***************************************************************************** *******************Suikoden: Character Database FAQ************************** ***************************************************************************** Technical stuff I gotta do: Version 1.2 Date: 2003 Author: SIMSteven A GameFAQs Strategy Guide and ONLY for GameFAQs and those I have given permission to. I will put their names on the bottom so don't lie! This is a must for any FAQ, and if you haven’t noticed by now I’ll spell it out for you: COPYRIGHT (C) NOTICE!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT (C) NOTICE!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT (C) NOTICE!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT (C) NOTICE!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT (C) NOTICE!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT (C) NOTICE!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT (C) NOTICE!!!!!!!! C-O-P-Y-R-I-G-H-T (C) N-O-T-I-C-E-!!!!!!!! FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY!!!!!!!! COPYWRITED (C) BY SIMSteven!!!!! HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I just HATE people who copy/plagiarize other people’s work and call it their own. What is plagiarism you ask? It’s the technical word for the stealing of other people’s work. It’s also ILLEGAL in every state and country. Patchwork plagiarism is also illegal. This means that someone copies someone else’s work, changes a few words and/or paragraphs, and claims that it is an original work. In other words: DON’T DO IT without my permission!!!!!! My E-mail is SIMSteven@aol.com. Just e-mail me and there'll be a good chance that you get to use my work as long as you tell me who you are, where you're from, and where you'll put it. Make sure that I give you a response as well. Also, make sure to give me the credit for doing the work and do NOT alter it in any way, shape, or form. Also, when you e-mail me, put "Suikoden: Character Database FAQ" in the subject heading or you will be ignored. Okay?! OKAY!! Quick Page Length info: This page is best viewed in MS Word with 1" margins. Font = Courier New Size 10. Times New Roman Size 12 will also work. Test: |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Information on this FAQ: This FAQ is a database on every character in the game. Well, to be more precise, this FAQ tells you everything you need to know about every character that can fight in a battle. It tells you their strengths and weaknesses, and is an all-around FAQ for you character selection needs. If you are having a hard time choosing a character for your main party, this FAQ will tell you which characters are the best characters in the game according to stats, physical strength, and magical strength. I started writing this FAQ after I had leveled up my characters to an average level of 58. My main characters at the end of the game had obviously gone up to a higher level because they could not be removed from the party. I decided that level 58 was a reasonable level to make the average level because it's the level where leveling up past 58 would become a chore. Other characters had gone past level 58 while I was still experimenting with the Fortune Rune. They had actually gone past 58 to somewhere in the 60s. Then, I changed my pattern of leveling-up and decided I would use a Codebreaker to make my characters' levels shoot to 99 just to see how powerful they'd really get. I'd do that so you'd see, too. SPOILER NOTICE! This FAQ will try to remain spoiler free, but be warned, as with any FAQ, information will be revealed that you probably won't know had you not read this FAQ. I went out of my way to max out every character in the game so I could make a FAQ for you. That means that I maxed out my characters at the end of the game, so certain areas and people are in here that reveal much about the end of the game. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Mwahahaha..... ***************************************************************************** *****************************Version History********************************* ***************************************************************************** Version 1.2: www.gamenotover.com can now use my FAQ. Version 1.1: faqs.ign.com now has permission to use my FAQ. Version 1.0: FAQ created. ***************************************************************************** ****************************Table of Contents******************************** ***************************************************************************** 1) The Powerhouse Magicians Tir McDohl, Camille, Mina 2) The Magical Swordsmen Flik, Alen, Grenseal, Sonya, Milich, Sheena 3) The Long-Ranged Magicians Cleo, Tengaar, Kirkis, Sylvina, Rubi, Eileen 4) The Full-Fledged Magicians Luc, Crowley, Hellion, Fukien, Lotte, Liukan, Kamandol 5) The Rock-Solid Fighters Vicktor, Humphrey, Valeria, Milia, Kasim, Kwanda, Varkas, Pesmerga, Kreutz, Fu Su Lu, Leonardo, Blackman 6) The Martial Artists Pahn, Ronnie, Morgan, Eikei 7) The Average Fighters 7.S Short Ranged Average Fighters Lepant, Kuromimi, Hix, Griffith, Gen, Gon, Kirke, Kimberly 7.M Medium Ranged Average Fighters Gremio, Tai Ho, Yam Koo, Kai, Futch, Kessler, Anji, Kanak, Warren, Mose, Mace, Meese, Moose, Maas, Lester 7.L Long Ranged Average Fighters Kasumi, Sydonia, Clive, Lorelai, Kage, Fuma, Sarah, Meg, Quincy 8) The Horrible Fighters Krin, Stallion, Juppo, Sergei, Sansuke, Antonio 9) Recruitment Drive (COMING SOON!) 10) Finding Runes (COMING SOON!) 11) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 12) People who have permission to use my FAQ 13) Credits ***************************************************************************** ************************1) The Powerhouse Magicians************************** ***************************************************************************** General Rating: ***** 1) About this class of characters: These characters are classified due to their extremely well-balanced performance. They have strong physical and magical strengths. Their stats are all relatively high. Their weapons are very sharp at level 16, and they are not swordsman. There is another class for the swordsman. These characters are strong physically and magically, but have weapons other than swords. To give you an idea of what kind of character this is, think of Tir McDohl, the Hero. These warriors are few, as I could only find three characters that fit this description. Tir, however, far outclasses the other two, so don't come whining to me about these characters because they're are gods like Tir is. 1.1) Tir McDohl Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 158 Recommended Rune: Soul Eater Stats at Level 68: HP 712 PWR 168 SPD 189 SKL 195 MGC 162 DEF 150 LUK 172 Magic Points: 8/7/5/3 Stats at Level 99: HP 858 PWR 188 SPD 215 SKL 220 MGC 178 DEF 168 LUK 178 Magic Points: 9/8/6/4 Evaluation: He's the hero of the game, so you'll know him better than anyone. He's a powerhouse when it comes to attacking strength, and he can kill everyone on the screen when he gets his Hell attack. His Judgment attack is the most powerful attack in the game as well. Nevertheless, he's the best character in the game when it comes down to all the goods he has. 1.2) Camille Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Rage Rune/ Fire Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 608 PWR 140 SPD 145 SKL 200 MGC 143 DEF 123 LUK 100 Magic Points: 8/5/4/1 Stats at Level 99: HP 816 PWR 165 SPD 168 SKL 242 MGC 170 DEF 144 LUK 125 Magic Points: 8/7/6/4 Evaluation: She's a good fighter all-around. She's really good with physical attacks, but she doesn't get as many magic points as Tir. I'm sure that, based off her level 58 stats, she'd get one more level 4 magic point if I raised her to level 59. Anyways, put her in a party with Tir and she'll be a good multi-enemy attacker. Combine the two and you have a strong multi-enemy attacker and a strong single-enemy attacker. It's great for the final battle! 1.3) Mina Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 158 Recommended Rune: Resurrection Rune/ Flowing Rune/ Water Rune/ Stats at Level 58: HP 434 PWR 81 SPD 133 SKL 125 MGC 159 DEF 123 LUK 171 Magic Points: 8/6/5/3 Stats at Level 99: HP 635 PWR 105 SPD 160 SKL 150 MGC 191 DEF 148 LUK 199 Magic Points: 9/8/7/5 Evaluation: Ok, she really isn't the strongest physically, but she'd easily bypass Tir in the magic department. Most of her other stats are on par to Tir's. Most of her stats came really close to his when I leveled her up when Tir was around level 61 or so. That's why I decided to put her here in this class instead of any other class. The only reason why she'd belong in another class is that she's an S ranged character. But since she attacks with a shawl, I had no other place to put her. (She's not a magical swordsman. She has no sword.) Mina's an odd one, she is. No one else is like her. ***************************************************************************** ************************2) The Magical Swordsmen***************************** ***************************************************************************** General Rating: ***** 2) About this class of characters: These characters are almost exactly the same as The Powerhouse Magicians, except that these guys use swords. Think of Flik. His magical strength is high, along with his physical strength. But Flik is not the only one. There are a total of six characters in this class. Each should be given a different magic rune for variety. 2.1) Flik Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Lightning Rune/ Cyclone Rune/ Thunder Rune Stats at Level 68: HP 723 PWR 170 SPD 167 SKL 175 MGC 146 DEF 129 LUK 133 Magic Points: 8/6/4/2 Stats at Level 99: HP 877 PWR 188 SPD 194 SKL 192 MGC 161 DEF 150 LUK 149 Magic Points: 8/6/4/2 Evaluation: Flik the Blue Lightning is just one of those characters you can't go without (literally!). I actually give Flik a Cyclone Rune because you can remove his Lightning Rune, but Grenseal can't remove his Thunder Rune. So, I make a balanced army with each Magical Swordsman having a different rune. 2.2) Alen Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Rage Rune Stats at Level 59: HP 680 PWR 166 SPD 123 SKL 119 MGC 147 DEF 146 LUK 122 Magic Points: 8/6/4/2 Stats at Level 99: HP 872 PWR 191 SPD 148 SKL 145 MGC 166 DEF 170 LUK 144 Magic Points: 8/7/6/3 Evaluation: Alen is a personal favorite. His is very much like Flik, and we know how good Flik is, don't we? Well, Alen is even better at magic than Flik is, so he'll get more spells to cast than Flik. (Remeber, we're comparing Alen to a lower level Flik. Alen had more MP than Flik at the time I trained Alen.) He's not as strong physically, but not by much. 2.3) Grenseal Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Thunder Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 606 PWR 141 SPD 141 SKL 122 MGC 157 DEF 143 LUK 103 Magic Points: 8/6/5/3 Stats at Level 99: HP 815 PWR 168 SPD 168 SKL 149 MGC 189 DEF 170 LUK 129 Magic Points: 9/8/7/5 Evaluation: Despite the fact the Grenseal comes with a Thunder Rune and is a Master Swordsman, I never really got into using him. His stats are lower than I feel that they should be, and Flik is a good replacement until you get a Cyclone Rune. His HP has taken a big hit when compared to Alen and Flik, but his Magic is more powerful than Alen's. 2.4) Sonya Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Flowing Rune/ Water Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 656 PWR 159 SPD 181 SKL 151 MGC 142 DEF 125 LUK 110 Magic Points: 8/5/4/1 Stats at Level 99: HP 860 PWR 188 SPD 216 SKL 175 MGC 175 DEF 154 LUK 135 Magic Points: 9/7/6/4 Evaluation: Sonya has high stats in all areas. She also ranks third for HP in the Magical Swordsman class. She's not as good with magic, though, but a Flowing Rune will work well since the healing spells don't change much from the last three levels of MP. 2.5) Milich Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Mother Earth Rune/ Earth Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 613 PWR 146 SPD 127 SKL 128 MGC 161 DEF 147 LUK 64 Magic Points: 8/7/5/3 Stats at Level 99: HP 820 PWR 171 SPD 152 SKL 151 MGC 192 DEF 175 LUK 78 Magic Points: 9/8/7/5 Evaluation: Peacock Man is actually a good fighter when it all boils down to numbers. He doesn't have much Luck (imagine that), but he's good at casting spells. He's a good fighter until you get Alen and Grenseal. You might want to use him until you get them. 2.6) Sheena Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Lightning Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 613 PWR 146 SPD 156 SKL 130 MGC 160 DEF 144 LUK 160 Magic Points: 8/6/5/3 Stats at Level 99: HP 816 PWR 175 SPD 187 SKL 153 MGC 180 DEF 169 LUK 187 Magic Points: 9/8/6/4 Evaluation: Surprisingly, he's a very well-rounded character with high stats. I thought this slacker was good only for chasing girls. ^_^ Anyways, I never used him, but he's a good fighter. You're stuck with his Lightning Rune, though. ***************************************************************************** ************************3) The Long-Ranged Magicians************************* ***************************************************************************** General Rating: ***** 3) About this class of characters: These characters are also few, as they some of the few characters who have an L range attack plus plenty of spells to spare. If you think of Cleo, then you're right on with the type of character this is. There are also six characters in this class, and oddly, all of the elves all fit nicely in this class (excpet for Stallion). Elves are sometimes forgotten when it comes down to picking a good party, but they are powerful support fire fighters if you sharpen their weapons and give them a good rune. 3.1) Cleo Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Flowing Rune Stats at Level 59: HP 611 PWR 142 SPD 161 SKL 169 MGC 168 DEF 147 LUK 92 Magic Points: 8/7/6/3 Stats at Level 99: HP 802 PWR 161 SPD 186 SKL 201 MGC 195 DEF 167 LUK 108 Magic Points: 9/9/7/5 Evaluation: The best part about Cleo is you get her early in the game. Once you get to the Cave of the Past, you will find a chest with a Flowing Crystal in it. Give Cleo the Flowing Rune and the rest of the game will go smoothly. Take a look at her stats. Quite high, aren't they? 3.2) Tengaar Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Rage Rune Stats at Level 59: HP 492 PWR 101 SPD 142 SKL 162 MGC 182 DEF 129 LUK 81 Magic Points: 9/8/6/4 Stats at Level 99: HP 696 PWR 125 SPD 167 SKL 186 MGC 220 DEF 156 LUK 108 Magic Points: 9/9/8/7 Evaluation: She's a personal favorite of mine. Give her a Rage Rune and pair her up with Flik, Cleo, and Alen and you have a perfect party. Tengaar has a lot of MP, but she only gets 492 HP at level 59. But if you put her in the back row and give Cleo a Flowing Rune, Tengaar will stay alive for a good long while. To get a Rage Rune, you can fight monsters in Moravia or visit Neclord's organ room. There's a hidden Rage Rune in a chest directly south of the center of the organ. 3.3) Kirkis Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 155 Recommended Rune: Resurrection Rune/ Rage Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 600 PWR 143 SPD 158 SKL 204 MGC 140 DEF 139 LUK 105 Magic Points: 7/5/4/1 Stats at Level 99: HP 803 PWR 173 SPD 193 SKL 245 MGC 167 DEF 166 LUK 127 Magic Points: 8/7/6/3 Evaluation: He's the weakest as far as Magic goes, but he does well in shooting the enemy down. I usually give him a Resurrection Rune because there are already five other people in this class. The other five people have a rune, with each being a different element. 3.4) Sylvina Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 155 Recommended Rune: Cyclone Rune/ Wind Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 479 PWR 102 SPD 157 SKL 140 MGC 144 DEF 111 LUK 165 Magic Points: 8/7/4/2 Stats at Level 99: HP 686 PWR 128 SPD 187 SKL 165 MGC 170 DEF 135 LUK 189 Magic Points: 8/7/6/4 Evaluation: She doesn't have much HP, Defense, and Power, but her other stats are pretty good. She's got several spells to cast, but not as many as some of the other Long-Ranged Magicians. 3.5) Rubi Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 155 Recommended Rune: Thunder Rune/ Lightning Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 608 PWR 144 SPD 166 SKL 162 MGC 164 DEF 123 LUK 45 Magic Points: 8/7/5/3 Stats at Level 99: HP 810 PWR 167 SPD 198 SKL 195 MGC 195 DEF 149 LUK 57 Magic Points: 9/9/7/5 Evaluation: When I first started playing Suikoden, Rubi was one of those characters I used a lot. She's quite good with magic, she's speedy, and she has high stats in every department except Luck. Needless to say, she's a good pick. 3.6) Eileen Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Mother Earth Rune/ Earth Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 425 PWR 83 SPD 156 SKL 126 MGC 182 DEF 85 LUK 142 Magic Points: 9/8/6/4 Stats at Level 99: HP 633 PWR 108 SPD 188 SKL 151 MGC 222 DEF 108 LUK 165 Magic Points: 9/9/9/7 Evaluation: A nice amount of MP, but Tengaar is better. Eileen has the lowest HP and Power of this class, so you'll want someone else besides her. ***************************************************************************** ************************4) The Full-Fledged Magicians************************ ***************************************************************************** General Rating: **** 4) About this class of characters: These characters are much more powerful in the magical sense, but much less powerful in the physical sense. In general, they have many spells to cast, so giving them high-level runes is a must. They are characterized by their weapon, which is either a staff or a rod. These weapons are the weakest weapons in the game, as they usually only get 130 attack points. Two of the characters don't even belong in this class because they don't get much MP, but they have a staff and a rod, so I decided to put them in this class just because of their weapon. 4.1) Luc Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Cyclone Rune Stats at Level 60: HP 341 PWR 47 SPD 163 SKL 137 MGC 227 DEF 60 LUK 62 Magic Points: 9/9/8/6 Stats at Level 99: HP 506 PWR 58 SPD 190 SKL 162 MGC 266 DEF 79 LUK 78 Magic Points: 9/9/9/9 Evaluation: He's not too friendly, especially to monsters. He has tons of MPs, but his Defense, HP, Power and Luck are all quite weak. Keep him in the back row, even though he is a S range character. 4.2) Crowley Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Thunder Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 430 PWR 80 SPD 140 SKL 100 MGC 220 DEF 72 LUK 105 Magic Points: 9/9/8/6 Stats at Level 99: HP 627 PWR 101 SPD 163 SKL 129 MGC 262 DEF 90 LUK 129 Magic Points: 9/9/9/9 Evaluation: Mr. Magic himself, Crowley boasts the highest MP in the game. At level 58, his magic power is at an amazing 220 points! He's also fast with a speed of 140. I give him a Thunder Rune and give his Cyclone Rune to Luc. Surely, you don't need two Full-Fledged Magicians with Cyclone Runes? Crowley does very well with a Thunder Rune. 4.3) Hellion Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Mother Earth Rune HP 377 PWR 63 SPD 103 SKL 58 MGC 189 DEF 98 LUK 123 Magic Points: 9/8/7/5 Stats at Level 99: HP 550 PWR 84 SPD 127 SKL 77 MGC 227 DEF 122 LUK 148 Magic Points: 9/9/9/7 Evaluation: She's not as powerful as Crowley, and the fact that she's limited to her Mother Earth Rune casts her away to the sidelines. The Mother Earth Rune isn't too great, even though it's a high-level rune. But it never hurts to have a diverse army. ^_^ Her stats are lower than Crowley's (with the exception of Defense and Luck). She's just not the greatest fighter. Her MP is always welcome, though, so she'll support the party well enough. 4.4) Fukien Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Resurrection Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 431 PWR 76 SPD 138 SKL 106 MGC 153 DEF 118 LUK 149 Magic Points: 8/6/5/2 Stats at Level 99: HP 639 PWR 101 SPD 157 SKL 129 MGC 179 DEF 140 LUK 172 Magic Points: 9/8/6/4 Evaluation: The worst magician out of the lot, Fukien has a rare Resurrection Rune. It cannot be removed, so if you want another Resurrection Rune, you'll have to fight in the Warrior's Village area. Fukien is a well balanced fighter, with both healing spells and attack spells. He's also good with physical attacks, and his defense ability is higher than the other mages. 4.5) Lotte Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Flowing Rune/ Water Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 483 PWR 106 SPD 143 SKL 129 MGC 161 DEF 114 LUK 117 Magic Points: 8/7/5/3 Stats at Level 99: HP 699 PWR 131 SPD 171 SKL 157 MGC 189 DEF 138 LUK 144 Magic Points: 9/8/7/5 Evaluation: She has a good spell-casting ability, and her physical power is higher than most of the other magicians. If you have a team of magicians, put her in the front row. A Flowing Rune will help keep everyone healthy. 4.6) Liukan Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Rage Rune/ Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 478 PWR 97 SPD 129 SKL 179 MGC 108 DEF 105 LUK 142 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 691 PWR 122 SPD 152 SKL 218 MGC 128 DEF 127 LUK 171 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Evaluation: Liukan really shouldn't belong here. It's just that I lumped everyone with a staff into this class. Oddly enough, he can equip a shield. 4.7) Kamandol Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Counter Rune/ Turtle Rune/ Champion's Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 543 PWR 125 SPD 114 SKL 184 MGC 103 DEF 88 LUK 90 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 742 PWR 148 SPD 144 SKL 220 MGC 128 DEF 103 LUK 111 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Evaluation: Just like Liukan, Kamandol does not belong in this class. His magical power is much like an Average Fighter's magical power, which is pretty limited. The only reason he's in this class is because he has a weak weapon -- his rod. His physical stats are high, though, so he would be better in the front line with an attacking-type rune. Better yet, don't use him at all. ***************************************************************************** ************************5) The Rock-Solid Fighters*************************** ***************************************************************************** General Rating: *** 5) About this class of characters: These characters are characterized by either there top-notch attacking capabilities or their top-notch defensive capabilities. In general, these guys can equip heavy armor, but not all of them can equip the heaviest stuff. They all should have a weapon with a high attacking power, which usually is at or above 160 attack points. Most of these guys suck at magic, so make sure you put them in the front of the party and not the back. 5.1) Viktor Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 185 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 68: HP 669 PWR 180 SPD 142 SKL 93 MGC 105 DEF 183 LUK 135 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 842 PWR 204 SPD 160 SKL 108 MGC 125 DEF 209 LUK 151 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Evaluation: What can I say? Viktor's a bear. With a 185 attack power sword (the best weapon in the game) and a 180 base power, Viktor is an extreme front-line party member. He can't equip heavy armor, but his Defense is naturally high, so he should be able to take the hits and come back for more. Give him a Killer Rune and he'll be doing over 1000 damage to some enemies. 5.2) Humphrey Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 160 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 680 PWR 167 SPD 102 SKL 105 MGC 61 DEF 179 LUK 101 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 885 PWR 199 SPD 133 SKL 126 MGC 83 DEF 216 LUK 126 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: Humphrey definitely falls into the category of the "strong and silent type." He's a tank. He can equip the heaviest armor and has a 160 attack power sword. His natural power is definitely geared toward chopping monsters in half. Give him a Killer Rune and he'll do tons of damage. Also note that you'll wnat to build him up in this game for transfer over to Suikoden II. I haven't tested this yet, but if you give him a Windspun Armor, he'll get a Windspun Armor in Suikoden II when you transfer the file. Sweet! 5.3) Valeria Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Falcon Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 663 PWR 159 SPD 112 SKL 131 MGC 109 DEF 157 LUK 121 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 860 PWR 187 SPD 135 SKL 156 MGC 135 DEF 181 LUK 142 Magic Points: 7/5/4/1 Evaluation: Every stat is above 110, so she's well-balanced. Her Falcon Rune is quite good, as it does a lot of damage without making her go unbalanced. The Power and Defense are both high, adding to her endurance and attacking power. 5.4) Milia Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune/ Gale Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 675 PWR 161 SPD 198 SKL 110 MGC 57 DEF 163 LUK 116 Magic Points: 4/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 870 PWR 193 SPD 248 SKL 134 MGC 78 DEF 192 LUK 142 Magic Points: 4/1/0/0 Evaluation: While she doesn't have a tank of an HP count, her Power and Defense are quite high. The Speed is nice, too. 5.5) Kasim Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 160 Recommended Rune: Counter Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 722 PWR 189 SPD 99 SKL 128 MGC 64 DEF 163 LUK 86 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 936 PWR 225 SPD 122 SKL 152 MGC 80 DEF 193 LUK 114 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Evaluation: He's built for power, but not built for defense. Kasim can't equip a Windspun Armor, but he can equip a Horned Helmet. High power is high, so he'll do a lot of damage. I gave him a Counter Rune because I have most of my fighters equipped with a Killer Rune. Therefore, I decided on a little variety. 5.6) Kwanda Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 667 PWR 161 SPD 98 SKL 97 MGC 62 DEF 205 LUK 101 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 868 PWR 194 SPD 121 SKL 116 MGC 80 DEF 247 LUK 128 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Evaluation: With the ability to equip heavy armor, Kwanda is a good pick for the Rock-Solid Fighter class. He has a sharp axe, too, and a Killer Rune helps him do even more damage. The best part is, he can attack from the back row. 5.7) Varkas Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Hazy Rune/ Counter Rune HP 670 PWR 174 SPD 121 SKL 104 MGC 62 DEF 139 LUK 86 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 875 PWR 205 SPD 146 SKL 128 MGC 79 DEF 164 LUK 113 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Evaluation: His HP isn't as high as it should be for a Rock-Solid Fighter. His Power and Defense are high though. He has a 170 attack power axe and he can equip heavy armor. He's good in the back row, too. 5.8) Pesmerga Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 160 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune/ Clone Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 796 PWR 206 SPD 100 SKL 78 MGC 59 DEF 160 LUK 41 Magic Points: 4/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 1024 PWR 249 SPD 123 SKL 101 MGC 77 DEF 192 LUK 58 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Evaluation: The best thing about Pesmerga is that he's looks cool. You gotta love that pitch-black armor! Heh. As a fighter, his stats are killer. He's got plenty of HP, Power, and Defense points. His other stats aren't so hot though, but he doesn't really need them. Build him up for Suikoden II. Also, I'd recommend you give him the Clone Rune. I haven't done any testing, but he might get a Clone Rune is Suikoden II, too! He's the only character that can use a Clone Rune and isn't part of the main story in S2. The chances are highest for Pesmerga to transfer the Clone Rune over. Don't cry to me if he doesn't get it, though. After I leveled him up to Level 99, I noticed his HP breaks 1000! WOW! 5.9) Kreutz Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 160 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune/ Clone Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 673 PWR 162 SPD 82 SKL 110 MGC 61 DEF 159 LUK 66 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 884 PWR 191 SPD 105 SKL 136 MGC 86 DEF 187 LUK 89 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: He can equip the heaviest of armor, and his offensive power is quite high, so you can really tell that he belongs here. He's very close in power to Humphrey. 5.10) Fu Su Lu Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune/ Gale Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 805 PWR 212 SPD 70 SKL 56 MGC 42 DEF 168 LUK 53 Magic Points: 3/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 1030 PWR 254 SPD 93 SKL 77 MGC 59 DEF 200 LUK 70 Magic Points: 4/1/0/0 Evaluation: Take a look at the HP! Take a look at that Power! Take a look at that Defense! Now take a look at that Speed, Skill, and Magic. You can tell he's really gone to the extremes with trading magical power for physical power. Speed really doesn't matter for him. When you deal out that much damage with a 170 attack point axe, it really doesn't matter if you're the last one to attack. (Final ATK = 424!) Also, take a look at his final HP at level 99! It broke 1000! WOW! 5.11) Leonardo Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Counter Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 670 PWR 161 SPD 122 SKL 105 MGC 63 DEF 123 LUK 67 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 871 PWR 194 SPD 145 SKL 130 MGC 86 DEF 146 LUK 89 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: Based on his high HP and high ATK rating, he definitely belongs here. He can do lots of damage, but his defense should be higher than what it is. 5.12) Blackman Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 617 PWR 144 SPD 120 SKL 95 MGC 62 DEF 165 LUK 98 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 821 PWR 171 SPD 142 SKL 115 MGC 78 DEF 198 LUK 124 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Evaluation: Wow, I never believed a farmer would belong in the Rock-Solid Fighter class. But his stats show that he definitely belongs here. His how has an amazing 170 attack points and he can equip Windspun Armor, so he definitely belongs here. He has a weaker HP, but with a 300 point Defense, that really doesn't matter. ***************************************************************************** ************************6) The Martial Artists******************************* ***************************************************************************** General Rating: *** 6) About this class of characters: Well, duh. These guys are martial artists. Pahn comes to mind when you want to make a class for these characters. There were enough of them to put in a single class, and I thought I'd give them special recognition because they can all equip special runes. It makes sense, right? Overall, these are good characters, but they are easily outclassed by the characters previously mentioned. 6.1) Pahn Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Boar Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 716 PWR 193 SPD 90 SKL 148 MGC 47 DEF 168 LUK 125 Magic Points: 3/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 935 PWR 231 SPD 112 SKL 174 MGC 60 DEF 196 LUK 150 Magic Points: 4/1/0/0 Evaluation: Pahn is definitely the best Martial Artist statistically. He has lots of HP, Power, Skill, and Defense. Obviously, he doesn't need Magic since you can't remove his Boar Rune. His Power is well complimented by his 170 attack power claws. 6.2) Ronnie Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Hate Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 664 PWR 162 SPD 129 SKL 125 MGC 42 DEF 157 LUK 102 Magic Points: 3/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 870 PWR 188 SPD 149 SKL 148 MGC 56 DEF 188 LUK 129 Magic Points: 4/1/0/0 Evaluation: Ronnie is faster than Pahn, but that's about it. She has a Hate Rune, which is nice. It casts a fireball and doesn't cause her to go unbalanced. She's the best Martial Artist in my book. 6.3) Morgan Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Boar Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 662 PWR 159 SPD 91 SKL 103 MGC 49 DEF 144 LUK 66 Magic Points: 3/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 867 PWR 191 SPD 111 SKL 123 MGC 63 DEF 167 LUK 85 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Evaluation: First off, replace his Counter Rune with a Boar Rune. You can get a Boar Crystal in the Village of the Hidden Rune or from the boars at the Dwarfs' vault. He's just like Pahn after that, except that most of his stats are lower by either a small amount or a slightly larger amount. 6.4) Eikei Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Double-Beat Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 613 PWR 143 SPD 95 SKL 132 MGC 47 DEF 144 LUK 101 Magic Points: 3/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 820 PWR 170 SPD 114 SKL 158 MGC 68 DEF 168 LUK 124 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Evaluation: Alright, he's not a top-notch fighter. In my opinion, he's the worst martial artist. The Double-Beat Rune is nice, but useless if there is only one enemy. I have a feeling you can get his Double-Beat Rune elsewhere, but I have not found a location. I used a Codebreaker and you can attach the Double-Beat Rune to any characters and it will not glitch up the game. ***************************************************************************** ************************7) The Average Fighters****************************** ***************************************************************************** General Rating: ** 7) About this class of characters: This is basically everyone else, with a few exceptions. These characters aren't horrible because their stats are pretty high. These characters are basically in the game for your amusement or if you want a challenge. I'm going to put them in groups as there are so many of them. ******************************************** *****7.S) Short Ranged Average Fighters***** ******************************************** 7.S.1) Lepant Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Counter Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 603 PWR 152 SPD 121 SKL 150 MGC 103 DEF 125 LUK 124 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 806 PWR 177 SPD 145 SKL 179 MGC 126 DEF 150 LUK 143 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Evaluation: Even though Lepant is a major player in the events in Suikoden, he's easily outclassed by some of the other fighters. His stats are quite high, so you might want to use him sometimes. 7.S.2) Kuromimi Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 160 Recommended Rune: Champion's Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 617 PWR 142 SPD 138 SKL 124 MGC 82 DEF 140 LUK 141 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 823 PWR 168 SPD 160 SKL 147 MGC 105 DEF 165 LUK 166 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: He's got above-average stats, but he's still not good enough to be in the Rock-Solid Fighter class. The best part about him is he can equip Gold Necklaces, the strongest accessory in the game. 7.S.3) Hix Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune/ Clone Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 615 PWR 146 SPD 147 SKL 148 MGC 104 DEF 128 LUK 175 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 815 PWR 172 SPD 179 SKL 172 MGC 130 DEF 154 LUK 212 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Evaluation: Hix is more of a burden when you get him. You have to fight a really tough boss, and you're stuck with plain-old average Hix. Make sure you level him up, though, because he makes an appearance in Suikoden II. 7.S.4) Griffith Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 606 PWR 143 SPD 104 SKL 112 MGC 85 DEF 126 LUK 110 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 812 PWR 171 SPD 130 SKL 141 MGC 110 DEF 154 LUK 136 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: He's not a good fighter, but overall, his stats are decent. His best stats help him in what he's good at, when compared to some of those Horrible Fighter Class people. Somewhat poor HP and average Power and Defense. 7.S.5) Gen Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 160 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 673 PWR 125 SPD 125 SKL 148 MGC 76 DEF 125 LUK 128 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 878 PWR 193 SPD 143 SKL 170 MGC 97 DEF 148 LUK 154 Magic Points: 6/3/2/0 Evaluation: He almost belongs with the Horrible Fighters. It's just that his HP and Skill helps bring him up into the Average Fighter class. His Speed is pretty nice, too. His power really gets boosted from level 58 to 99, though. 7.S.6) Gon Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Champion's Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 541 PWR 121 SPD 106 SKL 125 MGC 86 DEF 147 LUK 211 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 744 PWR 149 SPD 132 SKL 153 MGC 111 DEF 177 LUK 251 Magic Points: 6/4/3/0 Evaluation: Gon is definitely average, almost below-average. He has low HP's and there's nothing magical about him, but he boasts an extremely high Luck stat. Defense is pretty good, too, and he can equip Gold Necklaces, the most powerful accessory in the game. 7.S.7) Kirke Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 160 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 599 PWR 142 SPD 105 SKL 131 MGC 84 DEF 130 LUK 47 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 804 PWR 166 SPD 129 SKL 151 MGC 108 DEF 154 LUK 62 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: There's nothing really special about Kirke. He's just another guy that can join you, that's all. 7.S.8) Kimberly Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Phero Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 552 PWR 120 SPD 150 SKL 169 MGC 81 DEF 123 LUK 142 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 758 PWR 145 SPD 178 SKL 204 MGC 100 DEF 155 LUK 169 Magic Points: 6/3/2/0 Evaluation: She's got Luck, Speed, and Skill, but those stats aren't as important as Power, Defense, and Magic. ********************************************* *****7.M) Medium Ranged Average Fighters***** ********************************************* 7.M.1) Gremio Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Phero Rune/ Turtle Rune Stats at Level 64: HP 579 PWR 99 SPD 105 SKL 148 MGC 85 DEF 163 LUK 146 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 749 PWR 193 SPD 124 SKL 167 MGC 106 DEF 190 LUK 169 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: To think that you're stuck with Gremio for most of the game. Sure, he's got a nice personality, but leave him off the battlefield. He's got weakling Power and HP, but his Skill, Defense, Luck, and his 170 attack power axe all help bring him up into the average fighter class. But then again, look at how his power changes from level 64 to level 99! It went up by 100 points! No, I didn't get his stats mixed up with some else's. They just take a real jump. Maybe it's because I gave him a Phero Rune. Maybe it's natural. 7.M.2) Tai Ho Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 667 PWR 167 SPD 150 SKL 171 MGC 69 DEF 106 LUK 125 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 876 PWR 198 SPD 181 SKL 205 MGC 97 DEF 127 LUK 149 Magic Points: 6/3/2/0 Evaluation: Most of his core physical stats are high. His Magic, Defense, and Luck are all low, though. 7.M.3) Yam Koo Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 613 PWR 144 SPD 172 SKL 161 MGC 83 DEF 100 LUK 128 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 822 PWR 173 SPD 203 SKL 187 MGC 112 DEF 116 LUK 150 Magic Points: 6/4/3/0 Evaluation: Good Power, Speed, HP, and Skill. Everything else is pretty average. 7.M.4) Kai Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 158 Recommended Rune: Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 666 PWR 163 SPD 95 SKL 104 MGC 64 DEF 123 LUK 100 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 867 PWR 190 SPD 120 SKL 131 MGC 87 DEF 155 LUK 131 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: He's got a nice HP total and his power is way up there, but every other stat is pretty crappy. The main reason he's an Average Fighter and not a Horrible Fighter is the fact that he's the only character who can do a Unite Attack with Tir. This attack hits every enemy on the screen for some big damage. 7.M.5) Futch Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Sunbeam Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 598 PWR 144 SPD 161 SKL 128 MGC 84 DEF 138 LUK 158 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 801 PWR 172 SPD 193 SKL 155 MGC 107 DEF 164 LUK 189 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: Futch is a character you should build up solely for a transfer from Suikoden I to Suikoden II. He's fast, but weaker than others physically. He's more of a defensive fighter than an attacking fighter. 7.M.6) Kessler Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Counter Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 618 PWR 143 SPD 123 SKL 141 MGC 83 DEF 119 LUK 103 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 820 PWR 168 SPD 146 SKL 162 MGC 106 DEF 139 LUK 120 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: Good Power, Speed, and Skill. His weapon is at a tough 170 attack points. Otherwise, he's average. 7.M.7) Anji Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 664 PWR 167 SPD 149 SKL 146 MGC 78 DEF 104 LUK 83 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 867 PWR 194 SPD 173 SKL 167 MGC 103 DEF 131 LUK 105 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: Anji is a personal favorite. If you can manage to get him early in the game, he'll be a big help in some battles. He's a good physical fighter, so give him a try at least once. High HP, too. 7.M.8) Kanak Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 609 PWR 144 SPD 157 SKL 150 MGC 44 DEF 124 LUK 173 Magic Points: 3/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 814 PWR 172 SPD 191 SKL 173 MGC 57 DEF 148 LUK 95 Magic Points: 4/1/0/0 Evaluation: Good physical stats. Low HP. Low Magic. 7.M.9) Warren Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune/ Spark Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 616 PWR 147 SPD 104 SKL 138 MGC 86 DEF 144 LUK 103 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 824 PWR 172 SPD 129 SKL 156 MGC 105 DEF 169 LUK 128 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: Most of his stats are up there, but not good enough to put him in one of the other classes of characters. He's got a good Defense and Power level, but they are god-like or anything like that. 7.M.10) Mose Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Spark Rune/ Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 613 PWR 142 SPD 119 SKL 151 MGC 64 DEF 144 LUK 109 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 818 PWR 169 SPD 145 SKL 177 MGC 82 DEF 168 LUK 136 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: He's better at the physical attributes than the other blacksmiths (except for Mace). His magic is worse, though. 7.M.11) Mace Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150? Mace cannot sharpen his weapon to Level 16. Gameshark/Codebreaker required. I don't know the code. Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 673 PWR 160 SPD 138 SKL 171 MGC 104 DEF 160 LUK 144 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 883 PWR 192 SPD 164 SKL 200 MGC 126 DEF 188 LUK 171 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Evaluation: The worst part about Mace is you can't sharpen his weapon to Level 16. Because of this, he's got a handicap on his ATK rating. Other than that, he's an above-average fighter, but not someone you should really use. 7.M.12) Meese Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Sunbeam Rune/ Killer Rune Stats at Level 63: HP 566 PWR 128 SPD 133 SKL 154 MGC 86 DEF 128 LUK 134 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 743 PWR 148 SPD 150 SKL 170 MGC 110 DEF 144 LUK 155 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: He's stronger than Maas (further down the list), but he's nobody special. 7.M.13) Moose Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Sunbeam Rune/ Killer Rune Stats at Level 63: HP 540 PWR 126 SPD 133 SKL 170 MGC 81 DEF 123 LUK 128 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 739 PWR 147 SPD 145 SKL 196 MGC 105 DEF 146 LUK 153 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: Most of his stats are lower than Meese's, which surprises my a bit. Moose is just one more of those blacksmiths you get, and is nobody special. 7.M.14) Maas Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Turtle Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 542 PWR 126 SPD 122 SKL 145 MGC 85 DEF 125 LUK 126 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 749 PWR 152 SPD 142 SKL 172 MGC 107 DEF 150 LUK 150 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: Let him do blacksmith work early in the game. He's an average fighter, but he really someone you should consider. 7.M.15) Lester Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Turtle Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 536 PWR 134 SPD 152 SKL 130 MGC 62 DEF 108 LUK 138 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 744 PWR 162 SPD 176 SKL 153 MGC 84 DEF 134 LUK 170 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: He's better at fighting than Antonio, but is still nothing special. His stats are at a fair level. ******************************************* *****7.L) Long Ranged Average Fighters***** ******************************************* 7.L.1) Kasumi Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Shrike Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 603 PWR 144 SPD 214 SKL 165 MGC 123 DEF 128 LUK 107 Magic Points: 7/4/3/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 815 PWR 169 SPD 257 SKL 193 MGC 147 DEF 147 LUK 134 Magic Points: 8/6/4/2 Evaluation: She's good from the back row, and her Shrike Rune is a nice addition. She's fast and all of her stats are above 100, but what's she going to do with all that MP? Low Hp brings her down into the average fighter class. You'll want to level her up for Suikoden II. 7.L.2) Sydonia Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 539 PWR 134 SPD 182 SKL 166 MGC 99 DEF 100 LUK 80 Magic Points: 6/3/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 747 PWR 160 SPD 213 SKL 195 MGC 132 DEF 126 LUK 100 Magic Points: 7/5/4/1 Evaluation: She's got good base stats, but overall, she's not the greatest fighter. 7.L.3) Clive Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Gale Rune/ Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 666 PWR 164 SPD 158 SKL 211 MGC 78 DEF 99 LUK 68 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 872 PWR 193 SPD 186 SKL 254 MGC 100 DEF 121 LUK 86 Magic Points: 6/3/2/0 Evaluation: This is a character I would recommend you use at least once. If you transfer your file to Suikoden II, some of Clive's stats will be transferred over. He's not very good with magic, but his core stats (other than Defense and Luck) are quite high. His HP is quite high, so that's a plus, too. 7.L.4) Lorelai Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 155 Recommended Rune: Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 600 PWR 147 SPD 102 SKL 188 MGC 82 DEF 118 LUK 88 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 803 PWR 169 SPD 130 SKL 229 MGC 105 DEF 143 LUK 109 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: She's not as good at magic as some, but her physical power is high. Level her up for Suikoden II. 7.L.5) Kage Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Holy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 538 PWR 133 SPD 188 SKL 167 MGC 107 DEF 140 LUK 100 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 745 PWR 158 SPD 227 SKL 200 MGC 134 DEF 169 LUK 126 Magic Points: 7/5/4/1 Evaluation: Kage has never been too much of a favorite of mine since I've played Suikoden II. Sure, his stats are good in Suikoden I, but poor magical ability and poor HP keep him as an Average Fighter. The Speed's nice, though. He actuall gets few spells at level 99, but no one really levels their characters up that high unless they have a Codebreaker or Gameshark. 7.L.6) Fuma Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 598 PWR 145 SPD 164 SKL 145 MGC 60 DEF 136 LUK 105 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 810 PWR 166 SPD 196 SKL 170 MGC 81 DEF 156 LUK 127 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: His magic is horrible, but otherwise, he's an average fighter. He's a long range fighter, and is pretty strong physically, but that's about all there is to him. I recommend you don't use him. 7.L.7) Sarah Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Spark Rune/ Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 613 PWR 145 SPD 110 SKL 103 MGC 128 DEF 145 LUK 80 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 814 PWR 168 SPD 135 SKL 124 MGC 147 DEF 174 LUK 106 Magic Points: 8/6/4/2 Evaluation: Most of her stats are above 100, which is nice. He also has a good 600 HP at Level 58. She's good physically, but like many others, there isn't anything too special about her. If you're diligent, though, you can boost her level like crazy and you'll get a lot of spells. Take a look at how her MP changes from Level 58 to Level 99. She'd be a good spell caster if her MP would go up faster. But since she doesn't get many spells really fast, she falls into the Average Fighter class. 7.L.8) Meg Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Trick Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 536 PWR 126 SPD 123 SKL 145 MGC 117 DEF 126 LUK 206 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 735 PWR 150 SPD 155 SKL 171 MGC 145 DEF 154 LUK 246 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Evaluation: She does much better than her uncle. Her stats are much higher and they actually support her skills. In fact all of her stats are above 100 points at level 58. To get a Trick Rune, fight monsters in the Dwarf's Vault. Level her up for Suikoden II. 7.L.9) Quincy Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Spark Rune/ Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 541 PWR 123 SPD 153 SKL 210 MGC 63 DEF 145 LUK 141 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 741 PWR 144 SPD 177 SKL 250 MGC 82 DEF 168 LUK 168 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: Her halfway-decent HP, Power, and Defense barely keep her in the Average Fighter class. Skill is nice, and her only really bad stat is Magic. Therefore, she's best with an attacking or defensive rune. ***************************************************************************** ************************8) The Horrible Fighters***************************** ***************************************************************************** General Rating: * 8) About this class of characters: These characters are characters you should never use unless you want a true challenge. They are based on horrible HP and horrible MP. Use these characters if you want to do a challenge like Final Fantasy X's No Sphere Grid Challenge or Final Fantasy Tactic's Same Job Class Challenge. These characters should be forgotten otherwise. 8.1) Krin Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Hazy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 480 PWR 91 SPD 209 SKL 158 MGC 58 DEF 79 LUK 61 Magic Points: 4/1/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 693 PWR 110 SPD 250 SKL 186 MGC 76 DEF 103 LUK 79 Magic Points: 5/2/1/0 Evaluation: God, please wipe that dazed look off his face. Make it so he isn't laughing all the time. Krin is my least favorite character because he's got horrible stats and a bad personality. 8.2) Stallion Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 155 Recommended Rune: True Holy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 483 PWR 108 SPD 211 SKL 160 MGC 120 DEF 142 LUK 122 Magic Points: 6/4/3/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 700 PWR 129 SPD 254 SKL 194 MGC 139 DEF 162 LUK 148 Magic Points: 7/5/4/1 Evaluation: Now you may ask yourself, "What is Stallion doing here? I like Stallion!" That's probably because you like his rune, not the character himself. His rune speeds up over world travel, which is nice, but it's totally useless in a fight. Besides, you'll be teleporting everywhere soon after you recruit him, so he gets thrown by the wayside. The stats he needs the most (Power and HP), are low. Sure, the speed is nice, but normal attacks won't do as much damage. You should really be able to give him another rune. 8.3) Juppo Range: L Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 150 Recommended Rune: Trick Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 485 PWR 105 SPD 128 SKL 179 MGC 127 DEF 126 LUK 152 Magic Points: 7/5/3/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 699 PWR 129 SPD 158 SKL 213 MGC 144 DEF 153 LUK 182 Magic Points: 8/5/4/2 Evaluation: If you look at his stats, you might be thinking, "Why is Juppo in the Horrbile Fighter Class?" The reason is simple. The stats that do him a lot of good don't really help him in battle. Why does he have all that MP when he can't even cast spells? Look at that HP! Weak! Look at that Power! Weak! He has good stats, but they don't really contribute to what he really should have. 8.4) Sergei Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 130 Recommended Rune: Holy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 429 PWR 84 SPD 95 SKL 166 MGC 85 DEF 164 LUK 88 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 634 PWR 102 SPD 117 SKL 194 MGC 103 DEF 196 LUK 106 Magic Points: 6/4/2/0 Evaluation: Take a look at those crappy stats. Four of them are below 100! His HP is way too low and his weapon sucks! His Skill and Defense are high, but since he cannot do any damage, ditch him. He makes a great punching bag due to his defense. :D 8.5) Sansuke Range: S Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 160 Recommended Rune: Killer Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 486 PWR 106 SPD 132 SKL 145 MGC 64 DEF 140 LUK 119 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 694 PWR 129 SPD 155 SKL 169 MGC 85 DEF 162 LUK 146 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: Just like everyone else in this section, he's absolutely horrible! His mains stats are low, he has a crappy HP, and his MP sucks! Maybe, if he had another 50 attack points and 200 HPs, he'd belong in the Rock Solid Fighter class, but since he doesn't, so he belongs here. 8.6) Antonio Range: M Weapon Level 16 Attack Power: 170 Recommended Rune: Holy Rune Stats at Level 58: HP 490 PWR 110 SPD 130 SKL 113 MGC 65 DEF 106 LUK 106 Magic Points: 4/2/0/0 Stats at Level 99: HP 702 PWR 132 SPD 156 SKL 136 MGC 84 DEF 129 LUK 131 Magic Points: 5/3/1/0 Evaluation: Absolutely horrible! No magical talent. His stats are horrible. He can't stay up long in a good fight. Sure, his weapon gets 170 attack points, but his Power is so low that it doesn't help much. Leave him in the kitchen and be done with it. He's only good for giving him a Holy Rune so you can run fast (which is totally useless in a battle). ***************************************************************************** ************************9) Recruitment Drive********************************* ***************************************************************************** This section is dedicated to character recruitment. Since people on the message boards have been requesting a character recruitment FAQ in chronological order, I will do it that way. COMING SOON! Check the other FAQs here at www.gamefaqs.com ***************************************************************************** ************************10) Finding Runes************************************ ***************************************************************************** This section is dedicated for finding the rarest runes. The ones that can be bought in a shop will not be listed here. COMING SOON! Check the other FAQs here at www.gamefaqs.com ***************************************************************************** ************************11) FAQ********************************************** ***************************************************************************** This section will cover the most frequently asked questions about character recruitment. It's small now, but I plan to update it when I get more e-mails. SUPER SPOILER NOTICE! The intro says stuff about me trying to be spoiler free. Well this section reveals a big chunk of information about the end of the game. Q: How do I revive Gremio? A: You must recruit all 108 Stars before marching across the Gregminster Boarder. That is, to say, you must recruit everyone before the war scene. If you talk to Mathiu, he will ask for a pep talk. Leknaat will appear and talk to your troops. The scene will then shift to the Gregminster boarder. Yuber and Kanaan will be talking about their troops. Now go back to the part that I just talked about before this scene. If Leknaat does not revive Gremio in the pep talk, reset the game and recruit those Stars you have not recruited. NOTE: Do not let anyone die. This includes Pahn in the battle with Teo. Q: How do I get the Window Crystal and Crowley? A: There are two hidden passages in the Cave of the Past a Qlon temple. To find them, travel through the cave as normal. At a couple points in the cave, you start at the top-left portion of the screen. The cave then curves right on the screen. Feel the south wall by walking into it. If you go through it, you're in the right place. The passage is a straight path down. The second passage is like a maze. Go down, right, down, left, down and you should come out and find Crowley. Here's a diagram: | |__S____ XX| |_XX| XX|_ |X| XXX_| |X| XX| _|X| XX| |XXX| E X = Wall S = Starting Point E = Ending Point ***************************************************************************** ************12) People who I given my permission to use this FAQ************* ***************************************************************************** 1) www.gamefaqs.com 2) faqs.ign.com 3) www.gamenotover.com ***************************************************************************** ************************13) Credits****************************************** ***************************************************************************** Thanks CJayC, the owner of the best website of all time. Thanks to Konami for making a game based on my most favorite thing: character recruitment. And, of course, me, for going to all the trouble of making such a huge FAQ on character statistics.