Loco Roco DEMO FAQ/Walkthru Created 1 May, 2006 By DoZR Latest update: 2 May, 2006 kildozr at comcast dot net ------- -LEGAL- ------- All contents herein (C)2006 DoZR. You may distribute this work freely as long as you do not modify the contents in any way. ------- -INTRO- ------- This is just a quick and dirty walkthrough for the Loco Roco demo. It will tell you how to find all of the items to get PERFECT for blobs, bugs, and the little dark blue figures, whatever they are. It is formatted to GameFAQ standards (80 chars per line). As far as the game itself is concerned, I can tell you very little as I do not read Japanese. Hopefully, someone will translate it for us. For the time being, I am going to refer to the items in the game as I see fit. ---------- -CONTROLS- ---------- The controls in Loco Roco are very simple. The Start button brings up some some of pause menu. For gameplay, only the L/R shoulder triggers and the circle button are used. Use L and R to tilt the terrain. Holding either then tapping the other will allow you to hop. To jump higher, hold both for a moment then release one. The trigger to tap/release is the one opposite the direction you wish to jump. Tap circle to disintegrate your blob into several smaller blobs. This will allow you to easily move through narrow passages and can help fpr getting certain hidden items quicker. Holding the circle button down will cause your blobs to re-integrate. The time it takes for this to complete depends on the number and proximity of your blobs. ------- -ITEMS- ------- Flower: Adds one blob to your total. Red Bug: Counts as one bug at level's end. Just something to collect. Orange Bug: Not sure, but it's said it equals five bugs. Dark Blue Figure: Not sure about these little guys either. They tend to be hidden. Nuts: Just odd extra items, these appear in only one hidden area. Black spikes: Stationary, but cause damage all the same. Will cause small blobs to get separated and turn grey as if they were poisoned. If this happens, they will disappear for good after a few seconds unless you reabsorb them. Owl: Hovers in one spot and tosses out black spikes. Spider: Will bite your blob and nab a small blob from it. After a few seconds, it will swallow it. If this happens, your little blob is gone forever. ---------- -WALKTHRU- ---------- From the start, go to your left. You'll see a hump on the hill with a plant on it. Hop on the hump and hit the second hump two times. Get the flower (2). Go back to the right. Get the flower (3). You'll pass an obstacle and a small lift. There will be a rotating object with a flower on it (4). Hit the plant opposite the first flower and get another (5). Roll through the passage and collect the red bugs. Once you come out, jump on top of the floating mass and hop to your your left up the hill. Get the flower (6). Go back down the hill. Go up the terrace to your right. When you get to the fan-shaped plant, press circle to disintegrate your blob. After a few seconds, four red bugs will emerge. Re-integrate your blob by holding down the circle button. Collect them and continue to the right. Collect the four red bugs and jump up into the space above the flower (7). There are three objects that look like nuts or something. Eat the one on the right and an orange bug will appear. Roll out and continue downward. At the bottom of the backwards "S" you can jump through a spot in the left wall. Collect four red bugs and an orange. Go right. Get the flower (8) and try to avoid the black spikes. As you continue right there is an owl throwing more black spikes. When the coast is clear, jump up and hit him. Enter the passage. You'll automatically slide through and collect a few more red bugs. When you come out, You'll see an orange bug between a pair of small obstacles. Land on the orange bug and a strange lift with a face on it will raise you up. Collect 6 red bugs and a flower (9). Jump to the left and jump off the round floating object into the left wall. Approach the creature and it will pick you up. Hold the L or R button, then depress the other when the creature points you at the red switch. Get picked up again, and launch yourself into the passage that opened up. Collect the red bugs and get the first of the three little dark blue figures. Jump over the obstacle to the right. Go through the passage and get the red bugs. You'll drop down just past the lift. Go right and you'll come to a web of small passages. Use circle to get to the bottom. Grab the flower (10) and go down again. At the very bottom there will be a circular object in the left corner that acts as a cushion. Tilt left and roll over it a few times until you get the flower (11). Before you get to the red bugs there will be a spot in the ceiling you can crack open by hitting it a few times. After you open it, jump up and to the right to enter. Get the flower (12) and jump up again to get the red bugs. Jump left to the balance platform and hit the red switch. Get the second dark blue figure. Exit this area and go right. Jump over the spikes and get the seven red bugs and one orange. You will next encounter a black spider. If you jump up and hit it hard enough you will kill it. Jump over the wheel and get the flower (13). Jump over the larger wheel and go through the passage. You will rocket through and collect more red bugs. You should land on another wheel, which will launch you into the next passage. Towards the end of this passage your blob will be picked up by a windstream and disintegrated. You will be put on a series of sloped platforms. Just let your blobs roll down into the cogs. Once they get through, re-integrate them. Get on the spring platform. Tilt right and jump up along the line of red bugs to get a flower (14). Get back on the same spring platform and launch yourself up towards the left. There is a hidden spring platform that will launch you into a spiral. You'll automatically collect the bugs and hit a switch. This turns on a windstream that will shoot you back out. Go back to the spring platforms at the bottom. Use the second one to hit the ceiling blocking your way until it cracks apart. You'll come to a long-legged howling creature side-stepping left and right over a line of floating rocks. When he raises his right leg (to your left), jump up on it. Hold the R button and keep tapping L rapidly to stay on him. After bumping his head, the next flower (15) will appear. Keep tapping L until you roll over the creature's head. Roll right over the next flower (16). Jump up the series of spring platforms and collect all the bugs you see on your way up. When you get to the top, you'll land on some strange ground that acts somewhat like a piano. Kill the spider and get the flower (17) to the right. When you get to the moon, sit below his mouth. A thought bubble will appear with a blob and a "15" in it (one would of course assume one needs 15 blobs for this to work). Wait a few seconds until the music changes and the moon wakes up. A spring platform will appear. Use it to launch yourself up onto a small spring platform. Launch up into the bugs and use the springs on the sides of this area to collect them all. A flower (18) will appear below the spring on the right. Roll over it and drop back down. Kill the spider to the right and keep going. Enter the passage. You can tilt to the left as you enter and jump when the passage opens up. This will allow you to kill the spider, or you can totally avoid it. Slide up through the spring platform. Get up on the oscillating spring. When it turns all the way to the left, launch through the left into the area with the floating rocks. Go up and to the right and get the spinning rings of bugs. Go up and to the left until you reach the top. Just beyond the three orange bugs is a hidden flower (19). After you get it, you can either roll off to the left for a secret pass back to the bottom of the rocks or just work your way right. Get the line of red bugs above the last rock. Once you get to the top you will see the third and last of the dark blue figures. After you retrieve him, a hidden trap door will drop you out of this area. It will drop you on the oscillating spring. Launch into the passage to the right and collect all of the red bugs. The angle is critical here. If you mess up, you'll have to go back and retrieve them. As you exit the passage, you can tilt the terrain and launch yourself directly to the spider and kill it. Otherwise, just jump up and hit him. Roll over the fan-shaped plant to its left. Get the red bugs that appear. To the right you will see some giant cat-tails. Keep going right. Hold down R and rapidly tap left to scale the hill. Get the red bugs then carefully jump on the balance platform. Get the orange bug and avoid the spikes at all costs. If you make contact with them you will lose blobs and they will be difficult to recover here. Jump up and get the flower (20). Jump back to the left, again avoiding the spikes. Land in front of the cat-tails and your blob will disintegrate after a second or two. Once the turnip(?) appears, the level will be complete. ---------- -REVISION- ---------- 1.1 - This one. Added line breaks to make it easier to read. Fixed a couple of typos in the process. Added pointless bit about needing 15 blobs at the moon. Added a note about the last narrow passage. 1.0 - Changed to 80 characters per line. 0.9 - First version (originally 1.0, de-incremented once I found out about the formatting requirement). ------- -TO DO- ------- As I plan on getting the release version of the game, I will most likely turn this into a full FAQ/Walkthru for it. Until then, this is more of a wishlist. Add proper names/info of objects and creatures. Add info about story if/when available. Find out what the hex code at the top right means after the game ends. Find out more specifics about the scoring system. -------- -THANKS- -------- My nephew Tay, for suggesting I hop on the howling creature's head. My cousin Foz, for giving me a free PSP. (PSP-1000 bay-bee!) Tycho and Gabe at Penny Arcade for telling their fans about this game. And you, for taking the time to read this. I hoped it helped. (C) 2006 DoZR kildozr at comcast dot net