? (CEO2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The screen will fade to white, and now you're in Baron, with Cecil and Rosa. A soldier will inform you of the attacking monsters, which Cecil and Rosa are shocked about. Cecil tells Rosa to stay safely inside the throne room, and leaves with the soldier. Cecil tells them to stay and guard the room, and the phase will change. Now, you control Cecil. Head to the right, where you'll be attacked by two gargoyles. Dispatch them easily with physical hits. Before going up the stairs, check the switch near the three treasure chests (on the wall under the left treasure chest) for a TENT, DEOCY, and PHOENIX DOWN. Now head to the right stairs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTIP - Some places will be available from the perspective of many different characters. And in those case, opened chests will actually be resealed, allowing you use them again! Always keep this in mind! Not every chest is like this, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue across the battlements, for another battle! Not too hard either - just 3 Cockatrices and a Zu. You might want to kill the cockatrices first, since they only take one hit, as opposed to the Zu, who has more (941) HP. Continue down the other stairs, and save. Don't bother with the switch near the save point - it's broken. Now, head out, then head left, up under the battlements, and into the tower. Check all the chests for a HI-POTION, RED FANG, HERMES SANDALS (very useful, save these for later, they cast haste). In order to get the last chest, head up the stairs, then head back down, face up and collect the ETHER. On the first floor, head up the right stairs. Check the top right pot for ECHO HERBS, and the bottom middle one for a BACCHUS'S WINE. Check the chests for a HEAVENLY WRATH and HI-POTION. Head up. Here, you'll see a girl being attacked by...an ogre? Just slash it to death. Check the chests for a REMEDY, BOMB CRANK, and 500 GIL. Now head all the way back to the ground floor, and head down the stairs this time. Check the 4th pot to get a POTION. Down bother going down anymore - nothing you can do there. Head back up to the save point, and all the way back to where you started. This time, head to the left side. As you go up the stairs, you'll see a soldier collapse, and you'll be attacked by another monster. Slash. Head up the stairs, and back down the other ones. Head towards the doors, where you'll be stopped by Rosa, who'll force you to take her with you. Rosa is a white mage, with good healing spells, and some other useful spell such as protect, hold, and slow. Blessing is a wildcard move - it will heal your entire party a bit of HP and MP, but it doesn't always work. She also has the Aim command, but since she can't use this we'll take about it later. Head outside. You'll look at the moon. And also jump around the the world to see all of your favourite characters (coughYangcough). It'll fade away to the Logo (in case you didn't know what game you're playing) and then back to the moon (ugh). Head up and try to enter the tower, and Cid will come down and greet you. Cid's as jolly as ever - you try to piece together what's going on, and Cid joins you. Yay! Just as a quick overview, Cid has two other unique skills - Analyze, is exactly like Libra, allowing you to check an enemies HP and weaknesses. Risk Strike is a powerful attack, but suffers from lower accuracy. Also note - now that you have party members, Cecil's ability actually comes into play. Aside from having basic white magic, Cecil also has Cover, which allows you to jump in and takes hits for someone. This activates automatically when someone besides Cecil is in danger, but you can also Cover someone at any time. This can come in handy for protecting weaker members, such as Rosa. Make sure to watch Cecil's HP, though! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTIP - If you want, you can familarize yourself with your new party a bit, before we move on. Try experimenting with Bands and check out what each new member can do. Remember, learning a Band adds it to your list, which makes things easier to execute! New Bands - Machine Break (Cecil "Attack" + Cid "Analyze) (Strong against machines) (7 MP) Holy Blade (Cecil "Attack" + Rosa "White Magic") (Strong holy slice) (15 MP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, ignore the tower and enter the room Cid just came from. Make sure you save before you go up the stairs, and heal as well. We'll have a little trouble up there... Also, you'll want to make sure your comfortable with the phase you're in right now - physically attacks stronger or stronger white magic is optimal. =================== =================== ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Baron Castle Treasure Checklist Baron Castle Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Tent [] Bloodbones [] Decoy [] Gargoyle [] Phoenix Down [] Cockatrice [] Hi-Potion x 2 [] Goblin [] Red Fang [] Domovoi [] Hermes Sandals [] Lilith [] Ether [] Cave Bat [] Echo Herbs [] Bomb [] Bacchus's Wine [] Gray Bomb [] Heavenly Wrath [] Revenant [] Remedy [] Gatlinghog [] Bomb Crank [] Ogre [] 500 Gil [] Ghoul [] =================== Zu [] Centaur Knight [] =================== Once you're ready, head up the stairs. After a few lines, you'll be attacked! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first fight, you shouldn't be concerned too much - if you want, you can set up a Cover on Rosa, and also cast Slow on the enmies, and then Protect on Cecil. After that, just attack with Cid and Cecil (Machine Break, their Band works well), and heal or buff people with Rosa. If you run low on MP, you can try using Blessing with Rosa, to save some items (and if you're feeling lucky). The only real threat from these enemies is Whirlwind, which hits all party members for 50-80 damage. After this fight, you'll be plunged in another, with no breaks, so make sure you have enough HP! For the second fight, you'll have an Ahriman cast doom on one of your party members right away - there's nothing you can do about this. Again, set up a Cover on Rosa if you wish, Cast Slow and Protect, etc. Not much is different about this fight - if the counter runs out, be sure to revive your fallen party member, either with a Phoenix Down or with Rosa's Raise. Also, the three Spirit's are weak to light, so Cecil can easily kill them. To add insult to injury, the Ahriman may cast haste on...your doomed party member. What a jerk. Finish off the spirit's quickly, and get that Ahriman down. Don't worry about healing anybody you revive - they'll be weak enough that Cecil will cover them. You might get a CURSED RING from this fight. Is it over now? Not yet! For the last battle, do the same as before - Cover if you want, Slow, Protect, etc. The Strato Avis is certainly a pain - it hits twice, and very hard. It can also cast Torando, which reduces your HP to single digits, to make your life even more of a misery. Be sure to take it out as soon as you can. Again, Machine Break is useful here. There are also three cockatrices, but they barely do any damage to anyone. Overall, it shouldn't be too hard. Remember, Cecil will cover weaker teammates - don't worry about healing anyone but him. After the battle, Cecil will tell Cid to take Rosa somewhere safe, to which Rosa protests. However, Cecil refuses to listen, and Rosa and Cid soon leave. The screen will fade, replaced by, you guessed it, the moon. But what's that shape...? As it approaches, you'll see it's Bahamut! What's going on? Rydia, no, someone else will jump off Bahamut and land in front of you...who is this? She says your name, and suddenly, Bahamut attacks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can't win, so just slug away at Bahamut. Eventually, it'll start it's countdown, and without Reflect, you know you're screwed. Ah well. What's going on here? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We'll cut back to Ceodore, who is rushing to the Castle (How slow is that ship?). They'll go off course (what a surprise) and the ship will start to fall apart, with Biggs jumping in front of you... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.030) - The Hooded Man (CEO3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we'll cut to Feymarch, where Rydia is talking to the Eidolon King and Queen. Strangely, they'll teleport Rydia away. The Eidolon King will call out to someone - it's the Rydia clone! She'll threaten them, and we'll learn that Bahamut was being controlled. Then, she'll petrify them. Another cut to Eblan, where Edge notices the Tower of Babil, which is pulsing red. I'm guessing that's not good. The dwarves will notice is too. What does this mean? Back to the Red Wings, who have crashed and lay sprawled all over the place. Ceodore, who was covered by Biggs, will awaken, and you regain control of him Talk to everyone to find that everyone else is dead - only he has survived (of course). Even Wedge (Wedgeeee) is dead. Suddenly, Biggs will stir! Ceodore will rush to him and try to save him, but Biggs apologizes for failing in his duty. Biggs tells Ceodore to leave, but Ceodore can't summon the courage to do so. He says he's only a squire. Suddenly, a flashback to the beginning of FFIV starts - we see Biggs questioning Cecil, who is being sent to gather the Crystals. Back to the present, Biggs orders Ceodore to survive, and return to Baron, before collapsing dead. Ceodore, the last member of the Red Wings, will swear to fulfill his final wish. Before you move on, be sure to save. Once you go far enough, you'll be attacked! It's a Domovoi and Gatlinghog - easy enough. But that's not it! Now you'll be attacked by a Flamehound - another scripted battle. Keep attacking, and it'll eventually lower your HP to 1 with Blaze. Suddenly, the Hooded Man comes to the rescue! Ceodore thanks him, and tries to continue to Baron. The Hooded Man stops him, warnign him off trouble. Ceodore says he has to, as a member of the Red Wings, and the Hooded Man seems to have heard of them. He mentions the war, then suggest they head to Mysidia. Finally, he says he's coming with us! Yay! Ceodore asks for his name, but the Hooded Man refuses to answer. They leave. Save. And make sure you heal Ceodore - he's still at 1 HP. ================= --------------------------------- Mysidia Overworld Enemy Checklist --------------------------------- Goblin [] Domovoi [] Sword Rat [] Bomb [] Gray Bomb [] Tiny Mage [] Larva [] Eyewing Moth [] Spirit [] Cockatrice [] ================= Now, head left of the airship wreck, and continue left until you reach Mysidia. You could head right from the airship, but that'll take you to Mt. Ordeal, which isn't available to you now. Which you enter Mysidia, the Hooded Man will tell you where you need to go - head up to the prayer hall, to unlock the seal on Devil's Road. Well, he certainly knows his way around here. Before you do that, take the time to explore the village a bit. Sundries -------- Potion 30 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Weaponsmith ----------- Longsword 450 Rod 100 Ice Rod 220 Flame Rod 380 Staff 160 Healing Staff 480 Bow 220 Iron Arrows 50 Armorer ------- Feathered Cap 330 Leather Clothing 200 Gaia Gear 500 Iron Amulet 100 Nothing too interesting here - stock up on Potions, Tents, and Phoenix Down's as you see fit. Nothing too much in way of weapons and armor either - though if you really feel unconfident, you may want to grab a healing staff. Other then that, head up the the Prayer Hall once you've had your fill of walking around. Now talk to the girl blocking the door. It's Porom! She won't recognize you right away, but eventually she will, and she'll talk to you about the mess with Baron. After that she'll call two generic mages, who will accompany you through Devil's Road. She'll seem to recognize the Hooded Man, but he avoids her gaze. Exit. Before we continue, make sure you save - the area we're about to enter is a bit confusing. The mages will come in handy, since you otherwise have no magic. If you bought a healing staff, you can equip it on the white mage - you can use it in battle (go to items, then scroll up to the top, until you can select the weapon you're holding) for a free heal on all your party members. Not bad. Anyways, once you're ready, head over to the unmarked building right above the inn. The white mage will release the seal. Enter, and step on the pad. Now begins the fun. You're in a giant room with about 20 teleporters, each one taking you to a different place. Luckily, each time you'll usually have access to only about one. This place isn't too hard, but it can be a little tricky. For now, enter the teleporter above you. Avoid the red floor, and before you go into the teleporter, go through the hidden passage in the top left corner to get a BOMB FRAGMENT. Go through the teleporter. Head to the right, and choose the top right teleporter - the bottom one just takes you back to the entrance. Here, head through the lava to get to the next teleporter. Be aware that you take damage from lava! Head up to the next portal. Now, head into the right teleporter. Here, head up through the hidden passage in the top left to get a PHOENIX DOWN. Head back down to the teleporter. Here, head down to the chest to get a SAGE'S SURPLICE. Enter the hidden passage to the left of it to get a SILVER APPLE. Very nice. Now, get back up, and take the top right teleporter. From here, head to the right first, which will take you to a chest with a HI-POTION, ECHO HERBS, and ETHER. Head up, and take the top right again. Now head down. Head down again. Now head all the way right to finally get to a different room, and a save point. Phew, half way there! ==================== ================= ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Devil's Road Treasure Checklist Devil's Road Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Bomb Fragment [] Spirit [] Phoenix Down [] Soul [] Sage's Surplice [] Yellow Jelly [] Silver Apple [] Revenant [] Hi-Potion [] Zombie [] Echo Herbs [] Ghoul [] Ether [] Bloodbones [] ==================== Skeleton [] ================= Once you're ready, continue onto the next room. Head up through the first teleporter, then around the next one above, then the next one above that, then directly left of you, then the lower left one, then the lower left one again, then the lower one, then the far left one, then finally, the top one to exit. - Check the top pot near the Armorer to get a POTION. - Check the pot near the Inn to get a HI-POTION. - Head up the top right part of the city, near the sunbather. Climb down the stairs, and follow the stream, under the bridge, until you get to a pool. You should be blocked as soon as you come out - press "2" to get an ARTIC WIND. Now head to the bottom, right a bit, and face up at another invisible block to get a SPIDER SKILL. - Enter the Inn, and go straight up. Stand to the left of the strange looking wall, and press "2" while facing the wall. Enter the not-so-hidden room to get a UNICORN HORN, WHITE FANG, and DRY ETHER. - Enter the equipment store and check the bottom right corner to find an "Authorized Personal Only" door, which will open up. You can actually head up to behind both store fronts, but you won't be able to reach the chests :( Sundries -------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Mallet 80 Diet Ration 100 Echo Herbs 50 Bomb Fragment 200 AntarcticWind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Spider Silk 100 Bestiary 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Weaponsmith ----------- Longsword 450 Iron Sword 1000 Flame Rod 380 Thunder Rod 700 Healing Staff 480 Crossbow 700 Holy Arrows 500 Armorer ------- Iron Shield 600 Iron Helm 800 Iron Armor 1000 Iron Gloves 130 Wizard's Hat 700 Gaia Gear 500 Sage's Surplice 1200 Silver Armlet 650 Much more choice then the other places - I like. You can pick up some Spider's Silk if you want - they can be a very useful slowing item. As usual, stock up on any healing items you find neccesary. Weapons and Armor aren't that necessary, but if you want, grab a sword for Ceodore, and some Armor. Don't bother getting anything for the two mages. Also, grab some Echo Herbs, as silence might become a problem... ================= =============== ------------------------ ------------------------------- Baron Treasure Checklist Baron Overworld Enemy Checklist ------------------------ ------------------------------- Potion [] Goblin [] Hi-Potion [] Domovoi [] Arctic Wind [] Sword Rat [] Spider Silk [] Gatlinghog [] Unicorn Horn [] Bomb [] White Fang [] Gray Bomb [] Dry Ether [] Cockatrice [] ================= Zu [] Gargoyle [] =============== Once you're ready, exit Baron, and try to enter the Castle. To Ceodore's surprise, he won't be let in. He tries to argue with the guards, but the Hooded Man pulls him away. In the field, Ceodore will be puzzled by the actions of the guards, and the Hooded Man will say something about "just like before". Then, he'll suggest you try to sneak into the castle through the waterway. Of course, we need the key. Head into Baron. Now, head up the top left part of Town, and enter the big house, which happens to be Cid's. Talk to the blue haired woman on the left to get the key! Go the door under Cid's house, and open it with the key. Enter. Before you head down the stairs, go through the hidden passage in the middle of the right wall, to get to a chest with 2000 GIL! Nice. Now head down the stairs. Follow the stairs as they go along, then head down at the fork, and collect all three chests for a UNICORN HORN, and a PHOENIX DOWN. Head up and follow the straight forward path, all the way to the next level. Head down the stairs here, and head down the hidden passage straight down, to get to a chest with a HI-POTION. Continue down to the next passage, which has a MONSTER IN A BOX! It's a fairly annoying Black Lizard, which hits rather hard, and spams gradual petrify, which means you want to hurry up in this fight. Using a Spider's Silk is definately helpful, as well as the Blizzara spells. You'll get a CORAL BLADE for your troubles, which you should equip on Ceodore. It's a pretty good weapon, and lightning elemental to boot. Head all the way to where you started. Now, turn right instead of down. Continue to the right, then head down, to the chest with a REMEDY. See the rock to the right of you, which make a little path? Head through there to save some time, and pop out right by the exit. Head through. This room is short - head to the right, then up the long stairs. Before you exit, head to the left for a rather obvious SOMA DROP. Now exit. Here, head through the door, and save/heal. There's actually a hidden passage here, near the top right corner! Head through it to get a chest with a SILVER HOURGLASS! Now go back, head right, head up, and exit this place. Phew. Before you go on, uneqip your mages. Here, head all the way right, then down, then left, until you get to the very bottom left corner. Head up here, and press against the invisible block to get 1000 GIL! Head all the back to where you came from, and face the invisible block next to the left block representing where you came from to get a BRONZE HOURGLASS. Now, head down the left side the same way you did with the right, and enter the stairs. Head up, and a scene will occur, where Ceodore will almost run off in search of his parents. The Hooded Man will ask him who his parents are, and will be surprised by the answer - Cecil and Rosa. Eventually, Ceodore will leave the party, off in search. And so will the two mages. Meh. The Hooded Man will hear a voice - head through the door to get a little (interestingly, it's actually optional) scene where the Hooded Man will see many unconcious people in jail. Weird. Head back out. ===================== ===================== --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Baron Waterway Treasure Checklist Baron Waterway Enemy Checklist --------------------------------- ------------------------------ 2000 Gil [] Fangshell [] Unicorn Horn [] Devil's Castanet [] Phoenix Down [] Splasher [] Hi-Potion [] Electrofish [] Coral Blade [] Alligator [] Remedy [] Gigas Gator [] Soma Drop [] Lilith [] Silver Hourglass [] Floodworm [] 1000 Gil [] Black Lizard [] Bronze Hourglass [] Hydra [] ===================== Baron Guardsman [] ===================== You should know your way about this place a little already - there's nothing in the tower up ahead, and a save point in the room next to it; save if you want. To proceed further, go through the door Ceodore went. Head through the stairs until you get to the main room, and head up towards the throne room. You can talk to the zombified guards off to the side, but they also spout the same gibberish. Continue to the throne room - wait, no one inside? Once you try to leave, a voice will stop you. It's Cecil! He's alright, but what's he doing hiding in the throne room? The Hooded Man will show relieve, and even though the Hooded Man seems to know him, Cecil will not recognize him. Cecil will act strangely rude, and kick the Hooded Man out, who seems exits right away. Once he enters the main room, you'll see Ceodore, who can't find anyone. The Hooded Man opts not to tell Ceodore of Cecil, and Ceodore will rejoin the party. If you haven't made use of the hidden passage to those three chests yet, do so now. None of the chests have regenerated here, so don't bother checking them. Since you probably don't want to head out the waterway, head out the main door, where the surprised guards will kick you out. You'll appear in a field again, where Ceodore will decide to try to find the Enterprise. The scene will cut to Cecil ordering his knights to chase after the uninvited guest. Back with Ceodore, the Hooded Man will realize the jig is up, and he will tell Ceodore to head to Mist Cave. They'll leave, and you'll unlock a new Band - Cross Slash! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Slash - (The Hooded Man "Attack" + Ceodore "Attack") (Slice through a single enemy) <7 MP> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We'll, we've got nothing better to do, so let's head to the Mist Cave! Do any restocking in Baron you may need, then head northwest, just like the Hooded Man said - past the bridge, past the forests, and into the mountains path, where you'll find Mist Cave. Enter. You'll see the entrance blocked by some guard, but the Hooded Man is in no mood for games. Suddenly, the guard turns into an enemy and attacks! This is the perfect time to test out the band - watch the show, and the enemy is done. Enter. People who have played the original will remember this place - it's still just as simple as before. Follow the very linear path, and as the climb the stairs, the place will rumble. How ominous. Continue on the path, and when you get to the fork, climb all the way up for a chest with a STEEL HELM. Good for Ceodore. Head down and towards the bridge, where a short scene will show Ceodore falling off the bridge. Why are the heroes always so clumsy? The Hooded Man will jump after Ceodore, and you can continue. Go down the stairs, and when the fork in the path comes up, head down the left stairs to get a SILENT BELL. Now continue down the other side. Continue along the path here, until you get to another fork in the road. Head left and up, to get a chest with a PHOENIX DOWN. Continue following the path until you get to another chest, with a REMEDY. Now head all the way back to the fork, and head up. Follow that seemingly "into the wall" bridge to enter a secret room, which has a chest with MYTHRIL GLOVES at the top. Equip on Ceodore, and head back out. Continue up, until you see a door and stairs. Enter the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTIP - If you save here, you won't be able to return to Baron for a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save/heal if you wish, and talk to Namingway for any supplies. Sundries -------- Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Mallet 80 Echo Herbs 50 Tent 100 Bomb Fragment 200 AntarcticWind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Nothing too much here; stock up on some tents and potions if you wish, and maybe a couple Echo Herbs in case those Lilith's really start getting annoying. =================== ===================== ---------------------------- ------------------------- Mist Cave Treasure Checklist Mist Cave Enemy Checklist ---------------------------- ------------------------- Steel Helm [] Cave Bat [] Silent Bell [] Lilith [] Phoenix Down [] Ogre [] Remedy [] Cave Naga [] Mythril Gloves [] Needlehog [] =================== Cait Sith [] Ettin Snake [] Mindflayer [] *Thunder Dragon* [] ===================== Once you're ready, head out and down the stairs. Head down the stairs here, and before continuing down, head up the path to the right to get an ANTIDOTE. Continue back down. Get the chest along the way to find an X-POTION. Proceed along, and at the fork, head up, and continue up until you reach the chest with an ARCTIC WIND. Now head back to the fork, and continue to the right. Don't bother going down - just head all the way right and up the stairs. Here, head left. Head up the first set of stairs to get a COTTAGE, and continue up the second set of stairsa, up until you reach a door. Enter, and open the chest to find CHAINMAIL. Go all the way back down to where we entered from, and head right. Save at the save point, and make sure to heal up. Head up the stairs when you're ready. The shaking will continue, and a hole will open up in the floor -along with a boss! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tunneler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tunneler is mainly a physical attacker, able to deal anywhere from 200-300 to one ally depending on the phase, and about 150-230 to both memembers with Earthquake. The bets idea is to use Spider's Silk with the Hooded Man at the start of battle, along with Awaken, if you wish. After that, this battle is a simple matter of spamming Cross Slash until the boss is dead. It has around 8000 HP, so it may take a while, but it's not too bad. Make sure to keep all party members HP over 300, with either potions, or Cure/Cura. You'll get 1000 GIl and 1500 EXP for your trouble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hooded Man will ask if you're alright, and Ceodore will say he wonders if that's the only enemy. The Hooded Man will say probably, but that at one time there was another. Teehee. Anyways, continue along. Check the chest here to get a MALLET. Now, head up a bit, and you'll trigger a scene with the Baron Soldiers, who are looking for you, but are having a hard time because of the mist. You'll look ahead, and see more guards blocking your path. Suddenly the mist will thicken, and you'll hide in the corner. The guards will see each other, and since they came in from both sides, assume you can't be in the cave, since they had all paths blocked. Except...the one you came from? Hm. Ah well. Continue to the left here, and head down the stairs, and towards the chest, which has a HI-POTION. Now back up, but don't go all the way back - head up north. Check the top chest for a BOMB CRANK. The bridge to the left is where you fell off from before, so don't bother going on. Head back to where you came, and head up to the stairs that were previously blocked, to exit this place. The Hooded Man, who has seemed to establish himself as the boss, says we'll be headind to Mist, to do some rock climbing. Oh boy... But wait - Ceodore will suddenly wonder why the Hooded Man is helping him, and find out that the Hooded Man is chasing after an Ex-Baron Dragoon... The scene will change back to Mysidia, where a...prayer is going on? Apparently, a dragon is crying. Another original cut to the moon. And a cut to Mt. Ordeal, where we see...KAIN??? =============== ---------------------------- Mist Cave Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- Antidote [] X-Potion [] Arctic Wind [] Cottage [] Chainmail [] Mallet [] Hi-Potion [] Bomb Crank [] =============== Save. And also, the logo AGAIN??? On the PlayStation Portable version of the game, this is the end of Ceodore's Tale. You can now gain access to Ceodore's Challenge Dungeon by returning to the Mist Cave and talking to Namingway. This cannot be accessed in the Wii version and thus directions for Ceodore's Challenge Dungeon are beyond the scope of this guide. Some of the items you can get from clearing Ceodore's Challenge Dungeon include the following: Flan Ring Lustful Lali-ho Adamantite Mythril gear The boss of the dungeon is an Adamantite Golem. There's also a Playstation Portable exclusive monster in the dungeon as well. It is called Noctiluca. The next section of this guide covers what the PlayStation Portable version of the game calls "Kain's Tale". PlayStation Portable version players will not be able to access Kain's Tale until they complete at least one other Tale. PlayStation Portable players will be returned to the title screen after clearing Ceodore's Tale. Later when you're ready to begin Kain's Tale, continue from this point for the walkthrough directions. You'll be able to import data from Ceodore's Tale into Kain's Tale before you begin it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.040) - Kain's Struggle (KAN1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So anyways, we're heading to Mist and...oh wait, we get to play as Kain! Oh, joy. He's much stronger then anyone else so far, and can use the command Jump, where he...jumps off screen, where he cannot be attacked, and lands back down on an enemy, striking a powerful blow. This damage is not affect by row. Anyways, head across to the left, and pick up the chest with MYTHRIL ARMOR. Now, head back to the right, ignoring the exit for now. Right now, we want to climb down the mountain. Keep going down, until you get to the bottom, and head left to get a chest with a ANTARCTIC WIND. Now head back to the right and exit. Continue down the one way path to the next exit. Here, head down yet another linear path, collecting the first chest, MYTHRIL GLOVES, the second chest, COTTAGE, and head down the winding path down to the entrance. Suddenly, Kain will hear a voice (how original). Now, we head all the way back up. Ugh. Head back to where you started. You'll hear the voice again - keep going. Remember the exit at the top I told you to ignore? Go through there now. From here, head up and to the save point on the right. Save if you want. Actually, you probably should. =================== ================ ------------------------------ --------------------------- Mt. Ordeals Treasure Checklist Mt. Ordeals Enemy Checklist ------------------------------ --------------------------- Mythril Armor [] Soul [] Antarctic Wind [] Ettin Snake [] Mythril Gloves [] Cave Naga [] Cottage [] Revenant [] =================== Lilith [] Bloodbones [] Needlehog [] Skeleripper [] Ghoul [] Ogre [] Evil Flame [] ================ Now head up and across the bridge. Don't worry, no undead fiends should back attack you. The voice will speak again...oohhh... Examine the monument in the middle. You'll appear in a chamber, designed by someone who seems to love mirrors. The voice will continue to creep you out, and your reflection will jump out of the mirror, and of course attack you! The Logo will flash. Lol, wut? Come on. You'll see the moon again. And you'll see...Kain on the mountain again? Did I reset my Wii...? But no, you'll hear a scream...Head to the right, and you'll see Porom fighting some monsters, and you'll jump in, and totally whup them. Man, if Jump were always like that... Porom will recognize you, and Kain, just like everyone else in this game, will not recall her. Cut to a scene of Mysidia, where you will see mages collapse all over the place, and Kain speaking to the Rydia clone. Kain will pull out a Crystal which will flash pretty colours. Ooh. It's the real thing! Kain will only hand it over though...if he gets to kill Cecil! Wut? Porom will try to stop Kain, but he'll do that awesome Dragoon stuff and jump into Devil's Road. Time to play tag wih Rydia! The teleporters work the same as before, and there is only one way to go. You'll also see the Rydia clone ahead of you from time to time, and she will question why you hate Cecil. Head up the first teleporter, and go through the hidden passage in the top left to get a MYTHRIL SWORD. When you get to the next teleporter with the hidden passage, go through it to get a DECOY. After the next teleporter, get the chest in the hidden passage for a MYTHRIL SHIELD , and the normal chest for a HI-POTION. Get the three chests for a BRONZE HOURGLASS, MYTHRIL HELM, and ZEUS'S WRATH. Continue on, and when you get to the last part near the top, ignore the first teleporter, and go to the right to follow the Rydia Clone. ===================== ==================== ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Devil's Road Treasure Checklist Devil's Road Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Mythril Sword [] Gremlin [] Decoy [] Black Knight [] Hi-Potion [] Centaur Knight [] Bronze Hourglass [] Bloodbones [] Mythril Helm [] Skeleripper [] Zeus's Wrath [] *Cait Sith* [] ===================== *Gray Coeurl* [] Evil Flame [] Yellow Jelly [] Purple Bavarois [] ==================== Go through this next part like you did before - head up through the first teleporter, then around the next one above, then the next one above that, then directly left of you, then the lower left one, then the lower left one again, then the lower one, then the far left one, then finally, the top one to exit to Baron. - You can go to the secret room in the Inn again - the treasure chests will regenerate and contain an ETHER, GOLD NEEDLE, and UNICORN HORN. - Check the pot outside the Inn again to get a HI-POTION. - Check the pot near the Armorer again to get a POTION. - Head through the secret water passage near the sunbather again to get to invisible blocks which contain a PHOENIX DOWN and HI-POTION. - You can find a Lustful Lali-Ho in Cid's house, one the bookshelf to the far right. Check it out in your inventory for an exciting scene. You can only find this here in the WiiWare version. There's no real reason for you to check any of the shops, which have the same items as before. Head out of town and enter the Castle. The Rydia Clone will grant you access. - You can check out the newly regenerated chests in the main room through the secret door again, to get a X-POTION, RED FANG, and REMEDY. - Go back to the east tower - all the treasure has regenerated! Run through the floors and grab the PHOENIX DOWN, BRONZE HOURGLASS, HI-POTION, ECHO HERBS, BACCHUS'S WINE, HEAVENLY WRATH, HI-POTION, WHITE FANG, X-POTION, COTTAGE, REMEDY, and HERMES SANDALS. ===================== =================== ---------------------------------------- --------------------- Baron City and Castle Treasure Checklist Baron Enemy Checklist ---------------------------------------- --------------------- Ether [] Goblin Captain [] Gold Needle [] Black Lizard [] Unicorn Horn [] Hellflapper [] Hi-Potion x 4 [] Gremlin [] Potion [] Ice Lizard [] Phoenix Down x 2 [] Fell Turtle [] X-Potion x 2 [] Frostbeast [] Red Fang [] Flamehound [] Remedy x 2 [] Naga [] Bronze Hourglass [] =================== Echo Herbs [] Bacchus's Wine [] Heavenly Wrath [] White Fang [] Cottage [] Hermes Sandals [] *Lustful Lali-Ho [] ===================== *WiiWare version only. Now head towards the throne room. Talk to the Rydia Clone, who will let you through. A scene will occur, where you find Cecil isn't there, and the Rydia Clone instead wishes to test your resolve. The Rydia clone will make you go on a fetch quest, and you agree. Leave the throne room, and head down. A soldier will stand in your way, telling you you can board the ariship now. Head all the way out now, and board the airship. Talk to the guy by the steering wheel to proceed... Meanwhile... Now, you rejoin Ceodore in Mist, where the Hooded Man will tell you that you'll be heading up the mountain face now. Oh boy. But first, check out Mist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTIP - Remember all the stuff you collected with Kain? If you didn't equip it, take a moment to put all that stuff on. You can put the Mythril Sword on either Kain or Ceodore - you'll get another nice weapon for the other person, which will heal the user. Take that into consideration when equipping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Check out the tombstone near the top of the village for a neat scene. - Check our the invisible block near the trees at the bottom right corner of the pool near the tombstone for a BOMB CRANK. - Enter the house to the left of the tombstone. Looks empty, huh? Walk into the fire place to find a secret passage, to a room with three chests - a POTION, HI-POTION, and PHOENIX DOWN. But that not it! Continue through the wall to the right to find another hidden passage - follow it to find a room with a BLOOD SWORD, a very good weapon which drains energy from enemies. - Head through the rather obvious "hidden passage" to the bottom of the village, to get to two invisible blocks with a HEAVENLY WRATH AND ARCTIC WIND. Sundries (INN) -------------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Echo Herbs 50 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Weaponsmith ----------- Iron Sword 1000 Coral Blade 2500 Great Bow 2000 Fire Arrows 500 Ice Arrows 500 Lightning Arrows 500 Armorer ------- Steel Helm 2000 Chainmail 2200 Plate Armor 5000 Iron Shield 600 Iron Helm 800 Iron Armor 1000 Iron Gloves 130 With all the stuff you got in Kain's little part, you shouldn't really need anything. Grab any healing stuff you may need, then proceed on through the right side of Mist. Stock up on Hi-Potion and Echo Herbs - the enemies can hit hard. =================== =============== ----------------------- -------------------- Mist Treasure Checklist Mist Enemy Checklist ----------------------- -------------------- Bomb Crank [] Goblin [] Potion [] Domovoi [] Hi-Potion [] Sword Rat [] Phoenix Down [] Bomb [] Blood Sword [] Gray Bomb [] Heavenly Wrath [] Skeleton [] Arctic Wind [] Spirit [] =================== Cockatrice [] Gargoyle [] =============== Here, you'll see that the cave side seems impassable - but the Hooded Man takes command and orders you on. Oh well. Climbing the mountain is fairly linear and simple - you can only climb straight up, and you must start off where ever a ledge appears. Head up the first three , and you'll come to a fork - head to the right ledge, then down the next ledge to get to two chests - HI-POTION and BONE WRIST. Equip the BONE WRIST. Head back to the fork, and head up to the left. Go up until the next screen. Head up the left path to get a chest with a COTTAGE. Head down and continue to the right. You'll come to another fork - head left here first. It may seem to be a dead end, but head right through the wall, and climb down to the chest to get a GAIA DRUM. Head back up the first two ledge now, but instead of going back to the fork, save yourself some time and just head up. Follow the linear path up till the next screen. Keep following the path, until you get to the fork. Now, head down the ledge to get a SLEEP BLADE, which can put enemies to sleep. Equip on whoever doesn't have the Blood Sword. Head up. Go to the next screen. Save here, and heal if you wish. Then, go past the save point, we're you'll find that you can head down the other side. Proceed. Keep heading down here, until you see the scene where Ceodore falls. Ugh. Follow down with the Hooded Man. Next screen. Keep heading down here, until you get to the three way path. First, go to the top left path, next to where you just came. Follow that all the way up to a chest with an ETHER. Head back down, but take the little ledge down the left before you go all the way back, which leads to a chest with HERMES SANDALS. Head back to the three way, and take the bottom right path down, then go to the ledge on the right, to reach a chest with a FLAME SHIELD. Equip. Now go back down and talk to Ceodore. Now go all the way down, and out of this place. The Hooded Man will congratulate you since you did it despite your crappy climbing skills, and you'll see Kain fly by, heading to Damcyan. =================== ==================== ----------------------------- -------------------------- Mist Cliff Treasure Checklist Mist Cliff Enemy Checklist ----------------------------- -------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Goblin Captain [] Bone Wrist [] Gremlin [] Cottage [] Naga [] Gaia Drum [] Ice Lizard [] Sleep Blade [] Purple Bavarois [] Ether [] Frostbeast [] Hermes Sandals [] Medusa [] Flame Shield [] Mystery Egg [] =================== Black Lizard [] ==================== Here, you'll see Kain thinking of something, then flash back to the cave, where you fight a scripted battle against what appears to be Shadow Kain, who whups you, and appears to take your place. Hmm... Also, Kain will flash his bling. Ooh, shiny. Now, head up with Ceodore, then right. Keep walking through the desert until you see Kaipo above you - head there. The Hooded Man will tell you to rest in the Inn. But first, let's check out Kaipo! - Head to the top of the town to see the gravestones of Tellah and his daughter, Anna. Play FFIV for moar information about them. Man, recall was so fun :( - Check out the top pot near the Weapon Shop to get a POTION. Sundries (INN) -------------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Diet Ration 100 Echo Herbs 50 Antidote 40 Bomb Fragment 200 AntarcticWind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Spider Silk 100 Bestiary 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Weaponsmith ----------- Coral Blade 2500 Flame Sword 14000 Great Bow 2000 Blinding Arrows 1000 Armorer ------- Iron Shield 600 Steel Helm 2000 Cross Helm 4200 Chainmail 2200 Plate Armor 5000 Bone Wrist 3800 =================== --------------------- Kaipo Enemy Checklist --------------------- Ettin Snake [] Cave Naga [] Skeleripper [] Goblin Captain [] Magma Tortoise [] Lilith [] Bloodbones [] Needlehog [] Evil Flame [] Ogre [] =================== Make sure you keep your stock of healing items up to date - besides the usual potion, echo herbs and tents, grab a couple maiden's kisses and antidotes - they could come in handy. As for weapon and Armor, you can get some minor upgrades, but they aren't really worth the price tag, such as the Flame Sword. Much too expensive. The only real thing to consider here is the Bone Wrist, but even that is a bit of a stretch, and isn't essential. If you've got the Blood Sword equipped, equip something else. Now rest in the Inn like the Hooded Man told you to. ZOMG, zombies! Battle tiem! This battle can actually be really hard, considering how fast these zombies move. Using Cross Slash should kill each in one hit, and be sure to do this as fast as you can. The zombies can hit hard, and drain, though drain isn't much of a problem because you can finish them in one hit. If one of your party members starts taking a lot of hit, be sure to heal them. Speed is of the essence in this battle. After this, you'll decide to head north, and you'll go bed. Now, head out of Kaipo when you're ready, and head north, then right to the cave. Requip Blood Sword if you want. Once you enter the cave, head straight up to get to two chests - HI-POTION and ICE SHIELD. Equip this one whoever doesn't have the Flame Shield. Head back and take the left route. When you come to a small fork, head down to get a Maiden's Kiss, then head back up. When you come to another fork, just keep heading right, all the way until you see the long staircase headin down. Follow it down, and head up the first waterfall to get a X-POTION. Now head back down and fall the water to the left. Once you come to the big waterfall, enter it through the middle part to get to a hidden grotto with a SILENT BELL, SPIDER SILK, and an ETHER. Now, head back to the giant staircase, and head back all the way to the left. From here, head up to access the next floor. Here, follow the linear path, until you enter the water. Here, you'll want to avoid going down for now, and instead head up the nearby stairs, which will lead you up to a SPIDER SILK. Now, head back down to the other stairs. You'll come to one more fork, but head left to get a HI-POTION. Now, head backtrack a bit, then head down, and follow the path until you get to a door. Enter the door, where you'll find a savepoint, and the Hooded Man will force you to sleep. You'll cut to Kain, who is just outside Damcyan. Enter Damcyan. As soon as you enter the castle, take 1 step south just beyond the castle wall and walk east and then north. You'll find a side room that you can enter. It is difficult to see against the background, but there is a tiny switch on the wall besides the western-most jail cell. Press the switch to open a door and gain access to the 3 treasure chests inside the cells. Collect those and then head down the stairs for 6 more treausre chests and 4 vases. Loot them to snag their contents. A decent haul for minimal effort. and head for the throne room. Kain won't want to really explore the castle, so you might as well get this over with. Once you enter the throne room, you'll see Edward, who doesn't seem surprised to see Kain despite his words... ==================== --------------------------------------- Damcyan Castle Treasure Checklist --------------------------------------- Zeus's Wrath [] Antarctic Wind [] Bomb Fragment [] Potion x3 [] Hi-Potion x3 [] Tent [] Phoenix Down x2 [] ==================== Back with Ceodore, you'll see him having nightmares. Eventually, you'l regain control. Now proceed to the next part of this room! Head up and across the bridge, and head up to get a MONSTER IN A BOX! It's a Mythril Golem - and boy, does he hit hard! Make sure you heal anyone who gets hit right away, and attack him with Cross Slash whenever you can. If someone has the Sleep Blade on, you can actually put him to sleep while using Cross Slash! You may want to consider using a Spider Silk to slow him down if you're having trouble. You might get an ICE BRAND and MYTHRIL SHIELD for your trouble. Nice. You might want to consider putting the Ice Brand on the Hooded Man, and putting either the Sleep Blade or Blood Sword on Ceodore. Whichever suits you better. Personally, I opted to put on the Sleep Blade, since I was pretty lucky with putting things to sleep. Now head down, and follow the linear path to the next door. Enter. Here, follow the path until you get to a fork - ignore the left for now, and follow the path to get another two chests - a ZEUS'S WRATH and FLAME MAIL. Equip the Flame Mail. Probably best on Ceodore. Now, head back to the fork, head to the left, and continue through the next door. Here, you can head right to access a secret passage, which seems only like a shortcut to the treasure chest, which contains a HI-POTION. However, once you go through the passage, enter again, and try to head up - you'll find you can head up and to the right, leading an area which contains a REMEDY. Now head back and up the stairs. Here, head up, and once you get the chance, head to the left to find two chests with a TENT and BACCHUS'S WINE. Head back, and cross the bridge to the right. And of course, once you see the door, head down first, too find a PHOENIX DOWN and DRY ETHER. Now exit. Now cut to Kain, who demands he receive the fire crystal. Edward will engauge in some pointless banter, trying to see what Kain really wants. Eventually, he says he is unwilling to give up the crystal. Kain is about to kill Edward, when Rosa runs in. Cut back to Ceodore, outside. Save and heal if you must, then proceed. Try to continue with the Waxing Moon phase - it'll make things easier. Enter the cave, and jump down the waterfall. Whee! Cut back to Kain, who says he isn't being mind-controlled, and wants Rosa to be his. All of his reinforcements will also show up. Edward will refuse, and open a box, which turns out to be a Carnelian Signet, which is an item Kain is familiar with. Creepy music. Oh, and all the soldiers die too. Now you'll attack Edward! You can't hurt Rosa, because you'll miss eveytime. Whenever you attack Edward you'll hear Rosa protest. You can attack Edward until he dies, or wait out the battle and lose, which will result in a game-over. So, fight Edward. Once you win, you'll claim the Fire Crystal, and Kain will grab Rosa. Back to Ceodore. Head out of the water, and follow along the path. Once you get to the big stairs, head down to find a POTION and HEAVENLY WRATH. Now get back up and head to the left. Head through the door. Go the right, and grab the chests, containing a HI-POTION and PHOENIX DOWN. ===================== =================== ----------------------------------- -------------------------------- Underground Lake Treasure Checklist Underground Lake Enemy Checklist ----------------------------------- -------------------------------- Ice Brand [] Blaze Toad [] Zeus's Wrath [] Fell Turtle [] Flame Mail [] Blood Bat [] Hi-Potion x 2 [] Flaygator [] Remedy [] Sahagin Knight [] Tent [] Mizuchi [] Bacchus's Wine [] Gigas Gator [] Phoenix Down x 2 [] =================== Dry Ether [] Potion [] Heavenly Wrath [] ===================== Now follow the path up, head into the water, and head up into the space in the waterfall for a boss battle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octo-Kraken Octo-Leech x 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two main ways to defeat this boss, but start off the same way - slow down the boss with a Spider's Silk, and throw on a Hermes's Sandals on both your characters, if you want. You can also cast Protect on your party for extra defense. Now, you can either spam Cross Slash on the main body, healing everytime your health goes below 300, or you can Cross Slash the tentacles to get them out of the way first, before you finish the main body. Since you should be fighting in a phase that weakens black magic, the tentacles shouldn't realize pose much of a problem, and your best bet is to simply spam Cross Slash on the main body, healing from time to time. Really, this battle isn't hard at all. He has about 8500 HP, and gives 1004 Gil and 2502 Exp when defeated. He may also drop a Potion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now head out. A scene will occur, where Ceodore and the Hooded man arrive too late, and we see Kain on the airship with Rosa. Suddenly, it's attacked, and we see Cid on the Enterprise! Kain will fly away to Baron, and you'll regain control. Now, enter Damcyan. Don't bother with the airship just yet. Head up to the throne room. Ceodore will find his mother gone, Edward and Cid will blame themselves, and the Hooded Man will jump at the mention of Kain, who then orders everyone after him. Cut to Kain, who is flying to Baron to kill Cecil, with Rosa in tow. Cut to Ceodore, who is giving chase with Edward, Cid and the Hooded Man to Baron... Cut to Kain, you will regain control of. Unequip him now, an head up to the castle. You'll see him drag Rosa through the Castle. Cut back to the Enterprise, where everyone is just landing. Cut to Kain again, who continues to drag Rosa. Cut to the Enterprise which has just landed, and everyone runs off. Cid will join your party. Huzzah. Head up to the castle. Cut to Kain, who is near the throne room. Cut back to Ceodore, who will attack the guards. It's just like the zombies from before - use Cross Slash, and if you're lucky, Cid's Risk Strike, which can kill a zombie infantry in two turns. Heal up a bit, and proceed. Cut to Kain again, who is just outside the throne room. Cut to Ceodore. Head up to the throne room. Now, we'll see both groups meet each other. Ceodore will cry out, and the Hooded Man will be revealed as the good side of Kain, who has been tracking down the evil side of him that has been posing as him. Cue epic one on one match! This match is pretty scripted, but you can lose - make sure you keep your health above 600, and keep attacking. Jump can be a little dangerous, since it can do around 500 damage. Eventually, you'll come to a part where the epic music plays, and the Hooded Man, who we all now know as the real Kain, regains his skills as a Dragoon, and attacks the fake Kain once more! Back to the scripted match, where you can now do a lot more damage. Keep attacking Kain, and remember to heal from time to time. He's a bit weaker now, but make sure you're careful. I won't recommend using Jump, just because it's a bit slow, and you can attack twice for the same amount of damage in the same amount of time. To speed things up, since the fake Kain has about 15000 HP, use a Spider's Silk. Cut back to the scene where the fake Kain defeated the real one, proving that he did indeed replace him. Back in Baron, Kain will come to terms with himself, finally accepting himself and becoming a HOLY DRAGOON. There's nothing really for you to do now, so head into the throne room, where Cecil will greet you, and the screen will fade...into credits... THE END? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not quite! While you don't have access to any other places than Baron, there are still quite a few things to do. Now, the weapon shops have new stuff to offer. And speaking of that, you can access that hidden passage again in the shop - remember the one in the bottom right that led to behind the counters? Try it again and head out for the counters - you'll find you can now access the treasure chests! Grab them for an ICE ARMOR and X-POTION. Sundries -------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 80 Diet Ration 100 Echo Herbs 50 Antidote 40 Bomb Fragment 200 Antarctic Wind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Spider Silk 100 Bestiary 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Weaponsmith ----------- Flame Sword 14000 Icebrand 26000 Battle Axe 2500 Killer Bow 3000 Blinding Arrows 1000 Silencing Arrows 1000 Psycho Spiral 2000 Armorer ------- Iron Shield 600 Cross Helm 4200 Chainmail 2200 Plate Armor 5000 Bone Wrist 2000 Sage's Miter 1200 Sage's Surplice 1200 Rune Armlet 2000 Hm, it's hard for me to recommend anything really, since the Challenge Dungeon will offer so many better equipment for you, even early on. I guess you could grab a Killer Bow, and both arrows, with Silencing probably being a bit better. As for equipment though, there is only one thing I can say - Malboro's are annoying, so try to have at least one ailment nullifying piece of equipment on each party member - a Rune Armlet on Rosa and 3 Bone Wrist's for Ceodore, Kain, and Cid will at least save you some trouble. Other good things are Headbands, Giant's Gloves, and Cross Helm. Finally, for items, max out Pheonix Downs, Hi-Potions, Tents, Potions, and Cottages in that order. They will really come in handy, especially if you are low leveled. And picking up twenty Spider's Silks will save you some effort. Now, once you're ready, talk to Namingway in Baron Inn to change his name to Challengingway. Now, talk to him again, and he'll send you to the Challenge Dungeon. Right from the start, head up to the teleporter, and then down into the Ancient Castle. Head to the left, and head up the stairs. To the left you have a chest with ADAMANTITE, a rare substance with little value now. Be prepared to fight an Adamantite Golem, which is a powerful enemy, who advances each turn gains power with each such advance. Therefore, speed is of the essence. Slow him, and spam Bands with Kain and Ceodore, and make sure you keep your HP over 600 at all times. It shouldn't be too hard. Now, head up to the right, and follow it along. You'll come to another chest, above a pair of stairs. This is a regenerative chest - it's contents is random, and has something new each time you enter. Check it out. Now, here is a big turning point in the dungeon - you can go up, which will lead to a few unique items, and a separate path to the boss. However, let's go down and stick to the main path. Due to the random nature of the prize in this dungeon, we might as well make two trips through here. So, head down for now. However, before you enter the door to the next area, enter the indent below it, and follow the hidden passage to enter another door. Head through it, past the next door, and out to a chest with a PROTECT STAFF. Now, head back to the hidden passage indent, and this time head up through the main door. We're in another part of the castle now, which has quite a few nice goodies. Since the right side is pretty packed with goodies, let's check out the left first, and make our way around. There's no really tricks here - head up the path you see, and when you see the two treasure chests, head up right against the wall and to the right to go through a small passage, and check the chest for a ICE SHIELD. Head back to the start of the area, and head up the stairs. Now, navigate this no-brainer room to a chest with ANGEL ARROWS. Very nice arrows that can confuse enemies. Head back to the start. Now head to the right, but don't head down to the hole. Continue up, and at the little two-way, head left, and up to see the two chests again - once again, go through the wall to claim a ICE ARMOR. Cool, hehe. Now, head back to the litte two-way, head up, and check the pot directly beside the left shelf for a GOLDEN APPLE. Nice. Now that we're done with this floor, head down, and jump down that hole we passed before. This is a very simple area, which is a relief to the note-worthingly annoying enemies, who will massacre low level parties, and are still a displeasure to fight at any level. Take extra care around here, and don't hestiate to teleport with Kain in order to make a quick getaway. Follow the path to the left, and a bit up, until you get to the major split in the road, where you have a bridge in front of you and a chest below. Of course, nab the chest for a GOLD HAIRPIN, a nice equip for Rosa. Head back and continue on your way. Pass the bridge, which doesn't block you at all, and follow it all the way to next door. Here, follow the path - pretty simple. Kee going, all the way down the stairs. However, at the 2nd stairs, don't go down just yet, and instead, go to the right and down, and grab the chest for an ELIXIR. Now go back down the stairs, and save at the save point. Phew, the funs just starting. If you want to run away, the door on the left will teleport you out. ================== ------------------------------ Kain CD Treasure Checklist (1) ------------------------------ Ice Armor x 2 [] X-Potion [] Adamantite [] Protect Staff [] Ice Shield [] Angel Arrows [] Golden Apple [] Gold Hairpin [] Elixir [] ================== ----PROTIP--- If you're a very low level (less then 30, mid 30's) or very high level (high 40's, 50) make sure you fight under the Special Attack phase. In fact, even once you're in between, it may be best to stick to this as well. Other then this phase, the only other good one is the White Magic one. ---PROTIP--- When you're all ready, head up to the bridge and talk to creepy hooded guy to fight the Boss! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curse Dragon - Phase 1 + 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This may seem a bit odd, but don't bother with Blink, Protect, Shell, because, quite frankly, they waste your time. Maybe the Curse Dragon might miss you if you raise your evasion - but at a lower level, especially if you still have three digit health, a Shell won't save you from Blaze, which will kill you in one hit. Yes, underleveled-ness makes this battle LUCK based. So, what you need to do is take care of this quickly. Everyone should attack, except Rosa, since you're still not in a position to abandon that white magic yet. Right from the start, slow with a Spider Silk (save Rosa for healing) and use Herme's Sandals or Haste with Kain or Kain, since he will be most helpful. Under the Special phase, Jump with Kain, Attack with Ceo, and Attack with Cid, or try Risk Strike if you feel lucky. Keep mashing away - Jump gives the benefit of being able to avoid an attack. The Curse Dragon at least attacks twice with physical attacks, even if it doesn't curse, cast Fira, or use Blaze. Another important thing to note is that if someone dies, revive them and use a Hi-POTION with another character to heal them up a bit. However, don't heal them after that. All that's important is that they survive at least two hits, so the Curse Dragon can't kill someone, and hurt someone as well. At the most, he'll hit someone twice and kill them, or damage two people to near death. Since Blaze will kill you in one hit anyway, don't worry about that. Quick note - Curse, while a bit sketchy, seems to simply lower your STR, making you less powerful. Other then that, it doesn't seem to have more obvious effects. It may lower your other stats as well, though. Don't bother curing it unless Kain is inflicted. So, let's say you manage to shave down the Curse Dragon's health to 0, which is after about 10,000 HP. Start Phase 2! Here, the Curse Dragon has 20,000 health - certainly a daunting task with now two killer moves, Blaze and Dark Breath (which are basically the same things). The interesting thing to note is that after each attack inflicted on the Curse Dragon, it will retailate with either an instant KO, or will cast Doom on you, which is preferable. This is important because while it seems a huge obstacle, it can also be a great help. The Curse Dragon can only attack so often, and countering seems to slightly cut into's normal attack time. Sometimes the Curse Dragon can counterattack, then attack normally, but you will have quite a few times where you can attack him, die, revive (generally with Cid and Ceodore sharing the role of reviver and Hi-Potion giver) and Rosa stands by to heal extra if necessary. This way, you control the flow of death the Curse Dragon deals you, since you only attack with one person, and you constantly revive people. Now, it's only a matter of time. This is much easier with a high level party. Hopefully, without Blaze or Dark Breath, you can manage to pull out a victory. Luck is a big factor. The higher level you are, the easier this will be. If you're high enough to be able to survive a Blaze or Dark Breath, pause all attacks to completely heal your members - but only heal them completely if they can survive these powerful attacks. Otherwise, keep them within enough health to survive at least one Curse Dragon physical attack. This strategy is useful at any level - you might be panicked to heal more at lower levels, and this is okay, but you must remember Blaze and Dark Breath. Gauge your health carefully, and don't bother healing when you don't need to. In the higher levels where Kain can own the Curse Dragon, you'll come to see that the rest of your members are basically meat-shields - simply keeping them alive is enough, and you want to revive them just as extra targets. In a maxed out party, where Kain can do 7000 a turn on the 2nd phase, and 4000 on the first, no one else is very important. Remember - Haste, Slow, Jump, Heal. That's all you really need to know. Do the battle fast, whether low leveled or high leveled. You can do this strategy at any time, and as you get stronger, you won't have to rely on luck, and you'll simply decimate the Curse Dragon with ease. At 50, with this strategy, and only minor luck, you won't have to heal at ALL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you have defeated the Curse Dragon, check the chest for a bunch of random items. Well, actually, one random item. That's right - each time you want another item, you need to fight this Boss again. Don't worry - rare items won't repeat until you get all of them, though filler items can. Eventually, you'll get all of them. They include: - The entire Diamond Set (Helm, Armor, Shield, Gloves) except Armlet - Elfin Bow - Sledgehammer - Obelisk - Demon Slayer - Luminous Robe - Flan Ring - Adamantite - Lustful Lali-ho Good luck! Please note, on the PlayStation Portable version of the game, the treasures will not repeat. Once you find them all, you can't obtain them again. This is true for all Challenge Dungeons on the PlayStation Portable version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, we're not done yet! Ready to go through a second time. I am! Let's return make to the two-way path in the Ancient Castle - now we can head up to the top, and right away get to a chest with a DRY ETHER. What a nice start. Now, head on to the right. Dead end? Nope! Head through the dent into the forest, and make your way down and to the left, near the well, which you can actually head down. Now, you're in the center part of the Ancient Castle, where we found all that nice gear and apple. Head down, but before dropping down, head all the way down against the wall, and move through the little hidden passage to reach the chest which has an OGREKILLER. Great weapon for Cid. Now head down. This path is very linear - follow it all the way to the stairs on the right side, but like any stairs, avoid it for now and head to the right, and down. Ignore the first stairs you see - head to the left and down those stairs to get a DIAMOND ARMLET. Now, make your way back to the first stairs, and head down to the door. Nothing to say here - follow the path all the way down, to where you'll emerge just near the exit door and the save point. I'm sure you can figure out the rest - whether you fight the Curse Dragon or not, you've found all the chests, so you're pretty much done for now! =================== ===================== ------------------------------ ----------------------- Kain CD Treasure Checklist (2) Kain CD Enemy Checklist ------------------------------ ----------------------- Dry Ether [] Mythril Golem [] Ogrekiller [] Balloon [] Diamond Armlet [] Mad Ogre [] =================== Adamantite Golem [] Ghost Knight [] Coeurl [] Lamia [] Lamia Matriarch [] Storm Anima [] Sorceror [] Summoner [] Nagaraja [] Arachne [] Imp [] Evil Dreamer [] Elder Treant [] Fell Knight [] Blood Eye [] Malboro [] Belphegor [] Thunder Dragon [] ===================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.110) - Rydia’s Tale - The Eidolons Shackled (RYD1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, and welcome to Rydia’s Tale. I'm Cranberry, here to help guide you through this adventure. Rydia’s Tale is a downloadable story for this game. It is an entirely optional story that you can play to gain additional insight from Rydia’s perspective on what’s going on in the Final Fantasy IV world. This content shows what Rydia is doing while Ceodore is on his quest. Downloading Rydia’s Tale: First, you need to download Rydia’s Tale to play it. To do so, load up "Final Fantasy IV: The Years After" on your Nintendo Wii. From the title screen, choose "Purchase Add-On Content". Once the game connects to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Network, choose Rydia’s Tale. You’ll need to pay 300 Wii points for this download, so make sure you have enough points before attempting this. Once the download completes, return to the Title Screen and choose "Select Story". Rydia’s Tale will appear on the menu, choose it to begin. ****************IMPORTANT***************************************** Rydia’s Tale is independent from the main game’s story and uses its own saves. Don’t save over your save file from the main game! Save to a different save slot! Characters: Before we start the walk-through, let’s introduce you to the characters you’ll use during this quest. You also have 3 Bands available to you as well. Bands are special attacks that characters gain access to buy combining their abilities. To learn and use bands, during battle press right on the control pad, then choose Bands. Any bands that character has learned will be listed, if no bands are present choose "Search Bands" to attempt to learn one. See the "How to Play" option from the Title Screen menu for exact instructions on searching for bands. Rydia: Rydia is the Summoner we first met in Final Fantasy IV. Her most powerful ability is her power of summoning Eidolons to aid her in battle. She is also a master of Black Magic and has a variety of powerful spells at her disposal. However, in this game something has happened to the Eidolons and they aren’t responding to her calls, leaving her without her most famous ability. She’ll have to rely on her black magic and limited physical attacks to see her through. However if she is lucky enough to find a summon spell left behind after defeating certain monsters, she may be able to regain some limited summoning ability. Rydia has a good relationship with Luca, and by combining her magic with Luca’s regular attacks, she can learn the Lightning Brain Buster band; a powerful attack against a single target. Rydia begins with a variety of spells, and she'll learn a few more at the levels listed below. Rydia Spell List: Level 20 - Pig Level 26 - Osmose Level 32 - Bio Level 36 - Drain Luca: Luca is the daughter of the Dwarf King, and has grown a lot since we first saw her in Final Fantasy IV. True to her Dwarf heritage, she has great physical strength. And like a dwarf, she can take a beating and still come back for more. Her high HP, attack, and defense make her an ideal front lines warrior, and without question she is the strongest physical fighter that will work with Rydia. While Rydia can’t handle the heavy axes and metal armor found in the Dwarf castle, Luca can use them with ease. Though Luca has no magic, she has a powerful ability called Big Throw, which lets her do a heavy physical attack that is powerful from both the front and back row. Luca is good friends with Rydia, and can combine her attacks with Rydia’s magic to learn the Lightening Brain Buster band; a powerful attack against a single target. She has a second band available to her through her loyal dolls, Calca & Brina. Combine the Dance and Jive moves of her dolls with Lucca's Analyze ability to form Go! Calcabrina! This band does fire and lightning damage to all enemies. Calca & Brina: Calca and Brina are special dolls built by Luca to help her and Rydia. While neither is exceptionally powerful, they have unique abilities that are sure to assist your party. Calca has an ability called Jive that inflicts random status effects on enemies, while Brina has an ability called Dance that puts random effects on allies, including cure spells. Furthermore these 2 abilities can be linked together to learn the Calca & Brina band, a band that will cast a random spell. The Go! Calcabrina! band can be learned by pairing up Dance and Jive with Lucca's Analyze ability for a fire and lightning based band. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===Kokkol Ore & Enemy Summon Locations=== The location of the 12 Kokkol Ore pieces and the location of the enemy summons are probably the most common question asked about Rydia's Tale. This information is included in the walkthrough, but for convenience a quick here is a quick listing of the ore locations and the locations of the summons. Kokkol Ore 1. A bookcase in the Faymarch. 2. East Tower of the Dwarf Castle; in an armor display. 3. The Dwarf's Base, in an armor display. 4. In a dresser in the infirmary of the Dwarf Castle. 5. In a storeroom in Tomra, inside one of the vases. 6. In Tomra, in a vase outside the storeroom. 7. In Tomra's armor shop, inside an armor display. 8. In the Kokkol Forgery, inside the fire place. 9. A treasure chest inside the Sylph Cave. 10. A vase beside the Sylphs' House inside the Sylph Cave. 11. In the Sealed Cave, inside a pile of bones. 12. In the Sealed Cave, inside a wooden box. Enemy Summons Goblin: Passage of the Eidolons, near Tomra, Agart overworld. Cockatrice: B2 of the Sylph Cave. Mindflayer: Inside the Agart Mine. Bomb: 3F of Rydia's Challenge Dungeon; drops from Balloon monsters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.120) - The Summoner's Journey (RYD2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Walkthrough~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that we’ve met the characters, let’s begin our quest. As Rydia’s Tale begins, you’ll watch some scenes that will introduce you to the story and catch you up on what Rydia’s been up to since we last saw her in Final Fantasy IV. Pay attention to the latest happenings, especially when Rydia reaches the Feymarch; the town of the summoned monsters. After a cold reception from the queen, Rydia will be teleported out of the room just before a mysterious girl arrives in the King’s chamber. After a brief conversation, all of the Eidolon are petrified! ~~The Eidolon Town~~ When you gain control of Rydia, begin investigating the town. Though the inhabitants are turned to stone, they can still speak to you. Treasure chests are scattered all over town, and you are free to take their contents. Don’t miss the secret treasure room that you can access by stepping on a tile just north of the Eidolon that says "Rydia... help me." There are shops in this town, but with all the shop keepers petrified, they can sell you no items. Explore the town and step on the gray tile to warp to a different level. Inside one of the houses you’ll find a save point. Again make sure that you do not save over your save file from the main game!!! Another house contains several book cases and a staircase. Examine the book cases if you’d like to read about some of the Eidolon monsters and take the stairs to find more book cases and a warp tile. Examine the book case just left of the warp tile to find some valuable Kokkol Ore, you’ll use this later. Take the warp tile to discover the fate of the King and Queen. Once you’ve checked on both of them and watched the brief cut scene, you’re ready to leave town. Check your inventory before you head out; make sure you don’t leave without picking up the Kokkol Ore, Dry Ether, and Ice Rod found in town. The Ice Rod may be weaker than your whip, but it has a nifty ability. If you equip it, during battle you can choose item, then press up on the control pad to see your hand equips. Choose it and then pick an enemy to cast a Blizzard Spell through the rod. This cost no MP and best of all you won’t expend the rod by doing so. ================= ------------------------------- Eidolon Town Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Potion x 2 [] Phoenix Down [] Tent [] Ether [] Kokkol Ore [] Ice Rod [] Dry Ether [] Hi-Potion [] 500 Gil [] ================= ~~Passage of the Eidolons~~ When you leave town, you’ll be in B3 of this passage. Fans of the original FFIV will recall that the floor in this cave hurt you without the Float spell. Thankfully, that is not the case now. The floor will not harm Rydia, and she need not fear exploring every nook and cranny of this passage. There several secret passages on this floor that lead to assorted treasure, most notably is the passage following the lower perimeter of the room. Walk through various walls to find treasures chest hidden throughout the floor. Explore the lower portions of the floor thoroughly to find all the treasure. As you head toward the exit, you’ll encounter a set battle when you step onto a specific tile. Here, Rydia will attempt to summon an Eidolon, only to find they are not answering her. You’ll have to rely on your black magic instead. Despite it’s free Blizzard, your Ice Rod isn’t strong enough to effectively combat the monsters here. Instead, cast Blizzara, Fira, or Thundara on the entire enemy party. Despite the phase of the moon likely having black magic weakened, 1 or 2 casts should wipe out the entire enemy party. Proceed up the stairs to advance to the next floor. ================= ================= --------------------------- ------------------------ Floor B3 Treasure Checklist Floor B3 Enemy Checklist --------------------------- ------------------------ Phoenix Down [] Goblin [] Tent [] Floating Eye [] Potion x 2 [] Eyewing Moth [] Ether [] Larva [] 500 gil [] ================= ================= On floor B2 you’ll find a save point. This floor is pretty straight-forward with no hidden passages. Grab the treasure chests and head toward the stairs. Don’t leave without picking up the Bronze Hourglass. ===================== ================= --------------------------- ------------------------ Floor B2 Treasure Checklist Floor B2 Enemy Checklist --------------------------- ------------------------ Eye Drops [] Goblin [] Bronze Hourglass [] Floating Eye [] ===================== Eyewing Moth [] Larva [] Sandworm [] Domovoi [] Yellow Jelly [] ================= On floor B1, you’ll want to continue collecting treasure chests as you look for the exit. There is one secret passage to the left of the treasure box containing a Decoy. You’ll find a Feathered Cap inside. Equip this on Rydia for a small defense boost. Once you’ve grabbed all of the treasure, head up the stairs to leave the cave. If at any point you find yourself low on HP, use a potion to heal yourself. ================== ================= --------------------------- ------------------------ Floor B1 Treasure Checklist Floor B1 Enemy Checklist --------------------------- ------------------------ Ether [] Goblin [] Decoy [] Floating Eye [] Feathered Cap [] Eyewing Moth [] ================== Larva [] Sandworm [] Domovoi [] Yellow Jelly [] ================= When you exit the cave, a Zu will attack you. Just as it seems that defeat is imminent for Rydia, an Airship will open fire on the Zu, blasting it out of the sky. Luca has come to Rydia’s aid, and just in the nick of time too. After a brief conversation, an incident will prompt an urgent visit to the Dwarf Castle. Luca will join your party and rush both you to the Dwarf Castle aboard her airship. ~~Dwarven Castle~~ The castle of the Dwarves, Lali-ho! Go straight up to the throne room to check on the king. During the conversation that ensues, you’ll learn of your next mission. To go to the Sealed Cave and retrieve the dark crystal there. But first things first! You’re in a new castle, and it’s full of treasure. Before you investigate the castle shops, search every nook and cranny for treasure, especially the east and west towers. Each tower contains a room full of vases, and a maze-like treasure floor. To reach the towers, starting from the castle's main gate walk up to floor 1F. For the west tower, take the stairs to against the west wall of this room. This will take you to 2F where the Inn and item shop is located. Take the stairs on the western part of this room below the room containing the beds for the inn. This will take you to 1F of the West Tower. Take the stairs going up to reach 2F, a room full of vases. As a rule, search every vase you find in this game for items that may be hidden inside. There is a secret passage here you can use to reach some extra vases for a valuable item. To reach it, stand in the eastern-most corner of the room and press down to walk through the hidden passage. This allows you to access a few extra vases. Next take the stairs up to F3. There are 4 treasure chests, and you'll need to navigate some hidden passages to access them all. Start by heading left to grab the first treasure chest. Next stand below that treasure box and walk south through the wall. Follow the passage and step to the east to reach the treasure box to the south. Walk east past the southern treasure box into the wall, now walk up and right to access the eastern treasure box. Now standing below the eastern treasure box, walk east into the wall, now walk north until your character emerges from the wall. Walk west until your character stops, step north 1 space, and then west to reach the final treasure box. Now that you have all 4 treasure chests, backtrack back to the stairs. Head back to 1F of the West tower. Now take the door to the south to reach the outdoor upper deck of the castle. Follow the path to the door on the east side to take you to the East Tower. Grab the treasure chest on this floor and head up to 2F. Here we have the vase room of the East tower. First check the armor display for a Kokkol Ore. This room also has a secret passage. To reach it, walk south and stand beside the vase on the southern wall. Simply walk west to find the hidden passage and walk to the vase to the north. Head up to 3F for another maze room with 4 more treasure chests. This isn't much of a maze though. Simply walk toward the treasure chest you want to easily reach it. There are a few hidden passages in the walls you could use to avoid taking the stairs back down, but even if you do step on the stairs to go back to F2, all you have to do is simply walk back up to F3 again. Head back to F1 once you've grabbed all the treasure. On F1, take the stairs to the east to reach F2 of the Dwarf Castle, this side contains the weapon and armor shop. If you wish, you can walk north between the weapon and armor shop to reach a secret passage leading to the Lali-Ho pub. Talk to the dwarf here and if you like he'll perform a dance for you. There's a secret passage east of a crack in the floor you can walk through to reach the old developers office. The door is locked however with a note saying that they've moved and the new location will be posted at a later time. Perhaps we'll find them in a future chapter? In any case, there's nothing for you to collect here so head back to the weapon and armor stores. The shops here sell weapons and armor Luca will find useful, and you should definitely pick up the Crescent Axe. The iron defensive pieces sold here are too heavy for Rydia, but provide good defense for Luca. The pieces are expensive, but worth purchasing if you have the money. Note that an Iron Shield can be found in one of the castle's treasure chests, which beats spending 600 Gil to buy one. The only things Rydia can use from these shops are the Bow and Iron Arrows. These might be worth picking up as they are relatively cheap, and unlike in the previous Final Fantasy IV game, you won't expend arrows in combat. 1 arrow per bow user is all you need. Luca can also equip a bow and arrow, but is probably better off sticking with a Crescent Axe. Once you've finished your shopping, walk to the descending stairs to the northwest. This will take you to B1 of the castle. Investigate the vases as usual, and enter the yellow door to the west to reach the infirmary. Investigate the desks beside the bottom row of beds. One of them contains another Kokkol Ore piece. Exit the Infirmary, and talk to Dwarf standing nearby. He'll allow you access to the Dwarf's base. They aren't using it right now, but you should still check it out. Head through the door to reach B2. Grab any treasure chests you can and continue on to the next set of stairs to reach the Dwarf Base. Grab any treasure chests you can, and most importantly check the armor displays set up. One of them contains another Kokkol Ore piece. The vase nearby will restore your HP and MP when you check it. The stairs below the base lead to the overworld, don't go there though. We don't want to leave the airship behind. Instead go back the way you came. Remember the tricks we used here, many areas have hidden passages in the walls that you can use to reach the boxes and vases containing valuable items. As a rule, examine every vase you find everywhere in the game; many contain useful items. Here in the castle, among other treasures, you’ll find a Silver Apple and a Soma Drop. The apple boosts HP by 50 and the Soma Drop boosts MP by 10. Give both of these to Rydia for a much needed boost. The Iron Shield you find is the only shield you’ll get for a long time, so make sure you pick it up. When you’re done shopping, head out the main castle gate back to your airship. -Dwarven Item Shop- Potion 30 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 -Dwarven Weapon Shop- Crescent Axe 800 Bow 220 Iron Arrows 50 Whip 200 -Dwarven Armor Shop- Bronze Helm 150 Bronze Armor 600 Iron Gloves 130 Iron Shield 600 Iron Helm 1000 -Dwarven Inn- 50 ====================== --------------------------------- Dwarven Castle Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Potion x 4 [] Hi-Potion [] Ether [] Phoenix Down x 2 [] Silver Apple [] Iron Shield [] 600 Gil [] Bomb Crank [] Spider Silk [] Soma Drop [] Hermes Sandals [] 500 Gil [] Warrior’s Clothes [] Bacchus’s Wine [] Tent [] Kokkol Ore x 3 [] ====================== ~~Town of Tomra~~ When you enter the airship, Luca will introduce you to the 2 dolls she built, Calca & Brina. These 2 will join your party, bringing your party up to 4 members. Luca will point out that without the ability to summon Rydia needs some new equipment, and fast. Luca is right too! Head to the town of Tomra to gear up. Your two new party members are both level 1 and rather ill equipped. If you found the Warrior’s Clothes in the Dwarven Castle, equip it to one of the dolls. Once you’re in control of the airship, head to the Southwest to find the town of Tomra. Land your ship and enter the town. Although your first instinct may be to enter the shops and search for gear, hold off on that. First we have a new town to search for treasure in! Search every house, check every vase, and check the armor display in the armor shop. In the warehouse room, search for a passage you can squeeze through in the lower part of the room to access some of the vases for additional treasure. A thorough search of this town will net you among other treasures, 3 pieces of Kokkol Ore. If you’ve collected every piece thus far, you’ll have 7 total pieces. Now head to the weapon shop and buy a dagger, but don’t equip it to anyone. Leave town and head to your airship. Fly to the southeastern portion of the overworld map. You’ll find a small settlement that turns out to be the Kokkol Forge, it is here that you’ll obtain a fantastic weapon that will serve you for a long time to come, and you’ll be returning here later too. -Tomra Item Shop- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 -Tomra Weapon Shop- Rod 100 Ice Rod 220 Flame Rod 380 Bow 220 Crossbow 700 Iron Arrows 50 Holy Arrows 500 Dagger 300 -Tomra Armor Shop- Leather Cap 100 Feathered Cap 330 Wizard's Hat 700 Leather Clothing 200 Gaia Gear 500 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 -Tomra Inn- 100 =================== ------------------------ Tomra Treasure Checklist ------------------------ Kokkol Ore x 3 [] Potion [] Phoenix Down [] Bacchus’s Wine [] =================== ~~Kokkol Forge~~ Before you talk to the blacksmith here, do a quick treasure hunt. Examine the fireplace above for 1 more piece of Kokkol Ore, 8 total now if you’ve collected every piece to this point. One of the vases contains a Hi-Potion. Head upstairs and examine the bookcase to find Angel’s Clothes. This is a piece of armor that you should equip to whichever doll you didn’t put the Warrior’s Clothes on. Now, speak with the blacksmith and he’ll offer to make you items in exchange for materials. Here you can get some of the best items you can get for quite a while. You can choose between making knives and making Axes/Hammers. The list below shows what you can make and what is required to make it. The Dancing Dagger is quite powerful, and has a special ability that will make it extremely useful to Rydia, Calca, and Brina. If you get a Dancing Dagger and equip it, during battle you can select item, press up to see your arm equips, and then use the dagger to throw it at an enemy. This seems to have 100% accuracy, does solid damage, and best of all you won't expend the dagger in doing so. The Mythril Knife has lower power than the dancing dagger and lacks the throwing ability, but is effective against ghost type enemies. On the Axes/Hammers end, everything except the basic hammer is a boost for Luca. Both the Mythril Hammer and the Tomahawk are excellent weapons for Luca. The Mythril Hammer is stronger than the Tomahawk and requires both hands, meaning Luca can't equip a shield if she uses one, but it’s effective against machine and ghost type enemies. As far as raw power goes, the Mythril Hammer is Luca's strongest weapon right now, but the Tomahawk is also strong and does the same damage from both the front and back rows. It's also a 1 handed weapon meaning Luca can still use her shield. But there are a lot of ghost type enemies coming up soon, of which the Mythril Hammer will be more effective against. In order to make a Tomahawk, a Battle Axe is needed. Although you could first make a Battle Axe, and then make a Tomahawk, don't do so because we'll find a Battle Axe for free in a treasure chest before too much longer. How exactly to spend the ore now is up to you. I recommend picking up at least 1 Dancing Dagger. Be aware that weapon materials need to be in your inventory screen and not equipped when making items. Head back to Tomra when you've finished and buy any items you need from the stores. Kokkol Forge List: -Knives- Knife 1 Kokkol Ore Mythril Knife 2 Kokkol Ores & 1 Knife Dancing Dagger 3 Kokkol Ores & 1 Dagger -Axes/Hammers- Hammer 1 Kokkol Ore Battle Axe 3 Kokkol Ores & 1 Crescent Axe Mythril Hammer 4 Kokkol Ores & 1 Hammer Tomahawk 4 Kokkol Ores & 1 Battle Axe ==================== ------------------------------- Kokkol Forge Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Kokkol Ore [] Hi-Potion [] Angel’s Clothes [] ==================== ~~Sylph Cave~~ ================= -------------------------- Sylph Cave Enemy Checklist -------------------------- Goblin [] Domovoi [] Leshy [] Tiny Mage [] Basilisk [] Gargoyle [] Cockatrice [] Spirit [] Soul [] Toadgre [] Gigantoad [] Skeleton [] Bloodbones [] Revenant [] Bomb [] Gray Bomb [] Ghoul [] Yellow Jelly [] ================= The Sylph Cave is an optional area, you're not required to enter it, but there are treasures to be found and it's also good place to prepare for your real mission inside the Sealed Cave. We also don't know what has become of the Sylph since the attack on the Faymarch, so let’s head down to check up on them as well. Before going though, you might want to beef Calca and Brina up a bit. With no white mage on your team, your healing options are more limited so it’s advisable to stock up on potions and hi-potions. By now you'll have a modest supply from treasure chests, but pick up a few extra if you can spare the cash. When ready, fly your airship to the north-western portion of the underworld map. Here you'll find the entrance to the Sylph Cave. Fans of the original Final Fantasy IV will be happy to know that just as in the Passage of the Eidolons, the floor here no longer harms you so your lack of the Float spell won't be an issue. There are monsters in this cave called "Yellow Jelly" that are virtually immune to physical attacks. Use Rydia's thunder spells to defeat these monsters; throwing the dancing dagger is effective too. Skeleton type enemies are vulnerable to fire. The ghost like enemies you'll encounter will recover HP from fire so use a different spell against them. Whenever you are in doubt about an enemy’s weakness or HP, use Luca's analyze ability. Starting on B1, head east to find 3 treasure chests, but only 2 of them can be reached. Grab the two that you can then head toward the stairs to the south. We'll grab that 3rd treasure chest a little later. You'll reach B2 of the cave. Head for the stairway that you see above you. This will take you to B3. There are 3 treasure chests up above you. You can walk through the wall east of the treasure boxes to access the one that is blocked off. Inside are some very valuable Clown's Clothes. Equip this to Calca or Brina right away. Although the stats look bad, they have an incredible speed boost that will more than compensate for the lacking defensive stats. If you got a Dancing Dagger for one of them, this is a great supplement to the dagger. Once you've gotten it, walk down to where there is a green patch on the floor. Walk onto that tile and head east to find a secret passage. You can follow this passage to reach a set of stairs above a row of empty treasure chests. This will take you back up to B2 but in a different location. Head east and south to find a treasure chest containing an Ether. Continue south and to find a hole in the ground and a treasure chest. Grab the chest from the right to score a tent then walk into the hole. You'll fall to B3 with 3 treasure chests beside you. Grab each one and proceed north and at the end of the path walk west into a secret passage leading to a grey warp tile. Step onto the tile to reach the Waterfall Grotto. There are 4 chests here with some useful items. Put the Horned Helmet on Luca, and hand the Mythril Knife to anyone besides Luca that doesn't have a Dancing Dagger. Proceed east to the next warp tile. This will actually warp you out of the cave entirely. Now is a good time to save and if necessary recover at an inn. When ready, head back into the cave and we'll finish our investigation. Back at the entrance, head south to the stairs leading to B2. On B2, head south this time and take the stairs you find. They lead to a different segment of B1. There is a save point to the east, use it if desired. Head north of that save point and then walk east into the wall. Now work your way through the secret passage to reach the treasure chest on B1 that we couldn't get earlier. It contains 500 Gil. Head back to the save point and go west. You'll find some stairs, and a treasure chest above. Grab the treasure then take the stairs down to B2. Grab the treasure box you see near you then head up to the north, and take the stairs you find above you. This will take you back up to B1 where you can walk north for 2 treasure chests. One holds a Silver Armlet which is a useful defensive piece that any of your characters can equip. Head back to B2 and proceed farther north. You'll find a second set of stairs north and a treasure chest behind a wall east of that. There is a secret passage you can follow by walking into the wall east of the stairs. Work your way slightly south and east to reach the treasure chest. It contains a valuable Kokkol Ore. Walk back through the secret passage and take the stairs down to B3. Follow the path south; it will take you to a large house. Before entering, check the vase beside it for another Kokkol Ore. Now it's time to check on the Sylph. Enter the house. There are 2 Treasure Chests that contain valuable items for Rydia. The Healing Rod can be used like other rods during battle to recover HP, a handy trick for someone with no white magic, and the Mage's Robe is good armor for Rydia. There is a single Sylph in the home, but alas, it is unable to lend its aid to you for reasons that will become obvious as soon as you see it. Take the stairs up to F2 and step on the tile there to warp out of the cave. Although we failed to recruit the Sylphs as a summon, we got some useful treasure so this trip has still been worthwhile. One thing to note, Cockatrice can be found on B2 in this cave, and this is the only place you'll find them in Rydia's Tale. Very rarely, a Cockatrice may drop it’s summon spell after battle. If you wish to obtain it in this Tale, hunt the monsters here. ================== ---------------------------------------- Sylph Cave Floor - B1 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------------------- Spider Silk [] Potion [] 500 Gil [] Dagger [] Hi-Potion [] Silver Armlet [] ================== ================= --------------------- B2 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Ether [] Tent [] Phoenix Down [] Kokkol Ore [] ================= ===================== --------------------- B3 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Echo Herbs [] Phoenix Down [] Clown's Clothes [] Hi-Potion [] Bronze Hourglass [] 800 Gil [] Kokkol Ore [] ===================== ================== ----------------------------------- Waterfall Grotto Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------- Horned Helmet [] Ether [] Hi-Potion [] Mythril Knife [] ================== ================ ------------------------------- Sylphs' Home Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Healing Rod [] Mage's Robe [] ================ ~~Sealed Cave~~ If you've done the Sylph Cave, you might want to stop by the Kokkol Forge. If you explored the cave thoroughly than you should have picked up 2 more pieces of ore. A Mythril Hammer is a useful weapon for Luca to have here, and Dancing Daggers are effective Rydia, Calca, and Brina. If you haven't already made a Tomahawk, save at least 2 ore. It takes 4 pieces to make a Tomahawk, and we'll be obtaining a Battle Axe very soon that we can use to make it. Now is also the time to return to town and pick up any items you need. Make sure you have some potions and phoenix downs on hand. I'd suggest buying a couple cottages as well. Once you're prepared, it's time to head to the Sealed Cave. The entrance is northwest of Tomra, not far from the town. You'll see the cave entrance in a valley. Land your airship in the valley and head into the cave. Luca will remove the seal. Pass through the door to arrive on B1. The cave is much like it was in Final Fantasy IV. One monster to be aware of is the Lilith, which will counter your physical attacks with a move called slap, which will inflict a status of paralyze, silence, or curse on one of your party members. It won't counter magic or a thrown dancing dagger however and I recommend using these attacks to fight it. Other enemies to watch out for are Red Mousse and Purple Bavarois. Like the Yellow Jelly before it, these enemies need to be fought either with a thrown Dancing Dagger or magic. Fire is the most effective against both. Head south from the door where you'll find a rope. Step onto the robe to climb down. South of the rope you'll find a treasure chest and a door. Grab the treasure chest and then enter the door to find 2 more treasure chests. Once you've collected these, exit the room you're in and proceed west to find a rope leading north. Climb it and enter the door. You'll find a room with two treasure chests, two doors, and a stairwell. The door to the west has nothing of interest inside, but the door to the east won't open as you approach it. If you examine it, you'll find that it's a trap door! Trap Doors are essentially mini-bosses. They are just like they were in Final Fantasy IV. They have 3 moves. First, they acquire a target. Second they will use an instant death move called Ninth Dimension. Finally, if they are low on HP, a monster may emerge from the door, and the door itself will vanish from the battle. The easiest way to battle these doors is to have Rydia cast her Stop spell on it. The door will become frozen in time and you can then easily dispatch it with physical attacks. After fighting the door, head through it to find a treasure chest and you'll find some Mage's Clothes. Mage's Clothes are similar to Angel's Clothes, but offer reduced Spirit in exchange for higher Intellect. Either Calca or Brina can equip it. Don't use it over the Clown's Clothes though. Head down the stairs to reach B2. --------------------------- Sealed Cave Enemy Checklist --------------------------- Needlehog [] Cave Bat [] Blood Bat [] Blood Flower [] Lilith [] Cave Naga [] Ettin Snake [] Trap Door [] Cait Sith [] Purple Bavarois [] Yellow Jelly [] Red Mousse [] Trap Door [] ***Demon Wall*** [] ==================== ==================== --------------------------------- Sealed Cave B1 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Potion x 2 [] Echo Herbs [] Ether [] Tent [] Mage's Clothes [] =================== On B2, head south down the rope just below the stairs you just took. This will allow you to reach a treasure chest to the east. After emptying the chest head back up the rope and then cross the bridge to the east. Grab the easily accessible treasure chest and continue north. You'll reach a series of doors along the path. Several of them are Trap Doors. Use Rydia's stop spell for an easy victory. Enter the 2nd door to the west for a treasure chest containing a Battle Axe. If you don't have a Mythril Hammer, you should put this on Luca right away. If you're really anxious to get your hands on a Tomahawk, you can head out of the Sealed Cave and get this converted right now; it will be helpful here in the cave if you opt to take this detour, that's your call though. Once you've collected the treasure, head into the next door to the west. There are 2 treasure chests and a box north of you. Grab the treasure chests and head east through a narrow passage for a 3rd treasure chest. These all contain single use items that can be used in battle to cast a spell. Once you exit this room, head into the next door to the west for another easy treasure chest. The next door to the west contains a trap door again; fight it the same way you did the others. Inside this door is a save point. The final door west of this one contains 2 treasure chests. Once you've grabbed these, proceed south; follow the path to a door. Grab the treasure chest inside and head down the stairs where you'll find 2 more treasure chest, a door to the west, and a less obvious door to the south, where there's an indentation in the wall. Grab the treasure chests, and then take the door to the west. As gruesome as it may be. Examine the bones you find in the door way to find a Kokkol Ore. After grabbing the door, continue south through the doorway, it leads to B3. --------------------------------- Sealed Cave B2 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Gold Needle [] Phoenix Down x 2 [] Battle Axe [] Zeus's Wrath [] Bomb Fragment [] Bomb Crank [] Hi-Potion [] Bronze Hourglass [] Potion [] Ether [] Cottage [] Kokkol Ore [] ===================== Once on B3, cross the bridge and head east, passing the rope for the moment. Grab the treasure chest and enter the door nearby. Proceed up and fight through a Trap Door inside. Walk up and then navigate a secret passage to the east, then south to a treasure chest to find some Horned Armor, a useful piece for Luca. Head back the way you came and proceed down the rope we passed earlier. Head east after crossing the rope to reach a room full of boxes and 2 treasure chests. Grab the 2 treasure chests, and search the southeast most box to find a Kokkol Ore. This should be our 12th and final piece. Head out the door and continue to the west to some stairs. They'll take you to B4. ================= --------------------------------- Sealed Cave B3 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Horned Armor [] Gold Needle [] Dry Ether [] Kokkol Ore [] ================= ==================== ------------------------------ Sealed Cave B4 Enemy Checklist ------------------------------ Needlehog [] Cave Bat [] Blood Bat [] Cait Sith [] Purple Bavarois [] Yellow Jelly [] Red Mousse [] Goblin Captain [] Demovoi [] ==================== ==================== --------------------------------- Sealed Cave B4 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- None ==================== There's a save point on B4, this is a good time to use a cottage if you're low on HP and MP. Proceed south past the save point to continue. The ropes don't lead anywhere in this room so instead walk along either the west or east wall to reach the stairway in the center of the room to advance to B5. Continue north through the door to reach the Crystal Chamber. You've made it in time; the Crystal is still in the chamber. Pick it up and then head back the way you came. As you attempt to leave, the ground will begin shaking and the wall will attack you! ==================== ------------------------------ Sealed Cave B5 Enemy Checklist ------------------------------ Needlehog [] Blood Bat [] Cait Sith [] Purple Bavarois [] Goblin Captain [] Demovoi [] Ogre [] ==================== --Boss Battle: Demon Wall-- Just as in Final Fantasy IV, a Demon Wall will attempt to prevent you from leaving with the Crystal. You'll have to defeat it to escape. The wall will slowly creep towards you, performing physical attacks and petrifying glares. A character affected by the glare will slowly begin to turn to stone. Once the wall moves close enough, it will begin using a Crush attack on single party members. This is an instant kill move, so you want to defeat the wall before it gets close enough to use this attack. To fight back, have Luca use her regular attack from the front row, or Big Throw if the moon phase favors it. Rydia should cast Fira, Blizzara, or Thundara, and Calca and Brina should throw Dancing Daggers if available. You can also use the Brain Buster and Go! Calcabrina! bands for powerful hits. The Calca and Brina ban using just the 2 dolls themselves isn't really worth it. Rydia probably doesn't have Bio yet, but if she happens to have it, cast it for big damage. If you want to make this battle really easy, use some Spider Silk on the wall. This will cast slow on it, crippling it pretty badly. You should have little trouble after that. If anyone becomes petrified during the battle, restore them with a Gold Needle. Keep attacking, and before long the wall will crumble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the boss defeated, all that's left is to backtrack the way you came and head toward the cave's exit. ==================== --------------------------------- Sealed Cave B5 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- None ===================== ------------------------------------------- Sealed Cave Crystal Chamber Enemy Checklist ------------------------------------------- None ===================== --------------------------------------------- Sealed Cave Cystal Chamber Treasure Checklist --------------------------------------------- Dark Crystal [] ===================== ***********IMPORTANT!!!!**************************************** Before you reach the Sealed Cave's entrance, remove ALL equipped items from Calca and Brina! **************************************************************** When you reach the Sealed Cave's entrance, a story event will occur, and as a result Calca and Brina will leave your party. You will lose access to any items still in equipped to them after the conclusion of this story event. After the story event concludes, head outside and return to your airship. When you board your ship, Luca will ask if you wish to go to the Overworld. **********IMPORTANT!!!!***************************************** If you answer "To the Overworld!", you won't be able to return to the underworld again! Answer "Not yet" if you wish to remain in the underworld! This is asked each time you board the airship now while in the underworld. ***************************************************************** If you don't already have a Tomahawk, I recommend you answer "Not yet" and go make one now. Remember to make sure that Luca's Battle Axe isn't equipped if you go to make one. Although the Tomahawk is a little weaker than the Mythril Hammer, you can still have a shield equipped while using it, and it attacks with equal power from both the front and back rows. If you wish to revisit any underworld locations to shop or pick up items, do so now. This is also your last chance to go after the Cockatrice summon which in Rydia's Tale can only be found in the Underworld. Head to B2 of the Sylph Cave if you wish to search for Cockatrice. Once you're ready, pick "To the Overworld!" when you board your airship. When you do so, you'll automatically travel to the overworld, where you'll watch a story event unfold. You'll then be thrust into a surprise boss battle. --Boss Battle: Calca & Brina-- Luca's dolls have gone haywire and attacked! Luca orders Rydia not to lay a finger on them. Rydia can do nothing but the Defend command, leaving Luca to fight herself. Calca and Brina have some powerful spells, but low HP. 2 or 3 attacks each from Luca should defeat them. There's not much strategy involved here, just hit them with your weapon and use a Hi-Potion or 2 if necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.130) - A Summoner and a Shop Hand (RYD3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Luca defeats the dolls, she's noticeably upset about it. Another story event will unfold, which results in your airship making an emergency landing on a small island near the town of Agart. In order to repair the airship, Luca is going to need some parts. First order of business, head into Agart to look for clues. ~~Agart Overworld~~ The overworld here is a small island surrounding the town. There isn't a lot to do here, but it should be noted that if you didn't acquire the Goblin summon in the underworld, it isn't too late. Although they don't show up often you can encounter Goblins in the overworld here that might drop their summon after battle. The more common Tiny Mages can also drop Ethers when defeated, which is a useful item that you can't purchase in shops. ~~Agart~~ This town is the only one available to you for the rest of Rydia's Tale, and fortunately it has everything you need to get prepared. There are weapon shops to the north, and an item shop located within the inn. Above the well is a house with a person standing in the doorway. Talk to the person to learn that he's your old friend Namingway from the original Final Fantasy IV! Unfortunately, he no longer changes your name, and he informs you that after his encounter with Ceodore he has been working under the name of Challengingway to offer new challenges to travelers. He won't have anything for you now, so bid him farewell for the time being, but we'll be sure to come and visit him later. There's not much treasure hidden in Agart, just a humble potion. If you want to grab it, travel to the west side of town where there is a small pond. There are some bushes growing below it where a child that says "Kids will be kids!" is playing. Follow a narrow path into a corner and face east. It's hidden in the bushes here. That's it for treasure here. Talk to the people, explore the houses, and purchase any items you want. If you like using Bow and Arrows, the weapon shop has some new arrows you'll want to pick up, though your Kokkol Ore forged weapons will likely be all you need. The armor shop has an interesting assortment of items, and I highly recommend you pick up a Rune Armlet for Rydia. It protects against Silence, and for a Black Magic specialist silence immunity is quite a big deal. After you finish shopping, it's time to head to the only other location available to you, Agart Mine. =========== ------------------------ Agart Treasure Checklist ------------------------ Potion [] =========== -Agart Item Shop- Potion 30 Hi-Potion: 150 Phoenix Down: 100 Gold Needle: 400 Maiden's Kiss: 60 Eye Drops: 30 Tent: 100 Cottage: 500 -Agart Weapon Shop- Thunder Rod: 700 Dagger: 300 Thorn Whip: 3000 Battle Axe: 2500 Fire Arrows: 500 Ice Arrows: 500 Lightning Arrows: 500 Great Bow: 2000 -Agart Armor Shop- Wizard's Hat: 700 Sage's Miter: 2000 Sage's Suplice: 1200 Steel Helm: 2000 Chainmail: 2200 Ruby Ring: 1000 Silver Armlet: 650 Rune Armlet: 2000 -Agart Inn- 100 Gil ~~Agart Mine~~ The mine is easy to find, leave town and you'll see it to the east of town. It's only a few steps away. Enter the cave to arrive on B1. Just as the townspeople warned you of, a powerful monster resides within the mine during a waning moon, so you may be in for an extra challenge if you enter during that moon phase. The monster being referred to is called a Green Dragon, and he has devastating attacks that can do heavy damage very quickly. If you encounter this beast, have Rydia cast stop immediately. With stop in effect, you'll defeat this monster easily. Upon defeat, you might find a Green Tail left behind. There's a good chance these items can be traded for useful items in a future Tale, so you should snag them if you can. B4 seems to be the best place to hunt Green Dragons if you go after this item. ======================= -------------------------- Agart Mine Enemy Checklist -------------------------- Cave Bat [] Needlehog [] Treant [] Cave Naga [] Ettin Snake [] Succubus [] Cait Sith [] Mindflayer [] Ogre [] Green Dragon* [] Mystery Egg [] Quatro Puppet** [] ***Agart Turtle*** [] ======================= *Waning Moon Only **Waxing Moon Only It's a bit harder to fight now without Calca and Brina. If you encounter any Cait Siths take them out first, they have a blaster attack that can 1 hit kill a party member if they stay alive too long. You can also encounter an enemy called Mindflayer here. This monster has a chance of dropping it’s summon spell when defeated. It is of course a very rare drop, so if you wish to acquire it be prepared to spend some time down here hunting them. You'll spot a treasure chest as soon as you enter the mine. Grab it and then continue to the south. You'll encounter 2 more easy to reach treasure chests as you follow the path south. The stairs to the south take you to B2. ================ -------------------------------- Agart Mine B1 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Remedy [] Arctic Wind [] ================ The path on B2 is pretty straightforward. After crossing a bridge you'll reach a vase and a treasure chest. The vase will restore all your HP and MP for free, so you have no reason not to check it out. This area is also a good place to fight enemies and grind for experience points and gil, as the vase can be used as often as you like. The treasure chest below contains a very rare and very valuable X-Potion. Continue east where you can find another treasure chest past some stairs. Grab the treasure then head down the stairs to B3. ============= -------------------------------- Agart Mine B2 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- X-Potion [] Cottage [] ============= The mine is a little more complex here on B3, but nothing we can't handle. Begin by heading south, and continue south when you reach the fork in the road. This will take you down to a treasure chest. Grab the treasure then head back to the fork and head east, taking the 2nd passage to the north up to a treasure chest containing a Decoy. Now head back and continue south, follow this passage to another treasure chest containing some Plate Armor. The Plate Armor has stronger defense than Luca's Horned Armor, but reduces her evasion significantly and lacks the slight attack boost the Horned Armor grants her. I personally think the greater defense is worth it, but the final decision is up to you. Both are good armors. Head back the way you came and take the passage going east. When you reach the fork in the road, head north. You'll reach a save point. Rest in a cottage or tent if needed. Head south to the stairs leading to B4. -------------------------------- Agart Mine B3 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Phoenix Down [] Decoy [] Plate Armor [] ================= Begin B4 by heading east, there are 2 quick paths, one to the north with a treasure chest and one to the south with a vase. The treasure chest contains some Mythril Gloves, which you should equip to Luca, and the vase contains a Dry Ether. Now head back and go northwest. There is a treasure chest you can reach in the northwest. Just east of the treasure chest is a door. Enter this door and you'll find a room full of rocks. There is nothing of interest in this room unless the Moon is in a Waxing phase. If it is, you'll face random enemy encounters against 2 Quarto Puppets, in which the Calcabrina music theme plays. If you defeat these enemies, there are 2 items they may drop: a Mythril Bolt, and a super rare Mythril Nut. If you manage to collect both of these items, along with the Mythril Spring also found in this mine, you can use them for a special purpose in the near future. Proceed to the southeast and take the southern passage when you reach a fork in the road. The vase at the end of the passage contains the aforementioned Mythril Spring. Head back to the north where you can find a save point if you detour to the east. Continue north and you'll spot 2 treasure chests. First take the western and grab the far north treasure chest, then take the eastern fork. When you try and open that treasure chest, you're in for a surprise. --Boss Battle: Agart Turtle-- An Agart Turtle was inside the treasure chest, and it will attack as soon as you open it. The turtle has a physical attack, but its bread and butter move is to charge itself up with fire. Just as the game message says, you need to counter with ice magic. Don't attack physically while it's charged with fire or you'll provoke a deadly fire-based counter attack. This battle is more a science than an art. Luca will do the physical attacking. Rydia's job is to cast Blizzara on the Agart Turtle when it charges fire. Doing so will dispel its charged fire, allowing Luca to physically attack it again. When the turtle charges fire is the only time Rydia should take any action at all. If her turn comes up and the boss hasn't charged fire yet, bypass her turn and let Luca take an extra attack. Rydia must wait for it to charge fire because if it isn't countered fast enough, the turtle will release a fire attack so powerful it can easily wipe out your whole party in 1 blow. Additionally, once it does begin charging fire, do not have Luca attack again until Rydia has used a blizzard series spell on it or else it will counter attack with blaze and likely wipe out your party. By having Rydia patiently wait for it to charge fire, and allowing Luca to deliver the physical damage, you'll easily topple this boss and receive the Agartite it was guarding. ------------------------------------------------------------ With the Agartite in hand, you have some materials that you can use to repair your airship. You can either walk all the way back, or use Rydia's Warp Spell a few times as a shortcut. =================== -------------------------------- Agart Mine B4 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Mythril Gloves [] Remedy [] Dry Ether [] Mythril Spring [] Circlet [] Agartite [] =================== ~~Fixing the Airship~~ Restore your HP and stock up on potions before you head to your airship. When you're ready, board your airship. Luca and Rydia will begin working, only to find that the Agartite alone isn't enough to repair the airship. She'll then look to Calca and Brina, and the parts within them. If you obtained the Mythril Bolt, Mythril Spring, and Mythril Nut items in the Mine, Rydia will hand them to Luca, and Luca will realize that these materials are enough not only to repair the airship, but to repair Calca and Brina as well! If you don't have these items, Calca and Brina will be scrapped in order to use their parts to repair the airship. Calca and Brina won't rejoin you in either scenario, but perhaps rebuilding them will have an influence on future chapters? Just as the repairs are finished, the ground begins to shake. Titan emerges, the same Titan Rydia used to summon in the past. Rydia calls out to him, but he doesn't answer her. The town of Agart is in mortal danger from Titan's seismic attacks, leaving Luca and Rydia no choice but to fight him. --Boss Battle: Titan-- Titan has only 2 attacks, a physical attack and his earthquake attack. Bio is a powerful spell, but Rydia probably won't know it yet unless you've been level grinding. Instead, use the Lightning Brain Buster band. It's extremely powerful and does heavy damage against Titan; its only downside is it takes both characters to use it. As long as everyone’s HP is healthy, use it. You can also use Spider Silk to put Slow on Titan, reducing his ability to attack you. Titan's earthquake attacks are persistent, but the damage isn't extremely high. If you have less than 300 HP, use a couple Hi-Potions to get back up to strength and continue using Lightning Brain Buster. If Luca runs out of MP, she can resort to physical attacks while Rydia casts Fira, Blizzara, or Thundara. After you've done heavy damage to Titan, he'll use a super powered Earthquake attack that will drop both Rydia and Luca to 1 HP. Then, a mysterious 3rd character known only as "Man in Black" will attack Titan, finishing him off and ending the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------ A story event will unfold, in which the Man in Black, Rydia, Luca, and perhaps Calca & Brina, look out at the Tower of Babil. Rydia will ask who the Man in Black is, and the game then fades to the credits. Congratulations! You've finished Rydia's Tale! Enjoy the credits as Rydia's theme song plays. After the credits conclude, a save screen will pop up showing that you've finished the tale. Make sure that you save your game! It creates import data that you'll be able to use in other stories in the future. After you save, you'll be returned to the Title Screen. ~~The End... wait! There's more!~~ Whoa! Hold on there! Don't leave yet! Sure you just finished the story and all... but that doesn't mean there's nothing left to do! Once you're on the title screen, load up that save you just made! When you do so, you'll find yourself on the overworld near Agart. If you enter your airship, you'll find the bodies of Calca & Brina, just as they were before you entered the mine, this is the case even if you repaired them before finishing the tale. The Agartite is also missing from your inventory. You can reacquire this item at any time by re-fighting the Agart Turtle in the mine, and doing so will allow you to fight Titan again and re-view the ending should you return to your airship. You can also acquire the Mythril Bolt, Mythril Spring, and Mythril Nut items if you haven't already done so (they'll still be in your inventory if you have), so even if you didn't repair Calca & Brina before, you can go acquire these items now and re-play the ending to fix them up. While all these things are options, that's not the reason we're here! Remember our good friend Namingway from before? Now that we've completed the tale, let’s pay him another visit! First, make sure you have as many Potions and Hi-Potions as you can, as well as a healthy supply of Phoenix Downs! Where we're about to go is no cake walk! Head to Agart and talk to Namingway, whom is still in the same place as before. When you talk to him, he'll congratulate you on completing your adventure for the time being, and comment that you appear to yearn for more adventure. He happens to have the perfect place for you, and will offer to let you explore his challenge dungeon. Are you ready for Rydia's greatest challenge yet? If so, choose yes. ~~Rydia's Challenge Dungeon~~ ==================== --------------------------------------- Rydia Challenge Dungeon Enemy Checklist --------------------------------------- Blood Bat [] Ironback [] Ogre [] Mad Ogre [] Frostbeast [] Ice Lizard [] Purple Bavarois [] Soldieress [] Sorceress [] Black Knight [] Centaur Knight [] Ghost Knight [] Gremlin [] Coeurl [] Skulldier [] Lamia [] Mystery Egg [] Demon Wall [] Trap Door [] News Eye* [] *Minion Gobby* [] ***Gobby*** [] ==================== *News Eyes is in the PlayStation Portable version only. Welcome to Rydia's Challenge Dungeon! Now that we've reached the end of Rydia's Tale, the only places you can still go are the town of Agart, the Agart Mine, the small overworld island surrounding Agart, your grounded airship, and this challenge dungeon. The enemies here mostly use powerful physical attacks, so I recommend putting both Rydia and Luca in the back row. Luca is in good shape if she has a Tomahawk; it does the same damage from the back row. If she doesn't have this weapon, use Big Throw. It only takes a moment to activate and allows her to deliver a strong hit from both rows no matter the weapon she has. Almost all of the doors in this challenge dungeon are Trap Doors, the same as you encountered in the Sealed Cave. The only ones that aren't Trap Doors are locked doors. There are no keys for unlocking these locked doors, but they may become unlocked the next time you go through the dungeon. The locked doors change each time you enter. Thus you won't be able to get all of the treasures in 1 visit. You should be able to reach every treasure chest by your 3rd visit. If you are playing the PlayStation Portable version of the game, you can encounter a new enemy called News Eye inside this dungeon near the entrance. News Eye does not appear in the WiiWare version of the game. News Eye can counter black magic with spells of its own. You may find Luca's Big Throw useful against this monster. On 1F, begin by heading north. There are 3 doors. The center one is the one you want. The others lead to dead ends. Fight the Trap Door the same as before; using Rydia's Stop spell. Proceed through the door and you'll reach 3 more. One of these doors may be locked. The western-most door leads to a treasure chest containing a Chain Whip, arguably Rydia's best weapon she can acquire in this chapter. Like Luca's Tomahawk, the Chain Whip is powerful from both rows. It also has a chance of paralyzing an enemy. The center door leads up to some candles with a red mark on the wall. You can walk west of the candles to find a path leading to a treasure chest that contains a monster-in-a-box! 2 Mad Ogres and 2 Coeurls. Rydia's Sleep and Stop spells are effective on these enemies, as well as many other enemies in the challenge dungeon. Victory will net you a Mythril Helm for Luca. The red mark on the wall near the candles is a Demon Wall and you'll have to battle one if you examine it. It's just like it was in the Sealed Cave only now you don't have Calca & Brina to help you. Still with your better weapons and armor you should have no trouble beating it now. Fighting this one will reveal a path to a dead end, so don't bother with it. The eastern door leads to a series of 3 doors. Each one leads to a battle with a demon wall, which may reveal a doorway when defeated. The east and west doors lead to dead ends, so take the center one to reach a door leading to a save point and stairs going to 2F. ================= -------------------------------- Rydia's CD 1F Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Chain Whip [] Mythril Helm [] ================= At the start of 2F you'll find 3 doors. Any of the doors leading to treasure in this area could be locked at any time, remember that it'll take more than 1 trip to get all the treasure in this dungeon. If you take the eastern door, it leads to 2 additional doors. If you take the eastern door again, it will lead to 3 treasure chests amidst a pile of bones. As you may have guessed from the bones, one of the treasure chests is a Monster-in-a-box. 3 Flamehounds are inside. Rydia's Blizzara spell will easily dispatch these. You'll receive a Mythril Shield when you win! Not only is this find a great sturdy new shield for Luca, it’s also the only shield you've found since the Iron Shield you got way back at the Dwarven Castle. I wasn't kidding when I said you wouldn't be getting another shield for a long time! The other 2 chests contain a very rare X-Potion and Light Curtain. If you take the western door path, it leads to a treasure chest containing an Ether. Head back the way you came after grabbing the treasure. The center door leads to a dead end, so don't bother with it. The western door leads to a branching path of two more doors. Take the western door again and you'll fight your way through several trap doors, ultimately leading to a dead end. Take the eastern branching path and you'll reach 3 more doors. The western most of these 3 leads to a dead end. The eastern most door also leads to a dead end. So take the center one to continue. After passing through the door, head west a few steps and south toward the indentation. You can collect the treasure chest you saw just a moment ago as long as the door isn't locked. It contains a Bronze Hourglass. Above are 3 sets of candles and more bones spread about. Each of the red marks beyond the candles is a Demon Wall encounter. Face the one farthest to the east. The others are dead ends. After you defeat the one to the east, take the door up to a save point and the stairs leading to F3. ===================== -------------------------------- Rydia's CD 2F Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Mythril Shield [] X-Potion [] Light Curtain [] Bronze Hourglass [] Ether [] ===================== There are very powerful enemies here on F3, so be careful. You can find Balloons on this floor, which may drop the Bomb summon spell. Balloons can put up quite a fight, so be very careful if you go after them. Balloons will self destruct on their 3rd turn, turning their remaining HP into direct damage against you. A surprise attack from Balloons can quickly wipe you out. Start by heading west. There are some ropes you can climb to advance. The enemy encounters on these ropes are not random. You'll encounter different enemies depending on the rope you take, or even no enemies at all. You'll only encounter the enemies once until you enter a different room, so you can re-climb ropes safely without attack. The map below has a listing of what enemy encounters you will face on the varioius ropes. You can't run from any battles while on a rope. Climb a rope north, and then climb a second rope north. Continue to the north. Cross another rope and you'll reach 2 candles with a demon wall, and some stairs. The Demon Wall isn't guarding anything so bypass it and enter the stairs; you'll find a treasure chest that is a monster-in-a-box, where you'll face 3 Mad Ogres. These brutes hit hard, but Rydia can help keep things under control by casting her Sleep spell on the whole pack. Stop is effective as well but can only be cast on 1 at a time. Victory will net you Mythril Armor, which is a very good armor for Luca. Head back down the rope to the island with the bridge. Cross the bridge to another island and take a rope south. This will lead to 3 treasure chests. Once you've collected these, climb back up the rope and continue north. You'll reach another island with candles and a stairwell. The Demon Wall is still guarding nothing of interest so bypass him and take the stairs. Inside is treasure chest that contains another Monster-in-a-box. This time you'll face 2 Skuldier's and a Steel Golem. Rydia's stop spell will keep the Golem in check. Fire magic is useful against the Skuldiers. Using a Bomb Crank is a quick way to get rid of the Skuldiers. The Steel Golem is vulnerable to ice. Victory will net you a Polymorph Rod. The rod doesn't have much attack power but equipping it and then using it as an item will cast a Pig spell. The rod also raises Rydia's Intellect, which will result in more potent spells. While the Chain Whip is Rydia's best physical attack option in this tale, this rod is probably her best spell casting weapon. Return to the previous room and climb down the rope. Cross the bridge to the east and climb a rope north. You'll reach and island with 2 candles. Of course there is a Demon Wall. Engage this Demon Wall. When you defeat it you'll find a door leading up to a save point. A welcome sight after the challenges of the last floor. Head up the stairs to F4. This simple map shows the layout of the room. The numbers correspond to the enemy encounters on a rope. An island with a T on it contains treasure. The 4F are the stairs to 4F. ------- ------- ------- | | | | | | | T | | T | | 4F | | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- | | | | | | | | | 7 8 9 13 14 15 22 23 24 | | | | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- | | | | | | | |---| |---| | | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- | | | | | | | | | 4 5 6 10 11 12 19 20 21 | | | | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- | | | | | | | | | T | | | | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- | | | | | | 1 2 3 16 17 18 | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- | | | | | | | |---|Start|---| | | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- 1: (Mad Ogre, Ghost Knight, Coeurl) & (Storm Anima, Mad Ogre, Balloons*2) 2: (No enemies) 3: (Mystery Egg - Lamia) 4: (Blood Bat*4) 5: (Skuldier*3) & (Lamia*2) 6: (No enemies) 7: (Mad Ogre, Ghost Knight, Coeurl) 8: (No enemies) 9: (Ghost Knight*3) & (Storm Anima, Balloon*3) 10: (Coeurl*2) & (Mad Ogre*2) 11: (Mad Ogre, Coeurl*2) 12: (No enemies) 13: (Storm Anima, Balloon*3) & (Storm Anima*3) 14: (No enemies) 15: (Balloon*3) 16: (No enemies) 17: (Sorcerer, Ghost Knight*2) 18: (Mad Ogre, Lamia, Coeurl) & (Ironback*2) 19: (No enemies) 20: (Mad Ogre, Lamia) & (Lamia, Coeurl*2) 21: (Lamia, Storm Anima*2) 22: (Sorcerer, Ghost Knight*2) 23: (Sorcerer, Ghost Knight*2) & (Mad Ogre, Ghost Knight, Coeurl) 24: (No enemies) ================== -------------------------------- Rydia's CD 3F Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Spider Silk [] Remedy [] Cottage [] Mythril Armor [] Polymorph Rod [] ================== On 4F, there's a monster in a hooded cloak standing before a bridge. When you speak to him, he'll refuse to let you take the treasure and summon 3 minions to back him up. You'll then engage him in battle. --Boss Fight: Boss Gobby & 3 Minion Gobby-- This battle consists of the Boss Gobby commanding his minions to attack. Each one will then attack you with a physical strike. If the minions take too much damage, they'll self destruct. If you attack the Boss Gobby while his Minions are present, he'll counter attack with Thundara, Bio, or Figara. If all of his Minions are killed, the Boss Gobby will power himself up with Safe, Shell, Haste, and Curaga. The key to victory is to defeat 2 of his Minions, and leave the 3rd alone completely. Then attack the Boss Gobby and endure his counter attack. Thundara isn't so bad, Bio hurts a bit more, but it's Firaga that really hurts, doing around 900 damage. Keep your HP up high in case he uses Firaga, and carefully attack him with your strongest attacks. If Rydia has Bio, cast it on him for heavy damage. Otherwise use Fira, Blizzara, or Thundara. Rydia and Luca's Lighting Brain Buster band is effective against him too. Stop won't work on them. Spider Silk will work for Slow, but is probably unnecessary and will also provoke a counter attack from the Boss Gobby. As long as you keep your HP high in anticipation of Firaga and carefully attack the Boss Gobby while leaving 1 of his Minions alive, you should be able to defeat him. Once he goes down, finish off his last Minion for the victory. If instead you defeat all 3 of his Minions, you're in for a very hard fight. His status enhancing spells will make him more and more resistant to both your physical and magical attacks. His haste spell will make him attack frequently with great force, and his Curaga spell will bolster his HP. Your only hope is to hit him as hard as you can and try and wear him down before he annihilates you. I strongly suggest you go the safer route and leave 1 of his Minions alive until the Boss Gobby himself is defeated. ----------------------------------------------------------------- With the Boss Gobby and his minions defeated, you are free to cross the bridge and claim the final treasure chest. Inside is... I can't tell you! The contents of this treasure chest are random. This treasure chest also regenerates every time you enter the Challenge Dungeon, and you can come here again, refight the boss, and claim it again for a different item. It could be a humble Ether inside, a very useful Gold Hairpin, or an assortment of other items! This is why Namingway said repeat visits are a must. There are some very good items for Luca and Rydia to find here, and the more you return the more treasures you'll find. This is the only treasure chest in this challenge dungeon that regenerates. None of the others will. Here are some of cooler items you might find inside this last treasure chest: Gaia Hammer Flame Shield Flame Mail Black Robe Gold Hairpin Sprint Ring Elixir Soma Drop Silver Apple Once you find a rare treasure from this chest, the next time you find a rare treasure it will be a different item from the list. Once you've found them all, the cycle will repeat and you'll be able to find all of these items again. Random consumables can be found at any time and have no such cycle. Please note however that in the PlayStation Portable version of the game the treasures will not repeat and you can only get the rare items on the list once. =========== -------------------------------- Rydia's CD 4F Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- ????? [?] =========== ~~~~~Conclusion~~~~ And that's all for Rydia's Tale. I hope this guide has been helpful to you. See you again soon for Palom's Tale! Until next time, this is Cranberry signing off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.210) - Yang’s Tale - The Master of Fabul (YNG1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now let's follow the story of the famous monk of Fabul, Yang, and one of my favourite character in FFIV! Of course, we start off with the Title. And what's this, a battle? We find Yang fighting against three monks - let's check out his moves. We have Attack, the basic attack. Focus allows you to focus your strength, increasing your power next turn. Kick allows you to attack all enemies on screen. And Cover Counter? We'll cover that a bit later. This fight is simple - just use Kick twice and you're done. Yang will tell his men to trains harder and trust in their hearts, which is the true source of power. Suddenly, Yang's daughter comes in, which we discover is named Ursula. She begs to be trained, but Yang refuses. Now the Chancellor will burst in, with more urgent news. He'll tell you to meet him in the throne room. Yang will tell Ursula not to take her title lightly, and she'll run off. Head up as well. You'll see shops on either side, but no point in going there yet. Head up again. Now, instead of continung up, let's get some treasure. Head down, past the place you just were. Go through the door, and you'll find yourself on the ramparts. Now, go into the left tower. Check the top left pot for a HERMES SANDALS. Now check the chests for a POTION, POTION and PHOENIX DOWN. Now head out, and go into the right tower. Go to the 2nd floor, and check the bottom pot on the right for a BACCHUS'S WINE. Talk to the dancer for a funny scene. Head up to the next floor and grab the chest for a HI-POTION. Now, go all the way back, and head for the throne room. Zomg, Yang's wife has a name! Shelia? Ugh. They'll discuss Ursula a bit, and the Chancellor will express his concern with the trouble brewing in Baron. Yang will defend his friend, refusing to listen to any arguements the Duke and Chancellor make. Suddenly, a monk will burst in and exclaim that Ursula has escaped! Yang will give chase, and ignore Baron. Two monks will join your party! Before you leave, head to the right and step on the brown thing to open a rather obvious hidden passage. Head into it, and follow it to the right and grab a POTION, TENT and 500 GIL. Head back, and check the pot on the left for a BOMB FRAGMENT. When heading down, check the shops if you like. Weaponsmith ----------- Flame Claws 350 Ice Claws 450 Lightning Claws 550 Armorer ------- Leather Cap 100 Feathered Cap 330 Leather Clothing 200 Bronze Breastplate 450 Iron Armlet 100 Sundries -------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Echo Herbs 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Bomb Fragment 200 Antarctic Wind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Bestiary 50 Nothing interesting, just buy a Hi-Potion and Tent or two. Now head out of the castle. Off to MT. Hobs! Before we go though, let's talk about Yang's new ability, Cover Counter, which is just what it sounds like - much like Cecil's Cover ability, Yang will take damage for an ally, but that's not it - he'll also counterattack. Awesome. This is basically just a better version of Cover. It's a pretty good skill, and will have quite some use later. =================== =============== ------------------------ ------------------------------- Fabul Treasure Checklist Fabul Overworld Enemy Checklist ------------------------ ------------------------------- Hermes Sandals [] Goblin [] Potion x 3 [] Domovoi [] Phoenix Down [] Bomb [] Bacchus's Wine [] Gray Bomb [] Hi-Potion [] Gargoyle [] 300 Gil [] Tiny Mage [] Bomb Fragment [] Leshy [] =================== Basilisk [] Gatlinghog [] =============== Now, you can actually go about this two ways - head up to the top right, where you'll find a forest with a White and Yellow Chocobo, which makes your journey to Mt Hobs much faster, and without enemies. Or, you can just go the normal way. In any case, head left from the castle when you are ready, and head up through the mountains. Continue left, and head up near the forest. Follow it up, left, and down, and you'll see Mt. Hobs waiting. Enter. Head up a bit, but don't forget to check the left chest for a POTION. Now, continue to head up. By the bridge, grab the chest for another POTION. Head across the bridge, and enter the door. Yang will pause, surprised Ursula has made it so far. Continue up the path, and grab the first chest in the split for a TENT. Move on up, and grab the next chest for a POTION. Enter the door. Head across the bridge and up the stairs, and open the chest for a TENT. Head across the left bridge, and nip down for a HI-POTION. Now, head back up, and to the save point on the right. Don't forget the chest on the bridge with a PHOENIX DOWN. Save, and heal if necessary. When ready, continue to the left. Enter the door. Check the chest here to get a MAIDEN's KISS. Head down. You'll see Ursula, surrounded by enemies, and a bomb. Yang and his men will cry out to Ursula, who seems to ignore them and attacks the enemies. Here, you get to control Ursula against three Domovoi's. You may notice she has one move no one up to this point has had - Chakra, which heals your HP. It's quite nice, but for now, just attack normally. Yang will call for Ursula again, who will tell Yang to stay out of it. However, Yang warns her of the danger, and the Mom Bomb attacks! --------------- Boss : Mom Bomb --------------- Much like FFIV, this boss has two phases. The first one is a regular bomb, which you should just wail on. Just attack normally, set up a Cover Counter if you like, and use Ursula's Chakra to heal anyone if their HP gets low. Once you do about 1000 damage, the bomb will change into a cloud monster! Just keep attacking, and the bomb will explode eventually, doing about 60 damage to all, and spliting into 3 bombs and gray bombs. Kick from Yang to defeat all the bombs, heal anyone in need with Chakra, and just pound on gray bombs with everyone else. Soon, it will fall. You'll get 364 GIl and 604 EXP for your trouble. Ursula should also gain a level. --------------- Boss : Mom Bomb --------------- After that battle, Yang will scold Ursula, who will eventually explain she came to see a shooting star, and didn't inform Yang because she felt she would be left out. Yang tells her to return to the castle, but Ursula, arguing she would be left alone to return, manages to convince Yang to finally bring her along. New memeber get! She's a bit frail, but a free healer is always welcome! She's not as strong or sturdy, but she is faster, and has more INT and SPT. Overall, not bad for her level. Now, let's head on. Head down for a HI-POTION, and continue to the left. Here, just follow the linear path to the left. At the junction, head down, and follow the long path to a chest with KENPO GI. Equip on Ursula. Now head back to the junction, and go to the right this time, and follow the winding path all the way down to a door. Enter. Here, head to the left, and ignore the stairs, and enter the door. Here, head left down to the save point, and save and heal if necessary. Check the chests to the right for a POTION, PHOENIX DOWN, DECOY and HI-POTION. Go back to the stairs. Head down, and to the right you'll find Namingway with some supplies. Sundries -------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Eye Drops 30 You shouldn't need most of this stuff - fill up some Hi/Potions and Tents if your supply is really low. Now head down and to the left to get a POWER ARMLET. Equip on Ursula. Now head down to exit Mt. Hobs. ===================== =================== --------------------------- ------------------------ Mt. Hobs Treasure Checklist Mt. Hobs Enemy Checklist --------------------------- ------------------------ Potion x 4 [] Spirit [] Tent x 2 [] Bomb [] Hi-Potion x 3 [] Skeleton [] Phoenix Down x 2 [] Goblin [] Maiden's Kiss [] Domovoi [] Kenpo Gi [] Bloodbones [] Decoy [] Soul [] Power Armlet [] Cockatrice [] ===================== Needlehog [] Gattlinghog [] Basilisk [] Tiny Mage [] ***Mom Bomb*** [] =================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the left here, and approach the crater. Impact Crater, Upper Wall? Woah, this thing is pretty big. Music change too. Yang will feel immense power or something like that, and they'll make note of the rotting land. Anyways, we're not scared, right? During the New Moon phase, you may encounter an enemy called Red Dragon inside this area. This enemy is quite powerful so you may want to run if you happen to encounter it at a low level. If you defeat one however, it may drop a Red Tail, a rare item you can use in a future Tale. Head to the right. See those little brown patches? You can jump down, and back up as you please. Neat. Head down and to the left to get a chest with a MAIDEN'S KISS. Head to the next brown patch below, and then to the next one to the right, to the next screen. Whee! Here's where things get annoying - Head to the left patch, to get a chest with a TENT. Head back to the right. Now, use the lower patch. Here, you have three choices. Head to the right one to get a chest with a HEADBAND. Give to Ursula. Now use the brown patch to the left to get back up to the two-patches, and head back down to the three-way. This time, head to the bottom left one - the upper right one will simply lead you to the chest again. Here, use the patch further to the left to get a save point. Save, and heal. Head across the brown patch, then down again. Now, use the closer left one. Head to the right, and use the first patch you see to go down, then head left to the chest with METAL KNUCKLES. Equip to Yang or Ursula. Now head up the patch and go to the right, past the first patch and down to the next, which takes you to the next screen. Here, head to the left, and grab the chest by the patch for an ANTARCTIC WIND. Head down the patch, and head along to the right, down the winding path, left to the side, take the patch to reach an upper ledge. Open the treasure chest to find a SILVER ARMLET. Jump down from the patch and continue along the path until you reach a patch below a treasure chest. FAERIE CLAWS. Equip on Yang - it'll raise his SPD by 3. Head back down, and choose the second patch to head on down. Go down to the left, and head down to the next floor. Here, head left to the patch, and down. Examine the tombstone for a small scene, where you'll find out this is where the high monks who went to train on Mt. Hobs ended up. Suddenly, Sylph will appear, warning Yang of danger, and then disappearing. Yang will decide to head back to Fabul. However, use the patch at the bottom! After Yang jumps across the stones like a frog, head up to grab a chest with a HI-POTION. Now head up, and Yang will somehow skip the entire crater. Lol. ===================== ================= -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Impact Crater Treasure Checklist Impact Crater Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Maiden's Kiss [] Killer Fish [] Tent [] Fangshell [] Headband [] Alligator [] Metal Knuckles [] Amoeba [] Antarctic Wind [] Toadgre [] Silver Armlet [] Splasher [] Faerie Claws [] Gigas Gator [] Hi-Potion [] Electro Fish [] ===================== Gigantoad [] Red Dragon* [] ================= *New Moon phase only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head back to Mt. Hobs. No need to dawdle here, so let's go. From the entrance, head up and to the left. At the stairs, head up, and to the door on the right. Now, follow the winding path back up, and at the junction, head up to the next door. Now, head up the stairs, and you'll be stopped by Ursula, who will see something up on the moon. No, no Bahamut this time. It's an airship....wait, airships! The Red Wings are heading for Fabul! Continue up to the next door. Now, head down the stairs, to the right, down the next stairs, again to the right, and down again. Oh, and right to the door. Head down and to the right to the door here. Head accross the bridge and following the winding path to exit Mt. Hobs. Now, follow the forest, and down the mountains back to Fabul. Enter Fabul, and head back up to the throne room. Everyone will be glad at Ursula's return, but also wonder what to do, since Baron seems to want to steal their crystal. Ursula will refuse to give up, and Yang will decide he cannot surrender, but will not yet fight - he will try to talk. Ursula will try to join him, but Yang insists someone must remain in case he falls. Yang orders everyone to prepare. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.220) - A Master and Disciple (YNG2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now outside the gate, Yang will tell his troops to wait before attacking. Three soldiers will appear, and Yang will use some minor chit-chat, but the soldiers ignore him and attack! Very easy battle - just spam Attack. You'll get 200 GIL and EXP. The Red Wings will fire their cannons upon Yang, who will retreat inside, pondering how things have begun anew. Another monster attacks! Another easy battle. Spam Attack. 128 GIl and 119 EXP. You'll retreat back even further now. Another battle, the same as the first one. 200 GIl and EXP. You'll retreat even further. Yang will be surprised to see his Sheila and Ursula still there, who wishes to fight. Another battle! Easiest one so far. I mean come on. 61 GIL and 78 EXP. Yang will command his daughter and wife to leave, and Sheila will drag Ursula off into the crystal room. Another boring fight. Now, a mysterious figure will enter the room, but we cut into the crystal chamber, where Sheila and Ursula wait. We'll hear the door open, and think that Yang has entered, but we see "Kain" enter. You'll now fight Kain! Pretty simply battle, just attack. Hopefully you have Special Attacks strengthened, which mean Chakra will heal about 350 HP. Just atack and heal if you need to, and Yang will jump into the fight. Now, set up a Cover Counter on Ursula, and attack and heal as necessary. Ursula shouldn't have to worry about dying with the Counter on her, so make sure to heal Yang. However, Cover Counter doesn't protect from Jump, so keep her HP over 300. Soon, Kain will fall. Yay! Unfortunately, Kain will render the fighting pointless, and merely jump over you and steal the crystal. Sigh. Kain will proclaim his free will, and run away. Now in the throne room, Yang seems quite depressed, but Ursula once again comes through with her determination, reminding Yang of the previous encounter involving Rydia. Regaining his composure, Yang decides to go to Baron, and once again denies Ursula from coming. Regardless, Ursula will join, which is good news for us! There's not much to do in the Castle, and you shouldn't have used up any supplies, so head outside. You can fill your supplies if you wish, though. Outside of Fabul, head northeast to the boat, where you'll see a departure scene. Sheila will do her typical threatening, which leaves Ursula quite non-plussed. Everyone says farewell, and the ship leaves. Ursula and Yang discuss their plan, with Yang still believing Cecil cannot be evil. Ursula seems jealous of Yang's trust. Suddenly, monsters attack! Goodie. Yes, the generic monks are back! Spam Attack. Man, it sure is boring with all physical fighters. Neat to have the first party of 5, though. Another shot of the moon. I see this thing in my dreams! Help me! Anyways, you'll be boating along, and you'll see Edwards ship as well, with the secretary Harley. You'll find that you're both heading to the same place, and Yang and Edward have a fun time shouting out at each other from across the waves. However, the ship will slow down, and despite repairs, you're all out of fuel. Oh no wait, only enough fuel to the nearest shore. Right.... Anyways, you'll dock by the Adamant Isles! We need some Palm Oil. This time, Yang refuses all aid and leaves by himself. However, we'll get some freaky time-stop thing, where everything is blue. Wut? Now you are Ursula. Talk to the guy directly above you for a free heal. The guy to the right has some equipment, and the stairs in the top left take you to a save point. Weaponsmith ----------- Flame Claws 350 Ice Claws 450 Lightning Claws 550 Metal Knuckles 600 Armorer ------- Leather Cap 100 Feathered Cap 330 Headband 450 Leather Clothing 200 Bronze Breastplate 450 Kenpo Gi 4000 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 Sundries -------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Nothing really noteworthy - buy some basic supplies and you should be set. Leave the boat, and prepare for some fun stuff! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ugh, creepy blueness. Anyways, head down here, and at the first junction, head up and to the right to get to two chests with a COTTAGE and PHOENIX DOWN. head back down. Continue down now, and to the right. At the junction here, head down first. Save at the save point, and heal if you must. Now, head up all the way, and enter that little indent in the top right corner, to trigger a flashback to before Ursula's birth. Now, you'll play as Yang. Check the pot to get a free heal. Now, here is where things get annoying. At the three way, head right first, to get a chest with a HI-POTION. Go back to the three-way. Now, head left, and follow the path up all the way to a SILVER BREASTPLATE. Equip, and head back to the three way. Now, head up. Another flashback, where Yang is training, but is distracted, and hurries to see the birth of his daughter. Now we jump back to Ursula. At the first three-way, head right through the bushes to get to a hidden passage, and head around it to reach the chest with a HI-POTION. Now, at the new two-way, ignore the right path, and head up instead. When you see the next three-way, head up the top right path, and check near the right side to find another hidden passage, which leads you all the way to the left, to a field with a hidden item, which is a HERMES SANDALS. Now head back to the three-way, and take the top left to reach a chest with a REMEDY. Now, left of this chest is another passage which leads back to the entrance. Here, use the right hidden path as we did before, and now head up the previously ignored top right side to get to the next exit, and flashback, which shows Ursula growing up with a desire to become stronger. Back to Yang, follow the path all the way to the two-way, and head up to a chest with a GREEN BERET. Equip it, it has a bonus effect of increasing STR and STM by 5. Head back down to the two-way, and down to the chest with a BOMB CRANK. Now, head back to the left a bit, and down into the indent, to get to another scene with Yang worrying about the emphasis Ursula is placing on power in her life. Back to Ursula, things have kicked up a notch, because you can now go between several screens. First off, head to the right to get to next to the next screen, and check the chest for a RUNE ARMLET. Head right to the next screen. Now, head up to the top right. Here, head right again, and up to the chest with HELL CLAWS. Don't equip yet. Instead of going back, head to the top left. Follow the path up, and head to the right when you can to get a chest with a PHOENIX DOWN. Now, head to the top left. Keep heading left, and you should find yourself near a save point - we're right above where we started. Don't worry, we're almost done. Before you save though, head down a bit, and when you see the spot with the two indent nears the chest, head through the right one to get a chest with a COTTAGE. Now, from the save point, head back in the direction of the chest, but head down more this time, and exit to the right. In this next area, head simply to the right again. In this new area, head down and to the left. You'll know you're in the right area when you see a big tree below you. Now, head left and down right away. Here, grab the chest for a BRONZE HOURGLASS. Now head left. Continue left. Now, head all the way down, and up to the save point. Save. Head right. Follow the path, and head up, and you'll be in the area with the tree. Now examine the tree for a scene, and a battle! ------------------ Boss : Adamantoise ------------------ Another scripted fight... all of your attacks will do one, so just keep hacking away at it. Eventually, the Adamantoise will set all of your monks to 1 HP except Ursula, who will remember her father's lesson about finding a weak point. She'll discover the weak point of the Adamantoise! Not to be left out, Yang will jump into the fight. Here, you'll find your Monk friends to be at 1 HP, but don't worry about them. Try Ursula's new Band; Tenketsu + Attack will result in their band, Five Star Crimson Palm! Neat. For now, just spam that, and let the Monks heal themselves up, and giving healing support to the party. Once you run out of MP, use Tenketsu with Ursula, and just attack normally with everyone else, and remember to heal when your health it low. Adamantoise has about 6500 HP, and drops 1500 GIL and 400 EXP. ------------------ Boss : Adamantoise ------------------ You'll get your Palm Oil, Ursula will learn Tenketsu, and Yang will finally allow Ursula to study under him. You'll also learn the Twin Wind Frenzy Band. Lol? Now walk all the way back. I'm not kidding either! ----------------- ----New Bands---- ----------------- Five Star Crimson Palm (Ursula "Tenketsu" + Yang "Attack") (A powerful, calculated strike against a single enemy) <9 MP> Twin Wing Frenzy (Must select from list to activate) (Strike at a single enemy with a pincer attack) <6 MP> ---------------- ---New Bands---- ---------------- ======================= ====================== --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Adamant Forest Treasure Checklist Adamant Forest Enemy Checklist --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Cottage x 2 [] Hydra [] Phoenix Down x 2 [] Soul [] Hi-Potion x 2 [] Ghoul [] Silver Breastplate [] Revenant [] Hermes Sandals [] Gigas Gator [] Remedy [] Alligator [] Green Beret [] Zombie [] Bomb Crank [] Skeleton [] Rune Armlet [] Bloodbones [] Hell Claws [] Lilith [] Bronze Hourglass [] ***Adamantoise*** [] ======================= ====================== Sigh. Time to walk back. Head back down and to the left. Save near the top. Now head down and to the left, to the next screen. Next, head right. Then, head up. And then left right away. And top left again. Finally, head to the bottom right. Now, head all the way down and to the left, and use the hidden passage we passed through before to head over to the left, and to the exit. In this next area, head down, and at the junction, head down the left one. Follow this all the way to the next junction, and take the left again to the next exit. ----Protip---- Before heading onto the boat, un-equip Monk A, B and C. ----Protip---- You're finally out! Head up to the boat and watch the scene, where Ursula will help turn the Palm Oil into fuel. The boat moves along! However, Yang will feel quite perturbed, and Ursula will sense it as well. He'll command everyone to lash themselves to the boat, and a giant whirlpool will appear before them... The End? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now let's check out Yang's Challenge Dungeon! Very linear, straight-forward, and with this boss, there isn't much to this dungeon. There are some good drops however, and a wide variety of enemies, which gives you a broad selection of drops. Let's go over the general shape of the Dungeon. Once you enter, you'll see a Monk standing near the door, who explains the rules of the Dungeon. Basically, you walk a certain amount of corridors with high enemy encounter rates, until you reach a room with a chest, and a left and right door. Left takes you out (after passing a few corridors, of course) into a room with a guarded teleporter, where you can fight a battle then leave, and the right door leads you in the direction of the next chest. Also, every chest is a "monster-in-a-box" style battle, so make sure you're healed at all times. So now, let's go! ------------------------ Yang's Challenge Dungeon ------------------------ ============================================= ---------------------------------------- Yang's Challenge Dungeon Enemy Checklist ---------------------------------------- Tiny Mage [] Sahagin [] Gigantoad [] Toadgre [] Killer Fish [] Basilisk [] Goblin [] Domovoi [] Fangshell [] Skeleton [] Amoeba [] Bomb [] Gray Bomb [] Gargoyle [] Zombie [] Ghoul [] Revenant [] Zu [] Cockatrice [] Spirit [] Soul [] Lilith [] Cave Naga [] Ogre [] Cait Sith [] Soldieress [] Ice Lizard [] Frostbeast [] Mors [] Armadillo [] Magma Tortoise [] Centaur Knight [] Blood Bat [] Cave Bat [] Succubus [] Mindflayer [] Flamehound [] Naga [] Goblin Captain [] Soldieress [] Lamia [] Mad Ogre [] Coeurl [] Gremlin [] Ettin Snake [] Black Knight [] Bloodbones [] Skuldier [] Ironback [] Chimera [] Storm Anima [] Ghost Knight [] Steel Golem [] Lamia Matriarch [] Mystery Egg [] Mythril Golem [] ====================== Enter, and you'll see the monk, who'll explain the rules to you, though things should be pretty simple. Before you head in, if you have any Thunder Claws, you may want to equip them - the enemies here are pretty simple, but just in case you're really underleveled, the enemies here are mostly weak to thunder, such as the splashers, sahagins, amoeba's, etc. You've only got two corridors to go until the next chest, so it's not that big of a deal. You can also get some zombies and such, which are weak to fire. Not as common, however. Once you get into the 2nd room, check the chest for a battle, and some pretty common treasure, with things such as Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Tent, Phoenix Down, Bomb Fragment, Heavenly Wrath, etc. Not too much here. Proceed to the right to keep going. Now, equip the Flame Claws if you have them - there are more enemies weak to fire, such as Zombie's and Lilith's. This is just another easy, two corridor stretch. Once you finish here, you'll come to the next room, which has more random items inside the chest, with slightly better things such as a Hi-Potion, Cottage, Gaia Drum, Zeus's Wrath, Bomb Crank, etc. Still not too much to brag about. Continue on to the right. Here, we can continue to keep on our Flame Claws - we got ice enemies like Ice Lizard and Frostbeasts, so the claws definately help. Yet again, another 2 corridors, and we'll find the 3rd chest, with some decent things, such as a Soma Drop, Silver Apple, Ether, Hermes's Sandals, Remedy, and Coeurl Whisker. Keep going. Here, you might want to equip Ice Claws - we got more enemies like Magma Tortoise, Flamehound, and Steel Golem. Again, we got two more corridors, and then we will pop up in the final treasure room, where a lot of goods stuff is, including Hell Claws, X-Potion, Hyper Wrist, Rose Twine Dress, Chakra Headband, Black Belt Gi, Elixir, Admantite, Cat Claws and Black Cowl. Suffice to say, this is the main reason why you want to be here. The worst part is here though - it's pretty quick to get here if you're high leveled, or just running away from things (once you get bored of fighting at the level cap), but after the last chest, you only have one door to enter, and it leads to the exit. Sound good right? Well, now you have to go through 6 corridors before you can leave. SIX! Once you pass them, you'll find a teleporter guarded by an enemy, and once you defeat it, you can leave. You can grind here as well, but if you're in your mid 30's or so, and just started, don't even bother - if you go through another 9 or so times, you'll reach the cap simply by fighting all the battles you come across. Other then the rare items, there is nothing to note. Well, except for the plethora of enemies - many of them have interesting drops. The (Mad) Ogre with drops like Headband/Giant's Gloves (Giant Gloves are also dropped by Steel Golems.), Angel Arrows (Lamia), Mythril Hammer and Shield (Magma Tortoise) and a couple other items. These are fairly rare, but you might be lucky enough to come across them through one of your run-throughs. Some encounters are rarer then others - I personally came across only 3 Steel Golems in 12 runs, and got 2 Giant's Gloves. Probably lucky, but you might be able to get a nice item or two through a couple runs. Happy hunting! ------------------- Rare Treasure List: ------------------- Soma Drop Silver Apple Hell Claw Hyper Wrist Rose Twine Dress Chakra Headband, Black Belt Gi Elixir Admantite Cat Claws Black Cowl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.310) - Palom's Tale - A Mage's Voyage (PLM1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome back! I am Cranberry, here once again to guide you through a new adventure. The wait is finally over! At last new tales have been released, including Palom’s Tale! Are you as excited as I am? It’s been a long wait, but July 6th, 2009 is finally here! Just as Rydia’s Tale before it, Palom’s Tale is an optional downloadable Tale for Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. Here are the instructions for acquiring it. Downloading Palom’s Tale: First, you need to download Palom’s Tale to play it. To do so, load up "Final Fantasy IV: The Years After" on your Nintendo Wii. From the title screen, choose "Purchase Add-On Content". Once the game connects to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Network, choose Palom’s Tale. You’ll need to pay 300 Wii points for this download, so make sure you have enough points before attempting this. Once the download completes, return to the Title Screen and choose "Select Story." Palom’s Tale will appear on the menu, choose it to begin. ****************IMPORTANT***************************************** Palom’s Tale is independent from the main game’s story and uses its own saves. Don’t save over your save file from the main game! Save to a different save slot! Characters: Lets begin by meeting the characters in this tale. Fortunately Palom doesn’t have to endure the struggles of his tale alone. It’s always good to have backup on your side! Let’s meet the cast. Palom: Palom is a black mage from Mysidia. We first met him in the original Final Fantasy IV as a 5 year-old child when both Palom and his twin sister, Porom, joined Cecil on his quest to become a Paladin. Palom was a rambunctious child that Porom often had to keep in-line. Now, 17 years later, Palom has grown into a young man. Following in Tellah’s footsteps, Palom has a goal of becoming a Sage. The Mysidan elder has sent him to Troia so that he may train a girl, Leonora, in the ways of black magic. Is Palom ready for the responsibilities of training another? A band can be performed with Leonora and Palom. Link Palom’s Bluff and Leonora’s Black Magic together to learn the "A Little Black Magic" band. Later, he’ll automatically learn the Particle Bomb band, which deals heavy damage to one enemy. As Palom levels up, he will learn additional spells. The levels at which he learns spells are listed below: Level 19 - Warp Level 22 - Toad Level 25 - Osmose Level 29 - Drain Level 30 - Bio Level 32 - Stop Leonora: She is a young woman from Troia that is training to become an Epopt. Already gifted in white magic, she also wishes to learn black magic as well. The reason Palom has been sent to Troia is to teach Leonora in the ways of black magic. Although she learns some basic black magic during the tale, her white magic remains her greatest asset and her assortment of white magic spells are comparable to that of a white mage. By linking her black magic with Palom’s bluff ability, she can also learn the "A Little Black Magic" band, which casts a basic black magic spell on all enemies. Late in the quest, she’ll automatically learn the Particle Bomb band, which deals great damage to one enemy. As Leonora levels up, she’ll learn additional spells. The levels at which she learns spells are listed below: Level 5 - Libra Level 8 - Sight Level 11 - Hold Level 12 - Cura Level 13 - Slow Level 15 - Poison Level 17 - Protect Level 19 - Silence Level 22 - Sleep Level 23 - Berserk Level 25 - Shell Level 30 - Stop Level 32 - Mini Level 35 - Confuse Level 36 - Drain Level 38 - Blink Level 39 - Osmose Level 40 - Float ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Walkthrough~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the Tale begins, a cut-scene shows Palom traveling by ship, and a flashback shows the elder ordering Palom to train an Epopt, and the elder stating that Palom is not yet ready to become a sage; a statement Palom is not happy about. After watching the story scenes, you’ll gain control of Palom and be able to walk around the ship deck. ~~The Ship~~ If you head down the stairs on the deck, you’ll find a save point you can use to create your first save file. Once again, make certain that you don’t save over your save files for the main game or other tales! Talk to the sailors on the deck and hear what they have to say, and lastly speak to the captain near the steering wheel. The ship will spot land, and you’ll be advised to grab a Chocobo in a nearby forest and head to Troia. There’s no treasure to find on the ship, so this area is pretty straightforward. ========= ----------------------- Ship Treasure Checklist ----------------------- None [] ========= ================= ------------------------------- Troia Overworld Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- Goblin [] Helldiver [] Gargoyle [] Cockatrice [] Sword Rat [] Bomb [] Larva [] Eyewing Moth [] Spirit [] Skeleton [] Floating Eye [] ================= To find the Chocobo Forest, head north and then west over a bridge. To the south is a tower; if you enter the tower you’ll learn it’s called the "Tower of Trials." The door is shut however and you can’t enter it. Instead head north towards a second bridge. As you approach you’ll enter the Chocobo Forest. You may encounter some monsters as you head to the forest; your black magic spells should easily dispatch them. Grab a yellow Chocobo upon entering the forest. If necessary, you can talk to a white Chocobo to restore your MP. Once you have a Chocobo, head north to find Troia. No monsters will attack you on a Chocobo so if you wish, feel free to explore your immediate surroundings atop the Chocobo. ~~City of Troia~~ Troia consists of both a castle and a city. Troia is not only a city of forests and springs, but also a country of women. The population is almost entirely female. I’d fit right in there! Anyways, let’s move onto the business of finding the treasure to be found here. It’s located in some tall grass in the northwest of the city. To find it, enter the water on the eastern part of the city, you can walk through the channel to some stairs in the northern part of the city back to dry land. From there walk through a hidden path in the trees to the west where an old woman is walking around. Search the tall grass in this area thoroughly. A full search will yield an Ether, a Dry Ether, a Decoy, and 1,000 gil. Not bad at all. In the northeastern most building you’ll find a Black Chocobo nursery. Check the large bull skull on the wall to open a passage. Inside you’ll find a pen full of black Chocobos. Walk over to a vase to the east. Stand north of the vase and walk 1 step east so that you are inside the wall. Now walk 2 spaces south. Step east 1 space and now walk south along the perimeter of the room. You’ll find a path taking you inside the Chocobo pen. Speak to the woman and she’ll ask you to say hello to everyone. Speak to each of the Chocobos, and then speak to the woman again. She’ll thank you and give you an Ether for the effort. This is the second Ether on the treasure checklist. Namingway, now calling himself Challengingway, can be found in town too. If you speak to him, he merely asks you to return later. For now, let’s check out the shops. There’s a modest selection available. Palom starts with an Ice Rod. This rod, as well as other elemental rods, can be used as an item in battle to cast their respective spell with no MP cost. To do so, while in battle select "Item" and then press up on the control pad to see your hand equips. Choose the rod, and then select an enemy to target in order to cast a spell through the rod. This is a great way to conserve MP and best of all you won’t expend the rod in doing so. I suggest picking up both a Flame and Thunder Rod from the store. The Healing Staff is tempting, but we’ll get one for free later so there’s no need to purchase it. Some bow and arrows are also available, which are quite useful for dealing physical damage from the back row. The Fire, Ice, and Lightning Arrows also deal elemental damage to an enemy too so you can match up weaknesses with arrows to do more damage. Please be aware that unlike the original Final Fantasy IV game, arrows are not expended when used, thus you only need to purchase one arrow for each archer in your party. For the moment, the Armor shop has little to offer as your starting gear is superior to what it sells. A Ruby Ring protects against Pig status and might be worth picking up, though you won’t need it for quite some time. The item shop has your usual consumable items. Though all of these items are useful, Potion and Hi-Potion are especially important to have on hand. Once you’ve finished buying anything you want, it’s time to head to Troia Castle. Reach it from the overworld where it sits just north of the city. You can’t miss it. Please note that the Weapon Shop 2 and Armor Shop 2 are not available until after you’ve passed through the Waterway Passage later in the game. -Troia Weapon Shop- Ice Rod 220 Flame Rod 380 Thunder Rod 700 Staff 160 Healing Staff 480 Dagger 300 Crossbow 700 Holy Arrows 500 -Troia Weapon Shop 2- Psycho Spiral 2000 Great bow 2000 Fire Arrows 500 Ice Arrows 500 Lightning Arrows 500 -Troia Armor Shop- Feathered Cap 330 Wizard’s Hat 700 Gaia Gear 500 Ruby Ring 1000 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 -Troia Armor Shop 2- Sage’s Miter 2000 Sage’s Surplice 1200 Rune Armlet 2000 -Troia Item Shop- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden’s Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 -Troia Inn- 50 gil ============== -------------------------------- City of Troia Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Dry Ether [] Ether [] Decoy [] 1,000 Gil [] Ether [] ============== ~~Troia Pub~~ In Troia City inside a building next to a well is a Pub. Inside are a variety of people you can chat with, and one woman is selling an item called Member’s Writ for 10,000 gil. This is probably beyond our price range for the moment, later when you have more money however; you can purchase it to gain access to a special show. If you do eventually purchase it, show it to the man that asks for it and he’ll open the door for you allowing you into the King’s Bounty Pub. Leonora will protest the first time you attempt to enter and stop you, but she won’t intervene if you try again. Talk to the man at the counter and the show will start. Once the dancers have completed their number and left the stage, you’ll probably want to heal Palom up. He’ll be reduced to 1 HP. Go through the newly opened door to reach the dressing room where you’ll find one of the dancers and a treasure chest. Open the treasure chest to receive the Lustful Lali-Ho. Leonoa will ask what you found, and you’ll be asked whether or not to show it to her. Don’t show it to her or else she’ll throw it away and it’ll be removed from your inventory. When used, this item will result in some creepy music playing and your lead character exclaiming that it’s very exciting. The item will then be removed from your inventory. Basically, this item is bonus item to have some fun with. If you want to check it out, save your game before you use it, then re-set afterwards so you don’t lose it. Hang onto this just in case it has a purpose in a future chapter. Talk to the dancer and she’ll offer to sell you a Member’s Card for 50,000 Gil. If you pick this up, show it to a man in the King’s Pub. He’ll open a side passage leading to the Queen’s Bounty Pub. Speak to one of the men at the counter, and a show featuring more dancers will begin. Once the show concludes, you can follow the dancers into the dressing room. The dressing room on the eastern side has 2 dancers, and both of them are selling weapons and armor that Leonora can use. Here’s the list of what’s for sale. Queen’s Whip 6800 Queen’s Tights 8800 Queen’s Mask 3500 Queen’s Gloves 5800 Although the attack and defensive properties of these items is very low, the whip can turn enemies into pigs and the defensive pieces offer immunity to a wide variety of status ailments. If you equip all 3 queen defensive pieces, Leonora will be immune to every status ailment in the game. Even if these don’t become her main armor, you should definitely pick them up so that they are in your inventory should you ever need them. The dressing room to the west has one dancer selling one item. A VIP Card for the outrageous price of 99,999 gil. If you save up the money and buy one, and then show it to a man that asks for it in the Queen’s Pub, he’ll open up a passage allowing you access to the Emperor. When you enter the Emperor, you’ll get to watch another show featuring dancers. When this show concludes, you’ll find a treasure chest containing a Black Tail as you leave. The Black Tail has no apparent purpose in this tale, but perhaps it will be of use in a future release, so don’t get rid of it. You may return to the various pubs to watch any of the shows as often as you wish. ==================== ---------------------------- Troia Pub Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- Lustful Lali-Ho [] Black Tail [] ==================== ~~Troia Castle~~ As with the city, the castle is inhabited and run by a female population. Although it may not be obvious, even the guards standing around the castle are female, as is their entire force of soldiers. There are several frogs hanging out within the castles waterways, and you can speak to a few of them near the entrance; but they do nothing more than say ribbit. Head north into the Epopt chamber to meet the Epopts, the leaders of Troia. You’ll be introduced to your new partner, the Epopt in training, Leonora. You will then be given your destination, the Tower of Trials. The same tower we passed on our way to the Chocobo Forest. At her starting level of 3, Leona is rather weak, but her starting equips aren’t bad, but she will still benefit from one of the Rods or bow and arrow sets sold in town. She also has white magic available to her, and though she has access to the black magic command, she does not know any black magic spells right now. Now that you have your ally, let’s explore the castle a bit. You can head north from the Epopt chamber to find the Crystal Chamber, where the Crystal of Earth sits safely on its stand. From the main chamber of the castle, go through the door on the west side to find a path leading to a bed and a save point. The door on the east side of the room takes you to a path leading to a side room with 3 stairwells. The far west stairs lead to the Troia treasure chamber. You can enter the passage above the guard and take the invisible path to the stairs into the treasure vault, however all of the treasure chests are empty. The center stairway leads to a small room with a few more empty treasure chests, but you can grab a Hi-Potion out of one of the vases there. The eastern stairs are by far the most interesting, as they lead to a treasure room with 8 treasure chests, and these ones aren’t empty. Step on the button on the ground to open the door leading to 2 of them. The other doors will open automatically as you collect the chests. That does it for treasure here. ================== ------------------------------- Troia Castle Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Potion x 2 [] Antidote [] Echo Herbs [] Gold Needle [] Maiden’s Kiss [] 300 gil [] Phoenix Down [] ================== ~~ The Chocobo Village~~ Leonora isn’t quite ready for the challenges ahead of her. Before you advance, you should spend some time beefing her levels up and earning some money. Battle the enemies outside of the town to earn some experience and money. Palom’s spells should devastate the enemy monsters with little effort. Use the money you earn to give Leonora the best weapons and armor sold in the shop. When you have Leonora equipped with the best items available and are ready to continue, head north. We need a Chocobo to reach the tower. The Chocobo Village is within a forest far to the north. You’ll recognize it by the lighter colored trees. Enter it to find some yellow and white Chocobos. The white ones will replenish your MP, and the yellow ones as before, allow us to ride them. Grab one and ride south to the Tower of Trials, located west of the ship you came here on. ================== ----------------------------------- The Tower of Trials Enemy Checklist ----------------------------------- Soul [] Spirit [] Bloodbones [] Skeleton [] Bomb [] Cockatrice [] Red Mousse [] Yellow Jelly [] Gargoyle [] Little Red [] Little Blue [] Little Yellow [] ================== Upon reaching the tower, Palom will lay some ground rules, and Leonora will open the door. Inside, Palom will begin the training; starting with the fire spell. You’ll enter the battle mode against Palom and a Fire Doll. Leonora will learn a spell called "Fire?". Cast this spell on the Fire Doll a few times until it’s defeated. You’ll keep the spell in your Black Magic command list. Now it’s time to begin climbing the tower. And there’s plenty of treasure on the way up. Collect the treasure chest next to you for an Ether. Continue on and a monster in a hooded cloak will appear. Palom will have Leonora battle this monster alone. Cast the Fire? spell on it for an easy victory. After you win, Fire? will become the regular Fire spell. As Palom points out after the battle, the jar to the east restores your HP and MP, so feel free to come back here anytime you need a boost. Continue along the path and grab the 2 treasure chests you’ll see to the south. Then proceed up the stairs north of the treasure chests. ================ ------------------------------------- Tower of Trials 1F Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------- Ether [] Echo Herbs [] Gold Needle [] ================ On 2F, the path is again pretty straightforward. You’ll come across a save point in the room, as well as two treasure chests containing some supplies. Another hooded monster guards the stairs, and again Palom will have Leonora battle it alone. This time the battle consists of three Mini Reds. Your fire spell will easily dispatch of them. You can target all 3 at once for an easy victory in one or two casts. ================= --------------------- 2F Treasure Checklist --------------------- Phoenix Down [] Echo Herbs [] ================= Floor 3F is a little more complicated than the previous two, but you still don’t have to worry about getting lost. At the start of the floor, Palom will continue Leonora’s training by teaching her the Blizzard spell. You’ll again enter a battle phase, this time with Palom and a Blizzard Doll. She’ll also learn a "Blizzard?" spell. Cast this new spell on the Blizzard Doll. Two casts should do it. Grab the treasure chest just south of you. Then continue down the path to head south and then east through the lower passage to a path leading to two more treasure chests to find some holy arrows and a tent. Continue to the north and you can find another HP and MP restoring vase in the northwest. Backtrack a small bit and take the stairs to the next floor. ================= --------------------- 3F Treasure Checklist --------------------- Phoenix Down [] Holy Arrows [] Tent [] ================= 4F is pretty straightforward for the moment. There’s a save point and a treasure chest containing an Ether. You can’t reach the treasure chests on the other side of the room, so ignore those for the time being. There’s also a guardian and, you guessed it, Leonora fights it alone. This time you’re facing 3 Mini Blues. Cast your Blizzard? spell on all three of them for a quick victory. One or two casts should do it. Blizzard? will become regular Blizzard after you win. =============== --------------------- 4F Treasure Checklist --------------------- Ether [] Tent [] Echo Herbs [] =============== On 5F, Palom will begin the lesson on thunder. You’ll again enter the battle mode, now against Palom and a Thunder Doll. Leonora gains the Thunder? spell. As usual cast it on the Thunder Doll. The path is still very straightforward. Grab the treasure chest and continue onward. The vase in the far north again restores HP and MP. The stairs lead back down to 4F, but on the other side of the wall you were at earlier, allowing you to now collect the treasures that we couldn’t earlier. Take the stairs at the end of that path to reach another part of 5F. This leads to a quick passage over to stairs heading farther up. ================== --------------------- 5F Treasure Checklist --------------------- Healing Staff [] ================== On 6F you’ll find a save point and more treasure. The first box has a Sage’s Miter in it. Put this on Leonora for some much needed protection. The path continues to be linear and straightforward, but do stop at the vase for another HP and MP boost. Below near the stairs is a hooded monster. Once again it’s time for Leona to perform a solo act. 3 Mini Yellows oppose her now. Cast the Thunder? spell on all 3, to win the battle and gain the regular Thunder spell. Take the stairs up to 7F. ================= --------------------- 6F Treasure Checklist --------------------- Sage’s Miter [] ================= On 7F there are some treasure chests sealed behind walls. Stand on buttons on the floor to open the passages leading to the treasure chests. In the northeast room there is a crack on the floor. Step west of this crack to step into the wall and find a hidden passage that you can walk through to reach some treasure chests in the far west. The Sage’s Surplice you find is a good equip for Leonora. After grabbing the treasure chests, examine the gray block north of the stairwell. This is the Monastic Seal Leonora came to find, now that she’s found it, Leonora’s class will change from Epopt Trainee to Epopt. Now we’re ready to head back to Troia Castle. It’s time to head back down the tower. If Palom has learned his Warp spell, you can use it a few times for a shortcut. Once you’re out, head back to the Chocobo Forest, grab a Chocobo and head back to the castle. ==================== --------------------- 7F Treasure Checklist --------------------- Remedy [] Hermes Sandals [] Cottage [] Dry Ether [] Sage’s Surplice [] Decoy [] ==================== ~~Return to Troia Castle~~ Before you enter the castle, you might want to stop at the town and pick up any items you want from the shops. You won’t have a chance to enter the town again for a little while, so stop by now if you need anything. This is going to be your last chance to explore the castle in this Tale. Make sure you have all of the treasure chests to be found and if there are any people you wish to visit, do so now before going to the Epopts' chamber. When you’re ready to continue, head to the Epopts' chamber. As you walk back in, you'll find that the the 7 Epopts are waiting for you. A story scene will occur and in the end, you’ll be taken to a room with a bed and a save point. When you regain control of Palom and Leonora, you’ll be prompted to go to the Crystal Chamber located beyond the Epopt chamber. Head over there, when you reach the Epopt chamber a story scene will occur and in the end Leonora will be entrusted with the Crystal of Earth. Then you’ll escape through a secret passage in the crystal room. ===================== ------------------------------------- Troia Castle Waterway Enemy Checklist ------------------------------------- Splasher [] Devil’s Castanet [] Fangshell [] Tiny Mage [] Alligator [] Gigas Gator [] Will Priest [] Sahagin [] Ricardo Mage [] Gigantoad [] Killer Fish [] Flood Worm [] Hydra [] ===================== ~Troia Secret Passage~ After leaving the crystal chamber you'll find yourself in the secret passage where Palom and Leonora will briefly converse. There's no enemies in this room but there are a few treasures to find. Walk east and then south. Between 2 sets of stairs there is a crack on the floor. Stand on this crack and walk west through a secret passage in the wall to find 2 treasure chests and a vase. The vase is empty but you'll find some Ice Arrows and a cottage in the treasure chests. After collecting these return to the cracked floor and proceed south. In the next room continue down the next set of stairs. ===================== ----------------------------------------- Castle Hidden Passage Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------- Ice Arrows [] Cottage [] ===================== After passing through the secret passage, you’ll arrive in the waterway. Namingway is standing near a save point. He has items for sale, so stock up on anything that you need. You won’t get another chance to shop for a while, so make sure you have some Hi-Potions on hand. Head down the stairs when you’re ready. Here’s the list of what Namingway sells: Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Echo Herbs 50 Diet Ration 100 Tent 100 Cottage 500 It would be a very good idea to have the Moon Phase here set to Full Moon. The enemies in this area mainly use physical attacks and the few enemies that cast spells use weak magic. As both of your characters are mage types, they have low HP and defense. The Full Moon phase will reduce physical attacks and boost your magic, making this area much more manageable. Pay especially close attention to Devil’s Castanet monsters. They attack very quickly with physical blows of great force. Prioritize these monsters and hit them with lightning based attacks before they rip you to shreds. When you're ready to face the dangers of this passage, proceed south from Namingway's save point. Follow the path until you reach a fork in the road where you can either cross over a bridge over a small stream or head south. Take the south path for now, and then head east to grab the treasure chest. Now take the stairs down into the water and walk south to find a path leading to two more treasure chests. You’ll find a Great Bow and some Lightning Arrows. This is a pretty good weapon for Leonora; giving her some much needed offensive potential. Head to the far north now; back out of the water and up to the bridge that crosses over the stream. Head west and grab the treasure chest. Then proceed to the south. A vase near the stairs to the south will restore your HP and MP. Take the stairs. This will take you to another section of the cave, which still has the same name. To help with the treasure checklist, I’ll be calling these Area 1, Area 2, etc. ===================== ----------------------------------------- Castle Waterway Area 1 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Lightning Arrows [] Great Bow [] Heavenly Wrath [] ===================== At the start of Area 2, take the narrow path to the east to find two treasure chests. Then go back and head south. Walk along the bridges and grab the treasure chest on the way. Proceed south and grab another treasure chest on the way as you follow the path south and then east. You’ll soon reach two more treasure chests within easy reach; grab these as well. Proceed along the path until you find stairs leading into the water. Walk through the water to a stairway leading to dry land above and follow the path to the door to a long stairway lading up to the next area. A save point can be found in the next room. Save your game and proceed into Area 3. =================== ----------------------------------------- Castle Waterway Area 2 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Arctic Wind [] Ether [] Remedy [] Bacchus’s Wine [] Phoenix Down [] =================== Head north at the start of Area 3; you’ll spot an easy to reach treasure chest to the east. Grab it then proceed west. After crossing the bridge, head north to grab another treasure chest containing a Rune Armlet. This is a powerful defensive piece for both Palom and Leonora, and it also has the added affect of preventing silence status. Equip it to a character of your choosing, you can’t go wrong with either one. After grabbing the chest, head south and down the stairs and into the water. Upon entering the water, immediately head east to find a hidden passage leading to three treasure chests. The Lilith’s Kiss item you find has the same affect as Osmose and can be a handy way to replenish MP in a pinch. Head back to the west and then proceed north where you’ll find a waterfall. Head east from this waterfall to find a treasure chest on a small ledge north of you. Grab the chest and then continue east to find the door leading to the next area. ================== ----------------------------------------- Castle Waterway Area 3 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------- Tent [] Rune Armlet [] Echo Herbs [] Lilith’s Kiss [] Cottage [] Spider’s Silk [] ================== In this area, follow the path and then take the stairs to find a treasure chest a bit to the east, and another west of that one. The western one contains a Ruby Ring. Though the Ruby Ring has weaker defensive properties than the gloves you already have, it protects the wearer from the Pig status. Keep it in your inventory for now. From that chest, head back down into the water and continue north. The door above will take you to the entrance of Troia Castle. Now it’s time to escape, so head south to leave the castle. ================= ----------------------------------------- Castle Waterway Area 4 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------- Phoenix Down [] Ruby Ring [] ================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.320) - The Art of Black and White (PLM2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~The Black Chocobo~~ As you leave the castle, a brief story scene will inform you that your next destination is the Lodestone Cavern. You can’t use anything metallic in this area, so we need to double check our gear before going. Once you go to the Lodestone Cavern, you won’t be able to leave until you clear it, so you should head back to Troia City first to prepare. If you visit the Weapon and Armor shops you’ll see that a second seller is in both of them, and the items in Weapon Shop 2 and Armor Shop 2 seen on the town list earlier in this guide are now available. And they are conveniently selling some non-metallic items. The Psycho Spiral staff is a neat non-metallic staff. Leonora can equip it and if she does so, she can use it as an item in battle to cast a confuse spell. Personally, I recommend giving both Palom and Leonora a bow and arrow set for the battles ahead. A Great Bow is one of the items being sold. Though you may have found one in the Waterway passage, I suggest buying a second for your other character. I recommend getting each of the arrows too. From the armor shop, grab the Sage items and a Rune Armlet for any of your characters that don’t already have these equipped. Once you’re all geared up, head north to the Chocobo Forest; the same one we visited earlier to reach the Tower of Trials. This time, you’ll find a few Black Chocobos inside. Catch one of them to take off toward the Lodestone Cavern. As you take off, a story scene will take place. After the scene unfolds, you’ll be taken automatically to the Lodestone Cavern. ================= -------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- Cait Sith [] Cave Naga [] Lamage [] Ettin Snake [] Cave Bat [] Will Priest [] Mindflayer [] Succubus [] Flood Worm [] Ricardo Mage [] Needlehog [] ================= It is critical that you have nothing metallic equipped inside here or else your character will be immobilized. This basically means you can’t wear your Silver or Iron gloves. Your rods, armor, and bows should be just fine. Ruby Ring and Rune Armlet are fine too. One enemy to be cautious with here are Cait Siths. They have a special ability called Blaster that has 2 effects. It can cast a hold spell on a character, or instant kill a character. When you encounter Caith Siths, immediately hit them with the strongest spells you can, or simply run. These things are dangerous and you could be in for a quick Game Over if two of them decide to use instant kill Blasters on both of your characters. Begin by heading east. You’ll find a vase that restores your HP and MP, and a treasure chest containing a handy Hi-Potion. The path is linear and straightforward. Follow the path to a large stairway, grabbing the treasure chest beside it. The stairs will take you to B2. =============== -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B1 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Echo Herbs [] =============== Head north and west to find a treasure chest containing an Ether. Next head northeast to find a door. Enter the door to reach a small chamber containing 2 treasure chests. One of these contains a Circlet. Although its defense is slightly less than a Sage’s Miter, it has a nice boost to the Intellect stat. I suggest putting this on Palom, but Leonora can equip it too if you so desire. Leave this chamber and continue west to a stairwell. ============== -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B2 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Ether x 2 [] Circlet [] ============== At the entrance to B3 you’ll see a doorway to the west. Enter it to find a save point and Namingway. Once again you can purchase items from Namingway, and this time in addition to consumable items he’s selling armor as well. Here’s the list of what he has for sale. If you don't already have two Ruby Rings, buy them now. You'll need them very soon. Sage’s Miter 2000 Sage’s Surplice 1200 Ruby Ring 1000 Rune Armlet 2000 Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Echo Herbs 50 Diet Ration 100 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Once you’ve finished your business with Namingway, exit the room and head south. You’ll reach another door. Enter it to find 3 treasure chests inside the chamber. Once you’ve grabbed the chests continue to the west and enter the door to the north. Inside the room, head north to find a treasure chest containing a Polymorph Rod and a vase that restores HP and MP. The Polymorph Rod when equipped can be used in battle to cast a Pig spell, but it also raises Intellect a bit. While it’s not a good physical attack weapon it does help you cast spells quite well and Palom may wish to equip it for the boost. If you prefer to have a stronger physical attack, stick with bow and arrows. Take the stairs to the southwest ===================== -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B3 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Cottage [] Spider Silk [] Bronze Hourglass [] Polymorph Rod [] ===================== As you begin B4, walk along the wooden pathway. Before you get far, Leonora will stop you and show you that the path above is a trick, and direct you to an invisible path leading to the stairs to the west. This leads to B5. There is a treasure chest on this floor, but you’ll grab it a bit later. ============== -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B4 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Dry Ether [] ============== On B5, begin by heading west and follow the path to a treasure chest containing a Mage’s Robe. Equip this to Palom, then backtrack and head east. Follow the wooden path north, and then continue north past the small patch of land along an invisible path leading to a treasure chest on a small island. After grabbing the treasure chest go back down the hidden path and continue west to reach a large stairway. Grab a treasure chest in the northern part of this patch of land, then northeastern tip and walk north to follow another invisible path to another treasure chest on an island to the east. A handy Soma Drop is inside. This will boost the Max MP of a character by 10. This is useful for both Leonora and Palom, I leave it to you to decide who to use it on. Head back to the stairs, which lead down to B4, where a brief story scene will take place. =================== -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B5 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Mage’s Robe [] Hermes Sandals [] Hi-Potion [] Soma Drop [] =================== Back on B4, head east to find a room with a save point and a vase to restore HP and MP. Next head north where you’ll find a door. Walk up and around the top of the door to reach a treasure chest to the east. This contains the Dry Ether seen on the B4 treasure checklist. Head into the door and you’ll find yourself in the Crystal Chamber. Before you go any further, you should equip both Palom and Leonora with Ruby Rings. A battle is just around the corner, and spells that can turn you into a pig are used in this battle. The Ruby Rings will protect you from this effect. Approach the stand and Leonora will place the Earth Crystal atop it. After she does so, the Dark Elf will appear. After a few words, you will enter into battle with him. --Boss Battle: Dark Elf-- The Dark Elf is back with a vengeance. He is able to cast multiple spells in one turn. He has the Fira, Thundara, and Blizzara spells at his disposal, and won’t hesitate to use them against you. Return the favor! Have Palom cast such spells right back at him. All seem to be equally effective on him. The Elf also has a Tornado spell that will instantly reduce a party member to critical HP. Have Leonora ready with a Cura spell as soon as tornado hits. He also has a Hex attack that can turn a target into a pig. This isn’t a problem if you've followed my suggestion and have Ruby Rings equipped. If you aren't protected and become a swine, quickly reverse it with a Diet Ration or the Polymorph Rod’s ability. Because your main offence is magic, and this is going to be a much longer battle than a regular enemy encounter, Palom should use his Bluff command. This boosts his magic power for the battle, and is stackable up to three times. Three Bluff commands should make Palom quite a formidable caster. Even though Leona has some black magic, she should reserve herself to healing duties, with the occasional physical attack from her bow and arrows if everyone is healthy. With Palom casting a steady stream of Fira, Blizzara, and Thundra spells while Leonora handles the Cure spells, you should fare well. Leonora can also cast Slow as well to reduce the frequency of the Dark Elf's attacks. After taking significant damage, the Dark Elf transforms into a Dark Dragon. He now has access to a powerful Dark Breath attack that can hit both Palom and Leonora for a good 250 damage. Make sure Leonora is diligent with the Cura spells! To make matters even worse, your magic is suddenly having no effect! Keep yourself alive for a few turn however, and an Eidolon will suddenly appear and attack the Dark Dragon, destroying it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the Dark Elf is defeated, a story event will occur that will have Leonora appearing alone inside a room with a save point. Restore yourself at the jar, save your game if desired, and then use the southern exit. Another story scene will occur in which Palom rejoins you and you learn the Particle Bomb Band. Now it’s time to fight another boss battle. --Boss Battle : Mysterious Girl-- The Mysterious Girl, you’ve wanted a piece of her for a while now haven’t you? Here’s your chance! Your magic and physical attacks have little to no effect on her, so instead use your new Particle Bomb Band. Now you’re hitting her for some decent damage! Use the Band each time your turn comes up, but just as it seems the battle is going well, the Mysterious Girl mocks your powers and summons Shiva, wiping you out in one blow. Alas, this is a boss battle you are destined to lose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A story event follows the battle, and then the credits roll. Congratulations! You’ve just finished Palom’s Tale! Make sure you save your clear data after the credits! ~~Palom isn’t through yet, there’s more~~ Just because the credits have rolled doesn’t mean the adventure is over. Once you save your clear data, load up your completed save file. Palom and Leonora will appear beside Troia. You can enter the castle and gain access to the Waterway passage and talk to the frogs in the moat, but you can’t enter the castle itself to check up on the Epopts. You are welcome to re-enter the Waterway if you wish, but its inside the City of Troia that you’ll find something much more interesting. Now that we’ve cleared the tale, it’s time to pay Namingway a visit. Locate him inside the city and chat with him. He’ll offer to let you into his Challenge Dungeon. It is here that we will find some of the best items available in Palom’s Tale, but the going won’t be easy! Make sure you are well stocked on Hi-Potions before you attempt it. When you’re ready, Namingway will teleport you into the Challenge Dungeon. ~~Palom’s Challenge Dungeon~~ Be warned, this area is extremely difficult for low level characters. If Palom has not yet learned the Bio spell, I suggest you put off coming here until he does. It is very effective on nearly every enemy in this dungeon and can be cast very quickly. Without this spell, it will be very difficult to survive the very dangerous enemies found here. On the entrance floor you’ll be greeted by a familiar Final Fantasy theme song. Listen to it for a moment if you like, and then head north through the door. This is where it gets interesting. You’ll be teleported to a random floor! There’s no telling where you’ll end up. For guidance, make note of the name of the floor as it appears on screen and scan down for the correct area. One important thing to note, once you leave the Entrance Floor, the only way to leave the dungeon is by defeating its boss. You won’t be able to abort the run and walk back out the way you came. If Leonora knows Teleport however, you can use it to escape from the Dungeon. Palom's Warp spell will not work. ------Convoy Floor------ ================ ---------------------------- Convoy Floor Enemy Checklist ---------------------------- Gigas Gator [] Fell Turtle [] Ice Lizard [] Hydra [] Splasher [] Flood Worm [] Electrofish [] Toadgre [] Mors [] ================ This floor is a series of ships strung together by walkways. One very dangerous enemy encounter here are 2 Fell Turtles and 2 Ice Lizards. All 4 of these monsters can hit you with very powerful physical attacks. If they surprise or back attack you, they could have you dead before you even get a chance to act. If you encounter this formation, you may want to use a Bronze Hourglass to cast a stop spell on the whole pack. Although the Stop spell from a Bronze Hourglass doesn’t last long, it gives you an opportunity to either run or defeat them with spells. Bio works best if you have it. If you don’t have Bio but insist on fighting them, Fira and Blizzara are your best bet. From the starting ship head west and follow the path. It will ultimately take you to a treasure chest with a Gaia Drum. Backtrack back to the starting ship and this time take the southeastern walkway. Follow this path to reach another ship with a treasure chest containing a cross, and then continue east, continuing east at the fork in the road. This will take you to a ship with 2 treasure chests and some stairs, but we can only reach one of the treasure chests for the moment. The stairs are also not reachable for the moment. The chest contains a Gold Needle. Now, backtrack all the way back to the starting ship and then head northeast to find a treasure chest containing an Ether. To the east are two walkways you can take. Take the southern one. This leads back to the ship with two treasure chests and a stairwell. We still can’t reach the stairs but you can reach the other treasure chest from here, which contains a Bronze Hourglass. Now, head back and take the northern walkway. Follow the path and it will ultimately lead back to the two treasure chest ship, but this time you’ll be able to reach the stairs. ===================== ------------------------------- Convoy Floor Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Gaia Drum [] Ether [] Bronze Hourglass [] Cross [] Gold Needle [] ===================== ------Magic Floor------ ================= --------------------------- Magic Floor Enemy Checklist --------------------------- Tiny Mage [] Mindflayer [] Will Priest [] Cave Naga [] Lamage [] Flood Worm [] Bloodbones [] Spirit [] Soul [] Ricardo Mage [] Sorceress [] ================= This is a very small and straightforward floor. Head north and then east to find a treasure chest with a Mythril Staff. Then head west and around the rooms perimeter to the stairs. A Soma Drop is in the treasure chest next to the stairs. ================== ------------------------------ Magic Floor Treasure Checklist ------------------------------ Mythril Staff [] Soma Drop [] ================== ------Strength Floor------ =================== ------------------------------ Strength Floor Enemy Checklist ------------------------------ Black Knight [] Soldieress [] Centaur Knight [] Ogre [] Cait Sith [] =================== This is a pretty small room. Walk directly north to find a treasure chest between some pillars. Inside is a Killer Bow. Now head west through the narrow passage and then south to find a vase containing a Hi-Potion. Now, return to the central chamber with the treasure chest that contained the Killer Bow and locate a crack in the floor on the eastern side of the room. Walk east into the wall from this crack to find a hidden passage that will lead to the northeastern part of the room where another treasure chest waits. Open it for a Silver Hourglass. Backtrack to the central chamber and take the path leading north. The stairs are just ahead. ===================== --------------------------------- Strength Floor Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Killer Bow [] Hi-Potion [] Silver Hourglass [] ===================== ------Mountain Floor------ ================= ------------------------------ Mountain Floor Enemy Checklist ------------------------------ Gil Bird [] Sorceress [] Soldieress [] Black Knight [] Frostbeast [] Ogre [] Will Priest [] Lamage [] Ricardo Mage [] ================= This floor contains an unusual monster called a Gil Bird. They tend to fly away as soon as they get a turn. If you can manage to defeat one before it escapes, you’ll earn a lot of gil. Take the stairs to the north and then head south and climb the stairs below on the west side. Make your way to the treasure chest which contains 3,000 gil. Now. Head to the far south and climb some stairs onto a narrow ledge, then climb back down on the eastern side and head north, climbing up some more stairs to a bridge going west. After crossing the bridge head south to find a treasure chest containing a Mystic Veil. Equip this to Leonora. Head back across the bridge and into a door to the east. ================ --------------------------------- Mountain Floor Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- 3,000 Gil [] Mystic Veil [] ================ ------Flan Floor------ ==================== -------------------------- Flan Floor Enemy Checklist -------------------------- Red Mousse [] White Mousse [] Purple Bavarois [] Yellow Jelly [] ==================== The path is pretty straightforward upon arriving on this floor. The only enemies you’ll encounter are flan type enemies, which are only vulnerable to magic. Follow the path and grab an Ether from the first vase you come across. When you reach a crack in the floor, walk south into the secret area, then make your way east and north. Although you can’t see yourself, search the area to find a Bomb Crank. Continue following the path until you reach a room with some swords on the wall. Some cracks in the floor mark the location of a hidden passage allowing you to walk west through the wall. In the room with a shield on the wall, walk west through wall at the top of the room into a room with a clock. Search the clock to find a valuable Elixir. Find another passage through the west wall to reach a room with a candle on the wall. Now head south to where a bunch of pillars are set up. Walk to the east wall and then face down toward the pillars. It’s hard to see but there is a treasure chest here. Open it to grab a Remedy. There is also another chest underneath a pillar below it and slightly to the left with a Blinding Arrows. Now, search the well west of these pillars for a hidden passage leading to a treasure chest in an enclosed room to the north. You’ll find 5,000 gil inside the chest. Head back to the pillars and work your way between them and head east to find the stairs leading out of this area. ==================== ----------------------------- Flan Floor Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Ether [] Bomb Crank [] Elixir [] Remedy [] 500 Gil [] Blinding Arrows [] ==================== ------Strongarm Floor------ ================= ------------------------------- Strongarm Floor Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- Ghost Knight [] Ogre [] Mad Ogre [] Skuldier [] Bloodbones [] Steel Golem [] Ironback [] Storm Anima [] Lilith [] ================= Head directly east from the start to find a treasure chest. Backtrack back to the starting point and head north, you’ll find a treasure chest in the northwest corner of the room. From there head east, working your way south around the wall. You’ll a treasure chest east of the wall and another farther to the north that contains a valuable Silver Apple. After collecting this head back to the south and continue down a passage leading further south and then east. This leads to the exit. ================== ---------------------------------- Strongarm Floor Treasure Checklist ---------------------------------- Phoenix Down [] Lilith’s Kiss [] Cottage [] Silver Apple [] ================== ------Bridge Floor------ ================= ---------------------------- Bridge Floor Enemy Checklist ---------------------------- Mystery Egg [] Lamia [] Lilith [] Lamage [] Ricardo Mage [] Sahagin [] Gigantoad [] Toadgre [] ================= Head east to find a treasure chest in plain sight. Then walk along the bridge and take a brief detour to the west to find another treasure chest, and then proceed to the east. You’ll reach a floor with a lot of crates and a treasure chest. Grab the chest and search the southeastern most create to find a Hi-Potion. Work your way southwest along the bridges until you reach another set of bridges going east. Head to the east and you’ll find a stairway. Be sure to grab the treasure chest north of the stairs before exiting. =============== ------------------------------- Bridge Floor Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Decoy [] Beastiary [] Dry Ether [] Hi-Potion [] White Fang [] =============== ------Town Floor------ ================= -------------------------- Town Floor Enemy Checklist -------------------------- Lamia [] Ogre [] Medusa [] Mystery Egg [] Naga [] Coeurl [] Mad Ogre [] Ricardo Mage [] Sorceress [] ================= This floor resembles a town, but you’ll still face monsters here so don’t drop your guard. At the first fork in the road, head east and search the tall grass at the end of the path for an X-Potion. After grabbing the potion, go back to the fork and take the northern road. Step into the building where you see 2 marks on the road, then exit north of the building. Follow the road and then walk east into the grass field. Search the tall grass below a bush to find a Blue Fang. Just south of there you’ll find a well, search it to recover your HP and MP. From the well walk east to where a small bush is just north of a building. Walk south into the building from beside the bush and then search the western wall to find a Silent Bell. Next, exit the building and walk up the northeast path. Check the 2 vases for some more treasure. Proceed west into the building and continue to its west side. At the fork in the road, take the road going west. The vase to the far west contains 6,800 gil. Now proceed east, staying along the northern route at the fork. A vase to the far east contains some Hermes Sandals. Backtrack to the fork in the road and this time take the southeastern path. This path leads to the exit. =================== ----------------------------- Town Floor Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- X-Potion [] Blue Fang [] Silent Bell [] Spider’s Silk [] Ruby Ring [] 6,800 gil [] Hermes Sandals [] =================== ------Maze Floor------ ============= -------------------------- Maze Floor Enemy Checklist -------------------------- Revenant [] Ghoul [] Zombie [] Black [] Bloodbones [] Skeleton [] Skuldier [] Succubus [] Cave Bat [] Lilith [] Black Knight [] ============= This floor is a large maze. From the starting point, work your way north until you find a vase. Search the vase to recover your HP and MP. Now walk as far East as you can and then head south. Work your way south until you come to a fork in the road. From this fork, you want to take the path going east. When you reach another fork, take the path going east. This leads to the exit of the maze. There are no treasure chests to worry about here so just head to the exits. There’s another vase down below the stairs that you can follow an alternate path too. This is just another HP and MP recovery vase and contains no items to collect. =================== ----------------------------- Maze Floor Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None [] ============= ------Flashback Floor------ ================== ------------------------------- Flashback Floor Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- None [] ================ What a welcome change! For once there are no monsters trying to kill you on this floor! You’ll find 2 objects on the ground, a square and a circle. Step on the square to instantly recover your HP and MP. If you step on the circle, you’ll be given the option to leave the challenge dungeon. Other than defeating the boss, this is the only way to leave the challenge dungeon after you’ve advanced past the Entrance Floor if Leonora doesn't know Teleport. This floor is encountered much more rarely than the others so consider yourself lucky if you made it here. The only downside is there are no treasure chests to find. If you don’t want to leave the challenge dungeon, head through the north door to continue. ---------------------------------- Flashback Floor Treasure Checklist ---------------------------------- None [] =============== ------Perplexion Floor------ =================== -------------------------------- Perplexion Floor Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- Blood Bat [] Steel Golem [] Gremlin [] Centaur Knight [] Ogre [] Lamia [] Sorceress [] Black Knight [] Soldieress [] Sorceress [] Mad Ogre [] Goblin Captain [] Grey Bomb [] Balloon [] =================== This floor looks more complicated than it really is. Start off by heading west from the starting point and follow the path. You’ll eventually head south and find a treasure chest with a Tent inside. Continue west and you can find another treasure chest with a Coeurl Whisker. Head north of that chest and you’ll find another treasure chest near the northern wall. From that chest, walk back to where there are 3 rocks right next to each other and head south of those rocks. After traveling south a few rows you’ll spot another treasure chest in the western corner. Grab the chest, and now backtrack all the way back to where you first entered this room. Head south from the starting point until you hit a rock block your path. Go west one row and then south. Continue west until you hit a rock and then proceed north and follow the path west and south again. The exit is to the west. =================== ----------------------------------- Perplexion Floor Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------- Tent [] Coeurl Whisker [] Unicorn Horn [] Potion [] =================== ------Last Floor------ -------------------------- Last Floor Enemy Checklist -------------------------- Blade Dragon [] =================== No matter what floors you visited before, this one will be the last of the challenge dungeon. There is 1 treasure chest, which is guarded by a hooded figure. There’s also a save point on this floor. Before you rush to save your game, be aware that if Leonora doesn't know Teleport, the only way to escape this dungeon is by defeating the boss; you can’t go back the way you came. If you save your game here, and then find that it is impossible for you to defeat the boss, you could become trapped here forever. It may be a good idea to have a backup file last saved outside of this dungeon as a precaution. Save carefully. If Leonora has learned Teleport, you can cast it to escape. --Boss Battle: Blade Dragon-- Prepare for a duel of magic when you challenge the Blade Dragon. There is a science to fighting this beast, and if you don’t pick your moves carefully he’ll annihilate you quite quickly. It will take teamwork from Leonora and Palom to bring this brute down. First off, your only reliable offense is Fire, Lightning, and Ice based spells. If you use any other type of attack on this boss, he will counter with Venom Breath and Leach. Venom Breath hits both of your characters for a good 300 or so damage, and Leach restores the Blade Dragon’s HP. This counter occurs even for status affects you might cast on the dragon. The amount of HP that Leach restores is based on the Blade Dragon's current HP. The less HP he has, the less heatlh Leach will restore. The dragon also has some powerful Blizzara, Fira, and Thundara spells that he can cast on you. I recommend fighting this monster during the Waxing Moon phase. In this phase black magic is weakened while white magic is strengthened. Although this means you’ll do less damage with your spells, so will the dragon. Fighting him during a full moon is risky because just like yours, his spells will also be super-charged and deal heavy damage. I also recommend having a good supply of Hi-Potions fo this battle. Make sure your HP is full before you begin the battle. As the battle begins, the Blade Dragon frequently uses Venom Breath, even without countering. As soon as Palom’s turn comes up, have him cast Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder. This will change the dragon’s attack pattern and stop him from attacking with Venom Breath except as a counter attack. As soon as Leonora’s turn comes up, cast her Slow spell (a Spider Silk item works too), although this will prompt the Venom Breath & Leach counter, the slow effect on the boss is worth it. Quickly heal yourself with Cura spells or Hi-Potions. Once the initial Venom Breath string is broken and the dragon changes his weakness, every time he's hit with an Ice, Fire, or Lightning based attack that isn't his weakness, he will counter attack with Fira, Blizzara, or Thundara. This counter could strike one or both party members. At this point, you might consider using Palom’s Bluff ability. Although it too prompts the Venom Breath & Leach counter attacks, it raises Palom’s magical strength and makes his spells more potent. It can be stacked up to 3 times. If you’re in the Waxing Moon phase you should be able to alternate between Bluff and Cura commands to power up your magic and still keep your HP healthy. Leonora can also use Shell a few times to help boost your magic defense. Now, lets get down to the task of damaging this boss. This boss will randomly pick a weakness to Fire, Ice, or Lightning. When the boss uses spells against you, he will not use the spell that he’s weak against. For example, if he is weak against lightning, he will cast Blizzara and Fira, but not Thundara. If you attack him with a spell that he is not weak against it will either do 0 damage or heal him, and then he’ll counter attack with one of the spells he’s currently resistant too. Note that a non-elemental spell like Bio will do damage no matter his weakness, but it will prompt the Venom Breath and Leach counter too. If you hit the dragon with his elemental weakness, he’ll change his weakness on his next turn. This makes for a difficult battle. There are several possible ways to handle this boss. A few effective methods you can use to defeat this beast are listed below. Method 1: Here’s the safe method. After casting Slow and breaking his starting Venom Breath string with Fire, Thunder, or Blizzard, wait for the dragon to cast 2 different types of spells while Leonora keeps you alive with her Cura spell. As soon as he casts 2 different types of spells, have Palom cast the one the dragon didn’t, as that will be his weakness. Using this method the battle will be longer, but Leonora will always be in good shape to heal the party and you won’t have to risk suffering a counter attack from incorrectly guessing his weakness. As long as Leonora doesn’t run out of MP, you should be able to outlast the boss. When feasible, use Hi-Potions instead of Cura to help conserve her MP. Method 2: This method is riskier, but also faster. After you place Slow on the boss and you’ve broken his initial Venom Breath attack pattern by casting a spell, wait for the dragon to cast a spell. As soon as he does so, have Leonora cast one of her basic black magic spells that is a different type than the dragon cast. If Leonora’s spell damages the dragon, immediately have Palom cast his stronger version of the spell. If Leonora’s spell does 0 damage or slightly heals the dragon, immediately have Palom cast the spell that neither Leonora nor the dragon cast, as that will be his weakness. As long as Palom begins casting immediately after Leonora’s spell hits, he should be able to cast his spell before the dragon changes his weakness as long as the slow status is on the dragon. Using this method, you can defeat the dragon more quickly, but you’ll also suffer a counter attack every time you guess his weakness incorrectly. This means that you may have to suffer 2 attacks from the dragon before you get a chance to heal, a potentially deadly situation, especially if you are fighting in a phase in which white magic isn’t boosted. Method 3: If this is your first time fighting the Blade Dragon, this method probably will not be feasible. But once you are a high level, this method is faster. Equip Palom with as much intellect boosting gear as you can. For the best results, fight during a Full Moon as well. As usual, begin by casting slow with Leonora and have Palom cast fire, ice, or thunder magic. This will cause the Blade Dragon to activate his barrier shift. Now, use the Particle Bomb band. If your Intellect is high enough, you'll do more damage than the boss can heal with leach. Heal yourself with Cura spells and Hi-Potions when your HP is low and continue using Particle Bomb. Three or four Particle Bombs should be enough to win. Especially at lower levels, this is a very risky strategy because you take a lot of damage from the Blade Dragon's counter attacks and he could easily wipe you out with a spell. Don't forget that if you fight during a full moon, the Blade Dragon's black magic is powered up as well as your own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the Blade Dragon is defeated, claim the treasure chest he was guarding. What’s inside? I can’t tell you, it’s random! It may contain a simple consumable, or it may contain valuable items you won’t find anywhere else, including powerful new equipment! This treasure chest will also regenerate with a new item every time you enter the Challenge Dungeon! The Blade Dragon regenerates as well however, and you’ll have to battle him again every time you go after this chest. Here are some of the cooler items you might find inside the chest: Red Robe Black Robe Protect Staff Wizard's Rod Talisman Single Star Soma Drop Silver Apple Elixir Adamantite These rare treasures will come in a cycle. Once you find one of the above rare treasures, the next time you find a rare treasure it will be a different item from the list. This cycle will repeat once you have found all of the rare treasures, allowing you to find them again. Random consumables can be found at any time and have no set cycle. In the PlayStation Portable version of the game however, the rare treasures will not repeat. Once you find them once, you can't find them again in this version. ----------------------------------- Last Floor Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------- ????? [] =================== ~~Conclusion~~ And with that, the walkthrough for Palom’s Tale is complete. I hope you enjoyed this FAQ and I hope it was of value to you! I’ll see you again in August for Porom’s Tale and the Lunarian’s Tale! Until then, this is Cranberry wishing you a successful adventure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.410) - Edge's Tale - The Pulse of Babil (EDG1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The chapter will start with off with a battle - and what a battle at that! You play Edge, a Ninja, against four other Ninja's - Zangetsu, Gekkou, Izayoi and Tsukinowa. It's an easy battle - just you Smash to defeat them in one hit, and steal a potion, for a max of 3 (not 4). Once you defeat them, a scene will occur where they praise you and your skill, and Edge will reluctantly play along. He seems to be rather unhappy at the focus on fighting during such peaceful times. Then, we'll see the moons again. How original. Oh, and the logo too. Nice. Cut to the throne room, where Edge discusses the implications of the moon with his advisor. Weary of his troubles, Edge decides to leave the castle in the hands of his advisors. What is he planning? Anyways, now with you in control, leave the throne room. You'll see a shop right below you. Weaponsmith ----------- Kunai 200 Kodachi 350 Boomerang 150 Metal Boomerang 800 Shuriken 200 Armorer ------- Leather Cap 100 Steel Headplate 750 Foot Ninja Gear 480 Shinobi Gear 3500 Kenpo Gi 4000 Iron Gloves 130 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 Below here, you can find the item shop. Sundries -------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Emergency Exit 180 Bestiary 50 Nothing really you can buy here, with such low funds. If you want, buy two boomerangs - they can help you later. Save at the save point. Head out onto the battlements. Instead of heading straight out, head around to the left tower and enter. See the chest on the right side? It's a bit tricky to reach, but basically, you have to start heading back out, and stop right before you exit - you shouldn't be able to see Edge. Now, head right through a secret passage, and follow it to a chest with an ETHER. Man, I expected some sort of rare weapon. On the next floor You can go between the pots on the bottom to reach the stair case to the right, but there is nothing you can do there right now. Head to the left and into the little indent to go down a floor and get the chest with a PHOENIX DOWN. Now head back, and go to the right tower. From the first floor, check the top left corner to find a passage that takes you to the left chest, with EYE DROPS. Head back and up the stairs. Here, head right from the stairs and examine the wall above, to open the door. Head down, under the stairs, and into the opened room. Head through the little passage on the left to get to the chests with an ETHER and POTION. Go to the right and head down the stairs. Check the chest for a MAIDEN'S KISS. Now head back up, and before you move off the stairs, check the chest beside you for a PHOENIX DOWN. Check the other chest for an ANTIDOTE. Leave the tower. ===================== ========= ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Eblan Castle Treasure Checklist Eblan Castle Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Potion x 4 [] None [] Phoenix Down x 2 [] ========= Ether x 2 [] Eye Drops [] Maiden's Kiss [] Antidote [] ===================== ----Protip---- Unequip Edge. You'll see why soon. ----Protip---- Now, head through the battlements and try to leave the castle. A scene will occur where the four ninjas from before spot you and try to persuade you to let them help you. Edge will finally agree, and you will be able to choose which one you want to play first, under the corresponding moon phase. Now, at this part of the guide, you might have chosen a different group then me - I did them in the order they appeared. However, the easiest order is probably Iazyoi, Tsukinowa, Zangetsu, and Gekkou. You can do them in any order you wish - but that will be the order I list them in. Choose who you want, and get ready to start! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.420) - The Female Ninja (EDG2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's do Izayoi's Mission, which begins in Troia. ----Protip---- If this is your first mission, you can equip the stuff from Edge to make life easier! ----Protip---- We'll see Izayoi disguised as one of the Epopt trainees, who are discussing the impending war that seems to be gripping the planet. You'll even hear more about Leonora and Palom. The girls will run off, and you will gain control of Izayoi. Take a moment to explore Troia a bit. - The top right pot in the Pub has EYE DROPS. - The house in the top right corner has a secret passage (check the ox head) with a black chocobo pen. - You can find Palom and talk to him! Weaponsmith ----------- Crossbow 700 Holy Arrows 500 Thorn Whip 3000 Kunai 200 Kodachi 350 Armorer ------- Feathered Cap 330 Steel Headplate 750 Bronze Breastplate 450 Shinobi Gear 3500 Ruby Ring 1000 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 Sundries -------- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Echo Herbs 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Nothing really to do. You'll get some cash in a bit, but there is no reason to buy anything anyways. Once you're ready, go into the pond, where you'll have a little training session. Once you regain control, don't move - otherwise the teacher will yell at you. Just sit back for a bit, and one of the trainees will soon complain, and you'll be free again. - Since you're in the pond, follow the path all the way through the city, and go to the top of the screen. Head up the stairs and through the hidden path to the left to a find a field with an old lady and some hidden items, including a POTION, HI-POTION, ETHER and 300 GIL. Now, there's nothing really to do, so leave Troia, and head up north. Up there, you'll find a Chocobo forest - grab a yellow and head south, and you should soon reach the Tower of Trials. It's locked, but Izayoi will start to scale the walls. Head into the door. Check the pot for full healing, and the chests, which hold a POTION, ETHER, and BRONZE BREASTPLATE. Now head out, and scale the wall on the right side. Now head up on the left side. Continue onto the next door, which contains six chests, with an ETHER, CROSSBOW, BRONZE HOURGLASS, POTION, ICE ARROWS, and TENT. Might as well equip the Crossbow and Arrows! Head up and check the next chest for EYE DROPS. Go through the door. Now, head to the right side, and scale the wall again. Do the same on the left side. Head into the door again. Having fun yet? This time you get a save point and a chest with a THORN WHIP, which isn't as good, though it can paralyze. Keep the Crossbow on for now. Head out and continue to the right, scale up the wall, and you'll come across a Zu! Nothing much to this little mini-boss - just keep using your basic attack. You're pretty quick, so you can get a lot of hits in. Remember, Zu's can hit twice in a row, so keep your health above 150 using Heal Pill. Nothing to it. Izayoi will now pause to marvel at the creation of the tower, commenting on the great power she feels. She'll also notice the Tower of Babil pulse, and decide to head back to Eblan on a ship. Before you head however, walk behind the wall here at the top of the tower. Search the north area to find a White Fang, and then search the south part to find a Hi-Potion. You won't be able to see Izayoi, but the items are in the middle section of the wall. Now just head back down the tower - it's pretty much completely linear, so just keep weaving back left and right to scale down the walls. At the bottom, jump down, and leave the tower. ======================= ================= ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- Tower of Trials Treasure Checklist Tower of Trials Enemy Checklist ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- Eye Drops [] Helldiver [] Ether x 4 [] Cliff Eagle [] Potion x 3 [] Floating Eye [] Hi-Potion [] Larva [] 300 Gil [] Eyewing Moth [] Bronze Breastplate [] Gargoyle [] Crossbow [] Zu [] Bronze Hourglass [] ================= Ice Arrows [] Tent [] Thorn Whip [] White Fang [] Hi-Potion [] ======================= ----Protip--- Unequip Izayoi ----Protip---- Now, head to the right to board the boat. Izayoi will have no problem getting a ride. Hehe... A scene will occur where the Tower seems to be glowing more, and Izayoi will urge the Captain to sail faster... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.430) - The Child Ninja (EDG3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----Protip---- If this is your first mission, you can equip the stuff from Edge to make life easier! ----Protip---- We'll now be in Mysidia, where Tsukinowa is pretending to be a student. He was apparently found washed up at the shore of a beach, and has been posing as an innocent child ever since. Now, with trouble brewing in Mysidia, Tsukinowa will try to figure out what is going on, starting with the meeting up ahead. Sundries -------- Potion 30 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Weaponsmith ----------- Kunai 200 Kodachi 350 Boomerang 150 Armorer ------- Feathered Cap 330 Steel Headplate 750 Bronze Breastplate 450 Shinobi Gear 3500 Ruby Ring 1000 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 Right now, there isn't much to do in town. No secrets, and the shops are fairly useless if you unequipped Edge. However, it's probably a good idea to stock up on some potions. When you're ready, talk to the boy outside of the INN who will change you into a frog, and head up to the Prayer Hall, where the guard will freak out. Head in while still as a frog, and watch the scene, which will result in Porom leaving for Mt. Ordeals, and Tsukinowa giving chase. Before you can leave though, talk to the kid again to turn back into a human. Now, leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protip: Return to the town and head back to the Prayer Hall, where you can talk to your Professor for a BOOMERANG. Neat! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outside, follow the faded-yellow path to the right and a bit north, then continue up, following the forested area. Continue right, head through the forest, and once you see the mountain, head for the bottom part, and enter. In here, Tsukinowa will ditch his costume, and you can continue on. The strange thing here is that just about every chest is a monster-in-a-box. So make you're not too weak before you open any chests! Now, follow the path, but before you head up, check the chest - it has two fairly tough monsters, Navy Moths, but just attack normally and you'll be fine. You'll get a HI-POTION. Head up to the next chest, and battle it out for a TENT. Now head up the path and into the door. Head up the stairs, and fight the next chest for a HI-POTION. When you head up the path here, Tsukinowa will spot Porom, who will turn around, and Tsukinowa will jump two spaces right and one up into the shadows, with ninja ease! Porom will leave, and you're free to head up. Check the chest for a battle, and a GREEN BERET. Now head up to the door. Here, ignore the first path you see on the left, and continue to the chest, where you can get a METAL BOOMERANG. Nice, equip if you don't already have one. Now, head up the stairs. Head up the next set too, and you'll see Tsukinowa spot Porom again, and hide in the shadows so very skillfully. Porom will think of Palom, and leave. Follow her, but don't forget the chest with a ETHER. Now go through the door. Right away, check the chest on the right for a HI-POTION. Save up and heal at the save point. Head up the bridge and, check the chest for a SHINOBI GEAR. Meh, you should have this. Now, check the monument. Tsukinowa will wonder where Porom went, but nothing happens. Head back across the bridge, and Tsukinowa will notice the activation of the Tower of Babil. Head back down, save if you wish, and proceed further down. Head back across the bridge, down the stairs, and into the door. Head down, left to the stairs, and down through the door. Finally, head down the stairs, and follow the winding path to the entrance. ======================= ================ -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Mount Ordeals Treasure Checklist Mount Ordeals Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Hi-Potion x 3 [] Wild Bat [] Tent [] Sky Pupil [] Green Beret [] Spirit [] Metal Boomerang [] Zombie [] Ether [] Ghoul [] Shinobi Gear [] Sword Rat [] ======================= Goblin [] Domovoi [] Gargoyle [] Cliff Eagle [] Navy Moth [] Larva [] ================ ----Protip---- Unequip Tsukinowa ----Protip---- Now, instead of walking all the way back, head a bit south, into the Chocobo forest. Grab a yellow chocobo and ride back to Mysidia - just head left, following the forests and faded paths. Once you get to Mysidia, head a bit left to a patch of ground, and walk onto it, where you'll see Tsukinowa bid farewell to Mysidia, and run across the water. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.440) - The Elderly Ninja (EDG4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----Protip---- If this is your first mission, you can equip the stuff from Edge to make life easier! ----Protip---- Now we're in the land of the dwarves, and everything seems to be going pretty smoothly, though Zangetsu's probably getting a bit too old to be playing Ninja anymore... In any case, let's explore a bit, shall we? - Head up to the throne room to see Luca with Calca and Brina. Also, talk to the dwarf beside the king to see the crystal chamber. First, let's head off to the left, before we enter the pub. There's an item shop here. Sundries -------- Potion 30 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Buy a couple supplies here if you need to, but you should be fairly well stocked up from the previous chapters. When you're done, head down the top right stairs. Nothing too much here - just the pots in the far right of the room for an EMERGENCY EXIT. Head back to the item shop. Now, head to the bottom left stairs. Here, go behind the dwarf to get a chest with a SHURIKEN. Instead of going back down, head down the door. Now you're on the battlements - head to the right, and ignore the stairs. Go into the next tower. Like the last tower, check the chest for a POTION. Don't bother with the stairs - they won't let you in. Now, head down the stairs. Here, we've made a sort of a circle - we're to the right of the room we were just in. Check out the different shops! =================== ========= --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Dwarven Castle Treasure Checklist Dwarven Castle Enemy Checklist --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Potion [] None [] Emergency Exit [] ========= Shuriken [] =================== Weaponsmith ----------- Spear 60 Javelin 650 Kunai 200 Kodachi 350 Shuriken 200 Armorer ------- Headband 450 Steel Headplate 750 Kenpo Gi 4000 Shinobi Gear 3500 Iron Gloves 130 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 Nothing too useful in armor here - you might want to grab some Shurikens if you haven't done Gekkou's chapter yet. Also, grab some Headbands if you like. Once you're all ready, head in between the two shops like the dwarf told you, into the pub. - You can head to the cracked area to the right to find a route to the old Developer's Office, which is unfortunately closed off. Neat though. Anyways, save here, and talk to everyone. Once you're done, head up to the battlements, and walk up the stairs we ignored before to get a scene, where Zangetsu notices the activation of the Tower of Babil. Dramatically, he'll jump gracefully off the Castle. The same cannot be said of his landing, however. Anyways, let's go through the mines. Head down to save again if you wish, and then proceed left. Grab the chest for a POTION. Grab the next chest for a ZEUS'S WRATH. There are a lot of chests here! Head down, and take the left stairs first. Grab the MAIDEN'S KISS, and the REMEDY above it. Instead of heading back, head down, and grab a COTTAGE. Head right and grab a JAVELIN. If you want to stay in the front row, equip this - otherwise, stick to the Metal Boomerang in the back. Head back to the left, up the stairs, and this time, go down the other stairs (near the unopened chest), and head over to the chest and grab a POTION. Before you keep going, head back down, and take the top path up to a chest with a SHINOBI GEAR. Continue along this path - go up past the bridge, and head left to get a chest a HEAVENLY WRATH. Now head back to the potion chest, keep going right, and at the three way, pick the stairs that take you right to a chest with a HI-POTION. Next, head down the long stairs you just passed, and go to the right to grab an ETHER. Head back up, and pick the final path, which is the top most one. At yet another junction, head up and nip the chest for an ETHER. But that's not all! Stand on the stairs and face north, and move up one space, left one space, up three spaces, and right one space. You should be inside the wall above the chest, and press A to find a chest with 1000 GIL! Nice. Head back down, and head down at the junction. Head up the stairs, down the next ones, and check the chest near the top for a TRIDENT. Yes. Equip. Head through the bridge, and up the stairs. Now, head down the bridge, and grab the HEADBAND. Head up, and before you go up the stairs to the door, check the pot to be fully healed. =================== ================= ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Dwarven Mine Treasure Checklist Dwarven Mine Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- ---------------------------- Potion x 2 [] Sahagin [] Zeus's Wrath [] Goblin [] Maiden's Kiss [] Sword Rat [] Remedy [] Amoeba [] Cottage [] Yellow Jelly [] Javelin [] Domovoi [] Shinboi Gear [] Toadgre [] Heavenly Wrath [] Larva [] Hi-Potion [] Belphegor [] Ether x 2 [] ================= 1000 GIL [] Trident [] Headband [] =================== ----Protip---- Unequip all armour, but don't bother with Trident. ----Protip---- You'll be attacked by a Belphegor...it goes down pretty easy. Heck, Human Kite is a pretty good move here. You'll get 1500 GIl and 500 EXP. Now, Zangetsu will run up the stairs, and his part is over. Wow, fast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.450) - The Quiet Ninja (EDG5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----Protip---- If this is your first mission, you can equip the stuff from Edge to make life easier! ----Protip---- With Gekkou, we jump right into things - Gekkou is investigating the Impact Crater near Fabul, when he spots several monks engauge in a fight with the Mysterious Girl, who easily defeats two and runs away, with the remaining monks giving chase. Gekkou decides to check it out. Save, and re-equiped any stuff you have from the others. Hopefully, you have a few Shurikens for any tight spots. Let's go! Head down, and use the patch to jump across the stones like Yang did. Check the chest first though, for a POTION. Once you get to the other side, you can talk to the monks, who will beg for Gekkou to stop the mysterious girl. Jump up and check the chest for a CRESCENT AXE. Nice. Now go back onto the patch, where you'll jump back down. Just go back on, and take the right one this time. Head to the right here, and jump up the patch. Use the next one too, and open the chest for a MAIDEN'S KISS. Jump back down, and head to the left. Head up the bend and check the chest for a KENPO GI. Head up the patch and go right for a STEEL HEADPLATE. You should see the Monks up ahead - head down the patch, and head to the right and up the bend. A scene will occur, where everyone wordlessly jumps around. Lol. Continue up the path, all the way to the left, up the patch, and check the chest for a SHURIKEN. Now, head to the patch all the way to the right. Here, head right away for the chest right above you, with a POWER ARMLET. Before you use the patch on the right, use the one below you, and then the next one to the left, to get a chest with a HI-POTION. Use the patch to the left of you, and then head to the right and use that patch we ignored before - the one to the right of the now empty power armlet chest. Jump up, watch the pointless scene, and ignore the next patch for now - head left, and use the lower patch. Next, don't use the lower patch again - use the on the left to get to a save point - heal and save. Now head to the right. Here, use the top brown patch. Then, head left, and jump up to the chest with an ETHER. Jump to the right, then jumo down. Now, head up to the patch to the right, which we ignored before. Grab the chest with a TENT , and jump up the next patch to the left. Here, ignore the two patches, and head up and too the right to proceed. Head left and grab the chest for a SHURIKEN. Now, head up the patch. Check the chest right above you for a HI-POTION. ==================== =============== -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Impact Crater Treasure Checklist Impact Crater Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Potion [] Gigantoad [] Crescent Axe [] Toadgre [] Maiden's Kiss [] Zombie [] Kenpo Gi [] Ghoul [] Steel Headplate [] Skeleton [] Shuriken x 2 [] Bloodbones [] Power Armlet [] Sahagin [] Hi-Potion x 2 [] Red Mousse [] Ether [] =============== Tent [] ==================== ----Protip---- Unequip all armour. ----Protip---- Walk to the right, and jump up the patch. You'll see a scene where the mysterious girl becomes just as impatient with them monks jumping around as we have been, and Gekkou seems to whisper to them to listen to her. The monks will ignore her, and attack. Now, you'll have an important choice to make. If you decide to attack her, you will lose, and Gekkou will die. You get to see her sprite in battle, but if you want to use Gekkou sometime, you'll have to reload to the last save point. Otherwise, choose "Hold Back" to proceed with the story, where the monks will die, Gekkou will bury them, and we'll hear something about an "interdimensional elevator". Hmm... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.460) - The Tower of Babil (EDG6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we are back with Edge, who is thinking about the meaning of the new moon. He'll activate a switch in his room, and jump out, apparently onto another tower. Once again, we see the Tower of Babil, and we take control of Edge. Head out of the Castle. Here, you don't have much choice on where to go - head to the left to enter the Cave of Eblan, which will lead to the Tower of Babil. In here, you can go through the wall on the right to get a chest with a HI-POTION. Now go down and pass the bridge to grab a SILVER BREASTPLATE. Continue down until you notice the stairs leading down, but head right for now. Cross the bridge, and head up to the left, up both sets of stairs for some MYTHRIL GLOVES. Now head back down, and go to the right this time, and across the bridge. Walk down to grab a COTTAGE. Head up to grab an ETHER. Go back down, head back across the bridge to the left, down some more, and left all the way to the stair we passed leading down. Here, follow the path, and grab the chest with a RUNE ARMLET as you go. Head up the stairs, and examine the tombstone, for a touching scene, where Edge remembers his father and mother. Before continuing on, head down and nab the chest for 500 GIL. Now continue on. ======================= =============== ----------------------------- -------------------------- Eblan Cave Treasure Checklist Eblan Cave Enemy Checklist ----------------------------- -------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Cave Bat [] Silver Breastplate [] Spirit [] Mythril Gloves [] Soul [] Cottage [] Zombie [] Ether [] Ghoul [] Rune Armlet [] Skeleton [] 500 GIL [] Bloodbones [] ======================= Sword Rat [] Gatlinghog [] =============== Now we're on the Path to Babil...grab the chest right by you for a HI-POTION. Head left and up, and grab the chest for a CROSS SHURIKEN. Now, head into the rather obvious indent, to access a secret passage which goes down and right, to a chest with a HI-POTION. Now, go back and enter the door. Go up, and as you approach the multi-pronged path, head straight up to get a EMERGENCY EXIT. Now, get back to the prong, and head up and right to get a chest with an ECHO HERBS. Ignore the other chest. Now, head down and right, to go back to another part of the area we where just in. Before you head in all the way though, stop in front of the stairs, head up two spaces, right two spaces, and up 6 spaces, then go right through the passage to a chest with DRY ETHER. Now, head down the stairs. Grab the three chests for an ETHER, HI-POTION and PHOENIX DOWN. Right above the chest on the right side, head through a wall to get to a secret passage, which leads to the two chests in the center, containing a HI-POTION and SILVER APPLE. Keep going down, past the stairs, to get a chest on the left with a COTTAGE, and three chests on the right with a POTION, REMEDY and HI-POTION. Now, head up the path near the three chests, to reach the next stairs. Here, head into to the yellow door. Save and heal up, if need be. Before you go, check top right of the room (right above the rocks) to get to a secret passage with a SOMA DROP. Head back out. Now, head to the left, and grab a chest for a KOGARASU. Equip. Now, head right and up the stairs. Watch the little scene where Edge remember his battle with Rubicante, who seems to appear before him, before disappearing. A trick of the mind? Check the bottom left wall to get a passage to a COTTAGE. Now, leave. ======================= ================ ----------------------------- -------------------------- Babil Path Treasure Checklist Babil Path Enemy Checklist ----------------------------- -------------------------- Hi-Potion x 5 [] Needlehog [] Cross Shuriken [] Soul [] Emergency Exit [] Zombie [] Echo Herbs [] Ghoul [] Dry Ether [] Spirit [] Ether [] Bloodbones [] Phoenix Down [] Skeleton [] Potion [] Mystery Egg [] Remedy [] *Behemoth* [] Silver Apple [] ================ Cottage x 2 [] Soma Drop [] Kogarasu [] ======================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're now in Babil! Ah...the memories... Anyways, follow the path up, and Edge will use his Ninja skills to get through the wall. If you want to go back to the beginning, use the blue teleporter. But for now, let's go. Grab the chest to the top-left of you for a HI-POTION. Head to the left, and you'll come across an encounter, in which Tsukinowa joins the fight! You can find one Band right away, by combining both of your attack. Makes sure you're available to heal though - Belphegor's can use Tornado. After the battle, Tsukinowa will join your party! Make sure you re-equip him. ----New Band---- Wild Moon (Edge "Attack" + Tsukinowa "Attack") (Attack all enemies) <12 MP> ----New Band---- Now, continue to the left and down, and grab the chest for a GREAT BOW. Keep going right, and this time you'll fight two Hell Hounds, where Izayoi will jump in. Combine Edge's Fight and Izayoi's Ninjutsu to find another Band! ----New Band---- Frozen Moon Dance (Edge "Attack" + Izayoi "Ninjutsu") (Freeze then shatter a single enemy) <8 MP> ----New Band---- After the battle, and some friendly banter, Izayoi will join the party! Check the chest above for a BATTLE AXE. Re-equip Izayoi. Head past the door and check the chest for an ETHER. Now proceed to the next room. Check the chest to the left here for a CROSS SHURIKEN. Head right and up, and the next battle (with 3 Proto Clockworks ) will bring in Zangetsu! You can discover two bands here - Edge's Fight and Zangetsu's Human Kite, and both of Zangetsu's and Tsukinowa's Ninjutsu's. Some more banter after the battle, and Zangetsu will join the party! Make sure he's equipped. ----New Band---- Gale Twin Break (Edge "Ninjutsu" + Zangetsu "Human Kite") (An aerial attack against all enemies) <14 MP> Gale Rush (Zangetsu "Ninjutsu" + Tsukinowa "Ninjutsu") (Speed up time for all allies) <12 MP> ----New Band---- Now, continue on to the left. At the junction, head down to grab a chest with a Partisan. Equip on Zengetsu. Head back up, and go left. Soon, you land in a fight with 2 Ice Hounds, and Gekkou will finally show! Take the time to discover some new bands... 4 in fact! Let's do 2 for now though. Use Edge "Fight" + Gekkou "Shuriken" and Gekkou "Ninjutsu" + Izayoi "Illusions ". There are two more, but let's save it for something special :P The final banter, and Gekkour joins! Equip him up. ----New Band---- Blazing Moon Ring (Edge "Ninjutsu" + Gekkou "Shuriken") (A flaming body slam against a single enemy) <7 MP> Phantom Lightflies (Gekkou "Ninjutsu" + Izayoi "Illusions") (Restore party HP and cure some status ailment, relative to the lost HP of band Members!) <9 MP> ----New Band---- Now go down, and check the chest for a HI-POTION. Go through the door. Head right here, and ignore the door for now - head past and check the chest for an ETHER. Now head through the door. Here, head left, and follow the narrow path to reach another KOGARASU. Now, head back, head right, and follow the path along to top, and back down to a chest with a TENT. Now continue left and head up into the door. Here, the path down leads nowhere, so head right. Ignore the area with the blue orb, and head into the first door on the right. Here, save and heal if you need to. The blue orb on the right side will send you back to the beginning of the cave, not the tower, so be careful. Head out. Here, go into the next door on the right. No trick here - go into the next door. Your party members will all suddenly jump out, and you'll see the mysterious girl come out of another door. Gekkou will caution his comrades, and everyone will agree that's best. Once you regain control, head down the right path to get a CHAIN WHIP. Now, head back up and go down the other path. Here, avoid the mysterious girl for now, and head to the left to reach a chest with a HI-POTION. Now, try to head up towards the Mysterious Girl. A scene will occur where you are warned to run away - sound advice. However, you do want to continue the story, don't you? So head up, and prepare yourself for a battle! ----Mysterious Girl---- Unlike the Gekkou fight, she doesn't kill you right away. So take the chance to try out your new Bands - these are pretty neat. You can combine Tsukinowa's, Izayoi's, Zangetsu's and Gekkou "Ninjutsu" abilities for a neat attack, and combine Edge's "Smash and Grab" + Tsukinowa's "Steal" + Izayoi's "Illusions" + Zangetsu's "Human Kite" + Gekkou's "Shuriken" for one of the most epic Bands so far. Eventually, she'll summon Ifrit, who will sooner or later cast Hellfire, triggering a scene, where you'll flee. ----Mysterious Girl---- ----New Band---- Elemental Wheel (Tsukinowa "Ninjutsu" + Izayoi "Ninjutstu" + Gekkou "Ninjutsu" + Zangetsu "Ninjutsu" ) (Attack all enemies with fire, ice and lightning) <15 MP> Ultimate Art: Advent of Phoenix (Edge "Smash and Grab" + Tsukinowa "Steal" + Izayoi "Illusions" + Zangetsu's "Human Kite" + Gekkou's "Shuriken") (Attack all enemies with fire) <20 MP> ----New Band---- As you try to escape, the mysterious girl blocks your path. Edge will use smoke, and you'll escape into the chamber, where pedestals for crystals lie. Everyone will panic and wonder what Edge has in mind, and the mysterious girl will appear. Edge will activate a floor panel, and you'll fall to another level. But apparently the mysterious girl is giving chase. Don't worry, and take your time - check the chest above for an ETHER. Now, head down, and enter the door. As a note, every battle here will have Ifrit - don't bother fighting, just keep running away. Now, head up and grab the chest for a PHOENIX DOWN. Head up to the door. Now, follow the path down and right, and at the junction, head right first, and grab the ELIXIR. ======================= ====================== ------------------------------ --------------------------- Babil Tower Treasure Checklist Babil Tower Enemy Checklist ------------------------------ --------------------------- Hi-Potion x 3 [] Proto Beam Cannon [] Great Bow [] Proto Clockwork [] Battle Axe [] Gatlinghog [] Ether x 3 [] Gray Bomb [] Cross Shuriken [] Succubus [] Kogarasu [] Mindflayer [] Tent [] Cait Sith [] Chain Whip [] Needlehog [] Phoenix Down [] Ettin Snake [] Elixir [] Cave Bat [] ======================= Spirit [] Armadillo [] Black Lizard [] Centaur Knight [] Purple Bavarois [] Soul [] Domovi [] Goblin Captain [] Blood Bat [] Sorceress [] Lilith [] Ogre [] ***Ifrit*** [] ====================== Now head into the left, and keep going until you reach the door. Edge will have a flashback where he remembers the airship they found in here. Alas, it is now gone, and the mysterious girl appears. Edge asks one final thing before he "dies", but he and the others jump off the tower, landing on Luca's Airship, surviving. Right. A landing in the lava would have been softer. Watch the fun little scene, where Edge will basically ignore his Ninja pals and flirt with the ladies. Edge will notice the Man in Black, and the chapter will end! Well, not quite! ------------------------ Edge's Challenge Dungeon ------------------------ Ready for a bit of a different twist in the Challenge Dungeons? Edge's Chapter deals more so with speed-running through the dungeon. There are two main goals of Edge's Dungeon - to find a max of two rare item on each floor, and to complete the dungeon in the fastest time possible. Let's start by going over the rare items, which will help us outline the dungeon. On the first floor, you'll notice a distinct Tower of Babil feel to the place. Right when you start, you may notice a chest below you - this can contain a rare item - either a Killer Bow or Asura. The interesting thing to note is that you can tell if you're going to get a rare item - if you open the chest and are attacked by monsters "monster-in-a-box", you should get a nice item. Anyways, from the chest, head right, and ignore the top part - there is a chest up there, but it's not necessary to get, and it's pointless to head there during a speed run. Instead, head down, across the bridge, and around the walls on the other side - head down, left and up. From here, head all the way up, and check the chest. If you're lucky, you can even get both rare items in one go. If not, either use an Emergency Exit to get out quickly, train a bit (if you're a bit weak) or explore the floor a bit to know your way around. It's pretty simple, but if you want speed, you should know it perfectly, especially the twisting path near the end of the first room, leading to the second room. Regardless, once you're ready to go, head into the second room. Here, you'll come across the first instances where you can run into up to two forced encounters. However, even to reach the chests, you don't have to cross either of them. From the entrance, head down the indent in the bottom of the little room right beside the stairs, to find a secret passage that leads south - you'll soon see a chest. Head up and grab it - you can grab an item here if you're lucky, eiher a Black Belt Gi or a Mythril Hammer. From here, head to the bottom of this room, and look for a passage you can walk into. Follow this passage down, and take note of the times when you have to turn left to go further down. Eventually, you should be able to take a right into the next room, which holds a chest with a potentially another rare item. To find the secret passage here, stand on the stairs and head right onto a little platform, and then check the lower right wall on this platform to head right and then down into another little room. Continue right, straight into the next passage, and head up and right to the final path, which you can follow a bit to the right, and then up several floors of stairs, until you get to the next room. With this route, you can avoid all forced encounters, and check on chests through your runs. If your're ready to continue, and done with any training, let's head on. Now in the 3rd room, head to the right and follow the pretty linear path, until you can head up the stairs, and eventually head left. You'll see a path in the road where you can head up between the two stair cases - ignore this. In doing so, you will not only avoid an immediate encounter, but also the 2nd possible encounter in this room. Anyways, once you take the second stairs up, you'll see a chest above you, which you can get for a Crimson Cherry or Black Cowl. Head to the right, and when you come to the next staircase, you can head up, and right, which will take you to a chest in the corner. Otherwise, ignore these stairs and head down at the next stairs. Don't head down the ones after that though. If you do, you'll not only be going into an area you would have entered if you had gone through forced encounter, you'll also get into another forced encounter, wasting time. Instead, stay to the right, and head down. Eventually, you'll come to an open-ish area, and you can head up, past a pattern in the rocks, and into the next room. This room is really simple - heading to the right leads to a magical spot, which is basically like an INN. This makes this place a great training spot, especially since you don't have to worry about conserving MP. Just battle, check the spot, and rinse and repeat. To the left, you'll find a teleporter which will lead you out. But you don't want that, do you? Head up into the middle room. You'll come across a forced encounter, generally some variation involving a Lamia. Once you beat that, you can head straight up for the only chest in this room, which can contain a Chakram or Wind Spear. Finally, once you're done with the chest, head past the pedestal to get to a white door in the room, which leads you to the final room. Head up, and you'll find a forced fight one space above the stairs, very close to the chest. Once you check the chest, you'll be teleported out, and you'll be awarded an item based on how fast you finish. Under 5 Minutes gives you the best chance of getting an award, and each time frame under that (5-10,10-20, 20-30, 30+) lowers your chances. The PlayStation Portable version of the game is more forgiving on time and allows you up to 10 minutes to get the best chance at a good treasure. However, here are some tips towards getting the lowest time possible. - Know the floors - when you go through the floors the first couple of times to get all of the rare items in chests, make note of the best path to take; take into account quick turns you may have to turn, hidden passages (which are harder to negotiate), and where all forced encounters are. - Always carry an Emergency Exit - this tip isn't really for speed running, but it is important whenever you get a rare item - you can't save during the dungeon, so if you feel you're in trouble, or don't want to risk seeing if you can handle the next floor, this allows you to get away, and save your game so you don't lose anything. Plus, it forces you to go through all floors again, so you can familiarize yourself with the floors even more. - Running away is your best friend - once you've maxed out, due to the fact that your party is composed of such awesome Ninjas, you should find it easy enough to run away quickly from each encounter, except for a couple ones where the enemy may be a bit too fast for you, or if you get into a surprise attack. Technically, you should be able to make a fairly quick get-away regardless of whether you are attacked or not, but if you find yourself in danger, don't worry about using Smoke - it's barely more time-consuming then fleeing normally, and sometimes even shorter. Running away during pre-emptive strikes is probably the best idea - you could use smoke right away, but this wastes MP, and an unlucky person could drain all of there MP in one run-through. - The timer - remember, the timer is always running. As you walk through the level, as you fight, even as you dawdle in the menus. If you need to heal someone urgently, heal them with items as fast as you can. Don't dawdle. - Shurikens - they're great weapons; if you're fighting enemies that counter, these little beauties won't trigger it, and it can help your weaker members contribute to the battle if you use them after the Shuriken to finish an enemy off, as opposed to just recklessly attacking them. Overall, this dungeon isn't too hard. If you're maxed out, you should not only be able to run away quickly, but you should be able to easily overpower enemies in the forced fights, even if they are a bit tricky. With practice and skill, you can easily finish the dungeon, and with a bit of luck, you can even finish under 3. All of the items you can get in each room are listed below. ===================== 1st Room: Killer Bow, Ashura 2nd Room: Black Belt Gi, Mythril Hammer 3rd Room: Crimson Cherry, Black Cowl 4th Room: Chakram, Wind Spear Last Chest: Silver Apple, Flame Lance, Wing Edge, Mist Wrap, Goblin Mask, Treasure Hunter, Gaia Hammer, Blitz Whip, Elixir, Kotetsu, Adamantite ===================== ==================== ------------------------- Edge's CD Enemy Checklist ------------------------- Nagaraja [] Blood Eye [] Mythril Golem [] Stone Golem [] Steel Golem [] Blood Flower [] Hellflapper [] Chimera Brain [] Caterpillar [] Lamia [] Coeurl [] Lamia Matriach [] Mad Ogre [] Skuldiers [] Lesser Marilith [] Ghost Knight [] Storm Anima [] Balloon [] Vampire Bat [] Ice Lizard [] Purple Bavarois [] Malboro [] Vampiress [] ==================== Happy Hunting! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.510) - Porom's Tale - The Vanished Lunar Whale (PRM1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good to see you again! This is Cranberry, here to guide you through another tale of fantasy and adventure. At long last, August 3rd 2009 is here, and 3 more tales have been released! Are you as excited as I am? I confess, I do love Porom, she is one of my favorite characters in Final Fantasy IV, and I’m excited to bring you her continuing adventures. So let’s get right down too it! But first things first! Downloading Palom’s Tale: First, you need to download Porom’s Tale to play it. To do so, load up "Final Fantasy IV: The Years After" on your Nintendo Wii. From the title screen, choose "Purchase Add-On Content". Once the game connects to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Network, choose Porom’s Tale. You’ll need to pay 300 Wii points for this download, so make sure you have enough points before attempting this. Once the download completes, return to the Title Screen and choose "Select Story". Porom’s Tale will appear on the menu, choose it to begin. ****************IMPORTANT***************************************** Porom’s Tale is independent from the main game’s story and uses its own saves. Don’t save over your save file from the main game! Save to a different save slot! Characters: Let’s begin with an introduction to the characters in this tale. There’s actually quite a few that will accompany Porom during her journey. Porom: She is a gifted white mage from Mysidia, and the twin sister of Palom. We first met her as a 5 year-old child in the original Final Fantasy IV where she accompanied Cecil on his quest to become a Paladin. Since then, she has grown into a beautiful young woman. Mature beyond her years, she is well respected and admired not only by the Mysidian Elder, but by the towns mages as well. But she is troubled by her deteriorating relationship with her brother. Porom brings to the adventure powerful white magic, a reflection of her gentle and caring nature. Porom also can perform a Band with her brother Palom called Twincast. They already know this band as the adventure begins, so no special input is necessary to use it. Twincast takes a long time to use, but attacks all enemies with a powerful mini-flare attack, or sends comets to rain down on the enemies. Porom also has an ability called Pray that she learns partway into this tale. The ability doesn't always work, but when succesful it will restore some HP for the whole party at no HP cost. As Porom levels up, she learns additional spells. Here is the list of the spells she learns, and the level at which she learns it. Protect - 12 Silence - 15 Berserk - 18 Teleport - 19 Esuna - 20 Blink - 23 Confuse - 25 Shell - 29 Dispel - 31 Mini - 31 Curaga - 33 Haste - 38 Float - 40 Palom: Although Palom has his own tale, he appears as a playable character in this tale as well. His stats here however, are not importable in future tales. He was first met in the orignal Final Fantasy IV as a 5-year old child when he accompanied Cecil to Mount Ordeals. Since then, he’s grown into a young man. Palom is Porom’s twin brother, and has set a goal for himself of becoming a Sage. His training has taken him to various parts of the world as he follows in Tellah’s footsteps. Palom has a straining relationship with Porom and the Mysidian elder. Eventually he is sent to Troia to train a young woman. Palom is able to perform 2 bands in this tale. The first is Twincast, one he already knows with his sister. The second is Thunderstorm, a band that he can learn with Rydia by linking their Black Magic together. Twincast will either cause all enemies to be engulfed in a mini-flare attack, or will rain comets down on them. Thunderstorm causes a combination ice and lightning attack to strike one or two enemies. Partway into the tale, Palom will gain a Bluff ability, an ability he can use for a temporary INT boost.As Palom levels up, he’ll learn a few additional spells. Here are the spells he learns and the level at which he learns them. Pig - 11 Warp - 19 Rydia: Rydia of Mist is one of the last remaining summoners in the world. Her staple ability is summoning Eidolons into battle to fight for her. But she also wields powerful black magic as well. We first encountered her in the original Final Fantasy IV as a 7-year old child after a disaster in Mist. Her time in the Feymarch caused her to grow up quickly, and she became a powerful ally to Cecil in the wars of the past. In this tale, Rydia joins Palom and Porom as they go to train in the Passage to the Eidolons. She can also learn the Thunderstorm band by linking her Black Magic with Palom’s, a powerful lightning and ice combination attack that can strike one or two enemies. Rydia learns an additional spell as she levels up. The spell is shown below. This Rydia will not carry over to future tales. Pig - 20 Black Mage: This is a black mage from Mysidia. The gender of this character is unknown. The elder orders this character to accompany Porom up Mount Ordeals. This character specializes in Black Magic and while this mage isn’t as gifted as Palom is in the art, the mage still has a variety of useful spells. This character will not be imported into future tales. White Mage: This is white mage from Mysidia. The gender of this character is unknown. This character specializes in white magic, and while not as gifted as Porom in the art, can still provide valuable assistance in battle. The elder orders this character to accompany Porom up Mount Ordeals. This character will not be imported into future tales. Kain: We first encountered Kain in the original Final Fantasy IV as he accompanied Cecil on his way to Mist. He played a significant role in the original game, both as a hero and as a villain. Since that time, Kain has distanced himself from Baron. He was last seen on Mount Ordeals. Kain is a Dragoon, and has a powerful jump ability that lets him leap high into the air, delivering a brutal overhead attack as he lands. This Kain won't carry over to future tales. ~~Walkthrough~~ As the tale begins, we find Porom as her young self before the elder, but Palom is missing. Going out to look for him, she finds him bragging to a girl and drags him back to the elder. After the elder scolds him, Palom runs off again, and Porom promises to locate him. You’ll gain control of her and be able to explore the town. None of the shops are selling anything at the moment, but you’re welcome to chat with the townsfolk and see what they have to say. You won’t be able to leave town right now; your job is to find Palom. First you’ll find him in the southwest near the weapon and armor shop. After you talk to him, he’ll run to the eastern side of town near the inn. Talk to him again and he’ll run to the northeast along a narrow path behind the inn; near the entrance to the Devil’s Road. Talk to him once more, and he’ll agree to go back to the elder. Once there, he and the elder will discuss Palom’s desire to become a sage. After the dialogue finishes, a screen with the title of this tale will appear. Several years will pass, and we catch up with Palom and Porom traveling on a ship. Palom and Porom will continue discussing Palom’s desire to become a sage. After reading the dialogue, you’ll arrive at the Kaipo Dock. As young Palom and Porom, you’ll begin your trek through the desert towards Kaipo. There are no random enemy encounters here, so simply walk west, you’ll head straight to the town. ~~The Town of Kaipo~~ The homeland of the late Tellah, this town has a lot of historical significance in this world. There’s some shops here, and unlike Mysidia, these ones will sell you items. However you only have 300 gil, so your options are limited. I’d suggest picking up the Bow and Iron Arrows, but you can also opt upgrade your armor a little if you want. The choice is yours, but with such low funds you can’t buy much. There’s not much treasure to find around the town, just a single potion inside one of the vases outside. Search the eastern vases in the city to find it. In the north part of town, you’ll find 2 graves. Examine each of the graves and Palom and Porom will reflect on the lives of those that now rest there. Once you’re finished, it’s time to leave town and head toward the underground waterway. -Armor Shop- Leather Cap 100 Clothing 50 Leather Clothing 200 Iron Armlet 100 -Weapon Shop- Rod 100 Staff 160 Bow 220 Iron Arrows 50 -Item Shop- Potion 30 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden’s Kiss 60 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Inn - 50 =============================== ------------------------ Kaipo Treasure Checklist ------------------------ Potion [] =============== ~~Underground Waterway~~ ============================================= ------------------------------------ Underground Waterway Enemy Checklist ------------------------------------ Gigantoad [] Killer Fish [] Zombie [] Ghoul [] Yellow Jelly [] Fangshell [] Amoeba [] Toadgre [] Zombie [] Fangshell [] Alligator [] Splasher [] Tiny Mage [] Sahagin [] ================ From the town, walk northeast to find the entrance to the waterway. Enter the cave to reach B1 of the south entrance. It is here that you’ll begin encountering monsters. Palom came equipped with a Flame Rod. During battle, if you pick Item, and then press up you’ll display your hand equips. Choose the Flame Rod, and then choose an enemy and you’ll cast a Fire spell through the rod on the enemy. This costs no MP, and best of all you won’t expend the rod in doing so! You can do this as many times as you wish to attack enemies and help conserve MP. It’s not limited to the Flame Rod either, try this trick with other rods you may find as well. You may encounter Yellow Jelly monsters in this area. To defeat them, have Palom cast a Thunder spell on them. Physical attacks are ineffective against them. Use caution with the Gigantoads in this area. They can cast a toad spell, turning one of your characters into a toad. If this happens, either use a Maiden’s Kiss item, or let the monster cast Toad on you again to return to normal. From the entrance, head north across a bridge to find 2 treasure chests containing a Crossbow and some Lightning Arrows. These are a good equip for Porom and I suggest giving them to her right away. Head back down the bridge and continue to the west. Cross the bridge and grab the treasure chest to the south. Then proceed north, where Palom will pause briefly for a quick story scene. Cross the bridge and then go east, crossing a series of bridges leading to some steps going down into the water below. Enter the water and proceed north through a narrow passage to a treasure chest containing a Wizard’s Hat, which can be equipped by either character. Now, head south and then west to a waterfall. Walk into the center portion of the waterfall to reach a secret room containing 3 treasure chests. Grab the items, then head back to the stairs you took to reach the water. Return to dry land and backtrack to the west and take the stairs on the western edge of the room to reach B2. ============================================================ -------------------------------------------------- South Underground Waterway - B1 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------------------- Lightning Arrows [] Crossbow [] Tent [] Wizard’s Hat [] Hi-Potion [] Dry Ether [] Phoenix Down [] ====================== Head north and take the stairs you find down into the water. From there, go west to some stairs leading out of the water and north to a treasure chest. Then head south back into the water to another stairway further south. Head west to grab a treasure chest, then continue south. Follow the linear path leading to a door. You’ll reach a room with a save point. Use a tent if needed, and then proceed north. Follow the path, taking a brief detour north to grab a treasure chest containing some Gaia Gear, armor that both Palom and Porom can equip. Head south into the water and follow the path to a door, which will take you to B3. =========================================================== -------------------------------------------- Underground Waterway - B2 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------------- Maiden’s Kiss [] Ether [] Gaia Gear [] Hermes Sandals [] Phoenix Down [] ======================= Follow the path, and head east when you reach a fork in the road to reach 2 treasure chests. One of them contains a Thunder Rod, which just like the Flame Rod can be used by Palom to cast Thunder through the rod. You can switch rods mid battle through the item command, so if you opt to have Palom do spell casting through the rods switch them up for whichever one is needed. Head back to the west and enter the door. This will take you back up to B2, but in a different part of it. Head west and walk through a secret passage in the wall. Work your way north, then east, and then south through the secret passage to reach a trail leading to a treasure chest behind the wall containing some Hermes Sandals. Backtrack the way you came, and exit the secret passage through a second entrance near a treasure chest by some stairs. Grab the Phoenix Down inside and enter the stairs. These will take you to B1, but on the northern side. ========================================================== -------------------------------------------- Underground Waterway - B3 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------------- Tent [] Thunder Rod [] ====================== Head north a bit, then take the stairs slightly to the west to reach 2 treasure chests. Then take the path leading east. After crossing the bridge, you’ll pause briefly while Palom mentions a large monster nearby. Next head south to find some more treasure chests, then proceed through the exit to the north. This will take you to the overworld, with another cave just to your north. This is a good place to save your game and rest using the cottage you just found a moment ago. ========================================================== ------------------------------------------------ Waterway Entrance, North - B1 Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------------------ Ether [] Maiden’s Kiss [] Cottage [] Unicorn Horn [] ===================== Entering the cave takes you to the underground falls. Despite Porom’s uneasiness, jump into the waterfall; you’ll get swept into B2 of the Underground Lake. The path is pretty linear, but take a detour to the south to grab 2 treasure chests. Then continue north through the door leading to B1. ========================================================== ---------------------------------------- Underground Lake - B2 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Ether [] ===================== Head east and grab the 2 easy treasure chests. The Silver Armlet inside one of them can be equipped to either twin. After grabbing these, continue north and take the stairs into the water. Make sure your HP is filled, and then proceed north to the tentacles above. =========================================================== ---------------------------------------- Underground Lake - B1 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------------------- Hermes Sandals [] Silver Armlet [] ===================== --Boss Battle: Cooler Mammoth-- This boss is reminiscent of the Octomomma that was fought here 17 years ago in the original Final Fantasy IV. The Cooler Mammoth is accompanied by 4 Cooler Leeches, giving you 4 total targets. The first order of business is for Porom to cast her slow spell on all 5 targets. This will greatly hinder the boss and slow his aggressive assault of spells and physical attacks on you. You can attack and destroy the Leeches, but if you destroy them all, the boss will regenerate them, and even worse they won’t have Slow anymore when they are regenerated. Instead, destroy only 3 of them, allowing one to stay alive. This combined with Porom’s slow spell with turn a difficult battle into a cakewalk. The leaches in the back row are able to cast magic, making them quite dangerous. Porom can use her silence spell to mute these leaches, effectively rendering them harmless. If you leave a muted leach as the only one alive, you will render this boss virtually powerless. The Cooler Mammoth is weak against fire, but the Flame Rod isn’t powerful enough to do damage. Instead, have Palom cast his Fira spell. Porom’s Cura spell should be enough to keep your HP up, and she can add extra damage with her Bow and Arrows. Although the Twincast Band is powerful, it takes a long time to use and attacks all enemies at the same time. You might want to use it once early in the battle to weaken all of the Leeches, but I wouldn’t use it a second time or you’ll likely kill all of the Leeches,prompting the boss to regenerate them all. If Palom runs out of MP during the battle, either give him an Ether to restore some, or finish off the boss with physical attacks. If you bought the Bow and Iron Arrows in Kaipo, both Palom and Porom can launch arrows for physical damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating the boss, Porom and Palom will talk about Palom’s progress toward becoming a Sage. Then, several more years will pass and Porom will grow from a child into a young woman and Palom will grow into a young man. Porom will also gain access to her Pray ability, and Palom will gain access to his Bluff ability. A story scene will occur in which you will board an airship and fly to Mist. The airship will land just outside the town. ~~The Village of Mist~~ The humble village of Mist, I love this town really I do. I’m so glad I got to visit it in one of the Tales I was writing! I was kind of jealous that Zxela got to write about Mist but I didn’t in the main game! Let’s start off by grabbing some treasure. A well sits next to the weapon and armor shops. Head east of this well to pass through some trees and reach an area of tall grass. Search the northern patches of tall grass to find 2 Bomb Cranks. Next, head north to a small pond. Search the tall grass by the pond to find a bomb fragment. The Fragment can be used in battle to cast a Fire spell while the Cranks can be used in battle to cast a Fira spell. Unlike the rods, you will expend these items by using them so don’t use them carelessly. The weapon and armor shop actually has some decent items. I’d suggest picking up the Ice Rod and a second Crossbow along with the Holy Arrows. The armor shop is selling the same armor equips you found in the waterway passage, allowing you a chance to purchase these items for whichever character you didn’t equip the free ones too. Once you’ve bought everything you want, head into the house in the northwest to meet up with an old friend, Rydia! During the conversation that occurs, Rydia will agree to take Palom to the Feymarch, and she’ll join your party as well, bringing with her powerful black magic as well as her mighty summons. Before you leave, head up through Rydia’s fire place to find a secret passage leading to 3 treasure chests. Inside the room with those 3 chests, search the east wall to find another secret passage leading to another chest. You'll find a valuable Soma Drop inside this chest. You may also want to re-visit the armor shop and upgrade Rydia’s gear a bit. Leave Mist and return to the airship. You’ll be asked if you’re ready to leave. This is your last chance to return to Mist, so if you still have any shopping to do say No. Otherwise, say Yes to continue. -Weapon Shop- Ice Rod 220 Flame Rod 380 Thunder Rod 700 Healing Staff 480 Crossbow 700 Holy Arrows 500 Whip 200 -Armor Shop- Feathered Cap 330 Wizard’s Hat 700 Gaia Gear 500 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 Inn - 150 Gill =============================== ----------------------- Mist Treasure Checklist ----------------------- Bomb Crank x2 [] Bomb Fragment [] Silver Hourglass [] Dry Ether [] Cottage [] Soma Drop [] ======================= ~~The Underworld - The Dwarven Castle~~ Rydia and Cid will agree to stop by the Dwarven Castle before heading to the Feymarch, and the airship will land outside the castle walls. Enter the castle to re-unite with some old friends, the dwarves! The weapon and armor shop sells the same items as the ones in Mist so there’s nothing new to find there. But there is an item shop here that you can purchase potions and other consumables from. Now then, let’s start off by searching for treasure, and there’s a lot to be found here! From the castle entrance, proceed to 1F. Then take the stairs to the east to reach 2F. Head directly north to find some stairs leading to B1. Search the vases on this floor to find some treasures, and then continue to the west. The stairs will take you up to the Inn and the item shop on 2F. Search the vase beside the item shop to find 1,000 gill inside. Not too shabby! Proceed to the southwest to find a stairway leading up to 1F of the west tower. Take the stairs up to 2F. From the stairway, head east so that you are standing north of a wall beside a row of 3 vases. Step south into the wall and then walk west to a vase. Search it for a Hi-Potion. Now take the stairs up to 3F to a room with 4 treasure chests. Head west and grab a chest containing Spider’s Silk. Stand just south of the chest and walk south into the wall, working your way south and east to the southern treasure chest. Continue east into the wall and then walk north through the wall, then east to the treasure chest there. Walk east of that treasure chest into the wall. Now walk 4 steps north, 4 steps west, 1 step north, and 1 step west to reach the final treasure chest. Now backtrack back to 1F of the tower and exit through the door to the south. Walk along the path to the eastern tower’s 1F. Now that we’re in the Eastern tower, grab the treasure chest to the north then take the stairs to reach 2F, a room filled with vases. Walk to the far southern part of the room, then walk west through the wall and then north. Search the vases to find an Antidote. Now take the stairs to 3F. Head south and grab the treasure chest. Next walk back to the stairway and take the west fork to the treasure chest there for an Ether. Next, walk east 2 steps, and then head north through a hidden passage leading to the northern treasure chest. East of this treasure chest is a hidden passage going south toward the eastern treasure chest. Now that we’ve gotten all our treasure, head back to the main entrance of the Dwarven Castle and go up to the throne room. After visiting with the King, return to the airship. You’ll again be asked if you’re ready to leave, this is your last chance to visit the Dwarven Castle so if you still have anything left to do there, say no. When you’re ready to leave, say yes. If you wish, you can visit the Lali-ho Pub. To access it on 2F walk up the narrow path between the weapon and armor ship through the wall. Inside the pub there is another secret passage near a crack on the floor to the east. This will take you to the old Developer's Office. The office is locked and there are no items to find in either the pub or the officev - just 1 dwarf that you can speak to if you wish. -Dwarven Castle Weapon Shop- Ice Rod 220 Flame Rod 380 Thunder Rod 700 Healing Staff 480 Crossbow 700 Holy Arrows 500 Whip 200 -Dwarven Castle Armor Shop- Feather Cap 330 Wizard's Hat 700 Gaia gear 500 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 -Dwarven Castle Item Shop- Potion 30 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden’s Kiss 60 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Inn - 50 gil ========================================= --------------------------------- Dwarven Castle Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Echo Herbs [] Hi Potion x3 [] Phoenix Down [] Spider’s Silk [] 1,000 gill [] Dry Ether [] Cottage [] Hermes Sandals [] Antidote [] Unicorn Horn [] Ether [] Tent [] Bronze Hourglass [] ====================== ~~The Passage to the Eidolons~~ =================================================== ------------------------------------------- The Passage to the Eidolons Enemy Checklist ------------------------------------------- Treant [] Ettin Snake [] Gargoyle [] Needlehog [] Bomb [] Gray Bomb [] Cait Sith [] Bomb [] Gray Bomb [] Mortblossom [] =============== Cid and Luca will stay behind on the airship. If you enter the airship, you’ll find a vase you can use to restore your HP and MP. When you’re ready, enter the cave. You’ll encounter monsters in the cave. Although it will drain her MP quickly, Rydia has access to most of her summons, which is something we haven’t been able to use in any of the tales until now. Have some fun with them now while you can! Even the mighty Bahamut is available to you. The only ones she doesn’t have are the summons that drop from enemies. She also has potent Black Magic just like Palom. With her help, you’ll make quick work of the monsters. You may remember this place from the original Final Fantasy IV. Thankfully, this time around the floor is safe to walk on and won’t damage you like it did in the past. The cave still contains some treasure though, so lets get started with hunting it down. Head east and then north at the first fork in the road for some handy Fire Arrows. Then head west through a secret passage to find an Ether. Head east again, and then south to another treasure chest. Proceed all the way to the west, then follow the path north to the stairs. ============================================================== ----------------------------------------------- Passage of the Eidolons - B1 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------------- Fire Arrows [] Ether [] Hi-Potion [] ===================== Head east a bit then head south at the fork in the road for a quick treasure chest. After grabbing that, head north, sticking to the western path as you continue north to find a treasure chest. Now proceed to the east, you’ll find a stairway and a save point just to the east of that. Use the Save Point if needed, and then continue down the stairs to B3. ============================================================== ----------------------------------------------- Passage of the Eidolons - B2 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------------- Cottage [] Hi-Potion [] ==================== Head west, then follow the path south. Then proceed west into a secret passage. Follow the passage south, and then step east into a chamber with 3 treasure chests. One of the items you’ll find is a Sage’s Surplice. Any of the characters can equip this, but I’d suggest giving it to Porom because of the nice Spirit bonus it gives. Head back into the secret passage and continue south and then east along the perimeter of the room. When you reach the far east and begin heading north, detour west briefly to snag a treasure chest, then continue north in the secret passage until you reach the end of it. Walk up the passageway to 1 more treasure chest. After grabbing it, walk east and then south, but instead of heading east into the secret passage again, walk west through a wall toward a gray tile. A story scene will occur, and Rydia will make you promise her that you won’t follow her into the Feymarch. You’ll be given a choice to accept or not, but the story won’t continue until you answer yes. A story scene will occur, after which you’ll have to return to the Airship without entering the Feymarch. Head south of the tile and then west, grabbing a treasure chest, then heading back to the north. Now, you can either walk back the way you came, or if Porom or Palom have reached level 19 you can use their Teleport or Warp spells for a shortcut. ***************IMPORTANT****************************************** Before you return to the Airship, unequip the items from Rydia and Palom. They’ll be leaving your party soon, and whatever items are with them will be lost when they leave. ********************************************************************* When you return to the Airship, Luca will tell you the latest news, and then Cid will ask if you’re ready to leave. Same as before, answer no if you want to do anything in the Passage of Eidolons before heading off, otherwise say yes. Once you say yes, the story will advance to present day. =========================================================== ----------------------------------------------- Passage of the Eidolons - B3 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------------- Hermes Sandals [] Sage’s Surplice [] Decoy [] Hi-Potion [] Dry Ether [] Echo Herbs [] ======================= ~~The Town of Mysida~~ Welcome back to Mysida, now in the present day. This town will serve as your home base for the rest of the tale, and to reflect that the shops have the best items yet. A story scene will occur, during which the Elder and the Mysidian mages will discuss their plan of action to deal with the situation on hand. Porom will agree to go to Mount Ordeals, and a White Mage and Black Mage will join your party to accompany you. Now, I’m a big fan of using bow and arrows on mages. Even though they are not powerhouse weapons, having a weapon that works well from the back row is very nice. I recommend picking up a Great Bow for Porom, and for White Mage if you can afford it. If that’s too expensive, the White Mage can settle for Porom’s old bow from earlier in the tale. The Black Mage can also equip a bow if you wish, but this character will probably be casting spells rather than doing physical damage. There are a lot of undead monsters ahead at Mount Ordeals, so you should also pick up some Holy Arrows for each character equipped with a bow. The extra damage they do in the next area is helpful. Once you’ve finished your shopping, exit the town and follow the path to the east. -Mysidia Weapon Shop- Ice Rod 220 Flame Rod 380 Thunder Rod 700 Healing Staff 480 Psycho Spiral 2000 Crossbow 700 Great Bow 2000 Holy Arrows 500 -Mysidia Armor Shop- Wizard’s Hat 700 Sage’s Miter 2000 Gaia Gear 500 Sage’s Surplice 1200 Silver Armlet 650 Rune Armlet 2000 -Item Shop- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden’s Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Tent: 100 Cottage: 500 ================================= -------------------------- Mysidia Treasure Checklist -------------------------- None ==== ~~Mysidia Overworld~~ ================================== -------------------------------- Mysida Overworld Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- Goblin [] Domovoi [] Gatlinghog [] Sword Rat [] Zu [] Cockatrice [] White Dragon* [] ================ *Only Northeast of Mount Ordeals during a Waxing Moon. Unlike previous parts of the tale, enemies now reside in the overworld, and you’ll encounter them on your way to Mount Ordeals. There are no hidden treasures to find in the overworld, so simply head east and follow the path, fighting the enemies as you go for gil and experience. When you reach the mountain, head south of it to a lighter colored patch of forest. This is a Chocobo Forest! Talk to the White Chocobo and you’ll get a free refill of your MP. If you grab a Yellow Chocobo, you can ride it around the overworld to travel without enemy encounters. Once you disembark from a Yellow Chocobo, it will run back to this forest. There is a special enemy that can be encountered here in the overworld. In the northeastern area, you can encounter an enemy called a White Dragon. This monster fights almost exclusively with counter attacks. If you attack it with magic, it will counter with powerful spells that will almost certainly 1-hit kill one or even all of your characters. It will counter physical attacks with either a physical attack of its own, or a slow spell. I do not recommend fighting this enemy until Kain is in your party, as Porom and her 2 mages will struggle greatly to bring this brute down without him. Black Magic not only triggers deadly counters, but also does zero damage to this monster. Porom can cast her slow spell safely, but Slow won’t make any difference in this battle. To fight this beast, have Porom cast her Blink spell while Kain jumps. The dragon’s physical attacks are very powerful, and while Kain has enough armor to stand up to the dragon’s blows, Porom and her mages will take significant damage, even from the back row. Blink however will protect a character from 2 physical blows before needing to be recast, and provides excellent defense against the dragon. The Black Mage should just use the Defense command and the White Mage should as well unless a cure spell needs to be cast. Once the dragon is defeated, it may leave behind a rare White Tail. If you acquire one, hold onto it. It may have a use in a future tale. ~~Mount Ordeals~~ ==================================== ----------------------------- Mount Ordeals Enemy Checklist ----------------------------- Zombie [] Ghoul [] Revenant [] Bloodbones [] Skeleton [] Soul [] Lilith [] Skeleripper [] Soul [] Spirit [] Lilith [] Necrodium [] Evil Flame [] ================ Mount Ordeals, one of the most historic landmarks in the world of Final Fantasy IV. You may have already been here a few times in other tales under Zxela’s guidance. Now it’s my turn to take you through it here in Porom’s Tale! There are a lot of undead monsters here, but you happen to have the perfect weapons against them. The Black Mage can use a Fira spell, and both Porom and the White Mage can use Cura spells for damage. Holy Arrows are also very effective here, and many of the enemies are vulnerable to Fire Arrows too. Three enemies of note are the Soul, Spirit and Evil Flame enemies. These particular monsters are not vulnerable to fire or cure spells, so use either physical attacks or other elemental magic to defeat them. The entrance area is pretty straightforward. Follow the path, grabbing the easy to reach treasure chests on your way. Either Porom or the White Mage can equip the Psycho Spiral you find and while it’s not so great for attacking, it will cast a confuse spell if you use it during battle. You’re probably better off sticking with Holy Arrows though. Proceed through the door to the next part of the mountain. ================================================== ------------------------------------------- Mount Ordeals - Entrance Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------------- Ether [] Psycho Spiral [] ================= The trail area is very small and straightforward with no treasure to find. There’s no chance of you getting lost in this small area. Continue on to the next part of the mountain. =================================================== ---------------------------------------- Mount Ordeals - Trail Treasure Checklist ---------------------------------------- None ==== Head west and up a small stairway to a treasure chest to find a Sage’s Miter, which offers nice protection against undead enemies. After grabbing the chest, follow the path north and cross a bridge, detouring to the south briefly to grab the treasure chest there. Continue through the door. =================================================== ------------------------------------------- Mount Ordeals - Crossing Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------------- Sage’s Miter [] Blinding Arrows [] =================== We’ve reached the summit of the mountain. There is a save point visible to the northeast, use a Tent or Cottage if you need to restore your party. Continue north and follow the path to the west where you’ll reach a rock monument. Investigate it to begin a story scene. Once the story scene concludes, head back across the bridge. You won’t make it far before a monster appears and stops you, forcing you into a back attack encounter with quite a few enemies! Make sure your HP is full, as you’ll take quite a few hits and your rows will be reversed. Before you can make a move however, Kain will jump in and defeat all of the enemies automatically! A story scene will occur, and Kain will then join your party. At last you have a true physical fighter on your side! Now it’s time to backtrack back down the mountain, as you do so Porom will pause for a moment, feeling as if she just heard Palom’s voice! Continue down the mountain and then head back to Mysidia. =================================================== ----------------------------------------- Mount Ordeals - Summit Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------- None ==== ~~Mysidia under siege~~ ================================ ---------------------------- Mysida Siege Enemy Checklist ---------------------------- Naga [] Cave Naga [] Goblin Captain [] Chimera [] Ogre [] Steel Golem [] ================== Whoa! This wasn’t expected! As soon as you return to Mysida, you immediately realize the town is under attack! You can see the monsters walking around, and if you attempt to speak to them you’ll engage them in battle. Fight the monsters if you wish, but your goal is the Hall of Prayers to the north. The shops and inn are still open, so use them if you need to. Blocking the way to the Hall of Prayers is monster. When you speak to him you’ll engage a Steel Golem, which is a powerful fighter. Have Porom cast slow on it, then pelt it with physical attacks and the Blizzara spell. Kain’s jump attack is also quite effective on it. When you reach the Hall of Prayers, you’ll find the Elder laying on the ground, and a monster will rush you! --Boss Battle: Blood Eye-- This boss attacks very quickly with physical strikes. Have Porom cast Slow as soon as her turn comes, otherwise his physical attacks may overwhelm you. Blood Eye has a Gaze attack that it can use to paralyze one of your party members. If this happens, quickly cast Esuna with either Porom or the White Mage to reverse the effect. Have the Black Mage cast Fira, Thundara, or Blizzara spells for damage. Kain’s job is to do physical damage, and probably the best way to do this is to have Porom cast Berserk on him. Even though you’ll lose control of him, his damage output will rise and he’ll automatically use the Attack command each time his turn comes up, dealing heavy damage to the boss. While Kain and the Black Mage do damage, have Porom and the White Mage cast Cura and Protect spells to beef up your defense and keep your HP healthy. With 2 white mages looking after your team and Kain on autopilot from Berserk, you should have no trouble defeating this monster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, a story scene occurs and Kain and the 2 mages will leave your party. Don't worry about their items, they'll be back. After the story scene, head outside and you’ll encounter the Mysterious Girl. After a brief conversation, the Elder will rush in and a battle will begin! --Boss Battle: Mysterious Girl-- The Elder has joined you, and he has a wide variety of white magic at his disposal. You can use any of it that you like; ultimately it doesn’t matter. The Mysterious Girl will summon Ramuh to battle with her. Just before Ramuh uses Judgement Bolt, the Elder will cast a spell on Porom, warping her out of the battle. Judgement Bolt will then defeat the Elder, and the battle will end. This is regrettably, a battle that you cannot win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, a story scene will unfold. Once the scene completes, the credits will begin to roll. Congratulations! You've finished Porom's Tale! Make sure you save your clear data once the credits finish! ~~Porom isn’t done yet~~ Hey, don’t head off just yet! Porom isn’t quite finished yet! Though you have completed the tale, there’s still some something left to do! Load up the file you saved after clearing the tale, and you’ll appear outside of Mysida with Kain and the 2 Mages back in your party. Now, head to the Mysidia Inn and speak to Namingway. Now that you’ve completed the tale, he’ll offer to let you explore his challenge dungeon. This is a special dungeon where you can find powerful items you can’t find anywhere else. Make sure you’re well prepared before coming; this won’t be a cakewalk! ~~Porom’s Challenge Dungeon~~ This is a timed dungeon, you’ll have 15 minutes to help as many people as you can and reach the end. If you run out of time, you’ll immediately be booted out of the dungeon. You can still keep any treasures you found before you were booted however. =================================================== ----------------------------------------- Porom's Challenge Dungeon Enemy Checklist ----------------------------------------- Steel Golem [] Blood Bat [] Skuldier [] Red Mousse [] Purple Bavarois [] Yellow Jelly [] Lamia [] Coeurl [] Ogre [] Mad Ogre [] Goblin Captain [] Sorceress [] Centaur Knight [] Cave Naga [] Ettin Snake [] Chimera [] Cait Sith [] Evil Dreamer [] Mythril Golem [] =================== This is a rather unusual challenge dungeon, in that there is quite a bit of randomness to it. The room itself always has the same geography, but your starting position, the location of people, the treasures, and the services people want from you will change every time you enter. Because of this, I can’t provide you directions of where to go, what treasures to expect, or even exactly what people want from you. There are 6 treasure chests scattered around, and they’ll always be in the same place. Most of them aren’t too difficult to find, but there are 2 that are slightly tricky. In the far west on the edge of a forest look for a hidden passage in the western trees leading to the treasure chest. In the far southwestern portion of the map is a path leading into some trees. A secret passage east through here leads to a field with a treasure chest and perhaps a person. Although I can't provide you exact directions, I can tell you what to expect. Old men will ask Porom to cast a spell on them, sometimes several times. The spell will be either Cura or Esuna. You'll find several of these old men on the map. A White Mage will ask you to find 3 spirits, which will appear as flames on the map. Search the map and speak with these spirits to fulfill her request. It is not necessary to speak to the White Mage again after finding spirits. There is never more than 1 White Mage in the Challenge Dungeon. Black Mages need to be rescued from a monster. There are 3 Black Mages total and the monsters will always be one of the following: A Steel Golem, an Evil Dreamer, or a Chimera. The Evil Dreamer is especially dangerous as it wields a powerful fire spell, an absolutely brutal physical attack, and a sleep spell. Have the Black Mage cast Stop on it as soon as it can, otherwise this monster will wreck havoc on your party. The Chimera has a Frostebite attack that does damage based on the Chimera's HP, the lower its HP the less damage it will do. Strike it with physical attacks immediately to cripple its attack power. The Steel Golem is the least threatoning of the three and can be handled easily with a Stop or Hold spell from one of the mages. The men will ask you to give them items. The items will either be 5 of a common consumable you can buy in the Mysidian Shop, a Remedy, an ether, a Healing Staff, or a Sage's Surplice. Thus you should always carry a steady supply of all these items to give to these men. The one exception I would make are Ethers. Ethers are a lot harder to replenish as they can't be purchased in stores and are one of the few ways to restore MP out in the field. Remedy also can't be purchased in stores, but I'm more willing to part with them. The final choice is yours but I'd refuse any men asking for Ethers even though it harms your chance at a better prize at the end of the dungeon; you can always repeat the dungeon and hopefully get men asking for more common items. There are several of these men on the map. Help as many people as possible, and then go to the gray tile in the northwest most corner of the map. This will take you to the Last Floor. The treasure checklist is a list of some potential items you might find inside the chests. The exact contents are randomized. One thing to note, the Killer Bow and Protect Staff are one-time only finds. Once you have them, they won’t appear in treasure chests again inside this dungeon. As you can see, aside from the 1 time only weapon finds, all of the items are pretty routine consumables, although an extra Ether is always a welcome find. -------------------------------- Main Floor 2 Treasure Checklist: -------------------------------- Ether [] Gold Needle [] Eye Drops [] Phoenix Down [] Echo Herbs [] Killer Bow [] Protect Staff [] =================== ~~Porom’s Challenge Dungeon - Last Floor~~ On the last floor is one final treasure chest, which may or may not be guarded by a monster. There is no boss battle in this dungeon, and even if there is a monster guarding the treasure it will just be a regular enemy, albeit it a rather powerful one. The monster itself will be one of the encounters shown below. Defeat the monster if there is one, and claim the treasure chest to find... well I can’t tell you what’ll be inside. Like every other treasure chest in this dungeon, the treasure is randomized. However, you can find better stuff here than in the ones on the Main Floor, and the more people you helped on the main floor, the more likely you are to find a powerful item. As with all challenge dungeons, you can re-enter as many times as you wish in order to seek out more items. If a monster is guarding the treasure, it will be one of the encounters below: Flamehound & Icehound Mythril Golem & Steel Golem 2 Mad Ogres Some of the more interesting items you may find in the final treasure chest are as follows: Elixir Soma Drop Silver Apple Rapid Ring Mystic Veil Luminous Robe Aura Staff Adamantite These rare treasures will not repeat. Once you have found all of these, the chest will always contain a consumable item. ===================================== ----------------------------- Last Floor Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- ??? === ~~Conclusion~~ One last bit of advice, before important any data into the final chapter in September, you might want to un-equip Kain and the 2 mages of any items they have. It's not expected that you'll be able to use these characters in the final chapter, and any items they have equipped may not be accesible later on. We don't know for certain yet, but its better to be safe than sorry. And that’s it for Porom’s Tale. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, I hope you have found this walkthrough to be helpful and entertaining. I’m also available in this very guide to guide you through Rydia’s, Palom’s, and the Lunarian’s Tale as well. Zxela is also on hand to take you through the Main Game, Yang’s Tale, and Edge’s Tale. See you again in September for the final chapter of this game, in which we pick up where all of these tales have left off! Until next time, this is Cranberry wishing you a successful adventure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.610) - Edward's Tale - Star-Crossed Damcyan (EWD1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tale begins with Damcyan, where the Chancellor is all panicky about the financial state of the kingdom. Edward, meanwhile, doesn't care much, and is playing his harp in his room. Then Harley, Edward's secretary, comes in and moves past the guards. Inside, Edward continues to play, and both he and Harley realize that they cannot hide the fact they are pouring money into helping Mist any longer. Still, Edward is determined to help his friends... More original shots of the moon, and the title. Next, a star falls out of the sky. The Chancellor is already panicking, and Harley offers to take care of the matter, while the Chancellor sends a messenger to Baron to ask for their counsel. Edward allows Harley to go, with a few soldiers. During the night, Edward thinks of Anna, and he cannot sleep. The Chancellor arrives and tells him neither the messenger has arrived nor Harley, and leaves. Now, you gain control. First, head left, and up the stairs. Talk to the girl, and examine both harley's diary and bed for some fun stuff. Now, head back, and go down the stairs. Then go down again, past the children. Here, head past the Inn, and go down the middle door. Now, outside, head down, and to the right flowerbed. Check the 2nd from the bottom to get a BRONZE TAIL. They will come in handy. Now head back to the room with the Inn, and head right, and check the pot between the two equipment shops for a POTION. Head up the stairs to the right, and don't move - head down to get into a secret passage, which leads you right and up to a chest with a BOMB CORE. Also, head further up, and press "2" when you can go no further to get a BRONZE TAIL. Head back, and when you go down the stairs and back up to the storeroom, check the chest for a SPIDER SILK and go up the stairs. You'll be back where you started - head up to your room and go to bed. Edward will have a dream with Anna. Later, you'll awake, and regain control. Head out of the castle. Talk to the guard by the entrance (blocking your way out) and he will move, allowing you to go out, which Edward decides to do because Harley is missing. The Chancellor will spot you, but allows you to go, with guards of course. Before you continue, head back into the castle - Edward should be right in the middle of the doorway. Head one space down and go right, hugging the wall until you reach a door near the top right corner. Enter. Head down the stairs right away, and check everything for a ANTARCTIC WIND, HI-POTION, POTION, POTION, EYE DROPS, SILVER ARMLET, POTION, POTION, and PHOENIX DOWN. Head back up. Before you leave, check the small switch to the right of the 1st prison cell (1st from the right) to open a door. Head into it, and left to go into the first cell. Check the middle of the wall to get into the second cell, with a HI-POTION and PHOENIX DOWN. Check the left wall again to reach a chest with a LONGSWORD. We're all done, so head out and towards Oh, almost forgot - you can check the shops before you go. -------- Sundries ======== Potion 50 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Bomb Fragment 200 Antarctic Wind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Spider Silk 100 Bestiary 50 ----------- Weaponsmith =========== Dream Harp 480 Silver Harp 880 Whip 200 Thorn Whip 3000 Broadsword 200 Longsword 450 ------- Armorer ======= Feathered Cap 330 Bard's Tunic 70 Bronze Breastplate 450 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 Iron Shield 600 Iron Armor 1000 Iron Helm 800 No reason to worry about equipment here - just buy a couple potions and a tent or two. ------------------- Overworld (Damcyan) =================== =================== --------------------------------- Damcyan Overworld Enemy Checklist --------------------------------- Goblin [] Sword Rat [] Gatlinghog [] Domovoi [] Gatlinghog [] Sand Worm [] Hundlegs [] Desert Sahagin [] Cockatrice [] Gargoyle [] Bomb [] =================== Head northeast. You'll see a cave up ahead, but we don't need to go there yet. Instead, head north, toward the crater. Note that you'll fight different monsters in the desert than you do in grass areas. -------------------------- Impact Crater - Upper Wall ========================== Here, head down first to reach a restorative pot and a chest with a POTION. Now, head back up, and continue north. Once you get to the split in the road, head south for a chest with a HI-POTION. Now, head back and continue east. Follow the next path down and around, and at the next split, head right to get a chest with an IRON ARMOR. Now, head south, and talk to the soldier to find that Harley should be "just ahead." So, let's go! Follow the linear path, which leads to the next area. --------------------------- Impact Crater - Middle Wall =========================== Here, head down at the split for a POTION. Now, head east, and follow the path to the next split, and head north for a chest with a BERET. Now, head back down, all the way to the soldier, who will say Harley is further down. So, head to the left, and follow the path down to the next area. -------------------------- Impact Crater - Lower Wall ========================== Continue down, and at the split, keep going down to get an ETHER. Now, head back a bit, and take the right path, where you'll see Harley lower down. Follow the path up and around, and save/heal at the save point. Continue down, and nab the chests for a TENT and STARDUST. Now, head back up, and continue left and down and speak to Harley. After the little scene, Harley will join your team, and you can head back out. But don't forget to grab a BRONZE TAIL, which is an invisible block that looks like a puff of steam. Near the entrance, however, Harley will stop you, and you'll see a Baron Airship fly by. Edward feels worried however, and he'll rush out. =============== ================ -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Impact Crater Treasure Checklist Impact Crater Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- ----------------------------- Potion x 2 [] Sand Worm [] Hi-Potion [] Hundlegs [] Iron Armor [] Cockatrice [] Beret [] Gargoyle [] Ether [] Skeleton [] Tent [] Adamantoise [] Stardust [] Spirit [] Bronze Tail [] Soul [] ================ ================ ----------------- Overworld Damcyan ================= Just head back to Damcyan. Once inside, you'll realize the emissary has arrived, and Edward will head to the the throne room. --------------------- Damcyan - Throne Room ===================== Now, Edward will ask where the emissary is, and find out he is on...a tour? Anyways, the emissary will finally enter and deliver a message from Cecil - they are not to touch the meteor site. Edward is puzzled, not only by the message, but also by the fact that Cecil did not show up himself. The emissary leaves, and Edward decides to travel to Baron himself. Now, we'll head to the port of Kaipo so we can find a boat to travel to Baron - so heal up, stock up, and save. When you're ready, head out, watch the scene with Edward and Harley, and leave Damcyan. ------------------- Overworld (Damcyan) =================== Here, head southeast through the path to reach the waterways. --------------------- Underground Lake - B1 ===================== Looks familiar, eh? Anyways, head down, and up the stairs, then south across the bridge. Nab the chests for a ANTARCTIC and ARCTIC WIND. Head to the left and enter the door. --------------------- Underground Lake - B2 ===================== Here, head down the bridge, and further down the stairs to reach two chests with a HI-POTION and COTTAGE. Head back up and go right, and follow the path up all the way up to the door-like shape in the water. --------------------- Behind the Falls - 1F ===================== Here, check the bottom left corner for a little hidden indent, and face down to find a chest with a BRONZE TAIL. Head up to the next floor. --------------------- Behind the Falls - 2F ===================== Nothing here. Head out. ----------------- Underground Falls ================= Up here, head right and check the lone boulder for a BRONZE TAIL. Then, just head down the stairs. -------------------- Overworld (Waterway) ==================== Don't get lost - head down to the next cave. ----------------------------- Waterway Entrance, North - B1 ============================= Here, head right down the stairs to grab two chests with a HI-POTION and IRON SWORD. Now head back up,and across the bridge to the left. At the split, head down the stairs to get another two chests, with a BOMB CRANK and HI-POTION. Now, head back up the stairs, and head down to the door to the next level. ------------------------- Underground Waterway - B2 ========================= Nab the chest right away for a PHOENIX DOWN. Before going down, check the top left wall right by the door for a hidden passage, and follow it up to a chest with 1000 GIL. Now head back, and go through the door. ------------------------- Underground Waterway - B3 ========================= Here, head down and right, and at the split, take the rather-obvious immediate right to the chests with a HEAVENLY WRATH and ZEUS'S WRATH. Now, head back up to the split, and head further up to the door. ------------------------- Underground Waterway - B2 ========================= Here, head south into the water, and follow the linear path left and up, and grab the chest for a HI-POTION. Now, head to the door, where you will rest automatically. Save, and head out. Here, head down the path, and follow it right, then up. Nab the chest to the left for a ZEUS'S WRATH, then head down the stairs into the water. Head up the stairs to the left, and nab a HI-POTION. Now, head down, take the stairs to the right, and head down the bridge and out the door. ----------------------------- Waterway Entrance, South - B1 ============================= Follow the path left until the split - here, head right, and down the stairs into the water. Head up the water towards a chest for a ETHER. Back in the water, continue down and to the left, and go into the waterfall that the little guy is looking at - you should emerge in an area with three chests - a REMDEY, COEURL WHISKER, and CHAIN WHIP. Head out, and stand in the middle of the waterfall. Now, go down two spaces (you should be right in front of the bridge) and examine it to find a BRONZE TAIL. And see that lone boulder to the left of you, in the water? Check it for another BRONZE TAIL. Now head back to the two-way, and this time head left and down to reach chest with a simple BESTIARY. Head right and you'll see the door, but don't leave yet - head up to reach two chests with a HI-POTION and SILVER BREASTPLATE, and a little guy you can talk to, who is a Tail Collector. He will trade you 5 Bronze Tails for a Silver Tail, and 5 Silver Tails for a Gold Tail, which will come in handy later. Finally, head to the door to leave. ======================= ================ --------------------------- ------------------------ Waterway Treasure Checklist Waterway Enemy Checklist --------------------------- ------------------------ Cottage [] Sahagin [] Antarctic Wind [] Alligator [] Hi-Potion x 6 [] Gigas Gator [] Arctic Wind [] Zombie [] Pheonix Down [] Ghoul [] 1000 Gil [] Revenant [] Iron Sword [] Soul [] Bomb Crank [] Spirit [] Ether [] Splasher [] Bestiary [] ================ Silver Breastplate [] Zeus's Wrath x 2 [] Heavenly Wrath [] Remedy [] Coeurl Whisker [] Chain Whip [] Bronze Tail x 4 [] ======================= ----------------- Overworld (Kaipo) ================= Out here, head southwest to reach Kaipo. ------ Protip: Harley and the rest leave Edward soon, so take anything of interest off of them. Like maybe the Economical Ring on Harley. ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.620) - Desert Fever (EWD2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Kaipo ===== Here, Harley will collapse from Desert Fever, and Edward will promise to get a sand pearl from the cave near Mount Hobs (which was nearby the crater) so he can cure Harley. They only lay eggs during the Full Moon, and Edward rests for the journey ahead of him. During the night, he plays his harp near the graves of Tellah and Anna, and he sees Anna. Edward is confused by her reluctance to speak, and Tellah appears, chiding Edward for not understanding. He claims Edward is not really alive, but Edward remains confused. Tired, he goes back to bed. In the moring, Harley's condition worsens, and Edward decides to go by himself to the Antlion's Den. However, let's check the shops, shall we? - You can find a POTION in the top pot near the house where Harley lays sick. - Check the left side of the first shelf in the Kaipo Pub for a BRONZE TAIL. -------- Sundries ======== Potion 50 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Bomb Fragment 200 Antarctic Wind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Spider Silk 100 Bestiary 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 ----------- Weaponsmith =========== Silver Harp 880 Dark Harp 2800 Thorn Whip 3000 Chain Whip 6000 Longsword 450 Iron Sword 1000 ------- Armorer ======= Beret 1200 Bronze Breastplate 450 Silver Breastplate 2000 Silver Armlet 650 Rune Armlet 2000 Iron Shield 600 Iron Armor 1000 Iron Helm 800 To be honest, nothing here is really that important, aside from making sure you have enough potions and a few tents. This chapter is so exceedingly easy that you should easily get through it without all this stuff. Most of it is for your Guards anyways, who don't really need anything. Plus, you'll get some better stuff for Edward soon. ================ ------------------------ Kaipo Treasure Checklist ------------------------ Potion [] Bronze Tail [] ================ ----------------- Overworld (Kaipo) ================= Now, let's head back up to the waterway. There isn't much to say, so just make your way back up. You're by yourself, so you might want to consider just running away from everything. See you at the top! ------------------- Overworld (Damcyan) =================== Once on the Overworld, you can either choose to train Edward a bit (pretty easy foes, and no more exp splitting) or head directly to the Antlion's Den. When you're ready, head northeast to reach it. ------------------ Antlion's Den - B1 ================== As you enter, Edward will remind you to make sure the moon if Full - but if you expect needing healing, you might as well ignore that, since you'll have to waste more tents if you want to save and heal at any point. Anyways, head left right away for a HI-POTION. Head down the stairs and grab the potion near where you entered for a ZEUS'S WRATH. Now, head all the way down, and head left and up to get a chest with an ANTARCTIC WIND and a SPIDER SILk. Then, back up and to the right. Continue down from here, and head all the way right, up the little stairs and across the bridge, and up to a chest with a GOLD NEEDLE. Head down the twin stairs here, and grab the chest past the bridge you just crossed to get a TENT. Then, stop under the bridge, and head to the right to get to a little secret area, with a boulder that holds a BRONZE TAIL. Now, head down, and to the next level. ------------------ Antlion's Den - B1 ================== Head down all the stairs here, and check the chest for a HI-POTION. Then, head further down, and around to the door, and enter it and go up the stairs for a LAMIA HARP. It's weaker then the Dark Harp you could buy at Kaipo, but it does have a better side effect. Now get back out, and go left. Head up the stairs and you'll see a door right away, and go into it. Here, head left and enter the next door for a save point and a BOMB FRAGMENT, ZEUS'S WRATH and DECOY. *Make sure it is the Full Moon phase* Now, head back outside and head left and up for a chest with a ANTARCTIC WIND. Head left to the next chest, with a HI-POTION. Now, head down the multiple flights of stairs, and ignore the left stairs. Instead, head down. -------------- Antlion's Nest ============== Here, head down and check any of the antlion's for a SAND PEARL. And... that's it. ------ Protip: Check the bottom boulder during the NEW MOON PHASE to get a SILVER TAIL. ------ Now, head all the way back out. *sigh* ======================= ================= -------------------------- ----------------------- Antlion Treasure Checklist Antlion Enemy Checklist -------------------------- ----------------------- Hi-Potion x 3 [] Skeleton [] Zeus's Wrath x 2 [] Spirit [] Antarctic Wind x 2 [] Basilisk [] Tent [] Domovoi [] Spider Silk [] Zombie [] Decoy [] Ghoul [] Bomb Fragment [] Goblin [] Gold Needle [] Leshy [] Silver Tail [] Yellow Jelly [] Sand Pearl [] Basilisk [] Lamia Harp [] Adamantoise [] Bronze Tail [] Leshy [] ======================= ================= --------- Overworld ========= Now, head back southeast, all the way to the waterway. You'll have to head all the way back down. Sigh. No use repeating myself - you should know this place by now. If you have any trouble...oh, wait! On the way back, Edward will be attacked by Bandits! Let's fight!...or not. Well, at least you don't have to walk ALL the way back out now. Continue on out to Kaipo. ----- Kaipo ===== Now, run up to Harley and shine the pearl on her face...yeah... Anyways, she'll recover, and Edward will collapse. He doesn't have desert fever though, and you'll see a cute scene between Edward and Harley. When you regain control, do any last minute shopping, and head east to find the ship to Baron, just ready to depart. ------- Onboard ======= Onboard, more chit-chat about health and moons will occur. Harley will reveal how much she knows, which surprises Edward. Eventually, you'll spot Yang, who is sailing to Baron as well. They'll fall behind, and you'll arrive near Baron. Now go to Baron. ----- Baron ===== ========================== ------------------------------- Baron Overworld Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- Skeleton [] Bloodbones [] ortblossom [] Treant [] Hydra [] Lilith [] Zu [] Cockatrice [] Soul [] Ghoul [] Revenant [] ==================== -Check the top pot near the armorer for a POTION. -Check the pot near inn for a POTION. -Head into the water near the sunbather, and check the left side of the water near the three little waterfalls. You should find a BRONZE TAIL in the invisible block. -Continue down the water way to reach an area with invisible blocks that contain a BRONZE HOURGLASS and REMEDY. -When coming back from the water, head right across the bridge and past the old guy to reach some forests. Feel around the right in the trees for a passage to the left, where a lady is. Walk around and check all the invisible blocks for a HI-POTION, PHOENIX DOWN, and TENT. -Head into the Weaponsmith/Armorer, and check the bottom right corner for a secret door, which will lead you to behind the counter of the weaponsmith, where you can get a SILVER TAIL, and the armorer, which you can't reach. -Inside the Inn examine the swords on the wall to open a door to the 3 treasure chests to find GOLD NEEDLE, CROSS, and ECHO HERBS. ===================== ------------------------ Baron Treasure Checklist ------------------------ Potion x 2 [] Bronze Tail [] Bronze Hourglass [] Remedy [] Hi-Potion [] Phoenix Down [] Tent [] Gold Needle [] Echo Herbs [] Cross [] Silver Tail [] ===================== -------- Sundries ======== Potion 50 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Bomb Fragment 200 Antarctic Wind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Spider Silk 100 Bestiary 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 ----------- Weaponsmith =========== Silver Harp 880 Dark Harp 2800 Thorn Whip 3000 Chain Whip 6000 Longsword 450 Iron Sword 1000 ------- Armorer ======= Beret 1200 Bronze Breastplate 450 Silver Breastplate 2000 Silver Armlet 650 Rune Armlet 2000 Iron Shield 600 Iron Armor 1000 Iron Helm 800 Exact same as Kaipo, what can I say? Head to the castle. ------------ Baron Castle ============ Not much choice here - head up to the throne room for a scene with Cecil, which displeases Edward and makes him suspicious. They'll both exchange gifts, and Edward will head out. Now, head back to the boat. ------- Onboard ======= On board, Edward surprises everyone with his revelation of the fact that he knows something is wrong with Cecil - and he also reveals the whisper weed, which allows him to hear everything going on in the throne room. Edward also reveals the contents of the box he was given - he concludes it to be a Carnelian Signet, the same box Cecil and Kain opened at Mist... Finally, Edward will spot Yang's ship being consumed by Leviathan... ------------ End Credits!\ ------------- But, as always, that isn't all! We also have the challenge dungeon - talk to Namingway in Kaipo to access it. Ready, set, go! This dungeon is a bit strange - it's all about the money! At the end of the dungeon, on the fourth floor, you can exchange various amounts of gil for treasure (10k, 20k, 30k, 40k or 50k). You can open more then one if you have the cash. The way I'm going to do this is to give you a general layout of the dungeon, along with the best way (at least, the way that works best for me) to get through the dungeon. - Make sure you have the Gil Band Equipped! - Also, make sure you are playing the dungeon during the New Moon Phase. Anyways, let's go. Also, before you go, now that you should have at least 2 Silver Tails and 10 Bronze Tails. This is almost enough for the Tail Collector. We'll need to count on enemy drops to get the rest. Once you find 5 more bronze or 1 more silver from enemy drops, head up to the Tail Collector to exchange them! Yay! ================================= ------------------------------------------ Edward's Challenge Dungeon Enemy Checklist ------------------------------------------ Ghoul [] Revenant [] Bloodbones [] Skeleton [] Spirit [] Soul [] Lilith [] Cave Naga [] Ettin Snake [] Hydra [] Leshy [] Sorceress [] Gatlinghog [] Needlehog [] Cait Sith [] Succubus [] Cave Bat [] Ogre [] Mindflayer [] Red Mousse [] Purple Bavarois [] Yellow Jelly [] Zu [] Cockatrice [] Gargoyle [] Blood Bat [] **Bandit** [] **Gil Bird** [] **Steel Golem** [] **Flamehound** [] **Belphegor** [] Croaker* [] =========================== *Croacker can only be encountered in the PlaySation Portable version. ----------- First Floor =========== - You can head right up the stairs here to get to the 2nd Floor. - You can enter the bottom left stairs or the top right stairs to access the Great Chamber B1 - here, you can find a Bandit that you can defeat for 3k (if he doesn't run away) and a man you can loan 10k too - he will appear somewhere else and return your money, plus a bit extra (up to 10k), but occasionally he won't pay you back. - You can enter the top left stairs to find a "boss" monster (steel golem) which you can defeat for 9k. Other then about 5k HP and a move that can put you to sleep, there is nothing to difficult here. Also, check out the secret passage indicated by the lighter colored floor. - You can enter the bottom right stairs for a little alcove - a storage room with a ton of items. - You can enter the left door to get to the West Passage 1F, which leads to a place where you can sell a Poet's Notebook (if you have it) for around 1000 gil. - You can enter the right door to get to the East Passage 1F which leads to a place where you can sell a Whisperweed for about 500 gil. - You can enter the middle door to access the Central Passage 1F which leads to a room where you can buy some items, and sell a Gil Bird Egg to a merchant for around 10k. ------------ Second Floor ============ - You can talk to the lady nearby and loan her 5k, and she'll disappear somewhere just like the man and you can make up to 10k more. She can be hard to find again sometimes. - You can enter the left door under the stairs to go through West Passage 2F where you can encounter the Gil Bird during the New Moon phase, which will drop 1.5k with the gil band and the Gil Bird Egg, which you can sell for 10k. Further along, you can reach a merchant who will buy the Bard's Lyre for around 5k, and a store where you can buy items. Head even further in to reach a corridor which will lead you to the 3rd floor. - You can enter the right door under the stairs to go through East Passage 2F, which is a library with some hidden items. Go further in to reach the same corridor as you did on the West Side - you can head up to the third floor. - You can enter the bottom left or bottom right door, which will both lead to the same corridor - two elevators, one which you can't ride, and the the other (on the west side) which will take you to the 3rd or 4th floor. There's no point in going through the bottom right door, nor going to the 3rd floor, since the elevator costs 1k per ride. - You can enter the left door above the stairs for a line of toll booths - you need to pay 6 guys 500 gil to reach a gil pig, which you can take to the 4th floor. However, you have to talk to the old lady on the 4th floor before you can take the pig, so never pay before talking to the old lady. NOTE - He is not always here - sometimes he can be floating around somewhere else. If you see him somewhere else, don't hesitate to get him, since you won't waste the 3k for the toll, which can make a difference. The man and lady you loaned money too can appear inside these toll booths too. - You can enter the right door above the stairs for a room where you can find a bandit, which you can defeat for 3k. Like the other bandit, he can randomly run away. ----------- Third Floor =========== - You can enter the Chocobo Pen on the right side - each chocobo can drop a varying amount of gil (1-8k) or steal a varying amount of gil (10-15k). I've had up to 3 different chocobo's give money, and 3 diffeent ones steal. The ones that steal from you can steal numerous times, if you talk to them repeatedly. The ones that give gil will only give it once. - You can enter the left room for another toll booth of sorts - three guys will block your way. Randomly, one will take 300 gil and let you through, one will offer to let you through for 1k gil (you can decline) or one will take 10k and let you through. The boss inside (flamehound) has about 5k HP, and can use Blaze, but is no real problem. He also drops the Bard Lyre, which you can sell on the 2nd Floor for about 5k. ------------ Fourth Floor ============ - You can enter the bottom middle door to talk to the old lady, who will ask for the adamantite pig, which you can grab on the 2nd floor. Once you bring it to her, she will give you around 8-9k. - Finally, you can enter the top middle floor for the final "boss" a Belphegor with around 5k HP, who can use Tornado, which reduces your HP to single digits. He will drop around 7.5k upon defeat. Past him are the chests, for 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k or 50k. The more you pay, the better the prize, and you can buy more then one chest. -------- Strategy ======== Now that you've seen the floors, you should have some idea of what you can do to make a lot of gil. Here are a few pointers on the best way to go through the dungeon (in my opinion). - Always do the 3rd floor first - it's the most random. You don't want to collect 15k, then lose it to a chocobo. And you don't want to pay the 10k to fight the flamehound. The best case scenario is to get at least 5k-10k out of the chocobo room, pay only 300 gil in the flamehound room, and get the bard lyre. With all these together, you can easily get 20k from the start (10k+6k+5k). Since this part can be done pretty quick, resetting may be the fastest way to do this part well. At the very least, getting 15k is okay. If you find a chocobo with 5k or 8k right away, you might want to just proceed with the dunegon instead of trying to get another 1k or so. - When you're heading back to the 2nd floor after selling the Bard Lyre, make sure you battle the Gil Bird (remember, only during New Moon). This'll land you another 1.5k from the battle, and you can sell the Gil Bird Egg for 10k-15k, putting you at around 31-36k. - Now, on the 2nd floor, head into the right door near the stairs to find the bandit. If you defeat him before he runs, you can get another 4.5k (35.5-40.5k). - Back to the first floor, check the top right stairs for another bandit, and another possible 3k. (38.5-44.5k) - Also on the first floor, sell the gil bird egg. And go down the top left stairs to find a boss, which you can battle for 9k (45-53.5k). - If you've been checking all the chests on the 2nd and 1st floor, you may have the Poet's Notebook and Whisperweed - sell them on the West Side and East Side Passage respectively for about 3k and .5k (51.5-56.5k). - If you find the Adamantite pig anywhere outside of the toll booth, go to the 4th floor and talk to the old lady, and return him once you do the next step for another 5k (56.5-61.6k) - Finally, go to the bottom left door on the second floor and ride the elevator to the 4th floor. Enter the final room and fight the boss for 7.5k, which should put you at around (63-68k). There you go! -------------- Final Pointers ============== - Fight all the battles you can - you can easily accumulate a couple thousand gil just from fighting battles, along with other useful items such as Bronze and Silver Tails from Hydras. This also helps cover anything you may have not gained from the bandits. - If you still need money, try lending to the lady first - you pay her less, and she can still give you back as much as the man. Plus, if you run into some battle looking for her, you can get more money. - As a final attempt, lend the money to the old man, for the same reasons as the lady. - The Gil Bird's location changes depending on the Moon Phase look for it in the following locations during the appropriate phase: Full Moon: Boss Room just before the pay-to-open treasure chests. Waning Moon: 4th Floor Tower New Moon: West Passage on the 2nd Floor. Waxing Moon: 2nd Floor Tower. - In the PlayStation Portable version of the game, a rare enemy called Croacker be randomly encountered. This monster can drop a Megalixir. A Megaexixir can be sold in Edward's Tale for more than 300,000 gil. ----------------- Noteworthy Prizes ================= Muse Harp Ice Whip Professor's Robe Exorcist Gown Circular Hat Level Band Silver Apple Soma Drop Elixir Adamantite "Hopefully, this will help you get all the gil you need!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.710) - Lunarian's Tale - The Blue Planet That Was (LNR1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone. This is Cranberry, on hand for another adventure. At long last, August 3rd 2009 is here, and 3 more tales have been released! It seems like we’ve been waiting forever for this! In this tale, we will follow the adventures of some characters we didn’t think we’d ever see again. What mysteries await us? It’s time to find out, but first we need to download the tale! Downloading The Lunarian’s Tale: First, you need to download The Lunarina’s Tale to play it. To do so, load up "Final Fantasy IV: The Years After" on your Nintendo Wii. From the title screen, choose "Purchase Add-On Content". Once the game connects to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Network, choose The Lunarian’s Tale. You’ll need to pay 300 Wii points for this download, so make sure you have enough points before attempting this. Once the download completes, return to the Title Screen and choose "Select Story". The Lunarian’s Tale will appear on the menu, choose it to begin. ****************IMPORTANT***************************************** The Lunarian’s Tale is independent from the main game’s story and uses its own saves. Don’t save over your save file from the main game! Save to a different save slot! Unlike the other tales, the cast of this one was not clearly stated in the game description. Let’s start by introducing the characters that we will be guiding through this tale. The heroes here may surprise you. Golbez: Golbez...if you’ve played the original Final Fantasy IV then you know exactly whom this is. 17 years ago he was the cause of the great war that caused so much pain and suffering. But, he was also being controlled by Zeromous, and was eventually released from Zermous’s powerful influence. He then left with the Lunarians, knowing he could never return to the Blue Planet after what he had done. Now, in the present he awakens to find mysterious things happening. Together with Fusoya, he sets off to investigate. Golbez is a powerful swordsman, and also specializes in black magic as well with a selection of spells that rivals even that of a black mage. He also has a Pressure move that can place a hold spell on enemies, as well as a Taunt ability that draws enemies into attacking him instead of his companions while it is active. After a story event, he will also automatically learn the Double Black Magic band with Fusoya, which will combine their black magic for a powerful attack. Golbez will learn a few additional spells as he levels up. Here is the list: Osmose - 32 Drain - 35 Quake - 42 Fusoya: We first met Fusoya 17 years ago when Cecil and his companions journeyed to the moon. He briefly joined Cecil during the battle against the Giant of Babil. After the moon depearted, it was thought Fusoya would never be seen again. Fate, however, had other plans. Although Fusoya has almost no physical attack capabilities, he is a master of magic. In fact, right off the bat he knows every spell in both white and black magic, including the legendary Meteor spell. However, he only has 190 MP, which is quite low for one whom relies on magic. He also has Bless, an ability that slowly restores a small amount of HP and MP, but keeps him busy for 3 turns to do so. After a story event, he will automatically learn the Double Black Magic band with Golbez; a band that combines their black magic together for a powerful attack. Fusoya can not be imported into future tales. Now that we’ve introduced the characters, lets begin the story. ~~Chamber of Sleep~~ After a brief story scene, Golbez will appear in battle mode, being confronted by Cecil. Cecil will attack, as Golbez pleads for him to stop. You’ll get a chance to input a command, but Cecil will quickly defeat you. First thing you should do is un-equip the Ebony Blade Golbez is equipped with through the item menu before Cecil defeats you. This sword gives a significant boost to the Intellect and Spirit stats and will be a great help later in this tale. Be sure to un-equip it so that its added to your inventory and useable later! The screen will then transition to a sleep chamber, where Golbez will awaken, realizing that the battle you just saw was only a dream. You’ll then be able to move around, and you’ll see that you are surrounded by sleeping Lunarians. Proceed to the north, then head west. You’ll see a faint image of Namingway. Talk to him, and you’ll discover that this is an item shop. To the far east is a save point. Step onto the glass tile in the center to continue. Lunar Item Shop: Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Tent 100 Cottage 500 ========================================= ----------------------------------- Chamber of Sleep Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------- None ==== ~~Lunar Subteranne~~ The tile takes you to B12, which fans of the original Final Fantasy IV will recognize as the scene of the games final battle. There is no treasure to find here, and the path is straightforward so continue south and take the warp tile to B11. =============================== ---------------------- B12 Treasure Checklist ---------------------- None ==== Follow the path and Golbez will briefly pause as he senses something. Continue on along the path and you’ll reach B10. Isn’t it great that there are no random enemy encounters right now? =============================== ---------------------- B11 Treasure Checklist ---------------------- None ==== Here on B10, you’ll find a tile that restores your HP and MP to the west; you don’t need it now, but you can return here later if you need a boost. Head north a bit, and then west to find a treasure chest on the edge of the road. Look carefully because it blends in with the background. Head east to find a second on the opposite end of the platform. Work your way northward to reach B9. =============================== ---------------------- B10 Treasure Checklist ---------------------- Hi-Potion [] Tent [] ================= Here we are on B9, start by going west to find another treasure chest. Continue following the linear path, but grab the second treasure chest on a small ledge to the east. Still no enemy encounters, Golbez sure does have it easy doesn’t he? Continue on to B8. ================================ --------------------- B9 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Ether [] X-Potion [] ================= The path is still pretty straightforward, but don’t miss the treasure chest to the west as you climb some stairs. Then proceed down the path to B7. ================================ --------------------- B8 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Phoenix Down [] ================= The map is a tad more complicated now. Climb the stairs to the east of you, and then go east. Follow the path and you’ll pass some doors. You won’t be able to enter the doors, so just continue on. Golbez will then pause, and 2 monsters will suddenly attack. A Magma Tortise and a Fell Turtle. Golbez's Bio spell can be effective in defeating these monsters. After defeating the enemies, enter the door above to find a strange looking mark on the ground, which turns out to be a save point. Continue on to reach B6. =============================== --------------------- B7 Treasure Checklist --------------------- None [] ================= You’ll see a treasure chest to the west. Walk over and grab it, then proceed south through the indentation there. Now proceed north and climb some stairs, then take the stairs just west of you south to a small ledge holding a treasure chest. Then head back north and grab the east and west treasure chests on your way out. You’ll get into another enemy battle on your way to the door. Again your Bio spell is useful here. =============================== --------------------- B6 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Phoenix Down [] Cottage [] Hi-Potion [] Tent [] ================== Head east and you’ll find a vase that will restore your HP and MP. Now continue west and you’ll find a treasure chest at the end of the path. Enter the door east of the treasure chest to continue. In the next room take the western fork first for another treasure chest. Now take the eastern path and exit the room. Now proceed east for another treasure chest. Enter the door just to the west of the chest to continue. In the room you enter, look for a notch on the western wall. There is a secret passage here you can walk through. Work your way through this passage, grabbing the treasure chest as you do so. Leave the room, then grab another treasure chest to the west before continuing north. You’ll encounter an Ice Lizard and a Black Lizard as you attempt to leave. Continue to B4 after defeating the monsters. ============================== --------------------- B5 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Bronze Hourglass [] Mythril Gloves [] Unicorn Horn [] Tent [] Ether [] =================== The path is still pretty simple. Grab the treasure chest and then enter the door. Grab another treasure chest, then proceed east, sticking to the north so you can snag yet another treasure. Who knew the Lunarians were such packrats? A door before the exit leads to a save point. Continue through the southern door and follow the path, climbing two long stairwells, then head east for a treasure chest. Next go west and you’ll encounter a Chimera and 2 Gremlins. Bio is still your best attack option. Continue on to reach B3. ============================== --------------------- B4 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Hi-Potion [] X-Potion [] White Fang [] Phoenix Down [] ================= There are some treasure chests on this floor, but alas Golbez won't walk through the secret passage leading to them. We’ll just have to pass them by. Head northeast to find a vase to refill your HP and MP. Then go through the door. =============================== --------------------- B3 Treasure Checklist --------------------- ???? ==== The first treasure chest is just to the west. Grab it and then proceed east. When you reach the far east, take the secret passage leading to the south, detouring to the west for the treasure chest, then proceed along the path and to the door west of the chest. ============================== --------------------- B2 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Cottage [] Mythril Helm [] ================= As you head north, you’ll encounter a Lamia Matriarch and 3 Goblin Captains. Bio them as usual. The Lamia Matriarch will counter with Entice and likely confuse you, but a single physical attack from it will snap you out of it, allowing you to cast Bio again to finish it off. Continue north and you’ll see a warp tile on a small ledge. Ignore it for the moment and walk to the wall east of it. Enter a secret passage in the eastern wall to reach a side path. Follow the side path to a treasure chest holding a Mythril Shield, now head back to the warp tile. =============================== --------------------- B1 Treasure Checklist --------------------- Mythril Shield [] =================== ~~Crystal Palace~~ As you enter the Crystal Palace, you immediately notice something is wrong with the crystals. Speak to the crystals to hear their strange messages, then head south. As you approach the exit, Fusoya will arrive. After a brief conversation, he will join your party. Proceed south to reach a new room. In this room there are paths leading east and west. The west side has a tile that will restore your HP and status while the east side has a tile to restore your MP. Refill if needed and then exit the palace. ~~The Lunar Surface~~ ===================================== ----------------------------- Lunar Surface Enemy Checklist ----------------------------- White Mousse [] Caterpillar [] Purple Bavarois [] Black Flan [] Balloon [] Mors [] Coeurl [] Gravel Worm [] ==================== The lunar surface...it’s been a long time since we were last here in the original Final Fantasy IV. This is a pretty large area, and also features some lunar tunnels that connect several parts of it. Let’s head south first, for a cave there leads to the Hummingway Abode. Here we can buy items for use in the adventures ahead. There are 2 Lunar Tunnels on the moon surface. The first one is a short distance north of the Hummingway Abode and the second is farther north and a bit to the west. There are some treasures to find here and it may be worth it to take a detour here before continuing on. Our destination is a meteor impact site. To reach it, from the Hummingway Abode Cave, go up onto the gray area, but instead of heading north toward the Lunar Tunnel, head south. Leave the gray area and then continue east to find the meteor impact site. ~~Lunar Tunnel~~ ----------------------------- Lunar Tunnels Enemy Checklist ----------------------------- White Mousse [] Caterpillar [] Purple Bavarois [] Black Flan [] Balloon [] Mors [] Coeurl [] Gravel Worm [] Ebony Dragon* [] ==================== *Northwest Tunnel only The southern lunar tunnel is a connecting passage that leads to a path leading further north. The southern cave has no treasures, but the path will lead to the cave in the northwest, which is far more interesting. In addition to the treasures on the checklist below if you enter it during a New Moon, you may encounter a deadly Ebony Dragon. The Ebony Dragon has some brutal physical attacks, and will counter magic with one of several moves, including Black Fang, an instant death attack, and Dark Breath, a move that deals damage based on how much HP the Ebony Dragon currently has. At high HP, a single Dark Breath could wipe out your party. Even casting the Slow spell will trigger a potentially deadly counter attack. To battle this brute, stick to physical attacks. The dragon may counter your physical attacks as well, but only with a physical attack of its own. Have Golbez attack with his sword while Fusoya supports with Blink and haste spells. Recast Blink whenever its used up and you'll beat the Ebony Dragon easily. When defeated, it may leave behind an Ebony tail. This rare item may have a use in a future tale, so be sure to hold onto it if you find one! ========================================== ------------------------------- Lunar Tunnel Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- X-Potion [] Dry Ether [] Blood Sword [] ================= ~~Hummingway Abode~~ The biggest thing of interest here is the item shop, for now at least. Namingway is here as well, and later on we can return to him and enter his challenge dungeon. For now, just use the item shop and chat with the Hummingway family members. Buy a bunch of Antidotes before you leave; you’ll be glad you did later. -Hummingway Abode Item Shop- Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Cottage 500 Ether 10,000 ========================================================= ----------------------------------- Hummingway Abode Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------- None ==== ~~Impact Crater~~ ========================================== ----------------------------- Impact Crater Enemy Checklist ----------------------------- Purple Bavarois [] Red Mousee [] Yellow Jelly [] Centaur Knight [] Frostbeast [] Ice Lizard [] Gremlin [] Black Knight [] Fell Turtle [] Soldiress [] Sorceress [] ====================== As Fusoya mentions, this is no mere meteor. It’s having a devastating effect on the land itself. There’s not much to do here in the Rim, so follow the linear path to advance deeper into the site. ============================================================ -------------------------------------- Impact Crater - Rim Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- None ==== What a terrible place...it just looks so devastated. Anyways, the route is straight-forward. Step on the light colored rocks to jump down to a lower level, then head west, passing the next set of rocks to reach a treasure chest. After grabbing the treasure, use the rocks to jump down. Continue on to reach the middle wall. We’ll get the rest of the items on the treasure checklist a bit later. ============================================================ --------------------------------------------- Impact Crater - Upper Wall Treasure Checklist --------------------------------------------- X-Potion [] Dry Ether [] Hi-Potion [] Cottage [] Diamond Armlet [] ================= Head west, and then take the far west jump rocks to reach a treasure chest. Then head back and take the other rocks to jump down to a lower level. Take another set of jump rocks to the east to leap up to a ledge with a treasure chest. Work your way back down and then take the west jump rock to reach a new ledge. Again take the western rocks, and once again take the western ones to reach another treasure chest. Take the jump rock down to a lower ledge and then walk east and take a pair of jump rocks there to reach another treasure chest. Take another jump rock and work your way east again, this time taking the jump rocks to the far east to reach the lower wall. The rest of the treasure checklist items will be gotten a little later. ============================================================= ---------------------------------------------- Impact Crater - Middle Wall Treasure Checklist ---------------------------------------------- Phoenix Down [] Echo Herbs [] Mythril sword [] Unicorn Horn [] Dry Ether [] Antidote [] Ether [] ================== Head west and empty the treasure chest, then take the jump rock. Follow the path and take the next jump rock for another treasure chest. Jump back down and continue on along the path to the far west where you can jump to another treasure chest. Jump back down and take another jump rock to leap down to a save point. Then proceed west. You’ll return to another part of this area a little later to get the rest of the items on the checklist. ============================================================= --------------------------------------------- Impact Crater - Lower Wall Treasure Checklist --------------------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Cottage [] Ether [] Dry Ether [] X-Potion [] Emergency Exit [] ================== When you reach the floor, you’ll find a woman standing on a ledge above. If you approach her, after a brief conversation you’ll enter a boss battle. This is not an easy fight, so you might want to bypass her for the moment and continue to the west. There are quite a few treasure chests in the areas to the west with items that will be helpful in this battle. --Boss Battle - Mysterious Girl-- The Mysterious Girl...you might have encountered her before in other tales. She’ll begin the battle by summoning Asura. What Asura does depends on what her face looks like. If it’s an orange angry expression, she’ll deliver a powerful physical attack. If her face is a light color, she’ll cast Curaga on the Mysterious Girl, and if it’s a gray color, she’ll cast Shell on the Mysterious Girl. The Mysterious Girl will attack by casting a fire, ice, or lightning based spell on you. This isn’t an easy fight. Asura can’t be damaged, so focus all of your offense solely on the Mysterious Girl. Because the Mysterious Girl is in the back row, Golbez sword is less effective on her. Instead, have him cast his Bio, Firaga, Thundaga, or Blizzaga spells. Bio doesn’t do as high of damage, but can be cast very quickly. Fusoya should cast Slow on the Mysterious Girl, and then Haste on Golbez and himself. Fusoya can also cast Shell a few times on Golbez and himself to reduce the damage you take from the Mysterious Girls spells. Once he’s finished his support, he should join Golbez in dealing attack damage with some of his spells, such as Holy, Flare, Quake, or perhaps even Meteor. Meteor is very powerful, but will use up his MP very quickly and takes a long time to cast. Heal your HP with items or one of Fusoya’s Cure spells whenever you have less than 900 HP. The Mysterious Girl may use Binding Glare to paralyze on of your characters. If she uses it on Golbez, have Fusoya use Esuna on him to cure the status ailment. If its used on Fusoya, you’ll just have to wait it out. With Haste, spells from Golbez, and a combination of support and attack spells from Fusoya, you should be able to topple the Mysterious Girl. Once she’s defeated, Asura will fade as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Mysterious Girl defeated, it’s time to leave the crater. If you haven’t already gone west, do so to find more treasure on your way out. If you’ve already collected these treasures before fighting the Mysterious Girl, you can go either way to reach the exit. ============================================== ---------------------------------------- Impact Crater - Floor Treasure Checklist ---------------------------------------- None [] ==================== Assuming you’ve gone west from the room with the Mysterious Girl, you’re now at another part of the lower wall. Take the first jump rock and follow the path and take another rock to jump to a small ledge. Head south and jump a few more times to reach a treasure chest. After grabbing the chest, jump up and then work your way back to the ledge so that you can jump to a higher one. Work your way south, pass one jump rock and take the one farther south to reach another treasure chest. Jump back up and take the other jump rock and head south for another treasure chest. Jump back up the rocks and a few times and head through the north path to reach another part of the middle wall. Follow the path and head south at the fork to find a treasure chest. Then head north and east for another treasure chest. Then head west and detour south for yet another treasure chest. How did so many treasures get into an impact site anyways? Continue on and you’ll be taken to another part of the upper wall. Follow the path, and at the fork go west to reach another treasure chest. Now go back and take the north fork. Grab another treasure chest and continue north and follow the path to the west. Take the first path going south to reach yet another treasure chest. Head back up, and then take the southern path slightly to the west to reach one more treasure chest. Follow the north path to reach the rim. Head west to leave the crater and return to the lunar surface. ~~Lair of the Father~~ ================================================ ---------------------------------- Lair of the Father Enemy Checklist ---------------------------------- Magma Tortoise [] Goblin Captain [] Flamehound [] Black Lizard [] Chimera [] Medusa [] Naga [] Count Malboro [] ===================== From the meteor impact site, head directly north to find the cave Bahamut lives in, the Lair of the Father. You’ll have to walk up onto the gray area and circle around it to reach the cave. Head directly south for a treasure chest containing an Aura Staff, a good equip for Fusoya. Next take the east path, but stick to the north and go through a secret passage to reach another treasure chest. Once you have it, head south and go through the door to reach B2. ================================================= ----------------------------------------- Lair of the Father - B1 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------- Aura Staff [] Dry Ether [] =============== The path is pretty direct here. Follow it and grab a treasure chest, and then head east to get another one before continuing north. You’ll encounter a Count Malboro along the way. Although not a boss fight, this monster is more difficult than the regular enemies you’ve encountered and can’t be run from. Have Golbez hit it with his high level elemental spells and have Fusoya put Slow on it. After that, it’s just a matter of wearing it down. It’ll eventually use a poison gas attack on your party; don’t bother curing the poison until after the battle is over. This monster can use "Bad Breath" to put a variety of status ailments on you all at the same time. Equip both Golbez and Fusoya with Rune Armlets to ensure Bad Breath misses. Bad Breath will miss if you are resistant to any of the status ailments it puts on you. Rune Armlets prevent Silence, which is why they protect you from Bad Breath. ================================================= ------------------------------------------ Lair of the Father - B2 Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------------ Ether [] Ice Shield [] =============== Here we have a straightforward path, but you’ll encounter a couple more Count Malboro’s on the way. Handle them the same way you did the first one. At the end of the path, you’ll find Bahamut. Fusoya will then prompt you to rush to the Crystal Palace. Either walk back the way you came, or use Fusoya’s Teleport spell. ================================================== ------------------------------------------ Lair of the Father - B3 Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------------ None ==== ~~Return to The Crystal Palace~~ Now it's time to return to the Crystal Palace; hike back up there and head in. Use the east and west tiles to restore your HP and MP and cure any status ailments you might have, and then head to the crystal chamber. A story scene will occur, and you will enter a boss battle. --Boss Battle: Mysterious Girl-- It’s the Mysterious Girl again, and she’s back with a vengeance! This time she will summon Leviathan. Leviathan has a powerful tidal wave attack, as well as a powerful physical attack. Like Asura before him, he’s invincible so focus your attacks on the Mysterious Girl. The Mysterious Girl will cast the same spells she did last time. Similar tactics apply here, except Fusoya will need to be more vigilant on the healing. Golbez should also contribute to the healing by using Hi-Potions when necessary. And definitely get Slow cast on the Mysterious Girl as soon as Fusoya gets his first turn. Golbez will still find his sword to not be particularly effective, so he should focus on spell casting. Like before, Figara, Blizzaga, Thundaga, and Bio are all good choices. Fusoya should get Haste cast on both himself and Golbez as quickly as possible; it’ll allow you to bombard the Mysterious Girl with a steady stream of spells. Fusoya might also want to put a few shell spells on both Golbez and himself for some added magic protection. Healing is a priority. Both the Mysterious Girl and Leviathan can do significant damage, so Fusoya needs to be ready to cast a healing spell at a moments notice. Because Fusoya does not have a lot of MP, he may need to use an Ether or two during the battle. If necessary, use one of Golbez turns to restore Fusoya’s MP so that he can stay vigilant with his healing and support. As long as you keep your HP up and keep an eye on Fusoya’s MP, you should be able to best her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A story scene will occur after the battle, and you’ll be prompted to go back to the moon’s core. Before that, return to the previous room and restore yourself on the tiles, and if you wish go back outside to save your game. Then head toward the core. ~~Lunar Subteranne~~ ================================ -------------------------------- Lunar Subteranne Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- Lamia [] Matriarch [] Mystery Egg [] Lamia [] Storm Anima [] Steel Golem [] Skuldier [] Ghost Knight [] Balloon [] Mad Ogre [] Sorcerer [] Coeurl [] Nagaraja [] Black Flan [] White Mousse [] Mythril Golem [] Black Knight [] Fell Knight [] Evil Flame [] Chimera Brain [] Belphegor [] Blood Eye [] ================ This is the same path you took before, except now you can grab some of the treasures you couldn’t before. Because this area is the same as it was before, with only a few detours for some treasure, the treasure checklist contains all of the treasures you could get before in one listing and isn’t separated by floors. From the entrance go to the western wall and look for a secret passage you can slip through to reach a warp tile. Warp and follow the path until you reach a treasure chest. Even though you can continue down this road, it leads to a dead end so turn back and return to the entrance and go south. When you reach B3, head south to the secret passage Golbez wouldn’t go through before. Work your way to the treasure chest, collect it, and then continue east through another secret passage. Work your way down to 2 more treasure chests, one of which contains an Icebrand, which is a great weapon for Golbez. Now, head back the way you came and continue heading toward the core. On B4, take a detour to the west after you descend the stairs to a side room with a treasure chest you couldn’t reach before to find an Elixir. Now continue toward the core. On B5, after you walk through the secret passage head south to reach a ledge containing a treasure chest. Some Ice Armor is inside. Later, just before the stairs leading to B6, take the north door to find another treasure chest with a Remedy. Now continue onto B6. Take the eastern stairs and then walk west. There is a secret path you can cross to reach the ledge to the west. On the northwest tip of this ledge is a secret passage you can follow leading east and then south to find a treasure chest containing a Luminous Robe. Follow the path to the east to find a warp tile. The warp tile will take you to a long stairway leading north. Follow it to another warp tile leading to another stairway. Follow this one, grabbing the treasure chest containing a Soma Drop on the way. Continue north to another warp tile that will take you to a save point. If you proceed through the next door you’ll reach a ledge with a stand. In the original Final Fantasy IV, a powerful weapon was once stored here, but now the stand is empty. Backtrack the way you came and proceed to B7. On B7 you can enter the doors you weren’t able to before. The eastern door has 2 treasure chests inside. There’s no more treasure to find after these, so head straight to the core. A story scene will occur when you reach B12 and you will learn the Double Black Magic Band. Then, you’ll enter a boss battle. --Boss Battle: Zeromus’s Malice-- Zeromus? The final boss from Final Fantasy IV?! Maybe, or maybe not, in any case it’s time to take this thing down! To start off with, the usual boss tactics apply. Have Fusoya cast Slow on the boss, and Haste on both Golbez and himself. After that, use your new Double Black Magic band. The exact spell used can vary, but it will do very high damage. Zeromus’s Malice will attack with spells of his own, which can be blocked with reflect, but you may be better off spending your turns using the Band and using a Cure spell when your HP gets low rather than keeping reflect up. Once you’ve done significant damage, Zeromus’s Malice will use his Big Bang attack, reducing both Golbez and Fusoya to 1 HP. Fusoya will then cast a spell and warp Golbez away, ending the battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================= ----------------------------- Lunar Core Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- X-Potion [] Dry Ether x2 [] Decoy [] Icebrand [] Elixir [] Ice Armor [] Remedy x2 [] Lumina Robe [] Soma Drop [] =============== After the battle ends, a story scene will occur. During the course of a few flashbacks, you’ll enter battle against several characters. These aren’t true fights, in that they are mostly scripted, so don’t worry about losing these. Once the story scene concludes, you’ll find yourself aboard the Lunar Whale. Head north, and Golbez will look out toward the moon, and then the credits will begin. Congratulations! You’ve finished the Lunarians’s Tale! Don’t forget to save your clear data after the credits roll, it creates import data that you can use in a future tale! ~~Double the Lunarians~~ Hold it, we aren’t done yet! The adventure isn’t over just yet! Once you’re on the title screen, load up your cleared game data and you’ll appear back at the Lunar Palace. Now, head to the Hummingway Abode and speak to Namingway. He’ll offer to grant you access to his challenge dungeon, a place where you can find fantastic treasures not available anywhere else in this tale. It won’t be easy however, and you’ll have to fight for the treasures! If you’re ready, say yes to be teleported in. ~~Lunar Challenge Dungeon 1~~ ============================================ ----------------------------------- Challenge Dungeon 1 Enemy Checklist ----------------------------------- Ghost Knight [] Flame Knight [] Black Knight [] Lamia [] Vampiress [] Lamia Matriarch [] Hellflapper [] Steel Golem [] Mythril Golem [] Centaur Knight [] Mad Ogre [] Coeurl [] Black Flan [] White Mousse [] Balloon [] Storm Anima [] Sorcerer [] Chimera [] Frostbeast [] =================== At the entrance floor, take the warp tile, then follow the path leading east, as you begin to head north look for a lighter tile in the west wall, a secret passage is there that you can enter. Follow it to find an Ether in a treasure chest. Next, head back through the passage and continue north. Follow the path and enter the door. In the next room, head east into the wall through a secret passage. Follow the passage to reach a room with 2 treasure chests, but you’ll only be able to access one of them for the moment. Head back through the passage and go west and then north. Look for a slight difference in the eastern wall as you head north, it’s hard to spot but there’s a secret passage here that will take you to the other treasure chest. Grab it, and then continue along the path until you reach a fork in the road. Head south at the fork and work your way to another treasure chest, then head back to the fork and go north. In the next room, follow the path and take the door to the north to reach a save point. Use a tent or cottage if needed, and then continue to the east. Head south at the fork to reach a treasure chest, then proceed north. Just before the door head west through a secret passage to reach another treasure chest. Then proceed through the door. In the next room, at the fork take the western path and follow it to a room with a treasure chest. After grabbing the chest look for a secret passage in the southeast corner of the room. Follow the passage to reach the eastern edge of the room. Follow the path to reach a room with another treasure chest. After grabbing the chest, go through the small opening south to reach a small room with another treasure chest containing a Master’s Staff. Now head back the way you came until you reach the fork and head north through the door. Follow the path, sticking to the west to grab a treasure chest before heading north. You’ll reach a save point on your way north. Just ahead is a character wearing a cloak. Speaking to this character will result in a battle, for this is the boss of the challenge dungeon. --Boss Battle: Kirin-- This boss looks tough, but with a little strategy you can handle him quite easily. This boss may counter magic cast on him with a powerful Holy spell that will do absurd damage to whomever it hits. Kirin also sports physical attacks that while not extremely powerful, can hit both party members at once. He also has a modest selection of black magic spells, including the Quake spell. Before confronting this boss have Fusoya cast his Float spell, as this will neutralize the damage done by Quake. The way to defeat this boss is to avoid casting magic on him, thus avoiding his Holy counter attack. Even though Holy can be reflected, the spell will heal the boss and reflect doesn’t last long before it wears off. Lead off the battle by casting Slow on the boss, even though it will provoke a Holy counter attack. Heal up the damage from Holy, and then have Golbez physically attack with his sword while Fusoya casts Haste, Shell, and Cure spells. Kirin won’t counter physical attacks, so its safe for Golbez to wail on him with his sword. I like to cast Berserk on Golbez, even though you lose control of him; he will auto-attack and deliver savage hits to the boss. With no Holy counter to worry about, and the Float spell neutralizing Quake, this battle becomes a walk in the park. A Berserked and Hasted Golbez will annihilate this boss very quickly as long as Fusoya keeps his HP up. Have Fusoya cast Shell a few times when healing isn’t necessary for added defense against Kirin’s spells. With almost no trouble at all, Kirin goes down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After you defeat Kirin, you are free to claim the last treasure chest. What’s inside? I can’t tell you, it’s contents are random. It may be a generic common item, or it may be a very rare item! You can re-enter this challenge dungeon as many times as you like, the last treasure chest will regenerate allowing you to collect it again for a chance at a new item. Kirin regenerates as well, and you’ll have to re-fight him each time you want to claim the treasure. Here’s a list of some of the more interesting items you might find in the last chest. Diamond Gloves Diamond Helm Diamond Armor Diamond Shield Enhancement Sword Proof of Courage Once you find a rare treasure from this list, the next rare item you find will be a different item on the list. Once you have found them all, the cycle will repeat and you can find these items again. Random consumables can be found at any time and have no cycle. The PlayStation Portable version of the game however, does not repeat the rare treasure cycle. You can only find these rare treasures once on that version of the game. ======================= ------------------------------------ Challenge Dungeon Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------ Ether x2 [] X-Potion x2 [] Hermes Sandals [] Bacchus’s Wine [] Dry Ether x2 [] Master’s Staff [] X-Potion [] ???? [] =================== ~~The Challenge Isn’t over~~ Had your fill of Namingway’s Challenge Dungeon? Seek even more adventure? Well, if you’ve found the Proof of Courage inside the challenge dungeon, you can gain access to the Lunar Face for even more adventure and treasure! If you have the necessary item, and are feeling confident, travel south from the Hummingway Abode (by passing over the gray area) to find the entrance to the Lunar Face nestled between some mountains. ~~Lunar Face - Challenge Dungeon 2~~ ==================================================== ----------------------------------- Challenge Dungeon 2 Enemy Checklist ----------------------------------- Belphegor [] Balloon [] Coeurl [] Lamia [] Hellflapper [] Chimera Brain [] Lesser Marilith [] Storm Anima [] Leshy [] Lamia [] Mad Ogre [] Blood Eye [] Fell Knight [] Chimera [] Black Knight [] Hellflapeper [] Arachne [] Mythril Golem [] Stone Golem [] Steel Golem [] Nagaraja [] Count Malboro [] Sorcerer [] ================== With the Proof of Courage in your possession, speak to the person inside the Lunar Face. A door will open allowing you access to the Lunar Face. Walk through the door up to the warp tile to transport to the Entrance Floor. Follow the path to another warp tile to enter Challenge Dungeon 2. First off, there seems to be some random variance to this area. Sometimes some of the treasure chests contain random items and may replenish themselves on subsequent runs, and the path might vary slightly as well. This area is a bit of a maze. At the first fork take the southeast path and walk east, right into the wall through a secret passage leading to a treasure chest. Next go north and grab the treasure chest to the west, it contains an X-Potion. Next head east toward the wall, enter the space that looks slightly different to find a secret passage that you can follow to reach an area to the north. Enter the door to find a room containing 2 treasure chests. After collecting these, backtrack the way you came and go to the fork in the road. Take the door along the north path to continue. In the next room, you’ll see a treasure chest just a few steps away. After opening it, follow the path to the north, staying to the west at the fork to reach another treasure chest. Next, take the east fork and follow the path that leads to a door. Before heading into the door, go west into the wall,through a secret passage leading to a treasure chest. After collecting the valuable Lunar Curtain inside, go back and enter the door. In the next room, go east to find a treasure chest. After emptying it, take the path going north. Don’t enter the door you see and instead go west and then south down some stairs. On the lower level work your way east, and then walk south passing under the ledge containing the treasure chest you emptied a moment ago to reach another treasure chest. Then walk north to find another treasure chest you can raid. Now work your way back to the door, and walk east this time, still not entering the door. Follow the path to another treasure chest, and another door. The door leads to a save point. Now return to the door we’ve passed a few times and enter it. In this room, walk down some stairs leading to a deeper level of the challenge dungeon. **Starting in this area, the path varies each run through the dungeon. The location of the doors will remain in the same spot, but the exact path will vary slight and occasionally you may not be able to reach a treasure chest. Use these instructions as a guideline rather than exact directions.** In the next room, walk west and enter the door, which is actually an entrance to a secret passage that leads to a treasure chest to the south. After taking the contents of the chest, re-enter the secret passage and take it far to the north to reach a new path. Walk east and enter the door you see to find another secret passage. Follow the passage to a ledge a short distance to the east to find a treasure chest. Continue south and enter the door to the west to continue. In the next room, head west to find 3 passages you can take. The layout of these passages can vary, but you should be able to use them to reach a treasure chest and a passage further north. Grab the treasure chest and continue north into a secret passage. Walk all the way to the east and then go south, all the way down to a treasure chest. Collect the chest and then look for a path-leading west and enter the door. In the next room you’ll find a save point, and a door to the west. If you enter the door to the west, you’ll be asked if you wish to leave the challenge dungeon. Answer yes if you want to bail out, otherwise say no to remain. Walk north up a long series of steps to find a character wearing a cloak. As you have probably guessed, this is the dungeon boss. --Boss Battle: Armstrong-- This boss has a special ability. His attack power is boosted by magical damage. Additionally, he also counters magic attack by using a Penetrating Laser attack. This does an absurd amount of damage, and will probably 1 hit kill whomever it strikes. When he’s not using a counter, Armstrong mostly uses physical attacks, and he can attack twice per turn. He also has a Firaga spell and a Stone Touch ability, although he uses these abilities infrequently preferring to mostly stick to physicals. This boss should be handled much like Kirin before him. It’s probably worth it to cast Slow on this boss, even though the Penetrating Laser counter will kill one of your party members. Revive and heal the fallen immediately. Once your on your feet again, cast Haste and Berserk on Golbez. Armstrong won’t counter physical attacks and even though Berserk will cause you to lose control of Golbez, he’ll attack by himself and his attacks will become much stronger. Combined with Haste, Golbez will deal heavy damage to Armstrong very quickly. Fusoya should cast Haste on himself, and then cast Blink on both Golbez and himself. Blink offers great protection against Armstrong’s physicals, although you’ll have to recast it after a character is physically attacked twice. Fusoya can also cast Shell a few times to offer protection against the Firaga spell Armstrong occasionally uses. Fusoya is also in charge of healing, and should cast a Cure series spell whenever needed. As long as you don’t cast any spells on Armstrong, Fusoya should easily be able to keep Golbez and himself alive and healthy. After Golbez wails on him enough, Armstrong will fall. When Armstrong is low on HP, he may use a special atomic blast move that will destroy himself and damage you in the process. Fortunately this attack does low damage and you should be able to survive it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With Armstrong defeated, you are free to claim the final treasure chest. What is your reward for this victory? Just as before, I can’t tell you for sure. It’s another random chest! Once again it may be something relatively common, or it may be a very rare and very valuable item. Here is a list of some of the better items you might find inside. Megalixir Defender Adamantite Rare Band Aegis Shield Once you find a rare treasure from this list, the next rare item you find will be a different item on the list. Once you have found them all, the cycle will repeat and you can find these items again. Random consumables can be found at any time and have no cycle. The PlayStation Portable version of the game however, does not repeat the rare treasure cycle. You can only find these rare treasures once on that version of the game. ================================================= -------------------------------------- Challenge Dungeon 2 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- X-Potion x3 [] Ether x3 [] Coeurl Whisker [] Lunar Curtain [] X-Potion [] Dry Ether x2 [] Light Curtain [] Random consumables [] ???? [] ====================== ~~Conclusion~~ And that’s it for the Lunarian’s Tale! Thank you for reading! I hope this guide has helped you make the most out of your journey across the moon. This has certainly been quite an adventure hasn’t it? We still have one more curtain call to make though. Join me again in September for one more tale, the one we have all been waiting for: The Crystals - The Planet Eater. Until then, this is Cranberry, wishing you a successful journey! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crystals - The Planet Eaters - (FNL1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings readers, I am Cranberry, here to serve as your hostess for this adventure. At last, the wait is finally over! September 7th, 2009 is here, and the moment we have all been waiting for is here. The Crystals, part 2 of the main game has been released. It feels like we have been waiting an eternity for this doesn't it? Or at least, for those of us that purchased the game on its release date it has! I hope you are all as excited as I am to at last continue where we left off 3 months ago! I hope that the hard work Zxela and I have put into this guide has been helpful to you, and we're glad to see you here again for one more epic journey of action and adventure! If you're new to this game and September 7th, 2009 is but a distant memory, then you didn't have to wait for each tale to be released and didn't experience the full episodic release aspect of the game, but we are still glad you are here and hope that you enjoy both the game as well as this guide! So far, Zxela has guided you through the Main Game, Yang's Tale, Edge's Tale, and Edward's Tale. Here in the finale, he'll be completing the bestiary, item list, and character statistics. He'll also oversee the formatting and layout for the guide. I've guided you through Rydia's Tale, Palom's Tale, Porom's Tale, and the Lunarian's Tale. I'll also be guiding you through the walkthrough of this tale as well. Okay, let's get started! First things first! If you haven't already done so, you need to download the chapter. Downloading The Crystal's Tale: First, you need to download The Crystals to play it. To do so, load up "Final Fantasy IV: The Years After" on your Nintendo Wii. From the title screen, choose "Purchase Add-On Content". Once the game connects to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Network, choose The Crystals. You'll need to pay 800 Wii points for this download, so make sure you have enough points before attempting this. Once the download completes, return to the Title Screen and choose "Select Story". The Crystals will appear on the menu, choose it to being. ****************IMPORTANT***************************************** The Crystals uses its own save slot. Don't save over your save files from the main game or other tales if you don't want to lose those files! ---Importing Data--- ==================== Unlike the other chapters, this chapter is not necessarily independent from all the others. If you've completed any of the other chapters, you were given the opportunity to save your clear data, and you could even load that clear data and go through Namingway's Challenge Dungeon to seek out additional items. This chapter is where all of that hard work will pay off. When you begin this story, the game will prompt you to select the files you wish to import. You can only upload 1 file from each tale. The characters that you import will retain their levels, items, and gill. The inventories and gil of all the imported files will be merged together. Data will only transfer over at the time they are imported. If you load up a file that you've already imported and gain additional items, levels, etc., the changes will not be reflected in The Crystals unless you restart and re-import the files. Make sure you've done everything you want to do in the individual tales before you import them. There are a few character exceptions to keep in mind however. The following characters will not transfer over, and you should un-equip their items before importing: In Yang's Tale - Monk A, Monk B, and Monk C In Edward's Tale - Guard A, Guard B, and Guard C In Porom's Tale - White Mage, Black Mage, and Kain In Lunarian's Tale - Fusoya All tales are optional, even the data from the Main Game. If you have to use any characters from a tale that wasn't imported, these characters will begin with default levels and equipment. ==The Crystals - Important Information at a Glance== ====================================================== Looking for some quick answers to some common questions? Look no further. Here you can get some of the more desired information without having to look over the entire walkthrough. Small Tail Locations: *North of Baron Castle in a forest clearing *Town of Baron in some tall grass through a hidden passage. *East of Baron, a single tree on the map. *Troia Castle in the moat. *Troia Town, behind the armor shop. *North of Troia in a bush in a forest clearing. *East of Troia in a bush in a forest clearing *Meteor Site west of Damcyan *South of Kaipo between 3 small meteor craters. *Southeast of Kaipo, a patch of desert in a C shapped bay. *In a forest west of Fabul in a bush. *In a forest clearing southeast of Fabul in a bush. *In Fabul inside a plant on F3 of the East Tower *In Eblan Castle's West Tower, 2F inside a vase. *North of the Tower of Babil in a tree. *East of the Tower of Babil in a tree. *In a bookcase in Damcyan Castle *A rock in the Eblan Cave. *Observatory in Agrat *In a crate in the Southeast Cave through a secret passage. *In the Lodestone Cavern, inside some bones. Small Tales: A Small Tale restores 100 HP when used. It's basically a dummy item meant to trick you while you're searching for the similarly named Small Tails. Other than having a silly name, a Small Tale is just a glorified potion with no known purpose beyond that. Tip for bosses - Slow is stackable. Cast it more than once to further slow down bosses. This works on regular enemies too. Colored Tails and Adamantite Trades: Blue Tail -> Blue Armor Green Tail -> Rare Band v2 Red Tail -> Level Band v2 Black Tail -> Twin Stars Purple Tail -> Treasure Band v2 White Tail -> Rapid Ring v2 Gold Tail -> Gil Band V2 Gray Tail -> Rear Ring Ebony Tail -> Taunt Ring Rainbow Tail -> Limit Ring Pink Tail -> Pink Armor Adamant Gloves -> 1 Adamantite Adamant Shield -> 2 Adamantite Adamant Helm -> 2 Adamantite Adamant Armor -> 3 Adamantite Levels that Characters Learn Spells: (Incomplete, will be updated soon) Rydia: Blizzaga - 41 Firaga - 42 Thundaga - 43 Break - 45 Quake - 51 Death - 55 Tornado - 58 Flare - 60 Meteor - 65 Edge: Blast - 42 Frost - 45 Leonora: Fira - 41 Dispel - 42 Blizzara - 44 Curaga - 45 Thundara - 47 Haste - 51 Reflect - 54 Curaja - 57 Arise - 62 Holy - 70 Porom: Reflect - 44 Curaja - 48 Holy - 52 Arise - 56 Palom: Blizzaga - 41 Firaga - 42 Thundaga - 43 Quake - 45 Death - 46 Tornado - 48 Flare - 50 Meteor - 55 =================================== Now that we have gone over the basics, it is time to begin our journey! ~~The Gathering~~ This tale is a combination of the last three tales from the original Japanese Mobile Phone version of the game. We start off with a segment that is commonly called "The Gathering." After you finish importing any data you wish to, a story scene will immediately occur in which meteors begin striking the planet. When you gain control, you'll be playing as Luca, Rydia, Edge, and Man in Black. Check your inventory, now is your chance to equip any items you may have imported. If you have enemy summons from other tales that Rydia doesn't have, teach them to her now. The level and gil caps are now higher than what they were in the individual tales, so if you imported capped characters from other tales, they can now begin earning EXP and gil again. Although your first instinct might be to rush into the castle or town, hold off on that for a moment and instead head north and west, crossing a bridge. Now continue north to a small lake with a waterfall. On the western side of this lake, look for a small clearing in the forest. Enter this clearing to enter a small screen with some tall grass. Search the center of this tall grass to find a Small Tail. Once you have the tail, proceed into the Town of Baron. This tail is represented in the Overworld Map Treasure Checklist which is located at the bottom of the "Cruising the World" section of this guide. ~~Town of Baron~~ ================================ Baron Enemy Checklist --------------------- Zombie Infantry [] ===================== The town sure is a lot different than it was before. Most of the doors are locked tight and soldiers are roaming all over the streets. If you speak to them, they'll engage you in battle. Namingway is on hand near the town item shop. If you speak to him, he'll sell you the items listed below. If you've imported data, most of this equipment will probably be obsolete by now, but the Bone Mail is an interesting piece that we haven't seen in previous chapters and offers a respectable defensive boost that tops some of the challenge dungeon rewards in previous tales. It's probably worth picking up. Investigate the vases in the town. A vase near the Inn contains a Phoenix Down and a vase near the town armor shop holds a Hi-Potion. Now head north to a room that has some stairs leading to a room above the waterfalls. You'll have to fight a soldier to get through. Walk into the water here and walk down the waterfall and follow the water to a pond in the southeast portion of the town. Search the pond to find an X-Potion and a Silver Hourglass. Walk back the way you came and leave the water. Go south and cross a bridge, and then take another bridge to the east. Walk north and fight a soldier so that you can walk through a passage into a small grass field. In the trees up here is a secret passage. To find it stand in the northwestern most tip of the field against the stone wall. Walk south 1 step, and then walk east into the trees. Walk north and follow the path west to reach a field of tall grass. Search this grass for a Cottage, X-Potion, Dry Ether, and a Small Tail. Don't forget to check the grass in the small southern area to find everything. After collecting all the items, go back the way you came. Walk to the eastern portion of town and walk north up a stairwell to where Cid's house is. A well is just west of his house. Search it to find a Small Tale. Note that this is different from the similarly named Small Tail. If you use it, it will restore 100 HP just like a potion. It doesn't have any special purpose beyond that. Investigate the door to Cid's house and his family will unlock the door and let you in. North of the inn, investigate the door of the house. This is the home of Rosa's mother. She'll recognize your voice and allow you in. There's no treasure to be found here, but you can visit with Rosa's mother. Once you've found all the treasures, it's time to leave town and go to the castle. Namingway's Shop Weapons: Flame Sword 14,000 Icebrand 26,000 Battle Axe 2,500 Dwarven Axe 15,000 Thorn Whip 3,000 Chain Whip 6,000 Armor: Iron Shield 600 Cross Helm 4,200 Plate Armor 5,000 Bone Mail 37,500 Bone Wrist 3,800 Circlet 1,500 Mage's Robe 2,000 Rune Armlet 2,000 Items: X-Potion 3,000 Ether 10,000 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Echo Herbs 50 Remedy 5,000 Cottage 500 Gnomish Bread 100 -------------------------------- Town of Baron Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Hi-Potion [] Phoenix Down [] X-Potion x [] Silver Hourglass [] Dry Ether [] Small Tail [] Small Tale [] ==================== ~~Cruising the Skies~~ Enter the castle and a story scene will occur. You'll learn that you can't enter the castle through the front gate and will have to find another way. Return to your Airship and you'll be asked if you wish to launch it. If you've finished collecting all of the items you need, answer yes. You'll now be in control of the airship and able to fly around! The Airship also has a room with a lot of beds in it. You can access this room by stepping onto the stairs in the northwest corner. Search the beds on the east side of the room and you'll be asked if you want to rest. Answer yes to fully restore your party and change the moon phase. This is just like using an inn, and it won't cost you a single gil! You won't encounter any monsters while flying the airship, but you will as you walk on the overworld. Edge's Shadowbind ninjutsu is a great move to use against dangerous monsters as it will place a hold spell on them, making them much easier to defeat. This ability will be invaluable if you haven't imported data. Before we search for a way to get into the castle, let's look for some treasure! Start off by heading east a short distance. There is a single tree on a small patch of land. Land here and walk into the tree to reach a small screen with tall grass. Search the tall grass to find a Small Tail. Next, let's head to Agart. From Baron, fly directly south and land on the continent. You're not able to enter the Underworld unfortunately, but there are still things to be found here. Locate a single tree on the eastern edge and walk into it. A treasure chest here is a Monster-in-a-box. You'll engage a Fell Knight and 2 Imps. The Imps will counter attacks with a confuse spell that can cause your party members to attack themselves. Strike confused party members with a physical attack to get them back to normal. If Rydia has the Cockatrice summon, use it to easily defeat the Imps. You can use Stop too to help keep them under control. A suit of Diamond Armor is your reward for victory. While we're here, it would also be a good idea to enter Agart and raid the treasure chests in the Subterrane. If you haven't imported data, the Ogrekiller you can find will be especially useful for Luca. Don't approach Mysterious Girl yet though. You're not ready to face her yet. Next, locate the castle of Fabul, this is a castle surrounded by a moat with 2 bridges. From the castle, fly southeast a short distance and look for a clearing in some trees. Enter this clearing and search a bush to find a Small Tail. With this tail in hand fly back to the castle. From the castle fly west and follow the grass path below until you reach a forest. Look for a clearing in this forest. Land you airship and walk into this clearing. Inside is a treasure chest containing a Faerie Rod. Like all rods, this one can be used in battle by choosing item, pressing up on the control pad, selecting it, and then choosing an enemy. This activates the rod's effect and best of all, you won't expend the rod in doing so. This one activates a Confuse spell. It also provides quite an Intellect boost and is a great equip for Rydia. Next, walk into the trees east of the treasure chest and follow a secret path to a bush. Search the bush to find another Small Tail. Next head to Troia and land the airship. Troia is a castle and city surrounded by dense forest. Walk north into the forest. To the far north is another clearing. Enter this clearing to see a treasure chest. Use a secret passage through some trees on the east part of the room to reach it. An Ice Whip is inside the chest. After getting the Ice Whip, check a bush in the room as well to find another Small Tail. Now, leave this clearing and walk to the far southeastern tip of this area to find another clearing. Enter this clearing and search a bush on the eastern side to find another Small Tail. Return to your airship and fly directly south of Troia Castle. You'll find another clearing. Land your airship and walk into it. A treasure chest here contains a Monster-in-a-box. You'll engage 3 Dark Sage's when you open the chest. These monsters attack with brutal Fira spells that will do huge damage to your characters. If you haven't imported data, these monsters may quickly kill you. Use one of your hourglass items to cast stop on all 3 of them, this will make this battle easier. If Rydia has her Cockatrice summon, you can use it to instantly defeat 1 of these monsters. Rydia's Stop spell and Edge's Shadowbind are also effective here. A victory will net you a Mage Masher, a dagger type weapon that is effective against Mages. Now, let's head to the area surrounding Mount Ordeals. From Agart, fly east until you reach a small circular forest surrounded by a larger one. This is the forest surrounding Mount Ordeals. Just west of here across some water is another forest clearing. Land your airship and enter it. A treasure chest is inside which contains a monster-in-a-box; you'll be attacked by an Armor Construct. This monster has some decent physical attacks, Rydia has a Stop spell; cast it for an easy win. Victory will earn you a Ribbon, an incredible helmet that protects against many status ailments! After getting this, fly directly north until you find a meteor impact site surrounded by 3 smaller impacts. Land south of this impact and walk into it. Another treasure chest waits. This one contains a Luminous Robe, and you won't have to fight a monster to claim it! Next, let's look for a cave just slightly southeast of Mount Ordeals. Here's a new cave for us. Let's take a peek inside? Start by examining the crates near the entrance. One of them contains a Small Tale. Follow the path north and you'll find a treasure chest containing an Elixir. Now, walk south just past the stone arch. There is a secret passage leading east that you can walk through. It leads to a crate that contains a Small Tail. Now, fly directly east to find the the Tower of Babil. It's a large tower coming out of a black void. North of that tower is a single tree on the edge of a strip of land. Land your airship and step into that tree. Search the tall grass for a Small Tail. Now fly back to the Tower of Babil and search east of it for another single tree. Step into this one and search more tall grass to find another Small Tail. Now, board the airship again and fly to Damcyan castle, this castle is located in the middle of a desert. Fly west of the castle and look for a large meteor impact site on the ground. Step into this impact site from the south side to enter a screen with a pile of bones. Examine the bones for another Small Tail. Now, from Damcyan fly south until you see a cave entrance below you. From the cave entrance fly further south until your ship is positioned over some mountains. Now, fly west and you'll reach an island with a small forest. Land your airship and walk into the forest to enter a Chocobo Forest. Search the tall grass here and you'll find the Chocobo Summon item! Use this from your inventory to teach Rydia the Chocobo summon. You can also safely enter Damcyan castle itself and search for treasure. The antlions won't attack you if you don't speak to them. See the Damcyan castle section of the guide for more details. Next, fly south of the castle until you see an oasis in the desert with a town near it. Land nearby an walk south of the town to where 3 small meteor impact craters are in close formation. Walk into the space between them to enter a secret area with 3 stones. Examine one of the stones to find another Small Tail. Now return to your airship and position it over Kaipo. Fly east until you see a bridge, and then fly south and follow this stretch of land to the southeast until you find a C-shaped area with a small patch of yellow. Land your airship and enter this yellow patchy to find a treasure chest. As you may have guessed it's a Monster-in-a-box. You'll face a Great Malboro. Simply have Rydia cast Stop on it, and then wail on it with physical attacks until it falls. If Rydia has Cockatrice, she can use that for an instant win. Isn't being a summoner great? Black Belt Gi is your reward. This will be very handy if you haven't imported data. Check the pillars surrounding the chest as well, you'll find a Small Tail on one of them. That should cover us for our initial treasure hunting from various things off the overworld map. Now, let's get down to business and start investigating the world more thoroughly. With the exception of Titan in Agrat, the following can be done in any order you wish. You must complete a task in Mysida before you can handle Titan. It may be a good idea now to go to Mist so that you can learn more about your mission. Mythril has good weapon and armor shops to visit, and Fabul is a place you should visit early to search for help. ================================================ ------------------------------- Baron Overworld Enemy Checklist ------------------------------- Lilith [] Cait Sith [] Needlehog [] Cockatrice [] Zu [] Ettin Snake [] Needlehog [] Treant [] =================== ================================================= ----------------------- Fabul Overworld Enemies ----------------------- Alruane [] Steel Golem [] Mad Ogre [] =================== ================================================= ----------------------- Troia Overworld Enemies ----------------------- Coeurl [] Ghost Knight [] Mad Ogre [] Lamia Matriarch [] Mystery Egg [] Lamia [] Ice Lizard [] Purple Bavarois [] Skuldier [] White Mousse [] Mizuchi [] Mythril Golem [] Skuldier [] =================== ================================================ ------------------------- Damcyan Overworld Enemies ------------------------- Hellflapper [] Caterpillar [] Abyss Worm [] =================== ================================================ ----------------------- Agart Overworld Enemies ----------------------- Black Lizard [] White Mousse [] Ironback [] Rukh [] Fledgling Rukh [] =================== ================================================ ------------------- Agart Enemies ------------------- Mad Ogre [] Balloon [] Ogre [] Mythril Golem [] Rukh [] Fledgling Rukh [] =================== ================================================ ----------------------- Eblan Overworld Enemies ----------------------- Flame Knight [] Flamehound [] Evil Flame [] =================== -------------------------------- Overworld Map Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Small Tail x12 [] Faerie Rod [] Ice Whip [] Mage Masher [] Diamond Armor [] Black Belt Gi [] Luminous Robe [] Chocobo [] Elixir [] Small Tale [] ======================== ~~Town of Mythril~~ One of the few safe towns, Mythril is doing relatively well compared to the rest of the planet. Speak to the shopkeepers outside their shops and they'll sell you the items listed below. If you haven't imported any data, you'll definitely want to pick these items up as they will be far superior to your starting equips. There are 2 wells in town, search the western well for a Small Tale. Next search the tall grass on the eastern edge of town to find a Cottage. Search more tall grass north of the weapon and armor shop to find a Heavenly Wrath. East of that is another patch of grass. Search this patch to find a Remedy. -Mythril Weapon Shop- Mythril Sword 6,000 Mythril Knife 3,000 Mythril Staff 4,000 Mythril Hammer 8,000 -Mythril Armor Shop- Mythril Armor 17,000 Mythril Shield 1,000 Mythril Helm 3,000 Mythril Gloves 2,000 -Mythril Item Shop- Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Maiden's Kiss 60 Mallet 80 Diet Ration 100 Cross 100 Cottage 500 Gnomish Bread 100 -------------------------- Mythril Treasure Checklist -------------------------- Small Tale [] Cottage [] Heavenly Wrath [] Remedy [] ===================== ~~Castle of Fabul~~ When you enter Fabul, the Monks will recognize you and inform you that the Sylph are attacking the castle. When you enter, you'll find 3 Sylph in the courtyard. If you speak to them, they'll demand to know where Yang is and engage you in battle. We don't want to kill these guys, so don't talk to them. If you do engage them in battle, just run. You can also wait a while and Rydia will convince them to stop attacking and the battle will end. If you talk to them again though they will attack again. Just ignore them and walk through the door behind them. On floor 1F there are shops and an in in the doors on the east and west sides. Pick up any items you might need. Edge can equip the claws, and you might want to pick up one of each element if you don't already have them so that Edge can hit elemental weaknesses on enemies. Once you've shopped head up the stairs to 2F. Instead of heading north, instead go south and pass through the door. You'll emerge on a high ledge overlooking the castle. There are doors to the towers to the east and west. Lets begin with the west tower. In 1F of the west tower begin by examining the vases, one of them holds a pair of Hermes Sandals. Next grab the treasure chests. You'll find a Cross, a Phoenix Down, and a Bronze Hourglass. Proceed up the stairs to 2F. A White Mage is tending to some injured Monks. Speak to the Mage and you'll have a cure spell cast on you. Hooray for kindness from strangers! There's nothing of interest on 3F so head back out of the tower and walk to the east one. There's no treasure to be found on the 1F of the east tower, but search the vases on 2F to find a Bacchus's Wine. Proceed up to 3F. There is a treasure chest in plain sight. Grab the chest for a Hi-Potion and then examine the flowers on the table. You'll find a Small Tail inside the flowers. We are certainly collecting quite a few of these aren't we? Now it's time to head to the throne room. Leave the tower and enter the door you used to get here, and continue north. Inside the throne room you'll meet up with Sheila, the Duke Consort, and the Chancellor. After a conversation about Yang's location, Sheila will give you a Frying Pan and a Ladle. Interesting items; they'll be added to your inventory. When you regain control, walk east and step on a button in the corner, this will open a door behind you. Walk through the door and follow the passage to 3 treasure chests to find a Phoenix Down, Cottage, and Decoy. Not the most interesting of treasures, but you might as well grab them. Now go back to the throne room and check the vase to the west for an X-Potion; a much more interesting treasure. For the moment, we have all that we need. Leave the castle, ignoring the Sylph on your way out. We'll come back for them soon. For now, let's head to Kaipo, the town in the desert. -Fabul Weapon Shop- Flame Claws 350 Ice Claws 450 Lightning Claws 550 Metal Knuckles 600 -Fabul Armor Shop- Leather Cap 100 Feather Cap 330 Headband 450 Leather Clothing 200 Bronze Breastplate 450 Kenpo Gi 4000 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 -Fabul Item Shop 1- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 Echo Herbs 50 -Fabul Item Shop 2- Tent 100 Cottage 500 Bomb Fragment 200 Antarctic Wind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Beastiary 50 Inn - 100 gill ------------------------ Fabul Treasure Checklist ------------------------ Hermes Sandals [] Cross [] Phoenix Down x2 [] Bronze Hourglass [] Bacchus's Wine [] Small Tail [] Hi-Potion [] Frying Pan [] Ladle [] Cottage [] Decoy [] X-Potion [] -------------------- ~~Town of Kaipo~~ Much like in Fabul, you'll find Sylphs wondering around. Don't talk to them or they'll engage you in a fight. Ignore them for now. There are some graves in the north part of town. Investigate them for a brief story scene. The shops are open in this town, so drop in and pick up any items you need. If you don't already have some Spider's Silk, pick up a bunch of them. Spider's Silk cast a slow spell on all enemies and is very useful to have on hand. It's quite cheap too at only 100 gil apiece. Once you've finished shopping, enter the house on the eastern edge of town. Inside you'll find Yang and Ursula resting in bed. Speak to Yang, and you'll be given a choice of an item to use on him. Remember the frying pan that Sheila gave you? Select that to smack Yang a good one and wake him up. Next, you'll turn your attention to Ursula. Select the Ladle this time to bop Ursula and wake her up as well. Once they are both awake, the Sylphs will arrive and admire Yang's dedication to his daughter. Rydia will then gain them as a summon, giving her some much needed healing abilities! The scene will then shift back to Baron Castle, where Cecil is confronting Kain, Ceodore, Cid, Rosa, and Edward. When you regain control, you'll be in the lower chamber of your airship. If you imported Yang's Tale, Ursula will join Yang on the airship. If you did not import Yang's Tale, Ursula will remain behind in Kaipo. -Kaipo Weapon Shop- Silver Harp 880 Dark Harp 2800 Thorn Whip 3000 Chain Whip 6000 Longsword 450 Iron Sword 1000 -Kaipo Armor Shop- Beret 1200 Bronze Breastplate 450 Silver Breastplate 2000 Silver Armlet 650 Rune Armlet 2000 Iron Shield 600 Iron Armor 1000 Iron Helm 800 -Kaipo Item Shop 1- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 -Kaipo Item shop 2- Bomb Fragment 200 Antarctic Wind 200 Zeus's Wrath 200 Spider Silk 100 Beastiary 50 Tent 100 Cottage 500 Kaipo Inn - 100 Gil ~~Eblan Castle~~ =============================== ----------------------- Eblan Enemies Checklist ----------------------- Flamehound [] Black Lizard [] Flame Knight [] Evil Flame [] Chimera [] Armadillo [] Magma Tortoise [] Melt Golem [] *Ifrit* [] ==================== The castle is ablaze! You'll encounter a lot of fire-based enemies here. If you picked up some Ice Claws at Fabul, Edge may be able to make good use of them here. The main castle entrance is blocked by fierce fire, so you'll need to look for an alternate route to the throne room. Let's start by going to the east tower. Follow the east path and enter the tower. Shortly past the door you'll encounter Ifrit. Instead of trying to fight him, run to escape the battle. Do this each time you encounter Ifrit. So the castle is burning and everyone is in a panic, but that doesn't mean we can't still grab some treasure as we attempt to save the day! From the entrance of the East Tower, walk north past the 2 flames on the ground and walk west behind a pillar. This will take you to a secret path that you can follow to a treasure chest. Open it to acquire a Red Fang and then take the stairs to 2F. A pair of treasure chests are to the west but a flame blocks our access to them. A figure in a hood is standing near some vases. Speak to him and he'll attack, revealing himself to be a flaming Melt Golem. This brute has strong physical attacks, but also a great weakness for Ice. Have the Man in Black cast Blizzaga on him. If Rydia has reached level 41 she can cast Blizzaga too. If she doesn't know Blizzaga, use Blizzara instead. Edge and Luca should use physical attacks. This battle is not very difficult, and once you've won some of the fire blocking the castle gate will dissipate. There are two treasure chest past the monster, but as soon as you step onto the stairs you'll go down to 1F. Grab the treasure chest beside you on 1F holding a cottage and then simply step onto the stairs on 1F to go back up to 2F to grab the treasure chests. Leave the tower and head over to the west tower. In the west tower, continue to run from Ifrit if you encounter him. Walk south into the wall just past the door and walk east through a secret passage that will lead to a treasure chest. Inside is an Elixir. Now go to the stairs and continue to 2F. There are several vases against a wall. You can walk into this wall from either the north or south sides. From inside the wall, search the vase near the bottom. A Small Tail is inside. After taking the tail, continue up the stairs. On 3F search the armor display to find a Small Tale. Another monster in a hood is also standing in this room. Talk to him to engage another Melt Golem. Once again battle him using ice based spells. With both the Melt Golems defeated, the main gate is now free of fire. Return to the gate and proceed through it. There is a save point on the next floor, use it if its needed. Continue north toward the throne room. When you reach the throne room, Edge will leave to fight Ifrit alone. --Boss Battle: Ifrit-- You have only 1 Party Member to control, Edge. This is a scripted battle, but you do want to survive until Ifrit uses Hellfire, so make sure your HP is high enough that his physical attacks don't kill you. Once Ifrit uses Hellfire, Edge will be defeated and the battle will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A brief story scene will unfold, and Rubicante will appear. Edge will be restored and Rubicante will confront him. --Boss Battle: Rubicante-- Rydia will join you shortly after the battle begins. This is however another scripted battle. Simply attack Rubicante a few times and he'll use Inferno on Rydia and you, ending the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the battle ends, Rydia and Edge will learn the Inferno Band. Now, Ifrit will attack you again. --Boss Battle: Ifrit-- Finally, a boss battle that isn't fully scripted! Right off the bat, Edge and Rydia will automatically use Inferno on Ifrit, then Luca and Man in Black will join you. Ifrit really doesn't do much other than a simple physical attack, so this won't be too difficult to survive. Have Man in Black and Rydia cast Blizzaga (or Blizzara) while Edge and Luca use physical attacks. Ifrit will do some physical attacks, use Hi-Potions if necessary but you should take him down pretty easily. Sooner or later, Ifrit will regain his senses and recognize Rydia. The battle will end and Rydia will gain him as a summon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, the scene will shift back to Baron Castle, where you'll see Cecil still confronting Kain, Ceodore, Rosa, Cid, and Edward. If you've followed the order of events as portrayed in this guide, Kain will enter battle with Cecil. After you attack a few times, Cecil will strike Kain and appear to defeat him. The scene will then shift back to Rydia and friends on the airship. When the scene concludes, you'll be back in control at Eblan. Now all the fire is gone and you can return to the towers and grab the treasure chests you couldn't reach before. The 2 east tower treasure chests are a snap to grab. You'll find a Silent Bell and a Remedy in them. The chest in the west tower has a Boltslicer. Enter the indent on the west wall of 2F in the west tower to reach the chest. Now that the enemies and flames are gone, the castle's shops and services will re-open. Purchase any supplies that you need before you leave. -Eblan Weapon Shop- Crimson Cherry 4800 Asura 7000 Metal Boomerang 800 Chakram 4000 Shuriken 200 -Eblan Armor Shop- Leather Cap 100 Steel Headplate 750 Foot Ninja Gear 480 Shinobi Gear 3500 Kenpo Gi 4000 Iron Gloves 130 Iron Armlet 100 Silver Armlet 650 -Eblan Item Shop 1- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Echo Herbs 50 Eye Drops 30 Antidote 40 -Eblan Item Shop 2- Tent 100 Cottage 500 Emergency Exit 180 Bestiary 50 Gnomish Bread 100 Eblan Inn - 50 Gil ------------------------------- Eblan Castle Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Red Fang [] Bacchus's Wine [] X-Potion [] Elixir [] Cottage [] Silent Bell [] Remedy [] Boltslicer [] ======================== ~~Cave of Eblan~~ ===================================== ----------------------------- Cave of Eblan Enemy checklist ----------------------------- Hellflapper [] Vampire Bat [] Vampiress [] Lesser Marilith [] Nagaraja [] Summoner [] Chimera Brain [] Fell Knight [] Imp [] Arachne [] ======================== Since we're here, let's investigate the Cave of Eblan. It's located west of the castle. Walk into the cave to reach B1. When you enter, immediately head east and walk through a secret passage to a treasure chest to find a Remedy, continue east through the next wall to reach a chest containing an Ether. Return through the passage and walk south and cross a bridge. Across the bridge is another treasure chest containing a Hi-Potion. Continue south and go east when you reach a fork in the road. Cross a bridge going north and walk up some stairs to another treasure chest with a X-Potion inside. Now walk east and cross a bridge. At the fork in the road, walk south to reach a treasure chest with a Phoenix Down. Now walk back across the bridges and return to the fork in the road. This time take the south passage. The door will take you to B2. ----------------------------------- Cave of Eblan B1 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------- Remedy [] Ether [] Hi-Potion [] X-Potion [] Phoenix Down [] ====================== This floor is very simple in its layout. Follow the simple path and grab the treasure chest on the way for a free Spider Silk. Farther to the west is a second treasure chest holding a Phoenix Down. After collecting these, head north through the door. This will take you to the Path to Tower of Babil. ----------------------------------- Cave of Eblan B2 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------- Spider Silk [] Phoenix Down [] ---------------------- The cave may have a name change at this point, but its still essentially the same place. Start off by grabbing the treasure chest right in front of you for a Phoenix Down. Then continue north to a second treasure chest. This one contains a Hi-Potion. Beside this treasure chest are 3 boulders. Search the one farthest to the east to find a Small Tail. Where did all these tails come from anyways? Anyways, head south through the notch in the rock wall to enter a secret passage. Follow this passage south and east to reach a treasure chest we saw when we came in but couldn't reach at that time. This one contains another Spider Silk. Go back north and enter the door to reach the next room. In this room, you'll meet a small fellow that is interested in the small tails you've been finding. If you give him 14 tails, he promises to give you a very, very special tail. If you give him 7, he promises to give you any colored tail you wish. The colored tails are the ones that can be found in the individual tales that were released over the summer. For 7 small tails you can receive any one that you want. If you fork over 14 small tails, he'll give you a special Rainbow Tail. There are 21 total small tails to be found, so if you want a Rainbow Tail make sure you don't get more than one of the colored ones from him. Walk to the northwest corner of the room to find a treasure chest, it holds an X-Potion. Now walk east and north up some stairs to find another treasure chest. This one contains Hermes Sandals. Walk south of those stairs to where you see two treasure chests beyond a wall. You can walk through a secret passage in this wall to reach the southern of these chests, which holds a Dry Ether. We can't get the northern chest just yet, so continue south through the door. A lot of treasure chests in this room. The first three are right in your face so collect the Bacchus's Wine, Lilith's Kiss, and Vampire Fang. Now just north of the bolder, walk east through the wall to reach the two treasure chests in the chamber beside you. These hold an Ether and a Cottage. Now continue south and follow the path where you'll find 4 easy to reach treasure chests. The Dungeon Stocker Association sure has been hard at work the last month to replenish all of these treasure chests haven't they? Empty the chests for a Mallet, two Hi-Potions, and a potion. Continue north and through the door. The next room has a yellow door that leads to a save point. This is a good place to use a Tent or Cottage if you need to restore your party. There is also a secret passage north of the row of boulders. Walk east through the wall there to reach a treasure chest holding a Kotetsu. This is a nice weapon for Edge. Now go back to the previous room. Walk west to reach a treasure chest we saw before but couldn't reach. Now we can grab it and take the Ether inside. Now take the path leading north. As you approach the doorway, a story scene will unfold and a Marquis Malboro will attack you. This monster uses the Bad Breathe attack and if you aren't protected from at least one of its status ailments, it will inflict a whole variety on you. If at least one status ailment is protected against, the attack will miss. The monster will also counter your attacks by casting support spells on itself such as Protect and Reflect. The monster can also use Sleeping Gas to put one of your party members to sleep. All in all this monster isn't very difficult though. Just wail on it with Physical attacks and use a Remedy on anyone that gets hit by Bad Breath. If Reflect is cast on one of your party members by the monster, you can bounce magic off that party member to damage this beast with magic. You'll receive a Kiku-ichimonjii when you win, a very powerful weapon that Edge can use. Now, head west through a secret passage to claim the treasure chest beyond the wall there. A Black Cowl is inside. The eerie glow has made the doorway above unreachable. There's nothing left to do here for now, so either walk back, or use Warp magic or an Emergency Exit as a shortcut. Don't forget about that Tail fellow though. Later we'll return here to exchange tails with him. ----------------------------------------- Path to Tower of Babil Treasure Checklist ----------------------------------------- Phoenix Down [] Hi-Potion x3 [] Small Tail [] Spider Silk [] Hermes Sandals [] Dry Ether [] Bacchus's Wine [] Lilith's Kiss [] Vampire Fang [] Ether x2 [] Cottage [] Mallet [] Potion [] Kotetsu [] Kiki-ichimonjii [] Black Cowl [] --------------------- Now that we have some treasure from the cave of Eblan, it's time to continue our quest of looking for our lost friends. Let's check on the country of women, Troia. ~~Town of Troia~~ The shops are open here; speak to the shopkeepers standing outside the buildings to buy from them. There's a little bit of treasure to be found here. To claim it, enter the pond on the eastern edge of town and follow the stream north to a small ledge you can climb too. Walk west through a secret passage through the forest to reach a tall grass area where an old woman is walking around. Search the grass to find a Dry Ether, Ether, Decoy, and X-Potion. Next, search the space behind the armor shop building to find a Small Tail. Buy any items you need and then go to the castle. -------------------------------- Town of Troia Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Dry Ether [] Ether [] Decoy [] X-Potion [] Small Tail [] =================== -Troia Weapon Shop- Polymorph Rod 1250 Psycho Spiral 2000 Elfin Bow 5000 Blinding Arrows 1000 Silencing Arrows 1000 -Troia Armor Shop- Sage's Miter 2000 Circulet 1500 Sage's Surplice 1200 Mage's Robe 2000 Silver Armlet 650 Rune Armlet 2000 -Troia Item Shop- Potion 30 Hi-Potion 150 Phoenix Down 100 Gold Needle 400 Maiden's Kiss 60 Echo Herbs 50 Cottage 500 ~~Troia Castle~~ What an eerie scene, the entire castle has been frozen over. The people you see are all frozen alive. If you go to the Crystal Chamber, you'll find the Earth Crystal is missing. The party then decides it may be a good idea to check the cave to the northwest. Sounds like a good plan. ~~Lodestone Cavern~~ ========================================== -------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- Black Lizard [] Vampire Bat [] White Mousse [] Nagaraja [] Black Lizard [] Stone Golem [] Chimera [] ======================= The Lodestone Cavern, if you played a certain one of the previous tales to completion, then you already know what happened here. If not, I won't spoil it for you. The magnetic field that you may remember from the past is gone now, so you can use metallic equipment without worry. We begin on floor B1. Head east and cross the bridge, staying to the east at the fork to find a treasure chest. It contains a Recovery Rod. Sweet! Way to go DSA! Anyways, use this as an item during battle to recovery HP. Not bad. Head south now and follow the simple path that ultimately leads to a stairwell with a treasure chest beside it. The chest holds a Unicorn Horn. Proceed down the stairs to reach B2. -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B1 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Recovery Rod [] Unicorn Horn [] ------------------------ On B2, walk west along the southern edge of the room. You'll reach a path leading north to a treasure chest. Continue east and then north until you see a white door. Enter the door to reach a room containing two treasure chests. A Cottage and a pair of Hermes Sandals are yours for the taking. Leave this room and walk west to a stairway leading to B3. -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B2 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Coeurl Whisker [] Cottage [] Hermes Sandals [] ---------------------- You'll see a door just west of you; enter it to find a save point. After using the Save Point as needed, proceed south across the bridge. You'll reach an island with a white door. Enter it to find a room with three treasure chests. A Dry Ether, Diamond Helm, and Silver Hourglass are yours for the taking. Leave this room and proceed west and then continue north between two rock walls to a white door. Enter the room and walk north to a treasure chest where you'll find a cottage. Take the stairs down to B4. -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B3 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Dry Ether [] Diamond Helm [] Silver Hourglass [] Cottage [] =================== Go west and follow the bridge north. At the fork in the road, go east to an island with a white door. Inside is a save point and 2 crates. Check the crates and you'll find a Small Tale inside one of them. Now head north and walk past some torches, but don't enter the white door here, instead walk east of the door to a pile of bones. Search these bones to find a Small Tail. Next take a path leading behind the rock supporting the white door. The chest contains some Diamond Gloves. Now, go back to the top of the wooden bridge, do not enter the white door. West of the bridge is a secret invisible path you can walk across to reach the stairs to the west. This is where you want to go. You can also walk across a path at the south end of the bridge as well. The stairs will take you to B5. -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B4 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Small Tale [] Diamond Gloves [] Small Tail [] =================== If you came from the north entrance, first go north to find a treasure chest above you. On this same island, walk to the northeastern tip and travel north across an invisible secret path. This path will lead to a treasure chest containing an Elixir. Go back to the island and continue on to the bridge. When you reach the next small stone island, walk north along another invisible path to reach another treasure chest. This one holds a White Fang. Proceed south and when you reach the island with a stairway, continue west rather than going down the stairs. The west path will lead to one last treasure chest. A Light Curtain is inside. Now go back to the stairs we passed, they will take us back down to B4. From here simply walk east and pass over an invisible path. You might want to re-visit the save room before you continue through the white door at the north end of this room. -------------------------------------- Lodestone Cavern B5 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Remedy [] Elixir [] White Fang [] Light Curtain [] ================== The door leads to the Crystal Chamber. There you'll discover Palom and Leonora. Shiva will then appear and attack you. --Boss Battle: Shiva-- Another Eidolon, this time Shiva the queen of ice, depending on how you go about this, this battle could be very easy, or it could be very hard. If you do too much damage to Shiva, you'll kill her and she'll be gone forever. Rather than destroying her, you can convince her to stop fighting. Here's how to do it. As the battle starts, deal damage to her until she starts using the Blizzaga spell against your entire party. At this point, Luca and Edge should cease their attacks. Now have Rydia or Man in Black cast Fira on Shiva. If she doesn't stop attacking, cast one more Fira on her. Rydia should now say that she's stopped. Now take no action at all, don't attack Shiva, just sit and watch her. She'll recognize Rydia and the battle will end, and Shiva will become an available summon to Rydia. If you attack Shiva while she's stopped, she'll become enraged and attack you with Diamond Dust. Cast a Fira again to make her stop again. Before she stops, you can help control the damage she does to your party by having Man in Black use Taunt. This should draw most of her attacks to him. With his high HP, he can survive well, especially during the Waxing Moon phase where black magic is weakened. If you do destroy Shiva, you'll be able to continue the story but you'll lose her as a summon. Also, when Shiva is low on HP she'll use a devastating Ice Storm that will hit your entire party for about 2000 damage. This can easily wipe you out if you're not protected against it. Shiva will not use Ice Storm however if you get her to stop fighting and then don't attack her. If you want to be virtually invincible against Shiva, you can equip Luca or Man in Black with a Flame Mail or Flame Shield along with a Cursed Ring if you have these items. With this combination, Ice attacks will actually heal you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the battle with Shiva is over, you'll take Palom and Leonora back to Troia. Then, the scene will shift back to Castle Baron where the confrontation will continue. After this scene, you'll return to the airship. If you imported Palom's Tale, both Palom and Leonora will board the airship and rest in the beds there. If you didn't import Palom's Tale, Palom will board the airship but Leonora will stay behind in Troia. ~~Troia Castle De-thawed~~ Let's start off by searching for some hidden treasure. Just north of the main gate are some frogs. There is a secret passage in the wall that you can take on both sides to walk into the moat. To find it, stand between the 2 guards and take 4 steps north. Now take 3 steps east or west to get into the east and west moats respectively. Then walk south to walk into the main moat area. On the western side, follow the moat up to a purple toad that says "Being a toad is great..." when you speak to him. Search the water in the northeastern tip here to find a Small Tail. Walk to what is almost a mirror image on the eastern side and search the same location to find a Small Tale. There's no additional treasure to be found here, but you're welcome to visit with the castle residents before you leave. ------------------------------- Castle Troia Treasure Checklist ------------------------------- Small Tail [] Small Tale [] ====================== Having finished our business at Troia, let's head to Mysida next. It's west of Mount Ordeals. Board your airship and take off! ~~Town of Mysidia~~ This place is not looking good, mages are laying in agony on the ground. There are no hidden treasures to find here and all the shops are locked, so head north toward the Hall of Prayers. Before you can enter however, Ramuh will attack. --Boss Battle: Ramuh-- Another Eidilon, this one a master of lightning. Diamond equips can be helpful here because they resist lightning attacks. If you have any Cursed Rings, give one to anyone that has any diamond equipment on, it will make Ramuh's lightning heal you. If you fight during a Waxing Moon phase, his lightning will be less dangerous The trick here is to gradually wear Ramuh down without actually killing him. One of the easier ways to do this is to have Rydia use a Hermes Sandal and then use her Sylph Summon to heal your party while simultaneously dealing damage to Ramuh. This may be a long battle as if you do too much damage, you'll destroy Ramuh and he'll be gone forever. You need to be patient and slowly chip away at him without going overboard. If extra healing is needed, have the others chip in with Edge's Heal Pill and Hi-Potions or X-Potions. Even if you don't have a Cursed Ring, you should equip your characters diamond gear. The lightning resistance doesn't stack, so one piece is all a character needs. If you don't have enough to go around, put it on Man in Black as his HP is probably the highest. If Man in Black uses Taunt in battle, he can divert some of Ramuh's attacks to him. If he's decked out in diamond gear, this can save your party from a lot damage. Taunt does not guarentee the rest of your party won't be attacked however, so make sure weakened party members heal themself with potions when they need more HP than Sylph will heal. Using Taunt also means Man in Black won't be able to attack, but the damage he prevents to the rest of your party may be worth that price. When Rydia calls out to Ramuh during the battle, cease all attacks on him. He'll snap out of his trance and end the battle, returning to Rydia as a summon. If instead you destroy Ramuh, you'll still be able to continue the story, but Ramuh will be permanently lost. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, enter the Hall of Prayers to find Porom. You'll take her back with you to the airship where she'll be put in a bed to rest. After some dialogue, the scene will again shift to Baron Castle where the confrontation with Cecil will continue. If you're following the sequence of events of this guide, you're entire party will engage Cecil in a battle... Now that we've regained control, why not go and check out Damcyan Castle? ~~Damcyan Castle~~ Antlions have overrun the castle, you'll find them crawling around everywhere. If you ignore them, they won't bother you. Even if you do provoke one and get into a battle with it, you can run from it. There's no reason to fight them unless you're playing the PlayStation Portable version of the game and want to fight one to get its beastiary entry. Before we set out to investigate the castles throne room however, let's grab a few treasures. From the entrance of the castle, step 1 space south onto the sand and follow the outer wall to the east. You'll find a door leading to the Damcyan treasure room. Press a small button on next to the bars of the jail cell. A door will open allowing you access to the treasure chests inside. After grabbing the treasures, take the stairs to reach a room with six treasure chests and 4 vases. Search each one for a nice stash of handy items. Once you've finished raiding the treasures, return to the castle entrance and head inside. When you reach 1F, detour to the west and take the stairs. Continue climbing the stairs until you reach Harley's Room. Search the bookcase to find a Small Tail. Now head back to 1F and take the eastern stairs. The stairs take you to the storehouse. Immediately head south and walk along a secret passage that leads east and then north, right beside a treasure chest. Face it even though you can't see your character and search it to acquire the chest. A Bomb Core is inside. On your way back you'll automatically take the stairs down to the previous floor. Walk up them again and grab the second treasure chest in the storeroom, which contains a Decoy. Now it's time to head to the throne room. Inside, you'll converse with Harley, Edward's secretary. If you imported Edward's Tale, she'll then join you and stay on the Falcon. If you didn't import Edward's Tale, she will remain here in Damcyan. That concludes our business here in Damcyan. Return to your Airship and set course for your next destination. -------------------------- Damcyan Treasure Checklist -------------------------- X-Potion x3 [] Phoenix Down [] Emergency Exit [] Hi-Potion [] Ether x2 [] Diamond Shield [] Red Fang [] White Fang [] Blue Fang [] Small Tail [] Bomb Core [] Decoy [] ================== ~~Town of Agart~~ ================================= --------------------- Agart Enemy Checklist --------------------- Mad Ogre [] Balloon [] ================= Monsters have overrun this city, and you'll encounter enemies here as you explore. The world sure has become a more dangerous place since we were last here. Start by going north to the foot of the stairs leading up to a well and then go west. Follow the path to some tall grass. Search the grass for a Gaia Drum. Now, head toward the small house located above the central well. The Mysterious Girl is standing nearby. Approach her and after a brief conversation she'll sic Titan on you. --Boss Battle: Titan-- You may have faced Titan once before in Rydia's Tale. Now he's back for another go. Don't bother doing this battle if you haven't found Porom yet. If Porom isn't resting aboard your Airship, this battle will end when Titan uses Gaia's Wrath and you'll be dropped into the Agart Subterain. If that happens, the battle will immediately end. If you have rescued Porom, she'll appear just as Titan uses Gaia's Wrath and cast Float on your party, allowing you to continue the battle. Titan will use physical attacks, and he also has a deadly crush attack. This will 1 hit kill one of your party members. Revive anyone that dies immediately with a Phoenix Down. Unlike the past Eidolon battles, you don't have to take it easy on Titan. Once you've done enough damage, he'll come to his senses and become a summon available to Rydia. If you are having trouble against Titan, try this tactic. Place the Man in Black in the back row and use Taunt every turn. This will draw every attack except Gaia's Wrath to target him. This includes Crush, so if you have any instant death protection items, equip them to Man in Black when using this tactic. As long as you keep him healed, the rest of your party should be pretty safe. Keep in mind that if anyone does die, they won't have float anymore when they are revived. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Titan is defeated, the enemies will vanish from the town and the people will come out again. The shops remain closed but the observatory will open again. Enter the observatory and search a jar on a table to find a small tail. If you haven't already done so, let's check out the Agart Subterrane! To reach it, enter the well in the center of town. Climb down the well to land in B1 of the Agart Subterrane. ------------------------ Agart Treasure Checklist ------------------------ Gaia Drum [] Small Tail [] ========================= ~~Agart Subterrane~~ ================================================= -------------------------------- Agart Subterrane Enemy Checklist -------------------------------- Steel Golem [] Ironback [] Black Lizard [] Tunneler [] Arachnea [] Armadillo [] ========================= This is a new area, so lets get set to exploring. Start off by walking west and then north to the treasure chest. Now walk back and head east. At the fork in the road, head east again to find a treasure chest stashed in a corner. A Diamond Armlet is inside the chest. After collecting this, continue north and you'll find a staircase. If you take these stairs it will take you to a room with a save point. This is also the room you'll fall into if you battle Titan without having rescued Porom. Unless you need the save point, skip this room and continue east and then south to another stairway. -------------------------------------- Agart Subterrane B1 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Decoy [] Diamond Armlet [] ================= Walk south to find a treasure chest that contains an Ogrekiller, a powerful Axe that Luca might like to equip if she doesn't already have something better. From the treasure chest, walk directly east and pass through a secret passage. The room beyond contains a treasure chest holding a Golden Apple. This item will raise the max HP of a character by 100. Very nice! That's all for this place. Walk back the way you came and climb up the rope you saw when you first entered this area to leave. Next, let's head to Mist. -------------------------------------- Agart Subterrane B2 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------------- Ogrekiller [] Golden Apple [] ================= ~~Village of Mist~~ Ahhh Mist, my favorite town. I am so glad I get to visit it once again! If you go here, you'll find the town shrouded in a heavy mist, and a voice, which is perhaps the spirit of Rydia's Mother, will tell ask her to return after she has freed the Eidolons if she hasn't already done so. If you have freed (or killed) the other Eidolons, a story scene will occur, as a a result of this story scene you will gain the Mist Dragon as a summon. Although all of the doors in town are locked, you can still search for treasure outside. Start off by going to the grave in the north of the town. To the east of the pond there is some tall grass. Search the grass to find a Bomb Core. Travel south to the weapon and armor shop and then walk east through a gap in the trees. This takes you through a secret passage to a small field of tall grass. Search the tall grass here to find two Bomb Cranks. Are these items a result of the devastating fire that destroyed this town 17 years ago? Once you have these items, it's time to return to your airship. ----------------------- Mist Treasure Checklist ----------------------- Bomb Core [] Bomb Crank x2 [] ================== ~~Return to Baron~~ With the Eidolons dealt with and the Mist Dragon now on Rydia's side, we now have the power we need to storm Baron Castle. But before you do so, check your inventory screen and ensure you are prepared. Do you have any Small Tails left that you want to use? If so, return to the Eblan Cave now and exchange them with the man there. This fellow is your only means of getting a Rainbow Tail, so if you want one be sure to pick it up now. If there are any places you still want to visit, do so now. ****************************************** IMPORTANT ****************************************** Once you enter Baron Castle's throne room, you will not be able to use the airship to explore the overworld anymore! Be certain you have finished everything you want to do before entering Baron after obtaining the Mist Dragon summon! When you enter Baron, the throne room is the only place you'll be able to go, so head straight there. As you enter the throne room, you'll immediately be thrust into a battle, but your party will be Kain, Rosa, Ceodore, Edward, and Cid. --Boss Battle: Cecil & Odin-- Cecil has summoned Odin to battle you. Odin however won't attack you, so ignore him and instead focus your attacks on Cecil. Cecil can hit quite hard with his sword, but physical attacks are all that he uses. Cast Blink on your party members for protection from his blade. Re-cast Blink if it wears off and use Cure spells as needed. Cecil won't be able to touch you with Blink in place. After a few rounds, Odin will begin speaking and refuse to harm the people of Baron. The battle will then end. Odin will also become a summon available to Rydia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, Rydia and her party bust into the throne room and a story scene will occur. The scene will result in the identity of the Man in Black being revealed and a battle against the Mysterious Girl take place. Your party will consist of Man in Black, Rosa, Ceodore, Rydia, and Edge. --Boss Battle: Mysterious Girl-- The Mysterious Girl will hit you with magic based attacks. Begin by casting Slow on her either through Rosa or by using a Spider's Silk. Now, a very effective way to harm the Mysterious Girl is to link Rydia's Black Magic with Rosa's White Magic. This will teach them the Holy Burst band, a devastating attack that will deal brutal damage to the Mysterious Girl. Man in Black can either use his sword or cast his high level spells. If he knows Quake, use it to deal a lot of harm. Edge should just attack with his Sword and Ceodore should use Awakening and attack with his sword. The Mysterious Girl will summon Leviathan to do a Tidal Wave attack, which isn't too dangerous, but she'll also summon Bahamut, whom will cast Megaflare on your party and do pretty heavy damage to everyone. Make sure to keep everyone's HP full at all times. Because Rosa will be doing Holy Burst with Rydia, it's probably a good idea to use Ceodore for cure spells and have Edge and Man in Black assist with Heal Pill and potions if needed. A few blasts of Holy Burst combined with sword strikes and/or spells from the others should be enough to topple this girl. One thing to be aware of, if the Mysterious Girl gathers power and makes the blue field around her larger, she is preparing to cast Meteor on you. This spell will devestate your party unless you've had Rosa casting shell on you multiple times. In that case, the damage will be reduced and many of your party members will likely survive. If Rydia and Rosa focus on using their Holy Burst band, she'll probably never get a chance to use Meteor. As the battle concludes, a story scene will occur as your party plans their next move. You'll be given the opportunity to save your game before the next scene begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Small Step for a Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind - (FNL2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A story scene will occur in which your ship, the Lunar Whale is being pulled toward the moon. You'll gain control of Ceodore with everyone around you lying on the ground. Now begins one of the coolest segments of this game. Speak to one of the characters and you'll help them to their feet. After they say some dialogue, you'll be asked if you wish to change party members. Answer yes, and you'll be able to pick up to 5 of all characters that you've accumulated, including Cecil! Some characters won't be available to you unless you've imported data from other tales. Although Cecil is available right now, something still seems to be wrong with him and his abilities are greatly diminished from what you would expect. If you imported Yang's Tale, Ursula will be available. If you imported Edward's Tale, Harley will be added to your ranks. If you imported Edge's Tale, Gekkou, Zangetsu, Izayoi, and Tsukinowa will be available if they survived their missions in Edge's Tale. If you imported Rydia's Tale and gave Luca a Mythril Spring, Bolt, and Nut to fix the Falcon and repair Calca and Brina, they too will be available. The rest of the characters are available whether you imported data or not. Imported characters will have the same levels and equipment they had in the save file you imported them from. Characters that weren't imported will have weak default equipment and a starting level of 20, 25, or 30 depending on the character. Rydia, Edge, Golbez, and Luca will be the same as they were at the end of the previous section. Cecil can't be imported and will always begin at level 40 with his default equipment. Which party to take is entirely up to you! My suggestion is to include in your party a power physical attacker, a strong black magic user, and a competent white magic user. Characters with these abilities will form a balanced core for your group. The ship has a few amenities for you. Head south and take the stairs to another room. In addition to finding your "import only" characters here, you'll also find a save point. North of the save point are some chambers you can sit in. If you do so, you'll be asked if you wish to rest. This is just like resting at the inn. If you rest, you'll be fully restored and the moon phase will change. When you're ready to continue your quest, step onto one of the yellow tiles east or west of the flight crystal. These will take you just outside the ship, where you'll find Namingway and a strange tile. Speak to Namingway and he'll sell you the items listed below. If you step on the tile a message will tell you that the interdimensional elevator is offline. Head off-screen to leave. -Namingway's Shop- Weapons: Shuriken 200 Cross Shuriken 20000 Items: Hi-Potion 150 X-Potion 3000 Ether 10000 Dry Ether 50000 Phoenix Down 100 Remedy 5000 Cottage 500 Emergency Exit 180 ~~The Lunar Surface~~ ============================================= ----------------------------- Lunar Surface Enemy Checklist ----------------------------- Lunar Virus [] White Mousse [] Nescaliote [] Micaliote [] Gray Coeurl [] Material [] Backed Worm [] ========================= Wow, what a weird place. Everything is in black and white, eerie. There are two kinds of Gray Courl enemies here on the surface. During a Waning Moon, you can encounter a solitary one that is much more powerful than its more common counterpart. You may earn a Gray Tail after defeating this more powerful one. If you don't already have one, this is a good place to hunt for them. If you haven't imported data, your new characters are not going to be very fit for battle. Pair them up with a stronger character such as Golbez or Luca and raise their levels until you are comfortable fighting the local monsters with them. The battles ahead will be nearly impossible to win at such low levels. To continue on, from the ship, walk south down the slope to the lighter gray floor. Walk west and then north to a cave entrance. ~~Subterrane~~ ========================================= -------------------------- Subterrane Enemy Checklist -------------------------- **Floors B1-B6** Chimera Brain [] Amazon [] Eukaryote [] Micaliote [] Nescaliote [] Prokaryote [] Black Flan [] Flan Princess [] Dark Grenade [] Evil Dreamer [] High Wizard [] Skeletal Dragon [] Ebony Dragon [] Malboro [] Shadow Dragon [] **Floor B7** Dinozombie [] Shadow [] Living Mail [] Alacimo [] Abyss Worm [] Elder Treant [] Dinozombie [] Stone Golem [] Wright [] Behemoth [] **Floor B8** Almon [] Solid Shutter [] White Dragon [] Hydro Golem [] Green Cell [] Sylvanpoth [] Crocodile [] King Toad [] **Floor B9** Lucifer [] Thunderbird [] Green Dragon [] Blast Golem [] **Floor B10** Imp [] Blood Eye [] Red Dragon [] Melt Golem [] **Floor B11** Armor Construct [] Centaurion [] Clockwork Soldier [] Thunder Dragon [] Beam Cannon [] Clockwork Dragon [] **Floor B12** Bone Dragon [] Gold Dragon [] Dark Sage [] Selene Guardian [] Armored Fiend [] Silver Dragon [] ========================= Inside the cave you'll find a warp tile. Step onto it and you'll be warped to B1. This looks familiar... just like the Lunar Subterrane from the original Final Fantasy IV and the Lunarian's Tale. Are we on Fusoya's moon? Let's find out. Begin by walking west and look for a light space along the shadow of the western wall. There is a secret passage here that you can walk through to reach a warp tile to the west. Take the tile to warp to a small room with a door. Enter the door to reach a room in B2 with a warp tile. You'll find a treasure chest as you walk to the tile. A cottage is inside the chest. Step onto the warp tile to warp to a new location. Walk to the southern door and enter it to reach B3, then follow the path in the next room to the north to find a treasure chest holding a Genji Shield. With the shield in hand backtrack all the way back to B1 and the secret passage you walked through to get here. Now from the warp tile on the small island with the stairs, walk east where there is a space in the wall. A secret passage here will take you to the north. Follow the path to find a treasure chest with a Decoy. Once you have this, backtrack back to the warp tile and take the southern path. You'll find a shattered crystal near the door. Creepy... Continue to B2. -------------------------------- Subterrane B1 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Decoy [] ====================== Walk along the path and enter a rather obvious secret passage. As you head north, detour to the west for a path leading to a treasure chest that contains Genji Armor. This is a nice equip for someone that can wear heavy armor, I gave it to Luca, who was the only character on my team that could equip it. Once you have the armor, continue along the secret passage going north, continuing east after you exit the passage. Another treasure chest is sitting beside the door for you to claim before you continue on. A handy X-Potion is inside. Enter the door to continue onto B3. -------------------------------- Subterrane B2 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Cottage [] Genji Armor [] X-Potion [] ====================== On B3, you'll find a crystal sitting on the ground. The crystal will shatter and you'll be forced into battle against a monster. --Boss Battle: Baigan -- Baigan, you might remember this monster from the original Final Fantasy IV. He has 3 target points, his main body and both of his arms. If both of his arms are destroyed, he will immediately regenerate both of them. His left arm uses Bloodfeast and his Right Arm can use Constrict. His main body will use physical attacks. If you cast attack magic on him, he'll counter by casting Reflect on himself. To effectively battle him, destroy one but not both of his arms. Because the right arm can paralyze your party members, make it your first target. It only has a few thousand HP so it's easy to destroy. Once it's down, turn your attention to the main body and ignore the left arm. The Left Arm's Bloodfeast attacks do little damage. To protect yourself from the physical attacks, cast Blink on your party members through white magic, ninjitsu, or the Decoy item. Each blink spell will protect you from 2 physical attacks before you have to recast it. With blink in place, you'll have no difficulty wearing this boss down with physical blows. If Rydia is on your team, her summons can be used without worrying about Reflect. The Bomb summon is quite useful if you have it. Casting slow on the boss is useful as well. The boss will speak to you as you fight him, as if warning you of something... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A story scene will occur between Ceodore and Ursula (even if they aren't in your party), at the end of the scene they will learn the Twin Rush band. If you didn't import Yang's Tale, you will instead see a scene involving Ceodore and Cid, but no Band will be learned. When you regain control of your party, you'll be standing on the save point the crystal was on a moment ago, and you'll see another interdimensional elevator tile. This one is online and if you step onto it you'll have the option of returning to the Lunar Whale or editing your party. If you wish to leave or change your party, you are free to do so. Walk south of the save point to where you see a door, pass the door and walk farther south to where there's a small path leading west into a wall. Walk through the wall to find a secret passage leading to a chamber with a treasure chest. Collect the Dry Ether inside and continue west to find another secret passage. Follow this one south to another chamber where two more treasure chests waiting. A Remedy and an Ether are your rewards for going here. Now return to the door you passed and enter it to reach B4. -------------------------------- Subterrane B3 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Genji Shield [] Dry Ether [] Remedy [] Ether [] ======================= Begin by walking west where you'll find a treasure chest on the edge of a ledge. A White Fang is inside the chest. Walk down the stairs and go east and enter the door. You'll reach a small room with a treasure chest. Open the chest to find a Lustrous Sword. Now go west and take some stairs leading south. Enter the door you reach to advance to another room. You may encounter Ebony Dragons in this room you just entered, and if it's a New Moon you'll encounter more powerful ones. Defeat these stronger ones if you are interested in getting an Ebony Tail; it may drop after the battle. Stick to the north in this room to find a treasure chest with an X-Potion. Walk to the far east to find a chest with a Red Fang. Enter the small notch in the south wall to continue. You'll find another crystal beyond the room. Grab the nearby treasure chest before you approach the crystal to acquire a Blue Fang. If you investigate the crystal, it will shatter and you'll enter a battle. If you ignore the crystal, you can skip this battle for the moment, but you will eventually have to fight or later on you'll find a door sealed. This applies for all crystals you find. --Boss Battle: Sandy, Cindy, & Mindy-- Another familiar site for Final Fantasy IV veterans, this trio is also known as the Magus Sisters. These three use teamwork to battle you. Sandy, the tall woman, will cast Reflect on Cindy, the fat middle woman. Mindy, the small girl will cast a spell onto the reflected Mindy, bouncing it off her and onto one of your party members. Cindy will also hit you with physical attacks. Sandy will also cast support spells on her sisters and confuse spells on your party. Cindy can also revive her sisters should they die with a Reraise spell. Cindy will also counter attack you anytime you strike her. The girls' defense has a fatal flaw. Their reflect spell won't stop spells cast through items or Rydia's summons. Use a Spider Silk to inflict slow on all 3 of them. If you wish to attack them with magic, any spell casting item such as Bomb Crank will work. Make Cindy your first target. Her counter attacks are basic physical attacks, which you should be able to handle. If you want added protection, you can cast Blink or Protect on your party members, but you probably won't need it. Keep pounding on Cindy with everything you have until she falls. Mindy will begin casting spells directly on your party once Cindy is defeated. Without Cindy, these girls are doomed. Mindy won't counter your attacks, so wail on her with physical strikes and magic. She won't last long. Once Mindy Falls, Sandy will be virtually helpless. About all she can do is cast Confuse on you and hope for the best. You'll take her down easily. If you haven't imported data or your party is underleveled, these girls can be tough. If their magic is tearing you appart, try casting Shell on yourself a few times to try and decrease the damage. Reflect won't block their magic since they bounce it off of Cindy. Sandy will cast Haste on Mindy to give her an advantage. Counter Haste with slow to help keep her under control. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step onto the spot where the crystal was and you'll be asked if you wish to rest. Say yes and you'll be treated to a story scene. When it concludes, advance down the stairs to continue on. -------------------------------- Subterrane B4 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- White Fang [] Lustrous Sword [] X-Potion [] Red Fang [] Blue Fang [] ======================= Now on B5, walk south down the stairs and go east to a treasure chest in plain sight. A Silver Hourglass is inside the chest. Next enter the door and walk north, and then west through a rather obvious opening in the wall. Collect some Genji Gloves from the treasure chest you pass and continue west. Continue west into another secret passage and work your way to the southwest. Walk south and exit through a door to reach a ledge with a treasure chest. An X-Potion awaits you inside. Go back into the door and proceed north through the northern door. When you emerge on the high ledge, go west and collect the treasure chest you see to score an Ether. Now go east and enter another door. Collect the treasure chest you see for another Ether. In this room with the Ether you just collected, you can encounter Shadow Dragons. If you walk around this small room during a Waxing Moon, you'll encounter a more powerful Shadow Dragon that should appear alone. Defeat this brute and it may drop a Black Tail. Stick around if you want to hunt for it. When ready to leave continue north. You'll find another crystal in front of you when you exit. For now, ignore it and instead go east to a treasure chest to receive a Unicorn Horn. Now head west, still ignoring the crystal and enter a door to reach a room with a treasure chest that contains a Hi-Potion. Inside this room with the chest containing a Hi-Potion, during a Full Moon phase you can encounter monsters called Flan Princess. If you defeat them in battle, they may drop a Pink Tail. This is the only place in the game where you can find these monsters, so if you want a Pink Tail hunt for Flan Princesses here. Unlike other flan monsters, Flan Princess can be harmed by physical attacks. Don't underestimate these creatures though, they are a lot stronger than they look! Their Samba de Flan ability can inflict a character with Berserk status. When finished, leave the room and examine the crystal, another boss battle awaits you. --Boss Battle: Lugae & Barnabas-- More familiar faces to FFIV veterans. These two have some pretty powerful physical attacks. Blink and Protect spells from your white mages will help soften the blows. Cast Slow on these two right away, they'll attack pretty quickly if you don't. Barnabas and Lugae will both do a targeting move on one of your party members. Barnabas will use Blaster on the one that he targeted, while Lugae will, oddly, use a beneficial spell on the one he targeted. Lugage can also use poison gas on your entire party, inflicting them with a poison status. He also has some sleeping gas up his sleeve as well that he sometimes uses as a counter attack. Make Barnabas your first priority, as he is far more dangerous than Lugae is. In fact, Lugae is almost more of a help than a threat in this battle. Use blink on any of your low defense characters so that they don't suffer severe damage from Barnabas's physical attacks. Pay close attention to which character Barnabas targets, if Blaster kills that character you'll want to revive them immediately. Use haste to give yourself an edge and hit Barnabas with physical attacks and high level magic like Firaga. Barnabas can attack twice in one turn, so stay vigilant with your cure spells. If you focus solely on Barnabas, you should be able to topple him. Once he falls, Lugae is a pushover until he begins using his Laser attack. After you do enough damage, he will begin using his laser after he uses his targetting move. The damage from this laser is based on his remaining HP and the more HP he has, the more damage the laser will do. At first this will likely 1-hit kill a party member, but you will have enough time to revive the fallen before he can use the laser again. Keep up your offense until he falls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, you'll be given a chance to rest again. Do so and you'll be treated to another story scene. Palom and Porom will learn the Twincast Band at the conclusion of the story scene. Continue down the stairs. -------------------------------- Subterrane B5 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Silver Hourglass [] Genji Gloves [] X-Potion [] Ether x2 [] Unicorn Horn [] Hi-Potion [] Genji Helm [] Blood Lance [] ======================= Here on B6 you'll immediately see two treasure chests to the east and west. Both are easy to get, so grab them to receive a Fuma Shuriken and Gaia Drum. Walk south and take the east bridge to a treasure chest, you'll find a Final Outfit inside. This is armor that Calca or Brina can equip should they be with you. Walk north a few steps from the treasure chest and then walk east across an invisible bridge to reach the eastern ledge. Follow the ledge to the northeastern tip and then walk west through a secret passage leading into the center of the black area. Walk south to enter a new platform with a treasure chest. Collect the chest to receive a Flame Whip. Now walk west to a warp tile. Use the tile to warp to a stairwell. Climb the stairs to another warp tile that will take you to B5. Continue climbing north and claim the treasure chest you'll find on the way to receive a Genji Helm. Continue north and you'll reach a save point after warping again. Exit through the southern door to reach a ledge with a treasure chest. A Blood Lance is inside the chest. Now backtrack back the way you came until you come the two bridges on B6. Now take the western bridge and enter the door on the ledge there. You'll enter a room with another crystal. Before you investigate the crystal, grab the treasure chest to the north of it to acquire a White Robe, a great equip for one of your white mages. Now, investigate the crystal. --Boss Battle: King of Eblan & Queen of Eblan-- This is the easiest boss battle in the game. Neither one of them will attack you. Sit and watch them for a moment and they'll plead for Edge to save Eblan, and then they'll destroy themselves, ending the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rest on the save point to be treated to another story scene. When it concludes, proceed through the door to the north; this will take you to B7. -------------------------------- Subterrane B6 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Fuma Shuriken [] Gaia Drum [] Final Outfit [] =========================== Walk to the south where you'll find 3 doors. Enter the first one and there will be a save point. If Palom's Tale was imported you'll have the option to rest here. Answer yes to the prompt and you will then be able to watch another story scene. Palom, Luca, and Leonora will learn the Ice Crush band at the conclusion of the story scene. When you regain control, walk north of the save point to find another interdimensional elevator tile. You'll again be given the opportunity to switch party members if desired, or return to the Lunar Whale. If you return to the Whale, you can return to this point or the one you found earlier in the Subterrane, so don't worry about a long walk to get back if you opt to return. When ready, leave the door and continue west to the next door. A treasure chest waits inside that holds a Murasame. Inside this room that holds the Murasame, you may encounter a stronger version of the Behemoth enemy if the Moon Phase is set to New Moon. If you are interested in hunting a Purple Tail, hunt these stronger Behemoths in this room during a New Moon. The stronger version won't appear outside of this room. When ready to move on, continue to the next door to find two more treasure chests. These ones contain a Dragon Shield and a Protect Ring. Continue along the path and take the stairs leading south. You'll find another crystal at the bottom of the stairs. Investigate it and you'll engage 4 Skulnant monsters. These things are a joke, you'll dispatch them easily. But that is not the real monster that you'll face. After defeating the Skulnants, Scarmiglione will attack. --Boss Battle: Scarmiglione-- Scarmiglione will begin the battle by summoning 6 Revenants to back him up. Have your black mage cast a fire spell on the whole pack of them to easily wipe them out. Scarmiglione will counter every attack you make against him with Thundaga. You can make this battle very easy by placing Reflect on all of your party members. Have your white mage cast Reflect on each of your party members if she knows the spell. You can also have your party members use Light or Lunar Curtains to gain reflect as well. Now simply attack Scarmiglione with your weapons. His Thundaga counter attack will bounce off your reflect barrier and damage him instead. The more you attack him, the more he'll counter attack and further harm himself. The battle isn't over when you defeat him though, immediately you'll face an undead form of him, which will begin as a back attack. Switch your rows right away. Scarmiglione has a poison gas attack now that can poison your entire party, but don't worry about curing it during battle. The poison isn't very dangerous. Scarmiglione has a weakness to fire now, so have your Black Mage cast Firaga on him for good damage. Light element attacks should work well too against him. If nothing else, you can throw X-Potions at him for a good 2000 damage. Scarmiglione may also cast a slow spell on your entire party using Curse Eulogy. If this happens, try to cast Haste on your party members to remove the slow status. You should also cast slow on this enemy to give yourself an advantage. He now uses a powerful physical attack against you. The Blink spell is useful for protecting yourself from it. Place Blink on everyone and he won't be able to touch you. Re-cast Blink on anyone that loses it and continue attacking him. He won't be able to break your defenses. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A treasure chest will be left behind after you defeat Scarmiglione. Open it to find a Stardust Rod. The attack rating on this weapon is surprisingly high, for a rod that is, but what's even better is that it can cast Comet when used as an item during battle. On top of that, it has a pretty good Intellect bonus as well. This is a very good weapon for a black magic user like Rydia or Palom. Proceed through the door to continue to the next area. -------------------------------- Subterrane B7 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Murasame [] Dragon Shield [] Protect Ring [] Stardust Rod [] ========================== The next room is a long passage leading north. March through it and continue into the next room. If you have not defeated all of the bosses from the crystals found on the previous floors, the door will be sealed by dark power. You'll have to go back and fight any bosses you may have skipped - otherwise continue north to advance to B8. Begin by heading west and go down the stairs so that you can collect the treasure chest below, a White Fang is inside. Walk back up the stairs and continue east and follow the path until you descend down some stairs. Collect the treasure chest in the small cove above to receive an X-Potion. From that treasure chest, walk west through a secret passage in the wall to reach another treasure chest to the northwest to obtain a Dragon Mail. Walk back through the secret passages and continue south. Follow the path until you reach a stairway leading south above a door. Continue west at this point to find a treasure chest holding a Unicorn Horn. Now take the stairs going south and enter the door, you'll reach a room with a save point and you'll again be asked if you wish to rest. Answer yes to watch another story scene. If Calca and Brina are available, at the end of the story scene Cid, Luca, Calca, and Brina will learn the Final Calcabrina band. When you regain control, continue west where you'll encounter another crystal, and another boss battle. --Boss Battle: Cagnazzo-- Your Black Mage will be your hero in this battle. Although this is a creature of water, he oddly has a huge weakness to ice. The secret to victory here is pretty simple, cast Blizzaga and grin as you do extremely high damage to him. This boss may counter your attacks with a silence or hold spell. If anyone is inflicted with these conditions (especially your black mage) cure it right away. During the battle Cagnazzo may begin gathering water for a Tsunami. When this happens, you can cast a thunder series spell to break him out of it. If he manges to use Tsunami, heal the damage right away. Cagnazzo may also hide in his shell and begin healing himself. Continue casting Blizzaga with your black mages and you should deal more damage than he can heal, especially if you cast Haste on your black mage(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After you defeat Cagnazzo, two treasure chests will appear. Open them for a Sage's Staff and a Sage's Robe. The Sage's Robe is a fantastic intellect boosting equip for a black magic user. Likewise the Sage's Staff gives a white mage a huge spirit boost. Continue to the north through the door. In this room, if the moon phase is set to Waxing, you can encounter solitaire White Dragons. These are more powerful than the other ones you encounter along with other enemies, and these special ones may drop a White Tail upon defeat. If you want to hunt them, do so here. When you're ready to continue, advance through the next room to reach B9. -------------------------------- Subterrane B8 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- White Fang [] X-Potion [] Dragon Mail [] Unicorn Horn [] ========================== Follow the trail until you find a small tornado. From that tornado, take a path leading north and behind a wall. Work your way north to a trail leading to a treasure chest to find an Ether. Walk back to the tornado and now take the southern path and follow it to a door and go inside. In this room, during a Waning Moon you can encounter a single Green Dragon. This dragon is much more powerful then the regular Green Dragons you'll encounter along with other enemies. If you defeat one of these stronger brutes, it may drop a Green Tail. Hang around in this room during a Waning Moon if you wish to hunt for one. From the rooms entrance, walk directly east until you reach a small tornado near the east wall. From the tornado walk east into a secret passage and follow it to the north. In the room it takes you to, walk through the small passage to the south to reach a ledge with a treasure chest. Open the chest to obtain some Dragon Gloves. Now go back to the previous room and take the door on the southeast side of the room to reach a ledge with a treasure chest containing a Blue Fang. Once you have that, return to the previous room and take the southwest door. Follow the path and enter the door you see to reach a chamber with a treasure chest holding an X-Potion. Now, walk west into the wall to find a secret passage leading north to another treasure chest. A Dragon Helm is inside this one. Go back out the door and follow the path leading south. When you reach a save point you'll be asked again if you wish to rest. Answer yes to watch another story scene. When the scene concludes, continue east to find another crystal, and another battle. --Boss Battle: Barbariccia-- It's time to battle a woman... wearing skimpy underwear and nothing more... okay. Barbariccia will wrap herself up in her hair and then counter your attacks by casting Tornado and Stone Touch. Tornado will reduce a character's HP to single digits if it hits while Stone Touch will begin gradual petrification on a character. After enough time passes, Barbariccia will let down her hair and stop countering your attacks. If you're vigilant on healing, you can continue to attack her while she has her hair around her and simply heal anyone struck by Tornado. A Gold Needle or Esuna can restore anyone that gets turned to stone. If you want to play it safe, don't attack her while she has her hair wrapped around her and instead focus on healing until she drops it. Her physical attacks are pretty powerful, so you might want to use Protect or Blink spells to help defend yourself. She doesn't have any particular weakness but Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga will all do good damage to her. Various special abilities work well too. If Kain is with you, have him use his Jump ability while she is wrapped in her hair. The impact of his jump should knock her out of it and allow you to attack her normally. Lead off the battle by casting Slow on her to help keep her attacks under control. As long as you keep an eye on your HP and don't get reckless in your attacks, you should be able to win without much trouble. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Barbariccia is defeated, a treasure chest will be left behind containing a Gungnir. Follow the path and take the long stairway going south at the end of it. -------------------------------- Subterrane B9 Treasure Checklist -------------------------------- Ether [] Blue Fang [] Dragon Gloves [] X-Potion [] Dragon Helm [] Gungnir [] ========================= Ahhh, a room of heat and fire! This is my kind of place! Anyways walk south and at the intersection, walk west to reach a treasure chest where a Remedy is waiting to be found. Now head east, continuing east at the intersection and entering the door that you come to. Inside this room is a passage leading to a ledge with a treasure chest. Although you should certainly grab the treasure chest with a Godhand inside, this passage is also the home to Red Dragons. During a New Moon, you'll encounter solo Red Dragons that are much more powerful than the regular Red Dragons you encounter. These stronger ones may drop a Red Tail when defeated. Hang out here for a while if you wish to hunt Red tails. When finished, return to the intersection and go south. At the bottom of a twin staircase is a door. Enter the door to find a save point. There's no story scene at this one but you can use a tent or cottage if you wish. South of that door are a whole bunch of doors. Enter the one just southeast of you to find a path leading to an X-Potion. The door west of that leads to a ledge with a treasure chest containing an Ether. Directly south of the eastern stairs of the twin staircase is a door leading to a chest holding a Red Fang. A door to the far southwest leads to a ledge and a treasure chest holding a Fuma Shuriken. In the far southeast are 2 doors close together. Of those two the western one leads to a treasure chest holding an Apollo Harp. The eastern of these two leads to a path that will take you to the next resting area, and west of the door leading to that rest area is a chest holding a Red Cap. If you opt to rest at the save point, you'll be able to view another story scene. When it concludes Edge and Yang will learn the Oboro Strike band. Continue north and you'll find another crystal. There is also an interdimensional elevator tile you can use as well. Before you continue, make sure that Edge is in your party. Continue into the next room and confront the crystal. If Edge is in your party, you'll be asked if he wishes to battle alone. Answer yes. --Boss Battle Rubicante-- If you don't have Edge with you, or he didn't opt to fight alone, your whole party will join in here. Rubicante uses physical attacks and fire attacks to attack you. He frequently counters your attacks with Firaga. When he closes his cloak, ice magic will heal him and fire magic will harm him rather than the other way around. To avoid having to worry about which element to use at which time, just fight him using Thundaga. It does comparable damage to Blizzaga and Firaga, and he's never healed by it. If you have fire resistant armor and a Cursed Ring, this is a good place to use the combination. The Cursed Ring will cause you to be healed by fire if you wear some equipment resistant to it with the ring. When you do enough damage, Rubincante will cast Inferno on himself to end the battle. Cast Shell on your party members to protect them from Firaga. Reflect can work too but if you're fighting with a party of 5 keeping Reflect on everyone is harder then casting Shell on the whole party. Cast Slow on Rubicante to give yourself more time to strike him. If you got reflect up on everyone, go nuts when his cloak is closed so that his Firaga counter attacks bounce back and harm him. When the cloak is open, only allow your stronger party memebers to fight so that you don't do less damage then is healed from a reflected Firaga. If you're going with Shell instead, hit him with everyone and heal the wounded. His counter attack will only hit the person that struck him, so you can control the flow of the battle. If Edge is fighting alone, 3 items will make this battle very easy. Spider Silk, Hermes Sandals, and Light Curtain. Use all 3 of these items, and then just hit Rubicante with your regular attacks. Rubicante will close his cloak and start countering your attacks with Firaga. Your reflect spell from your Light Curtain will reflect Firaga back at Rubicante and likely doing damage since he should have his cloak closed about the time you've used all 3 items. The Hermes Sandals and Spider Silk will ensure you have a speed advantage over Rubincate and Edge will hit him multiple times before he gets a turn. The Mirage Ninjutsu can give you protection from Rubincante's physical attacks. Once you've done enough damage, Rubincante will cast Inferno on himself, ending the battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Edge fought Rubicante alone, a treasure chest containing a Fire Scarf will appear. If you didn't fight with Edge alone, you won't receive any items after this battle. Either way, proceed north to continue. Step onto a warp tile in the northern door to advance to the next area. It may be a good idea to put Rydia in your party before you go. A bit later you can get some summons for her if she is in your party, and this is the last interdimensional elevator you'll find before that event. If you don't put Rydia in now, it will be a long walk to get back here later. --------------------------------- Subterrane B10 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Remedy [] Godhand [] Red Fang [] X-Potion [] Ether [] Fuma Shuriken [] Red Cap [] Fire Scarf [] ======================== Here we are on B11. Among other enemies, you'll encounter Clockwork Soldiers and Beam Cannons here, and you can use a very interesting tactic to easily defeat them. Cast a lightning element spell on them, any lightning element will do even if it does no damage. They'll short circuit and begin attacking themselves and their allies. It's sort of like a confusion spell that doesn't wear off when you attack them, but it will be reversed if you cast other kinds of magic on them. The beams from a Beam Cannon will also reverse this affect, so kill those first if you fight a mix of enemies. This does not affect the Centaurions and Thunder Dragons however. This area has a very different look to it than the ones previously. Are we really on a moon? The path is more complicated here, so let's be careful not to get lost. From the starting point, walk north to a fork in the road. From here, continue north to another fork; proceed north at this one too. At the next fork, go west until you reach another fork in the road. From this one, go north to reach a ledge with a treasure chest where you'll receive a Cottage. Next head back to the last fork and walk south until you reach a treasure chest. A Poison Axe is inside. After claiming the axe, walk north and take the first fork to the west, and then proceed north to reach the next room. In this small room, if the moon phase is a Full Moon, you can encounter a lone Thunder Dragon that is much more powerful than the regular Thunder Dragons you can find elsewhere. If you defeat this monster, it may drop a Blue Tail. If you wish to hunt for Blue Tails, do so here during a Full Moon. When you're ready to continue on, take the west door and then continue west along the path to reach a treasure chest where you'll find an Ether. Continue to the south after snagging the chest. Walk south passing several side paths on the way, then turn west to find a treasure chest. This one contains a Moonring Blade. Take the next path going east and then proceed south to find a save point where you can opt to rest once more. Do so and another story scene will play for you. Follow the path until you reach another crystal. --Boss Battle: CPU, Strike Module, & Defense Node-- This boss consists of three pieces: the main CPU, and the two smaller pieces. The top one is the attack node and will attack your party with Piercing Laser, while the bottom one focuses on casting healing spells. The CPU will cast reflect on itself. All three of these targets can be destroyed. If you destroy both the Strike Module and Defense Node, the CPU will use Object 199 on you, a move that will one hit kill anyone it strikes. It will then regenerate the Strike Module and Defense Node. The key to victory is to destroy the Defense Node and then attack the CPU, ignoring the Strike Module. The damage from Penetrating laser is minimal, but the Defense Node has a very high-speed rating and will constantly use Heal on the various pieces. Focus all of your attacks on the Defense Node, and you should be able to destroy it, next cast Slow on the Strike Module to reduce its ability to attack you. Don't cast Slow on the CPU itself since reflect will bounce the spell back onto one of your party members. With the Strike Module slowed and the Defense node destroyed you can turn your attention to the CPU. The damage from Penetrating Laser is based off the Strike Module's HP. If you damage but not destroy the Strike Module, the damage from Penetrating Laser will decrease. This is a good tactic if your party is a low level and not handleing the Striker Module's laser well. The only action the CPU will take if at least one of its other pieces is alive is to cast Reflect on itself. This will prevent you from using magic, though Rydia can use her summons to bypass reflect, but the only Summons she should use is Bomb or Sylph as the others will either do low damage or harm the Strike Node as well as the CPU. The CPU will be in the enemies back row, so use attacks that work well from either row if possible. Have your white mage cast healing spells to keep your HP up, as even though Piercing Laser doesn't deal a lot of damage, it will gradually wear you down if you don't keep an eye on your HP. When you destroy the CPU, turn your attention to the Strike Node. It has far less HP than the CPU and won't last long. Finish it off to win the battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two treasure chests will appear after the battle, a Yoichi Bow and Yoichi Arrows. Unlike most arrows, Yoichi ones don't have a special ability or element, but they have very good raw power which is probably better than the special abilities of the arrows you already have. Continue north and proceed through the door to reach small room with a strange floor. Continue south to reach B12. --------------------------------- Subterrane B11 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Cottage [] Poison Axe [] Ether [] Moonring Blade [] Yoichi Bow [] Yoichi Arrows [] ===================== Wow, what a strange looking place. It reminds me of the Sylph Cave. If you don't have Rydia in your party, I strongly suggest you backtrack to the last interdimensional elevator and get her. If she isn't with you, you will permanently miss out on two summons here. Although the floor looks weird, it won't damage you to walk on it. There's basically two paths you can take here, one going east and one going west. On the western route, work your way to the southwest to find a treasure chest with a White Tiger Mask inside. Then walk north, sticking to the west wall as you go to find another treasure chest, this one holding a Light Curtain. Now walk to the door you see just east of you and step into the building. Walk west and then work your way north, sticking to the west as you do so to find another treasure chest. A Fuma Shuriken is inside this one. Walk east and enter the building that you see. Inside is a treasure chest and a stairway. A Dry Ether is inside the chest. Climb the stairs to find a save point, but no rest story scene at this one. Proceed south and you'll find the Eidolon King standing outside. If Rydia is not in your party, I suggest that you do not approach him. --Boss Battle: Leviathan-- Leviathan only has two attacks. He'll use an attack called Tidal Wave, which will hit everyone for around 1000 damage and he'll cast Blizzaga on one party member. Lead off by casting Slow on him to help keep him under control. He has a weakness to electricity, so use Thundaga on him for big damage. If Yang or Ursula is in your party, put on a Thunder Claw to do extra damage with physical attacks. Have your White Mage cast healing spells on your party after every Tidal Wave. Using Thundaga and physical attacks while your White Mage heals as needed, you should have no trouble winning this battle. Also, unlike the Eidolons from before, you don't need to worry about holding back and accidently killing him. The battle will automatically end once you've done enough damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating Leviathan, if Rydia is with you, you'll gain back the Leviathan Summon. If Rydia is not with you, Leviaithan won't be released and will be permanently lost. Either way a treasure chest will appear holding a Mystic Whip. Leave the house and proceed east and enter the door there. In the next room you'll see two additional doors you can take. Enter the one farther to the east and follow the path to find another house. For the moment, pass the house by and continue east and take the door to the south. In the next area, work your way east and then north to find a treasure chest holding a Lunar Curtain. Now return to the house and enter it. Claim the treasure chest inside and then climb the stairs. The chest contains a Cottage. Rest at the save point upstairs if you need to and then head out to find the Eidolon Queen. --Boss Battle: Asura-- Asura's face will change during this battle, and her face determines what she will do. If her face matches the color of her chest she will cast a Curaga spell on herself. If her face is gray, she'll cast Raise on herself, which does nothing, and if her face is an orange color with an angry expression she'll cast Protect on herself. Every action you take against her will result in a counter attack of her changing her face and attacking you with a physical attack. This is her only offensive moves against you. You have all the time in the world to prepare for her or heal yourself. You can cast Slow on Asura, but it's not terribly importat and it won't affect her counter attacks. Begin the battle by casting Protect on your party members. Do so several times, this will reduce the damage by Asura's physical attacks greatly. Cast Blink on any party members that have especially low defense. After that, simply hit Asura with your best attacks and absorb her counter attacks. If your HP gets low at any time, stop attacking and heal yourself. If you have Reflect, cast it on Asura, this will cause her white magic to bounce off her and benefit you instead. When Asura gets low on HP, she'll change her pattern and ditch her spells and just staight up attack you, even if you haven't attacked her first. You'll need to be a little more vigilant on healing now, but if you've already cast Protect on your party a bunch of times you should be able to take her attacks just fine. If you have the Leviathan Summon, it is especially effective against Asura. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Rydia in your party, Asura will rejoin you as a summon and a treasure chest containing a Minerva Bustier will appear. Although the Minerva Bustier is a powerful armor, it greatly cripples Spirit and Intellect ratings so think twice about equipping this to a mage. If Rydia is not in your party, Asura will not be released from enemy control. If this happens she will permanently be lost as a Summon. Leave the house and go west. Enter the door and then take the door to the north. In this room, during a Full Moon you may encounter a stronger version of the Gold Dragon. As usual the stronger version will appear alone. If you fight and defeat the monster, it may drop a Gold Tail. Hang around during a Full Moon if you're interested in hunting these. Step onto the gray warp tile in the next room to continue. --------------------------------- Subterrane B12 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Lunar Curtain x2 [] White Tiger Mask [] Fuma Shuriken [] Dry Ether [] Mystic Whip [] Cottage [] Minerva Bustier [] ======================== Head north and you'll find a Save Point and an Interdimensional Elevator. Save your game here! Now, at this point your party becomes very important. Place Cecil, Golbez, Rosa, Ceodore, and anyone else in your party. ****************IMPORTANT**************************************************** Bring Cecil, Rosa, Ceodore, and Golbez in your party or else Golbez will be lost permanently for the rest of the game! ***************************************************************************** When you go forward, you'll encounter a Dark Knight. --Boss Battle: Dark Knight-- What happens next depends on your party. Scenario 1: If Cecil and Golbez aren't in your party, the Dark Knight will kill you before you even get a turn. You'll have to re-start from your last save. Obviously this is not what we want. Scenario 2: If Cecil and Golbez are in your party but Rosa and Ceodore are not, you'll attack the Dark Knight for a few turns, then he'll use Darkness and Cecil will block some attacks aimed at your party members. Golbez will then intercept a Black Fang aimed at Cecil. Cecil will return to the light and become normal again. Then everyone except Golbez will re-engage the Dark Knight, but everyone will still be at 1 HP! Quickly heal your party and revive anyone that gets killed before you get a chance to heal. Use a Decoy item if you need to buy yourself a few turns to heal yourself. Once your party is on their feet again, hit Dark Knight with weapon attacks. Don't use magic or else he'll counter with Dark Fang, which will reduce a party member's HP to 1. The Dark Knight will mostly use sword attacks, which aren't very dangerous. He'll also occasionally use Darkness, which will deal about 1000 damage to everyone. Heal yourself with White Magic or X-Potions when this happens and keep physically striking the Dark Knight. Use Slow on the Dark Knight to give yourself an edge, even though it will prompt a Black Fang counter. Keep hitting him until he's defeated. The story will continue but Golbez will be killed and permanently lost. Scenario 3: Your party will exchange a few blows with the Dark Knight, who will then use Darkness and reduce everyone to 1 HP. Cecil will then intercept some blows aimed at your party, and Golbez will then intercept a Black Fang aimed at Cecil. Rosa will then rescue Golbez and restore both him and her to full HP. Rosa and Golbez together will then engage the Dark Knight. After several rounds, Ceodore will receive a message from two old friends, and then your entire party will engage the Dark Knight. Cecil will be KO'd and you won't be able to revive him, so focus on attacking the Dark Knight. After several rounds, the Dark Knight will use Black Fang on Ceodore. Cecil will then intercept a second Dark Fang aimed at Ceodore. Cecil will then return to the light and be back to normal, and will now be in the battle as well. Ceodore will be at 1 HP, so heal him and then hit the Dark Knight with everything you have. He'll mostly use basic physical attacks, but he may also use Black Fang to reduce someone to 1 HP. Heal them up and keep slugging away at him. You'll do very high damage even with basic attacks, you should be able to topple him pretty easily. All characters will survive in this scenario. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A sword will appear after the battle. Investigate it to receive the Excalibur sword and open a new path forward. When you're ready, continue north and you'll encounter the Mysterious Girl. After a brief conversation, the girl will vanish and a warp tile will appear. Step onto the tile and you will be warped to a location called Depths. Cecil is also a much more powerful party member now than he has been. His stats are greatly improved now that he's returned to the light. --------------------------------- Subterrane B13 Treasure Checklist --------------------------------- Excalibur [] ============================ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crystals - Descend into the Depths - (FNL3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are now free to use any party you choose again. Return to the Interdimensional Elevator and edit your party if you wish. Once you have the party you want, choose to go to the Lunar Whale. When you are at the whale, step onto the Interdimensional Elevator again. When it asks if you wish to descend into the lunar subterrane answer yes, and then choose "????" on the list. This will take you to a mysterious location. ~~???~~ Enter the house and speak to the small man there. He will introduce himself as a collector of rare tails. He will offer to trade you items for any rare tails you have. Here is where all those tails you have collected in the past will pay off. Here is the complete list of what each tail will get you. -Tail Exchange- Blue Tail -> Blue Armor Green Tail -> Rare Band v2 Red Tail -> Level Band v2 Black Tail -> Twin Stars Purple Tail -> Treasure Band v2 White Tail -> Rapid Ring v2 Gold Tail -> Gil Band V2 Gray Tail -> Rear Ring Ebony Tail -> Taunt Ring Rainbow Tail -> Limit Ring Pink Tail -> Pink Armor Head up the stairs and you'll meet a man who identifies himself as Tradingway. He will offer to trade you items for any Adamantite you have. Adamantite is one of the rare items you could obtain doing challenge dungeons. If you have any, this is the place to use it! These are the items you can acquire: Adamant Gloves -> 1 Adamantite Adamant Shield -> 2 Adamantite Adamant Helm -> 2 Adamantite Adamant Armor -> 3 Adamantite This is the best armor in the game and provides fantastic stat increases across the board! Be sure to pick up as much as you can! Now, return to the downstairs room and approach the bed in the northwest corner of the room. Above the bed is a secret passage leading west into the wall. Walk through it to find a stairway. Enter the stairway to reach the.... Developers' Office? ---------------------- ??? Treasure Checklist ---------------------- None ==== ~~Developers's Office~~ Enemies: Imuimu In Final Fantasy IV tradition, the Developers have a room where you can visit with the staff that made this game. Speak to Akiyama standing by the table near where you enter to receive a Lustful Lali-Ho. If you speak to Kuromaku, he'll ask if you wish to fight. Answer yes to enter into a hilarious scripted battle where the developers will struggle with the battle system. As you walk around you may randomly encounter Imuimu, an easy gag enemy. In fact several of the developers will enter combat with you, but all are gag battles and there's no real threat of losing unless you start attacking yourself. In a room to the east, look for 2 people sleeping in bed. Speak to Akira Oguro a bunch of times and he will finally give you 10 Hi-Potions to get you to stop bothering him. In a room to the north is a vase. Examine the vase and a message will inform you that something stinks. You'll be prompted to choose an item. Select a Lustful Lali-Ho and you'll encounter a strange enemy called Game Designer. When you defeat it, you may receive a Discovery Book. A Discovery Book will raise the max MP of a character by 50. If you have more Lustful Lali-Ho items, throw them into the vase again to fight another Game Developer. You could be rewarded with another Discovery Book each time you defeat one. If you don't receive a Discovery Book, you'll instead get another Lustful Lali-Ho; thus you can continue trying until you succesfully get a Discovery Book. You can equip Rare Bands to increase your chances of getting the Discovery Book. One of the rooms you'll find a cat inside a black wall. There is a complicated secret passage you can walk through to reach the cat. Doing so will result in some amusing dialogue and your HP and MP being refilled, but no item rewards so don't worry if you can't find your way to him, you aren't missing anything important. ------------------------------------- Developers' Office Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------- Lustful Lali-Ho [] Hi-Potion x10 [] Discovery Book x? [] =========================== When you've finished, go back the way you came and return to the warp tile and then return to the Lunar Whale. Then warp again and return to B13 to continue. ~~Depths~~ =========================================== ------------------------- Depths Enemy Checklist ------------------------- Silver Dragon [] Dark Sage [] Selene Guardian [] Armored Fiend [] **Starting on B2** Red Dragon [] **Starting on B3** [] Gold Dragon [] Blue Dragon [] **Starting on B4** Bone Dragon [] **Starting on B5** Great Malboro [] Goblin Prince [] Sahagin Prince [] Chaos Knight [] Elite Trooper [] Queen Lamia [] **Starting on B6** Red Dragon [] **Starting on B9** Worst Malboro [] Dust Mousse [] Bomb King [] Courl Legina [] Black Flan [] Behemoth [] **Starting on B10** Death Mask [] **Starting on B11** Worst Malboro [] **Starting on B12** Proto Deathmask [] Crystal Dragon [] Catoblepas [] Duke Malboro [] Fiend Dragon [] Chimera Geist [] **Starting on B13** Catoblepas [] **Starting on B16** Full Body [] Deathmask [] **Starting on B17** Right Arm [] Left Arm [] **Starting on B21** Maenad [] ========================= What an eerie place... are we in the core of the moon? Check out that creepy sounding music. Begin by walking south and look for a door you can enter, it's directly south of your starting point. Enter the door to find a save point, an Interdimensional Elevator, and Namingway. Speak to Namingway and he'll offer to sell you these items. -Weapons- Shuriken 200 Cross Shuriken 20000 Fuma Shuriken 50000 -Items- X-Potion 3000 Ether 10000 Dry Ether 50000 Elixir 100000 Phoenix Down 100 Remedy 5000 Cottage 500 Emergency Exit 180 Pick up anything that you want. If you don't have any Elixirs, it may be a good idea to pick up a few. There is also a tile you can step on to restore your MP and HP. When you're done shopping, head south and look for a stairway leading south into a black void. ---------------------------- Depths B1 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- None [] ========================== Here on B2, walk east and climb the stairs to a treasure chest. Open it to receive a Crystal Shield. Proceed south and then head west, taking neither of the long stairs going to platforms below. Follow a path to the west to reach a treasure chest sitting on a ledge. An X-Potion is inside. From this chest, walk north and take the nearest stairs leading south and then continue working your way south down to B3. ---------------------------- Depths B2 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- Crystal Shield [] X-Potion [] ========================= At the fork in the road, go west and climb the stairs to a treasure chest that holds a Cat Ear Hood. Now take the east path and climb some stairs to another treasure chest to claim a Dry Ether. Now continue to the south, where you'll find 3 different stairs leading further south. Take the stairs on the far east and follow the path to a treasure chest with a Silver Hourglass. Now walk back to the stairs and take the far west stairs and follow that path to another treasure chest with an X-Potion. Now go back and take the center stairs to continue on. ---------------------------- Depths B3 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- Cat Ear Hood [] Dry Ether [] Silver Hourglass [] X-Potion [] ========================= You'll again have a choice of 3 stairs leading south to follow. Start by taking the ones to the east to reach a treasure chest where you'll find a Protect Ring. Go back to the stairs and take the western ones this time. Follow the path to reach a treasure chest on the east side of the room holding an X-Potion. Backtrack back to the stairs and take the center one. Walk south until you see a glowing tile below, don't step onto the tile yet and instead detour to the east and follow the path to the north. Look for a notch in the wall where you can step into a secret passage to walk into a small room with a treasure chest. Open the chest to claim a Brave Suit. Go back to the tile and walk west to another treasure chest; this one contains a Remedy. Now step onto the tile to warp to B5. ---------------------------- Depths B4 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- Protect Ring [] X-Potion [] Brave Suit [] Remedy [] ========================= Just south of the stairs is a save point. You'll be asked if you want to rest if Golbez is alive when you approach it. Answer yes to view a story scene. Now walk west from the save point and step onto a circular mark on the ground to warp to another room. Cast Float on your entire party, then walk north to the crystal and examine it. The crystal will shatter and a monster will appear. --Boss Battle: Lich-- The Lich, this boss may look familiar to long time Final Fantasy fans. This boss uses an earthquake spell, so cast float on your party before you fight him to gain an advantage. This boss also uses the Bio spell, and may also cast Haste on himself. This monster is undead, and this means he has a weakness to Fire and Light. If you have Yang or Ursula on your team, give them a Flame Claw. Your black mage can deal heavy damage with Firaga, and even your White Mage can be a powerful damage dealer if she has Holy. Both Firaga and Holy will do very high damage. If you give the Limit Ring to your black mage you may be able to deal more than 9,999 damage with Firaga alone. The Lich has some powerful physical attacks, so you might want to cast Blink on your more vulnerable characters for added protection. The Lich also has a sleep spell that it may use. Wake an inflicted party member up with Esuna or a Remedy should they fall asleep. If you stick to fire and light based attacks, you can defeat this boss very quickly. Slow isn't really needed, but you can use it if necessary. Sometimes the Lich may use a Black Hole ability to remove your enhancement spells. Be sure to re-cast Float if this happens. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you defeat the Lich, a treasure chest will appear with an Assassin Dagger inside. Go south and warp back to the previous room. Now walk east and step onto a round tile to warp to another room. Approach the crystal and prepare for another battle. --Boss Battle: Marilith-- A fire elemental fiend, she may look vaguely familiar if you're a long time Final Fantasy player. She has several moves. She has a physical attack, a Firaga spell, and she may counter magic attacks by casting silence. She also often counters physical attacks with her own physical attack. She can also cast a Blaze spell that will hit your entire party for big damage. If you have a Cursed Ring, combine it with a fire resistant armor such as ice armor and you'll be healed by her fire attacks rather than harmed. If you're not absorbing fire, keep everyone's HP above 2000 at all times. She has an Entice move that can confuse a party member into attacking your own team. Heal this condition with Esuna, a Remedy, or just strike them with a weapon to snap them out of it. To fight back, have your black mage cast Blizzaga. Characters that can equip the Ice Claws can do so to do extra damage with physical attacks. Your white mage can assist the party by casting Protect and Shell to help defend against her attacks. Use Slow to give yourself an extra edge against her. Haste is always a good boost too. Don't bother with Reflect; it won't stop Blaze and it will make it harder to heal your own party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defeating Marilith will result in a treasure chest appearing. A Rising Sun is your reward. Return to the save point and then head southwest to another warp point. Walk south and you'll find another crystal. --Boss Battle: Kraken-- Another of the fiends from the original Final Fantasy makes an appearance. This brute has some powerful attacks. He can hit quite hard with a physical attack, and he also has a Blizzaga spell. This boss also counters your attacks a lot. He counters most physical attacks with Constrict, a move that can paralyze you, and magic attacks with Bile. Bile puts a sapping affect on you just like Bio, but the damage from Bile itself is not particularly high. If Kraken starts charging power, it means he's about to use Tidal Wave. This attack is very powerful and can hit for about 2000 damage to all party members. Make sure you heal everyone immediately if he starts to charge power. Kraken has a weakness to lightning, so use lightning based attacks to do the most damage. Thundaga is particularly effective against this foe. You can get some added protection in this fight if you equip a cursed ring along with some ice resistant gear, such as Flame Mail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A treasure chest appears once you emerge victorious. Inside is a Triton Dagger. Return to the warp point and then head east to one more warp point and one more crystal. --Boss Battle: Tiamat-- Tiamat is more difficult than the other fiends. She has some deadly moves and can wipe out your entire party if you're not careful. Her thermal ray attack will strike your whole party, and her physical attacks hurt a lot. She also has an attack called Malestrom, which sometimes comes as a counter attack to magic. Malestrom hits your entire party and reduces everyone to single digits HP. This attack followed by a thermal ray will spell doom for everyone. But, there is something you can do about that! Thermal Rays is a fire based attack, and that can be used to your advantage. If you have a Cursed Ring, equip it along with a some fire resistant gear such as Ice Armor and you'll be healed instead of damaged by Thermal Rays, which can be a real life saver. If you got the Fire Scarf after the Rubicante battle from earlier, this will come in handy here as it absorbs fire, you won't need to pair the Fire Scarf with a Cursed Ring to get the protection. Use these items if you have them. Tiamat also uses a Venomous Gas attack to inflict poison status on your party. Don't worry about curing the poison until after the battle, it's not worth it to try and heal it mid-battle, and you'll likely just get re-poisoned. Definitely cast slow on Tiamat as soon as you can, you want a speed advantage here. Cast Haste on your White Mage too, it will help her keep up with healing. Black Magic isn't as effective here as it was in other battles, but you can still do decent damage with it. Just don't cast thunder based spells; it'll heal Tiamat. If Rydia is with you than try the Leviathan Summon, it will do a lot of damage to Tiamat. While its crucial that your White Mage be ready to heal quickly in case of a Malestrom, Holy is very effective on this boss. Make sure that someone else is available to help heal your party before you have a White Mage cast Holy. You don't want to have it countered by Malestrome and then have Tiamat use thermal ray before you can heal. As long as your White Mage is vigilant on keeping the party healed, you should be able to outlast Tiamat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A treasure chest will appear after you defeat Tiamat. Dragon Claws are your reward for this victory. Return to the save point and then walk south to a warp tile. Now that all four of the bosses on this floor are defeated, the tile is active. It will take you to B6. ---------------------------- Depths B5 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- Assassin Dagger [] Rising Sun [] Triton Dagger [] Dragon Claws [] ======================= Walk south and enter a door that you see. You'll enter a room with 3 treasure chests. The chest to the west contains an X-Potion. The center chest is a Monster-in-a-box. You'll face a Dark Sage, Selene Guardian, and Armored Fiend when you open the lid. These are regular monsters that you've seen before and should not be difficult to defeat. You'll earn a Hypnocrown after the battle. The eastern chest holds a Dry Ether. After collecting these treasures leave this room and continue south. When you reach some stairs leading south into a black area, detour to the west and follow the path to a treasure chest. A Light Curtain is inside. Now walk back and take the east path to another treasure chest, this one holding a Lunar Curtain. Now proceed down the stairs to B7. ---------------------------- Depths B6 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- X-Potion [] Hypnocrown [] Dry Ether [] Light Curtain [] Lunar Curtain [] ===================== This area looks like a maze, but it's not too complicated. Begin by heading south and down some stairs. To the east is a save point. From the save point, walk west and then south and back to the east so that you are on the other side of a wall near the save point. Enter the notch in the wall to find a secret passage leading to a door to the south. A treasure chest is nearby. A Spider Silk is inside the chest. Walk back through the secret passage and go west to a stairway. Descend the stairs and take the eastern path southward. At the fork in the road walk west and enter the door. You'll reach a room with a treasure chest. Open the chest to receive Crystal Gloves. Now leave the room and walk east to the fork in the road. Walk south, and then west to a treasure chest where you'll receive an X-Potion. Now walk back to the east and step south into the notch in the wall to continue to B8. ---------------------------- Depths B7 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- Spider Silk [] Crystal Gloves [] X-Potion [] ===================== Walk almost directly south and descend the stairs. Follow the path west and then north to a warp point. You'll be taken to a small island with a treasure chest. A Red Jacket is inside the chest. Backtrack back to the start of B8 and now take the east stairs and then follow the path to the east. It will take you to a treasure chest holding Hermes Sandals. Now follow the path and head west, it will ultimately take you to a warp point leading to B9. ---------------------------- Depths B8 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- Red Jacket [] Hermes Sandals [] ===================== From the warp point, walk south down one small stairway and then walk east to a small platform with a treasure chest. An X-Potion is inside the chest. Now go west and take some stairs leading south to a save point. Walk west of the savepoint and follow the path to a ledge with a treasure chest. This one holds a Crystal Helm. Return to the save point now. You'll be asked if you wish to rest when you stand on it. Answer yes to view another story scene. If Golbez is still a playable character, Kain and him will learn the Spiral Blow band. If Golbez is not still playable, this will just a regular save point with no story scene. There is an Interdimensional Elevator tile near the save point, use it if needed. From the save point, walk north up one set of stairs and then walk west. Follow the path and you'll reach a crystal. After examining it, you'll enter into battle. --Boss Battle: Beelzebul-- What a weird looking monster... Is this some kind of giant bee? This boss attacks almost exclusively with magic. Although he has a powerful physical attack, he rarely uses it preferring to instead go after your party with magic. Your best defense here is the reflect spell. Have your white mage cast Reflect on each of your party members. You can also use Light Curtains as well. Now, just hammer away on Beeelzebul. Flare and Holy are both great spells to cast on him, but Firaga, Thundaga, and Blizzaga work well too. Your physical fighters should slug away at him. If anyone can use throwing weapons they will do well here. Beelzebul has a weakness to thrown weapons. Beelzebul will spend most of his time casting spells on you, only to have them bounce off you and strike him instead. If he does use his physical attack on someone, heal them with a X-Potion. With reflect, this battle shouldn't take long. Re-cast Reflect whenever it wears off on someone. Characters with Reflect will have a green glow. Beelzebul has a few support spells he uses on himself; Haste and Blink. Once you have reflect on everyone, Haste is almost a bonus because his spells will bounce off you more frequently and do more damage to him. Blink will cause your next two physical attacks to miss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating Beelzebul, a treasure chest appears. Open it to receive a Loki's Harp. Return to the save point. Travel north and follow the path north up four flights of stairs where you'll find another crystal. --Boss Battle: Astaroth-- A demon faces you now. But this creature isn't as difficult as she would like you to believe. Another boss that attacks almost exclusively with magic. The same tactics that worked for Beelzebul will work for Astaroth too. Simply cast Reflect on your party members and attack with your best spells and physical attacks. Because Astaroth relies so much on magic, there's little she'll be able to do. You should trounce her easily. Re-cast Reflect if it wears off on anyone before you defeat her. If she does use a physical attack, she will absorb the damage she does to you as HP. She also has an embrace move that will petrify a character as well as heal some of their HP. If you have Reflect up on everyone and find you need to heal, use potions or an ability to do so. Don't cast Cure spells that will bounce off your reflect barrier. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A treasure chest will appear. Open it and the Seraphim Mace inside is yours. Return to the save point and now take the southwest path, it will lead to you to another crystal. --Boss Battle: King Behemoth-- This boss has only two attacks, and one of them he won't use until he's dead. The King Behemoth has a very powerful physical attack. He'll counter every attack you make with it, and he'll use it when it's his turn to attack too. While Slow won't stop his counters, it can still help slow down his attack from when his turn comes. Have your white magic users cast Protect on your party. You should be able to stack it at least 3 times, so cast the spell more than once. This will soften his blows. Put Blink on your front row fighters, as they'll take the heaviest beating and need the extra protection. The King Behemoth has a lot of HP, so this will be a lengthy fight. Your White Mage should not attack and instead focus on support. The only exception would be if she opts to cast Holy. The King Behemoth isn't particularly weak to any spell. A strong spell like Flare works well if you have it. If not, use Quake, Firaga, Blizzaga, or Thundaga. Recast Blink as needed to keep your team safe. If your back row fighters are also struggling against his attacks, cast Blink on them too. When the King Behemoth is out of HP, he will cast Meteor on your party as one last attack. This does heavy damage, easily doing 3,000 or more damage to every party member. If you're not prepared for it, this will wipe you out. If you find that you aren't able to survive this attack and are stuck, try this tactic. Bring Edward with you, and as you start to get closer to defeating King Behemoth, have Edward use his escape command. Edward will move away from the battle and be safe from all attacks, but he'll also be unable to fight while in escape status. But when Meteor is cast and wipe out your party, Edward will survive, allowing you to win the battle and revive the rest of your party afterwards. The Shell spell will also help you survive Meteor by reducing the damage it does. Cast Shell multiple times for best results. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating the King Behemoth, a treasure chest appears. A Tiger Fang is inside the chest. Return to the save point, and now walk to the southeast path leading to another crystal. --Boss Battle: Iron Giant-- This boss is a lot like the King Behemoth. He has a physical attack that does a lot of damage, and counters your physical attacks with it. However, do not cast magic on him, not even slow! If you do, he'll counter attack by casting Meteor, which could hit your whole party for 3000 or more damage, possibly wiping you out entirely! If you want to inflict him with Slow, use a Spider Silk instead of the spell. The key to success here is to use Blink. Cast Blink on your characters and then only have your strongest physical fighters attack. Your black mage should just use the Defense command or throw potions around. Because every physical blow you make will be countered, you only want your best fighters to strike so that you aren't losing blink to feeble mage attacks. Don't wait too long before attacking though. If nobody attacks the Iron Giant for a while, he'll use the instant death move Crusher on someone. As long as you keep Blink up and let your melee characters do the work, you should emerge on top. Just don't forget not to cast any magic at all on him, unless you have armor and shields that are making it so that Meteor misses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the Iron Giant falls, a treasure chest appears. A Gigant Axe is inside the chest. Now that all four bosses on this floor are defeated, a warp tile near the save point will activate and allow you to warp. It will take you to B10. ---------------------------- Depths B9 Treasure Checklist ---------------------------- X-Potion [] Loki's Harp [] Seraphim Mace [] Tiger Fang [] Gigant Axe [] ==================== Here we are on B10. Inside this room you can start encounter Deathmask enemies. These tricky enemies cast reflect both on themselves and your party, and then bounce magic off of themselves onto you. You can use the same trick and bounce magic off yourself onto them. It's harder to heal your own party like this, as bouncing a cure spell off the mask will cause it to land on a random party member. Use potions or other healing abilities such as Chakra to heal. Reflect won't block Rydia's summons. Begin by walking east. This path will lead to two treasure chests where you'll find a Remedy and a Phoenix Down. Walk back to the warp tile and proceed south down some stairs. Walk east and enter the center door. You'll reach a room with a treasure chest inside. A Black Garb is inside. Leave this room and then proceed west. This path will lead to another treasure chest. An X-Potion sits inside this splendid chest. Now go back and take the east path. It leads to a door leading to B11. ----------------------------- Depths B10 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Remedy [] Phoenix Down [] Black Garb [] X-Potion [] =================== Walk east and descend the stairs and follow the path. When you reach two stairwells leading south, descend both of them and then head west and descend another stairwell going south. This leads to a room with a stairwell leading north to two treasure chests. You'll find a Cottage and Silver Hourglass inside. Climb back down the stairs, and then climb two more going north. Don't climb the third stairs and instead walk east where you'll find a larger stairwell going south; descend these stairs. At the bottom go east to find a treasure chest in the corner, a Crystal Mail is inside. Now walk west and enter the door to reach B12. ----------------------------- Depths B11 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Cottage [] Silver Hourglass [] Crystal Mail [] =================== Walk south and step onto a warp point. You'll warp to a small chamber with a treasure chest. A Ribbon is inside the chest. Return to the warp point and proceed through a secret passage to the east, it's quite easy to find as the path goes straight into it. At the fork in the road walk south and then west to a treasure chest. A Dry Ether is what you'll find inside. Walk south through the door and then bypass the warp tile you will see and walk west. The path here will lead to one more treasure chest that holds a X-Potion. Now return to the warp tile, this will take you to a dark gray room. Walk north and you'll find a save point and an Interdimensional Elevator. When you reach the save point you'll be asked if you wish to rest. Answer yes to see a story scene. From the save point, walk north along a long stairwell. At the top, walk west toward a crystal. Investigate the crystal for a predictable result. --Boss Battle: Twinhead Dragon-- This boss uses a mix of magic and physical attacks. He attacks twice per turn, and usually uses both a physical attack and a spell, though sometimes he uses a physical blow twice. He also may counter your physical attacks with Constrict. Lead off by battle by casting Slow on him to help keep things under control. Haste is a good spell to cast on your own party, but you should especially get Haste on your White Mage. Now, cast Shell and Protect on your party to help protect against the powerful attacks and if anyone is paralyzed by Constrict, use Esuna or a Remedy on them to cure it. You can also cast Blink for added protection against physical blows. The dragon doesn't have any particular magic weakness, so your best offensive spells for a black mage are Flare or Meteor, but the more traditional Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga will still do damage too. Holy is also effective, but your White Mage is better spent on support here rather than offense. If anyone falls below 2000 HP, use a cure spell or X-Potion on them to ensure they aren't killed in a follow-up attack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A treasure chest appears after the battle. A Holy Lance is inside the chest. If you wish, return to the save point. To reach the next crystal, from the treasure chest with the Holy Lance walk north and then follow a path going west and then south; you'll walk right too it. Search it to initiate the fight. --Boss Battle: Cerberus-- This battle is similar to the one against the Twinhead Dragon, except Cerberus can attack 3 times a turn and will use physical attacks, magic, or a combination of both. Definitely cast Slow on him right away, and then get Haste on your White Magic user. Unlike Twinhead Dragon who liked to cast spells on one party member; Cerberus casts them on your entire party, which reduces the spells power. His physical attacks are still quite powerful though. Again use Protect and Shell to bolster your party's defense. Blink can be helpful too, especially for those with weak defense. Cerberus won't counter your attacks, so don't hold back on him. With Protect and Shell backing you up, you should be able to keep up with his 3 attacks and heal as needed. If you also bolster your fighters with haste, you can dish out a lot of punishment and quickly overwhelm Cerberus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A treasure chest appears after the battle. A mighty Thor Hammer is inside the chest. Walk south and then east. If you wish, stop at the save point just north of you. Proceed to the east where you'll find another crystal waiting. --Boss Battle: Ahriman-- At the start of this battle, Ahriman will cast Doom on your entire party. This will put countdowns from 10 on all party members. When the countdown reaches 0, that party member will die. This could be devastating on its own because if all of your party members were to reach 0 at the same time, everyone will die; even if they have instant death protection! This boss will also then begin casting Haste on your party members, which causes the countdown to decrease faster. But this is also a bit of a blessing in disguise, as it will cause some countdowns to reach 0 faster than others, preventing your entire team from being wiped out at the same time. Even so, you won't have a lot of time to revive the fallen before everyone hits 0, usually only 1 second or so separates everyone. But there is a trick you can use to gain an edge. Kill a party member yourself and then revive them, this will remove the countdown from them and you can be sure they'll survive to revive everyone else. If you wait until he casts Doom again before reviving everyone else, only your one character will have the status. Don't worry about healing anyone, this boss has only 2 moves, Doom and Haste. He will never attack your HP directly so there's no need to use cure spells until after the battle. This boss has a weakness to throwing items, so you can throw things at him to do extra damage. Holy works very well too against this boss. If you want a little added protection, you can cast Reflect on yourself to prevent the boss from casting Haste on you and speeding up your countdown. You can cast Slow on the boss if you wish, but there's little advantage to doing so. As long as you keep the countdowns under control and make sure everyone doesn't die at the same time, you should be able to topple him. Don't hesitate to kill one of your party members early and revive them to give yourself an advantage against the countdown if needed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your party is probably going to be at critical HP, so don't forget to heal up before you start walking around! A treasure chest will appear. A Masamune is inside the chest. Not far to the north you'll find the next crystal. Cast Float on your party before you investigate it. --Boss Battle: Echidna-- This boss has an attack called Magic Buster, which steals MP from the victim. He may lead off the battle using this, but it seems to be rare as I didn't see him use it again. Echidna mostly uses physical blows, which aren't as strong as some of the other bosses we've encountered. He does however have a deadly quake spell which will hit your party for big damage, unless you have Float in effect. In that case, the Quake will rumble harmlessly below your feet. Cast Slow on the boss, and then just hit him with whatever weapons or spells you have that do the most damage. He doesn't have any particular weakness. With Float in place, he doesn't have much left to use against you other than his basic physical attack, which by now with all the armor you've found won't be much of a threat. Use a Cure spell whenever needed, you'll have little trouble. If for some reason you're here without a white mage and have no float capabilities, you're in for a tough fight. Do your best to keep yourself healed after every quake using whatever white magic you do have and X-Potions in that case. Don't take him too lightly though. He does have some black magic at his disposal besides Quake. Though he uses them infrequently, he has a Flare and a Death spell available to him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two treasure chests will appear after the battle. One contains Perseus Arrows and the other contains a Perseus Bow. The warp tile slightly to the north will activate now as well. The warp tile will take you to B13. ----------------------------- Depths B12 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Ribbon [] Dry Ether [] X-Potion [] Holy Lance [] Thor Hammer [] Masamune [] Perseus Arrows [] Perseus Bow [] =================== Here we are on B13. Walk west and take the stairs going south, sticking to the west as you do, you'll walk to ledge with a treasure chest containing a Remedy. Now work your way north until you find the path going east. Follow this path and then go north and follow the path leading farther north to a treasure chest. Open the chest to find an X-Potion. Now work your way south to a door. Enter the door to reach B14. ----------------------------- Depths B13 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Remedy [] X-Potion [] =================== Head west from the door to find a treasure chest not far away. A Dry Ether sits inside the chest. Now go follow the path until you reach a fork in the road. Walk west at the fork and follow the path to a door. Enter the door to find a chamber with a treasure chest. Open the chest and you'll receive a Lunar Mail. Leave this room and go back to the fork in the road and head south. When you reach another fork, continue walking south and you'll reach a room with a strange gray creature walking around. If you speak to it, you'll engage it in battle; it is Omega. --Boss Battle: Omega-- Omega will lead off the battle by casting Reflect on itself. It will then use Omeguard on itself, a defensive move that will make it almost invulnerable to all attacks. Omega will then proceed to use a wide variety of attacks on you. Make no mistake, this thing is tough. First, use Spider Silk to put Slow on it; you desperately need this. Use the item because the Slow spell will just get reflected. Let's start by understanding how Omeguard works. Omeguard will make all of your attacks do 1 or less damage, but it will break after two hits. You will then get to hit it a few times before it raises Omeguard again. The number of times you can hit Omega before he rastores Omeguard again varies. Omega uses quite a few attacks on you. His physical attack is the strongest you've encountered yet and can do about 4000 damage easily. Arm does damage and can confuse the target. Electromagnetic Radiation is a real pain. It inflicts a modified Stop status on your character. Esuna or Remedy will not cure this status. A character struck with this can either wait for it to wear off or die and get revived. The status will be gone when you revive them. You're probably better off killing aninflicted character yourself and then quickly reviving them so that they can participate in the battle again. It's rare for him to use it, but Omega can also cast Quake. Surge Cannon is one of Omega's favorite moves and he uses it often. The way it works is the damage it deals is equal to half the character's max HP. It sill strike your whole party and inflicts a sap status on your party too; the same sap affect Bio puts on targets. Malestrom reduces your party to single digit HP. Thermal Rays is another entire party attack, as is Flamethrower. Toxic is a poison move and Petrify Glare turns a party member to stone. Finally we have Black Hole, which removes all magic affects from your party. For this battle, I suggest bringing two white magic specialists with you, the extra healing is very helpful. To fight back against such a powerful foe, you need to time your attacks carefully so that your best moves hit while Omeguard is down. I don't like to use Bands here because that ties up two or more characters, limiting your healing and Omeguard breaking options. For this battle, I like to use Meteor. It's a powerful spell and it can't be reflected. Rydia, Palom, and Golbez can all learn Meteor; Palom is the most potent with it. If you haven't learned Meteor yet, you might want to put off this battle until you do. For one at low levels this battle is extremely difficult, and Meteor really does help here. Your black magic user should have their intellect as high as possible. You might also consider giving them the Limit Ring if you have it. Characters with the capability of throwing shurikens are useful here as the throw damage will bypass Omeguard's immunity and inflict damage while still counting as a hit against it. Have two White Magic capable characters focus solely on healing your team. They are not to attack except to break Omeguard if needed. Have your black magic user begin casting Meteor. Before Meteor hits, if Omeguard is up have two characters hit Omega with regular attacks to drop it. Meteor should then strike for significant damage. If your Intellect is high and you have a Limit Ring, you could do well over 10000 damage. You should then be able to hit Omega a few times before Omeguard goes back up. I myself like to just cast Meteor again for these extra hits, but if your characters are strong enough to do respectable damage, they are welcome to attack. Just make sure that you break Omeguard before Meteor is cast again. The exact number of turns it takes Omega to restore Omeguard varies. This isn't as easy as it sounds, because all the while Omega is pounding your party with relentless attacks. Your white magic users will be working overtime trying to keep your party healed and reviving the fallen. If your white magic users fall, your other party members will have to revive them with Phoenix Downs. This is one reason I don't recommend using Bands here, it's just too dangerous to tie up two or more characters. Black Hole will remove any support spells you cast, and Omega uses this pretty often, so support wisely and don't waste too much time casting support spells that will soon be removed. Thankfully Black Hole won't remove the Slow spell from a Spider Silk. Do not hesitate to use Elixirs here, and this isn't a bad place to use Megalixirs either if you have any. Omega has a weakness to lightning, but this is hard to exploit because of Reflect. If Rydia is with you, you can use Ramuh to bypass reflect, which may be a substitute for Meteor. Do note however that when Reflect wears off on Omega, he won't cast it again until you cast a spell on him. Weapons with a lightning element, such as the Thor Hammer, can do a great deal of damage to Omega. This is also a good way to exploit his weakness. When you defeat Omega, he may end the battle with a devastating atomic blast move. This doesn't always happen, but if it does he will hit your entire party for over 4000 damage If you defeat this monstrosity, you'll earn a Hero's Shield. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember that you don't have to fight Omega. If you don't talk to him, you can simply ignore him and move on. If you do fight and win, I suggest returning to the save point on B12 so that you don't lose your progress should you get defeated. From the room with Omega, go west and follow the path to another fork. Take the west fork again to reach a treasure chest with a White Fang. Go back to the fork and head south to continue to the next room. Follow the west path and walk south down a door into a building. At the fork in the road, go south to reach a treasure chest with an X-Potion inside. Now walk back to the door to this room and walk east under the low ceiling and into a secret passage leading to a platform to the south. Follow the path to reach a door leading to a room with a crystal. Cast Float before you examine it. --Boss Battle: Gilgamesh-- Here's a boss that won't give you too much trouble. Cast Float early in the fight because he can use the Quake spell. He'll mostly use physical attacks on you though. Protect isn't really needed, though cast it if you want to. Cast Slow on him and hit him with your best weapons and magic. Eventually he'll cast Haste, Shell, and Protect on himself. Now, he will begin a specific battle pattern. He will do a Jump attack first. On his next turn he will attack four times with a physical attack. On his next turn he will use Penetrating Laser. Finally on his next turn he will use Zantetsuken; an instant kill move. All of his attacks except for when he attacks four times will hit one party member. Hit him hard and fast to quickly finish him off once he begins this pattern. You will receive an Excalipar sword when you win. While this blade may be good for nostalgia, it is probably not one you want to equip as its attack is only 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A save point will be left behind after the battle. You'll be asked if you want to rest. Answer yes, and you'll see a story scene. At the end of the scene Ceodore and Kain will learn the Double Jump band. An Interdimensional Elevator is beside the save point, use it if needed. Proceed south to continue into the next room. From the door, head directly south to walk through a hidden passage and over an invisible bridge to reach a treasure chest. A Lunar Shield is inside. Walk north back under the gray ceiling and then go west and follow the gray ceiling to the south. Continue south to another gray ceiling and follow it to the west when it splits. The path leads to a treasure chest. If you open this treasure chest, you'll enter into battle against a very powerful enemy, the Lord Dragon. You might want to wait until you've defeated Deathgaze before you attempt this battle. --Boss Battle: Lord Dragon-- Just like Omega, this is an extremely difficult fight. He'll lead off the battle by using Tidal Wave, a devastating attack that can hit all of your characters for more than 4000 damage. If you have a really fast character on your team, you might get a turn before he can use this. Use Spider Silk if you can. If nobody on your team can survive the initial Tidal Wave, you have no hope for victory. If anyone does survive, you must revive your team and heal as quickly as possible. Haste is essential, as is Slow. Rumor has it that slow can stack, so you might want to use several Spider Silks. If you have any Hermes Sandals, use them to give yourself haste. If you have any Mega Elixirs, this is a fine battle in which to use them. Regular Elixirs are great too for a quick HP refill. Have your White Mage(s) both heal your team and cast Shell on your party. Shell can stack several times, so the more you cast it the more resistant to magic you'll become, including Tidal Wave. If your White Mage isn't healing she should be casting Shell. This will help you survive a future Tidal Wave, and his finishing spell, which we'll get to in just a moment. If Lord Dragon uses Curse Elegy on you, it will cast Slow on everyone. This is disastrous in a battle like this. Re-cast Haste through spells and Hermes Sandals immediately, you do not want to be slowed against this beast. Speed is of the essence here. The Lord Dragon doesn't have any particular weakness, but physical attacks work pretty well. Flare and Meteor do good black magic damage, and Rydia's Leviathan summon is a nice way to give him a taste of his own medicine in terms of a tidal wave type attack. Aside from Tidal Wave, the Lord Dragon will use deadly attacks like Thunderbolt, which will likely 1 hit kill anyone it hits, and Maelstrom, which reduces everyone to single digit HP. Heal with your highest-level cure spells until everyone's HP is full. You need every point of HP if you hope to survive another Tidal Wave. When you finally do enough damage to defeat the Lord Dragon, he'll deliver one last attack - Meteor. If you've been casting Shell, you should be able to survive it. Depending on your armor, it may miss you entirely. Assuming it doesn't, without shell it may wipe out your entire party in 1 blow. If you don't feel you can survive Meteor, you do have one option. Bring Edward along and have him use his Escape command to avoid the attack. Skillful use of Edward can be very helpful during this whole fight. You can use Escape to avoid the Tidal Wave and quickly revive and restore your team with Salve. Edward is not a bad fellow to bring along for this battle. If you manage to win, you'll receive a Ragnarok sword. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you faced the Lord Dragon, you probably want to go back and save now at the save point in the previous room. When you are ready to continue, take the south path to continue. This room is a maze. There are no random enemy encounters, but if you don't walk the right way, the paths will repeat and you won't gain any progress. The maze isn't too complicated though. You're looking for a building that has a door that almost looks like gnashing teeth. To find it, step down a small stairway beside the door you came through and walk east. Then walk south down three stairways, then west to the door. This door will take you to a floor called Twisted Space. The path here is pretty direct; there's no real way to get lost. Follow it and you'll reach a crystal. Examine the crystal and like all the others before it, it will shatter and release a monster. --Boss Battle: Atmos-- Atmos can cast Meteor, but it does nowhere near as much damage as the Lord Dragon's does so you should be able to survive it. If you need some help, fight during the Waxing Moon phase where Black Magic is weakened. Actually, casting Meteor is all Atmos will do. Cast Slow on him, and then have your White magic users cast Shell on your party multiple times while your black magic users and physical fighters attack him with spells, weapons, and bands of their choosing. Especially with shell beefing up your defense, you'll easily topple this one-trick pony. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle you'll appear back in the maze room of B14 and a treasure chest will appear below you. Collect the chest to receive a Robe of Lords. Enter the door above to reach B15. ----------------------------- Depths B14 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Dry Ether [] Lunar Mail [] Hero's Shield [] White Fang [] X-Potion [] Excalipar [] Lunar Shield [] Ragnarok [] Robe of Lords [] ==================== Near the door is a Save Point and an Interdimensional elevator. At the save point, you'll be asked if you wish to rest. Answer yes and you'll get to see another story scene. From the save point, take the west stairs leading south. Enter the door you see and precede north through the room and enter another door to reach a treasure chest. This chest is a Monster-in-a-box. You'll face a Worst Malboro, which should not be difficult. You'll earn an Elixir for the victory. Go back to the previous room and walk east to find another treasure chest with an X-Potion inside. Now take the south door on the east. Walk east and north to climb some stairs back to the room with the save point. Walk south of a crystal you see on the ground to pass through the wall and south to a treasure chest. Some Lunar Gloves are inside. Now walk back down the path we came from and stand at the top of the stairway just west of the treasure chest we just emptied on the other side of the pillars. Walk west through a secret passage and then north to reach another treasure chest. This one is a Monster-in-a-box with another Worst Malboro. You'll score another Elixir for this victory. Now proceed south and you'll reach a crystal. As usual, the crystal will shatter when you search it. --Boss Battle: Ghost Train-- This battle will begin as a back attack, so use the row command right away if your party rows are not how you want them. You may remember this boss from Final Fantasy 6! No, a Phoenix Down won't 1-hit kill it this time I'm afraid. But it is still undead. However it doesn't have the usual fire element weakness. The Ghost Train has some dangerous attacks. Doom places the 10 countdown to doom on a party member, which you have seen before. Wheel flattens a single party member for more than 2000 damage, and Holy is always dangerous when it hits. Diamond Dust is another spell the train has. Equip your fighters with Holy element weapons if you have them and you should be able to do very good damage. This is one time where your White Mages can come in very handy. If you know Curaja, cast it on the Ghost Train for huge damage. This will probably out-damage the best spells cast by your Black Mages. It may be better to heal your party with X-Potions rather than Cure magic so that your White Mages can focus on attacking with Curaja. As usual, cast Slow to gain a speed advantage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you defeat the train, a treasure chest appears. Open it to claim a Mutsunokami. Now walk north and ascend the stairs and enter the door. Walk west and take the south exit. Proceed south and examine the crystal you find to meet your next opponent. Cast Float on your party before you examine the crystal. --Boss Battle: Ultros-- Another Final Fantasy 6 foe. Ultros begins the battle by swiping with his tentacles, using Bad Breath, or casting an Quake spell. He also really likes girls. If a female attacks Ultros, he will not counter attack. If a male attacks him however, he will counter attack with Constrict. If you did not cast Float before entering battle, do so as soon as you can. His Quake spell is dangerous if you're not floating. Take this opportunity to cast slow on Ultros, and perhaps some Shell spells as well. After doing some significant damage, Ultros will get serious and the music will change to the traditional boss theme. He will become more aggresive with his tentacles now, striking up to four times. He'll begin useing Malestrom and reduce the party to single digit HP. He also won't discriminate on Constrict counter attacks anymore, so females have to be just as careful as males now. He now absorbs all elemental magic as HP and counters it by casting the same spell on the person that cast the spell on him. One exception is Meteor. He will counter Meteor with Flare rather then casting Meteor on your party. But worst of all he has gained a devestating Tidal Wave attack. Tidal Wave could potentially wipe out your entire party, so keep everyone at full HP. You can take advantage of Ultros spell countering by casting Reflect on your black mage and then having him cast Flare. Because Flare is non-elemental it won't be absorbed. And better yet, when Ultros counters it with a Flare of his own, it woull be reflected back at him and do additional damage. When you defeat Ultros, he will drop a Knife. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The knife you won isn't a weapon that you equip, but rather an item you can throw with Edge to do a very strong hit. It's a one-time use throwing item so use it wisely. Throw it with the Limit Ring equipped for best results. Return to the save point and now take the center stairs south to a glowing warp tile to reach another room. As you walk around this room, you may at any time run into a creature called Death Gaze as a random encounter. This boss may run away from you before you can defeat him. He won't regenerate HP though and if you run into him again, all the damage you've done to him will remain. See strategies for him down below. From the warp tile, walk directly south to where you'll see a crystal. Ignore the crystal for the moment and proceed south down the stairs behind it. Enter the building you see to the south and collect the treasure chest beside you for a Remedy. Proceed east and enter the door to reach a ledge with a treasure chest. Open it to obtain a Light Curtain. Now return to the crystal and continue north to the ledge above it. Follow the west path to find a treasure chest sitting on a ledge to find a Dry Ether. Now return to the crystal and examine it. It will shatter and you will face a fearsome foe. --Boss Battle: Ultima Weapon-- Ultimate Weapon has a lot of HP and no weaknesses. This means you are in for a long battle. Cast Float early in the battle or before you start because Ultima Weapon has the Quake spell. Ultima Weapon will use Crush, and if anyone is hit by it they will be one-hit killed. Ultima Weapon uses Flare a lot, and also sports a very powerful physical attack. Thermal Rays, Malestrom, Magic Buster, and Laser round out his arsenal. Laser will do 9999 damage to a party member, killing them. Magic Buster will drain the targets MP. Revive anyone that is hit and pound away at him with weapons and non-elemental spells such as Flare or Meteor. If you have any strong bands, this is a good place to try them out. If you cast Slow on Ultima Weapon, you should have little trouble healing between attacks. This mostly becomes a battle of patience as it takes a while to deplete all of Ultima Weapon's HP. Cast Haste on your party members to speed up the process. This battle isn't too difficult as long as you cure yourself when needed and revive your fallen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You'll receive an Ultima Weapon sword after you win the battle. As you proceed down the stairs to the south, and walk to the warp tile to reach B16. --Boss Battle: Death Gaze-- He'll lead off the battle by casting Death on your entire party, and then proceed to attack you with physical attacks and spells, including more death spells. As long as you're protected against instant death, you should be fine. Get Slow on him and Haste on yourself and hit him with everything you have. Have your White Mage heal when needed. Death Gaze frequently counters your attacks with his powerful physical attack. Before you can defeat him, he'll likely run away. Your fighting was not in vain however, his HP will not be restored if you wander around and find him again. Wander around this floor until you encounter him and continue the battle. Repeat this process until you defeat him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Death Gaze is defeated, return to the treasure chest that had the Light Curtain inside it. See the two crystals just south of it? Walk east between those crystals onto an invisible path. Follow this path east and then north to a crystal. Unlike the others, this one won't shatter and force you into a boss battle. If Death Gaze is defeated, this crystal will teach the Dualcast ability to Palom, Porom, or Leonora. Only one of them can learn it. This ability lets the character cast two spells each turn. The crystal will then shatter, but at least you won't have to fight a monster! As for who to teach the ability too? I leave that to you to decide. ----------------------------- Depths B15 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Elixir x2 [] X-Potion [] Lunar Gloves [] Mutsunokami [] Knife [] Remedy [] Light Curtain [] Dry Ether [] Ultima Weapon [] ==================== The path here is obvious. Follow it to a warp tile. Starting here the regular enemy encounters are getting tougher now, and each one has the boss music playing. Fortunately, you also encounter enemies less frequently now than you did before. ----------------------------- Depths B16 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== On B17 the path is still easy and straightforward. Walk to the next warp tile. There's no treasure to worry about. ----------------------------- Depths B17 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== Head east down either path; they both lead to the same spot. Now take the eastern path and step onto a flashing purple tile to warp to a treasure chest. Collect the Lunar Helm inside the treasure chest and step back onto the tile to warp back. Climb back up the stairs and proceed west and follow the path that goes south and then east to a warp tile. The tile leads to B19. ----------------------------- Depths B18 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Lunar Helm [] ==================== The path on B19 is simple and easy with no treasure chests to find. Follow it to the door and continue to B20. ----------------------------- Depths B19 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None [] ==================== Walk north from the door and you'll find a save point and an Interdimensional Elevator. Save your game and swap around your party if you wish. Be sure that Rydia is in your party, you won't be able to get much farther without her Now, cast Float on your party and then continue north. You'll encounter the Mysterious Girl at the top of the stairs. She is impressed that you've made it this far, but has decided that you shall not advance any further. She summons Bahamut to take care of you. --Boss Battle: Mysterious Girl & Bahamut-- If Rydia is not in your party, you are doomed. Bahamut will use Megaflare before you can even act and deal 9999 damage to your entire party, obliterating it. This will result in a Game Over. This is why you must have Rydia with you. With Rydia in your party, you'll fight the real battle. Before you can so much as make a move, the Mysterious Girl will cast Meteor on you. This will deal several thousand damage to every party member, so be ready to heal immediately with Cure spells as soon as your turn comes up. None of your attacks will harm the Mysterious Girl, so focus your attention on Bahamut. Bahamut will begin counting down from 5, and if you played the Main Game you know what that means. When he hits 0, he'll use Megaflare. This will hit your entire party for big damage, but unlike before when you controlled Cecil alone, it is possible to survive it now. You might get the idea of casting Reflect to bounce Megaflare back at him. Unfortunately this will not work, because just before Bahamut uses Megaflare, the Mysterious Girl will cast Black Hole on your party and nullify all magic affects, including Reflect. The Mysterious Girl may also cast Haste on Bahamut as a means of countering your Slow spell, so be ready to re-cast Slow on him. This means that enhancing your party will have only limited results. The Mysterious Girl will bombard you with magic during the battle, so there are some defensive plusses to Reflect but its probably not worth it to try and re-cast it on everyone just to bounce back some of her magic. Do however re-cast float after every Black Hole so that you are protected from Quake. Hit Bahamut with the highest damaging attacks you can while your White Mages focus on keeping your HP high enough to survive Mega Flare. If Edward is with you, have him use Escape to avoid Megaflare. If Kain is with you, a perfectly timed Jump can allow him to avoid Megaflare. Use Curaja several times to heal your team up after each Megaflare and cast Arise on anyone that falls. If Rydia she has the Ashura and Leviathan summons, when you've done enough damage to Bahamut, Asura and Leviathan will attempt to talk some sense into Bahamut, and though he'll blow them away with Megaflare, their words do seem to get through to him. He'll turn on the Mysterious Girl and hit her twice with Megaflare, defeating her. If Rydia doesn't have both the Ashura and Leviathan summons, you won't be able to break the Mysterious Girl's hold over Bahamut and you'll be forced to battle him to the death. When you defeat Bahamut, the Mysterious Girl will go down with him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, Bahamut will become a summon available to Rydia if you were able to break the Mysterious Girl's control over him. If not, Bahamut won't be freed and will be permanently lost as a summon. Continue to the north and enter the door leading to B21. ----------------------------- Depths B20 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== No treasure here. Simply walk north to B22. Interesting note, starting here you can encounter random enemies called Maenad that look like the Mysterious Girl. They'll also have her battle theme music. Pretty cool. They are very dangerous though; their magic is quite powerful. Don't take them lightly. ----------------------------- Depths B21 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== Walk north and then detour to the west to enter a door that leads to a treasure chest. Open the chest to receive a Dry Ether. Now go east and enter the door there to reach a treasure chest on that side. This one has a X-Potion inside. Now return to the main room and walk through the north door to advance to B23. ----------------------------- Depths B22 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Dry Ether [] X-Potion [] ==================== Walk north and you'll find eight Mysterious Girls. As you approach, they'll all attack you at once and cast 8 Meteor Spells on you doing 50000 damage to your entire party. Just kidding! Actually if you speak to them, they'll identify themselves as being called the Maenad. Speak to them to learn a little bit about them, and then continue north through the door to B24. ----------------------------- Depths B23 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== In B24, you'll find pods all over the place with each one containing a Maenad. One of the Maenad is flashing inside her pod. Examine this one and a very young girl will walk out. She will ask your party for orders, and your party will ask her to remain where she is. A door will then open. Enter the door to continue to B25. ----------------------------- Depths B24 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== On B25, you'll find crystal on stands all over the place. Now is your chance to re-claim the crystals that were stolen from your world! Not all of the crystals here are yours, and you won't take any that don't belong to your world. There are no random enemies here and no penalty for looking at the wrong crystal, so just check each one until you find all of yours. There are 4 light and 4 dark, so 8 total. When you have all of them, head north to the door. There's also an Interdimensional Elevator you can use here too. The door leads to B26. ----------------------------- Depths B25 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- Fire Crystal [] Water Crystal [] Wind Crystal [] Earth Crystal [] Dark Crystal x4 [] ========================= There's not much to say about this area. Aside from the bizarre look of the place, follow the linear path to B27. No treasure to worry about. ----------------------------- Depths B26 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== This room is also linear and devoid of treasure. Take the stairs to B28. ----------------------------- Depths B27 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== Here we have another simple room with nothing to find. Follow the short trail down to B29. ----------------------------- Depths B28 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== There is a save point and a Interdimensional Elevator here. Be sure to save your game here. Follow the path to the south and descend a long stairway. Step onto the warp tile to reach the lowest region of the depths. ----------------------------- Depths B29 Treasure Checklist ----------------------------- None ==== We've reached the Bottommost Depths... what waits for us here? Walk north to find out. After a long walk north, you'll encounter a bizarre looking thing. You'll then enter combat against it. --Boss Battle: ???-- There's not much to say about this battle. For the first half of it, the enemy won't take any action at all. Simply attack it, and eventually the circular piece will fade. The enemy will then begin casting Drain and Osmose on you; nothing to worry much about. Keep attacking it and the front piece will break, ending the battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After this brief battle, you'll speak to a mysterious being and the answers to a lot of questions will be revealed. After some disturbing words from this character, your party will enter battle against him. --Boss Battle: Creator-- The Creator will only counter you, he won't attack you directly unless you strike first. This makes it very easy for you to control the battle. Don't recklessly attack him and heal or revive any party members that are hit by his counter attacks. He counter attacks magic with Flare, which can be reflected. So if you cast Reflect on your party and attack with Magic, you can do quite well against him. This shouldn't be too difficult as long as you are careful. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some dialogue will occur, and the battle will begin again. The Creator will look different now. --Boss Battle: Creator-- He won't limit himself to counter attacks now. He'll begin using powerful magic like Holy. He attacks very quickly so start off by casting Slow on him. The Creator has a Binding Glare attack that could paralyze a party member. Use Esuna or a Remedy on anyone inflicted with this right away to cure the status. The Creator uses a lot of magic that hits for several thousand damage. Because Reflect is hard to cast on everyone and fades fairly quickly, use Shell instead. Cast it on your whole party several times; it'll reduce the damage done by the Creator's spells. With shell helping to protect you, strike the Creator down with powerful spells and weapon attacks. You should be able to topple him. Use Haste if you need a speed advantage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A brief dialogue scene will occur, and then the Creator will attack again in a new form. Although you'll enter the battle mode, none of your attacks will harm the Creator and he'll begin flying toward you. Don't waste your magic or items here as there is nothing you can do to harm him. Use your regular attack if you want to feel productive. As he gets close, the battle will end and a story scene will occur. When it concludes, you'll enter battle with the Creator for real this time. --Boss Battle: Creator-- When the battle begins, the Creator will be protected by Darkness. Remember the crystals we picked up earlier? You can use them from your inventory now! Use one on the Creator and he'll become vulnerable. The Creator has some nasty attacks. Don't spend too much time trying to enhance yourself with support spells because the Creator uses Black Hole frequently, which will nullify all of your efforts. Definitely cast Slow on him, but only cast Haste on one or two of your characters unless you're using a Band that casts it on the entire party. The Creator's Split attack can do around 5000 damage to one target, potentially one hit killing the victim. Explode does several thousand damage to the entire party, and inflicts the sap status as well. Transform will change the Creator's elemental weakness. The Creator also has a Metastatis move, which strangely seems to do 3000 damage to him and do nothing to you. He also has a Regenerate ability, which heals 9999 damage. He also has an Earthquake attack, though Float is hard to use because he casts Black Hole so often. Fortunately Earthquake does minimal damage. Because the Creator frequently uses Transform to change his weakness, and if you hit him with the wrong element it may heal him, trying to use an elemental spell isn't very feasible. Instead, have your black magic user cast a non-elemental spell such as Flare or Meteor. If Rydia is with you, a few visits from Bahamut wouldn't hurt either. Your White Mages should focus on healing the wounded and casting Haste spells. If Porom or Leonora are with you and you taught one of them Dualcast, you can put Haste on your party real quick. If Palom is with you and has Dualcast, he can pour on the damage by dualcasting Meteor or Flare. As the battle goes on, the Creator will begin using status spells like Mini and Toad on your party. With all the armor you've been finding, you're probably protected from this but if not, cure it with the appropriate healing item. Attack relentlessly and stay vigilant with Cure spells and victory will be yours. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Bottommost Depths Treasure Checklist ------------------------------------ None [] ========================= ~~Escape from the Moon~~ You'll be taken back to B29 and prompted to return to the Lunar Whale. However the Interdimensional Elevator isn't working, so you're going to have to run back the long way. You may want to reverse your rows before you get going. You'll encounter back attacks exclusively as you flee. You'll encounter the Creator in these back attack as you run, but he's nowhere near as difficult as he was. Fight him off and he'll pull back allowing you to continue. When you reach B24, you'll find the little girl still there waiting for you. You'll then encounter the Creator in another back attack. After you pound on him a few times, a Maenad will appear and hold him back for you. The young Meanad will then join you (though not as a playable party member) and you'll continue fleeing. You'll encounter the Creator several more times, always as a back attack. Keep fighting him off and the Meanad will jump in and assist you. When you reach B20 and encounter him, a Meanad will cast Meteor on both the Creator and herself, destroying both the Creator and herself. Escape through the south door and a story scene will automatically take you to the Lunar Whale. With the threat to the Blue Planet defeated, the characters return to their world and their homelands. Enjoy the ending sequence as the cast is visited at their various locations all over the world. During the sequence, you'll briefly get into a battle. This isn't a true battle and is more or less part of the story sequence. Simply hit the Attack command until the scene continues. After the story scene concludes, the credits will role, with the cast coming out to say their final goodbyes to the player! When the credits finish, you'll be given the opportunity to save and create import data. The screen says that this data can be used in future stories, but this is the last chapter of the game, so there isn't anything left to import to. There doesn't appear to be any known purpose to this import data as there is no challenge dungeon to play either. Go ahead and save your data, just in case Square-Enix releases an unexpected new tale someday in the future that might use this data. Either way, you can load your clear data at any time to return to the Depths B29 save point and continue exploring the Depths and Subterrane, or re-fight the final boss. In the PlayStation Portale version of the game, there is a post-game boss that you can fight. To do so, return to the house where you were able to exchange tails and talk to Namingway. It will cost you a good chuck of gil, but he will allow you to battle a new boss called "Lost Babil". You'll form 3 teams for this battle and each team will fight a different part of him. Victory will earn you some Silver Apples and Soma Drops. This boss is not available in the WiiWare version of the game thus detailed strategies for fighting him are beyond the scope of this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) - Item List (ITM1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4.010) - Healing/Boosting/Attack (ITMB) ================================= CD means Challenge Dungeon ED means Enemy Drop ================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Potion ====== Stats - --- Effect - Restores a small amount of HP Location - --------- Hi-Potion ========= Stats - --- Effect - Restores a moderate amount of HP Location - -------- X-Potion ======== Stats - --- Effect - Restores a large amount of HP Location - ----- Ether ===== Stats - --- Effect - Restores a small amount of MP Location - --------- Dry Ether ========= Stats - --- Effect - Restores a moderate amount of MP Location - ------ Elixir ====== Stats - --- Effect - Fully restores HP and MP Location - ------------ Phoenix Down ============ Stats - --- Effect - Restores a small amount of HP Location - ----------- Gold Needle =========== Stats - --- Effect - Cures Petrify Location - ------------- Maiden's Kiss ============= Stats - --- Effect - Cures Toad Location - ------ Mallet ====== Stats - --- Effect - Cures Mini Location - ----------- Diet Ration =========== Stats - --- Effect - Cures Pig Location - ---------- Echo Herbs ========== Stats - --- Effect - Cures Silence Location - --------- Eye Drops ========= Stats - --- Effect - Cures Blind Location - -------- Antidote ======== Stats - --- Effect - Cures Poison Location - ------ Remedy ====== Stats - --- Effect - Cures all status ailments except KO Location - ------------ Golden Apple ============ Stats - --- Effect - Raises max HP by 100 Location - CD - (Ceodore) ------------ Silver Apple ============ Stats - --- Effect - Raises max HP by 50 Location - Devil's Road (CEO) --------- Soma Drop ========= Stats - --- Effect - Raises max MP by 10 Location - Ancient Waterway (CEO) ---- Tent ==== Stats - --- Effect - Restores HP and MP for entire party (can be used in the field) Location - ------- Cottage ======= Stats - --- Effect - Fully restores HP and MP for entire party (can be used in the field) Location - ---- Bomb ==== Stats - --- Effect - Allows Rydia to learn Bomb Location - ------------- Bomb Fragment ============= Stats - --- Effect - Has the same effect as the spell Fire Location - ---------- Bomb Crank ========== Stats - --- Effect - Has the same effect as the spell Fira Location - -------------- Antarctic Wind ============== Stats - --- Effect - Has the same effect as the spell Blizzard Location - ----------- Arctic Wind =========== Stats - --- Effect - Has the same effect as the spell Blizzara Location - ------------ Zeus's Wrath ============ Stats - --- Effect - Has the same effect as the spell Thunder Location - -------------- Heavenly Wrath ============== Stats - --- Effect - Has the same effect as the spell Thundera Location - ------------- Lilith's Kiss ============= Stats - --- Effect - Has the same effect as the spell Osmose Location - ED (Lilith) -------------- Bacchus's Wine ============== Stats - --- Effect - Wine with the same effect as the spell Berserk Location - ED (Mad Ogre) ---------------- Bronze Hourglass ================ Stats - --- Effect - An hourglass that casts the spell Stop for a short period of time Location - --- ---------------- Silver Hourglass ================ Stats - --- Effect - An hourglass that casts the spell Stop for a moderate period of time Location - --- -------------- Gold Hourglass ============== Stats - --- Effect - An hourglass that casts the spell Stop for a long period of time Location - --- ----------- Spider Silk =========== Stats - --- Effect - Thread with the same effect as the spell Slow Location - ----- Decoy ===== Stats - --- Effect - Doll with the same effect as the spell Blink Location - -------- Red Fang ======== Stats - --- Effect - A tooth from a fire-breathing dragon Location - ---------- White Fang ========== Stats - --- Effect - A tooth from a ice-breathing dragon Location - --------- Blue Fang ========= Stats - --- Effect - A tooth from a thunder-breathing dragon Location - ------------ Vampire Fang ============ Stats - --- Effect - A fang with the same effect as Drain Location - Enemy Drop (Succubus) --------- Bomb Core ========= Stats - --- Effect - A bomb that causes damage in exchange for the user's life. Location - Enemy Drop (Balloon) -------- Stardust ======== Stats - None Effect - Same effect as the spell Comet Location - Impact Crater Floor (Edward), ED (Gravel Worm) ------------- Light Curtain ============= Stats - None Effect - A curtain with the same effect as the spell Reflect Location - ED (Lamia, Lamia Matriarch) ----------- Silent Bell =========== Stats - --- Effect - A bell with the same effect as the spell Silence Location - ED (Imp) --------- Gaia Drum ========= Stats - --- Effect - A drum with the same effect as the spell Quake Location - ED (Arachne) -------------- Coeurl Whisker ============== Stats - --- Effect - A whisker with the same effect as the spell Death Location - ED (Coeurl) -------- Bestiary ======== Stats - --- Effect - A book with the same effect as the spell Libra Location - ------------ Unicorn Horn ============ Stats - --- Effect - A horn that cures Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse and Berserk for all allies Location - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4.020) - Weapons (ITMW) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Broadsword ========== Stats - (Attack: 10) Effect - None Location - Mythril Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain --------- Longsword ========= Stats - (Attack: 20) Effect - None Location - Mythril, Mysidia, Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain ------------- Mythril Knife ============= Stats - (Attack: 20) Effect - Effective against ghosts Location - ED (Mythril Golem) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Golbez ----------- Ebony Blade =========== Stats - (Attack: 20) - (INT, SPT +3) Effect - Location - Lunarian Flashback Equippable By - Golbez ---------- Iron Sword ========== Stats - (Attack: 30) Effect - None Location - Baron (Ceodore), Mist Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain ------------- Ancient Sword ============= Stats - (Attack: 35) Effect - Can Curse all enemies Location - Equipped (Golbez) Equippable By - Golbez ----------- Coral Blade =========== Stats - (Attack: 38) - (Element: Lightning) Effect - None Location - Mist, Kaipo Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain ----------- Blood Sword =========== Stats - (Attack: 45) - (STR, SPD, STM, INT, SPT -5) Effect - Absorbs HP Location - Hidden Passage (Mist) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Golbez ------------- Mythril Sword ============= Stats - (Attack: 50) Effect - Effective against ghosts Location - Devil's Road (Kain) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Golbez ----------- Sleep Blade =========== Stats - (Attack: 55) Effect - Cast Sleep when used Location - Mist Cave Chest Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain ----------- Flame Sword =========== Stats - (Attack: 65) - (Element: Fire) Effect - None Location - Baron (Kain), Kaipo Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain --------- Ice Brand ========= Stats - (Attack: 75) - (Element: Cold) Effect - None Location - ED (Mythril Golem), Baron Shop (Kain) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain ------------ Demon Slayer ============ Stats - (Attack: 82) Effect - Effective against demons Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain ------------------ Enchancement Sword ================== Stats - (Attack: 82) - (INT +7) Effect - None Location - CD (Lunarian) Equippable By - Golbez -------------- Dancing Dagger ============== Stats - (Attack: 28) Effects - Damages enemy when used Location - Kokkol Forge Equippable By - Rydia, Brina, Calca ----- Spear ===== Stats - (Attack: 9) Effect - None Location - Dwarven Castle (Zangetsu) Equippable By - Zangetsu, Kain ------- Javelin ======= Stats - (Attack: 22) Effect - None Location - Underground Mine (Zangetsu) Equippable By - Zangetsu, Kain ------- Trident ======= Stats - (Attack: 31) - (Element: Lightning) Effect - None Location - Underground Mine (Zangetsu) Equippable By - Zangetsu, Kain -------- Partisan ======== Stats - (Attack: 42) Effect - None Location - Underground Mine (Zangetsu) Equippable By - Zangetsu -------- Falchion ======== Stats - (Attack: 48) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Hooded Man) Equippable By - Kain ---------- Wind Spear ========== Stats - (Attack: 55) Effect - None Location - Un-equip "Kain?", CD (Edge) Equippable By - Kain, Zangetsu ----------- Flame Lance =========== Stats - (Attack: 66) - (Element: Fire) Effect - Cast Fira when used Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Zangetsu, Kain ------------- Dragoon Lance ============= Stats - (Attack: 80) - (Element: Holy) (STR, SPD, STM, INT, SPT +3) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Kain) Equippable By - Kain ------- Obelisk ======= Stats - (Attack: 85) - (STR +5) Effect - None Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain ------------ Crescent Axe ============ Stats - (Attack: 30) Effect - None Location - Impact Crater (Gekkou) Equippable By - Luca, Gekkou ---------- Battle Axe ========== Stats - (Attack: 42) Effect - None Location - Baron (Kain), Tower of Babil (Edge) Equippable By - Cid, Kain, Luca, Gekkou ------ Hammer ====== Stats - (Attack: 20) Effect - Effective against machines Location - Equippable By - Cid, Luca ----------- Gaia Hammer =========== Stats - (Attack: 65) - (Element: Fire) - (STR +5) Effect - Casts Quake when used Location - CD (Rydia) Equippable By - Cid, Luca -------------- Mythril Hammer ============== Stats - (Attack: 55) Effect - Effective against machines and ghosts Location - Equipped (Cid) - (2nd), CD (Edge), ED (Magma Tortoise) Equippable By - Cid, Luca, Gekkou ----------- Gaia Hammer =========== Stats - (Attack: 65) - (Element: Fire) Effect - Casts Quake when used Location - CD (Rydia, Edge) Equippable By - Cid, Luca, Gekkou ---------- Ogrekiller ========== Stats - (Attack: 80) Effect - Effective against giants Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Cid, Kain ------------ Sledgehammer ============ Stats - (Attack: 90) Effect - Can confuse enemies Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Cid, Luca, Gekkou --- Rod === Stats - (Attack: 3) - (INT +2) Effect - Damages enemy when used Location - Mysida Equippable By - Palom, Leonora ------- Ice Rod ======= Stats - (Attack: 5) - (Element: Cold) - (INT +3) Effect - Casts Blizzard when used Location - Mysidia Equippable By - Palom, Leonora --------- Flame Rod ========= Stats - (Attack: 7) - (Element: Fire) - (INT +3) Effect - Casts Fire when used Location - Mysidia Equippable By - Palom, Leonora ----------- Thunder Rod =========== Stats - (Attack: 10) - (Element: Thunder) - (INT +3) Effect - Cast Thunder when used Location - Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Palom, Leonora ----------- Healing Rod =========== Stats - (Attack: 9) - (INT, SPT +3) Effects - Restore HP when used Location - --- Equippable By - --- ---------- Wizard Rod ========== Stats - (Attack: 21) - (Element: Fire, Cold, Lightning) (INT +9) Effect - Damages enemy when used Location - Equippable By - Rydia, Palom, Leonora ------------- Polymorph Rod ============= Stats - (Attack: 15) - (INT +11) Effect - Cast pig when used Location - CD (Rydia) Equippable By - Rydia, Palom, Leonora ----- Staff ===== Stats - (Attack: 4) Effect - Cures poison when used Location - Mysidia Equippable By - Ceodore, Rosa, Leonora ------------- Healing Staff ============= Stats - (Attack: 8) Effect - Restores HP when used Location - Mysidia, Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Ceodore, Rosa, Leonora ------------- Mythril Staff ============= Stats - (Attack: 12) Effect - Cures status ailments when used Location - Equipped (Rosa) - (2nd) Equippable By - Ceodore, Rosa, Leonora ------------- Psycho Spiral ============= Stats - (Attack: 14) Effect - Cast Confuse when used Location - Baron (Kain) Equippable By - Ceodore, Rosa ------------- Protect Staff ============= Stats - (Attack: 15) Effect - Cast Protect when used Location - CD (Ceodore), Equipped (Fusoya) Equippable By - Ceodore, Rosa, Leonora, Fusoya, Golbez ---------- Aura Staff ========== Stats - (Attack: 36) Effect - Cast Dispel when used Location - --- Equippable By - Fusoya, Golbez -------------- Master's Staff ============== Stats - (Attack: 42) Effect - Restore HP when used Location - CD (Lunarian) Equippable By - Golbez ---------- Rune Staff ========== Stats - (Attack: 52) Effect - Cast Silence when used Location - ED Equippable By - Ceodore, Rosa ------------ Queen's Whip ============ Stats - (Attack: 5) Effect - Can turn enemies into pigs Location - Queen's Bounty Pub (Palom) Equippable By - Leonora ---- Whip ==== Stats - (Attack: 10) Effect - Can paralyze enemies Location Equippable By - Rydia, Izayoi, Harley ---------- Thorn Whip ========== Stats - (Attack: 20) Effect - Can paralyze enemies Location - Troia, Tower of Trials (Izayoi) Equippable By - Rydia, Izayoi, Harley ---------- Chain Whip ========== Stats - (Attack: 30) Effect - Can paralyze enemies Location - Tower of Trials (Izayoi) Equippable By - Rydia, Izayoi, Harley -------- Ice Whip ======== Stats - (Attack: 38) - (Element: Cold) Effect - Can paralyze enemies Location - CD (Edward) Equippable By - Rydia, Izayoi, Harley ---------- Blitz Whip ========== Stats - (Attack: 40) - (Element: Lightning) Effect - Can paralyze enemies Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Rydia, Izayoi, Harley ----------- Flame Claws =========== Stats - (Attack: 0) - (Element: Fire) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Yang, Monk A) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula --------- Ice Claws ========= Stats - (Attack: 0) - (Element: Cold) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Ursula, Monk B) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula ------------- Thunder Claws ============= Stats - (Attack: 0) - (Element: Lightning) Effect - Effective against machines Location - Equipped (Yang, Ursula, Monk C) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula -------------- Metal Knuckles ============== Stats - (Attack: 0) - (STR +5) Effect - None Location - Impact Crater Chest Equippable By - Yang, Ursula ------------ Faerie Claws ============ Stats - (Attack: 0) - (SPD +3) Effect - Can Confuse enemies Location - Impact Crater Chest Equippable By - Yang, Ursula --------- Hell Claw ========= Stats - (Attack: 0) Effect - Can Poison enemies Location - Adamant Isle Forest Chest, CD (Yang) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula --------- Cat Claws ========= Stats - (Attack: 0) - (ATK +1, STR, SPD +5) Effect - Can put enemies to Sleep Location - CD (Yang) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula ----- Kunai ===== Stats - (Attack: 7) Effect - None Location - Eblan (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu ------- Kodachi ======= Stats - (Attack: 14) Effect - None Location - Eblan (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu -------------- Crimson Cherry ============== Stats - (Attack: 26) - (Element: Fire) Effect - None Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ------ Ashura ====== Stats - (Attack: 32) Effect - None Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ------- Kotetsu ======= Stats - (Attack: 40) Effect - None Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou --------- Boomerang ========= Stats - (Attack: 8) Effect - None Location - Eblan (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu --------------- Metal Boomerang =============== Stats - (Attack: 7) Effect - None Location - Eblan (Edge), Mt. Ordeals Chest (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu ------- Chakram ======= Stats - (Attack: 24) Effect - None Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou --------- Wing Edge ========= Stats - (Attack: 32) Effect - None Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ---------- Dream Harp ========== Stats - (Attack: 8) Effect - Can cause enemies to fall asleep Location - Equippable By - Edward ----------- Silver Harp =========== Stats - (Attack: 15) Effect - Effective against ghosts Location - Equippable By - Edward ---------- Lamia Harp ========== Stats - (Attack: 18) Effect - Can confuse enemies Location - Equippable By - Edward --------- Dark Harp ========= Stats - (Attack: 25) Effect - Can blind enemies Location - Equippable By - Edward --------- Muse Harp ========= Stats - (Attack: 35) - (Element: Holy) Effect - Effective against demons, ghosts, and undead Location - CD (Edward) Equippable By - Edward --- Bow === Stats - (Attack: 10) Effect - None Location - Mysidia, Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi -------- Crossbow ======== Stats - (Attack: 20) Effect - None Location - Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi --------- Great Bow ========= Stats - (Attack: 30) Effect - None Location - Mist, Kaipo, Tower of Babil (Edge) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ---------- Killer Bow ========== Stats - (Attack: 40) - (STR +5) Effect - None Location - Baron Shop (Kain), CD (Edge) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi --------- Elfin Bow ========= Stats - (Attack: 50) Effect - Casts Shell when used Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ------------- Medusa Arrows ============= Stats - (Attack: 0) Effect - Can Petrify enemies Location - ED (Medusa) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ----------- Iron Arrows =========== Stats - (Attack: 5) Effect - None Location - Mysidia Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ----------- Holy Arrows =========== Stats - (Attack: 10) - (Element: Holy) Effect - None Location - Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ----------- Fire Arrows =========== Stats - (Attack: 15) - (Element: Fire) Effect - None Location - Mist Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ---------- Ice Arrows ========== Stats - (Attack: 15) - (Element: Cold) Effect - None Location - Mist Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ---------------- Lightning Arrows ================ Stats - (Attack: 15) - (Element: Lightning) Effect - Effective against machines Location - Mist Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi --------------- Blinding Arrows =============== Stats - (Attack: 20) Effect - Can Blind enemies Location - Kaipo Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ---------------- Silencing Arrows ================ Stats - (Attack: 35) Effect - Can Silence enemies Location - Baron (Kain) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi ------------ Angel Arrows ============ Stats - (Attack: 40) Effect - Can Confuse enemies Location - CD (Ceodore), ED (Lamia) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Cid, Palom, Leonora, Izayoi -------- Shuriken ======== Stats - (Attack: 20) Effect - For use with the "Throw" Command Location - Eblan (Edge), Various Chests (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Gekkou -------------- Cross Shuriken ============== Stats - (Attack: 40) Effect - For use with the "Throw" Command Location - Various Chests (Edge, Gekkou) Equippable By - Edge, Gekkou ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4.030) - Armor (ITMA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Bronze Shield ============= Stats - (Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Mythril Equippable By - Kain, Ceodore, Cid, Luca, Golbez ------------ Large Shield ============ Stats - (Defense: 4) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Hooded Man) Equippable By - Kain, Ceodore, Cid, Luca, Golbez ----------- Iron Shield =========== Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Baron (Ceodore), Mist, Kaipo Equippable By - Kain, Ceodore, Cid, Luca, Golbez -------------- Mythril Shield ============== Stats - (Defense: 3) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effect - Strong against ghosts attacks Location - Devil's Road (Kain) Equippable By - Kain, Ceodore, Cid, Luca, Golbez ------------ Flame Shield ============ Stats - (Defense: 3) - (Magic Defense: 2) - (Resist: Cold) Effect - None Location - Mist Cave Chest, ED (Flame Knight) Equippable By - Kain, Ceodore, Cid, Luca, Golbez ---------- Ice Shield ========== Stats - (Defense: 3) - (Magic Defense: 2) - (Resist: Fire) Effect - Strong against demon attacks Location - Underground Waterway Chest Equippable By - Kain, Ceodore, Cid, Luca, Golbez -------------- Diamond Shield ============== Stats - (Defense: 4) - (Magic Defense: 2) - (Resist: Lightning) Effect - None Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Kain, Ceodore, Cid, Luca, Golbez ------------ Bronze Armor ============ Stats - (Defense: 4) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Mythril Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ---------- Iron Armor ========== Stats - (Defense: 7) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effect - None Location - Baron (Ceodore), Mist Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca --------- Chainmail ========= Stats - (Defense: 10) - (Magic Defense: 3) Effect - None Location - Mist, Kaipo Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ------------ Horned Armor ============ Stats - (Defense: 12) - (Magic Defense: 2) - (STR +3, INT, SPT -3) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Cid) - (2nd) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ------------- Mythril Armor ============= Stats - (Defense: 13) - (Magic Defense: 4) Effect - Strong against ghost attacks Location - Mt. Ordeal Chest (Kain) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ----------- Plate Armor =========== Stats - (Defense: 15) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effects - None Location - Mist, Kaipo Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ---------- Flame Mail ========== Stats - (Defense: 15) - (Magic Defense: 4) - (Resist: Cold) Effect - None Location - Kaipo Cave Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid --------- Ice Armor ========= Stats - (Defense: 17) - (Magic Defense: 4) - (Resist: Fire) Effect - None Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Golbez ------------- Diamond Armor ============= Stats - (Defense: 19) - (Magic Defense: 4) - (Resist: Lightning) Effect - None Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid ------------- Training Garb ============= Stats - (Defense: 9) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Hooded Man) Equippable By - Kain ---------------- Leather Clothing ================ Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Mysidia Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Rosa, Cid, Edward, Harley --------- Gaia Gear ========= Stats - (Defense: 3) - (Magic Defense: 3) Effect - Protects against Gradual Petrify Location - Mysidia, Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Palom, Leonora --------------- Sage's Surplice =============== Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 5) - (SPT +5) Effect - None Location - Devil's Road (CEO), Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Palom, Leonora, Golbez, Fusoya ------------- Luminous Robe ============= Stats - (Defense: 12) - (Magic Defense: 9) - (Resist Lightning) Effect - Strong against undead attacks Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore -------- Kenpo Gi ======== Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 2) - (STR +3) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Yang), Mt. Hobs Chest Equippable By - Yang, Ursula, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ------------------ Bronze Breastplate ================== Stats - (Defense: 4) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Monk A + B) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ------------------ Silver Breastplate ================== Stats - (Defense: 7) - (Magic Defense: 4) Effect - Strong against ghost attacks Location - Adamant Isle Forest Equippable By - Yang, Ursula, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou, Edward, Harley ------------- Black Belt Gi ============= Stats - (Defense: 10) - (Magic Defense: 3) - (ATK +1, STR, STM +5) Effect - None Location - CD (Yang, Edge) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ---------------- Rose Twine Dress ================ Stats - (Defense: 9) - (Magic Defense: 5) - (ATK +1, STR, SPD, STM, INT, SPT +3) Effect - None Location - CD (Yang) Equippable By - Ursula ----------- Mage's Robe ----------- Stats - (Defense: 6) - (Magic Defense: 5) - (INT, SPT +3) Effects - None Location - CD (Rydia) Equippable By - Rydia ---------- Black Robe ========== Stats - (Defense: 8) - (Magic Defense: 7) - (INT +5) Effect - None Location - CD (Palom) Equippable By - Palom -------- Red Robe ======== Stats - (Defense: 11) - (Magic Defense: 9) - (INT, SPT +4) Effect - None Location - CD (Palom) Equippable By - Leonora ----------- Mystic Veil =========== Stats - (Defense: 8) - (Magic Defense: 8) - (Resist: Holy) (SPD +1; INT, SPT +7) Effect - Protect against curse Location - CD (Palom) Equippable By - Leonora --------------- Foot Ninja Gear =============== Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 2) - (SPD +1) Effect - None Location - --- Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu ------------ Shinobi Gear ============ Stats - (Defense: 4) - (Magic Defense: 3) - (SPD +3) Effect - None Location - --- Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu --------- Mist Wrap ========= Stats - (Defense: 8) - (Magic Defense: 8) - (SPD +5) Effect - Protects against Poison Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ---------------- Professor's Robe ================ Stats - (Defense: 10) - (Magic Defense: 5) - (INT, SPT +5) Effect - --- Location - CD (Edward) Equippable By - Edward, Harley ------------- Exorcist Gown ============= Stats - (Defense: 11) - (Magic Defense: 6) - (INT, SPT +2) Effcts - Strong against demon attacks Location - CD (Edward) Equippable By - Edward, Harley ---------- Ebony Robe ========== Stats - (Defense: 11) - (Magic Defense: 9) - (INT, SPT +5) Effect - Protects against undead attacks Location - --- Equippable By - Golbez -------------- Queen's Tights ============== Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 5) Effect - Protects against pig, confuse, paralyze Location - Queen's Bounty Pub (Palom) Equippable By - Leonora ------------ Bard's Tunic ============ Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effects - Protects against silence Location - Equipped (Edward) Equippable By - Edward ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4.040) - Headgear (ITMH) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bronze Helm =========== Stats - (Defense: 3) Effect - None Location - Mythril Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca --------- Iron Helm ========= Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Baron (Ceodore), Mist Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ---------- Steel Helm ========== Stats - (Defense: 7) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Mist, Kaipo Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ------------ Mythril Helm ============ Stats - (Defense: 8) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effect - Strong against ghost attacks Location - Devil's Road (Kain) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca, Golbez ------------- Horned Helmet ============= Stats - (Defense: 8) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Cid) - (2nd) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ---------- Cross Helm ========== Stats - (Defense: 9) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - Protects against Blind Location - Kaipo Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ------------ Diamond Helm ============ Stats - (Defense: 9) - (Magic Defense: 2) - (Resist: Lightning) Effect - None Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca ------ Turban ====== Stats - (Defense: 6) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Hooded Man) Equippable By - Kain ----------- Leather Cap =========== Stats - (Defense: 1) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Mysidia Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Luca, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu, Edward, Harley ------------- Feathered Cap ============= Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 3) Effect - None Location - Mysidia Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Rosa, Cid, Ryida, Luca, Palom, Leonora, Edward, Harley ------------ Wizard's Hat ============ Stats - (Defense: 3) - (Magic Defense: 5) Effect - None Location - Baron Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Palom, Leonora ------------ Sage's Miter ============ Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 7) - (SPT +5) Effect - Strong against undead attacks Location - Equipped (Rosa) - (1st) and (2nd) Equippable By - Rosa, Ceodore, Luca, Palom, Leonora, Golbez, Fusoya ------------ Gold Hairpin ============ Stats - (Defense: 8) - (Magic Defense: 10) - (Resist: Lightning) Effect - None Location - CD - (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa -------- Headband ======== Stats - (Defense: 1) - (Magic Defense: 1) - (ATK +1, STR +5) Effect - Protects against confuse Location - ED (Ogre), Impact Crater Chest Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Rosa, Cid, Yang, Ursula, Palom, Leonora, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu, Edward, Harley ------- Circlet ======= Stats - (Defense: 4) - (Magic Defense: 7) - (INT +5) Effect - None Location - --- Equippable By - Rydia, Palom, Leonora ----- Beret ===== Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 4) Effect - None Location - Equippable By - Edward, Harley ----------- Green Beret =========== Stats - (Defense: 3) - (Magic Defense: 1) - (ATK +1, STR, STM +5) Effect - None Location - Adamant Isle Forest Chest Equippable By - Yang, Ursula, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu --------------- Chakra Headband =============== Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 5) - (STR, SPD, SPT +3) Effect - Protects against Poison, Blind, Silence, Sleep Location - CD (Yang) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula ---------- Black Cowl ========== Stats - (Defense: 7) - (Magic Defense: 1) - (STR, SPD, SPT +3) Effect - Protects against Sleep Location - CD (Yang, Edge) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu --------------- Steel Headplate =============== Stats - (Defense: 4) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - None Location - Eblan (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Gekkou, Zangetsu ----------- Goblin Mask =========== Stats - (Defense: 7) - (Magic Defense: 5) - (SPD, INT, SPT +3) Effect - Protects against Blind Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ------------ Queen's Mask ============ Stats - (Defense: 1) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - Protects against blind, silence, mini, berserk Location - Equippable By - Leonora ------------ Circular Hat ============ Stats - (Defense: 7) - Magic Defense: 7) (Attack +1; STR, STM +3) Effect - None Location - CD (Edward) Equippable By - Edward, Harley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4.050) - Arms (ITMR) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Iron Gloves =========== Stats - (Defense: 2) Effect - None Location - Adamant Isle Grotto (B3), Baron (Ceodore), Mist Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Edge, Luca, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou -------------- Mythril Gloves ============== Stats - (Defense: 6) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effect - Strong against ghost attacks Location - Mist Cave Chest Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Luca Golbez, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou ---------- Bone Wrist ========== Stats - (Defense: 7) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - Protects against Poison, strong against undead attacks Location - Kaipo Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid -------------- Diamond Gloves ============== Stats - (Defense: 7) - (Magic Defense: 3) - (Resist: Lightning) Effect - None Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid -------------- Giant's Gloves ============== Stats - (Defense: 10) - (ATK +2; STR, STM +10) Effect - Protects against Mini, Strong against giant attacks Location - ED (Ogre) Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Yang, Ursula, Golbez ----------- Iron Armlet =========== Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effect - None Location - Mysidia Equippable By - Rosa, Rydia, Yang, Ursula, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou, Palom, Leonora ------------- Silver Armlet ============= Stats - (Defense: 4) - (Magic Defense: 4) Effect - Strong against ghost attacks Location - Baron (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Rydia, Yang, Ursula, Palom, Leonora, Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Edward, Harley, Zangetsu, Gekkou -------------- Diamond Armlet ============== Stats - (Defense: 6) - (Magic Defense: 8) - (Resist: Lightning) Effect - None Location - CD - (Ceodore) Equippable By - Rosa, Golbez, Fusoya ------------ Power Armlet ============ Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 2) - (ATK +1, STR +5) Effect - None Location - Equipped (Hooded Man), Cid (2nd) and Yang, Mt. Hobs Chest Equippable By - Ceodore, Kain, Cid, Rydia, Luca, Yang, Ursula ----------- Rune Armlet =========== Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 8) - (INT, SPT +3) Effect - Protects against Silence Location - ED (Sorceror), Adamant Isle Forest Chest Equippable By - Rosa, Rydia, Yang, Ursula, Palom, Leonora, Edward, Harley, Golbez, Fusoya ----------- Hyper Wrist =========== Stats - (Defense: 4) - (Magic Defense: 3) - (ATK +3, STR + 10) Effect - None Location - CD (Yang) Equippable By - Yang, Ursula --------------- Treasure Hunter =============== Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 1) Effect - Slightly increases item drop rate Location - CD (Edge) Equippable By - Edge, Tsukinowa, Izayoi, Zangetsu, Gekkou -------------- Queen's Gloves ============== Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 2) Effect - Protects against posion, toad, petrify Location - Queen's Bounty Pub (Palom) Equippable By - Leonora ----------- Single Star =========== Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 5) Effect - Reduce MP use to 3/4 during the battle Location - CD (Palom) Equippable By - Palom, Leonora -------- Talisman ======== Stats - (Defense: 2) - (Magic Defense: 12) - (INT, SPT +5) Effect - None Location - CD (Palom) Equippable By - Palom, Leonora --------- Ruby Ring ========= Stats - (Magic Defense: 3) Effect - Protects against Pig Location - Mythril, ED (Lamia) Equippable By - Anyone --------- Flan Ring ========= Stats - (Defense: 5) - (Magic Defense: 8) Effect - Protects against Silence Location - CD (Ceodore) Equippable By - Anyone ---------- Level Band ========== Stats - (Defense: 1) Effect - Raises EXP earned in battle by 1.25x Location - CD (Edward) Equippable By - Anyone -------- Gil Band ======== Stats - --- Effect - Raises Gil earned in battle by 1.50x Location - Equipped (Edward) Equippable By - Anyone --------------- Economical Ring =============== Stats - --- - (INT, SPT +2) Effect - --- Location - Equipped (Harley) Equippable By - Anyone ----------- Cursed Ring =========== Stats - (Defense: 0) - (STR, SPD, STM, INT, SPT -15) Effect - A cursed ring...(turns resistances into absorbs) Location - --- Equippable By - Anyone ----------- Sprint Ring =========== Stats - (Defense: 1) - (Magic Defense: 5) (ATK -1, STR -5, SPD +5) Effects - None Location - CD (Rydia) Equippable By - Anyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4.060) - Key Item (ITMK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Lustful Lali-ho =============== Stats - --- Effect - Love! Reading! Love reading! Location - Cid's House (Kain), CD (Ceodore) ---------- Adamantite ========== Stats - --- Effect - A valuable, super-hard metal Location - ED (Adamantite Golem) --------- Grey Tail ========= Stats - ---- Effect - A grey tail... Location - ED (Grey Coeurl) --------- Blue Tail ========= Stats - ---- Effect - A blue tail... Location - ED (Blue Dragon) ---------- Green Tail ========== Stats - ---- Effect - A green tail... Location - ED (Green Dragon) -------- Red Tail ======== Stats - ---- Effect - A red tail... Location - ED (Red Dragon) ---------- Black Tail ========== Stats - ---- Effect - A black tail... Location - Troia (Underground Pub "Emperor") ----------- Purple Tail =========== Stats - ---- Effect - A purple tail... Location - ED (Behemoth) ---------- White Tail ========== Stats - ---- Effect - A white tail... Location - ED (White Dragon) ----------- Bronze Tail =========== Stats - ---- Effect - A bronze tail... Location - Various Secrets (Edward), ED ----------- Silver Tail =========== Stats - ---- Effect - A silver tail... Location - Various Secrets (Edward), ED --------- Gold Tail ========= Stats - ---- Effect - A white tail... Location - Tail Collector (Edward) ---------- Ebony Tail ========== Stats - ---- Effect - A ebony tail... Location - ED (Ebony Dragon) ------------ Rainbow Tail ============ Stats - ---- Effect - A rainbow tail... Location - --- ------------- Member's Writ ============= Stats - None Effect - Proof of membership to the King's Bounty Pub Location - Troia Pub (Palom) ------------- Member's Card ============= Stats - None Effect - Proof of membership to the Queen's Bounty Pub Location - King's Bounty Pub (Palom) -------- VIP Card ======== Stats - None Effect - Proof of membership to the The Emperor Location - Queen's Bounty Pub (Palom) ------- Bouquet ======= Stats - None Effect - A bouquet of flowers from Damcyan Castle Location - Damcyan Castle (Edward) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) - Band, Skill and Magic Lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.010) - Bands (BND1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout the game, you will discover many bands, through not only events but by your experimentation. However, just for convienance and sake of time, here is a list of all the Bands, by chapter where it can earliest obtained! ----Chapter 1: ---- - Vibra Edge (Biggs "Attack" + Wedge "Attack") (Attack all enemies) <10 MP> - Machine Break (Cecil "Attack" + Cid "Analyze) (Strong against machines) <7 MP> - Holy Blade (Cecil "Attack" + Rosa "White Magic") (Strong holy slice) <15 MP> - Cross Slash (The Hooded Man "Attack" + Ceodore "Attack") (Slice through a single enemy) <7 MP> - Cross Slash Prime (Ceodore "Attack" + Kain "Attack") (Slice through a single enemy together) <17 MP> - Divine Heal (Ceodore "White Magic" + Rosa "Blessing") (Restore party member's HP with the blessings of the moon) <28 MP> - Rocket Launcher (Ceodore "Attack" + Cid "Analyze" (Enchant weapons with fire to attack the enemy) <12 MP> - Saint Dive (Kain "Jump" + Rosa "White Magic") (Attack all enemies with divine wrath) <30 MP> - Aiming Trust (Kain "Jump" + Cid "Analyze") (Set your sights on one enemy and punch through it) <12 MP> - X Chaser (Cid "Analyze" + Rosa "Aim") (Critically strike a single enemy) <12 MP> ----Chapter 2: ---- Lighting Brain Buster (Rydia "Black Magic" + Luca "Analyze") (Send a head-bursting lightning-charged strike towards an enemy) <7 MP> Calca and Brina (Calca "Jive" + Brina "Dance") (Combine the power of Calca and Brina to cast a random spell) <10 MP> Go! Calcabrina! (Calca "Jive" + Brina "Dance" + Luca "Analyze") (Attack all enemies with fire and lightning) <10 MP> ----Chapter 3: ---- Five Star Crimson Palm (Ursula "Tenketsu" + Yang "Attack") (A powerful, calculated strike against a single enemy) <9 MP> Twin Wing Frenzy (Must select from list to activate) (Strike at a single enemy with a pincer attack) <6 MP> ----Chapter 4: ---- A Little Black Magic (Palom "Black Magic" + Leonora "Black Magic") (Practice some black magic) <10 MP> Particle Bomb (Deal massive non-elemental damage to a single enemy) <20 MP> ----Chapter 5: ---- Wild Moon (Edge "Attack" + Tsukinowa "Attack") (Attack all enemies) <12 MP> Frozen Moon Dance (Edge "Attack" + Izayoi "Ninjutsu") (Freeze then shatter a single enemy) <8 MP> Gale Twin Break (Edge "Ninjutsu" + Zangetsu "Human Kite") (An aerial attack against all enemies) <14 MP> Gale Rush (Zangetsu "Ninjutsu" + Tsukinowa "Ninjutsu") (Speed up time for all allies) <12 MP> Blazing Moon Ring (Edge "Ninjutsu" + Gekkou "Shuriken") (A flaming body slam against a single enemy) <7 MP> Phantom Lightflies (Gekkou "Ninjutsu" + Izayoi "Illusions") (Restore party HP and cure some status ailment, relative to the lost HP of band Members!) <9 MP> Elemental Wheel (Tsukinowa "Ninjutsu" + Izayoi "Ninjutstu" + Gekkou "Ninjutsu" + Zangetsu "Ninjutsu" ) (Attack all enemies with fire, ice and lightning) <15 MP> Ultimate Art: Advent of Phoenix (Edge "Smash and Grab" + Tsukinowa "Steal" + Izayoi "Illusions" + Zangetsu's "Human Kite" + Gekkou's "Shuriken") (Attack all enemies with fire) <20 MP> ---Chapter 6: --- Thunderstorm (Palom "Black Magic" + Rydia "Black Magic") (A magical ice and lightning attack that targets all enemies, but damages at random) <25 MP> ---Chapter 7: --- Feast of the Land (Harley "Gil Toss" + Edward "Bardsong") (Restore party HP and certain status ailments) <20 MP> ---Chapter 8: --- Double Black Magic (Golbez "Black Magic" + FuSoYa "Black Magic") ---Chapter 9: --- Twin Rush (Must select from list to activate) (Sword and fist strike at a single enemy) <12 MP> Thunder Wave (Rydia "Black Magic" + Ceodore "Fight") (Blows away all enemies with the power of lightning) <20 MP> Rapid Fire (Ceodore "Fight" + Palom "Black Magic" + (Rapidly attack a single enemy with fireballs) <20 MP> Delta Evolution (Ceodore "Fight" + Luca "Fight" + Ursula "Fight") (Strike a single enemy with the combined power of three) <15 MP> Makeshift Cannon (Ceodore "Fight" + Ursula "Fight" + Luca "Big Throw" + Palom "Black Magic" + Porom "White Magic") (Throw Ceodore and Ursula to cause damage on all enemies) Iron Flash (Cecil "Fight" + Rydia "Summon") (Cecil borrows the power of Odin to cut through all enemies) <40 MP> Final Fantasy (Cecil "Fight" + Rosa "Blessing" + Rydia "Summon" + Edge "Throw" + Kain "Jump") (An offense/defense mix combining the powers of all five fighters) <75 MP> Holy Ray (Rosa "White Magic" + Porom "White Magic") (Holy magical attack on all enemies) <50 MP> Holy Burst (Rosa "White Magic" + Rydia "Black Magic") (Holy magical attack on all enemies) <55 MP> Pure White Magic (Rosa "White Magic" + Porom "White Magic" + Leonora "White Magic") (Causes assorted magical effects by the focuses energy of three mages) <99 MP> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.020) - Skills (SKL1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Ceodore ======= ---------------------- Unique Skill: "Awaken" ---------------------- Awaken the power within! With horrible execution time and an only 3 turn lasting period, this definately isn't a very useful skill. Sure, it boosts your attributes for a bit, but it's only very useful on boss fights, and even then, there's better things you could be doing during the battle with someone who isn't quite the strongest character around, like casting spells such as "Protect", "Shell", "Haste" or "Slow". Although, there are one or two benefits to Ceodore's Awaken skill - it fully heals him once he activates it, and increases his stats all around, making it a good skill to use in conjunction with Bands. Of course, this too has a downside - once the Awakening skill ends, Ceodore is reduced to single digit health. Wow. And even though Awaken does heal you, if you were to find yourself in critical enough danger were you would want to use it, such as double digits or low triple digits, by the time it activates, you might already be dead. Or, (chances are) your better healer Rosa will already have had a chance of healing you. Why bother with this? Not utterly useless, but almost there. Rating: 3/10 ------------------------ Other Skill: White Magic ------------------------ As the child of the white mage Rosa, Ceodore is able to use the very useful White Magic, which can be quite useful in a chapter where you mostly fight alongside people with no magic at all. It's not as strong as Rosa, or even Cecil, but it can save you a potion or two. However, with the inexpensive Hi-Potions which make great healing items, the healing aspect of your magic will soon become obsolete. There are many other benefits though - Protect is good defense boosting spell, Libra is nice if you want to know basic enemy stats, Raise is always nice, Esuna is a "borderline too expensive" alternative to items, and Float is only useful against certain enemies. Blink offers nice evasion, Haste of course speeds things up, and Curaga makes Ceodore A decent healer. Up until you get to a certain point, Ceodore is a half decent healer, but certainly not one of the best. Rating: 7/10 Cure - Restore small amount of HP. Learn at : (Start with) <3 MP> Libra - Identify enemy HP and weak point. Learn at : (LVL 5) <1 MP> Protect - Create a magic curtain that raises defense. Learn at : (LVL 12) <9 MP> Raise - Cure KO. Learn at : (LVL 14) <8 MP> Cura - Restore moderate amount of HP. Learn at : (LVL 15) <9 MP> Esuna - Cure all ailments except KO. Learn at : (LVL 20) <20 MP> Float - Start floating in the air Learn at : (LVL 25) <8 MP> Shell - Create a magical curtain that raises magic defense. Learn at : (LVL 34) <10 MP> Blink - Create illusory doubles to trick foes. Learn at : (LVL 40) <8 MP> Reflect - Create a barrier that reflects magic Learn at : (LVL 45) <30 MP> Haste - Speed up the passage of time Learn at : (LVL 47) <25 MP> Curaga - Restore large amount of HP Learn at : (LVL 49) <18 MP> ---- Kain ==== -------------------------------- Unique Skill: "Jump" -------------------------------- As a Dragoon, Kain makes use of the Jump ability, which is a souped up version of his normal, but for a bit of extra time, you get an attack which is about twice as strong as his regular one, is more effective against flying enemies, and even though the time spent in the air is not as long as the original, which lowers the chances of avoiding attacks, but you still spend a fair amount of time in the air, and on the flip side, less time in the air means you attack faster. Overall, it's a great skill, able to kill most flying enemies in one attack, and does great damage on bosses. It's free, and although it's slower then a regular attack, that's the only downside. Highly recommended, especially since his other skill isn't as good. Rating: 10/10 ------------------------ Other Skill: White Magic ------------------------ Through a conversion similar to that of Cecil, Kain establishes himself as another user of the white magics, like almost everyone else in the game. However, Kain is at best the most mediocre healer, though he does have some useful spells. The most important are Teleport, which has an extra bonus because Kain is the fastest character, which is helpful when in a pinch. Esuna is nice, though costly, Haste is useful for speeding things up, Blink increases evasion, and Hold helps on stopping some enemies. Kain's healing, however, is nothing to brag about, and Kain doesn't have as much MP to use spells in the first place. Plus, his MP is better spent with Bands. Not bad, but not to useful either. You have other, more obvious choices for healers. Rating: 5/10 Cure - Restore small amount of HP. Learn at : (Start with) <3 MP> Cura - Restore moderate amount of HP. Learn at : (Start with) <9 MP> Esuna - Cure all ailments except KO. Learn at : (Start with) <20 MP> Haste - Speed up the passage of time Learn at : (Start with) <25 MP> Blink - Create illusory doubles to trick foes. Learn at : (Start with) <8 MP> Hold - Cause Paralyze. Learn at : (Start with) <5 MP> Teleport - Escape from a dungeon or from battle Learn at : (Start with) <10 MP> ---- Rosa ==== -------------------------------- Unique Skills: "Aim and Blessing" -------------------------------- First off, if you're surprised by the amount of spell skills Rosa has, it may disappoint you to know that while these skills are decent, they aren't anything super. Aim for instance, is merely Rosa's attack, with 100% accuracy. This ability is only available if you have a bow equipped, and of course, some arrows. Attack is slightly reduced for total accuracy, but it isn't much of a difference, considering Rosa isn't exactly a melee powerhouse. Anyways, there is no real point to this - missing with Rosa's normal attack is pretty slim, and since Rosa is the best healer and white magic user, she shouldn't be attacking physically anyways. This ability suffers from the greatest flaw possible - uselessness. Which, of course, is why it has a low score. A normal attack with a bow with Rosa is just fine - some arrows have certain properties that can help, but Aim adds nothing more to these. Rating 1/10 On the other hand, Blessing can be quite a useful skill. It's basically a free heal of both HP and MP, and the amount it heals seems to increase slightly as Rosa levels up, so as she gets stronger, so does it. It doesn't seem to heal more then 300 HP to all members or more then 30 MP to all, so it has some limited use. And of course, it heals more depending on how high the HP or MP is of the character. For instance, Blessing heals Rosa's MP the most. One of the most useful things about Blessing is the free MP heal - HP is easy to heal through potions, but MP is not done so easily. And with 20 MP per blessing, which seems quite common at the later levels, Rosa is good at keeping herself in shape. Blessing also seems to hit quite often - definately more then 50%, perhapos even around 80%. Really, it seems to be a decent skill to do if you find yourself having nothing else urgent to do at the moment with Rosa, and you want the chance to heal a bit. Heck, at the very least, it's a free Cure/Cura when it works, which seems to be often. Plus, an Ether to all members. Really great. Rating: 8/10 ------------------------ Other Skill: White Magic ------------------------ With a plethora of healing spells, including all of the other white mages magic plus some of her own, including the best healing spell, the ever useful Slow, and other useful spells such as Confuse and Dispel. And of course, she has the staples of any other healer - great healing spells (Raise, Curaja, Esuna) buffs (Haste, Blink, Protect, Reflect) and offensive (Hold, Slow, Confuse, Berserk) give Rosa a great selection. Some of them are costly, but Rosa has the highest amount of MP of any white, nearing 400 MP. The best healer, hands down. Rating: 10/10 Cure - Restore small amount of HP. Learn at : (Start with) <3 MP> Hold - Cause Paralyze. Learn at : (Start with) <5 MP> Slow - Slow down the passage of time. Learn at : (Start with) <14 MP> Libra - Identify enemy HP and weak point. Learn at : (Start with) <1 MP> Sight - View the mini-map. Learn at : (Start with) <2 MP> Raise - Cure KO. Learn at : (Start with) <8 MP> Protect - Create a magic curtain that raises defense. Learn at : (Start with) <9 MP> Cura - Restore moderate amount of HP. Learn at : (Start with) <9 MP> Silence - Cause Silence Learn at : (Start with) <6 MP> Esuna - Cure all ailments except KO. Learn at : (Start with) <20 MP> Shell - Create a magical curtain that raises magic defense. Learn at : (Start with) <10 MP> Blink - Create illusory doubles to trick foes. Learn at : (Start with) <8 MP> Confuse - Cause Confuse Learn at : (Start with) <10 MP> Teleport - Escape from a dungeon or from battle Learn at : (Start with) <10 MP> Berserk - Cause Berserk Learn at : (Start with) <18 MP> Curaga - Restore large amount of HP Learn at : (Start with) <18 MP> Mini - Cause or reverse Mini Learn at : (Start with) <6 MP> Dispel - Remove black magic spell effects Learn at : (LVL 33) <12 MP> Haste - Speed up the passage of time Learn at : (LVL 36) <25 MP> Float - Start floating in the air Learn at : (LVL 38) <8 MP> Reflect - Create a barrier that reflects magic Learn at : (LVL 40) <30 MP> Curaga - Restore very large amount of HP Learn at : (LVL 45) <40 MP> --- Cid === --------------------------- Unique Skill: "Risk Strike" --------------------------- Risk Strike is another rather lame special move - it is an attack that hits for twice as much, but doesn't have a very good chance of success. Unlike Blessing, this definately is around 50%, maybe even lower. Sufficed to say, there isn't much to this special attack - considering the similar execution wait time to most other special moves, there is no reason to try to increase your attack by 2.0, AND only have a 50% chance of hitting, when you can attack without any down time. Especially considering how slow Cid is. Do you really want to slow down the slowest character even more? I doubt it. Maybe under the Special Attack UP Moon Phase it has some extra use, but it still isn't much better. Jump is far better. Rating: 3/10 ---------------------- Other Skill: "Analyze" ---------------------- There's not much to say about Analyze; it's a free Libra, but that isn't saying much, considering Libra isn't a very expensive, MP or Gil-wise. I'm not going to mince words on this - don't bother with it, unless you desperately need to scan something, and somehow find yourself without even a single point of MP, which is even more unlikely with the power of Blessing. Plus, Cid is slow, and most of the time does the best physical damage, so why would you want to waste the one turn he gets when anyone else could have already scanned the enemy and perhaps even have killed it? Rating: 1/10 ----- Rydia ===== ---------------------- Unique Skill: "Summon" ---------------------- As any Final Fantasy game, the world is inhabited by reclusive, all powerful deities, whose power can be harnessed and wielded by a summoner. As one such summoner, Rydia has access to some of the most powerful and varied summons in the game. Some can be obtained through enemy drops, and are cost-efficient and sub-par in power at best. Eventually, you gain the use of much more powerful, MP-eating summons. Armed with the a plethora of magic, Rydia has no trouble giving up the MP, and in return, the summons like Bahamut make short work of anything. They also come in the form of various elements, and have various other effects and attributes. Overall, while some are costly, there's always a bit cheaper (albeit a bit less powerful) that you can use, to complement the battle. Great skill. Rating: 8/10 -------------------------- Other Skill: "Black Magic" ========================== Wielding not only the power of the Eidolons, Rydia has also mastered the elements in the forms of spells, which also consist of different effects and attributes. In comparison to her summons, they are the less flashy, slightly weaker magical counterparts of their summons. The MP cost is also lower however, and makes them great as a alternative to summoning if your MP is just slightly too low, and you don't have any means by which to restore MP. They also have a shorter down-time in comparison to the summons, which make them handy in a sticky situation. But by the time you find yourself having mastered all of the most powerful spells, you will find summons attracting your attention much more, and black magic will take a bit of a back seat, especially with the situations you will find yourself in, where summons are much more useful. Still, they are always handy, and great when you need to take out a group of enemies. Rating: 7/10 ---- Luca ==== ------------------------- Unique Skill: "Big Throw" ------------------------- Though very similar to Cid's "Risk Strike", Big Throw has one crucial difference - it seems slightly weaker then Cid's "Risk Strike, but in exchange, it has much better accuracy, and hits any enemy, regardless of row, for the same amount of damage. And of course, it's faster then risk strike. It's not a huge improvement over simply attacking normally, but it becomes a slightly better option under the correct moon phase, and if there's some reason you need to hit something in the back, the down-time for the skill definitely makes up for the half-damage you would suffer from attacking normally. Finally, another good use for it would be if the moon phase was actually lowering your regular attack strength. Great skill. Rating: 8/10 ---------------------- Other Skill: "Analyze" ---------------------- Pretty much the same as Cid, though admittedly, since no one in your party has Libra, it has slightly some more use. But in this has it's downside because since Luca has a better version of Risk Strike then Cid, she generally always has something to do. Still, if you're too cheap for those Bestiary's, this comes in slightly more useful then Cid's version, only because it spends more time in a chapter with no Libra. In the end chapter, it doesn't matter. Rating: 1.5/10 ---- Yang ==== ---------------------------------------------- Unique Skills: "Focus, Kick and Cover Counter" ---------------------------------------------- Focus, in my opinon, has become a much better move than in the original game. Unlike the past version, you no longer spend a turn charging, then attack with whatever force you wish (which is just attack, kick, or focus more). Now, the focus itself is a delayed attack - sacrificing a bit of time, Yang will attack with roughy 2x the power, never missing to my best knowledge. Totally free, and only sacrificing a bit of charge time, this move is one of my favourites. It's a much better version of Risk Strike, not only because it hits all the time, but because it seems to charge slightly faster as well. Let's look at two ways to use up three turns: attack three times, over three turns. Or, you could Focus attack, and then attack. And since Focus is double the normal power attack, you lose nothing, yet the extra power boost could prevent an enemy from attacking you, since the attack happens slightly before your second turn if you were just attacking normally. In conclusion, there isn't too much to gain, but there is nothing to lose as well. It's pretty fun, and useful for enemies who counterattack if you don't go enough damage. Rating: 8/10 Kick - what can I say about this? With lightning speed, Yang flies across the screen, kicking through everything as he goes. Of course, we have to charge this ability up (about as much as Focus) and the attack strength is divided by a certain factor, since it doesn't take your normal damage and simply divide it by the number of enemies. Therefore, the more enemies there are, the more useful it is. Kicking one enemy is useless with the reduction -kicking seven is much better. Kick can be a very useful move - it gains decent power as you go along, able to do around 200 at Yang's Cap, but the main problem is that as you go along, enemy health tends to increase faster than your output. Don't get me wrong - there are many instances, especially in Yang's chapter, where you can wipe out seven guys at once - but with more powerful foes, you shouldn't bother with this. Definately not a bad move, but very situational, and unless we start seeing more groups of 7 enemies, the rating won't be that high. Extremely useful in numbers, meaningless otherwise. Rating: 6/10 Now, one of my favourite abilities to be brought to the FFIV table - Cover Counter. Ooh, baby. Take Cecil's Cover, make it BETTER, and you got yourself a winner. What can I say about this move? It's an instant cast Cover, just like Cecil's, that you place on anyone (but yourself, of course) and if the person you are protecting gets attacked, you jump in to take the damage. The extra treat here is that you COUNTERATTACK. Yes, Cover just got better. No damage reduction, no silly restrictions - you damage the foe as if it had been your own turn attacking. Sufficed to say, this skill is awesome. Not only do you protect something, but with Yang's power, you can deal a crippling, if not fatal blow, to the enemy. If with large numbers of enemies, (where Cover Counter is most useful), you get lucky and everyone attacks your Covered ally, you'll attack each enemy once, and STILL get your turn. Ah, so sweet. Seriously, this is key in Boss Battle, large encounters, and just for plain fun. Awesome, awesome, skill. Rating: 10/10 ------ Ursula ====== ------------------------------------------ Unique Skills: "Kick, Tenketsu and Chakra" ------------------------------------------ Kick - it's all been said. Check above. Rating: 6/10 Now let's get down to something neat - Tenketsu. It's a neat skill which has three levels - Level 1, which is just a normal hit, which of course is okay, but not worth it for the time sacrificied. Level 2 is a moderately powerful hit, symbolized by the message "Weak Point Struck!". It does about 1.5 the regular damage, and has a rare chance of inflicting instant KO. Finally, Level 3 is the most powerful hit, symbolized by the message "Weak Elemental Struck!". It does about 2.0 the regular damage, can only be done on enemies with elemental weaknesses, and also has a rare chance of inflicting instant death on an enemy. It's a pretty good skill, because it always offers you at least the regular damage, with a chance of doing extra damage, especially on enemies with elemental weaknesses. Obvious disadvantages is the random nature of this move, but it does have potential. Plus, Level 2 is available on all enemies, but Level 3 isn't. Decent skill. Rating: 7/10 A free healing move, Chakra is very nice. Capped out at LVL 40, it heals 600-ish health without the New Moon Phase. So, that makes it at least a free Hi-Potion. It's got some loading time, but it's faster then Blessing, and only slightly slower then moves such as Cura. The biggest plus is that it's free, but it doesn't beat an instant cast potion in a tight spot. No reason to deduct much from the rating though - a free heal is to be respected, especially in Yang's Chapter. I won't rant on further, cause there isn't much to say. Really good skill. Rating: 9/10 ---- Edge ==== ----------------------------------------- Unique Skills: "Throw and Smash and Grab" ----------------------------------------- As a Ninja, Edge has all the mandatory skills - He can throw stuff, use "magic" and steal things in a mug-like fashion. First, let's look at "Throw." Unlike Gekkou's Shuriken, you can throw not only Shurikens, but also items. This, while giving you extra options, isn't too much of an expansion - things other then Shurikens don't seem to do much damage, unless they are rare - and why would you want to throw rare items? However, there is nothing worse about this move in comparison to Shuriken, and who knows? Perhaps there is some item out there. And of course, just like Shuriken, it doesn't trigger counter-attacks. Great skill! Rating: 9/10 Next, Smash and Grab, which is kind of like a double-edged sword - you can attack someone, doing damage and sometimes stealing items. It doesn't seem to be better at stealing items then Tsukniowa's Steal, and it doesn't seem to be worse. The double-edged part is how you damage the enemy - you can eventually kill the enemy, before you steal from it - and if you really want the steal, you don't want to kill the enemy. On the other hand, there is no counterattack if you get noticed, and since it does damage, it's nice to simply finish off an enemy, and try your luck. Afterall, if you want to finish a battle quick, but you can try your luck a bit, there's no reason not too. Rating: 8/10 --------------------- Other Skill: Ninjustu --------------------- Just like everyone else, Edge has a plethora of Ninja Skills - they comprise of all the basic skills of each Ninja, and no skills that no one else has. Despite the fact that Edge has no unique Ninja abilities, he can do something of every element, can heal, and can use smoke, which is like an instant-flee. Having a giant selection is great - you're ready to take on any enemy with an elemental weakness. He suffers no drawbacks, such as weaker Ninjutsu - he's just as good, perhaps even stronger. Obviously, the best out of Ninjutsu, despite the fact that he doesn't have the most powerful move of any Ninja so far. Another great skill. Rating: 7/10 --------- Tsukniowa ========= ---------------------- Unique Skills: "Steal" ---------------------- Opposite of Edge's "Smash and Grab" stands "Steal", another look at stealing. It does no damage, and you can sometimes get counterattacked (though for minor damage), so it has it's up's and downs. Since it doesn't damage, all you have to worry is about keeping Tsukinowa alive - you can steal till the cows come home. There's not much else to say - it seems to have the same success rate as Edge's, so it's not worse then it. Really, pick which one fits your style better. Rating: 8/10 ----------------------- Other Skill: "Ninjutsu" ----------------------- Tsukinowa has some decent moves - he has Heal Pill, Restore Weed (kind of like esuna) and Smoke, which helps you get through battles quickly. The healing abilities are useful, since Tsukinowa is the fastest, so he can do it right away. Not much to say - there aren't too many abilities to choose from, so we'll see what else he gets. For now, it's sub-par. Rating: 6/10 ------ Izayoi ====== ----------------------- Unique Skill: Illusions ----------------------- Personally, I don't really like this abilitiy - an entire skill which is summarized by a single spell - Confuse. With worse accuracy of course. I mean, it works from time to time, but it is also relatively slow compared to Confuse itself. Finally, if you're lucky, you can find Angel Arrows, which sometimes confused, is damage, and it is an instant attack. Not really worth it, even if you don't have Angel Arrows. Rating: 4/10 --------------------- Other Skill: Ninjutsu --------------------- On the other hand, I like this ability much more. Flood isn't much to brag about, but Heal Pill, and especially Heal Salve, is quite nice. They heal a lot, and although they have high MP costs (21 for Salve), it pretty much heals one person to full HP. The one disadvantage - she has no healing skills that heals all party members. Smelling Salts is a Phoenix Down, so it's useful if you find yourself with no Phoenix Downs. Finally, Stealth Kill is a neat move which, despite a high MP cost, kills enemies in one hit, quite often. Some neat skills here. They cost quite a bit, but with Izayoi's fairly high MP, she probably won't be using all her MP at once on the battefield. Rating: 8/10 -------- Zangetsu ======== ------------------------ Unique Skill: Human Kite ------------------------ This is exactly like Jump - it has full power from the back row, double damage, a bit of time spent in the air, and is a bit slow - but the major problem with this ability is not the skill itself, but the character who wields it - Zangetsu is slow as heck, and not even that strong. Not weak, but no Kain. There's not much else to say - it's a Jump clone. Unless Zangetsu gets some killer level-ups, or if you manage to boost his speed with lots of speed boosting equipment (and probably some power equipment), this will never match Jump. A lot of unrealized potential. Rating: 6/10 --------------------- Other Skill: Ninjutsu --------------------- Unfortunately, at this point, Zangetsu has the fewest amount of skills - Shock is pretty strong, and Flash is useless. Shadowbind is a neat skill - it's pretty cheap, and has a decent chance of paralyzing a foe. It can be very useful, but it is pretty much the only good skill. Except for Shock and Shadowbind, this Ninjutsu has the lowest selection and usefullness. Hopefully, more skills will come. But for now, stick to Shadowbind. Rating: 3/10 ------ Gekkou ====== ----------------------- Unique Skill: Shuriken ----------------------- I love this skill! You can only throw Shurikens and variations of it (like Cross Shurikens) for quite a bit of power, and no counterattacks - This was already covered in Edge's a bit, but to summarize - you lose the selection of things to throw, but since Gekkou has a stronger STr stat, the basic Shurikens do a bit more damage. No counter is the main bonus of this skill, and makes it really nice. Recommended. Rating: 8/10 --------------------- Other Skill: Ninjutsu --------------------- Just as much selection as Zangetsu - Flame is okay, but like most elemental moves, it's only good against enemies weak to fire. Flash is useless, and Payback Wave can be very powerful, but since it does more damage the weaker you are, it's a bit of a risky attack. You can always try to have a healer waiting to heal, but it can be hard to control enemies so that you get low on health, but won't die. Gekkou does have high HP, though, so you do have a greater window. One neat thing though - if you can revive Gekkou after death, and he survives to his turn, it's the perfect time to use this move. Risky there though, as well - you could die pretty quickly. In the end, it's a situational move. Overall, Gekkou's Ninjutsu isn't that great. Rating: 5/10 ----- Palom ===== --------------------- Unique Skill: "Bluff" ===================== Bluff is an ability that looks better on paper than it is in practice. When used it raises Palom's INT and potentially lowers enemy stats. It can be stacked up to 3 times. It is an instant use ability with no charge time. While this sounds great on paper, in practice it usually isn't enough of an increase to justify using Bluff instead of using a spell straight up. The lowering of enemy stats seems to happen so rarely ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5.030) - Stats (STS1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See how all of your favourite characters stack up to one another! Each EXP amount tells you how much experience it is neccesary to procure in order to reach that level. For instance Ceodore needs 691,427 EXP to reach LVL 50. That's not even enough EXP for a LVL 47 Cid! ------- Ceodore ======= Level 1 - STR 6, SPD 6, STM 5, INT 2, SPT 7 EXP : ------ Level 2 - STR 7, SPD 6, STM 5, INT 3, SPT 7 EXP : 28 Level 3 - STR 7, SPD 7, STM 6, INT 3, SPT 7 EXP : 71 Level 4 - STR 8, SPD 8, STM 6, INT 3, SPT 8 EXP : 136 Level 5 - STR 8, SPD 8, STM 6, INT 4, SPT 9 EXP : 233 Level 6 - STR 8, SPD 9, STM 6, INT 4, SPT 9 EXP : 364 Level 7 - STR 9, SPD 9, STM 7, INT 4, SPT 10 EXP : 552 Level 8 - STR 9, SPD 10, STM 8, INT 4, SPT 10 EXP : 818 Level 9 - STR 9, SPD 11, STM 8, INT 4, SPT 10 EXP : 1,197 Level 10 - STR 10, SPD 11, STM 8, INT 4, SPT 11 EXP : 1,694 Level 11 - STR 10, SPD 12, STM 9, INT 5, SPT 11 EXP : 2,346 Level 12 - STR 11, SPD 12, STM 10, INT 5, SPT 11 EXP : 3,190 Level 13 - STR 12, SPD 13, STM 10, INT 5, SPT 12 EXP : 4,247 Level 14 - STR 12, SPD 13, STM 10, INT 5, SPT 13 EXP : 5,531 Level 15 - STR 12, SPD 13, STM 11, INT 6, SPT 14 EXP : 7,176 Level 16 - STR 13, SPD 14, STM 11, INT 6, SPT 15 EXP : 8,932 Level 17 - STR 13, SPD 14, STM 12, INT 6, SPT 15 EXP : 11,138 Level 18 - STR 14, SPD 15, STM 13, INT 7, SPT 16 EXP : 13,738 Level 19 - STR 14, SPD 16, STM 13, INT 7, SPT 16 EXP : 16,776 Level 20 - STR 15, SPD 16, STM 13, INT 7, SPT 16 EXP : 20,300 Level 21 - STR 15, SPD 17, STM 14, INT 8, SPT 17 EXP : 24,360 Level 22 - STR 16, SPD 17, STM 15, INT 8, SPT 18 EXP : 29,010 Level 23 - STR 17, SPD 18, STM 15, INT 8, SPT 18 EXP : 34,303 Level 24 - STR 17, SPD 18, STM 16, INT 9, SPT 19 EXP : 40,299 Level 25 - STR 18, SPD 19, STM 17, INT 9, SPT 20 EXP : 47,057 Level 26 - STR 18, SPD 19, STM 17, INT 10, SPT 21 EXP : 54,640 Level 27 - STR 19, SPD 20, STM 18, INT 10, SPT 22 EXP : 63,113 Level 28 - STR 20, SPD 21, STM 19, INT 11, SPT 22 EXP : 72,545 Level 29 - STR 21, SPD 22, STM 19, INT 11, SPT 23 EXP : 83,004 Level 30 - STR 21, SPD 23, STM 20, INT 12, SPT 23 EXP : 94,565 Level 31 - STR 22, SPD 23, STM 21, INT 12, SPT 23 EXP : 107,302 Level 32 - STR 23, SPD 24, STM 21, INT 12, SPT 24 EXP : 121,293 Level 33 - STR 23, SPD 24, STM 22, INT 13, SPT 26 EXP : 136,619 Level 34 - STR 24, SPD 25, STM 23, INT 13, SPT 26 EXP : 153,361 Level 35 - STR 26, SPD 25, STM 23, INT 14, SPT 27 EXP : 171,607 Level 36 - STR 27, SPD 26, STM 24, INT 15, SPT 28 EXP : 191,443 Level 37 - STR 28, SPD 27, STM 25, INT 15, SPT 29 EXP : 212,960 Level 38 - STR 29, SPD 27, STM 26, INT 16, SPT 29 EXP : 236,251 Level 39 - STR 30, SPD 28, STM 27, INT 16, SPT 30 EXP : 261,410 Level 40 - STR 31, SPD 29, STM 28, INT 17, SPT 31 EXP : 288,537 Level 41 - STR 33, SPD 30, STM 29, INT 17, SPT 31 EXP : 317,731 Level 42 - STR 35, SPD 31, STM 30, INT 18, SPT 32 EXP : 349,095 Level 43 - STR 36, SPD 32, STM 31, INT 18, SPT 33 EXP : 382,736 Level 44 - STR 38, SPD 32, STM 32, INT 19, SPT 33 EXP : 418,759 Level 45 - STR 40, SPD 33, STM 33, INT 19, SPT 34 EXP : 457,277 Level 46 - STR 41, SPD 34, STM 34, INT 20, SPT 35 EXP : 498,431 Level 47 - STR 42, SPD 35, STM 35, INT 20, SPT 36 EXP : 542,263 Level 48 - STR 44, SPD 36, STM 36, INT 21, SPT 36 EXP : 588,992 Level 49 - STR 46, SPD 37, STM 37, INT 21, SPT 37 EXP : 638,704 Level 50 - STR 48, SPD 38, STM 38, INT 20, SPT 38 EXP : 691,427 Level 51 - EXP : ---- Kain ==== Level 36 - STR 42, SPD 28, STM 35, INT 23, SPT 29 EXP : ------- Level 37 - STR 43, SPD 29, STM 36, INT 23, SPT 30 EXP : 236,386 Level 38 - STR 44, SPD 30, STM 36, INT 24, SPT 30 EXP : 262,239 Level 39 - STR 45, SPD 31, STM 37, INT 24, SPT 31 EXP : 290,165 Level 40 - STR 46, SPD 32, STM 38, INT 25, SPT 32 EXP : 320,276 Level 41 - STR 47, SPD 32, STM 39, INT 25, SPT 32 EXP : 352,681 Level 42 - STR 48, SPD 33, STM 40, INT 25, SPT 33 EXP : 387,495 Level 43 - STR 49, SPD 34, STM 41, INT 26, SPT 34 EXP : 424,837 Level 44 - STR 50, SPD 35, STM 42, INT 26, SPT 34 EXP : 464,822 Level 45 - STR 51, SPD 36, STM 43, INT 27, SPT 35 EXP : 507,577 Level 46 - STR 52, SPD 37, STM 44, INT 27, SPT 35 EXP : 553,163 Level 47 - STR 53, SPD 38, STM 45, INT 28, SPT 36 EXP : 601,650 Level 48 - STR 54, SPD 39, STM 46, INT 28, SPT 36 EXP : 653,150 Level 49 - STR 55, SPD 40, STM 47, INT 28, SPT 37 EXP : 707,800 Level 50 - STR 57, SPD 40, STM 47, INT 28, SPT 37 EXP : 765,780 Level 51 - STR 58, SPD 41, STM 48, INT 28, SPT 37 EXP : 827,181 Level 52 - STR 59, SPD 41, STM 49, INT 29, SPT 38 EXP : 893,126 Level 53 - STR 60, SPD 42, STM 50, INT 29, SPT 38 EXP : 963,885 Level 54 - STR 61, SPD 42, STM 51, INT 29, SPT 38 EXP : 1,039,734 Level 55 - STR 62, SPD 43, STM 51, INT 29, SPT 39 EXP : 1,120,958 Level 56 - STR 63, SPD 43, STM 52, INT 29, SPT 39 EXP : 1,207,851 Level 57 - STR 64, SPD 44, STM 53, INT 29, SPT 39 EXP : 1,300,715 Level 58 - STR 65, SPD 44, STM 54, INT 30, SPT 40 EXP : 1,399,862 Level 59 - STR 66, SPD 45, STM 55, INT 30, SPT 40 EXP : 1,505,613 Level 60 - STR 67, SPD 45, STM 56, INT 30, SPT 40 EXP : 1,618,296 Level 61 - STR 68, SPD 46, STM 57, INT 30, SPT 40 EXP : 1,738,249 Level 62 - STR 70, SPD 47, STM 58, INT 30, SPT 41 EXP : 1,865,819 Level 63 - STR 70, SPD 47, STM 58, INT 30, SPT 41 EXP : ?,???,??? Level 64 - STR 71, SPD 47, STM 59, INT 31, SPT 41 EXP : 2,145,241 Level 65 - STR , SPD , STM , INT , SPT EXP : 2,297,830 ---- Rosa ==== Level 38 - STR 29, SPD 21, STA 23, INT 15, SPT 45 EXP : ------- Level 39 - STR 29, SPD 22, STA 24, INT 16, SPT 46 EXP : 331,945 Level 40 - STR 30, SPD 23, STA 24, INT 16, SPT 48 EXP : 367,250 Level 41 - STR 30, SPD 23, STA 25, INT 16, SPT 49 EXP : 405,570 Level 42 - STR 31, SPD 24, STA 26, INT 16, SPT 50 EXP : 447,138 Level 43 - STR 31, SPD 24, STA 26, INT 16, SPT 51 EXP : 492,207 Level 44 - STR 32, SPD 25, STA 27, INT 17, SPT 52 EXP : 541,052 Level 45 - STR 32, SPD 25, STA 27, INT 17, SPT 53 EXP : 593,970 Level 46 - STR 33, SPD 26, STA 28, INT 17, SPT 54 EXP : 651,280 Level 47 - STR 34, SPD 26, STA 29, INT 17, SPT 55 EXP : 713,325 Level 48 - STR 34, SPD 27, STA 29, INT 17, SPT 56 EXP : 780,473 Level 49 - STR 35, SPD 27, STA 30, INT 18, SPT 57 EXP : 853,109 Level 50 - STR 36, SPD 28, STM 30, INT 18, SPT 58 EXP : 931,638 Level 51 - STR 37, SPD 28, STM 31, INT 19, SPT 59 EXP : 1,011,138 Level 52 - STR 37, SPD 29, STM 32, INT 19, SPT 60 EXP : 1,091,789 Level 53 - STR 38, SPD 29, STM 32, INT 20, SPT 61 EXP : 1,174,442 Level 54 - STR 39, SPD 29, STM 33, INT 20, SPT 62 EXP : 1,259,136 Level 55 - STR 40, SPD 30, STM 33, INT 21, SPT 63 EXP : 1,345,913 Level 56 - STR 40, SPD 30, STM 34, INT 21, SPT 64 EXP : 1,434,816 Level 57 - STR 41, SPD 30, STM 35, INT 22, SPT 64 EXP : 1,525,889 Level 58 - STR 42, SPD 31, STM 35, INT 22, SPT 65 EXP : 1,619,177 Level 59 - STR 43, SPD 31, STM 36, INT 23, SPT 65 EXP : 1,714,726 Level 60 - STR 44, SPD 31, STM 36, INT 23, SPT 66 EXP : 1,812,583 Level 61 - STR 44, SPD 32, STM 37, INT 24, SPT 66 EXP : 1,912,796 Level 62 - STR 45, SPD 32, STM 38, INT 24, SPT 67 EXP : 2,015,414 Level 63 - STR 45, SPD 32, STM 38, INT 25, SPT 67 EXP : 2,120,487 Level 64 - STR 46, SPD 33, STM 39, INT 25, SPT 68 EXP : 2,228,066 Level 65 - STR 46, SPD 33, STM 39, INT 26, SPT 68 EXP : 2,338,203 Level 66 - STR 46, SPD 33, STM 40, INT 26, SPT 69 EXP : 2,450,951 Level 67 - STR 47, SPD 34, STM 41, INT 27, SPT 69 EXP : 2,566,364 Level 68 - STR 47, SPD 34, STM 41, INT 27, SPT 70 EXP : 2,684,497 Level 69 - STR 47, SPD 34, STM 42, INT 27, SPT 70 EXP : 2,805,406 Level 70 - STR 48, SPD 34, STM 42, INT 28, SPT 71 EXP : 2,929,148 Level 71 - STR 49, SPD 34, STM 42, INT 28, SPT 71 EXP : 3,113,798 Level 72 - STR 49, SPD 34, STM 42, INT 29, SPT 71 EXP : 3,298,448 Level 73 - EXP : 3,483,098 --- Cid === Level 39 - STR 45, SPD 16, STA 43, INT 8, SPT 8 EXP : ------- Level 40 - STR 47, SPD 16, STA 44, INT 9, SPT 8 EXP : 370,849 Level 41 - STR 49, SPD 17, STA 45, INT 9, SPT 8 EXP : 409,545 Level 42 - STR 51, SPD 17, STA 46, INT 9, SPT 8 EXP : 451,520 Level 43 - STR 53, SPD 18, STA 46, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : 497,031 Level 44 - STR 55, SPD 18, STA 47, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : 546,354 Level 45 - STR 57, SPD 19, STA 48, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : 599,791 Level 46 - STR 59, SPD 19, STA 49, INT 11, SPT 9 EXP : 657,663 Level 47 - STR 60, SPD 20, STA 49, INT 11, SPT 10 EXP : 720,316 Level 48 - STR 61, SPD 20, STA 50, INT 11, SPT 10 EXP : 788,122 Level 49 - STR 63, SPD 21, STA 51, INT 12, SPT 10 EXP : 861,109 Level 50 - STR 65, SPD 21, STA 52, INT 12, SPT 10 EXP : 939,638 ----- Rydia ===== Level 15 - STR 8, SPD 11, STM 7, INT 19, SPT 14 EXP : ------ Level 16 - STR 9, SPD 11, STM 8, INT 19, SPT 15 EXP : 9,521 Level 17 - STR 9, SPD 11, STM 8, INT 20, SPT 15 EXP : 11,872 Level 18 - STR 10, SPD 12, STM 9, INT 21, SPT 16 EXP : 14,644 Level 19 - STR 10, SPD 12, STM 9, INT 22, SPT 17 EXP : 17,882 Level 20 - STR 11, SPD 13, STM 10, INT 23, SPT 18 EXP : 21,638 Level 21 - STR 11, SPD 13, STM 10, INT 23, SPT 19 EXP : 25,966 Level 22 - STR 12, SPD 13, STM 11, INT 24, SPT 20 EXP : 30,923 Level 23 - STR 13, SPD 14, STM 11, INT 25, SPT 21 EXP : 36,565 Level 24 - STR 13, SPD 14, STM 12, INT 26, SPT 22 EXP : 42,956 Level 25 - STR 14, SPD 15, STM 12, INT 27, SPT 23 EXP : 50,160 Level 26 - STR 14, SPD 15, STM 13, INT 27, SPT 24 EXP : 58,243 Level 27 - STR 15, SPD 15, STM 13, INT 28, SPT 24 EXP : 67,274 Level 28 - STR 15, SPD 16, STM 14, INT 29, SPT 25 EXP : 77,328 Level 29 - STR 16, SPD 16, STM 14, INT 30, SPT 26 EXP : 88,477 Level 30 - STR 16, SPD 17, STM 15, INT 31, SPT 27 EXP : 100,800 Level 31 - STR 17, SPD 17, STM 15, INT 31, SPT 28 EXP : 114,377 Level 32 - STR 17, SPD 17, STM 16, INT 32, SPT 29 EXP : 129,290 Level 33 - STR 18, SPD 18, STM 16, INT 33, SPT 30 EXP : 145,627 Level 34 - STR 18, SPD 18, STM 17, INT 34, SPT 31 EXP : 163,473 Level 35 - STR 19, SPD 19, STM 17, INT 35, SPT 32 EXP : 182,922 Level 36 - STR 19, SPD 19, STM 18, INT 35, SPT 33 EXP : 204,065 Level 37 - STR 20, SPD 19, STM 18, INT 36, SPT 33 EXP : 227,001 Level 38 - STR 20, SPD 20, STM 19, INT 37, SPT 34 EXP : 251,828 Level 39 - STR 21, SPD 20, STM 19, INT 38, SPT 35 EXP : 278,646 Level 40 - STR 21, SPD 21, STM 20, INT 39, SPT 36 EXP : 307,561 Level 41 - STR 21, SPD 21, STM 20, INT 41, SPT 36 EXP : 338,680 Level 42 - STR 22, SPD 21, STM 20, INT 42, SPT 37 EXP : 372,112 Level 43 - STR 22, SPD 22, STM 21, INT 43, SPT 37 EXP : 407,971 Level 44 - STR 22, SPD 22, STM 21, INT 44, SPT 37 EXP : 446,369 Level 45 - STR 22, SPD 22, STM 21, INT 46, SPT 38 EXP : 487,427 Level 46 - STR 23, SPD 23, STM 22, INT 48, SPT 38 EXP : 531,276 Level 47 - STR 23, SPD 23, STM 22, INT 49, SPT 38 EXP : 578,057 Level 48 - STR 23, SPD 23, STM 22, INT 51, SPT 39 EXP : 627,922 Level 49 - STR 24, SPD 24, STM 23, INT 52, SPT 39 EXP : 681,036 Level 50 - STR 24, SPD 24, STM 23, INT 53, SPT 40 EXP : 737,577 Level 51 - STR 25, SPD 25, STM 24, INT 54, SPT 40 EXP : 797,763 Level 52 - STR 26, SPD 25, STM 24, INT 54, SPT 41 EXP : 861,659 Level 53 - STR 26, SPD 25, STM 25, INT 55, SPT 42 EXP : 949,443 Level 54 - STR 27, SPD 25, STM 25, INT 55, SPT 43 EXP : 1,001,300 Level 55 - STR 27, SPD 26, STM 26, INT 56, SPT 43 EXP : 1,077,421 Level 56 - STR 28, SPD 26, STM 26, INT 56, SPT 44 EXP : 1,158,008 Level 57 - STR 29, SPD 26, STM 27, INT 57, SPT 45 EXP : 1,243,266 Level 58 - STR 29, SPD 27, STM 27, INT 58, SPT 45 EXP : 1,333,409 Level 59 - STR 30, SPD 27, STM 28, INT 58, SPT 46 EXP : 1,428,660 Level 60 - STR 30, SPD 27, STM 28, INT 59, SPT 47 EXP : 1,529,247 Level 61 - STR 31, SPD 28, STM 29, INT 59, SPT 47 EXP : 1,635,406 ---- Luca ==== Level 10 - STR 15, SPD 8, STM 16, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : ------ Level 11 - STR 16, SPD 8, STM 16, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 2,416 Level 12 - STR 16, SPD 9, STM 17, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 3,286 Level 13 - STR 17, SPD 10, STM 18, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 4,374 Level 14 - STR 18, SPD 10, STM 18, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 5,697 Level 15 - STR 19, SPD 11, STM 19, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 7,288 Level 16 - STR 19, SPD 11, STM 20, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 9,200 Level 17 - STR 20, SPD 11, STM 20, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 11,472 Level 18 - STR 21, SPD 12, STM 21, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 14,150 Level 19 - STR 21, SPD 13, STM 22, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 17,279 Level 20 - STR 22, SPD 13, STM 23, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 20,909 Level 21 - STR 23, SPD 13, STM 24, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 25,091 Level 22 - STR 24, SPD 14, STM 25, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 29,880 Level 23 - STR 25, SPD 14, STM 26, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 35,332 Level 24 - STR 26, SPD 14, STM 27, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 41,598 Level 25 - STR 28, SPD 15, STM 28, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 48,469 Level 26 - STR 29, SPD 15, STM 29, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 56,279 Level 27 - STR 30, SPD 16, STM 30, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 65,006 Level 28 - STR 31, SPD 16, STM 31, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 76,721 Level 29 - STR 32, SPD 16, STM 32, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 85,494 Level 30 - STR 34, SPD 17, STM 33, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 97,402 Level 31 - STR 35, SPD 17, STM 34, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 110,521 Level 32 - STR 37, SPD 18, STM 35, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 124,932 Level 33 - STR 38, SPD 18, STM 36, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 140,718 Level 34 - STR 39, SPD 19, STM 38, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 157,962 Level 35 - STR 40, SPD 20, STM 39, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 176,755 Level 36 - STR 42, SPD 20, STM 40, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 197,186 Level 37 - STR 44, SPD 21, STM 41, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 219,349 Level 38 - STR 45, SPD 21, STM 42, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 243,339 Level 39 - STR 46, SPD 22, STM 43, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 269,252 Level 40 - STR 48, SPD 23, STM 44, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : 297,193 Level 41 - STR 49, SPD 23, STM 45, INT 5, SPT 5 EXP : 327,263 Level 42 - STR 50, SPD 23, STM 46, INT 5, SPT 5 EXP : 359,568 Level 43 - STR 52, SPD 23, STM 47, INT 5, SPT 5 EXP : 394,218 Level 44 - STR 53, SPD 23, STM 48, INT 6, SPT 6 EXP : 431,322 Level 45 - STR 54, SPD 24, STM 49, INT 6, SPT 6 EXP : 470,995 Level 46 - STR 56, SPD 24, STM 50, INT 6, SPT 6 EXP : 513,359 Level 47 - STR 57, SPD 24, STM 51, INT 7, SPT 7 EXP : 558,542 Level 48 - STR , SPD , STM , INT , SPT EXP : 606,679 ----- Calca ===== Level 1 - STR 4, SPD 4, STM 4, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : ------ Level 2 - STR 4, SPD 5, STM 4, INT 5, SPT 4 EXP : 20 Level 3 - STR 5, SPD 5, STM 4, INT 5, SPT 4 EXP : 60 Level 4 - STR 5, SPD 5, STM 5, INT 6, SPT 4 EXP : 120 Level 5 - STR 6, SPD 6, STM 5, INT 6, SPT 4 EXP : 220 Level 6 - STR 6, SPD 6, STM 6, INT 7, SPT 4 EXP : 360 Level 7 - STR 6, SPD 6, STM 6, INT 7, SPt 4 EXP : 580 Level 8 - STR 7, SPD 6, STM 7, INT 7, SPT 4 EXP : 870 Level 9 - STR 7, SPD 7, STM 7, INT 8, SPT 5 EXP : 1,260 Level 10 - STR 8, SPD 7, STM 8, INT 8, SPT 5 EXP : 1,780 Level 11 - STR 8, SPD 7, STM 9, INT 9, SPT 5 EXP : 2,450 Level 12 - STR 9, SPD 8, STM 10, INT 9, SPT 5 EXP : 3,300 Level 13 - STR 10, SPD 8, STM 11, INT 10, SPT 5 EXP : 4,370 Level 14 - STR 10, SPD 9, STM 12, INT 10, SPT 6 EXP : 5,670 Level 15 - STR 11, SPD 9, STM 12, INT 11, SPT 6 EXP : 7,260 Level 16 - STR 11, SPD 9, STM 13, INT 11, SPT 7 EXP : 9,160 Level 17 - STR 12, SPD 10, STM 13, INT 11, SPT 7 EXP : 11,430 Level 18 - STR 13, SPD 10, STM 14, INT 12, SPT 8 EXP : 14,100 Level 19 - STR 14, SPD 11, STM 14, INT 12, SPT 9 EXP : 17,200 Level 20 - STR 15, SPD 11, STM 15, INT 12, SPT 9 EXP : 21,000 Level 21 - STR 16, SPD 12, STM 15, INT 13, SPT 9 EXP : 25,100 Level 22 - STR 16, SPD 12, STM 15, INT 13, SPT 9 EXP : 29,800 Level 23 - STR 17, SPD 12, STM 16, INT 14, SPT 10 EXP : 35,200 Level 24 - STR 18, SPD 13, STM 17, INT 14, SPT 10 EXP : 41,500 Level 25 - STR 18, SPD 13, STM 18, INT 15, SPT 11 EXP : 48,350 Level 26 - STR 19, SPD 14, STM 19, INT 15, SPT 11 EXP : 56,000 Level 27 - STR 20, SPD 14, STM 20, INT 16, SPT 12 EXP : 65,000 Level 28 - STR 21, SPD 15, STM 20, INT 16, SPT 12 EXP : 74,500 Level 29 - STR 22, SPD 15, STM 21, INT 17, SPT 13 EXP : 85,000 Level 30 - STR 22, SPD 16, STM 22, INT 17, SPT 14 EXP : 97,000 Level 31 - STR 23, SPD 17, STM 23, INT 18, SPT 14 EXP : 110,000 Level 32 - STR 23, SPD 18, STM 24, INT 18, SPT 14 EXP : 124,600 Level 33 - STR 24, SPD 18, STM 24, INT 19, SPT 15 EXP : 140,000 Level 34 - STR 24, SPD 19, STM 25, INT 19, SPT 15 EXP : 157,000 Level 35 - STR 25, SPD 20, STM 25, INT 20, SPT 16 EXP : 176.000 Level 36 - STR 26, SPD 20, STM 26, INT 21, SPT 16 EXP : 198,000 Level 37 - STR 27, SPD 21, STM 26, INT 22, SPT 17 EXP : 222,000 Level 38 - STR 27, SPD 21, STM 27, INT 23, SPT 18 EXP : 248,000 Level 39 - STR 28, SPD 22, STM 27, INT 23, SPT 18 EXP : 276,000 Level 40 - STR 29, SPD 23, STM 28, INT 23, SPT 19 EXP : 306,000 Level 41 - STR 29, SPD 23, STM 28, INT 24, SPT 19 EXP : 336,965 Level 42 - STR 30, SPD 23, STM 29, INT 24, SPT 19 EXP : 370,228 Level 43 - STR 30, SPD 24, STM 30, INT 25, SPT 20 EXP : 405,906 Level 44 - STR 30, SPD 24, STM 30, INT 26, SPT 20 EXP : 444,109 Level 45 - STR 31, SPD 24, STM 31, INT 26, SPT 20 EXP : 484,959 Level 46 - STR 31, SPD 24, STM 32, INT 27, SPT 20 EXP : 528,587 Level 47 - STR 32, SPD 25, STM 32, INT 28, SPT 21 EXP : 573,140 Level 48 - STR 32, SPD 25, STM 33, INT 28, SPT 21 EXP : 618,916 Level 49 - STR 33, SPD 25, STM 33, INT 29, SPT 21 EXP : 674,581 Level 50 - STR 33, SPD 25, STM 34, INT 30, SPT 21 EXP : 734,440 Level 51 - EXP : 798,757 ----- Brina ===== Level 1 - STR 4, SPD 4, STM 4, INT 4, SPT 4 EXP : ------ Level 2 - STR 5, SPD 5, STM 5, INT 4, SPT 5 EXP : 20 Level 3 - STR 5, SPD 5, STM 5, INT 4, SPT 6 EXP : 60 Level 4 - STR 5, SPD 6, STM 6, INT 4, SPT 6 EXP : 120 Level 5 - STR 6, SPD 6, STM 6, INT 5, SPT 7 EXP : 220 Level 6 - STR 6, SPD 7, STM 7, INT 5, SPT 7 EXP : 360 Level 7 - STR 6, SPD 7, STM 7, INT 5, SPT 8 EXP : 580 Level 8 - STR 6, SPD 7, STM 7, INT 5, SPT 9 EXP : 870 Level 9 - STR 7, SPD 8, STM 8, INT 5, SPT 9 EXP : 1,260 Level 10 - STR 7, SPD 8, STM 8, INT 5, SPT 10 EXP : 1,780 Level 11 - STR 7, SPD 9, STM 9, INT 5, SPT 10 EXP : 2,450 Level 12 - STR 8, SPD 9, STM 9, INT 6, SPT 10 EXP : 3,300 Level 13 - STR 8, SPD 10, STM 10, INT 6, SPT 11 EXP : 4,370 Level 14 - STR 9, SPD 11, STM 10, INT 6, SPT 12 EXP : 5,670 Level 15 - STR 9, SPD 11, STM 11, INT 7, SPT 12 EXP : 7,260 Level 16 - STR 9, SPD 12, STM 11, INT 7, SPT 12 EXP : 9,160 Level 17 - STR 10, SPD 12, STM 11, INT 8, SPT 13 EXP : 11,430 Level 18 - STR 10, SPD 13, STM 12, INt 8, SPT 13 EXP : 14,100 Level 19 - STR 11, SPD 14, STM 12, INt 8, SPT 14 EXP : 17,200 Level 20 - STR 11, SPD 15, STM 12, INT 9, SPT 15 EXP : 21,000 Level 21 - STR 12, SPD 15, STM 13, INT 9, SPT 15 EXP : 25,100 Level 22 - STR 12, SPD 16, STM 13, INT 10, SPT 16 EXP : 29,800 Level 23 - STR 12, SPD 16, STM 14, INT 10, SPT 16 EXP : 35,200 Level 24 - STR 13, SPD 17, STM 14, INT 11, SPT 17 EXP : 41,500 Level 25 - STR 13, SPD 18, STM 15, INT 11, SPT 17 EXP : 48,350 Level 26 - STR 14, SPD 18, STM 15, INT 12, SPT 18 EXP : 56,000 Level 27 - STR 14, SPD 19, STM 16, INT 12, SPT 18 EXP : 65,000 Level 28 - STR 15, SPD 20, STM 16, INT 13, SPT 19 EXP : 74,500 Level 29 - STR 15, SPD 21, STM 17, INT 13, SPT 20 EXP : 85,000 Level 30 - STR 16, SPD 22, STM 17, INT 14, SPT 21 EXP : 97,000 Level 31 - STR 16, SPD 22, STM 17, INT 14, SPT 21 EXP : 110,000 Level 32 - STR 18, SPD 23, STM 18, INT 15, SPT 23 EXP : 124,600 Level 33 - STR 18, SPD 23, STM 19, INT 15, SPT 23 EXP : 140,000 Level 34 - STR 19, SPD 24, STM 19, INT 16, SPT 24 EXP : 157,000 Level 35 - STR 20, SPD 25, STM 20, INT 16, SPT 25 EXP : 176,000 Level 36 - STR 20, SPD 26, STM 21, INT 16, SPT 26 EXP : 198,000 Level 37 - STR 21, SPD 27, STM 22, INT 17, SPT 26 EXP : 222,000 Level 38 - STR 21, SPD 27, STM 23, INT 18, SPT 27 EXP : 248,000 Level 39 - STR 22, SPD 28, STM 23, INT 18, SPT 27 EXP : 276,000 Level 40 - STR 23, SPD 29, STM 23, INT 19, SPT 28 EXP : 306,000 Level 41 - STR 23, SPD 29, STM 24, INT 19, SPT 28 EXP : 370,228 ---- Yang ==== Level 15 - STR 17, SPD 11, STM 20, INT 4, SPT 5 EXP : ------ Level 16 - STR 18, SPD 11, STM 21, INT 4, SPT 5 EXP : 9, 521 Level 17 - STR 19, SPD 12, STM 22, INT 4, SPT 6 EXP : 11,872 Level 18 - STR 20, SPD 12, STM 23, INT 5, SPT 6 EXP : 14,644 Level 19 - STR 21, SPD 13, STM 24, INT 5, SPT 6 EXP : 17,882 Level 20 - STR 23, SPD 13, STM 26, INT 5, SPT 7 EXP : 21,638 Level 21 - STR 24, SPD 14, STM 26, INT 5, SPT 7 EXP : 25,966 Level 22 - STR 25, SPD 14, STM 27, INT 5, SPT 8 EXP : 30,923 Level 23 - STR 26, SPD 15, STM 28, INT 6, SPT 8 EXP : 36,565 Level 24 - STR 28, SPD 15, STM 29, INT 6, SPT 8 EXP : 42,956 Level 25 - STR 29, SPD 16, STM 30, INT 6, SPT 9 EXP : 50,160 Level 26 - STR 30, SPD 16, STM 31, INT 6, SPT 9 EXP : 58,243 Level 27 - STR 31, SPD 17, STM 32, INT 6, SPT 9 EXP : 67,274 Level 28 - STR 33, SPD 17, STM 34, INT 6, SPT 10 EXP : 77,328 Level 29 - STR 34, SPD 18, STM 34, INT 7, SPT 10 EXP : 88,477 Level 30 - STR 36, SPD 18, STM 36, INT 7, SPT 11 EXP : 100,800 Level 31 - STR 37, SPD 19, STM 36, INT 7, SPT 11 EXP : 114,377 Level 32 - STR 38, SPD 19, STM 37, INT 7, SPT 12 EXP : 129,290 Level 33 - STR 40, SPD 19, STM 39, INT 7, SPT 12 EXP : 145,627 Level 34 - STR 41, SPD 20, STM 39, INT 8, SPT 12 EXP : 163,473 Level 35 - STR 43, SPD 20, STM 41, INT 8, SPT 13 EXP : 182,922 Level 36 - STR 45, SPD 21, STM 42, INT 8, SPT 13 EXP : 204,065 Level 37 - STR 46, SPD 21, STM 44, INT 8, SPT 13 EXP : 227,001 Level 38 - STR 47, SPD 22, STM 45, INT 8, SPT 14 EXP : 251,828 Level 39 - STR 49, SPD 23, STM 47, INT 8, SPT 14 EXP : 278,666 Level 40 - STR 50, SPD 24, STM 49, INT 8, SPT 15 EXP : 307,561 Level 41 - STR 51, SPD 24, STM 50, INT 9, SPT 15 EXP : 339,247 Level 42 - STR 53, SPD 24, STM 51, INT 9, SPT 16 EXP : 373,046 Level 43 - STR 54, SPD 25, STM 52, INT 9, SPT 17 EXP : 409,299 Level 44 - STR 56, SPD 25, STM 53, INT 9, SPT 18 EXP : 448,120 Level 45 - STR 57, SPD 25, STM 54, INT 9, SPT 18 EXP : 489,628 Level 46 - STR 59, SPD 26, STM 54, INT 10, SPT 19 EXP : 533,952 Level 47 - STR 60, SPD 26, STM 55, INT 10, SPT 20 EXP : 581,226 Level 48 - STR 62, SPD 26, STM 55, INT 10, SPT 20 EXP : 631,590 Level 49 - STR 63, SPD 27, STM 56, INT 10, SPT 21 EXP : 685,194 Level 50 - STR 65, SPD 27, STM 57, INT 10, SPT 22 EXP : 742,196 Level 51 - STR 66, SPD 28, STM 58, INT 11, SPT 22 EXP : 802,759 Level 52 - STR 68, SPD 28, STM 59, INT 11, SPT 22 EXP : 867,055 Level 53 - STR 69, SPD 28, STM 61, INT 11, SPT 24 EXP : 935,263 Level 54 - STR 71, SPD 29, STM 62, INT 11, SPT 34 EXP : 1,007,570 Level 55 - STR 72, SPD 30, STM 63, INT 11, SPT 35 EXP : 1,084,168 Level 56 - EXP : 1,165,259 ------ Ursula ====== Level 11 - STR 13, SPD 13, STM 12, INT 4, SPT 6 EXP : ------ Level 12 - STR 13, SPD 14, STM 12, INT 4, SPT 7 EXP : 3,286 Level 13 - STR 13, SPD 14, STM 13, INT 5, SPT 8 EXP : 4,374 Level 14 - STR 14, SPD 15, STM 13, INT 5, SPT 8 EXP : 5,697 Level 15 - STR 14, SPD 15, STM 14, INT 5, SPT 9 EXP : 7,288 Level 16 - STR 15, SPD 16, STM 14, INT 5, SPT 9 EXP : 9,200 Level 17 - STR 16, SPD 16, STM 15, INT 6, SPT 10 EXP : 11,472 Level 18 - STR 17, SPD 17, STM 16, INT 6, SPT 10 EXP : 14,150 Level 19 - STR 18, SPD 17, STM 17, INT 6, SPT 11 EXP : 17,279 Level 20 - STR 19, SPD 18, STM 17, INT 6, SPT 12 EXP : 20,909 Level 21 - STR 20, SPD 19, STM 18, INT 6, SPT 12 EXP : 25,091 Level 22 - STR 21, SPD 20, STM 19, INT 7, SPT 13 EXP : 29,880 Level 23 - STR 22, SPD 20, STM 19, INT 7, SPT 14 EXP : 35,332 Level 24 - StR 23, SPD 21, STM 20, INT 7, SPT 14 EXP : 41,508 Level 25 - STR 24, SPD 21, STM 21, INT 7, SPT 15 EXP : 48,469 Level 26 - STR 24, SPD 23, STM 22, INT 8, SPT 15 EXP : 56,279 Level 27 - STR 26, SPD 23, STM 23, INT 8, SPT 16 EXP : 65,006 Level 28 - STR 27, SPD 24, STM 24, INT 8, SPT 16 EXP : 74,721 Level 29 - STR 28, SPD 25, STM 25, INT 9, SPT 17 EXP : 85,494 Level 30 - STR 29, SPD 25, STM 26, INT 9, SPT 18 EXP : 97,402 Level 31 - STR 30, SPD 26, STM 27, INT 9, SPT 18 EXP : 110,521 Level 32 - STR 31, SPD 26, STM 28, INT 9, SPT 19 EXP : 124,932 Level 33 - STR 32, SPD 27, STM 28, INT 10, SPT 20 EXP : 140,718 Level 34 - STR 33, SPD 27, STM 29, INT 10, SPT 21 EXP : 157,962 Level 35 - STR 35, SPD 28, STM 30, INT 10, SPT 21 EXP : 176,775 Level 36 - STR 36, SPD 29, STM 31, INT 11, SPT 22 EXP : 197,198 Level 37 - STR 37, SPD 29, STM 32, INT 11, SPT 23 EXP : 219,399 Level 38 - STR 38, SPD 30, STM 33, INT 11, SPT 24 EXP : 243,470 Level 39 - STR 40, SPD 31, STM 34, INT 12, SPT 25 EXP : 269,544 Level 40 - STR 41, SPD 32, STM 34, INT 12, SPT 26 EXP : 297,767 Level 41 - STR 43, SPD 32, STM 35, INT 12, SPT 26 EXP : 328,296 Level 42 - STR 44, SPD 33, STM 36, INT 12, SPT 26 EXP : 361,299 Level 43 - STR 45, SPD 34, STM 37, INT 12, SPT 26 EXP : 396,955 Level 44 - STR 46, SPD 34, STM 38, INT 12, SPT 27 EXP : 435,454 Level 45 - STR 47, SPD 35, STM 38, INT 13, SPT 27 EXP : 476,997 Level 46 - STR 48, SPD 36, STM 39, INT 13, SPT 27 EXP : 521,796 Level 47 - STR 49, SPD 36, STM 40, INT 13, SPT 27 EXP : 570,074 Level 48 - STR 50, SPD 37, STM 40, INT 13, SPT 28 EXP : 621,921 Level 49 - STR 50, SPD 38, STM 41, INT 13, SPT 28 EXP : 677,529 Level 50 - STR 51, SPD 39, STM 42, INT 14, SPT 28 EXP : 736,952 Level 51 - EXP : 800,371 ----- Palom ===== Level 13 - STR 10, SPD 9, STM 7, INT 20, SPT 10 EXP : ------ Level 14 - STR 11, SPD 9, STM 8, INT 21, SPT 10 EXP : 5,402 Level 15 - STR 11, SPD 9, STM 8, INT 22, SPT 11 EXP : 7,218 Level 16 - STR 12, SPD 9, STM 9, INT 23, SPT 11 EXP : 9,111 Level 17 - STR 13, SPD 10, STM 10, INT 24, SPT 11 EXP : 11,361 Level 18 - STR 14, SPD 10, STM 10, INT 25, SPT 11 EXP : 14,013 Level 19 - STR 15, SPD 10, STM 11, INT 26, SPT 11 EXP : 20,706 Level 20 - STR 15, SPD 11, STM 11, INT 27, SPT 12 EXP : 20,706 Level 21 - STR 16, SPD 11, STM 12, INT 28, SPT 12 EXP : 24,847 Level 22 - STR 16, SPD 11, STM 13, INT 29, SPT 12 EXP : 29,590 Level 23 - STR 17, SPD 12, STM 13, INT 30, SPT 12 EXP : 34,999 Level 24 - STR 17, SPD 12, STM 14, INT 31, SPT 13 EXP : 41,105 Level 25 - STR 18, SPD 12, STM 14, INT 32, SPT 13 EXP : 47,998 Level 26 - STR 19, SPD 13, STM 15, INT 33, SPT 13 EXP : 55,733 Level 27 - STR 19, SPD 13, STM 16, INT 34, SPT 13 EXP : 64,375 Level 28 - STR 19, SPD 13, STM 16, INT 35, SPT 13 EXP : 73,996 Level 29 - STR 20, SPD 14, STM 17, INT 36, SPT 13 EXP : 84,664 Level 30 - STR 20, SPD 14, STM 17, INT 37, SPT 14 EXP : 96,456 Level 31 - STR 20, SPD 14, STM 18, INT 38, SPT 14 EXP : 109,448 Level 32 - STR 20, SPD 15, STM 19, INT 39, SPT 14 EXP : 123,719 Level 33 - STR 20, SPD 15, STM 19, INT 40, SPT 14 EXP : 139,351 Level 34 - STR 21, SPD 15, STM 20, INT 41, SPT 14 EXP : 156,428 Level 35 - STR 21, SPD 16, STM 20, INT 42, SPT 15 EXP : 175,039 Level 36 - STR 21, SPD 16, STM 21, INT 43, SPT 15 EXP : 195,272 Level 37 - STR 21, SPD 16, STM 22, INT 44, SPT 15 EXP : 217,219 Level 38 - STR 21, SPD 17, STM 22, INT 45, SPT 15 EXP : 240,976 Level 39 - STR 22, SPD 17, STM 23, INT 46, SPT 15 EXP : 266,638 Level 40 - STR 22, SPD 17, STM 23, INT 47, SPT 16 EXP : 294,308 Level 41 - STR 22, SPD 18, STM 24, INT 48, SPT 16 EXP : 324,087 Level 42 - STR 23, SPD 18, STM 25, INT 49, SPT 16 EXP : 356,116 Level 43 - STR 23, SPD 18, STM 25, INT 50, SPT 16 EXP : 390,612 Level 44 - STR 24, SPD 19, STM 26, INT 51, SPT 17 EXP : 427,787 Level 45 - STR 24, SPD 19, STM 26, INT 52, SPT 17 EXP : 467,657 Level 46 - STR 25, SPD 19, STM 27, INT 53, SPT 17 EXP : 510,244 Level 47 - STR 25, SPD 20, STM 28, INT 54, SPT 18 EXP : 555,679 Level 48 - STR 26, SPD 20, STM 28, INT 55, SPT 18 EXP : 603,998 Level 49 - STR 26, SPD 20, STM 29, INT 56, SPT 18 EXP : 655,587 Level 50 - STR 27, SPD 21, STM 29, INT 57, SPT 19 EXP : 710,470 Level 51 - STR 27, SPD 21, STM 30, INT 58, SPT 19 EXP : 768,934 Level 52 - STR 28, SPD 22, STM 30, INT 59, SPT 19 EXP : 831,001 Level 53 - STR 28, SPD 22, STM 31, INT 60, SPT 20 EXP : 896,845 Level 54 - STR 29, SPD 23, STM 31, INT 61, SPT 20 EXP : 966,645 Level 55 - STR 29, SPD 23, STM 32, INT 62, SPT 20 EXP : 1,040,588 Level 56 - STR 30, SPD 24, STM 33, INT 63, SPT 21 EXP : 1,118,868 Level 57 - STR 30, SPD 24, STM 33, INT 64, SPT 21 EXP : 1,201,686 Level 58 - STR 31, SPD 25, STM 34, INT 65, SPT 21 EXP : 1,289,250 Level 59 - STR 31, SPD 25, STM 34, INT 66, SPT 22 EXP : 1,381,775 Level 60 - STR 32, SPD 25, STM 35, INT 67, SPT 22 EXP : 1,479,484 Level 61 - STR , SPD , STM , INT , SPT EXP : 1,582,605 ------- Leonora ======= Level 3 - STR 5, SPD 3, STM 4, INT 5, SPT 8 EXP : ------ Level 4 - STR 5, SPD 3, STM 5, INT 6, SPT 9 EXP : 591 Level 5 - STR 6, SPD 3, STM 5, INT 6, SPT 9 EXP : 900 Level 6 - STR 6, SPD 4, STM 6, INT 7, SPT 10 EXP : 1,213 Level 7 - STR 7, SPD 4, STM 6, INT 7, SPT 11 EXP : 1,613 Level 8 - STR 7, SPD 5, STM 7, INT 8, SPT 12 EXP : 2,272 Level 9 - STR 8, SPD 5, STM 8, INT 8, SPT 13 EXP : 2,992 Level 10 - STR 8, SPD 5, STM 8, INT 9, SPT 14 EXP : 3,876 Level 11 - STR 9, SPD 6, STM 8, INT 9, SPT 15 EXP : 4,959 Level 12 - STR 10, SPD 6, STM 9, INT 10, SPT 16 EXP : 6,341 Level 13 - STR 11, SPD 7, STM 9, INT 10, SPT 17 EXP : 7,970 Level 14 - STR 11, SPD 7, STM 10, INT 11, SPT 18 EXP : 9,877 Level 15 - STR 12, SPD 8, STM 11, INT 11, SPT 19 EXP : 12,205 Level 16 - STR 13, SPD 8, STM 11, INT 12, SPT 19 EXP : 14,896 Level 17 - STR 14, SPD 8, STM 11, INT 12, SPT 20 EXP : 17,921 Level 18 - STR 15, SPD 9, STM 12, INT 13, SPT 21 EXP : 21,951 Level 19 - STR 15, SPD 9, STM 12, INT 13, SPT 22 EXP : 26,666 Level 20 - STR 16, SPD 9, STM 13, INT 14, SPT 23 EXP : 31,954 Level 21 - STR 17, SPD 10, STM 13, INT 14, SPT 24 EXP : 37,361 Level 22 - STR 18, SPD 10, STM 14, INT 15, SPT 24 EXP : 43,076 Level 23 - STR 19, SPD 11, STM 14, INT 15, SPT 25 EXP : 50,112 Level 24 - STR 19, SPD 11, STM 15, INT 16, SPT 26 EXP : 57,771 Level 25 - STR 20, SPD 11, STM 15, INT 16, SPT 27 EXP : 65,868 Level 26 - STR 20, SPD 12, STM 16, INT 17, SPT 28 EXP : 75,207 Level 27 - STR 21, SPD 12, STM 16, INT 17, SPT 29 EXP : 85,687 Level 28 - STR 22, SPD 13, STM 16, INT 18, SPT 30 EXP : 96,900 Level 29 - STR 23, SPD 13, STM 17, INT 18, SPT 31 EXP : 109,748 Level 30 - STR 23, SPD 13, STM 17, INT 19, SPT 32 EXP : 123,046 Level 31 - STR 24, SPD 14, STM 17, INT 19, SPT 33 EXP : 136,551 Level 32 - STR 25, SPD 14, STM 18, INT 20, SPT 34 EXP : 151,512 Level 33 - STR 26, SPD 14, STM 18, INT 20, SPT 35 EXP : 167,983 Level 34 - STR 27, SPD 15, STM 18, INT 21, SPT 36 EXP : 186,272 Level 35 - STR 27, SPD 15, STM 19, INT 21, SPT 37 EXP : 205,212 Level 36 - STR 28, SPD 15, STM 19, INT 22, SPT 38 EXP : 226,101 Level 37 - STR 29, SPD 16, STM 19, INT 22, SPT 39 EXP : 247,967 Level 38 - STR 30, SPD 17, STM 20, INT 23, SPT 40 EXP : 271,165 Level 39 - STR 30, SPD 17, STM 20, INT 23, SPT 41 EXP : 295,597 Level 40 - STR 31, SPD 18, STM 21, INT 24, SPT 42 EXP : 320,752 Level 41 - STR 31, SPD 18, STM 21, INT 25, SPT 42 EXP : 375,331 ---- Edge ==== Level 15 - STR 15, SPD 19, STM 13, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : ------ Level 16 - STR 15, SPD 20, STM 13, INT 10, SPT 10 EXP : 9,504 Level 17 - STR 16, SPD 20, STM 14, INT 11, SPT 10 EXP : 11,850 Level 18 - STR 16, SPD 20, STM 14, INT 11, SPT 11 EXP : 14,616 Level 19 - STR 17, SPD 21, STM 14, INT 12, SPT 11 EXP : 17,848 Level 20 - STR 17, SPD 21, STM 15, INT 12, SPT 12 EXP : 21,597 Level 21 - STR 18, SPD 22, STM 15, INT 13, SPT 12 EXP : 25,918 Level 22 - STR 18, SPD 22, STM 15, INT 13, SPT 13 EXP : 30,866 Level 23 - STR 19, SPD 23, STM 16, INT 14, SPT 13 EXP : 36,497 Level 24 - STR 20, SPD 23, STM 16, INT 15, SPT 14 EXP : 42,876 Level 25 - STR 20, SPD 23, STM 17, INT 15, SPT 14 EXP : 50,066 Level 26 - STR 21, SPD 24, STM 18, INT 16, SPT 15 EXP : 58,134 Level 27 - STR 22, SPD 25, STM 19, INT 16, SPT 15 EXP : 67,149 Level 28 - STR 23, SPD 25, STM 19, INT 16, SPT 16 EXP : 77,183 Level 29 - STR 24, SPD 26, STM 20, INT 17, SPT 16 EXP : 88,311 Level 30 - STR 25, SPD 27, STM 21, INT 18, SPT 17 EXP : 100,611 Level 31 - STR 26, SPD 27, STM 21, INT 19, SPT 17 EXP : 114,162 Level 32 - STR 27, SPD 28, STM 22, INT 19, SPT 18 EXP : 129,048 Level 33 - STR 28, SPD 29, STM 23, INT 20, SPT 18 EXP : 145,355 Level 34 - STR 29, SPD 30, STM 23, INT 20, SPT 19 EXP : 163,168 Level 35 - STR 30, SPD 30, STM 24, INt 21, SPT 19 EXP : 182,580 Level 36 - STR 31, SPD 31, STM 25, INT 21, SPT 20 EXP : 203,533 Level 37 - STR 32, SPD 32, STM 25, INT 22, SPT 20 EXP : 226,576 Level 38 - STR 33, SPD 32, STM 26, INT 23, SPT 21 EXP : 251,356 Level 39 - STR 34, SPD 33, STM 27, INT 24, SPT 21 EXP : 278,125 Level 40 - STR 35, SPD 34, STM 27, INT 25, SPT 22 EXP : 306,986 Level 41 - STR 36, SPD 35, STM 28, INT 25, SPT 22 EXP : 338,052 Level 42 - STR 37, SPD 36, STM 29, INT 26, SPT 22 EXP : 371,442 Level 43 - STR 38, SPD 37, STM 30, INT 27, SPT 23 EXP : 407,281 Level 44 - STR 39, SPD 38, STM 31, INT 28, SPT 23 EXP : 445,702 Level 45 - STR 40, SPD 39, STM 32, INT 29, SPT 23 EXP : 486,846 Level 46 - STR 41, SPD 40, STM 33, INT 30, SPT 24 EXP : 530,862 Level 47 - STR 42, SPD 41, STM 34, INT 31, SPT 24 EXP : 577,909 Level 48 - STR 43, SPD 42, STM 35, INT 32, SPT 24 EXP : 628,148 Level 49 - STR 44, SPD 43, STM 35, INT 33, SPT 24 EXP : 681,753 Level 50 - STR 45, SPD 44, STM 36, INT 34, SPT 25 EXP : 738,912 Level 51 - EXP : 799,823 --------- Tsukinowa ========= Level 5 - STR 4, SPD 16, STM 3, INT 2, SPT 2 EXP: ------- Level 6 - STR 4, SPD 17, STM 3, INT 3, SPT 3 EXP : 561 Level 7 - EXP : 763 Level 8 - STR 5, SPD 19, STM 4, INT 4, SPT 3 Level 9 - STR 6, SPD 20, STM 4, INT 5, SPT 4 EXP : 1,269 Level 10 - STR 6, SPD 21, STM 5, INT 5, SPT 4 EXP : 1,665 Level 11 - STR 6, SPD 21, STM 6, INT 5, SPT 5 EXP : 2,306 Level 12 - STR 7, SPD 22, STM 7, INT 6, SPT 5 EXP : 3,135 Level 13 - STR 8, SPD 22, STM 7, INT 6, SPT 6 EXP : 4,174 Level 14 - STR 8, SPD 23, STM 8, INT 6, SPT 6 EXP : 5,434 Level 15 - STR 9, SPD 23, STM 8, INT 7, SPT 6 EXP : 6,955 Level 16 - STR 10, SPD 23, STM 9, INT 7, SPT 7 EXP : 8,779 Level 17 - STR 10, SPD 24, STM 10, INT 7, SPT 7 EXP : 10,947 Level 18 - STR 11, SPD 25, STM 10, INT 8, SPT 7 EXP : 13,502 Level 19 - STR 11, SPD 25, STM 11, INT 8, SPT 8 EXP : 16,488 Level 20 - STR 12, SPD 26, STM 11, INT 9, SPT 8 EXP : 19,952 Level 21 - STR 13, SPD 27, STM 12, INT 9, SPT 8 EXP : 23,943 Level 22 - STR 13, SPD 27, STM 13, INT 9, SPT 9 EXP : 28,514 Level 23 - STR 14, SPD 28, STM 13, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : 33,716 Level 24 - STR 14, SPD 29, STM 14, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : 39,609 Level 25 - STR 15, SPD 30, STM 14, INT 11, SPT 10 EXP : 46,252 Level 26 - STR 16, SPD 30, STM 15, INT 11, SPT 10 EXP : 53,705 Level 27 - STR 17, SPD 31, STM 16, INT 12, SPT 10 EXP : 62,032 Level 28 - STR 17, SPD 32, STM 16, INT 12, SPT 11 EXP : 71,303 Level 29 - STR 18, SPD 32, STM 17, INT 13, SPT 11 EXP : 81,583 Level 30 - STR 19, SPD 33, STM 17, INT 13, SPT 11 EXP : 92,945 Level 31 - STR 19, SPD 34, STM 18, INT 13, SPT 12 EXP : 105,464 Level 32 - STR 20, SPD 34, STM 19, INT 14, SPT 12 EXP : 119,216 Level 33 - STR 20, SPD 35, STM 19, INT 14, SPT 12 EXP : 134,280 Level 34 - STR 21, SPD 36, STM 20, INT 15, SPT 13 EXP : 150,736 Level 35 - STR 22, SPD 36, STM 20, INT 15, SPT 13 EXP : 168,669 Level 36 - STR 23, SPD 37, STM 21, INT 16, SPT 13 EXP : 188,026 Level 37 - STR 23, SPD 38, STM 22, INT 16, SPT 14 EXP : 209,313 Level 38 - STR 24, SPD 38, STM 22, INT 17, SPT 14 EXP : 232,205 Level 39 - STR 25, SPD 39, STM 23, INT 17, SPT 14 EXP : 256,935 Level 40 - STR 25, SPD 40, STM 23, INT 18, SPT 15 EXP : 283,597 Level 41 - STR 26, SPD 41, STM 24, INT 19, SPT 15 EXP : 314,602 Level 42 - STR 26, SPD 42, STM 25, INT 19, SPT 15 EXP : 347,007 Level 43 - STR 27, SPD 42, STM 25, INT 20, SPT 15 EXP : 380,729 Level 44 - STR 28, SPD 43, STM 26, INT 20, SPT 16 EXP : 416,840 Level 45 - STR 28, SPD 43, STM 26, INT 21, SPT 16 EXP : 455,451 Level 46 - STR 29, SPD 44, STM 26, INT 21, SPT 16 EXP : 496,681 Level 47 - STR 30, SPD 45, STM 27, INT 22, SPT 16 EXP : 540,655 Level 48 - STR 31, SPD 45, STM 27, INT 22, SPT 17 EXP : 587,504 Level 49 - STR 31, SPD 46, STM 28, INT 23, SPT 17 EXP : 637,366 Level 50 - STR 32, SPD 46, STM 28, INT 23, SPT 17 EXP : 690,389 Level 51 - STR 33, SPD 47, STM 29, INT 24, SPT 17 EXP : 746,724 Level 52 - STR 34, SPD 48, STM 29, INT 24, SPT 18 EXP : 806,533 Level 53 - STR 34, SPD 49, STM 29, INT 25, SPT 18 EXP : 869,979 Level 54 - STR 35, SPD 49, STM 30, INT 25, SPT 18 EXP : 937,239 Level 55 - STR 36, SPD 50, STM 30, INT 25, SPT 18 EXP : 1,008,491 Level 56 - STR 37, SPD 50, STM 31, INT 26, SPT 19 EXP : 1,083,921 Level 57 - STR 37, SPD 51, STM 31, INT 26, SPT 19 EXP : 1,163,724 Level 58 - STR 38, SPD 51, STM 32, INT 26, SPT 19 EXP : 1,248,100 Level 59 - STR 39, SPD 52, STM 32, INT 27, SPT 19 EXP : 1,337,258 Level 60 - STR 40, SPD 53, STM 32, INT 27, SPT 20 EXP : 1,431,410 Level 61 - STR 40, SPD 53, STM 33, INT 27, SPT 20 EXP : 1,530,776 Level 62 - STR 41, SPD 54, STM 33, INT 28, SPT 20 EXP : 1,635,587 Level 63 - STR , SPD , STM , INT , SPT EXP : 1,746,076 ------ Izayoi ====== Level 7 - EXP : ------ Level 8 - Level 9 - Level 10 - Level 11 - Level 12 - Level 13 - Level 14 - STR 9, SPD 18, STM 9, INT 8, SPT 10 EXP : 5,602 Level 15 - STR 10, SPD 18, STM 10, INT 8, SPT 10 EXP : 7,170 Level 16 - STR 10, SPD 19, STM 10, INT 9, SPT 11 EXP : 9,051 Level 17 - STR 11, SPD 19, STM 11, INT 9, SPT 11 EXP : 11,286 Level 18 - STR 11, SPD 20, STM 11, INT 9, SPT 12 EXP : 13,920 Level 19 - STR 12, SPD 20, STM 12, INT 10, SPT 12 EXP : 16,998 Level 20 - STR 12, SPD 21, STM 12, INT 10, SPT 13 EXP : 20,569 Level 21 - STR 13, SPD 21, STM 13, INT 10, SPT 13 EXP : 24,684 Level 22 - STR 14, SPD 22, STM 13, INT 11, SPT 14 EXP : 29,396 Level 23 - STR 15, SPD 22, STM 14, INT 11, SPT 14 EXP : 34,759 Level 24 - STR 16, SPD 22, STM 14, INT 12, SPT 15 EXP : 40,834 Level 25 - STR 17, SPD 23, STM 15, INT 12, SPT 15 EXP : 47,682 Level 26 - STR 18, SPD 23, STM 15, INT 13, SPT 16 EXP : 55,366 Level 27 - STR 19, SPD 23, STM 16, INT 13, SPT 16 EXP : 63,951 Level 28 - STR 20, SPD 24, STM 16, INT 13, SPT 17 EXP : 73,508 Level 29 - STR 21, SPD 24, STM 17, INT 14, SPT 17 EXP : 84,106 Level 30 - STR 22, SPD 25, STM 17, INT 14, SPT 18 EXP : 95,820 Level 31 - STR 23, SPD 26, STM 18, INT 15, SPT 18 EXP : 108,726 Level 32 - STR 24, SPD 27, STM 18, INT 15, SPT 19 EXP : 122,903 Level 33 - STR 24, SPD 27, STM 19, INT 16, SPT 19 EXP : 138,433 Level 34 - STR 25, SPD 28, STM 19, INT 16, SPT 20 EXP : 155,398 Level 35 - STR 26, SPD 28, STM 20, INT 17, SPT 20 EXP : 173,886 Level 36 - STR 27, SPD 29, STM 20, INT 17, SPT 21 EXP : 193,841 Level 37 - STR 28, SPD 30, STM 21, INT 18, SPT 21 EXP : 215,787 Level 38 - STR 29, SPD 31, STM 21, INT 18, SPT 22 EXP : 239,387 Level 39 - STR 29, SPD 31, STM 22, INT 19, SPT 22 EXP : 264,881 Level 40 - STR 30, SPD 32, STM 22, INT 19, SPT 23 EXP : 292,368 -------- Zangetsu ======== Level 9 - STR 8, SPD 11, STM 9, INT 8, SPT 4 EXP : ------- Level 10 - STR 9, SPD 12, STM 10, INT 9, SPT 5 EXP : 2,005 Level 11 - STR 9, SPD 12, STM 11, INT 9, SPT 5 EXP : 2,776 Level 12 - STR 10, SPD 13, STM 11, INT 10, SPT 5 EXP : 3,774 Level 13 - STR 10, SPD 13, STM 12, INT 10, SPT 6 EXP : 5,025 Level 14 - STR 11, SPD 14, STM 12, INT 11, SPT 6 EXP : 6,541 Level 15 - STR 11, SPD 14, STM 13, INT 11, SPT 7 EXP : 8,373 Level 16 - STR 12, SPD 15, STM 13, INT 12, SPT 7 EXP : 10,568 Level 17 - STR 12, SPD 15, STM 14, INT 12, SPT 7 EXP : 13,178 Level 18 - STR 13, SPD 16, STM 14, INT 13, SPT 8 EXP : 16,255 Level 19 - STR 14, SPD 17, STM 15, INT 13, SPT 8 EXP : 19,849 Level 20 - STR 15, SPD 17, STM 15, INT 14, SPT 8 EXP : 24,018 Level 21 - STR 15, SPD 18, STM 15, INT 14, SPT 9 EXP : 28,822 Level 22 - STR 16, SPD 18, STM 16, INT 15, SPT 9 EXP : 34,325 Level 23 - STR 16, SPD 19, STM 16, INT 15, SPT 10 EXP : 40,587 Level 24 - STR 17, SPD 19, STM 17, INT 16, SPT 10 EXP : 47,681 Level 25 - STR 18, SPD 20, STM 17, INT 16, SPT 10 EXP : 55,678 Level 26 - STR 19, SPD 20, STM 18, INT 17, SPT 11 EXP : 64,650 Level 27 - STR 20, SPD 21, STM 18, INT 17, SPT 11 EXP : 74,674 Level 28 - STR 21, SPD 21, STM 19, INT 18, SPT 11 EXP : 85,834 Level 29 - STR 22, SPD 22, STM 19, INT 18, SPT 12 EXP : 98,209 Level 30 - STR 23, SPD 22, STM 20, INT 19, SPT 12 EXP : 111,888 Level 31 - STR 24, SPD 23, STM 20, INT 19, SPT 12 EXP : 126,958 Level 32 - STR 25, SPD 23, STM 21, INT 20, SPT 13 EXP : 143,512 Level 33 - STR 26, SPD 24, STM 21, INT 20, SPT 13 EXP : 161,646 Level 34 - STR 26, SPD 24, STM 22, INT 21, SPT 13 EXP : 181,455 Level 35 - STR 27, SPD 25, STM 22, INT 21, SPT 14 EXP : 203,043 Level 36 - STR 28, SPD 25, STM 23, INT 22, SPT 15 EXP : 226,512 Level 37 - STR 29, SPD 26, STM 24, INT 22, SPT 15 EXP : 251,971 Level 38 - STR 30, SPD 26, STM 24, INT 23, SPT 15 EXP : 279,529 Level 39 - STR 31, SPD 27, STM 25, INT 23, SPT 16 EXP : 309,297 Level 40 - STR 32, SPD 28, STM 26, INT 24, SPT 16 EXP : 341,393 Level 41 - STR 33, SPD 28, STM 27, INT 25, SPT 17 EXP : 406,984 ------ Gekkou ====== Level 10 - STR 11, SPD 9, STM 12, INT 5, SPT 5 EXP : ------ Level 11 - STR 12, SPD 10, STM 13, INT 5, SPT 5 EXP : 2,651 Level 12 - STR 13, SPD 10, STM 14, INT 6, SPT 5 EXP : 3,604 Level 13 - STR 14, SPD 11, STM 15, INT 6, SPT 6 EXP : 4,799 Level 14 - STR 15, SPD 11, STM 16, INT 6, SPT 6 EXP : 6,247 Level 15 - STR 16, SPD 12, STM 17, INT 7, SPT 6 EXP : 7,996 Level 16 - STR 17, SPD 12, STM 18, INT 7, SPT 7 EXP : 10,092 Level 17 - STR 18, SPD 13, STM 19, INT 7, SPT 7 EXP : 12,584 Level 18 - STR 19, SPD 13, STM 20, INT 8, SPT 7 EXP : 15,523 Level 19 - STR 20, SPD 14, STM 21, INT 8, SPT 8 EXP : 18,955 Level 20 - STR 21, SPD 14, STM 22, INT 9, SPT 8 EXP : 22,936 Level 21 - STR 22, SPD 15, STM 22, INT 9, SPT 8 EXP : 27,524 Level 22 - STR 24, SPD 15, STM 23, INT 9, SPT 9 EXP : 32,778 Level 23 - STR 25, SPD 16, STM 24, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : 38,759 Level 24 - STR 26, SPD 16, STM 25, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : 45,533 Level 25 - STR 27, SPD 17, STM 26, INT 11, SPT 10 EXP : 53,170 Level 26 - STR 28, SPD 17, STM 27, INT 11, SPT 10 EXP : 61,738 Level 27 - STR 30, SPD 18, STM 28, INT 12, SPT 10 EXP : 71,310 Level 28 - STR 31, SPD 18, STM 29, INT 12, SPT 11 EXP : 81,968 Level 29 - STR 32, SPD 19, STM 30, INT 13, SPT 11 EXP : 93,786 Level 30 - STR 33, SPD 19, STM 31, INT 13, SPT 11 EXP : 106,848 Level 31 - STR 35, SPD 20, STM 32, INT 13, SPT 12 EXP : 121,240 Level 32 - STR 36, SPD 20, STM 33, INT 14, SPT 12 EXP : 137,047 Level 33 - STR 37, SPD 21, STM 34, INT 14, SPT 12 EXP : 154,365 Level 34 - STR 38, SPD 21, STM 35, INT 15, SPT 13 EXP : 173,281 Level 35 - STR 39, SPD 22, STM 35, INT 15, SPT 13 EXP : 193,897 Level 36 - STR 40, SPD 22, STM 36, INT 16, SPT 13 EXP : 216,309 Level 37 - STR 41, SPD 23, STM 37, INT 16, SPT 14 EXP : 240,621 Level 38 - STR 42, SPD 23, STM 38, INT 17, SPT 14 EXP : 266,938 Level 39 - STR 43, SPD 24, STM 39, INT 17, SPT 14 EXP : 295,365 Level 40 - STR 45, SPD 24, STM 40, INT 18, SPT 15 EXP : 326,015 ----- Porom ===== Level 10 - STR 8, SPD 7, STM 6, INT 10, SPT 17 EXP : ------ Level 11 - STR 8, SPD 8, STM 6, INT 10, SPT 18 EXP : 2,393 Level 12 - STR 9, SPD 8, STM 7, INT 10, SPT 19 EXP : 3,254 Level 13 - STR 9, SPD 9, STM 7, INT 10, SPT 20 EXP : 4,332 Level 14 - STR 9, SPD 9, STM 7, INT 10, SPT 21 EXP : 5,642 Level 15 - STR 10, SPD 10, STM 8, INT 11, SPT 22 EXP : 7,218 Level 16 - STR 10, SPD 10, STM 8, INT 11, SPT 23 EXP : 9,111 Level 17 - STR 11, SPD 11, STM 9, INT 11, SPT 24 EXP : 11,361 Level 18 - STR 11, SPD 11, STM 9, INT 11, SPT 25 EXP : 14,013 Level 19 - STR 11, SPD 12, STM 9, INT 11, SPT 26 EXP : 17,112 Level 20 - STR 12, SPD 12, STM 10, INT 12, SPT 27 EXP : 20,706 Level 21 - STR 12, SPD 13, STM 10, INT 12, SPT 28 EXP : 24,847 Level 22 - STR 13, SPD 13, STM 11, INT 12, SPT 29 EXP : 29,590 Level 23 - STR 13, SPD 14, STM 11, INT 12, SPT 30 EXP : 34,989 Level 24 - STR 13, SPD 14, STM 11, INT 12, SPT 31 EXP : 41,105 Level 25 - STR 14, SPD 15, STM 12, INT 13, SPT 32 EXP : 47,998 Level 26 - STR 14, SPD 15, STM 12, INT 13, SPT 33 EXP : 55,733 Level 27 - STR 14, SPD 16, STM 13, INT 13, SPT 34 EXP : 64,375 Level 28 - STR 15, SPD 16, STM 13, INT 13, SPT 35 EXP : 73,996 Level 29 - STR 15, SPD 17, STM 13, INT 13, SPT 36 EXP : 84,664 Level 30 - STR 15, SPD 17, STM 14, INT 14, SPT 37 EXP : 96,456 Level 31 - STR 15, SPD 18, STM 14, INT 14, SPT 38 EXP : 109,448 Level 32 - STR 16, SPD 18, STM 15, INT 14, SPT 39 EXP : 123,719 Level 33 - STR 16, SPD 18, STM 15, INT 14, SPT 40 EXP : 139,351 Level 34 - STR 16, SPD 19, STM 15, INT 14, SPT 41 EXP : 156,428 Level 35 - STR 16, SPD 19, STM 16, INT 15, SPT 42 EXP : 175,039 Level 36 - STR 16, SPD 19, STM 16, INT 15, SPT 43 EXP : 195,272 Level 37 - STR 17, SPD 20, STM 17, INT 15, SPT 44 EXP : 217,219 Level 38 - STR 17, SPD 20, STM 17, INT 15, SPT 45 EXP : 240,976 Level 39 - STR 17, SPD 20, STM 17, INT 15, SPT 46 EXP : 266,638 Level 40 - STR 17, SPD 21, STM 18, INT 16, SPT 47 EXP : 294,308 Level 41 - STR 18, SPD 21, STM 19, INT 16, SPT 48 EXP : 326,487 Level 42 - STR 18, SPD 22, STM 20, INT 16, SPT 49 EXP : 360,116 Level 43 - STR 19, SPD 22, STM 20, INT 17, SPT 50 EXP : 395,112 Level 44 - STR 20, SPD 22, STM 21, INT 17, SPT 51 EXP : 432,587 Level 45 - STR 21, SPD 23, STM 22, INT 18, SPT 52 EXP : 472,657 Level 46 - STR 22, SPD 23, STM 22, INT 18, SPT 53 EXP : 515,444 Level 47 - STR 22, SPD 24, STM 23, INT 18, SPT 54 EXP : 561,079 Level 48 - STR 23, SPD 24, STM 23, INT 19, SPT 55 EXP : 609,698 Level 49 - STR 23, SPD 24, STM 24, INT 19, SPT 56 EXP : 661,444 Level 50 - STR 24, SPD 25, STM 25, INT 20, SPT 57 EXP : 716,470 Level 51 - STR 25, SPD 25, STM 25, INT 20, SPT 58 EXP : 774,934 Level 52 - STR 25, SPD 26, STM 26, INT 20, SPT 59 EXP : 837,001 Level 53 - STR 26, SPD 26, STM 27, INT 21, SPT 60 EXP : 902,845 Level 54 - STR 27, SPD 26, STM 27, INT 21, SPT 61 EXP : 972,645 Level 55 - STR 27, SPD 27, STM 28, INT 21, SPT 62 EXP : 1,046,588 Level 56 - STR 28, SPD 27, STM 28, INT 22, SPT 63 EXP : 1,124,868 Level 57 - STR 28, SPD 28, STM 29, INT 22, SPT 64 EXP : 1,207,686 Level 58 - STR 29, SPD 28, STM 29, INT 23, SPT 65 EXP : 1,295,250 Level 59 - STR 29, SPD 29, STM 30, INT 23, SPT 66 EXP : 1,387,775 Level 60 - STR 30, SPD 29, STM 30, INT 23, SPT 67 EXP : 1,387,775 Level 61 - STR 30, SPD 29, STM 31, INT 24, SPT 68 EXP : 1,582,605 Level 62 - STR 31, SPD 30, STM 31, INT 24, SPT 69 EXP : 1,691,375 Level 63 - STR , SPD , STM , INT , SPT EXP : 1,806,037 ------ Edward ====== Level 8 - STR 7, SPD 11, STM 3, INT 5, SPT 7 EXP : ------ Level 9 - STR 7, SPD 11, STM 3, INT 6, SPT 8 EXP : 1,588 Level 10 - STR 8, SPD 12, STM 4, INT 6, SPT 9 EXP : 2,174 Level 11 - STR 8, SPD 12, STM 4, INT 7, SPT 10 EXP : 2,916 Level 12 - STR 9, SPD 13, STM 5, INT 8, SPT 11 EXP : 3,839 Level 13 - STR 10, SPD 14, STM 5, INT 9, SPT 12 EXP : 4,974 Level 14 - STR 10, SPD 14, STM 5, INT 9, SPT 12 EXP : 6,355 Level 15 - STR 11, SPD 14, STM 6, INT 10, SPT 13 EXP : 8,015 Level 16 - STR 11, SPD 15, STM 6, INT 10, SPT 14 EXP : 9,993 Level 17 - STR 12, SPD 15, STM 7, INT 11, SPT 14 EXP : 12,328 Level 18 - STR 13, SPD 16, STM 7, INT 13, SPT 15 EXP : 15,062 Level 19 - STR 13, SPD 16, STM 7, INT 13, SPT 16 EXP : 18,241 Level 20 - STR 14, SPD 17, STM 8, INT 14, SPT 17 EXP : 21,913 Level 21 - STR 15, SPD 17, STM 8, INT 15, SPT 18 EXP : 26,126 Level 22 - STR 15, SPD 18, STM 9, INT 16, SPT 18 EXP : 30,935 Level 23 - STR 16, SPD 18, STM 9, INT 16, SPT 19 EXP : 36,393 Level 24 - STR 17, SPD 19, STM 9, INT 17, SPT 19 EXP : 42,558 Level 25 - STR 17, SPD 19, STM 10, INT 18, SPT 20 EXP : 49,490 Level 26 - STR 18, SPD 20, STM 10, INT 18, SPT 21 EXP : 57,253 Level 27 - STR 19, SPD 20, STM 11, INT 19, SPT 22 EXP : 65,909 Level 28 - STR 19, SPD 21, STM 11, INT 19, SPT 22 EXP : 75,528 Level 29 - STR 20, SPD 21, STM 11, INT 20, SPT 23 EXP : 86,178 Level 30 - STR 21, SPD 22, STM 12, INT 21, SPT 24 EXP : 97,934 Level 31 - STR 22, SPD 22, STM 12, INT 21, SPT 25 EXP : 110,868 Level 32 - STR 22, SPD 23, STM 13, INT 22, SPT 26 EXP : 125,060 Level 33 - STR 23, SPD 23, STM 13, INT 22, SPT 27 EXP : 140,588 Level 34 - STR 24, SPD 24, STM 13, INT 23, SPT 27 EXP : 157,536 Level 35 - STR 25, SPD 24, STM 14, INT 24, SPT 28 EXP : 175,987 Level 36 - STR 26, SPD 25, STM 14, INT 25, SPT 29 EXP : 196,031 Level 37 - STR 26, SPD 25, STM 15, INT 26, SPT 30 EXP : 217,756 Level 38 - STR 27, SPD 26, STM 15, INT 27, SPT 31 EXP : 241,256 Level 39 - STR 28, SPD 26, STM 15, INT 27, SPT 32 EXP : 266,625 Level 40 - STR 29, SPD 27, STM 16, INT 28, SPT 33 EXP : 293,961 Level 41 - STR 29, SPD 28, STM 17, INT 28, SPT 33 EXP : 324,245 Level 42 - STR 30, SPD 28, STM 18, INT 28, SPT 33 EXP : 356,550 Level 43 - STR 30, SPD 29, STM 19, INT 29, SPT 33 EXP : 391,200 Level 44 - STR 31, SPD 29, STM 20, INT 29, SPT 33 EXP : 428,304 Level 45 - STR 31, SPD 30, STM 20, INT 29, SPT 33 EXP : 467,977 Level 46 - STR 32, SPD 30, STM 21, INT 30, SPT 34 EXP : 510,341 Level 47 - STR 32, SPD 31, STM 22, INT 30, SPT 34 EXP : 555,524 Level 48 - STR 32, SPD 31, STM 23, INT 30, SPT 34 EXP : 603,661 Level 49 - STR 33, SPD 32, STM 24, INT 30, SPT 34 EXP : 654,895 Level 50 - STR 33, SPD 33, STM 25, INT 31, SPT 34 EXP : 709,376 Level 51 - EXP : 767,261 ------ Harley ====== Level 5 - STR 9, SPD 7, STM 6, INT 9, SPT 8 EXP : ------ Level 6 - STR 9, SPD 7, STM 6, INT 10, SPT 9 EXP : 485 Level 7 - STR 9, SPD 8, STM 7, INT 11, SPT 10 EXP : 698 Level 8 - STR 10, SPD 8, STM 8, INT 12, SPT 11 EXP : 951 Level 9 - STR 10, SPD 9, STM 8, INT 13, SPT 11 EXP : 1,347 Level 10 - STR 11, SPD 9, STM 9, INT 14, SPT 12 EXP : 1,752 Level 11 - STR 12, SPD 9, STM 9, INT 15, SPT 12 EXP : 2,367 Level 12 - STR 12, SPD 10, STM 10, INT 16, SPT 13 EXP : 3,019 Level 13 - STR 13, SPD 10, STM 10, INT 17, SPT 14 EXP : 3,990 Level 14 - STR 14, SPD 11, STM 11, INT 18, SPT 15 EXP : 5,080 Level 15 - STR 14, SPD 11, STM 12, INT 19, SPT 15 EXP : 6,192 Level 16 - STR 15, SPD 12, STM 12, INT 20, SPT 16 EXP : 7,404 Level 17 - STR 15, SPD 12, STM 13, INT 21, SPT 17 EXP : 8,981 Level 18 - STR 16, SPD 13, STM 13, INT 22, SPT 18 EXP : 10,721 Level 19 - STR 17, SPD 13, STM 14, INT 22, SPT 19 EXP : 12,693 Level 20 - STR 17, SPD 14, STM 14, INT 23, SPT 19 EXP : 15,076 Level 21 - STR 18, SPD 14, STM 14, INT 24, SPT 20 EXP : 19,856 Level 22 - STR 19, SPD 15, STM 15, INT 25, SPT 20 EXP : 25,091 Level 23 - STR 20, SPD 15, STM 15, INT 26, SPT 21 EXP : 31,555 Level 24 - STR 20, SPD 16, STM 16, INT 27, SPT 22 EXP : 38,361 Level 25 - STR 21, SPD 17, STM 16, INT 28, SPT 23 EXP : 45,719 Level 26 - STR 22, SPD 17, STM 17, INT 29, SPT 23 EXP : 55,347 Level 27 - STR 23, SPD 18, STM 17, INT 30, SPT 24 EXP : 66,011 Level 28 - STR 23, SPD 18, STM 18, INT 31, SPT 25 EXP : 77,982 Level 29 - STR 24, SPD 19, STM 18, INT 32, SPT 26 EXP : 90,134 Level 30 - STR 25, SPD 20, STM 19, INT 33, SPT 27 EXP : 102,442 Level 31 - STR 26, SPD 20, STM 19, INT 34, SPT 28 EXP : 115,985 Level 32 - STR 26, SPD 21, STM 20, INT 35, SPT 29 EXP : 130,845 Level 33 - STR 27, SPD 21, STM 20, INT 35, SPT 30 EXP : 147,104 Level 34 - STR 28, SPD 22, STM 21, INT 36, SPT 31 EXP : 164,846 Level 35 - STR 29, SPD 22, STM 21, INT 37, SPT 31 EXP : 184,169 Level 36 - STR 30, SPD 23, STM 22, INT 38, SPT 32 EXP : 205,156 Level 37 - STR 30, SPD 23, STM 22, INT 39, SPT 33 EXP : 227,904 Level 38 - STR 31, SPD 24, STM 22, INT 40, SPT 34 EXP : 252,510 Level 39 - STR 32, SPD 24, STM 23, INT 41, SPT 35 EXP : 279,073 Level 40 - STR 33, SPD 25, STM 23, INT 42, SPT 35 EXP : 307,695 Level 41 - STR 33, SPD 25, STM 24, INT 42, SPT 35 EXP : 372,276 ------ Golbez ====== Level 30 - STR 30, SPD 20, STM 33, INT 30, SPT 25 EXP : ----- Level 31 - STR 32, SPD 20, STM 34, INT 31, SPT 25 EXP : 135,780 Level 32 - STR 33, SPD 21, STM 35, INT 31, SPT 26 EXP : 153,484 Level 33 - STR 34, SPD 22, STM 36, INT 32, SPT 26 EXP : 172,878 Level 34 - STR 35, SPD 22, STM 37, INT 33, SPT 27 EXP : 194,067 Level 35 - STR 36, SPD 23, STM 38, INT 33, SPT 27 EXP : 217,152 Level 36 - STR 37, SPD 23, STM 39, INT 34, SPT 28 EXP : 242,252 Level 37 - STR 38, SPD 24, STM 40, INT 34, SPT 28 EXP : 269,480 Level 38 - STR 39, SPD 24, STM 41, INT 35, SPT 29 EXP : 298,952 Level 39 - STR 40, SPD 25, STM 43, INT 36, SPT 30 EXP : 330,788 Level 40 - STR 41, SPD 25, STM 44, INT 37, SPT 30 EXP : 365,115 Level 41 - STR 42, SPD 26, STM 45, INT 38, SPT 31 EXP : 402,056 Level 42 - STR 43, SPD 26, STM 46, INT 38, SPT 32 EXP : 441,744 Level 43 - STR 44, SPD 27, STM 47, INT 39, SPT 33 EXP : 484,314 Level 44 - STR 45, SPD 27, STM 48, INT 40, SPT 34 EXP : 529,897 Level 45 - STR 46, SPD 28, STM 50, INT 41, SPT 35 EXP : 578,638 Level 46 - STR 47, SPD 28, STM 51, INT 42, SPT 36 EXP : 630,606 Level 47 - STR 48, SPD 29, STM 52, INT 43, SPT 36 EXP : 685,881 Level 48 - STR 49, SPD 29, STM 53, INT 44, SPT 36 EXP : 744,591 Level 49 - STR 50, SPD 30, STM 54, INT 46, SPT 36 EXP : 806,892 Level 50 - STR 51, SPD 30, STM 55, INT 47, SPT 37 EXP : 872,989 Level 51 - STR 52, SPD 31, STM 56, INT 48, SPT 37 EXP : 943,132 Level 52 - STR 53, SPD 31, STM 57, INT 49, SPT 37 EXP : 1,017,582 Level 53 - STR 54, SPD 31, STM 58, INT 50, SPT 37 EXP : 1,096,611 Level 54 - STR 54, SPD 32, STM 59, INT 51, SPT 37 EXP : 1,180,502 Level 55 - STR 55, SPD 32, STM 60, INT 52, SPT 38 EXP : 1,269,549 Level 56 - STR 56, SPD 33, STM 61, INT 52, SPT 38 EXP : 1,364,151 Level 57 - STR 57, SPD 33, STM 62, INT 53, SPT 38 EXP : 1,463,501 Level 58 - STR 58, SPD 34, STM 63, INT 54, SPT 38 EXP : 1,570,804 Level 59 - STR 59, SPD 34, STM 64, INT 55, SPT 38 EXP : 1,682,330 Level 60 - STR 59, SPD 34, STM 65, INT 55, SPT 38 EXP : 1,802,315 Level 61 - STR 60, SPD 35, STM 66, INT 56, SPT 38 EXP : 1,928,055 Level 62 - STR 61, SPD 35, STM 67, INT 57, SPT 38 EXP : 2,060,840 Level 63 - STR 62, SPD 35, STM 68, INT 58, SPT 39 EXP : 2,200,986 Level 64 - STR 63, SPD 36, STM 69, INT 59, SPT 39 EXP : 2,348,814 Level 65 - STR 64, SPD 36, STM 70, INT 59, SPT 39 EXP : 2,504,663 Level 66 - STR 64, SPD 36, STM 71, INT 60, SPT 39 EXP : 2,668,886 Level 67 - STR 65, SPD 37, STM 72, INT 61, SPT 39 EXP : 2,841,849 Level 68 - EXP : 3,023,928 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (6) - Bestiary - (BST1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Each EXP value provided is under the assumption that you have only ONE (1) party member. In order to find the amount of EXP it will provide to, for example, a party of 3... - HP estimates are in brackets. Treasures are not necessarily listed in order of drop rate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------- | ----------------- | (1) | (2) | ---[Goblin]--- | ---[Sword Rat]--- | | | HP 6 | HP 30 | Gil 5 | Gil 13 | Exp 28 | Exp 66 | | | Location: Outside Mythril (CEO) | Location: Outside Mythril (CEO/PRM) | Adamant Grotto (CEO) | Adamant Grotto (CEO) | Baron Castle (CEC) | Outside Mysidia (CEO/PRM) | Outside Mysidia (CEO/PRM) | Outside Baron (CEO) | Outside Baron (CEO) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Eidolons Passage (RYD) | Outside Troia (PLM) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Mt. Ordeals (EDG/PRM) | Underworld (RYD) | Dwarven Mine (EDG) | Outside Agart (RYD) | Eblan Cave (EDG) | Outside Fabul (YNG) | Outside Damcyan (EWD) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Outside Kaipo (EWD) | Outside Troia (PLM) | | Mt. Ordeals (EDG/PRM) | Type | Dwarven Mine (EDG) | - () | Outside Damcyan (EWD) | | Outside Kaipo (EWD) | Treasure | Antlion's Den (EWD) | - Gold Needle | | | Type | Weakness | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Resistance | - Potion | - Toad-Mini | - Tent | | - Bronze Hourglass | Absorb | - Goblin (Summon) | - () | | | Weakness | | - Hold-Slow- | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ----------------- | (3) | (4) | ---[Floating Eye]--- | ---[Helldiver]--- | | | HP 20 | HP 18 | Gil 9 | Gil 5 | Exp 42 | Exp 40 | | | Location: Outside Mythril (CEO) | Location: Outside Mythril (CEO) | Eidolons Passage (RYD) | Outside Troia (PLM) | Outside Troia (PLM) | Tower of Trials (EDG) | Tower of Trials (EDG) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Gold Needle | - Gold Needle | - Phoenix Down | - Eye Drops | - Cockatrice (Summon) | - Phoenix Down | | - Alarm Clock | Weakness | | - Projectiles | Weakness | | - Projectiles | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------- | -------------------- | (5) | (6) | ---[Larva]--- | ---[Eyewing Moth]--- | | | HP 28 | HP 40 | Gil 8 | Gil 18 | Exp 49 | Exp 74 | | | Location: Adamant Grotto (CEO) | Location: Adamant Grotto (CEO) | Outside Mysidia (CEO) | Outside Mysidia (CEO) | Eidolons Passage (RYD) | Eidolons Passage (RYD) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Outside Troia (PLM) | Outside Troia (PLM) | Dwarven Mine (EDG) | Tower of Trials (EDG) | Tower of Trials (EDG) | Mt. Ordeals (EDG) | Mount Ordeals (EDG) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Gold Needle | - Potion | - Pheonix Down | - Hi-Potion | - Eye Drops | | - Alarm Clock | Weakness | | - () | Weakness | | - Projectiles | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ---------------- | (7) | (8) | ----[Cockatrice]---- | ---[Gargoyle]--- | | | HP 149 | HP 160 | Gil 45 | Gil 61 | Exp 275 | Exp 314 | | | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Location: Adamant Grotto (CEO) | Outside Mysidia (CEO/PRM) | Baron Castle (CEC) | Outside Baron (CEO/EWD) | Outside Mysidia (CEO) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Outside Baron (CEO) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Underworld (RYD) | Outside Troia (PLM) | Slyph Cave (RYD) | Tower of Trials (PLM) | Outside Agart (RYD) | CD (PLM/EDG) | Outside Fabul (YNG) | Outside Damcyan (EWD) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Impact Crater (EWD) | Tower of Trials (PLM/EDG) | | CD (PLM/EWD) | Type | Mount Ordeals (EDG) | - () | Eidolons Passage (PRM) | | Outside Damcyan (EWD) | Treasure | Impact Crater (EWD) | - Gold Needle | | - Phoenix Down | Type | - Cockatrice (Summon) | - Demon | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Projectiles | - Light-Projectiles | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | --------------- | (9) | (10) | ---[Bloodbones]-- | ---[Domovoi]--- | | | HP 210 | HP 37 | Gil 81 | Gil 48 | Exp 315 | Exp 184 | | | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Devil's Road (CEO/KAN) | Outside Baron (CEO) | Mt. Ordeals (KAN/PRM) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Eidolons Passage (RYD) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Underworld (RYD) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Outside Fabul (YNG) | CD (YNG/PLM/EDG/EWD) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Tower of Trials (PLM) | Mt. Ordeals (EDG) | Impact Crater (EWD) | Dwarven Mine (EDG) | Eblan Cave (EDG) | Babil Tower (EDG) | Babil Path (EDG) | Outside Mysidia (PRM) | Outside Baron (EWD) | Outside Damcyan (EWD) | | Antlion Den (EWD) | Type | Outside Kaipo (EWD) | - Undead | | | Type | Weakness | - () | - Fire-Light | | | Weakness | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------- | ---------------- | (11) | (12) | ---[Lilith]--- | ---[Cave Bat]--- | | | HP 466 | HP 334 | Gil 150 | Gil 82 | Exp 309 | Exp 598 | | | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Underground Lake (CEO) | Mist Cave (KAN) | Mist Cave (KAN) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | Mt. Ordeals (KAN/PRM) | Agart Mine (RYD) | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | CD (YNG/PLM/EWD) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Eblan Cave (EDG) | CD (YNG/PLM/EDG/EWD) | Babil Path (EDG) | Babil Tower (EDG) | Babil Tower (EDG) | Outside Baron (EWD) | | | Type | Type | - () | - Undead | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Potion | - Lilith's Kiss | - Hi-Potion | - Silver Apple | | - Lilith Rod | Weakness | | - Projectiles-Light | Weakness | | - Fire | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------ | ---------------- | (13) | (14) | ---[Gatlinghog]--- | ---[Revenant]--- | | | HP 115 | HP 250 | Gil 53 | Gil 47 | Exp 335 | Exp 575 | | | Location: Baron Castle (CEO) | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Outside Baron (CEC) | Devil's Road (CEO) | Underworld (RYD) | Mt. Ordeals (KAN/PRM) | Outside Fabul (YNG) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Eblan Cave (EDG) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Babil Tower (EDG) | CD (YNG/PLM/EWD) | Outside Damcyan (EWD) | Underground Lake (EWD) | CD (EWD) | Outside Baron (EWD) | | | Type | Type | - () | - Undead | | | Treasure | Weakness | - Gold Needle | - Fire-Light | | | Weakness | Resistance | - None | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------- | ------------ | (15) | (16) | ---[Ghoul]--- | ---[Soul]--- | | | HP 222 | HP 200 | Gil 43 | Gil 59 | Exp 505 | Exp 460 | | | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Devil's Road (CEO) | Devil's Road (KAN) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Mt. Ordeals (KAN/PRM) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | CD (YNG/PLM/EWD) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Impact Crater (EDG) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Eblan Cave (EDG) | CD (YNG/PLM/EWD) | Babil Path (EDG) | Tower of Trials (PLM) | Underground Lake (PRM/EWD)| Eblan Cave (EDG) | Mt. Ordeals (PRM) | Babil Path (EDG) | Antlion's Den (EWD) | Babil Tower (EDG) | Outside Baron (EWD) | Impact Crater (EWD) | | Underground Lake (EWD) | Type | Outside Baron (EWD) | - () | | | Type | Weakness | - () | - Fire-Light | | | Treasure | Resistance | - Potion | - () | - Cursed Ring | | | Absorb | Weakness | - () | - Light | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - Fire | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------ | ----------------- | (17) | (18) | ---[Bomb]--- | ---[Gray Bomb]--- | | | HP 55 | HP 111 | Gil 54 | Gil 67 | Exp 361 | Exp 445 | | | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Outside Mysidia (CEO) | Outside Mysidia (CEO) | Outside Baron (CEO) | Outside Baron (CEO) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Underworld (RYD) | Underworld (RYD) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Outside Agart (RYD) | Outside Agart (RYD) | Outside Fabul (YNG) | Outside Fabul (YNG) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Outside Troia (PLM) | CD (PLM) | Tower of Trials (PLM) | Babil Tower (EDG) | Eidolons Passage (PRM) | Eidolons Passage (PRM) | Outside Damcyan (EWD) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Stop-Sleep | - Stop-Sleep-Drain | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------- | ------------ | (19) | (20) | ---[Zu]--- | ---[Ogre]--- | | | HP 941 | HP 865 | Gil 281 | Gil 134 | Exp 432 | Exp 800 | | | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Outside Baron (CEO/EWD) | Mist Cave (CEO) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Mt. Ordeals (KAN) | CD (YNG/EWD) | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Outside Mysidia (PRM) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | Outside Damcyan (EWD) | Agart Mine (RYD) | | CD (RYD/YNG/PLM/PRM/EWD) | Type | Babil Tower (EDG) | - () | | | Type | Treasure | - () | - Hi-Potion | | - Cottage | Treasure | - Feathered Cap | - Bacchus's Wine | - Silver Apple | - Headband | | - Giant's Gloves | Weakness | - Power Armlet | - Projectiles | | | Weakness | Resistance | - Light | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------------- | -------------- | (21) | (22) | ---[Centaur Knight]--- | ---[Spirit]--- | | | HP 380 | HP 86 | Gil 172 | Gil 66 | Exp 860 | Exp 278 | | | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Location: Baron Castle (CEC) | Devil's Road (CEO) | Outside Mysidia (CEO) | CD (RYD/YNG/PLM/PRM/LUN) | Devil's Road (CEO) | Babil Tower (EDG) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Impact Crater (LUN) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Type | Outside Troia (PLM) | - () | Tower of Trials (PLM) | | CD (PLM/EWD) | Treasure | Mt. Ordeals (EDG/PRM) | - Tent | Eblan Cave (EDG) | - Cottage | Babil Tower (EDG) | | Antlion's Den (EWD) | Weakness | Impact Crater (EWD) | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Stop | Underground Lake (EWD) | Osmose-Drain | | | Type | Resistance | - Ghost | - () | | | Treasure | Absorb | - Potion | - () | - Cursed Ring | | | | Weakness | | - Light | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - Fire | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | -------------- | (23) | (24) | ---[Tiny Mage]--- | ---[Zombie]--- | | | HP 69 | HP 52 | Gil 63 | Gil 31 | Exp 132 | Exp 112 | | | Location: Outside Mysidia (CEO) | Location: Devil's Road (CEO) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Outside Agart (RYD) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Outside Fabul (YNG) | CD (YNG/PLM) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Mt. Ordeals (EDG/PRM) | CD (YNG/PLM) | Babil Path | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Underground Lake (PRM/EWD) | Underground Lake (PRM) | Antlion's Den (EWD) | | | Type | Type | - () | - Undead | | | Treasure | | - Rod | Weakness | - Ether | - () | - Silver Armlet | | - Dry Ether | Resistance | | - () | Weakness | | - Poison-Sleep-Stop | Absorb | | - () | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | -------------------- | (25) | (26) | ---[Skeleton]--- | ---[Yellow Jelly]--- | | | HP 135 | HP 55 | Gil 126 | Gil 33 | Exp 238 | Exp 144 | | | Location: Devil's Road (CEO) | Location: Devil's Road (CEO/KAN) | Outside Mist (KAN) | Mist Cave (KAN) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Eidolons Passage (RYD) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | Outside Troia (PLM) | Underworld (RYD) | Tower of Trials (PLM) | Outside Agart (RYD) | CD (PLM/EWD) | Tower of Trials (PLM) | Impact Crater (EDG/EWD) | CD (PLM/PRM/EWD) | Eblan Cave (EDG) | Dwarven Mine (EDG) | Babil Path (EDG) | Underground Lake (PRM) | Mt. Ordeals (PRM) | Antlion's Den (EWD) | Antlion's Den (EWD) | Impact Crater (LUN) | Outside Baron (EWD) | | | Type | Type | - Pudding | - Undead | | | Treasure | Weakness | - Potion | - () | - Hi-Potion | | | Resistance | Weakness | - () | - Lightning | | | Absorb | Resistance | - () | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------------ | ----------------- | (27) | (28) | ---[Devil's Castanet]--- | ---[Fangshell]--- | | | HP 380 | HP 58 | Gil 98 | Gil 28 | Exp 1030 | Exp 101 | | | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Impact Crater (YNG) | | CD (YNG) | Type | Underground Lake (PLM/PRM) | - () | | | Type | Treasure | - () | - Maiden's Kiss | | - Diet Ration | Treasure | - Mallet | - Maiden's Kiss | - Remedy | - Diet Ration | | - Mallet | Weakness | - Remedy | - Lightning | | | Weakness | Resistance | - Lightning | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | ------------------- | (29) | (30) | ---[Splasher]--- | ---[Electrofish]--- | | | HP 180 | HP 284 | Gil 63 | Gil 82 | Exp 430 | Exp 640 | | | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Impact Crater (YNG) | Impact Crater (YNG) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | CD (PLM) | CD (PLM) | Underground Lake (PRM/EWD)| | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Maiden's Kiss | - Potion | - Diet Ration | - Hi-Potion | - Mallet | | - Remedy | Weakness | | - Lightning | Weakness | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - Thunder | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | ------------------- | (31) | (32) | ---[Alligator]--- | ---[Gigas Gator]--- | | | HP 175 | HP 292 | Gil 40 | Gil 101 | Exp 236 | Exp 660 | | | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Impact Crater (YNG) | Impact Crater (YNG) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Underground Lake (PRM) | CD (PLM) | CD (PLM) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Hi-Potion | - Hi-Potion | - Leather Cap | - Leather Cap | - Leather Clothing | - Leather Clothing | - Silver Apple | - Silver Apple | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Cold | - Cold | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------ | ------------- | (33) | (34) | ---[Flood Worm]--- | ---[Hydra]--- | | | HP 638 | HP 257 | Gil 128 | Gil 98 | Exp 690 | Exp 670 | | | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Mist Cave (CEO) | Adamant Forest (YNG) | Impact Crater (YNG) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | CD (PLM) | CD (PLM) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Antidote | - Potion | - Unicorn Horn | - Hi-Potion | - Poison Arrows | - Remedy | | - Silver Apple | Weakness | | - Lightning | Weakness | | - Lightning | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------------- | -------------------- | (35) | (36) | ---[Baron Guardsman]--- | ---[Black Lizard]--- | | | HP 280 | HP 792 | Gil 153 | Gil 43 | Exp 710 | Exp 1298 | | | Location: Ancient Waterway (CEO) | Location: Outside Baron (KAN) | Mist Cave (CEO) | Mist Cliff (KAN) | | Babil Tower (EDG) | Type | Father's Lair (LUN) | - () | | | Type | Weakness | - () | - Lightning-Hold-Silence | | | Treasure | Resistance | - Gold Needle | - () | - Medusa Arrows | | - Stoneblade | Absorb | | - () | Weakness | | - Cold-Hold-Slow-Silence | | Confuse-Berserk-Dispel | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------------- | ------------------- | (37) | (38) | ---[Purple Bavarios]--- | ---[Ettin Snake]--- | | | HP 105 | HP 108 | Gil 50 | Gil 126 | Exp 750 | Exp 720 | | | Location: Mist Cave (CEO) | Location: Mist Cave (CEO) | Devil's Road (CEO) | Mt. Ordeals (KAN) | Mist Cliff (KAN) | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | CD (RYD/PLM/EDG/PRM/EWD) | Agart Mine (RYD) | Babil Tower (EDG) | CD (YNG/PRM) | Impact Crater (LUN) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Babil Tower (EDG) | | Eidolon's Passage (PRM) | Type | | - Pudding | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Potion | Treasure | - Hi-Potion | - Antidote | | - Unicorn Horn | Weakness | - Poison Arrows | - Fire-Hold-Slow-Silence | Weakness | Berserk-Mini-Dispel-Break | - Fire-Light | Sleep-Stop-Poison-Death | | Tornado-Osmose-Drain-Toad | Resistance | Pig | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | ------------------ | (39) | (40) | ---[Cave Naga]--- | ---[Blaze Toad]--- | | | HP 285 | HP 375 | Gil 141 | Gil 89 | Exp 740 | Exp 510 | | | Location: Mist Cave (CEO) | Location: Underground Lake (KAN) | Mt. Ordeals (KAN) | | Outside Damcyan (KAN) | Type | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | - () | Sealed Cave (RYD) | | Agart Mine (RYD) | Treasure | CD (YNG/PLM/PRM/EWD) | - Maiden's Kiss | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | | Babil Tower (EDG) | Weakness | | - Cold | Type | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Treasure | | - Antidoite | Absorb | - Unicorn Horn | - () | - Cross | | | | Weakness | | - Light | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | ------------------ | (41) | (42) | ---[Cait Sith]--- | ---[Mindflayer]--- | | | HP 342 | HP 300 | Gil 147 | Gil 162 | Exp 820 | Exp 1000 | | | Location: | Location: Mist Cave (CEO) | Mist Cave (CEO) | Agart Mine (RYD) | Devil's Road (KAN) | CD (YNG/PLM/EWD) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | Agart Mine (RYD) | Babil Tower (EDG) | CD (YNG/PLM/PRM/EWD) | | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | Type | Babil Tower (EDG) | - () | | | Type | Treasure | - () | - Unicorn Horn | | - Hi-Potion | Treasure | - Gold Hourglass | - Unicorn Horn | - Mindflayer (Summon) | - Coeurl Whisker | | - Cat Claws | Weakness | | - Sleep-Stop-Drain-Toad | Weakness | | - Stop-Sleep-Poison-Pig | Resistance | Osmose-Drain | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | ------------------- | (43) | (44) | ---[Needlehog]--- | ---[Fell Turtle]--- | | | HP 398 | HP 700 | Gil 119 | Gil 224 | Exp 700 | Exp 920 | | | Location: Mist Cave (CEO) | Location: Mist Cave (CEO) | Mt. Ordeals (KAN) | Outside Baron (KAN) | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Underground Lake (KAN) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | CD (PLM) | Agart Mine (RYD) | Impact Crater (LUN) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | | CD (PLM/EWD) | Type | Babil Tower (EDG) | - () | Eidolons Passage (PRM) | | | Treasure | Type | - Hi-Potion | - () | - Mythril Shield | | - Mythril Knife | Treasure | - X-Potion | - Gold Needle | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Cold | - () | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | ------------------ | (45) | (46) | ---[Succubus]--- | ---[Evil Flame]--- | | | HP 270 | HP 315 | Gil 133 | Gil 88 | Exp 810 | Exp 666 | | | Location: Mist Cave (CEO) | Location: Mt. Ordeals (KAN/PRM) | Agart MIne (RYD) | Devil's Road (KAN) | CD (YNG/PLM/EWD) | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | Outside Damcyan (KAN) | Babil Tower (EDG) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Lilith's Kiss | - Potion | - Vampire Fang | - Cursed Ring | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Fire-Light | - Cold | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | --------------- | (47) | (48) | ---[Skeleripper]--- | ---[Gremlin]--- | | | HP 343 | HP 410 | Gil 121 | Gil 275 | Exp 587 | Exp 1221 | | | Location: Mt. Ordeals (KAN/PRM) | Location: Devil's Road (CEO) | Devil's Road (KAN) | Outside Baron (KAN) | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Mist Cliff (KAN) | | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Type | Outside Damcyan (KAN) | - () | CD (RYD/YNG/PLM) | | Impact Crater (LUN) | Weakness | | - Fire-Light | Type | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Treasure | | - Bronze Hourglass | Absorb | - Unicorn Horn | - () | - Silent Bell | | - Ether | | | | Weakness | | - Fire | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ---------------------- | (49) | (50) | ---[Black Knight]--- | ---[Goblin Captain]--- | | | HP 360 | HP 199 | Gil 175 | Gil 45 | Exp 840 | Exp 1930 | | | Location: Devil's Road (CEO) | Location: Outside Baron (KAN) | CD (RYD/YNG/PLM/LUN) | Mist Cliff (KAN) | Impact Crater (LUN) | Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Sealed Cave (RYD) | | CD (YNG/PLM/PRM) | Type | Babil Tower (EDG) | - () | Father's Lair (LUN) | | | Treasure | Type | - Tent | - () | - Cottage | | | Treasure | Weakness | - Potion | - Fire-Light-Hold-Slow | - Hi-Potion | Silence-Confuse-Mini-Dispel | | Break-Stop-Tornado-Toad | Weakness | Pig | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Confuse | | Berserk-Mini | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------ | ------------------ | (51) | (52) | ---[Naga]--- | ---[Frostbeast]--- | | | HP 320 | HP 520 | Gil 150 | Gil 276 | Exp 1118 | Exp 1441 | | | Location: Outside Baron (KAN) | Location: Outside Baron (KAN) | Mist Cliff (KAN) | Mist Cliff (KAN) | CD (YNG/PLM) | CD (RYD/YNG/PLM/LUN) | Father's Lair (LUN) | Tower of Babil (EDG) | | Impact Crater (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Antidote | Treasure | - Unicorn Horn | - Antarctic Wind | - Poison Arrows | - Ice Arrows | | - Arctic Wind | Weakness | - White Fang | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Confuse | | - Berserk-Mini-Dispel | Weakness | | - Cold-Hold-Slow-Silence | Resistance | Confuse-Berserk-Dispel | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------ | ------------------ | (53) | (54) | ---[Flamehound]--- | ---[Ice Lizard]--- | | | HP 1221 | HP 480 | Gil 244 | Gil 289 | Exp 1708 | Exp 1331 | | | Location: Outside Baron (KAN) | Location: Outside Baron (KAN) | CD (RYD/YNG/PRM) | Mist Cliff (KAN) | Babil Tower (EDG) | CD (RYD/YNG/PLM/EDG) | Father's Lair (LUN) | Impact Crater (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Bomb Fragment | - Arctic Wind | - Fire Arrows | - Ice Arrows | - Bomb Crank | - Antarctic Wind | - Red Fang | - White Fang | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Cold-Hold-Slow-Silence | - Fire | Confuse-Berserk-Dispel | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | -------------- | (55) | (56) | ---[Hellflapper]--- | ---[Medusa]--- | | | HP 900 | HP 490 | Gil 312 | Gil 225 | Exp 3114 | Exp 1208 | | | Location: Outside Baron | Location: Mist Cliff (KAN) | CD (EDG/LUN) | CD (PLM) | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Gold Needle | Treasure | - Phoenix Down | - Medusa Arrows | - Eye Drops | - Stoneblade | - Alarm Clock | | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Projectiles-Hold-Slow | - () | - Silence-Confuse-Berserk | | Dispel | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------- | ---------------------- | (57) | (58) | ---[Toadgre]--- | ---[Magma Tortoise]--- | | | HP 59 | HP 435 | Gil 34 | Gil 234 | Exp 127 | Exp 1666 | | | Location: Underground Lake (KAN/PRM)| Location: Outside Kaipo (KAN) | Sylph Cave (RYD) | Outside Damcyan (KAN) | CD (YNG/PLM) | CD (YNG) | Dwarven Mine (EDG) | Babil Tower (EDG) | Impact Crater (YNG/EDG) | Father's Lair (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Maiden's Kiss | - Hi-Potion | | - Mythril Shield | Weakness | - Mythril Hammer | - Cold | - X-Potion | | | Resistance | Weakness | - () | - Cold | | | Absorb | Resistance | - () | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------- | ----------------- | (59) | (60) | ---[Mizuchi]--- | ---[Blood Bat]--- | | | HP 675 | HP 439 | Gil 274 | Gil 262 | Exp 1080 | Exp 1977 | | | Location: Underground Lake (KAN) | Location: Underground Lake (KAN) | | Sealed Cave (RYD) | Type | CD (RYD/PLM/PRM/EWD) | - () | Babil Tower (EDG) | | | Treasure | Type | - Antidote | - () | - Unicorn Horn | | - Poison Arrows | Treasure | | - Potion | Weakness | - Hi-Potion | - Lightning | | | Weakness | Resistance | - Fire-Projectiles | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------------- | ----------------- | (61) | (62) | ---[Sahagin Knight]--- | ---[Flaygator]--- | | | HP 450 | HP 880 | Gil 210 | Gil 356 | Exp 670 | Exp 1563 | | | Location: Underground Lake (KAN) | Location: Underground Lake (KAN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Broadsword | - Potion | - Long Sword | - Hi-Potion | - Coral Blade | - Leather Clothing | - Sleep Blade | - Silver Apple | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Lightning | - Cold | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------------- | ---------------------- | (63) | (64) | ---[Zombie Infantry]--- | ---[Desert Sahagin]--- | | | HP 1000 | HP 20 | Gil 200 | Gil 17 | Exp 800 | Exp 70 | | | Location: Kaipo (KAN) | Location: Outside Damcyan (EWD) | Baron Castle (KAN) | Outside Kaipo (EWD) | Baron (Village) (CRY) | | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Potion | - Tent | | - Antidote | Weakness | - Cross | - () | - Echo Herbs | | | Resistance | Weakness | - () | - | | | Absorb | Resistance | - () | - | | | | Absorb | | - | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------------- | --------------- | (65) | (66) | ---[Mythril Golem]--- | ---[Balloon]--- | | | HP 2900 | HP 697 | Gil 383 | Gil 315 | Exp 3659 | Exp 2459 | | | Location: CD (KAN/YNG/EDG/LUN) | Location: CD (KAN/RYD/PLM/EDG/LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Mythril Knife | - Bomb Fragment | - Mythril Shield | - Antarctic Wind | - Mythril Sword | - Bomb Core | - Mythril Armor | - Bomb (Summon) | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Hold-Slow-Confuse-Berserk | - Projectiles-Hold-Slow-Silence | Dispel-Break-Sleep-Stop | Confuse-Berserk-Dispel-Break | Tornado-Pig-Osmose-Drain | Stop-Tornado-Osmose-Drain | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - Mini-Toad-Pig | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | ------------------------ | (67) | (68) | ---[Mad Ogre]--- | ---[Adamantine Golem]--- | | | HP 2000 | HP (10000) | Gil 270 | Gil 1000 | Exp 2359 | Exp 3500 | | | Location: CD (KAN/RYD/YNG/PLM/EDG | Location: CD (KAN) | PRM/LUN) | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Wooden Hammer | - Bacchus's Wine | - Giant's Gloves | - Headband | | - Power Armlet | Weakness | - Giant's Gloves | - () | | | Weakness | Resistance | - Light-Hold-Slow-Silence | - () | Confuse-Berserk-Mini-Dispel | | Break-Sleep-Stop-Poison | | Death-Tornado | | | Absorb | Resistance | - () | - Toad-Pig-Osmose-Drain | | Weak Magic | | | | Absorb | | - None | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | -------------- | (69) | (70) | ---[Ghost Knight]-- | ---[Coeurl]--- | | | HP 1050 | HP 593 | Gil 211 | Gil 345 | Exp 2559 | Exp 2759 | | | Location: CD (YNG/RYD/YNG/PLM/LUN) | Location: CD (KAN/RYD/YNG/PLM/EDG | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | PRM/LUN) | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Tent | Treasure | - Cottage | - Coeurl Whisker | | - Unicorn Horn | Weakness | - Cat Claws | - Light-Hold-Slow-Silence | | Confuse-Berserk-Dispel-Stop | Weakness | Break-Poison-Tornado-Osmose | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Confuse | Drain | Berserk-Dispel-Break-Stop | | Poison-Death-Tornado-Pig | Resistance | Osmose-Drain | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------- | ----------------------- | (71) | (72) | ---[Lamia]--- | ---[Lamia Matriarch]--- | | | HP 1200 | HP 1100 | Gil 143 | Gil 247 | Exp 2059 | Exp 2859 | | | Location: CD (KAN/RYD/YNG/PLM/EDG | Location: CD (KAN/YNG/LUN) | PRM/LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Lamia Harp | - Lamia Harp | - Ruby Ring | - Ruby Ring | - Light Curtain | - Lunar Curtain | - Angel Arrows | - Angel Arrows | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Slow-Silence-Mini-Confuse | - () | Poison | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | ---------------- | (73) | (74) | ---[Storm Anima]--- | ---[Sorceror]--- | | | HP 1400 | HP 1000 | Gil 149 | Gil 272 | Exp 2459 | Exp 2359 | | | Location: CD (KAN/RYD/YNG/PLM/EDG | Location: CD (KAN/RYD/LUN) | LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Unicorn Horn | - Antarctic Wind | - Healing Staff | - Lightning Arrows | - Rune Armlet | - Heavenly Wrath | - Rune Staff | - Blue Fang | | | Weakness | Weakness | - () | - Light-Hold-Slow-Silence | | Confuse-Berserk-Mini-Dispel | Resistance | Break-Stop-Sleep-Poison | - () | Tornado-Drain | | | Absorb | Resistance | - () | - Osmose | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | ---------------- | (75) | (76) | ---[Summoner]--- | ---[Nagaraja]--- | | | HP 3600 | HP 1480 | Gil 475 | Gil 238 | Exp 3688 | Exp 3582 | | | Location: CD (KAN) | Location: CD (YNG/EDG/LUN) | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Unicorn Horn | Treasure | - Healing Staff | - Antidote | - Rune Armlet | - Unicorn Horn | - Rune Staff | - Poison Arrows | | | Weakness | Weakness | - () | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Mini | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------- | ----------- | (77) | (78) | ---[Arachne]--- | ---[Imp]--- | | | HP 3650 | HP 3480 | Gil 585 | Gil 650 | Exp 4388 | Exp 6388 | | | Location: CD (KAN/LUN) | Location: CD (KAN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Spider Silk | - Silent Bell | - Gaia Drum | - Unicorn Horn | - Gaia Hammer | - Bronze Hourglass | | - Ether | Weakness | | - Cold-Hold-Slow-Confuse | Weakness | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | -------------------- | (79) | (80) | ---[Evil Dreamer]--- | ---[Elder Treant]--- | | | HP 2800 | HP 3900 | Gil 362 | Gil 525 | Exp 3141 | Exp 5041 | | | Location: CD (KAN/PLM) | Location: CD (KAN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Potion | - Maiden's Kiss | - Cursed Ring | - Diet Ration | | - Mallet | Weakness | - Remedy | - Hold-Slow-Silence | | | Weakness | Resistance | - Fire-Hold-Slow-Confuse | - () | Berserk | | | Absorb | Resistance | - Fire | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | ----------------- | (81) | (82) | ---[Fell Knight]--- | ---[Blood Eye]--- | | | HP 2200 | HP 2400 | Gil 575 | Gil 465 | Exp 4288 | Exp 3444 | | | Location: CD (KAN/LUN | Location: CD (KAN)/EDG/LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Tent | - Gold Needle | - Cottage | - Pheonix Down | | - Eye Drops | | - Alarm Clock | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Mini | - Projectiles-Slow-Silence-Stop | Break-Stop-Tornado-Toad | Tornado | Pig | | | Resistance | Resistance | - Osmose-Drain | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------- | ----------------- | (83) | (84) | ---[Malboro]--- | ---[Belphegor]--- | | | HP 4200 | HP 2200 | Gil 458 | Gil 484 | Exp 5641 | Exp 4088 | | | Location: CD (KAN/EDG) | Location: CD (KAN/LUN) | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Bacchus's Wine | Treasure | - Poison Arrows | - Potion | - Remedy | - Cursed Ring | - Soma Drop | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Projectiles-Light-Hold-Slow | - Hold-Slow | Silence-Berserk-Dispel-Break | | Stop-Tornado-Osmose-Drain | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | ---------------- | (85) | (86) | ---[Sandworm]--- | ---[Basilisk]--- | | | HP 75 | HP 90 | Gil 22 | Gil 30 | Exp 82 | Exp 110 | | | Location: Eidolons Passage (RYD) | Location: Sylph Cave (RYD) | | Underworld (RYD) | Type | Outside Agart (RYD) | - () | Outside Fabul (YNG) | | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Treasure | | - Potion | Type | - Hi-Potion | - () | - Remedy | | - Silver Apple | Treasure | | - Gold Needle | Weakness | | - () | Weakness | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------- | ----------------- | (87) | (88) | ---[Leshy]--- | ---[Gigantoad]--- | | | HP 130 | HP 47 | Gil 42 | Gil 24 | Exp 157 | Exp 89 | | | Location: Sylph Cave (RYD) | Location: Sylph Cave (RYD) | Outside Agart (RYD) | Impact Crater (YNG/EDG) | Underworld (RYD) | CD (YNG/PLM) | Outside Fabul (YNG) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Mt. Hobs (YNG) | Underground Lake (PRM) | Antlion's Den (EWD) | | CD (EWD/LUN) | Type | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | - () | | | Type | Treasure | - () | - Maiden's Kiss | | | Treasure | Weakness | - Potion | - Cold | | | Weakness | Resistance | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Confuse | - () | Berserk-Mini-Dispel-Break | | Sleep-Stop-Poison-Tornado | Absorb | Toad-Osmose-Drain | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ------------------ | (89) | (90) | ---[Blood Flower]--- | ---[Red Mousse]--- | | | HP 370 | HP 35 | Gil 32 | Gil 36 | Exp 1204 | Exp 134 | | | Location: Sealed Cave | Location: Sealed Cave (RYD) | CD (EDG) | Tower of Trials (PLM) | | CD (PLM/PRM/EWD) | Type | Impact Crater (EDG/LUN) | - () | | | Type | Treasure | - Pudding | - Maiden's Kiss | | - Diet Ration | Treasure | - Mallet | - Potion | - Remedy | - Hi-Potion | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Fire | - Fire | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------- | ------------------- | (91) | (92) | ---[Treant]--- | ---[Quarto Doll]--- | | | HP 335 | HP 1800 | Gil 148 | Gil 50 | Exp 687 | Exp 50 | | | Location: Agart Mine (RYD) | Location: Agart Mine (RYD) | Eidolons Passage (RYD) | | Outside Baron (EWD) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Mythril Bolt | Treasure | - Mythril Nut | - Maiden's Kiss | | - Diet Ration | Weakness | - Mallet | - () | - Remedy | | | Resistance | Weakness | - () | - Fire | | | Absorb | Resistance | - () | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | ------------------ | (93) | (94) | ---[Ironback]--- | ---[Soldieress]--- | | | HP 100 | HP 425 | Gil 233 | Gil 200 | Exp 1077 | Exp 1050 | | | Location: CD (RYD/YNG/PLM) | Location: CD (RYD/YNG/PLM) | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Hi-Potion | Treasure | - Mythril Knife | - Tent | - Mythril Helm | - Cottage | - X-Potion | | | Weakness | Weakness | - () | - () | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | ----------------- | (95) | (96) | ---[Skulldier]--- | ---[Sorceress]--- | | | HP 740 | HP 350 | Gil 116 | Gil 329 | Exp 1577 | Exp 134 | | | Location: CD (RYD/YNG/PLM/EDG/PRM) | Location: CD (RYD/YNG/PLM) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Impact Crater (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - Undead | - () | | | Weakness | Treasure | - Fire-Light | - Rod | | - Silver Armlet | Resistance | - Ether | - () | - Dry Ether | | | Absorb | Weakness | - () | - () | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------ | -------------- | (97) | (98) | ---[Mors]--- | ---[Amoeba]--- | | | HP 695 | HP 125 | Gil 253 | Gil 79 | Exp 1504 | Exp 225 | | | Location: CD (RYD/YNG/PLM) | Location: Impact Crater (YNG) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | CD (YNG) | | Dwarven Mine (EDG) | Type | Underground Lake (PRM) | - () | | | Type | Treasure | - () | - Potion | | - Hi-Potion | Treasure | | - Antidote | Weakness | - Tent | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Confuse | - Cross | Berserk-Mini-Dispel-Break | - Echo Herbs | Sleep-Stop-Poison-Death | | Tornado-Drain-Toad | Weakness | | - Lightning | Resistance | | - Osmose | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | --------------- | (99) | (100) | ---[Killer Fish]--- | ---[Sahagin]--- | | | HP 65 | HP 64 | Gil 30 | Gil 38 | Exp 119 | Exp 136 | | | Location: Impact Crater (YNG) | Location: CD (YNG/PLM) | CD (YNG) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Troia Waterway (PLM) | Dwarven Mine (EDG) | Underground Lake (PRM) | Impact Crater (EDG) | | Underground Lake (PRM/EWD) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Potion | Weakness | - Hi-Potion | - Lightning | | | Weakness | Resistance | - Lightning | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | --------------- | (101) | (102) | ---[Baron Marine]--- | ---[Captain]--- | | | HP 65 | HP 320 | Gil 100 | Gil 152 | Exp 400 | Exp 600 | | | Location: Fabul (YNG) | Location: Fabul (YNG) | | | Type | Type | - Human | - Human | | | Weakness | Weakness | - () | - | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | --------------- | (103) | (104) | ---[Armadillo]--- | ---[Chimera]--- | | | HP 325 | HP 700 | Gil 194 | Gil 228 | Exp 1555 | Exp 1708 | | | Location: CD (YNG) | Location: CD (YNG/LUN) | Tower of Babil (EDG) | Father's Lair | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Hi-Potion | Treasure | - Mythril Shield | - Bomb Fragment | - Mythril Hammer | - Bomb Crank | - X-Potion | - Fire Arrows | | - Red Fang | Weakness | | - () | Weakness | | - Break | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - Fire-Cold-Lightning | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | ------------------- | (105) | (106) | ---[Stone Golem]--- | ---[Steel Golem]--- | | | HP 2560 | HP 1950 | Gil 238 | Gil 445 | Exp 2908 | Exp 703 | | | Location: CD (YNG/EDGE/LUN) | Location: CD (YNG/PLM/EDG/PRM/LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Hi-Potion | - Wooden Hammer | - Medusa Arrows | - Giant's Gloves | - X-Potion | | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Cold | - Cold-Hold-Confuse | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ------------------- | (107) | (108) | ---[Ricardo Mage]--- | ---[Will Priest]--- | | | HP 235 | HP 250 | Gil 231 | Gil 268 | Exp 480 | Exp 720 | | | Location: Troia Waterway (PLM) | Location: Troia Waterway (PLM) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | CD (PLM) | CD (PLM) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Rod | - Staff | - Flame Rod | - Healing Staff | - Rune Armlet | - Mythril Staff | - Ether | - Mindflayer (Summon) | | | Weakness | Weakness | - () | - () | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------- | -------------------- | (109) | (110) | ---[Lamage]--- | ---[White Mousse]--- | | | HP 300 | HP 298 | Gil 332 | Gil 384 | Exp 950 | Exp 1808 | | | Location: Lodestone Cavern (PLM) | Location: CD (PLM/LUN) | CD (PLM) | Father's Lair (LUN) | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - Pudding | Treasure | | - Rod | Treasure | - Thunder Rod | - Potion | - Circlet | - Hi-Potion | - Ether | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Cold-Hold-Slow-Silence | - () | Berserk-Mini-Dispel-Break | | Sleep-Stop-Poison-Death | Resistance | Tornado-Osmose-Drain-Toad-Pig | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ---------------- | ------------------ | (111) | (112) | ---[Gil Bird]--- | ---[Cliff Eagle]--- | | | HP (3000) | HP 140 | Gil 999 | Gil 76 | Exp 333 | Exp 182 | | | Location: CD (PLM/EWD) | Location: Tower of Trials (EDG) | | Mt. Ordeals (EDG) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Gold Needle | Treasure | - Phoenix Down | - Gold Needle | - Cockatrice (Summon) | - Phoenix Down | | - Cockatrice (Summon) | Weakness | | - () | Weakness | | - Projectiles | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | ----------------- | (113) | (114) | ---[Sky Pupil]--- | ---[Navy Moth]--- | | | HP 113 | HP 152 | Gil 39 | Gil 52 | Exp 145 | Exp 229 | | | Location: Mt. Ordeals (EDG) | Location: Mt. Ordeals (EDG) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Gold Needle | - Gold Needle | - Phoenix Down | - Phoenix Down | - Eye Drops | - Eye Drops | - Alarm Clock | - Alarm Clock | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Projectiles | - Projectiles | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------------- | ------------------------- | (115) | (116) | ---[Proto Clockwork]--- | ---[Proto Beam Cannon]--- | | | HP 250 | HP 215 | Gil 225 | Gil 180 | Exp 412 | Exp 350 | | | Location: Babil Tower (EDG) | Location: Babil Tower (EDG) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Tent | - Zeus's Wrath | - Heavenly Wrath | - Lightning Arrows | | - Heavenly Wrath | Weakness | - Blue Fang | - () | | | Weakness | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | - () | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------------- | --------------------- | (117) | (118) | ---[Lesser Marilith]--- | ---[Chimera Brain]--- | | | HP 1400 | HP 3400 | Gil 205 | Gil 1200 | Exp 3082 | Exp 5500 | | | Location: CD (EDG/LUN) | Location: CD (EDG/LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Zeus's Wrath | - Bomb Fragment | - Heavenly Wrath | - Bomb Crank | - Lightning Arrows | - Fire Arrows | - Blue Fang | - Red Fang | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Mini | - Slow-Silence-Berserk-Dispel | Break-Sleep-Stop-Toad-Pig | Break-Stop-Tornado | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - Fire-Cold-Lightning | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ------------------- | (119) | (120) | ---[Caterpillar]---- | ---[Vampire Bat]--- | | | HP 986 | HP 1014 | Gil 39 | Gil 355 | Exp 2822 | Exp 2306 | | | Location: CD (EDG) | Location: CD (EDG) | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Potion | - Potion | - Hi-Potion | - Hi-Potion | | | Weakness | Weakness | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Confuse | - Fire-Projectiles | Berserk-Dispel-Break-Sleep | | Stop-Death-Tornado-Osmose | Resistance | Drain | - () | | | Resistance | Absorb | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | ------------------- | (121) | (122) | ---[Vampiress]--- | ---[Mortblossom]--- | | | HP 2375 | HP 440 | Gil 188 | Gil 210 | Exp 3582 | Exp 216 | | | Location: CD (EDG/LUN) | Location: Eidolons Passage (PRM) | | Outside Baron (EWD) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Lilith's Kiss | Treasure | - Vampire Fang | - Maiden's Kiss | | - Diet Ration | Weakness | - Mallet | - Fire-Light-Slow-Confuse | - Remedy | | | Resistance | Weakness | - () | - Fire | | | Absorb | Resistance | - () | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------------- | ---------------- | (123) | (124) | ---[Necrodium]--- | ---[Hundlegs]--- | | | HP 429 | HP 60 | Gil 64 | Gil 20 | Exp 741 | Exp 79 | | | Location: Mt. Ordeals (PRM) | Location: Outside Damcyan (EWD) | | Impact Crater (EWD) | | Outside Kaipo (EWD) | Type | | - Undead | Type | | - () | Weakness | | - Fire-Light | Treasure | | - Potion | Resistance | - Bronze Tail | - () | - Silver Tail | | | Absorb | Weakness | - () | - () | | | | Resistance | | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | ---------------- | (125) | (126) | ---[Adamantoise]--- | ---[Wild Bat]--- | | | HP 190 | HP 227 | Gil 46 | Gil 93 | Exp 234 | Exp 251 | | | Location: Antlion's Den (EWD) | Location: Mt. Ordeals (EDG) | Impact Crater (EWD) | | | | Type | Type | - () | - () | | | Treasure | Treasure | - Antidote | - Potion | - Tent | - Hi-Potion | - Cross | | - Bronze Tail | Weakness | | - Light-Projectiles | Weakness | | - Cold | Resistance | | - () | Resistance | | - () | Absorb | | - () | Absorb | | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ------------------ | (127) | (128) | ---[Flame Knight]--- | ---[Black Flan]--- | | | HP 579 | HP 1357 | Gil 300 | Gil 1300 | Exp 1708 | Exp 3044 | | | Location: CD (LUN) | Location: CD (LUN) | | Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - Pudding | Treasure | | - Flame Shield | Treasure | - Flame Mail | - Ether | - Flame Sword | - Stardust | - Flame Lance | - Lunar Curtain | | - Artemis Arrows | Weakness | | - Cold | Weakness | | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Mini | Resistance | Dispel-Stop-Poison-Death | - () | Tornado-Osmose-Pig | | | Absorb | Resistance | - () | - () | | | | Absorb | | - () | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------- | --------------------- | (129) | (130) | ---[Gravel Worm]--- | ---[Count Malboro]--- | | | HP 4111 | HP (22000) | Gil 287 | Gil 799 | Exp 3963 | Exp 7250 | | | Location: Lunar Overworld (LUN) | Location: Father's Lair (LUN) | | CD (LUN) | Type | | - () | Type | | - () | Treasure | | - Stardust | Treasure | - Soma Drop | - Remedy | | - Silver Apple | Weakness | | - Hold-Slow-Silence-Berserk | Weakness | Dispel-Poison-Tornado-Stop | - () | Osmose-Drain | | | Resistance | Resistance | - () | - () | | | Absorb | Absorb | - () | - () | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (7) - Acknowledgment - (ACK1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Thanks to Max_Stat_Boyd, JGPJR79 and Garr5000 for contributing information on enemy drops and general enemy information! *** *** Thanks to BoNeMaRo for letting me use his stat information on Ceodore! *** *** Thanks to wilowns1 & BMSirius for revealing some missed treasures. *** *** Thanks to seujai for information about the changed time limit for PSP. *** *** Thanks to BluesEclipse for providing Gil Bird locations for Edward's challenge dungeon. *** *** Thanks to Eisei_Xethlex for providing information about new PSP only enemies. *** Hope you enjoyed the walkthrough! See-ya guys later! ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~A Heartfelt Goodbye from the Authors~~ - (CLS1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cranberry: Wow, is it really over? It is isn't it? We've finished the game. I want to sincerely thank you for reading this guide and joining me on this amazing adventure. I hope you have enjoyed this game as much as I have, and I truly hope that this guide has been helpful to you. I wish you happiness and success for the future; perhaps we'll meet again someday! This is Cranberry, and for the final time, I bid you a fond farewell. Thank you so much. Zxela404: It's amazing how much this guide has expanded over the past couple of months. I found an incredible experience in this guide, simply because of the fact that unlike most games, parts would be released episodically, which meant that everytime the guide felt like it was done, there was always more ahead. But now that we are approaching the true conclusion, I want to thank all of our readers, especially those from day one, who found use in our guide, and I hope people continue to find the solution to their dilemnas and the answers to their problems within this small section of the internet. As always, it's been a pleasure writing for YOU, the reader, and I hope to grow in skill and provide ever-improving coverage of games that you may, some time in the future, need a helping hand with! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version - 2.20