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Thank You! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You begin the game by pressing Start and selecting NEW GAME. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a Cage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A parrot, called Parrot, flies over the seas and dives on dock a boat. He talks in rhythmic sentences, and has a rather annoying voice. So at last he finds you, KAO, the kangaroo. However, it seems unfortunate events have occured prior to the game and our hero for the game is captured and locked in a cage box. Parrot, mentions that Kao is their only chance and frees you. He acts as the guide and tells you what to do for you to move on. Triangle does nothing(yet), square ducks/rolls, X jumps and circle is your attack button. So take Parrot's advice and jump your way towards the other end of the room where there are some boxes with coins atop. Reach the platform that circles around the area below, and keep following the coins. This leads onto the next area... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Docks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parrot tries his luck against a henchman, but fails. He then decides to leave the hero stuff to the hero himself, Kao. This area is like your hub area for the levels to come. Facing the henchman that back-punched Parrot, walk towards him and you can collect the purple crystal next to him. Notice the number on the floor says 20 purple crystals. Hence you need that many to proceed throught that door. To your right walk towards the gate and it will retrieve upwards. Collect some more coins here, but don't fall down into the next area. Come back to the main area and head straight to reach a beaver sleeping on the bench. Talk with Beaver, to learn a bit about the story-line and for now refuse to enter the forest. To the right of Beaver there's another locked door, but collect the purple crystal in front of it. Walk around the whole area breaking barrels, collecting other crystals, but make sure you don't jump in water, this guy can't swim! (so it'll be instant death). Make sure you visit ALL the areas, even beyond this main area. You'll see other locked doors and you'll surely see the dock, as well as a train. Also notice all the WANTED Kao-posters. Once you feel you've collected everything you can, and don't worry there's nothing too tricky.. just follow the paths as they lead back into each other, collecting everything. Now come back and talk to Beaver again sleeping on the bench. This time accept to enter the forest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beaver's Forest -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run down this slope, collecting the coins and before you jump over the water-gap to your right are some jars, break them and then cross via the rafts. Collect the coins to your right and then proceed climbing the steps ahead. Up top Beaver will come out of the hut and greet you with your first task (a test). He wants you to find his friend. Take his advice and break the jars to the right of the steps you just climbed as well as the boxes in front of the hut, for some more coins. Then head to the right of the hut and behind it for three purple crystals. To the left side of his hut are smaller barrels and some more jars on the left corner. Follow on, passing the red arrow, and you'll underpass a tree-root, to reach a stray of barrels and loose coins about. Carefully break/collect everything, as some barrels also contain bombs. OUCH! Jump the fence at the end of this to find the Beaver's friend. He's holding a target, and tells you to throw the nut by pressing/holding the triangle button. The easiest way to hit all his targets is standing exactly where the nut falls and holding the traingle button for as long as you can 'till Kao throws it. Don't be too perfect with your aiming he seems to home on the targets a bit. Hitting all targets will make a path of rafts for you to reach the bell on the higher platform. This bell acts like a Checkpoint. SO, should you die, this is where you start off from, as opposed to the beginning of the level! Follow past the bell slowly and you'll land on a small platform, where you're given the option to use the barrel. Do so and a little ride with the current will get you to the other side. Collect the coins by tapping the directional analogue stick... be very gentle about it and you should collect them all. The barrel breaks and returns to it's starting position, while you're greeted by some bee-fairy-like insect -she decides to follow and help. Collect the coins around the jump-pad, and then use the jump-pad. You'll come out of the well from the beginning of the level. If you missed out on some coins, in the current or by the jumper-pad, go back and get them. Otherwise head to the locked door by the well and the bee will open it. Follow on and talk to her. She'll describe what must be done -SO DO IT! To the right are some jars surrounding the nut; pick it up and throw TWO at the tree in the distance. This will lay out the path. Collect the rest of the jar coins and the 2nd bell (checkpoint), before crossing carefully over. Notice as you cross the coins to your right, in the water... hmm? how do you suppose you'll be collecting those?! On the otherside break/collect jars and a fast way to kill the bees is to wait for them to dive into the ground and then roll into them (with square button). Proceed on, by climbing the platforms on the right and then hug the right wall around to a jar and two purple crystals. Come back to the entrance of this bit and look down by the tree to see another bee/fairy insect by some collectibles. Jump to it. Talking to it will reveal the butt-bash move (X -> Sq). The jump-pad will bring you back up, while the green pad will open the gate on the ledge above. Open it, but do not go up there yet. Instead take the barrel ride to collect some coins on the water. At the end the barrel will break on the tree and you'll end up on the right side. Make your way to the top and notice how the music changes as you progress past the now open gate to the left. There is a dwarf-type enemy that uses a mallet to hammer you into the ground. He's quite tough actually, and there's two methods to defeat him. You'll either need to time your stomps (butt-bashes) or target him with R-Button and attack with cirle while staying close. 2nd method is preferred and be very quick or he can deal great damage. Ignoring him is also an option (but he leaves a star for you, should you decide to kill him). Quickly make your way to the heart if he managed to hit you, as this will replenish health and talk to the bee/fairy thing to lern how to do the next bit. Get to the other side, grabbing the coins and avoiding the piranha fish. A bee will greet you on the other side, so jump-tail-swipe it's ass and move on. Head right onto the raft and collect some odd 5 or 6 purple crystals as well as a star. Make your way back and collect by the water another star, and then jump to the other side, to grab your bell. Around the bend jump on top of the piles of wood to grab a crystal, then around the corner for another star. Follow the path to some water where you'll meet some new enemies. Kill them in the same way they are you! So basically use tactics to avoid their rolling and just as they come out of it, roll into them. With three enemies to barter with, it's tough to avoid and attack, but they're no-where-near as tough as the dwarf with the mallet. Before crossing over, grab the star hidden behind one of the rocks and break the jars by another. On the platform grab the bell, then head left onto the raft by the waterfall, and up some steps to a star and two crystals. Head the other way now and break the barrels by the windmill, to reveal some coins and a bomb! Head on inside, and break free the beaver, by tail-swiping the cage he's in. Outside the windmill will be turning, so hop onto a platform on it to make it to the top. Jump off at the peak of the rotation and head left, where Beaver will greet you and let you in on some tips, then balloon off upwards. The enemy plant he was talking about is actually just around the corner. His method of killing him is actually harder. Instead just stay real close to him dodging when he dives in to eat you and tail-swipe when you can. Three hits and it's down. It was guarding the path to the next area, so while avoiding the hedghog enemies pass into the next area. The area is self-explanatory really... just make your way across, double-jumping from platform to platform, meanwhile avoiding the swinging logs. Before any of that however, jump down and grab all the collectibles you can see (various coins, crystals and one star), then use the jump-pad to get up. Timing is everything in getting to the other side as well as using your double-jump effectively, and by that I mean perfrom the normal jump then wait a bit to reach close to the next platform to jump again. This way you can reach out further. On the other side, grab the well-needed bell and be greeted by another dwarf enemy. Defeat him in the same way you did the last, then break/grab coins to the left of the hut. Jumping to the 2nd raft will make Beaver come out of the hut and let you in on a little secret. Move on and cross the water-covered raft to a large plain. Grab the three crystals in the corner and jump back to the other side. Get into the fenced area with the badgers and jump onto the wall platforms to grab 2 stars and a crystal. (At the edge of this fenced area is a little bee-fairy.) Jump onto the back of the large-ish badger next to the bee/fairy and chase all her small ones into any of the three holes in the walls. This will allow Beaver's mushrooms to sprout and become a path for you. So make your way atop the 'shrooms and to the otherside of the river and eventually into a little alcove... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Great Escape -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a run-towards-the-screen type of chase, which means you'll not know what's coming up. So this is one of those undescribable parts, therefore I'll just leave it to you. The basics of it are that you will have to jump gaps, collect coins, as well as purple orbs (that boost your speed). My best efforts to help are to try it and follow the coins as best you can. Sometime near the end of the 2nd part of the race there will be multiple directions you can take depending which jump-pad you take and so on. Playing it through a couple of times won't hurt, to thus collect everything. So as hinted above, there are more than one part to this race, but only two in fact. They both have the same mechanics, so just follow the coin strays. At the end you'll fall into some pit and end up in the next stage. Grab the three purple crystals and a new weapon, "boomerang" and talk to the bee/fairy to know how to use it. Make your way past the next bit, using your new found weapon. Then in the next area collect all you can see around the hut on the left and everywhere else before crossing over to meet a dwarf enemy and a caged beaver. Kill the dwarf, free the beaver, and he says RUN WITH ME. Follow him to the now-opened gate at the bottom of this area to proceed. First off defeat the dwarf and find a ladder attached to the left wall next to the entrance from which you came. Climb it and then another one further on.. to collect many coins and stars, then climb back down. ------------------- Now! Before you go ahead to talk with the beaver, I would suggest you go back and do the Beavers' Forest again, collecting anything you've missed, killing any enemies you couldn't.. so on. This is for the true players. Also redo the chase with the bear section, to collect all the coins there. If you're wondering how do I know when to stop looking for items in a stage, well press Start button and check if you've got everything. ------------------- Otherwise, head onwards and speak to where the beaver is and the gate will shut closed behind you. Grab the corn/nut in front of you and shoot it at the large nuts hanging from the tree branches. Shoot down all four to create yourself a path across the water. Then drop down and collect some stars and a coin in the barrel. Move by crossing the water and jump-climbing your way up to the top. Enter the cave like entrance. Kill the dwarf and while crossing the water at the other end, be careful as these boxes will sink if you stay too long on them. Make a quick stop to the left to grab a purple crystal and then carry onto the other side, where the Beaver says that he's finally free! Collect what you can, make sure you collect the bell and the star by the beaver. Before steppin into fire, know what you're up against; and it's a good thing here too. So examine these moving/flipping platforms over a lava pit to make a strategy of crossing over. The first and last platforms don't move. The rest either oscillate back and forth or flip over every 2/3 seconds. Jump your way and be swift so you can make it in one go. Should you land on a flipping one.. it usually shakes before flipping, so time it well it perform a stand still double jump so that u land back on it. Otherwise make it atop the pillar with coins and then eventually to the dwarf platform. Make quick work of this guy and collect the purple crystals hanging on the right wall (then brake some barrels). Jump to the moving pillar wih coins. Note the jump pad just past this pillar. Doesn't do much actually, just brings you back up onto the pillar. So go forth jumping onto the target platform when it's going down, and on the last one, jump off to the other side when it reaches it's peak. Following the chain of coins leads to Beaver who tells you about the next area and move forward and boomerang that annoying fish jumping about. Then jump from box to box (don't worry these don't sink), while killing the fish as they jump into view. Once on land, you'll be constantly chased by some dynamite (Beaver warned you of), which comes out of a box. Standing directly behind the box will cause it to always run into it and blow up. Do that until you read the next bit of the guide. To reach the two final stars and the last coin (in the barrel), on the ledge just behind this dynamite box, you'll need to hug this wall you're next to, to reach a stone against the wall. Jump on top of it and then another jump to make it up top. Grab the goods and then... The idea is to lead the dynamite while following the brown path to the end, where there is a purple crystal surrounding a jump-pad. Just as you are about to reach it.. jump on top of it.. and it should blow up the purple barrier, meanwhile you falling right on it and flying over to the exit. Lead the dynamite slowly but swiftly, as he can hit rocks and blow up prematurely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Trees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be aware that as soon as you jump into this stage, you're attacked by an annoying dwarf enemy. Free the two beavers calling out for your help and then watch them dive into what seems deep-nothingness. However they're cleverer than that, as they have their balloons to float with. They also lower a bridge which creates a path for you to enter the tree trunk. Follow on swiftly as some enemies in the background are shooting bomb-nuts at you. Enter the tree trunk and once you do, make sure you keep moving all the time as there are barrels being rolled down behind you, constatly. Stop occasionally whenever you see an alcove, to collect some coins and give your thumb a break. At the bottom, you have to face a dwarf and collect many, many goodies. Break everything you can see -seriously! And then the chest also. Step outside. Grab the bell at the entrance and the heart to the left should you need it. Then jump across the gap, moving on right-ways. SOON as you collect that purple orb, you jump into running mode, as the bridge breaks beneath your feet. You'll have to jump gaps in the bridge and make it to the end where a jump-pad only moves you higher up so you can keep doing that some more. A few levels of this and you're finally safe. You will most likely die a few times, I know I did. At the top refill your boomerangs and start wipping those wips with it. Then grab the star as you jump to the other side. At the exit grab two purple crystals one on each side. Outside grab the heart to the left, then head right onto the clouds. They are bouncy and you'll have to time your move. Also you can only bounce on them 3 times, before they disappear. Bounce once for sense of balance and then aim after the 2nd bounce towards the next cloud. If you feel you're not going to make it then just jump in mid air to get that extra distance. Once at the bottom you're faced with a stomping dwarf (god I hate these guys!), and some things to collect in the corner. Make your way past the locked door, that the bee/fairy opens for you, and onto another (thankfully shorter) set of clouds. Once back on the circling platform, make your way down and around collecting two sets of coins hidden out of view in alcoves. At the bottom another bee/fairy tells you to rapidly press X once you equip the flying cap (reminds me of Mario 64), to stay in the air. So take to the winds and fly quite high, to make it to the first cloud. Then its a usual hoping cloud-to-cloud scenario. The rest of the way is quite straight forward. Just be thorough with your collecting, nothing too tricky. Make sure when you reach the hut to the left of the next bridge, you attack the door and Beaver will open it to hand you over a single coin. Once you reach an edge (after defeating a dwarf in an enclosed area) you'll need to throw nuts at the balloons holding the carriages, so that there is only one balloon per carriage, that way they somehow aline themselves, creating a path for you. Make your way to the bottom grab eveything and bounce on the jump-pad to bounce all the way up to the top. At the top you'll notice you missed out on some coins and other goodies so jump downwards (platform-to-platform) collecting everything. Then head on up again (jump-pad stylie) and walk through the newly opened door. After that cross over to the end of this wooden walkway, and you'll now have to perform a little rollerskating with our little hero, down this slope to the right. Beware however, as there are many pumkin-bombs laying about, use square button to sort of steer/slow down Kao (slowly past the bombs). You should be fine as there are two hearts along the way also. At the end.. perform a jump to come out of the rollerskating mode, and grab the two purple crystals on the right corner. Finally jump on all the platforms collecting the last of this level's coins. The Beaver will bring good news.... this is the exit to this level, and you're in for some well-deserved rest! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- River Raid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK. So campfire it is then. Having finnaly gone to sleep, Kao's awoken by Beaver, who lets him in on some knowledge for this next area. So off he goes to meet this wicked magician at the, Magician's lair. Sounds kinda boss-like to me! Run up the steps behind you and into this new bright area. You'll face off another eating-flower type enemy (flap-trap I think they're called). You can totally avoid it.. or go close (by surprising it) and target it with R-button and punch away with some circle-button bashing. Afterwards, hug the left wall from where you entered this area, to come across some freebies (actually this area is full of free collectibles). Anyway behind the hut are three purple crystals.. and if you go the opposite way behind the waterfall, there's many starts/coins and such. So by the front of this hut are some jars -deal with them, and punch the door for a beaver to pop out and hand you a coin. From this point on, I will sometimes leave it up to you (the player) to just automatically knock on doors! Then run along the edge of the river to collect some loose coins. Finally jump onto rafts in the water, dodging the piranha fish. You'll come across some broken up wooden bridge. Unfortunately it's your only way.. but, even worse some planks turn over as you approach them and show their true self. So, carefully make your way on the other side! Then jump your way to the top of this little mountain, killing a bee enemy on your way to another wooden bridge. Cross it with the same knowledge you had for the previous one and make your way to a little beach, where a pontoon awaits Kao for a ride down the current of the river. Collect the bell here. JUMP onto the pontoon and as you see it going towards a squid-bomb, run in the opposite direction to steer it. You'll do a bit of runnin, and just when you get the hang of it, you have to come off it :( So grab the bell here and carefully collect the heart between the squishy poisnous enemies. To greet you in the next area is a bee enemy so tail swipe it dead before it gets to attack. Then enjoy the view for a bit before you carry on. Upon killing this bee however, you'll receive your 60th star, and hence forth you'll be able to jump (and double jump) higher than normal. GREAT!, so get going grab those two purple crystals to your right and break the crates. Run around the outskirts of this area (clockwise direction) to collect various collectibles and make your way to the wooden/rope bridges. At the end break free the beaver and follow him back to your pontoon. He lowers the gate so you can hop back on and ride it down another section of the river. As you see a waterfall with collectibles behind it, run left ways to get there so you can grab all the goodies as well as butt bash a green button so you can progress. Further down, you have to bank off again, to beat up some rolling spike enemies, but no green button! So go behind the gate and jump pillar to pillar and grab the coins at the bottom BEFORE you stomp on the green button. Do it and the water will begin to rise. Quickly make your way back to your pontoon and hop on to go for yet another ride. It's cut short by yet another gate. It'll come to a stop on the right side. So grab the bell and brake those crates, then climb the steps to grab some more goodies and fight off a dwarf. Cross the bridge cautiously, again and once on the other side walk through to the next area. Now it seems as though you can't make this jump, but if you haven't been experimenting much, you wouldn't have noticed that you've got a little glide type move, if you hold down X after double jumping. So glide to the flaptrap area and kill it off. Then do the same to reach the end. Or if you're not confident on your gliding, you can use the webbing on the side as monkey rope to cross these two bits. Defeat the dwarf. You'll be in a very dark tunnel of water with platforms/pillars. They're hard to see, but aim for the dark patches of the room and you'll land on one. Otherwise to your aid you should have two bee/fairies flying about randomly lighting up the place. Coins are littered about too. Once on the other side, as per usual you'll have to free that stupid beaver character. Why's he always stuck in a cage!? Then use the jump pad to grab some coins whilst catching some air. You may not collect all those coins if you don't hit the pad properly. Unfortunately you'd have to go all the way around to redo it to get them! Once on the beach grab the bell and hop aboard your pontoon to make another river journey. This is tough because the enemies are so close together for you to manouver quick enough. But at shore grab the items and jump your way to platforms with hedghog on them and eventually to a platform with a jump-pad that leads to another platform with a purple crystal by the edge, a dwarf to fight. Make your way down to the shore again where a jump pad will take you on a roller-coaster ride of jump-pads, through air-suspended coin chains, ultimately landing on a bell on another beach/shore. Kill off the enemies running at you and then collect all you can on the beach before heading higher up. Here, two dwarfs guard some structural entrance. The snake pipes are hiding some coins and purple crystals from view.. so sneak by left and right to collect everything before facing them (that way you won't forget). So then kill off the two dwarfs by picking them out one at a time. --------------------- See I really hate these dwarf enemies so I've been devising a method for killing them. I found that the best way to kill 'em off quickly is to wait for them to hammer at the ground and then run behind them (while having them targetted) and punching away. They take 3/4 hits and die very quickly this way. You SHOULD be able to do it without getting hit (by either of them!) --------------------- Walk on in... WELCOME TO MY LAIR.. mwahahaha! Erm.. ok.. on with the guide! ---------------------------------------- Shaman's Cave -BOSS- ---------------------------------------- This is it! This is your first proper boss for the game. And ..well.. depending how swift you are and good with the controls, he's actually not that hard once you know what to do. BUT you should coz he TELLS you what to do!! So listening to his mwahaha-speech, he mentions you being too dull or puny to break his protective mirrors. Yeah right, Kao can do anything when we can control him :D First off refill yourself those boomerangs to your left. He's got two annoying and very repetitive moves: one is to stomp the ground sending shockwaves, and the other sending lightning bolts in your path. Both can be easily avoided, but due to their frequency you're more likely to make mistakes. The way to kill him is by stomping the ground when those green barriers appear. Go between them and stomp to temporarily lower his platform and reveal the mirrors he's so proud of. Shoot boomerangs while R-targetting to break them all. This of course raises the platform back up and you'll have a brief chance of attacking the boss himself. You should be able to get his health past the half way mark on your first attempt. REPEAT until he's a goner. Of course (expectedly) he'll upbeat his two annoying moves when he's beat up.. so you have to work faster also. Nice work done! Back to the hub... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Docks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll hear in the cutescene some evil plotting to hunt out some more animals and Parrot gives you a hint on your next adventure level. You can only open the door to the right of the henchman who's warming up by the burnt barrel (you know the one asking for 3000 ducats). It's just an extra, mini-game. After having some fun head out back to the train station, and catch your ride with the hunters, to... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Igloo Village -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ooh ice.. erm, I'd have to say nice graphics! Ok, so you start off in some closed off area, make your way to the main area and head left grabing coins on the way and minding the rolling ice balls coming out of the wall. Further on you'll be faced with more obstacles, and then meet up with a bee/fairy. She warns you to be careful, as where there's ice you cannot stop. Well actually it's not that bad at all. You can even slide backwards (upwards to get coins you miss on the way down), so don't worry about missing any. That said.. at the bottom by the pine trees, grab coins around them and around the two huts there. You'll surely notice some blue enemies running about. These guys can be defetaed in the same way as bee-enemies, in that they stab into the ground and that's your opportunity to roll into them. Kill them off and grab everything around this plane. There's stars and crystals behind the huts and pine trees, so search thoroughly. Then ring the bells infront of both huts to make the owner send out a coin. Now close to one of the huts you'll see a catapault with nuts as ammunition. You'll need to pop the balloons holding the canons in the air. Move the dialog stick very subtly to counter their attacks and keep hitting the balloons. Basically frantically keep pressing the triangle button and only move about left to right while keeping a good height so you can hit the bombs and the balloons. A couple of hits each and they'll be down. That done.. shoot the ice in the distance to cause it to break and form a path for you over the ice-cold water. On the other side R-target the pouncing hunter enemy, and keep firing that boomerang at him with triangle while stepping left and right to dodge his attack. Refill your boomerang as the next enemy around the corner will be using similar tactics. Don't forget to grab the purple crystal by the pine tree to your right, before heading around to the left and be greeted by a spider enemy. Kill it by not jumping to the platform where it is, but rather targetting it and just firing away, from afar. It most likely will hit you at least once before perishing. Refill you boomergans before crossing over and once on the other side, you'll notice that it didn't leave a dying star for you, but as consolidation you can grab the purple crystals to the right of the pine tree here and around the cliff there's a big star waiting for you! Come back around to where you killed the spider and push the frozen ice bug towards the cliff so you can climb it by jumping on top of it. Make your way to the end, grabbing coins on the way, and then jump off to the pillar and to the hut island (you may need to glide this bit). Walk around the hut collecting all you can, not forgetting to hit the door bell for that ONE coin! Then stomp on the green pad to make pillars appear, and jump back up with the jump-pad, and make your way to another jump pad that launches you across a string of coins and star. On the other side r-target the hunter; far out, whose shooting at you and kill him off with some boomerang. He takes about 3/4 hits. Refill your ammo and jump to his platform to grab your reward. Pop on the head gear there and rapidly press X while moving forward to the left cliff. Grab the coins and with care move forward as icecicles are falling from above. To know where they're gonna fall, just look at the ground (rather than the ceiling) and look for shadowy circles. Push the frozen ice bug towards the spikes and make it across. To the right is a purple crystal on the window sill. Outside of this tunnel are three heart crates!! Now why are there three? Did they expect you to get hurt on the spikes back there or is something coming up? Well MOVE FORWARD and grab yourself a coin before ice-skating your way down the next bit. You'll surely not collect all coins and the well hard to get star around this icey bend.. so make your way up slowly, collecting everything, then come back down again. At the bottom in the corner Two of those running enemies will attack you as you try and grab yourself some collectible. Make quick work of them and move off to the edge bypassing the locked door to your left. Refill on your boomerangs and kill another hunter enemyin the distance. Killing him will awaken another bee/fairy partner who can open the locked door near you by walking near it. Once the catapault rolls out, walk in there and grab yourself some hidden purple crystals. Then jump across the gap to where the hunter enemy was and grab all you can see and do not forget the door bell! Make your way back to the catapault and get ready for some shooting again. This time there's three to deal with, and it's seriously not much harder; same slow "left to right" pattern, while shooting like crazy (infinite ammo after all). Once they're down shoot off the ice pillars to the left breaking off the large sum of ice, leaving only a small platform to jump on (creating yourself a path to the far side). Make sure you shoot all the way far and make sure you break off enough of the ice. Make your way across and another big bad hunter will be on the other side to greet you. Grab all the goodies here and refill your boomerangs. Walk left ways towards the tunnel ahead and you'll see a spider pop up from the ceiling; one shot with your boomerang and it's history. Another one further down can also be taken down from the same spot. Ignoring the floating coins jump down and you'll have to face off three of those running around enemies. The boomerang works wonderfully against these guys and it's easy to use against them, (just make sure you're targetting them). Behind you is a jump-pad but next to it are some goodies! They'll be hidden from normal view so turn/tilt the camera to see them. Hit the jump-pad to collect the floating coins. Refill your ammo and double jump at the highest peak up here to grab onto the webbing that the spiders have conveniently created so you can make your way across to the other side (and by the way, it's the only way to the other side). On the way aim to grab floating coins and shoot off any spiders popping out. Do it quickly by targetting them before they get a chance to shoot, otherwise it's back to the beginning! Oh and don't worry the icicles; they won't fall on you! A hunter enemy shoots at you on the other side, so make it to land quickly and walk forward a bit to get a lock on him, then shoot to kill! Refill your ammo and move towards the star he left for you. Now the next bit is quite difficult, as you'll be faced with ice-skating down an iced slope full of obstacles and hard-to-get collectibles. I'll be honest here, you WILL miss out on most goodies and most likely hit a spiked wall. Unfortunately you cannot go back upwards as ensuing events occur that do not make it possible. At the bottom break every barrel, being careful as some are bombs while others coins. Don't forget the crystal to the left, atop some cages. Then to the far left is a jump pad that will lead to a chase-like section to this level. The Hunter will try to flood the cave, as he sees you as a pest, now caught in his trap. The chase-like scenario has you following a predefined path, thus as the platform that you're on is flooding it'll come to ground level whereby you jump off and grab goodies on the way (moving rightways). For now ignore barrels and such just grab free goodies out in the open and make sure the flooding is not catching up with you. It's mere jumps and speed that'll get you thru this bit. So carry on for a bit to the end where you'll inevitably fall down a hole and exit this stage. When you're given the option, choose to redo the stage and go through the whole thing again, (just for that last bit) grabbing all those things you missed, i.e. the ice-skating bit and then the flooding chase. You may even have to redo it more than once. --------------------- Hints for the last two bits: Ice-skating => Press down so that you skate upwards straight after you set off to slow down your speed and be able to collect everything AND avoid everything! You should really be able to make this one 2nd time. Also I noticed on my 2nd try that if (at the end) you do not walk forward the gate behind you doesn't close so you can still go ice-skating upwards to collect things, BUT its still quite hard doing it upwards. Flood-chase => Soon as the cut scene's finished jump off your platform to the right and grab loose coins as quick as you can whilst breaking the barrels you see. Soon as the flooding reaches you move off as fast as you can collecting the loose coins in the chase ahead. You can make it on your 2nd time however, it's possible not to. Good Luck! Evil hint on the chase => should you want to, if you feel you're not gonna get something, let Kao get flooded (killed!) and you'll restart the chase from the jump pad (where you collected the bell: this way you can always make sure you get everything, providing you can see everything). Purple crystals are littered about (atop cages), whilst coins are quite visible. --------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Cave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll fall into this stage and have to get into the swing of ice-skating straight off. It's easy to grab all the coins. At the bottom you'll have to board a barrel, for a river ride. Follow the river targetting and shooting the spiders as they appear. The last one might be a toughie as it can break your barrel almost everytime. To get around that stay left till it shoots it's first shot, so that the land is protecting you, then come out into the open and kill it off. Grab the coins at the end and make note of the barred off aread to the right. Kill all the running ice men, with your boomerang and collect their stars. Then you come across a fork in the road and both lead to the same exit. The right way it easier downwards than upwards, so i'd suggest you go right on the way down and up on the left side, so to collect everything. Then exit out of the only exit by a waterfall and grab yourself some coins and the heart further out. Killing the two hunters in the distance is your next target. R-target one of them and kill it the normal way, while avoiding BOTH of their shots, then kill off the other the usual way. Grab their stars and the purple crystals they were guarding and some running ice men will come out. Target them all one at a time and shoot like mad. This will net you a good sum of stars eary on in the stage. Make your way to the bottom of this bit to a jump-pad, that shoots you landing on a bell (lifesavers these are). Hope your way to the many cages and grab that heart at the top should you need it. Then jump into your catapault and break four large icicles at the ceiling to make a path for yourself. Be aware of the fact that they melt rather quickly so you'll have to shoot a quick succession of 5-shots at each one, and jump out gliding over to the first one. Hop across from one to the other, and some running ice men will attack you soon as you make it to other side. Butt bash the green pad and in the next room break thebarrels before using the jump pad. It will take you back to the right side of the form from earlier on, where a new exit is now open (other than the waterfall one). Use it, grabbing the bell here. A little backtracking can get you to a secret area to grab some collectibles. Go back to the barred off area i mentioned earlier (just after the barrel ride). And it's now open. Use the ladder to reach a circular chain of goodies with a pond in the middle. Then make your way to the newly opened exit... This next bit is a long and trecherous ice-skating slide. You'll have to (be evil) and kill off Kao a few times to collect everything. Most goodies are grabbable by taking the raised platformsand pressing jump at the end of it. Whilst others are chained and around bends. Go through it a few times and collect everything. At the end you'll notice a pad to the right and a path to the left. Left leads to the next area, while using the jump pad will launch you up a vertical tunnel leading back to the beginning of this slide, and netting you a good sum of goodies. So slide back down and take the left path to the end of this slide. However the skating only stops for a brief moment so that you can fight off a hunter at the other end, and grab yourself some purple crystals hugging the right fence of this bridge. More skating!! This bit is collectible-less, but now has enemies (hence the refill of your boomerangs). You'll likely redo this bit a few times so i'll not comment on anything. At the end you'll hit a pad that shoots you to another section of this slide. Which is rather short and leads to yet another jump-pad that shoots you off to the safety of a bell. This bit seems like it has to ways. Naturally left and right. The floating platforms move left and right so you can reach both sides easily. Watch their patterns then set off. I have a theory in my head (when i play games) that the developers always want you to play the games in a left-to-right fashion. So go to the left side first. However the truth of it is that the only way is really left, as you'll notice that if you go to the right platform there's an arrow pointing left. And the left side likewise has an arrow, this one pointing forward. Head forward to a jump-pad that puts you on a strech of ice that you must skate on. Its quite a fast slide and there's nothing to collect so just make it to the jump pad at the end and grab the bell there. The next bit is really cool. Its an ice-skating event (again!) but with ice breaking off as you go across. The fork at the beginning is of no significance (either will do; although left lines you up better for the next bit). Grab coins in the bit after the fork and avoid the bumpers and the breaking ice. Remember you can use jump once to save your arse. At the end face off three running ice men and use the jump pad to launch yourself out of here and to... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Down The Hill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a race type event, with only coins as collectibles. 250 coins! Hints: - DO NOT run into haystacks - Run into purple crystals as there are coins hidden in them - Everytime you pass a flag, it's like collecting a bell - The whole race is divided into 6 or 7 sections. Make sure you die before passing a flag if you want to repeat the last section (as you may miss things) - Further on, you'll enter a lava cave. Near the end of those banisters is a red strip. Press and hold X until just before you reach the next one, that way you'll make it everytime, for sure. But make sure you're not holding X when you touch the next one, or you'll be sorry! - Near the end you'll be chased towards the screen, and holding down is essential to out-run the snow truck. But this makes it slightly harder to steer and collect coins, but hey I didnt make the game! Enjoy! (I know I did)... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Mines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the land of the dwarf with big mallets, and mine-carts. Just grab the coins in the centre and the ground will break below your feet, entrapping you in a forced battle against three running ice men. Kill 'em, break the barrels and grab the noise bell on the little alcove. From there jump left to where the dwarf is and take care of him. Then break all barrels (none are bombs), before grabbing the emerald in the centre and throwing at the green switch on the opposite wall. That causes a mine-cart to roll by. Jumping in it will have you traveling on tracks, that break off at the end and bring you to a stop. So jump onto the other cart that rolls by as yours comes to a stop. (Don't worry nothing tricky, you cannot fall off or anything.. ), and so this one stops eventually too, and you can jump off to grab yourself some coins down a slope. At the bottom a dwarf is at the ready to stomp you into the ground, so be careful. Take care of him quickly and break all barrels with care. Walk towards the screen (away from the green button).. collecting everything that's initially hidden from view, then stomp on the switch to activate the gear lift. walk around the back of the green button, break the barrels and continue on to come across some goodies and then the steps to the lift, which leads to another mine-cart. Hop onto the cart to be taken on another ride. Shoot off the spiders that appear and the coin is automatic. Hop onto the pad to fly to bell and refill your ammo. Then cross to the other pad, to be thrown on another cart. This one nets you some coins and a star then some spiders and you're on land again. Grab the bell near by, and head left to hit a green switch on a wall (by rolling into it). Back track and the area that was barred is now not. Break the barrels on the way and enter that newly opened area. Jump the laval gap, break the barrel and monkey climb the web on the ceiling to the next bit. Follow this area on 'til you get to a barred off area. Stomp the green button to open it up and walk onto the grey platform ahead; which will rise to bring you upto another section of the level. Head north to come to a wooden bridge, and a green button surrounded by collectibles. Grab everything and hit the green button. Press a direction at the very top to land, as the whole below you will not close! You'll face off running ice men and then a curved path will lead you to an ice-skating section. A very long ice-skating section. All I can say is when you reach a barred off area by a gate you'll have to make an akward jump to the right of the natural path to get back on trail. At the end you'll fall on an iced circular platform with two bird-type mosters skating about. collect all the coins and stars on this platform, then head for the bell in the right corner. Grab that and walk on the tracks to the left to reach some more goodies, keep on going straight to make some jumps on pillars, then back on some more tracks (with coins).. and into the cave where the train is waiting for you to board it. Break all the barrels here for the last of the coins for this level. Board the train to exit. ---------------------------------------- The Station -BOSS- ---------------------------------------- 1st Scenario This part has you shooting boomerangs at the hunter as he appears. Use simialar tactics to those used against this guy, when fought within a stage, and you should easily overcome all four of them. 2nd Scenario In this you are a catapault, shooting nuts at the barrels he throws at you, as well as him. Repeat 1st then 2nd scenarios again, only faster paced a few more times, and this guy's history... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Docks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok so it seems you've managed to stop the shipment of animals. For your next step in this adventure, you'll have to head to the lighthouse, to find a speed boat. So head towards the lighthouse (you should be able to see it by just adjusting the camera from this current position). Head down the steps to see a speed boat waiting for you. Hop on it and make your way to the lighthouse... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Race -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hints: - Try the race a couple of times, while trying to keep up with them. - Don't bump into anything directly. If you're gona hit something try to hit sideways, that way you won't lose speed (much). - At the beginning they overtake you, but very soon after the first jump ramp, you can pass the 3rd position, by squeezing "right" past him and following 2nd pos. Then follow the next fork left around the tunnel that leads to the zig-zag, and on the next strech the first two guys always go left (or straight), don't follow them; instead use the ramp to the right to jump a fence and by pass both of them. From now on you should be first and always follow the same route, in all three rounds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Docks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turtle has heard of your great heroic deeds, and asks for you help in the underwater world, where a large octopus is poisoning the ocean and all the turtles have been captured in cages... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostile Reef -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM! ---- game crashed can't continue writing guide need new game copy will continue as soon as that happens ---- 1month later... on www.gamefaqs.com, psp, kao challengers, boards, Dana_35 Hy, I had the same problem with the german version of the game. There are bugs but to update the firmware of the psp will help. You can easy do it via WLAN. After this my game worked well. ------------- And thanx to him i can now go back to writing the walkthrough. My game DOES work fine .. AGAIN! ------------------------- 5th December 2005 commencing again, Walkthrough... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostile Reef... continued ------------------------- Swim straight out of this tunnel you're in and very soon a turtle in a cage will advise you on how to control a torpedo. Directly in front of this turtle are some lights lining up your way with some two coins to collect. Follow that trail, minding not to touch anything and very soon you'll see a bell and the torpedo he was talking about. Swim into the bell and then into the torpedo and you'll automatically become the torpedo. Guide it in the direction it begins to move and out of this tunnel area. Just outside turn right to spot the caged turtle. Align your torpedo with the cage and press circle to let it swim by itself and you'll break free the turtle. Turtle will ask you to follow close behind him, as he'll now open a new area for you. So, follow him! He will stick himself against a mechanism that opens a hatch, into a tunnel, through which you must swim. Before going through this new opening, there are a few collectibles hidden about the reef in this first area. Going back to the start position and hugging the left wall as you come into this area there is a red reef hiding three purple crystals laying on the sea bed. Keep hugging this wall around to a ledge that drops to another two purple crystals. Moreover, swim past (again hugging the left wall all the way around to the turtle's cage. Now go to the left side of the new opening and against the wall there are a couple of purple crystals on the ground. A final touch before entering the new tunnel. Go grab hold yourself of another torpedo (same place as last time), and guide it back to just rightways from the cage, into a tunnel with green slime (poison) flowing out of it. Break the bars blocking your path and swim to the closed off area at the end to grab hold of many, many collectibles. This is a hidden area. Now swim through the newly opened tunnel with caution however, as some pirahnas will be coming straight at you. Shoot them with any button (circle, square or triangle), while also collecting the coins (which you'll prolly collect with little effort -since the tunnel is narrow). On the other side, bars will stop you going back to the previous area, and you'll notice another turtle in a cage. On this ocean floor there are some purple crystals for you to collect. Then make your way to the tunnel-entrance with the turning propeller. It's possible to go through without getting hurt, and you better get good at it quickly because to reach the other end of this tunnel, you'll need to swim carefully past a few more of these propellers. Once on the otherside you will see a see-through water tunnel -looks kinda cool! Underneath which there is a bell, whilst on the otherside a torpedo awaits your arrival. Hop on'top and guide it through the tunnel ahead, back into the previous area with the 2nd caged turtle. Do your stuff to set him free, so he can open up a new way for you. In this new tunnel more fish greet you as you a pproach the glass section you saw earlier. Past that, you will come across an open (broken off) section of this pipe/tunnel, so deviate into this new, small, cave-ish area, to grab yourself some coins. Don't forget to break the chests at the back, as well as the barrels, near them. Back in the tunnel, swim right to reach your next portion of this level. Break open the chest, grab the coins and touch the bell ahead. Go "left" past the bell, around the rock structure to avoid going past the many reef enemies on the right of it. Hug the left wall here to reach a cave area with a chest, some barrels, a bell and a torpedo. Guide it into the centre of the mouth of the skeleton of the whale, and let it loose as soon as you've aligned it with the cage in the centre of it's belly. This turtle will swim to the tail end of this skeleton and open up a new tunnel. To the right of it (next to the tail-end) on a ledge, you can find some purple crystals. Search back and forth between here and the torpedo cave, to make sure you haven't by-passed any coins and then enter the new tunnel entrance. MAKE SURE YOU TOUCH THIS BELL -or you'll be sorry. At the end of this tunnel is an enemy that fires pink squares at you. These hurt big time. Avoid them as best you can and shoot to kill, like crazy. It's very do-able if you get the hits in whilst it moves location, but I must admit, very, very annoying (and somewhat hard). You can go past it, to break the barrels at the end, swim under the half broken bars and onto the torpedo, to the exit. Mind you only the barrels (which you HAVE to break) yeild some prize, killing that enemy yeilds PAIN, and nothing else. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Ocean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level has you riding a torpedo straight off, with another following close behind you. As you'll hear, you can fire as many torpedos as you want (so go crazy) you've got nothing to lose. So start off by following the stray of coins as soon as the level starts. Follow the turn (to the right) around to a battle with one of those annoying fish (from the last bit of the last level), which you can now kill off in one hit. Past it, a crab claw comes out of the right wall. Either shoot it down, or just swim past it to the left coming to an area with many nets about. Guide yourself to an opening near the ground with a bell at the entrance. Then manouever around this next bit, avoiding any contact with the electrical bars. Out of this tunnel will lead you to a wooden door on a sunken ship. Fire a torpedo at the locked door, before you get too close. Follow the trail, into a tunnel with blockades you must take care of, as you swim carefully not to hit walls directly. Quite straight forward really. Just follow all the coin trails you see. Once you reach a checkpoint bell-circle, you face some eels (non electrical). Kill them before they kill you! Make it to the other side of this tunnel to follow a stray of coins leading to regularly closing and opening set of doors. Another section with another set of opening/closing doors (but make sure you hit that bell and follow the coins along the sea bed. Now follow this room, following the array of coins lined up for you (lining your way). Make sure you get them all. Should you miss any just kill yourself and you'll restart at the last checkpoint. In the next bit, manouever yourself past pipes with gas spilling out as well as slime/poison. Avoid touching any of this stuff at all costs. At the end it'll seem like there's no exit, but if you lay low to the ground and keep to the right wall you can find the way... and the way leads to a well needed bell. This leads to a caged turtle that you must break free and this ends your torpedo rides. Follow the turtle so it can open you new section. You now swim as Kao. The next area has you swimming around the deck of a sunken ship. Go right through inside (via the broken window) and break the chest on the ground. Grab the coins that pop out and then the purple crystal on the table. Follow the stairs down to the bottom collecting loose coins, purple crystals. Make sure you break every barrel you see, Back track to make sure. So follow the rest of the level to a set of stairs leading to a room with many purple crystals near the edges as well as barrels. Break and collect everything, which nets you all but two coins! Fear not, behind the set of stairs that you swam down, are another set, and at the top of these are the final two coins hidden in barrels. The ray of light above your head is the exit, leading to: ---------------------------------------- Lair of Poison -BOSS- ---------------------------------------- This silly boss is quick to admit he's silly enough to tell you how to kill him. He says that you have to kill the squid first and then fire the torpedos. Following his "mwahahah-speech", you circle-swim around him automatically, so your only degree of freedom is vertically (up or down). Move up and down shooting like mad at its squid tenticles (arms/legs whatever you want to call them). Once you hit one it retrieves it close to its body. Do that for the remaining lot and Turtle comes with a well needed heart on its back and another scene picks up where you must guide a torpedo through a channel and into the belly of the beast. 2nd round has you shooting at some pink matter swimming around that the boss summons. You will have to kill them all first before you can have a crack at him (in the same way as the 1st round). So, again, shoot its tenticles and turtle comes to your help. Now you must guide the torpedo through another channel (a much longer one, as well as tougher), and should you not make it to hit the octo that's a chance GONE!... you'll have to redo the getting to that point over AGAIN. Not much trouble though, and you should be able to guide it easily to hit the boss. 3rd round -similar to round 2, in that you have to take care of some business before taking care of him, but not much harder, just more pink stuff and faster paced. Guide the torpedo a final time to the boss, and its over to the... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Docks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here you witness your pal, Parrot having been captured, being carried through a barred off area by a pirate. The pirate out here will not let you pass unless you have that 3000 ducats. Even if you have got everything in every level upto this point you won't have that kinda money yet. So there must be another way in. Well there is! Take a right from here past the two gates and jump (glide) left to the ledge with two brown doors. In between them is an open gate that has wooden platforms leading to a new friend. Notice how all these voices are so similar as if done by the same two or three people. He tells you of a place he calls home (the volcano), where some Hunter's henchman hid lots of treasure, but the only way you'll get your hands on it is by hopping on this bird's back and letting him take you there, before they get there. An offer you can't refuse! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trip to Island -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll end up on a wooden platform over some water, with the pelican sleeping on a stone to the left. Behind you is a jump pad that brings you back to the platform you start on. Walk on forward to wake him up and he'll let you know how to use his flying effectively. Of course the only way to know how he really functions is to try it out. So head off the edge of this walkway and rapidly press X to elevate yourself to a great enough height so you can reach the next platform. Holding Forward does very little apart from direct the flight, as he already flies in the direction he's facing. So move on following the rafts and wooden walkways to pass many red arrows marking your way. Of course there are some coins in a line of flight that are very missable. Should you miss any.. either try to grab them by flying just under them, or die and start back at the beginning (or a checkpoint). It's hard to miss any collectibles because they shine and animate, making themvisible from a mile away. Soon enough a flight line of coins will lead you to your first bell ringing on top of a sand-bag. Follow that to an island that has three stars on.. and then a further three under the long stretched sloped-walk-way. Having gotten these stars make your way back on the strech and fly to a lower longer stretch of wooden platform, and another bell. Follow the stray of coins, making sure to fly/jump when there's a break in the walk-way. Make your way to a flight through some poles, meant to be there to your obstruction. Beyond this sectionand the pelican drops you on sandy beaches with a henchman to deal with. Have him R-targetted and punch away with the circle button. Grab the bell by the straw-structure and break all barrels (including the one near the water near where you were dropped off), to net yourself a nice sum of coins. Head off to the right of this here straw-hut, and as you near the edge by the water, a walkway, held afloat by barrels, is revealed. Double jump onto it and follow this to the heighest point where you'll notice a jump pad ahead of you. Trace back and look against the wall, an island with a couple of stars for you to grab. Glide to it and grab those stars. Make your way back on the platform and continue forward using thejump pad to launch yourself to a higher ledge, where some coins encircle your first purple crystal for this level. The jump pad here will launch you to another ledge, but before you use it walk back to the opposite side of this ledge and over look another ledge near by, where you can glide to, to collect some stars. You may have to double jump to nab both of them. then make your way to the first jump pad, and back to the 2nd one (where you got the purple crystal with the circle of coins). Use the pad this time to launch yourself further out... onto another pad (unless you press direction whilst on flight), and finally onto another ledge, with yet another henchman. Grab the bell here as quickly as you can, then take care of him. To the far left of this beach are two purple crystals, and just to the right of them, behind a plant are two stars (hidden from view). Another two purple crystals stand floating at the opposite end of this plain. A flying cap buzzes for you to wear it, so walk underneath it, to automatically wear it and float your way (gaining height with X), to the platform ahead. Jump to the winged platform, and then to the final one to reach a steep mountain slope. At the bottom there is a bell and to the left are some more winged platforms. Follow right-ways after you've crossed those, to underpass an arch with purple crystals to collect. Make quick work of the henchman here, grab any collectibles you see and make it to the jump pad that launches you to a ledge with a nut. Grab it and shoot out two balloons per suspended platform to create a path for yourself. Shoot the left one first, as the right will block it's way if you shoot the right ones first. Then cross to the green patch (which is really the arch your underpassed just earlier), but don't follow the red arrow just yet, instead glide to the right platform against the wall to grab some crystals and stars. Then jump down to the jump pad again and again to above the arch. Now, look left ways to see a winged platform oscillating up and down. Use it to reach a ledge higher up. Walk into the alcove and collect purple crystals, the bell and refill your boomerang ammo before you jump into the water barrel ride. This just takes you down a water ride, where spiders pop out of nowhere to stop you in your path. R-target them as they pop out, and take 'em out with your boomerang. use the jump pad to reach a higher ledge and grab the crystals and then the bell around the left bend. As you grab the bell, the way behind you is barred off. This is the last section of this level, so expect it to be a little tough! ...and it is. Basically the structure before you is like a volcanic mountain and there are rafts and walkways encircling its body. As you may have guessed you need to run around it (going upwards), as fast as possible whist keeping alive. In order to do that you'll need to run past burning up wooden rafts, jump (even glide) over rolling spikes, and EVEN use the help of Kao's friend, the pelican. Some short time after acquiring his jump/fly skills, he'll fly off and let you use the jump pad, which launches you higher up and leads to a bell. Follow this path, and be careful as the ground below your feet breaks and crumbles (double jump then glide to make it to safety) to reach a green patch with the last three of the purple crystals for this stage as well as the bird friend waiting higher up. Just as you acquire him, the ground breaks so be quick to move on swiftly. Through a tunnel like passage way and the bird lets loose again, so you make use of the jump pad. Past this stretch and you'll be running on wooden walk ways that have the remaining of this level's coins. At the last batch of coins, the bird friend awaits to fly you to the safety of... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pirate Island -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll start on a boat. Head right to reach three barrels. Break and collect then jump on the platfrom above them. Further forward you'll reach a boomerang (to refill your ammo). A Hunter will be shooting at you from ahead so avoid his shots and shoot him. A good tactic I've found for these guys is that when you hit them, they tend to roll to the other side (ie left to right or right to left), so shoot and hit, then soon as they make their roll shoot again. This way they only get one shot at you.. that you can easily avoid. To take care of this one though (as another one will shoot from the left), you'll need to walk up half way up this ramp. So grab the boomerangs and walk up a bit, before beginning your assault. Past him, another will try and stop you in you path. Grab the two coins hidden in barrels around the corner, and then a further more closer to the hunter. Take care of him, before he does you. Grab the well needed heart, past this one and jump on the jump-pad ahead. A jump/fly frenzy gets you to another part of the stage. On the platform you end up on are two barrels, break and collect, then jump on the winged platform, which takes you to another (moving one -so make the jump swiftly), and this one takes you back to land. On the green patch to the right is a single coin! (what was the point in programming that!?) Then as you approach the barrels to the left of the beach, three crabs will try and snap at you. Roll into them to make quick work of them, and then head to the right under an arch, where three chests have 4 coins each, for you to collect. Past them are two purple crystals. go around left ways coming back to the beach area with the three crabs. This time jump to the other green patch here, with a coin and boomerangs, while a winged platform waits near by to take you higher. Be warned that soon as you reach the higher ledge, a hunter is at the ready shooting at you. Finish him quickly, then face the way you just came to notice a cave with a coin and a chest inside. It's actually a tunnel leading to a heart and two purple crystals stacked on top of each other. Just before reaching the crystals however, take note of the grey block that is against a wall in the tunnel. Jump on top of it and then climb the ladder against the wall, to reach a secret, full of collectibles area. Make your way back to where you climbed up here and head out left to reach a winged platform. It takes you to a green patch, with another wingy waiting by. This one takes you to another green land, with a coin and a jump-pad. Use it reach the boat on the water nearby, and double jump carefully to grab the bell and the pelican is waiting here to give you a lift. He instructs you to collect fish in your flights so he can fly further. Grabbing a fish as you're flying is like making a stop mid-air, which means you can flap 5 times upto the fish and then a further five after collecting a fish. Run down this ramp to the edge and take to the air, grabbing the fish in mid-air to reach the green patch ahead. To the left of this are a line of fish in the air. Follow it to an island with coins going around both sides of the mountain. -------------- HELP WITH FLYING If you're having trouble flying and catching all the fish, here are a few tips. -Don't flap like mad. Try and time your last few flaps so you fall or touch a fish as you're falling. -Make sure you grab every fish in sight! -Should you die, worry not, you'll only restart at your last bell point. -------------- Once you've collected the coins around this mountain like island. Fly into the first fish you see in the air. Follow that flight onto the next and so on, until you reach another island, with some coins and a bell! From here use the next set of fish to reach a green patch with some more coins and another lead of fish. This one is a little longer and bends a bit to make it awkward. It leads to another beach with a wooden platform coming out of it. This next set of fish is rather long and quite difficult. I'm pretty sure you won't make it first time! But eventually you'll make it and reach a large beach with some crabs to attack you. Kill them then walk through the green patch in the middle, leading to three purple crystals and an entrance to somewhere. As you enter, take a sharp left turn, to grab a hidden (out-of-view) coin and two stars stacked on top of each other. Then carry on down the path, grabbing collectibles, eventually reaching a bell and your bird friend. Don't worry, he's only here to hint you on your next step. It's a race against time, so expect to try this a few times, in order to get it right. But it is possible to do in the first try (I know I did!) and the idea is to just follow the path laid out for you. It's actually quite hard to go wrong. As a tip: don't double jump unless you're really not gonna make the jump -single jumping will definately speed your progress. At the end the pelican will congratulate you on your efforts and you can make your way into a hallway that leads to a boomerang ammo and a spider at the exit. Break open the chest here and step on the raised steps at the edge. Look to your left and notice another chest near by. Glide to it and break it open. Then walk along this platform to reach some more collectibles and then in between the two pillars you can double jump then glide to the centre walk ways. Grab the goods inside the chest and look out for a spider! Reach out to the other side of the central bit, to grab some more goodies including another chest and two stars. Make sure you've collected everything before reaching out for the jump pad at the back of the room that launches you to a higher ledge with a heart piece on it. Walk to the edge and double jump to monkey climb your way across the chasm below and reach safety on the other side with a coin or two to collect. Jump the gap and glide to the jump pad in the water, to lift yourself to higher ground. As you move forward, the camera view should change to give you a better perspective of your path ahead. Move on past these swinging logs and reach three winged platforms that mark your path to your last two or three coins and a bell. Further out you should make out a henchman/pirate, shooting at you with his gun. Have none of it, and go take care of him! A crab or two will come to his help as you're laying down the beating. Don't ignore them, roll into them, and have the henchman r-targetted so you can fire off boomerangs. Around the raised ground that he was firing from is a purple crystal hidden from view. Walk across the sandy surface, and another boomerang ammo sits by the corner. Before you turn around to see what's facing you, know this: you'll have to avoid bombs being fired at you while also battling a shooting henchman. It's not easy but definately doable. Once you've taken care of the pirate, grab the star he leaves behind and then run to the back to grab hold of this level's last two collectibles. Go back to where the boomerang ammo is and r-target the shooting cannon. Fire away (more than a couple of times) to take it down. Our bird friend, will land in the centre piece, so go to it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Volcano -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pelican is too afraid to go in with you, however, that doesn't stop you in the slightest. Without moving much rotate the camera (slowly-ish), and get a feel of what's around you. Before heading on inside, break some jars and walk around to grab yourself two of everything (stars, coins, and crystals). Needless to say, walk on in and break open the chest. Also the jar in the corner is begging for some beats. Actually incase I may miss out mentioning to break jars or something just break everything you see! Unless I say otherwise. Take note of the fact that the door behind you has now closed, but there's nothing out there any more anyhow. The large jar around the corner (against the left wall) is actually an enemy that pops out and attacks soon as you come close to it. Be pre-emptive and attack it first by rolling into the jar, breaking it and hence killing the enemy. These type of enemies are common, so be on a look out for them. Also at the end is a flaming sliding-wall, use the window of opportunity you get (when it goes up), to break some jars and make it past it. In the next room is a henchman readily shooting in your direction. He's top priority before doing anything else. However, you won't be able to attack without having ammo. So head inside this new room and to your left are four jars against the wall and a boomerang ammo. Having dealt with him (and grabbed his star), walk back and refill your ammo and then head over the rocky area to grab some goodies. Take a left to collect some coins and then head on straight. Carefully walk on, as sections of the floor retract leaving a gap. Make your way to the very end, as more floor section pull back, while you net your self a good number on the collectibles. Jump back past the gap here and on the middle one take a left in your jump to reach another hallway. Note the blu laser bars to your left, and break some jars as you head over the rocky right turn. Here some more jars to the left and more laser bars. But note the box (you can't break) with the lid next to it that has an red arrow drawn on it. You can use this to make your way past the lasers around the corner. While you collect coins on the way to the end, where you must jump out and break some jars and then butt-bash a green button here to deactivate some blue laser bars. Follow the hallway to another box, which you can push towards the lasers so you can jump over them to butt-bash yet another greeen button. Make sure you're breaking jars and grabbing collectibles as you're moving on. Take a right past this second green button, and follow right across the two gaps to reach a now opened alcove with third green button and some goodies. Careful now as you make your way back as there is a fire wall in front of you. On your way back don't take any turns, just cross the floor gaps past the last one and take a right to notice the now opened area (that opened when you pounced on one of the green buttons). To the left are a star and a heart, while to the right a jar and a flying cap. I'm sure you already know what you must do! Basically, soon as you have control, increase altitude with X, as the line of coins goes in a parabola shape, then glide the last bit ) by holding X as you lose your cap flight. On the other side a green button three jars and a new enemy. You can't kill it by rolling into it, it's tougher than you think. Instead butt-bash on it for one-hit-kill. Break the jars, butt-bash on the green button and walk through the now opened gate. On the other side is a well needed bell and boomerang ammo around the bend. A pillar blocks your aiming at the henchman around the corner so get closer to kill him faster. Mind you the floor cracks let out very hot air, which hurts out little Kao here, so make sure you know where you're stepping. Having defeated him, grab everything (including going back to the first bell and breaking the chest and jars and so on. Then grab the second bell at the new hall entrance. Now why there are two bells so close by, becomes apparent soon as you touch that green switch! It will launch you through the air, grabbing a star on the way, as the camera view changes and you notice you're being chased by a firewall. This is one of those chase-towards-the-screen scenarios that has you collecting purple orbs for speed and array of coins as you jump vast gaps and take jump pads, to shoot yourself to new heights. You may miss coins or stars as you do this bit, but dying a few times to make sure you get everything doesn't hurt. Afterall, would you rather start the level from scratch or just this race!? There are some tricky bits, but with retries you'll get to overcome them. Just as a small tip: near the end of the chase, you'll hug the left wall, and use a jump pad to hug the right side, only this side doesn't have a jum pad for you, which means you'll have to make the jump and hold left to make it back to the left side. Not that difficult but can be if you're not prepared. At the end a bell saves the day and as you walk towards the door it opens! Some chests, boomerang ammo and a henchman firing at you greet you in the next room. Don't open the chests yet, as they can be used for cover. Instead grab the ammo and jump a few stepping stones towards him, so that you can target him. Then, just shoot while stepping gently left or right to avoid his shots. As you make your way back to the beginning you'll notice a purple crystal at the edge, while the two chests net you 8 coins total. Also as you cross to where the henchman was, you'll notice more collectibles on the right, so grab them as well as the star he left behind, before heading through the next door. Grab the heart, purple crystals and coins, and kill the jar enemy as you go around the bend to a new room. Many, many barrels, boomerang ammo, a shooting henchman and many jars about. First thing's first, shoot to kill that annoying pirate! Note that all of the barrels contain bombs, so be careful as you break things. Jars, are full of coins as well as the three or so chests. Run around in a circle around the whole perimeter of this room, making sure you don't miss out on any goods! Once you feel you've collected everything, head to the door behind where the pirate was once shooting from, and a line of coins leads you into the next room. Follow around the corner to be greeted by two of those scorpions. Butt-bash between them, so you get both in one shot (don't run too quickly as you may miss out on their rewards!). A spide hangs from the ceiling around the next bend, and before using that jump-pad grab the hidden (from view) coin and star to the left and right at this dead-end. Be quick, as the scorpions are quick to respawn and hunt you down. On the higher ledge, grab the goods as you make your way on a section against the wall on the right. Walk to the edge of this ledge, and look to toour right to see some hidden collectibles. Be careful as you make your way to them, but do not sweat it, as falling down only takes you back to the room with many, many bomb-filled-barrels. Once you grab the goods, get back to the ledge you jumped from, and glide left-ways and head towards the door to make it open automatically. A star is at the entrance of this bendy hallway, and a spider and jar-enemy near the other end. Once in the next room (the lava room), take a right to grab another star and then follow the trail of coins to your left. As you come near the end, you'll notice a metal plate against the wall (and the camera view changes). It's a lift that takes you a level higher. Be warned however, that soon as you reach the upper floor, you'll be attacked from the background (from behind) by a pirate. He's shooting from afar, so hiding behind barrels is no good as his firing will penetrate right through. Hide behind the pillar to gain sight of his location, and then follow the floor around to him (either left or right) to take care of business. Be careful as you come closer to him, as on either side there are spiders that hang down, which means you'll have to deal with the shooting henchamn and a spider at the same time. Take care of them both and then the spider on the opposite side, while encircling the circumference of this floor, breaking barrels and collecting goods. If you've been good and collected everything thus far on the level, then you should have a score of 200/1200 coins 20/20 crystals and 25/25 stars! You can check this by pressing start. Enter through the door that the pirate was guarding, to take a lift that takes you down this time. Grab the bell at the bottom and speak to the fairy. It'll tell you to use your analogue stick to move the arms, and X to grab the treasure. What the next bit is, is that you'll be seeing a top down view of the lava pit below (from the lava room from before), where randomly in the lava pool treasure bubbles up, but occasionally (and more frequently as you go on), a monster may appear and should you grab one you'll end up starting over. The idea is to pre-emptively locate the bubbles you see before hand and hold X above it as the treasure surfaces. Watch out for those enemies however. ----------------- Tips for the treasure game: -The enemy only appears in at most three places, so learn where he appears and be careful when bubbles appear there, never worry when the bubbles appear else where -Stick around the middle of the lava pool and move swiftly to grab the treasure -There's no timer, so do not rush! -You'll need to grab 20, before you make that 1000 coin mark. ----------------- The dodo, flies to congratulate you and bids you farewell. ---------------------------------------- Pirate's Bay -BOSS- ---------------------------------------- No so fast! As you come out of the treasury, the pirate will stop you in your tracks and cannon-ball henchman in your direction. Three is all you'll have to deal with, before he comes down himself! --ROUND ONE-- The henchman are easily defeated if you continuously glide over their head butt-bash (with Square) as they walk underneath. Watch out for the bombs being fired at you also, however. You can pin-point their descent from the star marking on the floor prior to their fall. As with the Pirate himself (the boss!), there's a different strategy... At first he seems slow, but very quickly you'll notice he's doing more damage to you then you to him. There's a heart by the stairs, should you suffer too much. The strategy is very simple! Do not attack him (yet), instead run around avoiding his assault, to take time to notice the three weaker points on this battlefield where bubbles of water, erupt occasionally. Two are located near the back, while one nearer to the ship. The idea is to lure him close to one, and butt-bash him. He'll enrage and start to spin about his wooden leg. This in turn can be (and is) fatal for him. He should get stuck in the whole where the bubbles are coming out and that's your chance to take another hit. Fly away very fast after this hit, however, as the gap becomes bigger and water is revealed... and remember, Kao, can't swim! Having drowned him once its time for... --ROUND TWO-- An attack from the sky is next in his plans, but these bird enemies are as easy as the bees you defeated early on in the game. Basically, let them strike at you (or rather the ground), where they'll stay for a short time, ebut just enough for you to roll into. One hit each (three of them), and it's onto the boss once again. Same strategy as in round one, only this time lure him to one of the unchartered holes. That done, onto... --ROUND THREE-- An exact copy of the first round, only slightly faster. As for the pirate lure him to the final hole in the ground to drown him once more, only this time for good! Or is it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Docks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It appears you've made it to the docks safe and with the cash, but the henchman that once blocked you from letting you through has been cocky asking for money to an evil witch, and as a result he's been turned into a frog, while, she's still gotten through to the city! Note that you can now open a third extras door, with your collection of purple crystals. It's the one on it's own by the docks. Have some fun shooting there, or accept the frogs plea to go get that rememdy at the swamp... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Village -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll start in the ruins, with a river flowing through. By the red arrow to the left are some coins and a purple crystal, but more of interest is the fact that you can jump->glide across the river, to what looks like a glitch in the game area. There are no collectibles here just notice the water hasn't been totally programmed and is just black space. That's of no interest to you guide eaters, but I thought I'd just throw it in for completness. Make it back to where the red arrow is and refill you boomerang ammo. Soon as you come close enough to the edge by the river, piranha fish flip out trying to bite your ass. Make it across to the other side, while killing fish and looting the loose goods about. At the edge of the next bit of land, you'll see a log travel back and forth, while a piranha jumps out. It looks harder than it really is. Hop on the log and walk forward as you see fit, to avoid being hit by the fish. This next bit has a dwarf enemy with a halloween costume. I like the new touch. The best (new!) way to defeat them is to avoid that first strike they always get in and then X -> O, thats jump followed by a tail swipe, which would have improved to a new better and more powerful one, if you've been collecting enough stars. Collecting what you can before walking through a double set of doors and into the village! Grab the coins here before you, before taking a stride down the slope to the left, that takes you into the heart of the village. Now this place is absolutely and utterly mad-full of collectibles. It's very hard for me to guide you through the whole thing, but I'm going to do my best, with references to places, items, huts and so on. So, as you come down the slope, a ladder to the left will take you two two stars and purple crystals. You cannot break these barrels or knock on the door, so don't bother trying! Instead climb back down and hug the left wall, as you're attacked by two bees, and killing them nets you a further two stars, while you grab the rest of the collectibles in this corner. The red arrow by the tree points you in the right direction, so hug the slope you just walked down on, to collect further more goodies clinged close to the wall. The barrel against the wall will contain a bomb, while the ones by the edge (to your left) should have coins hidden in them. As you approach the hut at the end, you'll be attacked by a pumpkin-dwarf (my name for these enemies). Make quick work of him (X -> circle)! Then grab the coins to the right and left of the hut, while also climbing the shrooms against the right wall, to grab a purple crystal and a star. As you climbed these shrooms (short for mushrooms, by the way), you'll maybe have noticed that by the tree next to here is a green pad (button). To the left of the this here hut is a draw bridge. You won't be able to cross it, unless you've stomped on this, so do it now, then make your way across. On the centre (round platform) are some collectibles and a bell to your convenience. Further down, to the right of this hut is a star, while behind it is a purple crystal. Now get back to the front of the house, and take note of the fact that you're given boomerang ammo. If you look carefully to your left, by a hut is a shooting pirate who will start shooting soon as you grab that ammo. Jump to your right here to grab that lone star on the wooden platform against the wall, then jump back to the circular platform with the ammo. Jump towards the henchman to another green and circular island and while stepping left or right, shoot him down. Surely, you should have him targetted! To grab his star, you'll have to jump on a square platform to the left and then to the hut he was shooting by. Collect coins to another green island where you'll be attacked again by another of those shooting enemies. Similar tactics get rid of this one and as when you jump upto this hut, you'll not only collect the star he left, but of you walk all the way around the hut, you'll be collecting many other goodies too. Use the jump pad at the end to launch yourself to an alcove in the wall. You'll land perfectly on a bell and only the sound will let you know you've collected it, otherwise it happens so fast you won't even know it was there. So refill your ammo and press X to jump onto the barrel in the water and take it for a ride to the stream. It's a harder level on than any you've done before, so I suspect you'll be here a good 5-10 mins. Most of the 1st section has you dodging barrels, shooting spiders and grabbing a heart on the way. As you fall down the long drop, more spiders, and barrels will fall left and right from the ceiling. At the log-fork, go RIGHT past it as a barrel falls blocking the left side. Also in taking the right path you'll notice better a shooting enemy on the right side here. He's easily defeated by continuously having him targetted and shooting when he isn't jumping about. Note that you can make the barrel go upstream so that you can get in more shots at him. Once dead, he'll drop a star for you to go very close to and grab. Grab the heart before proceeding. More swift manoeuvring as you dodge barrels and kill of spiders to reach the end. Grab the bell and follow the line of coins, making sure you break all three barrels against the left wall. A pumkin-dwarf attacks you in the tunnel before you can make it outside, to see a magnificent castle-like building. It seems to have some kinda field force around it! Break the barrels by the tree to you left then past it defeat the bee. Also to the right of the tunnel you just came out of is another tree, with a barrel by it (a bomb), while a bee guards some collectibles just past it. Make sure you go around the trees as they hide (from view) some goodies. You'll have surely noticed a catapault in the centre, facing the castle. Before you trigger the next event, be warned that you'll have to fire at two sets of shooting enemies (a set to the left and a set to the right). They come out from the doors of the two towers, and rund down the stairs is a sequence. Figure out what works best for you, but as a guide (and this is what I did), i shot the bottom left, then top left, then swept to the right side and shot bottom one first then top. You'll have to keep up with your shooting and be very damn accurate too, as these guys come out very promptly. You'll have to take care of an odd 30/40 of these guys (if not more) with your life bar as the only constraint, (i.e. no timer!). There's nothing else here so continue across the now-opened bridge into the archway and grab coins as you come out of the other end. A pumkin-dwarf will greet you as do some collectibles. Make sure you don't miss out on the ones behind the stone pillar on the right. Break the barrels, also, before moving forward. Restore you ammo should you need to then use the log moving back and forth to get to the other side, and here grab some coins and a purple crystal. Jump ahead on the stone snakeway, grabbing a purple crystal on it. This is like a broken-up snake-like path made out of stone. Nothing too tricky just follow the coins on the main path, as it ends up back on land, with a pumkin-dwarf to deal with. Grab his star as well as the rest of the collectibles here, before heading onto the higher ledge here. Jump your way to cross a water gap, with two logs moving back and forth. Timing your jump from one to the other is essential to making it to the other side. On the other side grab some goods at the entrance to this cave, and follow it to a small, broken bridge with a bell on the other side. This next bit is a little mini-game scenario; like puzzle solving. You have to trigger the lever in front of you and fairy tells you exactly what needs to be done. Basically you have to make the picture that is on the floor with the square blocks on top of it to match. Before you trip the lever, make sure you jump to it and see what the picture actually looks like before you attempt to do this. Every game's puzzle is random (unique) so I can't really give guidelines on this. Should be easy anyway. When completed correctly, you will see something run out of the light at the end of the room and open up the way to the next stage (i.e. the exit!), so head to the right through the double doors. Note that this walkthrough will have you collecting most of the collectibles, bar a random sum, which there happens to be a glitch in the game for, and they just don't appear. It also seems to be a random amount of the three different collectibles; most usually 10 coins 5 crystals and 1 star. Note also that everytime you replay this level, you collect randomly the missing collectibles, but the counter doesn't seem to increase, or at least not in my game! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Chase -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hints: - As with any race or chase in this game, the best way to get accustomed to it is by trying it out! - Make sure you're following the coins at all times, and the red arrows point you in the general direction too. - Avoid hitting anythig like wooden spikes coming out of the ground blocking your path; just deviate in good time to run around past them. - Make utterly SURE that you touch all of those blue (oval shaped), see-through logos, that act as stamina for the pitchfork you're riding. - After touching a speed booster (red-ish flag), you'll launch and fly very fast to the next blue logo. You can somewhat affect your flight by using the dialog stick; and do so to grab all the goods in mid-air. - Bells are littered to make sure you don't have to keep starting at the very beginning. - While on tree branches, manoeuver as best you can, to stay on them, and if you feel you're about to slip press jump to get back on it. - The ground breaks below your feet further on, so be careful! The rest is a chase after the witch on her broom stick. Targetting doesn't seem to work, so you'll have to rely on hitting her straight, head-on! She leads you towards a batch of collectibles first thing, so follow her to grab the last lot. Also she will win if you don't kill her fast enough, as she would have reached the swamp; so you kinda have to kill her quickly too. It only takes 5/6 hits! Just shoot quite frantically, coz there's enough ammo about. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swamps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, nothing tricky to start off with. Nice rain effects! It's annoying you can't change the camera angle, but trust me when I say, there's nothing to search for (as there is nothing hidden!). Just break these barrels with care and climg the ladder to a higher ledge. Grab the ammo, shoot out the tenticles, then jump on their platform. Make it to some more barrels and another ladder. Follow this type of scenario to around the mountain, where a pumkin-dwarf attacks you. Make quick work of him and grab his star, then use the jump pad to launch yourself higher up. A final ladder takes you to a cave entrance, where you'll be able finally change camera angles. Grab to the left and right all the coins before proceeding into the tunnel ahead. A pumpkin-dwarf greets you inside, as do many stray coins. At the exit of this tunnel you'll see a large pumkin in the next area. Just to keep up make sure you've got 45 coins and 2 stars thus far. Walking forward towards the large pumkin to see bouncy pumkins come out of the large ones mouth. The idea is to just chase (lure) them back into the large one, while you're on the pitchfork. Shouldn't be too difficult and the large pumkin will close its mouth once you're all done. Notice that just below it's mouth is a passage way. Go under it! Through this tunnel grab many coins and just outside defeat the two bees, while just to the right of the exit are three purple crystals. You can surely hear gun-shots being fired. So you know you'll be facing a shooting henchman soon! Just near his location is a jump-pad, use it to reach a large mushroom that has a ladder on it. Climb this ladder to a bell and boomerang ammo. The moment you collect the ammo, you'll be thrown in a sliding race, on the tree branches. Shoot down and obstacles you see and hose pesky spiders. Jump from one branch to the other as the one you're on ends. you'll have to do more than just press jump however, as Kao doesn't always land on the next one perfectly. Remember, small left or right touches do better than holding or trying real hard to land on it. At the end of this leaves you on some shrooms on a tree. Make your way to the top one to grab that well needed bell, then onto the branch to the right for some more sliding! This time it's really tough! You'll definately die very early on, and many, many times over. Shoot a lot, but not unnecessarily, while jumping the gaps, from one branch onto the next. I suspect you'll be here quite a bit and lose a few times. So hence, you'll also need to replenish your boomerang ammo, and to do that you need to go down a few shrooms to reach the ammo, then back up to glide on the tree branches. You'll soon enough reach some more shrooms on the tree trunk, with a well needed bell. Refill you ammo as you tackle the next sliding section. I know this is quite tough and can be very annoying so here's a few hints to ovecome this level's sliding-branches... ----------------- Hints on sliding: - Make sure you refill your ammo everytime you die, because you'll be needing to shoot more and more - Remember that soon as you make a jump, Kao may not necessarily make it exactly onto the next branch, and to overcome that, you'll need to tap the analogue stick just enough so that he does - Make sure you do not jump too early as well. Just press jump soon as you reach the very end of the current branch - Remember that you can fire off your boomerangs, even while on a jump. DO this to kill off obstacles prior to getting too close to them - Also, good luck! ----------------- The last sliding section is quite short and you'll deserve all the collectibles that await you here, as well as that bell. Make sure you go around both of the trees here, and I mean ALL THE WAY AROUND THEM, to ensure you collect eveything. So grab everything here then jump from log to a pond-leaf and follow this jumping, which takes you to a four-leaf clover. The camera view changes somewhat intentionally so that you can see ahead the yellow flowers. Note that some are opened up and some are closed. The idea is to butt-bash the 4 leafs here, to make them all open up, forming a path for yourself. All of these now- open flowers has a star at its centre. So jump you way to the next bit that has a heart on it should you have gotten hurt. A bridge lays your way to the next bit, so follow it carefully, collecting coins on your way to the other side. There's a pumkin-dwarf enemy here; kill him and take his star. There's nothing else here, but those tenticle like whips need taking care of. I like doing things in a left->right manner, so as my suggestionstand to the left most whip (not too close of course) and r-target it and then shoot away, as Kao targets them in order. Jump carefully over their buds, to grab a star to the right and a bell here. The two logs in the water don't sink so don't worry, but beyond the 2nd one, is yet another sliding scenario. This one has you collecting purple crystals, but careful you don't miss any as some are higher up in the air, so you may need to time that jump of yours, so that you gain greater leap onto the next sliding branch. It ends short onto an island with some collectibles and two bees to take of. Mind your rolls as you defeat these bees, as you may roll into the water. Use the heart on top of the stone, if the bees were a bit mean to you. To the right of the tree here, are some more sliding logs, so hop on and take on the next and final sliding scenario. This takes you to a small island with the final 5 coins to collect for this level. Only 4 crystals and 4 stars to go. The next 4 purple crystals are just beyond the next bell (which is beyond the next three logs you have to jump). You should notice some rolling barrels coming down this mountain, that you must climb. There's an easy and safe way of doing this uphill climb: wait untill the barrels tend towards the right more, before you jump left and hug the wall of this mountain, all the way to the top. Don't worry about collecting anything the four stars wait for you at the top. This method of hugging the wall as you climb ensures least damage from barrels as they hit walls and tend to deviate more rightways. You may of course still get hit at most twice or three times. Note that you have to climb it relatively quickly as the water from the swamp creeps up on you, from behind. At the top you'll see a hut. Sure enough it's the witch's hut. But before entering it, go around to the back, to grab those last 4 stars. Enter, when ready... ---------------------------------------- Witch's Hut -BOSS- ---------------------------------------- She's quite tough actually. The idea is to freeze the bouncy pumkins she throws at you, using your boomerangs, and then punching them in her direction to hit her. To ensure you're punching them the right way a target of their flight (after you punch them) is marked for you, by a crosshair. Use it and throw between 4-6 to kill her. The longer you take the more potions and disastrous moves she uses on you. A direct hit yeilds more damage to the witch, so aim to hit her if possible, otherwise using the walls to bounce off the hit is fine too. With direct hits you can even take her down in 3 hits. Only one move to watch out for, her huge, flying spoon! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Docks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: you can open another bonus (crystal) door. You'll use the potion you've found at the Witch's Hut, to turn back the bosswain, into human again. He'll let you through now, so you can explore the... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abandoned Town -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This town is almost like an extension to the Dark Docks. You'll run into a bell and then the game leaves it upto you to control Kao. Okay this is the last world for this game, so expect things to get a little tough, (as if the Swamps [sliding] wasn't tough enough). First off, head right, behind the two benches to break some barrels and boxes and collect the coins. Head inside the door to enter the hut area. Break everything here and collect what you can. There's some bars blocking your from going any further. So there must be another way to get in: THERE IS! Step outside and collect every coin you see all around this here dock area. Search absolutely everywhere. Break any barrels, grab the loose coins about and there's even a secrete area to the left of the big buiding ahead, if you tilt the camera, you can see a ladder against a wall. If you cannot locate it, it's literally directly ahead from starting position, then left and around near the boats. Inside the window here, you'll be collecting many coins, crystals and stars. If you've collected everything here, outside and inside the little hut, where the boxes are being put on conveyer belts, you should have 46 coins, 5 crystals and 5 stars. If you don't search carefully before moving on. To proceed, you'll need to make use of the jumpy-box with the red arrow, near to where you started the level. Hop inside and bounce your way to inside the hut and head towards the little gap under the glass pane, to be taken by the mechanical arm and be delivered inside the factory. Once inside, hop out of the box, where you'll see another (move-able) box. You'll need to move this so you make a jump to a higher ledge. Push it forward enough so you can make it onto the platform above (infront of you), but before jumping, run on this ground level around the boxes to the right (all the way around them), to reach three hidden stars. Then go back and jump to the higher platform. Here break the boxes to collect some stars, then jump in the bouncy (red-arrowed) box to get past the lasers. Take a right turn just before the conveyer belt to break some more boxes and barrels then butt-bash the green button here. That'll shut down the lasers you crossed earlier. Hover/glide across the conveyer belt (as it is moving in the opposite direction to the way you want it) to grab a coin and jump on a vertically moving platform. At the top jump off and collect the coins within crates and barrels then change the camera view to get a better angle on the next section. A conveyer belt travels your direction (opposite to the way you want it to go), and some spiky logs swing about to stop you in your tracks. There's two methods of doing this! First method is to try and roll past the two logs as best you can to the other side, whilst the other (preferred) method is to glide past them as the first spiky log begins to swing towards one side. Time your flight and you should be able to make it without getting touched by either. Note however, that soon as you land from your glide the floor below your feet opens up so you'll have to perform a mid-air jump and glide onto a 2nd conveyer belt, finally by some crates that contain coins. Use the jump pad here to launch yourself to a higher section of the factory. If you want to be 100% with your collecting then read the next paragraph enclosed in the dashed lines, otherwise just read on past this. It's a SINGLE coin, but very complicated to get to. Stupid in my opinion. Anyway... ---------------------- Once you use the jump pad to get to higher ground the camera changes automatically so that you see the next bit, however this hides from view the ledge against the wall behind you. Before breaking the crates here, use them to fly blindly towards the wall behind you and make sure its a double jump and glide. Now you should be able to change the camera view. Hug the wall all the way to the edge where by changing the camera view you can see a ledge below you. Aim to fall on it and then glide around the pillar that divides you from the single crate that contains a single coin! MISSION COMPLETE! Note that this ceiling level is quite useful to bypass the area below, if you're just after finishing the story. ---------------------- This single spiky log is better avoided if you use method one of getting by, thus by rolling across the conveyer belt. Grab the coins to the right, hidden withing crates/barrels then make it across the next conveyer belt with the single spiky log. At The end use the haystack to reach a higher ledge to the left that has a coin and a wooden path along the wall so you can reach some more coins. Avoid falling off as that could be costly. Should you fall just before hitting the ground press and hold X to glide safely. Make your way back to where you jumped to this roof level and follow the red arrow that points right and downwards to some coins, a green button that you must stomp, and then a lift that takes you to some more coins and the exit out of this factory. You'll hear shots being fired from outside, but step out to grab a coin and crystal to the right and then follow left to some bommerang ammo. Take care of this henchman, then collect everything, making sure you break the barrel and crate in the corner by the flower-bed on the window sill. Then follow the path down the stairs to by-pass an alcove on the left and reach two barrels floating on the water.They take you into the a cave, with another two half-sunk barrels that lead to a purple crystal. At the edge of this platform you can double jump to cling onto some webs on ceiling and monkey climb your way to the other side. Make your way back to the alcove you passed and a platform has lowered so you can reach the higher level. Jump right to reach higher ground and grab the coin here. Follow behind the platform you just climbed to collect some more coins. Two parrots ahead launch themselves at you (or the ground!!), so you can defeat them the same way as you do normal bee enemies. Also remember you can boomerang their asses. Ahea you'll notice many pillars of crates with coins on top of them. But more hidden are some collectibles on ground level around every pillar. So run around each and every crate-pillar here (just hug the wall all the way around all of them, to grab everything. Then climb the one on the left most to then jump your way to the right most and eventually on the building side here. Jump to collect all the coins on the wall here then collect everything on the wooden section, before going to the level below (on your right). At the bottom of the slope here is a blue arrow. Now why is it blue? I do not know! But anyway, don't follow it's pointed direction instead tunr left and follow underneath the slope you just climber do get to some coins and stars. THEN follow the direction of the blue arrow to face off a henchman, who's easily defeated with three shots of your boomerang. Follow this path and branch off to reach small boats by the water and grab some coins. Then change the camera view by the stairs here to notice two barrels that take you into a cave entrance with some coins. Follow this passage as it bends (smashing the green button in the middle) to come out on the other side where some coins are at the base of some steep stairs. Climb these stairs collecting coins to be back on the main path above. Mind the jar-enemy against the wall up here. Take notice of the lighthouse in the distance. I told you this level is like an extension to the Dark Docks. Anyhow, get back to where the blue arrow was and climb the slope up to notice that the bars have been retrieved so you can go down the slope where barrels are being rolled off into the sea. The camera view changes for this scenario so time it right to reach the bell at the bottom. You'll surely have to make some timed jumps to avoid the barrels as they are much much faster than your stride or roll. Grab the bell and take notice of more barrels being tossed ahead. Easiest way across is by hugging the wall to reach another slope with barrels rolling towards you this time. You'll have to change the camera view so you can see the coming barrels and time your attempt at running upwards to reach safety. There's a much easier way of course, JUST ROLL UPWARDS TO BREAK THE BARRELS AS YOU MAKE YOUR WAY UP TO THE TOP! I just tend to like a challenge though. At the top look down to your right to see a wooden platform. Aim to fall on it and then follow underneath the slope you just climbed to grab many, many collectibles. Make sure you check around every edge and corner. Defeating the two henchman here nets you a further two stars on top. Break the breakable crates and barrels about but don't go through to the next area. Instead, by the tower to the right you'll see a door. The door is locked but on the side is a wooden flap that makes it possible for you to go inside and grab some stars. Jump back out of the window hole and back onto ground. NOW head on through. The henchman beyond the draw bridge will have the last star for this stage and you should have already got all the crystals but around 30 coins you still need. Grab everything here, especially the bell before making your way to the purple orbs where a chase type scenario ensues. You'll have to outrun the cannonballs breaking the foot path below your feet. As fast as you are from collecting the purple orbs, the path is faster at breaking, however just holiding down (towards the screen) will/should get you to safety fine. Should you feel you're about to not make it, use X to jump; and you'll definately have to jump at the end (where the camera view begins to change) to make it to safety. Three coins here and a bell ahead. More coins further ahead. Grab everything. Make sure you do so before boarding the ship (exit!). I've outlined every collectible area, so if you're missing any, then you havent been thorough enough. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunter's Galleon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work you way through this tight enclosure, breaking barrels, crates and chests open so you can collect everything, before you step through the door into the next room. (21 coins you should have from the first room). In the second room are two cages (presumably for animals), and atop them are purple crystals. Should you be too hasty and break the barrel between them there's still ways to get on top of them via crates and higher ground; but the barrel is an ideal way to reach the two crystals. Make sure you don't forget to break the barrels however once back on ground. You'll have to time your move to by pass the two swinging (captured) animals. They hurt you if you touch them. There are crates between the two, so make sure you break and collect before passing the second one. Then break every barrel and collect their coins as well as loose coins about. Remember that there are barrels in between the cannons so be thorough. To through the door at the end you'll have to perform your new powerful roll. In the next room a henchman is at the ready to attack, so be on guard! Break and collect everything. Make sure you look behind the table as well for a couple of stars. Grab the bommerang ammo, before rolling into the next door, and into the next room. Your pelican friend here lets you in on some help to help them. Take the time to notice that other friends have been captured as well. Step through the door at the end to be greeted by a spider. Shoot it down and then further up another one. Break the barrels here and make your way. Follow the path as it curls around, with swinging animals to obstruct. Break barrels as you make your way to a green button that frees one of your pals (the bear) and opens the path to the next room. Collect things as you follow this hallway to yet another room. This room is just awesome. There's ice crystals everywhere, collectibles littered about, and a puzzly path. Jump on the wooden platform to the right to start off. Don't worry about it closing, it won't! You can stand on it all day if you so wish. Jump across three more to reach a netting above your head that you can use to monkey-climb to a green button. Smash it to release yet another buddy of yours, and the path to the next room. Use the netting again to get back, only this time jump off to the centre platform with another green button and some coins. This green button forms a path for you to reach some collectibles and ammo. In the next room a barrel and a bell. Then change the camera view to see the oncoming barrels. Roll upwards to break them as you make your way to the top. Around the corner are some crates that you must climb to get to another section where barrels are coming down rolling your way. This time there's spikes on the ground so rolling is deadly. Instead manoeuver carefully to dodge both barrels and spikes. Best advice I can give is that one barrel comes out of the left and then one out of the right. They follow this pattern, so should you, to avoid them. Follow the curly staircase to the bottom (breaking barrels on the way), to reach a green button that frees another friend and opens the door to a large room with your friend Parrot in the middle of the room, captured in a cage. From where you start, just behind the flower pot to the right are two purple crystal hidden from view. Run around the cage to grab coins and two more crystals. Then run and jump to reach the coins on the window sills to the right of the cage, then up the stairs to the left of the cage to grab coins on the banister. Make your way to the bottom area where more collectibles await. Search carefully to grab the coins as well as stars. This set of stars should improve one of your skills (unlimited boomerangs) as a result of having collected 60. Get back up to the level the cage is on.. and hover across to the large stack of crates, so you can grab some more collectibles. Now, run back towards the entrance from which you came into this room and to the right are a set of flapping platforms that you must climb quickly before they close. Make your way left to right collecting everything and then up top a few more things, before you butt bash the green button. This button, you'd think is for the parrot, but in fact you'll let out another of you pals from the room at the beginning of the game. It also opens the door up the set of stairs with the banister. Climb those stairs to break some barrels refill you ammo (although you should have infinite if you've been following the guide), then roll through the door into the next room. Run down the stairs collecting the coins on the banister and then rolling into the door at the bottom. Careful as you enter the next room because some lasers trace the ground while a middle one oscillates vertically. Break the barrels prior to attempting to pass them. Break through the door on the other side to enter a new room. Take care of the henchman by shooting him loads of boomerangs. Three hits suffice! Then to the left and right of the stairs ahead are some loose and barreled collectibles. Then climb the steps and break the barrels to the right before heading up the steps to the left, which lead to more coins and a green button to free you parrot friend. Make your way back to his room and a cut-scence takes you into a flood chase. Parrot leads the CORRECT way, so follow him up the crates near you and monkey climb the netting at the top. Grab the last few collectibles for this stage as he leads you to safety. Should you fail to make it to the exit in time (or fall into the water), you'll start off in the room with the green button that freed Parrot, only you'll have to stomp on it again! I feel I have to add this: if you're struggling to make it to the exit in time, here's a few tips: - You'll have to keep up if not pass the parrot, to make it in time. - Cut short on the monkey climb - Use single jumps if they suffice, as double jumps delyay time - You may have to do this twice (if not more) to ensure you grab the goodies and then another time to make it to the exit. I don't think you can do both in one chase! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Duel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save at the end of the last level, before accepting to go onto this one! Very important that you do that. Afterall it's only the last boss of the game you'll be facing. ---------------------------------------- Final Duel -BOSS- ---------------------------------------- This fight is against none other than the hunter himself. Three rounds of various scenarios and attacks... --ROUND ONE-- R-target him and shoot him down with your boomerangs. If you've collected enough stars in your game you should have infinite of them anyway. Two hits have him throwing a fire-bomb on deck, which makes a hole and sends blazes of fire around the deck. Avoiding the direct hit from the bomb should be automatic however the trail-blaze can be difficult to time to jump over. Everytime you hit him twice, he throws a bomb on deck and hovers to the other side of the ship, as the trail-blaze crosses from the point of impact of the bomb to the side he's hovering to. Make sure you grab one of the two hearts on deck, before shooting him twice after some odd 6 hits or so! --ROUND TWO-- His ship begins to sink and Parrot decided to fly in and help you out. Only enough to take you to face off more mayhem from the flying Hunter. You'll have to avoid the bombs being thrown on the rafts/platforms you're running on and perform jumps as the parrot tells you to, before the platform breaks/sinks. Make sure you're not double jumping unless you have to, or you won't make it past this round. Otherwise no real challenge. Remember the barrels in this round are not collectibles infact they're bombs, so just roll right through them and jump onto the next platform. Near the last two or three platforms he stops firing bombs and jumps off his hovering vehicle... --ROUND THREE-- This round has you aiming at a hiding Hunter, as he shoots very rapidly at you. Run close to him before attempting to retaliate with your (assumably infinite) boomerangs. Follow this hide and seek, while shoot to kill scenario to defeate him. Now watch the crappy ending and the credits! Really dissapointed with that ending!! At the end of the credits you're just taken back to the Dark Docks, FOR NOTHING! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------