------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loco Roco, PSP (sorry, I can't be bothered making ASCII art) Guide author: Anna Ghislaine Williams Started: 2006/07/31 (IDF) Finished: n/a yet Email: custardcrusader (at) gmail (dot) com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is not yet a complete guide, as I haven't found all the parts and Locos myself. I've gone through all the levels, but I've yet to write about all of them. Use your browser's Find function to jump to a specific part of the guide. |=====CONTENTS=====| Notes [N000] [N001] Legal bit (please read) [N002] Using the guide [N003] Terminology * = section incomplete # = not written yet LR: How many Locos you can expect to finish the level with if you follow this guide (assuming you lose none to Mojas or burrs). H-P: How many house parts you can expect to finish the level with if you follow this guide. LR H-P World 1 [W100] Stage 1 [W1S1] 20 3/3 Flower Meadow Stage 2 [W1S2] 20 3/3 Green Hill Zone Stage 3 [W1S3] 20 4/4 Tree Tops Stage 4 [W1S4] 20 5/5 Snow Go Stage 5 [W1S5] 20 4/4 Fungus Forest Stage 6 [W1S6]* 20 3/4 The Living Cave Stage 7 [W1S7] 20 3/3 Road to Ruin Stage 8 [W1S8]* 19 4/5 Moja Territory World 2 [W200] Stage 1 [W2S1] 20 4/4 Flower Meadow Stage 2 [W2S2] 20 5/5 Get Rhythm Stage 3 [W2S3]# / River Rapids Stage 4 [W2S4] 20 3/3 Snow Go Stage 5 [W2S5] 20 3/3 Sunny Beach Stage 6 [W2S6]# / Astronomy Domine Stage 7 [W2S7]# / The Living Cave Stage 8 [W2S8]# / Moja Territory World 3 [W300] Stage 1 [W3S1]# / Get Rhythm Stage 2 [W3S2]# / Fungus Forest Stage 3 [W3S3]# / Sunny Beach Stage 4 [W3S4] 20 4/4 Snow Go Stage 5 [W3S5]# / The Living Cave Stage 6 [W3S6]# / Road to Ruin Stage 7 [W3S7]# / Tree Tops Stage 8 [W3S8]# / Moja Territory World 4 [W400] Stage 1 [W3S1]# / Sunny Beach Stage 2 [W3S2]# / Green Hill Zone Stage 3 [W3S3]# / Astronomy Domine Stage 4 [W3S4]# / Road to Ruin Stage 5 [W3S5]# / Snow Go Stage 6 [W3S6]# / The Living Cave Stage 7 [W3S7]# / Get Rhythm Stage 8 [W3S8]# / Moja Territory World 5 [W500] Stage 1 [W3S1]# / Flower Meadow Stage 2 [W3S2]# / Green Hill Zone Stage 3 [W3S3]# / Tree Tops Stage 4 [W3S4]# / Snow Go Stage 5 [W3S5]# / Astronomy Domine Stage 6 [W3S6]# / Fungus Forest Stage 7 [W3S7]# / River Rapids Stage 8 [W3S8]# / Moja Territory Updates [U000] Credits [C000] Anyone who helped out with the guide gets mentioned here. |====================| [N000] Boring legal bit: [N001] I do not own any of the copyrights to Loco Roco, and I am not affiliated with the game or Sony in any way. I did, however, write this walkthrough. I'd love to say post it wherever as long as you credit it to me, but such an approach will almost certainly result in it being stolen. As such, this guide may only be posted on the following list of sites: www.gamefaqs.com www.mr-monotony.co.uk www.cheatcc.com www.neoseeker.com The above list may change at any time. If it's on a site not on the above list, please tell me, as it means someone is being naughty. GameFAQs is the best place to go, as it will always have the latest version. I can be contacted at custardcrusader (at) gmail (dot) com. (Stick something like 'Loco Roco walkthrough' in the subject so I don't think you're trying to sell me replica watches or impotence drugs). Please tell me if you see someone using my guide who shouldn't be, someone claiming it as their own work, or if I've made a mistake in the guide. Do write in also if you can help fill in my omissions in the guide, and I'll credit you for your help. The guide to the guide: [N002] Although you control the landscape and not the Loco itself (a la Monkey Ball), I shall still use terms like 'hop' and 'jump' to describe the Loco's movement, as that's easier than saying 'flick the landscape to propel the Loco left' and so on. The first fruit you find in a level is called fruit 2, not fruit 1. This is because the numbers I have given to the fruits are the number they boost your Loco count (in the top left corner of the screen) to. You start with one Loco, so the first fruit you find increases this to two, and so on. In some levels you start with more than one Loco, so the fruit numbers will show this (e.g. if a level starts with 6 Locos, the first fruit will be fruit 7, etc.) This guide will (eventually) have all the locations of the Loco fruits and house parts, but I won't bother with the locations of all the pickories. You don't get a special reward for getting them all, bar a feeling of satisfaction and having more money to spend on the mini-games. The guide sometimes mentions pickories, but only as indicators of where you are in the level. Terminology: [N003] Airstream A torrent of wind that will split your Loco and carry them somewhere. Astral bodies - Clouds: these are always asleep when you find them. There may be five small ones or one medium one. They look like large beige/grey asterisks. If you have enough Locos (indicated by a thought bubble showing how many you need, usually 10 or 15), they will sing to the clouds to wake them up. Single clouds will give you a house part. Small ones may band together to form a platform, which you can then ride to a new area. Or they might just give you a part. - Moon: as above, sing to wake up the Moon (you usually need 10 or 15 Locos), who will give you a house part. - Sun: as Moon. Bottyo-ro These green owls hover and spit out burrs. Kill them by giving them a good smack. Breakable ceiling, floor or wall Jump up/down (as applicable) onto these thrice to smash your way through. Sometimes they lead to secret areas, sometimes they're a normal part of level progression. Locos point out their presence with "Eee" or "Eeyup" or similar. If you're deaf or playing with the sound off, watch out for the Loco's hair standing on end and it looking in the direction of the floor or ceiling. Burr Spiky black things that you mustn't touch. If you do, you'll lose some of your Locos. You can get them back if you're quick enough (chase after them and touch them), but this doesn't make it worth the risk. Locos will warn of their presence with a cry of "Toge! Toge!" Chuppa A creature who can pick the Loco up and shoot it into high places. Touch the chuppa and it'll pick you up by vacuuming you onto its snout. When it's pointing in the direction you want to go, press the shoulder buttons to be launched. Clouds SEE Astral bodies Fruit Juicy red things that you need to eat to make your Loco grow. Finishing a level with all 20 Locos gets you a reward. Even if you don't manage this, it's good to gather as many fruit as possible so you have more insurance against losing Locos to burrs or Mojas. Not all fruits are in plain sight. Sometimes you have to sprout them yourself. If you see a little shoot with one dark green leaf and one brown leaf, touch it to make it grow fruit. Sometimes an event may trigger one of these shoots appearing. Gammutto Bright blue creature that will shout at you, causing your Loco to split. Jump on its head to shut it up. Ho-Ho A long-legged creature that steps from foot to foot. If it treads on you, you'll split. Roll or jump under its feet as it lifts them to get past it. Kerakera Happy little brown bristle-headed creatures that live on the ground. If you jump on them your Loco will be tickled and be hard to control. Avoid them if there are burrs around. Loco What I call the creature you help around the levels, to save me having to keep typing out Loco Roco (its full name). You tilt and flick the landscape to control it, and let it eat fruit to make it grow in size. It can split into its component Locos, and regroup into one big one afterwards. Long grass A patch of dark green grass that will yield goodies. Usually they contain pickories, and sometimes they have house parts. Rummage around by keeping your Loco still on top of it for a bit. Locos point these out with "alongha". Moja The baddies. They look like little black octopuses. If they manage to bite you, they'll eat one of your Loco, unless you can kill them before they've finished eating. Kill them by jumping up and smacking into them, or by landing on them from a height. Locos will warn of their presence with a cry of "Moja! Moja!" - Oja (baby Moja): found only in the Moja territory. They haven't yet grown tentacles and look like asterisks. They can't hurt you (and the Locos don't bother to warn of them), but they will stick to you and impede your jumping. Get rid of them by jumping into some water. - Moja: standard grunts found in most levels. - Kojo (big Moja): found only in the Moja territory. Biggers and nastier than the standard Moja, and they take more hits to kill. Jump up to stun them, then jump on them to make them lose some tentacles. Jump on them in their asterisk form (when all their tentacles have fallen off) to finish them. Moon SEE Astral bodies Mui Mui Little blue men found throughout the levels. Finding one yields a house part. This guide, therefore, doesn't bother saying where the Mui Muis are, because if you find all the parts you automatically find all the Mui Muis. Musukusu Pale brown burrowing creature that will pop up from below and grab one of your Loco. Jump on its head a couple of times to kill it and make it give up the Loco. If you don't, it'll snatch away the Loco and you'll never see it again. Nuts Locos like these. Eating them may release pickories, or the nuts may have been stacked to form an edible barrier you must chomp through. Locos point out their presence with "kauna" (sounds a bit like 'corner'). Nyokki These are large rectangular creatures that pop up from underground and will help you in your progress. - Green: these ones don't like you very much. Jump on their heads and stay there until they get annoyed and catapult you up high. - Orange: these are always asleep when you find them. If you have enough Locos (indicated by a thought bubble showing how many you need), they'll sing to the nyokki, who will wake up and give you a house part or move aside so you can get into a bonus area. - Purple: these are always happy to help you. Jump on their heads and they will gently lift you up to new areas. - Small: these come in groups of three (one of each colour). Sing to them and they'll give you a house part. Pickories Hovering minibeasts that are the currency for playing the minigames. They are usually purple. There are also big orange ones and flashing white ones, which are worth more points. There is no special reward for getting all the pickories in a level. Split/Regroup Tap O to make your Loco split into its component Locos, so they can fit into small gaps. When you've finished with them, hold O to have them regroup into one big Loco. Sprout SEE Fruit Sticky ceiling Indicated by a brown jelloid coating. Jump on the ceiling and you'll stick, but you can still roll around. Good for avoiding burrs on the ground. Jump to break away from the ceiling. Sun SEE Astral bodies Trampoline These are one-way platforms (from below you can jump onto them, but once you're on top you can't go back underneath). Jump on them to reach great heights! Unfu-ku Although these brown owls are sometimes avoidable, they usually aren't. They will chew you up and spit you out in a new shape (rectangular, elliptical, square or triangular). This is usually a hindrance as it makes it difficult, if not impossible, to roll; forcing you to hop everywhere. However, it can be a help, as you may be able to fit into places you couldn't before. Jump into water to return to normal. ---BEGIN WALKTHROUGH----------------------------------------------------------- [W100] ---[W1S1] [L20/20] [P3/3]------------------------------------------------------ Very easy level, this - more like a tutorial than a real level. Roll right to pick up some pickories and [fruit 2]. Jump up and glance the side of the floating island to sprout [fruit 3]. Proceed right and down the steps to pick up [fruit 4], [fruit 5] and [fruit 6]. Beyond the steps is a revolving island with [fruit 7] and the sprouts of [fruit 8] and [fruit 9]. Time your jumps to get them. Jump the mound to get some pickories and [fruit 10]. Go right for [fruit 11]. Roll right, picking up some pickories on the way, down into the funnel. Split your Loco to proceed. Regroup your Loco, and go right, picking up [fruit 12], [fruit 13] and [fruit 14] on the way. You'll land on some purple flowers. Jump and take [fruit 15], [fruit 16] and [fruit 17] from the floating islands. Proceed right to [part 1] and [fruit 18]. ***SECRET AREA*** Fruit 18 has unlocked the path below, but don't go there yet. Backtrack past the platform of purple flowers. There is a single purple flower growing from the side of the cliff. Jump up to it, and then jump to the left to enter the secret area. The weight of 18 Locos will open the way to [part 2]. Rejoin the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Jump down into the area fruit 18 unlocked. ***SECRET AREA*** Instead of falling down, jump onto the grassy ledge on the right wall. Jump right for [part 3] and [fruit 19]. Rejoin the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Keep going down, and split your Loco to proceed. Watch them tumble to the bottom (they should get all the pickories automatically). Regroup and proceed right. In plain sight is [fruit 20]. Take it, and jump down into the airstream. Watch your Locos carried along by the breeze. How lovely! Regroup, and hop right to reach the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W1S2] [L20/20] [P3/3]------------------------------------------------------ Roll right for [fruit 2]. ***SECRET AREA*** Hop up onto the floating island. Hop to the top and you will fall down into a secret chamber holding [part 1]. Hop out to rejoin the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed up the steps for some pickories and [fruit 3] and [fruit 4]. Roll right and you will land on [fruit 5]. Roll left for [fruit 6]. Roll right, gathering pickories, to [fruit 7]. Split your Loco to proceed downwards. Regroup at the bottom and proceed right. Roll down the slope, getting pickories, until you're under [fruit 8]. Jump for it, taking care to avoid the burr. Hop onto the step to the right for [fruit 9]. Make a big jump to the left, onto the floating island. [Fruit 10] will sprout. Proceed right, down the big step. Hop and take [fruit 11], and keep going right. ***SECRET AREA*** At the right wall, split and roll through the small entrance in the wall. In here are pickories. **/SECRET AREA*** Hop back to where fruit 11 was, and a purple nyokki will lift you to a higher path. Jump off her head to the right. Investigate the long grass for some pickories. Jump to the right into the pit, gathering the pickories. Hop up and down a bit to smash through the breakable floor. Hop up to the right for a couple of pickories, and to smash the breakable ceiling. Take [part 2] and proceed right, onto the trampoline. Jump for the pickories and ride the airstream. Regroup your Locos when they come to rest. Hop left for [fruit 12]. Jump and smash the breakable 45-degree ceiling to get at [fruit 13], [fruit 14], [fruit 15], [fruit 16] and [fruit 17]. Jump at the left wall to sprout [fruit 18]. Proceed right and pick up [fruit 19] and [fruit 20]. Sing to the orange nyokki to open the way forward, then regroup and proceed. Jump over the wheels. Next is a passive section in which your Loco slides up and down a couple of valleys. At the crest of the third, tilt right as your Loco makes its way up the steep slope. Just as it's nearly at the platform with [part 3] on it, split, thus increasing the chances of at least one Loco reaching the platform. Regroup as necessary. Proceed right over the little bouncy platforms, and jump over the steps to get to the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W1S3] [L20/20] [P4/4]------------------------------------------------------ ***SECRET AREA*** Jump onto the shelf on the left wall and roll left. Just pickories in here. **/SECRET AREA*** Roll right for [fruit 2], [fruit 3], [fruit 4] and [fruit 5]. Jump down into the bagatelle-like area full of mini floating islands. Steer the Loco towards the centre to get [fruit 6]. Below fruit 6 and a little to the right is [fruit 7]. From fruit 7, steer right to get onto the platform with pickories. Smack the Moja and the bottyo-ro, and go all the way right for [fruit 8]. Go back to the bagatelle area, and [fruit 9] is down just a little to the left. Once on the ground, go left and down the steep steps. Take [fruit 10] and then keep going left. 10 Locos are needed to awaken the little clouds. Regroup and jump on them. Ride the clouds to [part 1], then jump left to fall back to the main path. Roll right, and jump over the burr. Keep going right and smash the breakable ceiling to get to [fruit 11]. Leave the ceiling chamber and proceed right. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump up into the apparent dead-end above the main path. Roll right. Dodge the Mojas and burrs on your way to [part 2]. Go back to the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Fall down the undulating tunnel. Be careful not to overbalance these tilt platforms. Collect the pickories on the top two then get down onto the next one. Fall off the left side of this platform so as to avoid the burr. Keep going down. [Fruit 12] is one one of the median platforms. From fruit 12, jump to the left platform above it. Sprout [fruit 13] from the shoot on the left wall. ***SECRET AREA*** From fruit 12, roll right onto the next platform down. Stay on the right of this platform until you are rolled though the hole in the right wall. Here is [fruit 14]. Roll onto the next platform down. **/SECRET AREA*** Jump onto the bottom platform, and then up to the platform on the left. ***SECRET AREA*** Stay on the left side of this platform until you are rolled through the hole in the left wall. Travel left to find a giant bouncy mushroom. Go past it to find a long grass with pickories. Split the Loco and let one jump into the little indent in the left wall. Here is a chamber with [fruit 15]. Bounce on the mushroom to the left to land on a platform. Sprout [fruit 16]. Keep going left. 5 Locos are needed to sing for [part 3]. Get back to the mushroom. Bounce right this time to land on a branch. Hop right, gathering pickories, to rejoin the platformy area. **/SECRET AREA*** Make your way to the ground. Proceed right and down the tunnel. At the bottom is a pile of nuts hiding an orange pickory. Proceed right and collect [fruit 17], then slide down the hole. You'll end up in a chamber with a chuppa. Have it shoot you onto the left wall to break it. ***SECRET AREA*** Behind the smashed wall is [part 4]. **/SECRET AREA*** Dodge the chuppa and sprout [fruit 18] from the concave bit in the right wall. Have the chuppa shoot you up to [fruit 19] on the right. Split and slide down the funnel further to the right. At the bottom, jump at the left wall to sprout [fruit 20]. Hop right to reach the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W1S4] [L20/20] [P5/5]------------------------------------------------------ You automatically pick up [fruit 2] as your Loco jumps out of the little banana-shaped platform. Slide down the tunnel, and jump for [fruit 3]. Let yourself be carried along. You'll end up in a giant half-pipe (it's actually a flat area with a quarter-pipe at each end). Build up inertia (tilt left when the Loco slides left, and right when it slides right) to slide up the left wall and sprout [fruit 4]. Jump up at the right quarter-pipe to grab [fruit 5]. ***SECRET AREA*** Build up inertia and aim for fruit 5 again. Jump just as the Loco starts going up the incline, and you should (with a bit of luck and practice) gain enough height to jump up and right into the hole in the ceiling. In this chamber is [fruit 6]. **/SECRET AREA*** Get over the quarter-pipe and proceed right. At the crest of the next incline is [fruit 7]. Keep going right and you'll reach a half-pipe full of pickories. Jump up the right side of the half-pipe for [fruit 8]. Jump high enough from the right side of the half-pipe to get on the floating island. Go right and hop from platform to platform (beware the burrs). Easiest to hold down R and give L a tap whenever you want to jump. Jump early on the first one. Once on the big platform at the other end, keep sliding right - don't slow down. You'll slide up and grab [fruit 9]. Let yourself slide left - you'll ping off the lip of the platform into an airstream. Regroup and pick up [part 1]. Jump down the tunnel to the right to rejoin the main path. Proceed right until you get to a narrow tunnel. Split so you can go through it. Regroup when your Locos have finished being flung around. Slide/hop left into the revolving structure. Pick up [fruit 10]. Let the revolver deposit you to the left. [Fruit 11] is on the ceiling. There's nothing left of the burr. Get back in the revolver and let it deposit you to the right. Slide through the tunnels, and you'll land in an updraught. ***SECRET AREA*** Let the updraught blow you into a hole in the left wall. Here is [fruit 12]. Rejoin the updraught. **/SECRET AREA*** Tilt to get all the pickories. [Fruit 13] and the shoot for [fruit 14] are on the ceiling. Once out of the updraught, roll right. Smash the ceiling. ***SECRET AREA*** Beyond the smashed ceiling is a chamber containing [fruit 15]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right, smacking the Mojas. Jump onto the tilting platform and get [fruit 16]. From the platform jump to the right and land in a mini half-pipe holding [fruit 17]. ***SECRET AREA*** From fruit 17, jump at the ice columns in the right wall. This place is annoying. Hop from platform to platform (jump early off the first one), avoiding the burrs, to get [fruit 18] and [part 2]. Go back to the tilting platform. **/SECRET AREA*** From the tilting platform (or from under it, but beware of the burrs), go right into the funnel. Split and fall. Regroup at the bottom, and proceed right. 5 Locos are needed to sing to the small nyokkis for [part 3]. Jump up the step and raid the long grass for an orange pickory. Jump down the tube to the right. Roll right in the soft snow to sprout [fruit 19]. ***SECRET AREA*** Hop up onto the ice and slide right, allowing your inertia to give you a boost as you jump up to the hole in the right wall above you. Make lots of little hops to help get the rest of you in if you can't do it in one leap. In here are [fruit 20], [part 4] (smack the penguin) and [part 5]. **/SECRET AREA*** Slide through the tunnel to the right, and keep going that way to the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W1S5] [L20/20] [P3/3]------------------------------------------------------ Roll left, gathering pickories. Fall down the hole, and pick up [fruit 2] at the bottom. ***SECRET AREA*** Just below fruit 2 is the entrance. Roll left into it for [part 1] and [fruit 3]. Roll right to rejoin the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Roll right and the Loco will notice a breakable ceiling. Smash it. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump into the hole made by the smashed ceiling for [fruit 4]. **/SECRET AREA*** Pick up [fruit 5] just to the right. Here is a mushroom trampoline. Jump up and to the right for [fruit 6] and to proceed. Another bouncy mushroom. Jump up and to the right again. Another mushy. Jump up and you'll stick to the ceiling. Roll right. Drop down and grab the pickories if you want, then jump back up (use the left lobe of the pickory platform as a stepstool) onto the sticky ceiling. Keep rolling right, then drop down to take [fruit 7]. Roll (don't jump, or you'll hit the burr) left to drop down. Keep falling down, taking care to avoid the burrs. Jump onto the boomerang-shaped platform for [fruit 8]. Drop down and rummage in the long grass for [part 2]. Jump up on the left wall for [fruit 9]. ***SECRET AREA*** Roll into the hole in the wall under fruit 9 for [part 3]. Roll left into the airstream if you want the pickories. Regroup as needed and roll right to rejoin the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right, where there are some brown flat-topped fungi acting as platforms. Mojas! Smack them if they come too close for comfort. There's nothing interesting below the brown fungi, so get back on them if you fell off. Atop the fungi, go right and jump for pickories and [fruit 10] and [fruit 11]. Jump onto the step from the right-most fungus for [fruit 12], [fruit 13], [fruit 14], [fruit 15] and [fruit 16]. Jump on the bouncy mushroom up and left. Roll left for some nuts and [fruit 17]. Beware the burr. Roll right again and jump on the second bouncy mushroom. You'll get blown to the right. Split to proceed down, then regroup at the bottom. ***SECRET AREA*** You probably spotted this one too. Jump up into the hole in the left wall. 5 Locos are needed to sing for [part 4]. Roll right to rejoin the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Hop right into the kerakera's territory. Jump over the kerakera (or jump on them anyway) for [fruit 18] and [fruit 19]. Proceed right. Avoid the third set of kerakera, in case the Loco jumps right into the burr. Hop past the exit to sprout [fruit 20] on the right wall. Eat it then you can exit the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W1S6] [L20/20] [P3/4]------------------------------------------------------ Roll right to travel along the airstream. When you land, jump up onto the small projection on the right wall to sprout [fruit 2]. Jump and take [fruit 3] and [fruit 4] from the small floating islands. Proceed left. [Fruit 5] is on the ground, and [fruit 6], [fruit 7] and [fruit 8] are growing on the ceiling projections. Go left and ride the airstream. At the bottom, regroup and proceed right. [Fruit 9], [fruit 10] and [fruit 11] are hanging from the ceiling. [Fruit 12] is on the ground as you keep going right. Ride another airstream and regroup. To the right, on the floor are three bouncy red pads. Jump on the right one to boing up and grab [fruit 13]. The floating islands in this chamber are bouncy too. Use them and the floor pads to bounce up to [fruit 14] and [part 1] in an alcove in the left wall. When you've finished, go right and ride the airstream. Regroup and roll right, which will slide you to another airstream. Regroup and proceed left. 10 Locos are required to sing to the cloud for [part 2]. ***SECRET AREA*** To the left of the cloud is a squashy platform. Jump from it into the left wall. Here is [fruit 15] and some pickories. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed left. (If you came out of the secret area via the left hole, backtrack a little if you want every single pickory.) Avoid the burr. Roll down the big step for [fruit 16]. There are Mojas here. Send them packing. Keep going left and [fruit 17] is hanging from a pendular appendage on the ceiling. Ride the airstream and regroup. Proceed right and you'll pick up [fruit 18] automatically as you are swept along. Ride the airstream out of this place. Proceed right, picking up [fruit 19] and despatching the Mojas. Hop past the exit and keep going right. Keep hopping up the hill. ***SECRET AREA*** Hop up the hill until you fall through a hole in the wall. Go right and you'll be in a chamber full of lots of pickories, with a couple of chuppas. Have the chuppa shoot you at the left wall to sprout [fruit 20]. Have the chuppa shoot you higher up the left wall to smash through it. Through here is an alcove with [part 3]. If you want, have the chuppas shoot you up to grab all the pickories. When you've finished in here, roll back down the hill to the exit. **/SECRET AREA*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W1S7] [L20/20] [P3/3]------------------------------------------------------ ***SECRET AREA*** Make a big jump onto the left wall to go past the pillar. Sprout and eat [fruit 2]. If you want, jump onto the slab atop the pillar - from there you can grab a big orange pickory. **/SECRET AREA*** Hop right over the step and eat the nut for a pickory. Roll left under the step for [fruit 3]. Jump right onto the big step for [fruit 4]. ***SECRET AREA*** From fruit 4, jump right over the hole onto the little shelf. Roll right for [fruit 5] and pickories. Fall down the hole to rejoin the path. **/SECRET AREA*** Jump for [fruit 6]. After landing on the breakable floor 3 times you won't be able to come back up, so get the fruit quickly. After smashing the floor, roll right. 5 Locos sing for [part 1]. Proceed left and take [fruit 7]. ***SECRET AREA*** From fruit 7, jump left into the hole in the wall. Here is [fruit 8]. **/SECRET AREA*** Split to proceed downwards. Once you've regrouped, go left and jump to hit the switch. Take [fruit 9]. Here are some sticky pistons. If they come right down on you, you'll split. If they just glance you, they'll pick you up. Jump between the left and centre pistons (or get picked up by one of them) to sprout [fruit 10]. Gather all your Locos together and proceed left. The long grass has some pickories. Hit the switch to activate an airstream. You'll end up in a minecar thing. The minecar starts to roll. Keep your Loco split so there's more chance they'll hit the pickories. You won't fall out. When the car comes to a halt, extricate your Locos and regroup. Jump up the steps to the right. Smash the ceiling. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump into the broken ceiling for [fruit 11], [fruit 12], [fruit 13], [fruit 14] and [fruit 15]. **/SECRET AREA*** Roll right and down the pickory-filled tunnel. Ride the stars/flowers and into the launcher. The launcher will automatically ping you to [fruit 16]. Jump left back into the launch area. Ride it again and tilt right so as to end up above fruit 16. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump right into the hole in the wall and take [fruit 17]. Jump right for a pile of nuts that yield pickories. Keep going right, and jump atop the switch's platform to sprout [fruit 18]. Hit the switch and roll left under the crane. Let it pick you up. When it puts you down, roll left for [part 2]. Get back to where fruit 16 was (the default landing for the launcher). **/SECRET AREA*** Jump right down the hole. As soon as you land in the carved platform's mouth, jump out to the left. ***SECRET AREA*** When the platform comes to rest, jump left into the hole in the wall for pickories, [part 3] and [fruit 19]. Roll out to the right, and updraughts will carry you to where you would have been had you rode the platform. **/SECRET AREA*** Hop right up the steps. Hit the right wall above the funnel to sprout [fruit 20]. Split to proceed down. Regroup when you've got all your Locos back. Go right, avoiding the burr on your way to the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W1S8] [L19/20] [P4/5]------------------------------------------------------ Hop right, dodging as many Ojas as you can. [Fruit 2] is on the ground, and [fruit 3] growing down from a floating island. If you can't jump for it, go right to the pool of water to get rid of the Ojas. Jump atop fruit 3's island to sprout [fruit 4]. Proceed right and [fruit 5] is on another floating island just before the pool of water. Proceed right, get out of the water and hit the switch. You will drop down. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump high into the hole in the left wall. Roll left and eat [fruit 6]. The platform it's on will start dropping down and then lifting back up repeatedly. Notice it has burrs on its underside. Roll right off the platform. Wait until it drops, then as it starts rising immediately jump left to grab [fruit 7]. Stay where you are - this is a safe zone. Wait until the platform rises again, then hop (don't just roll, it's too slow) left to safety. Proceed left for [part 1]. Drop down the hole and ride the airstream to rejoin the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Take [fruit 8] from the little step to the right. Go right a little further, and glance the ceiling just before the next little step to sprout [fruit 9]. Smash the breakable ceiling to proceed. Jump up above the broken ceiling, then hit the left wall to sprout [fruit 10]. Here's a switch that will raise the column blocking your path. Hit it, and wait for the column to rise, but don't proceed. Hit the switch again and get past the column before it lowers. [Fruit 11] is on the ground just beyond the column. Just above and to the right of fruit 11 is a small ledge. Get on it, then jump left up the big step to get [fruit 12]. Get down again. Gather the pickories as you roll right. Jump up to be borne along by the wheels. After they've been split and carried along, regroup them. Take [fruit 13] just to your right. Keep going right. Teach that Moja a lesson if need be. Get on the conveyor belt. ***SECRET AREA*** Almost immediately after you jump on the conveyor, jump up into the round indentation in the ceiling. If you miss it, you can go back by repeatedly making lots of little hops. This secret area is a pain. Resist the temptation to stamp on your PSP. Jump over the wheel to reach [fruit 14]. Notice the small floating platform going up and down. You have to ride it, but it's hard. It's small, and its surface is rounded so it's easy to fall off. Also, it can be tilted by your weight, and it's not self-righting. If you tilt it and fall off you'll have to keep jumping at the lower end to push it back up before you can get on it again. Getting on it is hard to begin with as the wheel is working against you. If you ride the platform to the top, you'll have to take care to avoid the burrs. This is pretty hard for the first world - normally you don't see stuff like this until world four. You can remain in more or less the same place on the wheel by making lots of little hops on it. Similarly, make lots of little hops to help pull yourself onto the platform - you won't be able to jump gracefully onto it in one leap. At the top, jump off to the right to get [part 2], or to the left to get [fruit 15]. Get the part first, then when the platform comes back up you can use it as a stepstool to get at the fruit. Go left from fruit 15 to get lots of pickories with the trampoline. You'll have to leave the way you came. Jump down immediately as the platform begins its descent, to avoid it smacking you back up into the burrs. Roll back onto the conveyor belt. **/SECRET AREA*** [Fruit 16] is growing from the ceiling a little way on. You probably picked it up already if you missed the entrance to the secret area the first time. Jump for the pickories if you're feeling brave enough. Ignore them if you'd rather be sure of avoiding the burrs. The conveyor will drop you down a hole. You'll slide along under your own inertia and pick up [fruit 17] in the circular area. When your Loco comes to rest, go right past the big piston. If it hits, you'll be split, but this is no problem. There's even a hole in the ground where all your Loco can pool whilst you get them all past. Regroup and proceed right. More Moja babies are here, and an adult Moja. Don't bother avoiding the babies (it'll be hard to anyway if you've picked up all the fruit so far), as there's a pool of water ahead. A little to the left of the pool is a blocky stalactite. Jump at it to sprout [fruit 18]. You won't be able to reach it if you're laden with Ojas. Fruited up and de-Moja'd, proceed right past the pool. Take [fruit 19] from between the candles, and let the grabby thing pick you up and throw you. 15 Locos are needed to sing to the moon for [part 3]. Proceed right. Here is a Kojo. You need to repeatedly jump up to smack it, which will stun it, and then jump on its head. Once it's dead, you'll see some pincers open that were blocking a part. If you like, jump up on the platforms in the Kojo's arena to get an orange pickory from the long grass. Proceed right, and get the now-available [part 4]. Proceed right to the exit. Hmm, missing a single fruit and part. I reckon I've missed a secret area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [W200] ---[W2S1] [L20/20] [P4/4]------------------------------------------------------ You start atop some flowers. Roll left off them. ***SECRET AREA*** Hop up into the hole in the left wall. Get the green nyokki to boost you up. Tilt right to land on the steps with purple flowers. Here is [fruit 2]. Jump on the left flower, then jump left to get at [fruit 3]. Use the flowers as steps to get at [part 1]. Jump down the hole to return to the main path. Regroup at the bottom. **/SECRET AREA*** Go right to find [fruit 4], [fruit 5] and [fruit 6] on the ground. Jump on the flowers to the right of the three fruits. Despatch the bottyo-ro. Jump right off the rightmost flower to reach another flower, from which you can reach [fruit 7] growing from a floating island. Proceed left through the path below the flowers. The long grass has pickories. Use the second of the two revolvers to jump up and sprout [fruit 8] on the ceiling. Proceed left. Some pillars will lower and a door will open so you can proceed. In this chamber are a couple of Mojas. Get rid of them as quickly as you can. From the flower in the middle of the floor, tilt either way and jump for [fruit 9]. Use the half-pipe floor to roll up the walls and land on fruit 9's floating island. [Fruit 10] will sprout. ***SECRET AREA*** From fruit 10, jump up and left into the hole in the ceiling. In here is [fruit 11] and [part 2]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed left. Eat the nut for a pickory. ***SECRET AREA*** Push on the left wall next to the flower and hop into the hole in the wall. In here are pickories. Collect them all and [fruit 12] will sprout. Leave the way you came. **/SECRET AREA*** Jump up on the flower and ride the airstream. Proceed right. No need to regroup, because you'll have to split anyway to enter the narrow tunnel. Hop everyone up the little steps, picking up [fruit 13] on the way. Regroup, and hop left up the step and then right. 5 Locos are needed to sing to the nyokkis for [part 3]. Proceed right, and drop down off the tall flower you land on. ***SECRET AREA*** Roll through the hole in the left wall. It's a tight fit if you've got all the Locos so far, so you may want to split. Munch all the nuts to get to [fruit 14]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right. Eat the nut, and the purple nyokki will lift you up. Jump to the right off her head. [Fruit 15] is growing from a floating island. Jump atop the flowers and take out the Mojas. Leap up at the swinging vine and your Loco will hold onto it. Swing right (you may have to swing left first to build up momentum) and jump off at the apex of your swing to land on a platform and get [fruit 16]. From this platform (careful, it's wobbly), jump right to the small floating island. Jump right to another little island to [fruit 17]. Jump right from here to get [part 4]. Go down the tunnel of pickories to land in the funnel. Split to proceed down. One of your Loco will hit [fruit 18] and [fruit 19]. Roll right off the flowers. Hop on the c-shaped platform, which will carry you right. Jump up to get [fruit 20]. If you miss the platform when you land, an updraught will carry you back so you can ride the platform again. Hop off the platform to the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W2S2] [L20/20] [P5/5]------------------------------------------------------ Jump up to get [fruit 2] growing from a percussive platform. Roll right to find [fruit 3] on the ground. Proceed right down the musical stairs. Jump over the hole to sprout [fruit 4] on the right ledge. Fall down the hole and down the pivoted ledges. ***SECRET AREA*** Roll through the hole in the right wall below the bottom pivoted platform. Jump on the gammutto, or it'll shout you into the burr. Go right for [fruit 5], and rejoin the main path. **/SECRET AREA*** Roll left down the musical stairs. You'll be catapulted at the bottom and pick up [fruit 6]. Roll right down the tunnel with percussive seedpods. Roll left off the musical platform to get under them all. Roll right and down the big step. ***SECRET AREA*** Roll through the hole in the left wall below the musical platforms. Here is [fruit 7]. **/SECRET AREA*** Go down the tunnel past the musical platforms. Here's another set of musical platforms. Sprout [fruit 8] on the second one. Jump right into the updraught, and smack the Moja at the top. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump left over the updraught into a hole in the left wall. Pull yourself short so you don't roll into the burr. Jump over the burr for [fruit 9]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right down the tunnel. You'll pick up [fruit 10]. You'll land in a pivoted arm, which will fall over. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump out of the arm's 'hand' and left back along the arm. Jump over the burr into a hole in the left wall. 5 Locos sing for [part 1]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right and give that gammutto what for. Go right. Where you see water bubbling out of the ground, smash the floor to release a geyser. Ride the geyser up and right to [part 2]. Jump through the tunnel to the right. Split your Loco to ride the cogwheels. Regroup at the bottom and hop up the step to the right for [fruit 11]. Avoid the burr and drop down the hole to the right. Smack the Moja at the bottom and proceed left. Pick up [fruit 12] and get catapulted by the rounders bat-like thing. 5 Locos sing to the nyokkis for [part 3]. Proceed right. Another one of those gammuttos! Mojas are up ahead too. Pick up [fruit 13] and go down the musical stairs. ***SECRET AREA*** Get hit by the rounders bat above the stairs. Jump into the airstream. Regroup, and have the chuppa shoot you into the small tunnels to get the pickories. Land on the little banana-shaped platform to sprout [fruit 14] from the tiny floating island above it. Leave via the tunnel to the left. Go right down the musical stairs again. **/SECRET AREA*** At the bottom of the stairs, jump for [fruit 15] and ride the updraught. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump from the top of the updraught into the hole in the left wall. Dodge the moving burr to get at [fruit 16]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right. Past the burr is [fruit 17] and an unfu-ku. You'll be catapulted into an airstream. Regroup once your Locos come to rest. ***SECRET AREA*** Roll into the left wall below the cog. [Fruit 18] is growing from the ceiling above two burrs. Keep going left for [part 4]. This will trigger an airstream you can ride out. Regroup at the bottom again. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right up the steps, taking [fruit 19]. 15 Locos are needed to sing to the sun for [part 5]. Keep going right. [Fruit 20] will sprout from one of the little steps just before the exit. Hop past the exit for some pickories if you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W2S3] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W2S4] [L20/20] [P3/3]------------------------------------------------------ Nice easy one, this. Slide right, and slide along and off all the ledges to pick up [fruit 2], [fruit 3], [fruit 4] and [fruit 5]. At the bottom of the marble run-like ledge layout is a bush with [fruit 6], [fruit 7], [fruit 8], [fruit 9] and [fruit 10] on it. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump into the hole in the left wall for [part 1]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right, and you'll be carried along through some tunnels. You'll pick up [fruit 11], [fruit 12] and [fruit 13] and plenty of pickories automatically. You come to rest in a half-pipe. Slide all the way up the left wall to sprout [fruit 14]. Proceed right and drop down the tunnel. You'll be carried along a big half-pipe and come out at the mouth of another vertical tunnel. Tilt right so you don't fall back down it again. There are a couple of Mojas in the vicinity. Take them out and roll on right. You will come to a 'ladder' of staggered ledges. From the top right ledge, jump right into the alcove. Here is [fruit 15] (once sprouted) and [part 2]. Roll down the ledges. Suspended from the fourth one is [fruit 16]. ***SECRET AREA*** Once below all the ledges, jump into the hole in the left wall for [part 2]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right, through the horizontal tunnel. Get the revolving pickories in the little half pipe by keeping still and letting them come to you. Easy. Build up speed and fly off the left lip of the half pipe to land on the platform. Up here is an orange nyokki. 10 Locos can open the path. Here are some orange pickories and [fruit 17]. Leave the way you came or drop down the tunnel to your left. Either way, get back to the half-pipe. Go right this time, and split your Loco to proceed downwards. Regroup, and then get all the pickories in the full-pipe to open the way forward. [Fruit 18], [fruit 19] and [fruit 20] are on the ground. Slide left and watch your Loco whizz through the tunnels. You'll stop in some soft snow. Nothing but pickories in here. Hop right to the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W2S5] [L20/20] [P3/3]------------------------------------------------------ You start this level with 14 (!) Locos. As you'd expect, that means there are plenty of things here who'd love to deplete your creatures. Hop right onto the little floating platforms. You're too big to fall between them, so split your Loco and fall down. You will end up in some very narrow tunnels, too small to admit more than a single Loco. Get the pickories just to the right if you want to risk it. Since this bit is slightly more roomy, you could regroup a couple of Locos so they're too big to slip into the burr-filled chamber. Split as necessary and proceed left and down. Here is [fruit 15]. Tilt cautiously and no more than you need. Go right and get out of the narrow tunnels. Regroup. Go left, where you can get [part 1] if you've got all the Locos so far. Hop up the steps on the right. There are burrs on the ceiling. Ping up the series of trampolines. Once at the top, you're just past all those small floating islands at the start of the level (with the bonus that you've avoided the musukusu that you would have encountered if you'd just gone right). Jump and glance the left wall, near the bottom, to sprout [fruit 16]. Jump up and right, taking care not to jump too high and hit the burrs on the ceiling. Stick to the ceiling so you can avoid the burrs on the ground as you proceed right. Once past the burrs, detach and fall down the tunnel. You'll land in water. There's a geyser/fountain in the water. Ride it all the way up and jump off to the right to land on a floating island. Here is [part 2]. Jump back in the water and float right. Jump out, and then down the tunnel. Don't make big jumps; there are burrs. Roll down the tunnel and you'll encounter some stalactite pistons. They can pierce and split your Loco. Keep going right, dodging the stalactites. When you get to the tiny floating platforms there are many stalactites pistoning in quick succession. You'll never make it past unscathed (if you do, keep it to yourself, you smug bar steward), but all you need is one Loco to get across to [fruit 17] growing on the right wall. Regroup below the tiny platforms and proceed right. Hop up the ledges (more burrs!) and roll right down the tunnel. An unfu-ku will eat you - you can't avoid it. If you're a rectangle or ellipse, let it eat you again until you're a square or triangle. That way you can still roll, after a fashion. Proceed right, dealing with Mojas as necessary. [Fruit 18] is growing from a revolving floating island. Get on top of fruit 18's island and jump right, hopping from one small island to another. Beware the Moja. [Fruit 19] is on a boomerang-shaped platform. Jump at the boomerang's right wall to tilt the whole platform and drop you into a chamber with a trampoline and many pickories. Get on the boomerang again and jump at its left wall to return it to its original position. Drop down onto the main path. Proceed right and down the tunnel. Once you land, go left (not too far, of course), then hop up and down to break the floor. ***SECRET AREA*** Through the hole in the floor is [fruit 20], and a Moja. Go right and pick up [part 3]. Further right is a musukusu. Dodge or kill it and then ride the updraught. **/SECRET AREA*** Regroup your split Loco and go right. The water fountains will turn you spherical again and carry you up and right. From here it's just a short hop to the exit. ***SECRET AREA*** Hop past the exit and jump high into the niche in the right wall. Here are some pickories. **/SECRET AREA*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W2S6] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W2S7] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W2S8] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [W300] ---[W3S1] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W3S2] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W3S3] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W3S4] [L20/20] [P4/4]------------------------------------------------------ You start this level with four Locos. Watch your Loco get catapulted for a bit. You'll get a rolling start in a half- pipe area with a spiral structure floating in the middle. Slide left and up the left wall. You'll shoot off the wall's lip and land atop the spiral. Roll right into the spiral, in which are [fruit 5] and [fruit 6]. Get on top of the spiral again, and this time hop up the little floating islands. Jump up from the top one to be borne by the updraught. The updraught will carry you to [part 1]. Jump down the tunnel to the left for [fruit 7]. Back in the spiral area, slide right and up the right wall to get [fruit 8] (you may have got it already from all that sliding around). Getting fruit 8 should have lent you enough inertia to be swung around and off the lip of the mini half-pipe. Keep sliding right and slide up the right wall a few times to get through the breakable ceiling. If you've been using the trick of jumping just as your Loco's ascent begins, don't do it for the last jump or you'll likely hit the burrs. [Fruit 9] is just right of the breakable ceiling. It's hard not to pick it up automatically, in fact. Slide right and then split to go down the funnel. Regroup at the bottom and pick up [fruit 10] growing from a floating platform. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump up to go through the hole in the left wall. Kill the Moja if it bothers you. Sprout [fruit 11] on the ground. Go left and slide up the wall for [fruit 12]. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right and hop down the hole. You'll land on soft snow with moving pickories flying overhead. There's a Moja here too. Proceed right to an area with some tilty platforms. Be careful of the burrs underneath the second one, and the Mojas overhead. Get on the left-most platform and jump to the next one, where [fruit 13] is. Jump to the next one, and then hop on the small floating islands. Jump from island to island to get [fruit 14] and sprout [fruit 15]. From fruit 15, jump right. 10 Locos are needed to sing for [part 2]. Drop back down onto the main path and proceed right. Keep going, and ride the airstream. Regroup on the trampoline and jump up. An updraught will carry you along and then through a tunnel. You'll land on [fruit 16]. Get all the pickories in the half-pipe to sprout [fruit 17]. Go right, and smack the penguin for [part 3]. Proceed still right to an area with a floating island with [fruit 18], and a Moja. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump into the indent in the left wall for [fruit 19] and [part 4]. **/SECRET AREA*** From fruit 18's island, jump right onto the next path. Scale the next incline, then split to proceed downwards. Your Locos land in a test-tube-like receptacle, which will carry you along. Jump around inside it to grab the pickories. Don't regroup - having many Locos gives you a bigger catchment area. Regroup once you're out of the test tube. ***SECRET AREA*** Jump up the fallen test tube and into the hole in the left wall. Here is [fruit 20] and a long grass with pickories. **/SECRET AREA*** Proceed right to the exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W3S5] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W3S6] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W3S7] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W3S8] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [W400] ---[W4S1] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W4S2] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W4S3] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W4S4] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W4S5] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W4S6] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W4S7] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W4S8] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [W500] ---[W5S1] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W5S2] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W5S3] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W5S4] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W5S5] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W5S6] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W5S7] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---[W5S8] [L--/20] [P-/-]------------------------------------------------------ To be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---END WALKTHROUGH------------------------------------------------------------- [U000] 2007/08/01 Added Neoseeker and CheatCC to the list of allowed sites. 03 Added levels W1S8, W2S4 and W2S5. Added long grass to terminology. 04 Added level W2S1 and replaced some terminology with official names. 04 (later) Added levels W2S2 and W3S4. 07 Completed W1S2. [C000] 2007/08/03 With thanks to Craig Elliott for his help on W1S4 (reaching fruit 6, locations of fruit 20 and parts 3 and 4). 07 With thanks to Rob Holford for his help on W1S2 (reaching part 3).