Hexyz Force Walkthrough Version 1.0 as of September 28, 2013 by Henri "HC" Bailly Copyright (c) 2013 Henri C Bailly HCBailly@hotmail.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Cecilia's Path Walkthrough...........................................CECE1 01) Great Temple of Palfina (Phase 1)................................PALF1 02) Midee Highway (Phase 1)..........................................MIDE1 03) Black Precipice (Phase 1)........................................BLAK1 04) Inside Tower 1&2 (Phase 1).......................................ITR12 05) Lake Soleil (Phase 2)............................................LAKE1 06) Altar of Nervel (Phase 2)........................................NERV1 07) Great Temple of Palfina (Phase 2)................................PALF2 08) Inside Tower 3&4 (Phase 2).......................................ITR34 09) Endless Sands (Phase 3)..........................................SAND1 10) Inside Mother Worm (Phase 3).....................................WORM1 11) The Dragon's Abyss (Phase 3).....................................ABYS1 12) Inside Tower 5&6 (Phase 3).......................................ITR56 13) Gultchfort (Phase 4).............................................GULT1 14) Granad Cavern (Phase 4)..........................................GRAN1 15) Spirit Forest (Phase 4)..........................................SPRT1 16) Altar of Nervel (Phase 4)........................................NERV2 17) Sealed Library (Phase 4).........................................SEAL1 18) Inside Tower 7&8 (Phase 4).......................................ITR78 19) Denmail Highway (Phase 5)........................................HIGH1 20) Fallen City of Altair (Phase 5)..................................ALTR1 21) Ravena Castle (Phase 5)..........................................RAVN1 22) Inside Tower 9&10 (Phase 5)......................................ITR9A 23) Great Temple of Palfina (Phase 6)................................PALF3 24) Fort Faulken Outskirts (Phase 6).................................FORT1 25) Fort Faulken (Phase 6)...........................................FORT2 26) Inside Tower 11&12 (Phase 6).....................................ITRBC 27) Upper Tower of Judgment (Phase 7)................................UPER1 28) Inside Tower 13 (Phase 7)........................................ITR13 III. Levant's Path Walkthrough (coming soon)..............................LVNT1 01) Spirit Forest (Phase 1)..........................................SPRT2 02) Fort Faulken (Phase 1)...........................................FORT3 03) Denmail Highway (Phase 1)........................................HIGH2 04) Black Precipice (Phase 1)........................................BLAK2 05) Outside Tower 1&2 (Phase 1)......................................OTR12 06) Gultchfort (Phase 2).............................................GULT2 07) Granad Cavern (Phase 2)..........................................GRAN2 08) Outside Tower 3&4 (Phase 2)......................................OTR34 09) Great Temple of Palfina (Phase 3)................................PALF3 10) The Sealed Library (Phase 3).....................................SEAL2 11) Midee Highway (Phase 3)..........................................MIDE2 12) Outside Tower 5&6 (Phase 3)......................................OTR56 13) Lake Soleil (Phase 3)............................................LAKE2 14) Outside Tower 7&8 (Phase 3)......................................OTR78 15) Endless Sands (Phase 3)..........................................SAND2 16) Inside Mother Worm (Phase 3).....................................WORM2 17) The Dragon's Abyss (Phase 3).....................................ABYS2 18) The Dragon's Abyss (Phase 4).....................................ABYS3 19) Altar of Nervel (Phase 4)........................................NERV3 20) Ravena Castle (Phase 4)..........................................RAVN2 21) Great Temple of Palfina (Phase 5)................................PALF4 22) Spirit Forest (Phase 5)..........................................SPRT3 23) Outer Tower 9&10 (Phase 6).......................................OTR9A 24) Fallen City of Altair (Phase 6)..................................ALTR2 25) Fort Faulken (Phase 6)...........................................FORT4 26) Outside Tower 11&12 (Phase 6)....................................OTRBC 27) Upper Tower of Judgment (Phase 7)................................UPER2 28) Outside Tower 13 (Phase 7).......................................OTR13 IV. Final Chapters.......................................................LAST1 1) Upper Tower of Judgment - West Wing (Phase 7).....................UPER3 2) Upper Tower of Judgment - East Wing (Phase 7).....................UPER4 3) Upper Tower of Judgment - North Wing (Phase 7)....................UPER5 4) Upper Tower of Judgment - Central Wing (Phase 7)..................UPER6 5) Chaos Chamber (Phase 7)...........................................KAOS1 6) Holy Lambent (Phase 8)............................................HOLY1 V. Bonus Content........................................................BNUS1 1) Endings...........................................................ENDG1 2) New Game+.........................................................PLUS1 3) Extras Mode.......................................................XTRA1 4) Hard Mode.........................................................HARD1 5) Faust's Lab.......................................................FLAB1 VI. Sidequest List.......................................................SDQS1 VII. Credits & Copyright Information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. INTRODUCTION This is a complete walkthrough for Hexyz Force, a relative unknown but awesome traditional jRPG. If you want an RPG with competent characters, great music, and unique gameplay mechanics, this game is for you. I hope this walkthrough will help you have more fun with the game and provide information organized as efficiently as possible. While I do have a separate section for all of the sidequests that I'm aware of, I will also weave them into each section of the walkthrough, so you don't have to constantly cross- reference them. It will also include the elemental weakness of every monster, as well as every treasure that I'm aware of. The recommended levels are for the main character of each path, and based on fighting each random encounter, except while backtracking, so as to avoid the need to level-grind. They are also based on the way I've optimized playing the game. Don't worry about it too much if you're even 15-20 levels behind. With the strategies I provide, they can be executed at almost any reasonable level. I do a little bit of farming in the game, but mostly for reagents needed for crafting. It's nothing extreme. Just a couple minutes here or there. I try to avoid farming most rare items, especially early in the game, when you don't have access to manipulating it. However, there are times when it's a good idea to try and get some rare items from fixed encounters. Worry not, rare items are only "rare" in name only. They're not nearly as rare as other RPGs. I will do my best to avoid spoilers to the plot in the walkthrough. That said, I'll obviously have to mention character names, dungeon names, and when you are told to do something or go somewhere. If that is more information than you want to know about the plot, then you may want to try the GameFAQs boards. Be warned that the Bonus Content & Sidequest List sections contain spoilers. If you have some new information, know something I missed, know a better way to do something, got a death threate, or a marriage proposal, please send your comments to the email address above. During the walkthrough, I will follow this format for each section of the game. Location > Recommended Level (for main character) > Recommended Party > Enemies (weakness) > ASCII map > Preparations > Walkthrough > Boss Strategy > Recommended Equipment. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. CECILIA'S PATH WALKTHROUGH [CECE1] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GREAT TEMPLE OF PALFINA (Phase 1) [PALF1] Recommended Level: 1 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Mani (Light), Nepenthes (Fire), Orcus (Wind), Sabrewolf (Fire), Soloma, Zephyra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ ________________________ _______ |29|A |_| __________ | S - Save Point | 13| | |30|__ |__________ | | F' - Force Site | 34 | | | 5| |___| 1|___|___ | | F - Force Site (Stardust) | X X X | | | | 3| __| |_| | | | | | | | | |____| 2| |___| | __ __ | X X X | | | | |__________| | | | |23| |__| |__| |24| | 14| | | | |___| |___| | __| | | | | X X X | | | | S| | ||4 | |_______ _______| | 15 __| | | | | ¯¯| | | | ¯¯| | |C | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | ____ ___ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____| |____ |1211| | | B_ | __ ___ ______ /25_______ \ | |¯¯____| |_____| | |20|_____| _A | 6| _B | / _|C|_ \ | | ¯| _____ | | | | 35 | |_______| 7| |F| | | | | | | | |¯|10| 22 |_ _| | | |19 |__ _____ | | | \|26___|/ | |_ ¯¯|32 33| _| | | | ___ | 9| | | | ___\ 27 31 /___ | | | | | | | |18 | |17 | | | | | _ F' 28 _ | |21 | | | |__ __| | | | |___| | \ / | |__ __| | |___ |16 |_| __| \_____ S_____/ |____ ___| | | | 8| | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1 - Star Sand/White Fragment [H}; *Fastile/White Fragment/Phantasm Alloy 2 - Poison Ring 3 - Dividing Liquid 4 - Fire Ring 5 - Bandage Orb 6 - Cloth Bandana 7 - Cracked Ring x2 8 - Life Orb 9 - Aqua Orb 10 - Bandage Orb 11 - Red Lapis x3 12 - Red Lapis x2 13 - Holy Water 14 - Lihit Grass 15 - Sunflower 16 - Blazing Recipe 17 - Cracked Ring x2 18 - Healing Herb x2 19 - Green Lapis x2 20 - Element Will x2 21 - Holy Water 22 - Healing Herb x4 23 - Sunflower x2 24 - Mistletoe x2 25 - Tattered Doll 26 - Holy Water [H] 27 - Fresh Recipe 28 - Bellel Wheat 29 - Red Lapis [D]/Purple Lapis [N]/Stardust [C] 30 - Water Ring 31 - Orb of Wisdom 32 - Defense Orb [D]/Swift Orb [N]/Strength Orb [C] 33 - Curative Orb [D]/Purifying Orb [N]/Miracle Orb [C] 34 - Strength Orb [D]/Cracked Ring x2 [N]/Orb of Hope [C] 35 - Stardust [D]/Energy Mist x3 [N]/Arnon Gem x3 [C] After waking up, we need to leave the room and start our mission. Examine the wall to the left that Ralu was looking at, to do so. You'll automatically be throw into your first battle against a Mani. For now, Cecilia only has a basic attack and healing spell on the Holy Staff, Riafalt, so use Release Force to defeat it. Head down the path and Rafael will join you, as you'll be thrown into another battle against a Mani and Sabrewolf. Notice the turn queue on the right. When you select an enemy to attack, you'll either see an X, meaning the enemy's aspect is weak to the aspect of your weapon, an O, meaning they are neutral, or a small circle inside a larger circle, meaning they are weak to it. In general, you want to hit enemies that are either weak to or neutral, though sometimes, you may not have a choice, or it may be a good idea to attack a faster enemy. Note that this is separate and in addition to elemental weaknesses. After the two battles, you'll gain some Force Points (FP), which you can use to invest in your Ragnafacts. While learning new Techs or abilities is important, I would instead recommend gaining two Atk levels for each of them for now, which you'll want to get up to Level 5 for each. Then, you'll want to learn a new tech for the Holy Riafalt, Saintly Fire, a light or holy elemental spell. Finally, I would increase the Atk up to Level 11. Note that even though the Holy Riafalt is a magical or force-based weapon, increase its Atk still increase its damage output. Also, now that you have control of Rafael, select "Party", then "Formation" in the menu, and move Rafael up to the front row. To the left is a stone pillar that will be your save points for the game, which you should use before entering the monolith altar in the room above. Before fighting the boss, you'll be given your first decision point. These will crop up throughout the game and influence which ending you will receive. Regardless of which ending you want, I would recommend choosing either the correct or least sarcastic answer available. It's not a huge deal, since manipulating endings is relatively easy, but I'll talk more about that later. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Fortified Beast (Blue) HP: 600 WEAKNESS: Bolt (10%) STRATEGY: He has a fairly powerful physical attack, but can't one-shot you. If you need to heal, use Healing Baton, but you shouldn't. Rafael should start by casting Gemini Boost, to inflict Haste, which increases how often you get to attack. Then, start with your basic attacks. When the beast gets low on HP, he will cast Tough Shell to boost his defense. However, once you get him below 300 HP, I would use Cecilia's Force Burst, Angelic Beam to defeat him. This will give you a very good chance to win a Pointy Horn from him, which you will need to craft a Draconic Turban later. If you don't win it, just reload from before the boss fight and quickly try again, or you could wait until later. ******************************************************************************* After defeating the boss, walk up to the monolith. You'll hear a 'ding' sound, indicating that you've found a harvest point. You can examine it to harvest some STAR SANDS or rarely, a WHITE FRAGMENT. Harvest points will respawn after fighting 5 battle, so check them again later. To the left are some stairs that lead around to a chest which contains a POISON RING, which I don't like, but can still be put to good use. In your item menu, select the Poison Ring and press square to convert it into 200 FP, which you can spend on your Ragnafacts. Then, leave the monolith altar. There's monsters everywhere, so let me quickly go over what we want to do. As I alluded to, during the boss fight, which element you use to defeat a monster can influence what item it drops. Here's a list of what items you'll want to look out for, what element to use (if necessary), the monster you'll win them from, and what I'm saving them for. You don't have to win everything right now. Just keep an eye out for them in the next couple areas. Note that "void" refers to non-elemental attacks, like your basic attacks. Also, you can use Rafael's Air Render as a wind-elemental attack. Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ----------------+------------------+---------+--------------------------------- Broken Idol x3 |Void |Evil Wisp|Long Cape Element Will x3+|Any-light/void |Evil Wisp|Purple Lapis, Force Comb Glass Statue x2 |Light |Evil Wisp|Crystal Necklace Bat Wing x5 |Any-bolt |Mani |Mercenary Cloak Devil Grass x2 |Any |Nepenthes|Traveler's Shoes Evil Feather x2 |Any-void |Orcus |Wind Boots Devil Dog Fur x6|Any-fire/wind/void|Sabrewolf|Mercenary Cloak, Force Bandana Fairy Wing x12 |Any |Zephyra |Wind Boots, Force Comb To the left, you'll be forced into a battle with a Zephyra, Evil Wisp, & Mani. After defeating them, follow the path up to where you'll find some of the floor has broken away. Search on the left, in the corner, just below that part, to find a DIVIDING LIQUID. There's hidden items everywhere that I'll direct you to, for now, though we'll find an easier way of revealing them later. Note that if you sneak up behind an enemy on the map, you may be able to ambush them and get in a few free shots. Before heading upstairs, follow the outer wall clockwise until you find a chest which contains a FIRE RING (equip on Cecilia). While not very useful for its effect, you might as well use it for now, since you'll need it later, for a sidequest. Continue along the path until you find a chest which contains a BANDAGE ORB. This is a Spirifact, an item that can be consumed a few times to heal your HP. Since Cecilia can provide for all of your healing needs, I would just convert it into FP. Backtrack to the stairs to the next floor. After talking to the Cleric, you'll find that you can't explor the left half of this floor, so head to the right. In the upper room is a chest which contains CLOTH BANDANA (equip on Rafael). Search the lower right corner of the room, where you will find 2 CRACKED RINGS. On the right side of the floor is a Force Site, where you can restore your HP/RP. However, this one needs to be cleared. These are mini-boss fights, but since you're about to get fully healed, you might as well use your most powerful abilities. An Ogre Blade and Saintly Fire should defeat the Sedna. Also, for clearing the Force Site, you will receive an additional reward, the Stardust, a type of force crystal that can be converted into a ton of FP. While Stardusts can be used to craft a Stardust Cape, I would recommend just convert it, since you're desperate for FP now. Walk down from the Force Site to the lower right corner to find a chest which contains a LIFE ORB (convert). Hug the lower wall clockwise to another chest which contains an AQUA ORB (save for later). The stairs to the first floor are in the upper right corner. You cannot leave the temple for now, but before returning to the main hall, go up to the area above the hall. The Catacombs are above, but you cannot go there yet either, so continue left to a chest which contains a BANDAGE ORB (convert). Walk clockwise around the floor to the center area, where you will find a save point. Follow the path to the upper left corner, then right to a chest which contains 3 RED LAPIS. Search around the upper torch to find 2 RED LAPIS. Return to the save point and enter the main hall. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Blasphemy (Blue) HP: 1000 WEAKNESS: Light (60%) STRATEGY: This battle is ideal for Cecilia, since her Saintly Fire will strike both its aspect AND elemental weakness. Rafael should keeping use his Ogre Blade. Blasphemy can inflict the Curse status which reduces all your stats. If Rafael is afflicted with it, then just have Cecilia keep casting Saintly Fire. If Cecilia is afflicted with Curse, then cast Healing Baton to remove it, since she's your primary damage source to defeat the demon. For defeating it, you will win a Decoy Doll Beta (convert). ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, you will find yourself in the Catacombs. Search in the corner by the left side of the statue above to find a HOLY WATER. Below the middle right tombstone, you will find a LIHIT GRASS. Finally, examine the lower left tombstone to find a SUNFLOWER, which you will need to craft the Yaehatae later. We'll need to head to the dorms next, so leave and head back downstairs. Go left and down to the library, first. Search the column of bookshelves, second from the bottom, to find the BLAZING RECIPE. These can be used later on for cooking various food items for a couple sidequests. In the upper left corner is a chest which contains 2 CRACKED RINGS. The dorms are to the left of the library, where Cecilia will pack her things. Talk to the Resting Cleric to the left to receive the CLERIC'S HAT, which you could actually equip, but is part of a trading sequence sidequest that we'll continue soon. Examine the lower left desk to find 2 HEALING HERBS. Search in the upper left corner of the dorms to find 2 GREEN LAPIS. Finally, push the switch on the upper wall. Leave the dorms and walk up the path to the left. There would have been a wall in your way, but the switch you pushed lowered it. Open the chest which contains 2 ELEMENT WILLS, which you'll want to save for crafting a Force Comb later. Push the second switch on the wall, which will drain the fountain outside. Now, you should backtrack to the main hall. Along the left side, search the second bench from the bottom to find a HOLY WATER (save). Talk to Elda, who will give you the SWIFTRAY (convert) and ETERNOVA (convert). To elaborate, it's not that all these items are useless. It's just that I value early FP a lot more than most early Spirifacts and Forcefacts. On the ground behind Elda, you can find 4 HEALING HERBS. Walk straight down to leave the temple. Talk to the Cheerful Girl to the left and exchange the Cleric's Hat for the Short Pencil. Search the gap in the upper left corner to find 2 SUNFLOWERS, which you'll need to craft the Yaehatae. On the opposite side of the area, in the upper right corner, you'll find 2 MISTLETOES, which you'll also need for crafting a Yaeahtae. Continue down to the next area. If you talk to the Girl on the right, she will give you the "So Lost..." sidequest, which will enter into your Log in your menu, and we will complete shortly. Examine the bench to the left to find a TATTERED DOLL. Go down the left stairs to find a cart where you can find the FRESH RECIPE. On the right side of town square, search the left stand to find 2 BELLEL WHEATS. If you drained the fountain, you can walk into it and behind the statue to a secret area. At the end of the path, open the red chest which contains a WATER RING (convert). The yellow chest on the left is a special kind of chest. Its contents will change depending on which way the vessel is tilting: destruction, neutral, or creation. In general, they contain better items later in the game, so I wouldn't open it, as you already have plenty of Red Lapises. Let's do some sidequests. Return to B1F in the temple. Follow the path to the left and talk to the Cleric to receive the "Survivors" sidequest. Head down to the basement and to the right to find the monsters: 5 Manis. For defeating them, you will receive a Sanocane (convert). Pull the switch in the upper left corner to fill up the fountain again. Along the way, you should have noticed an old woman. Talk to the Lost Old Lady from the "So Lost..." sidequest, and she will accompany you, though not visibly on the map. There is a trick here, though. At some point, you may lose track of here, even though there is no indication of this. My guess is that she will stop accompanying you, if you talk to someone on the way out, or the sidequest is timed. If you just rush back to the questgiver without talking to anyone, she will stick with you, and you will receive 3 MISTLETOES. If you lose track of her, you can still redo the sidequest, but you will receive a lesser reward. Now that the fountain is filled up again, examine the lower left corner, which is now a harvest point for HOLY WATER. Heal up at the Force Site to the left, save, and leave Palfina for Midee Highway. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt Fur Cape, Fire Ring Rafael: Grantein Cloth Bandana, Traveler's Mantle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MIDEE HIGHWAY (Phase 1) [MIDE1] Recommended Level: 8 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Nepenthes (Fire), Orcus (Wind), Sabrewolf (Fire), Zephyra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ |8| F - Force Site (Stardust) There are four things you | | S - Save Point should keep in mind here. |S| 1 - Ash Lumber x2 First, continue to look out ____| | 2 - Ash Lumber for those items drops from | __6 | 3 - *Amber/Green Lapis [H] the table in the last |7| | | 4 - Healing Herb/Lihit Grass/ section. Second, look for ¯ | | _ Bellel Wheat [H] opportunities to use your _|¯|__| |_| |_ 5 - Ash Lumber x2 Force Bursts as often as _ _ 45______| 6 - Mistletoe/Sunflower [H] possible. If you haven't |1| |F|__ 7 - Sunflower observed already, Cecilia's ¯ | 23| 8 - Green Lapis x10 Angelic Beam hits a column of ¯¯¯¯ Rafael's Air Render hits an enemy, and any others next to it, which is called a burst radius. Using a lot of Force Bursts will unlock an achivement for a really good item later on. Similarly, try to harvest as many times as possible. For example, there are three harvest points in the area. To avoid confusion, I will describe how to get through the area from start to finish, but you may wish to farm all the harvest points first, fight all the enemies, then harvest them again, after they've respawned. This will also unlock an achievement for a rare item. Finally, if you've gotten your Ragnafact Atk levels up to 11, you'll want to start saving up 10000 FP for later. After the cutscene, rotate the camera around, so you can see what's in front of you. Examine the stump to find 2 ASH LUMBERS, which you'll want to save to craft some Ash Barettes later. Continue forward to the Force Site, where you will fight a Sabrewolf and Giant Mantis. Cecilia should cast Saintly Fire on the Giant Mantis while Rafael focuses on the Sabrewolf first. For defeating them, you will win a Stardust (convert). Below the Force Site is a path to a chest which contains an ASH LUMBER. Behind it is actually a hidden harvest point where you can harvest AMBERS or GREEN LAPIS. However, you can't use it or even find it, until you acquire the Discerning Specs later on, denoted with an asterisk on the treasure map above. Above the Force site it a log where you can harvest HEALING HERBS, LIHIT GRASS, or BELLEL WHEAT. Search the stump next to the Force Site to find 2 ASH LUMBER. There is nothing to the right, so head up and across the bridge. In the flowers to the left, you can harvest MISTLTOES or rarely SUNFLOWERS. Continue left to a chest which contains a SUNFLOWER. Cross the second bridge above to a save point you should use. Note that this is the no turning back point for awhile. Proceed to the end of the path, where you will have to defeat an Orcus and Perro Diablo. Have Cecilia just attack the Orcus, while Rafael focuses on the Perro Diablo. After defeating them, you will head to the next area. During that last battle, the game will tell you about Hexyz Charge and Overkill. You can largely ignore Hexyz Charge, though you may want to keep an eye on it during boss fights, so they can't one-shot you. Overkill is slightly more important but also mostly ignored. For dealing enough damage in excess of a monster's remaining HP, you'll get more rewards for defeating them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BLACK PRECIPICE (Phase 1) [BLAK1] Recommended Level: 9 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Mani (Light), Nepenthes (Fire), Orcus (Wind), Sabrewolf (Fire), Zephyra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ S - Save Point /1\ ___ __ __ ___ __ F - Force Site (Energy Mist) | H | / G/ |N |/2 \ \J \/ M| 1 - Blue Lapis x2 \ / / / | |\ K \ \ / 2 - Yellow Lapis x2 /¯\| |/¯\ / / | | \ \ \ \ 3 - Vitality Orb |B A G| / / |HS| \ 3\ \ | 4 - Illusion Cloak/Peace Mantle \_/\_/\_/ /E / \/ _ ¯¯¯¯ /L |__ (New Game+) _ ¯¯¯ __ /L\ ___¯¯|E | _ _ /A\ ____ |J | | |4 M| | |__ _| |_ | | |S | |I C\ | | | |___| | K| |F S|| | \ | | _/ | |__ __| / ¯| |¯ | | | | |B | \ D C| |D __ \ _| |__| |_ | | ¯¯ \_______| |__/ \ I| |N | ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As aforementioned, you cannot leave this area once you enter it. There is a save point above, a green circle, and a rock. Walk near the rock and Ralu will learn how perform a Force Scan. This will allow you to find those hidden treasures a lot more easily, and reveal hidden chests. Force Scan the rock and give it some Force to activate the green portal above. As the game will tell you, the trick to getting through this area is going through the colored portals in sequence: red > blue > white > red. If you pick the wrong one, you will be sent back to the beginning. Note that green, yellow, and purple portals will not disrupt the sequence. Finally, this will be the last area where you can win the item drops I listed in Palfina, but you should be fine. Start by taking the green portal to the next area. The next portal is to the left, but head up first, instead. Walk clockwise around to the back of the white portal and scan to find 2 BLUE LAPIS. Backtrack to the first portal, then take the red portal to the left to the next platform. Ignore the yellow portal above and continue to the blue portal to the right to the next area. If you use the yellow portal to the left, you'll find an inactive purple portal, unless you are playing a New Game+. It leads to a chest which contains either an ILLUSION CLOAK or PEACE MANTLE, though I don't know the specific conditions. Return to the previous platform and take the white portal in the middle to the next platform. Go through the upper right yellow portal. Scan the area to find 2 YELLOW LAPIS. In the lower right corner, scan to find a hidden chest which contains a VITALITY ORB (convert). Return to the previous area, and take the upper red portal to the next platform. Proceed to the blue portal which leads back to an earlier platform. This time, use the upper white portal to reach a save point and the final portal to the next area. Proceed to the right and you'll enter the Pearl Chamber of Guidance in the Tower of Judgment. Afterwards, you'll unlock the Fusion ability, which will let you craft equipment. Here's my recommended crafting list for now: Purple Lapis = Element Will Aero Orb = Purple Lapis, Sharp Fang (equip on Cecilia) Hydracane = Aqua Orb, Ash Lumber (equip on Cecilia) Ash Barette = Ash Lumber (equip on Cecilia) Long Cape = Broken Idol x3, Fur Cape (equip on Cecilia) Mercenary Cloak = Devil Dog Fur x4, Bat Wing x5 (equip on Rafael) Traveler's Shoes = Devil Grass (equip on Cecilia) Wind Boots = Fairy Wing x3, Evil Feather x2 (equip on Rafael) Note that you will need to remove Cecilia's Fur Cape (press square) in order to craft the Long Cape. Note that it would be a good idea to continue winning Element Wills from Evil Wisps, so that you can continue to make Lapises for various elemental orb and canes. Afterwards, you can convert your old equipment for a little extra FP. You could take the white portal above to the Inside Tower 13 section, but you can't do much there, so we'll go there much later in the game. For now, enter the red portal to the left to the next area. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Hydracane, Aero Orb Ash Barette, Long Cape, Traveler's Shoes, Fire Ring Rafael: Grantein Cloth Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Wind Boots =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE TOWER 1&2 (Phase 1) [ITR12] Recommended Level: 10 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Evil Wisp, (Light), Fah (Light), Foul Gel Blob (Fire/Water/Bolt), Mani (Light), Perro Diablo (Fire), Sedna (Wind), Sting Worm (Water), Zephyra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ________ |B| _________ | 2| _ | |______ _ |___ ___| 1 - Glass Statue x2 | |¯| |¯¯_______ |A| | ____ | |8| | |_____ 2 - Blazecane | | | | | _ _|_ | |_| |_ | | | | __ | ___ | 3 - Yellow Lapis x3 | |_| |_|1|_| |_| | | _____|__| |___| | |5 |___| | | | 4 - Bat Wing x2 | _|X|_ | | | | | |7F S | | 4 | | | 5 - Tattered Doll | | | | | |¯|3|¯| | |O| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | |6 |¯¯¯¯¯ | | 6 - Narcissus |_| ¯ | | ¯ |A| ¯ ____|¯|_| | ¯¯ | | 7 - Silver Ring |S| ¯ | | |B| 8 - Silver Ring x2 ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point O - Harvest Orb F - Force Site (Stardust) Harvest Orb (30 FP: Ash Lumber, Fire Ring, Stardust, Star Sand, Stitch Orb) I recommend using the Hydracane, instead of the Aqua Orb, against Sting Worms, so that you can strike their aspect weakness. Plus, they've got a lot of HP. Similarly, I do not recommend crafting an Aerocane, since the Aero Orb strikes Sedna's asepct weakness, while the cane does not. Otherwise, there's nothing to really win from the enemies here. There is one enemy indiginous to the Tower of Judgment called the Force Eater. They're essentially the Metal Slimes of the game. Great rewards, but very tough to kill. It's extremely unlikely you can defeat them right now. They will drain 10% of your FP then either kill you or run away. I would recommend either avoiding them or ambushing them and running away for now. From the initial save point, walk up to a pillar. Scan behind it to find 2 GLASS STATUES that you'll want to save to craft a Crystal Necklace later. Take the left path to a fork, then right, and forward to a pot which contains a BLAZECANE (equip on Cecilia). If you cross the other path, you'll find a door with a blue spear on it, but you can't unlock it for a very long time. Return to the pillar, go up, and right at the fork to a pot which contains 3 YELLOW LAPISES. Backtrack to the pillar and follow last path to the right to the next area. Straight ahead past the fork is what I call a Harvest Orb. It kind of works like a harvest point, with semi-random rewards, except it requires you to pay FP to get them. You can only use them 10 times before they break. In this case, since this harvest orb only costs 30 FP, I'd use it until it breaks, even though I don't plan on using anything you get from it. Rather, convert any Fire Rings, Stardusts, or Stitch Orbs you get out of it for a profit. Return to the fork and proceed along the other path to another fork. The right path leads to the end, but lets use the other path to another area. Follow the path to a fork where you should go left. At the corner, scan the area to find a 2 BAT WINGS. Continue along this path to find two pots which contain a TATTERED DOLL and a NARCISSUS. You can craft an Edenova with the Narcissus, then convert it for a net gain of 1800 FP! Keep this in mind for later. Back track to the previous area and take the other path to a save point and a Force Site you'll have to clear. While fighting the two Tibias, use Saintly Fire and an Ogre Blade to finish them off with a void attack. Hopefully, this will reward you with a Rotten Cloth, which you can use to craft a FUR BANDANA (equip on Rafael). I would also recommend crafting an Electric Orb for Cecilia. Heal up, save, and walk past the save point to the boss. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Evil Wisp (White), Yugool (Red) HP: 40, 1200 WEAKNESS: Light (60%), None STRATEGY: Yugool is the real boss. I recommend using the Electric Orb against it, because the orb can strike its aspect weakness, without hitting one of its elemental resistances. Rafael's Air Render should be able to finish it off, leaving the easy Evil Wisps in the back. For defeating Yugool, you will win a Stardust (convert). ******************************************************************************* After defeating Yugool, backtrack to the Force Site to heal up. From where you fought it, go left to a pot which contains 2 SILVER RINGS. Finally, examine the altar at the intersection to open the door to the portal to the next area. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Hydracane, Aero Orb Ash Barette, Long Cape, Traveler's Shoes, Fire Ring Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Wind Boots =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LAKE SOLEIL (Phase 2) [LAKE1] Recommended Level: 13 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Fah (Light), Foul Gel Blob (Fire/Water/Bolt), Perro Diablo (Fire), Sedna (Wind), Soloma, Sting Worm (Water) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ ___ ________ 1 - Shiitake/Matsutake [H] _____ |18| |2 | |17 |16| 2 - Binoculars 3 - Mistletoe x3 _ | | | | 1| |___ _|15| 4 - Lihit Grass [H] 5 - Silvervine x2 _| |_| |_ _| | |10111214| 6 - Stitch Orb 7 - Rock Lizard _ 21 _ _---_3 | |9 13| 8 - Rock Lizard/Shiitake [H] | | | | |4 5| |_ _| 9 - Silvervine [H] 10 - Sharp Fang x3 |___| |19| | | \ / 11 - Bizarre Recipe 12 - Ash/Oak Lumber [H] |20| | 6| | | 13 - Numetake/Green Laver [H] ¯¯ |7 |_ __/ | 14 - Star Sand 15 - Green Lapis x2 F' - Force Site | 8_ F'S / 16 - Malleus 17 - Oak Lumber x2 S - Save Point | | ¯¯¯¯¯ 18 - Mistletoe/Taurine Apple [H] 19 - Rock Lizard [H] 20 - Power Orb 21 - Lihit Grass x2 Upon your arrival, I would start at the top of the path and work your way down. By the tree at the top is a harvest point which usually contains SHIITAKE, but can rarely contain MASTUTAKE. Note that this is the ONLY way in the game to acquire Matsutakes, which is needed for a sidequest later. Scan the crack in the mountain and Ralu will go inside to find the BINOCULARS (equip on Rafael). You cannot head left to the Altar of Nervel yet, so continue south. Below the arch is a chest which contains 3 MISTLETOES. Next to it, in the grass, is another harvest point which contains LIHIT GRASS. On the other side of the path, scan the trees to find 2 SILVERVINES. Continue down to a chest which contains a STITCH ORB (convert). Across from the chest, scan the grass to find a ROCK LIZARD, which you'll want to save up to 10 for a sidequest later. Finally, at the corner to the right is a harvest point which contains ROCK LIZARD or SHIITAKE. The exit is below, but you cannot leave yet, so proceed to the right to Gardner's House. Afterwards, Luffina will officially join your party with the Algenteria Ragnafact, so move her to the back row. Remember to save 10000 FP for the Altar of Nervel. I wouldn't invest anything into the Algenteria for now, since its the least useful of our Ragnafacts, for now. However, I would recommend crafting an Ash Barette and Traveler's Shoes for her. Let's wrap up the treasure here. On the left side in the trees is a harvest\ point which contains SILVERVINE. Scan the area above to find 3 SHARP FANGS and the BIZARRE RECIPE, which will be useful in a sidequest later. Examine the pile of logs to find a harvest point which contains ASH or OAK LUMBER. Search the well to find a harvest point which contains NUMETAKE or GREEN LAVER. Then, scan the area above to find 2 STAR SANDS, 2 GREEN LAPIS, and a MALLEUS (save for later). Finally, walk on the deck and scan the left side to find 2 OAK LUMBERS. Backtrack up the path of Lake Soleil and go left to the entrance of the Altar of Nervel. I wouldn't recommend harvesting yet, but I'll point out some points here. Above is a harvest point which contains MISTLETOE or TARUINE APPLE. Below is a harvest point which contains ROCK LIZARD, right next to a chest which contains a POWER ORB (convert). Walk on the platform and scan the center to find 2 LIHIT GRASS. Before entering through the main entrance, go around to the right and up the stairs. Scan the wall, infuse 10000 FP to break it down, and head inside. It will be totally worth it. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Hydracane, Aero Orb Ash Barette, Long Cape, Traveler's Shoes, Fire Ring Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Wind Boots, Binoculars Luffina: Algenteria Ash Barette, Wondrous Cape, Traveler's Shoes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ALTAR OF NERVEL (Phase 2) [NERV1] Recommended Level: 14 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael, Luffina Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Fah (Light), Foul Gel Blob (Fire/Water/Bolt), Perro Diablo (Fire), Sedna (Wind), Soloma =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________________________ _________ ________ ______________________ |A |B | |16 |D | |A |B |__| W| D| E| |___|14|___| E | |6 |5 _ | |_ __| | | | | |10| _| | | __| _____| ¯| |¯| | _|X |_ | __| | |__| | | 18 __| | |____|15| | | 4| |_| | | | __| | A| | | 9| |19 |A | |__________|__ | | 3|_____| |_____ | _| | _ |8 | |___ | | |___| |___| G|20| | | 2| | | | | | | | 7| | |G F"| | |12| S| ¯¯|__ __| | ___| | | _ |17| _| | _|__| _____¯¯¯¯¯| | | | 13|______________| | | | | ¯¯ | | ____|___ | ____| 1| | |F' |C | |_________| |_ |_______| | W| | ¯¯C | ______|_ ___________| | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | 11| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point F' - Force Site 1 (Stardust) F" - Force Site 2 (Stardust) W - Switch X - Inaccessible for now 1 - Discerning Specs 2 - Regaledge 3 - *Narcissus [H] 4 - Sheng Long Chain 5 - Electric Orb 6 - Evil Feather x2 7 - Capy Doll 8 - Hydracane 9 - Purity Bracelet [M]/Wind Ring [F] 10 - Meteor Necklace 11 - Swift Orb 12 - Defense Orb 13 - Mantis Blade 14 - Star Sand/Red Fragment; *Fastile/Red Fragment/Phantasm Alloy [H] 15 - Nobleray 16 - Battle Boots 17 - White Lapis 18 - Stardust 19 - Life Orb 20 - Orb of Wisdom [M] This area is where your FP accumulation is going to skyrocket. You should be able to get your Techs for the Holy Riafalt up to Level 5 and the Grantein up to Level 6. This part of Nervel is very short and straight-forward. Just follow the path downstairs to a chest which contains the DISCERNING SPECS, one of my favorite accessories in the game. From my observations, it has three effects. First, in increases the potential quantity of items per harvest. Second, it changes the drop table for certain harvest points, usually for better items. Third, it reveals hidden harvest points that you could not otherwise see or use without having the specs equipped. Let's put them to use immediately by harvesting everything outside. Now, enter the altar through the main central entrance. You cannot explore the right half of this floor for now, so make your way to the lower left corner. In the small room above is a chest which contains a REGALEDGE (convert). On the left side is another crack in the wall. Infuse 30 FP to break it down. Walk behind the wall to a path the will lead outside. With the Discerning Specs equipped, search the nearby grass to find a harvest point which contains NARCISSUS. However many you get, craft them into Edenovas and convert them into 2000 FP each! Walk down the path to a chest which contains SHENG LONG CHAIN (convert). For future reference, I strongly recommend making a Lake Soleil "harvest run" periodically, since the potential items are very valuable and in close proximity to other great harvest points. The items you want to harvest are: Narcissus, Taurine Apple, Rock Lizard, & Matsutake. Harvesting Narcissus is amazing for improving your Ragnafacts. The others are used for cooking in a couple sidequests later. Go back inside Nervel and follow the path up to the steps next to a chest which contains an ELECTRIC ORB. Pass up these step for now, and head down the left path to the other steps. Scan the area next to them to find 2 EVIL FEATHERS. Then, take the stairs down to the next floor. Walk down to a chest which contains a CAPY DOLL. Circle around and down to the bottom where you'll find a switch. Press it to reveal a hidden floor on the other side of this floor. Return to the previous floor, make a harvest run, and and back to the other steps, which you should take to the other side of the floor. Follow the middle path down to a chest which contains a HYDRACANE. Then, walk down the right path to a smoking chest. If you choose to just open it, you will fight a red Mimic and receive a PURITY BRACELET. If you choose to infuse 30 FP, you will receive a WIND RING instead. I would recommend just fighting the mimic, but convert either reward into FP. Cross the bridge to the other side, then take the next path up to a chest which contains a METEOR NECKLACE, which you should save for a sidequest later. Finally, go to the steps in the lower right corner to the next floor. Head left to a Force Site, where you will have to fight a Rafflesia to clear it. Ogre Blade, Saintly Fire, and Plasma Wave are effective against it. For defeating it, you will receive a Stardust (convert). Make your way to the lower right corner to find a chest which contains a SWIFT ORB (convert). Go back the other way to the lower left corner, then up to a chest, which contains a DEFENSE ORB (convert). To the right is a save point. Scan the area nearby to find a MANTIS BLADE. After saving, enter the monolith altar room above. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Shade x3 (void) HP: 337 WEAKNESS: Light (40%) STRATEGY: They're pretty spread out, so you'll need something to defeat them all quickly. With the Hydracane, cast Frozen Dust to wipe them all out. You'll want to win at least one Lymphos Fluid from them for a sidequest later. While it is a rare drop, with three of them around, it shouldn't prove difficult. Save and reload, if necessary. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Faust (blue) WEAKNESS: 1820 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: Try to keep your HP over 500, as he has some very powerful attacks. Rafael should start with his Gemini Boost, followed by Air Render or Ogre Blade. Luffina should cast Plasma Wave. Cecilia should cast Angelic Beam or Saintly Fire. A couple Force Bursts and other attacks should do the trick. For defeating him, you'll win a Royal Liquid, which you should save for later. ******************************************************************************* After defeating them, you will be back at Gardner's House. However, there is still much treasure to find at Nervel. Harvest everything you can at Lake Soleil again, including the Narcissus, and return to the save point in Nervel. At the altar inside is another harvest point where you can get a STAR SAND or RED FRAGMENT. With the Discerning Specs now, it's much more feasible to acquire a Red Fragment for a sidequest later, though it's not mandatory. As before, walk up and around the stairs to the left to a chest which contains a NOBLERAY (convert). Return to the entrance. Now that Gardner is no longer accompanying the party, you can explore most of the rest of Nervel. Head up, right, and up to a chest which contains the BATTLE BOOTS (equip on Rafael). Hand down his old Wind Boots to Cecilia. Make your way to the upper right corner, where you'll find the steps to the next floor. Watch out for the cracked tiles here, which will drop you to a basement area. Scan the area in the upper middle section to find a STARDUST (convert). In the room above is a switch you can push, which will destroy all the cracked tiles, making it easier to see where you're going. Wiggle down around the removed tiles to reach a chest which contains a LIFE ORB (convert). There's nothing down the stairs below. I would recommend against clearing the Force Site for now. While it is very possible to clear now, it's pretty difficult, and the reward isn't that good. Plus, I want to win a rare item from a monster there, which will be much easier later on. Instead, drop down one of the holes. Make sure you're at full HP, using the Restore option in the menu, if necessary, and open the chest, where you will have to fight a powerful mimic. Hopefully, you've improved your Ragnafacts to the level I mentioned earlier. Rafael should use Gemini Boost, while Cecilia sets up Heroic Shield to protect against its powerful attacks. Fortunately, mimics are weak to most elements, so Air Render will be very useful here, while Cecilia focuses on healing. When you are out of Force Bursts, use Rafael's Gaia Shockwave to finish it off. For defeating it, you will find an ORB OF WISDOM (convert). While it can be useful, the FP is more valuable now. Leave Nervel and make another harvest run, saving 1 Narcissus for a sidequest, soon. Then, leave Lake Soleil via the exit to the south. Before moving on with the plot, there are some things to take care of, first. Select the Tower of Judgment, Black Precipice Tower Entrance. Let's clear that Force Site we couldn't earlier. You'll have to defeat 2 Fah and a Soloma, but they're pretty easy. For defeating them, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). To leave the area, head up to the Pearl Chamber, as before, move off the center tile and on it again, and you will be able to select the World Map, so return to Palfina. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Hydracane, Aero Orb Ash Barette, Long Cape, Wind Boots, Binoculars Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Battle Boots, Discerning Specs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GREAT TEMPLE OF PALFINA (Phase 2) [PALF2] Recommended Level: 17 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now that we've gained the ability to Force Scan, we can collect the remaining treasures here. However, most of them are yellow chests, so I recommend saving them for later. Scan the cart above the save point to reveal a hidden chest which contains an ORB OF WISDOM (convert). Talk to the Busy Man to the left to exchange the Short Pencil for a Worn Rag. On the left side of the square is the Peddler Guy. He will ask you for various items throughout the game in exchange for various crafting materials, which are usually pretty good. However, if you can tell, he's a little shady, and unlike most sidequests, helping him will tilt the vessel towards destruction. However, I still think it's very worthwhile. Exchange the Fire Ring for 10 Mantis Wings, which you should save to craft Veteran's Mantles, a Fasteel, & Goddess Robe later on. Climb the stairs to the temple entrance. Talk to the Infatuated Youth to the right to receive the "Love Sings" sidequest. Give him a Narcissus to help him out. Over the course of the game, you'll need to give him various items to help him. Continue to the right and talk to the Worrisome Cleric to receive the "On the Road" sidequest. Enter the temple, head downstairs to the library, and talk to the Librarian to receive the "Overdue!" sidequest. If you like, this would be a good time to harvest a White Fragment from the monolith, for a sidequest later, though it's not necessary. To get the first book for the librarian, leave the temple via the center entrance. Talk to the Quiet Cleric nearby to receive the book and take it to the libarian. For the second book, simply walk back up to the first floor, and you'll find it near the stairs. After delivering that book to the librarian, we'll need to head to Midee Highway to wrap things up. Harvest everything you can while you're here. Above the Force Site you will find the third book guarded by a group of monsters: Sedna, Fah, & Zephyra. A quick Gaia Shockwave will defeat them. Before leaving, head straight up the path to the Black Precipice entrance. Scan the area at the end of the path to reveal a hidden chest which contains 10 GREEN LAPIS. Return to the Force Site and proceed to the right to find the monsters referred to in the "On the Road" sidequest: 2 Fah & a Rafflesia. Again, Gaia Shockwave will defeat them all. Afterwards, you will be automatically brought back to the Worrisome Cleric, who will give you a Long Cape (convert) for completing the "On the Road" sidequest. Return the book to the librarian to complete the "Overdue!" sidequest and receive a Serontosphere. Heal up at a Force Site, save, and return to the Pearl Chamber of Guidance. Use the Force Stone at the lower left portal to unlock the next tower section. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Aero Orb, Electric Orb Ash Barette, Long Cape, Wind Boots, Binoculars Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Battle Boots, Discerning Specs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE TOWER 3&4 (Phase 2) [ITR34] Recommended Level: 17 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Alice (Fire), Armor Beast (Bolt), Charon (Wind), Fah (Light), Giant Mantis (Fire), Laplace (Light), Perro Diablo (Fire), Spinel (Water/Bolt), Tibia (Fire/Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _____________ S - Save Point |A O| ________|B| F - Force Site* ¯¯¯| |¯¯|2|¯¯ |4 | _ *Win Stardust __| | ¯ ¯| |¯| |¯¯ |O| O - Harvest Orb | X | _ _| |_| |__ ___| |___ 1 - Battle Bracer ¯¯| |__|1| | | | 3| _ | _____ | 2 - Blue Lapis x4 | __ | ¯| |¯| |¯¯ |F| | | ___| |_____ 3 - Purity Bracelet | | | | |A| | ¯¯¯ S| | | | 5| 4 - Fairy Wing x2 _| |__| |__ ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯| |__ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯ 5 - Rotten Cloth x2 |___________| |¯¯ 7| |6| |B| 6 - Steel Shard x3 [M] ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ 7 - Vitality Orb Harvest Orb #1 (100 FP, Element Will, Igneous Orb, Red Lapis, Soothsong, Stardust) Harvest Orb #2 (300 FP, Blue Lapis, Light Ring, Serontosphere, Slash Feather, Tiger's Claw) Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ----------------+----------+-----------+---------------------------- Pointy Horn x3 |Any-void |Armor Beast|Draconic Turban Slash Feather x5|Any (rare)|Charon |Force Comb, Veteran's Mantle Now that we're much more prepared, we can defeat the mighty Force Eater. With the Binoculars equipped, look area the area. By default, there are 7 enemies here. However, if a Force Eater has spawned, there will be 8. Just exit and re-enter the area repeatedly until you see 8 enemies. You may also want to craft a Curative Orb for everyone, though it isn't entirely necessary. Your goal in this dungeon should be to max out both your Ragnafacts on Techs at Level 7. You should also be able to get their Resonance up to Level 10. The most tangible impact of Resonance is that for every 10 levels, the Techs of the Ragnafact are reduce in cost by 1 RP, which is surprisingly significant. More than that, it reduces the wait time of its Techs, as well. To defeat the Force Eater, you will first want to sneak up on it from behind, to get a preemptive strike. Cecilia should cast Heroic Shield on everyone, while Rafael uses Gemini Boost & Gaia Shockwave. For her damage, Cecilia should cast the Blazecane's Prominence. If he inflicts darkness on Rafael, use the Curative Orb. If he inflicts Curse on anyone, cast Healing Baton. Once Rafael only has enough RP to use one more Gaia Shockwave, have him use Air Render, instead. It should take two Prominence and three attacks from Rafael to defeat the Force Eater. Make sure that you defeat it with a void attack (Gaia Shockwave), so that you will win a Nightmare Gem, which you can convert into 5000 FP, in addition to the 9999 FP you'll already win from it! Now let's get all the treasure. From the start, take the first right to a pot which contains a BATTLE BRACE (convert). Then, turn left, right, right, and right to a dead end, which you should scan to find 4 BLUE LAPIS. Down the other path, you will find a harvest orb. It's only 100 FP per harvest, and the items are nice, especially the Red Lapis and Igneous Orb, which can be used to craft another Blazing Cane, if you used up the last one. Turn around, and head straight forward to the portal to the next area. Walk up to the pillar, then right to a pot which contains a PURITY BRACELET (convert). From the pillar, continue up to a fork, and scan the dead end to the left to find 2 FAIRY WINGS. Turn around and take the second right down to a save point next to a Force Site you'll need to clear. Two Goetia guard it, which can be easily defeated with a Gaia Shockwave. For defeating them, you will receive a Stardust (convert). Make sure to save before continuing on. Backtrack to the last intersection, and take the other path to the next area. First, go left, right, and right at the forks ahead, to reach another harvest orb. I would strongly recommend trying to harvest at least 3 Slash Feathers from it, so you don't have to win so many of the rare ones. If you cannot, just reload your save file and try again. Speaking of which, don't worry about acquiring all the items I listed above. You'll have a few areas to find the enemies that drop them. From the last intersection, heal up, and continue along the other path to find a mimic pot that's a little tough. A Radiant Strike and Gaia Shockwave will defeat it. For doing so, you will receive 3 STEEL SHARDS. Backtrack to the first intersection and scan the nearby dead end to find 2 ROTTEN CLOTHS. By now, a Force Eater should be able to respawn. I'm uncertain of the precise trigger, but they seem to respawn after about 10 battles. Defeat another one in the same manner as before. Then, return to the save point and head down to the guardian of the altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Quail (Blue), Laplace (White), Tibia (Red) HP: 1966, 192, 285 WEAKNESS: Wind (40%), Light (40%), Fire (40)/Light (60%) STRATEGY: This will be a very easy fight. The Quail is the only real threat. Have Cecilia focus on it with her Aero Orb's Zephyr Lance, while Rafael uses Gaia Shockwave. One more Zephyr Lance should defeat it to win you a Stardust. ******************************************************************************* Open the door with the Holy Riafalt. Before going through it, head in the opposite direction to a pot which contains a VITALITY ORB (convert). Now go through the door you opened to the portal to the next area. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Aero Orb, Electric Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Wind Boots, Binoculars Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Battle Boots, Discerning Specs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ENDLESS SANDS (Phase 3) [SAND1] Recommended Level: 21 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Armor Beast (Bolt), Charon (Wind), Giant Mantis (Fire), Perro Diablo (Fire), Sand Worm (Water) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \E\ \ \ \G\ /C/ __ / \ \ \/ /__ |H | _ _|13| __ \B\ ___ / /\ \ |S 6| |11| | \|12 | \4\_\ \ ___ |P \_ / /__\ \ / 8 7F\¯ / \ \__ | \____ \ \ \ |____5/ /_ |\ \ | \ | | \ | __ \ \_\ \ D\______/ / _| | \ \ |¯¯ |\E\ \ / | | / 1\_\ X_ \ \_ _ / / __| \B\ | 10| \D\ |G | | | A 2 ___ \ \14\ | |_/ /_/ /3 |_ \ / |H | \__/ \ \ \15\ |__/ /___/_____A \9/ \ \ ¯¯¯ /C/ ¯ S - Save Point F - Force Site (Energy Mist) X - Inaccessible P - Penelope 1 - Banero [H] 2 - Star Sand x5 3 - Star Sand/Purple Lapis [H] 4 - Invigorating Orb 5 - White Lapis x2 6 - Glowing Metal 7 - White Lapis 8 - Capy Doll 9 - Banero 10 - Star Sand x2 11 - Stitch Orb 12 - Tiger's Claw 13 - Irispira/Element Will [H] 14 - Gravity Stone x3 15 - Sleep Ring [D]/Fear Ring [N]/Dark Ring [C] Before venturing through the Endless Sands, we have some business to take care of, so head southeast to the exit, and return to Palfina. Talk to the Peddler Guy and exchange the Meteor Necklace for 10 Majin Rings. Then, I would recommend making a quick harvest run at Lake Soleil. At this point, our current Ragnfacts will be good for awhile. However, I would recommend dumping FP into the Holy Riafalt. This is because we're going to be getting some new Ragnafacts, eventually. While their initial Tech and Resonance levels are fixed, their Atk Level starts equal to that of your main character's Ragnafact minus 3. Thus, by increasing the Atk Level of the Holy Riafalt, you'll save a lot of FP in the long run. By the end of this area, you should be able to level up its Atk to 21. When you are ready, return to the Endless Sands. Your in-game maps are useless here because of the sandstorms. As such, my ASCII maps may not be quite perfect, though they should be sufficient to get you through the area. As you will discover while talking to an NPC, you will need to scan the flowers to find out if you're going the right way or not. Most paths connecting to another are one-way. If you take the wrong path or try to backtrack, you will be sent back to the beginning. Also, you cannot access the last two treasures on the map until later. From the entrance, hug the wall to your left as you move up the path. Eventually, you will push into a path to the left. Now hug the upper wall as you move left, until you find a harvest point which contains BANERO peppers. Scan the middle of the flowing sand to find 5 STAR SANDS. Proceed left to a small, isolated area and examine the huge skull to find a harvest point which contains STAR SAND or PURPLE LAPIS. Ignore the bones glowing with black aberrant force, for now. Backtrack past the flowing sand and head up the path to an arch that leads to a chest which contains an INVIGORATING ORB (convert). From the arch, continue up to the next area. Go up to the fork and take a left. Eventually, you will see another arch on your left. Follow the winding path around until you reach some flowing sand that really slows you down. Scan the area by the second arch to find 2 WHITE LAPIS. Proceed through the arch to find a cactus. Talk to the cactus, Penelope Prickles, to receive the "Desert Lady" sidequest. Give it a Lymphos Fluid that you won from the Shades earlier to help refresh it. You'll have to wait another 5 battles before you can feed it again. While you can use Royal Liquids, they are far more difficult to acquire, so I recommend using Holy Waters, instead. Return outside the first arch, and walk down to a flower. If you scan it, you should see it spin, indicating that is the right way to the next area. This area is a little tricky. First, head to the left and save. There are several quicksand pools in this area, four of which contains Sand Worms, not including the Force Site. If you defeat them all, it will weaken the boss a bit. However, you will also receive far less experience. As such, I would recommend only defeating 3 of them. Note that these are two separate bestiary entries for the boss, so if you want to complete them both, you will have to fight them both in separate files. First, you should head southwest to the save point. Walk east, and then hug the wall to a small isolated section where you'll find a Sand Worm in quicksand. After defeating it, walk about halfway up the quicksand and scan the area to reveal a GLOWING METAL. Backtrack out of the quicksand and go southeast to a chest which contains a WHITE LAPIS. In the Force Site, you'll need to defeat two Sand Worms and a Giant Mantis. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). From the save point, defeat the Sand Worms in the quicksand below. There is another group to the left, but I recommend skipping them, as there is nothing over there. Instead, walk southwest to more quicksand to defeat those Sand Worms. In the quicksand to the southeast, scan the bottom to find a BANERO. Finally, to the northeast, defeat the Sand Worms in that quicksand and scan to find 2 STAR SANDS. Heal up and head southeast to the next area. We're back in the second area now. Since we're so close to the entrance, I would recommend making another Lake Soleil harvest run, since we won't get a chance after finishing this area. When you are ready, retrace your steps back to the save point. Head southeast to the second area. Then, walk back to the first intersection and head north this time. This will take you back to the third area. I would recommend equipping two Hyrdacanes on Cecilia. Heal up, save, and exit to the northwest to the last area. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Mother Worm (White) HP: 2800/3600 WEAKNESS: Water (40%) STRATEGY: With the Hydracanes, this fight will be very easy. Cecilia should cast Frozen Dust, while Rafael uses Gaia Shockwave. She can inflict darkness on you, but don't bother curing it. You've almost got her. For defeating her, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). ******************************************************************************* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE MOTHER WORM (Phase 3) [WORM1] Recommended Level: 23 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Enemies: Alice (Fire), Charon (Wind), Giant Mantis (Fire), Laplace (Light), Perro Diablo (Fire), Spinel (Bolt), Tibia (Fire/Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______ __ _______ / 1413|_ _| | | | |12 _--_9S | |4 _ | _________ |11 / | | | | | |___ |19 |17| NOTE: This room is empty \ / __|8 | | | | _ 3|_ |18 |16|<----until after completing the | 10/ |65 | | | | | |_| _---¯¯¯¯¯¯ | "Need Food" sidequest ¯¯¯ |7 | | |F| | | ¯|_ | ¯¯| |_| |_| _\ __| | 15| |¯¯ | | S | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ F - Force Site* | | | 21| *Win Energy Mist ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ S - Save Point 1 - Blue Lapis/Tattered Doll/Ororon Doll [H] 2 - Burlap Cloth 3 - Dividing Liquid x2 4 - Decoy Doll Alpha 5 - Gaiacane [M] 6 - Devil Nectar 7 - Majin Cloth's x2 [M] 8 - Capy Doll/Mercury [H] 9 - Pumpkin Doll 10 - Black Lapis x2 11 - Teddie Doll 12 - Sweet Recipe 13 - Queenova 14 - Devil Nectar 15 - Amber x2 16 - Orb of Hope 17 - Narcissus 18 - Nightmare Gem 19 - White Lapis x5 Search behind you for a harvest point which can contain BLUE LAPIS, TATTERED DOLLS, or ORORON DOLLS. Scan the area to find a BURLAP CLOTH. Walk up to find a man lying on the ground to receive the "Need Food" sidequest. The cave to the right is empty for now. Try to avoid the pools of green liquid, when you can, as they will damage you. Instead, to reach the chest above, take the left path up until you see a hole in the wall on the right, which will lead you to the chest which contains 2 DIVIDING LIQUIDS. Return to the save point and hug the wall up until you find a hole in it. Go through the tunnel until you reach a Force Site. For defeating the Stall Worm and 2 Tigerlilies, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). Head up to a chest which contains a DECOY DOLL ALPHA (convert). Turn around, and follow the right path around. You'll have to go into the green liquid this time, but make sure you're healed up before opening the red chest which is a powerful Mimic. For defeating it, you will win a GAIACANE (convert). Scan the area to find a DEVIL NECTAR. To the left is a chest on land with a weaker Mimic. For defeating it, you will win 2 MAJIN'S CLOTHS. Follow the hole in the wall to another green pool with a harvest point which contains CAPY DOLLS or MERCURY. Finally, go up to the save point and scan the area to find a PUMPKIN DOLL. Then, go left to the next area. Before leaving, choose to stay for a moment. Scan around the perimeter of the room to find 2 BLACK LAPIS, a TEDDIE DOLL, the SWEET RECIPE, a QUEENOVA (convert), and DEVIL NECTAR. Then, talk to Philia to leave the area and return to the Endless Sands. Walk up to the skull and scan the area to reveal a hidden chest which contains a STITCH ORB (convert). Head up to the next area. Continue up to the end of the platform to find a harvest point which contains IRISPIRA or ELEMENT WILLS. Hug the wall to the left down to a skull and scan it to find a TIGER'S CLAW, which you should save for crafting a Tough Bandana. Finally, go left to the teleporter to the Dragon's Abyss. However, before going too far into the area, I would recommend leaving to take care of a few things, first. Sadly, Ignus does not join with a Ragnafact, so he's going to be stuck with Spirifacts for awhile. Just leave him on the Malleus and craft more, as necessary. I would recommend switching his equipment with Rafael, putting Ignus in the front row in the middle, Rafael in the middle row on the right, and leaving Cecilia in the back row. This way, Ignus can sort of act as a tank while defending, instead of always consuming his limited supply of weapons. Worry not, we will find a Ragnafact for him, soon enough. First, make a harvest run at Lake Soleil again. Then, return to the Endless Sands. Talk to the Lost Drake up the road to receive the "Traffic Jam" sidequest. Continue up the path to the next area, and go left to find the monster. A Gaia Shockwave and Thunder Drop will defeat it. For defeating it, you will receive a DECOY DOLL BETA (convert). Return to Palfina to heal up, save, and enter the Dragon's Abyss. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Aero Orb, Electric Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Wind Boots, Binoculars Ignus: Malleus Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Battle Boots Rafael: Grantein Cloth Bandana, Traveler's Cloak, Battle Boots, Discerning Specs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE DRAGON'S ABYSS (Phase 3) [ABYS1] Recommended Level: 23 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Ignus, Rafael Enemies: Alice (Fire), Armor Beast (Bolt), Charon (Wind), Fah (Light), Perro Diablo (Fire), Tibia (Fire/Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ ___ ___________ S - Save Point _| |_| 10| ___ | | F' - Force Site 1 C_ __ _| | 5| | _ _ | *Win Energy Mist _| | | |_ __/ ___| _| | | | | | F" - Force Site 2* ____ |F' | _|4 |_| / _| |_|S|_| |_ *Win Stardust __ |8 _B| |A__ __ | B_ ___ _ _A 1 - Red Lapis x4 | 9|_| | | | _| | |__ \__ | | | | | | 2 - Yellow/Black/ | _ |__| |_|7 | \ | | |___| |_| | Red Lapis [H] |__| |______________/ | 6| | | 3 - Fur Bandana ¯¯¯ |1 ______| 4 - Dividing Liquid x2 ___ ¯¯¯¯| | 5 - Decoy Doll Beta ___ ____ | 26| ____|¯¯|_| |_ 6 - Dragon Blood __| | | \ | | | _ | 7 - Star Sand/ ___/ ___ | | \ | | | | | | Glowing Metal [H] __/ ___/ | | | \ | | |3 | | 2 | 8 - Rotten Cloth x2 | | _ | |_/ __ | |___| ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 9 - Stamina Recipe |_ | |_| | / _\ | _ _______ 10 - Delicate Recipe | |/ / |__ | D_ | |_| / _D 11 - Lihit Grass x5 | |_ _ \ \ \ _| | | / _/ __________ 12 - Arnon Gem |__ __|_|\_ \ \ / / _| |__/ / |___|22|___| 13 - Ororon Doll \ \ \|_|\| |/ /_ |25 __ / | __| 14 - Ororon Doll \ \_____\ |_ |__| \ | |23|____|24| 15 - Resurrection Orb | __ _C \ 16| |__________| 16 - Sharp Fang x3 | | |_ ____| | F"|_____|___| |___| 17 - Strength Orb [M] __/ /| | | | | S| __ 18 - Millenium Laver | |/ 14\ | | | / |21| 20 - Firefly Laver [H] |15 ||13 | | | / _____________/ |__| /Millenium Laver ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ | | / / _ _ __ o 21 - Ash Lumber x3 ____ | | | / | |ooo|_|oo|__| o 23 - Elegant Wing |1211\___| | | | _ | | __ |__| o 24 - Speed Trinket |__________| |17|o|_|o|_|o18o|19||20|oo 25 - Red Lapis x5 ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ 19 - White Lapis x3 [D]/Black Lapis x3 [N]/Orb of Wisdom [C] 22 - Star Sand/Yellow Fragment; *Fastile/Yellow Fragment/Phantasm Alloy [H] 26 - Granraid (red), Sanocane (blue) In this area, I would recommend getting the Atk of the Holy Riafalt up to Level 34. This will cause all future Ragnafacts to be found at Level 31. The reason I recommend that is because for most Ragnafacts, Atk levels stop granting significant Atk per levelup at 31. Try to get this done before the end of this Phase, at least. From the start, walk to the lower left corner of the upper ring area and scan to find 4 RED LAPIS. Cross the bridge to the lower area and go left to the pillars where you will find a harvest point which can contain YELLOW, BLACK, or RED LAPIS. Step down the stairs and cross the bones to an empty platform. Scan the area to reveal a hidden chest which contains a FUR BANDANA (equip on Rafael). Return to the start and head straight right to the next floor. Before heading up to talk to Regnum, let's grab some treasure around here. Scan the tar above you to find 2 DIVIDING LIQUIDS. To the right, you'll find some bones, but the bridge is out. Give it a little force to fix the bridge to another platform. There is another such bridge above. Talk to the Cool Drake and exchange the Worn Rag for a Torn Document. Open the nearby chest which contains a DECOY DOLL BETA (convert). From the previous platform, cross the other bridge to a chest which contains a DRAGON BLOOD, which you'll want to save for crafting a Draconic Turban later. Return to the stairs, and head down to another tar pit where you'll find a harvest point which contains STAR SAND or rarely, GLOWING METAL. Walk all the way to the left and up two stairs to a tar pit. Scan it to find 2 ROTTEN CLOTHS. Go back down one level and into the house on the left. Scan the pantry area to find the STAMINA RECIPE, which I recommend using for the "Need Food" sidequest later. Now, head up the middle path in the area. The center platform is the arena, so remember it for later, though we can't use it right now. Next to it is the Gourmet Drake, who you can give various mushrooms and sometimes, receive rewards for it. It's not really a sidequest, so I wouldn't recommend giving him any mushroom. Continue up to the Force Site, where you'll have to defeat a Brutal Mantis and Baskerville to clear. For defeating them, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). Finally, enter Regnum's house in the upper right corner of the floor and scan the pantry to find the DELICATE RECIPE. After talking to Regnum, go straight left to the step to the next floor. Cross the bridge below to another platform. Head left to a chest which contains 5 LIHIT GRASSES. Scan the tar nearby to find an ARNON GEM (convert). Now for the tricky part. On the first platform is a pillar. Scan it and examine it to light a red flame on top of it, which extends the red bridges. Do so again to toggle it to a blue flame and extend the blue bridges. Cross the blue bridge and toggle the pillar. Head down to a chest which contains an ORORON DOLL and scan the area to find another ORORON DOLL. Toggle the previous pillar and cross the other blue bridge. Continue along the brown bridge and toggle the pillar. Go up the red bridge and follow the path to an inactive pillar. Scan and activate it to extend the green bridges. Backtrack a few platforms to a green bridge to a chest which contains a RESURRECTION ORB (convert). From the green pillar, cross a couple green bridges to the last platform. While you can take the steps to the next floor, I'd recommend crossing another green bridge back to the start and use the Force Site back on the previous floor, before doing so. Follow the path to the next level. Scan the tar pit to find 3 SHARP FANGS. Pass up the Force Site and head right to use the save point. Now, return to the Force Site that you'll need to clear. When defeating the Drakon inside, use a non-void attacks, so you can win another Dragon Blood from it to craft a Draconic Turban later. It's a fairly common drop, but if you miss it, just reload your save file. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust, which I would recommend saving to craft a Stardust Cape. Walk to the lower left tar pit to find a mimic chest which contains a STRENGTH ORB (convert). This next part is a little tricky, so you may want to look at the map above. There are several platforms connected by invisible bridges, represented with an "o". Walk straight right past the first platform and onto the second. Continue right and scan the empty space in front of you to find a hidden MILLENIUM LAVER. I would ignore the yellow chest for now. Backtrack to the previous platform, walk up a little, then right, past a small platform to another. Head down to another platform with a harvest point which contains FIREFLY or rarely, MILLENIUM LAVERS. Note that this is the ONLY place in the game where you can acquire more Millenium Lavers, though their crafts are mostly unremarkable, fortunately. Go right, to a small platform then up to a chest which contains 3 ASH LUMBER. Also, press the switch on the pillar to remove a lot of sand from the Endless Sands, so we'll check that out later. You can drop off an invisible bridge to return to the main area, then return to the save point and enter the monolith altar. As usual, you can examine a harvest point at the monolith, which contains STAR SAND or YELLOW FRAGMENTS, if you care to acquire one for a sidequest later. On your mini-map, you'll notice a chest in the lower left corner. It's hard to see on the exploration screen, because it's under the stairs. Open the chest which contains an ELEGANT WING, which you should use to craft a Veteran's Mantle for Ignus, which will last you a very long time. Hand down his Mercenary Cloak to Rafael. Walk up the stairs and along the path to a chest which contains a SPEED TRINKET (convert). Save and return to the arena to face Ignus' rival. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Virtus (Blue) HP: 2700 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: During the first fight, move Ignus to the back row and just have him defend, as the fight will automatically end after a few rounds. The second fight is real, though everyone is set in the middle row, for some reason, so move everyone back to their previous positions. While Virtus has no elemental weakness, he is strong against all elements except light. Cecilia's Angelic Beam will be your best source of damage. Ignus should use Hammerfall, while Rafael should use Gaia Shockwave. A few hits from those should defeat him to win you a Hellfire Ring (convert). ******************************************************************************* After finishing your business here, return to the Endless Sands. Walk up the path, and you'll notice the area to the right has been cleared. First, walk up to the teleporter. Cross the bridge to a chest which contains a GRANRAID (equip on Ignus). Teleport back and scan the pillar. Flip the switch to turn the flame blue. Head down to the other side to find two chests, the first of which contains 3 GRAVITY STONES, which you should save to craft a Frozen Necklace later. The yellow chest doesn't really get any better, so you might as well open it now for a SLEEP RING (destruction), or wait to get a FEAR RING (neutral), or Dark Ring (creation). Convert whichever one you get. Finally, make another Lake Soleil harvest run and head to the Pearl Chamber of Guidance. Use the Force Stone at the lower right portal to unlock the next tower section. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Hydracane, Aero Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Wind Boots, Binoculars Ignus: Malleus, Granraid Fur Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Battle Boots Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Battle Boots, Discerning Specs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE TOWER 5&6 (Phase 3) [ITR56] Recommended Level: 25 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Ignus, Rafael Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Bolt/Water), Femur (Fire/Light), Golem (Bolt), Isolde (Fire), Rafflesia (Fire), Rajh (Light), Soloma, Sumatrae, Tempter (Fire/Bolt), Tigerlily (Wind), Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __________ _ _________ |8 7 | |O|_ 1| 1 - Soul Bangle ____________ ¯¯|S|¯¯¯¯¯ | | | |¯¯¯¯¯ 2 - Healing Herb x10 |3 B | | _ | | | | 3 - Narcissus ¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ ___ | | |O| | |_| | ________ 4 - Mermaid Scale ____| | B |__| |___| | |_ _| | 2| 5 - Lux Orb [M] |5 4| ¯|_______ __| | | | |¯| |¯¯ 6 - Purifying Orb ¯¯¯¯| |____ ____| |____ __| |___| | | | 7 - Black Lapis x2 | 6| | X F A| | | |A| 8 - Meteor Necklace ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ X - Inaccessible S - Save Point O - Harvest Orb F - Force Site (Energy Mist) Harvest Orb #1 (500 FP: Divinova, Narcissus, Rock Bone, White Lapis) Harvest Orb #2 (1000 FP: Aidsong, Alchemy Crystal, Dragon Blood, Irispira) Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item --------------+-------------+--------+----------------------- Frozen Nail x6|Water |Tempter |Frozen/Crystal Necklace Tiger Skin x3 |Any-fire/wind|Sumatrae|Tough Bandana Elegant Wing |Any (rare) |Rajh |Veteran's Mantle This first area will usually contain 6 enemies. Leave and re-enter the area until you find 7 enemies, so you know the Force Eater is around. Defeat it as before, but save any Nightmare Gems you win for crafting a Master Gem later on. You will want to save up 31000 FP by the end of the chapter. Finally, once you have won the above items, you should be able to craft a Tough Bandana for Ignus and a Veteran's Mantle for Rafael. Head forward, then turn left to another fork. The left path takes you to a harvest orb, but the good stuff is pretty hard to get, so I would pass on it. Instead, take the right path, then turn right to a pot which contains a SOUL BANGLE (convert). Return to the first fork and follow the other path past another fork to a pot which contains 10 HEALING HERBS. Then, proceed along the other path to the next area. To the left is a Force Site with a Femur, Patella, & Sphira, which you should defeat with a Gaia Shockwave and a couple more attacks. For clearing them, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). Head up to a fork. The right path leads to another harvest orb with nothing I care about. If you walk left a little, you can go up to a save point, which I recommend using. However, before going to the end, take the other path from the fork to the next area. Walk straight left, past the fork, to a pot which contains a NARCISSUS. Return to the fork, and go down to another fork, where you should scan to find a MERMAID SCALE that you should save for crafting a Stardust Cape. You may want to heal up before heading left to a tough mimic pot. Note that unlike normal mimics that are weak to almost every element, mimic pots are only weak to bolt. For defeating it, you will win a LUX ORB (convert). Follow the path down from the fork to a pot which contains a PURIFYING ORB. Look at the map to see if a Force Eater has spawned in this area. Both this and the last normally spawn 4 enemies without one, so keep checking until you find one, defeat it, and win a second Nightmare Gem to save for later. Heal up at the Force Site, return to the save point, and continue up to the altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Patella (Red), Varuna (White), Sphene (Red) HP: 603, 579, 2800 WEAKNESS: Fire (40%)/Light (60%), Wind 40%. Water/Boly (20%) STRATEGY: Ignus should tank and defend up front, while Cecilia casts Thunder Drop on Sphene, and Rafael uses Gaia Shockwave. Once the enemies up front are down, Ignus can join in with Hammerfall to finish off Sphene. For defeating them, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). ******************************************************************************* Scan the immediate area to find 2 BLACK LAPIS. Head to the left to find a pot which contains a METEOR NECKLACE (convert). Active the altar to unlock the door to the portal to the exit. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Aero Orb, Electric Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Wind Boots, Binoculars Ignus: Malleus, Granraid Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Battle Boots Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Battle Boots, Discerning Specs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GULTCHFORT (Phase 4) [GULT1] Recommended Lvel: 27 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Ignus, Rafael Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______ ___ __ _____ __ ___ ___ ________ |10__ 9| |7 | /12/ | 23 | |26\ | K_E|24 | _| | | |_ | |__| |_/ / |_ 22_|___ |25 \| |_ ¯| | E_ 28 29| | _A| ___ __ | __ | | |19 | | |\ 27|D¯ | |________| | |__| | _| | _| | |18|_| |_| 20| | | ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯| | | 8| |6 |C_ | | _ _ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | ________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯| | | | |__| | | |S | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |_ +--¯¯ | _| | __ | | |21 | | | ___ | 13 _B _| |_¯¯¯¯ B___| _|15|___| | ¯¯¯ | |A_11| |14 | / 5 4\ | ___ _| | |__| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |2SF' 3| | |_ | | |______| _ _ _ \1 / | C|_| | _| | | |_ | | ¯¯¯|1716| |_________D ¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point F' - Force Site K - Needs Cestite Key 1 - Green Laver x2 2 - Purple/Blue Lapis [H] 3 - Healing Herb x10 4 - Ash/Oak Lumber [H] 5 - Night Drop x2 6 - Oak Lumber x2 7 - Tiger Skin x2 8 - Amber x5 9 - Storm Shoes 10 - Steel Shard x2 11 - Healing Herb x5 12 - Oak Lumber x3 13 - Irispira x5 14 - *Adamastia [H] 15 - Admonisher 16 - Edenova 17 - Alchemy Crystal 18 - Sharp Fang x2 19 - Bellel Wheat x2 20 - Premium Silk 21 - Crunchy Recipe 22 - Semisweet Recipe 23 - Stardust 24 - Gravity Stone x8 25 - Cashmere 26 - White Lapis x2 28 - Devasti 27 - Red/Yellow/White Lapis [H] 29 - Green Lapis x5 Upon entering the base, back up a little bit and scan the area to the left to find 2 GREEN LAVERS. Between the save point and the crates above is a harvest point which contains PURPLE or BLUE LAPIS. Walk straight right to a chest which contains 10 HEALING HERBS. In the crates above is a harvest point which contains ASH or OAK LUMBER. Finally, scan the upper left corner of the entrance to find 2 NIGHT DROPS. If you have the reagents, you could craft two Life Orbs and combine them with a Night Drop to craft an Edenova to convert into FP. Now, enter the base. Follow the path until you see a notch, in the wall to the left, that you should scan to find 2 OAK LUMBER. Talk to the Bigabu, the lycan (werewolf) above, and he will tell you about titles or achievements, as I call them. If you get an achievement, he will give you rewards for doing so. You should easily have killed 100 enemies to recieve the Cestite Key. It should be easy enough to have harvested 50 times to receive a Yaesange, which you'll need to craft a Yaehatae later. Also, if you've been using your Force Bursts 50 times, you will receive the Surge Gem, which I would give to Ignus, as it increases the rate at which your Force Burst gauge will fill up. If you mastered a Ragnafact on Techs, you will receive the Miracle Ring. You can pretty much convert any other rewards you receive into FP, except for the Orb of Hope. Scan by the statue to find a hidden chest which contains 2 TIGER SKINS. In the ring area to the left, make your way to the lower right corner to find a chest which contains 5 AMBERS, which you should save for crating a Nylonester later. Go straight up to another chest which contains the STORM SHOES (equip on Ignus). Head left to the upper left corner and scan the area to find 2 STEEL SHARDS. Walk down a little and right to go down to the next floor. Scan the crystal to the right to find 5 HEALING HERBS. Backtrack to Bigabu and go right this time and up to a chest which contains 3 OAK LUMBERS. Walk down past the first steps and to the next set down to an isolated area. Follow the path to a chest which contains 5 IRISPIRA. If you are equipped with the Discerning Specs, you can walk by the crystals to find a hidden harvest point which contains ADAMASTIA. Return to the steps you passed up and take them to the next floor. Follow the path around to find a chest which contains an ADMONISHER (convert). Go down at the fork to another chest which contains an EDENOVA (convert). Scan the area to also find an ALCHEMY CRYSTAL, which you should save for crafting Swift Boots later. To the right of the fork, talk to the Lycan Gentleman to receive the "What Comes?" sidequest and unlock the Granad Cavern dungeon. Take the other path from the fork and head left at the intersection to the barracks and scan the area above to find 2 SHARP FANGS. To the right of the intersection is the kitchen. Scan the area above to find 2 BELLEL WHEAT and open the chest which contains a PREMIUM SILK, which you'll need to craft a Stardust Cape soon. Rotate the camera to face the wall by the save point and scan it to find the CRUNCHY RECIPE. Now, head up from the fork, but don't talk to anyone scan. Scan by the beam to find the SEMISWEET RECIPE. Walk to the back of the room and scan it to find a STARDUST, so you can now craft the Stardust Cape for Cecilia. Talk to anyone to advance the plot. After the meeting, you'll need to talk to the main characters to advance the plot. Philia, Levant, & Irene are in the barracks, while Rafael, Ignus, & Griek are south from the intersections. Backtrack to the statue by Bigabu and talk to the Quiet Girl there. Finally, return to Philia and choose to rest up for the night. Then, talk to Gulden and Ciel will join the party with her Luftshetelune Ragnafact. I would not recommend using Ciel or her Ragnafact, as she's more of a character on Levant's path, so I'll just ignore them. Now, you can talk to Vaul in the kitchen and have him cook those recipes you've been finding up to now. I would cook a Bizarre Recipe for the Infatuated Youth later, and the Stamina Recipe for the Dying Youth soon. Return to the first floor, go all the way to the left, and down to the next floor. With Cemnal accompanying the party, you can get past the guard. Head up to a fork and take the right path past the stairs to a chest which contains 8 GRAVITY STONES, which you will need a couple for crafting the Swift Boots later. You could go downstairs to the jail, but you can't do anything there, for now. From the fork, walk up, talk to the Intellectual Elf, and exchange the Torn Document for a Cestite Shard. Open the nearby chest which contains a CASHMERE and scan the area to find 2 WHITE LAPIS. Head southeast and right to the crystal with a harvest point which contains RED, YELLOW, or WHITE LAPIS. If you got the Cestite Key, open the door above to an isolated area. At the middle of the room is a chest which contains the DEVASTI Ragnafact that you should give to Ignus. Scan the area to find 5 GREEN LAPIS. If you saved up at least 31000 FP, you can learn all of the Devasti's Techs. Your next priorities would be to increase its Resonance up to Level 10 and put the rest into the Atk of the Grantein up to Level 31. Eventually, you may even want to max out your Ragnafacts on Resonance at Level 20, but it's not a high priority. Before heading to the Spirit Forest, we have some sidequests to take care of first. Finally, I would recommend putting Ignus & Rafael in the front row, with Cecilia in the back row in the middle. While this will make the guys vulnerable to row attacks, it will mitigate damage from burst attacks, and maximize your offense for the guys. As usual, make a quick harvest run at Lake Soleil. However, I would recommend holding onto your Narcissus for later, since you really don't need to put much FP into your Ragnafacts anymore. While there is an achievement for hitting the FP cap (99999 FP), it would also be a good idea not to do so, or you'll just end up wasting any excess on Atk levels that aren't as significant now. As such, I won't be recommending any item conversions now, but if you're behind, you should have a good idea what to convert, if you need to. Return to Inside the Mother Worm and feed the Roasted Holo to the Dying Youth. We'll cook more food for him later, though you need to wait 5 battles between feeding. Return to the Endless Sands and head to the save point. To the southwest, you should talk to the Immobile Drake to receive the "...Training!?" sidequest. Talk to him again, choose to leave three times, then offer to help him out. Note that you can only successfully pull him out of the quicksand if you have at least four party members. While you don't get a tangible reward, it does greatly tilt the vessel towards creation. Leave the area, return to Gultchfort to heal up, save, and head to the Granad Cavern. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Aero Orb, Electric Orb Force Comb, Stardust Cape, Battle Boots, Miracle Ring Ignus: Devasti, Granraid Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Storm Shoes, Surge Gem Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Battle Boots, Discerning Specs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GRANAD CAVERN (Phase 4) [GRAN1] Recommended Lvel: 27 Recommended Party: Cecilia, Ignus, Rafael Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Bolt/Water), Armor Beast (Bolt), Femur (Fire/Light), Isolde (Fire), Rafflesia (Fire), Rajh (Light), Sumatrae, Tempter (Fire/Bolt), Tigerlily (Wind), Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ____ _________ __________ _____ | _C _/R ____ \ __ C________ \ D | | | / ___|X | |6 | | | D E | | | \ | 15 | E | | |XX|X \ _|X X| | | | | | ____ | | | | | || | __ | |_| |R \B____/ |45| _| | |_| _B| | | | |14 || | |13| | R R9 R \ | | | | | _| | | | |_ _|| | |12| |10 R R \ |3 | | | ||F | | | _| |__| | |11| ¯|¯¯¯¯¯| \ | |_ |__ __|78| | | | | | S | | | A¯ _ __ | | _A __| | ¯¯ | | | | |________| | | ¯|____| |__| | | | | | S |_______/ | | |____________| | _______|R | |2 | | / | | 1| |__| |_______________/ |__________________| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point R - Rock/Boulder F - Force Site (Stardust) X - Pitfalls 1 - *Irispira [H] 2 - Gold Ring x2 3 - Blue Lapis x5 4 - Ice Crystal/Night Drop [H] 5 - Arnon Gem x2 6 - Green/Blue/Purple Lapis [H] 7 - Resurrection Orb 8 - Green Laver [H] 9 - Stardust x3 10 - Worm Skin x2 11 - Decoy Doll Alpha 12 - Fastile x2 13 - Ice Crystal x10 14 - Ice Crystal [H] 15 - Rexraid Head right to the lower right corner. If you rotate the camera, you'll see a crack in the wall with a harvest point which contains IRISPIRA, but only if you have the Discerning Specs equipped. Walk up, then follow the lower left path to the steps to the next area. Watch out for the ice spikes on the ground that can damage you. Go down to a chest which contains 2 GOLD RINGS. Hug the left wall up to a crack that you can scan to find 5 BLUE LAPIS. Continue up to a harvest point which contains ICE CRYSTALS or NIGHT DROPS. Open the chest to the right which contains 2 ARNON GEMS. When you are ready, examine the Stone Beast trapped in ice above to fight it. A Thunder Drop and Aerial Cleave or Gaia Shockwave will defeat it. Open the chest he leaves behind which contains the MERCURIO GEM (equip on Rafael). While it only increases EXP gains per battle by 20%, this applies to all active party members, and 20% is A LOT in Hexyz Force. Backtrack past the spikes on the previous floor and make your way to the upper right corner of the floor. Climb the steps and circle around to the wall with a harvest point which contains GREEN, BLUE, or PURPLE LAPIS. Cross the ice bridge below and head down the steps to an isolated area. By the rock is a harvest point which contains GREEN LAVERS. Then, open the chest which contains a RESURRECTION ORB. Return to the previous floor and clear all of the enemies. You may have noticed the boulders lying around this floor. There are some pitfalls near the top of the floor. In order to break some ice blocking your path on the next floor, you'll need to push all 8 boulders down those pits. Along the way, on the left side of the floor, you should open a chest which contains 3 STARDUSTS. Also, beneath the leftmost boulder, you can scan to find 2 WORM SKINS. After dropping all the boulder, head up from the leftmost boulder to the path to the next floor. Proceed along the path, but ignore the Force Site for now until you reach the save point. Backtrack to the Force Site where you will fight 2 Spunky and a Heliamphora. You will want to win a Rare Scale from Spunky to craft a Butterfly (armor) later. Normally, I wouldn't go after a rare item like this, but since it's a fixed encounter, and you cannot otherwise acquire a Rare Scale for a very long time, I recommend doing it now, even if it requires you to reload several times. The Blazecane's Flame Wall, the Devasti's Earthquake, or the Grantein's Gaia Shockwave will all be effective against them. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust. Above the save point are the two paths that would otherwise be blocked by ice without breaking them down with the boulders. Take the left path, first. The path is very straight-forward, but take it slowly, as there are ice spikes everywhere. Scan the right side of the floor to find a DECOY DOLL ALPHA. Proceed up to a chest which contains 2 FASTILES which you should save to craft a Fasteel (shoes) later. Continue up to another chest which contains 10 ICE CRYSTALS, which you should use to craft a Frozen Necklace for Cecilia. Backtrack to the previous floor and take the right path, this time. Another straight-forward path. Walk around to the large area. Hug the left wall up to a harvest point which contains ICE CRYSTALS. Scan the platform in the middle to reveal a hidden chest which contains a REXRAID. That's everything here, so return to Palfina to heal up and save. At this point, I was able to get the vessel tilting towards Creation, which would change the contents of the yellow chests to their best contents, so I would recommend opening them. I'll just direct you to the maps to find them all. There are 5 in Palfina [PALF1], most of which have to be revealed with a Force Scan, 1 at the Endless Sands [SAND1], & 1 at the Dragon's Abyss [ABYS1]. After doing that and making another Lake Soleil harvest run, it's time to head to the Spirit Forest. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Storm Shoes, Surge Gem Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Aero Orb, Electric Orb Force Comb, Stardust Cape, Battle Boots, Frozen Necklace Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Battle Boots, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SPIRIT FOREST (Phase 4) [SPRT1] Recommended Lvel: 29 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Bolt/Water), Armor Beast (Bolt), Imperial Guard, Imperial Sniper, Imperial Witch, Isolde (Fire), Rafflesia (Fire), Rajh (Light), Sumatrae, Tigerlily (Wind), Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ ___ S - Save Point _______|H | | G| ___|15|___ ___ |20 | M - To Monolith | ___ |17|_| | | __| \22\| 21|__ F - Force Site (Arnon Gem) ____| |_ | S | | | |16| | 19| 1 - Goat Fur x2 | 12| | _______| | |_____| | | 18| 2 - Orb of Wisdom [M] | _ F| | |_______ |__________| \ / 3 - Forest Water x3 |9 | | 11| | 14| | G| | | 4 - Slash Feather x2 | E| | 10| | 13| | | 5 - Forest Water [H]; ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ H *Forest Water/Eladah Tears 6 - Healing Herb x16 |C| |B| |E| D 7 - Serontosphere [D]/ | |_| | | | | |_____ _____ Adamastia x7 [N]/ | _| | |_|4 | |7 6|_ Serontosphere x7 [C] ¯| | A |8 _ 2| ¯| ¯ 5| 8 - Invigorating Orb [M] | |_| | ¯| | | | | | |¯¯¯ 9 - Healing Herb/ | S 1| | |3| | | | | | Agaricus Mushroom [H] ¯| |¯ |C|¯ B A |D| 10 - Energy Mist 11 - Moonlight Grass [H] 12 - Silvervine [H] 13 - Healing Herb x5 [M]/Narcissus [F] 14 - Numetake/Shiitake [H] 15 - Star Sand/Green Fragment [H]; *Fastile/Green Fragment/Phantasm Alloy 16 - Evil Ward 17 - Training Ring x2 18 - Soothsong 19 - Fastile 20 - Gale Ring 21 - Premium Silk x2 22 - Aegis Bangle We're going to make a few trips to get through here. For now, avoid all enemies. Go right to a hollowed log and scan it to find 2 GOAT FUR. Head straight up to the next area. Continue up to an easy mimic chest which contains an ORB OF WISDOM. Walk left, then down through a tunnel (log) to a chest which contains 3 FOREST WATER. Then, head up through a tunnel and scan it to find 2 SLASH FEATHERS. Proceed up to the Sacred Tree. In the water to the right is a harvest point which contains FOREST WATER or rarely, ELADAH TEARS. Scan the area around the tree to find 16 HEALING HERBS. Open the yellow chest which contains a SERONTOSPHERE (desruction), 7 ADAMASTIA (neutral), or 7 SERONTOSPHERE (creation). Examine the tree and donate 2500 FP to help it out. This is the "Sacred Tree" sidequest. You can donate 2500 FP to it, every five battles, to help it recover, up to a maximum of 32500 FP, with some really good rewards, too. Leave the tree, and follow the left path up to another easy mimic chest which contains an INVIGORATING ORB. Head up to the next area. In the left log is a harvest point which contains HEALING HERBS or AGARICUS mushrooms. Note that this is the only place in the game you can find them, though they're not very important. Hug the right wall down to a chest which contains an ENERGY MIST. Behind it is a harvest point which contains MOONLIGHT GRASS, of which you'll want two for crafting Meteor Boots later. Do not clear the Force Sitd above. Instead, search behind it for a harvest point which contains SILVERVINE. Before proceeding onward, leave the Spirit Forest, and return to Gultchfort. If you have been following the walkthrough up to this point, you should have opened at least 100 chests, for an achievement that rewards the Lucky Lenses. They can make winning rare items a trivial task. For now, there's a few sidequests that you can complete, which are dependent on fighting 5 battles in between each part. I won't do all of it right now, but you can, if you want. Here is the checklist I recommend using. - Donate 2500 FP to the Sacred Tree at the Spirit Forest - Cook Stamina Recipe at Gultchfort for Dying Youth - Make a harvest run at Lake Soleil - Give Royal Liquid to Penelope at the Endless Sands - Feed Roasted Holo to Dying Youth at Inside the Mother Worm - Fight D Rank battles at the Dragon's Abyss arena - Try to win up to 14 Royal Liquids (rare) from Imperials at the Spirit Forest You may not know about the arena yet. Remember where you fought Virtus at the Dragon's Abyss? There's another drake there now called R.U.Tufnuf. Talk to him and he will allow you to fight in the D Rank battles in the arena. They are all very easy, but have great rewards, the more you fight. Between each battle, you have to fight in 3 other battles, before he'll let you fight again. Between arena battles, I would fight the various imperials at the Spirit Forest. This is the easiest way to acquire more Royal Liquids. You'll need 6 for cooking more Stamina Recipes, 5 for crafting a Master Gem later, 2 for giving to Penelope, and 1 for crafting a Nylonester, allowing you to craft a Butterfly (armor) for later. Try fighting 4 battles with imperials to reset all these sidequests. After donating 7500 FP to the Sacred Tree, you will receive a Golden Tree Leaf, which you'll need to craft some of the best armor in the game later. With the Royal Liquids, you can finally fully restore Penelope and eventually receive 2 Alchemillas. This can be repeated every 5 battles, like a harvest point, but there's no real need. After feeding the Dying Youth (named D.D.Enomar) enough times, he will move into the cave to the right of the starting area Inside the Mother Worm. If you fed him enough times and reward you with a Water Ring & Reactor Key B. There are other rewards later too. Finally, for winning the D Rank arena battles, you will win a Mallady, Regaledge, & Rexraid. This will also unlock the C Rank battles. You could keep going on all of these sidequests now, if you wanted, but I figure it's better to spread them out. Once you've done the sidequests to your satisfaction, save at the Spirit Forest, and return to the Force Site. Equip the Lucky Lenses on Cecilia before fighting the Rakshe. Use the Devasti's Earthquake or cast Radiant Strike to finish it off to win a Serpent Skin from it, which you will want to save for crafting a Draconic Turban later. Hopefully, you will also win a Lion Fang, as a rare drop, which you'll want to save for crafting a Beast King Band later. If you don't want them both, then reload, and try again. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Arnon Gem. Pass through the tunnel above to the right half of the area. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Bahn (Blue) HP: 3260 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: Don't waste any consumable resources on him. Angelic Beam is your best bet for damage. The Devasti's Aerial Cleave is one of the most powerful techs in the game, even against a blue aspect boss. Rafael's Gaia Shockwave should still deal solid damage, too. Try to heal up before the end of the battle. For defeating him, you will win a Rune Bangle. ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, you will have another battle against Axel & Bahn, but it is scripted. All you need to do is stay alive, so have Cecilia cast Heroic Shield on everyone, heal up, and use your cheapest attacks, until the battle automatically ends. Head down the path and right to a smoking chest. I would recommend infusing force to receive a NARCISSUS, though you can get 5 HEALING HERBS if you fight the mimic. Behind it is a harvest point which contains NUMETAKES or SHIITAKES. After clearing the enemies here, you should be able to donate more FP to the Sacred Tree. Heal up at the Force Site and use the save point next to the boss fight. Unfortunately, you won't be able to go up the left path for a very long time, so head up the right path to the monolith. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Velvet (Blue) HP: 3300 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: Velvet is actually pretty dangerous. She has some pretty powerful attacks, always attacks twice per turn, and is very fast. If your party isn't that developed, you should probably cast Heroic Shield on at least Cecilia, so Velvet can't kill her in one round. Otherwise, Aerial Cleave, Angelic Beam, & Gaia Shockwave are your best moves. For defeating her, you will win a Spirit Earring, which you should save for later. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Luffina (White) HP: 4000 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: She's got more HP, but isn't quite as dangerous. While Aerial Cleave & Gaia Shockwave are still your best bets, Cecilia should instead use the Blazecane's Prominence for massive damage. It won't take long to defeat her. ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, you could return to the Spirit Forest to collect the items at the monolith, but they're nothing special, and we can't go up the other path yet anyway, so we might as well wait. This would be a good opportunity to feed a Roasted Holo to the Dying Youth again, for which he will give you a Chi Bracelet. Return to Lake Soleil, talk to Gardner, and he will accompany you to the Altar of Nervel. As usual, harvest everything along the way. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Storm Shoes, Surge Gem Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Aero Orb, Electric Orb Force Comb, Stardust Cape, Battle Boots, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein Fur Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Battle Boots, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ALTAR OF NERVEL (Phase 4) [NERV2] Recommended Level: 32 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Water/Bolt), Femur (Fire/Light), Isolde (Fire), Rafflesia (Fire), Rajh (Light), Sumatrae, Tempter (Fire/Bolt), Tigerlily (Wind), Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________________________ _________ ________ ______________________ |E |G | | |B | |E |G |__| W| B| C| |___| |___| C | | | _ | |_ __| | | | | | | _| | | __| _____| ¯| |¯| | _| |_ | __| | |__| | | __| | |____| | | 4 | | |_| | | | __| | A| | | | | |A | |__________|__ |3 | |_____| |_____ | _| | _ | | |___ | | |___| |___| D|__|1 2| | | | | | | | | | | | |D F'| | | | S| |__ __| | ___| | | _ | | _| | _|__| _____¯¯¯¯¯| | | | |______________| | | | | ¯¯ | | ____|___ | ____| | | |F |H | |_________| |_ |_______| | | | ¯¯H | ______|_ ___________| | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point F - Force Site F' - Force Site (Stardust) 1 - Element Will x4 2 - K.O. Recipe 3 - Glowing Liquid x2 4 - Alchemy Crystal x5 At this point, I would start saving up 32000 FP for your next Ragnafact, but don't convert anything to get there. I would also recommend heading down to the save point by the monolith. If you want, you could try to harvest more Red Fragments from it. Equip the Lucky Lenses on Cecilia and walk up to the second Force Site that I told you not to clear earlier, where you will have to fight a Mignon & two Sondaicas, which should be easily dispatched with an AoE. Your main goal is to win a rare Violent Fang from one of the Sondaicas, which should be easy enough. You'll also want to win Tiger's Claws from them, which you'll get if you don't kill them with a fire or wind elemental attack. Both reagents will be used for crafting Beast King Bands later. For clearing the Force Site, you will receive a Stardust. Head down the nearby steps and walk around to a seal on a door to Gardner's laboratory. Scan the left side to find 4 ELEMENT WILLS and the K.O. RECIPE. Scan the pot on the right side to find 2 GLOWING LIQUIDS. Finally, open the chest which contains 5 Alchemy Crystals, which you'll want to save to craft the Swift Boots later. I would recommend fighting 4 more battles on the way out, to respawn the harvest points. After leaving Lake Soleil, feed another Roasted Holo to D.D.Enomar and donate 2500 FP to the Sacred Tree. Return to Palfina and talk to Elda to unlock the Sealed Library. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SEALED LIBRARY (Phase 4) [SEAL1] Recommended Level: 32 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Bolt/Water), Femur (Fire/Light), Isolde (Fire), Rajh (Light), Sumatrae, Tempter (Fire/Bolt), Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _____ | 16| B S - Save Point F - Force Site (Energy Mist) | | ______| |______ 1 - Broken Idol x2 2 - Alhest Solution |_ _| | 12|14| | | 3 - Lihit Grass x2 4 - Night Drop x2 |B| |11 | | 9| 7| 5 - Glowing Liquid/Fastile [H] _A___________ | | | | | 6 - Fastile [M] 7 - Yellow Lapis x2 | | | 1| | 10|13| | | 8| 8 - Alchemy Crystal x5 | | |_ _|15| | |_ _| 10 - Arnon Gem 11 - Serontosphere x2 | 3| 2| | |___ ¯¯| __|_ _| 12 - Irispira/Stardust/Energy Mist; |¯¯¯¯|¯¯|¯¯¯ ¯| |F S |¯ 4| | *Irispira/Energy Mist/Arnon Gem [H] | X X | | | 13 - Empty [M]/Glowing Metal x2 [F] |____| |_____| | | 5|6 | 14 - S&S Recipe 15 - Nylonester ¯A¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 16 - Aegis Bangle 9 - Energy Mist [D]/Stardust x3 [N]/Arnon Gem x3 [C] This area is a little tricky. There are wooden planks connecting the top of the bookshelves. You'll have to climb up and down, crossing bookshelves, in order to get through the library. Walk around to the upper right corner of the first area and scan it to find 2 BROKEN IDOLS. Climb the stairs to the left to the top of the bookshelves, and go down to a chest which contains an ALHEST SOLUTION. Head left, but before going up to the next area, continue around to the steps to the floor. Scan the area to find 2 LIHIT GRASSES. Then, backtrack up the stairs and walk up to the next area. Walk around the planks counter-clockwise to the steps down to the save point. Defeat the 3 Isoldes & Sphira in the Force Site to win an Energy Mist. In the area above is a locked door. To unlock it, you will need to scan bookshelves to find books with monsters inside them and defeat them. They are fairly powerful monsters with great item drops, so keep those Lucky Lenses equipped. Scan the bookshelf next to the Force Site to fight a Drakon. Defeat it with a non-void attack to win a Dragon Blood for crafting another Draconic Turban later. Save again, then climb the stairs and walk around to the upper area. Scan the leftmost bookshelf to fight a Zepar. Defeat it to rarely win a Demon Wing, which you can use to craft a Fasteel (boots) for Ignus, handing down his Storm Shoes to Rafael. From the save point head right to a chest which contains 2 NIGHT DROPS. In the lower right corner is a harvest point which contains GLOWING LIQUIDS or rarely, FASTILES. Climb the stairs to the right to reach a moderately tough mimic chest which contains a FASTILE. Save and head up the right column of bookshelves. Scan the upper middle bookshelf to fight an Angeu. Defeat it with anything except light or fire to win a Pelvic Fragment, which you should save to craft the Meteor Boots later. Your scan should have also revealed 2 YELLOW LAPIS to the right of the book shelf. Backtrack, go slightly up the middle path, then right and up the stairs. Follow the path around to a chest which contains 5 ALCHEMY CRYSTALS, which you should save for crafting a Beast Bangle later. At the end of the left planks is a chest which should contain 3 ARNON GEMS (creation), but may also contain 3 STARDUSTS (neutral), or an ENERGY MIST (destruction). With all the monster books defeated, you can open the door where you fought the second book earlier. To the right is a chest which contains an ARNON GEM. Go up and you'll find a chest on the left which contains 2 SERONTOSPHERE. By the window above is a harvest point which contains IRISPIRA, STARUSTS, ENERGY MIST, or ARNON GEMS with the Discerning Specs. Climb to the upper level and head right to a chest which contains 2 GLOWING METALS if you infuse force into it, or nothing if you fight the mimic. Take the steps down to the last two chests which contain the S&S RECIPE and a NYLONESTER. Heal up, save, and walk straight up the middle to the guardian of the book. The real boss is the Rakshe in the back. Make sure to defeat it without using a fire, bolt, or void attack, so you can win another Serpent Skin to craft the Draconic Turban for Ignus. You'll also want to win a rare Lion Fang from it for crafting a Beast King Band later. Enter the sealed chamber, open the chest which contains a AEGIS BANGLE, grab the book, and leave the library. Return to Inside the Mother Worm and feed your last Roasted Holo to Enomar. This time, he will reward you with the Ultimate Recipe. However, we're still missing a key ingredient for it, so we'll cook that for him, later. Return to the Spirit Forest and donate 2500 FP to the Sacred Tree. If you've donated 17500 FP to it, you will receive a Yaesange and unlock another sidequest. Return to Gultchfort in the basement level with the hidden Adamastia harvest point. Talk to the Worrisome Elf to receive the "Save a Tree" sidequest. Back at the Sacred Tree, walk up to it, and you will have to fight 5 Quails. A few Gaia Shockwaves and Earthquakes will defeat them, winning you 5 Stardusts. For completing the sidequest, you will receive the Knowledge Fruit. This is used for a variety of rare crafts, including the Ultimate Recipe & Master Gem. I prefer to use the first Knowledge Fruit to craft a Master Gem, but we have other business to take care of, first. Pick up Luffina in Gardner's lab at the Altar of Nervel and you will regain her Algenteria. Max it out on Techs and Resonance to Level 20. Although, I don't want to put it to use for now, because Electric Orbs can strike more aspect weaknesses of enemies already weak to bolt. Then, talk to Ciel at Gulden's chamber at Gultchfort. Before moving on, I would recommend crafting a Swiftray to craft a Nobleray to craft a Grandray. There are many enemies in the upcoming chapter that will be weak to its skills, and nothing weak to win. Head to the Pearl Chamber of Guidance and use the Force Stone at the middle right portal to unlock the next tower section. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Fasteel, Surge Gem Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Electric Orb, Grandray Force Comb, Stardust Cape, Battle Boots, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Storm Shoes, Mercurio Gem Luffina: Algenteria Butterfly =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE TOWER 7&8 (Phase 4) [ITR78] Recommended Level: 34 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Altaica, Angeu (Fire/Light), Baskerville, Beli (Light), Bergan, Brutal Mantis (Fire), Foxy (Fire/Bolt), Goetia (Light), Golem (Bolt), Juliet (Fire/Light), Stall Worm (Water), Tempter (Fire/Bolt), Ulexite (Water/Bolt), Zepar (Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ _ _ O - Harvest Orb S - Save Point _____| | |2|___|C|__ _ F - Force Site (Energy Mist) X - Inaccessible |7 S | | | | A|1| 1 - Element Will x3 _____________ _ ¯| |¯| | | |¯¯¯| |¯¯| | 2 - Fastile x2 | 3 B _| |_| | |8| | ¯¯¯| |¯¯ | 3 - Gravity Stone | |¯|4|¯| |¯¯¯ B A| | |_| | |¯¯¯| |¯¯|_| 4 - Orb of Hope | | ¯ ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯| | |6| | ¯¯¯ | 5 - Irispira x5 | |___ __| |_|O| |X|¯¯¯¯¯ 6 - Dragon Blood | 5| |CF | |_| 7 - Stardust x3 ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 8 - Tough Scale If you haven't already (as I have not), your first order of business is to acquire a third Nightmare Gem from a Force Eater. Normally, there are 7 enemies in the Tower 7 area without a Force Eater, so zone in and out until you find 8. The Force Eater may appear behind the locked door marked on the map, but you can still fight it. Gaia Shockwave and Aerial Cleave are your best bets to defeat it with a void attack to win the Nightmare Gem. With that, you can craft a Master Gem, which you should equip on Luffina, granting her 100% experience, as inactive party member normally get nothing. On a related note, Experience Gems only reward 20% experience, so it's really not worth using. Here are a couple items you should try to win. Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ---------------+--------------+-------------+--------------------------- Pelvic Fragment|Any-light/fire|Angeu |Meteor Boots Cursed Fin |Any (rare) |Baskerville |Meteor Boots Mantis Wing x10|Any |Brutal Mantis|Premium Silk > Goddess Robe From the entrance, turn around and scan the area to find 3 ELEMENT WILLS. Go down, left, right, and forward at the forks to a pot which contains 2 FASTILES. At the last fork, take the other path to a portal to the next area. Head straight-forward to another area. Scan immediately to find a GRAVITY STONE. Proceed ahead and go left at the second fork to a pot which contains an ORB OF HOPE. Then, follow the other path to the end to another pot which contains 5 IRISPIRA. Backtrack to the fork by the first pot. Head down past the intersection and follow the other fork to a portal to the next area. Do NOT clear the Force Site yet. Instead, go right past the fork to a harvest orb, which I wouldn't use. However, if you scan behind it, you will find a DRAGON BLOOD, which you will want for crafting another Draconic Turban. Return to the fork and take the other path up, then left to a pot which contains 3 STARDUST. Hopefully, you will have gotten the above items by now and can craft the Meteor Boots. Use the save point to the right, then go back to clear the Force Site to defeat 2 Sondaicas and 3 Charmers. Try to defeat the Sondaica without a fire or wind attack, so that you can win Tiger's Claws from them, as well as at least one Violent Fang as a rare drop, both used for crafting a Beast King Band later. Return to the save point and continue right to the altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Moa (Blue), Femur (Red), Sphira (Red) HP: 3800, 444, 810 WEAKNESS: Light (40%), Fire (40%)/Light (60%), None STRATEGY: Moa is the real boss, so let Earthquake and/or Gaia Shockwave defeat the other two. Cecilia should focus on the Moa with her Angelic Beam, with Ignus backing her up with Aerial Cleave. For defeating Moa, you will win an Energy Mist. ******************************************************************************* Examine the altar, then go right to a pot which contains a TOUGH SCALE. Finally, head left to the portal to Phase 5 in Altair. Let's leave Altair to advance some sidequests and return to Palfina. Talk to the Peddler Guy who will ask for a Dark Ring. Note that there are two items named "Dark Ring", one for dark-elemental resistance and one for dark status resistance. He want the elemental resisting one. In exchange for the Dark Ring, he will give you 10 Pelvic Fragments. Head up to the temple and give the Rock Lizard Stew to the Infatuated Youth. Enter the temple and follow the left path up to a female Researcher. Tell her about the Cestite Shard and she will exchange it for the Cleaning Tools. Note that she will not accept the Cestite Shard prior to Phase 5. We'll need to give those to Gardner, so let's make another Lake Soleil harvest run. Then, talk to Gardner to exchange the Cleaning Tools for the Fragrant Oil. Return to Gulchfort and talk to Vaul (the chef) to exchange the Fragrant Oil for the Silver Knife. On your way back out, talk to the elves until you find the Sensible Elf, with whom you can exchange the Silver Knife for the Spirit Beacon, which is exclusive to Cecilia's path in the trading sequence. Backtrack to Bigabu, then go left to the other side of the basement level. Follow the path up to the intersection and talk to the Training Guard to receive the "Bunny Tribe" sidequest, which will unlock the Denmail Path area. Now that we're in Phase 5, there's a new resident at Granad Cavern, so let's go over there. Upon entering, check your map for a green dot at the middle to find the Researcher. He will exchange various items (usually force crystals) for monolith fragments. White = 2 Prism Fruit, Red = 2 Energy Mist, Yellow = 2 Stardust. I'll go over the others, when we can acquire them. Now it's time for a much shorter sidequest checklist than last time, assuming you have already acquired the Ultimate Recipe from D.D. Enomar. - Donate 2500 FP to the Sacred Tree at the Spirit Forest - Make a harvest run at Lake Soleil - Fight C Rank battles at the Dragon's Abyss arena - Fight 4 more battles in between each cycle Repeat this cycle two more times until you clear all the C Rank battles at the arena, which will reward you with a Decoy Doll Theta, Sanocane, & Scanning Specs. Note that the Scanning Specs will also unlock the in-game bestiary in the Extras mode after completing the game. While you're trying to fight battles in between cycles, you should probably complete the "Bunny Tribe" sidequest, so let's head to Denmail Highway in Dark Berge. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Fasteel, Surge Gem Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Electric Orb, Grandray Force Comb, Stardust Cape, Storm Shoes, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Mercurio Gem Luffina: Algenteria Butterfly, Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DENMAIL HIGHWAY (Phase 5) [HIGH1] Recommended Level: 36 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Bolt/Water), Femur (Fire/Light), Rafflesia (Fire), Rajh (Light), Sumatrae, Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ___ / 3 \ S - Save Point The monster you are looking for \ 4/ __ F - Force Site (Stardust) is located in the center of the __| |_ |2F| 1 - Glowing Liquid [H] area, but let's save that for | ____ \| _| 2 - Night Drop x3 later. The light pole at the | | __\ / 3 - Energy Mist start is a harvest point which | |_|6Z|\ \ 4 - Wicked Eye contains GLOWING LIQUIDS. Walk | 5 7| | | 5 - Mistletoe/Willow Leaf counter-clockwise to the upper \ \¯¯¯ | | /Bellel Wheat [H] right area with a chest which \ \___/ / 6 - Eladah Tears contains 3 NIGHT DROPS. Defeat \ 1S / 7 - Healing Herb/ the Patella & 2 Yukis to clear | |¯¯¯ Moonlight Grass [H] the Force Site & win a Stardust. Proceed around the center ring to the upper area. Scan the upper right of the area to reveal a hidden chest which contains an ENERGY MIST and a WICKED EYE. Continue around to the middle section. Hug the upper wall to find a harvest point which contains MISTLETOE, BELLEL WHEAT, or WILLOW LEAVES. Open the nearby chest which contains ELADAH TEARS. Be careful, walking around to behind the monster to another harvest point which contains HEALING HERBS or MOONLIGHT GRASS. Save your game, equip the Lucky Lenses, and challenge the monster which is a Bolvolt. He's not that tough, but you'll want to defeat him with anything except a fire, bolt, or void attack. Earthquake would be your best bet. That way, you can win a Serpent Skin for crafting another Draconic Turban. You'll also want to win a rare Spotted Skin for crafting a Wakiya Necklace later. If you do not win it, then reload until you do. For defeating the monster, the Training Guard will give you the Scanning Specs. Once you have completed all of your sidequests, heal up, save, and head to Altair. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FALLEN CITY OF ALTAIR (Phase 5) [ALTR1] Recommended Level: 36 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Altaica, Angeu (Fire/Light), Baskerville, Beli (Light), Bergan, Brutal Mantis (Fire), Drakon, Goetia (Light), Golem (Bolt), Juliet (Fire/Light), Patella (Fire/Light), Shade M, Shell Beast (Bolt), Stall Worm (Water), Tempter (Fire/Bolt), Zepar (Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______ __ ______ |J|__________ |L|____ ______ _ |A | |20| | | | F' 27 | |____ | | \ | | |2221 | | | | _ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | |_____ \ | |_ ¯¯¯¯| |_|__|__| | | | ______| |___ | | __ \ \ \__ \ __ |_________ | | | |A S | |24 | |K| /32/ _|33|__ \ \ | |_____|__|_ | | | K| ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯| | ¯ | |_| ___ |_| | |____ _ __ C|| | ¯¯ __________ | |_| |_____ | _ | 30|_ _| ____| |_| |¯ | |____ | ___ 15| |____ _ | | \ ___/ | | | _| |16| ¯¯ _ | | |_ | |¯¯_____ | | | | | |\ | __/ / | | | |¯| |¯¯| | | | | B'| |G| |19 B"| |25| |I| |31| |M| |34 / |B'| |N| |B"| |H| |__| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ___ ____ __ __ |G| |I| _|M|_ | 14|_ | 13 | _ |N| | | | H| |18| | E| ___| | | | |23 F'| | |¯| |_| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | ___| | | \ / | ¯ ____| | | |____ | | | | | _____________| |___ |L| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | | | | _ 3 _| |_ | __________ | | _____________| | | | | | | | | |¯¯¯¯ 4| | | | |___|29|___| | | |D _ ____| | | | |_| |_| | |¯¯¯__| | | | __| | | ¯¯¯¯| | | | ____| | | _ S_ ___|26|56|_| | | | | C| | E| __ | | |17| | _ 11| |1| | | | | _|¯¯ 7| | | |____| | |10|_| | ¯¯ | | | | |2| | | |_| |D ¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | __ 28| | 8 9¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |12| ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯| J|¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ S - Save Point F' - Force Site 1 (Stardust) F" - Force Site 2 (Arnon Gem) 1 - Moonlight Grass x5 2 - Surgery Orb [M] 3 - Serontosphere/Element Will [H] 4 - Willow Leaf x2 5 - Night Drop x2 6 - Yellow Lapis x5 7 - Night Drop [H] 8 - Steel Shard x2 9 - Taurine Apple/Prism Fruit [H] 10 - Taurine Apple x3 11 - Capy Doll [H] 12 - Serontosphere x2 [M] 13 - Ororon Doll 14 - Stardust x2 [M]/Energy Mist [F] 15 - Mercury x3 16 - Eladah Tears 17 - Nightmare Gem 18 - Adamastia x3 19 - Turtillian Ring 20 - Tough Talon 21 - Serontosphere [M]/Illusion Cloak [F] 22 - Hard Rock Skin x2 23 - Steel Lump 24 - Adamastia x2 25 - Gravity Stone x5 26 - Energy Mist 27 - Gothic Ribbon 28 - Eladah Tears 29 - Fastile/Blue Fragment/Phantasm Alloy [H] 30 - Fastile x2 [M] 31 - Alchemy Crystal x5 32 - Arnon Gem 33 - Black Steel 34 - Glowing Metal x3 Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ------------+------------------+------+--------------- Serpent Skin|Any-fire/bolt/void|Bergan|Draconic Turban Lion Fang |Any (rare) |Bergan|Beast King Band At this point, you should have at least learned every Tech, gotten Atk up to Level 11, and Resonance up to Level 10 for all your Ragnafacts. Personally, I was able to get Atk up to at least 31 and maxed Resonance at Level 20, but that is hardly necessary. In any case, don't forget to watch out for the FP cap of 99999. This is where the Grandray will really come in handy, especially Snake Eater against Drakons. You could use Turn Undead against Patellas and Angeu later, or Exorcism against Zepar, though I'd stick to Radiant Strike, unless you need to conserve RP. Brutal Mantis has a lot of HP too, so don't be afraid to cast Prominence against it. This area has three teleporters powered by three reactors. They are denoted on the map by A'/B'/C', corresponding to their reactor. You will need to find the reactor keys in order to activate the reactors and their teleporters. Unfortunately, you cannot acquire Reactor Key C on Cecilia's path in Normal Mode, but only in Hard Mode. First, hug the left wall around to two chests, one of which is a powerful mimic, which contain 5 MOONLIGHT GRASS and a SURGERY ORB. From the save point, go up and right along the upper wall until you find a harvest point which contains SERONTOSPHERES or ELEMENT WILLS. Continue right and down to scan the isolated corner to find 2 WILLOW LEAVES, which should allow you to craft the mighty Yaehatae for Cecilia. Follow the outer path clockwise until you can enter a center area with a chest which contains 2 NIGHT DROPS. Scan the area to find 5 YELLOW LAPIS. Finally, walk to the lower right corner to find a harvest point which contains NIGHT DROPS. Return to the outer path and go left to the teleporter to the upper area. You'll need to activate the reactors to progress much further. Head down to a well with a harvest point which contains TAURINE APPLES or PRISM FRUITS. Scan it to find 2 STEEL SHARDS. Follow the path around to the left to a chest which contains 3 TAURINE APPLES. Take the other path right to a pile of loose bricks with a harvest point which contains CAPY DOLLS. Heal up and walk down to a powerful mimic chest which contains 2 SERONTOSPHERES. Finally, go up to find the reactors. Walk up the middle path to Reactor A, where Cemnal will give you Reactor Key A. Examine Reactor A to activate it. Scan the area to find an ORORON DOLL. Reactor C is to the right, but we can't do anything with it for now. Instead, head left to Reactor B. If you've progressed enough through the "Dying Youth" sidequest, you should have Reactor Key B to activate it. Walk clockwise around behind Reactor B to a smoking chest which contains an ENERGY MIST if you infuse force or a STARDUST if you fight the mimic. At this point, you can either go back to the entrance to use the B teleporter or not. The next paragraph will assume you do, or you can just skip it. Return to the entrance, go left and up to the next area. Proceed up and right to a chest which contains 3 MERCURY. Take the other path from the fork to the Reactor B teleporter. Head up and right to a huge crack in the ground. Scan the very bottom to reveal a chest which contains an ELADAH TEARS. Sadly, you cannot cross to the right, so you'll have work your way around. I would recommend healing up back at Gulchfort before continuing on. Return to the first teleporter you took up to the floating ruins. This time, head right past the first fork and down to a chest which contains a NIGHTMARE GEM. Continue right from the last fork, then up past another to a chest which contains 3 ADAMASTIA. Go left at the fork to the next area. If you activated Reactor B, hug the left walk around to a teleporter to a chest which contains a TURTILLIAN RING. Head straight up to another chest which contains a TOUGH TALON. Backtrack to the start, walk up and left at the fork. At the end is a amoking chest which contains an ILLUSION CLOAK, if you infuse some FP, or a SERONTOSPHERE, if you fight the mimic. Scan the area to find 2 HARD ROCK SKINS. Remove the Fasteel, so you can craft the Hyper Fasteel for Ignus. Take the portal to a save point, which you should use. Go back up to the last fork and follow the upper path to a portal. Proceed along the path to the next area. Heal up to max before fighting the 2 Sallos in the Force Site. They are end-game level powerful, which is why I recommended saving before coming here. If Cecilia can act before they do, have her cast Heroic Shield on herself. Ignus should use Earthquake, while Rafael uses Gaia Shockwave, and Cecilia focuses mostly on healing. Hopefully, you will win at least 2 Ogre Masks from them, which you should save for crafting a Beast Bangle later. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust. Scan the upper left corner to find a STEEL LUMP. Unfortunately, you cannot get past the locked door until much later in the game. Return to the recent save point. Go right for some dialogue. Afterwards, turn around to find a chest which contains 2 ADAMASTIA. Continue along the path and down to a chest which contains 5 GRAVITY STONES. From the intersection, proceed right to an isolated path to a chest which contains an ENERGY MIST. Clear all the enemies in the previous area, including the one to the left of the intersection. Along the left path, once you go down a couple stairs, scan the area to find a GOTHIC RIBBON. Backtrack to the save point to use, and return to the last treasure. Continue left to a Force Site to fight a Humerus and Smierc. Cecilia could use Turn Undead against the Humerus. Otherwise, Earthquake and Gaia Shockwave are your best bets. You'll want to win a Reaper Scythe from Smierc to craft a WAKIYA NECKLACE later on. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Arnon Gem. At this point, I would bring in Luffina to replace Cecilia and arrange your party like so. Save if you like and head left of the Force Site. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Surge Gem Luffina: Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Grandray Force Comb, Stardust Cape, Storm Shoes, Frozen Necklace Rafael: Grantein Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Mercurio Gem Cecilia: Master Gem ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Phantasma Theta (Blue) HP: 6500 WEAKNESS: Bolt (20%) STRATEGY: Luffina's Electro-Cute Force Burst and Ball Lightning will deal great damage to the giant robot, since they strike both its aspect and elemental weaknesses. I wouldn't bother buffing up the guys, since they won't be quite as effective. Ignus should use Aerial Cleave, while Rafael uses Gaia Shockwave. For defeating it, you will win a Phantasm Alloy. ******************************************************************************* Heal up at the Force Site, then walk up from where you fought Phantasma Theta. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Azul (void) HP: 4060 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: Like Velvet, he's pretty tough, because he gets two turns per round. Luffina should focus on healing anyone who drops below 1000 HP. Otherwise, she could cast Heroic Shield on herself, Electro-Cute or Ball Lightning against Azul, while Ignus uses Aerial Cleave, and Rafael uses Gaia Shockwave. For defeating him, you will win a Knowledge Fruit. ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, you will automatically return to Gultchfort. You could return to the monolith to collect Blue Fragments, which can be exchanged for 2 Arnon Gems with the Researcher at Granad Cavern, but I figure we'll come back there later. Now that we have a second Knowledge Fruit, have Vaul cook the Ultimate Recipe for D.D. Enomar. Then, enter Gulden's chamber. Now, you will be back at the entrance and will have to talk to the main characters. Ciel is at the statue by Bigabu. Go downstairs to the right. Talk to Griek & Ignus above the stairway. Continue up to the kitchen to talk to Irene & Levant. Finally, go left to the bedroom to talk to Rafael & Luffina. Talk to her again and choose to rest up for tomorrow. Return to temple in Palfina. If you talk to the Cleric in the Main Hall, he will tell you that Elda is back in the Catacombs. Go back there and talk to her to unlock the next area. Before going there, I would recommend making a Lake Soleil harvest run. Then, feed the Imperial Feast to D.D. Enomar to complete the "Need Food" sidequest and receive the Old Filament, which is needed for the Neutral ending, though you can only get it during a New Game+. You can still get more rewards from him later, though. Finally, return to the Sacred Tree at the Spirit Forest to donate another 2500 FP to it. When you're ready, heal up, arrange your party as follows, save, and head to Ravena Castle. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Surge Gem Luffina: Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Aqua Orb Yaehatae, Butterfly, Storm Shoes, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Mercurio Gem Cecilia: Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RAVENA CASTLE (Phase 5) [RAVN1] Recommended Level: 40 Recommended Party: Ignus, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: Altaica, Angeu (Fire/Light), Baskerville, Beli (Light), Brutal Mantis (Fire), Foxy (Fire/Bolt), Goetia (Light), Golem (Bolt), Grunere (Water/Bolt), Juliet (Fire/Light), Patella (Fire/Light), Stall Worm (Water), Ulexite (Water/Bolt), Zepar (Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________________ _________________ | 19 _9 __6 | | |E | | |¯| |_|C |40| | |23|¯¯| |W |¯¯| | ___ ___ D__| | |B ¯¯|39| | |24|__| |___|__| | A |____ ____| 2| |10-¯ _|_____¯¯| | D¯¯|G |J K| | ¯| 3 |¯ |18|¯| W_J_ |¯| | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ |¯¯|_| | B | |_| | | |___________| | _____| |_____ | | | |S F| | | |21 _____| |1 | |4 ¯| 5 I |¯| | ¯¯¯¯| ¯¯20| ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯A|_|_ _|_| ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ _________________ _______ | _ E| ____ | | _________ | |7 | | | | | |28| | | | | |33 34| | | __ | C| 8| __ |__|_| | | |_|__H | |_| |_|___H | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | G|22 | _| W|K | | |3635 3738|W I| | | | | | | | |¯| | _|¯|32| | |____ ____| | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |_ | ¯ __|L ¯ | | |W L___S| | |__|¯¯¯¯|¯|¯¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯| 26|¯¯¯¯¯ |____¯¯¯¯|3130____| __| |____| |¯ | 25 27| |29 | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ F - Force Site (Arnon Gem) S - Save Point W - Switch 1 - Serontosphere x2 2 - Decoy Doll Theta 3 - Pelvic Fragment 4 - Mantis Blade x2 5 - White Lapis 6 - Steel Shard 7 - Alhest Solution x2 8 - Waste Water x2 9 - Alchemy Crystal 10 - Empty 11 - Serontosphere [M]/Orb of Hope [F] 12 - Grandedge [M] 13 - Nightmare Gem 14 - Haste Orb [M] 15 - Glowing Metal 16 - Strength Orb [M] 17 - Empty 18 - Empty 19 - Broken Idol x2 20 - Black Ashes x2 21 - Aqua Orb 22 - Resurrection Orb 23 - Cashmere 24 - Refreshing Recipe 25 - Hard Rock Skin x2 26 - Narcissus 27 - Purple Lapis x10 28 - Poison Ring 29 - Glowing Fin 30 - Frozen Nail x2 31 - Eladah Tears 32 - Serontosphere 33 - Lihit Grass x2 34 - Pod Key 35 - Soothsong 36 - Pumpkin Pouch 37 - Purple Lapis x2 38 - Dark Rassfeld 39 - Ash Lumber x2 40 - Bellel Wheat Let's start by collecting everything outside, first. Go left along the lower path to a chest which contains 2 SERONTOSPHERES. Then, head right along the upper path to a chest which contains a DECOY DOLL THETA. Backtrack and proceed a little left of the door. Scan the area to find a PELVIC FRAGMENT. Continue left to the upper left corner. Scan the crack in the wall and infuse 300 FP to open a room. Scan the small room to find 2 MANTIS BLADES. Sadly, you cannot open the door to the right on Cecilia's path, so return outside and go straight up into the main entrance of the castle. Scan the area to find a WHITE LAPIS next to the middle left pillar. Save your game and defeat the Zmey within the Force Site. Hopefully, you will win a rare Dragon Horn from it, which you will want for crafting the Beast King Band later. Reload your save file, as necessary, until you win it. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an ARNON GEM. Go up the middle on the lower level to a locked door, which you should examine, and back out of the hall. The key is upstairs from the main hall, but there are several other closed doors that you will need to open first, so take the right path, for now. Follow the straight-forward path until you see some statues. Scan the lower statue to find a STEEL SHARD. Continue on and down the stairs below to an isolated room with two chests which contain 2 ALHEST SOLUTIONS and 2 WASTE WATERS, of which the latter is pretty rare. Backtrack upstairs and scan the next statues to find an ALCHEMY CRYSTAL. Proceed left and down the path to a treasure trove of 9 chests, which I'll describe counter-clockwise. 1) Empty 2) SERONTOSPHERE, if fought as a mimic, or ORB OF HOPE, if you infuse force 3) GRANDEDGE, after fighting a moderately powerful mimic 4) NIGHTMARE GEM 5) HASTE ORB, after fighting a moderately powerful mimic 6) GLOWING METAL 7) STRENGTH ORB, after fighting a very powerful mimic 8-9) Empty Make sure you heal before fighting the Mimics. Earthquake is your best bet against them. After clearing all the treasure, backtrack to the fork, and scan the next statues along the path to find 2 BROKEN IDOLS. It may be a good idea to return to the Force Site and save, since you won't have access to either for awhile. When you're ready, continue on to the stairs to the next floor. Proceed along the path past a chest to the lower right corner which you should scan to find 2 BLACK ASHES. Walk up and left to a chest which contains an AQUA ORB. Continue along the outer wall to the steps, but first, go down to an orb. Scan the orb to light it and and infuse some FP to unlock a door in another area. Then, climb the stairs to the next floor. Go down and right at the fork to a chest which contains a RESURRECTION ORB. Then, take the other path and left at the next fork to the steps to an isolated area. At the end of the path are two chests which contains a CASHMERE and the REFRESHING RECIPE. Backtrack to the last fork, and head down to a room. Scan between the first two statues to find 2 HARD ROCK SKIN. Open the chest ahead which contains a NARCISSUS and scan behind it to find 10 PURPLE LAPIS. Walk up and hug the right wall to another orb switch that you should activate. Then, head up to a chest which contains a POISON RING. Finally, head left and follow the path around to the stairs to the next floor. Go along the path until you find a green orb. In this section, you will find invisible walls that the green orbs can reveal when used. Scan the area to reveal a treasure you can't reach yet. Walk around until you can get to the second orb to activate. You should be able to reach the lower wall and head left to where you will find the hidden GLOWING FIN. From the bottom wall, go right and hug the wall clockwise to the third orb. Walk to the top of the revealed wall and scan the area to find 2 FROZEN NAILS, which you will want to save for crafting a Crystal Necklace later. Work your way to the lower right corner and head up to the last orb, that will also reveal a chest which contains an ELADAH TEARS. Finally, head right to the last orb that will reveal a teleporter to the main hall. After healing up and saving, climb the left stairs and activate the Force Orb to open the upper door to the next floor. Pass through the first door you opened to the stairs to the next floor. Scan along the hallway to find a SERONTOSPHERE. Continue through the second door you opened to the top floor. Scan the orb to the left to open the throne room. I would equip Luffina with a fully-charged Blazecane and her force-boosting equipment (Force Comb, Stardust Cape, & Frozen Necklace. Then, head straight up the middle to find what you're looking for. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Ravena Lord (White) HP: 4640 WEAKNESS: Fire (40%)/Light (60%) STRATEGY: This is an extremely easy boss, since he is weak to both the aspect and elemental weakness of Prominence, allowing Luffina to deal massive damage. Rafael's Gaia Shockwave and Ignus' Aerial Cleave can help contribute, too. For defeating him, you will win a Nightmare Gem. ******************************************************************************* Scan by the throne to find 2 LIHIT GRASS. Open the chest to the right which contains the POD KEY. Walk southwest and scan by the pod to reveal a chest which contains a SOOTHSONG. With the Pod Key, open the pod which contains a PUMPKIN POUCH. Go straight right to another pod, where you should scan to find 2 PURPLE LAPIS. Open the pod which contains the DARK RASSFELD Ragnafact. The Dark Rassfeld is a unique Ragnafact. As indicated by its in-game description, it is an evil Ragnafact. This will cause the vessel to tilt towards destruction every time you use it, though I feel that is negligible. It's on par with the power of the Devasti. However, the Devasti is still much better for Ignus. The Dark Rassfeld will still be useful later on, so you will eventually want to invest some FP into it. At this time, I was nearly at 99999 FP for an achievement, so I figure I might as well wait. Eventually, you'll want to max out its Techs and Resonance. Backtrack to the main hall and up to the chapel room. Scan the room to find 2 ASH LUMBERS and a BELLET WHEAT. Examine the music box on the desk to finish your business here and return to Palfina. Talk to Elda in the main hall, then head down to the monolith in the basement. You will have a scripted fight against Azul, where you just need to stay alive for a few rounds. Afterwards, you will unlock some new Force Bursts. As usual, make another harvest run at Lake Soleil. If you already fed the Imperial Feast to D.D. Enomar, try going back to him and he will have built a house. Scan around the place and open the chest to recieve 2 ABMERS, an ORB OF HOPE, NARCISSUS, NIGHTMARE GEM, and 5 WHITE LAPIS. Finally, donate some more FP to the Sacred Tree at the Spirit Forst. Arrange your party as follows, heal up, save, and return to the Pearl Chamber of Guidance. Use the Force Stone at the upper right portal to unlock the next tower section. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Surge Gem Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Electric Orb, Aero Orb Yaehatae, Stardust Cape, Storm Shoes, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Mercurio Gem Luffina: Algenteria Butterfly, Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE TOWER 9&10 (Phase 5) [ITR9X] Recommended Level: 42 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Ankou (Fire/Light), Charmer (Fire/Bolt), Evil Ooze (Light), Grunere (Water/Bolt), Humerus (Fire/Light), Ixion (Wind), Lot (Light), Rakshe, Sondaica, Sphira, Ulexite (Water/Bolt), Yuki (Fire) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______ _________ _________________ S - Save Point _| 3 | |B A| | _____ _____ | F - Force Site (Arnon Gem) |4 |¯¯| | ¯¯¯| |¯¯¯ | | _ | | _ | | 1 - Star Sand x4 ¯| | | |___ ____| |___ | | | | | | |C| | | 2 - Tough Scale x3 | | | ___--- C| | | |X| | | | | | | 3 - Yellow Lapis x5 _| | | | ¯¯¯¯|S|¯¯¯ | | |B| | | | | | | 4 - Arnon Gem x2 | X |__| | __| |__ | | |1| |O| |2| |F| 5 - Ororon Doll x2 ¯|______| |5 ___ | | | ¯ ¯ ¯ |A| 6 - Dark Ring |6| |7| ¯ ¯ 7 - Silvervine x4 ¯ ¯ Harvest Orb (5000 FP: Royal Liquid, Stardust, Steel Lump, Wakiya Necklace) This one is relatively short. In the first area, there are usually 6 enemies by default, so zone in and out until you find 7 to get your Force Eater. While you can get a Wakiya Necklace from the harvest orb, it's pretty rare, so I wouldn't bother, as it's easy enough to craft later. Instead, hug the outer wall until you reach the Force Site. Defeat the Mantrap inside with a Gaia Shockwave to clear it and win an Arnon Game. Use the portal to the next area. Walk straight left to another portal which will take you to an isolated area. Scan behind this portal to find 4 STAR SANDS. Return to the previous area and go down the fork to a save point. Head right to a portal to another isolated area with a pot which contains 3 TOUGH SCALES. Backtrack to the save point and head left to the next area. Walk around the circle counter-clockwise. Scan the upper left corner to find 5 YELLOW LAPIS. Continue to a fork and go left to a chest which contains 2 ARNON GEMS. Complete your circle an look out for another Force Eater in this area or the previous one. When you are ready, return to the save point, equip your force-boosting gear on Cecilia, and head down to the altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Zaobin, Goetia x2, Humerus x2 HP: 5570, 458, 765 WEAKNESS: None, Light (40%), Fire (40%)/Light (60%) STRATEGY: Whoever goes first should use a massive AoE like Earthquake, Gaia Shockwave, or Cecilia's new Seraph Wave Force Burst. That will clear the adds, so you just have to focus on Zaobin. A couple rounds of Aerial Cleave, Gaia Shockwave, & Angelic Beam will defeat him without incident. For defeating him, you will win a Majin Horn. ******************************************************************************* First, go left to find two pots which contain 2 ORORON DOLLS and a DARK RING (status). Activate the altar to open the door to where you should go. Before stepping on the portal, scan behind it to find 4 SILVERVINE. Then, take the portal to the next Phase. Before proceeding with the plot, I would recommend leaving Fort Faulken and returning to Palfina. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GREAT TEMPLE OF PALFINA (Phase 6) [PALF3] Recommended Level: 43 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Talk to the Peddler Guy and exchange the Spirit Earring for 10 Tough Talons. Head up to the temple entrance and give a Star Sand to the Infatuated Youth to complete the "Love Sings" sidequest. While you don't receive a tangible reward, it does help tilt the vessel towards Creation. To the left of the temple entrance, talk to the Gossip Ladies to receive the "Rumors" sidequest. Enter the temple and go down to the library to receive the "Shadows" sidequest from the Librarian. At this point, I'd recommend the usual sidequest cycle. - Donate 2500 FP to the Sacred Tree at the Spirit Forest - Make a harvest run at Lake Soleil - Fight B Rank battles at the Dragon's Abyss arena - Fight 4 more battles in between each cycle Repeat this cycle two more times until you clear all the B Rank battles at the arena, which will reward you with an Orb of Hope, Soothsong, & Memory Crystal. Note that the Memory Crystal will unlock the Movies section in the Extras Mode after completing the game. You should also be able to finish the Sacred Tree sidequest and receive the Knowledge Fruit for doing so. While you are doing all that, or after, let's take care of those other two sidequests. Head to Midee Highway, and walk up to the save point, which you should use. Then, fight the Kaizer Mantis next to it. Don't even bother with Prominence. Just use your most powerful techs. Hopefully, you will win a rare Aged Mantis Wing from it, which you'll want to save for crafting a Goddess Wing later. If not, just reload and try again. For defeating it, you will complete the "Rumors" sidequest and receive an Exorcism Bangle from the Gossip Lady. Return to the Sealed Library and head to the save point. To the right are a Zaobin, Moa, & Metatarsal. If you can, try to use Cecilia's Seraph Wave to put a huge dent in their HP, then use Earthquake & Gaia Shockwave to finish them off. For defeating them, you will complete the "Shadows" sidequest. If you return to where you fought the monsters, you will find a chest which contains a Hermit's Cloak, which you should give to Ignus. At this point, all of my Ragnafacts have learned all their Techs, gotten Atk up to Level 31 (34 for Holy Riafalt), and Resonance up to Level 20. As before, continue to not convert new items to FP, as we'll want to save them for later. If you get up to 99999 FP, I would start dumping it into Resonance for the Holy Riafalt, then Grantein. When you're ready, heal up, save at Gultchfort, and head to Fort Faulken. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FORT FAULKEN OUTSKIRTS (Phase 6) [FORT1] Recommended Level: 43 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Due to the way the fort is designed, I decided to put the map to the central park area in the next section, though I'll elaborate on the treasure locations here. First, walk down to the lower left light post and scan it to find 2 SERPENT SKINS. Head right, up, and right in the middle ring area. Scan in the lower right area to find 2 MOONLIGHT GRASS. Then, scan above the center statue to reveal a chest which contains a NIGHT DROP. Talk to the Lazy Soldier above to exchange the Spirit Beacon for the Hover Soles, the final reward for the trading sequence, and ultimate boots in the game, that cannot be crafted. Scan by the statue in the middle to reveal a hidden chest which contains a NIGHT DROP. Walk straight up to the main gate area. When you reach the top, scan the area to find 3 SILVERVINE. Talk to the soldiers to find that you cannot gain entry here. Backtrack to the park, where Fort Faulken Outskirts will be unlocked on the map, and you should head there. __| |__ From where you start walk southwest to a \ 3| 1 - Energy Mist x2 chest which contains two ENERGY MISTS. /1 | 2 - Moonlight Grass x3 Scan behind the chest to find three |2 / 3 - Healing Herb x4 MOONLIGHT GRASS. Finally, scan the upper \ / right corner to find 4 HEALING HERBS. | | When you're ready, go up to enter the | | basement of Fort Faulken. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Draconic Turban, Hermit's Cloak, Hover Soles, Surge Gem Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Electric Orb, Aero Orb Yaehatae, Stardust Cape, Meteor Boots, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem Luffina: Algenteria Butterfly, Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FORT FAULKEN (Phase 6) [FORT2] Recommended Level: 43 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Ankou (Fire/Light), Charmer (Fire/Bolt), Evil Ooze (Light), Fiyance, Grunere (Water/Bolt), Humerus (Fire/Light), Imperial Guard, Imperial Sniper, Imperial Witch, Ixion (Wind), Lot (Light), Shell Beast (Bolt), Sondaica, Sphira, Tyrant (Bolt), Ulexite (Water/Bolt), Yuki (Fire) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ ______ ______ _ ____ ___|70|___ |63 | | 61| |5960| | 68 | ¯¯¯¯| | | |¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point _| | | | | | | |____ F' - Force Site 1* |65 |_ _| |____ _| |_ | |5758| *Win Arnon Gem |66 69 ----- 62 --- K' | |¯¯¯¯ F" - Force Site 2* |67 |¯ ¯| |¯¯¯¯ ¯| |¯ | |____ *Win Stardust ¯| | | | | | | |5556| FF - Force Site 3 |___ __| ____| | | |____| |¯¯¯¯| |___| |64 | |_____________| ¯¯¯¯¯¯ __ __ __ __ __ J' _____ ___ ___ _____ | |53| | |47| _| |_ _____ _____ | __ | 18| | | __ | | | | | | |____ _/ _42\_ | | | | | N| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |20 | | | K' |_| G' | | | | | | | | _______ |21 | | 50 _ | |¯\_| _/¯| | |H'| | |I'| | ¯¯ | 19| | | ¯¯ | | | | |51|48| | | | S | | | | ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯| ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ | |54| |52|49| |J'| |___ ___| | 44| ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ _______ E' ________ ______ | 16| | ___ ______ ________ | O| M | __ ___| __ | A' |38 39|C'| | | |___ __| ___ | L|24 |Q | |__ __| | | _ _ |___ | |N | | | |__ | | |B' | | | | |G' | I'| | |__ | | ¯¯ ¯¯¯ |25 | | |__ __| | |H'| | |45 | | | | | |_______ ___|____| | | |¯¯ ¯ ¯ | | |22| |17| _| S|_ |____________| |43 | 46| ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ M X A' ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯|____|¯ _____ _____ | 15|9 | __ ____ _____ _| __|__ |_ ________ ______ | 8|E |O 23P| L |R Q| H | |H |D'| | 7 | | |__ |_____| _ |_____| _ | __ | | | __|E'|__ |_ _| | |F' G | | | B'| | | | | FF| | | | _____|__ _ |____ ____| |_____| | |41C' |__ __| | | | | _| |_ | | ¯¯¯ | | | | |____________| _| | |40 | I |D'| |D | G | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯|_ _| | | Y _____________ __ ______ _____ | | |13| ________Y________ __ | U| V| __________ __| __ _____|__| | | _ _ |37| | ___| __| |J | J |11 | | | |____|_|_____| | | | |S | |_______ | __ |____| __ __| | _ _____ _ | | | |__ __ | | | | | | | | | |35| | | | | | |36| | R| | | __ | | |__ _____| | K| | | | | | _ |_ | | F"26| | | |10 | | | 12| | |_ |_ _| | | |__| | |¯¯ ¯¯ | | |I | | |_______| |34| | | ¯| | | | _______| | ¯¯¯¯ | ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ Z ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ | | W| |__________| ___ _ _ _ ____ |T | | | S_E | | | | | | |P | ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _| |___| |_| |_| | |__ | __ A __ _____ ______ ______ __ B ___ _ _ S| |__ | | | | | | | | 27|U 28|V | | ¯| | | | | | | | | | |_ \| |/ _| Z | ___|______|___ | | |C| |_| |_| |6| |____| \ S / _| |_ | S|___|32|___| | ¯ / /¯ ¯\ \ | 4| | ¯¯¯| __| | | ___ _| | 3 | |_ ¯| |¯ |___ | | |33| |__| _______ | _B | K| _ |¯| _ | | | | |____| | |30| | ___ | | | |C|_|__|_|D| | | ¯ 2| | | | | __|__________|29| | | | _| |_| | |__________| \ \_ _/ / | | | | T|31S| |W ¯¯ | | |_|______ | |14| _/ ___ \_ | | | | |___ |___ | |___ | |5 | | | |1 / \ | | | | | | | _| | ¯¯¯ |SF| | | | | A |_____|_____________|__| |___| |__| ¯¯ ¯¯ 1 - Serpent Skin x2 2 - Moonlight Grass x2 3 - Night Drop 4 - Silvervine x3 5 - Cracked Ring x2 6 - Royal Liquid 7 - White Lapis x5 8 - Energy Mist x2 9 - Amber x3 10 - Glowing Liquid x4 11 - Purifying Orb 12 - Dividing Liquid x5 13 - Fairy Garland x2 14 - Reaper Scythe x2 15 - Healing Herb x5 16 - Royal Liquid x3 17 - Majin Overcoat x2 18 - Steel Lump 19 - Frozen Nail x2 20 - Gothic Ribbon 21 - Alhest Solution x2 22 - Alchemy Crystal x5 23 - Red Lapis x2 24 - Yellow Lapis x2 25 - Rare Scale x2 26 - Bat Wing 27 - Power Orb 28 - Decoy Doll Beta 29 - Moonlight Grass x10 30 - Orb of Hope 31 - Abominable Horn 33 - Pointy Horn x3 34 - Trom Bone x2 32 - Star Sand/Black Fragment; *Fastile/Black Fragment/Phantasm Alloy [H] 35 - Invigorating Orb 36 - Alhest Solution/Royal Liquid/Waste Water [H] 37 - Defense Orb 38 - Adamastia x2 39 - Stardust x3 40 - Adamastia x3 41 - Purple Lapis x2 42 - Spirit Cotton 43 - Surgery Orb 44 - Black Ashes x2 45 - Devil Grass x2 46 - Orb of Wisdom [D]/Orb of Hope [N]/Soothsong [C] 47 - Energy Mist 48 - Black Ashes x3 49 - Narcissus 50 - Igneous Orb 51 - Aged Mantis Wing 52 - Stardust 53 - Divinova 54 - Arnon Gem 55 - Dragon Horn [M] 56 - Phantasm Alloy 57 - Narcissus [D]/Eladah Tears [N]/Nightmare Gem x2 [C] 58 - Royal Liquid [M]/Rune Bangle [F] 59 - Hyper Fasteel 60 - Reactor Key C [M] 61 - Wicked Eye 62 - Purple Lapis x4 63 - Chimera Blood 64 - Arnon Gem x2 65 - Dark Revalens 66 - Millenium Laver x5 67 - Yellow Lapis x7 68 - White Lapis x10 69 - Serontosphere 70 - Venzalum Gem The path here is pretty straight-forward and it's easy to ambush the Imperials. You will want to win 4 Royal Liquids from them to craft 4 Premium Silks that will be used to craft a Goddess Robe soon. When you reach the right side of the area, go down to a chest which contains 2 CRACKED RINGS. Then, go up from the fork to the next area. You cannot go up yet, so go all the way right to a save point, then down into a room that you should scan to find a ROYAL LIQUID. Temporarily equip Cecilia with her force boosting gear, backtrack to the start, go down, and follow the path to the office of the Prime Minister. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Faust (Blue) HP: 8000 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: He has enough HP to warrant using some buffs, but be careful. He can cast Optimize to remove them all, so only use them if you can still get a turn in before he does. However, it's still worth using them, to force him to waste a turn to remove them, instead of attacking you. Ignus should use War Cry, Rafael should use Gemini Boost, while Cecilia should cast Divine Favor on herself. Aerial Cleave, Gaia Shockwave, and Angelic Beam are your best sources of damage to defeat him. ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, scan the upper side of the office to find 5 WHITE LAPIS. Backtrack to the jail area and defeat the 5 Garmr with an Earthquake. Now that there are monsters loose, here's the list of items you'll want to procure. You should be able to craft a Beast King Band for Ignus. Once you get the Fine Fairy Wings, Mermaid Scales, & Dividing Liquids, craft 4 Watery Robes, and you should be able to craft the Goddess Robe for Cecilia. Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item -------------------+-------------+---------+--------------------------------- Mermaid Scale x20 |Any (rare) |Charmer |Watery Robe x4 > Goddess Robe Abominable Horn x4 |Any |Eligos |Wakiya Necklace Dividing Liquid x40|Void |Evil Ooze|Watery Robe x4 > Goddess Robe Tiger's Claw x14 |Any-fire/wind|Sondaica |Beast King Band, Beast Bangle Violent Fang x10 |Any (rare) |Sondaica |Beast King Band Fine Fairy Wing x20|Any |Yuki |Watery Robe x4 > Goddess Robe Fortunately, the above door is open which leads to a save point and the stairs to the next floor. Follow the path to a fork and go up to a chest which contains 2 ENERGY MIST. Take the other path to a Force Site, where you will fight a Smok. Defeat it with a non-void attack to win a Dragon Horn from it, which you will need to craft a Beast King Band. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Arnon Gem. Head right to the central area. You will fight a scripted battle against Axel, so just try to stay alive. Afterwards, you will be at the fork on the first floor (remember this spot for later). Hug the upper wall counter-clockwise to a chest which contains 3 AMBER. Then, head right to the right wing. Proceed along the path to the next area. Turn around and scan the area next to the stairs to find 4 GLOWING LIQUID. Follow the winding path around to the next floor. You'll start at a fork. Hug the right wall clockwise to a chest which contains a PURIFYING ORB. Walk around to the lower wall, then right to a chest which contains 5 DIVIDING LIQUID. Head back a little then right to the upper right corner of the floor. Scan the area to find 2 FAIRY GARLAND. Go down to the next area. When you see the bridge overhead, scan the area to find 2 REAPER SCYTHES, which you will want to save for crafting a Wakiya Necklace later. Heal up at the Force Site, save, and return to the fork on the first floor of the central area. Hug the upper wall clockwise to a dead end which you should scan to find 5 HEALING HERBS. Then, head lead to the stairs to the second floor. Walk clockwise to a chest which contains 3 ROYAL LIQUIDS. Follow the path left, down, and right to a fork, where you will find a save point. On Cecilia's path, the door to the right is locked, so you cannot gain access to the other half of Fort Faulken, except in Hard Mode. However, I've listed the treasures there, for the sake of completion. Instead, go left. Head left and down to an intersection, then right to a dead end which you should scan to find 2 MAJIN OVERCOATS. Then, go left from the intesection to the third floor. Walk around to the right and up to a chest which contains a STEEL LUMP. On the other side below, scan to find 2 FROZEN NAILS, which you should save for crafting a Crystal Necklace later. Finally, make your way to the right side of the floor and into the small room to the left with two chests which contain a GOTHIC RIBBON and 2 ALHEST SOLUTIONS. Backtrack to the intersection on the previous floor and take the lower path to a fork. To the left is a chest which contains 5 ALCHEMY CRYSTALS. Go up from the fork and right to a small area. Scan the middle to find 2 RED LAPIS. If you continue right, you will find a red door at the end, which you cannot open. The door leads to Faust's Lab, but you can only acquire the key in Hard Mode. Instead, return to the save point in the central area. Now we'll use the upper right path. Go left at the fork to a dead end and scan the area to find 2 YELLOW LAPIS. Now, take the other path past the stairs to find a chest which contains 2 RARE SCALES. I would recommend saving now, then going down the steps to the next floor. Continue along the path to the first basement of the central area. Turn around and scan by the stairs to find a BAT WING. Inside the Force Site are 3 Bandhavgarhs. Hopefully, you'll be able to win a rare Keen Fang, for crafting Swift Boots later, and a Violent Fang, for crafting another Beast King Band later. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust. Go up, then left to the second basement level. Above the stairs is a chest which contains a POWER ORB. Follow the path down to another set of stairs back up. Proceed up past the fork to the steps to a small room with a chest which contains DECOY DOLL BETA. Backtrack to the Force Site, then head to the upper right corner to the steps to another isolated area. Go right and down to a chest which contains 10 MOOBLIGHT GRASS. Return to the Force Site and walk around to the steps in the lower right corner of the floor. Head right and up to a chest which contains an ORB OF HOPE. Then, go down, left, down, left, and up to the save point before the monolith. Scan the area to the left to find an ABOMINABLE HORN, which you'll want to save for crafting a Wakiya Necklace later. Equip Cecilia with her force-boosting gear and enter the monolith altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS FIGHT: Virtus (Blue) HP: 9600 WEAKNESS: None, but strong against all, except Light STRATEGY: He's got a lot of HP, so let's use our buffs. Cecilia should cast Divine Favor on herself, while Rafael uses Gemini Boost, and Ignus uses War Cry. Note that during the battle, he will shift his aspect between red and blue, so keep an eye on that. Once you've got a full Force Burst gauge, Cecilia should cast Seraph Wave. Otherwise, she should cast Radiant Strike, while Rafael uses Gaia Shockwave, and Ignus uses Earthquake. You should be able to defeat him in a few rounds. ******************************************************************************* On the monolith altar, you can harvest either STAR SAND or BLACK FRAGMENTS. Note that this is the only time you can acquire Black Fragments, except in Hard Mode. Walk up the left stairs to a chest which contains 3 POINTY HORNS. Now, backtrack up to the second floor, take the left stairs down to the first floor, and leave the fort via the southern exit. Climb the stairs to the left and go straight down to a room that you should scan to find 2 TROM BONES. Then, head up and right to the upper bridge. At the fork, proceed down and left down the stairs to a chest which contains an INVIGORATING ORB. Return to the bridge and continue all the way to the right. Below are stairs to a seemingly isolated area. However, in the lower right corner is a secret passage to the right. Hug the right wall up to a harvest point which contains ALHEST SOLUTIONS, ROYAL LIQUIDS, or WASTE WATER. Note that this is the only place in the game where you can farm Waste Waters, and the only way to farm more Royal Liquids, at this point in the game. Finally, open a chest above which contains a DEFENSE ORB. When you're ready, backtrack to where you left the fort, and go down to the park. Talk to the Immobile Elf near the save point to receive the "Missing!" sidequest from her. Then, I would return to Gultchfort to heal up and save. Head down to the basement jail cells that are now open. Scan the first jail cell to find 3 PRISM FRUIT. Scan the second cell to find 2 TAURINE APPLES. In the third jail is a hidden Force Site __ __ __ F - Force Site* where you will have to fight 2 Mevious |F | 2| | *Win Arnon Gem & a Hornblende. For clearing the __| | | 1|_ 1 - Prism Fruit x3 Force Site, you will win an Arnon Gem. |3 _ 2 - Taurine Apple x2 Finally, scan the left jail cell to |___________/ 3 - Dividing Liquid find a DIVIDING LIQUID. Return to the Spirit Forest [SPRT1] and head to the last area. You can find the Master on the upper side, but before talking to him, use the save point. If you take the upper right path to the monolith, you can harvest STAR SANDS or GREEN FRAGMENTS, which can be exchanged for 5 Taurine Apples with the Granad Researcher. From the save point, scan the left path to find 2 TRAINING RINGS. Continue up to the Faulken base camp. Scan the upper right corner to reveal a chest which contains a SOOTHSONG, and two other hidden items: a Fastile and 2 PREMIUM SILKS. Under the top tent is a chest which contains a GALE RING. In the upper left tent is a chest which contains an AEGIS BANGLE. Return to the previous area and talk to the man lying on the ground. You will return to the Immobile Elf and receive the Guardian Bracer. The back door in Altair is open now, but I would recommend saving that for later. Do another Lake Soleil harvest run, heal up and save at Gulchfort, and return to the Pearl Chamber of Guidance. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Ignus: Devasti Beast King Band, Hermit's Cloak, Hover Soles, Surge Gem Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Electric Orb, Grandray Yaehatae, Goddess Robe, Meteor Boots, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein Beast King Band, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem Luffina: Algenteria Butterfly, Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE TOWER 11&12 (Phase 6) [ITRBC] Recommended Level: 48 Recommended Party: Ignus, Cecilia, Rafael Enemies: Alaseed, Alloces (Light), Bolvolt, Chrome (Water/Bolt), Eligos (Light), Garmr, Grunere (Water/Bolt), Hanshin, Heliamphora (Fire), Metatarsal (Fire/Light), Mevious (Light), Mignon (Fire), Smierc (Fire/Light), Spunky (Fire/Bolt), Stone Beast (Bolt), Tyrant (Bolt), Zmey =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ _______ _______ |8| _ |BF | _ |O _ |_ ___|7|___ |1| _ ¯¯| |¯¯ |2| _ ¯| | |_ | | _| |A| |4|__| |___| | |5|_| | | | | | |9| _| |_ | __ / ___ | _ | _ S| | | | |_____| | / \ | | | | | | |C|_|6| |_| _| | |_________| / \ _| | | | | | |_____| ____| _| _| |_ \ / |_ |__| |___| | | ____| |_ _| \_____/ | 3|A| |B| |C| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ F - Force Site (Arnon Gem) S - Save Point O - Harvest Orb 1 - Prism Fruit 2 - Alchemy Crystal x2 3 - Eladah Tears 4 - Alchemilla 5 - Devastator 6 - Dragon Horn x2 7 - Star Sand/Prism Fragment [H] 8 - Grandedge 9 - Serontosphere x5 Harvest Orb (10000 FP: Dividing Liquid, Orb of Hope, Prism Fruit) This area is relatively shorter than the others. By default, this area will have six enemies, but will have seven with a Force Eater. Hopefully, you will have defeated 10 Force Eaters now, so you can unlock an achievement. In the Chamber of Guidance, use the Force Stone on the altar by the upper door. After automatically entering the tower, back out and scan behind the portal to find a PRISM FRUIT. While you are here, you should try to win 7 Lion Fangs from Bolvolts. You should probably already have some from earlier, but you want 3 to craft another Beast King Band and 4 to craft two Hero's Capes later. Inside the tower, walk straight up past the fork and scan the dead end to find 2 ALCHEMY CRYSTALS. Go left from the fork and right at the next to a pot which contains an ELADAH TEARS. Head left from the fork and straight up to find a pot which contains an ALCHEMILLA. Proceed to the right, up, and left to a Force Site where you will fight a Wyrm. For defeating it, you will win an Arnon Gem. Then, take the portal to the next area. There's nothing interesting in the harvest orb, so just follow the straight- forward path to the save point. If you haven't gotten all those Lion Fangs, this is your last chance, though you could always farm them later. Make sure to equip a fully charged Blazecane on Cecilia. Finally, head left to the boss. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Patella (Red), Yamaraj (White) HP: 603, 8180 WEAKNESS: Fire (40%)/Light (60%), both STRATEGY: Yamaraj is the main threat. Prominence will deal amazing damage to him. Ignus can deal with Patella with Earthquake, while Rafael's Gaia Shockwave should be effective against Yamaraj, too. For defeating him, you will win an Arnon Gem. ******************************************************************************* Head up to a pot which contains a DEVASTATOR. Activate the altar to open the door. Scan by the altar to find 2 DRAGON HORNS. Then, go through the door to the Tower of Judgment monolith. You are automatically sent to the next area, so in order to get the treasure here, you would have to go all the way through the Tower 11&12 section to the last portal to get back here. At the monolith is a harvest point which contains STAR SAND, or a rare PRISM FRAGMENT. Scan behind the monolith to find a GRANDEDGE. Finally, climb the left stairs to reach a chest which contains 5 SERONTOSPHERES. While the next boss fight is the same on both paths, I'm still going to keep it separate in the walkthrough, because there are still a few unique areas and sidequests to take care of after it. Now that you have your new party members and Ragnafacts, it would be a good idea to put them to use. Of the new Ragnafacts, I recommend using the Runeslave, Shinecrail, & Necrozauwar. Max them out on Techs, save 24000 FP for later, and dump all your remaining FP into Resonance for them. Now, you can finally convert all those force crystals & Edenovas (via Narcissus/Night Drop). If you want to really get a ton of FP, you could try crafting various earrings, Experience Gems, cooking recipes, and Orbs of Wisdom. Regarding the Necrozauwar, we will be getting new abilities for it, shortly. I would also craft 2 Curative Orbs and use them to craft an Aidcane for Luffina. Finally, give the Master Gem to Cecilia. Heal up, arrange your party as follows & save. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Beast King Band, Hermit's Cloak, Hover Soles, Surge Gem Luffina: Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, Aidcane Force Comb, Stardust Cape, Meteor Boots, Frozen Necklace Rafael: Grantein, Shinecrail Beast King Band, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= UPPER TOWER OF JUDGMENT (Phase 7) [UPER1] Recommended Level: 49 Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _| |_ Scan the area behind the portal to find 2 SAD SCALES. _| |_ Then, head up to find someone waiting for you. F'S ¯|_ _|¯ ********************************************************** | | BOSS TIME: Dark Emperor (Blue) / \ HP: 14800 \ / WEAKNESS: None _| |_ STRATEGY: He's got a lot of HP, but with our new |F S| preparations, we can take him. Griek should start by ¯|1|¯ using his Berserk Force Burst, then using Aerial Cleave. ¯ Luffina should use the Aidcane's Ethereal Weapon on Rafael S - Save Point and use her Electro-Cute Force Burst. Rafael should then F - Force Site use the Shinecrail's Vibrasteel. Eventually, the Dark F' - Force Site* Emperor will buff up his defense, so have Luffina cast *Win Energy Mist Dispel Light. You should almost have him then. 1 - Sad Scale x2 ********************************************************** For defeating him, Axel will join your party with the Holy Bluebaide, Brave Cape, & War God's Seal. Give the Brave Cape to Griek. Then, head up to another Force Site where you'll have to fight a Colossus. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an ENERGY MIST. Before going through the Upper Tower, let's take care of some sidequests. If you've followed the walkthrough up to now, you should have cleared every Force Site in the game. Return to Gultchfort to talk to Bigabu. For clearing every Force Site, you will receive a Knowledge Fruit. If you have defeated 10 Force Eaters by now, you will receive the Cerelcris Gem. This will unlock a secret S Rank battle at the Dragon's Abyss arena, but not yet. Finally, once you get Cecilia up to Level 50, you will unlock another achievement and receive the Encylopedia, which will unlock the Item inventory in the Extras Mode. You can do another Lake Soleil harvest run, if you still want more FP from the Narcissus harvest point. Then, return to the Dragon's Abyss to fight the A Rank battles at the arena, which will reward you with a Spectrum Ring, Platinum Crown (equip on Luffina), & Brave Cape (equip on Rafael). In between arena battles, I would recommend learning some new abilities for the Necrozauwar. You may have noticed various objects surrounded by aberrant force in previous dungeons. With the Necrozauwar, you can break the seal on them for 5000 FP, fight a battle, and unlock a new ability. Don't worry about the FP cost, as you'll usually get it back from winning the battle and/or from winning force crystals. Here's a list of the locations of all the Seals of Rivelias. 1) Magnitude 8 - Altar of Nervel, in Gardner's Lab. 2) Inferno - Endless Sands, left of the entrance. 3) Infernal Trade - Inside Mother Worm, by the entrance. 4) Igneous Sphere - Inside Mother Worm, at Philia's Place. 5) Nightmare - Gultchfort, where you found the Devasti. 6) Putrid Breath - Granad Cavern, by the Green Laver harvest point. 7) Banishing Void - Spirit Forest, at the Faulken base camp. 8) Force Shield - Sealed Library, on a shelf behind the three-colored door. 9) Ragnadrain - Denmail Highway, in the center area. 10) Galvanization - Altair, behind a previously locked door by the Force Site. 11) Omen 666 - Ravena Castle, in the laboratory by the entrance. Note that despite its name and relevance to the plot, the Necrozauwar is NOT considered an evil Ragnafact, so it will have no impact on which ending you receive. Inferno is especially useful, because it's the only white aspect fire-elemental spell in the game, so it's really useful against Mantises. Nightmare can also be useful against a small group of tough enemies, so you can keep one enemy asleep, while you wail on the other. The other spells aren't bad, either. With every party member in the game, you can now access some locked doors that you previous could not at the Inside Tower areas. The red sword doors and blue spear doors will now open just by touching them. Here's a list of what you'll find behind each door, though most of them aren't worth it. 1) 3 Ash Lumber - Inside Tower 1 [ITR12] 2) Rexraid - Inside Tower 3 [ITR34] 3) 3 Irispira - Inside Tower 6 [ITR56] 4) Wicked Eye - Inside Tower 7 [ITR78] 5) Harvest Orb (7000 FP: Dragon Scale, Orb of Hope, Reaper Scythe, Watery Robe) - Inside Tower 9 [ITR9A] 6) Watery Robe - Inside Tower 10 [ITR9A] I would at least recommend getting the Watery Robe, so you can craft a Crystal Necklace. Return to Palfina and talk to the Peddler Guy to exchange the Crystal Necklace for 5 Draconic Forces, which you'll need to craft those Hero's Capes later. Finally, return to the Pearl Chamber of Guidance and enter the upper left portal. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Beast King Band, Brave Cape, Hover Soles, Surge Gem Luffina: Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Grandray Platinum Crown, Goddess Robe, Meteor Boots, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein, Shinecrail Beast King Band, Brave Cape, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE TOWER 13 (Phase 7) [ITR13] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______ __ /C' _|/B'\ There are three orbs here denoted by A'/B'/C', which /A/¯¯|E| /B/\ \ correspond to doors A/B/C in this area. You need /B/____¯ /2/ _\ \ Cecilia, Levant, & Axel to activate their corresponding | C 3| _¯ |D E| orbs, which cost 4000, 8000, & 12000 FP, respectively. \C\¯¯¯¯_ \1\ ¯¯¯¯ Go right to activate the first orb to reach a chest \ \__| |_\A\ which contains a DRACONIC RING. Then, go left to a \D A'/ portal. Pass the next one to the next orb to reach a ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ chest which contains a VITALITY EARRING. Finally, take 1 - Draconic Ring the last portal to another orb, to reach the last chest 2 - Vitality Earring which contains the CRYSTAL FRAGMENT, which is needed to 3 - Crystal Fragment acquire the Neutral ending. Note that the Crystal Fragment is exclusive to Cecilia's path, while Levant has his own exclusive piece. Each will carry over to the other's path in a New Game +, so you can unlock the Neutral ending. Unfortunately, you cannot get the Neutral ending on your first playthrough. When you are ready, return to the Upper Tower of Judgment. You should see three wings to the tower from the second Force Site. In order to progress with the plot, you will need to clear all three wings, which will activate the central portal to the final wing. However, you can clear them in whichever order you like. Note that while there is a save point at the end of each wing, there is no Force Site, so don't use your expensive abilities on the way. Try to stick to Spirifacts, Force Bursts, and mid-range abilities (ie: Hellbound). Luffina's Twinkle Heal is also great for restoring RP. Here's a list of items you'll want to look out for: Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ----------------+--------------+-----------+------------------------- Keen Fang x3 |Any (rare) |Bandhavgarh|Beast Bangle, Swift Boots Dark Horn x2 |Any |Dantalion |Wakiya Necklace Dragon Scale x10|Any (rare) |Smok |Hero's Cape Spotted Skin |fire/bolt/void|Ukidona |Wakiya Necklace You should be able to craft everything on the list, except the Hero's Cape. Note that you don't have to win all the Dragon's Scales here, since you'll soon gain access to an easier source of them. I just figured I'd note for you to keep an eye out for them. Heal up, save, and enter the west wing. Skip to the Final Chapters section [LAST1] to continue. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. LEVANT'S PATH WALKTHROUGH [LVNT1] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SPIRIT FOREST (Phase 1) [SPRT2] Recommended Level: 1 Recommended Party: Levant Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Mani (Light), Nepenthes (Fire), Sabrewolf (Fire), Zephyra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ |A| ___|9|___ _/ \___ | __| S - Save Point |5 3| | | |10| 1 - Healing Herb x4 ¯\ _ | | |____| | 2 - Bandage Orb |4 / \ | |_________| 3 - Healing Herb x3 |11| | | | | 4 - Cloth Bandana ¯¯ | | 5 - Bandage Orb +---+ +----+ 6 - Green Lapis x5 | _ _ | 7 - Mistletoe x2 | | | |8| | | 8 - Traveler's Shoes / \ _ ___| | |_| | 9 - Star Sand/ / ____|2| | S | Green Fragment [H]; | | 1 | | | _ _ 7_| 10 - Wind Ring |__ ___| | | | |_| |_ 11 - Red Lapis x5* | | |A| | 6| *only after boss fight | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Upon arriving at the forest, let's take a look around. Head up to the next area for some more dialogue. Afterwards, search just below the center altar with the X button to find 4 HEALING HERBS. There's tons of hidden items in the game that I'll direct you to, for now, though we'll later find an easier way to reveal them. Go right and up to a chest which contains a BANDAGE ORB. This is a consumable Spirifact that you could equip on Levant for some healing. If you're new to the game and not going to use this walkthrough very much, you may want to do so. However, I think it's better to save it for later. Walk left off the platform and up to the next area. Hug the trees on the right up until you are under some, where you should search to find 3 HEALING HERBS. Go left and down to a chest which contains a CLOTH BANDANA (equip on Levant). Remember this spot for later, because there is a treasure behind it that we cannot acquire right now. Instead, head up and left to a chest which contains another BANDAGE ORB. Then, proceed up to the next area. Walk around to the lower right corner to a chest which contains 5 GREEN LAPIS, which you'll want to save to craft the Storm Shoes Later. In the middle of the area is a stone pillar, which will function as your save points for the game. Search under the trees below the save point to find 2 MISTLETOES, which you'll want to save to craft a Yaehatae later. Head up to a chest which contains the TRAVELER'S SHOES (equip on Levant). Use the save point, then go right and up to the monolith. You will have to fight two Death Hounds here. For now, Levant only has access to the Knight's Sword Spirifact, a consumable type of weapon. Once Spirifacts run out of durability, they break and become unusable. After attacking three times, the Knight's Sword will break, but you will gain access to the Holy Krauvando, a Ragnafact, which has unlimited durability, but consumes Ragna Points (RP) to execute attacks. Notice the turn queue on the right. When you select an enemy to attack, you'll either see an X, meaning the enemy's aspect is weak to the aspect of your weapon, an O, meaning they are neutral, or a small circle inside a larger circle, meaning they are weak to it. In general, you want to hit enemies that are either weak to or neutral, though sometimes, you may not have a choice, or it may be a good idea to attack a faster enemy. Note that this is separate and in addition to elemental weaknesses. Just use Cut to defeat the Death Hound. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Masked Woman (Blue) HP: 390 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: You don't actually have to win this battle, though winning or losing could impact the ending. This battle introduced Force Bursts, which normally charge up as actions are taken. In this case, you're given one to use right away, so use Levant's Blitz Assault for massive damage. Then, continue attacking with Gust Thrust to defeat her. Fortunately, upon leveling up, you will regain your HP/RP. ******************************************************************************* After the battle, you will gain some Force Points (FP), the ability points of the game, which you can use to invest in Ragnafacts. In general, I find learning new Techs to be more valuable. However, it's a good idea to increase your Atk levels too, so start with that. In your item menu, select the Bandage Orbs and press square to convert them into 100 FP. Then, dump all your FP into the Atk of the Holy Krauvando. Don't worry about Resonance for now. Walk up to the monolith altar. You'll hear a 'ding' sound, indicating that you have found a harvest point. You can examine it to find some STAR SANDS or rarely, a GREEN FRAGMENT. Harvest points will respawn after fighting 5 battles, so check them again later. Head up the stairs to the left and around to the stairs to a chest which contains the WIND RING (convert). Then, leave the monolith altar. There's monsters everywhere now, so let's quickly go over my plans. When you defeat a monster, the items it can potentially drop can be influenced by which element you use to defeat it. Here's a list of what items you'll want to acquire, what element to use (if necessary), the monster you'll win them from, and what to save them for. You don't have to win everything right now. Just keep an eye out for them in the next couple areas. Note that "void" refers to non-elemental attacks, like Cut. Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item --------------+-------------+---------+---------------------- Broken Idol x3|Void |Evil Wisp|Long Cape Element Wills |Any-void/dark|Evil Wisp|Any Lapis Bat Wing x10 |Any-bolt |Mani |Mercenary Cloak Devil Grass x2|Any-fire |Nepenthes|Leather Bandana Fairy Wing x12|Any |Zephyra |Force Comb, Wind Boots There are four battles in the area that you can see on your map, so clear them out. By the time you are finished, you should hopefully be able to get the Holy Krauvando's Atk Level up to 8. Just backtrack your way out. Remember where you found the Cloth Bandana? Search behind it now to find 5 RED LAPIS. Continue out the way you came in. Afterward, you will return to Fort Faulken where you will be given your first decision point. These will be given to you throughout the game and influence which ending you will receive. Regardless of which ending you want, I would recommend choosing either the correct or least sarcastic answer available. It isn't a big deal, as manipulating endings is relatively easy, but I'll talk more about that later. No matter what you choose, the outcome is the same. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Cloth Bandana, Traveler's Mantle, Traveler's Shoes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FORT FAULKEN (Phase 1) [FORT3] Recommended Level: 5 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Imperial Archer, Imperial Soldier, Imperial Wizard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= X - Inaccessible ___ _ _ _ Upon arriving here, you will be greeted S - Save Point | _ | | | | | | by Griek, who will give you an Eternova ___ _|X|___| |_| |_| | and Sanocane that you should convert. _______ | _ _ ___ _ _ S| In the room where you start, serach the | ___ | | | |X| | | | | | | center of it to find a ROYAL LIQUID, | | _| |_| | | | | | | | |1| which you'll want to save for crafting | |_|______ | ¯ ¯ ¯ a Stardust Cape later. Move Irene to |___ | |2 | 1 - Royal Liquid the front row and begin to make your _| | ¯¯¯ 2 - Cracked Ring x2 escape. Defeat the soldiers and head ___| left to the next area. During that last battle, the game will tell you about Hexyz Charge and Overkill. You can largely ignore Hexyz Charge, though you may want to keep an eye on it during boss fights, so they can't one-shot you. Overkill is slightly more important but also mostly ignored. For dealing enough damage in excess of a monster's remaining HP, you'll get more rewards for defeating them. You'll be gaining levels pretty fast here, so don't be afraid to have Irene use her Forswa to hit a column of enemies. As for spending your FP, I would recommend continuing to dump it into the Atk levels of the Holy Krauvando. This is because we're going to be getting some more Ragnafacts, eventually. While their initial Tech and Resonance levels are fixed, their Atk Level starts equal to that of your main character's Ragnafact minus 3. Thus, by increasing the Atk Level of the Holy Krauvando, you'll save a lot of FP in the long run. Unlike previous battles, enemies are now going to appear on the map. If you sneak up behind them, you may be able to ambush them and get in a few free shots. Head down past the fork to a chest which contains 2 CRACKED RINGS. Then, follow the other path to the exit. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Cloth Bandana, Traveler's Mantle, Traveler's Shoes Irene: Shinecrail Fur Cape Griek: Runeslave Traveler's Mantle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DENMAIL HIGHWAY (Phase 1) [HIGH2] Recommended Level: 7 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Mani (Light), Nepenthes (Fire), Orcus (Wind), Sabrewolf (Fire), Zephyra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ___ / 6 \ S - Save Point There are four things you should \ 7/ __ F - Force Site (Stardust) keep in mind here. First, look __| |_ |5F| 1 - Glowing Liquid [H] out for the item drops from the | ____ \| _| 2 - Mistletoe/Willow Leaf table in the last section, as | | __\ / /Bellel Wheat [H] well as two Evil Feathers from | |_|3Z|\ \ 3 - Life Orb Orcus by using Levant's Gust | 2 4| | | 4 - Healing Herb/ Thrust for crafting Wind Boots. \ \¯¯¯ | | Moonlight Grass [H] Second, look for opportunities to \ \___/ / 5 - Willow Leaf x2 use your Force Bursts as often as \ 1S / 6 - Healing Herb x7 possible, especially Levant's | |¯¯¯ 7 - Tattered Doll [H] Blitz Assault, which can hit an entire row of enemies. This will unlock an achievement for a really good item later on. Similarly, try to harvest as many times as possible. You should harvest everything here first before fighting any enemies, so you can harvest them again after fighting five battles. This will also unlock an achievement for a rare item. Finally, keep spending your FP on the Atk levels of the Holy Krauvando up to Level 21. Examine the light pole to find a harvest point which contains GLOWING LIQUIDS. Let's follow the path clock-wise, for now. When you can head into the center area, search under the upper left trees to find a harvest point which contains MISTLETOES, WILLOW LEAVES, or BELLEL WHEAT. Open the nearby chest which contains a LIFE ORB (convert). Next to the large rock is another harvest point which contains HEALING HERBS or MOONLIGHT GRASS. You'll want to harvest two Moonlight Grass to craft the Meteor Boots later on. Ignore the flower glowing with aberrant force, for now. Continue along the main path, but do not go up yet. Instead, proceed until you can enter the upper right area with a chest which contains 2 WILLOWS LEAVES, which you will want to save to craft the Yaehatae later on. There is also a Force Site here where you can restore your HP/RP, but this one needs to be cleared of monsters, first. These are mini-boss fights, but since you're about to get fully healed, you might as well use your most powerful abilities to defeat the two Sednas & Perro Diablo. Gust Thrust, Presto, and Predator's Bite are very useful against the Sednas, especially the last two, since they have very high accuracy, while flying enemies tend to have pretty good evasion. For clearing the Force Site, you will receive an additional reward, a Stardust, a type of force crystal that can be converted into a ton of FP. While Stardusts can be used to craft a Stardust Cape, I would just convert it into FP. Finish off the rest of the enemies below and you'll be back where you started. Heal up at the Force Site and save, as this will be the no turning back point for a little while. Go up that path I told you to pass up earlier, to reach the next area. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BLACK PRECIPICE (Phase 1) [BLAK1] Recommended Level: 8 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Mani (Light), Nepenthes (Fire), Orcus (Wind), Sabrewolf (Fire), Zephyra =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ S - Save Point /1\ __ __ __ ___ __ F - Force Site (Energy Mist) | H | / G/ |N |/2 \ \J \/ M| 1 - Element Will x2 \ / / / | |\ K \ \ / 2 - Yellow Lapis x2 /¯\| |/¯\ / / | | \ \ \ \ 3 - Vitality Orb |B A G| / / |HS| \ 3\ \ | 4 - Illusion Cloak/Peace Mantle \_/\_/\_/ /E / \/ _ ¯¯¯¯ /L |__ (New Game+) _ ¯¯¯ __ /L\ ___¯¯|E | _ _ /A\ ____ |J | | |4 M| | |__ _| |_ | | |S | |I C\ | | | |___| | K| |F S|| | \ | | _/ | |__ __| / ¯| |¯ | | | | |B | \ D C| |D __ \ _| |__| |_ | | ¯¯ \_______| |__/ \ I| |N | ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As aforementioned, you cannot leave this area once you enter it. There is a save point above, a green circle, and a rock. Walk near the rock and Ulu will learn how perform a Force Scan. This will allow you to find those hidden treasures a lot more easily, and reveal hidden chests. Force Scan the rock and give it some Force to activate the green portal above. As the game will tell you, the trick to getting through this area is going through the colored portals in sequence: red > blue > white > red. If you pick the wrong one, you will be sent back to the beginning. Note that green, yellow, and purple portals will not disrupt the sequence. Finally, this will be the last area where you can win the item drops I listed earlier, but you should be fine. Start by taking the green portal to the next area. The next portal is to the left, but head up first, instead. Walk clockwise around to the back of the white portal and scan to find 2 ELEMENT WILLS, which you will want to save to craft a Force Comb later. Backtrack to the first portal, then take the red portal to the left to the next platform. Ignore the yellow portal above and continue to the blue portal to the right to the next area. If you use the yellow portal to the left, you'll find an inactive purple portal, unless you are playing a New Game+. It leads to a chest which contains either an ILLUSION CLOAK or PEACE MANTLE, though I don't know the specific conditions. Return to the previous platform and take the white portal in the middle to the next platform. Go through the upper right yellow portal. Scan the area to find 2 YELLOW LAPIS. In the lower right corner, scan to find a hidden chest which contains a VITALITY ORB (convert). Return to the previous area, and take the upper red portal to the next platform. Proceed to the blue portal which leads back to an earlier platform. This time, use the upper white portal to reach a save point and the final portal to Tower of Judgment, though I still consider it part of the Black Precipice on the map. Walk right and up at the fork, where you will be presented with another dialogue option. Afterwards, you will have access to the Force Site where you can fight two Sednas and Alice. As before, Gust Thrust, Presto, and Predator's Bite will be useful against the Sednas. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). Since you cannot go up anymore, head down and right at the fork. The door there leads to what is called the Chaos Chamber, but you cannot enter it for now. Instead, continue up until you reach the Crimson Chamber of Guidance in the Tower of Judgment. You'll unlock the Fusion ability, which will let you craft equipment. Here's my recommended crafting list for now: Gaia Orb = Green Lapis, Sharp Fang (equip on Irene) Igneous Orb = Red Lapis, Sharp Fang (equip on Irene) Long Cape = Broken Idol x3, Fur Cape (equip on Irene) Wind Boots = Fairy Wing x3, Evil Feather x2 (equip on Levant) Note that you will need to remove Irene's Fur Cape (press square) in order to craft the Long Cape. I would not craft any more boots for now, as we're going to get better stuff in the near future, anywya. When you are ready, enter the green portal in the lower right corner. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Cloth Bandana, Traveler's Mantle, Wind Boots Irene: Shinecrail, Gaia Orb, Igneous Orb Long Cape Griek: Runeslave Traveler's Mantle, Traveler's Shoes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OUTSIDE TOWER 1&2 (Phase 1) [OTR12] Recommended Level: 10 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Fah (Light), Foul Gel Blob (Fire/Water/Bolt), Perro Diablo (Fire), Sedna (Wind), Sting Worm (Water) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= S - Save Point _ _________ ____ |B|____ F - Force Site* |A| | _ __3| _ |__ | | ____A *Win Stardust | |____| | | | |5|_____| |___ ___|_|________ O - Harvest Orb | ____ | | | _ |4 6| | ______ O| 1 - Cracked Ring x2 | | __| |_| |_|2| ¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯ __| | | | | |¯¯¯ 2 - Element Will x3 | | |1_| |_ _ | |B| |C F| |_| | | 3 - Yellow Lapis x5 | | | | | | | | ¯¯| | |S| 4 - Electric Orb |X| |C| |_| |_| |7|______| |___ 5 - Blue Lapis x3 |_| ¯ ¯|8 | 6 - Cracked Ring x2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 7 - Purple Lapis x3 X - Inaccessible 8 - Invigorating Orb Harvest Orb (30 FP: Bandage Orb, Stitch Orb, Ash Lumber, Stardust, Wind Ring) Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ----------------+------------------+------------+------------------- Worm Skin x3 |Any-fire |Sting Worm |Leather Bandana Devil Dog Fur x8|Any-fire/wind/void|Perro Diablo|Mercernary Cloak x2 I recommend using the Gaia Orbs to kill the Perro Diablos, so that you can win the Devil Dog Furs from them. You should be able to craft two Mercenary Cloaks and the Leather Bandana after winning the above items. There is also one enemy indiginous to the Tower of Judgment called the Force Eater. They're essentially the Metal Slimes of the game. Great rewards, but very tough to kill. It's extremely unlikely you can defeat them right now. They will drain 10% of your FP then either kill you or run away. I would recommend either avoiding them or ambushing them and running away for now. Head up to the four-way intersection and left to a supposed dead end. Use a Force Scan here to reveal a hidden treasure which is 2 CRACKED RINGS. Go right from the intersection and up to a pot which contains 3 ELEMENT WILLS, which you should save for crafting a Force Comb. Return to the intersection, then proceed up and right to a pot which contains 5 YELLOW LAPIS, which are useful for crafting Electric Orbs later. Follow the path left from the fork to another one. Remember this fork for later. If you go left and down, you'll find a door with a blue spear symbol on it that you cannot open until nearly the end of the game. Instead, take the upper path to the next area. Hug the upper wall to the next area. Head left to find a pot which contains an ELECRTIC ORB. Scan the dead end above to find 3 BLUE LAPIS, which you should use to craft an Aqua Orb for those Sting Worms. Make sure to save two of them for crafting Curative Orbs later. From the start, go right to an area with a hole in the floor, where you should scan to reveal a hidden bridge to a chest which contains 2 CRACKED RINGS. Return to the fork I told you to remember a couple areass back, then proceed down to a portal to the next area. While there is a Force Site ahead, don't try to clear it yet. Instead, go down and scan the dead end to find 3 PURPLE LAPIS, which you should use to craft an Aero Orb for Irene. I would not recommend crafting an Aerocane, since just about every enemy weak to wind is also weak to white aspect attacks from the orb, not red from the cane. Then, hug the right wall around to a save point. Backtrack up and right to what I call a Harvest Orb. It kind of works like a harvest point, with semi-random rewards, except it requires you to pay FP to get them. You can only use them 10 times before they break. In this case, since this harvest orb only costs 30 FP, I'd use it until it breaks, even though I don't plan on using anything you get from it. Rather, convert any Wind Rings, Stardusts, or any orbs you get out of it for a profit. Hopefully, you will get some Ash Lumbers from it, that you can use to craft a Hydracane and Blazecane, once you use up your Aqua Orb and Igneous Orb, respectively. Save again, then head back to the Force Site, where you will fight a Charon. One shot from the Aero Orb will defeat it. Your goal should be to win a rare Slash Feather from it. If you do not, load your save file and try again. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust (convert). Return to the save point, equip an Electric Orb on Irene, temporarily move her to the back row, and head up to an altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Sly (White), Fah (Blue), Perro Diablo (Red) HP: 1340, 170, 200 WEAKNESS: Fire/Bolt (20%), Light (40%), Fire (20%) STRATEGY: Sly can inflict some status ailments on the party, so you'll want to defeat her as quickly as possible. Irene should focus on casting Thunder Drop on Sly, while the others take out her minions up front. Levant should use Gust Thrust, while Griek uses Predator's Bite. Once you're down to Sly, save your Electric Orb for later and have Irene use Presto to finish her off. For defeating her, you will win a Stardust (convert). ******************************************************************************* The door to the right is locked, so head left to a pot which contains an INVIGORATING ORB (convert). Examine the altar, which will unlock the door to the portal to Gultchfort. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GULTCHFORT (Phase 2) [GULT2] Recommended Level: 13 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______ ___ ___ _____ __ ___ ___ ________ |10__ 9| |7 | /12/ | 23 | |26\ | K_E|24 | _| | | |_ | |__| |_/ / |_ 22_|___ |25 \| |_ ¯| | E_ 28 29| | _A| ___ __ | __ | | |19 | | |\ 27|D¯ | |________| | |__| | _| | _| | |18|_| |_| 20| | | ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯| | | 8| |6 |C_ | | _ _ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | ________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯| | | | |__| | | |S | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |_ +--¯¯ | _| | __ | | |21 | | | ___ | 13 _B _| |_¯¯¯¯ B___| _|15|___| | ¯¯¯ | |A_11| |14 | / 5 4\ | ___ _| | |__| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |2SF' 3| | |_ | | |______| _ _ _ \1 / | C|_| | _| | | |_ | | ¯¯¯|1716| |_________D ¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point F' - Force Site K - Needs Cestite Key 1 - Devil Grass x2 2 - Purple/Blue Lapis [H] 3 - Ash Lumber x5 4 - Ash/Oak Lumber [H] 5 - Green Lapis x2 6 - Oak Lumber x2 7 - Healing Herb x10 8 - Amber x3 9 - Star Sand x10 10 - Steel Shard 11 - Red Lapis 12 - Ash Lumber x5 13 - Steel Shard 14 - *Adamastia [H] 15 - Soothsong 16 - Burlap Cloth x2 17 - Numetake 18 - Silver Ring 19 - Devil Dog Fur x2 20 - Devil Dog Fur x2 21 - Crunchy Recipe 22 - Semisweet Recipe 23 - Amber x2 24 - Eternova 25 - White Lapis 26 - Yellow Lapis 28 - Devasti 27 - Red/Yellow/White Lapis [H] 29 - Ice Crystal x2 Before heading too far into Gultchfort, let's grab some treasures outside by the entrance. Scan below the save point to find 2 DEVIL GRASS that you should save for crafting Battle Boots later. Between the save point and the crates above is a harvest point which contains PURPLE or BLUE LAPIS. Walk straight right to a chest which contains 5 ASH LUMBER. In the crates above is a harvest point which contains ASH or OAK LUMBER. Finally, scan the upper left corner of the entrance to find 2 GREEN LAPIS. Now, enter the base. Follow the path until you see a notch, in the wall to the left, that you should scan to find 2 OAK LUMBER. Talk to the Bigabu, the lycan (werewolf) above, and he will tell you about titles or achievements, as I call them. If you get an achievement, he will give you rewards for doing so. You should easily have killed 100 enemies to recieve the Cestite Key. You've probably also overkilled at least 50 enemies to receive a Decoy Doll Theta (convert). I won't list every achievement when it comes up, but I'll at least point out the important ones. Scan by the statue to find a hidden chest which contains 10 HEALING HERBS. In the ring area to the left, make your way to the lower right corner to find a chest which contains 3 AMBERS. Go straight up to another chest which contains 10 STAR SAND, which you'll want to save for crafting a Platinum Crown later. Head left to the upper left corner and scan the area to find a STEEL SHARD, which you should save to craft a Tough Bandana later. Walk down a little and right to go down to the next floor. Scan the crystal to the right to find a RED LAPIS. Backtrack to Bigabu and go right this time and up to a chest which contains 5 ASH LUMBERS. Walk down past the first steps and to the next set down to an isolated area. Follow the path to a chest which contains a STEEL SHARD, which you should save to craft a Tough Bandana later. By the large crystals is actually a hidden harvest point which contains ADAMASTIA. However, you can't use it or even find it, until you acquire the Discerning Specs later on, denoted with an asterisk on the treasure map above. Return to the steps you passed up and take them to the next floor. Follow the path around to find a chest which contains a SOOTHSONG (convert). Go down at the fork to another chest which contains 2 BURLAP CLOTH. Scan the area to also find a NUMETAKE. Go right from the fork to talk to the Lycan Gentleman to receive a Worn Rag, which starts the trading sidequest. Continue up to a fork and talk to the Hungry Turtillian to exchange the Worn Rag for a Short Pencil. Head left at the intersection to the barracks and scan the area above to find a SILVER RING, which you'll want to save to craft a Curse Ring later on. To the right of the intersection is the kitchen. Scan the area above to find 2 DEVIL DOG FUR and open the chest which also contains 2 DEVIL DOG FUR, which you'll want to save for crafting a Fur Bandana later. Rotate the camera to face the wall by the save point and scan it to find the CRUNCHY RECIPE. Now, head up from the fork, but don't talk to anyone scan. Scan by the beam to find the SEMISWEET RECIPE. Walk to the back of the room and scan it to find 2 AMBER. If you rotate the camera, you can find Cemnal (the one in green), who will give you the Elven Sandals for later. Talk to Gulden in the middle to advance the plot. Afterwards, you'll be in the kitchen, so head up and talk to Gulden again to have Ciel join your party with her Luftshetelune Ragnafact. For now, I would recommend simply stocking up on FP, instead of investing FP into it. Equip Ciel with the Elven Sandals and the rest of Irene's old equipment. Then, return to the first floor and talk to the nearby Turtillian guard to receive the "Interloper" sidequest, which will enter into your Log in your menu, and we will complete now. Go down a little and left down the stairs to find 3 Laplace, which should be easy enough to defeat. For defeating them, you will receive a Cestite Comb (convert) and complete the sidequest. Go all the way to the left side of the floor, and down to the next floor. With Ciel accompanying the party, you can get past the guard. Head up to a fork and take the right path past the stairs to a chest which contains an ETERNOVA (convert). You could go downstairs to the jail, but you can't do anything there, for now. Backtrack to the fork and walk up. Open the nearby chest which contains a WHITE LAPIS and scan the area to find a YELLOW LAPIS. Head southeast and right to the crystal with a harvest point which contains RED, YELLOW, or WHITE LAPIS. If you got the Cestite Key, open the door above to an isolated area. At this time, I would not recommend opening the chest which contains the Devasti Ragnafact, because I would rather wait until I can gain some more Atk Levels for the Holy Krauvando, which will then transfer to the Devasti. Scan the area to find 2 ICE CRSYTALS, which you should save for crafting a Frozen Necklace. Return to the entrance, heal up, and save. Before heading to Granad Cavern, you could return to Denmail Highway to collect a couple more treasures. Head all the way to the back which is covered in a purple fog. Scan the area to reveal a hidden chest which contains 7 HEALING HERBS and a TATTERED DOLL. When you are ready, head to Granad Cavern. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Leather Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Wind Boots Ciel: Luftshetelune, Igneous Orb, Aqua Orb, Aero Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Elven Sandal Griek: Runeslave Cloth Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Traveler's Shoes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GRANAD CAVERN (Phase 2) [GRAN2] Recommended Level: 13 Recommended Party: Levant, Ciel, Griek Enemies: Evil Wisp (Light), Fah (Light), Foul Gel Blob (Fire/Water/Bolt), Perro Diablo (Fire), Sedna (Wind), Sting Worm (Water) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ____ _________ __________ _____ | _C _/R ____ \ __ C________ \ D | | | / ___|X | |6 | | | D E | | | \ | 15 | E | | |XX|X \ _|X X| | | | | | ____ | | | | | || | __ | |_| |R \B____/ |45| _| | |_| _B| | | | |14 || | |13| | R R9 R \ | | | | | _| | | | |_ _|| | |12| |10 R R \ |3 | | | ||F | | | _| |__| | |11| ¯|¯¯¯¯¯| \ | |_ |__ |78| ¯| | | | | S | | | A¯ _ __ | | _A __| |¯¯ ¯¯ | | | | |________| | | ¯|____| |__| | | | | | S |_______/ | | |____________| | _______|R | |2 | | / | | 1| |__| |_______________/ |__________________| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point R - Rock/Boulder F - Force Site (Stardust) X - Pitfalls 1 - *Irispira [H] 2 - Life Orb 3 - Blue Lapis x5 4 - Icy Crystal/Night Drop [H] 5 - Wind Boots 6 - Green/Blue/Purple Lapis [H] 7 - Nobleray 8 - Green Laver [H] 9 - Orb of Wisdom 10 - Worm Skin x2 11 - Blue Lapis x2 12 - Chi Bracelet 13 - Protect Orb 14 - Ice Crystal [H] 15 - Power Orb Head right to the lower right corner. If you rotate the camera, you'll see a crack in the wall with a harvest point which contains IRISPIRA, but only if you have the Discerning Specs equipped. Walk up, then follow the lower left path to the steps to the next area. Watch out for the ice spikes on the ground that can damage you. Go down to a chest which contains a LIFE ORB (convert). Hug the left wall up to a crack that you can scan to find 5 BLUE LAPIS. Continue up to a harvest point which contains ICE CRYSTALS or NIGHT DROPS. Open the chest to the right which contains the WIND BOOTS (save for later). Backtrack past the spikes on the previous floor and make your way to the upper right corner of the floor. Climb the steps and circle around to the wall with a harvest point which contains GREEN, BLUE, or PURPLE LAPIS. Cross the ice bridge below and head down the steps to an isolated area. By the rock is a harvest point which contains GREEN LAVERS. Then, open the chest which contains a NOBLERAY. You can then craft it into Grandray and convert it into FP. Return to the previous floor and clear all of the enemies. You may have noticed the boulders lying around this floor. There are some pitfalls near the top of the floor. In order to break some ice blocking your path on the next floor, you'll need to push all 8 boulders down those pits. Along the way, on the left side of the floor, you should open a chest which contains an ORB OF WISDOM (convert). Also, beneath the leftmost boulder, you can scan to find 2 WORM SKINS. After dropping all the boulder, head up from the leftmost boulder to the path to the next floor. Proceed along the path, but ignore the Force Site for now until you reach the save point. Equip an Electric Orb on Ciel and Backtrack to the Force Site where you will fight 2 Fortified Beasts. Use the Electric Orb to defeat them and you will win Pointy Horns, which you'll want to save for crafting a Draconic Turban later. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust (convert). Save again and head up to fight 3 Shades. You'll want to try and win a rare Lymphos Fluid from them, which shouldn't be too hard, though reload your save, if you need to. Above the save point are the two paths that would otherwise be blocked by ice without breaking them down with the boulders. Take the left path, first. The path is very straight-forward, but take it slowly, as there are ice spikes everywhere. Scan the right side of the floor to find 2 BLUE LAPIS. Proceed up to a chest which contains a CHI BRACELET (equip on Ciel). Continue up to another chest which contains a PROTECT ORB. Backtrack to the previous floor and take the right path, this time. Follow the path to a save point, equip Ciel with a couple Electric Orbs, then head up to find what you're looking for. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Phantasma Alpha (Blue) HP: 2450 WEAKNESS: Bolt (20%) STRATEGY: This robot can counter your attacks, so you'll want to be careful. Ciel's Thunder Drop will be your best source of damage. Levant should use Gust Thrust, while Griek uses Counter Claw, to minimize Phantasma's counters. A few Thunder Drops will defeat it. For defeating it, you will find a Phantasm Alloy ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Faust (Blue) HP: 2100 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: He can deal some pretty good damage, but nothing you can't handle. Levant's Blitz Assault will be your best source of damage. Ciel should use Eagle Eye, while Griek uses Predator's Bite. A Blitz Assault and some Gust Thrusts should defeat him. For defeating him, you will win a Royal Liquid. ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, you will be returned to the entrance. However, if you like, return to the boss area. Hug the left wall up to a harvest point which contains ICE CRYSTALS. Scan the platform in the middle to reveal a hidden chest which contains a POWER ORB that you should save for later. If you have enough FP, try to get the Holy Krauvando's Atk Level up to 24, while still having 7000 FP leftover, the latter being a higher priority. That's everything here, so return to Gulchfort. Attend the meeting, when you'll find yourself in the basement area. Now, you will have to talk to the main characters to advance the plot. Philia is in the kitchen, next to Vaul. Ciel is in the opposite corner in the dining area. Irene is south of the four-way intersection. Ignus & Griek are together to the left, as are Cecilia & Rafael. Once you have talked to everyone, head to the barracks to rest up. Then, Ciel will leave the party, and Irene will rejoin. If you got the Holy Krauvando's Atk Level up to 24, the Shinecrail will rejoin at Level 21, which is a big reason I wanted to boost it so much. With 7000 FP leftover, max out your Techs for the Shinecrail, which will unlock an achievement. Talk to Bigabu to receive a Miracle Ring (equip on Irene). Craft a couple Curative Orbs, which will unlock the Aidcane that you should then craft for Irene. Equip Griek with the Power Orb and make sure your Force Burst gauge full. Now, we're going to try and defeat a Force Eater. This can be very difficult, but with our preparations, we can succeed. In the Crimson Chamber of Guidance, Philia will direct you to the white portal to the Outside Tower 3&4 section. Immediately upon entering, you may find a Force Eater to your left on the mini- map. If not, zone out and in until it does spawn. Wait for it to turn its back to you, then ambush it. Levant should use Blitz Assault every round. Irene is going to be your main source of damage with her Kadentswa, so she should cast Ethereal Weapon on herself with the Aidcane. Meanwhile, Griek should use Power Up on Irene and Levant to further boost their damage. You do need to get a little lucky to win the fight, as it can easily wipe out your party. Hopefully, it will simply try to afflict some debuffs which the Miracle Ring will block. Any combination of 4 Blitz Assaults and Kadentswas should defeat it for 9999 FP and Nightmare Gem, which you should convert into 5000 FP. Spend all of it on raising the Atk Levels of the Holy Krauvando. Arrange your party as follows, heal up back at Gultchfort, save, and now we'll really explore the next tower section. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Leather Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Wind Boots, Miracle Ring Irene: Shinecrail, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb, Aero Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Wind Boots, Chi Bracelet Griek: Runeslave Cloth Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Traveler's Shoes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OUTSIDE TOWER 3&4 (Phase 2) [OTR34] Recommended Level: 17 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Alice (Fire), Armor Beast (Bolt), Charon (Wind), Fah (Light), Giant Mantis (Fire), Laplace (Light), Perro Diablo (Fire), Spinel (Bolt), Tibia (Fire/Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ _ __ S - Save Point ______| |__ |A| _____|_ |_ X - Inaccessible | _________| ________| |___ | ___ _ _| F - Force Site* ___| | _ | | | 8| | |__ |4 | *Win Stardust | _ | |O| ¯¯| |¯¯¯| |¯¯¯ | 3| ¯¯ O - Harvest Orb | | | |__ | | _| |_ | |___ ___| |¯¯ _ 1 - Dusk Circlet | | | 1| | |_ |F S| | ___-___ | |5| 2 - Healing Herb x5 | | | |¯¯ | _A ___ ¯| |¯ | | | |_____| |_ 3 - Life Orb | | | |____|_|_ |7 |__| |___| | |___________| 4 - Sharp Fang x2 | | | 2| ¯| _____ __| 5 - Force Bandana __| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯|¯ |6| | | 6 - Glass Statue x2 | X ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | ¯ |O| 7 - Igneous Orb ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ 8 - Energy Mist Harvest Orb #1 (100 FP: Element Will, Igneous Orb, Regaledge, Star Sand, Stardust) Harvest Orb #2 (300 FP: Blue Lapis, Lux Orb, Sanocane, Serontosphere, Stitch Orb) Item |Element |Enemy|Crafted Item --------------+-------------+-----+------------ Rotten Cloth |Void |Tibia|Fur Bandana Cursed Bone x3|Any-fire/void|Tibia|Beast Shoes Head left and down past the fork until you see a pot on the right. Scan the gap in teh floor to reveal a bridge, so you can open the pot which contains a DUSK CIRCLET (convert). Continue along the path to the end where you should scan to find 5 HEALING HERBS. Return to the fork and follow it until you find a harvest orb. I would recommend getting everything you can out of it, and converting it into FP. Then, take the portal on the right to the next area. Proceed down and right to another area. Head up and scan the gap in the floor to reveal a hidden bridge to a pot which contains a LIFE ORB (convert). Continue up and right down the ramp. Scan below the ramp to find 2 SHARP FANGS. Backtrack to the start, and follow the path down and around to a pot which contains a FORCE BANDANA (equip on Levant). Return to the previous area. Head left past the harvest orb below and a fork to the wall. Scan below to find 2 GLASS STATUES. Then, walk up and left to a pot which contains an IGNEOUS ORB. Go up from the fork to a save point, which you should use. Examine the Force Site, where you will have to fight an Ulexite and Sumatrae. Ideally, you should try to win a rare Tiger's Claw and a Tiger Skin by defeating the Sumatrae with any element other than fire or wind. If you don't at least get the Tiger's Claw, reload your save file. You will want the Claw for crafting a Tough Bandana and the Skin for crafing the Beast Shoes later. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust (convert). Hopefully, by now, you can craft the Fur Bandana for Griek, and have enough FP to get the Atk of the Holy Krauvando up to Level 34. Then, head up the middle to the altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS FIGHT: Antoinette (White), Perro Diablo (Red), Spinel (Red) HP: 1260, 200, 645 WEAKNESS: Fire (20%), Fire (20%), Water/Bolt (20%) STRATEGY: The Antoinette is the main target and is quite a nuisance. She can inflict the Charm status on your entire party, which causes your attacks to heal the enemy. Fortunately, you should have the Miracle Ring on Levant, so he can use Blitz Assault to deal with her. The Igneous Orb is also effective on her, or you can use the Electric Orb on the Spinel in the back. For defeating her, you will win a Stardust (convert). ******************************************************************************* Proceed right to a pot which contains an ENERGY MIST (convert). Examine the altar to open the left door to a portal to the next Phase. Before moving on, I would recommend returning to Gultchfort. If you've gotten the Holy Krauvando's Atk up to Level 34, then pick up the Devasti for Griek in the left basement. It should join with an Atk Level of 31, which is why I've been putting it off for so long, to save a lot of FP, in the long-run. With it, you should have a much easier time defeating another Force Eater at the Tower of Judgment. With your new FP, I would gain a couple Tech Levels for the Holy Krauvando up to Level 3, get the Runeslave's Atk up to Level 11, and put the rest into learning Techs for the Devasti, until you Master it later. When you are ready, return to Palfina. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GREAT TEMPLE OF PALFINA (Phase 3) [PALF3] Recommended Level: Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ ________________________ _______ |34|B |_| __________ | S - Save Point | 18| | |35|__ |__________ | | F' - Force Site | 17 | | |33| |___|30|___|___ | | F - Force Site (Stardust) | X X X | | | |29| __| |_| | | | | | | | | |____|31| |___| | _ _ | X X X | | | | |__________| | | | |7| |__| |__| |6| | 16| | | | |___| |___| | __| | | | | X X X | | | | S| | ||32 | |______ ______| | 15 __| | | | | ¯¯| | | | ¯¯| | |C | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | ___ ___ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____| |____ | 89| | | A_ | __ ___ ______ /5 _______ \ | |¯ ____| |_____| | |28|_____| _B |21| _A | / _|C|_ \ | | ¯| _____ | | | | 27 | |_______|22| |F| | | | | | | | |¯|14| 13 |_ _| | | |26 |__ _____ | | | \|4____|/ | |_ ¯¯|11 12| _| | | | ___ |20| | | | ___\ 3 2 /___ | | | | | | | |25 | |24 | | | | | _ F' 1 _ | |10 | | | |__ __| | | | |___| | \ / | |__ __| | |___ |23 |_| __| \_____ S_____/ |____ ___| | | | 19| | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1 - Green Laver 2 - Protect Orb 3 - Fresh Recipe 4 - Holy Water [H] 5 - Sunflower 6 - Numetake x2 7 - Mistletoe x2 8 - Defense Orb 9 - Black Ashes 10 - Ororon Doll 11 - Aegis Bangle [D]/Dark Ring [N]/Light Ring [C] 12 - Invigorating Orb [D]/Regaledge [N]/Orb of Hope [C] 13 - Black Lapis 14 - Light Ring 15 - Sunflower 16 - Element Will x2 17 - Serontosphere [D]/Lymphos Fluid [N]/Nightmare Gem [C] 18 - Purple Lapis x4 19 - Evil Ward 20 - Sanocane 21 - Decoy Doll Alpha 22 - Holy Water 23 - Blazing Recipe 24 - Element Will x3 25 - Mistletoe x3 26 - Cracked Ring x2 27 - Decoy Doll Beta [D]/Pumpkin Doll x4 [N]/Teddie Doll x3 [C] 28 - Glowing Metal x2 29 - Dividing Liquid x2 31 - Narcissus 30 - Star Sand/White Fragment [H}; *Fastile/White Fragment/Phantasm Alloy 32 - Green Lapis x5 33 - Resurrection Orb 34 - Speed Trinket [M] 35 - Energy Mist [D]/Black Lapis x20 [N]/Stardust x5 [C] There's a lot to do here with tons of treasure, sidequests, and main plot advancement. Scan the cart on the right side of the town square to find a GREEN LAVER. Walk left and scan the cart by the fountain to reveal a hidden chest which contains a PROTECT ORB (convert). You should also find the FRESH RECIPE in the cart. On the left side of the fountain is a harvest point which contains HOLY WATER. On the left side of the square is the Peddler Guy. He will ask you for various items throughout the game in exchange for various crafting materials, which are usually pretty good. However, if you can tell, he's a little shady, and unlike most sidequests, helping him will tilt the vessel towards destruction. However, I still think it's very worthwhile. While he asks for a Bind Ring (probably a translation error), he actually wants a Curse Ring, so craft it. Exchange the Curse Ring for 10 Slash Feathers. Climb the left stairs up to a bench that you should scan to find a SUNFLOWER, which you should save for crafting a Yaehatae later on. Talk to the Girl sitting on the right bench to receive the "So Lost..." sidequest. Head up to the temple entrance. On the right side of the area, talk to the Worrisome Cleric to receive a Sunflower. Scan the upper right corner to find 2 NUMETAKE. Go all the way to the left and talk to the Cheerful Girl to exchange the Short Pencil for a Cleric's Hat. Scan the upper left corner to find 2 MISTLETOES. Then, enter the left entrance of the temple. Hug the left wall around to a chest which contains a DEFENSE ORB (convert). Scan the torch above to find BLACK ASHES. Walk around to the middle entrance and up to the main hall to meet Elda. After talking to her, go down to the second bench on the left to scan to find an ORORON DOLL. Scan behind Elda to find a BLACK LAPIS and reveal two yellow chests. They are a special kind of chest. Its contents will change depending on which way the vessel is tilting: destruction, neutral, or creation. In general, they contain better items later in the game, so I wouldn't open them yet. The left chest contains an AEGIS BANGLE (destruction), DARK RING (neutral), or LIGHT RING (creation). The right chest contains an INVIGORATING ORB (destruction), REGALEDGE (neutral), or ORB OF HOPE (creation). Leave the hall and follow the right path up, behind the hall, left, and down to a chest which contains a LIGHT RING. Head up behind the hall to the Catacombs. Scan by the lower left tombstone to find a SUNFLOWER. Scan the middle right tombstone to find 2 ELEMENT WILLS. Do not scan by the statue. Instead, manually search by the upper left corner of the statue to find 4 PURPLE LAPIS. If you did scan, you would reveal a hidden chest which contains a SERONTOSPHERE (destruction), LYMPHOS FLUID (neutral), or NIGHTMARE GEM (creation). I would recommend saving outside before moving on. Then, walk around to the stairs in the upper right corner to the next floor. In the Force Site below, you can fight 5 Rajh. Hopefully, you can win a rare Elegant Wing from one of them to craft a Veteran's Mantle later. If not, reload and try again. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust (convert). Walk down to the lower right corner to find a chest which contains an EVIL WARD (equip on Levant). Then, go left and up to a chest which contains a SANOCANE (convert). From the Force Site, head left and around to a chest which contains a DECOY DOLL ALPHA (convert). Scan the lower right corner to find a HOLY WATER. Go left and down at the fork to the lower wall and into the library. Scan the left bookshelves to find the BLAZING RECIPE. Open the chest above which contains 3 ELEMENT WILLS. Then, proceed left to the clerics' quarters. Scan the first desk on the left to find 3 MISTLETOE. Scan the upper left corner to find 2 CRACKED RINGS and reveal a yellow chest which contains a DECOY DOLL BETA (destruction), 4 PUMPKIN DOLLS (neutral), OR 3 TEDDIE DOLLS (creation). I would just get the doll now and convert it to FP. Pull the lever, which will open something up soon. Leave the room and head up the left hall. Don't talk to the old lady there yet. Instead, head up to a small room that is now open, thanks to pulling the switch earlier. Open the chest which contains 2 GLOWING METAL and pull the switch to drain the fountain outside. Backtrack to above the library and go down the stairs above. Walk down past a crack in the floor where you should scan to find 2 DIVIDING LIQUIDS. Continue down to a save point next to the entrance to the monolith altar. Examine the monolith harvest point which contains STAR SAND or rarely, WHITE FRAGMENTS. Climb the left stairs to reach a chest which contains a NARCISSUS. Craft it into an Edenova and convert it to FP. Backtrack to the stairs, go right, and hug the outer wall. Eventually, you'll see a chest on the left which contains 5 GREEN LAPIS. Proceed along the path to the end to a chest which contains a RESURRECTION ORB (convert). Go back upstairs and talk to the Lost Old Lady from the "So Lost..." sidequest, and she will accompany you, though not visibly on the map. There is a trick here, though. At some point, you may lose track of here, even though there is no indication of this. My guess is that she will stop accompanying you, if you talk to someone on the way out, or the sidequest is timed. If you just rush back to the questgiver without talking to anyone, she will stick with you, and you will receive 3 WILLOW LEAVES. If you lose track of her, you can still redo the sidequest, but you will receive a lesser reward. Return to the town square and head into the now empty fountain area. There is a hidden entrance up behind the statue. Make sure you're healed up before opening the chest on the right where you'll have to fight a weak Mimic. For defeating it, you will receive a SPEED TRINKET (equip on Griek). The yellow chest contains an ENERGY MIST (destruction), 20 BLACK LAPIS (neutral), or 5 STARDUST (creation). I would just go for the Energy Mist now and convert it to FP. If you care, you can flip the switch to refill the fountain, so you can harvest Holy Waters again. Then, heal up out, save, and head to the Sealed Library. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Force Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Wind Boots, Evil Ward Irene: Shinecrail, Igneous Orb, Aero Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Wind Boots, Chi Bracelet Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Traveler's Shoes, Speed Trinket =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE SEALED LIBRARY (Phase 3) [SEAL2] Recommended Level: 20 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Alice (Fire), Charon (Wind), Fah (Light), Giant Mantis (Fire), Laplace (Light), Soloma, Tibia (Fire/Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ S - Save Point F - Force Site (Energy Mist) ______| |______ 1 - Broken Idol 2 - Glowing Liquid x3 | 12|14| | | 3 - Cursed Bone x2 4 - Ororon Doll |11 | | 9| 7| 5 - Glowing Liquid/Fastile [H] _A___________ | | | | | 6 - Dark Ring [M] 7 - Majin's Cloth x2 | | | 1| | 10|13| | | 8| 8 - Purifying Orb 9 - Energy Mist [D]/ | | |_ _|15| | |_ _| Black Lapis x20 [N]/White Lapis x20 [C] | 3| 2| | |___ ¯¯| __|_ _| 10 - Arnon Gem 11 - Serontosphere x2 |¯¯¯¯|¯¯|¯¯¯ ¯| |F S |¯ 4| | 12 - Irispira/Stardust/Energy Mist; | o o | | | *Irispira/Energy Mist/Arnon Gem [H] |____| |_____| | | 5|6 | 13 - Healing Herb x10[M]/Glowing Liquid x2[F] ¯A¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 14 - S&S Recipe 15 - Nylonester This area is a little tricky. There are wooden planks connecting the top of the bookshelves. You'll have to climb up and down, crossing bookshelves, in order to get through the library. Here's a list of the items you'll want to win from the enemies here to craft the following items. I would give the Battle Boots to Grike and the Storm Shoes to Irene. As for investing your FP, you should try to max the Devasti on Tech to learn Earthquake by the end. Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item --------------+----------+------------+------------ Mantis Wing |Any (rare)|Giant Mantis|Battle Boots Majin Cloth x2|Any-earth |Soloma |Storm Shoes Walk around to the upper right corner of the first area and scan it to find a BROKEN IDOL. Climb the stairs to the left to the top of the bookshelves, and go down to a chest which contains an 3 GLOWING LIQUIDS. Head left, but before going up to the next area, continue around to the steps to the floor. Scan the area to find 2 CURSED BONES, which you'll want to save for crafting the Beast Shoes later. Backtrack up the stairs and walk up to the next area. Walk around the planks counter-clockwise to the steps down to the save point. In the Force Site, you will have to fight a Femur & Zepar. Try to win a rare Demon Wing from the Zepar to craft a Fasteel later, though you'll have another opportunity soon. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). In the area above is a locked door. To unlock it, you will need to scan bookshelves to find books with monsters inside them and defeat them. They are fairly powerful monsters with great item drops. Scan the bookshelf next to the Force Site to fight a Drakon. Defeat it with a non-void attack to win a Dragon Blood for crafting a Draconic Turban later. Save again, then climb the stairs and walk around to the upper area. Scan the leftmost bookshelf to fight a Zepar. From the save point head right to fight a Femur, Varuna, & Soloma. Open the nearby chest which contains an ORORON DOLL. Save again and search the lower right corner to find a harvest point which contains GLOWING LIQUIDS or rarely, FASTILES. You'll want to try to get a Fastile for crafting a Fasteel later on, so reload your file until you get one. Climb the stairs to the right to reach a moderately tough mimic chest which contains a DARK RING. Head up the right column of bookshelves to finish your business to advance the plot, but let's clear the area for its treasure. Save and scan the upper middle bookshelf to fight an Angeu. Defeat it with anything except light or fire to win a Pelvic Fragment, which you should save to craft the Meteor Boots later. Your scan should have also revealed 2 MAJIN'S CLOTHS to the right of the book shelf which should allow you to craft the Storm Shoes. Backtrack, go slightly up the middle path, then right and up the stairs. Follow the path around to a chest which contains a PURIFYING ORB (convert). At the end of the left planks is a yellow chest which should contain an ENERGY MIST (destruction), 20 BLACK LAPIS (neutral), or 20 WHITE LAPIS (creation). I would just take the Energy Mist now and convert it to FP. With all the monster books defeated, you can open the door where you fought the second book earlier. To the right is a chest which contains an ARNON GEM (convert). Go up and you'll find a chest on the left which contains 2 SERONTOSPHERES. By the window above is a harvest point which contains IRISPIRA, STARUSTS, ENERGY MIST, or ARNON GEMS with the Discerning Specs. Climb to the upper level and head right to a chest which contains 2 GLOWING LIQUIDS if you infuse force into it, or 10 HEALING HERBS if you fight the mimic. Take the steps down to the last two chests which contain the S&S RECIPE and a NYLONESTER. That's everything we can do here, so make your way out of here and return to Palfina. Talk to Elda at the main hall to unlock the next section at the Tower of Judgment. Before going there, let's do a couple sidequests. Head down to the library and talk to the Librarian to receive the "Overdue!" sidequest. Return to the temple entrance and talk to the Quiet Cleric just outside the central entrance to procure the first book. Return it to the Librarian to learn about the second book. Climb back up to the first floor and you'll find it along the right wall. Return that book to the Librarian to learn about the third book which is located at the Midee Highway, now unlocked on your world map. Heal up and save at the town square before heading over there. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Force Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Wind Boots, Evil Ward Irene: Shinecrail, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb, Aero Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Storm Shoes, Chi Bracelet Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Fur Bandana, Mercenary Cloak, Battle Boots, Speed Trinket =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MIDEE HIGHWAY (Phase 3) [MIDE2] Recommended Level: 22 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Armor Beast (Bolt), Charon (Wind), Giant Mantis (Fire), Perro Diablo (Fire) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ Scan the stump before the |8| F - Force Site (Stardust) bridge to find 2 OAK LUMBER. | | S - Save Point Cross the bridge, but do not |S| 1 - Oak Lumber x2 examine the Force Site yet. ____| | 2 - Narcissus Instead, head down to a | __6 | 3 - *Amber/Green Lapis [H] chest which contains a |7| | | 4 - Healing Herb/Lihit Grass/ NARCISSUS, which you should ¯ | | _ Bellel Wheat [H] craft into an Edenova and _/|__| |_| |_ 5 - Ash Lumber x2 convert to FP. Across from _1 _ 45______| 6 - Mistletoe/Sunflower [H] the Force Site is a harvest \| |F|__ 7 - Energy Mist point which contains | 23| 8 - Green Lapis x10 HEALING HERBS, LIHIT GRASS, ¯¯¯¯ or BELLEL WHEAT. Scan the stump by the Force Site to find 2 ASH LUMBERS. Head up from the Force Site to find the monsters who stole the book. For defeating the Fah, Sedna, & Zephyra, you will win the third book from them, but let's wrap up some things first. Continue up the path and examine the flowers to find a harvest point which contains MISTLETOE or SUNFLOWERS. Go left along the path to a chest which contains an ENERGY MIST (convert). On the main path go all the way up past the save point and scan the dead end to reveal a hidden chest which contains 10 GREEN LAPIS. Save and head down to the Force Site to fight a Brutal Mantis to try and win a Mantis Wing from it. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust (convert). With the Mantis Wing, you should be able to craft a Veteran's Mantle for Levant. Return the book to the Librarian to receive a Serontosphere. Hopefully, with all the FP you accumulated, you should be able to max out the Runeslave on Techs at Level 5. There is another sidequest we can do now. Return to Gultchfort and head down to the left basement level. Just below the stairs, talk to the Silent Lycan to receive the "What Comes?" sidequest. Head to the Granad Cavern (GRAN2) and go down the left steps. Now, there is a Shell Beast above for you to fight. For defeating it, you will find a chest which contains a Knight's Cloak, (equip on Griek). While you are here, it would be a good idea to harvest up to 8 Ice Crystals for crafting a Frozen Necklace later. When you are ready, heal up, save, return to the Crimson Chamber of Guidance, and enter the red portal on the left. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Force Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Wind Boots, Evil Ward Irene: Shinecrail, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb, Aero Orb Force Comb, Long Cape, Storm Shoes, Chi Bracelet Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Fur Bandana, Knight's Cloak, Battle Boots, Speed Trinket =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OUTSIDE TOWER 5&6 (Phase 3) [OTR56] Recommended Level: 22 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Alice (Fire), Armor Beast (Bolt), Charon (Wind), Fah (Light), Laplace (Light), Perro Diablo (Fire), Soloma, Spinel (Water/Bolt), Tibia (Fire/Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ S - Save Point _________ _ C _ _ _ |4| X - Inaccessible |B | | |___ | | |A| _ | | | | | | F - Force Site (Energy Mist) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | 1| | |_____| |_|F|_| | | |_| | 1 - Frozen Nail |¯¯¯ |_| |¯¯¯ | _ _| |_ S _ 5| | _ | 2 - Chi Bracelet | |¯| ___| | | | | |_| | | | | | | |O| 3 - Mercury __| | | |_______ |_| | |___ | | | | | | |3| 4 - Strength Orb |O | | A| | B| |2| |6| | | ¯ 5 - Element Will x3 ¯¯|X| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ C 6 - Frozen Nail x4 ¯ Harvest Orb #1 (500 FP: Decoy Doll Beta, Fancy Fairy, Grandray, Narcissus, White Lapis) Harvest Orb #2 (1000 FP: Aidsong, Dragon Blood, Gravity Stone, Irispira, Sharp Mantis Claw) You can find a Force Eater just left and up at the dead end there. If not, just keep zoning in and out until it spawns. With Earthquake, that will go a long way for killing it a lot more reliable. Make sure you defeat it with a void attack to win a Nightmare Gem from it. Your goal in this area should be to max out the Holy Krauvando on Techs at Level 7. More than that, make sure to save up 10000 excess FP for the end of this area. You should also be able to get the Resonance of all your Ragnafacts up to Level 10. The most tangible impact of Resonance is that for every 10 levels, the Techs of the Ragnafact are reduce in cost by 1 RP, which is surprisingly significant. More than that, it reduces the wait time of its Techs, as well. Scan behind the entrance portal to find a FROZEN NAIL, which you'll want to save for crafting a Frozen Necklace later. Go left, down, and left to a four- way intersection. The lower path leads to a portal to a dead-end, while the left path leads to a harvest orb that I don't think it worthwhile. Instead, head up to the portal to the next area. Follow the path to a fork, where you should go right to a save point, which you should use. Inside the Force Site, you will have to fight a Grunere and Rakshe, both of which are very susceptible to Griek's Earthquake. Make sure to defeat the Rakshe with an attack that is not fire, bolt, or void, so that you can win a Serpent Skin from it, for crafting a Draconic Turban later. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). Across from the Force Site, scan at the gap in the floor to reveal a bridge to a pot which contains a CHI BRACELET. From the save point, go left to the wall, and up to the next area. Hug the right wall to a harvest orb. Scan behind it to find a MERCURY, which you should save for crafting a Hyper Fasteel later on. Head away from the orb and scan a gap in the floor to reveal a bridge to a pot which contains a STRENGTH ORB. Finally, return to the save point, and head right to the altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Bathin (Blue) HP: 3000 WEAKNESS: Light (60%) STRATEGY: Levant's Piercing Wind and Irene's Southern Cross are great for exploiting his light-elemental weakness. Griek should use Aerial Cleave to pierce his defense. While Bathin does have some powerful attacks, yours are much faster. For defeating him, you will win an Energy Mist. ******************************************************************************* Scan the altar to find 3 ELEMENT WILLS next to it. Then, head right to a pot which contains 4 FROZEN NAILS, which you should save for crafting a Frozen Necklace later. Examine the altar to open the door to the portal to Lake Soleil. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LAKE SOLEIL (Phase 3) [LAKE2] Recommended Level: 24 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Armor Beast (Bolt), Charon (Wind), Giant Mantis (Fire), Perro Diablo (Fire) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ ___ ________ 1 - Shiitake/Matsutake [H] 2 - Binoculars _____ |3| |2 | |21 |20| 3 - Mistletoe/Taurine Apple [H] _ | | | | 1| |___ _|19| 4 - Rock Lizard [H] 5 - Aidsong _| |_| |_ _| | |14151618| 6 - Majin Ring 7 - Lihit Grass x5 _ 6 _ _----_7 | |13 17| 8 - Lihit Grass [H] 9 - Willow Leaf x2 | | | | |8 9| |_ _| 10 - Stitch Orb 11 - Rock Lizard x2 |___| |4| | | \ / 12 - Rock Lizard/Shiitake [H] |5| | 10| | | 13 - Silvervine [H] 14 - Red Lapis x2 ¯ |11 |_ __/ | 15 - Bizarre Recipe 16 - Ash/Oak Lumber [H] F' - Force Site | 12_ F'S / 17 - Numetake/Green Laver [H] S - Save Point | | ¯¯¯¯¯ 18 - Star Sand 19 - Lihit Grass x2 20 - Mallady 21 - Ash Lumber x2 I wouldn't recommend harvesting anything yet, but I'll mention where they are. There is one by the upper right tree which contains SHIITAKES or rarely, MATSUTAKES. Note that this is the ONLY way in the game to acquire Matsutakes, which is needed for a sidequest later. Scan the crack in the wall to find the BINOCULARS, which will be useful soon. Before searching for Gardner, let's check out the Altar of Nervel entrance down and to the left. In the upper right path is a harvest point which contains MISTLETOES or TAURINE APPLES. In the lower left path is a harvest point which contains ROCK LIZARDS, which will also be useful for a sidequest later. There is also a chest which contains an AIDSONG. Scan the center of the platform above to find a MAJIN RING. Before walking through the main entrance, head to the upper right corner and scan the wall. You will need to infuse 10000 FP to break it down, but it's toally worth it. Do so and enter the Altar of Nervel. This part of Nervel is very short and straight-forward. Just follow the path downstairs to a chest which contains the DISCERNING SPECS, one of my favorite accessories in the game. From my observations, it has three effects. First, in increases the potential quantity of items per harvest. Second, it changes the drop table for certain harvest points, usually for better items. Third, it reveals hidden harvest points that you could not otherwise see or use without having the specs equipped. Let's put them to use immediately by harvesting everything outside. Now, enter the altar through the main central entrance. Make your way to the lower left corner. On the left side is another crack in the wall. Infuse 30 FP to break it down. Walk behind the wall to a path the will lead outside. With the Discerning Specs equipped, search the nearby grass to find a harvest point which contains NARCISSUS. As aforementioned, you can craft them into Edenovas and convert them into 2000 FP each. Note that while there is an achievement for hitting the FP cap (99999 FP), I would continue to invest in my current Ragnafacts up to Atk Level 31 and Resonance Level 20. You should have a good idea of what items to convert into FP, so I won't be listing it for every single item no. Now, return to the main path of Lake Soleil. You'll want to win a Mantis Wing rarely from a Giant Mantis here, for crafting a Veteran's Mantle later, though it shouldn't be too hard. Below the arch is a chest which contains 5 LIHIT GRASS. Next to it, in the grass, is another harvest point which contains LIHIT GRASS. On the other side of the path, scan the trees to find 2 WILLOW LEAVES. Continue down to a chest which contains a STITCH ORB. Across from the chest, scan the grass to find 2 ROCK LIZARDS, which you'll want to save up to 10 for a sidequest later. Finally, at the corner to the right is a harvest point which contains ROCK LIZARD or SHIITAKE. The exit is below, but you cannot leave yet, so proceed to the right to Gardner's House. Walk up to the front door to advance the plot. Then, leave the area and talk to Irene by the lake. Afterwards, you'll be back at Gardner's house. On the left side in the trees is a harvest point which contains SILVERVINE. Scan the area above to find 2 RED LAPIS and the BIZARRE RECIPE, which will be useful in a sidequest later. Examine the pile of logs to find a harvest point which contains ASH or OAK LUMBER. Search the well to find a harvest point which contains NUMETAKE or GREEN LAVER. Then, scan the area above to find STAR SAND, 2 LIHIT GRASS, and a MALLADY. Finally, walk on the deck and scan the left side to find 2 ASH LUMBERS. For future reference, I strongly recommend making a Lake Soleil "harvest run" periodically, since the potential items are very valuable and in close proximity to other great harvest points. The items you want to harvest are: Narcissus, Rock Lizard, Matsutake, & Numetake. Harvesting Narcissus is amazing for improving your Ragnafacts. The others are used for cooking in a couple sidequests later. When you're ready, heal up, save, and return to the Crimson Chamber of Guidance. You'll want to take the yellow, lower left portal. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OUTSIDE TOWER 7&8 (Phase 3) [OTR78] Recommended Level: 25 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Water/Bolt), Armor Beast (Bolt), Femur (Fire/Light), Golem (Bolt), Isolde (Fire), Rafflesia (Fire), Rajh (Light), Spinel (Water/Bolt), Sumatrae, Tempter (Fire/Bolt), Tigerlily (Wind), Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________ ________ S - Save Point | X ___ __B | ____ | F - Force Site* X - Inaccessible ¯¯¯¯| | | | _| |_ | | *Win Energy Mist _ ___ | |__ |_| | 2| |3| 1 - Ice Circlet ___________|4|______ |8 | |___A| ¯| |¯ ¯ 2 - Healing Herb x5 | _ _____| |_ A| ¯| |_____ _ | |_ ___ 3 - Orb of Hope | | | | | | | |¯¯ | 7___S | |C| | | |1 | 4 - Alchemy Crystal x5 | |_|_|_____| |_|_|__ _| | | | | | | |¯ ¯| | 5 - Tiger's Claw | C5| |___|_ | | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯ | 6 - Invigorating Orb ¯¯¯|¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯|¯¯ | |_| |___| | ¯¯¯| |¯¯¯ 7 - Blue Lapis x3 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |6 | B¯¯¯¯ | 8 - Sharp Mantis Claw ¯¯¯¯|_|¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯|F|¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item -------------+-------------+--------+-------------------------- Elegant Wing |Any (rare) |Rajh |Veteran's Mantle Tiger Skin x4|Any-fire/wind|Sumatrae|Tough Bandana, Beast Shoes This first area will usually contain 7 enemies. Leave and re-enter the area until you find 8 enemies, so you know the Force Eater is around. Defeat it as before, but save any Nightmare Gems you win for crafting a Master Gem later on. Finally, you should be able to craft all of the above items, after winning the crafting materials from the monsters here. Head right and up to the fork, then right to the portal to the next area. Follow the path here around to the next area. Proceed to a fork and go right to a gap in the floor. Scan it to reveal a hidden bridge to a chest which contains an ICE CIRCLET, which I don't like better than the Force Comb. Go left from the fork and down a ramp. At the bottom, scan the right side to find 5 HEALING HERBS. Continue along the path to a pot which contains an ORB OF HOPE. Then, return to the first area. Walk straight left past the two forks and along the path to another fork. Head up to find a pot which contains 5 ALCHEMY CRYSTALS, which you'll want to save for crafting the Swift Boots later. Proceed right from the fork and scan behind the portal to find a TIGER'S CLAW, which you'll need to craft the Tough Bandana for Levant, though hold onto his Force Bandana for later. Take the portal to the last area. Follow the path to a Force Site, where you'll have to fight a Foxy, Altaica, & Charmer. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist. Continue on the path, past the fork, to a pot which contains an INVIGORATING ORB. Head up from the fork to the save point and the altar past it. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Sternum (Red), Golem (White) HP: 2800, 930 WEAKNESS: Fire (40%)/Light (60%), Bolt (20%) STRATEGY: Levant should use Piercing Wind, Irene should use the Igneous Orb, and Griek should use Aerial Cleave to make quick work of the Sternumb. Levant can one-shot the Golem with Thunderstruck. For defeating the Sternum, you will win an Energy Mist. ******************************************************************************* Scan the area to find 3 BLUE LAPIS. Go right to find a pot which contains a SHARP MANTIS CLAW. Examine the altar to open the door to the Endless Sands. By this point, I had activated 50 Force Bursts to unlock the achievement and receive the Surge Gem from Bigabu at Gultchfort. I had also harvested 50 times to receive the Yaesange, which you should use to craft the Yaehatae for Irene. Still, I would hold onto the Evil Ward and Force Comb for later. I would also recommend making a Lake Soleil harvest run before heading to the Endless Sands. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Battle Boots, Surge Gem Irene: Shinecrail, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb, Aero Orb Yaehatae, Long Cape, Storm Shoes, Chi Bracelet Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Fur Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Beast Shoes, Speed Trinket =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ENDLESS SANDS (Phase 3) [SAND2] Recommended Level: 27 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Water/Bolt), Armor Beast (Bolt), Rafflesia (Fire), Sumatrae, Tigerlily (Wind), Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \E\ \ \ \G\ /C/ __ / \ \ \/ /__ |H | _ _|13| __ \B\ ___ / /\ \ |S 6| |11| | \|12 | \4\_\ \ ___ |P \_ / /__\ \ / 8 7F\¯ / \ \__ | \____ \ \ \ |____5/ /_ |\ \ | \ | | \ | __ \ \_\ \ D\______/ / _| | \ \ | |\E\ \ / | | / 1\_\ X_ \ \_ _ / / __| \B\ | 10| \D\ |G | | | A 2 ___ \ \14\ | |_/ /_/ /3 |_ \ / |H | \__/ \ \ \15\ |__/ /___/_____A \9/ \ \ ¯¯¯ /C/ ¯ S - Save Point F - Force Site (Energy Mist) X - Inaccessible P - Penelope 1 - Banero [H] 2 - Sharp Fang x4 3 - Star Sand/Purple Lapis [H] 4 - Invigorating Orb 5 - Cashmere 6 - Glowing Metal 7 - White Lapis 8 - Capy Doll 9 - Banero 10 - Worm Skin x2 11 - Stitch Orb 12 - Rock Bone 13 - Irispira/Element Will [H] 14 - Gravity Stone x3 15 - Sleep Ring [D]/Fear Ring [N]/Dark Ring [C] Your in-game maps are useless here because of the sandstorms. As such, my ASCII maps may not be quite perfect, though they should be sufficient to get you through the area. As you will discover while talking to an NPC, you will need to scan the flowers to find out if you're going the right way or not. Most paths connecting to another are one-way. If you take the wrong path or try to backtrack, you will be sent back to the beginning. Also, you cannot access the last two treasures on the map until later. From the entrance, hug the wall to your left as you move up the path. Eventually, you will push into a path to the left. Now hug the upper wall as you move left, until you find a harvest point which contains BANERO peppers. You'll want to harvest up to 6 of them for a sidequest later on. Scan the middle of the flowing sand to find 4 SHARP FANGS. Proceed left to a small, isolated area and examine the huge skull to find a harvest point which contains STAR SAND or PURPLE LAPIS. Backtrack past the flowing sand and head up the path to an arch that leads to a chest which contains an INVIGORATING ORB. From the arch, continue up to the next area. Go up to the fork and take a left. Eventually, you will see another arch on your left. Follow the winding path around until you reach some flowing sand that really slows you down. Scan the area by the second arch to find a CASHMERE. Proceed through the arch to find a cactus. Talk to the cactus, Penelope Prickles, to receive the "Desert Lady" sidequest. Give it a Lymphos Fluid that you won from the Shades earlier to help refresh it. You'll have to wait another 5 battles before you can feed it again. However, I would just wait until you get another Lymphos Fluid. Return outside the first arch, and walk down to a flower. If you scan it, you should see it spin, indicating that is the right way to the next area. This area is a little tricky. First, head to the left and save. There are several quicksand pools in this area, four of which contains Sand Worms, not including the Force Site. If you defeat them all, it will weaken the boss a bit. However, you will also receive far less experience. As such, I would recommend only defeating 3 of them. Note that these are two separate bestiary entries for the boss, so if you want to complete them both, you will have to fight them both in separate files. First, you should head southwest to the save point. Walk east, and then hug the wall to a small isolated section where you'll find a Sand Worm in quicksand. After defeating it, walk about halfway up the quicksand and scan the area to reveal a GLOWING METAL. Backtrack out of the quicksand and go southeast to a chest which contains a WHITE LAPIS. At the Force Site, you will need to defeat two Sand Worms and a Golem. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist. Return to the save point and head south. I would recommend skipping the Sand Worms to the left, as there is nothing over there. Continue south and defeat the Sand Worms in the quicksand to the left. Scan the bottom to find a BANERO. Go straight east to another quicksand that you should scan the bottom to find 2 WORM SKINS. Head north to defeat the Sand Worms in that quicksand. Heal up at the Force Site and go southeast to the next area. We're back in the second area now. Walk back to the first intersection and head north this time. This will take you back to the third area. I would recommend equipping a Hyrdacane & Force Comb on Irene. Heal up, save, and exit to the northwest to the last area. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Mother Worm (White) HP: 4000/5000 WEAKNESS: Water (40%) STRATEGY: With a Hydracane, this fight will be very easy. Irene should cast Frozen Dust on her, while Levant uses Divine Barrage & Griek uses Berserk Barrage. She can inflict darkness on you, but don't bother curing it. You've almost got her. For defeating her, you will win an Energy Mist. ******************************************************************************* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INSIDE MOTHER WORM (Phase 3) [WORM2] Recommended Level: 28 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Water/Bolt), Isolde (Fire), Rafflesia (Fire), Rajh (Light), Sumatrae, Tigerlily (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______ __ _______ / 1413|_ _| | | | |12 _--_9S | |4 _ | _________ |11 / | | | | | |___ |19 |17| NOTE: This room is empty \ / __|8 | | | | _ 3|_ |18 |16|<----until after completing the | 10/ |65 | | | | | |_| _---¯¯¯¯¯¯ | "Need Food" sidequest ¯¯¯ |7 | | |F| | | ¯|_ | ¯¯| |_| |_| _\ __| | 15| |¯¯ | | S | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ F - Force Site* | | | 21| *Win Energy Mist ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ S - Save Point 1 - Blue Lapis/Tattered Doll/Ororon Doll [H] 2 - Burlap Cloth 3 - Dividing Liquid x2 4 - Decoy Doll Alpha 5 - Gaiacane [M] 6 - Serpent Skin 7 - Majin's Cloth x2 [M] 8 - Capy Doll/Mercury [H] 9 - Pumpkin Doll 10 - Black Lapis x2 11 - Teddie Doll 12 - Sweet Recipe 13 - Queenova 14 - Devil Nectar 15 - Amber x2 16 - Orb of Hope 17 - Narcissus 18 - Nightmare Gem 19 - White Lapis x5 Search behind you for a harvest point which can contain BLUE LAPIS, TATTERED DOLLS, or ORORON DOLLS. Scan the area to find a BURLAP CLOTH. Walk up to find a man lying on the ground to receive the "Need Food" sidequest. The cave to the right is empty for now. Try to avoid the pools of green liquid, when you can, as they will damage you. Instead, to reach the chest above, take the left path up until you see a hole in the wall on the right, which will lead you to the chest which contains 2 DIVIDING LIQUIDS. Return to the save point and hug the wall up until you find a hole in it. Go through the tunnel until you reach a Force Site, where you will fight 2 Goetia and 2 Stall Worms. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist. Head up to a chest which contains a DECOY DOLL ALPHA. Turn around, and follow the right path around. You'll have to go into the green liquid this time, but make sure you're healed up before opening the red chest which is a powerful Mimic. For defeating it, you will win a GAIACANE. Scan the area to find a SERPENT SKIN, which you'll want to save to craft a Draconic Turban later. To the left is a chest on land with a weaker Mimic. For defeating it, you will win 2 MAJIN'S CLOTHS. Follow the hole in the wall to another green pool with a harvest point which contains CAPY DOLLS or MERCURY, of which you'll want to harvest a Mercury for crafting a Hyper Fasteel later on. Finally, go up to the save point and scan the area to find a PUMPKIN DOLL. Then, go left to the next area. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Azul (Void) HP: 3000 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: He's actually fairly challenging, since he always attacks twice per round with some moderately powerful attacks. Since he has no weakness, I would recommend using your Force Bursts against him. Blitz Assault and Fleur-de-Lys are great against him, while Griek should use Aerial Cleave to pierce his defense. For defeating him, you will win a Knowledge Fruit, which you should save to craft a Master Gem later. ******************************************************************************* Before leaving, choose to stay for a moment. Scan around the perimeter of the room to find 2 BLACK LAPIS, a TEDDIE DOLL, the SWEET RECIPE, a QUEENOVA (convert), and DEVIL NECTAR. Then, talk to Philia to leave the area and return to the Endless Sands. Walk up to the skull and scan the area to reveal a hidden chest which contains a STITCH ORB. Head up to the next area. Continue up to the end of the platform to find a harvest point which contains IRISPIRA or ELEMENT WILLS. Hug the wall to the left down to a skull and scan it to find a ROCK BONE. Finally, go left to the teleporter to the Dragon's Abyss. Let's not go too far into the area before taking care of some things. Use the save point above. Then, head right to fight 3 Shade M to win a Lymphos Fluid from them. Leave the way you came in and return to the Endless Sands. Feed the Lymphos Fluid to Penelope to fully restore her, though you'll still have to wait before getting your reward. This would also be a good time to make another harvest run. Heal up at Palfina, save, & return to the Dragon's Abyss. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE DRAGON'S ABYSS (Phase 3) [ABYS2] Recommended Level: 29 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Acid Jelly (Fire/Water/Bolt), Armor Beast (Bolt), Femur (Fire/Light), Isolde (Fire), Rafflesia (Fire), Rajh (Light), Sumatrae, Tempter (Fire/Bolt), Tigerlily (Wind), Varuna (Wind) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ ___ ___________ S - Save Point _| |_| 10| ___ | | F' - Force Site 1* C_ __ _| | 5| | _ _ | *Win Energy Mist _| | | |_ __/ ___| _| | | | | | F" - Force Site 2* ____ |F' | _|4 |_| / _| |_|S|_| |_ *Win Stardust __ |8 _B| |A__ __ | B_ ___ _ _A 1 - Red Lapis | 9|_| | | | _| | |_ \__ | | | | | | 2 - Yellow/Black/ | _ |__| |_|7 | \ | | |___| |_| | Red Lapis [H] |__| |______________/ | 6| | | 3 - Fur Bandana ¯¯¯ |1 ______| 4 - Dividing Liquid x2 ___ ¯¯¯¯| | 5 - Decoy Doll Beta ___ ____ | 26| ____|¯¯|_| |_ 6 - Dragon Blood __| | | \ | | | _ | 7 - Star Sand/ ___/ ___ | | \ | | | | | | Glowing Metal [H] __/ ___/ | | | \ | | |3 | | 2 | 8 - Silver Ring x2 | | _ | |_/ __ | |___| ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 9 - Stamina Recipe |_ | |_| | / _\ | _ _______ 10 - Delicate Recipe | |/ / |__ | D_ | |_| / _D 11 - Lihit Grass x5 | |_ _ \ \ \ _| | | / _/ __________ 12 - Arnon Gem |__ __|_|\_ \ \ / / _| |__/ / |___|22|___| 13 - Ororon Doll \ \ \|_|\| |/ /_ |25 __ / | __| 14 - Decoy Doll Alpha \ \_____\ |_ |__| \ | |23|____|24| 15 - Life Orb | __ _C \ 16| |__________| 16 - Sharp Fang x3 | | |_ ____| | F"|_____|___| |___| 17 - Strength Orb [M] __/ /| | | | | S| __ 18 - Firefly Laver | |/ 14\ | | | / |21| 20 - Firefly Laver [H] |15 ||13 | | | / _____________/ |__| /Millenium Laver ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ | | / / _ _ __ o 21 - Ash Lumber x3 ____ | | | / | |ooo|_|oo|__| o 23 - Elegant Wing |1211\___| | | | _ | | __ |__| o 24 - Speed Trinket |__________| |17|o|_|o|_|o18o|19||20|oo 25 - Red Lapis x5 ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ 19 - Orb of Wisdom [D]/Black Lapis x10 [N]/White Lapis x10 [C] 22 - Star Sand/Yellow Fragment; *Fastile/Yellow Fragment/Phantasm Alloy [H] 26 - Granraid (red)/Sanocane (blue) From the start, walk to the lower left corner of the upper ring area and scan to find a RED LAPIS. Cross the bridge to the lower area and go left to the pillars where you will find a harvest point which can contain YELLOW, BLACK, or RED LAPIS. Step down the stairs and cross the bones to an empty platform. Scan the area to reveal a hidden chest which contains a FUR BANDANA. Return to the start and head straight right to the next floor. Scan the tar above you to find 2 DIVIDING LIQUIDS. To the right, you'll find some bones, but the bridge is out. Give it a little force to fix the bridge to another platform. There is another such bridge above. Open the nearby chest which contains a DECOY DOLL BETA (convert). From the previous platform, cross the other bridge to a chest which contains a DRAGON BLOOD, which you'll want to use to craft a Draconic Turban for Levant. Return to the stairs, and head down to another tar pit where you'll find a harvest point which contains STAR SAND or rarely, GLOWING METAL. Walk all the way to the left and up two stairs to a tar pit. Scan it to find 2 SILVER RINGS. Go back down one level and to the house on the left, where you will have to fight more Shades. After defeating them, scan the pantry area to find the STAMINA RECIPE. Now, head up the middle path in the area. The center platform is the arena, so remember it for later, though we can't use it right now. You should probably use the left stairs to go back and save. From the arena, continue up to the Force Site, where you'll have to defeat a Drakon. Defeat it with a void attack to win a Dragon Meat, which you'll use for a sidequest later on. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist (convert). Finally, check out the upper right house and scan the pantry to find the DELICATE RECIPE. Then, go straight left to the steps to the next floor. Cross the bridge below to another platform. Head left to a chest which contains 5 LIHIT GRASSES. Scan the tar nearby to find an ARNON GEM. Now for the tricky part. On the first platform is a pillar. Scan it and examine it to light a red flame on top of it, which extends the red bridges. Do so again to toggle it to a blue flame and extend the blue bridges. Cross the blue bridge and toggle the pillar. Head down to a chest which contains an ORORON DOLL and scan the area to find a DECOY DOLL ALPHA. Toggle the previous pillar and cross the other blue bridge. Continue along the brown bridge and toggle the pillar. Go up the red bridge and follow the path to an inactive pillar. Scan and activate it to extend the green bridges. Backtrack a few platforms to a green bridge to a chest which contains a LIFE ORB. From the green pillar, cross a couple green bridges to the last platform. While you can take the steps to the next floor, I'd recommend crossing another green bridge back to the start and use the Force Site back on the previous floor, before doing so. Follow the path to the next level. Scan the tar pit to find 3 SHARP FANGS. Pass up the Force Site and head right to use the save point. Now, return to the Force Site where you'll fight a Brutal Mantis. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust. Walk to the lower left tar pit to find a mimic chest which contains a STRENGTH ORB (convert). This next part is a little tricky, so you may want to look at the map above. There are several platforms connected by invisible bridges, represented with an "o". Walk straight right past the first platform and onto the second. Continue right and scan the empty space in front of you to find a hidden FIREFLY LAVER. Open the yellow chest now, which contains an ORB OF WISDOM (destruction), though it can also contain 10 BLACK LAPIS (neutral), or 10 WHITE LAPIS (creation). Backtrack to the previous platform, walk up a little, then right, past a small platform to another. Head down to another platform with a harvest point which contains FIREFLY LAVERS or rarely, MILLENIUM LAVERS. Note that this is the ONLY place in the game where you can acquire more Millenium Lavers, though their crafts are mostly unremarkable, fortunately. Go right, to a small platform then up to a chest which contains 3 ASH LUMBER. Also, press the switch on the pillar to remove a lot of sand from the Endless Sands, so we'll check that out later. You can drop off an invisible bridge to return to the main area. Heal up at the Force Site, save, and head up to the monolith altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Virtus (Blue) HP: 4200 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: Virtus has some attacks that can hit multiple party members, but I wouldn't worry about spreading out, since you should be able to defeat him quickly. While Virtus has no elemental weakness, he is strong against all elements except light, so stick to non-elemental attacks. Levant should use Divine Barrage, Griek should use Aerial Cleave, and Irene should use her Fleur-de-Lys Force Burst for massive damage. For defeating him, you will win a Hellfire Ring. ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, you will be back at Regnum's house. Talk to the Cool Drake outside twice to exchange the Cleric's Hat for a Torn Document. If you walk around to below Regnum's house, you can talk to the Gourmet Drake, who you can give various mushrooms and sometimes, receive rewards for it. It's not really a sidequest, so I wouldn't recommend giving him any mushroom. Return to the monolith altar down two floors. As usual, you can examine a harvest point at the monolith, which contains STAR SAND or YELLOW FRAGMENTS, if you care to acquire one for a sidequest later. On your mini-map, you'll notice a chest in the lower left corner. It's hard to see on the exploration screen, because it's under the stairs. Open the chest which contains an ELEGANT WING. Climb the stairs and up the path to a chest which contains a SPEED TRINKET. From the Force Site, go up through a tunnel that was previously blocked. Head left past the Drake to a chest which contains 5 RED LAPIS. Finally, proceed up to a chest which contains the Odd Tetrahedron Stigald Fragment. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE DRAGON'S ABYSS (Phase 4) [ABYS3] Recommended Level: 31 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I thought I'd make a separate section for entering Phase 4, as there are many sidequests to take care of now. First, make a harvest run at Lake Soleil, but do not go to Gardner's house, as that will advance the plot. Then, return to the arena at the Dragon's Abyss. There is a drake there now called R.U.Tufnuf. Talk to him and he will allow you to fight in the D Rank battles in the arena. They are all very easy, but have great rewards, the more you fight. Between each battle, you have to fight in 3 other battles, before he'll let you fight again, thought I would fight 4 battles, so that the harvest points can respawn. Some of the other sidequests will require you to fight some battles, so you might as well use them. For winning the D Rank arena battles, you will win a Mallady, Regaledge, & Rexraid. This will also unlock the C Rank battles. You could keep going on fighting more arena battles, if you wanted, but I figure it's better to spread them out. Return to Gultchfort and talk to Bigabu. If you've opened all of the chests I listed so far, you should have opened at least 100 chests, so he will give you the Lucky Lenses, which make winning rare drops trivial. Head down to the left basement and talk to the Intellectual Elf by the crystal to exchange the Torn Document for a Cestite Shard. Finally, at the kitchen on the other side, have Vaul cook the Bizarre Recipe and S&S Recipe for a couple sidequests later. After finishing your business here, return to the Endless Sands. Walk up the path, and you'll notice the area to the right has been cleared. First, walk up to the teleporter. Cross the bridge to a chest which contains a GRANRAID. Teleport back and scan the pillar. Flip the switch to turn the flame blue. Head down to the other side to find two chests, the first of which contains 3 GRAVITY STONES, which you should use to craft a Frozen Necklace. The yellow chest doesn't really get any better, so you might as well open it now for a SLEEP RING (destruction), or wait to get a FEAR RING (neutral), or Dark Ring (creation). Convert whichever one you get. Head up the main path and talk to the Lost Drake to receive the "Traffic Jam" sidequest. Continue to the next area and turn left to fight a Shell Beast and Ixion. For defeating them, you will earn the Mercurio Gem (equip on Griek). While it only increases EXP gains per battle by 20%, this applies to all active party members, and 20% is A LOT in Hexyz Force. Finally, revisit Penelope to complete the "Desert Lady" sidequest and receive 2 Alchemillas. This can be repeated every 5 battles, like a harvest point, but there's no real need. Return to Palfina. Craft a Dextrous Trinket and talk to the Peddler Guy to exchange it for 10 Tiger Skins. Climb up to the temple entrance. Talk to the Infatuated Youth on the right to receive the "Love Sings" sidequest. Give him a Narcissus to help him out. You'll need to talk to him periodically to give him more items to progress with the sidequest, later in the game. Enter the temple and the main hall. Talk to Elda to receive the "Below Us" sidequest. Go downstairs to the library and talk to the Librarian to receive the "Shadows" sidequest. Let's complete the first sidequest in the basement, but I'd strongly recommend saving by the monolith, first. If your levels and Ragnafacts aren't as developed as I've recommended up to now, you may need to either craft some Lightning/Arc Rings for everyone, or wait until you get more powerful, as this one is pretty tough. Although, I'd recommend equipping the Lucky Lenses on Irene. Walk clockwise along the perimeter of the floor until you find the Alaseed and 4 Lots to defeat. The Lots have devastating lightning attacks, so you'll want to dispatch them quickly, by any means necessary. However, you'll want to defeat the Alaseed with Griek's Earthquake, so you can win a Gravity Stone, which you'll want to save for crafting the Swift Boots later. Also, I would recommend trying to win a rare Gold Ring from the Lots, which should be easy with your new Lucky Lenses. It will be useful in crafting a Platinum Crown later. For defeating them, you will receive a Sanocane. Head to the Sealed Library and the save point in the second area. To the right of the save point, by a bookshelf, you will have to fight a Humerus, Lot, & Bandhavgarh. Try to defeat the Bandhavgarh with anything but a fire or wind attack, so you can win a Violent Fang from it, which will be used for crafting a Beast King Band later. Also, you should try to win a rare Keen Fang from it, which you should save for crafting the Swift Boots later. For defeating them, you will complete the "Shadows" sidequest and be brought back to Palfina. If you return to where you fought the monsters, you will now find a chest which contains the Scout Specs. At this point, I had completed enough sidequests to tilt the vessel towards Creation. If you have done so, then you can open those yellow chests now for their optimal rewards. Once you have completed all of the D Rank battles at the Dragon's Abyss, heal up and save. When you are ready, head to Garner's House at Lake Soleil, where you'll have to fight three Shade M, then be directed to the Altar of Nervel. It will now be accessible from the world map, so you don't need to go all the way through Lake Soleil to get there. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Battle Boots, Surge Gem Irene: Shinecrail, Hydracane, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb Yaehatae, Long Cape, Storm Shoes, Lucky Lenses Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Beast Shoes, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ALTAR OF NERVEL (Phase 4) [NERV3] Recommended Level: 32 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Altaica, Angeu (Fire/Light), Baskerville, Beli (Light), Bergan, Brutal Mantis (Fire), Drakon, Foxy (Fire/Bolt), Goetia (Light), Grunere (Water/Bolt), Juliet (Fire/Light), Patella (Fire/Light), Shell Beast (Bolt), Stall Worm (Water) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________________________ _________ ________ ______________________ |E |G | |2 |B | |E |G |__| W| B| C| |___|23|___| C | |15 |14 _ | |_ __| | | | | |19| _| | | __| _____| ¯| |¯| | _| |_ | __| | |__| | | 4 __| | |____|24| | 10 | 13| |_| | | | __| | A| | | 18| |5 |A | |__________|__ |9 | 12|_____| X |_____ | _| | _ |17 | |___ | | |___| |___| D| 6|7 8| | 11| | | | | | | |16| | |D F'| | |21| S| ¯¯|__ __| | ___| | | _ | 3| _| | _|__| _____¯¯¯¯¯| | | | 22|______________| | | | | ¯¯ | | ____|___ | ____| 1| | |F" |H | |_________| |_ |_______| | W| | ¯¯H | ______|_ ___________| | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | 20| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ S - Save Point F' - Force Site 1 (Stardust) F" - Force Site 2 (Stardust) W - Switch X - Inaccessible for now 1 - Discerning Specs 2 - Stitch Orb 3 - Arnon Gem 4 - Black Lapis x2 5 - Glowing Metal 6 - Curse Ring [M] 7 - Lihit Grass 8 - Green Lapis x4 9 - K.O. Recipe 10 - Arnon Gem 11 - Cashmere 12 - *Narcissus [H] 13 - Sheng Long Chain 14 - Mystic Trinket 15 - Silvervine x2 16 - Narcissus 17 - Alchemy Crystal x3 18 - Sun Brooch [M]/Gale Ring [F] 19 - Meteor Necklace 20 - Paralyze Ring 21 - Stardust 22 - Mermaid Scale 24 - Fastile 23 - Star Sand/Red Fragment; *Fastile/Red Fragment/Phantasm Alloy [H] Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ---------------+--------------+-------------+--------------------- Pelvic Fragment|Any-light/fire|Angeu |Meteor Boots Cursed Fin |Any (rare) |Baskerville |Meteor Boots Mantis Wing x10|Any |Brutal Mantis|Fasteel, Goddess Robe Dragon Meat x5 |Void |Drakon |S&S Recipe Unfortunately, you cannot access the Narcissus harvest point for now. At this point, I had gotten all my Ragnafacts up to Atk Level 31 and Resonance Level 20, so I would recommend not converting any item, if you have already done so. You should be able to craft the Meteor Boots & Fasteel after winning the above items. However, you don't need to win all the Mantis Wings right now. Once you can acquire more Royal Liquids, the Dragon Meats will be more useful to cook more S&S Recipes for the "Need Food" sidequest. Head up through the hole in the wall, then right, and up into a small area with a chest which contains a STITCH ORB. Backtrack a little, then go right and down to a chest which contains an ARNON GEM. Walk straight up to the steps to the next floor. Ignore the steps to the right. Watch out for the cracked tiles below, because they will crumble if you step on them. Carefully make your way down and left. Scan the area to find 2 BLACK LAPIS. In the upper left room, pull the switch, which will reveal all the hidden pitfalls. Head down to a chest which contains a GLOWING METAL. Then, examine the Force Site in the lower right corner to fight 2 Altaicas, 2 Varuna, & a Foxy. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust, which you should save for crafting a Stardust Cape later. Drop down one of the pitfalls. Open the chest below to fight a moderately powerful Mimic, which contains a CURSE RING. After defeating the enemies here, climb the stairs in the upper right corner. From the Force Site, go left, down the steps to the next floor. To the right is Gardner's Lab. Afterwards, you'll be back at Gardner's House, but there's still plenty of treasure to find at Nervel. Return to Gardner's Lab. Scan the left side to find a LIHIT GRASS and the K.O. RECIPE. Scan the pot on the right side to find 4 GREEN LAPIS. Finally, open the chest which contains an ARNON GEM. Now, you can explore the left side of the first floor, so return to the entrance, and make your way to the lower left corner. In the small room above is a chest which contains a CASHMERE. You should already know about the NARCISSUS harvest point by breaking through the wall to the left, and also the nearby chest which contains a SHENG LONG CHAIN. Go back inside Nervel and follow the path up to the steps next to a chest which contains a MYSTIC TRINKET. Pass up these step for now, and head down the left path to the other steps. Scan the area next to them to find 2 SILVERVINE. Then, take the stairs down to the next floor. Walk down to a chest which contains a NARCISSUS. Circle around and down to the bottom where you'll find a switch. Press it to reveal a hidden floor on the other side of this floor. Return to the previous floor, make a harvest run, and and back to the other steps, which you should take to the other side of the floor. Follow the middle path down to a chest which contains a 3 ALCHEMY CRYSTALS, which you should save for crafting a Beast Bangle later. Then, walk down the right path to a smoking chest. If you choose to just open it, you will fight a red Mimic and receive a SUN BROOCH. If you choose to infuse 30 FP, you will receive a GALE RING instead. Cross the bridge, then take the next path up to a chest which contains a METEOR NECKLACE. Finally, go to the steps in the lower right corner to the next floor. Head left to a Force Site, where you will have to fight a Goetia & 2 Yuki. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust, which you should save for crafting a Stardust Cape soon. Make your way to the lower right corner to find a chest which contains a PARALYZE RING. Go back the other way to the lower left corner, then up to a chest, which contains a STARDUST. To the right is a save point. Scan the area nearby to find a MERMAID SCALE, which you will also need to craft a Stardust Cape later. After saving, enter the monolith altar room above. If you walk up to the altar, you will find a harvest point which contains STAR DUST or rarely, a RED FRAGMENT. Climb the stairs to the left to reach a chest which contains a FASTILE, which you'll need to craft the Fasteel. Make a harvest run on your way out of Lake Soleil. Heal up and save at Palfina, then head for Ravena Castle. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Fasteel, Surge Gem Irene: Shinecrail, Hydracane, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb Yaehatae, Long Cape, Meteor Boots, Lucky Lenses Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Beast Shoes, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RAVENA CASTLE (Phase 4) [RAVN2] Recommended Level: 34 Recommended Party: Levant, Irene, Griek Enemies: Altaica, Angeu (Fire/Light), Baskerville, Beli (Light), Brutal Mantis (Fire), Foxy (Fire/Bolt), Goetia (Light), Golem (Bolt), Grunere (Water/Bolt), Juliet (Fire/Light), Patella (Fire/Light), Shell Beast (Bolt), Sphira, Stall Worm (Water), Ulexite (Water/Bolt), Zepar (Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________________ _________________ | 19 _9 __6 | | |E | | |¯| |_|C | | | |23|¯¯| |W |¯¯| | ___ ___ D__| | |B ¯¯| | | |24|__| |___|__| | A |____ ____| 3| |10-¯ _|_____¯¯| | D¯¯|G |J K| | ¯| 2 |¯ |18|¯| W_J_ |¯| | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ |¯¯|_| | B | |_| | | |___________| | _____| |_____ | 39M| |S F| | | |21 _____| |4 | |1¯¯¯| 5 I |¯| | ¯¯¯¯| ¯¯20| ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯A|_|_ _|_| ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ _________________ _______ | _ E| ____ | | _________ | |7 | | | | | |28| | | | | |33 34| | | __ | C| 8| __ |__|_| | | |_|__H | |_| |_|___H |40| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | G|22 | _| W|K | | |3635 3738|W I| | | |42 41 | | | | |¯| | _|¯|32| | |____ ____| | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |_ | ¯ __|L ¯ | | |W L___S| | |__|¯¯¯¯|¯|¯¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯| 26|¯¯¯¯¯ |____¯¯¯¯|3130____| __| |____| |¯ | 25 27| |29 | |M | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ F - Force Site (Arnon Gem) S - Save Point W - Switch 1 - Mantis Blade x2 2 - Cursed Bone x2 3 - Decoy Doll Beta 4 - Serontosphere x2 5 - White Lapis 6 - Steel Shard 7 - Alhest Solution x2 8 - Lymphos Fluid x2 9 - Alchemy Crystal 10 - Empty 11 - Serontosphere [M]/Orb of Hope [F] 12 - Admonisher [M] 13 - Nightmare Gem 14 - Haste Orb [M] 15 - Glowing Metal 16 - Strength Orb [M] 17 - Empty 18 - Empty 19 - Broken Idol x2 20 - Black Ashes x2 21 - Premium Silk 22 - Adamastia x2 23 - Cashmere 24 - Refreshing Recipe 25 - Hard Rock Skin x2 26 - Narcissus 27 - Purple Lapis x10 28 - Poison Ring 29 - Glowing Fin 30 - Stardust 31 - Eladah Tears 32 - Serontosphere 33 - Lihit Grass x2 34 - Pod Key 35 - Admonisher 36 - Crystal Bangle 37 - Purple Lapis x2 38 - Dark Rassfeld 39 - Pelvic Fragment 40 - Lymphos Fluid 42 - Lion Fang 41 - Serontosphere/Glowing Liquid [H] Upon your arrival, scan the crack in the wall and infuse 300 FP to open a room. Scan the small room to find 2 MANTIS BLADES. You'll have to get the Ixe Key to move on, so let's leave, for now. Follow the path back to the door and scan the grass just left of it to find 2 CURSED BONES. Head right, up, and right to a chest which contains a DECOY DOLL BETA. Return to the door, then go down a little, and left to a chest which contains 2 SERONTOSPHERES. Then, proceed up to the entrance into the castle ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Phantasma Beta (Blue) HP: 4200 WEAKNESS: Bolt (20%) STRATEGY: Its most dangerous attack is Narcolepsy, which can afflict Sleep on your entire party. Hopefully, you'll get in some turns beforehand. I wouldn't bother with any buffs, though. Griek should use Aerial Cleave, Levant should use Divine Barrage, and Irene should use Fleur-de-Lys for massive damage. For defeating it, you will winn a Phantasm Alloy. ******************************************************************************* Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ---------------+----------+-------+----------------------------- Tiger's Claw x6|Any (rare)|Altaica|Elven Mantle, Beast King Band Demon Wing |Any (rare)|Zepar |Elven Mantle Now, you have access to explore the castle. Don't forget about winning those Dragon Meats and/or Mantis Wings, if you did not in the previous area. Scan the area to find a WHITE LAPIS next to the middle left pillar. Save your game before checking out the Force Site, where you'll have to defeat a Humerus and Ulexite. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Arnon Gem. There is nothing up the middle door, nor can you progress very far via the upper door, so take the right path, for now. Follow the straight-forward path until you see some statues. Scan the lower statue to find a STEEL SHARD. Continue on and down the stairs below to an isolated room with two chests which contain 2 ALHEST SOLUTIONS and 2 LYMPHOS FLUIDS. Backtrack upstairs and scan the next statues to find an ALCHEMY CRYSTAL. Proceed left and down the path to a treasure trove of 9 chests, which I'll describe counter-clockwise. 1) Empty 2) SERONTOSPHERE, if fought as a mimic, or ORB OF HOPE, if you infuse force 3) ADMONISHER, after fighting a moderately powerful mimic 4) NIGHTMARE GEM 5) HASTE ORB, after fighting a moderately powerful mimic 6) GLOWING METAL 7) STRENGTH ORB, after fighting a very powerful mimic 8-9) Empty Make sure you heal before fighting the Mimics. Earthquake is your best bet against them. After clearing all the treasure, backtrack to the fork, and scan the next statues along the path to find 2 BROKEN IDOLS. It may be a good idea to return to the Force Site and save, since you won't have access to either for awhile. When you're ready, continue on to the stairs to the next floor. Proceed along the path past a chest to the lower right corner which you should scan to find 2 BLACK ASHES. Walk up and left to a chest which contains an PREMIUM SILK, which you should use to craft a Stardust Cape for Irene. Continue along the outer wall to the steps, but first, go down to an orb. Scan the orb to light it and and infuse some FP to unlock a door in another area. Then, climb the stairs to the next floor. Go down and right at the fork to a chest which contains 2 ADAMASTIA. Then, take the other path and left at the next fork to the steps to an isolated area. At the end of the path are two chests which contains a CASHMERE and the REFRESHING RECIPE. Backtrack to the last fork, and head down to a room. Scan between the first two statues to find 2 HARD ROCK SKINS, which you should use to craft the Hyper Fasteel. Open the two chests ahead which contains 10 PURPLE LAPIS and a NARCISSUS. Walk up and hug the right wall to another orb switch that you should activate. Then, head up to a chest which contains a POISON RING. Finally, head left and follow the path around to the stairs to the next floor. Go along the path until you find a green orb. In this section, you will find invisible walls that the green orbs can reveal when used. Scan the area to reveal a treasure you can't reach yet. Walk around until you can get to the second orb to activate. You should be able to reach the lower wall and head left to where you will find the hidden GLOWING FIN. From the bottom wall, go right and hug the wall clockwise to the third orb. Walk to the top of the revealed wall and scan the area to find a STARDUST. Work your way to the lower right corner and head up to the last orb, that will also reveal a chest which contains an ELADAH TEARS. Finally, head right to the last orb that will reveal a teleporter to the main hall. After healing up and saving, climb the left stairs and activate the Force Orb to open the upper door to the next floor. Pass through the first door you opened to the stairs to the next floor. Scan along the hallway to find a SERONTOSPHERE. Continue through the second door you opened to the top floor. Scan the orb to the left to open the throne room. Use the save point to the right, then head straight up the middle to find what you're looking for. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Ravena Lord (White) HP: 3210 WEAKNESS: Fire (40%)/Light (60%) STRATEGY: This is an extremely easy boss, due to his aspect weakness. Griek should use Berserk Barrage, Irene should use Southern Cross, and Levant should use Divine Barrage, instead of Piercing Wind. For defeating him, you will win the Ixe Key. ******************************************************************************* Scan by the throne to find 2 LIHIT GRASS. Open the chest to the right which contains the POD KEY. Walk southwest and scan by the pod to reveal a chest which contains an ADMONISHER. With the Pod Key, open the pod which contains a CRYSTAL BANGLE. Go straight right to another pod, where you should scan to find 2 PURPLE LAPIS. Open the pod which contains the DARK RASSFELD Ragnafact. The Dark Rassfeld is a unique Ragnafact. As indicated by its in-game description, it is an evil Ragnafact. This will cause the vessel to tilt towards destruction every time you use it, though I feel that is negligible. It's on par with the power of the Devasti. I would learn all of its Techs, max out its Resonance, and give it to Levant. Walk back to the first floor and save. Leave the castle and enter the lab area to the left. You can now open the door to the right. Scan the center of the room to find a PELVIC FRAGMENT. Proceed right to the next area. You cannot enter the central lab area, since the door is locked. There are four pods here, only the upper right of which will open the door. You will have to defeat 2 Shade P and a Rakshe to open it. The other three pods contain 2 Shade M and a Bergan. You can win a Lion Fang as a rare drop from Bergans or the Rakshe. I would strongly recommend winning one from each pod, and saving between each one. They are otherwise fairly difficult to acquire and very useful for crafting some of the best equipment in the game. Also note that you can scan the upper left pod to find a Lymphos Fluid. When you are ready, enter the central lab area. You will then have a series of boss fights that there really isn't much to winning them. Against the 3 Shade M, Griek's Earthquake should one-shot them. Against Faust, Griek should use Aerial Cleave, while Irene should use Fleur-de-Lys. Against Levant, you should do the same thing, except Irene should use Southern Cross, instead. For defeating Faust, you will win another Royal Liquid and receive the Necrozauwar Ragnafact. If you have over 30000 FP saved up, then max out the Resonance of the Necrozauwar. However, you cannot use FP to learn new Techs for it. You may have noticed various objects surrounded by aberrant force in previous dungeons. With the Necrozauwar, you can break the seal on them for 5000 FP, fight a battle, and unlock a new ability. Don't worry about the FP cost, as you'll usually get it back from winning the battle and/or from winning force crystals. Following is a list of the available locations of all the Seals of Rivelias and a table of items I'd recommend winning from the monsters you will fight. After clearing the Altar of Nervel, I would recommend making another Lake Soleil harvest run. Then, return to the Dragon's Abyss to fight the C Rank battles at the arena, which will reward you with a Decoy Doll Theta, Sanocane, & Scanning Specs. Note that the Scanning Specs will also unlock the in-game bestiary in the Extras mode after completing the game. 1) Magnitude 8 - Altar of Nervel, in Gardner's Lab. 2) Omen 666 - Ravena Castle, in the laboratory by the entrance. 3) Inferno - Endless Sands, left of the entrance. 4) Infernal Trade - Inside Mother Worm, by the entrance. 5) Igneous Sphere - Inside Mother Worm, at Philia's Place. 6) Force Shield - Sealed Library, on a shelf behind the three-colored door. 7) Putrid Breath - Granad Cavern, by the Green Laver harvest point. 8) Ragnadrain - Denmail Highway, in the center area. 9) Nightmare - Gultchfort, where you found the Devasti. Item |Element |Enemy |Location ----------------+-------------+-----------+----------------------- Violent Fang x2 |Any-fire/wind|Bandhavgarh|Nervel, Ravena, Denmail Keen Fang x3 |Any (rare) |Bandhavgarh|Nervel, Ravena, Denmail Sad Scale x2 |Any (rare) |Coy |Nervel, Denmail Gravity Stone |Earth |Wijeen |Ravena, Granad Training Ring x2|Any (rare) |Wijeen |Ravena, Granad Note that despite its name and relevance to the plot, the Necrozauwar is NOT considered an evil Ragnafact, so it will have no impact on which ending you receive. Inferno is especially useful, because it's the only white aspect fire-elemental spell in the game, so it's really useful against Mantises. Nightmare can also be useful against a small group of tough enemies, so you can keep one enemy asleep, while you wail on the other. The other spells aren't bad, either. While at Ravena Castle, you can return to Faust's Lab. In the upper left corner is a chest which contains a Lion Fang, which you'll want to save for crafting a Beast King Band. Examine the center pod to find a harvest point which contains SERONTOSPHERES or GLOWING LIQUIDS. As for the other items you should win from the Seal of Rivelias fights, the Violent Fangs are for crafting Beast King Bands, the Keen Fangs are for Swift Boots & Beast Bangle, Sad Scales for Swift Boots, Gravity Stone for Swift Boots, and Training Rings for crafting a Platinum Crown. After winning all those items, you should be able to craft the Swift Boots, though only females can equip it. Upon your return to Gultchfort, report to Gulden about the situation. Then, you will need to talk to all of the main characters to advance the plot. Ciel is in the barracks, Griek in the kitchen, Irene straight down from Gulden's office, Ignus to the left, and everyone else is outside. On your way back inside, talk to everyone again. Griek & Ignus are on the lower left side of Gulden's basement level, Irene is in the barracks, Ciel is in the dining room, and everyone else is in the kitchen. Talk to Irene to rest up and proceed to Phase 5, where Ciel will join your party. Talk to Vaul in the kitchen and have him cook as many S&S Recipes as you can for the "Need Food!" sidequest. After feeding the Dying Youth (named D.D. Enomar) enough times, he will move into the cave to the right of the starting area Inside the Mother Worm. If you fed him enough times and reward you with a Water Ring. There are other rewards later too. As for Ciel, max out the Luftshetelune on Techs & Resonance. She can also equip the mighty Grandray, so craft a Swfitray, then Nobleray, then Grandray for her. Replace Irene with Ciel and put her in the back row. Arrange your party as follows and head to Palfina for a couple sidequests. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando, Dark Rassfeld, Shinecrail Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Surge Gem Ciel: Luftshetelune, Grandray, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb Yaehatae, Stardust Cape, Swift Boots, Lucky Lenses Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GREAT TEMPLE OF PALFINA (Phase 5) [PALF4] Recommended Level: 40 Recommended Party: Levant, Ciel, Griek Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Craft a Light Ring and talk to the Peddler Guy to exchange it for 10 Hard Rock Skins. Climb up to the temple entrance. Talk to the Infatuated Youth and give him the Rock Lizard Stew. By the central entrance, talk to the Gossip Ladies to receive the "Rumors" sidequest. Enter the temple and head to the upper right corner to find a female Researcher. Talk to her to exchange the Cestite Shard for the Cleaning Tools. If you talk to her again, you will receive the "Oops?" sidequest and be in the basement of the temple. Head straight right to fight a Giltine to complete the sidequest. Afterwards, you will have the option of returning the book to her or keeping it. I would recommend keeping the book to receive a Dark Horn for crafting a Wakiya Necklace later, even though it tilts the vessel towards destruction. If you return the book to her instead, you will receive a useless Strength Trinket and tilt the vessel towards creation. Go to Lake Soleil and talk to Gardner to exchange the Cleaning Tools for the Fragrant Oil. Now, let's take care of that monster at Midee Highway. Head to the save point, which you should use. Defeat the Kaizer Mantis above, hopefully winning a rare Aged Mantis Wing from it. If you do not, reload your save, as they are otherwise very difficult to acquire. For defeating it, you will receive an Exorcism Bangle from the Gossip Ladies. Return to the Endless Sands and head to the save point. To the southwest, you should talk to the Immobile Drake to receive the "...Training!?" sidequest. Talk to him again, choose to leave three times, then offer to help him out. Note that you can only successfully pull him out of the quicksand if you have at least four party members. While you don't get a tangible reward, it does greatly tilt the vessel towards creation. Return to Gulchfort and talk to Vaul (the chef) to exchange the Fragrant Oil for the Silver Knife. On your way back out, talk to the elves until you find the Sensible Elf, with whom you can exchange the Silver Knife for the Spirit Clothes, which is exclusive to Levant's path in the trading sequence. If you haven't already fed the Dying Youth 3 times by now, make sure you do so. Heal up outside and save. You may also want to create a backup save file, because once you progress with the plot, you won't be able to go anywhere else for quite awhile. When you are ready, talk to Gulden in his office to head to the Spirit Forest. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SPIRIT FOREST (Phase 5) [SPRT3] Recommended Level: 40 Recommended Party: Levant, Ciel, Griek Enemies: Altaica, Beli (Light), Bergan, Brutal Mantis (Fire), Drakon, Foxy (Fire/Bolt), Goetia (Light), Imperial Guard, Imperial Sniper, Imperial Witch, Juliet (Fire/Light), Patella (Fire/Light), Shell Beast (Bolt), Stall Worm (Water) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ___ |C| |B| |E| D _______|G | | M| ___ |20 | | |_| | | | | |_____ _____ | ___ |17|_| | \22\| 21|__ | _| | |_|6 | |9 8|_ ____| |_ | S | | 19| ¯| | A |10 _ 4| ¯| ¯ 7| | 14| | _______| | 18| |1|_| | ¯| | | | | | |¯¯¯ | _ F| | |_______ \ / | S 23| | |5| | | | | | |11| | 13| | 16| | | ¯| |¯ |C|¯ B A |D| | E| | 12| | 15| | | ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ G S - Save Point F - Force Site (Arnon Gem) M - To Monolith 1 - Taurine Apple x2 2 - Fastile x2 3 - Slash Feather 4 - Spirit Cotton [M] 5 - Green Lapis x10 6 - Taruine Apple x2 7 - Forest Water; *Forest Water/Eladah Tears [H] 8 - Night Drop x2 9 - Spirit Earring [D]/Crystal Necklace [N]/Strength Trinket [C] 10 - Prism Fruit x3 [M] 11 - Healing Herb/Agaricus Mushroom [H] 12 - Energy Mist x2 13 - Moonlight Grass [H] 14 - Silvervine [H] 15 - Serontosphere x3 [M]/Adamastia x3 [F] 16 - Numetake/Shiitake [H] 17 - Gold Ring 18 - Nobleray 19 - Fastile 20 - Premium Silk x2 21 - Life Orb 22 - War God's Seal Once you've entered the Spirit Forest, you cannot leave it, so keep that in mind. Eventually, you will want to win up to 10 Royal Liquids from various Imperials scouting the area. You will need 5 to craft a Master Gem for Irene, so she can still get experience, while in the reserves. 2 Royal Liquids are needed to craft 2 Premium Silks, which in turn will be used for crafting a Goddess Robe later. Finally, save 3 Royal Liquids for cooking Dragon Roasts. You could also win more Dragon Meats by killing Drakons with a void attack. The Grandray's Snake Eater is very effective against them. For now, avoid all enemies, except the Imperials. Go left to a hollowed log with a chest which contains 2 TAURINE APPLES. Backtrack a little and head right to another one with a chest which contains 2 FASTILES, which you should save for crafting a Platinum Crown later. Finally, scan behind the chest to find a SLASH FEATHER. Head straight up to the next area. Continue up to an easy mimic chest which contains a SPIRIT COTTON, which you should use to craft an Elven Mantle for Ciel. Walk left, then down through a tunnel (log) to a chest which contains 10 GREEN LAPIS. Then, head up through a tunnel and scan it to find a 2 TAURINE APPLES. Proceed up to the Sacred Tree. In the water to the right is a harvest point which contains FOREST WATER or rarely, ELADAH TEARS. Scan the area around the tree to find 2 NIGHT DROPS. If you have the reagents, you could craft two Life Orbs and combine them with a Night Drop to craft an Edenova to convert into FP. Open the yellow chest which contains a SPIRIT EARRING (destruction), CRYSTAL NECKLACE (neutral), or STRENGTH TRINKET (creation). Examine the tree and donate 2500 FP to heal it and receive the "Sacred Tree" sidequest. You can donate 2500 FP to it every five battles, to help it recover, up to a maximum of 32500 FP, with some really good rewards, too. Leave the tree, and follow the left path up to another easy mimic chest which contains 3 PRISM FRUITS. Head up to the next area. In the left log is a harvest point which contains HEALING HERBS or rarely, AGARICUS mushrooms. Note that this is the only place in the game you can find Agaricus, though they're not very important. Hug the right wall down to a chest which contains 2 ENERGY MISTS. Behind it is a harvest point which contains MOONLIGHT GRASS. Do not clear the Force Site above yet. Instead, search behind it for a harvest point which contains SILVERVINE. Pass through the tunnel above to another save point. The upper right path leads to the monolith from before (see SPRT2), if you care to revisit it. Don't head up the upper left path, as that leads to the end. Head down the path and right to a smoking chest. I would recommend infusing force to receive 3 ADAMASTIAS, though you can get 3 SERONTOSPHERES if you fight the mimic. Behind it is a harvest point which contains NUMETAKES or SHIITAKES. Use the save point and return to the Force Site to fight 2 Hanshins and a Lot. Try to defeat the Hanshins with a non-fire/wind attack to win Tiger's Claws from them, while also winning a rare Violent Fang, both for crafting Beast King Bands later. For clearing the Force Site, you will receive an Arnon Gem. Now, I would recommend clearing out all the enemies. Between every 5 battles, make sure to donate 2500 FP to the Spirit Tree. After donating 7500 FP to the Sacred Tree, you will receive a Golden Tree Leaf, which you'll need to craft some of the best armor in the game later. Finally, make sure you've gotten all of your Royal Liquids, as they will are otherwise difficult to acquire. When you are ready, heal up, use the second save point, and head up the left path. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Velvet (Blue) HP: 4200 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: She can be pretty tough, as she can attack twice per round for a lot of damage. If you've maxed out the Luftshetelune and have the Shinecrail on Levant, that will help a lot. Levant should use Vibrasteel, which can pierce her defense, just as Griek can do the same with Aerial Cleave. Ciel should use Tinkerbell for her best damage. You should be able to defeat her before she can kill anyone. For defeating her, you will win a Spirit Earring. ******************************************************************************* Scan the area to find a GOLD RING, which you should save for crafting a Platinum Crown later. Continue up the path where you will have an unwinnable boss fight, though you don't want to let everyone die, as that would tilt the vessel towards destruction. Afterwards, Levant will be alone in the Tower of Judgment - Outside Tower 9 section. You don't even have access to Ralu, so you can't Force Scan, and you cannot leave the area. I would recommend avoiding all enemies here and don't worry about the treasure, but equip Levant with the Mercurio Gem. I'll just direct you straight to the end. As such, I won't draw a map here or create a separate section until later in the walkthrough. Use the save point at the start. Head up, then right, down, right, and up to the portal to the next area. Then, just follow the path to fight an Anglaya. Levant's Divine Barrage should kill it. For defeating it, you will win an Evil Shackles. Examine the altar and go through the door to the next ares Then, you will have to fight Levant against himself. Another Divine Barrage should do the trick. Afterwards, you will be in the Spirit Forest. Just walk up to advance the plot and gain some new abilities. Everyone will have new Force Bursts, your Ragnafact Attack levels can max out at 99 (previously 50), your Ragnafact Resonance levels can max out at 50, and your Hexyz Charge can max out to 999%. You will then return to Gultchfort with Irene, so arrange your party as follows, and bring both to the front row. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando, Dark Rassfeld Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Mercurio Gem Irene: Shinecrail, Necrozauwar Yaehatae, Stardust Cape, Swift Boots, Lucky Lenses Don't bother exploring too much, unless you need to win some more Royal Liquids from the Imperials swarming the place. Note that this is your last opportunity to easily acquire them, or else you'll have to get more (rarely) from a harvest point later on. Just head down to Gulden's office, though you may want to save in the kitchen beforehand. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Bahn (Blue) HP: 6000 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: With only two characters, this fight is pretty tough. He's got some fairly powerful attacks, he's fast, and he'll usually get two actions per turn. Hopefully, you've got a full Force Burst gauge. While Irene now has Serpentine Lash, I would still use Fleur-de-Lys, as the former is only slightly stronger and hits all enemies, in exchange for using two Force Burst gauges. Levant should just use Divine Barrage, though it's not especially effective. Irene should be able to defeat him before you need to heal. ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, you will move on to Phase 6. Before moving on with the plot, there are a few sidequests, and old areas that I would recommend checking out. First, if you have the reagents, have Vaul cook 3 more S&S Recipes. Now that the party is back together, bring back Ciel to replace Irene, and restore everyone to their proper formation. At this point, while I still recommend harvesting Narcissus at the Altar of Nervel, I would not convert them into FP, and start stockipiling everything, instead. If you get up to 99999 FP, you can receive the Prism Specs from Bigabu. Once you do, start investing your FP into the Resonance of the Devasti, Runeslave, & Shinecrail, as those will be the ones I use, long-term. Otherwise, you'll want to finish Phase 6 with as close to 99999 FP as possible. Now that we can enter and leave the Spirit Forest at will, there are a few sidequests that you can complete, which are dependent on fighting 5 battles in between each part. Here is the checklist I recommend using. Just fight 5 battles to reset the sidequests and repeat the list until you've cleared all of the B Rank arena battles. - Feed Dragon Roast to Dying Youth at Inside the Mother Worm - Make a harvest run at Lake Soleil - Donate 2500 FP to the Sacred Tree at the Spirit Forest - Fight B Rank battles at the Dragon's Abyss arena After donating 17500 FP to the Sacred Tree, you will receive a Yaesange, though you probably don't need it now. For feeding D.D.Enomar a few more times, he will reward you with Reactor Key B, a Chi Bracelet, & the Ultimate Recipe. You will need to cook the Ultimate Recipe to complete the sidequest, but if you crafted a Master Gem, as I recommended, then you don't have a Knowledge Fruit, but we'll get there. Finally, for winning the B Rank arena battles, you will win an Orb of Hope, Soothsong, & Memory Crystal. Note that the Memory Crystal will unlock the Movies section in the Extras Mode after completing the game. While you're trying to fight battles in between cycles, there are some other things we need to take care of. I would recommend starting with returning to the Tower of Judgment and entering the middle right portal. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando, Dark Rassfeld, Shinecrail Draconic Turban, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Surge Gem Ciel: Luftshetelune, Grandray, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb Yaehatae, Elven Mantle, Swift Boots, Lucky Lenses Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Tough Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem Irene: Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OUTSIDE TOWER 9&10 (Phase 6) [OTR9A] Recommended Level: 42 Recommended Party: Levant, Ciel, Griek Enemies: Altaica, Angeu (Fire/Light), Baskerville, Beli (Light), Drakon, Foxy (Fire/Bolt), Golem (Bolt), Juliet (Fire/Light), Patella (Fire/Light), Stall Worm (Water), Ulexite (Water/Bolt) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ _ __________ _ |5|______ _ | |_| ___ O| _ |8| | 6| |4| | ___| | |¯¯ |A| _ | | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | _| | _ _| |___|F| |O| | | | | ______| | |_S | |1| |3 | | | |7| __| | | S | | |_| |__¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|X| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯---__ | | |¯¯¯¯| | _ | ____ | _ |_| |_|¯¯¯| |¯¯|¯|¯¯¯¯ | |_|_|____|_|____| | |_| | | |2| | | | | |______________ __| | |___| |_ _| |__| | ___| | | |_| | |_________| |________| |A | |_____| ¯¯¯?¯¯ S - Save Point O - Harvest Orb F - Force Site (Arnon Gem) 1 - Arnon Gem x2 [M] 2 - Meteor Boots 3 - Star Sand 4 - Silvervine x4 5 - Tough Bandana 6 - Orb of Wisdom 7 - Yellow Lapis x3 8 - Nightmare Gem Harvest Orb #1 (5000 FP: Bloody Scythe, Orb of Hope, Royal Liquid, Stardust, Steel Lump) Harvest Orb #2 (7000 FP: Decoy Doll Omega, Dragon Scale, Radiant Headband, Reaper Scythe, Watery Robe) Equip the Binoculars to check for how many enemies are here. Normally, there are 6 enemies. However, if you leave and re-enter the area, you may find 7 enemies, so you know the Force Eater is around. Remember to defeat it with a void attack to also win a Nightmare Gem from it. Head down and right at the fork. There is a gap in the floor above, but if you scan it, you will reveal a hidden bridge to a mimic pot which contains 2 ARNON GEMS. Continue along the main path and go up at the fork to a pot which contains the METEOR BOOTS. Return to the save point, and walk up, right at the fork, down, and left to a dead end. Scan it to find a STAR SAND. Proceed right and up to a Force Site where you will have to fight a Rafflesia. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Arnon Gem. Then, take the portal above to the next area. Follow the path to the altar. Go through the door above and scan behind the portal to find 4 SILVERFINES. Take the other path from the altar and the left at the fork. Continue past the next forks up to a pot which contains a TOUGH BANDANA, which you should save for the Peddler Guy. Backtrack a little, then walk right to a pot which contains an ORB OF WISDOM. Head back to the last fork and left to the next area. For some reason, the enemies here are from far earlier parts of the game, so I did not list them above. Head left, down at the fork, right, and up. Scan under the bridge to find 3 YELLOW LAPIS. Continue up and scan the gap in the floor to reveal a bridge to a pot which contains a NIGHTMARE GEM. Backtrack to the altar and exit via the portal at the end. While doing another sidequest cycle, you'll be back at the Spirit Forest. The Imperials have left, so you cannot farm any more Royal Liquids from them. However, you can check out their base camp now. Make your way to the save point in the back and take the upper left path to the base camp. Examine the abberant force and defeat the monsters to learn Banishing Void for the Necrozauwar. Scan the upper right corner to reveal a chest which contains a NOBLERAY, which you should craft into a Grandray, and two other hidden items: a FASTILE and 2 PREMIUM SILKS, which you should save for crafting a Platinum Crown and Goddess Robe, respectively. Under the top tent is a chest which contains a LIFE ORB. In the upper left tent is a chest which contains an WAR GOD'S SEAL, which you may want to save for later. Return to Gultchfort and head down to the left basement level. Go up to the fork, right, and down the stairs in that direction. Scan the first jail cell to find 3 PRISM FRUIT. Scan the second jail cell to find 2 TAURINE APPLES. In the third jail cell is a hidden Force Site where you will have to fight a Charmer, Humerus, & Zmey. You will want __ __ __ F - Force Site* to win a rare Dragon Horn from Zmey to |F | 2| | *Win Arnon Gem craft a Beast King Band for Griek. For __| | | 1|__ 1 - Prism Fruit x3 clearing the Force Site, you will win an |3 __ 2 - Taurine Apple x2 Arnon Gem. Finally, scan the left jail |___________/ 3 - Majin Loincloth cell to find a MAJIN LOINCLOTH. Return to Palfina. Talk to the Busy Man on the right side of the square to receive the "Rampage" sidequest. Then, talk to the Peddler Guy to exchange the Tough Bandana for 25 Devil Grass. Climb up to the temple entrance and give the Star Sand to the Infatuated Youth to complete the "Love Sings" sidequest. While you don't receive a tangible reward, it does help tilt the vessel towards Creation. Then, head to Midee Highway. Make your way to the save point. You may want to equip the Lucky Lenses and save. Go up to fight 2 Kaizer Mantises. If you like, you can win a rare Aged Mantis Wing from them, though I don't think it's necessary. For defeating them, you will receive the Focus Bandana for Levant. Wrap up your remaining sidequests on the list above. Return to Gultchfort to heal up, save, and head to the Fallen City of Altair. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando, Dark Rassfeld, Shinecrail Focus Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Surge Gem Ciel: Luftshetelune, Grandray, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb Yaehatae, Elven Mantle, Swift Boots, Lucky Lenses Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Beast King Band, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem Irene: Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FALLEN CITY OF ALTAIR (Phase 6) [ALTR2] Recommended Level: 43 Recommended Party: Levant, Ciel, Griek Enemies: Altaica, Angeu (Fire/Light), Baskerville, Beli (Light), Bergan, Brutal Mantis (Fire), Drakon, Foxy (Fire/Bolt), Goetia (Light), Golem (Bolt), Juliet (Fire/Light), Patella (Fire/Light), Shade M, Sphira, Stall Worm (Water), Ulexite (Water/Bolt), Zepar (Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______ __ ______ |J|__________ |L|____ ______ _ |A | |20| | | | F' 26 | |____ | | \ | | |2221 | | | | _ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | |_____ \ | |_ ¯¯¯¯| |_|__|__| | | | ______| |___ | | __ \ \ \__ \ __ |_________ | | | |A S | |23 | |K| /32/ _|33|__ \ \ |35|_____|__|_ | | | K| ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯| | ¯ | |_| ___ |_| | |____ _ __ C|| | ¯¯ __________ | |_| |_____ | _ | 30|_ _| ____| |_| |¯ | |____ | ___ 15| |____ _ | | \ ___/ | | | _| |16| ¯¯ _ | | |_ | |¯¯_____ | | | | | |\ | __/ / | | | |¯| |¯¯| | | | | B'| |G| |19 B"| |24| |I| |31| |M| |34 / |B'| |N| |B"| |H| |__| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ___ ____ __ __ |G| |I| _|M|_ | 14|_ | 13 | _ |N| |37| | H| |18| | E| ___| | | | |29 F"| | |¯| |_| |_| | | |_|38| | |_| | | | | ___| | | \ / | ¯ ____| | 36| |____ | | | | | _____________| |___ |L| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | | | | _ 3 _| |_ | __________ | | _____________| | | | | | | | | |¯¯¯¯ 4| | | | |___|28|___| | | |D _ ____| | | | |_| |_| | |¯¯¯__| | | | __| | | ¯¯¯¯| | | | ____| | | _ S_ ___|25|56|_| | | | | C| | E| __ | | |17| | _ 11| |1| | | | | _|¯¯ 7| | | |____| | |10|_| | ¯¯ | | | | |2| | | |_| |D ¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | __ 27| | 8 9¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |12| ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯| J|¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ S - Save Point F' - Force Site 1* F" - Force Site 2* 1 - Moonlight Grass x5 *Win Arnon Gem *Win Stardust 2 - Surgery Orb [M] 3 - Serontosphere/Element Will [H] 4 - Willow Leaf x2 5 - Night Drop x2 6 - Yellow Lapis x5 7 - Night Drop [H] 8 - Steel Shard x2 9 - Taurine Apple/Prism Fruit [H] 10 - Taurine Apple x3 11 - Capy Doll [H] 12 - Serontosphere x2 [M] 13 - Ororon Doll 14 - Stardust x2 [M]/Energy Mist [F] 15 - Mercury x3 16 - Eladah Tears 17 - Nightmare Gem 18 - Adamastia x3 19 - Turtillian Ring 20 - Tough Talon 22 - Hard Rock Skin x2 21 - Serontosphere [M]/Illusion Cloak [F] 23 - Adamastia x2 24 - Gravity Stone x5 25 - Energy Mist 26 - Gothic Ribbon 27 - Eladah Tears 28 - Fastile/Blue Fragment/Phantasm Alloy [H] 29 - Steel Lump 30 - Fastile x2 [M] 31 - Alchemy Crystal x5 32 - Arnon Gem 33 - Black Steel 34 - Glowing Metal x3 35 - Orb of Wisdom [D]/Ragnaraid [N]/Orb of Hope [C] 36 - Adamastia [H] 37 - Incaross 38 - Steel Lump This area has three teleporters powered by three reactors. They are denoted on the map by A'/B'/C', corresponding to their reactor and key name. Reactor A is already active, but you will need to find the other reactor keys in order to activate the reactors and their teleporters. However, since you cannot have acquired Reactor Key C yet, you will have to come back later, if you want to use it. While you are here, you should try to win up to 4 Abominable Horns from Zepars, using any element, for crafting a Wakiya Necklace later. Also, note that the Grandray's Exorcism is very effective against Zepars. First, hug the left wall around to two chests, one of which is a powerful mimic, which contain 5 MOONLIGHT GRASS and a SURGERY ORB. From the save point, go up and right along the upper wall until you find a harvest point which contains SERONTOSPHERES or ELEMENT WILLS. Continue right and down to scan the isolated corner to find 2 WILLOW LEAVES. Follow the outer path clockwise until you can enter a center area with a chest which contains 2 NIGHT DROPS. Scan the area to find 5 YELLOW LAPIS. Finally, walk to the lower right corner to find a harvest point which contains NIGHT DROPS. Return to the outer path and go left to the teleporter to the upper area. While in the upper area, Levant will constantly be afflicted with the Fear status, reducing his defense, but that shouldn't be a problem. Head down to a well with a harvest point which contains TAURINE APPLES or PRISM FRUITS. Scan it to find 2 STEEL SHARDS. Follow the path around to the left to a chest which contains 3 TAURINE APPLES. Take the other path right to a pile of loose bricks with a harvest point which contains CAPY DOLLS. Heal up and walk down to a powerful mimic chest which contains 2 SERONTOSPHERES. Finally, go up to find the reactors. Head up to Reactor A and scan behind it to find an ORORON DOLL. Reactor C is to the right, but we can't do anything with it for now. Instead, head left to Reactor B. If you've progressed enough through the "Dying Youth" sidequest, you should have Reactor Key B to activate it. Walk clockwise around behind Reactor B to a smoking chest which contains an ENERGY MIST if you infuse force or 2 STARDUSTS if you fight the mimic. At this point, you can either go back to the entrance to use the B teleporter or not. The next paragraph will assume you do, or you can just skip it. Return to the entrance, go left and up to the next area. Proceed up and right to a chest which contains 3 MERCURY. Take the other path from the fork to the Reactor B teleporter. Head up and right to a huge crack in the ground. Scan the very bottom to reveal a chest which contains an ELADAH TEARS. Sadly, you cannot cross to the right, so you'll have work your way around. I would recommend healing up back at Gulchfort before continuing on. Return to the first teleporter you took up to the floating ruins. This time, head right past the first fork and down to a chest which contains a NIGHTMARE GEM. Continue right from the last fork, then up past another to a chest which contains 3 ADAMASTIA. Go left at the fork to the next area. If you activated Reactor B, hug the left walk around to a teleporter to a chest which contains a TURTILLIAN RING. Head straight up to another chest which contains a TOUGH TALON. Backtrack to the start, walk up and left at the fork. At the end is a amoking chest which contains an ILLUSION CLOAK, if you infuse some FP, or a SERONTOSPHERE, if you fight the mimic. Scan the area to find 2 HARD ROCK SKINS. Take the portal to a save point, which you should use. Go right under the bridge. Turn around to find a chest which contains 2 ADAMASTIA. Continue along the path and down to a chest which contains 5 GRAVITY STONES. From the intersection, proceed right to an isolated path to a chest which contains an ENERGY MIST. Clear all the enemies in the previous area, including the one to the left of the intersection. Along the left path, once you go down a couple stairs, scan the area to find a GOTHIC RIBBON. Backtrack to the save point to use, and return to the last treasure. Proceed left to a Force Site to fight 2 Stone Beasts. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Arnon Gem. Continue left and up to the monolith altar to find a harvest point which contains FASTILES, BLUE FRAGMENTS, or PHANTASM ALLOYS. I would recommend harvesting at least one Fastile for crafting a Platinum Crown soon. Under the stairs in the lower left corner is a chest which contains ELADAH TEARS. The above portal only activates with Reactor C, which we cannot do yet, so return to the save point, which you should use. Take the portal up, backtrack to the last fork, and follow the upper path to a portal. Proceed along the path to the next area. Inside the Force Site, you will have to fight an Alloces & Smierc. You will want to win a rare Dark Horn from the Alloces and a rare Reaper Scythe from the Smierc, both for crafting the Wakiya Necklace later. If you don't get them both, reload your save file and try again, until you do. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust. Scan the upper left corner to find a STEEL LUMP. Continue up to the next area. Go up and right into a small area with a powerful mimic chest which contains 2 FASTILES, which you should use to craft a Platinum Crown for Ciel. Head left and down to a chest which contains 5 ALCHEMY CRYSTALS, then up to a chest which contains an ARNON GEM. Backtrack a little, then walk right to a fork which you should scan to find a BLACK STEEL. Continue up to another Seal of Rivelias. For clearing it, you will learn Galvanization for the Necrozauwar. From the fork, hug the lower wall clockwise to the last chest which contains 3 GLOWING METALS. Finally, follow the right path up to the teleporter to Fort Faulken and arrange your party as follows. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando, Dark Rassfeld, Shinecrail Focus Bandana, Veteran's Mantle, Meteor Boots, Surge Gem Ciel: Luftshetelune, Grandray, Aero Orb, Electric Orb Platinum Crown, Elven Mantle, Swift Boots, Lucky Lenses Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Beast King Band, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem Irene: Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FORT FAULKEN (Phase 6) [FORT4] Recommended Level: 45 Recommended Party: Levant, Ciel, Griek Enemies: Ankou (Fire/Light), Azi, Charmer (Fire/Bolt), Eligos (Light), Evil Ooze (Light), Fiyance, Grunere (Water/Bolt), Humerus (Fire/Light), Ixion (Wind), Lot (Light), Rakshe, Shell Beast (Bolt), Sondaica, Sphira, Stall Worm (Water), Tyrant (Bolt), Ulexite (Water/Bolt), Yuki (Fire) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ ______ ______ _ ____ ___|68|___ |31 | | 29#| |2728| S - Save Point | 66 | ¯¯¯¯| | | |¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ # - Soldier Location _| | | | | | | |____ F' - Force Site 1* |63 |_ _| |____ _| |_ | |2526| *Win Arnon Gem |64 67 ----- # 30 --- Q | |¯¯¯¯ F" - Force Site 2* |65 |¯ ¯| |¯¯¯¯ ¯| |¯ | |____ *Win Arnon Gem ¯| | | | | | | |2324| FF - Force Site 3* |___ __| ____| | | |____| |¯¯¯¯| *Win Stardust |___| |32 | |_____________| ¯¯¯¯¯¯ __ __ __ __ __ _____ ___ ___ _____ | |21| | |15| _|P|_ _____ _____ | __ | 39| |# | __ | | | | | | |___ _/14_ \_ | | | | | X| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |41 | | | Q |_| R | | | | | | | | _______ |42 | | 18 _ | |¯\_| _/¯| | | T| | | U| | ¯¯ | 40| | | ¯¯ | | | | |19|16| | | | S | | | | ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯| ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ | |22| |20|17| |P| |___ ___| | 34| ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ |O| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ _______ ________ ______ | 10| | ___ ______ ________ | Y| W | __ ___| __ | L |11 12| M| | | |___ __| ___ | K|45 |A' | |__ __| | | _ _ |___ | |X | | | |__ | | |V | | | | |R | U#| | |__ | | ¯¯ ¯¯¯ |46 | | |__ __| | |T | | |35 | | | | | |_______ ___|____| | | |¯¯ ¯ ¯ | | |43| |38| _| S|_ |____________| |33 | 36| ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ W L ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯|____|¯ _____ _____ | 9|6 | __ ____ _____ _| __|__ |_ ________ ______ | 7|G |Y 44Z| K |B' A'|S D | |D | N| | 8 | | |__ |_____| _ |_____| _ | __ | | | __| O|__ |_ _| | |F' E | | | V| | | | | # F"| | | | _____|__ _ |____ ____| |_____| | |13M |__ __| | | | | _| |_ |# | ¯¯¯ | | | | |____________| _| | |37 | C | N| |J | E | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯|_ _| | | I' _____________ __ ______ _____ | | | 2| _______ I'_______ __ | E'| H'| __________ __| __ _____|__| | | _ _ |58| | ___| __| |B | B |4 | | | |____|_|_____| | | | |C' | |_______ | __ |____| __ __| | _ _____ _ | | | |__ __ | | | | | | | | | |56| | | | | | |57| | B'| | | __ | | |__ _____| | A| | | | | | _ |_ | | FF47| | | |5 | | | 3| | |_ |_ _| | | |__| | |¯¯ ¯¯ | | |C | | |_______| |55| | | ¯| | | | _______| | ¯¯¯¯ | ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ J'¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ | | G'| |__________| ___ _ _ _ ____ |D'| | | S_G | | | | | | |Z | ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _| |___| |_| |_| | |__ | __ K' __ _____ ______ ______ __ H ___ _ _ S| |__ | | | | | | | | 48|E' 49|H' | | ¯| | | | | | | | | | |_ \| |/ _| J' | ___|______|___ | | |I| |_| |_| |_| |____| \ S / _| |_ | C'|___|52|___| | / /¯ ¯\ \ | 59| | ¯¯¯| __| | #| ___ _| | 60 | |_ ¯| |¯ |___ | | |53| |__| _______ | _H | A| _ |¯| _ | | | | |____| | |50| | ___ | | | |I|_|__|_|J| | | ¯61| | | | | __|__________|54| | | | _| |_| | |__________| \ \_ _/ / | | | |D'|51S| |G' ¯¯ | | |_|______ | | 1| _/ ___ \_ | | | | |___ |___ | |___ | |___| | | |62 / \ | | | | | | | _| | |SF| | | | | K' |_____|_____________|__| |___| | | ¯¯ ¯¯ 1 - Reaper Scythe x2 2 - Fairy Garland x2 3 - Dividing Liquid x5 4 - Purifying Orb 5 - Glowing Liquid x4 6 - Amber x3 7 - Energy Mist x2 8 - White Lapis x5 9 - Healing Herb x5 10 - Royal Liquid x3 11 - Adamastia x2 12 - Stardust x3 13 - Purple Lapis x2 14 - Spirit Cotton 15 - Energy Mist 16 - Black Ashes x3 17 - Narcissus 18 - Aged Mantis Wing 19 - Igneous Orb 20 - Stardust 21 - Divinova 22 - Arnon Gem 23 - Phantasm Alloy 24 - Dragon Horn [M] 25 - Royal Liquid [M]/Rune Bangle [F] 27 - Reactor Key C [M] 26 - Narcissus [D]/Eladah Tears [N]/Nightmare Gem x2 [C] 28 - Hyper Fasteel 29 - Wicked Eye 30 - Purple Lapis x4 31 - Chimera Blood 32 - Arnon Gem x2 33 - Surgery Orb 34 - Black Ashes x2 36 - Orb of Wisdom [D]/Orb of Hope [N]/Soothsong [C] 35 - Devil Grass x2 37 - Adamastia x3 38 - Majin Overcoat x2 39 - Steel Lump 40 - Frozen Nail x2 41 - Gothic Ribbon 42 - Alhest Solution x2 43 - Alchemy Crystal x5 44 - Red Lapis x2 45 - Yellow Lapis x2 46 - Rare Scale 47 - Bat Wing 48 - Power Orb 49 - Decoy Doll Beta 50 - Orb of Hope 51 - Abominable Horn 52 - Star Sand/Black Fragment; *Fastile/Black Fragment/Phantasm Alloy [H] 53 - Pointy Horn x3 54 - Moonlight Grass x10 55 - Trom Bone x2 56 - Invigorating Orb 57 - Alhest Solution/Royal Liquid/Waste Water [H] 58 - Defense Orb 59 - Silvervine x3 60 - Night Drop 61 - Moonlight Grass 62 - Serpent Skin 63 - Dark Revalens 64 - Millenium Laver x5 65 - Yellow Lapis x7 66 - White Lapis x10 67 - Serontosphere 68 - Venzalum Gem Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item -------------------+-------------+---------+------------------------ Mermaid Scale x20 |Any (rare) |Charmer |Watery Robe x4 > Goddess Robe Dividing Liquid x40|Void |Evil Ooze|Watery Robe x4 > Goddess Robe Lion Fang x2 |Any (rare) |Rakshe |Beast King Band Tiger's Claw x9 |Any-fire/wind|Sondaica |Beast King Band, Beast Bangle Violent Fang x6 |Any (rare) |Sondaica |Beast King Band Fine Fairy Wing x20|Any |Yuki |Watery Robe x4 > Goddess Robe Once you've acquired the Mermaid Scales, Dividing Liquids, & Fine Fairy Wings, you should be able to craft 4 Watery Robes. Then, use those to craft the Goddess Robe for Ciel. You'll need the Tiger's Claws, Violent Fangs, & Lion Fangs to craft the Beast King Band, once you find another item here. Head up and scan under the bridge to find 2 REAPER SCYTHES, which you'll want to save for crafting a Wakiya Necklace later. Continue up to fight a Garmr and Grunere. After defeating them, climb up to the next floor. Go right and scan the area above to find 2 FAIRY GARLANDS. Backtrack to the left, down, and right to a chest which contains 5 DIVIDING LIQUIDS. Walk left, up, left, up past the stairs, right, down at the fork, and left to a chest which contains a PURIFYING ORB. Then, take the stairs to the next floor. Follow the winding path around to the end, where you should scan to find 4 GLOWING LIQUIDS. Then, climb the stairs to the next floor. Walk down the hall to the central area. Head up from the save point to a chest which contains 3 AMBERS. Heal up, save, and take the other path down. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Axel (Blue) HP: 9200 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: Normally, I would recommend using multiple buffs, but since he can dispel your entire party, I won't. He can also get two actions per turn, but not too often. Griek will be your main source of damage, using his Berserk Force Burst followed by Aerial Cleave. Levant should use Vibrasteel and Ciel uses Tinkerbell. For defeating him, you will win the Brave Cape for Levant. ******************************************************************************* Head left to the next area and a Force Site to fight a Smok. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Arnon Gem. Backtrack a little, then hug the outer wall around to a chest in the upper left corner which contain 2 ENERGY MISTS. Walk down a little, then right and around to the steps to the next floor. Go straight down to the bridge area you passed under earlier. Continue to the office at the end. Scan the upper left corner to find 5 WHITE LAPIS. Return to where you fought Axel. At this point, the fort is going to become much more open-ended. I'll direct you almost straight to the end for now, since it's usually best to explore the branching paths later. Walk up to the wall, then hug it clockwise to the end of the hall where you should scan to find 5 HEALING HERBS. Backtrack a little and take the left stairs up to the next floor. Go up and around to a chest which contains 3 ROYAL LIQUIDS. Then, hug the outer wall to the save point and head right to the next area. Follow the path until you can go up the middle to the wall. Scan the area to the left to find 2 ADAMASTIA. To the right is a chest which contains 3 STARDUST. Go back down and hug the outer wall to the next floor. Turn around and scan by the stairs to find 2 PURPLE LAPIS. Then, continue up to the next area. While there is a Force Site to the right, I recommend temporarily passing it and proceeding up to the next area with a save point. Go back to the Force Site where you will have to fight an Ukidona. Defeat it with a fire, bolt, or void attack to win a Spotted Skin from it, which you will need to craft a Wakiya Necklace later. Return to the save point and start climbing the spiral staircase. As you start climbing, scan behind the generator to find a SPIRIT COTTON. After passing the wing on the right, keep climbing until you can go up to another room, though it's kind of hard to see. There's a ton of smaller rooms here with treasure to take. Walk around to the upper right bedroom and scan it to find an ENERGY MIST. On the other side below you is a chest which contains 3 BLACK ASHES. Scan the area to find a NARCISSUS. In the next room to the left are two chests which contain an IGNEOUS ORB and AGED MANTIS MING. Scan the area to find a STARDUST. Go left two more rooms and up to a chest which contains a DIVINOVA. On the other side below is a chest which contains an ARNON GEM. Backtrack to the staircase and continue up to the fourth floor at the top. Take the lower path to the lower right room with switches, hereafter referred to as 1/2/3/4 from left to right. Flipping any two switches up will cause one of two effects. If they are correct, it will open a door. If they are wrong, you will have to fight 5 Shade P's. Flip switches 3&4 up. Backtrack a little, and walk up the hallway to the first room with two chests which contain a PHANTASM ALLOY and a powerful mimic chest which contains a DRAGON HORN, which you should use to craft a Beast King Band. Flip switch 4 down and switch 2 up to unlock the second room. The first chest contains a ROYAL LIQUID, if you fight the mimic, or a RUNE BANGLE, if you give it some force. Open the yellow chest for a NIGHTMARE GEM (creation), ELADAH TEARS (neutral), or NARCISSUS (destruction). Flip switches 2&3 down, then 1&4 up to unlock the third room. Open the two chests which contain the HYPER FASTEEL (equip on Levant) and a powerful mimic chest which contains the REACTOR KEY C. In between them is another Seal of Rivelias. For clearing it, you will learn Raven Storm for the Necrozauwar, mastering its final tech. Return to the floor entrance and follow the path up to a dead end. Scan by the lower left corner to find a WICKED EYE. Then, go left from the start to the next area. As you walk through the hallway, keep scanning until you find 4 PURPLE LAPIS. When you reach the door, go up to a chest which contains a CHIMERA BLOOD, and down to a chest which contains 2 ARNON GEMS. Go back down to the Force Site to heal up, equip Ciel with an Aidcane, and save. Then, go back up to the fourth floor and left through the door to the throne room. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Dark General (Blue) HP: 11000 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: He can't dispel your buffs, so have Ciel use the Aidcane's Ethereal Weapon on Levant, though I wouldn't use it on herself. He does have some fairly powerful attack that can hit your entire party, so watch out for them. Griek should use Berserk & Aerial Cleave, Levant should use Vibrasteel, & Ciel should use Tinkerbell. It should only take a couple rounds to defeat him. ******************************************************************************* After defeating him, you'll be back out of the throne room. Sadly, you cannot re-enter unless you are playing Hard Mode, and only later in the game. Head right to find Soldier A, and you'll have to save him by defeating an Alloces, Garmr, & Mevious. On your way out, you'll need to find 8 soldiers, including this one, and evacuate the fort, but they're everywhere, denoted by the # on the map above. I saved the treasures I skipped earlier, because that's where the soldiers are now, so let's find them. Go back right to the previous area and up the path to Soldier B. You will have to defeat an Alaseed, Ixion, & Metatarsal to rescue him. Then, climb down the stairs to save. Return to the second floor and right to the area we passed up earlier. Head down to a chest which contains a SURGERY ORB. Backtrack to the start, and proceed up and around to the stairs to the next floor. Walk counter-clockwise to the lower right corner. Scan the area to find 2 BLACK ASHES. Then, take the upper path to the stairs to the next floor. Defeat the Spunky & Tyrant to the right to rescue Soldier C. Scan the upper left corner to find 2 DEVIL GRASS. Head down to a yellow chest which contains a SOOTHSONG (creation), ORB OF HOPE (neutral), or ORB OF WISDOM (destruction). Return to the save point and go down to find Soldier E. Don't worry, we didn't miss Soldier D. Defeat the Alaseed, Ixion, & Metatarsal to rescue the soldier. Heal up, save, and continue down. Walk around to the center of the floor, up a little, and left down the stairs. Frollow the path until you find Soldier D. Defeat the Chrome, Lucretia, & Moa to rescue him. Open the chest which contains 3 ADAMASTIA. Backtrack to the previous floor, and head left to the previous save point. Continue left to the next area. Head left and down to an intersection, then right to a dead end which you should scan to find 2 MAJIN OVERCOATS. Then, go left from the intesection to the third floor. Walk around to the right and up to a chest which contains a STEEL LUMP. On the other side below, scan to find 2 FROZEN NAILS. Make your way to the right, and up when you can to find Soldiers G&H. Defeat the Alaseed, Ixion, & Metatarsal to rescue them. Finally, proceed to the right side of the floor and into the small room to the left with two chests which contain a GOTHIC RIBBON and 2 ALHEST SOLUTIONS. Backtrack to the intersection on the previous floor and take the lower path to a fork. To the left is a chest which contains 5 ALCHEMY CRYSTALS. Go up from the fork and right to a small area. Scan the middle to find 2 RED LAPIS. If you continue right, you will find a red door at the end, which you cannot open. The door leads to Faust's Lab, but you can only acquire the key in Hard Mode. Instead, return to the save point in the central area. Now we'll use the upper right path. Go left at the fork to a dead end and scan the area to find 2 YELLOW LAPIS. Now, take the other path past the stairs to find a chest which contains 2 RARE SCALES. I would recommend saving now, then going down the steps to the next floor. Continue along the path to the first basement of the central area. Turn around and scan by the stairs to find a BAT WING. Inside the Force Site are 2 Hanshins and a Spunky. For clearing the Force Site, you will win a Stardust. Go up, then left to the second basement level. Above the stairs is a chest which contains a POWER ORB. Follow the path down to another set of stairs back up. Proceed up past the fork to the steps to a small room with a chest which contains a DECOY DOLL BETA. Return to the Force Site and walk around to the steps in the lower right corner of the floor. Head right and up to a chest which contains an ORB OF HOPE. Then, go down, left, down, left, and up to the save point before the monolith. Scan the area to the left to find an ABOMINABLE HORN, which you'll want to save for crafting a Wakiya Necklace later. Go through the door and up to the monolith altar to find a harvest point which contains STAR SAND or BLACK FRAGMENTS. Note that this is the only time you can acquire Black Fragments, except in Hard Mode. Walk up the left stairs to a chest which contains 3 POINTY HORNS. Backtrack to the Force Site, then head to the upper right corner to the steps to another isolated area. Go right and down to a chest which contains 10 MOOBLIGHT GRASS. Hug the right wall clockwise to find Soldier F. Defeat an Alaseed, Ixion, & Metatarsal to rescue him. That's all the soldiers and treasure, so let's get out of here. Return to the second floor, take the left stairs down to the first floor, and leave the fort via the southern exit. Climb the stairs to the left and go straight down to a room that you should scan to find 2 TROM BONES. Then, head up and right to the upper bridge. At the fork, proceed down and left down the stairs to a chest which contains an INVIGORATING ORB. Return to the bridge and continue all the way to the right. Below are stairs to a seemingly isolated area. However, in the lower right corner is a secret passage to the right. Hug the right wall up to a harvest point which contains ALHEST SOLUTIONS, ROYAL LIQUIDS, or WASTE WATER. Note that this is the only place in the game where you can farm Waste Waters, and the only way to farm more Royal Liquids, at this point in the game. Finally, open the chest above which contains a DEFENSE ORB. Backtrack to the exit and head down to the gate area. Scan to the right to find 3 SILVERVINES. Continue down to the part area. Talk to the Immobile Elf near the save point to receive the "Missing!" sidequest from her. Walk down to the lower left light post and scan it to find 2 SERPENT SKINS. Head right, up, and right in the middle ring area. Scan in the lower right area to find 2 MOONLIGHT GRASS. Then, scan above the center statue to reveal a chest which contains a NIGHT DROP. Talk to the Lazy Soldier above to exchange the Spirit Clothes for the Hover Soles (equip on Griek), the final reward for the trading sequence, and ultimate boots in the game, that cannot be crafted. Heal up and save back at Gulchfort. Head to the Spirit Forest and donate 2500 FP to the Spirit Tree. Then, go to the back of the area by the second save point to find the elf's master. For finding him, you will receive the GUARDIAN BRACER. If you got Reactor Key C, head to the reactors at Altair. Use the key on Reactor C on the right and infuse 100 FP to activate the portals. Go to the monolith altar and climb the stairs to the now active portal. Proceed left past the fork and up to a chest which contains an ORB OF HOPE (creation), RAGNARAID (neutral), or ORB OF WISDOM (destruction). Then, walk down from the fork to the next area. Follow the path to the lower right corner to find a harvest point which contains ADAMASTIA. Then, head up to a chest which contains the INCAROSS Ragnafact. It does have the Seventh Sense ability, that grants the Charge status to yourself, which would greatly help with magical damage. However, I just don't think its other abilities are worth investing the FP into, when we're going to acquire a bunch of other Ragnafacts soon. Scan the area to find a STEEL LUMP. Return to Gultchfort to heal up, save, and then go to the Crimson Chamber of Guidance at the Tower of Judgment. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Levant: Holy Krauvando, Dark Rassfeld, Shinecrail Beast King Band, Brave Cape, Hyper Fasteel, Surge Gem Ciel: Luftshetelune, Grandray, Igneous Orb, Electric Orb Platinum Crown, Goddess Robe, Swift Boots, Lucky Lenses Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Beast King Band, Veteran's Mantle, Hover Soles, Mercurio Gem Irene: Master Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OUTSIDE TOWER 11&12 (Phase 6) [OTRBC] Recommended Level: 51 Recommended Party: Levant, Ciel, Griek Enemies: Alaseed, Alloces (Light), Bolvolt, Chrome (Water/Bolt), Garmr, Hanshin, Heliamphora (Fire), Metatarsal (Fire/Light), Mevious (Light), Mignon (Fire), Smierc (Fire/Light), Spunky (Fire/Bolt), Zmey =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ _____________ _________| | |D 5 6| _ _ |C | _ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯ | | _________ |1| ¯¯|F|¯¯¯¯| | | |_ _ |S|____| |____ | |8| | |A| _ |4|_ | | | B| | | |______| |__ | |___|7|___| _| |_ |A| ¯| | | |__| |¯ _ | |________| | | | | _| / \ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |__ _| |B| | ________ | | | | | |9| / \ ¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ _ | | | |_| |______ | |__| | | |_____| | \ / | |____|O|___| | | | | 3| |______| |_________| \_____/ | 2 | ¯¯¯|C|¯¯|X|¯ |D| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ |_| F - Force Site (Arnon Gem) S - Save Point O - Harvest Orb 1 - Prism Fruit 2 - Alchemy Crystal x2 3 - Decoy Doll Alpha 4 - Irispira [M] 5 - Dragon Horn x2 6 - Steel Lump 7 - Star Sand/Prism Fragment [H] 8 - Grandedge 9 - Serontosphere x5 Harvest Orb (10000 FP: Big Ogre Mask, Dividing Liquid, Orb of Hope, Prism Fruit) You may notice that two new portals are open now. While you have access to the Outside Tower 13 section via the purple portal, I would recommend saving that for later. Instead, go up through the door and scan behind the portal to find a PRISM FRUIT. Then, take the portal to the Outside Tower 11 area. This area is relatively shorter than the others. By default, this area will have six enemies, but will have seven with a Force Eater. Hopefully, you will have defeated 10 Force Eaters now, so you can unlock an achievement. Also, you will want to defeat Bolvolt with a fire, bolt, or void attack to win up to 4 Lion Fangs from them, which will be useful in crafting Hero's Capes later. Go down, right, down at the fork, and right to a fork where you should scan to find 2 ALCHEMY CRYSTALS. Continue right, up to a fork, right, up, and right to a portal to the next area. Follow the path to a pot which contains a DECOY DOLL ALPHA. Backtrack to the previous area, then go left at the fork, up, and left at the next one to a Force Site, where you will have to fight a Mantrap. For clearing the Force Site, you will receive an Arnon Gem. Then, open the powerful mimic pot which contains an IRISPIRA. Finally, go left from the fork to the portal to the next area. Follow the path, taking a right at each fork to the save point. Equip Ciel with an Aidcane, then head up to the altar. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Long (Red) HP: 13350 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: He's got a ton of HP, but that's the worst of it. Ciel should cast Ethereal Weapon on Levant, while he uses Hellstinger from the Dark Rassfeld. Griek should use Berserk and Aerial Cleave. After using the Aidcane, Ciel should use Snake Eater on Long. For defeating it, you will win a Majin Fang. ******************************************************************************* Scan the area to find 2 DRAGON HORNS. Head right to a pot which contains a STEEL LUMP. Examine the alter to open the door to the Tower of Judgment monolith. You are automatically sent to the next area, so in order to get the treasure here, you would have to go all the way through the Tower 11&12 section to the last portal to get back here. At the monolith is a harvest point which contains STAR SAND, or a rare PRISM FRAGMENT. Scan behind the monolith to find a GRANDEDGE. Finally, climb the left stairs to reach a chest which contains 5 SERONTOSPHERES. =- While the next boss fight is the same on both paths, I'm still going to keep it separate in the walkthrough, because there are still a few unique areas and sidequests to take care of after it. Now that you have your new party members and Ragnafacts, it would be a good idea to put them to use. Of the new Ragnafacts, I recommend using the Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, & Grantein. Max them out on Techs, save 24000 FP for later, and dump all your remaining FP into Resonance for them. Now, you can finally convert all those force crystals & Edenovas (via Narcissus/Night Drop). If you want to really get a ton of FP, you could try crafting various earrings, Experience Gems, cooking recipes, and Orbs of Wisdom. Heal up, arrange your party as follows, and save. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Beast King Band, Brave Cape, Hover Soles, Surge Gem Luffina: Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, Aidcane Platinum Crown, Stardust Cape, Swift Boots, Wakiya Necklace Rafael: Grantein, Shinecrail Beast King Band, Veteran's Mantle, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= UPPER TOWER OF JUDGMENT (Phase 7) [UPER2] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _| |_ Scan the area behind the portal to find 2 SAD SCALES. _| |_ Then, head up to find someone waiting for you. F'S ¯|_ _|¯ ********************************************************** | | BOSS TIME: Dark Emperor (Blue) / \ HP: 14800 \ / WEAKNESS: None _| |_ STRATEGY: He's got a lot of HP, but with our new |F S| preparations, we can take him. Griek should start by ¯|1|¯ using his Berserk Force Burst, then using Aerial Cleave. ¯ Luffina should use the Aidcane's Ethereal Weapon on Rafael S - Save Point and use her Electro-Cute Force Burst. Rafael should then F - Force Site use the Shinecrail's Vibrasteel. Eventually, the Dark F' - Force Site* Emperor will buff up his defense, so have Luffina cast *Win Energy Mist Dispel Light. You should almost have him then. 1 - Sad Scale x2 ********************************************************** For defeating him, Axel will join your party with the Holy Bluebaide, Brave Cape, & War God's Seal. Give the Brave Cape to Rafael. Then, head up to another Force Site where you'll have to fight a Lucretia, Bandhavgarh, and Yanluo. For clearing the Force Site, you will win an Energy Mist. Before going through the Upper Tower, let's take care of some sidequests. If you've followed the walkthrough up to now, you should have cleared every Force Site in the game. Return to Gultchfort to talk to Bigabu. For clearing every Force Site, you will receive a Knowledge Fruit. If you have defeated 10 Force Eaters by now, you will receive the Cerelcris Gem. This will unlock a secret S Rank battle at the Dragon's Abyss arena, but not yet. Finally, once you get Levant up to Level 50, you will unlock another achievement and receive the Encylopedia, which will unlock the Item inventory in the Extras Mode. If you have the 6 Matsutakes with the Knowledge Fruit, have Vaul cook the Ultimate Recipe. Here's a cycle of sidequests you should do every 5 battles. - Make a harvest run at Lake Soleil - Donate 2500 FP to the Sacred Tree at the Spirit Forest - Fight A Rank battles at the Dragon's Abyss arena For donating a cumulative total of 32500 FP to the "Sacred Tree", you will complete the sidequest and receive a Knowledge Fruit (convert). For winning all of the A Rank battles at the Dragon's Abyss arena, you will win a Spectrum Ring, Platinum Crown, & Brave Cape. Finally, feed the Imperial Feast to D.D. Enomar to complete the "Need Food" sidequest and receive the Old Filament, which is needed for the Neutral ending, though you can only get it during a New Game+. You can still get more rewards from him later, though. With every party member in the game, you can now access some locked doors that you previous could not at the Outside Tower areas. The red sword doors and blue spear doors will now open just by touching them. Here's a list of what you'll find behind each door, though most of them aren't worth it. 1) Miracle Ring - Outside Tower 1 [OTR12] 2) Strength Orb - Outside Tower 3 [OTR34] 3) Storm Shoes - Outside Tower 5 [OTR56] 4) Harvest Orb (3000 FP: Unicorn Wings, Narcissus, Moonlight Grass) - Outside Tower 8 [OTR78] 5) Wicked Eye x2 - Outside Tower 12 [ITRBC] __| |__ If you look on your world map, you will \ 3| 1 - Stardust now notice the Fort Faulken Outskirts /1 | 2 - Moonlight Grass x3 area. From where you start walk northwest |2 / 3 - Healing Herb x4 to a chest which contains a STARDUST. \ / Scan behind the chest to find three | | MOONLIGHT GRASS. Finally, scan the upper | | right corner to find 4 HEALING HERBS. Finally, return to the Chamber of Guidance and enter the upper right portal. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Beast King Band, Brave Cape, Hover Soles, Surge Gem Luffina: Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, Blazecane, Grandray Platinum Crown, Goddess Robe, Swift Boots, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein, Shinecrail Beast King Band, Brave Cape, Hyper Fasteel, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OUTSIDE TOWER 13 (Phase 7) [OTR13] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: None =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______ __ /C' _|/B'\ There are three orbs here denoted by A'/B'/C', which /A/¯¯|E| /B/\ \ correspond to doors A/B/C in this area. You need /B/____¯ /2/ _\ \ Cecilia, Levant, & Axel to activate their corresponding | C 3| _¯ |D E| orbs, which cost 4000, 8000, & 12000 FP, respectively. \C\¯¯¯¯_ \1\ ¯¯¯¯ Go right to activate the first orb to reach a chest \ \__| |_\A\ which contains a TEDDIE POUCH. Then, go left to a \D A'/ portal. Pass the next one to the next orb to reach a ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ chest which contains a CRYSTAL CROWN. Finally, take 1 - Teddie Pouch the last portal to another orb, to reach the last chest 2 - Crystal Crown which contains the SLIM CYLINDER, which is needed to 3 - Slim Cylinder acquire the Neutral ending. Note that the Slim Cylinder is exclusive to Levant's path, while Cecilia has her own exclusive piece. Each will carry over to the other's path in a New Game +, so you can unlock the Neutral ending. Unfortunately, you cannot get the Neutral ending on your first playthrough. With the Crystal Crown you just found, return to Palfina. Talk to the Peddler Guy to exchange the Crystal Crown for 5 Dragon Horns. When you are ready, return to the Upper Tower of Judgment. You should see three wings to the tower from the second Force Site. In order to progress with the plot, you will need to clear all three wings, which will activate the central portal to the final wing. However, you can clear them in whichever order you like. Note that while there is a save point at the end of each wing, there is no Force Site, so don't use your expensive abilities on the way. Try to stick to Spirifacts, Force Bursts, and mid-range abilities (ie: Hellbound). Luffina's Twinkle Heal Force Burst is also great for restoring RP. Here's a list of items you'll want to look out for: Item |Element |Enemy |Crafted Item ----------------+----------+---------+------------ Ogre Mask |Any (rare)|Dantalion|Beast Bangle Dragon Scale x10|Any (rare)|Smok |Hero's Cape You should be able to craft the Beast Bangle. However, you won't be able to craft the Hero's Capes until Phase 8 on Levant's Path. You don't have to win all the Dragon's Scales here, since you'll soon gain access to an easier source of them. I just figured I'd note for you to keep an eye out for them. Heal up, save, and enter the west wing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. FINAL CHAPTERS [LAST1] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= UPPER TOWER OF JUDGMENT - WEST WING (Phase 7) [UPER3] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: Alloces (Light), Bandhavgarh, Coy (Fire/Bolt), Dantalion (Light), Giltine (Fire/Light), Grokster (Water), Hornblende (Water/Bolt), Lucretia (Fire), Mantrap (Fire), Smok, Stone Beast (Bolt), Ukidona, Wijeen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _ ____ S - Save Point |B| |A| |2| 1| 1 - Orb of Hope _____|S| | | | | |¯¯ 2 - Ragnaraid ___ | _ _|___ | | | __¯¯| 3 - Decoy Doll Beta / \ |8| | |_| _| | |_| |__| |_ 4 - Irispira x2 | | ___|¯| | __|6|_ |___ __ _ 5 - Wicked Eye x2 \9 / | _ | | ___ | _ | |__| | 6 - Yellow Lapis x2 | | | | | |_| |___| | _|4| | __| 7 - Air Greaves | | |7| |_______ _| |5 |_| | |__ 8 - Stardust x2 |B| ¯ |A| ¯| | 3| 9 - Purple Lapis x2 ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ Follow the path up and around to a pot which contains an ORB OF HOPE. Go back to the last fork, then go left and scan the area above to reveal a pot which contains a RAGNARAID. Head down to the lowest fork, then head right and down to a pot which contains a DECOY DOLL BETA. From the fork, take the left path down and around to another one. Scan above to find 2 IRISPIRA. To the left is a pot which contains 2 WICKED EYES. Backtrack to the center area and proceed left along the path to the next area. Walk around the pit above clockwise. When you see another pit above, scan above it to find 2 YELLOW LAPIS. Continue left, down, and left to a pot which contains the AIR GREAVES (equip on Rafael). Go back to the last fork, then go straight up to the wall and left to a pot which contains 2 STARDUSTS. Head all the way to the right and up to a save point, which you should use after equipping the Aidcane on Luffina. Proceed up to the final area. Slowly walk up and scan for 2 PURPLE LAPIS, which you want to procure before meeting someone waiting for you. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Dark Elf (Blue) HP: 12600 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: Griek should use Berserk, while Luffina casts Ethereal Weapon on Rafael. Don't focus too much on buffs, since she can dispel them. Griek should attack with Aerial Cleave, Rafael should use Vibrasteel, and Luffina should cast Ball Lightning, unless you have 2 Force Burst gauges to cast Electro-Cute. For defeating her, you will win the Montklein ragnafact. ******************************************************************************* Afterwards, you will automatically be returned to the beginning. Note that the Montklein could be useful for its Charge buff, but I prefer the versatility of the Aidcane. Heal up, save, and go right to the East Wing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= UPPER TOWER OF JUDGMENT - EAST WING (Phase 7) [UPER4] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: Alloces (Light), Bandhavgarh, Coy (Fire/Bolt), Dantalion (Light), Giltine (Fire/Light), Grokster (Water), Hornblende (Water/Bolt), Lucretia (Fire), Mantrap (Fire), Smok, Stone Beast (Bolt), Ukidona, Wijeen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= S - Save Point ____ ____ _ ___ 1 - Majin Horn | 2| |3 | |4| | |A| ___ 2 - Aidsong | ¯¯¯| |¯¯¯ | | | | | |S|__ / \ 3 - Lux Orb ¯¯| |_| |¯|_ _| | | | | 7| | 8| 4 - Golden Tree Leaf ¯¯¯ | | _---_ | | |_| |¯¯ \ / 5 - Miracle Orb ___1 _| | | |__ | ___| | | 6 - Two-headed Skin _| |_| | | |56 | |_ | | 7 - Surgery Orb |_________| ¯|_|___| |A| 8 - Amber x2 Scan the lower left pillar ahead to find a MAJIN HORN. Then, head up and around to a pot which contains an AIDSONG. From the pillars, go down, right, and up at the fork to a pot which contains a LUX ORB. Backtrack to the fork, and proceed along the right path to the next area. Walk up to a pot which contains a GOLDEN TREE LEAF, which you will need to craft a Hero's Cape later. Return down the path, right, down, and left to a pot which contains a MIRACLE ORB. Turn around and scan behind you to find a TWO-HEADED SKIN. Then, go up along the path, right at the fork, and right at the next one to a pot which contains a SURGERY ORB. Head up from the fork to a save point, equip the Aidcane on Luffina, and continue up for a reunion. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Dark Dragon 1 (Blue), Dark Dragon 2 (Blue) HP: 12000, 8600 WEAKNESS: None, but resistant against all, except Light STRATEGY: Buff up as usual with Berserk on Griek and Ethereal Weapon on Rafael. Then, they should use Aerial Cleave & Vibrasteel for most of your damage. Luffina should either focus on healing, or use Electro-Cute, when you have enough Force Burst gauges. However, the trick to this fight is that it's actually two separate battles, causing you to have to rebuff between them. Also, he can change his aspect to red between his turns. If so, then Rafael should use Gaia Shockwave or his Stormbringer Force Burst, instead. For defeating him the second time, you will win the Vandild. ******************************************************************************* Scan the right side of the platform to find 2 AMBERS. This time, you'll have to walk all the way out of the wing. The Vandild is Ignus' Ragnafact, with all of his Force Bursts. However, I still think that Griek and Rafael are better choices. Once you are back to the Force Site, heal up, save, and head up to the North Wing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= UPPER TOWER OF JUDGMENT - NORTH WING (Phase 7) [UPER5] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: Alloces (Light), Bandhavgarh, Coy (Fire/Bolt), Dantalion (Light), Giltine (Fire/Light), Grokster (Water), Hornblende (Water/Bolt), Lucretia (Fire), Mantrap (Fire), Smok, Stone Beast (Bolt), Ukidona, Wijeen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ____ S - Save Point _________ |3 | 1 - Watery Robe ___ |A| | _ ___---¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ |___ 2 - Ogre Mask / \ |S|___| |___| ¯|¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 2 | 3 - Taurine Apple x2 | 8 | |_____ 4|_____ | |¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯_| 4 - Strength Orb \ / _| |5 6| | |¯ |¯¯|_|1| 5 - Training Ring | | | | |¯|_|¯ |__ ¯¯ | 6 - Spirit Cotton |A| |7| | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯ 7 - Swift Orb ¯ ¯¯¯ 8 - Adamastia x2 First, follow the path right to a pot which contains a WATERY ROBE. Then, go left from the pillars, up, right past the fork, and scan the groove in the railing to find an OGRE MASK, which you may need to craft a Beast Bangle, if you're on Levant's path. Head up from the fork and hug the upper wall counter-clockwise to a pot which contains 2 TAURINE APPLES. Backtrack to the last fork and proceed left to the next area. Follow the path around to a fork with a pot which contains a STRENGTH ORB. Continue down and scan the next fork to find a TRAINING RING. Head right to a pot which contains a SPIRIT COTTON. From the fork, go down and around to a pot which contains a SWIFT ORB. Return to the first fork, and walk left to a save point. Equip Luffina with the Aidcane, heal up, save, and proceed up to find an old friend of Griek's. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Phantasma Omega (Blue) HP: 15600 WEAKNESS: Bolt (20%) STRATEGY: She's got quite a bit of HP, but nothing we can't handle. As usual, buff up with Berserk on Griek and Ethereal Weapon on Rafael. Omega can potentially counter your attacks, so only use very powerful attacks like Aerial Cleave, Vibrasteel, Electro-Cute, & Ball Lightning, to mitigate the counters. She can also put you to sleep, so you may need to cast Nightingale to cure it. You should be able to defeat her with minimal healing, though. For defeating her, you will win the Grendle ragnafact. ******************************************************************************* After defeating Phantasma Omega, scan the center of the platform to find 2 ADAMASTIA. Return to the first area and you'll find the central portal is now activated. Heal up, save, and enter the portal. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= UPPER TOWER OF JUDGMENT - CENTRAL WING (Phase 7) [UPER6] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: Alloces (Light), Bandhavgarh, Coy (Fire/Bolt), Dantalion (Light), Giltine (Fire/Light), Grokster (Water), Hornblende (Water/Bolt), Lucretia (Fire), Mantrap (Fire), Smok, Stone Beast (Bolt), Ukidona, Wijeen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |A|___ |¯|_|B| |C| S - Save Point | _ | _________|___ | _____ |6| _ 1 - Dragon Scale | | |3| | _ _ |___| | |4 | | | | | ___ 2 - Butterfly | | ¯ | | | | | | ___| ¯¯¯| |_| |_| |___ / 8 \ 3 - Defense Trinket | ¯¯¯¯¯ | |_| |1| |___ |¯¯¯ S _ | | | 4 - Arnon Gem x3 | |¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯| _ | | |¯| |¯¯¯¯¯| | | | \ / 5 - Strength Orb |2| |¯¯¯ |_____ _| |_| | | | | |_____|_|_| | | | 6 - Keen Fang ¯ | |¯| |7 | |A| | 5|B| |C| 7 - Crystal Necklace ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 8 - Blue Lapis x4 Head up and right to a dead end that you should scan to find a hidden DRAGON SCALE. Then, walk to the left wall and down to a pot which contains a BUTTERFLY. Go up past the fork, and right at the next one to a pot which contains a DEFENSE TRINKET. Proceed up to the next area. Continue up to a four-way intersection. The path above leads to a pot which contains 3 ARNON GEMS. The path below leads to a pot which contains a STRENGTH ORB. The path to the right lead to a save point. Head up to the torches, which you should scan to find a KEEN FANG. However, don't keep going up yet. Instead, go right from the save point and down to the next area. Make your way to the lower wall and left to a pot which contains a CRYSTAL NECKLACE. Heal up, save, and proceed straight up to the final boss here. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Dark Sage (Blue) HP: 15000 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: As before, he can use Optimizer, so be careful about using your buffs. When casting Ethereal Weapon on Rafael, make sure that he will get a turn before the Dark Sage can potentially dispel it. Griek should use Berserk and Aerial Cleave, while Rafael uses Vibrasteel. Luffina should cast Electro- Cute when she can, or Ball Lightning for her best damage. For defeating him, you will win three of the Stigald Fragments and his Olfelt ragnafact. ******************************************************************************* If you talk to Philia, that is the no turning back point. However, there are still a couple things we can do. First, defeating the Dark Sage unlocks the S Rank arena battles at the Dragon's Abyss. For winning them, you will win a Master Gem, Radiant Headband, & Majestic Earring. There are also three more S Rank battles you can unlock through achievements. Achievement |Title Reward |Battle Reward -----------------------+-------------+------------- Defeat 10 Force Eaters |Cerelcris Gem|Hover Soles Defeat 20 Dopplegangers|Slygale Gem |Evil Shackles Play 100 hours |Ragphobia Gem|Zankburg Tea The Hover Soles is the only one of real value, so I would just get that one for Rafael. However, there is also another place that you have unlocked after defeating the Dark Sage. Back in the Black Precipice entrance to the Tower of Judgment, you may have noticed a locked door in the lower right corner of the area. Now, it is open, so let's check it out, but save and read the following section before doing so. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Griek: Runeslave, Devasti Beast King Band, Brave Cape, Hover Soles, Surge Gem Luffina: Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, Necrozauwar, Grandray Platinum Crown, Goddess Robe, Swift Boots, Lucky Lenses Rafael: Grantein, Shinecrail Beast King Band, Brave Cape, Hover Soles, Mercurio Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CHAOS CHAMBER (Phase 7) [KAOS1] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: Axel, Bandhavgarh, Black Mariah (Light), Cecilia, Ciel, Colossus (Bolt), Coy (Fire/Bolt), Griek, Hornblende (Water/Bolt), Ignus, Irene, Kaizer Mantis (Fire), Levant, Luffina, Rafael, Sallos (Light), Winecke, Wyrm, Yanluo (Fire/Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Chaos Chamber is a strange place. It's a single large room with the map being determine by which way the vessel is tilting or which ending you're going to get. There are several portals in the area. Your entry point is randomly determined, as is the only active exit portal to get out of here. All of the enemies her are the toughest in the game. However, on the field map, they all looks the same, so you can't tell what you'll be fighting in advance, so it can be difficult to farm reagents from them. The reason you might want to check this place out is for the rewards. Upon entering the Chaos Chamber, there will be a single chest in the room. Its location is the same every time, depending on which version of the room you got. If you get into a battle, the chest disappears, so you'll need to grab it before they can catch you. Note that the Illusion Cloak and Peace Mantls will not help you with that here. There are also several traps to impede your progress, like damage spikes, red grass that will slow you down, and ice floors to make evading enemies more difficult. Here are the potential contents of the chest, depending on which way the vessel is tilting. Creation: Rainbow Tiara, Special Pouch, Radiant Headband Neutral: Savior Chain, Goddess Robe, Hero's Cape Destruction: Venus Guard, Light Trinket, Goddess Necklace After collecting the chest three times with a single map, each subsequent run will only reward a Nightmare Gem. However, if you change the way the vessel is tilting, you can get a new map and those three treasures. On a regular New Game, I don't think the Chaos Chamber is worthwhile, as there is either better equipment or the existing rewards are relatively easily crafted. However, if you are playing on a New Game +, you can get some ultimate equipment that cannot be crafted or otherwise found. For the purpose of this walkthrough, I will assume that you are not playing a New Game +. Creation+: Shining Crown, Holy Winged Orb, Tai Chi Headband Neutral+: Legendary Garb, Royal Mantle, Brilliant Robes Destruction+: Spinel Turban, Elven Barette, Skolg's Horn While the enemies here are pretty tough, it also makes the Chaos Chamber a great place for level-grinding. As you can see from the enemy list, you can encounter doppleganers of your own party members. They are even tougher, give tons of EXP/FP, and scale with your levels. To clarify, there is an achievement relating to doppleganers. I've heard various theories, but I'm pretty sure that you only need to kill 20 Dopplegangers, which would be consistent with the related Force Eater achievement. Again, I don't think it's worthwhile, but you can do it, if you like. In any case, once you've finished your business, all you have left to do is head to the final dungeon. Note that this is your final opportunity to change the ending. Most likely, you have the Creation ending by now. If you want to change it to the Destruction ending, try running from battles for about half an hour. If you want the Neutral ending, you will not only need to balance the vessel, but also acquire all 6 Stigald Fragments. Scuffed Glass - Won from Dark Sage Rusted Plinth - Won from Dark Sage Crystal Fragment - Found at Inside Tower 13 Slim Cylinder - Found at Outside Tower 13 Odd Tetrahedron - Won from Dark Sage Old Filmanet - Reward from "Need Food!" sidequest Note that you cannot acquire both the Crystal Fragment and Slim Cylinder on a regular New Game. You need to acquire one in your first playthrough, continue into a New Game +, and then you will receive it at the beginning of Phase 7. When you are ready, talk to Philia where you fought the Dark Sage to be taken to the final area. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HOLY LAMBENT (Phase 8) [HOLY1] Recommended Level: 50+ Recommended Party: Griek, Luffina, Rafael Enemies: Black Mariah (Light), Colossus (Bolt), Hornblende (Water/Bolt), Kaizer Mantis (Fire), Sallos (Light), Winecke, Wyrm, Yanluo (Light) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________ | | | _____ | ___ |13| | | | |/10/ | |_ __| | | / /_ __ | S| E____| |9 | |12|_| |¯ ¯¯¯¯| | | ____| __ ___ ____ | | | | |11| C__ \ / ___D | | ___ | |_____| | \ \/ / ___| | | E||________ | S - Save Point \/ / D_____| | |¯ | | F - Force Site / /\ ____ | |___________| | 1 - Nightmare Gem _| |\ \ | __C |________________| 2 - Decoy Doll Omega |_ 8| | |_| |_ 3 - Golden Tree Leaf ______ | | |6 _| |7| |A| 4 - Green Lapis x8 B____ | | |_|_|_| |¯ _| | _ 5 - Command Cloak ___|_|_|_________| | _| | | 6 - Adamastia x2 | _____B | | | |3|___|_|______ 7 - Prism Fruit | | | |_____| | |___ ________ | 8 - Blue Lapis x6 | | |_________| ___| | | |_ | | 9 - Eladah Tears | |__________ |2 | | F| | | 10 - Nocturne Wing |____ 4____ | ¯|_|¯ | |¯ / / 11 - Draconic Force /5/ ___| | _______| |__/ / 12 - Orb of Hope ¯¯ | ___| |1 S / 13 - Prism Fruit x10 |A| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There's no turning back now. While you are here, you'll want to get the rest of those Dragon's Scales to craft those Hero's Capes. Fortunately, they are now common drops from Wyrms, if you kill them with a non-void attack. If you are on Levant's path, you will also need to win 3 Draconic Forces, also rarely dropped by Wyrms. Head down to an already cleared Force Site to use, and a save point beyond that. Go left to find a pot which contains a NIGHTMARE GEM. Then, follow the path right and around to a fork. Walk down and left to a pot which contains a DECOY DOLL OMEGA. From the fork, go left a little then up to a platform that you should scan to find a GOLDEN TREE LEAF, which you should use to craft a Hero's Cape for Rafael. Finally, take the left path up to the next area. Follow the path around to an orb which you should scan to find 8 GREEN LAPIS. The lower path leads to a pot which contains a COMMAND CLOAK, while the upper path leads to a portal to the next platform. Continue along the path to another orb that you should scan to find 2 ADAMASTIA. The right path leads to a pot which contains a PRISM FRUIT, while the upper path leads to a portal to the next platform. Proceed along the path to another orb which you should scan to find 6 BLUE LAPIS. Head past it to the portal to the next platform. Walk around to an orb which you should scan to find an ELADAH TEARS. On the upper right platform is a pot which containsa NOCTURNE WING. Finally, go along the path up from the orb to the next area. Walk along the path to a fork where you should go up to a pot which contains a DRACONIC FORCE. Return to the fork, go left, and up at the next fork to a pot which contains an ORB OF HOPE. Take the right path to another fork. Slowly climb the upper stairs, and scan halfway up to find 10 PRISM FRUITS. Backtrack to the fork and head right to the final save point. Here's my recommended setup for the final battles ahead. Minimum Stats 1) Everyone at experience Level 40, preferably 50. 2) Ragnafact Techs maxed out. 3) Ragnafact Atk at Level 31. 4) Ragnafact Resonance at Level 20, preferably 50. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Griek: Runeslave, Devasti, Orb of Hope, Orb of Hope Beast King Band, Hero's Cape, Hover Soles, Surge Gem Luffina: Algenteria, Holy Riafalt, Aidcane, Orb of Hope Platinum Crown, Goddess Robe, Swift Boots, Wakiya Necklace Rafael: Grantein, Shinecrail, Orb of Hope, Orb of Hope Beast King Band, Hero's Cape, Hover Soles, Beast Bangle While my setup and strategies will work for you at the minimum recommendations, I personally had my experience levels in the upper 50s, with all my Ragnafacts' Resonance maxed out at Level 50. When you are ready, head upstairs to the final battles. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Galiza (Void) HP: 22222 WEAKNESS: Light (20%) STRATEGY: Galiza can summon a couple enemies to help him out, every now and then. If he does, Earthquake, Gaia Shockwave, or Electro-Cute are your best bets. Otherwise, Griek should use Berserk & Aerial Cleave. Luffina should cast Ethereal Weapon on Rafael and Ethereal Force on herself. Then, Rafael should use Vibrasteel or Stormbringer on Galiza, while Luffina casts Radiant Strike. For defeating him, you will win a Knowledge Fruit. ******************************************************************************* After defeating Galiza, it may be a good idea to return to the Force Site to heal up. Replace any Orbs of Hope that you may have used up, or your Aidcane, if necessary. If you are on track for the Creation or Destruction ending, you will fight the next two bosses. Otherwise, skip down to the Neutral final boss. Climb the stairs and enter the door above. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Delgaia (Void) HP: 26000 WEAKNESS: Light (60%) STRATEGY: He's got some pretty powerful attacks, but nothing you can't handle. His worst attack is Catastrophe, which can inflict several status ailments on the party. Buff up the party with Beerserk on Griek, Ethereal Weapon on Rafael, and Ethereal Force on Luffina. Griek should always use Aerial Cleave. Early in the fight, Rafael should use Stormbringer, but later, you'll want to save your Force Burst gauge for the next fight, and use Vibrasteel, instead. Once everyone is buffed up, Luffina should either heal or cast Radiant Strike. By the time your buffs wear off, you should almost have him. ******************************************************************************* FINAL BOSS TIME: Galiza (Void)/Nor-Gaia (Void) HP: 44444/40000 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: The final boss will be Galiza (Creation) or Nor-Gaia (Destruction), depending on which ending you will get, though they are mostly the same. Aside from some stat differences, their attack patterns are the same. They will shift their aspect every round in the following pattern: white > red > white > red > blue, and repeat the cycle. Start with the same buffs as before. During their white phase, Griek should use Berserk Barrage, while Rafael uses Stormbringer (if available), Guard Break (once), or Gaia Shockwave. Luffina should attack with Ball Lightning, since they're strong against light, now. During their red phase, Griek should use Aerial Cleave, while Rafael uses Gaia Shockwave, and Luffina heals. During their blue phase, Griek should use Aerial Cleave, Rafael should use Vibrasteel, and Luffina should cast Electro-Cute. However, they will also cast Agnus Dei during their blue phase, a devastating attack on your entire party. If you're not above Level 50, you may want to have everyone defend, so you can survive the attack. Even then, Luffina does not have a lot of HP, so she may need to defend. Afterwards, you may want to use Twinkle Heal or an Orb of Hope to restore your HP/RP. Just keep repeating these steps until you defeat them. ******************************************************************************* If you got the Neutral ending instead, you won't even fight Delgaia at all, instead having to fight a completely separate, single, final boss. ******************************************************************************* FINAL BOSS TIME: Force Necrious (White), Creation Vessel (Blue), Destruction Vessel (Red) HP: 77777, 5000, 5000 WEAKNESS: None STRATEGY: Your first task is to defeat the two Vessels, though Griek can afford to buff up with Berserk. Not only do the Vessels have their own attacks, but they can also massively heal Force Necrious. Furthermore, as long as they're alive, he will counter attacks on him by reducing your HP to 1, so Luffina should focus on healing until they are dead. Earthquake, Stormbringer, and Gaia Shockwave are your best bets to take out the vessels. Once they're out of the way, Force Necrious isn't much of a threat alone. However, he will revive the Vessels, eventually. Until then, Griek should use Berserk Barrage, Rafael should use Stormbringer or Gaia Shockwave. Luffina should have enough time to cast Ethereal Weapon on Rafael, Ethereal Force on herself, and possibly cast Ball Lightning on Force Necrious. Keep repeating these steps until you defeat him. ******************************************************************************* Congratulations on beating the game. Regardless of which path you took, sit back and enjoy your ending. I'd highly recommend trying the other path or even Hard Mode, if you haven't checked them out. The fun has just begun! Thanks for reading! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V. BONUS CONTENT [BNUS1] The following sections will explain the bonus content from beating the game. Note that this section will contain plot spoilers, so just a fair warning. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1) ENDINGS [ENDG1] Each path has three potential endings: creation, destruction, or neutral. The primary factor in determining which ending you get is which way the vessel is tilting. While this is viewed beteween each Phase, you do not need to wait for this confirmation to take advantage of it. In addition to changing the ending, the status of the vessel influences other things as well. - Yellow chests will change their contents - The map of the Chaos Chamber, as well of the potential chest contents - The title of Phase 8 - The final bosses There are several factors that influence which way the vessel will tilt. By default, it starts tilting towards Destruction. Here's a list of everything I know that affects this and which way they tilt the vessel. - Winning a battle (creation) - Winning a boss fight (creation) - Choosing the correct dialogue option, when given (creation) - Completing most sidequests (creation) - Purifying Force Sites (creation) - Running from battle (destruction) - Using the Dark Rassfeld or Dark Revalens (destruction) - Losing a boss fight you don't have to win to advance the plot (destruction) - Choosing the incorrect dialogue option, when given (destruction) - Advancing the "Peddler Guy" sidequest (destruction) - Keep the book from the "Oops?" sidequest (destruction, Levant only) Regardless of which ending you ultimately want to get, I strongly recommend playing through the game, as though you're trying to get the Creation ending. First, the contents of yellow chests tend to be better when the vessel is tilted towards Creation. Second, it seems much easier to manipulate the vessel towards Destruction than Creation. Still, even if you don't do any sidequests, you should be able to reach Creation by the end of the game, if you just fight every random battle. Assuming that you do have the vessel tilting towards Creation, you can change the ending very easily. Just run from a lot of battles, as this seems to affect the vessel far more than winning battles. To balance the vessel for the Neutral ending, you'll want to be careful. When you've gotten it pretty close, save, try running from running from a couple battles, check, reload your save, and repeat. However, you will also need to acquire all 6 Stigald Fragments. Scuffed Glass - Won from Dark Sage Rusted Plinth - Won from Dark Sage Crystal Fragment - Found at Inside Tower 13 Slim Cylinder - Found at Outside Tower 13 Odd Tetrahedron - Won from Dark Sage Old Filmanet - Reward from "Need Food!" sidequest Note that you cannot acquire both the Crystal Fragment and Slim Cylinder on a regular New Game. You need to acquire one in your first playthrough, continue into a New Game +, and then you will receive it at the beginning of Phase 7. With the 6 fragments and the vessel balanced, talk to Philia to go to Phase 8, which will be titled "The Truth of Berge". She will then assemble all of the fragments to create the Stigald. At the end, you won't fight the Creation or Destruction final bosses, but instead fight someone else... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2) New Game+ [PLUS1] Upon completing either path once, you will unlock New Game+ and Extras Mode. You can then continue into the other path, where some things will cary over. When you complete both paths, it will unlock Hard Mode. Here is a list of everything that will carry over into a New Game+ and in which mode. - Your main four characters' levels will carry over to the other path when they join you in Phase 7. That means Cecilia, Rafael, Luffina, & Ignus on her path, while this would be Levant, Irene, Griek, & Ciel on his path. Note that while Ciel joins both paths, she is considered a character on Levant's path. This also carries over to her joining in Phase 4 in the Spirit Forest on Cecilia's path. (Normal) - Leftover FP (Normal) - Main four characters' Ragnafact Levels (Normal) - Titles/Achievements (Normal) - Game Time (Normal) - All Ragnafact Levels (Hard) - Non-event Forcefacts (Hard) - All Fusion Recipes (Hard) Note that if you complete Hard Mode, and then New Game+ into Normal Mode, you will still retain all the benefits from Hard Mode. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3) Extras Mode [XTRA1] Upon beating the game, you will unlock Extras Mode on the title screen. This will include 5 sections, some of which require certain items to unlock. - Items (Encyclopedia, Level 50 Title reward) - Enemies (Scanning Specs, "Cries of the Deceased" arena battle reward) - Art (automatically unlocked) - Movies (Memory Crystal, "The Charming Ones" arena battle reward) - BGM (music, automatically unlocked) The Items section lists every Ragnafact, Spirifact, & Forcefact that you have acquired. Note that this does not have to be all at the same time, since some items are exclusive to one path or the other. The Enemies section lists every enemy that you have defeated. Note that this includes every variation of each enemy, including repeat encounters. Most notably, the Mother Worm from the Endless Sands has two different entries on each path, depending on whether you kill all four Sand Worms in the previous area or not. The Art section shows every avatar that you've seen in the game from various lines of dialogue. Of the more difficult ones to acquire, Ciel's Hurt avatar is only seen during Levant's Neutral ending. The Movies section allows you to replay any of the anime cutscenes that you have seen in the game. None are exclusive to the Creation or Destruction ending. However, two awesome cutscenes are exculsive to the Neutral ending. The BGM section allows you to replay any music that you have heard in the game. None are exclusive to the Creation or Destruction ending. However, the Neutral ending does feature new final boss music. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4) Hard Mode [HARD1] After beating the game, continue into the other path via a New Game+. Then, beat the New Game+ to unlock Hard Mode, which features some exclusive content. In Hard Mode, all enemies have double HP and a 50% boost to all other stats. While your experience levels still do not carry over, all of your Ragnafact development, your non-event Forcefacts, and Fusion recipes DO carry over, giving you a fair fight. If you are going to play through Hard Mode, I would recommend at least maxing out the Ragnafacts' Resonance of the main four characters of whichever path you are going into. Maxing out their Atk Levels would be nice as well. Since your experience levels do not carry over, I would strongly recommend equipping a Mercurio Gem equipped at all times, and a second or third one when you get it, since they stack. Finally, the most difficult part of Hard Mode is that enemies have much higher evasion. Don't be afraid to use high accuracy or mid-range attacks, if you need to. Another change to Hard Mode is that when you defeat Phantasma Omega at the Upper Tower of Judgment, it will also drop the Cerulean Key. This will unlock Faust's Lab at Fort Faulken. To get back there, you will need to use the teleporter at Altair, which only reactivates in Hard Mode. However, before doing that, I would head back up to the throne room, which is now open, even for Cecilia. Note that all of the enemies in Fort Faulken are now the same as those found at the Holy Lambent. Walk up to the throne to find the DARK REVALENS, a pretty good Ragnafact with great Atk growth and abilities. Scan behind the throne to find 5 MILLENIUM LAVERS. In the upper left corner, go through the door to the Ragnafact altar and scan the area to find 7 YELLOW LAPIS. To the right of the throne, push into a secret passage in the wall. Walk down and scan the passage periodically to find 10 WHITE LAPIS. Once you come out the other side, go down to the wall and left across an invisible bridge. Scan the bridge to find a SERONTOSPHERE. Finally, hug the outer wall clockwise across another invisible bridge to a chest which contains the VENZALUM GEM, exclusive to Hard Mode. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5) Faust's Lab [FLAB1] I felt that Faust's Lab deserved its own separate section. Before heading there, I would recommend arranging your party as follows. Minimum Stats 1) Everyone at experience Level 50, preferably 60. 2) Ragnafact Techs maxed out. 3) Ragnafact Atk Levels maxed. 4) Ragnafact Resonance maxed. Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Cecilia: Holy Riafalt, Montklein Agile Horn, Brilliant Robes, Hover Soles, Wakiya Necklace Axel: Holy Bluebaide, Ressurection Orb, Ressurection Orb, Ressurection Orb Agile Horn, Royal Mantle, Hover Soles, Savior Chain Irene: Shinecrail, Incaross, Aidcane, Resurrection Orb Agile Horn, Goddess Robe, Hover Soles, Wakiya Necklace ___ ___|¯|___ ___ The closest save point to the lab is on the second | | 2 |1 | floor, Central Area. Go left a little, down to the | | | |¯| | wall, left, up, and right down the steps. Continue | | | |4| | right down some more steps. At the bottom of the area | | 3 | | is a red door that will open with the Cerulean Key. | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | Walk down the stairs and around to a chest in the upper | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ right corner which contains an ALHEST SOLUTION. Head ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ left and down a ramp to a lower area with a chest which 1 - Alhest Solution contains a PHANTASM ALLOY. Climb the stairs to the 2 - Phantasm Alloy left and walk to the desk in the lower right. Scan the 3 - Black Steel x2 area find 2 BLACK STEEL and 2 POINTY HORNS. When you 4 - Pointy Horn x2 are ready, examine the robot in the middle. ******************************************************************************* BOSS TIME: Phantasma Zero (Void) HP: 19998 (bestiary says 9999, but you can only fight him in Hard Mode) WEAKNESS: Holy (60%) STRATEGY: This is the optional superboss of the game. Despite only a moderate HP value, this fight is extremely tough. It has attacks that can deal upwards of 7000 damage and always attacks twice per round. Your goal is essentially to kill him before he kills you. Only use buffs, if that character will get another turn before Phantasma Zero does. Everyone will want the Charge status: Irene from the Incaross' Seventh Sense, Cecilia from the Montklein's Concentraion, and Axel from the Aidcane's Ethereal Force. Your main source of damage will be from Cecilia's Radiant Strike or Seraph Wave, when available, Axel's Judgment, and Irene's Southern Cross, being the strongest holy-elemental attacks in the game. You'll need to revive people constantly, so hopefully, you'll be able to finish it quickly. ******************************************************************************* For defeating Phantasma Zero, you just win a Phantasm Alloy, Master Gem, and a great sense of accomplishment for defeating the toughest boss in the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VI. SIDEQUEST LIST [SDQS1] The following is a list of every sidequest in the game that I'm aware of. Some are exclusive to one path or the other, as I will denote. I will also list other optional activites in this section, even if they aren't really sidequests. While I'm pretty sure I know the earliest point in the game that you can receive each sidequest, I'm not sure when they become unavailable, so I don't list them as such. Just acquire the sidequests when they're first available, and you'll be fine. Also, completing most sidequests will tilt the vessel towards Creation, unless otherwise specified. Note that this section will contain spoilers to the plot, so just a fair warning. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1) Survivors (Cecilia, Phase 1) You can receive this sidequest from a Cleric on B1F of the Great Temple of Palfina. He is located by the steps that lead to B2F. After receiving the sidequest, head down to the basement and straight right to find 5 Manis to fight. For defeating them, you will receive a Sanocane. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2) On the Road (Cecilia, Phase 2) You can receive this sidequest from the Worrisome Cleric just outside the right entrance to the Great Temple of Palfina. Head to the Force Site at Midee Highway. Continue east until you find 2 Fahs & a Rafflesia, which should be easy enough to defeat. Upon your return trip, talk to the Worrisom Cleric again to receive a Long Cape. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3) Save a Tree (Cecilia, Phase 4) This sidequest is a little tricky to acquire, because I'm not 100% certain of it's prerequisites. I think you have to advance the "Sacred Tree" sidequest until you have donated 17500 FP, to unlock this sidequest. On the first floor of Gultchfort, head to the lower right corner of the floor. You will be next to two stairways down, of which you should take the lower right. Then, you can receive this sidequest from the Worrisome Elf in that area. Return to the Sacred Tree and fight the 5 Quails. For defeating them, you will receive a Knowledge Fruit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4) Bunny Tribe (Cecilia, Phase 5) You can receive this sidequest from the turtillian Training Guard on the left side of the left basement level of Gultchfort, which will also unlock the Denmail Highway area. Head to the center of the area to find the Bolvolt to fight. For defeating it, you will receive the Scout Specs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5) Interloper (Levant, Phase 2) You can receive this sidequest from the Turtillian guarding the stairs down to Gulden's office, after Ciel has joined the party. Then, head down a little and left downstairs to find 3 Laplace to fight. For defeating them, you will receive a Cestite Comb. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6) Rampage (Levant, Phase 6) You can receive this sidequest from the Busy Man on the right side of the town square at Palfina. Head to the save point at Midee Highway and up to fight two Kaizer Mantises. For defeating them, you will receive a Focus Bandana. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7) Oops? (Levant, Phase 5) You can receive this sidequest from the female Researcher in the upper right corner of the first floor of the Great Temple of Palfina. In the basement, head straight right to fight the Giltine. After defeating it, you have two options. If you choose to return the book, completing the sidequest will tilt the vessel towards Creation, and you will receive the Strength Trinket. If you choose to keep the book, completing the sidequest will tilt the vessel towards Destruction, and you will receive a Dark Horn. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8) Trading (Cecilia, Phase 1; Levant, Phase 2) While not an actual sidequest, the trading sequence is an optional activity you can pursue over the course of the game. You'll receive an item, then have to trade it for various other items, over the course of the game, until you get the final reward. While the general process is the same, the sequence is not, so I will list it for both paths here. Most items are tradable upon meeting the NPC, unless otherwise stated. Cecilia's Path =-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1) Cleric's Hat: Received from Resting Cleric at the Palfina Quarters. 2) Short Pencil: Received from Cheerful Girl outside Palfina Temple. 3) Worn Rag: Received from Busy Man at Palfina town square in Phase 2. 4) Torn Document: Received from Cool Drake on B1F of the Dragon's Abyss. 5) Cestite Shard: Received from Intellectual Elf on western B1F at Gultchfort. 6) Cleaning Tools: Received from Researcher on 1F of Palfina Temple in Phase 5. 7) Fragrant Oil: Received from Gardner at his house at Lake Soleil. 8) Silver Knife: Received from Vaul at the B1F kitchen at Gultchfort. 9) Spirit Beacon: Received from Sensible Elf by B1F stairs at Gultchfort. 10) Hover Soles: Received from Lazy Soldier at Fort Faulken. Levant's Path =-=-=-=-=-=-= 1) Worn Rag: Received from Lycan Gentleman on eastern B1F at Gultchfort. 2) Short Pencil: Received from Hungry Turtillian by Gultchfort kitchen. 3) Cleric's Hat: Received from Cheerful Girl outside Palfina Temple. 4) Torn Document: Received from Cool Drake on B1F of the Dragon's Abyss. 5) Cestite Shard: Received from Intellectual Elf on western B1F at Gultchfort. 6) Cleaning Tools: Received from Researcher on 1F of Palfina Temple in Phase 5. 7) Fragrant Oil: Received from Gardner at his house at Lake Soleil. 8) Silver Knife: Received from Vaul at the B1F kitchen at Gultchfort. 9) Spirit Clothese: Received from Sensible Elf by B1F stairs at Gultchfort. 10) Hover Soles: Received from Lazy Soldier at Fort Faulken. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9) So Lost... (Cecilia, Phase 1; Levant, Phase 3) This sidequest is identical on both paths. You can receive it from a Girl sitting on a bench atop the stairs at the Palfina town square. Your goal is to find her grandmother, who is located on the left side of B1F inside the temple. However, it is possible that you may lose her along the way. I'm not 100% certain what causes that to occur, but I believe that if you talk to anyone on the way out, she will get lost, and the game does not announce this until it is too late. In any case, if you successfully return the grandma to the Girl, you will receive 3 Willow Leaves for Levant or 3 Mistletoe for Cecilia. If you fail along the way, you can find the grandma where you originally found her again, but you will receive less of a reward. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 10) Love Sings (Cecilia, Phase 2; Levant, Phase 3) You can receive this sidequest from the Infatuated Youth just outside the Palfina Temple in Phase 2 for Cecilia or Phase 4 for Levant. Upon receiving it, you have the option of giving him a flower, of which, the Narcissus is the best choice. Then, you will want to find the Bizarre Recipe at Garner's house at Lake Soleil. Harvesting 10 Rock Lizards should be easy enough with a couple harvest points in the area. Have Raul cook the Bizarre Recipe into the Rock Lizard Stew. In Phase 5, the Infatuated Youth will ask for food, of which, the Rock Lizard Stew is the best choice. Finally, in Phase 6, he will ask for a gem for a ring, of which, the Star Sand is the best option and completes the sidequest. While you don't receive a tangible reward, it still tilts the vessel towards Creation. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11) Peddler Guy (Cecilia, Phase 2; Levant, Phase 3) While not an actual sidequest, dealing with the Peddler Guy is an optional activity you can pursue over the course of the game. You can find the Peddler Guy on the left side of the town square of Palfina. In most phases, he will ask for an item and reward you with various items in return, most of which are very useful for crafting. The desired items and rewards are distinct to each path of the game, so I will list it for both paths here. Note that this sidequest will tilt the vessel towards Destruction, but it's totally worth it. Cecilia's Path =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Phase 2 - Exchange Fire Ring for 10 Mantis Wings Phase 3 - Exchange Meteor Necklace for 10 Majin Rings Phase 5 - Exchange Dark Ring (element) for 10 Pelvic Fragments Phase 6 - Exchange Spirit Earring for 10 Tough Talons Phase 7 - Exchange Crystal Necklace for 5 Draconic Force Levant's Path =-=-=-=-=-=-= Phase 3 - Exchange Curse Ring for 10 Slash Feathers Phase 4 - Exchange Dextrous Trinket for 10 Tiger Skins Phase 5 - Exchange Light Ring for 10 Hard Rock Skins Phase 6 - Exchange Tough Bandana for 25 Devil Grass Phase 7 - Exchange Crystal Crown for 5 Dragon Horns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 12) Overdue! (Cecilia, Phase 2; Levant, Phase 3) You can receive this sidequest from the Librarian in the library on B1F in the Great Temple of Palfina. Talk to the Quiet Cleric standing guard just outside the central entrance of the temple to receive the first book and return it to the Librarian. The second book can be found by the first floor stairs, so return it. Finally, you will need to go Midee Highway where you will need to fight a Sedna, Fah, & Zephyra. For defeating them, you will receive the third book. Bring it back to the Librarian to receive a Serontosphere. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 13) ...Training!? (Cecilia, Phase 4; Levant, Phase 5) You can receive this sidequest from the Immobile Drake in the quicksand near the save point at the Endless Sands. It's possible to acquire this sidequest earlier, but you cannot complete it until you have 4 party members. Talk to him a couple times, choose to leave three times, then offer to help him out. If you only have 3 party members, you don't have enough strength to pull him out. However, if you have 4 party members, you will succeed. While you don't receive a tangible reward, it still tilts the vessel towards Creation. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 14) Desert Lady (Cecilia/Levant, Phase 3) You can receive this sidequest from the cactus, Penelope Prickles, at the Endless Sands, after going through a long hidden tunnel to find her. She will want fluids to quench her thirst. A couple Lymphos Fluids, won from Shades, will do the job. Royal Liquids are also good, but are used for other crafts, and are more difficult to acquire. Note that you need to fight 5 battles in between each feeding. Once she starts blossoming flowers, she will reward you with 2 Alchemillas, which you can repeat every 5 battles. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 15) Need Food! (Cecilia/Levant, Phase 3) You can receive this quest from the Dying Youth (later known as D.D. Enomar) at Inside the Mother Worm. He will ask for food to restore his strength. You will need to fight 5 battles in between each feeding. To acquire food for him, you will need to have Vaul cook various recipes for you. I would recommend the Stamina Recipe on Cecilia's path or the S&S Recipe on Levant's path, due to the availability of the recipes at their reagents. Both require Royal Liquids won from various Imperials at the Spirit Forest. For feeding him enough times, you will receive a Water Ring, Reactor Key B, Chi Bracelet, & Ultimate Recipe. To cook the Ultimate recipe and complete the sidequest, you will need a couple rare ingredients. You can most easily acquire a Knowledge Fruit by defeating Azul, from the Save a Tree sidequest, or from the Sacred Tree sidequest. Matsutakes are only found at the northern harvest point at Lake Soleil as a rare drop. For cooking the Ultimate Recipe for him, you will receive the Old Filament, necessary to completing the Stigald for the Neutral ending. After another 5 battles, he will have built his house Inside the Mother Worm, where you can find much hidden treasure. You can continue feeding him to earn various other rewards, too. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 16) Gourmet Drake (Cecilia, Phase 3; Levant, Phase 4) While not an actual sidequest, feeding the Gourmet Drake is an optional activity that you can do at any time, once he appears. You can find him on B1F of the Dragon's Abyss next to the Arena on Cecilia's path, or just below Regnum's house on Levant's path. He will ask for any mushrooms that you have, so he can cook them. Most of the time, they will turn out bad. However, you will sometimes cook a decent mushroom, or rarely a delicious mushroom. If you feed him good mushrooms enough times, it will tilt the vessel towards Creation. Here is a list of the mushrooms, their harvest points, and rewards from the Gourmet Drake. Mushroom |Harvest Point Location(s) |Decent Reward |Delicious Reward ---------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------------- Numetake |Lake Soleil, Spirit Forest |Evil Bird Talon|Tiger's Claw Shiitake |Lake Soleil x2, Spirit Forest|Worm Scale |Dragon Scale Matsutake|Lake Soleil (rare) |Majin Horn |Pointy Horn Agaricus |Spirit Forest (rare) |Sharp Fang x3 |Majin Fang =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 17) Bigabu Beaze (Cecilia, Phase 4; Levant, Phase 2) While not an actual sidequest, you can unlock various Titles or achievements throughout the game for accomplishing certain milestones. Bigabu Beaze will give you various rewards for unlocking Titles. He can be found by the statue, just as you enter Gultchfort. Here is a list of the titles, their reward, and their prerequisites. Title Name |Reward |Prerequisite ----------------------+----------------+--------------------------------------- Inheritor of the Force|Illusion Cloak |Beat the game Reknowned Hero |Cestite Key |Defeat 100 enemies Legendary Hero |Decoy Doll Omega|Defeat 1000 enemies Veteran Force Scholar |Phantasm Alloy |Craft 100 items Master Force Scholar |Nightmare Gem |Craft 300 items Keen-eyed Adventurer |Yaesange |Harvest 50 times Component Hunter |Narcissus |Harvest 200 times Treasure Hunter |Lucky Lenses |Open 100 chests Force Collector |Orb of Wisdom |Accumulate 10,000 FP Force Fanatic |Prism Glasses |Accumulate 99,999 FP Able Combatant |Experience Gem |Reach Level 25 for main character Furious Fighter |Encyclopedia |Reach Level 50 for main character Ultimate Champion |Peace Mantle |Reach Level 99 for main character Sword Greedy |Master Gem |Acquire all 17 Ragnafacts Ragnafact Blacksmith |Miracle Ring |Master all Techs for any Ragnafact Creation Crusade |Knowledge Fruit |Clear all Force Sites True Warrior |Orb of Hope |Deal 200,000 total damage Raging Demon |Surge Gem |Activate 50 Force Bursts Technique Master |Decoy Doll Theta|Overkill 50 enemies White Flag |Fasteel |Run from 50 battles Victim of Harsh World |Eladah Tears |Have 5000 FP drained by Force Eaters** Force Eater Beater |Cerelcris Gem* |Defeat 10 Force Eaters In Your Face, Me! |Slygale Gem* |Defeat 20 Dopplegangers Traveler of Berge |Spirit Earring |Play the game for 15 hours Hyper Ultra Thanks |Ragphobia Gem* |Play the game for 100 hours*** *NOTE 1: The Cerelcris Gem, Slygale Gem, & Ragphobia Gem all unlock an extra S Rank battle at the Dragon's Abyss Arena. **NOTE 2: The 5000 FP doesn't have to be drained all at once. It can be drained from multiple Force Eaters into a cumulative pool. For example, having 2500 FP drained from two Force Eaters would still unlock the achievement. ***NOTE 3: The 100 hours doesn't have to be in a single playthrough. Your timer will accumulate over multiple playthroughs in a New Game+. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 18) Vaul, the Lycan Chef (Cecilia, Phase 4; Levant, Phase 2) While not an actual sidequest, you can have Vaul cook various recipes for you to use in other sidequests. In order to do so, you just need to find the recipe and it ingredients. Here is a list of every recipe, its locations, and the food they cook. Recipe |Location |Food Cooked -----------------+---------------+---------------- Blazing Recipe |Palfina |Banero Steak Bizarre Recipe |Lake Soleil |Rock Lizard Stew Crunchy Recipe |Gultchfort |Bellel Cookie S&S Recipe |Sealed Library |Dragon Roast Sweet Recipe |Mother Worm |Fruity Cake Fresh Recipe |Palfina |Sankt Salad Stamina Recipe |Dragon's Abyss |Roasted Holo Refreshing Recipe|Ravena Castle |Dreamy Tea Delicate Recipe |Dragon's Abyss |Sauerzenole Semisweet Recipe |Gultchfort |Silvervine Soup K.O. Recipe |Altar of Nervel|K.O. Vittles Ultimate Recipe |D.D. Enomar |Imperial Feast =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 19) What Comes? (Cecilia, Phase 4; Levant, Phase 3) You can recieve this sidequest from the Silent Lycan at Gultchfort. He can be found in the left basement level on Cecilia's path, or in the right basement level on Levant's path. This will unlock the Granad Cavern for Cecilia. Note that while Levant can acquire this quest during Phase 3, he doesn't seem to be able to do so until after completing the Sealed Libary. In Granad Cavern, head down the left stairs to an isolated area with a Stone Beast to fight. For defeating it, you will reveal a chest which contains the Mercurio Gem for Cecilia or the Knight's Cloak for Levant. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 20) Dragon's Abyss Arena (Cecilia/Levant, Phase 4) While not an actual sidequest, fighting battles at the arena in the Dragon's Abyss is an optional activity you can start in Phase 4. It is located in the middle of B1F. Talk to R.U. Tufnuf to initiate a battle. You receive no EXP or FP for winning, though you will win an item from it. Afterwards, your HP and RP are fully restored for everyone. Note that you have to wait 3 other battles before fighting again, at the arena. There are five ranks of battles (D,C,B,A,S), each getting progressively more difficult. Each rank has three distinct battles to clear, in order to unlock the next rank. The exception is the S Rank which, in addition to clearing the previous ranks, is only unlocked after defeating the Dark Sage. Furthermore, there are three additional, hidden S Rank battles that are unlocked from items via achievements. Here is a list of each battle, the enemies you will be fighting, and your reward for defeating them. Battle Name (Rank) |Enemies |Reward ----------------------------+-----------------------+---------------- The Trial (D) |Altaica x2, Charmer |Mallady Beginner's Agony (D) |Ulexite |Regaledge Victory in an Obligation (D)|Humerus, Angeu |Rexraid Radical Men (C) |Lot, Alaseed |Decoy Doll Theta One You Must Overcome (C) |Baskerville x2, Hanshin|Sanocane Cries of the Deceased (C) |Lot x2, Smierc |Scanning Specs Ballroom Blitz (B) |Hornblende x2, Wijeen |Orb of Hope Infinite Nightmare (B) |Mevious x2, Smok |Soothsong The Charming Ones (B) |Coy, Lucretia x2 |Memory Crystal The Disciplined Warrior (A) |Bandhavargh, Colossus |Spectrum Ring The Incredible Obstacle (A) |Mantrap x2 |Platinum Crown Showdown of Destiny (A) |Wijeen, Ukidona |Brave Cape The Liberated One (S) |Axel, Virtus, Bahn |Master Gem Defeat the Hexyz! (S) |Velvet, Virtus, Faust |Radiant Headband The Unconquered Trial (S) |Hornblende, Long |Majestic Earring The Rare Monsters* (S) |Force Eater x5 |Hover Soles Deadly Invitation** (S) |Levant, Cecilia, Axel |Evil Shackles The Eternal One*** (S) |Rafael, Luffina, Ciel |Zankburg Tea =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 21) Sacred Tree (Cecilia, Phase 4; Levant, Phase 5) To receive this sidequest, all you need to do is examine the Sacred Tree. To restore the tree, you will need to donate some FP, 2500 at a time. However, you must fight at least 5 battles in between each donation. As you donate more FP, you will receive rewards after hitting certain milestones. Once you reach the maximum FP (32500), you will have completed the sidequest and can no longer donate any more FP. Here's a table of the rewards. Note the the amount of FP I am listing is the total amount donated, not in addition to the previous one. FP |Rewards -----+--------------------------------- 7500 |Golden Tree Leaf 17500|Yaesange, "Save a Tree" sidequest 32500|Knowledge Fruit =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 22) Necrozauwar (Cecilia, Phase 7; Levant, Phase 4) While not an actual sidequest, you can learn abilities for the Necrozauwar, as soon as you obtain it. As you progress through the game, you may notice certain objects surrounded by a black, aberrant force. If you return to those objects with the Necrozauwar and infuse 5000 FP, you will fight a fairly tough battle. For winning the battle, you will learn a new ability for the Necrozauwar. You'll also probably either get your FP back from winning the battle and/or force crystals to convert to FP. Here is a list of the abilities you can learn, where you can find them, and the enemies you must defeat there. Note that while some Necrozauwar battles feature enemies with the same name as others, they may have different stats, and distinct bestiary entries. Ability |Location |Enemies --------------+------------------+------------------------------- Infernal Trade|Inside Mother Worm|Alaseed x2, Moa Omen 666 |Ravena Castle |Bandhavgarh, Antoinette, Wijeen Raven Storm |Fort Faulken* |Quail, Spunky x2 Banishing Void|Spirit Forest |Sternum, Lucrecia, Stone Beast Nightmare |Gultchfort |Black Mariah x4, Sly Galvanization |Altair |Zaobin, Hornblende, Ukidona Magnitude 8 |Altar of Nervel |Moa, Yugool, Bandhavgarh, Coy Force Shield |Sealed Library |Mantrap, Sphene Igneous Sphere|Philia's Place |Ibis, Hornblende Ragnadrain |Denmail Highway |Bandhavgarh, Coy, Yamaraj Putrid Breath |Granad Cavern |Anglaya, Wijeen Inferno |Endless Sands |Long *NOTE: Cecilia cannot learn Raven Storm while playing on Normal Mode, since she does not have access to that part of Fort Faulken. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 23) Granad Researcher (Cecilia/Levant, Phase 5) While not an actual sidequest, an elven Researcher will appear in Granad Cavern. You can exchange various monolith fragments for some items in return. Normally, monolith fragments are rare and difficult to come by. However, if you are equipped with the Discerning Specs, you can greatly improve your odds. Note that on Normal Mode, you only have a limited time to acquire Black Fragments at Fort Faulken. The most difficult one to acquire is the Prism Fragment. In order to acquire it, you have to go all the way through the Tower 11&12 sequence in Phase 7 to the final portal to reach the monolith altar again. However, even the Discerning Specs won't improve your odds, so it may take some time to acquire. Here's a list of each monolith fragment, their location, and the reward. Fragment|Location |Reward --------+-----------------+---------------- White |Palfina |Prism Fruit x2 Red |Altar of Nervel |Energy Mist x2 Yellow |Dragon's Abyss |Stardust x2 Green |Spirit Forest |Taurine Apple x5 Blue |Altair |Arnon Gem x2 Black |Fort Faulken |Eladah Tears x2 Prism |Tower of Judgment|Nightmare Gem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 24) Shadows (Cecilia, Phase 6; Levant, Phase 4) You can receive this sidequest from the Librarian at the library on B1F in the Great Temple of Palfina. She will tell you about some monsters at the Sealed Library. They are just to the right of the save point. On Cecilia's path, you will fight a Zaobin, Moa, & Metatarsal. On Levant's path, you will fight a Humerus, Lot, Bandhavgarh. After defeating them, you will be automatically taken back to Palfina. However, if you return to where you fought the monsters, there will now be a chest which contains a Hermit's Cloak for Cecilia or the Scout Specs for Levant. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 25) Rumors (Cecilia, Phase 6; Levant, Phase 5) You can receive this sidequest from the Gossip Ladies just outside the entrance to the Great Temple of Palfina. Head to the save point at Midee Highway. Go north to find a Kaizer Mantis to fight. For defeating it, you will receive an Exorcism Bangle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 26) Missing! (Cecilia/Levant, Phase 6) You can receive this sidequest from the Immobile Elf next to the save point at the Fort Faulken town square after escaping from Fort Faulken. Make your way to the back of the Spirit Forest to find her master just northwest of the second save point. For finding him, you will receive the Guardian Bracer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 27) Traffic Jam (Cecilia, Phase 3; Levant, Phase 4) You can receive this sidequest from the Lost Drake in the first section of the Endless Sands. Head up to the next area and left to fight a Shell Beast on Cecilia's path and an additional Ixion on Levant's path. For defeating them, you will receive a Decoy Doll Beta for Cecilia or the Mercurio Gem for Levant. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 28) Below Us (Levant, Phase 4) You can receive this sidequest from Elda in the main hall of Palfina. Head down to the basement and save. You may want to craft some Lightning or Arc Rings, if you're underleveled. Walk clockwise on the outer wall until you find an Alaseed & 4 Lots to fight. For defeating them, you will receive a Sanocane. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII. CREDITS AND COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Thanks to Shotgunnova, whose walkthroughs inspired the format I use to create my own. Thanks to Alltra for helping me find a few things I was unable to find myself. Thanks to Fein on my forums for helping me translate some Japanese and figuring out how the yellow chests worked. Thanks to Rena Chan for deciphering which elements yielded which item drops from all of the monsters in the game. Thanks to Taku on my forums for suggesting that I play this game. Thanks GameFAQ for hosting this walkthrough and for creating an awesome resource to gamers everywhere! This document is Copyright 2013 Henri C Bailly. You are welcome to distribute it as you like, as long as you give credit to me for writing it, and do not take credit for my work.