================================================================================ EEEEEEEEEEEEEE [SUIKODEN II] ©1996-1999 KONAMI ====EEEEEEEEEEEEEE============================================================== EEEEE NNNN NNN DDDDDDD III NNNN NNN GGGGGGGGGG EEEEE NNNNN NNN DDDDDDDDD III NNNNN NNN GGGGGGGGGGGG EEEEEEEEEEEE NNNNNN NNN DDD DDDD III NNNNNN NNN GGGG EEEEEEEEEEEE NNN NNN NNN DDD DDD III NNN NNN NNN GGGG GGGGG EEEEE NNN NNN NNN DDD DDDD III NNN NNN NNN GGGG GGG EEEEE NNN NNNNNN DDDDDDDDD III NNN NNNNNN GGGGGGGGGGGG EEEEEEEEEEEEEE NNN NNNNN DDDDDDDD III NNN NNNNN GGGGGGGGGG ====EEEEEEEEEEEEEE===FFFFFFFFFFFFF============================================ FFFFFFFFFFFFF AAA QQQQQQQQQQ SONY PLAYSTATION =====================FFFFF=========AAAAA=====QQQQQQQQQQQQ===================== FFFFF AAA AAA QQQ QQQ FFFFFFFFFF AAA AAA QQQ QQQ FFFFFFFFFF AAAAAAAAAAA QQQ QQQ QQQ FFFFF AAA AAA QQQQQQQQQQQQ FFFFF AAA AAA QQQQQQQQQQ =====FFFFF============================QQQ===== FFFFF BY: CHRISTOFFERSON CAJES ============================================== = E-MAIL: blueflavor@ign.com = = cyrus_viii@hotmail.com = = HOMEPAGE: www.geocities.com/cyrus_viii = = COUNTRY: Philippines = ============================================== ================================= CONTENTS OF THE ENDING FAQ ================================= = DISCLAIMER = UPDATED VERSIONS = FOUR KINDS OF ENDINGS - ENDING #1 [LEAD A NEW COUNTRY] 1.)ENDING SUMMARY 2.)ENDING SCRIPT - ENDING #2 [KILL JOWY AND LEAD THE COUNTRY] 1.)ENDING SUMMARY 2.)ENDING SCRIPT 3.)ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY - ENDING #3 [HEADS OFF A NEW LIFE WITH NANAMI AND JOWY] 1.)ENDING SUMMARY 2.)ENDING SCRIPT 3.)#1 ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY 4.)#2 ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY 5.)DIFFERENT ENDING SCENE - ENDING #4 [GIVE UP THE FIGHT IN TINTO CITY] 1.)ENDING SUMMARY = LIST OF STARS OF DESTINY CHARACTER'S ENDING - FIRST PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING - SECOND PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING - THIRD PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING - FOURTH PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING - FIFTH PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING - SIXTH PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING = THANK YOU'S ================================= DISCLAIMER ================================= I've replaced the first three endings to there original script in the game and leave the fourth ending as it is. this Ending Faq should not be reprodced, edited, copied, revised or reformed by anyone, and shouldn't be placed in a web site or homepage without proper permission by the author, the Game Suikoden and Suikoden 2 are copyright by Konami and if you've seen this Ending FAQ in a site or in a Magazine or even in any printed hardcopy which has not been listed in the thank you's section, please e-mail me at (cyrus_viii@hotmail.com). THIS ENDING FAQ IS COPYRIGHT ©2000-2001 BY CHRISTOFFERSON CAJES [CCajes] THIS ENDING FAQ IS ORIGINALLY CONTRIBUTED FIRST IN GAMEFAQS..... ================================= UPDATED VERSIONS ================================= VERSION 1.0 AUGUST 3, 2K ================================= - I've finished writing about the scenes, background, and character's ending of the stars of destiny and started written about the four endings. ================================= VERSION 2.0 AUGUST 10, 2K ================================= - I've finised the four ending scripts and added some new character's ending and also added the ending summary. ================================= VERSION 2.1 AUGUST 12, 2K ================================= - I've finish added all the sections into whole ending Faq/guide with Jowy's duel battle in Tezan pass and added Hai Yo's second ending. =================================== VERSION 2.2 Final - AUGUST 12, 2K =================================== - I've added the missing character ending of Abizoah, Valeria, Clive's and Anita's second ending and furtunately discovers Max's second ending. =========================== -- FOUR KINDS OF ENDINGS -- =========================== ================================= ENDING #1 [LEAD A NEW COUNTRY] ================================= ---------------------- ENDING SUMMARY ---------------------- Go to the great hall and see everyone waiting for you then everybody in the great hall pledges to you in helping you to create a new country and to unite all to face Harmonia in the north and after that agree with them in forming a new country and you'll see some scenes with your leadership to all business in renewing the country and after that a 108 stars of destiny character ending will appear and saying what they did after the war and after the credits there wil be a picture "the end".(you've get this ending even if you don't have completed the 108 stars of destiny) ---------------------- ENDING SCRIPT ---------------------- In the hall, you'll see Shu, Apple, Klaus, Fitcher, Camus, Miklotov, Jess, Hauser, Teresa, Gustav, Ridley, Makai waiting for you. SHU: "We've been waiting for you, Lord Hero." MAKAI: "Congratulations, Lord Hero. Now we can finally begin to rebiuld after this long, terrible war." GUSTAV: "Well, at least now there's one less enemy threatening city-state soil." TERESA: "But we still don't have true peace in these lands. Lord Hero, there is something we wish to ask of you." TERESA: "Lord Hero, there's still Harmonia to the north of here and so we can't yet completely relax." TERESA: "Furthermore, because there was no trust between us, Luca Blight able to divine the city-state. TERESA: "We need a single, unified country. one that can stand together against it's enemies." TERESA: "Lord Hero, we want you to create a new country here, [name] country, and we want you to lead it." MAKAI: "This matter was voted and approved by Two River's three houses of parliament." GUSTAV: "If it means a stronger nation able to defend itself, we have no objections either." MIKLOTOV: "The knightdom of Matilda is no more, but we will follow your orders in this matter, Lord Hero." CAMUS: "I feel the same way as Miklotov." JESS: "Most of the strength of Muse was stolen by Luca Blight, but we still haven't lost our pride as the center of the state." JESS: "As acting mayor of Muse, I also intend to follow the will of Lord Hero." HERO: [1]"I understand." [2]". . . . . . . . . ." [3]"I can't do it." [NOTE: choose the first option.] SHU: "Lord Ferson..." "We thank you." SHU: "We're here to announce the birth of [name] country!!! May it bring peace and prosperity to this land forever!!!." SHU: "We swear to serve Lord Hero with pride and fidelity!!!." [NOTE: Then you'll see some scenes and then the character's ending shows up.] ============================================= ENDING #2 [KILL JOWY AND LEAD THE COUNTRY] ============================================= ---------------------- ENDING SUMMARY ---------------------- Go down to the first floor and see Flik and Viktor asking you where you're going and after that talk to Viki and teleport to Kyaro village the head out of Kyaro and go to Tenzan Pass and head to the place where you promise Jowy to return if you both are alive and after arriving to that place you'll see him and fight him one on one duel if you defeated him in the duel, he'll say to lend your right hand then he'll you the power of the black sword rune and after that he'll die then the same ending you'll see the same scenes in ending #1 and after that the end. ---------------------- ENDING SCRIPT ---------------------- In the hall, you'll see Shu, Apple, Klaus, Fitcher, Camus, Miklotov, Jess, Hauser, Teresa, Gustav, Ridley, Makai waiting for you. SHU: "We've been waiting for you, Lord Hero." MAKAI: "Congratulations, Lord Hero. Now we can finally begin to rebiuld after this long, terrible war." GUSTAV: "Well, at least now there's one less enemy threatening city-state soil." TERESA: "But we still don't have true peace in these lands. Lord Hero, there is something we wish to ask of you." TERESA: "Lord Hero, there's still Harmonia to the north of here and so we can't yet completely relax." TERESA: "Furthermore, because there was no trust between us, Luca Blight able to divine the city-state. TERESA: "We need a single, unified country. one that can stand together against it's enemies." TERESA: "Lord Hero, we want you to create a new country here, [name] country, and we want you to lead it." MAKAI: "This matter was voted and approved by Two River's three houses of parliament." GUSTAV: "If it means a stronger nation able to defend itself, we have no objections either." MIKLOTOV: "The knightdom of Matilda is no more, but we will follow your orders in this matter, Lord Hero." CAMUS: "I feel the same way as Miklotov." JESS: "Most of the strength of Muse was stolen by Luca Blight, but we still haven't lost our pride as the center of the state." JESS: "As acting mayor of Muse, I also intend to follow the will of Lord Hero." HERO: [1]"I understand." [2]". . . . . . . . . ." [3]"I can't do it." [NOTE: choose the third option.] APPLE: "So were will you go, Hero!!" [NOTE: Then teleport to Kyaro then head out and go to Tenzan pass northwest from your position and meet Jowy in the cliff where the two of you promise to go back there if the two of your is still alive.] JOWY: "Hero..... you came." JOWY: "Just like you promised.... Here we are... Here once again..." JOWY: "This is where our journey began. You and I walked along the same path for so long together but this where they began to diverge..." JOWY: "But... I have no regrets." JOWY: "But if I did, it would be that I had to betray the city-state and assasinate Lady Anabelle." JOWY: "You and I were a lot alike..... We were both aiming for the same thing, But I just...." JOWY: "At the highland camp, after I let you both escape ahead, I was captured and met Luca Blight again." JOWY: "I hated him from the beginning, It's true but I think I admired his strength a little bit too...." JOWY: "I thought if I was that strong, I could protect everyone and I could dreate a gentle world where nobody would ever be hurt." JOWY: "But..." JOWY: "No... Forget about it." JOWY: "This is a battle between the King of highland and the leader of the [name] army. This is truely... the final battle." HERO: [1]"I guess you're right..." [2]"We don't need to fight." [NOTE: Choose the first option.] JOWY: "Yeah...." ================================= ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY ================================= -------------------- / WILD ATTACK SAYIN' \-------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| NONE --------------- / ATTACK SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Hero..................." "That's right. that's the way....." "Why won't you fight, Hero!!!" "Just like the old days...." "You're the leader of the [name] army, Hero........" --------------- / DEFEND SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Let's finish this long, long battle..." "Try again! Hero............" "Bad move..... Hero..... that'll get you hurt...." "Hero..... You......." "Next It's my turn. Hero....." "This reminds me of the old days..." -------------------- AFTER THE DUEL -------------------- JOWY: "That's right... Hero. good. now this war will finally end." JOWY: "Hero.... hold up your right hand..." JOWY: "I was watching you all the time... Remember, these two rune were once on you know....." JOWY: "Peace is a beautiful thing... even if it comes... at the end of a long, brutal war....." JOWY: "It may seem like all is lost, but we'll always have memories..." JOWY: "Forgive me.... Hero.... I sent many men to their deaths... no one knows, pain of that more than I do...." JOWY: "But.... just as i thought.... you had no choice.... you had to defeat me." JOWY: "A glorious Hero defeats an evil king...." JOWY: "The people will all talk and sins about your heroic rise to fame and forget the horrors and the sins of war...." JOWY: "The defeationg soldiers too will feel comforted by the fact that they were defeated by a Hero and deceived by n evil king..." [NOTE: After the combination of the two runes.] JOWY: "Hero.... I want you to..... became a great leader....." JOWY: "Hold on dearly to this peace that we fought so hard for. the rune.... It will lend you it's power, I'm sure of it..." JOWY: "Farewell..... my friend..... Hero....." [NOTE: after he dies in your arms the same scenes you'll see in the ending #1.] ====================================================== ENDING #3 [HEADS OFF A NEW LIFE WITH NANAMI AND JOWY] ====================================================== ---------------------- ENDING SUMMARY ---------------------- This ending is also like the Ending #2, go to Tenzan Pass and meet Jowy then agree not to fight with him, still you'll have a one on one duel but don't ever attack him even once and after two duels let be out of strength and dying from it then Leknaat appears and heals Jowy and after that when you head down you'll see Shu and he'll explain about what really happened with Nanami in the castle and after that head to Kyaro and go to the house of Genkaku, their you'll see Nanami and then You, Nanami, and Jowy will visit Jillia and Pilika and after that you'll head off and live peacefully with the three of you. ---------------------- ENDING SCRIPT ---------------------- In the hall, you'll see Shu, Apple, Klaus, Fitcher, Camus, Miklotov, Jess, Hauser, Teresa, Gustav, Ridley, Makai waiting for you. SHU: "We've been waiting for you, Lord Hero." MAKAI: "Congratulations, Lord Hero. Now we can finally begin to rebiuld after this long, terrible war." GUSTAV: "Well, at least now there's one less enemy threatening city-state soil." TERESA: "But we still don't have true peace in these lands. Lord Hero, there is something we wish to ask of you." TERESA: "Lord Hero, there's still Harmonia to the north of here and so we can't yet completely relax." TERESA: "Furthermore, because there was no trust between us, Luca Blight able to divine the city-state. TERESA: "We need a single, unified country. one that can stand together against it's enemies." TERESA: "Lord Hero, we want you to create a new country here, [name] country, and we want you to lead it." MAKAI: "This matter was voted and approved by Two River's three houses of parliament." GUSTAV: "If it means a stronger nation able to defend itself, we have no objections either." MIKLOTOV: "The knightdom of Matilda is no more, but we will follow your orders in this matter, Lord Hero." CAMUS: "I feel the same way as Miklotov." JESS: "Most of the strength of Muse was stolen by Luca Blight, but we still haven't lost our pride as the center of the state." JESS: "As acting mayor of Muse, I also intend to follow the will of Lord Hero." HERO: [1]"I understand." [2]". . . . . . . . . ." [3]"I can't do it." [NOTE: choose the third option.] APPLE: "So were will you go, Hero!!" [NOTE: Then teleport to Kyaro then head out and go to Tenzan pass northwest from your position and meet Jowy in the cliff where the two of you promise to go back there if the two of your is still alive.] JOWY: "Hero..... you came." JOWY: "Just like you promised.... Here we are... Here once again..." JOWY: "This is where our journey began. You and I walked along the same path for so long together but this where they began to diverge..." JOWY: "But... I have no regrets." JOWY: "But if I did, it would be that I had to betray the city-state and assasinate Lady Anabelle." JOWY: "You and I were a lot alike..... We were both aiming for the same thing, But I just...." JOWY: "At the highland camp, after I let you both escape ahead, I was captured and met Luca Blight again." JOWY: "I hated him from the beginning, It's true but I think I admired his strength a little bit too...." JOWY: "I thought if I was that strong, I could protect everyone and I could dreate a gentle world where nobody would ever be hurt." JOWY: "But..." JOWY: "No... Forget about it." JOWY: "This is a battle between the King of highland and the leader of the [name] army. This is truely... the final battle." HERO: [1]"I guess you're right..." [2]"We don't need to fight." [NOTE: Choose the second option.] JOWY: "We do need to fight... Hero..." ================================= 1.) ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY ================================= -------------------- / WILD ATTACK SAYIN' \-------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| NONE --------------- / ATTACK SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Why won't you fight, Hero!!!" "You're the leader of the [name] army, Hero........" --------------- / DEFEND SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Let's finish this long, long battle..." "Hero..... You......." --------------------- AFTER THE FIRST DUEL --------------------- JOWY: "Why... why have you come all this way only to decide now not to fight?" HERO:[1]"There's no reason to fight you." [2]". . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." JOWY: "There is a reason... to remove any trace of the highland kingdom from this land..." JOWY: "Agares Blight and Luca Blight are already dead, and I've put Jillia to rest with my own hands... I'm the last living Blight....." JOWY: "Cut the Blight bloodline once and for all or there will always be fanatics who will try to revive the highland kingdom..." JOWY: "After all, sometimes hope can drive people to madness... Let's make this war the last war ever to plague this land." [NOTE:Then you'll fight him again in a duel and just like the first just defend until the last blow.] ================================= 2.) ONE ON ONE DUEL AGAINST JOWY ================================= -------------------- / WILD ATTACK SAYIN' \-------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| NONE --------------- / ATTACK SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Why won't you fight, Hero!!!" "You're the leader of the [name] army, Hero........" --------------- / DEFEND SAYIN' \------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------| "Let's finish this long, long battle..." "Hero..... You......." --------------------- AFTER THE SECOND DUEL --------------------- JOWY: "Hero........ I was always jealous of you. There's something about you... always so strong... and gentle..." JOWY: "That's all that I ever wanted... to be loved by everyone just like you were... and that's why..." [NOTE: Then he'll lose balance and out of strength and dying.] HERO:[1]"JOWY!!!" [2]". . . . . . . . ." JOWY: "I... I used too much power... the beast rune that Luca tried to free...." JOWY: "I had to.... use my.... 'Black sowrd rune' to stop it... our rune... together.... they make a true rune...." JOWY: "But... If you use it by itself.... It takes your life..." JOWY: "Hero..... I'm going to die anyway..." JOWY: "So.... I give you... my life... so the two runes become one again... Hero... your right hand..." HERO:[1]"I can't do that." [2]"Okay... Jowy." [NOTE: Choose the first option.] JOWY: "Hero... I... I'm sorry... I can't stand it anymore.... all the lives that I stole..." JOWY: "All the people I hurt...." HERO:[1]"I can't do that." [2]"Okay... Jowy." [NOTE: Choose the first option.] JOWY: "Please... I beg of you... don't let our dream have been in vain...." HERO:[1]"I can't do that." [2]"Okay... Jowy." [NOTE: Choose the first option.] JOWY: ".... Hero.... There's no... time.... Please... I'm ready..." HERO:[1]"Even so... I can't..." [2]"Okay." [NOTE: Choose the first option.] JOWY: "Hero...." [NOTE: Then Jowy's body shines with a light.] JOWY: "Wh... What's this....." [NOTE: The also Hero's body shines with a light.] JOWY: "The rune...." JOWY: "This power..... It's healing my body..." [NOTE: And after that Leknaat appears.] LEKNAAT: "The 'Rune of beginning'...." It only appears when the holders of the two runes face each other in combat." LEKNAAT: "Just as when this world was first born..." LEKNAAT: "Hero.... even so.... You choose not to fight... That spirit... and the spirit of 108 stars of destiny...." LEKNAAT: "They have called forth the power of the true rune of beginning." LEKNAAT: "Hero... just as i thought, you are a strong man...." LEKNAAT: "Please go... Hero, Jowy the world is still mostly unknown to you, overflowing with new things." LEKNAAT: "There's no reason for you to stay in these lands." JOWY: ". . . . . . . . . . . . ." JOWY: "But.... I ... I murdered people with my own two hands... Lady Anabelle, Luca Blight and all those soldiers..." JOWY: "My sins are heavy...." LEKNAAT: "And they will not disappear as long as you live, but I believe you're strong enough to go o and make this world a better place." [NOTE: The Leknaat disappears from the scene.] JOWY: " . . . . . . . . . ." JOWY: "The man called Jowy Blight has no place on this world anymore...." JOWY: "But I can forget this land, forget the name Jowy and maybe.... I can start again...." HERO: [1]"Of course." [2]"You must understand." JOWY: "Hero...." JOWY: "This was the place where our journey began.... How many hours have passed once we were first here...." JOWY: "Let's go.... Hero... Let's make this place the beginning of our journey..." [NOTE: Then Jowy will join in your party and then after that head back down and see Shu.] JOWY: "If we hadn't run away then....." SHU: "Then we'd have problems, because without you two, we wouldn't have peace in this land." SHU: "Lord Hero, So you're leaving eh..." SHU: "I had hoped that you would stayed and lead this country. you're the right man to do it." SHU: "But i won't try to stop you. you're certainly paid your dues and then some we could ask no more of you." SHU: "Go out and there and see the world, feel the world. It's still a big world to you." SHU: " And I hope that when you're finished with your journey, one day you'll com back." SHU: "There's just on thing I have left to report." SHU: "Although I was asked not to tell you until this point. I'll understand if you wish to punish me for disloyalty." SHU: "When Nanami fell in the Matilda knightdom." [NOTE: you'll see the real scene what really happened to Nanami in your castle.] FLIK: "What!? But...!!! How could you fail!!?" VIKTOR: "Quit it, Flik! He did all he could, don't take your anger otu of him." FLIK: "I know that! I know!!! But... But... What about Hero..." FLIK: "Damn it. Kiba... and Nanami..." FLIK: "They've fought along with us!!! and even though we won... even though we've come so far..." VIKTOR: ". . . . . . . . ." FLIK: "Damn..." EILIE: "Hero..." HUAN: "Lord Shu..." SHU: "What is it." HUAN: "Can I speak with you... inside." [NOTE: Then you see a conversation with Shu and Nanami.] NANAMI: "Sir Shu...." SHU: "Oh.... Doctor Huan." NANAMI: "I'm sorry.... I asked Doctor Huan...." SHU: "Something on your mind?" NANAMI: "Yes..." NANAMI: "I... I... I'm thinking about getting away from Hero for a while." SHU: ".... Hero will be saddened to hear that." NANAMI: "I know... I know that, but... But it's hard for me... Hero and Jowy fighting..." NANAMI: "Also it's hard for me to see Hero in pain...." NANAMI: "When there were arrows raining down on us and Hero tried to shield me with his body, I realized it..." NANAMI: "Hero shouldn't do such thing. He's too important for that...." SHU: "A leader of men can't behave like that." NANAMI: "That's... that's why I'm going to let you have him all to yourself for a while." SHU: " What will you do?" NANAMI: "I'll go back to Granpa Genkaku's house. I think It's safe and beside..." NANAMI: "beside... when this is all over, that kid will need a place to return home to right?" NANAMI: "Also.... I have a favor to ask. If it's ever time for Hero to come home, tell him about this conversation." SHU: "Why do you ask ME to do it?" NANAMI: "Because I fegured if it's you, you'd never tell him until it was absolutely necessary..." SHU: "Yeah, you're right... I'll do it." [NOTE: After the scene.] SHU: "And so... That it... and these are my final words to you as your strategist." SHU: "Take good care of yourself, Lord Hero." ------------------------ DIFFERENT ENDING SCENE ------------------------ After talking with Shu you'll see a scene, Hero and Jowy goes back to Kyaro and runs in heading to Genkaku's house, in there Nanami hugs the two of you then pay respect to the grave of Genkaku then Jowy will have a final seeing of his house then the three of you visits the new house of Pilika and Jillia and watch them from the gate then you'll head out to the bride to set off a new journey and start a new life. ====================================================== ENDING #4 [GIVE UP THE FIGHT IN TINTO CITY] ====================================================== ---------------------- ENDING SUMMARY ---------------------- This ending happens while your in Tinto city, when you escape from Tinto two of your companions comes with you to help you out and after you arrive in Crom village the village is attacked by zombies then you'll head to Tigermouth village but also this village will be attacked by zombies, once you head out Hero will use all of his power to kill the zombies in you're sight then he'll be weakened then Nanami carries him up and until your trap and then Georg helps you and after that in Drakemouth village after Nanami head out you'll see Flik, Apple and Shu he'll slap you in the face and then he'll asks you to come back then keep refusing from his offer and then the two members will join Shu then that the end of it. =================================================== --- LIST OF STARS OF DESTINY CHARACTER'S ENDING --- =================================================== ================== SCENE: ================== You'll see Hero in the meeting hall of Jowston hill and discussing important matter with the other leaders in the whole country, and then you'll be at the city hall of Muse city and giving orders to Shu and Klaus then you'll see Ridley training his Kobold army and at Greenhill city you'll see Teresa and Shin handling the new leaf academy and the last scene is where you are standing in front of Muse city gate where you and Nanami waited for Jowy to return. ================== BACKGROUND: ================== The picture of the Black sword rune and Bright shield rune. ====================================== FIRST PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING ====================================== ---------------------- TERESA Tenki Star ---------------------- Became mayor of Greenhill and made peace with Karaya. ---------------------- SHIN Chisatsu Star ---------------------- Left Greenhill to sharpen his skill as a swordsman, and never returned. ---------------------- EMILIA Chisui Star ---------------------- Returned to the leaf academy and became the headmaster and taught at the school. ---------------------- FITCHER Tenritsu Star ---------------------- Returned to Muse city and was later elected as mayor. ---------------------- JESS Tenku Star ---------------------- After ending his term as acting mayor, choose to live as a normal citizen. ---------------------- HAUSER Tenyu Star ---------------------- Became commander of the [name] national army. ---------------------- FREED Y Tenbo Star ---------------------- Refused a position in the country of [name] and returned to live in Radat. ---------------------- YOSHINO Tenkoku Star ---------------------- As promised, she returned to Radat with Freed Y and live happily ever after. ---------------------- MARLOWE Chiyou Star ---------------------- Founded a library in Tinto city and taught many children the love of learning. ---------------------- GIJIMU Chikyou Star ---------------------- Fought in Grassland war as captain of the Tinto city forces. ---------------------- LO WEN Chii Star ---------------------- Living happily in Two River city, where she opened a restaurant. ---------------------- KOYU Chisoku Star ---------------------- Occasionally visits Marlowe and marvels at his great "scholarship". ---------------------- HILDA Chiin Star ---------------------- Returned to the white deer inn to live happy life with Alex and Pete. ---------------------- ALEX Chisu Star ---------------------- Returned to white deer inn, but can't seem to lose his "treasure-hunting" bug... ---------------------- MAX [1] Chii Star ---------------------- Once the war was over, ended his long career as a knight in service of justice. ---------------------- MAX [2] Chii Star ---------------------- Died on the battlefield. ---------------------- MIKLOTOV Chimou Star ---------------------- Reformed Matilda knightdom, selected as commander. but politely declined the honor. ---------------------- CAMUS Chiki Star ---------------------- Reformed Matilda knightdom along with Miklotov and then journeyed to the Grasslands. ---------------------- RICHMOND Chiyu Star ---------------------- Still a private investigator in Radat. ================== SCENE: ================== Annallee, Pico, Albert do their music singing and Rina sheena plays a card game and Eilie performs her famous knife trick and Bolgan performs fire breathing human in front of Chaco and some other characters watches them performing outside in your castle. ================== BACKGROUND: ================== The Picture of the Burning Mercenary fort. ====================================== SECOND PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING ====================================== ---------------------- EILIE Tenzai Star ---------------------- Returned to her life as a traveling performer, but ofter thinks fo Hero. ---------------------- RINA Tenken Star ---------------------- Lead a group of performers with Eilie and Bolgan and travels around the world. ---------------------- BOLGAN Tenpai Star ---------------------- Returned to his life in the traveling circus, but continues to study hard. ---------------------- ANNALLEE Chiraku Star ---------------------- Travels with her music group, sharing her beautiful voices with people everywhere. ---------------------- PICO Chiretsu Star ---------------------- Travels with Annallee and continues to get into troubles where ever ---------------------- ALBERTO Chiken Star ---------------------- Travels with his group while improving his armor skills that he learned in Crom. ---------------------- TAI HO Tenhei Star ---------------------- Returned to Kaku and his life of ribaldry and Turpitude. ---------------------- YAM KOO Tenson Star ---------------------- Enjoy a life of fishing in the lake of Toran. ---------------------- TEMPLTON Chikou Star ---------------------- Currently traveling to try to discover the edge of the world. ---------------------- PESMERGA Teni Star ---------------------- Left the [name] army to once again in pursue of Yuber. ---------------------- KILLEY Tenbi Star ---------------------- Journeyed to Kanakan south of the Toran republic in search of the mystery of the sindar. ---------------------- LORELAI Chikatsu Star ---------------------- Planning to investigate the ruins in Kanakan before Killey can. ---------------------- TSAI Tenyu Star ---------------------- Returned to his wife where he live constantly as a father and husband. ---------------------- TOMO Tensyo Star ---------------------- Reuniting her parents, Currently living happily at home with both of them. ---------------------- HANNA Tensafu Star ---------------------- Journeyed to the Grassland without saying a word to anyone. ---------------------- ZAMZA Chisyu Star ---------------------- Stayed in the [name] army as magic instructor. still as infuriating as ever. ---------------------- GEORG Teni Star ---------------------- With his "Contract" over, he left like a ghost, whereabout unknown. ------------------------ ANITA [1] Tenkyu Star ------------------------ Traveled to the Toran republic to challenge her rival. ------------------------ ANITA [2] Tenkyu Star ------------------------ Challenged Valeria to a duel, but after fighting to a draw, continue her journey. ================== SCENE: ================== You'll see Ridley standing in front in the stage and with with Kobold soldiers listening then he then goes at the most bottom row and gets mad of the three winger that didn't listen to him. ================== BACKGROUND: ================== The picture of your castle in the near river. ====================================== THIRD PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING ====================================== ---------------------- RIDLEY Tengou Star ---------------------- Returned to Two River where he continued as leader of the kobold army. ---------------------- CHACO Tenkou Star ---------------------- Returned to Two River. Currently stirring up lots of troubles with his pals. ---------------------- SID Chido Star ---------------------- Living some where in Two River where he does his best to frighten the townfolks. ---------------------- GENGEN Chitan Star ---------------------- Achieved his desire by becoming a captain of the [name] army. ---------------------- GABOCHA Chikaku Star ---------------------- Currently performing admirably as captain Gengen's first Lieutenant. ---------------------- YUZU Chisyu Star ---------------------- Finally found her grandpa and returned home with Taro. ---------------------- VINCENT Chichin Star ---------------------- Journeyed to the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia to continue his studies abroad. ---------------------- SIMONE Chikai Star ---------------------- Left with Vencent an a journey to the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia. ---------------------- HANS Chiyu Star ---------------------- Still working as an armorer in [name] castle. ---------------------- OULAN Chiaku Star ---------------------- Stayed in the Nation of [name] and became captain of the bodyguards. ---------------------- GENSHU Chiei Star ---------------------- Returned to his life of wandering, his whereabouts are currently unknown. ---------------------- GANTETSU Chijiku Star ---------------------- Return to Qlon in the Toran Republic, where his expulsion was rescinded. ---------------------- TAKI Chizen Star ---------------------- Living happily with her daugther's family in Two River. ---------------------- SHILO Chisyu Star ---------------------- His gambling house in [name] castle still a raging success. ---------------------- TETSU Chiyu Star ---------------------- Return to Lake west where he is building the largest bathhouse in [name of the nation]. ---------------------- RIKIMARU Chian Star ---------------------- Travelled north once again in search of the object of his revenge. ---------------------- L.C. CHAN Chihi Star ---------------------- Never forget to do his daily run, squats, push-ups, and sit ups. ---------------------- WAKABA Chiyu Star ---------------------- Training daily with her teacher, her goal is to beat a bear with her bare hands. ================== SCENE: ================== You'll see Gadget and Meg is surrounded by Jeanne, Barbara, Adlai, Tenkou, Raura, Lebrante and others, and after that Gadget tranforms into a big wood robot and everyone seem to be panic or being amazed by it. ================== BACKGROUND: ================== The picture of the howling beast rune. ====================================== FOURTH PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING ====================================== ---------------------- MEG Chikei Star ---------------------- Riding on Gadget, she tooks off on a adventure to find Juppo. ---------------------- GADGET Chisyun Star ---------------------- Continues to allow Meg to travel with him despite her selfishness. ---------------------- TENKOU Chiri Star ---------------------- Returned to his quiet life in Crom village. ---------------------- RAURA Chikou Star ---------------------- Journeyed north towards Toran Republic. ---------------------- TESSAI Chiko Star ---------------------- Gained great fame as a swordsmith, while continues to work in [name] castle. ---------------------- LEBRANTE Chisei Star ---------------------- Work as an appaiser while searching for "celedon urn" to bring collection to 1000. ---------------------- MAZUS Chizen Star ---------------------- Set off for Toran Republic to battle Crowley the wizard, his archrival. ---------------------- GILBERT Chiretsu Star ---------------------- Tired of wars, he retired as a mercenary and returned to his wife and children in Zexen. ---------------------- GORDON Chikou Star ---------------------- Still living in the nation of [name] and trying to expand Gordon industry. ---------------------- HOI Chizoku Star ---------------------- Decided to retire from thievery but soon realizes that was a terrible mistake. ---------------------- TONY Chitou Star ---------------------- Continues to work hard to grow delicious vegetables in the fertile fields of Tinto. ---------------------- HAI YO [A] Chizou Star ---------------------- Continue his wandering in order to avoid being caught by the "organization". ---------------------- HAI YO [B] Chizou Star ---------------------- Return to Black dragon Islanda to lay flowers on the grave of Shin Mun. ---------------------- ADLAI Chisou Star ---------------------- Returned to South window to continue inventing and making trouble for his neighbors. ---------------------- JUDE [A] Chibun Star ---------------------- Stayed in [name] castle to try to complete his work on his Guardian deity. ---------------------- JUDE [B] Chibun Star ---------------------- Looking for inspiration for his new work following Hero's guardian deity. ---------------------- JEANE Chiketsu Star ---------------------- Returned to Antie to continue her work as a rune master. ---------------------- KAREN Chiin Star ---------------------- The men of Kuskus till go to see Karen dance, annoying their wives greatly. ---------------------- CONNELL Chisa Star ---------------------- Returned to Forest village and head for crystal village to continue his studies. ---------------------- LUC Tenkai Star ---------------------- After the war, he considered his role ended and returned to Leknaat's service. ================== SCENE: ================== You'll see the Five squarrel and and also with the two monsters with Shiro and Kinnison watching them then Ayda comes in and stares Kinnison then he'll be shy to face her and panics. ================== BACKGROUND: ================== The picture of your three castle flag raised up in the sky. ====================================== FIFTH PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING ====================================== ---------------------- FEATHER Tenman Star ---------------------- With no place to return to, he still protects [name] castle from all enemies. ---------------------- SIGFRIED Tentai Star ---------------------- Returned quietly to the forest. ---------------------- ABIZBOAH Tentai Star ---------------------- People still sometimes see a large octopus swimming around castle. ---------------------- MUKUMUKU Chima Star ---------------------- Returned to the forest from where he sprung. ---------------------- HUMPHREY Tenyu Star ---------------------- Set off again a journey for the temple of the crystal ballet. ---------------------- FUTCH Chibi Star ---------------------- Set off for the crystal ballet with Humphrey in search of a "dragon". ---------------------- MILLIE Chiku Star ---------------------- Travelled to the Grassland in search for a bride for Bonaparte. ---------------------- STALLION Tensoku Star ---------------------- Continues his journey to becaome the fastest living creature in the land. ---------------------- MONDO Chikou Star ---------------------- After completing Hanzo's mission, returned to Rokkaku. ---------------------- SASUKE Chikyou Star ---------------------- Returned to Rokkaku village with Kasumi and Mondo. ---------------------- AMADA Chiman Star ---------------------- Commandeered of a ship and returned to the island countries. ---------------------- BADEAUX Chibaku Star ---------------------- Stayed in [name] army as a beastmaster where he practices his unique skills. ---------------------- BOB Chikei Star ---------------------- Moved back to Kobold village where he complains a lot, but lives a happy life. ---------------------- AYDA Chisou Star ---------------------- Returned to the deep forest where she live alife in harmony with nature. ---------------------- KINNISON Chisin Star ---------------------- Returned with Shiro to the woods near Ryube, but accasionally visits the deep forest too. ---------------------- SHIRO Chitai Star ---------------------- Shiro is always seen by his side of his master, Kinnison. ================== SCENE: ================== You'll see Viktor and Flik in the mercenary Fort entrance talking about something and once they head out they'll see Tengaar comes in and dragging little Hix then Viktor and Flik laughs and enters the Fortress then Tengaar drags Hix again After Viktor and Flik goes in the fortress. ================== BACKGROUND: ================== The picture of the staff and tonfar of Jowy and Hero. ====================================== SIXTH PART OF CHARACTER'S ENDING ====================================== ---------------------- FLIK Tenan Star ---------------------- Instead of going to warrior's village, set of on a journey with Viktor. ---------------------- VIKTOR Tenko Star ---------------------- After destroying Neclord, set off on a aimless journey for a chance of pace. ---------------------- NINA Tenfu Star ---------------------- Tried to, but couldn't follow Flik, still waiting in Greehill for him to return. ---------------------- SIERRA Tenei Star ---------------------- Decided to hang around with humans instead of returning to blue moon village. ---------------------- KAHN Chihei Star ---------------------- Became the first vampire hunter and started to look for a new life. ----------------------- CLIVE [1] Tensyo Star ----------------------- Set off once again in the hunt of Elza. ----------------------- CLIVE [2] Tensyo Star ----------------------- After burying the corpse of Elza, became leader of the Howling Voice Guild. ---------------------- VIKI Chitatsu Star ---------------------- Drank too much champagne and accidentally teleported herself off somewhere. ---------------------- HIX Tenrou Star ---------------------- Continues his "coming of age" journey with Tengaar. ---------------------- TENGAAR Tensui Star ---------------------- Received village's blessing for marriage, currently waiting for Hix to propose. ---------------------- KIBA Tenmou Star ---------------------- During the Matilda campaign he led his oen unit and was killed at the Mercenary fort. ---------------------- KLAUS Chikai Star ---------------------- Stayed in [name] and recieved training as a mulitary strategist. ---------------------- KASUMI Chikyu Star ---------------------- Returned to Rokkaku after completing the mission given to her by President Lepant. ---------------------- VALERIA Tensyo Star ---------------------- Returned to Gregminster with the volunteer soldiers she led. ---------------------- BARBARA Chison Star ---------------------- Became keeper of the nation's national vault. ---------------------- HUAN Chirei Star ---------------------- Returned to muse to Begin the healing of all of the people injured during the war. ---------------------- TUTA Chijyu Star ---------------------- Continued his advanced training in the art of medicine while assiting Doctor Huan. ---------------------- LEONA Chihi Star ---------------------- They say there's never an empty chair at her tavern in [name] castle. ---------------------- SHEENA Chimei Star ---------------------- Returned to Toran to get some extra gold and then set off on a journey of exploration. ---------------------- APPLE Chifuku Star ---------------------- Said goodbye to Shu and sets on a journey to research the life of Mathiu. ---------------------- SHU Tenki Star ---------------------- Dreams of a quiet life even as he continues to play as a vital role in [name of the country]. ---------------------- NANAMI [A] Tenjyu Star ---------------------- Died in Rockaxe trying to protect Hero and Jowy. ---------------------- NANAMI [B] Tenjyu Star ---------------------- After reuniting in Kyaro, the three friends continue to journey merrily together. ---------------------- HERO [A] Tenkai Star ---------------------- Continues to lead the nation of [name of the country]. ---------------------- HERO [B] Tenkai Star ---------------------- To him, the smiles of Jowy and Nanami are his greatest treasure. ================================= DISCLAIMER ================================= I've replaced the first three endings to there original script in the game and leave the fourth ending as it is. this Ending Faq should not be reprodced, edited, copied, revised or reformed by anyone, and shouldn't be placed in a web site or homepage without proper permission by the author, the Game Suikoden and Suikoden 2 are copyright by Konami and if you've seen this Ending FAQ in a site or in a Magazine or even in any printed hardcopy which has not been listed in the thank you's section, please e-mail me at (cyrus_viii@hotmail.com). THIS ENDING FAQ IS COPYRIGHT ©2000-2001 BY CHRISTOFFERSON CAJES [CCajes] THIS ENDING FAQ IS ORIGINALLY CONTRIBUTED FIRST IN GAMEFAQS..... ============================== THANK YOU'S ============================== - I thank God. - I thank myself for working hard for the Faq. - I thanx Gamefaqs.com for posting this Ending Faq. - Many thanks to [ReyneX@aol.com] for helping me with the missing ending characters of Clive's[2nd ending]and AbizBoah[1st ending]. - and thanx to all the readers, who read this ending Faq up to the last. If you want this Ending Faq/guide posted or use in your homepage please ask me first[cyrus_viii@eudoramail.com] and I will gladly say yes.