****************************************************************************** ____________________ __ __ ____ __ __ | | || |\ || | __ \ || /\ |\ || /\ | | || | \ || || || || //\\ | \ || //\\ | _ __ ____ __ | || ||\\|| ||__|| || /____\ ||\\|| /____\ | / / / _//___// /| __||__ || \ | |____/ __||__ | | || \ | | | | / /_ / _/// ///// | __ __ ____ ____ ____ |/___//__//___//__/ | || / __ \ |\ || | ___|/ __| | | || || || | \ || ||__ \ \ | | __|| ||__|| ||\\|| ||___ _\ \ |____________________| \__| \____/ || \ | |____||____/ ================================================= = T H E O R I G I N A L A D V E N T U R E S = ================================================= ****************************************************************************** LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (Wii Version) A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ Version 1.1 E-mail: cyricz42 at yahoo.com ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. FAQ 3. Basics 3A. Controls 3B. Menus/Displays 3C. Items 3D. Hints/Tips 4. Barnett College 5. Story Walkthroughs Raiders of the Lost Ark 5A. The Lost Temple 5B. Into the Mountains 5C. City of Danger 5D. The Well of Souls 5E. Pursuing the Ark 5F. Opening the Ark The Temple of Doom 5G. Shanghai Showdown 5H. Pankot Secrets 5I. The Temple of Kali 5J. Free the Slaves 5K. Escape the Mines 5L. Battle on the Bridge The Last Crusade 5M. The Hunt for Sir Richard 5N. Castle Rescue 5O. Motorcycle Escape 5P. Trouble in the Sky 5Q. Desert Ambush 5R. Temple of the Grail 6. Free Play Runthroughs Raiders of the Lost Ark 6A. The Lost Temple 6B. Into the Mountains 6C. City of Danger 6D. The Well of Souls 6E. Pursuing the Ark 6F. Opening the Ark The Temple of Doom 6G. Shanghai Showdown 6H. Pankot Secrets 6I. The Temple of Kali 6J. Free the Slaves 6K. Escape the Mines 6L. Battle on the Bridge The Last Crusade 6M. The Hunt for Sir Richard 6N. Castle Rescue 6O. Motorcycle Escape 6P. Trouble in the Sky 6Q. Desert Ambush 6R. Temple of the Grail 7. Bonus Missions 7A. Activating the Bonuses 7B. Ancient City 7C. Young Indy 7D. Warehouse 8. Characters 8A. Story Characters 8B. Extra Characters 8C. Secret Characters 8D. Guest Character 9. Secrets/Unlockables 9A. Main Unlocks 9B. Extras and Parcels 9C. Secret Codes 10. Standard Guide Stuff 10A. Legal 10B. E-mail Guidelines 10C. Credits 10D. Version Updates 10E. The Final Word ****************************************************************************** 1. INTRODUCTION ****************************************************************************** Hello, adventurers! Welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, specifically the Nintendo Wii version. Continuing on the success of the LEGO Star Wars franchise, this is Lucasfilm's other great series, retold entirely with cute little LEGOs. Join Indiana Jones as he relives his greatest adventures. In this guide, you'll find walkthroughs of each mission in Story, quick runthroughs of each mission in Free Play, which includes collecting all the Treasures and Parcels, as well as well as how to uncover all the game's secrets. ****************************************************************************** 2. FAQ ****************************************************************************** Q: What is LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures? A: This is a LEGO-styled action game released in 2008 based around the first three movies of the Indiana Jones series. Q: What is the ESRB rating of this game? A: This game is rated E10+, with the added descriptor of Cartoon Violence. Q: Would this game be good for my kids? I remember there being a lot of objective content in the movies. A: All violence is done towards LEGO bricks, so there's no blood, and all "dismemberment" is taken in a humorous stride. Any references to religions or the Nazi regime has been removed (the bad guys are just "enemy soldiers", although all named characters keep their names, including Dietrich and Vogel). As far as positive aspects of the game towards kids, the gameplay is focused on exploration, discovery, and critical thinking. The co-operative gameplay style and forgiving difficulty is also a plus. Q: How many people can play? Does this game require a Nunchuk? A: Two, and yes. Q: So, how is this game different from LEGO Star Wars? I mean, besides the obvious. A: Much of the concept has remained the same. You still need to progress through the missions fighting bad guys and solving puzzles involving building, jumping, pushing, etc. One of the most significant changes is in the ability to pick up items lying on the ground. Characters can pick up certain objects to fight with like spears, guns, bottles, and torches. They can also pick up tools which can help them progress the mission, such as shovels or wrenches. Q: Can I play as the monkey? Pleeeeease? A: Sorry. It seems that, although Mr. Monkey ends up wandering around the college, you can never control him. :( Q: I'm in Desert Ambush, but Vogel won't do anything! He's just sitting in his tank! A: Turn off the cheat: "Disarm Enemies". ****************************************************************************** 3. BASICS ****************************************************************************** Most of this information can be found in the instruction manual, like anyone reads those. ============== 3A. Controls = ============== General Controls - Control Stick: Move your character. A Button: Jump. Some characters can double jump if you press A again. B Button: Attack. Z Button: Use item in hand or interact with environment. Used for building piles of LEGOs, pulling switches, or picking up items. C Button: Shift focus. As a side note, in this game you don't have to be next to each other to shift to the other character. It can be done from about a screen away. Also used to climb on vehicles or animals. 1 and 2 Buttons: Only used during Free Play. Switch between characters you selected for this mission. + Button: Brings up Pause Menu. Controls can slightly change depending on your situation. If something specific changes per a mission, I'll mention it in the walkthrough. ==================== 3B. Menus/Displays = ==================== Main Menu - New Game: Start a new game. Load Game: Load a previously saved game. Coming Soon: Shows a preview trailer of LEGO Batman. Options: Opens Options Menu. --- Options Menu - Music: Toggle music on/off. Widescreen: Toggle widescreen functionality. Screen V-Sync: Toggles V-Sync, whatever that is. >_> --- Pause Menu - Resume: Get back to the game. Options: Opens Options Menu. Extras: Opens Extras menu, where you can select any extras you've purchased, as well as toggle the Adaptive Difficulty. Quit: Return to the Main Menu or Barnett College depending on where you are. =========== 3C. Items = =========== There are a lot of things you can pick up in this game, and it is a new feature, so I thought I'd supply this list of items you can grab in the game, either lying around or from enemies. Press Z to pick up any item. Depending on the item, use it either with B or Z. Generally, picking up another item will drop the first one on the ground, unless the item came with the character (such as Satipo's shovel), or it's a Key, which I'll get to in a moment. Anyway, here's the list. Box, Chest, Undefined Block or Device - Oftentimes, you'll find items that quite simply need to be picked up and put somewhere else. You'll know these items from background objects because they don't respond to being punched, and have a blue downward arrow pointing at them. Simply pick them up with Z then press Z to set them back down again. Look for more downward pointing arrows where you can set them down properly. Most of the time, the items are heavy to the point where you walk more slowly when carrying them. Also, you cannot attack while lugging them around. Throwable - Mostly, this will be in the form of bottles or chairs. Pick up the object with Z, then look for a "four arrow" bracket. This is the target you've selected. Setting on the proper target can take some doing, and usually requires clearing the area, but press Z to launch your projectile. Shovel - Can be used for combat, but is meant for excavation. Certain piles of rubble glow with sparkles. Hold Z near these piles to unearth whatever's under them. Key - These look like little gold wind-up keys. The "lock" is generally a device with white gears. Once you place the key using Z, press and hold Z again to turn the device. This is the one item that you can stow in your "pocket" and still pick up another for use. Wrench - Can be used for combat, but is meant for repair jobs. You'll find blue engines that are spitting out smoke. Hold Z near these engines to fix them up, activating the engine. Torch - Used to burn things, mostly dynamite fuses. Can also be used as an impromptu weapon. In addition to throwing at the object you want to burn, you can also just walk up to the flammable object to set it alight. Book - Blue books are used to "translate heiroglyphs". Basically, while carrying a book, walk up to the 3x3 block of glyphs on the wall and press Z. A series of four of them will light up. Match that series in order to activate whatever they do. Spear - Either part of a trap or the weapon of the Hovitos Tribesmen, these sharpened spikes can be used as a weapon. If you're next to an enemy, pressing B will cause you to attack with it. If you're not near any enemy, watch for where your cursor will target, then press B to throw it. Sword - The more traditional weapon of a less civilized age, the big blade seems a bit slow compared to straight out punching. There are two types of swords: scimitars that the African and Asian folk wield, and broadswords found amongst the European types, but they're the same weapon, essentially. Swords serve a double purpose of being able to cut ropes, but you often have to throw them to get the severing done. Crossbow - This is another weapon of the Hovitos Tribesmen and Thuggees. It's a long-range weapon. It carries six bolts before running out. Pistol - Enemy Soldiers carry this weapon. It's a standard six-shot pistol. To properly use it, put some distance between yourself and the enemy, else you'll just punch. Machine Gun - A rapid-fire long-range weapon. Fires in bursts of 3 for a total of 24 shots per gun. You can find this with certain bad guys and in certain supply barrels. Rifle - Yet another long-range weapon. A few later soldiers will carry this, and you can also find them in supply barrels. In the end, it works the same as a pistol, except it holds 12 shots. Grenade - You won't find this often in the field, but Officers carry them. If you ever get to use one, look for the targeting bracket and then press Z to toss the grenade at it, otherwise, you'll just throw in front of you. Bazooka - Just as useful for demolition as combat. Each Bazooka has four rockets. Use them on enemies for quick destruction, or use it on shiny LEGO objects to bust them open. ================ 3D. Hints/Tips = ================ Unlike LEGO Star Wars, there are no Gold Bricks in this game. Progress is based on the missions you complete, the number of times you get "True Adventurer" status, the amount of Treasures you collect, and the amount of Parcels you deliver. Keep collecting studs. Collecting a specified number will give you "True Adventurer" status and 25,000 studs at the conclusion of the mission. Once you hit the True Adventurer threshold, you cannot lose it, no matter how low your studs get afterwards. You only need to get True Adventurer once for each mission, either on Story or Free Play. Collect Treasures to assemble an artifact. Collecting all ten and completing the artifact will get you 50,000 studs and will place the completed Artifact in the Artifact Room, where it can be used to unlock bonus missions. Each mission has a red Parcel in them. Collect that Parcel, then find a mailbox. Place the Parcel in the mailbox, then complete the mission to unlock an Extra for purchase in the Mail Room. Some of these can be pretty expensive, mind you, but they're the most useful ones. Punch. Freakin'. Everything. If it's made out of LEGO bricks and not obviously part of the background, bash it down, or whatever you have to do, because a lot of stuff to move ahead in the game requires you to go on a destruction frenzy. Explore everywhere. Run into walls and behind them to look for any areas you might be missing. If you die, you'll drop a portion of your studs: usually 2,000, but that can vary if you have Adaptive Difficulty turned on. You can die as many times as you want and you can still finish the mission. However, losing too many studs means you'll have a harder time getting True Adventurer status, so be sure to recollect those lost studs when you croak. Look out for visual cues to see how you can progress in a mission. For instance, some items you can pick up have sunlight lines coming off them. Platforms you can whip-swing from are lit up. A ball of rainbow sparkles means a high-jumping character should start from there. Small sparkles near the ground usually indicates a treasure to be dug up. There are other cues in the game which I will touch on as they become relevant. Don't forget that just because a special item is required to bypass an area, you may not necessarily need a special character for the job. Search the area to see if you can find that necessary item. For instance, if you see a busted engine, your first instinct may be that you need Jock, who comes with a wrench, but search the area, because a wrench just might be hidden amongst an object you can wreck. ****************************************************************************** 4. BARNETT COLLEGE ****************************************************************************** While a new game will dump you straight into the first mission, this area serves as a hub that you can return to at any time, where you can view your progress or put your hard-earned studs to good use. --- Main Hall - This is the obvious largest area in the college, and where you can access all other areas. On the back wall are three maps that represent each of the three episodes of the Indiana Jones saga. Walk up to any of them to access the missions in each episode. There is a floor decoration in the center of the hall. Walk onto it and you will be told your current progress in the game as far as Treasures found, True Adventurer's attained, and Parcels mailed. There are several exits from the hall that will take you to other locations. The "near" area (south of the maps) has six doors, three on each side of the hall, which will take you to other rooms. On the left, from back to front, are the Library, Classroom, and Theater. On the right, from back to front, are the Courtyard, the Mail Room, and Indy's Office. Up the stairs in the back and to the right will lead you to the Artifact Room. --- Library - Walk up to the counter here to purchase any "extra" character that you've encountered during the game. This will allow you to purchase basically any character, friend or foe, that you did not normally play as during the game. --- Classroom - This is the code room. If you have any six-character code used for unlocking characters or extras, input it here. --- Theater - Walk up to the projector in this room and you can view any cutscene you've already seen. --- Artifact Room - Here is where all the Treasures you've collected in missions will be displayed, forming Artifacts. If you stand in front of an incomplete Artifact, you can spend money to "complete" it. I say that in quotes because the Artifact will be completed for the case of knowing what it looks like, but you'll still need to find the remaining Treasures to get the percentage for the Artifact, and credit for it towards the bonus missions. --- Courtyard - This is basically a long passageway leading to the Art Room. Also, if you jump off the balcony in the Artifact Room, you'll land down here. --- Art Room - In this room, you can create two characters of your own based on a set of established parts. You can modify every aspect of their body: their hat/hair, head, shirt, hands, belt, legs, and weapon (which will be their main weapon in game). You can even "test drive" them in the room itself, although you can't leave the room while controlling them. Once finished, you can select them in any Free Play mission. --- Mail Room - This room has a display of all the Parcels you've mailed during the course of the game, including six Parcels already in place that you didn't need to find. Walk up to the pigeonholes and you can buy any of the extras sitting there, to be added to your list of Extras during gameplay. --- Indy's Office - While there's not much logistic stuff to be done in the office, once you gain a load of different characters, you can come back here to find some secrets. Check the "Bonus Missions" section later in the guide. ****************************************************************************** 5. STORY WALKTHROUGHS ****************************************************************************** Below you'll find walkthroughs for all the main missions in the game. These walkthroughs take relatively few diversions from the main path, nor do they stop to find minikits along the way. We'll cover all that in the next section. ===================== 5A. The Lost Temple = ===================== "This is it. This is where Forrestal cashed in." - Indy "A friend of yours?" - Satipo "A competitor. He was good. He was very, very good." - Indy "Señor, nobody comes out of there alive." - Satipo Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Satipo Added Characters: Jock Enemies: Red Spiders, Crocodiles, Giant Spiders, Hovitos Tribesman True Adventurer at 30,000: Easy peasy. I had almost double this at the end. Just make sure you bust up anything that looks breakable. Jungle 1: Okay, so it's you and your companion Satipo on the way to the temple. Familiarize yourself with the control scheme. The game will lead you on as you go, anyway, but take the time to play around. Note the ladder in the back. You can grab onto the rope hanging near it to pull down the hatch. Climb up and you'll find your first "whip platform". Basically, these are brown brick platforms with a vague light on them. Press Z on this platform to swing out to those studs. You can also use Satipo to dig up the small idol in the ground (hold Z near the soft lights), but none of this is important to moving forward. While I'm identifying things, be careful smashing up the landscape, because some plants have red spiders hiding under them, which require a whap to beat. Okay, so head to the right to find a platform. Jump out and to the right to grab the vine, then jump off it to the far side of the gap. Head right to find your first pile of LEGOs. Assemble then by holding Z and it will make a trampoline. This isn't important, but is useful for learning about building. That stone face near you is a trap. If you step on the button, it will shoot an arrow at you. If you attack it, however, it will rotate, and stepping on the button will spit out a silver stud. The important thing, however, is the whip platform to your right. Press Z on it to swing across. Smash the small box tied to the vine on this side so Satipo can join you. Use the C button to switch to him and have him dig by the soft lights to unearth something. Use Z to pick it up, then carry it over to the spot where the arrow is pointing and press Z again, which will unroll a bridge. Cross. Head to the right. Either smash the stone faces to make them safe, or just avoid the buttons. Note the longer button near the end, which shoots a spear trap up. Avoid walking into them, wait for the spears to retract, and continue on (you may have to switch to your partner to move him off the button). Proceed to find a stone wall. First, have Satipo dig up the piece of statue, and place it on the left hand pedestal. Push both statues into the wall to reveal buttons. Step on both buttons to reveal the way forward. Jungle 2: Assemble the pile of LEGOs here to make a raft. Only Satipo (or someone else with a shovel) can paddle a raft, so switch to him, then press C near the raft. Now, C button functions can be a little squirrely. Stand next to the raft and make sure the "C" appears above it, otherwise you might just switch characters. Anyway, once in the raft, wait for Indy to get on, and paddle over to the right. Get off at the dock by pressing A to jump off. Head to the right and then up towards the stairs. Smack the giant spiders that show up. They may seem nasty, but they're rather weak, actually. Continue up and watch for spear traps. You can actually take these spears with Z to fight with them if you wish, but it's not essential. What you need to do is grab the two vines flanking the door. If you grab one, your partner should automatically grab the other. This will let you inside. Temple 1: Those brown things are railings. May seem silly to identify them, but this is the first we've seen of these in the LEGO world. Jump into them and you can shimmy along them left or right, or jump off them with A to get some height, or drop off them with Z. Anyway, have Indy go up the left hand railing to the ladder. Use the whip platform to swing across, then pick up the box nearby and place it on the middle green button. This will hold down the middle spike trap below you. Now, step on the left hand button and Satipo will jump to the middle. Once he's there, step on the right hand button and he'll jump the rest of the way and deactivate the spike traps. Jump back down and follow him to the right. Keep going right to find a whip platform, which you'll use to pull a switch. Assemble the ladder it spits out and climb up it and the vine above to go to the right. Keep moving right across the bridge even as pieces of it fall and you'll reach a LEGO door. Now, see that floor? It's mostly trapped. Jump onto the dark gray spots (with studs on them) all the way across to the other side. Stepping on all four will open the door. Move ahead, but watch closely, because there are more spear traps on the way. Climb up the stairs to the next room. Temple 2: Grab the vine next to you and you'll lower a Key. Take the Key and place it in the device nearby, as marked. Once it's in, hold Z to rotate the platforms in the center of the room. Cross them and approach the idol. After the cutscene, the platforms will now rotate, so cross them to the back of the room and head through the door. Temple 3: Use the vine to the right to cross, then start heading right. Watch for rolling statues. As you move down, you'll come to another vine. Cross using it (ignore the ladder for now). Grab the two vines further right, which will raise a bridge, allowing one of the rolling statues to hit the door. Go through it. Boulder Chase: If you get squashed, you'll have to start over. Move quickly down the path, jumping over gaps. It's not particularly difficult, and you're even allowed to die once or twice along the way if the boulder doesn't catch up. Jungle 3: Time to get out of here. Hovitos Tribesmen will start showing up in force, some which have spears, and some which have crossbows. You can take these weapons after beating them, but don't focus on them, because there is an unlimited amount. Oh, by the way, Satipo took off and you now have your pilot Jock with you. Head over to the plane. You need to take two blue boxes and put them on the green panels. One is right next to the panels, and the other is out on the water, and you'll need to use Indy's whip to grab it. Once both are placed, build the propeller. Now, take Jock and hop onto the plane itself. Hold Z and he'll take out his wrench and start fixing the plane. Once he's done, you'll make your escape. New Characters: Indiana Jones Satipo Jock Hovitos Tribesman: 18,000 Barranca: 18,000 Belloq (Jungle): 50,000 Jungle Guide: 18,000 ======================== 5B. Into the Mountains = ======================== "Well, Jones, at least you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time!" - Marion Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Marion Enemies: Major Toht, Sherpa Brawler, Sherpa Gunner, Enemy Guard (Mountains), Bazooka Trooper (Raiders) True Adventurer at 35,000: There's a lot of possible falling to be had here, so try not to take too many leaps of faith. Marion's Bar: Okay, it may seem a bit unclear, but the object in this area is to get the door on the left open. First, look near the hanging ladder to see some rainbow sparkles on the ground. This means that a high jumper, specifically any female character, is needed to get up there. Have Marion climb up and pull down the ladder, which will drop a Key. Use the Key on the device near the door. Now, you need to fight Toht and his Sherpa cronies. Pound the Sherpas, but Toht will try to stay out of your reach. Instead, grab any of the chairs or bottles lying around and press Z when a "quad arrow" points at Toht to throw it at him. You need to do this three times. The last time, he'll come out to attack, so just lamp him one. This will start the second part of the battle. The bar will be on fire and a Sherpa Gunner will by picking at you with his machine gun. Throw chairs at him while avoiding death from his bullets and other Sherpas. Also, you can break the middle table and reassemble it on its side for some cover. Again, he'll hop out for the last hit, so take him down. Toht will come back for one final round with his gun, so grab the Sherpa's machine gun and punch some holes in him to chase him off. Village 1: More Sherpas will show up regularly, so keep moving. Head to the right. Grab a torch off any wall and throw it at the red dynamite near the back right. Assemble part of the mess left over to make a platform. Carry it over to the right and place it on the green panel. Smash the nearby toolbox to find a wrench, and use it to fix the engine, which will power up the lift. Ride up and grab the railing. Shimmy (or hop) over to the other side. To lower yourself, press Z. Whip across the gap, then put together the bridge. Push it in place so Marion can cross. Grab Marion and have her jump up to the ledge with the barrel on it, and push it off the ledge. Assemble it into a full block of dynamite. Now, go back across the bridge and grab the torch on the wall. Run into the dynamite with it to blow the wall. Cliffs: Whip across. Bust the barrel and assemble the railing so Marion can follow. You're going to make another lift like earlier. First, note the rainbow sparkles. High jump to the device so you can open the big door in back. Now, smash both statues flanking the gate. One will surrender a wrench, which you'll need, and the other will reveal some pieces, which make a railing around the stone nearby. High jump to the railing, then up to the green and white statue in back. Push it off the ledge, then reassemble it into a platform. Carry the platform to the left and fix the engine with the wrench. Ride up the lift and head right. As you move, rocks will fall down and start breaking ice bridges. Keep moving all the way to the right. The last one is pretty big, so you might have to climb back up if you fall. Enter the big doorway at the end. Cave: There are two orange structures along the back wall. Smash the left one to find a shovel. Use it to dig up the spot nearby to find a Key. Use the Key on the device to the left to lower a rope. Before you go up, go to the back of the room and push the statue to the left. Now, climb up the rope and use the railings and ledges to move to the statue. Stand on it, then switch to the other person. The first will wait while the other pushes the statue over. Now, switch back and have the first person assemble the rope so both of you can stand on the pressure plate. It will lower a railing. Cross the railing to the far right side and exit out the door. Village 2: The idea here is to get across that bridge to the truck on the far right. Hop on the llama in the area and walk over to the pressure plate to start the lift going. Hop on, then move right and pick up the bazooka. Odd place to leave one, hmm? Hop down and blow up the gray box near the bridge. Assemble the rotator switch and push its green panel to extend the bridge and bring up a small platform with a respawning bazooka. Waste the truck at the far end with several bazooka shots and go through the door and you're done! New Characters: Marion Major Toht: 50,000 Colonel Dietrich: 50,000 Enemy Guard (Mountains): 30,000 Bazooka Trooper (Raiders): 30,000 Sherpa Brawler: 18,000 Sherpa Gunner: 25,000 ==================== 5C. City of Danger = ==================== "The Ark. If it is here, then it is something that Man was not meant to disturb. Death has always surrounded it. It is not of this earth." - Sallah Starting Characters: Indiana Jones (Desert), Marion (Cairo) Enemies: Masked Bandit, Bandit Swordsman, Enemy Soldier (Desert), Enemy Officer True Adventurer at 50,000: It's a lot of nickling and diming. Just smash everything; the markets have a ton of breakables. There is a nice haul of a purple stud near the fourth monkey (the one with the key on the rooftops). Market 1: One of the main themes of this mission is giving bananas to monkeys and getting a useful item in return. For instance, grab the banana right here and press Z when the monkey is targeted to toss it at him and you'll get a wrench. Fix the engine and ride up the lift and out. Market 2: At the back end of this area is the door you need to open, and you need to find two keys for the devices. First, head left. Use the bananas on the monkey to get a shovel. Just near the monkey is a place with debris. Smash it up and create the ladder, then dig up near the switch to pull out its remaining pieces. Pull the switch to raise the ladder and climb up. Go to the left to find the Key and use it in the main door at the other end. Now, go right, to the enclosed area. Find a cart made out of LEGOs and push it to the left. Now, high jump up to the nearby awning (marked by the rainbow sparkles), bounce right to the cart, then jump to the rope to pull up a platform. Cross to get the Key. Use it on the main door and open it. Market 3: This area is rather busy, what with all the soldiers and stuff to blow up. If you want to dismount the camels, grab a throwable item and chuck it at them. All you really need is the back wall, which has a big cart blocking an alley. Near the cart is a box with pieces in it to make a push panel on the cart. Instead of pushing it, though, you're going to walk up and move right so you pull it away. It's a little difficult to get used to, but practice. Head on through the alley once it's clear. Alley: Head straight back and up the stairs, taking down anyone in your way. Once you reach the rooftop, use the whip platform near the monkey to remove the railing blocking him, then toss him a banana so you get dynamite. Throw it at the gray barrel nearby. This will drop a ladder, so climb up and move on. Rooftops: You can bust up this nice patio scene if you wish, but the way forward is back near the dome roof. Push the green panel to reveal a staircase, then climb up and push the ball to the right to knock down a wooden plank to cross. Now, head to the next area and go right across all the collapsing bridges. If you fall, you can use the railings beneath them to make the jump, so keep going. On the next roof, toss the monkey a banana, so you get a Key, and use it to extend a bridge. Grab another banana and toss it at the monkey further on to get a wrench. Fix the nearby engine to drop a box. Place that box on one of the green panels. Next, use the whip platform to the right. Smash the LEGO lattice on this side and use it to assemble a bridge. Take the box on this side and carry it back to the other green panel. Assemble the lever, then jump on the far side to pull up the hatch on the floor. Drop down. Market 4: Another wide open and busy place. Find yourself one of the gray Officers walking around and beat him up so he drops his hat. Take it, and go to the door near the big gray gate in the back. Press Z next to the window (marked with a little soldier face) and the soldier will let you in through the door. Beat up the guys inside and build the front part of the truck. Next, smash the nearby barrels to find a wrench, and fix up the engine. Now, you have a truck that can pretty much smash through anything, even shiny gray objects. Barrel out of the gate, to the right, then smash through the big metal doors at the right end. Hop out and head through the small doorway to finish the mission. New Characters: Indiana Jones (Desert) Marion (Cairo) Masked Bandit: 18,000 Bandit Swordsman: 25,000 Enemy Soldier (Desert): 18,000 Enemy Officer: 30,000 Monkey Man: 18,000 ======================= 5D. The Well of Souls = ======================= "Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?" - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Sallah (Desert) Added Characters: Marion (Evening Dress) Enemies: Asps, Blue Spiders, Giant Snake True Adventurer at 57,000: I had this in the third room after getting Marion back. There aren't too many places to die, so you shouldn't have to conserve that much. Just explore carefully, because there are quite a few blues hidden in out of the way places. Entry Room: This area is where the concept of phobias are introduced. Indy, as we all know, is afraid of snakes, and the trench around this room is loaded with them. If he gets close to the trench, he'll cower, basically moving slowly and not able to do anything else. First, use the whip platform on the north end to extend part of a bridge. Then, switch to Sallah and have him hop the gap. Push both statues back in this area, one revealing pieces that make a firewood stack, and the other revealing a torch, which will light the wood. Now, Indy can cross, allowing you to have both characters step on buttons to open the big door. Glyph Room: Keep using Sallah, because you'll run across some more snakes here, where you'll have to swat them. Also, the big button unleashes a spear trap, but you can smack the spears to get them out of your way. Move all the way to the back of the room smashing snakes and spears. There's a glyph panel on the wall. Books allow you to decipher panels. There was one in the Entry Room, and there's one right here in the pots to your left. How they work is you stand in front of the panel with book in hand and press Z. Four panels will light up in order, and you have to select each panel in the same order to unlock the glyph. Once you do that, the back wall will open. Staircase Room: That big staircase is the classic trap where it slides you back down. Take the Key that slides down with you and use it on the right-hand wall. Smash it down and all the blue spiders, then build the statue head. Place it on the right-hand jackal statue near the stairs to deactivate the stairs trap. Now, what you nee to do is manipulate the four pillars in the corners here. First, take the orange panel on the ground and stick it on the green panel on the upper-right pillar. Next, move the upper-right pillar so the ledge on top is pointing to the left. Then, move the lower-left pillar so the ledge is pointing up. Switch to Indy, if you haven't already. Climb the rope near the lower-left pillar and hop over to the upper-left. Switch to Sallah and have him rotate the pillar so it's pointing right, then switch back and have Indy use the whip platform to swing across. Switch back to Sallah again and rotate the upper-right pillar so it's pointing down, then jump across to the lower-right pillar as Indy. Phew. With the lower-right pillar lowered, you can take the gold block up the stairs. Now, to solve the sphinx puzzle in the back. First, take the brown panel from its right paw and set it on the green panel. Now, take either of the gold blocks, the one you brought here, or the one on its left paw, and stand on either of the brown panels to be raised up to the sphinx's eye. Place the block and do the same for the other. Head through the door. Ark Chamber: Okay. There are three holes in the back wall of this room, and they all have to be filled with golden balls. There's one near the left hole that can be placed right away. There's another nearby in a dig spot that you can put on the right-hand hole. The last one is on the right side of the room. Use the glyph panel (if you need a book, one's buried right nearby). This will make railings appear. Climb up them as Indy and whip the golden ball. Now, to get up to the slot. On the left side of the room is a wall you can bust down. Take the platform from there and put it under the center hole, then ride it up and put the ball there. This will reveal the Ark, so walk up to it. Entry Room Revisited: Lost Sallah, got back Marion. First, hop on the platform on the left-hand statue as Indy, then jump with Marion near the rainbow sparkles to send him up. While still holding the rope, switch back to Indy and whip across to knock the statue into the wall. Go through the hole. Ruined Chamber: Proceed to the right across a railing, a vine, and then to a whip platform. Whip across, then smash up the webs in the corner and take the shovel. Dig up the switch and pull it so Marion can join you. Pull on both ropes to open the door, but take care of the spiders before you leave. Snake Vent Chamber: First thing is to prepare the way, and all you need is on the right side of the room. There's a gear buried in the ground, another just lying there, and a key in a little alcove behind the pots. Take all three and use them on the device to raise up the block. Now, go to the center of the room and reassmble the stone block. Push it to the back left corner, which will allow Indy to climb up. Jump as Marion, because snakes will start falling down from a nearby vent. Grab the rope, and then the railing above the vent to close it. Hop across to the right and do the same thing to the next one. You can get the third one if you want, but you don't need to. Step on the buttons to open the door. Burial Chamber: There's actually nothing you need to do here. You can just go straight back to the doorway. Avoid the coffins, as some are spear traps. Sand Chamber: The two of you are going to split up here. Whip across as Indy, grab the shovel and dig up the dirt to get pieces of railings. Climb up them, then use the whip platform to pull down the path and pick up the Key at the end. Drop down and insert it in either of the two devices. Next, switch back to Marion and high jump over to the vine, then to the next platform, where there's another Key. Use it on the second device. Once both are inserted, use both to raise up a platform. Now, it's time to fight the Giant Snake. Fortunately, he's pretty easy. Dodge his spit shots, then grab a torch on the left and throw it at him. Do this five times and he'll blow up. Reassemble his... pieces, you'll make a lift. Ride up, then push the block at the top and you're home free. New Characters: Sallah (Desert) Marion (Evening Dress) Indiana Jones (Desert Disguise): 27,500 Belloq: 50,000 Enemy Officer (Desert): 30,000 Bandit: 15,000 ====================== 5E. Pursuing the Ark = ====================== "Where are you going?" - Sallah "I'm going after that truck." - Indy "How?" - Sallah "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go." - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones (Desert), Marion (Evening Dress) Added Characters: Sallah (Desert) Enemies: Enemy Soldier (Desert), Enemy Officer (Desert), Enemy Boxer True Adventurer at 47,000: Lots of stuff in the first two areas. Don't forget to ride the motorcycle or other cars around into the gray cans to smash them up for good studs. Dig Site: Okay. The first step (after beating up all the bad guys) is to get that track completed in the back of the area. You need three pieces. The first is right next to you. The second is further to the right. Push a mine cart down the tracks into the wall to get the pieces for it. The third one is further down to the right, and it's buried. Lots of shovels in the area, so pick any gray barrel to find one. With the track complete, you now need to get up there. Go back to the left. Put a blue box onto one of the gray panels, then go to the right of the crane to find a whip platform, which will pull down a ladder. Climb up and get the other blue box. Place it on the other green panel. Assemble the rest of the crane, then hop in the cab. Use the B button to grab the brown cylinder and move it to the right side and onto the button. With the other panel up, Marion can hop up to the top area. Have her jump over to that tall cart on the track, then switch to Indy and have him push it to the other side. Hop off as Marion and assemble the rope so Indy can join you and pull the two ropes to the right. Cross the platform and head up the stairs. Base: This area's a pain in the butt, because there are a lot of bad guys. What you need is to get an officer's hat (they throw grenades) and use the soldier door quick, then head on through. Take out all the soldiers in the next part (these guys are actually finite). You now need to open the gate on the east wall. To the right is one of the propeller pieces you need, so assemble it and place it. The other is in one of those watchtowers. First, find a shovel and dig up the chest near the tables, which has a Key in it. Now, go to the tower to the left of the north gate. Pull the rope inside to release the parts for the crank. Assemble it, then have your person with the Key hop on the right-hand rope. Have the partner turn the crank so the rope goes to the right. Hop off the rop and place the Key. Turn the crank to move the next rope, then hop from it to the right. Throw the switch in this tower to lower the propeller piece and place it next to the gate. The gate opens and you can go through. Airport: Ah. Remember this guy? The Boxer is confined to the circle (the Circle of DEATH). Punching him is useless. The way to beat him is to pick up anvils and walk up to him so he punches them. The first one is right nearby. After that first punch, a truck drives in with some soldiers. Now, it's time for some fun. Go up to the plane and hop into the cockpit. You can rotate and fire the plane's guns, so do so to waste the soldiers and the truck. The remains of the truck will make your second anvil. Repeat the owie. Another truck will show up, so do the same thing again to finish the Boxer. Truck Chase: You're now on a truck. The basic premise of this sequence is to beat all the enemies, and hijack the truck that the last guy comes out of, holding down A to accelerate to the next group. The trucks all have railings, so don't worry too much about falling. Keep moving up the trucks until you reach the last one and ram Belloq's car. New Characters: Enemy Boxer: 25,000 Captain Katanga: 18,000 First Mate: 12,500 ===================== 5F. Opening the Ark = ===================== "Don't look at it. Shut your eyes, Marion. Don't look at it, no matter what happens." - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones (Army Disguise), Marion (Nightgown) Enemies: Enemy Soldier (Desert), Enemy Officer (Desert), Belloq (Priest) True Adventurer at 40,000: Not too hard. In fact, you can hit it before leaving the sub dock. When you reach the end (the catwalks in back), don't forget to go all the way left for the purple stud. Sub Dock: Okay, one of the important things to do in here is to get the sub's main gun working. There's a box near where you start. You just need another now. Cross over to the north side of the dock, and go the furthest left to find a whip platform. Use it to remove a ladder, then climb up and move to the platform. Switch to your partner so they can turn the crank nearest to the platform to move it across. Pull the orange panel on the other side to drop a ladder and let your partner up. Have both of you hit the switches to open the big door. Beat up all the soldiers and grab the small brown box in the corner. Carry it to the gun (your partner should move the platform for you as you get close to the sub). Some panels will open up in the back, so use the gun to blast the green parts of each one four times, which will extend a ladder. Climb up and move to the right. Base: Head right and find a whip platform near the ground. You'll use it to drop pieces for a railing, so climb up, then whip across the gap. Assemble the railing so Marion can follow, then take out the soldiers to your right. I suggest grabbing a gun, because there are several soldiers in this area, and they'll make a mess of you if you let them. On top of the building with the "7" on it is a wrench. Use it to repair the truck, then drive it through the gate separating the two areas. Now, go to the horse pen. You can open the door by grabbing the two vines in front of it. Get on a horse and ride over to the area with the big "4". Press A to be launched off the horse and land in that upper area. The idea here is to make a "4" on that gray panel in back, and the seven buttons here will each light up part of the panel. You need to push the box onto the lower right button. Put the basket on, for example, the middle one, and have the two of you stand on the other two buttons (top right, top left) to make a "4" and open the gate below. Grab a bazooka and blast the metal gate just to the right and pass through. Ceremony Site: Things take a turn here, so it looks like you'll actually get to do something except just watch. The plan here is quite simply to climb up to Belloq and smack him upside the head, then follow him to the next area he perches in and get him there. First, head up the ledge on the left to see a green panel. Put the box that's right near it onto the panel and hop up to the top using Marion. This should allow you to jump across to Belloq and pop him. Next, he'll hide off to the right. Put together the gray platform near the gray girder structures. Grab the rope to flip it out, then hop on and over to Belloq. Next, he'll hide in the back. Indy can juuust make the ledge in the back near the glyph panel. Jump to the rope, then to the railings, then to the whip platform and use it. Hop up the ledges you made and hit Belloq again. He'll fight normally for his last two hearts, so just finish him off. New Characters: Indiana Jones (Army Disguise) Marion (Nightgown) Belloq (Robes): 50,000 Enemy Guard: 18,000 ======================= 5G. Shanghai Showdown = ======================= "Well, I always thought archeologists were always funny little men searching for their mommies." - Willie "Mummies." - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones (Dinner Suit), Willie Added Characters: Indiana Jones, Short Round Enemies: Shanghai Hoodlums True Adventurer at 52,000: A somewhat tall order. There's nothing special to say about this, except keep your eyes open for blues tucked out of the way. Club Obi-Wan: Here's something interesting. Indy is poisoned, so you can't do much with him except slowly walk around and jump a few inches, so Willie will have to pull most of the weight. There are four mobsters in the upper levels, and one has the antidote. What you need to do is grab a blue diamond (with Indy specifically) and toss it to the mobster that has the antidote. He'll toss it to another guy, so you need to toss more blue diamonds, etc. etc. until you get the last one. The blue diamonds are in the following places. One is on the center table. Another is found by pulling the rope in the center, dropping all the balloons. The third is in a cabinet on the right, behind some glass. Press Z as Willie to scream and shatter the glass. The last is in a cabinet on the left side, and requires both characters to step on buttons. Once you have the antidote, Indy's back to normal, but we're still in trouble, because now the mobsters are shooting at you. Go up to the dragon in back and step on both buttons to find a sword. Throw the sword at either of the hanging gongs, which will allow you to board the "gong-mobile". Ride it around and out the gate on the right side. Streets: Well, you picked up Short Round, but you're minus one car, so you need to get it back together. There are two pieces you need. First, clear the debris on the wall to your right and crawl through the vent as Shorty by pressing Z near it. Use the railings to move around the buildings to the right, then bounce off the awning to an upper ledge, where the engine piece is. Grab it and place it. Next, take Indy (or Shorty) up a rope on the left side. You need Willie on the ground so she can jump to the blue awnings and pull them down so you can cross. Do so for both and grab the engine piece in the corner and place it. Assemble the car. Now, to fix the engine. Go the garage on the left and beat down the mobsters. Take the wrench and fix the car. Hop in and crash through the back gate. Airport: Now, to get that plane working. Use Willie to jump up to the white box on the ledge to the left of the plane, and push it off. Assemble the vent, then have Shorty crawl through it and climb up to the top. Smash the white boxes, one of which has a brown box for you to take to the plane. For the other one, take Indy to the left hangar. Hop up the boxes to the railing on the left, then jump to the railing in back, then whip swing across to the right and grab the other brown box. Place it and assemble the propeller. Now, you're not done yet. Grab the forklift with anyone but Indy and Indy will automatically jump on its end. Drive it to either of the two platforms flanking the plane and Indy will jump onto them. Switch to him and use the whip to get the other propellers working. You have to do it for both. Once all three propellers are spinning, you're done. New Characters: Indiana Jones (Dinner Suit) Willie Short Round Kao Kan: 25,000 Wu Han: 20,000 Lao Che: 19,000 Chen: 18,000 Dancing Girl: 27,500 ==================== 5H. Pankot Secrets = ==================== "Why, you are not eating?" - Guest "I had bugs for lunch. Give me your hat." - Willie "Why?" - Short Round "Because I'm gonna puke in it!" - Willie Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Willie (Evening Dress), Short Round Enemies: Red Spiders, Asps, Crocodiles, Pankot Assassin, Pankot Guard True Adventurer at 60,000: The palace has a lot of stuff to break, so you'll get your biggest contribution from there. Jungle: These elephants are here to help. You can use them to cross patches of mud that you would otherwise sink into. You can also use them to wreck the landscape and any bugs or snakes that show up. Cross the first mud hole and break the box to release the vine so the others can cross. Now, take the elephant across the back mud hole and use its trunk (Z Button) to pick up the box. Carry it back and to the left and drop it near the drawbridge. Now, switch to Willie. She's going to towards the screen and to the left. There's a snake pit here, and only she can high jump enough to reach the railing above it. Cross and pull the panel to raise a bridge across. Pick up the box and place it next to the other, then assemble the whip platform so you can pull the bridge down. Across the bridge is another mud hole. This one has a whip platform which Indy can use, and he should, to grab the shovel. Whip back and dig up the Key, then go back and open the gate. Willie and Shorty can use the elephants to cross. Also, have Indy use hiw whip to grab a banana from the left side. Go through the gate and toss the banana to the monkey to get another Key with which to open the second gate. Ride the elephants up the path to the top, smashing all the snakes. Drive the elephant onto the big button so he weighs it down, then take all three characters over to the buttons on the right to open the gate to the palace. Palace Halls: Beat up the guards that show up. Go over to the right side of the room and use the whip platform to ring the bell. Take the Key and put it in the device on the left side of the room. Also, take the part in the middle of the table and put it on the wall as well. Turn the crank to open the panel, and then pull the switch to open the door and leave. The next few minutes are literally just a trudge up the halls smacking bad guys, so get that over with, and when you reach the end, hang a right into the open doorway. Bedroom 1: Once you turn all the bad guys into various bits, have Willie let loose with her vocal chords again on the glass to get the book, then leave. Palace Halls: Push the shrubbery here back a way to open the bookcase and reveal a glyph panel. Decipher it with the book, then enter the passage. Bedroom 2: Once again, smash bad guys. Push the bed to the right, then, as Indy, hop up on the stool, then onto the bed, then to the whip platform and swing across. Pull the switch to drop some pieces, then put together the rest of the statue and pull it out to open the door. Secret Passage: Use the vine to jump across, then exit by the far doorway. That's it! Caves: Head to the right along the ledge. Okay, now there's a double switch that needs to be pulled by two characters, specifically Indy and Shorty. For Indy, pull the nearby switch, climb the ladder, and swing across. Grab the vine and stay there. Switch to Shorty and assemble the vent near where Indy is now. Crawl through and grab the other vine. Now, switch back to Willie and have her climb up using the railings on the newly risen stone. Head through the doorway. Wow, that's a lot of bugs. Swing across as Indy, then grab a torch and walk into the bug pit. Escort Willie across, then step on the three buttons to open the door. Ceiling Trap: Ah, the famous scene. Use the whip platform to get things moving, then two skeletons will drop down. Smash both of them and place the boxes they leave behind. Assemble the statue, which will open the door to your escape. New Characters: Willie (Evening Dress) Maharajah: 40,000 Pankot Assassin: 25,000 Pankot Guard: 18,000 Village Elder: 15,000 Village Dignitary: 15,000 Willie (Dinner Suit): 15,000 Willie (Pajamas): 15,000 Chatter Lal: 40,000 ======================== 5I. The Temple of Kali = ======================== "I'm not gonna have anything nice to say about this place when I get back!" - Willie Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Short Round Added Characters: Indiana Jones (Kali) Enemies: Thuggee Acolyte, Thuggee, Chatter Lal (Thuggee) True Adventurer at 50,000: There are some caches hidden around, but also a lot of danger. Weigh your options before you take a leap of faith. I had this shortly after entering the second area. Temple: Your way forward is by the statue to your right, which you'll need two boxes for. Hop down to the lower ledge, deal with the bad guys, then assemble the ladder. Climb up and push the red and green statue off the ledge and assemble it into a panel. Place it on the shaft to the left. Pick up the nearby box and jump onto the pillar directly to your left. Switch characters and have him push the rotator switch to raise the box up, then place it. For the other, head left and whip swing across. Take any two torches from the wall, and attach them to the bridge to make it connect so Shorty can cross. Have him go through the vent, then pull the switch, go back, and quickly grab the box. Place it near the statue, then assemble it. You now have railings on the statue with which you can climb. Cross the rocks to the right. Grab onto the railings on the rotating pillars, and cross from the left one to the right. Drop all the way down to the bottom rotating part on the right pillar (going clockwise), then climb up when another set of railings passes you going the other way. Quickly climb up, then grab another railing going clockwise so you can reach the opposite ledge. You may have to do it once with each character because the AI may not be able to make the crossing. Anyway, once you're both on the other side, pull the switches near the gate to open it and pass through. Sacrificial Pit: Now, you need to save Willie (for what reason I can't fathom). There are two switches that need to be pulled. Start by going to the right. Smash away the debris in front of the vent. Assemble the nearby statue and push it onto the gray spot. Then pull the other statue into position. Now, send Shorty through the vent so he can hop across the statues and pull Switch #1. Now, go back left. Smash the debris to the left of the statue in the back corner and turn the crank so the statue moves forward. Climb the ladder as Indy and swing across the newly-formed gap. Hop across the statues and pull the other switch. Now, Chatter Lal will show up, looking a bit less friendly than before. Punch him a couple of times and he'll retreat to one of the orange panels. Take down one of the white-shirted Thuggees and pick up his turban. Now, press Z in front of both of the statues, which will start flames leaping out of the orange panels. Now, whenever Lal steps on the panel, he'll be singed, so finishing him off is easy. New Characters: Indiana Jones (Kali) Chatter Lal (Thuggee): 40,000 Thuggee Acolyte: 30,000 Thuggee: 18,000 ===================== 5J. Free the Slaves = ===================== "Let's get out of here!" - Willie "Right. All of us." - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones (Kali), Willie (Ceremony) Added Characters: Short Round Enemies: Thuggee, Thuggee Slave Driver True Adventurer at 65,000: Not too difficult. As always, make sure to smash lots of debris, and look for blues in corners. Mine 1: Okay, you've got no Shorty for the moment. Have Willie jump up the left side and assemble the railing so Indy can follow. Grab one of the boxes to the right of the cart and place it, then use the whip platform to raise the scaffolding. High jump up and grab the other box and place it. Assemble the mine cart so it rolls into the far wall. Now, head down and jump to the rope in back. Cross the ledges and railings to where the mine cart crashed and head through. Mine 2: Climb up to the right of the cage and turn the crank to free the slave. He'll play temporary Shorty and open the next door for you. Mine 3: Swing to the back of this room and bust the barrel to reveal a golden piece of something. Place it on the green lift, then turn the crank to get it across. Swing back, grab the piece and place it near the green panel. What we're going to do here is jump across, then whip the piece so we pick it up again, all the way across the gaps. It's a bit tricky to get the spacing right so you don't fall off yourself, but keep trying. Once you're across, set the piece down in its marked spot. Now, head over to the closed door at the back and smash the nearby barrels to find a wrench. Fix the engine to make a lift. Before going up, go to the right and smash the barrels to find a shovel. Go further right to find the dig spot, and dig up the Key. Place it in the crank and turn it to flip up a whip platform. Now, go back to the lift, ride it up, and whip across. Smash the cage to free the slave, who will pull a switch. In the next room, fend off the bad guys, and grab the dynamite in the green crate. Toss it at the shiny rubble in back to clear the way. Mine 4: Make your way right and smash the boards blocking the tunnel. Behind it is a panel. Pick it up and place it on the green spot back to the left. Pull out the stairs, then climb up. In front of the cage is a shovel in the rack. Grab it and dig up the spot to the left. Dig up the panel and place it on the green spot. Pull it to free the slaves. One of them will raise the platforms in the middle of the area, so cross those, bash down the boards blocking the passage out of here, and leave. Mine 5: You're fighting the Slave Driver, here. First of all, although you can drain his hearts by punching, he'll only be healed by the Maharajah, so first, grab some dynamite from the brown box and toss it at Shorty's cell to free him. Switch to him and crawl through the vent. Punch the Maharajah to send him running. Naturally, you can't follow him the same way. That'd make too much sense. Smash a nearby barrel and get the wrench. Fix the lift to your right so it runs again, then cross using the lifts. Whack the Maharajah again and he'll scamper off once more. Now, you need help from below. Switch to one of the others and have them push the green trolley all the way to the end. Now, Shorty can cross and finish the Maharjaha. This leaves the Slave Driver on the famed conveyor belt chucking rocks. It's a little unintuitive how to finish him, though, and rather drawn out. What you need to do is grab some dynamite, and as soon as the guy picks up a rock, toss it at him. Make sure you hit him, and he'll drop the rock on his head. Do this five times. The problem lies in the fact that if you throw it as he moves, you might miss, so either get at a shallow angle to minimize that risk, or wait until he stops to throw it. New Characters: Willie (Ceremony) Slave Child: 3,000 Thuggee Slave Driver: 18,000 ====================== 5K. Escape the Mines = ====================== "Big mistake, Indy! Big mistake!" - Short Round Starting Characters: Indiana Jones (Kali), Willie (Ceremony), Short Round Enemies: Thuggee True Adventurer at 120,000: I know. Seems huge, but you get a TON on the minecart ride. Smash things and lean over to grab studs lying around. That's a rough estimate, by the way, as I got a bunch at once and probably way overshot it. Mine: Okay, before the rollicking kart ride can begin, there are a few items to be taken care of. First, those Thuggees charging you. Done? Good. Next, the track seems to be missing a few pieces. First set of pieces are in boxes right next to the track, and there's a big rail off to the left, so slap that on. Now, let's get that cart together. That red and black box on the right is a dynamite dispenser (as if this world weren't awesome enough), so flick the lever and grab one. Toss it on that shiny rubble to the right. Assemble the cart, then whack it with the nearby wrench. Now, push the cart all the way to its logical end. Now, to get the cart in position. Go all the way to the lower-left corner where you'll find a lift. Hop Indy on it and have another turn the crank. Once he's up, whip across the gap, pull the lever, and step on the orange platform to your right. Your cohorts will assist you here, allowing the cart to reach full height. Now, it's just a matter of climbing up to the cart (from the right side, push the cart, and we're off! Minecart Ride 1: Okay. Here's where the awesome begins. The deal here is that you have two minecarts, one with Indy, and the other with Willie and Shorty. You can obviously only control one at a time (switching with the usual C). Use left and right to lean in the carts, which is a good way to catch errant studs. You can also use B to swing with what seems to be a shovel. This is important as it's the only way to interact with the environment. Although there are several things to bash here, the main point of this ride is to hit three switches. These switches glow bright red when you see them, and you need to smack all three to pass to the next area. Mind you that you'll have to do so in a relatively short amount of time because the switches reset. That said, you do have a good amount of time (about a minute?) before each switch resets so don't feel too strained. Also, you get little wooden signs leading up to the switch along the track preparing you for the upcoming smacking, so watch for those. With all three smacked, you'll switch tracks and roll to the exit. Minecart Ride 2: Same stuff, different day. There are now five switches to hit and it seems you have even longer now to accommodate before a switch resets. Also new to this area is a track switching. The branched path is rather small both ways, but each way has a switch, so you'll have to do both, so watch for the orange switches that come up on both sides and hit the one that's flipped up to switch the impending track. Anyway, five down, and we're out. ========================== 5L. Battle on the Bridge = ========================== "Is he nuts?" - Willie "He not nuts! He crazy!" - Short Round Starting Characters: Indiana Jones (Kali), Willie (Ceremony), Short Round Enemies: Thuggee, Mola Ram True Adventurer at 80,000: There are actually a few purples lying around. A good cache to find is after the stone pillars that you jump across. After the bridge, there's a trap pit to your right. Drop down to find a good amount. Cave Exit: Here's an interesting concept. You're being chased by the water. If you get caught by it, you immediately get rushed to the next area. However, if you can outpace it, your rewards as you keep going will be all the sweeter. Keep going as long as you can so you can get the good stuff, or just give up and get swept. Cliffs: You do get a different cutscene if you make it as opposed to getting swept, but the outcome is the same. Indy is on the right side and Willie and Shorty on the left. For no particular reason, let's start with Indy. Either whip across or drop down and use the lift to get to the right side, then climb up the vine. At the top of the vine, jump left and switch to the others. Have them climb up the vine near them, then have Shorty go through the vent, take the Key, go back, and operate the crank. With the rock that just blew up next to you, construct railings to hop up the cliff face to the top. Move on towards the back to leave. Oh, and sometimes your buddies will have a mental lapse and not follow you all the way. Don't worry about it. They'll be by your side as you cross to the next area. Plateau: Proceed to the right. Those piles of shrubbery blowing up are pit traps, so try not to fall in them. Continue to the right and eventually you'll run into Thuggees. Note the white-shirted one so you can get his hat. In fact, all three of you are pretty much going to need hats (well, at least Willie and Shorty). This is because there are three Thuggee Statues in the area tailored to each person's ability. The one on the far left needs Willie to jump up to. The middle needs a whipping (but after that anyone can climb up). The one on the right first needs you to find a shovel. Dig up the pieces for the vent, then crawl through. Once you use each statue, a piece will appear next to them. Take the piece over to the skull locks. Do this for all three so the door will open. Rock Spires: Right in front of you (off the camera to the bottom) is the first in a series of rock spires. Start hopping across them. Take Indy to the whip platform to lower part of the far balcony, then cross over to it. Drop down the right side to the railings and make your way further right. Once you reach the end, have Indy use the whip platform and bust the rock on the other side, then have Shorty go through the vent on the far right and hit the rock there. This will lower the bridge, allowing you to access the latter part of this area. Run all the way to the door at the end. To the right is a vent for Shorty, and to the left is a high jump spot for Willie. Both end in ropes, so hang them from them, and use Indy to step on the skull button that appears. Pass through the door. Rope Bridge: Here's how Mola Ram works. First, smash the guys he sends after you, then he'll come out himself, so hit him several times to knock off a heart. After this, he'll just send out his henchies. What you need to do is waste the one with the sword. Take the sword (it's best if you do this on one of the edges of the bridge so it doesn't fall off) and throw it at any of the supporting ropes holding the bridge (you aim at the yellow anchor). Each time you sever a rope, Mola Ram will come out again for another beating. Keep severing ropes and punching Mola in turn and you'll win. New Characters: Mola Ram: 50,000 British Officer: 25,000 British Soldier: 18,000 British Commander: 30,000 ============================== 5M. The Hunt for Sir Richard = ============================== "What's this one?" - Elsa "The Ark of the Covenant." - Indy "Are you sure?" - Elsa "Pretty sure." - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones (Professor), Brody, Elsa Enemies: Kazim, Rats True Adventurer at 50,000: On Story, this one's rather challenging, as it requires judicious collecting and very little dying. Hunt everywhere. Smash everything. Plaza: Who knew Venice was so hard to get around? The obvious high jump spot is for Elsa, but her path needs to be prepared. Head around to the right and pull the switch to extend an awning. Then further to the right another switch pulls out three more awnings. Now, have Elsa hop up the rope and cross the path to the Key. Use the Key on the crank near the bridge to extend a whip platform so Indy can swing to the other side. Lots to break over here, as well as some fellows to smack down, but the point is to go straight back from the whip platform to find another Key behind bars. Smash them and use the key to extend the bridge, letting the other two across. Use either Elsa or Brody's book to decipher the glyphs on the library door and enter. Library: In here, you need to place four boxes in the center area. First box is right near the stained glass window in the back. Second one is on the right, and requires you to assemble panels for the ladder so you can push it into place and climb up. Third one is in the near left shelves. Bust down all the books there to find a switch and pull it to reveal the box. For the last one, you need to go upstairs. Find the whip platform in the back left area, which will reveal the spiral staircase. Climb up, and use the glyph panel to unlock the safe and the last box. Assemble all boxes into an X pattern. Now, go back up the stairs, and take Indy to the rope on the right. Cross the railing over to the right side, then use the whip platform to bring down the house. Drop down the hole. Catacombs 1: Watch the coffins, as some have spear traps. However, some also have shovels, and you'll need one, so take one and head down the path. Dig up the obvious spot to find a box. Carry it over to the far wall, then assemble the fan. Near the wall is a push panel, so pull out the tomb and hop on top to start up the fan, which will reveal a glyph panel. Decipher it, then press on. Elsa is afraid of rats, so use Indy to jump over the rat pit (you may need to double jump to actually make it). Take a torch and escort Elsa across. She'll jump up to the rope to retract the spears around the switch, so pull it and press on. Catacombs 2: Either jump up with Elsa or whip across with Indy. Either way, your partner will catch up. Have Elsa hold onto the rope so Indy can climb the platforms, whip the web, then the switch behind it. Move down to the doorway and flip both switches. Tomb: Push the nearby coffin against the wall and have Elsa hop up to the upper ledge. Push the box off and then center it on a nearby panel. Have Indy do the same with the whip platform on the left. Once both boxes are in place, have both characters step on the resulting buttons to raise another coffin. Push it towards the back wall and jump up to the gray sarcophagus in back. Harbor: Punch Kazim and his thugs. Knock a couple of hearts off him so he'll take off. Hop in a boat and give chase. The trick is basically to ram into his boat until three hearts are knocked off, at which point he flees to the center island. Give chase and give him a whooping, then he'll hop on another boat. Ram him some more and he'll flee for the right side. Hop out of your boat near him and finish punching him. New Characters: Indiana Jones (Professor) Brody Elsa Kazim: 30,000 =================== 5N. Castle Rescue = =================== "It is you, Junior!" - Henry "Don't call me that! Please!" - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Elsa Added Characters: Henry Jones Enemies: Enemy Soldier, Enemy Officer, Enemy Radio Operator, Bazooka Trooper (Crusade) True Adventurer at 35,000: Not a very large amount at all, but there's not all that much to be had. As usual, smash everything. No big secrets, here. You'll probably hit the mark in the radio room. Entry Hall: Grab one of the swords from the armor and toss it at the rope holding the gate shut. Easy! Main Hall: Take out all the soldiers, including the bazooka guy. Push the table to the right and climb up to the whip platform. Use it and head out the window. Castle Walls: Whip across, take out the soldiers, and assemble the bridge. Head north, then high jump up to the gargoyle and smash him to reveal pieces for a rotator switch. Use it to move a crane into position so you can whip to the next area. Library: Elsa's flown the coop, so it's just you and dad. Smash all the nearby furniture to make a ladder, then climb onto the bookcase and off the back end. Smash the lamp to make a shield for one of the statues, then grab the rope to pull back the curtain. Smash this statue to make a shield for the other statue. Now pull out the push panel. You can now climb up the rope and hop across the golden statues to the next bookcase. On the other side, go to the bookcase with push panels and push it into the wall. This turns the table into a rotator switch. Use it to open the fireplace and leave. Radio Room: Make a nice mess of this place. You need to make the stereo over the back corner. First, find two gray circles and attach them to the speaker, then stick the four white pieces onto it. Finally, turn the crank all the way to eleven. Leave by the busted windows. Rooftops: Smack up the bad guys here, particularly the Radio Operator, who has a Key you need. Knock two hearts off him and he'll run off, so give chase. Keep chasing him until you drain his hearts and take the Key. Now, go back to the entrance of this area, then use the Key on the crank. Sounding the alarm may seem like a dumb idea, but it scares up an officer, whom you need for his hat. Take it and go up the stairs and to the left. Use the soldier door. Beyond that, flip the switch to raise a box full of bazookas. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful? Take one and head out and to the right. Blast the tanks near the tower to knock it over, then cross. Take out the soldiers on this side, then use the soldier door to exit. If you need another hat, go back to the beginning to find an officer. Secret Room: Push the chair and you're done! New Characters: Henry Jones Enemy Butler: 15,000 Enemy Radio Operator: 25,000 Bazooka Trooper (Crusade): 30,000 ======================= 5O. Motorcycle Escape = ======================= "I expect this is just another ordinary day for you?" - Henry "No, Dad! It's better than most." - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Henry Jones Enemies: Enemy Soldier, Enemy Officer, Bazooka Trooper (Crusade) True Adventurer at 90,000: The big problem is here is the propensity for dying. With so many motorcycle crashes and explosives flying, it's almost useless to keep the total up. It can be done, though. Just make sure you're recollecting all the studs you lose. Motor Pool: First, make a mess of the place. Throw the switch near the conveyor belt to drop a box for the green panels. Assemble a rotator switch in the lower-right corner and push it to drop the other box. These two boxes will assemble a sidecar motorcycle. Find a wrench in one of the cabinets and fix the bike with it. Assemble the switch near the filing cabinets to gain access to a regular motorcycle. Hop on each and move to the two switches on the left to open the gates and start your ride. Road 1: Careful, because the near side is a sheer drop. If you find yourself falling, quickly jump off the bike and you won't lose any studs. Ride to the right and you'll come upon several biker soldiers. You'll have to hop off your bikes to cause any damage to them, or you could just keep going. At the end is a ramp. Just drive straight up it and you should clear the gap. Watch out for rolling rocks in the next section. Eventually, you'll reach a soldier door. Wait for soldiers to come down. Keep beating on them and eventually officers will show up. Grab a hat and open the checkpoint. Hop back on your bikes and roll on until another ramp, which needs to be cranked into position. Jump across and watch out for a bunch of land mines on the next path. Roll all the way to another soldier door checkpoint. If you still have the hat, use it, otherwise wait for an officer to show up. Roll past the checkpoint. Farm: In this area, you'll find (at the end), that you need to remove some shiny objects so you can extend the bridge. First, head for the prefab building (shaped like a semicircle) with two switches, which will release an officer. Take his hat, then use the soldier door off to the right, which will open up the shed. Smash everything in there and take the shovel back to the house on the left. Dig up the blue trampoline and bounce up to the roof. Use the railing to go left and inside. Farmhouse: Whip across the gap, then smash up the crates to find a box. Place the box on the spot near the cage, and assemble the switch so you can open the cage and take the bazooka. Climb up the ladder and head outside. Farm: Run your little LEGO hinder off to the right before someone shoots the bazooka off you and blast the two shiny things near the bridge. Assemble the push panel and pull the bridge up. Ride across and use your bikes on each of the two switches. Road 2: This part is pretty quick. A bunch of biker soldiers, and a few land mines on the road to the tunnel. Fortification: No more bikes for you. Now it's just heavy weaponry. There are three large guns firing on you, here, and soldiers are spilling out of the bunkers. Take out all the soldiers, and the last bunker will open, where you'll find a box of bazookas. Each large gun takes four bazooka shells, so hammer them hard, even after they catch fire. While you fire on the guns, a bunch of bazooka troopers will show up to make things miserable, so stay far from them so you can dodge their shells. Once all three guns are kaput, more bazooka troops will rush out. Blast them all to open the back door so you can escape before even more show up. New Characters: Indiana Jones (Officer): 18,500 Elsa (Officer): 15,000 ======================== 5P. Trouble in the Sky = ======================== "I didn't know you could fly a plane!" - Henry "Fly, yes! Land, no!" - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Henry Jones Enemies: Colonel Vogel, Enemy Pilot True Adventurer at 80,000: This one I didn't pick up until the very end boss fight. Definitely check the wrecked ship's crow's nest for a couple of purples. Zeppelin: Things won't get funky until you start throwing punches or pull the switch on the right. Vogel will hop up to the back balcony and start throwing things while his cronies pound you. Get objects off the tables and throw them back at him. There's not much else to this battle. Farmhouses: Your plane has crashed in the countryside. Smash the front to get the engine off it, then place that on the green panel so you can ride the wind of the propeller. Ride it to the farmhouse on the left. Use the whip platform on the left to drop a ladder, then climb it and cross the railing to the top of the house. Smash the clock and take its gear all the way back to the right and place it on a switch. Past the switch, things get interesting. Bombs start dropping and Pilots start parachuting in to make your life miserable. There's an infinite amount, so keep moving to the right. Once you reach the next barn, smash the shed door to find a shovel behind it. Use it to dig up the platform nearby. Hang from the rope to activate it, then ride it up to the roof. Move to the right, grab the rope, then swing to the platform. QUICKLY jump off the platform to the right, because it collapses (put it back together if you fail), then jump over the wall. Head north through the pass. Coastline: Head to the right, avoiding bombs and smashing Pilots. Assemble the car here, and attach the nearby steering wheel, but it won't work without a wrench. Find three blue tractors. Each one has a piece that goes north at the farmhouse. Once all three are in place, step on the button to extend a ladder to the upper balcony of the house so you can reach the wrench. Fix the car and drive east. At the bridge, whip across, blow up the crate, and assemble the rest of the bridge so you can drive through the fence. Beach: This is the "sort of" boss fight. There are three planes pecking away at you up there with their bombs and Pilots (or maybe just one rather persistent plane, it's kinda vague). You need to find three flocks of seagulls, which will fly up and into the plane's propellers. Sounds goofy, I know, but that's how it goes. The first flock you'll stumble over as you go down to the beach. For the second, go right along the beach until you find a ladder. Climb up, then hop across the railings to the right. Use vines and more railings to keep moving right along the rocks to the end and another flock. Finally, drop down to the beach and grab the shovel near the beachhouse. Dig up at the left side of the beach to find a chest (not the sand castles). Inside the chest is a Key. Use it on the crank to create stairs on the left side. Move over to the beached ship and climb onto its deck. Use the vine to swing over to the left, where the flock is, to finish the plane attack. New Characters: Colonel Vogel: 50,000 Enemy Pilot: 25,000 =================== 5Q. Desert Ambush = =================== "These people are trying to kill us!" - Henry "I KNOW, DAD!" - Indy "It's a new experience for me!" - Henry "It happens to me all the time." - Indy Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Sallah (Fez) Enemies: Enemy Soldier (Desert), Colonel Vogel True Adventurer at 100,000: Oh, there's a lot of stuff to be had in this mission. Make sure you let Vogel do some demolition work for you as he fires from the tank. Canyon: As should be familiar by now, you need to put three boxes on the green panels to move ahead. First box is in one of the wrecked trucks. Smash all its tires and it will spit out the required pieces. The second box is off to the far east, past Kazim's men. At the end, you'll find a horse. Use it to vault to the top of the rock spire with the box on it. Take it to the green panels. For the last one, break down the boards and enter the cave. Cave: Dig up the gears near the machine so you can assemble the engine that powers the lift. Ride up, assemble the ladder and leave by the upper opening. Canyon: Take the box, and either just jump off or place it on the lift. With all three in place, you can assemble a bulldozer. Nice. Bash through the back wall. Tank Battle: Vogel is in a big tank and armed with a bazooka. To stop him, you need to create three landmines and coax him to run over them. First, you have to make them. Get him to shoot at the cart of shiny objects nearby to assemble the first one, then another cart further north. For the last one, assemble the ladder on the west side, climb up and move across the collapsing bridges, then push the box off the ledge to uncover the last one. Once he runs over all three landmines, he'll take off. Follow him. Cliffs: Watch out for Vogel and grab one of the horses. Ride it to the cliff and launch off so you land on it. Move to the right, jumping the gaps in the rocks and the collapsible bridges. Once you move far enough right, Vogel will drives his tank through the rocks and away. Chase after him. Tank Chase: Much like the truck chase in Raiders, only you don't have to do any driving. Just keep smacking the bad guys as they come and punch Vogel when he pops out. When you drain his hearts, you're done. New Characters: Sallah (Fez) Kazim (Desert): 30,000 Elsa (Desert): 15,000 ========================= 5R. Temple of the Grail = ========================= "Please, what is always with this 'Junior'?" - Sallah "That's his name. 'Henry Jones, Junior'." - Henry "I like 'Indiana'." - Indy "We named the dog Indiana." - Henry Starting Characters: Indiana Jones, Henry Jones, Brody, Sallah (Fez) Enemies: Enemy Soldier (Desert), Asps, Grail Knight True Adventurer at 80,000: If you find some of the hidden caches at the beginning, this is a snap. Just try not to let the traps kill you too much. Canyon of the Crescent Moon: Smash the bad guys, but what you really want to focus on is the back of each truck. Destroy the pole supporting the truck doors and they will close. Use Sallah to dig up the idol in the back right corner, then destroy it and assemble the ladder. Take either Henry or Brody and climb up the ladder, railings, and rope. Decipher the glyph panel, then again on the left side. Flip both switches near the door to enter. Temple Entry: Smash the idol near the torch and use Sallah to dig up the red block. Place it on the door at the left end. Next, grab a torch and take it to the right passage. Use it on the lamp to the left of the glyph panel to light it. Decipher it and take the blue block to the door. Breath of God: It's just Indy and Sallah, now. Indy, however, has a book. Use it on the glyph panel. Once it's activated, you'll have to avoid the blade and spear traps to get through. Go to the right across the bridge. Dig up the item at the dig spot and smash it. Assemble the railings and cross them CAREFULLY. Move when the blade traps are at the bottom and the spears are retracted. At the far end, use the whip platform, cross the bridge, dig up the idol, smash it, assemble the push panel and push the bridge across the gap. Once across, push the rotator switch to retract the spears below you, then drop down to the right. Pick up the green panel and carry it up to the panel at the door to push it open. Word of God: Head to the right and swing across the gap with the vine. Decipher the glyph panel to open a panel. Use the whip on the whip platform to take the red dotted block. Place it next to the other and take the Key. Use both cranks to raise the bridge. Cross the railings and keep moving right past the door (take that purple if you dare). Use the whip platform, then assemble the rope to let Sallah up. Have Sallah hop over the snake pit, then grab the torch and toss it in the pit to let Indy cross. Go up the path and use the whip platform to take the blue block. Place it on the lift down to the left and throw the switch to send it over. Take it and place it in its spot on the door. In here is the famous word puzzle (they actually snuck a tiny religious reference in here). Step on the letters as they light up: IEHOVAH. Once across, head through the door. Path of God: Of course, you know there are actually bridges there, so be brave and cross them. After the second bridge, use the whip platform to drop down a visible one. Take the box and toss it on the green panel to make a rotator switch. Use it to open those big doors. Cross the invisible bridge to it. Head through the doors and cross the last invisible bridge and through the doorway. Grail Chamber: The Grail Knight is officially invincible, but pound him a few times so he has to catch his breath. Head over to the back glyph panel and decipher it. This opens the door to a bunch of cups, but only one is the Grail. If you saw the movies, you know which one it is. If you haven't, you'd probably guess it was the one that was different. Take the brown cup and use it on the fountain in the middle of the main room. The end. ^_^ New Characters: Donovan: 50,000 Grail Knight: 100,000 ****************************************************************************** 6. FREE PLAY RUNTHROUGHS ****************************************************************************** In Free Play, you'll enter the mission with only two characters. Adjustments will be made so you CAN complete the mission with two characters. At the outset, you'll be allowed to pick whichever character out of all available you wish. Once that's done, the computer will add on other characters that you will need to access all the stuff in the mission (if you have them available). This allows you to go and get all the stuff without having to worry about building the proper team. The type of characters added tends to go like this, assuming you have them: Indy, a woman, a soldier, a scholar, a Thuggee, a shorty, and someone with explosives. Also, depending on the mission, you may also get a bunch of the mission's enemy characters. There will be no story clips, and some missions will be slightly changed to reflect this. All you need to do is reach the end and get all the stuff, so go for it! Note that some collectibles have specific requirements. What this basically means is that you can't get the item on Story. Here's what I mean when I say each: "Free Play": Quite simply, you need the freedom that Free Play gives you, either giving you characters that you wouldn't normally take in the Story (ie. someone with a shovel in a TOD mission) or the ability to switch characters on the fly. "Soldier": You need an "enemy" soldier to knock on a soldier door and gain access. The only one you get for free is Indiana Jones (Army Disguise). Otherwise any of the following will work: anyone with the term "Enemy" in their name, Major Toht, Colonel Dietrich, Indiana Jones (Officer), and Colonel Vogel. Note specifically that Elsa (Officer) will NOT work. "Explosive": You need an enemy soldier with either a bazooka or grenades. Either of the Enemy Officers (with their grenades) or either of the Bazooka Troopers (preferred) will do the job. "Glass": Similar to Explosive, but you could also use Willie's glass- shattering voice as well as a sword or spear user. It's almost pointless to mention, since any mission that has glass more than likely also has something that needs a normal explosive, anyway. "Sword": There are very VERY few of these occurences, since most missions give you the swords, but a couple of choice instances ask you to bring a sword in with you so you can throw it and sever a rope. "Shorty": You need one of the small folk to crawl through vents. Either Short Round (the only one you get for free), the Maharajah, or a Slave Child. "Thuggee": You need a Thuggee to use a Thuggee Statue, those big gray six- armed things, and you'll have to buy one. You can use the Maharajah, the Thuggee Acolyte, the Thuggee, the Thuggee Slave Driver, either of the Chatter Lals, or Mola Ram. "Scholar": You need someone with a book to decipher a glyph panel. The ones you get for free are Elsa, Brody, and Henry Jones. You can also use any incarnation of Belloq or Donovan. Note that I didn't mention needing a female for high jumping or anyone for digging or fixing. The latter two you get in the first mission, and the only mission you DON'T get a high jumper is the first one, where you don't need one. ===================== 6A. The Lost Temple = ===================== Treasure #1: Behind a tree at the very beginning. Treasure #2: In the first jungle area, there are three idols buried in the ground which you need to dig up. The first is right at the beginning, the second is further down the path under a stone face, and the last is near the end of the area. Go towards the screen to find a ladder and climb down. Move to the left and you'll find the last idol. Once all three are dug up, this Treasure will appear near the ladder. Treasure #3: After going across the water on the raft, you should see this shining behind a ledge. Treasure #4: After going across the water on the raft, climb up the ledges to the left towards the waterfall to find a lever. Pull it to open the way into the waterfall. Once inside, pull the lever to your left and climb up the ledges to this treasure. Treasure #5: Inside the temple, past the three spiked platforms, go along the ledge to the right of the switch you have to whip. You'll find this in the back. Treasure #6: (Explosive) Just after snagging the idol fire an explosive at the gray wall. This is in the next room. Guest Character - C-3PO: (Explosive) In the same area as Treasure #6. Smash the blocks that encase him. Parcel: (Thuggee, Glass) In the first room after the idol room, use the Thuggee Statue to remove the spikes from the lower area. Drop down and go left past the mailbox. Use explosives or a scream on the parcel encased in glass, and carry it back to the box, avoiding the rolling heads. Treasure #7: (Thuggee, Scholar) In the same area as the Parcel, use the Thuggee Statue to retract the spikes, then go all the way to the left to find a glyph panel. Decipher it and a bridge will extend that the rolling heads will smash. Enter the next room to find it. Treasure #8: In the middle of the path during the boulder chase. You'll trip right over it. Treasure #9: During the chase to the plane, go right to find a goofy looking skull face. Grab one of the Hovitos' crossbows and fire it at both eyes to open the mouth and take the Treasure. Treasure #10: During the chase to the plane, go far out to the left to find this hanging off a ledge. Artifact: Giant Hovitos Idol Parcel Extra: Fast Fix (30,000) ======================== 6B. Into the Mountains = ======================== Treasure #1: Using Marion, jump up to the hanging ladder, then jump up it to the balcony. Go to the far right and bust up the barrels and boxes. Assemble the lever and pull it to release some barrels which will open the way to the back of the bar where this is. Treasure #2: On the right side of the bar area is a fireplace and two ropes hang near it. Grab each of them to reveal this one in the fireplace. Parcel: (Soldier) Once outside the bar, knock on the soldier door to the left, and enter the house. Inside, climb the ladder and place the box. Use the whip platform you construct, which will free a certain jolly red elf. Go outside and you'll find he left a present for you, in the form of a parcel. Toss it in the nearby mailbox. Treasure #3: (Explosive) The house to the right of the bar has shiny bars blocking the door. Blast it open and take the Treasure inside. Treasure #4: Once outside the bar, assemble three snowmen. The first is found inside a pile of logs on the left side of the bar. The second is after you set the first dynamite. The last is across the bridge. Use a torch on the fuse that comes out of the dynamite in boxes to blow them. Treasure #5: (Free Play) Just outside the bar, dig up the obvious spot, and four other spots will appear. Dig them all up and assemble the snowmobile. Drive it through all five of the appearing barriers and you'll get the Treasure. Treasure #6: (Shorty) In the area past the village (cliffs), in the beginning, use a shorty to climb through the vent. Whip across the platform. Treasure #7: (Glass) In the collapsing bridge area, drop down after the third bridge. Take out the glass ice cage containing this. Guest Character - Luke Skywalker: (Glass) In the same area as Treasure #6, blast or scream at the wall of ice in the back to free Luke from his wampa prison. Treasure #8: (Scholar) In the cave area, just before the exit, is a glyph panel. Decipher it to reveal this one. Treasure #9: Carry a torch into the last area and use it on the gold pot near the llama statues. Treasure #10: In the area with the bazooka and truck, once you put the llama on the plate so the lift starts working, go up and to the left and drop down behind the gate. Use a wrench on the engine to get it working (there's one just to the left of the lift). Now, exit out the gates and go left and blow up some stuff to uncover a small red and blue brick. Carry it to the green device behind the gates to uncover this Treasure. Artifact: Nepalese Altar Parcel Extra: Super Slap (25,000) ==================== 6C. City of Danger = ==================== Treasure #1: In the first large market area, go to the little alcove past the bananas on the left and walk around to make flowers sprout. Smash them to create a green ladder. Assemble it and climb up to the Treasure. Treasure #2: (Glass) In the first large market area, climb up to where the monkey is. The doorway to your right is covered with glass to be screamed or blasted away. Treasure #3: (Soldier) Knock on the soldier door near the gate that needs two keys to open. Inside, pull the lever four times. The first three times will yield soldiers, but the last will give you a Treasure. Treasure #4: (Soldier) In the second big market area (with the camels), there's a soldier door on the left. Inside, assemble the dishes onto the TV to make this appear. Treasure #5: (Shorty) In the second big market area, enter the vent on the back wall, then use the whip platform. Treasure #6: (Explosive) In the second big market area, on the far right side is a shiny barrier. Blast it away, then enter and climb up the stairs. Take the box to the green panel and assemble another box. Push it off the ledge to reveal this one. Treasure #7: In the alley area, once you get to the roof with the monkey holding the dynamite, bust open the green box to assemble a ladder. Using Marion, jump from the ladder to the platform to the right. The balcony above seems to only have studs, but if you hop on the low wall to the right and move back, you'll hit this treasure. Treasure #8: Once you reach the rooftops area, you'll come to an area with a sprinkler and barbecue. Go towards the screen to see a railing. Hang off it and drop down to the left to find a ledge with this one. Treasure #9: (Explosive) In the rootop area with the monkey with the wrench, use the whip to get over to the right side. Go through the buildings to find the shiny metal propeller. Blow it up and reassemble it to ride it up to the roof and take the Treasure. Treasure #10: (Explosive, Shorty) In the last area, use explosives to blow up the bars blocking the vent (just to the left of the soldier door). Crawl up the vent. Parcel: (Scholar) In the area where you reassemble the truck is a glyph panel. Decipher it and head through the door to enter a very familiar cantina. Assemble four piles in the middle to make speakers, then step on the lit up panels. Your partner will step on the other. Keep stepping on both panels to make the parcel appear. The box is right next to you. Guest Character - Chewbacca: (Scholar, Shorty) Go to the same place as the Parcel and use the vent in back to crawl to where Chewie is. Artifact: Monkey Statue Parcel Extra: Treasure X2 (1,000,000) ======================= 6D. The Well of Souls = ======================= Treasure #1: Behind the back left pillar at the beginning. Treasure #2: (Shorty, Explosive) In the second area, go to the snake pit off to the left. Crawl through the vent, then blow up the shiny things holding the box. Grab the sword on the back wall, then go back through the vent. Throw the sword at the bridge's rope to lower it, then carry the box over to the pressure plate on the right. There's a Treasure right behind it. Treasure #3: (Shorty, Explosive) From Treasure #2's area, smash the seven jars on the wall and proceed to the next area. In this next room, push the box to the end of its path to open the rotator switch. Turn it all the way to the light is reflected to the big ball, which opens to reveal the Treasure. Treasure #4: In the third area (with the trap stairs), open the gate on the left, then break down the walls to reach a small alcove with this. Treasure #5: (Explosive) In the third area, blast the shiny jackal statue to find this underneath. Treasure #6: After getting Marion back and leaving the entry room, slide down the first rope all the way to see this on your right. Best to jump to it with Marion. Treasure #7: After getting Marion back and leaving the entry room, cross over to a spot where some stones and webs block a passage to a secret chamber. Bust them down and enter. This part is tricky, and requires some precise jumps. Use Marion, of course. The path is pretty obvious. Hop on the first available railing, then hop right to the one on the next pillar before it rotates all the way in, then quickly hop back to the left, then to the right again, then ride it until you can reach the last one to the right, then jump down to the Treasure. Treasure #8: This one you pretty much trip over as a matter of course, but I'll tell you that it's in the room with the three "snake vents", two of which you definitely have to close, and the third which would make a lot of sense to close anyway. Do so and the Treasure will appear high in the middle of the room. Only thing is, this is best done BEFORE moving the block on the floor. Move it close enough to jump to. Treasure #9: (Scholar) The burial chamber is the one with coffins flanking the walls (some with spear traps). Bash down the fake wall on the left and enter the next room. Step on the button and rush across the retracted spikes quickly. On the other side, smash the pot near the crank to find the Key for it. Turn it to extend a platform on the left. Take the glyph piece back to the other side and place it. Decipher the glyph. Treasure #10: After you beat the giant snake, but before leaving, use the whip platform near where the snake was to cross to the far side. Climb the rope and jump to the left to find this one. Parcel: After you beat the giant snake, go to where Treasure #10 is (above), and bust down the five golden items near it, which will open the way to the Map Room. Pull the switch to open the big doors, then go to the back room. You need to open three vents to let water in. The first is a simple lever job. The second you need to piece together the trough, and the third needs a Key which is in the back right corner. Once all three are open, flowers will spring up in the Map Room. Destroy them all to make the Parcel appear. The Mailbox is right nearby to be put together. Artifact: Anubis Statue Parcel Extra: Fast Dig (50,000) ====================== 6E. Pursuing the Ark = ====================== Parcel: (Explosive) Use the crane to pick up your partner and set them down on the left side, on the upper platform. The partner can then walk over and grab it. To actually mail it takes a bit more doing. Blow up the shiny bars on the wall near the crane and throw the switch. Carry the Parcel up the stairs and quickly stuff it before time runs out. Oh, and you also have to have placed the cylinder so you make the jumps up. Treasure #1: (Explosive, Scholar) Under the scaffolding on the left side is are several boxes. Jump up to that platform, clear the boxes, and you'll reach a shiny gate to blow up. Go through that and decipher the glyph panel. Blast the glass box that appears and high jump to the Treasure. Treasure #2: Once you complete the small set of three tracks, grab a shovel and get on top of the train track platform. Have the other character push it to the center and hop off to the back and start digging. You'll basically fall onto it. Treasure #3: (Shorty) In the area where you push the mine cart into the wall, assemble the vent, and crawl through it to find this one. Treasure #4: (Explosive) In the second area, blast the shiny mine cart in the left corner to uncover this. Treasure #5: Once you find the car in the second area, use it to drive through the gate in the back of the same area. In this oasis area, bust up all the deck chairs to find the pieces to make a raft. Go back and grab a shovel (you can probably find one in a supply barrel) and row over all six of the duckies. Treasure #6: Once you find the car, drive it onto the plate to the right side to lower a platform. Hop onto it as Marion and jump up to reach it. Treasure #7: (Explosive) In the back left is a tower with a treasure at the top. Destroy both barbecues to find ladders to place next to the tower. Blow up the shiny cage at the top. Treasure #8: Although this can be done carrying a gun into the area, it's easiest to just bring a gunner in Free Play. In the airport area, go to the right of the plane to find a target practice area. Shoot the five targets as they swivel around to get the Treasure. Treasure #9: You need a shovel for this. In the airport area (fighting the Boxer), you need to place three blue boxes on three green panels near the cabin. One box is to the right of the plane in a palm tree, another is amongst some stuff in the cabin, and the third is buried off to the left of the plane. Once all three are in their spots, assemble the gramophone. Treasure #10: During the big truck chase, after driving the second truck, another will come up behind and reveal the Treasure. Artifact: Sphinx Parcel Extra: Fast Build (40,000) ===================== 6F. Opening the Ark = ===================== Treasure #1: Jump down into the water on the far side of the sub dock. With a little downward momentum, you can get low enough to go under the dock and reach this visible one. Treasure #2: In the lower right corner of the sub dock, use Indy in his army disguise to get past the soldier door. In the next room, bust down all the crates and assemble the propeller on the motor boat, then ride it over to this one. Treasure #3: (Explosive) On the sub's left hand side are two shiny hatches. Blow them both open to reveal buttons. Stand on both to make this appear. Treasure #4: (Shorty) In upper-left part of the sub dock is a vent. Crawl through it. Treasure #5: In the area with the horse pen, use the soldier door on the far right to open a small door to a small room. Inside, smash the big cake in the center. Treasure #6: (Free Play) Dig inside the horse pen to unearth a Treasure. Parcel: (Scholar) In the horse pen area, decipher the glyph panel to enter a cave. In the cave, push each of the gold and brown objects to the side (on the bottom, you'll have to break a box and assemble the floor. With both objects in opposite corners, stand on the top of both of them to uncover the floor. Build the stairs and carry the parcel to the mailbox. Treasure #7: Instead of using the numerical puzzle to make a 4, use it to make a 7 (like the door off to the right) to open the way to this one. Treasure #8: In the final area, grab a shovel (there's one right near the green boxes in the middle) and dig up to the left. Assemble the camera and push it into position. Treasure #9: In the very back of the final area, clear the spot of breakables and use a shovel to dig up this Treasure. Treasure #10: (Scholar) There's a glyph panel in the last area in the back right. Decipher it. Artifact: Ark of the Covenant Parcel Extra: Artifact Detector (250,000) ======================= 6G. Shanghai Showdown = ======================= Treasure #1: Wreck the drum set to the left of the stage and push the bass drum to the right. Hop off the drum as Willie to reach it. Treasure #2: Once you commandeer the "gong-mobile", use it to break down three shiny tables to make this appear. Treasure #3: In the first outside area, uncover the crawl vent next to the wrecked car. Have Short Round climb up it, then go across the railings and ropes to the right. At the top, smash all the objects and put together the red door. Treasure #4: (Explosive) Go to the far left of the first street area, and dig up the anvil. Blast open the nearby gate and place it on the button to get this one. Treasure #5: (Thuggee) In the first street area, climb up to the Thuggee Statue on the left. Once you use it, it will let go of its balloon, which will become a rope. Grab onto it and float to the Treasure. Treasure #6: (Explosive, Shorty, Scholar) In the far right street area, blast the shiny trash cans to find parts for a vent. Climb up it and hop into the carrier. Switch to the other person and decipher the glyph panel to find parts for a crank. Use it to get the other person to the Treasure. Treasure #7: In the back left corner of the first street area, near the piece of engine you use to make the car, bounce from the awnings to the right, then up to the top to get this. Treasure #8: (Free Play) Go to the upper right area of the airport with one of the boxes containing parts for the propeller. Switch to a female to jump up to the Treasure. Treasure #9: In the airport area, take the forklift with anyone but Indy so he hops on it. Right near where you get the forklift is the Treasure, so press Z to extend it. Indy will automatically hop up, so switch back to him to grab it. Parcel: (Explosive or Sword) I say Explosive, but really anyone with a sword will also work, for the reason that you're using the Explosive to get a sword and nothing else. Anyway, at the airport, go to the far left and blast the gray box to find the sword. Throw it at the rope over the large hangar door to the left and go in. Grab the rope on the weird propeller to get it moving, so you can jump to the parcel and carry it to the mailbox. Treasure #10: (Explosive, Soldier) It's in the same area as the Parcel. Open the soldier door in that hangar to get this. Artifact: Jade Dragon Parcel Extra: Treasure X4 (2,000,000) ==================== 6H. Pankot Secrets = ==================== Treasure #1: Head straight south as you begin. This is somewhat hidden behind bushes. Treasure #2: At the drawbridge, head down to the left and build the raft. There's a shovel at the very beginning of the level if you didn't pick it up yet to move the raft. Float down to the left to find a digging spot and unearth this. Treasure #3: Just before the big hill up to the palace (after the second spiked log), make sure Indy has a shovel, then whip across the platform to the left and dig up the spot. Treasure #4: As you proceed through the palace, you'll come upon small alcoves with large potted plants in them. The second potted plant will have this. Parcel: (Thuggee) In the dining hall, high jump on top of the beige barrel and whip across to grab the parcel. Take it alll the way down the hallways to the Thuggee Statue. Use it to uncover the mailbox. Treasure #5: In the first bedroom (with the blue book), smash open one of the wardrobes to find this. Treasure #6: In the second bedroom, push the bed to the right, then hop up to the whip platform with Willie and jump straight up. Treasure #7: Just after entering the caves, you should see this glinting to your right in a little alcove. Jump to it. Treasure #8: In the second area of the caves, head towards the camera and bear left. You'll need Willie or another woman to reach it. Treasure #9: In the room in the caves with bugs on the floor, whip open the door to the back left and enter to scare up a skeleton. Smash it. Treasure #10: Just after the room with all the bugs, head down the stairs and smash up the debris on your right to discover this one. Artifact: Ivory Elephant Parcel Extra: Poo Treasure (70,000) ======================== 6I. The Temple of Kali = ======================== Treasure #1: (Free Play) High jump up to the obvious Treasure near your starting poing. Treasure #2: (Free Play) There are three skulls buried in the first area. The first is right next to where you start, the second is down near the lava (and the red and green structure) and the third is just before the exit of the area, past the rotating pillars. Treasure #3: Grab a black turban from one of the white-suited Thuggee guys and use it on the statue near the beginning (past the whip platform). Treasure #4: Go down the ladder at the beginning and jump left across the sinking rocks to reach this. Treasure #5: (Explosive) Before the rotating pillars, blow up the shiny bars blocking this Treasure. Treasure #6: Once on the rotating pillars, jump up to the top of the left pillar to reach this. You should be able to get this by jumping from one of the railings on the right pillar going clockwise. Treasure #7: In the second area, climbing up the left-hand ladder will break the path up there, opening the way to this Treasure. Parcel: (Scholar) In the second area, go to the far right and fix the engine, then decipher the glyph panel. Take the parcel all the way to the left edge, break the red and black structure so you can reassemble it into the mailbox, and dump it in. Treasure #8: (Free Play) Fix the engine on the left side of the second area, which will raise a big skull rock with this on it. Treasure #9: (Explosive) On the left side of the second area is a series of gray bars. Blast them to reveal a switch that, when pulled, creates platforms up to this Treasure. Treasure #10: Once you climb up to the left switch next to the big Kali statue, climb up the railings on the left side of its head to reach this. Artifact: Jewel Eyed Skull Parcel Extra: Super Scream (80,000) ===================== 6J. Free the Slaves = ===================== Treasure #1: (Free Play) In the first area, crawl through the obvious vent on the way to the exit. Treasure #2: (Thuggee) Just before the exit of the first area is a Thuggee Statue. Use it to make it explode, leaving an air vent you can ride up to the Treasure with. Treasure #3: In the second area, use the whip platform to get water flowing, then assemble the pieces into a railing. Have Willie jump up to the railing and to the top to get this. Treasure #4: In the third area, go to the right, then down to the lower ledge near the lava to snag this one easily. Parcel: (Explosive) In the third area, near the blue object in the back, is a shiny cage. Blast it open to get the parcel. You need to do the same method you used for the blue object to get it across the platforms: set it down, then jump across and whip it to get it. Once you get the lift working, ride it up with the parcel and ship it. Treasure #5: In the third area, after releasing the prisoner, carry the orange circular object to the next room. Staying on the button will lower the lift, so quickly jump onto it to ride up to this one. Treasure #6: In the fourth area, after releasing the prisoners, blow up the barrel in their cell to find a blue piece. Carry that to the engine near the entrance of this area. Guest Character - Princess Leia: (Explosive, Soldier) In the fourth area, go towards the right edge and look at the front to see some railings that go down. Drop down to the right and blast the rubble in the way. Use the soldier door to find Her Worshipfulness. Treasure #7: (Thuggee) In the fourth area, near the cage is a Thuggee Statue. Use it. Treasure #8: (Free Play) In the fourth area, crawl through the vent that leads to the platform switch. Treasure #9: If you took a shovel with you to the last area, use it in three rather obvious spots to dig up three big skulls. Two on the main floor, one down in the lower right. Treasure #10: In the last area, after crawling up the vent, jump to the left to find a railing leading up to this Treasure. Artifact: Dinosaur Fossil Parcel Extra: Character Treasure (100,000) ====================== 6K. Escape the Mines = ====================== Treasure #1: From the beginning, look for the ladder at the bottom of the area, which leads down to this one. Treasure #2: In the back of the first area, high jump up to an alcove with studs and this one, rather visible. Treasure #3: On the right side of the first area, near the end of the track, high jump up to the ledge, then to the railing, then to the Treasure. Parcel: (Scholar) Use the glyph panel and dig up the parcel that's behind it. The box is off to the right. Treasure #4: (Thuggee) Crawl through the vent on the left side and use the Thuggee Statue. Treasure #5: In the first part of the minecart ride, lean left as Indy to grab one of these on the way. Treasure #6: In the first part of the minecart ride, as the bad guys start going up alongside you, smash three to get a Treasure. Treasure #7: In the first part of the minecart ride, there are three overhanging structures that you need to be centered and press B to smash. Indy has two, and the others have one. Smash all three. Treasure #8: In the second part of the minecart ride, lean left as Indy to grab one of these on the way. It's just as you pass the exit. Treasure #9: In the second part of the minecart ride, as the bad guys start going up alongside you, smash three to get a Treasure. Treasure #10: In the second part of the minecart ride, there are three overhanging structures that you need to be centered and press B to smash. Smash all three. Artifact: Pankot Diamond Parcel Extra: Treasure X6 (3,000,000) ========================== 6L. Battle on the Bridge = ========================== Treasure #1: (Explosive) Now this one's just mean. Make sure you begin the Free Play as an Explosive wielder. Immediately turn around at the beginning and blast the bars to your right to get this one quickly. Treasure #2: One of the tougher ones to get, because it requires you to run almost all the way to the end of the first part without getting caught in the water. It will be on the left near the end of this. If you miss it, you have to restart. Treasure #3: After reaching the cliff, drop down to the right (as Indy) to grab this. Treasure #4: (Free Play) Crawl into the vent in the cliff area (where the Key is) and dig this up. Treasure #5: (Scholar) In the third area, use the glyph panel to raise some platforms to reach this one. Treasure #6: In the third area, the second to last of the trap pits has a Treasure instead of spears. Treasure #7: After the first set of trap pits, you can see this glinting behind a rock. Treasure #8: (Free Play) After the first set of trap pits, dig up the spot near Treasure #7 and place the glass on the orange panel, then smash it. Treasure #9: In the area with the stone pillars, leap along them towards the screen to find this one. Treasure #10: After the stone pillars, head to the left and start walking around to make flowers sprout. Make a complete smiley to make this one appear. Parcel: (Explosive) After the stone pillars, there's a leaf-covered pit on the right. Drop down into the cave. Blow apart the gray stuff on the left to reveal a box and a sword. Put the box on one of the green panels, and throw the sword at the cage on the right to drop the other box. Assemble the mailbox, then dig up the parcel nearby and mail it. Artifact: Ceremonial Headdress Parcel Extra: Regenerate Hearts (150,000) ============================== 6M. The Hunt for Sir Richard = ============================== Treasure #1: (Glass) Just up the first rope is a window with a Treasure behind it. Break it down. Treasure #2: (Shorty) On the right side of the river is a bunch of tables and a food stand in an alcove. This is all near the second key. Blast the mess out of them and construct a vent to crawl through, leading to the upper levels. Go to the left and into the doorway to find this one. Parcel: (Shorty) Go the same place as Treasure #2, up to the top level, and pull the switch up there, which will open the gate in the river to the back area. In this area, use the whip platform to drag down the parcel, then smash the boards blocking the lever. Pull it and ride up the scaffold. Walk into the room and smash the cupboards to find a key. Take it to the right and turn the crank to reveal a platform. Drop out and jump to the right. For the last gap before the mailbox, set the parcel down, jump over, and whip the parcel so you take it with you. Treasure #3: (Glass) At the far right of the plaza is a glass wall. Break it, then take the mopeds behind them. Several cones will appear. You need to drive over all of them, including the ones on the left side of the water, so make sure to complete the bridge. Treasure #4: (Explosive, Soldier) In the upper right corner of the library, blast the three metal shields on the wall to reveal a code. Assemble the ladder panel and push it over to the soldier door, which will open a hidden radio room. Blast everyone in it and bust all the consoles to find pieces to make the switches on the left. Step on each switch until it matches up the code on the wall (V, VII, III). Treasure #5: On the left side of the ground floor of the library, smash up the plants near the armor to find tiles for a checkered floor. Assemble them all and push the armor to open up cabinets with swords on the second floor. Take a sword and go left over the balcony to see a gate with the Treasure behind it. To open it, throw a sword at each of the two ropes at the bottom. Treasure #6: (Thuggee) In the first catacombs area, there are five skeletons hiding. For each one you find, a skull appears around the gate to the left. Finding all five will open the gate to the Treasure. The first skeleton is right near the gate in one of the coffins. The second one is down the path a ways on the right. Pull the tomb out of the wall to find it. The third requires you to use the Thuggee Statue along the way. The fourth is just after the rat pit. Smash the boards on the right side. The last is actually in the next area, with the big lake of oil. Hold Z while swimming to dive down and hit all three of the drain cranks on the bottom. Treasure #7: (Shorty) In the room with the big oil lake, grab the rope that raises the platforms, which will also open the vent on the left. Quickly crawl through it, then dig in the spot on the right, which will drop you onto a button, opening the gate to the Treasure. Treasure #8: (Free Play) In the last room of the catacombs, in the upper back right corner of the room. To get there, you need to jump onto the left ledges, then whip across. It's best to use one of the boxes as a starting point to high jump from, but it can be done even if you used them already. Jump from the coffin to the left side of Richard's sarcophagus and don't get too close. Jump from there to the whip platform. Treasure #9: Once you're in the boats. Drive into all ten red buoys in the water (they're easy to find). The Treasure will appear on the center island. Treasure #10: (Explosive) At the far end of the lake is a crane. Fix it up, then pick up your partner and deposit them in the upper area. Have them high jump so they're hanging from the right hand crate to pull it down (for some reason, standing on it doesn't accomplish the same thing). Jump from the right to the left crate to the top of the tower. Blast open the cover and drop down to collect the Treasure. Artifact: Crusader Shield Parcel Extra: Parcel Detector (125,000) =================== 6N. Castle Rescue = =================== Treasure #1: (Explosive, Thuggee) In the castle are four knights armed with axes and red shields. You need to blast them to get the Treasure to appear. One is in the first area, two are in the second area, and the last is behind a Thugee Statue in the second area. Enter the room that the statue opens. Shouldn't be hard to find. Treasure #2: Once in the second area, head to the back room and climb up on the dresser in the back left corner with Elsa to reach this. Treasure #3: (Thuggee, Shorty) Use the Thuggee Statue in the second area and go to the big map room. In the back corner are some filing cabinets that become a vent when destroyed, so crawl up. Parcel: (Thuggee, Explosive) Go to the same room as Treasure #3 and blast the armor to the right of the red banner to reveal the parts for a crank. Turn it to lift the banner and find the parcel. The mailbox is also right there. Treasure #4: (Explosive) On the castle walls area with the crane, blast the anvil sitting next to the crane to make this appear, then high jump to it. Treasure #5: Once you're in the burning library, have Henry unlock the glyphs on the east wall to find this. Treasure #6: (Shorty) In the last corner of the burning library, smash the books covering the vent, then crawl up. Treasure #7: On the roof, after finding a bazooka, use it on the fence to your left. Double jump to the ledge to reach this. Treasure #8: On the roof, blast the ladder between the scaffolding in the back left corner with explosives. Climb up to reach this. Treasure #9: Once you blast the antenna on the roof, climb up the rope to the gargoyle and push it off the ledge. Treasure #10: Take a bazooka into the last room and blast the shiny file cabinet. Place the piece on the glyph wall and have Henry read it to make this appear. Artifact: Suit of Armour Parcel Extra: Disarm Enemies (100,000) ======================= 6O. Motorcycle Escape = ======================= Treasure #1: (Explosive) Blow up the shiny mooring on the boats and take one with a female to the right. Leap over to the enclosed area with the Treasure. Treasure #2: (Explosive) In the first room, blast the gate in the back left, then head to the next room. Blast the glass doors to take the checkered flooring. Place it, then push the box to open the lower hatch and take the Treasure. Treasure #3: In the first road area, find three patches of flowers. One is under the first set of white flags. The second is near the soldier door hut (between two ramps), and the third is just across the second bridge jump. You'll probably plow into it as you land. Treasure #4: (Explosive) About halfway through the minefield, you'll spot some shiny bars. Blow them away and take the Treasure. Treasure #5: As you go through the minefield, you'll see a large barn behind you with an open door. Drive inside. Treasure #6: Right near the mailbox, turn the crank near the well to raise the bucket. Treasure #7: In the area with water tower, shed, and gardens, head to the barn out to the left and go behind it to find this one. Parcel: (Free Play) Near the windmill, smash a box to find a Key. Use it on the nearby crank to turn the windmill and spit out a box. Place the box to make a step to high jump up, grab the parcel, and drop it off at the mailbox near the well. Treasure #8: (Free Play) Enter the farmhouse where the bazooka hides, then fix the tractor in two places. Ride it out the door on the back wall. You now need to roll over the gardens to make carrots crop up. Each garden patch has one, the two to the left of the shed, and the one to the right. Once all three are up, the Treasure appears over the bridge. Treasure #9: In the area with the three big guns, blow up the one on the far right, which will open the door beneath it, allowing you access to the Treasure. Treasure #10: In the area with the three big guns, use bazookas, to blast the clear blue plates on the ground, revealing flowers and green seeds. Plant all the green seeds and this will appear in the middle. Artifact: Gilt Frame Portrait Parcel Extra: Treasure X8 (4,000,000) ======================== 6P. Trouble in the Sky = ======================== Treasure #1: (Glass) Inside the blimp, smash the glass-encased Treasure on the right. Treasure #2: (Explosive) In the first farm area, blast the shiny metal cart in the left area to find a Key. Put in the crank. Now, go up and smash the clock like you'd usually do, only reassemble it. Now, go back down and turn the crank until the time is 12:45 and the door to the house will open. Treasure #3: As you work along the farms, you'll come to a water tower. Whip it open to find a blue piece that you can put on a door a bit back to the left. The door will open to reveal this. Parcel: At the last barn before the wall you have to jump over is a tractor. Ride it out back west over three red spots that are near some plants. Each time you roll over a red spot, you'll unearth a mushroom. Smash them all to make the parcel appear, which is delivered near the barn. Treasure #4: (Explosive, Shorty) In the second farm area, there are beige mounds that will stand up to anything except explosives. Smash the first one to find a vent to crawl through. Treasure #5: In the second farm area, there's a glyph panel on the back wall early on. Use Henry on it to make railings appear that you can use to get to this Treasure. Treasure #6: (Free Play) In the second farm area, go to the back farmhouse with the blue tractors. High jump off the rolling cart to the switch to open the back shed for the Treasure. Treasure #7: When fighting the planes down at the beach, go to the very far right to find this one behind a rock. Treasure #8: On the beach, find a shovel near a hut, then use it to dig up three sand castles to make this one appear. The first two are right in the main beach area, but the third is on the far west side. Treasure #9: At the right side of the beach is a ladder leading up to some railings. Take the left-hand railings and hop up to this one. Treasure #10: In the far west side of the beach area. Hop across a series of white rocks in the ocean to reach an island where you can hop up a series of steps to this one. Artifact: Eagle Statue Parcel Extra: Treasure Magnet (100,000) =================== 6Q. Desert Ambush = =================== Treasure #1: (Scholar, Explosive, Thuggee) Near Kazim's men, to the left, are a bunch of debris that can be turned into a ladder. Climb up to the glyph panel and decipher it. Head inside the cave and blow away the debris blocking you. Use the Thuggee Statue to knock loose the checkered floor and push the lion statue back. Dig at the empty spot left behind to find the Treasure. Treasure #2: There's a boarded up cave in the back of the first area. Enter and place the lion's head on the statue. Treasure #3: (Explosive) In the same cave as Treasure #2, blast the shiny boxes near the entrance to reveal a Key. Ride up the left and place it to lower a hook to whip across. Smash the rocks to find this Treasure behind them. Treasure #4: There are three antennae in the first area. One's already visible near the trucks, the second is near the cave entrance and needs to be assembled. The last is near Kazim's men and needs to be dug up. Once you assemble the bulldozer, run over all three. Treasure #5: Use the bucking horse (or a high jumper) up the left side of the first area. There's a Treasure at the top. Guest Character - R2-D2: In the same spot as Treasure #5, head left and use the whip platform to lower a Sandcrawler tube, out from which pops a plucky little droid. Treasure #6: During the tank battle, go to the back of the arena and goad Vogel into shooting at the gas tanks in the back. Assemble the sprinkler. Treasure #7: During the tank battle, head up the right side to the mine cart. Use Sallah to dig up the box and place it in front of the cart, then assemble the push plate so you can push it down the track and into the rocks blocking the Treasure. Treasure #8: During the tank battle, bash some objects on the left side to uncover a ladder. Assemble it, then climb up to the ledge. Goad Vogel into shooting at the shiny objects up here and assemble two piles into an oil derrick. Ride up the oil geyser that results to snag this one. Parcel: (Free Play) BEFORE pushing the box off the ledge to make a land mine, switch to a high jumper and jump off the box to the railings above to reach the Parcel. Take it down and finish Vogel, then dig up the mailbox in the left part of the area. Treasure #9: (Shorty) Blast the drums in front of the vent, then crawl up the vent. Treasure #10: In the area after the tank battle, get Vogel to blast the shiny crate on the ground, which has a key. Use a horse to leap up to the higher ledge, then use the key to raise the platform. Go up the path and across to this one. Artifact: Ancient Amphora Parcel Extra: Treasure X10 (5,000,000) ========================= 6R. Temple of the Grail = ========================= Parcel: (Explosive) Blast the right-hand truck to free the mailbox. Go all the way towards the screen to find a dig spot, which has the parcel. Treasure #1: First, free the horses. Do this by leaping off one to the upper right and get the Key. Then, grab a horse and ride all the way to the bottom of the area. You should see a Treasure up on a ledge to the left. Leap off the horse to it. Treasure #2: (Thuggee) In the entry area is a Thuggee Statue. Use it to reveal some pieces. Make a picture of a Treasure, then smash it. Treasure #3: (Shorty) Shortly into the third area is a vent. Crawl through and flip the lever to open a room with scales. Have both characters stand on the other end to raise the cage. Take the Treasure. Treasure #4: Inside the third area (blade traps), there's a Treasure tantalizingly placed between two blades. Tread carefully. Treasure #5: (Sword) Just before the door out of the third area is a counterweight holding a door closed. Throw a sword at the rope to drop it. Treasure #6: (Shorty) In the fourth area, crawl through the first available vent Treasure #7: (Free Play) Before the exit to the fifth area, fix the engine, which starts the railings moving. I suggest using a high jumper to make the odd leaps between the railings, then up to the top where the Treasure is. Treasure #8: (Explosive) In the invisible bridge room, blast the teeth of the lion statue holding the Treasure. Treasure #9: After the first invisible bridge, use the whip platform to uncover this one. Treasure #10: Just before the door to the Grail chamber, there is a glyph panel to its left. Take a torch from the beginning of the room to the torch flanking it and use your book on the panel. Artifact: Fake Holy Grail Parcel Extra: Invincibility (1,000,000) ****************************************************************************** 7. BONUS MISSIONS ****************************************************************************** Here are where I document the bonus missions that can be played from the Artifact Room in the college. ============================ 7A. Activating the Bonuses = ============================ You can't just walk into the bonus missions. Oh no no no no. They want you to earn the right, so first you need to go to Indy's Office. For this, you'll need a Scholar, an Explosive person, a Shorty, someone with a shovel, a high jumper, and a Thuggee. Fortunately, in the office, members of each contingent come in and out regularly once unlocked, so don't worry about waiting for them to show up. Anyway, the object is to place five chests on the center panel: #1: In the back right corner, under glass, either use Willie's scream or an explosive. #2: On the shelves in the back, only reachable by a high jumping lady. #3: Behind the glyph panel in the back left. Have a Scholar decipher it. #4: In the near left area. Blow away the shiny discs with an explosive and dig underneath it. #5: Use the Thuggee Statue on the right, then crawl in the vent that appears. Once all five chests are in place, assemble their pieces and smash the resulting box to find a Key. Now, go to the Artifact Room. Take the blue diamond in the middle and place it on the pedestal to reveal the crank. Use the Key on the crank, and you'll open the three slabs. Now, that's all you have to do here, but you ALSO have to go to the missions and complete Artifacts to actually unlock the way into the missions. Once you complete an Artifact, light will shine off it to the center. For the first three Artifacts you complete, blue light will shine and open the way to "Ancient City". For the next six you complete, yellow light will shine and open the way to the "Young Indy". For the last nine you complete, red light will shine and open the way to the "Warehouse". That WOULD make a lot of sense, but it appears there's a rather weird pattern to the concept. My advice is to just complete the Artifacts and see what you unlock. You'll get them all eventually, right? Now, I'm told that buying Artifacts will NOT open these bonuses prematurely. The only thing you get for buying them is to see how the Artifacts look. I'm also told that buying them will give you blue lights, which will go towards unlocking Ancient City. That said, on to the fun stuff! ================== 7B. Ancient City = ================== Overview: Like LEGO City and New Town before it in LSW, this is a task to get one million studs. You need to destroy, create, and manipulate. You can't miss, drop, or lose studs, so don't worry about that. Any studs found will immediately go to your total. However, you can't keep the studs upon completion, either. Here's the breakdown of objectives: First, there are loose studs everywhere, and they're really not hidden all that well. I don't intend to itemize them, unless they're part of another object. Basic Destruction: 1. All the brown or gray rocks. 2. All pine trees. 3. All the cactus plants (well most of them). 4. All the little tan "mounds" that stick up. 5. Green leaves that adorn walls (shoot them). Now, for each site. Let's start in the back right area with the big fan. Big Fan: Rotate the fan using the rotator switch. You'll uncover a ruin at about 90 degrees, and a wall with tiles at 180 degrees. First the tiles. Put them all together to make a LEGO logo. As for the ruin, shoot or smash the area in front of the door to clear the way inside. Take all the studs in there. Soldier Door: Head to the right to find a soldier door. Knock on it to open a gate with studs and some stuff inside. Cactus Juice Stand: Head further to the right to find a weird machine and a window. There are three cacti that can be picked up and placed in this machine. Once you do that, you can pull the switch and get a throwable bottle from the window, but as far as I can tell, there are no studs here except those in the cans. Sunken Pit and Mine Cart: Let's ignore the mine cart for the moment and head further left past it. Smash up all the junk here, particularly the mound of dirt to the left of the rotator switch. "Assemble" the pieces to clear them off, then turn the switch to open the pit. Smash all the statues inside. Also, smash those pieces you cleared off. One has pieces for the nearby blue box. Place that box on the mine cart. Now, grab a torch and walk to the back of the cart to light it. You can also turn the rotator to lower the ramp into the pit. Oasis Flying Machine: Go to the left to find the pond. Smash the croc, and all the plants and chairs around the water. Once you find all the pieces, you can assemble them into a flying machine that you CAN'T FLY. >_< Train Station: Go to the end of the mine cart track to find some bandits at the station. Smash them all and use Willie's voice to shatter the glass. Stonehenge Park: Smash all the Bandit Swordsmen and the bandit standing around. Also, walk between the yellow and black pillars to scare up a hunter that will shoot you and you have to smash him. Now, make a serious mess of this whole plot. The fence, the hut, and Stonehenge behind it. You'll have to use projectiles or explosives to clear out the tops of the stones before hitting the lower parts. Smash as many floor pieces as you can to uncover the UFO underneath. Throw some explosives for good measure to finish off. Also, plant the orange seeds to make some flowers, and dig up near the hut to find the parts for a yellow "O". You don't need to use the monkeys for anything. Rickshaw: Grab the Rickshaw near Stonehenge to make blue studs appear. Grab as many as you can. There are actually some extras suspended in midair that I can never seem to get to, but you don't really need them. I've been told by several people that if you have a second person hop onto the rickshaw or onto the camel, you can jump up and reach them. Gameboard Area: South of the train station is a place with a lot of pillars. Assemble the red and yellow tiles to make a trophy, blast the hanging shiny arch with an explosive. In the south of the area, you'll find you can dig up some of the floor blocks, so smash them good and you'll eventually find the blocks for a blue "G". I don't think there's anything else you can do here. Oil Derrick: In the middle of the race track is an oil derrick. Smash all the barrels for some pretty explosions, then use a wrench on the derrick to get it to start pumping. After a few seconds, fix it again to get it to blow up. Assemble the parts beneath to make a green "E". Also, high jump up to a small blue stud in midair. Sphinx and Moai: North of the train station is an odd-looking site. Move the pieces blocking the vent and crawl through. Pull the lever to release some pieces that destroy the supports. Drop down and assemble the Sphinx head. Now, step on the two nearby red switches. This will topple the head of the Sphinx onto the Moai statue. Racetrack: Finally, we're getting to this. Go to the southeast and grab a motorcycle. Now head to the east end of the track and use B to wheelie your way through. You have to go pretty fast through the five gates before they reset, so don't worry about the studs, because once you pass the gate and make it green, the studs will stay. Once all five are passed, a hatch opens up, so hop into it and assemble the red "L". Also, smash the rubble blocking the vent so you can crawl through to the area near the gameboard. High Ruins: In the back left is an obvious gold stud marking an entrance. High jump up to the ledge or leap off the camel to enter. Collect all the studs and scream to smash the glass. Whip Platform: On the left corner is a whip platform. Swing over and high jump up to the studs. Dinosaur Fossil: This is the fun and frustrating one. First, assemble the dino's ribs. Next, grab one of the dynamite and toss it down the nearby hole. This will blow up a lot of the south area. Now, you need to finish the excavation. Toss another dynamite near the tail bones to find the rest so you can assemble it, then use explosives to clear out the rest of that big dig you just opened up. The left side has bones for the head, so assemble it. Now, you have to carry it up the skeleton and place it at the top WITHOUT FALLING OFF. It's a pain in the butt to get the proper balance, but it's the only way, so keep trying. ================ 7C. Young Indy = ================ Starting Characters: Young Indy, Boy Scout Enemies: Fedora, Grave Robber 1, Grave Robber 2 Cave: Make your way to the right, ignoring the dig spot for now. Take out the cowpokes and swing across the rope. Go to the back and leap over the snake pit as Indy (who has yet to develop his fear of snakes). Take the shovel and bring it back to that blue object near the beginning. Dig it up, and drop down to get the Key. Take it back to the right and open the door. In the next area, hop across the stone pillars, vines, and railings to reach the top of the rock face. Mesa: There's a shovel by the horse pen. Use it to dig up the box in the back, then carry it over to the right green panel. There's another box near the junk to the south, so have him join the other. Assemble the rope and tug on it to drop a Key. Use it on the crank to free the horses. Circus Train: Don't jump to the left. Ouch. Jump to the right across the cars. When you hit the giraffe car, climb down to the side and edge to the end. At the top of the next car, bust all the luggage and assemble the checkered floor. Push the box to the left and follow it down. Train Car: NOW you're afraid of snakes. Grab a torch and cross the snake box. In the next car, grab one of the whips. Get close and whip the lion a few times (you have to get pretty close), then proceed through the next door. Demolish everything in this room to find three boxes. Place them together and make the big box. Climb in it. New Characters: Young Indy Boy Scout Fedora: 50,000 =============== 7D. Warehouse = =============== Overview: I'll be getting to this in a bit, but the way I see it, this is a place for you to create your own racetrack. There's also a stud limit, but all you really have to do is blast the target on the far right (say, with a bazooka) repeatedly and you'll have the total in no time. ****************************************************************************** 8. CHARACTERS ****************************************************************************** There are a total of 85 characters to play as in this game: 23 which will be given to you throughout the story, 59 which you can purchase from the library, the one super secret Guest Character, and your two Create-A- Characters. These characters are presented in the order they appear on the Free Play select screen, unless they are the same character with a pallette swap. ====================== 8A. Story Characters = ====================== * Indiana Jones * - Available at beginning * Indiana Jones (Desert) * - After RLA-3 * Indiana Jones (Desert Disguise) * - After RLA-4 (27,500) * Indiana Jones (Army Disguise) * - After RLA-6 * Indiana Jones (Dinner Suit) * - After TOD-1 * Indiana Jones (Kali) * - After TOD-3 * Indiana Jones (Professor) * - After TLC-1 * Indiana Jones (Officer) * - After TLC-3 (18,500) * Young Indy * - After Young Indy Bonus By day, Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. is a well-respected professor of archaeology (especially among the female student body). By night (or by different days), he is Indiana Jones, world-renowned adventurer and seeker of lost or stolen artifacts. With a cocky attitude and his trusty bullwhip, Indy is always ready to explore mankind's greatest ancient mysteries. The costumes are as follows. The normal is his classic "with jacket" setup. The "Desert" is without his jacket, just his shirt. "Desert Disguise" is him wrapped in white cloth. "Army Disguise" is a green enemy uniform. "Dinner Suit" is white tuxedo that he wears in Club Obi-Wan. "Kali" is just a vest without a shirt. "Professor" is his suit that he teaches in, as well as glasses. "Officer" is a disguise he whipped up to get the Grail diary back from Elsa. "Young Indy" is his youthful Boy Scout uniform. Indy's unique aspect is his whip. He can use it to snatch long-range items and switches, as well as swing across specially-created gaps. It will cause minor damage to an enemy and stun him. Indiana Jones has a phobia of snakes. The "Army Disguise" and "Officer" costumes also have the bonus of being "soldier"-type, in that they can open soldier doors. --- * Satipo * - Available at beginning A South American guide, hired by Jones to track down the ancient temple in the first movie. Not the brightest bulb, by any stretch, and a bit too greedy. Satipo is armed with a shovel. --- * Jock * - After RLA-1 This American pilot doesn't have much characterization, but he does have a pet snake. A big snake. Jock is armed with a wrench. --- * Marion * - After RLA-2 * Marion (Cairo) * - After RLA-3 * Marion (Evening Dress) * - After RLA-4 * Marion (Nightgown) * - After RLA-6 A former girlfriend of Jones, Marion Ravenwood is the daughter of renowned archaeologist Abner Ravenwood. She's a tough and self-reliant woman, not afraid of getting her hands dirty. At the time of the story, she currently resides in Nepal. The four costumes are: her normal blouse and slacks she wears in Nepal, then the red and white dress she wears while exploring Cairo, then an evening dress given to her by Belloq once she's captured, then a nightgown she wore before being captured on the boat. Marion, like all women in the game, can jump higher than the other characters. --- * Sallah (Desert) * - After RLA-4 * Sallah (Fez) * - After TLC-5 Sallah Mohammed Faisel el-Kahir is an old friend of Jones. Hailing from Egypt, he's a well-known excavator. He's a bit chubby, but a very jovial fellow. Sallah is armed with a shovel. --- * Willie * - After TOD-1 * Willie (Evening Dress) * - After TOD-2 * Willie (Dinner Suit) * - After TOD-2 (15,000) * Willie (Pajamas) * - After TOD-2 (15,000) * Willie (Ceremony) * - After TOD-4 Wilhelmina "Willie" Scott is an American singer. She was born in Missouri, but moved to Shanghai after failing to make it in Hollywood. She currently headlines at Club Obi-Wan. Willie's costumes are: her Chinese dress she performs in, a dress given to her at Pankot Palace, Indy's dinner suit which she borrows after they leave Shanghai, a set of pajamas she wears at night at Pankot, and a dress she was given after she was captured by the Thuggee. Willie's special ability, in addition to being able to jump high, is a screaming voice which can shatter glass. Hold down Z to use. Willie has a phobia of red spiders, but not blue spiders, oddly. --- * Short Round * - After TOD-1 Born Wan Li, Shorty is a rather young cab driver from Shanghai, who tagged along with Indy not long after he was orphaned. Able to speak both English and Cantonese, Short Round has found a sort of surrogate father in Indy, and has found himself a decent getaway driver in a pinch. Short Round's ability is to crawl into tight vents. Press Z in front of one and he'll crawl to the other side automatically. --- * Brody * - After TLC-1 Marcus Brody is a museum owner and curator. He's known Indy since he was a kid, and often acts as a surrogate father figure. He's rather absent-minded and reportedly once got lost in his own museum. Brody is armed with a book. --- * Elsa * - After TLC-1 * Elsa (Officer) * - After TLC-3 (15,000) * Elsa (Desert) * - After TLC-5 (15,000) Dr. Elsa Schneider is an Austrian art professor who has worked with Indy's father to help search for the Holy Grail. She's rather good at using her wiles to get what she wants. Elsa's costumes are the blouse and jacket she wears when first meeting Indy in Venice, then her officer uniform in Berlin, then her blouse in the desert. Elsa is armed with a book, and can also high jump. Elsa has a phobia of rats. --- * Henry Jones * - After TLC-2 Dr. Henry Jones, Sr. is Indy's estranged father and is obsessed with the search of the Holy Grail, leading the two Jones' to become distant through the years. Henry is armed with a book. Henry has a phobia of rats. --- * Boy Scout * - After Young Indy Bonus This is Herman Mueller, young Indy's sidekick as he goes to stop the outlaws pinching the Cross of Coronado. The Boy Scout has a phobia of snakes. ====================== 8B. Extra Characters = ====================== All these characters must be bought from the library. --- * Hovitos Tribesman * - After RLA-1 (18,000) The indigenous peoples of the region with the Lost Temple. Jones ran afoul of them once he liberated their fertility idol. Tribesmen carry spears as weapons. --- * Barranca * - After RLA-1 (18,000) * Jungle Guide * - After RLA-1 (18,000) Barranca is one of the local guides that accompanies Indy to the Lost Temple. He's not known for his loyalty. Barranca is tan-skinned while the Guide is pale-skinned, if you needed help telling them apart. --- * Belloq (Jungle) * - After RLA-1 (50,000) * Belloq * - After RLA-4 (50,000) * Belloq (Robes) * - After RLA-6 (50,000) An archaeologist much along the lines of Indiana Jones, only more ruthless and less inclined towards fair play. René Belloq and Jones have crossed paths before when both search for the same artifacts. It is rumored that their history dates back to graduate school, when Belloq plagarized Jones' essay on stratigraphy. The three costumes for Belloq are his pith helmet in the jungle, his normal white suit when in Egypt, and the robes he wears when opening the Ark. Belloq is armed with a book. --- * Major Toht * - After RLA-2 (50,000) Arnold Ernst Toht is an "enemy" agent, often seen in his black overcoat and wide-brimmed hat. Although he seems harmless to look at, he's actually a rather brutal and sinister interrogator. Toht is armed with a pistol. He also can open soldier doors. --- * Colonel Dietrich * - After RLA-2 (50,000) While Belloq leads the expedition, Herman Dietrich commands all the soldiers on the Ark Project. He was chosen for his ruthlessness and efficiency. Dietrich is armed with a pistol. He also can open soldier doors. --- * Enemy Guard (Mountains) * - After RLA-2 (30,000) * Bazooka Trooper (Raiders) * - After RLA-2 (30,000) * Enemy Soldier (Desert) * - After RLA-3 (18,000) * Enemy Officer * - After RLA-3 (30,000) * Enemy Officer (Desert) * - After RLA-4 (30,000) * Enemy Guard * - After RLA-6 (18,000) * Enemy Radio Operator * - After TLC-2 (25,000) * Bazooka Trooper (Crusade) * - After TLC-2 (30,000) * Enemy Pilot * - After TLC-4 (25,000) So, yes. In the world of LEGO Indy, your foes are "enemies". Blue-eyed, blonde-haired enemies. These soldiers are professionals, armed with a variety of weapons and well-placed to receive attack. All of these guys can open soldier doors. Almost all of them are armed with pistols. The only ones that aren't are the Officers who have grenades, and the Bazooka Troopers, who have bazookas. --- * Sherpa Brawler * - After RLA-2 (18,000) * Sherpa Gunner * - After RLA-2 (25,000) One of the many myriad hired thugs employed by the enemy forces in this game, Sherpas are locals from Nepal with a great knowledge of the mountains. The Brawlers are unarmed, but the Sherpa Gunner has a machine gun. --- * Masked Bandit * - After RLA-3 (18,000) * Bandit Swordsman * - After RLA-3 (25,000) * Bandit * - After RLA-4 (15,000) Local toughs in Cairo, hired by the enemy forces to stop Indy, and assist Belloq in finding the Ark. The Masked Bandit is armed with a pistol. The Bandit Swordsman is armed with a sword. The Bandit has a shovel. --- * Monkey Man * - After RLA-3 (18,000) In Cairo, this shifty looking fellow has trained a small monkey to steal Marion's medallion. The monkey seems oddly intelligent. Monkey Man is armed with a pistol. --- * Enemy Boxer * - After RLA-5 (25,000) This rather fierce fellow is always in the mood for a good brawling. He's known to drop whatever he's doing if he sees a fight brewing. Very eager of him. --- * Captain Katanga * - After RLA-5 (18,000) * First Mate * - After RLA-5 (12,500) Simon Katanga is the captain of the Bantu Wind, a tramp steamer. Despite his harsh exterior, he's a very loyal fellow. Both Katanga and his mate are armed with wrenches. --- * Kao Kan * - After TOD-1 (25,000) * Lao Che * - After TOD-1 (19,000) * Chen * - After TOD-1 (18,000) Lao Che is a Chinese gangster, and Kao Kan and Chen are his two sons. He tasks Indy with finding the remains of Nurhaci, in exchanges for a large blue diamond. These mobsters are all armed with machine guns. --- * Wu Han * - After TOD-1 (20,000) Another of Indy's many old friends, Wu Han plays the part of a simple waiter during Indy's meeting with Lao Che. Wu Han is armed with a machine gun. --- * Dancing Girl * - After TOD-1 (27,500) No rollicking musical number is complete without a multitude of cute dancing girls backing up the headliner. These young ladies work at Club Obi-Wan. Still female, the Dancing Girl can also high jump. --- * Maharajah * - After TOD-2 (40,000) Maharajah Zalim Singh is the ruler of Pankot Palace. Despite his standing, he's actually quite young, around Short Round's age. Maharajah is both a Shorty and a Thuggee. He can fit in small spaces and activate Thuggee Statues. --- * Pankot Assassin * - After TOD-2 (25,000) * Pankot Guard * - After TOD-2 (18,000) Pankot Palace has a large contingent of turban-clad fellows who serve as security. Whose side are they on? The Guard is armed with a spear. The Assassin is armed with a sword. --- * Village Elder * - After TOD-2 (15,000) This haggard white-haired fellow serves as a font of exposition. His village is blessed by the powers of the Sankara Stone, which he claims was stolen by those at Pankot Palace. --- * Village Dignitary * - After TOD-2 (15,000) These jovial fellows attend the Maharajah's banquet. Favorite foods include Snake Surprise, Fried Beetles, Eyeball Soup, and Chilled Monkey Brain. --- * Chatter Lal * - After TOD-2 (40,000) * Chatter Lal (Thuggee) * - After TOD-3 (40,000) A servant for the Maharajah's court, Lal handles matters of state, such as dealing with guests and troublemakers. Both Chatter Lal costumes (suit and Thuggee robes) are Thuggees, and can access Thuggee Statues. --- * Thuggee Acolyte * - After TOD-3 (30,000) * Thuggee * - After TOD-3 (18,000) * Thuggee Slave Driver * - After TOD-4 (18,000) The Thuggee are an ancient cabal of, well, let's just say bad dudes. They're currently operating in secret in order to gain power in India. The normal Thuggee is armed with a sword. The other two are unarmed. All these guys are Thuggees that can use Thuggee Statues. --- * Slave Child * - After TOD-4 (3,000) Captured from the neighboring villages, these children are being forced to mine for the Sankara Stones. The Slave Child is a Shorty, in that he can crawl through small vents. --- * Mola Ram * - After TOD-6 (50,000) The high priest of the Thuggee, currently searching for the lost Sankara Stones so he can rule the world. Mola Ram is unarmed (except for his headdress which he sometimes swings) but is a Thuggee, so he can unlock Thuggee Statues. --- * British Officer * - After TOD-6 (25,000) * British Soldier * - After TOD-6 (18,000) * British Commander * - After TOD-6 (30,000) Sent from the UK to keep an eye on the place to make sure nobody's up to any mischief, these guys prove to be helpful reinforcements. The Commander is actually named Captain Phillip Blumburtt. All these soldiers are armed with pistols. It goes without saying, but even though they're soldiers, they're not ENEMY soldiers so they can't use soldier doors. --- * Kazim * - After TLC-1 (30,000) * Kazim (Desert) * - After TLC-5 (30,000) Kazim is the leader of the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword, an order dedicated to protecting the Holy Grail from those who would steal its power. He initially considers Indy an enemy. Kazim is armed with a pistol. --- * Enemy Butler * - After TLC-2 (15,000) This butler maintains the facade of Castle Brunwald to keep people from finding out that it's an enemy base. --- * Colonel Vogel * - After TLC-5 (50,000) Vogel is an enemy officer under specific orders to stop the Jones' from taking the Holy Grail first. He's rather violent and can brawl rather well. Vogel is armed with a pistol. --- * Donovan * - After TLC-6 (50,000) Walter Donovan is an American businessman who brings to Indy's attention the search for the Grail and the disappearance of his father. Donovan is armed with a book. --- * Grail Knight * - After TLC-6 (50,000) According to the legend of the Holy Grail, of the three knights who set out to recover it, one died, one returned, and the third stayed behind to guard the Grail. This ancient fellow has used the Grail's power to stay alive so he could remain to watch over the Grail and test those who might be worthy. The Grail Knight is armed with a broadsword. --- * Fedora * - After Young Indy Bonus (50,000) This scoundrel tries to steal the Cross of Coronado, but is foiled by Young Indy. He calls the sheriff on him and gets the Cross back, but not before saluting Indy's effort by giving him his fedora. "Fedora" is armed with a pistol. ======================= 8C. Secret Characters = ======================= These characters are present only when you buy the Extra called "Secret Characters". Basically what it does is that you turn it on, then go into a mission on Free Play. As you cycle through the characters, you'll come across a couple that aren't in the usual list. I'll tell you right now that none of these characters are particularly special, but here they are, documented. * Santa * - Available in RLA-2 This jolly old elf is part of one of the secrets in the area. He's unarmed. --- * Dancing Girl 2 * * Shanghai Hoodlum 1 * - Available in TOD-1 * Shanghai Hoodlum 2 * These three locals are part of the Shanghai scenery. The first is a high jumping lady in a pink dress. The other two are mobsters with machine guns. --- * Grave Robber 1 * * Grave Robber 2 * - Available in Young Indy Bonus These two bums are members of Fedora's gang, pilfering the Cross of Coronado. They are both armed with pistols. ===================== 8D. Guest Character = ===================== There's one very special guest hidden in the game, and to unlock him, you'll need to find five of his friends hidden in the wild. Here is how to find the friends: C-3PO - (Found in RLA-1) (Explosive) Just after snagging the idol fire an explosive at the gray wall. This is in the next room. Smash the blocks that encase him. Luke Skywalker - (Found in RLA-2) (Glass) In the area with the collapsing ice bridges, fall down the third one to the bottom, then blast or scream at the wall of ice in the back to free Luke from his wampa prison. Chewbacca - (Found in RLA-3) (Scholar, Shorty) In the last room with the truck, decipher the glyph panel at the back wall to find the cantina, then use the vent in back to crawl to where Chewie is. Princess Leia - (Found in TOD-4) (Explosive, Soldier) In the fourth area, go towards the right edge and look at the front to see some railings that go down. Drop down to the right and blast the rubble in the way. Use the soldier door to find Her Worshipfulness. R2-D2 - (Found in TLC-5) In the first area, go the left side and use the bucking horse (or a high jumper) to get up to the top, then head left and use the whip platform to lower a Sandcrawler tube, out from which pops a plucky little droid. Once you find all five characters: * Han Solo * - (100,000) One of the great heroes of the Rebellion against the Empire, Han Solo is a cocky and brash smuggler from Corellia. What he's doing in this game might have something to do with the actor who portrayed him. Han Solo is armed with his blaster. He has no other noticable qualities and operates like a character from this game (ie. no grapple, no dive roll with a triple shot). ****************************************************************************** 9. SECRETS/UNLOCKABLES ****************************************************************************** Here's where I put all the stuff that's not a mission. You'll find a quick list of basic unlocks, how all the Extras work, and a collection of codes you can enter to save yourself some studs. ================== 9A. Main Unlocks = ================== For a mission: Unlock Free Play by completing the mission. Unlock the mission's Artifact by collecting all ten Treasures in it. Unlock that mission's purchaseable extra by finding the parcel and placing it in the mailbox. Earn 100% in the game by purchasing everything and finding every Treasure, parcel, and getting True Adventurer on all missions. If you earn 100%, while you're in the college, studs of all colors and hearts will rain down from the heavens. Yeah, that's it. ======================== 9B. Extras and Parcels = ======================== Extras are fun (or useful) little goodies you can apply to your game. You can purchase them in the Mail Room, then activate them in the Extras Menu. Extras can be used just about anywhere in the game. The only place you cannot use certain Extras is the score multipliers in Ancient City and Warehouse. For the sake of having a quick list, I've also listed how to get each parcel, although you can also find this info in the Free Play section. --- Normal Extras (can be purchased at any time) Adaptive Difficulty (Available at beginning) - With this off, you only lose 2,000 studs every time you die. With this on, things will be adjusted depending on how you play. If you play well, you'll lose 4,000 studs if you die. If you play poorly and die a lot, you'll only lose 1,000 studs. Secret Characters (25,000) - Turn this on and a few extra characters will be added to your Free Play repetoire. See "Secret Characters" in Section 8C for more info. Fertilizer (7,500) - With this on, ride any animal and press Z and it will poop. Yay poop! Disguises (12,500) - This will put fake glasses and mustaches on all characters. Silhouettes (10,000) - This will make all characters a shiny black. Beep Beep (7,500) - In any vehicle, press Z and you'll beep the horn. Beep beep! I'm a motorist! Ice Rink (15,000) - This will make the floor super slippery. Useful if you want to challenge yourself. --- Parcel Extras (require mailing the requisite parcel in a mission) Fast Fix (30,000, Parcel 1) - This allows you to use a wrench on an engine really quickly. Location: RLA-1 - (Thuggee, Glass) In the first room after the idol room, use the Thuggee Statue to remove the spikes from the lower area. Drop down and go left past the mailbox. Use explosives or a scream on the parcel encased in glass, and carry it back to the box, avoiding the rolling heads. Super Slap (25,000, Parcel 2) - This will turn any melee attack into a one-hit break. Location: RLA-2 - (Soldier) Once outside the bar, knock on the soldier door to the left, and enter the house. Inside, climb the ladder and place the box. Use the whip platform you construct, which will free a certain jolly red elf. Go outside and you'll find he left a present for you, in the form of a parcel. Toss it in the nearby mailbox. Treasure X2 (1,000,000, Parcel 3) - Very useful, and very expensive. As implied, silver studs will be worth 20, gold studs 200, and blue studs 2000. This will allow you to get True Adventurer much more quickly in missions. The REALLY cool part about the score multipliers is that they stack, meaning that if you bought all of them, you'd be getting Score X 3840, which is just ridiculous. Location: RLA-3 - (Scholar) In the area where you reassemble the truck is a glyph panel. Decipher it and head through the door to enter a very familiar cantina. Assemble four piles in the middle to make speakers, then step on the lit up panels. Your partner will step on the other. Keep stepping on both panels to make the parcel appear. The box is right next to you. Fast Dig (50,000, Parcel 4) - With this, digging will be super fast. Location: RLA-4 - After you beat the giant snake, go across the whip platform near his spot, climb the rope and jump to the left (where a Treasure is). Bust down the five golden items near it, which will open the way to the Map Room. Pull the switch to open the big doors, then go to the back room. You need to open three vents to let water in. The first is a simple lever job. The second you need to piece together the trough, and the third needs a Key which is in the back right corner. Once all three are open, flowers will spring up in the Map Room. Destroy them all to make the parcel appear. The mailbox is right nearby to be put together. Fast Build (40,000, Parcel 5) - With this very useful Extra, building goes by like nothing. Location: RLA-5 - (Explosive) Use the crane to pick up your partner and set them down on the left side, on the upper platform. The partner can then walk over and grab it. To actually mail it takes a bit more doing. Blow up the shiny bars on the wall near the crane and throw the switch. Carry the Parcel up the stairs and quickly stuff it before time runs out. Oh, and you also have to have placed the cylinder so you make the jumps up. Artifact Detector (250,000, Parcel 6) - With this turned on, any Treasures you haven't found will have an arrow pointing to them. Now, it doesn't necessarily tell you how to GET these Treasures, just where they are or where they'll appaer. Location: RLA-6 - (Scholar) In the horse pen area, decipher the glyph panel to enter a cave. In the cave, push each of the gold and brown objects to the side (on the bottom, you'll have to break a box and assemble the floor. With both objects in opposite corners, stand on the top of both of them to uncover the floor. Build the stairs and carry the parcel to the mailbox. Treasure X4 (2,000,000, Parcel 7) - See X2 for the effect. Location: TOD-1 - (Explosive) I say Explosive, but really anyone with a sword will also work, for the reason that you're using the Explosive to get a sword and nothing else. Anyway, at the airport, go to the far left and blast the gray box to find the sword. Throw it at the rope over the large hangar door to the left and go in. Grab the rope on the weird propeller to get it moving, so you can jump to the parcel and carry it to the mailbox. Poo Treasure (70,000, Parcel 8) - With this and Fertilizer turned on, pressing Z while on an animal will make it eject studs. Location: TOD-2 - (Thuggee) In the dining hall, high jump on top of the beige barrel and whip across to grab the parcel. Take it alll the way down the hallways to the Thuggee Statue. Use it to uncover the mailbox. Super Scream (80,000, Parcel 9) - With this, Willie's scream will cause damage to enemies. Location: TOD-3 - (Scholar) In the second area, go to the far right and fix the engine, then decipher the glyph panel. Take the parcel all the way to the left edge, break the red and black structure so you can reassemble it into the mailbox, and dump it in. Character Treasure (100,000, Parcel 10) - Turn this on and defeated enemies will drop studs. Location: TOD-4 - (Explosive) In the third area, near the blue object in the back, is a shiny cage. Blast it open to get the parcel. You need to do the same method you used for the blue object to get it across the platforms: set it down, then jump across and whip it to get it. Once you get the lift working, ride it up with the parcel and ship it. Treasure X6 (3,000,000, Parcel 11) - See X2 for the effect. Location: TOD-5 (Scholar) Use the glyph panel and dig up the parcel that's behind it. The box is off to the right. Regenerate Hearts (150,000, Parcel 12) - Use this to slowly regain hearts as you play. Location: TOD-6 (Explosive) After the stone pillars, there's a leaf-covered pit on the right. Drop down into the cave. Blow apart the gray stuff on the left to reveal a box and a sword. Put the box on one of the green panels, and throw the sword at the cage on the right to drop the other box. Assemble the mailbox, then dig up the parcel nearby and mail it. Parcel Detector (125,000, Parcel 13) - Much like the Artifact Detector, this will point out where Parcels are, but not necessarily how to get them. Location: TLC-1 - (Shorty) In the plaza, to the right of the bridge, break all the furniture to find pieces for a vent. Crawl up to the top level, and pull the switch up there, which will open the gate in the river to the back area. In this area, use the whip platform to drag down the parcel, then smash the boards blocking the lever. Pull it and ride up the scaffold. Walk into the room and smash the cupboards to find a key. Take it to the right and turn the crank to reveal a platform. Drop out and jump to the right. For the last gap before the mailbox, set the parcel down, jump over, and whip the parcel so you take it with you. Disarm Enemies (100,000, Parcel 14) - With this turned on, enemies will pull out their guns, but won't fire. Be sure to turn this off when fighting Vogel, otherwise he'll just sit there. Location: TLC-2 - (Thuggee, Explosive) In the second room, use the Thuggee Statue and enter the secret room. Blast the armor to the right of the red banner to reveal the parts for a crank. Turn it to lift the banner and find the parcel. The mailbox is also right there. Treasure X8 (4,000,000, Parcel 15) - See X2 for the effect. Location: TLC-3 - (Free Play) Near the windmill, smash a box to find a Key. Use it on the nearby crank to turn the windmill and spit out a box. Place the box to make a step to high jump up, grab the parcel, and drop it off at the mailbox near the well. Treasure Magnet (100,000, Parcel 16) - This will increase your stud-collecting radius, allowing you to pick them up from further away. Note, however, that studs that are bouncing will not be grabbed until they settle. Location: TLC-4 - At the last barn before the wall you have to jump over is a tractor. Ride it out back west over three red spots that are near some plants. Each time you roll over a red spot, you'll unearth a mushroom. Smash them all to make the parcel appear, which is delivered near the barn. Treasure X10 (5,000,000, Parcel 17) - See X2 for the effect. Location: TLC-5 - (Free Play) BEFORE pushing the box off the ledge to make a land mine, switch to a high jumper and jump off the box to the railings above to reach the Parcel. Take it down and finish Vogel, then dig up the mailbox in the left part of the area. Invincibility (1,000,000, Parcel 18) - With this on, you won't lose any hearts from being struck. You'll still react to hits, though, stopping whatever you're doing. Location: TLC-6 - (Explosive) Blast the right-hand truck to free the mailbox. Go all the way towards the screen to find a dig spot, which has the parcel. ================== 9C. Secret Codes = ================== Here are several random codes as contributed to GameFAQs by its code- searching population. I claim no responsibility for finding these codes. I only wish to have them here as part of the document. If you find or know of any more codes, please share. Also, please don't ask me if I know of any codes for whatever. If I find new ones, they will go up immediately. Characters 12N68W Bandit 1MK4RT Bandit Swordsman 04EM94 Barranca MK83R7 Bazooka Trooper (Crusade) S93Y5R Bazooka Trooper (Raiders) CHN3YU Belloq TDR197 Belloq (Jungle) VEO29L Belloq (Robes) B73EUA British Commander VJ5TI9 British Officer DJ5I2W British Soldier VJ3TT3 Captain Katanga ENW936 Chatter Lal CNH4RY Chatter Lal (Thuggee) 3NK48T Chen 2K9RKS Colonel Dietrich 8EAL4H Colonel Vogel C7EJ21 Dancing Girl 3NFTU8 Donovan JSNRT9 Elsa (Desert) VMJ5US Elsa (Officer) 8246RB Enemy Boxer VJ48W3 Enemy Butler VJ7R51 Enemy Guard YR47WM Enemy Guard (Mountains) 572E61 Enemy Officer 2MK45O Enemy Officer (Desert) B84ELP Enemy Pilot 1MF94R Enemy Radio Operator 4NSU7Q Enemy Soldier (Desert) V75YSP Fedora 0GIN24 First Mate NE6THI Grail Knight H0V1SS Hovitos Tribesman 4J8S4M Indiana Jones (Desert Disguise) VJ85OS Indiana Jones (Officer) 24PF34 Jungle Guide WMO46L Kao Kan NRH23J Kazim 3M29TJ Kazim (Desert) 2NK479 Lao Che NFK5N2 Maharajah 13NS01 Major Toht N48SF0 Masked Bandit FJUR31 Mola Ram 3RF6YJ Monkey Man 2NKT72 Pankot Assassin VN28RH Pankot Guard VJ37WJ Sherpa Brawler ND762W Sherpa Gunner 0E3ENW Slave Child VM683E Thuggee T2R3F9 Thuggee Acolyte VBS7GW Thuggee Slave Driver KD48TN Village Dignitary 4682E1 Village Elder VK93R7 Willie (Dinner Suit) MEN4IP Willie (Pajamas) 3NSLT8 Wu Han Extras VIKED7 Artifact Detector VNF59Q Beep Beep VIES2R Character Treasure VKRNS9 Disarm Enemies 4ID1N6 Disguises V83SLO Fast Build 378RS6 Fast Dig FJ59WS Fast Fix B1GW1F Fertilizer 33GM7J Ice Rink B83EA1 Invincibility VUT673 Parcel Detector WWQ1SA Poo Treasure MDLP69 Regenerate Hearts 3X44AA Secret Characters 3HE85H Silhouettes VN3R7S Super Scream 0P1TA5 Super Slap H86LA2 Treasure Magnet VI3PS8 Treasure x10 VM4TS9 Treasure x2 VLWEN3 Treasure x4 V84RYS Treasure x6 A72E1M Treasure x8 ****************************************************************************** 10. STANDARD GUIDE STUFF ****************************************************************************** ============ 10A. Legal = ============ This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2008 Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format. Please don’t post this on your site unless you have express consent by me. I’ve put a lot of time into this. Give me some credit. Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamewinners.com www.ign.com www.cheatcc.com www.cheatplanet.com www.neoseeker.com I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ. They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the LEGO Indiana Jones guides, but, trying to keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I trust. ======================== 10B. E-mail Guidelines = ======================== If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines... - Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide. - Make sure it has something to do with LEGO Indiana Jones. I don't want spam, chain letters, offers for friendship. Compliment me on the FAQ all you want, though. - Make sure you say LEGO Indiana Jones at one point in your e-mail. I have more than one LEGO FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I beat the last level?" doesn't tell me much. - Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile. ============== 10C. Credits = ============== CJayC, SBAllen, and all respective webmasters for having this on their sites. Lucasarts Entertainment Company and Traveller's Tales, for this fine example of a LEGO game. LEGO, for their world of imagination. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, for the fun movies this game is based on. Harrison Ford, because he's a decent guy for putting up with this for four movies. ====================== 10D. Version Updates = ====================== Version 1.0 - 6/9/2008 - Should be pretty much done! Let me know if I'm missing anything. Version 1.1 - 6/26/2008 - Well whaddaya know. It turns out that Ancient City is the first one you unlock. Whatever. We're still unsure on the actual requirements for unlocking each bonus mission, but we're convinced it has something to do with the color of the lights that shine off the artifacts. Anyone with any insight, please help. ===================== 10E. The Final Word = ===================== Well, this wasn't as gigantic as the LEGO Star Wars games, but a fun ride nonetheless, in the same madcap style. I definitely recommend it if you like the IJ movies. ^_^