__________ ___ ____/__(_)____________ ___ / __ /_ __ /__ __ \ __ `/_ / _ __/ _ / _ / / / /_/ /_ / /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/ /_/ __________ _____ __________ __ ___ ____/_____ _________ /______ ____________ __ ____ _/_ | / / __ /_ _ __ `/_ __ \ __/ __ `/_ ___/_ / / / __ / __ | / / _ __/ / /_/ /_ / / / /_ / /_/ /_(__ )_ /_/ / __/ / __ |/ / /_/ \__,_/ /_/ /_/\__/ \__,_/ /____/ _\__, / /___/ _____/ / ________________ ___ |_____ /__ _______ __________________ __ /| | __ /__ | / / __ `/_ __ \ ___/ __/ ___ /_/ / __ |/ // /_/ /_ / / / /__ / |__ __ /_/ |_\__,_/ _____/ \__,_/ /_/ /_/\___/ \___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Final Fantasy IV Advance | | Guide By: Spudnickator | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Version: 2.0 | | Email: daniellynch1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | This guide contains major spoilers. | | Ye have been warned. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= | Table of Contents | ============================================================================= 1) Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------<000> 2) Controls---------------------------------------------------------------<001> 3) Characters-------------------------------------------------------------<002> 4) Walkthrough------------------------------------------------------------<003> 4.1) Introduction------------------------------------------------------<004> 4.2) Baron Castle------------------------------------------------------<005> 4.3) Mist Cave---------------------------------------------------------<006> 4.4) Mist--------------------------------------------------------------<007> 4.5) Kiapo-------------------------------------------------------------<008> 4.6) Water Cavern------------------------------------------------------<009> 4.7) Damcyan-----------------------------------------------------------<010> 4.8) Antlion Cave------------------------------------------------------<011> 4.9) Kiapo-------------------------------------------------------------<012> 4.10) Mt. Hobs---------------------------------------------------------<013> 4.11) Fabul------------------------------------------------------------<014> 4.12) Mysidia----------------------------------------------------------<015> 4.13) Mt. Ordeals------------------------------------------------------<016> 4.14) Mysidia----------------------------------------------------------<017> 4.15) Baron/Castle/Waterway--------------------------------------------<018> 4.16) Troia/Castle-----------------------------------------------------<019> 4.17) Mythril Town**---------------------------------------------------<020> 4.18) Magnetic Cave----------------------------------------------------<021> 4.18) Troia------------------------------------------------------------<022> 4.19) Tower Of Zot-----------------------------------------------------<023> 4.20) Agart------------------------------------------------------------<024> 4.21) Dwarven Castle---------------------------------------------------<025> 4.22) Tower Of Babel---------------------------------------------------<026> 4.23) Baron Castle-----------------------------------------------------<027> 4.24) Eblan Castle**---------------------------------------------------<028> 4.25) Eblan Cave-------------------------------------------------------<029> 4.26) Tower Of Babel---------------------------------------------------<030> 4.27) Dwarven Castle---------------------------------------------------<031> 4.28) Tomra**----------------------------------------------------------<032> 4.29) Cave Of Summons**------------------------------------------------<033> 4.30) Land Of Summons**------------------------------------------------<034> 4.31) Sealed Cavern----------------------------------------------------<035> 4.32) Dwarven Castle---------------------------------------------------<036> 4.33) Kokkol's Smithy**------------------------------------------------<037> 4.34) Mysidia----------------------------------------------------------<038> 4.35) Lunar Palace-----------------------------------------------------<039> 4.36) Giant Of Babel---------------------------------------------------<040> 4.37) Baron Castle**---------------------------------------------------<041> 4.38) Cave Of Bahamut**------------------------------------------------<042> 4.39) Lunar Subterranean (Part One)------------------------------------<043> 4.40) Cave Of Trails**-------------------------------------------------<044> 4.41) Lunar Subterranean (Part Two)------------------------------------<045> 5) Lunar Ruins------------------------------------------------------------<046> 6) Other Sidequests-------------------------------------------------------<047> 6.1) Obtaining Asura and Leviathan-------------------------------------<048> 6.2) Obtaining Bahamut-------------------------------------------------<049> 6.3) Adamant Armour----------------------------------------------------<050> 6.4) The Cave Of Trails------------------------------------------------<051> 6.5) The Excalibur-----------------------------------------------------<052> 7) Item List--------------------------------------------------------------<053> 8) Equipment List---------------------------------------------------------<054> 8.1) Weapons-----------------------------------------------------------<055> 8.101) Swords------------------------------------------------------<056> 8.102) Bows--------------------------------------------------------<057> 8.103) Rods--------------------------------------------------------<058> 8.104) Lances------------------------------------------------------<059> 8.105) Instruments-------------------------------------------------<060> 8.106) Claws-------------------------------------------------------<061> 8.107) Katanas-----------------------------------------------------<062> 8.108) Staffs------------------------------------------------------<063> 8.109) Hammers-----------------------------------------------------<064> 8.110) Whips-------------------------------------------------------<065> 8.111) Boomerangs--------------------------------------------------<066> 8.112) Axes--------------------------------------------------------<067> 8.113) Knives------------------------------------------------------<068> 8.113) Darts-------------------------------------------------------<069> 8.114) Arrows------------------------------------------------------<070> 8.2) Armour------------------------------------------------------------<071> 8.201) Body--------------------------------------------------------<072> 8.202) Shields-----------------------------------------------------<073> 8.203) Head--------------------------------------------------------<074> 8.203) Arms--------------------------------------------------------<075> 9) Magic List-------------------------------------------------------------<076> 9.1) Black Magic-------------------------------------------------------<077> 9.2) White Magic-------------------------------------------------------<078> 9.3) Ninjitzu Magic----------------------------------------------------<079> 10) Summon List-----------------------------------------------------------<080> 11) Frequently Asked Questions--------------------------------------------<081> 12) Version History-------------------------------------------------------<082> 13) Legal Junk------------------------------------------------------------<083> 14) Credits---------------------------------------------------------------<084> *Coming Soon **Optional ============================================================================= | Introduction <000>| ============================================================================= Welcome to my first ever guide. I hope it helps. If there is anything I got wrong in this walkthrough, please E-Mail me regarding it, I will give credit to you, and then correct it. The same goes for questions, or even suggestions. Please don't e-mail me with a question that is answered in the guide, I don't have time for things like that, and no one likes it. If you want to contribute something to this guide, email me, I'll add it in, and give you full credit. Stuff like that. Praise mail is also accepted ^_^ So, why write a guide for this game? Well, it's one of my favourite Final Fantasy games, and one of the easiest to write about. So I decided to make a walkthrough on it, as I know many people have problems. I also wanted to prove to myself I could actual finish writing one, and I guess I'm nearly there. Well, Enjoy. ============================================================================= | Controls <001>| ============================================================================= Well, here I will list the controls for the game. I don't really know why, since the game tells you everything, and so does the manual. Nevertheless, here they are: Towns/Dungeons/Mountains: ------------------------- A: Talk to People/Open chests/Advance text/Examine pots ect. B: Run L/R: Change character sprite. Start: Display Menu. Select: N/A D-Pad: Move Overworld: ---------- A: Enter Vehicles/ Exit Vehicles B: N/A L/R: Change character sprite Start: Display menu Select: N/A D-Pad: Move. Battle: ------- A: Select command B: Go back L/R: Hold both to run Start: N/A Select: N/A D-Pad: Change selection Menu: ----- A: Select option B: Go back/ Exit menu L/R: Switch Characters Start: N/A Select: N/A D-pad: Change selection. Chocobo/Vehicles: ----------------- A: Get In/On B: Get Out/Off L/R: N/A Start: Display Menu Select: N/A D-Pad: Move Well, that covers it all. I think. ============================================================================= | Characters <002>| ============================================================================= You wanna know who you're playing right' Well, here is some information on each character: This contains spoilers by the way. ------ Cecil: ------ Class: Dark Knight/Paladin Bio: The captain of the Red Wings, Baron's elite air force. After questioning what their orders, the King demoted him. He soon decided not to follow Baron's orders, and then became a rebel, protecting the crystals from the clutches of Baron. Evaluation: Cecil is always one of your strongest characters, and a very useful one too. Later in the game, he turns into a Paladin, where his abilities grow, but he doesn't look as good. He can use White Magic as a Paladin, but not much. Score: 8/10 ----- Kain: ----- Class: Dragoon Bio: Best friend and rival of Cecil, he also worked with Baron, but soon joined Cecil in opposing them. He vanishes near the start of the game, but you get him back later. Evaluation: He has great attack power, and great commands. His Jump ability is great, but slow. He will become a staple in your party later on, unless you can't have him. And he looks good to boot. Score: 8/10 ----- Rosa: ----- Class: White Mage Bio: A white mage of Baron, after Cecil and Kain leave, she goes out to search for them. She later joins your party, but not for long. She soon gets kidnapped, but you do get her back for the end. Evaluation: You always need a White Mage in the Party, so she will be always in your party when she can be. Her white magic is powerful, but her other commands are useless. The only bad thing about her is her nearly non-existent attack power. Score: 7/10 ------ Rydia: ------ Class: Summoner Bio: A young girl of Mist, her town is destroyed by Cecil and Kain, but she soon learns to trust them. She soon disappears from your party, but comes back way later with a cooler sprite. Evaluation: At the start of the game, she only has one summon, and a few white and black magic spells. And very low stats, you'll hate her, and be happy when she leaves. After she comes back though, she gets many more summons, and many more spells, although she does lose her White Magic. But who cares' We have Rosa for that. Score: 7.5/10 ----- Yang: ----- Class: Monk Bio: A High Monk of Fabul, he joins your party after you help him in battle. He joins your cause after Baron destroys Fabul in search of their crystal. Evaluation: He is king in HP and attack power, but not really in defence. Aside from that, he has a really strong attack called Power, which will do one attack for double the attack power, and it soon gets upgraded to triple. Score: 6.5/10 ----- Edge: ----- Class: Ninja Bio: He is the prince of Eblan, which soon gets destroyed by Baron. He sets off to destroy them, and soon finds your party. After some talking to, he joins. Evaluation: He's a strong character, and can wield two weapons at once. His Steal command is near-useless, but his Throw is pretty good. He can throw weapons, dealing heavy damage, too bad you don't get them back. He also has his own magic skills, although they aren't too good. Score: 6.5/10 ------- Edward: ------- Class: Bard Bio: A prince of Damcyan, when it gets destroyed, along with his girlfriend Anna, by Baron, he decides to help you fight them, so he can avenge Anna. Evaluation: Although not the best character, he certainly is underrated. People usually don't pick him because of his low attack power, but later in the game, it picks up, and he becomes very useful, and his Hide command protects him from enemy attacks, which can help. Score: 6/10 ---- Cid: ---- Class: Engineer Bio: He makes Airships for Baron, and once he realises that Baron are doing wrong, he joins your quest. He also gives you many airship upgrades. Evaluation: A lot like Yang, high HP and attack power, but that's it. All he's useful for is attacking, he is good, but not that good. Score: 6/10 ------ Palom: ------ Class: Black Mage Bio: An apprentice Black Mage of Mysidia, he, along with his twin sister Porom, accompanies Cecil to Mt Ordeals, and later joins him, to finish their training. Evaluation: He is useful, and even better alongside his sister. When together, they can use devastating Twin magic, the only bad thing about it, is that it takes way to long, and you can't control what attack it is. But why do we need another Black Mage' We have Rydia for that, although he is useful when she isn't around. Score: 5.5/10 ------ Porom: ------ Class: White Mage Bio: An apprentice White Mage of Mysidia, she, along with her twin brother Palom, accompanies Cecil to Mt Ordeals, and later joins him, to finish their training. Evaluation: Just like Palom, but uses White Magic instead, really, we have Rosa for this. I guess she's good when Rosa isn't around though. Score: 5.5/10 ------- Tellah: ------- Class: Mage Bio: His daughter, Anna, ran away to Edward, and after she died, he goes out to avenge her. Evaluation: The first time you get him, he's ok. Good spells, yeah, whatever. The second time you get him, he will learn all his spells again. Making him an uber powerful all around Mage. He's good, but unnecessary. Score: 6/10 ------- FuSoYa: ------- Class: Mage Bio: The guardian of the Lunarians, he joins your party to destroy the giant of Babel. Evaluation: How many mages do we need' Please, he joins your party when you already have Rosa and Rydia. Why do we need him' For that, he sucks. Score: 3/10 ============================================================================= | Walkthrough <003>| ============================================================================= Here we go, the part you want the most. The actual Walkthrough! Yes, THE walkthrough. Do remember that everything about the game will be revealed in this, so don't read everything. Unless you like things being spoiled, which not many people do. Anyways, on with the show! ++++++++++++++++++++ +Introduction <004>+ ++++++++++++++++++++ See that guy in the middle' That's Cecil, your main character. After some talking about their previous mission, there are two automatic battles, watch them, and soon you will land at Baron. Baigen will greet you; you will follow him into the throne room. After questioning your last mission directly in front of the King, he will demote you. Kain then barges in. The king scolds you both, and then orders Kain to go with you. He orders you to take the BOMB RING to a village called Mist. You agree, and get pushed out of the room. Now you can take control of Cecil. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Baron/Castle <005>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Ether +Potion: 30gil + N/A + +480 Gil +Phoenix Down: 100gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Tent X2 +Gold Needle: 400gil + +Potion X3 +Maidens Kiss: 60gil + +Eyedrops +Eyedrops: 30gil + +Dwarven Bread. +Antidote: 40gil + +Hourglass +Tent: 100gil + +++++++++++++++++++++Gysahl Greens: 50gil + + Armour Shop ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++ Head down into the room below you, then go down and right. You will be near a room with chests in, press the switch on the side of the door. Then go and open the chests for an ETHER, 480 GIL, and a TENT. Then go back to the middle of the room and then left. Go up the stairs. Go down, but before you can leave the room, Rosa appears, she says she will visit you later, and then leaves. Go down. Head towards the tower to the north, and, before you can enter it, Cid appears. You tell him about your demotion, and then he runs home. Enter the tower, and head to the top. Then go into the bed for another scene. Cecil talks to himself for a while, and then Rosa comes in. She asks you about your next mission, and Cecil tells her of his last one. She then walks away. You will wake up, and walk down the hall with Kain. Side by side, you will leave the castle into the Overworld. Go left or right into the town of Baron. Go right, past the Inn, there is a pot at the end. Examine it for a POTION. Then enter the Inn and go left, past the counter. The pot at the bottom contains another POTION. The go right and up the stairs, examine the swords on the wall and a door will open. Go through and open the chests for EYEDROPS, a TENT, and some DWARVEN BREAD. Exit the inn and go north to the weapon shop. To the right it s bunch of posts, the bottom one contains another POTION. Go north, and enter the water. Follow the stream until you come to a big square. Near the bottom left is a hidden HOURGLASS. You can then go and buy some items if you wish, when you're done, exit the town. Now, go left and across the bridge, keep going left, you should come to a small mountain opening. Go into it and follow it round. A cave will the appear in view. Enter it. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Mist Cave <006>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Potion X2 + N/A + N/A + +Eyedrops ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Tent + +++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++ BF1 --- Your first dungeon, and a pretty easy one at that. Go right and then up the stairs. Then left and up. Go all the way up and open the chest for a POTION. Then go back down and right, then across the bridge. Go up the steps and turn right, open the chest for an EYEDROPS. Go back down the steps, and then keep going down. Turn left and then up the steps, open the chest for a TENT. GO back down, then right, then up one of the steps, then turn right. Open the chest at the end for another POTION, then go up to be stopped by a voice. It's the Mist Dragon! The mist will gather, and you will be forced to fight it. ------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Mist Dragon ------------------------ Hp: 465 Strength: 16 Defence: 5 Magic: 10 Magic Def: 31 Weakness: None Absorb: Holy Gil: 200 Exp: 700 Recommended Levels: Cecil (11), Kain (10) Being the first boss, it's going to be easy. Just attack like crazy, don't bother using Jump or Dark, When it turns into mist, stop attacking, or it will counter with Cold Mist, which will hurt you for around 30hp. Nothing too strong. Just wait until it turns back to normal. Its physical attack is also very weak. If your HP gets low, heal with some potions. But I doubt that will happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, head north through the doors. You will end up on the Overworld, go right and enter the town of Mist. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Mist <007>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + N/A + N/A + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++ As you enter, the ring will glow. Bombs will come out and engulf the town in flames. Cecil and Kain talk, until they are interrupted by a voice crying out. They look who it is. It's a small girl kneeling near the body of here Mother. Because her mum's dragon died, she died too. Cecil and Kain say they're sorry, they agree to rebel against Baron. They need to go back to Baron and get Rosa. They want to protect the girl from the king, but she won't let them. Instead, she fights you. Attack her if you wish, on her first go, she will summon Titan. Who will use Earthquake. The screen changes to the Overworld, there is a large earthquake, and you wake up in a forest area. The girl is next to you, but no Kain. You pick her up, and go back out to the Overworld. Now you're all alone. Go northeast and enter the small town near the Oasis. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Kaipo <008>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ether + Potion: 30gil + Rod: 100gil + +++++++++++++++++++++ Phoenix Down: 100gil + Staff: 160gil + + Armour Shop + Gold Needle: 400gil + Bow: 220gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++ Maiden's Kiss: 60gil+ Iron Arrow: 10gil + + Leather Cap: 100gil + Eye Drops: 30gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Clothes: 50gil + Antidote: 40gil + + Leather Garb: 200gil+ Tent: 100gil + + Iron Ring: 100gil + Gysahl Greens: 50gil+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When you enter, Cecil will run to the inn to find a place for the girl to rest. You get a free room. You place her down on a bed, and try to get her name. She doesn't answer. Before you can ask again, some Baron Soldiers burst in. They want the girl, you refuse, and fight them. Easy fight, concentrate on the General, once he dies, the others will to. And you get more Exp. The girl then realises that you want to protect her, and then reveals her name to be Rydia. She then joins you party! YAY! Move her to the back row though (It rhymes! ^_^) because she's only level 1. Exit the inn and go north of the Weapon shop, there are two pots, search them both for an ETHER. Then go north and into the house at the very top. Go all the way to the top. Its Rosa! She's suffering from 'Desert Fever' so we gotta go find the Sand Ruby to cure her. Its located near Damcyan, so, off we go! Back in the Overworld, head northeast until you see another cave come into view. Enter the thing. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Water Cavern <009>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Potion X3 + N/A + N/A + + Maiden's Kiss ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Tent Ether X2 580gil Antarctic Wind+ + Iron Ring Ice Rod Bomb Fragment Hourglass + +++++++++++++++++++++Shadowblade Hades Gloves Hades Helm + + Armour Shop +Hades Armour Hermes Shoes + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++ BF1-1 ----- Waterway, Water Cavern, whatever. Go north, and up the steps, there are two chests containing a POTION and a MAIDEN'S KISS. Then go back down to the fork and take a left. Go down as soon as you cross the bridge for another TENT, then head up. Talk to the old man, he will reveal his name to be Tellah. He wants you to help him get to Damcyan, his daughter Anna ran away with a bard there. The exit is guarded by a large creature, so he needs your help. He then joins your party. Yays! He has great magic abilities. Remember to use Thunder lots, since this is a place filled with water. Anyway, go right across all the bridges, and then down the steps into the water, then go up the waterfall. Open the chest for an IRON RING. Then go back across the bridges, yada yada yada, an make your way to the stairs at the very top-right of the room. BF2-1 ----- Go up; go across the bridge, and into the water. Take your first left, and go up the steps, open the chest for a POTION, then go back down into the water and head south. Go up the steps at the very bottom and head left. Open the chest for an Ether. Then go down and left all the way. Then go up and enter the door. This is a Save Room. In the middle you can save your game and use tents/cottages! Tellah uses his Tent, and then tells you his story, you tell him yours, and then you get up. Exit through to the north. Go right and open the chest at the top of you screen. Inside is an ICE ROD. Then head south into the water. Go left then up and through the door here. BF3 --- When you come to a fork, go right. Open the chests for 580GIL and a BOMB FRAGMENT. Then go back to the fork and turn right. Go north and through the door. BF2-2 ----- Go north, open the chest along the way for a POTION. Next. BF1-2 ----- Go up and take a left, open the two chests for an ETHER and an ANTARCTIC WIND. Then go back and take a right, across the bridge. You should see some steps leading up, ignore them and go down. Open the chests for an HOURGLASS and a SHADOWBLADE. Then go up the steps. Now your outside, this is just a break. Use a tent, and save if you must. Then, go through the entrance north of where you are. Waterfall --------- Head down the biiiiiiiig waterfall. Then follow the path until you come to a fork, go down and open the chests for some HADES GLOVES and a HADES HELM. Then go back up and continue going left. Go up and enter the door. BF1-3 ----- Go right, open the chests for HADES ARMOUR and HERMES SHOES. Then go up, into the water and go up to the legs that are sticking out of the water. That's the boss. FIGHT! ------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Octomammoth ------------------------ Hp: 2350! Strength: 22 Defence: 0 Magic: 0 Magic Def: 25 Weakness: Lightning, Darkness Absorb: Holy Gil: 500 Exp: 1200 Recommended Levels: Cecil (13), Rydia (9), Tellah (20) This is easy. Have Rydia and Tellah cast Thunder, while Cecil attacks. Rydia can also Summon Chocobo, and Tellah can heal if HP gets low. If you run out of MP, use an Ether. Now, when you deal enough damage, one tentacle disappears. You gotta get rid of em all. His only attack is a normal attack, which is very weak. Have fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go up the waterfall, you will automatically exit the cave. Finally. Back in the Overworld, go north towards the Damcyan. Before you can get there, the Red Wings fly overhead and destroy the Castle! Oh noes. We gotta go do something about this' Thought so. Lets go! +++++++++++++++++++++ + Damcyan <010>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Feathered Cap + N/A + N/A + +Crossbow ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Ruby Ring Iron Arrows Potion Ether + +Holy Arrows X2 Gold Needle Phoenix Down Eyedrops+ +++++++++++++++++++++Antidote Tent + + Armour Shop ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++ Don't go running to the top, yet. Step back ONE step, and then go right. Hug the wall, and go through the door near the end. Talk to the dead guy, he will vanish, leaving you to take the lovely treasure! Hit the switch on the wall and run through the opening. Run through the walls and open all chests for a FEATHERED CAP, a CROSSBOW, and a RUBY RING. Then go back, and head down the stairs. Examine the pots to get some HOLY ARROWS. Then open the chests for a POTION, an ETHER, a GOLD NEEDLE, a PHOENIX DOWN, an EYEDROPS, and an ANTIDOTE. Then you can go back to where you entered the Castle. Go all the way up, stop on the second floor and open the chest for a TENT. Then go up to the third floor, go up and you will see a girl lying on the floor. It's Anna! Tellah goes crazy and starts a battle with the bard that she ran away with. This battle is controlled, so just watch. Anna will eventually break up the fight. She says that the bard, Edward, is the Prince Of Damcyan. She is sorry. Edward says they were attacked by Golbez, who now leads the Red Wings. They stole the crystal. Anna shielded Edward from a hoard of arrows. Anna then dies. Tellah gets all angry and says he can kill Golbez on his own, he runs off, and leaves your party. Rydia and Cecil convince Edward to help them find the Sand Ruby. He joins your party, and you get a cool Hovercraft. You will in The Hovercraft now, go northeast across the shallows, and then down until you see another cave. Enter it. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Antlion Cave <011>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Spiders Silk + N/A + N/A + + Potion X4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Gold Needle Tent Antarctic Wind Phoenix Down + +++++++++++++++++++++Ether Emergency Exit Sand Ruby + + Armour Shop ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++ BF1 --- Another day, another cave, how many more' Well, it isn't as big as the other one. Go left and open the chest for a SPIDERS SILK. Then go down the steps and under the bridge, open the chest for a POTION. Then go down, the right, and up the stairs. Go north some more and open another chest for a GOLD NEEDLE. Then go down and left, then under the bridge for another chest containing a POTION. Go back under, then left, and then down. Follow the path here for two chests, containing a TENT and a POTION. After that, go to back to the second bridge you went under, then go southeast from there, and go down the stairs. BF2 --- Follow the path; open the chest on the way for an ANTARCTIC WIND. Then go through the door. Open the chest here for a LAMIA HARP for Edward. Then exit the room and go left. Follow the path and go up the stairs. BF1 --- Enter the door. Save room! This room contains three chests, which hold a PHOENIX DOWN, an ETHER, and an EMERGENCY EXIT. Save, tent, whatever, when your done, exit back to BF2 BF2 --- Go left, then up the steps, grab the POTION that is inside the chest, then go back left. Cross the bridge, and open the chest for a SPIDERS SILK. Then go back across the bridge, and then down the steps. Go down the stairs here. BF3 --- Go all the way down, down, down, down. Edward will stop you and say The Sand Ruby is here. He goes to grab it, but the Antlion tries to attack him. Battle time! ------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Antlion ------------------------ Hp: 1100 Strength: 11 Defence: 3 Magic: 0 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 800 Exp: 1500 Recommended Levels: Cecil (14), Rydia (10), Edward (7) First thing to note, he counters physical attacks with Counter Horn, with a random target. Not too bad. Just attack with Cecil, Rydia can use Black Magic or summon Chocobo, while Edward can hide, or heal using items. It also has a pathetically weak normal attack. Easy fight really. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have the Sand Ruby now! Let's go save Rosa. Use the item 'Emergency Exit' to leave the place quickly. Get in the Hovercraft, and go back towards Damcyan. Look around the west coast for some shallows that lead down. Goon them, soon, you will be near Kiapo! Go south, here we are! +++++++++++++++++++++ + Kaipo <012>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + Potion: 30gil + Rod: 100gil + +++++++++++++++++++++ Phoenix Down: 100gil + Staff: 160gil + + Armour Shop + Gold Needle: 400gil + Bow: 220gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++ Maiden's Kiss: 60gil+ Iron Arrow: 10gil + + Leather Cap: 100gil + Eye Drops: 30gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Clothes: 50gil + Antidote: 40gil + + Leather Garb: 200gil+ Tent: 100gil + + Iron Ring: 100gil + Gysahl Greens: 50gil+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go back into the house where Rosa was. Go north, but where is Rosa'! The man beside her says tha.... Ah just kidding, go over to her and give her The Sand Ruby. She wakes up, everyone gets introduced, and Cecil asks who Golbez is. She says he must be manipulating the king to get the crystals. The next crystal is in Fabul. But to get there, we need to cross Mt. Hobs. That's where we're going next. Rosa then joins your party! That night......Edward goes outside and plays his Harp near the lake. A Sahagin jumps out. You gotta kill it. It's just a normal enemy, not a boss. Just attack, and Anna will talk to you. How' I don't know, but she does. Once you kill the beast, Anna will fade into the lake. You then play as Cecil again. You can leave the town now if you want. Get on the Hovercraft, and go towards the Antlion Cave, but where you go south to get there, continue going right. Get off your Hovercraft, and enter the mountain. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Mt. Hobs <013>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Tent + N/A + N/A + + Potion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Gold Needle 960gil Holy Arrow + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++ West ---- Walk forward, a scene will then start. The entrance is blocked by Ice, only fire will melt it. Which means Rydia has to cast Fire, which she hates because it destroyed Mist. Still with me' Good. After some talking, she will eventually cast, and learn, Fire. Go up, then left, then up, and through the door. There is a save/tent point here. There are also 4 chests that contain a TENT, a POTION, a GOLD NEEDLE and 960GIL. After you have saved, healed got all the treasures ECT. Go back out the door. Then go right and through the passage here. Summit ------ If you keep going right, you can open a chest that contains some HOLY ARROWS. Then just go up. A scene will occur. It's a Monk from Fabul. He kills some goblins. Then a bomb charges at him. Well, being the kind, save the world, people you are, you just have to help. ------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Mom Bomb ------------------------ Hp: 11000 Strength: 30 Defence: 1 Magic: 5 Magic Def: 9 Weakness: Darkness Absorb: None Gil: 1200 Exp: 1900 Recommended Levels: Cecil (14), Rydia (10), Edward (7), Rosa (12), Yang (') (Sorry >_<) Cool, we get to fight with Yang. Cecil can attack, Edward can use items or hide or attack, Yang can use power or just attack, Rydia can summon Chocobo, and Rosa can heal everyone if needs be. Its only attack is a normal attack that deals moderate damage. After a bit of being attacked, Mom Bomb will transform. ITS GONNA BLOW! Just keep attacking. This form doesn't even attack you! After a bit though, it'll blow up, dealing minor damage to all. It's not over yet though. It split into 3 Bombs, and 3 gray bombs Attack like crazy and you've won. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yang thanks you, and Cecil explains everything. You agree to help defend the crystal of Fabul. So get going. Yang then joins your already powerful *cough* party. Now go up through the passage. East ---- NEXT! Once you're back in the Overworld, head right, then up, then right, then down, then right, then down, then right. Enter the castle that should soon be in view. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Fabul <014>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Bacchus's Cider + Potion: 30gil + Fire Claw: 350gil + + Tent + Phoenix Down: 100gil + Ice Claw: 450gil + + Rage Of Zeus + Gold Needle: 400gil + Thunder Claw: 550gil + + Potion + Maidens Kiss: 60gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Antarctic Wind + Eyedrops: 30gil + Armour Shop + + Bomb Fragment + Antidote: 40gil +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Deathbringer + Tent: 100gil +Demon Helm: 980gil + + Hermes Shoes + Gysahl Greens: 50gil +Demon Armour: 3000gil+ + Spider's Silk ++++++++++++++++++++++++Demon Gloves: 800gil + + Demon Shield +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ether + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go forward and through the door. To the left is an Inn with an Item shop in. (Rhymes >_<) To the right is a weapon and armour shop. Straight ahead is the way forward. Buy whatever you want, then head through the middle door. Don't go through the door in front of you. Instead, go through the door behind where you are standing. Go into the right tower. Climb the stairs, go to the right and examine the bottom pot for a BACCHUS'S CIDER. Then go up the stairs again and open the chest for a TENT. Then exit the tower and enter the one on the left. In the pots and chests in this room is a RAGE OF ZEUS, a POTION, an ANTARCTIC WIND, and a BOMB FRAGMENT. Leave the tower and go back into the middle door. Then go into the door at the top of the room. Go near the King. Yang will explain the situation to the King, he will then assemble the men and ask you to help. Agree, and you will end up at the front of the Castle. The woman will stay as medics, so you only have Cecil, Yang and Edward for this part. A monk runs across the castle walls, saying they are here. Enemies charge at you. You must fight a Captain and two Baron Warriors. Nothing too bad. After beating them , the Red Wings will fly overhead and start bombing the castle. You are forced to retreat into the castle. More enemies come in, you must now fight a Leshy, a Domovio, and a Sahagin. Beat them, and more come. You retreat into the next room. The king has already fled with the woman and children, so you can retreat into the Throne Room if needs be. You must fight another Captain, with two Baron Warriors. After that, you retreat into the Throne Room. You lock the door, but one of the Student monk's unlock it. He transforms into a Gargoyle, which you must then fight. After that, more monsters come in. You must fight a Leshy, a Domovio, and a Sahagin again. You retreat to the Crystal room. Before you can get there, Edward trips up, you go back to rescue him, you must then fight A captain and two Baron Warriors again. After that, you run into the Crystal room. You surround the Crystal. A familiar face then walks into the room. It's Kain! Finally. But no, he doesn't help you. Instead, he fights you.....This is a fight that you cannot win. Quite sad actually. Watch, and after the fight, you will fall to the floor. Before he can kill you, Rosa comes in. Kain hesitates, and Golbez appears. Kain steals the crystal, and Golbez kidnaps Rosa! They then leave. Everyone gets up, Kain must be under Golbez's spell, he must be. We need to get to Baron now. Go back to the throne room, directly south is a pot containing HERMES SHOES. If you go to the top-right corner of the room, and stand on the switch, a passage will appear. At the end are three chests containing an ETHER, a DEMON SHIELD, and SPIDERS SILK. Now, go to the Inn, and everyone will discuss a plan. Baron's sea power is weak, so they need a boat. Yang says he can get one from the king. You go to sleep, and wake up, near the king. The king agrees and lets you use a ship. He also gives you the DEATHBRINGER sword. Now go outside, and get in the boat to your right. Before getting on, Yang's wife says goodbye, and then you leave. Watch the boat sail towards Baron. The screen will then show Cecil and the others on the boat. Cecil explains that they need to find Cid, who will be able to get an airship. The screen shows the boat again. After a bit, it's back to Cecil. The boat is shaking, something is coming out of the water. It's the Lord of the Sea. Leviathan! It's too late, the boat won't turn. Rydia falls off the edge, Yang jumps in after her, the boat gets sucked near Leviathan, and the screen goes black. You wake up on the beach, no one is near you. Back to just Cecil. Back on the Overworld, head east, and enter the town. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Mysidia <015>+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + Potion: 30gil + Ice Rod: 220gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi-Potion: 150gil + Flame Rod: 380gil + + Armour Shop + Phoenix Down: 100gil + Healing Staff: 480gil+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gold Needle: 400gil + Crossbow: 700gil + + Wizard's Hat: 700gil + Echo Herbs: 50gil + Holy Arrow: 20gil + + Gaia Gear: 500gil + Antidote: 40gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Silver Armlet: 650gil + Tent: 100gil + + Light Shield: 700gil + Cottage: 500gil + + Light Helm: 4000gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Knight's Armour: 5000gil+ + Gauntlets: 3000gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remember the name of this place' Its where Cecil stole the crystal at the start of the game! Naturally, some of the people are angry, especially the black mage to the right of where you start, he will turn you into a toad. Talking to the dancer inside the Pub/Inn will turn you into a pig. So, avoid them two. Other than that, nothing really happens. Anyways, go to the house at the very top of the town. Talk to the man in the middle, he is the town elder. He tells you that he will help, if you redeem yourself and become a Paladin. To do that, you must travel to Mt. Ordeals. He also orders two, very young, mages, who happen to be twins. One is a Black Mage Palom, and one is a White Mage, Porom. Excuse me if I get them mixed up, I can't tell them apart. Anyways, they join your party. So, grab any equipment you want, then leave back into the Overworld. It's a long path, but it's a simple one too. Just keep heading east, and when you can, enter the mountain. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Mt. Ordeals <016>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Potion X2 + N/A + N/A + + Ether X2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ Entryway -------- Well, here we are. Head left to be blocked by flames. Palom will melt them, so you can advance. Meanwhile..... Hey cool, where's this' Oh, Hi Golbez, and Kain, and Rosa. Anyway.....Golbez will summon a creature called Scarmiglion, who is one of the Four Elemental Lords. Scarmiglion eventually goes away to kill Cecil and co. Kain says he can do it, but Golbez says no. he was lucky he's still alive after what happened in Fabul. Back at the mountain..... Time to take control of Cecil again, follow the almost linear path. When you reach some stairs, continue going right and open the chest to get a free POTION, then head back and up the stairs. To the right is another chest containing another POTION, and to the right are more stairs, go up them, and then go through the door type passage thing. Station Three ------------- Follow the path, when you approach the passage, Tellah will come out! He says he is looking for the legendary spell Meteor, it is hidden on the mountain. Cecil tells him his story, and introduces him to the twins. After all that, Tellah re-joins your party. YAY! Go through the passage. Station Seven ------------- Head past the stairs and open the chest at the end for an ETHER. Then go back and up the stairs. Follow the path, go across the bridge, then go down, and open the chest for another ETHER, then go back and through the nearby passage. Summit ------ Here we are, the summit! YAY! I say that too often don't I' Anyway, take a step forward and you, well, your characters, will here a noise. Porom thinks it's Palom, but he says it isn't him. Go around and across the bridge to the right. Save point. Heal, save, wash, floss, eat, and sleep. Well, you get it. Then go back across and up. When you get near the stairs, the noise will be heard again. Porom still thinks it's Palom, but he denies it. Go and cross the bridge near you, when you get near it, you hear the noise AGAIN! But this time, someone appears. It's Scarmiglion! Well, he doesn't talk much, so lets just get straight with the fight. ------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Scarmiglion ------------------------ Hp: 3500 Strength: 19 Defence: 2 Magic: 15 Magic Def: 0 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 2000 Exp: 3200 Recommended Levels: Cecil (14), Palom(12), Porom(12), Tellah(21). He isn't too hard. Have the twins using their Twin command, it takes a long time to use, but it will wipe out all the zombies, and do great damage to Scarmiglion. Now, Cecil's Dark Sword doesn't do much damage to the Zombies, so attack the main boss. Tellah can either use his strongest Black Mage spells, or cure the party/Zombies. Curing the Zombies is a good idea, as they are undead, but if you target all, you will also heal Scarmiglion. So choose what you do wisely. I would just have Cecil attack, Tellah healing, and the twins using their twin command. Once all the zombies are dead, just attack Scarmiglion with everything you have, he should go down quite easily. Now for the attacks, the Zombies will use Drain, which will deal mild damage to one party member, but also healing the Zombie too. Scarmy will just use Thunder for mediocre damage. Nothing too bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever you do, DON'T GO FORWARD. HEAD BACK TO THE SAVE POINT. Save, heal, rinse and repeat. Then go and cross the dreaded bridge. Wait, what's this' Scarmiglion's true power lies in death' So we gotta kill him again, I guess. ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Scarmiglion (Round 2) ---------------------------------- Hp: 3523 Strength: 46 Defence: 1 Magic: 31 Magic Def: 22 Weakness: Fire, Holy, Throw. Absorb: Ice Gil: 2500 Exp: 3600 Recommended Levels: Cecil (14), Palom(13), Porom(13), Tellah(21). This form isn't *too* bad either. He is actually alone this time. The bad thing is, it's a back attack. So the person who gets a go first, use the Row command. Now then, the two twins can either use Twin, or use their magic respectively. He is now weak to fire, so spam fire/fira. Also note that he absorbs Ice, blizzard/blizzara is a no no. Tellah can use any magic, offensive or defensive magic. Cecil can just sit there and attack. He has a pretty strong normal attack, which can inflict poison, and a special attack called Song of Curse, which, for me, does nothing. The song is only used when he is attacked with Fire. To be honest, he is even easier than his first form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch as he falls off a cliff, actually dieing this time. Leave everyone as they are, no healing is required. Just go left and touch the strange pattern on the stone. A voice is heard, it calls Cecil son, and before you know it, you're pulled inside. The voice talks, and Cecil steps forward. A sword falls down from the ceiling, and lands in Cecil's hand. There is a blinding light, and right before your eyes, Cecil changes his looks. He is now a Paladin. YAY! Wait, what's this' You must fight the dark knight you want to rid yourself of' Crap. A Dark Knight steps forward out of the mirror, and goes straight for Cecil. The others want to help, but Cecil says it is his battle. And so the battle begins. 'No matter how much, or hard, I hit him, he won't die.' 'He keeps killing me!' 'HELP!' Calm down children, just sit back and watch him attack you with Dark. Think I'm crazy' Thank you, but please, just don't attack. After three attacks of you not attacking, the Dark Knight will say stuff, and then die. The voice says you may soon beat Golbez, now you are a true Paladin. Let's get going. Wait, isn't Tellah acting weird' It seems your little battle broke the Seal on Meteor. Tellah learns it, along with the rest of his spells! Now you have a truly powerful Mage, too bad his MP is way too low. And with that, you're back outside. Just make your way back to The Overworld, save along the way if you wish. Once in the Overworld, go straight back to Mysidia. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Mysidia <017>+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + Potion: 30gil + Ice Rod: 220gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi-Potion: 150gil + Flame Rod: 380gil + + Armour Shop + Phoenix Down: 100gil + Healing Staff: 480gil+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gold Needle: 400gil + Crossbow: 700gil + + Wizard's Hat: 700gil + Echo Herbs: 50gil + Holy Arrow: 20gil + + Gaia Gear: 500gil + Antidote: 40gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Silver Armlet: 650gil + Tent: 100gil + + Light Shield: 700gil + Cottage: 500gil + + Light Helm: 4000gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Knight's Armour: 5000gil+ + Gauntlets: 3000gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now you can buy all the cool Paladin weapons and Armour for Cecil. You are also safe to talk to the black mage, and the dancer. Just go back up to the house and talk to the Elder. He can't believe you did it! He tells you that he sent the twins to spy on you, and you passed. They, well Porom is anyway, are sorry for tricking you. He talks for a while, and then he tells you The Mysidian Legend. One born of a dragon Bearing darkness and light Shall rise to the heavens Over the still land. The moon's light eternal Brings a promise to Earth With bounty and grace. Tellah tells him to hurry up, they need to get to Golbez. Tellah tells him his story, and he agrees to help. He tells you to take the Devil's road, into Baron. You walk out, but the twins stop you. They want to go with you, Cecil tries to say no, but the Elder allows them before he can say anything. SO, they're with you forever now. Head out of the building, and go to the other building in the top-right of the town. Step in the circle and be warped straight to Baron. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Baron/Waterway/Baron Castle <018>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Hi Potion X2 Bacchus's Cider X2+ + Ether X6 Elixer + + Rage Of Zeus Tent X2 + + Hour Glass + + Spider's Silk +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Hermes Shoes X3 + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + + Unicorn Horn X2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Phoenix Down X2 + Potion: 30gil + Thunder Rod: 700gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Phoenix Down: 100gil + Healing Staff: 480gil+ + Armour Shop + Gold Needle: 400gil + Fire Claw: 350gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Ice Claw: 450gil + + Twist Headband: 450gil + Eyedrops: 30 + Thunder Claw: 550gil + + Kenpogi: 4000gil + Antidote: 40gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Silver Armlet: 650gil + Tent: 100gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----- Baron ----- First things first, head into the Inn and go up into the Pub area. Is that Yang' I think it is. Save, and talk to him. He doesn't know who you are, you tell him you're Cecil, and he recognises you are a traitor of Baron, he then attacks. Before you actually fight Yang, you are forced to fight Two Baron Guards. Beat them easily, and then fight Yang. It can be a hard fight, just throw everything you have at him, while keeping alive. After the fight, Yang will recover consciousness; it seems he was suffering from amnesia; The Baron Guards were quick to take advantage. He re-joins your party, and you automatically go to the beds. Everyone gets introduced, and Cecil tells Yang the plan. They will sneak into Baron via the Waterway, but it's locked. Yang seems to have the key to unlock it, that's convenient, and ironic! What more do you want' Anyways, head outside. That key can also be used to open the Armour and Weapon shops. So, go unlock the doors, buy stuff, then go to the bottom-left corner of the town, there should be a locked door there. Open it, and enter The Waterway! Wooooooo! ------------ Old Waterway ------------ BF4 --- Follow the path, and when you come to a fork, go down. Open all three chests for a HI POTION, an ETHER, and a RAGE OF ZEUS. Then go up and follow the path again. It's all linear from here. BF3 --- Go into the water, and then run into the wall where it seems to fold in. Follow the path, and open the chest for an HOURGLASS. Then go down where the wall folds, and follow the path. Go up and open the chest for a SPIDERS SILK, then go back to the place where you just came into the water. Go run right through the wall to the right, then go one space above the rock, and run into the wall at the right. Go around the rock, and up the stairs. Open the chest for a HERMES SHOES. Go down where the wall folds, and walk through the passage. Every square you go down, keep pressing right, eventually, you will go though another passage. Follow it through and go straight north. Go up the stairs and into'. BF2 --- Go right and up the long stairs, the first tile you step on that isn't a stair, go right, and through the wall. Follow the passage and open the chest for an ETHER. Then go back and up the stairs. BF1 --- If you go through the door near here, you come into a save room. Save, and heal, BUT, when you get into the Castle, you can heal for free in Cecil's bed. Take that into mind. So, once you have saved, and possibly healed, leave the room, and go right, then up the stairs. Go up the stairs. ------------ Castle Baron ------------ Hey, we're in the moat. Cool. Go around until you see a passageway in the wall, enter it, and soon you will appear inside the castle. If you want free healing, go into the tower where you slept in at the start of the game. After preparations are made, go enter the throne room. Before you can get there, Baigen comes in. He isn't with Golbez, he would never follow him. Cecil tells him his story, and Baigen decides to help! He then joins your party! YAY! You will automatically step forward; the twins come out and say something is near. Baigen asks what' But the twins see behind his mask, Baigen is evil, and he admits it. Time to fight him. ---------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Baigen, Left arm, Right arm ---------------------------------------- Baigen ------ Hp: 4444 Strength: 58 Defence: 1 Magic: 9 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 3000 Exp: 4800 Left Arm -------- Hp: 444 Strength: 58 Defence: 2 Magic: 9 Magic Def: 0 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 10 Right Arm --------- Hp: 444 Strength: 58 Defence: 2 Magic: 9 Magic Def: 0 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 10 Recommended Levels: Cecil (14), Palom(16), Porom(16), Tellah(22), Yang(17) This battle can be hard on your first playthrough, but overall, isn't too hard. Now, have Tellah cast Firaga on Baigen. He will then cast reflect on himself, so no more spells on the main body. Many people will argue, that killing one arm and leaving the other is a good idea, as when you kill both, Baigen will shortly regenerate them. I think it is better to kill them, and again, and again. But that's just me. For the strategy, have Cecil and Yang attack normally on the main body, Yang may use Power if you want. Palom can cast 'ar spells on the arms, and so can Tellah after he casts Firaga on the body, Porom can heal, as can Tellah. Now for his attacks, the arms can either attack normally, use Vampire, which drains your Hp throughout the battle, until the character is killed. Baigen will attack normally, cast Reflect on himself, or cast Haste on the arms. If you kill Baigen, and the arms are still alive, they will Self Destruct dealing heavy damage to one party member. So kill them off quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yay! Well, go back and heal up, and possibly save. After your done, go into the throne room and talk to the King. He says a Paladin is of no use to Baron, he would have preferred a Dark Knight. He acts strange, and then transforms into Cagnazzo, Lord of Water. He attacks you with hardly any speech. ----------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Cagnazzo ----------------------- Hp: 5312 Strength: 44 Defence: 2 Magic: 29 Magic Def: 48 Weakness: Ice, Thunder. Absorb: None Gil: 4000 Exp: 5500 Recommended Levels: Cecil (15), Palom(17), Porom(16), Tellah(22), Yang(17) Whoa he looks hard. But don't worry; it's possibly the easiest boss yet, excluding Mist Dragon. Just attack normally with everyone until water appears around him, then Thundaga his ass for MAJOR damage. Then cure up, attack normally, and wait until water appears again. When it does, use Thundaga again. Instant Death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, that it' Anyway, Cid comes charging in, he wants to kill the king. Then he realises it's you, he talks, you get introduced, and you tell him what has happened. He agrees to help, and leads you to his Airship. You go down into the small room, and Cagnazzo speaks, if he goes, so do you. He locks the doors, and the walls close in. Everyone panics, and the two twins step forward. They petrify themselves, stopping the walls. Everyone is thankful, they all talk about it. Now, they MUST stop Golbez. Meanwhile... Back wherever Golbez and Kain are, they are talking about the final crystal. They want Cecil to collect it for them; after all, they have Rosa. Kain goes off to find Cecil and tell him. Back at the castle... Cecil and others are standing near a wall, Cid pushes something, and the wall opens. Not even Cecil knew about that! You make your way to the airship, and then set off. Back in the Overworld, but wait, is that another Airship' It's Kain! He parks near Cecil and tells him about the exchange. He then flies off, and Cecil tells Cid to go northwest, to Troia. Now you can control the Airship! First, land, and head back into Baron Castle. Go into the main hall, and go right. Go up the stars, and then down the other stairs. There is a switch on the wall, hit it, and follow the path. Open all six chests for two UNICORN HORNs, two PHOENIX DOWNs, and two ETHERs. Then go back to the switch and go through the door at the bottom. Enter the tower at the top. Open all the chests in this room for two BACCHUS'S CIDERs, and two HERMES SHOES. Then go down the stairs. Examine the pots in this room for an ELIXER. If you keep following the path, you will end up talking to the King. He says go to the Land Of Summons. Go back to the entrance to the tower, but head up this time. The two chests in this room both contain a HI POTION, the pots contain nothing. Keep going up. In the pot you are facing as soon as you enter contains an ETHER. The three treasure chests contain two TENTs and an ETHER. After that, you can actually leave and go back into the Overworld. Enter the Airship, and head northwest until you see a large island covered with trees. Explore a bit until you see a town, a castle, and a non-forest tile. Land on the non-forest tile, and enter the town. +++++++++++++++++++++ +Troia/Castle <019>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ether X3 + Potion: 30gil + Wooden Hammer: 80gil + + Dry Ether + Phoenix Down: 100gil + Great Bow: 2000gil + + Decoy + Gold Needle: 400gil + Fire Arrow: 30gil + + 1000gil + Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Ice Arrow: 30gil + + Bacchus's Cider + Eyedrops: 30gil + Thunder Arrow: 30gil + + Tent X2 + Antidote: 40gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Hi Potion X2 + Tent: 100gil + Armour Shop + + Ruby Ring X2 + Gysahl Greens: 50gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Twin Harp ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Leather Cap: 100gil + +++++++++++++++++++++ Leather Garb: 200gil Feathered Cap: 330gil + + Ruby Ring: 1000gil Clothes: 50gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --------- Troia --------- First things first, DO NOT BUY A PASS. It is a waste of money, all you get to see are some girls jumping around, you could spend the money on something useful like a weapon, or some armour. Anyway, go into the water via the steps in the east side of town, and make your way to the north. Go up the steps and through the trees, you will end up in a grassy area. Walk around; there should be four squares you cannot stand on. Examine them to get an ETHER, a DRY ETHER, a DECOY ands 1000GIL. After that, leave back into the Overworld and enter the castle. ------------ Troia Castle ------------ Well, this place is nice. Go into the main hall, and take a right. Follow the path until you come into a room with three sets of stairs. Go down the middle set; examine the pots for a BACCHUS'S CIDER. Then go back up and down the stairs on the right. Step on the switch, and open all the chests for two TENTs, two HI POTIONs, two ETHERs, and two RUBY RINGs. Now go back to the main hall. Take the left path this time. Follow it into a room, there is a man lying in bed, walk over to him. It's Edward! Everyone crowds around him, except Tellah, who stands back. He wants to help, but he is in no condition, so he gives you the TWIN HARP. The crystal lies in the hands of the Dark Elf, who lies in a cave to the northeast. Edward tells you to find Rosa. Now you can control Cecil again. Leave the castle, and head back into the Overworld. Leave the Airship, and head north on foot. There is a circle of forest, separated from the rest. Enter it. Yay! Chocobo forest! Now, here is what the following Chocobo's do: Yellow Chocobo: The basic one, can only travel over forests and normal land, Once you get off, it runs away back to its forest. Black Chocobo: Once you get on, it flies at a low altitude. It can fly over Water, but not mountains, and it can only land in forests. After you get off, it stays where you left it, but when you get Back on, it flied back to its forest, with you on it. White Chocobo: Fully restores MP. Now, we want a Black Chocobo. So get on one, you will now appear back in the Overworld. If you fly east, you will hit some mountains, now go west and hug the mountains, follow them around. You should soon fly over a river, now you are inside the mountains, sorta. Go north and land near the cave entrance, and then enter the cave. +++++++++++++ Important +++++++++++++ Now, from here, you can go to another town using your airship, in that town are some really powerful weapons. They are magnetic, so won't be that useful in the next cave until the boss, and will also be very useful in the up-coming dungeon. If you want these weapons/armour, read onto the next section, if not, skip to 021. Get back in the Black Chocobo, which will take you back to the forest. From here, go back to your airship. Go west until you see land, and then go south. There will be a string of tiny islands that seem to go in a path, follow them down until you come to a cave, don't land, go west, a town will now be in view. Enter it. +++++++++++++++++++++ +**Mythril Town<020>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Mythril Staff + Maiden's Kiss: 60gil + Mythril Staff: 4000gil + + Mythril Knife + Mallet: 80gil + Mythril Knife: 3000gil + + 5000gil + Diet Food: 100gil + Mythril Hammer: 8000gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mythril Sword: 6000gil + + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Mythril Shield: 1000gil + + Mythril Helmet: 3000gil + + Mythril Armour: 17000gil!! + + Mythril Gloves: 2000gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A strange town filled with tiny people, pigs, and frogs. Anyway, follow the path up, there will now be a fork in the road, one going left, leading to more buildings, and one going right, leading to a grassy area. Go right, there will be a square in the grass you cannot move to, examine it for a MYTHRIL STAFF. Now go back and take the left, go behind the building you cannot enter, there is more grass here, examine the square you cannot enter for a MYTHRIL KNIFE. Do directly behind the Weapon and Armour shops, there is even more grass here, there is yet another square you cannot step on, examine for 5000GIL. That will help with the buying of this pricey equipment. Now, go into the Weapon and Armour shop and spend spend spend! You may as well sell the Mythril Knife, as it will more than likely lower your attack. Everything here is very expensive, so it's ok if you can't afford everything. Just buy what you can, and what you need. After that, leave, and get in your Airship. Then head to the magnetic cave. For directions, see section 019. +++++++++++++++++++++++ +Magnetic Cave <021>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Hi Potion X2 + N/A + N/A + + Unicorn Horn ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ether Fairy Claw + + 2000gil Emergency Exit+ + Hourglass Earth Crystal + + Spider's Silk + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ BF1 --- Another day, another cave. Step forward, a light will stop you. Cid says there is a magnetic field in the cave, equipping anything magnetic will slow you down, well, not really. It'll paralyse you instead. So, un-equip anything magnetic, or better yet, keep them on and run from every battle. You don't need hi-levels for the boss coming up. Please note, YOU NEED AT LEAST ONE PERSON PARALYSE FREE. IF ALL YOUR PARTY IS PARALYSED, YOU WILL INSTANTLY LOSE. Thank you. Go right, across the bridge, but don't go down, continue going right, and open the chest for a HI POTION. Then go back and go down. Follow the path, soon you will come to some large stair type things, leading down into the rock. Don't go down yet, instead, open the chest to the left for a UNICORN HORN, and then go down. BF2 --- Go left, when you come to a fork, go up, and then left as soon as you can, open the chest here for an ETHER. Then go back to where you started to turn left. There should be a bridge to the north, cross it, and go through the door that appears at the end. There are two chests in this room, one contains an ETHER, and the other 2000GIL. Go back out of the door, and turn left, another set of stairs leading into the rock will come into view, go down it. BF3 --- If you enter the door near you, you will come into a Save Room. Save, heal, exit. Cross the bridges, there will be another large rock in view when you cross them. If you go to the south of the rock, there is a door leading into another room. In this room are three chests that contain an HOURGLASS, a SPIDER'S SILK, and another HI POTION. Exit that room and cross the other bridge to the left, there will be three routes leading up, take the middle one, and go through the door. If you go directly up from here, you can open the chest and get a FAIRY CLAW for Yang. After you get that, go back to where you entered this room, and go left. Then go down the stairs. BF4 --- Follow the path until you come to a fork. Go right and through the door, it's another Save Room. Save, don't bother healing, then leave. Go back to the fork and go up, there will be another door in view, ignore it and go right, then up, follow the path along until you get to a chest, it contains an EMERGENCY EXIT. Go back and through that door you just ignored. Crystal Room ------------ What's a crystal room doing in a place like this' Who cares' Go forward and talk to the man guarding the crystal. It's the Dark Elf! He talks, for a moment, and then attacks! I would list this as a boss, but, no. Just watch as he owns you. If you have the Twin Harp, the following scene will commence, if not, the game over screen will show. Check section 019 for how to get the Twin Harp. The screen will go back to the Crystal room. You all fall to the ground, and the screen will go back to Edward! He senses you are in trouble, and gets out of bed. The people around him tell him to get back, but he doesn't listen. He grabs his harp and starts playing. The song also plays through the twin harp, and the Elf doesn't like it. Somehow, the song stops the magnetic field, and revives your characters back to full health! Your party step back. Now you have the chance to re-equip your best weapons and armour. Do so, and talk to the Dark Elf. The real battle starts now. ----------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Dark Elf ----------------------- Hp: 23890 O_O Strength: 18 Defence: 0 Magic: 1 Magic Def: 240 Weakness: Holy Absorb: None Gil: 4000 Exp: 1000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(18), Cid(21), Tellah(23), Yang(20) Ok. First things first. Keep Tellah alive, and with at least 25MP. Attack like crazy, do anything, whatever. This is easy. Although he does have some mean attacks. He can use Pig, and Tornado, which lowers your HP to 1, or something very near that. After you deal enough damage to this poor weakling, the actual boss fight starts. If he casts Pig on Tellah, either use a Diet Food, or cast Pig on him again, before he transforms into.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Dark Dragon ----------------------- Hp: 3927 Strength: 80 Defence: 1 Magic: 15 Magic Def: 245 Weakness: Holy Absorb: Holy O_O Gil: 5000 Exp: 6000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(18), Cid(21), Tellah(23), Yang(20) He looks harder, and is harder, if you don't know what you're doing. Have Tellah use the black mage spell Tornado. It will lower the Dark Dragon's HP to the single digits, then attack with anyone. Instant win! Do remember though, Tornado sometimes doesn't work, so you may have to go through this battle again, or the long way, which is to kill him manually. I don't recommend that though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run up to the Crystal and grab it, you now have the EARTH CRYSTAL. Exit the Crystal room. BF4 --- Either use the Emergency Exit we got earlier, or cast Teleport. Either one of these will warp you out of the Cave. Once out, make your way back to Troia Castle. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Troia <022>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Hi Potion X2 + Potion: 30gil + Wooden Hammer: 80gil + + Ether X2 + Phoenix Down: 100gil + Great Bow: 2000gil + + Remedy X2 + Gold Needle: 400gil + Fire Arrow: 30gil + + Dry Ether X2 + Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Ice Arrow: 30gil + + Elixir + Eyedrops: 30gil + Thunder Arrow: 30gil + + Echo Herbs X2 + Antidote: 40gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Great Bow + Tent: 100gil + Armour Shop + + Fire Arrow X2 + Gysahl Greens: 50gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ice Arrow X2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Leather Cap: 100gil + + Thunder Arrow + Leather Garb: 200gil Feathered Cap: 330gil + + Silver Apple + Ruby Ring: 1000gil Clothes: 50gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ Important ++++++++++++++ It is recommended that you go to Mythril Town and acquire some Mythril weapons/armour, as it will help in the next dungeon. Be warned, after you talk to the Clerics, Kain will tell you to board your Airship. Once you get on, you will be taken to the next dungeon without warning, with no way out. So if you need to do anything that you need the airship to do, do it now before talking to the Clerics. Now, we need to find Kain. I know, lets tell the Clerics that we have the Crystal! So, go into the main hall, and continue north until you reach a room with 8 woman standing in lines. They run up to you, they can't believe that you have the Crystal. Kain then talks to you, he tells you to board your Airship, he will lead you to Rosa. The clerics let you borrow the Crystal. Now, before boarding the Airship, go back into the room with three sets of stairs. Go down the Left set this time, and talk to the girl. Answer yes, and she will let you go to a room full of treasure! Follow the path, and you'll soon end up in a room with 18 treasure chests!!! Open them for two HI POTIONS, two REMEDYS, two ETHERS, two DRY ETHERS, an ELIXIR, two ECHO HERBS, a GREAT BOW, 20 FIRE ARROWS, 10 THUNDER ARROWS, 20 ICE ARROWS and a SILVER APPLE. After that, board your Airship. If you want, make some last minute preparations in Troia. Once on the Airship, Kain's Airship approaches you. You show him the Crystal, and he escorts you to the Tower Of Zot, where Rosa is being held. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Tower Of Zot <023>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Flame Mail + N/A + N/A + + Unicorn Horn ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ether Flame Sword Sage's Surplice+ + 2000gil Gaia Hammer Magma Rock + + Hourglass Fire Shield ++++++++++++++++++++ + Spider's Silk Hell Claw + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ F1 -- Before you can move, Golbez talks to you. He says that Rosa is at the top of the tower. You must bring the Crystal to him. So, we have to climb this place' Great. At least we're going up instead of down. Go northwest, and you'll soon come to a fork, go left, and open the chest for a FLAME MAIL. Then go right and through the door that will appear at the end. F2 -- Go down, when you come to a fork, go left. Then when you can, go down until you hit a wall, take one step left, and continue going down. Go left when you can, then when you can, go up. You'll come to another fork, ignore it and keep going up. Open the chest, it's a monster battle against a Flame Dog. If you win it, which you will, you get a FLAME SWORD. Then enter the door to the left. F3 -- Head south, you'll come to a fork. Go right, and ignore the next fork. After that fork, just follow the path and go through the door. F4 -- Follow the path, and go up when you come to a fork. When you come to another fork, keep going up. Enter the door. F5 -- Go left and open the chest for a GAIA HAMMER, then go back through the door. F4 -- Go back to the second fork, but this time, go left and enter the nearby door. F5 -- Open the chest to the right for a HELL CLAW, then go left and follow the path down. You'll soon see another chest, open it for a FIRE SHIELD. Then, go back through the door back into... F4 -- Guess what, go back to the fork and take a right this time. And, yes, you guessed it, go through the door here! YAY! F5 -- Go down and open the chest for a SAGE'S SURPLICE. Then go back through the door. F4 -- Go back to the fork, again, but go down. You'll be back at the first fork, here you can take a right. Go through the door here. Don't worry, no more going back and forth now. F5 -- Nearly there, don't worry. Go down, you'll see a door. Go through it, it's a Save Room. Save, and heal, or heal, and save, whatever, then go back out. Go left and head towards the door. Before you can enter, three girls appear. The call themselves The Magus Sisters. They serve Barbariccia, the Lord of Wind. And then, they attack. ------------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Sandy, Cindy, Mindy. (Magus Sisters) ------------------------------------------------- Sandy ----- Hp: 2591 Strength: 30 Defence: 1 Magic: 11 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 3000 Exp: 2500 Cindy ----- Hp: 4599 Strength: 36 Defence: 2 Magic: 11 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 3000 Exp: 2500 Mindy ----- Hp: 2590 Strength: 30 Defence: 1 Magic: 10 Magic Def: 0 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 3000 Exp: 2500 Recommended Levels: Cecil(20), Cid(22), Tellah(23), Yang(21) Now, first of all, we must kill Cindy. She can revive any of the others if you kill them first. Have everyone attack normally, besides Tellah, who can heal. Now, when all three are alive, they will use a combination of attacks that they call The Delta Attack. Sandy casts Reflect on Cindy, and then Mindy uses a spell on Cindy, for fair damage. They always cast reflect, every time they use Delta Attack, it usually reflects off Cindy, and goes back to one of your characters, which is good and bad. After you've killed Cindy, you can focus your attacks on Sandy, who will now try to inflict you with various things like Confusion. Mindy will use Level One spells, easy to withstand. And now you can use spells, 'cause they don't have reflect on now. So just pummel them, and keep your HP up. Once your finished with Sandy, go bully Mindy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There we go, now go back and heal and save. Then go through the door the Sisters were blocking. 6F -- Yes, there is more! Go up until Kain and Golbez comes into view. Golbez welcomes you, and demands the crystal...Or Rosa dies. You give him it, and ask for Rosa. He doesn't know any Rosa. Tellah then charges at him in anger, and a controlled battle starts. Tellah uses lots of powerful spells, but he needs to use Meteor. Everyone says no, but he doesn't listen, and uses it. Golbez then weakens, and Tellah falls to the floor. The screen goes back to the Tower. Golbez calls Kain, but he is also lying on the floor. Golbez just forgets about him, and goes to walk out the door. Cecil, being the big guy he is, charges at him. Golbez simply uses a spell, and knocks Cecil back into the wall. He then walks out. You walk over to Tellah, who says his final words. He wants you to avenge him, and Anna. Lets see, we're avenging four people now. And with that, Tellah dies. Now, walk over to Kain and examine him, he gets up, and apologises for what he did. Cecil then asks him where Rosa is, she's through the door. You then automatically walk through it. Rosa is tied up, you walk up to her and quickly grab her. Just as you get her out, an axe falls where Rosa was. You hug, or kiss, I can't tell which, and then say hi. After some more talking, Kain AND Rosa join your party. YAAAAAY! Now, go to the menu and sort out the order of everyone, also set the equipment if needed. Why' Cause we got a hard boss coming up. So, after preparing, go south. Once you step on the steps, a voice will stop you. It's Barbariccia, Lord of Wind. Well, Lordess. ^_^ Without warning, she will engage your party. ------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Barbariccia ------------------------ Hp: 8636 Strength: 82 Defence: 0 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 12 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 5500 Exp: 9000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(21), Cid(22), Yang(21), Kain('), Rosa(') Forgot to check SHE IS SO HO.....Oh, yeah, sorry. Ok, be prepared for a long, hard fight. Now, we don't have a Black Mage, but it doesn't matter, Magic is pointless in this fight anyway. But we do have a White Mage, which is good. Now then, Barbie has two forms, normal, and tornado. Surprisingly, when in Tornado form, she will use Tornado, which as you know, reduces your HP to one-digit figures. Which isn't good. Now, just attack like crazy with Cid, Yang and Cecil. Kain must always Jump, and Rosa can heal from this mad woman's crazy attacks. When she turns Tornado, you must use Jump on her, as normal attacks will become less effective, when you land, whether you dealt damage or not, she will turn back into normal. Now for the attacks, when in normal form, she will just attack physically, for quite high damage. When in Tornado, she will cast Tornado and Ray, which inflicts you with Gradual Petrification. She will also attack physically when in Tornado form. So, just pummel her and heal. If someone other than Rosa and Kain dies, forget about them. Don't bother reviving unless you really need to. Kain and Rosa are the only ones you need alive. It's ok if you need to have more than one try, it can be hard on your first playthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With her last breath, Barbariccia collapses the tower! Has every Elemental Lord done something after you kill them' Let's recap shall we' Scarmiglion transformed into another form, Cagnazzo trapped you in a room and closed the walls in on you, and now Barbariccia collapses a Tower YOU'RE ON! Shameful. Absolutely shameful. *Shakes head* Before the tower collapses, Rosa casts Teleport, which warps you out of the Tower. Where do you end up' In Cecil's room at Baron Castle! ---------------- Baron Castle ---------------- Kain says that Golbez only has 4 of the crystals; there are 4 more, in The Underworld! He overheard Golbez talking about it. He also has an Item, it's supposedly a Key. So, Kain gives you the MAGMA ROCK. Now, we don't know how to get there, but we will find a way. Now then, go back to the Overworld. Ok, get in the Airship and head south. You must soon see a small island with a small town on. That's where we want to go. If you can't find it, use the White Mage spell Sight. The town is on the little island just south of Baron Castle. So, once you've found it, enter the little village of Agart. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Agart <024>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Armour Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Artic Wind + Potion: 30gil + Iron Shield: 100gil + +++++++++++++++++++++ Phoenix Down: 100gil + Iron Helm: 150gil + + Weapon Shop + Gold Needle: 400gil + Iron Armour: 600gil + +++++++++++++++++++++ Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Iron Gloves: 130gil + + Rod: 100gil + Eyedrops: 30gil + Iron Ring: 100gil + + Staff: 160gil + Antidote: 40gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Spear: 60gil + Tent: 100gil + + Boomerang: 3000gil+ Gysahl Greens: 50gil + + Bow: 220gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Crossbow: 700gil + + Iron Arrow: 10gil + + Holy Arrow: 20gil + +++++++++++++++++++++ First things first, go forward until you are one square away from steps leading up onto a hill. Then go left. There will be lots of grass with a kid hanging around there. Go into the grass and examine around, you will get an ARTIC WIND. Then go back to the stairs, and go up them. Then enter the door and examine the well inside. The item selection screen comes up now, so use that Magma Rock. Cecil chucks it down the well, and an earthquake starts. What just happened' Well, go back into the Overworld and find out. It's a giant hole in the mountains. Must lead to the Overworld, so lets go. Get in your Airship and land over the hole. BE WARNED, do final preparations now, as we won't be able to get out for a while. So, once your prepared, enter. Once you're inside, the scene switches to on the Airship. It's the Red Wings! And some tanks. But we only like Airships, no tanks. They start firing at each other, and we're right in the middle of it all! The airship then falls, and she took quite a beating. No leaving here for a while. Now, enter the Castle to your left. +++++++++++++++++++++ +Dwarven Castle<025>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 5000gil + Gold Needle: 400gil + Dwarf Axe: 15000gil + + Bacchus's Cider X2+ Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Great Bow: 2000gil + + Hi Potion + Mallet: 80gil + Dark Arrow: 40gil + + Black Belt + Diet Food: 100gil + Flame Sword: 14000gil + + Ether X2 + Echo Herbs: 50gil + Flame Lance: 11000gil + + Elixir X2 + Eyedrops: 30gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Power Armlet + Antidote: 40gil + Armour Shop + + Silver Hourglass + Cross: 100gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Gysahl Greens X3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fire Shield: 1250gil + +++++++++++++++++++++ Flame Mail: 30000gil Sage's Miter: 2000gil + + Sage's Surplice: 1200gil ++++++++++++++++++++++ + Rune Armlet: 2000gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LALI-HO! Walk into the main hall and take a left, go up the stairs. Now run to where the item shop dude is, there is a pot there, examine it for 5000GIL! YAY! Now, buy some items if you wish, although at this moment in time, you do not need any they have on sale. Now, nearly everything is blocked off right now, so we can't buy or find much, so just head straight into the Throne Room via going up in the Main Hall. You now talk to the King; he says he is King Giott, ruler of the Underworld. Cecil tells him everything, and Giott says they have already taken two Crystals. The castles crystal is still safe though, that's good. Somehow the convocation turns into one about Airships, and Cid decides to go and fix up the Enterprise, so he walks out, and leaves your party. Cecil asks Giott where the crystal is; it's behind his throne. All of a sudden, Yang spots something behind the Throne. So Giott opens the door to the crystal, and you walk in. Inside to greet you are......Dolls' Yes, dolls. Four of them to be exact. They work for Golbez, and have been sent to kill you! Before they actually attack you, they dance. And then attack you. ----------------------------------- MINI-BOSS FIGHT: X3 Calco X3 Brina ----------------------------------- Calco (Each) ------------ Hp: 1396 Strength: 54 Defence: 0 Magic: 31 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 500 Exp: 1000 Brina (Each) ------------ Hp: 369 Strength: 54 Defence: 1 Magic: 31 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 500 Exp: 1000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(22), Yang(22), Kain(23), Rosa(22) They are sort of bosses, but not quite. After you kill all of each kind (Either all three Calco or all three Brina) They merge to form Calcobrina, which is the main boss. So, if you want to avoid it, kill off one of each doll, and then, when one of each are left, quickly pummel them both. If they both die before they can unite, you miss the boss! Conserve your MP anyway, even if you do avoid the boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Calcobrina ----------------------- Hp: 5315 Strength: 106 Defence: 2 Magic: 41 Magic Def: 25 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 5000 Exp: 12000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(22), Yang(22), Kain(23), Rosa(22) She hits hard, and has a high HP. She only has two attacks, one uber strong physical attack, and Glance, which confuses one of your characters. So just attack with everything you have, and keep healing when needed. But, there is one thing you NEED TO DO. KEEP CECIL ALIVE. He can die in battle, but he must be alive when you kill her, why' You'll see. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dolls say stuff, and die. Then, Golbez appears, in all his dark and evil glory. He tells you of his plan, all eight crystals will form a path to the moon, which contains the ultimate power. And without warning, he attacks. ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Golbez, Shadow Dragon ---------------------------------- Golbez ------- Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: ' Absorb: ' Gil: ' Exp: ' Shadow Dragon ------------- Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: ' Absorb: ' Gil: ' Exp: ' Recommended Levels: Cecil(23), Yang(22), Kain(23), Rosa(23), Rydia(22) Dun dun dunnnn...*Epic music plays* So anyway, we finally get to hurt him. YAY! So, pummel him with everything you have, for like, two attacks. He then uses Ice Bind, which paralyses all of your party members. Now you can't attack him. And to make things worse, he summons his dragon, Shadow. Shadow slowly uses Black Fang on every party member, what does it do' They should have re-named it to Death. Yup, it kills your character instantly. So, what now' Well, if you kept Cecil alive for this battle, the following will happen, if not, the game over screen will be displayed. Before he can kill Cecil, another dragon charges in and attacks Golbez and Shadow, it also kills Shadow. Golbez can't believe it, and before he can say anything else, you get un-paralysed, and someone charges into the battle. Its Rydia! And she's all grown up. How' Who cares, she's here to help us. And now the real battle starts, even though it's just you and Rydia. So, you could go all out on him, or, since Rydia only has around 3-400Hp, you could constantly heal her with Cecil's White Magic. Or better yet, since Golbez is so pathetic, you could just go all out and not heal, since his HP is nearly non-existent. This is also a good battle to check out some of Rydia's new summons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After those string of battles, every starts asking Rydia lots of questions. She says that Leviathan took her to the Land Of Summons, where she learned many more new skills. Time also passes quickly there, so that's why she looks so old. She also can't use White Magic anymore, but she can use Black. She then joins your party! Before you can leave, the screen turns red and Golbez talks. He can't lose. You walk up to his body, which somehow turns into a hand, and grabs the Crystal. He, or his hand, then disappears. You then go back into the Throne Room. Giott now wants you to sneak into the Tower Of Babel and grab the Seven Crystals. His tanks will distract the guards and then you can sneak in. Now we just need to get there, and there is a secret entrance in the basement. But before we go there, we can get tons of items now since we can go anywhere in the castle. So, lets go get some items. Now, go back into the room with the item shop and the inn, then keep heading left and go up the stairs. Now go up the next set of stairs you see, you'll be in a room full of pots. The only pots that have treasure in are the ones that are seemingly out of reach. You'll see, that directly to the right of the stairs is a square that sticks out; Go there and run south, you'll be walking through the wall! One of the pots here contains a BACCHUS'S CIDER, and that's it. So go back and run up the next set of stairs. From where you start, run directly left and through the wall, open the chest here for a HI POTION, to get to the other chests, you must walk through walls. I won't explain it here since it's very simple, but all of the chests here contain a BLACKBELT, an ETHER, and an ELIXIR. After you get them all, go back down the stairs, and then down the next set until you come into the room below the one with all the pots in, then, go outside via the door. From here, run to the east until you see another tower, enter it. Before you go up the stairs, open the chest behind them for a DWARF AXE, then you can go up them. From the stairs here, go down until you hit a pot, then take one step left and then one step down, then run through the wall to your left. One of the pots here contains another BACCHUS'S CIDER. Now go up the next set of stairs. It's a lot like the top floor in the other tower, but simpler. So grab all the chests here for a POWER ARMLET, an ELIXIR, an ETHER, and a SILVER HOURGLASS. Now go back down all the stairs until you get back to the entrance to the tower, go down the set of stairs to your right. You will end up in a room with a Weapon and Armour shop. Buy things if you wish, and then, run into the gap in between the stalls, you'll end up in a pub. Don't talk to the Dwarf; he'll just do a very long dance. You see that crack on one of the floor tiles' Stand on it and run to the right, you'll soon see some stairs, go down them. It's the Development Team Office. Here you can talk to the staff of the original game for the SNES! There are also some random encounters, but all the monsters are retarded, very few can kill you. Seriously, some just say things, some just don't move, and some attack you for 1HP. List of monsters I know can actually kill you in the Dev Team Office: Tetsuya Takahashi (Keeps saying, 'You wanna die' after a while, hits you for 9999 damage) That's all I know. One. There are also some funny ones: Akihiko Matsui (Scans you, and then scans himself. His stats: 1Hp, Vulnerable To fire, frost, lightning, holy, thrown weapons, all-nighters, Girls with specs.) Kazuhiko Aoki (Says, 'Wanna hear my violin'' You reply, 'Not especially' He Then says, 'Fine' and leaves.) Hiroyukilto (Says, 'Why'd you wake me up' I'm going back to sleep.' Then Leaves) I'm sure there are more, since I've seen them in the PSX version, but they may have been taken out for this version, I don't know. Anyway, after messing around a bit, go back to the Weapon and Armour shop. When you enter, you'll see some stairs to your left, go down them. This is the basement, from where you start, there are some pots above you, examine them all, you'll receive three GYSAHL GREENS. Where the red carpet is, you can use a Gysahl Greens to reveal a Fat Chocobo. It will store some items for you if you want. Then, talk to the Dwarf near the bookcase, he will reveal a secret passage, that's where we wanna go. So go through it. Go left, when you come to a fork, go down, when you come to another fork, go right. Open all three chests for three COTTAGES, then go back to the second fork and go down. Go up the stairs to your left. In here, just go as left as you can go, you'll soon see another set of stairs, you can go up the, although north of you, there is a pot that if you examine it, restores your HP and MP. Once you go up the stairs, you enter the Underworld. Time to get to the Tower. I recommend that you do a bit of levelling up here, just a bit, since the Tower can be difficult. Take advantage of the free healing. Once your happy, head left, just go as far left as you can. Once you come to a point where you hit the edge of the land, and you can only go either back or up, go up. You should see brown patches on the land now, if you don't you've gone the wrong way. Keep heading up, and you'll see two mountains that are very close together, you can squeeze through the middle, so do that. If you keep heading north, then you hit the wall, you should see some tanks there, that's good, you're heading in the right direction. So just go right and then up, then enter the nearby Tower. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Tower Of Babel<026>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ice Arrow X2 + N/A + N/A + + Ether ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Green Beret Hi Potion X2 Ice Shield Dr Lugae's Key + + Ice Brand Phoenix Down Ice Armour +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ice Lance Killer Bow Artic Wind + + Cat Claw Antarctic Wind Dry Ether + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ F1 -- This place is a harder, worse Tower Of Zot. Be prepared. Just go north, when you come to a four-way intersection, go left, open the chest for an ICE ARROW, and then go down, open the chest here for another ICE ARROW. Go back to the fork and take a right, follow the path and open the chest for an ETHER, then go back and go up this time, go through the door. F2 -- Go left and open the chest for a GREEN BERET, then go down. When you come to a door, go through it, there is a chest in here containing a Monster Battle against a Security Eye; beat it and you get an ICE BRAND. Leave the room and go right, you'll see another door, go through it and open the chest. It's another battle against a Security Eye, if you win, you get an ICE LANCE. Leave the room and go left and then up, go through the door here. F3 -- Go left and open the chest for a CAT CLAW, now go back to the door and go left, then up, and when you can, right. Go down again and open the chest for a HI POTION. Then go back to where you went up, but go down. When you get to a door, go down, open the chest for a PHOENIX DOWN. Then go through the door. F4 -- Open the chest to the left for a KILLER BOW, and then go down and right and open the chest here for an ANTARCTIC WIND. Then go back through the door. F3 -- Go back up, but go up all the way. Turn left when you cannot go up any more, and follow the path around, then go through the door. F4 -- The door to the left is a save room, heal and save. Then leave and go up, just follow the path. When you come to a door, go though it, open the chest, beat the Security Eye, and get an ICE SHIELD. Leave the room and go down until you hit the wall, you will notice that there is a path you can go down, look to the bottom left of the screen. Go down that path, and go through the first door. Beat the Security Eye for an ICE ARMOUR. Now go back to where you noticed this path, then go up and follow the path here. Go through the door at the end. F5 -- Down, right, up. Open the chest for an ARTIC WIND. Then go back to where you went up, but go right. When you reach a fork, ignore it just keep going right. When you can go up, do so, and when you can go right, do so. When you go right, follow the path down and open the chest for a HI POTION. GO back to where you turned right and continue going up, go through the door. F6 -- Anyone who needs help with this floor should be shot. F7 -- Go right, and follow the path, go through the door and heal up, then save. Leave then room and go back to the door where you entered this floor, go down this time. Cross the bridge, and go left. Open the chest for a DRY ETHER. Go right and follow the path, enter the door of doooooooom! Well, not really. F8 -- Just follow the path around, cross the bridge, and you'll soon see some people talking. It's a doctor, and the final Elemental Lord, Rubicante. The doctor says goodbye to Rubicante, and then he disappears, leaving only the doctor. The doctor dances and celebrates, and then sees you. After some pointless talking, he fights you with his robot friend. ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Doctor, Barnabas ---------------------------------- Doctor ------ Hp: 4936 Strength: 18 Defence: 0 Magic: 0 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 2000 Exp: 5500 Barnabas -------- Hp: 4832 Strength: 86 Defence: 0 Magic: 31 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 2500 Exp: 5500 Recommended Levels: Cecil(26), Yang(24), Kain(26), Rosa(25), Rydia(24) If you kill the doctor before the robot, you can avoid the next phase, if not, you have to fight the nest phase. This form is simple, pummel whichever person or robot you want. If you kill the doctor, the robot will self-destruct for MAJOR damage. If you killed the robot first, then you have to fight... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Barnabas-Z ---------------------------------- Hp: 4518 Strength: 114 Defence: 1 Magic: 0 Magic Def: 5 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 2500 Exp: 20 Recommended Levels: Cecil(26), Yang(24), Kain(26), Rosa(25), Rydia(24) This isn't really a boss, don't waste MP, you'll need it. After a while, he'll push a button that makes the robot self-destruct, dealing damage on one of your characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He says one line, and then transforms into... ---------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Dr Lugae ---------------------------------- Hp: 9321 Strength: 86 Defence: 1 Magic: 7 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 4000 Exp: 10101 Recommended Levels: Cecil(26), Yang(24), Kain(26), Rosa(25), Rydia(24) This is the real fight, but still not too hard. The strange thing is, he inflicts you with various things like poison or sleep, and then heals them later on. The only attack that's worth noting is Laser, which deals random amounts of damage to one of your party members, more than likely killing them, so revive them ASAP. Heal when needed and attack him with everything you have, he'll soon die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After winning, you'll get DR LUGAE'S KEY. With his last breath, he says that Rubicante escaped with the crystals, and that the dwarves will be destroyed with the cannons. So now you have to stop the cannons. How' Make your way back to F5, healing and saving on the way. F5 -- Go to the fork that you ignored, and go up. There will be a locked door here, use the key you recently obtained, and enter. Giant Cannon ------------ Some Goblins will talk to themselves, and Cecil talks. They charge at you, beat them easily. They destroy the controls, and then die. Yang steps forward and tells you to leave, he can sort this out. Everyone says no, but he kicks you out anyway. You try to get back in, but the door gets locked. There is a big explosion, and then you can regain control. Now, you have to leave the tower, so make your way back to F1. F1 -- Go back to the bridge, when you get halfway, Golbez speaks. Didn't we kill him' Who cares' He burns the bridge from both ends, and you fall down into the lava. Before you actually touch it though, Cid flies underneath you, saving you! Go Cid! You tell him what happened with Yang, and then introduce Rydia, before he can say hi; the Red Wings start to chase him. Cid tries to shake them off but he can't, so he flies toward the entrance to the Overworld. Cid gives the wheel to Cecil, and then walks towards the edge of the Airship. Once you fly out, he's going to jump off and seal the entrance with a bomb. Everyone disagrees, but he jumps off anyway, and says his final words. 'This is what I call going out with a bang!' You make it back to the Overworld, with no way of going back to The Underworld. This is good isn't it' Cecil says to go to Baron, so do that. Fly north and enter Baron Castle. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Baron Castle <027>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + N/A + N/A + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok, lets go talk to Cid's men. Go to the main hall and take a right, go up the stairs and just follow the path. Talk to the men here. They say that Cid ordered them to attach a hook onto the Enterprise, so that's what they do. Cecil tries to tell them that cid is dead, but they don't let him finish. They say that now that you have a hook, you can attack the Hovercraft onto the Airship, letting you go anywhere in the Overworld! Before doing anything, enter Baron castle and enter the tower near where Cid's men are, go down the steps and follow the path. You'll soon see the king, he says to go to the Land of Summons and come back to him. That's it for now. Now we have to find the Hovercraft, so retrace your steps until you find it, and load it onto your Airship. From here, fly northeast until you come to another little island. It should have a Tower sticking out of it, and a castle on the edge of it. You can go into the castle and grab lots of items if you want, or you can just move straight onto the next place that you have to go to. If you want lots of items, read on, if not, skip the next section. Land on the island, and enter the castle. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + **Eblan Castle <028>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Hi Potion X3 + N/A + N/A + + Gold Needle X2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Cottage Mute Arrow Emergency Exit Silver Apple+ + Alarm Clock 10000gil Blood Lance +++++++++++++ + Unicorn Horn Coeurl's Whisker Silver Hourglass + + Bacchus's Cider Hermes's Shoes Ether X2 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ It's all destroyed! Well, lets go find some good items. Keep running north and ignore the fork, you'll enter a room full of open chests. Keep running north, just before you reach the stairs, you'll see a chest surrounded by walls, run through the walls, and open the chest for a HI POTION. Then run up the stairs. Ignore everything in this room and go into the Throne Room. If you run into the walls either side of the throne, you can go down a secret passage and down some secret stairs to get those chests in the room before! SO do that, the chests on the right contain Two GOLD NEEDLES' and a COTTAGE. And the two chests on the left contain an ALARM CLOCK and a UNICORN HORN. Now go back to the fork near the entrance and go left. Follow the oath and enter the West Tower. Go up the stairs here, you'll enter a room full of pots. One of them contains a BACCHUS'S CIDER. If you become inline with the stairs, and run to the left, until you have to go down, you'll hit some hidden stairs. Open the chest for a BOMB CORE, and then step south to be taken back to that room. Become inline with the stairs, and run south, you'll go through the wall, follow the path and open the two chests at the end for a MUTE ARROW and 10000GIL. Now head back down the stairs. There is a chest to your left; I have no idea how you get it. Someone please email me how. Now leave the tower and head to the west tower. Before you go up the stairs, head to the top-left pillar, go behind it and run into the wall to the left. Open the chest at the end for a COEURL'S WHISKER. Now go up the stairs. Hit the switch on the wall and go through the door. One of the pots contains a HERMES' SHOES. The two chests to the left contain an EMERGENCY EXIT and a HI POTION. The one to the right contains another HI POTION. To get the other chest, get inline with the pots and run right, you'll go through the wall, follow the path and open the chest, it's a fight against some monsters. Win and get a BLOOD LANCE. Now go down the hole, open the chest for a SILVER HOURGLASS, and then go south. You'll fall into an underground passage. Go down, the two chests on the left both contain an ETHER, and the chest on the right contains a hard fight against three Mad Ogres, and all you get from winning is a SILVER APPLE. I don't recommend doing this fight unless you really want the apple, because it can be harder than some boss fights, if you're under levelled. Keep going down and follow the path, go up the stairs and you'll end up back in the Overworld. Board the Hovercraft, and use it to cross the shallows to the east. You'll see a cave, get off the Hovercraft near it, and enter. +++++++++++++++++++++ + Eblan Cave <029>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Vampire Fang + Gold Needle: 400gil + Power Staff: 2000gil + + Shuriken X2 + Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Ice Brand: 26000gil + + Remedy + Mallet: 80gil + Ice Lance: 21000gil + + Potion X2 + Diet Food: 100gil + Kunai: 4000gil + + Ether + Echo Herbs: 50gil + Boomerang: 3000gil + + Tent + Eyedrops: 30gil + Killer Bow: 3000gil + + Hi Potion X2 + Antidote: 40gil + Poison Arrow: 70gil + + Bomb Core + Cross: 100gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Cottage ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Armour Shop + + Spider's Silk Phoenix Down X2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Silver Hourglass Elixir X2 + Ice Shield: 10000gil + + Gold Needle Dry Ether + Ice Armour: 35000gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Black Robe: 10000gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BF1 --- A good old classic cave. Been a while since we had one of these. Go down and cross the bridge, when you come to a fork, turn right. Cross the bridge, you'll then see another bridge, cross that one too. Go down and open the chest for a VAMPIRE FANG, then go up and into the water. Go up the waterfall and go as high as you can, then turn left and run through the wall. Go up the stairs and open the chest for a SHURIKEN, then run through the wall to the right and open the chest here for a REMEDY. Go back to the first fork, and go down the steps. BF2 --- It's a town! Must be the people of Eblan. The first door is an Inn/Item shop, the second door is a Weapon/Armour shop, the third is the way to go deeper into the cave, and the fourth is where everyone is hiding. Where everyone is hiding, there are many pots, two contain a POTION. Now after healing, and possibly buying some equipment, go through the third door. BF3 --- And now it's a cave again. Open the chest to your right for an ETHER. Follow the path and at the end, open the chest for a TENT. Stand near the fallen man, and walk down into the wall, follow the path and open the chest at the end for a HI POTION. Now go back to the man and up the stairs. BF2-2 ----- When you come to a fork, go northeast, up the steps, and open the chest for a BOMB CORE. Go back down the steps and keep going down, charge into the wall at the right, you'll find a passageway leading to a chest that contains another SHURIKEN. Then go back to the start of the secret passageway and keep going down. When you see some stairs, go down them. BF3 --- Open all three chests here for two HI POTIONS and a COTTAGE. Run into the wall above the top chest on the right and follow the passageway, at the end you'll see two chests, open them for two ELIXIRS, now go back to the start of this room. Go down and follow the path, go right when you can and open the chest for a SPIDER'S SILK. Go right now. Open all three chests at the end for a SILVER HOURGLASS and two PHOENIX DOWNS. Go north now and go up the stairs. BF2-2 ----- Go through the door near where you start, it's a save room. SO heal and save, then exit. Go left and up the stairs, open the chest for a GOLD NEEDLE. Now go back to the stairs and go up, you'll see a man, and Rubicante. The man calls himself Edge, prince of Eblan. He charges at Rubicante, you then get to see a battle between them. Edge attacks, its pointless. Rubicante then uses Glare, which deals MAJOR damage to Edge, killing him. Edge falls to the floor, and Rubicante turns into a flame and disappears. Everyone crowds around him, after a bit of convincing, he agrees to help you. Rosa then cures him, and he joins your party. Run into the most bottom right wall, open the chest at he end for a DRY ETHER, and then go up the stairs. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Tower Of Babel<030>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Unicorn Horn + N/A + N/A + + Silver Hourglass ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ogrekiller 82000gil + + Kiss Of Lilith Hi Potion X2 + + Ice Lance ++++++++++++++++ + Ahura + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ BF1 --- We're back, but we're going down this time. So new level designs. YAY! Well, not really. I mean the yay part, not the new level desi...*See's people glaring at me* So, um...yeah. Ok, seriously now, this place is harder than before. So be prepared. Go up, and Cecil will ask how you get in. Edge then jumps over the wall. Open the chest to the northwest for a UNICORN HORN, and then go south. Follow the path all the way around, and when you see a door, go past it. Open the chest at the end for a SILVER HOURGLASS, and then go back and open the door. BF2 --- Go right and follow the path around again, when you can, go down, open the chest, it contains a battle against FOUR Mad Ogres, but you get OGREKILLER if you win, and Ogrekillers make killing Mad Ogres VERY easy. Anyway, go back up and go left and follow the path around, enter the door at the end. BF3 --- Follow the path, and when you see a door, go past it. Open the chest for a KISS OF LILITH, and then go back and through the door. BF4 --- Go right and follow the path around, open the chest on the way for an AHURA. BF3-2 ----- Just go to the right, if you go through the first door, it's a save room. DO the usual, then leave and go right. Then go through the door here. BF4 --- Next. BF5 --- Go down the path to the left, and then turn left when you can, ignore the fork, but go up the middle path when you come to three bridges. Open the chest here for 82000GIL, then go back to the fork and go up. As your approach the door, two people appear. It's the King and Queen of Eblan! They then talk, and attack you. ------------------------------------- *BOSS FIGHT: King and Queen Of Eblan ------------------------------------- King Of Eblan ------------- Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: ' Absorb: ' Gil: ' Exp: ' Queen Of Eblan -------------- Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: ' Absorb: ' Gil: ' Exp: ' Recommended Levels: Cecil(28), Kain(28), Rosa(26), Rydia(25), Edge(15) *For some reason or another, they didn't put these two in the bestiary, Therefore, I can't list their stats. Ok, just use normal attacks and focus on one. After a while, they will regain consciousness, and start to talk. They say sorry to Edge. The funny thing is, you can still kill them while they're talking. After a while, they kill themselves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that 'Battle' Rubicante appears. He talks to himself, it was Lugae who did that to Edge's parents, not him. He apologises, but Edge doesn't listen, and in his rage, learns Flood and Blitz. Now you get a chance to walk around, maybe level up. Go back and save' Do whatever, I wouldn't bother healing, as Rubicante heals you when you talk to him anyway. When your ready, talk to him and begin the fight. Before the battle, equip any flame resistant armour, and any ice weapons you have. ---------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Rubicante ---------------------- Hp: 34000 Strength: 80 Defence: 3 Magic: 16 Magic Def: 31 Weakness: Ice Absorb: Fire/Ice, Bolt Gil: 7000 Exp: 18000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(28), Kain(28), Rosa(26), Rydia(25), Edge(15) This battle is a good one, and can be hard. Yes, he does use Glare, and it does deal uber major damage to one person. So there. When his hands aren't visible, he absorbs ANY elemental attack, including ice. So during that time, attack him with normal attacks. When his hands are out, start casting Blizzara and flood. If you deal enough damage to him, he will cast Blizzara on himself to heal, but if his hands are out, it damages him more. Also when his hands are out, he will cast Glare, have Rosa revive that person immediately, and if she's the target, have someone revive her, quickly. The trick for this battle is not to get left behind, if you do, you will probably lose. Be warned, any normal attack you use on him, he will counter with Fira on all. Not too much damage, but still some. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's the only Elemental Lord who hasn't pulled a dirty trick on you when they die! I like him. After that battle, some men charge In, Edge knows them. They're from Eblan, and they want to help us fight Rubicante. Edge tells them, and then decides to go with you for the rest of your adventure. The people from Eblan then leave. Walk through the door now, it's the Crystal room! Crystal Room ------------ Step forward, before you can reach the crystals, a trap door will open below you, and you will fall into another room. F8 -- Go north and grab a HI POTION from the chest, and then go down and through the door. F7 -- This is confusing, we fell down, but we're higher than before. Who cares' Follow the path and enter the door at the end. F6 -- Follow the path, when you reach a fork, go right. Open the chest at the end for another HI POTION, then go back to the fork and go left. Go through the magical door of happiness. Airship ------- Cool, an Airship. Lets steal it. But it might be a trap. Maybe not. Hey lets call her Falcon. Fine with me. Lets go. And with that you fly out of the Tower, and back into the Underworld. Fly back to the Dwarven Castle from here. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Dwarven Castle <031>+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Luca's Necklace + Gold Needle: 400gil + Dwarf Axe: 15000gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Great Bow: 2000gil + + Armour Shop + Mallet: 80gil + Dark Arrow: 40gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Diet Food: 100gil + Flame Sword: 14000gil + + Fire Shield: 1250gil + Echo Herbs: 50gil + Flame Lance: 11000gil + + Sage's Miter: 2000gil+ Eyedrops: 30gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Flame Mail: 30000gil ++++ Antidote: 40gil + + Sage's Surplice: 1200gil+ Cross: 100gil + + Rune Armlet: 2000gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First thing to do, go talk to King Giott, he will give you the key to The Sealed Cavern, where the next crystal is held. Rest at the Inn, and go to the Basement. Remember the guy near the bookcase' Go near him, you'll see a door at the very bottom left of your screen; go through it. Who's that in the bed' It's Cid! You tell everyone what's happened, but to get the last crystal, we need an Airship that can fly over the lava. So Cid gets up and makes it so that your Airship can fly over Lava. How' I don't know. But he does it. After you get Cid back into bed, he talks, and then becomes silent. Everyone screams, and then he snores. Now then, leave the Castle and board the Airship. You can do one of two things here, either advance the storyline, or get two cool new summons. Although the summons take a while to get. If you want to get them, read on, if not, skip to the Sealed Cavern. To get there, follow the directions to Tomra, and then go slightly northwest until you see a cave surrounded by mountains. That's the cave. Also, for guide purposes, I'm listing another town, it's optional, but has good stuff for sale. We'll visit the town first, as it will help with the next dungeon, the next optional, and not optional one. So, from the Castle, fly south until you hit the edge, then follow the wall to the left until you see a town. Enter it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + **Tomra <032>+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Antarctic Wind + Gold Needle: 400gil + Ahura: 7000gil + + Rage Of Zeus + Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Chain Whip: 6000gil + + Bomb Fragment + Mallet: 80gil + Ogrekiller: 45000gil + + Bestiary + Diet Food: 100gil + Killer Bow: 3000gil + + Dry Ether + Echo Herbs: 50gil + Mute Arrow: 100gil + + 2000gil + Eyedrops: 30gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Antidote: 40gil Tent: 100gil + + Armour Shop + Cross: 100gil Cottage: 500gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Phoenix Down: 100gil Dwarven Bread: 100gil + + Diamond Shield: 15000gil + Potion: 30gil Gysahl Green: 50gil + + Diamond Helm: 10000gil + Hi Potion: 150 Remedy: 5000gil + + Diamond Armour: 40000gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Diamond Gloves: 5000gil|Gold Hairpin: 20000gil|Diamond Armlet: 4000gil+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The shops here do sell good things, so buy what you can. As for items to find, well, go to the house at the very top-left of the village. In this house, among the chests and pots, are an ANTARCTIC WIND, a RAGE OF ZEUS, a BOMB FRAGMENT, a BESTIARY, a DRY ETHER, and 2000GIL. That's pretty much all you need to do here. So once you have what you want, and need, exit the town back onto the Overworld. Now to get to the land of the summons. How' Well, we have to go through a really annoying dungeon. First of all, you don't have to, but it helps, have Float, A White Mage Spell. If you don't its ok, Rosa learns it at level 36 IIRC. So you probably won't have it yet. That's fine, you'll just need to run from most battles and heal frequently, or you can come back when you have it. It doesn't matter. To get there, go northwest until you find a tiny island in the middle of the lava. The island only has a mountain with a cave in. Go into that cave. Now, one more thing. If you don't have Float, you are WAY under levelled for this place, and you probably are. So, right now, I recommend going for the cool weapons you can find and get here. You can always level up in here, but I suggest going to the Sealed Cavern first. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +**Cave Of Summons<033>+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Phoenix Down X2 + N/A + N/A + + Hi Potion X3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Cottage + Armour Shop + + Bestiary X2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Poison Axe + N/A + + Kikuichimonji +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Defender Ether 5000gil 6000gil Rat Tail + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BF1 --- Now you see the little lava patches on the floor' They hurt you when you stand on them, but if you have Float, you can cast it on all, so you won't get hurt! It'll hurt you for '50hp every time, but the least it can go is 1, so you can't die unless you're in battle. From where you start, go left and then up, open the chest for a PHOENIX DOWN. Then head all the way down and open the chest for a HI POTION. Now keep going to the left until you hit a wall, then follow the path up and go down the steps. BF2 --- Check your HP, you're probably at 1HP by now, unless you have Float. When you come to a fork, go down and open the chest for another HI POTION. Now go back to the fork and go up, when you reach another fork, go left and open the chest for a COTTAGE, now go back to the second fork, and go right, then go down the stairs. BF3 --- Hp will be low unless you have Float, or you just healed. Follow the path, when you come to a chest, open it for a PHOENIX DOWN. When you come to a fork, keep going right and open the chest for a BESTIARY. From that chest, run into the wall to the east, you'll go right through. Now go down and follow it around until you're near three chests, go right and through the wall again. Open the chests for a HI POTION, a POISON AXE, and a KIKUICHIMONJI. Now go back into the wall and follow it back to where you originally came into the wall, remember where you went down' Well go up instead, when you can't go up anymore, go left and through the wall. Now follow the path until you reach a chest. HEAL BEFORE OPENING IT. It contains 5 Warriors, It is a VERY hard battle, so only open it if you can confidently beat Warriors. You do get a DEFENDER for winning though. Now go back to the first fork in this floor, and go up. Step on the teleporter, you will end up in a strange town. BF4 --- A town in here' Cool, it's where all the summons live. And the best thing is that there are no more weird lava floors! Now, run around this floor mindlessly and open all the chests for an ETHER, a BESTIARY, 5000GIL, 6000GIL and a RAT TAIL. Now use the new teleporter near the chest that contained the Rat Tail, and you'll be teleported to... ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +**Land Of Summons<034>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Bestiary + Phoenix Down: 100gil + Whip: 3000gil + + Phoenix Down + Potion: 30gil + Chain Whip: 6000gil + +++++++++++++++++++++ Hi Potion: 150gil + Blitz Whip: 10000gil + + Armour Shop + Tent: 100gil + Kotetsu: 11000gil +++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cottage: 500gil +++++ Fairy Rod: 5000gil + + Aegis Shield: 20000gil+ Dwarven Bread: 100gil+ Kinesis Staff: 7000gil + + Light Robe: 30000gil + Gysahl Greens: 50gil + Angel Arrow: 110gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remedy: 5000gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Gold Needle: 400gil Maiden's Kiss: 60gil Mallet: 80gil + + Diet Food: 100gil Echo Herbs: 50gil Eye Drops: 30gil + + Antidote: 40gil Cross: 100gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rest at Inn, by stuff, then go to the unmarked house at the top, it's a place with two treasure chests that contain a BESTIARY and a PHOENIX DOWN, and a Save Point! So save, you just healed, and then leave the house. There is a house directly south of the one you just left, enter it, it's a Library. Go down the stairs, and then through the teleporter. Talk to the woman, it's Queen Asura. She won't let you see the king unless you beat her in battle. You know what to do. I only recommend doing this boss after the Giant Of Babel. ---------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Asura ---------------------- Hp: 31005 Strength: 134 Defence: 3 Magic: 69 Magic Def: 37 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 20000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(36), Kain(37), Rosa(36), Rydia(34), Edge(35) Cast Reflect on her with Rosa's first move, that will reflect her Protect, Curaga, and Life spell at you. Next thing to note is that she will attack you physically whenever you attack her in ANY way. So in other words, she counters with a normal attack dealing quite a fair amount of damage. If you're low on HP, don't attack and wait for Rosa's next turn. She will attack normally anyway, just not much. She shouldn't be too much trouble if you just escaped from the Giant of Babel. Remember, the trick to winning this is to take your time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we have her as a summon, that's good. Talk to the man beside her, it's Leviathan! He will then engage your party. ---------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Leviathan ---------------------- Hp: 50001 Strength: 174 Defence: 5 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 54 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 28000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(36), Kain(37), Rosa(36), Rydia(35), Edge(36) He's easier than Asura. He'll open with Tidal Wave, dealing medium damage to all, and he'll occasionally use it. He can also use Blizzara, which isn't too bad. Just keep your HP up, and attack him with Thunder attacks. Summon Ramuh, cast Blitz. Do anything, the only thing about this guy is his high HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now get Leviathan as a summon too! We can get Odin now, but we'll do him later. Unless your doing this after you escape from the giant, in that case, we'll do it next. Also, there are four chests that you can see in the Town, but I have no idea how you get them. Can someone please email me and tell me how' +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Sealed Cavern <030>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ether X3 + N/A + N/A + + Kotetsu X2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Bestiary X2 Elixir Bell Of Silence + + Hi Potion X2 Fuma Shuriken Dry Ether + + Phoenix Down X2 Light Curtain X-Potion + + Light Sword Black Cowl Dark Crystal + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ Walk forward and examine the door, then use Lucca's Necklace. The door will open, so go inside. BF1 --- Walk around the rock, and walk on the rope thing, you'll slide down onto another piece of land. You'll see a door on the large rock, I must tell you that every door transforms into a monster, which can be hard to beat. But they do give off quite good Exp. -------------------------- MONSTER BATTLE: TRAP DOOR -------------------------- Hp: 5000 Strength: 88 Defence: 3 Magic: 0 Magic Def: 38 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 4500 Exp: 30000 I'll put a strategy for it here, as it can be hard. When it starts, it will use Search, which does nothing at first sight. After that, it will use Ninth Dimension that will instantly kill the character he just searched. So revive, and continue with the pummelling. Bio is a good move to use against it, and Rydia should have it by now. It will use Ninth Dimension a lot, since it's its only move. If you don't kill it in a certain amount of turns, it will transform into another monster, and the monster isn't usually good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, beat the door and go through the door, wow that doesn't sound right. Inside is a room full of treasure, open the two chests for an ETHER and a KOTETSU. Leave the room; there is a chest southwest of here containing a BESTIARY. After you get that, go left of the giant rock and go across the new rope thing. There is another door here, beat it, and go through it. In here are two more doors, and a giant ladder like the ones in the Magnetic Cavern. Open the two chests in here for a HI POTION and an ETHER. Behind the door to the left is an empty room, and behind the second is an empty room. You can beat them for the Exp. If you want. After you've done everything, go down the giant ladder. BF2 --- Go down the rope directly below where you start, then follow the path and open the chest for a BESTIARY' Then go back up the rope and go right across the bridge. Open the chest at the end for a PHOENIX DOWN and then go up. This place is a long corridor, with many doors, all of which transform into a Monster. When I say the Door 1, I mean the first one you see/pass, when I say Door 2, I mean the second you see/Pass. Ok' Good. Door 1: Empty Room Door 2: Chest containing LIGHT SWORD Door 3: Three chests containing an ELIXIR, a FUMA SHURIKEN, and a LIGHT CURTAIN Door 4: Empty Room Door 5: Save Room Door 6: Two chests containing a KOTETSU and a BLACK COWL. Door 7: Way out Go inside door 7 and open the chest for an ETHER, then go down the large ladder. Open the chests here for a HI POTION and a PHOENIX DOWN. Behind the door is a empty room. After doing everything, go through the door. BF3 --- Go all the way to the right, ignoring the rope and the door, open the chest for a BELL OF SILENCE, then go back, you can beat the door, but it's just an empty room behind it. Go back to the rope and go on it, go to the right and beat the door, behind it are two treasure chests that contain a DRY ETHER and an X-POTION. Once you have them, go back out and go to the left, then go down the giant ladder. BF4 --- There is a save point here, do the usual, then go through the door below it. This is simple. Just walk around the edge until you can go up, ten go down the ladder. BF5 --- Cross the bridge and beat the door, then go through it. Crystal Room ------------ Grab the DARK CRYSTAL and leave the room. BF5 --- Cross the bridge, and something will stop you. Damn security. ----------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Demon Wall ----------------------- Hp: 28000 Strength: 84 Defence: 3 Magic: 79 Magic Def: 29 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 8000 Exp: 23000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(33), Kain(34), Rosa(32), Rydia(31), Edge(33) In every other version of FFIV, I've dreaded this boss, one of the hardest in the game. In this, he's a pushover. A total wimp. Notice how my levels have shot up since the battle against Rubicante, no I haven't been levelling up, I just beat all the doors. For the strategy, have Rosa cast Slow on it, as it gets closer every turn. And when it gets so close, it instantly kills your characters in turn. So Slow is good, also have Rosa Haste some of your hard hitters like Kain and Cecil. DO realize that if you are just below, or even straight on my recommended levels, you won't have Haste yet, that is because I'm trying to make this boss hard for some people. If you find it too hard, level up some more. Anyways, Edge, Kain and Cecil can all attack, Rydia can use Bio, and Rosa can do what's listed above, if you have them, and also cure. Cecil can also use Cura If needed, by Rosa's Curaga is much more effective. I should note that, if you do need Haste, and you are on these levels, she learns it at level 33, so just one more level will do it. Although, I doubt you'll need it. I doubt you'll need slow even. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy, I wish they could have kept the difficulty. Ah well, just leave the place. BF1 --- Well, technically, this is the entrance and not BF1, but who cares eh' Before you can leave, Golbez speaks to you all. He then takes control of Kain, again, who grabs the Crystal and runs off. So Kain is gone and Golbez has all the crystals, could this day get any badder' Is that even a word' Badder' Leave the cavern and get in your Airship, now you can do one of two things. Go back to the Dwarven castle to advance the story, or go to the Land of Summons, as you may be able to beat the boss now. If you want to go to the Land Of Summons, refer to section 033 and 034. Even if you don't have float yet, you can still win, it'll just be VERY hard. Also remember that you no longer have Kain, so it will be harder. If you don't think you can do it, come back later when that fifth party member slot is full again. So really, do it when you think you're ready. Which I don't think will be now. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Dwarven Castle <036>+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + Gold Needle: 400gil + Dwarf Axe: 15000gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Maidens Kiss: 60gil + Great Bow: 2000gil + + Armour Shop + Mallet: 80gil + Dark Arrow: 40gil + ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Diet Food: 100gil + Flame Sword: 14000gil + + Fire Shield: 1250gil + Echo Herbs: 50gil + Flame Lance: 11000gil + + Sage's Miter: 2000gil+ Eyedrops: 30gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Flame Mail: 30000gil ++++ Antidote: 40gil + + Sage's Surplice: 1200gil+ Cross: 100gil + + Rune Armlet: 2000gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go talk to Giott, you will tell him what happened. Giott raises a discussion about the Lunar Whale, a legend passed down in time. He then says the first line of the Mysidian Legend. So the Lunar Whale must be related to there. Well, we have to go back there then, but how' Cid destroyed the entrance. Ironically, Cid then walks in and says he'll attack a drill onto The Falcon, letting you dig outside. So he does, and now we can get out of here. So get in the Falcon and get over to the entrance, you'll dig, and now you have complete control of where to go! We can go back and forth as we please now. Finally. Lets go to Mysidia. But first, want to obtain a cool, super powerful new weapon for Cecil with hardly any hassle' Just one thing, YOU MUST HAVE THE RAT TAIL OBTAINED FROM THE LAND OF THE SUMMONS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ +**Kokkol's Smithy <037>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Adamantite + N/A + N/A + + Remedy +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Excalibur + +++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ There are only four things we need to do to get this, and they're very easy things. [Step one: Board the Enterprise.] It will be near Eblan Castle, or Eblan Cave, so fetch it. Get out the Falcon and get in The Enterprise. [Step Two: Load the Hovercraft Onto the Enterprise.] This is VERY easy; just load the Hovercraft, which is right near the Cave, onto your airship. [Step Three: Get The Adamantite] To do this, find Mythril Town, and drop the Hovercraft, then land near it and get in the Hovercraft. Ride over the shallows until you can disembark near a cave, once you can, get out, and go into the cave. Now talk to the man and give him your Rat Tail, he will trade it for some ADAMANTITE. [Step Four: Get The Weapon] Get back into the Enterprise and fly back into the Underworld, from the entrance, fly south, you'll see a house in the corner, enter it. There will be two dwarves here, ignore them. Examine all the pots; all you get is a REMEDY. Now go up the stairs and talk to the guy who's asleep, he'll say he won't make another sword again until he gets some Adamantite. So give him some, and you'll hand over the Sword Of Legend. Follow him downstairs, talk to him. Right now, you can't get it, but you will be able to in a few minutes of game play, so leave the Underworld, and go to Mysidia. Once you can get it, talk to him, he will hand over the new EXALIBUR, the most powerful sword in the game up to this point. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Mysidia <038>+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + Potion: 30gil + Ice Rod: 220gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi-Potion: 150gil + Flame Rod: 380gil + + Armour Shop + Phoenix Down: 100gil + Healing Staff: 480gil+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gold Needle: 400gil + Crossbow: 700gil + + Wizard's Hat: 700gil + Echo Herbs: 50gil + Holy Arrow: 20gil + + Gaia Gear: 500gil + Antidote: 40gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Silver Armlet: 650gil + Tent: 100gil + + Light Shield: 700gil + Cottage: 500gil + + Light Helm: 4000gil ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Knight's Armour: 5000gil+ + Gauntlets: 3000gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Once you step in, the Elder will greet you. He knew you where coming. The screen switches to the tower, at the top of the mansion. Everyone prays, and the screen switches to the Overworld. Something comes out of the water. It's the Lunar Whale! There is a crystal inside the Lunar Whale, if you touch it, it will transport you to the Moon. Cool. So leave Mysidia. One of two things can be done now. You can: 1) Now obtain the Excalibur for Cecil, it will be ready. 2) Go to the Moon and continue the story. If you did the small side quest to get the Sword, go and collect it now, if not, refer to section 037. The sword really is worth it. After you get the sword, or you just don't want to get it, board the Lunar Whale, I'll give you a grand tour. Lunar Whale: ------------ ------------------------- ------------- Yes it's very crude, but | {} | | Key | it's my first ASCII | | ------------- drawing ever. So there. I win. | /\ | |[] Teleporter| | | |/\ Crystal | A few notes: |[] []| |{} Panel | ------------ ----------- ----------- |# Bed | The teleporter only warps you | | |* Fat Chocobo| Outside. | | ------------- The crystal sends you to the | | Moon and back. --------- -------- Touch the panel and you can | # #| Manually fly the Lunar Whale. | | You can rest in the beds for | # # | for free, any time. | | You do not need to use a Gysahl | # #| Green to call the Fat Chocobo, ---- -------------- it is always there. | | --- ------- | | * | | | --------------- We want to get to the moon, so what do you do' Figure it out. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Crystal Palace <039>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find +Item Shop (Hummingway)+ Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Golden Apple + Hi Potion: 150gil + N/A + + Stardust + Phoenix Down: 100gil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Lunar Castle + Ether: 10000gil Bestiary: 980gil + +++++++++++++++++++++++ Dry Ether: 50000gil Gysahl Whistle: 20000gil + + Elixir: 100000gil!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Cottage: 500gil + Armour Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Before we start, I'm going to direct you to a cave that sells some items. You don't need to go there, but you can buy some good stuff that you can't buy anywhere else. To get to the Hummingway Cave (Where the shop is) do the following: Fly to the Moon, and fly around a bit until you see crystal-like things sticking out. From there, fly slightly south until you see some land surrounded my mountains/rock. Land in the middle, and enter the cave. ------------------- **Hummingway Cave ------------------- All of the people look like Namingway, but they all hum. One of the Hummingways will sell you items, look at the Item shop at the top of the section to see them. After you've bought some stuff, or probably not, leave and board the Lunar Whale. Now for the stuff we have to do. Fly back to the Crystal things, fly into them from the front, like this: ^^^^^^^^ ^ Crystal Things [] [] Lunar Whale (Facing North) If you look underneath you, there is some rock. You can land on this, fly a little to the left until you're at the edge of that piece of rock, then land. There should be some stairs near you, land near them, and go down them, it should look like this: ^^^^^^ ^ Crystal Things C######## ^^^^^^ [] Lunar Whale ##[]########### # Landable Rock ##||#### CP ||Steps leading down onto normal floor. <>#### <> Cecil ######## C Cave CP Crystal Palace So you've just gone down the steps. There should be a cave near there, as shown on the poorly done ASCII diagram. Go into it. ------------------ Lunar Path 1 ------------------ Does it feel like someone else is writing this' Because I just read some of this through, and my writing style feels different than what it did earlier on into the guide. Who cares' I say that too often don't I' And that. As the name suggests, it's mostly a path. But, there are some forks. When you come to the first one, go right and open the chest, it's a Monster Battle, but you get a GOLDEN APPLE if you win. It can be quite hard though, because the Monsters on the moon are hard the first time you visit. Go back to the fork and go left. At the second fork, go right again and open the chests for a STARDUST and a LUNAR CURTAIN. Then go back to the second fork and go up the stairs. You'll be back outside on the moon now, go right. When you reach a fork, keep going right, when you reach another fork, go southeast, soon you'll see another cave. Enter it. ------------------ Lunar Path 2 ------------------ Please, this one's just a path. When you get outside and reach a fork, go northwest, then go left. Enter the cave below the crystal-like things. As you guessed from my crude ASCII drawings, it's the Crystal Palace. UBER IMPORTANT NEWS: Before you enter, make any last preparations on Earth. Because after we go in there, we won't be able to travel around Earth, freely, for a while. ------------------ Crystal Palace ------------------ As you walk in, there are three paths. There are healing tiles going left and right, the one to the lest restores your HP, and the one to the right restores your MP. Now go up the middle, and you will be stopped by another voice. There is a flash of light, and an old man appears. He calls himself FuSoYa, guardian of the Lunarians. He tells of how the Lunarians came to the moon, they al sleep in the core. However, one refuses to sleep. Zemus. FuSoYa forced him to sleep, but during his slumber, he channelled all his energy onto Earth, and is now gathering the Crystals. When the crystals gather, he can get back to Earth and use the Giant Of Babel that will destroy the Earth. FuSoYa says he has no way of getting to Earth to stop him when that time comes, then Cecil suggests the Lunar Whale. FuSoYa then tells you of how it was made. KluYa, another Lunarian, travelled to Earth. He built it, and the Devil's Road. However, during his stay there, he fell in love and had two children. Cecil, is one of them, or so FuSoYa says. Cecil then realises that that voice he heard on Mt Ordeals was KluYa's. FuSoYa says that was him, and that Cecil has been granted a power to help the Lunarians, and the Humans. So they need to get to the Tower Of Babel before it's too late, and only FuSoYa can disable the barrier. We have a full party again. Now leave the Palace, and make your way back to the Lunar Whale, they travel to Earth. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Giant Of Babel<040>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ice Arrow X2 + N/A + N/A + + Ether ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Green Beret Hi Potion X2 Ice Shield Dr Lugae's Key + + Ice Brand Phoenix Down Ice Armour +++++++++++++++++++++++ + Ice Lance Killer Bow Artic Wind + + Cat Claw Antarctic Wind Dry Ether + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ As soon as you see the word Babel, don't you just groan' I did first time around. And guess what, the boss inside isn't that good either. Anyway, when you land on Earth, the Giant Of Babel will come forth and start destroying stuff. Before it attacks you, some tanks come forth and fire at it. The scene switches to inside on of the tanks, in one of them, Yang is there! And that just reminded me about a summon which we could have got but can't get now...Meh, I'll include it in the next version. Some Airships then fly over. Cid is on board one of them, and on the other are Palom and Porom! The elder restored them, how I don't know, but he did and on another, is Edward. The Airships then start attacking the Giant too. FuSoYa now suggests we enter the Giant and attack its core. So you call Cid down, you tell him your plan, and he agrees to lower you in. The next thing you know, you're inside the Giant with no way out. Mouth ----- Just walk forward until you see a teleporter, then stand on it to be transported to... Neck ---- Press the down button three times. Chest ----- Follow the path, open the first chest you see for a SHURIKEN. Open the second you see for a HI POTION, and open the third for an ETHER. When you come to a fork, keep going up, open the chest at the end for YOICHI ARROW. Then go back to the fork and go left, open the chest here for a SIREN, and then go up. Step on the teleporter. Stomach ------- You'll be immediately shoved into a fork, just go straight up and open the chest for a SILVER APPLE. Go back to the teleporter and go right, you'll reach another fork. Take the rightmost path and open the chest at the end for a SOMA DROP, then go back to the fork and take the other path. Follow it around and step on the teleporter. Well, I'm off to Funland. Inner Path ---------- Follow ze path young grasshopper. Ze first chest ye find contains a battle against the dreaded Last Arm. Beware young grasshopper, it will cast Stop on each member one by one, so cure as soon as it casts it. Otherwise, eventually, your whole party will be frozen, and ye will not be able to move. If you win, you gain ze holy ELIXIR of goodness, a worthy prize for a worth battle. Continue following the path around, when you come to ze fork, keep going left, it is ze save point! Do ze usual, then go back to the ze fork and go up. Now step on the teleporter of teleportyness! Uh-oh, I gotta go, be strong young grasshopper. Stairwell --------- Ok, I'm back from my trip to Funland. *Reads last paragraph* O_O WHO THE HELL WROTE THAT' *Is scared* Anyway...Keep walking forward. You'll soon be stopped. Isn't that the Elemental Lords music playing' Didn't we kill all of them' Oh, we did. They all slowly appear, it appears Zemus granted them a second chance. Guess what, we have to fight them all again, right here, right now! Good huh' Rubicante, being the kind guy he is, restores your HP and MP back to full. ----------------------------- *BOSS FIGHT: Elemental Lords ----------------------------- Scarmiglion: ------------ Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: Fire Absorb: None Gil: ' Exp: ' Cagnazzo: --------- Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: Bolt Absorb: Water' Gil: ' Exp: ' Rubicante: ---------- Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: Ice Absorb: Fire Gil: ' Exp: ' Barbariccia ----------- Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: ' Exp: ' Recommended Levels: Cecil(35), Rosa(35), Rydia(34), Edge(35), FuSoYa(50) *They do not list their new stats in the bestiary. It's proven that they have all new stats, so I cannot list the old ones. Be afraid, be very afraid. The good news, you have to fight them one by one. The bad news, you have to fight them one by one without a break in-between. I'll divide it into phases. Each phase is a battle between a single Lord. Scarmiglion ----------- Ok, he has a Major weakness against Fire, so have FuSoYa casting Firaga, Rydia casting Firaga, or if you don't have it, Fira, Rosa can be on heal duty, Edge can use Flame, and Cecil can just attack. All he has is a physical attack, not too strong. After you beat him... Rubicante --------- Surprised he isn't last' I was. He constantly has his hands out now, so pummel him with all the Ice attacks you have. The strategy is the same as Scarmiglion's, but change the fire elemental attacks to Ice. His attack patter is as follows: Fira-All Firaga-All Glare-All Don't worry though, Glare is a lot weaker now. Cagnazzo -------- Weak. Just do exactly the same as the others, but with Thunder attacks instead. Barbariccia ----------- She's constantly in Tornado, but all attacks still work. She has the highest HP out of them all, and no Elemental weakness, so this will be hard. She now has a nasty attack called Maelstrom, which is like Tornado, but on all. It's nasty, and she isn't afraid to use it, especially once FuSoYa and Rosa's turn has just been. So just attack her with your strongest spells and summons. She'll fall eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, go back and heal and save, then go back where you just fought the Lords, and continue going forward. CPU --- Walk across the bridge, and a cut scene will commence, and then the CPU will attack. ------------------------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: CPU, Attack Node, Defence Node ------------------------------------------- CPU --- Hp: 30000 Strength: 174 Defence: 4 Magic: 127 Magic Def: 38 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 10333 Exp: 50000 Attack Node ----------- Hp: 3000 Strength: 116 Defence: 5 Magic: 47 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 0 Defence Node: ------------- Hp: 3000 Strength: 116 Defence: 5 Magic: 47 Magic Def: 11 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 0 Recommended Levels: Cecil(33), Kain(34), Rosa(32), Rydia(31), Edge(33) Ok, focus your attacks on the defence node first, as it can heal the CPU for 3000HP. The CPU will cast Reflect on itself as it's first move, so no Black Magic on the CPU. The attack Node will always cast Piercing Laser, for around 2-300 on everyone. No matter what you do, don't kill both nodes. Want to know why' Because the CPU will cast Globe 199 on two people, dealing 9999 damage to each, and then he will revive them both. In case you don't know what node is what, the attack node is the one at the back, and the defence at the front. You can throw some Shurikens at the CPU if you want, it will deal some fair damage. Just heal every few runs and you'll be fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the battle, Golbez runs in. He's furious that you stopped the giant. FuSoYa charges at him and starts telling him to realize who he really is. FuSoYa falls to the ground, and Golbez snaps out of Zemus's control. FuSoYa asks him if he remembers his fathers name, and if you haven't guessed it already, its KluYa. Yup, Golbez and Cecil are brothers. Everyone talks for a while, and then Golbez runs off. FuSoYa stops him, and agrees to help Golbez fight Zemus. They both say goodbye, and then they leave. The giant starts to shake, but Cecil is still in shock about the whole brother thing, and just before it collapses, Kain runs in. Since Golbez isn't under Zemus's control, Kain isn't under Golbez's control. You then follow Kain out of the giant. The screen switches to the Lunar Whale, Kain apologies again for what he did, but Edge won't accept it. Kain then decides to go after Zemus. Edge then says he better not betray them, and Kain says they can kill him if it happens. Edge says he'll go too, because it was Zemus's fault that Eblan was destroyed. Cecil then says he'll go, but he makes Rosa and Rydia stay on Earth. He knows they probably won't come back. He then kicks them off and they fly to the moon. They go to walk off, but are blocked by Rosa and Rydia, who snuck back on before they took off. After a bit of talking to, Cecil agrees to let them come. Hey then walk off. When everyone goes, Namingway walks onto the Lunar Whale and says that you can now change party members at the Hall Of Prayers in Mysidia. You may want to do that, but for this walkthrough, I'm going to stick with the default party. I will soon list how to get everyone's ultimate weapon, but way later. Now before we go to the final, yes final, dungeon. We can do a few things, I recommend doing them. Although you may need to level up to do some of these things. First, I recommend getting Asura and Leviathan now. Refer to section 033 and 034 for further help. Next, I recommend getting Odin, to do that, get Asura and Leviathan, and read on. After that, I recommend traversing the Final dungeon with the characters you will use for the Final battle, just to level them up a bit. After that, we can get Bahamut, which I HIGHLY recommend doing, and the Ultimate weapons for ALL the characters, and then we can finish the game. Please note, that everything but the final dungeon is optional. So if you want, you can skip to the final section and just play it through. So, got Asura and Leviathan' Now we can get Odin. How' Read on. If you don't want to get the summons, get to the Lunar Subterranean. To get there, go to the Crystal Palace, and go to the room behind where you met FuSoYa. Step in the middle, and the Moon Crystals will warp you there. +++++++++++++++++++++++ + **Baron Castle <041>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + N/A + N/A + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++ As the name suggests, fly to Baron castle. Go to where you talked to Cid's men, and enter the tower. Go down the stairs and follow the path, the King will eventually speak to you, and attack you as Odin. ----------------- BOSS FIGHT: Odin ----------------- Hp: 20001 Strength: 116 Defence: 5 Magic: 95 Magic Def: 38 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 18000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(36), Kain(38), Rosa(37), Rydia(35), Edge(36) He has one MAJOR attack. Zanzetuken. It will deal 3000+ damage to ALL characters. Now, I think you're supposed to not dodge that, and kill him before he does it. But I know some ways you can avoid it: 1) If you have Kain, Jump 2) If you have Edward, have him Hide 3) Have enough HP to survive. If you want to kill him before he attacks you with it, attack him with everything you have. He has a weakness to lightning, so abuse lightning attacks. It can be tough, but it is possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now get Odin as a summon! YAY! Next thing to do' Get Bahamut, the God of Summons. Get in the Lunar Whale and go to the moon. From the Crystal Palace, go directly left. You'll see a cave in a rock that is inside a circle of rock. Land on the circle of rock and go down the steps, then go into the cave. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +**Cave Of Bahamut<042>+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Genji Gloves + N/A + N/A + + Genji Shield ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Genji Armour Genji Helm + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++++++++++ BF1 --- This place is hard. If you can't do it, take the time to level up. While writing this, I probably will have to go and level up to get near the boss. You must have Reflect to win the battle against Bahamut. You should have it by now, but if not, Lunar Curtains will do. If you need to, don't be afraid to go back and rest in the Lunar Whale. Go down, and keep going down, ignoring the fork. Open the chest for a GENJI GLOVES. Then go back to the fork and go right. You'll meet another fork, going up looks seemingly pointless, but go anyway. Run into the wall at the top, and follow the secret passage. Open the chest at the end for a GENJI SHIELD. Go back to he fork but go down, and then go down the steps at the end of the path. BF2 --- Follow the path, open the chest on the way for a GENJI ARMOUR. Keep going, and when you come up to a fork, go right and open the chest at the end. You'll get a GENJI HELM. Now go back to the fork, heal, and go up. You'll get into a battle with a... --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth --------------------- Hp: 23000 Strength: 154 Defence: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 254! Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 57000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(38), Kain(38), Rosa(37), Rydia(36), Edge(36) Some wouldn't call this a boss. I would, plus, it has the boss theme. And it's hard at that. The Behemoth has only one attack, a very nasty physical attack. He will use it as a counter, so he will nearly stay still if you don't attack him. He will occasionally attack if you don't, but not much. Elemental attacks are pointless, don't waste your MP. Attack him a bit, wait for Rosa's turn, heal, attack some more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recommend you go back to the Lunar Whale and heal again, there's more than one Behemoth hiding in here. After that battle, go down the stairs. BF3 --- Hey look, another thin walkway. Lets mindlessly cross it. AH! BEHEMOTH! --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth --------------------- Hp: 23000 Strength: 154 Defence: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 254! Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 57000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(38), Kain(38), Rosa(37), Rydia(36), Edge(36) Do exactly what you did with the last one. It should be easier since you know what to do now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't worry, no more n...AH! --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth --------------------- Hp: 23000 Strength: 154 Defence: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 254! Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 57000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(38), Kain(38), Rosa(38), Rydia(36), Edge(36) Yes, another one. This one really is the last. If you're following my levels exactly, Rosa should have learned Curaja now, so that'll make things easier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That seriously was the last. Step forward. AH BEHEMOTH! Just kidding, talk to the man/woman on the alter. Its Bahamut! And s/he (That brings back memories of FFIX) attacks you! --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Bahamut --------------------- Hp: 23000 Strength: 154 Defence: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 254! Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 57000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(38), Kain(39), Rosa(38), Rydia(36), Edge(37) This dragon I really easy if you know what to do. When you start, a countdown will also start. When it reaches 0, Bahamut uses Mega Flare, it's only attack. It will instantly kill anyone, since it's so powerful. And there's no way you can beat It before it uses it once. So how do we win' Cast Reflect! It's easy, just have Rosa cast reflect on everyone turn by turn, her fist of course. Then have everyone just attack mindlessly until the cranky dragon falls. If you don't cast reflect on everyone in time, which you won't, simply revive them next go and then cast reflect. Don't bother healing low HP, there's no point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And for that, you get Bahamut, the best summon in the game. Really, it owns. Ok, so what do we do now' Get everyone's ultimate weapons of course! Bt first, I recommend having a run through the final dungeon. And so I'll type it up here, up to the part I think you should get up to, then I'll type up how to get their weapons, which are located inside the dungeon, and for the sake of helping people, I'll show you how to get everyone else's Ultimate weapons (Cid, Edward, Yang, Palom, Porom) in a separate dungeon. So, upwards and onwards! If you don't want to leave the last dungeon to get the less-important characters ultimate weapons, just skip to Lunar Subterranean Part Two. So, lets get to the Final dungeon for a run-through. Which will take us near the end, just before the final part. Where every monster is as hard as a boss. Anyway, To get there, go to the Crystal Palace, and go to the room behind where you met FuSoYa. Step in the middle, and the Moon Crystals will warp you there. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Lunar Subterranean(P1)<043>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Black Garb + N/A + N/A + + Fire Whip ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Dragon Shield White Fang Crystal Helm Ribbon X2 + + Dragon Helm X-Potion Red Fang Golden Apple + + Dragon Gloves Stardust Rod Fuma Shuriken Ragnarok + + Dragon Mail Protect Ring X2 Cottage Murasame + + Artemis Arrow X2 Crystal Mail Minerva's Plate Crystal Shield+ + Elixir White Robe Holy Lance Crystal Gloves+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Armour Shop + +++++++++++++++++ + N/A + +++++++++++++++++ Here we are. The final dungeon, be prepared. The enemies here are HELL. We need to level up in here if we want to get the Ultimate Weapons, and beat the final boss. And I would think most people want to do that, beating the final boss is what people do. I'm going to hate writing this, but here goes. BF1 --- Cross the bridge and go right, run into the wall, if you don't go through, step down and run again. When you get through, follow the path until you reach a chest. It's a monster battle against two Giant Warriors. If you win, you get a BLACK GARB and a lot of Exp. So go back to where you ran into the wall, and go down. Follow the path and you'll soon reach some stairs. Go down em'. BF2 --- Follow the path, and you'll soon run into the wall. Go up, but press the left button every time you move forward. You'll soon turn left, follow the path and you'll reach a chest, open it for a FIRE WHIP. Go back to where you turned left and go up. Follow the path, and when you come to some stairs, open the chest to the left of it for a DRAGON SHIELD, and then go down them. BF3 --- Sweating yet' Don't be afraid to run from every battle, yes I said this was supposed to make you level up, but we can do that when we come across a save point, right' Do down, you'll see some stairs, ignore them. Keep going down and run into the wall at the right, you'll run through it. Follow the secret passage and you'll come to a chest, it contains a DRAGON HELM. Take one step down, then run right. Follow the path and you'll end up in a room containing two chests, open them both for a DRAGON MAIL and a DRAGON GLOVES. Now go back to the stairs and go down them. BF4 --- It gets a little harder here. Go right, ignore the steps, and open the chest for an ARTEMIS ARROW. Now go down the stairs. Now go left and through the door. Open the chest for an ELIXIR, then leave the room and go back to the stairs. Take a right this time. Go down the next set of stairs and then through the door. When you come to a fork, go northeast and open the chest for a WHITE FANG, then go back to the fork and take southwest. Open the chest here for an X-POTION, then go down through the door. There is a chest to the left here, watch out, it contains a Behemoth! Wooooo! If you win you get a ton of Exp. And with your new found Bahamut summon, it'll be easier than before. If you win, you get a STARDUST ROD. Now go right and down the steps. BF5 --- Go down the steps, you'll soon come to a door and a chest, don't open the chest. It's a monster battle against one of the hardest combinations of enemies ever, a Red and Blue Dragon. If you win, you get a CRYSTAL SHIELD. Anyway, just go into the cave room thingy. Follow the path and open the chest on the way for a PROTECT RING. When you come to a large empty part, go down and leave the room. You'll see a chest, open it, Behemoth time. You'll win a CRYSTAL MAIL. Now go back to the room and go up, then go down the stairs. Now go to the right, open the chest for a battle against two Red Dragons, you get a CRYSTAL GLOVES if you win. Now go to the left and through the next door. When you come to some stairs, ignore them, and go down the other side. Open the chest here for a WHITE ROBE, then you can go down them. Go left and open the chest for a monster battle, the enemies are easy, if you win, you get a CRYSTAL HELM. Go right, and you'll see some steps leading down, and then some steps leading into a room. Go into that room. Open the chest for a RED FANG. There is something I must say, you *can* encounter Flan Princesses in this room, although it is very hard. You can also use a Siren to find them instantly. They *can* drop Pink Tails, which you can trade for some Adamant Armour, the strongest armour in the game. But the chances are, you won't get a Pink tail, if you do, go to the place where you obtained the Adamantite for Cecil's sword. For more information, check section ()()() Now go down the steps outside. BF6 --- The two chests either side of where you start contain a FUMA SHURIKEN and a ARTEMIS ARROW. Now go down until you see two bridges, take the left one and open the chest at the end for a COTTAGE. Go back and take the right bridge. Go in the cave, there will be two ways to go, go left and open the chest. Beat the easy monsters and win a MINERVA'S PLATE. Now go back and take the way to the right and go down the stairs. BF7 --- Follow the path, you'll soon see many stairs, the first set contains a Save Point. The rest contain ultimate weapons. If you want the ultimate weapons, read on, if not, skip to Lunar Subterranean Part 2. Ok, lets get Kain's weapon first shall we' Exit the Save Room and go into the door that is the next one to the right. Examine the Lance, and a battle will start. --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Plague --------------------- Hp: 33333 Strength: 146 Defence: 5 Magic: 0 Magic Def: 38 Weakness: Throw Absorb: None Gil: 550 Exp: 31108 Recommended Levels: Cecil(41), Kain(41), Rosa(40), Rydia(38), Edge(40) At the start, he casts Doom on all characters, the way I find best to do this, Is to enter the battle with only one character alive. You attack a bit, and then revive a character, Plague will then cast Doom again on all, re-setting the timer on everyone. So just do that, and he'll die in no time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well done, you have Kain's HOLY LANCE! Now, this game doesn't have ultimate weapons for Rosa and Rydia since they don't attack much, so they give them some cool ribbons. To get them, go into the room to the right of the one you just obtained Kain's Holy Lance in, and step near the chests. Note: We will need to level up more if we want to stand a chance of winning the next battles, so get levelling until you are about the levels of the next battle. ------------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Lunasaur X2 ------------------------ *Hp: 23000 *Strength: 144 *Defence: 4 *Magic: 54 *Magic Def: 254 Weakness: Fire Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 29500 Recommended Levels: Cecil(46), Kain(46), Rosa(45), Rydia(43), Edge(45) *Each They have a pretty strong normal attack, so keep your HP up, and attack with everything you have. With Kain's new Holy Lance, you'll be dealing more damage than normal. They will cast Reflect on themselves, and then they will reflect strong spells like Bio at you. So no black magic, instead, just summon Bahamut. It gets a lot easier once you kill the from tone, as they won't cast Bio on themselves. They are undead, so healing hurts them. I only realised this towards the end of the fight when I tried using Curaja on all, but one of my characters has reflect on. I don't know how much damage an X-Potion or an Elixir or even a Phoenix down would do, but you could try it. So what's so good about this fight' At these levels, its actually hard! Yes, hard. The first hard boss in a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the two RIBBONS from the chest, and equip them to Rosa and Rydia. Now if you look around, you'll see that there are no more doors left, what about Edge and Cecil's Ultimate Weapons' Well, they're hidden, lets get Cecil's first shall we' Head back to BF6 BF6 --- remember the place with the two bridges' Take the left on again. You see where the floor is sticking out to the left' Run across there. Heres a better diagram: ----- | | L Ladder ----- ---- --------L| C Open Chest < < < < < < < | < Secret Path ----- ---- C| | | | | ------------- | | That probably didn't help, anyway, just cross the secret path. You'll soon go down some stairs, and end up in the other side of the room. The chest here contains a GOLDEN APPLE. After getting that, head right and step on the teleporter. Just follow the path from here on,. There is a chest along the way than contains a Behemoth, but they're easy now. You get a PROTECT RING if you win. You'll soon come to a save point. Save and heal, then go outside. Examine the sword, and you'll enter a battle with... -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Dark Bahamut -------------------------- Hp: 60000 Strength: 160 Defence: 5 Magic: 8 Magic Def: 52 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 64000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(47), Kain(47), Rosa(46), Rydia(44), Edge(46) This is a good battle. His opening move is Mega Flare, which will knock out most of your characters. Rosa will probably die, so revive her quickly, as she is the healer, which you will need. After that, he casts Reflect on himself and then abuses the Flare spell like there's no tomorrow. That's his only attack, and it's very strong. Don't use summons, or he'll use Mega Flare again. It's a hard fight, but it is possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And now you win the RAGNAROK for Cecil! Now for Edge's. Use Teleport to get out of this dungeon, then heal up, save, and come back into the BF1. BF1 --- From where you start, take two steps up, then look to your left, there's a tile on the floor that looks lighter than the others. Stand on the tile and run into the wall next to it. Now go through the passage and onto the teleporter. Go down the steps now. BF2 --- Go around, open the chest on the way, win the battle and get a SAGE'S STAFF, then go on the teleporter. When you come to a fork, go down, and when you get to the next one, go right. Follow the path around and go down the stairs. BF3 --- Follow the path (I'm sick of saying that) and at the end, examine the blade. -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: White Dragon -------------------------- Hp: 32700 Strength: 156 Defence: 5 Magic: 31 Magic Def: 48 Weakness: None Absorb: Fire, Ice, Lightning. Gil: 0 Exp: 55000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(47), Kain(47), Rosa(46), Rydia(45), Edge(46) He'll counter a normal attack with Slow. And has an attack called Earthquake that deals around 400+ damage to all. His physical attack is weak. That's it. Attack with everything. This guys a pushover. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You now obtain the MURASAME for Edge. But wait, doesn't he use two weapons' He must have another weapon to get, the Masamune. How do we get it' We'll get it later in Lunar Subterranean Part 2. Right now, leave the moon, and head back to Mysidia. Time to get Palom, Porom, Edward, Cid and Yang's ultimate weapons. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + **Cave Of Trails <044>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + X-Potion + N/A + N/A + + Remedy X3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Phoenix Down Courageous Suit Megalixer Triton's dagger + + Funny Mask Sage's Robe Hand Of The Gods Seraphim's Mace + + Cottage Lord's Robe Thor's Hammer ++++++++++++++++++++++ + Siren X2 Grand Helm Apollo's Harp + Armour Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + N/A + ++++++++++++++++++++++ Once in Mysidia, go to the Hall Of Prayers. Make your way to the very top of the building. Talk to your party members to swap them. You will need to visit the next dungeon multiple times to get them all; you need the person in the party if you want his/her ultimate weapon. They will all be around your level. Now go to leave, and a White Mage will run upstairs saying something funny is happening on Mt Ordeals. Now we need to go to Mt. Ordeals and see what's going on. So go there now. Once you enter, some lightning will striker the rock and make a new passageway, so enter it. This looks a lot like the place where we became a Paladin. A door then opens. Go through it. BF1 --- Well, here we are. At the end of this dungeon, is everyone's Ultimate Weapons. Make sure you have the people who you want the ultimate weapon of, in your party. Go up the ladder step thing, and keep going forward. Open the chest for an X-POTION. Then go back to the steps ladder thing. Go up the ladder near here, and follow the path. Keep walking forward, and you'll see some stairs, go down em. BF2 --- Now for some strange reason or another, we just went up, but we're in BF2. From where you start, go left and open the chest for a REMEDY. Go back right and up the steps, it's pretty much Linear from here. Once you come to a place with stairs leading down, and some steps leading up, and lots of rocks around you, go up the steps, and then up the next set. Open the chest for a PHOENIX DOWN, and then go back and down the stairs. BF3 --- Linear path. When you come up to a treasure chest that you can actually get, open it for a REMEDY. You'll see one rock at the top right of the screen, stand above it and charge into the wall. Follow it a around and open the chest at the end for a FUNNY MASK. From the chest that had a Remedy, go left and down the stairs when you see them. BF4 --- Go right and down the steps. Keep going down and follow the path until you find a COTTAGE in a chest, then go back to the ladder and go right. When you see another ladder, go down, you'll be behind the chest that contained the Cottage, now go right and follow the path until you see a chest, it contains a SIREN, now go back to the second ladder/steps, and go up. Go right and keep going right, you'll run right through the wall. Follow it around, and open the chest for a COURAGEOUS SUIT, then go back to the second ladder, but go down the stairs here. BF5 --- Go left and open the chest at the end for another SIREN, then go back to the entrance of this floor, and go up. Open the chest for a REMEDY, and then follow the path. When you see stairs leading up to the next floor, go left and down the other ladder. Run into the wall to the right and follow the passage. At the end of the path, there is a chest that contains a SAGE'S ROBE. Go back to the ladder near where you went into the wall, and go up. Keep going until you hit a wall, and then go left. Follow the path and open the chest for a LORD'S ROBE, then go back to the stairs and go down, or up, them. BF6 --- Getting boring yet' Follow the linear road, until you come to a fork. Go up the first ladder you see, and then run into the wall to the left, open the chest at the end for a GRAND HELM, and then go back to the fork. Go right now, and when you come to another fork, go down. Open the chest here for a DRY ETHER, and then go up and up the stairs. BF7 --- Walk around this place, open all the chests for two MEGALIXIRS, then run straight up the middle of the room. BF8 --- Here we are, the weapon room. There is a Save Point in the middle of the room, and a teleporter next to it on the right. So, lets start with Yang's Weapon. Examine the weapon to the southeast, and if you have Yang in your party... -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Storm Dragon -------------------------- Hp: 40000 Strength: 139 Defence: 4 Magic: 22 Magic Def: 33 Weakness: Ice Absorb: Fire Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Cid(47), Rosa(47), Rydia(45), Yang(47) His only attack worth noting is Maelstrom, which decreases your party's HP to single digits. Other than that, easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You now obtain the HAND OF THE GODS. Heal and save, then move onto Cid's weapon, the one to the east. -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Death Mech -------------------------- Hp: 50000 Strength: 135 Defence: 4 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 54 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Cid(47), Rosa(47), Rydia(45), Yang(47) I just attacked physically, non-stop, and he got in two ultra weak attacks. NEXT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You obtain THOR'S HAMMER. Now lets get Edward's, to the southwest. -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Gigas Worm -------------------------- Hp: 55000 Strength: 155 Defence: 4 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 44 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Kain(48), Porom(49), Palom(49), Edward(48) Easy, it has one attack, a normal one. It can be strong, but nothing you can't put up with, Just pummel it with everything you have, it'll go down easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You win APOLLO'S HARP for that battle, now lets get Palom's weapon, to the west. ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Master Flan ------------------------- Hp: 35000 Strength: 130 Defence: 4 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 38 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Kain(48), Porom(49), Palom(49), Edward(48) Now for this battle, the boss is equipped with many flans. So we have to take them out, what's the catch' The boss casts reflect on itself, so no multiple targeting. And we can't attack the boss either unless we take out the flans. The Master Flan will cast 'aga spells on itself, it may also use Flare, reflecting them back at you. Just take out one flan, then attack the master flan, and when it dies, kill the rest of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For that, you win TRITON'S DAGGER. Now to get Porom's, the last weapon in the room. ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: T-Rex ------------------------- Hp: 60000 Strength: 148 Defence: 3 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 54 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Kain(48), Porom(49), Palom(49), Edward(48) It's only attack worth mentioning is the Earthquake, which deals around 400 damage to all, other than that. Simple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You now get the SERAPHIM'S MACE for winning, now warp out of this place, and go back to the Lunar Subterranean. Switch your characters first. Once there, head back to the save point in BF7. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Lunar Subterranean(P2)<045>+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Items To Find + Item Shop + Weapon Shop + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Fuma Shuriken X3 + N/A + N/A + + Masamune ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Elixir + Armour Shop + + Gysahl Whistle ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ N/A + ++++++++++++++++++++++++ BF7 --- All we need now is Edge's second ultimate weapon, and we can get to the end. Luckily, his next weapon is near the end, so lets get going. From the save room, head right. Once you come to a ladder, go down it. You'll see a passageway in the rock, go inside it. BF8 --- Still going down. Nice change of scenery though. In here, every enemy has the boss theme, because they're so hard. From here, go right. Follow the path, and open the chest along the way for a FUMA SHURIKEN. Go down after you have that, then go right, you'll be at another fork. Go down and examine the sword at the end, you'll get into a fight with... ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Ogopogo ------------------------- Hp: 50000 Strength: 150 Defence: 4 Magic: 127 Magic Def: 40 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 61000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(53), Kain(52), Rosa(50), Rydia(50), Edge(52) He'll open with double Tidal Wave, dealing around 1000+ to the front row and around 500+ damage to the back row. After that he'll use attacks like Blaze, which deal around 500 damage to all, and he'll occasionally use Tidal Wave again, but not double. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that, you'll win the MASAMUNE. Go back to the Save Point in BF7 and heal up. Then save, and come back here. From where you went down, go right instead, you'll soon go down some stairs. BF9 --- Go down the steps and then go right. Open the chest for an ELIXIR, then go down the next set of steps. Follow the path, until you come to a teleporter, stand on it. Open the chest along the way for a GYSAHL WHISTLE. BF10 ---- Go left then down, then right then down. Open the chest for a FUMA SHURIKEN, then go left. Open the chest for another FUMA SHURIKEN, then go right and down the steps. Keep going right and step on the teleporter. BF11 ---- This floor is easy. The only enemies are Zemus's Breath, and Zemus's Mind. Breath doesn't attack you, but Mind does. Mind is rarer though. This place is just a path, so make your way to the teleporter. BF12 ---- Don't step forward yet, this is the final room. Yes, no save point. Use a Megalixer or something like that, and then go forward. You'll then see FuSoYa and Golbez fighting Zemus. They cast some spells, but with little effect. Then they cast Double Meteor, which kills Zemus. Easy, good game wasn't it' Lets all go home Well done, you won! Have a cookie. <(^.^<) Joking. (>x.x<) Everyone crowds around them, congratulating them for what they have done. Then Zemus's body burns into a flame, it speaks. Calling itself Zeromus. The ground shakes, everyone but FuSoYa and Golbez falls to the floor, they then attack Zeromus. They both cast Meteor, but Zeromus just absorbs it. FuSoYa tells Golbez to use the Crystal. He does, but Zeromus says it will not work, because his heart was filled with hatred. And then Zeromus uses Meteor, killing the two. The screen switches to Mysidia. The elder tells everyone to pray for them, everyone can sense they are in danger. So everyone prays. With the last of his strength, Cecil stands up, before he can attack Zeromus, Golbez gives Cecil the crystal. He then attacks, with only 1HP and everyone else dead. So what do we do with only Cecil' Well, everyone appears, not literally, they're still in Mysidia, but they do appear. They revive, then heal, all of your characters. YAY! FULL STRENGTH! Even Tellah appears. -------------------------- FINAL BOSS FIGHT: Zeromus -------------------------- Hp: ' Strength: ' Defence: ' Magic: ' Magic Def: ' Weakness: ' Absorb: ' Gil: ' Exp: ' Recommended Levels: Cecil(54), Kain(53), Rosa(52), Rydia(51), Edge(53) Now, he won't attack you until you use the Crystal, and you can't attack him, so use it. Only Cecil can. After that, he will reveal his true self, and the Final Boss music will start. Scary isn't he' Every time I play, no matter how many times I complete this game, I always get shocked when I see him. Now for the actual strategy. He doesn't have that many attacks, but the ones he has are bad. The major one, is Big Bang. It will deal UBER HEAVY MAJOR DAMAGE TO ALL. Around 2000, maybe 1500. If you can't survive it, go back and level up. Because this game operates in a strange way, the game can be very easy, but when you get to here, you nearly always have to level up. So, Heal straight after big bang. And also before. You'll know he's about to do it when he shakes. His next attack is Black Hole, it negates any positive status effects. In other words, if you have something like Haste, he will get rid of it. He can also use Bio and Flare, which deal major damage. Don't be afraid to use things like Megalixers, it's the last boss, your not gonna use them again are you' He'll start to spam Meteor when he's near death, so that's when you know you've nearly won. Just spam strong attacks, throw weapons, summon Bahamut, Jump. Anything, just use your strongest moves. Good luck, I hope he doesn't use Double Big Bang on you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well done, you won! Really. Have a cookie. Enjoy The Ending <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> ============================================================================= | Lunar Ruins <046>| ============================================================================= The final thing to do in the game, after you win the game and the words The End come up, press A. It will say a new dungeon has opened on the moon, then you will be forced to save your game. Do so. You start off outside the Crystal Palace, but the Final Boss is still alive. And we can now enter the new, 50 floor, dungeon, The Lunar Ruins. Now, when you saw 50 floors, you groaned didn't you' Well, don't worry, it really doesn't feel like 50 floors. All floors are different, and most are fun. So lets go to it! Board the Lunar Whale, I'll give you directions from the Crystal Palace. There are some steps to the right of the Crystal Palace, get in line with them and fly up until you see some more steps. Then turn right and you'll see some stairs leading down into the moon. Land and go down them. ----------------------------------- | The Lunar Ruins | ----------------------------------- Be sure to bring with you all the party members that you won the game with, they have special little trials every few floors, and you can only enter them if that character was in the party for the final battle. You can always change your party now and go back and beat the final boss with them. Anyway, most floors are random, so I can't give help with them. On the fifth floor is Yang's trial, every few floors, there is a save point, a warp tile, to warp back outside, a door leading to the person's trial, and some stairs leading up onto the next room. The stairs are located behind the rock that the door is on. So if you beat the game with Yang, enter the door, if not, go up the stairs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Yang's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yang says something is wrong, but nevertheless, step forward. Some Soldier Monks will then attack you. 8 of them actually, and there are 3 monks to one. So really, 24 monks. Beat them, then heal, and continue going forward. Another 8, well 24, Soldier Monks will attack you. Beat them, heal, and go forward. 8, well, 24, Super Monks will attack you now. Beat them, heal, and go forward. Another 24 Super Monks will attack you. Beat them, and without warning, you'll be thrown into a battle against 24 Drillmasters. WHEN WILL IT END' Not yet, after you win, another 24 Drillmasters will attack you. After you win that, Lunar Titan will appear, and without time to prepare, he'll attack you! ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Titan ------------------------- Hp: 120000 Strength: 196 Defence: 2 Magic: 35 Magic Def: 37 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(56), Yang(55), Rosa(54), Rydia(52), Cid(55) As with all battles against Titan, you should cast Float. Most of his attacks will be ineffective then, although his physical attack is still painful. He'll also use Crush, which will instantly kill one of your party, so just quickly revive them and continue with the beating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that, you win the Grimoire LT and the Discipline Armlet, which upgrades Yang's Power to Deadly, which triples his attack power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few floors are floor of remembrances, you just do floors from previous dungeons. Some aren't even dungeons, one floor here is a Chocobo Forest, you just need to leave, and that is classed as a floor. The next trial is Edwards. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Edward's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you step forward, Edward will realise that this is Damcyan Castle, covered in snow. He hears a voice, and then walks forward. There is a harp on the floor, he takes it, and you receive the Requiem Harp. After you pick it up, a spectre appears. It's a controlled battle, so sit back and watch it. Cecil kills it, and it comes back, he kills it again, and it comes back, and again, and again, and again. Eventually, Edward sings the Song Of Enticement, which uses Requiem, and the spectre dies. Equip the new Harp, and go into the castle. Speak to all the flames, they're all Spectres. To beat them, you must use Sing. So do that on all of them, after you do, Edward will feel something, he walks through a wall, and you end in a waterway. Do the same here, you'll find some stairs, make sure you have freed everyone, and then go down. From here, go forward, your Harp will then break, and then Lunar Shiva will attack. ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Shiva ------------------------- Hp: 100000 Strength: 173 Defence: 2 Magic: 36 Magic Def: 55 Weakness: Fire Absorb: Ice Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(58), Kain(58), Porom(59), Palom(59), Edward(58) Her strongest attack is Ice Storm, which will deal around 1-2000 damage to all. If you attack with magic, she will cast Blizzaga on herself, healing only some of the damage. She should fall without much of a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you win, you get a LS, and a Harmonious Ring if you help all the Spectres. Now walk forward, and go up the stairs, you'll be out of the trial now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some more floors, you'll be able to access Rydia's Trial. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Rydia's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you walk in, the mist surrounds Rydia, and she becomes a kid again! She also loses Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh and Titan. But we still got Bahamut Did I mention she gets her White Magic back' It's still crap though. When you come to a big open space, turn left until you hit a wall, then go down Follow the path until you see a clocked man. Talk to it, it's Ifrit! He doesn't remember you, so we have to fight him! ------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Ifrit ------------------ Hp: 70000 Strength: 177 Defence: 5 Magic: 36 Magic Def: 44 Weakness: Ice Absorb: None Gil: 45000 Exp: 50000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(54), Kain(53), Rosa(52), Rydia(51), Edge(53) This reminds me of FFX. Fighting your own summons. Anyway, since Ifrit is fire-based, he's weak to Ice. So Blizzaga him, or Leviathan him. Blizzaga is better though. Keep your HP up, and simply attack like crazy. When his outline turns red, he's about to use flame, nothing too bad. His normal attack can be mean though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that, you get back Ifrit! Now go back to the big space, but go right instead. At the end, you'll find Shiva. She doesn't remember you wither, so we gotta fight her too. ------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Shiva ------------------ Hp: 64000 Strength: 172 Defence: 5 Magic: 50 Magic Def: 52 Weakness: Fire Absorb: None Gil: 45000 Exp: 50000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(55), Kain(53), Rosa(52), Rydia(51), Edge(54) Pummel her with Firaga and normal attacks. Her strongest attack only deals around 500 to all. So keep your HP up, and you shouldn't have a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the big space, but go up, when you come to a crossroad, go left, then down, then left again. Follow the path *Yawn* until you come to another person. Talk to it, it's Titan, and yes, he doesn't remember you. ------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Titan ------------------ Hp: 75000 Strength: 180 Defence: 5 Magic: 28 Magic Def: 48 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 48000 Exp: 50000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(55), Kain(53), Rosa(52), Rydia(52), Edge(54) To avoid major harm, cast Float on Rosa's first round. Since his strongest attacks are earth-based, if you're not on the ground, it can't hurt. He still has a pretty mean punch, so just heal when he attacks you. As long as you're floating, there's nothing too it. Since he doesn't have an elemental weakness, you can use Bahamut for a good 7-8000 damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You get Titan back now, go back to the crossroad and go right, then examine the person at the end. Ramuh is here, and well, you know. ------------------ BOSS FIGHT: Ramuh ------------------ Hp: 60000 Strength: 170 Defence: 5 Magic: 41 Magic Def: 54 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 45000 Exp: 50000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(55), Kain(53), Rosa(53), Rydia(52), Edge(54) All his attacks are weak, so just heal once in a while. Use normal attacks on him, he'll go down easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now what' Go back to the crossroad and go up. The mist that was blocking you now disappears, so we can leave! LalalalalalalAH! As you approach the door, the mist will close in on you, you now have to fight... ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Dragon ------------------------- Hp: 105000 Strength: 180 Defence: 2 Magic: 254 Magic Def: 4 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(55), Kain(53), Rosa(53), Rydia(52), Edge(54) Ok, now it reminds me of FFX. Fighting a darker version of your summons. It can use Poison Gas, which will Poison all your party members, unless they have some kind of Poison protecting armour. If you attack it when it's in mist, it'll counter with Cold Mist, for 1 damage each. He can also use Slow, but nothing too bad. Its physical attack isn't so bad, it can deal a fair amount of damage though. I find this Dragon's Mist form to be very glitchy, sometimes it will make the transformation sound, but nothing will happen, and sometimes, it will transform, but then go straight back with no animation. Nothing that effect the battle though, you'd rather attack than wait, wouldn't you' Another bad thing' This dragon can use restore, to restore 9999 damage instantly. It may reflect back if you cast Reflect on it, but I've never tested it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For winning, you get the Grimoire LD. You also obtain the Mist Ring for winning. This ring will make your summons more powerful. That's the end of Rydia's trial. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move on to the random rooms now, you can encounter a town on one of the floors here, here are the shops: Item Shop Weapon Shop --------- ----------- Hi Potion: 150gil Shuriken: 20000gil Phoenix Down: 100gil Fuma Shuriken: 50000gil Remedy: 5000gil Yoichi Arrow: 140gil Dry Ether: 50000gil Elixir: 100000gil Armour Shop Cottage: 500gil ----------- Bestiary: 980gil Aegis Shield: 20000gil Gysahl Whistle: 20000gil Light Robe: 30000gil Gold Hairpin: 20000gil And you'll soon be able to go into Cecil's trial. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cecil's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This trial, Is a test of goodness in you. Basically, each room has something in it, and you have to do the good thing. I'll list my rooms, if you get something different, which you can, tell me, and I'll list it on here. The first room, a man will come up to you and ask you to stay on guard for him, his wife is pregnant, so he needs to see her. You agree, and he tells you not to move for anything. So don't. First of all, a chocobo will come past and leave a shiny thing behind, then it will come back and pick it up again, then walk off. Next, a man being chased by some bombs will run past, again, ignore it. Then the man will come back, and you can leave. He even names his son Cecil. Good points: 1 Next you'll come to a room with a vase in. Touch it, it will break, and a man will walk through, he'll ask if it was you, answer yes. And he'll say everything breaks, then go though the door. Good Points: 2 Talk to the man, he'll ask you to find his Golden Apple. It's the shiny thing near the end. Get it, and go back to the man, talk to him and give him it. Move on. Good Points: 3 Walk forward and talk to the person, you'll get into a fight with a Goblin. Don't attack it and wait. Now just go forward. Good Points: 4 Talk to the man, he will ask you to guard a chest with a legendary sword in. Stay where you are and DON'T examine the chest. The soldier will eventually come back, now go right and through the door. Good Points: 5 This room is always the same. Talk to the King, he will tell you to open the chest. Do so, if you did everything right, you'll receive a Light Bringer, and we want that. Now equip it, and talk to the King again. It's Lunar Odin! ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Odin ------------------------- Hp: 95000 Strength: 191 Defence: 2 Magic: 95 Magic Def: 48 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(57), Cid(56), Rosa(56), Rydia(54), Edge(56) His opening move is Zanzetuken, which deals major damage to your party. Heal quickly, and pummel him with Thunder moves. If you can survive a few Zanzetukens, you can beat him easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For winning, you get the Grimoire LO, and you also get to keep the Light Bringer, if you did all of Cecil's trials right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More floor of remembrances' here, nothing to worry about. You can soon enter Rosa's Trial. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Rosa's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you walk in, a woman stand on top of a building and transforms everyone in the town into toads, pigs, or stone. She injures some too. What you have to do, is examine them all, but some of them are monsters, so watch out. From the first pig, go up, and you'll see another pig, it's a monster, so don't examine it. After a while, the three orbs will come over you and form together to create Lunar Asura! ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Asura ------------------------- Hp: 130000 Strength: 183 Defence: 3 Magic: 55 Magic Def: 40 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(58), Cid(56), Rosa(56), Rydia(54), Yang(56) Cast Reflect on her, I recommend un-equipping any weapons that can cast spells. She uses a range of attacks, form Globe 199, to Firaga. From Toad, to Thundaga. From Mini, to Blizzaga. You get it' She'll attack when you attack her, but she can also attack without you. So, take your time. Don't use any magic or summons, it's a waste of time, just attack normally, and heal ASAP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You get the Grimoire LA, but your main prize depends on how many people you save. I myself have never saved enough people to get the best prize, if you know what it is, email me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yet more floor of remembrances'. And soon you can enter Edge's trial, the worst of them all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Edge's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a castle! But for ninja's to play around in, Edge likes it, but I don't. It's so annoying. Edge runs through a door, and falls down a hole. Go forward until you hit a statue, then go left until you hit some water, then go up and right, then down. You'll see two doors, go through the one on the left. Hit the switch on the right, then go forward. Hit the switch on the far left, then go through. Go up the stairs, then up the next set, now talk to the King. Edge tells him he likes the castle, and then the king makes Edge fall down another hole. Make your way back up to the King's room, before you can reach there, Edge will notice some fire blocking the way, he jumps over a wall, and falls down another hole. From here, go right until you hit the wall, then go up and hit the red switch, don't go more forward than that, go back down and make your way around the cracks and through the door. When you come to a fork, go down and examine the note. Do what it says and step down 1, right 2, down 2, and right 1. Now go right and examine the next note. Again, do what it says, go right 3, up 4, left 4, up 8, and right 5. Don't go up any of the steps, just go down until you see a purple switch. Hit it, and go down then out the door, then go back in and go through the purple door. Step up until you hit a wall, then step right once and hit the switch, then go down one and quickly go left then down. Go left until your right next to the stairs, then go up and through the green door, then up the stairs. Go right then down, then left, the down. You'll be in the middle of some the walls, keep going down until you can't anymore. From here, step left twice, then go down until you hit a wall, then go left, go up then left. Step up once then left, keep going until you hit a wall, then follow the path until you come to a door. Use a key on it, if you don't have a key, run around until you meet a Palace Guard, beat it, it will drop a Key. Once you've opened the door, follow the path until you can see yourself, go up until your on a red carpet, follow it up until you cant go up any more, then go right. Go up again, then right, use another Key on this door and go up. When you can see yourself fully, go left then up, then right, then up, then right again. When you hit a wall and you can't see yourself, go up. Once back outside, go up and through the double doors. Heal, and talk to the king again. ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Ifrit ------------------------- Hp: 110000 Strength: 198 Defence: 2 Magic: 40 Magic Def: 35 Weakness: Ice Absorb: Fire Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(60), Kain(60), Rosa(59), Rydia(57), Edge(60) He will counter normal attacks with a normal attack, and a magic attack with Glare. So no magic. When he turns red, he will use Flame, for around 500 damage each. As with all enemies who counterattack, take your time and don't attack like crazy. He will use spells like Fira and Firaga, so heal after them. He's harder than some Lunar bosses, but still not that hard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that, you receive a Grimoire LI, and some Hanzo Gloves. Edge thinks its cool, he wants to renovate Eblan Castle to be like this. He wants another go, but Cecil says no. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we're back to the fun random rooms! YAY! There is another town here, the shops are as follows: Item Shop Weapon Shop Armour Shop --------- ----------- ----------- Hi Potion: 150gil Shuriken: 20000gil Assassin Vest: 530000gil Phoenix Down: 100gil Fuma Shuriken: 50000gil Battle Gear: 500000gil Remedy: 5000gil Rising Sun: 410000gil Maximilian: 520000gil Dry Ether: 50000gil Assassin Dagger: 420000gil Chocobo Suit: 550000gil Elixir: 100000gil Gigant Axe: 480000gil Tabby Suit: 560000gil Cottage: 500gil Tiger Fang: 450000gil Gysahl Whistle: 20000gil Perseus Arrow: 20000gil Megalixir: 650000gil Some weapons are even stronger than people ultimate weapons now, but don't worry, we'll get a new set of them soon. After you have everything you want, leave the room. Make your way to the next cave, where you can then enter Kain's Trial. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Kain's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you step near the door, only Kain will be allowed in. So he goes in alone, and he wakes up in Baron, with Cecil near him. All the soldiers are around because one of them was attacked by someone last night. Cecil says you should go and investigate, you agree. Now go and talk to everyone. After you do, talk to the soldier above Cecil. It says the only Dragoons can wield Lances, which is what the soldier was attacked with. After some more talking, go into the inn and rest there for the night. When you wake up, you will notice a lance at the bottom left corner of your screen, go examine it. Now go outside at talk to Cecil, he will say that someone else was attacked last night. Talk to everyone, and then to Cecil again. You show Cecil the lance, now go talk to the soldier near the dead weapon vender. He will take the lance, you'll automatically be taken to the Inn. Now go back outside, Cecil says nothing happened, he wants you to investigate more. Go into the building with the Devil's Road in, then go down the stairs. Talk to everyone there, then go back outside and rest in the Inn. You'll wake up in the middle of the night, go outside and walk past Cecil, he will talk to you, he can't find Rosa. He asks you to look for her, go up to the place where you can enter the water, and Rosa will be there. You try to untie her, but Cecil runs in and does it, he then hugs her. Cecil then walks her home without a word to Kain. Go down and talk to him, then go into the house and talk to him again, then go back to the inn and rest. Go to Rosa's house, Rosa will say she's sorry. She couldn't remember anything, only a man in black. Talk to Cecil, and then go back to where you found her, there is a mark on the floor, made by a Lance. Now go back to the stairs in the Devil's Road, and talk to everyone. Now go back to the Inn, the Lance will be near your bed. The soldiers charge in, and want you to answer some questions later, Kain agrees. Now go to the entrance and talk to the Soldier. You'll go to sleep. A voice talks to you, it tells you to go outside. Do so, you'll see the soldier guarding the entrance is dead. Outside, you'll see a man dressed in black, he will run into Rosa's house, once inside, switch Kain to the Back Row, and talk to him. You'll follow the man outside, and rip off his coat, it's a soldier, and he has the Lance. The soldiers apologise and arrest him, Cecil tells you to get some rest, so go to the Inn. The lance is near your bed again! Examine it, and you'll run outside after Cecil who then runs into the Devil's Road. You do it too, you'll end up in a room, Rosa is tied up, and Cecil is on the floor. A man in black comes forward, he says he is Kain. He gives you a chance to kill Cecil, if you accept, you do so, and then leave the trial with nothing, if you don't, a battle will start. Just like the Dark Knight battle, don't attack, and he won't attack you, but he will transform into... -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Bahamut -------------------------- Hp: 50000 Strength: 213 Defence: 2 Magic: 18 Magic Def: 24 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Kain(58) We have it beat this guy with just Kain, great huh' I'm not joking either, no one runs in in the middle, you start with just Kain, and end with just Kain. What you have to do, if use a Light Curtain to cast Reflect on yourself, then his Mega Flare will reflect back at him. If you don't have one, Jump when the timer reaches around 2, you'll jump, avoid his attack, and come back down, dealing damage, then you can jump again. If you attack, he'll counter with a normal attack, so you can just stand there. It's quite easy really. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For winning, you get a Grimoire LB, some Dragoon Gloves, and the awesome Abel's Lance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keepy going and you'll get to... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cid's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one is fun. You'll end up in the Overworld, so get in the airship. A man will walk up to you and say he needs to get to Mysidia, and fast. So we got 1 minute and 20 seconds to get there. That's easy, once you get there, a white mage asks if you can take her to Troia in under 60 seconds. Easier, then a monk will come to you and ask if you could take him to Fabul in under 40 seconds! Another man comes and ask if you could take him to Kiapo, and he needs to get there in under 35 seconds. A boy will then come in and ask if he could be taken to Agart in under 30 seconds. Once you do all this, you'll enter your Airship and the screen will flash with thunder, and out pops Lunar Ramuh! ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Ramuh ------------------------- Hp: 90000 Strength: 179 Defence: 2 Magic: 44 Magic Def: 48 Weakness: None Absorb: Lightning Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(57), Cid(55), Rosa(55), Rydia(53), Yang(55) He'll counter attacks with Thundaga, so pretend it's a battle against a stronger Behemoth. Take your time, Thundaga is really his only strong move. He won't counter summons or Yang's Power/Deadly. Use that to your advantage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After, you win a Grimoire LR, and if you delivered everyone on time, a Fiery Hammer. After that, you'll end up in front of Cid's trial again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grah! More floor of remembrances! Soon you can enter Palom and Porom's trial. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Palom and Porom's Trial | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go forward, there is a slab on the wall, the twins split up, follow one of them and talk to them. Only they can fit through the holes, so it's just them now. So go forward and hit the switch, doors open on the other twins side. Now you have to cooperate to get down there. Now you can use the L&R buttons to switch between them. Now switch to the other twin and hit the switch, now, switch to Porom, the white mage, unless your already on her. Go through the door, you'll end up in a room with the Calco and Brina fight music on. Go right until you see a tile with wings on, step on it and you'll start to float, now go down the cracked tiles and hit the switch at the end, now change to Palom. Go left, you'll see a frog go through a crack, keep going right and step on the Frog tile to be turned into a frog, now go back to the crack and go through it, hit the switch, then go back through the crack, turn back into a human, and go through the door, then switch back to Porom. Step on the Mini tile near the entrance, then go through the door. Go through the crack, and then go right. Turn human again and hit the switch, then go left and turn into a pig, go through the pink door and go left. Stand on the switch and change back to Palom. Go through the door, and turn left. Turn Mini, then go back and turn Pig, and go through the crack in the wall. Hit the switch and go through the Pink door. Turn into a Toad and then Float, go across the cracks and through the hole in the wall. Go left and stand on the switch, then go back and through the next hole in the wall, go left and hit the switch, then turn into Porom. Turn Mini, then go through the crack in the wall inside the room with the switch you stand on, now go through the door. Go left and turn into a pig if you aren't already, then go through the door. Turn Float then go across the floor, then go right and down into the door. Hit the switch and go through the door to the right, turn into a toad and go through the hole in the wall, and then next one. Go left and hit the switch. The two say nothing happens, then they try hitting the switch together, a path opens where Cecil is, and then they walk to him. Now go forward and talk to the man. ---------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Lunar Leviathan ---------------------------- Hp: 135000 Strength: 205 Defence: 3 Magic: 35 Magic Def: 51 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 65000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(58), Kain(59), Porom(59), Palom(59), Edward (58) He looks so cool. He can use Maelstrom, which decreases your parties HP to single digits, and it isn't good if he uses Tidal wave straight after. He's weak with Thunder, so use Thundaga. Overall he isn't that hard, especially if you've completed Kain's Trial. Dbl Jump=9999 Damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you win, you get a Grimoire LL and Two Twin Stars. If you equip them on both twins, when they use the Twin command, they can use Double Meteor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some more normal, random floors now, nothing too important. You may come to a room with a dragon in the middle, you can fight this, but it is very hard. -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Brachioradios -------------------------- Hp: 60000 Strength: 148 Defence: 3 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 54 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(53), Kain(52), Rosa(50), Rydia(50), Edge(52) Another optional boss, and a hard one at that. Don't fight it until you have done everyone's trial, and have their new ultimate weapon/accessory. It can triple cast to deal 9999 damage, it can use Glare, for 9999 damage, and its physical attack is nasty. Just keep your HP up, and attack like crazy. If you have Abel's Lance, Tornado may be used on it, then one hit, bang! Dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that room, you'll end up in a room with a save point. But it's different from the others, it looks like the Lunar Subterranean, near where you fought Zeromus. Save and heal, but don't go up unless you've finished everyone's trial, otherwise, it'll be near impossible. You can save and go up to see what it is though. It's a flame, and it looks a lot like Zeromus did. It says it is Zeromus, but it also isn't. He is Zeromus EG, and he challenges you to a fight. ------------------------------------ FINAL, FINAL BOSS FIGHT: Zeromus EG ------------------------------------ Hp: 200000 Strength: 225 Defence: 3 Magic: 45 Magic Def: 202 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 0 Recommended Levels: Cecil(60), Kain(61), Rosa(59), Rydia(57), Edge(60) EG means Easy Game by the way, it's Zeromus' alternate sprite that was used in some other version. Noticed he has some chick stuck to him' How does that work' He is Zeromus, so he still has Big Bang, but he also has a few more moves, nasty moves. He doesn't shake anymore, so Big Bang is way harder to predict. I would have much preferred this to be the final boss of the main game. Well, these moves and stats, old Zeromus' sprite. Skeletal looks better. He can cast Toad and Mini, both together will change your attack and defence to 1, so equip Ribbons. He can now also use Whirl, which reduces your HP to single digits. Whirl + Big bang=Dead character, not good. He still uses Flare, but can now use Drain and Osmose too. He can also use Earthquake, does no damage If your White Mage casts Float. He can also triple cast stuff, for heavy damage. If you use the Grimoires, it will inflict EG with various status alignments, no damage. But it can be things like Toad and Tiny, and they do things to his stats, like lowering his defence to 1. Catch my drift' But for those cool gamers who want to beat him normally, he isn't really that hard. The only really bad attacks are Big Bang, Flare, and Triple cast. Heal after every attack he makes, and attack with everything you have. Kain's Dbl Jump, Edge's Throw, Rydia's Bahamut (If you don't mind his Whirl counter attack) , Rosa's, well, she can heal, Cecil's normal attack, Yang's Deadly, Cid's Normal attack. You get it don't you' Just pummel him with EVERYTHING while keeping your HP up at the same time. If HP gets too low, and you don't have Rosa's turn coming up, don't be afraid to make other people heal too, just make Rosa your primary healer. If you really want to be defensive, replace Rydia with Porom. He counter attacks magic with Whirl, which I don't mind, but some do. So Rydia wont be much use to some. The bad thing about Whirl, is that your HP gets dropped to single digits, yes we know you're saying aren't you' But have you took into consideration your losing 2HP every few seconds, well, most of the time' Think about it. He gets his hardest when he's nearly beaten. He will start to attack you around 5 times in a row, on one or two characters, dealing over 7-8000 damage, and it's classed as one of his turns. He'll also start to use Absorb every turn, which heals his HP a few thousand a go, so only attack him with the big attacks like Dbl Jump. Although I'm quite sure the amount he recovers goes down every time he uses it, so use that to your advantage too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well done, what do you get for winning' You get to beat him again! YAY! Oh yeah, and that whole self-satisfaction thing. Well, I have to say something. Well done, you won the 'Hardest' boss in the game Good Job <(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> I found Brachioradios harder. Sep forward and you will be warped out the place, now you can go in and fight him again, or just mess around. Seriously, you've done it. ============================================================================= | Other Sidequests <047>| ============================================================================= Ok, all of these are listed in the guide, but in case you don't want to read through it all, I'll list them all here. ----------------------------------- |Obtaining Asura and Leviathan <048>| ----------------------------------- What it is: Obtaining the Asura and Leviathan Summons for Rydia. When it can be done: As soon as you can fly across the lava in the Underworld. Now, first thing to do. Get in the Airship, and fly to the Dwarven Castle. From there, fly south until you hit a wall, then go left, you'll see a town. From there, go northwest until you see a tiny island with a cave on it. Land on the island and enter the cave. --------------- |Cave Of Summons| --------------- BF1 --- Now you see the little lava patches on the floor' They hurt you when you stand on them, but if you have Float, you can cast it on all, so you won't get hurt! It'll hurt you for '50hp every time, but the least it can go is 1, so you can't die unless you're in battle. From where you start, go left and then up, open the chest for a PHOENIX DOWN. Then head all the way down and open the chest for a HI POTION. Now keep going to the left until you hit a wall, then follow the path up and go down the steps. BF2 --- Check your HP, you're probably at 1HP by now, unless you have Float. When you come to a fork, go down and open the chest for another HI POTION. Now go back to the fork and go up, when you reach another fork, go left and open the chest for a COTTAGE, now go back to the second fork, and go right, then go down the stairs. BF3 --- Hp will be low unless you have Float, or you just healed. Follow the path, when you come to a chest, open it for a PHOENIX DOWN. When you come to a fork, keep going right and open the chest for a BESTIARY. From that chest, run into the wall to the east, you'll go right through. Now go down and follow it around until you're near three chests, go right and through the wall again. Open the chests for a HI POTION, a POISON AXE, and a KIKUICHIMONJI. Now go back into the wall and follow it back to where you originally came into the wall, remember where you went down' Well go up instead, when you can't go up anymore, go left and through the wall. Now follow the path until you reach a chest. HEAL BEFORE OPENING IT. It contains 5 Warriors, It is a VERY hard battle, so only open it if you can confidently beat Warriors. You do get a DEFENDER for winning though. Now go back to the first fork in this floor, and go up. Step on the teleporter, you will end up in a strange town. BF4 --- A town in here' Cool, it's where all the summons live. And the best thing is that there are no more weird lava floors! Now, run around this floor mindlessly and open all the chests for an ETHER, a BESTIARY, 5000GIL, 6000GIL and a RAT TAIL. Now use the new teleporter near the chest that contained the Rat Tail, and you'll be teleported to... --------------- |Land Of Summons| --------------- Rest at Inn, by stuff, then go to the unmarked house at the top, it's a place with two treasure chests that contain a BESTIARY and a PHOENIX DOWN, and a Save Point! So save, you just healed, and then leave the house. There is a house directly south of the one you just left, enter it, it's a Library. Go down the stairs, and then through the teleporter. Talk to the woman, it's Queen Asura. She won't let you see the king unless you beat her in battle. You know what to do. Cura I only recommend doing this boss after the Giant Of Babel. ---------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Asura ---------------------- Hp: 31005 Strength: 134 Defence: 3 Magic: 69 Magic Def: 37 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 20000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(36), Kain(37), Rosa(36), Rydia(34), Edge(35) Cast Reflect on her with Rosa's first move, that will reflect her Protect, Curaga, and Life spell at you. Next thing to note is that she will attack you physically whenever you attack her in ANY way. So in other words, she counters with a normal attack dealing quite a fair amount of damage. If you're low on HP, don't attack and wait for Rosa's next turn. She will attack normally anyway, just not much. She shouldn't be too much trouble if you just escaped from the Giant of Babel. Remember, the trick to winning this is to take your time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we have her as a summon, that's good. Talk to the man beside her, it's Leviathan! He will then engage your party. ---------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Leviathan ---------------------- Hp: 50001 Strength: 174 Defence: 5 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 54 Weakness: Lightning Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 28000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(36), Kain(37), Rosa(36), Rydia(35), Edge(36) He's easier than Asura. He'll open with Tidal Wave, dealing medium damage to all, and he'll occasionally use it. He can also use Blizzara, which isn't too bad. Just keep your HP up, and attack him with Thunder attacks. Summon Ramuh, cast Blitz. Do anything, the only thing about this guy is his high HP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now get Leviathan as a summon too! We can get Odin now, but we'll do him later. Unless your doing this after you escape from the giant, in that case, we'll do it next. Also, there are four chests that you can see in the Town, but I have no idea how you get them. Can someone please email me and tell me how' -------------------------- | Obtaining Bahamut <049>| -------------------------- What it is: Obtaining the Bahamut Summon for Rydia. When it can be done: As soon as you land on the moon. Get in the Lunar Whale and go to the moon. From the Crystal Palace, go directly left. You'll see a cave in a rock that is inside a circle of rock. Land on the circle of rock and go down the steps, then go into the cave. --------------- |Cave Of Bahamut| --------------- BF1 --- This place is hard. If you can't do it, take the time to level up. While writing this, I probably will have to go and level up to get near the boss. You must have Reflect to win the battle against Bahamut. You should have it by now, but if not, Lunar Curtains will do. If you need to, don't be afraid to go back and rest in the Lunar Whale. Go down, and keep going down, ignoring the fork. Open the chest for a GENJI GLOVES. Then go back to the fork and go right. You'll meet another fork, going up looks seemingly pointless, but go anyway. Run into the wall at the top, and follow the secret passage. Open the chest at the end for a GENJI SHIELD. Go back to he fork but go down, and then go down the steps at the end of the path. BF2 --- Follow the path, open the chest on the way for a GENJI ARMOUR. Keep going, and when you come up to a fork, go right and open the chest at the end. You'll get a GENJI HELM. Now go back to the fork, heal, and go up. You'll get into a battle with a... --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth --------------------- Hp: 23000 Strength: 154 Defence: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 254! Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 57000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(38), Kain(38), Rosa(37), Rydia(36), Edge(36) Some wouldn't call this a boss. I would, plus, it has the boss theme. And it's hard at that. The Behemoth has only one attack, a very nasty physical attack. He will use it as a counter, so he will nearly stay still if you don't attack him. He will occasionally attack if you don't, but not much. Elemental attacks are pointless, don't waste your MP. Attack him a bit, wait for Rosa's turn, heal, attack some more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recommend you go back to the Lunar Whale and heal again, there's more than one Behemoth hiding in here. After that battle, go down the stairs. BF3 --- Hey look, another thin walkway. Lets mindlessly cross it. AH! BEHEMOTH! --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth --------------------- Hp: 23000 Strength: 154 Defence: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 254! Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 57000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(38), Kain(38), Rosa(37), Rydia(36), Edge(36) Do exactly what you did with the last one. It should be easier since you know what to do now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't worry, no more n...AH! --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth --------------------- Hp: 23000 Strength: 154 Defence: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 254! Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 57000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(38), Kain(38), Rosa(38), Rydia(36), Edge(36) Yes, another one. This one really is the last. If you're following my levels exactly, Rosa should have learned Curaja now, so that'll make things easier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That seriously was the last. Step forward. AH BEHEMOTH! Just kidding, talk to the man/woman on the alter. Its Bahamut! And s/he (That brings back memories of FFIX) attacks you! --------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Bahamut --------------------- Hp: 23000 Strength: 154 Defence: 4 Magic: 63 Magic Def: 254! Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 65000 Exp: 57000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(38), Kain(39), Rosa(38), Rydia(36), Edge(37) This dragon I really easy if you know what to do. When you start, a countdown will also start. When it reaches 0, Bahamut uses Mega Flare, it's only attack. It will instantly kill anyone, since it's so powerful. And there's no way you can beat It before it uses it once. So how do we win' Cast Reflect! It's easy, just have Rosa cast reflect on everyone turn by turn, her fist of course. Then have everyone just attack mindlessly until the cranky dragon falls. If you don't cast reflect on everyone in time, which you won't, simply revive them next go and then cast reflect. Don't bother healing low HP, there's no point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And for that, you get Bahamut, the best summon in the game. Really, it owns. ----------------------- | Adamant Armour <050>| ----------------------- What it is: Obtaining the best armour in the game When it can be done: When you can enter the Lunar Subterranean Go to the Lunar Subterranean BF5. Near the steps leading down to BF6, there is a small room to the right. Enter it, in here, you can find Plan Princesses, AKA Pink Puffs. There is a very low chance you will find them, but once you beat them, they may drop Pink Tails, again, there is a very low chance of this happening. If you can't find them, use a Siren. They will then come and fight you. So, you have a Pink Tail, how do you get the Armour' As I've never actually received a Pink Tail, I can only write this based on information I have heard from various people. Now, once you have a Pink Tail, go to Mythril Town, in the Enterprise with the Hovercraft hooked on. Now land the hovercraft near the town, and get in it. Ride the shallows until you see a cave, enter it and talk to the man. Trade him your Pink Tail. I've heard two things here, the first one is that he gives you Adamantite, if that is the case, go to the Underworld, and from where you start, go south and enter the house, then give the ore to the blacksmith, he will then give you it. The second, is that he gives you the armour straight away, if that's the case, just take it. Can someone confirm which of these is correct, and can someone also send me the exact percentages of the dropping rate of the Pink Tail. ----------------------- | Cave Of Trails <051>| ----------------------- What it is: Getting Yang, Cid, Edward, Palom, and Porom's ultimate weapons. When you can do it: As soon as leaving the Giant Of Babel. Go to Mysidia, and then enter the Hall Of Prayers. Make your way to the very top of the building. Talk to your party members to swap them. You will need to visit the next dungeon multiple times to get them all; you need the person in the party if you want his/her ultimate weapon. They will all be around your level. Now go to leave, and a White Mage will run upstairs saying something funny is happening on Mt Ordeals. Now we need to go to Mt. Ordeals and see what's going on. So go there now. Once you enter, some lightning will striker the rock and make a new passageway, so enter it. This looks a lot like the place where we became a Paladin. A door then opens. Go through it. BF1 --- Well, here we are. At the end of this dungeon, is everyone's Ultimate Weapons. Make sure you have the people who you want the ultimate weapon of, in your party. Go up the ladder step thing, and keep going forward. Open the chest for an X-POTION. Then go back to the steps ladder thing. Go up the ladder near here, and follow the path. Keep walking forward, and you'll see some stairs, go down em. BF2 --- Now for some strange reason or another, we just went up, but we're in BF2. From where you start, go left and open the chest for a REMEDY. Go back right and up the steps, it's pretty much Linear from here. Once you come to a place with stairs leading down, and some steps leading up, and lots of rocks around you, go up the steps, and then up the next set. Open the chest for a PHOENIX DOWN, and then go back and down the stairs. BF3 --- Linear path. When you come up to a treasure chest that you can actually get, open it for a REMEDY. You'll see one rock at the top right of the screen, stand above it and charge into the wall. Follow it a around and open the chest at the end for a FUNNY MASK. From the chest that had a Remedy, go left and down the stairs when you see them. BF4 --- Go right and down the steps. Keep going down and follow the path until you find a COTTAGE in a chest, then go back to the ladder and go right. When you see another ladder, go down, you'll be behind the chest that contained the Cottage, now go right and follow the path until you see a chest, it contains a SIREN, now go back to the second ladder/steps, and go up. Go right and keep going right, you'll run right through the wall. Follow it around, and open the chest for a COURAGEOUS SUIT, then go back to the second ladder, but go down the stairs here. BF5 --- Go left and open the chest at the end for another SIREN, then go back to the entrance of this floor, and go up. Open the chest for a REMEDY, and then follow the path. When you see stairs leading up to the next floor, go left and down the other ladder. Run into the wall to the right and follow the passage. At the end of the path, there is a chest that contains a SAGE'S ROBE. Go back to the ladder near where you went into the wall, and go up. Keep going until you hit a wall, and then go left. Follow the path and open the chest for a LORD'S ROBE, then go back to the stairs and go down, or up, them. BF6 --- Getting boring yet' Follow the linear road, until you come to a fork. Go up the first ladder you see, and then run into the wall to the left, open the chest at the end for a GRAND HELM, and then go back to the fork. Go right now, and when you come to another fork, go down. Open the chest here for a DRY ETHER, and then go up and up the stairs. BF7 --- Walk around this place, open all the chests for two MEGALIXIRS, then run straight up the middle of the room. BF8 --- Here we are, the weapon room. There is a Save Point in the middle of the room, and a teleporter next to it on the right. So, lets start with Yang's Weapon. Examine the weapon to the southeast, and if you have Yang in your party... -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Storm Dragon -------------------------- Hp: 40000 Strength: 139 Defence: 4 Magic: 22 Magic Def: 33 Weakness: Ice Absorb: Fire Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Cid(47), Rosa(47), Rydia(45), Yang(47) His only attack worth noting is Maelstrom, which decreases your party's HP to single digits. Other than that, easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You now obtain the HAND OF THE GODS. Heal and save, then move onto Cid's weapon, the one to the east. -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Death Mech -------------------------- Hp: 50000 Strength: 135 Defence: 4 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 54 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Cid(47), Rosa(47), Rydia(45), Yang(47) I just attacked physically, non-stop, and he got in two ultra weak attacks. NEXT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You obtain THOR'S HAMMER. Now lets get Edward's, to the southwest. -------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Gigas Worm -------------------------- Hp: 55000 Strength: 155 Defence: 4 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 44 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Kain(48), Porom(49), Palom(49), Edward(48) Easy, it has one attack, a normal one. It can be strong, but nothing you can't put up with, Just pummel it with everything you have, it'll go down easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You win APOLLO'S HARP for that battle, now lets get Palom's weapon, to the west. ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: Master Flan ------------------------- Hp: 35000 Strength: 130 Defence: 4 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 38 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Kain(48), Porom(49), Palom(49), Edward(48) Now for this battle, the boss is equipped with many flans. So we have to take them out, what's the catch' The boss casts reflect on itself, so no multiple targeting. And we can't attack the boss either unless we take out the flans. The Master Flan will cast 'aga spells on itself, it may also use Flare, reflecting them back at you. Just take out one flan, then attack the master flan, and when it dies, kill the rest of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For that, you win TRITON'S DAGGER. Now to get Porom's, the last weapon in the room. ------------------------- BOSS FIGHT: T-Rex ------------------------- Hp: 60000 Strength: 148 Defence: 3 Magic: 34 Magic Def: 54 Weakness: None Absorb: None Gil: 0 Exp: 32000 Recommended Levels: Cecil(48), Kain(48), Porom(49), Palom(49), Edward(48) It's only attack worth mentioning is the Earthquake, which deals around 400 damage to all, other than that. Simple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You now get the SERAPHIM'S MACE for winning. ----------------------- | The Excalibur <052>| ----------------------- What it is: Obtaining the powerful weapon, The Excalibur, for Cecil When it can be done: It can be started as soon as you can fly across lava, it Can be finished as soon as you obtain the Lunar Whale. The Excalibur isn't Cecil's ultimate Weapon, but it's the strongest one he will have before that. So how do we get it' There are only four things we need to do to get this, and they're very easy things. [Step one: Board the Enterprise.] It will be near Eblan Castle, or Eblan Cave, so fetch it. Get out the Falcon and get in The Enterprise. [Step Two: Load the Hovercraft Onto the Enterprise.] This is VERY easy; just load the Hovercraft, which is right near the Cave, onto your airship. [Step Three: Get The Adamantite] To do this, find Mythril Town, and drop the Hovercraft, then land near it and get in the Hovercraft. Ride over the shallows until you can disembark near a cave, once you can, get out, and go into the cave. Now talk to the man and give him your Rat Tail, he will trade it for some ADAMANTITE. [Step Four: Get The Weapon] Get back into the Enterprise and fly back into the Underworld, from the entrance, fly south, you'll see a house in the corner, enter it. There will be two dwarves here, ignore them. Examine all the pots; all you get is a REMEDY. Now go up the stairs and talk to the guy who's asleep, he'll say he won't make another sword again until he gets some Adamantite. So give him some, and you'll hand over the Sword Of Legend. Follow him downstairs, talk to him. If he says he needs more time, then come back when you can travel to the moon. If you already have, he will hand over the new EXALIBUR, the most powerful sword in the game up to this point. ============================================================================= | Item List <053>| ============================================================================= These are not in-game descriptions. Also, thanks to Tom Xia, 'dark_gta201' for this information. Battle Items \=================/ NOTE: All of these can be found in chests except the Dark Matter which is can only be obtained by stealing it from Zeromus. Some are obtained from battle. I'll list where from. Alarm Clock ------------ What it does: Wakes people up from sleep status. Location: Chest Antarctic Wind --------------- What it does: Same effect as Blizzard. Location: Chest Arctic Wind ------------ What it does: Same effect as Blizzara. Location: Chest Bacchus's Cider ---------------- What it does: Allows the user to attack stronger. Location: Chest Bell of Silence ---------------- What it does: Same effect as silence. Location: Chest Bestiary --------- What it does: Locks in on the enemy's HP and weakness. Location: Chest Bomb Arm --------- What it does: Same effect as Firaga Location: Chest Bomb Fragment -------------- What it does: Same effect as Fira Location: Chest Bomb Core ---------- What it does: Kill user, inflicting the HP on enemy. Location: Chest Blue Fang ---------- What it does: Causes a LOT of electric elemental damage. Location: Chest Coeul's Whisker ---------------- What it does: Same effect as Death. Location: Chest Dark Matter ------------ What it does: Protects you against Zeromus' attacks. Location: Zeromus Decoy ------ What it does: Makes it harder to hit. Location: Chest Gaia Drum ---------- What it does: Causes some earth elemental damage. Location: Battle Gold Hourglass -------------- What it does: Stops enemies from attacking for a long time. Location: Battle Grimoire --------- What it does: Summons phantoms. Location: Battle Hermes' Shoes -------------- What it does: Increases Speed Location: Chest Hourglass --------- What it does: Stops enemies from attacking for a short time. Location: Chest Kiss of Lilith --------------- What it does: Absorbs MP. Location: Chest Light Curtain -------------- What it does: Same effect as Reflect. Location: Chest Lunar Curtain -------------- What it does: Same effect as Reflect. Location: Chest Silver Hourglass ----------------- What it does: Stops enemies from attacking for some time. Location: Chest Spider's Silk ------------- What it does: Slows down enemies Location: Chest Stardust --------- What it does: Causes a lot of damage. Location: Chest Rage of Zeus ------------- What it does: Same effect as Thunder. Location: Chest Red Fang --------- What it does: Causes a LOT of fire elemental damage. Location: Chest Unicorn Horn ------------- What it does: Cures battle effects. Location: Chest Vampire Fang ------------- What it does: Sucks away enemy's HP. Location: Chest White Fang ----------- What it does: Causes a LOT of ice elemental damage. Location: Chest ============================================================================== Help Items \===============/ NOTE: Nearly all of these can be bought, of which I'll list the cost. Some can be one in battle, and some found in chests. Antidote -------- What it does: Cures Poison Status Cost/Location: 40 Bomb ----- What it does: Enables Rydia to summon Bomb Cost/Location: Battle Cottage -------- What it does: Restore HP and MP to all characters. Can only be used in Overworld and safe area. Cost/Location: 500 Cockatrice ---------- What it does: Enables Rydia to summon Cockatrice Cost/Location: Battle Cross ------ What it does: Cures Curse status. Cost/Location: 100 Diet Food ---------- What it does: Cures Pig status. Cost/Location: 100 Dry Ether --------- What it does: Restores some MP to a party member. Cost/Location: 50,000 Dwarven Bread ------------- What it does: Zooms out. Can only be used in Overworld. Cost/Location: Chest Echo Herbs ----------- What it does: Cures Silence status. Cost/Location: 50 Elixir ------- What it does: Fully restores HP and MP to a party member. Cost/Location: 100,000 Emergency Exit --------------- What it does: Escapes from dungeons. *excluding Towers* Cost/Location: Chest Ether ----- What it does: Restores a little MP to a party member. Cost/Location: 10,000 Eye Drops ---------- What it does: Cures Darkness status. Cost/Location: 30 Goblin ------- What it does: Enables Rydia to summon Goblin. Cost/Location: Battle Golden Apple ------------- What it does: Increases MAX HP by 100 Cost/Location: Chest Gold Needle ----------- What it does: Cures Petrify status. Cost/Location: 400 Gysahl Greens -------------- What it does: Locates invisible Fat Chocobos. Cost/Location: 50 Gysahl Whistle --------------- What it does: Summons a Fat Chocobo to you. Cost/Location: 20,000 Hi-Potion ---------- What it does: Recovers some HP to a party member. Cost/Location: 150 Maiden's Kiss -------------- What it does: Cures Toad status. Cost/Location: 60 Mallet ------ What it does: Cures Mini status. Cost/Location: 80 Megalixir ---------- What it does: Fully recovers HP and MP to all party members. Cost/Location: Chest Mind Flayer ------------ What it does: Enables Rydia to summon Mind Flayer. Cost/Location: Battle Phoenix Down ------------- What it does: Revives a down'd party member. Cost/Location: 100 Potion ------- What it does: Restores a little HP to a party member. Cost/Location: 30 Remedy ------- What it does: Cures all status ailments. Cost/Location: 5000 Silver Apple ------------- What it does: Increases MAX HP by 50. Cost/Location: Chest Siren ------ What it does: Calls a monster. Cost/Location: Chest Soma Drop ---------- What it does: Increases MAX MP by 10. Cost/Location: Chest Tent ---- What it does: Restores all' HP and MP to all party members. Can only be used in the Overworld. Cost/Location: 100 X-Potion --------- What it does: Restore a LOT of HP to a party member. Cost/Location: Chest ============================================================================== Key Items \==============/ NOTE: You can't sell Key Items. They allow you to continue the main walkthrough and sometimes can give you rewards. Adamantite ----------- What it does: Present to Kokkol with Sword of Legend to transform it to the legendary Excalibur. Where do you get it from: The grotto guy. Baron Key ---------- What it does: Unlock doors in Baron. Where do you get it from: Yang in Baron. Crystal -------- What it does: Changes Zeromus. Where do you get it from: Golbez in Lunar Core Dark Crystal ------------- What it does: Nothing. Where do you get it from: Sealed Cavern Earth Crystal -------------- What it does: Get Rosa back. Where do you get it from: Magnetic Cavern Frying Pan ----------- What it does: Wakes Yang up. Where do you get it from: Yang's wife in Fabul Luca's Necklace ---------------- What it does: Unlocks the Sealed Cavern. Where do you get it from: Luca from Dwarven Castle Lugae's Key ------------ What it does: Unlocks a door in the Tower of Babel. Where do you get it from: After you beat Dr. Lugae Magazine --------- What it does: ''' (if anyone knows email me at dark_gta201@hotmail.com) Where do you get it from: The Dev team office in the Dwarven Castle Magma Rock ----------- What it does: Enables you to enter the underworld. Where do you get it from: Kain gives it to you when he rejoins you. Membership Pass ---------------- What it does: Allows you to watch a dance. Where do you get it from: Buy it at Troia. Pink Tail ---------- What it does: Trade to the grotto guy to get Adamant Armour. Where do you get it from: Battle in Lunar Subterranean Rat Tail --------- What it does: Trade to the grotto guy to get Adamantite. Where do you get it from: Cave of Summons Sand Ruby ---------- What it does: Cures Desert Fever Where do you get it from: Antlion Cave Twin Harp ---------- What it does: Decrease Dark Elf's strength and destroy magnetic barrier. Where do you get it from: Edward in Troia. ============================================================================= | Equipment List <054>| ============================================================================= Note, these are not in-game descriptions. Here I'll list all the weapons and armour in the game. Thanks to Tom Xia 'dark_gta201' for this information. ----------------------- | Weapons <055>| ----------------------- <056> Swords \============/ Ancient Sword -------------- Location: Old Waterway Desc: A powerful sword fused with ancient power. Ability: Put foes to sleep Avenger ------- Location: Sylvan Cave Desc: A great sword which anges the wielder. Ability: Casts berserk on the user Blood Sword ------------ Location: Cave of Eblan Desc: A sword which lowers Defence for dark powers. Ability: Damage absorbed to restore HP Dark Sword ----------- Location: You start out with this sword Desc: A powerful dark sword used by dark knights. Ability: None Deathbringer ------------ Location: The King of Fabul gives it to you. Desc: The most powerful dark sword. Ability: KO foes Defender -------- Location: Cave of Summons Desc: A holy sword used by musketeers. Ability: None Excalibur --------- Location: Kokkol's Smithy Desc: King Arthur used this sword himself. Ability: None Flame Sword ------------ Location: Tower of Zot, can be bought in Dwarven Castle for 14000 gil. Desc: A sword combined with the elements of fire. Ability: Fire element Ice Brand --------- Location: Tower of Babel, Cave of Eblan Desc: A sword fused with the elements of ice. Ability: Ice element Light Sword ------------ Location: Sealed Cavern Desc: A sword immersed with the shine of light. Ability: None Mythril Sword ------------- Location: Can be brought in Mythril for 6000 gil. Desc: A sword made from Mythril. Ability: None Ragnarok -------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: One of the most powerful holy blades in the game. Ability: None Shadow Blade ------------ Location: Underground Waterway Desc: The power of darkness is found within this shadow blade. Ability: None Sleep Blade ----------- Location: Eblan Castle Desc: A blade with the Ability to put foes to sleep. Ability: Put foes to sleep Sword of Legend ---------------- Location: You get this sword automatically when Cecil turns into a paladin. Desc: The sword mentioned in the Mysidian legend. Ability: None ============================================================================== <057> Bows \==========/ Bow --- Location: Can be bought from Kaipo and Agart for 220 gil. Desc: The weakest bow, it merely does what it is. Ability: None Crossbow -------- Location: Can be bought from Agart, Mysidia and Damycan for 700 gil. Desc: A stronger weapon than the original bow; nothing too special. Ability: None Elven Bow --------- Location: Sylvan Cave Desc: A gift from the elves to the humans; a great weapon. Ability: None Great Bow --------- Location: Can be bought from Troia for 2000 gil and Dwarven Castle. Desc: It's name. Ability: None Killer Bow ---------- Location: Can be bought from Tomra for 3000 gil, Cave of Eblan, Tower of Babel Desc: One of the best bows in the game. Ability: None Yoichi's Bow ------------ Location: Land of Summons Desc: Another great bow in this game. Ability: None ============================================================================== <058> Rods \==========/ Fairy Rod --------- Location: Can be bought from the land of summons for 5000 gil, Sylvan Cave. Desc: A rod brought from fairies. Ability: None Flame Rod --------- Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 380 gil. Desc: A rod fused with the element of fire. Ability: Fire element Ice Rod ------- Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 220 gil, Underground Waterway. Desc: A rod combined with the element of ice. Ability: Ice element Rod --- Location: Can be bought from Agart and Kaipo for 100 gil. Desc: The weakest rod in the game. Ability: None Rod of Change -------------- Location: Mist. Desc: A powerful rod with the power of change. Ability: None Stardust Rod ------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean. Desc: A rod full of stardust. Ability: None Thunder Rod ----------- Location: Can be bought from Baron for 700 gil. Desc: A rod immersered with the element of thunder. Ability: Thunder elemental. ============================================================================== <059> Lances \============/ Blood Lance ------------ Location: Eblan Castle. Desc: Lowers Defence to absorb blood! Ability: Absorbs HP to user Fire Lance ----------- Location: Can be bought from Dwarven Castle for 11000 gil. Desc: A lance fused with the element of fire. Ability: Fire element. Gungnir ------- Location: Automatically equipped on Kain when you get him. Desc: One of the most powerful lances in this game. Ability: None Holy Lance ----------- Location: Lunar Subterranean. Desc: A lance immersed with holy magic! Ability: None Ice Lance ---------- Location: Can be bought from Cave of Eblan for 21000 gil, Tower of Babel Desc: A lance combined with the element of ice. Ability: Ice element Spear ----- Location: Can be bought from Agart for 60 gil. Desc: A piece of ****ing sh** IMO. Ability: None Wind Spear ---------- Location: Automatically equipped on Kain when you get him. Desc: A spear of winds, reasonably powerful. Ability: None Wyvern Lance ------------- Location: the wyvern Lance is dropped from the Red and/or blue dragon in the last cave. (submitted by ilpalazzo) third most powerful lance Desc: Um...a lance for wyverns' Ability: Maybe affective against dragon creatures' ============================================================================== <060> Instruments \=================/ Apollo's Harp -------------- Location: Cave of Trials. Desc: The best harp with the element of fire. Ability: Fire element Dreamer's Harp --------------- Location: Automatically equiped on Edward when you get him. Desc: A harp that can put the foe into a dull sleep. Ability: Put foes to sleep. Lamia's Harp ------------- Location: Antlion Cave Desc: A harp to confuse the foe. Ability: Confuse enemies. ============================================================================== <061> Claws \===========/ Cat Claws ---------- Location: Tower of Babel. Desc: It's name. Ability: Put foes to sleep. Fairy Claw ----------- Location: Magnectic Cavern. Desc: It's name. Ability: Confuse enemies Fire Claw ---------- Location: Can be bought from Baron and Fabul for 350 gil. Desc: A claw combined with the element of fire. Ability: Fire element Hand of the Gods ----------------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: It's name. The most powerful and dangerous claw. Ability: None Hell Claw ---------- Location: Tower of Zot. Desc: A claw from hell. Ability: Poison targets. Ice Claw --------- Location: Can be bought from Baron and Fabul for 450 gil. Desc: A claw fused with the element of ice. Ability: Ice elemnet. Thunder Claw ------------- Location: Can be bought from Baron and Fabul for 550 gil. Desc: A claw immersered with the element of thunder. Ability: Thunder element. ============================================================================== <062> Katanas \=============/ Ahura ----- Location: Can be bought at Tomra for 7000 gil, Tower of Babel. Desc: A very slicy katana. Ability: None Kikuichimonji ------------- Location: Cave of Summons. Desc: A short-bladed samurai sword. Ability: None Kotetsu -------- Location: Can be bought at Land of Summons for 11000 gil, Sealed Cavern. Desc: A nice katana, it is effective. Ability: None Kunai ----- Location: Can be bought at Cave of Eblan for 4000 gil. Desc: A cool katana, it is pretty powerful. Ability: None Masamune --------- Location: Lunar Core Desc: A very-old fashioned but fast and deadly samurai sword. Ability: None Marasume -------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: The twin of the Masamune, it is more faster and deadlier than its bro. Ability: None ============================================================================== <063> Staffs \============/ Healing Staff -------------- Location: Can be bought from Baron and Mysidia for 480 gil. Desc: A normal healing staff. Ability: None Kinesis Staff -------------- Location: Can be bought from the Land of Summons for 7000 gil. Desc: A pretty good offensive attacking staff. Ability: None Mythril Staff -------------- Location: Can be bought from Mythril for 4000 gil. Desc: Staff made of mythril. Ability: None. Power Staff ------------ Location: Can be bought from Cave of Eblan for 2000 gil. Desc: A staff used for battle. Ability: None Sage's Staff ------------- Location: ' (If anyone knows plz tell me!) Desc: Well...it's er...staff...and er...for sages! Ability: Don't know if there is I haven't got it! (If anyone knows tell me!) Staff ------ Location: Can be bought from Agart and Kaipo for 160 gil. Desc: Just and ordinary stuff and piece of **** Ability: None ============================================================================== <064> Hammers \=============/ Gaia Hammer ----------- Location: Tower of Zot. Desc: A really powerful hammer with the power of earth within. Ability: None Mythril Hammer -------------- Location: Can be brought from Mythril for 8000 gil. Desc: A hammer made from Mythril. Ability: None Thor's Hammer ------------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: A hammer fused with the element of thunder. Ability: Thunder element. Wooden Hammer ------------- Location: Automatically equipped on Cid when you get him. Troia for 80 gil. Desc: Just a plain old wooden hammer. Ability: None ============================================================================== <065> Whips \===========/ Blitz Whip ----------- Location: Can be bought from the Land of summons for 10000 gil. Desc: A whip of blitz. Ability: None Chain Whip ----------- Location: Can be bought from Land of Summons and Tomra for 6000 gil. Desc: What do you think' Ability: None Fire Whip ---------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A whip immersed with the element of fire in it. Ability: Fire element Whip ---- Location: Can be bought from Mist for 3000 gil. Desc: A whip that can stun enemies. Ability: Paralyze foes ============================================================================== <066> Boomerangs \================/ Boomerang ---------- Location: Can be bought from Agart and Cave of Eblan for 3000 gil. Desc: A boomerang. What else' Ability: None Full Moon --------- Location: Sylvan Cave Desc: A boomerang shaped as full moon (not!) Ability: None ============================================================================== <067> Axes \==========/ Dwarf Axe ---------- Location: Can be bought from Dwarven Castle for 15000 gold. Desc: An axe made for dwarves. Ability: None Ogrekiller ---------- Location: Can be bought from Tomra for 45000 gil, Tower of Babel. Desc: An axe to kill ogre's with. Ability: Affective against giants. Poison Axe ----------- Location: Cave of Summons. Desc: An axe to poison people with. Ability: Poison enemies ============================================================================== <068> Knives \============/ Dancing Dagger -------------- Location: Can be bought from Mist for 5000 gil. Desc: A dagger used in dancers. Ability: None Mage Masher ----------- Location: Sylvan Cave. Desc: A knife for mages. Ability: None Mythril Knife ------------- Location: Can be bought from Mythril for 3000 gil. Desc: A knife made of Mythril. Ability: None Triton's Dagger ---------------- Location: Cave of Trials. Desc: A dagger used by Triton himself. Ability: None ============================================================================== <069> Darts \===========/ Fuma Shuriken ------------- Location: Sealed Cavern, Lunar Core and Subterranean, Kokkol's Smithy. Desc: A very powerful dart used by Edge. Ability: None Knife ------ Location: Yang's wife in Fabul. Desc: The most powerful dart, always deal 9999 damage. Ability: None Shuriken -------- Location: Giant of Babel, Cave of Eblan, Kokkol's Smithy. Desc: Weaker version of Fuma Shuriken, Ability: None ============================================================================== <070> Arrows \============/ Angel Arrows ------------ Location: Can be brought from Land of Summons for 110 gil, Sylvan Cave. Desc: Arrows from heaven. Ability: None Artemis Arrows -------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean. Desc: Arrows with supernatural features. Ability: None Dark Arrows ------------ Location: Can be bought from Dwarven Castle for 40 gil. Desc: Arrows with dark powers. Ability: None Fire Arrows ----------- Location: Can be bought from Troia for 30 gil, Troia Castle and Sylvan cave. Desc: Arrows fused with the element of fire. Ability: Fire element. Holy Arrows ------------ Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 20 gil, Damycan, Agart, Mt. Hobs. Desc: Arrows with the holy power. Ability: None Ice Arrows ---------- Location: Can be bought from Troia for 30 gil, Troia Castle, Tower of Babel. Desc: Arrows combined with the element of ice. Ability: Ice element. Iron Arrows ----------- Location: Can be bought from Agart and Kaipo for 10 gil. Desc: Plain iron arrows which are not worth noticing. Ability: None Poison Arrows -------------- Location: Can be bought from the Cave of Eblan for 70 gil. Desc: Poisonous arrows that poison foes. Ability: Poison enemies. Silence Arrows --------------- Location: Can be brought from Tomra for 100 gil, Eblan Castle Desc: Arrows that can cause the status ailment silence. Ability: Silences foes. Thunder Arrows --------------- Location: Can be bought from Troia for 30 gil, Troia Castle and Sylvan Cave. Desc: Arrows immersed with the element of thunder. Ability: Thunder element. Yoichi Arrows -------------- Location: Can be bought from Land of Summons and Kokkol's Smithy for 140 gil. Desc: The most powerful arrows in the game. Ability: None. ----------------------- | Armour <071>| ----------------------- These are also not in-game descriptions. Again, thanks to Tom Xia 'dark_gta201' for this info *NOTE: These do NOT include the armour obtained at the Lunar Ruins* ============================================================================== <072> Body area \===============/ Adamant Armour -------------- Location: Trade Pink Tail with the Grotto guy. Desc: The best Armour in this whole game; made of adamantite. Defence: 100 Magic Defence: 20 Ability: No status ailments, resistant against fire, thunder and ice. Bard's tunic ------------- Location: Can be bought from Mist for 70 gil. Desc: A regular tunic for Edward. Defence: 2 Magic Defence 1 Ability: None Black Garb ----------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: Exactly what its name is. Defence: 14 Magic Defence: 5 Ability: None Black Robe ---------- Location: Can be bought from the Cave of Eblan for 10,000 gil. Desc: A black robe for magic users. Defence: 8 Magic Defence: 7 Ability: None Black Belt ----------- Location: Dwarven Castle Desc: A black belt, used in Karate. Defence: 12 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Clothes -------- Location: Can be bought from Mist, Kaipo and Troia for 50 gil. Desc: Let's just say tat 50 gil is too much for this. Defence: 1 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Courageous suit --------------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: A suit worn by courageous heroes! Defence: 22 Magic Defence: 8 Ability: None Crystal Mail ------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: Armour made from Crystal. Defence: 25 Magic Defence: 10 Ability: None Dark Armour ----------- Location: Automatically equipped on Cecil at the beginning of the game Desc: Armour possessed with dark powers. Used by Dark Knights. Defence: 5 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Demon Armour ----------- Location: Can be bought from Fabul for 3000 gil Desc: Armour said to have been made by demons. Defence: 9 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Diamond Armour -------------- Location: Can be bought from Tomra for 40,000 gil. Desc: Armour made out of diamond. Defence: 19 Magic Defence: 4 Ability: None Dragon Mail ------------ Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: Mail made out of dragon scales. Defence: 23 Magic Defence: 8 Ability: None Flame Mail ----------- Location: Can be bought from Dwarven Castle for 30,000 gil. Tower of Zot. Desc: Mail fused with the element of fire. Defence: 15 Magic Defence: 4 Ability: Resistant against ice. Gaia Gear ---------- Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 500 gil. Desc: Clothes combined with earth elemtal power. Defence: 3 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Genji Armour ------------ Location: Cave of Bahamut Desc: Very strong Armour used by the strong. Defence: 21 Magic Defence: 7 Ability: None Grand Armour ------------ Location: Cave of Trials Desc: Armour for the rich and powerful. Defence: 28 Magic Defence: 10 Ability: Resistant against thunder. Hades Armour ------------ Location: Underground waterway Desc: Armour from hell. Defence: 7 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: None Ice Armour ---------- Location: Can be bought from Cave of Eblan for 36000 gil. Tower of Babel Desc: Armour made out of ice. Defence: 17 Magic Defence: 4 Ability: None Kenpogi ------- Location: Can be bought from baron for 4000 gil Desc: An old fashioned but great Armour. Defence: 5 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: None Knight's Armour --------------- Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 8000 gil Desc: Armour worn by the most chivalrous of knights. Defence: 11 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: None Leather Garb ------------- Location: Can be bought from Troia and Kaipo for 200 gil Desc: What it's name fool' Defence: 2 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Light Robe ----------- Location: Can be bought from the Land of Summons for 30,000 gil Desc: A robe infused with light magic. Defence: 12 Magic Defence: 9 Ability: None Lord's Robe ------------ Location: Lord's Robe Desc: A robe worn by lords. Defence: 19 Magic Defence: 18 Ability: Resistant against Ice, Fire and Thunder Minerva's Plate ---------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A plate worn by chicks. Defence: 28 Magic Defence: 5 Ability: None Red Jacket ----------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: A red jacket. Defence: 21 Magic Defence: 12 Ability: Resistant against fire Sage's Robe ------------ Location: Cave of Trials Desc: A robe worn by the best of sages. Defence: 19 Magic Defence: 15 Ability: None Sage's Surplice ---------------- Location: Can be bought from Dwarven Castle for 1200 gil. Tower of Zot Desc: A sage's surplice. Defence: 5 Magic Defence: 5 Ability: None White Robe ----------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A white robe. Defence: 18 Magic Defence: 10 Ability: None ============================================================================== <073> Shields \=============/ Aegis Shield ------------- Location: Can be bought from the Land of Summons for 20,000 gil Desc: A shield of Aegis. Defence: 4 Magic Defence: 5 Ability: None Crystal Shield --------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A shield made of Crystal. Defence: 7 Magic Defence: 4 Ability: None Dark Shield ------------ Location: Automatically equipped on Cecil at the beginning of the game. Desc: A shield with dark powers. It is used by Dark Knights. Defence: 1 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Demon Shield ------------- Location: Fabul Desc: A shield made by demons. Defence: 2 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Diamond Shield --------------- Location: Can be bought from Tomra for 15,000 gil Desc: A shield made from Diamond. Defence: 4 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: None Dragon Shield -------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A shield made from Dragon hide. Defence: 6 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Fire Shield ------------ Location: Can be bought from the Dwarven Castle for 1250 gil. Tower of Zot Desc: A shield combined with the element of fire. Defence: 3 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: Resistant against ice Genji Shield ------------- Location: Cave of Bahamut Desc: Genji. Whatever that is. Defence: 5 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Ice Shield ----------- Location: Can be bought from the Cave of Eblan for 10,000 Desc: An ice shield. Defence: 3 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: Resistant against fire Iron Shield ------------ Location: Can be bought from Agart for 100 gil Desc: A shield made of iron. Defence: 1 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Light Shield ------------- Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 700 gil Desc: A shield immersed with light magic. Defence: 2 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None ============================================================================== <074> Head Area \===============/ Black Cowl ---------- Location: Sealed Cavern Desc: It's name. Defence: 6 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Cat Hood --------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: A hood made of cat skin. Defence: 7 Magic Defence: 18 Ability: None Coronet -------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: A nice hood against magic. Defence: 7 Magic Defence: 16 Ability: None Crystal Helm ------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A helm made of crystal. Defence: 12 Magic Defence: 8 Ability: None Dark Helm ---------- Location: Automatically equipped on Cecil at the beginning of the game Desc: A helm haunted by the power of darkness. Defence: 4 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Demon Helm ----------- Location: Can be bought from Fabul for 980 gil Desc: A helm made from Demons. Defence: 6 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Diamond Helm ------------- Location: Can be bought from Tomra for 10,000 gil Desc: A diamond helm. Defence: 9 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: None Dragon Helm ------------ Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A helm made from dragon scales. Defence: 11 Magic Defence: 7 Ability: None Feathered Cap -------------- Location: underground Waterway, Troia and Damycan Desc: A Cap with feathers. Defence: 2 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Genji Helm ----------- Location: Cave of Bahamut Desc: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT GENJI IS! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GIVE A DESC' Defence: 10 Magic Defence: 6 Ability: None Gold Hairpin ------------- Location: Can be bought from Tomra for 20,000 gil Desc: A lot of these descriptions are its name. Defence: 7 Magic Defence: 10 Ability: None Grand Helm ----------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: An ancient helm used in battle. Defence: 14 Magic Defence: 10 Ability: Resistant against thunder. Green Beret ------------ Location: Tower of Babel Desc: Used by Green Berets. Defence: 6 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Hades Helm ----------- Location: underground Waterway Desc: A helm from hell. Defence: 5 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Iron Helm ---------- Location: Can be bought from Agart for 150 gil Desc: A helm made of iron. Defence: 3 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Leather Cap ------------ Location: Can be bought from Troia and Kaipo for 100 gil Desc: A leather cap. Exactly like its name. Defence: 1 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Light Helm ----------- Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 4000 gil Desc: A helm for paladins. Defence: 7 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: None Mysterious Mask ---------------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: It's name. Defence: 8 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Red Cap -------- Location: Cave of Trials Desc: It's name. Defence: 10 Magic Defence: 12 Ability: Resistant against fire Ribbon ------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A nice, red ribbon. Defence: 9 Magic Defence: 11 Ability: No status ailments Sage's Miter ------------- Location: Can be bought from Dwarven Castle for 2000 gil Desc: Something for the sages. Defence: 5 Magic Defence: 7 Ability: None Twist Headband --------------- Location: Can be bought from Baron for 450 gil Desc: A headband that's twisty. Defence: 1 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Wizard's Hat ------------- Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 700 gil. Desc: A hat for a wizard. Defence: 3 Magic Defence: 5 Ability: None ============================================================================== <075> Gloves \============/ Crytal Gloves -------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: Gloves made out of Crystal. Defence: 10 Magic Defence: 7 Ability: None Dark Gloves ------------ Location: Automatically equipped on Cecil at the beginning of this game. Desc: Gloves worn by the darkest of creatures. Defence: 2 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Demon Gloves ------------- Location: Can be bought from Fabul for 800 gil Desc: Gloves made by demons. Defence: 4 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Diamond Gloves --------------- Location: Can be bought at Tomra for 5000 gil Desc: Globes made of diamonds. Defence: 7 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Dragon Gloves -------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: Gloves made from Dragon hide. Defence: 9 Magic Defence: 6 Ability: None Gauntlets ---------- Location: Can be bought from Mysidia for 3000 gil Desc: Things you wear on your hands. Defence: 5 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Genji Gloves ------------- Location: Cave of Bahamut Desc: You give one to me. Defence: 8 Magic Defence: 5 Ability: None Hades Gloves ------------- Location: Underground Waterway Desc: Gloves from hell. Defence: 3 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Iron Gloves ------------ Location: Can be bought from Agart for 130 gil Desc: Its name. Defence: 2 Magic Defence: 0 Ability: None Iron Armlet ------------ Location: Can be bought from Kaipo for 100 gil Desc: Something that covers your arms that's made of iron. Defence: 2 Magic Defence: 1 Ability: None Power Armlet ------------- Location: Dwarven Castle Desc: An armlet full of power. Defence: 2 Magic Defence: 2 Ability: Raises power Protect Ring ------------- Location: Lunar Subterranean Desc: A ring that's SUPPOSED to protect you (but doesn't) Defence: 17 Magic Defence: 12 Ability: None Ruby Ring ---------- Location: Can be bought from Troia and Mist for 1000 gil. Desc: A ring made from Ruby. Defence: 0 Magic Defence: 3 Ability: None Rune Armlet ------------ Location: Can be bought at Dwarven Castle for 2000 gil Desc: An armlet made of runes. Defence: 5 Magic Defence: 8 Ability: None Silver Armlet -------------- Location: Can be bought at Baron and Mysidia for 650 gil Desc: An armlet made or silver. Defence: 4 Magic Defence: 4 Ability: None ============================================================================= | Magic List <057>| ============================================================================= ---------------------- | White Magic <076>| ---------------------- Cure: 3MP Restores little HP Cura: 9MP Restores medium HP Curaga: 18MP Restores large HP Curaja: 40MP Restores major HP Life: 8MP Revives target with little HP Full-life: 52MP Revives target with full HP Esuna: 20MP Cures all status effects except KO Hold: 5MP Causes Paralysis Silence: 6MP Causes Silence Confuse: 10MP Causes Confusion Blink: 8MP Raises targets Evasion Protect: 9MP Raises targets Physical Defence Shell: 10MP Raises targets Magic Defence Slow: 14MP Slows down target Haste: 25MP Speeds up target Berserk: 10MP Causes Berserk Reflect: 30MP Creates a barrier that reflects magic. Dispel: 12MP Negates positive status effects Scan: 1MP Shows the current stats of an enemy Float: 8MP Levitates target Mini: 6MP Causes or cures Mini Teleport: 10MP Warps party out of dungeon or battle Sight: 2MP Opens World Map Holy: 46MP Causes Holy damage ----------------------- | Black Magic <078>| ----------------------- Fire: 5MP Causes light Fire damage Fira: 15MP Causes medium Fire damage Firaga: 30MP Causes heavy Fire damage Blizzard: 5MP Causes light Frost damage Blizzara: 15MP Causes medium Frost damage Blizzaga: 30MP Causes heavy Frost damage Thunder: 5MP Causes light Lightning damage Thundara: 15MP Causes medium Lightning damage Thundaga: 30MP Causes heavy Lightning damage Bio: 20MP Releases a Virus that causes damage Tornado: 25MP Reduces targets HP to single digits Quake: 30MP Causes Earth damage Flare: 50MP Deals heavy damage by combustion Drain: 18MP Absorbs HP Osmose: 0MP Absorbs MP Break: 15MP Causes Petrification Sleep: 12MP Causes Sleep Stop: 15MP Stops target completely Poison: 2MP Causes Poison Toad: 7MP Causes or cures Toad Pig: 1MP Causes or cures Pig Death: 35MP Instantly kills target Warp: 4MP Warps back to previous floor Meteor: 99MP Calls forth meteors that deal super heavy damage ----------------------- | Ninjitzu Magic <079>| ----------------------- Flame: 15MP Deals Fire damage to all enemies Flood: 20MP Deals Water/Frost damage to all enemies Blitz: 25MP Deals Lightning damage to all enemies Pin: 5MP Paralysis target Smoke: 10MP Flees from battle Image: 6MP Raises users Evasion ============================================================================= | Summon List <080>| ============================================================================= Goblin: 1MP Deals 1HP damage to one target Bomb: 10MP Deals medium damage to target Cockatrice: 15MP Petrifies target Mind Flayer: 18MP Deals medium damage to target Chocobo: 7MP Deals mild damage to target Shiva: 30MP Deals Frost damage to all enemies Ramuh: 30MP Deals Lightning damage to all enemies Titan: 40MP Deals Earth damage to all enemies Dragon: 20MP Deals non-elemental damage to all enemies Sylph: 20MP Absorbs target's HP and distributes among party Odin: 45MP Instantly kills all enemies, sometimes fails Asura: 50MP Either heals HP, casts Protect, or revives all party members Leviathan: 50MP Deals Water/Frost damage to all enemies Bahamut: 60MP Deals super heavy non-elemental damage to all enemies ============================================================================= | Frequently Asked Questions <081>| ============================================================================= Here are some questions that I know people will ask, since this is the first version. Q) How do you beat Dark Knight' A) Just stand still and watch him attack you. Trust me. Q) How you beat The Dark Elf' A) Talk to Edward in Troia, he will give you the Twin Harp. Go back and talk to the elf. After he kills you, Edward will play his Harp. You will see why. Q) How do I beat Golbez' A) Keep Cecil alive in the battle with Calcobrina, I'll say that much. Q) Doesn't the box say there is a 50-floor dungeon in this game' A) Yup, after you beat the game, a new dungeon will open. That's your 50 Floorer. But it's so fun, yes fun, you won't realize you've gone through 50 floors. Q) In some parts of your guide, you talk about stuff like the Sylphs and he Sylvan cave, but you don't actually have it listed. A) I know, I'm sorry. I forgot about them while writing this guide, and I can't Get the summon anymore. It's easy though, after you can gain access to the Overworld again, just talk to Yang's Wife in Fabul she'll give you the Frying Pan, then go to the Sylvan Cave (Northwest Overworld) and get to the Bottom, the rest is easy to figure out. I'll add a full walkthrough in a Later version. Q) I have a character in my party, but it won't let me into their trial in the Lunar Ruins! A) You have to beat the game with that character in your party to open their Trial, go back and kill the final boss with them. Q) Where do I get the pink tails' A) In the Lunar Subterranean, go to the BF5, and near the steps leading down, to BF6, is a small room. Go inside, and walk around a bit. If you can't find the Flan Princesses, use a Siren. I cannot remember the percentages, but there is a very low chance they will drop the tails. PLEASE Don't Email me a question that is answered in the guide. Also, no SPAM emails like, 'Do you have MSN'. If you have questions and you are 100% certain the answer is not in the guide, Email me with the topic 'FFIV Walkthrough' Or something like that, if I don't reply within a week, send it again. Any other questions' E-Mail me them, but make sure you cannot find it in the walkthrough. I know if it's in or not. ============================================================================= | Version History <082>| ============================================================================= Version 1.0 ------------ Started: 3 March 2006 Finished: 8 March 2006 -Finished the main walkthrough and some other sections. -Published this guide to Neoseeker. I am unable to post to Gamefaqs at this Current moment. Notes: Yay, finally finished. Version 1.6 ----------- Started: 9 March 2006 Finished: 11 March 2006 -Finished other unfinished sections besides Item, Weapon, and Armour lists -Changed few minor errors Notes: Nearly there... Version 2.0 ----------- Started: 12 March 2006 Finished: 12 March 2006 -Finished Item, Weapon and Armour listings, all thanks to Tom Xia 'dark_gta201' Notes: OMG, one day update. Easy one though, just had to copy and paste the stuff out of Tom Xia's guide, nothing hard. On another note, the guide is finished. YAY! Now, I might add a Bestiary or something like that. ============================================================================= | Legal Stuff <083>| ============================================================================= This entire document is (C)2006 Daniel Lynch AKA Spudnickator. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. No section of this guide can be used without my permission. This includes, but is not limited to posting on your website, making links to my guide, including parts of my guide in your own, or making reference to any material contained within. Please E-Mail me if you wish to do any of the above. All the sites mentioned below have permission to do the above. Please email me at [daniellynch1@hotmail.co.uk] to enquire about gaining permission to use this document. ---------------------- List of Allowed sites: ---------------------- Gamefaqs [www.gamefaqs.com] Neoseeker [www.neoseeker.com] If you find my guide, or any part of it, on a website that isn't on the list of allowed sites, contact me ASAP. Got that' Good. ============================================================================= | Credits <065>| ============================================================================= Thanks to: ---------- -First of all, me for writing this. -Square Enix for making this game. -CjayC for keeping Gamefaqs working. -Michael Sarich, for the Legal Stuff. -Tom Xia 'dark_gta201' for the Item, Weapon, and Armour list. Thanks dude, You've been a massive help. -Arbron, for various bits of info, and help on my first playthrough. -http://www.rootsecure.net/'p=ascii_generator for the ASCII text. -Everyone at the FFIVA board. -Everyone at the FFIV anthology board. -And last but not least, you, for reading this guide. Well, that's it. Hope you liked it. I leave you with some final words. www.spudnickator.proboards31.com ============================================================================= | End Of Guide | =============================================================================