Gurumin A Monstrous Adventure Walkthrough by MJ ___.----------------------------------------------------------------------.___ \ / Table of Contents \ / *..----------------------------------------------------------------------..* I. Walkthrough | II. Items & Upgrades | III. Hidden Medal Locations | IV. End game Unlockables | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: 12/09/08 - Platinum medal locations complete. Better late then never :P 5/02/07 - More walkthrough info, platinum medal locations. 4/20/07 - Upgrade info complete, walkthrough info, typos fixed. 4/18/07 - Initial walkthrough complete. Added to GameFaqs Next update: Probably won't be one. ___.----------------------------------------------------------------------.___ \ / I. Walkthrough \ / *..----------------------------------------------------------------------..* Tlese Town ---------- After the cutscenes head outside. Talk to the people if you like and head to Fancute cakes. Talk to Fan and head out. Go to the next store and talk to Disk to get the Goggles! Equip it and leave the store. Go and talk to Cylinder. Talk to Hyperbolic (the grandpa) and Pamela. Head to the house to trigger a few cutscenes and the game intro FMV! Nice. Afterwards you'll be in Monster Village. Monster Village --------------- Talk to Pino to get your new drill weapon! Now we have to rescue the brother. Head to the other exit to the world map. Head to Potato Ruins. Potato Ruins - Nanometer Shrine ------------------------------- After the cutscene head to the ruins. Destroy the vases to get coins. Also pillars can be destroyed for additional coins. Collect as many coins as you can. Drill the rocks to enter the next area. You will encounter your first set of enemies. Nothing to hard here, a few hits will kill them off. This room has 2 walls to drill; one has a treasure with a cookie inside, the other is a lever to the next area. Drill the pole to turn off the beam to the lever. The next room is now open. Level up your drill, your drill should be leveled fully. Kill the new enemy and drill a hole in the cracked wall. This enemy is carrying Junk which you collect to upgrade your stuff. Head to the heal pod and heal if necessary. Drill the crack wall next to the sign for some coins. Kill the enemies and drill the brown crate. Drag it over to reach the next area. Head straight to the face statue and drill to uncover a lever. Next to it is a cracked wall with some coins. Ride the platform over. Activate the lever at the end of the room, kill the incoming enemies and jump up by the red vases and drill the hole. Here you will practice your jump attack. Collect the junk from the enemy and head to the next area. After you 'rescued' Puku you're done here. Monster Village --------------- After the cutscenes you have to head back to Tlese. You can destroy the rubble here for additional coins if you like. Tlese Town ---------- After the cutscenes head back to your house and talk to Pino. Head to Fan's store and talk to Poco hiding behind the tree. Now head down the street and talk to Puku. Before leaving you should go buy some stuff. Talk to Cylinder and get the upgrades. I suggest getting Drill Tornado. Very useful! Head back to the village. Monster Village --------------- After the chat head to the world map. There's 3 available area to explore: Radish Woods, Potato Ruins - Nanometer and Meter Corridor, and Mole Dojo. Lets head back to to Potato Ruins - Nanometer Shrine. Potato Ruins - Nanometer Shrine ------------------------------- Same as before but this time you will be graded. Destroy every enemy, chest and vase to receive a S+ grade which will give you a gold medal to trade to your grandpa for goods. You will get a potted plant at the end of the level. Keep it for now and head to Meter Corridor. Potato Ruins - Meter Corridor ----------------------------- Head inside and open the treasure for a cookie. Drill the wall and head down the stairs. Activate the lever and kill of the baddies. Power up if you need to and enter the next area. Follow the monster to the next area. Climb the ladder to get to the Mystery Bag and Power Oil treasures. Use your jump attack to get to the oil. Find a hidden treasure inside a pillar in the corner of the room. A hidden enemy will also appear. To the next area. Here you will see some enemies starring at some crates. Kill them and drill the brown breakable crate. Climb up the stairs and jump over the broken stairs to get up. Kill the enemies and head to the next room. Jump over the blocks to get to the next area. Fishes will appear in the water. Use your jump attack to get them. Destroy the trash cans to receive lots of junk parts. Jump down the hole and exit. Grab the Boombox to complete this level. Now we have to give back Poco's Boombox to him. You can find him at Fan's store. This will unlock more areas. Talk to Pamela to uncover the mystery bag. Nice sombrero! Back to the world map. Head to Potato Ruins - Centimeter Hall. Potato Ruins - Centimeter Hall ------------------------------ Open the presents to receive a chocolate and cookie. Save. Prepare for your first boss fight! Boss - Bob ---------- Pretty simple fight here. Use your drill charge to break off his armor. Then attack him to give him damage. Be careful he can still attack you when his armor is off. Sometimes he will body splash you. Use dodge and when he's on the ground attack him plenty. He will run back to his armor every time to put it back on, attack him while he runs back to it. You can even knock him off the rocks to the pit! His other attacks consist of some glow balls which you can jump over. His drill charge can be avoided by simple running away or dodging. He also can make rocks fall from the ceiling, watch for the shadows on the ground and avoid them. Heal if necessary. When he's dead you will get a Life gem. Use it to increase your HP. Monster Village --------------- Head back to Tlese. You can find Pierre inside the house. Give him the potted plant to unlock a area. Talk to Pierre again in Monster Village to give him the sombrero. Now we have to find his bird. He's not far, in fact he's right behind Poco's place sitting on the rocks. Grab Francois and give it to Pierre. You will receive a Picture #9: "Yearning for Home". Back to the map. Lets head to Radish Woods - Cherry Forest Path. Radish Woods - Cherry Forest Path --------------------------------- Here torches and trees can be drilled for coins. Drag the box onto the panel on the ground to open the next area. Kill the enemies by the trees and grab there junk. Proceed to the waterfall. Some enemies are trees so make sure you check every trunk. Step on the red flash to activate a crate. Drag it over to the panel. There's also a crack on the rock by the red flash button. Kill the enemies and head downstairs. There's a trashcan of junk in the corner. Quickly run over to the new enemy and kill it or else it will shoot this ball at you and does good damage. Use your jump technique on the floating monsters to jump over. Get the vase and enter the next area with the monsters and vases. Grab the Mystery Bag treasure and kill the 2 new monsters that appear. Afterwards go back and jump back down. Get the other 2 red vase and drill the crack. Walk up and jump to reach the new area and press the lever to drop 2 monsters. Kill them and the vases and exit. Grab the couch and bring it back to the village. Talk to Pierre, 2 new areas will be unlocked. Lets finish the forest parts, back to Fountain Clearing! Radish Woods - Fountain Clearing -------------------------------- Drill the statue to receive Fire Parts. Equip it and exit. Your done here. Go to Eerie Way. Radish Woods - Eerie Way ------------------------ Light up both torches to open the next area. This area splits in 2, lets go left. These spike things cannot be killed so ignore them. Kill the tree monsters and get the vases. To grab the treasure drill the tree stump underneath it. Grab the chocolate and go back to the right path. Find a crack on the rock to uncover some monsters and a lever. Make sure to run around so you won't forget any vases before entering the next area. Take care of all the monsters and jump down the well for some vases. Climb back up and sweep the area for vases. Drill the crack wall by the 2 red vases to the next area. Kill the enemies here and drag the box to the panel. In the next area you will fight a mini-boss. Same as before, drill the armor off of the monster and attack. Get the vases on the right. Killing these fishes are tricky. You have to wait for them to jump up so you can use your jump attack to kill them. Quickly swim over to the left so you won't lose much damage. Kill the 2 monsters and drill the crack behind the tree. Get the vase up above and ride the platforms. Get the vases, kill the monsters. and light up the torch in the middle with your drill. Head back and climb up the new elevated rocks. Grab the trashcan and kill the plant monsters. Quickly run over through the beams and kill the circular monster. This will drop 3 other monsters. Take care of them and get the vases. Exit and grab that Shoebox. Head to the village and talk to Poco and give him the Shoebox. Two new area will be unlocked. Go shopping, get Grandpa's medal, new attack -------------------------------------------- Take this time and head back to Tlese. Stock up on items and talk to Pamela to unravel the Mystery bag. This time you get a Shortcake! Now go talk to Grandpa. With the medals you gain by completing a level you can buy cool items! But first Grandpa had a hidden medal he wants you to find for him. It's rather easy to get. Go look in the fireplace at his house. Go inside the fireplace and a present box will appear with the Silver medal inside. Go back to Grandpa and give it to him. You will be awarded with a new picture for the album. Picture #2: "Evening Stroll" When your done go back to the world map. Lets go to Asparagus Lake to gain a new drill attack. Now that you are immune to water you can swim freely. Swim over the lake to the crack on the rock and grab the new spell. Head out to Potato Ruins - Mile Palace. Potato Ruins - Mile Palace -------------------------- Equip the lightning attack. Talk to the sentry. He wants you to show him some power? Simple do a Drill tornado to unlock the door. Kill all those pesky fishes with jump attacks. Get the vases and proceed thru. Light the torches with your fire attack and kill the monsters. Drill them to break them free from there cars. Watch put for the spike traps on the ground. Climb up and get the trashcan. Move on the rocks to get to the lever. In the next room you will be ambush by a mini boss. Same as before, drill and kill. Grab the chocolate treasure chest and vases and head upstairs. In the last room you will fight this monster with a zapper gun. Take him out first with tornado attacks. His zapper does decent damage if hit. Kill the little ones with drills and attacks. Before leaving make sure you got all vases and piggy banks in the corners of the room. Grab the table and head out back to the village. Talk to Pierre and give him the table. The next area in Potato Ruins will open. Go to it. Potato Ruins - Kilometer Path ----------------------------- Read the sentries and copy down the letter they say. Scramble it to uncover the password. Head in. Are you noticing that these stages are just backwards from the earlier Potato Ruins levels? You should be familiar with the background since the level is just backwards but with newer enemies. Make sure you find every vase before leaving to the next area. Sometimes some are facing away from you. Jump over the yellow beams and avoid them. Heal up if necessary. In the next room there's cannons shooting in several directions. Drill them all and pull the lever for some monsters to come out. In the room with the monster holding the cannon quickly drill him off of it and kill it. Take care of them all and get the vases. Drill 2 walls in this room, one with a treasure the other the lever. Kill the poles to deactivate the beams. In the next room press both levers to get another treasure chest with a mystery bag inside. Get all the vases and head out. Grab the Phonograph to exit. You probably guessed it, give the phonograph to Poco! Two more areas open up. Now that we're done with Potato Ruins lets explore Spinach Cavern. Spinach Cavern - Bracken Hollow ------------------------------- You gonna have a hard time getting through now. We have to talk to the Mole. Head to the Mole's house and talk. We have to beat Doug in a simple drill-off. It's very easy and you shouldn't have no problem beating him. Afterwards he will help you get that giant rock out of the way. Back to Bracken. Talk to Puku. After the cutscene head to the village. Talk to Digby and go back to Bracken. Talk to Doug once again. That dimwit brother of his is lost! You can find him at Radish Woods - Fountain clearing. Talk to him and go back to Bracken. Once again he got lost! Arrgh! Forget him for now. Now lets head to Forest Ballroom. Radish Woods - Forest Ballroom ------------------------------ Save. Boss fight ahead. Boss - Mosby ------------ Run around and wait until Mosby summons some bats. Use these bats to do your jump attack to reach Mosby. After you hit her she will be knocked down. Do some more jump attacks on her until she flys up again. Stay away from her when she does the nose dive attack. Does good damage. All her other attacks can be avoided by running around. Wait for the bats to appear and attack. After the fight you get another Life Gem! Rocko is now rescued. Head back to Tlese. Tlese Town ---------- There's some things to do in Tlese. First Cylinder has new parts for you to buy. Buy the Beta part for the pretty missile attack! Talk to Pamela to unravel the Mystery Bag, this time around its some Power Oil. Go to Disk's shop and upgrade those Goggles to LV.3. Also buy the Gas Mask. You'll need them for Bracken. Upgrade it to. Talk to Rocko there as well. Head back to the village and talk to everyone there. They will say new things. Lets go find Digby again. He's at Asparagus Lake. Talk to him and head to Bracken. Spinach Cavern - Bracken Hollow ------------------------------- Talk to any of them for the cutscene. Now that the wall is down you may enter. Equip the Gas Mask and enter. Get all the vases and destroy the plant monsters. There's 2 cracked walls here on each side of the room containing a lever to the next room. To destroy these crystals you have to equip fire and attack. Kill them all to open the next room. Read the sign, it says insert coins. This will drop enemies down to you. You have to pay to get them. If you kill them all you will receive the Joke glasses. The more you pay the harder the enemies are. Do this several times. In the next room find a crack on the rock by the monsters. Activate the lever to bring out some boxes and a new lever. Jump up and activate the new lever. Before heading to the next area head down to the bottom most area. Find a crack on the wall to find a vase and a treasure box with oil in it. In the next area put the boxes on the panels to open the next room. At the next area by the stairs don't move Parin at all. You will sink down to a secret area containing a treasure and a piggy bank. This took me forever to figure out! Go back and kill all the incoming enemies that arrive. Be careful not to knock them into the water holes or else you won't get the kill and a S+ grade. After killing them all drop down to the water hole next to the exit. You will see a opening to another area containing a treasure box, Mystery Bag this time. Get the vases and get the Hat Rack to complete the level. Take the rack to Pierre to unlock some more areas. Give the glasses to Chucky later on. Chilly Monster Village ---------------------- If you got Chucky in Monster Village already then go talk to him again. He will make Monster Village all cold. Talk to the others and go talk to Chucky again. Do a drillnado (spin move) and Chucky's dialogue box will say 'hot!'. Talk to him for a quick cutscene talk. You will get the first picture! Picture #1: "Lots of Roofs". Now your free to go. Lets go continue in Spinach Cavern to Forgotten Den. Spinach Cavern - Forgotten Den ------------------------------ Equip your Shock Parts and light the candle stand to open the door. Work your way up try to not fall when you jump attack the bats. Drill the rock at the end for the next area. To grab the treasure box above you have to drill 1 of the brown crate boxes. Only 1! If you drill both of them by accident then you have restart the level. Step on the red panel to make boxes appear. Drag 1 box on top of the single brown box to reach the treasure which is a mystery bag. This will make 3 monsters appear. Take care of them and drag the other box over to the gap to reach the next area. 2 more baddies here. This room is a little tricky. Check the left bottom left area for a treasure box. There's also multiple cracks to drill behind the treasure box. On the other side you will be ambushed by multiple enemies. Go back and you will also see 2 cracks near the grey boxes. Drill it. Now head back to the start of this room. You will see a box with a X on it. Push it backwards to make the boxes drop. Now you can jump up on top. Make sure you got all the bottom vases before heading up. Next to the spike ball is a ladder to go down. Kill the plant and head back up. Heal if necessary. Equip Gas mask for this part. Kill the plants and open the door. Get the vases next to the door and equip Goggles. Get the bats and fishes and press both levers. Equip the Gas mask again. Lots of plant enemies ahead. You will find a crack on the rocks at the corner, drill it for a path. Drill the next crack and run! A boulder will come at ya. Get all the vases and proceed. Make sure to check every corner for vases and piggy banks. Switch to shock and light the candle. Take care of the monsters and drill the beam pole. Grab the Low table and exit. Give Rocko the Low table. He's still at Disk's shop. This will unlock the last part of Spinach Cavern. Lets go to it. Spinach Cavern - Ancient Lagoon ------------------------------- Save and equip Goggles. Boss fight coming up! Boss - Roger ------------ After he stops swimming run to him and do jump attacks. This will make him swim some more. Sometimes he will stop and roll over the arena area. Simply get out the way. His other attack is he shoots out energy balls out you, watch out for the little fishes that pop up. When you get his life down to half the arena will collapse. Make sure your not in the middle when it does. He will now do his shockwave move. Simple jump up when it approaches you. His other attack is this tracking beam. Just swim out of the way to avoid. When he stands still go and attack. After the fight another Life gem is yours. Head back to Monster Village. After the chat we have to go to Pecky's place. Pecky's Mansion --------------- Talk to Pecky and he wants you to make him laugh. Equip your Gas mask and talk to Pecky. Now he wants you to play a game. Simple enough, whack 50 moles to win. He will agree to sponsor when you win. That takes care of that. Lets now go back to Radish Woods and finish this area. Radish Woods - Serpent Road --------------------------- Talk to the sentry. To light them all use your fire part and use your Pretty missile or Forward slash attack. Don't destroy the lamps or you'll have to leave and return. Once you have them all lit talk to the sentry and it will grant you passage in. Kill the monsters and head in. Get the vases and power up drill. Equip goggles and get those fishes and vases. In the next area there's a trashcan behind a tree. Jump up and activate the lever. Use them to jump over the spikes. Activate the lever and use the enemies to jump back over. Kill the monster and proceed. The next area breaks off in 2. Head right. This should look familiar to you. Jump down the well to grab some vases. Climb up and activate the lever. Make sure you destroy all the trees in this area, they contain monsters. Now go back and go to the left path. There's plenty of vases and monsters to get. When you reach the black opening (next to the 2 red vases) don't go in just yet. Now head back again to the right path. Its annoying but this place is huge. You will find another 2 path area. Take the right and you should see a crack on the wall. If you hear a jumping like noise then your in the right area. Drill it to get some more monsters and a treasure, get the vase by the opening too. You should see a sign that says "mistaken path". There's a lonely vase to get here. Now we can finally head back to the left path (pass the well part) and finish the level. Get the Bookshelf and head to the village. Give it to Poco. This will unlock another area in Radish. Lets go there. Radish Woods - Bat's Hideaway ----------------------------- Talk to the sentry a couple of times. If your having problems solving this riddle just pay the 5000, you should have enough money at this point. Head in and jump down the pit. There's 2 vases down there to get. Kill the monsters and step on the red panel. Jump up the boxes and push the X box onto the panel to open the next area. Kill the tree monsters and press the lever. Go back and kill the new monsters and head to the next area. Get all the vases and monsters. Drill the wall behind the waterfall for a lever. Proceed thru the rest of the level and get the Goldfish. Head back to the village and give the Goldfish to Rocko. Two new areas will now be open. Head back to Tlese for a cutscene. Tlese Town ---------- When you arrive Pamela will talk to you. Afterwards talk to her again since you have a Mystery Bag. This time its a Shortcake! Talk to Chucky by the stairs and to Fan. Looks like Fan jacked up the prices once again. Buy anything you need and head back to the village. Another cutscene here. The mole brothers have arrive. Afterwards head to the mountain. Pimento Mountain - Fairies' Nest -------------------------------- This is going to be hard to explain since this area is very opened. I'll just give you tips on what to look for. Get the energy oil treasure and activate the levers. Work your way up the mountain. You'll notice a piece of the rail missing. Jump down to find a treasure chest. Go back up and press the red panel for boxes. Drag the boxes on all panels to open the next area. Work your way thru. Careful to time your jump by the blue structure. Head down to find vases and a trashcan. Drill the crack for a path. Make sure to get the vases and the heal pod on the other side. Turn the camera around to see the white vases and a heal pod. Work your way to the lever. Sweep the area for vases. In the next area get the vases right by the door where you entered. The lava part can be a little tricky. Adjust the camera to get a better look for the jumps. Make sure to drill the rock which contains a hidden monster. Also drill the crack by the treasure for a Mystery Bag. Watch out for the collapsing ledge near the exit. Kill all the following monsters and vases and grab the Statue. Give the statue to Rocko. This will unlock another area in Pimento. Pimento Mountain - Sky Steps ---------------------------- Hmm we have to find someone to fix the lever. Head to Doc's Lab and chat. Doc's Lab --------- We have to find some machine parts for him. Lets talk to Cylinder back at Tlese. He will give you the drill part. Also he has new parts to buy from him. Before leaving talk to Pamela to unravel your mystery bag, another shortcake! Head back to Doc's Lab and give him the part. Select 'sign me up!' and play his game. Simply stay in the middle of the area and jump over the lasers. You only need to jump over 20 lasers to win. Afterwards he will fix the elevator. Back to Sky Steps. Pimento Mountain - Sky Steps ---------------------------- Now that the elevator is fixed we can reach the top. Head and get the vases on the left. Time to ride the mine cart! Killing all the monsters on this part can be tricky. You have to press X when you approach one. Some you can really completely miss because your going so fast. Keep restarting the level until you get them all. If you get them all then you will get a gold medal! To the next area. Search the far right area for a crack on the wall. There's some monsters and vases in the hidden room. get all the vases and monsters and press the lever. Get the mystery bag treasure and pass the spikes. Get the vases and a hidden vase monster at the end. Enter the next area. Get the vases right by the door. Proceed thru the mountain and press the lever for the platforms. The next part has some collapsing rocks so quickly get through it. To get pass the gap by the red vases look for rocks at the bottom that you can jump on. Work your way through. When you reach the monsters on the platforms there's a hidden heal pod in the cracked wall. When you reach the moving rocks part fall down to find a hidden treasure box below. Go back and work your way up the moving rocks. At the end by the exit there's 2 red vases to get. Make sure you get them before exiting. Grab the Dresser and give it to Chucky. He's still in Tlese. Two more areas are now open. Lets continue on with Pimento Mountain. Pimento Mountain - Star Ridge ----------------------------- Save. Boss fight ahead. Boss - Cream ------------ The only way to inflict damage is when she transform back to her original form. Half way thru the fight she will clone herself. Ignore them and continue attacking. Dodge her ice, lightning attacks by running around. The best attack to do on her is Pretty missile attack. It can make Parin invulnerable to her some of her attacks! Get new part, upgrade, talk to Pamela, Get Doc's Urn ---------------------------------------------------- After the fight head to Pimento Park to gain a new Part. Talk to Cream and jump up the bench and drill the wall to get it. Head back to Tlese and talk to Pamela to unravel the bag. This time you get a Helmet! It will absorb electrical damage by 25%. Take this to to get any new Parts or upgrades in town. Afterwards head to Doc's Lab. You will get a new item. We need this for the newly opened area in Spinach Caverns. After you got the Urn head to Spinach Caverns - Tumultuous Cave. Spinach Caverns - Tumultuous Cave --------------------------------- Talk to the sentry. He wants to be entertained, eh? Use your new Urn to make the sentry open the door. Drill the urn and you may pass. When you enter get the vases by the door. Equip your new ice part and put out the torch fire. this will make some monsters appear. Drill the rock and get pass the traps. Get the plant monsters down the below and drill the cracked wall near the turn. Like before a boulder will roll at ya. Get out of the way and go back and get the treasure chest inside. get the vases and head to the next area. Killing these fishes are a lot easier since you got shock. All you have to do is a Pretty missile attack or forward slash at the water to make the fishes fry. After you got them all get the vases and jump up the rock platform. Take the right platform to make a Platinum medal treasure to appear. Take the left and get the lever to the next area. Quickly charge drill and break the rock getting in the way. Light the candles with your shock part. There's a ladder going down right next to it. Drill the 2 cracks down there to find some monsters. You can use the wave attack on pretty missile to get the other monsters on the other side too. Light the other candles with shock to open the next door. Look in the pit for vases. There's a crack in this room that has 3 monsters. Use the bats to jump up and hit the lever. The monsters will now come at you. In the next area get all the vases on both sides. Use your pretty missile to kill the flying monsters. Work your way down and grab the Umbrella Box. Give it to Chucky. This will unlock another area at Spinach Caverns. Spinach Caverns - Shadow Grotto ------------------------------- Talk to the sentry. He wants you to show him some fashion sense. You can get through by wearing the Goggles. Use your fire to melt the ice. Jump down the water holes to find another area with vases, monsters, and a treasure box. Get all the vases and monsters and proceed. To destroy the beam walk up very close to it so you can drill one of the poles. Drill a crack in the next room to get over. If you remember in Bracken Hollow there was a sinking area by the stairs. So keep Parin still and she will sink down to find a opening. Inside theres a trashcan and 2 vases by the corners. Also theres a platinum medal to get here. On the right side of the room theres a gap in the wall. Walk into it for the present box to appear! Swim back up. This should look familiar to you, doesn't it? Make sure to drill the cracked rock at the bottom most area. There's a mystery bag inside. Step on the red panel to make the boxes appear. Push the bottom box from behind you. Use it to push the upper box down. Put both boxes on the panels. Watch out for a monster ambush in one of the boxes. In the next room you can buy a new outfit for 65500. You can come back later and buy it. Work your way to the next room get the vases and proceed. In the other room with many rocks drill them all to uncover a other mystery bag. There's 2 cracks in the room too. Activate the lever for the exit. Grab the toy car. You probably guessed it, it belongs to Chucky. Rocko's Curse, New picture -------------------------- Head back to Tlese and unravel those mystery bags. You will get a new item called Pharaoh Hat. Give it to Rocko. Talk to him again afterwards. He will act all strange. To get rid of his curse use your drill on him. For your efforts you will get a new picture. Picture #6: "Devices and Gear." Head to Eggplant Caverns - Crystal Way now. Eggplant Caverns - Crystal Way ------------------------------ Equip your ice part and put out the torch fire to get in. Activate the lever to unlock the red part on the left. Drag the box onto the platform and press the lever. Ride the platform on the other side to meet up with the box. Place it on the panel to unlock the next area. Kill the monsters and get the mystery bag. To the next area. Equip the shock part and light up the candles. Jump up and ride the platform. Hit the switch and get the monsters on the other side. Get the Afro treasure and power oil treasure box above. To get the upper treasure you have to work your way around. One of the levers moves 2 platforms. Get the monsters and phantom monsters and it will unlock the next room. In the next room you will get a options screen. Observe them to see how to unlock the gate. Get the treasure and work your way around to the turtle. You need to step on it to make it move over to the lock. Poco's Afro, new picture ------------------------ Get the Ducky and give it to Chucky. Two more areas will open. Give Poco the Afro. He doesn't like it much so we need to take it off of him. Equip your fire part and attack Poco. For your reward you will get a new picture for your album. Picture #5: "Nap Time". Pimento Mountain - Dragon's Back -------------------------------- Talk to the sentry. He wants you to jump on him. Drag the box over and stand on him. This is a backwards level of the early Pimento Mountain stages. There's also a Platinum medal to grab here. Its below where the ladder is. Jump over the snow blast and stand on the lower rock, a present box will appear. You can use the snow to jump back over. In the next area light up all the torches to open the next area. Check behind a torch to find a treasure chest hiding behind the blue structure! Sweep the area for vases and at the end of this area there's a crack on the left hand side. Monsters will be inside. When you reach the mine cart part try to kill all the monsters along the way. You will recieve a gold medal at the end if you get them all. Grab the Stereo at the end and give it to Poco. This will unlock the last part of Pimento. Pimento Mountain - Heaven's Hill -------------------------------- Head down the elevator. Hit the lever to make the elevator go back up. Stand in the hole where the elevator was to reveal another platinum medal! Talk to the sentry. He wants to see some fancy moves. Simple attacks is enough to get you in. Head in and drill the crack at the end. More lava fun. Make sure to explore all the areas here. There's hidden treasures in some cracks. Use your fire part on the ice monster to kill. In the next area check behind those blue structures for a crack by the trashcan and some vases. Clear the area and hit the switch. Jump down and ride the platform to get a new item. The Headdress regenerates lost drill power, not bad. Climb up the ladder and head back to where you drilled the wall. Jump up and jump over onto the blue structure and jump over to the other side. Use the snow blast to jump over the gap. Get the single house thing at the bottom by the snow. Next area. When you get to the area with the red floating monsters (near the beginning of this area, look around to spot them). Jump down to find a treasure chest containing a mystery bag. This area is huge and is easy to miss something so make sure you go every area at least twice. At the end grab the fancy shelf to exit. It belongs to Pierre. Now we have some area to go through at Eggplant but first head back to Tsele. Talk to Pamela to get the Magic Hood. This will increase elemental damage by 1.5. Head to Eggplant when ready. Eggplant Caverns - Sapphire Line -------------------------------- Motoro fights with a sign? Ha. Head in and get the vases and phantom monsters. The next area has 3 cracks so get them all. One area is closed off so go to the lava part. Kill the phantom lava monster and light the torch with fire to unlock the other side. In the next area kill the monsters and lava monster and hit the lever. In the next area go to the bottom area and clear out the monsters and vases. There's a crack by the ladder that contains a treasure box. Once your done head to the upper part. Drill the red crystals to knock down the rocks. Clear the west and north parts first. Put out the torches with your ice. Head east and clear the area. Get the cedar chest at the end. Take it back to Rocko. This will open the next part of Eggplant. I suggest you head back to town and upgrade your items and buy heal items. Eggplant Caverns - Topaz Path ----------------------------- Equip your ice part and drill the surrounding pillars. Save. Boss fights ahead! Boss - Giga ----------- Equip your fire part. You will do good damage with it. Attack Giga from afar with pretty missile attacks, it does great damage. When he has the rocks surrounding him you must drill them all to inflict damage on him again. After the fight you face off with Puku! Boss - Puku ----------- All his attacks can be avoided by just running around the arena. Equip ice when he starts using fire. Look at his sword to see. This will freeze him in place so you can attack him. Equip a LV.4 Helmet to make the fight even easier. Afterwards you get another life gem! Before heading to Great Fang lets finish up the area with Ruby Cave. Eggplant Caverns - Ruby Cave ---------------------------- Talk to the sentry. The password to enter is shadowgrotto. Spell it just like that. Enter and get all the monsters and vases. In the next area destroy the red crystals by doing a running drill move. Charge your drill and then run and let go. Step on the red panel for boxes to appear. Go on to the other side and use the yellow warp. Kill the monster and push the boxes down and place it on the panel down below to open the next area. Getting these upper treasure boxes are rather tricky. You have to repeatedly keep jumping at it to grab the ledge. It can be frustrating but it works. Keep rubbing into the wall til you grab on to one. You can jump over to get the other treasure box. Kill the monsters and enter the next area. Now this part can be down right frustrating. There's no way to grab on to the ledge by just jumping at it. You have to use the monsters to get yourself up there. Drill the pole to free the monsters. Now get close to the box so the monsters come at you. Now do jump attacks near the edge of the box. If done correctly you will be able to grab onto the ledge and get the vases and box. You have to do this before the monsters die or else you won't be able to get up there and your forced to restart the level. It sucks but its the only way. Drag the box down and drag it over the spikes. Get the treasure and trashcan and go into the next area. Some cracks to drill here. One has 3 switches that you have to lower all 3 down (facing the door). Clear the rest of the level and give the Old scroll to Rocko to open the last part of Eggplant. Head back to town to unravel those mystery bags. You will get a new item to use, the Headband! Make sure you have a Shortcake in your inventory. You'll need it for Amethyst Road. Eggplant Caverns - Amethyst Road -------------------------------- Talk to the sentry. He wants you to eat a shortcake in front of him. If you have full health go step inside the blue liquids on the sides to lose some damage. Light the torches with fire to open the next area. Get the treasure box, its a mystery bag. The next area should be very familiar to you. Clear the area and go to the next area. Drill the crack behind a treasure box that contains a area with 2 more treasure boxes. The lever part at the end is tricky and I haven't figured it out yet. I'll update when I figure it out. Get the teddy bear and give it to Chucky. The last level, Oblivion Abyss is now unlocked. Go to town and stock up on items. Go to Pierre and use the urn on him. He can heal you in battle remember? Lets go to Oblivion. Oblivion Abyss -------------- Before heading in I suggest to equip your Vampire Hat. Get it to at least LV.4. Now get the presents on both sides if you need items. Walk on the skeleton and look out for the breakable spines. Watch the rising lava and fireballs. Now go in and talk to Black Bean. Boss - Black Bean ----------------- With the Vampire Hat it makes the fight a little easier. Unleash pretty missile on it. When you see the bats appear use jumping attacks to reach the top. The atom bomb like attack does good damage if hit. When it's life is half way down it will use the Neo Galaxy move. This is pretty easy to dodge the downward beams. The rough part is to block the red beams. It does great damage and can hit you twice if not careful. If you get hit by 1 immediately heal or it can be game over. Continue hitting Black Bean. You can tell which one he is by the critical amount damage. The higher damage taken is the real Black Bean. Defeat him to recieve a Gold medal. Congrats on a tough fight. Now its time to face the last boss... Get last upgrades, talk to Pamela, buy items -------------------------------------------- But first lets head back to town and get any last upgrades needed. Talk to Pamela to unravel those bags. Get chocolates and shortcakes for the boss fight. When you head back to the village go to Pierre and use the urn on him. Now head to Great Fang to face Tokaron. Great Fang ---------- Boss - Tokaron -------------- Nothing to hard here. You can't attack Tokaron you just have to dodge his attacks. Wait for the cutscenes to come up and you're done here. Once you fallen you will face the true Tokaron! Boss - Armored Tokaron ---------------------- Now he gets serious. Drill all the armor off of him. Chest, the legs, all. When you drill all of it off you can do serious damage on him. Use pretty missile attack on him for great damage. When you do some damage on him he will fly into the air. Stay out of the star he shoots out and run around to dodge the waves. Keep doing this and he's done for. Ending ------ After the cutscenes go to Motoro's Gym. Now the rest of the ending will play. Congrats! You'll get unlockables after the credits. ___.----------------------------------------------------------------------.___ \ / II. Items & Upgrades \ / *..----------------------------------------------------------------------..* Fan Items --------- Cookie - 100 - restores 15 HP Chocolate - 600 - restores 50 HP Shortcake - 2500 - restores all HP *items will sometimes cost more depending on where you at in the game Disk's Item Upgrades: Collect Junk parts to buy ----------------------------------------------- Goggles - LV.1 Effect: Water Damage Halved LV.2 Effect: Immune to Water Damage LV.3 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.4 Effect: Attack Damage x1.2 LV.5 Effect: Water Damage restores HP / Rest regenerates HP Damage reduced 50% / Attack Damage x1.5 Gas Mask - LV.1 Effect: Gas Damage Halved LV.2 Effect: Immune to Gas Damage LV.3 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.4 Effect: Attack Damage x1.2 LV.5 Effect: Gas Damage restores HP / Rest Regenerates HP Damage reduced by 50% / Attack Damage x1.5 Helmet - LV.1 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.2 Effect: Damage reduced by 50% LV.3 Effect: Attack Damage x1.2 LV.4 Effect: Damage reduced by 65% LV.5 Effect: Immune to Gas Damage / Damage reduced by 75% Attack Damage x1.5 Cat Ears - LV.1 Effect: # of Chest shown LV.2 Effect: # of Jars shown LV.3 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.4 Effect: Attack Damage x1.2 LV.5 Effect: Immune to Water Damage / Damage reduced by 50% Attack Damage x1.5 Ribbon - LV.1 Effect: Trap Damage Halved LV.2 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.3 Effect: Immune to Trap Damage LV.4 Effect: Damage reduced by 50% LV.5 Effect: Immune to Water Damage / Trap Damage Restore HP Attack Damage x1.5 Vampire Kit - LV.1 Effect: Critical attacks restores HP LV.2 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.3 Effect: Attack Damage x1.2 LV.4 Effect: Damage reduced by 50% LV.5 Effect: All attacks restore HP / Rest Regenerates HP Attack Damage x1.5 Headdress - LV.1 Effect: Rest regenerates Drill Power LV.2 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.3 Effect: Attack Damage x1.2 LV.4 Effect: Damage reduced by 50% LV.5 Effect: Immune to Water & Gas Damage / Attack Damage x1.5 Auto Drill Power Restoration Magic Hood - LV.1 Effect: Elemental Damage x1.5 LV.2 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.3 Effect: Attack Damage x1.2 LV.4 Effect: Elemental Damage x2 LV.5 Effect: Elemental Damage x3 / Damage reduced by 50% Attack Damage x1.5 Headband - LV.1 Effect: Attack Damage x1.2 LV.2 Effect: Attack Damage x1.5 LV.3 Effect: Damage reduced by 25% LV.4 Effect: Attack Damage x1.7 LV.5 Effect: Immune to Water Damage / Damage reduced by 50% Attack Damage x2 Grandpa's Medals: Collect Gold medals by completing levels with S or S+ grades or finding hidden presents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Hat - LV.1 Effect: Money Gain x1.5 __________ 4 medals LV.2 Effect: Damage Reduce by 25% LV.3 Effect: Damage Reduce by 50% LV.4 Effect: Money Gain x2 / Attack Damage x1.2 LV.5 Effect: Immune to Water and Gas Damage / Money Gain x3 Attack Damage x1.5 Nightcap - LV.1 Effect: Critical Amount x2 ________ 7 medals LV.2 Effect: Damage Reduce by 25% LV.3 Effect: Immune to Water / Attack Damage x1.2 LV.4 Effect: Immune to Gas / Damage Reduce by 50% LV.5 Effect: Immune to Trap / Critical Amount x3 Attack Damage x1.5 Hair Buns - LV.1 Effect: Gas / Trap / Water Damage halved _________ 19 medals LV.2 Effect: Immune to Water and Gas Damage LV.3 Effect: # of Chest and Jars shown LV.4 Effect: Immune to Trap / Damage Reduce by 25% LV.5 Effect: Rest Regenerates HP / Attack Damage x1.2 Cylinder Items - Buy for new moves ---------------------------------- Alpha Parts - 500 - Forward Slash Storm Parts - 1000 - Drill Tornado Beta Parts - 4000 - Pretty Missile Attack Wind Parts - 5000 - Downward Lunge Cyclo Parts - 7000 - Spinning Dance Master Parts - 9999 - Dragon Flame Motoro's Drills --------------- info will be added later.. ___.----------------------------------------------------------------------.___ \ / III. Hidden Medal Locations \ / *..----------------------------------------------------------------------..* 11 hidden Medals to find. Find all 11 and give them to Motaro for special drill parts. Not in the correct order. Locations: 1. Grandpa's medal - Talk to Grandpa and look in the fireplace in his house. Walk into the fireplace to appear. 2. Spinach Caverns - Tumultuous Cave: Follow the right rock disappearing platforms. 3. Pimento Mountain - Dragon's Back: It's below where the ladder is. Jump over the snow blast and stand on the lower rock, a present box will appear. 4. Pimento Mountain - Heaven's Hill: Head down the elevator. Hit the lever to make the elevator go back up. Stand in the hole where the elevator was to reveal another platinum medal! 5. Eggplant Caverns - Amethyst Road: Visible present. Near the end of the level. 6. Spinach Caverns - Shadow Grotto: Located inside the sinking water area. Stand inside the right wall gap for it to appear. 7. Potato Ruins - Mile Palace: In the room near the end of the level where there are 4 boxes, jump to the center of the top-left box. 8. Potato Ruins - Kilometer Pathways: In the area where you can hit a switch to move a platform down try to hop onto the platform. Then when it reaches the top, turn toward the closest column you see and jump onto it. 9. Radish Woods - Serpent Road: Jump onto the tree stump near the well. 10. Radish Woods - Bats' Hideaway: Jump onto the tree stump near the river. 11. Eggplant Caverns - Ruby Cave: Go to the bottom floor, look around and find the pointy edge, where the pillars are at the northeast side, stand on the edge there to find the gift box. Thanks guys for the emails. ___.----------------------------------------------------------------------.___ \ / IV. End game Unlockables \ / *..----------------------------------------------------------------------..* New outfits, game difficulty, and subquests will be unlocked when you complete. Outfits ------- Check Parin's closet to switch outfits Armor Give 30 Gold Medal to Hyperbolic at Beginner Mode Chinese Dress Get good ending on Hard mode Kimono Set PSP date to January 1~7 Leopard Suit Get good ending on Crazy mode Maid Outfit Buy at vending machine at Spinach Caverns - Shadow Grotto Monkey Suite Get good ending on Beginner mode Normal Clothes Starts off with this Nurse Outfit Clear Boss Rush on Happy difficulty Pajamas Get good ending on Normal mode Princess Dress Give 30 Gold Medal to Hyperbolic at Normal mode Samurai Outfit Give 30 Gold Medal to Hyperbolic at Crazy mode Santa Outfit Set PSP date to December 25~31 School Uniform Get good ending on Happy mode Swimsuit Clear Boss Rush on Crazy difficulty Vampire Outfit Give 30 Gold Medal to Hyperbolic at Hard mode Witch Outfit Give 30 Gold Medal to Hyperbolic at Happy mode Work Uniform Clear Boss Rush on Hard difficulty Workout Gear Clear Boss Rush on Beginner/Normal difficulty *info from GameFaq's Code section Game Difficulty --------------- Beat the game on Normal to unlock Hard. Beat the game on Hard to unlock Happy mode. Subquest -------- info will be added later.. New game Clear Data + Popon --------------------------- Your HP will be intact when you start a new game, along with your photos. You'll lose everything else though. Popon will also appear near Fancute Cakes. She's a optional character you can play as. To play as her get the drill and go back to town and talk to her. Popon uses sword as her weapon, she can't use any headgear or clothes, but she is powerful. ___.----------------------------------------------------------------------.___ \ / Credits \ / *..----------------------------------------------------------------------..* Copyright 2007 MJ ( This FAQ was created by MJ. It may freely be saved to your hard drive, or printed, if it is not used for monetary transactions. You may post it on a Website if you e-mail me first to inform me of this, no changes are made, and that I am given credit for this FAQ. I reserve the right to require any website hosting this work to remove it. Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure Developed by Falcom 2007. All Rights Reserved.