Grand Knight History 1 Basics 1.a Controls 1.b Menu 1.c Skillbooks 1.d Gear 1.e Movement and tents 1.f Fighting 1.g Squires and types 1.h Morale 1.i Team formations 1.j Stats 2 Important stuff 2.a Joining a Kingdom 2.b Recruting Squires and training 2.c Quests and Events 3 Questions(Mail me if you have one) 1 Basics 1.a Controls Controls are simple Circle is for confirmation Triangle opens the menu Cross cancel Square while in map mode will ask you either you want to go home or use a tent sometimes in menu mode you can press it to obtain more info and details and for last R1 and L1 are used to switch in menu mode. 1.b Menu In the menu you can find the next -Items a. Items b. Skillbooks c. Equip d. Jewel e. Quests -Equip a. Weapon b. Body gear -Skills Map skills(Ill talk about this later on) -Form -Stats -Quests 1.c Skillbooks Okey the skillbooks will allow you to obtain new abilities as long as you meet the requiriments there are two kind of skillbooks Weapon/element type and Support type, to learn any skillbook you need skill level, which you obtain when ever you level up the weapon/element or the support level, now this seems stupid to say but you need to difference the skill level from the character level, you can level up your skill level with low level mobs, even if it wont give you much exp points. Weapon/element: If a knight/archer the weapong you are holding will determine the weapon level you get(if you use a bow you get bow mastery level) if a mage type you get a element level depending in which spells you equip. If you want to learn any skillbook you need to pay with levels so to lern -Blade line- you need to pay 1 sword level therefor if you were sword level 2 now you re level 1. Knights and archers start with level 1 in the weapong you choose while mages start level 1 in every element. Now you can equip only 4 action/skills all this actions will cost you ap for useage. Go to 1.f to further explanation. Support: This is the same as above exept that you can equip only 2 of them and the they work as passives. 1.d Gear The gear Can be classified in Weapon and body gear. Weapon: No need for details, here you can see a list of the weapons you can use. Body gear: You can equip up to 3 different type of body gear, head, chest, armor. Thats all you need to know. 1.e Movement and tents Okey you have 100 moves(cost) so once you move you spend 1, you can see it in the top left corner there says cost. You can use ¨Cost¨ as a paid to activitate some abilities(map skills). Also you can recover Cost with tents. 1.f Fighting The battles are turn based, you whenever you want to use an action you need to pay AP(action points). Blocking costs 2 ap waiting and move cost 0 and flee cost 1, battle actions varie from 1 to 10 or more. You obtain 6 ap whenever a turn starts and you obtain 1 ap for defeating an enemy, if you kill more enemies with a single attack you obtain even more ap which even if it is determinated I can really tell how it works, for example, I killed 2 enemies and I obtained 3 ap but I killed 5 and obtain 15 which is weird. You have a cap of 12 ap so you should always spend till you have 6 or less so you wont lose ap. The battlefield consist in 2 rectangles filled with squares 3x4 and is like this: Enemy = = = = [] = = = = Our team = = = = [] = = = = team side = = = = [] = = = = side You can move you characters once per turn horizontal or vertical as long as there are no character blocking the way. 1.g Squires and types There are 3 type of squires Knights, Archers and Mages. -Knights: Okey this is the funny thing knights are subdivided in 3 groups Paladins(male), Guardian(Male), and Valkyrie(Female). Paladins have High Str and Tec, Guardians have High Defense(Phisical), and Valkyries are the jack of all trades. Now you can equip them any of the following weapons, Rapier, Spear, Sword and Shield, Great Swords. Each of them hae their pros and cons. Rapiers are single target weapons and they deal huge amounts of damage but as I said thay cant target neither an enemy that is far nor multi target. A really good class if you want more damage in your team. If you want to make a great rapier character you need to know that they need Str, Agi, and Tec. You can invest less in agi if you want. Spears are Piercing specialized, they dont have that much damage nor they make your knight more tankie, they are more of a survivor pack, you obtain a few buffs that either boost your damage or gives you life regen... not the best class in my opinion, more of a circumstancial class to me. They are better as tanks than damage so go with Vit, Wis, hp and luck. Swords and shields are the jack of all trades weapon, they give you high defense, single target damage, lineal damage(-), column damage(1),range damage, useful abilities like double turn and charge which gives you ap. A really good weapon if you are not planing to use a rapier. Recomended stats all the stats exept for int and tec. Greatswords are for Guts fans! They re one of the strongest class that the knights have to offer, they have, Cleave damage, knockback, Lifesteal, Debuffs(Confusion), Buffs(damage or defense) and global damage(only if you have a mage in your team), they lack of lineal damage. Recomended stats, anything exept int, agi and tec(you need some agi and tec but dont over do it). -Archers: The long range damage and rear support character. There are 3 types Hunter(male), Rouge(male), and sniper(female)... again males 1 femalem dont ask why. Hunters have high str and vit(dmg and armor), rouges have tec and agi(eva and acc) and snipers Hp and wis... okey thats dumb, pick a sniper if you are planning to have a strong unit against mages(or if you want to have a archer girl). You can equip them any of the following weapons, bow, gun, crossbow.Now you see that you can equipjust 3 kind of weapon while the knights have 4? well have that in your mind until we talk about wizards :D Bows are high damage weapons they do tons of damage, they would damage everything they touch, they have, lineal damage, column damage, global damage, single target, a few useful abilities(more dmg in the next abilitie or acc, etc) and a map skill(more damage... yeay!). They reminds me of Pucci when he... ups almost spoiled you something! Pay me no attention! Go with Tec, agi and str. Guns are mlg weapons and they go like this: pew pew pew...They go well with doritos and mountain dew. Just kidding, okey they are kindda design to debuff your enemies in a cross(sometimes) a deal a good amount of damage, they deal aoe damage inteed of single target or global damage, they have column damage though and no lineal damage. Go with Tec, Vit, and Hp.(They need to survive and deal debuffs to the enemy, like blind) They re design to be more tankie I think... Ah also they have less acc. Crossbows are a fusion between bows and guns...they are not as mlg as the guns not as strong as bows, they have some debuffs(single target), some global damage, the mimic hunt skill(plain dumb), to be honest they re not a great pick, unless you fear to face a full mage team, which you re going to face(Pve mode sinse pvp is dead).They go with Str, Wis, Tec, Hp, and maybe agi. Do whatever you want but they re design to be tankie and anti mage. They have better acc. -Wizards: The Magical ones, okey there are 3 different kind of wizards, mage(male), witch(female) and cleric(female). Yeap now you have two girls and one men, dont ask why. Okey do you remind what I tell you about knights having more weapons than archers? Okey this is the funny thing wizards have 2 different weapons... But they have 4 different elements. Mages, are the support kind you should use a hammer with them, they suck a little at dealing damage but they re good supports they have more wis than int, Wizards, UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!!!!! or thats what you re going to say whenever you zap people with your lightings, they have high int, and for last we have clerics they sucks even worst than mages in dealing damge(low int) but they exel in healing(high wis). You can equip them rods or hammers but that wont decide which spells you get, you need element level for that, which you obtain by having a elemnet spell equiped. Fire: Damage, enflame debuff, More damage buff(single target multi target, multi target Ex). Water: Recovering spells, water oriented spells, Freeze debuff. Earth: Earth damage, Def up buff, nullifie an attack. Wind: Damage, knock back, Paralized debuff, global damage, aoe damage, speed up buff. Now there are some abilities that needs multi elemnts like Revive that requires water lvl 9 and earth lvl 9. Also there are abilities of other jobs(archer and knights) that requires a Wizard in the team(only a wizard it doesnt matter the weapon nor the element or the class chosen) to be able to use them. So if you wizard died you cant use them in battle. 1.h Morale Morale is a second life bar that is outside of battle and affetcs it, you have 100 moral and whenver you end a battle you will lose some, but if you lose too much life or if you died you lose even more morale(if you die you lost all), when your morale is low whenver you start a fight you will get less Ap so be carefull with that, wines recover morale, and when a week pass you recover it all. You can also recover morale defeating black pawns. 1.i Formations Formarions or form, are how your team is going to appear in the battlefield, all the forms gives you something, from more Defs to more ap at the begining of the battle, but keep in mind, that once the formation is broke you lose the benefits. Also if any of your characters have somebody in front whenever that other character is knocked back the other character will lose health(it can be dodged too). 1.j Stats There are 9 different kind of stats(if we do not count personality), and they re the following: °Str= Attk dmg(Physical) °Vit= Defense(Physical) °Tec= Accuaracy(Universal) °Int= Magickal damage(only wizards) °Wis= Defense(Magickal) and healing efficacy °Agi= Evasion(Universal) and Turn order °Luck= Resistance to Status ailments °Attk= Dmg(Universal) °Hp= Health Points Self expl As you can see Attk and Hp are proper stats and they do not depend in other stats to raise, you get attk either with weapons or items, and you can get hp with jewels, elixiers, and training. Have in mind that buying a rod to your wizard will also increase your magickal dmg. 2 Important stuff 2.a Joining a Kingdom There are 3 different kingdoms: Avalon(Witch Queen) Union(A King of Knights) Logres(Some sort of dicatator) In a summary this is like picking a side in pkmon go, in pvp had sense, but in pve? Mmmh different story mode maybe? Same bosses different locations maybe? Up to you... I picked Logres sinse his king looked more badass. 2.b Recruting Squires and training Okey now you need to think what kind of team you aim to. You can choose freely, I already explain the jobs classes and weapons/elements so do whatever you want, but remember there re two ways to play this game, you can defeat it with your starter team, or in late game when you got everything, you can dismiss your team(a little cruel) and start all over again but this time with better training(am gonna talk about this now), sinse bosses ar meant to overlevel your characters, they dont have a fixed level, therefor if you re low level they are going to be a few levels more than you but sinse you have the best training, jewels, items, skills, weapons, etc, you re going to have it easy. Now about training... remember the personallity? It determines how your training is going to be, but to be honest until lat game you wont understand much, and you dony have acces to good trainings at the begining. A training can be a Failure, Success, or Marvelous, being the first the worst case, and the last the best. I think the training is for 60 days, but I dont quite remember if you know please tell me and I ll add it with your name. Ah btw, my recomendation is to have at least 1 wizard so you can have acces to the strongest spells and the healing ability. 2.c Quests and events There are two kind of quests and two kind of events, and appart of that there are bounties(they re stronger black pawns). Quests: Main Quests and Sub Quests, the first ones makes you advance in story mode and sometimes give you rewards, sub quests give you money(like bounties). Events: There are events in all the world those events have the name (Event) so you cant miss them, those are normal events, but sometimes when you re moving they can occur, those are Random events. Normal events: a)Bring me ore, some guy will ask you to bring him some ore, you have the choice to give him 1 ore or 5 ores, or none, my recomendation is that you wait till you have 5 ores. Once you gave him enough ores he will give you a ring and when you give them all the ores that he needed he will reward you with the best ring in the game and he will open a ring shop. b)Stone collector, this guy will tell you to leave sinse you are not worthy... unless you have 50 jewels(not equipped in the moment), after you show him some stones he will start a trade with you... UNLESS IT SAYS DRAGON IN THE NAME DO NOT EXCHANGE NOTHING. Dragon jewels are the best... c)Read the monuments, there is this old men that will ask you to go and read all the monuments in all the maps... the monuments are some gramves that says something ¨useful¨ pay attention that the are monuments and map directions, and those are different, but they have the same symbol in the map, so if it says some directions is not it. After reading all of them(13) he will give you the best Bow in the game. d)Open 300 chests, thats it you need to open 300 chest and you obtain the most powerful crossbow(it gives you lifesteal I think). e)Bring me weapons, you need to show weapons to a dwarf, like 100 of them, so do not sell any weapons unless you have already one of them. He gives you a greatsword. And sells equipment.(Godo is that you?). f)Destroy all the Crystals, some knight will ask you to destroy all the purple crystals(you need to defeat that challenge once), also whenever you defeat a crystal you get a unique item. Once you destroy all of them(14 the last one is in the final stage) he gives you a holy lance. g) Collect 50 bless coins, I dont need to tell you anything, just collect them and throw them to the pointed river to obtain the best rod. It gives you more chance to inflict status ailment. Random events: a)Buy a rare weapon, some guy will come outta nowhere and ask you to buy the true golden sword! Most of the times is going to be fake(it cost 1000 gold) and it gives you a gilded sword that gives you 200 gold, so you lose 800 gold, but, if it is the true one you get the best rapier in the game. b)Let me sleep, some old man will tell you to take one of his wepons for free... yeah, they re all strong. There are 3 of them, a sword shaped weapon(sword, greatsword, rapier, or lance), a bow shaped(Bow, crossbos and gun), and a rod shape(rods and hammers), all of them have special effects. c)The apple girl, some girl will give you an apple or sell something, you should test it out wont tell what it does(is nothing bad). d)The sciencist, this guys is the very reason why you should save your game before starting a day, he can give you 3 points to a random stat, or you can lose 1 point and your life will be reduced to 1. e)The merchant and his brothers, there are times where you find or a merchant that gives you something good at low price, or when you find his brothers, one of them sells you support spells(you should buy all of them x4), other sells you great weapons and abilities, other sells you things for much money they cost, other takes you back home. f)Monter dens, you need to fight a few monsters, no rewards but good exp. g)Thieves, some thives, you can get money items and the likes. h)Mimic attack, you need to fight a mimick that is chaising someone, you get a random loot. i)Give me food, there re 3 of them, the one who is starving, the one who wants to try something new, and the one who need it, the first one gives you something valuable, the second a random item I think, and the third who ask for pomelo nectar like 6 of them I think, I dont know what that guy gives. j)Open a chest, there are chaces to get a good weapon(dont remember the name) or to get amubushed by slimes. 3 Questions If you have any question send me a mail and I will answer it! My mail is: Thx for reading this Guide, also I give credit to the developvers of this game... If you re going to use this guide give proper credit to Gamefaqs. Thats all! By by good fellas!