©1999 - 2000 Jonathan Bouldin The JP Suikoden II Castle FAQ Questions? Get in touch at lunchboxs@hotmail.com CONTENCE \/ FORWORD \/ YOUR CASTLE - Levels - Shops - Helpful Areas - Other Interesting Things and Places - Mini Games - Anything I Might Have Missed - Credits - Disclaimer Version numbers: 1.0 The finished un-updated version, the first one to appear on the Internet. 1.2 I noticed I missed a lot of things, such as locations for mini games and such. And I added the suggestion box letters to this Castle FAQ. 1.3 More suggestion box letters and another location correction. 1.4 A few more basic corrections and details on how to get a couple super secret characters. More SB letters, as always. 1.5 A normal update. I’ve been getting some good e mails from people, so I’ve been able to add a bunch of new things. 1.6 Got some old books up and a couple new letters. Not a lot, though. 1.7 Blah! -_-_-_-_-_-_-FORWORD-_-_-_-_-_-_- In Suikoden, you had a castle in the middle of a lake. It was comfy and it got the job done. In Suikoden 2, you rule over an entire town!! This town is home to more then just shops, an Inn, and a couple mini-games, as in Suikoden. Rather, it houses about six different mini-games and many, many shops, rooms, and people to talk to. This FAQ will hopefully make your Suikoden 2 home a little bit less confusing. -_-_-_-_-_-_-Your Castle-_-_-_-_-_-_- -Levels- Your town grows every time you recruit someone, but there are certain points in the game where it grows a lot in a quick spurt. ~Level 1~ This is, of course, what it starts on. It stays like this till you have 1. Recruited 30 people 2. Join forces with Two River City ~Level 2~ Once it’s level 2, it stays level 2 until you 1. Recruit 61 people 2. Recruit Klaus and Kiba ~Level 3~ The castle starts getting very big and confusing at this point, with the huge amount of rooms and tunnels that, in fact, all join together. If you’re not careful you could find yourself lost in your own castle! But, it gets even bigger as soon as you 1. Recruit 102 people 3. This level is the final level, and last until you beat Suikoden 2 -Shops- Of course, certain people you recruit run shops in the town and castle. With all 108 characters, you’ll have everything from an Inn to a Trade Center. ~Item Shop~ Owner: Alex Alex runs the Item shop in town, and stocks whatever item shop you’ve visited before stocked. For example, if you went to a town and went to an item shop that sold Mega Medicine, Mega Medicine will be added to Alex’s inventory. Outstandingly useful, if you ask me. ~Armor Shop~ Owner: Hans Hans, of course, sells Armor. Like Alex, he stocks whatever armor shops you’ve visited so far. ~Rune Master~ Owner: Jeane Once Jeane is recruited, you’ll have your own Rune Master to engrave, remove, or sell Runes. She sells, you guessed it, whatever the Rune Master’s shop’s sold that you’ve visited before! ~Magic Scrolls~ Owner: Raura This special shop is opened after you get Raura to join you. She specializes in Magic Scrolls (i.e. Flame Wall). This is the only shop of its sort in the game giving it special qualities. Not only does she sell Magic Scrolls, but also if you bring a Rune to her, she’ll actually change it into a Scroll! ~Trade Center~ Owner: Gordon Gordon opens a Trade center, which can make you quite rich. You have to know what to trade at what center, of course, to get the best results. The following chart should clear this up a little. As you can see by looking at it, some items are real good investments, while other aren’t as good. Item to Trade Best Place to Buy Best Place to Sell Ancient Text 700p, Kobold Town 35000p, Forest Town Book 3500p, Forest Town 7300p, Rockaxe City Crystal Ball 300p, Crom Village 7000p, Kobold Town Candle 200p, Rokkaku Town 750p, Crom Village Deer Antler 1100p, Forest Town 5500p, Headquarters Flute 200p, Headquarters 700p, Rockaxe City Fur 350p, Headquarters 800p, South Window Gold Bar 17000p, Rokakku Town 40000p, Highway Town Holly Barrie 550p, Forest Town 1100p, Rockaxe City Mayonnaise 400p, South Window 2200p, Highway Town Musk 4500p, Highway Town 8500p, Crom Village Native Costume 800p, Gregminster 2500p, Highway Town Pearl 18000 Rokakku Town 35000p, Rockaxe City Red Pepper 1200p, Crom Village 3200p, Rockaxe City Salt 270p, South Window 700p, Rokakku Town Soy Sauce 300p, Rokakku Town 850p, Gregminster Sugar 150p, Forest Town 550p, Highway Town Wine 650p, Gregminster 1900p, Rockaxe City Wooden Amulet 350p, Kobold Town 850p, Crom Village -Helpful Areas- Aside from shops, your town includes other helpful areas of interest, such as an Inn. ~Blacksmith~ Owner: Tessai This is pretty basic, but sharpening your weapons is pretty darn important. This just go to show you that you shouldn’t forget the basics! ~Inn~ Owner: Hilda Alex’s wife, Hilda reopens her old Inn in your headquarters! It is, of course, useful to be able to rest and save before a major battle or something of that nature without having to go to the nearest town and back. ~Appraiser~ Owner: Lebrante This is the only ‘helpful area’ I’m not exactly satisfied with. At 400p per appraisal, it’s actually better to go to a town and get it done there. ~Telescope~ An interesting addition, indeed. On top of the castle’s watchtower, you’ll find a telescope that’s used for sightseeing. It’s useless, actually, but still pretty neat-o. ~Library~ Owner: Emilia Whenever you get Emilia to join you, you’ll get a library. Once you do, go get all your ‘Old Books’ from the storeroom and give them to her. She’ll put them on the shelf and you can read them, intern, getting some sort of history lesson about the game or other information. It’s actually quite interesting. However, the old books found throughout the game are interesting at the most, they contain information about a number of things you wouldn’t normally find out during the game. There are 8 books in all, but these are all I’ve found. If you’ve gotten all the books, I’m open to contributions. If you DO send me one of the books (that is, what the book says), I’ll be sure to put it up. Thank ya. Seeker of Sindar (Personal note about the book: The Sindar are a very strange addition to Suikoden 2. About three of your recruits are people looking for the Sindar treasure, and it makes me wonder if they’ll be mentioned anymore throughout the Suikodens.) Page 1: I spent my life chasing the secrets of the Sindar, but here in these ruins, Page 2: I’ve reached the end of my strength. And so I write some of what I’ve learned. Page 3: The Sindar are a phantom race. They have become known throughout history and yet their true nature is a mystery. Page 4: They came from the north and traveled south, leaving mysterious ruins behind them. Page 5: Legends say the clan leader had a cursed rune inscribed in him forehead. Page 6: It granted eternal life but doomed the clan to a life of wondering. Page 7: They say a secret treasure lies in the heart of the ruins, Page 8: but there are many traps, and most seekers only find death, like myself… Rare Find List (Personal note about the book: One of the more useful books of the game. It contains a list of Rare Finds for a lot of the town throughout the game. However, once you buy the Rare Finds, this book won’t do you much good.) Page 1: Ryube: Leather Coat, Brass Armor. Toto: Feather Hat. Page 2: Kyaro: Winged Boots. Muse: Sun Badge, Guard Robe, Circuret, Water Crystal, Fury Crystal. Page 3: Coronet: Tunic, Karate Uniform. Kuskus: Sacrificial Jizo. Page 4: South Window: Half Plate, Kite Shield, Water Crystal. Radat: Speed Ring, Sound Set #5, Magic Robe. Page 5: Lakewest: Headgear, Earth Crystal. Two River: Guard Ring, Silver Hat, Wizard Crystal. Page 6: Kobold Village: Gold Emblem, Heavy Necklace. Greenhill: Draining Crystal. Forest Village: Scale Mail. Page 7: Rockaxe: Silverlet, Brass Armor, Thunder God Garb. Highway Village: Rabbit Plans #2, Thunder Armlet. Page 8: Banner Village: Rose Brooch, Rabbit Plans #3, Full Plate. Gregminster: Winged Boots, Mangosh, Mother Earth Crystal, Flowing Crystal. Page 9: Tinto Town: Skill Ring, Wind Hat, Tunic, Kaikyoku Wear. Crom: Magic Ring. Character List (Personal note about the book: This doesn’t actually list every recruit in the game, but actually just a few. And it doesn’t tell you how to recruit them, it just tells you about them and where they can be located.) Page 1: Clive: From the Howling Voice Guild is chasing a “woman.” Be careful of his gun. Page 2: Oulan: Trying to rid Kuskus of a thief who preys on all female parties. Page 3: Zamza: Seen in South Window. A master a magic and fists, he can also be seen in Toto. Page 4: Killy: Hunts for the secrets of the Sindar. Seems to be exploring in South Window. Page 5: Hoi: A thief who goes in and out of Radat. Page 6: Simone Vedricci: Staying in Radat while he studies away from home. Page 7: Pesmerga: Black Knight seens in Toran as well as the Cave of the Winds. Page 8: Jeane: Rune master from Toran. Opened a shop in Two River. Page 9: Meg, Gadget: Apprentice to a machination. Seen traveling from Greenhill to Muse. Page 10: Genshu: Seen at the inn in Coronet. Travels the world to improve his swordsmanship. The Gate Rune War (personal note about the book: If you, for some reason, didn’t play the first Suikoden, this will possibly shed some light on the Toran Republic. If you DID play the first game, you will have lived the book, and then some. So, aside from getting to read about yourself, the book is rather useless.) Page 1: The war in which the Toran Republic defeated the Scarlet Moon Empire is known as the “Gate Rune War” or the “Liberation War.” Page 2: The first leader of the victorious Liberation Army was a woman named Odessa Silverburg. Page 3: She was originally emperial nobility, but her lover was killed by the Empire and Page 4: so she joined the Resistance and formed the Liberation Army. Page 5: The original members were Flik, Humphery and Sanchez, but according to another member, Viktor, Page 6: the later victorys were due to the intervention of McDohl, the son of the 6th emperial general. Page 7: During the war, Odessa was killed and McDohl took over leadership over the Liberation Army. Page 8: McDohl followed the advice of General Mathiu and set up Hora Castle as the new Liberation Army base. Page 9: After many battles, they succeeded in over throwing emperor Barbossa. Page 10: However after helping form a new nation McDohl journeyed off somewhere without seeing the fruits of his long labors. The Grasslands (personal note on the book: I’ve heard rumors that the Grasslands are where the next game may take place. If that turns out to be true, then this will be enlightened a little bit. This book is very short, one of the shortest books you find, and it doesn’t give much info on the actual Grasslands. It just tells you its location (north of Tinto), and who live there, etc. Anyway, this really makes me want Suikoden 3 to hurry up to see if this is where it takes place… It’s ever so mysterious… Page 1: The Grasslands are a grassy plain stretching from the western part of Tinto to the north. Page 2: Many different peoples live there, and are trying to take control of it. Page 3: Tinto plans on more raids in the future, but they’re hindered by the Grasslanders, Page 4: particularly the Karaya and Chisya clans, as well as the Free Knights of Camaro. Page 5: Recently, border attacks by a group of thieves called the “Keeper of the Flame” have increased. Page 6: (blank) ~Storeroom~ Owner: Barbara This is outstandingly useful, and best of all, you get it at near the start of the game. This is used for storing items that you might not need at the moment, or when you have to make some quick room in your inventory. With the Storeroom, you won’t have to drop items nearly as much as you WOULD have to. ~Cartographer~ Owner: Templeton Otherwise known as a mapmaker, Templeton has made a map of the whole State area. Not only does he give you one when you recruit him, but he also posts one on the wall of your castle. This huge map simply list towns, locations, buildings, and pictures of every town featured in the game (except Greminster, I think). ~The Bar~ Owner: Leona Now, this may sound a bit useless, but it’s actually not. Aside from running the bar, Leona also manages your party members. Of course, this is anything but useless! ~Fast Transportation~ Owner: Viki Viki is a pretty messed up girl, but she can get you around very fast nonetheless. Once you recruit her, you’ll be able to teleport to any single city you’ve already visited (except Greminster). Something you should know, also. The more you use Viki to get around, the better chance you have of getting accidentally teleported to a secret room in the game! You’ll know if Viki says “Huh?” instead of “Shazam!” then you’re on your way to the secret room. If you DO get to the room, WALK, don’t run, take every treasure you see (its really good stuff) and soon someone will run up the stairs, find you, and throw you out. -Other Interesting Things and Places- Interesting things and places are things like the Suggestion Box, or the Bronze Statue you get sometime in the game. ~Suggestion Box~ This appears outside the Main Hall. People write things and leave them in the box for you to read. Of course, there isn’t always something in there, but the more people you get, the more letters you get as well. This isn’t a necessary section of the game, or the guide, but I found a lot of these letters interesting and funny. These are, by the way, in alphabetical order, but since I don’t have many up yet it just seems like I just typed them up. But I didn’t! Alphabetical all the way! If you have any letters you’d like to submit, go for it! Send them to jook@ignmail.com! ARE YOU GOOD? From Captain Gengen Jonathan, are you good? Gengen is trying very hard to be good solder. Me work hard as a bee. Gengen BEST OF THE BEST!!! I’ve been traning. I’m faster then ever. Faster then the wind! Stallion BUSTED AGAIN That thing on Gadget is busted again. He’s making so much noise. Maybe I should tighten his thingamajig. Meg BONAPARTE Bonaparte is so cute. When he saw this box, he wanted to pee on it. But I stopped him. Tee hee hee. Millie EXTRA CRYSTALS If you’ve got extra crystals, bring them to me. You can’t find the scrolls I make anywhere else. Give them a try. Raura the Scribe ENCERAGE HIM Bolgan has been coming a lot recently and has been studying really hard. If you see him, please tell him how proud you are of him. Emilia FANTASTIC LETTER #3 With me on your side, you have no excuse for losing. Just remember that and we’ll have no problems. Zamza GREAT CAPTION Captain Gengen showed me how to use a sword today. Captain Gengen is so strong! Gobocha GREAT CAPTAIN #2 Todat Captain Gengen taught me how to track enemies. You have to sort out the different smells. Gobocha GREAT CAPTIAN #3 Captain Gengen taught me how to swim today. He can stay underwater for 15 minutes! The fisherman was so surprised, he jumped in too! Gobocha HEY! This is the suggestion box, huh. Just wanted to see if you’d read this. Hee hee hee. See ya, bro. Nanami HE HE HE!! This is a cursed letter. If you don’t pass it on to 5 more people, you’ll be cursed. Have a nice day. Cid HOUSE IN RYUBE Lord Hero, I’ve left a bunch of tools at my home in Ryube. I can’t do without them. Tsai HEALTH WARNING Lord Hero, you’ve been looking tired lately. Please remember your health comes first. Huan HOW DOES THIS SOUND? I want to write a letter to Flik. How does this sound? “Lord Flik, you’re as lovely as a star in the sky…” From Nina I DON’T THINK Lord Hero, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a warrior. What do you think? Hix I’M HAPPY D’ya know what? Taro… Taro loves Yuzu! Yuzu LET’S GET TOGETHER… Hero, why don’t ya come visit me at the docks. The salt air smells great and we can do some fishing together. Yam Koo LIBRARY I was so surprised to hear how few of your solders read books. Fortunately more people seem to be getting interested lately. Emilia LIFE LESSON! To live is to fight!!! Long-Chan Chan MY SECOND GREAT LETTER The castle is too hot. Also there are too many people. Why don’t you ask some of the less important people to leave? Zamza MY DREAM I want to work hard so I can be a great doctor like Cr. Huan someday. Tuta MY DEAREST FAMILY Mary, Thomas, are you well? I’m in the )*&^)&*^ Army now. I hope to return in the spring. Love, Gilbert MY THANKS Thanks to the Celadon Urn you gave me, I know have 100 vases and my collection is complete. I thank you. Liberante OKAY, HOW ABOUT THIS? I’m going to try a more mature approach. How’s this sound: “Ciao, Flik. How ARE you? I’m laying in bed in my pajamas…” From Nina PLEASE DO SOMETHING With all these villages and forts disappearing, it’s hard to keep the map updated. Please end this war soon. Templton PLEASE Please Lord Hero. Please make Hix into a true warrior. Tengaar RICHMOND INVESTIGATIONS Remember that all my investigations are handled absolutely discreetly. Loose lips sink ships. Richmond SLOW DOWN From Captain Gengen, Jonathan, don’t work too hard. You might hurt yourself. Come talk to Gengen is you feel sad, okay. Gengen SO NICE Everyone here is nice. It’s a pleasure to wash their cloths. Yoshino SUGGESTION Hey, Lets get some more cute girls to join our army. Sheena THANK YOU Lord Hero, I’ll never forget how you helped me find the coin that day at the river. Thank you. Apple THANKS Thank you for saving Bright. I’ll take good care of him. I promise. Futch THE BEST The food here is great! The best!!!! Rikimaru THANKS Lord Hero, thank you. I’m so happy that you listened to my singing in South Window. I’ll never forget you. Annallee RATS Lately, the warehouse has been full of rats. Please do something about it…. Barbara WHAT ABOUT IT? Did Apple say anything about me? Tell me if you hear anything, okay? Sheena YOU STRONG From Captain Gengen, Jonathan, you are very strong now. Not as strong as me, but strong enough. Me proud of you. Gengen Here are three letters that I don’t know the titles for: I'm not as accomplished a phonologies as my father yet, but I hope to be someday. Connell I've gotten used to your lovely castle, but the more I'm here the more I wish I realize I belong in Greenhill. Teresa Wisemail Lord Hero, forgive me. I mistakenly put a letter to my family into this box Gilbert ~Troop Placement~ This is quite nifty, but not really necessary for beating the game. Still, you can tinker around with your units (the ones that are used in major battles). The possibilities are simply endless! I suggest you experiment with this a bit, you may find something you like. When you want to mess with your troops, talk to Apple in the Main Hall. ~Boat~ The boat, which rests at the docks, can be used to sail anywhere in the lake, but you’ll probably just start using Viki for your main sort of transportation once you have her. ~Window Settings~ Once you have Tenkou, give him the Window Sets that you’ve found for new window setting options! Useless, but neat-o!! ~Bronze Statue~ When your castle is finally level 4 a statue will appear on the fourth floor telling you who has been the most useful in the battles of the game to that point. ~Sound Settings~ When you’ve recruited Connell, give all your Sound Sets to him and you’ll be able to change the game’s menu sound effects. ~Guardian Deity Statue~ Jude, who you recruit during the game, builds this statue. But you also need to collect all the 16 plans scattered over the world. You can build a Dragon, a Bunny, a Unicorn or a Turtle. Or you can mix them up, which can get… sort of interesting. The first time you build a statue, you’ll receive some sort of gift. Below is a list of what you can get. I’ve used abbreviations so it won’t take as long to type (I’m lazy!!!). The abbreviations are as follows: D = Dragon R = Rabbit T = Turtle U = Unicorn 1 = Plan 1 2 = Plan 2 3 = Plan 3 4 = Plan 4 Body Tail Legs Head Item you receive D3 D2 D1 D4 Dragon Incense U3 U2 D1 D4 Rage Rune U3 U2 U1 D4 Skunk Rune U3 U2 T1 D4 Firefly Rune T3 T2 D1 D4 Gold Bar T3 U2 R1 D4 Wall Rune R3 R2 D1 D4 Dragon Incense or Fortune Rune D3 D2 D1 T4 Silver Armor D3 U2 U1 T4 Technique Rune D3 D2 T1 T4 Whirlwind Armor D3 U2 T1 T4 Silence Rune T4 U1 R2 U3 Boulder Set or Toy Boat T4 T1 U2 U3 Mother Earth Rune T4 R1 D2 U3 Dream Robe T4 D1 T2 T3 Prosperity Rune T4 T1 T3 D1 Mother Earth Rune T4 D1 D2 R3 Robe of Mist T4 T1 U2 R3 Dryad Rune T4 T1 R2 R3 Cyclone Rune R4 R1 U2 U3 Phero Rune R4 T1 T2 T3 Fine Bone China R4 R1 T2 T3 Prosperity Rune or Fortune Rune R4 R1 R3 D2 Chaos Shield U4 T1 D3 T2 Landscape Painting U4 T1 R2 D3 Rubber Duck U4 T1 U2 U3 Hunter Rune U4 U1 T2 T3 Thunder Rune U4 U1 T2 T3 Flowing Rune U4 T1 T2 T3 Goddess Statue U4 R1 R2 R3 Fortune Rune ~Ranch~ The ranch is where Yuzu hangs out. Whenever you find a farm animal, catch it and she’ll take care of it for you. Of course, this really increases the food supply of the restaurant in your castle quite a bit. ~Farm~ Right next to the ranch is this farm. Bring Tony seeds to plant and you’ll have a garden in no time at all. ~The Band~ When you’ve gotten Albert, Pico and Annallee to join, you can talk to them and they’ll play you any background music you want to hear from the game. Oh, by the way, be sure to listen to the neat-o morning music (nicely titled Beautiful Morning)!!! ~Richmond~ Richmond can give you nice hints on where to find new recruits, and how to get them. He also tells you secrets about the people in your army! -Mini Games- ~The Old Whack-A-Mole Game~ Location: The Farm Owner: Tony Tony’s garden has a lot of moles that need to be beaten, and so you can beat them for him! Alright!! There are about four difficulty levels, beat the four of them and you’ll get some Mole armor. ~Fishing~ Location: The Docks Owner: Yam Koo Fishing is probably the easiest mini game. Simply keep the power gauge in the big bar going up and down; and you’ll have a fish, or a boot. The list goes on. The best fish is Salmon, which can be sold for over 4000p. ~Dancing~ Location: The room behind the stage Owner: Karen This can get kinda tough, for me especially cause my reflexes aren’t that great. This game has five levels of hardness, and stages four and five are random when it comes to the dance! However, levels one two and three have set dance steps to follow. Level 1: Triangle Square Circle X Triangle X Circle Square Level 2: Triangle Square Circle X Triangle X Circle Square Triangle Square Circle X Triangle X Circle Square Level 3: Circle Square Triangle Triangle Square X Circle X Circle Square Triangle Triangle Square X Circle X Circle Square Triangle Triangle Square X Circle X Level 4: Random, but watch out for the use of the L1 and R1 buttons. Level 5: Same as Level four. As you can plainly see, it gets much hardy each dance. You can win some nice stuff from this, though, so good luck! ~The Climbing Game~ Location: Through the door above the restaurant Owner: The owner of this mini game has no name This is pretty interesting, I must say. There are three leagues; they all have their own prizes and prices to play. It’s pretty much just a big board game, really. But even so, there are some really nice prizes to be won! To make it really annoying though, the prizes are chosen at random and depend on if you came in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. The Expert 10000p League: 3rd 2nd 1st Mega Medicine Ninja Suit Turtle Plans 4 Graffiti Silverlet Goldlet Sunglasses Sexy Wink Celadon Urn Mantle Kite Shield Kaikioku Wear Millet Dumpling Gold Bar Dog Whistle The Intermediate 5000p League: 3rd 2nd 1st Medicine Stone of Power Invisible Smile Boots Magic Stone Ninja Suit Failure Urn Boulder Set Silver Shield Lubricating Oil Secret Writings Deer Antler Blur Dragon Urn Leisure Set The Beginner 1000p League: 3rd 2nd 1st Medicine Teriyaki Karate Uniform Wooden Shoes Gauntlet Cup of Promise Hex Doll Blow of Anger Card Sun Patch National Outfit Wide Urn Rose Bouquet And that’s about it! Even though this game can be frustrating, it’s also fun, sometimes. ? ~Chinchirorin~ Location: Barracks Owner: Shilo Once you get Shilo, you can have the pleasure of playing this outstandingly annoying and frustrating game any time you want!!! YEAH!!!! ~Cooking~ Location: Restraint Owner: None This is probably the most popular mini game in Suikoden 2. But it would be a waste of my time to write an ingredients list or something, since there are several on the Internet! When you recruit Hai Yo, strange chefs will appear and challenge him all the time. Be sure to visit the restaurant often to see if a new chef is there. -Anything I Might Have Missed- This section is always open for people to send me anything they want me to put up about the castle that I missed. I only have one thing at the moment, and that is this list of things to do in your bath. And I’ve only heard of these things, I’ve never bothered to do any of them yet. So if you want to tell me any more things to do for bath time fun, or want to tell me what some of these combos do, feel free. First you have to get all the flying squirrels. Now you need all the character that show up on the stone tablet, then you have to have access to all towns, finish all the cooking contest then when you have done all of the above go to where your dock is in your castle. Characara will appear near Yam Koo, chase him until his friends appear (Ruladia, and the other one) then they are yours to control. There are several hammers hidden throughout the world. Bring these hammers to Tessai and you can automatically jump one of your weapons to a very nice level. Bring Viktor and Flik into the cypress bath. Bring Viktor and Flik into the jungle bath. With any party, put six Blue Dragon Vases around the bath and two Landscape Paintings. Enter the bath 20 times once your castle reaches level four. Put six Vases and two Flower Paintings Around the bath. If you put 6 hex dolls and 2 Graffiti’s in the bath, The Hex dolls' eyes begin to shine, and the Graffiti’s eyes begin to bleed. Put six Hex Dolls around the bath. Put six Chinese Dishes all around the bath. Put six Pertain Lamps around the bath. -Credits- Jakob for all his tons of info. Tim Saxton for his very nifty recruiting trick for… dang… what were there names? The big octopus guys? ? And a note to everyone out there: I HATE MY COMPUTER. -Disclaimer- All characters, names, etc, are ©Konami. Konami is not associated with me or this FAQ in any way. This FAQ should not be reproduced, electronically or otherwise, without my consent first. This walkthrough is ©2000 Jonathan Bouldin. Thanks