KENKA BANCHOU 4: ICHINEN SENSOU (THE ONE YEAR WAR) ======================= ****IMPORTANT NOTES**** ======================= #1: You do not need to know any Japanese to do the laser-eye battles in this installment of Kenka Banchou. I know those eye battles created a big language barrier that scared many people away from playing the older Kenka Banchou games. I hope that the new style of laser-eye battles, in combination with my guide, will lead many more people to give the game a chance. #2: This guide is NOT a direct script translation. It's a text summary of the events in the game. Also, by way of organization, it doubles as a walkthrough. ========= Contents ========= 0.0 Updates 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Using This Guide 3.0 Menus 3.1 Technique Edit 3.2 Pause Menu 3.3 Expendable Items 4.0 Characters 5.0 Kounan Map and Locations 6.0 Guide 6.1 April 6.2 May 6.3 June 6.4 July 6.5 August 6.6 September 6.7 October 6.8 November 6.9 December 6.10 January 6.11 February 6.12 March 7.0 Extra Stuff ================ 0.0 Updates ================ 1/13/2011 - I made a few small updates, including changing the name of the main school (I was actually pronouncing it wrong the whole time, give me a break...) -A number of Kenka Banchou 4 characters will be returning in Kenka Banchou 5! This reveals KB5 to take place 2 years after the events of Kenka Banchou 4. 1/15/2011 - Despite not having any Japanese text in this guide, GameFAQs posted the guide as a JIS document. As an experiment, I've now thrown in a bunch of Japanese (just the character and place names) to see if they'll read correctly on GameFAQs. If they do, I'll add more next time (maybe even a full item list). 1/20/2011 - It looks like this guide can display Japanese characters, so I've added the original Japanese to parts 1-5 (the actual guide is still all English). ================ 1.0 Introduction ================ Kenka Banchou 4: Ichinen Seinen (The One-Year War) is the second PSP title in the fantastic brawler series Kenka Banchou. Kenka Banchou 4 carries on the great tradition of combining fun beat-em-up action with a tongue-in-cheek story about juvinile delinquents. I've always seen the series as an homage to what is probably the greatest beat-em-up of all time, River City Ransom (which is known in Japan as Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari), both in its gameplay style and subject matter. This installment puts you in the shoes of Yuuta Hayami, a young firebrand who attends a rough high school with the goal of fighting his city's strongest fighter, Eiichi Akutsu. Akutsu is a senior in Kounan High School, which means Yuuta only has one year to fight and defeat him before he graduates, hence the sub-title 'The One Year War'. Along the way, Yuuta clashes with a number of other students, each with their own secret plans and agendas. I decided to write this guide because some GameFAQs user was commenting on how upset they were that the newer Kenka Banchou games weren't being released in America. While I don't have nearly enough time to do the amazing localization work that Atlus did for the third game in the series, I hope that people who imported the game, or those who are considering importing the game, will be able to benefit from this guide/synopsis. I apologize if the guide seems rough around the edges, I didn't realize that it would end up as long as it did. ==================== 2.0 Using This Guide ==================== The game is divided into 12 chapters, or 'months', that have a number of fixed events that you can watch. Some events are optional, but there is always one event that will trigger the end of the chapter, thus moving you on to the next month. Most of these events can be triggered by walking into a glowing ring, which shows up on the map as a red circle with an "E" in it. Most other events are triggered automatically, either by moving to a specific location, or just moving to a new location. In this guide, all events will be proceeded with an instruction marked by brackets like so: [ ] Following the brackets will be a description of the event, and following that will be another set of bracketed instructions. Just follow the brackets until you finish the chapter. To the left of each set of bracketed instructions is a little marker, with either an [Move], [Fight], or [Goal]. [Move] shows that you have to move to a certain location to trigger an event. The event will either trigger automatically, or you'll have to search for a glowing event area to step into. (you can find the event area by pressing select and searching the map for a red 'E' symbol) [Fight] indicate a fight you have to win to continue. These come after normal event scenes. [Goal] indicates that you have a goal of a certain number of school badges to obtain before continuing with the story. When the guide says "E-MAIL:", it is referring to the glowing mail icon that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen. The letters you receive are usually an indication that an event has been triggered somewhere. Concerning the optional sub-events, if this guide states that you should have received an e-mail, but you did not, chances are you missed triggering another event in a previous chapter (at which point you're out of luck). Optional events that are part of a larger sidequest are divided by dashed- lines like so: --------------------------------- (name of sidequest) --------------------------------- If you want to follow a specific storyline, you must trigger all the corresponding events within those dashed lines. There are five seperate sub-stories you can follow: -Dating Ayano -Dating Ai -'Dating' Mai -Yamaken's Girlfriend -Onijima and the Rival School War Each sub-story is activated in a main story event, but you must trigger the sub-events in order to continue each storyline. You can follow every story up until November, after which you can only date one of the three girls. This means that you'll have to complete the game at least three times in order to see every event. The 'Yamaken's Girlfriend' and 'Rival School' stories, on the other hand, can be completed every single playthrough. In addition, there are a few instances where something might not make a lot of sense if you aren't familiar with Japanese culture or language. I've marked these areas with an asterisk (*) and tried to explain them briefly. ========= 3.0 Menus ========= Most of the menus (Yuuta's House and the hangout spots) are the same. The main difference is that you can't recover health or change you clothes at hangout spots, and you can't play mini-games at Yuuta's house. Pillow: Rest and recover your health for free at Yuuta's house. Boxing Glove: Edit your fighting techniques. Shirt: Change your clothes. Toolbox: Swap items in you have stored with your current inventory, or equip Yuuta with a weapon you've picked up during the game. Volume: Volume option, camera control (normal or reverse), and turn install data on or off. Open Book: Various records, including your acheivements, collected badges, and phrases that you've collected by laser-beaming graffitti. Head: Your status. You can press triangle to allocate stat increases, if you haven't used them already. Power Symbol: This will quit the game and return to the main menu. Save: Save Mahjong Tile w/Betting Stick: Play Poker and Mahjong at your hangout spots Door: Go to the main map ================== 3.1 Technique Edit ================== 技装備 There are six categories of techniques you can edit: Combos, standing techs, throws, ground mounts, phrases, and other. 気合 "Kiai" Kiai means 'spirit', these moves will be stronger than your normal moves, and will stun your opponent quicker. Charging them will cost some of your spirit bar, but using them as normal is free. 威力 "Power" This word will appear at the top of the window when selecting attacks. The number of stars next to it refers to how powerful the attack is. Just remember, less powerful attacks can sometimes be more useful in a long combo. ------------- 連続技 Combos: ------------- コンボ: 1 Normal Hit 1 コンボ: 1 Normal Hit 2 コンボ: 1 Normal Hit 3 コンボ: フィニッシュ Finisher 気合技コンボ: 1 Kiai Hit 1 気合技コンボ: 2 Kiai Hit 2 気合技コンボ: 3 Kiai Hit 3 Your normal combo is activated by pressing the square button repeatedly. You will do three normal hits, and then a finishes that knocks the opponent away. Your 'Kiai combo' is stronger, and is activated by pressing the triangle button. It consists of 3 hits, and can be a combination of normal attacks or finishes. In total, you can make combos of up to 7 hits (4 normal and 3 'kiai'), and mix and match them when in combat. You can literally do any combination of hits you want, but remember that finishers will knock your opponent into the air, or away towards a wall. -------------------- 立ち技 Standing Techs: -------------------- ダウン攻撃  Ground Attack ダウン気合技 Ground Kiai 背後 Back Attack (Square + X) ジャンプ攻撃 Jump Attack ジャンプ気合技 Jump Kiai ダッシュ攻撃 Dash Attack ダッシュ気合技 Dash Kiai タックル Tackle (Run + L Trigger) 超気合技 Super Kiai (super attack) (Triangle + Circle) You will collect super attacks from the bosses you beat throughout the game. They start off with a fixed strength (威力), but will level up with use. The attack's animations will change a little when they are leveled up. In order to use a super attack, your kiai bar has to be flashing. If you attempt a super attack when you don't have enough energy in the meter you will freeze for a few moments, so make sure not to use it until your meter is ready! --------------- 掴み技 Grappling: --------------- 掴み技 Grapple Attack 掴み気合技 Grapple Kiai 掴み投げ Throw (Tap Circle after grappling) 羽交い絞め投げ Back Throw ------------ 馬乗り Mounts: ------------ 仰向け攻撃 Normal Attack 仰向け気合技 Kiai Attack うつ伏せ攻撃 Normal Reverse (opponent face-down) うつ伏せ気合技 Kiai Reverse (opponent face-down) --------------- タン語設定 Phrases: --------------- 気合技コンボ: 1 Kiai Combo 1 気合技コンボ: 2 Kiai Combo 2 気合技コンボ: 3 Kiai Combo 3 ダウン気合技 Down Kiai ジャンプ気合技 Jump Kiai ダッシュ気合技 Dash Kiai 掴み気合技 Grapple Kiai 仰向け気合技 Mounted Kiai Attack うつ伏せ気合技 Mounted Kiai Attack (reverse) あいさつ Greeting タンカバトル: Phrase Battle triangle タンカバトル: Phrase Battle cross タンカバトル: Phrase Battle square タンカバトル: Phrase Battle circle 超気合技 Super Kiai (super attack) You can edit what Yuuta says when performing certain attacks. You can collect more phrases by using your laser eyes ('menchi beam') on the sparkling graffitti that is scattered around the game. The most important thing here is at the bottom of the list, which allows you to edit the phrases you say when you get into the 'tanka battles' (when two laser-eye beams meet). Certain phrases are longer, and will require more button presses than others. ----------- その他 Other: ----------- 立ち Standing Stance 待機 Waiting/Standby Stance 歩き Walking Stance 走り Running Stance 気合溜め Kiai Charging Pose あいさつ Greeting Action Most of these have no effect on gameplay, but different Kiai Chargin poses will make laser-ing certain graffitti spots easier. You can't aim your eye laser in this game, so think about which pose will be most useful. ============== 3.2 Pause Menu ============== When you pause the game, you'll see six options appear: ステータス アイテム オプション ケータイ 名薄 指示 [Status] [Items] [Option] [Cell Phone] [Roster] [Orders] ------------ ステータス Status ------------ This is a screen with a number of you statistics. At the top you'll see your health, total experience points, and how many 'Bancho Souls' (status increase points) you have left to spend. The middle row has your spirit, total play time, and how many enemies you've defeated total. The bottom row has your current level, and how many experience points you need for your next level. シブシャバ度 "Shibushaba-Meter" By pressing the R-trigger, you can see a graph of your current statistic, and pressing it once more will show you your 'Shibushaba-Meter', which indicates how honorable or lowly your actions have been. Attacking random people, attacking enemies without using your 'menchi-beam' (eye laser) first, using weapons, and destroying private property will lower this meter, while winning the 'menchi-beam' battles and defeating opponents will raise it. You can bring up the menu to increase your stats by pressing triangle. The statistics from top to bottom are: 基礎体力 Health 腕っ節 Physical Strength 打たれ強さ Defense 足の速さ Movement Speed 肺活量 Lung Capacity (increases your stamina) ---------- アイテム Items ---------- You can press circle to use items in your inventory at any time (even during fights when you are taking damage), as well as press triangle to throw items away. See the section below for a list of items. ------------- オプション Options ------------- Same options as always, volume, camera, and turning install data on and off. --------------- ケータイ Cell Phone --------------- This option will bring up another menu: Call Mail Camera Map The Call option allows you to call any characters who have given you their number. Characters with a green signal next to their name will join you in battle when you call them, characters with an orange signal are already fighting alongside you, and characters with a red signal have been defeated while fighting with you this chapter, and will return next chapter. The Mail option shows you messages you've been sent by other characters. Most of these notify you of an event that has been triggered somewhere in the game. The Camera option allows you to take screenshots that will be stored in your PSP's memory. During cutscenes, you can take screenshots by pressing the select button. The Map option shows you the map of the area you are currently in. You can access the map a lot quicker by pressing select when you're moving about. ---------- 名薄 Roster ---------- The class roster shows you the names of all of the students in first, second, and third year of Kounan High. If a gold badge appears next to a student's name, it means that you have already defeated that student in this playthrough. If a silver badge appears next to a students name, it means you have defeated them before in an earlier playthrough, or you defeated them in your current game, but lost their badge*. If a bronze badge appears, it means that you defeated that student, but you did not win a menchi-beam (eye laser) battle against them. One more thing you can do is re-name every character in the game. Renaming a character will even change their name when it appears in the script, so you can have fun with that if you're feeling creative. *When you lose the game, you get two options: Give up or Retry. If you give up, the game goes back to the title screen, but if you retry, you'll be sent back home and lose two student badges at random. ---------- 指示 Orders ---------- This option will only be available if you have called a partner to help you fight. The first two orders are 'Knock them down' and 'Knock them out', while the third order allows you to switch places with the character and play as them directly. The fourth option sends the character home so you can fight alone again. ========= 3.3 Items ========= アメリカンドッグ American Corn Dog - Recovers a little HP コロッケパン - Korokke Pan - Recovers a little HP Korokke is the Japanese cousin of the French croquette. Pan means bread, from the French 'pain'. ヤキソバパン - Yakisoba Pan - Recovers a little HP Yakisoba is a type of special type of noodle, while yaki means fried, and soba is a type of buckwheat noodle, yakisoba is not fried soba noodles. It's its own thing. おにぎり - Rice Ball - Recovers a little HP A ball (or rather, triangle) of rice. The black thing on it is a strip of seaweed. 幕の内弁当 - Makunouchi* Bentou - Recovers a ton of HP Bentou is a Japanese meal that has been packed into a box. They usually have a large compartment filled with white rice, which is surrounded by smaller compartments containing meat and vegetables. Makunouchi Bentou boxes tend to lean towards the traditional (c. Edo-era), with pickled vegetables and a dried pickled plum (umeboshi). から揚げ&ハンバーグ弁当 - Karaage & Hamburg Bentou - Recovers a great amount of HP Karaage usually refers to deep-fried pieces of chicken. Often times the chicken meat has been left on the bone, so don't go chomping down on it! Hamburg is like what we call Salisbury Steak in the US. It's just a patty of ground or minced meat that has been seasoned and usually comes with a brown sauce. Not my favorite, but VERY typical of Asian-style Western food. のり弁当 - Nori Bentou - Recovers a decent amount of HP Nori is the dry type of seaweed that is used to wrap up sushi and rice-balls. In this game, it's a bentou box with a lot of vegetables. 焼肉弁当 - Yakiniku Bentou - Recovers a great amount of HP Yakiniku is Japanese-style grilled (BBQ) meat. イチゴショート - Strawberry Shortcake - Recovers a little bit of HP Akin to the modern American shortcake, this cake is commonly consumed in Japan on Christmas (where it is sometimes called Christmas Cake, popularized by the Fujiya chain of family restaurants). ファミリーピザS - Family Pizza - Recover a little bit of HP for both you and your partner ファミリーピザM - Family Pizza - Recovers HP for both you and your partner ファミリーピザL - Family Pizza - Recovers a great amount of HP for both you and your partner ファミリーピザLL - Family Pizza - Recovers a ton of HP for both you and your partner プリン - Pudding - Recovers a little bit of health In Japan, pudding refers to what we North Americans would call flan, or creme caramael. It is packaged just like little Jello pudding snacks. コーヒーゼリー - Coffee Jelly - Recovers a little health Coffee jelly is essentially coffee-flavored gelatin, but can be used in several different desserts (such as with ice cream, or in sweetened milk) in addition to being eaten in the standard Jello-style cup. 牛乳 - Milk - Regenerates health over a short span of time 超気合ドリンクZ - Super Kiai Drink Z - Restores a decent amount of your Kiai bar. 攻撃プロテインK-O - Attack Protein K-O - Increases your strength for a short period of time. 攻撃プロテインK-DX - Attack Protein K-DX - Increases your strength for a longer period of time. 耐久プロテイン - Endurance Protein - Increases your defense for a short period of time. 耐久プロテインDX - Endurance Protein DX - Increases your defense for a longer period of time. 携帯酸素ボンペ - Portable Oxygen Tank - Your stamina will last a little longer for a short period of time. In Japan, you can buy little cans of oxygen in the same way that you can buy bottled water. Sometimes the air is flavored. As in real life, I think this item is pretty useless. Just put stat points into your lung capacity instead of wasting inventory space with these things. 番長の哲学 - Banchou Philosophy - Sets your shibu-shaba meter more towards shabai. 続 番長の哲学 - Banchou Philosophy 2 - Sets your shibu-shaba meter even more towards shabai. スタミンリバース - Stamina Reverse - Regenerates health over a short span of time This lasts longer than milk. スタミンリバースSS - Stamina Reverse SS - Regenerates health over a decent amount of time. KBヘアカラー - KB Hair Color - Different colored one-time use hair dye. 高級チョコの詰め合わせ - Quality Chocolate Sampler - Restores some health Parody of Godiva assorted chocolate boxes. 板チョコ - Bar Chocolate - Restores a little bit of health 'Bar Chocolate' is more like a Hershey's bar (perforated chocolate), while a 'Chocolate Bar' is like a candy bar. チョコバー - Chocolate Bar - Restores a little bit of health ひとくちチョコ - Bite-size Chocolate - Restores a miniscule bit of health Just a little primer on items so that you aren't totally lost with a bunch of useless things in your inventory: Most food items recover your health. This includes corn dogs, yakisoba bread (which actually looks more like a hot dog in this game), rice balls, and lunch boxes. Lunch boxes are square and usually rather expensive, but they refill your life by a large amount. All vending machine drinks (vending machines are the blue box icons on your map) recover a little bit of health. Pizza recovers both your health AND your partner's health. The bigger the pizza, the more health you recover, obviously. Milk, and what looks like a red and orange ketchup bottle, are special items that slowly recover your health over a period of time. Milk regenerates you for around 15 seconds, while the orange and red bottles regenerate you for up to a minute and a half, and two and a half minutes, respectively. Different color boxes with a picture of a guy on it are boxes of hair dye. You can change your hair color by using these. The white and black book will increase your 'shibushaba-meter' if it gets low. The small brown bottle with a 'Z' on it refills a bit of your SP. The rounded pill bottles are suppliments that give you a temporary stat increase, usually around 15-30 seconds. ============== 3.4 Gyoza King ============== 餃子王 The Gyoza King restaurant is near the middle of the train station area. Buying meals here can increase your life, and also give you temporary stat increases. The menu is as follows: 1. Recover 210 health 2. Recover 420 health 3. Recover 630 health 4. Reduce the cost of special attacks by 30% 5. Raise your strength 5% 6. Raise your defense 5% 7. Raise your lung capacity 15% 8. Recover 700 health 9. Reduce the cost of special attacks by 50% 10. Raise your strength 10% 11. Raise your defense 10% 12. Raise your lung capacity 30% 13. Raise your movement speed 30% 14. Double the effectiveness of recovery items 15. Raise your strength 20% 16. Raise your fortitude (you won't become dizzy as easily) You can only have one stat bonus at a time (buying another will replace the old one). You will lose the bonus when the chapter ends, or if you take a rest at your home. ============== 4.0 Characters ============== There are a bunch of characters to keep track of, and many of them have nicknames. If you get confused, you can check this list to see who is who. I tried to keep these descriptions limited to physical appearance, as character's background and affiliations are usually kept a secret for storytelling purposes. 速水 勇太 Hayami Yuuta (The Protagonist): A brash student whose goal is to become the strongest in Kounan High. He attended Kounan specifically to fight Akutsu, a student famous for his strength. Obssessed with this goal alone, he disrespects everyone who gets in the way of him challenging Akutsu. *Yuuta starts out with short black hair and an all-black uniform, but you can change his appearance drastically once the game begins. 阿久津 栄一 Akutsu Eiichi: The top fighter in all of Kounan High, it's widely believed that he's never lost a single fight. He's well protected, so few people ever see him. 三沢 誠司 Misawa Seiji: Akutsu's ally, a hulking student with a mostly-shaved head that leads Yuuta to refer to him as 'that monk-headed guy'. He's usually silent, but wields amazing power. 千葉 「テル」 照男 Chiba "Teru" Teruo: A little weasely-looking guy with a purple shirt and long school coat. He's terrible at fighting, but makes his way by gathering information for other people. He calls himself an 'info broker' and is often seen perusing his dossiers. 川上 正二 Kawakami Shouji: A stern looking student with a red shirt and a baggy uniform, reminiscent of Japanese students from the mid-20th century. He also sports an old-school pompadour haircut that makes him the target of ridicule. 山口 「ヤマケン」 賢治 Yamaguchi "Yamaken" Kenji: A serious looking student with short brown hair and a red shirt under his school jacket. In part, he's the antithesis of Hayami Yuuta: polite and honest, though both share tremendous power, and the goal of fighting Akutsu Eiichi. 篠原 優 Shinohara Yuu: A seemingly innocent girl who attends Hanayuri Academy. Yamaken is dating her, but his friends don't really know about her because he keeps his private life a secret. 鬼島 「江南の鬼」 耕平 Onijima "Oni of Kounan" Kouhei: A towering student with blonde hair and a blonde goatee, a scar over one of his eyes, and always wears a blue varsity jacket adorned with Oni heads. (Oni are a classic Japanese demon) He speaks in a western-Japanese dialect, and at first comes off as an odd, if not harmless, pervert. 黒岩 明光 Kuroiwa Akimitsu: A huge student with a clean haircut, mustache and goatee. He leads Kounan's rival school, Kouhoku. 森 圭太 Mori Keita: A tall student with a dangerous aura, he has swept-up red hair and earings, and wears the sleeves of his school jacket rolled up with a blue shirt underneath. 葛城 元 Katsuragi Gen: An attractive student, he wears a fancy purple-gradient shirt and a necklace instead of the normal school jacket. The first time he appears, he's already gotten himself into trouble with some stronger students. 氷室 祐樹 Himuro Yuuki: An evil-looking guy with dreadlocks that wears a blue sweatshirt instead of the school jacket. Always up to no good. 八神 「死神」 真 Yagami "Shinigami" Shin: A wild character with a blonde pompadour/mullet, purple shirt, and long school coat. He is, in part, an homage to Iori Yagami from The King of Fighters fighting game. 団吉 'Old Man' Dankichi: A powerful guy who works as a food vendor the Shrine. In the opening tutorial, he teaches Yuuta the way of 'manliness'. --------------------- 4.1 Sorimachi's Gang --------------------- 反町 一也 Sorimachi Kazuya: An evil-looking dude with short light-brown hair and a green hooded jacket. He's usually hiding in the park, scheming with other students or thugs. 菊田 真澄 Kikuta Masumi: A big guy with a shaved head and sunglasses. He was expelled from school along with Mikami, and now spends his time as a common thug. 三上 広吉 Mikami Hiroyoshi: A big guy with 2-tone hair and a black/leopard-print tracksuit. He was expelled from school with Mikami. ------------------------------- 4.2 The 2nd Year Splinter-Group ------------------------------- 袴田 「トシ」 雅利 Hakamada "Toshi" Masatoshi: A student with long brown hair and a teal varsity jacket. He leads Class 2-D and is often seen with Ozawa. 小澤 「オザ」 健也 Ozawa "Oza" Kenya: A student that wears an orange hoodie under his school jacket. He's usually seen with Masatoshi, and gets upset rather easily. -------------------------- 4.3 Side-Story Characters -------------------------- 白鳥 綾乃 Shiratori Ayano: A kind girl with long brown hair and a school uniform. She attends the private girl's school, Hanayuri Academy. Her polite nature suggests she's innocent and not well versed in vulgar things. 澤村 愛 Sawamura Ai: An older girl with earrings, a stylish top, and short shorts. She attends a junior college and is constantly hounded by men when she's out on the town. 真壁 弘道 Makabe Hiromichi: A thug who wears a sweatshirt with the hood up, and a cap underneath. He leads a gang called WASP, whose members are often found roaming the town. Obsessed with Ai. 諸星 総一郎 Moroboshi Souichirou: I fancy-looking guy with a dress shirt and a purple vest. He works as a bartender at a club in town. 弘田 麻衣 Hirota Mai: A younger girl with blonde hair and a blue school uniform. She attends the middle school of Kounan's rival town. 小野田 哲平 (テッペイ) Onoda Teppei: A young guy with a blonde pompadour and a blue school uniform. He attends the middle school of Kounan's rival town. Seems close to Mai. 工藤 晶久 Kudou Akihisa: An older guy wearing a biker gang outfit (long white jumpsuit, rolled headband). He leads a local biker gang. ============================= 5.0 Kounan Map and Locations ============================= ---- MAP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Ichi-Choume] [Riverbed + Bridge] [Kounan High] [Appartment Complex] [Ni-Choume] [Yuuta's House] [Train Station] [Hanayuri Academy] [San-Choume] [Shrine] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- 一丁目 Ichi-Choume ---------------- An Urban area with a train crossing and a park. There's a corner store at the far end. Many rival school students hang out here. -You can obtain a hangout spot by defeating the students at the park. ---------------------- 紅川橋 Riverbed + Bridge ---------------------- An open field that meets with the riverbed, and crosses under the bridge. A few important battles take place here. -You can obtain a hangout spot by defeating the students under the bridge. ----------------- 江南高校 Kounan High ----------------- A big school campus where most of the game's action takes place. The school is divided into two areas. The front area includes the school's gate (and a corner store), the athletic field, and an entrance to the school's classroom building. The back area includes the school's parking lot, courtyard, and entrances to the swimming pool, classroom building, cafateria, gym, and storage room. Inside the classroom building are three floors, one for each of the first year, second year, and third year student classrooms. There is an entrance to the rooftop (which is closed for the majority of the game), and to another building where the nurse's office is. You can visit the nurse to restore your health and kiai bar (Press the left trigger to talk to her). -The front area has a bicycle parking lot where you can obtain a hangout spot. -The back area has a hangout spot under the class-building staircase. It's one of the first spots you obtain in the game, and anytime you see a direction that says, [go to your hangout spot], this is where you have to go. -Defeating the students behind the pool (not IN the pool area) will get you another hangout spot. ---------------------------------- ベニ花台団地 Benihana Appartment Complex ---------------------------------- This is a suburban area with a corner store, park, and a row of appartment buildings. This is where you first meet the rival school students, and you will continue to see them here throughout the game. -You can obtain a hangout spot in the corner of this area's park. --------------- 二丁目 Ni-Choume --------------- An open urban area with a corner store, family restaurant, and a back alley. The back alley has the entrance to a club with a dance floor and bar. A number of sub-events take place here, mostly concerning Ai. -------------------- おれんち Yuuta's House -------------------- The main save point of the game, you can rest to recover your health here for free, as well as check your records, change your clothes, change your attacks, and so forth. -------------------- 江南駅前 Train Station -------------------- This area is where you'll trigger a lot of the dating events. In addition, there is a clothing store, barbershop, tanning salon/tattoo parlor, and restaurant there. Eating at the restaurant, 'Gyoza King', will give you limited-time statistic boosts that can be pretty important if you're underpowered. ------------------------ 花百合学園 Hanayuri Academy ------------------------ An urban area with a private school, park, and a covered parking lot. You can't go on the school's campus, but you will meet Ayano here a number of times. -You can get a hangout spot in the park next to the parking lot. --------------- 三丁目 San-Choume --------------- An urban area with a corner store and a number of parking lots. -You can get a hangout spot in the largest parking lot, behind the row of stores. ---------- 神社 Shrine ---------- A Shinto shrine. You can buy fried octopus* from the food vendor, Dankichi, here, as well as donate money to the shrine for some power bonuses. A bunch of motorcycle gangsters hang out here. *Tako-yaki, or fried octopus, is a Japanese snack that consists of octopus meat covered in fried batter to form a ball. If you get good takoyaki, they have some special sauces on top, along with fish flakes. There is also a guy who you may remember from the original Kenka Banchou game, he stands by the tree behind the fortune-telling box. You can sell the stuff in your home or your inventory to him. -You can get a hangout spot right next to the shrine. ===================== 6.0 Walkthrough/Guide ===================== The game opens with Hayami Yuuta is visiting a shrine, considering how much money he should donate. He finally decides and tosses his money in, wishing for victory against Akutsu Eiichi. He adds that if he doesn't get his wish granted, he wants his money back. An old man who works at the shrine approaches Yuuta and yells at him to stop making noise in such a sacred place. The man's expression soon changes and he says, 'well, if it isn't Yuuta!'. Yuuta asks him what's up, referring to him as 'Old Man' Dankichi. Dankichi says Yuuta's offerings are always useless, but Yuuta lets him know that he spent 500 yen this time. Dankichi can't believe it, but Yuuta tells him he couldn't afford to be stingy this time. He says that from tomorrow, he'll be attending Kounan High. Dankichi is a little confused, and Yuuta tells him that it's the place where Kounan's 'strongest man', Akutsu Eiichi, goes to school. Dankichi says he understands, it was just that his memory has been pretty poor lately. Yuuta says that to be the top in all of Kounan, he'll have to take on Akutsu. Dankichi says it's strange of Yuuta to think he can become the strongest in such a short period of time, but resolves to train him. If you want to go through the tutorial, choose the first option when you get a chance. If you want to skip it, choose the second option (the second option tells Dankichi his food stand is on fire, and he runs off to check on it). =========== 6.1 April =========== During the school's opening ceremony. Yuuta leaves early, already in search of Akutsu. [Move][Enter the classroom building] Akutsu is nowhere to be found inside the school either. Yuuta passes a student who is trying to weasel his way out of being beaten up. The student runs after Yuuta and begs him for help, mentioning that he's meek and defenseless. Yuuta is bothered by the student's frailty and begins to leave, but the student insists and claims he can help Yuuta meet some girls. Yuuta says he isn't interested in girls, only in finding Akutsu. The student's assailant approaches Yuuta and makes a fuss, which sets Yuuta off. [Fight][After fighting the student] The weak student who asked Yuuta for help is astounded by Yuuta's visciousness, and is annoyed that his dossier didn't say anything about how strong he was. He agrees to help him find Akutsu. [Move][Walk towards the school's entrance] The weak student stalls for a while, introducing himself as Chiba Teruo, the info broker (who goes by the nickname, 'the knowledgable Teru'). Yuuta is annoyed by his rambling and asks him to hurry up with the info on Akutsu. Teru reads off some useless information before mentioning that Akutsu is often found on the school's rooftop. Yuuta heads to the rooftop at once. At the entrance to the rooftop, Yuuta and Teru are faced with two tough-looking guards (an obvious allusion to the Double Dragon brothers from the end of River City Ransom). Yuuta berates the 'doormen' and demands he be let through. Teru, recognizing the guards' strength, apologizes for Yuuta* and tries to calm him down. *Teru blames his actions on the spring weather, which Yuuta denies. Back outside, Teru says it's no use trying to muscle your way through to Akutsu. Yuuta mentions that brawling is normal bonding for men, which sets Teru off on a rant. Bored with Teru's rambling, Yuuta asks him what he can do to get to Akutsu, as he wants to fight him before he graduates. Teru recalls that Akutsu would be choosing a successor for after he graduates, and that he would need to "test" the candidate. Yuuta is hopeful that the "test" will be a fight with Akutsu. Teru responds that the only way he can hope to catch Akutsu's attention is by defeating other classman and becoming the leader of his class. Their conversation is interrupted by the student who was harassing Teru before. [Fight][After fighting the student] After defeating the student again, Yuuta picks up his school badge, which Teru mentions is proof of his defeat. Yuuta figures he can gain influence by defeating more students, though Teru warns him about the stronger students in his class. Yuuta thanks Teru for the information, and then reminds him that he promised to introduce him to some girls. Teru says he remembers and gives Yuuta his number (but then mutters that he completely forgot about the girls). [Move][head to the back section of the school] Yuuta spots what he sees as the perfect place to chill, a little shaded area near his classes and the cafeteria. There are already two students there, who don't take kindly to him eyeing their spot. [Fight][defeat the students] Yuuta claims the resting area under the stairs, and Teru pops out of nowhere to congratulate him, mentioning that the 'information broker can appear anywhere'. Yuuta is a little bothered, but turns his focus on becoming the leader of his class. [Goal][after collecting 5 badges from class 1-A students] [Move][head to your classroom on the first floor] Near his classroom, Yuuta spots two students apologizing to another student. They say they've had enough, and will recognize him as class leader. Teru (hiding) mentions that the leader is Kawakami Shouji, a strong fighter from class 1-A. He says that Yuuta's defeat of Kawakami will be a good milestone towards fighting Akutsu. Yuuta barges in on the conversation and tells Shouji that he can't claim the head of class 1-A, because he hasn't fought him yet. He makes fun of Kawakami's hair and clothing, saying that he looks like a relic from the Shouwa Era (late 1920s-1980s). Shouji fires an insult at Yuuta, who suggests they throw down. [Fight][After defeating Kawakami] Yuuta makes fun of 'the old fossil' some more, saying he must not be popular with the ladies while wearing his old-school clothes. He gets upset, and Yuuta tells him he was just joking. Teru comments that Yuuta is the real deal (all brawn and no brains), and just might be able to make it to the top of the class. Teru then says that Kawakami isn't exactly the head of Class 1-A, which Kawakami confirms (this is the first time Yuuta hears Kawakami's real name, and stops calling him a fossil for a moment). Teru says the next step is to face Yamaguchi Kenji (nicknamed 'Yamaken'), another strong fighter in Class 1-A. Yuuta is confident that he's already won. [Move][Leave the classroom building] Near the rooftop entrance, another student is pleading with the two guards. Very formally, he asks for an audience with Akutsu, and the guards mention that he is different from 'that idiot Yuuta', in that he is much more polite. Regardless, they turn him down. The student turns a bit forceful and tells the guards to remember him, as he'll be back. [Move][Return to the classroom building] Yuuta says that he'll have to defeat Akutsu quickly if he's to become the head of the school and get on with his life. In classroom 1-A, the student who was at the rooftop is mulling over his rejection by the guards. Yuuta arrives at the classroom just as he is leaving. He asks what Yuuta was doing standing there and asks him to move. Yuuta is furious that someone would try to order him around, and begins to talk smack to the guy, claiming that he himself is the head of Class-A. Teru shows up with Kawakami, and is shocked to see Yuuta with the other student.He mentions Yuuta's name, which the other student recognizes. Remembering what the guards said earlier, he repeats: 'That idiot Yuuta?', which sets Yuuta into a rage. Teru tells Yuuta that the guy he is facing is in fact Yamaguchi 'Yamaken' Kenji, the strongest in all of Class 1-A. Yuuta, unimpressed, throws some insults at the Yamaken, who fires back. Yuuta says Yamaken is 12 years too early to fight Akutsu, while Yamaken says Yuuta is 15 years too early. They decide to settle the dispute there and then. [Fight][After the fight] Yuuta and Yamaken charge at each other with everything they have, and the resulting clash causes an explosion that knocks both of them out. Teru and Kawakami mention how strong the two of them are, and how their fight wiped out all the desks in the class. Teru says he'd never seen anything like it. Teru and Kawakami approach the nurse in her office, and try to tell her that they were just 'wrestling' a bit, when things got a little rough. Annoyed, she tells them that there are beds free, but she's out of ice, and asks them to go buy some. Resting in bed, Yuuta and Yamaken acknowledge each other's strength, and then each proclaim themselves the winner of the fight at the same time. They start to argue again, but then laugh it off. They each express their desire to be the one to defeat Akutsu, and make a pact never to lose to anyone else until they face each other again. [Move][Head back to your hangout spot] Teru mentions how amazing the fight was, and how he couldn't tell who won. Yuuta says he must be blind, because anyone could see that he won, clear as day. He says the next target is to become head of the first years, and lists the heads of the other classes: Class 1-B Mori Keita Class 1-C Katsuragi Gen, a sort-of cool/stylish guy Class 1-D Himuro Yuuki, with trademark dreadlocks, a bad guy Class 1-E Yagami Shin, nicknamed "Shinigami" He tells Yuuta not to get himself hurt hunting down these students. Yuuta is up for the challenge. ======== 6.2 May ======== [Move][Head inside the classroom building] Yuuta greets Teru and mentions that he's interested in meeting girls. He tells Teru not to dodge the subject again. Teru says he understands and will give you a call when he's set something up. [Move][Head to your hangout spot] A few students that are acting all shook up approach Yuuta in his hangout area. They claim that they're not there to fight him, acknowledge that he's the head of Class 1-A, and say they have something for him. Kawakami is skeptical of the student, but Yuuta trusts them. Still showing fear, they give Yuuta a letter and tell him that they hope he can read it. They run off, leaving Yuuta and company to mull over what looks to be a letter of challenge. They are a bit confused by the letter's contents, which have been scrawled out in an odd manner. The students that brought Yuuta the letter run up to another student who is waiting for them in the courtyard. He asks if they took the letter to Yuuta, and they respond, 'Yes, Kei-chan'. The student (Mori Keita) calls them idiots for referring to him by that diminuitive name, and demands he be called "Oyabun", the mafioso term for 'Boss'. He then demands to know what Yuuta's reaction to the letter was, and upon getting no response, he suggests Yuuta must have been terrified. His minions reluctantly agree, and Mori proclaims that Yuuta must be trying to back out of the duel as they speak (the real issue, of course, is that Yuuta couldn't even read the letter of challenge) When you regain control of Yuuta: E-MAIL: There should be a glowing mail icon in the corner of your screen. Check your cell-phone mail to read a letter from Teru- He's made good on his promise and has found a girl for you. You can meet her in front of Hanayuri Academy. [Move][Head to Hanayuri Academy] Yuuta meets up with Teru, who says the girl should be on her way any time now. He spots her across the street, and says her name is Shiratori Ayano. Yuuta is very impressed and tells Teru he did a great job, and to hurry up and introduce him. Teru says he can't introduce him now, and that the rest is up to Yuuta. Yuuta tells Teru to stop messing around, and that he thought Teru would act as a go-between. Teru claims he never said anything of the sort, and that Yuuta has to do the rest on his own. Yuuta says he'd feel like a creep, and Teru calls him out, telling him he's spineless. Yuuta curses him and walks off, with Teru chasing after him. [Move][Head to the Station] Yuuta feels bad about the whole situation and decides to head to the train station to mess around for a while. Upon arrival, he sees Ayano and a friend being harassed by some thugs (the, "hey baby, come have fun with me for a little while..." variety). She says that she needs to go study, and the thugs respond by saying, 'it won't take long at all'. Yuuta sees this as a chance to get Ayano's attention, and rushes over to help, telling the thugs to stop scarring the girls. They throws some insults back and forth, and begin to brawl. [Fight][After defeating the thugs] A big blonde-haired guy approaches from behind the girls, and comments on 'how scary the kids are these days'. Yuuta, finishing up with the thugs, is sure that his bravery has must have caught the girl's attention, but he turns around to find the blonde guy hitting on the girls. The blonde guy tells the girls to leave the scary guy alone and come chill with him, he knows a quiet place to eat, etc. Yuuta yells at the guy for stealing his thunder, but the guy plays coy. Ayano and her friend run off, and Yuuta asks the guy why he ruined his big chance. The blonde guy just mutters that it's all part of being young and walks away. Yuuta is bewildered by the guy's comments and loses track of him. E-MAIL: You get an e-mail from Teru about your school's rival school. He says you to watch out for rival students in certain areas (the students are wearing dark blue uniforms). [Move][Return to School] Yuuta and Teru are walking along when they see a pretty girl. Teru reckons her measurements are 88, 58, 86 (in cm), with D-cup breasts. Yuuta is astounded by Teru's deduction, and Teru mentions that it's because 'info brokers see all'. The girl doubles back and calls out Yuuta for being a pervert and ogling her. Yuuta is shocked, and she seems pleased that she got him all flustered. When she leaves, Yuuta mentions that older girls can be intimidating, yet he can't resist them. At that moment, the blonde-haired guy from earlier pops out of nowhere, failing to remember Yuuta. Yuuta wants to fight, but the guy is soon gone, chasing after the pretty girl. Yuuta is about to go after him, when Teru remembers who the blonde-haired, blonde-bearded guy with the eye scar is: Onijima, a 3rd-year student in your school, the number two fighter, nicknamed "the Oni (demon) of Kounan". Yuuta is unimpressed, and completely underestimates Onijima. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AI - BEGINNING E-MAIL: You will receive an e-mail from Kawakami, telling you that the pretty girl you saw earlier has been seen in Ni-choume. [Move][Go to Ni-Choume] Yuuta spots the girl from earlier and mentions how good she looks from behind.. He tails her, only to end up in a club. Some thugs in the club stop Yuuta, and Yuuta thinks they are after the girl as well. The thugs tell Yuuta to leave the club, and they brawl outside. [Fight][After defeating the thugs] Yuuta says the thugs were 20 years too early to fight him, and heads back to the club to find the girl. The girl has left, and Yuuta asks the club's bartender if he knows her. He says Yuuta would be better off giving up on her, muttering something about the 'soldiers' and a 'king' that lurk around her. Yuuta is confused by his speech, and makes his own statement about how he's the prince on the white horse, here to save her. The bartender merely warns him not to get himself hurt. ---------------------------------------------------------- [Goal][After collecting badges from 10 Class 1-B students] E-MAIL: Teru sends you a note when you have the badges. [Move][Head to Classroom 1-A] Teru informs Yuuta and Kawakami that he finally deciphered the challenge letter. Yuuta and Kawakami have an odd reaction to the letter, saying that they can sense the challenger's spirit, that he's a true man, etc. Teru doesn't understand their reaction, but lets them know that the fight will be held in the school's courtyard. Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Mori Keita is annoyed that Yuuta hasn't arrived, and grumbles that Yuuta must think he's Miyamoto Musashi*. Mori's goons say that Yuuta must have been too scared to take his challenge, but as they do, Yuuta and company arrive just in time. Yuuta and Mori share greetings, and Yuuta mentions how Mori is a 'true man'. Kawakami quotes from Mori's letter: "Use your left hand for your friends, and your right hand for your own pride". He then mentions his own mantra- "Left hand for the rice bowl, right hand for chopsticks". Yuuta says they'll stake their pride on this fight, and Mori reciprocates. *Miyamoto Musashi, the famous samurai, was also famous for being late to a number of duels. [Fight][After defeating Mori] Mori's goons rush to his side, and then swear to take down Yuuta for beating their leader. Mori says that Yuuta was right to accept his challenge, and tells his men to stand down. Yuuta approaches Mori with respect and extends his hand, and Mori mutters to himself that the 'world champion has fallen'. Teru and Mori's goons feel world champion is a little too strong a word, but Kawakami tells Mori that he's still a champion in the eyes of Men. Mori then submits to Yuuta, telling him that Class A has overtaken Class B, which he intended to do all along. He says that Yuuta has his full support in becoming the head of the first year students. Teru is left baffled. ========= 6.3 June ========= Lately, a bunch of rival school members have been spotter near the Benihana appartment complex. [Move][Head to the Appartment Complex] Yuuta runs into a bunch of thugs from Kounan's rival school. They tell him to 'get out the way', and think they can take him down because Akutsu isn't there to help him. [Fight][After defeating the rival students*] Yuuta tells the students that he's aiming for the top of his school, so he won't take any help from Akutsu. He tells them to let him through, and as he's leaving they ask who he is. Yuuta introduces himself as the guy who will soon be the strongest in Kounan, and that they'd do well to remember him the next time they see him coming down the street. *Your rival school's name is Kouhoku, which is made up of the characters 'Kou' (meaning red) and 'Hoku' (meaning north). Your school, Kounan, has the same name, except that the character 'Nan' means south. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AYANO - BEGINNING E-MAIL: Teru sends you a note about some new Hawaiian shirts at the Select Shop Clothing Store. He says he's gonna check them out, and you should too. [Move][Head to the Select Shop near the Train Station] As Yuuta peers through the window of the shop, Ayano approaches him from behind. She thanks him very graciously for the other day and says she'd like to return the favor. Yuuta tells her it was no problem, and that she doesn't need to thank him. She insists, and says she'll do anything for him. Yuuta is shocked, "ANYTHING?", and lets his mind wander to perverted places. Before he can snap out of it, he spots Teru leaving the store. Fearing Teru will ruin his chances with Ayano, he quickly makes up an excuse to leave. Before he takes off, he asks for Ayano's number, which she gives him. Teru looks on in confusion as he sees Yuuta running away from Ayano. [Move][Enter, and then leave your Hangout Spot] Teru asks Yuuta about the girl he introduced you to the other day. Yuuta wonders why he's asking all of the sudden, and just leaves Teru guessing. Teru is annoyed and wonders why Yuuta is acting so suspicious. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATAING AI - PART 2 E-MAIL: Mori sends you a note saying he spotted a beautiful girl near the train station. [Move][Head to the train station] Yuuta spots the pretty girl again, saying he'd always remember her from behind. He says that today's the day he'll finally get with his 'princess'. Yuuta approaches her, and stammers out something lame before getting distracted by her breasts. The girl tells him to follow her if he's really interested. Yuuta tells her that he saw her the other day, and feels that it must be fate to keep running into her like this. They run into a couple of thugs who seems to know her, and they ask what she's doing with Yuuta. She says he's just some guy who tried to pick her up. She then tells Yuuta it's not not his lucky day, and leaves. Yuuta suspects that these must be the 'soldiers' the bartender was talking about, and tells them not to mess with the prince. [Fight][After defeating the thugs] Yuuta proclaims 'the prince's' victory, but starts to wonder what's really up with the girl. He decides to ask Teru about it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-MAIL: Teru says he's got some info for you about your rival school. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIVAL SCHOOL WAR - BEGINNING E-MAIL: Teru says it seems the rival school is really gunning for Kounan now, and that Akutsu and Onijima had a conflict with them in the past. [Move][Head inside the school] Inside Class 1-A, Teru asks Yuuta about his run-in with the rival school members. Yuuta asks him how he knew about the fight, and Teru reminds him that there's little 'the info broker' doesn't know. He says that this feud with the rival school goes way back, decades even. Yuuta is surprised, and makes sure that he's not to blame for any of it. Teru admits that he doesn't know where or how the war started, but that the upperclassman (including Akutsu and Onijima) have clashed with the other school before. Teru tells Yuuta to be careful of them, but Yuuta is unconcerned as always, and says he can take down anyone who comes his way. E-MAIL: Teru is worried Akutsu will do something if Yuuta reignites the age-old conflict. From now on, you'll get an e-mail from Teru every so often telling you how many rival students you've defeated. He say rumors are spreading about a guy from Kounan (you) who is stirring up trouble. If you want to continue with this storyline, you have to defeat 50 rival students total. I believe you need to do this before December. The students are weak, so it's not too much trouble to take them out early in the game. Around July, students in lighter blue uniforms will show up. These are middle school students from your rival area, and count towards the total as well. The best place to find them is at the appartment complex. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Move][Head to the School] Somewhere in the school, a rockabilly-style dude is facing down a stylish guy who is laying on the floor, taking a beating. Apparently, the guy (Katsuragi Gen, head of Class 1-C), has disrespected him. Nearby, a student with dreadlocks (Himuro Yuuki, head of Class 1-D) is impressed at the "Shinigami's" (Yagami Shin, head of Class 1-E) ruthlessness. He warns Yagami that if he goes any farther, he might kill Katsuragi. Yagami is furious at Himuro's insubordination, and storms off, giving him a warning. Himuro continues to interrogate Katsuragi, telling him it's not too late to apologize. Katsuragi still won't speak, and so Himuro threatens that next time he won't stop Yagami from beating on him. Katsuragi finally breaks, and admits that Yagami and Himuro are his superiors. At Yuuta's hangout spot, the gang mulls over the remaining class leaders (the three who just appeared in the previous scene). Teru says it won't be so simple to overtake them, but Yuuta makes a quip about the "Shinigami" being more like "Chirigami" (toilet paper). [Move][Head to another part of the school] Off in a park, Himuro is chatting with a guy in a green jacket. He asks Himuro how he's progressing with his goal, and Himuro mentions that the "Shinigami" is a total monster, who would fight to the death if there weren't someone to hold him back. The guy laughs it off, and asks Himuro if he'll be able to keep Yagami under control. Himuro assures him that although Yagami is brutal, he's dumb, so he shouldn't have any trouble using him as he wishes. The guy starts to leave, but turns to remind Himuro that his own plan is bigger than the battle between the first year students. [Move][Head to another part of the school] Off at a local restaurant, Himuro thinks about using Yagami to finish off the remaining first year students, but is afraid of what would happen if he got out of control. At that moment, Katsuragi, who was apparently called on by Himuro, rushes into the restaurant. Himuro scolds him for being late, and warns him that if he messes up again, he'll send Yagami after him. He tells Katsuragi to take a seat, but when Katsuragi moves to sit next to him, Himuro lashes out and tells him that he has to kneel because he's a subordinate. Himuro wants Katsuragi to get rid of Yuuta and his gang, and promises him a top position in his scheme if he does. He promises he's not lying, and Katsuragi rushes off to comply. Himuro thinks to himself that, after Katsuragi has finished off the scraps of the first years, Yagami will be the only obstacle he has left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AYANO - PART 2 E-MAIL: Ayano seems to think you're short on time because you ran away during their conversation earlier. She wonders if you have the time to stop by her school. [Move][Head to Hanayuri Academy] Ayano greets Yuuta so politely that he can barely understand her. She explains the greeting to him, which prompts him to apologize for his poor Japanese, stating that he's a little thick in the head. He takes it back, though, and blames his poor speach on living abroad for too long. Ayano is impressed that Yuuta is a 'returnee child'*. Yuuta suggests that they go somewhere to sit and chat. Ayano agrees and says she can't wait to hear about his experiences abroad. The two go to a family restaurant** where Ayano is curious to know what country Yuuta lived in. Caught up in his lie, Yuuta says that he lived in America, and that he's good with English. He tries to say 'Hello' in English, which Ayano feels he pronounces with a thick Japanese accent. Ayano then wants to hear about Christmas in America; it's her favorite because all of the streets are lit up with fancy lights, and everyone is happy. Yuuta makes up a story of 50-meter Christmas trees, hundreds of Santas wandering around, and massive piles of presents. Ayano says she's never heard anything like it, and Yuuta swears it's the truth. Ayano says she had a good time, and the two part ways. Teru, watching from a distance, is glad that he finally caught them together. *Studies have found that children who live away from Japan for a certain period of time (on account of their parents working overseas) may have difficulties re-adjusting to Japanese society and the education system when they return. Programs have been set up to help them reintegrate. **Family restaurants are big faux-western style restaurants with average, cheap food. You can drink all you want there, which suprises Ayano, who has never been to such an establishment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Move][Head to the Volleyball Courts (back of the sports field)] Yuuta checks the volleyball court to meet up with Teru, but he can't seem to find him and considers going back home to sleep. As he turns around, he sees Katsuragi with a hoard of goons. Yuuta is completely unphased, as usual, and says Katsuragi will regret sneaking up on him. Katsuragi is furious, and begins to show his insecurity about being Himuro's pawn. Yuuta neither understands, nor cares about Katsuragi's circumstances, which angers Katsuragi more. He sends his goons after Yuuta. [Fight][After defeating the underlings] Katsuragi is astounded that Yuuta could destroy four armed thugs, and feels nobody but Yagami could do the same. Himuro witnesses what happened and runs off, annoyed that Katsuragi failed. Yuuta approaches Katsuragi and lets him know that he won't let him run away unscathed. Katsuragi wonders how he got himself into this mess, and wishes Yuuta had fallen. Yuuta, seeing Katsuragi coming undone, comments that if Katsuragi is a real man, he should be preparing himself to fight. This gets Katsuragi thinking about why he came to Kounan to begin with, and he finally toughens up. Yuuta sees that he's ready, and Katsuragi agrees not to hold up the fight any longer. [Fight][After defeating Katsuragi] Yuuta acknowledges Katsuragi's strength, but says that it's a shame he had Yuuta as an opponent. Katsuragi says that he came to Kounan to test himself, and that he'd done great until he ran into Yagami. He says he'd met his limit when he fought the 'Shinigami', and was frozen in terror ever since. He compares himself to a lamb, being hunted by a wolf. Yuuta tells Katsuragi that his mindset is all wrong, and that a strong lamb might be able to beat a wolf. He offers to show Katsuragi how to be strong, and Katsuragi accepts before leaving. Teru and Kawakami see Katsuragi leave and go to make sure Yuuta is OK. They tell him that Yagami will be coming for him next, and Yuuta says he couldn't ask for a better opportunity to get Akutsu's attention. Meanwhile, Himuro is seen walking down a school hall, cursing Yuuta. ========= 6.4 July ========= E-MAIL: Teru sends you an ad for his info broker services (mostly a joke) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AYANO - PART 3 E-MAIL: Teru says he's changing his style a bit, and wants your opinion. [Move][Go inside classroom 1-A] Teru greets Yuuta with the polite greeting that Ayano taught him (much to Yuuta's surprise). Teru says he's thinking of changing his style of speech, and Yuuta says jokingly that it suits him. Teru agrees, and says it suits the girls from Hanayuri Academy as well. Shocked that Teru has found out about his meetings with Ayano, Yuuta makes an excuse and leaves abruptly. Teru, a bit perturbed, says he can't let Yuuta have all the fun. E-MAIL: Ayano sends you a note thanking you for the last time you met, and says she wants to meet again at the train station, if you have time. [Move][Go to the Train Station] Yuuta meets up with Ayano, and she's impressed when he remembers the greeting she taught him. Ayano asks what he wants to do, and Yuuta suggests they just wander around for a while. As they come upon a plaza, Ayano mentions that during Christmas, a big tree will be decorated there, though it won't be 50 meters tall. Kawakami is seen walking in the background behind them, wondering if he should buy another pair of his goofy pants. He spots Yuuta and asks him what he's doing there. Yuuta pretends he doesn't know Kawakami, and Kawakami says, 'what, you don't remember me, the old fossil?' Ayano asks if the guy is a friend of Yuuta's, which Yuuta denies. He tells Ayano to 'look over there!', and decks Kawakami before she turns back around. Ayano spots Kawakami on the ground and asks what happened, but Yuuta feigns ignorance. He suggests they go to the Family Restaurant next. As they enter the restaurant, Yuuta spots Teru, already sitting down. He panics and tells Ayano that the place is crowded, and that they should hang out by the river instead. Teru is pleased with himself when he sees them leave. At the riverbed, Ayano mentions how she loves the fresh air, and Yuuta is excited that this might be his chance to make a move on her. Just then, Yamaken appears, saying he'd recognize Yuuta's foolish voice anywhere. Yuuta pretends not to know him, and Yamaken calls him a derogatory word for 'idiot'. Ayano, confused by the word, asks Yuuta what it means. Yuuta replies that he doesn't know that kind of Japanese, probably because he's one of the 'Returners'. Yamaken figures that Yuuta meant 'Returnee Children', and calls out his lie. He tells Ayano that is she has any sense, she'll leave Yuuta. Ayano is shocked that Yuuta lied to her, and Yuuta tries to explain himself. Ayano is too upset, and curses him before running off. Yamaken mutters that a guy like Yuuta isn't worthy of taking on Akutsu, which leads Yuuta to brawl with him. [Fight][After fighting Yamaken] Teru and Kawakami run in to stop their fighting, and Teru apologizes for messing with Yuuta. At first Yuuta lashes out at them, but then turns inward and becomes seriously depressed. As he leaves, Teru and Kawakami say they're worried about him, but Yamaken is sure he'll be alright the next day. E-MAIL: Teru continues to apologize, and asks to meet at Hanayuri Academy. [Move][Go to Hanayuri Academy] Yuuta meets up with Teru and Kawakami, who wait for Ayano outside her school. At first she wants nothing to do with them, but Yuuta apologizes profusely. She says she'll forgive him this time, and that she wants to get to know the real Yuuta. Teru says he can fill her in, because he's got all the info. Yuuta chews him and Kawakami out, and Ayano says she's interested in getting to know all of his friends. YAMAKEN'S GIRLFRIEND - BEGINNING [Move][Head to your school] Yuuta is surprised to see a girl wearing Ayano's school uniform outside the gates of his own school. Yamaken appears, and the two go off together. Yuuta mutters that he'll never forgive the bastard. [Move][Head to the classroom building] Yuuta catches his gang coming out of Class 1-A and stops Yamaken. He asks him about the girl he was with, and Yamaken tells him it's none of his business. Yuuta flips out and Yamaken leaves. Yuuta turns his anger on Kawakami and then takes off, while Teru comments on what a sore loser Yuuta is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AI - PART 2 [Move][Head towards the door to classroom 1-A] Yuuta meets up with his gang and asks Teru if he remembers the hot girl from the other day. Teru says he does, and has some extra information on her. Her name is Sawamura Ai, 19 years old, and attends a junior college. Yuuta is once again delighted at the thought of an older girl. Teru mentions that the thugs who follow her around are from a gang called WASP. Their leader has fallen for the girl, and sends his minions out to guard her. Yuuta recognizes those thugs as the aforementined 'soldiers', and then asks Teru if the gang's leader is going out with the girl. Teru says he doesn't know, and Yuuta declares that 'the Prince will have to take the Princess's hand', and then laughs to himself. Teru is confused as usual, and fears Yuuta has gone a little nuts. E-MAIL: Teru mentions the club in Ni-Choume, and that you might be able to find Ai there. [Move][Head towards the club in Ni-Choume] Ai spots you as she's coming out of the club and is surprised you're still alive. Yuuta exclaims that nobody can take him down so easily, and that he's the strongest in Kounan High. Ai exclaims that he's 'a man after all', and that she knows his type. She talks about Makabe, the leader of the WASP gang, and how he pretends to be a bodyguard, spreading his minions about. Yuuta is insulted and says he doesn't care about that punk, but Ai sees Makabe and Yuuta as one in the same. As they are arguing, some WASP members appear and Ai uses Yuuta to get rid of them. [Fight][After defeating the thugs] The defeated goons threaten Yuuta, saying they'll remember him and that he better be prepared. Ai says she's a little impressed, and Yuuta calls her out for being a hypocrite. He starts on about how he's Kounan's greatest and unbeatable, and Ai claims she still thinks he's a thug, though he has a different attitude from Makabe. She says it's alright if they hang out when she has some spare time, and gives Yuuta her number. When she leaves, Yuuta says that he makes her a little uneasy, but he just can't resist her looks. E-MAIL: Yuuta informs you that some thugs are looking for you on the back streets of Ni-Choume. [Move][Head towards the vending machine in the back alley of Ni-Choume] Some thugs from WASP assault Yuuta. [Fight][After defeating the WASP members] Yuuta is a little surprised that they would attack out of the blue, and starts to think that Ai is a little more dangerous than he thought. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Goal][After collecting 50 student badges total] E-MAIL: Teru says Yagami is coming for you and your gang! Head to the staircase hangout to get ready for battle. [Move][At your hangout spot] Teru confirms that Yagami is coming, and proudly says that all of Yuuta's supporters started coming one by one when they heard he was going to fight. Yuuta motions over to Yamaken, and says he'd rather die than have his help. Yamaken says he wouldn't miss a chance to see the fight. Yuuta tells Teru that he's hyped up to conquer the school, and starts arguing with Yamaken over who will fight Akutsu. Teru is amazed that the two don't seem to have the words 'fear' or 'lose' in their vocabulary. Yagami the 'Shinigami' arrives with his posse and asks Himuro which of the punks he's facing is Yuuta. Himuro motions to Yuuta and the two square off. Yagami tries to throw in a sneaky surprise attack, but Yuuta counters and grounds him. Kawakami and Mori try to intervene, but Yamaken stops them. Yagami, in hysteria, says that's the first time he's felt pain in years. He says he's enthralled with the sensation, which leads Teru to question Yagami's sanity. Himuro swaggers over to Yuuta's gang and berates them, saying that they're just small fry for him to clean up. Yamaken is outraged, and tells Yuuta that he'll take on Akutsu if he loses against Yagami. Yuuta scoffs and then turns to Yagami, telling him to get up, and letting Yagami know that he's merely a stepping stone to his real goal. [Fight][After beating Yagami] Yagami hops to his feet while Yuuta struggles for breath. Yuuta notes that Yagami really must be a 'Shinigami' (god of death) to be fine after a beating like that, but Yagami falls to his knees soon after and admits his defeat. Yuuta calls him a fool for messing around, and Yagami lays on the ground, struck with confusion over how he could lose his edge. Yuuta lays it on thick, saying he had an overwhelming victory, which infuriates Yagami. Yagami calls him a disgusting bastard, to which Yuuta retorts, "Disgusting? You're the one who's a masochist!" Meanwhile, Yamaken congratulates Yuuta, and turns to Himuro and a heap of his goons. He tells Himuro that he's finished, who in turn contemplates his loss. He's upset that he now has two new monsters on his hands, Yamaken and Yuuta, and proclaims Yagami to have been a plague upon him*. Yuuta mentions Yamaken taking care of the 'small fry', and Yamaken tells Yuuta that he was being grascious, letting Yuuta play the hero for the day. * Himuro uses another play-on-words with Yagami's name that means 'plague'. Himuro feels that with those two in his way he's done for, but quickly gets the idea to beg for forgiveness. He pleads with them, telling him that he was just being used, and that he and Katsuragi were only following Yagami because they were too afraid to cross him. Yamaken tells him he understands his circumstances, which leads Himuro to think that they fell for it. Nevertheless, Yamaken tells him that calling them 'small fry' before has him completely enraged. The gang is looking on, and Mori mentions how sweet it is to have this punk grovelling at Yamaken's feet. He asks Yamaken to forgive the guy, and Himuro, seeing another chance at survival, begs. Yamaken finally gives in, and Himuro is releaved, though still vindictive. He takes off while Yuuta revels in his victory. Yamaken says that Yuuta couldn't have done it if he wasn't there to clean up the riff-raff, and Teru agrees. Yuuta argues, and Yamaken tells him his victory against Yagami was just an accident. The two go at each other while Teru thinks about how they're finally at the top of the first year students. [Move][Head to the hangout spot] Katsuragi approaches the hangout spot as the gang thinks about their victory. He congratulates Yuuta on the victory, and Yuuta invites him to take a seat with them (you can now call Katsuragi). Teru reminds Yuuta that he might be able to get an audience with Akutsu, now that he's head of the first years. The two head up the stairs to the doorman, which Yuuta greets rudely. He says he finished off the first years and wants to meet with Akutsu, but they brush off his accomplishments once more. Yuuta loses it, and Teru has to apologize for him* and calm him down. As they leave, one of the guards tells them that Akutsu isn't interested in people whose only strength is fighting. Yuuta asks what he has to do, and they tell him to figure it out on his own. *This time Teru blames Yuuta's behavior on the summer heat, which he also denies. Back at the hangout spot, Yuuta is going balistic over being denied access to Akutsu again. Teru tells him to calm down, and reminds him of what the guard just said. He thinks it has something to do with being a 'person of high calibur'. He's not sure exactly how to do that, but says it's something Yuuta will have to strive for. Yuuta is bothered by this, as he just wants to go kick Akutsu's butt right now. Teru reminds him that Akutsu has never lost, and that Teru will always be there for Yuuta if he needs some info. Yuuta leaves, declaring that he'll get Akutsu's attention yet. He then remembers that it's time for summer break, and that he can go have some fun at the festivals. =========== 6.5 August =========== [Move][Head to the Shrine] Yuuta visits Dankichi (the old man he trained with in the beginning) at his food stall. He asks if he can have a taste for free, and the old man tells him he has to pay up. Ayano shows up and greets the old man, and Yuuta is surprised to find out that they know each other. Yuuta overhears an argument and wonders what all the fuss is about. The old man says it's bad for business and yells at him to go do something about it. Yuuta says he can't turn down a request from the old man, but Ayano looks worried. The old man offers her some fried octopus while she waits for Yuuta to come back. [Move][Head to the fight] Onijima is with a crowd of students from the rival middle school. One of them is telling Onijima to leave a girl alone, but Onijima is feining ignorance. Yuuta steps in to tell them to stop, but is shocked to see that Onijima is involved. Onijima tells him he's just in time for a fight, and the kid says he's not looking for a fight, but is annoyed with Onijima oggling the girl. Yuuta says he's inclined to believe the kid, and then checks out the girl for himself. The kid tells Yuuta to stop looking too, and Yuuta says the kid must be itching for a fight. The girl tries to tell the kid to ease off, but he says he'll take Onijima and Yuuta on. Yuuta tells him it's great to try and look tough in front of a girl, but he's gonna get himself hurt. A smirk appears on the girl's face as they prepare to fight. [Fight][After the brawl] The girl gazes in amazement at Yuuta and Onijima's prowess. Yuuta is glad things have calmed down and tells the kid and the other students to get out. He warns them that old man Dankichi will take care of them if they decide to mess around the Shrine again. The kids scatter, but the girl is still frozen with admiration. Yuuta tells her to take a hike, but Onijima approaches her and asks if it's he who she's staring at. She admits that she's smitten, but Onijima says he's a little weirded out by a middle school student being into him. Then, the girl then walks right past Onijima- it seems she was looking at Yuuta all along, and she declares herself Yuuta's girlfriend. Yuuta is too shocked to respond, but the girl insists, and introduces herself as Hirota Mai, or 'Mai Mai'. Then Dankichi appears, furious that they made so much noise during the fight. He says Yuuta is the noisiest of all, and tells everyone to scram. Yuuta returns to a very worried Ayano, and exclaims that he's brought peace to the festival. Dankichi shouts at him and says he should be able to fix situations like that with a single glare. He asks Yuuta to work on being more dignified, especially if he expects to be the best at Kounan High. Dankichi goes back to his stall, and Onijima arrives once again, thanking Yuuta, but quickly turning his attention to Ayano. He tells her he remembers meeting her at the train station the other day, and that his memory sharp when it comes to remembering people. Yuuta reminds Onijima could barely even remember him, and then asks why he's called the 'Oni of Kounan'. Onijima evades the subject and suggests they talk about something more lively, as they're supposed to be celebrating a festival. Yuuta tells Onijima his name, and says that he best to remember it. Onijima turns a bit serious and says the Kansai-equivalent of, 'One day I'm gonna teach you some respect, boy!' Yuuta reminds him that it's a festival and they should lighten up. They make ammends, at least until the festival is over. ============== 6.6 September ============== [Move][Head to school] Yuuta greets Teru outside the school (they hadn't seen each other during the break), and asks what he knows about the "Oni of Kounan". Teru repeats that he's the leader of Class 3-B, so at the very least, he's the second strongest in Kounan. Yuuta asks what he means by, 'at the very least', and Teru tells him that when Onijima and Akutsu were newcomers, they were the remaining two in a royal-rumble/elimination-type match, but nobody is sure who is stronger. Rumor has it that Onijima is just as strong as Akutsu. Yuuta says that it seems Onijima isn't some random pervert after all, and Teru compares the battle between Onijima and Akutsu to Yuuta and Yamaken's. Yuuta is annoyed by this, of course, because in his mind it was obvious that he won his battle against Yamaken. Yuuta than says he knows what he can do to prove himself, and Teru worries that he intends to fight Onijima. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AYANO - PART 4 E-MAIL: Teru says that he's spotted Onijima on the 3rd floor of the classroom building. [Move][Head to the 3rd floor] Yuuta finds Onijima on the third floor balcony, and Onijima greets him, forgetting his name yet again. Yuuta asks him for a fight, saying that only Akutsu will remain if he defeats Onijima. Onijima declines, and says he'd rather be introduced to some girls from Hanayuri Academy. Yuuta is a little taken aback, but Onijima gives him his number and tells him to think about it. E-MAIL: Ayano says she had a good time at the festival, and had fun meeting his friends. She says she wants to introduce you to some of her friends as well. [Move][Head to the Hanayuri Academy] Yuuta looks upset, and Ayano approaches him and asks what's wrong. He says he's in some kind of predicament, and Ayano tells him he can talk to her about it. He reluctantly asks if she has any friends she can introduce, which she takes to mean that Yuuta wants to meet other girls. He assures her that it's not for him, but for his friend. Ayano says she has someone in mind, and tells Yuuta that she'll let her friend know about the situation. Yuuta is surprised, but she tells him that she'd do anything for him. She says she has to go study and leaves, and Yuuta calls up Onijima to tell him what's going on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Move][Move to another part of the school] A storm of rival school students rush into your school, stating that they've come to take back what's theirs, and demand Akutsu come out to meet them. A Kounan student comes in to stop them, but is batted down in an instant. Some Kounan students rush to a hangout spot to get a student named Sorimachi's attention. Sorimachi says this kind of situation is more of Misawa's job than his. The students rush off to find Misawa, while Sorimachi smirks to himself. On the rooftop, Misawa responds and heads out to take care of the problem. Teru and Yuuta spot the action, and Teru wonders if the raid is Yuuta's fault. The rival students yell that they want Akutsu, but Misawa just blocks them silence. Yuuta is shocked to see someone standing up to seven students at once, claiming only someone on his level would do something so bold. He and Teru watch in amazement as Misawa makes short work of the students. Teru identifies the heavyweight as 'Misawa Seiji', Akutsu's top officer. Off in a classroom, two students are stirring up a plot. They talk about how fearsome Misawa was when fighting the rival students, and how they've got to do something to take him out. They also chat about the first year students, including Yuuta (whose name they don't know yet). They say that Yuuta is planning to fight Akutsu, and that he too will have to be dealt with. Meanwhile, Yuuta sneezes*, and Teru asks if he has a cold. Kawakami questions how someone could get a cold in the summer. Yuuta exclaims that he's in perfect health, and that some cute girls must be gossping about him somewhere. Kawakami doesn't buy Yuuta's theory, and admits Yuuta might have a cold after all. Yuuta and Kawakami go at it, while Teru comments that things are 'peaceful' as usual. *Many people believe that you sneeze if someone is talking about you. A lot of Japanese media uses this superstition as a gag. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING MAI - BEGINNING E-MAIL: Mai says she's going to meet you at your school. [Move][Go towards the school's front gate] Mai surprises Yuuta, calling him 'darling', and is offended that he would be shocked by seeing her. Yuuta asks what she was doing sneaking up on him, and she says that the fried-octopus vendor (Dankichi) told her that he attended this school. She's tells him she got up early just to wait for him, but Yuuta shows her that he's not interested. Teru and Kawakami show up and harass him about dating the girl, and Teru comments that it might be a crime for Yuuta to be with someone so young. Yuuta says he doesn't know her and leaves abruptly. Mai states that she won't fail to make Yuuta her boyfriend. E-MAIL: Mai comments on how impressive your school is, and asks where you were going. She says she's determined to find you. [Move][Head to your hangout spot] Yuuta spots Teru and Kawakami loafing around and asks what's up. They say they didn't have anything to do after school, so they decided to hang out at their meeting spot. Mai pops out of nowhere and says that on days like this, it's a sin not to make time for your girlfriend. Teru and Kawakami tell Yuuta that they've caught him creeping around with girls all the time, and that he must really be getting popular with the ladies. Mai comments on how mean they're are, and Yuuta is annoyed that he's being ganged up on. Teru wishes the girl 'good luck', telling her that Yuuta is an awful guy, while Kawakami mentions that Yuuta is behaving like a typical man. Yuuta gets upset and takes off, with Mai chasing after him. Teru and Kawakami have a laugh about the situation. Mai is chasing Yuuta, when she sees the guy from the festival, Teppei, waiting by the school gate. The guy wants to know what's up, because 'Mai Mai' said she was going to hang out with her classmates. Mai tells him not to call her that Mai Mai, as she only wants her 'darling' (Yuuta) to call her that. She calls him a weakling, which prompts him to ask if she'll come back with him if he can beat up Yuuta. Mai says that he could never beat Yuuta, but Teppei insists on fighting him. Yuuta warns Teppei not to, who then leaves muttering that take down Yuuta yet. Yuuta then turns his anger towards Mai. He tells her nothing good ever happens when she's around, and calls her a 'plague' (the same term Himuro called Yagami earlier). Mai gets upset and leaves, and Yuuta says he feels uneasy whenever she is around. E-MAIL: Mai says she wants to hang out with you, and tells you to head to the town. [Move][Head to Ni-Choume] Mai pops out from behind the corner store, and Yuuta says he upset with all her 'suprise' appearances. Mai is unphased and asks him to go hang out somewhere. Yuuta tells her that she should get home and 'play house'. Mai is excited and says, 'yeah, let's go play house!'. At that moment, some thugs show up and tell Yuuta to get out of the way. Yuuta turns to Mai and says she truly is a plague, but Mai just smiles and tells him to protect her. Yuuta isn't amused by her behavior, and leaves, while Mai gets upset and says nobody should leave a helpless girl in such a situation. Yuuta comes back to take care of the goons. [Fight][After beating the thugs] Mai thanks Yuuta and says they should hang out somewhere, and Yuuta, exausted, tells her to go home already. Teppei, who was hiding nearby, is upset to see the two of them together. Teppei is then seen appealing to a biker gang*, asking for help to take down Yuuta. He addresses the leader as his senior (suggesting they went to the same school). The leader says that some of his men could brush up on their fighting, and agrees to send a few to help Teppei. *In Japan, there is a particular type of biker gang called 'Bousouzoku'. They are usually made up of high school dropouts or people who didn't make it into a good high-school/college, and the members usually leave when they get older (~21-23) Kudou, the leader of the gang in this game, confirms that he graduated. E-MAIL: Mai thanks you, and says she's going to wait by your school for you. [Move][Head to the school gate] Yuuta spots Teppei and greets him as 'Mai's friend'. Yuuta says he's annoyed with him and Mai, but the biker goons Teppei enlisted show up, prompting Teppei to tell Yuuta that they're here to rub him out. Yuuta is upset that the kid would take such a measure, but the gang members are all ready to go. They say it'll be a piece of cake to make Yuuta kneel before them, while Yuuta tells them to do their worst. [Fight][After defeating the bikers] Yuuta counts the bodies, and asks if that's all they've got. He turns to Teppei and says that it seems he's the only one left. Teppei tries to run, but Yuuta yells at him to be a man, and that men take care of their problems alone. He insults Teppei's pride to the point that Teppei gets furious and turns to take on Yuuta. [Fight][After beating Teppei] Yuuta tells Teppei that he should go after Mai with that sort of conviction, if he's serious about her. Teppei thanks him for the lesson and leaves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- YAMAKEN'S GIRLFRIEND - BEGINNING* *You will have had to trigger the first event where you see Yamaken's girlfriend in Ayano's storyline before you can trigger this event. [Move][Leave the school, and then return] Yuuta spots the girl he saw Yamaken with earlier. She's standing by the school gate Yuuta decides to introduce himself. She acts a bit afraid, but Yuuta tells her that it's alright, lying that he's Yamaken's friend, Kawakami. She warms up to him when she hears that he's Yamaken's friend, but then he starts telling her that she should be careful around Yamaken. When she asks why, he says that he's got a reputation for being a player, and the whole school knows it. He says it's a good thing he caught her there before she met with Yamaken again. She says she can't believe that she was deceived, and thanks Yuuta. They exchange contact info, and Yuuta tells her she can call him whenever she's worried. She leaves, and Yuuta exclaims that he's served justice to Yamaken. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Goal][After collecting 60 student badges in total] [Move][Go inside Classroom 1-A] A couple of students come into the classroom and ask to see the head of the first years. Teru freaks out because they're 2nd year students. One yells for them to hurry up, and both Yamaken and Yuuta claim they are the leader. Yuuta says he's the leader because he beat Yagami, but Yamaken reminds him he couldn't have beaten Yagami and his goons without his help. The 2nd year students tell them that Oza and Toshi sent them. Yuuta says he doesn't know who Oza and Toshi are, and that he doesn't care about anyone besides Akutsu. They tell Yuuta to come with them, but he doesn't take kindly to them ordering him around. This prompts one of the students to get up in Yuuta's face, and Yuuta decks him. [Fight][After defeating the students] Teru is worried that Yuuta went too far, and Kawakami and Yamaken agree. Yuuta wants to know why they're all given him the evil eye, especially Yamaken, who joined in on the fight. Yamaken says he just got mixed up in Yuuta's mess, but Yuuta says that the fight was the 2nd year's fault in the first place. Yuua insists he's not a bad guy, but Teru says that Yuuta isn't in the best position to say that right now. Teru checks the students and says that they've been knocked out cold. Yuuta says that just goes to show how strong he is, but Teru isn't amused, and seems more concerned with getting them to the nurse's office. [Move][Move to another part of the school] Back in the classroom with the scheming students (who are, in fact, Oza and Toshi), Oza is angry that the students he sent to get Yuuta aren't back yet. Toshi says he hasn't seen them around, and that they seemed a bit stupid. Oza says that they're making a mockery of him, and that he'll beat them to death. Toshi tells him not to kill their followers, but Oza says he can't make any promises. Before he leaves, Oza threatens Toshi to stop sulking. [Goal][After collecting 80 school badges total] [Move][Move to another part of the school] Out in a park, Sorimachi is talking with two other guys about how he failed to get Misawa beaten up in the rival school attack earlier. One of the other guys, Kikuta, says it's a shame, as it would have saved them a lot of trouble. The other guy, Mikami, says he's actually looking forward to taking care of Misawa himself. Sorimachi, tells him that Misawa isn't really their main target. Mikami tells Sorimachi that he was kicked out of Kounan because of Misawa, and Sorimachi says he understands and allows him to do as he wishes. His friend, Kikuta Masumi, who was also kicked out of Kounan, asks Sorimachi about the first year students. Sorimachi tells them that Himuro failed to do his job, so it's taking longer to get them under control. Kikuta is skeptical of Himuro's abilities, and of Sorimachi's plans. He says that if they can't fight with Akutsu now, they'll have to wait until the third year's graduate- and after that, the school will be under Misawa's control. Sorimachi tells Kikuta not to worry, because they'll be able to get the first year students under their control by the time Akutsu graduates, after which Misawa will be on his own. As Kikuta and Mikami are leaving, Mikami turns and tells Sorimachi not to forget that they haven't teamed up because they're friends. Sorimachi confirms that it's because they're looking to make money, and that they're just partners in business. Mikami and Kikuta laugh and tell him he better not forget it. ------------------------------------------ DATING AI - PART 3 [Move][Move to the back part of the school] Ai calls Yuuta and tells him she's free to do something next month. Yuuta tells her he'll go for sure. ------------------------------------------ [Goal][After collecting 85 badges total] [Move][Go to the Cafeteria] Yuuta goes to the Cafeteria to get something to eat, but they turn him away because he can't pay. Yuuta asks for just a bite, but he's turned down again. Some 2nd year punks show up to take him on, and he tells them he's busy trying to get some food. They tell him to turn and face them, so he does and yells at them to back off. They say they want to fight him, but he complains that he's hungry and wants to wait until after he eats. In the end, Yuuta figures the energy from the food would just be wasted on the punk, and he doesn't really need energy to fight anyone but Akutsu. [Fight][After beating the students] Yuuta, still hungry, leaves the cafeteria to find Teru, who he thinks will give him something to eat. [Move][Go to the classroom building] Teru chases after Yuuta with bad news- there are more students coming after him. Yuuta hopes that it's Akutsu who is looking for him, but Teru says it's someone other people. Yuuta suggests maybe 'Monk-Head Guy' (Misawa), but Teru tells him it's someone he isn't really familiar with, Ozawa from Class 2-B. Yuuta figures that if even Teru doesn't know, the guy must not really be much of a challenge. Teru tells him to be careful anyway. [Goal][After collecting 95 badges total] [Move][Move to another location] Himuro is running down the stairs in panic, and Yagami is seen following him. Himuro is then seen apologizing to Sorimachi, saying that he never thought Yagami would ever lose. Sorimachi tells him it's not worth worrying about Yagami anymore, as he's completely out of the picture. He does, however, want control of all the first years. Sorimachi tells Himuro to find the head of the first years, Yuuta. Himuro says he'll try to strike up a bargain with Yuuta and his gang, because he knows just the use for them. Sorimachi reminds him that he said the same thing about Yagami, but Himuro insists that this is a different situation. He says that that 'stupid Yagami' was much weaker than he expected, but he definitely knows how to make use of Yuuta's gang. Sorimachi asks to hear how he'll do it, and Himuro tells him that he should be able to bribe them easily, as even the dumbest people like money. He says you'd have to be really stupid to not know money's value. Sorimachi asks what he'll do if they do turn out to be that stupid, and Himuro tells him that they're not total wierdos like Yagami (this makes Yagami, who was listening from nearby, turn his head), and that he can't imagine anyone who wouldn't be swayed by a bribe. At that point, Yagami pops out and tells Himuro that calling him names is a dispicable thing, and that he doesn't even know where to begin with him. Himuro warns Sorimachi that he's dangerous, and that they need to run. Mikami and Kikuta show up just in time, and call Yagami a cocky little punk. Himuro tells Yagami that he's run out of luck, but Yagami thinks his odds are good. Himuro says there's no way he can win against those three, and that his days are numbered. ============ 6.7 October ============ Students are gathered in the school field for the Kounan High Athletic Festival*. An announcer shouts to get everyone hyped up, and Yuuta is taken aback by their excitement. They announce that the next competition is the rival class 'bou-taoshi', a competition where you have to knock down the opposing class's pole (think capture the flag, but people are trying to destroy the flag rather than capture it). Now out in the field, Yuuta is amazed to find that he's changed into his gym outfit. Teru asks him if he's OK with the rules, and explains the scoring: The first year's pole is worth 10 points The second year's pole is worth 20 points The third year's pole is worth 30 points Teru says that today is the one day that it's OK to go completely nuts on the other students. First up is all the Class-A students vs the Class-B students. You battle through each of the other 4 classes and total the points. The top three winners are placed on a podium. Win or lose, Teru is already looking forward to the competition next year, but Teru reminds him that Akutsu is their main objective for now, as he'll be graduating soon. Yuuta resolves to put all his efforts into Akutsu starting the next day. (If you win the competition, you just get a new sitting pose that's based on how kids are told to sit in gym class) *An athletic festival is an Autumn-based school event where different classes compete against each other in events like track races or tug-of-war. There are similar events in American schools, but these often take an entire week of school time in Japan, and are apparently pretty hardcore (so hardcore, that in this game, Yuuta is blown away by the other students' enthusiasm). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AYANO - PART 5 E-MAIL: Ayano says she's ready to introduce her friend, and tells you to meet by the station. [Move][Go to the Train Station] Ayano introduces you to her friend Sasano Miho, and Yuuta tells her that his friend will be along any minute. Onjima appears and apologizes for being late. He tells the girls they look nice and introduces himself, and Yuuta is disgusted by his Nice-Guy act. Onijima and Yuuta whisper to each other- Onijima says the girl he found is pretty good, and Yuuta says that Onijima can count on him, though he'd better keep his promise. Onijima suggests they go to a family restaurant, and Ayano notes that she and Yuuta often go there. Onijima spots some thugs and gets a little nervous. The thugs spot Onijima and call out to him by name. Onijima tells them he's on a date and doesn't have time for them, but they ask him how he can afford to keep the company of girl. One of the thugs approaches Miho, and Onijima tells him to keep away from her. In an instant, Miho slugs the goon in the stomach and tells him to keep his dirty hands off her. Onijima turns to Yuuta and wonders just what kind of girl he set him up with. Yuuta says he has no idea. Onijima is worried that the girl could blow someone away if they make a wrong move. The thugs get up and move to attack everyone. Miho joins you for the fight. [Fight][After beating the thugs] Onijima says he's afraid of all the fighting, while Yuuta is annoyed that he didn't join in. Onijima says he thought it would be better to protect Ayano, which makes Yuuta completely frustrated with him. Then he tells Miho to be a little more careful when things get dangerous, but she insists that she's fine. Miho says she thought Ayano would tell him that she does karate for self defense, and that she hasn't had any sparring partners lately. Ayano says that she did tell Yuuta that Miho was really fit and energetic, but Yuuta says that energetic and viscious are not quite the same thing... Onijima makes up an excuse to leave, and starts to dash off. Yuuta scolds Onijima for running away, but Onijima is shameless on the matter. Miho says Onijima is just a coward, and that she's interested in Yuuta instead. Ayano freaks out at the prospect of her friend going after Yuuta, and Miho tells her it's just a joke. Ayano doesn't take it very well, so Miho then says that she wants to protect Yuuta, for Ayano's sake. She gives Yuuta her number and tells him to call her any time he's in trouble. (You get Miho's number) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AI - PART 4 E-MAIL: Ai reminds you that you promised to go out with her this month. She says the club is no fun without him, so you better hurry up. [Go to the club at Ni-Choume] A group of WASP members assault Yuuta outside the club. He says he doesn't have time for them, but they tell him not to worry, they found someone to replace him. [After defeating the thugs] Yuuta is annoyed that the fight took so long, but says he can just blame it on the thugs. E-MAIL: Ai tells you you're late. [Enter the club] Ai is really mad at Yuuta for being late, and he asks for forgiveness. The bartender asks what's going on and Ai tells him it's none of his business. At that time, Makabe shows up and says he was getting worried because he hadn't seen Ai in so long. Ai tells him to quit kidding around, she knows he's been sending goons to look after her. Makabe says he only does it because he's worried about her, and then his lackeys tell him that Yuuta is the guy they were telling him about before. Yuuta gets pissed and tells them he'll take them down. Makabe asks Ai what she's doing with Yuuta, and Ai tells him not to be so familiar with her. She tells him it's obvious she's on a date, and the Bartender asks Makabe if he's going to start a fight. Makabe tells him he'll leave for today, but Yuuta better watch out when he's alone. The bartender comments on the guy, and Ai tells him Makabe is just an idiot. Yuuta wants to know what's up with the two of them, and Ai tells him it's nothing. Out in the club's corridor, Makabe tells his goons to do what they need to do to get Ai away from Yuuta. Outside, Ai thanks Yuuta and tells her she has to go do something. Yuuta is upset that she has to leave so soon, and she tells him she's hungry and wants to get something to eat. She leaves, and Yuuta is completely upset with her. E-MAIL: Ai tells Yuuta that Makabe's thugs are all around Ichi-Choume, and wants Yuuta to come and help her. [Head to Ichi-Choume] Yuuta is assaulted by some WASP members as he arrives at Ichi-Choume. [After defeating the thugs] Yuuta counts the bodies of the WASP members, and says they should probably bring double the people next time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING MAI- PART 2 [Move][Head to your school's gate] Teppei catches Yuuta at the gate, and Yuuta asks him how it went with Mai. He hopes she'll leave him alone now. Teppei says she turned him down, and Yuuta is surprised. Teppei tells him that she doesn't care about anyone but Yuuta, so he's resolved to follow in Yuuta's footsteps. He wants to join Kounan High next year and have Yuuta teach him all his manly mannerisms. Yuuta pushes him down and tells him to bug off, frustrated with his absurdity. E-MAIL: Mai sends Yuuta another note, he hasn't seen the last of her yet. [Move][Move to the back section of the school] Mai is at Yuuta's hangout and Kawakami want's to know what she's doing there. Yuuta says he doesn't know, but that maybe she can go hang out with Kawakami. Mai reluctantly agrees and drags Kawakami off somewhere. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- YAMAKEN'S GIRLFRIEND E-MAIL: Teru tells you that Yamaken has gone berserk! He asks you to hurry to the classroom building to stop him. [Move][Go in the classroom building] Yamaken is at Kawakami's throat, and Teru tells Yuuta it's because Kawakami lied to Yamaken's girlfriend about him. Yuuta instantly remembers what he did the other time, and looks shocked. Yamaken and Kawakami turn to him and want to know what's got him all surprised, they figure out that it was Yuuta posing as Kawakami based on the number he gave her, and Yuuta tries to tell them it was just a prank. The two are unamused and attack Yuuta. [Fight][After defeating Kawakami and Yamaken] Yamaken and Kawakami have to acknowledge Yuuta's strength, and Yuuta sort-of apologizes, but also says it Yamaken and Kawakami were messing with him as well. They admit it, and say they didn't want to hurt him either. Teru notes taht Yuuta still shouldn't do whatever he wants, and Yuuta gives him a mean glare, telling him to keep out of it. E-MAIL: Yuu sends Yuuta a note saying she has something important to tell him, and says she'll be waiting at the river. [Move][Head to the riverbed] Yuuta hopes that maybe Yuu is calling on him to break up with Yamaken, but he quickly finds out that she knows he's a liar. Yuuta tries to talk it out with her, but she attacks him with a bat! -This is a special battle, where you can try to calm Yuu down by charging your heavy attack (triangle). Each time you use it, she'll say "............." with less and less "." marks. When the "..." gets short enough, you'll get another scene, and some bonuses. If you hit her, she'll fall down and run away, and Yuuta will blame it all on Yamaken. [Fight][After calming Yuu down] Yuuta tells Yuu that it was a misunderstanding, and that Yamaken still likes her. Teru and Yamaken come rushing in, and Yuuta apologizes to Yamaken. Yuu and Yamaken are reunited, while Yuuta mutters that he's not too sure about Yuu's true nature. Yuuta says, though, that he does feel a little jealous. When Teru comments on it, he hits him and suggests they leave the two alone. Afterward you get two new phrases, one for apologizing, and another for empathy. You also get Yuu's super move, called 'Denial'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Head to your hangout spot] Yuuta and his gang are thinking over whether he can go see Akutsu yet, when Teru rushes in with bad news. Yagami has been sent to the hospital, and Yuuta is a little surprised. Teru says he doesn't know all the details, but apparently the school's security guard found Yagami all torn up behind the gym. The gang is in disbelief, but Teru swears it's true. [Move][Head inside classroom 1-A] Teru and Yuuta are sitting in class when Ozawa kicks down the door. Yuuta tells him he could have just quietly opened the door. Ozawa becomes furious from being disrespected, while Teru tells Yuuta that this is the same guy who was hunting for him earlier. Ozawa says he came for the leader of class 1-A, which prompts both Yamaken and Yuuta go to greet him. Yamaken calls Yuuta an idiot for not recognizing him as the leader, and Yuuta retorts. Ozawa is annoyed at their arguing and demands to know who the real leader is. Of course, Yuuta and Yamaken both claim they are, and Ozawa starts to think that they're trying to make a fool of him. He asks who it was that beat up his men the other day, and they both point the finger at one another. Ozawa finally just picks Yuuta, and Yuuta says he's displeased that Ozawa had been mouthing off to them ever since he came in. Yamaken agrees, and tells Ozawa that real men let their fists do the talking. [Fight][After beating Ozawa] Yuuta is pleased with his show of strength, but Yamaken insists that he could have accomplished the same thing. Ozawa curses him and says he'll beat him next time. Yuuta says the outcome will be the same no matter how many times he tries. Both Yuuta and Yamaken want to know what was up with Ozawa, and Teru rushes off to find out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL EVENT: FIGHTING KAKIZAKI To trigger this event, defeat the students in class 2-C after fighting Ozawa, and step into the event field that appears in the classroom. [Move][Go to the event at class 2-C] The Class 2-C students are pulling themselves together after fighting Yuuta when their leader arrives. Yuuta asks who he is, but instead of answering, he calls Yuuta adorable, apparently smitten with his looks. The leader then tries get control over his emotions. Yuuta wants to know what the guy's problem is, and the guy introduces himself as Class 2-C's "big sister", Kakizaki Daijirou. He says that it's his job to look after his 'darlings' in class 2-C, and that he's going to get back at Yuuta for beating them up. Yuuta is still confused, and Kakizaki once again gets distracted by Yuuta's looks. Yuuta figures he better get out of the room before something strange happens, which prompts a fight with Kakizaki. -Watch out for Kakizaki's super move, it takes a lot of life out of you, so you might want to recover your health as he's using it (You can still pause and use items while you're taking damage). [Fight][After defeating Kakizaki] Yuuta yells for Kakizaki not to come any closer, but Kakizaki isn't focused on him at the moment. He walks straight past Yuuta to his classmates and tells them that he's disbanding the group. They seem upset, and one of them says, 'but what about our dream to have a concert at the dome*?' Kakizaki then turns to Yuuta and says that he fell for him at first sight, and he'll follow him for life. But he realizes his feelings will never be reciprocated, and he'd be happy just to be near Yuuta. Yuuta tells him not to be so dramatic, and that they can still be friends. Kakizaki says they should swap contact info, and that he'll leap to Yuuta's aid any time he calls. Yuuta is freaked out once again and dashes out of the room, muttering that he's not so sure about Kounan's class leaders now... After the fight, you get Kakizaki's number, and his special attack, 'The Hug of Forbidden Romance'. *A reference to Tokyo Dome, Japan's biggest concert venue. Kakizaki is supposed to be a parody of a flamboyant boy-band manager. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Goal]After collecting 100 school badges total] [Move][Move to another part of the school] Ozawa is seen apologizing to Masatoshi, and asks him for one more chance. Masatoshi says it's alright, and that they'll have to teach Yuuta some fear. [Goal][After collecting 105 school badges total] [Move][Head to the classroom building] Yuuta is in the bathroom when a group of students assault him and ask if he's Yuuta. He replies with, 'Oh, you want an autograph?' [Fight][After defeating the students] Yuuta wonders if the increasing number of attacks on him are a sign of his rising popularity. [Goal][After collecting 115 school badges total] [Move][Head to classroom 1-A] Teru returns with info on Ozawa. His name is Ozawa Kenya, or "Oza" for short, and he's the second in command of Hakamada's gang. Yuuta isn't sure what Hakamada's gang is, and Teru tells him it's a group of anti-Akutsu students, headed by class 2-D's leader, Hakamada Masatoshi (aka Toshi). Yuuta is skeptical that they could actually take on Akutsu. Teru says that current target is Misawa, on account of some events the year before. Apparently the three of them (Toshi, Oza, and Misawa) got in a fight, and Misawa used a special attack that hospitalized Oza and Toshi. Yuuta and Kawakami are shocked, and Teru says he was surprised when he found out as well. When Oza and Toshi were discharged from the hospital, they wanted to get revenge, but Akutsu prohibited them from fighting. And with that, they formed a group to seek revenge, and will do anything to beat Misawa. This is why they've been hunting for Yuuta. Yuuta says he's not concerned with their movites, and that he'll defeat anyone that challenges him. Teru is worried as always, but Yuuta tells him he that he can't possibly fall to those losers. [Goal][After collecting 120 school badges total] [Move][Head to classroom 1-A] Yuuta enters Classroom 1-A to find a very panicked Teru. He spots Toshi, who had been laying in wait for Yuuta. Teru is relieved that Yuuta finally arrived. Toshi introduces himself, and then asks if Yuuta is prepared. Yuuta makes a grand statement about how he's always prepared, and lives with no regrets. Some of Toshi's goons come in from behind, and Toshi tells Yuuta he better be careful not to end up in a hospital bed. Yuuta is unphased, and reminds Toshi that he's already made it through half the school year undefeated. [Fight][After Defeating Toshi and his thugs] Yuuta declares his victory, and Yamaken rushes into the classroom. Yamaken tells Yuuta that it should be easy to keep their pact of remaining undefeated before reaching Akutsu, and that he looks forward to their rematch. While Yuuta returns the sentiment, one of Toshi's goons tries to attack again, but Toshi stops them. He admits his loss, and asks his goons to help him up. [Move][Head outside] Yuuta is at his hangout spot when Toshi and Oza appear. Yuuta thinks they're ready to fight again, but instead they bow to him, telling him they'll be his followers from now on, and to use them as he wishes. Toshi admits a complete defeat, and Oza adds that he doesn't care what grade Yuuta is in, he's truly their superior. Yuuta tells Toshi and Oza to stand and meet their new comrades. Yuuta's gang introduces themselves, and Teru thinks quietly about how Yuuta is gaining more and more followers. ============ 6.8 November ============ [Move][Leave your house] Himuro is out on the school premises talking with Sorimachi. He says that he'll go after Yuuta the next day, and Sorimachi asks him how many people he's going to need. Himuro tells him he won't need anybody, as he's just going to intice Yuuta with money, and doubts that he'd turn down a chance to make quick cash. Sorimachi reminds Himuro that there are people in this world for whom money won't make a difference, citing Akutsu and Misawa as examples. Himuro says that Yuuta's gang don't seem like those sort of people. Sorimachi is still worried about what would happen if, like Yagami, he won't be able to sway them completely. -WARNING- You may have followed each girl's storyline up until this point, and you can continue them for this month, but at the end of Ayano and Ai's events for this month, you'll get the opportunity to date them on Christmas. If you promise to date BOTH of them, you'll get a scene in the next chapter that ends both of their storylines. Don't let that happen if you intend to complete one of the girls' storylines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATING AYANO - PART 6 E-MAIL: Teru sends you a message letting you know about the Hanayuri Academy Cultural Festival*. He says it's a chance to finally get into the school, which normally prohibits non-students from entering. *A cultural festival is like a big open house for Japanese high schools and universities. Students are expected to organize different boothes to display their talents to younger people that might be interested in attending the school, though outsiders are often invited as well. I believe that the word 'culture' in this case refers to the culture of the institution, rather than 'traditional' culture. [Move][Go to Hanayuri Academy] Yuuta and Teru arrive at Hanayuri Academy and greet Ayano, who is sad to inform them that males aren't allowed into their cultural festival. Yuuta looks to Teru, who says he was sure they would be able to attend. Ayano tells them that non-students used to be able to get in, but they had to change the rules because some guys had caused a ruckus the previous year. Yuuta is ready to give up when he hears some yelling, and Ayano says it's coming from the back gate. Yuuta says they should go check it out, now that their afternoon is freed up. At the school's gate, some thugs are arguing with the security guard. They want to get in to meet with a girl, but the guard is blocking them. Yuuta and Teru show up when the thugs are telling the guard that they could get in the year before. The guard says that they were the very reason they had to change the rules, and now they're paying for what they've done. When Yuuta finds out that they are the ones who ruined his day, he decides to take them on. [Fight][After defeating the thugs] The thugs run off, and Yuuta says he's still upset, he was looking forward to getting into the school for once. The guard then tells Yuuta and Teru to leave. Teru is upset that he wouldn't let them in, even after Yuuta helped take care of the thugs. Ayano apologizes, but Yuuta tells her it's alright and leaves without a fuss. Teru is confused as to why Yuuta would just let the situation slide, and Yuuta tells him that it's because having a laid-back attitude makes him look cooler. E-MAIL: Ayano says it's getting cold, and that Christmas is coming. She wants to know what Yuuta will be doing. [Move][Head to the train station] Ayano greets Yuuta and tells him that he's always smiling. Yuuta says it's normal for people, but Ayano doesn't think so. The two head to the plaza where the Christmas tree will be set up, and Yuuta mentions that Christmas is coming- You now get the option to invite Ayano to go look at the tree on Christmas. (the top option is 'invite', the bottom is 'don't invite') If you do invite her: Yuuta clumsily asks Ayano to go see the tree with him on Christmas, and Ayano accepts after a moment. Yuuta promises to take her, and Ayano says she won't forget. E-MAIL: Teru asks what you Christmas plans are, and says they can have a party if he wants. He'll be in the classroom building. [Move][Head into the classroom building] Yuuta tells Teru he's got a date with Ayano for Christmas, and Teru asks if he got her a present. At first Yuuta says Santa brings everyone presents, but Teru tells Yuuta that he himself needs to get her one. -This is your cue to go buy Ayano a present. You can find one at the corner store in Ichi-Choume. It's the last item on the list and costs 38,000 yen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATING AI - PART 5 E-MAIL: Teru warns that the WASP gang is after you, and they've been recently been seen around the appartment complex. [Move][Go to the Appartment Complex] A group of WASP members approach Yuuta, and he greets them as "Nurikabe's friends"* He counts off the goons, and wonders why there aren't more. They say they brought twice as many, just as he asked. *Nurikabe is a Japanese folklore spirit that takes the form of a wall. When Yuuta says this, he's referring to Makabe, mostly likely because their names sound similar. [Fight][After deafeating the WASP members] E-MAIL: Ai seems surprised that Yuuta is still alive. She says there are a bunch of Makabe's 'soldiers' hanging around San-Choume. [Move][Go to San-Choume] Yuuta is surrounded by WASP thugs, and he says they must really have it out for him to bring so many people. A WASP member says that today is the day they'll keep him from disrespecting them ever again. Another says they'll put him in a hospital bed, and Yuuta reciprocates the sentiment. [Fight][After defeating the WASP members] One of the thugs says he can't believe they lost, and Yuuta repeats that he's to be Kounan's strongest. He asks one of the WASP members about Makabe and tells them he wants to see him in person. The guy responds that Makabe won't meet him face to face, but Yuuta reasons that he won't just keep fighting people at random. He loves fighting, yet he doesn't want to beat on people for no reason. The goon says he understands, and he'll try to tell Makabe. Yuuta tells him not to forget. [Move][Go to the school] Makabe is seen talking to some of his thugs in the club. They ask him what he's going to do about Yuuta, and he tells them to call for Yuuta, and all of the WASP members. He also tells them to kidnap Ai and bring her to the club. E-MAIL: Teru tells you that there's a visitor by the front gate, who said something about 'Ai'. He says it doesn't look like a trap... [Move][Go to the front gate] Some WASP members tell Yuuta he can meet Makabe at the club in Ni-Choume. Yuuta asks if it's alright to fight there, and they say they got the OK from Ramirez (the owner of the club, I'm guessing). [Move][Go to the club at Ni-Choume] Makabe is waiting for Yuuta in the club and greets him, and Yuuta starts running his mouth about how he had drag himself here when it was clear that Makebe and his goons have plenty of free time. The bartender tells Yuuta he knows about the fight, and says he'll close the place up so nobody will come in. Yuuta tells Makabe that he's ready to settle their dispute, and Makabe tells him that he'll show him the prize first. One of Makabe's thugs drags Ai out, who is none to pleased to have been forced into the situation. Makabe says he wants her to see how strong he is, after which she spots Yuuta and asks him what the heck he's doing there. Makabe tells them to keep her restrained and says they can start the fight. Yuuta says he's sick of the way Makabe has been treating him, Ai, and his thugs, and that he's got to teach him a lesson. Makabe responds that they're all just his playthings, and he can do with them as he wishes. [Fight][After defeating Makabe] Yuuta stares Makabe down while Makabe tries to order his men around. Yuuta tells him that it looks like his 'playthings' have stopped working. The bartender approaches Makabe and tells him it looks like he's lost. Makabe doesn't take the defeat well and curses Yuuta before running off. Yuuta asks the WASP members what they're going to do now, and they say they can't really move without orders. Yuuta yells that they should decide what to do of their own accord, but they just stay frozen in place. Ai approaches Yuuta and he asks if she's alright. She says she's completely fine, which upsets Yuuta (considering the trouble he had to go through). The bartender tells them the party's over, and Ai and Yuuta step outside. Ai thanks Yuuta, and Yuuta asks if maybe she's started to fall for him. Ai laughs at the notion, but says she owes him one. E-MAIL: Ai thanks Yuuta again, and tells him to get in touch when he has free time again. [Move][Go to the school] Yuuta gets a call from Ai, and she asks if it's alright for her to see him on Christmas. You now get the choice (first option is to accept, second is to decline). -If you accept, Yuuta mentions that he doesn't have anything to give her. This is your cue to go pick up a present. You can find one at the corner store in San-Choume. It's the last item on the list and costs 38,000 yen. -If you decline, Ai gets mad and starts yelling. Yuuta tries to calm her down, but she hangs up on him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATING MAI - PART 3 E-MAIL: Kawakami sends you a note cursing you for sticking him with Mai. [Move][Go to your hangout spot] Kawakami says can't take any more of Mai, and notes that she's obviously infatuated with Yuuta. Yuuta says that he's got no love for her, but he doesn't know how to get rid of her. E-MAIL: Mai says she's going to meet you at the school gate. [Move][Go to the school gate] Mai challenges Yuuta, and says if she wins, he has to get together with her. Yuuta takes a fighting pose, and Mai tells him that she's obviously not going to fight him. Mai tells him that the challenge is to find a different girlfriend to spend Christmas with. If he does, she loses, but if he doesn't, he'll be spending Christmas with her. And with that, their competition begins. E-MAIL: Mai asks you how you're fairing, and wishes you luck. [Move][Leave the school and then come back to the gate] -If you've already promised to spend Christmas with another girl, you'll get this event: Mai asks Yuuta how he's doing with their competition, and he tells her it's too late. He's got someone, and she needs to go find a different boyfriend for herself. Mai leaves, visibly upset. -If you haven't promised to spend Christmas with anything yet, you'll get this event: Mai asks Yuuta how he's doing with their competition, and Yuuta grumbles that he hasn't found anybody yet. Mai wishes him good luck again and leaves smiling. You'll be able to continue Mai's storyline next month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RIVAL SCHOOL WAR E-MAIL: Teru tells you that rival school members have been spotted messing around Ni-Choume, and Kounan students haven't reacted to them yet. [Move][Head to the Ni-Choume corner store] A rival student approaches Yuuta and thanks him for what he's done. Confused, Yuuta plays along and says he hopes he can thank the rival students in return. The student says Yuuta deserves a little reward, and that there's a souvenier right behind him. The souvenier is, of course, an ambush. [Fight][After defeating the students] Yuuta says the gift wasn't good enough, and that he'll be waiting for more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Move][Go to the back part of the school] Yuuta decides it's time for a rest, but is worried that someone annoying might come along to bother him. Yamaken, who is already there, but not watching Yuuta, says he thought he just heard someone obnoxious talking. Yuuta is offended and tells Yamaken that this hangout spot is his personal space, and Yamaken gets upset, telling him the spot is for everyone. Yuuta tries to play the 'finders-keepers' card on Yamaken, and they continue to argue while Himuro walks in on the conversation. Himuro asks if he can speak with Yuuta, and Yuuta gets upset, saying that he's obviously in the middle of something. Himuro says he has an interesting proposition for Yuuta, who is excited that it might be a chance to meet Akutsu. Himuro says it's not that, but rather a chance to make a ton of money. At that point, Yamaken tries to slip away, but Yuuta catches him. They start arguing again, but Himuro interupts and asks if Yuuta wants to hear his proposition. He adds that they could buy whatever they wanted if they had the money. Yuuta asks how much it'd cost to fight Akutsu, and Yamaken is interested as well. Himuro seems upset that fighting Akutsu is all they care about. Yamaken asks Himuro if this conversation can't wait until later, and Yuuta agrees by saying that he's more concerned with the matter of Yamaken's 'breaking and entering'. Himuro can't believe that money seems to be of no value to them, and figures he has no choice but to take them by force. A group of thugs fall in behind Humiro, and Himuro comments, 'You idiots... and just when I was on the path to salvation!' Yuuta asks him who he's calling an idiot, and Yamaken yells not to compare him to Yuuta. The thugs question Yuuta and Yamaken's skill, and tell Himuro it's alright for him to stay back from the fight as he'd just slow them down. Yuuta and Yamaken are offended by the thugs' words, and move in to brawl. [Fight][After defeating the thugs] It seems Himuro ran away while Yuuta and Yamaken were fighting, and Yamaken says it seems like all the guy can do is beg for mercy and run. [Move][Move to another part of the school] Himuro has run off to the family restaurant to report to Sorimachi, who is surprised to hear that the five thugs they hired have lost. Next, Himuro and Sorimachi appeal to Kikuta and Mikami for help once again. They remind them that they just helped them take out Yagami the day before, and they were lucky that they showed up in time to save them. Sorimachi tells them that if they take care of Yuuta's gang, they'll split their earnings 30/70 instead of 50/50. Mikami demands 80%, which Sorimachi can't accept. Mikami says it's their final offer, and Himuro sighs. Kikuta asks Himuro what his problem is, and then says that now that he thinks about it, Himuro hasn't really done anything so far. Sorimachi agrees, and tells Himuro to go help Kikuta and Mikami fight Yuuta's gang. Himuro has no choice but to accept. E-MAIL: Teru tells you to hurry to the Kounan River Bridge (the riverside), your gang is in trouble! [Move][Head to the riverbed] Himuro, Kikuta, and Mikami stand over the bodies of Katsuragi, Mori, and Kamikawa, when Yamaken, Yuuta, and Teru arrive at the river. They begin to rush to the scene, but instead of facing their enemies, Yuuta and friends run past them to their downed allies. After checking on them, Yuuta turns to Himuro, who says that they'll all end up like Yagami did. Himuro tries ordering Kikuta and Mikami to attack, but Mikami tells Himuro to go first, reminding him that it was Sorimachi's orders. Himuro feels bad that Sorimachi would use him for fodder, but this time he really has no choice. [Fight][After defeating Himuro] Mikami and Kikuta praise you, and then denounce Himuro for being completely useless. They then turn their attention to Yuuta and Yamaken. Kikuta suggests he take both of them on himself. He says he alone destroyed their friends, and says he can ensure they all share the same view of the ceiling in their hospital rooms. Yuuta retorts- "Wow, for a gorilla, he sure speaks our language well. He'll be popular at the zoo". Even Yamaken is taken aback by the insult. Yuuta tells him that he needs his help to take them on. Yamaken says that for once, he agrees with Yuuta. The four of them fall into battle. [Fight][After defeating Mikami and Kikuta] Yuuta suggests they get Himuro to spill his guts about what's been going on. Himuro mutters that he's finished, and Yamaken asks him what his whole deal is. Himuro says it's all for the money.. he had plans force students into buying expensive party tickets* after taking control of Kounan High. Yamaken tells him that Akutsu would never let them do that, and Himuro says in return that it doesn't matter, because Akutsu is graduating this year. Teru figures that means all they've been doing is just preparation for the next year. Himuro confirms that to be correct, and says they planned to get all the first years under their control and make them their minions. They had hoped to create one big group out of the first and second year students. Teru tells Himuro that he's dispicable, but Himuro says what they think of him doesn't matter. He's figures he's done for, and lets them know that Sorimachi Kazuya was the brains of the whole operation. He tells them about how Sorimachi bribed Mikami and Kikuta into helping him, and adds that they were both high school dropouts. They were selfish and always did as they pleased, which enraged Akutsu and Misawa, who apparently got them kicked out of school. Yuuta flies into a rage at the thought of his friends being hurt over money, but Yamaken stops him. Yamaken tells Himuro never to show his face in front of them again. Teru says they should get Katsuragi to the hospital as quick as they can. Yamaken calls a temporary truce with Yuuta, and Yuuta agrees that for once Akutsu isn't the most important thing right now, getting back at Sorimachi is. *Party tickets are like those fancy advertisements for nightclubs that people hand out sometimes. In Japan, people sell these tickets for access to exclusive parties. [Move][Move to another location] In the park, Sorimachi is contemplating the failure of his plan, and figures he has nothing left to do but give up. His main goal now is to protect his position as Akutsu's officer* for as long as he can, though he doesn't know how to do it. He knows he has to silence the first year students, but he doesn't have supporters left to do it with. He lashes out loud at some gawkers who are watching him, and resolves one more time to take on Yamaken and Yuuta. *This is the first time in the game you learn Sorimachi is one of Akutsu's top-ranked servants. This explains the scene in two months earlier when the rival school was attacking, and a group of Kounan students ran to Sorimachi for help first. [Goal][After collecting 140 school badges total] [Move][Move toward your hangout spot] Sorimachi has gathered some goons to talk about his problem with the first year students. He tells them that Yuuta and Yamaken have become the leaders of the first years, and are using their power to force their own underlings to buy expensive party tickets. Sorimachi's thugs are disgusted by this, because they know Akutsu hates people who only care about money. Sorimachi tells them that he is having enough trouble with the second year students as it is, and he fears something might happen to Akutsu before he can graduate. The thugs say that they've gotta something about Yuuta and Yamaken, for Akutsu's sake. Sorimachi adds that he doesn't want Akutsu to find out about this, so he won't go himself. The thugs understand and tell him that they'll take out Yuuta and Yamaken for him. Sorimachi smirks to himself as they leave. At the hangout spot, Yuuta's gang is chatting about how their wounded friends are going to be out of commission for a while. Yuuta asks Teru if he dug up any information on Sorimachi. Teru says that Sorimachi is one of Akutsu's top ranked officials, much to the surprise of Yuuta and Yamaken. Apparently he's been running a bunch of shady profiteering operations outside the school that Akutsu doesn't know about, and he tells everyone that he's Akutsu's right-hand man. Because of the strength that Akutsu's name bears, they have no choice but to buy stuff from Sorimachi. Yamaken can't believe there would be such an awful person in Akutsu's ranks, and Teru says that Sorimachi has always used his high position to keep out of trouble. The thugs Sorimachi was speaking with earlier show up at the hangout spot and confront Yuuta and Yamaken. The thugs say that Yuuta's gang should know what they're there for- because they desgraced Akutsu's good name. Teru is reasonably confused, but then realizes what has happened. Yuuta tells Teru to stand back, and then takes on the thugs with Yamaken. [Fight][After defeating the thugs] Yamaken figures that those were Sorimachi's goons, and says that he's never encountered anyone so dispicable. Teru says they'll have to find him as soon as possible, and Yamaken asks him to find all the info he can, as he wants to take Sorimachi out at all costs. Yuuta agrees, but wonders what type of person Sorimachi is to have taken such drastic measures against them, and adds that he'll never forgive him. ============= 6.9 December ============= [Move][Move to any location] On the school rooftop, Misawa and his pupil tell Akutsu that Kikuta and Mikami, students that had previously been expelled, were involved in the hospitalization of the first year students the other day, though they don't know what their motives were. Akutsu tells them to look into it. [Move][Move to any location] Sorimachi is once again mulling over his defeats. He thinks through everone he knows, the first years, the second years, his goons, and believes he must have used up everyone. Finally he remembers one person he'd forgotten all along, someone highly respected and reliable. Sorimachi approaches a rotund student crouched down in the school's courtyard and addresses him as Tako-san (Tako is Japanese for octopus). They exchange pleasantries about how Tako loves the dumplings from Gyoza King*. Throughout the conversation a number of students thank Tako as they walk by, and Tako tells Sorimachi that it's a normal thing for the senior students to help out their underclassmen**. Tako asks to what does he owe the pleasure of Sorimachi's visit. Sorimachi says he has a problem to talk over, and Tako suggests that maybe Sorimachi has run out of money again. Sorimachi says it's not money, but that he does want to speak somewhere else about the matter. In the gym supply room, Sorimachi has already explained his his falsified situation to Tako. Tako says he understands, and makes sure that Akutsu is still in the dark about what's going on. Sorimachi confirms, and apologizes for bothering Tako so close to graduation time. Tako tells him he doesn't need to worry about things like that, and that Akutsu probably isn't bothered by such small matters. Tako tells him that Sorimachi can count on him for help, and Sorimachi thanks him, thinking to himself what a fool Tako is for believing his story. He adds that Tako is quite strong, and should be able to bring down Yuuta and Yamaken. *Gyoza King is the restaurant at the train station; gyoza are Chinese-style dumplings. Tako works at the restaurant, presumably so that he can eat dumplings whenever he wants. UPDATE: Gyoza King is in fact a real restaurant chain in Japan! Sorry for those living in Vancouver, this Gyoza King is not your Gyoza King. This restaurant appears in Kenka Banchou 5 as well. **Though Tako only appears breifly, you get the impression that he's some kind of Godfather character, which is why Sorimachi thought it would be best to appeal to him for help. [Move][Move to another location at the school] Sorimachi leads Tako to Yuuta and Yamaken, and Yamaken asks who the big guy is. Sorimachi introduces him as Tago* from third year, and then introduces himself as Sorimachi Kazuya from second year. Yuuta is glad to see that Sorimachi has revealed himself, but soon Tako fingers Yuuta and Yamaken as the guys responsible for the ticket-selling scheme.Yamaken tries to call out the lie, but Sorimachi curses them and eggs on Tako to fight them. Tako says he'll take care of Yamaken, while Yuuta curses Sorimachi. Before the fight begins, Misawa and his pupil arrive and prevent them from continuing. *Tako's real name is Tago Daisuke. At that moment, an entire entourage of students rush towards the hangout area, and Akutsu himself arrives on the scene. Kikuta and Masaki are seen kneeling behind Akutsu, while another group of students surround them. Yuuta, who's never even seen Akutsu before, turns a bit intense. Akutsu turns to Sorimachi and asks him is he's prepared. Sorimachi falls to the ground and mutters that he's finished for good now. Akutsu turns back to Yuuta and says that he'll take responsibility for the whole misunderstanding, and apologizes for the problems Yuuta and his friends have had to endure. Yuuta mouths off to Akutsu, and one of his aides yells at him for being disrespectful. Yamaken looks to Sorimachi and says that this was the guy responsible for putting their friends in a hospital, and it'll take a little more than 'sorry' to make things right. Another of Akutsu's aides shouts down Yamaken, while Tako admits that he's confused about what's going on. Misawa's pupil whispers what happened with Sorimachi, and motions over to Kikuta and Masaki, saying they spilled the beans to Akutsu. Tako finally realizes that he was tricked. Yuuta asks that he be the one to take down Sorimachi, and Misawa tries to stop him. Akutsu, on the other hand, says it only makes sense for them to have their justice, and gives the OK to Yuuta. Yuuta stares down Sorimachi and tells him he'll pay for what he did to his friends. [Fight][After defeating Sorimachi] Yamaken congratulates Yuuta, and Akutsu asks him if he's done. Yuuta tells him he can do whatever he wants with Sorimachi now. Akutsu clarifies Yuuta's name, and Yuuta tells him not to forget his face. Misawa tries to go at Yuuta, but Akutsu stops him with a glance. He tells Yuuta that he'll remember. Akutsu and his entourage leave, but Tako is still standing around. He apologizes for being tricked and almost fighting with them, and says he wants to go out and eat. Yuuta is happy because he's so hungry, and Yamaken asks where he wants to go. Tako suggests Gyoza King, of course. (You can now call Tako, and you receive his school badge) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RIVAL SCHOOL WAR E-MAIL: Teru says Onijima is looking for you, and tells you to hurry to the classroom building. [Move][Head to the classroom building] Yuuta and Onijima greet each other, and Onijima reminds Yuuta to respect his seniority. Onijima asks him about the rival school students, and Yuuta responds that he's gotten in to fights with several of them. Onijima says some of the rival punks had told him Yuuta's name, and Onijima struggled to remember where he'd heard the name before. Apparently the leader of the rival school is coming after Yuuta for all the ruckus he's caused. Yuuta isn't particularly pleased, as he says that until now, they'd been the ones picking fights with him. Onijima leaves, telling him to be careful. As always, Yuuta is unconcerned. E-MAIL: Teru sends you a note saying they should be preparing for a raid, and that he's a little excited, as he's never seen the leader of the rival school. [Move][Head towards the front gate] Yuuta and Teru are walking when Teru says he spots the rival school leader. Some of each schools underlings are getting ready to fight, while Misawa watches. The rival school's leader steps out and demands to see Akutsu regarding the current friction between the schools. Misawa tells him that Akutsu is gone, and he'll have to talk to him instead. The rival leader isn't interested in Misawa, but Misawa says it's his job to take Akutsu's place while he's gone, addressing the leader as Kuroiwa. Tension thickens as Misawa learns that Kuroiwa came for a fight, but Onijima arrives and mildly greets Kuroiwa. Onijima tells Misawa that he'll take over from there. Onijima tells Kuroiwa that he's still looking for the troublemaker in Kounan, and that he'll have to postpone the fight. He says if Kuroiwa won't leave, he'd be happy to fight with him. Kuroiwa stares at him for a moment, and Onijima says it'd be no problem for him. Kuroiwa resigns, to the displeasure of his own thugs. Yuuta asks Teru how Onishima was able to repel Kuroiwa, and Teru just answers that they don't call him the Oni of Kounan for nothing. -WARNING- Again, if you accepted both Ayano and Ai's invitations to date on Christmas, you'll get a scene when you go to the train station. Both Ayano and Ai are waiting there for you, and quickly realize that you've been dating each of them. They both storm off, visibly upset, while Yuuta curses himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATING AYANO - PART 7 E-MAIL: Ayano asks if you remembered your promise to go look at the tree with her. She'll meet you at the train station. [Move][Head to the train station] Yuuta meats Ayano to go look at the Christmas tree. While walking, Ayano asks Yuuta how old he was when he stopped believing in Santa, and Yuuta says that whether you believe or not, Santa will arrive in cold places to bring toys for good children. Ayano asks if Santa ever brings things to Yuuta, and he replies that though he plans on being good every year, Santa never comes. Ayano laughs and says that he just might come this year. Yuuta says he looks forward to it. As Yuuta and Ayano arrive at the tree, Ayano says Merry Christmas and gives Yuuta a present, and apologizes that it's not from Santa himself. Yuuta is overjoyed, and then clumsily gives Ayano her present. They then decide to go eat cake* together. (You'll receive a leather jacket when the scene is over) *In Japan, eating Christmas Cake is a normal tradition. Rather than the odd cakes we eat in America around the holidays, it's just a normal yellow cake with strawberries and white frosting.. kind of like something you'd eat around the 4th of July in the US. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATING AI - PART 6 E-MAIL: Ai asks if you remembered your promise. Meet her at the train station. [Move][Head to the train station] Yuuta asks why Ai asked him to come to meet her. My is shocked and insulted that he would ask, and threatens to go back home. Yuuta smiles and says that she must be embarassed to tell the truth, and he doesn't believe that she's just going to walk away again. Ai then starts to storm off, but Yuuta stops her and says he was just kidding around. Eventally they arrive at the tree, and Ai figures that this is as good a place as any to give Yuuta her gift. Yuuta acts dumb and asks what she's giving him. Ai is annoyed that he can't even recognize a Christmas present when he sees one, and says that it's her way of saying thanks for what he did. Yuuta finally gets it, and is shocked by her gesture, and Ai gets upset. He calls her out for getting embarassed again, but then hands her his present, hoping it'll put her back in a good mood. Ai asks what the heck it is, and Yuuta replies- A Christmas present, of course. He says he picked it out especially for her, and tells her to wear it next time they meet. Ai finally lightens up when she sees that he had remembered her after all. She suggests they go to the club to get something to eat, and Yuuta is skeptical that she would forgive him so easily. (You'll receive a black motorcycle jacket when the scene is over) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATING MAI - PART 4 E-MAIL: If you didn't promise to spend Christmas with either of the other girls, Mai will send you a note telling you not to run away, because Christmas has come. [Move][Move to the back area of the school] Mai meets Yuuta at his hangout spot and asks him if he remembers what day it is. Yuuta grumbles, and Mai tells him it's Christmas, and time to go see the tree together with her. Yuuta says he guesses he promised, and Mai tells him he needs to get her a present. Yuuta says that Santa can get her a present, but she says that she wants one from him, and that she's been thinking of him this whole time. She then leaves, and Yuuta mumbles about having to get her something. You can go to the corner store in Ni-Choume to get her a present, it's the last item on the list, and costs 38,000 yen. E-MAIL: Mai tells you to hurry to the train station. [Move][Go to the train station] Mai greets Yuuta and tells him to head to the tree with her. Walking to the tree, Mai asks Yuuta if this is the first Christmas he's spent with a girl. Yuuta gets upset at her, and asks if it's some kind of law that he has to spend Christmas with girls. Mai says it must be his first time after all, and that his reaction is cute. Yuuta says he doesn't need younger girls telling him he's cute, when they reach the tree. Mai gives Yuuta a present and he says thanks, but Mai is upset that he isn't happier. He says he'll try to be happier, and she makes a big smile, and then asks for his present. Yuuta pulls it out, and Mai gets upset at the way he hands it to her. Yuuta just raises an eyebrow and tells her 'Merry Christmas' with a smile, adding some other pleasantries. She accepts the gift and then tries to get Yuuta to go somewhere with her. Yuuta says he was planning to go back home, but is eventually swayed. (You receive a tiger embroidered Varsity Jacket*) *What I've been translating as "Varsity Jacket", is actually known in Japan as a 'sukajan', a Letterman-like jacket that was produced by the Japanese following World War II, when US soldiers would bring special materials to Japan. They were regularly embroidered with Eagles, Tigers, and Dragons, so a tiger-embroidered Sukajan is supposed to be kind-of traditional. Today, these jackets go in and out of style like any other fashion item. They often appear in various Japanese media, usually worn by street punks. Most noticably in this game, Onijima wears a sukajan with a demon motif. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Goal][After collecting 150 student badges] [Move][Go to your hangout spot] Yuuta and Yamaken are back to fighting over the hangout spot, when Yuuta's gang returns from their hospital stay. Mori tells them that they weren't the only ones who were just released, at which point Yagami steps in. Yagami asks if Yuuta took care of the people who had beat him up, and Yuuta admits that he did. At first, Yagami is upset that Yuuta took away the priveledge of getting revenge on them, but he walks away smiling. Yuuta comments that Yagami is just not the type to say a simple 'thank you'. (You can now call Yagami) [Move][Head to the rooftop] (follow the staircase all the way up the classroom building) Misawa's pupil tells Akutsu that Sorimachi and his conspirator, Himuro, have been suspended from school, and that Sorimachi has voluntarily quit school altogether. Akutsu says that just goes to show what type of guy he was, and that it's a pity he had to be that way. Outside on the staircase, the rooftop guards mention that Akutsu is out for the day. Coming up the staircase, Yamaken and Yuuta are complaining that they're going up to see Akutsu together. The guards say that Akutsu told them about Yuuta and Yamaken, which makes Teru and Yuuta hopeful. The guards say that unfortunately Akutsu is out at the moment. Yuuta and Yamaken start fighting again, but the guards tell that their meeting is still on, they just have to come back after Akutsu has returned. Yuuta accepts this and they get set to leave. Yamaken asks if they'll be able to go to the rooftop now, and one of the guards tells them they can. Akutsu is seen standing in the river, contemplating his graduation, and who will be his successor. He had originally planned for it to be Misawa, but... Out on the rooftop, Yuuta, Teru, and Yamaken admire the view of Kounan. Yuuta mentions that he's finally made it this far, and Yamaken adds that he wonders which one of them will get to battle Akutsu in the end. ============= 6.10 January ============= -If you took one of the girls out for Christmas, you'll get a special scene at the shrine at the start of this month: [Move][Go to the shrine] (the shrine will be the only available location) Yuuta greets Dankichi and wishes him a happy new year, which Dankichi returns. Yuuta tells him that Akutsu will graduate soon, and he needs to get hyped up to take him on. Yuuta heads to the shrine to make a wish. Yuuta considers throwing in 500 yen again, but feels that it won't make enough of a difference. Just as Yuuta is about to make his donation- (The following scene changes a bit depending on which girl you dated on Christmas) Ayano: Ayano sneaks up on Yuuta and he's completely shocked. He turns around and when he sees that it's Ayano, he greets her properly. Ayano wishes him a happy new year, which he returns. She asks Yuuta what he's wishing for, as it seems like he's putting a lot of effort into it. Yuuta plays it cool and says he was being relaxed about it. He turns to pray, and Ayano joins him. Yuuta prays for victory against Akutsu... and then says to put 100 yen of his offering towards his relationship with Ayano. Ai: Yuuta prays for victory against Akutsu, but adds that god should put 100 yen of his offering towards bringing Ai closer to him. Mai: Mai sneaks up on Yuuta and wishes him a happy new year. Yuuta is less than thrilled and returns the greeting weakly. Mai wonders what he's wishing for, and thinks perhaps it's that their love will last forever. Yuuta tells her no, that right now his focus is becoming the best in Kounan. Mai understands and says she'll wish for Yuuta to get stronger as well. Yuuta wishes for victory against Akutsu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AYANO - PART 8 E-MAIL: Ayano wants to talk, and asks if you can meet her in front of her school. [Move][Go to Hanayuri Academy] Yuuta meets with Ayano, who has a sad look on her face. He asks her what's up, and she says that she's just cold. Yuuta suggests they go to the family restaurant, and Ayano agrees. At the restaurant, Yuuta asks Ayano what she wanted to talk about. Apparently, Ayano is going to be moving away from Kounan. Yuuta asks where she'll be moving to, and Ayano replies- America. At first, Yuuta is unphased, but soon realizes the gravity of the situation. Ayano says that once she comes back, she really will be a "Returnee Child". Yuuta is unamused, and asks when she's leaving. She says around April, and feels sad that she has to leave so soon after she started to get to know people in Kounan better. Yuuta then cheers her up by asking if she thinks there are 50-meter Christmas trees. She returns the joke by saying that there might be hundreds of Santas as well. As they leave the restaurant, Ayano says she had fun as usual and thanks Yuuta. He tells her not to mention it, and she starts to leave. He stops her and asks if he can meet with her one more time. She tells him she isn't sure, and leaves in a hurry. Yuuta mentions angrily that his offering to the shrine wasn't effective. He leaves, not feeling confident that he'll see her again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AI - PART 7 E-MAIL: Ai sends an odd message that says nothing but 'Help'. [Move][Go to the club in Ni-Choume] Yuuta rushes down the stairs of the club to find Makabe with Ai. He says it looks like he's made it just in time, and Makabe asks why Yuuta came. Yuuta tells him that he got a distress call from Ai, and throws an insult at Makabe. Makabe tells Yuuta not to disrespect him, but Ai yells for Yuuta to hurry up and take Makabe down. Makabe curses her and tells her to shut up, knocking her to the floor. Yuuta is enraged, and asks Makabe if he'd never learned the phrase, 'Never hit a girl' from grade school, and then wonders if Makabe remembered getting his ass beat by Yuuta the month before. Makabe just replies that he's the king of the streets, and everythere there belongs to him. Yuuta approaches him and says he'll just have to teach him a lesson again. Makabe yells for him not to come any closer, and Yuuta responds that he's going to completely destroy him. [Fight][After defeating Makabe] Yuuta tells Makabe it's over, and Makabe curses him. Yuuta says that at least he's better than the 'naked king'* Makabe falls again, and Yuuta tells him to think long and hard about what he's done. Yuuta rushes to Ai and tells her she would have been in some serious trouble if he'd have been late. He tells Ai that they should hurry up and get out of there. Ai starts mouthing off to him again, and Yuuta says he's not going to keep helping her if she acts this way. Ai explains that she's been afraid to act nice (for obvious reasons), and Yuuta apologizes. Ai then stands up, happy as ever, much to the annoyance of Yuuta. The bartender shows up, apparently back from running an errand, and is surprised to find that a fight went down. He's pretty upset that he's going to have to take care of Makabe, and Yuuta apologizes for the trouble they've caused. The bartender tells them to get out, but Yuuta asks him a favor- When Makabe gets up, tell him that no matter where he runs or hides, Yuuta will be able to find him. *The 'naked king' is an allusion to the Hans Christian Andersen story, "The Emperor's New Clothes" (the 'naked king' is merely the Japanese title). Yuuta uses the reference here to show how Makabe is blinded by his own pride. Outside, Ai thanks Yuuta sincerely for once, and Yuuta wishes her well. Ai asks if he'll see her if she calls on him again, and he says she can count on him to save her no matter where she is. At first Ai gives him attitude again, but then lightens up, and Yuuta tells her he promises he'll come to her rescue again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING MAI - PART 5 E-MAIL: Mai says that Teppei has gotten himself into some trouble with a bunch of gangsters wearing white. She tells you to hurry to San-Choume. [Move][Go to San-Choume] Teppei lies on the ground, surrounded by the motorcycle gang he hired earlier. Yuuta rushes to him and asks if he's alive. Teppei responds, and Yuuta mentions that he and Mai are always getting into trouble. Yuuta turns to the gangsters and threatens them. The leader, Kudou, steps forward and tells Yuuta that the kid had turned on them as a result of what Yuuta said. They then insult Yuuta by saying that all his talk of being the strongest is an exageration, which Yuuta takes offense to. The leader says that there's a difference between their fighting spirits and Yuuta's. Yuuta agrees, saying that there is a big difference, theirs is the kind of spirit that would require a whole gang just to beat on a little middle school kid. Kudou isn't amused and orders his gang to attack Yuuta. [Fight][After defeating Kudou's Gang] Kudou says he can't believe you beat them all, and Yuuta asks him why he seems scared, adding that Teppei had the guts to fight him. Kudou is still shocked, and Yuuta tells him to prepare himself. [Fight][After defeating Kudou] Teppei is amazed by Yuuta's power, and Yuuta asks Teppei if he can get up. Teppei asks to rest another moment, and Yuuta says it might be a minute before Kudou gets up. Teppei asks how Yuuta knew he was in trouble, and Yuuta tells him that Mai sent him a note. He adds that both Teppei and Mai are always a bother. Teppei says Yuuta is really cool, and it's no wonder that Mai likes him. Yuuta agrees to himself, but tries to reassure Teppei that he doesn't like Mai, as she's just a kid after all. Soon, Kudou starts to move again, and Yuuta warns Teppei to run. E-MAIL: Mai thanks you for saving Teppei, and says she wants to do something for you in return. She'll be waiting at the school. [Move][Go to school] Yuuta is walkin with Teru and Kawakami when Mai shouts 'darling!'. Yuuta, disgruntled, recognizes the voice and turns around. Mai thanks Yuuta again, but Yuuta is upset and tells her she's at the wrong school, adding that the school is filled with a bunch of blood-thirsty ruffians. Teru mentions that of those ruffians, Yuuta is the worst, and Kawakami agrees. Yuuta gets angry at them, and Mai defends him, saying she truly beleives he's a kind person. She adds that, of course, it's because they are destined to be together. She then says she needs to head to school and leave. Teru asks Yuuta what he thinks about what she said, and Yuuta just responds that he smells something good coming from the cafeteria. Kawakami stops him and says he thinks Mai is really cute, and Yuuta turns and asks why he would go saying something like that. Kamakawi just says that he's trying to make his feelings clear, and then leaves. Yuuta asks what was up with him, and Teru responds that there's no honest response to someone's honest feelings. Yuuta is left dumbfounded. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Move][Go to the school] Teru and Yuuta are walking to school, when Teru remembers to say something: He says a shortened form of, 'Happy New Year', and Yuuta is upset about the way he shortened the phrase (just another Japanese language joke). Yuuta is greeted at the gate by the rooftop guards, who tell him that Akutsu is waiting for him. Out on the rooftop, Yuuta shouts that he's ready for battle, only to find that Yamaken is already there (Teru thinks this is hilarious). Yuuta asks him what he's doing there, and tells him it's not too late to turn back. Yamaken tells him he's the one who should go back. Yuuta shouts to Akutsu about how he's supposed to be fighting him alone, and wants to know what Yamaken and the 'mute monk' (Misawa) are doing there. Akutsu said he's called them there for a different reason, concerning who will 'bare the sign of Kounan High'*. Yamaken says he doesn't care about being Kounan's leader, only about fighting Akutsu, and Yuuta concurs. Akutsu says he doesn't care, and that whoever is going to fight him must be prepared to carry Kounan's name. Misawa looks at Akutsu as if he's been betrayed, and Akutsu tells him he's sorry, as he had originally planned for Misawa to be his successor. Misawa says he's a bit disappointed, but hopes Akutsu will make the right decision. Yuuta is mad at Misawa for going along with it, and tries to get Yamaken's support, but Yamaken says that at this point, this is the only way they'll get a match with Akutsu. Yuuta says he understands, and tells Akutsu as much. Misawa leaves, saying that the next time they meet, they'll battle. Yamaken says the time for their match has finally come, and then leaves. Yuuta stays behind and tells Akutsu "Wash your head!". Akutsu thinks that, for sure, Yuuta meant, 'Wash your neck!'* *He's talking about his successor, but I believe this is an allusion to the old gag from kung fu movies where martial artists would carry the sign of their dojo when they fight a rival dojo. It's the same as saying 'being the leader of Kounan is a heavy cross to bear'. **The phrase 'wash your neck', is another way to say, 'I'll show you!'. It's a rough way of telling someone to prepare themselves for something. It's just a pun to show that Yuuta isn't too bright. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIVAL SCHOOL WAR E-MAIL: Teru tells you that Onijima is waiting for you again, and he seems angry. [Move][Head to your hangout spot] Onijima wants to talk to Yuuta about the big mess he's caused with the rival school, and Yuuta tries to explain that he was just minding his own business when their eyes met. Onijima says that only girls should be making eyes with other guys.. though that's besides the point. Onijima figures that the current situation with the rival school has nothing to do with himself, so he's decided that Yuuta will have to go settle it alone, and the location has already been decided. Yuuta is less than pleased. Onijima asks if maybe he got scared upon hearing he'd have to do it alone. Yuuta completely denies it, and Onijima says, in that case he can go and prove it. And, if Yuuta doesn't go himself, Onijima will have a beatdown waiting for him. Yuuta says he can't wait to see what the 'Oni of Kounan' has to offer. Onijima tells him that as long as he wins this fight with the rival school, he'll take him on anytime. Yuuta just asks him when and where, and Onijima says he'll contact you with the details. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Goal][After collecting 160 student badges total] [Move][Head towards the front gate of the school] Yuuta finds Misawa waiting for him, and asks if he's readu to fight him. Misawa nods and leads Yuuta away from the school. At the riverbed, Yuuta suspects an ambush, and then becomes annoyed with Misawa's silence, mentioning that he didn't seem to have any trouble talking to Akutsu earlier. All of the sudden, Misawa turns around and tells Yuuta that he is truly strong. Yuuta is happy to hear that, and agrees, but Misawa quickly adds that despite his strength, there's only one person who can succeed Akutsu: Misawa himself. Yuuta recalls the first time he saw Misawa, which was the time he took out a large group of the rival school students. Yuuta said he acknowledges that strength, but at the same time, he insists that he should be the only one to battle Akutsu. [Fight][After defeating Misawa] Yuuta says Misawa is just as strong as he thought. Misawa admits that Akutsu did well in considering Yuuta for a successor, and says he has no regrets in losing. Staring out at the river, Misawa says that he can't imagine Akutsu ever losing to anyone, though he feels Yuuta does have a strength that surpasses even him. He tells Yuuta that he'll usher in a new era, and Yuuta says that Misawa can count on it. Yuuta thinks to himself that before Akutsu, he must face Yamaken one last time. (You can now call Misawa) ============= 6.11 February ============= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AYANO - END E-MAIL: Teru sends you a note saying that Valentines Day is a time when men cry, on account of Kounan High being an all-boys school. He asks Yuuta if he's been feeling lonely, and tells him to come to school. [Move][Go to school] Teru asks Yuuta about Ayano, and Yuuta tells him that he hadn't been meeting with her lately. Teru asks if Yuuta is feeling alright about it, and Yuuta tells him it's none of his business. Teru tells him he was just worried, and that there's no reason to get mad at him. Yuuta rushes off upset, but is stopped by a message on his phone from Ayano. She tells him to come to the plaza in the shopping district (at the train station). Yuuta asks Teru if he looks alright, and Teru says he looks fine, but he needs to hurry up and go meet with her. Yuuta takes off, while Teru comments to himself that Yuuta is a pretty simple guy to deal with. E-MAIL: This is the message that Ayano sent Yuuto in the previous scene, she tells him she'll be waiting at the plaza. [Move][Go to the train station] Yuuta meets with Ayano and tells her he's sorry he kept her waiting. Ayano repeats that Yuuta always seems happy. Yuuta asks her what's up, and she says that lately she's been thinking about how she's moving away. It's been making her depressed, so she asks if she could take some of Yuuta's happiness. He tells her that he's got no shortage of happiness, and that he could give her plenty and still have some left to spare. She tells Yuuta that she can be happy just looking at him, and that he's quite an amazing person. She presents Yuuta with a present, and Yuuta asks what the heck it is. Ayano tells Yuuta that they're Valentines chocolates, and he can barely believe it. Yuuta lets out a happy cry, and Ayano says he's embarassing her. He apologizes and says he's just really happy. There is a card with the chocolates, and Yuuta asks if he can read it. Ayano agrees, but stops him when he starts reading it out loud. The letter says- 'This year, I've been smiling and happy nonstop because of you, Yuuta. This is just my little thank-you.. and even now that I'm going to be far far away, I'll still have plenty of happy memories. Thanks you~" Yuuta looks up from the letter, shocked, and Ayano confesses her love for him. Yuuta jumps to kiss her, but she freaks out and he's knocked to the ground. She apologizes and said he just got surprised. At that moment, Teru and Kawakami step in, and Yuuta gets embarassed. He asks how long they've been watching him, and Teru says since he cried out earlier. Kawakami mentions that the voice was unmistakebly Teru's. Yuuta chases off after Kawakami, threatening to beat him down, while Teru asks Ayano if she's alright with that kind of guy. Ayano smiles and says she's happy with him. -After the scene, you gain a piece of the 'Steel Heart'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING AI - END E-MAIL: Ai sends you a note saying she wants to meet. [Move][Go to the club in Ni-Choume] Yuuta approaches Ai in the club and Ai is a little surprised that he actually came. Yuuta said he was a little worried that she might be in trouble, and Ai comments that Yuuta never gets discouraged, though he is a little dumb. Yuuta gets upset at her comment, but admits that maybe he isn't the smartest dude. He says that in any case, he says that he'll never lose to anyone because of his strong heart. He then wonders why Ai called on him, if she wasn't in trouble. Ai says that he must really be stupid after all. Yuuta gets upset, but Ai starts to admit that she's been pretty stupid and selfish as well, and that she has a lot of regrets. Yuuta is surprised to hear her admitting her insecurities, when she adds that even though she has regrets, she'd still like to give him something. She holds out a box of chocolates, but Yuuta doesn't understand why. Ai tells him that it's because it's Valentine's Day, obviously. Yuuta is shocked, and Ai gets mad and says that if he doesn't want them, she'll eat them herself. Yuuta says he's ecstatic, and that he'll eat them all right now (which he then does). Ai is a little surprised, but Yuuta tells her that he is always relaxed because he never lives with regrets, and then turns back to munching on the box of chocolates. When he's finished, he says that hit the spot, but now he needs to go out somewhere and get something to drink. Ai says she'll come with him, which shocks Yuuta, but she adds that he'll be paying. Yuuta is excited, but wonders quietly what he got himself into. -After the scene, you gain a piece of the 'Steel Heart'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATING MAI - END E-MAIL: Mai asks if you're going to go to school. [Move][Go to School] Yuuta heads to his hangout spot, only to find that nobody is there. Mai surprises him from behind, and calls him darling. Yuuta mentions again that she keeps popping up and callin him that the same way each time. Mai laughs, and says that today she's got a bit of a different surprise. She pulls out a box, and reminds him that it's time for Valentine's Day. She then professes her love to Yuuta (in the traditional fashion, not the goofy way she had been blabbing on about before). Yuuta realizes that she's pretty serious, and thanks her*. Mai is blown away that Yuuta is finally smiling, and Yuuta says he's always smiling. Mai calls him a liar, and says that she always sees him frowning. Yuuta just says he'll smile more, and Mai hopes he will as well. *Yuuta both thanks her, and says he's 'always sorry', which in this case refers to the fact that he feels bad about her always doing nice things for him. It's a typical response when someone offers you a gift. Behind the hangout spot, Teru has been watching the whole scene. Behind Teru, Kamakawi, wearing a frown, surprises jo,. He comments on how nice Mai's smile is. Teru asks him what's up, and Kawakami gets angry and tells him it's nothing. Teru says that something is definitely up with him, and Kamakawi screams that he's just glad to see Yuuta and Mai happy, and then storms off. Teru is confused by the whole situation, but figures that at least everything has been settled for now... he thinks. -After the scene, you gain a piece of the 'Steel Heart'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIVAL SCHOOL WAR E-MAIL: Onijima tells you to come to the riverbed. [Move][Go to the river] At the riverbed, Onijima tells you he thought that Yuuta would change his mind and run. Yuuta says that he's unbeatable, and so there's no need for him to run. Onijima tells him to look over towards the bridge, and he sees Kuroiwa with a huge group of students. Yuuta is a bit shocked, but Onijima just smiles and says he'll treat him to a meal afterwards. Yuuta says he's surprised at the offer, and then sets off to battle. Yuuta approaches Kuroiwa and his underlings. Kuroiwa asks him if he's prepared. Yuuta confirms he is, and in turn asks Kuroiwa if he had a chance to say goodbye to his family, as he's going to be stuck in a hospital bed for a while. [Fight][After defeating the rival students] Onijima steps in, and Kuroiwa is surprised to see him. He asks if he knew about Yuuta's strength, and Onijima replies that it's only natural for Kounan students. Yuuta says that it's got nothing to do with Kounan, and he is strong simply because he is himself. Yuuta turns to Kuroiwa and says he's going to lay on the finishing touches. [Move][After defeating Kuroiwa] Onijima steps in, a little surprised that you could actually defeat Kuroiwa. Yuuta declares the feud over, and Kuroiwa admits his defeat. Yuuta tells him he should admit defeat in a more 'polite manner'*, after which Onijima lets Kuroiwa know that Yuuta is only a first year student at Kounan. *This is just another Japanese language intricacy. It's a reference to all the times that Onijima told Yuuta to be more respectful when talking to someone his senior. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Goal][After collecting 170 school badges total] [Move][Head to your hangout spot] Yuuta arrives at his hangout spot and calls on Yamaken, stating that today is the day they'll make good on their pact. Teru says that it's probably none of his business, but he doesn't really want to see them fight. Kawakami agrees, asking why they can't just be friends. Yamaken explains to them that he and Yuuta are rivals, and then tells Yuuta not to go easy on him. He doesn't want it to end with a double K.O. like the last time. Yuuta concurs, and Teru finally admits that although he doesn't want to see them fight, he can't help but be excited to see the two amazing forces clash once again. [Fight][After defeating Yamaken] Yuuta's gang takes Yamaken to the nurse's office. On a sick bed, Yamaken admits his defeat, and Yuuta declares himself the strongest. Yamaken tells Yuuta that he's happy to have lost to him, and says that now he has to go defeat Akutsu to become Kounan High's strongest. Yuuta replies, 'but of course.' What else would he do? (You can now call Yamaken) [Move][Move to any other location] On the roof, Misawa tells Akutsu the outcome of his battle with Yuuta. Akutsu apologizes to Misawa for changing his plans for succession at the last moment, and Misawa says that he's sorry he didn't live up to Akutsu's expectations. He then says that he understands what Akutsu sees in Yuuta, and that he has no objections to naming him as a successor. Akutsu laughs and says that Yuuta is a bit stupid though, and he'll have to test him for himself. =========== 6.12 March =========== [Move][Go to the school] (There is an event circle near the main entrance to the classroom building) *You may need all of Class-1A's badges before triggering this event* Yuuta and Teru are walking at school, when Yuuta asks Teru about his student badge. Yuuta says it's funny he has all but one of Class 1-A's student badges. Teru agrees that it is funny, and laughing, Yuuta asks Teru to just hand over his badge. Teru tries to make an excuse, but Yuuta tells him to hurry up and give it to him for his own good. Teru takes off running. -You now have to chase after Teru in the school's athletic field. He's very quick, but if you aren't fast enough you can still trap him in certain places for a moment (in corners/by the wall). He doesn't have much health, so it won't take more than a hit or two to beat him. [Fight][After beating Teru] Yuuta stares down Teru and calls him a fool, and he hands over his school badge. (You get the Legend Gakuran for collecting all of the Class 1-A badges, which is a white school jacket) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIVAL SCHOOL WAR - END E-MAIL: Teru says it's close to graduation, and Onijima is waiting in the courtyard, but he doesn't know why... [Move][Go to the courtyard] Yuuta is surprised to see Onijima as it's so close to graduation. Onijima says it's fine, and asks what Yuuta wants. Yuuta replies that he wants to witness the 'Oni of Kounan' before he graduates. Onijima is upset that Yuuta is still on about that, and says he was hoping to have a more relaxing graduation. Yuuta starts to suspect if there really is something to his title of 'Oni of Kounan' after all, and Onijima says he'll just have to see for himself. -If you lose, Onijima tells Yuuta he'll have to speak to him respectfully the next time they meet. Yuuta wants to fight again, but Onijima says he's going to quit while he's ahead. Yuuta begs again using informal language, and Onijima asks him if that's any way to talk. Yuuta asks more politely, but Onijima just laughs and tells him no before walking away. -If you win, Onijima starts backing up while on the ground, begging Yuuta to 'go easy on this old man!'. He admits his loss and says that it looks like he's getting close to retirement. Yuuta asks him what he's talking about, in his mind, Onijima is pretty dang strong. He then asks who is stronger, Onijima or Akutsu. Onijima says that he lost the battle between him and Akutsu, and Yuuta can barely believe it. Onijima says he could barely make a dent in Akutsu, and that he couldn't meet any girls for 3 days after their fight. Yuuta mentions that he hasn't been able to meet any since, either.. Onijima says that holding up the name of Kounan High is a brutal task, and that Yuuta should understand that that will be his responsibility if he does beat Akutsu. Onijima says that this advice is Yuuta's reward for defeating him, and Yuuta thanks him in a respectful manner. Onijima is impressed, and Yuuta says he looks forward to the opponents he'll face in his second year. (You can now call on Onijima) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Move][Go to your hangout spot] Misawa arrives at the hangout spot and tells Yuuta it's time. Yamaken tells Yuuta not to lose, and Yuuta says he'll have a complete victory. As Misawa leads Yuuta up the stairs, he stops to tell him to put Akutsu at ease. Yuuta asks, put him at ease about what, knocking his eyes out of his head? At the rooftop, the guards nod and let Yuuta through to Akutsu. Misawa tells Akutsu they've arrived, and Akutsu tells Yuuta there's no more need to talk. He just wants to see Yuuta's 'strength'. Yuuta says he's waited for this for a long time, to see Kounan's strongest man, and that their match has finally come. [Fight][After defeating Akutsu] Yuuta's gang is watching from behind. Yuuta proclaims he's done it, and then lets out a roar. After graduation, Akutsu approaches Yuuta and friends. Misawa tells Akutsu he's grateful for everything, Yuuta tells him to try not to cry. Akutsu tells him to confide in Yuuta and Yamaken, while Yamaken tells Akutsu not to worry. Akutsu tells Yuuta to take care of Kounan, and Yuuta complies. At the shrine, Dankichi meets Yuuta praying. He asks him what he's wishing for this time, and Yuuta says that now he's Kounan's strongest, he hopes to become the strongest in Japan. Dankichi says that's impossible, but a typical thing for Yuuta to dream up. Yuuta says that for him, it's not a dream, and he'll make it a reality. The ending sequence restates that those who wish to become the strongest in all of Kounan come to attend the top school for delinquents, Kounan High. Those who hold the title of strongest in Kounan High will never allow it to fall outside their ranks. In order to uphold the school's proud tradition, Yuuta and his gang will continue fighting, risking everything on their pride and spirit. THE END ...sort of! You can now save your game, and the next time you load that save, you'll get to keep a lot of your progress from the time you completed the game, including your items, your stats and levels, your skills, and money. The one significant thing you don't keep is all the school badges you collect. For story purposes, you have to collect them all over again. There are a ton of acheivements to collect, just as in Kenka Banchou 3, not to mention finishing the storylines of each of the three girls, and any other events you may have missed. In addition to all of the items and acheivements you have to unlock, you will also receive a number of presents that appear right at the school gate when you start a new game. These present contain special gakuran* based on the costumes that the Japanese band Kishidan wears. Kishidan is a parody group that dresses as Bousouzoku (old-school Japanese biker gangsters) who were hired to perform the theme song for this game. *Gakuran is a traditional male Japanese school uniform. ================== 7.0 Extra Stuff ================== ------------------------------------ 7.1 The Bartender and the Fight Club ------------------------------------ *After the event at the club in May: If you approach the event zone near the barstools at the club in Ni-Choume, Yuuta will approach the bartender and ask to see the 'special' menu. The bartender pretends not to know what Yuuta is talking about, but Yuuta insits. The bartender says Yuuta must be fearless, and agrees to let him see the 'special' menu if he can pass his test. He then tells him to step out into the hall. [Fight][After defeating the bartender] The bartender agrees to let Yuuta order from the 'special' menu. Yuuta says he should have made it available all along. The bartender then gives you his school badge (it turns out he was Moroboshi Souichirou from Class 2-A). Yuuta is shocked to learn that he was a Kounan student, and Souichirou admits he hasn't been there in a while. He then tells Yuuta he better come prepared the next time he visits the club. Upon returning to the club, you can engage in a 100-man brawl, where you take on 100 enemies alone. You will get even more difficult challenges with even more enemies after completing it. --------------- 7.2 The Shrine --------------- At any point in the game, you can visit the shrine and make a donation. For 10,000 yen you can get one point to increase your stats. Also, you've probably noticed that the girls will change their outfits after you give them their Christmas gift. The second option at the shrine (after Christmas) will allow you to change the girls' clothing back to their default outfits. ------------------ 7.3 The Iron Heart ------------------ You'll get one piece of the iron heart for each girl's storyline you finish. Complete all three (by playing through the game 3 times and choosing a different girl's route each time) and... you'll still be missing one piece of the heart! The nurse holds the last piece of the iron heart (which is obvious if you've played the poker mini-game). In order to get it, you'll need to trigger a few cutscenes by visiting her every month after you get injured. I haven't actually done this yet, so I'm not 100% sure on the details. =============== 8.0 Conclusion =============== This guide isn't perfect, and I made it with a limited amount of time, so I apologize for any mistakes. If you have some interesting corrections to make, please leave a message on the GameFAQs message board for this game. All messages are archived now, so I'll see them some day. I also apologize for the formatting, but it's the best I've been able to do with notepad and GameFAQ's spacing limits.